Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

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NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundation in Nursing) BS NURSING / FIRST YEAR Session # 16


Materials: Book, pen and notebook



Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can:

Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories th and  their work (9  ed.),  ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland  Winsland   Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Martha Raile Alligood,


Discus Discuss s the impa impact ct T Trav ravelb elbee ee ha had d on the the pract practice ice o off nursing.


Descri Describe be the b basi asic c compon component ents s of the Ernes Ernestin tine’s e’s theo theory ry..


Expl Explain ain the the Act Activi iviti ties es of L Liv iving ing Mod Model. el.


Apply Apply th these ese nurs nursing ing theo theorie ries s in some some of nursi nursing ng se setti ttings ngs..

Joyce Travelb Travelbee ee https://bsn1dlshsi.jimdofree.c dlshsi.jimd om/app/download/57 wnload/57385765 385765 66/11_+Joyce+Travelbee.pdf?t=1544766248


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity Multiple Choice: 1.

Which Which nurs nursing ing mo model del was was develo developed ped b by y Joyce Travel Travelbee bee (19 (1926-197 26-1973)? 3)? A. Human-to-Human Relatio ion nship Model B. Human becoming theory C. The The th theor eory o off hea healt lth h as as exp expan andi ding ng cons consci ciou ousn snes ess s D. From Novice to Expert

ANSWER: A RATIO: The nursing model developed by Joyce Travelbee in 1926-1973 is theHuman-to-Human theHuman-to-Human Relationship Model. 2.

Joyce Travelbee made use of Hildegard Peplau and Ida Jean Orlando’s interpersonal relationship. What is the main focus of Travelbee’s theory? A. Spiritual aspect of care B. Man Manipu ipulat lation ion of the the e envi nviron ronmen mentt as a facto factorr of facilit facilitati ating ng the the rreco ecover very y of the pat patien ientt ffrom rom ill illness ness C. To em emph phas asiz ize ec com ompli plian ance ce to care care as a m mea eans ns to to iincr ncrea ease se lif life e exp expec ecta tanc ncy y D. Nu Nurs rsin ing g is is ac acco comp mplis lishe hed d thr throu ough gh th ther erap apeu euti tic c hu huma man n re rela lati tion onsh ship ip

ANSWER: D RATIO: T he main focus of Travelbee’s Theory is Nursing is accomplished through therapeutic human relationship.


Tr Travelbee avelbee proposed proposed that n nursing ursing is accomplished through a meaningful meaningful therapeutic therapeutic relationship relationship though though a  series of encounters leading to rapport. Which of the following is not included? A. Firs Firstt iimp mpre ress ssio ion n by by the the n nur urse se of the the s sic ick k pers person on a and nd vi vice ce-v -ver ersa sa B. Th The e time time iin n whic which h the the nu nurs rse e and and pa pati tien entt per perce ceiv ives es e eac ach h ot othe her’s r’s uniq unique uene ness ss C. Th The e mom momen entt wh wher erei ein n the the nu nurs rse e is una unabl ble e to shar share e in th the e pe pers rson on’s ’s e exp xper erien ience ce D. Wh When en th the en nur urse se wa want nts s to to lles esse sen n the the caus cause eo off pat patie ient nt’s ’s su sufffe feri ring ng..

ANSWER: C RATIO: The moment wherein the nurse is unable to share the experience of the individual is not included  in what Travelbee proposed about nursing.


Tr Travelb avelbee’ ee’s s theory defines defines health in two cate categorie gories. s. What catego category ry is this wherei wherein n it is an individu individually ally defined state of well being in accord with self-appraisal of the physical-emotional physical-emotional-spiritual -spiritual status? A. Mental a an nd ph physical he health B. Spiritual health C. Subjective h he ealth D. Objective h he ealth

ANSWER: C Subjectiv ctive e health heal th is the health category specified by Travelbee and it is an individually defined state of RATIO: Subje  well-being in accordan accordance ce with self-appraisal self-appraisal of tthe he physicalphysical-emotionalemotional-spiritual spiritual status. status.


Tr Travelbee’s avelbee’s theory d defines efines health health in two catego categories. ries. What What category is health is identified identified as an absence of discernible discernibl e disease, disability of defect as measured by physical examination examination,, laboratory tests and assessment by spiritual director or psychological counselor. A. Mental an and physical hea heallth B. Spiritual health C. Subjective health D. Objective he health



RATIO: Objec Objective tive health he alth is the health category specified by Travelbee and it is identified as an absence od discernible disease, disability disability of defect as measured by physical examination, labor laboratory atory tests and assessment by spiritual director or psychological counselor


A therapeutic therapeutic nurse-patient nurse-patient relatio relationship nship iis s defined as a help helping ing relationship relationship that's based based on mutual mutual trust and respect, the nurturing of faith and hope. Which of the following is the vehicle through which nurse-patient nurse-pati ent relationships are established? A. Relationship B. Communication C. Sympathy D. Empathy

ANSWER: B RATIO: This is one of the concepts and definitions of Travelbee's, communication is the vehicle through which nurse-patientt relationship nurse-patien relationships s are established.


Which Which A. B. C. D.

of tthe he fo follow llowing ing s statem tatement ent is TRU TRUE E about about sympath sympathy? y? Fee Feelin ling g so sorry rry for the pat patien ientt or pit pity y them them,, but but you you d don’ on’tt s speci pecific ficall ally y under understa stand nd w what hat the they’r y’re e ffeeli eeling ng Th The e use use of act activ ive e lis liste teni ning ng by mea means ns of of putt puttin ing g yo your urse self lf iin n the the ot othe herr pe pers rson on’s ’s p posi ositi tion on Fee Feelin ling g th the e sa same me amou amount nt o off ex excit citeme ement, nt, whe when n th the e pa patie tient nt ttells ells you the they y re recei ceived ved the their ir la labor borato atory ry rresu esults lts stating that they are now cured from cancer. Acknowledging h ho ow tthe he patient feels

ANSWER: A RATIO: Sympathy is sorry for or pity for the patient ,  , but you don’t understand exactly ex actly what they feel. fee l.


Which Which A. B. C. D.

of tthe he fo follow llowing ing iis/ar s/are e char character acteristi istics cs of HOPE HOPE? ? Dependence on other people The The de desir sire to to c com ompl plet ete e a ttas ask ko orr h hav ave e an an exp exper erie ienc nce e Ackn Acknow owle ledg dgme ment nt of of fea fears rs a and nd m mov ovin ing g forw forwar ard d to towa ward rds s its its goa goall All of the above

ANSWER: D RATIO: All the given statements are the characteristics of HOPE. 


It re refe fers rs to the the in init itia iall int inter erac acti tion on be betw twee een n tthe he nu nurs rse e and and the the p pat atie ient nt.. A. Emerging identities B. Original Encounter C. Sympathy and Empathy D. Rapport


Enc ounterr refers to the nurse’s initial contact or interaction with the patient.  RATIO: Original Origi nal Encounte 10. According to Ernestine Ernestine Wiedenbach’s Wiedenbach’s theory, theory, which of the following are not among the three essential components associated with the nursing philosophy? A. Reverence for life B. Re Resp spec ectt fo forr the the digni dignity ty,, wort worth, h, a aut uton onom omy y and and indiv individ idual ualit ity y of eac each h hu huma man n be bein ing g C. Re Reso solu luti tion on to p per erso sona nall lly y and and p pro rofe fess ssio iona nall lly y he held ld be beli lief efs s D. Derision to life ANSWER: D RATIO: According to Ernestine Wiedenbach’s theory, derision to life  is not one of the three basic components associated with the nursing phiolisophy.


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundation in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: LYDIA HALL'S CORE, CARE, CURE MODEL LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1.

Look Look into into the backgr backgroun ound d of L Lydi ydia a E Hall Hall and know know Hall Hall's 's theory assertions.

Materials: Book, pen and notebook


Unders Understan tand d the 3C's 3C's an and d define define Ha Hall' ll's s nur nursin sing g paradi paradigms gms..



State State th the e appl applicat ication ion of of Hall's Hall's th theor eory y to nursi nursing ng pract practice ice..

Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories th and  their work (9  ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland  Winsland  Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (25 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 25 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice 1. Lydia Lydia E Hall believed believed that patient patient outcomes outcomes are improved improved by direct care as given by a professional professional nurse. theory called: A. Lydia HuHall's man-to -Humais nR elatio ion nship Model B. Human becoming theory C. Core, Care, Cure Model D. From Novice to Expert ANSWER: A RATIO: The theory of Lyndia Hall is called Human-to-Human Relationship Model  .. 2. Hall defined defined her ph philosophy ilosophy of nursing nursing on the the basis of the the patient, “if “if learning is the chief process he uses, then the chief therapy he needs is teaching” (Hall, 1969). Which of the following concept in Hall's independent independ ent and interconnected circles is based on social sciences, involves the therapeutic use of self, and is shared with other members of the health care team? A. Cause B. Care C. Cure D. Core ANSWER: D RATIO: Co Corre is the concept that is based on social sciences in Hall’s separate and intertwined circles, includ includes es therapeutic self-use, and is discussed or shared with other members of the health care team.

3. She believed that patients come to the hospital in biological biological crisis (acute episode of disease) and that medicine does a great job at treating this crisis, but fails to treat the underlying chronic disease. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the cure concept of Hall's theory? A. Th The e nu nurs rse e ap appl plie ies s medi medica call kn know owled ledge ge o off dise diseas ase e to assi assist st w wit ith h the the pl plan an o off ca care re B. The The nu nurrse se sets go goal als s tto o com comfor ortt the the pat patie ient nt C. Pati Patien entt may may ex expl plor ore e and and shar share e fee feeli ling ngs s wit with h the the nu nurs rse e D. Th The e nur nurse se as assi sist sts s the the pa pati tien entt mak make e inf infor orme med d dec decis isio ion n ANSWER: A RATIO: The correct statement regarding the cure concept of Hall’s theory among all the choices is that the nurse applies medical knowledge of illness or disease to assist with the care plan. 4. Lydia Hall used her knowledge knowledge of psychiatry and nursing experiences in the Loeb Center as a framework for formulating her theory. Also known as “the Three Cs of Lydia Hall,” it contains three independent but interconnected circles: the core, the care, and the cure. Which of the following is the focus of the care circle? A. The nur nurse se is s shar haring ing tthe he ca care re of the patien patientt with with other other mem member bers s of tthe he he healt althca hcare re team team tto o tr treat eat tthe he pa pati tient ent B. Th The e nur nurse se is pe perf rfor ormi ming ng the the ttas ask ko off nur nurtu turi ring ng pa pati tien ents ts C. He Helps lps th the ep pat atie ient nt le lear arn nw wha hatt the their ir ro role le is in th the e hea healin ling g pro proce cess ss D. Nu Nurs rse ea ass ssis isti ting ng pa pati tien ents ts to ma make ke in info form rmed ed de deci cisi sion ons s ANSWER: B RATIO: It involves three independents in the Three C’s of Lyndia Hall and one of which is the care  and its emphasis is that the nurse performs the role or task of nurturing patients. 

5. The patient views the nurse as a potential comforter, one who provides care and comfort through the laying on of hands. Which of the following interdependent circles in Hall's theory is the situation pertaining to? A. Cause B. Care C. Cure D. Core ANSWER: B of the interdependent circles, where the patient sees the nurse as a potential RATIO: In Hall's theory, CARE  is one of or possible comforter, comforte r, one who who gives care and warmth through the laying on of hands.  


6. The nurse helps patient through through surgical, and rehabilitative rehabilitative prescriptions made by physician. The nurse nurse is also acting as an advocate for the patient. Which of the following interdependent circles in Hall's theory is the situation pertaining to? A. Cause B. Care C. Cure D. Core ANSWER: C of the interdependent circles, where the nurse helps or supports patient RATIO: In Hall's theory, CURE  is one of through surgical, surgical, and rehabilitative prescriptions made by physician. Often, the nurse is also acting as an advocate for the patient. 7. Lydia Lydia Hall’s theory define Nursing Nursing as the “participation in care, core and cure aspects of patient care, where CARE is the sole function of nurses, whereas the CORE and CURE are shared with other members of the health team.” Hall believed patients should receive care only from A. Doctors B. Midwives C. Ancillary Team D. Professional Nurses ANSWER: D RATIO: Lyndia Hall believed that patients should receive care only fromProfessional fromProfessional Nurses.  8. Nurse goal is to comfort patient patient and is exclusive to nursin nursing g A. Cause B. Care C C D.. Cu orre e ANSWER: B RATIO: The purpose and goal of the nurse is to console patients and is exclusive to nursing throughcare. through care. 

9. Lydia Hall was an innovator innovator,, motivator, motivator, and mentor to nurses in all phases of their careers and an advocate for chronically chronical ly ill patients and worked to involve the community in public health issues as well. where and when was Lydia Hall born? A. Septembe berr 21, 1906 in New York City B. Septembe berr 21, 1907 in New York City C. November 21 21, 1 19 906 iin nL Lo os Angeles City D. November 21 21, 1 19 907 iin nL Lo os Angeles City ANSWER: A RATIO: Lydia Hall was born on September 21, 1906 in New York City. 

10. There are three interlocking circles in Lydia Lydia Hall's theory. theory. Which of the following circles deals with the person or the patient? A. Cause B. Care C. Cure D. Core ANSWER: D circles,, and it deals with the person or the patient. RATIO: In Hall's theory, CORE  is one of the interdependent circles


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundation in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: FA FAYE YE ABDELLAH’S TWENTY ONE NURSING PROBLEMS LEARNING TARGETS: Materials: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1. Lo Look ok int into the the back backgr grou ound nd of Fay Faye e Ab Abde dell lla ah and and know know Abdellah’s theory assertions. 2.

Unde Underrst stan and d tthe he 21 N Nur ursi sing ng Pr Prob oble lem ms and and de deffin ine e Abdellah’s nursing paradigms.


Stat State e the the a app ppli lica cati tion on of Fa Faye ye Abde Abdell llah ah’s ’s the heor ory y to nursing practice.

Book, pen and notebook

References: Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories and th theirr wo thei work rk (9   ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Faye Abdellah https://bsn1dlshsi.jimdofree.c dlshsi.jimd om/app/download/57 wnload/57335057 335057 66/5_+FAYE+GLENN+ABDELLAH.pdf?t= 66/5_+FAYE+GLENN+ABDELLA H.pdf?t=15447 15447 66248


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) The instructor will instruct the students to find their partner to answer the ten (10) questions and to rationalize among themselves. This will be recorded as their quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in their answer/ratio is not allowed. They are given (ten)10 minutes for this activity. Multiple Choice (For 1-10, please refer to the questions in the Guided / Rationalization Activity) RATIONALIZATION ACTIVITY (DURING THE FACE TO FACE INTERACTION WITH THE STUDENTS) RATIONALIZATION The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions and to discuss among their classmates for 15 minutes. 1.

The Twenty-One Nursing Problems Theory was developed by Faye Glenn Abdellah. The twenty-one nursing problems identified in the nursing theory are comprised of _____ steps used to identify the patient’s problems and eleven skills used in developing developing a treatment typology or nursing care plan. A.11 B.12 C.10 D.9

ANSWER: C  are 10 steps used  to identify pati patient’s ent’s prob problems lems and eleven skills used in develo developing ping a treatment RATIO : There typology or nursing care plan. 2.

The most important impact of Abdellah’s theory to the nursing practice is that it helped transform the focus of the profession from being ________________ to ________________________. A.disease-centered; client-centered B.client-centered; disease-centered C.disease-centered; nursing-centered D.nursing-centered; D.nursing-center ed; client-centered.

ANSWER: A RATIO: The most significant effect of the theory of Abdella on nursing practicr is that is helped to shift or  . transform the profession’s emphasis from disease-centered to client-centered



Which of the following is the primary concern of Abdellah’s theory? A.Disease orientation B.Client orientation C.Medical interventions D.Nursing-centered orientation

ANSWER: B RATIO: The primary concern of Abdellah’s theory is Client orientation . 4.

The nursi nursing ng process is an evid evidenceence-based, based, fi five-ste ve-step p scienti scientific fic metho method d used to ensure that the pati patient ent is assessed, diagnosed and receives continuity care across healthcare nursing providers and departments. Once a nurse assesses a client’sofcondition andappropriate identifies appropriate diagnoses, a:

a. b. c. d.

Nurses develo develop p a plan plan of c care. are. Nurses begin ph physical ysical a assess ssessments ments Deter Determining mining list of pr prioriti iorities. es. Team memb members ers condu conducts cts a review of assess assessment ment

ANSWER: B RATIO: Once a nurse assesses a client’s condition and identifies appropriate nursing diagnoses, a Nurses begin physical assessments. 5.

Nurse Faye is done performing assessment and is identifying a nursing diagnosis of acute shoulder pain. which of the following is an appropriate client-centered goal: A. Encourage client to focus on positive positive thoughts when pain begins. B. Assess the effect of pain intensity on client function function using the pain rating scale scale C. Obtain an order for a PRN analgesic 30 minutes before physical therapy treatm treatment. ent. D. Client reports a decrease of pain intensity of 4 or less during hospital stay stay..

ANSWER: D RATIO: The appropr appropriate iate client-centered goal is that client reports a decrease of pain intensity of 4 or less during hospital stay. 6.

Which of the following is the correct order of the nursing process? A. Assessing, Planning, Diagnosing, Evaluating, Implementing B. Planning, Assessing, Implement Implementing, ing, Diagnosing, Ev Evaluating aluating C. Diagnosing, Planning, Assessing, Implementin Implementing, g, Evaluating D. Assessing, Diagnosing, Planning, Implementing, Evaluating

ANSWER: D RATIO: The correct order of the nursing process is as follows; Assessing, Diagnosing, Planning, Implementing,



According to Abdellah, the most appropriate evaluation would be the nurse progress or lack of progress toward the achievement of the stated goals. A. True B. False C. Neither


ANSWER: A RATIO: It is TRUE  that most suitable assessment, according to Abdellah, will be the success of the nurses or the absence of progress towards achieving the specified objectives.

Which of the following is/are NOT included in Abdellah’s 21 Nursing Problem Theory? A. Sp Spir irit itua uali lity ty B. Se Sens nsor ory y Funct Functio ions ns C. Sub-op Sub-optim timal al ac activ tivity ity and and rrest est D. Inter Interrelat relatedness edness of emotions emotions and illness ANSWER: C 8.

RATIO: All the given choices except for Sub -optimal activity and rest  are included in Abdellah’s 21 Nursing Problem Theory. 9.

An 85 year old female client experienced severe chest pain. In addition, she experienced shortness of breath, tachycardia and profuse diaphoresis. Which of the following statements pertain to the basic nursing care should this client receive? A. Teach early signs and symptoms of cardiac distress di stress B. Teach the appropriate course of action in resolving the problem C. Explore his work-related goals D. Elevate Elevate the head of bed

ANSWER: D RATIO: For the 85-year-old-female who has suffered extreme chest pain and shortness of breath, tachycardia, and profuse diaphoresis, the basic treatment or care that the she must receive is that her bed must be lifted or sufferings ings and will be able to breathe properly. prope rly. elevated (elevate the head of bed)  to overcome or lessen her suffer 10. Which of the following is the identified limitation of Abdellah’s 21 nursing problem theory? A. It’ It’s s problem solvin solving g approach B. The language used by Abdellah in creating the theory’s theory’s framework C. The emphasis in p providing roviding medical attention to client’s needs D. The very strong nurse-centered nurse-centered orientation orientation

ANSWER: D nurse -centered orientation is identified as a limitation in Abdellah’s 21 nursing problem RATIO: The very strong nurse-centered theory.


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundation in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: VIRGINIA HENDERSON’S NURSING NEED’S THEORY LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1.

Lo Look ok int into tthe he back backgr grou ound nd of Vir Virgi gini nia a Hen Hende derrson son and know Henderson’s theory assertions.



Unde Underrst stan and d tthe he 14 B Bas asic ic Hum Human Need Needs s and and de defi fin ne Henderson’s nursing paradigms.


Stat State e tthe he appl applic icat atio ion no off V Vir irgi gini nia a Hen Hende ders rson on’s ’s theo theory ry to nursing practice.

Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories and th theirr wo thei work rk (9   ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.


Book, pen and notebook

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) The instructor will instruct the students to find their partner to answer a nswer the ten (10) questions and to rationalize among themselves. This willSuperimpositions be recorded as their quiz. One point will be given to allowed. correct andgiven another one minutes (1) pointfor for the correct ratio. or erasures in (1) their answer/ratio is not allo wed.answer They are (ten)10 this activity.

Multiple Choice (For 1-10, please refer to the questions in the Guided / Rationalization Activity) RATIONALIZATION RATIONALIZA TION ACTIVITY (DURING THE FACE TO FACE INTERACTION WITH THE STUDENTS) The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions and to discuss among their classmates for 15 minutes. 1. In Henderson’s Henderson’s definition definition of health, health, she stated that that “individ “individuals uals will achieve or maintain maintain health health if they have have the necessary strength, will or knowledge”. Based on the overview of Henderson's philosophy presented in the chapter, it would be most accurate to consider her theory as a  A.Needs theory B.Practice theory C.Outcome theory D.Middle-rangetheory ANSWER: A RATIO: Henderson Henderson’s ’s theory is considered as a Needs theory .

2. Virginia Virginia Henderson is is a nurse, theorist, theorist, and autho authorr known for her Need Need Theory Theory.. She is still fondly fondly referred to as the ______________________. A.Girl Next Door B.Lady with the Lamp C.Nursing Pioneer D.First Lady of Nursing

ANSWER: D RATIO: Virginia Henderson is a nurse, theorist, and author known for her Need Theory and is fondly referred to as the First Lady of Nursing. 


3. Henderson considered the person to be of primary imp importance ortance and that is the reason why we categorize her theory as client-centered. How many activities did Virginia Henderson have in her "nursing activities for client assistance”? A.12 activities B.14 activities C.11 activities D.10 activities ANSWER: B Virginia a Henderson have in her "nursing activities for client assistance.”   RATIO: There are 14 activities  that Virgini


Henderson states that individuals individuals have basic basic needs tthat hat are component of healt health h and require assistance assistance to achieve health and independence or a peaceful death. Henderson believed that the nursing theory should be centered around _________? A. The family family B. Patie Patient/ nt/ Pat Patient ient nee needs ds C. The h health ealth care team D. Th The e nurse nurse ANSWER: B RATIO: Henderson believed that the philosophy or nursing should concentrate on theneeds the needs of patients or to the patient itself. 5.

Nurse Bon Bonita ita is caring for a diabetic diabetic client. Her patien patientt suffering from peripheral peripheral neuropathy neuropathy and could not not feed herself. According to Henderson, which of the following role of nursing is NOT included? A. A substitute for the nurse B. A hel helper per to the the patien patientt C. A par partner tner with with the patient patient D. A sub substitu stitute te for the pat patient ient ANSWER: A RATIO: There is no such role in nursing that a nurse can be substituted (A substitute for the Nurse)  in her or his own responsibility on a particular patient/ in her or his assigned role. 6. Virginia Henderson also believed that it was important that nursing be based on evidence, and that research was a critical component of improving nursing practice. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the following is an example of physiological needs? A. Wors Worship hip according according to one’s one’s faith faith B. Work at something providing providing a sense of accomplishment accomplishment C. Move and maintai maintain n desira desirable ble posture posture D. Living in a c clean lean and non-pol non-polluted luted air in in highly industr industrialize ialized d city. city. ANSWER: D RATIO: Living in a cl clean ean and non-polluted non-pollute d air in highly industrialize industrialized d city is an example of physiological needs in

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. 7. The nurse’s nurse’s goal goal is tto o make tthe he patien patientt complete complete,, whole, or ind independent. ependent. In turn, turn, the nurse nurse collaborates collaborates  with the physician’s physician’s therapeutic therapeutic plan. The The third llevel evel of Maslow Maslow's 's hierarchy o off needs is what? what? A. Sa Safe fetty ne need eds s B. Love Love a and nd bel belon ongi ging ng C. SelfSelf-Ac Actu tuali aliza zati tion on D. Esteem and Value ANSWER: B RATIO: Love and Belonging  is the third level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. 8.

What is Ma Maslow slow's 's hi highes ghestt level level of need in hierar hierarchy chy pyrami pyramid? d? A. Sa Safe fetty ne need eds s B. Love Love a and nd bel belon ongi ging ng

C. SelfSelf-Ac Actu tuali aliza zati tion on D. Este Esteem em and and V Val alue ue ANSWER: C ualizati zation on is the highest level of need for Maslow in the hierarchy pyramid.  RATIO: Self-Act Self -Actuali



Whi Which ch of the foll followin owing g is Virgi Virginia nia Hen Henders derson’ on’s s defin definitio ition n of nursi nursing? ng? A. Nursin Nursing g is an ar artt and sc science ience tthat hat is humani humanistic stic an and d huma humanitari nitarian. an. B. Nursin Nursing g is a particip participation ation in care, care, core and cure cure aspects o off patient c care, are, where where CARE is the sole function of nurses C. The uniqu unique e functio function n of the nurse is to ass assist ist the individual individual,, sick or well, in the pe perfor rformance mance of tthose hose activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death). D. Nursin Nursing g is an interpersona interpersonal, l, therapeutic therapeutic process process that takes place when professio professionals, nals, specif specifically ically educated to be nurses, engage in therapeutic relationships with people who are in need of health services.

ANSWER: C function n of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or RATIO: Virginia Henderson define nursing as the unique functio  well, in the performance performance of those those activities contributin contributing g to health health or its recovery recovery or to a peaceful death. death.

10. Hender Henderson son stressed stressed that that ind indivi ividu dual al perso person n or cli client ent is a whole, whole, compl complete ete and indepen independen dentt be being ing with biological, biolog ical, sociological, and spiritual components. These components are operationalized operationalized in the 14 fundamental fundamental or basic human needs. Based on Henderson's theory, the following are examples of psychological components except? A. Learn, di discover scover,, or satisfy the curiosity curiosity th that at leads to norma normall developm development ent and health and use the available health facilities B. Select suitab suitable le cloth clothes-dr es-dress ess and undres undress. s. C. Avoid danger dangers s in the environ environment ment and and avoid avoid injuring injuring others. others. D. Both B an and dC ANSWER: D RATIO: theory. Except for the letter B and letter C are examples of psychological components based on Henderson’s


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET





Book, pen and notebook

Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can:



Look into the background of Nola Pender and know Pender’s theory assertions.

Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories and th theirr wo thei work rk (9   ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Understand the Nola Pender’s major concepts and 2. definitions. State the application of Nola Pender’s theory to nursing 3. practice.

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity:

Multiple Choice: 1. The Health Promotion Promotion Model w was as designed to be a “co “complementary mplementary counterpart to models of health protection. How does Pender's Health Promotion Model describe nurses? A. As par partt of a cli client’s ent’s inter interperso personal nal environ environment ment B. As a age gent nts s of ch chan ange ge C. .A .As s par parttne nerrs D. . Al Alll of the the a abo bove ve ANSWER: A RATIO: Pender’s Health Promotion Model describe nurses as part of a client’s interpersonal environment .

2. Pender's Health Health Promo Promotion tion Model Model examines the the multi-dimensional multi-dimensional nature of persons persons as they interact interact within within their environment to pursue health. Which of the following is/are NOT a behavior-specific cognition and affect variable? A. Perce Perceived ived sel self-ef f-efficacy ficacy B. Perce Perceived ived benef benefits its of action C. Situat Situational ional influ influences ences D. Prior relat related ed beh behavior avior ANSWER: D d behavior behavio r is part of Individual Characteristic and Experience and  not a behavior-specific behavior-specific RATIO: Prior relate rel ated cognition and a nd affec affectt variable. varia ble. \

3. Individual's likelihood of taking action- results from person's perception of benefits and barriers to taking action. Which of the following major concepts of Pender’s health model pertains to the frequency of the same or similar behavior in the past? A. Prior rrelated elated b behavio ehaviorr B. Perso Personal nal ffactor actors s C. Perce Perceived ived benef benefits its of acti action on D. Health pr promot omoting ing behaviour behaviour ANSWER: A RATIO: Prior related behavior pertains to the frequency of the same or similar behavior in the past.  


The end result directed toward accomplishing beneficial health outcome such as optimal well-being, personal fulfillment,, and personal living fulfillment A. perso personal nal psychological psychological factors factors B. health pr promoti omoting ng behavio behaviors rs C. activi activity-r ty-related elated affect affect D. perceived self-efficacy E. ANSWER: B RATIO: Health promoting behaviors is the end result directed toward accomplish accomplishing ing beneficial health outcome such as optimal well-being, personal fulfillment, and personal living. 4.


Pender’s health promotion model defines health as “a positive dynamic state not merely the absence of disease.” Which of the following include variables such as self-esteem, self-motivatio self-motivation, n, personal competence, perceived health status, and definition of health A. Per Person sonal al socio socio-cu -cultu ltural ral factor factors s B. Perce Perceiv ived ed sel selff-ef effi fica cacy cy C. Percei Perceived ved bar barrie riers rs to act action ion D. Pers Person onal al ffac acto tors rs

ANSWER: D RATIO: This statement that includes variables such as self-esteem, self- motivation, personal competence, perceived health status and definition of health is the definition of personal psychological factors. 


Descr Describes ibes subjecti subjective ve positive positive or neg negative ative feeling feelings s that occu occurr befor before, e, during during and after after behaviou behaviour. r. A. Int Interp erpers ersonal onal influe influence nces s B. Situa Situati tion onal al in infl flue uenc nces es C. Com Commit mitmen mentt to a pla plan n of act action ion D. Activ Activit ity y relat related ed af affe fect ct

ANSWER: D RATIO: Activity related affect determines positive or negative feelings or emotions that arise before, during and after behavior.

7. Health promotion promotion is directed directed at increasing a clien client’s t’s level of well-bein well-being. g. Which Which of the fo following llowing variables age, gender, race, basal metabolic rate? A. Pers Person onal al ffac acttor ors s B. Psy Psych chol ologi ogica call fa fact ctor ors s C. Biolo Biologi gica call fa fact ctor ors s D. Socio Socio cul cultu tura rall fact factor ors s ANSWER: C RATIO: Biological factors  include the following variable variables; s; age, gender, race, and basal metabolic rate


The healt health h promotion promotion model model (HPM) (HPM) proposed proposed by Nola J Pender (1982; (1982; revised, 1996) was designed designed to to be a  “complementary counterpart to models of health protection.” Which of the following personal factors include race, ethnicity, and acculturation? A. Pers Person onal al ffac acttor ors s B. Psy Psych chol ologi ogica call fa fact ctor ors s C. Biolo Biologi gica call fa fact ctor ors s D. Socio Socio cul cultu tura rall fact factor ors s

ANSWER: D Socio o cultural cultura l factors facto rs include the following personal factors; race, ethnicity, and acculturation.  RATIO: Soci


Whic Which h of the foll followi owing ng per personal sonal fa factor ctors s include include selfself-estee esteem m and selfself-mot motivati ivation? on? A. Pe Pers rson onal al fac facto tors rs B. Ps Psyc ycho holog logic ical al fac facto tors rs C. Bi ologic altura fa fact ctor s tors D. Biolo So Soci cio ogical cultu cul ral l ors facto fac rs

ANSWER: B RATIO: Psychological Psychologica l factors include self-esteem and self-motivation. 


10. The Health Promotion Promotion Model is similar in construction construction to the healt health h belief model, whi which ch explains disease prevention behavior. Which of the following involves anticipated, imagined or real barriers preventing the change? A. Pe Perc rcei eive ved d self self-e -eff ffic icacy acy B. Hea Health lth pro promot moting ing beh behavi avior or.. C. Per Percei ceived ved barrie barriers rs to to ac actio tion n D. Per Percei ceived ved benefi benefitt o off a acti ction on ANSWER: C RATIO: Perceiv Perceived ed barriers barrie rs to action act ion involves anticipated, imagined or real barriers preventing the change. 


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: LEININGER’S THEORY OF HEALTH LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1.

Identi Identify fy the the hi histo story ry a and nd s sour ource ce of of the the th theor eory y.



Dif Differ ferent entiat iate e cult cultura urall diversit diversity y and cult cultura urall universa universalit lity y.

Book, pen and notebook


Und Under erst stan and d th the e me meta tapa para radig digm m in n nur ursi sing ng..



Analyz Analyze e and apply apply the the theo theory ry tto o th the e nur nursing sing pro profes fessio sion. n.

Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories th and  their work (9  ed.),  ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland  Winsland   Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize rationalize this by yours yourself. elf. This will be recor recorded ded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice 1.

According to Leininger, Leininger, the true e essence ssence of nu nursing rsing is caring. caring. Which of the following following pertains to the commonalities of care? A. Universality B. Culture care C. Diversity D. Goal of of Transcultural Nu Nursing

ANSWER: A RATIO: According to Leininger, Universality  pertains to the commonalities of care.

2. What is the the dominant dominant,, disti distincti nctive, ve, and u unify nifying ing fe featur atures es of nursing nursing tthat hat is essenti essential al for a person’ person’s s survival, development, development, and ability to deal with life events? A. Sp Spir irit itua uall as aspe pect ct of of care care B. Goal Goal of Tr Transc anscult ultura urall Nursi Nursing ng C. Diversit ity y D. Caring ANSWER: D RATIO:: Ca RATIO Cari ring ng is the primary, distinctive and unifying nursing characteristics that are important to the survival, growth or development and ability of an individual to cope with life events.


Which Which of tthe he follow following ing iis/ s/ are N NOT OT tr true ue ab about out cultu culture? re? A. Ref Refers ers to to le learn arned, ed, sha shared red,, and and tr trans ansmit mitted ted val values ues,, be belie liefs, fs, norms norms and and life life ways ways of a partic particular ular plac place. e. B. Prov Provid ides es tthe he b bas asis is for for c cul ultu tura rall valu values es,, whic which h id iden enti tify fy way ways s th think inkin ing g or act actin ing. g. C. Bo Botth e ex xhibi hibitt d div iver ersi sitty and and un univ iver ers sal alit ity y D. Refer Refers s to the outloo outlook k of a person or group group on the world or their their universe universe to form form a pictur picture e or a value perception about their life or world around them

ANSWER: D RATIO: Refers to the outlook of a person or group on the world or their universe to form a picture or a value perception about a bout their life l ife or world wor ld around them the m is NOT true about culture. 


What are the the three type types s of nursing nursing actio actions ns accordin according g to Madel Madeleine eine Leinin Leininger? ger? A. Cult Cultur ural al Care Care Pres Preser erva vati tion on or Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e B. Cult Cultur ural al Care Care Ac Acco comm mmod odat atio ion n or or Neg Negot otia iati tion on C. Cult Cultur ural al Care Care Re Repa patt tter erni ning ng or Rest Restru ruct ctur urin ing g D. Culture C Ca are Assimilation

ANSWER: A, B, & C type s of nurs nursing ing RATIO: According to Madeleine Leininger, except for Culture Care Assimilation , are the three types actions.


Martha, a 79-year 79-year old diabetic diabetic patient patient is conscio conscious us about what what she eats by by eating foods foods rich in in fiber. fiber. She also makes it a point to take her insulin shots on time. Which of the following types of nursing actions demonstrates Martha’s behavior? A. Cult Cultur ural al Care Care Pres Preser erva vati tion on or Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e B. Cult Cultur ural al Care Care Ac Acco comm mmod odat atio ion n or or Neg Negot otia iati tion on C. Cult Cultur ural al Care Care Re Repa patt tter erni ning ng or Rest Restru ruct ctur urin ing g D. Culture C Ca are Assimilation


ANSWER: A Culturall Care Preservation Preserv ation on Maintenance Maintena nce is a type of nursing actions demonstrates Martha’s behavior behavior..  RATIO: Cultura 6.

Encouraging Encourag ing direct care such as bathing, feeding, and other activities of daily living by family members  who may be be interested in actively contributing contributing in the care of a loved loved one is referring to  ________________. A. Cultur Cultural al Care Care Preserv Preservati ation on or Mainte Maintenan nance ce B. Cultur Cultural al Care Accom Accommod modati ation on or Negotiat Negotiation ion C. Cultu Cultural ral Care Care Repatterni Repatterning ng or Restr Restructur ucturing ing D. Cul Cultur ture e Care Care Ass Assimi imilat lation ion

ANSWER: A RATIO: Direct care such as bathing, feeding, and other activities of daily living by family members who may be Cultural Care Preservation or interested in actively contributing contributing in the care of a loved one is referring to toCultural Maintenance.

7. Nurse Nurse Rene teaches teaches Arno Arnold, ld, a 67 year old old Fili Filipin pino o Am America erican n pati patient ent that that altho although ugh g garli arlic c may lower lower his blood pressure; he still needs to take the prescribed antihypertensive medications. medications. Which of the following explains Nurse Rene’s nursing action? A. Cultur Cultural al Care Care Preserv Preservati ation on or Mainte Maintenan nance ce B. Cultur Cultural al Care Accom Accommod modati ation on or Negotiat Negotiation ion C. Cultu Cultural ral Care Care Repatterni Repatterning ng or Restr Restructur ucturing ing D. None None of the hes se ANSWER: B Culturall Care Accommodation Accommodatio n or Negotiation Negotia tion also known as negotiation, includes those assistive, supportive, RATIO: Cultura facilitative, or enabling creative professional actions and decisions that help people of a designated culture to adapt to or negotiate with others.

8. Mo Molly lly is an an 89 year year old old p pati atient ent wh who o does does not not beli believe eve tthat hat she need need an advan advance ce dire directi ctive ve beca because use “deat “death h is up to God.” Nurse Marian, who is taking care of her, can educate her about having her wishes followed when she can no longer make decisions or speak for herself. Explaining that by creating advance directives, her wishes will be followed. Which of the following explains Nurse Rene’s nursing action? A. Cultur Cultural al Care Care Preserv Preservati ation on or Mainte Maintenan nance ce B. Cultur Cultural al Care Accom Accommod modati ation on or Negotiat Negotiation ion C. Cultu Cultural ral Care Care Repatterni Repatterning ng or Restr Restructur ucturing ing D. None None of the hes se ANSWER: C Repattern ing or Restructuring Restructur ing includes those assistive, supporting, facilitative, or enabling RATIO: Cultural Cultura l Care Repatterning professional action and decisions that help a client reorder, change, or greatly modify their lifeways for new, different, and beneficial health care pattern.

9. Ref Refers ers tto o cultu cultural ral vari variabi abilit lity y or d diff ifferen erences ces iin n ca care re beli beliefs efs,, me meani aning ngs, s, patt pattern erns, s, value values, s, symbo symbols, ls, and lifeways within and between cultures and human beings. A. Gl Glob obal aliz izat atio ion n B. Cu Cult ltur ure e Care Care Uni Unive vers rsal alit ity y C. Cu Cult ltur ure e Care Care Div Diver ersit sity y D. Wor orlld vi view ANSWER: C Di versity refers to cultural variability or differences in care beliefs, meanings, patterns, values, RATIO: Culture Care Diversity symbols, and lifeways within and between cultures and human beings.

10. Past Past fact facts, s, eve event nts s and ex exper perien iences ces of ind indivi ividu duals als, , group groups, s, and and vario var ious us cultu cuwithin ltures res particular an and d instit institut ution ions s tha that t are mainly people-centered (ethnic) and that explains, and interprets human lifeways cultural trends refers to __________________. A. Accu Accult ltur urat atio ion n B. Bicult ltu ural C. Ethn Ethnoh ohis isto tory ry D. Ethnic iciity 


ANSWER: C RATIO: Eth Ethnoh nohist istor ory y refers to pa   st facts, events and experiences of individuals, groups, and various cultures and institutions that are mainly people-centered (ethnic) and that explains, and interprets human lifeways  within particular particular cultural cultural trends trends..


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: NEWMAN’S THEORY OF HEALTH AS EXPANDING CONSCIOUSNESS LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1. Identi Identify fy the the hi histo story ry a and nd s sour ource ce of of the the th theor eory y.

Materials: Book, pen and notebook


Unde Unders rsta tand nd the the m met etap apar arad adig igm m in nur nursi sing ng..



Analy Analyze ze and and app apply ly the the the theor ory y to the the n nur ursi sing ng pro profe fess ssio ion. n.

Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories th and  their work (9  ed.),  ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland  Winsland   Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: ) Multiple Choice 1. Th The e theor theory y explai explains ns that that hea health lth and illne illness ss are are syn synth thesi esized zed as he healt alth. h. In In this this m mod odel, el, nursi nursing ng is is reg regard arded ed as “caring in the human health experience.” Which of the following choices is true regarding this statement? A. Nursi Nursing ng is seen as a partnershi partnership p between the the nurse and the the patient’s patient’s imm immediate ediate family family mem members bers B. Nursi Nursing ng is seen seen as a partners partnership hip between between th the e nurse and pat patient ient C. Nursi Nursing ng is seen as a partnershi partnership p between the the nurse and the the other members members of the he healthc althcare are team D. Nursi Nursing ng is seen as a the the sole re responsi sponsibility bility o off the nur nurse se in caring caring for the pa patient tient ANSWER: B pat ient is true regarding the statement “caring in the RATIO: Nursing is seen as a partnership between the nurse and patient human health experience.”

2. New Newman man’’s Healt Health h as Ex Expan pandin ding g Consc Consciou iousne sness ss Theo Theory ry iis s benef benefici icial al beca because use it can can be be appl applied ied in any any setting and “generates caring interventions.” Which of the following is the reason why it is considered as a grand nursing theory? A. It addr addresses esses more more narr narrowly owly defined defined phenom phenomena ena and can be used used to suggest a an n interv intervention ention.. B. It addr addresses esses more more narr narrowly owly defined defined phenom phenomena ena and can be used used to suggest a nur nursing sing diag diagnosis. nosis. C. Is bro broader ader and provid provides es an over overall all framework framework for for str structur ucturing ing ideas. ideas. D. is broa broader der and pr provides ovides an ana a specif specific ic fram framework ework ffor or stru structur cturing ing ideas ideas.. ANSWER: C str ucturing ideas is ideas is the reason why it is considered as a RATIO:: Is broader and provides an overall framework for structuring RATIO grand nursing theory.

3. Th The e theor theory y assert asserts s that that every every per person son in e ever very y sit situat uatio ion, n, n no o matte matterr ho how w di disor sorder dered ed and and ho hope peles less s it may may seem, is part of the universal process of expanding consciousness. consciousness. Which among the following is NOT among the three correlates of consciousness? A. Space B. Movement C. Time D. Motion ANSWER: D Motion ion is not among of the three correlates of consciousness.  RATIO: Mot


4. Ac con oncep ceptt of Ne Newma wman' n's s theor theory y which which refers refers to the dep depict icts s the the wh whole ole and is c char haract acteri erized zed by mov moveme ement nt,, diversity, and rhythm. A. Pa Pattter tern B. Co Cons nsci ciou ousn snes ess s C. Ti Time me and Timi Timing ng D. Pattern Recognition ANSWER: A ern n is a concept of Newman’s theory which refers to the depicts the t he whole and is characterized by RATIO: Patt Pa tter movement, diversity and rhythm.

5. New Newman man empha emphasiz sizes es tthe he import importanc ance e of exa examin minin ing g ____ _______ ______ ____ _ toget together her as dime dimens nsion ions s of eme emerg rging ing patterns of consciousness rather than as separate concepts of the theory A. Pat Patter tern n re recog cognit nition ion B. Mov Moveme ementnt-Spa Spacece-Ti Time me C. Co Cons nsci ciou ousn snes ess s D. He Heal altth ANSWER: B RATIO: Newman emphasizes the importance of examining movement-space-time together as dimensions of emerging patterns of consciousness rather than a separate concepts of the theory.

6. En Encou courag raging ing dir direct ect care care such such as ba bath thing ing,, feedi feeding ng,, and other other ac activ tiviti ities es of dail daily y livin living g by famil family y member members s  who may be be interested in actively contri contributing buting in the care of of a loved o one ne is referring referring to  ________________. A. Cultur Cultural al Care Preserv Preservation ation or Mainte Maintenance nance B. Cultur Cultural al Care Accomm Accommodatio odation n or Negotia Negotiation tion C. Cultural Cultural Care Repatterni Repatterning ng or Restr Restructur ucturing ing D. Cultur Culture e Car Care e Assim Assimila ilatio tion n ANSWER: A RATIO: Direct care such as bathing, feeding, and other activities of daily living by family members who may be Cultural Care Preservation or interested in actively contributing contributing in the care of a loved one is referring to toCultural Maintenanc Maint enance e.

7. The ttheor heory y, Health Health as Exp Expandi anding ng C Consc onscious iousness ness,, ste stems ms fr from om Roger Rogers’ s’ (1970) (1970) science science of unit unitary ary human human beings and other theories. Which among the following theorists implicates order and supports Newman’s postulate that disease is a manifestation of the pattern of health? A. B. C. D.

David Bohm Ma Mart rtha ha Roge Rogers rs;; Itz tzak ak Be Ben ntov tov Arth Arthur ur Young oung

ANSWER: A David id Bohm theory of implicate order supports Newman’s postulate that disease is a manifestation of the RATIO: Dav pattern of health.

8. Perso Persons ns are are cen centers ters of consci consciousn ousness. ess. W Which hich among among the the fol follow lowing ing theo theory ry an and d theori theorists sts provi provided ded impet impetus us for Newman to integrate the basic concepts of her new theory, movement, space, time, and consciousness, into a  dynamic portrayal of life and health? A. David B Bohm’s ohm’s ; The Theory Theory of Implicat Implicate e B. Mart Martha ha Rogers; Rogers; The Theory ory of Uni Unitary tary Hum Human an Beings C. Itzak concept of ess evolution of consciousness D. Arthur ArthuBentov; r Young; Young;The Theor Theory y of Process Proc ANSWER: D RATIO: Arthur Young; Theory of Process  provided impetus for Newman to integrate the basic concepts of her new theory, movement, movement, space, time, and consciousness into a dynamic portrayal of life and health.


9. Whic Which h am among ong the foll followin owing g nursin nursing g pa paradi radigm gm unde underr New Newman’ man’s s theory theory is the the key key proce process ss that that c create reates s unique configurations for each individual? A. Person B. Health C. Environment D. Nursing ANSWER: C Environ ronment ment a nursing paradigm under Newman’s theory is the key process that creates unique configurations RATIO: Envi for each individual.

10. Newman Newman sugge suggeste sted d th the e use use of nin nine e patter patterns ns o off inter interact action ion in tthe he heal health th asse assessm ssment ent fra framew mewor ork k of NANDA. Which of the following is/are NOT one of them? A. Co Comm mmun unic icat atin ing g B. As Assu sum mpt ptio ion n C. Choosing D. Feeling ANSWER: B RATIO: Ass Assumpt umption ion is not one in Newman suggested to use of the nine patterns of interaction in the health assessment framework of NANDA._______________________________ NANDA.____________________________________________________________________________  _____________________________________________ 


 ___________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: PARSE’S THEORY OF HUMAN BECOMING LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1. Identi Identify fy the the hi histo story ry a and nd s sour ource ce of of the the th theor eory y. 2.

Und Under erst stan and d th the e me meta tapa para radig digm m in n nur ursi sing ng..

3. Analyz Analyze e and apply apply P Pars arse’s e’s The Theory ory of H Huma uman n Bec Becomi oming ng to to the nursing profession.

Materials: Book, pen and notebook

References: Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories th and  their work (9  ed.),  ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland  Winsland   Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity:

Multiple Choice 1.

Parse synthesized synthesized the original nine assumptions assumptions about humans and and becomi becoming ng into four assu assumptions mptions about human becoming. All of these are included EXCEPT: A. Hu Huma man n bec becom omin ing g is stru struct ctur urin ing gm mea eani ning ng,, fre freel ely y cho choos osin ing g with with si situ tuat atio ion. n. B. Hu Huma man n bec becom omin ing g iis s con confi figu guri ring ng rh rhyt ythm hmica icall h hum uman an univ univer erse se patt patter erns ns.. C. Hu Huma man n bec becom omin ing g iis s con contr trad adict ictin ing g iill llim imit itabl ably yw wit ith he eme merg rgin ing g pos possi sible ble.. D. Hu Huma man n bec becom omin ing g iis s hum human an un univ iver erse se cocr cocrea eati ting ng a sea seaml mles ess ss sym ymph phon ony y.

ANSWER: C RATIO: All of the statements are included EXCEPT Human becoming is contradicting illimitably with emerging possib pos sible le which  which Parse Parse synthesized tthe he origin original al nine assu assumptions mptions a about bout humans humans and b becoming ecoming into into four assumptions about human becoming.


Wh Whic ich ho off tthe he foll follow owin ing g sta state teme ment nts s iis sN NOT OT TR TRUE UE abou aboutt the the Human Becoming Theory? A. The the theory ory guid guides es the practic practice e of nurses nurses to focus focus on qualit quality y as it is described described and and lived B. The theo theory ry prese presents nts an alter alternativ native e to both the conv conventio entional nal bio-medical bio-medical app approac roach h as well as the biopsycho-social - spiritual approach of nursing C. The theory rrates ates quality of life from eac each h person's own perspective perspective as the goal of the practice of nursing. nursing. D. The theory presents a broad, holistic and system-based system-based method to nursing that maintains maintains a fac factor tor of flexibility.. It focuses on the response of the patient system to a flexibility actual ctual or potential environmental stressors and the maintenance of the client cl ient system’s stability through primary, secondary secondary,, and tertiary nursing prevention intervention to reduce stressors.

ANSWER: D RATIO: The theory rates presents a broad, holistic and system-based method to nursing that maintains a factor of flexibility. It focuses on the response of the patient system to actual or potential environment stressors and the maintenance of the client system’s stability through primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing prevention intervention to reduce stressors is NOT TRUE  about the Human becoming Theory



Based from Parse’s Symbol Symbol of Human Becoming Becoming Theory Theory,, what do does es the intertwining intertwining of of the green and black swirls signify? A. HumanHuman-Univer Universe se co- creation creation as an ongoin ongoing g process process of becomi becoming ng B. Hope C. Oppos Opposite ite paradox paradox si signific gnificant ant to ontolo ontology gy of human human becoming becoming D. Co creat created ed mutua mutuall human universe universe process process at the ontologi ontological cal level and nur nurse se person person proces process. s.

ANSWER: A RATIO: The intertwining of the green and black swirls signifies Human-Universe co-creation as an ongoing process of becoming.


A concept concept of Ne Newman's wman's theo theory ry which d depicts epicts the whole whole and is characterized by movement, diversity, diversity, and rhythm. A. Pattern B. Co Cons nsci ciou ous sne ness ss C. Tim ime e and and T Tim imin ing g D. Pattern Recognition ANSWER: A RATIO: Patt Pa tter ern n is a concept of Newman’s theory which depicts the whole and is characterized by movement, diversity, and rhythm.


Parse's model model rates quality quality of life from each person person's 's own perspective as the goal goal of the practice practice of nursing. Which of the following is an example of a paradox? A. Marga Marga is very very sh shy y and love loves s publ public ic speak speaking ing B. Nurse Re Renee nee tak takes es good care care of his pa patient tient by making s sure ure that that their needs needs are met met

C. Everyone is alth bo born rn w with ith uniqu unique e characte characteristi ristics cs D. Every Heal Health thone is weal we th ANSWER: A  ,” ”  is an example of paradox paradox.. RATIO: The statement “Marga is very shy and loves public speaking ,


One of the the purpose purposes s of the theory theory is to assist assist with crit critical ical thinki thinking ng and problem problem solving. solving. What are the three major themes of the Human Becoming Theory? A. Imagin Imaging, g, val valuing uing,, lang languag uaging ing B. Rhy Rhythm thmici icity ty,, imaging, imaging, la langu nguagin aging g C. Meanin Meaning, g, rhyt rhythmici hmicity ty,, tran transcend scendence ence D. Reveal Revealing-c ing-conceali oncealing, ng, enablin enabling-lim g-limiting, iting, connectin connecting-sep g-separati arating ng ANSWER: C RATIO: The three major themes of the Human Becoming Theory are the following; Meaning, rhythmicity, transcendence. 7.

The Neuman Neuman Systems Model views views the cl client ient as an open system that responds to stresso stressors rs in the the environment. The client variables are physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual. Three principles constitute the human becoming theory. Each principle contains three concepts that requires thoughtful exploration. People are always engaging with and choosing from infinite possibilities about how to be, what attitudes and approach to have, who to relate to. What principle is exemplified in the given statement? A. Co Con ntr tras asce cend ndin ing g wit with h iimp mpos ossi sibi bili liti ties es B. Configur uriing rhy rhythmi hmical pat patterns C. Structuring m me eaning D. Co Con ntras trasce cend ndin ing g wit with po poss ssib ibil ilit itie ies s

ANSWER: C RATIO: Contras Contrascending cending with wit h possibilities possibilit ies describes persons as always engaging with and choosing from an infinite number of possibilities about how to be a person, what attitude att itude or approach to have, who to relate with and  what interests or concerns to be bother with.



This principle principle m means eans that human be beings ings create create patterns in day-to-day day-to-day life and these these pattern patterns s tell about about personal meanings and values. A. Struc Structurin turing g of meani meaning ng multidimens multidimensionall ionally y B. Co-cr Co-creating eating rhyth rhythmical mical patt patterns erns of relating relating C. CoCo-tra transc nscend ending ing wit with h the poss possibi ibilit lities ies D. Rev Revea ealin lingg-co conc ncea ealin ling g

ANSWER: B Co-creating ating rhythmical rhythmic al patterns of relating relat ing is a principle means that human beings create patterns in day to day RATIO Co-cre life and patterns tell about personal meanings and values.

9. It is the indivisible indivisible unbounded unbounded knowing knowing extended extended to infinit infinity y, the all at once remembering remembering and p prospecting rospecting  with the moment moment A. Paradox B. Illimitability C. Freedom D. Mystery ANSWER: B RATIO:: Illimitability RATIO Illimitability  is the indivisible unbounded kno knowing wing extended to infinity, infinity, the all at once remembering and prospecting with the moment.


It is bein being gw with ith and ap apart art from from o oth thers ers,, id ideas eas,, o obj bject ects s an and ds situ ituati ation ons s al alll at once. once. A. B. C. D.

Origin iginat atin ing g Re Reve veali aling ng-- con conce ceali aling ng Powering Co Conn nnec ecti ting ng-- separ separat atin ing g

ANSWER: D Connecting-sep ing-separating arating it is being with and apart from others, ideas, objects and situations all at once.  RATIO: Connect



(Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) BS NURSING / FIRST


De Deffin ine e Lo Loc csi sin n an and d Agravante’s theory .


Und Understand the metaparadigm in nursing.


Des Describe how how the theories could be applied in practice.

YEAR Session #24

Materials: Book, pen and notebook

References: Locsin, R. C. (2006). Technological Competency  as Caring and the Practice of Knowing Persons as Whole. Parker Parker,, M.E. (2nd ed.) In Nursing Theories & Nursing Practice. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company CASAGRA Transformational Leadership (Online) doc/61840541/Carolina Agravante-Theory


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice 1.

Technological echnological competency competency in nursing nursing foster fosters s the recognition recognition and realization of persons as participants participants in their care rather than objects of care. Which of the following is/are NOT Locsin’s assumptions? A. The p pers erson on is whole/ whole/com comple plete te in th the e moment moment B. Nursi Nursing ng is a dis disciplin cipline e and profession professional al practice practice C. Technology echnology is used used to kn know ow a person person fully fully in the moment moment D. The motivation and energy necessary for healing exist wit within hin the patient, patient, rather than in tthe he healthcare team.

ANSWER: D RATIO: The motivation and energy necessary for healing exist within the patient, rather than in the healthcare team te am is NOT one of Locsin’s assumptions. 

2. Locs Locsin's in's middle middle ran range ge nurs nursing ing th theory eory is an int interest eresting ing di discuss scussion ion of the the correl correlatio ation n betwe between en hands-on hands-on patient care and the use of technology. Which of the following are risks associated with technology in nursing? A. Do Doct ctor or go goog ogle le B. Lack Lack o off conf confid iden enti tiali ality ty C. Perma Permanent nent and and non-specif non-specifically ically visible healt health h record record D. All All of of tthe he abov above e ANSWER: D RATIO: All of the above a bove are risks associated with technology in nursing. 


The The prima primary ry nurs nursing ing pro proces cess s in th the e theor theory y of tec techn hnol olog ogica icall compe competen tency cy a as s caring caring in n nur ursin sing g is: is: A. Designing par parttici icipation iin n ca caring. B. Knowing. C. Implementation. D. Evaluation. ANSWER: B RATIO: Know Kn owin ing g is the primary nursing process in the theory of technological competency as caring in nursing. 

4. The The recip recipien ientt of nu nursi rsing ng c care are tha thatt ha has s de desir sires, es, dream dreams s and and ambit ambition ions s to liv live e life life com compl plete etely ly a as s carin caring g individuals is: A. person B. healt alth C. envi enviro ronm nmen entt D. nursing ANSWER: A Pers rson on is the recipient of nursing care that has desires, dreams, and ambition ambitions s to live life completely as RATIO: Pe caring individual. 5.

The continuous, circular knowledge process demonstrates the ever-changing, dynamic nature of knowing

in nursing is _____________. A. Proce Process ss of pa partici rticipatio pation n in appreciatio appreciation n  

B. Proces Process s of designi designing ng C. Process Process of par participa ticipation tion in deprecia depreciation tion D. Process Process of verif verifying ying knowle knowledge dge ANSWER: D verif ying knowledge knowle dge is the continuous, circular knowledge process demonstrates the ever-  RATIO: Process of verifying changing, dynamic nature of knowing in nursing.

6. The The CASA CASAGR GRA As serv ervant ant-le -leade adersh rship ip form formul ula a is an an ef effec fecti tive ve mo modal dality ity in enha enhanci ncing ng tthe he n nurs ursing ing fac facult ulty’ y’s s servant-leadership behavior. Which of the following is TRUE about the theory? A. It is an example example of a gr grand and theory theory B. Vitality of Care Care Complex of the nursing faculty faculty is directly rrelated elated to their subordinate behavior. behavior. C. Care complex is a structure structure in the personality of the the caregiver that is significantly related to the leadership behavior. D. CASAGRA Transformative Transformative Leadership is a psycho-spiritual model, was an effective means for for faculty to become better teachers and servant-leaders. ANSWER: D model, odel, was an effective m means eans for faculty to RATIO: CASAGRA Transformative Leadership  is a psycho-spiritual m become better teacher and servant-leaders is TRUE about the theory theory..

7. Which Which of the the foll follow owing ing is tthe he corr correct ect part part or compo componen nentt of th the e CASA CASAGRA GRA transf transform ormati ative ve lead leaders ership hip model? A. Co Core re comp comple lex x B. Retrea Retreatt vacati vacation on C. Cu Cure re comp comple lex x D. Transform Transformative ative leadership exercises ANSWER: D RATIO: Transformat Transformative ive leadership leaders hip exercises exercis es is the correct part or component of the CASAGRA transformative leadership model.

8. The The Servan Servant-L t-Lead eaders ershi hip p Sp Spiri iritua tualit lity y con consis sists ts of a spi spirit ritual ual exer exercis cise, e, the the determ determin inati ation on of of th the e vitali vitality ty of the care complex in the personality of an individual and finally a seminar workshop on transformative teaching. The servant-leader formula prescription prescription includes a spiritual retreat that may include the following processes except one: A. Self Self-- awa aware rene ness ss B. Campin Camping g an and d gr grill ill party party C. Con Contem templat plation ion,, D. Commitment tto o become servant-leaders in the footsteps footsteps of Jesus. ANSWER: B n the servant-leader formula prescri prescription ption that includes a spiritual spiritual RATIO: Camping and grill party  is not included iin retreat.


It is th the e bot botto tom m rock rock fo foun unda dati tion on th that at empo empowe wers rs lead leader ersh ship ip in nu nurs rsin ing. g. A. B. C. D.

Se Self lf--Mas aste terry Specia Specialis listt L Leve evell of of Pra Practi ctice ce Tr Trans ansfor format mative ive T Teach eaching ing Ser Servan vant-L t-Lead eaders ership hip Spiritu Spiritualit ality y

ANSWER: D RATIO: The bottom rock foundation that empowers leadership in nursing is Servant-Leadership Spirituality .

10. It guara guarant ntees ees st stud udent ents s for format mation ion as a nu nursi rsing ng llead eader er in the the ar artt of capp capping ing,, on only ly ar artis tistt from from sec secon ond d na natu ture re can teach first lesson learned by nursing student. A. B. C. D.

Servan Servant-L t-Lead eaders ership hip Spiri Spiritua tualit lity y Self Self--Ma Mast ster ery y Dy Dyna nami mic c Care Care Comp Comple lex x Trans Tr ansfor format mative ive T Teac eachin hing g


RATIO: SelfSelf-Mast Mastery ery guarantees students formation as a nursing leader in the art of capping, only artist from

second nature can teach first lesson learned by nursing student.

 ______________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  ___ 


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: DIVINAGRACIA’S COMPOSURE MODEL AND KUAN’S RETIREMENT AND ROLE DISCONTINUITY MODEL LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1. Defin Define e Divingraci Divingracia a and Kuan’s Kuan’s theory theory .


2. Under Understand stand the m metapar etaparadigm adigm in nur nursing. sing.

Book, pen and notebook

3. Descr Describe ibe how the the theor theories ies could be be applied in practi practice. ce.

References: Eufemia F. Octaviano (2008) Theoretical  Foundations of Nursing: The Philippine Perspective. Ultimate Learning Series


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point wil willl be given to correct answer and another one (1) point po int for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice 1.

Who were the s subj ubjects ects o off Div Divinag inagracia racia’s ’s theo theory? ry? A. 31 a adu dult lt c car ardia diac c pa pati tien ents ts a att the the P Phil hilip ippi pine ne Hea Heart rt Ce Cent nter er,, Co Coro rona nary ry C Car are e Unit Unit B. 31 p ped ediat iatri ric c card cardia iac c pati patien ents ts at at the the Ph Phili ilipp ppin ine e Hear Heartt Ce Cent nter er,, Co Coro rona nary ry Car Care e Un Unit it C. 31 a adu dult lt c car ardia diac c pa pati tien ents ts a att the the P Phil hilip ippi pine ne Lun Lung g Cent Center er,, Co Coro rona nary ry Car Care e Unit Unit D. 31 ped pediat iatric ric car cardia diac cp pati atient ents s at at the the Philipp Philippine ine Chi Childr ldren’ en’s sH Hosp ospita ital, l, Corona Coronary ry Care Care U Unit nit

ANSWER: A t he Philippine Heart Center, Ce nter, Coronary Care Unitare Unit are the subjects of RATIO: 31 adult cardiac cardia c patients at the Divinagracia’s Theory.


Which of of the following following is the definition definition of Nursing Nursing in the Advance Nurse Nurse Practitioners' Practitioners' Composure Composu re Behavior and Patients' Wellness Outcome by Carmelita Divinagracia? A. Profe Profession ssion tthat hat sur surpasses passes ttime ime and aspect aspects s of the ind individual ividual a as s one of its c clients lients B. Dynam Dynamic ic di discipli scipline, ne, art, and scienc science e of carin caring g C. It is the study of unitary, unitary, irreducible, indivisible human and environmental fields: people and their their world. D. Bo Botth A an and dB E. All except A

ANSWER: A RATIO: The definition of Nursing the Advance Nurse Practitioners Composure Behavior and Patients Wellness Outcome is profession that surpasses time and aspects of the individual as one of its clients   ..


What orga organizat nization ion was Divinagr Divinagracia acia a fo former rmer presiden presidentt of of? ? A. The Associ Association ation of Deans of Philipp Philippine ine Coll Colleges eges of Nursing Nursing (ADPCN (ADPCN)) B. Philipp Philippine ine Nurse Nurses s As Assoc sociat iation ion (P (PNA) NA).. C. Opera Operating ting Room Nurses Asscociatio Asscociation n of the Philippine Philippines s (ORNAP) (ORNAP) D. Mothe Motherr and Child Child Nurses Assoc Association iation o off the Philippines Philippines (MCNAP) (MCNAP)

ANSWER: A Nurs ing (ADPCN) is the organization Divinagracia was  RATIO: The Association of Deans De ans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing a former president.


Being receptive/open receptive/open to new ideas or reason is a way of considerin considering g the patient's preferences and and opinions related to his or her current health condition. The following are ways in which a nurse may be able to show therapeutic use of self EXCEPT: A. The Therap rapeut eutic ic com commun munica icatio tion n B. Ac Acti tive ve list listen enin ing g C. Turning a blind eye to the patient’s concerns D. Use Use of touc touch h

ANSWER: C RATIO: All the statements are the following ways in which a nurse may be able to show therapeutic use of self, except for turning a blind eye to the patient’s concerns , because it is a must that a nurse must see and address

the needs of the patients. 5. A. B.

Which of of the following following is an example example of s showing howing positive regard regard to elderly patients? patients? Con Convey veying ing intere interest st and acc accept eptanc ance e of pat patien ient's t's con condit dition ion and his or her entire entire being being Disc Discou oura ragi ging ng pat atiien entts to to d do o sel selff-ca carre

C. D.

Percei Perceiving ving the the cu curre rrent nt posit positive ive tthou hought ght or or fee feeling ling and and co comm mmuni unicat cates es by pu putti tting ng thems themselv elves es in tthe he patient's place Th The e use use of “p “po” o” and and ““op opo” o” when when talk talkin ing g to to the them m


ANSWER: D RATIO: The use of “po” and “opo” when talking to them is an example of showing positive regard to elderly patients.

6. This This “Re “Retir tireme ement nt and and role role disc discon ontin tinui uitie ties s theo theory” ry” states states th that at ____ _______ ______ ___ is ano anoth ther er p phas hase e in a person's life that would require some adjustments? A. Retireme ement B. Phys Physio iolo logi gica call ag age e C. Role D. Ch Chan ange ge of li life fe

Answer: A Retir ireme ement nt is another phase in a person’s life that would require some adjustments.  Ratio: Ret 7.

Th Thes ese e ar are e A. B. C. D.

se sett o off shar shared ed exp expec ecta tati tion ons s fo focu cuse sed du upo pon n a par parti ticu cula larr pos posit itio ion? n? Reti etirement Phys Physio iolo logi gica call age age Role Chan Change ge of li life fe

ANSWER: C   RATIO: Role is a set of shared expectations focused upon a particular position.


These These are interr interrup uptio tions ns that that m may ay be an acc accide ident nt,, emer emergen gency cy an and d cha chang nge eo off posi positi tion on:: A. B. C. D.

Role Role discon discontin tinuit uity y Coping Coping app appro roach aches es Re Reti tire reme ment nt Ch Chan ange ge of of life life

ANSWER: A RATIO: Role of dis discont continuit inuity y is the interruptions that may be an accident, emergency and change of position position.  .

9. ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ rec recog ogni nized zed as ffulf ulfill illmen mentt of eve every ry ind indivi ividu dual al birt birth h righ rightt and and mu must st b be e li lived ved meaningfully. A. Role Role discon discontin tinuit uity y B. Coping Coping app appro roach aches es C. Re Reti tire reme ment nt D. Ch Chan ange ge of of life life ANSWER: C RATIO: Reti Retireme rement nt recognized as fulfillment of every individual birth right and must be lived meaningfully. 

10. This This re refer fers s to the the int interv ervent ention ions s or measu measures res app applie lied d to s solv olve e a probl problema ematic tic situ situati ation on or or sta state te in ord order er to restore or maintain equilibrium and normal functioning. A. Role discontinui discontinuity ty B. Coping appro approaches aches C. Retirement Retirement D. Change Change of life ANSWER: B Coping g approaches approa ches refers to the interventions or measures applied to solve a problematic situation or RATIO:: Copin RATIO state in order to restore or maintain equilibrium and normal functioning. functioning.


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET



Def Defin ine e Aba Abaqui quin n an and d La Laur uren ente te’s ’s the theor ory y.



Und Under erst stan and d th the e me meta tapa para radig digm m in n nur ursi sing ng..

Book, pen and notebook


Descri Describe be h how ow tthe he ttheo heorie ries s co could uld b be e appli applied ed in practi practice. ce.

References: Eufemia F. Octaviano (2008) Theoretical  Foundations of Nursing: The Philippine Perspective. Ultimate Learning Series

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice 1. The The g goal oal of nursi nursing ng car care, e, a acco ccord rding ing to Car Carmen mencit cita a Ab Abaqu aquin' in's s ttheo heoryv ryvis is th the e iimpr mprove ovemen mentt o off q qual uality ity of life for advance stage cancer patients despite their current situation. Which of the following are the prepare me components? A. Presence B. Re Remi mini nisc sce e Th Ther erap apy y C. Med edit itat atio ion n D. Valu alues es Cl Clar arif ific icat ation ion E. All All o off the the a abo bove ve ANSWER: E he above ab ove are the prepare me components according to Carmencita Abaquin  RATIO: All of tthe


A the therap rapeut eutic ic iint nterv ervent entio ion nw whi hich ch iis s bein being gw with ith ano anoth ther er p pers erson on durin during g tthe he time times s of need need iis s  _______________. A. Presence B. Re Remi mini nisc sce e Th Ther erap apy y C. Medit editat atio ion n D. Values alues Cl Clar arif ific icat atio ion n E. Al Alll of the the abov above e

ANSWER: A RATIO: Presenc Pre sence e is a therapeutic intervention which is being with another person during the times of need. 


3. A tthe herap rapeut eutic ic interv intervent ention ion wh which ich is the the acti action on of th the e recal recallin ling g of of past past experi experienc ences, es, fe feeli eling ngs s and and thoughts though ts to facilitate adaptation to present circumstances is ___________________. A. B. C. D. E.

Presence Re Remi mini nisc sce e Th Ther erap apy y Med edit itat atio ion n Value alues s Clarif Clarific icat ation ion All All of the the a abo bove ve

ANSWER: B RATIO: Reminisce Therapy is a therapeutic intervention which is the action of the recalling of past experiences, feelings and thoughts to facilitate adaptation to present circumstances.


What What is deve develo lope ped d in in tthe he pa pati tien entt whe when np pat atie ient nt clar clarif ifie ies sh her er/h /his is va valu lues? es? a. An open mind that will facilitate acceptance of the disease state or may help deepen or enhance values b. Prope Properr care of the body, body, mind, spirit spirit to maintain integrit integrity y of the person c. The ability to recall of past experience, feelings, and thoughts to facilitate d. A close mind that will facilitate acceptance of disease

ANSWER: A RATIO: An open mind that will facilitate acceptance of the disease state or may deepen or enhance values is developed  in the patient when patient clarifies her/his values. 5.

Which of the following can elicit a form of relaxation for the purpose of altering patients level of awareness by focusing on an image?? A. B. C. D. E.

Presence Re Remi mini nisc sce e Th Ther erap apy y Med edit itat atio ion n Valu alues es Cl Clar arif ific icat ation ion All All o off the the a abo bove ve

ANSWER: C ion can elicit a form of relaxation for the purpose of altering patient’s level of awareness by focusing on RATIO: Meditat Medi tation an image.


The The follo followi wing ng s stat tateme ement nts s are TRU TRUE E abou aboutt th the e Prep Prepare are M Me e Holis Holisti tic c Nursi Nursing ng Inte Interve rventi ntion ons, s, E EXC XCEPT EPT:: A. "Prepare me" Interventions Interventions and tthe he Quality of Life of Advance Progressive CANCER PatientsA PatientsA B. Prepare patients Me are the nursing interventions provided to address the multi-dimensional problem of cancer C. There are are five compo components nents of the the theory D. None None of tthe he ab above ove

ANSWER: C RATIO: Lette Letterr C is i s not TRUE about the Prepare Me Holistic Nursing Interventions because there are onlyFOUR only FOUR assumptions of the said theory.

7. Multi Multifac facete eted d co const nstruc ructt that that encom encompas passes ses the the in indiv dividu idual’ al’s s capaci capaciti ties es and and abili abilitie ties s with with an aim aim of enric enrichin hing g life when it cannot longer be prolonged. Which of the following is/are not manifestations of a good quality of life? A. Proper Proper care care o off th the e bod body y B. Prope Properly rly maintaine maintained d body and mind mind inte integrity grity C. Proper mind and spirit D. Inability Inability to c cope ope up with with cha changes nges ANSWER: D RATIO: Inability to cope up with changes is not manifestations of a good quality of life .


8. ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ____it _it is the sta state te of bei being ng wh when en ther there e is no fu furth rther er m medi edical cal treatm treatment ent tha thatt can can stabilize a patient. A. Impair Impaired ed self-e self-est steem eem B. Booste Boosted d self-e self-este steem em C. Acut Acutel ely y ill ill D. Termina erminally lly ill ANSWER: D nally Terminal ly ill it is the state of being when there is no further medical treatment that can stabilize a patient.   RATIO: Termi


Whic Which ho off the the fo foll llow owin ing g is is tthe he go goal al of Ce Ceci cili lia aL Lau aure rent nte' e's sT The heor ory? y? A. For the pat patient ient to acc accept ept deat death h and die peace peacefully fully B. Contin Continuum uum that in includes cludes wellness wellness and ilillness lness C. Maintaining or rest restoring oring the client's independence in the satisfaction of the 14 fundam fundamental ental needs. D. Determine the effects effects of the "COMPO "COMPOSURE" SURE" behavior of the Advance Nurse Practitioner on the wellness outcome of the selected cardiac patients

ANSWER: A RATIO: For the patient patie nt to accept death and die peacefully pe acefully is the goal of Cecilia Laurente’s Theory .

10. The The Theor Theory y of Nurs Nursing ing Pr Pract actice ice a and nd C Care areer er pr prop opose oses s that that th the e nu nurse rse iis s not afra afraid id to giv give e hope hope and company to a patient until his or her final hour if in terminal condition. Which of the following mental state where an individual experiences fear or nervousness about what might happen? A. De Depr pres essi sion on B. Anxi Anxiet ety y C. Co Comp mpuls ulsio ion n D. Obsession ANSWER: B ty is the mental state where an individual experiences fear or nervousness about what might RATIO: Anxie Anx iety happen.



NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) BS NURSING / FIRST YEAR Session #27


Defi Define ne Mas Maslo low w an and d Sul Sulliv livan an’s ’s the theor ory y.

2. Compar Compare e and contras contrastt Masl Maslow’s ow’s hierarc hierarchy hy with with Sulliva Sullivan’s n’s theory 3. Descr Describe ibe how the theori theories es could could be applied applied in practice practice..

Materials: Book, pen and notebook

References: Videbeck, Sheila L. (2011) Psychiatric-mental  health nursing /Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice


Masl Maslow's ow's hi hierarchy erarchy o off needs is a moti motivation vational al theory in ps psychol ychology ogy comp comprisin rising g a five-tie five-tierr model of hum human an needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. A clinical instructor is seen asking her student in the care of her acutely ill patient. Which of the following physiologic needs is essential? A. Healthy diet B. Hydration C. Elimination D. Oxygen ANSWER: D Oxyg ygen en is essential in the care of acutely ill patient following the physiologic needs in Maslow’s RATIO: Ox

hierarchy of needs. Mitch is a 90 year old widow from Vancouver. She just lost her husband Mike a week ago after being admitted at the ICU due to heart failure. Which of the following is the developmental tasks of an older adult in the family? A. Cop Cope e wit with h loss loss of e ener nergy gy and and pri privac vacy y B. Mai Mainta ntain in a suppor supportiv tive e ho home me b base ase C. Prep Prepar are e for rret etir irem ement ent D. Adju Adjust st tto o lo loss ss of of spou spouse se ANSWER: D Adjustt to loss of spouse spous e is the developmental tasks of an older adult in the family.  RATIO: Adjus 2.

Surgical hand wasging should reduce the release of skin bacteria from the hands of the surgical team for the duration of the procedure in case of a puncture of the surgical glove releasing bacteria to the surgical wound. Careful hand-washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet  which basic basic human n need? eed? A. Love Love & b bel elon ongi ging ng B. Ph Phys ysio iolo logi gic c C. Se Self lf--es esttee eem m D. Safe Safety ty & Sec Secur urit ity y ANSWER: D 3.

RATIO: Careful hand-washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet is an example of Safety & Secur Sec urit ity y basic human need. 



Nurse Shalita is assigned to care for patients at the COVID ward. Maslow's Hierarchy of basic human needs is essential when formulating a plan and management of nursing care as it provides a basis for? A. Establishing priorities of care B. Mak Making ing accu accurat rate e nursin nursing g diagno diagnoses ses C. Int Integr egrati ating ng sci scienc ence e into nur nursin sing g care D. Communicating concerns more concisely

ANSWER: A Establishing hing priorities priori ties of care car e is essential when formulating a plan and management of nursing care . RATIO: Establis 5.

Maslow's pyramid of human needs, beginning at the base with physiological needs that must first be satisfied before higher-level safety needs and then psychological needs become active. You are asked to use the Abraham Maslow's theory to prioritize the following health needs from most important priority to the least important priority: A. Di Dist stur urbe bed d Bod Body y Ima Image ge B. Alte Altere red d Bre Breat athi hing ng Patt Patter ern n C. Sp Spir irit itua uall Dist Distre ress ss D. Nutrit Nutrition ion:: Less Th Than an Body R Requ equire iremen ments ts

ANSWER: A, B, C, D RATIO: Using the Abraham Maslow’s Theory self-actualization is the most important priority and phusiological is the least important priority priority.. 6.

It is the condition of being honored, to regard highly such as a highly favorable opinion or judgment.: A. Security B. Ph Phys ysiiolog ologic ical al C. Esteem D. Se Self lf-A -Act ctua uali liza zati tion on

ANSWER: C RATIO: Being honored, to regard highly such as highly favorable judgement is the Esteem.  7.

Includes the need to grow, to feel fulfilled, to realize one's potential. A. Security B. Ph Phys ysiiolog ologic ical al C. Esteem D. Self-A Self-Actu ctuali alizat zation ion Needs Needs

ANSWER: D RATIO: Self-Actualization Self-Actuali zation Needs include the need to grow, to feel fulfilled, to realize one's potential.  8.

It grows from experiences of punishment. A. Bad me B. Good me C. An Anx xious m me e D. Not me

ANSWER: A RATIO:: ‘Bad me’  grows from experiences of punishment.  RATIO

9. Anxie Anxiety ty prov provok oking ing exp experi erienc ences es m may ay cr creat eate e di disso ssocia ciatio tion n from from self self to form form tthe he ____ _______ ______ ___,, exper experien iences ces that are denied. A. B. C. D.

Bad me Good me Anxious m me e Not me

ANSWER: D RATIO: Anxiety provoking experiences may create dissociation from self to form the ‘Not me,’  experiences that are denied.


 ____________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 


Any Any beh behavi avior or that that is rrewa ewarde rded, d, sur surpre press ss parts parts that that yo you u do don' n'tt li like, ke, disp display lay goo good d pa part rts? s? A. B. C. D.

Bad me Good me Anxious me Not me

ANSWER: B RATIO: ‘Good me’  a behavior that is rewarded, surpress parts that you don’t like, display good parts.   ______________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  ___ 


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET


LESSON TITLE: VON BERTALANTL BERTALANTLY’S Y’S GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY AND LEWIN’S CHANGE THEORY LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1. Define Define Von Von B Bert ertala alantl ntly y and Lewin’ Lewin’s s theor theory y. 2. 3.

Compar Compare e and cont contras rastt Von Von Be Bert rtala alantl ntly y and L Lewin ewin’s ’s theory Descri Describe be ho how w the theori theories es could could b be e applie applied d in pract practice ice..

Materials: Book, pen and notebook

References: Alligood, Martha R. (2018) Nursing Theories and th theirr wo thei work rk (9   ed.), 3 Kiliney Road Winsland Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice: 1.

The sys system tem is in indepe dependen ndentt of speci specific fic ele element ments s and vari variable ables. s. Systems Systems Theory Theory is ___ ________ _________. ____. A. Partial B. Impartial C. Specific D. Holistic ANSWER: D RATIO: System Theory is Holistic  because it tackles about “wholeness.” 2. This theory theory provides recognitio recognition n of int interplay erplay between ____________ factors iin n determin determining ing indi individual vidual behavior. A. Spherical and genetic B. Spiritual and physical C. Physiological and biological D. Biological and psychological ANSWER: D determining RATIO: This theory provides recognition of interplay between Biological and psychological  factors in determining individual behavior.

3. Surgical hand hand wasging sh should ould redu reduce ce the release of skin bacteria bacteria from the han hands ds of the surgi surgical cal team for the duration of the procedure in case of a puncture of the surgical glove releasing bacteria to the surgical  wound. Careful Careful hand-washing hand-washing and using sterile techniques techniques are wa ways ys in which nurses meet which which basic human need? A. Love Love & be belo long ngin ing g B. Ph Phys ysio iolo logi gic c C. Se Self lf--es esttee eem m D. Safe Safety ty & Sec Secur urit ity y ANSWER: D RATIO: Careful hand-washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet is an example ofSafety ofSafety &  :

Sec urity Securi ty basic human need. 

4. Ludwig von von Bertalanffy Bertalanffy theory is a systems theory. theory. Which of the ffollowing ollowing is is referred to as a structural structural limitation that separates a system from other systems? A. Boundary B. Clos Closed ed sy syst stem em C. Open system D. Entropy ANSWER: A RATIO: Boundary is Boundary is referred to as a structural limitation that separates a system from other systems  _________________________________________________________________________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___  5. It is the state of disorganizaon disorganizaon system

A. B. C.

Boundary Open system Entropy

ANSWER: C  RATIO: Entro Ent ropy py is the state of disorganization system .  

6. Kurt Lewin Lewin iis s consi considered dered as as the fath father er of soc social ial p psycho sychology logy.. His theory theory h has as three comp components onents.. Which Which component causes a nurse to recognize the problem and need to change to address the problem? A. Freezing B. Movement C. Re Reffre reez ezin ing g D. Un Unffre reez ezin ing g ANSWER: D RATIO: Unfreezing is the component causes a nurse to recognize the problem and need to change to address the problem.

7. Th This is stage stage invol involves ves a pro proces cess s of c cha hang nge e in tho thoug ught hts, s, feeli feeling ng,, behav behavio iorr, or all thr three, ee, that that is iin n some some w way ay more liberating or more productive. A. Free Freezi zing ng B. Mov Moving ing to a new new chang change e C. Refre Refreez ezing ing D. Un Unfr free eezi zing ng ANSWER: B behavior, or all three, that is RATIO: Moving to a new change this stage involves a process of change in thoughts, feeling, behavior, in some way more liberating or more productive.

8. It invo involve lves s estab establi lishi shing ng the the ch chang ange e as a ne new w habi habitt so th that at iitt now now b beco ecomes mes the the "stan "standar dard d opera operatin ting g procedure. A. B. C. D.

Free Freezi zing ng Mov Moving ing to a new new chang change e Refre Refreez ezing ing Un Unfr free eezi zing ng

ANSWER: C RATIO: Refree Ref reezing zing is establishing the change as a new habit so that it now becomes the standard operating procedures. 


Whic Which h of th the e fol follo lowi wing ng may may con contr trib ibut ute e to to u unf nfre reez ezin ing g resi resist stan ance ce? ? A. Adequa Adequate te amoun amountt of infor informatio mation n B. Tru rust st C. Re Rewa ward rds s D. Lack Lack of infor informat mation ion

ANSWER: D inf ormation may contribute to unfreezing resistance.  RATIO: Lack of information

10. He is the fo founder under of social psychology psychology.. A. Ab Abra raha ham m Lin Linco coln ln B. Kurt Kurt Lewi Lewin n C. Charle Charles s Sulliva Sullivan n D. Ludwig von Bertalanf Bertalanffy fy ANSWER: B RATIO: The founder of social psychology is Kurt Lewin. 


NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) STUDENT ACTIVITY SHEET




Define Freud and Erikson’s theory theory..


Summarize Freud and Erikson’s theories of human personality,, psychosexual and psychosocial stages of personality development as well as common criticisms of their theories.


Describe how the theories could be applied in practice.



Book, pen and notebook

Videbeck, Sheila L. (2011) Psychiatricmental  health nursing /Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer  Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Kluwer

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice 1.

The source source of all instincts, drives, rreflexes, eflexes, needs, needs, genetic inheritance, inheritance, and capacity to respond and motivation. A. Id B. Ego C. Superego D. Holistic ANSWER: A RATIO:  Id is the source of all instincts, drives, reflexes, needs, genetic inheritance, and capacity to respond and RATIO: motivation.


It differentiates differentiates subjective subjective experi experiences, ences, memo memory ry images, and objective objective reality reality and attempts attempts to negotiate a solution. A. Id B. Ego C. Supereg ego o D. Holistic ANSWER: differentiates es subjective experiences, memory images, and objective reality and attempts to negotiate RATIO: Ego differentiat a solution. 3.

It is the second second stage of of Freud's theory. theory. This iis s manifested b by y moving of the bo bowels wels and th the e fecal retention. Symptoms of fixation include anal-expulsive personality/anal-retentive personality. A. Oral stage B. Latency stage C. Genitalia stage D. Anal Stage


RATIO: The anal stage  is Freud’s theory’s second stage. This is manifested by moving the bowels and fecal reten re tentio tion n.



Is the last to to develop and and represents represents the moral componen componentt of personality personality.. Helps to choose right right from  wrong. a. Id b. Ego c. Superego d. Holistic ANSWER: C RATIO: Sup Super erego ego is the last to develop and represents the moral component of personality and it also helps to choose right from wrong. 5.

Freud's term for middle childhood, during which children's emoonal drives is quieter, the psychosexual needs are repressed, and their unconscious conicts are submerged. A. Oral stage B. Latency stage C. Genitalia stage D. Anal Stage

ANSWER: B Latency ncy stag stage e is the stage Freud’s term form middle childhood, during which children’s emotional drives is RATIO: Late quieter, the psychosexual needs are repressed, and their unconscious conflicts are submerged.


Migs is a 17 year old chi child ld and is hospitaliz hospitalized ed because of asthma, accord according ing to the the psychoso psychosocial cial theory, theory,  which of the following following is an appropriate appropriate intervention? intervention? A. Tell ell tthe he frie friend nds s tto o vis visit it the chil child d B. Enc Encou oura rage ge pa pati tien entt to to hel help p chi child ld le lear arn n less lesson ons s mis misse sed d C. Call tth he p prriest tto o iin ntervene D. Tell ell the the c chi hild ld’s ’s g gir irlf lfri rien end d tto o visi visitt the the c chi hild ld..

ANSWER: D RATIO: According to psychological theory, asking a child’s girlfriend to visit the child suffering from asthma    is a suitable intervention intervention and an effective action. The girlfriend of Migs will serve as his support system in fighting his battles with asthma.

7. It involves involves learning learning b basic asic ski skills lls and wo workin rking g with others. others. A. industry vs vs. iin nferiority B. initiative vs. guilt C. autonomy vs. shame D. intimacy vs. isolation ANSWER: A RATIO:: Industry vs. inferiority involves learning basic skills and working with others.  RATIO

8. This is where the the self "ego" appears an and d is striving fo forr independ independence. ence. T Toddlers oddlers usually usually are fond of saying saying "No". a. indu indust stry ry vs. vs. iinf nfer erio iori rity ty b. init initia iati tive ve v vs. s. g gui uilt lt c. auto autono nomy my vs. vs. sham shame e d. inti intima macy cy vs. vs. isol isolat atio ion n ANSWER: C Autonomy my vs. shame is where the self “ego” appears and is striving for independ independence. ence. Usually toddlers are RATIO: Autono fond of saying “No”. 9.

Which Which of the ffollo ollowin wing g is TRUE TRUE about about the the In Indust dustry ry vs vs.. Inferio Inferiority rity stage? stage? A. The The en end o off llif ife e, the the pe perrio iod d of of o old ld age B. The inti intima macy cy can can be be sex sexua uall or pl plat aton onic ic re rela lati tion onsh ship ip.. C. The ex exis iste tenc nce e of a mu mutu tual ally ly car caring ing an and d shar sharin ing g rela relati tions onshi hip. p. D. Pe Peer ers s ffos oste terr inf infer erio iori rity ty,, say say ex exac actl tly yw wha hatt they they th thin ink. k.

ANSWER: D RATIO: ‘Peers foster foste r inferiority, say exactly exac tly what they think,’ is TRUE about Industry vs. Inferiority stage. 


10 10..

What st stag age e hap happ pen ens s iin n ad adoles esce cen nce ce? ? a. indu indust stry ry v vs. s. iinf nfer erior iorit ity y b. Id Iden enti tity ty v vs s role role con confu fusi sion on c. auto autono nomy my vs. vs. sh sham ame e d. inti intima macy cy vs vs.. isola isolati tion on ANSWER: B RATIO: The processor stage that occurs in adolescence is identity vs. role confusion .



NUR 016 (Theoretical Foundations in Nursing) BS NURSING / FIRST YEAR Session #30


LEARNING TARGETS: Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can: 1.

Define Define Pia Piaget get and Koh Kohlbe lberg’ rg’s s theo theory ry..



Categor Categorize ize stag stages es of cogn cogniti itive ve an and d mor moral al dev develop elopmen ment. t.

Book, pen and notebook


Descri Describe be ho how w the theori theories es could could b be e applie applied d in pract practice ice..

References: Videbeck, Sheila L. (2011) Psychiatricmental  health nursing /Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer  Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Kluwer


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING (30 minutes) You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 30 minutes for this activity: Multiple Choice 1.

Jean Piaget's Piaget's theory of cognitive cognitive development development su suggests ggests that that children children move through four different different

stages of mental development. Child even learns that he is separate from histhe environment that aspects of his environment continue to exist though they may be outside reach of hisand senses. Which of Piaget's stages is this? A. Sensorimotor st stage B. Preoperational s sttage C. Concrete o op perational st stage D. Formal operational stage ANSWER: A RATIO: Sens Sensorimo orimotor tor stage stag e is the stage where the child learns through the 5 senses; develop of imitative behaviors, symbolic knowledge, and object permanence and the beginning of goal directed actions. 2.

Observing children, Jean Piaget proposed a sequence consisting of normal normal development development that all normal children follow. Which of the following is one of the most important accomplishments at the sensorimotor stage? A. Childr Children en pr propose opose the q questi uestions ons of why a and nd how come B. Inte Intelligenc lligence e is demonstr demonstrated ated through through the logical logical use of symbols rela related ted to abstr abstract act conce concepts. pts. C. Obje Object ct pe perm rman anenc ence e D. They start start solving solving prob problems lems iin n a mor more e logical logical fas fashion hion ANSWER: C perma nence e is one of the most important accomplishments at the sensorimotor stage.   RATIO: Object Obje ct permanenc 3.

______________ is the the third of four four stages from from Piag Piaget's et's theory theory of cognitive cognitive development. development. It follows follows the preoperational preoperational stage, occurs between the ages of 7 and 11 years and is c characterized haracterized by the appropriate use of logic. A. Sens Sensor orim imot otor or st stag age e B. Pre Preoper operati ationa onall stage stage C. Concret Concrete e oper operati ationa onall stage stage D. Formal Formal op opera eratio tional nal stag stage e ANSWER: C RATIO: The Concrete operational stage  is the third of four stages from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development,  which follows follows the preoperation preoperational al stage. It occurs betwe between en the ages of of 7 and 11 years and is characterized characterized by the appropriate use of logic. 4.

______________ is the final final stag stage e of cognitive developmen development. t. Intelligence Intelligence is demonstrated demonstrated through through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. A. Se Sens nsor orim imot otor or st stag age e B. Pr Preo eope pera rati tion onal al st stag age e C. Con Concre crete te operat operation ional al stage stage D. For Formal mal opera operatio tional nal sta stage ge ANSWER: D RATIO: The final stage of cognitiv cognitive e development is the Formal Operation stage , where intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. 5.

Jean Piaget is a Cognive psychologist; psychologist; He created a 4-stage theory of cognive development, said that two basic processes work in tandem to achieve cognive growth. What is reversibility and what stage is it prominent in? A. Promi Prominent nent unti untill the preoper preoperationa ationall stage, reversibi reversibility lity is a child's belief tha thatt others see the wor world ld in precisely the same way they do. B. Promi Prominent nent unti untill the sensorim sensorimotor otor stag stage, e, reversibilit reversibility y is a abilit ability y to think about your own thought thought proc processes esses.. C. Prominent until the concrete operational stage, reversibility is the understanding that num numbers bers and objects can

change and then return to their original state. D. Promi Prominent nent unti untill the formal oper operation ational al stage, reversibil reversibility ity is a ability to think about your your own thought thought processes.  

ANSWER: C understands erstands the numbers and objects RATIO: The reversibility reve rsibility is prominent in the concrete  operational stage it und that can change and then return to original state


Malou, a pediatric pediatric nurse nurse is planning planning to tteach each the con concepts cepts of moral moral developm development ent theory theory with Mrs. Wang. Wang. What motivates the good boy and good girl concepts for the child at the preconventional level? A. The behavior of the parents B. Punishment and reward C. Peer pressure D. Social pressure ANSWER: A RATIO: When the parent pa rent’s ’s behavior behav ior (The (The behavior of the parents ) is there, it motivates the boy and girl because it acts as a good example as they grow.  


Lulu, a nurse educat educator, or,plans plans to co conduct nduct a w webinar ebinar for the staff nurses nurses regarding regarding Kohlberg's Kohlberg's theory of moral development. What information should the nurse include in the session? Which of the following are included? A. A per perso son n can can m mov ove e thr throu ough gh all all six six stag stages es iin n a seq seque uent ntial ial fa fash shio ion n B. Mo Mora rall dev devel elop opme ment nt can can mov move e thr throu ough gh in rel relat ation ionsh ship ip to c cog ognit nitiv ive e devel develop opme ment nt C. A person person's 's capa capabil bility ity to mak make e mora morall judgm judgment ents s prog progres resses ses ove overr a period period of time time D. The theo theory ry pr provid ovides es a fram framewor ework k for unde underst rstand anding ing how how ind individ ividuals uals d dete etermi rmine ne a moral moral cod code e to guide guide tthei heirr behavior E. In stage stage 1 (pun (punish ishmen ment-o t-obed bedien ience ce or orien ientat tation ion)) chi childr ldren en ar are e exp expect ected ed to reason reason as as mat mature ure memb members ers o off society. F. In stage stage 2 (ins (instru trume menta ntal-r l-relat elativi ivist st or orien ientat tation) ion),, the chil child d confor conforms ms to rrules ules to to obt obtain ain rrewar ewards ds or have have ffavo avors rs returned.

ANSWER: A, B, C, D, F  (punishmentent- obedience orientation) children are RATIO: All of the choices are included EXCEPT in stage 1 (punishm expected to reason re ason as mature members me mbers of society societ y. All of the following pieces of information are included in the session.

8. Morality rests upon th the e individu individual al conscien conscience. ce. What was K Kohlberg' ohlberg's s Stages of Moral Moral Development Development for? A. That ca caring ring re regenera generates tes life life energi energies es and pot potentia entiates tes our capabili capabilities ties B. Empha Emphasis sis o on n hospital hospital cleanl cleanliness iness and sanit sanitation. ation. C. To determine determine how child children ren would so solve lve a series of moral moral dilemmas dilemmas based based on their resp responses onses D. Adapt Adaptive ive meth methods ods not only help the fami family ly through through the healing process, process, but teac teaches hes the nurse met methods hods to help the family emotionally e motionally and physically. ANSWER: A RATIO: Kohlberg Kohlberg's 's Stages of Moral Development are to  determine how children would save a series of moral dilemmas based ba sed on their thei r responses respons es..

9. A stage stage of moral moral development development in which the the indiv individuals iduals consider consider uni universal versal moral principles, principles, which supersede the authority of the group. a. Co Conv nven enti tion onal al L Lev evel el b. PrePre-co conv nven enti tion onal al Leve Levell c.

Post Post Convenon Convenonal al Level

d. Co Conv nven enti tion onal al L Lev evel, el, St Stag age e4 ANSWER: B RATIO: Post Conventional Level , since it uses the concept of actions of individuals behind social norms.   ______________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  ___  10. Comprised of stages 1 and 2; a stage s tage or moral development in which moral reason reasoning ing is based on reward

and punishment from those in authority? a. Co Conv nven enti tion onal al L Lev evel el b. PrePre-co conv nven enti tion onal al Leve Levell c.   Post Convenonal Level

d. Co Conv nven enti tion onal al L Lev evel, el, St Stag age e4

ANSWER: B RATIO: Pre -conventional Level  consists of 1-2 stages; obedience and punishment orientation, individualism and exchange.

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