Theobroma Cacao 1

July 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Theobroma Cacao   Honya Hardi


Introduction Theobromine,, also known as xantheose, is an alkaloid Theobromine whose name is i s derived from the Theobroma Theobroma family. The principal alkaloid of Theobroma cacao (cacao plant) tastes bier, and can be found in chocolate as well as in a number of other foods, including the leaves of the tea plant, and the kola nut. Chemical formula: C7H8N4O2


About Theobroma cacao Theobroma cocoa is a small tree of 6-8 m, with bushy branches, and leaves whose shape ranges from ellipc to obovates to oblongs that’s 1530 cm long, abruptly acuminate acuminate at the p. It has small inorescences, on the trunk and branch, pink calyx 6-7 cm and yellow petals. petals. The fruit, cacao pod is ovoid-oblong, lined and rough with ovoid seeds. These seeds can be ulized as both dried and roasted.


Cacao on the map   The cocoa plant was

known by pre-Columbian cultures of Central  America and its origin is attributed to Mexico, extending to the entire  Amazon basin. It is cultivated in all tropical regions.


Composition of cacao

Carbohydrate: 58g

Protein: 20g

Fat: 14g

Water: 3g

It contains several minerals in rich content (having a Daily Value of 20% or higher), including manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc, while calcium levels are moderate


Chemical classification 60%

  The Cocoa´s principal active ingredients are the alkaloids, xanthine derivatives with a total content between 3 and 4%.The most abundant is the theobromine (2.8 3.5%) and a lesser amount of caffeine (0.1 to 0.4%) and theophylline.   Biogenic amines: include phenylethylamine, tyramine, tryptamine, serotonin. 10% cathechic tannins.

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


Mechanism   ofStearic action acid is one of the main

  Cacao has additionally been shown to contain flavonoids that bring about antioxidant(by scavenging reactive oxygen species), anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet action; as well as possibly increasing HDL, and lowering blood pressure by inhibiting lipid peroxidation.

constituent in cacao that shows lipid lowering activity as well as mediating actions on hemostasis and thrombosis: but this still remains unresolved

  Chocolate contains serotonin, tryptophan (precursor to serotonin), dopmaine, tyrosine

Theophylline, a component found in cacao, competitively inhibits phosphodiesterase,

(precursor to dopamine), and endorphins which are all natural neurotransmitters neurotransmitters that control mood and behavior. They all elevate mood and aid in coping with anxiety and stress.

possibly resulting in bronchodilatio bronchodilation. n. Theophylline also binds to the adenosine A2B receptor and blocks adenosine mediated bronchoconstriction, preventing and treating wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness caused by asthma.



Mood elevation

Many people are charmed to cacao, not only for the irresistably decadent taste, but also because of how it makes them feel. Cacao contains minute amounts of caeine and larger amounts of theobromine, which acts as a smulant similar to caeine. Theobromine Theobromin e is a bier alkaloid that has the ability to dilate blood vessels and act as a mild diurec. Some people nd that this smulaon to be unpleasant or irritang to their energy or moods. However, those not negavely sensive to cacao’s smulang eects nd that cacao actually boosts their energy levels. One study also showed that cacao could benet people with chronic fague syndrome.. In this small study, syndrome s tudy, people with chronic fague who ate high-polyphenol chocolate found they had an improvement in their symptoms, including decreased anxiety.



Positive effects on the heart

Cacao may be best known for its ability to support heart health. In western civilizaon, this recognion came to researche researchers rs who were studying the Kuna naon of coastal Panama, who seem to extraordinarily have healthy hearts. The researchers analyzed that the people of Kuna were drinking a cacao beverage mulple mes throughout the day. When they examined the samples back in the lab they came to the realizaon that cacao was rich in avonoids that are known to posively support heart health. Severall clinical trials have been carried out using isolated Severa is olated constuents of cacao, as well as the whole bean. They have shown that dark chocolate preparaons can lower hypertension, increase benecial cholesterol (HDL), and increase insulin sensivity sensivity..


CNS stimulant

  Improve insulin Indications

Perchance, one of the reasons we experience an improved mood when eang cacao-containing food

is due to the many ways it improves cognive funcon, such as alertness and memory. Researchers have found that cacao can boost cognive funcon in both elderly and young people. simultaneously wasCacao found to decrease blood pressure in the elderly and improve vision in the young people.

sensitivity for diabetics

There are several clinical studies showing that cacao can help insulin resistance and type 2 prevent diabetes. Researchers Resear chers theorize that cacao’s high anoxidant acvity and inammaonmodulang abilies, merged with its ability to increase insulin sensivity, make cacao a powerful ally in arresng this metabolic disease. For the most benets, eang cacao without sugar is best.


Skin protection


Cacao’s anoxidant acvity, due to its avonoid content, also extend their ability to support great, healthy skin. One study s tudy showed that women who consumed a highavonoid cacao beverage for 12 weeks had evidently lowered photosensivity, improved circulaon to the the skin, skin, and decreased roughness of beer skin hydraon.

Cocoa buer is commonly used in herbal skin preparaons such as creams and body buers, to both simultaneously protect and nourish the skin.


Applications & Efficacy Hypertension


In adults with normal or elevated blood pressure, eang dark chocolate or cocoa goods for 2-18 weeks has shown to lower the blood pressure reading (systolic blood pressure) by 2.8-4.7 mmHg and the lower number (diastolic blood pressure) by 1.9-2.8 mmHg.


Chronic Exhaustion Syndrome (CFS) CFS is a type of fague that, according to preliminary study, showed that eang 45 grams of chocolate each day is benecial enough to lower CFS symtoms.


Applications & Efficacy Some people apply cocoa buer to the skin tostretch treat wrinkles and to prevent marks during pregnancy. Plus, in manufacturing, cocoa buer is known to be used as a base for various ointments and suppositories made by drug companies.


Precausions forBleeding cacaodisorders


Cacao is safe usedifin moderate amounts but itwhen is beer the intake is monitored, because consuming cocoa in larger, uncontrollable amounts can be harmful due to the caeine content. This This is because it can cross the placenta during pregnancy, increasing the risk for premature labor ,low birth weight and potenal miscarriage.

Cacao can slow the blood clong process due to its avonoid content. Therefore, consuming sum of cocoa may increase thea risk of bleeding and bruising in people with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia.

Migraine headaches Cacao might trigger migraines in sensive people.


Precausions for cacao Tachycardia IBS

The caeine in cocoa, especially when taken in large amounts, may

Cacao from dark chocolate can increase heart rate.

induce diarrhea, and cause IBS symptoms worsen.



The caeine in cocoa increase pressure in the eye and therefore, should be used cauously in people with glaucoma

cocoa seem to be able to raise blood sugar levels and hence, may interfere with blood sugar control in people with diabetes


Contraindications   MAOI based ant-depressan ant-depressanss are contraindicated as it may react with the tyramine in chocolate. People taking them are on a restricted diet that includes liming or avoiding chocolate. Side eects could include more serious headache and nausea.

Addionally, there has been some concern with bigger doses Addionally, of cacao and SSRI ype ant-depressans because of the MAOI’s in cacao, specically, the tryptophan, a type of MAOI which is a pre-cursor to serotonin. The research research about this interacon is minimal and studies on both the amounts of tryptophan in chocolate and how that might cause ‘serotonin syndrome’ don’t illustrate any problem. However, to be on the safe side, it is suggested to consult with your doctor and/or pharmacist.


Contraindications   The theobrom theobromine ine in cacao increases heart rate signicantly and is also a vasodilator, lowering blood pressure. If you have Serious hear conditons, consider consulng a physician and certainly go lighter on the amount.

In pregnan & breaseeding women, it is important to reduce the intake of smulang foods. The theobromine in cacao has a very similar to caeine as it has a smulang eect. Thus, Thus, it is recommend to use lower dosages (a maximum of 1oz in a ceremonial drink).

Did you know?


This “xocolatl” would The Aztecs Aztecs used to use cocoa to create a form of “hot chocolate”, or as they called it “xocolatl”,

later be believed be "The divine drink,tothat  builds up resistance and fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink can

which means bitter water.

 permit any person person to walk for a whole day without food!"

To the Aztec’s, “Xocolatl” was much more valuable than gold or silver.

Did you know?


Chocolate has been widely known to beisana aphrodisiac, which way to woo your partner. Because of this, people in the United States buy around 60 million  pounds of chocolate candies during the week of Valentine’s Day.

In Mayan times, cacao  beans were used used as currency and considered to be worth more than gold dust. So chocolate was once money that literally grew on trees!

Cocoa flowers can  blossom on cacao trees trees all year around. However, the flowers will die within 24 hours if not pollinated.

Did you know?


Daniel Peter, a Swiss chocolatier and entrepreneur, spent eight years trying to figure out a recipe for milk chocolate until he

The Swiss per consume chocolate capitamore than any other nation on earth: 22 pounds each compared to 11 pounds

realized that condensed milk was the answer to all his troubles.

 per person in the United United States.

Did you know that It takes 400 cacao beans to make just one pound of chocolate.

Did you know?


White chocolate isn’t considered to be chocolate because it doesn’t contain any cacao solids or cacao liquor. This sweet treat is

Chocolate is good your teeth as it hasfor an antibacterial effect effect on the mouth, so eating pure cocoa has been shown to

simply made from a  blend of cocoa butter, butter, vanilla, and sugar sugar..

lower the chances of tooth decay.

Chocolate also contains tryptophan, which the  brain uses to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that causes generalized euphoria. So, eating chocolate really does make you happier!




hps://en.m.w hps:/ /en.m.wikipedi wiki/Theobromin heobromine e

hps://www.rx hps:/ /www.rxlist. com/cocoa/supplements.h ements.htm tm


hps://gardenofa hps:/ / ao-contraindi aindicaons caons /

hps:// / resources/learning/cocoa-fun-facts/ cocoa-fun-facts/

hps:// / arn-about-chocolate


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