The Word of Thoth - A Smite Mechanics Guide

January 9, 2017 | Author: Flareb00t | Category: N/A
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The Word of Thoth: A Smite Mechanics and Formulae Guide Season 4 Edition Patch 4.8: Happy Trees

Contents 1 Basic Mechanics 1.1 Protections, Damage Reduction and Penetration . 1.2 Total Effective Health/ ‘eHP’ . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Lifesteal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Attack Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Healing Increase and Reduction . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Movement Speed: Diminishing Returns . . . . . . 1.7 Movement Speed Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Movement Speed – Diminishing Returns on Slows 1.9 Crowd Control – Diminishing Returns . . . . . . 1.10 Kill and Assist Bounty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10.1 XP to Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1 1 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 10

2 Structures and Minions 2.1 Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Phoenixes – Conquest, Joust, Siege, 2.3 Clash Phoenix . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Titans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Minions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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16 17 17 19 19 20 20 21 22

. . . . . Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Jungle 3.1 XP Camps - Conquest . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Buff Camps - Conquest . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Jungle Bosses – Conquest, Clash, Joust 3.4 Gold Fury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Portal Demon - Conquest . . . . . . . 3.6 Fire Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Bull Demon King – Joust, Duel . . . . 3.8 Apophis - Clash . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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The Word of Thoth is designed to be an advanced and thorough look into all of the hidden mechanics and formulae within Smite. Even if you think you’re pretty knowledgeable, there’s always more to discover! Special thanks to HiRez and various community members for their co-operation in putting this together.


Basic Mechanics


Protections, Damage Reduction and Penetration

In Smite there are a few different ways to reduce the amount of damage you take from the enemy. The first one is not getting hit in the first place, but there’s not much mathematics behind not getting hit. Protections are your main form of reducing enemy damage, and are applied to you through the following formula: Damage taken ∗

100 100 + Armour

Where Armour is the number of physical or magical protections you have. However, this will only work to stop physical or magical damage respectively. There is also a third type of damage known as True Damage. An example of true damage would be Serqet’s Last Breath, Bakasura’s Butcher Blades or standing in the enemy fountain, which will deal 35% of your maximum HP per second as true damage. In order to reduce the amount of true damage that you take alongside another way of reducing physical and magical damage, there is also two forms of damage reduction known as ‘true armour’, or just as damage reduction. These come in two forms: % mitigation and flat mitigation. An example of % mitigation would be Chaac’s ultimate, Storm Call, which provides 50% damage reduction to himself during the cast time. An example of flat mitigation would be the only one currently in the game, Mark of the Vanguard, which reduces every source of damage you take by a flat 5. The order in which all forms of damage mitigation are applied are slightly complicated in terms of the underlying code (and a couple of tiny edge cases where this doesn’t entirely hold), but for the purposes of simplicity can be explained as follows: 1. % Damage Mitigation 2. Armour 3. Flat Damage Mitigation To show how this works, imagine you were about to be hit with an attack that did 1000 ‘raw’ (pre-mitigation) magical damage. If you had 100 armour, 1

you would be hit for 1000 ∗

100 = 500 magical damage 100 + 100

However, if you were to also have a Mark of the Vanguard and be under the effects of an upgraded Magic Shell, which provides 45 protections and 10% damage mitigation, it would be (1000 ∗ 0.9 ∗ (

100 )) − 5 = 362.35 damage. 100 + 145

As stated before, there are three types of damage: Physical, Magical and True damage. True damage just ignores enemy armour but is susceptible to % and flat damage mitigation. In order to counter this, there are ways to ignore and reduce an enemy’s protection and by extension their damage mitigation. The first way is armour penetration. Penetration ignores a certain number of the enemy’s armour when calculating damage. For example, if I was attacking a target with 150 physical protection when I had 25 physical penetration, then the damage calculations would be as if they only had 125 physical protections. Penetration can come in both flat and % types. % Penetration does not increase your flat penetration by that % value, but ignores that % of the enemy’s armour. The other form of armour penetration available is armour reduction, which tangibly reduces the enemy target’s armour value, meaning that any damage dealt to them will be calculated on that value instead of what they usually have. This also exists in flat at % formats, such as Anubis’ passive flat reduction Sorrow or Nemesis’ Divine Judgement ability. It is important to note that these are applied in a specific order, as doing it differently would change the expected damage calculation: 1. % Armour Reduction 2. Flat Armour Reduction 3. % Penetration 4. Flat Penetration


To show how this would work, if there was a target with 300 physical protections, then applied a 36% armour reduction buff from 3 stacks of The Executioner, whilst having the 33% penetration from Titan’s Bane and the 10 flat penetration from Hastened Fatalis, the armour calculation would be (300 ∗ (1 − 0.36)) ∗ 0.67 − 10 = (300 ∗ 0.64) ∗ 0.67 − 10 = 118.64 From this, we can see that the % penetration stat is negatively affected by both % and flat reduction, as it is ignoring a % of a smaller armour value than before. While buying reduction and % penetration are slightly inefficient towards each other the effects are small. Similarly to % damage reduction, there are also a few sources of % damage increase taken. A good example of this would be the Sundering Spear relic, which deals true damage then applies a debuff increasing the target god’s damage taken by 15% or 30% if upgraded. This stacks as a negative % damage reduction, meaning that if you have the 15% damage reduction from say, Spirit Robe, then apply an upgraded Sundering Spear to a 500 damage ability dealing true damage after penetration, it would work out as 500 ∗ (1 + 0.3 − 0.15) = 500 ∗ 1.15 = 575


Total Effective Health/ ‘eHP’

Effective HP is how much damage you would need to kill you in terms of raw damage before any mitigation, and a measurement of how useful your armour and extra health is to you. A common example of how this works would be that if you have 1000 HP, but 100 armour after mitigation, it would take the same number of 100 damage attacks to kill you as if you had 2000 HP but 0 armour. Without taking into account flat true armour, the formula for Total Effective Health or eHP is Health Points (1) DamageM itigationM ultipliers As before, if you have 1000 health and after all % mitigation multipliers are applied you take 40% damage, your effective HP would be: 1000 = 2500 HP 0.4 3




Lifesteal, as you’re probably aware, returns a % of the damage you deal as HP. There are two types, Physical and Magical. Both lifesteal types work based on the damage you deal, rather than the damage you are expected to deal before mitigation. If the damage you deal is more than the remaining health on the target you are attacking, it will only heal for the % of the remaining health. If you deal 300 damage to a target with 150 health left, you will only steal a percentage of the 150 rather than the 300 damage. Magical Lifesteal applies to both magical basic attacks and abilities. However, if the ability is considered an area of effect ability (very few single target abilities exist), then it has a 0.33x coefficient applied to it. If you had 30% lifesteal on an ability such as Flame Wave, you would only heal for 30 ∗ 0.33 = 9.9% of the damage done on each target. Physical Lifesteal only applies to physical basic attacks, not physical abilities. The only exception is Mercury’s Made You Look, which is treated as a basic attack and scales from your physical basic attack power, and is subjected to the area of effect coefficient as above.


Attack Speed

Attack Speed is a commonly confused stat in terms of how it works. If you have an attack speed increase it states it as a % increase i.e. +15% attack speed. That 15% isn’t just a flat 0.15, but a 15% increase on your Level 0 attack speed. For example, Cernunnos has 1.00 attack speed at level 0, but Artemis has 0.95. A 25% attack speed increase on Cernunnos would give him an additional 0.25 AS, but the same 25% would only give Artemis 0.25 ∗ 0.95 = 0.2375 AS. Reduction works in the same way, except in reverse. A 30% attack speed slow on a god with 0.9 base attack speed will have their attack speed reduced by 0.27, even if they have 2.5 AS at the moment. Attack Speed can be said to be Cooldown Reduction for your basic attack. If you have 0.4 AS, the lowest it can be brought to, you have a ‘refire time’ of 2.5s, which is determined when you fire the attack. These are then modified 4

by attack chain multipliers, so Ne Zha with 2.0 attack speed would take 0.5, 0.5, 0.66 and 1 second respectively to initiate each attack. The formula for attack speed can be written as Base Attack Speed ∗ (1 + (AS Increase% − AS Decrease%)


Healing Increase and Reduction

The way increases to healing and heal reduction works is nearly identical to that of Attack Speed, with one small exception. Both increases and decreases work on the base heal, so for example with a 250 heal with 20% increased healing, you would be healed for 250 ∗ 1.2 = 300 HP. However, if someone then applies 40% healing reduction whilst you have that heal increase on you, that 250 heal would be 200 ∗ (1 + (0.2 − 0.4)) = 200 HP. Hel’s passive healing increase is applied before any heal reduction or increase, so cannot be used to mitigate healing reduction additively. The exception to this rule is during any ultimate designed to reduce healing by 100 %( current examples of this are Odin’s Ring of Spears, Serqet’s Last Breath and Osiris’ Lord of the Afterlife). This will completely shut down any healing or regeneration to the target, regardless of how much healing increase you have.


Movement Speed: Diminishing Returns

As your movement speed increases, the amount of movement speed (MS) you will get from additional movement speed will decrease due to diminishing returns (not the same as diminishing efficiency which every stat suffers from). Between 0 and 457 MS, and increase you have is normal, or 1x effectiveness. After this, between 457 and 540.5, any increases have 20% diminishing returns, or 0.8x effectiveness. Beyond 540.5 any MS increases have 50% diminishing returns, or 0.5x effectiveness. 5

The undiminished cap for MS is 1000. Substituting 1000 into the appropriate DR values would get us: 457+0.8∗(540.5−457)+0.5∗(1000−540.5)457+66.8+229.75 = 753.55 (3) In certain cases you can get past the ‘soft’ cap of MS of 753.55, but they are very extreme and for short duration. Certain abilities have a constant multiplier outside of movement speed to them such as Cavalry Charge.


Movement Speed Penalties

Certain actions ingame apply a penalty to your movement speed. The main examples of these are for basic attacks, strafing and backpedalling. These penalties are as follows. Generally, the strafing penalty will be a 20% Action Melee Basic Attack Ranged Basic Attack Backpedal Strafing

Movement Speed 65% 50% 60% 80%

penalty, however there are certain cases i.e. Medusa, who can move at 100% speed whilst strafing and 80% movement speed whilst backpedalling, Sol’s Disapparate which removes the backpedal and strafing penalty, and Awilix who suffers an increased strafing penalty. Only the highest of the penalties will be active at any one time, and are calculated after diminishing returns(see below): A Neith with 480 movement speed would have an effective 240 movement speed whilst basic attacking, even if backpedalling or strafing. This penalty can go past the movement speed floor which is set at 150; so if you are at 200 movement speed and start backpedalling, you will be moving at 120 speed.


Movement Speed – Diminishing Returns on Slows

Just as Movement Speed is subject to diminishing returns, slows are also subject to them. 6

For any slow below or equal to 40%, no DR is applied to them. After this, any slows are subject to the following formula: 100 ∗ Slow Slow + 60


For example, if you have a 50% slow, substituting Slow=50: (100 ∗ 50) 1000 = = 45.45% (50 + 60) 110


If you have slows from multiple sources, then to work out the pre-DR value you add the slow% together then calculate with the formula as normal. Another example: an 80% slow before diminishing returns. Substituting Slow=80: 8000 = 57.142% (6) 140 Slows cannot take you below the MS floor of 150 and are calculated off of the maximum ground speed of the target at the time (without any slows, after diminishing returns). Item slows follow a slow stacking rule in which only the strongest slow is applied to a target. So if you have a Poisoned Star and Frostbound Hammer, only the Frostbound Hammer slow would be applied. Item slows can stack with Relic and god Ability slows, but Relic slows cannot stack with themselves.


Crowd Control – Diminishing Returns

Crowd Control is another mechanic which has diminishing returns applied, to prevent people from being chain stunned for extremely long periods of time. Whenever a hard CC is applied to a target, they gain a DR ‘stack’. If a target has 1 stack of DR on them, the next hard CC applied to them will have its duration reduced by a third, meaning that if I stunned someone for 2.25s when they had one DR stack, it would only actually last for 1.5s. If a target has 2 DR stacks, then any hard CC applied to them has their duration reduced by two thirds. This means if I stunned someone for 3s 7

whilst they had 2 DR stacks they would only be stunned for 1s. The list of CC that applies DR is as follows: Stun, Fear, Taunt, Mesmerise, Silence, Knockup, Knockback, Intoxicate, Banish, Madness, Pull/Push, Grab, Carry, Disarm, Disorient, Polymorph, Tremble, Permafrost. It should be noted that although Knockup/Knockback, Banish, Pulls, Pushes, Grabs, Carry, Polymorph and Permafrost apply a stack of diminishing returns, they will not be impacted by it. NB: Grabs/Carries include Khepri Abduct, Fenrir’s Ragnarok and the first section of Tyr’s Assault Fearless. Push includes Kuzenbo’s Sumo Slam An ability can only apply one stack of diminishing returns, and the duration of a crowd control cannot be reduced below 0.5s by diminishing returns, meaning that Hun Batz’s Fear No Evil will not immediately apply both stacks of DR onto a target. The order in which reductions to crowd control durations apply are as follows: 1. Initial Crowd Control Duration 2. Unyielding passive(if applicable) 3. Crowd Control Reduction 4. Crowd Control Diminishing Returns To explain how this would work, if you have a 2.25s Ymir Frost Breath applied to Tyr, it would be reduced by Unyielding down to 1s duration. Then reduced by up to 40%( or down to a minimum of 0.6s) by Crowd Control Reduction, and finally diminishing returns would take effect, dropping it by 0, 33% or 66%. Then if that final value is lower than 0.5s due to the diminishing returns, it is raised back up to 0.5s. DR stacks will wear off a target 15 seconds after they were last effected by a hard CC. If a CC is applied whilst there is 2 stacks on already, the duration of the stacks will be refreshed.



Kill and Assist Bounty

The formula used to determine kill bounty for an enemy god is relatively simple for XP, and slightly more complicated for gold. The XP formula for a kill in Conquest (50 + 30 ∗ L) ∗ (1 + 0.1 ∗ (LDelta))


Where L is the victim’s level, and LDelta is the victim’s level minus the slayer’s level. For example, if I am a level 12 god that kills a level 20 god, I will get (50 + 30 ∗ 20) ∗ (1 + 0.1 ∗ (20 − 12)) = 1170


Basically, this means that if you kill a god that is a higher level than you, you get an extra (10*LDelta)% XP on top of the base value, up to a maximum of an extra 190% XP for a level 1 killing a level 20(unrealistic but not impossible). For the Clash mode, the formula is slightly tweaked, with 20% additional xp based on the level difference, instead of 10%. The accompanying gold formula for a kill in Conquest (B + (0.01 ∗ N etW orth)) ∗ (1 + 0.1(LDelta)) ∗ (1 + 0.1 ∗ (KillSpree)) (9) Where B is the game-mode specific base value, NetWorth is the total gold earned during the game, LDelta is victim’s level – killer’s level as with the XP formula, and KillSpree is the number of kills the victim has earned since he last died. This formula is clamped between a minimum value of 50 gold and a maximum value of 750 gold. An extra 200 gold is given to the First Blood in a match which can go over the original formula cap, then any other player adjustments are applied i.e. Kali’s passive on her marked target, Fafnir’s bonus gold. The different values of B for the modes are:


Mode Conquest Joust Assault Clash Siege

Base Value 150 300 150 300 150

Arena’s formula works slightly differently but the exact workings are currently unknown. With regards to assists, anyone who assisted in the kill is given 50% of the xp and gold divided by the number of people who assisted: 1 assist gets the 50%, 2 assistants would get 25% of the bounty each, 3 would get 16.66%, 4 would get 12.5%. When looking at kills on minions and jungle camps, the gold is split up evenly between those who were in assist range, with a 50% bonus afterwards if a minion(not a jungle camp) is last-hit correctly. However, the XP values are slightly different. If only one person kills a minion camp, then they get 100% of the base value in XP. If more than 1 person gets a reward for a minion or jungle camp, 150% of the XP value is shared equally between those in assist range or who have tagged a creep with a damaging ability in the last 5 seconds. 1.10.1

XP to Level

The formula for how much XP it takes ingame to get from one level to the next is relatively simple, and is given by 308 + 55(L − 2)


Where L is the level you are trying to reach. For example, getting to level 2 requires 308 XP, 3 needs 363. Here is a table showing the per-level and total requirements up to level 20:


Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

XP to Next Level 308 363 418 473 528 583 638 693 748 803 858 913 968 1023 1078 1133 1188 1243 1298 -

Total XP 0 308 671 1089 1562 2090 2673 3311 4004 4752 5555 6413 7326 8294 9317 10395 11528 12716 13959 15257

Note: The following sections will be predominantly about Conquest with some small mentions to other modes. Some stats do not carry over between modes and will be updated in the near future.


Structures and Minions

There are three main defensive structures in the game: Towers, Phoenixes and the Titan. This section will over the stats and any other special mechanics.



Towers are the first lines of defence in Conquest, Joust, Clash, Siege and Assault, and share a variety of characteristics. There are two types of tower, the Tier 1 and Tier 2, however in Joust and Clash only the Tier 1 towers are present. 11

Both Tier 1 and 2 towers have 2000 HP, with 150 physical and magical protection. However, any physical damage to a tower is also reduced by an additional 15%, whilst magical damage on a tower is increased by 20%. Towers, Phoenixes and Titans all have a damage escalation with each shot fired on the same target. Every shot after the first until aggro is reset will deal 20% additional base damage when targeting enemy gods, which can be shown through the formula 0.2D(T + 4) (11) Where D is the base damage of the structure and T is the shot number. Once a tower/phoenix has fired a shot, it cannot be dodged, but if untargetable it will follow a god’s path until they are targetable or until the shot times out (a good example of this happening would be Kaldr in his untargetable form). Tier 1 towers have 170 base damage, whilst Tier 2 towers have 230, with both towers and Phoenixes firing one shot per second. Substituting this into the previous formula tells us that the damage increases by 34 and 46 respectively per shot. Killing a Tier 1 tower grants every player on that team 100 xp and 100 gold, whilst killing a Tier 2 will give each player on the team 200xp and 300 gold. Whilst there are no minions within 70 units of the tower, all damage taken by a tower or phoenix is reduced by 50%, applied multiplicatively after the initial damage calculation. For example, if I have a basic attack that deals 100 physical damage with no backdoor protections, I would deal 100 = 34 damage (12) 100 + 150 With backdoor protections online, I would only be dealing 17 damage. 100 ∗ 0.85 ∗

You cannot lifesteal or critically hit a tower, and only a select few on-hit effects will apply: for example, Death’s Toll would regenerate health when you hit a tower, but you would not gain any extra physical power for landing a basic attack whilst you have Ichaival or Silverbranch bow. 12

Generally speaking, ability damage and debuffs cannot be applied to a tower, with the exception of Fafnir’s Coerce or Thoth’s Glyph of Pain and the ability damage applied from these two sources, which can apply effects such as Spear of the Magus. There is also the Emperor’s Armour item which can increase or decrease a tower’s attack speed by 30%.


Phoenixes – Conquest, Joust, Siege, Assault

Phoenixes are the last line of defence before you reach an enemy Titan, and are similar to towers. For the most part they function identically to a tower, with a base HP of 2000, 150 protections and the respective damage coefficients for physical and magical damage. (1500 HP in Joust, and backdoor protections work identically. However, phoenixes will also constantly regenerate their health by 8 per second in Conquest, Siege and Assault, and by 2 in Joust. Killing a Phoenix will grant each player on your team 150 gold, and will then spawn in more powerful fire minions in that lane. After 4 minutes, the phoenix respawns with 25% of its maximum HP and will only deal 50% of its previous damage(not applicable in Joust), and will only regenerate health up to 50% of their maximum health(not applicable in Joust).


Clash Phoenix

The phoenixes in Clash are much different to your regular phoenix. The protections and damage coefficients are the same, but have a base HP of 2500 instead of 2000. They also attack significantly faster than your regular tower or phoenix, with an attack speed of 3.33 a second but their base damage starts at 42 and their damage per shot only increases by 10%, instead of 20% like other structures. The respawn and regeneration mechanics work as a normal phoenix does.



Titans are the final and most important objective in all game modes apart from Arena, and are unique in that their power depends on how many remaining defensive structures there are on the map. This works on a formula


of B + S(3P + T )


Where B is the stat’s base value, S is the stat increment, P is the number of remaining phoenixes, and T is the number of remaining towers. They have a base HP of 8000(6000 in Joust), increasing by 500 per tower, and hence 1500 per phoenix standing. They have a base power of 250, increasing by 20 per tower and 60 per phoenix, with 60 physical and 45 base magical protections, increasing by 5 physical and 2 magical per tower, or 15 physical and 6 magical per phoenix. However, the Titan is only vulnerable to damage if at least one of the phoenixes is destroyed. If all 3 are alive, it will regenerate 0.4% of their max HP per second. The Titan’s weapon swing is also subject to the same base formula as towers, increasing by 20% of the first hit per hit, and have 30% physical penetration to make it tougher for gods to tank hits. A few important things to note are that Titans are completely immune to all forms of crowd control, critical hits and lifesteal, although heal on hit abilities like Ravana’s 10-Hand Shadow Fist will heal him. If the Titan comes into contact with any player deployable, friendly or foe such as Ymir wall or Odin cage, it will immediately despawn. Titans are also immune to attack speed debuffs, but can have their protections reduced by debuffs. As the Titan’s power is Basic Attack Power, it cannot be reduced by items or abilities such as Ichaival. Shown below is a table listing the different possibilities for the Titan’s stats. Bolded values for HP indicate that the titan is immune to damage.





0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

0 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

8000 9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 13000 12500 13000 13500 14000 14500 15000 15500


Physical Protection 60 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 105 110 115 120 125 130 135

Magical Protection 45 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 63 65 67 69 71 73 75

Physical Power 250 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 430 450 470 490 510 530 550


Minions are the most common enemy you’ll probably be fighting in the lanes, and are all subject to a % damage mitigation as the game progresses. This % damage mitigation is 10% + 1% for every minute of game time, stacking to 50% damage mitigation at 40 minutes. This only applies to damage from gods/pets, not structures/other minions. Here are the stats of each minion type for Conquest(some minor variations for other modes) :


Minion Type Melee Ranged Brute Fire Melee Fire Ranged Fire Brute



Phys Protection

12 25 50

365 265 700

1 0 15

0 1 0

Damage vs Towers 5 10 20






















Magical Protection

EXP Reward (Solo) 60 40 60

Gold Reward (Solo) 17 12 17

As explained in the Kill Bounty section, these are just the solo rewards shown above; here is a table that shows the XP rewards for the three minion types based on players splitting:

Swordsman Archer Brute Swordsman Archer Brute


Players Splitting Base XP 60 40 60 Base Gold 17 12 17

2 XP Gained 45 30 45




30 20 30

22 15 22

18 12 18

8 6 8

5 4 5

4 3 4

3 2 3


Smite has a diverse jungle with multiple different camp types of varying difficulty. Before going into detail, the most important thing to note with jungle camps is that each of their stats has a ‘base’ or Level 0 value, and jungle camps will level as the match progresses. For standard jungle camps this is once every 3 minutes, so 0, 3, 6 etc. For any of the Jungle Bosses, this escalation happens every 1 minute, beginning when minions spawn. With the exception of the Fire Giant, Gold Fury and Portal Demon, all jungle camps first spawn in 30 seconds after minions spawn. A jungle camp will not level up if it is in combat when the timer is passed: If you start fighting a 16

Gold Fury at 10:56, it will not increase its HP at 11:00 until you have reset it. If a jungle camp has no target for it to aggro to when damaged, they will simply be immune to damage. Leashing a camp will cause it to begin to reset to their original position and begin rapidly regenerating 5% of their HP every 0.5 seconds.


XP Camps - Conquest

There are 3 types of jungle camp in the game that can be killed purely to give yourself gold and experience. There are the mid camps, which are located on either side of the middle lane. These contain 2 Elder Harpies, and will respawn 3 minutes after the last harpy in the camp is cleared. The next is the ‘back harpies’. These camps consist of 2 Harpies and 1 Elder Harpy, respawning 80 seconds after the camp has been cleared. Finally, there are the Fire Elementals camp. This camp is located at the Fire Giant pit, and will consist of two Fire Elementals and one Large Fire Elemental. These will respawn 110 seconds after the camp has been cleared. At 10 minutes, when the Fire Giant spawns, this camp will despawn from the map if it is not cleared and will not appear for the rest of the game.


Buff Camps - Conquest

Alongside the XP camps, there are also 4 different buff-wielding camps: The Red, Orange, Blue and Purple buffs. Each of these buffs will last for 30 seconds once dropped and can be picked up by any person on the killer’s team, but only one buff may be wielded by a god at any one time. The red or Damage buff camp has a large melee Cyclops and 2 smaller melee Cyclopes. Killing the larger cyclops drops a buff that will increase your physical power by 5, magical power by 10 and increasing physical and magical bower by an additional 20% for 120 seconds. The camp respawns 3 minutes after the last creep has been killed. The orange or Speed buff is also defended by a large melee Cyclops and 2 smaller ones, however the buff dropped by the large cyclops here is a 20% movement speed buff for 120 seconds. This camp also respawns 3 minutes after the last creep in the camp has died.


The final melee based camp is the purple or Void buff camp, which when the main creep is killed will drop a buff that reduces enemy gods physical and magical protections by 10 in a 55 unit radius. The camp respawns 3 minutes after the last creep has been cleared. There is also the blue or Mana buff camp, which is guarded by 2 smaller magical Cyclopes and a Large Magic Cyclops, which will attack from range with magical damage. The buff wielding creep will drop a buff granting you 5 mana per second regeneration and 10% Cooldown Reduction for 120 seconds. This camp will respawn 3 minutes after it has been fully cleared. Alongside these 4 buff-wielding camps, there are also a pair of objectives located near the Gold Fury pit known as the Oracle Harpies. If a team manages to kill both of the harpies, they will be granted vision of the Gold Fury pit that cannot be counterwarded for 90 seconds. This vision will not reveal enemy wards or stealthed units. If both teams take one of the harpies each, neither will get the vision. Shown below is a table of the Level 0 and per-level stats of the jungle camps (Conquest only)


Camp Type Melee Cyclops Mage Cyclops Small Melee Cyclops Small Mage Cyclops Elder Elemental Fire Elemental Elder Harpy Small Harpy Oracle Harpy


Magical Protection

Gold Reward (Solo)

XP Reward (Solo)



Physical Protection


32 Physical






32 Magical






5 Physical






5 Magical






18 Physical






8 Physical






22 Physical






5 Physical






28 Physical





Jungle Bosses – Conquest, Clash, Joust

Even stronger than the jungle camps, within the jungle you can find some of the very difficult Jungle Bosses. These creatures can offer powerful benefits to your team. Each of these bosses has 30% armour penetration to make it harder for your tanks to deal with their damage.


Gold Fury

The Gold Fury is the weakest of the 3 jungle bosses on the Conquest map, and is the only one of the three to spawn in shortly after the other jungle camps, 40 seconds after minions spawn. She has 2250 base health, increasing by 280 health per level, meaning she will spawn in with 2530 HP, alongside 25 physical and magical protections. Her Fury Swipe attack will deal 140 physical damage once per second. As a 19

jungle boss she also has 50% resistance to all forms of lifesteal, and is immune to attack speed debuffs. By killing the Gold Fury, your team is awarded with 190 gold plus 8 gold per level. So, killing the Gold Fury as she spawns immediately would award 198 gold as she is level 1, but killing her at 10:30 would grant you 190 + (11 ∗ 8) = 278 gold, alongside 110 xp + 10 per minute. The Gold Fury will respawn 5 minutes after she has last been killed.


Portal Demon - Conquest

The Portal Demon is statistically identical to the Gold Fury: damage, protections, health and health scaling are all as stated above. However, he spawns in at 10 minutes into the game, located directly opposite of the Fire Giant. Killing the Portal Demon creates a one-way portal from the killing team’s base to the Fire Giant pit, lasting for 1 minute, alongside 100 XP and 150 gold to the killing team. The Portal Demon respawns 5 minutes after he has last been killed.


Fire Giant

The Fire Giant is arguably the toughest NPC in the game, even more than a Titan in some situations and should be attempted as a team not as a solo. He has 6650 base health and 160 health scaling per level, alongside 100 physical and 50 magical protection, meaning when he spawns in at 10 minutes, he will have 8310 HP. He has 4 different attacks, used in a specific rotation. The first two of his attacks are identical, with the exception of range: Mighty Swing and Boulder Toss. He will use Mighty Swing if his target is in melee range, and Boulder Toss if not. Both of these will deal 155 physical damage and applies a debuff that reduces damage by 20% and healing/regeneration by 40%. You should note that if you go in or out of melee range during this part of the attack he will quickly attack with the other form: moving into melee range whilst he is using Boulder Toss will cause him to immediately use Mighty Swing. The next attack he has is Magma Blast. He will slam his weapon on the ground, creating a line of lava towards his target which slows anyone in it by 80% before diminishing returns (see: Slow DR section). It will shortly explode, dealing 500 magical damage and knocking up anyone hit by it. You 20

can still use ranged basic attacks and sidestep it to dodge the explosion. The final attack the Fire Giant has is the Molten Pools. He summons a pool of lava under every player/pet in the pit, which will deal 225 magical damage every second. If standing in multiple pools, you will be dealt damage for each one of them, which can ramp up very quickly. These pools will last for 6 seconds on the ground. The Fire Giant will always attack in a set repeating rotation: 1. 2x Mighty Swing/Boulder Toss 2. Magma Blast 3. 2x Mighty Swing/Boulder Toss 4. Magma Blast 5. 4x Mighty Swing/Boulder Toss 6. Molten Pools 7. Return to Step 1 Killing the Fire Giant will grant every member of the team that is alive the Fire Giant’s Might buff. This gives you 50 physical power, 70 magical power, regenerates 0.8% of your maximum HP and Mana per second and increasing your damage against Towers and Phoenixes by 20% for 4 minutes. He will spawn 5 minutes after he has been killed. He will also award 200xp and 150 gold to the entire team for killing him.


Bull Demon King – Joust, Duel

The Bull Demon King is the main jungle objective in the Joust and Duel game modes. It is similar to the Fire Giant, giving you a powerful regeneration buff when killing it. The BDK has 1400 base HP and gains 310 HP per level, meaning that when the BDK spawns at 4 minutes at level 5, he has 2950 HP. He also has 25 physical and magical protections. However, if in any 1v1 game (Duel or Custom), he has 600 less health and only 18 physical/magical protection. Unlike the other bosses, he actually has 75% lifesteal resistance, not 50%, meaning your lifesteal is only a quarter as effective as normal.


He has a set rotation for his attacks, which is 4x Slam, dealing 140 physical damage followed by his Fissure attack which is similar to the Fire Giant, creating a line that will explode shortly after, dealing 400 magical damage. Killing it will give the Bull Demon King’s Might buff, giving you 0.8% HP and Mana Regeneration per second and disabling the enemy’s tower or phoenix, depending on which is left, for 95 seconds. He also rewards the killing team with 100 XP and 150 gold.


Apophis - Clash

Apophis, the embodiment of Chaos, is the resident boss of the Clash map. Like the other bosses, he is immune to all forms of crowd control, cannot have his attack speed slowed and has 50% lifesteal resist, and also regenerates 6 health per second. He spawns in first at 10 minutes after minions spawn and with a base health of 5600 and a level scaling of 145 health. He has 40 base Physical and Magical protections, but gains 2 physical and 1 magical protection per level, so spawns in with 7195 HP, 62 Physical Protection and 51 magical protection. Apophis does have a nasty trick up his sleeve. Just before any time he spawns or respawns, a large sound effect will play as a warning to anyone in the sand area he spawns in, and when he arrives he will knock up anyone in that area, dealing 2000 magical damage to them and eliminating the damage buff that is in place in the centre of the map if it has not been cleared. He has three different attacks. The first of which is Apophis’s basic, which will deal 200 physical damage to the target and any targets in a small area around it. Then, there is the Apophis Strike attack. He will create a target area on the ground based on where his target is, then after a short delay deal a powerful attack that does 400 magical damage. Finally, there is his Acid Spray attack. He will paint a line of acid similar to Ah Muzen Cab’s Honey ability where his target is, which will leave anyone who touches it an Acid debuff that reduces healing by 40%, and deals 26 physical damage every 0.25s for 3 seconds. Similar to the Fire Giant and Bull Demon King, he attacks in a set pattern: 3 basic attacks, followed by an Apophis Strike, then 3 basics, then another Apophis Strike, then 3 more basics, and finishing up with the Acid Spray. However, if you reset Apophis, he will remember where in his attack rotation 22

he was, unlike the Fire Giant and the Bull Demon King. Killing Apophis will grant the team 50 XP and 100 gold, and grant them the Shadow of Apophis Buff. This gives the entire team 30 physical power, 50 magical power and allows your damaging abilities to apply a DoT to enemy gods that does 2% of their maximum health as physical damage over 4 seconds. This buff lasts for 120 seconds, and Apophis will respawn after 5 minutes. There is one last mechanic to Apophis: Any time he spawns after 20 minutes, he will become enhanced and even deadlier than before, but for greater rewards. Enhanced Apophis has the same base health, same protection scaling per level but has 175 health per level and has 45 base protections instead of 40. His basic will now also deal 300 physical damage instead of 200, and killing him will now give your team 100 XP and 150 gold, whilst granting all alive teammates the Veil of Apophis buff: This gives 50 physical power, 70 magical power and all your damaging abilities will apply a DoT effect that deals 4% of their maximum HP over 4 seconds as physical damage.

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