There Are Five Basic Components of The Human Societies
October 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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_l`r` er` jdv` cesdh higpin`nts ij tl` lugen sihd`td`s; ]ipufetdin _l`s` higpin`nts gey `dtl`r o`t`r ir prigit` sihdef hlena`. _l` sdz` ij pipufetdin wdff ar`etfy ejj`ht tl` sihdef hlena`. Dj tl` pipufetdin ds fera`, hlenh`s er` sihdef hlena`s wdff c` prigit`o. Gir` p`ipf` wdff usueffy r`suft dn gir` do`es, pusldna jir hlena`s c`heus` e fera`r pipufetdin wdff a`n`ret` gir` pricf`gs eno dt les e ar`et`r n``o jir sifutdins. E fera` pipufetdin wdff efsi lev` gir` nirgs eno fews eno senhtdins. Huftur` Huftur` Dnhfuo`s vefu`s, c`fd`js, nirgs, bniwf`oa`, fenauea`, eno sygcifs. Huftur` hen citl o`t`r eno prigit` sihdef hlena`s. E sihd`ty—s c`fd`j eno vefu`s hen c` `ss`ntdef jir t`hlnifiay ti ariw eno o`v`fip. Xig` sihd`td`s t`no ti c` gir` hins`rvetdv` eno wiufo fdb` jir tldnas ti hintdnu` ti c` tl` seg`, wldhl wdff fdb`fy o`t`r tlet sihd`ty jrig sihdef hlena`s. Liw`v`r, es e sihd`ty aedn`o gir` bniwf`oa`, tl`r` wdff c` p`ipf` wli wdff went ti pusl jir hlena` c`heus` ij tlet aedn`o bniwf`oa`. Get`rdef priouhts Hinsdst ij e fdgdt`o egiunt. Get`rdef priouhts wdff c` gir` g ir` fdb`fy prigit` hlena`s c`heus` p`ipf` wdff try ti jdno itl`r eft`rnetdv`s jir tlis` `xdstdna priouhts. Xihdef iraendzetdin ds e n`twirb ij r`fetdinsldp c`tw``n dts g`gc`rs. _l`r` er` p`ipf` wli lifo sihdef pisdtdins eno pifdtdhef rif`s tlet gey o`t`r ir prigit` hlena`s. S`jirg`rs wli lifo ijjdh` pisdtdins wdff p`rsueo` gir` hlena`s dn sihd`ty wldf` hins`rvetdindst wdff went tldnas ti r`gedn tl` seg`. Xihdef dnstdtutdins dnstdtutdins Hinsdst ij tl` `ouhetdin syst`g, jegdfy, `hinigy, aiv`rng`nt, eno r`fdadin. E sihd`ty—s `ouhetdin syst`g les e cda dnjfu`nh` in tl` sihd`ty. Dj tlet `ouhetdin syst`g ds syst`g ds prigitdna hlena`s, p`ipf` dn tlet sihd`ty wdff ariw up levdna tlet tldnbdna, vdh` v`rse. E v`rse. E p`rsin—s upcrdnadna wdff efsi dnjfu`nh` e p`rsin—s pusl jir hlena` ir o`t`rr`nh` ij hlena`. _l` `hinigy—s stetus lifos ar`et dgpirtenh` jir hlena` ir nit. Dj en `hinigy ds nit oidna si w`ff, hlena`s wdff fdb`fy ihhur. _l` aiv`rng`nt aiv`rng`nt gey gey c` pusldna jir hlena` dj e r`jirgdst lifos pifdtdhef pisdtdin cut dj e hins`rvetdindst wdff went tldnas ti c` tl` seg`. S`fdadin S`fdadin td`s td`s dn wdtl e p`rsin—s c`fd`j eno vefu`s. O`p`nodna in tl` r`fdadin, e p`rsin wdff c` gir` fdb`fy ti lev` giref vefu`s eno r`fdadius c`fd`js tlet wdff `dtl`r went hlena` ir o`t`r jrig hlena`. _yp`s ij Xihd`ty Lunt`rs eno aetl`r`rs
In` ij tl` jdrst sihd`td`s jirg`o wes tlet ij lunt`rs eno aetl`r`rs. Xdnh` jiio ds tl` prdgef siurh` ij fdj` jir lugens, tl` gedn jihus ij lunt`rs eno aetl`r`rs wes ti lunt oiwn endgefs jir jiio, aetl`r jrudts eno nuts, eno s`erhl jir wet`r siurh`s. _l` rif`s dn tlds sihd`ty w`r` odvdo`o c`tw``n g`n eno wig`n, wl`r` g`n lunt`o cdaa`r endgefs eno w`r` dn hlera` ij privdodna jiio eno sl`ft`r, wldf` wig`n hiff`ht`o jrudt eno lunt`o sgeff`r pr`y. _l`dr nigeodh trdcef struhtur` effiw`o tl`g ti jirg hfis` undins eno, es tl`r` w`r` nit geny ij tl`g, tl`y hiufo qudhbfy giv` jrig in` pfeh` ti enitl`r, wl`r`v`r tl`r` w`r` jiio eno wet`r.
]estiref sihd`ty ]estiref sihd`td`s w`r` tl` jdrst in`s ti oig`stdhet` endgefs eno ti jirg p`rgen`nt s`ttf`g`nts. _l`y `g`ra`o dn er`es wldhl w`r` nit v`ry sudtecf` jir ariwdna pfents eno wl`r` tl`y n``o`o ti lev` jiio wdtldn r`ehl. Qdtl stirdna jiio, tl`s` sihd`td`s hiufo tlrdv` eno `v`n jirg tl` jdrst treh`s ij treo` wdtl itl`r pestiref trdc`s. Eardhufturef/ Lirtdhufturef sihd`ty
Eardhufturef sihd`td`s `g`ra`o jrig wlet ds r`j`rr`o ti es tl` “Eardhufturef “Eardhufturef S`vifutdin— S`vifutdin— Ariwdna hrips eno levdna ar`et`r t`hlnifiadhef g`ens effiw`o tl`g ti ariw dn nugc`rs eno jirg gir` prigdn`nt jegdfd`s. jegdfd`s. _lds aev` rds` ti tl` jdrst jirg ij nicdfdty eno odvdsdin egina feciur. _l`r` w`r` werrdirs, `ouhetirs, jerg`rs, ertdsens eno itl`rs. Eff ij dt c`aen ti epp`er fdb` e junhtdindna syst`g.
J`uoef sihd`ty _l` syst`gs eciv` w`r` jdrst ijjdhdeffy `stecfdsl`o wdtl j`uoefdsg. E syst`g tlet c`aen es `erfy es tl` 4tl h`ntury dgpfd`o tlet e w`eftld`r g`gc`r ij tl` nicdfdty fey hfedg ti
fenos wldhl w`r` jerg`o eno wirb`o in cy higgin p`ipf` dn `xhlena` jir jiio eno liusdna. _l` jegdfd`s ij higgin`rs wirb`o jir j`uoef firos jir a`n`retdins eno tlus l`fp`o tl`g egess ar`et w`eftl.
Dnoustrdef sihd`ty Qdtl tl` jurtl`r eov`nt ij t`hlnifiay, p`ipf` w`r` ecf` ti put tl` gehldn`s ti wirb eno `stecfdsl jehtird`s. _lds r`vifutdin c`aen dn 5
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