The White Ship - Chingiz Aitmatov

July 29, 2019 | Author: Iamtrangha | Category: Agriculture, Nature
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The White Ship - Chingiz Aitmatov - yeuvanhoc92...



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1 He had two tales. One was hs own! "n#nown to an$%od$ else. The othe& he had hea&d '&o( )&and'athe&. Then one da$ %oth we&e )one. That*s what ths sto&$ s a%o"t. He was se+en $ea&s old! )on) on e)ht. ,&st -a(e the s-hool%a). A %la-# (tatonleathe& s-hool%a)! wth a shn$ (etal sna/lo-# that sl//ed nto a -at-h. 0th an o"tsde /o-#et 'o& s(all thn)s. A (ost e1t&ao&dna&$ o&dna&$ s-hool%a). That was! /e&ha/s! the %e)nnn) o' t all. G&and'athe& %o")ht t '&o( the +stn) sto&e t&"-#! wh-h (ade the &o"nds o' the -attle  %&eede&s n the (o"ntans (o"ntans and o--asonall$ loo#ed loo#ed n on the 'o&est /ost /ost n the SanTash Valle$. Valle$. Be$ond the /ost! the 'o&est /&ese&+e &ose densel$ "/ the slo/es and &a+nes to the (o"ntanto/s. The&e we&e onl$ th&ee ho"seholds he&e! %"t on-e n a lon) whle the sto&e t&"-# wo"ld +st the 'o&este&s. The onl$ %o$ n the /ost! he was alwa$s the '&st to see the t&"-#. 2It*s -o(n)32 he wo"ld sho"t nto the doo&s and wndows. 2The sto&e t&"-# s -o(n)32 The &oad that wo"nd ts wa$ he&e '&o( the %an#s o' the Iss$#4"l La#e &an th&o")h dee/ )o&)es! alon) the &+e&%an#! o+e& &o-#s and )"lle$s! all the wa$. It was a +e&$ d''-"lt &oad. 0hen t -a(e to O"tloo# Mo"ntan! t went "/ slantwse '&o( the %otto( o' the -an$on! then (ade a lon) des-ent down the stee/! %a&e slo/e towa&d the 'o&est /ost. O"tloo# Mo"ntan was nea& the /ost. In the s"((e&! the %o$ -l(%ed "/ the&e al(ost dal$ to wat-h the la#e th&o")h hs  %no-"la&s. And the &oad -o"ld %e seen '&o( the (o"ntan (o"ntan as /lan as the /al( o' o' hs hand5the -"&+es and t"&ns! the &a&e /edest&ans! the &de&s! and! o' -o"&se! the -a&s. Ths t(e5t was a hot s"((e& da$5the %o$ was sw((n) n hs /ond when he -a")ht s)ht o' the t&"-# &asn) d"st as t -a(e down the slo/e. The /ond was at the ed)e o' the &+e&! whe&e the wate& &an shallow o+e& the )&a+el %otto(. G&and/a had da((ed t "/ wth &o-#s. I' t we&e not 'o& the da(! who #nows! the %o$ (a$ ha+e %een d&owned a lon) t(e a)o. And! as )&and(a #e/t sa$n)! the &+e& wo"ld ha+e washed hs %ones whte and -a&&ed the( awa$ to Iss$#4"l! whe&e 'sh and othe& wate& -&eat"&es wo"ld %e sta&n) at the(. And no%od$ wo"ld sea&-h 'o& h( o& (o"&n h(! %e-a"se the&e was no &eason wh$ a %o$ sho"ld %e 'o&e+e& 'ooln) (o"nd n the wate&. So 'a&! he hadn*t d&owned. I' he dd5 who #nows5(a$%e )&and(a &eall$ wo"ld not &"n to sa+e h(. I' he was #n! at least! she sad! %"t he was onl$ a st&an)e&. And a st&an)e&! no (atte& how $o" 'eed h( o& loo# a'te& h(! &e(ans a st&an)e&. A st&an)e& . . . B"t

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0ell! then! he -a")ht s)ht o' the sto&e t&"-# as t -a(e downhll! t&aln) a -lo"d o' d"st  %ehnd t. And he lea/ed wth e1-te(ent! as ' he #new #new he wo"ld )et that s-hool%a). s-hool%a). He &an o"t o' the wate& and 7"-#l$ /"lled hs /ants o+e& hs s#nn$ th)hs. Stll wet and %l"e5the wate& n the &+e& was -old5he h"&&ed down the /ath to %e the '&st to anno"n-e the -o(n) o' the t&"-#. The %o$ &an 'ast! 8"(/n) o+e& low sh&"%s and )on) a&o"nd %o"lde&s that we&e too %) to  8"(/ a-&oss. He dd not sto/ sto/ an$whe&e5not %$ the the tall )&asses! no& %$ the &o-#s! &o-#s! e+en tho")h he #new that the$ we&e not /lan )&asses and &o-#s. The$ -o"ld ta#e o''ense o& e+en t&/ h( "/. 2The sto&e t&"-#*s -o(n)! I*ll %e %a-#!2 he -&ed as he &an /ast the 2&estn) -a(el25the &eddsh! h"(/ed )&ante %o"lde& s"n# -hestdee/ n the ea&th. At o&dna&$ t(es the %o$ ne+e& /assed %$ wtho"t /attn) the -a(el on the h"(/. He /atted t wth a l)ht! 'a(la& )est"&e! as )&and/a  /atted hs sho&t taled taled )eldn)! as ' to sa$! 20at 20at he&e! I ("st %e o'' on %"sness.2 %"sness.2 Anothe& o' hs  %o"lde&s was a 2saddle25hal'%la-#! 2saddle25hal'%la-#! hal'whte! wth wth a d/ n the (ddle5and he -o"ld &de t l#e a ho&se. The&e was also a 2wol'!2 %&own)&a$! hoa&$! wth /owe&'"l sho"lde&s and a hea+$  %&ow. The %o$ wo"ld stal# stal# t on all 'o"&s and ta#e ta#e a( at t. B"t hs 'a+o&te was was the 2tan#2 5a h")e! (ass+e %o"lde& &)ht at the &+e&*s ed)e! the sand and )&a+el washed awa$ a&o"nd t. At an$ (o(ent! the 2tan#2 wo"ld /l"n)e nto the wate&! and the &+e& wo"ld %ol and -h"&n and &se n 'e&-e whte-&ested wa+es. That was what tan#s dd n the (o+es5down '&o( the %an# nto the wate&! and on and on. The %o$ saw (o+es +e&$ seldo( and the&e'o&e &e(e(%e&ed e+e&$thn). Hs )&and'athe& so(et(es too# h( to see a (o+e at the l+esto-#%&eedn) 'a&( n the ne)h%o&n) +lla)e %e$ond the (o"ntan. Ths was how a 2tan#2 a//ea&ed %$ the wate&! &ead$ to &"sh a-&oss the &+e&. The&e we&e also othe& &o-#s! so(e 2%ad!2 so(e 2#nd!2 so(e e+en 2sl$!2 o& 2sll$.2 A(on) the /lants the&e we&e also 2'a+o&tes!2 2%&a+e ones!2 2'ea&'"l!2 2e+l ones!2 and a +a&et$ o' othe&s. The tho&n%"sh! 'o& e1a(/le! was the -he' ene($. The %o$ 'o")ht t do9ens o' t(es e+e&$ da$! %"t the&e see(ed no end to the& wa&5the %"sh -ontn"ed to )&ow and ("lt/l$. The wld -on+ol+"l"s! tho")h also a (e&e weed! was the -le+e&est and (e&&est /lant. Its 'lowe&s wel-o(ed the s"n n the (o&nn) %ette& than an$ othe&s. Othe& )&asses dd not #now an$thn): (o&nn)! e+enn)5t ddn*t (atte& to the(. B"t the -on+ol+"l"s5the (o(ent t 'elt the wa&( &a$s o' the s"n t o/ened ts e$es and la")hed. ,&st one e$e! then anothe&! then all the '"&led 'lowe&s o/ened "/. 0hte! /ale %l"e! lla-! e+e&$ -olo&. . . . And ' $o" sat 7"etl$! 7"etl$ nea& the(! t see(ed that the$ we&e slentl$ whs/e&n) a(on) the(sel+es a%o"t so(ethn). so(ethn). E+en the ants #new ths. In the (o&nn) the$ &an alon) the ste&ns and 'lowe&s! s7"ntn) n the s"nshne and lstenn) to what the 'lowe&s we&e sa$n). ;e&ha/s the$ told ea-h othe& a%o"t the& d&ea(s6 In the da$t(e! at noon! the %o$ l#ed to -l(% nto the th-#ets o' lon)ste((ed! &eedl#e sh&ald9hns. The sh&ald9hns we&e tall< the$ had no 'lowe&s! %"t the$ s(elled )ood< and the$ )&ew n /at-hes! )athe&n) n dense )&o"/s! allown) othe& /lants to -o(e nea& the(. The sh&ald9hns we&e t&"e '&ends! the$ o''e&ed the %est hdn) /la-e! es/e-all$ when $o" we&e h"&t and wanted to -&$ whe&e no%od$ -o"ld see. The$ s(elled l#e the ed)e o' a /newood. It was hot

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 /&e+ent t! to #ee/ $o" '&o( dsa//ea&n)! dsa//ea&n)! to (a#e $o" le le stll and wat-h the(! the(! the -lo"ds wo"ld t"&n nto an$thn) $o" wshed. The sa(e -lo"ds -o"ld t"&n nto (an$ thn)s. All $o" needed was to see what the$ we&e shown). And t was 7"et a(on) the sh&ald9hns! and the$ dd not sh"t o"t the s#$. That*s what the$ we&e l#e! the sh&ald9hns! wh-h s(elled o' hot /ne. The&e we&e (an$ othe& thn)s he #new a%o"t the )&asses. Towa&d the sl+e&$ 'eathe& )&ass down n the (eadow! he had a tole&antl$ -ondes-endn) attt"de. It was sll$! that leathe& )&ass3 S-atte&%&aned. Its so't! sl#$ tassels -o"ld not l+e wtho"t wnd. All the$ dd was wat to see wh-h wa$ t %lew! and then the$ %owed n the sa(e d&e-ton. Not one o& two! %"t all to)ethe&! the whole (eadow! as at a -o((and. And ' t &aned o& sto&(ed! the 'eathe& )&ass went '&ant-! t dd not #now what to do! whe&e to hde. It tossed and 'lattened! /&essed tsel' a)anst the ea&th. I' t had 'eet! t s"&el$ wo"ld &"n awa$! 8"st an$whe&e at all. B"t a-t"all$ t was onl$  /&etendn). The (o(ent the the sto&( was o+e&! the )dd$ tassels tassels we&e %a-# at the& the& )a(e wth the wnd! %own) whe&e+e& t %lew. Alone! wtho"t /la$(ates! the %o$ l+ed wth the s(/le thn)s a&o"nd h(! and onl$ the sto&e t&"-# -o"ld (a#e h( 'o&)et e+e&$thn) and &"sh to (eet t. A'te& all! a sto&e t&"-# wasn*t l#e stones and )&asses. The&e wasn*t a thn) $o" -o"ld not 'nd n t3 B$ the t(e the %o$ &ea-hed ho(e! the sto&e t&"-# was al&ead$ ente&n) the $a&d %ehnd the ho"ses. The ho"ses n the /ost 'a-ed the &+e&. The '&ont $a&d /assed d&e-tl$ nto the slo/e that &an down to the %an#! and on the othe& sde! a-&oss the &+e&! the 'o&est &ose stee/l$ '&o( the washedo"t &a+ne "/ the (o"ntansde. The onl$ wa$ to d&+e "/ to the ho"ses was '&o( the  %a-#. I' the %o$ had not (ade t n n t(e! no%od$ wo"ld ha+e ha+e #nown that the sto&e sto&e t&"-# was al&ead$ the&e. The (en had all %een )one sn-e (o&nn). The wo(en we&e %"s$ wth the& ho"sehold -ho&es. And the %o$ &an to ea-h o/en doo&! -&$n) sh&ll$: 2It*s he&e3 The sto&e t&"-# s he&e32 The wo(en h"&&ed to )et the lttle (one$ the$ had t"-#ed awa$! and &an o"t! ea-h one &a-n) to )et the&e '&st. E+en )&and(othe& /&ased h(: 2He*s )ot a sha&/ e$e! that %o$32 The %o$ 'elt /&o"d! as ' he had %&o")ht the sto&e t&"-# the&e h(sel'. He was ha//$  %e-a"se he had %een '&st wth wth the news! %e-a"se he &"shed &"shed o"t wth the wo(en nto nto the  %a-#$a&d! %e-a"se he %"stled %"stled wth the( at the o/en doo&s doo&s o' the t&"-#. B"t the$ 'o&)ot 'o&)ot h( ((edatel$. The$ we&e too e1-ted. All those )oods5the& e$es ddn*t #now whe&e to loo# '&st. The&e we&e onl$ th&ee wo(en: hs )&and(a< A"nt Be#e$ hs (othe&*s sste& and the w'e o' the

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Hs wo&ds! howe+e&! had s(all e''e-t on the wo(en. At '&st the$ )&a%%ed e+e&$thn). Then the$ %e)an to (a#e the& ele-tons. Then the$ &et"&ned what the$ had -hosen. The$ /"t thn)s asde! t&ed the( on! de%ated a(on) the(sel+es! and as#ed the sa(e 7"estons o+e& and o+e& a)an. One thn) the$ dd not l#e! anothe& was too e1/ens+e! a th&d was the w&on) -olo& . . . The %o$ stood at the sde. He was %o&ed now. The e1/e-taton o' so(ethn) e1t&ao&dna&$! the '&st 8o$ he 'elt when he had -a")ht s)ht o' the t&"-# on the (o"ntansde! was )one now. The sto&e t&"-# had s"ddenl$ t"&ned nto an o&dna&$ t&"-# 'lled wth a lot o' &"%%sh. The sales(an '&owned. It ddn*t loo# as ' those wo(en we&e )on) to %"$ an$thn). 0h$ had he %othe&ed d&+n) th&o")h the (o"ntans to ths )od'o&sa#en s/ot6 And he was &)ht. The wo(en sta&ted to )+e "/! the& enth"sas( waned! the$ s"ddenl$ see(ed t&ed. The$ %e)an to loo# 'o& e1-"ses. G&and(a -o(/laned a%o"t the la-# o' (one$. And wtho"t (one$! how -o"ld $o" %"$ an$thn)6 A"nt Be#e$ dd not da&e to (a#e a %)  /"&-hase wtho"t he& h"s%and. h"s%and. A"nt Be#e$ was the the "nha//est wo(an on on ea&th %e-a"se she had no -hld&en! and O&o9#"l %eat he& 'o& that whene+e& he )ot d&"n#. And ths (ade )&and'athe& s"''e&! too! 'o& A"nt Be#e$ was )&and'athe&*s da")hte&. She %o")ht a 'ew t&'les and two %ottles o' +od#a. And that was too %ad5 she was (a#n) t wo&se 'o& he&sel'. G&and(a -o"ld not #ee/ '&o( hssn)! so that the sales(an wo"ld not hea&: 2As#n) 'o& t&o"%le62 2I #now what I*( don)!2 sna//ed A"nt Be#e$. 2,ool!2 )&and(a whs/e&ed! )loatn). I' t we&e not 'o& the sales(an! she wo"ld ha+e )+en A"nt Be#e$ a /e-e o' he& (nd. The$ we&e 'o&e+e& %-#e&n)! those two. Yo"n) G"ld9ha(al -a(e to the &es-"e. She %e)an to e1/lan that he& Seda#h(at was )on) nto town soon and he wo"ld need the (one$! so she -o"ld not s/end ("-h now. And so the$ %"stled a&o"nd the sto&e t&"-#! %o")ht 2a #o/e#*s wo&th2 o' )oods! as the sales(an sad! and went %a-# to the& ho(es. 0hat so&t o' t&ade was that6 The sales(an s/at a'te&  the wo(en and %e)an to a&&an)e hs dso&de&ed wa&es! /&e/a&n) to lea+e. Then he not-ed the  %o$. 20hat s t! &o"ndhead62 he as#ed. The %o$ had /&ot&"dn) ea&s! a thn ne-#! and a la&)e &o"nd head. 20ant to %"$ so(ethn)6 H"&&$ "/! o& I*ll -lose sho/. D*$o" ha+e an$ (one$62 The sales(an s/o#e at &ando(! ha+n) nothn) %ette& to do! %"t the %o$ answe&ed &es/e-t'"ll$: 2No! "n-le! I ha+e no (one$!2 and he shoo# hs head. 2I thn# $o" do!2 the sales(an d&awled! 'e)nn) ds%ele'. 2Yo"*&e all &-h a&o"nd he&e!

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2So $o"*+e lost $o"& (one$. Loo# 'o& t whe&e $o"*+e #en /la$n)! $o"*ll 'nd t.2 The$ we&e slent awhle. 20hose %o$ a&e $o"62 the sales(an as#ed. 2 Old Mo("n*s62 The %o$ nodded. 2Hs )&andson! eh62 2Yes!2 the %o$ nodded a)an. ?And whe&e*s $o"& (othe&62 The %o$ sad nothn). 2She ne+e& w&tes! does she6 I )"ess $o" don*t #now $o"&sel'62 2I don*t.2 2And $o"& 'athe&6 Yo" don*t #now ethe&62 The %o$ was slent. 2How s t! '&end! $o" don*t #now an$thn)62 the sales(an -hded. 2Oh! well! n that -ase! he&e.2 He held o"t a hand'"l o' -and$. 2And )ood%$e to $o".2 The %o$ d&ew %a-# sh$l$. 2Ta#e t! ta#e t. Don*t hold (e "/. I*+e )ot to )o.2 The %o$ /"t the -and$ n hs /o-#et. He wanted to &"n a'te& the t&"-#! to see t o"t to the &oad! and he -alled Balte# to )o wth h(. Balte# was a te&&%l$ la9$! sha))$ do). O&o9#"l alwa$s th&eatened to shoot h(5wh$ #ee/ s"-h a do)! he sad. B"t )&and/a #e/t %e))n) h( to wat. The$*d )et a shee/ do) '&st! then he wo"ld ta#e Balte# awa$ so(ewhe&e. Balte# dd not -a&e a%o"t an$thn). 0hen he had eaten! he sle/t< when he was h"n)&$! he was 'o&e+e& toad$n) "/ to so(eone5hs own (aste&s! st&an)e&s! t (ade no d''e&en-e! so lon) as the$ wo"ld th&ow h( so(ethn). That*s what #nd o' do) he was! ths Balte#. B"t so(et(es! o"t o' %o&edo(! he wo"ld &"n a'te& -a&s. T&"e! ne+e& +e&$ 'a&. He*d 8"st )et )on)! then s"ddenl$ t"&n %a-# and a(%le ho(e. An "n&ela%le do). Stll! whate+e& he was l#e! t was a lot (o&e '"n to &"n wth a do) than wtho"t one. @"etl$! so the sales(an wo"ld not see! the %o$ th&ew Balte# one -and$. 2Loo# now!2 he wa&ned the do)! 2we*ll &"n a lon) wa$.2 Balte# wh(/e&ed and wa))ed hs tal! watn) 'o& (o&e. B"t the %o$ dd not da&e to th&ow h( anothe& -and$: the (an ()ht )et o''ended< a'te& all! he

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the sto&e t&"-# was stll the&e. "st %$ -han-e. O& else hs )&andson wo"ld not ha+e )otten the s-hool%a). The %o$ was l"-#$ that da$. Old Mo("n! who( -le+e& /eo/le had n-#na(ed O%l)n) Mo("n! was #nown to e+e&$one n the dst&-t! and he #new e+e&$one. He had ea&ned hs n-#na(e %$ hs n+a&a%le '&endlness! hs -onstant &eadness to do thn)s 'o& /eo/le! to hel/ e+e&$one. And $et! hs dl)en-e was not a//&e-ated! 8"st as )old wo"ld not %e a//&e-ated ' t we&e )+en awa$ '&ee.  No%od$ t&eated Mo("n wth wth the &es/e-t d"e /eo/le /eo/le o' hs a)e. He was t&eated wtho"t wtho"t -e&e(on$. At '"ne&al 'easts 'o& e(nent old (en o' the B")" -lan5Mo("n was a B")an and +e&$ /&o"d o' t! and he ne+e& (ssed the '"ne&al 'easts 'o& hs -lans(en5he wo"ld %e as#ed to sla")hte& -attle! to (eet hono&ed )"ests and hel/ the( ds(o"nt! to se&+e tea! and e+en to -ho/ wood and -a&&$ wate&. The&e a&e /lent$ o' thn)s to do at )&eat '"ne&al 'easts! attended %$ (an$ /eo/le '&o( all  /a&ts o' the -o"nt&$. Mo("n dd dd e+e&$thn) he was as#ed as#ed 7"-#l$ and easl$< easl$< he ne+e& &e'"sed! l#e othe&s. The $o"n) wo(en o' the +lla)e! who had to &e-e+e and 'eed the ho&de o' )"ests! wo"ld sa$ as the$ wat-hed Mo("n at wo&#: 20hat wo"ld we ha+e done wtho"t O%l)n) Mo("n62 And so t wo"ld t"&n o"t that the old (an! who had -o(e all that dstan-e wth hs )&andson! was /la-ed n a &ole lt 'o& a $o"n) 'ellow! a (e&e hel/e&. An$one else wo"ld de o' h"(laton! %"t Mo("n ne+e& (nded at all. And no%od$ wonde&ed at the s)ht o' old Mo("n se&+n) the othe& )"ests5that*s what he had %een all hs l'e! O%l)n) Mo("n. It was hs own 'a"lt. And ' an$ st&an)e& as#ed how t was that he was &"nnn) e&&ands 'o& the wo(en we&e the&e no $o"n) 'ellows n the +lla)e65  Mo("n wo"ld sa$: 2The dead (an was ($ %&othe&.2 =He -onsde&ed all B")ans hs %&othe&s. B"t we&en*t the$ e7"all$ 2%&othe&s2 to the othe& )"ests6> 20ho else s to wo&# at hs '"ne&al 'east ' not I6 A&en*t we all %o"nd %$ #nsh/! '&o( the t(e o' o"& an-est&al Mothe& he&sel'5the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee&6 And she! the (&a-"lo"s Mothe& Dee&! had %dden "s to %e '&ends n l'e and n (e(o&$ . . .2

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s/ent (ost o' hs t(e +stn) hs -&ones. E1-e/t when the a"tho&tes -a(e "/5then O&o9#"l wo"ld %e the (aste&! shown) the( the ' o&est! a&&an)n) h"ntn) /a&tes 'o& the(. Mo("n also tended the l+esto-# and wo&#ed wth the %eeh+es. Hs whole l'e was s/ent n wo&#n) and ta#n) -a&e o' ths and that '&o( (o&nn) "ntl n)ht! and $et he ne+e& lea&ned how to (a#e  /eo/le &es/e-t h(. B"t then! e+en Mo("n*s a//ea&an-e was not /at&a&-hal! not l#e an a#sa#al*s  note:  note: elde&< also! a &es/e-t'"l 'o&( 'o&( o' add&ess to an olde& (an. No slow d)nt$! d)nt$! no ste&nness. He was the so"l o' #ndness! and ths "n/&o'ta%le h"(an 7"alt$ was o%+o"s at '&st )lan-e. At all t(es! s"-h /eo/le a&e ta")ht: 2Don*t %e #nd! %e ha&d3 Ta#e ths now! and ths3 Be ha&d32 B"t! to hs own (s'o&t"ne! he &e(aned n-o&&)%l$ #nd. Hs 'a-e! -&ss-&ossed wth w&n#les! was alwa$s s(ln)! and hs e$es 'o&e+e& as#ed: 20hat do $o" need6 Is the&e an$thn) $o"*d l#e (e to do 'o&  $o"6 I*ll do t n a (o(ent! 8"st tell (e what t s . . .2 Hs nose! sha/ed l#e a d"-#*s %ll! was so't! as tho")h alto)ethe& wtho"t %one o& )&stle. And he was sho&t o' stat"&e! a 7"-# lttle old (an! l#e an adoles-ent. E+en hs %ea&d was nothn) %"t a 8o#e. Two o& th&ee &eddsh ha&s on hs -hn5that was all the&e was to t. He wasn*t at all l#e so(e statel$ old (an $o" ()ht see &dn) down the &oad! wth a %ea&d l#e a shea' o' )&an! n a )&eat! loose o+e&-oat wth a wde la(%s#n -olla& and an e1/ens+e hat! ast&de a 'ne ho&se! ts saddle t&((ed wth sl+e&. A sa)e! a /&o/het! no one wo"ld hestate to %ow to s"-h a (an! he wo"ld %e hono&ed e+e&$whe&e3 B"t old Mo("n had %een  %o&n onl$ as the O%l)n) O%l)n) Mo("n. ;e&ha/s hs onl$ onl$ ad+anta)e was that he he ne+e& 'ea&ed losn) 'a-e wth othe&s. =Dd I st down &)ht6 Dd I sa$ the &)ht thn)! o& )+e the w&on) answe&! o& s(le the w&on) wa$! o& ths! o& that6> In ths &es/e-t! Mo("n! wtho"t s"s/e-tn) t h(sel'! was e1t&ao&dna&l$ 'o&t"nate. Man$ /eo/le waste awa$ not so ("-h '&o( dsease as '&o( the& "n-ont&olla%le! de+o"&n) /asson /asson to show the(sel+es %ette& and (o&e (/o&tant than the$ a&e. =0ho doesn*t want to %e #nown as -le+e&! wo&th$! handso(e! and at the sa(e t(e ste&n! 8"st! and &esol"te6> B"t old Mo("n was not l#e that. He was a '"nn$! 7"ee& old (an! and e+e&$%od$ t&eated h( as 8"st a '"nn$! 7"ee& old (an.

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2Assala( ale#"(! )&eat (e&-hant32 he sad! hal' se&o"sl$! hal' n 8est. 2Has $o"& -a&a+an a&&+ed sa'el$! s $o"& t&ade )on) well62 All o' h( %ea(n)! Mo("n shoo# the sales(an*s hand. 2How ("-h wate& has )one %$ sn-e we last (et. 0el-o(e to o"& /a&ts32 The sales(an s(led tole&antl$ at hs s/ee-h and hs whole /"n$ ')"&e n the sa(e -oa&se! wo&n %oots! the sa(e -an+as t&o"se&s (ade %$ the old wo(an! the sha%%$ 8a-#et! the 'elt hat! )&own &"st$ wth s"n and &an. And he answe&ed: 2The -a&a+an s sa'e. B"t what does t loo# l#e! when the (e&-hant -o(es to $o"! and $o" &"n o'' nto $o"& 'elds and +alle$s6 And tell $o"& w+es to hold on to the& #o/e#s as to the& so"ls at d$n) t(e6 A (an -o"ld show the( the %est )oods n the wo&ld! and the$ won*t o/en "/ the& /"&ses.2 2Don*t ta#e o''ense! )ood (an!2 Mo("n a/olo)9ed n -on'"son. 2I' we had #nown $o" we&e -o(n)! we wo"ldn*t ha+e le't. As 'o& (one$! what -an $o" do ' $o"& /o-#ets a&e e(/t$6 A'te& we sell the /otatoes n the 'all . . . 2Go on!2 the sales(an nte&&"/ted h(. 2I #now $o"*&e as &-h as %e$s. Yo" st he&e n $o"& (o"ntans! wth all the land! all the ha$ n the wo&ld. Loo# at those woods5a (an -an*t )et a-&oss the( n th&ee da$s. Yo" #ee/ l+esto-#6 Yo" #ee/ %eeh+es6 B"t when t -o(es to /a&tn) wth a #o/e#! $o" -lose $o"& 'sts. He&e! %"$ a sl# 7"lt . . . O& a sewn) (a-hne! I*+e onl$ one le't . . .2 2T&"l$! we ha+en*t )ot that #nd o' (one$!2 Mo("n a/olo)9ed. 2Tell t to so(eone else. Yo"*&e t)ht! old (an! sttn) on $o"& (one$. And what 'o&62 2No! t*s t&"e! I swea& %$ the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee&. . .2 ?He&e! ta#e so(e -o&d"&o$! $o" -an (a#e $o"&sel' new /ants.2 2I wo"ld! I swea& %$ the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& . . .2 2Ah! what*s the )ood o' tal#n) to $o"62 The sales(an wa+ed hs hand. 2D&o+e all ths

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He %e)an to -lose the t&"-# doo&s! then s"ddenl$ he )lan-ed at the )&andson who stood nea& the old (an holdn) the do) %$ the ea&! &ead$ to &"n a'te& the t&"-#. 20h$ not %"$ h( a s-hool%a)6 The #d ("st %e &ead$ 'o& s-hool! no6 How old s he62 Mo("n ((edatel$ se9ed on the dea. At least he*d %"$ so(ethn) '&o( the /este&n) sales(an. Besdes! the %o$ &eall$ needed a s-hool%a)< he*d %e sta&tn) s-hool ne1t 'all. 2Yo"*&e &)ht!2 sad Mo("n. 2I ne+e& tho")ht o' that. Ce&tanl$! he*s se+en! )on) on e)ht. . . . Co(e o+e& he&e!2 he -alled to hs )&andson. The old (an sea&-hed th&o")h hs /o-#ets and 'o"nd the '+e &"%le note he had stashed awa$. It ("st ha+e %een l$n) n hs /o-#et 'o& a lon) t(e5all soled and -&"(/led. 2He&e! &o"ndhead.2 The sales(an wn#ed sl$l$ at the %o$! handn) h( the s-hool%a). 2Yo"*d %ette& st"d$! now. I' $o" don*t lea&n $o"& ABCs! $o"*ll %e st"-# 'o& l'e wth )&and/a n the (o"ntans.2 2He*ll lea&n3 He*s a s(a&t one!2 Mo("n &e/led! -o"ntn) the -han)e. Then he )lan-ed at hs )&andson who was aw#wa&dl$ -l"t-hn) the new s-hool%a)! and /&essed h( -lose to h(sel'. 2That*s )ood! now. In the 'all $o"*ll )o to s-hool!2 he sad n a low +o-e. The ha&d! hea+$ /al( o' the )&and'athe& )entl$ -o+e&ed the %o$*s head. And the %o$*s th&oat -ont&a-ted. He 'elt sha&/l$ the thnness o' the old (an and the 'a(la& s(ell o' hs -lothes! a s(ell o' d&$ ha$ and the sweat o' a ha&dwo&#n) (an. T&"e! de/enda%le! hs own. ;e&ha/s the onl$ /e&son n the wo&ld who doted on h(5ths s(/lehea&ted! '"nn$ old (an who( dle ton)"es had n-#na(ed O%l)n) Mo("n. . . . 0ell! what o' t6 0hate+e& he was l#e! the %o$ was )lad to ha+e hs own )&and'athe&. The %o$ had ne+e& e1/e-ted to 'eel s"-h ha//ness. He had ne+e& tho")ht o' s-hool  %e'o&e. Untl now! he had onl$ onl$ seen othe& -hld&en who who went to s-hool5o"t s-hool5o"t the&e! n the Iss$# 4"l +lla)es %e$ond the (o"ntans! whe&e he had )one wth hs )&and'athe& to the '"ne&al 'easts o' (/o&tant old B")ans.

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A'te& A"nt Be#e$! the %o$ &an o+e& to show the new /"&-hase to G"ld9ha(al and he& da")hte&. And '&o( the&e! he h"&&ed to the (eadow! to Seda#h(at. A)an he dashed /ast the &"st$ 2-a(el!2 and a)an he had no t(e to sto/ and /at hs h"(/< then /ast the 2saddle!2 the 2wol'!2 the 2tan#!2 and on alon) the &+e&%an#. U/ the /ath th&o")h the sh&"%%e&$. And then alon) the (owed st&/! "ntl he -a(e to Seda#h(at. Seda#h(at was alone n the 'eld. G&and/a had lon) 'nshed (own) hs se-ton! and O&o9#"l*s as well. And the ha$ had al&ead$ %een &e(o+ed. G&and(a and A"nt Be#e$ had &a#ed t to)ethe&! Mo("n had /led t on the wa)on! and he %o$ had hel/ed )&and/a! d&a))n) the ha$ -lose& to the wa)on. The$ had /led two ha$sta-#s %$ the -owshed. G&and/a had %"lt the( so neatl$ that no &an -o"ld /enet&ate s(ooth! sl#$ sta-#s! as tho")h -o(%ed down wth a 'ne -o(%. He dd ths e+e&$ $ea&. O&o9#"l ne+e& (owed! he (ade hs 'athe&nlaw do e+e&$thn). He was the -he'! a'te& all. I' I want to! he wo"ld sa$! I -an '&e $o" n a (n"te. He*d sa$ that to )&and/a and to Seda#h(at. 0hen he was d&"n#. R"t he -o"ldn*t &eall$ '&e )&and/a. 0ho*d do the wo How -o"ld he )et alon) wtho"t )&and/a6 The&e was a lot o' wo&# n the woods! es/e-all$ n the 'all. G&and/a alwa$s sad5the woods a&e not a 'lo-# o' shee/! the t&ees won*t wande& o''. B"t t he$ need as ("-h loo#n) a'te&. In -ase o' '&e! o& a s"dden 'lood '&o( the (o"ntans! a t&ee won*t 8"(/ o"t o' the wa$! won*t lea+e ts s/ot. It wll /e&sh whe&e t stands. That*s wh$ $o" need a 'o&este&! to see that the t&ee doesn*t /e&sh. And as 'o& Seda#h(at! O&o9#"l wo"ldn*t '&e h( ethe&! %e-a"se Seda#h(at was a 7"et (an. He ne+e& nte&'e&ed! he ne+e& a&)"ed. B"t tho")h he was a 7"et and st&on) 'ellow! he was la9$! and he l#ed to slee/. That was wh$ he had -hosen 'o&est wo&#. G&and/a sad that on the So+et 'a&(s s"-h 'ellows d&o+e t&"-#s and /lowed the land wth t&a-to&s. And Seda#h(at let e+en hs own /otato /at-h )et o+e&)&own wth weeds. G"ld9ha(al had to ta#e -a&e o' the )a&den he&sel'! wth the %a%$ n he& a&(s. And now Seda#h(at #e/t /"ttn) o'' the (own) too. E+en )&and/a had s-olded h( the othe& da$. 2Last wnte&!2 he sad! 2t wasn*t $o" %"t the %easts I was so&&$ 'o&. That*s wh$ I )a+e $o" o' ($ own ha$. I' $o"*&e -o"ntn) on the old (an*s ha$ a)an! $o"*d %ette& tell (e &)ht now  5I*ll (ow t 'o& $o".2 That &eall$ &eall$ sha(ed h(! and toda$ Seda#h(at Seda#h(at had %een swn)n) swn)n) awa$ wth hs s-$the sn-e ea&l$ (o&nn). Hea&n) 7"-# 'ootste/s %ehnd h(! Seda#h(at t"&ned and w/ed hs 'a-e wth hs

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2Yo" (ean $o"*ll wal# to D9helesa62 Seda#h(at as#ed wth wonde&. 20h$! that*s a )ood '+e (les a-&oss the (o"ntan.2 2G&and/a sad he*ll ta#e (e the&e! on ho&se%a-#.2 2E+e&$ da$! %oth wa$s6 The old (an*s da''$. It*s t(e 'o& h( to )o to s-hool h(sel'. He*ll st the&e wth $o" at the des# "ntl the -lasses a&e o+e&! and then5%a-# ho(e32 Seda#h(at &olled wth la")hte&. The dea o' old Mo("n sttn) wth hs )&andson at the s-hool des# was too '"nn$ 'o& wo&ds. The %o$ stood %$! %ewlde&ed. 2Oh! I*( onl$ 8o#n)!2 e1/laned Seda#h(at. He )a+e h( a l)ht 'll/ on the nose and /"lled the +so& o' )&and/a*s -a/ o+e& the %o$*s e$es. Mo("n ne+e& wo&e the "n'o&( -a/ o' the ,o&est&$ De/a&t(ent. He was too sh$: 20hat a( I! so(e so&t o' %)w)6 I*ll ne+e& e1-han)e ($ 4&)h9 hat 'o& an$ othe&.2 In s"((e&t(e! Mo("n wo&e an old whte 'elt hat! o' the #nd that "sed to %e -alled a##al/a# n 'o&(e& t(es! ts  %&( ed)ed wth 'aded %la-# satn! and n the wnte& wnte& an e7"all$ an-ent shee/s#n shee/s#n hat. He let hs )&andson wea& the )&een "n'o&( -a/ o' a 'o&este&. The %o$ was o''ended at Seda#h(at 'o& (a#n) '"n o' hs news. He s"llenl$ /"shed the +so& o' hs -a/ %a-# o+e& hs 'o&ehead! and when Seda#h(at t&ed to )+e h( anothe& 'll/ on the nose! he 8e&#ed hs head %a-# and sna//ed at h(:

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The %o$ s/o#e to hs s-hool%a) as he was &et"&nn) ho(e. He en8o$ed tal#n) to t. He ntended to -ontn"e the -on+e&saton! to tell t (o&e a%o"t h(sel'5thn)s t ddn*t #now $et. B"t he was nte&&"/ted. The&e was a -latte& o' hoo+es '&o( the sde. A &de& on a )&a$ ho&se e(e&)ed '&o( %ehnd the t&ees. It was O&o9#"l! who was also )on) ho(e. The )&a$ stallon! Ala%ash! who( no one else was allowed to &de! was saddled wth the s/e-al holda$ saddle! wth -o//e& st&&"/s and a leathe& st&a/ a-&oss hs -hest! wth tn#ln) sl+e& &n)s. O&o9#"l*s hat had sl//ed to the %a-# o' hs head! e1/osn) a &ed! low 'o&ehead. The heat had (ade h( slee/$! and le do9ed on hs ho&se. Hs +el+et -oat! /oo&l$ talo&ed %"t (ade to &ese(%le those wo&n %$ the dst&-t leade&s! was "n%"ttoned '&o( to/ to %otto(. Hs whte sh&t had -o(e o"t '&o( "nde& hs %elt. He was '"ll o' 'ood and 7"te d&"n#. "st a sho&t whle a)o he had %een sttn) wth '&ends! d&n#n) #o"($ss  note:  note: 'e&(ented (a&es (l# and )o&)n) h(sel' on (eat. 0hen she/he&ds and ho&sehe&ds '&o( the s"&&o"ndn) a&eas -a(e to the (o"ntan  /ast"&es 'o& the s"((e&! the$ o'ten o'ten n+ted O&o9#"l O&o9#"l to +st the(. He had old old '&ends a(on) I he(! %"t the$ n+ted h( 'o& the& own &easons too. O&o9#"l was a "se'"l (an. Es/e-all$ to those who we&e %"ldn) *lo"ses 'o& the(sel+es! %"t had to s/end s"((e&s "/ n the (o"ntans. The$ -o"ld not lea+e the he&ds alone and )o to loo# 'o& %"ldn) (ate&als. Besdes! the (ate&als we&en*t eas$ to -o(e %$! es/e-all$ t(%e&. B"t ' $o" /leased O&o9#"l! he*d let $o" ha+e a -o"/le o' t&ees '&o( the 'o&est /&ese&+e. Othe&wse $o" ()ht %e wande&n) n the (o"ntans wth $o"& he&d to the end o' $o"& da$s! and the ho"se wo"ld ne+e& he 'nshed.

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The %o$ wal#ed a'te& h( alon) the /ath and was astonshed to see hs "n-le +ansh s"ddenl$. O&o9#"l had t"&ned o'' towa&d the &+e&! ds(o"nted! th&ew down the &ens! and went on 'oot st&a)ht th&o")h the tall )&ass. He wal#ed! swa$n) and stoo/ed! /&essn) hs hands o+e& hs 'a-e! hs head /"lled nto hs sho"lde&s. At the %an#! he s7"atted down! d//ed hs hands nto the wate& and s/lashed t on hs 'a-e. 2I )"ess he*s )ot a heada-he '&o( the heat!2 the %o$ de-ded when he saw what O&o9#"l was don). He dd not #now that O&o9#"l was -&$n) and -o"ld not sto/. That he was -&$n)  %e-a"se t was not hs son son who -a(e &"nnn) to (eet h(! and %e-a"se he had not 'o"nd 'o"nd wthn h(sel' the tln) that was needed to sa$ at least a h"(an wo&d o& two to ths %o$ wth hs s-hool%a).

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2 ,&o( the s"((t o' O"tloo# Mo"ntan $o" -o"ld see n all d&e-tons. L$n) on hs sto(a-h! the %o$ ad8"sted the %no-"la&s. These /owe&'"l 'eld )lasses had on-e %een awa&ded to hs )&and'athe& 'o& hs lon) $ea&s o' se&+-e at the 'o&est /ost. The old (an had no /aten-e wth the(: 2M$ own e$es a&e 8"st as )ood.2 B"t the$ %e-a(e the %o$*s 'a+o&te -o(/anon. Ths t(e he had -o(e to the (o"ntan wth the %no-"la&s and the s-hool%a). At '&st! all o%8e-ts 8"(/ed dsto&tedl$ n the &o"nd lenses! then s"ddenl$ the$ %e-a(e '&( and sha&/. Ths was the (ost nte&estn) (o(ent o' all. Holdn) hs %&eath so as not to dst"&% the 'o-"s! he ad(&ed the lands-a/e o/enn) %e'o&e h( as tho")h he had -&eated t h(sel'. Then he wo"ld sh't to anothe& s/ot! and a)an e+e&$thn) %e-a(e ds/la-ed! and the %o$ a)an t"&ned the ad8"st(ent s-&ew to -a/t"&e the lost 'o-"s. He -o"ld see e+e&$thn) '&o( he&e. All the wa$ o"t we&e the h)hest! snow-a//ed s"((ts! a%o+e I+h-h the&e was nothn) %"t the s#$. The$ loo(ed %e$ond the othe& (o"ntans! &sn) a%o+e the& /ea#s and the whole ea&th. Then -a (e the (o"ntan &an)es 8"st %eneath the

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-l(%ed down a slo/n) (o"nd. At the +e&$ end o' t stood a s(all %"ldn). It was the 'o"&$ea&  /&(a&$ s-hool. The olde& olde& -hld&en we&e sent to the %oa&dn) s-hool at the the So+et 'a&(< the $o"n)e& ones attended ths s-hool. The %o$ had +sted the +lla)e wth hs )&and'athe& to see the (ed- when he had a so&e th&oat. Now he loo#ed ntentl$ th&o")h hs %no-"la&s at the lttle s-hool -o+e&ed wth a &eddsh tle &oo'! wth a sn)le! -&oo#ed -h(ne$ and a hand(ade /l$wood s)n: ME4TE;. He dd not #now how to &ead! %"t he )"essed that ths was the wo&d. E+e&$thn)! e+en the sl)htest! "n%ele+a%l$ s(all detals! -o"ld %e seen th&o")h the 'eld )lass. So(e wo&ds s-&a/ed o"t on the  /laste& wall! the %&o#en! %&o#en! /asted )lass n the wndow wndow '&a(e! the wa&/ed! &o")h %oa&ds %oa&ds o' the /o&-h. He (a)ned h(sel' )on) the&e wth hs s-hool%a) and ste//n) nto the doo& on wh-h a la&)e  /adlo-# was now han)n). han)n). 0hat wo"ld he 'nd %ehnd that doo&6 0hen he 'nshed e1a(nn) the s-hool! the %o$ t"&ned hs %no-"la&s to the la#e. B"t e+e&$thn) was stll the sa(e. The whte sh/ had not $et a//ea&ed. The %o$ t"&ned hs %a-# to the la#e and loo#ed down! /"ttn) hs %no-"la&s asde. Below! &)ht at the 'oot o' the (o"ntan! the seethn)! sl+e&$ &+e& &"shed o+e& &o-#s and &a/ds alon) the %otto( o' the +alle$. The wndn) &oad 'ollowed the &+e&%an# and dsa//ea&ed to)ethe& wth the &+e& %ehnd a t"&n n the )o&)e. The o//oste %an# was stee/ and wooded5the %e)nnn) o' the 'o&est san-t"a&$ that -l(%ed h)h nto the (o"ntans! to the +e&$ snow-a/s. The /nes -l(%ed 'a&the& than the &est. The$ &ased the& da&# lttle %&"shes alon) the -&ests o' the (o"ntan &an)es! a(dst the &o-#s and snow.

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s-oldn)! all the an)e& at ho(e. G&and(a wo"ld na) hs )&and'athe&: 2He*ll %e -a&&ed o'' nto the &+e&! then let h( %la(e h(sel'5I wll not st& a 'n)e&. 0ho needs h(! an$wa$6 Hs own (othe& and 'athe& le't h(. And I ha+e t&o"%les eno")h wtho"t h(! I*+e )ot no st&en)th le't.2 0hat -o"ld one sa$ to he&6 She was an old wo(an! and what she sad was &)ht. B"t then! Mo("n 'elt so&&$ 'o& the %o$! too. The &+e& was al(ost at the doo& and no (atte& how ("-h the old wo(an s-olded and th&eatened! the %o$ stll &an nto the wate&. And so Mo("n de-ded to da( "/ the shallows wth &o-#s! so the %o$ wo"ld ha+e a /ond to /la$ n wtho"t dan)e&. 0ho #nows how (an$ &o-#s old Mo("n d&a))ed to the shallows! -hoosn) la&)e ones that the -"&&ent -o"ld not dslod)e. He -a&&ed the( /&essed a)anst hs sto(a-h! and! standn) n the wate&! %"lt the( "/ -"nnn)l$! so that the wate& -o"ld 'low n '&eel$ %etween the( and 'low o"t 8"st as '&eel$. ,"nn$loo#n)! thn! wth hs s/a&se lttle %ea&d! n wet t&o"se&s -ln)n) to hs

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2Oh! $o" st"/d32 The %o$ 8"(/ed "/ wth hs %no-"la&s and wa+ed hs hand. 2Get awa$! do $o" hea&! )et awa$3 Balte#3 Balte#32 The do) la$ -al(l$ %$ the ho"se. 2Get h(3 Get h(32 the %o$ -&ed des/e&atel$ to the do). B"t Balte# ddn*t e+en /&-# "/ hs ea&s. He la$ st&et-hed o"t n the shadow wtho"t a -a&e n the wo&ld. At that (o(ent )&and(a -a(e o"t o' the ho"se. She -la//ed he& hands! se9ed a %&oo(! and &"shed at the -al'. The -al' &an! )&and(a 'ollowed. Hs e$es )l"ed to the %no-"la&s! the %o$ s7"atted down to #ee/ '&o( %en) seen on the (o"ntan. Ha+n) d&+en o'' the -al'! the old wo(an wal#ed %a-# towa&d the ho"se! swea&n)! %&eathless wth an)e& and wth &"nnn). The  %o$ saw he& as -lea&l$ as ' he we&e we&e &)ht ne1t to he&. She was as -lose -lose n hs )lass as n the (o+es! when the$ show onl$ a /e&son*s 'a-e. He saw he& $ellow e$es! na&&owed wth &a)e. He saw the 'l"sh that -o+e&ed he& whole w&n#led 'a-e. As n the (o+es! when the so"nd s"ddenl$  %&ea#s o''! )&and(a*s l/s (o+ed (o+ed &a/dl$ and so"ndlessl$! so"ndlessl$! %a&n) he& 8a))ed 8a))ed teeth wth )a/s  %etween the(. It was (/oss%le (/oss%le to hea& he& wo&ds at ths ths dstan-e! %"t the %o$ %o$ hea&d the( as

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And then all %ell %&o#e loose. G&and(a howled wth an)e&. G"ld9ha(al t&ed to (a#e  /ea-e %etween the wo(en! she tal#ed tal#ed to the old wo(an! wo(an! /"t he& a&( a%o"t he&! t&$n) to to ta#e he& ho(e! %"t )&and(a &anted on and on! &"shn) a%o"t the $a&d l#e a (adwo(an. A"nt Be#e$ snat-hed "/ the sa(o+a&! s/lln) the %oln) wate&! and al(ost &an wth t nto he& ho"se. And )&and(a wea&l$ san# onto a lo) and so%%ed! -o(/lann) o' he& %tte& 'ate. The %o$ was now 'o&)otten. Now she &a+ed a)anst the Lo&d God h(sel' and the whole wo&ld. 2Is t (e $o"*&e tal#n) a%o"t6 Is t (e $o"*&e as#n) what I a(62 )&and(a -&ed nd)nantl$ to he& a%sent ste/da")hte&. 20h$! ' the Lo&d hadn*t /"nshed (e! ' He hadn*t ta#en ($ '+e %a%es! ' ($ onl$ &e(ann) son hadn*t %een st&"-# down %$ a %"llet n the wa& at the a)e o' e)hteen! ' ($ old (an! ($ da&ln) Ta$)a&a! had not '&o9en to death d"&n) a snowsto&( wth hs 'lo-# o' shee/! wo"ld I e+e& %e he&e a(on) $o" 'o&est /eo/le6 A( I! then! l#e $o"! a %a&&en one6 0o"ld I %e l+n) n ($ old a)e wth $o"& 'athe&! the hal'wtted Mo("n6 ,o& what sns! 'o& what t&ans)&essons ha+e $o" /"nshed (e! $o" da(ned! a--"&sed God62

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He dd not &e(e(%e& ethe& hs 'athe& o& hs (othe&. He ne+e& saw the(. Nethe& had e+e&  -o(e to +st h(. B"t the %o$ #new that hs 'athe& was a salo& on Iss$#4"l! and hs (othe& le't he& son wth )&and/a a'te& the (a&&a)e %&o#e "/! and went to the -t$. She went! and dsa//ea&ed  5n a dstant -t$ %e$ond %e$ond the (o"ntans! the la#e! la#e! and (o&e (o"ntans. Old Mo("n had on-e )one to that -t$ to sell /otatoes. He was awa$ a whole wee# and! on &et"&nn)! he told A"nt Be#e$ and )&and(a o+e& a -"/ o' tea that he had seen hs da")hte&! the  %o$*s (othe&. She was wo&#n) wo&#n) n so(e %) 'a-to&$ as a wea+e&! wea+e&! and she had a new 'a(l$5two 'a(l$5two )&ls who( she sent to n"&se&$ s-hool and saw onl$ on-e a wee#. She l+ed n a %) ho"se! %"t n a tn$ &oo(! so tn$ $o" -o"ld not t"&n a&o"nd. And n the $a&d no%od$ #new an$%od$ else! as n a (a&#et/la-e. And e+e&$%od$ o"t the&e l+ed l#e that: the$ wo"ld -o(e nto the& &oo( and lo-#  the doo& at on-e. Sttn) lo-#ed "/ as n a /&son all the t(e. He& h"s%and! she sad! was a %"s d&+e&! 'e&&$n) /eo/le th&o")h the st&eets '&o( 'o"& n the (o&nn) tll late at n)ht. A d''-"lt  8o%. Hs da")hte&! he sad! sad! #e/t -&$n) and %e))n) %e))n) hs 'o&)+eness. 'o&)+eness. The$ we&e on a watn) lst lst

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wo"ld sa$ )ood%$e to hs 'a+o&te %o"lde&s: 2Good%$e! &estn) -a(el!2 2)ood%$e! wol'!2 2)ood%$e! saddle!2 2)ood%$e! tan#.2 And when he swa( /ast the 'o&est staton! he wo"ld 8"(/ o"t o' the wate& and wa+e hs 'ns to )&and/a: 2Good%$e! eta! I*ll %e %a-# soon.2 And )&and/a wo"ld %e /et&'ed wth wonde& at s"-h a s)ht and wo"ldn*t #now what to do. And )&and(a! and A"nt Be#e$! and G"ld9ha(al wth he& da")hte& wo"ld all stand )a/n) wth o/en (o"ths. 0ho has e+e& seen a -&eat"&e wth a h"(an head and the %od$ o' a 'sh3 And he*d %e wa+n) hs 'n to the(: 2Good%$e! I*( o'' to Iss$#4"l! to the whte sh/. M$ 'athe& s a salo& on t.2 Balte# wo"ld &"n to 'ollow h( alon) the %an#. B"t ' he de-ded to /l"n)e nto the wate& to 8on h(! he*d -&$: 2No! Balte#! don*t! $o"*ll d&own32 And he wo"ld -ontn"e on< he*d d+e "nde& the -a%les o' the s"s/enson %&d)e! and /ast the -oastal sh&"%s! and down th&o")h the &oa&n) )o&)e st&a)ht nto Iss$#4"l. Iss$#4"l s as %) as a sea. He wo"ld sw( a-&oss the wa+es! '&o( wa+e to wa+e to wa+e5and then the whte sh/ wo"ld a//ea& %e'o&e h(. 2Hello! whte sh/!2 he*d sa$ to t! 2t*s

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-a(e. 0e o'ten ha+e 7"ee& weathe&5$o" -an*t (a#e t o"t: one (o(ent t*s %&)ht! then t )ets -lo"d$! one (o(ent t &ans! the ne1t t hals. Ths )&and(a s 8"st l#e that! $o" ne+e& "nde&stand he&. Now she*s )ood! now an)&$! and now nothn) at all. 0hen she s so&e! she*ll na) $o" to death. G&and/a and I #ee/ slent. She*s alwa$s sa$n) that a st&an)e&! no (atte& how ("-h $o" 'eed h( and -a&e 'o& h(! wll %&n) $o" no )ood. B"t I*( not a st&an)e& he&e! /a/a. I*+e alwa$s

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$o" a&e the -o((ande&! e+e&$%od$ o%e$s $o". It*s /&o%a%l$ n-e 'o& a -o((ande& to %e a -o((ande&. Then the (oon -o(es "/ o+e& the (o"ntans. It*s e+en (o&e '"n to /la$ n the (oonl)ht!  %"t )&and/a ta#es (e ho(e. 0e wal# wal# a-&oss the (eadow! th&o")h th&o")h sh&"%%e&$. The shee/ shee/ le

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ste/ a-&oss the &+e&! and )o nto the woods. The t&ees a&e also '&)htened n the woods at n)ht. The$*&e alone! wth no%od$ to sa$ a wo&d to the(. The$ stand the&e na#ed! '&ee9n) n the -old! wth no /la-e to hde. And I wo"ld wal# n the woods! and /at e+e&$ t&ee on the t&"n#! so t wo"ldn*t %e a'&ad. I thn#! the t&ees that don*t t"&n )&een n s/&n) a&e those that '&o9e '&o( '&)ht. 0e -ho/ the( down a'te&wa&d 'o& '&ewood.

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da$ lea&ned /eo/le -a(e to +st "s. Two wo(en! %oth wea&n) /ants! a lttle old (an! and a $o"n) 'ellow. The $o"n) one was a st"dent. The$ s/ent a whole (onth wth "s. Colle-tn) lea+es and %&an-hes. The$ sad the&e we&e 'ew 'o&ests le't n the wo&ld l#e o"& SanTash! al(ost none at all. And e+e&$ t&ee sho"ld %e )"a&ded and wat-hed o+e&.

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2M$ )&and/a s a )ood (an!2 the %o$ sad. 2I*ll ne+e& lea+e h(.2 2Oh! that*s 8"st 'o& a whle. Late& $o"*ll "nde&stand.2  Now! as he lstened to the +o-es n the $a&d! the the %o$ &e-alled that a&($ t&"-# and how he -o"ld not e1/lan to the d&+e& wh$ d&+e&s! at least those he #new! we&e the sons o' the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee&. The %o$ had s/o#en the t&"th. He had not n+ented an$thn). Last $ea&! also n the 'all! o& e+en a %t late&! the So+et 'a&( t&"-#s had -o(e nto the (o"ntans 'o& ha$. The$ dd not /ass the 'o&est /ost! %"t t"&ned o'' sho&tl$ %e'o&e &ea-hn) t! whe&e the &oad d+ded. The$ d&o+e alon) the  %&an-h that led to the A&-ha A&-ha hollow and then &an "/wa&d "/wa&d to the h)hland (eadow whe&e the ha$ had %een /&e/a&ed n s"((e&t(e! to %e ta#en to the 'a&( n the 'all. The %o$ had hea&d the &oa& o' (an$ (oto&s '&o( O"tloo# Mo"ntan and &an down to the 'o&# n the &oad. So (an$ t&"-#s at on-e3 One a'te& anothe&. A whole -ol"(n. He -o"nted -lose to ''teen. The weathe& was 8"st a%o"t to -han)e. Snow -o"ld %e)n an$ da$< then t wo"ld %e )ood  %$e to the ha$ "ntl ne1t ne1t $ea&. The&e wo"ld %e no )ettn) )ettn) th&o")h. A//a&entl$! A//a&entl$! the$ had %een dela$ed %$ othe& %"sness at the 'a&(! and when the t(e )&ew sho&t! the$ had de-ded to send o"t all the t&"-#s at on-e. B"t the& -al-"latons we&e to %e /&o+en w&on). The %o$! howe+e&! dd not #now t then! no& dd he -a&e. 0ldl$ e1-ted! he &an to (eet ea-h t&"-#! &a-ed t 'o& a whle! then &an to (eet the ne1t one. The t&"-#s we&e all new! wth 'ne -a%ns and wde wndows. And n the -a%ns we&e $o"n) 'ellows! ea-h %ette& loo#n) than the ne1t. In so(e o' the -a%ns the&e we&e two 'ellows! the e1t&a ones -o(n) to hel/ load and te the ha$. The$ all see(ed to the %o$ %&a+e! handso(e! 8oll$. And t was t&"e. The %o$ was &)ht. The t&"-#s we&e n )ood sha/e! the$ &olled easl$ and 'ast down the slo/e /ast O"tloo# Mo"ntan! o+e& the ha&d s(ooth &oad (ade o' -&"shed stones. The d&+e&s we&e n a /leasant (ood5the weathe& was 'ne! and he&e! all o' a s"dden! o"t o' nowhe&e! -a(e ths lo/ea&ed! &o"ndheaded #d! (eetn) e+e&$ t&"-# as tho")h -&a9ed wth 8o$. How -o"ld the$ hel/ la")hn) and wa+n) to h(! and sha#n) a 'n)e& 8estn)l$ to add to hs e1-te(ent and '"n6 The last t&"-# e+en sto//ed 'o& h(. The d&+e&! a $o"n) 'ellow n a solde&*s -oat! %"t wtho"t sho"lde& st&a/s! and wtho"t a (lta&$ -a/! loo#ed o"t o' the -a%n. 2Hello! what a&e $o" don) he&e! eh62 He wn#ed n a '&endl$ (anne&. 2Oh! nothn).2 The %o$ was s"ddenl$ sh$. ?A&e $o" old Mo("n*s %o$62 ?Yes.

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4"l"%e# has -o(e ho(e '&o( the a&($ and now wo&#s as a d&+e& at the So+et 'a&(. 0ell! see $o".2 And n /a&tn) he )a+e the %o$ a (lta&$ %ad)e! a +e&$ nte&estn) one. Loo#ed l#e a (edal. The t&"-# &oa&ed l#e a (o"ntan lon and s/ed awa$! to -at-h "/ wth the &est. And the  %o$ was s"ddenl$ o+e&-o(e o+e&-o(e wth s"-h a st&on) des&e des&e to )o alon) wth wth that %&a+e! #ndl$ 'ellow 'ellow n the a&($ -oat! hs %&othe& B")an. B"t the &oad was e(/t$ now! and he had to )o ho(e. He went %a-# /&o"dl$! and told hs )&and'athe& a%o"t the (eetn). And he /nned the %ad)e to hs -hest. Towa&d the e+enn) o' that da$ the SanTash wnd swe/t down s"ddenl$ '&o( the h)hest &an)e. It st&"-# l#e a h"&&-ane. The lea+es &ose n a -ol"(n o+e& the woods! and! sw&ln) h)he&  and h)he& nto the s#$! &"shed howln) o+e& the ( o"ntans. In a (o(ent e+e&$thn) was n a 'l$n) "/&oa&5$o" -o"ld not o/en $o"& e$es. And all at on-e5the snow. 0hte da&#ness d&o//ed "/on the ea&th! the woods swa$ed! the &+e& &a)ed. And snow -a(e down and -a(e down n wld )"sts. The /eo/le at the /ost had so(ehow (ana)ed to )et the an(als nto the stall! &e(o+e a 'ew thn)s '&o( the $a&d! and %&n) as ("-h wood as the$ -o"ld nto the ho"ses. A'te& that the$ -o"ld not /o#e the& noses o"t. 20hat -o"ld t (ean62 G&and/a Mo("n wonde&ed and wo&&ed as he '&ed the sto+e. He #e/t lstenn) to the howln) o' the wnd and )on) o+e& to the wndow a)an and a)an. O"tsde! the wh&ln) snow$ ("&# )&ew th-#e& and th-#e&. 2St down! wll $o"32 )&and(a s-olded. 2It*s not the '&st sto&( $o"*+e seen. *0hat -o"ld t (ean6*2 she ((-#ed h(. 2It (eans that wnte&*s he&e.2 2All at on-e! n a sn)le da$ . . .2 2And wh$ not6 I' t wants to -o(e! t -o(es. E1/e-t t to as# $o"& lea+e62 The wnd %oo(ed n the -h(ne$. At '&st t '&)htened the %o$. He was -hlled! too! a'te&  hel/n) hs )&and'athe& ta#e -a&e o' thn)s o"tsde. B"t soon the wood %"&ned %&)htl$ n the sto+e! 'lln) the ho"se wth wa&(th and the s(ells o' heated &esn and /ne s(o#e! and the %o$ -al(ed down! wa&( and -o('o&ta%le. The$ had s"//e& and went to %ed. And o"tsde the snow 'ell and sw&led! the wnd &a)ed on. 2It ("st %e +e&$ '&)htenn) n the woods!2 the %o$ tho")ht! lstenn) to the so"nds o"tsde the wndow. He )&ew wo&&ed when he s"ddenl$ hea&d ("''led +o-es and -&es. So(eone was -alln) o"t! so(eone answe&ed. At '&st the %o$ tho")ht he had onl$ (a)ned t. 0ho wo"ld %e -o(n) to the 'o&est ' o&est /ost at s"-h a t(e6 B"t G&and/a Mo("n and )&and(a hea&d

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2Yes!2 the old (an answe&ed "n-e&tanl$. Then! an1o"sl$! 20he&e '&o(6 At ths ho"&62 He h"&&edl$ %e)an to d&ess. G&and(a %e)an to %"stle too. She )ot "/ and lt a la(/. The %o$ was also an1o"s and d&essed 7"-#l$. Meant(e! the /eo/le had a//&oa-hed the ho"se. The&e we&e (an$ +o-es and (an$ 'eet. The& %oots -&ea#ed on the snow as the new-o(e&s sta(/ed a-&oss the /o&-h and  %an)ed on the doo&: 2A#sa#al! o/en "/3 0e*&e '&ee9n)32 20ho a&e $o"62 2No st&an)e&s5we*&e '&o( he&ea%o"ts.2 Mo("n o/ened the doo&. To)ethe& wth %lasts o' wnd and -old and snow! the $o"n) d&+e&s who had )one that a'te&noon to A&-ha to -olle-t ha$ 'o& the So+et 'a&( /led nto the &oo(! -o+e&ed wth snow '&o( head to 'oot. The %o$ &e-o)n9ed the( at on-e. And 4"l"%e#! n hs a&($ -oat! who had )+en h( the %ad)e. The$ led one (an "nde& the a&(s< he (oaned and d&a))ed hs le). At on-e the&e we&e ala&(ed -&es '&o( )&and(a and Mo("n: 2Asta/&alla3 note: ?Hea+en hel/ "s3 0hat ha//ened to $o"62 the$ waled. 20e*ll tell $o" late&. The&e a&e ( o&e o' "s -o(n)5 se+en 'ellows. I' onl$ the$ don*t lose the wa$. Co(e on! st down he&e. He s/&aned hs 'oot!2 4"l"%e# s/o#e &a/dl$! seatn) the (oann) $o"n) (an on the %en-h %$ the sto+e. 20he&e a&e the othe&s62 Mo("n %e)an to %"stle. 2I*ll )o and %&n) the(.2 He t"&ned to the %o$: 2R"n o+e& to Seda#h(at! tell h( to -o(e 7"-# wth a lante&n! the ele-t&- one.2 The %o$ 8"(/ed o"t o' the ho"se and )as/ed 'o& a&. He &e(e(%e&ed that te&&'$n) (o(ent tll the end o' hs l'e. So(e sha))$! -old! whstln) (onste& se9ed h( %$ the th&oat and  %e)an to sha#e h(. B"t he wo"ld wo"ld not $eld. He %&o#e %&o#e o"t o' ts -l"t-hes and! and! sheldn) hs head wth hs a&(s! &an towa&d Seda#h(at*s ho"se. It was no (o&e than twent$ o& th&t$ ste/s awa$!  %"t t see(ed to h( that he he &an and &an th&o")h the sto&( sto&( l#e a le)enda&$ he&o &a-n) &a-n) to sa+e hs wa&&o&s. Hs hea&t was 'lled wth -o"&a)e and & esol"ton. He 'elt h(sel' ()ht$ and "n-on7"e&a%le! and! "ntl he &ea-hed Seda#h(at*s ho"se! he had (ana)ed to /e&'o&( 'eats that too# $o"& %&eath awa$. He lea/ed '& o( (o"ntan to (o"ntan a-&oss a%$sses! he -"t down hosts o' ene(es wth hs swo&d! he &es-"ed (en '&o( '&e and d&ownn)! he /"&s"ed! n a 8et %o(%e& wth a 'l$n) &ed 'la)! a sha))$! %la-# (onste& es-a/n) '&o( h( "/ and down -l''s and )o&)es. Hs 8et 'lew l#e a %"llet a'te& the (onste&. The %o$ &ddled h( wth ( a-hne)"n '&e! sho"tn)! 24ll the 'as-st32 And! whe&e+e& he went! the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& was the&e. She was /&o"d o' h(. 0hen the %o$ was al&ead$ at Seda#h(at*s doo&! the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& sad to h(! 2And now $o" ("st sa+e ($ sons! the $o"n) d&+e&s32 2I*ll sa+e the(! Ho&ned Mothe& Dee&! I swea& I

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2Sa+e who(6 0hat ha//ened62 2G&and/a sad to -o(e 7"-# wth the 'lashl)ht! the ele-t&- one! the d&+e&s '&o( the So+et 'a&( lost the& wa$.2 2Da(n 'ool! wh$ ddn*t $o" sa$ so & )ht awa$62 Seda#h(at swo&e and &an 'o& hs thn)s. B"t the %o$ was not o''ended n the least. How was Seda#h(at to #now what 'eats he had 8"st /e&'o&(ed to &ea-h h(! what an oath he had swo&n6 No& was he es/e-all$ "/set when he lea&ned that the d&+e&s had %een 'o"nd %$ Mo("n and Seda#h(at &)ht o"tsde the /ost and  %&o")ht sa'el$ ho(e. It -o"ld -o"ld easl$ ha+e %een d''e&ent. d''e&ent. Dan)e& s eas$ when t*s t*s o+e&. An$wa$! the &est o' the (en we&e 'o"nd too. Seda#h(at too# the( to hs ho"se. E+en O&o9#"l had let '+e (en s/end the n)ht at hs /la-e5he had had to %e awa#ened! too. The &est had -&owded n at Mo("n*s ho"se. And the sto&( n the (o"ntans wo"ld not s"%sde. The %o$ #e/t &"nnn) o"t on the  /o&-h! and a (o(ent late& he no lon)e& lon)e& -o"ld tell &)ht '&o( le't! a%o+e '&o( %elow. The sto&($ sto&($ n)ht sw&led and &a)ed. The snow &ea-hed "/ to hs #nees. And t was onl$ now! when all the d&+e&s had %een 'o"nd! when the$ thawed o"t '&o( the -old and '&)ht! that G&and/a Mo("n 7"estoned the( n detal a%o"t the e+ents o' that da$! altho")h t was o%+o"s that the sto&( had -a")ht the( on the wa$. The 'ellows s/o#e. The old (an and )&and(a s)hed s$(/athet-all$. 2Oh! oh! hea+en /&ese&+e "s!2 the$ e1-la(ed and than#ed God! /&essn) the& hands to the& %&easts. 2And loo# at $o"! 'ellows! n those l)ht -lothes!2 )&and(a -hded! /o"&n) the( hot tea. 2How -an $o" )o nto the (o"ntans d&essed l#e that6 "st l#e -hld&en. Shown) o''! t&$n) to loo# l#e -t$ 'ol#. And what ' $o"*d lost the wa$ and had to s/end the n)ht o"tsde! hea+en 'o&%d6 Yo"*d t"&n nto --les.2 20ho -o"ld ha+e #nown s"-h a thn) wo"ld ha//en62 4"l"%e# &e/led. 20h$ sho"ld we d&ess (o&e wa&(l$6 The t&"-#s a&e heated nsde. Yo" st the&e as ' t was $o"& own ho(e and t"&n the wheel. 0h$! e+en n /lanes5the$ 'l$ so h)h these (o"ntans loo# l#e (olehlls '&o( "/ the&e5o"tsde t -o"ld %e 'o&t$ %elow! and nsde /eo/le )o a&o"nd n sh&tslee+es.2 The %o$ la$ on a shee/s#n a(on) the d&+e&s. He h"ddled -lose to 4"l"%e# and lstened wde e$ed to the -on+e&saton o' the )&own"/s. No one s"s/e-ted that he was )lad the sto&( had -o(e and (ade those 'ellows see# shelte& at the /ost. Se-&etl$! he ho/ed that t wo"ld )o on and on! at least th&ee da$s. Let the d&+e&s sta$ at the& ho"se. It was so )ood! so nte&estn) wth the(. And )&and/a! t t"&ned o"t! #new all o' the(5' not the(! then the& 'athe&s and (othe&s. 2The&e!2 the )&and'athe& sad to hs )&andson wth a to"-h o' /&de. 2Now $o"*+e seen

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And )&and/a %e)an to tell a sto&$ the %o$ had hea&d (an$ t(es %e'o&e. The )"ests s(led "nde&standn)l$: old (en a&e 'ond o' &e(ns-n). 20e*&e tall all &)ht!2 sad one o' the (en when )&and/a 'nshed hs sto&$. 2And $et we  %"n)led the 8o%5we let let the t&"-# &oll o'' the &oad. &oad. So (an$ o' "s! and we -o"ldn*t handle handle t.** 2How -o"ld $o"62 Mo("n hastened to &eass"&e h(. 2Loaded wth ha$! and n that  %l99a&d. It ha//ens. God wlln)! wlln)! e+e&$thn) wll wll %e set &)ht to(o&&ow. to(o&&ow. The (an thn) s 'o& 'o& the wnd to 7"et down.2 The 'ellows told )&and/a how the$ had -o(e to the "//e& (eadow on the A&-ha /latea". The&e we&e th&ee h")e sta-#s o' (o"ntan ha$ /&e/a&ed 'o& the(. The$ sta&ted loadn) all th&ee at on-e! /ln) the t&"-#s h)he& than a ho"se! so that a (an -o"ld not )et down a'te&wa&d e1-e/t %$ swn)n) down a &o/e. The$ loaded t&"-# a'te& t&"-# tll e+en the d&+e&s* -a%ns we&e -o+e&ed5  all $o" -o"ld see was the wndsheld! the hood! and the wheels. The$ wanted to )et t all at on-e! so the&e wo"ld %e no need 'o& anothe& t&/. E+e&$%od$ #new that whate+e& ha$ was le't %ehnd wo"ld ha+e to wat tll ne1t $ea&. The wo&# went 'ast and s(oothl$. Ea-h (an whose t&"-# was '"ll! d&o+e t o'' to the sde and &et"&ned to hel/ load the &est. The$ (ana)ed to )et nea&l$ all the ha$ e1-e/t 'o& a%o"t two t&"-#loads. A'te& a sho&t &est and a s(o#e! the$ a)&eed on who wo"ld 'ollow who(! and sta&ted o"t all to)ethe& n a -ol"(n. It was a ha&d 8o% -o(n) down the (o"ntans. The$ had to d&+e -a&e'"ll$! al(ost %$ 'eel. Ha$ s a l)ht load! %"t t*s n-on+enent! e+en dan)e&o"s! es/e-all$ on na&&ow &oads and sha&/ t"&ns. The$ d&o+e wtho"t s"s/e-tn) what awated the(. A'te& )ettn) down '&o( the A&-ha  /latea"! the$ 'ollowed the +alle$! and %$ the t(e t(e the$ -a(e o"t o' the na&&ow /ass! /ass! t was al&ead$ e+enn). And then the %l99a&d st&"-#. 2I*+e ne+e& seen t so %ad!2 sad 4"l"%e#. 2The sweat #e/t /o"&n) down ($ %a-#. All o' a s"dden e+e&$thn) t"&ned da&#! and the wnd 8"st to&e the stee&n) wheel o"t o' $o"& hands. It loo#ed as ' the t&"-# wo"ld t"&n o+e& an$ (n"te. And the &oad! $o" #now! s so &o")h that e+en n the da$t(e t*s not sa'e.2 The %o$ lstened wth %ated %&eath! wtho"t st&&n)! wtho"t ta#n) hs shnn) e$es o'' 4"l"%e#. The sa(e wnd! the sa(e snow he was tal#n) a%o"t we&e &a)n) o"tsde. Man$ o' the

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(eant %"&nn) "/ all the &e(ann) '"el! and the&e was ha&dl$ eno")h le't as t was to )et the( to the So+et 'a&(. Yet ' the$ ddn*t heat the -a%ns the$*d '&ee9e to death. The 'ellows ddn*t #now what to do. The all/owe&'"l (a-hne&$ stood /owe&less. So(e%od$ s"))ested /ln) o"t the ha$ '&o( one o' the t&"-#s and d))n) n. B"t t was -lea& that the (o(ent the ha$ was "nted! the&e wo"ldn*t %e a stal# le't: the sto&( wo"ld swee/ t o'' %e'o&e $o" %ln#ed an e$e. Meant(e! the t&"-#s we&e %en) 'a&l$ %"&ed "nde& snow! the d&'ts had /led "/ h)he& than the wheels. The 'ellows lost the& heads -o(/letel$! -hlled to the %one n the wnd. 2Then s"ddenl$ I &e(e(%e&ed! a#sa#al!2 4"l"%e# told G&and/a Mo("n! 2how we had (et o"& lttle %&othe& B")an on the &oad on the wa$ to A&-ha.2 He /onted to the %o$ and st&o#ed h( )entl$ on the head. 2He was &"nnn) %$ the &oadsde. I sto//ed a (o(ent. S"&e5to sa$ hello. 0e tal#ed awhle. R)ht6 B"t wh$ a&en*t $o" slee/n)6 It*s late.2 The %o$ s(led and nodded. B"t ' an$one -o"ld )"ess how hotl$ and +olentl$ hs hea&t  %e)an to %eat wth 8o$ and /&de. 4"l"%e# h(sel' h(sel' was tal#n) a%o"t a%o"t h(. The st&on)est! the  %&a+est! the (ost handso(e handso(e o' all these 'ellows. I' he -o"ld -o"ld onl$ )&ow "/ to %e %e l#e h(. And )&and/a! too! s/o#e wo&ds o' /&ase! /"ttn) (o&e '&ewood nto the sto+e: 2That*s how he s! o"& %o$. He l#es to lsten to (en tal#. Loo# at h(5all ea&s32 20ell! I -an*t e+en (a)ne what (ade (e thn# o' h( at that (o(ent!2 4"l"%e# went on. 2So I t&ed to tell the 'ellows5I had to sho"t! the wnd %lew all the wo&ds awa$. *Let*s t&$!* I sho"ted! *to )et to the 'o&est /ost! o& we shall /e&sh he&e.* *B"t how -an we )et the&e6* the 'ellows sho"ted %a-# at (e. *0e*ll ne+e& (a#e t on 'oot. And we -an*t lea+e the t&"-#s he&e! ethe&.* So I sad! *Let*s t&$ to /"sh the( "/hll. A'te& that the &oad s downhll all the wa$. All we need s to )et to the SanTash hollow!* I sad! *and '&o( the&e on we -an )et to the 'o&este&s* on 'oot! t*s not too 'a&.* The 'ellows "nde&stood. *Co(e on!* the$ $elled! *ta#e o+e& the -o((and.* 0ell! then . . . 0e sta&ted wth the lead t&"-#. *Get nto the -a%n! Os(onal$3* And all o' "s! as (an$ as we we&e! set o"& sho"lde&s to the t&"-#. It dd sta&t (o+n)! %"t not 'o& lon). O"& %&eath )a+e o"t. And the&e we we&e5we -o"ldn*t let )o! ethe&. It see(ed to "s that we we&e /"shn) a whole (o"ntan "/hll! not 8"st a t&"-#. And what was n t 5a ha$sta-# on wheels3 All I #new was that I $elled wth all ($ st&en)th! *Co(e on3 Co(e on3 Co(e on3* B"t I -o"ldn*t e+en hea& ($sel'. 0nd!

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ho"se. Slowl$! slowl$ the$ n-hed "/ the &oad. And now the t&"-# no lon)e& -l(%ed! t was )+n) "/! sldn) %a-#. It was te&&'$n). The da&#ness was so dense! the wnd so sea&n). The  %o$ sh&an# wth te&&o&! te&&o&! a'&ad the t&"-# wo"ld sl/ sl/ and -&"sh the(. And at ths ths (o(ent! the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& a//ea&ed as ' '&o( nowhe&e. She /"shed the t&"-# wth he& ho&ns! hel/n) the(! 'o&-n) t "/. 2Co(e on3 Co(e on3 Co(e on32 the %o$ -&ed o"t. And the t&"-# %e)an to (o+e! "/ and "/! "ntl the$ &ea-hed the to/! then t &olled downhll %$ tsel'. And the$ /"shed "/ the se-ond one! the th&d! and all the othe&s. And e+e&$ t(e the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& hel/ed the(. No%od$ saw he&. No%od$ #new she was &)ht ne1t to the(. The onl$ one who saw and #new t was the %o$. He saw how e+e&$ t(e when the (en see(ed to %e 'aln)! when the )on) )ot too d''-"lt and t see(ed the& st&en)th wo"ld not hold o"t! she wo"ld &"n o+e& and /"sh the t&"-# "/hll wth he& ho&ns. 2Co(e on3 Co(e on3 Co(e on32 the %o$ wo"ld -&$. And all the t(e he was ne1t to 4"l"%e#. Then 4"l"%e# sad to h(! 2Ta#e the wheel.2 The %o$ -l(%ed nto the -a%n. The t&"-# h"((ed and t&e(%led. And the wheel t"&ned n hs hands as tho")h o' tsel'! as easl$ as the %a&&el hoo/ wth wh-h he "sed to /la$ at d&+n) when he was lttle. B"t s"ddenl$ the t&"-# %e)an to lst! #eeln) o+e& sdewa$s. It -&ashed down and %&o#e to /e-es. The %o$  %e)an to -&$ alo"d. He 'elt ds)&a-ed. ds)&a-ed. He was asha(ed to loo# loo# at 4"l"%e#. 20hat*s the (atte&6 0hat*s w&on)62 4"l"%e# wo#e h(. The %o$ o/ened hs e$es. And hs hea&t was 'lled wth ha//ness %e-a"se t all had t"&ned o"t to %e a d&ea(. 4"l"%e# l'ted h( "/ n hs a&(s and h"))ed h(. 2D&ea(ed so(ethn)! eh6 Got s-a&ed6 He$! $o"! )&eat he&o32 He #ssed the %o$ wth hs ha&d! wnd&o")hened l/s. 2Co(e on! I*ll /"t $o" to %ed. It*s t(e to slee/.2 He /"t the %o$ down on the 'loo&! on the &")! a(on) the slee/n) d&+e&s! and la$ down ne1t to h(! /"lln) h( -lose and -o+e&n) h( wth the 'la/ o' hs a&($ -oat. Ea&l$ n the (o&nn) the %o$ was awa#ened %$ hs )&and'athe&. 2Get "/!2 the old (an sad 7"etl$. 2D&ess wa&(l$. Yo"*ll hel/ (e. Get "/.2 The 'ant (o&nn) l)ht was 8"st %e)nnn) to 'lte& n th&o")h the wndow. E+e&$%od$ n the ho"se was stll 'ast aslee/.

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2Hold t!2 sad Mo("n! handn) the lante&n to the %o$. 20e*ll sla")hte& the %la-# $ea&ln). The&e s a ho"se'"l o' )"ests5we ("st ha+e the (eat &ead$ %$ the t(e the$ wa#e.2 The %o$ held the lante&n. The wnd was whstln) th&o")h the -&a-#s. It was stll -old and da&# o"t n the $a&d. The old (an th&ew an a&('"l o' -lean ha$ %$ the ent&an-e. He %&o")ht the  %la-# $ea&ln) to the s/ot s/ot and! %e'o&e th&own) he& on he& sde and t$n) he& 'eet! he -&o"-hed and tho")ht awhle. 2;"t down the lante&n. St down! too!2 he sad to the %o$. Then he %e)an to whs/e&! holdn) hs o/en /al(s %e'o&e h(. 2Oh! )&eat /&o)ento&! Ho&ned Mothe& Dee&. I sa-&'-e ths  %la-# shee/ to $o". ,o& sa+n) sa+n) o"& -hld&en n the the ho"& o' dan)e&. ,o& $o"& whte whte (l#! wh-h $o" 'ed to o"& 'o&e%ea&s. ,o& $o"& #nd hea&t and (othe&l$ e$e. Do not a%andon "s on stee/ /asses! on &o")h st&ea(s! on sl//e&$ /aths. Do not a%andon "s e+e& on o"& land! we a&e $o"& -hld&en. A(en32 He /assed hs hands /&a$e&'"ll$ down hs 'a-e! '&o( 'o&ehead to -hn. The %o$ dd the sa(e. And then the old (an! th&ew the shee/! ted ts le)s! and d&ew hs old Asan #n'e '&o( ts sheath. And the %o$ held the lante&n 'o& h(.

At last the weathe& 7"eted down. The s"n loo#ed o"t! '&)htened! on-e o& tw-e th&o")h &'ts n the &"shn) -lo"ds. The e''e-ts o' the sto&( we&e all a&o"nd: snowd&'ts /led n all d&e-tons! %&o#en %"shes! $o"n) t&ees %ent do"%le "nde& the we)ht o' snow! old t&ees to//led %$ the wnd. The 'o&est a-&oss the & +e& stood slent! h"shed! so(ehow o//&essed. And the &+e& tsel'  see(ed to ha+e sh&"n#! ts %an#s! /led h)h wth snow! )&own stee/e&. E+en the nose o' the 0ate& was ("ted. The s"n #e/t )lan-n) o"t and dsa//ea&n). B"t nothn) t&o"%led o& da&#ened the %o$*s hea&t. The /e&t"&%atons o' the n)ht %e'o&e we&e 'o&)otten! the %l99a&d was 'o&)otten! and the snow dd not dst"&% h(5n 'a-t! t (ade thn)s stll (o&e nte&estn). He dashed he&e and the&e! whte /owde& s-atte&n) "nde&'oot. He was ha//$ %e-a"se the ho"se was '"ll o' /eo/le! %e-a"se

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2Ata.2 The %o$ &an "/ to hs )&and'athe&. 2Ta#e (e wth $o"! I want to -o(e too.2 2Don*t $o" see I ha+e the wood! and Seda#h(at has the -a"ld&on6 The&e*s no%od$ to ta#e $o". And what do $o" want the&e6 Yo"*ll 8"st t&e $o"&sel' o"t wal#n) n the snow.2 The %o$ was h"&t. He s"l#ed. Then 4"l"%e# too# h( %$ the hand. 2Co(e wth "s!2 he sad. 2On the wa$ %a-# $o"*ll )o wth )&and/a.2 The$ wal#ed alon) the &oad to the s/ot whe&e t %&an-hed o'' and &an to the A&-ha (eadow. The&e was stll a lot o' snow. It wasn*t as eas$ as the %o$ had tho")ht to #ee/ "/ wth those st&on) $o"n) 'ellows. He %e)an to t&e. 2Co(e! )et "/ on ($ %a-#!2 4"l"%e# o''e&ed. 0th an a)le (o+e(ent! he l)htl$ sw"n) the %o$ "/ to hs sho"lde&s. And -a&&ed h( as easl$ as ' he dd t e+e&$ da$. 2Yo"*&e all &)ht! 4"l"%e#!2 sad the d&+e& who wal#ed ne1t to the(. 2Oh! I*+e -a&&ed ($ %&othe&s and sste&s all ($ l'e!2 4"l"%e# %oasted. 2I*( the eldest! and the&e we&e s1 o' "s. Mothe& wo&#ed n the 'eld! 'athe&! too. B$ now ($ sste&s ha+e the& own #ds. I -a(e %a-# '&o( the a&($! stll "n(a&&ed! stll wtho"t a 8o%. And then ($ sste&! the eldest one! sa$s *Co(e and l+e wth "s5$o"*&e a )ood n"&se.2Oh! no!* I sad to he&! *I*+e had eno")h. I*ll -a&&$ ($ own now . . And so the$ wal#ed! tal#n) o' ths and that. The %o$ 'elt ha//$ and se-"&e &dn) on 4"l"%e#*s st&on) %a-#. 2I' onl$ I had a %&othe& l#e h(!2 he d&ea(ed to h(sel'. 2I*d ne+e& %e a'&ad o' an$%od$. I' O&o9#"l wanted to sho"t at )&and/a o& to"-h an$one! he*d thn# tw-e at 8"st a )lan-e '&o( 4"l"%e#.2 The t&"-#s wth the ha$! le't on the &oad the /&e+o"s n)ht! we&e nea&l$ two #lo(ete&s '&o( the 'o&#. Hea/ed wth snow! the$ loo#ed l#e wnte& sta-#s n the 'eld. It see(ed that no%od$ wo"ld e+e& (o+e the( '&o( the s/ot.

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 /&ote-ted the( '&o( t&o"%le and (sha/s on the d''-"lt d''-"lt 8o"&ne$. ,&o( land'alls! land'alls! a+alan-hes!  %l99a&ds! 'o)! and othe& (s'o&t"nes (s'o&t"nes the 4&)h9 4&)h9 /eo/le had end"&ed th&o")ho"t th&o")ho"t the& (an$ -ent"&es o' no(ad- e1sten-e. 0asn*t ths what G&and/a Mo("n had /&a$ed 'o& to the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& when he had sa-&'-ed the %la-# ewe to he& at dawn6 The$ we&e )one. And the %o$ was also )on) wth the(. In hs (nd he sat n the -a%n ne1t to 4"l"%e#. 2Un-le 4"l"%e#!2 he was sa$n) to h(! 2the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& s &"nnn) ahead o' "s alon) the &oad.2 2Yo" don*t sa$32 2It*s t&"e. Honest to God. The&e she s32 20hat a&e $o" thn#n) o'62 G&and/a Mo("n %&o#e nto hs tho")hts. 2Don*t stand the&e. Cl(% "/! t(e to )o ho(e.2 He %ent down '&o( the ho&se and l'ted the %o$ nto the saddle. 2Yo"*&e not -old62 as#ed the old (an! w&a//n) the 'la/s o' hs &o%e -losel$ a&o"nd hs )&andson. In those da$s the %o$ was not $et )on) to s-hool. And ths e+enn)! awa#enn) now and then '&o( hea+$ slee/! he tho")ht an1o"sl$: an1o"sl$: 2How wll I )o to s-hool to(o&&ow6 I*( s-#! I 'eel so %ad . . .2 Then he*d d&o/ o'' a)an. It see(ed to h( that he was -o/$n) n hs %oo# the wo&ds w&tten %$ the tea-he& on the  %la-#%oa&d: 2At. Ata. Ta#a.2 Ta#a.2 0th these '&st)&ade wo&ds wo&ds he was 'lln) the the ent&e -o/$%oo#!  /a)e a'te& /a)e. 2At. Ata. Ta#a. At. Ata. Ata. Ta#a.2note: 2Ho&se. ,athe&. Ho&seshoe.2 Ho&seshoe.2 He )&ew t&ed! the lette&s 8"(/ed %e'o&e hs e$es and he 'elt hot! +e&$ hot. The %o$ th&ew o'' the -o+e&n)s. And when he la$ "n-o+e&ed and '&o9e! all so&ts o' +sons -a(e to h( a)an. Now he swa( as a 'sh n the -hll$ &+e&! t&$n) to &ea-h the whte sh/ and ne+e& &ea-hn) t. Now he 'o"nd h(sel' n a snowsto&(. In a -old! (st$ h"&&-ane! t&"-#s 'lled wth ha$ we&e s#ddn) on the stee/ &oad "/

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2,ool!2 she whs/e&ed! settln) down to slee/. 2I' $o" don*t #now how to l+e wth  /eo/le! $o"*d %ette& hold hold $o"& ton)"e and lsten lsten to othe&s. Don*t Don*t $o" #now $o"*&e n hs hs hands6 He /a$s $o"! e+en ' t*s onl$ #o/e#s. B"t $o" )et the( e+e&$ ( onth. And what a&e $o" wtho"t the /a$6 L+ed all those $ea&s! and lea&ned no sense. . . The old (an dd not answe&. G&and(a 'ell slent. Then s"ddenl$ she sad alo"d: ?I' a (an*s /a$ s ta#en '&o( h(! he*s no lon)e& a (an. He*s nothn).2 A)an the old (an dd not answe&. And the %o$ -o"ld not 'all aslee/. Hs head a-hed! and hs tho")hts we&e -on'"sed. He wo&&ed a%o"t s-hool. He had ne+e& (ssed a sn)le da$! and -o"ld not (a)ne how t wo"ld %e ' he was "na%le to )o to s-hool n D9helesa to(o&&ow. He also tho")ht that! ' O&o9#"l ds(ssed )&and/a '&o( hs 8o%! )&and(a wo"ld eat h( "/ al+e. 0hat wo"ld the$ do then6 0h$ dd /eo/le l+e l#e that6 0h$ we&e so(e )ood! and so(e %ad6 0h$ we&e so(e ha//$! and othe&s "nha//$6 0h$ we&e the&e /eo/le who (ade e+e&$%od$ a'&ad o' the(! and othe&s o' who( no one was a'&ad6 0h$ dd so(e ha+e -hld&en! and othe&s not6 0h$ -o"ld so(e /eo/le &e'"se to /a$ othe&s the& wa)es6 The (ost &es/e-ted /eo/le! he tho")ht! ("st %e those who )et the %))est /a$. B"t )&and/a )ot +e&$ lttle! and so e+e&$%od$ h"&t and ns"lted h(. 0hat -o"ld he do to (a#e )&and/a )et (o&e /a$! too6 Ma$%e then O&o9#"l wo"ld also  %e)n to &es/e-t h(. These tho")hts (ade the %o$*s head a-he e+en (o&e. A)an he &e(e(%e&ed the dee& he

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7 Ea&l$ n the (o&nn) the %o$ awa#ened '&o( the to"-h o' a hand. G&and/a*s hand was -old! '&o( the o"tsde. The %o$ sh&an# a lttle. 2Le! le the&e.2 The old (an %lew on hs hands to wa&( the( and 'elt the %o$*s 'o&ehead. Then he /"t hs /al( on hs -hest and sto(a-h. 2I*( a'&ad $o"*&e s-#!2 he sad an1o"sl$. 2Yo" ha+e a 'e+e&. And I was wonde&n)5wh$ s he l$n) n %ed when t*s t(e 'o& s-hool62 2I*ll )et "/! &)ht awa$.2 The %o$ &ased hs head. E+e&$thn) %e)an to t"&n %e'o&e hs e$es! and the&e was a nose n hs ea&s. 2Don*t e+en thn# o' t.2 The old (an settled the %o$ %a-# on the /llow. 20ho*s )on) to ta#e $o" to s-hool when $o"*&e s-#6 Let*s see $o"& ton)"e.2 The %o$ t&ed to nsst: 2The tea-he& wll s-old. She hates t when an$%od$ (sses s-hool.2 2She won*t s-old. I*ll tell he& ($sel'. Co(e on! show $o"& ton)"e.2

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2Ate! sn*t that the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& he&sel'6 The one that*s whte as (l#! wth e$es l#e that . . . loo#n) l#e a h"(an %en) . . .2 2Yo" lttle sll$.2 Old Mo("n s(led -a"to"sl$. 20ell! let t %e $o"& wa$. Ma$%e t s she!2 he sad 7"etl$! 2the (&a-"lo"s Mothe& Dee&! who #nows6 I thn# . . .2 The old (an dd not 'nsh. G&and(a a//ea&ed n the doo&. She h"&&ed n '&o( the $a&d! she had al&ead$ hea&d so(ethn) the&e. 2Go o"t the&e! old (an!2 she sad '&o( the th&eshold. G&and/a Mo("n d&oo/ed at on-e. He loo#ed sh&"n#en and /t'"l. 2The$ want to d&a) the lo) o"t wth the t&"-#!2 sad the old wo(an. 2Go and do e+e&$thn) the$ tell $o" . . . Oh! ($ God! I ha+en*t %oled the (l# $et!2 she &e-alled he&sel' and &an to '&e the sto+e and &attle wth the dshes. The old (an '&owned. He wanted to a&)"e wth he&! to sa$ so(ethn). B"t )&and(a ddn*t let h( o/en hs (o"th. 20hat a&e $o" sta&n) at62 she sho"ted. 20ho a&e $o" to %e st"%%o&n6 0hat do $o" thn# we a&e6 0ho a&e $o" to stand "/ a)anst the(6 So(e /eo/le -a(e o"t the&e to O&o9#"l! wth a t&"-# %) eno")h to -a&&$ ten lo)s "/ the (o"ntans. And O&o9#"l won*t e+en loo# o"& wa$. I  %e))ed and /leaded! I -&awled %e'o&e %e'o&e h(. He wo"ldn*t let let $o"& da")hte& -&oss the the th&eshold. The&e she sts! $o"& %a&&en one! at Seda#h(at*s. C&$n) he& e$es o"t. And -"&sn) $o"! he&  %&anless 'athe& . . .2 2That*ll do!2 the old (an lost hs /aten-e! and! t"&nn) towa&d the doo&! he sad: 2G+e

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She %&o")ht h( a %asn. Aw#wa&dl$ t"&nn) awa$! the %o$ let the st&ea( &"n nto the %asn! wonde&n) at the "&ne %en) so hot and $ellow. He 'elt ("-h %ette& now. Hs head a-hed less. The %o$ la$ 7"etl$ n %ed! )&ate'"l 'o& )&and(a*s hel/ and thn#n) that he ("st )et well %$ (o&nn) and )o to s-hool to(o&&ow wtho"t 'al. He also tho")ht a%o"t how he wo"ld tell e+e&$one at s-hool a%o"t the th&ee dee& that had -o(e to the& 'o&est. He wo"ld tell the( that the whte doe was the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& he&sel'! that she had a -al'! al&ead$ %) and st&on)! and a )&eat %&own %"-# wth h")e ho&ns< that he was  /owe&'"l and )"a&ded the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& and he& son son '&o( the wol+es. He also tho")ht tho")ht that! ' the dee& &e(aned wth the( and ddn*t )o awa$! the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& wo"ld soon  %&n) Un-le O&o9#"l and and A"nt Be#e$ the (a)- -&adle. -&adle. In the (o&nn) the dee& -a(e down to the &+e&. The$ e(e&)ed '&o( the "//e& le+els o' the 'o&est when the %&e' a"t"(n s"n was hal'wa$ "/ o+e& the (o"ntan &an)e. The h)he& t &ose! the %&)hte& and wa&(e& t %e-a(e %elow! a(on) the (o"ntans. A'te& the n"(%! -hll n)ht the 'o&est -a(e al+e wth the (o+e(ent o' l)ht and -olo&s. Ma#n) the& wa$ a(on) the t&ees! the dee& wal#ed "nh"&&edl$! wa&(n) the(sel+es n the s"nn$ -lea&n)s! n%%ln) the dew$ 'ola)e on the %&an-hes. The$ went n the sa(e o&de&: '&st the %"-#! then the 'awn! and last! the h)h 'lan#ed doe! the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee&. The$ 'ollowed the /ath down wh-h O&o9#"l and the old (an had d&a))ed the llsta&&ed /ne lo) to the &+e& the da$ %e'o&e. The t&a-e le't %$ the lo) n the %la-# ea&th was stll '&esh5a &a))ed '"&&ow wth

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these 'ellows wth the& lo)s o"t o' the wa$! and then I*ll %&n) the two to)ethe&! let the( )o at one anothe&*s th&oats. She*ll s-&at-h he& 'athe&*s e$es o"t5she*s )one %e&se&#! l#e a shewol'!2 O&o9#"l tho")ht to h(sel' d"&n) the %&ea#s n the -on+e&saton wth hs +sto& as the$ wal#ed. The (an*s na(e was 4o#eta$. He was a da&#! %"&l$ /easant! the %oo##ee/e& '&o( the -olle-t+e 'a&( %$ the la#e. He had lon) %een on '&endl$ te&(s wth O&o9#"l. A%o"t twel+e $ea&s a)o he had %"lt h(sel' a ho"se. O&o9#"l had hel/ed h( wth the t(%e&! selln) h( lo)s 'o&  %oa&ds at %a&)an /&-es. /&-es. Then the (an had (a&&ed o'' hs olde& olde& son and %"lt a ho"se ho"se 'o& h( as well. And a)an O&o9#"l had s"//led h( wth lo)s. Now 4o#eta$ was settn) "/ hs $o"n)e& son on hs own! and needed (o&e t(%e& 'o& -onst&"-ton. Ths t(e! too! hs old '&end O&o9#"l -a(e to hs ad. L'e was da(ned d''-"lt. Yo" dd so(ethn) and ho/ed that now! at last! $o"*d ha+e so(e /ea-e 'o& a whle. B"t no! so(ethn) else #e/t t"&nn) "/. And a (an -o"ldn*t )et alon) nowada$s wtho"t /eo/le l#e O&o9#"l. 2God wlln)! we*ll n+te $o" to a ho"sewa&(n) soon. Co(e! we*ll ha+e /lent$ o' '"n!2

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And the /eo/le stll dd not not-e the dee&. One o' the( &et"&ned to the t&"-#! the othe&s &e(aned on the %an#. The& ea&s ale&t! the dee& -a")ht the o--asonal +o-es -o(n) '&o( the othe& %an#. 0hen the t&"-# wth the t&ale& a//ea&ed! the$ sta&ted! a sh+e& &"nnn) down the& s#ns. The t&"-# -latte&ed and &oa&ed. The dee& st&&ed! de-dn) to wthd&aw. B"t the (a-hne sto//ed and -eased to -latte&. The an(als ln)e&ed. Ne+e&theless! the$ -a"to"sl$ %e)an to (o+e awa$5the /eo/le on the o//oste %an# we&e s/ea#n) too lo"dl$ and (o+n) a%o"t too ("-h. The dee& 7"etl$ wal#ed "/ the /ath a(on) the low )&own) sh&"%s! the& %a-#s and ho&ns a//ea&n) and dsa//ea&n) o+e& the )&eene&$. And the /eo/le stll 'aled to see the(. And onl$ when the$ sta&ted a-&oss the d&$ sand$ st&et-h %e$ond the sh&"%s the /eo/le s"ddenl$ -a")ht s)ht o' the( 5-lea& a)anst the lla--olo&ed sand! n the %&)ht s"nl)ht. And the$ sto//ed sho&t n (d(o+e(ent! wth o/en (o"ths. 2Loo#! loo# at that32 Seda#h(at was the '&st to -&$ o"t. 2Dee&3 0he&e dd the$ -o(e '&o(62

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20e*ll do wtho"t se&(ons!2 he sad wth &&taton! wtho"t loo#n) at Mo("n. 2H"ntn) s %anned n /la-es whe&e the$ l+e. And the$ don*t l+e n these /a&ts! so we a&e not &es/ons%le 'o& the(. Is that -lea&62 He )a+e the old (an a th&eatenn) loo#. 2It*s -lea&!2 Mo("n answe&ed (ee#l$ and! %own) hs head! wal#ed awa$ to the sde. G&and(a stealthl$ )a+e h( anothe& t") on the slee+e. 2Can*t $o" #ee/ 7"et!2 she hssed. E+e&$%od$ see(ed e(%a&&assed. The$ loo#ed a)an at the an(als as-endn) the stee/ /ath. The dee& wal#ed sn)le 'le: the &ed %&own %"-# went '&st! /&o"dl$ -a&&$n) hs )&eat ho&ns< ne1t -a(e the ho&nless -al'< the Ho&ned Mothe& Dee& -losed the /&o-esson. A)anst the %a&e -la$ o' the slo/e the dee& stood o"t dstn-tl$. E+e&$ )&a-e'"l (o+e(ent! e+e&$ ste/ we&e -lea&l$ +s%le. 2Ah! what a /-t"&e32 the d&+e&! a &o"nde$ed! 7"et $o"n) 'ellow! %"&st o"t

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The t&"-# was al&ead$ at the &+e&*s ed)e! ts &ea& wheels hal'wa$ n the wate&. The d&+e& dd not +ent"&e to %a-# n an$ dee/e&. Now the towlne had to %e -a&&ed to the lo). I' t was lon) eno")h! the&e wo"ld %e no )&eat d''-"lt$ n '&een) the lo) '&o( the &o-#s. The towlne was (ade o' steel5t was lon) and hea+$! and t had to %e d&a))ed a-&oss the wate& to the lo). The d&+e& &el"-tantl$ %e)an to /"ll o'' hs %oots! )lan-n) at the wate& an1o"sl$. He had not $et de-ded whethe& t ()ht not %e %est to )o n wth hs %oots on. 2Ma$%e t*s %ette& to )o n %a&e'oot!2 he tho")ht to h(sel'. 2The wate& wll )et n o+e& the %oot to/s an$wa$5the &+e&*s dee/ the&e! "/ to the h/s. Then I wll ha+e to )o a&o"nd all da$ n wet  %oots.2 B"t then he (a)ned (a)ned how -old the wate& ("st ("st %e. G&and/a Mo("n saw h( hestatn) hestatn) and h"&&ed o+e& to h(. 2Don*t )et $o"& %oots o''! son!2 he sad. 2Seda#h(at and I wll (ana)e t.2 20h$! no! a#sa#al!2 the d&+e& o%8e-ted! e(%a&&assed. 2Yo"*&e a )"est! and we a&e lo-al

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all! $o" a&e no st&an)e& to (e ethe&. Yo" thn# I do not wsh $o" and ($ da")hte& ha//ness6 I' God wo"ld )&ant (e the %lessn) to hea& the -&$ o' a new%o&n n'ant '&o( $o"& ho"se 5$o"&s! and ($ da")hte&*s5(a$ I not lea+e the s/ot ' I wo"ld not %e ha//$ to )+e "/ ($ own so"l to God that +e&$ (o(ent. I swea&! I*d wee/ wth 8o$. I' onl$5'o&)+e ($ sa$n) so5$o" wo"ldn*t h"&t ($ da")hte&. As 'o& woas lon) as I -an stand "/ on ($ 'eet! I wll do an$thn). An$thn). "st sa$ the wo&d . . .2 Standn) a lttle on the sde %$ the &+e&! )&and(a was "&)n) on the old (an wth )est"&es and he& whole %od$: 2Do $o"& %est3 Yo" see! he has 'o&)+en $o". Do as I tell $o"! and e+e&$thn) wll %e all &)ht.2 The %o$ sle/t. He wo#e on-e 'o& a (o(ent at the so"nd o' a shot and nstantl$ went %a-#  to slee/. E1ha"sted %$ the /&e+o"s slee/less n)ht and %$ hs llness! he san# nto a dee/ and 7"et slee/. And e+en as he sle/t! he 'elt how /leasant t was to le n %ed! st&et-hed o"t '&eel$! wtho"t %en) &a-#ed %$ -hlls and 'e+e&. He wo"ld ha+e sle/t a lon) t(e ' t had not %een 'o&

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the$ l#ed %est. He ()ht t&an the 'awn to 'ollow h( whe&e+e& he went. 0o"ldn*t that %e )&eat3 ;e&ha/s he*d )o to s-hool wth h(! too6 The %o$ wated 'o& hs )&and'athe&! %"t he dd not -o(e. Instead o' h(! Seda#h(at s"ddenl$ ente&ed the ho"se. He was +e&$ -hee&'"l. He swa$ed on hs 'eet! s(ln) to h(sel'. And

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And the son) -o"ld )o on and on wtho"t end. He wo"ld -o(e '&o( the (o"ntans on a -a(el! a &ooste&! a (o"se! a t"&tle! an$thn) that (o+ed. The %o$ l#ed Seda#h(at d&"n# e+en  %ette& than he l#ed h( h( so%e&. The&e'o&e! when the t/s$ Seda#h(at a//ea&ed n the &oo(! the %o$ wel-o(ed h( wth

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Ths t(e the&e was no wash n the $a&d. And the '&e on the hea&th was +e&$ %). Th-# stea( &ose '&o( the %oln) -a"ld&on! 'lled to the %&( wth la&)e -h"n#s o' (eat. The (eat was al(ost &ead$< ts s(ell and the s(ell o' the '&e t-#led the nose and (ade the (o"th wate&. A"nt Be#e$ n a new &ed d&ess! new leathe& %oots! and a 'lowe&ed #e&-he' that sl//ed o'' on he& sho"lde&s! was %endn) o+e& the -a"ld&on! &e(o+n) the 'oa( wth a ladle! and G&and/a Mo("n

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He al(ost /"shed the %o$ awa$ '&o( h(sel'. As tho")h t"&nn) hs %a-# on the whole wo&ld! he #nelt a)an %e'o&e the hea&th! ne+e& )lan-n) a&o"nd! a%so&%ed onl$ n h(sel' and n the '&e. The old (an dd not see hs )&andson sh't '&o( 'oot to 'oot wth a lost loo#! then )o towa&d Seda#h(at! who was -ho//n) wood.

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2H"h! hea+$.2 He we)hed t n hs hand. 2The ho&ns alone ("st we)h God #nows how ("-h.2 He leaned the head sdewa$s a)anst a lo)! /-#ed "/ an a1! and %e)an to -ho/ the ho&ns o"t o' the s#"ll.

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