Theory of Structures -Handbook-2
March 19, 2017 | Author: reagan_roy8177 | Category: N/A
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Index Abrasion resistance of plastics/rubbers, 4/20 Abrasion testing of rock, l O / l I Accelerators for concrete, 4/8 Acid resistance of plastialrubbers, 4/19 Acids attack on concrete. 4/14 and power station chimneys, 27/24 Ackers-White equation for sediment transport. 30/15 Acrylic paints, 4/26 Activated carbon treatment of sewage effluent.
29/2I Activated sludge, 29/18-19 Adhesives for aluminium, 14/9 for timber. 16/7,16/8 see also Glued-laminated timber; Gluing of plastics/rubbers Aerospace industry, aluminium alloy in, 14/6 AfRux at river bridges, 30/22 Aggregate for concrete, 4/5-7 contaminants, 4/67 grades Of, 4/54 grading/size, 4/9 selection. 10/16 testing, 4/16-17 unsound/reactive, 4/7 Air-conditioning in buildings, 21/12-13 distnbution/inlegralion,21/13
systems, 21/12-13 Air-entraining agents for concrete. 4/8 Aircraft warning lights on chimneys, 27/24 Airfield site investigation, I I/I I see also Airports; Highways Airlift in underwater working, 42/9 Airports, 24/1-24 ancillary services, 24/22-23 ancillary structures access. 24/14-1 5 car parking, 24/14 lighting, 24/15 concept/layout, 24/8-15 aprons, 24/12-14 runways, 24/9 taxiways. 24/9-10 terminal area. 24/10-12 terminal building, 24/14 definitions, 24/23 drainage, 24/21-22 location, 24/3-5 basic considerations. 24/3 site comparison criteria, 24/3-5 pavements. aircraft, 24/16-21 composite. 24/18 construction, 24/16 design, 24/19-2 I flexible, 24/18 functionlrequirements, 24/16 overlays. 24/18-19 rigid, 24/16-18 security, 24/I5 standards. 24/54 aprons, 24/7 obstruction surfaces, 24/74 reference codes, 24/5 runways, 24/54 taxiways. 24/6 telecommunications, 24/15 traffic forecasts. 24/15-16 Algae and water treatment, 28/20 Algebra, 113-5 matrix, 1/27 Alidade of theodolite, 6/54
Alkali resistance of plastialrubbers, 4/19 Alkali-silica reaction of concrete. 21/28 Alkyd paints. 4/26 Alloys, see under Aluminium Alluvial soils, 8/24-28 classification. 8/26-27 deposition, 8/28 and erosion, cycle of, 8/24-25 Alluvium, fluvioglacial, 8/21-22 Aluminium, 14/1-14 alloys, 14/54 heat-treatable, 14/67 non heal-treatable, 14/7 numbering system, 14/56 properties, 14/6 selection, 14/74 durability/protection, 14/10 fabrication. 14/8-9 connections, 14/8-9 cutting/forming, 14/8 with extruded sections, 14/9 history of use, 14/3 production, 14/45 strength control. 14/5 stress/strain curve, 2/8 structural calculations, 14/10-14 buckling, 14/13-14 connections, 14/14 cross-section resistance, 14/1I-I2 fatigue. 14/14 principles of design, 14/10-1I section classification. 14/1I softening at welds, 14/12-13 for temporary works, 3515 V.P. steel, 14/4 for water pipes, 28/5 Amplitude, definition. 3/23 Anchored piles, 17/23 Anchors for ground improvement, 9/42 for foundation excavations, 9/20,I7/12,
17/13.35/16 for rock. 10/33-34 see a l o Bulkhead, anchored; Rockbolts Anodizing of aluminium. 14/10 Antifreezes for concrete, 4/8 Aqualung air supply, 42/6 equipment, 42/4 ARCADY, for urban traffic management,
23/49 Arch bridges design, 20/20-2I theory, 20/17-20 Arch dams, 18/23-29 double curvature, 18/24.18/27-29 gravity. 18/23-24,18/25-26 Arctic offshore construction. 44/12-13 Art gallery lighting, 21/20 Asbestos, risk in demolition, 43/9 Asbestos cement water pipes, 28/5 Asphalt for aircraft pavement, 24/18 in dams core, 18/5-1 I facing, 18/5 hot-rolled. 23/3I . 23/32 for scour protection. 22/15 tanking of basements, 17/11-12 Asphaltic.concrete for maritime use 31/26 Attrition tests of rock, 10/1 I Backwater Dam, 18/13
Backwater theory in channel flow 5/17-18 Bailey bridging, 35/6 Ballast, railway, 25/45 Balling machines, 43/6 Band drains, 9/39 Barrages river, 22/74 tidal, 22/10 Bars. theory of, 2/12-30 columns, 2/25-29 codes of practice, 2/28-29 long, 2/26-27 short. 2/25-26 strength formulae. 2/27-28 cross-section geometry, 2/12-14 first moment of area, 2/12 moments of inertia, 2/12-14 engineering theory of bending of beams (ETBB), 2/29-30 frameworks, stresses/strains in. 2/29 and non-uniform torsion, 2/24-25 stress.resultants, 211 5-16 ties, 21 I6 and uniform torque, 2/22-24 arbitrary cross-section 2/22-24 circulw cross-section. 2/22 see also Beams Bascule bridges, 20/38 Basements, 21/44 foundations construction, 17/12-13 definition, 17/9 design, l7/l0-lI waterproofing. 17/11-12 Bathymetry. 31/20 Bauhaus of Dessau, design innovation, %
21/3 Beach nourishment, 31/30 see ubo Sediments , kdmS analysis flexibility method, 3/8-9 influence lines in, 3/19-20 plastic. 3/29 bending forces in, 2/16-18 composite, 2/16-17 reinforced concrete. 2/17 vertically loaded. 2/16 bendinglshear forces. 2/18-21.12/26-27 composite, 2/18-19 the shear centre, 2/19-21 vertically loaded. 2/18 concrete design, 12/13-14 prestressed. 12/26-27 reinforced, 12/14-17 deep, 21/42 deflection of, 2/21-22,12/26 differential equation, 2/21-22 force-displacement relationships, 3 / 3 4 ground beams, 17/24 steel, simply supported, design, 13/20 strength. flexural, 12/26 k a r i n g capacity for foundations deep fondations, 9/8-9 shallow foundations, 9/74 and site investigation, 11/10 and soil texture, 9/6-7 Bearings in precast concrete, 12/30 Bedding, sedimentary, 8/6 Bedding factor. in pipe strength. 40/10 Bell diving, 42/34 Bellmouth spillways, 22/22-23
Beltrami-Michell equations in elastic analysis, 2/9 Bench-marks, 6/19 temporary. in setting out, 34/4 Bends from compressed air tunnelling; 32/14 Bentonite in embankment dam construction, 28/16 shield tunnelling, 32/6 Bernoulli's theorem, 5/8 and flow in channels, 22/3 Betti's theorem. 3/21 Bilham rainfall formula, 30/14 Bills o f quantities, 33/15-16 Binomial theorem, 1/5 Bins, storage loading, l9/5 Biogas, 29/25 Biological treatment of sewage, 29/16-19 activated sludge, 29/18-19 contactors, rotating, 29/17-18 filters. percolating, 29/17 oxidation ponds, 29/19 BlPS 3 for road layout, 23/16 Bishop's method for slope analysis, 9/25 Bitumen for maritime use, 31/26 paints, 4/26 for soil stabilization, 9/43 Black cotton soils, 8/19, 8/20 Blast furnace Portland cement. 4/4 Blasting for demolition. 43/8 for rock excavation. l o p 3 of tunnels. 10/33, 32/9 Block paving, 23/4344 Blockwork, see Masonry. load-bedring Bolting of aluminium, 14/8 design, 14/14 of steel structures, 13/27-8 of timber. 16/9-10 underwater gun, 42/10 Bolts. holding-down, setting, 34/7 Bone necrosis and compressed air. 32/14 Bored piles, 17/18-19 auger-injected, 17/23 concrete for. 17/23 contiguous. 17/26 percussion-bored. 17/23 rotary, 11/22-23 Boreholes logging, 11/27, 11/34-37. 11/38 for water, construction, 28/11-12 Borrow pits. quantity determination, 6/ 19-20 Boulder clay. 8/21 Boundary element method in rock engineering, 10/28-30 Boundary walls. masonry for, 15/14 Box girders, 13121-22 with cantilevers, 20/27 with dkdphrdgms continuous, 20/26-27 discrete. 20/25-26 multiple single cell, 20/29-31 single cell, 20/24-25 Box trench support systems, 40/13 Brazilian rock strength test, 10/12 Breakers, impact, 43/7 Breakwaters, 26/3. 31/31-34 experimental. 3 I /34 forces on, 31/16-17 overtopping modelling, 31/18 piled. 3 I /33 rock-filled rib. 31/33 rubble-mound. 3 u32-33 vertical. 3 1/31-32 see also Scawalls
Brickwork, 21/29 as building finish, 21/30 durability in foundations, 17/30 for maritime works, 31/24 for temporary works. 35/5 see a/so Masonry, load-bearing Bridges, 20/1-43 Bailey, 35/6 characteristics of structures, 20/ 17-32 arch design, 20/20-21 boxes, 20/24-27. 20/29-3 I decks, multicellular, 20/31 design curves, 20/32 girders, 20/2 1-22, 20/27-29 loading, 20/31-32 suspension/arch, 20/17-20, 20/22-24 concrete, precast, 37/3 I curved, 20/35 deck slabs, concrete, 20/34-35 demolition, 43/8 dynamic response, 20/36-37 economics/system choice, 20P-17 major, 13/17 masonry, 15/16-17 movable, 20/38 plan of work, 20/3 checklist, 20/39 railway. 25/21-22 loading of, 19/8-9 river, 30/22 road, loading of, 19/54 skew, 20/35 steel short/medium span. 13/16-17 simple, 13/22 tolerances, 39/67 stress concentrations, 20/33-34 shear kdg. 20/33 and,thickness changes/cutouts, 20/33-34 Bronze for maritime use, 31/26 Brushwood for scour protection, 22/15 BS, see Standardslcodes of practice Bucket energy dissipators in channels, 22112-1 3 Bucket dredgers ladder, 41/3-4 wheel. 41/8 Buckets for concrete distribution, 37/13 Buckingham's n theorem in scaling. 31/17 Buckling of aluminium, 14/13-14 Building Regulations, 21/24, 21/26-27 appedk, 2 I /24 Approved Documents/mandatory requirements, 21/24. 21/27 on fire spread. 21/26-27 procedures, 21/24 on robustness, 12/13 structure. 21/26 Buildings, 21/1-45 airport terminal, 24/14 ancillary, 24/15 cost considerations, 21/1 I design. changing influences, 21/3 drainage, 2 I12 I energy considerations. 21/22-24 feasibility. 21/1 I finishes external, 21/29-30 internal. 21/30 fire installations, 21/21 internal environment, 21/12-21 air-conditioning, 2 I / 12-1 3 condensation, 21/17 design/planning. 21/3 1-32 heating/cooling generation, 21/14 lighting. 21/17-20
noise, 21/20 services, accommodation of, 21/13-14 thermal, 21/12 landscape consideration, 21/9 integration example, 21/10 and site operations, 21/9-10 lifts/escalators/conveyors,21 122 for nuclear reactors, 27/26-27 partitions, 21/3 I planning legislation/consent, 21/1 I power stations floors/roofs/walls. 27/10-12 steelwork for, 27/5-10 ventilation, 27/12 projects management, 2 I /3 plan of work, 21/44 ' requirements, 2 l p . 21/8 public health considerations. 21/21-22 public utility consultation, 21/1 I railways stations, 25/20-21 river pump station, 30/25-26 security control, 21/27-28 setting-out in. 34/74 site appraisal. 21/9 structure, 21/32-37 arrangement, structural, 21/34 behaviour, structural, 21/32 loading resistance, vertical, 21/34-35 movement, 2 I /34 multistorey, 21/35-37 robustness, 12/13, 21/33 wind effects, 21/33-34 water supply, 21/21 see U/SO Building Regulations; Floors; Highrise buildings; Multi-storey buildings. Walls Bulkheads, anchored anchor pull, 9/21 bending moments, 9/22 and earth pressure, 9/21-22 Face forces, 9/2 I Bunker loading, 19/5 Buoyancy, 5/7 Burbank test of rock, 10/1 I Bursting, hydraulic, 43/8 Butterfly water valves, 22/30, 28/7 Buttress dams, 18/17-23 Buttressed retaining walls, 17/26
Cableways for concrete placing. 37/16 Caissons. 17/13-18 box, 17/14 for breakwaters, 31/32 definition, 17/9 monoliths/cylinders, 17/17 open, 17/1416 pneumatic, 17/16-17 Calculus, 1/22-27 differentiation, 1/22-23 integration. 1/23-27 maxima/minima, 1/23 Californian bearing ratio (CBR), 9/33 Camber of roads, 23/14-15 Camera lucida principle, 7/7 Cameras for photogrammetry, 7/5-7 Canals, irrigation control structures, 22/8 design, 30/9 Cantilevers concrete. reinforced/prestressed, 12/13 propped, plastic analysis. 3/28-29 retaining walls, 17/25 Capillarity. 5/4
Car parks airport. 24/14 lighting, 21/20 Cargoes in ports handling, 26/5 types, 26/34 Camageway layout, 23/15-16 Casagrande classification for cohesive soils, 9/30 Cased piles, 17/22 Cashflow in construction projects, 33/74 Cathodic protection of offshore structures, 44/16 Caverns design and rock mechanics, 10/31-32 for oil/LPG storage, 32/19 Cavitation, 22/32 damage to chute. 22/24 Ceiling finishes, 21/30 Cement for concrete cement/water ratio, 4/8 content, 4/9 expanding, in demolition, 43/7 glass reinforced, 21/28 as cladding. 37/31 grouts, 9/41 under foundations. 17/9 quality in hot countries, 37/34-35 in soil stabilization, 9/43 for sewers, 29/6 storage, 3 7 / 3 4 types, 413-5 Portland, 4 / 3 4 for water pipes, 28/5 Central heating plant, 21/21 Chaining. 6/18 Chainman, 34/3 Chalk landforms, 8/24 mechanical testing. 10/12 source for water pumping, 28/10 borehold problems, 28/12 Channels, 22/3-15 concepts, 22/34 control structures, 22/7-10 gated weirs, 22/7 in irrigation canals, 22/8 in rivers, alluvial, 22/74 tidal barriers, 22/10 energy dissipation, 22/10, 22/12-14 bucket dissipators, 22/12-I 3 from pipes/valves, 22/13-14 stilling basins, 22/10, 22/12 flow ig, 5/15-19 critical depth, 5/17 energy, 5/ 17 horizontal bed, 5/18-19 hydraulic jump, 5/19 non-uniform, 5/17-18 resistance, 5 / I7 shape for maximum flow, 5/16-17 velocity distribution. 5/17 Venturi flume, 5/19 flumes, 22/7 foundations for. permeable, 22/10 in road drainage, 23/28 scour/erosion. 22/14-15 depth of, 22/14-15 prot,ection, 22/15 transitions subcritical flow, 2 2 / 4 5 supercritical flow. 2215 see obo Enclosed flow; Spillways, Weirs Charpy impact test. 13/9-10 CHART for road maintenance. 23/56
Chezy-Manning equation, 30/1 I Chezy’s coefficient in channel flow, 5/15 Chimneys demolition. 43/8 for power stations, 27/21-24 ancillary structures, 27/24 flues/lining. 27/21. 27/24 foundations, 27/24 wind-excited oscillation. 19/13 wind-excited oscillation, 19-13 Chipboard for temporary works, 35/5 Chlorination of sewage effluent, 29/20 of water. 28/2 I Chute spillways. 22/24-25 ClDEL traffic program, 23/10 Cippoletti weir, 5/21 Cladding concrete, precast 37/3 1-32 of steel structures, and stiffening, 13/19 Clamps in temporary works, 35/6 Ckamshell dredger, 4 1 / 4 5 Clapotis. 31/6 Clay as aggregate contaminant, 4/6-7 as core in dams, I8/ I I , I8/ 13, 18/24, I8/3 I as joint infill, 10123 pile capacity on, 9/36-37 Clay soils and foundations bearing capacity, 9/7 settlement. 9/9-15 mole drainage, 30/12 and site investigation. I I / I I Clayware for sewers, 29/6 Cliff stabilization. 3 I /3&3 I Coal tar paints, 4/26 Coastal/maritime engineering breakwaters. 31/31-34 experimental. 3 I /34 piled. 31/33 rock-filled crib, 31/33 rubble-mound, 31/32-33 vertical, 31/31-32 design parameters/dala analysis, 3 I /23-24 ground conditions. 31/23 water conditions, 3 1/23-24 forces, wave/current, 31/15-17 on cylinder piles, 3 I / I 5 on seawalls/breakwaters, 3 1/16-17 intakes/outfalls. 3 1/34 materials, 3 I /24-26 conventional, 31/24-25 durability zones, 31/24 metals. 3 I /25-26 plastics/bilumen. 3 1/26 timber. 31/25 protection works, 31/26-31 beach nourishment. 31/30 cliff stabilization. 3l/30-31 groynes. 3 1/28, 3 I /30 walk, 31/26-28 scaling laws and models, 31/17-19 digital numerical. 31/18-19 forces, 31/18 harbours, 31/18 littoral processes, 31/19 overtopping. 31/18 similarity. 3 1/17-18 tidal. 31/18 stratification and densimetric flow, 31/14-15 effluent discharge. 31/14-15 estuaries. 31/14 structures. setting out for, 34/9 surveys/data collection. 31/19-23 bathymetry. 31/20
coastal stability, 31/23 currents. 31/21-22 for diving, 42/7 information sources, 31/19 meteorological data. 3 I /23 mud layer, 31/21 position fixing, 31/19-20 seabed/sub-seabed, 3 1/20-21 water properties, 3 1/22 wavesltide, 3 1/22-23 see also Sediments; Tides; Waves COBA traffic program, 23/10 Codes of practice, see Standards/codes of practice Colebrook-White formula in sewerage design, 29/5 ’Colgrout’, 9/41 Collimation error with levels 6/15 Columns concrete design, 12/14 formwork for, 35/1 I prestressed, 12/28 reinforced, 12/18 reinforcement behaviour in, 12/6 design codes of practice, 2/28-9 forces in long. 2/26-27 short. 2/25-26 positioning for load, 21/34 . steel, design, I3/2 I strength formulae. 2/27-28 Compaction of concrete. 37/ 19-20 dynamic, under foundations, I7/9 of embankment dams. 28/17 of road earthworks. 23/25 shallow, 9/43 of soil, laboratory testing, 9/32-33 vibrocompaction, 9/42 Compartmentation against fire, 21/26-27 Compatibility equations of strain, 2/7 Compressed air in concrete placing, 37/ I5 for groundwater exclusion, 9/40 in tunnelling, 32/14 Compression testing of rock, 10/12 Compulsory purchase for roads, 23/7 Computers. 1/35-39 for bridge analysis, suspension 20/19 hardware, 1/35 and information, 1/38 and management. 1/38-39 in modelling, coastal, 31/18-19 nontechnical use. 1/37 personal. impact of, 1/35-36 portable, 1/36 in rock engineering design, lO/26-28 in structural analysis, 3/2 services design. 21/14 software, 1/35 for road layout. 23/16 for road maintenance. 23/56 specific vs. general purpose, 1/38 for traffic appraisal, 23/10 for urban traffic management, 22/49?23/50 in stiffness analysis. 3/13-14 in surveying, 6/26-28 digital mapping/ground modelling, 6/26-28 land information systems. 6/28 technical use in design, 1/36-37 in detailing, 1/37 in structural analysis. 1/36 see ulso Digital image processing (DIP)
Index14 Concrete. 4/3-18, 37/1-36 admixtures. 4 / 7 4 alkali-silica reaction. 21/28 asphaltic concrete. 23/3 I for maritime use, 31/26 blocks for revelments. 30/19 for scour protection. 22/15 see a l n Masonry. load-bearing for bridges, 37/31 deck slabs, 20134-35 as building material, 21/28 and cavitation, 22/32 compacting. 37/19-20 for cooling water culverts. 27/18 creep. 4/12 and loss of prestress, 12/24 crushed. recycling. 43/9 curing, 4/14, 37/20 dams, 18/13-29. 28/17-18, 37/2&27 arch, 18/23-29 buttress, I8/ 17-23 design concept. 18/34-36 gravity, 18/13-14 rockfill, 1 8 / 4 5 rollcrete, 18/14, 18/16-17 demolition of, 4 3 / 7 4 prestressed, 43/8-9 design. structural. 12/1-33 behaviour, 1213. I2/5-6 codes of practice/slandards. l2/3, I2/4 composite construction, I2/30-3 I fire resistance. I2/6. I2112, 12/32-33 philosophy of, 12/67 precast construction. 12/29-30 procedures, analytical/design. 12/1 1-14 testing, 12/31-32 diaphragm walls, 9/40, 37/30-31 distribution, 37/10-16 Cdbkwdys, 37/16 conveyor belts, 37115- I6 cranes, 37/11-13 hoists, 37/1 I pneumatic placing, 37/13 pumping, 37/13-15 skips/buckets, 37/13 wheeled transport, 37/10-1 I durability, 4/13-14 in foundations. 17/30 elastic modulus, 4/12 finish of, 35/8 as finish for buildings, 21/30 floors, 21/35. 37/25-26 gunite. 32/13, 37/28-29 in hotparid countries, 37/32-35 for maritime works, 31/24-25 YS. mdSOnry, 15/3 mass sections. 37/27 materials, see Aggregate; Cement mix design, 4/8-9 movement. 4/12-13 no-fines, 37/29-30 for offshore structures, 44/10-12 pavements for aircraft. 24/16-18 for roads, 23/36 piles, 17/19-23 placing, 37/16-19 in deep lifts, 37/17 and joints, 37/17 underwater, 37/17-19 precast, 37/31-32 prestressed, see Prestressed concrete production, 37/34 batching, 37/5 miners, 37/57
mixing etiiciency, 37/74 plant size, 37/7 storage of materials, 37/34 ready-mixed. 37/8- I0 advantages. 37/8 plant. 37/8-10 quality control. 1/35, 37/10 reinforced. see Reinforced concrete repair, by resin injection, 4/24 roadslairfield construction. 37/20-25 conventional, 37/2 1-24 slipform, 37/24-25 shrink. and loss of prestress, 12/24 sleepers. 25/7 sprayed. for rock support. IOj34 strength. 4/9-12 testing. 4/14-18 aggregates. 41 I & I 7 analysis. 4/17 entrained air, 4/17 strength. 4/16 structural. I2/3 1-32 workability, 4/14, 4/16 tunnel lining. 32/1 I , 37/27 segmented. 40/21-22 for turbo-generator support. 17/27, 27/14 underwater, 37117-19.42/9 see nlsn Formwork Condensation in buildings, 21/17 in roofs. 2 I /3 I Condensers, in electricity generation. 27/14-16 Conduits, see Flow Cone indenter. (NCB) test. l O / l I Cone test, for settlement in granular soils. 9/15-16 Cone offshore structures. arctic. 44/12-13 Confidence limits. statistical, 1/30-32 Consolidation grouting, 10/34 of soils, 9/5 dynamic. 9/43 Constant rate penetration (CRF') pile test. 17/24 Containers for cargoes, 26/4 Contamination. see Pollution Contouring, in vertical control. 6/9 Contracts, 33/14-15 in demolition, 43/3 ground investigation, 11/26 overseas. plant selection. 36/45 see also Management of projects/contracts CONTRAM for urban traffic management, 23/49 Contrast stretching for image enhancement. 7/26 Control charts in quality control. 1/35 Control of Pollution Act 1974. 29/3 Conversion factors for units, 4 5 / 5 4 Conveyors for concrete placing, 37/15-16 passenger. in buildings, 21/22 Cooling towers, 27/19-21 shell, 27/20 support/foundations, 27/20-2 I wind loading, 27/20 Copper in aluminium alloy, 14/6 and electrolytic corrosion of aluminium. 14/10 Corbels in concrete, 12/30 Coriolis force, 31/34 Corrosion of piles, 17/30 Corrosion protection of ofshore structures, cathodic, 44/16 of steel painting, 4/24, 4/26 structures, 13/26
of pipes in trenches, 40/15 of aluminium, 14/10 Cost considerations in buildings, 21/1 I in electricity supply, 27/4 in ground investigation. I l / 5 in offshore construction. and work schedule. 44/14 of pipelines appraisal, 40/29-30 construction. 40/30-3 I of projects/contracts, 33/10-1 I in tunnelling. 3 2 / 3 4 Coulomb's equation for shear strength, 9/3 Counterforts, 9/27 Crack control, in reinforced concrete beams. 12/17 Cranes for concrete distribution, 37/l 1-13 gantry girders for, 13/23-24 for precast units. 35/15 for steel erection, 39/4 Creep of concrete, 4/12, 12/24 of plastics/rubbers. 4/20 Culverts drawoff. in dams, 28/15 in power generation cooling, 27/17-19 in road drainage, 23/27 Current measurement, 31/21-22 Curtain walling as building finish, 21/30 Culability testing of rock, 10/12 Cutters for rock tunnelling, 32/6 Cutting, underwater. 44/16 tools. 42/9 Cuttings, railway. 25/3 Cyclists facilities for. 23/51 and road junctions. 23/21 Cylinders. see Caissons Damping definition. 3/23 of tall buildings, 21/40, 21/42 Dams. 18/1-37 concrete. I8/ 13-29? 28/ 17-1 8. 37/26-27 arch. 18/23-29 buttress. 18/17-23 gravity. 18/13-14 rollcrete. 18/14. 18/16-17 definition, I8/3 deformation. 28/16-17 monitoring requirement. 6/21. 28/18 design. 18/29-36 embankment dams. 18/29-33 roller-compacted, 18/34-36 earthfill. 18/29-33. 28/15-17 with clay core, 18/13 homogeneous, 18/11-13 history. 18/34 legislation, 18/36 rockfill. 18/4-1 I. 18/33 with asphalt core, 18/5-1 I with asphalt facing, 18/5 with clay core, 18/11. 18/24 compaction, 28/17 with concrete Facing, 1 8 / 6 5 monitoring by photogrammetry, 7/13 site investigation depth. I1/1 I types. I8/3 see also Reservoirs; Spillways Darcy-Weisbach equation, 30/1 I Decking, profiled, in steel structures, 13/18-19 Decompression in diving, 42/3 Deflection of concrete beams of prestressed. 12/26
lndex/5 Deflection . . .. continued of reinforced, 12/1617 Deformabihty testing of rock for design. 10/13 masses, 10/18 Deformation earth dams, 28/16-17 monitoring ofdams. 28/18 of rock, l0/35 by photogrammetry, 7/13-14 reference points, 6/21-23 surveys, 6/21-26 Deformations, geological engineering aspects, 8/15-16 faults. 8/12-14 folds, 8/14-15 joints, 8/10, 8/12 Demolition, 43/1-10 blasting, 43/8 of bridges, 43/8 of concrete, 4 3 / 7 4 prestressed, 43/8-9 environmental considerations. 43/10 future developments, 43/10 health and safety. 43/9-10 fire/explosion risk, 43/10 manual, 43/5 mechanical. 4 3 / 5 4 method selection, 43/8-9 organization/planning, 43/3-5 salvage/recycling, 43/9 of transmission towers, 43/8 Density dry, laboratory testing, 9/32 of rock. hbOrdtOry testing, 10/8 slicing. for image classification, 7/26 of water, 5/3 Department of Transport publications, 23/4 Derrick stone. for scour protection, 22/15 Derricks, for concrete, 37/12 Desalination. 28/18-19 Desert soils. 8/20 Deval test of rock, I O/I I Dewatering of sewage sludge, 29/24 in tunnelling. 32/15 Diaphragm walls, 9/40, 37/30-31 in basements, I7/1 I for excavation support, 35/16 masonry. 15/14 retaining walls. tied back. 17/26 setting out for, 34/8 Diastrophism. geomorphological. 8/16 Differential equation of beams, 2/21-22 Differentiation. I /22-23 partial, 1/23 Digital image processing (DIP). 7/22-26 hardware, 7/23 software. 7/23-26 Dilatometer in rock testing, 10/13 Discontinuities of rock. properties, 10/20-23 Disinfection of sewage eflluent, 29/20 Disposal at Sea Act 1974, 29/25 Distance measurement, 6/8-12 direct (DDM), 6/8 electronic (EDM). 6/10-12 development, 6/lO-l I principle, 6/11-12 optical (ODM), 6/8-10 substense bar, 6/9-10 tacheometry, 6/8-9 Distillation for desalination, 28/18-19 Distinct clement method in rock engineering, I0/26-28 Distomat, 6/10
Distributions. statistical, I /30 and confidence limits. I/30-32 Dividag reinforcing bar, 35/6 Diving, 42/1-13 air-supply, 4 2 / 5 4 alternative systems. 42/10-12 construction work/planning, 42/8 employment, increasing. 42/3 equipment, 4 2 / 4 5 factors in, environmental/personal, 42/7 operations. 4 2 / 3 4 bell diving, 4 2 / 3 4 decompression, 42/3 surface-orientaled. 42/3 preparations, 42/44 qualifications, 42/6-7 in seabed survey. 31/21 survey, 42/7 team size, 42/6 tools. 42/8-9 see aLo Underwater work Dolphins, for ship berthing. 26/10 Donseg lining of tunnels. 32/10 Dorry test of rock. 10/1 I Dowels, in tunnel temporary support. 32/13 Downhole logging, 10/13 Drainage. 9/37-39 of agricultural land. 30/9-12 bedding systems. 30/12 drainable surplus, 30/10 flow, 30/1 I irrigated. 30/10, 30/12 layouts, 30/1I-I2 mole drainage, 30/12 and rainfall excess. 30/10-1 I spacings of drains, 30/1 I of airports, 24/21-22 for buildings, 21/21 of dams. concrete. 18/14 electro-osmosis, 9/38 and flooding, 30/12-13 mole drainage, 30/12 permeability, 9/37 pumping capacity, 9/38 of railways cutting slopes, 2513 embankments. 25/4 of roads, 23/26-30 design data, 23/26-27 detail, 23/28-29 in developing countries, 23/58 hydraulic design, 23/27-28 pipelines. buried, 23/30 pollution control, 23/30 for rock support. 10/34 and settlements. 9/38-39 site investigation, 9/37 for slope stabilization, 9/27 vacuum drainage, 9/38 vertical, 9/39 wells, 9/38 see also Hydrodynamics; Rivers Drains. catchwater. 30/21-22 Dredging, 41/1-13 ancillary plantlequipment. 41 /9 disposal, environmental aspects, 41/1I-I2 of estuaries and silt movement. 31/14 general considerations. 41 /3 history. 41/3 hydraulic dredgers, 41/5-9 cutter suction. 4 1 / 6 4 hopper suction, 41/8-9 plain suction, 91/6 pump-ashore plant, 41/9 island construction, 41/11 mechanical dredgers
bucket ladder. 41/34 dipper/backhoe, 41/5 grab, 4 I /4-5 organisations. 41/13 preliminary considerations. 41/l I reclamation works. 41/9-I I surveys/investigations. 41/12 Drift, 8/23-24 Drillhole logging. 10/13 Drilling of boreholes. 28/11-12 in demolition. 43/7 directional. for pipelaying, 40/20 for rock excavation, 10/32-33 of tunnels. 32/9 Drogne floats, 3 I12 I Dry docks for offshore structures, 44/13 Ductility of steel, I3p-9 notch ductility. 13/9-10 Dumpers for concrete. 37/1 I Dumpy level, 6/13 adjustment. 6/5 Durability of concrete. 4/13-14, 11/30 of rock, laboralory testing. 10/8 'Duralumin', 14/3. 14/6 Durands rule for plane areas. 1/16 Duricrus1s;and site investigation. I 1 / 1 I Dust from demolition, 43/10 Dutch deep sounding test for pile capacity. 9/35-36 Dykes. geological, 8/9 Earth pressure. 9/17-22 active pressure analysis. 9/18-19 graphical method. 9/19 surcharge loads. 9/19 active/passive conditions. 9/17 bulkheads. anchored, 9/21-22 anchor pull, 9/21 bending moments. 9/22 face forces, 9/21 penetration depth, 9/21 excavations. strutted. 9/20 passive resistance, 9/20 pressure distribution. 9/20 stability, overall, 9/22 Earth retaining walls. reinforced 9/41-42. 17/26 Earthfill dams. see under Dams Earthquakes loadings, 19/14-15 resistant timber construction. 16/1 I wave generation, 31/1 I Earthworks for rdilWdyS. 25/34 for roads, 23/21-28 alignment/slopes. 23/23-24 compaction. 23/25 geotextiles, 23/25-26 materials. 23/24-25 planning/investigations, 23/21. 23/23 testing, 23/25 Echo-sounder in bathymetry. 3 1/20 Eclipse ground modelling system, 6/28 Eigenvalue analysis if open girders, 20/28 Elastic design for steel structures. 13/23-24 Elastic models in rock engineering design, 10/25 Elastic modulus of concrete. hard, 4/ I2 of plasticslrubbers, 4/20 Elasticity theory. 2/3-l I analysis of elastic body 218-9 energy methods, 2/9-10
Elasticity theory. continued strain, see Strain stresslstrain measurements, 2/1&1 I relationships, 2/74? stress, internal, see under Stress Elastomer definition, 4/18 Electricity supply. 27/1-34 building layout. 27/65 chimneys, 27/21-24 ancillary structures, 27/24 flues/lining, 27/21, 27/24 foundations. 27/24 windshield design, 27/24 cooling towers, 27/19-21 shell, 27/20 support/foundations, 27/20-21 wind loading, 27/20 costs. 27/4 fuels, 27/3 hydro-electric power, 27/27 nuclear reactors, 27/24-27 buildings for, 27/2627 foundations. 27/25-26 pressure vessel, 27/25 plant layout, 27/4 pumped storage. 27/27-28 siting of station, 27/5 steam generation, 27/3 power house steelwork, 27/5, 27/610 floors/roofs/walls. 27/I&I I foundations, 27/10 loadings, 27/8-9 ventilation. 27/12 transmission lines, 27/28-34 conductors, 27/29 design standards, 27/29 'galloping', 19/4 sags/tensions, 27/29-3 I transmission towers, 13/17, 27/31-34 demolition, 43/8 foundations, 27/33-34 loading, wind/ice, 27/31 setting out for, 34/7 turbo-generator support, 17/27, 27/13-14, 27/3 I water cooling culverts, 27/17-19 systems, 27/1&17 see a1.70 Services to buildings Electro-gas welding, 38/4 Electro-osmosis for drainage 9/38 Electro-slag welding, 38/34 Electrodialysis. for desalination, 28/ 19 Electromagnetic spectrum and remote sensing, 7/14-15 Electronic distance measurement (EDM) development, 6/10-1 I for rock movement, l o p 5 principle, 6/1 1-12 in setting out. 34/3 Ellipse as conic section. 1/17 properties of, 1/18-19 Embankments pipes in, loadings, 40/9 railway, 25/34 river, 30/ 19-20 see also Dams; Earthworks Energy ofchannel flow 5/17 equations. for ship rendering, 26/13-I 5 of a liquid, 5 / 7 4 and buildings, 21/14, 21/22-24 of waves, 31/74
Engelund and Hansen equations, 30/15 English method of tunnelling, 32/4 Environmental considerations in airport location, 24/3 in demolition, 43/10 in diving, 42/7 in dredging, 41/1 I in road planning, 23/10-12 history, 23/10 noise, traffic/construction, 23/1I-I 2 urban, 23/l I vibration/sound. 23/10-1 I in site investigations. I I/3 EPOXY for maritime use, 31/26 paints. 4/26 Erosion of limestone, 8/24 littoral, 31/13 valley cycle, 8/24-25 see 01.70 Scour Escakilon in buildings, 21/22 Estuaries, 31/14 modelling, 31/18 Euler strut, 2/26 EVapOlrdnSpirdliOn, 30/34 Excavations earth pressure, 9/20 for foundations anchoring, 9/20, 17/12. 17/13, 35/16 basement 17/12-13 pad, 17/5 strip, 17/6 heave. 9/9 quantity determination, 6/19-20 in rock, 10/32-33 setting out for, 34/5-6 temporary, 35/15-18 loads, 35/16-17 materials, 35/16 newer approaches, 35/17 and water, 35/18 widths of excavation, 35/16 underground, design and rock mechanics, l0/3 1-32 .see also Bulkheads. anchored; Trenches Excavators in demolition. 43/6 for rock. l0/33 Explosion risk in demolition, 43/10 Explosives for underwater cutting, 42/9 see a l o Blasting Extensometers for rock monitoring, 10/35 Fabric of igneous rocks, X/9 Factories Acts on working in confined spaces. 40/25 Factors Of Safety for concrete. structural, 12/74 for pipe strength, 40/10 for piping, flow net for, 9/29 in ship rendering, 26/15 in slope stability analysis, 9/23, 9/25 Failure of masonry in compression, 15/5-7 of rails. 25/11-12 see al.70 Fatigue Falsework, 35/13-14 construction. 35/ I4 loads, 35/13 stresses. 35/13-14 Fascines, 30/17-18 Fastenings for rails. 25/9-10 in limber. 16/8-10 .see irbo Bolting; Ties/connections
Fatigue of aluminium. calculation, 14/14 ofsteel, 13/10-11 FdUllS, 8/12-14 Fellenius's method for slope analysis, 9/2&25 Fencing of airports, 24/22-23 of roads, 23/46 see also Security Fill from dredging, 41/1&1 I foundations on, 17/27 Filters for embankment dams, 18/30-31 for sewage treatment percolating. 29/ I7 sand, 29/19 for sludge dewatering. 29/24 Finite differences in rock engineering, I0/26 Finite element analysis in the stiffness method, 3/14-15 in rock engineering, 10/26 Fire and Building Regulations escape requirements. 21/24 spread. 2 I /2627 protection at airports, 24/22 compartmentation against. 2 1/2627 of concrete, 21/28 of steel. 21/29 water installations, 21/21 water supply for, 28/4 resistance of concrete, reinforced/prestressed I2/6. 12/12. 12/28, 12/32-33. 21/28. 21/29 of timber, 16/6 risk in demolition. 43/10 in power houses, and roof material, 27/10 Fisher-Tippett type I external distribution in hydology. 301I3 Flexibility method in structure analysis, 3 / 6 1 I for beam analysis, 3/8-9 coefficients, 3 / 7 4 sign convention. 3/8 for frame analysis, 3/9-10 and stitTness method, 3/1 I for truss analysis. 3/10 Flip buckets for water energy dissipation, 22/25 Floats for current tracking, 31/21 Flooding and drainage, 30/12-13 economic issues, 30/13 flow calculation. 30/13-14 frequency statistics, 30/13 and reservoir practice, 28/15 storage, in road drainage. 23/28 walls, 30121 Floors, 21/35 for basement foundations. 17/10 concrete. 21/35, 37/25-26 surface hardeners, 37/26 finishes, 21/30 of power houses, 27/1 I profiled steel decking, 13/18-19 timber, 16/3-4 Flow, see Hydrodynamics Flow nets, 9/27-29 construction, 9/28 hydraulic problem for. 9/29 Fluidization of soil and slope instability, 9/27 Fluidized bed treatment of sewage, 29/19 Flumes measuring of, 22/7
Flumes, continued Venturi, 5/19 Fluvioglacial deposits, 8/2 1-22 Foam grouts, 9/41 F o d and Environmental Protection Act 1985, and dredging, 41/1 I Formwork, 35/6-13 for columns, 35/1 I concrete finish, 3518 design considerations, 35/8 loadings, 3517-8 philosophy of, 35/9-10 purpose, 35/67 release agents, 35/8-9 slipforming for offshore structures, 44/1 I for paving, 37/24-25 vertical, 35/12-13, 37/2425 for soffits, 35/11-12 ties, 35/6 for walls, 35/10 Foundations, 21/42, 21/44 bearing capacity and site investigation, 11/10 for chimneys, power station. 27/24 concrete, mhss sections, 37/27 for cooling towers. 27/20-21 deep, 17/9-18 basement design, 17/10-13 caissons, 17/13-17 definitions. 17/9-10 shaft foundations, 17/17-18 design, 17/1-31 loading. 17/34 procedure. I7/3 in rock, 10/31 and settlement, differential, I7/4 durability, and material. 17/29-30 for electricity power house, 27/10 on fill, 17/27 for machinery, 17/26-27 turbo-generators, 17/27. 27/14 and mining subsidence. 17/27-28 for nuclear reactors. 27/25-26 for offshore concrete structures, 44/12 permeable for open channels. 22/10 for power houses. 27/10 retaining walls, 17/24-26 in rock, blasting of, l0/33 setting out for. 34/6-7 shallow. 17/49 bearing pressures. 17/5 definitions, 17/4 depth, 17/4-5 design, structural, 17/7-9 ground treatment beneath, 17/9 and loading eccentric, I7/7 types of, 17/5-7 and soil mechanics, 9/7-17 bearing capacity. 9/6-9 definitions, 9/7 failure, 9/7 settlement. 9/9-17 temporary, 3 9 / 6 7 for transmission towers, 27/33-34 see Piled foundations Frames analysis plastic, portal frame. 3/29-30 rigid, 3/9-10 concrete reinforced/prestressed. 12/14 in high-rise buildings, and bending, 21/39 height limitations, 21/34 hydraulic, for trench support. 40/13, 40/14 moment distribution without sway, 3/17-18 for pitched roof, 3/30-31 skeletal structures, 21/42
steel, erecting, 34/7 .stresses/strains in, 2/29 see also Timber Freezing . for groundwater exclusion, 9/40 for rock support, 10/34 as tunnelling aid, 32/15 Freczing/thawing attack of concrete. 4/ 14 Frequency, definition, 3/23 Frost susceptibility, and site investigation, I1/11-12 see also Freezing; Freezing/thawing atlack of concrete; Periglacial soils Froude number, 2213 Fuels for electricity supply, 27/3 installations at airports. 24/22 Fungal resistance, of timber, I6/5 Gabions, 22/15. 30/19 'Galloping' of transmission lines, 19/4 Galvanic corrosion of aluminium, 14/10 Gas-shielded arc welding, 3813 Gases biogas, 29/25 in confined spaces, 40/25 for diving, 421and site investigation, 11/12 from sludge, 29/23 Gates, in hydraulic structures. 22/28-29 air demand, 22/32 Gaussian distribution. 1/30 Geodimeters, 6/10 Geology and engineering, 8/1-34 alluvial soils classification, 8/26-27 deposition, 8/28 erosion cycle, 8/24-25 river, 8/24 classification/description,8/5-10 field identification. 8/10 igenous rocks, 8/6-9 metamorphic rocks, 8/9-10 properties, 8/10 sedimentary rocks, 8/54 definitions, 8/3 deformations engineering aspects, 8/15-16 faults, 8/12-14 folds. 8/14-15 joints. 8/10, 8/12 geomorphological environments, 8/17-24 desert soils, 8/20 glacial soils, 8/20-23 humid tropical residual soils, 8/17, 8/19-20 periglacial soils, 8/23-24 rock weathering, 8/17 geomorphological processes. 8/16 information sources, 8/30-32 maps, 8/28-30 general. 8/28-29 in site investigation, 11/16 special, 8/29-30 plate tectonics, 8/4 for reservoirs. 28/13 slratigraphy, principles of, 8/3-4 for water pumping, 28/10-l I Geometry coordinate. 1/13-20 axes, change of. 1/14 conic sections, 1/17-20 lengths of curves, 1/15-16 plane areas, 1/16-17 polar coordinates. 1/14-15
three-dimensional analytical, 1/20-22 distance between two points, 1/21 equations, 1/21-22 sign convention. 1120-21 Geomorphology environments, 8/17-24 desert soils, 8/20 glacial soils, 8/20-23 humid tropical residual soils, 8/17, 8/ I 9-20 periglacial soils, 8/23-24 rock weathering, 8/17 processes, 8/16 Geophysical methods, in ground investigation. 11/17 Geotextiles, 9/42 durability. 4/24 in railway embankments, 25/4 for river reinforcement, 30/19 for roads, 23/25-26 Girders box, 20/24-27. 20129-31 with cantilevers, 20/27 design, I3/2 1-22 with diaphragms, 20/25-27 multiple single cell, 20129-31 single cell, 20/24-25 gantry. 13/23 open section, 20/21-22 multiple web, 20/27-29 plate, design, I3/20-21 in temporary works, 35/6 welding, 38/8-9 box, 38/8-9 plate. 38/8 Glacial soils, 8/20-23 see also Periglacial soils Glass reinforcement for cement. 21/28 cladding, 37/31 for PVC pipes, 28/54 Glazing, 21/30 of power house, 27/1 I Glued-laminated timber assemblies. 16/7 stress grading, 16/6 and structural design, 16/7 Gluing of plastics/rubbers, 4/21 Grab dredgers, 4 1 / 6 5 Grabs in demolition, 43/7 Gradation, geomorphological, 8/16 Gradients of roads, 23/15 Grading, setting out for, 34/5-6 Grand Dixence dam. 18/5. 18/14 Grants, 2 I / I I Granular soils foundation'settlement in, 9/15-16 particle size distribution, 9/30 Grass for slope stabilization, 9/27 Gravity, in tidal forces, 31/3 Gravity concrete dams, 18/13-14 arch, 18/23-24 Great circle, definition. I / I I Greathead shield tunnelling, 32/4 Greensand, Lower, for water pumping, 28/I&l I Grid levelling, for excavation quantity determination, 6/ 19-20 Grits, Carboniferous, for water pumping. 28/l I Ground improvement, 9/37-44 anchors, 9/42 deep, 9/42-43 geotextiles for,. 9/42 groundwater exclusion, 9/39-40 grouting, 9/40-41
Ground improvement. continued reinforced earth. 9/41-42 shallow compaction. 9/43 stabilization. 9/43-44 see also Drainage Ground investigation, 1 1 / 6 1 5 contamination hazards. 1 1 / 4 5 COnIrdCtS, 11/26 COSI.
intensity of. I I/5 main investigation. 11/8-14 contaminated site. 11/12 dala interpretation/report, 11/12. 11/14 depth, I1/10-1I lateral extent, 11/9-10 problem conditions, I I / I 1-12 types Of. I1/8-9 methods, 11/16-26 engineering properties. 11/17-20 over water. I 1/20 SlrdtigrdphiCal. 11/16-17 objectives. I1/4 personnel, 11/26 preliminary, 1 1 / 6 8 desk study, I1/7-8 objectives, I1/7 reconnaissance, I 1/8 review during construction. 11/14 for roads. 23/23 stages in, I 1 / 5 6 Groundwater control/exclusion, 9/39-40, 40/10
Grouting for dam cut-off, 18/32 for foundations. shallow, 17/9 for ground improvement, 9/40-41 Guttman process, 9/41 of rockbolts. 10/34 in tunnelling, 32/14-15 underwater. 42/9 of aggregate, 37/18, 37/19 in clamps. 44/16 Groynes, 31/28, 31/30 Gumbel distribution in hydrology, 30/13 Gunite. see Shotcrete Guttman grouting process, 9/41 Halcrow lining of tunnels. 32/10 Hankinson relationship for timber strength. I6/7 Harbours models, 5/27, 31/18 navigation requirements, 26/6-7 siting/design, 26/3 wave resonance in, 31/12 see also Ports Hardboard, tempered, I6/8 Hardness of plastics/rubbers. 4/20 of rock, testing, 10/8, 10/11-12 Harmonic analysis of open girders, 20/28 Hazen's law in soil permeability, 9/4 Health and safety, in demolition, 43/9-10 see also Safety Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 on temporary works, 3513 on trenching, 40115-16 on working in confined spaces, 40/25 Heathrow airport terminal, 24/12 Heave on excavation in clay soils, 9/9 Height measurement, see Levels High-rise buildings, 21/37-42 combined systems. 2 1 / 3 9 4 construction, 21/35-37 frames in, 21/39
ground level open space. 21/42 horizontal load resistance. 2 1/37-38 masonry for. 15/13-14 movement. 21/40. 21/42 selling out for, 34/8-9 shear walls/cores. 21/39 Highways. 23/1-64 administration, 23/34 communications, 23/45 concrete construction, 37/20-25 conventional, 37/2 1-24 slipform. 37/24-25 in developing countries, 23/57-61 drainage. 23/26-30 earthworks. 23/21-28 alignment/slopes, 23/23-24 compaction, 23/25 geotextiles. 23/25-26 materials. 23/24-25 preliminary work. 23/21, 23/23 testing, 23/25 environmenlal appraisal. 23/10-12 history. 23/10 noise, 23/11-12 urban. 2311 I vibrjition/sound, 23/J0-I I fencing. 23/46 geometry. 23/ 12-2 I alignment, 23/12. 23/14-15 carriageway layout, 23/15-16 interchangesljunctions. 23/16. 23/20-2 I and speed, 23/12 width/capacity, 23/12 lighting, 23/44 maintenance. 23/5 1-57 assessment of need, 23/56 non-structural, 23/56-57 requirementslstandards. 23/5 1-56 Sldff, 23/56. 23/57 winter. 23/56 pavement/surPacings block paving. 23/43-44 capping/sub-base, 23/3 I design advice, 23130-31 flexible/Rexiblecomposite, 23/3 1-32, 23/36 for industrial use. 23/26, 23/42-43 for light use, 23/36 rigid, 23/36 scheme preparation, 23/67 finalizing procedures, 23/6-7 objectives, 23/4 preliminary assessment/consultation, 23/44 report/recommendations, 23/6 signslmarkings, 23/44-45 specifications/materials testing, 23/48 traffic appraisal, 23/7-10 economic evaluation. 23/10 forecasts. 23/8-10 models, 23/74 preliminary, 23/7 urban, 23/49-51 capacity improvement. 23/49-50 hierarchy, 23/49 restrictions, 23/51 route guidance, 23/50-51 traffic management/assessment, 23/49 user facilities. 23/46. 23/48 Highways Act 1980, 23/3 Hire of plant the market. 36/9-10 philosophy, 36/8 rate calculation, 36/8-9 YS. buy, 36/9 Hoardings, 4 3 / 6 5
Hoists for concrete, 37/1 I Hollow box foundations, see Raft foundations Home lighting. 21/20 Hopper loading. 1915 Hospital lighting, 21/19-20 Hydrants, 2817 in fire protection 28/6 Hydraulic structures. 22/1-34 cavitation. 22/24. 22/32 channels. open, 22/3-15 concepts, 22/34 control structures, 22/7-10 energy dissipation, 22/10. 22/12-14 flumes, 22/7 foundations. permeable. 22/10 scour/erosion. 22/14-15 transitions, 22/45 weirs, 2211-7 enclosed flow (conduits/tunnels), 22/16-20 air problems. 22/20 drop shafts, 22/lX-20 exits. 22/18 flow routing. 22/18 head loss. 22/16 transitions/bends. 22/17-18 tunnels in rock, 22/16-17 gates, 22/28-29 reservoir outlets, 22/25-26 inlakes. 22/25-26 screens, 22/26 vortices, 22/26 spillways, 22120-25 bellmouth/closed conduit. 22/22-23 chutes. 22/24-25 energy dissipation, 22/25 outlets. low-level, 22/21-22 purposes, 22/20-21 siphon. 22/23-24 types, 22/21 weirs. 22/21 valves. 22/29-32. 28/74 see a1.w Sewers Hydraulic tools for divers, 4219 Hydraulics. see Hydraulic structures; Hydrodynamics; Hydrostatics; Rivers; Water Hydro-electric power, 27/27 Hydrodynamics, 5/7-27 Bernoulli's theorem. 5/8 channels, flow in. 5/15-19 critical depth, 5/17 energy, S/ I7 horizontal bed. 5/18-19 hydraulic jump, 5/19 non-uniform flow, 5/17-18 resistance, 5/ I7 of sewage, 2 9 / 6 5 shape for maximum flow, 5/16-17 velocity distribution. 5/17 Venturi flume, 5/19 dimensional analysis. 5/2>7 models, 51267 energy, 5 / 7 4 jet impact. 5/23-24 cubical block, 5/23-24 stonelsand stability. 5/24 vanes, 5/23 orifices, 5/19-20 pipes, flow in and bends, 511 I and contractions, 5/1 I deterioration of pipes, 5/10 and enlargements, 5/10-1 I friction calculation, 5/9-10 measurement. 5/14-15 multiple pipes, 5/13-14 non-circular section, 518-9
H,ydrodynamics. pipes. flow in, continued nozzles. 5/13 parallel pipes, 5/12 problems, graphs for, 5/11-12 siphons, 5/12-13 streamline/turbulent. 5/8 and valves. 5/1 I water hammer, 5/15 in water pipes, 28/6 sediment transport, 5/24 vortices, 5/24-5 waves. 5/25 weirs and notches, 5120-23 shapes, 5120-21 submerged, 5/21 time of discharge, 5/21-23 Hydrofracturing for rock stress measurement, 10/36 Hydrogeology. 10/4-5 maps, 8/30 Hydrographic surveys for dredging, 41/12 in site investigations, 11/14 Hydrographs. 30/14 Hydrostatics, 5/5-7 buoyancy 5/7 force on an area. 5/5-7 Hyperbolas as conic section, 1/17 properties, 1/19 Ice and arctic offshore design, 44/12 loading on pylons. 27/3 I roads on, to offshore structures, 44/13 Igneous rocks. 8 / 6 9 classification, 8/8 composition, 8 / 6 4 physical properties, 8/8-9 Image ratioing for enhancement. 7/26 Inclinometers for rock monitoring, 10/35 Indentation testing of rock, 10/1 I Industry building light, 21/20 effluent and sewage treatment. 29/12 pavements, 23/36. 23/4243 water consumption, 28/3-4 Inertia. moments of, 2/12-14 Influence lines in structural analysis. 3/19-22 for beams, 3/19-20 computers for, 3/22 Maxwell's reciprocal theorem in. 3/21 for model analysis, 3/21-2 Mueller-Breslau's principle in, 3/21 for statically indeterminate structures, 3/20-21 for trusses. plane. 3/20 Infra-red scanning. 7/16-17 Insect resistance of timber. 16/6 termite resistant construction. 16/10 Insulation of power house walls, 27/1 I sound, 21/20 thermal. 21/17 of roofs. 21/31 Insurance for demolition, 43/3 in plant operation, 36/15-16 Integration. 1/23-27 of fractions. 1/26-27 by parts. 1/25-26 by substitution. 1/24 successive, 1/23-24 by transformation, 1/24-25 Intermediate t&hnology. in sewage disposal. 29/25-26
International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). 18/36 International Union of Railways (UIC) loading recommendations, I9/8, 19/9 Ion exchange of sewage effluent, 29/21 Iron cast, water pipes, 28/5 maritime use, 31/25 pipes, for sewers, 28/6 for steel, 13/4 lrribarren equation for sea forces, 31/17 Irrigation, 30/3-9 canals control structures, 22/8 design, 30/9 crop water requirements, 30/3-4 efficiency, 30/4-5 methods, 30/6-9 sprinkler, 30/7-9 sub-irrigation. 30/9 surface, 30/6-7 trickle, 30/9 rainfall, effective. 30/5 salinity/leaching requirement. 30/5 with sewage emuent. 29/20 soil moisture. 30/3 Islands as arctic offshore structures, 44/12 construction by dredging. 41/1 I ltaipu Dam. 18/20-22 Jack-up rigs, 44/3 Jacking of pipes, 40/20 with slurry shields, 40/19 with steerable borers, 40/19-20 in tunnels, 40/22-23 for rock testing for design, 10/15 stress measurement, 10/36 Janbu's method for slope analysis. 9/25 Janssen's theory for bin loading. 19/5 Jetties. 26/9-10 Johnson parabola for column strength, 2/27-28 Jointing. 8/10. 8/12 in concrete. 37/17 formwork for, 35/9 in pipelines, 40/3 reinforced. 12/19-20 roads. 37/23 of rock igneous, 8/9 and mechanical properties, lO/20-23 Joosten grouting process, 9/41 Jump. hydraulic. in channel Row. 5/19, 22/3-2 I in stilling basins, 22/10, 22/12
Karst cycle of erosion, 8/24 Kinematic envelope, and railway clearances, 25/22 Kozeny's formula in soil permeability, 9/4 Lacey regime formulae, 30/14-15 Lagoons for sewage treatment, 29/20 Lame constants. 2/7 Lamellar pigments for steel, 4/26 Lamellar tearing in welded steel. 38/10 Lamination of steel plate, 38/10 see cr1.w Glued-laminated timber Land information systems (LIS). 6/28 Landform maps, 8/30
Landsat. 7/18-20, 7/26-27 Landscape Advisory Committee for roads, ' 23/5 Landscape in building projects. 21/9-10 Laser level, 6/14-15 Laterites, 8/17 Latrines, intermediate technology. 29/25 Lattice towers and masts, 13/17 Laybys, 23/48 Layers in grading, 34/5 in trenching, 34/6 in tunnelling. 34/9. 34/10 Leaching requirement for irrigation, 3O/M Lead risk in demolition, 43/9 Legislation on dams, 18/36 on highways. 23/3 on pipelines, 40/3 and temporary works, 35/3 see also Planning consent Levelling in vertical control, 6/18-19 grid, 6/19-20 trigonometrical, 6/20-2 I Levels, 6/12-15 automatic, 6/14 collimation error. 6/15 dumpy, 6/13 laser, 6/14-15 principle, 6/13 quick-set, in setting out. 34/3 tilting, 6/13 Licensing in plant operation. 36/15 Lifts in buildings, 21/22 Lighting of airports. 24/15 on chimneys, warning, 27/24 of interiors, 21/17-20 artificial, 21/19 daylight, 2 1/17-19 types of building, 21/19-20 of roads, 23/44 Lightning protection on chimneys, 27/24 Lime for grouting under foundations, 17/9 for soil stabilization, 9/43 Limestone landforms, 8/24 for water pumping, 28/1 I Limit states of structures, 21/32 aluminium, 14/10-1 I concrete, structural. 12/7-9 masonry, ISl4-5 steel, 13/25-26 temporary works, 35/3 Liners, plastic, durability, 4/24 Linescanner. thermal infra-red. 7/16 LiqueFaction of soil and slope stability, 9/27 Liquefied petroleum gas in caverns, 32/19 Liquid limit determination, 9/30 Lloyd-Davies method for runoff estimation, 23/26 for sewer design, 29/34 Llyn Brianne Dam. 18/1 I Load classification groups/number for pavements, 24/ 19-2 I Loadings. 19/1-16 assessment. 19/3 bins. 19/5 bridges, 20/31-32 railway, 19/8-9 road. 19/5-8 Building Regulations, 21/26 of culverts for cooling water. 27/18 earthquake effects, 19/14-15 on excavations. 35/16-17
Index110 Loadings, eonfinued on falsework, 35/13 on formwork, 35/74 on masonry walls, 15/8-10 occupancy loads, 19/3-5 from paper storage, 21/32 of pipes in trenches, 40/5-10 on power houses, 27/8-9 resistance of buildings horizontal, 21/35 vertical, 21/34-35 in rock, monitoring, 10/36 of scaffolding steel, 35/4 see olso under Wind Local Authorities in road planning, 23/7 Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, and water supply, 28/3 Location-time diagram. in project planning, 33/ I0 Locks, maritime, 26/15 Logarithms. 1/4 Lomes, for concrete. 37/1 I Lorry-mounted cranes, 37/12-13 Los Angeles test of rock abrasion, 10/8, 10/1 Lugeon test. for embankment dams, 18/32-3 Lunes. definition. I / I I Macadam. 23/31 Machinery, foundations for, 17/26-27 Magma and rock composition. 8/6-7 and rock form, 8/8-9 Magnesium in aluminium alloy, 14/67 Maintained load (ML) pile lest, 17/24 Management of projectsjcontracts, 33/1-18 appraisal. 33/11-13 evaluation, 33/12-I 3 risk/uncertainty, 33/12 cashflow, 33/7-8 commercial considerations. 33/67 COlltrdCtS, 33/14-15 cost estimating, 3YlO-l I requirements. 33/10-1 I techniques. 33/1 I measurement/valuation. 33/15-16 bills of quantities, 33/15-16 changes to quantitieslwork. 33/l method related charges. 33/16 pricing/tendering policy, 33/6 organization. 3 3 / 3 4 decision making/control. 33/5 of design/construction. 33/5 objectives. 33/5 project stages. 33/3, 33/5 safety. 33/6 planning. 33/8-10 compiling, 33/8 programming, 33/10 requirements of, 33/8 resource scheduling, 33/8. 33/10 problems, 33/3 projects, 33/16-18 guidelines for management. 3/17-18 Manganese in aluminium alloy. 14/7 Manning equation/formula for canal design, 30/9 for pipe friction, 5/9-10 Mapping. topographic. with aerial photogrammetry. 7/11-12 flight planning, 7/11-12 triangulation, 7/12 Maps general, 8/28-29 geological, 8/28-30 Ordnance Survey, 23/4
in site investigation. 11/16 special, 8/29-30 MARCH for road maintenance, 23/56 Marine structures, see Coastal/maritime engineering Marston method for pipe loading, 40/5 Masonry, load bearing. 15/1-17, 21/29 applications, 15/13-17 boundary walls, 15/14 bridges, 15/16-17 high-rise buildings. 15/13-14 low-rise buildings, 15/14 retaining walls, 15/14-16 cement for, 4/4 codes of practice. 15/34 durability in foundations, 17/30 history and recent revival. 15/3 limit state principles, 1 5 / 6 5 material properties, I5/3 reinforced durability. 15/13 performance, 15/12-13 uses, 15/13 YS. prestressed. 15/12-13 stability, dimensional, 15/13 unreinforced, I5/1-I I accidektal forces, I5/1 I failure in compression. 15/5-7 loading, 15/8-10 slenderness, I5/8 stability/robustness. I5/lO-l I Mass movements. periglacial, 8/23 Masts, 13/17 demolition, 43/8 Materials. information sources, 4/3 see d s o Brickwork; Concrete; Masonry; Plastics/rubbers; Steel Mathematics 1/1-27 see o h Statistics Matrix algebra, 1/27 Maxwell's reciprocal theorem. 3/21 Mean. arithmetic. 1/29 Meanders. river, 8/25 Median, 1/29 Megget Dam. 18/9-1 I Meicende Dam. 18/20 Membrane structures. 21/42 Metamorphic rocks, 8/9-10 Meteorology and airport location, 24/5 data recording and sea conditions, 31/23 see oLo Rainfall Meters for currents. maritime. 3 1/21 for pipe flow, 5/14-15 Microstrainers for sewage. 29/20 Microtunnelling, 40/1620 convergent/expansive techniques, 40/17. ,0/19 design, 40/16 drilling, directional. 40/20 jacking with borers. 40/19-20 with slurry slides, 40/19 moling. impact, 40/20 ramming. 40/20 site investigation for. 40/1617. 40/21 MlDAS for urban traffic management, 23/49 Millscale on steel. removal of. 4/24 Mining subsidence, foundations and. 17/27-28 Minitunnel lining system. h0/22 Mixers for concrete, 37/5-7 Models in coastal engineering. 31/17-19 in ground investigation. 11/19-20 in hydrodynamic analysis, 5/2627 ships. 5/26
in rock engineering design, 10/25-26, 10/27 in structural analysis, 3/21-22 terrain digital, 7/12-13 in traffic appraisal. 23/74 Modular optoelectronic multispectral scanner (MOMS). 7/20 Moh's scale of hardness. 10/1 1-12 Mohr's circle for rock. 10/19 for shear strength of soil, 9/4 of stress, 2/5 in stress/strain measurement, 2/1 I Moling drainage, 30/12 impact. 40/20 Moment distribution method in structural analysis. 3/16-19 field end moments, 3/ 16-1 7 with sway, 3/18 without sway, 3/17-18 Monel metal for maritime use, 31/26 Monitoring of deformation. 6/2O-26 computation processes. 6/23-26 deformation analysis, 6/26 network precision, 6/24-25 network reliability. 6/25-26 monitoring points, 6/23 reference points. 6/21-23 of rock movement. 10/35 Monocomparators. 7 / 7 4 Monte Carlo simuhlion in project evaluation, 33/ I3 Moon. and tides, 31/3 Moraine, 8/21 Morgenstern and Price's method for slope analysis. 9/25-27 Mortars for concrete joints. 37/17 resin. 4/24 MOSS surveying/engineering design system. 6/27 for road layout. 23/16 Motor Vehicles Regulations. 36/15 Motorways service areas. 23/46. 23/48 telephones/signals. 23/45 traffic COUIlIS. 19/6 .see olso Highways Movement of buildings. 21/34 high-rise, 21/40, 21/42 in masonry, IS/I3 in timber, 16/4 Mueller-Breslau's principle in indeterminate structure analysis. 3/21 Multi-storey buildings water supply. 21/21 see ulso High-rise buildings Mussel growth in cooling water culverts. 27/19 Nailed timber joints, 16/9 National Motorway Communications Systems (NMCS). 23/45 Navier equations in elastic analysis. 2/9 Needle valves, 22/30 Network analysis in project planning. 33/10 Networks. computers for. 1/37 Neves Dam, 18/27-29 New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM). 32/ I4 Nixon regime formulae. 30/15 Noise from airportspaircraft. 24/3 barriers on roads. 23/46 from bucket dredgers. 41/3 control in buildings. 21/20
Index/ll Noise. conrinucd from demolition, 43/10 in road scheme appraisal. 2311 1-12 Non-Newtonian fluids, 5 / 3 4 Notches, see Weirs and notches Nozzles and pipe flow, 5/13 .Nuclear reactors, 27/24-27 buildings for, 27/26-27 foundations, 27/25-26 pressure vessel, 27/25 Numerical methods in rock engineering design, 10/26 Oedometer test. 9/34 Offices floor loading from filing,,21/32 lighting. 21/19 Offshore construction. 44/1-17 analysis. 44/14 arctic, 44/12-13 codes/regulations. 44/14-15 construction stages, 44/6-10 fabrication, 4 4 / 6 4 factors affecting. 44/10 hook-up/commissioning. 44/9- 10 installation, 44/9 launching, 44/8-9 transporration. 44/9 lacilities, 44/13-14 inspection. 44/15-1 6 organization/management, 44/ I 5 protection, cathodic. 44/16 removal, 44/16-17 repairlmaintenance. 44114- I6 structures, 4 4 / 3 4 concrete. 44/10-12 fixed, 44/3 floating, 44/3. 44/6 jack-up rigs. 44/3 steel, 13/17-18 work schedule and costs. 44/14 see also Coastal/maritime engineering; Diving Oil resistance of plastics/rubbers, 4/ 19 storage in caverns, 32/19 Oolites for water pumping, 28/10 Optical distance measurement (ODM), 6/8-10 subtense bar, 6/9-10 tacheometry, 6/8-9 Ordnance Datum/bench marks. 6/19 Ordnance Survey digital mapping, 6/26-27 maps, 23/4 Organic soils, and site investigation, I I / I I Orifices, hydrodynamics of, 5/19-20 rounded, 5/20 sharp-edged. 5/19 submerged, 5/20 time of dishcarge, 5/20 Orthophoto systems, 7/1 I OSCADY for uban traffic management. 23/49 Oscillations, bridge, and subjective reaction, 20/36-37 Osmosis, reverse for desalination. 28/19 of sewage effluent, 29/21 Oxidation ponds, 29/19 Oxygen demand of sewage, 29/1 I Ozonation of sewage effluent, 29/20 Ozone resistance of plastics/rubbers, 4/19 Pad foundations, 17/54 definition, 17/4 design, structural 17/74
Painting of aluminium, 14/10 of steel. 4/24. 4/26 sec Corrosion protection Pallets for cargoes. 26/4 Parabola as conic section. 1/17 properties. 1/17-18 Parallax in photogrammetry, 714 Parallel axis theorem. 2/12 Parking in urban areas. 23/51 see also Car parks Particle size distribution, laboratory determination. 9/30 Partitions. interior, 21/31 Pavements aircraft. 24/16-21 composite, 24/18 construction. 24/16 design. UK. 24/19-21 flexible. 24/ I8 function/requirements. 24/16 overlays. 24/18-19 rigid, 24/16-18 in port areas, 26/15-16 for roads. 23/30-44 block paving. 23/43-44 cappinglsub-base. 23/31 design advice. 2Y30-31 in devloping countries. 23/58-59 flexible/flexiblecomposite. 23/3 1-32. 23/36 industrial use. 23/36. 23/42-43 light use design, 23/36 rigid. 23/36 Pedestrians facilities for. 23/51 and road junctions, 23/21 Penetration tests in ground investigation, 11/17 split barrel sampler for. 9/34 standard. for settlement in granular soils, 9/15-16 Penman method for evapotranspiration, 30/3 Periglacial soils. 8/23-24 Permafrost, 8/23 and site investigation. I I / I I Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC), 41/13 report on disposal. 41/42 Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC), 23/4 Permeability estimation for drainage, 9/37 rock testing. for design, IOj13 of soils, 9 / 4 5 Perry-Robertson formula for column strength. 2/28 Personnel for plant maintenance. 36/14 for steel erecting. 39/9 pH control of sewage, 29/1&15 in water treatment. 28/20. 28/21 Photoelastic stress measurements, 211 I Photogrammetry. 7/3-14 aerial, 7/1 1-13 digital terrain models, 7/12-13 monitoring deformation, 7/13 topographic mapping, 7/1I-I 2 close-range, 7/13-14 laboratory applications, 7/14 monitoring of deformation. 7/13-14 slope/rock stability, 7/14 tunnel profiling, 7/14
instrumentation. 7/5-1 I cameras. 7/5-7 single-photograph, 7 / 7 4 stereoscopic. 7/8-1 I principles, 7/3-5 afld~ylicdl.7/4-5 geometry of a photograph, 7 / 3 4 stereoscopy/parallax. 7/4 for rock movement monitoring, 10135 see Remote sensing Photography, underwater, 4219 see ulso Photogrammetry; Remote sensing PICADY for urban traffic management. 23/49 Piers for ship berthing. 26/9 Pieve di Cadore Dam, 18/24. 18/25-26 Piezometers in rock drillholes. 10/35 Pigments for concrete, 4/8 Piled foundations. 17/18-24 anchoring. 17/23 caps, 17/23-24 definitions, 17/10 displacement, 17/18 concrete. precastlprestressed. 17/19-21 drivenlcast-in-place. 17/18, 17/22 steel, 17/21 timber. 17/19 in fill, 17/27 ground beams. 17/24 raking piles, 17/23 replacement. 17/18-19 auger-injected. 17/23 concrete for. 17/23 percussion bored. 17/23 rotary bored, 17/22-23 testing. 17/24 Pileslpiling bored contiguous. 17/26 for groundwater exclusion, 9/40 for breakwaters, 31/33 capacity determination groups of piles. 9/35 single piles, 9/35-36 on clay, 9/36-31 in channels, open, 22/10 displacement. durability of. 17/29-30 for excavation support. 17/12. 35/16, 35/18 frames, 40/13,40/14 for groundwater exclusion, 9/40 for maritime use. 31/25 for offshore structures, 44/9 for revetments. 30/19 on rock. 9/35 on sand/gravel. deep, 9/35-36 setting-out for. 34/8 in temporary works, 35/6 in water. forces on, 31/15 see Bulkheads. anchored Pipelines costs. 40/29 appraisal. 40/29-30 construction, 40/30-3 1 joints, 40/3 maritime outfall. 31/34 sea-bed, forces on, 3 I / I5 materials. 4013 railway crossing. 25/2 I rehabilitation. 40/25-29 for road drainage. 23/30 routing. 40/3 working in confined spaces, 40/23-25 see ulso Microtunnelling; Trenches see also under Tunnelling Pipelines Act, 1967, 23/3 Pipes flow in, see under Hydrodynamics
Pipes, continued laying, setting out for, 34/6 in road drainage, 23/27-28 Tor sewers. 28/6. 29/74 in trenches loadings. @/5-10 properties. 40/3 protection, 40/15 strength, 40/10 testing. 40/15 for water transmission. 2 8 / 4 4 design, 28/6 flow in, 28/6 materials. 28/54 see abo Hydraulic structures Piping factor of safety. flow net for, 9/29 in open channels, 22/10 Pitch paints, 4/26 Planning consent for building, 21/1 I for roads, 23/7 Planning of projects. 33/8-10 compiling, 3318 programming, 33/10 remote sensing for. 7/27 requirements of. 33/8 resource scheduling, 33/8. 33/10 Plant. 36/1-17 for building services. 21/14 central heating, 21/21 for concrete pavements, 23/36 for concrete. ready-mixed, 37/8-10 semiimobile, 37/9 stationary, 37/8-9 truck mixers, 37/9-10 control, 36/16-17 financial, 36/16-17 operational, 36/16 for demolition, 43/64 hire, 36/8-10 vs. buy. 3619 industry. recent development, 36/3 the market, 36/9-10 philosophy. 36/8 rate calculation. 36/8-9 industrial, structural steel for, 13/16 insurance. 36/15-16 licensing, 36/15 maintenance. 36/i2-14 equipment for. 36/13-14 staff, 36/14 systems. 3611 2-13 output/production, 36/1&12 calculation of optimum, 36/10-l I human errors, 36/12 reducing factors, 36/11-12 for rock excavation, l o p 3 rollers/compactors, 9/43 selection. 36/44 factors in. 36/3 methods/procedures. 36/54 principles, 36/65 spares/stock control, 36/14-15 static. foundations for, 17/26-27 see also Dredging Plastic analysis definitions, 3/26-27 examples, 3/28-31 continuous beam, 3/29 pitched roof frame, 3lW-31 portal frame. 3/29-30 propped cantilevers. 3/28-29 theorems/principles, 3/27-28 Plastic design for stcel structures. 13/24 Plastic limit. determination in soils, 9/30
Plasticizers for concrete, 4/7 in thermoplastics, and bonding, 4/21 Plastics/rubbers, 4/18-24 applications. 4/2 I compounding/procffsing. 4/20 definitions, 4/18-19 Fabrication. 4/20-21 contact moulding, 4/21 foamed/expanded. 4/2 I. 4/24 identification, 4/21 for maritime use. 31/26 properties mechanical, 4/19-20 , physical/chemical. 4/ 19 for sewer pipes, 28/6 for sheathing of basements, 17/11 for temporary works, 35/5 Plate bearing tests. 9/33 of rock. 10/13. 10/15 Plate tectonics. 8/4 Plywood assemblies. I6/X for temporary works. 3 5 / 6 5 Pneumatic construction. 21/42 Pneumatic tools for divers. 42/8-9 Poker vibrators. 37/19-20 Polders. 4 I /9-I 0 Pollution ground investigation and contamination, 11/65. 11/12 from road drainage. control. 23/30 in sed. detection, 31/22 in sewage, 29/5 from storm runoff, 29/4 of water from sewage. 29/12 .see ob0 Noise Polymers definition. 4/18 polypropylene sheets for scour protection. 22/15 polyurethane paints. 4/26 polyvinylchloride pipes for maritime use. 31/26 for water. 2X/5-6 Population. statistical. 1/29 representations. 1/30 Pore presssure in dams concrete, 28/ I8 earth. 28/16 in soil, and effective stress, 9/3 Porosity of rock, laboratory testing, IO/8 Portal frames, 21/42 Portland cements. 4 / 3 4 Ports, 26/ I- I6 berths marginal, 26/7 roll-on roll-off. 26/1&12 dolphins. 26/10 durability/mainlenance, 26/16 rendering, 26/12-I 5 energy equation, 26/13-15 factor of safety, 26/15 structural considerations. 26/15 systems, attached/detached. 26/13 jetties, 26/9-10 loads, 26/12 locks, 26/ I5 navigation requirements. 26/67 pavements, 26/15-16 piers, 26/9 planning. 2 6 / 3 4 cargo handling, 26/5 cargo types, 26/34 land area/access, 2615
other facilities. 26/54 vessels handled, 2 6 / 6 5 Power transmission lines, 27/28-34 conductors, 27/29 design standards. 27/29 'galloping'. 19/4 sags/tensions. 27/29-3 I supports. 27/3 1-34 demolition, 43/8 steel. 13/17 see also Electricity supply; Transmission towers Pozzolanic cement, 4/4 Pozzolans. 4/5 Prandtl equation, 5/8 Precast concrete. 12129-3 I. 37/3 1-32 Precedence diagrams in project planning, 33/10 Preloading for deep improvement, 9/42 for foundations, shallow, 17/9 'Prepakt' grout. 9/41 Preservative treatment of timber, 16/6 for maritime use, 3 I I25 Pressure-momentum theorem. 22/3 Pressure monitoring in rock, 10/36 uplift, flow net for, 9/29 see a l o Earth pressure Prestressed concrete. 12/21-29 beams, 12/26-27 columns, 12/28 losses of prestress. 12/24-25 serviceabihly prestress and, 12/23-24 requirements, 12/21-23 secondary reinforcement. 12/29 slabs. 12/27 stress limitations, 12/25 with tendons, 12/3 tendon/reinforcement requirements, I 2/28-29 tension members, 12/28 Prestressing of masonry, I5/12- I3 Preweakening in demolition. 43/6 Primers for steel, 4/26 Principal component analysis for image enhancement. 7/26 Probabilistic approach to hazard. 21/33 Probable maximum flood (PMF), 28/15 Profile dredgers. 41/6 Profiles in setting out. 34/14 Progressions. algebraic. I /4 Proof stress, 2/8 Props in temporary works. 35/6 Public consultation/enquiry for road schemes, 23/54 Public Utilities Street Works Act 1950. 23/34 Pulverized fuel ash, 4/5 cement. 4/4 Pumped storage in electricity generation, 27/27-28 Pumping of concrete. 37/13-15 for offshore construction. 44/1 I of dredged fill. 41/10-1 I river stations, 30/25-26 of sewage, 28/9-10 of water. 28/10-12 Pumps for cooling water. 27/17-18 river, 30/24-25 for sewage. 29/13 Pusher arms, for demolition, 43/6-7 Pylons. see Transmission towers
Quadratic equations, I /3 QUADRO 2 traffic program. 23/10 Quality assurance in project management, 33/54 Quality control of concrete, ready-mixed, 1/35, 37/10 in project management, 33/5 statistics in, 1/34-35
Racking resistance of timber frame, 16/10 Radar. side-looking airborne, 7/ 17-1 8 Radian. 1/6 Radio ranging, 31/20 Radioactive waste underground storage, I0/3 I Raft foundations. 17/7 buoyancy. I7/ I3 definition, 17/9 definition. 17/4 design, structural. 17/8-9 on fill, 17/27 Railways, 25/1-25 ballast, 25/4-5 track profile, 25/5 earthworks, 2 5 / 3 4 cuttings, 25/3 embankments, 25/34 gradient/alignment, 2513 site investigation, 25/3 fastenings. 25/9-10 loading recommendations, 19/8, 19/9 rails, 25/10-12 Failures, 25/11-12 research/development/collaboralion, 25/23 sleepers, 25/67 concrete, 25/7 steel, 25/6-7 timber, 25/6 structures. 25/20-23 bridges, 19/8-9. 25/2 1-22 clearances, 25/22 electrification, I3/ I7 inspection/maintenance, 25/22-23 refuges, 25/22 stations. 25/20-21 switches/crossings, 25/15-16 leads, 25/16 track curved, 25/12-14 maintenance/renewal. 25/ 18-20 slab, 25/16-18 welded, 25/1.4-15 Rainfall data sources, 23/26 effective, 30/5 formulae for flood flow, 30/13-14 in reservoir economics, 28/13-14 Ramming pipes, 40/20 Ranging radio. 3 I /20 of waves in harbour basins, 31/12 Rankine formula for column strength, 2/27 Rapid Analysis Machine (RAM) for fresh concrete, 4/ 17 Rational Method, see Lloyd-Davies method Raymond step taper pile, 17/22 Ready-mixed concrete, 37/8-10 advantages, 37/8 plant. 37/8-10 semi-mobile, 37/9 stationary, 37/8-9 truck mixers, 37/9-10 quality control. 1/35. 37/10 Reclamation works with dredgers, 41/9-1 I Regression in straight line fitting, 1/34
Reinforced concrete, 12/14-21 bar curtailment/anchorage. I2/2&2 I beams, 2/17, 12/14-17 design, 12/13-14 bond/anchorage, 12/19 columns, I21I8 cover, 12/19 laps/joints, 12/19-20 reinforcement limits, I2/2 I spacing, 12/19 retaining walls. cantilevered. 17/25 roads, 37/22-23 slabs, I2/ 17-1 8 walls, 12/14. 12/18 Reinforced masonry durability, 15/13 performance, 15/12-13 YS. prestressed. 15/12-13 uses. 15/13 for boundary walls, 15/14 for retaining walls, 15/14-16 Reinforced soil, 9/41-42. 17/26 Remote sensing, 7/14-29 airborne systems, 7/15-18 infra-red scanning, thermal, 7/16-17 multispectral scanner. 7/16 photography, 7/15-16 radar, side-looking, 7/17-18 applications. 7/26-27 construction, 7/27 design, 7/27 maintenance, 7/27 preliminary planing/feasibility, 7/27 reconnaissance investigation, 7/26-27 data sources aerial photography. 7/28-29 satellite, 7/27-28 digital image processing, 7/22-26 hardware. 7/23 software. 7/23-26 electromagnetic spectrum and, 7/14-15 satellite systems, 7/18-22 active systems. 7/22 passive systems, 7/18-22 system classification, 7/15 Remotely operated vehicles (ROV), 42/12 Replacement piles, see Bored piles Reservoirs formation, 28/14-18 ancillary structure. 28/15 dams, see Dams and floods, 28/ I5 outlets, 22/25-26 intakes, 22/25-26 screens, 22/26 vortices, 22/26 pumped storage, 28/18 raised lakes, 28/18 schemes, 28/12-14 catchwaters, 28/14 development, 28/12-13 economics, yield/storage, 28/13-14 geology, 28/13 see olso Spillways Reservoirs Acts 1930/1975. 18/36 Residual soils, humid tropical, 8/17, 8/19-20 Resin mortars, 4/24 Resource maps, 8/30 scheduling, in project planning, 33/10 Respiratory protection in demolition, 43/9 Retaining walls, 17/24-26 for basement foundations, 17/11 buttressed, 17/26 cantilevered, 17/25
contiguous bored piles, 17/26 counterfort, 17/25 gravity, 17/24-26 masonry for, 15/14-16 materials/stresses, 17/26 monitoring by photogrammetry, 7/13-14 rock pressure. 10/36 reinforced earth, 17/26 riverside. 30/22 tied back, 17/26 see also Bulkheads, anchored; Earth pressure Retarders for concrete, 4/8 Return periods in hydrology, 30/13 Revelments, 30/17-19 brushwood, 30/17-18 concrete/geotextiles, 30/19 gabions, 30/19 stone, 30/18-19 Reynolds number and head loss in conduits, 22/16 in wind loading, 19/1I and wind oscillation, 19/13, 19/14 Rib ratio (RR) for rock support. 10/17 Rip-rap for scour protection. 22/15 ' martime use, 31/17 Rippers, rock. 10/33 Rivers alluvial, control structures. 22/74 alluvium deposition, 8/28 catchwater drains, 30/21 channels clearance, 30/17 design, 30/16-17 realignment, 30/17 regime, 30/14-15 revetments/lining, 30/17-19 detention basins, 30/21 as drains. 30/12 erosion cycle, 8/24-25 hydrology, 30/13-14 flood flow, 30/!3-14 measurement, 30/13 statistics, 30/13 models, 5/26 pumping, 30/24-26 sediment transport, 30/15-16 Structures bridges. 30/22 embankments, 30/19-20 flood walls, 30/21 gates, control, 30/23-24 outfalls, tidal, 30/24 retaining walls, 30/22 weirs, 30/22-23 washlands, 30/21 Riveting of aluminium, 14/8 design, 14/14 Roads bridges, loading, 19/54 depth of site investigation. 11/11 excavation blasting, 10/33 mechanical, 10/33 of ice to offshore structures, 44/13 material selection for, 10/16 in tunnels, precast. 37/31 see also Highways Robustness of buildings, 21/33 Building Regulations on, 12/13 masonry, l5/l0-l I Rock construction methods, lO/33-34 excavation, 10/32-33 support, 10/33-34
Rock, conrinued construction monitoring, 10/34-36 movement. 10/35 pressure/load, 10/36 stress measurement, 10/35-36 water pressure/flow, 10/35 description, systematic, 11/27, I1/30-31. 11/32-33 design methods, 10/23-32 computational. I0/26-28 empirical. 10/24 foundations, 10/31 models/analogue. 10/25-26 numerical, 1\0/25-26 slopes, lO/28-30 underground openings, 10/31-32 hydrogeology/void space, 10/4-5 joints/discontinuities, I0/20-23 for maritime works, 31/24 mass properties, 10/17-23 classification, 10/17-18. 32/18 deformability. 10/18 mechanics/engineering principles, 1 0 / 3 4 scope, 10/3 pile capacity on. 9/35 stresses in. 10/5-6 . structure. 10/4 rating (RSR), 10/17 tests. 10/6-16 design tests, 10/13 field index, 10/12-13 laboratory index, 10/8-12 and selection of materials. 10/15-16 support. 10/34 . bolts, see Rockbolts Rockbolts, 10/33-34 friction-anchored, 10/34 fully-bonded, 10/33 grouting, 10/34 joint-anchored, 10/33-34 load monitoring, l0/36 for tunnel temporary support. 32/13 Rockfill. material selection for, 10/15 see also under Dams Roll-on/roll-off berths, 26/10-12 vessels, 26/5 Rollcrete dams, 18/14. 18/16-17, 37/26-27 design concepts, 18/34-36 Rollers, 9/43 Rolling mills for steel, 13/67 Roofs, 2 I /30-3 I pitched. frames for. 3/30-31 of power houses, 27/10-1 I Rotating biological contractors (RBC), 29/ 17-1 8 Roundabouts. traffic, 23/50 Rubber$aints, chlorinated, 4/26 see also Plastics/rubbers Runoff from roads, estimation, 23/26-27 storm, and pollution. 29/4 Runways definitions. 24/23 drainage, 24/21-22 layout and operation, 24/9 standards, 2 4 / 5 4 Safety in construction, 33/6 in demolition, 43/9-10 . on roads. fences/barrien, 23/46 in steel erection, 39/%'10 in trenching. 40/15-16 see also Factors of safety
Sainflou method for wave forces, 31/16 SI Vcnant's theory for bars, uniform, 2/23 for beams deflection, 2/21 shear stresses, 2/19 for non-uniform torsion, 2/24-25 Saline wedge in estuaries, 31/14 Salinity from irrigation, 30/5 see also Desalination Salt as aggregate contaminant. 4/7 Samples, statistical. 1/28-29 and population, 1/30 Sampling for digital terrain models, 7/13 of sewage, 29/1 I in site investigation. I l/l'7 contaminated sites, 11/12 split barrel sampler, 9/34 Sand filters, 29/19 Sand mastic, 3 I /26 Sand/gravel. pile capacity on, 9/35-36 Sandslones, for water pumping. 28/10, 28/11 Sandwicks, 9/39 Satellite remote sensing, 7/18-22 active satellite development. 7/22 Landsat, 7/18-20 modular optoelectronic multispectral scanner (MOMS), 7/20 Systeme Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), 7/20-22 SATURN for urban traffic management, 23/49 Scaffolding access, 35/15 prefabricated. 35/6 steel. 35/4 tower. 35/15 Scaling. see Models Scanners multi-spectral, in remote sensing, 7/16 thermal infra-red. 7/16-17 Scend oscillaltion in harbour basins. 31/12 Schmidt rebound hammer, for rock hardness, lO/l I indices for. 10/12 for rock strength. and jointing, 10/23 School lighting. 21/20 SCOOT for traffic signal control, 23/50 Scour by open channels depth, 22/14-15 protection. 22/ I5 at river bridges, 30/22 Screens in reservoir outlets, 22/26 %abed surveying, 3 I /20-2 I below seabed, 31/21 SeawallS. 3 I /26-28 forces on. 31/16-17 overtopping modelling, 31/18 see ul.~oCoasval/maritime engineering Secant formula for column strength, 2/28 Security airport. 24/15 of buildings, 21/27-28 Sedimentary rocks, 8 / 5 4 deposition environments, 8/6 in slraligraphy, 8 / 3 4 and weathering. 11/54 Sedimentation in harbours. 26/3 of sewage, 29/15 Sediments seabed/littoral. 31/12-14 beach sorting, 31/13 drift, littoral. 31/14
erosion/accretion. 3 1/13 modelling, 31/19 sources, 31/12 stability estimation, 31/23 transport, 3 I / I 2-1 3 transport. 5/24, 30/15 see also Alluvial soils; Alluvium Seepage, see Flow nets Seismic surveys refractive, 10/12 of seabed, 31/21 Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA), see Aqualung Septic tanks, 29/16. 29/25-26 Services to buildings accommodation, 21 / 13-14 consultations for. 21/1 I design, computers in, 21/14 disconnection/diversion in demolition. 43/3 Setting-out on site, 34/1-10 in buildings, 34/7-8 for excavation/grading. 34/54 for foundations, 3 4 / 6 7 instruments in, 34/3 for marine structures, 34/9 principles, 34/3 survey/preparations. 3 4 / 4 5 for.tall structures, 34/8-9 for trenching/pipelaying. 34/6 for tunnelling, 34/9-10 working procedures, 34/34 Settlement of foundations, 9/9-17 in clay soils, 9/9-15 depth corrections. 9/16-17 differential, and design, I7/4 in granular soils, 9/15-16 monitoring, see under Deformation and pipe loading. 40/9 from tunnelling. 32/16 from water lowering, 9/38-39 Sewage, 29/65 flow, 29/4-5 pohlion load, 29/5 in sea. detection, 31/22 sed discharge, 31/14-15 treatment. 29/11-26 advanced, 29/20-21 biological, 29/16-19 effluent disposal, 29/12-13 and industrial effluents, 29/12 intermediate technology. 29/25-26 preliminary, 29/13-15 primary, 29/15-16 sampling/analysis. 29/11-12 sewage characteristics. 29/1 I sludge. treatment, 29/21-24 tertiary. 29/19-20 treatability. 29/12 Sewers. 29/3-1 I construction, 29/10-1 I definitions. 29/3 maintenance/renovation, 29/ I I . pumping, 29/9-10 storm sewer design, 29/34 Modified Rational Method, 19/34 Wallingford procedure, 29/3 system design, 29/54 ancillary structures, 29/8 Colebrook-White formula. 29/5 materials, 29/67 parameters. 29/5 pipes, 29/6. 29/74 Shaft foundations, 17/17-18 definition, 17/10 Shafts. seawater invdke/outfa\l, 3 1/34
Index/l5 Shear of beams axis. 2/21 prestressed concrete, 12/26-27 centre, and SI Venant's theory, 2/19-21 lag, in bridges, and concentrated load, 20/33 modulus, 2/7 strength of beams, 12/15-16 of rocks, and jointing, 10/21-23 of slabs. 12/17 of soils, 9 / 3 4 strip, for rock monitoring, 10135 testing of rock, direct, 10/13 of soils, 9/33-34 Shears, hydraulic, 43/7 Sheet piles for breakwaters. 31/33 for excavation support. 17/12, 35/16 and water, 35/18 for groundwater exclusion, 9/40 for maritime use, 31/25 for revelments. 30/19 Sheeting, for excavation support. 35/16 Shield tunnelling, 3 2 / 6 5 bentonite. 32/6 Shields in pipe jacking, 40/19 for trench support, 40/14 Ships classification/description~26/4-5 in harbour, ranging, 31/12 interactions on passing, 26/6 models, 5/26 turning circles, 26/7 see also Harbours; Ports Shore scleroscope for rock hardness, 10/1I coefficient of plasticity, lO/12 Shoring for demolition. 43/4 Shotcrete, 37/28-29 in tunnel temporary support, 32/13 Shuttering, see Formwork SI units, 4 5 / 3 4 conversion factors. 45/54 Side-looking airborne radar (SLAR). 7/17-18 Signs aircraft ground movement, 24/22 road, 23/44-45 Silica fume. condensed. 4/5 Silicon in aluminium alloy, 14/6 Sills, geological, 8/9 Silo loading, 19/5 Silt movement in estuaries and dredging, 31/14 modelling, 31/IR Simpson's rule for plane areas, 1/16 Siphon spillways, 22/23-24 Siphons in pipe flow, 5/12-13 Site appraisal for building, 21/9 Site investigation, 11/1-38 boreholelpit logs, 11/27, 11/34-37. 11/38 for dredging, 41/1 I examination of site, I1/4 littoral, 31/19 for pipelaying, 40/10 preliminary. I I/3 for railways, 25/3 rock description, systematic, 11/27, 11/30-31, 11/32-33 soils classification. 11/27. 11/28, 11/29 description systematic, 11/16-27 for tunnels, 32/3 for microtunnelling, 40/16--17.40/21 see also Ground investigation; Setting-out on site
Skid resistance testing, 23/56 Skips for concrete distribution. 37/13 placement underwater, 37/19 Slabs, concrete, reinforced/prestressed design, 12/13-14 continuous/two-way 12/14 flat, 12/14 prestressed. 12/27 reinforced, 12/17-18 Slake durabilility testing of rock, lO/8 Slave valves, 22/20-32 Sleepers, 25/67 concrete, 25/7 steel, 25/67 timber. 25/6 Slipforming of concrete for offshore construction. 44/1 I for paving, 37/24-25 vertical, 35/12-13, 37/27-28 Slipways for offshore structures, 44/13 slope stability. 9/22-27 analysis, 9/23-27 circular slips, 9/24-25 method of slices, 9/23-24 non-circular slips, 9/25-27 short-term stability, 9/24 flow sides, 9/27 and photogrammetry, 7/14 protective/remedial measures, 9/27 of railway cuttings. 25/3 Sludge disposal, 29/24-25 gas. 29/23 treatment, 29/2 1-24 Sluice gates and channel flow, 5/ I7 models, 5/26 Sodium silicate grouts. 9/41 Soffits. formwork for. 35/11-12 Software, I/3S for Digital Image Processing. 7/23-26 for roads bayout, 23/16 maintenance, 23/56 specific vs. general purpose, 1/38 for traffic appraisal, 23/10 urban management, 23/49, 23/50 Soils alluvial classification, 2/26-27 deposition, 8/28 and erosion cycle, 8/2425 river, 8/24-28 classification, 11/27 desert, 8/20 formation/origin, 8/16 glacial. 8/20-23 identification/description.I I /24-25 systematic, 11/26-27 maps. 8/30 mechanics. 91i-45 consolidation, 915 definitions/terms, 9/29 design and limit states. 9 / 6 7 effective stress. 913 oermeabilitv. 9 / 4 5 shear strength.'9/34 moisture content, 30/3 periglacial, 8/2>24 problem types. and site investigation, I I / I I testing, laboratory, 9/29-35 chemical classification, 9/32 compaction, 9/32-33 consolidation, 9/34-35 physical classification, 9/30-32
strength, 9/33-34 tropical, residual, 8/17, 8/19-20 see also Earth pressure; Foundations; Reinforced soils; Seepage and flow nets; Slope stability; Stabilization of soils Soldiers in temporary works, 35/6 Sonar equipment in seabed surveying, 3 1/20-2 I Sondes, 40/17 Spalling of concrete in fire, 12/33 Specific gravity of soil particles, 9/30 Spiles in tunnelling, 32/13 Spillways, 22/20-25 bellmouth/closed conduit, 22/22-23 channel, 22/21 chutes, 22/24-25 energy dissipation, 22/25 models, 5/26 outlets. low-level, 22/21-22 purposes, 22/20-21 siphon, 22/23-24 types, 22/20 weirs, 22/21 Split barrel sampler, 9/34 SPOT,7/20-22 Spreadsheets, 1/37 Sprinkler irrigation, 30/7-9 Stabilization of soils, 9/43-44 limitations, 9/44 materials, 9/43 methods, 9/43-44 Staff, see Personnel Stairways in railway stations, 25/20 Standard deviation. 1/29-30 ratios, 1/33 Standard error, 1/30 in surveying, 6/4 a posteriori, in deformation computation, 6/26 Standardslcodes of practice for airports, 24/54 aprons. 24/7 obstruction surfaces, 24/74 reference codes, 24/5 runways, 24/54 taxiways, 24/6 for aluminium design, 14/10 for bolting. 13/27 for building structure. 21/26 for column design, 2/28-29 for concrete materials, 4/27-28 reinforcedjprestressed, I2/3, I2/4, I2/ I4 for conductors. 27/29 for demolition, 43/4 for drainage from buildings, 21/21 for fire in roofs, 21/31 for foundation loading, 17/3 for lifts/escalators, 2 1/22 for masonry, 1 5 / 3 4 for office loadings, 19/4 for offshore construction, 44/14-15 for plastic materials, 4/27-28 for rails, 25/1 I for scaffolding, 35/15 tube loading, 35/4 for steels, structural materials. 13/11-12 Shapes, 13/12-13 for steelwork loading, 2718 structu-ral, I 3 p - 4 for timber, 16/3 fmtenings, 16/8 strength, l6/6 for water supply, 21/21 for welding, 13/27
Index/l6 Standing wave, 5/19, 31/6 in harbour basins, 31/12 Stations. railway. 25/20-21 Statistics, 1/28-35 in confidence limits, 1/30-32 definitions. 1/28-29 in deformation computation, 6/24-26 dispersion, 1/29-30 in experimentation, industrial 1/30-34 location, 1/29 means, comparison, 1/33 samples/population representation. 1/30 standard deviation ratios, 1/33 straight-line fitting, 1/34 for surveying errors, 6/4 tolerance and quality control, 1/34-35 variance analysis, 1/33-34 Steel. 21/28-29 vs. aluminium, 14/4 for concrete reinforcing fire resistance, 12/6, I2/ 12, 12/28. 12/32-33, 21/28, 21/29 quality and salinity. 37/35 strength, 12/9 beams, 13/20 for cooling water culverts. 27/18-19 corrosion protection, 4/24. 4/26 lamination, 38/10 maritime use, 31/25 stainless, 31/25-26 piles, 17/21-22 durability, 11/30 for prestressing tendons. 12/23-24 sleepers, 25/6-7 stainless, for masonry reinforcement, 15/13 for temporary works, 3 5 / 3 4 tunnel linings, 40/21 for turbo-generator support, 27/13-14 for water pipes, 28/5 yielding, stresslstrain relationships, 2/8 Steelwork, 13/1-29 cladding stiffening, 13/19 components, 13/19-24 CdhlkdtiOnS, 13/20 individual members, 13/20-24 loading assessment, 13/19-20 structural layout, 13/20 connections, 13/21-28 bolting. 13/27-28 welding, 13/21 corrosion protection. 13/26 design methods elastic. 13/24-25 and engineering judgement, l3/l I limit slate, 13/25-26 plastic. 13/25 detail, 13/26-27 for electricity power house, 27/5, 27/6-10 construction, 27/9-10 design, 27/5. 27/8 erection, 27/10 foundations, 27/10 loadings. 27/8-9 erection. 39/1-10 frames, 34/7 management. 39/10 manpower/safety. 39/9-10 and partial completion, 39/8 pbdllt. 39/3-5 the site, 39/3 stockyards. 39/8-9 temporary works, foundations, 39/6-7 tolerances, 39/S-6 transport of materials. 39/9 transport/assembly considerations. 39/6 fatigue. l3/l0-l1
floors, profiled deck, 13/18-19
inspection during construction, 13/28 \Odd bClOrS, pdrtkl. 13/25 materials, economic considerations, 13/12 notch ductility, 13/9-10 standards, 13/34 mdlerkdk, 13/11-12 shapes, 13/12-13 steelmaking process, 13/47 continuous casting, I3/6 finishing, 13/67 ingots. 13/5-6 iron, 13/4 special castings, I3/6 tensile stress/strain and ductility, I3/8-9 types of structure, 13/13-19 bridges, l3/l617, 13/22, 39/6-7 heavy industrial, 13/14-15 industrial plant. 13/16 institutional/commercial; 13/16 light industrial, 13/14 multi-storey, 13/15-16 other structures. 13/17-18 pressure vessels, 13/16 wind loading for multi-storey buildings, 13/19 Steinbrenner equation for settlement, 9/9, 9/1 I Stereoplotters approximate, 7/8-9 rigorous, 719-1 I Stereoscopy in photogrammetry, 7/4 instruments. 7/8-11 Stevenson formula for waves in harbours, 26/3 Stiffness method for structural analysis. 3/11-15 basis of, 3/1 I computerization of, 3/13-14 element stiffness. 3/11-12 finite element analysis, 3/14-15 and flexibility method, 3/1I matrix assembly. 3/12-13 stiffness transformation, 3/13 Stilling basins in airport drainage, 21/22 in open channels, 22/10. 22/12 for spillways, 22/25 Stock control of plant spares, 36/14-15 Stokes Law. 5/26 in particle size distribution, 9/30, 9/32 Stone columns, 9/42-43 Storage concrete. materials for, 37/3-4 of paper and floor loading, 21/32 of oil/liquified petroleum gas in caverns. 32/ I9 storms frequency and road design, 23/26 resistant timber construction, 16/10-1 I runoff pollution. 29/4 sewer system, 2 9 / 3 4 Strain in elasticity theory, 2/5-7 compatibility equations, 2/7 compo;lents. 2 / ~ displacements. 2/5 measurement, 2/10-1 I plant. 2/7 principal strains, 2/6-7 transformation, 2/6 uniform, 2/6 see also Stresslstrain relationships Stratigraphy and ground investigation, I1/16-17 principles of. 8 / 3 4 Streamline flow, 5/8 Strength of materials. 2/1-31 aluminium, 14/5
bar theory beams, 2/16-22, 12/26 columns, 2/25-29 cross-section geometry, 2/12-14 engineering theory of bending of beams limitations, 2/29-30 frameworks, stress/strain in, 2/29 and non-uniform torsion, 2/24-25 stress resultants, 2/15-16 theory of, 2/12-30 ties, 2/16 and uniform torque, 2/22-24 concrete compressive, 4/9-1 I reinforced/prestressed, I2/9 tensile/flexural. 4/1 1-12 testing. 4/16 elasticity theory. 2/3-I I analysis of elastic body. 2/8-10 strain, 2/5-7 stress, internal, 2/3-5 stresslstrain relations, 2 / 1 4 pipes, 40/10 pkastics/rubbers. 4/20 reinforcing steel, 12/9 rocks and jointing. 10/21-23 testing, 10/12, IO/l3, 10/19 soils, 9 / 3 4 laboratory testing. 9/33-34 Stress in bridges, 20/33-34 in falsework, 35/13-14 internal, in elasticity theory, 2/3-5 on an arbitrary surface, 2 / 3 4 components, 2/3 equilibrium equations, 2 / 4 5 plane stress, 2/5 principal stresses. 2/4 transformation. 2/4 measurement, 2/1 I measurement in rock, 10/35-36 Mohr’s circle, Y/4 resultants in bar theory, 2/15-16 in rock, IO/M in soil, effective, 9/3 strain relationships, 2 / 1 4 in temporary works, 35/3 timber grading, 1 6 / 6 1 in tunnel design, 32/16-18 yield criteria, 2/8 see olso Stress/strain relationships Stress/strain relationships of aluminium, 2/8 in elasticity theory, 2 / 7 4 of rock masses, 10/18-19 of structural concrete, 12/10 of steel, l3/8 in plastic analysis, 3/27 Strip foundations, 17/6 definition, I7/4 design, structural. 11/74 Strouhal number in wind oscillation, 19/13 Structures, theory of, 3/1-31 concepts, 3/3 determinacy. static/kinematic, 3/4 dynamics, 3/23-26 definitions. 3/23 vibrations and degrees of frecdom. 3/23-26 flexibility method. 3 / 6 1 I for beam analysis, 3/8-9 coefficients, 3 / 7 4 for frame analysis, 3/9-10 and stiffness method. 3/1 I for truss analysis, 3/10
Structures. theory of, flexibility method, continued
force-displacement relationships, 3 / 3 4 influence lines, 3/19-22 for beams, 3:19-20 computer in, 3/22 for indeterminate structures, 3/20-2I Maxwell's reciprocal theorem in. 3/21 for model analysis, 3/21-22 Mueller-Breslau's principle in. 3/21 for trusses, plane, 3/20 moment distribution, 3/16-19 fixed end moments, 3/16-17 with sway, 3/18 without Sway, 3/17-28 plastic analysis, 3/26-3I definitions, 3/26-27 examples, 3/28-3I theorems. 3/27-28 stiffness method, 3/11-15 basis of, 3/1 I computerization of, 3/13-14 element stiffness, 3/11-12 finite element analysis, 3/14-15 matrix assembly, 3/12-I3 stiffness transformation, 3/13 truss analysis, 3 / 4 4 tension coefficients, 3 / 5 4 Struts buckling loads, 2/27 Euler, 2/26 in temporary works, 35/6 see also Bars. theory of Stud welding, 38/9-10 Subgrade for roads. 23/25 Submarines, see Submersibles Submerged arc welding, 38/3 Submersibles. 42/10-1 2 remotely controlled, 42/I2 Subtense distance measurement, 6/9-10 Suction dredgers, 41/69 Sulby Dam, 18/9 Sulphate attack on concrete, 4/14,17/30 Sulphate-resisting Portland cement, 4/4 Sun and tides. 3 I /3 Surds in trigonometry. 1/7 Surface tension, 5/4 Surge in water pipes, 28/8 waves, 31/10-11 Surveying, 6/1-29 branches of, 6/3 computers in. 6/26-28 digital mappingjground modelling, 61'26-28 land information systems, 6/28 deformation monitoring. 6/21-26 computation processes, 6/23-26 monitoring points. 6/23 reference points. 6/21-23 for demolition. 43/3.43/4 for dredging, hydrographic. 41/12 errors, 6/34 instrumentation, 6/4-15 distance measurement. 6/8-12 height measurement, 6/12-15 theodolite, 6/68 maritime, see under Coastal/maritime engineering methods detail, 6/17-18 horizOIItdl control, 611 5-1 7 vertical control. 6/18-21 principles, 6/3 in site investigation. I1/4 see abo Setting-out on site Suspension bridges, 20/17-20 ~
Swelling of rock, 10/8 Systtme Probatoire d'observation de la Terre
(SPOT),7/20-22 Taber abrasion test of rock, 10/1I Tacheometer, electronic. 6/10 Tacheometry, 6/8-9 for detail surveys. 6/17-18 Tankers. 26/5 Tanks, demolition, 43/8 fire/explosion risk, 43/10 Tape measures, 6/8 in setting out, 34/34 Telecommunications in airports, 24/16 Telephones on motorways, 23/45 Television, underwater. 42/9 Tellurometer. 6/10,6/1I Temperature and runway length, 24/9 Temporary bench marks, 34/4 Tempordry works, 35/1-18 equipment. 3 5 / 5 4 excavations, 35/15-18 loads, 35/16-17 materials, 35/16 newer approaches, 35/17 and water, 35/18 widths of, 35/16 factors in, 35/3 falsework, 35/13-14 formwork, 35/6-13 for columns, 35/1I concrete finish, 35/8 design considerations, 35/8 loadings. 35/74 philosophy of, 35/9-10 purpose. 35/67 release agents. 3518-9 slipforming, 35/12-13,37/24-25,
37/27-28.44/1I for soffits. 35/11-12 for walls. 35/10 legal position, 35/3 materials, 35/3-5 ground condition, 35/5 minor, 35/5 steel. 35/34 stresses on, 35/3 timber, 35/45 pncast units. 35/14-'15 damage. 35/I5 erection, 35/14-15 lifting/moving, 35/14 scaffolding access, 35/15 prefabricated. 35/6 steel, 35/4 tower, 35/15 in tunnelling. 32/13-14 Tendons, stressing, 12/23-24 for prestressing, I2/3.12/28-29 Tension structum, 21/42 Termite resistant timber, 16/10 Terrain evaluation by remote sensing, 7/26 Terzaghi's rock classification for tunnels,
10/17 Terzaghi's theory in consolidation. 9/5 in foundation bearing capacity, 9/7 Terzaghi's rule on permcability/fiker material. 9/37 for strutted excavations. 9/20 Testing of concrete, 4/14-18 on aggregates, 4/16-17 analysis, 4/17-18 entrained air. 4/17
strength, 4/16 workability, 4/14,4/16 of concrete structures, 12/31-32 of piles, 17/24 of pipes in trenches, 40/15 of roads control/acceptance, 23/48 earthworks, 23/25 of rock, 10/6-16 design tests. 10/13 field index, 10/12-13 laboralory index, lO/8-12 rock masses, 10/18-19 and selection of materials. 10/15-16 in site investigation, 11/17 engineering properties, 11/17-20 geophysical, 11/17 laboratory, 11/17,11/23 model/prototype. 11/19,11/20 in siru
of soils classification. 9/30-32 compaction, 9/32-33 consolidation. 9/34-35 laboratory, 9/29-35 strength. 9/33-34 of steel. 13/9-10 structural, 21/33 underwater, non-destructive. 42/10 Thames Barrier, 22/10,22/1I Theodolites, 6/44 axes. 6/5 circle reading, 6/6 construction. 6/54 field procedure, 6/68 observations, 6/74 setting up. 6/7 in tacheometry. 6/8-9,6/17-18 in setting out. 34/3 Thermal video frame scanner (TVFS), 7/16-17 Thermic cutting, 43/7.44/16 Thermoplastics, 4/19 Thermoset, definition of, 4/19 Thrust boring, of tunnels. 32/11-12 Tides, 31/34 barrages. 22/10 coriolis force, 31/34 currents. 3l/3 and diving, 42/7,42/8 measurement. 3 1/23 models, 31/18 prediction, 31/4 raising forces, 3 I /3-l0 variations. 3 I/3 Ties/connections in aluminium, 14/8-9,14/14 forces in, 2/16 in temporary works, 35/6 see also Bolting Till. gkdcidl. 8/21 Timber, 16/1-14.21/29 as building finish, 21/30 construction frame. 16/10 storm-resistant, l6/lO-lI termite-resistant, I6/I0 from demolition for fuel, 43/9 design, 16/7 aids, 16/1I fastenings, 16/8-10 floors, 15/34 glued-laminated assemblies, 16/7 for maritime works, 31/25 piles, I7/I9 durability, 17/29 plywood/tempered hardboard, I6/8
Index/l8 Timber. conrinud properties, 16/34 durability, 16/5-6 fire resistance. 16/6 and moisture, 16/4 preservative treatment, 16/6 StrUCtUrd!. 16/34 sleepers, 25/6 stress grading. 16/67 for temporary works, 35/65 Topographic surveys. I1/4 Topsoil, 2 I /9 Torque arbitrary cross-section, 2/22-24 circular cross-section, 2/22 uniform in a bar. 2/22-24 Torsion, non-uniform in a bar, 2/24-25 Towers arctic offshore. 44/ I3 for electricity transmission lines, 27/31-33 offshore, guyed, 44/3 Scaffolds, 35/15 steel lattice, I3/ I7 in temporary works, heavy duty, 35/6 water, 28/9-10 see ulso Transmission towers Town and Country Planning Act. 1971. 21/I I Traffic appraisal for road schemes. 23/7-10 economic evaluation. 23/10 forecasts, 23/8-10 models. 23/7-8 preliminary. 23/7 noise calculation. 23/1 I signals. 23/2 I , 23/50 signs/markings. 23/44-45 speed. and road design. 23/12 in urban areas. 23/49 volume and road loading. 19/5-6 TRAFFICQ for urban traffic management, 23/49 Transfer structutes for vertical loads, 21/35 Transmission towers, 13/17, 27/31-34 demolition. 43/8 foundations. 27/32-34 loading, wind/ice, 27/31 setting out for, 34/7 see also Electricity supply Transmittance. thermal, 21/17 Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 2314 method for runoff estimation, 23/27 TRANSYT for urban traffic management, 23/49 Trapezoidal rule for plane areas, 1/16 Tree damage 21/10 Tremie tube for undenvater concrete, 37/19 Trenches backfilling/reinstatement. 40/15 battered, 40/ I2 ground movement, 40/1I-I2 groundwater control, 4011 2 pipes in loadings. 40/5-10 properties, 40/3 protection, 40/15 strength, 40/10 testing, 40/15 safety. 40/15-16 selling-out for, 34/6 site investigation, 40/10 support, 35/16 systems, 40/12-15 underwater. 40/15 see ulso Pipes Triungles angk/side relationship, 1/7-10
properties of, I / I 1-12 Triangulation. 6/16 Triaxial strength dissipative, for consolidation. 9/34-35 testing of rock, 10/13 of soil, 9/33-34 Trickle irrigation. 30/9 Trigonometrical levelling. 6/20-21 Trigonometry angles, 1/5-7 equation solutions, 1/10 functions. 115 hyperbolic. 1/12-13 inverse, 1/10 lines positive/negative. I / 5 spherical, 1/10-12 triangles, sidepangle relationships, 1/7-10 Trilateralion, 6/16 Tropical residual soils. 8/17. 8/19-20 Truss analysis statically determinate. 3 / 6 6 flexibility method for. 3/10 plane, influence lines in, 3/20 Tsunami wave, 31/11 Traversing, 6/16 Tube valves, 22/30 Tunnelling, 32/1-20 aids, 32/14-15 compressed air, 32/14 dewatering. 32/15 freezing, 32/15 grouting, 32/14-15 concrete in linings, 37/27 precast roadways, 37/3 I construction. 32/9-14 advance full facelhedding, 32114 drilling/blasting. 10/33, 32/9 lining, 32/9-1 I plant, 10/33 spoil handling, 32/9 temporary support, 32/13-14 thrust boring. 32/11-12 waterproofing, 32/12 costs. 32/3-4 design, 32/16-19 advancing understanding, 32/19 lining stiffness. 32/18-19 and rock mechanics. 10/31-32 stability indices, 32/18 stresses. 32/16-18 ground movements, 32/15-16 methods, 3 2 / 4 7 bentonite shield, 32/6 history. 32/4 rock-tunnelling, 32/67 shield, 3 2 / 6 5 for pipelines. man-accessible, 40/20-23 ground movement. 40/23 headings, 40/21 linings, 40/2l-22 pipe jacking. 40/22-23 site investigation/design. 40/2 I profihg, photogrammetric, 7/14 in rock classification for, 10/17-18 water flow in, 22/16-17 route, 3213 seawater intake/outfall, 31/34 setting out for, 34/9-10 site investigation, 32/3 see nlro Flow; Hydraulic structures; Microtunnelling Turbines for.hydroslectric power, 27/27 Turbo-generator. foundations for, 17/27, 27/ I 3-14
Ultimate tensile stress of mild steel. 2/8 Ultrasonic testing of rails, 25/1 1-12 of welds, 38/10 Ultraviolet degradation of plastics/rubbers, 4/19 filtering in lighting. 21/20 Unconformities, 8 / 3 4 Underwater work bolting gun, 42/10 concrete placing, 37/17-19. 42/9 cutting, 42/9. 44/16 grouting, 42/9 of aggregates, 37/18, 37/19 in clamps. 44/ I6 photography/television/drawing, 42/9 pipe laying, 40115 pneumatic tools. 42/8-9 testing. non-destructive. 42/10 welding, 42/9. 44/16 Uniaxial yield stress for mild steel, 218 Uniform elongation. 2/8 Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) for rock modelling, 10/27 Urban roads/traffic, 23/49-5 I capacity improvement, 23/49-50 and environment. 23/1 I hierarchy, 23/49 layout. 23/16 restrictions, 23/51 route guidance, 23/5&5I traffic management/assessment, 23/49 width/capacity, 23/12
Vacuum drainage, 9/38 Valves, hydraulic, 22/29-32 in water distribution, 28/74 Vane test for soil strength, 9/33 Vapour pressure of water. 515 Variance, statistical, 1/29, 1/33-34 Varianceicovariance matrix. 6/26 Variation. coefficient of. 1/30 Vegetation for scour protection. 2211 Vehicle pressure on pipes, 40/10 Vehicles for concrete distribution. 37/1&1 I truck mixers, 37/9-10 Motor Vehicles Regulations. 36/15 underwater, 42/10-12 Venturi flow meter, 5/14 Venturi flume for channel flow, 5/19 Vertical drains. 9/39 Vibration analysis multi-degrees of freedom, 3/25-26 one degree of freedom, 3/23-25 forced/free, definitions. 3/23 ground treatment under foundations, 1719 and machinery foundation, 17/27 turbo-generators, 27/13-14 Vibrators for concrete, 37/19-20 vibrocompaction, 9/42 Video frame scanner, thermal. 7/16-17 Viscosity, 5/3 Volclay panels for waterproofing. 17/12 Vortices hydrodynamics of, 5/24-25 in reservoir outlets, 22/26 Vulcanism, 8/16
Walings. 35/6 Wallclimber lift, 21/22 Wallingford Methods for runoff estimation, 23/27 for sewer design, 29/3 Walls for basement foundations, 17/1I boundary. masonry for, 15/14 concrete formwork for, 35/10 plain, 12/18-19 prestressed, 12/14 reinforcement behaviour, 12/6 reinforced, 12/14. 12/18 curtain walling, 21/30 flood, 30/21 internal, finishes, 21/30 positioning for load, 21/34 of power houses, 27/1I shear, in tall buildings, 21/39 sound reduction YS. density. 2l/20-21 see ulso Diaphragm walls; Earth pressure; Partitions, interior; Retaining walls; Seawalls ' Water in concrete, ratio, 4/8 ground investigations over, I I/20-2l, 11/26 sampling, 11/16 hammer, 28/8 jet cutting, in demolition, 43/74 pollution from sewage, 29/12 properties of, physical, 5/3-5 in rock. laboratory testing, 10/8 storage for concrete production, 37/4 methods, 37/19 supplies, 28/1-23 to buildings. 21/21 consumption/demand. 28/34 desalinalion, 28/18-19 flow measurement, 28/8-9 organization/management,28/3 reservoir formation, 28/14-18 reservoir schemes, 28/12-14 reservoirs, service, 28/9-10 transmission/distribution,28/44 treatment. 28/19-22 underground, 28/10-12 see ulso Diving; Services to buildings; Underwater ,work Water Acts 1973, 28/3 Waterproofing of tunnels. 32/12. Waves, 31/4-10 arctic, 44/12
coordinate system, 31/4 decay, 31/10 and depth, 31/45 diffraction. 31/10 energy, 31/7 dissipation, 3I /7-8 finite amplitude theory, 31/8 fluid/velocity pressure, 3 I / 5 forces, 31/15-17 . on cylinders, 31/15 on Se'awdlk/breakwdterS,31/16-17 forecasting. 3I / I0 generation. 31/8-10 in shallow water, 31/9-10 in harbours, 26/3.31/12 hydrodynamics of. 5/25 measurement. 3 1/22-23 and offshore foundations. 44/12 reflection coetticient. 31/7 refraction, 31/10 and sediments in basins, 31/12-13 set-up, 31/11-12 solitary, 31/8 standing, 5/19,31/6 in harbours, 31/12 superposition, 31/54 sur'ge, 31/10-11 trains, 31/6-7 transformation, 31/7 Wedthering of rocks. 8/5. 8/17 Weatherproofing, adjacent to demolition, 43/4 Weirs, 22/>7 and channel flow, 5/17-18 control, gated, 22/7 crump, for flow measurement, 28/8-9 equation of flow, 22/5 measuring, 22/6-7 models, 5/26 and notches, hydrodynamics of, 5/20-23 overtlow, in dams, 28/15 river, 30/22-23 in road drainage, 23/27 in spillways, 22/21 types, 22/5-6 Weisbach's triangle for tunnels, 34/9 Welding, 38/1-1 I of aluminium. 14/8-9 softening, 14/12-13 in structural design, 14/14 of concrete reinforcement, 12/20 defects, 38/5-7 details, 38/65 distortion, 38/74
fitness for purpose, 38/1I fracture toughness, 38/10-1 I girders, plate/box, 38/8-9 of offshore structures, 44/7 failure, 44/8 of plastics/rubbers, 4/20-2I procesh, 38/3-4 of rails, 25/14 of steel structures, 13/27 accessibility and design, 13/26-27 stresses from, and ductility, I3/9 stud, 38/9-10 testing, 38/10 underwater, 42/9,44/16 Wells in drainage, 9/38 see ulso Boreholes Wimbleball Dam, 18/23 Wind loading, 19/9-14 on bridges, 20/37.20/38 on buildings, 21/33-34. 21/37-38 on cooling towers, 27/20 on transmission towers, 27/31 force/pressure coefficients, 19/11-13 on formwork. 35/8 and meteorological data, 19/9-11 oscillations, wind excited, 19/13-14, on steelwork for power houses, 27/8-9 on tall buildings, 13/19. 13/25,21/40. 21/47 resistance of timber construction, 16/10-1 I of masonry walls, 15/9 and runway operation, 24/9 and water-level set-up, 31/11-12 in wave generation, 31/8-9 Wire-rope pulling demo1,ition. 43/6 Word processing, 1/37 World Association of Dredging Organizations (WODA), 41/13 Yield criteria, 2/8 Zinc in aluminium alloy, 14/7 coatings for steel, 4/24
This fourth edition of Civil Engineer's Reference lEkook has been completely rewritten and updated. It provides a concise and comprehensive survey of the fundamentals, theory and current practice in the many branches of civil engineering, giving stateof-the-art information and practical guidance for both student and practising civil engineers. After an examination of fundamental theories as applied to civil engineering, authoritative coverage is included o n design practice for certain materials and specific structures and applications, and a particular feature is the incorporation of chapters on construction and site practice, including contract management and control.
Contents: Mathematics and statistics Strength of materials Theory of structures Materials Hydraulics Engineering surveying Photogrammetry and remote sensing Geology for engineers Soil mechanics Rock mechanics Site investigation Reinforced and prestressed concrete design Practical steelwork design Aluminium and aluminium alloys Load bearing masonry Timber design Foundations design Dams and embankments Loadings Bridges Buildings Hydraulic structures Highways Airports Railways Ports and Harbours Electrical power supply Water supplies Sewerage and sewage treatment Land drainage irrigation and river maintenance Coastal and maritime engineering Tunnels and tunnelling Contract management and control Setting o u t on site Temporary works Selection a n d operating of plant and equipment Concrete construction Welded structure fabrication Steelwork erection Buried pipeline and sewer construction Dredging Underwater working Demolition Offshore construction. 0
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