The Underground - The Art of Close Up Levitation

February 21, 2017 | Author: erico_mendoza2530 | Category: N/A
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Copyright 1998 The Underground All Rights Reserved Mind your manners and don't copy this! (Your mother would be proud)





Stripping Out the Fiber


Floating Tootsie Roll


The Floating Bill


Static Build-Up




Total Suspension




The Knot of the Phoenix


Make A Thread Reel


Floating Finger Ring



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Welcome to THE UNDERGROUND! Jon Jensen and Steve Fearson have teamed up in Las Vegas and created a brand new organization dedicated to bringing you the best from the magic "underground". Every city has a magic underground, a secretive group of hard core magicians. Guys who eat, breathe, and spit magic. These are the guys who don't give up their best stuff easily. But we're going to get it from them for you, even if it means prying the tricks from their cold, dead fmgers. We promise. When we get a new idea from someone it is presented to our Trick Research and Development Center. We brainstorm on the effect, knocking heads with various magicians and scanning a gigantic library of magic to develop alternative handlings and presentations before the trick is fmally brought to market. This process guarantees that you will receive the fmest possible finished project. No expense was spared in putting together a brainstorming session with some of the most creative minds in magic. The result is this book on truly original floating effects. Our objective: levitations that happen right in front of the spectator. We feel that each and every trick in this book is a reputation maker. We want to thank all the magicians who took part in the brainstorming session. We want to especially thank Phil Kannen who flew to Las Vegas in between corporate shows to join us. This book is dedicated to Gary Darwin, a true friend and a gentleman. Gary is one of those exceptional men who would give you the shirt off his back. He helped with this book in many ways including a contribution and countless hours or research. We truly thank him.


StrippingOutthe Fiber Many of the tricks in this book utilize invisible thread. This thread is actually a fiber made up of individual strands. Before performing any of these tricks, you will need to separate these individual strand from the fiber. This is easy to do, but you must develop a knack for it. 1) The fiber is stored wrapped around a card. This fiber looks like regular thread; however, it is much more than that. The first thing you will need to do is unwrap about four feet of the fiber from the card. 2) You will notice that this thread is not invisible. If you look closely at the thread, you will see that it is made up of many individual fibers from the thread.


3) If you pluck at the end of the thread, you will be able to pull out a single fiber. At first you may grab onto three or four fibers, but keep on separating them until you have a single fiber. It will be easier if you do this under a light and if you hold the black thread over a white paper. 4) Gently pull out the single strand an inch or two from the bundle. Because the single fiber will be almost invisible to the eye, you will need to wrap the end of the fiber around a piece of scotch tape and then wrap the stick part of the scotch tape around itself. Now it be easy to keep track of the end.

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5) You will need to continue to strip out the fiber. Hold the tape with your left hand, and using your right hand, gently pull down the bunch of thread, exposing the single strand. When you feel the thread begin to bind, grip underneath the bundle and pull gently down. 6) Continue doing this until you have stripped out about four feet of a single strand. You are now going to break off this individual strand from the bundle, but you will first want to wrap this end of the strand around another piece of the scotch tape. This four foot length of single strand is what you will use in the following tricks. 7) You will want to wrap the strand back around the card, but first pull the bundled thread back to its original length. Be careful not to get kinks in the thread. 8) The individual lengths of thread are delicate and care is needed when you travel with them. An easy way to carry stripped out thread around with you is to wrap it around a playing card. I will usually make up a dozen threads at a time, placing a normal playing card between the threads. 1°

To strip out long lengths of thread, it is best to apply pressure to the thread. Unwrap the desired length of thread and then put the card under a book. Find an individual strand from the other end of the thread. Gently pull on this individual strand, creating pressure, and you will find that the bundle slides right down the thread.



out of life as he can. He doesn't perfonn magic professionally, but he does try to create that unexpected magical moment. This trick is an example of just that.

THEEFFECT: The magician takes a box of candy out of his pocket. The box is opened and the spectators can see the candy in the box. Then one of the pieces of candy takes on a life of it's own and begins to move around in the box. The piece of candy floats out of the box and then from hand to hand. The candy then floats back into the box, the box is closed and placed back into your pocket.


THESECRET: 1) This trick works best with a box of tootsie roll candies such as you would fmd at the movie theater. If you have a tootsie roll phobia or for some reason you do not want to use this delectable candy, other candy or objects can be used. 2) You will need approximately 18 inches of stripped invisible thread with scotch tape on both ends. You can also use wax or sticky tac on the ends. 3) Open up the box and dump out about half of the candy which won't be needed. You can share this with your friends. If you have no friends, we recommend that you first read' "How to win friends and influence people," before attempting this or any trick.



4) Take out one of the candies and carefully unwrap it, keeping the paper intact. Starting about 9 inches from one end of the thread, roll the thread around the middle of the candy couple of times. 5

5) Press the thread softly into the candy and then carefully rewrap the paper around the candy. 6) Place the prepared tootsie roll back into the box. Using the scotch tape, tape the end of the thread closest to the candy to the inside of the box. The other end of the thread will go to your mouth when you perform. When you are not performing, you can stick the thread to one of your shirt buttons or under your collar.


7) With a little imagination, you can use this hook-up for many different applications. Two of the variations I have used that worked very well are: a. Hook up a drinking straw and place it in a box of straws. b. Hook up a cigarette and place it in a box of cigarettes. This works especially well if you are at a bar and someone asks to borrow a smoke from you.


1) Secretly obtain the end of the thread on your button and place it in your mouth. Take the box out of your pocket and place it in your hand. Open the box and show the candy in the box. 2) Move the box away from you until you feel a slight tension on the thread. You are now ready to cause the candy to float in the box. Slowly move your head back while at the same time moving your hand away from you.


3) As you continue to pull back on the thread, the candy will rise up out of the box and float in the air. You have total control of the candy by adjusting the tension of the thread and the movement of your head. By moving your head sideways you cause the candy to move sideways. Make all the movements smooth and fluid. 4) An effective move is to cause the candy to float from hand to hand. To do this you have to lessen the tension on the thread and sway your body from side to side.


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5) At the finish of the trick, have the candy float back into the box. Close the box and place in back in your pocket. After a while, secretly take the thread from your mouth and hook it back on your button.


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Perry Maynard probably knows more about invisible thread than any other magician. His Lite-Flight is an all time best seller, and seeing him perform the Floating Bill is like watching real magic.

THEEFFECT: You are at the beginning of your journey on a wonderful adventure. Part of what makes this trick so great is you are using a borrowed object, a dollar bill that they know is free of preparation; they know there is no hidden electronic magnetic generator or solar powered weightless emulsifier,just a borrowed bill. The effect is startling as you roll a borrowed dollar bill into a ball and place it on your open palm. The bill slowly rises from your hand. Your hands circle around the floating bill, dispelling any thought on how it might work. You then hand the bill back for a complete examination.

THESET-UP: 1) For this trick you will need approximately four feet of stripped out thread; the actually length you will need will vary depending on your height and performing conditions.



2) This trick uses a two point hook-up, meaning that one end of the thread is attached to a table or wall and the other end will be placed in your mouth. With the thread in your mouth you will be able to feel the tension on your lip. 3) Attach the other end of the thread to a table, wall of whatever is appropriate and waist high using a small piece of scotch tape. You can do this secretly ahead of time and let the thread hang there until you are ready to perform. 8

1) Whenyou are readyto performthe floatingbill, take the taped end that is dangling toward the floor and place it into your mouth between your cheek and gum. You can do this while no one is looking or while apparently covering your mouth while you are clearing your throat. Don't make a big deal about this. No one knows what you are going to do, so there is no heat on you when you set up. Act natural and the thread will never be detected.


2) Slowly back up until you create a slight tension on the thread. You will feel this tension across your lip. Although the thread has a little' give" to it, if you pull back too far it will break. 3) Borrow a dollar bill from one of the spectators. It doesn't matter what denomination bill you borrow, but the larger the better. Because the thread is invisible, you will have to form an imaginary line from your mouth to your secondary anchor. Hold the bill by the ends in each hand under this imaginary line.

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4) Bringthe bill up,usingboth hands,and crumple the dollar bill around the invisible thread. One of the problems you will encounter is that the bill will slide down the thread, so it will be important for you to twist on the bill as you crumple it into a ball. I have found that the most common time that the thread will break is when you are putting the bill on the thread. I have found that leaning in a little, creating some slack, greatly reduces the chance of breaking the thread. 5) Place the rolled bill into the open palm of your hand. Slowly create a slight tension on the thread by moving your body back. As you move back, the bill will slowly float off the palm of your hand. Don't make any quick, sudden movements. I usually rub my right forefinger against my shirt as if I am building a static charge. I then place my finger against the bill and it appears as if the static charge is what is causing the bill to float. Then, when you remove your finger and the bill is floating, it really fries their mind.


6) Let the bill stabilize on the thread so that it isn't bouncing, and then slowly move your hands away from the bill. It will appear as if the bill is floating in mid air. I only leave my hands away for a few seconds for two reasons. The longer you leave an object suspended in mid-air, the more likely the chance that people will suspect it is hanging from a thread. The spectator is also more likely to grab the bill. 7) There are a couple of moves you can use to disprove in the spectator's mind that you are using thread. These moves are similar to a stage magician using a ring to prove there is no support with the floating lady. Using both hands, (be careful not to touch the thread), slowly and mysteriously move your hands around the dollar bill to "prove" that nothing is supporting it. 8) Touching your thumbs and forefingers together, you can form a ring with your hands. With the thread running through the center of the ring, move your hands down around the bill. Do not touch the thread as you move your hands. This is a very effective move.

9) By moving your head and body you can give movement to the bill. Remember that the spectators are watching the bill so they will not notice any head movement. You can cause the bill to float from hand to hand or down to the table. 10) When you are finished performing, unroll the bill from the thread and hand it back to the spectator. While they are examining the bill, pull the thread from your mouth and let it just drop down. 11

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THEEFFECT: This trick is worth the price of the book. This dynamite routine is the brain child of Gene Marvin and allows you to perform thefloating dollar bill apparently impromptu. A dollar bill is borrowed and rubbed with a battery, building up a static charge. You then trap the static charge and cause the bill to float. The bill is then handed back for examination. What makes this trick so great is you are misleading the spectator with a pseudo-explanation. I have seen people literally come back to Gene with a dollar bill and a battery they just bought and tell Gene their battery is broken because it won't float their bill.



1) The beauty of this trick is that it is self-contained. You can walk around and will always be ready to perform this trick. Your hook-up is from your top shirt button or under your collar, to a battery. The battery will act as the secondary anchor. You can keep the battery in your pocket until you are ready to perform.

J 2) The three-to-four foot length of thread is running from your top button to the battery. The length of thread you use will depend on your performing conditions. You can actually set up several batteries ahead of time for a quick reset in case of breakage.


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ThePerformance I) Borrow a dollar bill from a spectator while you take the battery from your pocket. Talk about the properties of static electricity as you rub the battery against the bill. Gene will try to borrow a higher value dollar bill and take advantage of the metallic strip embedded in the bill. He explains that the metal strip is for anti-counterfeit purposes, but that is also attracts a magnetic charge. 2) Set the battery down on the table. This gives you a two point hook-up with the thread. The other end of the thread is hooked to your top bottom; this doesn't give you as much sensitivity as if the thread went to your mouth, but you will still be able to feel the tension.

3) As you explain to the spectator that you are trapping the static electricity in the bill, wrap the bill around the

invisible thread. This gives you the I "'perfect reason to roll the bill into a ball.

4) Set the bill in the open palm of your left hand. Rub the forefinger of your right hand on your shirt, to build up a static charge, and place it near the bill. You can cause the bill to move by moving your body back. It should look as if the bill is being repelled by your finger.


5. Rub your forefinger on your shirt again and this time cause the bill to "cling" to the tip of your finger.

6) Slowly remove your forefmger and allow the bill to float. This will totally confuse your audience, especially if they bought into the static electricity explanation. You can then go through all the motions of the original floating bill.

7. When you are done, remove the bill and return it to the spectator. As the spectator is examining the bill, pick up the battery and place it back in your pocket. You are now ready to repeat the performance.


This trick is great because you are perfonning it away from any possible external connection which makes this perfect for walk around magic. A credit card is borrowed and caused to hover in mid-air. The credit card actually floats completely around your body and lands in the opposite hand.

THESECRET: I) Hover is the only trick in this book that utilizes a one point hook-up, meaning that the thread is attached straight from your body to the object. 2) You will need a 2 foot length of stripped thread. You will also need two small dots of magician's wax (available at any magic retailer). Stick the wax to both ends of the thread. 3) Hook one end of the thread to the back of your right ear. The other end of the thread is stuck to the fingernail of the forefmger of your right hand. When you are not perfonning this trick you can hook the thread to your belt buckle or lower button.

1) Borrow a credit card from one of the spectators. As you are looking at the credit card, secretly press the dot of wax onto The center of the card You will want to ensure that the thread is placed on the exact center of the card so that it is perfectly balanced.


ThePerformance 2) Hook the thread through the crotch of your right hand. While holding the credit card with your left hand, extend your right hand until you feel a slight tension. Spin the credit card using your left hand and then let it go. It will hover in mid air.

3) You can cause the credit card to float up to your right hand by slowly extending your hand. This is a very magical move. 4) To cause the credit card to revolve around your body, hold the credit card in your right hand and flick your wrist. The thread will cause it to circle your body and you can catch it in your left hand. Flick it with your left hand and it will go back to your right hand.

5) Secretly scrape the wax off the credit card and hand the card back to the spectator. You can perform this trick with playing cards, beer coasters, or similar objects.


Most of the tricks in this book utilize invisible thread. For a change of pace, Dan Harlan has contributed two levitation tricks without the use of thread. Total Suspension is unique because it uses no gaffs of any kind.


THEEFFECT: A single card is placed between your hands and it proceeds to float. The card remains suspended two to three inches in the air, floating above your hands. The card then floats back into your hands and everything can be examined.

1) A card is freely selected from a deck of cards. Hold the card between your two thumbs. Your hands are cupped together one above the other.

2) While holding onto the card with your thumbs, tilt up your hands while at the same time spreading your fmgers. This is a great move because it shows that there are no gimmicks.



3) Bring your hands back together in the cupped position. Your left hand should be under your right hand. 4) Slowly work the ring fmger of your left hand between the pinky and ring finger of the right hand. This action is hidden by the playing card. Do this slowly so that there is no hand movement.

5) Continue pushing your ring finger through until it rests on the center of the card. Position the card so that it is balancing on your fmger. You may need to manipulate the position of the card using your thumbs.

6) After the card is balanced, slowly move your hands away from the card. Straighten out your hands until they are flat. From above it will appear as if the card is floating three inches off your hands. with no visible support.

7) After a few moments, bring your hands back to the starting position. Disengage your finger from the card and bring it back to its normal resting position. Have the card immediately examined and show both sides of your hands.


This is Dan Harlan 's second contribution and it has to be seen to be believed. I recently saw Dan Harlan do this at a local magic meeting and it devastated everyone.

THEEFFECT: A card is shown and placed onto the face of the deck. The card slowly floats away from the deck and mysteriously moves to the right. The card then floats back until it rests again on the deck. You turn the card face down and handed out for complete examination.

THESECRET: Face-off utilizes a hidden hinge which causes the card to float away from the deck. The hinge connects a double back card to the back of a regular card. You can purchase a double back card from any magic shop or glue two cards face to face. The hinge is cut from a playing card to the dimensions in the illustration. Scotch tape is used to hinge the playing cards together forming a rectangle. ..


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Tape one end of the hinge to the bottom left hand side of the double back card. Tape the other side of the hinge to the middle of the back of a regular card. ill our instruction we will assume it is the Jack of Diamonds. The double back card and the regular card need to be perfectly aligned. The best way to do this is to align the two cards before pressing the tape on.

I) Before the performance, set-up the deck with the gimmick on top of the deck with the double back card facing out, place the duplicate Jack of Diamonds on top of the gimmick. You are set to perform. 2) You can force the duplicate Jack of Diamonds by your favorite method or simply pick up the card and show it. Place the card back face-down onto the deck. Do a triple turnover showing the hinged Jack of Diamonds. Leave the gimmicked card on the back of the deck. 3) Hold the deck between your thumb and fmgers with the hinged card facing towards the spectators. Gently tilt the deck allowing the Jack of Diamonds to swing away from the deck. This should happen very slowly. It may help to get a thumb break between the Jack and the double backed card. As you tilt the card forward, the Jack of Diamonds will swing away from the deck.



4) Continue tilting the deck until the Jack of Diamonds is completely suspended away trom the deck. If you twist your hand slightly, the card will continue to float to the extreme right edge of the deck.

5) Reverse your actions and the card will float back to the deck. There is a knack to doing this smoothly but it is not hard to do. There should be very little hand movement and everything should happen slowly and deliberately. 6) Do another triple lift bringing the duplicate card to the top of the deck and hand it out for examination. This trick is unbelievable and well worth the time it will take you to make the gimmick.


GarvDarwin At first Gary Darwin's version of the cut and restored

rope will seem impractical;however, I have seen Gary


do this many times and when the knot floats into the air, you literally see jaws drop.

THEEFFECT: This trick starts out as the standard cut and restored rope; however at the end of the trick the knot floats up into the air and the rope can be completely examined. This is a totally different cut and restored rope.




Invisible thread is used to perform the actual floating. This makes a great stage trick and you can use a thicker dull black thread. On stage you will need two assistants hidden on either side of the stage.

The easiest way to perform this trick is to position yourself in a doorway with an assistant hidden on either side of the door. Each assistant holds onto one end of the thread, causing the knot to float. After the rope is cut and restored, the assistants lift up on their respected ends of the invisible thread. The knot will float up into the air. The knot can either float out of sight or the magician can pluck it out of the air. This trick should be practiced several times to coordinate the actions of all involved.



1) You are now going to perform the standard opening to your favorite cut and restored rope. Holding the two ends of the rope and the center of the rope in the other hand, bring the middle of the rope up and substitute the middle for a loop of the end of the rope.



2) Cut the "Center" of the rope with a pair of scissors and allow the two long ends of the rope to fall away. It will appear as if you cut the center of the rope, you have actually cut a small piece of the end. 3) You are now going to tie a false pop knot around the rope. At the same time, you are going to tie on the invisible thread.



4) Hold onto each end of the rope showing the knot at the center of the rope. With a slight tug on the ends of the rope, you will disengage the knot from the rope. 5) As you lower the rope, the knot will float into the air. Have the assistants raise the thread causing the knot to float up and out of sight. 6) You can do this trick using only one assistant by nailing a nail partially into the door jam at the center above the door. The thread will go from the assistant to the nail and then straight down to the magician.


SteveFearson Steve Fearson is known internationally for his inventive mind. He is able to take ordinary objects, breathe a little magic into them and produce miracles. The following two items fit into this category.


Thread reels, devices that automatically release thread are notoriously expensive and hard to repair. Steve Fearson had invented a method of building your own thread reel which only costs a couple of dollars and takes minutes to build, and is well worth your time. Steve Fearson's device is made of of a cloth tube with two metal rings. The metal rings ride up and down inside the tube which releases the thread. You can use ordinary invisible thread which is much thinner than what is ordinarily used in thread reels. The tube is made of a cloth tube 4 inches wide by approximately 1 foot long. The tube needs to be made from a slick material such as polyester. The cloth is sewn to form a pocket. This pocket is then attached to the inside your jacket using safety pins.




You will need two or three heavy duty bracelets. The bracelets should be 3 to 3 1/2" in diameter and you should be able to find them at an art supply or jewelry store. You can also use the singles from a small linking ring set.


THETUBE: The width of the tube is determined by the diameter of the rings. The width of the tube should be slightly wider than the diameter of the rings. Cut the material approximately 10" by 14" and fold it in half.


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l 2) If you do not want to sew, you can use iron-on fabric tape. Line up the fabric tape along the long side and one of the short side and iron it. This forms a pocket. Fold the top edge of the tube outwards and use the ironon fabric tape. This will give you a smooth edge around the top of the pocket so that the thread will not catch on it.


3) Place two safety pins along the top and one safety pin along the bottom. The safety pins on the tube will be used to attach the tube to the inside of your jacket.

4) Safety pin the tube into the left side of your jacket. The open part of the tube should be located near the armpit of the jacket. The safety pins make ut easy to put it in different jackets. You can also put it in a vest. 26

You will need approximately five feet of stripped invisible thread. Attach one end of the thread to the inside of the jacket above the tube. The other end of the thread is placed through the two metal bracelets. The two bracelets are then placed into the tube. Allow the bracelets to slide to the bottom of the tube.

Attach the other end of the thread to a deck of cards. After putting on the jacket, place the deck of cards into your right jacket pocket. You are now ready to use your thread reel. The thread is running across your body and can be used for many different floating effects. You can take the deck of cards out and place them on the table and you have a two point hook up. You can use it for a any effect you would normally use a regular thread reel for.



I first saw Steve do this several years ago and I still remember the look on the spectator's face as her ring floated down into her hand. This has to be one of the most beautiful, logical pieces of magic ever invented.

THEEFFECT: A finger ring is borrowed and caused to balance on the end of your finger. It then floats from hand to hand. The spectator holds out their hand and the finger ring slowly floats down to her hand and she can immediately examine it.

THESECRET: For this trick you will need a thread reel. We highly recommend Steve Fearson' s thread reel, however, if you want to spend more, who are we to judge?



You will need to set up the thread reel so that the thread runs diagonally across your body.

1) Secretly wrap the thread around the bottom three fingers of your right hand.


2) Borrow a fmger ring from a spectator. Do not use a ring with a large stone or edges that can tangle the thread. Place the fmger ring on your first fmger.




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3) Move the thread up around your first finger and release the thread from your bottom three fmgers. This traps the ring with the invisible thread.

4) Rotate your hand forward and pull the ring off the first finger retaining the thread around the finger. You want the thread to loop around the tip of your first finger.

5) Switch the thread so that it now wraps around your thumb. Bring the ring to your left allowing your right thumb to act as a pulley. Separate your hands by about a foot.

6) Balance the ring on the forefinger of your left hand. It will look as if the ring is magnetically clinging to your finger. By moving your right hand you can control the tension of the thread and control where the ring is suspended.


7) Move your left hand away and allow the ring to float in mid air. This is a very magical moment but do not do this for very long.

8) Move your right hand down and the ring will slowly float down into your right hand. This is done by a combination of gravity and a slack in tension in the thread.

9) Have the spectator hold out their hand and have the ring float down into their hand. You are actually guiding the ring into their hand using your two hands. They are watching the ring and will not even notice your hands.

10) After the ring floats into the spectator's hand, release the thread off of your right thumb and allow the thread to be retracted into the reel. As the ring is going towards their hand, have your hand get closer to the ring so that there is very little thread to be retracted. Allow them to examine their ring.


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