The Wars of the Roses

February 23, 2018 | Author: Peter Neijs | Category: Wars Of The Roses, Violence, Unrest, Leisure
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War of the Roses...



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First Battle of ST AI.BANS

22May 1455


E J Cnfitenden ll is tne intenrionof tnis and lhe folowing lbiee anicles to shde with reade^ oy thoughrson sraginghistoric.l r-fights ofwaJs of ibe Roses bades using DBM nles. The batds chosen@ thosethat cm betrefit from lwe.king" tbe rule! to ensue tbat the main chmcteristics of the batles canbe achieved.My int€restin lhis period wasrekindledby lhe fairly recentreleaseof the Otd Glory Warsof the Rosesfigures.

BACKGROUND It is mt the purposeof this anicle to reSugitatethe main historical frcts suoundinS this batde brt just to rcfer to the s.lient points to emble the @der to udentdd the purposeof the rule adjustrenls. The LmcNtrim KinS Hetuf \.I wa defending St AlbN against Richtud of York dd the Eals of WNick md SalisbDry-The tacaslrims had made maleshift defencesat tbe main gatesleadirg into the toM dd along tbe back of the Sddens- Dspite havitrg numqical superiority, the Yorkists could not make prc8res against thesedefences.Aner abod m hou or so, tbe Edl of WNick either fought his way trough or managed 1o sneak through Clitrord's defencesand break $rcugh to lhe 'Chequers"(seenap). Ihis action rook rh€ King's comrnandtoblly by surpriseand ir is rumouredrhar Henry VI was still in the ?rocess of pqtting on his mour The rcmaining defendeF of Clitrtrd\ and Some6ets comDands on heding of enemy lo lheir l@, beganto slowly drift away from their positions.allowing SalisburyandYork to breakthroughinto the town. The King wa! capt!.ed and, although the casualdeswere ljght. the main hated enemiesof the Yorkis$ - Sornersel Clifford and Northumberland- all died in the ensuingcombat.

DEPLOYMENT Seemapfo. theposirioningofthe vaious colmods. However,only one-h.lf of Waflick\ commandshould be placed on the table, fte other half md the Edl of WNick shotrldbe lefr in resefle. The ideal table size for a 25tm ede is 9' x 5'.




Bd (S) Bd(S) Bd (O) B{ (S) Bs (o) CoMd

ReeG I 2 Reg 4 Reg Reg E kr 6 Elements:21

Kilg HenryvI RoyalBodygradMen-lrAm RelinneBilmen

29.0 lE.0 28.0 56.0 0.0

King'sBae€age EEs:15.0D€m. kr€l5.0 Subtotl i31.0

hke of Soners€t'sCoDDArd Bd (s) ResG I 29.0 21.0 Bd (S) Res 3 Bd (O) Res 2 RetinueBnLrcn 14.0 Bw (S) Reg 4 28.0 8.0 Bdo Ir 2 Sbirehry Blllrn€n 1 16.0 Bw (O) Ilr EE\ 160Ded tf,vel:6.0Subrotal. 122.0 ComandElerenls: 16

Bd (S) ResG I Bd (s) Res 2 Bd (O) Res 2 Bd (S) Ree 4 Bd (I) kr I Bw(O) kr 4 14 CmdEls: TorrlAPsr 362.0

tird Cliffod RelinueBilnen ShiEtaA Bilnen

29.0 16.0 14.0 28.0 4.0 16.0

EEs:14.0D€n.lf,vel: 5.0Subbtal 109.0

EEs;45.0Defdt bvel: 22.5

ARMY OF RJCIIARDOF YORK fYORXIST) TlTe taining No. Ihke of Yo.k Comand Bd(S) RegO I Bd (S) Reg 2 Bd (O) Res 4 Bw (s) Res E


Bdo) In Bw(o) In

Shiret€vy Billnen

2 8

sp (I) Irr 3 Bs (o) L1 6 Comand Elements: 34

Pts 29.0 r8.0 28.0 56.0 8.0 32.0 9.0 0.0

YolksBaggag€ 180.0 EEs:28.0Dem.Lxlel. 9.5Subrolal

Eafl ofwrqick's Connand 29.0 Bd(S) R€gG I 27.0 Bd(S) R€g l COMMAND COMPOSITION 21.0 Bd (O) R€s 3 RefnueBillnen RednueBownen A.O Bd (S) R€g 6 2 8.0 The given by my sourcesfor rhe strength of the veious B d ( l ) I n ShireLry Billaen protagonists vary but, raking an av€mge of ftese, the Bw(O) Irr 8 Shi.elsf Bownen 32.0 Lanc..lEiai./Yorkist forces were 3000/5000nen respectirely. *hich Sp(D lr 2 NorthemBod€rFool 6.0 accordirg to the DBM ruls woDldap!rcimately equate1oonly 15/25 Comdd Elenenls: 25 EEs:25.0Den.t vel 9.0Subtobl 165.0 elerents respeclivelyThis would be too small for DBM purposesb , those who prcfer io Ds DBA tules, may qish to adrpt this anicle, f,srt of Salisburyt Command which shouldenablerhe bardeto be foDSbton only a 3'wide table Bd (s) ResG I Edl of Salsbuy 29.0 Bd (s) Res 2 16.0 2t.0 In order io sraSea DBM 25nm gdq I bavedsumed erch elemenl Bd(o) Res 3 42.0 EpEsents fd fewer men.The mies for my 8me @ 45t5 elemenrs Bw(S) Res Retinu€Bownen Bd(I) Irr 2 ShireLrvy Billne. 8.0 I set out below my snegestedamy lish for both sides-I do not have Bw(O) kr 8 ShireLrvy Bowne. 32.0 infomation giving a fairly precisebreakdownof the amies, thusI have ComendElements: 22 EEsr22.0D€m.L.evel: 8.0Sublobl 150.0 usedthe DBM Amy List Book Iv Any of you that havemoredetailed TorrlAPs: 495.0 rcferencework cd obviously use the benefit of tbat to alter tbe Iisrs Generals: 3 EE!:75.0Defsl t vel3?.5 ArnyElemes: 8l

frfrfffr0ffrfrfrfrftf r.E :/


These ar€ Highly Detailed wargames buildings made using a process new to wargaming,

bich givesstrengthand lightness pi{6) Hill Set 4.,1 11l 50 25nm Rmd Set f6 pi(d) 17.50 l5mm RiverS€t (6pi(61 16.50 l5mm RoadSet lTpiaes) s6.50 l/300 RiverS€r16pid6) 15.50 2 5 m mB r i d s e . . . . . . . . .. . 5 4 9 5 l 5 m m B i d g e . . . .- .. . . . . . 9 3 . 9 5

RIJLE AMENDMENTS I The makeshifldefencesof St Albos de treatedunde. the rules d temporaryfonifications. thDsthe defeders will benefitfrcm the Plus 2 Modifier 2. King Henry VI\ comDandcannotnove until the eelier of wryick\ mival at lhe Cheque.shouseor tum 8. 3. Allhough thereee lbreeYorkist comands aswell as the threedice for initiative, therewill be a further ditre@ntlyrolourcd D6 roued frcm Tm 3. If this exlra dice is a 6, WNick dd the remaining undeployedhalf of his comddd @ placedar fte Chequer\ house. 4. In the sme boDndthal the Eel of Wdwick is placedon ihe lable, a fnrther D6 is used1odetemine his PIP scorefor thar boDnd.Afier he hasmadehis moves,resohed dy shootingmd combat,WNick for this pan of his commd will dice a8ainand coniinueto make further movesuntil a PIP scorcof I or 2 is rclled which will then bnngtheboundto an end.Duringthesesubsequent moveshrs Bow elementscan continueto shootandbe shot backar, bur only by the ltr8et elementor otherelementsof enemyBow thal havenol shot rhis bound.In fulure tums WaNick\ conndd will only haveone diceb be usedby all his comndd.

C a s dKee p . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 . 9 5 BelqiF an a m h o u s. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . , . , . . , . . . 1 5 . 5 0 e l l i a . c. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 5 0 L nB . l l A C o a c h il nn sn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . t B - 2 5 Y e o m asnH o u * ....... ...t5.95 w e a l d eF na r m h o u * .......14.95 City Catesay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.95 L o qC a b i n -. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 . 9 5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f,9.50 AmencanChu(h 4ansion ..........i9-50 S o u t h erm JettiedHouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.50 B a r n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 5 0 AedievalAle House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s5.50 S o a l + f ' o u s e{ t i r d " , .. ... .. .. ..tA.95 s b a r i sFho u +{ < - ; , 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t / . 5 0 R e d o u- b. .t . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 5 0

S p a n i sHho u s e . . G e o r q i aHno u s € ,..... .. .$,95 sbr l-o t ..._on I t piF-p(r . .. 12r.85 Artill€ryTower...................1?.95 Me.lievaWallcaie t7 q5 4 r a b H o u .s. e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 0 . 5 0 ArabTower.. ., .. .. .. .t625 T i m b e r P a l i s a(d3ep i ( e s ) . . . . . . . . . 1 1 9 . 2 5

5. Fouowingthe eival of the Edl of WNick, the Lancastrian defendeN in thea.exl boundwill not now receivethe plus2 modifierfordefending temporarytbrtifications. The abovemendments me to allow for the peculidities of $e bade suchaswaNick s breakthrough,the unpreparednelsof King Henry vl lby giving warwickt initial move further potentialimpetut and fte pdic causedamongthe rcmaining Lancastrin$ defendingtne The gamewould also benefit ftom one of ihe proposedrule amendmentsthat may be intrcduceda u official rule amerdment in the neartuture, which is as fouows: 6. A groDpnoving in difficult going and not in a single-elemem'wide column can usejust one PIP for sucha group for all eleoenls lhat cd makea legalcontactfor conbal purpo!€s.However,the Bual rules will apply in noving in difticull going excepron the move to makeconuct. For the avoiddce of donbt. for exmple a fou' element-wideline cd nseju$ one PIP if dl theseelemeniscd maxe a legal contact,thusif only threecan do so ir would cosrd ext i PIP to move the fourth element. For the purposeof cldity, the gaJdensbehindthe tempoEry defences md .ll movemenlin the buillup mas connt d movemert in dificulrgoing.





.1h.\ t & Bdor Bd.\ tisht: Batlk olTt \tur t.tion. tt'hato b\ 1t1.nutttot:)


,?!f *ffiffiffi t I

.3 Bloodv Merdos,

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Earl of

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Gr€at North Rold


The Battle of

TOWTON 29March'1461 bjt

s0.000+ SECONDHANDWARGAMESFIGURES Alwaysin stock.All scales.Mostmanufacturers. SAEstatinginteresls for liststo: AJ. Dumelo$,53 StantonRoad,Stapenldll, Burton-on-Trent.StaffsDE159RP (01283) Telephorc: 530556 (STOCKISTOF WARGAMERSFLAGS)

E J Cruttenden

25,000/30,000strong.Thesefigures equate10apprcximately145/114 LancasEianandYorkist elementsrespectivelr For lhoseof you thar do INTRODUCTION not havethis numberof elenents. you can scal€down lhe dmies pro previous The aiticle id this \eries of wars of the RoseseDga8ements. rat4 bu1you should likewise scaledowr the tenain dd Lmcdtim tbeBattleofst Albds. $as a fanl) sdall engaremenl. This isjust the deployneDt of 1200paces10 ensurethat you will still rcpresentthe opposite. beingthebloodienbade on English\oil. at theendofwhich Ml source malerial indicateslhal the forces raised by Edwdd ry the.ewereabout28.000Britsh dead.Jusl to remindreade6.rhese from the welsh Mmhes were now under lhe conmdd of Lord aniclestre writrennainly for thebenefirof rhoseusineDBM RDles. Fauconberg. so lhey havebeenin.lDdedin his comnaDd.Edwad Iv aho hadwnh him a contingent of Burgundian handgumersandsome BACKGROIJNI) menar :ms donared by theDukeof Burgundybutunderthebannerof The La.casrid\ amy sas conEolled by the Duke of Some6et. lhe Dauphin of France. It hd been asumed thar sone of the thoughunderthe nominalconfrdd of HenryvL TheYorkistswereled Lancastriannonhem hordes who had devastatedthe ldd on their by Edsard IV dd ihe Eel of Wntuick. The Lancast.ians were advanceto and retreatfrom London were still presenldd rhey have deployedjust ro the nonl of Tovron Vale:lhe Yorkislshad advancedto beenincluded in the Duke of Sone6ett commd- All knighrs hale theoptionto dismounts Blades(S). the ridee ovedookingthe southofTowbn vale. amy lisrs for bolh sides: To lheir wesr.both mies sert flankedby the River Cock and also The following de my su8Sesled to the pest of lheYorkisrposirionswls CastleHillwood in whichthe LANCASTRIAN ARMY Lecastrianshad hiddenan anbushp!nl. The {csrem exrenrityof TowtonValebecme knownas Blood] Meado\:bcinea nrashydea Ttpe Tmg No. Descriplion Pts in whichmdy reteainCLancastrians Det rheirdearf Command lnilially, bolh sides sere visible ro each orher bur. belore rhe Duke of Somerset's I Dukeofsomcset C-in C 35.0 comencementof batle, snowbeganto fall heavily,beingblownby a Kn(S) RegG Kn(S) Reg 2 Ro)al Bodygudd Men ar AJms 10.0 strcngwindinto fte facesoftbe Lancasrrims. obscDring visibility. E RetinueBillmen 56.0 The Yorkjst arches were ordercdto advdce and shoorvolleys into Bd(O) Reg 16 R e r i n uBeo w m e n tt2.0 fte Ldcastrian Fn-ks.Aided by the srong wind, the Yo.kist dche6 B w ( S ' R e C 4 ShireLevy Billmen r6.0 were fd frore effective thd their Lmcastia counb.parls, whose Bdo) In '12.0 Bw(o) Ii 16 ShiG L€vy BowDen :mws fell shonof theYorkisllines. 6 Noften Border Foot 24.0 The telling elfed of the Yorkist ecbery prompred rhe Duke of Bd(I) Ir 12 Nofthen BorderFeat 36.O Someset ro order an all-out attack. In the face of this onslaughr,rhe sp(I) Ir 6 King\ Baggage 0.0 Yorkisr dcbers withdrew through thea own ranks of waiting billDen Be(O) In Conndd Elements: 73 EEs:67.0Dem.Lelel:22.5Subloral:381.0 The Lancasdan attack was aho aided by the ambushfrom Castle Hili wood, whicb was beabn ofi by the rear rlnks of Lord Northumberland\ Command Kn(Ol ReeG I DDkeofNonhunberled 32.O Fauconberg\ coMd. Kn(l) Ree 30.0 The Yo.kisKwerepushedback slowly acros the plarea!-bur rhe 2 Curou6 16.0 rimell laiedivalof theDukeof Norfolkhnringrhered andflankof Cv(O) Reg 2 Northem Border Slaves 10.0 the Dlke of Exeteis comnrandIumed rhe ride and elenruallythe LH(o) Ir 4 RetinueBitlmen 28.0 Lancaslrian hosrbrokeand fled. Many drownediryine to crossthe Bd(o) Ree Bw(S) Ree E RelinueBowDen 56.0 RiverCock. Bd{l) Ir 4 Shire tf,vy Billmen 16.0 t3w(0) ln 18 Shire Levy Bowmer 72.0 DEPLOYMENT CoIr]llmd Elenents:42EEs:.l2.0Dem.Level:l4.0Subrotal: 381.0 see the map for the positioning of the various commads. A1 tbe commenceDenl0f battle, Norfolkt codnand is not on table. The Ldcastrians deployed to rhe north of Towron Vale, rhei. froDtage Kn(o) RegG 1 DukeofExebr 32.0 coveringapproxinately 1200paces.At leastthe fronl rwo .anksof borh Kn(l) Reg 20.0 forces should conpnse of bowmen. The number of bow elemenls cv(o) Res 8.0 pemir up ro 4 ranksif you wishor you ca deployrheextmel€ments Bd(O) Reg 4 RelinueBilmen 28.0 Bw(s) Reg 8 RetinueBowmen 56.0 The fonfanks of bothforcesshouldbedeployeda(fte edgeof Oeir BdO) Ir 4 Shire Levy Billmen 16.0 Bw(O) Ir respeclleplateauxandbe 350pacesapan. 16 ShireLevy Bowmen 64.0 Up ro 8 elehen$ of the Duke of Nonhumberlmd\ connand canbe ConmandElements: 36 EEs:36.0Dem.tivel: 12.0 SDbiotal: 224.0 usedfor the ambushin CaslleHill wood. TotalAmy Points: 865.0

COMMAND COMPOSITIONS EEs:145.0DefeatLevel:72.5 The Lancaslrids sere lhe larger force. numberingprobably in fte region of 35,000/40,000,aith theYorkjsrsbeing apprcximtely

14 5. The slopeleadinedoNn lo TowtonVale fron lhe Yorkist theonlvpositiontharlhe shouldbe shorlsoetrectivelv deDlovment theedgerhe +l up:lopenodifieris usedis shile defending in closecombrron thePhreauaprn fron defendin8 plareau.whil$ thisedgeno elementwill hdle ftc +l upslopenodifer


Pts Dsc.iptioD No. Type Tmg King Edward IV's Command 35.0 King EdwardM in_C I Xn(S) Re-qC 150 Men_at_Ams Royal BodYgu{d I Kn(S) Res 120 6. BloodyMeadowMarshis difiiculrgoing andextends150p'cesro I Bur-qundidnen-at'dms Ki(O) Ree rhewe$ ofthe RiverCock ln makethescenanowork rn 35.0 RetinueBillmen 5 Bd(o) Reg patticuldtheopeningmoves.fte follosingsholl/ xlsobe used: 70.0 RetinueBoaden l0 Bw(S) Reg 16.0 ShiretrvY Billden 4 BdO) Ir is reducedro 100Plces so 7. The molenenrof bow eletnenls 32.0 LevY Bo*men Shne 8 Ir Be(O) ot elcmenrs asthesupponing fte sane to fteir movemenl reducing 18.0 BurgundianHandgunnen 6 Ps(S) Reg 00 King s Bageage 8 Be(O) In 233 0 Subrotal: 110 Dem.ttvel: EEs:33 0 c;frnand Eledents:14 8. Bow elenenrsare allowedto makea grcup nole dnecdv 10lhetr ovn red for one PIP lf any of the bow are iregullr' ftis sill cost Earl of waNick\ Command 32.0 Edl of WNick I Kn(O) ReSG 30.0 Kn(I) Ree 2t.o 9. TheanbDshesii CastleHill cannolmole Dnlilafierclosecombar Billmen Retinue 3 Bd(O) Reg h.s oc.ured elsewhere.Elementsof Lord Fauconbergs comand 12.0 RednueBoqmen 6 Bs(S) Reg cannorrum to faceCastleHillWood until the lnbushcrshave 12.0 3 ShireLevyBillDen Bd(I) lr 48.0 l2 Shie LevYBownen Bw(o) lr 185 0 10 0 Strbrotal: Dem Level: 28.0 28 EEs: ComnandElemenE: mNh 10.Thebosmenon bothsidesarenot allowed10uddertake vale To{ton in molements Fauconberg's Command 32_0 Lord Fadconberg I Kn(O) Ree G 20.0 I L The Ldcastnd ftont tqo rants of arche6 arc allosed onlv one Kn(I) Res Dole of up io l0Opa.esandsill notbe pemitledrnrtherfoNmd 2a.o RednueBilimen 4 Bd(o) Res of bladeshale pased elemenls until the supporting movement 56.0 RetinueBowmen 8 Bw(s) Reg thrcugh rheir .anks 48 0 12 ShireLevy Bowmen Bw(o) Ir 240 welsh SPeamen 8 Ax(X) Itr 12.Norfolk\ commandis irearedasa flankmdch. its poi'l of enlrv EEs:35.0DemLevel:120 Subtool:2080 Comand Elements:35 beingmarkedon themaPTheusualtuleslpplv ror irsdival buras n dived iakly lat in thc davno dicedc rolledro' rhiscomtndd Duke of Norfolk's Cotnmdd closecornh'i 32.0 untilafierfte fi6r bonndconLrining Duke ot Nortblk I Kn(O) Reg G


KnO Reg Bd(o) Res Bw(S) Reg Bd(l) lrr B*(o) Ir

in TowtonValeshouldhavefte etrectftal 1.1.0 Therestrictiononmovement 2 RetinueBillnen 2E-0 uDles lhe Ldcaslrians attack thev *ill over a period of nme be 4 RetinueBowmen 8.0 destroyedby theYorkisr bowmen.This shouldneat that fte plave6 on 2 ShireLely B;llmen 32.0 both sides de likely to nale fteir first two or tbiee moveson fairlv Shnetf,vy Bowmen 8 0 124 histoncallines. i.e. an lnilial advanceof boft am'et bownen' ConmandEleme.ts:EEs:l 8-0Den t e!el:6.0Subbtal: follo{ed by an all out Ldcastrid altackwith their bladesmovtng thrcugb lhe front mks of dche6. Tobl Amy Poinrs:750.0 Arfry Elements:125

EEs:114.0DeferrL€!el: 57 0


As the bladesdo no! Siveback up for a secondsupportitrgonk excePt againstkdghls. ir wouid be sensiblelo leavea gapbetweenranksusine RULE AMENDMENTS AND NOTES the secondrank as reinlbrcenentr As inidally theYorkistbowmenoccupvthe crestof the plateaD.when The following de to reflecr rhe affects of the tenaid dd weafter ftese de movedfonvdd ir would be sensiblefor fte supPodrngrcw or blades to adldce aDd occup! ftis position to gain lhe upslope advanlagewhen anacked. l. There wd a strcng wind bloeing ftom ihe sourh.thus tne h would probably be advisableif when the Lancasrian bowmen {che.y *ill suiler the -! tactical factor for being 6o!e forwdd lhe supPorringranks of bladesimmediaElv follow on bY weathe. disadvantaSed behind.This would e.sure rhat should the Yorkisr archerscontinueto a{tvmce, tberc is sdll time for the suPponingranls of Lancastriatr 2. Archer from the soulhhd ils rangeslightlv idcreasedto 250 Paces bladesto dove OroDShthe bow elefrentsto avoidthesebeingatlacked This is to represemadditionaldistanceachievedbv the Yorkist The rule amendnenls have been designedto reflect the weathe' condiliots of the day and nake posible nnd encouage the opposing playeF lo adopthistorically accurab opeDingmoves. l . The usualrulesapply in relationto fte snowslom so all colmdds will haveto be allocatedditrerentcolou.eddlce vhibilitv is VICTORY CONDITIONS reducedto 300 pncesud a! the amies de deploved350 paces ahead be slraiSht noves must the inilal apan, Sroup There d€ no specific amendmentsto the rules. thus rhe usual victory Vale are Tbe slopesfrcm bolh Plataux teadinSdown to ToMon

1l .





Io colledor s stindards. Send SAE or two IRCs tbf pfire list to: D. Seagrole.


THE LAST DETAIL 196ParlruntRoad.L.rnglc).SloughBerkshireSLI 8.\Z \vrrs of dr. Thi\ ir lhc drrd in r s.ici ollbuf rnLclcsr.consrn'.rine^rrlcstbr use\nh DB\'l ruhs. Ri.hrrd Duke ol lirli. \hile crmpiignid-qin thc NorLh.l.und hin\ell her\il! outnumbered {) luil rciirgein SlndalCrsrlelo !\!ait rcinlarremenl\. Thet-r.crstnrn\.ledbr rhcDulieol Sonre.\et. hcking sic!. rrtillcr\. dccrdcdto $aLr!nd hop.lirllJlcmtr rhclirki\rs out to llghLin rhe ol)en.Sclerll rhcori.\ hr\c fur lnn\r.d !\ !) $h! Richardol titrk \rllied lbah 'ionr Slndll Cn\tlc Th. nr)\t $idch r c c q r t . dt h e o . \$ J \ r h d h ch a dn o li . a l i \ c d r h d J o h\nc \ i l i c - * h o \ a s !,ptoscd 10bc -erdr.Iin-e ibrles in !,ppon of dr. Yofthr crus.. hid ch.trgedsides.A Yorkislforaginspany \rs irr.ked b) tl'e Dukeol SoDer\er(hiln reluriingr,) Sa.dalCr\rt. Richnrdol \() nl\o \rr nH .pprotuhinsSoneber\ lllnl .d)nrg JohnNc\ille \ bune.\ N.rc.rnnre. he rl'oughrthis qN ! Thinliinedr.r his ninforcen'enrs! ro brtak rhroushrh. Lric.srrirn lines.Ne\illc h.d no\ so RichardofYork r planN.s inulll flaNcd./\rr!ct.d lion lll sidcsYorks ldr. \{s s.!hd d.spircbcnrs o l 1 4 . " - , . , r , , h . . , . t. t , , | , . r . t , . 1r , : ( t . . ,. . t t . t , . t rcinfore.db\ rhcEad ofSalisbunsirh thc 'unnrine crnle g.rison

ARf'IY LISTS Thc lollo\ine.fln! llsrs!r b.scdoi rh. Llncasrim tbrc.r. priorlo JohnNc\ ill. s mnallotalling 13.(l00 ei ind llt \brl;\r lr).1)(l e.. John\.\ille s tbre $.! esrimated rr i.0(10de.. YORKIS'I'S 'I-ype

Trng No Descriplion DukeoIlorks Command KnlO) R.g C 1 Richard.Dulicof Y,nt ll ll I \len-d \rn} 1Si) Bd(Ol R"g 6 R . r i n u .B i l l D . n 110 B*rS) R"g ll R c r i n uB. o \ D . n $r 0 Bd(l) lr I l J0 S h i r cI - c \ ! S i l l n r . f B\iO) Irr I S h n rL c \ t B o t r n r ' r 160 .1 BgrO) lr \brk s 00 CnrdEiIsll E E s :1 9 . 0 D e mL \ l : 1 0 . 0 S u b l o t a1l :1 0 . ( l E a r l0 r 5 ! l i s b u r ! \ C o m m a n d KnlO) R.gC I E a . !o f S a l i \ h u r \ I }lcn-al-Anns Bd(O) Reg I R e r i n uBc i l l m c n -+ B\r(S) R.e R.rinucBo*ncn I ShiNLcry Billnr.n Bs(0) Ir I Shi,cl-cvv Boqrr.n E E s :1 l 0 D . n rL r i r . 1 0 S u b t o t a9l :E0 C n r dE l l s :l l

Amt El$: 1-1

EEs:.t0 i)

-rl0 ll.0 ir.0 :8 0 1.0 8.0

D.leal Lvl: 10.0

L \C.\STRIA\S TIpe Trng No. Description Duke of Somosct\ Conmadd Kn(O) RegG I Dule ofsonle6et.C in-C Kn(l) Reg 2 Nlen'lt-Am\ Rd(O) Rcg I R c l ' n u cD i l l n r e n BnrS) Reg 6 Retnrue Bo$nrr BgrO) h 2 Brggrge C n d E 1 | \ :l l E E \ : 1 2 0 D e n i . L \ l : . 1 . 0S u b t o 0 l1: 1 5 . 0

il.0 t0.0 ll.0 .lt.0 00

l3 Norlhunberland\ Conrmand K n r O ) R e gG Dukcof Nonhumbedand Knrlr R.g C\rO) Reg Bd(O) Ree BsrSr Reg Bg1()r Ir l Bag8age E E s P 0 Dem.L!l:4.0 Subbral:113.0 C m dE l r . :l 1

respectivell. The followi.g is theorderof adval:

32.0 I On the thnd bouid the Edl of Northunberland\ forceswill dice ior 10.0 ils afilal. Unlessthescor is a I or2. it movesthis tum. 8.0 :. LordRoo5$ill di.e for hiacommandtarivallwo boundsfollowing 21.0 On arival his liNr move the arildl of rhe Etl of NorrhDmberland. 42_O will consistofplacinghn codmddjusr clee of thewoodin line.up 0.0 'leeP lo two elemenls

Knro, R e gG I JohnNeville linll, Reg I LHrOr in I NonhemBorderSraves Bdrl) ln 3 ShkeLevy BiUDen B\rO) In 8 ShireLevyBowmen Bdrlr In 2 Nonhen Border Foot lr 4 Nonhem Borde Fool sprl) B,qrO) Ir 2 Baggage C m dE l r s : ? 2 E E s : 2 0 . 0Dem.L!l:7.0 Subtotal:I ll.0

12.0 10.0 5.0 t2.o 32.0 8.0 t2.o 0.0

Kn(o) RegG Lord Roos I Kn(T) Reg Men-ar-Ams I Bd(o) Reg RednueBillnen 2 Bd(O) Reg 2 Reinle Billnen Rdil) Ir 2 ShneLevy Billmen RN(o) Ir 4 ShneLevy Bowmen Bs(O) In 2 Baggage CmdEIts:1.1 EEs:12.0 Dem.Lvl:,1.0 Subtolal:9,10

32.O 10.0 14.0 14.[l lJ.t) 16.0 0.0

Kn(o) RegC I DukeofE\der Bd(O) Reg l R e t i n uB eillmen .t Ba(S) Re-s RetinueBoNnten Bd(l) Ir l Sh;e LeY! Billnen Bs(o) In l ShneLev) Bownen B-q(o) h 2 Bageage CmdElrs:14 EEs:l 2 _ 0 Dem.Lvl:4.0 Subrotal:94.0

-i:.0 ll.0 18.0 8.0 12.0 0.0

Kn(O) Bd(O) BslS) Bdo) B$(O) Bg(O) Cdd Elr:

RegG I Lo.d Clitrord Reg 3 RetinueBillmen ReC 6 Ift 2 ShireLely Billmen lr 4 tt Bdggdge 2 l8 E E s :1 6 . { JD e n . L \ l :5 . 5 S u b l o t aIl1: 9 . 0

Riltshint Comnand Kn(O) ResG I Bd(o) Re! I B\(s) Reg 2 \d(l) h I BsrO) Ir 3 BerO) In 2 CmdElts: l0 EEs:8.0

''\nn\ Ehs:106

Baegaee Dem.Lvl:3.0 Subtoral:69.0

6. The Edl of Willshire will dice for his co'mod s uilal rour boudds following the mivd of lord Clitrord. On arival his fisl dove will consisrofplacin8his commandjust cled ofthewoodin line,Dpro rwo elemencdeep.The recommended tablesizeis 9'by 5'(25frn)

RULE AMENDMENTS L Richdd of York\ comDandhls Io useils openingmoveslo !i-qo.oun)auackfte DulieofSonerser.He cannolcommence a *iLhdrd$altoSandalCasrle unrilafierrheaEivalof Lord RooJs

tl'e 8me l. ShouldRjchardofYor\-sconmandbecomedemo.alised srillconrinues andtheEad ofSalisbury'scoinmandwiu continue wheneitherlhe Lancastnans ro fight nomally' ThegaDeceases is de bealenusinglhe usualrulesor RichardofYork s elernent Klled andhis conmanddemoralised orhe escapes. 3.Optionalrule- As previously statedJohnNevillehadchanged as allegiance lo theLancaslrian cause.This couldbe represented, u ahemative, by trealinghiD asanaUiedgeneral.Ifhisconmand\ 32.O fiBt PIP scoreis I it becoDesunreliable.but mlher than follow the 2t.o usualtulesir immediaGlychanees sidesandjoinstheYorkjstcause. 42.0 As a linher lhemade JohnNevillecoDldoriginallybe includedin 8.0 theYdkisranl asanalliedgeneralwith fte posibility ofchanging allegiance ro rheLancasrians ifhis fist PIPscoreis a 1



3.TheEtrlofSalisburywilldice lbr hisconndd\ dilal lwo bounds following fte mivd of Lord R@s. On arivll his firsr nove will consi$ofplacinghisenlie commandin colunn,lea!'neSandal Castlewith thered elenentrouchinglhe castlegate. ,1.The DukeofExeierwill dicefor his command's anivallwo bounds following the arival of fte Edl of SaiisbDry.On mival his fi6t clearof thewoodin mole will consistolplacinghis commandjust line.up to two elements deep. 5. Lod Cliffordwiu dicefor his comnand\ nival two bounds foUowingthe dival of the Duke of Exete. On arrival his fi6t move will consislof placin8his commandjust nonhof ihe villageof louchinglhe northemedgeof SandalMagnawitb rhered elemenls

7.O 14.0 4.0 12.0 0.0

EEs:92.0 DcfeatLvl:.16.0


YorkistVictory L lt is anovephelmingvictoryif RjchddDukeof Yorkcancrossthe bridgeoverthe RiverCalderandhis coDDandis still not demoralised. lt is alsoan oveNhelningvictoryshouldlhe Lancstnan amy be debated dccordingro tne srddard rules. 2.It is a frrginal licrory shotrldtheDDkeofYork\ elemenrescape ados theRiverCalde.withnle olherelemenrs andhis command demoralised. Elements ofhis demoralised conmandwill flee towddsthebnd8ecrosin8 shouldlherebe no undemoralised enehy eirhersideof rheirdirecrroureto lhe bridge. A Dram Resull The bade will be a dra* il rhe Lancastrilnshavenot beendefeated in theneld dd RichtudofYork s elementis ablero fleebackinlo thecasrlewit! six otherelenents.

vicroryshouldbothlhe elements of Sccnraplbr initill deployDenr. The only forcesablero movear the l. h will be d ove^vbelmin8 .onnnen.eNrr ofbanlede fte Lancastid cormdds of theDukeof RichardofYo.k and$e EarlofSalisburybe killeddd borhtheir cotmuds demoralised. Sodrr\d iohn N.\ille lnd rheYorkisr connand ofRichard.Duke oi\'')r\ Pnorro ihc !trnalof allthe othercommands oneD6 is rolled ?.A tacticalvicloryshouldtheykill RichardofYork s elemenlbul allowei8hro. moreYorkisrelements to flee inlo SandalCaslle. lnd shouldthis \corc I or I rhe anival is delayedby 2 or I bounds


olrl Olit\ .\tah^!L


Ilt( tr!h.r'\

| r!l.ttirn

f \ \ i [ + ? Ll\c.1srR/.t \5

Rt!hr .\ l\1r\: Lht!rrtlnat l,it.,!rr .l lJdr,rlra,rlr ' ,?r, //r. n)!!a!t,t tn !h D..1/Jtnr.l/ D,nr,lr,/r,i\

INTRODTCTION , \ \ I \ n i d i n n r \ l i r \ 1r n i . L . . T l r c ' : r i n BdrLe of sr ALb!ri r\\'lllar'. nr\ I n l c r . r ti r r h r \ N r . L I \ r \ r . l L n d l . dh l Prul I\eddrll. b:f!rrfht .l rlr. Frn .l \\.tr\rrt. Ih. Kingn k.i. rnLl lal rhar icrwr I .ornn.nt.d nri\..r1.\ $rrh lir\ Iirn brrll!' I rr lrrn- r. ron.l!d. {irh hi' in.l bnrrl. .ndLns ll.l.r. Ir...rdin-. I \.rld lilc t) r . t . r r . r h . S t , \ l h ! n \ n r r i . l c .t s e l u \ e o i ' th. ]r.t).] rfr{li1i(!): h.Ii !l \|!.. \.r. om r.d Il r.rd.r\ \bh 1. hr\. rh.u rh.\ .rn bc .hLlincd l.ur nie b\ ..rdir!.r S,\[ k] rrt no.l . dic\ 6i I .r.lff Rord. !r l-conrrd.!n ser. Frtr Sus.\ lNil61R '\\ m.n1i.r.d rn tre\ior\ rrurl.\. r u : t l o r c n r i r i lt . u r | i \ \ r i r c \ L \ r r i l l c r trid' n! us. \Lth DB\l rule.$rrh n L l h l l d i u n n ' i r A 1 0r \ d r b i , n ! o u l th. nr | .l i!crc.inrr\ .l thc h!(lr. b u { i l l l . . . r . u : h I n t r i r h r c1 ( t rb o ( i i \ dc\!h1rh.i..rn brrLle


B\CKCROUND Thi\ rine rhe Edl of \\'m ick {as supponingthe Ldcastid cause by theYorkistsled and\r!s in.omnrandol rheiramy. beingopposed b) Ed\ dd I\l Thebaulesas foughtju$ nonhof Bmer It wouldhave be.n cunond dunng rhis period for both annieslo deplot opposile this by mistycondidons. eachorh.rbur.o$ing ro poorlisibiliry caused sas norrh. case.Borhamie! we€ deployed overlapping lhe enemyi left fllnl. Tlc Lancastrian centrewas co'mdded by the Earl of \\'d\ick. supponedby his brolher the Edl of MontaSue,the right flink b) rhe Ead of Oxford and the left by the Duke of Exeler The \brtini wascolmdded by EdwardIV his riehr flanlkby Lord H$tingsandhis left fla.k by theDukeof Glotrcesler The poor visibiliryaho had the effectof negatinSthe additional Lancasfian .rtillery and archery as the Yorkisr adldced. The Yorki\L\'left flmk wd fi6l to be engaged. stumblinginto fte Etul of GloucesteiscomDandws soonput oriord-s men.Beingoutflanked, ro flighr.hotlypusuedby Oxford\. Edwdd Mad ro usesomeof his rese^csro help slabilisethe now exposedleft fl&k of his cenlre

The numberof nen enea8edvdies sienincanfly berweenthe vmous sources, but all rendro sug8eslthatwaNick's amy wasthe grealer The approxirnarenumbeGengaeedfor this scenanom taker at 10,000 Yorkisls againsl 12.000Ldcdtrians: this may poslibly be on tbe low of$hich side.EdwardIv had{ith hirn sonemercendyBurgundians. approximately one lhird werc hand gDnne6 I have assuned lhe renainder were pikemen. I do nor have information on the of numbeBbetweenmounedlroops,etinue ud sbire apponiondenr levyOus,if anyof yoDhavemoredelailedinfomadon,you cananend listsaccordingly.


Desciption Type Tmg No. Earl of lvaNick (iocludes R€s€nes) 35.0 Kn(S) RegG 1 E&t of Waflick, C-in'C 14.0 Bd(O) Reg 2 RetinueBillnen 42.0 B*(S) Reg 6 RetinueBowmen 8.0 BdO Ilr 2 Sbire kvy Billmen dd the amainingcolmeds baame heavilyenCaged Nteanlvhile. t€vy Bowmen 24.4 Bw(o) Irr 6 Shire rhisrimefte Edl of WNick hadto unlisehis €servesto prevedtthe 16.0 An(o) Reg 2 Anillery Train collapseofhis left fldk. 0.0 Irr 6 Ead ofwasick\ Baggage The Earl of Oxford\ menbusiedthemselvesby looling theYorkists- BC(O) EEs:19.0 Dem.Lvl:6.5 Subtotat:139.0 baggageandrecaptunngthe Ldcaslrim HenryvI who at this time wa! CmdEhs:25 Ed{ard Iv\ prisoner The E3rl of Orford did meage to rally aboutn quarler of his commandwift &e inrention to rcjoin lhe battle and fall Earl of Odo.d's Comand 32.0 Xn(O) ResG 1 Eel of Oxford uponfte Yorkists' left flank and red20.0 Reg 2 Mer-at-Ams By this dme,fte baule ftonr had dlted in m mti'clockwise direction, Kn(I) 8.0 Reg I Hobilds C!(O) borh amies left flanks being pushedback. In fte poor visibility, the l4_0 Retinue Billmen Bd(O) Reg 2 of the Errl of Oxford mistakentyapproachedthe right flank l4_0 RetinueBosmen Reg 2 Lancastrimamy md cme Dnderbow fire fiom then. Amid shoulsof Bw(s) ''Treason', be dd his followeB departedthe batllefield in a nonherly Bdo) r2.0 IE 3 Shirelily Billmen 16.0 Ir 4 ShneLevy Bownen dtrecrion.FollowingOxford'sdepaitlre,the remainineLancastians Bw{O) Elts: l5 EEs: 15.0 Dem.Lvl.5.0 Subtoral:116.0 Cnd tbe lost hean and sr!fled ro drifr away frcm fie battleneld. Du.ine ret.edt,theEdl of WNick waskiued. Duk€ of Exeter's Command 32.0 Kr(O) Reg G 1 Duke of Exetr DEPLOYMENT 20.0 Kno) Ree 2 14.0 Res 2 The severalaccounlsof the Battle I havereaddo vary, particulmly in Bd(O) 14.0 Ree 2 relation to the exact spot where fte battle was fought and the B*(Sl 12.0 posirioningof the YorkistJ comndds. For this reason.someof you Bd0) Irr 3 ShireIf,vy Billmen 24.O nap). I1 is not the Bw(o) IE 6 may disagreewith the optioDsI have chosenGee I16.0 EEs:16.0 Dem.Lvl:6.0 Subloial: purposeof this article 10go into detail of the aclualbattleor discussthe CmdElls: 16 areasof controversybut ne.ely to give a sufficient outline to enable you 10undedhnd the rationaiefor the rule mendmetrtvadjustmen$. TotalAPs: 371.0 As you will seelrcm tbe 6ap, Lord Haslingj advanceis inpede{t by EEs:50-0 DefeatLvi: 25.0 rhe hed8eoi the edgeof Enneld Chase-I am no1surelrow muchor an Amy Elts:56 obstaclethis sould bavepresenred.if dy, bul for the purposeof this gameI havealsunedir consfiDtes dificult going.For this reson, if YORKIST ARMY Lord Hastingswnhes ro keephis comand togelher,he wiu needhigh Type Tmg No. Descriplion The end of ihe Ldcastrim left flank should be placed againsrfte f,dw.rds Iv (includes ReseFes) C 35.0 RegG I King Edwdd M'in hedgeliningEnfieldChaseandrhecentreshouldslraddletneroad.The Kn(S) Billmen 14.0 Retinrc Sd(O) Reg 2 deploynenr should be 800/1000 approxinrale widthofthe LancasEie 28 0 RerinmBowmen Reg 4 paces.HoNeverfor easeof playabiljty,I sugeesr ihat eachmy can Bw(S) 80 Red.rc Bowmen Ir 4 deplo! sirh atoul frcnlageup to 15 elenedtswide.Cm shouidbe Sd(r) 60 Reg 2 Shire tivv Billmen rakenro ensurerhat the respecive amies overlapeachother as shown Ps(S) BurCundia Hddgunne6 16.0 Pk(O) Reg 2 400 on rhenrap.I wouldsugeest thattheamies deployapproximalely King\ Baegaee 00 lrr 6 pacesa$ayfron eacho1he.Thiswouldenablefte eme to be fought, B(o) CmdElts:2l EEs:I4.0 Dem.Lvl:5.0 Subtolal:107.0 in:5mm. comfodabhon a 6 x 4' table. \\rhen rhe tenain hs been set llp. you should cleely mdk on lhe mble lhe deploymenl Na for each comnand dd then place the Duke ofclouc€ster's Conmard 32.0 RegG I Dukeof Gloucster respedne conmdds on thelableusingtheusualrulesfor deplolmen! Kn(o) 20.0 Reg 2 Men at Ams the Yorkis6 being regarded as fte anacke6. the Ldcastrims fte Kn(I) 8.0 cv(o) Reg I Hobilds defendes.

Bd(o) Bw(S)

Irr I Res 2

1.0 14.0

t4 Bd(r) Reg 2 Bw(O) Ir 4 CmdEIts:13

ShireLerf Billmen 8.0 ShircLevy Bowmen 16.0 EEs:13.0 Dem.Lvl:5.oSubtotal:105.0

Lo.d H"stings'CotMed Kn(O) Reg c I Bd(O) Reg I Bw(S) Reg 2 Bd0) rr 2 Bw(O) Irr 6 An(O) Reg I CmdEltsr13

EEs:13.0 Dem.Lvl:5.0 Subtolal:93.0

TotalAPs: 305.0 Generals: 3 Eltsr 47

EEs:40 DefearLvl: 20.0

t rd Haslings RetinueBillmen ShircLevy Billmen

32_O 7_O 14.0 8.0

ggg_€ffi 28mm WARGAMING For the more discerning Wargamer



NEW - WILD WEST - GamesPacks ! A ned Mexican Peasants,Dismounted Bandidos NEW . AMERICAN REVOLUTION AftiAery& Crew-G n Limber & Team

RIJLE AMENDMENTS 1. The usualtulesapplyfor fightingin mist a3 regardsro visibility,


2. TheYorkistswill advmc€usingtheirptps to maic en@r assoon as possible. The movemenr hs ro be straight ahead so rhat the cspective flek! will remain overlappedon contact. The Duke of Gloucester'scomrnandhas ro be tuIy engagedbefore contactcan be madewi|h the othe. two commmds and has to be so engagedfor at l%t one boundbefore the othe. commmdsmakecontact.

SendS,A.E.fot fuI detaik

3-The Lecastrians will nor mal(eary foMard movemen unrr conmcr 4. The resefles for bolh mies vill retain fteir resp@rivepositjons until all conmands arc engaged.Edwdd IV's reseNe will advdc€, maintajningits position b€hind the cenrrecommdd. 5. Remembq the hedgeimpedesHaslings,advance,being an obstacle that will n€edto b€ crossedby severatelementsduring the advarc€. The above should hop€tully ensurc ria( rhe players openrngmoves follov closely the hisroricatbaute. 6. Sbouldthe Earl of Cloucesreis commandbecomedemoralised.all of Orfordt conmed wil pursueregardlessof irs plp scoreand will continueto do so during rhe following bounds. 7. After the sixth bound foltowing the demoralisarionof Cloucest€ts conmdd, Oxford's comand is also deemedto be demomlised.Tlis is to rcp.esent $e loss of his comDdd on its rerum and sudden d€panurefrom rhe battlefield.All the commandis deemedro b€ tosr. so tbe t ancastriansroll one les dice for then plp score. 8. The boundfollowing Oxfordt departurc,rhe.eDaining Lmcasrjes wiil suffer a minus I in closeconbat, exceptfor the Edl of Waflick\ and the Duk€ of b€tels etements.This is to reflecr rhe loss of morale following Oxford's depadurc. The anendmenrs6, 7 and I abo,rea.e to reflect the rote in rhebatrleof lheE3.1ofOxford,noneofwhichwiltapplyif theDukeofctoucesrel s commdd putsup a srouireshtocemd fightsotrfte Earlof Oxford.

VICTORY CONDITIONS The usual victory conditionsappty_

.WHAT IF' SCENARIOS You could ignorc amendments6,7 & 8 bd @venio rhe usDalrutesfor demoElisedconmand5ard sponraneous advances.Tiris could Eivefte tarl or O\tord far gEarerinnuenceon lheourcomeof thebrlte,

lN THE PIPELINE: (i.e. HopefuIJ beJore the reu 4d!) BaCCANEERS ! (Thes. werc pre-pnates and theretorc .tw.e lron - we like to cet it nstu !!) SENDrs eoe fre. U.K) lor our fuI ettbqle or just scnd 2 FndlrCIIE, StdnpsJor the Etts oJanr ote tunEe STANDING ORDERS! loi" oa. NEW STANDING ORDER svsTEM ann be h. f^t to t .eb. 1 oJ eachoJ new rclasd fton AIL (or ary p.nicubr) a.v rdnEes"hot Jron ttu nould" ,Iust Na.l low ad.It6t dnd o.dit .ad detaib (Civ. ut t tperdins linit iJ tou *ant). SEND €5 (POST FF|EE U.K.) FOR CATALOGUE OUR FULLY ILLUSTRATED (INC SAMPLE FIGURE) 25tn' srJ'|uR&illullJrPrNESEr x SY;[NGU9(ClrlLNl|R(ICSCoTS), xlGllLrxDEnSGRI{0lttr^|lcf } l0UlSI|v, rUnrs:Uotras rrrr (r|lr. r'r000u[0uor^,rs+fn cH)mEDEnrcK ru eT, s|crx n$ounor, fiENtHx^mLfo r0xc.EcYPreExsuu0 Bnflsr rlrPoltoxlt (FrttY)lrl0lrl xuTlxY; ||rff ar{Enr r rxorAxw ns. }rlo wEsrflxc.GuxfrGHTERs, flrc. lrEcnosl.

oREssxrcRlwltql llxc.sljirIR1wrr.IER (|ic, GT.ll0FIFilurRl,lxoux ltuTlrlY. t5r,- ^Gt0Filr,r3oR0UG8




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