The Voyage of Ohthere in Old and Modern English With Glossary
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The Voyage of Ohthere first section originally edited and translated by Grant Chevallier; edition and translation revised by Murray McGillivray
Othere said to his lord, King Alfred, that he 1 Ohthere sæde his hlaforde, Ælfrede cyninge, lived northernmost of all the Northmen (or þæt he ealra Norðmonna norþmest bude. Norwegians). 2 He cwæþ þæt he bude on þæm lande norþweardum wiþ þa Westsæ.
He said that he lived in the land [that is] northward along the Western Sea (i.e. the sea to the west of Norway).
3 He sæde þeah þæt þæt land sie swiþe lang norþ þonan;
He said, however, that the land is [i.e. extends] very long to the north from there.
But it is all waste, except that Sámi people 4 Ac hit is eal weste, buton b uton on feawum stowum camp out in a few places here and there—by styccemælum wiciaþ Finnas, on huntoþe on hunting in winter and fishing in summer wintra, and on sumera on fiscaþe be þære sæ. along the sea. 6 He sæde þæt he æt sumum cirre wolde He said that one time [lit. [lit. "on "on a certain fandian hu longe þæt land norþryhte læge, oþþe occasion"] he wanted to find out how long hwæþer ænig mon be norþan þæm westenne the land extended to the north, or whether bude. any man lived north of the wasteland. 9 Þa for he norþryhte be þæm lande.
Then he travelled northwards along the land.
Let him ealne weg þæt weste land on þæt steorbord, ond þa widsæ on þæt bæcbord þrie dagas.
All the way he kept the wasteland on his starboard [i.e. to his right], and the open sea on his port side [left] for three days.
11 Þa wæs he swa feor norþ swa þa hwælhuntan firrest faraþ.
Then he was as far north as the whalehunters ever [lit. [lit. farthest] farthest] travel.
12 Þa for he þa giet norþryhte swa feor swa he Then he travelled north still as far as he meahte on þæm oþrum þrim dagum gesiglan. could sail in the next three days. 13 Þa beag þæt land þær eastryhte, oþþe seo sæ in on þæt lond, he nysse hwæþer, buton he wisse þæt he þær bad westan windes ond hwon norþan, ond siglde þa east be lande swa swa he meahte on feower dagum gesiglan.
Then the land turned eastward there, or the sea [turned] into the land, he did not know which, but he knew that he waited there for a wind from the west and a little from the north, and then sailed east along the land as far as he could sail in four days.
Then he had to wait for a wind directly from 17 Þa sceolde he þær bidan ryhtnorþanwindes, the north, because the land turned southward for þæm þæt land beag þær suþryhte, oþþe seo there, or the sea into the land, he did not sæ in on þæt land, he nysse hwæþer. know which. 19 Þa si lde lde he on onan an su r hte hte be la lande nde swa swa
Then Then he sa sail iled ed fr from om th ther eree du duee so sout uth h al alon on
swa he mehte on fif dagum gesiglan.
20 Þa læg þær an micel ea up in on þæt land.
the land as much as he could sail in five days. Then a great river extended there up into that land.
Then they turned up into the river, because 21 Þa cirdon hie up in on þa ea, for þæm hie ne they dared not sail forward across the river dorston forþ bi þære ea siglan for unfriþe; for þæm þæt land wæs eall gebun on oþre healfe because of [fear of] hostilities, because the land was all settled on the other side of the þære eas. river. 23 Ne mette he ær nan gebun land, siþþan he from his agnum ham for; ac him wæs ealne weg weste land on þæt steorbord, butan fiscerum and fugelerum ond huntum, ond þæt þ æt wæron eall Finnas; ond him wæs a widsæ on þæt bæcbord.
He had not previously encountered any settled land since he travelled from his own home; but all the way there was waste land on his starboard, except for fishers and fowlers and hunters, and that was all Sámi; and open sea was always on his port side.
27 Þa Beormas hæfdon swiþe wel gebun hira land: ac hie ne dorston þæron cuman.
The Biarmians had settled their land very well: but they dared not enter therein.
28 Ac þara Terfinna land wæs eal weste, buton But the land of the Sámi was all waste, þær huntan gewicodon, oþþe fisceras, oþþe except where hunters camped, or fishermen, fugeleras. or fowlers.
[The remainder of the text is presented without facing translation.] 31 Fela spella him sædon þa Beormas ægþer ge of hiera agnum lande ge of þæm landum þe ymb hie utan wæron, ac he nyste hwæt þæs soþes wæs, for þæm he hit self ne geseah. Þa Finnas, him þuhte, & þa Beormas spræcon neah an geþeode. 34 Swiþost he for ðider, toeacan þæs landes sceawunge, for þæm horshwælum, for ðæm hie habbað swiþe æþele ban on hiora toþum. Þa teð hie brohton sume þæm cyninge, & hiora hyd bið swiðe god to sciprapum. 38 Se hwæl bið micle læssa þonne oðre hwalas: ne bið he lengra ðonne syfan elna lang— 39 ac on his agnum lande is se betsta hwælhuntað: þa beoð eahta and feowertiges elna lange, & þa mæstan fiftiges elna lange— 41 þara he sæde þæt he syxa sum ofsloge syxtig on twam dagum. 43 He wæs swyðe spedig man on þæm æhtum þe heora speda on beoð, þæt is on wildrum.
44 He hæfde þa gyt, ða he þone cyningc sohte, tamra deora unbebohtra syx hund. Þa deor hi hatað hranas; þara wæron syx stælhranas. Ða beoð swyðe dyre mid Finnum, for ðæm hy foð þa wildan hranas mid. 47 He wæs mid þæm fyrstum mannum on þæm lande; lande ; næfde he þeah ma ðonne twentig hryðera & twentig sceapa & twentig swyna, & þæt lytle þæt he erede he erede mid horsan. 50 Ac hyra ar is mæst on þæm gafole þe ða Finnas him gyldað. 51 Þæt gafol bið on deora fellum & on fugela feðerum & hwales bane & on þæm sciprapum þe beoð of hwæles hyde geworht & of seoles. 54 Æghwilc gylt be hys gebyrdum. Se byrdesta sceall gyldan fiftyne mearðes fell & fif hranes & an beran fel & tyn ambra feðra & berenne kyrtel oððe yterenne & twegen sciprapas; ægþer sy syxtig elna lang: oþer sy of hwæles hyde geworht, oþer of sioles. 59 He sæde ðæt Norðmanna land wære swyþe lang & swyðe smæl. 60 Eal þæt his man aþer oððe ettan oððe erian mæg, þæt lið wið ða sæ; & þæt is þeah on sumum stowum swyðe cludig, & licgað wilde moras wið eastan & wið uppon, emnlange þæm bynum lande. 63 On þæm morum eardiað Finnas; & þæt byne land is easteweard bradost & symle swa norðor swa smælre. 65 Eastewerd hit mæg bion syxtig mila brad oþþe hwene brædre; & middeweard þritig oððe bradre; & norðeweard, he cwæð, þær hit smalost wære, þæt hit mihte beon þreora mila brad to þæm more, & se mor syðþan, on sumum stowum swa brad swa man mæg on twam wucum oferferan, & on sumum stowum swa brad swa man mæg on syx dagum oferferan. 72 Þonne is toemnes þæm lande suðeweardum, on oðre healfe þæs mores, Sweoland, oþ þæt land norðeweard; & toemnes þæm lande norðeweardum Cwena land. 74 Þa Cwenas hergiað hwilum on ða Norðmen ofer ðone mor, hwilum þa Norðmen on hy. 76 & þær sint swiðe micle meras fersce geond þa moras, & berað þa Cwenas hyra scypu ofer land on ða meras & þanon hergiað on ða Norðmen; hy habbað swyðe lytle scypa & swyðe leohte. 80 Ohthere sæde þæt sio scir hatte Halgoland þe he on bude. 81 He cwæð þæt nan man ne bude be norðan him. Þonne is an port on suðeweardum þæm lande, þone man hæt Sciringesheal. 83 Þyder he cwæð þæt man ne mihte geseglian on anum monðe, gyf man on niht wicode, & ælce dæge hæfde ambyrne wind; & ealle ða hwile he sceal seglian be lande.
85 & on þæt steorbord him bið ærest Iraland, & þonne ða igland þe synd betux Iralande & þissum lande. 87 Þone is þis land oð he cymð to Scirincgesheale, & ealne weg on þæt bæcbord Norðweg. 89 Wið suðan þone Sciringesheal fylð swyðe mycel sæ up in on ðæt lond; seo is bradre þonne ænig man ofer seon mæge. 92 Seo sæ lið mænig hund mila up in on þæt land. 93 & of Sciringesheale he cwæð þæt he seglode on fif dagan to þæm porte þe mon hæt æt Hæþum; . Se stent betuh Winedum, & Seaxum, & Angle, & hyrð in on Dene. 95 ða he þiderweard seglode fram Sciringesheale, þa wæs him on þæt bæcbord Denamearc, & on þæt steorbord widsæ þry dagas; & þa, twegen dagas ær he to Hæþum come, him wæs on þæt steorbord Gotland, & Sillende, & iglanda fela. 99 On þæm landum eardodon Engle, ær hi hider on land coman.
100 & hym wæs ða twegen dagas on ðæt bæcbord þa igland þe in Denemearce hyrað.
Glossary for the Voyage of Ohthere adv.: forever, forever, always (23) a adv.: ac conj: conj: but, but, however, but on the contrary, and (4, 23, 27, 28, 31, 39, 50)
pron, ns: each ns: each (54) ægþer pron, ægþer ge . . . ge both . . . and (31) æghwilc pron. pron. ns: each ns: each (one) (54)
dp: possesions, possesions, properties (43) æhtum dp: ism: each each (83) ælce ism: ds: (King) Alfred (1) Ælfrede name, ds: (King) ænig adj., nsm: any nsm: any (6, 89)
conj: previously; before (23, 95, 99) ær adv, conj: previously; adv.: first first (85) ærest adv.:
adj.: own own agen adj.: dsn: (23, 31, 39) agnum dsm, dsn: (23, ambra gpm: measures gpm: measures of one amber (an unknown quantity, but a dry or liquid measure) (54)
as: favourable (83) ambyrne adj. as: favourable an adj. ns: a, ns: a, an, one, only (20, 31, 54, 81) ds: (83) (83) anum ds: an: not one, nobody, none (23, 81) nan ne an: not Angle dsn: dsn: the the Angles (93)
nsf: honour, honour, worth, property, revenue (50) ar nsf: æt prep.: at, prep.: at, from (6, 93)
ap: noble, excellent (34) æþele adj. ap: noble, aþer oððe ... oððe conj: conj: either either ... or (60)
ds: left side of a ship, port side, larboard (9, 23, 87, 95, 100) bæcbord n ds: left ban: bone ap: bones bones (34) ban ap: ds: bone bone (51) bane ds: be prep.: by, prep.: by, alongside, to the (north, etc.), according to (4, 9, 13, 19, 54) be norðan prep.: north prep.: north of (6, 81, 83)
beon, bion v anom.: be anom.: be (65) pres. 3s: is 3s: is (34, 38, 51, 85) bið pres. beoð pres. pres. 3p: are 3p: are (39, 45, 51) is pres. pres. 3s: is 3s: is (4, 39, 43, 50, 60, 63, 72, 81, 87, 89) subj. 3s: (3 3s: (3 (in (in reported speech: speech: is), 54 ("to ( "to be" )))) sie, sy subj. pres. 3p: are 3p: are (76, 85) sint, synd pres. wære pret. pret. subj. 3s in reported speech: speech: was (59, 65) pret. 3p: were 3p: were (23, 31, 45) wæron pret. pret 3s: was 3s: was (11, 21, 23, 23, 28, 31, 43, 47, 95, 100) wæs pret Beormas name, np: Biarmians, np: Biarmians, a people of what wha t is now part of northwest Russia, about whom we know very little for sure and for whose existence and location at this time the Ohthere story is one of our main sources. They and their land, Bjarmaland, are also mentioned in Norse sagas, as lying near the river Dvina, which does not fit well with the Ohthere account of sailing directions. Possibly they were Karelians, whose language, like that of the Sámi people, is Finno-Ugric and related to Finnish.(27, 31)
v.: bear (76) berað v.: bear beran gsm: bear's gsm: bear's (54) berenne adj. as: made as: made of bear skin (54)
prep.: near, in, on ,upon, with, along, at, to (21) bi prep.: near, betsta supl. supl. ns: best ns: best (39)
prep.: between, among (85, 93) betux, betuh prep.: between, 1: wait (for) with genitive of object (17) (17) bidan v 1: wait pret 3s: waited 3s: waited (for) (13) bad pret brad adj. ns: broad ns: broad (65) ns: broader (65, 89) brædre, bradre adj. comp. ns: broader ns: broadest (63) bradost adj. supl. ns: broadest
3p: brought (34) brohton v. pret. 3p: brought 3: stay, dwell, live buan v 3: stay, pret. 3s: lived 3s: lived (1, 2, 6, 80, 81) bude pret. gebun pp: settled, pp: settled, inhabited (21, 23, 27) byne pp. pp. as adj.: inhabited adj.: inhabited (63) bynum pp. pp. ds: inhabited ds: inhabited (60) 2: bow down, turn, bend, stoop bugan v 2: bow beag pret pret 3s: turned 3s: turned (13, 17) prep.: without, except (23) butan prep.: without, buton prep.: without, prep.: without, except, but, only (4, 13, 28)
dpn: birth, birth, rank, condition (54) gebyrdum dpn: byrdesta adj. ns: highest ns: highest born, highest ranked (54)
m.: turn, turn, change, time, occasion cierr m.: ds: (6) (6) cirre ds: cirran v ?: turn, ?: turn, cause to move cirdon pret. pret. 3p: turned 3p: turned (21) cludig adj. ns: rocky ns: rocky (60)
4: come, approach, get to, attain (27) cuman v 4: come, cymð pres. pres. 3s: comes 3s: comes (87) pret. 3s: came 3s: came (95) come pret. coman pret. pret. 3p: came 3p: came (99) Cwenas npm: npm: a a Sámi people (74, 76) Cwena gp: (72) gp: (72) cweþan v 5: say 5: say cwæþ pret. pret. 3s: said 3s: said (2, 65, 81, 83, 93)
m.: king king cyning m.: cyningc as: as: (44) (44) cyninge ds: ds: (1, (1, 34) cyrtel, kyrtel asm: asm: kirtle, kirtle, coat, tunic (54) dæg m.: m.: day day dæge is: is: (83) (83) np, ap: (9, ap: (9, 95, 100) dagas dp: (93) (93) dagan dp: dp: (12, (12, 13, 19, 41, 65) dagum dp: Denamearc nsf: nsf: Denmark Denmark (95) Denemearce ds: ds: (100) (100) Dene apm: apm: the the Danes (93) deor apn: apn: wild wild beasts, animals (45) gp: (44, 51) deora gp: (44, durran pret. pret. pres.: dare pres.: dare dorston pret. pret. 3p: dared 3p: dared (21, 27) dyre adj. np: dear, np: dear, costly (45) ea f. f. ns: river ns: river (20, 21, 21) gs: (21) eas gs: (21) eahta num.: num.: eight eight (39) eall adj.: adj.: all all (21, 23) asf: (83) (83) ealle asf: eal nsm: nsm: (4, (4, 28, 60) ealne asm: asm: (9, (9, 23, 87) ealra gp: (1) gp: (1)
II: to dwell eardian v. II: to eardiað pres pres 3p: live 3p: live (63) eardodon pret. pret. 3p: lived 3p: lived (99) adv.: eastwards eastwards (13) east adv.: ns: eastward (63, 65) easteweard adj. ns: eastward eastryhte adv: adv: eastward eastward (13) elna gp: ell gp: ell (an historical measure of length, that varied in meaning in different places and times, but here probably translating Latin cubitus cubitus and and somewhere in the range from 45 to 55 cm.) (38, 39, 54)
prep.: along (60) emnlange prep.: along Engle mp: mp: the the Angles (99) erian v. infinitive: to infinitive: to plough (60) erede pret. pret. 3s: plowed 3s: plowed (47) ettan v. infinitive: to infinitive: to graze (60)
2: try, examine, explore, experience, visit (6) fandian v 2: try, faran v 6: to 6: to set forth, go, travel, wander, proceed faraþ pret pret 3p: travel, 3p: travel, go (11) for pret pret 3s: travelled, 3s: travelled, went (9, 12, 23, 34)
adj.: few few fea adj.: dp: (4) (4) feawum dp: fela pron. many pron. many (31, 95) fell, fel asn, apn: fell, apn: fell, skin, hide (54) fellum dpn: dpn: (51) (51)
adv: far far (11, 12) feor adv: sup.: farthest (11) firrest sup.: farthest feower num.: num.: four four (13) feowertiges num. g: forty g: forty (39) fersce adj. np: fresh np: fresh (76)
gp: feathers (54) feðra gp: feathers dpf: feathers feathers (51) feðerum dpf: num.: five five (19, 54, 93) fif num.: fiftyne num: num: fifteen fifteen (54) fiftiges num. g: fifty g: fifty (39)
m.: "Finn," "Finn," but probably actually referring to members of the Sámi aboriginal peoples, Finn m.: whose languages are related to Finnish ap: (4, 23, 31, 50, 63) Finnas np, ap: (4, Finnum dp: dp: (45) (45) fiscere m. fisherman: m. fisherman: (28) fisceras np: np: (28) fiscerum dp: dp: (23) (23)
2: fish fiscian v 2: fish fiscaþ m: fishing; m: fishing; ds: ds: (4) (4) fiscaþe for prep: for, prep: for, because of, before (21, 34) for þæm conj.: conj.: because because (17, 21, 31, 34, 45) forþ adv.: adv.: forth, forth, forwards, onwards, further (21) foð v. pres. 3p: take, 3p: take, seize, capture (45)
prep: from, by (23, 95) from, fram prep: from, fugela gpm: birds' gpm: birds' (51 fugelere m.: m.: fowler, fowler, bird-catcher np: (28) (28) fugeleras np: fugelerum dp: dp: (23) (23)
pres. 3s: falls 3s: falls (89) fylð pres. dp: first, most important (47) fyrstum adj. supl. dp: first, gafol nsn: nsn: tax, tax, tribute (51) gafole dsn: dsn: (50) (50) geond prep.: throughout prep.: throughout (76)
adv.: yet, yet, still (12) giet adv.: ns: good (34) god adj. ns: good nsn: Jutland Jutland (95) Gotland nsn: conj.: if if (83) gyf conj.: infinitive: pay, yield (54) gyldan v. infinitive: pay, 3p: pay (50) gyldað v. pres. 3p: pay 3s: pays (54) gylt v. pres. 3s: pays habban v 3: have, 3: have, hold habbað pres. pres. 3p: have 3p: have (34, 76) hæfde pret. pret. 3s: had 3s: had (44, 83) hæfdon pret. pret. 3p: had 3p: had (27) næfde pret. pret. 3s: did 3s: did not have (47) æt Hæþum: Hedeby, a trading port on the Baltic Sea side of the Jutland penninsula (now in
Schleswig, Germany) (93, 95) Halgoland nsn: nsn: a a district of ancient Norway probably more extensive than the modern Norwegian province of Halogaland (80) ham m., ds: home ds: home (23)
v.: order, command, name hatan v.: order, pres. 3s: names, 3s: names, calls (81, 93) hæt pres. hatte v subj. pres. 3s in reported speech: is speech: is called (80) hatað pres. pres. 3p: call 3p: call (45) pron.: he (1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 9, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 17, 17, 19, 19, 23, 23, 31, he 3rd pers. pron.: he 34, 38, 41, 43, 44, 47, 59, 65, 80, 81, 83, 87, 93, 95) hie, hi, hy asf, np, ap: her, ap: her, they, them (21, 21, 27, 31, 34, 45, 74, 76, 99) dp: him, to him; them, to them (9, 23, 23, 31, 50, 81, 85, 95, 100) him, hym mds or nds or dp: him, hira, hiera, hiora, heora, hyra gp: their gp: their (27, 31, 34, 43, 50, 76) his, hys gsm gsm or gsn: his, gsn: his, its (1, 23, 39, 54, 60 ("of ("of it" )) )) hit na, as: it as: it (4, 31, 65) f.: half, side healf f.: half, ds: (21, (21, 72) healfe ds: hergiað v. pres. 3p: ravage, 3p: ravage, plunder, raid (74, 76)
adv.: hither, hither, here (99) hider adv.:
m.: lord, lord, master hlaford m.: ds: (1) (1) hlaforde ds: apm: reindeer reindeer (45) hranas apm: hranes gsm: reindeer's gsm: reindeer's (54) horsan apn: apn: horses horses (47)
dp: walruses walruses (literally, "horse-whales") (34) horshwælum dp: gpn: cattle (47) hryðera gpn: cattle adv.: how how (6) hu adv.: num.: (a) (a) hundred (44, 92) hund num.: m.: hunter hunter hunta m.: np: (28) (28) huntan np: dp: (23) (23) huntum dp: huntian v 2: hunt 2: hunt
m: hunting huntoþ m: hunting ds: (4) (4) huntoþe ds: hwæl ns: ns: whale whale (referring to the "horse-whale" or walrus, 38) gs: whale's (51, 54) hwales, hwæles gs: whale's hwalas np: np: whales whales (38) hwælhunta m. : whalehunter : whalehunter hwælhuntan np: np: (11) (11)
ns: whale-fishing whale-fishing (39) hwælhuntað ns: hwæt pron. pron. ns: what ns: what (31)
conj.: whether whether (6) hwæþer conj.: pron: which (of two) ( 13, 17) hwæþer pron: which adv.: a a little, somewhat (65) hwene adv.: hwile asf: asf: time, time, while (83) hwilum dp: dp: sometimes sometimes (74) hwon adv.: adv.: a a little (13)
ns: hide hide (34) hyd ns: ds: (51, (51, 54) hyde ds: pres. 3s: belongs 3s: belongs to (93) hyrð in on pres. in . . . hyrað pres. pres. 3p: belong 3p: belong to . . . (100) npn: islands islands (85, 100) igland npn: iglanda gp: (95) gp: (95) prep.: in, into (13, 17, 20, 21, 89, 92, 93, 100) in prep.: in, nsn: Ireland Ireland (possibly in error for Iceland) (85) Iraland nsn: Iralande ds: ds: (85) (85) land n. as, ns, ap: land, ap: land, country (3, 6, 9, 13, 17, 17, 20, 21, 23, 23, 27, 28, 59, 63, 72, 76, 87, 92, 99) ds: (2, (2, 9, 13, 19, 31, 39, 47, 60, 72, 81, 83, 85) lande ds: landes gs: (34) gs: (34) lond as: as: (13, (13, 89) landum dp: dp: (31, (31, 99) lang adj. asn: long asn: long (3, 54, 59) npm:: (39) lange npm ns: longer (38) lengra adj.comp. ns: longer
ns: less, smaller (38) læssa adj. comp. ns: less, 7: let, allow lætan v 7: let, pret. 3s: let 3s: let (be), kept (9) let pret. leohte adj.: adj.: light light (76) licgan v 5: lie, 5: lie, extend læg pret. pret. 3s: lay 3s: lay (20) subj. 3s: might 3s: might lie (6) læge subj. licgað pres. pres. 3p: lies 3p: lies (60) pres. 3s: lies, 3s: lies, extends, runs (60, 92) lið pres. longe adv: adv: long, long, for a long time, far (6) lytle adj. as: little as: little (47, 76) mænig adj. ns: many ns: many (92)
adv: more (47) ma comp. adv: more mæst adj. supl. most supl. most (50) mæstan adj. apm: largest apm: largest (39) pret. pres.: be pres.: be able, can, be competent magan pret. mæg pres. pres. 3s: can, 3s: can, may (60, 65) mæge pres. pres. 3s: can, 3s: can, may (89) meahte pret. pret. 3s: might 3s: might (12, 13) mehte pret. pret. 3s: might 3s: might (19) subj. 3s: might 3s: might (65, 83) mihte subj. m.: person, person, man mann m.: ns: (6. (6. 43, 81, 89, ) mon, man ns: man, mon ns as indefinite pronoun: pronoun: one (60, 65, 81, 83,93) mannum dp: dp: men men (47 gsm: marten's (54) mearðes gsm: marten's meras npm, ap: meres, ap: meres, lakes, seas (76)
1: meet, encounter metan v 1: meet, pret. 3s: came 3s: came across (23) mette pret. micel adj, asf: great, asf: great, large, much (20) micle adv: adv: much much (38); adj, npm: large npm: large (76) mycel nsn: nsn: large large (89) mid prep: with, prep: with, among (45, 47) ns: towards the middle (65) middeweard adj. ns: towards mila gpf: miles gpf: miles (65, 92) monðe dsm: dsm: month month (83)
as: moor, mountainous region (65, 74) mor nsm, as: moor, moras ap: ap: (60, (60, 76) more ds: ds: (65) (65) gs: (72) mores gs: (72) (63) morum dp: dp: (63) asn: none, not one, not any, no (23) nan adj, asn: none, ne adv., conj.: not, conj.: not, nor (21, 23, 27, 31, 38. 81, 83)
adv.: near, near, almost, nearly (31) neah adv.:
asf: night night (83) niht asf: norþ adv.: adv.: north north (3, 11) norþmest adv. sup.: northmost sup.: northmost (1)
adj.: northerly; northerly; from the north (13) norþan adj.: be norþan prep.: to prep.: to the north of (6)
comp: more northerly, north, northwards, in the north (63) norðor adv. comp: more ap: Northmen; Norwegians (74, 76) Norðmen npm, ap: Northmen; gp: (1, 59) Norþmonna, Norðmanna gp: (1, conj: northwards; northwards; to the north (6, 9, 12) norþryhte conj: ns: northward (65, 72) norðeweard adj. ns: northward ds: northern, northward, northerly (2, 72) norþweardum adj. ds: northern, Norðweg ns: ns: Norway Norway (87)
prep: of, from, among, concerning (31, 51, 54, 93) of prep: of, prep: over, across (74, 76, 89) ofer prep: over, oferferan v. infinitive to infinitive to traverse (65) Ohthere name, ns: Ohthere ns: Ohthere (1, 80) ofsloge v. pret. 3s: killed 3s: killed (41) on prep.: on, prep.: on, onto, upon, in ,into, against (2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 9, 9, 12, 13, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 23,
34, 39, 41, 43, 47, 50, 51, 60, 63, 65, 72, 74, 76, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100) ond, and, & conj.: conj.: and and (4, 9, 13, 13, 23, 23, 23, 23, 31, 34, 39, 47, 51, 54, 60, 63, 65, 76, 83, 85, 87, 93, 95, 100) oþ conj.: conj.: until, until, up to, as far as (72, 87) oþer adj., pron.: other, pron.: other, another, next, remaining oþre dsf: dsf: (21, (21, 38, 72) dp: (12) (12) oþrum dp: conj.: either . . . or . . . (54) oþer . . . oþer . . . correl. conj.:
conj.: or or (6, 13, 17, 28, 28, 54, 65) oþþe conj.:
nsm: port, port, harbour (81) port nsm: ds: (93) (93) porte ds: m.: a a wind from the north ryhtnorþanwind m.: ryhtnorþanwindes gs: (17) gs: (17) sæ fns: sea fns: sea (4, 13, 17, 60, 89, 92)
gpn: sheep (47) sceapa gpn: sheep ds: seeing, seeing, surveying (34) sceawunge ds: sculan pret. pret. pres.: must, pres.: must, ought to, have to, shall sceolde pret. pret. 3p: had 3p: had to (17) sceal pres. pres. 3s: shall 3s: shall (83) sceall pres. pres. 3s: must, 3s: must, is supposed to (54) sciprapas apm: apm: ship-ropes, ship-ropes, cables (here, ones twisted from walrus-hide ) (54) sciprapum dp: dp: (34, (34, 51) scir nsf: nsf: shire, shire, district, division (80) Sciringesheal asm: Skiringssalr, identified by a recent archaeological team as the trading port excavated at Kaupang, Norway (link *here* to the project Web site, unfortunately only in Norwegian) (81, 89) Sciringesheale ds: ds: (93) (93) ds: (87) (87) Scirincgesheale ds: scypu apn: apn: ships ships (76) scypa apn: apn: (76) (76)
pron.: the, that (38, 39, 54, 65, 93) se dem. pron.: the, seo nsf: nsf: (13, (13, 17, 80, 89, 92) þa fas, fas, np, ap: (2, ap: (2, 9, 11, 21, 27, 31, 39, 45, 50, 60, 74, 76, 83, 85, 100) dp: (2, 6, 9, 12, 17, 21, 21, 31, 34, 43, 47, 50, 51, 60, 63, 65, 72, 81, 93, 99) þæm dsm, dsn, dp: (2, þære gsf, gsf, dsf: (4, dsf: (4, 21, 21) þæs gsm, gsm, gsn: (31, gsn: (31, 34, 72) nas: (3, 6, 9, 9, 9, 13, 13, 17, 17, 20, 21, 23, 23, 23, 43, 47, 51, 59, 60 ( "what"; "that þæt nns, nas: (3, which" ), ), 63, 72, 85, 87, 89, 92, 95, 100) þara dp: dp: (28, (28, 41 "of those" , 45) þone asm: asm: (44, (44, 74, 81, 89) Seaxum dpm: dpm: the the Saxons, Saxony (93)
gsm: seal's (51, 54) seoles, sioles gsm: seal's
ns: Zealand Zealand (95) Sillende ns: 3s: sought, searched for (44) sohte v. pret. 3s: sought, secgan v 1: say, 1: say, tell sæde pret. pret. 3s: said 3s: said (1, 3, 6, 41, 59, 80) sædon pret. pret. 3p: said 3p: said (31)
pron. ns: self, ns: self, himself (31) self pron. seon v. infinitive: to infinitive: to see, look (89) geseah v. pret. 3s: saw 3s: saw (31) siglan v 1: sail 1: sail (21) seglian inf: inf: sail sail (83) gesiglan v 1: sail 1: sail (12, 13, 19) inf: sail sail (83) geseglian inf: siglde pret pret 3s: sailed 3s: sailed (13, 19) pret. 3s: sailed 3s: sailed (93, 95) seglode pret.
adv.: after, since, when; afterwards (23, 65) 6 5) siþþan conj. or adv.: after, smæl adj. ns: small, ns: small, narrow (59) ns: narrower (63) smælre adj. comp. ns: narrower ns: narrowest (65) smalost adj. supl. ns: narrowest
gs: truth (31) soþes gs: truth speda np: np: successes, successes, riches (43) spedig adj. ns: prosperous, ns: prosperous, rich, powerful (43) spella gp: stories, gp: stories, fables (31)
3p: spoke (31) spræcon v pret. 3p: spoke decoy reindeer (45) stælhranas npm: npm: decoy ds: starboard, right hand side of a ship (9, 23, 85, 95) steorbord n ds: starboard, stent pres. pres. 3s: stands 3s: stands (93)
f.: place stow f.: place dp: places places (4, 60, 65) stowum dp: styccemælum adv.: adv.: in in pieces, bit by bit, piecemeal, here and there (4)
adv.: southwards southwards (17, 19) suþryhte adv.: adj.: southward southward (72, 81) suðweardum adj.: sum adj.: adj.: some, some, a certain (41) sume asm: asm: (34) (34) sumum dsm, dp: (6, dp: (6, 60, 65)
m.: summer summer sumor m.: ds: (4) (4) sumera ds: conj.: so . . . as; as . . . as; so much the more . . . so much the more; swa . . . swa correl. adv and conj.:so (11, 12, 63, 65, 65) conj.: so so as; as much as (13, 19) swa swa: conj.: Sweoland country, nsn: Sweden nsn: Sweden (72) swiþe, swyðe adj: adj: very, very, exceedingly (3, 27, 34, 43, 45, 59, 60, 76, 89) swiþost adv.: adv.: especially, especially, most (34) swyna gpn: swine, gpn: swine, hogs (47)
num: seven seven (38) syfan num: adv: ever, ever, always (63) symle adv: syx num: num: six six (44, 45, 65) syxa sum as one of six (i.e. with five others) (41)
num: sixty sixty ( 54, 65); sixty [walruses] (41) syxtig num: tamra adj. gp: tame gp: tame (44)
gp: the Ter Sámi, aboriginal inhabitants of the Kola Penninsula(28) Terfinna gp: the ap: teeth teeth (34) teð ap: toþum dp: dp: teeth teeth (34) prep.: to, at, for, (adv.) too (34, 87, 93, 95) to prep.: to, conj.: in in addition to (34, 65) to eacan conj.: prep.: alongside (72) toemnes prep.: alongside dp: two (41, 65) twam num. dp: two twegen apm: apm: two two (54, 95, 100)
num: twenty twenty (47) twentig num: num: ten ten (54) tyn num: þa conj.: conj.: then, then, at that time, when (9, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34, 44, 45, 95) adv.: still still (44) þa gyt adv.: þe rel. part.: that, part.: that, which (31, 43, 50, 51, 80, 85, 93, 100)
adv.: however, however, yet (3, 47, 60) þeah adv.: þær adv, conj: there, conj: there, where (13, 13, 17, 17, 20, 28, 65, 76)
adv.: therein therein (27) þæron adv.: conj.: that, that, so that (1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 41, 47, 65, 80, 81, 83, 93) þæt conj.: ðider adv.: adv.: thither, thither, there (34, 83) þiderweard adv.: adv.: thitherwards, thitherwards, to that place (95)
asn: this (87) þis dem. pron. nsn, asn: this dsn: (85) þissum dem. pron. dsn: (85) geþeode as: language (31 þrie, þry num.: num.: three three (9, 95) þreora num. gp: three gp: three (65) þrim dp.: dp.: three three (12)
num.: thirty thirty (65) þritig num.: þonan, þanon adv.: adv.: from from that time or place, away (3, 19, 76)
adv.: then, then, when: comp: comp: than than (38, 47, 72, 81, 85, 87, 89) þonne adv.: þuhte v. pret. 3s: seemed 3s: seemed (31) unbebohtra adj. gp: unsold gp: unsold (44)
m.: breach breach of peace, enmity, war unfriþ m.: unfriþe ds: ds: (21) (21) adv.: up up (20, 21, 89, 92) up adv.: weg m as: way, as: way, direction (9, 23, 87)
adv.: well well (27) wel adv.: asn: waste, barren, desolate, uninhabited, empty (4, 9, 23, 28) weste adj.; nsn, asn: waste, f: Western Sea (2) Westsæ f: Western adj: from from the west (13) westan adj: m,n: desert, desert, wilderness westen m,n: ds: (6) (6) westenne ds: 2: dwell, lodge, camp wician v 2: dwell, gewicodon pret. pret. 3p: camped 3p: camped (28) wicode pret. pret. 3s: put 3s: put in to shore and anchored the ship for the night (83) pres. 3p: camp 3p: camp (4) wiciaþ pres. f as: open as: open sea, ocean (9, 23, 95) widsæ f wildan adj. ap: wild ap: wild (45) wilde adj. apm: (60) apm: (60) wildrum dp: dp: wild wild beasts (here, especially reindeer) (43)
anom.: wish, desire, will will v anom.: wish, subj. 3s: wanted 3s: wanted to (6) wolde subj. gewyrcan v: to v: to make, produce, create geworht pret. pret. 3s: made 3s: made (51, 54)
m.: wind wind (83) wind m.: gs: (13) windes gs: (13) Winedum dpm: dpm: the the Wends (93) winter m.: m.: winter winter wintra ds: ds: (4) (4)
pret. pres.: to pres.: to know, to understand, to be aware of witan pret. nysse, nyste = ne wisse, wisse, pret pret 3s: did 3s: did not know (13, 17, 31) wisse pret pret 3s: knew 3s: knew (13) prep. : against, : against, along, in return for, from, with (2, 60, 89) wiþ prep. wiþ eastan prep: to prep: to the east (60) wið uppon prep: above prep: above (60) wiþ suðan prep.: to prep.: to the south of (89)
dpf: weeks weeks (65) wucum dpf: adv.: about, about, around, by (31) ymb . . . utan adv.: asm: made of otter skin (54) yterenne adj. asm: made
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