CSA-B THEORY OF ACCOUNTS EASY 1. Which statemen statementt is correct regardi regarding ng the Financial Financial Reporting Reporting Standards Standards Council Council (FRSC) (FRSC) a. Established by PICP PICP in in !""# under the Implementing Rules and Regulations o$ the Philippine ccountancy o$ ct o$ !""%. b. &he main $unction is to establish generally accepted auditing standards in standards in the Philippines. c. d.
&he Ch &he Chai airm rman an an and d me memb mber ers s o$ th the e FR FRSC SC ar are e ap appo poin inte ted d by th the e pr presi esiden dentt o$ the Phil Philipp ippine ines s upo upon n the recommendation recommenda tion o$ the PRC PRC in in coordination 'ith the P. &he FRSC is the successor o$ the ccounting Standards Council (SC) 'hich 'as created in o*ember 1+,1 by the Philippine Institute o$ Certi$ied Public ccountants (PICP).
!. Which statemen statementt is incorrect incorrect regarding regarding the Philippine Philippine Interpret Interpretation ations s Committee Committee (PIC)a. &he PIC is respons responsibl ible e $or re*ie'i re*ie'ing ng accounti accounting ng issues issues that that are are liely liely to recei recei*e *e di*erge di*ergent nt or unaccept unacceptabl able e treatm treatment ent in the absenc absence e o$ author authorita itati* ti*e e guidan guidance/ ce/ 'ith 'ith a *ie' *ie' to reachi reaching ng consen consensus sus as to appro appropri priate ate accounting treatment. b. &he PIC 'as $ormed $ormed by the FRSC FRSC in ugust ugust !""# !""# to ass assist ist the FRSC in establis establishin hing g and impro impro*in *ing g $inancial $inancial reporting standards in the Phili ppines. c. &he PIC member members s are are appoin appointed ted by the FRSC FRSC and include include accoun accountan tants ts in public public practi practice/ ce/ the academe academe and regulatory bodies and users o$ $inancial statements. d. &he PIC PIC replaced replaced the the ccounti ccounting ng Standar Standards ds Council Council (SC) (SC)..
0. &he IS2s IS2s standar standard3set d3setting ting structur structure e includes includes all o$ the $ollo'ing $ollo'ing except4 a. Financial Financial Reportin Reporting g Interp Interpreta retations tions Committe Committee e b. Standa Standard rds s d* d*iso isory ry Counc Council il c. Sta Standa ndard rds s Comp Compari arison son Co Commi mmitte ttee e d. &rustees
%. 5o' IFRS standards standards bring bring trans transpare parencyncya. y enhancing enhancing the internationa internationall comparabilit comparability y and 6uality o$ $inancial $inancial in$ormation/ in$ormation/ enabling enabling in*estors in*estors and other maret participants to mae in$ormed economic decisions. b. y reducing the in$ormation gap bet'een the pro*iders o$ capital and the people to 'hom they ha*e entrusted their money. c. y helping in*estors to identi$y opportunities and riss across the 'orld/ thus impro*ing capital allocation. d. ll ll o$ o$ the the abo* abo*e. e.
7. Which o$ the $ollo' $ollo'ing ing helps helps users users mae mae good good decis decisionsionsa. $aith$ul $aith$ul repre representa sentation tion o$ o$ an irrele irrele*ant *ant pheno phenomeno menon. n. b. n un$aith$u un$aith$ull represe representatio ntation n o$ a rele*ant rele*ant pheno phenomeno menon. n. c. oth a and b. d. e eit ithe herr a nor nor b. #. Which o$ the the $ollo'i $ollo'ing ng is not a PICP PICP RegionRegiona. 8etro 8anila c. orthern 8indanao b. Southern &agalog d. Southern 9isayas
:. Which Which o$ the $ollo'in $ollo'ing g statem statement ents s re$lec re$lects ts one o$ the bene$it bene$its s o$ adopt adoption ion o$ Intern Internati ationa onall Financ Financial ial Reporti Reporting ng Standards (IFRS) by di$$erent countriesa. Earnings management is eliminated. b. Cost o$ capital is lo'er $or $irms. c. &he &here ar are no no ec econom onomic ic cons conse6 e6ue uen nces 'hen hen $ir $irms ms s'it s'itc ch to to IFR IFRS S $r $rom e;i e;is sting ting ustment to the asset. c. Gepreciation e;pense 'ill be higher i$ the grant is recorded as an ad>ustment to the asset/ but net income 'ill be the same under the t'o alternati*es. d. Gepreciation e;pense 'ill be higher i$ the grant is recorded as de$erred income/ but net income 'ill be the same under the t'o alternati*es.
1". Which o$ the $ollo'ing is incorrect regarding e;pected credit losses on $inancial assets in accordance 'ith PFRS +a. E;pected credit losses are a probability3'eighted estimate o$ credit losses (ie the present *alue o$ all cash short$alls) o*er the e;pected li$e o$ the $ inancial instrument. b. cash short$all is the di$$erence bet'een the cash $lo's that are due to an entity in accordance 'ith the contract and the cash $lo's that the entity e;pects to recei*e. c. E;pected credit losses consider the amount and timing o$ payments. d. credit loss cannot arise i$ the entity e;pects to be paid in $ull e*en i$ later than 'hen contractually due.
11. Which statement is incorrect i$ a grant o$ e6uity instruments is cancelled or settled during the *esting perioda. &he entity shall account $or the cancellation or settlement as an acceleration o$ *esting/ and shall there$ore recogni=e immediately the amount that other'ise 'ould ha*e been recogni=ed $or ser*ices recei*ed o*er the remainder o$ the *esting period. b. ny payment made to the employee on the cancellation or settlement o$ the grant shall be accounted $or as the repurchase o$ an e6uity interest. c. ny payment made to the employee on the cancellation or settlement o$ the grant that e;ceeds the $air *alue o$ the e6uity instruments granted/ measured at the repurchase date shall be recogni=ed as an e;pense. d. I$ the share3based payment arrangement included liability components/ the entity shall remeasure the $air *alue o$ the liability and e6uity components at the date o$ cancellation or settlement. 1!. When the e$$ecti*e3interest method is used to amorti=e bond premium or discount/ the periodic amorti=ation 'ill a. Increase i$ the bonds 'ere issued at a discount. b. Gecrease i$ the bonds 'ere issued at a premium. c. Increase i$ the bonds 'ere issued at a premium. d. Increase i$ the bonds 'ere issued at either a discount or a premium.
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10. Which statement is incorrect regarding accounting $or $inancial liabilities in accordance 'ith PS 0+ and PFRS+a. n entity shall recogni=e a $inancial liability in its statement o$ $inancial position 'hen/ and only 'hen/ the entity becomes party to the contractual pro*isions o$ the instrument. b. n entity shall remo*e a $inancial liability $rom its statement o$ $inancial position 'hen/ and only 'hen/ it is e;tinguished. c. n entity shall classi$y all $inancial liabilities as subse6uently measured at amorti=ed cost using the e$$ecti*e interest method/ e;cept as speci$ied in PS 0+ and PFRS +. d. n entity may reclassi$y $inancial liabilities 'hen/ and only 'hen/ it changes its business model $or managing $inancial liabilities.
1%. Which statement is incorrect regarding IFRS 1# Leasesa. IFRS 1# eliminates the classi$ication o$ leases as either operating leases or $inance leases as re6uired by IS 1: and/ instead/ introduces a single lessee accounting model. b. lessee is re6uired to recogni=e assets and liabilities $or all leases 'ith a term o$ more than 1! months/ unless the underlying asset is o$ lo' *alue. c. lessee is re6uired to recogni=e depreciation o$ lease assets separately $rom interest on lease liabilities in the income statement. d. lessor shall classi$y its leases as operating leases.
17. Which o$ the $ollo'ing is not likely an e$$ect o$ IFRS 1# on lesseeBs $inancial statementsa. Increase in assets and liabilities. b. Increase in $inance costs c. Increase in operating e;penses. d. Increase in $inancing cash out$lo's.
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