The Yellow Book 2008

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The Yellow Book 2008...



yellow BOOK 08 0 8

mini excavators tracked excavators wheeled excavators trenchers b crushers concrete crushers demolition shears multi processors skid s backhoe loaders wheeled loaders site dumpers articulated dump tru frame haulers graders dozers single drum rollers tandem rollers pne rollers asphalt pavers concrete pavers milling machines truck cranes crawler cranes top slewing tower cranes luffing jib tower cranes allcranes rough terrain mobile cranes trailer pumps placing booms pum compressors automatic levels laser levels theodolites total stations s telescopic boom lifts self-propelled articulating boom lifts scissor lif hoists fixed cru crushers mobile crushers scree screens diesel engines mini exc tracked excavators rs wheeled whee excavators trenchers chers breakers break combi-cr crushers de crush demolition shears multi processors p skid steer loaders ers backh back wheeled whee eled loaders ers site dumper dumpers articulated culat dump trucks rigid frame h dozers single in ng d drum rollers tandem dem rollers rs p pneumatic tyred rollers as concrete pavers av s millin milling machines truck cranes nes teleh ne telehandlers crawler c slewing ewing tower tow we cranes luffing uffing jib tower craness all-terrain rain mobile mo cran terrain erra mobile le cranes trailer pumps pum placing booms o pumps portable ortable c automatic autom oma levels e laser levels theodolites t dolit total ta stations self-propelled d boom lifts ifts self-propelled s articulating ulating boom boo om lifts scissor lifts passeng fixed xed cr crushers russh rs mo mobile crushers screens ns dies diesel se engines mini excavator excavators ava ors w wheeled ed excavators trenc trenchers br breakers eaker combi-crushers rs c crushers demolition cr molition shears hear ears multi mu processors skid s steer eer er loaders llo oaders backh wheeled w wh d loaders a site e dum dumpers pers articulated rticulated du dump ump tr trucks rigid gid fframe h dozers doz d oze zers single gl drum rollerss ttan tandem dem rollers pn pneumatic tyred rollers lers as concrete crete cre ete te e pavers p milling machines ness tr ttruck k cr cranes telehandlers crawler er c slewing slew ewin ng tower tow owe cranes luffing jib ib tower tow wer w er cranes c all-terrain mobile le cran terrain mobile m ile e ccranes crranes trailer pumps placing accing booms pumps portable p c automatic ic levelss la laser las levels theodolites total t al stations st self-propelled boom liftss self-propelled b elle articulating boom ell m lifts scissor scis lifts passeng crushers cru rus ush mobile m crushers erss screens sc diesel engines n mini excavators ex trac wheeled eeled excavators e excava trenchers chers breakers combi-crushers co concrete con crus demolition d de demoliti ollitio ittion shears multi processors proce ce essors ssor skid steer loaders backhoe hoe loade loaders lo oad site dumpers articulated ed dump dump trucks rigid frame haule haulers lers gra

the global construction equipment buyers’ guide

published by

price: £25.00, US$50.00, €37.50

YB08 Front Cover.indd 1

Thank you for downloading this electronic version of The Yellow Book. It is identical to the printed TYB cover-to-cover, editorial and advertising, but it is now all on your computer screen.

15/05/2008 14:25:09

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22/05/2008 09:12:57

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Welcome pages.indd 21

22/05/2008 09:13:03


yellow BOOK 08 0 8

mini excavators tracked excavators wheeled excavators trenchers brea crushers concrete crushers demolition shears multi processors skid stee backhoe loaders wheeled loaders site dumpers articulated dump trucks frame haulers graders dozers single drum rollers tandem rollers pneum rollers asphalt pavers concrete pavers milling machines truck cranes te crawler cranes top slewing tower cranes luffing jib tower cranes all-ter cranes rough terrain mobile cranes trailer pumps placing booms pumps compressors automatic levels laser levels theodolites total stations self telescopic boom lifts self-propelled articulating boom lifts scissor lifts p hoists fixed cru crushers mobile crushers scree screens diesel engines mini excav tracked excavators rs whee wheeled excavators trenchers chers break breakers combi-crush crushers de crush demolition shears multi p processors skid steer loaders ers back backhoe wheeled whee eled loaders ers site dumper dumpers articulated culat dump trucks rigid frame haul aul dozers single in ng d drum rollers tandem dem rollers rs p pneumatic tyred rollers aspha concrete pavers av s millin milling machines truck cranes nes teleh ne telehandlers crawler cra slewing ewing tow tower we cranes luffing uffing jib tower craness all-terrain rain mo mobile cranes terrain erra mobile le cranes trailer pum pumps placing booms o pumps portable ortable com automatic autom oma levels e laser levels ttheodolites dolit total ta stations self-propelled ed te boom lifts ifts sself-propelled articulating ulating boo boom om lifts scissor lifts passenger h fixed xed crushers crrussh rs mo mobile crushers screens ns dies diesel se engines mini excavators t excavators ava ors w wheeled ed excavators trenc trenchers br breakers eaker combi-crushers rs con conc crushers demolition cr molition shears hear ears mu multi processors sskid steer eer er lo lloaders oaders backhoe wheeled w wh d loaders a site e dum dumpers pers articulated rticulated du dump ump tr trucks rigid gid fframe haul dozers doz d oze zers single gl drum rollerss tan ttandem dem rollers pn pneumatic tyred rollers lers aspha concrete crete cre ete te e pavers p milling machines ness tr ttruck k cr cranes telehandlers crawler er cr cra slewing slew ewin ng tower tow owe cranes luffing jib ib tow tower wer w er ccranes all-terrain mobile le craness terrain mobile m ile e ccr cranes ranes trailer pumps placing accing booms pumps p portable com automatic ic levelss la las laser levels theodolites ttotal al st stations self-propelled te boom liftss self-propelled b elle articulating boom ell m lifts scis scissor lifts passenger h crushers cru rus ush m mobile crushers erss sc screens diesel engines n mini ex excavators tracked wheeled eeled e excavators excava trenchers chers breakers co combi-crushers con concrete crushe demolition d de demoliti ollit itio tion shears multi proce processors ce essors ssor skid steer loaders backhoe hoe loaders ers w loaders lo oad site dumpers articulated ed dum dump p trucks rigid frame haule haulers lers grade

the global construction equipment buyers’ guide

published by

price: £25.00, US$50.00, €37.50

YB08 Front Cover.indd 1

15/05/2008 14:25:09

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15/05/2008 11:54:27

ABOUT KHL UNITED KINGDOM (HEAD OFFICE) Southfields, Southview Road, Wadhurst, East Sussex TN5 6TP, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1892 784088 Fax: +44 (0)1892 784086 e-mail: [email protected] USA OFFICE KHL Group USA LLC 27992 N 115th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85262, USA Tel: +1 480 659 05788 Fax: +1 480 659 06 0678 ernation lconstructio constructi CH NA CHINA A OFFICE OFFICE CE Beijing Beijin Bei ijingg KHL KKHL-CM Ltd. Noo. 21, Fangjia No. Fa H Hutong ong Anndingm Andingmen, Andingm men, Beijing Bei 1000 100007, China na TTel: el: + +866 10 64 64000 1036 Fax: + +86 86 100 6401 6 1 7647 764 764


yellow BOOK

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08 0 8

mini excavators ors trac tracked excavators vato wheeled e excavators trenchers chers break crushers rushe hers concrete nc crushers ers dem demolition tion shearss m multi processors skid steer backhoe ba e loaders lo loa oa wheeled loaders rs site dum dumpers mpe articulated dump trucks frame ame haulers hau ule s gra graders dozers single drum rum um m rro rollers ol tandem rollers pneuma rollers ers asphalt sphalt a pavers vers concrete paver pavers milling ng mach machines truck cranes anes tel crawler cranes cra e top sslewing win wing ng tow tower cranes luffing in jib tower owe er crane cranes all-terr ccranes cra r rough ough h terrain mob mobile m e cr cranes es trailer pum pumps um mps p placing boom booms pumps compressors com mp mpre pressors rs automatic levels leve vels llase laser levels the theodolites total stations tion selftelescopic scop sco opic pic boom lifts self-propelled elled ed a articulating ticul boom lifts scissor lifts ifts p hoists oists fixed fix xed d crushers ccr mobile crushers usherss scr sc screens diesel engines mini ini excava va t tracked excavators excava e vat ators w ato wheeled heeled excavatorss ttren trenchers breakers ccombi-crush


e elcome to the 2008 0008 edition of the Yellow el Book, International tern Constructio s construction Construction’s ucttion equipment nt buyers’ guide. Contained tain within its 180 pages ges ar are re details deta of o mo more than 6000 pieces of construction co on equipment available throughout ou out the world, covering the major categories te of ex excavators, hydraulic breakers, ak loaders, oad haulers, earthmoving equipment, equipm ip road d bu building equipment, lifting ng equipment, men concrete equipment, powered er access, pu pumps, mp compressors, surveying y equipment men and engines. The Yellow Book is is a unique uniq guide in that h it lists equipment uip in terms of a ‘critical ‘‘critic factor’, rather he than n by manufacturer. manu ufa For example, mpl excavators are classified in ascendingg order o by their operating rating weight. Th This is approach allows readers to quickly compare m competitive models around a pa particular weight ght class, providing a quickk guide to the major performance capabi capabilities of differentt mod models. Using the Yellow w Book in thiss way can save hours of basic research for f equipment buyers, by immediatel immediately mediately narrowing down the range of machines machin appropriate opriate to any particular cons construction uction jo job. The Yellow Book is not designed to be an exhaustive catal catalogue of machine performance, but rather as a quick reference guide. The directory is intended to provide outline specifications ‘at a glance’, which can then be used for more in-depth buying research with manufacturers and dealers. If you have any feedback on the Yellow Book, or believe your company should be included, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Chris Sleight Editor

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 3 international

YB08 Front Section.indd 3

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15/05/2008 11:55:31

international construction

© Copy Copyright Co opyright yright ght KHL K Gro Group 2008 ISSN SN No: o: 0020-6415 USPPS No: USPS No: 014 014-833 833 Price: e: £25.00, £ .00, US$50.0 US$50 US$50.00, 0 €37.50 37 50


yellow BOOK

STAFF LIST EDITOR Chris Sleight Sl BEng ng (Ho (Hons) e-mail: [email protected] eig om direct tel: +44 (0)1892 18 7862055 DEPUTY EDITOR Richard ch High e-mail: [email protected] @kh direct tel: +44 (0)1892 78 786212 DEPUTY EDITOR Becca Wil Wilkins e-mail: [email protected] co direct tel: +44 (0)1892 7862111 EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Paul Marsden rsd BSc EDITORIAL TEAM Alex Dahm, Lindsay ds Gale, Maria Hadlow, Patrick Hill, Murray Pollok, o oll Euan Youdale ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER Alister Williams ia e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786223 CORPORATE SALES David Stowe e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786217 AREA SALES Peter Sullivan, Lynn Collett CLASSIFIED SALES EXECUTIVE Mark Barton PRODUCTION & CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Saara Rootes PRODUCTION MANAGER Ross Dickson e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786245 DESIGN MANAGER Jeff Gilbert DESIGNER Gary Brinklow DISPLAY PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Philippa Douglas e-mail: [email protected] Direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786246 Pippa Smith e-mail: [email protected] Direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786207 DIGITAL PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Jamie Melville FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Paul Baker FINANCIAL ASSISTANTS Sean Kenny, Gillian Martin CREDIT CONTROL Josephine Day e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786249 OFFICE & BOOKSHOP SALES MANAGER Katy Storvik e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786201 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Peter Watkinson CIRCULATION AND MARKETING MANAGER Siobhan Hanley e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786241 PUBLISHER James King

08 0 8

mini excavators ors trac tracked excavato vators wheeled e vato excavators trenchers chers break crushers rushe hers concrete nc crushers ers dem demolition tion ion shearss m multi processors skid steer backhoe ba e loaders lo loa oa wheeled loaders rs site dum dump mpers articulated dump trucks mpe frame ame haulers hau ule s gra graders dozers single drum rum um m rrol rollers ro ol tandem rollers pneuma rollers ers asphalt sphalt a pavers vers concrete paver pavers milling ng mach machines truck cranes anes tel te crawler cranes cra e top sslewing win wing ng tow tower cranes luffiin ing jib tower owe er crane cranes all-terr ccranes cra r rough ough h terrain mob mobile m e cr cranes es trailer pum umps um mps m ps placing p boom booms pumps compr com mpressors mp mpre pressors rs automatic levels leve vels llase laser levels the heodolites total station tions selftion telescopic scop sco opic picc boom lifts self-propelled pi elled ed articul icul culating boom lifts scissor lifts ifts p hoists oists fixed fix xed d cr ccrushers mobil gines mini ini ni excav excava va a t tracked excavato excavators excava e vat ators w ato wheele heele kers ccombi-crush



7 9 11 13 18

EEQUIPMENT PMEN ENT LISTINGS LISTINGS excavators attachments loaders haulers earthmoving compaction & roadbuilding lifting concrete pumps compressors surveying access crushing & screening engines

21 3 37 57 69 9 77 83 97 115 121 125 129 137 153 163



internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 5 international

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16/05/2008 11:37:06

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15/05/2008 16:17:01


Sent to 200+ countries International Construction n is sent to more

APRIL 2008 Vol 47 No 3

international construction

than 200 countries around the world, with

A KHL Group publication


a circulation that is targeted towards large,

Falsework & formwork p31

fast growing construction markets. It offers


ConExpo news p55

advertisers a unique opportunity to target decision makers right around the world, particularly in developing countries, which often EQUIPMENT



lack a credible construction press of their own.

Reader loyalty

Targeting growth

Now in its 46th year, International Construction is the only truly global construction magazine in the market place. Its long history is testament to its effectiveness at taking advertisers’ messages to its readers, and International Construction enjoys a fierce reader loyalty seldom found in business-to-business publishing.*

More than two thirds of International Construction’s circulation goes to high-growth developing countries, with the number of copies being roughly in proportion to the relative size of the construction market.* This circulation policy helps ensure advertisers’ sales messages are targeted towards territories that offer both high growth and high sales volumes – the ideal combination.

Circulation destinations * International perspective iC ’s circulation to major j emerging g g markets India China ((inc. Hongg Kong, g Macao & Taiwan)) Turkeyy Malaysia y Iran Philippines pp Russia Egypt gyp Mexico UAE Brazil

2780 982 828 813 800 699 513 506 486 449 420

In addition to providing information to developing areas that lack their own credible construction n also focuses publications, International Construction on major contractors in the developed world. About 30% of the magazine’s circulation goes to subscribers in the US, Europe, Japan and other developed countries, with a focus on large multi-national contractors.* Our circulation team targets senior managers and decision makers in these organisations – individuals that work in the international arena, and who need the type of global editorial that is unique to International Construction.

Circulation by industry type*

This two-pronged

Business & Industry



Contractors and engineers



National & local government authorities




Extraction industries



an invaluable

Equipment manufacturers, dealers & distributors



resource to




readers and



YB08 Front Section.indd 7

approach makes


advertisers alike

Geographic Breakdown Total of Qualified Circulation Qualified Egypt gyp 506 Ethiopia p 152 Ghana 169 Nigeria g 159 South Africa 203 Other Africa 976 Total Africa 2165 Australia 631 China ((inc. Hongg Kong, g Macao & Taiwan)) 982 India 2780 Indonesia 180 Japan p 900 Korea - South 1192 Malaysia y 813 Nepal p 253 Pakistan 195 Singapore g p 228 Sri Lanka 181 Vietnam 174 Other Asia 698 Total Asia & Asia Pacific 9207 Iran 800 Israel 114 Saudi Arabia 381 UAE 449 Other Middle East 1188 Total Middle East 2932 France 720 Germanyy 850 Italyy 373 Russia 513 Spain p 405 Turkeyy 828 UK 902 Other Europe p 1414 Total Europe p 6005 Canada 465 USA 1680 Other North America 491 Total North America 2636 Argentina g 236 Bolivia 104 Chile 175 Colombia 172 Ecuador 104 Mexico 486 Peru 156 Trinidad & Tobago g 253 Venezuela 184 Other Latin America & Caribbean 641 Total Latin America & Caribbean 2511 TOTAL CIRCULATION 26387

*Publishers own data

BPA worldwide business audit membership applied for January 2007 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 7

15/05/2008 14:31:54

Engineered for environment, built for purpose The new BR 2155 from the stables of Sandvik, encapsulates the very latest in Sandvik breaker design. A slim body, robust housing made of wear resistant steel, a replaceable bottom plate and an integrated lubrication system make up the all new BR 2155 - latest addition to the range of hydraulic hammers. A key feature of the new hammer is its modular design that allows customers to choose from a range of options as a “Retrofit” to match their application, material and budget. This flexibility enables to retrofit the hammer after purchase & ensure that the hammer is always to the latest and most appropriate configuration as application requirements change.


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15/05/2008 12:24:14


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KHL Group is the world’s leading information provider for the global construction industry. Established in the 1980s it has expanded and now has a comprehensive stable of construction-related titles and additional information and marketing services.




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International Cranes and Specialized Transport magazine, as the name suggests, is dedicated to the world’s crane and transportation industries. Its target is to reach as many buyers and users of cranes and transport equipment around the world. The magazine is now the world’s leading crane journal and is the official international magazine of the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA). Access International is the magazine for users and buyers of all types of access equipment, including powered aerial platforms and scaffolding. The magazine is the only publication to provide global coverage of the access industry, providing news for equipment owners – predominantly rental companies – manufacturers and dealers. The magazine is the official publication of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF). Demolition & Recycling International was first produced in 1999 and covers the international demolition and recycling sector. The magazine is a member of the biggest demolition associations in the world and is a must-read for the world’s demolition and C&D recycling professionals. Features include latest product round-ups, best practice news, safety issues, recycling initiatives and much more.

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American Cranes & Transport is rapidly becoming the leading magazine for the North American crane, transportation and lifting markets. The magazine is the official publication of the SC&RA (Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association). The magazine has all the KHL hallmarks, including high quality, great design and independent editorial.

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American Lift & Handlers aims to be the leading magazine for the North American access – aerials and telehandlers – market and will become the first choice for advertisers. Features cover specific machine types, such as boom lifts, scissors and, of course, telehandlers, as well as all other areas connected with the use of these machines.


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International Construction China was first published in early 2006. The magazine is produced by a joint venture between KHL and Construction Machineryy magazine in China. The magazine is designed to channel international construction information to the huge Chinese audience in their own language.


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International Construction Turkey was launched in May 2007. ICT T is produced by a joint venture between KHL and APA Publishing in Turkey. The magazine is designed to channel international construction information into Turkey and the surrounding region in the Turkish language.

Other major activities MARKETING SERVICES KHL Direct is the list rental/direct mail division of KHL Group, KHL direct covers two products – Direct Mail and e-Casting. INTERNET KHL’s main web site is It has information on all the company’s activities and services along with one of the most up-to-date

industry news sections in the business – the weekly World Construction Week newsletter. EXHIBITIONS IRE (International Rental Exhibition) APEX

DIRECTORIES ■ WCG – World Crane Gu ■ EEI – European Equipm ■ AYB – Access Yearbook ■ D&Ri Buyers’ Guide – Demolition & Recycling Yearbook ■ The Yellow Book ■ ECS – European Contractors Survey ■ World Construction All the latest directories can be downloaded from

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 9

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Construction Europe was the first pan-European construction magazine. Now, almost two decades later, it is testament to the quality of Construction Europee that it is still the only pan-European construction magazine in the region. Subjects covered in the monthly magazine include; news, business, finance, equipment, site reports, in-depth market analysis, interviews and much more.

International Rental News (formerly European Rental News) s is the only magazine to cover the worldwide rental market. Written primarily for rental companies, the magazine covers every aspect of the industry, from construction equipment and tool rental, to portable accommodation, events and audio-visual rental. IRN N reports on the activities of rental companies, carries interviews with major players in the sector, and offers new product information and regular features on rental management from industry specialists.


SECT nt Cov 7 Fro

International Construction n’s circulation is targeted at the largest and fastest-growing construction markets in the world. For more than 40 years the magazine has been helping and informing construction professionals in emerging economies around the world – countries that often do not have high-quality, credible construction publications of their own.




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About KHL Group

n Lati a ric Ame d Roa g din buil on oliti Demcycling e &r

15/05/2008 14:32:38

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15/05/2008 12:31:21


Global construction equipment sales hit record levels once again last year. CHRIS SLEIGHT reports.

New high


lobal construction equipment sales in five major markets hit 742249 units last year, according to new figures from Off-Highway Research. This represented a +6.6% increase on the sales volume of 696474 machines sold in China, Japan, India, North America and Western Europe in 2006.

Off-Highway Research’s data also shows that China became both the biggest market in the world for construction equipment as well as the world’s biggest producer in unit terms. In 2007 sales in China leapt +25% to 226262 units, overtaking both North America and Western Europe, to account for 30% of the global market. Production levels in China hit 254378 pieces of construction equipment last year. The next biggest market last year was Western Europe, where 211560 units of construction equipment were sold. OffHighway Research said this represented a +12% rise on 2006, and was the first time the European market broke through the 200000-machine mark. India saw the fastest rate of growth last year, where sales of equipment rose +47% to 36051 machines. Off-Highway Research predicts this market will top the growth table once again this year, with a further +39% rise to just over 50000 machines. Japan saw a much more modest rise of +4% in 2007, to a sales volume of 76216 machines, and a further +1% rise is expected this year. North America was the only major equipment market to see a fall in sales last year, with a -16% decline to 192160 machines. Off-Highway Research expects the global equipment market to stay at almost exactly the same volume this year, with further strong growth in China and India offsetting declines in Western Europe and North America.

Popular machines In terms of both volume and value, the most popular construction machines sold last year were crawler excavators and wheeled loaders. Wheeled loader sales topped for the first time the 200000-unit mark, with total sales of 207271 machines. This market was driven by China, which accounted for about 75% of global wheeled loader sales – a massive 149730 machines last year.

More evenly spread were the 143438 crawler excavators sold around the world last year. Having said that, China was the largest market for these machines, with just over 49000 sold last year – 32% of the total. However, Western Europe and Japan were also large markets, at 33697 and 33050 unit sales last year, while the North American market saw 24600 tracked excavators sold last year. At 9645 units, the Indian market for crawler excavators was relatively small, but grew faster than any other market in the world. No other types of equipment have the universal appeal of tracked excavators and wheeled loaders. Mini excavators have risen sharply in popularity in China in recent years – sales last year were 16850 units out of a global total of 143438 units. These machines are massively popular in Europe, where 70878 were sold last year. Another way of putting this is that about one in every three construction machines sold in Europe is a mini excavator. Mini excavator sales are also reasonable in Japan and North America at 29200 and 26500 machines respectively. However, the competition with cheap manual labour in India means next to no compact excavators are sold there at present. The workhorses of the Indian construction sector are backhoe loaders. More than 21000 such machines were sold there last year – 38% of the global total of 56993 machines. Backhoe loaders are also popular in Europe (13745 units last year) and North America (20900), but the concept has never caught on in Japan and shows few signs of gaining acceptance in China. Another strong regional preference is for skid steer loaders. Some 67275 were sold globally last year, but 52850 (79%) were in North America. Looking at forecasts for this year, the prospects look brightest for machines that are popular in high growth markets like India and China. As a result, Off-Highway Research expects backhoe loader sales to rise +7.6% to 61345 units this year, crawler excavators to go up +6.4% to 161980 machines and wheeled loaders to rise +6.1% to 219945 machine sales. Overall, the global market is expected to see a +0.5% rise in sales to 745784 machines. YB internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 11

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15/05/2008 14:46:30

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15/05/2008 12:26:55

YELLOW TABLE Equipment giants

Equipment giants T

There was little change at the top of the Yellow Table – iC C’s ranking of the world’s 50 largest construction equipment manufacturers – in 2007, but various acquisitions made for movement further down. Chris Sleightt reports.

By country US

45.6% 39.6%


19.4% 19.5%


11.6% 10.1%


This year

8.5% 7.0%


here was no change in the top three companies in the global construction equipment industry in 2007, with Caterpillar, Komatsu and Terex staying put. But Volvo is the new no. 4, thanks to its acquisitions of Ingersoll Rand’s road building equipment arm and a stake in Lingong, with clear water between it and fifth-placed Liebherr. Hitachi stays at no. 6, while the big faller is its US joint-venture partner John Deere, which fell from no. 4 last year to no. 7 on 2007 revenues. CNH and JCB are unmoved at no. 8 and no. 10 respectively, while Sandvik Mining & Construction is new to the top 10, thanks in part to its acquisition of Extec and Fintec last year. Ingersoll Rand is missing from the Yellow Table this year, following its divestment to Volvo, along with the sale of Bobcat and its remaining construction equipment businesses to Doosan Infracore last year. Doosan, as a result, has moved up two places to no. 16 in this year’s Yellow Table. Another result of Ingersoll Rand’s exit from the industry is the share of the market by US-owned manufacturers is it’s lowest ever. Based on 2007 revenues, US companies had a 39.6% share of the top 50 total last year – down sharply from 45.6% in 2006 and a high of 47.7% in the 2005 edition of the Yellow Table. The second name missing from this year’s Yellow Table is Dynapac. Fellow Swede Atlas Copco acquired the road building equipment specialist last year, which helped it move up a place to no. 11 in this year’s rankings. The absence of these two companies as separate entities has of course opened the door to two new names in the Yellow Table. Telcon, an earthmoving equipment joint venture in India between Hitachi and Tata is new at no. 38, while drill rig and consumable manufacturer Boart Longyear makes its debut at no. 42. Mergers also played a part in the biggest climb of the year. Wacker’s acquisition of Neuson last year catapulted the newly formed Wacker Neuson Group up 19 places to no. 30, from Neuson’s position of 49 in the 2006 rankings. In all the cases of mergers and acquisitions mentioned above, the acquiring companies are yet to benefit from a full year’s contribution to revenues from their newly bought subsidiaries. As a result, they should climb higher in the 2009 edition of the Yellow Table. This also applies to the general regional picture. Although the share of revenues attributable to US companies has fallen below 40% for the first time, this money is yet to fully ‘re-appear’ with acquiring companies like Volvo and Doosan. As a result, the total share of the industry

4.9% 3.6%

Finland 3.4% 3.3%

By region

UK 3.2% 2.7%

South Korea 3.0% 2.6%

Rest of th the World 0.6%

France 2.7% 2.5% Switzerland 1.0% 0.8%

Europe 33.1%



South Africa


0.9% 0.4% Asia 26.3% 0.6% 0.9% 0.4% 0.3%

North America 39.9%

0.3% 0.3%

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 13

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15/05/2008 14:48:17

YELLOW TABLE Equipment giants


YELLOW TABLE 08 Construction equipment Last year/ sales 2007 Share of Rank Company change Country (US$ million) total 1 Caterpillarr 1Â US 28359 20.0% 2 Komatsu* 2Â JP 13311 9.4% 3 Terexx 3Â US 9138 6.5% 4 Volvo Construction Equipmentt 5 Ã1 SE 7893 5.6% 5 Liebherr** 7 Ã2 DE 6844 4.8% 6 Hitachi Construction Machinery* y 6Â JP 6423 4.5% 7 John Deere 4 Ä-3 US 5035 3.6% 8 CNH 8Â US 5023 3.5% 9 Sandvik Mining and Construction 11 Ã2 SE 4867 3.4% 10 JCB 10 Â UK 4504 3.2% 11 Atlas Copco CMTT 12 Ã1 SE 3700 2.6% 12 Metso Minerals 13 Ã1 FIN 3568 2.5% 13 Manitowoc Crane Group 15 Ã2 US 3246 2.3% 14 Oshkosh Access Equipment (JLG) 14 Â US 2540 1.8% 15 Hyundai Heavy Industries 17 Ã2 KR 2137 1.5% 16 Doosan Infracore** 18 Ã2 KR 2062 1.5% 17 Kobelco Construction Machinery* y 16 Ä-1 JP 1993 1.4% 18 Wirtgen Group 20 Ã2 DE 1944 1.4% 19 Xuzhou (XCMG)** 21 Ã2 CN 1861 1.3% 20 Manitou 19 Ä-1 FR 1729 1.2% 21 Ammann 27 Ã6 CH 1420 1.0% 22 Putzmeister** 23 Ã1 DE 1369 1.0% 23 Sumitomo Heavy Industries* 24 Ã1 JP 1360 1.0% 24 Hiab 22 Ä-2 FIN 1281 0.9% 25 Tadano* 25 Â JP 1229 0.9% 26 Sany Heavy Industries** 26 Â CN 1223 0.9% 27 Fayat Group 26 Ä-1 FR 1193 0.8% 28 Changsha Zoomlion** 24 Ä-4 CN 1081 0.8% 29 Guangxi Liugong 32 Ã3 CN 998 0.7% 30 Wacker Neuson Group** 49 Ã19 DE 986 0.7% 31 Palfingerr 28 Ä-3 AT 903 0.6% 32 Haulotte Group 31 Ä-1 FR 893 0.6% 33 Kubota* 30 Ä-3 JP 880 0.6% 34 Astec Industries 29 Ä-5 US 869 0.6% 35 Bauer** 38 Ã3 DE 822 0.6% 36 Altec Industries** 35 Ä-1 US 780 0.6% 37 Xiamen Xiagong Group** 45 Ã8 CN 711 0.5% 38 Telcon** NEW IN 703 0.5% 39 Bell Equipmentt 39 Â ZA 652 0.5% 40 Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. (BEML) 40 Â IN 632 0.4% 41 Takeuchi* 41 Â JP 629 0.4% 42 Boart Longyearr NEW US 605 0.4% 43 Furukawa* 34 Ä-9 JP 576 0.4% 44 Aichi* 44 Â JP 576 0.4% 45 Shantui 47 Ã2 CN 566 0.4% 46 Longgong** 43 Ä-3 CN 526 0.4% 47 Merlo 46 Ä-1 IT 520 0.4% 48 Skyjack k 50 Ã2 CA 482 0.3% 49 Gehl 42 Ä-7 US 458 0.3% 50 Kato Works* 48 Ä-2 JP 437 0.3% TOTALL 141537


Backhoe Loaders

Mini and/or Midi Compact or Excavators Skid-steer (0 - 13 t) Loaders

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●

● ● ●

● ●

● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●

Powered Access

Telescopic Handlers

● ● ● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●

Concrete Equipment


● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ●

* - fiscal year, ended March 31st 2007 ** - estimate

14 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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15/05/2008 14:48:46

YELLOW TABLE Equipment giants


● ● ● ● ●

Compaction/ Road Building


● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Wheeled Loaders

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ●

Excavators (13t+)

Rigid Haulers

Rock Drilling

● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●


Hydraulic Breakers/ Demolition Crushing & Attachments Screening

● ● ●

● ●

● ● ● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ●

● ● ● ●


internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 15

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15/05/2008 14:49:06

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15/05/2008 12:28:27

YELLOW TABLE Equipment giants

Top 10 Company shares But the buoyancy of the rest of the world is a critical point going into 2008, as US construction output looks set to fall again this year. If developing markets like China and India can post another year of strong growth, the global industry as a whole stands a reasonable chance to stay in positive territory. The growth of emerging markets may also see new names – like Telcon this year – added to the Yellow Table in 2009 and in years to come. For example, in this year’s ranking Russia’s largest domestic manufacturer, GAZ Group just missed iC out on a place in the top 50.

Caterpillar p 20.0% Others 35.4% Komatsu 9.4% Terex 6.5% JCB 3.2% Sandvik 3.4% CNH 3.5% Deere 3.6% Volvo 6.5% Liebherr 4.8% Hitachi 4.5%

enjoyed by Swedish and Korean headquartered manufacturers is yet to show a significant gain. Again, it will be the 2009 edition of the Yellow Table before the effects of 2007’s various deals are fully consolidated into the standings and regional picture.

Outlook Even without these revenues in this year’s table, it is interesting to reflect that growth for the top 50 manufacturers last year was almost as high as in 2006, despite the US market turning down in 2007. This implies that strength elsewhere in the global industry made up for the US downturn, and perhaps even more than compensated for it. While the overall effect was for global growth, there is no doubt that the US downturn, particularly in the residential sector, had an impact on companies with high exposures. The falls for Deere, which is only active in the Americas in construction equipment, and Gehl in this year’s table are undoubtedly a result of an excessive reliance on the lighter end of the US construction market.

Industry expansion Another year of double-digit growth in revenues n total, the top 50 manufacturers had sales of US $141.5 billion in 2007 – a +19.3% increase on last year’s total of US$ 118 billion, based on 2006 revenues. Of course with so many acquisitions in the industry last year, it is difficult to say what a true like-for-like figure of growth should be. On the one hand there are new companies in the Yellow Table that weren’t there last year, but on the other hand, the likes of Volvo, Doosan and Atlas Copco are yet to report a full year of revenues from the new additions to their families. A worst-case scenario, which would clearly understate growth, could be obtained by removing Boart and Telcon from this year’s figures. In that case total revenues would be US$ 140.2 billion – +19.0% growth. The graph also illustrates the phenomenal growth the construction equipment industry has enjoyed over the last five years. Industry revenues were +156% higher last year than they were in 2002. Although growth over the last three years has not been up to the staggering +31.1% rise seen in 2004, it has remained comfortably in double figures throughout the boom period. The average revenues for a top 50 manufacturer this year stood at US$ 2.83 billion, compared to just US$ 1.11 billion in 2002. Another telling point is that in the 2003 edition (based on 2002 revenues) there were just 12 companies with annual sales of US$ 1 billion or more. In this year’s table that number has more than doubled to 28.








While the utmost care has been taken to ensure that information in this report is accurate, International Construction does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions. Rankings are based on sales of construction equipment by each company in the last financial year (ending in 2007). Information sources include annual reports, company statements and respected consultant companies, It should be said that figures in the ‘By Country’ and ‘By Region’ graphs are derived from where individual companies are headquartered. They do not in any way reflect the size of the markets or equipment production levels in different countries or regions of the world. If you would like to comment on The Yellow Table, or feel your company should be included, please e-mail the editor on: [email protected]









0 2002




Revenues – US$ billion



% Growth

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 17

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15/05/2008 14:50:51


These tables and conversion factors are provided to help readers with comparisons between Imperial (UK), US, and metric measurements.

miles per hour (mph) kilometre/hour (km/h)

20 32

30 48

40 64

50 80

60 96

2 9.09 2 7.54

4 18.18 4 15.14

6 27.27 6 22.71

2 0.907

3 1.361

70 112

80 128

90 144

100 160

FUEL gallons (UK) litres gallons (US) litres

1 4.55 1 3.78

8 36.37 8 30.28

10 45.46 10 37.85

12 54.54 12 45.45

14 63.64 14 53.00

WEIGHT pounds kilograms

1 0.454

4 1.814

5 2.268

10 4.536

14 6.350

20 9.072


32 0

40 5

50 10

60 15

70 20

75 25

85 30

95 35

105 40

140 60

175 80

212 100


0.0394 ins 1.0936 yds 0.5214 mile 25.4 mm 0.9144 m 1.6093 km

= = = = =

1.1960 square yds 2.4711 acres 0.3851 square mile 0.8361 m2 4046.9 m2

= = = = =

1.3080 cubic yards 0.2200 gallon 0.7646 m 0.5683 litre 4.5401 litres

1 gramme (g) (1000 mg) 1 pound (lb) (16 ounces) 1 ton (2240 pounds) 1 US ton 1 metric tonne 1 hundred weight (cwt)


1 horsepower (hp) 1 kilowatt (kW)

1 cubic metre (m ) 1 litre (l) 1 cubic yard (27 cubic feet) 1 pint (4 gills) 1 gallon (8 pints)

conversion factors in important technical or

1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) 1 BTU/lb

Inches (")

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Square Feet (ft2)

Ounces (oz)

Millimetres (mm)


25.4 50.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4 177.8 203.2 228.6

0.621 1.243 1.864 2.485 3.707 3.728 4.350 4.971 5.592

0.093 0.186 0.279 0.372 0.465 0.557 0.650 0.743 0.836 Grammes (g)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

they are designed as = = = =

14.2 psi 6895 N/m2 1 pascal (Pa) 1.41 kg/cm2

a guide to converting figures not a definitive

USA WET MEASURE EQUIVALENTS 1 US pint (16 fl oz) (0.8327 UK pt) 1 US gallon (0.8327 UK gal) 1 UK pint 1 US barrel

= = = =

0.4732 litre 3.7653 litres 0.473 litres 5.62 ft3 = 0.159 m3


= 1055 joules = 2.326 kilojoules/kg

Square Metres (m2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

safety calculations as

= 746 watts (0.75 kW) = 1.34 hp

1 bar (atmosphere) 1 pound/inch2 (psi) 1 (Newton/m2) Nm2 20 lb/in2


0.035 0.071 0.106 0.141 0.176 0.212 0.247 0.282 0.317

0.0353 oz 0.4536 kg 1.0161 tonnes 2000 lb 2200 lb 112 lb



10.764 21.528 32.292 43.056 53.819 64.583 75.347 86.111 96.875

= = = = = =


1 square metre (m2) (10000 cm2) 1 hectare (he) (10000 m2) 1 square km (km2) (100 hectares) 1 square yard (9 square feet) 1 acre (4840 yards2)

0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354

Please do not use the


1 millimetre (mm) 1 metre (m) (1000 mm) 1 kilometre (km) (1000 m) 1 inch 1 yard (36 inches) 1 mile (1760 yards)

28.350 56.699 85.049 113.398 141.748 170.097 198.447 226.796 255.146

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Square Yards (yd2)

1.196 2.392 3.588 4.784 5.980 7.176 8.372 9.568 10.764

Feet (')

1.609 3.219 4.828 6.437 8.047 9.656 11.265 12.875 14.484

3.281 6.562 9.843 13.123 16.404 19.685 22.966 26.247 29.528

Square Metres (m2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Pounds (lb)

2.205 4.409 6.614 8.819 11.023 13.226 15.432 17.637 19.842

Kilometres (km)

0.836 1.672 2.508 3.345 4.181 5.017 5.853 6.689 7.525 Kilograms (kg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.454 0.907 1.361 1.814 2.268 2.722 3.175 3.629 4.082

Metres (m)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Cubic Feet (ft3)

35.315 70.629 105.943 141.258 176.572 211.887 247.201 282.516 317.830

Cubic Metres (m3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Gallons (gall)

0.220 0.440 0.660 0.880 1.101 1.321 1.541 1.761 1.981

0.305 0.610 0.914 1.219 1.514 1.829 2.134 2.438 2.743

0.028 0.057 0.085 0.113 0.147 0.170 0.198 0.227 0.255 Litres (l)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4.544 9.087 13.631 18.174 22.718 27.262 31.805 36.349 40.892

Yards (yd)

1.094 2.187 3.281 4.375 5.468 6.564 7.658 8.752 9.846

Metres (m)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Cubic Yards (yd3)

1.308 2.616 3.924 5.232 6.540 7.848 9.156 10.464 11.772

Cubic Metres (m3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Pints (pt)

1.761 3.521 5.282 7.043 8.804 10.564 12.325 14.086 15.847

0.914 1.829 2.743 3.658 4.572 5.486 6.401 7.315 8.230

0.765 1.529 2.294 3.058 3.823 4.587 5.352 6.117 6.881 Litres (l)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.568 1.136 1.704 2.272 2.840 3.406 3.976 4.544 5.112

The key figures printed in the centre column, can be read as either metric or imperial, example: 1 metre = 1.094 yards or 1 yard = 0.914 metres

18 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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15/05/2008 14:51:10

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15/05/2008 12:29:17

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15/05/2008 12:30:30


yellow BOOK 08 0 8

mini excavators ors trac tracked excavators vato wheeled e excavators trenchers chers break crushers rushe hers concrete nc crushers ers dem demolition tion shearss m multi processors skid steer backhoe ba e loaders lo loa oa wheeled loaders rs site dum dumpers mpe articulated dump trucks frame ame haulers hau ule s gra graders dozers single drum rum um m rro rollers ol tandem rollers pneuma rollers ers asphalt sphalt a pavers vers concrete paver pavers milling ng mach machines truck cranes anes tel crawler cranes cra e top sslewing win wing ng tow tower cranes luffing in jib tower owe er crane cranes all-terr ccranes cra r rough ough h terrain mob mobile m e cr cranes es trailer pum pumps um mps p placing boom booms pumps compressors com mp mpre pressors rs automatic levels leve vels llase laser levels the theodolites total stations tion selftelescopic scop sco opic pic boom lifts self-propelled elled ed articulating icul boom lifts scissor lifts ifts p hoists oists fixed fix xed d crushers ccr mobile ni excava va t tracked excavators excava e vat ators w ato wheeled heeled bi-crush

excavators mini




w wheeled


internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 21

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15/05/2008 14:52:27

EXCAVATORS m ini wheeled w Manufacturer Ammann Yanmar Hanix IHI Eurocomach Eurodig Bobcat Hinowa Hitachi Hinowa Takeuchi Komatsu Sunward Ditch Witch Neuson Kobelco Eurocomach Kubota Messersi Ammann Yanmar Eurodig Hinowa New Holland Yanmar Co Ltd Hitachi Kubota Ammann Yanmar JCB Bobcat Doosan Hinowa JCB IHI Hinowa Libra Macmoter Komatsu Imef Imef Neuson IHI Komatsu Macmoter Macmoter Kubota Metalgalante Kobelco Eurocomach Takeuchi Komatsu Hanix Hyundai Ammann Yanmar Hinowa Libra Volvo Kubota Takeuchi JCB Kobelco Imef Imef Hanix Kubota Hyundai


Scoppy BO5R H08B 7J ES-80 GR700 A3 316 DM 8 EX8-2B DB8 TB108 PC09-1F SWE08 MX9 803 SK09SR ES-90 K008-3 alpha M-10E B08-3 GR1000 DB10.13 E95R B08-3 ZX10U-2 U10-3 alpha Vio 10 8008 319 S015 DM13 8010 12JX TT1350 114S M1 215 HE14 HE14s 1404 15J PC12R-8 M2 M1S KX36-3 Carmix K 415 SK015MSR ES-150 TB014 218 H15B-2 R15-7 B15-3 TT1600 116S EC15B U15-3 TB016 8014 SK016MSR HE16s HE16 H15B Plus-2 KX41-3 R16-7

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

575 760 770 800 800 820 850 850 850 855 880 880 890 935 950 950 980 980 980 980 1000 1060 1060 1110 1120 1135 1138 1271 1280 1300 1312 1325 1350 1400 1400 1440 1450 1450 1450 1475 1475 1500 1500 1500 1510 1520 1520 1525 1560 1570 1570 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1615 1620 1620 1625 1625 1630 1630 1630

3.3 7.4 5.9 9.3 11.8 7.4 7 6.4 7 7.1 6.3 7.2 6.2 13.7 6 9.3 7.4 14 6.8 14 n/s 6 6.8 9.5 7.4 8.6 12.7 9.9 12 10 12.7 9.8 n/s 14.7 16 10.3 14 14 17.9 12.1 10.6 16 13.2 9 14.8 8.9 15.1 9 11.4 12.5 12.5 10.3 n/s 14.7 11.4 9.6 10.1 12.7 8.9 14.7 14.7 12.5 11.8 12.5

n/s 0.02 0.019 n/s 0.02 n/s 0.02 0.022 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.022 n/s n/s 0.022 n/s 0.022 0.023 0.013 0.03 0.02 0.02 n/s 0.024 0.024 0.039 0.035 n/s 0.04 0.025 0.041 0.044 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.04 n/s n/s n/s 0.044 0.06 0.059 0.068 0.035 0.04 0.044 n/s 0.028 0.045 0.05 0.04 0.039 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.035 0.047 0.044 n/s n/s 0.05 0.04 0.04

n/s 1.5 1.55 1.68 1.6 1.55 1.7 15.3 1.7 1.56 1.46 1.51 1.5 1.73 n/s 1.83 1.72 2.03 1.5 2 1.7 1.75 1.5 1.78 1.8 1.9 1.73 2.01 2.14 2 1.97 1.9 0.95 2.15 2.15 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.24 2.03 2.18 2.32 2.34 2.23 2.25 2.16 2.35 1.93 2.34 2.15 2.17 2.1 1 2.35 2.52 2.31 2.2 2.35 2.16 2.2 2.2 2.33 2.4 2.35

n/s 8.3 9.7 n/s 9.6 8.3 8 9.6 8 8.3 n/s 8.5 n/s 4.5 n/s n/s 9.8 n/s n/s 11 8 6.2 n/s 11.7 10.3 n/s 10.8 12.3 11.2 9 9.7 12.7 8 14.5 15 13.2 12.9 12.9 7.1 12.6 n/s 15 15 13 8.6 10.9 n/s n/s 13.2 14.4 14.4 n/s 4 14.5 15.1 15.2 10.7 13.6 10.9 12.9 12.9 14.4 15.6 14.4

22 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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15/05/2008 14:52:49

EXCAVATORS Manufacturer


New Holland Case Bobcat Sunward Sunward Hitachi Eurocomach IHI Yanmar Co Ltd Bobcat Hinowa Libra Neuson Case New Holland Terex Caterpillar Messersi Messersi Doosan JCB Libra JCB Hitachi Caterpillar Imef Komatsu Ammann Yanmar Messersi Ditch Witch Volvo Neuson Hinowa Neuson Terex Hitachi IHI JCB Macmoter Kubota Hanix Hyundai Yanmar Co Ltd Hitachi Case New Holland Komatsu Ditch Witch Ammann Yanmar New Holland Case IHI Hitachi Hinowa Kubota Kubota Hitachi Komatsu Libra IHI Takeuchi Macmoter Kobelco Neuson

E16 CX16B 323 SWE15 SWE17 ZX16 ES-180 18J VIO15-2 320 TT1700 118S 1503 CX18B E18 TC16 301.6C M-15 M-16BV S018 8016 118SV 8018 ZX18 301.8C HE18 PC15R-8 B18-3 M-18BE MX182 EC20B 1903 VT2000 2203 TC20 ZX17U-2 20JX 8020 M2S U20-3 alpha H22B R22-7 VIO20-2 ZX210-3 CX20B ZTS E20.2SR PC20MRx-1 MX202 Vio 20 E22.2SR CX22B ZTS 25J ZX22U-2 VT2500 KX61-3 U25-3 alpha ZX25 PC20R-8 125S 28J TB23R M3 SK25SR-2 2503


Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

1645 1645 1658 1660 1660 1660 1670 1675 1680 1689 1700 1700 1715 1720 1720 1720 1720 1740 1740 1740 1742 1750 1751 1780 1785 1790 1795 1800 1850 1855 1870 1940 2000 2017 2020 2050 2055 2060 2100 2100 2200 2200 2200 2200 2230 2230 2290 2295 2320 2370 2370 2375 2390 2500 2500 2500 2520 2535 2550 2575 2595 2600 2610 2620

11 11 9.9 14.7 9.9 8.7 15.1 13.6 8.5 11.7 n/s 14.7 17.9 11 11 13.3 13.5 15.1 15.1 12.7 12.7 14.7 14.1 8.7 13.5 15.4 11.4 10.3 15.1 11.2 11.4 17.9 n/s 17.9 13.3 11 13.6 19 18.4 14 13 12.5 13.3 122 17 17 14 15.5 13.3 17 17 16.9 14.6 n/s 18.2 15.5 14 17.4 23.5 17.7 13.9 23 15.6 27.1

0.069 0.06 n/s 0.04 0.04 0.05 n/s 0.055 n/s 0.04 0.04 0.06 n/s 0.06 0.069 n/s 0.06 0.036 0.036 0.04 0.047 0.06 0.047 0.05 0.06 n/s 0.06 0.039 0.036 n/s 0.115 n/s 0.04 n/s n/s 0.05 0.07 n/s 0.068 0.065 0.07 0.06 n/s 1.2 0.088 0.088 0.085 n/s 0.054 0.088 0.088 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.085 0.085 0.08 0.08 0.064 0.065 0.68 n/s

2.38 2.38 2.3 2.16 2.16 2.4 2.5 2.31 2.1 2.2 2.37 2.35 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.2 2.32 2.16 2.16 2.33 2.35 2.35 2.47 2.4 2.32 2.4 2.38 2.1 2.36 n/s 2.81 2.64 2.67 2.91 2.2 2.17 2.25 2.43 2.53 2.32 2.66 2.365 2.44 6.67 2.65 2.65 2.37 n/s 2.5 2.65 2.65 2.42 2.58 2.83 2.5 2.82 2.52 2.55 2.55 2.52 2.56 2.6 2.69 2.62

8.4 13 16.7 13.1 13.1 13.5 n/s 14.9 n/s 15.1 21 14.5 10.6 13 8.4 n/s 12.6 8.5 8.9 n/s 13.6 14.5 13.6 13.5 15.4 12.9 n/s n/s 8.9 n/s 18.5 12.2 21 12.2 n/s 16 18.6 19 16.5 18.4 16.3 16.3 n/s 151 14 12 n/s n/s n/s 12 14 19.1 18.6 27.2 21.4 21.5 22 n/s 20 19.1 n/s 20 20.8 13

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 23

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15/05/2008 14:53:03

EXCAVATORS mini Manufacturer IHI Case Bobcat Takeuchi Ammann Yanmar Komatsu JCB Kubota Volvo Doosan New Holland Hanix Ditch Witch Volvo IHI Caterpillar IHI Messersi Imef Eurocomach Hyundai Bobcat Bobcat Terex Hitachi IHI Yanmar Co Ltd Hinowa Libra Volvo Sunward Doosan Komatsu Takeuchi Bobcat Komatsu Macmoter Neuson Ammann Yanmar Hitachi Case Kobelco Hitachi Kubota Messersi JCB IHI Libra New Holland Hitachi Ammann Yanmar Bobcat Hanix IHI Neuson Bobcat New Holland Volvo Kubota Komatsu Takeuchi Hyundai Terex Volvo


25JX CX27B ZTS 425 TB125 B25V 226 8025ZTS KX71-3 EC25 DX27Z E27.2SR H26B MX272 ECR28 30J 302.5C 30JX M-28 HE28 ES-300 R28-7 325 428 TC29 ZX30 32J VIO27-2 VT3000 130S EC30 SWE28 DX30Z 232 TB28FR 328 PC27R-8 M3S 3003 B30V ZX27U-2 CX31B ZTS SK30SR-2 ZX35 KX91-3 alpha-2 M-35 8030 ZTS 35J 135S E30.2SR ZX30U-2 B37V 329 H36B 35JX 3003 Vario 331 EC35 ECR38 KX101-3 alpha-2 PC30MRx-1 TB135 R35-7 TC35 EC35

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

2625 2630 2650 2675 2675 2680 2685 2700 2700 2700 2760 2780 2780 2800 2825 2850 2875 2880 2900 2900 2900 2907 2933 2940 2960 2975 2980 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3010 3058 3060 3100 3120 3135 3140 3140 3190 3190 3200 3200 3217 3225 3250 3250 3260 3300 3339 3370 3375 3388 3393 3400 3400 3400 3420 3430 3460 3500 3500

16.2 17 20.6 16.8 14 15.5 27 20.6 17.1 15.8 17 19.1 19 14.4 21.3 18.6 16.2 23.5 25 23.5 17.7 20.5 20.6 20.5 19.9 19.9 16 n/s 23.5 17.1 19.8 18.1 19.1 16.8 20.5 19.4 20 27.1 18.4 19.7 22 16.9 0.8 19.6 23.5 27 21.3 23.5 22 22.3 21 20.6 21.3 20 27.1 29.9 23.5 20.3 20.3 21 20.9 19.9 26.5 21.6

0.08 0.088 n/s 0.07 0.1 0.07 n/s 0.07 0.139 0.08 0.088 0.11 n/s 0.06 0.08 0.92 0.08 0.064 n/s 0.35 0.07 0.083 n/s n/s 0.11 0.09 n/s 0.06 0.1 0.139 0.08 0.09 0.045 0.04 0.083 0.105 0.092 n/s 0.1 0.1 0.12 0.09 0.13 0.09 0.064 n/s 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.1 n/s 0.11 0.11 n/s 0.13 n/s 0.265 0.107 0.12 0.07 0.1 0.171 0.164

2.52 2.79 2.54 2.6 n/s 2.65 2.58 2.68 3.14 2.69 2.79 2.9 2.9 2 2.8 2.93 2.75 2.75 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.51 2.84 2.96 2.96 2.85 2.7 3.22 2.7 3.33 2.47 2.95 2.65 2.3 2.81 2.9 2.8 3.03 n/s 3.14 3.1 2.84 3.45 2.9 3.05 2.79 3.15 3.1 3.1 3.13 n/s 3.1 3.41 3.15 2.93 3.1 3.4 3.53 3.1 2.93 3.11 3.43 3.41 3.71

19.6 15 22.5 17.6 n/s 18.9 24 25.2 21.8 19.8 13 24.5 n/s 11.6 21.9 22 21.6 16 20.6 22.5 25.6 21.2 24.6 n/s 19.9 24.2 n/s 31 21.5 24.2 18.2 27.5 22.8 14.7 21.2 n/s 33.8 16.2 n/s 22.6 18 24.3 1.05 29.9 17.2 28 26.3 23 15 27.5 n/s 30.6 29.8 26.5 16.2 31.1 n/s 36.5 31.1 n/s 22.8 27.9 n/s 29.2

24 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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15/05/2008 14:53:25

Copy of Full page.indd 1

16/05/2008 09:50:54

EXCAVATORS mini Manufacturer Neuson Doosan Kubota Bobcat Caterpillar Bobcat Hanix Neuson Yanmar Co Ltd Bobcat Bobcat Terex Hyundai JCB Komatsu Kobelco Neuson Ditch Witch Neuson Komatsu Eurocomach Sunward New Holland Case Hitachi Macmoter Caterpillar Liugong Kubota Hinowa Bobcat IHI Macmoter Case Volvo Hitachi Macmoter JCB Ammann Yanmar New Holland IHI Yanmar Co Ltd Kubota Macmoter Hanix Hitachi Komatsu Kobelco Takeuchi JCB Hitachi Caterpillar Bobcat Bobcat Liugong Sunward Komatsu New Holland Case Kubota Messersi Eurocomach Neuson Caterpillar


3503 DX35Z U35-3 alpha-2 334 303C CR 430 H36R 38Z3 VIO35-2 331E 430 FastTrack TC37 R35Z-7 8035 ZTS PC35R-8 SK35SR-2 3703 MX352 3503 Vario 240 ES-400 SWE38 E35.2SR CX36B ZTS ZX35U-2 M4S 303.5C CR CLG904 KX121-3 alpha VT4000 335 40JX M4R CX40B ZTS EC45 Pro ZX40 M4 8040 ZTS Vio 45 E40.2SR 45J VIO40-2A U45-3 alpha M5S H50B ZX50 PC40MRx-1 SK45SR-2 TB145 8045 ZTS ZX40U-2 304C CR 435 FastTrack 435 CLG905 SWE55 PC45R-8 E50.2SR CX50B ZTS U50-3 alpha M-50 E-500 50Z3 304C CR

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

3500 3500 3500 3551 3555 3584 3615 3630 3630 3638 3640 3650 3650 3651 3670 3700 3734 3740 3775 3780 3800 3800 3840 3840 3860 3900 3910 3950 3980 4000 4173 4175 4200 4200 4200 4210 4300 4300 4430 4440 4475 4480 4500 4600 4650 4660 4670 4730 4740 4750 4760 4760 4788 4788 4800 4820 4860 4870 4870 4890 4900 4900 4900 4920

35.4 n/s 20.3 29.9 22 31.9 21.3 27.1 18.4 29.9 31.9 23.8 20 32 21 19.3 35.4 21.7 35.4 19.7 30.5 22.3 22 22 22.3 20 29 30 29.4 n/s 30.3 25 42 32 27.2 26.5 42 45 22.8 32 29.8 22.8 29.4 31.5 33.1 26.5 28.3 27.2 27.3 45 29.8 31 36.5 36.5 29 29.2 28.9 32 32 29.4 34.1 35.5 35.4 31

n/s 0.1 0.11 0.13 0.16 n/s 0.11 n/s n/s 0.13 n/s n/s 0.11 n/s 0.13 0.11 n/s n/s n/s 0.095 0.4 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.092 0.21 0.3 0.12 0.03 n/s 0.13 0.125 0.18 0.164 0.17 0.125 n/s 0.135 0.18 0.16 n/s 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.2 0.14 0.1 n/s 0.17 n/s n/s n/s 0.3 0.18 0.175 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.18 0.45 n/s 0.21

3.53 n/s 3.15 3.4 3.2 3.37 3.13 3.36 3.2 3.91 3.37 3.38 n/s 3.17 3.45 3.11 3.42 3.18 3.92 3.54 3.4 3.08 3.35 3.35 3.46 2.9 3.45 3.1 3.2 2.15 3.58 3.4 3 3.66 3.8 3.7 3.2 3.34 3.5 3.66 3.55 3.54 3.4 3.6 4.09 3.92 3.89 3.57 3.51 3.54 3.66 3.68 3.77 3.77 3.6 3.3 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.65 3.63 3.85 3.75 3.68

20.6 n/s 31.1 31.1 33 30.5 n/s 19.4 n/s 31.1 30.5 n/s n/s 32 n/s 26.9 20.6 n/s 20.6 28.7 32 26.4 17 19 27.5 33 37.8 24.4 32.5 14 35.1 30.1 33 22 32.4 32.3 33 37 n/s 20 34.6 n/s 32.8 37 44.1 36.6 n/s 35.5 31 42 32.1 n/s 35.1 35.1 26.1 30.3 n/s 24 27 32.8 28 45 26.6 44.7

26 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Excavators.indd 26

15/05/2008 14:53:41

EXCAVATORS Manufacturer


Komatsu Terex Hitachi Libra Macmoter Terex Ditch Witch Kubota Bobcat Ammann Yanmar Caterpillar Libra JCB Yanmar Co Ltd IHI Bobcat Hyundai Neuson Doosan Takeuchi Volvo Sunward Terex Hitachi JCB

250 TC48 ZX50U-2 150W M5M TC50 MX502 KX161-3 alpha 337 Vio 55 305C CR 150S 8052 VIO50-2A 55J 341 R55-7A 6003 S55-V TB153FR ECR58 Plus SWE60 TC60 ZX60USB-3 8060


Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

4930 4950 4950 5000 5000 5000 5040 5100 5126 5130 5160 5200 5200 5240 5275 5316 5450 5500 5500 5505 5600 5950 5960 5990 5991

25.3 34.6 29.8 33 32 29 29.4 29.4 39.5 27.9 35 33 47 27.9 37.9 39.5 43 51.1 39.7 28.9 38.2 40.5 37.9 40.05 58

0.15 n/s 0.17 0.18 0.14 n/s n/s 0.17 0.233 0.135 n/s 0.18 n/s n/s 0.18 0.233 0.18 n/s 0.145 0.141 n/s 0.21 n/s 0.24 n/s

3.96 3.9 3.86 3.25 3.3 3.69 3.81 3.57 3.66 3.8 3.89 3.6 3.99 3.8 3.85 4.06 3.82 4.14 3.9 3.59 4.24 3.71 3.8 4.12 4.13

40.5 n/s 36.8 35 32.5 n/s n/s 39.9 41.2 n/s n/s 35 40 n/s 36.6 41.2 37.7 28.1 33 n/s 39 39.8 n/s 41.1 48

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 27

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16/05/2008 11:25:34

EXCAVATORS tManufacturer racked wheeled w Hitachi Macmoter John Deere Sunward Kobelco Macmoter Liugong Takeuchi Neuson Neuson Ammann Yanmar Hitachi Hyundai Bobcat Hanix Case Yanmar Ammann Yanmar Terex Hyundai Eurocomach Yanmar Co Ltd Sunward Doosan JCB Liugong Ammann Yanmar Yanmar Yanmar Co Ltd New Holland Kubota Hitachi Neuson Sunward JCB Komatsu Case Takeuchi Kobelco New Holland Caterpillar Volvo Weimar Hydrema Komatsu Macmoter Komatsu Hydrema Bumar Neuson Macmoter Sunward Hyundai Neuson Weimar Hitachi Link-Belt Caterpillar Case Kobelco New Holland JCB Komatsu Caterpillar


ZX70 M6 80 SWE70 SK70SR M6M CLG907 TB175 8003 75Z3 Vio70 ZX80SB R75-7 442 H75B CX75SR V1075 Vio 75 TC75 R80-7 ES-800 VIO75-A SWE78LS S75-V JZ70 CLG908 B75 B7 B7-5A E70SR KX080-3 alpha ZX85USB-3 8003 Vario SWE90 8080 PC75MR-6 CX80 TB180FR SK80MSR E80MSR 308D CR ECR88 Plus R700 R800 PC95R-2 M10 PC110R-1 R1100 431 12002 M12 SWE125 R110-7 12002 Vario R1000 ZX110-3 130LX 311D LRR CX130 SK115SR E115SR JS115 PC130-7 312D

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

6300 6500 6520 6600 6800 6800 7000 7280 7325 7345 7375 7400 7430 7500 7650 7660 7720 7720 7750 7800 7900 7950 7950 8000 8000 8000 8030 8030 8030 8050 8195 8200 8245 8250 8250 8270 8300 8325 8340 8340 8440 8500 8700 9000 9360 9400 10800 11000 11500 11520 11600 11800 11900 11911 12100 12200 12300 12500 12600 12700 12800 12962 13000 13000

40.5 41 41 42.9 40 41 41 43 51.1 51.1 42 40.5 40.8 53 42 39 41 41.2 53 44 52.2 43.4 46.3 40 44 42 41.2 41 43.4 41 47.8 40.5 51.1 60 58 40.5 39 45.1 40 41 41 43.8 44 55 61.5 51 70 75 56 74 58 74.5 70 74 55 69 66 60 69 59 60 67.2 66 67

0.33 0.17 n/s 0.26 0.28 0.17 0.36 0.19 n/s n/s 0.7 0.33 0.25 0.335 0.25 0.036 0.3 0.269 n/s 0.31 n/s n/s 0.28 0.25 0.3 0.95 0.269 0.3 n/s 0.35 0.25 0.33 n/s 0.28 n/s 0.34 0.36 0.17 0.28 0.35 n/s n/s 0.4 0.4 0.46 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 n/s 0.81 0.42 0.59 n/s 0.5 0.59 1 n/s 0.77 0.51 0.54 0.8 0.8 n/s

4.67 3.8 3.7 3.94 4.6 3.6 4.15 4.2 4.58 4.32 4.2 4.67 3.98 4.25 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.15 4.42 4.45 4.25 4.1 4.5 4.17 4.3 4.4 4.35 4.52 4.6 4.48 4.46 4.12 4.21 4.1 4.61 4.2 n/s 4.52 4.69 4.87 4.3 4.3 4.4 4 4.5 5.1 4.7 4.48 4.2 4.47 5.62 4.48 5.6 5.63 n/s 5.59 5.92 n/s 4.35 5.57 6 6.01

55 38 n/s 42.6 53 38 53.6 47 38.7 35.3 57 55 53.6 49.2 53 39 55 n/s n/s 44.1 49.6 n/s 51 51 56 53.8 n/s 55 n/s 36 65.2 55 38.7 47.7 50 n/s 38 n/s n/s 36 n/s 56 40 56 n/s 67 0 68 69 51.3 88 72.2 78.5 51.3 70 90 n/s n/s 80 n/s 88 92 n/s n/s

28 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Excavators.indd 28

15/05/2008 14:55:36

EXCAVATORS Manufacturer


John Deere Komatsu Caterpillar JCB Hitachi John Deere Kobelco Hyundai Case Terex Doosan Caterpillar Takeuchi Hitachi Caterpillar JCB New Holland Doosan Volvo Kobelco Volvo Kobelco Link-Belt John Deere Bumar Weimar Hitachi Case Liebherr JCB Komatsu Caterpillar Kobelco Hyundai Terex Case Doosan Terex Hitachi Komatsu Hyundai JCB New Holland Hydrema Volvo Liebherr Volvo Caterpillar Liugong Kobelco JCB Abbey Equipment Caterpillar Link-Belt Kobelco Caterpillar Liugong Liugong Terex Doosan John Deere New Holland Liugong Komatsu

120C PC138US-2 312D L JS130 ZX130-3 135C RTS SK135SRLC R140LC-7 CX135SR TXC140LC-2 DX140 LC 314C LCR TB1140 ZX135US-3 314D LCR JS145 E145 DX160LC EC140B SK160LC-IV ECR145CL SK135SRL 160LX 160C LC M150H R1500 ZX160LC-3 CX160 R 313 Litronic JS160 PC160LC-7 315D L SK170LC R160LC-7A TXC180LC-2 CX180 DX180 1605 LC ZX180LC-3 PC180LC-7 R180LC-7 JS180 E175 R1820 EC180C R317 Litronic EC160C 319D LN CLG200-3 SK200SR JS190 E195 319D L 210LX SK200SRLC 320D CLG920C CLG220LC 1604 LC DX225 NLC 200C LC E200SR CLG922LC PC210LC-7


Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

13082 13400 13470 13600 13600 13808 13900 13980 14000 14000 14000 14200 14230 14300 14900 15200 15210 15350 15600 15800 15900 16000 16000 16157 16300 16500 16600 16700 16700 16900 17060 17200 17300 17400 17400 17500 17660 17872 18100 18140 18200 18475 18700 19000 19000 19100 19100 19760 19800 19900 20003 20030 20050 20300 20400 20500 20500 20700 20865 20900 20925 21000 21000 21075

89 66 67 70 69 88 63 76 88 71 72 67 62.2 69 67 70 74 71 69 76 n/s 70 75 81 80 88 90.2 79 74.9 92 82 86 83 94 88 79 91 105 90.2 82 94 92 82 91 87 86 87 93 108 92 124 95 93 103 92 103 108 108 121 110 105 92 108 107

0.81 0.8 0.75 0.8 0.66 0.88 0.7 0.71 0.08 n/s 1.91 n/s 0.34 0.66 n/s 0.8 0.76 0.76 1.08 0.98 0.88 0.7 1 0.99 1.1 0.8 0.82 0.95 0.75 0.9 0.95 0.9 0.98 0.89 n/s 0.95 0.93 n/s 1.2 1.14 1.05 0.9 0.93 0.9 1.23 0.85 1.23 1 0.95 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.35 1.5 0.8 1.5 0.95 1 n/s 1.28 1.22 0.8 1 1.7

5.94 5.48 6.01 6 6.06 6.02 6 5.62 5.9 5.65 6.15 5.95 4.99 6.02 5.95 6.05 5.84 5.98 5.5 6.5 n/s n/s n/s 6.1 5.9 6.4 5.98 6.45 5.75 6.4 6.25 6.6 6.1 6.56 6 6.49 6.62 6.3 6.57 6.25 6.56 6.4 6.54 6.6 6 6.3 6 6.9 6.35 n/s 6.59 6.43 6.9 n/s n/s 6.65 6.63 6.35 5.6 5.75 6.68 5.8 6.61 6.62

96 n/s n/s 92 99 86 88 78.5 64 n/s n/s n/s n/s 99 n/s 92 100 n/s 98.1 95 n/s n/s n/s 103 85 100 108 74 58.7 116 n/s n/s 124 108.6 n/s 74 n/s n/s 122 n/s 108.6 116 125 115 105 62.8 105.2 n/s 120 n/s 116 140 n/s n/s n/s n/s 133 120 n/s n/s 135 124 133 n/s

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 29

YB08 Excavators.indd 29

15/05/2008 14:55:51

EXCAVATORS tracked Manufacturer

Liebherr JCB Kobelco Case Doosan Terex JCB Hyundai Liebherr Caterpillar Sennebogen JCB Komatsu Case Case Komatsu Hitachi JCB Liugong JCB Case Volvo Hitachi Liugong Caterpillar Caterpillar Caterpillar Komatsu Liugong JCB Komatsu New Holland Komatsu Terex Hitachi Kobelco Link-Belt Komatsu Caterpillar New Holland JCB John Deere New Holland JCB Caterpillar John Deere Kobelco Terex Kobelco Hitachi Bumar New Holland Liebherr Case Kobelco JCB Hyundai Caterpillar Kobelco Volvo Liebherr Volvo JCB


R900 C Litronic JS200L SK210LC CX210 B DX225 LC TXC225LC-2 JS210L R210LC-7 R904 C Litronic 320D L 821R JS220L LR PC210NLC-7 CX230 CX210 Long Reach PC228US-3 ZX240N-3 JS220 CLG230 JS220 XD CX225SR EC210C ZX225USRLC-3 CLG923C 323D L 323D LN 320D LRR PC230NHD-7 CLG925LC JZ235 PC228USLC-3 E215 PC228US-3 1704 LC ZX225USLC-3 SK235SR 240LX PC240NLC-7 321C LCR E265LC SLF JS235 HD 225C RTS E245 JZ255 323D S 230C LC SK235SRLC TXC255LC-2 SK250NLC ZX250LC-3 F250H E235SR R924 Compact CX240B SK250LC JS240L R250LC-7A 324D LN SK330LC EC240B R914 C Litronic ECR235CL JS260L LR

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

21100 21190 21400 21500 21500 21500 21675 21700 21750 21800 22000 22100 22135 22370 22400 22400 22400 22500 22500 22640 22700 22700 22700 22850 23000 23000 23000 23100 23250 23270 23300 23310 23480 23588 23600 23800 23900 23960 24000 24200 24222 24240 24420 24420 24500 24503 24600 24600 24680 24700 24800 24900 24900 25000 25100 25200 25200 25400 25500 25800 25900 26100 27056

88 128 107 117 150 110 128 112 99 103 104 128 107 105 105 107 122 128 125 128 103 110 122 125 103 103 103 107 125 128 107 1187 107 127 122 107 121 125 103 118 128 110 118 128 103 126 107 124 125 132 112 116 121 132 125 147 131 124 177 125 115 n/s 147

0.85 1.2 1.3 1.25 1.02 n/s 1.2 1.34 1.05 1.5 n/s 0.5 1.68 1.25 0.47 1.68 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.26 1.55 1.2 1.1 1.5 1.5 n/s 1.68 1.2 1.18 1.68 1.31 1.15 n/s 1.2 0.93 1.9 1.89 n/s 0.45 1.2 1.22 1.31 1.18 1.5 1.55 0.93 n/s 1.4 1.39 1.5 0.93 1.2 1.43 1.4 1.46 1.5 2 1.8 1.98 1.4 1.3 1.46

6.3 6.6 7 6.7 7.22 6.62 6.6 6.74 7.8 6.64 n/s 11.9 6.62 6.65 12 6.6 6.67 6.6 6.93 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.67 7 6.65 6.65 6.55 6.59 7 n/s 6.6 7.24 6.62 6.45 6.7 6.7 n/s 7.32 6.62 14.73 6.5 6.78 6.59 6.63 6.65 7.47 n/s 6.82 7.6 6.96 7.2 5.8 6.8 7.39 7.6 7.3 n/s 6.74 8.3 7 7.5 n/s 18.67

98 154 124 101 149 n/s 155 133.4 120 n/s n/s 58 n/s 110 n/s n/s 151 155 140 155 126 130.4 151 150 n/s n/s n/s n/s 150 155 n/s 160 n/s n/s 151 149 n/s n/s n/s n/s 155 n/s 160 155 n/s 167 n/s n/s 144 180 115 124 111 125 144 192 n/s n/s 221 156.9 121 n/s 84

30 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Excavators.indd 30

15/05/2008 14:56:09

EXCAVATORS Manufacturer


Case JCB JCB Hitachi New Holland Liebherr Case John Deere Komatsu Caterpillar Caterpillar Link-Belt Doosan Hyundai Komatsu Volvo Terex Volvo Doosan JCB Bumar Hyundai Terex John Deere JCB JCB JCB Hitachi Liebherr Komatsu Komatsu Case Doosan Kobelco Terex Link-Belt New Holland Case Caterpillar Hyundai Caterpillar John Deere Sennebogen Volvo New Holland Doosan JCB Doosan Komatsu Liebherr Terex Komatsu Hyundai Kobelco Sandvik Volvo JCB Sennebogen John Deere Case Sandvik Doosan Terex Hitachi

CX240 Long Reach JS260L JS260 XD ZX280LC-3 E265 R924 C Litronic CX290 270C LC PC290LC-7 325D L 324D LN 290LX DX300 LC R290LC-7A PC240NLC-7SLF EC290B TXC300LC-2 ECR305CL Solar 300SLR JS290 BRAWAL 1611 R320LC-7A 1804 LC 330C LC JS330L JS330LC ME JS330 LC XD ZX350LC-3 R934 C Litronic PC340NLC-7 PC340LC-7 CX330 DX340 LC SK330NLC TXC340LC-2 330LX E335 CX350 328C LCR R360LC-7A 330D L 370C 830R EC360B E385 Solar 290LC-V Demolition JS330 LC LR DX420 LC 340LC-7SLF R944 C Litronic TXC420LC-2 PC450-7 R450LC-7A SK480LC D600T EC460B JS460 830R-Special 450C LC CX460 ED600T DX480 LC TXC480LC-2 ZX470LCH-3


Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

27400 27550 27750 28200 28270 28300 28390 28518 29005 29100 29100 29200 29300 29300 29634 29700 30500 30500 30700 31242 32000 32200 32205 33058 33288 33288 33288 33300 33800 33910 33910 34000 34300 35000 35200 35400 35500 35900 36000 36100 36300 36832 38000 38400 38450 39000 39904 40900 41100 41500 42400 43990 44900 45900 46500 46600 46820 47000 47174 47200 47500 47500 47500 48100

125 147 147 140 137 130 141 132 134 152 140 132 147 159 125 143 147 143 150 161 132 195 161 183 202 202 202 202 150 180 180 185 250 177 184 184 184 185 140 209 200 183 148 184 185 145 202 297 180 190 218 246 239 235 255 228 228 148 236 250 158 333 245 260

0.67 1.46 1.46 1.38 1.4 2 1.7 1.55 2.1 1.99 n/s 2.4 1.53 1.85 0.68 2.1 n/s 2.1 0.56 1.85 2.5 2.1 n/s 2.62 1.85 2.34 1.85 1.84 1.95 2.4 2.4 2.01 1.6 1.8 n/s 2.9 1.8 2.01 n/s 2.32 n/s 2.61 n/s 3 1.8 n/s 0.5 1.9 0.63 2.6 n/s 2.76 3.03 2.1 3.4 3.73 2.25 n/s 3.83 2.58 3.4 2.5 n/s 2.65

14.6 7.3 7.3 7.23 7.23 7.6 7.6 7.9 6.94 7.17 7.17 n/s 8.01 7.5 14.58 7.3 8.01 6.9 n/s 7.62 7.2 7.37 6.8 8.1 8.2 6.38 8.2 7.38 7.9 8.18 8.18 8.14 8.28 8.3 8.27 n/s 8.34 7.34 9.6 7.5 8.09 8 n/s 7.5 7.79 n/s 17.05 8.43 17.48 8.6 8.29 7.79 7.79 9.2 8.5 8.3 9 n/s 8.26 7.7 8.5 8.44 7.81 7.7

n/s 192 192 193 190 139 125 167 n/s 201 n/s n/s 200 168.7 n/s 172.6 n/s 198 181 207 n/s 177.5 n/s 214 191 191 191 234 184 n/s n/s 153 213 221 n/s n/s 221 178 n/s 201 n/s n/s n/s 209 240 n/s 117 265 n/s 211 n/s n/s 223.6 274 265 244.2 270 n/s 236 229 265 302 n/s 288

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 31

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15/05/2008 14:56:24

EXCAVATORS tracked Manufacturer Hyundai Caterpillar Sennebogen Sennebogen New Holland Doosan Terex Hitachi Liebherr Komatsu Komatsu Kobelco John Deere Kobelco Sandvik Sennebogen Terex Sandvik Sandvik Bumar Sandvik Caterpillar Caterpillar Hitachi Komatsu Case Sennebogen Volvo Caterpillar John Deere Liebherr Komatsu Case Terex Terex New Holland Hyundai Komatsu Hitachi Sennebogen Caterpillar Liebherr

YB08 Excavators.indd 32


R500LC-7A 345C L 835R/HD 840R-HD E485 DX520 LC TXC520LC-2 ZX520LCH-3 R954 C Litronic PC600-7 PC600LC-7 SK600 (backhoe) 600C LC SK600 (shovel) D800T 835R Spezial RH 25 ED800T D1000T BRAWAL 4011 ED1000T 365C L 345C Ultra-High Demolition ZX670LCH-3 PC450LC-7 Demolition CX700 850R-HD EC700B 365 C 800C R964 C Litronic PC750SE-7 CX800 RH 30-E (shovel) RH 30-F (backhoe) E805 R800LC-7A PC750LC-7 ZX870LCH-3 870R-HD 385C L R974 C Litronic

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

48800 49000 50000 50000 50250 50700 50700 51700 56200 57420 57420 59000 59740 60000 61200 62000 62600 62700 64200 65000 65300 65960 67000 67300 68000 69200 70000 70300 73500 76450 76900 78660 79000 80650 80650 82000 82320 83760 84000 87000 88300 97100

266 239 186 205 250 333 245 260 240 287 287 234 295 234 255 186 298 255 275 264 275 302 239 345 246 317 242 345 411 339 320 338 331 340 380 340 380 338 397 300 530 400

3.6 3.8 n/s n/s 2.26 3.15 n/s 2.65 3 3.5 3.5 2.6 3.7 3.5 4.8 n/s 4 4.8 5.3 5 5.3 3.8 3.5 3.5 n/s 3.95 n/s 4.5 3.8 5.64 5.2 6 5.33 6.3 5.1 5 5.1 6 4.5 n/s 3.8 7

8.23 7.51 n/s n/s 8.23 15.3 8.43 7.69 8.55 8.49 8.49 10.1 8.51 n/s 8.8 n/s 9.1 8.8 8.8 7.3 8.8 9.64 27.9 8.56 n/s 9.85 n/s 8.4 9.5 9.75 12 7.13 10.65 8.8 9.2 10.5 n/s 8.44 8.87 n/s 10.44 13

246.2 n/s n/s n/s 270 295 n/s 288 233 n/s n/s 294 259 n/s 347 n/s 280 347 347 430 347 330 n/s 369 n/s 245 n/s n/s 330 287 308 n/s 247 510 415 322 n/s n/s 402 n/s n/s 357

15/05/2008 14:57:51

EXCAVATORS Manufacturer

Neuson Kramer Macmoter Mecalac Macmoter Terex Takeuchi Terex Komatsu Kramer Mecalac Mecalac Terex Terex Komatsu Macmoter Terex Case Komatsu Neuson Bumar Hydrema Hydrema Komatsu Macmoter Kramer Liebherr Terex Liebherr Case Terex Terex Doosan Mecalac Komatsu Mecalac Terex Mecalac Hyundai Terex Terex Liebherr Furukawa Doosan Terex JCB Case Hitachi Hyundai JCB Furukawa Komatsu Liebherr Terex Hydrema Terex Volvo Terex Bumar Caterpillar New Holland Hyundai Terex Hydrema


6503 806 M6M 10MSX M8M HML 31 TB175W HML 31-GA PW75R-2 808 12MX 12MXT 1004 HML 41 410 M10M HML 41-GA WX95 PW95R-2 9503 440 M 1100 M 1100 Compact PW110R-1 M12M 812 A309 Litronic 1104 A311 Litronic WX125 1204 1302 Solar 140W-V 714MC PW130ES-6 14MXT 1304 714MW R140W-7 MHB 230 MHB 230C A312 Litronic W725 LS Solar 160W-V 1404 JS130W WX145 ZAXIS130W R140W-7 JS145W W730 LS PW150ES-6 A314 Litronic MHB 240 M 1400 C 1504 EW140C 1305M 622A M313D EW160 R170W-7 1605M M 1520 C

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

5570 6100 6800 7100 8000 8125 8130 8325 8350 8600 9075 9125 9200 9500 9600 9800 9900 9950 10100 10200 10300 11000 11000 11200 11500 11700 11700 11800 12550 12600 12800 12800 12900 13000 13100 13320 13400 13500 13500 13500 13500 13800 14000 14500 14600 14690 14840 14900 14900 14960 15000 15300 15500 15500 15600 15700 15800 15800 15800 15800 16140 16200 16500 16800

51 47 41 57 51 53 49 53 50 52 60 75 55 59 67 51 59 74 55 75 56 75 75 80 66 66 63 59 67 87 59 59 97 83 78 82 59 83 86 59 59 75 62 105 75 69 87 88 84 92 73 80 80 73 91 90 91 67 80 94 71 94 105 91

n/s n/s 0.17 0.32 0.23 0.38 0.19 0.38 0.26 n/s 0.57 0.57 0.35 0.41 0.30 0.21 0.41 0.28 0.35 n/s 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.45 n/s 0.35 0.45 0.45 0.57 0.55 0.60 0.45 0.74 1.14 0.65 0.65 0.74 0.71 0.60 0.60 0.75 0.75 0.66 0.80 0.80 0.95 0.66 0.76 0.80 0.87 1.14 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.75 1.00 0.80 0.86 n/s 1.05 1.10 0.90

3.9 3.7 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.4 4.2 3.6 3.9 4.3 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.6 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.9 4.4 4.3 4.9 4.8 5.3 5.3 4.6 4.8 5.4 4.7 5.4 4.6 4.8 5.2 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.0 6.5 5.9 5.5 5.5 4.9 5.9 6.2 5.9 5.5 5.8 5.7 6.6 6.3 5.3 5.7 5.8 5.7 5.4 5.5 6.4

26 39 38 43 40 47 n/s 47 n/s 53 56 56 58 67 71 67 67 46 n/s n/s 69 68 72 n/s 73 83 45 73 50 73 106 106 80 82 n/s 71 106 82 83 55 55 79 93 90 130 81 91 99 93 82 112 n/s 79 n/s 90 130 88 64 84 88 n/s 109 82 115

wheeled Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr) 25 20 20 27 20 25 n/s 25 n/s 20 20 26 20 20 32 20 20 33 n/s 40 20 30 30 n/s 20 30 20 20 20 33 20 20 35 5 n/s 22 20 35 30 20 20 30 25 34 20 27 30 34 30 30 25 n/s 20 20 30 20 30 34 20 37 n/s 30 34 30

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15/05/2008 14:58:12

EXCAVATORS wheeled Manufacturer Komatsu Terex Hydrema Hitachi Terex Case Doosan JCB Liebherr Terex Terex Caterpillar JCB Hyundai Furukawa Volvo New Holland Hitachi Case Liebherr Caterpillar Doosan Terex Furukawa Volvo Caterpillar Case Hyundai Hitachi Komatsu Terex New Holland Liebherr JCB Case Liebherr Komatsu Sennebogen Sennebogen Terex Caterpillar Terex Liebherr Sennebogen Sennebogen Sennebogen Terex Liebherr Sennebogen Sennebogen Broyt Broyt Sennebogen Sennebogen Broyt Broyt Broyt Broyt Sennebogen Liebherr Sennebogen Sennebogen Liebherr Liebherr


PW170ES-6 MHB 250 M 1700 C ZAXIS160W 1505M WX165 Solar 180W-V JS160W A316 Litronic 1705M 1604 M315D JS175W R170W-7 W735 LS EW160C EW200 ZAXIS180W WX185 A900 C Litronic M316D Solar 210W-V 1905M W738 LS EW180C M318D WX210 R200W-7 ZAXIS210W PW200-7 1704 EW220 A904 C Litronic JS200W WX240 A914 B Litronic PW220-7 821M 723M-HD 2205M M322D 1704-4 Stab. A924 B Litronic 825M 730M-HD 830M 1804 A934 B Litronic MH 735M-HD 835M D600W ED600W 835M Spezial 840M D800W ED800W D1000W ED1000W 850M A944 Litronic MH 850 Special 870M A954 C Litronic MH A974 B Litronic MH

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity (m3)

Maximum Dig Depth (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr)

17000 17000 17000 17300 17300 17308 17700 17770 17800 17900 17900 17900 17970 17970 18000 18020 18500 18800 19156 19400 19400 19800 20000 20000 20100 20100 20215 20500 20600 20660 20900 21000 21100 21370 21520 21700 22000 22000 22000 22500 22500 23300 24300 28600 30000 31500 31500 36900 38500 41500 41900 42900 48000 50000 52500 53600 55500 56600 57000 58500 60000 66000 77100 127000

92 90 91 90 80 105 114 92 86 105 110 101 128 94 89 115 83 90 118 95 118 116 114 100 113 124 129 124 110 118 125 118 105 128 129 112 118 104 111 127 124 125 127 117 148 150 152 150 186 186 255 160 166 205 255 255 265 275 242 190 242 300 240 360

1.14 1.10 0.80 0.82 1.10 0.95 0.75 0.90 0.85 1.30 0.90 0.86 0.90 1.03 1.25 0.80 n/s 1.20 0.95 0.85 1.07 1.03 1.30 1.45 1.10 1.05 0.95 1.16 1.20 1.58 1.10 n/s 1.05 1.20 1.43 1.40 1.68 n/s n/s 1.30 1.35 1.50 1.40 n/s n/s n/s 1.80 2.00 n/s n/s 3.40 3.40 n/s n/s 4.80 4.80 5.30 5.30 n/s 2.00 n/s n/s 2.50 3.00

5.7 6.1 5.9 5.8 5.5 5.9 6.4 6.2 5.7 5.5 6.5 6.0 6.2 5.6 8.7 6.3 6.2 6.3 5.9 7.4 5.8 6.5 5.6 6.6 5.9 7.3 6.2 6.7 6.4 6.9 8.2 6.8 8.6 6.5 6.3 8.2 6.9 n/s n/s 6.2 7.4 8.2 8.2 n/s n/s n/s 8.4 n/s n/s n/s 8.5 8.5 n/s n/s 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s

n/s 113 115 102 82 135 128 105 98 82 141 108 105 109 121 109 n/s 116 135 108 n/s 118 98 143 103 122 150 130 151 n/s 169 n/s 139 125 157 169 n/s n/s n/s 128 137 169 158 n/s n/s n/s 198 n/s n/s n/s 265 265 n/s n/s 347 347 347 347 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s

n/s 20 30 32 34 30 32 25 30 34 20 34 30 30 25 35 n/s 30 30 30 37 35 20 25 35 37 30 33 25 n/s 20 n/s 30 30 25 20 n/s 20 20 20 26 20 20 20 20 20 20 n/s 20 20 n/s n/s 14 11 n/s n/s n/s n/s 16 n/s 8 15 n/s n/s

34 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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16/05/2008 09:52:33

Process excellence World-class performance

Quarry expertise in Action Each step in your quarry process has influence on the subsequent step and, in the end, on the final result. This applies to aggregate quality as well as profitability. Sandvik has not only the complete line of state-of-the-art products for all your critical operations, but also a full understanding of the total quarrying process. Our knowledge is based on a wealth of experience gathered from customers like yourself all over the world. We are prepared to work closely with you to optimize your total quarry operations and help you reach, or even exceed, your goals. Get in touch with us and we will start working with you.

Copy of Full page.indd 1

15/05/2008 12:33:40


yellow BOOK 08 0 8

mini excavators ors trac tracked excavators vato wheeled e excavators trenchers chers break crushers rushe hers concrete nc crushers ers dem demolition tion shearss m multi processors skid steer backhoe ba e loaders lo loa oa wheeled loaders rs site dum dumpers mpe articulated dump trucks frame ame haulers hau ule s gra graders dozers single drum rum um m rro rollers ol tandem rollers pneuma rollers ers asphalt sphalt a pavers vers concrete paver pavers milling ng mach machines truck cranes anes tel crawler cranes cra e top sslewing win wing ng tow tower cranes luffing in jib tower owe er crane cranes all-terr ccranes cra r rough ough h terrain mob mobile m e cr cranes es trailer pum pumps um mps p placing boom booms pumps compressors com mp mpre pressors rs automatic levels leve vels llase laser levels the theodolites total stations tion selftelescopic scop sco opic pic boom lifts self-propelled elled ed articulating cul boom lifts scissor lifts ifts p hoists oists fixed fix xed d crushers ccr mo ni excava va t tracked excavators excava e vat ators w ato whe he bi-crush

attachments br breakers


internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 37

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15/05/2008 15:00:04

ATTACHMENTS bManufacturer reakers wheeled w Italdem Gehl Sumitomo Darda Dehaco Atlas Copco NPK Korota Sumitomo Gehl Kubota Dehaco Socomec NPK Komac Furukawa JCB Kent Komac Komac DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Huskie Atlas Copco Komatsu Stanley Komac Sandvik Bobcat Indeco Tramac HydraRam Komatsu Furukawa Globram Gehl Promove GB Breakers Boohung Dehaco Kent Universal JAB Co Ltd Italdem Socomec Sumitomo Socomec Eusiti Chicago Pneumatic DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Daewoon Boohung Bobcat Indeco Continental Promove JAB Co Ltd Komatsu JCB Kubota Italdem Komac Eusiti DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Caterpillar


GK19 (hand) G 20 S TNB-03S Concrete Splitters DHB 35 SB 52 E-102 K-5 TNB-05S G 50 S KXB300 DHB 55 DMS 50 E-106 KB 90 H F1 HM65 KF1TLB KB 90 V KB 90 VB DYB-50 HH100 SB 102 JTHB08 (two piece) MB156 KB 90 S BR 108 B290 HP 150 30 SG-200S JTHB08 (box) F2 RM45 G95 S P 3 SH GBM60 BH400H DHB 75 KF2TLB UBR90 JB8 GK86 DMS 95 B TNB-1E DMS 95 SGK 86 CP 100 DYB-70 DWB300 BH400T HB380 HP 150 HD RH100 P3 P JB8 silenced JTHB10 (two piece) HM100 KXB400 GK 86 S KB 90 V SGK 86 S DYB-100 H35Ds

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

19 21 30 32 35 35 39 50 50 54 56 60 60 62 65 67 68 70 70 72 74 75 75 75 79 79 80 80 80 85 85 85 86 88 88 90 90 90 91 92 92 92 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 98 100 100 100 100 103 105 105 105 105 105 105

n/s n/s 0.3-1.5 n/s 0.3-0.9 0.4-0.7 0.5 1-2 0.7-2 n/s 0.8-1.3 0.5-1.5 0.7-1.2 0.7-1 0.5-1.2 0.5-1.5 0.6-1.5 1-1.6 0.5-1.2 0.5-1.5 0.8-2.5 1-2 1.1-3 0.7-1.5 1-2 0.5-1.2 0.6-1.8 0.7-2 0.7-3 0.7-2 0.8-2 0.7-1.5 1-2.5 0.8-2.5 n/s 1-3 0.5-2.5 0.8-1.9 1-3 1.5-2.7 1-3 0.8-2.5 1-3 1-2 2-3 1-2 1-3 1.3-3 1.2-3 1-2.3 0.8-1.9 1.2-1.7 0.7-3 1-3 0.8-2.4 0.8-2.5 1-2 1-1.8 1-2 1-3 0.5-1.4 1-3 2.5-4.5 1.1-2.4

15-20 15-20 8-12 2-6 8-16 11-13.5 10-12 15-25 15-25 20 15-25 16-30 17-25 15-20 13-25 9-20 15-30 12-20 13-25 15-25 10-20 26 11.5-31 18 15-38 13-25 12-30 17-28 15-40 12-28 15-20 25 14-32 13-33 40 20-25 15-30 15-30 16-32 16-30 20-30 25 20-30 22-35 20-35 27-40 30 35 15-25 30 15-30 15-30 15-40 25 15-25 25 30 15-32 20-50 20-30 13-25 30 25-40 12-35

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 1600 1300 1200 n/s 1600 1500 1100 1100 1550 1350 1600 2150 1200 1200 1385 1250 1450 1200 1200 1000 1200 1300 1740 1300 1200 1200 1900 1250 1780 1530 1500 1300 1200 1300 1200 1500 1400 1350 1100 1200 1300 1200 1200 1200 1070 1200 1200 1700 1200 1000 1350 1600 1780 n/s 1650 1200 1200 1320 2200 1200 1200 1200 1000 2900

70 70 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 170 n/s 122 130 167 120 n/s 147 160 105 94 147 147 n/s 135 n/s n/s 237 147 n/s n/s 200 165 217 n/s 260 185 230 170 180 164 372 132 215 n/s 200 210 n/s 240 200 n/s n/s n/s 164 n/s 200 n/s 180 n/s n/s 170 175 200 117 200 n/s n/s

Working Pressure (bar) 140 120 100 500 100 100 150 100 130 150 205 120 120 150 100 140 150 140 100 100 100 110 100 n/s 144 100 150 135 125 135 130 130 140 115 120 120 95 120 130 140 n/s 100 90 120 140 120 140 130 120 110 120 120 125 100 120 100 140 185 210 90 100 140 120 165

38 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

Volvo GB Breakers Boohung Tramac OKTEC Stanley Everdigm Everdigm Korota Montabert JCB Promove Case New Holland Taeshin BTi Komac Komac Kwanglim SG Co Ltd JCB Sandvik Bobcat Boohung Boohung Idromeccanica JCB Idromeccanica Atlas Copco Inan Makina Beilite Wimmer D&A Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Komatsu Everdigm Everdigm Huskie All-Kor Boohung Sandvik NPK Tae Sung Furukawa Sandvik Promove Case New Holland Indeco Daewoon Boohung Caterpillar Komac Promove Komac Boohung Kent Kwanglim SG Co Ltd NPK Doosan Sandvik Tramac Komac Case New Holland


HB100 GBM90 BH450H 50 OKB150 MB1560 Rhino RHB 302-V (NA) Rhino RHB301-V (NA) K-10 SC12 HM115 XP 100 CB 32 P CB 32 P TB20G TB135ME KB 90 SD KB 150 V SG200S HM100Q BR 211 HB580 BH400S BH450T IMI 88 HM 165Q IMI 88 HP SB 152 MTB-10 BLT20 WH2 D&A 8V JSB 30 JTHB10 (box) Rhino RHB 301-V Rhino RHB302-V HH150 AKB S15 BH530H BR 321 GH-06 TSB30 F3 BR 321 P5 P CB 32 CB 32 HP 200 DMB500 BH530T H45 KB 150 S P 4 SH KB 150 H BH450S KF3TLB SG300S GH-07 K20-II BR 321 70 KB 150 VD CB 32 S CB 32 S

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

105 105 105 106 106 107 108 108 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 112 112 112 115 115 115 115 115 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 123 123 124 125 125 126 127 128 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 134 135 135 135 136 136 138 140 140 140 140 140 140

1.5-2 0.8-3.0 1.8-2.5 0.8-2 0.8-3 0.9-2.2 1-3.5 0.7-2.5 1-5 1.2-2.2 1-3.5 0.8-2.4 1.3-3.2 1.3-3.2 1.2-3.0 1-4 0.5-1.2 0.8-3 0.8-2 1-1.8 0.8-2.6 1.2-2.2 0.8-1.9 1.8-2.5 1-3 1.9-4.5 1-3 1.9-4.5 1-3 1.2-4 1-3 0.8-2.5 2.5-4 1-2 0.7-2.5 1-3.5 1-3 0.8-2.5 2-3 1.3-3.2 1.2-2.0 2.5-3 1.5-4 1.3-3.2 1.8-3.5 1.3-3.2 1.3-3.2 1.4-5 2-3.3 2-3 1-3 0.8-3 2-4 0.8-3 1.8-2.5 2.7-3.8 2-3.5 1.5-3.0 1-3 1.3-3.2 1-3 0.8-5 1.3-3.2 1.3-3.2

40 20-35 20-40 18-32 20-30 15-38 20-35 15-25 30-40 17-65 15-34 15-25 20-50 20-50 20-40 20-35 13-25 20-30 14-25 15-32 14-40 17-35 15-30 20-40 20-30 20-40 20-30 20-40 15-35 25-40 15-35 15-30 70 30 15-25 20-35 30 15-25 25-50 20-50 10-25 25-40 22-42 20-50 13-35 20-50 20-50 25-45 40 25-50 20-50 20-30 25/30 20-30 20-40 25-40 20-40 15-35 15/20 20-50 20-50 20-30 20-50 20-50

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 1200 1200 1200 1450 1200 1200 1200 1200 1100 1700 1400 1650 2400 2400 1750 1150 1200 1000 1500 1320 1900 1350 1350 1200 1200 1080 1200 1080 1500 950 1500 1000 1100 1200 1200 1200 1370 1500 1100 2200 1200 950 1200 2200 1400 2400 2400 1570 950 1100 2200 100 1200 950 1200 900 1200 1200 1300 2200 2000 1000 2400 2400

n/s 225 184 170 400 237 200 180 300 n/s 200 180 n/s n/s n/s 230 147 245 407 170 n/s n/s 164 184 186 306 186 n/s 200 n/s 0 177 n/s n/s 180 200 210 280 277 n/s n/s 420 345 175 290 n/s n/s 240 n/s 277 137 245 280 245 184 220 678 n/s 280 175 215 245 n/s n/s

Pressure (bar) 120 100 120 140 110 145 130 130 110 120 130 120 120 120 130 147 100 110 120 185 150 120 120 120 110 150 80 100 90 120 90 120 125 140 130 130 120 100 120 120 140 120 140 120 120 120 120 125 120 120 115 110 75 110 120 140 120 120 120 120 155 110 120 120

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 39

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15/05/2008 15:00:52

ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer D&A Komatsu Caterpillar Chicago Pneumatic Everdigm John Deere Globram Everdigm Socomec Montabert Arden Komac JAB Co Ltd Feel Industrial Boohung Universal DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Okada Aiyon Italdem Italdem Sandvik Bobcat Eusiti Boohung Komac Dehaco All-Kor Promove Komac JAB Co Ltd Feel Industrial Komatsu Gehl Komac Sumitomo Daewoon Volvo Kubota Tabe Komac Taeshin Furukawa D&A Feel Industrial OKTEC HydraRam GB Breakers Boohung Case New Holland BTi Komac Promove Idrobenne Idromeccanica Tramac Globram HammerTech Caterpillar Huskie Huskie JCB Sandvik Tramac


D&A 15V JTHB20 (two piece) H45s CP 150 Rhino RHB 303-V(NA) HB30 RM48 Rhino RHB303-V DMS 150 SC16 AB 152 KB 200 V JB10 Fine 4 (SB) BH600H UBR130 DYB-200 TOP25 GK161 GK 161 S BR 315 HB680 SGK 161 BH530S KB 200 S DHB 165 AKB S40 XP 150 KB 200 H JB10 silenced Fine 4 JTHB20 (box) G 160 S KB 150 SD TNB-2E DWB800 HB150 KXB450 AGB 175 KB 200 VD TB30G F4 D&A 20V Fine 4X OKB200 SG-300S GB1T BH600T CB 45 P CB 45 P TB235ME KB 300 SD P 6 SH IMI 18 M IMI 18 M 85 RM56 500-2 H55Ds HH500 HH300 HM260Q BR 422 95

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

140 140 140 144 145 145 146 149 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 152 152 154 155 155 155 155 155 155 158 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 162 162 164 165 165 170 170 170 170 172 175 175 175 180 180 180 185 185 185 186 190 190 190 195 197 198 199 200 200 200 200 200

1-3 1.5-2.5 1-3 2.1-4.5 1.5-4.5 n/s 1-4 1.5-4.5 2-3 1.5-3.7 1.3-3 1.2-4 2-3.5 1-3.5 2.8-4 2-4 3-5.5 1.5-3.5 2-4.5 2-4.5 1.1-3.6 1.5-3.7 2-4.5 2-3 1.2-4 2-4 2-3.5 1.8-4 1.2-4 2-3.5 1-3 1.5-2.5 n/s 0.8-5 2-5 3-6 2.5-3 2-3 n/s 1.2-4 2.5-4.5 2-5 1.5-4 1-3.5 1.0-3.5 2-3.5 1.5-4.0 2.8-4 2.4-4.5 2.4-4.5 1-6 1.2-4 2-6 2-4 2-4 3-7 2-5 1-3.5 2.5-4.5 2-6 2-5 2.8-6 2.5-4.5 3-8

23-45 35 20-50 50 25-35 60 22-40 20-35 30-45 25-50 30 25-40 40 50 30-60 30-40 25-45 18-38 30-40 30-40 16-50 25-50 40 25-30 25-40 25-50 25-40 13-35 25-40 40 50 35 50 20-30 25-45 30-45 30 20-70 40-50 25-40 20-40 28-50 26-50 50 20-50 25-40 24-50 30-60 20-70 20-70 25-45 25-40 30-40 10-10 10-30 40-67 32-58 20-50 40-85 45 40 30-65 20-70 55-85

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 1000 1150 2500 1450 1000 1200 1050 1000 1200 1500 800 950 1000 1200 1000 1300 900 1350 950 950 1900 1340 950 1100 950 1430 1000 1400 950 1000 1200 1150 1200 1000 1000 1000 1200 1800 1200 950 1200 1000 800 1200 1200 1200 1100 1000 1800 1800 1000 950 1200 1200 1200 1085 1000 80 2300 1080 1200 1200 1800 1440

343 n/s 270 n/s 300 475 250 300 310 n/s 343 343 n/s 480 410 380 n/s n/s 350 350 n/s n/s 350 184.5 343 490 330 290 343 n/s 480 n/s 360 245 n/s n/s n/s 280 n/s 343 n/s 490 392 480 480 488 325 410 n/s n/s 320 343 360 480 480 420 350 500 n/s 700 420 516 280 485

Working Pressure (bar) 120 150 140 140 130 14 115 130 120 120 110 130 120 120 120 n/s 130 150 90 90 150 120 140 120 120 140 120 120 120 120 120 150 120 110 150 130 120 210 90 120 130 140 140 120 120 140 120 120 110 110 147 120 90 120 90 120 115 150 170 130 120 150 110 140

40 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Attachments.indd 40

15/05/2008 15:01:09

ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

Case New Holland Volvo Caterpillar Kent Everdigm Dehaco Everdigm Daemo Kubota Socomec Indeco Arden Boohung BTi Chicago Pneumatic Kent Kubota Italdem Sandvik Italdem Case New Holland Eusiti Eusiti Caterpillar NPK Universal Gehl Stanley Stanley Okada Aiyon BTi Furukawa Montabert Bobcat Stanley Sandvik Promove Promove Allied CP John Deere Stanley Doosan Korota Idrobenne Idromeccanica Promove Case New Holland Caterpillar Komatsu Montabert Tae Sung Soosan Beilite Yantai Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Feel Industrial Globram Kent Continental Idromeccanica


CB 45 CB 45 HB200 H50 KF4TLB Rhino RHB304 (NA) DHB 205 Rhino RHB304 DMB40 KXB450Q DMS 210 HP-350 AB 212 BH600S TB285ME CP 200 KF3FSP KXB500 GK211 BR 422 GK 211 S CB 45 S CB 45 S SGK 211 SGK 621 S H50s GH-1 UBR180 G 260 MB356 MB256 TOP30 TB285QA F5 SC22 HB880 MB2570 BR 522 P6 SB P6 P AR70C HB15 MB3570 K25-II K-15 IMI 26 M IMI 26 M XP 250 CB 65 P CB 65 P H65Ds JTHB30 (box) 95HD TSB40 SB-40 BLT30 EDT400 JSB 40 Fine 5 (SB) RM70 KF5TLB RH200 IMI 260

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

200 200 200 200 202 202 205 209 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 212 213 214 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 221 222 222 224 224 224 225 230 230 232 233 235 235 235 236 237 239 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 245 245 250 250 250 250 250 255 257 260 260

2.4-4.5 2.4-4.5 3.5-3.8 3-5 4-6 2.5-6 3-5 2.5-6 3-4.5 3-4 3-4 1.7-6.5 2.5-4.5 2.8-4 2-7 2.9-6 2.7-3.9 3-4 3-6 2.5-4.5 3-6 2.4-4.5 2.4-4.5 3-6 3-6 3-5 2.2-3.5 3-5 n/s 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-8 3-7 2.2-5.3 2.2-5.3 1.7-3.5 1.6-5.5 3.5-6.5 3.-5.2 4-7 n/s 2.2-3.5 1-5 2.5-3 3.5-8 3.5-8 3-5.2 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-6.5 2.4-4 3-8 4-5 3-10 2.5-5.5 4-7 4-7 2-7 3-7 5-6 4-6 4-10

20-70 20-70 70 20-70 32-48 30-50 30-65 30-50 30-50 20-70 40-55 230-60 40 30-60 30-55 60 25-40 20-100 40-60 20-70 40-60 20-70 20-70 60 60 20-70 25-50 35-45 60 38-68 34-60 24-35 30-55 38-65 30-65 30-65 34-61 20-70 30-45 30-50 30-60 12 38-69 24/50 40-45 15-32 15-32 30-50 100-145 25-100 105 45 55-85 30-45 30-45 35-65 40-70 70 50 48-82 42-62 80 45-95

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules)

1800 1800 1800 1800 1000 1000 1100 1000 1000 1800 1200 1340 800 1000 1060 1150 900 2000 900 1800 900 1800 1800 900 900 2500 1100 700 950 1200 1200 1100 1060 900 1310 1310 1200 1900 1100 1200 1000 1170 1200 900 1000 1000 1000 1200 2000 2000 2000 1000 1440 750 750 900 900 900 900 925 900 1200 900

n/s n/s n/s 198 260 450 833 450 670 280 500 450 392 410 455 n/s 220 425 520 280 520 n/s n/s 520 520 270 n/s 700 600 745 474 n/s 455 710 n/s n/s 474 n/s 340 390 280 270 745 390 500 720 720 360 n/s n/s n/s n/s 485 810 1085 n/s n/s n/s 849 600 375 n/s 784

Pressure (bar)

110 110 110 105 140 140 140 140 120 210 120 125 130 120 157 140 140 210 90 110 90 110 110 140 140 140 140 n/s 120 134 117 160 157 140 120 120 124 160 90 130 128 14 134 140 130 120 90 130 100 145 170 150 140 130 130 165 135 145 130 115 135 90 75

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 41

YB08 Attachments.indd 41

15/05/2008 15:01:31

ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer Korota Socomec Komac D&A Feel Industrial Boohung BTi Komac Taeshin Kent Inan Makina Wimmer DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Dehaco Bobcat NPK Sandvik Kent Montabert Daewoon Caterpillar Chicago Pneumatic Everdigm Tabe Komac JAB Co Ltd Feel Industrial OKTEC BTi Arden HydraRam Taeshin Komatsu HammerTech Kent MSB Promove Everdigm Okada Aiyon Everdigm Komac Komac Komac JAB Co Ltd Globram Sumitomo Continental Daemo Idromeccanica Italdem Sandvik Universal Indeco Sandvik Case New Holland Eusiti Chicago Pneumatic GB Breakers Boohung Kwanglim SG Co Ltd Huskie Everdigm Socomec


K-20 DMS 260 KB 150 VL D&A 30V Fine 5 BH680H TB335ME KB 150 SL TB50G KF3SS MTB-20 WH4 DYB-300 DHB 305 HB980 GH-2 BR 623 KF4FSP SC28 DWB1000 H65Ds CP 300 Rhino RHB305 (backhoe) AGB 275 KB 300 VB JB20 Fine 5X OKB300 TB335QA AB 282 SG-350S TB50G-S JTHB40 (two piece) 1000-4 KF4Qt MS 20H P 12 SH Rhino RHB304H (skidsteer) TOP40 Rhino RHB305-V KB 200 SL KB 200 VL KB 300 H JB30 RM65 TNB-4E RH300 DMB50 IMI 260 Top GK291 BR 623 UBR250 HP 500 BR 623 cb 65 CB 65 SGK 291 CP 3050 GB2T BH680T SG350S HH750 Rhino RHB 305-V (NA) DMS 310

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

260 260 260 260 260 260 260 262 263 265 265 265 265 268 268 268 268 270 270 270 271 272 274 275 275 275 275 275 275 280 280 280 280 282 282 285 290 290 293 294 295 295 295 295 298 298 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 304 305 307 310 310

4-7 4-6 0.5-4 2-4.5 2-7 4-6 3-9 0.8-4 3.5-6 2.7-3.8 2.5-6 2.5-6 4-7.0 4-6 3-7.5 2.7-4.5 3-6.5 4-6 3-7.5 6-9 3-6.5 4.2-9 3.5-8 n/s 3-5 4-6 2-7 2.0-7.0 3-9 3-6 2.8-4 3.5-6 3-4.5 2.5-7 4-6 2-6 4-12 2.5-8.0 4-5.5 3.5-8 1.2-4 1.2-4 3-5 4.5-7 3-7 4-8 4-9 3-8 4-10 4.5-9 3-6.5 5-6 3-8 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-6.5 4.5-9 32-50 2.5-7.5 4-6 2.8-4 3-7 3.5-8 5-9

40-60 50-70 20-30 30-60 50 40-70 35-60 20-30 30-70 25-40 30-70 30-70 30-45 35-70 45-80 25-60 25-100 32-48 40-75 45-85 40-105 75 35-65 60-70 30-45 60 50 30-50 35-60 45 30-50 45-90 55 20-50 32-48 40-50 40-100 50-75 31-46 35-65 25-40 25-40 30-45 90 38-68 35-60 80 30-55 45-95 50-90 25-100 40-50 50-80 30-90 25-100 25-100 90 270 34-60 40-70 30-50 50 35-65 60-80

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 1000 1100 1000 1100 900 1000 1000 1000 1150 900 1100 1100 800 1100 1450 1200 2000 1000 1420 850 2000 1150 1000 1000 900 950 900 900 1000 1100 1100 1150 1000 80 1000 950 1000 1000 910 1000 950 950 900 1000 950 1000 1000 1000 900 850 2000 600 1170 1600 2000 2000 650 540 1000 1000 1100 1070 1000 1000

800 630 245 696 849 549 495 245 n/s 220 450 0 n/s 833 n/s n/s n/s 260 n/s n/s n/s n/s 700 n/s 735 n/s 849 849 495 696 678 n/s n/s 1000 260 470 670 450 n/s 700 343 343 735 n/s 600 n/s n/s 980 780 750 450 850 510 n/s n/s n/s 750 n/s 600 549 1017 1050 700 750

Working Pressure (bar) 130 120 110 165 130 130 157 110 140 140 100 100 160 140 120 170 145 140 120 150 170 140 171 90 130 130 130 130 157 130 130 140 160 150 140 130 80 140 160 170 120 120 130 130 120 160 80 140 75 90 145 n/s 125 140 145 145 140 180 130 130 130 140 170 120

42 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Attachments.indd 42

16/05/2008 09:24:04

ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

Sandvik Case New Holland D&A JCB Atlas Copco Atlas Copco Sandvik Case New Holland Volvo Kent All-Kor JAB Co Ltd Atlas Copco Sandvik Continental Okada Aiyon MSB Taeshin Komatsu Kent Gehl Italdem Inan Makina Komac Wimmer Eusiti D&A BTi Tabe Indeco BTi Stanley Stanley Kwanglim SG Co Ltd Kent Globram Komatsu Komac Boohung Doosan Arden Feel Industrial Feel Industrial Boohung Kent Furukawa Komac MSB Allied CP Korota Kubota Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Tramac Tramac Komac Komac BTi Montabert Bobcat All-Kor Komac JAB Co Ltd


BR 623 cb 65 b CB 65 B D&A 50V HM385Q SB 300 S SB 300 BR 623 CB 65 S CB 65 S HB300 KF6TLB AKB S55 JB20 silenced SB 300 Scaler BR 623 RH350 TOP45B MS 200HS TB70G JTHB40 (box) KF5FSP G 330 S GK 291 S MTB-25 KB 300 V WH5 SGK 291 S D&A 60V TB335X AGB 375 HP 600 TB425ME MB556 MC5560 SG400S KF5Qt RM75 JTHB50 (two piece) KB 300 S BH680S K30-II AB 352 Fine 6BL Fine 6BL (SB) BH750H KF4SS F6 KB 350 VB MS 225H AR75 K-30 KXB600 JSB 40S 140 150 KB 300 SB KB 350 SL TB425QA 125 SX HB1180 AKB S70 KB 350 S JC30 silenced

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

310 310 310 310 312 312 312 315 315 315 315 317 320 320 321 322 325 325 325 325 325 326 327 330 330 330 330 330 330 334 340 340 340 341 341 343 344 345 345 346 347 350 350 350 350 350 351 355 355 355 359 360 360 365 370 370 370 370 372 373 373 375 375 375

3-6.5 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-6.5 4.5-9 4.5-9 4.5-9 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-5.5 4-6 6-7 4-6 4-6 4.5-9 3-6.5 n/s 4-7 2-6 5-7.5 3-4.5 5-6 n/s 4.5-9 2.5-6 3-5 2.5-6 4.5-9 4.5-8 4-10 n/s 3.5-10.5 5-10 3-6.2 3.1-6.2 3.5-6 5-6 4-7 3.8-6 3-5 4-6 4-8 4-8 3-7 3-7 6-8 4-6 3.5-10 4-9 3-8 7-15 5-9 4-6 4-7 4-12 4-12 3-5 3-5 5-10 4-10 2.2-4.5 4.5-7 4-9 4.5-7

20-70 25-100 25-100 35-70 50-80 50-80 50-80 25-100 25-100 25-100 100 50-150 30-60 60 50-80 25-100 80 48-72 40-50 35-85 55 42-62 80 90 30-60 30-45 30-60 90 40-80 35-60 65-75 50-80 45-80 45-83 45-83 40-90 42-62 50-80 60 30-40 13 -15 32/68 55 50 50 50-90 32-48 50-150 40-80 60-80 53-83 45-65 50-150 70 70-120 90-150 30-45 30-45 45-80 50-100 114 40-90 40-80 90

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 1800 2000 2000 1000 960 980 960 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 950 950 960 2000 1000 1100 950 1100 1000 900 900 850 950 900 950 650 900 1000 950 1170 1050 1100 1000 1100 900 1050 1000 900 1000 900 1000 800 900 950 1000 1600 950 1000 1000 650 1800 900 1160 1360 900 900 1050 800 120 1100 950 1100

n/s n/s n/s 902 611 n/s n/s 450 n/s n/s n/s 645 650 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 470 n/s n/s 375 820 750 470 735 0 750 981 495 n/s 720 690 1017 1000 1356 375 720 n/s 735 549 930 902 849 849 611 260 884 883 900 480 920 730 n/s 780 830 738 735 690 n/s 975 710 880 n/s

Pressure (bar) 145 145 145 165 150 100 100 145 145 145 145 160 130 130 100 145 90 160 130 150 160 135 120 90 120 130 120 140 165 157 135 130 160 138 138 130 135 120 160 130 130 140 130 130 130 140 140 160 130 130 128 130 210 145 125 125 130 130 160 100 n/s 130 130 130

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 43

YB08 Attachments.indd 43

15/05/2008 15:02:06

ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer

Promove Bobcat Idromeccanica Italdem Eusiti GB Breakers Montabert Montabert Kent Tae Sung Komac Globram Promove HydraRam Sandvik Sumitomo NPK Inan Makina OKTEC Stanley Gehl Kent Boohung Idromeccanica Inan Makina Caterpillar Everdigm John Deere Socomec Tabe Inan Makina MSB Promove Globram JCB Atlas Copco Atlas Copco MSB Sandvik Everdigm Boohung Sandvik Komac Case New Holland Kent Montabert Montabert Sandvik Sandvik Komac Daemo Case New Holland Caterpillar Caterpillar Bobcat Stanley Kent Atlas Copco Everdigm Komac Indeco


P11 P Hb2380 IMI 400 GK361 S SGK 361 S GB3T 150 140 KF5SS TSB43 KB 350 V RM82 P 12 SB SG-400S BR 825 TNB-6E GH-3 MTB-34 OKB350 MB656 G 450 S KF6FSP BH750T IMI 400 Top MTB-35 H70 Rhino RHB306 (backhoe) HB60 DMS 410 AGB 475 MTB-36 MS 250HS XP 450 RM80 HM495Q SB 450 S SB 450 MS 250H BR 825 Rhino RHB306 BH750S BR 825 KB 400 VB CB 85 CB 85 KF6SS 150 SMS 140 SMS BR 825 BR 825 KB 300 VL DMB70 CB 85 S CB 85 S H70s H70s B1400 MB6560 KF6Qt SB 450 Scaler Rhino RHB306 (NA) KB 350 H HP 700

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

377 377 380 380 380 380 381 381 383 385 388 390 390 390 390 391 391 394 395 396 396 397 398 400 400 400 401 408 410 410 410 410 414 415 419 419 419 420 420 424 424 425 425 425 425 426 426 426 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 431 432 434 435 436 440 440

4-11 7-12 6-10 7 - 11 7-10 5-9 4-12 4-12 5-6 6-9 4-8 4-8 6-14 3.5-6 5-8.5 6-12 4-9 3-8 3.5-9.0 5-8 n/s 6-7 6-8 6-10 3-8 5-8 5-11 n/s 8-11 n/s 3-8 3-9 4-11 5-10 6-12 6-12 6-12 3-8 5-8.5 5-11 6-8 5-8.5 6-11 5-8.5 5-8.5 6-7 4-12 4-12 5-8.5 5-8.5 3-5 5-8 5-8.5 5-8.5 5-8 5-8 4-12 4-7 6-7 6-12 5-11 4-9 4-12

65-85 n/s 86 75 - 100 100 40-80 90-150 70-120 42-62 40-80 40-80 72-97 40-100 40-90 50-150 45-80 45-100 50-100 40-80 60-91 110 50-150 50-90 80-110 50-100 50-150 45-90 64 70-95 75-95 50-100 60-80 65-85 53-85 50-100 50-100 50-100 60-80 50-150 45-90 50-90 50-150 45-85 50-150 50-150 50-150 90-150 75-115 50-150 50-150 30-45 45-80 50-150 50-150 50-150 50-150 70-120 61-98 50-150 50-100 45-90 40-80 60-90

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules)

1150 910 800 800 800 950 1300 1150 900 800 950 900 1000 1100 1800 1000 1150 1200 900 1000 950 1500 950 800 1000 1800 1000 1200 900 900 1000 1000 1150 950 780 780 780 1000 1800 1000 950 1800 800 1800 1800 1500 1360 1150 1800 1800 900 1000 1800 1800 1850 2000 1150 1000 1500 1010 1000 950 1300

1100 1356 980 1000 100 700 n/s n/s 375 1070 883 780 670 950 n/s n/s n/s 700 1210 1186 980 645 611 980 900 622 1000 814 900 n/s 900 900 1100 800 1058 n/s n/s 900 n/s 1000 407 730 883 n/s n/s 645 830 780 730 n/s 735 1575 n/s n/s n/s 678 n/s 1160 645 n/s 1000 883 830

Working Pressure (bar)

150 n/s 90 100 140 140 125 125 135 150 130 120 80 130 130 160 130 120 130 131 130 160 140 90 120 125 170 40 120 90 120 130 150 125 150 100 100 130 130 170 140 130 150 130 130 160 125 125 130 125 130 140 130 130 140 140 125 170 160 100 170 130 130

44 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Attachments.indd 44

15/05/2008 15:02:22

ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

Volvo Komatsu Dehaco Komac Wimmer Volvo BTi Sandvik Case New Holland Okada Aiyon DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Taeshin Komac MSB John Deere Feel Industrial Komac MSB MSB Stanley Caterpillar Inan Makina Everdigm Huskie Globram Feel Industrial OKTEC Komatsu Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Wimmer D&A Komac Komac Arden JAB Co Ltd Boohung Boohung Kent Komac Daewoon Soosan Beilite Yantai Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Feel Industrial Feel Industrial Feel Industrial Tae Sung Furukawa Atlas Copco Boohung Everdigm Everdigm Allied CP D&A Daemo Kent Atlas Copco Wimmer Wimmer Indeco Chicago Pneumatic Korota


HB440 JTHB30 (two piece) DHB 405 KB 300 SL WH6 HB450 TB425X BR 825 CB 85 P CB 85 P TOP60B DYB-450 TB80G KB 350 SB MS 300HS HB85 Fine 7 KB 400 H MS 300H MS 400HS MB956 H90C MTB-45 Rhino RHB309 (backhoe) HH1000 RM85 Fine 7X OKB400 JTHB60 (two piece) JSB 45S WH26 D&A 70V KB 350 VL KB 400 S AB 502 JB40 BH850H BH850T KF9TLB KB 400 V DWB1300 SB-45 BLT50 EDT450 JSB 45 Fine 8BL Fine 7 (SB) Fine 8BL (SB) TSB45 F9 SB 552 BH850S Rhino RHB309 (NA) Rhino RHB309 AR85 D&A 80V DMB90 KF9FSP MB 500 WH8 WH29 HP 900 CP 550 K-50

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

440 440 450 450 450 450 452 454 455 455 457 460 460 465 465 473 473 475 475 475 477 477 480 485 487 490 490 490 490 491 495 495 496 498 500 500 500 503 505 505 505 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 515 520 520 528 534 537 538 545 550 550 550 550 550 550 551 560

6-7 2.4-4 5.5-10 3-5 3-8 8-9 6-11 5-8.5 5-8.5 5-8.5 5.5-9 7-14 6-9 4-9 4-10 n/s 7-9 6-11 4-10 6-13 6-11.5 7-12 4-10 7-15 5-11 5-10 7-9 6-11 5.5-8 7-10 5-8 4.5-8 4-9 6-11 6-10 6-10 8-10 8-10 7-10 6-11 10-15 6-14 5-9 7-14 7-10 6-12 7-9 6-12 12-16 6-12 9-15 8-10 7-15 7-15 10-20 6-10 6-9 7-10 8-15 4-10 6-10 5-14 9-15 8-15

150 45 40-85 30-45 50-100 150 45-80 50-150 50-150 50-150 48-80 45-85 45-100 40-80 60-80 79 90 45-85 60-80 70-90 75-114 60-150 50-100 45-90 80 72-103 90 45-90 80 100 50-100 45-90 40-80 45-85 65 80 60-100 60-100 65-115 45-85 80110 45-85 45-85 45-85 100 90 90 90 80-110 45-150 65-115 60-100 45-90 45-90 50-100 50-100 50-100 65-115 60-100 50-100 50-100 70-100 100 60-80

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 1800 1000 1050 900 1000 1800 1050 1800 1800 1800 970 700 1000 950 900 960 800 800 900 900 900 1300 900 800 850 850 800 800 1000 800 1000 1100 950 800 1100 750 850 850 900 800 780 800 650 800 800 800 800 800 800 1400 1080 850 800 800 750 1000 840 900 1000 900 900 1180 1100 550

n/s n/s 1176 735 n/s n/s 690 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 803 1060 1152 1764 1373 1060 1570 1600 735 1060 1400 1400 1200 1764 1764 n/s n/s 900 1187 883 1373 1187 n/s 1029 1029 1025 1373 n/s 1358 n/s n/s n/s 1764 1764 1764 1300 1305 n/s 1029 1400 1400 n/s 1461 1627 1025 n/s 0 1060 1050 n/s 1720

Pressure (bar) 130 150 150 130 120 130 160 130 130 130 160 160 150 130 130 40 150 150 130 140 138 135 120 180 150 125 150 150 160 165 115 170 130 150 160 150 150 150 150 150 170 150 145 140 165 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 120 170 140 150 160 120 115 130 150 150

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 45

YB08 Attachments.indd 45

15/05/2008 15:02:38

ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer

Tae Sung Stanley All-Kor JAB Co Ltd GB Breakers Komatsu BTi Promove Sandvik Case New Holland BTi Continental Idromeccanica Tramac Case New Holland Caterpillar MSB Huskie Montabert Taeshin NPK Montabert Kent Komatsu Globram Italdem Sumitomo Indeco Wimmer Eusiti Inan Makina Okada Aiyon Doosan Promove Dehaco BTi Allied CP Caterpillar Socomec Tae Sung Wimmer Promove Boohung Soosan Yantai Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Feel Industrial DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Feel Industrial Komatsu Komac MSB Sandvik Feel Industrial OKTEC Taeshin JAB Co Ltd Continental Globram HydraRam D&A


TSB45S MB20EXS AKB S100 JB40 silenced GB4T JTHB60 (box) TB425XC P 14 SH BR 927 CB 120 CB 120 TB625QA RH600 IMI 605 300 CB 120 S CB 120 S H90Cs MS 400H HH1000 300 TB90G GH-4 300 MS KF9Qt JTHB65 (two piece) RM90 GK620 S TNB-6.5E HP 1200 WH10 SGK 620 S MTB-65 TOP90 K50-II P 16 SH DHB 805 TB625X AR95 H100 DMS 740 TSB50 WH35 XP 800 BH1000H SB-50 EDT800 JSB 50 Fine 10 DYB-600 Fine 10 (SB) JTHB65 (box) KB 1000 H MS 450H BR 1229 Fine 10X OKB1000 TB100GII JB60 RH800 RM110 SG600S D&A 100V

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

570 571 580 580 580 580 587 590 590 590 590 590 600 600 600 600 600 600 610 623 625 625 634 635 636 636 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 665 680 690 705 718 726 730 740 745 748 750 750 765 765 765 765 770 770 770 780 780 785 785 785 790 795 800 800 800 800

6-9 5-13 7-10 6-10 6-11 5.5-8 5.5-11 7-16 7-12 7-12 7-12 6-12 8-12 8-14 6-16 7-12 7-12 7-12 6-13 8-13 6-16 7-12 6-12 6-16 7-10 7-12 7-15 9 - 15 86.5-16 7-13 9-15 7-13 7-12 9-17 9-18 10-20 8-18 14-27 8-14 9-13 10-16 8-13 9-15 12-16 9-20 10-15 10-15 9-12 11-16 9-12 7-12 9-16 10-16 9-15 8-12 9-12 9-13 10-16 10-18 10-19 6-13 8-12.5

80-110 56-95 45-80 80 45-85 80 60-86 70-110 60-150 60-150 60-150 70-100 90 95-130 90-130 60-150 60-150 60-150 70-90 100 80-125 60-130 50-120 80-125 65-115 100 58-98 110-130 70-100 70-105 60-120 130 60-120 70-110 90-110 90-130 60-110 70-100 60-125 60-120 100-120 80-110 60-125 85-110 80-110 80-110 80-110 110 110 80-120 110 100 80-100 70-90 60-120 110 80-100 80-160 110 120 80-125 60-100 75-120

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules)

800 800 750 750 850 1000 1140 650 1300 1300 1300 900 800 700 600 1300 1300 1450 700 550 1025 900 1000 1025 900 900 975 650 900 980 700 650 700 850 500 600 800 900 700 1000 900 625 700 890 780 530 700 700 800 700 800 900 700 700 1000 900 800 850 700 850 1000 780 900

1300 2034 1580 n/s 1275 n/s 690 1100 1000 n/s n/s 1108 n/s 1180 1300 n/s n/s 1356 1570 2100 n/s n/s n/s n/s 1025 n/s 1400 1700 n/s 1490 0 1700 1450 n/s 1700 1200 2450 1108 n/s 1152 1350 2500 1570 2100 1749 3390 n/s n/s 2443 n/s 2443 n/s 2599 2265 n/s 2443 2443 n/s n/s n/s 1800 1356 2158

Working Pressure (bar)

150 172 150 150 150 160 156 90 130 130 130 160 100 95 85 130 130 135 140 150 120 150 150 120 150 170 125 120 170 130 125 170 125 180 160 100 180 160 130 145 120 170 120 165 160 170 165 175 170 170 170 170 170 140 150 170 170 180 170 100 130 170 180

46 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Attachments.indd 46

15/05/2008 15:02:55

ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

Daewoon Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Sandvik Atlas Copco Case New Holland Boohung Chicago Pneumatic Sandvik Volvo Case New Holland Caterpillar Furukawa BTi Tramac BTi Beilite Kent Komac JCB Indeco Arden Stanley MSB GB Breakers Tae Sung Kwanglim SG Co Ltd Komac All-Kor JAB Co Ltd Boohung Huskie Sumitomo Wimmer D&A NPK Daemo Socomec HydraRam Inan Makina Komac Montabert Everdigm Everdigm Sumitomo Continental Continental Globram Idromeccanica Promove Tramac Indeco Atlas Copco Komatsu Caterpillar Montabert Sandvik Volvo Case New Holland Doosan Dehaco Italdem


DWB1800 JSB 50S BR 1229 MB 700 CB 150 S CB 150 S BH1000T CP 750 BR 1229 HB800 CB 150 CB 150 H100s F12 TB625XC 600 TB725QA BLT60 KF12TLB KB 1000 S HM860Q HP 1500 AB 852 MB30EXS MS 450HS GB5T TSB50S SG800S KB 1000 V AKB S130 JB60 silenced BH1000S HH2000 TNB-7E WH12 D&A 130V GH-6 DMB140 MDO 550 TS SG-800S MTB-85 TOR13S 700 Rhino RHB313-V Rhino RHB 313-V (NA) TNB-10E RH1100S RH1100ES RM115 IMI 1000 P 23 SH 700 HP 1800 MB 1000 JTHB70 (two piece) H115s 700 MS BR 2063 HB1100 CB 200 S CB 200 S D60-II DHB 1105 GK1050 S

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

807 818 820 820 820 820 827 829 830 830 830 830 830 832 833 836 836 840 844 845 850 850 850 859 860 860 861 861 865 870 870 879 900 900 900 900 913 950 950 950 950 950 962 974 989 997 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1017 1040 1040 1040 1040 1050 1050 1050

15-18 10-15 9-15 10-18 9-15 9-15 12-16 12-18 9-15 9-15 9-15 9-15 8-14 10-16 8-18 9-16 7-15 10-15 10-15 9-16 12-18 10-20 10-14 9-17 10-16 9-17 10-16 10-16 9-16 10-16 10-16 12-16 9-18 89-15 10-15 12-18 10-15 12-15 10-16 9-15 9-16 12-20 12-20 12-20 1412-20 15-25 13-22 12-23 14-23 12-22 12-22 12-20 8-15 12-20 12-20 10-18 12-20 12-20 12-20 12-20 12-22 13 -20

90-120 110 60-120 70-120 60-120 60-120 80-110 110 60-120 60-120 60-120 60-120 60-120 100-130 99 100-140 70-100 80-120 100-130 80-100 80-110 80-125 95 76-114 70-90 85-110 80-110 80-110 80-100 80-110 110 80-110 130 70-110 70-130 80-140 90-150 90-110 115 80-110 70-130 110 80-140 80-140 80-140 100-140 110 130 86-120 115-150 110-140 110-145 85-140 85-110 110 70-130 80-140 80-130 120-170 80-130 80-130 70/110 60-110 130 -150

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 750 700 1000 520 1000 1000 780 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1300 900 899 880 750 650 900 700 750 1000 900 700 700 780 625 630 700 700 700 780 500 700 700 900 800 600 900 630 700 950 880 850 850 600 800 850 975 500 500 880 1060 720 700 700 880 800 800 800 800 550 800 600

n/s n/s 1000 n/s n/s n/s 1749 n/s 1000 1450 n/s n/s 2034 2320 1108 1800 1502 n/s 1425 2500 1781 1720 2158 2712 2265 2000 2500 2713 2599 1950 n/s 1749 2800 n/s 0 2518 n/s 3430 1700 2035 1760 2599 n/s 2500 2500 n/s n/s n/s 2250 1860 1650 1300 2000 n/s n/s 1481 n/s n/s 2100 n/s n/s 2200 2450 2300

Pressure (bar) 170 175 150 120 150 150 160 170 150 150 150 150 145 180 162 140 185 165 175 170 170 140 160 173 140 170 170 170 170 170 170 160 160 170 125 180 170 160 130 170 125 170 140 180 180 170 80 120 130 90 110 148 140 160 170 140 140 145 145 145 145 140 180 120

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15/05/2008 15:03:10

ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer

Komac Eusiti Okada Aiyon MSB BTi Kent Tramac Komatsu BTi GB Breakers BTi BTi Montabert Kent Socomec D&A Montabert Komatsu GB Breakers Korota Indeco Atlas Copco Promove Inan Makina Wimmer Taeshin Boohung Komatsu Komac All-Kor Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Feel Industrial Boohung Kwanglim SG Co Ltd Globram JAB Co Ltd Soosan Dehaco JCB Chicago Pneumatic Komac Yantai Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Furukawa Boohung Stanley Daemo Idromeccanica Promove Tabe JAB Co Ltd JAB Co Ltd All-Kor Caterpillar Komac Sandvik Volvo Case New Holland JAB Co Ltd Italdem Arden Eusiti


KB 1500 H SGK 1050 S TOP100 MS 500H TB725X KF12Qt 900 JTHB70 (box) TB725XC GB170E TB830XC TB830X 900 KF12HD MDO 750 TS D&A 150V 900 MS JTHB100 (two piece) GB6T K-100 HP 2000 MB 1200 XP 1200 MTB-120 WH17 TB150GII BH1200H JTHB100 (box) KB 1500 S-III AKB S160 JSB 18G Fine 15 (SB) BH1200S SG1200S RM120 JB70 silenced SB-60 DHB 1305 HM1265Q CP 1150 TOR18S EDT1200 JSB 60 F19 BH1200T MB40EXS DMB180 IMI 1200 P 27 SH AGB 12 JB70 JB71 silenced AKB S180 H120Cs KB 1500 V BR 2266 HB1400 CB 260 S CB 200 S JB71 GK1351 S AB 1352 SGK 1351 S

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

1050 1050 1070 1070 1070 1092 1100 1100 1107 1110 1130 1130 1133 1150 1150 1150 1151 1155 1180 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1205 1210 1230 1230 1230 1236 1242 1245 1245 1248 1250 1250 1250 1250 1255 1255 1260 1290 1297 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1325 1330 1330 1330 1330 1340 1350 1350 1350

13-18 13-20 10-19 14-18 10-20 10-15 12-25 9-15 10-19.5 13-20 11.5-26.5 12-27 15-25 10-15 15-22 12-18 15-25 14-20 13-22 14-25 15-25 15-26 14-20 14-20 14-20 12-18 13-18 14-20 13-18 13-20 13-18 13-18 13-18 12-20 15-25 13-20 12-25 12-25 13-22 14-22 17-23 15-21 15-18 12-19 13-18 15-25 16-20 15-28 16-27 n/s 13-20 16-22 16-22 17-26 13-19 18-26 18-26 18-26 18-26 16-22 18-25 16-24 18-25

90-120 150 80-115 80-100 70-100 100-130 100-150 110 111 90-120 141 100-140 100-150 100-130 140 150 100-150 140 100-120 100-115 110-150 100-140 90-120 70-130 70-130 90-210 90-120 140 90-120 90-120 120 120 90-120 110-140 115-150 120 90-120 130-200 90-120 110 125 90-120 120 120-155 90-120 90-130 100-140 125-160 110-140 90-120 120 120 90-120 120-160 90-120 100-170 120-170 100-170 100-170 120 150 - 160 135 160

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules)

900 600 850 700 750 900 800 700 744 750 680 680 800 900 900 900 800 600 700 550 940 680 850 700 700 850 750 600 900 700 900 900 750 520 925 700 530 800 600 750 700 530 650 750 750 600 600 600 700 750 700 650 600 620 900 650 800 850 650 650 750 800 750

2746 2300 n/s 2850 1502 1425 2260 n/s 1502 2800 2217 2217 n/s 1425 2500 3665 2260 n/s 2950 2800 2240 n/s 3100 1880 n/s n/s 2224 n/s 2746 2110 n/s 4234 2224 4069 2850 n/s 4067 4116 1978 n/s 4119 n/s n/s 3579 2224 4068 3724 2350 2100 n/s n/s n/s 420 2884 2746 3200 2600 n/s n/s n/s 3000 3880 3000

Working Pressure (bar)

170 170 180 140 185 175 125 170 184 170 174 175 125 175 130 190 125 180 170 170 140 150 165 135 135 180 170 180 170 170 185 180 170 160 130 170 170 180 170 170 180 160 175 180 170 172 170 130 110 170 170 170 170 140 170 145 145 145 145 170 140 190 200

48 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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15/05/2008 15:03:31

ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

NPK Feel Industrial OKTEC Tramac Sandvik Daewoon Huskie Feel Industrial D&A Promove MSB GB Breakers Dehaco Italdem Korota Socomec Komac Indeco Eusiti Taeshin GB Breakers Tramac Beilite Globram Sumitomo Komac Everdigm Sumitomo Everdigm DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Furukawa Furukawa Montabert Yantai D&A GB Breakers JCB Inan Makina Wimmer Chicago Pneumatic Boohung Boohung Komatsu All-Kor JAB Co Ltd Kwanglim SG Co Ltd NPK Okada Aiyon Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Doosan Everdigm MSB GB Breakers JCB Sumitomo Atlas Copco Promove Komac Komac Komac Caterpillar Furukawa Sandvik


GH-7 Fine 15X OKB1500 V32 BR 2214 DWB2200 HH3600 Fine 15 D&A 180V XP 1500 MS 550H GB8AT DHB 1605 GK1550 S K-120 MDO 1450 TS KB2000 H HP 2500 SGK 1550 S TB200GII GB220E V1200 BLT80 RM130 TNB-14E TOR23S RHINO RHB320 (NA) TNB-15E Rhino RHB320 DHB-800 F20 F22 V 1200 EDT2100 D&A 200V GB8F HM1560Q MTB-150 WH22 CP 1650 BH1350H BH1350S JTHB150 (two piece) AKB S220 JB80 silenced SG2100S GH-9 TOP200 JSB 81S DYB-800 D70-II Rhino RHB325 MS 600H GB8T HM1760Q TNB-16E MB 1700 XP 1700 KB 2000 S-III KB 2000 V TOR 22V H130s F27 BR 2568

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

1350 1350 1350 1380 1380 1385 1400 1400 1450 1450 1465 1470 1480 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1505 1510 1535 1550 1550 1552 1560 1564 1565 1570 1570 1570 1575 1580 1580 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1615 1620 1625 1625 1625 1630 1640 1640 1650 1660 1662 1680 1680 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1710 1710

14-21 13-18 13.0-18.0 19-30 18-26 20-25 16-26 13-18 16-22 16-25 18-26 18-28 18-25 20-28 18-30 19-25 18-26 16-28 20-28 18-25 18-25 18-30 18-25 17-28 1818-26 16-25 1816-25 19-26 16-25 16-25 18-30 18-26 18-24 18-28 16-34 18-26 18-26 18-34 18-24 18-24 18-25 18-30 18-30 20-30 17-24 14-22 18-26 19-26 16-22 20-30 22-28 20-30 19-34 2018-34 19-29 18-26 18-26 18-26 19-32 20-30 21-32

100-150 120 90-120 120-170 130-180 125-150 180 120 100-155 120-145 110-150 120-150 120-170 160-170 120-135 165 125-150 125-160 170 120-250 125-150 140-170 130-170 130-160 130-170 150 100-150 160-200 100-150 130-170 125-160 145-180 120-170 120-150 120-170 120-150 130-170 100-180 100-180 170 120-150 120-150 220 125-150 150 120-150 150-200 120-160 180 130-170 120/160 130-180 130-150 120-150 130-160 150-200 130-180 130-160 125-150 125-150 125-150 120-220 155-190 120-200

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 575 900 800 1050 1000 800 500 900 800 800 650 680 450 700 350 700 800 870 700 750 700 770 800 875 600 800 700 600 700 600 550 700 770 410 800 600 540 650 650 540 600 600 630 600 600 550 650 625 500 600 500 650 550 660 600 580 600 830 800 800 800 610 650 580

n/s 4234 4234 3800 n/s n/s 5000 2443 3880 3900 4375 4500 4802 3500 3800 3500 4217 3120 3500 n/s 4800 3400 n/s 3520 n/s 4805 3500 n/s 3500 n/s 4320 4572 n/s n/s 4527 4600 2496 2800 n/s n/s 3504 3504 n/s 3380 n/s 6782 n/s n/s n/s n/s 4300 4300 5780 5000 4022 n/s n/s 4100 4217 4217 5786 3739 5118 4000

Pressure (bar) 180 180 180 135 160 180 180 180 190 165 140 180 130 150 180 130 180 140 200 190 180 155 175 135 170 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 155 175 190 180 140 135 135 140 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 185 180 140 180 140 180 180 170 160 165 180 180 180 145 180 145

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15/05/2008 15:03:47

ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer

Case New Holland JAB Co Ltd Boohung Kent Kent GB Breakers Soosan Beilite Yantai Yantai Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Feel Industrial Komac HydraRam HydraRam Tae Sung Globram Allied CP Allied CP JAB Co Ltd Daewoon Feel Industrial Feel Industrial Boohung Stanley Daemo Tabe D&A Italdem Idrobenne Idromeccanica Eusiti JAB Co Ltd NPK Huskie Arden Okada Aiyon Doosan OKTEC Boohung BTi Inan Makina Sandvik Daemo Indeco Feel Industrial Feel Industrial Montabert Boohung Continental Continental Continental Korota Socomec D&A Komatsu Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Komac MSB Stanley GB Breakers


CB 320 S CB 320 S JB80 BH1350T KF22Qt KF27Qt GB9F SB-80 BLT81 EDT2000 EDT2200 JSB 81 JSB 20G Fine 23 TOR 22S SG-1200S SG-1800S TSB80S RM140 AR130B AR140B JB81 silenced DWB3700 Fine 20 Fine 22 BH1400H MB50EXS DMB210 AGB 16 D&A 220V GK1800 S IMI 170 M IMI 170 M SGK 1800 S JB81 GH-10 HH4500 AB 1852 TOP250 D90-II OKB2000 BH1400S TB980X MTB-170 BR 2518 DMB230 HP-3000 Fine 22X Fine 23X V 1200 N BH1400T RH2200 RH1500 RH1700 L K-170 MDO 1950 TS D&A250V JTHB150 (box) JSB 130S KB 3500 S-III MS 700H MB60EXS GB300E

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

1710 1710 1710 1712 1730 1730 1730 1736 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1750 1760 1760 1764 1765 1769 1769 1780 1790 1790 1790 1790 1798 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1825 1840 1850 1850 1850 1860 1860 1860 1865 1870 1880 1900 1900 1930 1930 1960 1960 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2010 2014 2030 2056 2071 2080

21-32 21-32 18-30 18-24 20-26 23-27 20-30 18-28 18-26 18-26 18-26 18-26 18-26 18-26 18-26 12-20 18-26 18-25 20-32 30-55 38-61 1832 28-30 18-26 18-26 19-26 20-32 18-25 n/s 20~26 22 30 21-30 21-30 22-30 18-32 21-28 18-31 22-30 18-27 18-30 18.0-26.0 19-26 17-40 22-29 21-32 18-25 19-32 18-25 18-26 18-30 19-26 25-40 20-28 18-30 25-35 24-32 24~30 18-25 27-35 26-30 25-30 23-34 27-40

120-200 120-200 150 120-150 140-180 155-190 120-150 120-150 120-180 130-150 120-180 180 150 160 125-150 110-140 100-135 120-150 150-180 120-160 160-230 150 180-230 150 160 120-150 120-170 130-170 125-150 140-190 200-210 180 130-150 210 150 165-210 220 150 120-180 120/160 130-150 120-150 160-200 120-180 160-220 130-170 145-180 160 160 120-170 120-150 180 140 160 150-160 200 210 200 200 150-190 170-200 140-190 150-190

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules)

580 580 600 600 700 440 550 480 500 800 500 500 800 800 800 520 450 490 725 470 550 450 700 800 800 500 500 600 550 800 700 800 800 700 450 550 450 800 480 500 800 500 680 550 800 530 870 800 800 770 500 700 600 650 450 650 720 630 400 750 550 450 650

n/s n/s n/s 3504 3440 3700 5100 6778 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 5600 5786 2713 4000 4300 4300 n/s n/s n/s n/s 5600 5600 3793 6780 4410 n/s 5350 4400 4500 4500 4400 n/s n/s 6200 5350 n/s 4400 5290 3793 3579 3300 n/s 4410 3860 5600 5600 n/s 3793 n/s n/s n/s 5300 5000 7203 n/s n/s 5786 7500 8136 6000

Working Pressure (bar)

145 145 180 180 180 180 180 180 175 175 175 185 185 180 180 160 180 180 140 155 155 180 180 180 180 180 172 170 190 190 150 180 150 200 180 170 190 190 180 140 180 180 190 135 160 170 200 180 180 155 180 140 100 130 180 130 190 180 185 180 150 186 180

50 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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15/05/2008 15:04:03

ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

HydraRam Komac Komac Boohung NPK Komatsu All-Kor JAB Co Ltd Komac Tae Sung Boohung BTi Tramac JCB Indeco Atlas Copco Inan Makina Chicago Pneumatic Taeshin Daewoon Beilite Komatsu BTi Montabert Doosan JAB Co Ltd Komac Globram Furukawa Furukawa Dehaco Komac Boohung Tabe Daemo Promove Volvo Case New Holland Caterpillar GB Breakers Caterpillar Sandvik Huskie Italdem Sumitomo Idrobenne Idromeccanica Eusiti D&A OKTEC DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Komac Kent Yantai Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Feel Industrial Soosan Tramac Sumitomo Feel Industrial Globram Kwanglim SG Co Ltd Feel Industrial


SG-2100S TOR 36V KB 3600 S-III BH1500S GH-12 JTHB190 (two piece) AKB S320 JB110 silenced TOR36S TSB132 BH1500H TB1280X V1600 HM2460Q HP 3500 HB 2200 MTB-210 CP 2250 TB350GII DWB5000 BLT100 JTHB190 (box) TB1280XC V1600 evolution D110-II JB110 KB 3500 V RM145 F30 F35 DHB 2305 KB 3500 H BH1500T AGB 20 DMB250 XP 2400 HB2400 CB 400 S CB 400 S H140Ds GB11F H140Ds BR 3088 HH5800 GK2300 TNB-22E IMI 240 M IMI 240 M SGK 2300 S D&A 300V OKB3600 DYB-1300 KB 3500 H KF35Qt EDT3000 JSB 30G Fine 36 (SB) SB-120 V45 TNB-23E Fine 36 RM150 SG2800S Fine 36X

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

2100 2100 2105 2110 2135 2140 2150 2150 2150 2155 2160 2160 2170 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2215 2220 2220 2230 2247 2250 2250 2254 2255 2270 2270 2290 2290 2290 2300 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2370 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2410 2415 2418 2420 2420 2420 2440 2440 2450 2450 2475 2481 2490

20-30 27-35 27-35 24-34 24-38 20-30 27-40 27-40 27-35 28-40 24-34 19-43 22-35 24-40 21-38 26-40 25-32 26-40 20-32 30-40 23-30 20-30 18.7-40 22-35 25-40 27-40 25-30 24-37 25-40 25-40 22-44 25-30 24-34 n/s 22-29 27-35 27-40 27-40 27-40 25-40 28-40 25-40 27-40 24-40 28-40 2726-35 26-35 28-40 25-36 28-35 28-35 27-35 25-35 27-35 27-35 28-35 27-46 25-37 2728-35 26-42 25-35 26-35

120-150 160-190 160-190 160-190 170-220 210 160-190 190 190 170-240 160-190 160-230 180-230 140-180 160-200 140-180 160-230 180 130-270 190-250 150-190 210 228 405-830 160-230 190 160-190 165-200 150-210 175-220 150-200 160-190 160-190 175-220 160-220 145-195 160-230 160-230 160-230 160-230 160-230 160-230 160-230 250 220-230 180-220 180 170-190 230 180-240 190-250 170-220 160-190 175-220 200-260 190 190 170-240 180-265 180-230 190 175-205 170-240 250

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 410 700 700 400 520 490 550 550 700 440 400 570 750 550 760 550 550 550 650 250 700 490 565 230 520 550 750 625 450 600 1060 750 400 600 400 600 625 450 450 600 550 520 480 430 700 500 800 800 700 600 700 400 700 600 400 700 700 450 1160 450 700 625 450 700

4748 7433 6109 3793 n/s n/s 5800 n/s 7433 7500 4929 4691 5000 5400 4900 n/s 4500 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 4691 n/s 5800 n/s 5786 5200 6480 6883 6762 5786 4929 n/s 4410 6000 5300 n/s n/s n/s 6100 3976 n/s 8000 5000 n/s 4500 6500 5000 8751 7200 n/s 6129 4475 n/s n/s 7200 10188 6000 n/s 7200 5400 10713 7200

Pressure (bar) 180 180 180 180 170 180 180 180 180 180 180 190 165 180 160 180 140 180 190 185 175 180 191 165 140 180 180 150 180 180 180 180 180 190 180 180 150 150 150 160 180 135 150 190 150 170 180 180 200 190 180 180 180 180 175 185 180 180 165 180 180 150 180 180

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15/05/2008 15:04:18

ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer Everdigm Indeco HydraRam Atlas Copco Komac Montabert Beilite BTi Yantai Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Doosan Tae Sung Stanley Komatsu Komac JAB Co Ltd Komatsu D&A MSB Yantai Daemo Globram JAB Co Ltd GB Breakers Boohung GB Breakers Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Feel Industrial Taeshin Boohung Stanley All-Kor Komac NPK Daewoon Okada Aiyon Inan Makina Wimmer Dehaco Continental Daemo Huskie JCB Korota Italdem Indeco Atlas Copco Idromeccanica Eusiti GB Breakers Sumitomo Kent Promove Everdigm Boohung Sandvik Sandvik Komac Komac Volvo Case New Holland Caterpillar Caterpillar


Rhino RHB 330 HP 4000 SG-2800S HB 2500 TOR 36S V45 SHD BLT160 TB1680X EDT3500 JSB 130 D130-II TSB132S MB70EXS JTHB230 (box) KB 4200 H JB120 silenced JTHB230 (two piece) D&A 360V MS 800H EDT4000 DMB300 RM160 JB120 GB14F BH1600H GB500E JSB 40G Fine 45 (SB) TB520G BH1600S MB80EXS AKB S400 KB 4200 S-III GH-15 DWB5500 TOP300 MTB-275 WH42 DHB 3205 RH2500 DMB360 HH8000 HM3060Q K-254 GK2800 S HP 5000 HB 3000 IMI 290 M SGK 2800 S GB520E TNB-31E KF19Qt XP 3100 Rhino RHB 340 BH1600T BR 3890 BR 3890 KB 3600 V KN 4200 V HB3200 CB 550 S CB 550 S H160Ds H160Cs

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

2492 2500 2500 2500 2506 2547 2550 2560 2570 2570 2600 2617 2632 2640 2650 2650 2690 2700 2720 2740 2750 2750 2750 2750 2780 2790 2800 2800 2800 2815 2833 2850 2856 2860 2875 2925 2950 2950 2980 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3020 3040 3086 3090 3100 3111 3120 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150

26-35 23-42 25-35 29-43 27-33 27-60 28-35 25-48 30-45 27-35 30-55 27-36 29-42 27-40 34-47 33-50 27-40 28-42 33-45 35-50 26-32 29-53 33-50 32-45 34-46 32-45 35-50 35-50 28-36 34-46 30-50 33-50 34-47 28-45 45-60 28-43 33-50 33-50 32-50 30-50 28-36 31-58 32-50 30-40 30-50 27-50 32-50 35-50 30-50 35-50 3814-20 30-48 32-45 34-46 35-55 35-55 27-35 34-47 35-55 35-55 35-55 32-55 32-55

170-240 180-230 170-240 170-220 160-190 180-265 150-190 180-240 200-260 260 170/240 170-240 170-240 230 190-250 250 230 200-260 190-220 190-250 180-250 185-260 250 190-250 190-250 180-250 250 250 160-310 190-250 190-250 190-250 190-250 200-250 220-350 160-215 170-300 170-300 220-280 185 180-250 290 210-270 190-210 250-260 190-265 210-270 200-250 260 190-310 240-300 100-155 190-240 180-260 190-250 210-310 210-310 160-190 190-250 210-310 210-310 210-310 220-310 210-310

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 680 820 450 550 700 1160 700 530 400 400 420 440 400 450 500 400 450 600 550 600 400 550 400 400 400 450 600 600 470 400 370 400 500 450 350 420 520 520 530 700 400 370 540 450 640 670 540 480 640 340 470 750 590 430 400 480 630 700 500 630 480 480 560 600

6100 5650 7460 n/s 7433 6000 n/s 5719 n/s n/s 6920 7500 10170 n/s 10199 n/s n/s 10897 10000 n/s 9310 6500 n/s 8900 8213 9000 n/s 9970 n/s 8213 11526 8960 10189 n/s n/s n/s 6000 n/s 9310 n/s 9310 11000 7425 6800 6300 7660 n/s 10000 6300 10500 n/s 2100 7330 7600 8213 6600 6600 6129 10199 6200 n/s n/s n/s 4873

Working Pressure (bar) 185 210 180 180 180 165 180 190 175 185 145 180 186 180 190 190 180 190 150 175 180 150 190 185 190 185 185 180 210 190 186 190 190 170 185 180 140 140 180 150 180 190 180 180 160 210 150 190 200 210 180 175 180 185 190 150 150 160 190 150 150 150 160 140

52 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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15/05/2008 15:04:33

ATTACHMENTS Manufacturer

Tramac OKTEC Socomec HydraRam Komac NPK Feel Industrial Feel Industrial Doosan Tabe D&A Furukawa Feel Industrial Kent Montabert Montabert Komatsu MSB Feel Industrial Komatsu Globram Boohung BTi Taeshin Sandvik Sumitomo Inan Makina Boohung Wimmer BTi Jisung Heavy Industries Co Ltd Caterpillar Sandvik Beilite Volvo D&A Caterpillar Kwanglim SG Co Ltd Tae Sung Soosan Boohung Okada Aiyon Doosan Daemo DongYang Heavy Industries CO Ltd Stanley Continental Continental Italdem Indeco Eusiti OKTEC Furukawa Feel Industrial Komac Komac BTi Everdigm JCB Atlas Copco Chicago Pneumatic Komac HydraRam Promove


V55 OKB4000 MDO 3200 TS SG-3300S TOR42S GH-18 Fine 45X Fine 45 D160-II AGB 30 D&A 450V F45 Fine 50 (SB) KF45Qt V55 SHD V65 SHD JTHB310 (box) MS 900H Fine 50 JTHB310 (two piece) RM180 BH1800H TB2080X TB550GⅡ BR 4510 TNB-38E MTB-360 BH1800S WH55 TB2080XC JSB 151 H180s BR 4511 BLT190 HB3800 D&A 550V H180s SG5000S TSB152 SB-150 BH1800T TOP400 T180 DMB450 DYB-1500 MB100EXS RH3500 RH4200 GK3800 S HP 7000 SGK 3800 S OKB5000 F70 Fine 50X KB 5000 V TOR55S TB980XC Rhino RHB350 HM4160Q HB 4200 CP 4250 KB 5000 S-III SG-5000S XP 4500

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

3170 3190 3200 3200 3210 3267 3280 3280 3300 3300 3300 3310 3380 3400 3460 3480 3540 3545 3550 3550 3645 3650 3660 3700 3700 3750 3750 3750 3750 3776 3790 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3842 3847 3850 3870 3890 3900 3950 3957 3991 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4100 4100 4150 4150 4164 4200 4200 4200 4208 4230 4300 4380

32-55 33-50 30-40 32-45 34-47 38-50 33-50 35-50 40-80 n/s 34-50 30-50 45-60 34-45 27-60 35-60 38-50 33-45 45-60 38-50 38-68 43-60 34-68 35-55 40-70 4040-70 43-60 33-50 33.5-53.5 27-35 40-80 40-70 30-42 40-70 40-60 40-75 40-70 40-56 40-70 43-60 38-70 40-80 40-55 30-45 40-65 45-70 48-80 40-65 32-63 40-65 45-55 45-70 45-65 47-70 47-70 17.5-35.5 40-70 42-75 42-75 42-75 47-70 40-70 45-70

240-320 190-250 280 180-240 250 220-290 250 250 190-250 205-245 220-280 200-250 310 190-250 240-320 240-330 300 190-220 310 300 235-310 210-290 240-320 180-330 220-350 270-380 200-300 210-290 200-300 316 250 220-300 220-350 220-310 220-320 240-320 220-300 240-320 210-250 210-250 210-290 220-270 240-350 250-320 200-300 208-302 220 260 300-310 250-305 310 250-310 250-340 310 220-310 310 203 230-330 250-320 250-320 320 220-310 240-320 275-345

breakers Working

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 1045 600 600 380 500 400 600 600 400 550 600 500 450 500 1045 1045 470 510 450 470 525 350 510 400 550 500 510 350 510 505 400 470 700 450 700 550 520 330 320 320 350 350 430 320 350 320 450 500 600 580 600 450 500 450 450 450 677 480 530 500 530 450 330 580 international

YB08 Attachments.indd 53

8500 9970 8000 9495 10513 n/s 9970 9970 9100 n/s 12250 8829 13125 5455 8500 n/s n/s 12000 13125 n/s 9000 10650 7306 n/s n/s n/s 8000 10650 n/s 7306 n/s 5906 9500 n/s 9200 15240 n/s 16277 12350 13558 10650 n/s 11000 10780 n/s 16272 n/s n/s 8300 10040 8300 13125 13667 13125 12258 12847 3579 10400 9167 n/s n/s 12258 12208 13750

Pressure (bar) 165 180 150 180 180 170 180 180 155 190 190 180 190 180 165 165 180 150 180 180 150 190 190 210 160 180 140 190 140 183 185 160 205 180 155 190 160 180 180 180 190 180 155 180 180 186 160 170 160 165 200 180 180 180 180 190 192 185 180 180 180 180 180 180 yellow book 2008 53

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ATTACHMENTS breakers Manufacturer Dehaco Globram BTi Kent Inan Makina Wimmer BTi Indeco Taeshin Komatsu NPK MSB BTi Tramac Atlas Copco Furukawa Continental Inan Makina Wimmer Sandvik Atlas Copco Promove Globram NPK Indeco Continental Komac Atlas Copco


DHB 5205 RM195 TB2580XC KF70Qt MTB-500 WH65 TB2580X HP 9000 TB700G JTHB400 (two piece) GH-30 MS 1000H TB1680XC V65 HB 5800 F100 RH6500 MTB-700 WH80 BR 7013 HB 7000 XP 7000 RM215 GH-40 HP 12000 RH8200 KB 5000 H HB 10000

Operating Weight (kg)

Excavator Class (t-t)

Required Oil Flow (l/m)

4500 4615 4624 4670 4750 4750 4940 5000 5200 5220 5450 5700 5776 5800 5800 6300 6500 6900 6900 7000 7000 7000 7425 7750 7800 8200 8708 10000

44-60 45-85 44-80 45-75 45-70 45-70 44-80 39-80 55-70 45-70 60-80 50-85 24.5-47 45-75 55-100 65-100 60-100 60-100 60-100 60-100 65-120 75-130 57-110 90-110 45-120 80-100 47-70 80-150

250-320 280-360 316 250-340 250-340 250-340 280-390 290-355 220-390 390 280-350 203-305 238 380-420 310-390 280-390 350 300-400 300-400 300-400 360-450 n/s 330-425 300-400 325-410 480 220-310 530

Blow Impact Frequency Energy (Blows/min) (joules) 520 475 n/s 320 420 420 500 540 360 470 390 450 532 950 460 350 350 400 400 450 450 n/s 425 330 550 270 450 380

n/s 11100 n/s 7130 9800 n/s n/s 14120 n/s n/s n/s 14420 5719 n/s n/s 15690 n/s 13000 n/s 12500 13000 18000 15250 n/s 18680 n/s 12258 n/s

Working Pressure (bar) 180 160 n/s 180 140 140 190 165 220 180 180 150 187 165 180 180 145 150 150 220 180 n/s 160 180 180 180 180 180

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yellow BOOK 08 0 8

mini excavators ors trac tracked excavators vato wheeled e excavators trenchers chers break crushers rushe hers concrete nc crushers ers dem demolition tion shearss m multi processors skid steer backhoe ba e loaders lo loa oa wheeled loaders rs site dum dumpers mpe articulated dump trucks frame ame haulers hau ule s gra graders dozers single drum rum um m rro rollers ol tandem rollers pneuma rollers ers asphalt sphalt a pavers vers concrete paver pavers milling ng mach machines truck cranes anes tel crawler cranes cra e top sslewing win wing ng tow tower cranes luffing in jib tower owe er crane cranes all-terr ccranes cra r rough ough h terrain mob mobile m e cr cranes es trailer pum pumps um mps p placing boom booms pumps compressors com mp mpre pressors rs automatic levels leve vels llase laser levels the theodolites total stations tion selftelescopic scop sco opic pic boom lifts self-propelled elled ed a articulating ticul boom lifts scissor lifts ifts p hoists oists fixed fix xed d crushers ccr mobile crushers usherss sc ni excava va t tracked excavators excava e vat ators w ato wheeled heeled excavator bi-crush


skid ki steer




w wheeled


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LOADERS sManufacturer kid steer Model wheeled w New Holland Avant Tecno New Holland Bobcat Avant Tecno Gehl Thomas Komatsu Avant Tecno Avant Tecno Bobcat Thomas Komatsu Mustang Neuson Gehl Macmoter Thomas Thomas Hinowa Mustang New Holland New Holland Bobcat JCB Caterpillar Volvo Hyundai Komatsu Mustang Thomas Caterpillar Neuson Neuson Volvo Case Doosan Bobcat JCB JCB Komatsu Sunward Bobcat Mustang Gehl Macmoter Thomas New Holland New Holland Thomas Case Bobcat John Deere Gehl JCB JCB Volvo Gehl Hyundai Bobcat Macmoter Caterpillar Komatsu John Deere

Rated Lift Capacity (kg)

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity(m3)

Maximum Load Height (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr)

272 300 317 318 350 375 386 390 400 430 453 454 455 476 510 533 550 590 590 600 612 612 612 622 630 635 635 650 650 658 680 680 680 680 680 681 682 700 700 700 700 725 726 748 748 750 771 771 771 794 794 794 794 816 820 820 839 839 840 840 850 862 870 885

930 530 990 1228 610 1290 1353 1650 720 720 1864 1679 1855 1814 1810 1814 2100 2427 2177 1560 2087 2045 1995 2223 2650 2580 2551 2625 2530 2540 2504 2640 2400 2400 2632 2500 2587 2613 2715 2715 2630 2780 2774 2744 2810 2500 2994 2515 2510 3175 2640 2633 2858 2096 2740 2740 3096 2939 3290 2821 3000 3060 2910 2919

13.3 9.7 12.3 n/s 10.4 16 11.8 18 14.9 14.9 25 22.5 22.5 26 27 26.1 20.5 29 43 17.7 34 27 22 34.3 37.5 36 33.7 33 33.5 35 34.3 42 34 38.6 39.5 38 34 34.3 37.5 37.5 33.6 38.5 42 35 34 32 50 37 30 41.8 44 34.3 43 32 44.7 44.7 48.6 46 50 41.8 45 42 33.6 46

0.13 0.25 0.13 17 0.25 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.25 0.25 n/s 0.25 0.23 0.28 0.21 0.28 0.3 n/s n/s 0.24 0.3 0.35 0.3 n/s 0.36 0.41 0.37 0.31 0.35 0.37 n/s 0.41 0.29 0.29 0.37 n/s 0.31 n/s 0.37 0.37 0.4 0.4 n/s 0.37 0.37 0.36 n/s 0.48 0.48 n/s n/s 0.88 0.41 0.31 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.43 0.37 0.88 0.47 0.41 0.4 0.45

0.13 2.1 1.6 2.4 2.1 2.45 2.37 2.44 2.1 2.1 2.6 2.57 2.71 2.74 2.7 2.74 2.71 2.79 2.79 3 2.79 2.32 2.21 2.78 2.65 n/s 2.89 n/s 2.85 2.85 2.79 n/s 2.86 2.86 2.88 2.91 2.84 2.91 2.78 2.78 2.92 3 2.91 2.92 2.93 2.86 3.39 2.3 2.3 3.39 2.91 3 2.94 2.79 2.78 2.78 3.08 2.97 n/s 3 3.02 n/s 3 2.97

6.3 5 6.3 n/s 5 10.3 9.8 10 5 5 n/s 10.2 12.5 12.4 n/s 12.4 15.2 16.9 14.5 885 12.4 15.6 15.1 14 13.6 16.1 17.5 n/s 17.2 17 18.5 n/s n/s n/s 16.1 n/s 14.5 16 14.5 14.5 17.2 19.6 16 22 20.2 20.6 17.8 16.5 16.5 18.9 n/s 14.2 24.4 12.4 19.41 19.41 29 20.1 n/s 14.2 23 n/s 18.7 24.4

9.3 4.5 9.3 n/s 4.5 n/s 8.1 9 4.5 4.5 10.5 9.3 10 10.9 10.5 n/s 8 10 10 8 10.3 11.7 10.8 11.8 11 12.7 10.3 12 16 11.3 9.7 12.7 12 12 12.1 11 12 11.3 11 11 16 13.6 11.3 11.5 n/s 10 11.4 11.7 11.7 12.4 11 11.3 10.9 n/s 11 11 10.8 n/s 12 11.3 14 11.1 16 10.9

LS120 313 S LS125 463 314 S SL 1640 85 SK04J-2 320 S 320 S+ S100 105 SK510-5 2026 501 s SL 3840 Castro 35 137 1300 Rhino 2041 LS150 LS140 S130 160 Robot 216B series 2 MC60B HSL650-7 SK714-5 2044 153 226B series 2 701 s 701 sp MC70B 410 430 Plus S150 170 Robot 170 HF Robot SK815-5 SWL2810 S160 2054 SL 4640 Castro 45 1700 LS170 LS160 175 420 S175 317 SL 4240 180 Robot 180HF Robot MC80B SL 4840 HSL850-7 S185 Castro 48 232B series 2 SK818-5 320

58 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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LOADERS Manufacturer

Hyundai Gehl JCB JCB Gehl Volvo Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Hyundai Macmoter JCB JCB Komatsu John Deere JCB JCB JCB JCB Komatsu Caterpillar Volvo Caterpillar Caterpillar Mustang Case Gehl Bobcat Thomas Hyundai Gehl Case Mustang Bobcat Thomas Gehl Volvo Case JCB JCB JCB JCB New Holland New Holland Case Caterpillar Thomas John Deere Gehl Mustang Bobcat Komatsu Hyundai Bobcat Gehl Caterpillar Caterpillar John Deere Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat John Deere Hyundai Hyundai


HSL800T SL 4240 180 Robot 180HF Robot SL 4840 MC80B S185TH T190 (tracks) T190H (tracks) HSL850-7 Castro 48 180T Robot 180T HF Robot SK818-5 320 190 190 HF T 190 T 190 HF SK1020-5 242B MC90B 246B 248B 2066 430 4840 E S205 205 HSL960T 5640 E 440 2076 S220 320 SL 5640 MC110B 435 1110 Robot 1110 HF Robot T 1110 T 1110 HF LS185B LS180B 445 252B 255 325 6640 E 2086 S250 SK1026-5 HSL1200T T250 SL 6640 262B 268B 328 A300 S300 T300 332 HSL1500T (Wheel) HSL1500T (Track)

skid steer Maximum

Rated Lift Capacity (kg)

Maximum Operating Weight (kg)

Engine Power (kW)

Maximum Bucket Capacity(m3)

Maximum Load Height (m)

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

Travel Speed (km/hr)

800 816 820 820 839 839 840 840 840 840 850 860 860 870 885 900 900 900 900 905 907 907 907 907 907 908 930 930 953 960 996 998 998 1000 1016 1043 1088 1090 1100 1100 1100 1100 1133 1133 1134 1134 1134 1134 1179 1179 1200 1200 1200 1200 1225 1225 1225 1247 1400 1400 1400 1440 1500 1500

3175 2096 2740 2740 2939 3096 2633 3286 3286 3290 3000 3680 3680 2910 2919 3840 3840 4650 4650 3420 3085 3169 3239 3320 3393 3120 2812 2831 3266 3266 3168 3170 3393 3386 3708 3348 3394 3140 3940 3940 4960 4960 3220 3220 3480 3552 3629 3806 3341 3565 3503 3600 3629 4186 3538 3565 3626 3892 3788 3801 4356 4155 3708 4763

44.4 32.0 44.7 44.7 46.0 48.6 41.8 45.5 45.5 50.0 45.0 44.7 44.7 33.6 46.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 51.1 46.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 45.0 60.0 45.0 45.5 41.8 44.4 60.0 66.0 60.0 54.0 61.9 61.0 60.0 58.0 68.6 68.6 68.6 68.6 54.0 44.0 59.0 53.0 61.9 52.0 60.0 60.0 54.0 62.0 65.2 58.0 61.0 60.0 60.0 57.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 63.0 65.2 65.2

0.38 0.31 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.46 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.37 0.47 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.45 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.49 0.49 0.48 n/s 0.41 n/s n/s 0.38 0.58 n/s 0.52 n/s n/s 0.54 0.46 n/s 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.55 n/s 0.49 n/s 0.50 0.50 0.52 n/s 0.45 0.40 n/s 0.54 0.49 n/s 0.50 n/s n/s n/s 0.50 0.40 0.46

3.30 2.79 2.78 2.78 2.97 3.08 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.41 3.02 2.93 2.93 3.00 2.97 2.95 2.95 2.96 2.96 3.10 7.66 3.08 5.41 5.41 3.12 3.09 2.93 3.00 3.14 3.10 3.11 3.09 3.12 3.11 3.13 3.12 3.08 3.06 2.95 2.95 2.96 2.96 2.50 2.50 3.06 8.29 3.14 3.23 3.11 3.12 3.27 3.26 3.10 3.27 3.15 8.29 8.29 3.28 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.28 3.10 3.10

n/s 12.4 19.4 19.4 20.1 29.0 14.2 14.2 14.2 n/s 23.0 19.4 19.4 18.7 24.4 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 22.4 n/s 29.2 n/s n/s 25.8 n/s 25.8 15.8 21.8 n/s 25.8 n/s 25.8 29.1 31.1 26.3 28.7 n/s 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 26.8 26.8 n/s n/s 31.1 33.2 25.0 25.0 30.4 24.0 n/s 24.6 26.3 n/s n/s 46.5 31.8 30.4 26.7 51.4 n/s n/s

12 n/s 11 11 n/s 11 11 11 11 12 14 11 11 16 11 18 18 10 10 16 12 11 13 13 12 19 20 11 12 12 20 19 12 19 20 n/s 10 18 18 18 10 10 18 18 18 11 20 18 20 12 20 16 20 10 n/s 12 12 19 19 20 10 18 20 20

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JCB Foredil Eurocomach Eurocomach Foredil JCB Eurocomach Bumar Fiori Eurocomach JCB Foredil Fiori Foredil Eurocomach Komatsu JCB Eurocomach JCB Terex Terex Foredil New Holland Foredil Komatsu Komatsu Komatsu Terex Volvo Volvo Bumar Komatsu New Holland Terex JCB Komatsu Case Case Foredil Hydrema Liugong New Holland JCB Terex Hydrema JCB New Holland Case JCB Hydrema Haulotte Haulotte Haulotte Caterpillar Caterpillar Hydrema Caterpillar Caterpillar Caterpillar Caterpillar Caterpillar Caterpillar Caterpillar

MINI CX 1.13 E-215K E-225K 5.13c 1CX E-235K L072 TA450 E-245K MIDI CX 10.13c TA700 20.13c E-265 WB70A 2CXS E-295 2CX TX760B TX860B 30.13cLX LB75B 40.13cLX WB91R-2 WB93R-2 WB97R-2 TX870B BL70 (centre-p) BL71 (s-shift) 726 WB97S-2 LB90 TX970B 3CX WB98A 580 Super R 590 Super R 40.13c 906C series 2 CLG766 LB115B 3CX SUPER SMB2041 908C Series 2 4CX LB110 695 Super R 4CX SUPER 926C MJX 950 MJX 970 MJX 990 428E 422E 928C Series 2 434E 442E 444E 432E 434E 442E 444E

Max Operating Drive & Weight Steering (kg) (#WDx#WS) 1530 1560 1560 1900 2650 2790 2900 3050 3100 3430 3763 4580 4850 5200 5400 5650 5774 6150 6354 6887 7241 7300 7400 7500 7500 7500 7550 7721 7800 7800 8000 8000 8000 8029 8070 8100 8140 8180 8200 8200 8300 8400 8425 8500 8600 8660 8700 8800 8880 9500 10000 10000 10000 10200 10200 10500 10700 10700 10700 10700 10700 10700 10700

2WDx2WS Artic Artic Artic Artic Skid Artic 4x2 Artic Artic 4WDx4WS Artic Artic Artic Artic Artic 4WDx4WS Artic 4WDx4WS n/s n/s Artic 4x4x4 Artic n/s n/s n/s n/s 4x4/2 4x4/2 4x2 n/s 4x4x4 n/s 4WDx2WS Artic 2/4x4 2/4x4 Artic Artic 2WDx2WS/4WDx2WS 4x4x4 4WDx4WS 4x4 Artic 4WDx4WS 4x4x4 2/4x4 4WDx4WS Artic 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 Ax2 Artic 4x4 4x4x4 4x4x4 Ax2 AxA AxA AxA

Engine Power (kW) 15.1 17.7 17.7 17.7 24.4 37.3 33.7 24.6 31 36.7 38 42.3 47 42 52 52 55.9 67 55.9 64.3 70.3 67 63 85 61.5 73 73 70.3 70 70 54 73 69 70.3 68.6 72 71 82 85 75 52 80 74.2 59 75 74.2 77 82 74.2 91 68 68 68 67 57 91 67 73 73 69 75 75 75

Max. Bucket Capacity (m3) Front Back 0.25 0.17 0.17 0.2 0.35 0.28 0.42 1 0.5 0.45 0.45 0.6 0.72 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.6 n/s n/s 1 n/s 1.2 1.03 1.03 1.03 n/s n/s n/s 1.1 1.1 n/s n/s 1.1 1.02 1 1 1.2 1.3 1 1.33 1.3 0.85 4 1.3 n/s 1 1.3 4.7 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1 1.6 0.76 0.76 0.76 1 1.15 1 1.3

0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.06 n/s 0.03 0.16 n/s n/s 0.11 0.04 n/s 0.16 0.04 0.16 n/s n/s 0.25 0.21 0.28 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 0.2 n/s 0.21 n/s 0.48 n/s 0.45 0.45 0.28 0.32 0.21 n/s 0.48 0.27 1.65 0.48 0.21 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.38 0.38 1.7 n/s n/s n/s 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38

Max Load Max Dig Height Depth (m) (m) 2.02 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.78 2.51 2.62 2.3 2.7 2.42 2.8 2.6 3 3.23 2.53 n/s 2.99 2.55 2.99 4.2 4.2 3.32 n/s 3.39 n/s n/s n/s 4.3 n/s n/s 2.6 n/s n/s 4.3 3.23 n/s 3.46 3.46 3.39 2.84 3.8 2.69 3.21 3.32 2.84 3.21 n/s 3.52 3.21 2.845 4.3 4.3 4.3 2.6 3.34 2.845 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.34 3.44 3.34 3.49

2.54 2.2 2.2 2.35 2.5 2.55 2.85 1.45 2.8 3 3.05 3.1 3.6 3.1 3.3 n/s 3.66 3.7 3.05 5.9 5.86 5 n/s 4.7 n/s n/s n/s 6.2 4.25 4.25 4.2 n/s n/s 6.2 5.46 n/s 5.8 5.8 4.7 6.2 4.24 4.61 5.88 3.72 6.5 5.88 n/s 5.9 6.51 6.25 4.1 4.1 4.1 5.97 4.83 6.3 6.03 6.54 6.56 4.84 4.93 5.24 5.26


Dig Force Max Travel @ Bucket (kN) Speed Front Back (km/hr) 16 20 n/s n/s 27 23 n/s n/s 30 n/s 25.9 32.3 43 39.2 n/s n/s 35.3 n/s 35.3 n/s n/s 71.5 n/s 73.5 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 62 n/s n/s n/s 64 n/s 66.5 66.5 73.5 66.3 n/s 60.3 64.6 49.5 66.3 64.6 n/s 74 64.6 73 51 51 51 46.3 39 73 46.3 46.3 46.3 51 54 51 64

12.8 13 17 18 20 21.5 26 15.6 n/s 27.5 26 32.3 n/s 38.2 41.5 n/s 41.2 43 41.2 n/s n/s 54.9 n/s 59.8 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s 55.1 n/s n/s n/s 62 n/s 56 56 59.8 53 n/s 54.7 62 34.3 53 62 n/s 56 62.3 55 50 50 50 51.8 52 55 51.8 51.8 51.8 57 57 71 71

10 18 20 20 20 11 21 20 24 23.5 28 27 30 27 38 39 34.3 40 34.3 36.9 36.9 33 n/s 33 40 40 40 40.6 n/s n/s 29 40 n/s 41.6 38.3 36 39 39 33 38 n/s 36 38.3 20 38 38.3 n/s 41 38.3 38 30 30 30 40 40 38 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

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LOADERS wheeled Manufacturer Avant Tecno Avant Tecno Avant Tecno Avant Tecno Avant Tecno Avant Tecno Avant Tecno Eurodig Ammann Yanmar Gehl Gehl Kramer Gehl TCM Kubota Gehl F Weyhausen TCM F Weyhausen Gehl Terex Yanmar Co Ltd Ammann Yanmar Fiori TCM Kramer Kubota Yanmar Co Ltd Ammann Yanmar Paus Terex Kramer Kubota Terex Ahlmann Case Volvo Terex Fiori Kramer Gehl Gehl Paus F Weyhausen JCB Volvo Komatsu Fiori F Weyhausen JCB Komatsu Foredil Gehl Case TCM Kawasaki Hydrema JCB Liebherr Liebherr JCB Weimar Liugong Kramer


513 514 520 520+ 523+ 528+ 530+ MiniLoad 600 V1-1 KL 158 KL 168 180 KL 178 803 R310 alpha KL 278 AR 35 804 AR 35 Super KL 398 SCL515 V3-5 V3-3 AL450 805 280 R420 alpha V4-5A V4-3 RL552 TL60 380 R520 alpha TL65 AS 50 21E L20B TL70s AL550 480 KL 498 KL 498 Turbo RL652 AGT 407 ZX L25B WA70-5 AL700 AR 65 Super 408 ZX WA65-5 23.08 KL 498 Tele 121E L13-3 45ZIV WL 480C 406 L506 Stereo L507 Stereo 409 ZX WL470 ZL15CII 580

Engine Power (kW) 10 10 14 14 14 21 21 12 9 19.7 24.4 23 24.4 16 18 35.7 25 21 29 35.7 37 21.3 21 31 27 29 29 27.2 27 28 37 40 33 37 29 40 41 44 43 44 35.7 56 42 60 50.2 45 45 47 51 50.2 40 54 56 44 n/s 43 58 41.5 44 46 50.2 40 45 52

Maximum Maximum Maximum Operating Bucket Capacity Load Height Weight (kg) (m3) (m) 320 320 420 450 450 550 550 720 1100 1360 1840 1860 1900 1930 2140 2420 2500 2650 2875 2985 3039 3075 3080 3100 3180 3200 3200 3485 3520 3600 3900 4000 4100 4100 4160 4249 4300 4491 4500 4500 4560 4560 4700 4700 4710 4800 4800 4800 4800 4840 4890 4900 4900 4921 5000 5000 5000 5082 5160 5220 5250 5300 5300 5300

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 n/s 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.26 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.1 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 1 1.2 0.65 1 0.5 0.7 1.2 1 0.6 1.4 1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.5 1.25 0.7 0.8 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 2 2 0.9 0.8 0.78 1.6

2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2 1.7 2.72 2.8 2.4 2.84 1.9 2.4 2.93 n/s 2.2 n/s 2.91 n/s 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.5 2.8 2.8 2.4 2.4 3 3.1 2.9 3.3 3.1 2.5 3.2 3.12 n/s 3 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 n/s 2.9 3.1 3.14 3 n/s 2.9 3.12 3.2 5 3.3 2.4 4 2.53 2.9 2.5 2.5 2.9 2.5 2.36 3.1

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr)

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 n/s 16.8 n/s n/s n/s n/s 22.5 16.5 n/s 24.3 26.5 24.3 n/s n/s 22.6 24.7 30 35.4 n/s 29.2 25.5 30 32 n/s n/s 33.1 n/s 35 54.5 35 n/s 42 n/s n/s n/s 56 51.6 46.1 37 36.4 42 51.6 46.1 37.1 42 n/s 59.4 n/s 44.1 51 41.9 30 31 48.2 59 54 n/s

10 10 11 14 14 14 18 9 10 15 13 20 15 15 14 15 n/s 15 n/s 20 n/s n/s 17.5 24 15 20 20 n/s 17.5 20 17.7 20 20 36 30 20 20 n/s 25 20 20 20 20 n/s 20 20 20 25 n/s 20 20 28 20 35 n/s 33 30 20 20 20 30 20 26 20

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15/05/2008 15:07:47

LOADERS Manufacturer

Paus Terex Kramer Case Liebherr Volvo JCB Weimar F Weyhausen Hydrema Komatsu Caterpillar Komatsu Ahlmann Case F Weyhausen Weimar Liugong Caterpillar Paus Terex F Weyhausen Komatsu Liebherr John Deere John Deere Ahlmann Paus Paus Volvo Liebherr Caterpillar F Weyhausen Foredil Kawasaki Paus TCM Terex Ahlmann Komatsu Dressta Kramer Changlin Liebherr John Deere Komatsu F Weyhausen Caterpillar Foredil JCB F Weyhausen Kawasaki Volvo Caterpillar Doosan Dressta Terex Sandvik JCB JCB Volvo Paus Hydrema Sandvik


RL852 TL80 680 221E L508 Stereo L30B Pro 2CXL WL520 AR 75 WL 550C WA90-3 906H WA80-5 AS 70 321E AR 80 WL580 ZL18A 907H RL652SL TL100 AR 75 S WA95-3 L509 Stereo 244J 304J AS 90 RL852TL RL752SL L35B Pro L510 Stereo 908H AR 85 23.12 50ZIV RL852TSL L16-3 TL120 AS 90 - tele WA115PT-3 510E 880 ZL75H L514 344H WA150-5 AR 95 914G 23.14 TM 300 AR 95 Super 60ZIV L40B IT14G DL160 515E TXL 160-1 Toro 151 (u-grnd) 411 HT 411 HL L45B RL1252SL 900 MPV (tele) Toro 151E (u-grnd)

Engine Power (kW) 46 52 76 45 46 52 49 44 57 58 51.5 51 45 44 56 60 49 55 51 42 54 57 55 54 54 54 53.5 50 47 57 58 58 65 67 69 50 n/s 61.5 53.5 65 77 88 216 72 73 72 75 67 85 91 92 84 71 71 81 90 74 52 69 74 75 93 91 55

Maximum Maximum Maximum Operating Bucket Capacity Load Height Weight (kg) (m3) (m) 5400 5400 5400 5419 5480 5500 5524 5600 5600 5600 5610 5630 5640 5690 5750 5750 5800 5800 5810 5950 6000 6000 6020 6080 6080 6080 6130 6200 6250 6250 6250 6470 6700 6700 6730 6900 7000 7100 7220 7500 7500 7500 7500 7700 7700 7800 7900 7950 8050 8060 8100 8200 8400 8450 8500 8500 8600 8700 8774 8774 8900 9000 9200 9400

1.1 0.9 1.8 0.9 2 1.5 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.6 1.2 1.25 0.7 1 1 1 0.92 1.2 0.9 1.55 1 1.6 2 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.1 1 1.6 2 1.5 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.6 1.8 0.9 2.2 1.5 2.5 4.2 2.5 1.5 2.2 1.1 1.5 1.5 1 1.3 1.5 2 1.4 1.6 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.2 2.5 1.8 1.2 1.7

3.3 3.3 3.2 3.39 2.7 3.26 2.9 2.6 n/s 2.53 3.17 3.13 3.2 2.7 3.46 n/s 2.6 2.5 n/s 3 2.7 n/s 3.45 2.7 3.37 3.37 2.7 4.6 3 3.345 2.5 2.6 n/s 3.4 4.4 4.6 n/s 2.8 4.1 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.22 2.8 3.66 3.5 n/s 2.6 3.5 2.8 n/s 4.6 3.555 2.9 3.61 3.5 n/s 2.5 3.2 2.61 n/s 3.4 5 2.5

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN) 59 49 n/s 58.9 41 61 38.7 62 62.1 51 72.5 45.5 46.2 40 75 68 64 54 n/s 58 n/s 40 72.5 42 55 55 45 31 50 60.5 46 61 68 73.5 66.6 31 n/s n/s 44 73.3 80.6 n/s n/s 81 74 76 72 62.5 75 34 72 84.3 63 77 76.5 96.3 78 61 73.2 73 69 73.2 40 61

wheeled Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr) 20 36 20 35 20 20 31.5 20 n/s 30 30 20 20 35 35 n/s 20 32 n/s 20 36 n/s 20 20 29 29 40 25 20 30 20 20 n/s 33 34 25 35 36 30 35 36.7 20 n/s 30 29 39 n/s 35 33 n/s n/s 34 35 32 34.5 36.8 34.5 24 36.3 n/s 35 40 40 9.2

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 63

YB08 Loaders.indd 63

15/05/2008 15:08:01

LOADERS wheeled Manufacturer Volvo Hyundai Paus Hyundai Dressta Case Liebherr Kawasaki Abbey Equipment JCB JCB Doosan New Holland Komatsu Komatsu Liugong Ahlmann TCM Terex Caterpillar Hitachi Abbey Equipment Liugong Terex Hyundai Caterpillar Case Hyundai Case Liebherr Liebherr Volvo John Deere Komatsu New Holland John Deere Caterpillar New Holland Kawasaki Caterpillar Doosan Komatsu Liugong Hyundai TCM Terex Komatsu Case Volvo Terex Case Hyundai JCB JCB John Deere Terex Terex Hitachi Liugong New Holland New Holland JCB JCB Terex


L50E H730-7A RL1252 HL730TM-7A 520E 521D L524 65ZIV-2 444J Z-Bar 416 HT 416 SHL DL200 W110 WA200-5 WA200PT-5 ZL30E AS 150 L20-3 TXL 200-1 924Hz ZW140 444J Powerlell CLG835 TL120 HL740-7A 924H 621DXT HL740TM-7A 621D L534 L538 L60F 544J Z-Bar WA250PT-5 W130 544J Powerllel 928Hz W130 TC 70ZIV-2 930H DL250 WA250-5 CLG842 HL757-7A L27-3 SKL873 SP WA320-5 721DXT L70F TXL 250-2 721E HL757TM-7A 426 ZX 426E ZX 624J Z-Bar TL260 SKL260 ZW180 ZL40B W170 W170 TC 426 HT 426E HT SKL260H

Engine Power (kW) 73.9 93 93 93 106 82 80 97 86 90.5 93 103 82 92 92 92 98 n/s 118 97 96 86 92 119 104 97 98.4 108 101 100 100 115 108 101 110 108 112 110 127 112 125 101 123 129 n/s 103 124 124.8 125 127 137 129 106 113 123 129 129 128 125 145 145 106 113 129

Maximum Maximum Maximum Operating Bucket Capacity Load Height Weight (kg) (m3) (m) 9400 9700 10000 10000 10000 10066 10100 10220 10272 10308 10308 10520 10540 10750 10750 10800 10920 11000 11000 11020 11080 11148 11200 11340 11500 11730 11829 11850 11860 12100 12300 12300 12469 12500 12530 12531 12560 12690 12830 13170 13700 13800 13800 13800 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14110 14300 14320 14320 14375 14400 14400 14480 14500 14620 14700 14730 14730 14900

3.9 1.8 2.1 1.6 2.3 1.9 3 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.8 2.1 3.2 3.2 2 1.5 2 1.8 2.1 2.4 1.9 2 2 2.1 2.8 2.29 2.1 2.3 4 4 5 2.3 4 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.1 2.5 3.1 2.4 4 3 2.7 2.7 3.5 4.5 2.7 6.4 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.1 2.7 4.5 n/s 3.1 3 2.7 2.5 2.6 2.7 4.5

3.74 n/s 3.5 n/s 3.6 3.6 2.9 4.8 3.61 3.4 3.45 3.7 3.745 3.7 3.7 2.911 3.39 n/s n/s 4.81 n/s 3.66 2.91 n/s 5.07 3.81 3.97 n/s 3.8 2.9 2.9 4.31 3.84 3.96 3.84 3.86 n/s 3.965 5 n/s 3.7 3.8 2.9 5.25 n/s 4 3.91 4.16 4.45 n/s 4 n/s 3.6 3.6 3.96 n/s n/s n/s 2.81 3.98 4.16 3.6 3.6 n/s

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr)

66.4 n/s 104 n/s 120.2 82.5 98 101.9 80.5 100.4 101 103 90.6 110 110 92 80 n/s 105 100 n/s 65.7 93.5 n/s 116.5 96.8 105 n/s 105 135 135 82.9 100.8 121 104.45 95.1 120 112.65 134.2 n/s 132 128 125 124.74 n/s n/s 134 120 95.4 129 135 n/s 145 145 126.7 n/s n/s n/s 110 143 128.5 138 138 n/s

40 n/s 40 n/s 39.3 38 33 37 37.7 36.3 n/s 37 37.6 38 38 33 40 35 36 39 n/s 37.7 36 n/s 38.2 39 38.6 n/s 39 34 34 3.87 38.3 38 38.6 38.3 38 38.6 37 n/s 37 38 37 37 35 40 38 38 3.87 37 38 37 38.5 37.9 39.6 n/s n/s n/s 35 38 38 38.5 37.9 40

64 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Loaders.indd 64

15/05/2008 15:08:16

LOADERS Manufacturer

Liebherr John Deere Kawasaki Caterpillar Caterpillar Liugong JCB JCB Liugong Sandvik Sandvik Liugong JCB JCB Volvo Dressta Liugong Sandvik Liebherr Doosan Terex Liugong John Deere Case New Holland Hyundai Hitachi Komatsu Liugong Case John Deere Kawasaki TCM Dressta Komatsu Liugong Caterpillar TCM Volvo Caterpillar Hitachi Volvo Volvo Kawasaki Caterpillar Dressta JCB JCB New Holland Doosan Terex JCB JCB Liebherr Terex Sandvik Hyundai Komatsu John Deere Hitachi New Holland Liebherr Case Case


L544 (2+2) 624J Powerllel 80ZIV-2 938H IT38H CLG852 436 ZX 436E ZX ZL50C Toro 301DL (u-grnd) Toro 301Hi (u-grnd) CLG856 436 HT 436E HT L90F 530E ZL50CX Toro 006 (u-grnd) L554 (2+2) DL300 TXL 300-2 ZL50D 644J 821CXR W190 HL760-7A ZW220 WA380-5 CLG858 821E 724J 85ZIV-2 L32-3 534 WA400-5 CLG862 950H L35-3 L110E 962H ZW250 L120E L120E (L-B) 90ZIV-2 IT62H 555B 456 ZX 456E ZX W230 DL400 TXL 400-1 456 HT 456E HT L564 (2+2) TXL 400-2 Toro 400 (u-grnd) HL770-7A WA470-5 744J ZW310 W270 L574 (2+2) 921C 921CXR

Engine Power (kW) 121 123 138 134 134 154 123 123 162 102 112 158 123 123 129 145 154.5 142 145 162 169 158 138 140 150 162 164 140 166 159 160 170 n/s 152 154 179 147 n/s 155 158 179 164 164 203 158 225 147 154 168 196 224 147 154 183 231 158 209 195 198 220 202 195 202 198

Maximum Maximum Maximum Operating Bucket Capacity Load Height Weight (kg) (m3) (m) 15000 15211 15240 15260 15830 16200 16266 16266 16500 16600 16600 16800 16897 16897 17000 17000 17000 17200 17300 17300 17300 17500 17634 17795 17880 17900 17930 18000 18000 18193 18463 18930 19000 19000 19000 19000 19500 20000 20000 20000 20280 20600 20600 20870 21000 21000 21335 21335 21490 22000 22040 22079 22079 22450 22500 22800 23100 23200 23345 23450 23660 24220 24292 24410

6 2.7 2.9 3 3 4 2.6 2.7 4.5 3.3 3.3 4.5 2.6 2.7 7 3.2 4.5 3.3 6 2.9 2.98 4.5 3.4 5 3.5 3.1 3.5 4.5 3 3.45 3.6 3.2 3.2 3.5 5.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 9.5 3.8 3.8 9.5 9.5 3.7 3.25 4 3.5 3.5 4 3.9 3.9 3.5 3.5 8.5 3.9 4.6 5 6 4.4 4.5 4.6 8.5 4.3 4

2.9 4.01 5.3 2.7 2.8 3.02 3.7 3.7 2.97 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.7 3.7 4.62 4.2 2.97 3.2 3.1 4 n/s 2.97 4.14 4.27 4.07 5.54 n/s 4.08 3.1 4 4.14 5.4 n/s 4.2 4.1 3.2 2.9 n/s 4.03 3 n/s 4.11 4.62 5.6 n/s n/s 3.8 3.8 4.18 4.5 n/s 4 4 3.2 n/s 3.4 5.87 4.3 4.29 n/s 4.39 3.3 4.3 4.82

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN) 125 125 165.8 110 119 150 176 176 167 130 130 158 147 147 118.5 225 167 134 130 162 162 160 153 127.6 175 159.5 n/s 164.9 150 151 141 195.5 n/s n/s 162.4 198 154 n/s 156.3 147.1 n/s 149.3 181.4 222 149 n/s 172 172 192 219 220 161 161 185 220 200 207.6 180.5 198 n/s 215 190 217 220.2

wheeled Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr) 38 39.6 33.9 38.8 39 38 37.9 37.9 34 27 25 38 37.9 37.9 3.96 38.5 38 26 38 38.3 34.5 37 35.4 37.9 36.6 34.3 n/s 39.4 62 38 35.4 34 34.5 40 39.6 36 37 34.5 36.2 37 n/s 35.1 35.1 30 37 30 37.4 37.4 40 40 36.5 37 37.4 38 38 27 36.7 40.9 39.4 n/s 36.9 38 39 38.8

internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 65

YB08 Loaders.indd 65

15/05/2008 15:08:28

LOADERS wheeled Manufacturer Sandvik Liebherr TCM Caterpillar Komatsu TCM Volvo Volvo John Deere Sandvik Caterpillar Liugong Kawasaki Volvo Volvo Hyundai Case Komatsu Doosan Terex Caterpillar Sandvik Sandvik Volvo Volvo Sandvik Sandvik TCM Volvo Sandvik Dressta Liugong Kawasaki Komatsu TCM Caterpillar Volvo Volvo Volvo Sandvik Komatsu Sandvik Caterpillar Caterpillar Komatsu Komatsu Caterpillar Caterpillar Komatsu


Toro 400E (u-grnd) L580 (2+2) L40-3 966H WA480-5 L50 L150E L150E (L-B) 824J Toro 007 (u-grnd) 972H CLG888 95ZIV-2 L180E (L-B) L180E HL780-7A 1221E WA500-3 DL500 TXL 500-2 980H Toro 1250E (u-grnd) Toro 1250 (u-grnd) L220E L220E (L-B) Toro 1400 (u-grnd) Toro 1400E (u-grnd) L60 L180E High Lift Toro 0010 (u-grnd) 560C CLG899 115ZIV-2 WA600-3 L110 988H L330E L330E (L-B) L350F Toro 0011 (u-grnd) WA700-3 Toro 2500E (u-grnd) 990H 992G WA800-3 WA900-3 993K 994F WA1200-3

Engine Power (kW) 110 195 n/s 195 202 n/s 211 211 205 187 214 231 235 221 223 250 n/s 235 340 268 237 160 224 259 259 243 160 n/s 223 261 309 336 306 328 n/s 354 369 369 397 354 478 315 468 597 603 637 705 1176 1164

Maximum Maximum Maximum Operating Bucket Capacity Load Height Weight (kg) (m3) (m) 24500 24740 25000 25200 25650 26000 26000 26000 26025 26200 26500 28500 28710 29000 29000 29300 30000 30000 30600 30700 32000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33700 33850 34000 36000 39000 41500 42500 43040 46165 50000 50800 51000 52000 56000 56800 70800 76000 77840 94927 98300 101500 126440 195400 210200

4.6 5 4 4.25 6.2 5 12 12 5.2 5.4 4.7 4.5 4.8 14 14 7 n/s 5.5 4.8 4.8 5.7 6 6 14 14 6 6 6 n/s 6.4 6.5 5.4 6 11 11 6.9 13.5 12.7 12.7 10.7 10.5 10 9.2 12.3 13 13 14.5 36 20

3.4 3.3 n/s 3.1 4.5 n/s 4.35 4.92 4.52 3.6 3.2 3.3 6 4.98 4.48 6.16 n/s 4.5 4.58 n/s 3.3 4.1 4.1 4.68 5.05 4.1 4.1 n/s 8.49 4.6 5.3 3.725 6 n/s n/s 3.4 3.7 4 5.81 4.8 n/s 5.2 3.95 6.94 n/s n/s n/s 8.16 n/s

Dig Force @ Bucket (kN)

Maximum Travel Speed (km/hr)

204 175 n/s 196.1 185 n/s 178.1 178.1 191 184 228 260 262.6 204.9 204.9 248.2 n/s 260.9 225 273 233 275 275 222.9 222.9 275 275 n/s n/s 343 296 450 n/s n/s n/s 368 500 550 473 378 n/s 540 583.6 652 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s

12 38 34 37.2 35.8 33 39.4 39.4 39.4 26.5 36.9 35 34 37.3 37.3 34 n/s 36.1 35 35 37.4 21 28.2 32.8 32.8 26 20.2 30 37.3 27 32.5 36.8 n/s n/s 30 35.1 31.1 31.1 38.2 25.5 n/s 16 22.4 19.9 n/s n/s n/s 22.5 n/s

66 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Loaders.indd 66

15/05/2008 15:10:19

Experience the Progress. HC-L cranes from Liebherr. • Horizontal load movement, electronically controlled • Safe climbing inside buildings • Use in extremely restricted areas and on particularly high buildings • Economical high-performance drives

Liebherr-Export AG General-Guisanstraße 14 CH-5415 Nussbaumen, Switzerland Phone: +41 56-296 1111 Fax: +41 56-296 3900

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The Group 15/05/2008 12:41:15

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15/05/2008 12:46:11


yellow BOOK 08 0 8

mini excavators ors trac tracked excavators vato wheeled e excavators trenchers chers break crushers rushe hers concrete nc crushers ers dem demolition tion shearss m multi processors skid steer backhoe ba e loaders lo loa oa wheeled loaders rs site dum dumpers mpe articulated dump trucks frame ame haulers hau ule s gra graders dozers single drum rum um m rro rollers ol tandem rollers pneuma rollers ers asphalt sphalt a pavers vers concrete paver pavers milling ng mach machines truck cranes anes tel crawler cranes cra e top sslewing win wing ng tow tower cranes luffing in jib tower owe er crane cranes all-terr ccranes cra r rough ough h terrain mob mobile m e cr cranes es trailer pum pumps um mps p placing boom booms pumps compressors com mp mpre pressors rs automatic levels leve vels llase laser levels the theodolites total stations tion selftelescopic scop sco opic pic boom lifts self-propelled elled ed a articulating ticul boom lifts scissor lifts ifts p hoists oists fixed fix xed d crushers ccr mobile crushers usherss sc ni excava va t tracked excavators excava e vat ators w ato wheeled heeled excavator bi-crush


site du dumpers




rigid gid frame


internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008 69

YB08 Haulers.indd 69

15/05/2008 15:18:31

HAULERS site dumpers wheeled w Manufacturer Ausa Ausa Messersi Gehl JCB Avant Tecno Gehl Yanmar Kubota JCB Neuson Volvo Messersi Messersi Gehl Gehl JCB Yanmar Yanmar Terex Fiori Fiori Ausa Fiori Fiori Kubota Multi Marque Winget Thwaites Thwaites Terex Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Terex Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Multi Marque Merlo Merlo Messersi Messersi Multi Marque Winget Yanmar Thwaites Thwaites Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Ausa Gehl Merlo Merlo


25 CM 40 CM CH-1/HI (tracked) RD 8 HX HTD5 Dumper 800 RD 6 C6R KC51 D TD7 LS750 ED750 CH-2 (tracked) CH-2/R (tracked) RD 8 RD 8 H TD10 C10W C10R HD850 D25 PX NPX 108 DAx4 ABX AC Slim ABX RF Slim KC110 HR Liner RR1000 2B1000 AD1T HT Hydro AD1T PS Hydro HD1000 108 DA 108 DGx4 108 DG 108 DH 108 DHx4 HD1200 120 DG 120 DGx4 120 DA 120 DAx4 120 DH 120 DHx4 Liner RR1300 DM1000 DM2500 TCH-15/C (tracked) TCH-15/MTP (tracked) Liner RR1500 2B1500 C20R AD1.5 T HS ADT 1.5 T HS Hydro 150 DG 150 DGx4 150 DA 150 DAx4 150 DF 150 DHx4 150 DH 150 DF RD 15 DM3500 DM2000

Body Payload (kg) 250 400 500 500 500 530 550 600 700 710 750 750 800 800 800 800 800 850 850 850 870 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1300 1400 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1550 1700 1700

Unladen Weight (kg)

Body Capacity (m3)

Load Over Height (m)

Drive Config (#x#)

150 185 275 610 475 n/s 274 480 450 540 1070 960 500 570 570 570 570 720 745 1410 1670 1750 1150 1800 1600 910 910 860 1190 1225 1440 1150 1100 1100 800 800 1485 1100 1100 1150 1150 800 800 990 900 1000 1110 1220 1200 940 1670 1925 2035 1200 1200 1250 1250 1050 900 900 1050 1100 1200 1000

0.16 0.19 0.32 n/s n/s n/s n/s 0.26 0.32 n/s 0.47 0.47 0.32 0.32 n/s n/s n/s 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.65 0.65 0.75 1 1 0.5 0.77 0.72 0.5 0.58 0.58 0.75 0.66 0.66 0.58 0.58 0.73 0.66 0.66 0.8 0.8 0.65 0.65 0.85 n/s n/s 0.69 0.8 1.01 0.97 0.79 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.85 1.1 1.1 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 n/s n/s n/s

0.42 0.2 n/s n/s 1.45 n/s n/s 0.7 1.15 0.5 1.64 1.76 n/s n/s n/s n/s 0.5 0.92 0.9 1.175 1.54 1.54 1.03 1.43 1.43 1.2 1.25 1 1.9 n/s 1.175 1.03 1.05 1.05 0.6 0.6 1.175 1.05 1.05 1.73 1.73 0.6 0.6 1.25 n/s n/s n/s n/s 1.3 1.17 1.15 1.83 1.83 1.07 1.07 1.05 1.75 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 n/s n/s n/s

T T T n/s T 4x4 n/s T T T 4x4 4x4 T T n/s n/s T n/s T 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 T 4x2 4x2 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x4 T T 4x2 4x2 T 4x4 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x4 n/s 4x4 4x4

Engine Maximum Power Travel Speed (kW) (km/hr) 3 4 4 9.6 4.4 n/s 4 5 4 7 13 9 6 15 9.6 9.6 10 7 7 16.4 22 19 10 20 20 7 10 7 15.9 15.9 16.4 10 10 10 10 10 16.4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 28 56 14 14 16 7 12 21.1 22.6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13.5 56 32

3 4 4 4 4 6 4.2 3 6 3.4 12 14 4 4 4 4 3.4 8 6 11 20 20 21 20 20 6 18 15 12 12 11 21 21 21 21 21 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 18 25 25 8 8 17 16 10 18 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 7.5 25 25

70 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

YB08 Haulers.indd 70

15/05/2008 15:18:52

HAULERS Manufacturer

Ausa Ausa Neuson Messersi Messersi Messersi Messersi Multi Marque Multi Marque Winget Winget Winget Thwaites Thwaites Terex Terex Ausa Ausa Ausa Barford Yanmar Dieci Fiori Fiori Neuson Thwaites Fiori Fiori Fiori Kubota Multi Marque Winget Winget Winget Gehl Neuson Multi Marque Thwaites Thwaites Winget Winget Thwaites Thwaites Terex Terex Barford Barford Neuson Thwaites Yanmar Terex Fiori Metalgalante Thwaites Thwaites Winget Winget Terex Terex Barford Barford Neuson Thwaites Neuson


175 RMS 175 RMSx4 LS2000 DBT 900 DBT2 900 DBF 900 DBF2 900 Liner 2000SB Hydro Liner 2000SB 4B2000 4S2000 2B2000 AD 2T FT AD2 T PS PT2000 PS2000 200 RMA-RHA 200 RM-RH 200 RMG-RHG SX2000 C30R 1000/1200 D25 RT D25 AC LS2300 AD2.3 T PS Hydro ABX AC ABX RT ABX RF KC250 HR Liner 2550SB 4S2500 4S2500RS 4B2500 IC 30 LS2700 Liner 3000SB AD 3Tonne FT AD 3Tonne PS 4S3000 4B3000 AD3 T HS AD3T HS Hydro PT3000 PS3000 SX3000 SXR3000 R-Skip LS3500 AD 3.5Tonne PS Hydro C50R PS3500H D40 D5000 AD 4Tonne PS AD 4Tonne FT 4S4000 4S4000M PT4000H PS4000H SX4000 SXR4000 R-Skip LS4500 AD 4.5Tonne PS Hydro LS5000

Body Payload (kg) 1750 1750 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2200 2200 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2400 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2700 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3500 3500 3500 3500 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4500 4500 5000

Unladen Weight (kg)

Body Capacity (m3)

Load Over Height (m)

Drive Config (#x#)

1400 1400 1500 1100 1100 1100 1000 3600 1600 1740 1930 1150 1835 1725 2050 2320 2130 1970 1970 1960 1990 2000 2020 2270 2020 1935 1900 1700 1600 2350 2100 2010 2340 2230 2100 2030 5260 2405 2260 2045 2340 2435 2820 2260 2550 2280 2340 2290 2645 4600 2380 3200 5100 2415 2335 3550 2425 2520 2840 2770 2870 3100 2745 3600

1.04 1.04 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.36 1.5 1.55 1.4 1.24 1.2 1.72 1.44 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.55 1.14 1.2 1.45 1.45 1.3 1.2 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.25 1.95 1.82 1.4 1.75 n/s 1.5 2.07 1.96 1.87 1.98 2.3 1.76 1.76 1.95 1.87 2.03 1.81 1.9 1.87 2.17 1.87 2.7 6.2 2.34 2.16 2.55 2.55 2.64 2.5 2.4 2.43 2.5 2.34 3

0.6 0.6 1.85 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.33 1.33 1.36 n/s n/s 1.27 1.27 1.33 1.02 1.13 1.31 1.2 1.54 1.44 1.43 1.8 n/s 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.46 1.25 n/s 1.81 1.4 1.51 1.6 1.45 1.4 2 2 1.43 1.5 1.45 1.59 1.85 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.7 n/s 1.71 1.6 1.67 1.58 1.46 1.6 1.56 1.73 2 1.71 2.02

4x2 4x4 4x4 4x4 2x4 4x4 2x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x2 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 T 4x2 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 T 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 n/s 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 T 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4

site dumpers Engine Maximum Power Travel Speed (kW) (km/hr) 10 10 18 11 11 11 11 22 16 19 18 11 21.1 21.1 24.5 24.5 16 16 16 20 17 14 22 22 25 22.6 19 19 19 10 19 18 18 22 24 25 26 31 31 24 22 31.2 33.4 32.4 32.4 28 28 34 34 73 28.8 32 67 34 34 59 38 28.8 28.8 36 36 42 35 56

22 22 18 20 20 20 20 18 18 19 15 16 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 18 11 21 20 20 18 22 20 20 20 7 16 16 16 16 6 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 24 19 19 19 19 18 24 10 18 20 20 20 20 23 19 18 18 21 21 24 24 25

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HAULERS site dumpers Manufacturer Thwaites Thwaites Winget Winget Terex Terex Barford Barford Dieci Neuson Thwaites Thwaites Winget Yanmar Terex Terex Terex Terex Barford Fiori Thwaites Winget Terex Barford Dieci Thwaites Terex Dieci Fiori Winget Terex Thwaites


Body Payload (kg)

AD 5Tonne FT AD 5Tonne PS 4S5000RS 4S5000 PT5000 PS5000 SXR5000 R-Skip SX5000 2500/3200 LS6000 AD 6Tonne FT AD 6Tonne PS 4S6000 C80R PT6000 PS6000 PS6-AWS PT6-AWS SX6000 D65 AD 7Tonne FT 4S7000 PT7000 SX7000 3500/4300 AD 9Tonne FT PT9000 4200/5300 D90 ADT10 PT10000 AD10T FT

5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5500 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6500 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 9000 9000 9000 10000 10000 10000 10000

Unladen Weight (kg)

Body Capacity (m3)

Load Over Height (m)

Drive Config (#x#)

3905 4145 3985 3685 3880 4000 3900 3650 5500 3460 4155 4255 3825 8240 4110 4270 4340 4000 4007 4000 4205 3985 4170 4140 7000 4645 4880 6000 5000 6960 5300 4760

3.3 3 2.8 2.91 3.1 2.91 3.05 2.94 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.15 3.4 3.98 3.78 3.52 n/s n/s 3.4 3.7 3.64 3.68 3.85 3.82 4.3 4.6 4.95 5.3 5 5.6 5.05 4.11

1.67 1.79 1.79 1.67 1.5 1.69 1.74 1.7 1.74 2.32 2 1.84 1.79 1.7 1.63 1.76 n/s n/s 1.77 2 1.8 1.81 1.63 1.8 1.94 2 1.72 1.93 2.25 2.15 1.76 1.74

4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 T 4x4 4x4 n/s n/s 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4

Engine Maximum Power Travel Speed (kW) (km/hr) 61.5 61.5 59 59 60 60 57 57 38 56 61.5 61.5 59 120 60 60 61.5 61.5 57 56 75 79 60 67 44 75 74.5 74 80 75 74.5 97

24 24 25 23 25 25 25 25 21 25 27 27 25 10 27 27 28 28 26 25 27 25 27 26 23 29 28 23 31 39 28 28.6

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72 internationalconstruction’s yellow book 2008

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HAULERS Manufacturer


Body Payload (kg)

Hydrema Hydrema Winget JCB Thwaites JCB Bell Bell JCB Moxy New Holland Case Terex Bell Hitachi Moxy Caterpillar Anglo-American Volvo Terex Case Komatsu New Holland Bell Hitachi Anglo-American Moxy Terex Volvo Caterpillar Caterpillar Case Komatsu Bell Hitachi Volvo Caterpillar Moxy Terex Kiruna Truck (Gia) Bell Case Sandvik Komatsu Bell Hitachi Volvo Moxy Caterpillar Caterpillar Terex Sandvik Sandvik Bell Hitachi Sandvik Sandvik

912C 912C MT ADT10 714 TD18 718 B20D B20D 722 MT25 AD250 325 TA25 B25D AH250-D MT26 725 RXD24 A25D TA27 330 HM300-1 AD300 B30D AH300-D RXD28 MT31 TA30 A30D 730 Ejector 730 335 HM350-1 B35D AH350-D A35D 735 MT36-II TA35 K250 B40D 340 35D HM400-1 B40D AH400-D A40D MT41 740 Ejector 740 TA40 40 (u-grnd) 40D B50D AH500-D 50 (u-grnd) 50D

10000 10000 10000 13000 16000 16330 18000 18000 20043 22600 22950 23000 23000 23200 23200 23500 23600 24000 24000 25000 27000 27000 27000 27300 27300 28000 28000 28000 28000 28100 28100 31000 32300 32500 32500 32500 32700 32700 34000 35000 36000 36000 36000 36500 37000 37000 37000 37200 38000 38000 38000 40000 40000 45400 45400 50000 50000

Unladen Heaped Body Load Weight Capacity Over Height (kg) (m3) (m) 6860 7300 6960 10140 28020 12450 14350 14800 15760 20950 17500 18000 20340 17500 17500 22000 22260 16900 15770 21900 19200 18000 19200 18000 18000 17100 22650 22420 21500 25604 22450 21000 26000 26700 26725 28300 30250 26500 29279 22500 28800 24000 25300 29000 28700 28850 31270 29200 35610 31700 30820 30700 28500 36090 36153 32500 30800

5.6 5.6 5.6 7.35 9.5 9.6 11 11 12 13 n/s 13 13.5 13.8 13.8 14.1 14.3 14.6 15 15.5 16 16.6 n/s 16.5 16.5 17 16.8 17.5 17.5 16.5 16.5 20 19.8 20 20 20 19.2 21.5 21 21 22.5 22 16.5 22.3 22.5 22.5 22.5 23.7 21.9 21.9 23.3 22 18 28.2 28.2 28 20

2.2 2.2 2.15 2.27 2.53 2.38 2.36 2.62 2.6 2.75 n/s n/s 2.99 2.68 n/s 2.86 2.76 n/s 2.78 3.1 n/s n/s n/s 2.72 n/s n/s 2.95 3.33 2.85 2.89 2.89 n/s n/s 3.03 n/s 2.9 2.92 3.07 3.5 n/s 3.06 n/s 2.37 n/s 3.18 n/s 3.07 3.19 3.175 3.175 3.5 n/s 2.49 3.39 n/s n/s 2.67

Drive Config (#x#) 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 6x4 6x6 6x6 6x6 n/s n/s 6x6 6x6 n/s 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6/4 6x6 n/s n/s n/s 6x6 n/s 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6/4 6x6 6x6 n/s n/s 6x6 n/s 6x6/4 6x6 6x6 6x6 4x2/4 6x4 n/s 4x4 n/s 6x6 n/s 6x6/4 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 4x4 4x4 6x6 n/s 4x4 4x4


Engine Maximum Power Travel Speed (kW) (km/hr) 91 91 75 112 120 132 170 170 194 234 194 194 224 198 198 234 225 187 228 272 235 242 224 198 198 187 250 287 242 237 237 300 290 283 283 289 290 294 298 242 315 340 240 321 308 308 313 330 325 325 336 354 335 340 380 392 354

38 38 39 40 45 50 65 60 50 46 n/s 45 52 53 53 51 56.78 53 53 50 45 n/s n/s 53 53 48 51 50 53 55.3 55.3 45 n/s 54 54.4 56 58.28 55 54 48 63 45 23 n/s 42 52 55 53 54.69 54.69 60 45 40 48.2 52.3 35 40

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HAULERS rigid framed wheeled w Manufacturer Anglo-American Case Hitachi Anglo-American Terex Caterpillar Anglo-American Komatsu Anglo-American Komatsu Perlini Terex Caterpillar Anglo-American Anglo-American Case Terex Perlini Caterpillar Terex Komatsu Anglo-American Komatsu Caterpillar Hitachi Perlini Terex Hitachi Terex Caterpillar Komatsu Perlini Komatsu Terex Caterpillar Terex Terex Hitachi Terex Caterpillar Liebherr Caterpillar Liebherr Terex Hitachi Liebherr Terex Caterpillar Liebherr


Body Maximum Body Payload Travel Speed Capacity (kg) (km/hr) (m3)

RD30 RD28 EH5000 RD35 TR35 770 RD40 HD325-6 RD44 HD405-6 DP 405 TR45 772 RD50 RD55 RD50 Payhauler 350C DP 605 773F TR60 HD465-7 RD65 HD605-7 775F EH1100-3 DP 705 TR70 EH1700 TR100 777F HD785-5 DP 905 HD985-5 MT 3000 785C MT 3300 MT 3600B EH3500 MT 3700B 789C T 252 793D T 262 MT 4400 EH4500-2 TI 272 MT 5500 797B T 282

27200 28000 28400 31500 31800 36000 36500 36500 40000 40000 40000 41000 45000 45500 50000 50000 50000 53000 54400 55000 55000 59000 63000 64000 64900 65000 65000 88600 91000 91000 91000 95000 105000 109000 136000 136000 154000 171000 172000 177000 181000 218000 218000 236000 254000 290000 309000 326530 364000

n/s n/s 66.9 n/s 59 75 n/s 70 n/s 70 63 65 79 n/s n/s n/s 48 57 68 58 70 n/s 70 68 57.9 59 57 61.6 49 60.4 65 60 70 63 54 66 70 55.7 67 54 51 54 51 58 66.9 64 65 68 64

17.3 n/s 196.1 19.5 15.3 16.4 24.5 24 26.5 27.3 26 26 23.3 30.5 35 n/s n/s 34.6 35.2 26 34.2 38 40 41.2 38.7 42 41.5 60.3 41.6 60.1 60 61 64 70 78.2 87 98 115.1 111 105 107.8 129 119 139 159 175 194 220 183.5

Load Over Height (m)

Drive Config (#x#)

Engine Power (kW)

3.4 n/s n/s 3.8 3.9 3.12 3.8 3.2 3.3 3.42 n/s 3.4 3.5 4.4 4.2 n/s 4.4 n/s 3.78 4.4 3.6 4.3 3.8 3.91 n/s n/s 3.8 n/s 4.7 4.38 4.2 n/s 4.54 4.9 5 5.4 5.4 n/s 5.8 5.2 5.6 5.9 5.9 6.2 n/s 6.2 6.4 7 6.5

4x2 n/s n/s 4x2 4x4 n/s 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 n/s 4x2 4x2 n/s 8x8 4x2 4x2 4x4 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 n/s 4x2 4x2 n/s 4x4 4x2 4x2 4x2 4X2 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 n/s 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2 n/s 4x2 4x2 4x2 4x2

231 n/s 2014 298 298 355 336 364 377 364 398 392 399 445 484 n/s 473 567 524 522 533 522 533 552 391 567 567 895 783 700 753 783 753 894 1005 1118 1342 1510 1492 1335 1510 1743 1864 1865 2014 2014 2088 2513 2050

Unladen Weight (kg) 21000 19000 n/s 23000 23725 34212 30500 30000 31000 31000 29800 36960 35450 41500 42900 40000 43000 38900 46300 41250 42000 44500 43000 45000 n/s 43500 47690 n/s 67000 72393 64000 63000 90000 97000 95730 105000 116000 n/s 130000 121525 129275 144650 152000 156000 n/s 151500 201000 230660 203300

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15/05/2008 15:21:47

THE POWER OF TEN The PT10000 site dumper from Terex The mighty PT10000 is the flagship of the World’s leading site dumper range. The PT10000 is a TRUE ten-tonner, with the highest heaped capacity in class, class-leading visibility and superior service access. Your business deserves the best - now you can own it.

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TEREX Construction Prologis Park, Coventry CV6 4BX Phone +44 (0) 2476 339400 © Terex Corporation 2007 – Terex is a registered trademark of Terex Corporation in the United States of America and many other countries.

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16/05/2008 11:40:02


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