The Untold Stories & Interview of Hitman System Masters

January 15, 2017 | Author: MuhammadEsaSutadiwangsa | Category: N/A
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Hitman System - The Untold Stories & Interview of Hitman System Masters...


BACA INI DULU! © Copyright 2010 by Hitman System Silakan memperbanyak dan menyebarluaskan dokumen ini dengan tidak mengubah apa pun dari seluruh isi dokumen ini. Dilarang mengubah, mengutip, memperjual belikan isi dokumen ini tanpa seijin Hitman System. Produk ini adalah produk GRATIS. Apabila Anda membayar untuk produk ini berarti









[email protected] The information provided on this ebook is intended for personal edutainment purposes only.

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PERKENALAN Hitman System adalah pusat pengembangan diri bagi para pria yang ingin memaksimalkan dirinya dalam kehidupan, pergaulan sosial, percintaan, dan romansa. Anda akan segera menemui hal-hal tersembunyi yang mengguncang realita Anda sekali dan selamanya, serta mengubah cara pandang Anda tentang dinamika sosial antar pria-wanita dalam dunia percintaan. Sebagai terobosan satu-satunya dan pertama kali di Indonesia, sejak pertama kali berdiri pada tahun 2006, kami telah melayani ribuan pria di Indonesia dan berbagai penjuru dunia untuk mengerti lebih dalam tentang pria, wanita, dan dinamika dunia sosial romansa. Lewat pelatihan workshop, seminar, dan kelaskelas khusus yang fenomenal, ratusan pria telah menjadi Pria Berkualitas Tinggi yang mampu menarik wanita, membuka hubungan dengan

mereka di mana saja dan kapan saja, serta mendapatkan kehidupan cinta yang mereka dambakan. Pelatihan bukan hanya terfokus untuk mempelajari dan memahami seluk-beluk interaksi antar-gender (dunia romansa), melainkan juga landasan dari formulaformula sukses dalam kehidupan sosial (dunia pergaulan) dan profesional (dunia studi & karir). Sampai detik ini, jumlah materi yang tersedia dalam website utama Hitman System mencapai lebih dari 160 artikel dari berbagai variasi topik dengan lebih dari 2,8 juta views, pembaca dan anggota mailing list yang terdiri lebih dari 15000 orang dan materi yang disebarluaskan pada 50 mailing list eksternal lainnya. Telah mendapat liputan media seperti TV One, Kompas, TEMPO, Jakarta Globe, Media Indonesia, The Jakarta Post, Reader’s Digest Indonesia, dan Suara Merdeka, serta menjadi narasumber rutin untuk kolom Romansa pada, majalah Gadget, dan beberapa media kawasan lainnya. Pelatihan utama Hitman System difokuskan untuk membantu pria dalam menangani dua isu utama, yakni Pre-Relationship Game dan Relationship Mastery. Tidak ada satu pun pribadi ataupun lembaga yang pernah membedah romansa menurut dua isu tersebut, terlebih lagi memberikan pelatihan yang spesifik, padahal pengetahuan itu sangat krusial untuk memungkinkan seseorang memiliki hubungan cinta yang sehat.

Selain itu kami juga memiliki pelatihan dalam pelatihan-pelatihan khusus untuk kebutuhan yang spesifik dalam hal romansa, komunikasi sosial, dan juga pengembangan diri serta kepribadian. Sampai dengan saat ini, kami telah telah mengadakan lebih dari 60 kali workshop dan 6 kali seminar, termasuk di kota-kota besar selain Jakarta, seperti Bandung, Yogyakarta dan Surabaya. Jumlah alumnus pelatihan tercatat telah mencapai lebih dari 650 orang dengan usia 20 hingga 40 tahun. Lebih dari sekedar pelatihan biasa, Hitman System telah menciptakan sebuah subkultur dan membentuk komunitas yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru nusantara.

FOREWORD On May 22nd 2009, a group of 6 men embarked in their mythological journey to the east, to find the glossy world. Among them was me. I am a 34-years-old undercover journalist, sent by one of the most prestigious media in the metropolis –The Jakarta Globe- to be a student with a mission to capture the miracles happening throughout the workshop. Though this hadn't been the first time for a media to taste the 'forbidden fruit' of romance (Tempo Magazine enrolled in a private one-on-one workshop a few months prior, check out the glowing review here), this was the first time ever for Hitman System to allow media to join their public platinum workshop. For months, I've been been following this elite group founded by Jet Veetlev, Kei Savourie, and Lex dePraxis in 2006. The claims and success reports I've read in their website were extraordinary; the media coverages also seem to agree with all the substansials. So when my editor chose me for this assignment and Hitman System finally sent us the letter of approval, I was gasping beyond excited. My angle for the assignment would be an in-depth story as one of the workshop students, how the materials would affect me, both mentally and socially. I was hoping to catch the raw energy emitted from the masters, absorbed by the thirsty students, and how they evolve throughout the lessons. The other students were not informed about my identity and intent, to ensure no one feels self-conscious about their transformation along the way. The operation went succesfully and the three days workshop –Class 35- was totally out of this world.

When I submitted the 2600-words review, my editor kept on cutting and resizing the content into 1400 words in order to fit into our limited newspaper space. It was a massacre that the final printed article (preview on page XXX) contain only glimpses of the golden treasures. The original unedited review I wrote is available on page page 5-10 of this e-book. And the interview-piece you’re about to read afterwards is actually a part of the review that goes unpublished for three understandable reasons. First, it was because the newspaper has insufficient space. Second, the editorial team felt that the article sounds so miraculously good that it might be hard to believe. Lastly, it contains controversial topics. I guess they couldn’t afford to juggle with the risk of exposing their readers with such highly flammable ideas. So when a couple of days ago, seven months after the workshop, Hitman System informed me about publishing the interview into an e-book and asked me to write the forewords, I gladly jumped for support. Currently I’m no longer working as journalist for The Jakarta Globe to pursue my goals and to live my life to the fullest, which were parts of what Hitman System masters taught me. And my life has never been brighter, as I now know what women really want from a man. My name is Fariez Setiawan, baptized as Verbal Kint in the name of Jet, Kei, and Lex. And this is the untold true stories and interview with the masters. Prepare to be amazed.

THE UNTOLD STORIES OF HITMAN SYSTEM Fariez Setiawan – The Jakarta Globe

Edited Review


Unedited Review SHIFTING YOUR PARADIGMS FOR BETTER ROMANCE By Fariez Setiawan In 2005, there was a movie titled Kinsey that has a final scene where the protagonist speaks on behalf of his fellow men: "That's because it's impossible to measure love...But I've been thinking about the problem likely. When it comes to love, we're all in the dark." This quote comes from the biographical flick of Alfred Kinsey, about a controversial American scientist that conducted human sexuality study in 1933, he sought to explain the truth behind public sexual morality at that time, and contemplated that when it comes to love, we all men need a shred of enlightenment to obtain and to maintain the romance with our significant others. In reality, there are men who are naturally conversant with women, enabling them to swoon the most beautiful creatures on earth – also, maybe the most intriguing ones – but, unfortunately, most men aren't. Not even the rich and the pretty ones that may seem like they could have all the gorgeous women, but couldn't figure out how to treat them. And women are seemingly drawn quickly to these men like moths to the flame, only for getting hurt -- or bored -- after ended up, either marrying them for the sakes of such men's fleeting vanity and financial security that may pave the way


to their divorces, or worse, being abandoned as the men eyeing on more grand entrants. For the naturals, they may not possess what hedonic advertisements convince about an ideal man, but they surely get the women they want no matter what and take care of them in manly fashions. Audacious with their masculinity, they are blessed with the appeals and the skills to do her good that differentiate themselves from other vying males. Whether coming from their upbringings or from their lifelong experiences, these guys really know the trade in living their lives abundantly before inviting women for a ride. Just like Pavlov's dogs, those men that were born without the natural abilities tend to default behaviorally to women's ticking metronome, responding to it socially in a conditioned fashion. All classic conditionings that they learn from their parents, their circle of friends, and the worst source of all: media -- with mellow heart-torturing songs and fancy fairy tales. But some men decided to embark on the quest of finding what women want in men through self-improvement and a greater understanding of the dynamics behind social interaction. Impacted by their own versions of Cupid’s fault, three Indonesian men aim to master inner confidence, enhance verbal and non-verbal languages, and basically, their self-beliefs toward women. And then, teaching their newfound glory to other fellow men.


They prefer to not calling their skills as an art in picking up girls, and opt the male self-transformation program, as cultural differences between different societies demanded them to adapt their workshops accordingly. This one group, headed by three young masters, has risen above the others in Indonesia,





named Jet Veetlev, Kei Savourie, and Lex dePraxis launched the Hitman System Workshop, a live interactive consultancy focusing on two main issues; Pre-Relationship Game and Relationship Mastery, offering a three-day comprehensive workshop, and several more specific programs. With their tag line, From Lossy to Glossy, which roughly means transforming losers into glorious attractive males, they motivate their students to shift common paradigms they have believed in for so long into a new set of beliefs in women and romance. Both romance gurus and their successors in Indonesia believe women have intricate emotions that can be drawn to certain traits in men, including confidence, dominance, a sense of humor, unpredictability, and selfpurposefulness. And none of these traits are related to physical splendor or handsome wealth. “If you don’t have money and beauty to attract women, then all you can depend on is your fun glossy personality. And romance is women's game, which is certainly played by their rules. If men don't know the gameplay, then they would be


doomed to lose. And as how all games should be played, romance also should be played in fun way. So, the key point here is fun, fun, fun,” the HS founder with a mastery in graphic arts, Kei Savourie, mentioned about Hitman System’s basic viewpoint. Hitman System also takes the sake of women into consideration, as they are already in steady relationships with their partners, too. Therefore, Jet Veetlev, the social communication expert, claims, “Before we can accept a student, he must be able to pass our screening interview. He must convince us about his hardships in the relationship with women,” And there is age limitation they have to attend to, "We teach sensible bachelors, not immature boys," Jet furthered. After three years of consultancy, Hitman System team has built up a brotherhood of workshop alumni, some 500 active members and thousands of devoted readers of their free lessons on their website. “We don’t capitalize on the workshops, but we make the most of Hitman System brotherhood and lifestyle,” the self-taught mentalist Lex dePraxis remarked.



DAY ONE The students rendezvoused in front of a Thai restaurant on the fourth floor of a lavish mall in West Jakarta at 6 p.m. on a lively Friday. All corners of the mall were populated with dressed-to-kill girls, grouped in twos, threes, and fours, whether for strolling around the mall or waiting for someone. "We decided to hold the workshop here, since the demographic of the crowd would disadvantage the students, thus making it the best place to learn these social skills the hard way," Lex observed. One by one, the students show up. At first glance, most Indonesian women would agree that they would consider these six misfits are more likely as the dismissible men. Not only because of their physical traits, but also from their bad vibes, clumsy outfits, and insecure body language. The trial by fire begins when Kei is coming and gathering them around. Kei looks them in the eyes and says, “Okay! Now I want each of you to make a ‘hit’ (Hitman System’s term for approaching and talking to women).”


Their faces flush and turn whiter than ice, quickly followed by their nervous grins and gestures, indicating they have never predicted this catastrophic instruction coming. They tried to circumvent it by admitting their fear or unknowing to do so. But Kei simply pushes them, “The workshop will not start until you guys go through with this. And there is no refund, we have to send you home emptyhanded.” And off they go on the quest of conquering their fear of rejection. Yet, they are unable to engage an enjoyable chat with the women, as the targets are perturbed by the gawky strangers' opening lines and left them cold. After their failed trials to converse with the girls, Kei and his trainees go upstairs to a rented apartment for the workshop. Lex and Jet step in afterward. First, they congratulate the men who are brave enough to admit that they have difficulties in dealing with women. The first day workshop is begun with Tell Your Stories session, where each student told HS team and other students about their failures with women. One students regrettably impressed other students with his 6-year melancholy of waiting in vain for a woman who finally left him to marry other man. Other students mentioned feelings of inadequacy toward women, being criticized frequently by a future wife, being manipulated by a woman buying her things to compete with three other guys, or an unsettled broken heart. But in general, there is a serious issue of self-worth.


By the time the sentimental stories are over, HS team extirpate each fallacy regarding women the students have been fed with all their lives. Each student expresses their doubts and fears. But the tutors have all the answers figured out beforehand, silencing the students in common bewilderment. At 1 am, Day One training is ended with an assignment to create a scenario of how to approach and talk to women, and to rehearse it mentally for tomorrow's 'hit'.

DAY TWO The training begins at high noon, as the trainees will chew harder romance lessons after the Scenario Test session, where they play their mentally rehearsed scenarios on the masters who act as totally indifferent women. Each scenario proposed by them on the first trial are all turned down humiliatingly by the trio masters. The six-year-of-unrequited-love guy gets cold feet, and cannot perform at all. On the second attempt, the masters tune down their cold-shoulderness. Yet again, they are unable to engage the conversation into an enjoyable moment. They stutter and pause too long in telling uninteresting stories or jokes, leading to their dismissals. Back to the cold-feet guy, he refuses to do it despite the fact that the conversational counterparts are not actual women. Even worse, he falls into a denial phase, reiterating he cannot do it while mentioning his frozen brain that


time. The masters have to walk him through, providing him the lines just to draw him out from his denial shell. The next session is reviewing what went wrong previously with the scenarios, the masters pinpoint the unintentional and deliberate mistakes they have made. "Your words mean nothing, but how you say them means a thousand words," Jet commented the mistakes in a poetic phrase. Then, followed by the techniques in engaging women's attraction, the mentors really go deep with the principles of human interaction, correlating the techniques with women's psyche. Emphasizing on the significance of pre-relationship staging, Hitman System applies the calibrated deployment of Jerk Jokes, their term for playfully mischievous remarks on certain attributes of the targeted woman; live storytelling skills; and asexual kinesthetic gestures on women's body parts. Before the on-field application, the masters invite chic girls to help them assessing the miens of the men in the Fashion Panel session. And they mean business, no courtesy remarks intended. Each man is figuratively being stripped down from head to toe by the panelists, who point out their fashion flaws and provide them with the tips to be more attractive in appearance and deportment, such as: cutting their outdated hairdo into more hip style, and suggesting them to dress event and body wise, not simply putting on clothes indifferently for the sake of being yourself.


And then after being put under a microscope, the real world action walks in on them. At 6 p.m., all dressed up and prepared, six apprentices and three counselors return to the mall downstairs once and for all, settling the old score. Each counselor takes charge of two apprentices. Strolling around the mall from floor to floor, only for reversed pep talks -- which would encourage the speakers instead of the listeners. The instructors scout around for targets; sitting, standing, or walking women. The disciples seem tense and nervous. They march around the mall quietly, imagining what would happen next. The shiest one -- you know who -- has to undergo an NLP [Neuro-Linguistic Programming] booster from Lex, who pumps up his confidence into a stiff cowboy stance; left thumb in the pocket as if he is in a standby mode for a gun duel. But, as stiff as he is, when Lex points out the target of three girls sitting in a cafe, he steps forward without hesitation, and manages to make the girls giggle enough to him to keep him company for 5 minutes. It is a remarkable accomplishment for him, as he walks back to the group in the same stiff cowboy gait with a sublime smile on his face. Other apprentices also make some improvements in their conversational skills that enable them to make several 'hits' at a pop. The masters celebrate their proteges' outcomes with a dinner treat in a Japanese steak house. Although it may not seem like a major triumph for common people, he admitted it, "The fear is still there, no matter what Lex has told me. But I can


see myself walking through the fear and doing it, instead of frozen to death. I've made them laugh. Did you see that?" They talk about the glorious breakthrough over dinner with joy. Jet, Kei, and Lex then tell them that whatever happens when they approached women back then means nothing after all. As Lex putted it this way, "At the end of the day, the girls who rejected or accepted your approaches were just numbers -- only statistic. The most important thing is you had come out as the winners of your lifelong illusions of fear and doubt. Congratulations!"

DAY THREE The final day of training is a five-hour advance courses, comprising the Supreme Influential Communication taught by Jet, the Breakup Survival Guide by Kei, and the Creative Intimacy and Attraction by Lex. In the first session, Jet emphasizes on total attentiveness in engaging a conversation, "In every daily conversation, not only you have to memorize pivotal verbal words like certain names, places, or experiences, from which you can create new topics, but also you must be aware of non-verbal cues the conversational counterparts conveying like their hand gestures, body leaning,


head tilting, and other subconscious body movements, thus you can expand the conversation into limitless topics and evade sensitive ones." The second course, Kei elaborates on the inevitable breakups that may crush men's hearts. He convinces them, "It is not your heart that is broken, it is simply your ego that is bruised." So, he prepares them with the bitter truth behind every breakup and the solutions for this test of romance. And he closes the session with a catchy paraphrase, "Remember, what doesn't kill you will make you glossier as you will strive to level up your life!" During the third training, Lex combines romance interaction with neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, and psychology, to generate favorable impacts in the women's mind. "Essentially, you must do and say unpredictable things intentionally in order to stir and pile women's emotions up favorably, hence, they'll never get bored of you." At the end of this three-day training, HS team honor their new brothers with the entrance to HS brotherhood, a community of their workshop alumni. The students of the Class 35 also express their compliments in a summary, "The lessons that you have shared with us is incredible. Now we know that we can attract gorgeous women even with our physical traits. All we have to do is believe in ourselves, take care of our dull routine existences, and invite them to our wonderful lives afterward."


After all is said and done, what HS did to these men is magnificent, turning ugly frogs into the prince charming, and at an affordable price, Rp 1.2 million [$ 118.8], for a complete mental and social makeover. Although they're not your average studs, but now they will have a chance of competing with one for a woman, and who knows, maybe winning it.




Indonesian Men & Women

The Jakarta Globe: Based on your experience as a romance guru, what do you think of Indonesian men in general? And also what about the women? What seems to be most basic issue with both parties? Jet Veetlev: Indonesian men these days are turning into women-like. With no great war, no great depression, and revolution, our young generation (those who were born at least at the late 80’s) has become soft and softer and unsurprisingly become more sensitive like women.


With the help and influence from the mainstream media, Indonesian men lost their core as a real man. They follow blindly what the media told them to act or think as a man. They think they can learn how to be a man by reading an article in lifestyle magazine written by woman. They wear scarf and they think it makes them looks cool, but in fact, it makes them look more like women. They talk in soft romantic voices all the time, portrayed in most sinetron or cheesy Indonesian romantic movies, which has misled them to think that it will attract the opposite sex. These days, men also lost something that is very crucial: brotherhood. Indonesian men will backstab their closest friend just because of one woman. Instead of helping or supporting the weakest one in a group, they will bully him, make fun on someone who is weaker. They also refuse to question or think because the media has given them all the questions and the answers. And because of that, Indonesian men also fails to become a leader, whether in their group or in their own life. They can’t take the responsibilities and have

lost the capability to decide what best for them,

something that is very essential in every man’s character. On the other side, Indonesian women have turn into a great predator for man.


They have learned from experience and wrong paradigm about how a relationship should be. They will expect that man should follow their wish, praise them, and treat them like a goddess from heaven or princess that should be obeyed no matter what the cost. They have learned and evolved in a great way that they can abuse/use men in order to achieve or to have something they want. And the greatest part is, they are doing it in natural way, and they doesn’t even have any clue of what they have done to Indonesian men. Of course, it’s not entirely their fault if they become like that. Part of it comes from the attitude of Indonesian men, boosted by movies, novels, songs, etc. During my years as a romance guru, I rarely find women who behave like a real women. Some might look very-very cute, but then she will turn into some nightmarish creature in an instant if she doesn’t get what she want. Some might look very-very smart, but then at an instant she can turn into a clueless girl. But one thing in common from most of Indonesian women is that, they don’t have any clue of what they want, nor they know what their passion really is.


The Vision and Purpose

The Jakarta Globe: Hitman System has gone quite far since the birth in 2006. So how do you describe what you guys do in Hitman System? And what is your main purpose personally? Kei Savourie: If I strip what I do down to the core, there's only one thing: I want to save the world. That has always been my life goal. Some sort of an idealistic and childish dream. But I realize I can't fight capitalism nor can I stop global warming, so I guess I had to start with a smaller scale. Saving my fellow men.


Basically what I do in Hitman System is to help other men to find their best selves, to find their hidden potentials they never knew and eventually to have the love life they've always longed and deserved. I know how it feels to get stuck at the bottom, feeling sad, broken hearted, clueless and helpless. When you feel that there's no one (woman) will ever care about you or be attracted to you, I think that's one of the worst and destructive feelings any men can experience. Not only it prevents you from fulfilling one of the most basic needs of human being, to mate, but it also damages your value as a man and as a person. I want to tell all the brothers out there, who have experienced all the same (even worse) sad things I have experienced before, not to give up. There's hope. That they can get whatever they want in life (romantically) and that they can be whoever they want to be. As long as they are willing to work hard and make some changes. That's what I'm here for. To tell you how to do it. Hitman System is also about a community of brotherhood. All men want to have a 'band of brothers', a circle of friends full of respect for each other with competition-free attitude, whom you can share your deepest feelings and most humiliating stories without fear of being judged.


All men want to have friends they can introduce their girls to without fear of being back stabbed, and vice versa, all men want to have friends who will introduce girls to them. Jet, Lex and I have dreamed of such community and now finally we are able to establish one. I seriously envy the alumni that they have many great friends to support and help them in the glossification process. Friends to slap their faces when they do stupid mistakes and friends to praise and appreciate little progress you have done. Sure, Jet and Lex were always there for me, but I wish I had that kind of extensive community when I was still struggling and learning about all this stuff. Of course, as brothers go, there will be some frictions or petty little fights, but you know you can always trust your brothers.


The Controversies

The Jakarta Globe: Concerning love and romance, the lessons you teach may go against common beliefs, have someone ever sued you? Perhaps complaints from an unsatisfied student or a woman that was abused by one of your students? Lex dePraxis: Being so revolutionary and counter-intuitive as we are now, it’s most likely that people would pose us or our students as a threat; however, interestingly, no one has ever sued us for such ill-treatments. I have worked on our materials for many years just to make sure that they’re powerful enough to alter one’s romantic destiny, but still ecologically safe for all women he will be involved with.


In fact, we’re the only leading source these days that promotes the mindset of being a socially savvy chick magnet who ‘plays WITH the ladies’, instead of ‘plays the ladies’. That one-word difference paints a huge gap between healthy relationships and abusive ones. In the past, we used to get misunderstood by women who stumble upon our website and scarcely read it at face value. Their first impressions was that we are an underground facility for training militant playboy armies. Truth is, we’re far less cool than that, hahahaha! I personally don’t blame them for getting such an idea, partly because it was due to a poor web design and terrible web copy we had back then. As we grow and evolve the way we portray the information on our web page, the misunderstanding from women fades away quickly, turning into heartfelt support and compliments. Some of them actually sent e-mail confessing that it’s actually a privilege to be in a partnership or relationship with guys who really take his time seriously joining our workshop to be a better man. I've been asked by some other female friends many times before, why do I often talk about love and romance as if it is a game that has its own tricky rules, instead of simply a sincere human need. My answer is simple: because it IS a game.


If it’s not a game, then why does a magazine put hundreds of strategic advice every month both for its male and female readers? Love, dating, and romance IS a game, and yet it is NOT a competition between the sexes. It’s not about male versus female, adam versus eve, or even you versus me. It’s about Adam AND Eve versus the world, thus the ‘plays WITH the ladies’ phrase I pointed out before. That’s one primary principal that set aside Hitman System from any other love doctors out there. That’s also why we can afford to, quoting from your original question, ‘go against common beliefs’ without ever making women feel used or abused since in Hitman System, after all, they are fellow players invited to join along the ride; the women are NOT the ride. Today I can barely remember the last time a woman send us negative feedback against what we’re doing on Hitman System, let alone any claim of misdemeanor concerning our students. We do get some e-mail bullies every now and then, though. Interestingly, they are all sent from concerned parents, elders, and conservative or religious parties. It’s actually fun to watch that those seemingly-wise people coming onto us so hard,


preaching about traditional romantic (and moral) values while blabbering curses and other foul language in the same sentence. But, just to throw in a little controversy, this morning I got a call from one of our students who finds himself in a rather strange case. The woman he’s interested in is a medical intern at a small private hospital. Creatively taking some of our lessons to the max, he decided to spend time with her in an unusual date situation at the hospital while accompanying her working the night shift. The date ended at 3 AM in the morning and they both enjoyed every seconds of it. However, the shock came much later that morning when the woman called him to report that all critical patients she was responsible for that specific night had died due to negligence. I agree that this is a scary shit, lessons taken; yet seriously I don’t think it has anything to do with our materials whatsoever. ☺


The Pseudonyms

The Jakarta Globe: And why do you use pseudonym? Kei Savourie: Actually it is not pseudonym or even nickname. What we do here is creating a new identity, a new brand, a powerful symbol of your new best self. People come to our trainings because they want to change. They want to be attractive men, who they obviously aren't. So they have to change who they are into who they want to be. It can't be avoided, anyone who comes to our trainings and really do what we teach them, will change sooner or later. Be it their appearances and fashion style, their body language, their way of talking, their attitude, their lifestyle, and most importantly, their mindset and their view of themselves.


Pseudonym by definition is a false or fake name used to conceal the real identity of a person. But we're not using it to hide our identities at all, instead, our identities have indeed changed; from lossy men who are totally unattractive to glossy attractive men. We still use our 'legal' names in many situations of our daily life, because we are still those persons. But Kei Savourie, Lex dePraxis, Jet Veetleev, Sins Aeschylus and other names you find in our community, are real names in a true sense. It's just not printed on our citizen ID or driving license. If we have the spare time and money, we might really change our name legally, just to make the point hahaha.. A good example would be superheroes on movies and comic books. They have their superhero names. Like Superman, he's not Clark kent who is pretending to be Superman nor he is Superman pretending to be Clark Kent. Clark Kent is Superman. If the name Superman is a symbol of justice and power, in Hitman System, the new name is a symbol of glossiness and change. You could say that Hitman System is a group of superheroes, fighting the injustice of romance for all men. Perhaps it sounds ridiculous to other people outside the community, but it really has a significant effect on the process of glossification (the process of changing from unattractive men to attractive men). The new name acts as a reminder of who you were and who you are now. A mark of your new journey and adventure. A milestone.


The Amazing Workshops

The Jakarta Globe: Now concerning the training itself, what aspect do you consider before setting up a workshop? Tell us how these revolutionary program of yours can deliver extraordinary results? Lex dePraxis: The first and foremost important aspect is that we have to make sure that all of the instructors are in their prime condition so that they’re able to deliver results to the workshop students. Currently we have three top instructors and three master instructors. If an instructor is in poor health condition that may prevent them from bringing their A game, or having a serious issue in his life, or showing somewhat discrepancy in his glossy attitude, then he will be required take absence in the existing workshop agenda.


I personally view integrity as the real measure of a man, more valuable than knowledge or experiences. So the moment one instructor stops walking the talk, he’s not worthy of any students. Secondly, we research the students themselves. Jet, Kei, and I always review each application for any sign of hate, deceit or other malicious intent. We then screen for people who seems really serious in getting this area of life handled, and leave out the rest who’s either looking for quick fix or aspiring to be sexual predators. Usually it’s quite easy to identify aspiring predators, although every once in a blue moon, a wolf manages to slip its way into the sheep pack. And when that happens, we have our own way to isolate the cancer and give a proper postworkshop treatment. And third aspect is about creating the best environment for gestalt learning. I’m going to elaborate since this is one huge critical aspect in our work. As you probably have realized during the three days workshop, Jet, Kei, and I may not measure up to any image of a teacher in general or whatsoever, and that’s simply because we are not teachers. We hone our skills not from attending a formal academic class or reading a book along with crackers and tea in one sweet afternoon, but rather from learning the hard way through rigorous trial and error in the field.


Therefore, instead of coming off like sophisticated teachers and educators, we are much more closer to sleek snake-charming big brothers who kick people’s assess, ahahaha! We consider that since romance is a social game, the students will gain better understanding when learning it in the same casual manner. Two elements that can always be found in any social situation are friends and foods. So those are the things required in setting a workshop environment. We already have the first one covered by positioning the instructors as brothers rather than teachers. What’s left is the latter, food, which we can easily access in any public spaces, making bar, café, hotel lobby and coffee shops the best training ground for our workshop. We also refrain as much as possible from using classroom, handouts, flipcharts, whiteboards and other usual study tools that may contribute to a feeling that the students are studying a theory. For some people who are accustomed to a formal kind of education, especially portrayed in most self-development seminars, the kind of workshop environment they find in Hitman System may throw them a bit off balance. It is so because we systematically organize it to feel so casual, so that everything can be absorbed both structurally and subconsciously. The lessons are not just in the materials, but also in the environment itself.


Those aspects described above are not complete, but at least they are top three list we have in mind before setting up a workshop twice every month, twentyfour times a year.


The Transforming Moments

The Jakarta Globe: We are intrigued to know about your proudest and lowest moment as a men's counselor? Could you share them a bit? Jet Veetlev: My proudest moment as men’s counselor is when I see our workshop alumni several months after the workshop.


I’m very proud to see the person that came to us as a heart-broken lossy-guy now has made a revolution in his life. The revolution they made showed in their body language, fashion style, the confidence, their communication skill, the fire that you can see burning inside their soul, the passion. I’m very proud when they shake my hands with the –bro- style with total confidence. Some would tell me that they got their life back, that they felt alive after all the years being blinded, trapped and hurt by life. It just feels great to be able to help them solving their problems, pushing them to fire up the man inside. Once my teacher in high school said something in the front of the class, “I’m teaching you hard, but you are not listening, you think that this thing I’m teaching is unnecessary. But have you tried it? Have you practiced it over and over again before you decide to ignore what I’m teaching you?” and she cried in front of us. In each workshop, there is always one or two person who are trapped inside their paradigm and refuse to let us deconstruct it. They might follow our instructions, listen to the new paradigm, nod their head to show that they understand. But sadly and surprisingly at the end of the day, those people just put all of the learnings aside, continue to live their old lousy life simply just because they think the new paradigms are too strange, or the skill they learn is not for real, or some think that they can’t do it as they are not that kind of person.


They pay to join our workshop, ask for our help to change them, to show them the way, but at the end they just throw it all away and doesn’t care that thing they’re throwing is something that can literally change their whole life. They just ignore it, and when I see them again after the workshop, they still look the same, they still stuck in their romance problem, and they still trapped inside the maze of romance. And that point is my lowest moment as men’s counselor, as sometimes I think that I can push them harder. But I know that I have done my best, and it’s always back to the person if they want to revolutionize their life or not. Kei Savourie: The success of an alumni is not measured by whether he can get a girlfriend, or many girlfriends for that matter, but by how far he has progressed and how happy he is with himself and his life now. To see where he was then and where he is now. That's success we see in every workshop in Hitman System. The proudest moment is when I meet the alumni a few months after the workshop, and I see that they have totally changed. Their looks, their atmosphere and their smile glowing, they look so happy and vibrant. That's when I know I have helped other people find happiness. When the alumni come up to me and say, "Thanks man, you changed my life. I wouldn't be standing here without you." That's when I know I have made an impact on other people's life.


These things can't be bought with money. And to me, that's when I feel that I have done something good with my life and it makes me feel great. It makes me want to keep doing what I do. It's like the fuel to my fire. My lowest moment would be when I meet someone with a very negative view of himself, his self-esteem, and no matter how hard I try to teach, motivate or push him, he seems can't get out of his shell of self-pity. You can't help a person who doesn't want to be helped, and I know I can't save everybody, but still, a situation like that would make me feel sad. It's like seeing someone drowning in the sea, yelling for help, but when I come to help him with my life-boat, the only thing I can see is just his last remains of bubbles popping on the surface of water. If only he had hung on and struggled a bit longer, I might have saved him. Lex dePraxis: Talking about my proudest moment as a men’s counselor, everything counts. I’m proud to be given this humbling chance to touch on so many strangers’ life and to guide them becoming a better person. I’m proud to be trusted to walk side by side with them in facing all of their darkest failures, dragons and demons. I’m proud to be regarded as the father figure for all lonely men who felt lost in their search for acceptance and validation. I’m proud to be accepted as their brother who they can always count on whenever they need help.


I’m proud to be so welcomed in mapping their identity in the real world, socially and romantically. And I’m proud to actually be a part of something bigger than myself and all dreams ever combined. For me, it all comes down to a spiritual calling. A sacred honor to work with gracious men from all walks of life, making a difference one person at a time, helping them to write a history. That’s why the lowest and most emotional moment probably is whenever I’m faced with a tiny percentage of students who gets tired of seeing failures and gives up the process, reminding me that that despite the best and hardest work I can give, I just can‘t possibly save everyone.


The Toughest Students

The Jakarta Globe: What type of man do you consider to be the toughest student to teach these romance/social skills? Have you ever had them as students? Jet Veetlev: Ahahaha, of course! Throughout the years, there are several types of people that I consider to be the toughest to teach. 1. Someone who think they are smarter or know everything than the others thus make them never want to listen or learn something new. 2. Someone who refuses to listen or learn because it can’t fit or against their belief even if it’s for their own good.


3. People who think that they are doing just fine and nothing’s wrong with their romance life and think that they only need some techniques, but in fact they are miserable and don’t have any clue on how to initiate or create attraction in women. 4. People who want to learn only the techniques but refuse to learn the paradigms behind it. 5. Someone who have a very low self confidence, and never have experience in social situations, and probably have other personality issues. 6. Someone who is already feel comfortable with the way they are. 7. People who always reasons to cover their mistakes and don’t want to admit that they have made mistakes.

Have we ever had the above types on Man as our students? Yes we have. It would be one of those hard workshops where we need to really break down and kick their belief, their defense, and their perception about things. And it’s such a great moment, when we see their eyes change and come into understanding of what we teach and to see the passion burning again inside their body and soul.



The Dark Stories

The Jakarta Globe: Do you have a nightmarish story about how lossy men could end up marrying the wrong woman? Kei Savourie: Yes. I know a couple who is about to get married soon. They have been together for almost 4 years. The boyfriend is a super nice guy who treated her like a princess. He's a successful businessman, kind, loyal, understanding, and nice looking; everything that women say they want in a man. The girlfriend is a cute, sexy, lively and cheerful girl who really knows how to take care of herself. For her last birthday, he bought her an expensive hand phone and a holiday trip to Hongkong Disneyland. People would see them as perfect couple with the perfect life. Other girls envy her, other guys envy him. But nobody knows what's really going on in the


relationship. A good friend of mine is her close friend, and he let me in for some details of the relationship. It's really not a relationship you want to be in. The girlfriend has all the power in the relationship. The boyfriend is literally under her control. Whenever they fight over something, he always cries for her forgiveness, even though usually it's her fault, because he's scared of losing her. She can do whatever she wants and he can't say anything about it. She likes partying, going out without him or even meeting other men. And yes, she cheats on him regularly with those men. But she will never leave him, because he provides her with a very comfortable care-free life. They plan to get married sometime soon. I can't imagine how their marriage would be if this kind of situation continues, but I can be sure it won't be a happily ever after one. I also know some other married couples who have similar situations. Situation where the husband can't even make love to his wife, because she doesn't allow him to even touch her. People say she's frigid, but that's just plain ridiculous because she sleeps with other men when the husband is not around. Situation where the husband are 'forced' to cheat with other woman because at home, the wife abuses him physically and emotionally. It's really sad to hear these


stories. Two people who claim they love each other but doing destructive things to each other. I admit there are other factors that can lead to these relationship problems, like the individual psychological and emotional stability, lack of communications, the values they have, their lifestyle or family problems. But at the core of these problems lies the ability of both party to accept and play their proper roles in the relationship.


The Brotherhood

The Jakarta Globe: Tell us something about your Hitman System brotherhood? How can you and your alumni benefit from it mutually? Lex dePraxis: I must say that our Hitman System brotherhood is the most important, and the proudest, thing we have concerning this whole romantic transformation work. Named as G-Spot (short for Glossy Spot), it is a healthy online environment for new born Glossy baby to find support and interact with other glossified peers.


While the workshop lays the magical foundation, the community serves as a strategic think tank for producing long term lifestyle transformation. That’s why joining the community right after graduating from the workshop just can never be over-emphasized. In the workshop, each student will find themselves equipped with a state of the art technology that won’t conform at all with his existing peer groups. He will be given new insights that dramatically change (read: upgrade) his life quality and expectancy, while at the same time cause frictions among his friends. For instance, one of the magic bullets in our material is to refuse the common wisdom of ‘just be yourself.’ That simple catch phrase has always been universally accepted as words to live by, and possibly the top most repeated cliché printed in all self development books. Unfortunately, very little people is aware of various loopholes in it. The first excruciating problem is that the phrase ‘just be yourself’ somehow justifies the lack of will to get better life choices. Second, there is actually no initial self to begin with; our personality is constantly evolving, a mixture between nature and nurture. And third, it is a fatalistic view of life that denies the importance of growth. So instead of following the bandwagon formula of being themselves, we refocus our students in the quest of being their best selves. Generally speaking, this is


done by enhancing their personality awareness through stepping outside of the comfort zone, in order to find and make the best choices in life. In Hitman System, that usually includes of repairing some self-talks, changing body language and fashion, adding new interests, gaining more passion, stopping damaging lifestyle, etc. Since the normal response of most people toward any change is fear and anxiety, a workshop student will found himself to be rejected from his normal peer groups. It is so because his newly-found wisdom forces his friends to re-evaluate their own life, thus shaking the once used to be a peaceful equilibrium. Therefore we always prepare the students for any unconstructive remark, or even blatant ridicule, that’s potentially coming from their current social circles. Not only the students will be persecuted, but hanging out too much with their old friends will also risk them of relapsing to old lossy mindset. It’s a ‘been there, done that’ situation years ago when Jet, Kei, and I initially developed the teachings of Hitman System. The brotherhood is so damn crucial, period! Everyday the alumni can log in to share and discuss about their current situation. By having likeminded friends, change becomes an exciting work. They are encouraged to both seek for help and provide valuable feedbacks, as well as to


develop new original ideas as they grow into a more solid Glossy guy and reach to a certain height where creativity kicks in. Our brotherhood doesn’t stop at online G-Spot only, as we also provide offline cell group which is distributed according to certain localities, ie. Jakarta Barat Cell, Bintaro Cell, Kelapa Gading Cell, Cengkareng Cell, Bandung Cell, Jogja Cell, so on and so forth. The function of each cell is to actualize a more real life support among alumni within the same region through organized gathering or similar activities, as well as to practice leadership and other collective interpersonal skills. It is also a social hub for extended glossification usage, such as in the area of education, career and business, which in the end enriches the pure awesomeness of Glossy guy culture.


The Relationship Nuggets

The Jakarta Globe: We understand that Hitman System is focused on prerelationship phase, but do you happen to have suggestions for a husband who wants to spark up his marriage? Jet Veetlev: I’m not married yet, but since we are talking about relationship there are several way to spark up the relationship whether you are married, have a partner, or mistress:


1. Stop being too serious all the time. Do you remember the last time you tease your wife? Or make fun on her? Or tell a stupid silly joke? Do it again, you will surprise to see the result! Do have fun! 2. Do some outdoor activity together. When I said outdoor it doesn’t mean Shopping Mall. Do sports activities together like swimming, tennis, or even just a morning/afternoon walk around the park/beach. Because with this kind of activity you will have the chance to communicate more and connect deeper also build togetherness with your wife. 3. Surprise! A small surprise like chocolate below the pillow! Flowers in the drawer, a card with your hand writing, a surprise candle light dinner in kaki lima restaurant, it could be anything and doesn’t have to be expensive! What matter the most is the unpredictable elements. 4. Play with her emotion, for example, watching horror movie together at midnight, going to amusement park and ride the roller coaster, going to karaoke and sing till you drop. 5. Take her to nostalgic places where you used to go together before you got married, and have fun there. 6. And again, don’t be too serious. 7. Tell your stories! Engage her with your discussion or problem, not as decision maker, but only as listener or at least advisor. 8. Role playing! Act as if you just knew her on the way home, act like she is a fan who chases you around. Act as if you are a psychiatric who treats her as patient and you both fall in love. I could continue writing those things to millions. But one of the main factors in maintaining the relationship is to keep the attraction strong for both sides. So have fun! And play all the time!


The Troubled Relationships

The Jakarta Globe: I know you've never been married before, but based on your knowledge, could you relate higher divorce rate in Indonesia with men's incapability in romance? Kei Savourie: I think it is highly related. My opinion is mostly based on my knowledge and experience about dating/courting relationship, not marriage, but surely there's connection and many similarities between the two phases. You always date first before you get married, and the simple logic is, if the dating phase is messy and full of problems, how can you possibly think that the marriage is going to be happily ever after?


Of course it always takes two to tango. Both sides are guilty when break ups and divorces happen. But I believe men do have a bigger responsibility. Men are supposed to be the head, the leader, the main decision-maker of a relationship. If the relationship crashes, the first question that will come up is what was the man doing? If a kingdom crumbles, everybody blames the king, not the queen. If a company collapses, people blame the CEO, not the Vice CEO. It's a very heavy burden, but that's the responsibility of a leader. If you don't want that kind of responsibility in a relationship, maybe you are meant to be a woman. I'm not a culturalist, but from my observations and my own experience, I notice that our modern culture plays a huge part in this problem. I look at my parents' relationship, and all the other harmonious and happy families I know, most of them are from older generations. And they all have one thing in common: the man act as a man, and the woman act as a woman. The man is the king and the woman is the queen. Meaning, the man is the leader and the woman supports them wholeheartedly. Yes, men and women are equal as human beings. But in a relationship, both of them have different roles.


Back in the days of our parents and grandparents, those roles are like laws. Maybe that's why romance was so much easier back then. Everybody knows a romantic story of how their mother and father met, or how their grand father met the grand mother, fell in love, had some problems but they managed to overcome those and lived happily for 30-50 years. Why those stories never happen again today, except in Korean or cheesy Hollywood movies? Nowadays, in our modern culture, this roles are fading and even forgotten. Men are getting softer, less adventurous, more emotional, sensitive, lovey dovey and, thanks to advertising and media, men are worshipping women because of their looks. And on the opposite, we can see women becoming stronger, unsensitive, career minded and see romance as a fun adventure; fun, fearless, female or girl power, as they always say. In short, men are becoming more like women, and women are becoming more like men. In a different situation, say, a business company, this situation may fit perfectly fine. Some common traits of women, such as their concern of every little detail or their compassion, that most men lack, make them good leaders.


And we know that many great leaders are women, like Aung San Suu kyi, Megawati, or Benazir Bhuto. But this will not work in a romantic relationship. Not if you want to have a healthy, and loving relationship. I always think of the analogy of a king and his queen when I think of a picture of an ideal relationship. My example would be Leonidas and his queen in the movie 300. It may be fictional, but it provides a perfect romantic relationship. They both respect and love each other, but they play a different role and have different responsibilities. The king is mighty and powerful, but he is loving and caring towards his queen. He is burdened with responsibilities and he needs his queen to support him, to soothe his weariness, and that's what his queen do best. Behind every great man, there's a great woman. I think it's very true.


The Workshop Experiences

The Jakarta Globe: Thank you for allowing us to join your Platinum Workshop – Class 35 the other day. Do you have special comments about it or any other classes in Hitman System training history? Lex dePraxis: If there’s one thing that I learn in teaching hundreds of male over the course of four years is that most of us have been slowly stripped away from our maleness core since the day of birth. The modern society with its favor in instant-gratifications has us covet adulthood with the wrong focus in the wrong places and in much earlier timeline than we


should be. The end result is that we only grow in terms of age and physical properties, while still mentally and romantically challenged deep down inside. Men who long for tips and techniques only, thinking that those would be enough to help them find a good relationship and cruise steadily in it. Empty men, empty lovers, empty husband wannabees. Class 35 the other day represented a colorful vivid picture of such contorted less-known reality, and so does any other classes. The general female population may consider the students as the social outcasts, the invisible mediocres, or the hopeless romantics. Some of them may even go day by day picturing their future as the proverbial 40 years old virgin whose fate is only to wait for love crumbs falling off someone’s table. These guys are desperate for a change, and miraculously they find the courage to act on it by joining our workshop. That’s why up to now I still have warm feeling in my heart in respect of their audacity in admitting failures and seeking professional help with that specific area in their life. I view our workshop as an operating table where we cut open our student’s life, restructure damaged organs, and slice out any known cancers. So most of the time, it’s a tough, tedious, and also humiliating procedure for the ‘patients’. Definitely not like the cheery clappy happy-go-lucky self development training as most depicted in movies. The six broken but honest male students have to endure


a good pain, so to say, for three days and I’m pleased to find that everyone of them were highly committed to the whole process. All in all, the operation was successful. I enjoy interacting with the participants. Class 35 was an exciting group that certainly will be one of top 10 unique classes which will be talked about over the years. I’m looking forward to hear surprises in their progress report in the coming weeks.


The Narcissistic Ninjas

The Jakarta Globe: Okay, these three days has been a spectacular ride. You guys sure have the coolest job ever. Yet please but tell us, aside to Hitman System, do you have other jobs? What do you do? Jet Veetlev: While Hitman System is my utmost passion, I do have a professional career outside of the training. When other people often say that to get a job is very hard, I find it the other way around. I graduated around 4 years ago, with a degree in Information Technology, and I literally spoke my way to get the first job. I used my communication skill to attract a lady who then referred me to her friend, a General Manager in one of the Property group.


My first job had nothing to do with my degree – something I find very common these days – I worked as a finance officer. Working with hundreds and thousands of spread sheet every day, reconcile reports between the sales and finance division, recap the total sales and payment, it taught me how to deal with and to look at a financial data. At that time, to improve and understand more about business process and management, I decided to pursue another level of education. I took a weekendprogram of Master of Management in one of the top universities in Jakarta. It took me 18 months to finish the master program with A on my final thesis. After one year working as a finance officer, the management decided to take me to the next level of management. I was appointed as assistant to the CEO. During that time, I learned and sharpened my skill on negotiations, management operations, and how to view the business process. A year after that I resigned from the company, leaving the comfort position and take a sharp turn in my career path because a new challenge opened up. I always love a new challenge, a new field ground to fight and plowed, new things to learn and master and a new dynamic surrounding with hundreds of character and personality to play with. I jump into a different type of business, and work at the company until now. The company is one of the top 100 in Indonesia and I work in the Export Division. Dealing with hundreds of email from all over the world each day, making deals


and sales with customers, and of course entertaining those foreigners when they visit Jakarta. This job teaches and opens my eyes to a lot of new things, like the different business culture with different people all over the world, the negotiating skills that mix with nightlife entertainment, the lifestyle of the executives from the other parts of the world, the dark and harsh business of business world, and millions even billions of dollar business decisions and projects. Sometimes one of the HS alumni ask me, why I still work full time at the office while HS going strong. And I reply with “To meet and connect with everyone bro.” Throughout the years of my career, I have the chances to meet hundreds of peoples, and in every chance, in every way, I always try to talk, to connect with them, to share my point of view, my experiences, to show them something they haven’t seen before, and also to learn their beliefs, to understand their point of view. It’s the process of learning and unlearning, something that enriches me in ways that others may not understand. Kei Savourie: I always think myself as an artist. I love drawing, playing my old guitar, and I write poems & songs. During my college years, I had a band and dreamed about becoming a rock star. Saving the world with my music. Now those days of pure energy has become a sweet memory of my youth. Nowadays, when I'm not doing workshops/seminars, meeting with HS team, or writing my latest articles/e-book and updating HS blog, most of the time I'm


teaching art and design in an international school. Doing what teachers do: teaching, marking and doing paper works. I've been working there for almost 5 years now. Throughout my teaching years in the school, I've learned so many things that I can use to teach in HS workshops/seminars. I teach junior and high school students, and by observing their behavior, I learned about social dynamics of boys and girls who will eventually become men and women. Little boys and girls actually have the same social dynamics and problems as we adults do. The classification of groups within the society have already formed in junior high school, perhaps even at an earlier stage such as elementary school. Kids with similar social properties tend to flock together. The nerds, the cupus (weirdos), the cool boys and the cool girls, the band kids, the dance girls, they have these labels and it really determines the social interaction of individuals within the group itself or with the member of other groups. Seeing how they interact with one another and how they treat one another, with my knowledge and experience as a Hitman System instructor, I can now clearly see the root of our social problems, hence the romance problems, we face today. Because romance basically is just a part of the social dynamic. What social life, labels and groups you have, determine your romance life.


Now I know why some boys tend to have the girls, or why some socially inept kids don't have friends or even when they do, it's with the other socially inept kids. If what bonds the other groups are their hobbies and interests, for these kids it's their loneliness and feel of rejection that bond them together. It's kind of sweet and sad at the same time. These kids will carry these social conditioning even long after they leave school and join the real society. I wish I knew what I know now when I was still in school. It would surely help me to avoid some humiliating situations back then. I always loved talking and explaining about things that people didn't know before and open their minds. In short: I love teaching. Once, the school had a survey. The students were to give comments on every aspects of the school, like the teachers, the administration staff, the janitors, facilities etc. They did it anonymously. I got a lot of comments, but one stuck with me to this day. This girl (I knew it was a girl because it was nicely written with pink pen) wrote to me that she admired me and wanted to be like me. For me it's huge compliment. Meaning that I have inspired another person. It was so sweet that I almost cried. It's one those feelings when you know you won't exchange your life with anything else in the world.


Lex dePraxis: I’m a professional wizard, which in this modern era it equivalents to a life coach, trainer, guru, or consultant. But instead of offering dreamy statements, answers and solutions just like what all of my colleagues do in this sorts of career choice, I’m more fond of delivering even more hardcore questions to my already-puzzled clients. This is so because I view that us human have come to an age where we find difficulties in life because we are already bombarded with too many answers than we can ever possibly need. Those who are philosophically aware may find my exhaustive use of Socratic method in teaching people, both in Hitman System and my other works. I personally believe that question leads people to quests and fulfilling journey, while statement leads them to a catatonic state and death. Dead people don’t ask questions, do they? Truth is, people don’t need more solutions. People also don’t need more choices in life. Even further, people don’t need more self-help, enlightenment, delusional gurus who prey at people’s gullible desire for easy answers in life. People need to learn how to embrace the questions and how to use them to gain leverage in life. That’s where I come in as the illogical coach who teaches people on how to discard all teachings, including my own, in order for them to fully


understand that they don’t even need me in the first place and then to endlessly thank me afterwards for wasting their money on such useful knowledge. As absurd as it sounds, yes I AM the congruent paradox that people would love to tell about and hate to admit. So in that term, I’m the bad boy of self-help industry. Those who are intrigued enough to experience all the above are cordially invited to join me in Hitman System or my other transformational seminar, coaching and therapeutic works.


PENUTUP Apa yang Anda sudah pelajari dan nikmati dalam e-book ini hanya SEBAGIAN KECIL dari terobosan revolusioner Hitman System. Masih ada segudang materi yang DIJAMIN AKAN MENGUBAH NASIB Anda! Namun ingat bahwa diri Anda tidak akan otomatis berubah begitu saja hanya dengan membaca artikel. Perlu lebih dari sekedar mengisi otak saja. Biasakan diri Anda untuk dengan prinsip ini: setiap jam Anda habiskan membaca pelajaran, luangkan tiga jam mempraktekkannya di dunia nyata sehingga jadi pengalaman. Jadi satu banding tiga, itu adalah angka minimal saja. Kalau bisa malah lebih banyak dari itu waktu prakteknya. Dan apapun yang terjadi, jangan pernah takut dengan kegagalan karena pria dewasa tidak mencari hasil instan. Apapun yang cepat di dapat, pasti akan cepat berlalu. Perubahan instan hanya akan memberikan hasil yang sementara, padahal pria dewasa menghargai proses dan bertumbuh secara alamiah. Itulah mengapa paradigma Hitman System selama ini SELALU TERBUKTI BERHASIL mengubah setiap orang yang BERKOMITMEN membaca dan mempraktekkan pengetahuannya. Jadi teruskan perjuangan Anda selama ini dan jangan ketinggalan ratusan terobosan lain bersama kami.

Misalnya apakah Anda sudah memiliki tiga e-book GRATIS berikut? Banyak dari pria-pria di sekitar kita mengalami sindrom ini. Pria-pria tersebut takut untuk kehilangan wanita pasangannya. Rasa takut kehilangan memang baik, karena itu akan membuat Anda menghargai pasangan Anda. Tapi masalahnya, akibat rasa takut yang berlebihan priapria Anda terus mengalah dan menuruti semua keinginan sang wanita, sehingga mereka hidup dalam kendali sang wanita yang sudah tidak lagi menghargai mereka. Tentu saja ini adalah sebuah pola hubungan yang tidak ideal, dan jelas tidak sehat. Itulah yang dibahas dalam e-book Master Kei Savourie ini. Bagaimana mengatasi keadaan seperti ini bagi Anda yang sudah terlanjur masuk ke dalamnya, dan bagi Anda yang ingin mencegah agar jangan sampai masuk ke pola hubungan yang seperti ini.

Simak dialog transformatif antara Master Lex dePraxis dengan empat orang pria asing di empat hari yang berbeda seputar Ngarep, Wanita, dan Romansa. Materi ini merupakan sebuah kotak transkrip emas yang menyimpan insights berharga yang telah mengubah hidup empat orang yang mengalaminya. Setiap pembicaraan dengan keempat orang tersebut berakhir dengan misteri yang belum terpecahkan. Hubungan terputus, saya tidak bisa berbicara lagi dan menghilang dari hadapan mereka. Empat orang yang mendengar kabar baik tentang kehidupan romansa mereka. Empat orang yang telah melihat cahaya terang di ujung lorong romansa mereka. Empat orang yang kini menikmati terobosan romansa terbesar yang pernah mereka temui seumur hidup. Baca dan ikut alami terobosannya!

Kalau ada sepuluh buah Pertanyaan-dan-Jawaban terpenting yang wajibb dibaca dan pasti mengubah masa depan romansa seseorang secara instan, Anda tidak ingin ketinggalan e-book ini. Master Jet Veetlev, Kei Savourie, dan Lex dePraxis secara bergantian menjawab secara pribadi kasus-kasus pelik yang tipikal dialami oleh kebanyakan pria. Mulai dari sekedar cara meladeni wanita yang meminta hanya ingin berteman saja, cara menghilangkan rasa grogi, cara menghindari kebiasaan mentraktir terlalu banyak, cara mendekati wanita yang kebetulan menjadi rekan di kantor, cara bersikap ketika mendekati wanita yang suka memancing tapi malah lari ketika didekati, sampai dengan cara berkenalan yang paling praktis. Semua dijabarkan sejelasjelasnya dalam paradigma Pria Glossy.

Mau? Klik

Dan bukan itu saja, masih ada setumpuk e-book GRATIS lainnya berikut? Banyak orang berpikir mencari pacar di dunia online itu mudah dan menyenangkan. Apalagi koneksi internet sekarang semakin murah, jadi setiap orang dapat mengakses Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, atau jejaring sosial lainnya nyaris di mana saja dan kapan saja. Mendekati wanita jadi hanya sebatas klak-klik tombol mouse dan mengirim pesan elektronik. Tapi benarkah ada banyak kisah sukses dalam percintaan digital? Benarkah online dating itu adalah ladang percintaan yang efektif? Benarkah wanita bersikap lebih ramah dan terbuka jika didekati secara online? Lalu apa yang terjadi seandainya Anda bisa menggaet wanita lewat penampilan profil dan kehebatan chatting Anda? Seluruh hal tersebut dibahas tuntas dalam e-book Master Lex dePraxis ini. Jadi siapkan diri Anda agar tidak terkejut dalam detoksifikasi paradigma ini.

Mengejutkan sekali hanya sedikit pria di luar sana yang bisa mengenali bibit-bibit kegagalan dalam percintaan mereka. Kesalahanyang sudah terprogram dalam diri mereka, alias pola pikir yang menyabotase diri, tertanam secara tidak sengaja baik dari pola keluarga maupun kondisi sosial di luar rumah. Kenali satu per satu dan mengiris habis semua flek karakter itu dan menjadi pria yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Dalam e-book ini, Master Lex dePraxis menjabarkan 13 jenis kesalahan yang selalu membuat pria terlihat bernilai rendah, jauh dari boyfriendmaterial. Tiga belas poin yang membuat wanita kehilangan minat, baik ketika pendekatan atau sudah menjalani hubungan romansa. Anda berhutang besar pada diri sendiri jika sampai kelewatan materi legendaris yang telah di download lebih dari tiga juta kali ini semenjak tahun 2006.

Ini adalah tahap selanjutnya, sepuluh buah Pertanyaan-dan-Jawaban yang dibalas langsung oleh Sins Aeschylus dan Kis Uriel. Misalnya, bagaimana cara menangani keadaan setelah ditolak, dilema mengatasi rasa bosan dalam berhubungan, cara menghentikan kebiasaan terlalu banyak menganalisa, dan masih banyak lagi. Semuanya dikupas tuntas dari pola berpikir, berikut apa yang harus Anda lakukan untuk menemukan solusinya. Para Top Instruktur Hitman System sama sekali tidak menahan diri dalam menjawab kasus-kasus kelas tinggi yang tidak akan pernah Anda temui di tempat lain sebelumnya. Bahkan mereka membocorkan hal yang bisa Anda dapatkan live training kami. Jadi kalau Anda memimpikan paradigma dan tips praktis? Ini dia jawabannya.

Sebenarnya kami sangat takut untuk menyebarkan e-book ini. Karena isinya adalah pengakuan dari para alumni program Hitman System paling jujur nan brutal, anarkis, kotor, busuk, nanar, bengis, subversif, destruktif, sadis, kontroversial, gelap, provokatif, terlarang, dan tidaklolos-sensor yang pernah ada dalam sejarah dunia. Dibeberkan seribu satu alasan mengapa mereka dengan sepenuh hati membenci Master Jet Veetlev, Kei Savourie, dan Lex dePraxis yang telah menolong mereka keluar dari jurang tergelap romansa. Bukan para alumni saja, karena di dalamnya pun terdapat umpatan kekesalan dari Top Instruktur Kis Uriel dan Sins Aeschylus. Tadinya kami menolak penerbitan e-book ini, namun mereka mengancam akan membeberkannya ke media massa. Ah, kami menyerah…

Pada tanggal 22 Mei 2009, Hitman System mencetak sejarah baru yang membuatnya lebih dikenal oleh dunia internasional. Seorang wartawan kawakan dari media massa berbahasa Inggris, The Jakarta Globe, hadir menginvestigasi kisah-kisah rahasia dari pelatihan spektakuler Hitman System. Ia juga menyamar sebagai salah satu peserta live workshop untuk melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri bagaimana para peserta lain mengalami transformasi radikal yang membuat Hitman System terus dikenal sebagai Solusi Romansa #1 di Indonesia. Bukan itu saja, dalam e-book ini Anda akan menyimak wawancara tanpasensor antara sang wartawan dengan Master Jet Vetleev, Kei Savourie, dan Lex dePraxis. Untuk pertama kalinya di dunia, Anda dapat mendengar penuturan telanjang para founders fenomenal ini.

Pria Glossy selalu memiliki berbagai keahlian yang menarik. Salah satu yang paling banyak memikat perhatian banyak orang adalah keterampilan bermain sulap. Dalam e-book ini, Master Lex dePraxis akan membagikan salah satu routine magic ciptaannya yang telah dikenal di dunia sulap internasional: Anda dapat mengubah secara visual penampilan sebuah kartu tepat di depan mata penonton Anda, lalu mengulanginya sekali lagi tepat di tangan sang penonton! Dahulu (tahun 2003) materi ini dijual secara tertutup kepada kalangan rekan-rekan pesulap internasional, itu sebabnya tertulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Tidak lama setelah peluncuran e-book ini ternyata bocor sampai dijual orang lain di eBay. Kini, untuk pertama kalinya Anda dapat menguasai keajaiban ini dengan gratis, berikut dengan video panduan!


Dan kalau Anda ingin MERASAKAN SENDIRI PENGALAMAN TRANSFORMASI bersama dengan para instruktur Hitman System, temui kami di program ini: Pelatihan eksklusif yang dilakukan secara intensif selama TIGA HARI dengan total durasi LEBIH DARI 20 JAM. Anda bertemu langsung dengan ENAM INSTRUKTUR (Jet, Kei, Lex, Sins, Kis, dan Yuki) yang membagikan materi sesuai dengan spesialisasi masing-masing. Jumlah peserta maksimal dalam workshop hanyalah sebanyak 6-8 orang saja sehingga memastikan setiap peserta mendapat perhatian yang menyeluruh dan personal dari para instruktur. Para instruktur akan memberikan solusi dan pengarahan yang spesifik atas setiap permasalahan pribadi yang dialami setiap peserta.

Pelatihan profesional dengan materi sama persis Platinum Workshop, namun dipadatkan menjadi DELAPAN JAM dalam bentuk seminar di ruang kelas. DUA INSTRUKTUR akan membagikan materi non-stop secara maksimal. Jumlah peserta mencapai lebih dari 30 orang. Ini adalah sebuah keuntungan tersendiri, Anda akan mendapat banyak sahabat baru yang tersebar di daerah Anda untuk networking dan membentuk komunitas suportif. Praktek dilakukan secara simulasi di dalam ruang kelas, serta sesi tanya jawab khusus dengan para instruktur saat break dan sesudah seminar.

Serta berbagai specialty classes kami yang secara spesifik membahas tentang hal-hal lain seputar peningkatan kualitas hidup dan percintaan…

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