The Wheel Of 24

April 29, 2017 | Author: pije76 | Category: N/A
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The Wheel of 24

The Wheel of 24 The Wheel of 24 chart was one of the charts used by W.D. Gann in identifying market turning points. Market Analyst has developed the Wheel of 24 using the same graphical power as the Square of Nine chart.

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Overview The Wheel Chart / Wheel of 24 (also known as a Gann Wheel) is a circular numerical chart which starts with 1 from the centre, and completes one cycle by filling up 24 sections of the circle with 24 incremental numbers moving anticlockwise. W. D. Gann sometimes called it the Wheel within Wheel. This chart is used to identify market support and resistance levels as well as market reversal days. The Wheel Chart can be used for both end of day and intraday analysis, with settings for GMT Offsets and Geographical Longitude and Latitude. Market Analyst Knowledge Base -

Wheel Chart Table The Wheel Chart table is a circle divided into 24 equal parts. By default the first value is 1, which is located in the east position in the chart. The numbers then progress anti-clockwise.

The Wheel Chart number table is the foundation of the whole application of the Wheel Chart.

Price Selection When a number is selected in the Wheel Chart, the selected number becomes highlighted and numerous components automatically respond, displaying various angles from the selected price. A selection of other options can then be manually adjusted as needed.

The Wheel of 24

Wheel Chart Overlay The first of three components to automatically respond to a selected number is the Wheel Chart Angle Overlay. The Wheel Chart Angle Overlay draws a Square and a Triangle from the selected price, highlighting the natural Trine and Square angles of 90, 120, 180, 240 & 270 degrees. A second triangle is also displayed in the Wheel Chart Angle Overlay, highlighting the Sextile relationships of 60 & 300 degrees.

Aspect Overlay The second of three components to automatically respond to a selected number in the Wheel Chart is the Aspect Overlay. This component will only display highlighted angles if an angle is selected from the Aspect property in the Properties panel.

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The Aspect Overlay will highlight the selected angles all the way through to the Date / Time ring from the selected price.

The Wheel of 24 Bar The Wheel of 24 Bar is automatically added to the chart when a price is selected. It can be used to line up and identify important information from the Wheel Chart Table, Angle Overlay, Aspect Overlay, Planetary Ring, Angle Ring and Date Ring. To select the Wheel Chart Bar, place your mouse pointer on it within the Wheel Chart Bar Area. Once your mouse pointer is in the Wheel Chart Bar Area, hold the left mouse button down. While the left mouse button is held down you can move the Wheel Chart Bar to any position on the Wheel Chart.

The Wheel of 24

To lock the Wheel Chart Bar in place at its new location, release the left mouse button.

The Angle Ring The Angle Ring is broken up into 360 degrees, representing the 360 degrees in a circle and Zodiac. When a number in the Wheel Chart is selected, the Angle Ring will show the approximate angle where that value is located at.

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The Date Ring The Date Ring is the final ring positioned outside the Wheel of 24. By default September 23rd is positioned at zero degrees, and March 21st is positioned at 180 degrees.

To move the Date Ring so that a specific date lines up with a required point of reference, move the cursor over any date in the Date Ring. Hold the left mouse button down, and simultaneously move the mouse pointer in the required direction. The Dates will then move.

Navigating the Wheel of 24 By using the scroll wheel on your mouse you can zoom in and out of the Square of Four. Note that it will zoom to your mouse cursor. To reset the view hit the Escape key. To move the chart on the screen left-click in the blank area between the table and the inner ring. When the cursor changes to a hand drag the chart to the required position:

The Wheel of 24


Clone Chart: When selected an exact replica of the existing Wheel of 24 chart will be created. Print Chart: Opens the page in a PDF document, which can then be printed. Restore Default Settings: Click this action if you have adjusted the default settings of the Wheel of 24, and wish to return to the standard properties originally installed with Market Analyst 7. Save Settings as Default: If you have adjusted any of the Wheel of 24's properties you can save the adjustments as your new default setting. Each time you open a new Wheel of 24 it will display using the new settings. Send To: Expands to display the following options: ● ●

Clipboard: Saves a copy of the Wheel of 24 chart to the Clipboard, either in Bitmap or Vector format. Image File: Saves a copy of the Wheel of 24 chart as an image file, either in Bitmap or Vector format.

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Outlook: Applicable to Professional Services only, when selected the current Wheel of 24 chart will be sent to Microsoft Outlook. Word: Applicable to Professional Services only, when selected the current Wheel of 24 chart will be displayed as an image in Microsoft Word.


Rings: Allows the number of rings used to make up the Wheel of 24 to be adjusted. The default ring setting is 10. Start Price: The first value in the centre of the Wheel of 24 (the default setting is 1). Increment: Use this option to increase the increment between values (i.e. an increment of 4 will start at 1 with the subsequent values in the table being 5, 9, 13, etc). Dates Direction: By default, the dates in the ring around the Wheel of 24 are arranged in a clockwise direction. This option allows the direction to be reversed. Selected Price: To select a value from which to draw an Aspect or Overlay, either click on a value on

The Wheel of 24

the chart or type it here. Degree Layout: Determines where zero degrees begin (right or left side of the date ring). Overlays: Allows any of the following aspects to be overlaid from the selected price: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Square - 90 degrees Trine - 120 degrees Sextile - 60 degrees SemiSquare - 45 degrees SemiSextile - 30 degrees 49 day 144 day 216 day

Bar Angle: The Wheel of 24 Bar (see above) is the semi-transparent ruler placed on the table when a price is selected. This option allows the angle to be set manually (e.g. zero degrees is horizontal, 90 degrees is vertical). Bar Width: Use the slider button to increase/decrease the width of the bar. Ring 1 Angle: By default, the date angle starts from zero degrees on September 23rd (East). This options allows for the starting date to be changed, e.g. 180 degrees will start the dates on March 21st. Ring 2 Angle: If a second Date Ring is selected this options allows for the starting date to be changed, as per the Ring 1 Angle. Date Ring 1: Use this property to change the first date ring from showing Dates to either Inverse Dates, Degrees, Inverse Degrees, One Day or Six Hours. Date Ring 2: Use this property to add a second date ring, which can be set to either Dates, Inverse Dates, Degrees, Inverse Degrees, One Day or Six Hours. Time Style: Allows for the wheel to be displayed in Equal Day or Daylight hours. If Daylight is selected then the option to choose your city will appear. Price: If a price value is entered then a $ sign will be positioned at the nominated value position on the angle ring. Show Help: Untick this box to hide the Chart Control panel from the chart. View Angle: Setting the View Angle will move the Angle Ring so that the nominated angle value will be positioned at the 0 degree position. Show Background: Deselecting this option will remove the dark background from behind the Wheel of 24. This option is preferable for when printing the Wheel of 24 chart. Date Control Link: If a Wheel of 24 chart has been opened from an existing chart, e.g. bar chart, this option will synchronise the date line on the bar chart to the Wheel of 24. So any adjustments that are made to the Date line position will also be reflected in the Wheel of 24 chart. Stay On Top: When selected the Wheel of 24 chart will remain on top when tiled with multiple charts on the same page. Market Analyst Knowledge Base -

ASTRO EDITION ONLY Show Planets: Tick this box to show the planets on the chart. Ephemeris Date: Allows you to manually change the date. Planets: Choose the planets to be displayed. GMT Offset: Use this option to adjust the ephemeris time zone setting for a specific market. Select the required GMT setting and the ephemeris will automatically update. Geo/Helio/Sidereal: Allows you to choose the ephemeris view between geocentric, heliocentric, sidereal and topocentric. Coordinate System: Changes the planetary positions based on equatorial or ecliptic coordinates

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