Theories Related To MCN
September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Bonding and Atachmen heory (John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworh)
Occurring immediately afer birth that reects mother-inant aachment Establishing a bond between mother and newborn acilitated by physical and skin-skin contact Inant suckling, visual contact between mother and inant and the mother’s ondling o the inant are involved.
2. Maernal Role Atainmen Theory (Ramona Mercer)
Process o becoming a mother 4 sages: Ancipaory Starts with the social and psychological on the role by studying the experiences o the role. Mothers antasize about the role, dealing with the etus in the womb and begin to play a role Formal Starts by assuming the role at the me o delivery, behavior is guided by a ormal role, consensual expectaons on others in the social system o the mother. Informal Starts as the mother develop a unique way o relang to the role which is not believed by the social system Personal Experience the mother will be harmony, condence and competence in the way she did the role, the role o motherhood is achieved. Served as guidelines or nurses in assessing the inant and its environment used to ideny the purpose o the baby, providing assistance to inants with educaon and support, providing services to inants who are unable to perorm sel-care and able to interact with the baby and the environment
3. Synacve Theory of Infan Developmen (Heidelise Als) Serves as basis or understanding preterm behavior. The inant’s behavior is viewed as a subsystem o unconing, each system can be described independently, uncons in relaon to the other sub-systems. The process o sub-system interacon or synacon is combined with the
inant’s connuous interacon with the parents and environment to ormulate the synacve theory o inant development. The sub-system includes the autonomic, motor, state, interaconal and sel-regulatory system.
4. Universe of Developmenal Care Model (Gibbins, e al)
Reormulaon o neonatal developmental care theory
Portrays a paent and amily centric environment within the health care environment
Recognizes the link between all developing systems and the caregiver/ amily while simultaneously providing a praccal basis or ormulang individualized paent care plans within the NICU that emphasizes on assessment and documentaon (sleep, pain and stress assessment, management o acvies o daily living (posioning, eeding and skin care), amily centered care.)
5. The Moher and Child Inegrave Developmenal Care Model
Advocates a broad range o intervenons designed to minimize the negave impact o such an environment, improving neurodevelopmental outcomes. Includes controlling, external smuli such as sound, light and acvity, encouraging amily involvement and considering appropriate comorng measures. It advocates an individual approach to care that is dictated by cues rom the inant.
6. Barnard’s Paren-child Ineracon Model
The parent-inant system was inuenced by individual characteriscs o each member and that the individual characteriscs were also modied to meet the needs o the system. Denes the modicaon o adapve behavior Development o assessment tool to evaluate child health growth and development while viewing the parent and child as an interacve system. Inant’s clarity o cues Inants responsiveness to the caregiver Parent’s sensivity to the child’s cues
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