The Truth About Singing Your Vocal Coach Won't Tell You Oct 2011

May 29, 2016 | Author: Edgaras Pščelovskis | Category: N/A
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Hey, Ken Tamplin here from the Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy: My slogan is, “If you like the way I sing, then I‟ll show you how I do it”. I‟m offering you this free, power packed write up that address the TRUTH about singing. I‟m going to powerful answers about the following;    

Can Anyone Sing The Truth About Singing The Proper Technique For Singing Where You Can Learn More

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I started out as a singer, just like you. I didn‟t start out to learn how to teach the voice to a bunch of people and tell other people how to sing. I started out because I wanted to be (maybe) the greatest rock singer in the world or at least the greatest singer that I could be. So I began studying the voice diligently around the age of nineteen. I‟ve studied it for well over twenty years and have had the opportunity to study under some of the greatest vocal teachers this world has to offer. Folks like Ron Anderson, who you might know as the premier vocal coach for American Idol and the TV show Rock Star. He also has worked with Chris Cornell, Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson; he goes on tour with Alicia Keys, the Chili Peppers, Josh Stone, and so forth. I also studied under Maestro David Kyle, and I went on to Rome for a few years to study there as well. Let me tell you a little bit about why I wrote this document for you. I‟ve spent a half-a-million dollars trying to have the best voice I possibly could and as a result, I‟ve come to some really provocative conclusions about the industry; (more on that in a second). Now look, if you‟re like most people, you‟re scouring the internet for that small bit of advice that will totally revolutionize your singing. You‟re probably scouring YouTube for free lessons and scales to practice to. But I want to tell you, in this free report, the secret to singing better than anyone else, period. I want to give you, for free, the absolutely, undeniable, and factual means to learning how to sing better than anyone else. No gimmicks, no tricks, no faking it and no metering things out so slowly that you get frustrated with your voice or worse, your teacher and leave. Before we get to that, think about this; isn‟t it true that the reason you‟re looking for little snippets of free lessons and tricks a teacher might „accidently‟ reveal is because somewhere in your gut, you know that what I‟m saying is right. You know that these teachers just slowly release information with provocative titles like – “Why The Vocal Fry Changed My

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Life”…as if trashing your vocal chords ever seemed like a good idea. I mean seriously, don‟t you want your vocal teacher to be one of the best singers you‟ve ever heard? I‟m sorry, but I do. I don‟t go to Jim Carrey to learn about weight-lifting. I go to Arnold Schwarzenegger and say – “I want muscles like that guy!” And here‟s the next thing, I see advertisements all the time that talk about putting an OCTAVE on your voice in a couple of weeks. Folks, that‟s JUST NOT TRUE. And if you stop and think about it, you KNOW that‟s not true. I could no more guarantee that you get an octave than you could guarantee that by working out for just a couple of weeks that I could put 12 inches on your vertical leap, or 100lbs on your bench press. But, people fall for it all the time. Not because their dumb, but because these charlatans play on your insecurities, your weakness and then your desire to get better. They give you a little taste of the goods to get you trusting them and then they soak you for your cash with some promise that‟s just an outright lie in most cases. Does that mean that no one can make these gains? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Anyone CAN…but not by working with teachers who won‟t give you the tools to learn how to work-out on your own. The reason I believe this is so important is that there are SO many vocal teachers out there that either;  Can‟t Sing  Can‟t Sing Like You Want To Sing  Don‟t Want To Teach You Enough To Be Self-Sufficient  Or – are just plain charlatans in the first place (this one probably has the biggest group of people in it) My stated goal, (and it‟s not a small one), is to blow the lid off the industry and give you the tools to;  Show you how to sing better than anyone else, period  Give people the tools to be self-sufficient and not need the same years I spent learning all the best techniques and skills  See when you‟re being taken for money and not getting your money‟s worth I believe that if I teach you what I‟ve learned over my 30+ years experience, not only as a singer but a recording artist with 32 released albums, then you‟ll be inspired to help other people learn what you learned; everyone likes being in the know and everyone really likes being able to make smart decisions. That‟s what I‟m going to give you here. I‟m going to load you down with so much information that you‟ll wonder why you waited so long to take your voice seriously. What do I ask in return? Check out my program, see if it‟s not the best teaching you‟ve ever experienced. If it‟s not, I‟ll return your money – no questions asked, on the spot. I suspect that if you experience what all my students experience, you‟ll want to tell your friends. Now, back to a little background before we get into the details. The facts are that singing can be a very illusive art, but that‟s only because there is a protective covering over the „tribal-knowledge‟ that takes people who can‟t sing at all, to AMAZING

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singers. But, no matter what your chosen genre is, whether it‟s blues, funk, soul, pop, rock, r&b or country, I can show you how to sing better than anyone else, period.

How can I say that? Because I‟m blowing the lid off of every other vocal coach out there who doesn‟t believe in teaching people to be self-sufficient. I‟m sick and tired of watching good people spend their heard earned cash only to be taught scales. Scales help, but that will not make you a good singer on their own. The good vocal teachers will appreciate this! The bad vocal teachers are going to hate me. Remember the show where all the magicians tricks where revealed? Real magicians got upset about that show. But if you think about it, getting upset about that doesn‟t really make sense. You know why? Because those magicians aren‟t performers and their act is tricking you; and not entertaining you. Even if you knew how a trick was performed, you‟d still sit and watch an enjoyable act. Don‟t believe me? Ever watched a good ventriloquist? Now, I‟m going to assume that you know that the doll doesn‟t actually do any of the talking right? Point proven…But…on the other hand, I highly doubt that you‟d put up with a vocal teacher who you knew was keeping you at a slow pace on purpose! Would you? I don‟t think you would.

Kat Von D of L.A. Ink - One Of My Students

In reality, the so called “tricks” aren‟t illusive, but teachers are afraid if they just tell you how to sing the right way, you won‟t come back for lessons. Maybe that‟s true, but doesn‟t that say more about them and their ability or rather, inability to inspire you and not as much about you and your desire to save a couple bucks on lessons? That‟s exactly why my program and my “tricks”, which aren‟t really tricks at all but rather the right technique to absolutely amazing singing, teaches you how to be self-sufficient. Is that because I don‟t want to work with you on an on-going basis? Absolutely not! I‟m a singer‟s LIFE COACH if you will. I have all the skills and experience it takes to show you not only how to sing, but how to perform, how to rehearse, how to write songs and everything that goes along with being a frontman; or woman. Without further adieu let‟s dive into, Can Anyone Sing?

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Can Anyone Sing? This subject keeps coming up over and over again and I‟ m here to answer the question (can anyone sing) once and for all. I‟m actually here to tell you that singers are only singers because they have the guts to be one. You heard me right; singers are only singers because they have the guts to be one. You might doubt this at first, you may say, what about natural talent? Talent plays a factor in everything. It plays a factor in how easy things are when you start, but it cannot replace the time it takes to practice. No matter what you think about Tiger Woods, I guarantee is played more golf than his competitors when it came to making the tournament. Talent helps, but it will never replace practice. That‟s just a fact that can‟t be denied. I would like to share a personal story with you –

I started out as a guitar player, I was never a singer. In fact, the only reason why I sang was to have something to get me in between my guitar solos! I was told my range was a baritone and I should never try and sing beyond an “F” sharp or a “G” below middle “C”. If had believed that, I wouldn‟t have the range I have here today. True story! Now, don‟t get me wrong, not anyone can be a Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, or Christina Aguilera, or an Etta James; but really, that‟s really top Yugi Was Just A Guitar Player Too! 1% of singers anyways. But below that, you have the ability to apply yourself with the passion and the discipline of what it takes to be a singer or a music artist. Let me give you the most perfect example possible; Let me tell you a little bit about a guy named Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan probably has influenced more lives, more artists, than any artist alive. I kid you not. Bob Dylan has got this real froggy little voice, right? But do you have any idea the kind of impact Bob Dylan has made as an artist and on artists around the world? People have covered his songs, like, Adele, she covered „Make you feel my love. Guns „n‟ Roses covered „Knock, knock, knockin‟ on Heaven‟s door.‟ The Chemical Brothers, Ozzy Osbourne, Kelly Clarkson, Green Day, Jimmy Hendrix, Jack Johnson, Nora Jones, Johnny Cash, I could go on and on and on and on, but from every walk of life, not just from one genre or style of music like R&B or Rock, every walk of life has done a Bob Dylan. Let‟s take another example - Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong‟s dad told him:

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„Ya know Louis, give it up; you‟ve got the froggiest voice in the world. You‟re a great trumpet player, go back to playing trumpet, stay on the trumpet, and don‟t sing. You‟re embarrassing yourself,‟ What does he do - he goes on to write „What a wonderful world‟! One of the most recognizable songs in the world and sung by the man with a very froggy voice. That song‟s, in the top ten most requested movie soundtrack songs of all time, and look who‟s covered his music. ColdPlay, Sara Brightman and Michael Bublé. Then you have David Bowie. He was a STREET MIME! Then you have guys like Neil Young. He's a terrible singer from a "technical" standpoint. I‟m telling you this because, the idea that singing, (and I mean REALLY good singing) is given over only to an elite group of people is just an outright lie. I‟m here to tell you, it‟s just not true. You, if you want to apply yourself, you can be and do anything you want to be So, I would just encourage you, man, if you like the way I sing, I‟ll show you how I do it. The proof is in the singing! A singer is only a singer because he‟s got the guts to be one. Let‟s move on to some facts about the voice. Now, let‟s talk about:

The Truth about Singing I want to talk to you a little bit about the voice and what I feel KTVA represents as opposed to of other methods out there, (that frankly misrepresent the truth about singing). I just have to say it for what it is, in fact there‟re some courses out there that‟ll even tell you they‟ll put an Octave on your voice in just a few weeks and they‟ll even guarantee it! Folks, I‟ve just got to tell you, that‟s just not the truth. They‟re just looking for your money; they‟re looking to line their pockets with your hard-earned dollars. I know because many years back there were a lot of coachers out there that would meter out information very slowly. In fact, most coaches do that because they want you to keep coming back over and over again and they just want to fill their bank account with your hard-earned cash! I designed KTVA to streamline all of my life‟s experiences. Not just learning how to sing in some climate-controlled, vocal booth room, but the years of live stage experience, different types of singing environments, competitions,

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recording, and, I‟ve streamlined the hardcore components of what it takes to become an excellent singer. My course is customized in three levels. Level 1 and 2 are really meant for your beginners and your average singers. Now, you could stay in the beginners or starters or intermediate courses, if you‟re just looking to buff your skills for church or you just want a weekend kind of thing. However, you could take a run at the master‟s class. At this point I must stop and warn you. DO NOT JOIN THE MASTERS CLASS… If you‟re looking to fast track success, you will learn a ton, but if you‟re not ready, you could actually hurt yourself. My program is so strenuous and so focused on achievement, you really need to be READY to take the class. Will I sell it to you, if you‟re determined, sure…but look, my warning should tell you something about the kind of teacher I am. I‟d like to see your singing success, but I‟m not willing to keep the facts from you and at the same time take your money. That doesn‟t sound like singing success to me, that sounds like singing suck-ness and I‟m just not interested in that. However, if you are ready, I can give you the tools to be an absolute monster singer in stage 3. Now I want to talk to you about this “time frame”, within which this happens. You‟re probably eager to be a better singer. You‟re probably teaming with excitement to dive in. And if you are, run over to my website; and go to my store. Select your product (I recommend level 1 to start) and get started. But if you‟re still looking for some more information, let‟s continue. Let‟s talk about time-frame. Click Here To Enter The Store I think this is where most singers get tripped up. The availability of singing lessons online, however limited in value they are, has created a sense for people that they can be overnight sensations. Let me dispel a myth. NO ONE CAN DO THAT. No one can teach you that fast, and no one can learn that fast. It takes time. It‟s just like working out or exercise programs. You must work up the muscles in stages. Part of my technique is to communicate to you in a way that you‟ll understand. What you‟re not going to hear from me as a teacher „Well the pharyngeal larynx valve with the dual farbage valve and you times that by the square root of your social security number‟ crap, I put it into a simple, easy-to-understand to get you and streamline you onto the fast track of the core of what it takes to be a fantastic singer. I‟d like to give you an analogy about alternate methods and how mine differs. As I mentioned, this „turn you into a monster in three easy weeks‟ kind of stuff- the voice is a muscle, and like any muscle, it needs time to grow like a muscle. If I told you, I‟m going to make you a world

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champion body builder in just three weeks, would you believe me? I trust that point is taken well by now. It‟s not possible. Your muscles, you‟re not going to become Charles Atlas in just three weeks from taking a pill or from some three-week course that someone‟s going to take you through. Now it isn‟t to say that your voice can‟t grow fast. It can and it will. If you do these things properly that I lay out here in my course, your voice will grow amazingly fast. But, the reality of it is, you‟re just not going to grow that fast. You‟re going to grow fast, but not that fast. And I can put an octave on your range in most cases, and I can give you crazy great tone and good pitch and all the things that go into making a great singer. I can help you understand the environments of different types of situations where you can get yourself in trouble; for example maybe a smoke-filled room, or maybe bad sleep, or bad monitors, or those kinds of things that will also help in practical application to singing. That‟s because I‟m not just a vocal coach. I‟m a Life Coach for Singers! But if you could humor me for a minute, I want to pretend that I‟m a personal physical trainer for a second to give you an analogy that might help you understand this better. Let‟s say you‟re a little overweight and let‟s say you come to Ken Tamplin to lose some of that weight as a physical trainer. And let‟s say I tell you „Alright Johnny, I want you to run up and down that street, back and forth, ten times as fast as you can.‟ So, sure enough, you follow my advice, and you run up and down that street ten times as fast as you can. And let‟s say you do that six days a week, for two weeks, right? At the end of the time you‟re going „Wow, look at me, I‟m losing a little weight, I‟m feeling a little stronger, this is great! That Ken Tamplin guy must be something!‟ The fact of the matter is, I didn‟t really teach you anything, and I gave you little or no information. Now, I might have given you the „feel good.‟ I might have taught you a few scales. I might have taught you a few weird exercises, But the reality is, there‟s nothing that I gave you that‟s going to make you a great singer. If you work with me, you‟ll quickly find is that you can only go so far using other methods. I‟ve been there and been soaked for cash and just learned that there‟s a threshold or ceiling on that kind of teaching, (just giving you some scales) that limits how far you can go. Now, I will say this, in defense of that, doing scales will make you voice stronger. By osmosis, running up and down that street will make you a little stronger. It won‟t make you great, but it will make you a little stronger, and if you try to get into anything that‟s out of your element, you could hurt yourself if you don‟t have proper training, alright?

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So with that said, I just have to say this for what it is-for some reason, vocal coaching seems to be one of the only vocations out there where you can have an Master's or a PHD but never proven out your method yourself with your own voice! Instead you‟re going to tell everybody how to do it, but you haven‟t done it. Now, don‟t you think that‟s weird? I‟m sorry, but I do. It‟s like my favorite line from the School of Rock, “those who can‟t do, teach and those who can‟t teach, teach gym!”. Einstein couldn‟t have said it better. He said „Example isn‟t a way to teach, it‟s the only way to teach.‟ So I‟m here to say, if you like the way I sing, I‟ll show you how I do it. No excuses, just results. The proof is in the singing. So welcome to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy. You will be shocked at what I‟m about to show you and how fast your voice will grow with my method. Thanks for joining me.

"There are no words that would do justice to explain the level of excellence Ken Tamplin has -not only in his own singing, but in his approach to teaching... A true Master of Voice." -Kat Von D I can‟t even tell you the things that Ken Tamplin has been able to do for my voice. He‟s been teaching me how to sing properly and not tear up my voice. -Addly Stevens

I‟m a professional metal singer and Working with Ken is taking me to crazy levels. In 4 lessons he‟s taken me past all my years of vocal teaching in L.A. -Whisky Diamond

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Ken Tamplin is the most amazing teacher. He‟s made me absolutely explode on stage. He‟s so helpful and his training will make you exceed your wildest expectations. -

Valeska Muller

If you like the way I sing, I‟ll show you how I do it. Guaranteed, or your money back. Join our subscriber list, or join my program today. ~ Ken Tamplin

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