The Ulrimate SSL Guide.01

February 16, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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H^HJXPOWH ZXKKF\_ Pnh hLbbm –ZZC/PCZ Jhrtogojfths5 Pnh Xctokfth Auo`h‛ prhshdts auo`fdjh bd ZZC/PCZ Jhrtogojfths. Pnh kfthrofc od tnos hLbbm os hfsy tb ud`hrstfd` fd` ot jbvhrs f jbkprhnhdsovh cost bg `htfocs gbr fdybdh wnhtnhr ot‟s f stu`hdt, whl nbstoda prbvo`hr, br fdybdh hcsh odthrhsth` od chfrdoda flbut ZZC shjuroty. Og ybu frh sbkhbdh wotn jbkputhr lfjmarbud` fd` frh odthrhsth` od chfrdoda flbut ZZC Zhjuroty br nbw NPPYZ jfd kfmh f loa `ogghrhdjh od f whlsoth, tnos hLbbm wocc lh f abb` jnbojh. Ot jbvhrs `ogghrhdt tnodas tnft wocc cht ybu mdbw wnft‟s tnh okpbrtfdjh bg ZZC od tb`fy‟s ahdhrftobd fd` wnft tnodas frh rhquorh` ly tnhor prbvo`hr tb kfmh ZZC shjurh tnh whlsoth. Ot lhaods wotn tnh nostbry bg ZZC tb prbvo`h tnh lfsoj lfjmarbud` bg ots lhaoddoda wnoch fdswhroda btnhr quhstobds sujn fs wnft ZZC os, wnft‟s ots okpbrtfdjh fd` nbw ot jfd okpfjt tnh shjuroty bg tnh whlsoth ushrs og ot‟s dbt odstfcch`. Ot wocc tfmh ybu tnrbuan tnh eburdhy bg kfmoda fd ZZC f rhfcoty. Gbr hxfkpch, nbw ZZC wbrms fd` wnft os odvbcvh` wotn ot, wnft's tnh rbch bg YMO, Jopnhrs, fd` Fcabrotnks. Ot fcsb prbvo`hs odgbrkftobd bd ots cfthst `hvhcbpkhdts sujn fs tnh rhchfsh bg PCZ 6.:, tnh dhwhst vhrsobd fd` nbw ot `ogghrs grbk tnh btnhr prhvobus vhrsobds. Comhwosh, ot wocc fcsb auo`h ybu tnrbuan nbw ZZC os strujturh` fd` wnft frh tnh `ogghrhdt typhs bg ZZC jhrtogojfths bgghrh` ly Jhrtogojfth Futnbrotohs. Fcsb, ot wocc auo`h ybu tnrbuan tnh kfdfahkhdt bg ZZC jhrtogojfths fd` nhcp ybu god` jbkkbd kostfmhs fd` hrrbrs kf`h ly kfdy. Cfst lut dbt chfst, ot prbvo`hs odstrujtobds bd nbw tb vohw ZZC bg f whlsoth od `ogghrhdt whl lrbwshrs fd` fcsb thfjnhs ybu sbkh jbkkbdcy ush` grhh BphdZZC jbkkfd`s tnft jfd lh lhdhgojofc tb fdybdh odstfccoda fd ZZC/PCZ Jhrtogojfth bd tnhor whlsoth. Od tnos hLbbm, O nfvh kf`h fd ftthkpt tb `ostocc hvhrytnoda flbut ZZC jhrtogojfths. Ot foks ft hdjburfaoda hvhd dhwlohs tb ZZC jhrtogojfths tb ud`hrstfd` nbw fd ZZC jhrtogojfth wbrms fd` ots okpbrtfdjh tb whlsoths. Pnos –Xctokfth Auo`h‛ odjcu`hs `htfoch` odgbrkftobd bd tnh `ogghrhdt typhs bg ZZC jhrtogojfths fd` wocc nhcp ybu jnbbsh tnh roant jhrtogojfth gbr ybur whlsoth.



Jbdthdts ZZC/PCZ JH\POGOJFPHZ5 PNH XCPOKFPH AXO@H .............................................................................................. 6 ODP\B@XJPOBD ODP\B@X JPOBD PB ZZC ......................... ...................................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................... ..... < Qny ZZC2 ......................... ...................................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ............. : Ghfturhs & Lhdhgots bg ZZC Jhrtogojfth Zhjuroty .................................... .................................................. ........................... .......................... ....................... .......... 0 Qnft jbuc` ab Qrbda, og fd ZZC/PCZ Jhrtogojfth os dbt Odstfcch`2 .................................................... 8 NBQ @BHZ ZZC QB\M2..................... .................................. .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... 1 ZZC Frjnothjturh fd` Yrbtbjbcs Yrbtbjbcs ........................... ........................................ ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ...................... .........> Futnhdtojftobd ........................... ........................................ .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ............. 6: Hdjryptobd ......................... ...................................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................68 ..........68 Jopnhrs fd` Fcabrotnks .......................... ....................................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................ .......... 6? Qnft @b Jopnhr Zuoths @b2............................... ............................................ ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ......................... ............
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