The Transcendental Horoscope of Srila Prabhupada

February 27, 2017 | Author: nvchinai | Category: N/A
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Analysis of the birth chart of His Divine Grace A C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada, the founder of International Societ...


The Transcendental Horoscope of Srila Prabhupada Questions for the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness by Shyamasundara Dasa namo om visnu padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani pracarine nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine

“The excellent science of astronomy-astrology comprising of Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora as its three branches, is the clear ‘eye’ of the Vedas”. Naradarsi, Narada Samhita 1.4

“There are other Vedic literatures, called kala-vidya, which give instructions in material arts and sciences. Since all such Vedic arts and sciences are ultimately intended to be used to render devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kesava, saintly persons in the renounced order of life should never blaspheme such apparently mundane literatures; because such literatures are indirectly connected with the Supreme Lord, one may go to hell for blaspheming these secondary literatures.” Srila Madhvacarya, Brahmanda Purana—SB 11.3.26p.

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Fast Track For those pressed for time, I would suggest reading: Introduction, Chapter 1, sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.8.2, 4.3, 6.1-3; Chapter 7, and the general conclusion at the very end. (Since most GBC members are not conversant with Vedic astrology Chapter 7 is especially important because it gives the unbiased conclusions of nine other astrologers who have read both presentations. These should be taken as expert witnesses.) In between one will find essays of a more or less technical nature depending on the readers familiarity with astrological discourse as well as documented evidence and testimony bearing on the case at hand. The headlines give an indication of the subject matter. One can simply skim these, picking out those of interest. We would like to note that much of the material in this paper is a response to Annex so it is imperative that it be read.


2.4.3 Nalini’s Classifications 2.4.4 Planetary Varnas 2.4.5 Importance of the Moon—Bhaktivinode and Vamanadeva 2.5 JUPITER IN THE 8TH BEING AN ASURA YOGA 2.5.1 Positive and Negative Effects on Houses 2.5.2 Spiritual Factors in a Horoscope 2.5.3 8th and 12th House Crucial to Spiritual Life 2.5.4 The 8th House 2.6 IS JUPITER IN THE 8TH IS AN ASURA YOGA? 2.6.1 Viparita Raja Yoga 2.6.2 Nalini’s Contradiction 2.6.3 Sun in Leo in the 8th 2.6.4 Ketu in the 8th 2.6.5 Is Jupiter Always Good in the 9th? 2.7 IS THE ASCENDANT LORD IN THE 10TH HOUSE BAD? 2.8 JUPITER-GOOD—SATURN-BAD 2.8.1 Parameters of Parivraja Yoga 2.8.2 1008 Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura’s Chart Ruled by Saturn 2.9 OTHER ASTROLOGER’S CHARTS 2.9.1 Arka Somayaji 2.9.2 Asutosh Ojha 2.10 OTHER POINTS: 2.10.1 First Published Fallacy 2.10.2 Demeaning Srila Prabhupada 2.11 MAHADASHAS 2.11.1 Rahu Mahadasha 2.11.2 Jupiter Mahadasha 2.11.3 Saturn Mahadasha 2.11.4 Mercury Mahadasha Travel During 70th Year Only Possible For Capricorn Ascendant 2.11.5 Ketu Mahadasha 2.12 COMPATIBILITY OF BHAKTISIDDHANTA AND SRILA PRABHUPADA 2.13 CONCLUSION CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS OF SAGITTARIUS RISING CHART 3.1 CONCERN FOR THE OPINION OF ASTROLOGERS 3.2 SAGITTARIUS CHART WEAK BECAUSE OF RASI SANDHI 3.3 NUMEROUS ASTROLOGERS WILL STILL FIND JUPITER IN THE 8TH 3.4 CANDRA-MANGALA YOGA IN THE 6TH 3.5 THE QUESTION OF LONGEVITY 3.6 JUPITER SUN AND KETU IN LEO 3.7 VENUS IN THE 10TH 3.8 VENUS IN VIRGO 3.9 CONCLUSION CHAPTER 4:TEXTS OF CHARTS AND RELATED MATERIAL FROM THE LAST MONTHS OF PRABHUPADA'S LILA 4.1 SRI DAIVAGNA 4.2 OJAH #1 4.3 ABHIRAMA PRABHU’S REPORTS 4.4 ARKASOMAYAJI 4.5 OJHA #2


Introduction 1 The Questions 1. How important is it for us to accept as true what Srila Prabhupada has told us about his life, in this case his time of birth? 2. If the disciple is unable to understand some thing in relation to his guru is it permissible for the disciple to alter or change the words of the guru, in this case regarding the guru’s time of birth, so as to get a horoscope that is more easily understandable to the disciple in his neophyte condition? 3. If the horoscope calculated according to the birth time given by Srila Prabhupada (4:00PM) adequately describes him is it desirable to deviate from what Srila Prabhupada has given us and "rectify" that time to 3:30 PM so as to make it a different horoscope?

2 The Answers There are two possible answers to these three questions. I have grouped them under headings A and B. A 1. It is very important to accept what Srila Prabhupada has told us about his life including such details as his birth time because Srila Prabhupada is the ultimate authority on himself. Prabhupada has consistently given his birth time as 4:00PM. In Vedic culture birth time is not a trivial detail. Among the higher classes, to which Srila Prabhupada’s family belonged, it is very traditional to have a horoscope done at the time of birth. We know that at his birth a chart was cast from which it was predicted that he would be a great preacher, etc. It was also traditional, as we have read in Prabhupada’s books, to have a chart cast for matrimonial compatibility. This was probably done in his case by his father. Srila Prabhupada has also confirmed on several occasions that he had his horoscope read in his earlier life, this would necessitate a knowledge of his accurate birth time. Srila Prabhupada, though not an astrologer, was the quintessential representative of Vedic culture and was not ignorant of important details in regard to Vedic science and traditions. A 2. If a disciple is unable to understand something about Srila Prabhupada which appears to be a contradiction then the disciple should understand that this apparent contradiction is an illusory creation of his mind based on a combination of ignorance and a lack of training and experience. The disciple should accept what the guru states as true. As an article of faith the disciple should trust that as he matures and acquires more understanding, training and experience then what appeared to be the dark shadows of a contradiction will vanish with the illumination of knowledge. Indeed, all apparent contradictions in spiritual life exist only in the ignorance of the disciple, not in the guru or the sastra. This applies equally well to the horoscope of the guru. If an astrologically inexperienced disciple cannot understand the horoscope of the guru because it appears to be contradictory, then he should understand that the contradiction exists only because of his ignorance. And that this contradiction will disappear in exact proportion to the elimination of his ignorance. A 3. In consideration of these points along with the fact that the chart calculated according to the birth time given by Prabhupada very nicely describes him, I humbly submit that there is therefore no need to deviate from what Srila Prabhupada has stated about himself in regard to his birth time. Considering that Srila Prabhupada was very consisitent in giving the same birth time we feel confident that Srila Prabhupada used this same time when consulting astrologers through the course of his life, therefore there is no reason to change it now. On the basis of his known birth time his chart was cast when he was a child. (Prabhupada as a young man in his twenties knew the astrologer who predicted his future greatness this strongly suggests that he used the 4:00PM birth time. Had it been a different time the astrologer would have told him and Prabhupada would have remembered such a change.) This chart predicted his future

accomplishments and on the basis of this same chart his death was accurately predicted by Ojha in 1977. Whereas others who used a different chart were unable to predict death. We should thus accept the same chart which Srila Prabhupada accepted as his birth chart, that is, the chart with the Capricorn rising sign. B 1. It is not so important to accept everything that Srila Prabhupada has told us about himself. Hrishikeshananda Prabhu1[1] has said: “Prabhupada said so many things at different times! . . . . If we take ‘everything’ that HDG said as the one and only truth (like born-again Christians) then we devotees are bound to be confused by so many conflicting ‘truths,’ because HDG said so many things to different devotees.” Don’t forget Prabhupada was born a long time ago, these things get lost and faded in time, he could have easily forgotten his exact birth time. After all, Prabhupada was not an astrologer therefore we cannot accept any statements that Prabhupada would know about the importance of exact birth times. “How could H.D.G. know such a specialized astrological calculation? That is unsubstantiated speculation!” It is therefore not important to accept the time of birth that Srila Prabhupada gave us, we can adjust it as we see fit. B 2. It is all right for disciples to change and alter the words and teachings of the guru if they notice contradictions in what he says. After all, Srila Prabhupada has repeatedly said that he is not God and thus liable to error, even in regard to his own personal birth details. And it is more likely that a budding astrologer who had only just began to study astrology was proficient enough in the science to detect that his guru must have made a mistake in the birth time that he has been using for the past 80 years. (Even though this birth time was used by expert astrologers to predict Prabhupada’s becoming a Jagad Guru and later his death.) The reason for that being that this student astrologer could not understand the chart cast for Srila Prabhupada according to the time supplied by HDG, therefore it must be wrong and a new chart based on a different time must be cast. B 3. It is ridiculous to consider that a horoscope cast for the time supplied by Srila Prabhupada could even approximate an adequate description of Srila Prabhupada. Therefore it is our duty as loving disciples to protect Srila Prabhupada’s reputation from being demeaned. To accomplish this we should rectify Srila Prabhupada’s birth as much as necessary in order to get a nice chart no matter how far we veer from the time of 4:00 PM which he had used for 80 years.

3 Should the GBC Give an Answer? "If there is difficulty, we should discuss among ourselves and clear it, but there must be thorough discussion and understanding. And the president of the center, he should be able to answer the questions of other members. If he is unable, then he should ask the local general secretary. Then, at last, it should come to me, not that all the questions are going to me directly and ’We are simply busy, vouchers and reports.’ So these things should be very carefully noted. The president means he must be very expert. He should be... Secretaries, they should be all expert in reading. This is our main business, to study, to know things. Otherwise, what is this?" Prabhupada’s Lectures, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Melbourne, April 4, 1972

Jayatirtha: So the next role for the GBC man is to act as the designated representative of Srila Prabhupada to settle all philosophic, procedural disputes which may arise and are not settled at the temple level. In other words, any philosophic question a temple president can’t ans... Prabhupada: No, you... Eh?


All quotes in this section from Hrishikeshananda Prabhu. See chapter 6.5.3.

Jayatirtha: If there’s some philosophic question and the temple president can’t answer it, then the GBC... Prabhupada: Then GBC should be consulted. And if the GBC cannot answer, then I’ll answer. Room Conversation, Mayapur, March 26, 1975

4 Implications of Not Answering 1. By not answering this question the GBC will leave open the door to unnecessary speculation about the words and teachings of His Divine Grace and all the reactions that this entails. Some persons will say that Srila Prabhupada’s words are open to interpretation and will use this to further their own agendas. Whereas others will want to be faithful disciples and just accept whatever Srila Prabhupada said. By not answering the GBC is implicitly sanctioning the tendency to change Srila Prabhupada’s words and instructions and are saying that they are prepared to accept such diversity in ISKCON. This will mean that ISKCON will have devotees giving classes and seminars with widely differing conclusions, gurus instructing their disciples in widely differing ways, and authors and translators presenting widely different views in their books and articles. Some devotees will be taking many statements by Srila Prabhupada as literally true and others will be interpreting them indirectly or explaining them away in different ways (as in some schools of Christianity). 2. By not answering this question it leaves Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope open to great ambiguity and possible misinterpretation. And while some members of the GBC may not be personally interested in Vedic Sciences like astrology it should recognize that Vedic Astrology is very widely popular in India among the intelligentsia and is very quickly growing in popularity in the West and will soon supersede Western Astrology. In Vedic cultural the study of the horoscopes of great historical personalities is a long standing tradition. Future historians will study the horoscope of Srila Prabhupada much as they now do that of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu which is recorded in the Caitanya Caritamrta. The horoscopes of great personalities such as Parikshita Maharaja, Lord Krsna and Sri Rama are discussed in the sastras. We should give future generations an official horoscope to study. 3. Academic historians study published horoscopes of personalities to ascertain their historicity as well as attempting to date them by analyzing the astronomical positions of the planets. A published horoscope will give more evidence to future generations of the existence and greatness of Srila Prabhupada. Because of our historical proximity we may think this unnecessary, but it has been mathematically hypothesized that people become more skeptical about the actual historicity of a real person as a function of time. Craig has discussed this in his 17th century work Theologiæ Christianæ Principia Mathematica2[2] he stated “that the suspicions against historical evidence increase with the square of the time.” It seems that had the four gospels of the New Testament not been existent, people would have considered Jesus to be a myth by about 800 A.D. But the existence of these works, it is estimated, will hold off the disbelief in Jesus till about 3,150 A.D. We can already see that many people, even Gandhi, thought that Sri Krsna was not an actual person. So the more evidence than can be accumulated regarding the actual historicity of Srila Prabhupada as the Acarya for the next 10,000 years the better. We don’t want to be in a position like the Christians who are not even sure which year Jesus was born (between 4 and 7 B.C.!). The more explicit the information that we provide the better. We, after all, are the first generation of disciples, if we don’t record these things who will? If not now, when? If we don’t act now it will get swallowed by the snake of time. 4. If the GBC doesn’t decide then future generations may conclude that the Sagittarius rising chart was generally accepted as correct. This will either create confusion in the minds of astrologers who will not be able to reconcile the greatness of Srila Prabhupada with such a flawed chart. Or they may consider that Srila Prabhupada appeared to be a great devotee on the surface but was actually a cheater like so many 2[2]

Assorted Paradoxes [in mathematics] by Augustus De Morgan. Anthologized by Newman, p. 2369.

modern Swamis from India. Or they may consider that he never existed and the chart a poor fabrication created by an astrologer to prove his existence (this is what many scholars think of horoscopes of Lord Buddha and others). 5. By not answering these questions and coming to a decision regarding Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope we will lose a medium for glorifying Srila Prabhupada. As mentioned in ’1 above, Vedic astrology is vastly popular in India and growing with leaps and bounds in the West. Astrological journals often do studies of famous persons. So it would be in our best interest if we wanted to glorify Srila Prabhupada to come to a decision on this matter and publish his official chart and distribute it to various astrological journals. We would thus be broad casting to many people world wide the glories of Srila Prabhupada for free.

5 How Should the GBC Arrive at an Answer? Any astrologically inclined devotee with good writing ability, logical skills, and a broad acquaintance with astrological literature, could make an emotionally based astrological presentation that could convince an astrologically illiterate audience of anything. By carefully taking astrological rules out of context, presenting things in an over simplified way, and only showing the positive side; a convincing argument could be presented that actually the horoscope of Saddam Hussien was that of a pure devotee. And by similar careful manipulation of the rules of astrology the reverse could be shown—that the chart of a pure devotee was actually that of a demon. The science of Vedic astrology is very complex. It is said that when Sankaracarya was to debate with Mandana Misra, the disciple of Kumarila Bhatta, he declared that he would debate on any subject except Jyotisha because it was too vast. Considering that Vedic Astrology is a vast, complex subject, which can be manipulated in order to confuse unskilled persons; how then should we approach the problem of deciding Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope? Since argument, logic, reason, and scriptural citations can be presented in such a way as to get opposite results I suggest that we follow the suggestion of Bhisma in the Mahabharata: tarko ’pratisthah srutayo vibhinna nasav rsir yasya matir na bhinnam dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam mahajano yena gatah sa panthah “Dry arguments are inconclusive. A great personality whose opinion does not differ from others is not considered a great sage. Simply by studying the Vedas, which are variegated, one cannot come to the right path by which religious principles are understood. The solid truth of religious principles is hidden in the heart of an unadulterated self-realized person. Consequently, as the sastras confirm, one should accept whatever progressive path the mahajanas advocate.” We should accept as very strong evidence what ever Srila Prabhupada has said regarding his birth time and horoscope. Srila Prabhupada has consistently used September 1, 1896 at 4:00 PM in Calcutta as his bio data. This is confirmed by Tamal Krishna Goswami, he states: “Prabhupada became noticeably enthused and said: ‘Let us consult an astrologer—whether I should go? Whether I shall be cured? How long I shall live? I was born in the evening at 4:00 p. m. It was Nandotsava. You can consult an old panjika to see the day. It was a Tuesday.’” Section 6.1. Srila Prabhupada also accepted the horoscope drawn up by Asutosh Ojha as accurate. Ojha used the 4:00 PM time and with that a Capricorn rising chart. That Prabhupada accepted Ojha is again confirmed by Tamal Krishna Goswami and also Nanda Kumar Prabhu. Tamal Krishna Goswami states:

“The 30th July entry: ‘Srila Prabhupada had asked for us to consult an astrologer regarding whether or not he should travel. This afternoon reports came from three different astrologers. These were presented by Yasodanandana Swami, Dr. Sharma, and Bhakti Prema Swami. I had each give their reports separately so that we could see how they agreed and how they differed. Bhakti Prema’s was useless, Dr. Sharma’s was fair, and Yasodanandana Swami’s most reliable.’” Section 6.1. It should be noted that it was Yasodanandana Swami who was bringing the report from Ojha. TKG also stated: “4th August entry: ‘After lunch Srila Prabhupada had me read again the astrologer’s report brought by Yasodanandana Maharaja. Prabhupada found it to be quite accurate regarding his past.’” From various room conversations and the letter of Hari Sauri Prabhu (6.3) we see that Srila Prabhupada had Ojha’s report read to him on at least two occasions after the initial consultation and indeed Prabhupada personally sent Hari Sauri Prabhu to consult Ojha a second time. This clearly indicates as TKG has noted that Srila Prabhupada found the horoscope done by Ojha to be quite accurate. This became so well known and established that on this basis Ojha became a minor celebrity with ISKCON devotees. It became well known that Prabhupada clearly favored him as an accurate astrologer and thus others in the movement consulted him. Nanda Kumar Prabhu states: Nanda Kumara: He had many charts done and I had heard that there was one astrologer that he worked with. He [SP]3[3] said that this man is the bona fide astrologer—Asutosh Ojha. Shyamasundara Dasa: Oh, he said that? Prabhupada actually said that? NK: Well, I didn’t hear it. I heard that he had said that. SD: From who did you hear that? NK: I don’t remember. It was, you know, back in that time. But, I remember that it was mentioned that out of all the astrologers. Because then, I remember right after that I went to see him in Delhi. SD: Ahaa. NK: And I have this [indistinct]. . . I remember the word that I heard, which was what sparked me to go to see him, was that he [SP] said this man [Ojha] is a bona fide astrologer. I suggest that the way that the GBC should answer this question is to simply accept the answer that Srila Prabhupada has given to this question. This is the strongest evidence and should be accepted as the last word. He gave 4:00 PM as his birth time, and since he stated that Ojha was accurate we should also accept the horoscope that Ojha used. This was a chart drawn for 4:00PM with a Capricorn rising. Not any other sign rising. By doing this we accept what Srila Prabhupada has said about himself, avoid speculation caused by inexperience in astrology, and concur with Srila Prabhupada, who is the authority on himself, that the 4:00PM chart with Capricorn rising was “most reliable” and “quite accurate.” We should definitely not accept any horoscope with any rising sign other than Capricorn.

6 Outline of Presentation Some of you may be wondering why this presentation on Srila Prabhupada’s chart is so long? We answer this by saying that Srila Prabhupada is a very important personality in the history of Vaisnavism and 3[3]

Please note that any text in [ ] in a quote is supplied by me for clarification.

anything related to him, especially in regard to his Centennial should be very thorough in order to do justice to him. I am very well aware that Hrishikeshananda Prabhu has been demanding that it all be done in 3–5 pages. This is unrealistic, especially for the Founder Acarya of the Prabhupada Sampradaya. In this regard Sriman Nikhilananda Prabhu has made some acute observations regarding Hrishikeshananda’s demand for a very short presentation: “Date: Sat, 25 Nov 95 02:18 WET From: "COM: Nikhilananda (das) ACBSP (D)" To: "LINK: Vedic Astrology (Symposium hosted by Shyamasundara Das)" Hrishikeshananda and Nalini Kanta Prabhu’s asked for a brief summary on the problem, without any technical details. Their strategy is, since they cannot give any technical basis for their specific way of interpreting Srila Prabhupada’s chart, they hope to get away with it by demanding that all technical aspects should be dropped, which in my simple view is actual disregard for the science. In short, the basic problem is that Nalini Kantha Prabhu whimsically changed the original birth time, which Srila Prabhupada himself accepted and tried to prove that Srila Prabhupada was mistaken, by prematurely publishing a new version—a drastic step, without consulting any other, senior learned devotees first. Hrsikeshananda Prabhu followed Nalini Kanta So they created their own problem. Now they blame others.” I take astrology very seriously and feel that it would be very difficult to present to the GBC body (a group of people who, self-admittedly, have very little knowledge of astrology) a meaningful statement in just 3-5 pages. It is not simply “giving a presentation of Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope and let the GBC decide” as Hrisikeshananda Prabhu implies. There is a long standing controversy (see 2.1) in which one side seeks to gain its objective by presenting an overly simplistic, one sided, misrepresentation of astrological principles. Thus I felt that along with presenting Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope I would have to deal with all the issues raised. I also had to consider that I was dealing with a group of non-experts. Because of this last item I have tried to explain in as simple terms as possible certain astrological principles so that the GBC—who constitute the Judge and Jury—will have a basic understanding of what is being discussed. (Also because the GBC are not experts I have sought the opinion of others conversant in the subject to aid the GBC in the decision making process.) I have attempted to be a thorough as possible in my presentation, the basic scheme of which is as follows (for more details see contents). a. In the Annex we give Nalini Kanta Prabhu’s most recent presentation, the GBC may already have a separate copy of this. This is what I was given and to which I have referred at times. b. In the first chapter I discuss Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope independently from anything which Nalini Kanta has said. It is a straight reading of His Divine Graces chart based on the time which he provided. c. In chapter two I analyse Nalini Kanta Prabhu’s paper (see Annex). I rigorously demonstrate that his paper is an attempt to predicate the minds of an astrologically unsophisticated audience by resorting to fallacious practices which the audience, through no fault of their own, would be totally unaware of. d. In chapter three I analyse the horoscope based on the time that Nalini Kanta Prabhu says Srila Prabhupada was born—a time much different than the time given to us by Srila Prabhupada himself. On doing so I demonstrate that this horoscope doesn’t describe Srila Prabhupada but rather that of a religious hypocrite with serious health and mental problems. e. In chapter four (along with six) is one which presents historical documents related to horoscopes that Srila Prabhupada had done in his last year. I present copies of all known charts and some important correspondence.

f. In chapter five I have reproduced the transcript of a recent chart done by an outside astrologer—Sriman Asutosh Ojha. This chart is a very nice reading of Srila Prabhupada based on the time that was personally supplied to him by Srila Prabhupada. The previous charts done by him for Srila Prabhupada are in chapter four. The difference between these readings is that in 1977 he was consulted by Srila Prabhupada simply regarding health, whereas in this new reading he does a general reading of Srila Prabhupada showing what a great spiritual genius Srila Prabhupada is. This is a nice simple reading and can be read along with or instead of chapter one. g. In chapter six we request the help of many devotees who had association with Srila Prabhupada in his last days regarding astrology or who at some other time had some exchange with Srila Prabhupada on this subject. For example His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami gives us some intimate details from his unpublished diary about how he arranged for Srila Prabhupada’s horoscopes to be done and what Srila Prabhupada’s reactions and thoughts were to each of the charts. Sriman Hari Sauri Prabhu gives us details of how Srila Prabhupada personally sent him to consult Ojha on his behalf. He also gives important information about Prabhupada’s birth time. Other devotees such as Yamuna and Pradyumna round out our assessment of Srila Prabhupada as a person well acquainted with various Vedic sciences such as astrology and palmistry. h. The seventh chapter is perhaps the most important chapter of the book for non-astrologers because it gives the impartial unbiased views of several “expert witnesses” that is, devotees who have some expertise in astrology and are familiar enough with the subject to arrive at an educated opinion. Those of you who are unable to judge the merits of this case on your own knowledge can safely turn to these other devotees who have knowledge of this science. To conclude this introduction we will present what is perhaps the most convincing and dramatic argument that there is; we give a sample of chapter seven by giving the unbiased opinion of three of the nine devotees. The first is part of Nikhilanada’s keen observations, the second is a good summation by Svayambhuva Prabhu, and the third is the surprising and convincing view of the devotee who published Nalini Kanta Prabhu’s astrology book—Nishcintya Prabhu, who is himself a professional astrologer. The views of the other six astrologers are all quite enlightening and reveal the reality of the situation.

Sriman Nikhilananda Prabhu “Anybody who has some practical sense for genuine Vedic astrology should be able to see the difference between the fragmental astrology presented by Nalini Kanta and your vast ocean of learning and experience. Nalini Kantha’s analysis is so remarkably fragmental and neophyte in style that it lacks any objectivity or depth but his presentation is made cleverly manipulative and emotionally appealing, so I am afraid those who do not know the science and are burdened with management work will not look through the farce but may favor the solution which looks most simple and appealing to them on short glance. . . it is good that you explained everything extensively in simple non-specialist language so anyone who takes the time will be able to understand the whole thing. In any case the whole thing does not lack a humorous note and the manipulative style in Nalini Kantha’s statement damages his credibility. So it should be exposed. How can he say that if the GBC decides that Capricorn is the right ascendant they should at least never publish it? I am not sure but it seems that he simply wants to avoid the embarrassment of having to admit that he committed a grave mistake in his immature years. Nikhilananda Dasa” (For complete text see 7.2)

Sriman Svayambhuva Prabhu

“I read first the presentation of Nalini-Kanta Prabhu. I took no sides and read objectively. Short as it was, and easy to read, from the first look I liked it. It will undoubtedly appeal to someone not acquainted with astrology. Futhermore, because it deals with the very basic principles, it will impress even someone who got some basics on the subject. Then I read your explanations. Well, first of all, you did a whole lot of work! Sheer volume is quite astounding. Then, further I read, the more it become obvious that Nalini-Kantha Prabhu’s logic does not hold. In my opinion, after reading your presentation, there should be no doubt about the lagna of Srila Prabhupada's birth.” (See 7.9 for complete statement.)

Sriman Niscintya Prabhu (Personal biographical information: I joined the movement in Aug. 1972. 1st initiation letter 1973. 2nd initiation letter in 1974. Began studying astrology 1976. I’m a professional astrologer with a wide variety of clients, including celebrities.) Dear Shyamasundara Prabhu,


PAMHO AGTSP. Since I am the publisher and copyright owner of the How To Read Your Horoscope book with the Sagittarius rising chart , I thought I would give some of my thoughts on the subject. First and foremost I will start with a short history of the book HTRYH. Nalini Prabhu originally was paid to write the book in 4 months (his estimate), but actually completed it 2 years late. I was so fried at the time rather than reading the book for content or proofreading for mistakes, I immediately sent it to the printer. After it was published, although I was passably happy with it in general, (I thought is was a good kindergarten catechism on astrology.) I was greatly disturbed with a number of blemishes. One of the biggest “blemishes” was his mentioning the controversy on Srila Prabhupada’s chart. Although, at the time, I did not disagree with his Sagittarius rising chart, I was APPALLED by the way he dismissed the Capricorn rising chart. At the time I was unaware of any controversy but his dismissal of the Capricorn rising was EXTREMELY simplistic at best and totally inaccurate at worst. For example: “holy sign of Sagittarius; lower class Capricorn . . . ” No astrologer worth his daksina talks like that! I did not discuss this with Nalini at the time, nor did I study it in depth, but I did not see anything wrong, unholy, lower class, sudra like etc., with the Capricorn rising chart. I remember thinking it had very interesting possibilities. Over the years I was graced on a couple of occasions with the reasoning behind the Capricorn rising chart which were in agreement with my initial brief look at it. I never did an in depth study and for some reason did not favor one chart over the other. They both sounded reasonable on a superficial examination. Over the years, due to my association with the BBT and BBT Archives, I became quite aware of the fact that Srila Prabhupada himself had used a Capricorn rising chart throughout his life, which had proved quite accurate, (business struggles, travel to America and his passing etc.). Although I still took no sides (it didn’t come up that much), I regularly, when selling or using How To Read Your Horoscope, would point out the flaws in the book. Especially when asked or approached about Nalini’s bashing of the Capricorn rising chart, I never accepted the bashing… it’s poor astrology! And now to the present. For a number of days I had been praying to Srila Prabhupada with regards to my service, especially in regards to astrology. Then, out of the “blue”, by coincidence or Divine arrangement, I was given a copy of your (Shyamasundara’s) analysis of Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope. I read the entire paper straight through in one sitting and aside from my conclusions which follow, I could not sleep and had the distinct impression that Srila Prabhupada was annoyed with my publishing an inaccurate chart and was giving me a chance to rectify that mistake. [italics mine]

Separate from this feeling, my conclusions as an impartial judge (remember, I published the book and studied under Nalini), of the two analysis, without saying that Nalini is wrong, I would say that he has a lot of research and commentary to make to even come CLOSE to the in-depth study done by your good self, Shymasundara Prabhu. Your paper is well written, very well researched, detailed, convincingly accurate etc. Nalini’s five page report, however, is inaccurate (i.e.: “was born at slightly earlier time”. Half an hour is “slightly earlier?”); simplistic (Capricorn’s a sudra sign, etc.). And while glorifying Srila Prabhupada not nearly as complete as Shyamasundara’s. Nalini Prabhu’s glorification of Srila Prabhupada is of course very sweet, but almost ANY impartial astrologer, or person well versed in astrology, would HAVE to agree with you, Shyamasundara, at this point in the debate. If you would like for me to respond on any particular aspect of your discussion, or if the GBC would want a detailed review of your analysis of Srila Prabhupada’s chart, feel free to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to oblige your request. Your eternal servant, Niscintya Dasa

Annex Sriman Nalini Kanta's Essay [I] [Roman Numerals indicate the start of pages in the original document he gave me and which I will be quoting at times. All capitols his.] Nalinikanta das PO Box 34966 Los Angeles, CA 90034 July 1995 Most dear Prabhus, followers of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your service to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for allowing me to engage in his service in your association, and thanks to all the thousands of devotees who have allowed me to serve them in the field of astrology. I am writing in regards to some varying opinions about Srila Prabhupada's horoscope as given in my book, "How to Read Your Horoscope". In that book I briefly state some of Srila Prabhupada's unlimited glories, saying "The holy sign of Sagittarius rises, with its lord Jupiter being placed in the 9th house of religion...There is an unbelievably potent raja-yoga (auspicious planetary combination) in the house of righteousness." Srila Prabhupada personally stated that he was born at 4pm., and at other times he mentioned that he had Capricorn rising and the Moon in Gemini. No one disagrees that the Moon in Gemini part is incorrect; so it is possible that Srila Prabhupada heard some calculations from a western astrologer (with different calculations than Vedic astrology), or that he received some different opinions due to not having the exact minute of birth. (Otherwise, he might have said 3:52 pm, or 4:07 pm). In fact, of five astrologers who gave opinions on Prabhupada's chart in his last months, there were three different opinions given. [Italics are mine.] I accept Srila Prabhupada's birth time as closer to 3:30 pm. If the birth is somewhere between 2 and 5 pm, there are only two possible horoscopes, one with Sagittarius rising and the other with Capricorn rising. All the nine planets would go into different houses and signify different things in those two cases. I accepted Srila Prabhupada as born under Sagittarius, because in my mind and in the minds of many others, such as R. Santhanam in his translation of the immortal "Bible" of Vedic astrology, "Parasara Hora-sastra, and in the mind of a South Indian astrologer who gave the opinion that Prabhupada was a "jivanmukta, avatar" when he was asked about Prabhupada's time of death in those last months of 1977, "Sagittarius must be the correct chart for such a great saint". Please allow me to give some simple reasons and references for this conclusion.


In astrology, Jupiter is the GURU planet, and the 9th house is the house of Godliness, dharma. Sagittarius ascendant shows Srila Prabhupada having Jupiter in the 9th house of religion. The ascendant represents one's personal appearance, characteristics and direction in life. These are the simple facts and we should accept the direct meaning of things, according to Sriman Mahaprabhu. If we take the birth time as slightly earlier than Srila Prabhupada estimated, then the sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by the guru planet Jupiter, goes to the 9th house of religion, indicating a spiritual direction in life. In fact, Parasara Muni, father of Srila Vyasadeva and father of Vedic astrology, says that when the ruler of the ascendant goes to the 9th house, the person is "a worshipper of Vishnu," whereas if the ascendant lord goes to the 10th house (in the case of Capricorn ascendant), "professional success" is indicated (in other words, it becomes more of a karmic direction towards artha or economic development). If we accept Sagittarius rising, Jupiter then aspects the ascendant also, indicating a religious person with the good qualities of religion, honesty, a good father and preacher, etc. If the ascendant lord Jupiter combines with the 9th lord, the king of planets the Sun, in the 9th house, with Ketu, the planet of liberation, we can easily see that the person is a king of gurus (Prabhupada) who is in a liberated state, who is devoutly austere, who travels and preaches and starts Temples all over the world (9th house being pilgrimage and long-distance travel). In the case of Capricorn ascendant, you get a sudra sign on the ascendant, with the ascendant lord in the 10th house of economic development, with the guru planet in the 8th house, the most malefic house in a horoscope. Therefore, even in my initial months of studying astrology, I understood that the astrologers who were depicting Srila Prabhupada with Sag. ascendant were correct; and now after 18 years experience with seeing many thousands of horoscopes, there is no doubt in my mind about that conclusion. Let's look at a few more details, although thousands of pages could be written on Srila Prabhupada's great chart, and on this debate. References about the rising sign of Sagittarius; "long and attractive face, big nose and ears, learning in shastras, self-control, honored by scholars, valiant, virtuous...great mastery of philosophical studies..humane, active and enterprising, good-looking, happy smile, upholds conservative views, God-fearing, honest humble and free from hypocrisy, exercising strict control over food and drink and in relations with the opposite active, straightforward and noble character who fights for a good cause...sacrificing themselves for the good of others, finding success in foreign lands, a good leader or guide for pure-hearted souls." (various statements from "Brhat-Jataka", "Fundamentals of Astrology", "How to Read Your Horoscope", "Parasara Hora-sastra", BV Raman, etc.)


Further, we can look at the description of the third drekkana of this sign Sagittarius: "Next we shall consider the forms of the decanates as described by Varahamihira (a great astrological writer considered an authority by all in the modern age). This description is of paramount importance in that it helps the astrologer in delineating the characteristics, physical and mental of the person concerned." "The last (decanate or third part) of Sagittarius is a man with ...a golden complexion, seated on a worthy chair, holding a rod. He is clad in silks..." On the other hand, the first drekkana of Capricorn rising is depicted as "a man full of hairs with a body like that of a hog, and a fierce look, holding in his hands a rope, net and a trap; easily won over by women."

And the sign of Capricorn (sudra sign, 10th sign of work or economic development) has words such as the following which depict it: "fickle, troubled by hardships, attached to an old woman, dissipated knowledge and energy, shameless, with a feminine heart, cunning, liking a lot of show, little or no control of their tongues." Granted, these are the negative statements, but I can personally relate with them, as I have Capricorn ascendant. Let us look at Srila Prabhupada's great work, the spreading of kirtan and the composition and distribution of books. In astrology, Mercury represents literature and Venus represents music. If we take Sagittarius rising, then HDG had the combination of Mercury and Venus in the 10th house, the house of one's work or deeds in life. Mercury exalted indicates his great service regarding the books, and Venus debilitated indicates that he preached with kirtan, which had no sensuality or material objective (Venus representing material desire, being debilitated in HDG's chart). Let's look at a description of Bhadra-yoga (Mercury exalted in a quadrant, if Sag. is the ascendant) given by Prthuyasas (son of Varahamihira) in his "Horasara": "...He has predominantly sattwic disposition, fixity of mind, is peaceful, liberal and grateful. He walks like an elephant. He is well-versed in many sastras, is courageous, has beautiful belly and attractive nose. He is of yogic disposition. He is with concealed genital... He is independent in decision. He attains heaven at the age of 80 in a shrine." [IV] Is it not acceptable that the great guru planet Jupiter be in the 9th house of religion, and that the literary planet of Vishnu, Mercury, be in the 10th house of work? There are many other quotes we could give, but "Chamatkar-Chintamani", for example, states that if Mercury and Venus are influencing the 10th house, "the native shows love for music, painting, eloquence, composition, is a printer, druggist (during his householder life), profession requiring considerable travel," etc. Let us look back again at the traits of the planets, and you judge which one must be influencing the ascendant.. "Sarvartha Chintamani"; "Jupiter is of sattvic temperament, endowed with all the good qualities of character, has yellow eyes, no hair on the head." "Well-versed in politics or policy-making; very eloquent speaker, of noble disposition." ("Hora-sara") Jupiter described by Parasara, father of Vedic astrology, in his "Hora-Sastra": "brahmin planet...male...sattwic...governing saffron color..." From "Jataka-Parijata": "Jupiter, Guru, represents the essence of all knowledge and happiness; a body of yellowish (golden) hue...exceedingly auspicious...big-bellied body; possessing all virtues, endowed with aptitude for every science; eyes and hair are brown, possesses the quality of goodness or purity; exceedingly intelligent; his person is graced with marks of royalty not to be despised." This planet Jupiter, the GURU, must certainly be the planet influencing Srila Prabhupada most strongly, not the sudra planet Saturn. Even at the hour of his death, Jupiter tenanted the ascendant for Srila Prabhupada (and Gemini was rising, the rising sign of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada's chart). On the other hand, look at the description of the planet Saturn, which certainly has some good qualities as well, but is generally entrusted to giving the embodied souls suffering:

"Saturn is cruel, with a thin long body, hard hair, big-sized teeth, is tamasic in nature, prominent veins, is curt in speech and is despicable." Look briefly at some of the words chosen for Capricorn ascendant: "short, clever, wanderer, fickle, wicked intentions, troubled by hardships, dissipated knowledge and energy, shameless, attached to an old woman, unhappy on account of children...Ideas to be gleaned from this figure are the perseverance and ambition to achieve lofty goals (climb the heights), a self-centered character, and a person with an uncontrolled tongue."


Look at the description of Jupiter in the 9th house (with Sagittarius rising) as opposed to Jupiter in the 8th house: 9th house ("Chamatkar-Chintamani): "reveres the brahmanas; says his prayers with all concentration; ideal man; holy pilgrim, theologist; handsome; straight dealings; divine knowledge, saintly and rich, noble in act; this Jupiter is ideal for philosophers and saints; good for travel and living abroad; character sound, noble thoughts," etc. 8th house (if Cap. is rising, also "Chamatkar-Chintamani); "short-lived, base acts, a devil, miser, friendless, gloom, miserable, irrational, immodest, inert and lean, debauched, wicked, slighted," etc. My Godbrothers and Godsisters, you are undoubtably intelligent and devoted enough to see why I am strongly against depicting Srila Prabhupada, the greatest guru in modern history, to have a chart with a negative rising sign, an accent on economic development, and the guru and self-realization planets in the weakest place of a horoscope. Not to speak of having the yogakaraka or planet which can give most potency, DEBILITATED in the 9th house of RELIGION (if Cap. rises). The above references are none of my own concoction. My only intention in joining this debate is to preserve and protect the good name of His Divine Grace. The books which are already distributed around the world describing His Divine Grace's chart with Sag. rising has received good reception. If we publish with Capricorn ascendant, I am afraid that many others like myself will see the flaws in the horoscope and think less of Srila Prabhupada. If myself and the many thousands of devotees and authors and people who have read and accepted the astrological literature already published with the chart of Srila Prabhupada being Sagittarius ascendant-if we are mistaken, then please forgive us. I do not think that I deserve being called a "misleading speculator," for glorifying His Divine Grace according to this direct perception; nor did the South Indian astrologer who glorified Srila Prabhupada as "a jivan-mukta and lila-avatar," deserve being called "an obsequious flatterer who is giving a bad name to astrology." If you do not agree with the above representations, then I ask only that you not publicly depict Srila Prabhupada's glorious horoscope with this Capricorn ascendant that I think demeans him. Let it only be said, in the case that you reject this argument, that there are several opinions. Thank you very kindly for reading this text, and may Lord Krishna and His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada bless you all. JAYA SRILA PRABHUPADA! Yours in service, Nalinikanta das

Chapter 1 The Horoscope of 1008 Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Abstract: We discuss Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope based on the time of birth he gave. We note the perfect placement of planets and strength of the Ascendant lord. We then discuss the different elements in the horoscope beginning with the meaning of Capricorn Ascendant in relation to SP. Then we discuss the significance of the position of Saturn as the chart ruler and how this clearly indicates Prabhupada’s elevated position. Afterwards we discuss the virtues of the rest of the planets in clockwise order—Rahu in the 2nd house in the sign Aquarius, Moon and Mars in the 5th house in the sign Taurus; Jupiter, Sun and Ketu in the 8th house in the sign Leo; Venus and Mercury in the 9th house in the sign Virgo. It is clear that this chart clearly indicates the greatness of Srila Prabhupada’s personality and achievements. We note that if two charts nicely describe Prabhupada, preference should be given to the one based on the time favored by Srila Prabhupada.

According to information directly given by Srila Prabhupada to Tamal Krishna Goswami (see TKG’s statement 6.1) Prabhupada said, “I was born in the evening at 4:00 p.m.,” he is specific and did not say “about 4:00 p.m.” This seems to clearly indicate SP’s favoring of this time and and not an earlier one. The rest of the birth data is well known. He was born on September 1st, 1896 at 4 PM (Local Mean Time) in Calcutta, India. The basic layout of the planetary positions is as follows: RASI __________________________ Ascendant 07CP484[4] Sun 17LE00 Moon 28TA06 Mars 16TA57 Mercury 11VI07 Jupiter 02LE01 Venus 01VI47 Saturn 21LI47 Rahu 02AQ07 Ketu 02LE07

Srila Prabhupada being the greatest Acarya and proponent of Vedic culture in modern times his horoscope will provide a deep study for generations of astrologers to come. The account of Srila Prabhupada’s greatness and accomplishments are well known and have been documented in his official biography Prabhupada Lilamrta as well as the published memoirs of his disciples such as A Transcendental Diary by


This notation means 7 degrees Capricorn 48 minutes. The notation symbols are AR—Aries, TA—Taurus, GE—Gemini, CA— Cancer, LE—Leo, VI—Virgo, LI—Libra, SC—Scorpio, SA—Sagittarius, CP—Capricorn, AQ—Aquarius, PI—Pisces.

Sriman Hari Sauri Prabhu. The horoscope of Srila Prabhupada based on the time he gave was very accurate. He mentioned on several occasions to his disciples that it was foretold in his horoscope that he would go across the sea and establish 108 temples of Krsna in his 70th year. So it is not simply a matter of astrological hind-sight, this chart was used by learned Pandits at the time of Prabhupada’s birth to predict his future greatness and accomplishments. That is the ultimate test of astrology—do the predictions come true. It is not simply a medium for flattery. Having said that let us now take up the chart proper. The first thing that strikes us when looking at this chart is that all the planets are perfectly placed. The lords of the quadrants5[5] and trines6[6] are all placed in quadrants or trines forming several great Raja Yogas. And the lords of the Dushtanas7[7]—evil houses—are also taken care of by being placed in their own houses or another Dushtana thus forming Viparita Raja Yoga. Often we find a chart with some good yogas but it is the placement of the Lords of Dushtanas which unravel the chart and lay it to waste. This is not the case here. Capricorn is rising and Saturn the lord of the ascendant, and thus the chart ruler, is exalted8[8] in the best quadrant—the 10th. Not only is Saturn exalted but by Shadbala he is by far the strongest planet in the chart having attained a very high Power Ratio9[9] of 1.56. This immediately indicates that this is a chart of the highest caliber and that all the highest virtues of the ascendant and ascendant lord will manifest because of this. (We also note that neither ascendant nor ascendant lord is aspected by either malefics or benefics so the strength of the ascendant will be determined by the strength of the ascendant lord alone.)

1.1 Capricorn Ascendant Each ascendant has a whole spectrum of possible results from wretched to divine. Considering the above situation we can expect that in this case Capricorn ascendant will put its best foot forward. In their highest expression every sign, including Capricorn, is quite glorious and capable of all manner of spiritual accomplishment. Capricorn on the positive side is the emblem of integrity. By that I mean that people with Capricorn prominent must live their ideal. Their most inner-most thoughts and desires must become their public life, not something that can be done on the side. They must follow their vocation—their calling—to succeed and be happy. In his Grhasta-asrama Srila Prabhupada did his duty (a strong Capricorn quality) to his family but was mostly interested in preaching the message of Lord Krsna. He lived a double life, his inner desire was to preach and be a sadhu, but his external life’s responsibility made that impossible to totally fulfil. There was always a conflict between duty to family (external life) and duty to Guru and Gauranga (internal life). This great inner conflict created a lot of difficulties and obstacles toward the realization of either material or spiritual goals. He faced many failures in business as well as setbacks on the spiritual front—manuscript to his Gita commentary stolen, disappointment with preaching efforts in Jhansi, etc. Finally when this obstacle of family life was removed gradually things came into focus and then there was success of such phenomenal proportions that it simply stupefies the mind. To reach these heights of success in spite of so many setbacks Prabhupada displayed those Capricornian virtues of: stability, patience, strong determination always leading to success, trustworthiness, hard worker, honest, serious about what they do, responsible in carrying out his duties, forging ahead always keeping goal in view, never complains—keeps working till goal is accomplished, epitome of self-control, can apply himself to anything once his mind is set, spends much time alone meditating on how to achieve his objective, is


The quadrant houses—1st, 4th, 7th and 10th. The trinal houses—1st, 5th, and 9th. The 1st is both a Quadrant and a Trine. 7[7] Houses with a negative portfolio—6th, 8th and 12th. 5 Planets in such sign show their best possible manifestation of qualities. 9[9] Shadbala means "six fold strength" such as strength derived from position—stana-bala, time—kala-bala, direction—dig-bala, etc. To be considered strong each planet must attain a certain minimum number of points. The Power Ratio is the result of dividing the actual number of points attained by the minimum amount required to be strong. Thus a Power ratio of 1 is the minimum amount to indicate a strong planet and 1.56 exceeds this by a large amount, more than 50%. 6[6]

motivated by the intrinsic worth of the endeavor—not public acclaim, astounding powers of concentration, diligent and good with detail work, charitable, strong organizational and administrative capability, loyal and trustworthy friend, never shirks his duties or responsibilities, very self-reliant and never expects too much from others, if someone helps him he will reciprocate and do his best to return the favor. Above and beyond all else they are practical and down to earth—no Utopian pie-in-the-sky for them. These are typical positive Capricorn qualities which were displayed in the superlative by Srila Prabhupada.

1.2 Saturn in Libra in the Tenth The position of Saturn as the ascendant Lord is very important because he becomes the ruler of the chart. His strength and placement will greatly determine the strength of the ascendant and thus the quality of the chart in general. As already noted Saturn is extremely strong in Shadbala thus the positive qualities of Saturn will manifest: “If Saturn be strong the native would be sober, deep, sagacious, fond of mystic and occult sciences, philosophy, etc.”10[10] Saturn is the primary planet of yogis and sannyasis and a strong and well placed Saturn is necessary for success in either material or spiritual affairs. The element of renunciation is strengthened because in the Navamsa11[11] chart Saturn is in Aries, this, according to the Budha Nadi Grantha, is said to bring about sannyas12[12]. It is true that Saturn is nica (debilitated) in Aries but since the Navamsa chart is primarily seen for marital felicity we see why this position is helpful for renunciation. Over all in Shadbala Saturn is very strong (even though debilitated in Navamsa); this gives the stamina and determination to carry out all the austerities necessary to succeed. It also gives a deep and serious scientific approach to spiritual subjects— Prabhupada often referred to Krsna Consciousness as the “Science of God.” And for Saturn exalted in Libra “Endearing speech; intelligent; occupies a senior position among groups of people and respected in the village or town he resides in; very rich—equal to a king; earns money and respect by touring or contacts with foreign countries; can bank upon hoarded money; rises as life advances; . . .”13[13] While Saturn is very powerful and, by being in Libra it also is in balance and not subject to depression or dourfullness. A balance between seriousness and humor. This placement of ascendant Lord indicates that many of the virtues of Libra are bestowed onto the ascendant such as: Artistic flare, graceful movement, musical ability, even temperament, very attractive—even beautiful features (early photos of Srila Prabhupada reveal a very handsome man), a lover of harmony. Saturn here particularly indicates that Srila Prabhupada had a keen sense of justice and indeed he was bringing to us the Laws of God for the next 10,000 years. Libra indicates the ability to see both sides of an issue thus he was very fair minded. It also indicates that Srila Prabhupada had the knack of being able to convincingly present very strong arguments in opposition to his own philosophy. He would often use this as a tool to teach his students and defeat them with Mayavada or Buddhist philosophy and then go back and show them their mistakes and defeat his own previous assertions. Libra is a sign very much concerned with personal and social relationships. Srila Prabhupada was a consummate gentleman and aristocrat. He had a very endearing manner of dealing with everyone in a


Ojha, p.77. In Vedic astrology Navamsa is one of the 16 divisional charts. It is arrived at by dividing each Sign into 9 equal portions and then assigning each portion a value according to specified rules. 12[12] B.V. Raman, 1992, pp. 257-262. 13[13] Ojha, p. 143. 11[11]

personal way. The social dimension came alive in Srila Prabhupada’s strong desire to re-establish Varnaasrama Dharma, the God-given social order. And for Saturn in the 10th (as in Prabhupada’s chart): “. . .The native has much knowledge of sastras, he is learned; brave and famous. He is wealthy and occupies a high position in life. He is the head of an institution or at the helm of affairs of his sphere of activity. This is not a good location for happiness from mother [she died when he was 14], but good for father [father’s pet son, father preferred to live with him rather than other children] unless Saturn rules the 8th house. The person generally lives at a place other than his homeland [lived in Allahabad, Lucknow, overseas, etc. even when in Calcutta was always travelling].”14[14] The truth of this can be seen from Prabhupada’s life. Even from his very youth he was the leader of his peers. And he became a world renowned spiritual leader. [Famous, high position in life.] His name was Abaya Carana (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami) which indicates that he is fearless having taken shelter of Krsna. Who else but a fearless prophet of God would, at the advanced age of 70, leave a secure life in Vrndavana and travel via boat at great risk to his life (two heart attacks at sea), to come to a strange country with no friends and only $5.00 in his pocket. What indomitable faith and courage he must have had in Krsna and his own Spiritual Master to attempt such a task. [Brave.] His being the foremost representative and leader of Vedic culture is well known in the world. This was accomplished by his unsurpassed scholarship as well as copious numbers of books translated from Sanskrit to English and other languages which have been distributed in the hundreds of millions. [knowledge of sastra, learned, head of institution or at helm of affairs in his sphere of activity.] Putting all the three factors together of strong Saturn in Libra in the 10th we get a strong indication of a spiritual giant who walked among us.

1.3 Rahu in the Second With Rahu in the 2nd closely aspected by Guru (and 2nd lord Saturn very strong) he was a gifted speaker who would “mow down the opposition” to the extent that few would dare challenge him. He would at times demonstrate the detachment of a true Sadhu by speaking fearlessly and cutting through the knots of illusion. His “chopping” method of speaking earned him the respect of many Sadhus. It was commonly said that “Bhaktivedanta Swami preached with a Gita in one hand and a ‘chopper’ in the other.” While he was the epitome of all grace and culture when it came to preaching the absolute truth he knew no compromise and always stuck to his guns fearlessly speaking the truth. He epitomized the saying that a Vaisnava was “sometimes like a rose; sometimes like a thunder-bolt.” Rahu in the 2nd (kutumbha-stan—house of family) however did cause some disturbance in family life during his period (death of mother at early age, unhappy marriage). Srila Prabhupada also had some legal trouble and was arrested at the age of fourteen for urinating in the street in front of the police station.15[15]

1.4 Candra-Mangala Yoga in the Fifth In the 5th house we find Mars (Mangala), lord of the 4th and 11th, and exalted Moon (Candra), lord of the 7th. This is a powerful Raja Yoga as well as Candra-Managala Yoga in a benefic trinal house. On the exoteric level this (along with Saturn in debilitation in Navamsa) caused some difficulty in marriage as Mars is conjoined the 7th lord of wife. Prabhupada’s wife, though a devotee, seems to have been rather puffed-up and quite un-cooperative, reminiscient of Rakshakambal the wife of Ramanujacarya. While

14[14] 15[15]

Ojha, p. 169. Told to me by Hari Sauri Prabhu.

Prabhupada wanted to preach and have pravacana she would prefer to have tea parties. Indeed the last straw that caused him to leave his family for good was when his wife Radharani traded his copy of the beloved Srimad-Bhagavatam for tea biscuits! There was also a lot of disappointment and misunderstanding regarding children as 5th represents putra-son (see also 5th lord Venus in debilitated in Virgo). Hari Sauri Prabhu tells me that Srila Prabhupada’s oldest son seems to have been a bit retarded and one day wandered off, got lost and never returned. His second son Mathura Mohana was very intelligent and this was even commented on by Bhaktisiddhanta whom he met. But as he became older he became inimical especially after Prabhupada took sannyasa. He became a Naxalite (radical, atheistic communist) and later vainly attempted to sue ISKCON after the death of his father. On the esoteric level his 5th house is a block-buster. Mars as 4th and 11th lord in the 5th with exalted 7th lord Moon gives a brilliant mind—one possessing both razor sharp logic (Mars) as well as highly developed intuition (Moon)—a real spiritual genius. His talks and writings displayed his keen ability to analyze the faults of various opposing philosophies and demolish them—especially the sunya-vada, nirvisesa-vada, and communist philosophies which are very prevalent today. He expertly dissected and destroyed all view points which opposed surrender to God. And just as expertly he presented the pure Bhagavat philosophy of the pure devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His life’s literary work was the translation and publication of the Holy Srimad Bhagavatam. The second verse of this unequaled sastra epitomized Srila Prabhupada’s life: “Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated, this Bhagavata Purana propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots the threefold miseries. . .” SB1.1.2. This of course is to be expected, for there are two kinds of Bhagavatams. The book Bhagavatam, and the person Bhagavatam. A real Bhagavata must live and breathe the life of the book Bhagavatam. This 5th house combination gave real powers of intuition and combined with the Viparita Raja Yoga in the 8th house and Raja Yoga in the 9th house indicates Srila Prabhupada’s mystic ability. So many devotees have stated that on numerous occasions Srila Prabhupada would literally read their minds to their discomfiture and expose their maya. 5th & 9th are houses of purvapunya—pious actions from past lives. Their conditions in Prabhupada’s chart indicate that whatever his previous life may have been, he was certainly a most highly pious and pure soul. In this life he was surely a Siddha and he displayed it by his thoughts, words, and deeds. 5th is also the house of mantri and mantra. One who gives advice and initiation. Srila Prabhupada rose to great heights because of his spiritual wisdom and ability to expertly guide his students and the world. His books have been published in scores of languages and printed in the hundreds of millions—he is a real Jagad Guru not just in name but in fact. The 5th also indicates prajna—completely expanded intelligence and especially the ability to foresee what shall happen in the future. Just like a great Rsi of past times Srila Prabhupada could see the future of human society and out of kindness he gave us a vast ocean of Spiritual knowledge to offset the coming difficulties. On a more personal level Srila Prabhupada was a self-realized soul and was actually living the inner life and was seeing through spiritual eyes all around him—cutting through the dullness of matter into the essence of spiritual life. This 5th house condition along with the 8th indicated that Srila Prabhupada was able to personally see Lord Krsna and other spiritual personalities face to face because of his spiritual vision. Finally the 5th indicates Prabhutva—administrative ability, aristocratic position, honor and respect etc. This along with Saturn in the 10th indicates his great status and ability to build and maintain a durable spiritual organization.

From this 5th house Mars and Moon aspect the 11th and 12th (Moon doesn’t directly aspect but his influence is transferred by Mars). This indicates the huge financial success that his mission achieved especially in foreign lands. And that this money was only to be used for spiritual not material purposes. The 11th also shows that Srila Prabhupada met and spoke to many dignitaries, political and religious leaders all over the world during his life.

1.5 Viparita Raja Yoga in the Eighth (See also 2.6.1) The 8th house placement is the most crucial and explains many things about Srila Prabhupada. The 8th house is a house of great mystery and danger. It deals with the prickly issues of death, sex, black magic, total destruction and devastation, catastrophic illness, debauchery, self-destructive demonic tendencies just to name a few of the more prominent ones. This of course is the negative side of the coin. On the positive side the 8th house represents: ayu-stan the house of life, long life, regeneration, metamorphosis and transformation of self and others; deep, penetrating intelligence; sees through material facade, profound thinking, polymath of occult knowledge—remember that Krsna Consciousness is rajavidya, raja-ghuyam—the King of secret knowledge, sublimation of sexual energy and transcendence of material desire; sees through tricks and maneuvers of others; total self-control of body, mind, and senses; meditation, ability to focus the mind, deep stores of emotional energy to draw on, gravity, very deep and mysterious personality, deep policies with far reaching consequences, researcher or inventor, detective-like qualities, distant travels, great adventures. Wealth gained through inheritance or legacy. The ability to “read between the lines.” Acceptance of death and an integration of its reality into daily life. Sense of immortality of one’s consciousness. Thinks of death often, sees death as a great teacher, prioritizes his life because always feels that death is near. Always goes to the heart of a matter, doesn’t beat around the bush. Many experiences outside the normal limits of personality. Ability to immediately bond with others on emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels. Knowledge of previous lives, etc.16[16] In essence the 8th house deals with the struggle of the soul to purify itself of the dross of material existence and ascend to the rarefied atmosphere of spiritual life. This is because the 8th is the house dealing with the excretory organs. The organs by which the body purifies itself of unwanted toxins17[17]. But on a esoteric level the 8th also represents purification on subtle levels as well: emotional, intellectual and ultimately spiritual. The meanings of the houses correspond very closely with the meaning of the sign of the same number.18[18] This is a widely held concept in both Vedic and Western astrology (the meanings of the signs and houses are virtually the same in Vedic and Western astrology). Thus the first house and Aries share the same meaning. Taurus and the second, Gemini and the third, etc. Thus the 8th house has a meaning similar to the 8th sign Scorpio. “Spiritual Essence [of Scorpio]: the ability to give up that which is a hindrance to evolution. . .”19[19] The issues of the 8th house are not easy but are of paramount importance for everyone because the direction of ones life depends on how one deals with the 8th house portfolio. It is of supreme importance that for successful spiritual life the 8th house is purified. This will signify serious spiritual aptitude and inner purity. It is also significant that though positive disposition of the 5th and 9th houses are important as indications of piety they do not constitute “necessary and sufficient conditions” for spiritual greatness. In addition to the 5th and 9th there must also be the positive activation of the 12th or the 8th or both. The reasons are simple, no matter how pious a person may be if they haven’t dealt with the issues signified by these two houses they will not have the existential stamina that it takes to make all the sacrifices necessary


Based on several authors mentioned in references. Ojha, pp. 53-54. 18[18] Ojha, pp. 53-54. 19[19] Llewellyn's Astrological Calendar, 1982, p. 58. 17[17]

in spiritual life. I have found very few serious spiritualists without active 8th or 12th houses. To more clearly understand why this is so we will investigate what indications can be revealed about Srila Prabhupada through his 8th house. In Srila Prabhupada’s chart he has Sun (lord of the 8th) in the 8th along with Jupiter (lord of 3rd and 12th), and Ketu (doesn’t rule any houses). The 6th, 8th, and 12th lords are the most destructive planets and whatever houses or planets they associate with will be damaged. Thus their placement in any chart poses a problem. In Srila Prabhupada’s chart this problem is neatly solved by the lord of the 6th, Mercury who also owns the 9th, being placed in the 9th where he does no harm. The other two, lords of 8th and 12th, we have already noted are placed in the 8th. (The concept may be likened to two negatives yielding a positive.) This constitutes a perfect Viparita Raja Yoga. The formal definition is given in Uttara Kalamrita 4.22: “If any one of the following four Yogas takes place—(1) Lord of the 8th in the 12th or the 6th; (2) Lord of the 6th being placed in the 8th or the 12th; (3) Lord of the 12th being in the 6th or the 8th; (4) the said three lords being connected in any way, by mutual exchange, mutual aspect or conjunction and at the same time are free from such relation with other planets—the person born will become a great king lording over other kings and blessed with fame and wealth.” This is a very rare yoga because mostly these planets are intermingled with others indicating serious problems and ruination. While for Srila Prabhupada this Yoga did not give temporal power it certainly made Srila Prabhupada a Jagad-Guru in the true sense—Guru of the world. This is how the world came to recognize him. (I would suggest that along with other indications spiritual power of a very high order is indicated because of the added presence of Ketu—the Moksha Karaka—to the combination.) Regarding the position of Jupiter in the 8th in Leo here are a few quotes from various sources which validate the greatness that this combination indicates [Italics mine]: Parasara Muni: “If the 12th lord [Jupiter] is in the 8th [Leo], the native will always gain, will speak affably, will enjoy a medium span of life and be endowed with all good qualities.” Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra 24.140 Satyacarya: “If the lord of the 12th house is placed in the 8th, the native will experience happiness and unhappiness in almost equal amounts. Benefic combinations cause auspicious results to happen. [Such as planets in 5th and 9th as is found in Prabhupada’s chart.] If there is combination with the lord of the 6th house, the period will prove to be extremely auspicious and cause good results to happen. Also, the effects will be modified by the nature of the planets associated with the lord of the 12th house.” Satyajatakam 4.12.8 Ramadayalu in his Sanketanidhi quotes Lomasa Rsi: “When the lord of the 12th house occupies the 2nd or the 8th, the natives devotion to Lord Krsna will be immense. He will be endowed with all good qualities and will speak kindly. He will be charitably disposed.” Sanketanidhi 6.98 Bhrgu Samhita Paddhati (BSP) says the following about Jupiter as the 12th lord in the 8th in Leo: “. . . ; gets power by spending much money acquired in foreign countries; . . .gets the power of old and serious things helping the life career [mystic and occult knowledge, ancient lore, knowledge of past lifes, metaphysics, philosophy, etc.] . . . spends the daily routine of life with great dignity and influence.” BSP p. 567 B.V. Raman: “The native will be rich and celebrated, will enjoy a luxurious life with many servants waiting on him. Gain through deaths and legacy is indicated. Interest in occult subjects and devoted to Lord Visnu, he will be righteous, famous and a gentle speaker being endowed with many good qualities of head and heart.” How To Judge A Horoscope Vol 2, pg 420.

Though no astrological quote can be taken literally but must be adjusted to the conditions of the chart, still we see that in many ways it definitely indicates Srila Prabhupada’s character. This Viparita Raja Yoga indicates the following about Srila Prabhupada [based largely on positive attributes of the 8th house manifested by Srila Prabhupada, please consult the description of positive manifestation of the 8th house for particulars, see also 2.5.3]: He was a very deep thinker of acute penetrating intelligence, insight, and wisdom. What we saw and experienced of him was only the tip of the iceberg—his pure spiritual personality was fathomlessly deep, mysterious and unknowable to us mere mortals still struggling in Maya. In other words we don’t really know his true spiritual identity though he walked among us appearing like an ordinary man. The Srimad-Bhagavatam describes this quality as: “Gabhiratma. As a devotee merges into the ocean of Krsna Conciousness, his own consciousness becomes deeper and deeper; ordinary, superficial persons hovering on the material platform cannot fathom the extent of a devotee’s awareness.” SB 11.11.32p He had the ability to quickly penetrate through any problem and see through any smoke screen. This penetrating intelligence indicates that he could see through the maya of material existence and make the sacrifice to transcend it. This ability to penetrate also meant he had the ability to see into the hearts of everyone and make contact with us on a spiritual level. All who knew him commented on how personal and touching his association could be. He saw everyone with equal vision on the spiritual level. He had the knack of immediately being able to make contact with a person on all levels—he gave the concept of being personal a new, fresh meaning. This combination also indicates that he had a special intensity of character. When he put his heart into something he gave 200%. There was nothing shallow in his makeup. When he debated with those who would diminish God he was relentless and took no prisoners. His intensity could also be very unsettling to his disciples who were all surrendered to him and loved him more than their own life. Srila Prabhupada didn’t compromise and sometimes in his duty as a teacher he would severely chastise his students till they felt that they would die. But he could instantly understand when they had learnt the lesson and become humble and contrite—then he was back to his regular lovable self with no sign of anger. This display of anger was simply to impress on the disciple the seriousness of the situation, not a lack of love from Srila Prabhupada. He was always observant, and had a detective-like quality about him that Sherlock Holmes would envy. He was very research minded and deeply studied all important aspects of the Vedic tradition and was also well versed in opposing philosophies. This combination, along with those in Virgo, indicate that Srila Prabhupada had powerful analytic ability and would not be satisfied with superficial understanding or explanation. The strong 8th house placement strongly indicates a person who is beyond the bodily concept of life and has no fear of death. They understand that there is more to this world than what meets the eye and are aware of all the hidden mysteries. What could be a higher mystic science than that of Krsna Consciousness? Raja-vidya Raja-ghuyam—it is the King of all mystic knowledge. Such persons are intimately acquainted with the doctrines of death and re-birth and they conquer over death by not being reborn and teach others the same knowledge. Not only this but there is a strong sense of going beyond death to the extent that we can strongly claim that Srila Prabhupada has never left and is still very carefully watching over and guiding his disciples and his movement. Everything will be revealed in due time. Many of his disciples have in recent years had various mystic experiences involving Srila Prabhupada either in dreams or other revelations which strongly indicate his immediate presence if we just follow his instructions.

This 8th house placement indicates a person who has very deep and complex policies and can see what the outcome will be in the future, akin to a master chess player who can see the result of the game 30 moves ahead. In Srila Prabhupada’s case his whole preaching of the distribution of transcendental books, prasadam and the Holy Name will have very far reaching effects which we can barely appreciate at this time. Because of our historical proximity we are not aware that he has changed the course of history more than Buddha, Christ or Mohamed put together. The selfless work that he did of translating and publishing Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta, and other books. As well as establishing temples, initiating thousands of sincere devotees, and incessantly travelling will have their necessary effects—“A revolution in the hearts of men.” We may not be able to see, but he did, that is why he pushed us so hard and is continuing to do so. This 8th house placement shows that of a great mystic Maha-yogi who has been able to completely control his mind and senses and transcend all material desires especially sexual attraction. It gives the ability to sublimate and transmute all material desires into spiritual ones. The 8th house is the place of metamorphosis and transformation. Srila Prabhupada’s life was one of great preparation and transformation until he was forged into a one pointed implement for serving his spiritual master. But the transformation doesn’t stop there for like a “touch stone” he was able to transform those who he came in contact with by his spiritual purity and also by his very strong attempts to transform the world and regenerate deteriorating spiritual values. I have spent more time on this house because the 8th house is a difficult house and can be easily misunderstood by inexperienced students. Yet it is crucial to understanding Srila Prabhupada’s chart.

1.6 Classic Raja-yoga in the Ninth The 9th house is the best of the trinal houses representing—good fortune and opulences, higher learning, dharma, Guru, father, spiritual piety, God, Brahmanas, distant travel, etc. In Prabhupada’s chart Virgo is the 9th house and in it we have Venus (lord of the 5th and 10th) and Mercury (lord of the 6th and 9th) in his own house and exalted. For Capricorn ascendant, Venus becomes what is known as the Raja-YogaKaraka—significator of power because he rules two good houses and no bad ones. Thus this placement of the two natural and functional benefics for Capricorn ascendant in the 9th house is very significant. It is very ideal to have the 9th and 10th lords conjoined together as this indicates great accomplishments in keeping with virtue and dharma. Since Venus also rules the 5th this boosts the effect even more. Of course it must be noted that this in not a perfect combination because Venus is nica—debilitated—in Virgo but there are two cancellations of the debilitation (1) Mercury ruler of the sign is conjoined Venus, and (2) Jupiter, ruler of Venus’s exaltation sign, in the 4th from the Moon. These two both constitute Nica-bhanga Yoga—cancellation of debilitation. The positive indications we can expect from this combination are intense piety and sattvik demeanor. Deep scholarship, interest in writing and authorship, publishing, etc. (because in Virgo). Talented in many arts such as music and poetic composition. Mercury lord of 9th in 9th (house of father) and Sun significator father in his own sign both indicate that the father was a great man of sterling qualities and a strong positive influence on the son. It also shows affectionate Guru who strongly galvanized the spirit of his disciple. Though Venus in nica-bhanga, some problems still arise for we see that Prabhupada’s Guru left this world at an untimely age for Srila Prabhupada. But even though he left early he had awakened in Srila Prabhupada great devotion to Lord Sri Krsna. This combination is also indicative of much travel in relationship to pilgrimages and spiritual missions. In fact it was in the second half of the Mercury period that Srila Prabhupada left India and journeyed to America and started ISKCON which flowered into a world wide spiritual movement in just a few short years.

The Mercury-Venus yoga in the 9th is quite good in regards to purity of heart and motivation, etc. As can be seen from the following quotes: “When the lord of the 5th [Venus] occupies the 9th or the 10th. . .He will become equal to a king. He will become famous, will shine like a Moon in his family, will undertake sacred pilgrimages and will be ever active.” Sanketanidhi 6.51 “When lord of the 10th [Venus] occupies the 9th, the person born will become the repository of all good fortune, grandeur, magnanimity, etc.” Sanketanidhi 6.87 “If Venus is in the 9th house the person will be religious minded, will devote himself to meditation and will perform religious rites, he will have very auspicious signs on his feet (like lotus, conch, etc.) will enjoy all kinds of comforts and will be blessed by children. His father will live long” Bhrgu Sutram p. 152 “When the 9th lord [Mercury] is in the 9th it gives a long lived and prosperous father. The person will be religiously inclined and charitable. He will travel and earn money and distinction abroad.” How To Judge A Horoscope Vol 2, p. 186 “If Mercury is in the 9th the person will have many children. He will be learned in Vedas and sastras, fond of music, very patient, religious minded, full of glory, wealthy and fortunate. His father lives long. He will be very cultured and will take an interest in meditation.” Bhrgu Sutram p. 114 Reverting to Venus again. For Capricorn rising Venus (lord of 5th and 10th) gets placed in the 9th house, a very good house and a suitable destination. The effects of the lord of the 5th in the 9th are: “He will become a teacher or preceptor. Renovates ancient temples, wells, choultries [dharmashalas— places of free lodging for pilgrims] and gardens. One of the sons [or disciples, 5th also stands for disciples] attains distinction as an author or orator. If the lord is afflicted, he will earn divine wrath and consequent destruction of fortune.”20[20] The effects of the lord of the 10th in the 9th are as follows: “The 10th lord in the 9th house makes the person a spiritual stalwart. He will be a beacon light to spiritual seekers if Jupiter aspects the 10th lord. If both benefics and malefics aspect the 10th lord, the person is generally fortunate and well-to-do. He follows a hereditary profession or that of a preacher, teacher or healer. The father of the person has a great influence on him. He will be a dutiful son and do many charitable deeds.”21[21] Of course we can’t take any astrological quote verbatim but these seem to aptly describe Srila Prabhupada. Though Venus is having Nica-bhanga Yoga it still carries some blemish (along with Mars conjoined 7th lord) thus we see that in spite of Srila Prabhupada’s great devotion to Lord Krsna his married life was a source of suffering, and because of this he had to struggle against many apparent failures on the material front before finally achieving a grand success.

1.7 Conclusion In such a limited space we have hardly even begun to do justice to the chart of Srila Prabhupada. It would really take many more pages to point out all the great features of personality which are clearly indicated in this horoscope. We have not included a description of the planetary periods for fear of increasing the bulk

20[20] 21[21]

Raman, 1979, p. 223. Raman, 1980, p. 245.

of this section. Interested readers may investigate the section dealing with the analysis of Sriman Nalini Kanta’s assertions about Srila Prabhupada’s chart where we have discussed planetary periods in detail. We trust, however, that in this limited space we have been able to adumbrate Srila Prabhupada’s chart sufficiently to show that the horoscope drawn up for the time that Srila Prabhupada specified clearly indicates the greatness of Srila Prabhupada’s personality and achievements. We should also like to reiterate that if two charts nicely glorify and describe Srila Prabhupada then the preference of choice should be given to the chart drawn up according to the time given by Srila Prabhupada. That is this chart. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meditate on Srila Prabhupada and glorify him via the language of astrology.

Your insignificant servant

Shyamasundara Dasa

Chapter 2 An Analysis of Nalini Kanta’s Statements Regarding Srila Prabhupada’s Chart Abstract: We demonstrate that all of Nalini’s statements regarding the Capricorn rising chart are incorrect and establish that Srila Prabhupada did not have a Sagittarius rising as Nalini claims but rather has a Capricorn rising. In so doing we note the long standing history of this controversy and its origins. We discuss the significance of the time of birth and Nalini’s arguments for changing it. I argue that we should prefer whatever Prabhupada gave us because he was well aware of the importance of the time of birth in astrology. We analyze Nalini’s fallacious use of the Drekkana argument and show how it is not applicable in the way Nalini states. We then go though all of Nalini’s objections to Srila Prabhupada’s Capricorn rising chart and demonstrate how they are based on a simplistic and one sided presentation of astrological theory. We discuss the spiritual factors in a horoscope especially in regard to the 8th house. We explain the Viparita Raja yoga in Prabhupada’s chart. And expose several contradictions made by Nalini Kanta in reference to Jupiter in the 8th as well as in relation to the chart of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. We demonstrate the fallacy of saying that one sign or planet is bad and another good. We then analyze SP’s planetary periods and finally compare Prabhupada’s chart with that of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta.

Before I begin I should like to say that I do not fault Nalini Kanta Prabhu for wanting to praise and glorify Srila Prabhupada. That is the loving duty and pleasure of the disciple. We humbly request that this essay be taken in the same spirit.

2.1 History of the Controversy It should be noted that in 1980 when I was in India my GBC at the time, Adhikeshava Swami (co-GBC of the BI), told me that HH Satvarupa Swami wanted to do something relating to Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope for the Lilamrta. He requested me on behalf of Satsvarupa Swami to delineate Srila Prabhupada’s chart and that he would put it into literary form. Satsvarupa Swami provided me with the following birth details for Srila Prabhupada: Born September 1, 1896 at 4:00 PM (local mean time) Calcutta, India. I did my best to fulfill my obligation and did a write up of the chart and sent it to Adhikeshava Swami who forwarded it to Satsvarupa Swami. Some time later Satsvarupa Swami sent me a copy of what he had written based on my material and wanted me to check it to make sure that it was still accurate. I did as requested and sent it back. A few months later I found out that Satsvarupa Swami decided not to include Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope in the Lilamrita just oblique references to it. I was a little surprised by this change. I wrote asking why? He responded by saying that when the manuscript was sent to Los Angeles for production two astrologers namely Nalini Kanta Prabhu and Srikara Prabhu came to know about the astrological contents. On examining what I had done they declared that I was totally wrong, Prabhupada couldn’t have a Capricorn lagna. “It must be a Sagittarius Lagna” they claimed and demanded that it be changed. Satsvarupa Maharaja explained that he was no astrologer and could not defend what I had wrote so he decided that in order to avoid controversy he would not publish the chart at all. Nalini Kanta has admitted in his current paper (on page two), that he first came to the conclusion that Srila Prabhupada must have been mistaken in his birth time when he had only been studying astrology for a few

months. We would like to humbly suggest that he clearly didn’t have the insight or training then to make such a momentous decision. The reading of the horoscopes of great souls requires a bit more insight than that of a beginner.

2.2 The Time of Birth The most important factor in delineating a chart is the Ascendant. The Ascendant is a very quickly moving mathematical entity and is determined by the time and place of birth. Thus the time of birth is very important. Much of the present discussion will be centered around what the time of Srila Prabhupada’s birth is. If we know this then we can construct his horoscope. (On the equator the Ascendants change every 2 hours. As we move further from the equator these timings vary.) Prabhupada’s time of birth is approximate. He has stated he was born at “about” 4 PM. This is where the debate really starts. How much license should we take with the Guru’s words. Is Srila Prabhupada to believed when he makes a statement about himself. Or should we make adjustments to suit our speculations or lack of understanding? If the Guru says something which we can not understand we should not immediately assume that he was wrong. Rather we should understand that our poor fund of knowledge has created an apparent contradiction. We must either ask the Guru for an explanation, or if unable to that become sufficiently trained to understand the subject matter. We will then find that the error which we had at first attributed to the Guru actually only existed with us. This I suggest is the case with Nalini's inability to read and understand Srila prabhupada's chart based on the actual 4 PM time given by Prabhupada.

2.2.1 Give Preference to the Time Prabhupada Gave I also suggest that if two charts explain and glorify Srila Prabhupada then the chart of preference should be the one that is consistent with the time that Srila Prabhupada gave. That being, 4:00 PM, September 1, 1896, Calcutta India. Not one based on speculative rectification. Rectification is a method in astrology to adjust the time of birth if the horoscope is not accurate and doesn’t fit the individual. Our school is to take the direct approach first. We only take the indirect approach if a direct approach is not feasible or requires interpretation. In this case, with a time of “about 4:00 PM” (actually Prabhupada thought it might be between 4-5 PM {this gives the same Ascendant}, but not 3:30 PM, see letter of Abhiram to Tamal Krishna Goswami, also see letter from TKG with references from his diary which clearly indicate what Prabhupada’s time of birth is and that Prabhupada accepted that the chart drawn up according to this time was most accurate) a perfectly acceptable chart is arrived at which clearly points out the future greatness of Srila Prabhupada. There is no need for “adjusting” the birth time and thus changing what Srila Prabhupada said. I trust from your reading of my chart (in chapter 1) for Srila Prabhupada (and also Ojha’s reading, chapter 5) no one thought I was insulting Srila Prabhupada or demeaning him. But rather that based on the time that Srila Prabhupada gave we can see why he is such a great Mahabhagavata devotee of the Lord. There is no need to change anything that Srila Prabhupada said. It is not for the disciple to change the words of the Guru. But rather it is for the disciple to understand the words of the Guru.

2.2.2 The Time Factor Prabhupada was coming from a high class Vaisnava family where such things are recorded. This is proved by the fact that his chart was done immediately after his birth and the prediction was made that Srila Prabhupada would open many temples and cross the sea (Lilamrita vol 1). Also in the Archives are copies of the charts that Srila Prabhupada had done in India. The time given by Srila Prabhupada to all the

astrologers was 4:00 PM. There is also a letter (see below) in which Prabhupada gives his time as “about 4:00 PM,” this can be found on Folio (I have produced transcripts of these documents for our readers). It would thus seem that Srila Prabhupada was set on his time of birth being 4:00 PM not 3:30 PM. As Hari Sauri has pointed out in his statement, Prabhupada consistently gave his birth time as 4:00 PM, that is what we should also use. We also note that in his diary (in chapter 6) TKG mentions that Srila Prabhupada gave his time of birth as 4 PM not “about” 4 PM. TKG (6.1)states: “ [Srila Prabhupada said:] I was born in the evening at 4:00 p. m. It was Nandotsava. You can consult an old panjika to see the day. It was a Tuesday. Mithuni rasi; mrgusira naksatra.”

2.2.3 The Letter

75-12-06 Vrindaban 6th December, 1975 [address deleted] My Dear Jay Krishna Thakura, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 30, 1975. Yes I remember you were coming to see me daily at Bhaktivedanta Manor during my stay there in 1973. Regarding your question about my birth. I was born September 1, 1896, Tuesday at about 4:00 in the afternoon. My rasi is Metthuna [Mithuna=Gemini]. I hope this letter finds you well. Your ever well wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/hda

2.2.4 Prabhupada Well Aware of Astrology As A Young Man Morning Walk Los Angeles, December 8, 1973 “Svarupa Damodara: Srila Prabhupada, are these astrologers, ah, are, can we believe in them, what they say? Called pseudo- science. Prabhupada: No. Astrology is a science. (break) ...that I shall go to the foreign countries and throughout the whole world I will establish so many temples, so many things... this... Svarupa Damodara: So they have some intelligence to tell that... Prabhupada: No, no. That is calculation, calculation. This astrologer, this astrologer was a very big astrologer and when I was in service, Dr. Bose’s laboratory, so Dr. Bose was treating one patient. He was vomiting blood. So he was treating as tuberculosis. Then he could not cure him after giving all medicine. Then he asked the astrologer, this astrologer who made my horoscope, ‘What is the matter? Panditji, can you tell?’ So he calculated. He said, ‘You are making wrong treatment. He has got some sore in the throat. It is not heart.’ And he treated, he was cured. Yasomatinandana: Vedic science is so perfect. Prabhupada: Yes. He knew it.” This conversation indicates that Srila Prabhupada was well aware of astrology as a young man (see also transcript of conversation with Yamuna Devi). Apparently the astrologer who had made the predictions that Prabhupada would travel to the West and do big preaching was also associated with Bose Chemical Laboratories while Prabhupada was employed there as a young man in his early 20’s. This indicates that Srila Prabhupada was consulting him while he was an adult. In order to do so he would have had to give the astrologer accurate birth information. Srila Prabhupada’s memory, as many devotees have pointed out in the past (see Hari Sauri and Yamuna transcript), was phenomenal. We suggest that Srila Prabhupada therefore gave the same birth time to the astrologers in 1975-77 as he did when he was a young man. He was not mistaken about his time of birth. Also it is likely that, if the great astrologer who had calculated Prabhupada’s chart predicting his travels and preaching success had thought the time needed to be adjusted, he would have told the same to Srila Prabhupada who would have duly noted it for future reference.

2.2.5 Objection Based on the Moon Nalini Kanta has stated (Nalini p. 1) that Prabhupada was mistaken about his birth time because in the letter cited above Prabhupada gives both his birth time and his Rasi (Moon Sign). Prabhupada in the letter states his birth as about 4 PM and his Rasi as Mithuna (Gemini). However if you calculate the chart in reality his Rasi is Taurus. Thus, according to Nalini’s logic, since Srila Prabhupada didn’t know astrology and got his Rasi mixed up then it follows that he also got his birth time wrong. Thus Nalini Kanta feels that the actual birth time must be such that Sagittarius must be rising. We counter this by pointing out that people are more apt to know their time of birth than the disposition of the planets in their charts. If a mistake is to be made it would be with the planetary position not the time of birth. However we have a stronger argument which is derived from the research of the Vaisnava Calendar Committee. The degree of Srila Prabhupada’s Moon is 28TA06, very close to Gemini. At the time when Srila Prabhupada was born, and even today, in Bengal, astrologers used panjikas (ephemirides) made according to siddhantas like Surya-Siddhanta, Siddhanta-Siromani, etc. However these Bengali Pandits make their calculations without adding the necessary bija correction that would give planetary positions that agreed with observable reality. When Bhaktisiddhanta wrote his translation and commentary on Surya-Siddhanta

he added bija corrections. Anyway this slack method of planetary calculation still goes on and it was documented by Markandeya Rsi Prabhu in his 1990 report to the Viasnava Calendar Committee. The Moon’s position is often calculated so erroneously in Bengal that even for calendars calculated for Bengal the ekadasis are wrong a significant percentage of the time. That means that they are off by several degrees for the Moon. (This is one of the main reasons that we don’t rely on Bengali Panjikas for our Vaisnava Calendar.) In the example Markandeya Rsi gives on pages 52-53, he compares the endings of all the tithis (lunar days) from Aug 15th to September 14th 1989 as calculated P.M. Bagchi and Lahiri. Bagchi is following the old, inaccurate style of calculating without correction for observable reality. Markendaya Rsi says: “The difference is, in the average, more than two hours . . .” Individual days could diverge by as much as 4.5 hours and that was only in a sample space of one month. Other months may be even worse. Considering that the Moon moves quickly, it is not difficult to see how, by using the old un-corrected method popular with most astrologers in Prabhupada’s day, that a 2 or 3 degree mistake in the position of the Moon could have easily occurred. We now see how it is very possible for Srila Prabhupada to have been told by an old style astrologer, using an unpurified Siddhanta method, that Mithuna (Gemini) was Prabhupada’s Rasi as opposed to Taurus. A mistake of only two degrees would place Prabhupada’s Moon in Gemini. This disposes of the notion that Prabhupada didn’t know his own time of birth because the Rasi was different from modern up-to-date hitech computer calculations. The mistake was not with Prabhupada, but with the inaccurate methods of calculation employed for finding the position of the Moon. Another point to remember is that Srila Prabhupada may have made a simple error in nomenclature. In TKG’s statement (see) he gives the following from his diary: “Prabhupada became noticeably enthused and said:’Let us consult an astrologer—whether I should go? Whether I shall be cured? How long I shall live? I was born in the evening at 4:00 p. m. It was Nandotsava. You can consult an old panjika to see the day. It was a Tuesday. Mithuni rasi; mrgusira [sic] naksatra. I am prepared to go to the West.’” The point being that Mrgasirsa Nakshatra straddles both Taurus and Gemini, literally half in one and half in the other. In Bengal especially, all the planets, not just the Moon, are given in the chart with reference to the Nakshatra it resides in (see description of Lord Caitanya’s horoscope in CC Adi Lila). Also we see from Pradyumna’s statements (see transcript) that Srila Prabhupada would often be asked his Nakshatra when going into a temple. The reason is that when puja is done to the Deities on behalf of someone (Yajnamana) the Pujaris request the Yajnaman’s name, gotra and nakshatra and this is told to the Deities at the time of puja to indicate the identity of the sponsor. We may thus infer that because Mrgasirsa is actually in both Signs that some confusion may have crept in (along with the possibility of inaccurate planetary calculation). So in one sense to say Moon is in Gemini is not exactly wrong because it is the Nakshatra position that is most important and Mrgasirsa is in both Taurus and Gemini. There is one obvious explanation for Prabhupada giving Mithuna Rasi—Gemini Moon sign that we have all over looked. It is very possible that whoever informed Srila Prabhupada that his Moon was in the sign of Gemini may have been using a different ayanamsa than that which Nalini Kanta and I use. We both use Lahiri's ayanamsa (ayanamsa is the cumulative motion of the precession of the equinoxes to a given date). Devotees experienced in India know that there are varied opinions on practically every subject, this also holds true for ayanamsa. The most popular ayanamsa in India today is that of Lahiri but this a recent phenomena of this century. Though Lahiri's is the most popular today, still there are several competitors. Who knows what the situation was like back at the turn of the century? Pradyumna Prabhu once told me that he had come across a letter by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta which was sent out to learned pandits all over India inquiring from them which ayanamsa they used. Apparently the Thakura was trying to see if there was any consensus of opinion or may have been attempting to arrive at a correct ayanamsa after consulting others. (We do not know the results of the Thakura's research but would be greatly interested to find out.) Considering that Srila Prabhupada's Moon is less that two degrees away from Gemini by Lahiri's ayanamsa

it is quite possible that a poor calculation or different ayanamsa or some combination of both could easily put the Moon into the next sign. If the other astrologer was indeed using a different ayanamsa then there would be absolutely no mistake in Prabhupada saying his Moon was in Gemini.

2.2.6 Capricorn Rising Nalini Kanta has said on page one of his paper that “[Srila Prabhupada] at other times mentioned that he had Capricorn rising.” I have never heard or seen this before. (I would like to see a reference to this.) If so, it is the truth. Argument over. How can Nalini dare go against the stated opinion of his own Guru?

2.2.7 “About 4:00 PM” That is Srila Prabhupada’s statement concerning his birth time. According to the dictionary “about” means: 1. Approximately; nearly. 2. Almost. If someone says they will meet you “about” 4:00 PM you would expect them to be at the meeting place fairly close, plus or minus a few minutes from 4 PM. But not 3:30 PM The only time that Srila Prabhupada varied from this time was when he asked Abhirama Prabhu to ask from Ojha if the chart would be different if he was born after 4 PM. In the letter (see transcripts of charts and letters from 1977) from Abhirama Prabhu to Tamal Krishna Goswami, Abhirama says “I visited the astrologer [Ojha] and inquired about Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope if it were calculated at 4:30 or 5:00. He calculated that it would remain the same between the hours of 4:00 and 5:00.” That means that it could only remain Capricorn Ascendant. This also seems to imply that Srila Prabhupada was wondering if there was any change had his birth been later than 4:00 PM. He did not inquire about it being before 4:00 PM. Hari Sauri has also made some strong comments regarding the time of birth used by Srila Prabhupada. His opinion is that Srila Prabhupada would not make mistakes in this regard. That 4:00 PM was the earliest he could have been born, because he didn’t favor any time earlier but may have accepted a later time say up to 5:00 PM. For details please read Hari Sauri’s letter. Abhirama Prabhu, after his initial comments comparing SP’s approximate time of birth to his approximate place of birth, conceded in a phone call to Hari Sauri on October 11, 1995, that Hari Sauri’s reply was a more accurate analysis than his own which, he said, was written when he wasn’t thinking clearly. I think that we have sufficiently covered arguments regarding the time of birth. I would like to again emphasize that if two charts based on different times both nicely praise Srila Prabhupada then the one based on the time given by Srila Prabhupada be chosen.

2.2.8 Nalini Chooses 3:30 PM We should like to point out that Nalini Kanta Prabhu changed Prabhupada’s time of birth just enough so that the very last moment of Sagittarius was rising. This was done in order that the time be as close to 4:00PM, the time SP gave, as possible. However, he must have made the calculations by hand because he made the difference so close that when I calculated it on my computer, using Lahiri Ayanamsa, (which both of us use) I actually got Capricorn rising at 3:30 PM. To get Sagittarius rising you have to push the time back to 3:29 PM and thus you get a rising position of 29 degrees, 45 minutes of Sagittarius. Even one minute more puts it into Capricorn.

2.3 The Drekkana Fallacy On page three of Nalini’s paper he states that he will describe the forms of the decanates as presented by sage Varaha Mihira in his work Brhat Jataka. (A Decanate or Drekkana in Sanskrit, is the division of each sign into 10 degree segments) Nalini then makes the critical statement: “This description is of paramount importance in that it helps the astrologer in delineating the characteristics, physical and mental of the person concerned.” He then goes on to give the delineations for the last drekkana (decanate) of Sagittarius and the first of Capricorn. The former being much nicer than the later. This then, he claims, proves that Srila Prabhupada must be Sagittarius rising and not a rotten Capricornian. Of course Nalini humbly states that he has all the bad qualities of Capricorn. (It should be noted that Nalini Kanta’s chart has the Ascendant—4 degrees Capricorn—in the first Drekkana of Capricorn.) Therefore according to Nalini he should be looking like “a man full of hairs with a body like that of a hog, and a fierce look, etc. . . .” Though Nalini and I differ I could not say, with accuracy, that he looks like a “hirsute pig.” Aside from that he didn’t give the complete description of the last drekkana of Sagittarius which mentions that the man has “long beard and whiskers and wears deerskin.” Prabhupada was always clean shaven. More problems creep in by taking a text book approach. In another example, let’s look at the Drekkanas of Scorpio. Varaha Mihira describes the first two figures to be women and the last to be a lion. Does this mean that only women and lions are born under Scorpio Ascendant? What about Libra Ascendant? Here, in all the Drekkanas, Varaha Mihira only refers to men, no women. Does this mean that no women will be born under Libra Ascendant? The same is there for Leo, no women only men and a half-man half-dog. Drekkanas are not at all used for the purposes that Nalini Kanta states, “delineating the characteristics, physical and mental of the person concerned.” Far from it. What then are the uses of Drekkanas? Bhattopala, the most illustrious commentator on all the works of Varaha Mihira, completed his commentary on Brhat Jataka in 966 AD. In his commentary on Drekkanas Bhattopala says that Varaha Mihira and his son Prthuyasas only used Drekkana in Yatra and Cora Prasna. (Yatra, in astrology, is the science of ascertaining the results of journeys, especially by Kings. Journeys started on good decanates give good results, etc. Cora Prasna is the science of answering questions in relation to thefts.) He states: “The author has stated the uses of these descriptions in his [book] Yatra. If the Drekkana be of agreeable appearance, carrying fruits, flowers, gems, and pots and aspected by benefic planets, there will be success. If they be of hideous appearance, armed and aspected by malefic planets, there will be disgrace and failure; if they carry serpents, or fetters, there will be delirium and imprisonment [at the time of death]. The Drekkana description is also of use in tracing out thieves according to Prithuyasa, the son of Varaha Mihira in his work Sadpanchasika, a work on Horary astrology.”22[22] [Italics mine.] According to Prithuyasas from the Rasi (Sign) the time of the theft is ascertained, from the navamsa the nature of lost article, from the drekkana the nature of the thieves is to be ascertained. Varaha Mihira and others have also used Drekkana in relationship to calculating longevity. Varaha Mihira did not use the “faces” of the Drekkanas in the way envisioned by Nalini Kanta. That is, for rectification of birth charts by the description of the symbol of the Drekkana, some of which are quite psychedelic. Later, some astrologers may have ascribed such use of Drekkanas but in practical application it is hardly if ever done.


Chatterjee, p. 394.

Varaha Mihira certainly didn’t intend for them to be used this way, nor do I know any reputable astrologers who do. Please also note that even in the uses for which they were intended it was not that the mere appearance of the Drekkana was sufficient to get the result. They must also be aspected by malefic or benefic planets. Thus a negative Drekkana aspected by a benefic would not give bad results. Or if the lord of the Drekkana was exalted as it is in the case of Srila Prabhupada then we can expect that it would give excellent results.

2.4 Nalini Kanta’s Objections In his book How To Read Your Horoscope—The Basics of Bona Fide Astrology Nalini has stated his objections which he basically repeats in his paper to the GBC. He writes: “. . . First one should grasp these subjects very thoroughly before one attempts to predict sub-sub periods, or to read computerized print-outs of the 15 varga charts. I have seen colleagues in this science who look to the dasamsa charts and the astakavarga readings before they even know the essence of interpreting a horoscope. For example, there was a dispute about the actual horoscope of the great spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. One chart had him with Capricorn rising, with exalted Saturn in the 10th and Jupiter in the 8th. Another chart had him with Sagittarius rising with Jupiter in the 9th. Now if one understands the most basic principles of astrology, one would know that it is more likely for a great saintly person to be born under the holy sign of Sagittarius with the lord of the ascendant (Jupiter) in the ninth house of religion, than for such a person to be born under the lower-class sign of Capricorn with the ascendant lord exalted in the tenth house (the house of artha or economic development). If one has no simple sense about such things, going into divisional charts and sub-sub periods will be pretty fruitless in my opinion. One has to know the ABCs of a science before graduating to the advanced class.”23[23] He has also written that: “Jupiter and Venus in the 8th creates an asura-yoga or a combination for a demonic personality.”24[24] And on page two of his current paper Nalini Kanta claims that: “In the case of Capricorn ascendant, you get a sudra sign on the ascendant, with ascendant lord in the 10th house of economic development, with the guru planet in the 8th house, the most malefic house in a horoscope.” He goes to great length repeating himself many times, it is basically the crux of his argument that Jupiter must be well placed in Prabhupada’s chart for him to be a Jagad Guru and that this is impossible if he has Capricorn rising. We can see from these quotes several things: (1) He thinks that some signs are low class while others are high class, Capricorn being low and Sagittarius being high. And that Capricorn is a sudra sign. (2) And that Jupiter in the 8th makes one an asura. (3) That for a spiritual person it is preferable to have the Ascendant lord in the ninth of dharma than exalted in the tenth because he says the 10th is for materialism. (4) As a corollary effect he says that it is better to have Jupiter as a Ascendant lord than Saturn because Jupiter is good and Saturn is bad (page four of his current paper). (5) He takes support from Arka Somayaji’s chart of Prabhupada and condemns Ojha’s chart. We shall now examine all of his objections.

23[23] 24[24]

Hopke, p. 222. Hopke, p. 157.

2.4.1 Are There High and Low Class Signs? Nalini Kanta states that Capricorn is a low class sudra sign and Sagittarius is high class. First of all the notion that one sign is low class and another is high class is simply wrong and very misleading. There are no low class or high class signs. We should not consider that Capricorn is low and Sagittarius is high. Every sign of the zodiac (in a natal chart) represents certain aspects of the human psyche which are intrinsically important to self-realization. Each sign has its highest expression as well as its lowest expression and a whole spectrum in between. In their highest expression every sign, including Capricorn, is quite glorious and capable of all manner of spiritual accomplishment. It is the job of the intelligent astrologer to weight all the factors in the horoscope before determining the quality of the chart. For example if the Ascendent lord is exalted, as it is in the case of Srila Prabhupada, with Saturn in Libra, then this immediately raises the qualities manifested by that particular ascendant several quanta. Aside from that Nalini has portrayed Sagittarius as if all souls born under it are living saints. Considering that, on average, one in twelve people have Sagittarius Ascendant I’m surprized that the world is in such a terrible condition that we find it in today. Sagittarius has its down side—religious hypocrisy, tactless, blunt, irresponsible, depending totally on luck, know-it-all, guru-complex, sexual profligacy, aggressive, war like, spend thrift, takes foolish risks, restless, financial mismanagement, gambling, breaks promises, can’t follow plans, undisciplined, always “horsing around,” wastes a lot of energy, unable to keep track of details, crude humor, etc. Sagittarius has many wonderful qualities but they do not always manifest, rather the dark side of this sign does. As I like to say: “The vices of any sign are simply the virtues carried to an extreme.” And on the contrary he depicts Capricorn people as veritable Satans incarnate among us. But Capricorn on the positive side is the emblem of integrity. By that I mean that they must live their ideal. Their most innermost thoughts and desires must become their public life, not something that can be done on the side. They must follow their vocation—their calling, to succeed and be happy. For example suppose someone had the inner desire to be a preacher in a spiritual mission, but they kept suppressing it and their mother convinced them to be a lawyer instead, while they really wanted to be a preacher. A highly developed Capricorn would have somehow arranged his life to do the preaching so that his deepest desire could be expressed in his public life. Aside from that when Capricorn is positively manifested those born under this Ascendant are known for stability, patience, strong determination always leading to success, trustworthy, (typical boy-scout types), hard worker, honest, serious about what they do, responsible in carrying out his duties, forging ahead always keeping goal in view, never complains—keeps working till goal is accomplished, epitome of selfcontrol can apply himself to anything once his mind is set, astounding powers of concentration, diligent and good with detail work, charitable, loyal and trustworthy friend, never shirks his duties or responsibilities, very self-reliant and never expects too much from others, if someone helps him he will reciprocate and do his best to return the favor. These are typical positive Capricorn qualities. They don’t sound so low class to me. Rather they are enviable qualities we all aspire for. We should also remember that in every horoscope all the signs are present and will impact a person in his life. If, by Nalini’s definition, Capricorn is low class and in every way objectionable, then by placing Capricorn as the sign ruling the second house in Prabhupada’s chart we would expect, by Nalini’s logic, that all things ruled by the second would be negative. What does the second house rule? According to classical texts the second rules: Face, right eye, power of speech, wealth, family, traditional learning—that

is, learning that is handed down from Guru to disciple, Vedic lore such as Ayurveda, astrology, Vedas, etc. That is why it is so important to see the second house for pandits. (Knowledge was considered wealth in Vedic times.) By Nalini’s simplistic presentation of “Sagittarius good; Capricorn bad,” philosophy we would conclude that with Capricorn ruling Prabhupada’s second house (if we were to deviate from Srila Prabhupada statements about his time of birth as Nalini urges us to do) then anyone with a Sagittarius rising would be a failure in things ruled by the second house because it is tainted by rulership by Capricorn. Indeed by extrapolation for any ascendent we would expect by Nalini’s theory, that whatever portfolio of life that is ruled by Capricorn must be bad, and that ruled by Sagittarius is good. No educated astrologer can accept this simplistic and erroneous approach. Where did the idea that Capricorn was low class and Sagittarius was high class come from?

2.4.2 Varnas In Vedic astrology every thing imaginable is in the portfolio of one of either the planets, signs, houses, nakshatras, gunas, etc. Class refers to varnas. How then, are the four varnas assigned in astrology? They are assigned in two ways, by sign and by planet. The 12 signs are divided into four groups according to elements i.e. Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Fire signs are Aries and its trines Leo, and Sagittarius. Earth are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. And finally Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. By this designation Water signs represent Brahmanas, Fire—Ksatriyas, Earth—Vaisyas and Air—Sudras.

2.4.3 Nalini’s Classifications At this point we should point out that in Nalini Kanta’s book pp. 11-13 he gives a classification of Varnas which is just plain wrong and goes against all the Jyotisha Acaryas. The division I have given above is the standard division. As confirmed by Prasna Marga 15.142 “Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini and their trines signify respectively Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras.” For the signs and their trines mentioned above in Prasna Marga are Water, Fire, Earth and Air respectively. Nalini Kanta’s erroneous classification is as follows: Water—Brahmin, Fire—Kshatriya, Earth—Sudra, Air—Vaisya. By whatever classification Sagittarius is a Fire sign and thus rules over Kshatriyas. By Nalini’s simplistic method all Sagittarius rising people should be Kshatriyas, and he would have Srila Prabhupada be one also. (My understanding, from what I have heard from others who have consulted him, is that Nalini Kanta Prabhu advocates this method for determining the varna of people. See also 7.7) Nalini Kanta has stated several times in his report, as well as in his book that Capricorn is a “Sudra sign.” And for this reason he condemns it. But again we see that he is wrong. No Jyotisha Acarya supports his position. Capricorn, an Earth sign, would be used in Prasna to determine if someone (in reference to the question) were a Vaisya. But this is not used in general astrology for determining the varnas of people based on the Ascendant. Determining the varna of someone is much more difficult than looking up the Ascendant and seeing which varna it represents.

2.4.4 Planetary Varnas The planets are also divided according to varna. (There are some differences among authorities for some of the classifications.) Jupiter and Venus are Brahmanas; Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas; Mercury and Moon are Vaisyas; Saturn is a Sudra; Rahu and Ketu represent Yavanas and Mlecchas.

These classifications are generally for use in Prasna when trying to answer a question. For example in a cora prasna (question about theft) if the 6th lord is in a water sign and aspected by Jupiter or Venus you could suspect that the thief comes from the Brahmana community. To simply assume that all persons born with Water signs as Ascendant are Brahmanas would be foolish in the extreme. That would mean that 25% of the present population are Brahmanas since three out of the twelve signs are water signs. Aside from that, Scorpio, a water sign, has probably the most disagreeable reputation of all the signs, some of it deserved. But like all other signs it has its good side and bad side and a whole spectrum in between. Saddam Hussein, for example, has Scorpio very prominent in his chart, somehow this unsavory character doesn’t fit my idea of what a Brahmana should be like.

2.4.5 Importance of the Moon Bhaktivinode and Vamanadeva Bhaktivinode Thakura (born Sept 2, 1838) has his Moon in Capricorn. Those who know Vedic Astrology realize that next to the Ascendant the Moon is the most important element in the chart especially if the time of birth is unknown, as it is in the case of the Thakura. This is confirmed by Parasara Muni: “The learned in astrology should base the effects on the Moon also as are applicable to the ascendant.” Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra 12.11. Then we also have Vamanadeva who appeared with Moon in Sravana Nakshatra (SB 8.18.5) which is in Capricorn. The list goes on. According to the Sri Vaisnava Parampara25[25] there are several Alvars (incarnations of the paraphernalia of Lord Visnu) and leading acaryas in their line born with Moon in Capricorn. For example Poygai Alvar26[26] (incarnation of Pancajanya) was born with the Moon in Sravana Nakshatra. This places the Moon squarely in Capricorn. Pudatt Alvar (incarnation of Kaumadaki) was born the next day with Moon in Dhanishta. Dhanishta is half in Capricorn half in Aquarius, so there is a strong possibility that he also had Moon in Capricorn. The great saint Yamunacharya, author of the celebrated Stotraratna (much quoted by Srila Prabhupada) and guru of none less than Sri Ramanujarchya himself, was born on July 17, 916 AD at about 3:00 AM with the Moon in Uttarashadha and fully in the sign of Capricorn. (Uttarashadha is one quarter in Sagittarius three quarters in Capricorn but other details about his birth such as birth tithi make a Sagittarius Moon astronomically impossible.) Vedanta Desika, the next most famous Sri Vaisnava Guru after the time of Ramanuja has also got Moon in Sravana which is fully in Capricorn. In fact one of the most important members of our movement today, a dedicated disciple of Srila Prabhupada, staunch sannyasi for almost 20 years, GBC, Guru, leading book publisher, and preacher, etc. has Capricorn rising also. Not only that, but his Ascendant lord and Venus are conjoined together in the 8th house! In fact there are many distinguished devotees in our movement who have Capricorn Ascendant. I have in my data base over 50 devotees, several of them leading preachers, with Capricorn rising and about the same number with Moon in Capricorn. Simply because Nalini feels that he manifests all the negative qualities of Capricorn (as stated on page three of his paper) is no reason to extrapolate that all Capricorn rising people will manifest those negative qualities. He should at least consider that some people may manifest the laudable, positive qualities of Capricorn as many of them do.

2.5 Jupiter in the 8th Being an Asura Yoga

25[25] 26[26]

Govindacharya, table of Spiritual Pedigree. Govindacharya, p. 73.

Before we examine this we should analyze the effects (positive and negative) of houses, look at what factors in a horoscope lead to a person taking to spiritual life, and probe the meaning of the 8th house in particular

2.5.1 Positive and Negative Effects on Houses Just as we noted that every sign has a very positive and negative side to it, (with a whole spectrum of possible results in between) that an intelligent astrologer must be able to figure out. The same situation exists with all the other factors in a horoscope including the planets and the houses. Later we will discuss about the planets; now we will look into the houses. Each of the twelve houses in a natal horoscope rules over a very large portfolio in a person’s life. Some of the portfolios overlap some are mutually exclusive. Some are shared with one or more planets, signs, nakshatras or vargas (like navamsa etc.). By this method a system of pointers and indicators is set up so that we can know which of the many possible faces a house is showing to us. Since a house has many items in its portfolio it is necessary to cross reference all the factors to understand the status of all the elements in its portfolio. In a particular house the results may be all good, bad, or a mixture of the two (misra-phala). This is why astrology is so difficult. And one should not be lead astray by simplistic, misleading presentations. We have already seen a little bit from the discussion of the Ascendant (whether it is Sagittarius or Capricorn) that a sign can have many effects which are determined by the status of the planet that rules that sign, aspects to the sign (how other planets affect a planet or sign), etc. If all the factors related to the Ascendant sign, its lord (ruler of the sign) and aspects to the sign are favorable then we can expect that the most favorable features of that sign will be displayed. If they are all negative then the bad side will be seen. And if the factors are mixed then the Ascendant will display a mixture of features relating to that sign. Now the Ascendant is the first house of twelve houses. The same principle is applicable to all the houses. The following is a very cursory exposition of the portfolios of each of the houses27[27]: First House: self, head, body, personality, mental temperament, health. Second house: eyes, face, upper part of the throat, speech, wealth, family. Third House: arms, lower part of the throat, shoulders, brothers, sisters, valor. Fourth House: chest, heart, mother, landed property, friends, conveyances, happiness. Fifth House: stomach, education, intelligence, sons, daughters. Sixth House: the region of the navel, illness, enemies, debts, distress. Seventh House: partnership, sexual relations, spouse, the part of the body below the waist and down to the genitals. Eighth House: genitals, anus, death, legacies. Ninth House: hips, thighs, religion (dharma), devotion to God, prosperity, religious preceptor (guru), father. Tenth House: knees, back, status and position in life, activity, honor from government.


Ojha, p. 114.

Eleventh House: calves of legs, friends, income. Twelfth House: expenditure, loss, sexual enjoyment, left eye, teeth, confinement. (It should be noted that the 12 houses of the horoscope are divided into four groups each representing one of the four purusartas: The 1st, 5th, and 9th—Dharma. The 2nd, 6th, and 10th—Artha. The 3rd, 7th, and 11th—Kama. And the 4th, 8th, and 12th—Moksha. This will be used later.) Whole books can and have been written on the effects of just one house. To reiterate (and I will probably repeat this a few more times for emphasis) each house represents many things. Some houses represent mostly good things while others are considered bad. However the ultimate outcome of that house—good or bad—will be dependant on its disposition. For example the fourth house is commonly called sukha-stan, the place of happiness. This, however, is a little misleading if the student thinks that all planets in this house will give happiness. Certainly if the fourth house is well tenanted and aspected, and the lord of the house is similarly disposed, and the significator of the house, in this case for sukha being the Moon, is also well disposed then we can say that the person experiences sukha—happiness. But if, on the contrary, this house is evilly tenanted or aspected, if the lord is debilitated or otherwise weak, and if the Moon is similarly troubled, then rather than being sukha-stan it becomes dukha-stan the house of misery. Similarly the sixth house is the place of enemies, illness, obstacles, debts—all manner of problems. This is certainly a scary house and if suitably situated all the negative can come to pass. But if the 6th lord is strong, well aspected, and the house tenanted by suitable planets then the person is free of disease, has no enemies or easily overcomes them, is free of obstacles, etc. The point being that while a house may relate to certain issues in life it doesn’t necessarily mean the positive or negative side of that issue. Whether it is positive or negative is determined by the condition of the house, its lord and significator.

2.5.2 Spiritual Factors in a Horoscope The main houses that determine spiritual life in the chart are the 1st, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 12th; their lords, significators, and the Moon. The lords of these 5 houses will be different for every chart, but the significators (karakas) for these houses are the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Jupiter, and Saturn-Ketu respectively. (Though the fourth house is classified as a “Moksha” house it doesn’t seem to have a prominent role in the discussion of spiritual life. Though we would assume that the 4th house should indicate happiness from spiritual sources, it also indicates a basic self-knowledge of our emotional make up and those of others which can be seen as precursors of spiritual life. It is definitely an important house but so far in my findings it doesn’t seem to have a crucial role like the 8th and 12th houses. It probably plays more of a role like the 5th and 9th houses which we will discuss now. We could also postulate that a person will not seek after spiritual life unless they become materially unhappy. But so far the 4th doesn’t standout like the 12th or the 8th house.) The first house and all related to it is important because this place, the Ascendant, represents the person himself. It is important that this be well disposed to indicate a person of high caliber. Of course in Srila Prabhupada’s case the Ascendant is Capricorn with Saturn its lord exalted in the 10th. But we shall deal with this in detail later, when we discuss the tenth house. The 5th and 9th houses are typically considered important because they are trinal and deal with purvapunya. And while the 9th house is considered the house of dharma, the 5th house, the 9th from the 9th is no less important.

Among other things the 5th has in its portfolio the following: yantras, mantras, mantra siddhi, devotion to God, kula-devata—family deity, religion, purva-punya, disciples, virtuous acts, going on pilgrimage, writing books, prabhutva—administrative ability, native intelligence, memory, discretion, good counsel, king and his ministers, depth of mind, sobriety, intensity or gravity, mystery, cheerfulness, contentment. But it also stands for embrace of a prostitute, romantic liasons, conception of children, insanity, poor memory, low intelligence, stupidity, atheism etc., etc.28[28] You will notice that, as with the fourth and sixth house, the issues are basically the same but we are dealing with the positive and negative side of certain issues: intelligence—stupidity, good counsel—bad counsel, piety—impiety. Which side of the coin and to which degree it will come out is the task of the astrologer. The 9th house, as Nalini has pointed out, is one of intense piety, good fortune, guru, dharma, devotion to God, higher learning, etc. But if ill situated just the opposite can manifest: atheism, uneducated, bad fortune, etc. Another point to consider is that even if the 5th and the 9th are well disposed it may only show someone who is pious, or highly learned, etc. But this could be more in the line of religiosity and mundane learning such as that of a congregational church member or a Noble Laureate. Their are many pious people in this world, you meet them all the time. We could say that they are more influenced by Sattva. But what is it that separates a man who is a good, pious man and one who becomes a dedicated servant and devotee of the Lord. What indication in the chart would be the symptom of a devotee of Lord Krsna?

2.5.3 8th and 12th House Crucial to Spiritual Life The 6th, 8th and 12th houses are considered the worst houses in the chart. They are called Trik-stan and Dushtana. Why is this? Because they typically represent the unpleasant topics of life. We have already noted the contents of the 6th house. We shall now discuss in detail the issues that the 8th and 12th house bring to our attention. This discussion will be of great relevance to understanding the depth of Srila Prabhupada’s chart and his personality which it represents. There is some controversy as to which is the worst between the 8th or the 12th. But we shall start with the 12th and this will lead us to the 8th. The 12th house, as many writers have pointed out, stands for: On the negative side—Expenditure, financial loss, secret enemies, intrigue, secret liasons with women, bad habits, wandering far from homeland (a great distress, especially in ancient times), misfortune, loss of luxury, loss of comforts of the bed (both sleep and sex), waste of wealth, loss of health, fall from height or position, going to naraka in next life, punishment, confinement, arrest, sins, being crippled, adultery, end of life, mental anguish and physical agony and distress, being cheated, social outcaste, ostracization, exiled, refugee, poverty, mental illness, back biting, over-sensitivity, past bad karma, anger, greed, cruelty, humiliations, extravagance, etc. One would have to agree that these are very disagreeable issues which we would all like to avoid. For this reason the 12th is often call a house of self-destruction. Yet in spite of this the 12th house is called Moksha-stan, the house of spiritual emancipation. How do we determine whether the 12th is going to represent spiritual self-realization or self-destruction? This, as our line of reasoning continues, will depend on the status of the 12th house, its lord, and karaka (significator) Saturn. If these are well disposed and other positive factors are present in the chart revealing a person of higher understanding, then a different situation manifests. Some of the evils of the 12th may still manifest, but these will be but impetuses to push the person more and more into spiritual life. Typically they are


Ojha, pp. 105-106.

immediately aware, without being told, that there is God. They understand that the substrate of existence is consciousness. And because of this they are acutely aware of their own pain and suffering and that of others—they are naturally empathetic. They can see through the veneer of material life and see the ultimate painful uselessness of material society, friendship, and love and all that goes with it. They see absolutely no point at all to the goals and aspirations of “normal society.” Up to this point almost all these symptoms are shared with all persons who have the 12th house active in their charts. (By active, I mean by having the 12th occupied, aspected by its lord, or in some way there being sambandha (connection) between the 12th house and the ascendant.) Whether the person seeks out self-destruction or self-realization will be determined by such factors as favorable position of the 5th and 9th houses, their lords, etc., and also by positive aspects to the ascendant by benefic planets. If there are no positive aspects in the chart as mentioned above then the person sees no higher goal to life. But he continues to experience the pain of existence and considers the values of society as futile. Thus he becomes involved in escapism—substance abuse, alcohol, casual sex, fantasy, movies, fiction novels, TV, food, sleep, etc. Anything which, at least for the moment, distracts him from the pain of his existence. But unfortunately when the moment is over he is back to where he started except that it is now worse than before. Very serious cases can become delusional, catatonic, psychotic, etc. and be committed to insane asylums. Others can get on the wrong side of the law, since they don’t care about society, and spend time in jails as criminals or political prisoners. If there is a positive aspect to the chart, then depending on how strong it is, the person may have to experience only a little of the negative side—a “dark night of the soul” or perhaps none at all. In any case they can somehow understand that there is a higher goal of life than society strives for and they aim their life in that direction. It is then that the positive aspects of the 12th house become manifest. Positive traits of the 12th house: tremendous capacity for self-sacrifice, humble, devoted to God and saints, charitable, compassionate, empathy, deep understanding of psychology, control of wasteful expenditure, travels on pilgrimage, no fixed abode—all places are home, deeply introspective, meditative, fascinated by God, deep emotional strength, self-realization, residence in foreign lands, success away from his place of birth, very grave, likes his own company, very private, needs to be alone often, loves the solitude of remote places, powerful imagination, rich inner life, deep interest in ancient lore and history, reservoir of all kinds of secrets and secret (occult) knowledge, knowledge of past lives, able to reach deep within himself past the levels of ordinary consciousness, creative inspiration, extra-sensory awareness, psychic or mystic powers, transcendence; highest, idealized expression of love for Krsna and His creation; living in asrams, working behind the scenes, etc. Depending on the evolution of the soul involved they will manifest these qualities in greater or lesser degrees. On the lower end they could be the kind of person who does volunteer work in the hospital or joins the peace corp. On the higher end you have dedicated devotees of God and Mahabhagavatas. The persons who have a positive manifestation of the 12th house fill the spectrum that Krsna explains in the 12th chapter of the Bhagavada-gita. Of the approximately 900 charts of devotees that I have on file I would say that a very large percent—8090%—have a positively activated 12th house. It is a signature of a devotee, more than just a pious person, but someone ready to surrender and transcend.

2.5.4 The 8th House Of the 10-20% of devotees who don’t have a positively activated 12th house I find that they have a positively activated 8th house. Some have both. I can’t think of any examples of any devotees who have neither 8th house or 12th house contacts in their charts but only 5th or 9th. The numbers are really overwhelming. Now let us examine why the 8th house, the worst house in the chart according to most

astrologers, is associated with spirituality. As one astrologer put it: “The negative and positive implications of this house [the 8th] are major factors for determining the ultimate meaning of our lives.”29[29] The issues that the 8th house deals with are among the most unpleasant and troublesome in human experience. For example the 8th is commonly called Mrtyu-stan—the house of death. That about says it right there, death being probably the most feared and unpleasant experience in material life. Let us briefly catalog (as with other houses) the litany of evils the 8th house represents. Negative side of the 8th30[30]: cause and time of death, genitals, anus, incurring debts, lending money and losing it; piles, fistula, prolapsus and other diseases of the rectum; sexually transmitted diseases, sexual perversion; all kinds of physical and mental distress, pain, ailments, agony, etc.; break of partnership or friendship, defeat by diplomatic strategy; drugs, intoxication, prostitution, ruthless behavior, severe difficulties in crossing of oceans, mountainous regions or dense forest; weapons, major calamities; serious diseases like cancer, leprosy, AIDS, malaria, tuberculoses, etc.; very bad character, liar, Machiavellian manipulator, cheating, sexual profligacy and debauchery, going down the wrong path—literally and symbolically, total destruction, ill repute, impediments, mutilation of limb, fear, battles, evil news, fears or denies death, morbid thoughts of death, fear of occult or superstitious, trouble from ghosts and black magic, murder, poisons, insanity, paranoia, etc. With this resume we can well see why the 8th house is feared if it manifests its negative side. But if we follow the line of reasoning that we have been pursuing, that a house has a positive as well as a negative side we shall soon see why spirituality is associated with the 8th house. The positive side of the 8th house31[31]: ayu-stan the house of life, long life, regeneration, metamorphosis and transformation of self and others; deep, penetrating intelligence; sees through material facade, profound thinking, polymath of occult knowledge—remember that Krsna Consciousness is raja-vidya, rajaghuyam—the King of secret knowledge, sublimation of sexual energy and transcendence of material desire; sees through tricks and maneuvers of others; total self-control of body, mind, and senses; meditation, ability to focus the mind, deep stores of emotional energy to draw on, gravity, very deep and mysterious personality, deep policies with far reaching consequences, researcher or inventor, detective-like qualities, distant travels, great adventures. Wealth gained through inheritance or legacy. The ability to “read between the lines.” Acceptance of death and an integration of its reality into daily life. Sense of immortality of one’s consciousness. Thinks of death often, sees death as a great teacher, prioritizes his life because always feels that death is near. Always goes to the heart of a matter, doesn’t beat around the bush. Many experiences outside the normal limits of personality. Ability to immediately bond with others on emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels. Knowledge of previous lives, etc. After reading the terrain covered by the 8th and 12th house it is easily seen why they are demarked as belonging to the Moksha category. For it is only after one has conquered over the negative traits of these two houses and manifest their positive traits that spiritual realization is achieved. Now we shall return to our main points of discussion.

2.6 Is Jupiter in the 8th is an Asura Yoga? To recapitulate, Nalini Kanta has stated that: “One chart had him with Capricorn rising, with exalted Saturn in the 10th and Jupiter in the 8th.” And, “Jupiter and Venus in the 8th creates an asura-yoga or a combination for a demonic personality.” (In his


Frawley, p. 150. Based on several authors mentioned in references. 31[31] Based on several authors mentioned in references. 30[30]

paper he has referred to this many times.) These are his reasons cited for Prabhupada’s not having a Capricorn Ascendant. Let us look at what standard texts say on the matter of Jupiter in the 8th. Bhrgu Sutram says: “[mostly concerned with longevity] . . . Jupiter joined by a malefic, the native will be sinful . . . if Jupiter is in own sign or exalted he will be long-lived, free from diseases a saintly person, learned and well versed in Vedas and Sastras.” [Italics mine.] Brhat Jataka: “The native will be base.” Phaladipika:“The native will be poor and will earn his livelihood by serving others. He will be long-lived but indulge in sinful deeds.” Chamatkara Cintamani:“ Not live at home for long. He keeps poor health. He will go to heaven after death.” [Italics mine.] There are many other texts but they say basically the same thing. It generally doesn’t reflect good. This is because for the most part the explanations they give are very brief and to the point, as in the case of Brhat Jataka, without taking into consideration other factors. If they elaborate more we notice that if they take into consideration other factors, Jupiter then has the possibility of giving great benefit. Thus Bhrgu Sutram indicates that if Jupiter is strong in the 8th then: “he will be long-lived, free from diseases a saintly person, learned and well versed in Vedas and Sastras.” And Chamatkara without conditions says: “He will go to heaven after death.” So it doesn’t seem to be that the pandits were giving a blanket condemnation of Jupiter in the 8th as evil. Why the apparent contradictions between pandits and sages? The answer is that astrology is very complex. On the whole the issues related to the 8th are very serious indeed and thus the 8th is called a dushtana or evil house, and Jupiter the supreme benefic if placed in the 8th will destroy his good qualities so Jupiter in the 8th is to be avoided. But there are exceptions. When we look at the houses we have mentioned we see that they all have both a positive and negative expression. So this raises several questions: How is it possible to get the positive expression of the 8th house? Is Jupiter in the 8th evil for every rising sign or can he be good for some and bad for others? Also, is Jupiter always good in the 9th for every rising sign? Is it possible that in some cases Jupiter in the 9th can ruin the 9th? In the following section we shall examine the exceptions to the rules.

2.6.1 Viparita Raja Yoga The problem with such blanket statements as “Jupiter in the 8th is an asura-yoga” is that they ignore the exceptions. In fact it is not so much an exception but rather a major principle in astrological synthesis of determining what part of the spectrum of results a planet, sign or house will give. This result is determined by carefully balancing several factors before reaching a decision. It is not that Jupiter in the 8th house will give the same identical result for each person who has this configuration. The result will vary considerably according to the following criterion: What sign is rising, which sign rules the 8th house, who is the ruling planet of the 8th house, what is the relationship between the planet who rules the 8th house and the planet who tenants it, who is aspecting or conjoining the 8th house and its lord, what is the situation of the 8th house; is the planet situated in the 8th weak or strong or somewhere in between by positional strength (stana-bala), temporal strength (kala-bala), etc.; are any special yogas (planetary combinations) formed, what houses does the planet who is tenanting the 8th own, etc. Only after carefully scrutinizing the situation should a person make a decision.

In this case Nalini Kanta has ignored the concept of astrological yoga. In astrology certain combinations of planets either in combination of signs, houses, nakshatras, or planets will constitute a yoga which will give special results. It adds another dimension to astrology. One of the yogas is called Viparita Raja Yoga (VRY) which I will now describe in detail. As already mentioned the 8th house is considered to be quite evil, its portfolio mainly ruling over death. There are other negative houses in the horoscope namely the 6th-sickness, enemies, obstacles, injuries, accidents, etc. And the 12th-loss, poverty, confusion, wandering aimlessly, self-destruction, insanity, imprisonment, etc. Not only are the houses evil but so are the planets that rule the evil houses. Suppose down the street from where you lived was a saloon/brothel, doubtlessly an evil establishment. Do you doubt that the person who owned such a place would also be of immoral disposition? Therefore wherever such evil planet goes he wreaks destruction. So what to do with the evil lords of the 6th, 8th, and 12th? The best place for them to be is to stay in one of these houses then they cause no harm but rather increase benefits. This is the idea of Viparita Raja Yoga. The formal definition is given in Uttara Kalamrita 4.22: “If any one of the following four Yogas takes place—(1) Lord of the 8th in the 12th or the 6th; (2) Lord of the 6th being placed in the 8th or the 12th; (3) Lord of the 12th being in the 6th or the 8th; (4) the said three lords being connected in any way, by mutual exchange, mutual aspect or conjunction and at the same time are free from such relation with other planets—the person born will become a great king lording over other kings and blessed with fame and wealth.” Satyacarya in his Jataka Satyacariyam32[32] confirms this stating: “If the lord of the 8th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th, he will make the significations of these houses prosper . . .” There is, however, a rider on this rule and that is that there can be no other planets involved who are lords of good houses. Suppose for Pisces Ascendant you have Sun, Jupiter and Venus in the 12th. Then the Sun as 6th lord, and Venus as 8th conjoined in the 12th form Viparita Raja Yoga, but because Jupiter is there and he is the lord of the Ascendant and the 10th, then this is not Viparita Raja Yoga but rather a very destructive yoga. In this case Jupiter is assailed by two bad planets while in a weak position. So as long as there are no good lords in the combination then Viparita Raja Yoga can be said to exist. This Viparita Raja Yoga is a very favorable one and will give different results depending on the planets and houses involved. Now let us revert to Srila Prabhupada’s chart. In his case he has Capricorn Ascendant and in the 8th is Jupiter, Sun and Ketu. Jupiter is the lord of 12th and the Sun as the lord of the 8th is in his own house, the 8th. Thus we have a perfect Viparita Raja Yoga. The lords of 8th and 12th conjoined together in the 8th. Not only that but Jupiter is able to aspect the 12th house from this position and make its spiritual significations strong. Even without the Viparita Raja Yoga, Sun in the 8th is very powerful because it is a dictum of astrology that whenever a planet is posited in his own sign or aspects his own sign, that sign (and house which the sign rules) becomes very strong. So the Sun is bound to give good results. But what of Jupiter as 12th lord in the 8th? Here is the opinion of several authorities. [Italics mine.]


Satya., p.83.

Parasara Muni: “If the 12th lord is in the 8th, the native will always gain, will speak affably, will enjoy a medium span of life and be endowed with all good qualities.” Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra 24.140 Satyacarya: “If the lord of the 12th house is placed in the 8th, the native will experience happiness and unhappiness in almost equal amounts. Benefic combinations cause auspicious results to happen. [Such as planets in 5th and 9th as is found in Prabhupada’s chart.] If there is combination with the lord of the 6th house, the period will prove to be extremely auspicious and cause good results to happen. Also, the effects will be modified by the nature of the planets associated with the lord of the 12th house.” Satyajatakam 4.12.8 Ramadayalu in his Sanketanidhi quotes Lomasa Rsi: “When the lord of the 12th house occupies the 2nd or the 8th, the natives devotion to Lord Krsna will be immense. He will be endowed with all good qualities and will speak kindly. He will be charitably disposed.” Sanketanidhi 6.98 Bhrgu Samhita Paddhati (BSP) says the following about Jupiter as the 12th lord in the 8th in Leo: “. . . ; gets power by spending much money acquired in foreign countries; . . .gets the power of old and serious things helping the life career [mystic and occult knowledge, ancient lore, knowledge of past lifes, metaphysics, philosophy, etc.] . . . spends the daily routine of life with great dignity and influence.” BSP p. 567 B.V. Raman: “The native will be rich and celebrated, will enjoy a luxurious life with many servants waiting on him. Gain through deaths and legacy is indicated. Interest in occult subjects and devoted to Lord Visnu, he will be righteous, famous and a gentle speaker being endowed with many good qualities of head and heart.” How To Judge A Horoscope Vol. 2, pg 420.

2.6.2 Nalini’s Contradiction On page 5 of his report Nalini says the following of Jupiter in the 8th house: “[Jupiter in] 8th house (if Capricorn is rising, also Chamatkar-Chintamani); ‘short lived, base acts, a devil, miser, friendless, gloomy, miserable, irrational, immodest, inert and lean, debauchee, wicked, slighted, etc.’” What is strange is that in Nalini Kanta’s own book he totally contradicts himself and says the following about Jupiter (as 12th lord for Capricorn rising) in the 8th house on page 196: “Lord of 12th [Jupiter] in 8th—Only good words are used in texts describing this position, like devotion to God, charitable heart, kind speech, etc . . .” As I said before I have the charts of many devotees who have Jupiter in the 8th house and they do not appear to me to be the way Nalini describes them to be. For example there is HH Bhakti-marga Swami, Advaita-Candra Dasa, Hari Sauri Prabhu, Hansarupa Dasa, Jagadishananda Prabhu (of NA BBT), Kusa Devi (wife of Sruta Kirti Dasa), and Yamuna Devi to name a few. None of them are “miserly, irrational, devils.”

2.6.3 Sun in Leo in the 8th Aside from Jupiter the 12th lord in the 8th there is the placement of the Sun in his own sign in the 8th. The Bhrgu Samhita Paddhati says the following about Sun in own sign in the 8th house:

“. . . lives long; is very influential; gets great influence and advantage through the old and serious things helping the life career [mystic and occult knowledge, ancient lore, knowledge of past lifes, metaphysics, philosophy, etc.];. . . possess a very strong power of secrecy and mystery; lives in a very dignified manner; doesn’t care at all about his future; . . .” BSP p. 543 Though textual quotes cannot be taken literally without modification we see very strong indications that the combination of Sun and Jupiter in Leo, in the 8th, greatly enhance the spiritual significations that the 8th can manifest. This combination curbs the negative character traits associated with the 8th house leaving only the positive manifestation. In any case we can see that when we look a little deeper we find that the real picture unveils itself. That actually in the case of Capricorn Ascendant, to have Jupiter in the 8th house is not an Asura Yoga as Nalini Kanta would have us believe, but rather a Mahabhagavata Yoga as confirmed by all great authorities and even strangely enough by Nalini Kanta himself. Unfortunately he didn’t apply this to Prabhupada’s chart.

2.6.4 Ketu in the 8th What of the fact that in Prabhupada’s chart it is not only the Sun and Jupiter in the 8th but also Ketu? Ketu like Rahu is a chaya graha—shadowy planet. Ketu doesn’t really rule any signs so he owns no houses thus he can not nullify the Yoga. But because he is a chaya graha he can act as a catalyst and make it more powerful and also act as a conduit such that the powers of Sun and Jupiter will act through him. Aside from this Ketu does add something to this yoga. Though he owns no houses Ketu does have a karakatva (signification), namely moksha-karaka. Ketu unlike Rahu has a very spiritual side to him and he is recognized as the significator of liberation (moksha-karaka). And though the 8th has a generally bad reputation it is, on the good side (or when the bad side is destroyed) it is the house of mysteries, regeneration, occult knowledge, old and secret things that help in life, purification, devotion to God, control of the senses, mystic siddhis, revolution, knowledge of past and future births, etc. So with the Sun placed in his own sign in the 8th house all these positive factors become strong. Jupiter conjoined Sun makes it even more powerful for two reasons: 1) because as we have already mentioned the 8th house becomes purified of negativity leaving strong spiritual and mystic tendency and— 2) From the 8th Jupiter aspects the 12th house which he owns and makes it very strong. As we have already shown the 12th and the 8th are essential for true spiritual accomplishments and thus Jupiter in the 8th activates both. By adding Ketu it makes for a person who is completely from some other realm, detached from material existence. Ketu thus further emphasizes Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual nature. This yoga in the 8th house actually reveals that we will never really understand Prabhupada’s true identity. He appeared like an ordinary man, but that was a facade. He is inscrutable. He is a siddha. His plans were very deep and far reaching. Because of our nearness it is difficult for us to appreciate what he has done or to what extent he has changed the course of history. We are living at a very historical moment, people will, in the future look back on Srila Prabhupada much as they do now on Mohammed, Christ or Buddha except that Prabhupada’s contribution will be far greater.

2.6.5 Is Jupiter Always Good in the 9th? Before we leave this section we should note that while Nalini traduced Jupiter in the 8th he also made the blanket statement that Jupiter in the 9th is all good. Is this always true? Can there be Ascendants for which Jupiter in the 9th is not good but even down right evil?

Yes, for Taurus Ascendant, Jupiter in the 9th, without mitigation, is very bad and destroys all the significations of the house. The reasons are two fold, first of all Jupiter becomes a functional malefic because he owns two evil houses 8th and 11th. Secondly when Jupiter is in the 9th from Taurus he is in Capricorn, his sign of debilitation where he loses his power to do good. Bhrgu Sangita Paddhati says the following about Jupiter in the 9th in Capricorn: “. . .heavy loss in destiny and dharma; gets weakness of longevity; gets the loss of old and serious things which help the life career, injures dharma to gain wealth, gets weak income, little belief in God,. . .” BSP p. 89. I also have charts of persons with Jupiter in the 9th who are not much interested in spiritual life. And others such as Bhagavan Prabhu who have had some very serious setbacks in their spiritual life. Thus we again find that in the multi-faceted world of real astrology Jupiter is not always good in the 9th house, nor is he always bad in the 8th.

2.7 Is the Ascendant Lord in the 10th House Bad? Now we shall take up the cudgel against Nalini’s objection that Srila Prabhupada couldn’t have Capricorn Ascendant because then Saturn: “the ascendant lord exalted in the tenth house [is in] (the house of artha or economic development).” Implying that this would make Prabhupada like a karmi. Nalini Kanta’s argument, in this case, hinges on the 10th house being, “the house of artha or economic development.” Is this the actual case? As we mentioned before the 12 houses of the chart are divided up equally between the purusarthas— dharma, artha, kama, and moksa. Thus the dharma houses are 1,5, and 9th. The artha houses are 2, 6, 10. The kama houses are 3, 7, and 11. And the moksa houses are 4, 8, and 12. The first comment we might make is that if Nalini insists that the 10th is a artha house then he should have no trouble accepting the 8th as a house of moksa! And thus not complain about Jupiter being posited there. As we have shown, in Prabhupada’s case Jupiter in the 8th is a part of Viparita Raja Yoga and raises the quality of the chart several quanta. It is a Maha-Bhagavata-yoga. Aside from this to simply designate the 10th as a house of artha is to miss the point of the 10th house. Each house has in its portfolio a wide variety of items and we shall soon delve into what the sastras say about the 10th house but before that let me give a bit of deeper analysis. The 4th house in a natal chart represents the mind of the individual. It is the house of sukha-dukha, happiness and distress. What ever is conceived in the mind of the individual, if it is to manifest, must be acted upon. The house representing this action is the 10th. The 10th ultimately represents karma, in the sense of how a person will accomplish an action—by noble or base methods, to what extent they will be successful in their actions, will their actions bring them fame or infamy, etc. An epiphenomena of this will refer to a person’s vocation or career, what they “do” in life. Even saints and sadhus have a profession or career—they are preachers and servants of God. So to relegate the 10th to artha is to misunderstand the fundamental basis of the meaning of this house. Now let us look at what ancient sages have said about the signification or karakatva of the 10th. [Italics mine.] Parasara Muni: “Royalty (authority, the power to command), place, profession (livelihood), honor, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to understood from the 10th house.” Parasara Hora Sastra 11.11 Bhrgu Samhita Paddhati: “Government and society, big occupation, attaining a high position, splendor, sovereignty.” BPS p.8

Suka Nadi says: “. . .temple building capacity. . .” Pandit Ojha has given a synopsis of the views of several ancient astrologers about the 10th33[33]. Vaidyanatha: (In addition to matters already stated) “the natives actions or activities, ornaments, sleep, agriculture, renunciation of worldly life and taking to asceticism, means of lively hood.” Ramadayalu in Sanketanidhi: “The backbone, trade and commerce, seal of authority, position, etc.” Prasna Marga: “Temples, the city; municipal, legislative or administrative council, rest houses where free lodging and boardings used to be provided (Dharmasalas), slaves, all activity, authority, and support.” Uttarakalamrta: “Trade, depositing of a treasure, riding a horse [fancy vehicles], road or track for a journey, athletics, teaching, supremacy, fame, elders, talismans, and adopted son.” Bhat: “. . .kingly duty, [or] servitude, fame, performance of sacrifices, mystic yantra, mantra, mantra siddhi, self-respect, honorable living, education,. . .”34[34] We can see from the evidence culled from respectable sources that the 10th is hardly just “the house of artha or economic development.” We see “renunciation of worldly life and taking to asceticism”, “performance of sacrifices, mystic yantra, mantra, mantra siddhi” and “teaching” among many other things. All authorities agree that the 10th is the house of Royalty and command as Parasara Muni stated: “Royalty (authority, the power to command). . .” This is confirmed by Srila Prabhupada who said: “So when I met Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura . . . It is a long story, how I met him. One of my friends, he dragged me. (laughing) (laughter) I was at that time nationalist and manager in a big chemical factory. My age was about twenty-four years. So one of my friends, he asked me that ‘There is a nice sadhu, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. He has come in Calcutta. So let us go and see.’ So I was reluctant. I thought just like so, there are so many sadhus. So I was not very much . . . Because I had very bad experience, not very good. So I said, ‘Oh these kind of sadhus, there are many.’ You’ll be glad to know that even my in young age or early age—it was Krsna’s grace—even amongst my young friends, I was considered the leader. (laughing) (laughter) In my school days, in my college days, in my private friendship, some way or other I became their leader. And one astrologer sometimes he read my hand. He said in Hindi, kukum calena. (?) Kukum calena means “Your hand speaks that your order will be executed.” Devotees: Jaya! Prabhupada: So anyway, it was Krsna’s grace. I would not go, but their point of view was that unless I certify that sadhu, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, he’ll not be accepted. Therefore he dragged me. So I went to see Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura on that day.” Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s Disappearance Day, Los Angeles, December 13, 1973 In Prabhupada’s chart he has his Ascendant lord Saturn in deep exaltation in the 10th house. And we can’t forget the lord of the 10th house Venus, who is conjoined exalted Mercury the lord of the 9th in the 9th. What does it mean? Well considering what we learned about the chart so far in regards to the 8th house we will have to keep that in mind when we look at the rest of the chart.

33[33] 34[34]

Ojha, pp. 111-112. Bhat, p. 32.

For Capricorn rising Saturn in the 10th in Libra means that the 1st and 2nd lord is very powerful in the 10th and indicates that, regardless of any other consideration, the person: Will rise to a very prominent position, will become very famous, he will be an expert organizer and manager, he will do many things for the upliftment of society, he will be a visionary with large scale plans, he will be very expert in dealing with people, will be wealthy and expert in handling money, highly educated, knowledge of ancient sastras, speaks convincingly and powerfully, be very self-reliant, keenly developed sense of justice, equal to all, equipoised, full of grace and culture. Also Saturn in this placement causes Sasa Mahapurusa Yoga indicating a very great person. Aside from this, Saturn in Libra, as the Ascendant lord, indicates that he will be very graceful, dignified and swan-like, he will have an attractive personality and features [photos from his youth indicate that Srila Prabhupada was a handsome man]. I don’t think that anyone can doubt that, though Srila Prabhupada was a businessman in his purva ashrama, he didn’t attain the height of success until he answered his true calling, that of a preacher for Caitanya Mahaprabhu. His creating and managing ISKCON and turning it into a world wide mission are all understandable for a Capricorn Ascendant person who has Saturn in the 10th. It is clear that the 8th house placement of planets indicates that Srila Prabhupada is a true devotee and that is going to influence in what direction he acts. The placement of the Ascendant lord Saturn in deep exaltation in the 10th indicates the magnitude and quality of that action. In Prabhupada’s case it makes him the Emperor of devotees. One who has accomplished unimaginable things, is great in many ways, aristocratic, etc. What of Venus, the 10th lord in the 9th. As we mentioned the 10th is for action. Saturn in the 10th indicate that he will work very hard himself. But Venus as 10th lord also gives an indication of what the direction of action will be. (Of course we should also keep in mind that the 8th indicates Bhakti-yoga in his chart, this also indicates the direction of his actions.) Since Venus is the Yoga Karaka planet for Capricorn his placement is vital. Yoga Karaka means the planet that can do most good for a particular Ascendant. For Capricorn and Kumba that planet is Venus because he simultaneously owns a kendra and kona house, i.e. for Capricorn he rules the 5th and 10th both very good houses, thus he carries no blemish and can only do good not evil. Though Venus is nicha (debilitated) in Virgo this blemish is cancelled twice by two nicha-bhanga yogas, Jupiter in the 4th from Moon, and Mercury conjoined Venus. (Though it probably contributed to his having an un-cooperative wife.) According to Raman: “Lord of the 10th in the 9th makes the native a spiritual stalwart. He will be a beacon to spiritual seekers if Jupiter aspects the 10th lord. He follows the profession of a preacher, teacher or healer. The father of the native has a great influence over him. He will be a dutiful son and do many charitable deeds.” [Italics mine.] Though in Prabhupada’s chart Jupiter doesn’t aspect Venus, Jupiter’s place can safely be replaced by exalted Mercury lord of the 9th in the 9th with Venus. This is because the function of Jupiter and the 9th house lord is the same. In any case I think that it should be clear by now that to claim that having Saturn exalted in the 10th makes a person a materialist interested only in economic development is a very shallow and wrong understanding of the situation. One must look a little deeper to see the true picture.

2.8 Jupiter-Good—Saturn-Bad In another over simplification Nalini has characterized Jupiter as all good and Saturn as the opposite. This is a lop sided argument that doesn’t present the real facts. Both planets represent a whole spectrum of results depending on the status of the planet in the chart. Nalini has gone to great lengths to paint the qualities of Jupiter in glowing colors as if this were always the case. While I am not denying that Jupiter is the supreme natural benefic planet with many laudable qualities it doesn’t mean that Jupiter will always

display these qualities in everyone’s chart. When Jupiter is ill disposed it represents—over-extension, overoptimism, pomposity, pretense, denial of negative realities, religious bigotry, guru-complex, great pride due to scholarship, being full of one’s self, etc. If really badly situated it could indicate outright atheism or mayavadi and Buddhist tendency. Another point to consider is that Nalini gives so much prominence to Jupiter controlling Prabhupada’s chart that he forgets that such a dominance of Jupiter often leads to the person becoming very corpulent for Jupiter rules fat. In fact one of the passages quoted by Nalini states: “. . big bellied body. . . ”(p. 4) Hardly a description of Prabhupada. I should like to say that for a Sagittarius Ascendant, Jupiter in the 9th is a very good position and in fact in many ways the Sagittarius chart is a powerful one. However according to the time Prabhupada gave us he has a Capricorn Ascendant not Sagittarius and as we have seen so far the Capricorn Ascendant chart is not the chart of a demonic karmi as Nalini has made it out to be. There are many other reasons why Sagittarius Ascendant could not be Prabhupada’s chart as we shall point out in different places (see chapter on analysis of the Sagittarius rising chart), especially when it comes to timing Prabhupada’s life. Nalini says of Saturn, who rules Prabhupada’s chart (if we go along with the time given to us by Prabhupada): “On the other hand, look at the description of the planet Saturn, which certainly has some good qualities as well, but is generally entrusted to giving the embodied souls suffering: ‘Saturn is cruel, with a thin long body, hard nails, big-sized teeth, is tamasic in nature, prominent veins, is curt in speech and is despicable.’” (p. 4) As you probably have already guessed Nalini has (again) not told us the whole story. The above description of Saturn is true if Saturn is weak. But if Saturn is strong, as he undoubtedly is by being in his exaltation sign of Libra in Prabhupada’s chart, then we get a very different picture: “If Saturn be strong the native would be sober, deep, sagacious, fond of mystic and occult sciences, philosophy, etc.”35[35] And for Saturn in Libra “Endearing speech; intelligent; occupies a senior position among groups of people and respected in the village or town he resides in; very rich—equal to a king; earns money and respect by touring or contacts with foreign countries; can bank upon hoarded money; rises as life advances; . . .”36[36] And for Saturn in the 10th (as in Prabhupada’s chart): “. . .The native has much knowledge of sastras, he is learned; brave and famous. He is wealthy and occupies a high position in life. He is the head of an institution or at the helm of affairs of his sphere of activity. This is not a good location for happiness from mother, but good for father unless Saturn rules the 8th house. The person generally lives at a place other than his homeland.”37[37] By putting these factors together—strong Saturn in Libra in the 10th house—and Nalini Kanta’s argument evaporates. We should also like to point out that while Jupiter is very important planet in regards to spiritual life so is Saturn. We have already noted that 5th and 9th house have Jupiter as the karaka while the 8th and 12th have Saturn, and these later two houses are essential for spiritual life. Varaha Mihira in his chapter on


Ojha, p.77. Ojha, p. 143. 37[37] Ojha, p. 169. 36[36]

Parivraja Yoga (combinations for Sannyasa) has stressed on Saturn being the dominant planet because a strong Saturn gives philosophical outlook, detachment, and tapasya. Here is what Varaha Mihira says:

2.8.1 Parameters of Parivraja Yoga In Brhat Jataka chapter 15, probably the shortest chapter, only four verses, he gives the essence of Parivraja Yoga. 1-Four or more powerful planets should reside in one house. The nature of the Parivraja Yoga will be determined by the nature of the strongest planet involved in the Yoga. That is, to what sect the man will be is supposedly determined by the planet involved, but this could also be interpreted in the case of vaisnavas as which avatara the sannyasi is most attached to. If the yoga causing planets are defeated in planetary war he will fall from sannyasa. 2-If the planets involved in Parivraja Yoga are combust by the Sun (too close to the burning rays of the Sun and thus obscured) then the person will not take Sannyasa but greatly worship Sannyasis instead. If the yogakaraka of the Parivraja Yoga and other defeated planets are aspected by other planets he makes application for taking sannyasa but doesn’t become one. 3-This is a bit of a round about combination. Consider the lord of the sign the Moon is in. Call this planet X. X should not be aspected by any planets. X should aspect Saturn. Or if X is weak and aspected by Saturn. Or if the Moon is in the Drekkana of Saturn and occupies the navamsa of Saturn or Mars and is aspected by Saturn. Then the person gets Sannyasa Diksha. (However we should still consider combustion and Graha-yuddha as mentioned in previous verses.) 4-If Jupiter, the Moon and Ascendant lord are aspected by Saturn. And Saturn occupies the 9th unaspected by any planet he gets Sannyasa diksha. Of these four combinations two have a heavy involvement of Saturn. These are only some combinations indicating Sannyasa. Saturn is a major player for Sannyasa and gives detachment-vairagya and tapasyaausterity. Saturn should positively aspect the Moon thus cooling the emotions and giving emotional detachment. Saturn aspecting the Ascendant gives self-control and discipline. Saturn associated with Jupiter hones the philosophical insights. One can not just apply some formula but must look at the chart after a lot of experience with astrology. There are many subtleties and intuition is involved. In other words you should not just jump into doing sannyasa charts especially when it is such a serious thing with great spiritual and social ramifications. The main point is that while Saturn is often portrayed as a villain in astrology it is only one side of the coin. He has another side to him which has been ignored by Nalini especially the role that Saturn plays in Prabhupada’s Capricorn Ascendant chart. The fact is that no one can ever make it to the top in any field, material or spiritual, without the blessings of Saturn.

2.8.2 1008 Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura’s Chart Ruled by Saturn On page four of his report Nalini Kanta Prabhu makes the following statement “Gemini was rising, the rising sign of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada’s chart.” By making this statement Nalini Kanta has contradicted himself and totally nullified his whole presentation. Why is that? The answer will become obvious if we briefly examine His Divine Grace’s chart.

His Divine Grace 1008 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami Thakura was born Feb 6, 1874 at 3:30 PM, at Puri, with Cancer rising on the Ascendant. [Note, time zone was 5 hours 21 minutes East of Greenwich (Madras Time) not Local Mean Time.] In the Gaudiya Matha biography entitled Life of Prabhupada Srila Sarasvati Thakura38[38], it specifically states: “. . . the fifth day of the dark lunar fortnight of 1874 A. D.; at 3:30 in the afternoon of this day a divinely radiant great person made his appearance . . . He appeared as the fourth son of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and Sriyukta Bhagavati Devi on the 5th Govinda 387 Gaura Era, Friday the 6th February 1874 A. D. under the sign of Cancer.”39[39] We note that Bhaktisiddhanta had Cancer rising, but with the time that was given when I calculated the chart it came out to the last degree of Gemini (28 degrees Gemini 59 minutes). However since Bhaktisiddhanta was well versed in Jyotisha he was more than capable of erecting his own horoscope. Therefore if he said that his Ascendant was Cancer then that must be the case and that is what I have shown. I don’t want to speculate. The adjustment in time required to get a Cancer rising is only five minutes which is very small. I have added five more minutes for safety sake. I repeat. The only reason I make the adjustment at all is to preserve the statement in His Divine Grace’s biography which states that his Ascendant was Cancer and we see that a small adjustment of only 5 minutes accomplishes the task. Planetary Situation. (Time adjusted 10 minutes to 3:40 PM.) RASI Ascendant Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter R Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

01CN12 25CP27 19VI55 05PI46 27CP35 09VI01 21CP17 14CP29 17AR09 17LI09

In this chart we see that there are four planets conjoined in one house. Namely Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn are conjoined in Capricorn. Please note this important fact. I am not going to argue whether Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati has a Gemini—Gemini rising or Cancer— Kataka rising. In either case it poses an insurmountable problem to Nalini Kanta’s thesis. First of all, in any horoscope, no matter what the rising sign, any sign that has three or more planets will have a tremendous impact on the psycho-physical nature of the person. In this case there are four planets in the sign of Capricorn, the sign that Nalini loves to hate. Now these four planets stay in Capricorn no matter what the rising sign was on that day, or for several days after that. But Nalini Kanta insists that Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura has a Gemini rising. The inescapable implication of this is that since Capricorn—Capricorn is 8 signs from Gemini that means that Nalini Kanta Prabhu has given Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati a chart in which he has 4 planets in Capricorn in the 8th house (one more than Srila Prabhupada has with a Capricorn rising chart). And we know how much

38[38] 39[39]

With thanks to Rupavilasa Prabhu (Ray of Visnu). Life of Prabhupada Srila Sarasvati Thakura, pp. 4-5.

Nalini Kanta loathes both Capricorn and the 8th house. We also note that Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s chart ruler for Gemini becomes Buddha and he (Buddha) is placed in Capricorn in the 8th. In Bhaktisiddhant’s chart he has four planets in Capricorn. Does this mean that he is low class? He has a total of six of ten significators in Earth signs, which by the definition of Nalini Kanta definitely puts him in the Sudra category. This doesn’t quite sound like Bhaktisiddhanta. (Srila Prabhupada, even if you ignore his Ascendant, still has four planets out of ten significators in earth signs!) Not only that, but Saturn who in varna classification represents Sudras, is the main significator for sannyasa. Obviously astrology is a bit more complicated than some people think. It requires a discrimination and training to know when to apply different rules to various situations. Nalini cannot have it both ways. He can’t claim that Capricorn is a “low class sudra sign” and thus we can’t have Prabhupada born with it rising; yet it is the predominant sign in Bhakti Siddhanata’s chart (and Bhaktivinode Thakura as well). If he complained about Prabhupada having his Ascendant lord exalted in the 10th because he said that the 10th was the house of artha—economic development, how then will he approve of Prabhupada’s guru having his Ascendant lord in the 8th (“asura-yoga”) with three other planets, and all in that “sudra sign” of Capricorn?

2.9 Other Astrologer’s Charts 2.9.1 Arka Somayaji Nalini Kanta Prabhu, and those who follow him, substantiate their belief that Srila Prabhupada had a Sagittarius Ascendant because one astrologer, named Arka Somayaji, calculated a chart for Srila Prabhupada with a Sagittarius Ascendant40[40]. This astrologer is said to have pronounced Srila Prabhupada to be an “Avatara-purusa, Jivanmukta, etc,” on the basis of this Sagittarius chart. And since Srila Prabhupada is a great soul, a siddha, ergo he must have Sagittarius Ascendant. Nalini Kanta writes: “I read those five charts that were given to Prabhupada. One chart from a South Indian Astrologer [Arka Somayaji] said that Prabhupada was under 29 degrees Sagittarius [rising], as stated in my book, and that Prabhupada was a Shaktyavesa Avatara, an incarnation of the mercy of the Lord [he didn’t exactly say that, see Arka Somayaji’s letter for what he actually said] who can deliver the whole world. Why has Shyamasundara rejected that fellows opinion and accepted Ojha’s [chart with Capricorn Ascendant], which says nothing special about His Divine Grace?” (From a letter to Hrisikesananda March 26, 1995 and posted on the GBC, Prabhupada Centennial, and other forums as text 105820.) I do not know Arka Somayaji or his astrological abilities, he may or may not be a good astrologer. He seems to be a gentleman from a pious vaisnava brahmana family. In any case he well knew Srila Prabhupada’s reputation and that only a person of exceptional spiritual magnitude could do such deeds. Naturally one wants to praise great souls and he took this opportunity to do so. However while Akra Somayaji makes very nice comments which we can all appreciate as true, Nalini has jumped to the conclusion that simply because the astrologer praised Srila Prabhupada then it follows that the chart must be correct. Nalini asks “why have I rejected this fellows opinion?” My reasons for rejecting Arka Somayaji’s calculation are as follows: (1) Though he was given the correct birth data (for he writes in the chart “1-9-1896 at 4 pm at Calcutta.”) he makes the wrong calculation of the horoscope based on this information he writes “Lagnam=8-29-14 verging on Makara.” 8-29-14 means 8 signs passed, and 29 degrees, 14 minutes of the next sign, namely Sagittarius. However it is mathematically impossible to get Sagittarius for the birth time given. To get


Copy of text included. It is also available from the Archives.

Sagittarius you have to change the birth time by 30 minutes like Nalini Kanta did. At 4 PM the 7th degree of Capricorn rises. (2) Then he predicts in his letter to Surabhi Swami, dated August 18, 1977, that Srila Prabhupada will easily recover from this illness and live till 1984. He predicts: “The present illness should be interpreted only as a sort of exhaustion after a strenuous over-work both of body and mind.” And: “I see clearly and assert that the native shall be able to overcome this illness, by his strength of spirituality and shall have the opportunity of fulfilling his spiritual errand living upto 19-1-1984, i.e. the beginning of Sukra-Kuja, who are marakas(death inflicting). So Swamiji [Surabhi], we have nothing to worry regarding the health of His Divine Grace, who has taken this mortal coil only for a Divine mission.” Unfortunately he was wrong and Srila Prabhupada passed away on Nov 14, 1977, six years before Arka somayaji predicted. It is one thing to make a statement about what is already known—that Srila Prabhupada is mahatma and mahajana. It is another to be able to accurately predict on the basis of the horoscope. Since he ignored the birth data provided him and chose Sagittarius Ascendant, is it a surprize that when he made a prediction based on the wrong data that he should make such a glaring mistake? He was specifically asked if Srila Prabhupada, who was gravely ill, would live, and he said there would be no problem and that Prabhupada would live at least to 1984. This is a serious mistake. Therefore we must assume that he was using an incorrect horoscope.

2.9.2 Asutosh Ojha Whereas Ojha turned out to be very accurate. This is confirmed by entry in Tamal Krishna Goswami’s diary. TKG was the secretary to Srila Prabhupada in the last days, he writes: [The 30th July entry:] “Srila Prabhupada had asked for us to consult an astrologer regarding whether or not he should travel. This afternoon reports came from three different astrologers. These were presented by Yasodanandana Swami, Dr. Sharma, and Bhakti Prema Swami. I had each give their reports separately so that we could see how they agreed and how they differed. Bhakti Prema’s was useless, Dr. Sharma’s was fair, and Yasodanandana Swami’s most reliable. But all three agreed on one point: the next two months would be the most difficult of Srila Prabhupada’s life and travelling was to be avoided. The astrologer Yasodanandana consulted [Ojha] recommended the wearing of a blue sapphire. After hearing all the reports which forecast Srila Prabhupada’s future, His Divine Grace said, ‘So it is not hopeless. At least for five weeks keep me very carefully. For the time being, no travel. Secure this blue sapphire and chant Hare Krishna.’” [4th August entry:] “After lunch Srila Prabhupada had me read again the astrologer’s [Ojha] report brought by Yasodanandana Maharaja. Prabhupada found it to be quite an accurate regarding of his past. For the future it states that Saturn is exerting very bad influence. This will be counteracted by wearing a blue sapphire.” (See chapter on statements from various devotees for complete text.) Ojha predicted extremely difficult times in the coming two-four months. He said “the patient may not recover” “the native will not come up astrologically.” (Please see transcripts of Ojha’s charts for details.) Of course, Srila Prabhupada in fact did leave us during that period. The difference between a two month period and saying Prabhupada would live till 1984, as Arka Somayaji did, is quite large considering that 1984 was over 60 months later. Thus Arka Somayaji’s error was more than a factor of 30. Ojha, to have been so accurate must have been using the correct horoscope.

Nalini says we should discount what Ojha said because he had said “nothing special” about Prabhupada. He also claims that Ojha depicted Prabhupada “as an ordinary karmi” by giving him Capricorn Ascendant. Hari Sauri Prabhu says the following (see section with his complete statements): “this is not at all the case. When I spoke with Ojha at that time he was full of respect and admiration for Srila Prabhupada as a great saint and spiritual leader. He was fully aware of Srila Prabhupada’s accomplishments and there was no way he thought he was an ordinary man. However, he was not asked to give an overall reading, he was only asked to focus on the coming months. Therefore we do not find in that chart any assessment of Srila Prabhupada’s life or personality.” Hari Sauri continues: “There is written evidence that Ojha recognized Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual position in Abhirama’s letter to Tamal Krishna Maharaja [see the document section]. ‘He calculated that according to the stars at birth Srila Prabhupada would live for 81 years 5 months and 29 days. In other words on the 28th February 1978—But he further stressed that this is true only for an ordinary man, that the pious activities and spiritual activities very often prolong the life.’” (See also recent chart done by Ojha which is a general assessment of Prabhupada’s character.) Thus in conclusion I rejected the chart used by Arka Somayaji which is used as support by Nalini because it was inaccurate in predicting the time of Srila Prabhupada’s departure. Whereas the chart by Ojha, correctly calculated using the time given by Prabhupada, was accurate in its predictions.

2.10 Other Points: 2.10.1 First Published Fallacy On page 5 of his report Nalini states that he has published Prabhupada’s chart with Sagittarius Ascendant, and since this has been (uncritically) accepted by thousands of people it must be correct, and so on. This is hardly an argument to support his position. Let me remind you that his conclusion that Srila Prabhupada’s chart could not have Capricorn Ascendant but rather must be changed so that it has Sagittarius Ascendant was done, according to Nalini (page 2), “in my initial months of study [of astrology].” Hardly the conclusions of a seasoned and mature astrologer who had crossed the ocean of astrology by studying at the feet of masters for many years. Simply because he was audacious enough to publish his immature conclusions does not bind us to being a party to his mistake by continuing it. I suggest that Nalini made a mistake but has backed himself into a corner that he can’t get out of for reasons best known to himself. Many people wrongly consider that the conclusions of Sankaracarya are correct simply because he was among the first to publish a commentary on the Vedanta-sutra. We don’t accept that logic in the case of Sankacarya nor need we accept in the case of Nalini Kanta.

2.10.2 Demeaning Srila Prabhupada Also on page five Nalini states: “My only intention in joining this debate is to preserve and protect the good name of His Divine Grace. . . .If we publish with Capricorn ascendant, I am afraid that many others like myself will see the flaws in the horoscope and think less of Srila Prabhupada. . . .If you do not agree with the above representations, then I ask that you do not publicly depict Srila Prabhupada’s glorious horoscope with this Capricorn ascendant that I think demeans him. Let it only be said, in the case that you reject this argument, that there are several opinions.” [Italics mine.]

While I certainly agree that the glorious good name of our beloved guru maharaja, Srila Prabhupada, should be preserved at all cost. However Nalini’s reasoning for maintaining a Sagittarius Ascendant is not sound. His fallacy here is—Atmavat manyate jagat. “As I am so I think the world to be.” Fortunately this is not the case, there are actually many intelligent and learned astrologers in India, some coming from family lineages with several generations of astrologers. For example, Asutosh Ojah came from a family with six generations of astrologers. They had been the Raja-Gurus of Alwar. I personally know and have studied with several astrologers who represent a very long lineage of astrological knowledge. The point being that persons who are actually learned in this science will easily be able to see the greatness that is written all over Srila Prabhupada’s Capricorn rising horoscope. We have demonstrated on many occasions in this chapter that Nalini has either misrepresented astrological principles or was ignorant of their actual usage. Why should we accept the opinion of someone who erroneously, out of ignorance calls the magnificent yogas in Srila Prabhupada’s chart “flaws.” Thus we should not be intimidated by Nalini’s fears which are based on a poor fund of knowledge.

2.11 Mahadashas Let us now approach Prabhupada’s chart from another angle. Let us look at the critical mahadasha’s that were in effect during his lifetime and see how they should act using the two different Ascendants. I break down periods generally only into Mahadasha and Bhukti—period and sub-period. The format will be “a X b”: “a” Mahadasha and “b” Bhukti. Occasionally when a specific date is provided I may go to a finer break down of sub-sub-period “a X b X c.” All events taken from Lilamrta, volume 1, page 297-299.

2.11.1 Rahu Mahadasha Let us start with Rahu Mahadasha which ran from March 3rd 1901 till March 4, 1919. This spanned the ages of approximately 4.5—22.5. This period covered most of Prabhupada’s young life. For a Capricorn Ascendant, Rahu is posited in the second in Aquarius where he does tolerably well as Rahu seems to do well in the Air signs. The second house represents, among other things, kutumbha—family, speech, values, wealth, inherited knowledge, learning—especially Vedic learning which is handed down in oral tradition (from speech—sruti) from guru to disciple and is considered wealth. This is especially true since Jupiter and Sun aspect Rahu from the 8th house thus indicating ancient traditions and secret learning from past lives or existences. Thus we see that during this period (Rahu X Rahu) Srila Prabhupada immediately took to the ancient traditions and started his own Ratha-yatra and Deity worship. He later entered into the Mutty Lall Seal Free School to begin his more mundane education. For Sagittarius Ascendant Rahu would be in 3rd house not much connected with education. During Rahu X Ketu (1911—12) and Rahu X Venus Sept 1912 onwards, Prabhupada’s mother Rajani dies. Most likely during Rahu X Ketu as it is most malefic, Rahu being a maraka for Capricorn, and Ketu in the 8th. We also note that Ketu is aspected by the 4th (house of mother) lord Mars, a natural malefic, who is combined with the Moon (Karaka for mother). For Capricorn rising Mars, as lord of 11th and 4th becomes a functional malefic. So here we clearly see the indications of mother aspecting the sub-period lord Ketu who is in the 8th house of death. For Sagittarius Ascendant there is not much connection of Rahu X Ketu with mother except that Mars who aspects Ketu is conjoined with Moon, but this is not as direct as Mars owning the 4th house of mother. Also for Sagittarius, Mars is a functional benefic not a malefic as he is for Capricorn. And for Sagittarius, Ketu is not in the 8th house of death but the 9th. It is the 8th house placement for Capricorn which indicates that Prabhupada will be touched by death during the Ketu bhukti. (It was also in Ketu Mahadasha that Prabhupada passed away.) It is true that Moon is the 8th lord for Sagittarius but this may show more danger to the holder of the chart than their mother. For Sagittarius there is little or no indication for death in family. Whereas for Capricorn there are many potent marakatva— death dealing—combinations.

Prabhupada entered Scottish Churches College during Rahu X Moon in 1916. Moon is the 7th lord exalted in the 5th house (education) conjoined with 4th (formal education) lord Mars. And we remember that Rahu is in the 2nd also a house of education. So here we get three indicators of education when Srila Prabhupada goes to College. For Sagittarius, Rahu in 3rd doesn’t represent education, nor does Moon as 8th lord in the 6th. Mars as 5th lord would be connected with education. But if anything this (5th and 8th lord in the 6th) would be a combination that might snuff out education and learning, and twist a person’s judgement. Finally in 1918, during his Rahu X Mars period, Srila Prabhupada married Radharani Datta. Usually for marriage we must see the following houses 2nd (family), 7th (partner, wife), and 11th (gain, increase). These three must be favorable and their periods running. In this case during Rahu X Mars when Prabhupada married, Rahu is in the 2nd house, Mars rules the 11th and is conjoined the 7th lord. Aside from that Mars further rules the 4th house of home. So marriage is very clearly indicated during Rahu X Mars period. Of course the combination of Mars and Moon, as well as the 8th house placement of Ketu made the marriage troublesome. But Moon is strong and the cultural training was such that divorce was inconceivable. For Sagittarius Ascendant there are no connections to the 2nd, 7th or 11th during the Rahu X Mars period, but rather to the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 12th. These have absolutely no connection to gaining a wife for increase of family as it would if it had been Capricorn Ascendant with 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 11th involved.

2.11.2 Jupiter Mahadasha Jupiter Mahadasha from March 4, 1919—March 4, 1935; ages 22.5—38.5. If we take Sagittarius Ascendant then we would have 1st,4th, and 9th lord in the 9th. This is a very important period which shows the absurdity of claiming Sagittarius as the Ascendant. For Sagittarius Ascendant this period should be one of very great fortune or bhagya in which everything comes very easy, great wealth etc. No doubt there will be a spiritual dimension but a very important attribute should be the ease in which every thing proceeds. If things can’t be easy and proceed beyond expectation in the period of Jupiter in the 9th with the 9th lord then it will never happen. (This is very important to remember. Bhagavan rose to his heights during his Jupiter period, he had Jupiter in the 9th.) Satyacarya confirms this and says: “If the lord of the Ascendant be placed in the 9th house with the lord of the 9th, [then during his period] the person will get wealth from property. He will worship deities and serve his father. He will become very rich and famous for his large scale charitable deeds.”Satyajatakam 4.3.15 Ramadayalu says in Sanketanidhi: “When the 9th house is occupied by the 1st lord, the person is fortunate and will befriend the good . . . He will be contented.” 6.22 (This is basically repeated by other authorities.) Bhrgu Sangita Paddhati says: “The person having Jupiter in Leo in the 9th is very fortunate and talented; possesses scientific knowledge, possesses authority on wisdom and education,, gets land and property, gets fame and influence, gets numerous means of happiness on account of fortune, etc.” BSP p. 508. In doing a prediction on a horoscope we would thus expect that such a person with 1st and 4th lord Jupiter in the 9th with 9th lord, Sun, would come up in life very easily during the Jupiter Mahadasha, and be a raging success. This however was far from true in Prabhupada’s case during Jupiter Mahadasha. Now if Jupiter is in the 8th involved in a Viparita Raja Yoga with the Sun then it will have a very different tenor. There will be struggle and difficulty because we are still dealing with the 8th and 12th lords but the great spiritual blossoming should take place during this time. (Note Viparita Raja Yoga is one that influences the whole life and exalts the nobility of the person. It may not always translate into mundane success. But rather greatness of personality.)

Satyacarya: “If the lord of the 12th house is placed in the 8th, the native will experience happiness and unhappiness in almost equal amounts. Benefic combinations cause auspicious results to happen. If there is combination with the lord of the 6th house, the period will prove to be extremely auspicious and cause good results to happen. Also, the effects will be modified by the nature of the planets associated with the lord of the 12th house.” Satyajatakam 4.12.8 Ramadayalu in his Sanketanidhi quotes Lomasa Rsi: “When the lord of the 12th house occupies the 2nd or the 8th, the natives devotion to Lord Krsna will be immense. He will be endowed with all good qualities and will speak kindly. He will be charitably disposed.” Sanketanidhi 6.98 For Srila Prabhupada his Jupiter Mahadasha extended from Mar 1919 till Mar 1935. According to the Lilamrita this period was one of very mixed results on the material front with ups and downs. But it was a time of great spiritual fortune for this was the time when Srila Prabhupada met Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, was defeated by him, eventually took initiation, associated with him and got his instructions. Totally in keeping with the views of Satyacarya and Ramadayalu with regards to 8th house occupancy of Jupiter. But this is at variance for Jupiter in the 9th which should have been a time of great material acquisition. Let us look a bit closer at the details. In 1919 during the Jupiter X Jupiter period Prabhupada rejected his college diploma and became a Gandhian. This is totally in keeping with the 8th house placement of Jupiter which indicates ending of formal education from the “Sanda and Amarkas” but at odds if Jupiter had been in the 9th. Had it been in the 9th for Sagittarius Ascendant it would have indicated one who went on to graduate school and became a big scholar. For 9th house stands for higher learning, graduate school, etc. In 1921 during Jupiter X Saturn Prabhupada was a department manager for Bose Chemicals. This administrative position at such young age during the sub-period of Ascendant lord exalted in the 10th is to be expected (see next few paragraphs). Not so for a Sagittarius Ascendant. 1922 during the same Dasha-Bhukti Prabhupada meets Bhaktisiddhanta for the first time. Jupiter as 12th lord in 8th shows the great mysticism, and Saturn, Ascendant lord exalted in 10th shows that the indication of Saturn now blossom: “If Saturn be strong the native would be sober, deep, sagacious, fond of mystic and occult sciences, philosophy, etc.”41[41] And for Saturn in Libra “Endearing speech; intelligent; occupies a senior position among groups of people and respected in the village or town he resides in; very rich—equal to a king; earns money and respect by touring or contacts with foreign countries; can bank upon hoarded money; rises as life advances; . . .”42[42] And for Saturn in the 10th (as in Prabhupada’s chart): “. . .The native has much knowledge of sastras, he is learned; brave and famous. He is wealthy and occupies a high position in life. He is the head of an institution or at the helm of affairs of his sphere of activity. This is not a good location for happiness from mother, but good for father unless Saturn rules the 8th house. The person generally lives at a place other than his homeland.”43[43]


Ojha, p.77. Ojha, p. 143. 43[43] Ojha, p. 169. 42[42]

These results can’t be taken literally but must be adjusted. But by putting these factors together—Jupiter Mahadasha and Jupiter as 12th lord in the 8th (Krsna Bhakti) and strong Saturn in Libra, in the 10th house—and we see why Prabhupada was put into a managerial position at Bose Chemicals and also met Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati his eternal guru. This is not so easy to explain if we take Sagittarius Ascendant. With Sagittarius Ascendant Saturn rules 2nd and 3rd what does this have to do with spiritual initiation or events which so greatly impact the person directly? Nothing, unless one bends the rules of astrology. With Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn rules the Ascendant and thus stands for Prabhupada. Thus during this Jupiter X Saturn period Prabhupada (1st house) starts his spiritual transformation (8th house). Also Saturn in the 10th in Libra a movable sign and aspecting the 7th strongly indicates a career associated with travel (Satyacarya states that a sambhanda of 7th and 10th lord indicates a career full of travels). In his grhasta, vanaprastha and sannyasa asrama Srila Prabhupada travelled far and wide. Prabhupada’s father died in 1930 during Jupiter X Sun (father) which covered most of the year. Both of these planets are in the 8th (death) and aspected by Mars lord of 4th and 11th (natural and functional malefic). One would be hard pressed to explain why such a great loss would take place if they were both in the 9th house of great good fortune from Sagittarius. And aspected by Mars, who would be a functional benefic ruling the 5th. During the Jupiter X Rahu period (Oct 8, 1932—March 4th, 1935) Srila Prabhupada becomes very active in spiritual life. He visits Bhakti Siddhanta and hears him speak for second time. A few weeks later he gets initiated. And later helps establish a Gaudiya Matha in Bombay. We note that Jupiter and Rahu are in almost exact opposition with Rahu in Aquarius where he is favorable and Jupiter strong in Leo in the 8th. This shows a very mystical time in Prabhupada’s life. The death (8th house) of the previous life and transformation (8th house) by initiation into spiritual life.

2.11.3 Saturn Mahadasha Saturn mahadasha from Mar 1935 till Mar 1954. “If Saturn be strong the native would be sober, deep, sagacious, fond of mystic and occult sciences, philosophy, etc. Endearing speech; intelligent; occupies a senior position among groups of people and respected in the village or town he resides in; . . . rises as life advances; . . . The native has much knowledge of sastras, he is learned; brave and famous. He occupies a high position in life. He is the head of an institution or at the helm of affairs of his sphere of activity. The person generally lives at a place other than his homeland . . .” (From previous quotes.) Saturn is ucha (exalted) in the 10th, the best position. The tenth indicates how we actualize our inner desires, it is also related to profession and calling—vocation. In the very first period, i.e. Saturn X Saturn period, Prabhupada met Srila Bhakti Siddhanta for the last time and then got the final instruction from him via a letter that he should preach the message of Lord Caityana in English. Prabhupada had been given his orders, he heard his calling, the order of the spiritual master became his heart and soul. From that point on he struggled with redoubled efforts to fulfill these orders. Prabhupada became very grave and sober, mastered the sastras and became a great scholar and was honored as Bhaktivedanta (Saturn in own Chaturvimsamsa achieves siddhi in education), tried running his business but had very mixed results and serious financial troubles (Saturn in nica Chaturtamsa). His heart was obviously not into mundane business but into fulfilling the order of his Guru Maharaja that he had received at the onset of this period. With Sagittarius Ascendant there is a big discrepancy. If it had been Sagittarius Ascendant then with Saturn in the 11 and ucha we have a Dhana yoga (great wealth yoga) as 2nd lord is exalted in the 11th giving great wealth and influence. Nalini Kanta writes:

(for 2nd lord in the 11th as would be the case for Sagittarius Ascendant) “These are wealthy people, successful in partnership businesses, and inclined to the gratification of the senses. They have good friendships and get the opportunity to hear from enlightened persons.”44[44] [Italics mine.] During this time, I think that no one would say Prabhupada was having excess money. On the contrary he lost his Lucknow factory, his business in Allahabad got burglarized, and his Gita manuscript was stolen and he was paying back rent in installments. His business and finances plummeted. Rather with Capricorn Ascendant and Saturn in the 10th he was steadily progressing in fulling his destiny as a preacher. By studying, writing and publishing, he was focusing on his true calling. He began the BTG, wrote Mahatma Gandhi, wrote a commentary of the Gita, wrote for the Gaudiya Patrika, began preaching in Jhansi, started League of Devotees, initiated his first disciple, etc. Direction, status and quality of action, this is the focal point of the 10th. His direction was that of bhakti and he gained recognition in this sphere. As Saturn was in nica-amsa it indicates that problems with wife increased leading to renunciation. She moved back to her father’s home in 1950.

2.11.4 Mercury Mahadasha In Mercury period March 4, 1954 to March 4, 1971 if it had been Sagittarius Ascendant then Mercury would have been saddled with a conjunction with Venus, malefic lord of 6th and 11th. Being in 11th is good, but most don’t know that the 11th lord is quite baneful. That is why for Aries, Saturn is not favorable even though owning the 10th. In any case Venus rules evil 6th and baneful 11th he would have no doubt marred the effect of Mercury in the 10th even with nicha-bhanga yoga. Nalini Kanta says this of the 6th lord in the 10th (as it would be for Sagittarius Ascendant): “Not being able to get the fruits of one’s labor or being stuck in a low position arise. This person will have a sinful and destructive nature and will feign religiosity for selfish reasons. Many enemies bother them.”45[45] But if we have a Capricorn Ascendant then this combination is a powerful raja yoga as the Venus is the yoga karaka ruling the 5th and the 10th and Mercury is the lord of the 9th exalted in the 9th. Venus as yoga karaka can only boost Mercury not drag him down. Though Venus is nica he is having several nica-bhanga yogas which neutralize the situation. Mercury also rules the 6th house for Capricorn Ascendant, but since he is in his own sign, though the 9th, it is somewhat pacified. According to Nadi Granthas the nature of the Mercury Mahadasha should be divided between the 6th and 9th lord, with the 6th ruling the first 8.5 years and the 9th ruling the second 8.5 years. Thus 6th house events mostly affected the period from March 4, 1954 to September 4, 1962. The 9th effects will be prominent from September 4, 1962 till March 4, 1971. The 6th house deals with illness, enemies, debts, disease, obstacles, hurdles, etc. Pretty tough going. It was during this 6th house influence that Srila Prabhupada left his home for good and was practically penniless. He first went to the ashrama of Paramahamsa Maharaja (after borrowing 10 rupees for train fare), who stated: “When Abhay arrived he appeared very poor, starving. He came alone to the matha, and when he arrived he only chanted Hare Krsna, nothing else.”46[46] From that point Srila Prabhupada struggled to over-come many obstacles. He was gored by a cow. He established a center in Jhansi only to be betrayed by some lady supporters who wanted to establish a


Hopke, p. 176. Hopke, p. 184. 46[46] Lilamrta, vol. 1, p 164. 45[45]

“women’s social center.” He had difficulties with some of his God-brothers, and was generally “struggling in the wilderness” to preach and produce and distribute BTG. On September 17, 1959, during the lunar eclipse (auspicious for sannyas initiations) he accepted the sannyas order of life. He sharply criticized his God-brothers for not preaching, etc. These were very difficult days clearly described in Lilamrta pp. 163— 237. At about the end of the 6th house period in the summer of 1962 Srila Prabhupada began his life’s work on translating and commenting on the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This was the beginning of good fortune. Travel During 70th Year Only Possible For Capricorn Ascendant From September 4, 1962 onwards the 9th house effect takes over. The 9th house stands for Guru, sastras, dharma, bhagya (fortune), higher learning, all kinds of wealth, conveyance, travelling, pilgrimage, etc.47[47] It was during this period that Srila Prabhupada realizes that the production of a book is much more important than a magazine. It becomes his main objective and preaching tool. In quick succession (not without difficulties) he publishes the first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam in three volumes. He meets the Prime Minister of India. He desires to go abroad. Convinces Sumati Morarji to give him free passage and leaves for the USA. This all mostly happened during the Mercury X Rahu period from Aug 31, 1963—March 19, 1966. Prabhupada arrived in the USA on September 18, 1965 at 5:30 AM in Boston. He had just completed his 69th year and was now in his 70th year, thus fulfilling the prediction that he would travel abroad, preach and establish temples in foreign lands. Rahu stands for foreign lands especially of the Yavanas and Mllechas. It is significant that this could only happen if Capricorn were the Ascendant because then only does Mercury become lord of the 6th and 9th. The 9th signifies long distance travel for beneficial purpose such as higher studies or pilgrimage. Other houses also signify travel, they are 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th. The 3rd is generally for short journeys. The 7th is a general significator for travelling but usually in relationship to work. The 8th for difficult journeys usually associated with wars and inauspicious things. The 9th for long journey in regard to education or spiritual upliftment. The 12th for residence in foreign places, holy pilgrimage, but could also be difficult journeys associated with warfare and destruction—refugees, ostracization, etc. It is very true that for Sagittarius Ascendant Mercury is lord of the 7th and 10th, and that the 7th is a house of journey. But if this were the case then the 7th house influence would not have destroyed his marriage. Also the period of the 7th house influence ends before Srila Prabhupada leaves for America, not after. So this Sagittarius Ascendant doesn’t work. But for Capricorn Ascendant Mercury as 9th lord, in the second half of the Mercury period, in Prabhupada’s 70th year, clearly indicates travel associated with a spiritual mission. We also note that the period from April 19, 1965—Sep 21, 1965 was the sub-sub period of Venus in the Mercury X Rahu period. And Venus rules the 5th and the 10th and is in the 9th adding even more emphasis to travel as Venus himself represents vehicles but especially as Venus rules the 5th again emphasizing the spiritual, auspicious nature of the trip. As the 2nd half of the Mercury period continues things become more and more successful. Prabhupada came to the USA and established ISKCON on a very solid footing. Spiritual books, the emblem of 9th house Mercury became the basis of this movement.

2.11.5 Ketu Mahadasha In Ketu Mahadasha from March 4, 1971 to March 4, 1978. This period is note worthy for two things. The stupendous rise of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON, and the sad departure of Srila Prabhupada.


Ojha, pp. 110-111.

If it had been Sagittarius Ascendant as promoted by Nalini Kanta then with Ketu conjoined the 1,4, and 9th lords in the 9th house there is no hint of death. Rather Ketu should just act as a catalyst for the raja yoga that this forms for we have conjoined the lord of two kendras (angles—1st and 4th) with the lord of a kona (trinal-9th) in the best kona (9th). For as Ojha says: “It is good to have Rahu conjoined with a planet and particularly so if (i) Rahu is in an angle with the lord of a trine, (ii) Rahu is in a trine with the lord of an angle, (iii) in any other house with a benefic, (iv) in the 3, 6, or 11, with a malefic or benefic. This applies to Ketu also.”48[48] In this case as already pointed out Ketu fills these conditions exceedingly well. So we should expect great material good fortune, and piety etc., but not death. If we take Capricorn Ascendant then Ketu focuses the effects of the Viparita Raja Yoga in the 8th. (The general dictum is that if two planets are together and one is strong and the other weak, then during the reign of the strong planet you get the weak effect of the other planet and vice versa. It is like mixing hot and cold water. The hot water gets cooler and the cold water gets warmer. The point is that Ketu being a malefic may have caused some problems during the Jupiter Mahadasha, but during his own period he will get the strong beneficial association of Jupiter and Sun and pass it on to the person during his period.) We have already noted that this yoga is one which is great in devotion to Lord Krsna and great success in all preaching activities associated with Krsna. It is the time when ISKCON really took off and book writing, publishing and distribution were at all time highs. Prabhupada used to say that his writing was his ecstasy. So Ketu very well satisfies a time of great spiritual enthusiasm and success. But does Ketu have marakatva, the ability to inflict death? It is obvious that he does. He is in the 8th house with the 12th lord (end of life, and next life) and the 8th lord of death itself. One need not look much further to see the maraka qualities of this configuration. We also note that at the time of death Saturn was transiting the 8th from Capricorn Ascendant and 4th from Moon and Mars who he directly aspected. He was also transiting over the lord of the Mahadasha Ketu. Jupiter was also in Gemini in the 6th from Ascendant. These are highly inauspicious and combined with the mahadasha lord being in the 8th the result was very clear and that is why Ojha predicted a very bad result which came to pass. The end of life came in holy place signified by Jupiter in the 8th, under very spiritual conditions with the chanting of the holy name. If it had been a Sagittarius Ascendant as Nalini maintains then what is the cause of death? Ketu is in 9th house with two very auspicious planets. Jupiter, by transit, is in 7th from the Ascendant and thus protecting the Ascendant. Saturn transiting the 9th from Ascendant is not so serious as to think of death. Indeed they do not indicate death at all. And it was for this reason that Arka Somayaji, the South Indian astrologer who, like Nalini, used a Sagittarius Ascendant, predicted that Prabhupada was in no danger and would live till 1984. He writes in his letter to Surabhi Swami, dated August 18, 1977, that Srila Prabhupada will easily recover from this illness and live till 1984. He predicts: “The present illness should be interpreted only as a sort of exhaustion after a strenuous over-work both of body and mind.” And: “I see clearly and assert that the native shall be able to overcome this illness, by his strength of spirituality and shall have the opportunity of fulfilling his spiritual errand living upto 19-1-1984, i.e. the beginning of Sukra-Kuja, who are marakas(death inflicting).


Ojha, p. 172.

So Swamiji [Surabhi], we have nothing to worry regarding the health of His Divine Grace, who has taken this mortal coil only for a Divine mission.” Thus if we use Capricorn Ascendant then death during Ketu period is obvious. By examining Srila Prabhupada’s life and comparing this to the planetary periods for each of the two charts it becomes very clear that it is much easier to explain Prabhupada’s life using Capricorn Ascendant. Whereas for Sagittarius Ascendant there seems to be no rhyme or reason for the happenings in Prabhupada’s life.

2.12 Compatibility of Bhaktisiddhanta and Srila Prabhupada As another confirmation of Prabhupada having a Capricorn Ascendant let us consider the compatibility of these two great souls from an astrological perspective. Compatibility can be done for any two or more people, not just for marriage. There must have been some special reason why these two great personalities were so much in tune with each other. It will not be difficult to point out the reasons from the astrological side. [We shall assume, for the sake of argument, that the biography of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is correct in placing him with a Cancer Ascendant.] With Capricorn Ascendant Prabhupada’s Ascendant is in the 7th from that of his guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. This is a classical combination found in any solid: marriage, friendship, partnership, student-teacher relationship, etc. Prabhupada’s Ascendant conjoins 4 of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s planets. This shows similar mentality and goals. Also Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo very closely aspects Prabhupada’s ascendent at 7 degrees of Capricorn. It is often found that in a good parent-child or student-teacher relationship the superior party has his Jupiter in such positions. Like Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, Prabhupada has the majority of significators in earth signs. Six for Bhaktisiddhanta and five for Prabhupada. This close matching of the two great souls only exists if Prabhupada has his Ascendant in Capricorn. It fails if it is in Sagittarius. This would be especially true of the aspect of Bhaktisiddhanta’s Jupiter to Prabhupada’s Ascendant.

2.13 Conclusion From this indepth analysis it becomes very clear that the claims made by our senior godbrother, Nalini Kanta Prabhu, regarding the relative merits of the Sagittarius and Capricorn rising horoscope are indefensible and unacceptable. It is clear that Srila Prabhupada was born with a Capricorn rising chart which is exactly in accordance with the time he gave us. This Capricorn Ascendant chart is the preferable chart.

Chapter 3 Analysis of Sagittarius Rising Chart Abstract: The Sagittarius chart has some interesting combinations. But when more closely examined, as astrologers often do for great personalities, they will find it essentially weak and flawed and not related to Srila Prabhupada. We demonstrate the weak position of the Sagittarius ascendant placed in the Rasi-Sandhi (junction of two Signs). Show how some astrologers will still find Jupiter in the 8th house. We shall bring to the readers notice various combinations which indicate short, accident prone, sickly life. Show how the disturbed 5th house indicates: no sons and only daughters if any children at all; a person with an evil, sinful mind and suffering from mental diseases. Also how the disturbed 5th as well as afflicted Jupiter and Venus in the 10th indicates megalomania and religious hypocrisy. In short the planets are not where they should be for a strong chart.

3.1 Concern for the Opinion of Astrologers Nalini Kanta Prabhu has practically claimed that Sagittarius rising for Srila Prabhupada is a flawless chart which clearly indicates a pure devotee and perfectly describes Srila Prabhupada. Whereas he has only used unkind words to describe the Capricorn rising chart which Srila Prabhupada himself appears to have accepted as most correct (see 6.1 TKG’s letter ). In this section we will examine the Sagittarius horoscope. One of Nalini Kanta Prabhu’s arguments has been that: “many others like myself will see the flaws in the horoscope [with Capricorn rising] and think less of Srila Prabhupada.” (Nalini Kanta, p. 5) (For opinion of other astrologers see chapter 7.) He has made this statements many times in different ways, in an effort to influence people (inexperienced in astrology) into thinking that the Capricorn Rising chart is that of a “demonic karmi” whereas that of Sagittarius Ascendant is that of a “Saktyavesa avatara.” So far I have only shown the many positive aspects of the Capricorn chart; now let us turn to the Sagittarius chart. Certainly, the Sagittarius rising chart has some very notable features, which might tempt us to think that this was Prabhupada’s chart. With a Sagittarius rising the most notable features are Sun (the 9th lord) with Jupiter (lord of the ascendant itself, and the 4th house) in the 9th house of Dharma (9th house represents— dharma, guru, past pious activities, higher learning, good fortune, etc.). This is a very favorable position indicating life long good fortune, scholarship, travel overseas, happy life, good relations with father, religious tendencies, etc. Mercury exalted in the 10th causes Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga which is very good and which Nalini has described on page three of his report. Rahu is also quite strong in the 3rd house giving courage, tenacity, cleverness, etc. And Mars, a natural Malefic, seems well posited in the 6th house of enemies, obstacles, etc. With such positions we understand why someone, especially a beginning student in this science (Nalini Kanta, p. 2) without much experience, would be mislead by this chart. Let us now go a bit deeper, and as we do, the flaws become glaring and will see why this chart could not be that of Srila Prabhupada.

3.2 Sagittarius Chart Weak Because of Rasi Sandhi First of all Nalini Kanta Prabhu, in order to keep the time of birth as close to Prabhupada’s stated time of birth (4:00 PM), has chosen 3:30 PM as the time of birth. When I calculated the chart on my computer with this time I was surprised to find that at 3:30 PM (LMT) 0 degrees of Capricorn (Lahiri Ayanamsa) was rising. This indicates how fragile this time of birth is. To actually get Sagittarius we must go earlier than 3:30 PM to at least 3:29 PM. This puts the Ascendant at 29SA45 (29 degrees Sagittarius, 45 minutes). This position of the ascendant is so close to the Sandhi—junction of Sagittarius and Capricorn that it creates the flaw known as Rasi-Sandhi (italics mine): “There are four kinds of Sandhi viz. Rasi-sandhi, Rksa-sandhi, Tithi-sandhi and Dina-sandhi, whose effect is not happy.”49[49] Rasi-Sandhi is a serious defect. Any planet or ascendant that falls at the junction place between two signs or two houses becomes useless: “If a planet, on the other hand, is posited in the same degree as the Sandhi, it should be put in the Sandhi and belongs to neither Bhava [house]. Such a planet is utterly ineffective in conferring good or bad results to the native. Please bear this important principle in mind for future guidance.”50[50] The worst Rasi-sandhi is called Gandhanta and is caused when the Sandhi is at the junction of PiscesAries, Cancer-Leo, and Scorpio-Sagittarius. The reason being that not only is it the junction place of two signs but also of two Nakshatra. For example in the case of Pisces-Aries it is also the junction of RevatiAsvini. The point being that having the Ascendant placed at the last possible moment of Sagittarius, as Nalini Kanta Prabhu has done, has introduced a very serious flaw into the horoscope making it very weak and “utterly ineffective”—like a riven cloud with no position in any sphere. The strength derived from position is called Stana-bala in Vedic astrology. Prabhupada’s chart, as depicted with a Sagittarius Ascendant suffers from the serious defect of the ascendant having no Stana-bala because of being in the Rasi-sandhi, junction between two signs. And since the lagna is of immense importance this is not a defect easily shrugged off. Since Nalini has “speculated” on the time of birth it might be argued that this serious flaw could be easily mended by pushing the time of birth back ten, fifteen or twenty minutes. As far back as necessary to change the Ascendant and make it strong. This, however puts him between Scylla and Charybdis because now the time of birth is even farther away from 4:00PM, the time Prabhupada favored, than before—say 3:10PM or 3:15PM. This is not a very acceptable solution. Let us, just for the sake of argument, accept that it is possible to push Prabhupada’s chart back without raising charges of gross speculation. Does that mean the chart is now free of serious flaws. No.

3.3 Numerous Astrologers Will Still Find Jupiter in the 8th A point to be considered is that Nalini Kanta is very concerned about the opinions of other astrologers. He should know that they would also note this negative Rasi-sandhi position. Also he should consider that not all astrologers in India use the Sign=House method of house division as we both do. (This is the most traditional method of house division.) Some use the Vedic Equal House or Sripati system for house division. For example B.V. Raman states:

49[49] 50[50]

Bhat, p. 41. Bhat, p. 27.

“Classical writers like Sripathi favor a determination of Bhavas on the lines given in the following paragraphs. In our humble experience extending for nearly 35 years the equal house system [Vedic Equal House] appears to yield more satisfactory results.”51[51][Italics mine.] Some “modernized” astrologers even opt for Western house division such as Placidus. The followers of Krishnamurti Paddhati in South India certainly use this system. The point being that there will be a substantial minority of astrologers, (some like B.V. Raman, are very well known) who will use these other house systems. And these astrologers will find that for the chart that Nalini Kanta proposes Jupiter will still fall in the 8th house, except that, unlike being the 12th lord in the 8th which is good, it will be the lagna lord in the 8th. This is not at all favorable unless very positively aspected. They will also find that Sun is not conjoined Jupiter who is in the 8th house, but is rather in the 9th house conjoined debilitated Venus. The reason for this is as follows. (I will try to be as untechnical as possible.) In the traditional Sign=House system, the first house, and all subsequent houses in the chart, is determined by which ever sign the Ascendant should happen to be in, irrespective of its degree in that sign. Thus if 29SA45 rises, then the whole of Sagittarius is the first house, all of Capricorn is the 2nd, Aquarius 3rd, . . ., all of Leo the 9th, Virgo the 10th, etc. But with the Vedic Equal House system and the other various unequal house systems such as Sripati and Placidus, the scenario changes drastically. For example, with the next most traditional system, Vedic Equal House, we get the following result. By the simple rules of this system the houses are thus mathematically defined: Take the ascending degree (let X = ascending degree) and add plus or minus 15 degrees to it. Thus the definition of the first house will be “X” +/- 15 degrees. In the case which Nalini presents the ascendant is 29SA45. Thus, by this Vedic Equal House system the first house would stretch from 14SA45 (Sagittarius 14 deg, 45 minutes) to 14CP45 (Capricorn 14 deg, 45 min). The other houses are obtained by adding multiples of 30 to each. By this method the house positions change radically. Rahu is now in the 2nd, Mars and Moon stay in the 6th, but Ketu and Jupiter go to the 8th; and Sun, Venus, and Mercury go to the 9th; with Saturn staying in the 11th. This is not at all a good chart because the ascendant lord has now gone to the 8th house and is conjoined, Ketu, a first rate malefic. And, as I said earlier, followers of Sripati Paddhati, Krishnamurti Paddhati and others will get a similar result of having Jupiter, the ascendant lord, in the 8th house with malefic Ketu. This is what a significant minority of astrologers will see. Thus we see that it would be naive in the extreme to expect that all astrologers would view the Sagittarius Ascendant chart which Nalini has presented, in a favorable light. We thus must conclude that his argument based on the opinion of other astrologers agreeing with him to be worthless. If it were desired to change the Ascendant, so that the Vedic Equal house structure would not place Jupiter in the 8th house. We would again have to postulate a time of birth significantly before 3:30 PM say about 2:30 PM or even earlier. This puts us in the same dilemma as the solution for Rasi-sandhi, junction between two signs. For the sake of argument we will ignore the substantial minority of astrologers who do not follow the most traditional system of house division—Sign=House, and only discuss the chart drawn up by Nalini Kanta Prabhu.

3.4 Candra-Mangala Yoga in the 6th


Raman, 1976, p. 95.

Our colleague, Nalini Kanta Prabhu, has placed Moon (Candra, lord of the 8th) and Mars (Mangala, lord of the 5th and 12th) in Taurus (the 6th house) and considers this quite good52[52]. But is it? Moon, alone, as lord of the 8th, is exalted in Taurus and does tolerably well here. And it is well known that Mars does well in the 6th. So this seems good. And considering that Mars also rules the 12th this might be considered a Viparita Raja Yoga53[53] as well. But there are some serious problems with this combination that Nalini Kanta has over looked and which indicate that this could not be Prabhupada’s chart. Let us now look into this54[54]. “A natural malefic [in this case Mars], where ever he may be, he will destroy the house he occupies. But in so doing his qualities [karaka—significations] will get improved by his contact with good houses. (Favorable houses for malefics are 3, 6 and 11. When dealing with diseases 6 also is unfavorable). Thus evil planets occupying these houses will give out good [according to their karaka—significations of the planet] in their Dasa periods.”55[55] Thus, in the case of Mars for a Sagittarius chart of Prabhupada we get the following result: Because Mars is strong in the 6th the significations of Mars will be strengthen, they being: “courage, diseases, (younger) brothers (and sisters), lands, enemies, paternal relations, army, heroic deeds, power, contentions, cuts, wounds, fire, etc.”56[56] In this case we would expect that it would indicate a very brave and courageous man of a contentious nature. We, of course agree that Srila Prabhupada was a very brave and courageous person. So we do not differ here. But there is more. The qualities of the 6th house get destroyed, i.e., enemies, obstacles, etc. Except that (as seen in previous quote) illness will get increased and the person will have many illnesses and injuries through out life in general especially in regards to the part of the body ruled by the sign associated with the 6th house. In this case that sign is Taurus, which rules the face, so we should expect many illnesses, wounds, and scars in regards to the face. It is clear that Srila Prabhupada did not have and pock marks, wounds, illnesses or scars in regards to his face or throat area. In general, especially considering the other malefic combinations found in this chart which we will shortly discuss, we would think that the person born with this chart would be very rash, hot headed (Mars-Moon) with many enemies and obstacles to over come. In so doing he would run many risks and suffer many injuries such as falls, burns, stabs, gun shot, high fevers, broken bones, infections, etc. Aside from this we must note the houses that Mars rules (5th and 12th) and how they will be affected by Mars being in the 6th. We are most of all concerned with his 5th lord rulership as it gets destroyed by being in the 6th especially in conjunction with the Moon (lord of the 8th). The 5th house stands for: “intelligence, prudence, memory, power of discrimination, merit earned in previous births, capacity to advise, ministers, children and condition of mind.”57[57] Texts such as Satyajatakam, Sanketanidhi, Parasara, etc. are in general agreement that the 5th lord in the 6th, especially conjoined the 8th lord, is not at all favorable for the portfolio of the 5th house. The effect of the Moon as 8th lord is expressed thus:


AM, Dec, 1981, p. 902. See my chart of Srila Prabhupada as well as chapter on the analysis of Nalini's arguments for definition of this Yoga. 54[54] Based on principles of analysis outlined in Prasna Marga chapter 14, and Catechism of Astrology (vol 1) pp. 102-106. 55[55] Raman, 1983, p. 103. 56[56] Raman, S.K., p. 36. 57[57] Raman, 1980a, p. 423. 53[53]

“With regards to ownership, 6th, 8th, and 12th alone are bad. The lords of these, wherever they may be, will destroy the Bhavas [Houses] they occupy or aspect. Here ‘lords’ means both subhas [natural benefics] and papas [natural malefics].”58[58] While it doesn’t specifically say so, it would be correct to extrapolate and say that a similar destructive effect will be felt on the houses owned by any planet conjoined the 6th, 8th, or 12th lords. In this case Moon with Mars adds to the destruction of the 5th house in the Sagittarius chart. Thus we could expect that a person with such a chart, would have no sons, or they would all die at a young age, or there would only be girls, or they would have to adopt or purchase a son. The person would have poor intelligence, no discrimination, be unwise, evil minded and probably suffer from some type of mental disease. Also since Mars is conjoined the 8th lord this strongly indicates a highly sexed individual addicted to illicit connections with women. This certainly doesn’t sound like Srila Prabhupada. The problem with this Sagittarius chart is that all the planets are not so well placed. Planets which rule trinal and quadrants should be in trines or quadrants or at least neutral houses. And planets that rule evil houses like the 6th, 8th and 12th should be in said houses. In the Sagittarius rising chart this is sadly missing. While there are some good combinations there are some major problem areas as we just mentioned. The lord of the 5th, Mars, has gone to an evil house, the 6th. He would have been much better placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th or even the 12th. The 12th, though bad, is in this case ruled by Mars so there would have been minimum difficulties if any. Another badly placed planet is Venus who rules the 6th and 11th. We shall discuss Venus later.

3.5 The Question of Longevity The Capricorn rising chart definitely shows longevity as the 8th house is fortified by the Sun who owns the house, and a great benefic, Jupiter, being placed in it. Jupiter in this case shows peaceful death in holy place. But what of the Sagittarius rising chart? It appears to me that there are many serious yogas in it which indicate only a medium life span at best and a short one is more likely. Let us look at them. We have already noted the combination of Moon (lord of 8th) in the 6th, with Mars (lord of 5th and 12th). Moon alone here would have been good for longevity as he is the lord of the 8th, the house of death/life. His well being is important. But we see that the ruler of the 8th house is conjoined a first rate, natural malefic—Mars. While Mars, independent of other considerations is good in the 6th, but we must now consider the combination of Mars—who is always a natural malefic and never loses that status—in conjunction with the 8th lord the Moon. This is not a good indication and definitely points to a sudden and violent death as is the nature of Mars (as we outlined above). Not only death but a life comprised of a string of serious illnesses, fevers, accidents, and venereal complaints even before death. Of course in astrology we cannot put every thing on just one indicator. But there are more. Saturn, who for Sagittarius rising, rules both the 2nd and 3rd, becomes a first rate Maraka (death inducing planet) and he is a natural malefic. He is directly aspecting the 8th house of death as well as the ascendant. While it is true that Saturn is exalted, this doesn’t in anyway eliminate his maraka quality. Saturn is a killer par excellence. What about the Jupiter, the ascendant lord. Is he not aspecting the ascendant and thus protecting the life? While it is true that Jupiter does aspect the ascendant, it is not a very exact aspect. The ascendant is at 29 deg, 45 minutes of Sagittarius while Jupiter is at 2 deg, 1 minute of Leo. The aspect is off by 28 degrees. To be considered a close aspect it should have been within 5 degrees of being exact. That would have been very nice and protective, but in this case it is a very wide aspect—only shooting in the general direction, not close to the target. Aside from this wide aspect, Jupiter, the ascendant lord is very closely conjoined by


Raman, 1983, p. 103.

Ketu who is only 6 minutes of arc away. Only .1 degrees. Ketu is a first rate malefic considered to be of a similar incendiary nature as Mars. This is a very serious affliction when considering longevity and physical and mental health in general making for an individual with either life long chronic illnesses or mental aberrations or both. And on top of this Mars is also aspecting this combination of Jupiter and Ketu from the 6th house, which only adds fuel to the fire. We now see that there are actually quite a few pointers showing that this chart is inherently weak regarding health and longevity. For even if the person were to somehow live long, the afflictions to the indicators of life and health are serious enough to indicate, if not short life, one constantly troubled with many serious mental and physical ailments and accidents which would seriously inhibit the persons ability to function. The objection may be raised that Arkasomayaji, the South Indian astrologer who did Srila Prabhupada’s chart with a Sagittarius rising, said that Srila Prabhupada would live till he was 86-87 years old. This seems to contradict what I have said regarding the short longevity indicated by the Sagittarius rising chart. Why would he predict such long life if it is not indicated in the chart? In reply we should like to say that Arkasomayaji did not think to consider these things because Prabhupada was there before him at 81 years of age, so what is the question of thinking that he should have died 20-30 years earlier. The mind would block out such considerations, or one might think that there were some yogas that were not readily visible that extended life. We must also consider why he was so inaccurate in predicting death, whereas with Capricorn rising it was obvious. The reason being that for Sagittarius rising there is actually little to suggest death at that time and for this reason Arkasomayaji predicted easy recovery and that death would take place only during the Venus X Mars period. He states: “I see clearly and assert that he shall be able to overcome this illness, by his strength of spirituality and shall have the opportunity of fulfilling his spiritual errand living up to 19-1-84, i.e., the beginning of Sukrakuja [Venus-Mars], who are the marakas [death inflicting].” Here Arkasomayaji confirms our contention that for this Sagittarius rising chart Mars is a maraka because he is a natural malefic placed in the 6th with the Moon, the lord of the 8th which controls longevity. Venus (see our discussion of Venus further in this chapter) is also empowered to cause death because for Sagittarius rising Venus rules over the 6th house of disease, accidents, etc., which is also the place Mars is sitting in. With the Capricorn chart the time of death becomes very evident because with Ketu period going on and Ketu in the 8th house of death and with Saturn also transiting thru this place death becomes a very serious possibility.

3.6 Jupiter Sun and Ketu in Leo Our colleague has touted the glories of Jupiter (lord of the 1st and 4th), Sun (lord of 9th) and Ketu, in Leo which is also the 9th house. We agree that for a Sagittarius rising, Sun and Jupiter in Leo (the 9th) could be quite laudable. But there are potential problems. To delineate the characteristics and personality from the chart we must see the position of both the Ascendant and the Lord of the Ascendant. The Lord of the Ascendant, in this case Jupiter for a Sagittarius Ascendant, becomes the chart ruler. His position, condition and association etc., will determine to a great degree the quality of the chart. For a good, strong chart, the chart ruler should be in a favorable sign, house, and be in the association of benefics or be aspected by benefics. If the situation is otherwise then the effects are reverse, i.e. bad and weak chart indicating evil tendencies, poor health etc.

For a Sagittarius Ascendant chart the personality and character will be greatly colored by whatever Sign Jupiter, the chart ruler goes to as well as whatever planets may affect him in that position. Since Jupiter is located in Leo in this chart it means that the personality would be strongly influenced Leo characteristics. Unfortunately for the Sagittarius chart the chart ruler, Jupiter, is seriously afflicted by an exact conjunction with Ketu who is a first rate malefic. Ketu (depending on the situation) will have the tendency to twist and exaggerate what he comes in contact with. This would indicate that the less attractive Leo qualities would manifest in the person with such a combination. An afflicted Leo personality can be extremely egotistical, pompous, pretentious, aloof, snobbish, and all in all bombastically insufferable. They lack the ability to be introspective and humility is not a word found in their lexicon. We should say that while it is true that Ketu is also known as Moksha-karaka and Jnana-karaka, the significator of liberation and knowledge, this is only so in special circumstances and cannot be blindly applied in all circumstances. Ketu signifies the following items: “Jnana, maternal grandfather, witch craft, heresy, agnosticism-atheism, cheating, sinful acts, imprisonment, backbiting, scandal-mongering, troubles through enemies, possession by demons and spirits, etc.”59[59] Jataka Parijata describes Ketu thus: “Ketu indicates itches, measles, small-pox, troubles from enemies, low people, devils, diseases caused by past sins, trouble through rats, dogs, poisonous insects, fire, accidents, leprosy, etc.”60[60] Numerous other texts could be quoted but they would repeat the same litany. Ketu only represents Moksha and Jnana in rare cases, for the most part his portfolio is a roll call of miseries. Having the chart ruler so acutely afflicted by Ketu severely flaws this Sagittarian chart. I have many charts of real people who have other wise strong charts but whose chart ruler is afflicted by either Rahu or Ketu, and it has disastrous effects on them. These negative effects can be either on the mental or physical platform or both. I suggest that for a Sagittarius chart, having the chart ruler conjunct Ketu in Leo would only exaggerate the negative Leo tendencies which I previously described. It would also make the person susceptible to both serious physical and mental afflictions, especially considering the other afflictions to health that we have already mentioned. But for a Capricorn rising chart the chart ruler is Saturn. Saturn is not at all afflicted but rather is very strong by being in his exaltation sign Libra, in the very strong 10th house and without malefic influence from other planets. For Capricorn Ketu is still associated with Jupiter but in that case Jupiter is the 12th lord who is specifically related to spiritual attributes and is also known as the house of liberation. And both are in the 8th house, a house related to deep spiritual matters and categorized as a house of Moksha. Thus for Capricorn rising Jupiter and Ketu in the 8th indicate Moksha. But for Sagittarius rising Jupiter and Ketu in the 9th is a formula for disaster.

3.7 Venus in the 10th As we previously mentioned in relation to Mars and the Moon in the 6th house all the planets are not properly situated in a Sagittarius rising chart. Here we will discuss about the position of Venus. Venus for a Sagittarius rising chart is the lord of the 6th and 11th. Though he is a natural benefic he becomes a functional malefic because, as we have seen, the 6th house rulership is considered quite bad. So the best place to have Venus for a Sagittarius rising chart would be in the 6th, 8th, 12th, 11th and 4th. But we would

59[59] 60[60]

Raman, S.K., p. 38. Raman, S.K., p. 38.

want to avoid placing Venus in other houses such as 1st, 7th, 9th, and 10th because these houses would be severely damaged by the 6th house rulership of Venus. Venus in this Sagittarius chart is placed in the 10th in Virgo. Venus is debilitated in Virgo but this is cancelled out by the existence of certain yogas. However these yogas do not cancel out the fact that Venus rules the 6th house and is placed in the 10th with Mercury (lord of the 7th and 10th). We remind the reader of the nature of the 6th lord: “With regards to ownership, 6th, 8th, and 12th alone are bad. The lords of these, wherever they may be, will destroy the Bhavas [Houses] they occupy or aspect. Here ‘lords’ means both subhas [natural benefics] and papas [natural malefics].”61[61] And we repeat that while it doesn’t specifically say so, it would be correct to extrapolate and say that a similar destructive effect will be felt on the houses owned by any planet conjoined the 6th, 8th, or 12th lords. This therefore suggests that from the position of Venus in the 10th the significations of the 4th, 7th, and 10th become seriously disturbed. The 4th because Venus aspects it. The 7th because Venus is conjoined Mercury (lord of the 7th and 10th) and the 10th because Venus is in the 10th conjoined Mercury (lord of the 7th and 10th). We are most of all concerned with the 10th house because this is the most important of the quadrant houses and it indicates the quality and power of a man’s actions and thus indicates his status in life. B.V. Raman summarizes the opinions of many Sages regarding the effect of the 6th lord in the 10th house, (this is the case of the Sagittarius rising chart). He states: “—If fortified: sinful and destructive nature, poses as an orthodox and pious man but really unscrupulous in regard to religious matters. When the lord is weak: dismissal [incompetent, can’t hold a position],formidable enemies, low life or begging.”62[62] [Italics mine.] Venus is also the lord of the 11th for Sagittarius rising so this must also be considered: “[11th lord in the 10th] The person prospers very well in his business and makes good profits. His elder brother will also help him in his business. He will earn some prize money for original contributions to the subject of his study or profession. Depending on the benefic or malefic nature of the planet he will earn through fair or foul means.”63[63] [Considering the result from the 6th house effect we suggest that it would be from foul means.] These two results, one very bad, the other rather materialistic, do not remind us in any way of Srila Prabhupada. We also note that even if Venus (the 6th lord) was strong it still gives a bad result what to speak if it is weak. In a Sagittarius chart Venus in the 10th is quite negative, yet our respectable Godbrother thinks that this placement is good and superior to that which would take place if it is a Capricorn rising chart. Please note the significant difference that occurs. For Capricorn rising Venus rules the 5th and 10th houses. Both are good and Venus thus becomes the Raja-yoga karaka—planet capable of uplifting a person to great heights. For Capricorn rising Venus gets placed in the 9th house, a very good house and a suitable destination. The effects of Venus as the lord of the 5th in the 9th are: “He will become a teacher or preceptor. Renovates ancient temples, wells, choultries [dharmashalas— places of free lodging for pilgrims] and gardens. One of the sons [or disciples, 5th also stands for disciples]


Raman, 1983, p. 103. Raman, 1979, pp. 265-266. 63[63] Raman, 1980, p. 370. 62[62]

attains distinction as an author or orator. If the lord is afflicted, he will earn divine wrath and consequent destruction of fortune.”64[64] The effects of Venus as the lord of the 10th in the 9th are as follows: “The 10th lord in the 9th house makes the person a spiritual stalwart. He will be a beacon light to spiritual seekers if Jupiter aspects the 10th lord. If both benefics and malefics aspect the 10th lord, the person is generally fortunate and well-to-do. He follows a hereditary profession or that of a preacher, teacher or healer. The father of the person has a great influence on him. He will be a dutiful son and do many charitable deeds.”65[65] The placement of Venus for the Sagittarius rising sounds more like Maharishi Mahesha Yogi. Whereas that of Venus for Capricorn definitely sounds like Srila Prabhupada.

3.8 Venus in Virgo One final point that I would like to make is regarding the debilitation of Venus. On the last page (p. 5) of his report our senior godbrother charges that having a Capricorn rising chart places Venus the Yoga-karaka in debilitation in the 9th house. He states: “Not to speak of having the yogakaraka or planet which can give most potency, DEBILITATED in the 9th house of RELIGION (if Cap. rises).” [Capitols his.] He neglected to mention that for both Sagittarius or Capricorn rising Venus is debilitated in Virgo. But Venus has received two cancellations of debilitation (Nicabhanga Raja-yoga) (1) by his conjunction with exalted Mercury, and (2) because Moon is in the 10th house from Jupiter. This is true for both Sagittarius and Capricorn rising charts. But why does our respected, senior godbrother forget to mention this fact and only cast aspersions on Venus in the Capricorn chart while praising it in the Sagittarius chart. He states for Sagittarius chart: “Venus—has exalted neechabhanga Raja-Yoga in the 10th due to the conjunction with exalted Mercury. He was expert at playing harmonium and karatals, and in singing kirtan. Venus being in Virgo contributed to his freedom from lust and material enjoyments. Venus in the 10th naturally gives fame and reputation. Being in the 5th from the Moon gave him many disciples.”66[66] [Italics mine.] We note that in regard to Venus for the Sagittarius chart above he forgot to mention the very negative effects of Venus as lord of the 6th house which destroys the signification of the 10th house. Not only this but he totally avoids mentioning the good that Venus does for the Capricorn chart. This, it seems to me, is not a very fair and accurate assessment of either chart. He gives the Venus of Sagittarius rising glories it is not due while casting imprecations at Venus of Capricorn rising. I would suggest that this appears to be a very unfair and biased way of presenting astrology in an attempt to win an argument.

3.9 Conclusion While the Sagittarius chart has some interesting combinations that might tempt one to attach undue importance to it as the chart of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, when it is closely examined, as astrologers of the future most assuredly will in the case of a great personality’s horoscope, they will find it


Raman, 1979, p. 223. Raman, 1980, p. 245. 66[66] AM, Dec, 1981, p. 902. 65[65]

riddled with flaws that cannot be attached to the life and activities of Srila Prabhupada. They will find that the chart with Sagittarius rising has the defect of the Ascendant being on the Rasi-sandhi (junction of two signs). And depending on which house system they use they may even find that with a Sagittarius rising Jupiter will still go to the 8th house, but as the chart ruler which is quite bad (12th lord in 8th is good). They will also find that the combination of Mars and the Moon in the 6th indicates a sickly, accident prone person, with no sons only daughters, and he himself is a sinful, stupid wretch. The Sagittarius charts also indicates many dangers to life and physical and mental health. And with afflicted chart lord Jupiter in Leo the person should be an ego maniac of questionable motives. And Venus in the 10th reveals that he is a religious hypocrite who feigns religion for profit motive. I would not want astrologers of the future to think that Srila Prabhupada was another cheater like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. These imperfections are apart from the major blemish of the Sagittarius rising chart which is that it totally ignores the time that Srila Prabhupada gave as his birth time and with which he had several charts cast through out his life. On the other hand the Capricorn rising chart is a very nice study of how all the planets fall in the proper houses according to their own natures and categories. And on examining the meaning of the planets in the Capricorn rising chart in an unbiased way we are able to see Srila Prabhupada. All this, along with the added blessing that it is not drawn up with a concocted time, but according to the time given by His Divine Grace himself. This is a strong indicator that the Capricorn rising chart is Srila Prabhupada’s actual horoscope.

Chapter 4 Texts of Charts and Related Material From The Last Months of Prabhupada's Lila Abstract: This chapter contains copies of all of Srila Prabhupada’s horoscopes and related corresponce from March 1977 to Oct 1977. The Roman numeral indicates the page number in the original document. Xerox copies of originals available from the BBT Archives.

4.1 Sri Daivagna Comments on apparatus: Chart done by Bengali Astrologer “Sri Daivajna.” He totally calculated wrong lagna. No birth time is given. This is a useless chart. He got Scorpio instead of Capricorn. This chart appears to have been prepared at the request of Patita Pavana Prabhu and was completed on March 18, 1977. It is very hard to read the xerox copy because of the large logo in the center of the page. All of the charts and letters in this section are available from the BBT Archives. ___I___ Sri Sri Prabhupada Nabadwip-dham Nadia Born: 1st September, 1896 A.D. Tuesday Brischik Lagna; [Scorpio] Bishav Rashi; [Taurus] Mrigashirsha Nakshatram balance period of Mars 3 yrs., 8 months, 3 days 80-8-3 1996-9-1 1977-5-4 3 yrs., 8 months, 3 days Rahu 1800 21-8-3 Jupiter 16-0-0 37-8-3 Saturn 19-0-0 56-8-3 Mercury 17-0-0 73-8-3 Ketu 7-0-0 80-8-3 Venus 20-0-0 100-8-3 Most remarkable combination in His birth chart of His Holiness Sri Sri Prabhupada are: the exalted Moon with Mars on the 7th Kendra; Prabhupada has the same Rashi as Lord Krishna, His intention to establish

Krsna cult in and around the world, where the........ develops immensity, only..., next week The words of.................. looking into the of the people can he will compared with the.............. Mahabharata ........... Krsna applied the theory of Gita “A divine Song” of life.......... a confused Personality in the battle field. Prabhupada’s mission will be fully successful after the age of 80 years 8 months 3 days of his life as after 4th May 1977. His glory will be hold in high esteem with in next three years 6 months time by 1st September 1980. He will be fully cured from the present ailments before May 77 and will survive up to 91 years of age.

Prabhupada Patit Pavana das 1st September 1896 Tuesday ____________________________________________________________

4.2 Ojah #1 Comments on apparatus. First of two charts done by Ojah, probably in July of 1977. I come to this conclusion based on statements of Tamal Krishna Goswami and the letter from Abiram that is included after this chart from Ojah. The chart is correctly calculated. Though it is not signed it can be identified by handwriting. This is basic chart of Prabhupada’s life to the time of consultation. Roman numerals indicate page number in orginal document. Not visible here but seen on the original are many check marks which seem to indicate that Prabhupada had his servant tick them off to indicate that they were true statements. There are also some notes written in the margin which seem to be annotations of the servant. Most of these notes are illegible on the xerox copies I have. ___I___ Abhaya Caranaravinda Dey Calcutta,Tuesday 1 Sept. 1896 Long 88-23-E Lat 22-35-N 4 PM Local Mean Time (Calcutta time) (Nanda Utsava) Navami — Sukla Paksa 10-44-35 4- 0- 0 40 ________ 14-45-15 RAMC

Lagnam 9-7-18 [9 signs completed 7 degrees, 18 minutes]

4-0-0 5-5-6 _____ 10-6-0 GMT

1-9-86 29-5-81

Moon 1-28-6’

_______ 30-2-78

___II___ 4-6-18/19 _________ Balance of Mars at birth= 4-5-29

Rahu Guru Shani Budha Ketu Shukra

18-0-0 16-0-0 19-0-0 17-0-0 7-0-0 20-0-0

4-5-29 22-5-29 38-5-29 74-5-29 81-5-29 (28/2/78)

___III___ Birth - Capricorn is rising. Moon is in Taurus along 28“ 6 minutes with Mars causing trouble in throat and stomach. Youth — till 22 -Good education -Good father attention -sometimes no mental peace 22-38 Brhaspati [Jupiter] follows thus period for 16 years till 38 — Great increase in spiritual activity — Benefit from Brahmins and Sannyasis — Ill health of the wife during that period (at some time) 38 years 5 months — Mahadasa of Saturn — Great interest in philosophy — Writing ability and activity increase — Sometimes secluded ___IV___ At that period - rise in life due to contact with saints. 58 years (57-5-29) Buddha Mahadasa starts — very convincing way of talking — It is connected with Venus

— At that time there is rise until the top of the career — Foreign travels auspicious 65th years — Ill health occurs. Extra sensory perception develops. 1961 — Ill health for family or himself. 1968 — Ill health - intuition develops 74 years 5 months 29 days. Ketu Mahadasa in the 8th house is started (negative influence) for 6 years. However it is associated with RAVI (auspicious) During that period there will problems in the throat and in the stomach. (Not throat, Stomach acute)[note in margin]

___V___ Until 2 more years there can be some trouble due to fire and other blunt instruments. — Trouble in throat and stomach — In September Saturn will enter the 8th house. It may create further health troubles. September - October 1977 do not appear very auspicious period. This period will last until 28 February 1978 — after that influence will diminish a little but it will be there till February 1980. After 1980 - February — Venus comes and a better period starts if Prabhupada lives until then then there is every chance that he may live until 100.

___VI___ Narayana - Kavaccha should be done 11 times. Maha-mrtyunjaya - Japa 125,000Jap (fingers long) From tantra-Sastra.

12,500 Fire

with Gita - Amrta - Suddhavali Kind of Bael

Puruscaranava “Blue sapphire is recommended” - Rasa - Pandina[?] - Adhyaya - 10th canto - Bhagavatam. Any travel now can be very risky with 10 or 11th August no travel is recommended - then with check up of an ayurvedic physician one may travel if there is positive improvement then if not wait until 27 days 5 hours later 4th or 5th September. then check again. Travel should only be for health recovery.


4.3 Abhirama Prabhu’s Reports

Comments: Correspondence between Abhirama Dasa and Tamal Krishna Goswami in regards to Prabhupada’s chart. And one letter in regards to US Visa. IIa gives important information about Prabhupada’s time of birth and indicates that he favored a time of 4:00PM or later; not sooner. ___I___ Report of Visit to Astrologer Mr. Ojaha on the 10th August 1977 (93, Daryagunj, New Delhi) I inquired what was the fatal date. He calculated that according to the stars at birth Srila Prabhupada would live for 81 years 5 months and 29 days. In other words on the 28th of February 1978 — But he further stressed that this is true only for an ordinary man, that the pious activities and spiritual activities very often prolong the life. The next 6 months would be difficult especially the first week of September when Saturn would pass over Ketu and agitate it, causing weakness, and possibly trouble from juniors. If he passes thru 1978 then he should not have trouble for 4-5 years at which time his health would suffer again. February 28, 1978 is the competion of one Ketu Mahadesha. He recommended that the Blue Sapphire as well as Ayurvedic treatment could give relief during this period. Abhirama Dasa

___II___ Dear Tamal Krsna Maharaj, Please accept my obeisances. I have Srila Prabhupada’s new passport. After following thru as you have tried to teach me, from one office to the next, and by the grace of Balavanta’s association, I have managed to bridge the many obstacles placed in front of me when trying to expediate Srila Prabhupada’s Passport. I spoke with Mr. O’Neil this morning and told him that Srila Prabhupada has been out of the U.S. for one year and one month and he said “Bring him in, I’ll get him back in immediately”. I then explained that he couldn’t come in ect. He said it was difficult especially since he was not in Calcutta where he could see him. I asked him to try to help and he said “come in on Monday, morning”. “I’ll try” — So it looks like it’s worth a try. I will report as soon as I know something more. Please offer my dandavats to His Divine Grace. Your servant Abhirama dasa (over please)


I visited the astrologer and inquired about Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope if it where calculated at 4:30 or 5:00. He calculated that it would remain the same between the hours of 4 & 5:00. I inquired about his traveling and he said it was a good idea for him to travel west of his birthplace as it would change the horoscope slightly for the better because of the difference in his earthly position. He said that going east would make it worse. He also said that in the old days when a person was sick they would change their name or place of residence. He said the most auspicious day to begin the journey was on August 29th and morning of the 30th. Not that he said Srila Prabhupada had to go, but he thought it was a good idea. Abhirama Dasa ____________________________________________________________

4.4 Arkasomayaji Comments: Though given the correct birth data and time this astrologer mis-calculated the chart, getting an incorrect Ascendant—Sagittarius rather than Capricorn. It for this reason that he made such a gross error in calculating the longevity. Though very kind and full of nice sentiment which we can all appreaciate it is also full of baseless optimism about recovery of health. 18-8-77 To Sri Surabhirabhipalayantam Das Swamiji Project Director, ISKCON, Bombay Dear and Respected Swamiji, My greetings to you and my pranams to His Divine Grace. I am just in receipt of your letter dated 10-8-77, having gone to and just returned from my native place, Bhimavaram. I am deeply pained to hear that His Divine Grace has been ailing. May Lord Sri Krishna come to his succor, whose worship he has done more than anyone else! Hereunder I have cast the horoscope required of me and furnished my readings thereof. No doubt illness is indicated to some extent, but I am sure that His divine grace will be spared some more years for the Divine Service, he has been rendering for a transformation of the public at large. Date of birth 1-9-1896 at 4 pm at Calcutta, Bengali San 1302 - Solar date 17 Bhadra (N.B. I have given the above Bengali date as per my knowledge thereof and I hope it is not wrong. The horoscope, however and the readings will not be effected, being based upon the English date furnished. As per luni-solar reckoning it is [hand written devanagari]; probably according to Bengali convention it is bhadra Krishna Navami) It is interesting to note that His Divine Grace was born just on the next day to that of the birth of Lord Sri Krishna. Planetary positions Sun Moon Mars Mercury

4-6-51 1-28-19 Venus 1-16-58 Saturn 5-11-8

Jupiter 4-1-53 5-1-47 6-21-48 Rahu 10-1-9 Ketu 4-1-9

Lagnam 8-29-14 verging on Makara.

Date of birth Balance of Kuja dasa

1-9-1896 18-4- 4

Rahudasa Gurudasa Sani dasa Budha dasa Ketu dasa

19-1-1901 0-0- 18 19-1-1919 0-0- 16 19-1-1935 0-0- 19 19-1-1984 0-0- 17 19-1-1971 0-0- 7 19-1-1978

My findings regarding the horoscope, 1. All the planets being posited in five places in the Rasi Kundali and only in four places in the Amsa Kundali indicate that the native is an Avatarapurusha. What is more both the lagnas (of the Rasi and of the Amsa) being Dhanus, the native has the most righteous life that any mortal could have in these days of Kali. 2. All the planets occupy flawless positions, which indicates that the native is a [hand written] and a Jivanmukta. 3. Jupiter the lord of the lagnas aspecting the lagnas, indicates that the native is highly powerful by dint of his spiritual stature caring for no mortal, however great. N.B. I need not here depict the [hand written] of the native, for, it is not pertinent at this juncture. Even this yoga is the highest amongst men. coming to the point, i.e. of longevity. (a) Ayus-karaka Sani being posited in Tula under exaltation, longevity is very good. (b) The lord of the Ayus-stana, namely Mercury [?? very strange comment, Mercury is not lord of 8th, he must mean Moon] being himself in exaltation confirms that the longevity must be very high. 3. Saturn is the lord of the [hand written looks like tritiya ayu stan, i.e. 3rd house]; as well and he being in exaltation, the longevity shall be very high. So, therefore, the present illness shall be interpreted only as a sort of exhaustion after a strenuous over-work both of body and mine - of mind because of a yearning for a fulfillment of certain plans. 4. The native is now towards the end of Ketu dasa, and this dasa which had started on 19-1-1971 and, which lasts upto 19-1-1978, is just the dasa of consummation towards Jivan-mukti. By 19-1-1978, the native shall have established a Divine order so to say among men laboring under obscure physical mentality and sub-human tendencies. 5. I see clearly and assert that the native shall be able to overcome this illness, by his strength of spirituality and shall have the opportunity of fulfilling his spiritual errand living upto 19-1-1984, i.e. the beginning of Sukra-Kuja, who are the marakas.

So, Swamiji, we have nothing to worry regarding the health of His Divine Grace, who has taken this mortal coil only for a Divine mission. Lord Krishna himself bears the responsibility of the [illegible writing] of His Divine Grace as is vouchsafed to us in the verse [illegible writing]. Yours in Lord Krishna Arkasomayaji __________________________________________________________

4.5 Ojha #2 Comments: Calculated October 5, 1977. Signed by Ojah. Detailed calculation of both Birth chart and Prasna chart with regard to longevity. His calculation was off by few weeks. Charts by Ojah are correctly calculated mathematically. Except that he uses extraneous planets Neptune & Uranus which are not used in Vedic Astrology. ___I___ Birth Chart Shri 1008 Prabhupadaji Maharaj

Surya Chandra Mangal Budh Guru Shukra Shani Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune 1-28 Mrgasiras - II Moon from

Tropical Sidereal 5-9-28 4-17-2-49 2-28-46’-26” 1-28-21-15 2-9-22 1-16-56-49 6-3-35 5-11-9-49 4-24-26 4-2-0-49 5-24-15 5-1-49-49 `7-14-13 6-21-47-49 10-23-34 10-1-8-49 4-23-34 10-1-8-49

1st September 1896 Calcutta Long. 88-23 Lat. 22-35 Time 4-30 p.m. App. Calcutta Time = Local Mean Time = 4-6-30 g.s.t. = 10-36-30 GMT

1-5-34-49 [ 5th Nakshatra] 11-3-20’ to 0-0’-0’

Prashna Kundali Tuesday 4-10-1977 at [12:00 noon] 11:50 a.m. Exact at Delhi Lagnam 7-29

___II___ 1-9-1896 Tuesday 3-16-6-30 3-18-224

82nd Varsha Pravasha of Shri 9002 Prabhupada Maharaja

[Not favorable]

7-10-29 a.m. G.S.T. Saturday 3-9-1077 Varsha Pravesh at 10-29 a.m. G.S.T. Shukra as Munthesha, Varshesh, Varsha Lagnesh has no directional strength. Therefore the solar return is not good. The lord of the 6th house is conjunct Mangal not good. The following days not auspicious 27-28 September 77 24-25 October 77 20-21-22 November 77 (3-4) - 1977 December 77 ___III___

Table of Mahadashas

Balance of Mars at the time of birth North Node of Moon’s Period Jupiter’s Period Saturn’s ” Mercury’s Period Ketu’s Period Venus’ Period Antardashas in Shukra Venus in Venus Sun Moon Rahu Guru Shani Mercury Ketu

3-4-0 1-0-0 1-8-0 3-0-0 2-8-0 3-2-0 2-10-0 1-2-0

Duration Y-M-D

Till the age of Y-M-D



18-0-0 22-4-12 16-0-0 38-4-12 19-0-0 57-4-12 17-0-0 year 74-4-12 7-0-0 (78-1-13) 81-4-12 20-0-0

84-8-12 85-8-12 87-6-12 91-8-12 94-6-12

___IV___ A. Shri Prabhupadaji is at present undergoing the fag end of Ketu Mahadasha and it will last till 13th January 1978. Ketu is in the 8th house with Sun (lord of the 8th house) and Gunu (lord of the 12th and 3rd houses). Mercury in Ketu Started from 16-1-1977. Budh is Shastesha also (disease) Shani has gone to 8th house (House of Death) from 7th September 1977. Shani as lagnesh [lord of lagna, i.e. Capricorn] in the 8th house and in transit over: 1. Jupiter [from 29th September exact] 2. Ketu [From 16th September exact] The negative effect continues throughout October 1977, November 1977 and from 1st of December 1977 Saturn becomes almost stationary and becomes more malefic.

In January 1978 till April 1978 it again traverses the same degrees and becomes stagnant on Jupiter and Ketu in the last week of February 1978. The native has Dirgayuhu—above 75 years of Longevity. B. In the Prashna Lagna 4-10 Moon applies to Jupiter on the 1st day 5-10 Moon applies to Mars on the 2nd day 8/9 -10 Moon applies to Shani (negative) 11-10 Moon applies to Shukra Moon-Jupiter-Mars in the 8th house [very bad]. The patient may not recover. Saturn with Venus in Kendra not good.

___V___ C. In Varsha Lagna [Various astrological jargon in Hindi.] Hospitalization and ill health intensified in the present year. The days not good when the Moon passes in the 22-23 Nakshatra i.e. 27-28 September 1977 24-25 October 1977 20-21-22 November 1977 3-4-1977 December 1977 D. In the Prashna Lagna Surya will apply to Rahu on Saturday 8th October 1977. Very Bad. Prashna Lagnesh Mangal in the 8th house. E.

1. Strength of Lagna Nil 2. 7th House (Disease) Strong and posited in the 10th house (The native will not come up astrologically) 3. 4th Lord aspecting it — The medicine will not give any relief. The native will make a fight for life as Surya-Mangal are good friends and Shani and Shuhra are Shatru. 4. There is no benefics in 9,6,11,3 5. Mangal indicates effects of Shakini [Ketu] combined. (Urinary problems) Difficulty in recovery. F. The 7th Dasha starts on 13th January 1978.

___VI___ We have noticed that the periods are all negative till March/April 1978 and main trouble was due to Shani. We have suggested that Blue Sapphire be tried and he should keep it putting [?]. Hospitalization and travels indicated. The only remedy in this case is to do. Maha Mrityunjaya Japa and Havana. Previously also now also we have recommended. Shiva is the presiding deity of Shani and with this the native will be able to over come disease and life-span increases. Astrologically it up to 81 years 4 months [approximate]. Japa and Havana [with (sanskrit term)] is essential.

May God bless the native and give him long life to carry on the good work.

___VII___ 1. 2. 3. 4.

[After the health and longevity of shri 1008 Prabhupadaji Maharaj] [2000 Japas by 10 persons every day for 21 days] and havana (Havana with and 10-12 part of Japa) Mantra in the attached sheets.

___VIII___ Katu 8th house began 74 years 7 years duration with 81 years Ketu in House of Death Sun’s Lord of 8th house is enemy of Lord of ascendant Saturn. Shani is transit over Ketu & Jupiter - very bad aspect.

Chapter 5

Transcription of Chart Made by Asutosh Ojha On October 6th, 1995 [With the tape he included a letter which stated the following: “In Western society as also in some places in India, in order to prove themselves correct some novices[in astrology] go too deeply into rectifying charts. They do not understand how to do it but if their predictions do not occur they change the chart so much as even by an hour or more. ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.’ Prabhupada definitely had Capricorn Ascendant.” After this point he begins to say basically what has been transcribed then decided that it would be better to just put it on tape which is what he does.]

I am Asutosh Ojha, a brahmin by caste, astrologer. In 1977, Prabhupada, who started the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, where he got the idea to get hundreds of temples around the world where people can go and worship. Like, people know there are two ways to worship, but the bhakti-marg always will take some concrete think to isualize the Supreme Power, and Krishna is the one. The other school worship God in the nirakara, like which has no form or any definition. To them its just like ether and cannot be seen or given any concrete shape.

But coming back to when Prabhupada was born [?], I had the good fortune that someone referred them to come to our place to get a horoscope done. Actually, there was a very old devotee, and I think his name was Pradyumna, or maybe I’m a little bit mistaken. It’s been quite some time — who used to come to meet my father, Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha, and he [my father] has translated many books. My father was a scholar of Sanskrit, very learned person, and he was the person who referred the chart of Prabhupada [to me], when he was not so well it should be done. My father had bad health and was suffering from a paralytical stroke. Secondly, he was not a professional astrologer, and he passed on that I do the horoscope of Prabhupada. He was the one who made an appointment that I should do the horoscope. The time which was given to me and the two devotees who were there gave me as September 1, 1896, and the time of birth was 4 o’clock, Calcutta. In Calcutta at that time, local mean time was observed. And Prabhupada gave this time himself. That was conveyed to me then. Prabhupada knew his time of birth, as Prabhupada’s guru was the great astrologer too. Prabhupada had some interest in astrology as he was a learned person, and Jyotisha or astrology is a part of the Vedas. Those who study the Vedas have to study Jyotish. Jyotish is the eyes of the Vedas. And there will be no doubt that the time of birth has any error or anything. When we made a horoscope for Prabhupada, we get Capricorn Ascendant [Capricorn Ascendant]. It is a good Ascendant, because he was born with Capricorn Ascendant and with lord of the first house, which is Saturn in this horoscope, is exalted, powerful, in the tenth house. The other planetary position that Prabhupada had his Mercury and Venus in the ninth house, Moon and Mars in the fifth house; Jupiter, Sun, and Ketu in the eighth house; and Rahu is in the second house in Kumbha. In his horoscope the Mahadasha of Mars ends in 1901, 3 March. I remember that the first 2 devotees who were there was Abhirama and Yasodanandana. And all these devotees of Prabhupada have been so devoted to him, so it is always a joy to meet any one of them. When

they come, they will bring the aura of Prabhupada with them wherever they will come and go. And it was evening of Wednesday — I do not remember exactly the date— but I had just come out from my prayers to Lord Ganesh, and I met the devotees. I got the horoscope, and I talked about the health of Prabhupada, because he had the Ketu period —Ketu is in the eighth house— and I thought that the coming period will not be so good for him. The eighth house has to do with urinary problems, prostrate glands. Secondly, because Prabhupada has Jupiter and Ketu in the eighth house — the eighth house has to do with the place where you die — I was sure he would not be in a foreign country, and it would be in a spiritual place. And that’s what happened. Prabhupada in his old age, last days, was in Vrindavan, the center, the heart of all the universe.

Coming back to the horoscope, the Capricorn Ascendant comes in 3:29, 3:30 PM on 1 September 1896, and by 4 o’clock was quite advanced. Prabhupada definitely had Capricorn Ascendant, like we just said. Let me also point out some description of the type of people who are Capricorn Ascendant. They have a mannerism to tilt their head to one side, sometimes to the left. And they have musical feeling, sometimes for dancing or music. They have certain restrictions in their nature, which are related to their 11-12 year when some kind of calamity or things happen in their families, giving them a feeling of insecurity and then in turn they become more ambitious.

Early part of life of Capricorn Ascendant people is not so good. Then looking into the horoscope. Moon is the karaka [significator] for mother, and Moon is afflicted by the association of Mars, although with Mars it gives strength of character and a lot of courage, but is not good for the mother. In this horoscope the fourth house is afflicted by Saturn, direct aspect. The fourth house of the Moon also has Ketu and Sun, and is also aspected by Mars. The fourth house from the Sun is afflicted by Mars itself. So the fourth house, which has to do with the mother and afflicted from all angles, doesn’t give long life to mother. And that’s what I believe. In early life Prabhupada lost his mother. Then let’s look to the exalted Saturn. Saturn, whenever exalted, shows more effect in later years of life, particularly after 67 years of age. Many people who have done or brought spiritualism to the world have had their Saturn in the ninth house or tenth house. In the case of Ananda Mayi Ma, she had Aquarius Ascendant, and Saturn was exalted in the ninth house. Swami Vivekananda had Saturn in the tenth house. Prabhupada Tirthi Maharaja [?], who refused the seat of Sankaracharya [of Puri], he was a learned scholar, and wanted to bring the days of Lord Rama to India, had Saturn in the ninth house. And many people had powerful Saturn when they excel in spiritualism and chalk out and make many followers in the spiritual life. I would like here to give some opinions of learned astrologer, ancient people, to make it look more authentic, because, compared to their knowledge, my knowledge is nothing.

Saturn powerful according to Achar[?] and Gunakara, they were well known astrologers. The native is happy and brave. Kalyavarma writes that “Saturn in the tenth house makes a person Budhimana, intelligent and wise, courageous. He is a commander in chief or a minister.” Minister means in politics. “He is the head of a city, village or society.” Parasara has indicated that Saturn in this position makes a person happy, rich, victorious, and if Saturn is in Pisces or powerful, is a yoga for sannyasa, ascetic life.” Saturn being exalted will be taken as powerful in this horoscope. Vasishta says that “Saturn in the tenth house doesn’t give happiness from sons and children. And when we think of the sons, we should also understand that it has to do with disciples, because fifth house has to do with children as well as disciples. And in the case of Prabhupada, many of his disciples who afterwards became gurus, brought a bad name to the International Society. We do not say that all of them were bad . . went to the maya and their downfall came.

Vaidyanatha has also indicated that Saturn in the tenth house makes a person brave, courageous, head of the family, the ruler, and also brings sannyasa yoga. Prabhupada was a sannyasi, and he was a leader. Brhat-Yavana-Jataka is a treatise written by the Yavana. In the old times jyotish went to Arabia, and Arabian kings were very much interested. They got it translated and Yavana Acharya was a well known astrologer from the Middle East, he was the one who charted out the system of Varshapravesha. In his book he writes that Saturn in the tenth house makes a person minister to a King, diplomat, kind, he is head of people and villages, intelligent, and wealthy.

Aryagrantak Granta [?] writes that Saturn makes a person work for other people, makes one travel and live in foreign countries, is not afraid of anyone. Kashinatha is the one who has given a different view and says that the person is poor. In a manner it was correct. Prabhupada never earned any money for himself. He was just doing it to make temples, and he had hard-working disciples who helped him get so many nice temples constructed around the world. Jayadeva has written that Saturn in the tenth house makes a person the head, rich and kind. Jagadisvara writes that this position of Saturn is not good for mother. She is averse. And the person doesn’t get happiness in the body, doesn’t get good friends. Narayana Bhatt — “In childhood he doesn’t get happiness from father, mother. But as he grows older he gets better happiness in life. He is victorious in war. He loses his inherited property.” Mantresvara, who has written the famous treatise of Phaladipika, who was born 600 years ago, said, “Saturn in the tenth house makes a person a king, or a minister to a king, rich, religious, and he takes interest in agriculture.”

[indistinct] has written that if Saturn is exalted or in own sign the person is intelligent, wise, rich, head of villages, religious and is honored by kings. Gopala Bhatta writes that it is not a good position for fathermother, particularly for mother. He bathes in the Ganga. That means he’s religious. In the Bhrgu-sutra, Saturn brings more luck after 36 years of age. He gets honor, many friends.

If you will see that almost everyone of them has written that the position of Saturn in the tenth house is very powerful, and it’s not so good for mother. In fact, Saturn in this powerful position and exalted takes away the material things of life so that one is drawn more and more toward God. Just like in Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, “When I love you, I take everything away from you so you are more close to Me.” [??]And that’s what Saturn does. In the western astrology also, they said that if Saturn is in Libra, like in this case yes, then it is good for fortunes. He works very hard for long time. He’s ambitious by nature, can foresee the future, and his wealth is in the mind. Without the efforts of other people and due to his own abilities he rises in life. Powerful Saturn in the tenth house makes a person good in legal matters.

We must also take into account that in this horoscope Saturn is exalted. Katve [?] in his book has written that Saturn is in Libra. Katve was a Maharastrian astrologer, has written many books. If Saturn is in the tenth house in Libra like in this case, the native will be a sannyasi, and he spreads religion, is a preacher of religion, is a writer. He knows deep sciences, is an astrologer, is the head of the council. And this is what Prabhupada was. He was a preacher, he wanted to spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world, and he did it. Katve also writes that he gets more respect out of his house than in the house. He is a good mediator between people. They are teachers of Vedanta. They get fame, honor, and wealth. They travel to foreign countries, they think that they are born to do some special work in life, and at the time of that they feel satisfied. From the point of view of father, mother, this is not a good position of Saturn. Mother died early or she suffers wrong, constant and chronic problems.

This indicates that Prabhupada had a good Saturn in the tenth house. People with Saturn who is powerful in the tenth house a very ambitious. In the horoscope for Hitler, he had Saturn in the tenth house too. [Of course this is where the resemblance ends.] Now we go to other planets in the horoscope. Jupiter and Ketu are in the eighth house. He has moksa, like freedom from life and death. Jupiter and Ketu together also indicates old age in a holy place. Ketu in the eighth house gives sometimes urinary problems, or a person has to cut short his visit and come back. We will also note that when Jupiter, which is Jupiter, is in the eighth house , a person likes mysticism, philosophy and jyotish. Gargamuni has said that if Jupiter is in own sign or in a benefit sign, then a person attains knowledge and he dies in tirtha-stana, a holy place. In his old age he has physical ailments. Narayana Bhatt writes that Jupiter in the eighth house gives chronic health problems. After that there came moksa. Yavana Acharya has indicated that the person with Jupiter in this position, the eighth house, will suffer from disease in 31st year. Aryagranthakar[?] has written that Jupiter in the eighth house makes a person fond of taking holy trips, doesn’t get happiness from wife, and all the time he is busy in practicing yoga. Gopalratnakar has indicated that Jupiter causes urinary problems or piles. He is a good teacher. In the Western astrology, Jupiter gives long life. Death comes in a peaceful state, their being satisfied that they have attained their purpose. Jupiter also gives money from inheritance. Atyak, a person who has written jyotish book in our English manner, writes that Jupiter is powerful, it makes a person do holy deeds in life, is a strong learner and knows the Vedas. Jupiter in the eighth house can cause problems from women, or on account of wife.

Now we will take the effect of Rahu. First of all, we want to say that Rahu and Ketu show the effect of the planet they conjoin with, or if there is no planet, then they show the effect of the lord of the house and according to the strength of the owner of the house. Ketu here will show the effect of Jupiter and Sun. Sun’s powerful in this position and is a good planet. Vaidyanatha writes that Ketu in the eighth house with benefics or if aspected by benefics, makes a person rich and long-lived. Yavanacaryas writes that Ketu in the eighth causes the urinary problems or diseases of the semen. Sometimes problems in teeth and mouth, is courageous, and successful in life however he says it can cause skin or hair problem; Gholab—indicates that he is very successful and well known. Gopalratnakara indicates problem in the fiftieth year. Ketu always gives the effect of the planets with him. Now going back to Rahu in the second house, and is a friend of the foreign countries and gets money from foreigners. Second house is the house of wealth, and sometimes it also gives a family away from the birth place. Prabhupada had so many people who were born in the foreign countries. Most of his disciples were people of Europe, America, Middle East, Australia. And that what Rahu does. He has Moon and Mars in the fifth house. And the fifth house has to do with teaching, learning, knowledge, children. Mars in the fifth is not good for children. They’re independent, difficult to be controlled. I do not know much about his children, but I do know that his disciples were independent and difficult to be controlled. I had had the good fortune to live for some time with Hansadutta. I also knew some of his disciples who afterwards became guru, and they were great people. They were gifted. They had the abilities to impress and go forward to teach, but when they become independent, they needed guidance, they didn’t get it. [?] writes that Moon in the fifth house, powerful, gives intellectual abilities, fond of music, art, diplomacy, patient. Brihat Jatakahas mentioned that Moon in the fifth house can cause problem in the sixth year. Moon in the fifth house can give fluctuations in the mind of children. However, Moon is with Mars as such a lot of courage is there, and in the Western system when Mars and Moon conjoin, it makes a person courageous and able to take initiatives in life. Moon is exalted in Taurus.

We now take into account Venus and Mercury. Both of them are in the ninth house. Venus is debilitated but with Mercury and Venus is a combination of lord of the ninth and tenth and is Nicabhanga Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga of the ninth, tenth, and whatever work a person undertakes with this combination, he will rise to the top position. And Prabhupada undertook to spread the name of Lord Krishna, and he was successful and mind is colored with beautiful ideas, good for languages. Ninth house Mercury-Venus also makes a person fond of music and poetry. It is a joy to listen to the kirtan of Prabhupada. Venus is a planet of women, artistic people, and in the ninth house better luck comes due to their association. Venus in the ninth house, according to Vashista, makes a person dress well, is good for wealth, science, education, according to Vaidyanatha. According to Kalyavana Varma, Venus in the ninth house endows one with good fortunes and he has great respect for gods, guru, and guests. Venus is generally very good in the ninth house. All planets are very good in the ninth house. and with exalted Mercury in the ninth house, good effects will always come. Sometimes Venus in the ninth house can mean marriage in a foreign country also. Venus in the ninth house, according to Katve, is almost round-faced, sometimes sudden anger, proud type. They have their own independent minds, lose their inherited wealth in early part of life. Financial problems always are there. Because of the Mercury which rules the mind, and Venus perfection, the mind is colored with a different idea. A person tries to get perfection in life. Venus is yoga karaka in this horoscope, Lord of the fifth and tenth, and is an indication of success in life, particularly when conjoined with lord of the ninth also. Now we go to Sun in the eighth house. We are taking up planet-wise because want to give what wise people have written about the position. Brhat Jataka writes that Sun in the eighth house can cause serious health problems to wife in the 34th year. Yavanacharya has indicated that Sun makes a person go in foreign countries, is unhappy, travels a lot, Sometimes Sun in the eighth house gives chronic health problems. Sun, we should also notice, is in Simha [Leo], and it makes a person proud, with a desire to help other people. Lord of the eighth in the eighth generally gives long life. When Prabhupada died, he was 80 years old, 80, 81 year of age, and in the Indian system that is considered long life. We now take to exalted Mercury. All people knowing astrology knows that the Lord of the ninth house is exalted and powerful, and well placed. It is an indication that good fortunes and good luck. And Mercury is in this position, lord of the ninth in the ninth house. Mantreshavara in his Phaladipika has indicated that Mercury in the ninth makes a person educated, rich, follower of religious activities, and very good in speech, expert and very good in speech. Gopal Ratnakara has mentioned that he loves music, dancing, singing. Brhat Jatak has mentioned that happiness does not come from mother. Yavanacharya has indicated that the person is pure, satvik, endowed with satya guna, dharma-premi, lover of religion, rich, does good deeds in life and donates money. In the western system, when Mercury is in this position and associated with benefic planets, that a person knows languages, arts and chemistry. Everyone, most of the people have mentioned good position for Mercury within the ninth house. Gargamuni says that if Mercury’s powerful, then person is fortunate and religious. Vashista has indicated religious aptitude and also indicates health problems, chronic problems. Kalyanavarma has indicated that he will be learned, sattvik, expert in speaking, and spiritual by attitude. Vaidyanatha also mentions the person is religious, wealthy, and very pure. Narayana Bhatt is the one who mentioned that he is more powerful than kings, and destroys bad people. Prabhupada did bring people who were not engaged in good activities and purified them and brought them more toward spiritual life. According to Narayana Bhatt the person is religious, intelligent, he takes diksa —that means he is a sannyasi. He bathes in Ganga, and he brings good fortunes to his family and forefathers. Kasinatha has mentioned that Mercury in this position makes a person religious. He makes gardens, wells, places for other people. He speaks the truth. He has controlled all the senses. He has respect on his father. Yogesvara mentions religious, intelligence, expert in yoga. He knows Vedas and the Smrti, and follows them. [He associates] with rich people and travels to holy places. Most people have good effect of this. But the effect of planets are not judged separately, also with Mercury and Venus in this horoscope. Raja yoga, success fortune, exalted Saturn, very powerful, causes one of the Panca Mahapurusha yoga known as Sasa yoga, and brings good fortunes to a person, and he is famous in life.

Moon-Mars gives courage. Sun-Jupiter — the person does good deeds in life and he is long remembered. Overall speaking, I am very sure and I come from a family of six generations of astrologers that this is the horoscope of Prabhupada. I am very proud I was one who was able to make it. I was consulted by Prabhupada twice. The second time we met with Hari Sauri, Gurukripa[?], they were there, and I made his horoscope twice. Initially when I made the horoscope and when I dictated that, the days were not good for it. Some of his disciples were very unhappy with me. I always had a desire in my life to meet with powerful people who will be my guru, but when I had the opportunity to meet Prabhupada, I avoided it. Krishna didn’t want me to see him in person. But I did benefit through the association with his disciples, and disciples, like children, are the people who carry forward the work of their guru. And even if one son, or one disciple, brings light and expands the world, the purpose of the guru is served. So from my side, I have given whatever I have learned from different books and interpretation of the horoscope. And Capricorn Ascendant people do not get physical comforts, they do not get enjoyments of life. They work very hard to achieve their purpose, and they do not allow anything to come between their desire. And Prabhupada’s desire was to bring the name of the Lord in the western world and make people worship Him through the bhakti marg. Venus is the planet in the ninth house which draws to us bhaktimarg. And exalted Saturn is always good in the horoscope. There is no bad planet in the chart. But some effect of Mars or some effect of Saturn always will happen. Saturn has reduced happiness from the side of the mother; Mars has reduced happiness from the side of the children, and also like satisfaction is reduced from the side of the family and disciples. But when they undertake and improve his work, keep themselves coming from maya, he will be satisfied. The horoscope always lives, never dies. It is just like the soul.

I would like to add that I was very happy when Shyamasundara wrote me a letter that if I could write something about Prabhupada’s horoscope and the authenticity of the time [of birth]. I was very happy. When I saw the horoscope, I knew that the Saturn in Gochara [transit] was going to go in the eighth house. When the lord of the first goes in the eighth, then in old age it can cause death. And when it goes on Jupiter, definitely it does that. And that’s what happened in 1977. I have not much to add, and I am honored and thankful to God that although my ego did not allow me to go Vrindavan to have darshana of Prabhupada, but I was able to do his horoscope, and in this way I meet his followers, his disciples. And this is my sincere wish that all of us carry forward the work that Prabhupada has started. I should aslo add that when I read the horoscope of Prabhupada, I could feel his presence. My heart is full.

Asutosha Ojha.

Chapter 6 Statements and Testimonies of Devotees The contents of this chapter contain the letters, statements, depositions, and transcripts of various devotees in relation to Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope. They are all very revealing and bring many salient features to light. Any bold facing or italics are mine. I have also included pertinent comments to indicate the importance of each piece. I would like to thank all the devotees who have responded for giving so liberally of their time. Contents at a glance:

Letter from Tamal Krishna Goswami Transcript of Nanda Kumar Dasa Letter from Hari Sauri Dasa Two letters from Abhiram Dasa Three letters from Hari Sauri Dasa to Hrisikeshananda Dasa Letter from Hari Sauri Dasa to Kavicandra Swami Transcript of Yamuna Devi Dasi Transcript of Ashutosh Ojha Transcript of Sruti Kirti Dasa and Kusa Devi Dasi Transcript of Pradyumna Dasa

6.1 Letter From Tamal Krishna Goswami With Un-Published Diary Excerpts [Comment: this letter clearly establishes several points. Prabhupada’s time of birth. That Prabhupada favored the reading of Ojha as accurate and referred to it on several occasions and had the devotees consult Ojha again (also see Hari Sauri’s statement). Though other astrologers sent reports, Prabhupada clearly favored Ojha’s reading: “4th August entry: ‘After lunch Srila Prabhupada had me read again the astrologer’s [Ojha] report brought by Yasodanandana Maharaja. Prabhupada found it to be quite accurate regarding his past.’” Prabhupada knows his own life best and his conclusion is final. Ojha correctly cast Prabhupada’s chart and got Capricorn rising. We note later from statements of Nanda Kumar Prabhu, that it was on the basis of Prabhupada’s favoring of Ojha that Ojha became popular with the devotees. We also note from TKG’s notes that while other astrologers [Arkasomayaji] may have paid nice compliments to Srila Prabhupada their predictions of regained health did not materialize. This was another reason that Prabhupada favored Ojha’s factual reading.]

Sun, 8 Oct 95 15:10 EDT My dear Shyamasundara prabhu, Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I must beg your forgiveness for the very long delay in replying your questions. I am not an astrologer, nor is my memory perfect. Therefore, I have decided to send you all the relevant entries in the journal I kept during my serving Srila Prabhupada as his secretary in 1977. I hope that you and others involved with this research will find some value in this information. One thing is certain: associating with Srila Prabhupada is always auspicious. In your first question you ask what Srila Prabhupada’s time of birth is. You also inquire of the circumstances surrounding Srila Prabhupada’s having his horoscope done. On 28th July, 1977, Srila Prabhupada called me to his room at about 10:00 p. m. in the evening. His Divine Grace’s health had been worsening, and he seemed to be losing the will to continue on. I tried my best to encourage him, suggesting that he travel to the West. Prabhupada became noticeably enthused and said:“Let us consult an astrologer— whether I should go? Whether I shall be cured? How long I shall live? I was born in the evening at 4:00 p. m. It was Nandotsava. You can consult an old panjika to see the day. It was a Tuesday. Mithuni rasi; mrgusira naksatra. I am prepared to go to the West.” [We note that in giving the time here, according to TKG’s diary, Prabhupada says, “I was born in the evening at 4:00 p.m.,” he is specific and did not say “about 4:00 p.m.” This seems to clearly indicate SP’s favoring of this time and and not an earlier one.]

The 30th July entry: “Srila Prabhupada had asked for us to consult an astrologer regarding whether or not he should travel. This afternoon reports came from three different astrologers. These were presented by Yasodanandana Swami, Dr. Sharma, and Bhakti Prema Swami. I had each give their reports separately so that we could see how they agreed and how they differed. Bhakti Prema’s was useless, Dr. Sharma’s was fair, and Yasodanandana Swami’s most reliable. But all three agreed on one point: the next two months would be the most difficult of Srila Prabhupada’s life and travelling was to be avoided. The astrologer Yasodanandana consulted recommended the wearing of a blue sapphire. After hearing all the reports which forecast Srila Prabhupada’s future, His Divine Grace said, ‘So it is not hopeless. At least for five weeks keep me very carefully. For the time being, no travel. Secure this blue sapphire and chant Hare Krishna.’” 4th August entry: “After lunch Srila Prabhupada had me read again the astrologer’s report brought by Yasodanandana Maharaja. Prabhupada found it to be quite accurate regarding his past. For the future it states that Saturn is exerting very bad influence. This will be counteracted by wearing a blue sapphire. Abhirama contacted Guru-krpa Swami in Hong Kong who is going to purchase one there or in Delhi. Srila Prabhupada described the precaution to be taken with the valuable stone when it is purchased. ‘It should never be allowed to pass into another’s hands. A goldsmith should be called to our house. After seeing the stone he can prepare the ring at his shop. Then he can bring the ring and we will give him the stone. In front of us he can fix the stone. It is simply curing the teeth of the setting and the stone becomes locked up. And while the ring is being prepared, the gem can be wrapped in some silk cloth and tied around the arm. But the stone should never pass into other’s hands.’ “The horoscope said that there will be trouble in the stomach. For two more years there can be trouble with fire (or lack of it—digestive fire). In September, Saturn will enter the eighth house and it may create further health trouble. September-October do not appear as auspicious period. This period will last until 28th February, 1978. After that, the influence will diminish a little but it will last until February, 1980. At that time Venus comes and it will be a better period. If Prabhupada lives until then, there is every chance he can live to one hundred years of age. Until the 10th-11th August, no travel is recommended. Then with a checkup of an ayurvedic physician, one may travel if there is positive improvement. Then, if not, wait until twenty-seven days, five hours (4th-5th September) at which time after checking with a physician, travel may be undertaken for health only. At this point Srila Prabhupada said: ‘I will go then to our Pennsylvania farm.’ This report gave Srila Prabhupada some hope, when previously he was, as a few months ago, becoming again hopeless.” 7th August entry: “After lunch, Srila Prabhupada asked me to bring the astrologer’s report. When I had, he wanted to know if it mentioned a fatal day. It did mention that September to October are not very auspicious times due to the entry of Sani (Saturn) in the eighth house. Prabhupada said, ‘Indirectly this means fatal. From the circumstances it appears hopeless.’” 7th August entry: “Srila Prabhupada has me read the astrologer’s report often to him. This is a most critical time and there is little to be said as it is in Krishna’s hands. Prabhupada as soon as he hears there is some astrologer wants us to consult him. He wants indication of what is to come. It is a most difficult time and we pray only that Prabhupada can pass through it. The astrological report marks these days as most difficult period. These difficult days are fated it seems, and this knowledge adds a somber feeling.” 11th August entry: “In the afternoon Srila Prabhupada called me in and asked, ‘What is to be done? Continue this kaviraja, or should we change? Perhaps the astrologer has information. Now the kaviraja’s medicine is doing nothing.’ At this time Abhirama returned from Delhi where he had gone to take further information from the astrologer. The astrologer calculated that according to the stars at his birth, Srila Prabhupada would live for eighty-one years, five months and twenty-nine days. In other words, on the 28th February, 1978, this is supposed to be the fatal date. But he further stressed that this is true only for an ordinary man, that the pious activities and spiritual activities often prolong the life. The next six months would be difficult, especially the first week of September when Saturn would pass over Ketu and

agitate it, causing weakness, and possibly trouble from juniors. If he passes through 1978, then he should not have trouble for four to five years at which time his health would suffer again. February 28th, 1978 is the completion of one Ketu maha dasa. The blue sapphire as well as ayurvedic treatment can give relief during this period. Prabhupada heard Abhirama’s report silently but intently, chanting silently on beads. His expression never changed from being very sober. After some time he said, ‘By calculation the age is finished. Rather, if I die it will be glorious.’” 23rd-24th August entry: “One astrologer from Tirupati has sent a horoscope. Dr. Arkasomayaji, the astrologer made the following observations after preparing Prabhupada’s horoscope: ‘Prabhupada is an avatara-purusa. He has the most righteous life that any mortal could have in these days of Kali. He is jivanmukta. He is highly powerful by dint of his spiritual stature caring for no mortal, however great. Longevity shall be very high. The present illness shall be interpreted only as a sort of exhaustion after a strenuous over-work both of body and mind—of mind because of a yearning for fulfillment of certain plans. He is now toward the end of Ketu-dasa, and the dasa which has started on 19-1-71, and which lasts up to 19-178, is just the dasa of consummation toward jivan-mukti. By 19-1-78, Prabhupada shall have established a divine order so to say among men laboring under obscure physical mentality and sub-human tendencies. I see clearly and assert that he shall be able to overcome this illness, by his strength of spirituality and shall have the opportunity of fulfilling his spiritual errand living up to 19-1-84, i.e., the beginning of Sukra-kuja.’ “All of these statements, the astrologer backed up by stating the planetary positions and astrological calculations. He is a Ph. D. who occupied a number of academic positions in astronomy as well as astrology. After hearing this reading all the devotees present were very satisfied and pleased. Srila Prabhupada said, ‘The calculation is good. He is a learned scholar.’” 8th October entry: “This morning I read to Srila Prabhupada the astrological report from Delhi . He had told us to forget these astrologers, but because the man [Ojha] had not charged anything I felt the report to be accurate. Besides, the indications were so negative I thought Srila Prabhupada should be informed if he wished to further prepare himself. The report indicated this day, the 8th October Ekadasi, tomorrow, and the 11th to be very negative. Other days cited as very difficult were the 24th-25th October, 20th-22nd November and 3rd-4th December. But the entire period through April 1978 is most inauspicious for Srila Prabhupada. The movements of the planets and stars indicate many entering the eighth house (the house of death). The chart indicates Prabhupada was meant to live to seventy-five years of age but he has a special dispensation of Krishna. The astrologer recommended the chanting of mantras to lord Siva who rules the planet giving the most trouble. But Srila Prabhupada again repeated, ‘We have the maha-mantra.’ He heard the report silently.” 14th October entry: “Late in the evening Srila Prabhupada called me in. ‘What are the critical days and fatal date?’ I then read the astrologer’s report with Pradyumna’s help. Pradyumna was able to explain everything much more thoroughly than before. In every way the report was completely negative and it appears that the inauspicious aspects are nearly insurmountable. The fatal date comes in January and the total period until March-April is very bad for Srila Prabhupada. At the end of the report the astrologer recommended maha-japa and the recitation of the mrtyunjaya prayer. Srila Prabhupada heard everything silently.” 22nd October entry: “Prabhupada later asked me: ‘In the horoscope it has dragged life through so many catastrophes, but ultimately how long the life is?’ I answered that five or six years but others say up to a hundred years. Prabhupada concluded: ‘There is no standard.’” The above entries from my journal are, to the best of my knowledge, all that concerns astrology. I had my secretary read through the journal and I have also gone through it with some thoroughness. Along with all of my other duties, it took quite some time. I hope that whatever information is contained herein will be helpful to all of those involved with discerning Srila Prabhupada’s correct astrological chart. May Lord Krishna bless all of you with good intelligence and wisdom.

Your servant,

Tamal Krishna Goswami

6.2 Transcript of Conversation With Nanda Kumar Prabhu October 5th 1995 [Comment: this confirms that Srila Prabhupada considered Ojha to be the best of the astrologers he consulted in his last days. This opinion of SP’s became widespread and known to the devotees at that time. If Prabhupada had thought that Arkasomayaji or some other astrologer other than Ojha had been the most competent then it follows that this astrologer would have become popular with the devotees in ISKCON. Rather it seems that Ojha was considered the best and most accurate, hence his reputation with the devotees.] Nanda Kumar: No actually I didn’t have any direct connection with any of that. The one thing that pops into my mind which you probably know about. Towards the time that he passed. SD: He had many charts done. NK: He had many charts done and I had heard that there was one astrologer that he worked with. He [SP] said that this man is the bona fide astrologer—Asutosh Ojha. SD: Oh, he said that? Prabhupada actually said that? NK: Well, I didn’t hear it. I heard that he had said that. SD: From who did you hear that? NK: I don’t remember. It was, you know, back in that time. But, I remember that it was mentioned that out of all the astrologers. Because then, I remember right after that I went to see him in Delhi. SD: Ahaa. NK: And I have this [indistinct]. SD: I have been in contact with him. He is going to do a chart of Srila Prabhupada again for the Centennial. NK: I remember the word that I heard, which was what sparked me to go to see him, was that he [SP] said this man [Ojha] is a bona fide astrologer. SD: Ok.

6.3 Letter From Hari Sauri Prabhu [Comment: Hari Sauri gives very clear insights into the circumstances surrounding Prabhupada’s getting his horoscope done. These statements corroborate those of Tamal Krishna Goswami and Nanda Kumar Prabhu and suggest that the horoscope favored by Srila Prabhupada was that prepared by Asutosh Ojha for a time of about 4:00PM yielding a Capricorn rising.]

August 9, 1995

Dear Shyamasundara prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Here are the answers to the questions you asked about Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope. I was asked to get a horoscope made for Srila Prabhupada soon after we arrived in Vrndavana at the beginning of October, 1977, with particular interest on what inauspicious days were coming up in the next few months. I have some diary entries reading as follows: October 5th, 1977 At 9.30 p.m. Prabhupada called me in and asked me what the astrologer had said. When I was in Delhi I visited one Ashu Tosh who had previously done a chart for Prabhupada so I had gone with Bhagavat Ashraya and requested him to give us a detailed chart especially for the next month. He gave us a mantra which prayers(sic) to Lord Siva for increased health and longevity and gave some instructions that it should be chanted by 10 brahmins for 21 days and it would produce an immediate result of better health etc. I told Prabhupada that the chart would take a couple of days and that he had given a mantra. Prabhupada immediately said “We have the Mahamantra.” Then I related the details of it and he again said “The mahamantra is sufficient. There is no need of others.” He was smiling when I told him about the astrologer’s suggestions. I mentioned how he had thousands of disciples chanting for him already. I told Prabhupada that the man had repeated his earlier statement that until next March would be a very difficult time but if Prabhupada went over that period then for the next 3-4 years his health would return. Prabhupada was silent. Then he asked me to scratch his back because it was itching. Hari-Sauri dasa: Are these astrological charts very much applicable for a devotee Srila Prabhupada? Prabhupada: No. Hari-Sauri dasa: Because Krsna can do anything. Prabhupada: Yes. (pause then Prabhupada asked for Tamal Krishna). Tamal Krishna? TKG: Yes SrIla Prabhupada? Prabhupada: Hmm. Don’t waste money on this astrology. TKG: Hm. In London when we were going to get this astrologer to do it, when I heard it was expensive, then we cancelled. How much money is he asking (to me)? Hari-Sauri dasa: He didn’t say a price. He said it would take 2 days or 3 days to do a detailed chart. Prabhupada: It is useless. We can arrange as many hours as possible to chant kirtan. That is ... TKG: Srila Prabhupada today we did kirtan starting in the afternoon until the evening so do you want more than that? Prabhupada: I can hear day and night. TKG: So should we arrange starting in the morning going till the night? Prabhupada: That is according to your convenience, but kirtan is very sweet. Hari-Sauri dasa: Last June we were doing 24hrs. Prabhupada: That is real business. (short pause). These astrologers are karmis. We have nothing to do with the karmis. October 8th, 1977 I went in at 8.45 a.m. Prabhupada was sat up in the center of the bed after having had his bath. Brahmananda Swami was knelt leaning over one side of the bed and TKG sat at the right hand corner with some written sheets in his hand. It was Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope which had arrived from Delhi.

The astrologer had not charged anything to do it so TKG thought that this indicated an honest and reasonable report. As he read the descriptions of the different planet movements into the different houses the whole chart gradually revealed that the whole period from now until mid March-early April is very negative for Srila Prabhupada. He listened to the particularly inauspicious days. Immediate ones are today, tomorrow and the 11th. The others later this month and going thru. Nov-Dec are 24-25 Oct., 20-21-22 Nov, and 3-4 Dec. Prabhupada sat and listened in silence. Then the astrologer mentioned the mantra which had been given to me a few days ago. He recommended this as the most effective means for counteracting the bad influences. Prabhupada immediately said “So we have got the Mahamantra.” He requested us to chant Hare Krsna and asked for a kirtan party. So the above is all the entry that I have in my diary. I was sent to see Ojha primarily because he was in Delhi, and I was going to Delhi to buy things for Srila Prabhupada as well as do some GBC business. Srila Prabhupada wanted to know these things and I think the devotees had a good opinion of Ojha from their previous visit. I believe (this would have to be checked) that Yasodanandana was the one who first found him. [See Pradyumna’s statement.] As far as the birth data is concerned I think, but I can’t say for sure, that I was given the time by TKG just in case Ojha had lost or disposed of the previous chart. I can’t honestly remember what that time was but obviously it is the time given on the chart itself. i.e. it was an approx. time of 4.30 pm. I got this from TKG who obviously would have got it from Srila Prabhupada. TKG should be able to confirm that he confirmed the time with Srila Prabhupada. As far as Ojha’s capabilities as an astrologer, it was known that his father Gopesh Kumar Ojha was one of the better ones in India. GK was still alive but suffering from the effects of a stroke so his son Ashutosh was doing the readings. You could ask Ojha if he consulted with his father on Srila Prabhupada’s chart. As far as Ojha’s opinion of Srila Prabhupada, it is not reflected in this chart because Ojha wasn’t asked for a general reading—he did the job he was asked to do which was give a detailed look at the coming months. He turned out to be very accurate. As far as I know Ojha at that time had a very high opinion of Srila Prabhupada and recognized him as a great saint. That was one of the reasons why he did the chart for free. As far as the circumstances under which I consulted Ojha, that is explained above (2). The reason for consulting Ojha is given above (2). I don’t know if there is any significance to why Srila Prabhupada didn’t bother soliciting the other astrologers for their opinions beyond the simple fact that we were in Vrndavana and Ojha was nearest in Delhi. Ask TKG or Abhirama. Srila Prabhupada stated in a letter in 1975 that his birth time was “about 4 p.m.” In the readings we had done using the birth info. given by Srila Prabhupada himself, the time used was 4.30 p.m. because I presume it was assumed that 4 p.m. was earliest it could have been. In a letter from Abhirama to TKG (July or Aug. 1977) it was noted that the chart didn’t change much between 4-5 p.m. and Abhirama can be asked why he felt this was significant. At any rate Srila Prabhupada himself gave the time of 4 p.m. and he is the only source of information on his birth time. So Abirama must have made the decision to use 4.30 based on consultations with Srila Prabhupada and TKG. So where is there any question of using any other time? Also in the chart done by Arkasomayaji he used the time of 4 p.m. so regardless of what Arkasomayaji did with his calculations this confirms that 4 p.m. or after was favored by Srila Prabhupada. There is no question of speculating on the birth time, we have to accept 4 p.m. because it was given by Srila Prabhupada on at least two occasions—the letter mentioned above and for the 1977 consultations.

This final pastime period was the only time that we saw Srila Prabhupada allow consultations with an astrologer and he took enough personal interest in it that he asked to hear Ojha’s reading twice in October. So it is clear it was important to him and he would not have made the mistake of giving, or having used, a faulty time. It is clear that when Srila Prabhupada said about “4 p.m.” he did not favor any earlier time but may have accepted a later time. There is no question of accepting a chart based on what some astrologer thinks should be the correct time because he can get the “best” reading from that. Srila Prabhupada gave the time and the astrologers should be able to see Srila Prabhupada’s life and achievements from that. I have no further comments but I would like to hear what Abhirama and TKG have to say. I remain as always your humble servant,

Hari-Sauri dasa All to glories to Srila Prabhupada!

6.4 Two Letters From Abhiram Prabhu Based on His Memory (not from his Diary) [Comment: It seems that Abhiram Prabhu and Yashodananda Swami were the ones who first went to see Ojha (at the suggestion of Pradyumna who had been regularly meeting with the elder Ojha). In this letter Abhiram has doubts about Sp’s memory. As a response to this Hari Sauri made some statements which struck a chord with Abhiram Dasa who personally told Hari Sauri that HS was correct and that he (AD) must have been feeling dull-headed to have made such a statement. We do not wish to place Abhiram Prabhu in a bad light but simply produce his statement as a participant in this investigation.] (On Com-Link) Dear Hrisikesananda Prabhu. My Dandavats. I received your message on Com and will try to tell what I know. Srila Prabhupada himself gave me his birth information and I am trying to get my old diary from storage in the U.S. to clarify as much as possible. I went to Ojha myself to have his chart done, although I should tell you that in retrospect my instincts are not very positive about Ojha. [Please see transcript of Ojha’s remarks.] What I do recall is the impression that S.P.s birth info was probably not very precise, as these details are often lost in time. He never took much interest in astrology during his ISKCON years and quite possibly thru out his life as well, [See HS’s following letter as well as Yamuna’s, Pradyumna’s and Sruta Kirti’s which clearly counter this] as he leaned more toward determinism than fatalism. Also Calcutta had its own time zone in 1896 that would not correspond to today’s. You would have to consider this when calculating his birth chart. Ojha was the one who informed me of this, and he had some old book that confirmed it. Overall I can only say that my experience and instincts about S.P. lead me to believe that he might not have kept his exact timing of birth very carefully or even his mother and relatives could have easily gotten it

confused or generalized. Therefore you would have to make a judgement as Nalini has done in order to give the proper conclusion. One example is that S.P. often referred to Harrison road as his birthplace, but actually he was born at his aunt’s house in Tollygunge, which was at that time a town on the outskirts of Calcutta. In India the mother often goes to a close relatives house for birthing, and his mother did this for all her children. I appreciate your sincere endeavor for the truth of this important issue. Your Servant Abhirama das

To: “LINK: Shyamasundara (Dasa) ACBSP (Astrologer)” ,, “LINK: Badrinarayan (Dasa) ACBSP (San Diego)” Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have received your fax and will try my best to dig up the information you have requested. Sruti Rupa will be looking for my diary and I will give you whatever I have in it. I did get S.P.s birth timing directly from him. I was looking in Folio at some room conversations in 1977 and it indicates that Yasodanandana Swami went with me to see Ojha. Also I spoke to Shankabrit and he said that he went with Yasodanandana to see Arka Somayaji at Tirupati for the same thing. He said that this man was highly renowned and said that S.P. came and would leave this world by his own will (not that he was a Shaktiavesh Avatar as some have claimed). He also said that S.P. writes with fire instead of Ink. I have requested Shankabrit to write his recollections on this subject. But obviously Yasodananda is an important source for you. My personal opinion of Ojha is that he was probably a better marketer of his image than many others, not necessarily a great astrologer. [See Ojha’s comments.] Srila Prabhupada took all of the astrological reports we received as probable indicators of the material circumstances. As far as I observed he did not make any decisions based on them, although they were added to the preponderance of advice and evidence, and may have had some influence. He seemed pleased by the compliments given in the Tirupati report, which indicates to me his partial agreement with it. Once he said to me when he was seeming a little bored “read the astrology reports, let’s have some fun”. . . My address is C5 Swapnalok, 28 Aga Abbas Ali Road, Bangalore 42. India. Please let me know what else I can do. Your servant Abhirama.

6.5.1 Hari Sauri Letter #1 to Hrisikeshananda [Comment: This clears up some areas mentioned by Abhirama Prabhu. I am told by Hari Sauri Prabhu that on reading this text Abhirama also agreed with Hari Sauri.]

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 95 08:41 AST From: Denis Harrison Subject: SP’s birth time/horoscope >Dear Hari Sauri Prabhu, Abhirama Prabhu has also sent two >replies which I am forwarding to you. I will also send you >Nalini’s report in another com. Thanks for helping. Dear Hrishikesananda prabhu, Thanks for the info. Its all interesting and I hope we can resolve this issue satisfactorily. While I agree with Abhirama that SP’s birth time was approximate, and that SP tended to minimize astrology in his ISKCON, I don’t think we can say that’s necessarily true for his householder years. We have evidence that SP did go to astrologers and had personal readings done, although we don’t know how often he went or who to. As far as using the Harrison Rd/Tollygunge example as a comparison to explain how the birth time could be inaccurate, I don’t think it is a good comparison. Astrology needs to be accurate in order to get a good reading and we do know that SP’s parents had a chart done for him after his birth in which his achievements in old age were predicted. Its likely that his parents had a pretty good idea of his birth time because having a horoscope drawn up for the newly born was, and still is, an integral part of the Indian social system. Horoscopes were important not just for predictive purposes but also for finding a compatible marriage partner, so I don’t think that the birth timing of SP is as vague as Abhirama prabhu seems to suggest in his response. I’ll be interested to see what Abhirama’s diary reveals, and what Yasodanandana prabhu can recall. [I spoke to Yashodananda Prabhu but he says that all he did was pick up the chart and was not much involved in the matter. I have been unable to contact Abhiram Prabhu, but Hari Sauri Prabhu spoke with him on October 12th at which time Abhiram said that his diaries did not reveal anything relevant to this issue.]

6.5.2 Hari Sauri Letter #2 to Hrisikeshananda Date: Sun, 10 Sep 95 20:10 AST From: Denis Harrison Subject: Prabhupada’s birth time and horoscope Dear Hrisikeshananda Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you for your communications re: Srila Prabhupada’s Janma-patri. Due to being out of station for twelve days I couldn’t reply until now. The issue is whether Srila Prabhupada’s birth time was 3.30 p.m. which gives a Sagittarius rising, or 4.00 p.m. or later, which gives Capricorn rising. Here are my comments: 1) TIME OF BIRTH My personal view of this debate is that we must accept whatever time was given by Srila Prabhupada himself as his true birth time. I only have two references for this:

a) A letter sent to an astrological researcher from London in December of 1975 who wrote asking for Srila Prabhupada’s time and date of birth. Prabhupada obliged him. “Regarding your question about my birth. I was born September 1, 1896, Tuesday at about 4:00 in the afternoon. My rasi is Mithuna.” b) Oct 4 1977 I was asked to get a chart done by Ashu Tosh Ojha in Delhi for Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada had just arrived back to Vrndavana from Bombay and he asked for the chart, with specific denotation of “bad days” in the coming months. Thus Ojha produced the chart, which was based on a birth time of 4.30 p.m. He also did a calculation of prasna, based on the time I asked for the chart, at 11.50 am on 4 Oct. 1977. As far as the time Ojha used is concerned, I don’t remember whether I gave him that time or whether he already had it. Abhirama prabhu had a chart done by Ojha on August 10, 1977 and he used 4.00 p.m. as the time. In a letter to Tamal Krishna Goswami just after that Abhirama states: “I visited the astrologer and inquired about Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope if it were calculated at 4.30 p.m. or 5.00. He calculated that it would remain the same between the hours of 4.00 & 5.00.” The above correspondence between Abhirama and Tamal Krishna seems to indicates that whatever time Ojha used, he got from Srila Prabhupada via his secretary Tamal Krishna Goswami.You will have to check with him to verify this. And of course, you can also check with Ojha himself and ask if he remembers how and why he used the times of 4.00 and 4.30 p.m. 2)


a) OJHA As it turned out, Ojha’s October charts were very accurate. He predicted extremely difficult times in the coming two-four months. Quote: “the patient may not recover” “the native will not come up astrologically.” Of course, Srila Prabhupada in fact did leave us during that period. b) DR. D. ARKASAMAYAJI—(Curiously Arkasomayaji used 4.00 p.m. but got a Sagittarius rising when in fact it should have been Capricorn.) Dr. D. Arkasomayaji, the astrologer who wrote that Srila Prabhupada was a shaktyavesa avatara, also said that His Divine Grace would pass over the disease without much difficulty and live at least another 7 years. Quote: “The present illness should be interpreted only as a sort of exhaustion after a strenuous over-work both of body and mind.” “I see clearly and assert that the native shall be able to overcome this illness by his strength of spirituality and shall have the opportunity of fulfilling his spiritual errand living up to 19-1-1984. “We have nothing to worry regarding the health of His Divine Grace...” So at least Ojha’s readings were more accurate than those of Arkasomayaji. 3)


a) As far as the claim goes that Ojha depicted Srila Prabhupada “as an ordinary karmi” (and that therefore Arkasomayaji’s chart should be accepted over Ojha’s) this is not at all the case. When I spoke with Ojha at that time he was full of respect and admiration for Srila Prabhupada as a great saint and spiritual leader. He was fully aware of Srila Prabhupada’s accomplishments and there was no way he thought he was an ordinary man. However, he was not asked to give an overall reading, he was only asked to focus on the coming months. Therefore we do not find in that chart any assessment of Srila Prabhupada’s life or personality. b) There is written evidence that Ojha recognized Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual position in Abhirama’s letter to Tamal Krishna Maharaja, quoted above. “He calculated that according to the stars at birth Srila Prabhupada would live for 81 years 5 months and 29 days. In other words on the 28th February 1978—But he further stressed that this is true only for an ordinary man, that the pious activities and spiritual activities very often prolong the life.” c) You can always ask Ojha himself what he thought of Srila Prabhupada at that time. [See Ojha’s comments.]

4) PRESENTATION OF THIS ISSUE a) I must also add that I found your presentation of this debate to be slanted. By selected words and quotes you clearly favor Nalini Kanta prabhu’s view over that of Shyamasundara’s although you present yourself as merely trying to find out the facts and get an objective decision. Nalini’s reading is a very nice glorification of Srila Prabhupada. The problem I have with it is that it does not match the birth time given by Srila Prabhupada. Shyamasundara’s reading is not, as you have stated, “just a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo, word jugglery.” Astrology is an very exact and complex science. Although Shyamasundara’s reading was technical, he presented it that way so that the reader can understand the detailed considerations that went into the reading. I am sure that if you ask him for a simple, non-technical reading, he will be only too happy to oblige. b) I’d like to make a point about the use of quotes from astrological books about planets in particular houses and signs. You have Nalini Prabhu quoting the symptoms of a native with Jupiter in the 9th (as it would be if Sagittarius was rising) with many auspicious qualities. Then he gives a quote for Jupiter in the 8th (as it would be with Capricorn rising) as follows: “The native with Jupiter in the 8th house (Cap. rising) does not stay with his father; always ailing; mean and low, miser, friendless, debauchee, wicked, thin, dies of cholera, short-lived, base acts, a devil.” However, in Nalini’s own book he contradicts this. A Capricorn rising makes Sagittarius in the 12th house. 12th Lord is Jupiter who is posited in the 8th. This is what Nalini says about 12th Lord Jupiter in the 8th: “Only good words are used in texts describing this position, like devotion to God, charitable in heart, kind speech etc. Small inheritance is to be expected. Time spent learning useless things may occur.” (I wonder how much Srila Prabhupada was taught at Scottish Churches College was actually useful to him?). Personally I have Jupiter in the 8th (although I have Cancer rising) but I don’t think that the above negative description fits me. Maybe I am deluding myself here but I sure don’t feel like a devil although I might have become one if Srila Prabhupada hadn’t picked me up. I am curious as to why Nalini ignores his own words and why, when presenting his readings, he states only the negative quotes on certain planetary positions that he doesn’t want to support, when in fact there are positive ones as well. I am not an astrologer. I can’t read charts to save my life. But I think I understand the basic principles that come into play. The point I am making here is that astrology is not simplistic. There are many factors involved with planets, signs and houses all modifying each other by their various aspects. You can’t simply say that the position of one planet in a particular house means a person’s character is bound to be set in a particular way. So my request is that if you want to act as moderator of this debate you do so from a strictly neutral stance. It does not help the untrained observer if you deliberately try to slant things in a particular way. I look forward to hearing more from all sides on this issue because I think it is important that we come to some official understanding on the birth time of His Divine Grace. Thank you for including me in your postings.I remain your humble servant, Hari-sauri dasa

6.5.3 Hari Sauri Letter #3 to Hrisikeshananda [Comments: Points out that Nalini has purposely slanted his arguments to predicate the minds of uninformed readers. Points out dangerous mentality of those who want to quickly ignore what Srila Prabhupada has said about himself.]

From Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 06:19:03 -0400 Subject: reply to Hrishi lett of Oct 5th >Dandavats. AGTSP! Please do not take offense to my last message. But it is frustrating >whenever Nalini or I send you any views, because you cast them aside like so much >drivel. You say that Nalini’s report to the GBC is “impressive” yet you disregard it. >Nalini’s report is “impressive” because Srila Prabhupada’s chart is so nicely presented! Thanks. I got your letter just after I sent out my reply to your Oct. 4 one. No, I don’t take any offense, and I hope you don’t either. We are all Godbrothers and we are all trying for the same thing. So disagreement may be there on a particular issue but that does not impugn upon a person’s identity as an eternal servant of Krsna. I hope that some day I will be fortunate enough to spend all eternity with you, Nalini, Shyama and all other followers of Srila Prabhupada, dancing with Lord Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana. Pray for me that it happens! As far as the issue goes, actually I don’t think of your arguments as drivel. But I want to be very convinced about something before I accept it. And as I have previously said, I don’ find Nalini Kanta prabhu’s reading of the Capricorn rising chart to be an accurate reflection of its contents. His reading of the Sagittarius chart is impressive to be sure, but he hasn’t done justice to the Cap. rising chart in any way. He has dismissed it on elementary grounds — the 8th house is evil and inauspicious, and Capricorn is a sudra rising sign, and thus it couldn’t possibly be correct — and painted it in completely negative evocations. This is done quite deliberately to predicate the minds of uninformed readers against the possibility that 4:00 pm could actually be the correct birth time. I just don’t buy that. I am no astrologer, not by any means, but even from the basics that I have grasped, I know that each house can have both positive and negative effects. For instance, Nalini neglects to mention that the 8th house is a house of moksa. Far from been always evil, a well disposed 8th house can be a powerful force for the liberation of the soul. So I want to see an actual reading which explains properly the situation of each planet and house in the 4:00 pm chart. I am not very interested in attempts to convince me that the chart is entirely inauspicious and that to support it makes a person an offender to Srila Prabhupada when I know that just isn’t so. Let Nalini do a proper reading of the Capricorn chart and we can then compare that to the one done by Shyamasundar prabhu. Ashu Tosh Ojha has also done one and I expect that to arrive here in Alachua within the next few days. I have also taken the liberty of asking another devotee astrologer, Jagadisananda prabhu, if he wants to do one. If we find that a 4:00 pm chart cannot adequately describe Srila Prabhupada’s character and activities, then we can consider other possibilities. But we must first consider the chart cast at the time that Srila Prabhupada himself preferred—4:00 pm. Which bring me to the next point in your letter: >Why do you insist on a 4 PM birth time just because HDG said it? But you disregard that >HDG also said that he had Moon in Gemini (which all astrologers know is NOT TRUE). >Prabhupada said so many things at different times!.... >If we take “everything” that HDG said as the one and only truth (like born-again >Christians) then we devotees are bound to be confused by so many conflicting “truths,” >because HDG said so many things to different devotees. I always tend to accept things just because Srila Prabhupada said it. I wouldn’t be his disciple if I didn’t. It is not a question of fanaticism but rather one of faith. It is my duty to try to understand what Prabhupada says even if it doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t think it wise to pursue the tack that if something Prabhupada said doesn’t fit my view of things, that I am then at liberty to change it. I spent enough time with Srila Prabhupada to know that he did change things and sometimes readjusted things when he saw that his original instructions were not, or could not be carried out, or that he

had been misinformed. So I think I have some grasp of the application of time, place and circumstance and that many things that Prabhupada said are not “etched in stone” — although many are. But when I see consistency over a period of time in something Prabhupada said, then I accept that Prabhupada means what he says and that becomes a standard which is not open to reinterpretation. Therefore, as I have already pointed out, because Prabhupada repeatedly used 4:00 pm or after as his birth time for the calculation of his horoscope, I have a tendency to accept that and I am very wary of attempts to change it simply because it doesn’t fit with what someone else thinks is right. >Why don’t you simply compare the two different readings and judge for yourself which >one is more like Prabhupada? We don’t need to be rocket scientists (or astrologers) to >listen to a simple reading; especially since we have already seen Prabhupada’s pastimes it >should be easy to judge. Why not just let the two charts be judged by the GBC? A good idea and I am doing that. I have seen both readings (if you haven’t seen Shyama’s yet I think he will be putting it out very soon) and as long as the GBC are presented with accurate analysis of the charts then they’ll be able to make a sagacious decision. However, bear in mind that most of them are not astrologers, or even interested in astrology as far as I know. So at least they should be given something that they can rely upon, and I don’t think Nalini’s Capricorn rising reading fits in that category. Nalini should redo it if he wants it to be taken seriously. >In any case, if the GBC are fooled into thinking that Prabhupada’s Jupiter (GURU) is in >the evil 8th house with a sudra sign rising (disregarding the basics of Astrology), then I >for one will never show such an inferior horoscope to the public for fear of censure. And >I will be embarrassed if ISKCON promotes such a clearly faulty chart. I believe you are the one who acted as the catalyst in this debate so at least, after having put it to the GBC, you should have the confidence to accept their decision, if they can actually come to one. I don’t know why you would want to go to all this trouble (and put so many others to so much trouble) if you aren’t prepared to accept the outcome. If the only acceptable outcome for you is a finding in favor of your admitted slant to Nalini’s Sagittarius rising chart, and a finding in favor of the 4:00 pm chart means the GBC has been fooled, then what’s the point of all this discussion? I hope that in engaging in this discussion I haven’t committed any offenses. If I have, kindly forgive me for that — its my natural tendency and as hard to shake off as it is to stop breathing. Nevertheless by the blessings of the Vaisnava’s even the impossible can become a fact, so my humble request is that you show some mercy on this fallen soul so that I can attain the shelter of the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. Your humble servant, Hari-sauri dasa. By the way, if you are not aware of it, I send copies of all my correspondence with you to Badrinarayana, the GBC body conference and Shyamasundar (and sometimes to the astrology conference), on Badri’s request, in order to keep everyone “in the loop.” Nalini Kanta prabhu unfortunately is only in contact by regular mail and its just not possible to keep him up to date on things. By the time he receives something about a dozen other exchanges have taken place, so I hope he gets on-line soon so we can include him.

6.6 Hari Sauri Letter Reply to Kavicandra Swami [Comments: Points out that real issue is not for the GBC to pick a chart according to what sounds good. But the actual issue is that unless Capricorn inadequately describes SP only then should other possibilities be considered. Points out that we should not “disregard anything SP said or did in order to favor something we think is better.” Exposes fallacy of minimizing Srila Prabhupada’s knowledge of Vedic cultural activities.]

From hsauri-afn.orgThu Oct 12 09:15:44 1995 Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 06:13:26 -0400 Subject: reply to Kavicandra Swami let. of Oct 10 Dear Kavicandra Maharaja, Pamho. AgtSP. Yes, now Hrishikesananda is out of the loop. Although I appreciate his involvement in bringing this issue out, I am also hoping that now we might be able to go beyond the Nalini vs Shyama mode that he presented it in, and consider the issue free of self-interests. RE: your questions: >What time does the Capricorn raising end and Sagittarius begin. Is half past 3 the cut off >or does it go closer to4??? Maybe you know an astrologer who can tell you. According to Shyama (and its easy to verify this if you have an astrology program) Nalini adjusted the time to 3:30 pm because that puts the lagna (rising) sign half a degree into Sagittarius. A few minutes later and you are in Capricorn. [Actually according to very accurate computer calculations Capricorn starts at 3:30 PM. You have back the time up to 3:29 as the very ending of Sagittarius. This means that in a matter of moments, not minutes, it changes from one sign to the next. This, by the way is a very weak position to be in—no positional strength. I will discuss this in the Sagittarius chart.] >It seems like Hris wants to base everything on the raising. My feeble understanding is >that sometimes strong auspicious things are countered by many factors and vice versa. Yes, you are correct. That’s why I called Nalini’s reading on the Capricorn chart simplistic and misleading. He tries to reduce it to a couple of simple factors i.e. 8th house is inauspicious and evil and therefore Jupiter couldn’t possibly be good there; and Capricorn is a sudra sign and therefore couldn’t possibly be the rising sign. This is so generalized that it is almost worthless. As I pointed out before, Nalini in his own book says that when Sagittarius is in the 12th house, as it is with Capricorn rising, its Lord, Jupiter is in the 8th—and Lord of the 12th in the 8th only has good things said about it. This is because 8th and 12th houses are actually houses of moksa. Materially speaking to have a lot of activity in these houses can be a disaster, but spiritually it can be very purifying, depending on which planets are in them. An exchange between the 12 and 8 is actually a very good spiritual indicator, and this is what you get in SP’s Capricorn rising chart. Anyway, Shyama has done a lengthy analysis of this and he’ll be putting it out within a week or so and it will give you a better chance to see what the chart actually says. Personally I’d like to see Nalini do more thorough and balanced reading of the Capricorn chart. By the way, I did ask Shyama to do a reading on the Sagittarius chart and he will oblige shortly. Ojha has also done a chart on Capricorn rising and that is being transcribed right now. Interestingly, Tamal Krsna Maharaja noted this is in his diary in 1977 about Ojha’s original Capricorn rising chart: The 30th July entry: “Srila Prabhupada had asked for us to consult an astrologer regarding whether or not he should travel. This afternoon reports came from three different astrologers. These were presented by Yasodanandana Swami, Dr. Sharma, and Bhakti Prema Swami. I had each give their reports separately so that we could see how they agreed and how they differed. Bhakti Prema’s was useless, Dr. Sharma’s was fair, and Yasodanandana Swami’s most reliable. But all three agreed on one point: the next two months would be the most difficult of Srila Prabhupada’s life and travelling was to be avoided. The astrologer Yasodanandana consulted recommended the wearing of a blue sapphire. “4th August entry: ”After lunch Srila Prabhupada had me read again the astrologer’s report brought by Yasodanandana Maharaja. Prabhupada found it to be quite accurate regarding his past.”

It is surely significant that SP felt Ojha’s chart reading to be “quite accurate regarding the past.” Only SP could know whether a chart was accurate or not, because only he knew himself. If SP accepted Ojha’s Capricorn rising chart then I don’t know why we have a problem with it. Is SP the authority on his own chart or not? And this leads me to my own question. Hrishikesananda prabhu has all along attempted to portray the current issue as one of the GBC having to choose which chart is better, the Capricorn rising or the Sagittarius rising. However I don’t feel this is the actual issue here. My contention is that unless the Capricorn rising chart based on 4:00 pm cannot adequately describe the character and activities of SP then it should be accepted, simply because SP consistently favored that time. And now Tamal Krishna’s diary gives evidence (above) that Prabhupada did in fact feel it to be accurate. Not only that but Ojha was very close in his calculation of SP’s disappearance, so this adds to the accuracy factor. Nalini’s rationale for adjusting the chart in the first place was his inability to accept that Capricorn rising with Jupiter in the 8th could properly describe SP. If this is seen not to be true, there is no need to make any adjustment. Therefore the question of comparing the Capricorn rising chart with any other chart, Sag. rising or a-Sag. rising, simply does not arise. I just feel we have to be very very careful about disregarding anything SP said or did in order to favor something we think is better. It sets dangerous precedents. Hrishikesananda says in his last letter: >>9) [Quoting me here] “I take it that he (Srila Prabhupada) was certainly conversant >>enough with his own chart to know that setting the time back a half hour would change >>the rising sign.” >—[Hrishis’s ans.] I do not accept this statement; how could H.D.G. know such a >specialized astrological calculation? That is unsubstantiated speculation! The implication of Hrishikesananda’s above statement is that he believes SP was ignorant of his own chart. However, SP was brought up in a culture where astrology is used regularly and the few exchanges we had with him on it showed that he was very conversant with the terms and concepts, even if he wasn’t an astrologer himself. Pradyumna prabhu did have some exchanges with SP about astrology which led him to believe that SP knew a lot about it. So Hrishikesananda has simply dismissed the possibility that SP could know anything about astrology, and to me, that’s just plain folly to think that SP was ignorant about anything. [I intend to answer a few of Hrishikesananda’s other points in his final “out of the fray” letter in a day or two.] >Is Bhakt Caru Swami working on the things you asked about??? Those were quite good. Yes BC Maharaja said he’s going to have someone in India do some investigation. Yhs, HSd

6.7 Transcript of Conversation With Yamuna Devi Dasi on September 18th, 1995 [Comments. This conversation suggests that Srila Prabhupada was sufficiently conversant with astrology and palmistry from his householder days to know the importance of an accurate time of birth. It also indicates that Srila Prabhupada had an amazing memory.] Yamuna Dasi: [referring to her memoirs] From October 4, 1970 to May 1971, that time frame, there was one woman in our Sankirtana party. . .loosely we were a party of twenty devotees. There was one devotee, a female disciple, who was very keen on going to astrologers and consulting with astrologers on a regular basis. Her name was Himeavati. Shyamasundara Dasa (SD): Oh yeah, she was the famous Hemavati [wife of Hansadutta].

YD: Hemavati, yes, that’s it. And unfortunately when she got a report that she didn’t like she would become depressed and when she got one that she liked she would become elated and that would be obvious to all of us. Whether she gave us the details of it or not. And at one point Srila Prabhupada more or less said no more astrology because of that. Because he could see that it was affecting her and her ability to... SD: To function? YD: Yeah, and in relation to the whole group, it was definitely something that she was too much affected by. However there was the one past time that I remember very clearly was in Indore. And it was at a Bhagavad Gita Sammelan there, it was about 4:00 PM in the afternoon, I have the date exactly in my diary. It was at an afternoon darshan, and a gentleman came, this was the day before ekadasi, and he was a palmist an astrologer and a barber. SD: And a barber! YD: And a barber. SD: That’s an unusual combination. YD: Well perhaps it was his humble. . . SD: He was not a Brahmana? YD: He was a Brahmana but his humble occupation was doing that and he asked if he could shave Prabhupada’s head and he [Prabhupada] said yes. And in the course of that. I remember it carefully because I was cooking for Prabhupada that day, and he had his massage while I was doing the cooking. And he was kind of within range so I was able to occasionally peek out and look. I do recall watching the man do that service and he and Srila Prabhupada were alone. And at that time he gave Srila Prabhupada a head massage that I watched in quite a bit of amazement. I’d never seen anyone’s hands work like his. And after it Srila Prabhupada said it was the best head massage that he had “ever” had in his life. He was so impressed by it. So he invited the gentleman to a darshan and at that darshan he revealed to Prabhupada that he was a palmist and asked if he could do Prabhupada’s astrology [sic]. We were all sitting. He also brought some alu-chidva and Prabhupada commented that it was his spiritual master’s favorite snack SD: Oh really! YD: Then, Prabhupada said “No, I’ve had this done many times but you can do my disciples.” So I remember . . . SD: I thought you mentioned [from earlier unrecorded conversation] that he didn’t have the readings done because he knew basically what was going on. [Many readings in house holder days.] Right? YD: Yeah. That’s what he said. So in the course of that he spoke. He and Srila Prabhupada spoke astrology talk back and forth. And unless you were an astrologer or knowledgeable about astrology you wouldn’t know at all what they were speaking about. So in a sense he was reporting to Prabhupada his findings on the disciples rather than to us. SD: Oh. YD: And in a way Srila Prabhupada was translating what it was to us. SD: So he read each of your palms? YD: Yes.

SD: So he read your palm also I suppose? YD: And I remember that Revatinandana was in front of me. Revatinandana was a Brahmacari then. Umm, he was definitely a Swami then. And he [palmist] revealed at that time that he [Revatinandana] would have some spiritual difficulties and possibly a fall-down from his sannyas ashrama. I remember his reaction. He was so. He was so disturbed that he jumped out of his chair and said “I wont here such a thing”. And then. . . SD: What did Prabhupada say? YD: Ahh, well he didn’t, he didn’t, I don’t, he didn’t stop because of Revati’s out burst at the time. And then I remember mine quite clearly. He was talking about the mount of Venus, I remember the words “Venus.” But I don’t remember the terms they used. I remember Prabhupada said at that time something that I couldn’t relate to at all. I noted that down in my diary at the time. Something to the effect that, ah yes,“ she will become more recognized than the Yamuna River. She will become more recognized than Mirabai.” And he said “all of my women disciples they are very outstanding.” And it was very, I wont say exactly, something that, a rasa between, sometimes Srila Prabhupada would flatter his disciples or give his disciples praise in the most loving way. And you would look at him in puzzlement—why are you doing this? But sometimes he would treat us like children, sometimes like parents. And at this time when they were talking in this way, I, of course couldn’t relate exactly what, why they were speaking the way they were. And why he was playing with me in front of him. But it was a very. . . SD: So far some of that has come true. You have become quite a world acclaimed author, cook and stuff like that.


YD: There was an exchange at John Lennon’s estate in 1969. A man came for the evening darshan, he was an astrologer. But I must say that I don’t recall any charts—Prabhupada dealing with them personally— they just talked shop. On the three occasions I have faint memories of [she had previously briefly described some exchange with an astrologer at the Bombay pandal] Prabhupada spoke in astrological terms in such a way that I couldn’t understand them. SD: So you’re implying that he knew something about the subject? YD: Very clearly, yes. That’s definitely what I would glean from this. SD: Did he ever discuss about his own horoscope in your presence? YD: In my presence. Not exactly horoscope. SD: Or Palmistry? YD: No. There was definitely a pastime with Purusottama and I. Again at John Lennon’s in an afternoon darshan. Where Prabhupada spoke on a very intimate; he started telling what we thought were very intimate pastimes of his very very early childhood. And he remembered them with such clarity that it, at the time, it blew our minds. It just was stunning to us. He recalled being a child and he was wrapped up, so much a baby, that he was wrapped up in blankets. And they were in a bullock cart, travelling in a bullock cart. And he described that the bulls were immense white bulls and they were, the bullock cart wasn’t moving as our bullock carts, as we observe bullock carts in India. But they were running. He said in previous times that

bullocks, bulls could run and indicated that they were moving at a very fast speed. And the bullock cart hit a stone and Srila Prabhupada said he could remember, he could remember, flying through the air. And landing in some soft grasses, and the wheel of the cart collapsed and the two people inside were hurt. And he remembered that incident. And we were so surprized, we said Srila Prabhupada. Or Swamiji, we called him Swamiji, could you tell us more pastimes like that. And he said “At a later time I will tell you. Not now. I remember all these things.” And he never did. We asked him on a couple of different occasions and he never picked up from there. But we were thinking that he must have great awareness of not only this life but previous lives. SD: This seems to indicate that he had a good memory then; right? YD: More than good. Because the clarity he remembered, that was unusual. It was unusual. And when we heard him tell the story we knew it was unusual. SD: Because some people have suggested that Prabhupada was a little bit ambiguous about [things]. Cause his memory. He said he was born on Harrison Road but actually he was born in Tolloygunge and this indicates that his memory wasn’t always so good and casts doubt on his birth time and things like that. So I was doubtful about that [the claims of Prabhupada’s poor memory]. YD: Aha. Never, no. And he never discussed his birth time. Then again I don’t know anybody who knows... SD: There’s a letter, if you look on Folio, there’s a letter that says, “I was born about 4 PM.” YD: Well, wouldn’t that be true that most of us would be told when we were born? That. . . SD: Yeah! YD: That we wouldn’t remember our birth. SD: But you would remember being told though. YD: You would remember being told. But ah... SD: Plus, if he had his horoscope done, as it appears. That he had done many times as a youth, as when he was younger. He must have been telling him his birth time. YD: That’s true. That is interesting. However, I don’t know, you are a Vedic astrologer, whether that moment [of birth] is required? SD: The time is pretty much required. YD: The minute is required? SD: Even up to the minute. The closer the better. YD: Ok. Because we don’t even know, say when we are registered at birth in a hospital. Whether that silly person that recorded it. Or its possible; Prabhupada would always give the example that if the mother, hopefully, her senses... SD: Well the mother, she is probably not the one who is doing it. Rupavilasa Prabhu, the one who did the biography of Bhaktisiddanta, he said that he read in one place that Bhaktivinode stood with a stop-watch recording when Bhaktisiddhanta was born.

YD: Nice, nice. But we would expect such from him. But whether a woman in labour knows or a nurse. SD: The woman has probably got a few other things on her mind. YD: However it depends again on how conscious she is of the importance of that. SD: Also its, there are times... YD: You never know. I never heard Prabhupada contradict himself in that regard, neither did I ever hear him personally discuss that subject matter so I’m afraid I’m not very much help. SD: No, no you’ve been helpful. Especially talking about Srila Prabhupada’s memory, and how you said he had his horoscope and palm read on many occasions. YD: All I can say is that he spoke the language of an astrologer.

6.8 Transcript of Conversation With Asutosh Ojha on September 20th, 1995 [Comment: Indicates source of birth data that he used to calculate Prabhupada’s chart. Also gives details of his academic qualifications and training as an astrologer. This shows his admiration and respect for Srila Prabhupada and how it was his father who urged him to do the chart.] Asutosh Ojha (AO): I did not know what he [Nalini Kanta] says, I even did not understand that he was an astrologer. But I met him one time. Shyamasundara Dasa (SD): You met Nalini Kanta? AO: Yes he came to India to see me one time. I think maybe about six years ago. But he was talking about his own horoscope. SD: Ah yes. Anyway I have to do a refutation, I have to make some criticism because that is the nature of this whole thing. AO: Yeah, sure when ever someone referred that he has given reference of Prabhupada’s horoscope in his book you know. SD: Yes. AO: And he made Sagittarius rising. So I could not understand because I got the particulars from Prabhupada himself. SD: Yes. AO: And as far as I remember there were two people who brought it to me. One was Gurukrpa. SD: Yes. AO: And there was another person, Damodar Pandit.

SD: Wasn’t Hari Sauri one of them? AO: Hari Sauri came, yeah, sure. Yes he came. SD: Was there also Abhiram? AO: Abhiram. Right. SD: And also Yashodananda? AO: Yashodananda, I’m not sure. I don’t remember him. But Damodar Pandit came to collect it from me. SD: Aha. AO: Because Damodar Pandit was many years in Vrndavan [so he met him often and was familiar with him]. But I remember Hari Sauri was there.

***** AO: We have scholars in our family. SD: Your father was. AO: My father was. Before that there was one person and his centenary was celebrated. He wrote 67 books. Madhusudana Ojha, he was the Raja Guru of the Maharaja of Jaipur. SD: Oh of Jaipur. AO: We were the Gurus of the Maharajas of Alwar for six generations. We have been astrologers for six generations. So he wrote 67 books in which he has tried to describe how you can make airplanes and use the principles of atoms according to the Vedas you know. SD: When was this? AO: Madhusudana Ojha... SD: He wrote Vimana Sastra? AO: Right. And his books have been taken over by the Government of Rajastan who are now publishing it slowly. SD: Oh really! When did he die? AO: He died about 1915 [? not clear]. SD: What about your education. AO: I started astrology when I was very young. My father said that from about age five I would start looking through astrology books. Looking at the pictures, especially of Scorpio. I also have a Bachelors Degree with Honors in Mathematics. I can calculate very quickly. Also a Masters Degree in English literature. *****

SD: Did you ever meet Prabhupada? AO: I will write in my article that one part of me was telling me to meet him, my father said you should go and meet him. But my ego said no, I should not go. SD: Why? AO: Just like the ego of a Brahmana is [indistinct]. Brahmanas are unpredictable you know. I shall write about it. SD: So you think Srila Prabhupada had a very powerful horoscope? AO: Actually you know my father was the one who said “Ok come and my son will do the reading.” About Prabhupada’s horoscope. SD: Aha AO: And I said to my father. “Why you have fixed for me [this responsibility].” I was already very busy you know. And I didn’t have any time. “Why you have told people to come and see me.” He said “Well now you should see him.” I said alright. [Indistinct] But it was the will of God you know. So that’s how it happened. Because actually my father was not practicing for many years because of paralysis so he would pass on these people to me. SD: Aha. AO: Then he said I should charge only 30 Rupees, whereas I was charging over 200 Rupees at that time from foreigners you know. So I said why he should try to reduce my fees. Because on one side he didn’t want me to do astrology on the other he says ok do it for 30 Rupees. [indistinct] It kept on bothering me. . . SD: Were you impressed by Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope when you saw it? AO: See in my [work looking at charts all day, looking at another chart] it was a routine thing for me [to examine charts]. I heard about Prabhupada even before you know. Because even before that one person used to come to talk to my father. What was his name? He was writing for Prabhupada. SD: Pradyumna. That’s the one? AO: And then also about the Hare Krsna Movement people we knew. I just saw the horoscope in the last days. But after one year I felt very sad that I missed the opportunity of going to see him you know. But maybe the Lord only wanted me to have this much touch with Prabhupada not seeing him physically. And I told someone that he [Prabhupada] should do Maha-mrtyunjana Japa, and all that. And I was told that Prabhupada said “no, just chant Hare Krsna.” SD: Yes that is what he said. AO: I don’t know who told me this maybe Smarahari said. SD: Yes, you told him to get a Blue Sapphire and do Maha-Mrtyunjana Japa. AO: He got the gem, they brought it from Hong Kong. SD: You recommended the Blue Sapphire because he had Makara Lagna [Capricorn Ascendant].

AO: No. He had Makara Lagna and the Sani [Saturn] was very bad. SD: Ashtama Sani [Saturn transiting the 8th from the Ascendant]. AO: Loss of life. I said there would be loss of life. Some disciple of his got very angry. He said that Prabhupada is going to live for more than 100 years. I said no. SD: You should write this down. AO: I remember it you know. SD: Please write this down it is important. AO: I said we don’t go...One who is born, his body has to go some day. So now is the time for it to go. And he will travel. He may have some urinary problems. He will come back. He will die in a holy place. You see this in the horoscope or not. SD: Did I see that? AO: In the horoscope it indicates. Because he had Ketu in the 8th. SD: Ketu with Jupiter and Sun in the 8th house. AO: Ketu with Jupiter in the 8th gives Moksha. SD: Yes. AO: Although Srila Prabhupada said he wants to come back. And pray and worship. The lord of the 8th. . . SD: Jupiter in the 8th like that. Sanketanidhi says that the person becomes a great devotee of Krsna. AO: Ketu and Jupiter. SD: Well Jupiter as 12th lord in the 8th house becomes a great devotee of Krsna. AO: Other devotees I have seen [indistinct] have planets in the 8th house. It shows Bhaktimarga. SD: I have also seen prostitutes with many planets in the 8th. It is a dangerous house. One must learn to control it. [Please see my discussion of the 8th house in my analysis of Nalini’s thesis.]

6.9 Transcript of Conversation With Sruta Kirti Dasa and Kusa Dasi, October 7th, 1995 [Comment: This testimony suggests that Srila Prabhupada was familiar with several occult sciences such as Samudrika Sastra—physiognomy. That Prabhupada was aware of major cycles in his life that were related to planetary cycles. And it also suggests that Prabhupada was aware of astrological theory regarding marriage and shared karma.]

Kusa Dasi: This is something that Sruta told me. It’s something sort of mystical. He, Srila Prabhupada, was looking at Sruta’s feet. I know this sounds pretty bizarre. And he was saying “you have very beautiful feet.”

And then he said, “is your mother beautiful? Is she beautiful?” And Sruta said, “yes, she was, she’s old now Srila Prabhupada.” And Srila Prabhupada said “I heard that if you have nice feet, the mother is very beautiful, I was just testing to see if it worked.” Sruta is here to verify it. Sruta Kirti: Once in Mayapura, Prabhupada spoke, he wasn’t, he didn’t directly say anything about astrology. But he was definitely talking about cycles in his life. And he mentioned eleven year cycles, of major events that had happened in his life. And he started with 1933, which I believe, uhmm, 1933. I’m not sure. When did he take initiation? SD: Sounds like the time he took initiation, roughly. SK: Right. Then he said 1944, uhmm. SD: That’s when he started BTG. SK: Yeah. 1955. SD: Aha. That’s about when he left home. SK: Right. 1966. SD: When he came [to America]. SK: Right. And 1977,and that’s what he said. This was of course in 1975, when he said, “maybe then I will die.” SD: Aha. SK: So, you know he was speaking of cycles. SD: That’s roughly the Jupiter cycle. Of course the Jupiter cycle is little bit shy of twelve years. [On later calculation I found that average Jupiter cycle from 1905 to 1999 was about 11.79 years.] SK: In could probably be seen in that way. SD: That is an interesting comment that you made there. Let’s see in 1933 [referring the Prabhupada Lilamrta volume 1] (pause). He was initiated in November of 1932. So that is basically the end of 1932 beginning of 1933. Roughly in that time. That’s when he helped the God-brothers start the Gaudiya Matha in Bombay and got into much more extensive preaching. [Counting backwards 11 years] Because November 1932 to 1922—that’s when he met Bhaktisiddhanta for the first time. 1922 was eleven years earlier, he met Bhaktisiddhanta. And circa 1912 roughly, his mother died. So about 10 to 11 years earlier than that his mother died. Of course it is not exactly clear about what time it was that she passed. And 11 years earlier than that, in 1901, is when he began his own Ratha-yatra. So that’s interesting. SK: Yeah. SD: If you remember a few more things while I talk to Kusa again you can tell me. SK: Yes. Kusa says she remembers something. KD: I don’t have the best memory. But Prabhupada, I don’t know where or anything, he talked about this one gentleman who was, like, very poverty stricken his whole life. SD: Yes.

KD: And he was married to this woman and they just didn’t have really good luck. Somehow or other he took a trip. On a boat and there was an accident and he was stranded on an island and he found this treasure. And another boat came along and he was saved. And there was an astrologer on board. And the astrologer did his horoscope and his wife’s horoscope and everything. And the astrologer told him that if he got back together with his wife he would lose all of his money because the combination was so bad that he would remain poor. And the reason that he was poor in the first place was because he was with this woman. SD: Right. KD: And, so the only time he was separated from her was when wealth came. Because he was literally stranded and everything. So that was a story I heard Srila Prabhupada say. SD: Was that something that actually happened? A historical incident that he recalled? KD: It was just a story that I remember Srila Prabhupada telling. SD: That kind of thing is absolutely true. I remember I looked at one devotees chart. One of our Godbrothers. His name was [blank]. He called me in April of 1984. He was young, only 31 years old. He had contracted Melanoma, skin cancer. He wanted my astrological advice. Based on the time he called the prasna looked bad. It was enough to signify death to me. But when I looked at his chart I couldn’t see anything [that would indicate death]. But when I looked at his wife’s horoscope, she had a widow’s chart. So he died six months later in Vrndavana. KD: Right. Well it’s good to be prepared for that. SD: The point being that when you get married you get intertwined with karma [of both individuals].

6.10 Transcript of Conversation with Pradyumna on September 27th, 1995 [Comment: This conversation suggests that Srila Prabhupada and other Gaudiya Matha members were familiar with the basic components of astrology as a regular daily function. It explains how a mistake was made in Prabhupada’s Moon sign. It also describes how it was Pradyumna who suggested that Ojha be consulted.] SD: I was wondering if you have any recollection of when Prabhupada said his time of birth was or if you had ever did Prabhupada’s horoscope? Pradyumna Dasa: I used to know what it was. SD: What was that? PD: I used to know but I’ve forgotten. SD: Did you ever calculate Prabhupada’s horoscope? PD: I think I might have once. SD: You learned how to calculate charts right?

PD: Yeah. I calculated a lot of charts. I had note books full of charts. But he [SP] didn’t know the exact time of birth. But he knew his Lagna [Rising Sign based on birth time]. SD: What did he say his Lagna was? PD: I forgot. SD: O yeah. PD: But, you know, he knew that. He knew where his Moon was, he knew the Sun, he knew Lagna. SD: Because of course... PD: My suggestion is to ask his son or something. But Prabhupada just, at the tip of a hat [could say his chart]. You know in Gaudiya Matha they all knew each other’s. SD: Aha. PD: Like Sridhar Maharaja would know Prabhupada’s. Prabhupada would know Sridhar Maharaja’s. One time I was talking with Keshava Maharaja’s disciples you know. And I ask what’s Keshava Maharaja’s [chart]. Oh, and you know they knew it right away. His Lagna’s this, that’s his Star. What about Sridhar Maharaja? That’s him. What about Bhaktisiddhanta? Oh that’s him. They knew everyone! They knew Prabhupada. You know. These were just Brahmacaris talking. SD: They knew Prabhupada’s also. I wonder if any of them would be alive now? May be the disciples of Sridhar Maharaja like Govinda Maharaja would know? Govinda Maharaja actually lived with Prabhupada. PD: Govinda Maharaja would probably know Srila Prabhupada’s sign. Not where the planets are, but the Lagna and Candra. SD: There is one letter where Prabhupada says “I was born about 4:00 PM and my Rasi is Mithuna.” But of course if you calculate that Rasi is not Mithuna but the very last degrees of Taurus, 28 degrees and some minutes. But if you consider that in the old days they used to use Panjikas that didn’t have bija corrections. Then... PD: Yeah, he would probably have used Directory Panjika from Calcutta. SD: Which would give the wrong position of the Moon because... PD: Yeah, that would be different from Lahiri. SD: Yes. PD: That’s what Prabhupada followed, the Directory, he used to have one of those. SD: So Prabhupada would calculate his own horoscope? PD: No. But I suppose his family. The Directory Panjika was always that one that was used in Calcutta. SD: Aha. PD: Or something similar to that. I don’t know how far...


PD: Because I was the first one to meet him, the father, you know. SD: O yeah, Gopesh Kumar [Ojha]. PD: I bought his book at Motilal’s and his number was in it so I called him up and he said come on over. I was the first devotee he had ever met. And I used to go over there all the time. You know I lived in Delhi for a while so I go over there all the time. We spend hours together and just talk. SD: I heard that he was very learned. PD: He was very learned, he was old, but he was still ok. And then at the end he was just lying down [from a stroke]. The last time I came he said he was just praying that he could die. It was very sad. SD: Was he in pain? PD: Yes. He was still alive when Prabhupada was ill. And Prabhupada said who to [unclear] and I recommended Ojha. So Yashodananda Maharaja went. SD: You and Yashodananda Maharaja? PD: Huh? SD: You and Yashodananda? PD: No. I just gave them the address and the phone number. I was busy because at that time, I was translating the Bhagavatam. Prabhupada did the last part. [Prabhupada said], “do the synonyms and the translations, read it to me and I’ll dictate the purport.” So I was really busy translating because every day I had to go down and hold the microphone and get the purport. And I had to do; have the verses finished. SD: Yes. PD: It was really hard to do. So I didn’t have any time to go to Delhi so Yashodananda Maharaja went. You have all the information there. SD: Yes. It’s a Capricorn rising. Ojha’s going to do another chart based on that. PD: Because we had two charts done. One by Gandhi, one by M.K. Gandhi [of London], and one by Ojha. SD: Oh yeah! Where’s the M.K. Gandhi chart? PD: Well, I guess we called him up. We either, we had it done right be... I think I called him right before we left for India, right before we left England. My wife and I were in England. Prabhupada left, we didn’t go back with him right away. He said “there is no need to go now.” And then we got a telegram saying “come immediately to Vrndavan.” So I think just before we went, like half and hour or an hour, I called Gandhi and I said “Prabhupada is very very ill, can you do something to see what is happening?” He said “sure, no problem.” Then I think he wrote it and he sent it or something like that. He said “there’s no problem, this crisis will pass, Prabhupada will not die.” SD: He was wrong.

PD: He was wrong. And then we got that and then they came back with Ojha’s thing. This happened within the space of a couple of days I guess. And Ojha thing had said... SD: That it was very serious. . . Probably because M.K. Gandhi may have chosen Sagittarius rising, because they had this other one by Arkasomayaji, a South Indian, who had also gotten Sagittarius rising. He said that Prabhupada would live till 1984. Because for Sagittarius there is nothing to make one think of death. It would be Ketu Mahadasha and Ketu in the 9th house and Saturn transitting through the 9th house. But if you have Capricorn rising it is all in the 8th house. And that is why Prabhupada passed away then. PD: [Unclear] He used to know it. They would ask him what his Star is and Nakshatra? SD: Who Prabhupada? I guess it [Prabhupada’s Lunar Nakshatra] would be Mrgasirsha I suppose. PD: I think I was there a couple of times people would ask him [unclear]. SD: Mrgasirsha? Half of that is in Taurus and half in Gemini. That’s another point. That’s very clear why somebody would say it was in Gemini if half the Nakshatra is in one of two signs [Taurus and Gemini]. PD: See, whenever you do those ceremonies too. SD: They want to know what your gotra is and what your Nakshatra is. PD: So, Prabhupada was the Yajnamana for establishing the Vrndavana Temple. And the priest was the Puruhit so he would announce “dara-dara-dara-dara-da” [nonsense sounds] so we always had to have [Prabhupada’s Gotra and Nakshatra]. I was there a couple of times. [The point being that in a Vedic ceremony, part of the identification of the aspirant was the gotra he belonged to as well as the lunar Nakshatra he was born under. These items would be announced along with his name and other identifying items.] SD: So you haven’t got any records anywhere with Prabhupada’s charts? Nothing? PD: Do I? SD: Yes. PD: I had a lot of note books of charts but I don’t have them with me. I don’t even know where they are. SD: They got lost in the shuffle? PD: I collected. I had pages and pages of information of different peoples charts. SD: Yeah. I have about 1000 devotee charts, or something like that.

Chapter 7 Opions of Persons Conversant With Astrological Discourse (In alphabetical order Prabhupada disciples first)

7.1 Sriman Jagadisananda Prabhu From [email protected] Oct 25 23:11:13 1995 Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:49:28 -0700 From: John Gunn To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: Prabhupada's horoscope My name is Jagadisananda dasa, initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1976. I have been studying astrology casually for the last six years. After reading your essay I think the only conclusion is the Capricorn lagna. There are two major reasons for this. One is that Srila Prabhupada himself gave us the time of 4 pm. The second is that the description of the dashas and bhuktis you give so nicely matches up to the events in Srila Prabhupada's life. I think this is the major evidence and based on this it is a closed book subject. Two major glaring faults in the Sagittarius chart presented by Nalini Kanta Prabhu are: 1. How could Candra Mangala yoga appear in the 6th house? This is irreconcilable in the Sagittarius chart. 2. Where are the indications that Srila Prabhupada would pass away in Ketu dasha if Sag was rising? That is why the astrologer Arka Somayaji predicted that Srila Prabhupada would live much longer. He mistakenly calculated the ascendant as Sag and came to the mistaken conclusion as there is no indication of death during Ketu dasha with Sag ascendant. There are a few things in Nalini's interpretation that should be mentioned. 1. He completely denounces the sign Capricorn and the eighth house, but then gives Bhaktisiddhanta's chart as Gemini rising which puts 4 planets in the eighth house in the sign of Capricorn. In doing this he has defeated his whole superficial argument that the eighth house and the sign Capricorn are inherently bad. 2. He has made an inexcusable error of assigning the sign Capricorn to the Sudra caste. He criticizes people for not understanding the basics, but this is about as basic as one can get. 3. How can Nalini say that Srila Prabhupada was in error about his birth time? If one searches the Vedabase you can see how knowledgeable Srila Prabhupada was about the basic principles of astrology. I think Srila Prabhupada was more than conversant with the importance of exact birth time and we should stick with the 4 pm time. There is no need for rectification.

4. Jupiter in the ninth doesn't always indicate a spiritual person. This is too simplistic of an understanding. More than likely it would just indicate a person who was into making money and have a large family. Jupiter in the eighth is not bad. I have Jupiter in the eighth and Nalini's own Brghu readers told me it was a powerful raj yoga! 5. Nalni's paper should not be taken as evidence until he makes an analysis of the planetary periods based on the Sag ascendant.

Your servant Jagadisananda dasa

7.2 Sriman Nikhilananda Prabhu From [email protected] Nov 20 21:28:29 1995 Date: Sun, 19 Nov 95 16:49 SWT From: "COM: Nikhilananda (das) ACBSP (D)" To: [email protected] Subject: Capricorn or Sagittarius ?! ------------------Berlin, Germany-----------------------Biodata My name: Nikhilananda Dasa Joined in April 1972. Initiated first in March 1973, second in December 1973. Studied Vedic astrology for over 15 years, starting my studies in May 1980 in Sridham Mayapur, India. Gave a few seminars on Vedic astrology and the structure of the universe.

Dear Shyamasundara Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you again for the elaborate analysis of Srila Prabhupada's chart which I downloaded. I am especially grateful because you have also made available a huge amount of practical information for us--how to judge a horoscope and the significance and relationships of various houses and specific yogas. I learned a lot and got some things confirmed which I was not totally sure about. Also, a lot of back-ground information and details. Perhaps that is why all this had to happen. We can meditate on Srila Prabhupada and increase our skills. Of course the way Nalini and Hrisikeshananda have conducted the discussion so far is painful and the expressions and quotes they used reveal an undignified carelessness in dealing with Srila Prabhupada`s personality that to me seems offensive and distasteful. Anybody who has some practical sense for genuine Vedic astrology should be able to see the difference between the fragmental astrology presented and your vast ocean of learning and experience. Nalini Kanta's analysis is so remarkably fragmental and neophyte in style that it lacks any objectivity or depth but his presentation is made cleverly manipulative and emotionally appealing, so I am afraid those who do not know the science and are burdened with management work will not look through the farce but may favour the solution which looks most simple and appealing to them on short glance. While your presentation is the only acceptable one from any point of view of scientific thinking, unfortunately my experience is that even in our higher ranks the members are not always used to objective scientific in-depth thinking and discussion in the sense of vijnana. Anyway, it is good that you explained everything extensively in simple non-specialist language so anyone who takes the time will be able to understand the whole thing.

In any case the whole thing does not lack a humorous note and the manipulative style in Nalini Kantha's statement destroys his credibility. So it should be exposed. How can he say that if the GBC decides that Capricorn is the right ascendant they should at least never publish it? I am not sure but it seems that he simply wants to avoid the embarrassment of having to admit that he committed a grave mistake in his immature years. We should be merciful. It takes a great person to have the strength and honestly admit a mistake in public. However, as an alleged astrologer and brahmin it is his duty and by deriding Srila Prabhupada's actual chart so strongly in public he has committed offense. This should be his actual concern if he is interested in spiritual advancement and knowledge, instead of self-aggrandizement. At least that is the way I see it though I may always be wrong. I think that when dealing with things related to the spiritual master, a certain amount of care is always a good policy. Hope, this meets you well. Your servant Nikhilananda Dasa (Here are my formal comments on the discussion of the two charts.) After thorough examination of the various arguments presented by Nalini Kantha Prabhu and Shyamasundara Prabhu on the Capricorn/Sagittarius dispute, concerning HDG Srila Prabhupada`s chart, I arrived at the following conclusion. 1. There is no doubt in me that Capricorn, the ascendant accepted by Srila Prabhupada himself, is the correct one and that the attempt by Nalinikantha Prabhu to replace it by another one and to prove that Srila Prabhupada was mistaken cannot be accepted but should be rejected. 2. The terrible picture Nalini Kanta paints of the chart, with Capricorn ascendant, is based mainly on his description of the drekkana rising in which for Sagittarius " saint clad in saffron silk garments " is noted while for Capricorn rising an ugly person is described. Nalini claims that the drekkana rising in the ascendant is of " paramount importance " for the chart and stipulated that "Sriman Mahaprabhu" Himself ordered us to always accept the direct meaning of any verse, even in astrology shastras. This statement is, in short, nonsense. If Nalini really has examined, as he claims, hundreds of charts, it should not have escaped his attention that in at least 70 % of all charts the description given for the drekkana in the quoted shastra does not fit the description of the person in real life. Rather the drekkana is almost exclusively used for answering questions about travels, theft etc. ( according to Brihat-jataka, a book recommended by SP in Cc.Adi ) and has in no way any central importance for describing a person`s character, life, appearance etc. So by taking advantage of a small part of a relatively unimportant description that happens to coincide partially with Srila Prabhupada`s features and ignoring all the rest and much more valid aspects of the charts he dared to change the time and structure of the whole chart to fit his idea. This fragmental way of chart analysis, as presented by Nalini Kanta Prabhu, is according to all that I learned, the wrong way to evaluate a chart, and it can only lead to nonsensical results. The chart always has to be seen with all its elements, just like in real life a person is a whole, not a fragmental entity. Moreover the drekkana effect as described is completely canceled by the other extremely powerful features of Srila Prabhupada`s chart and thus not valid. 3. The negative attributes Nalini ascribes to Saturn, the Lord of Capricorn ascendant and to the drekkana are not valid, as any serious neophyte student of astrology can even tell, for he failed to mention that this Saturn is exalted in a quadrant, the tenth house, plus the strongest planet in the chart and thus can only give good results. It would look to me normally like a neophyte student`s mistake. It is completely false to assume that Saturn as predominating planet of a chart produces a sudra-like person, if Saturn is strong and the chart otherwise extraordinarily beneficial and exalted, as in Srila Prabhupada`s. Rather this exalted ascendant lord Saturn in the tenth house is very likely to produce a paramahamsa sannyasi of the highest order and a world leader, rendering the highest service for all mankind, for Saturn, when strong and well-

placed in the house of work (the 10th) stands for service to mankind, spiritual renunciation, untiring work, incomparable determination, purity of purpose and a saint of the highest order, capable of being a religious world-leader for a long period of time in the future (Saturn, being a slow-moving planet promotes long term affairs, when well-placed). It also means that the actual break-through in work comes late in life but has a solid long-term foundation and long-time effects on the whole world and its population. 4. If we take Capricorn as ascendant, Srila Prabhupada`s chart is bristling with all kinds of auspicious planetary combinations. If it were not correct, how could an astrologer many years ago predict on the basis of this ascendant that Srila Prabhupada would open 108 temples, would travel around the world and all the other things, in perfect detail? If this ascendant would really, as Nalini Kanta says, produce a demoniac sudra-like person, how could Ohjas, who is a 6th generation full-time Vedic astrologer and great admirer of Srila Prabhupada (I met him in 1982 in Berkeley when he wanted to join Iskcon full-time) fail to see this obvious discrepancy ? It seems that the only person supporting Nalini Kanta`s view is Hrishikeshananda Prabhu, who admits that he does not know the least about Vedic astrology science and some astrologer from South India who has done a chart reading that contains so many errors and shortcomings that it is not even worth the paper. I just wonder what is going on and how can anyone take this seriously. 5. There is something unique about Srila Prabhupada`s chart when accepting Capricorn ascendant. Personally I see not the least problem with this ascendant but feel impressed to notice the following striking features. This is valid only with the ascendant accepted by Srila Prabhupada—Capricorn : a) The ninth house, which is the denoter for religion (dharma-bhava) and should be exceptionally occupied in the chart of the most successful proponent of vaishnava religion of all times, carries an exalted planet, which in addition is in its own house. (In Nalini Kantas version there would be no exalted planet in the ninth house of religion ) This exalted planet is Mercury, which in several shastras is called the "Vaishnava planet". Ninth house also promotes success and fame. So HDG is known for spreading Vaishnava religion. Not only that, but it also joined by Venus in the ninth, which, just as in Lord Caitanya`s chart, which also has Venus in the ninth, indicates that his religion is one of pure love. (In Srila Prabhupada`s chart Venus has attained distinct neechabhanga raja-yoga and is with exalted Mercury (the planet of preaching, of vaishnavas and of travels) while in Sri Caitanya`s ninth house Venus is strong as 10th lord in the 9th. It is obvious through this that HDG is the fulfiller of Lord Caitanya`s mission. Mercury in this place makes a great preacher, speaker, communicator, world-famous scholar, Vaishnava, and the most loving and merciful guru (because of Venus association). To say that only Jupiter in the ninth can make a great guru because Jupiter in Sanskrit is called guru is simply not correct. It is almost childish. Actually Jupiter in the ninth as indicator of dharma would not be such an exceptionally great placement because the indicator in its corresponding house according to sastra is not too good. Note also that Venus in the 9th as lord of tenth is conducive because in any very successful person`s chart the tenth and ninth should be connected and also Venus is the Lord of the auspicious fifth. In Srila Prabhupada`s chart the planets in the ninth house produce with Capricorn as ascendant not less than six powerful raja yogas and the tenth house produces parivraja yoga/sasa mahapurusa yoga - expressing very clearly one of the most outstanding personalities the world has ever seen. (Not exactly the ugly sudra chart Nalini Kanta has outlined for Capricorn lagna.) Ojhas quoted all kinds of Rishis and sastras to this effect. Note also that with Venus as debilitated lord of tenth in ninth the native will not be much interested in mundane work and success but divert his love and work and energy to religious causes, which only later in life, due to neecha bhanga raja yoga, finds great recognition and success. (This situation is also not there in Nalini Kanta's version.) b) Saturn, lord of the first and auspicious second, exalted in the tenth, a quadrant, forming Sasa mahapurusa yoga/ Parivraja yoga in the tenth, which produces an extraordinary great personality, according to sastra a swan-like, graceful spiritual stalwart, a Paramahamsa. (This position would not appear in Nalini Kanta`s Sagittarius ascendant chart). The tenth house of work is very important in assessing the person`s direction and activities in life. Thus there can be no doubt that HDG works all his life in pure devotional service for the upliftment of mankind and has appeared, endowed with all spiritual opulences for exactly this mission. So he is an eternally liberated soul. This is confirmed by the fact that Jupiter, lord of twelfth, aspects the very same twelfth house of liberation, his own house and is conjoined by Sun, significator of self being in its own sign. So the placement of Jupiter in the eight is in no way an "asura-yoga", as falsely claimed by

Nalini Kanta but a brilliant factor, indicating a liberated soul. The famous work Sanketanidhi confirms for 12th Lord placement in the eighth house : " The native's devotion to Lord Krishna will be immense " This is even more the case with Jupiter in the eight, so I have seen Jupiter in the eight in many devotees charts. In SP's chart it is even more special for it is a unique combination of Sun, Jupiter and Ketu, the latter only increasing the effect and acting more like a benefic in regard to spirituality and liberation. So his devotion to Krishna surpasses any ordinary soul's imagination, as clearly seen from this eight house. How this could be an asura yoga, as Nalini Kanta claims, will be forever his secret. It does not conform with conservative shastric evidence. c) Srila Prabhupada's chart shows three planets (Mercury, Saturn and the Moon) in exaltation, which is very extraordinary! Even to have two exalted planets in Rasi is very rare, what to speak of three. Note that the Moon is exalted in Taurus, just like in Krishna's chart, and it is joined by Mars, forming an auspicious Candra mangala yoga. Note that the moon in the fifth is generally better than to have it in the sixth, the Moon representing the mind, feeling and character of a person. (With Nalini Kanta`s Sagittarius ascendant the Moon would be in the inimical sixth ). The Moon is according to all Jyotish sastras is as important as the ascendant and often taken as a second ascendant. In Nalini Kantas version it would be a malefic lord in a malefic house, in the Capricorn version a quadrant Lord in the fifth house, which is a very powerful and auspicious placement for the Moon. The Moon and the Ascendant both in earth signs give the native immense stability and depth in life, a most solid foundation for the personality, while ascendant lord Saturn exalted in a moveable sign makes him travel for worthwhile purposes and cross the ocean in old age. 6. If we accepted Nalini Kanta's proposal that the birth time is earlier by either 30 or 35 minutes, it would place the ascendant in the terrible rasi sandhi, the conjunction between two signs, as Shyamasundara Prabhu nicely elaborated. This would hardly give a good basis for a powerful chart. To say that Capricorn ascendant cannot produce any great spiritual teachers, as Nalini Kanta Prabhu stated, is simply not true, for there are examples of great Vaishnavas with ascendant or Moon in Capricorn. 7. With Capricorn rising we avoid the unfortunate position of Saturn and Mars both aspecting the ascendant which would be there with Sagittarius lagna. While I think that saturn and Jupiter aspecting the 12th house is a great yogic position (as with capricorn ascendant ), I think it is less so if the ascendant is aspected the two and Mars, as it would be for Sagittarius rising. I think that an ascendant free from aspects, with its lord exalted in the tenth makes one a great, world-famous personality, known for his remarkable work. While the other one would denote a person with confliccting interests and inner tensions, a person who could hardlyhave the inner calm, graveness and dignity, which we saw in Srila Prabhupada. Lagna lord in the tenth shows that he is a man of action who is able to engage everyone in practical devotional service and not a man who simply waits for any fortunate outcome of his work. It shows that he is the most merciful devotee who completely dedicates himself to saving the masses of people, the most empowered preacher in history. For the sake of helping to find the truth and pleasing the learned brahmins I have expressed my personal, worthless opinion on this matter and try to glorify HDG Srila Prabhupada by pointing out briefly a few of the most remarkable aspects of his all-auspicious chart, as I have been asked to comment. I pray that the exalted Vaishnavas may forgive my shortcomings and forgive any deficiency in offering due respect to any of my beloved god brothers, including Nalini Kantha Prabhu, Hrishikeshananda Prabhu and Shyamasundara Prabhu. Proposal: To resolve such matters in a simple, effective and less time-consuming way, I propose the following: Since most of our revered seniors who are GBC members have no knowledge of Vedic astrology, may the matter be decided by a reliable full-time astrologer like life-member Ojhas in Delhi. He is a learned, sixth generation astrologer who tried to support Iskcon, admires Srila Prabhupada, and is a true friend of the devotees. To my knowledge all of his predictions made so far for devotees have proven to be remarkably correct.

Regarding Nalinikantha`s and Hrishikehananda`s undignified and careless use of words and expressions in connection with Srila Prabhupada`s chart in this debate, I found it painful, for part of it seemed rude. A little more carefulness would be very nice in my humble opinion.

7.3 Sriman Niscintya Prabhu (Personal biographical information: I joined the movement in Aug. 1972. 1st initiation letter 1973. 2nd initiation letter in 1974. Began studying astrology 1976. I’m a professional astrologer with a wide variety of clients, including celebrities.) 11/8/95 Dear Shyamasundara prabhu, PAMHO AGTSP. Since I am the publisher and copyright owner of the How To Read Your Horoscope book with the Sagittarius rising chart , I thought I would give some of my thoughts on the subject. First and foremost I will start with a short history of the book HTRYH. Nalini prabhu originally was paid to write the book in 4 months (his estimate), but actually completed it 2 years late. I was so fried at the time rather than reading the book for content or proofreading for mistakes, I immediately sent it to the printer. After it was published, although I was passably happy with it in general, (I thought is was a good kindergarten catechism on astrology.) I was greatly disturbed with a number of blemishes. One of the biggest “blemishes” was his mentioning the controversy on Srila Prabhupada’s chart. Although, at the time, I did not disagree with his Sagittarius rising chart, I was APPALLED by the way he dismissed the Capricorn rising chart. At the time I was unaware of any controversy but his dismissal of the Capricorn rising was EXTREMELY simplistic at best and totally inaccurate at worst. For example: “holy sign of Sagittarius; lower class Capricorn…” No astrologer worth his daksina talks like that! I did not discuss this with Nalini at the time, nor did I study it in depth, but I did not see anything wrong, unholy, lower class, sudra like etc., with the Capricorn rising chart. I remember thinking it had very interesting possibilities. Over the years I was graced on a couple of occasions with the reasoning behind the Capricorn rising chart which were in agreement with my initial brief look at it. I never did an in depth study and for some reason did not favor one chart over the other. They both sounded reasonable on a superficial examination. Over the years, due to my association with the BBT and BBT Archives, I became quite aware of the fact that Srila Prabhupada himself had used a Capricorn rising chart throughout his life, which had proved quite accurate, (business struggles, travel to America and his passing etc.). Although I still took no sides (it didn’t come up that much), I regularly, when selling or using How To Read Your Horoscope, would point out the flaws in the book. Especially when asked or approached about Nalini’s bashing of the Capricorn rising chart, I never accepted the bashing… it’s poor astrology! And now to the present. For a number of days I had been praying to Srila Prabhupada with regards to my service, especially in regards to astrology. Then, out of the “blue”, by coincidence or Divine arrangement, I was given a copy of your (Shyamasundara’s) analysis of Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope. I read the entire paper straight through in one sitting and aside from my conclusions which follow, I could not sleep and had the distinct impression that Srila Prabhupada was annoyed with my publishing an inaccurate chart and was giving me a chance to rectify that mistake. Separate from this feeling, my conclusions as an impartial judge (remember, I published the book and studied under Nalini), of the two analysis, without saying that Nalini is wrong, I would say that he has a lot of research and commentary to make to even come CLOSE to the in-depth study done by your good self,

Shymasundara prabhu. Your paper is well written, very well researched, detailed, convincingly accurate etc. Nalini’s five page report, however, is inaccurate (ie: “was born at slightly earlier time”. Half an hour is “slightly earlier?”[it isn't]); simplistic (Capricorn’s a sudra sign, etc.). And while glorifying Srila Prabhupada not nearly as complete as Shymasundara’s. Nalini prabhu’s glorification of Srila Prabhupada is of course very sweet, but almost ANY impartial astrologer, or person well versed in astrology, would HAVE to agree with you, Shyamasundara, at this point in the debate. If you would like for me to respond on any particular aspect of your discussion, or if the GBC would want a detailed review of your analysis of Srila Prabhupada’s chart, feel free to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to oblige your request. Your eternal servant, Niscintya dasa PS: My address is 3765 Watseka, “5, 90034, phone is 310-839-1491, or E-mail through Sadhu. Jaya!

7.4 Sriman Ratnabahu Prabhu From [email protected] Oct 29 08:17:48 1995 Date: Sat, 28 Oct 95 02:23 SWT From: “COM: Ratnabahu (das) ACBSP (New Govardhana - AU)” To: [email protected]

Sri Sri Guru Gourangau Jayatah! I have been asked to comment on this issue of Srila Prabhupada's correct ascendant. As far as I am concerned, Sriman Shyamasundara prabhu has already given a masterful, thorough and convincing argument for Capricorn rising. He has not left much to be said. But because I have been asked to do so, despite my own disqualifications, I will venture to make a comment on Srila Prabhupada's most auspicious horoscope. First, some background relative to myself: I was given hari nama diksha and the name “Ratnabahu das” at the 1975 Chicago Rathayatra festival, along with about 74 other young brahmacaris and the instillation of (I think) 8 sets of Gour Nitai deities. I got mantra diksha in Mayapur, at the annual festival, in 1977. Both initiations were by Srila Prabhupada. I started studying jyotisha, or Vedic astrology in 1984 in a casual way. By 1986 I was seriously studying and passed a correspondence course from The American Institute For Vedic Studies in 1989. Let it be said at the outset that I have great respect for Sriman Nalini Kantha prabhu, who really introduced me to jyotish. After reading his presentation, however, it is my opinion that his arguments for Sagittarius ascendant are superficial, inconclusive, and not able to stand up against Shyamasundara's more rigourous and scholarly exposition. Shyamasundara has exibited a level of astrological maturity and insight that I can only admire. What follows are a few of my own observations: 1)Firstly, I fully concur with Sriman Hari Shauri and Shyamasundara prabhus when they argue the necessity of not changing Prabhupada's birth time if in fact the chart erected for the time he gave adequately explains the observable reality of his life. And Capricorn ascendant definitely shows the greatness of Srila Prabhupada.

2)A basic rule of jyotish regarding signs in general is that their particular modalities will express themselves on the various areas of life they influence. The modalities are moveable (chara), fixed (sthira) and mutable (dvishabhava). According to Sarvatha Cintamani (Chp 2 verse 90): lagna care tad bhavane svare va carasthite sa carati prajatah “If the sign on the ascendant is a moveable (chara) one, or if its lord is in a moveable sign, the native will be mostly on the move.” In my mind, Capricorn, a moveable sign, better fits Srila Prabhupada, who moved around a fair bit before coming to America, but after establishing ISKCON, traversed the globe at least 12 times, preaching, inspiring, opening centres, farms etc. And all this in only 12 years. He was constantly travelling. Even at the point when he was critically ill, he still desired to travel and preach! The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn is also exalted in the moveable sign of Libra. So two factors affecting the ascendant (representing Srila Prabhupada and his general orientation in life) are influenced by moveable signs. If a moveable sign is on the ascendant, then the other 3 angles of the chart by necessity will be moveable. Planetary influences not withstanding, this generally gives the person concerned a very cardinal nature—positive, outgoing, energetic, and active with a high sense of acheivment and accomplishment. Srila Prabhupada would often display a transcendental pride in how his ISKCON movement had successfully expanded in only a few short years, with so many books translated into so many languages and so many centres and disciples. Sagittarius ascendant itself is a mutable, or common sign which would give much less movement, and when you consider that its ruler, Jupiter is in a fixed sign, then it is not quite in line with what we saw of Srila Prabhupada. This point takes on weight when considered along with the totality of other evidence for Capricorn rising. [We should like to add that while Sagittarius and the 9th house are both houses of travel, it doesn't indicate travel as much as a movable sign rising and Ascendant lord in a movable sign.] 3) With Sagittarius lagna 72% of the horoscope's planetary influences are in cadent apoklima), or hidden houses. Although cadent planets are sensitive and therefore generally favourable for spiritual life, because planets here are weak, indecisive and hidden in their action, they cannot be helpful for a person to start a successful world-wide preaching institution. The person would more likely be unstable, insecure, prone to nervous or mental weaknesses and probably more inclined to be reclusive, solitary and generally more concerned with his own spiritual practice. With Makara lagna, 72% of the planetary forces go to the succedent houses (panaparas), and are stronger than cadent planets. This gives more reserve, stability and the ability to accumulate resources. These planets are much better for maintaining a huge institution. This, taken in conjunction with the exalted and angular position of the scendant lord is much more befitting the samsthapakacarya of ISKCON. Again, this argument in itself is not conclusive, but when veiwed in relation to the other factors presented in favour of Capricorn rising, it becomes significant. 4) Shyamasundara prabhu has demonstrated how Ketu was competant to cause death in its period, if we consider Capricorn was rising in Prabhupada's chart. This would not have been the case if Sagittarius were rising. There are standard rules for these things in jyotish. Srila Prabhupad left the world in Ketu dasha, Mercury bhukti. Ketu is a maraka (death-dealing planet) by virtue of being in the house of death along with its lord, Ravi. It is also in degree conjunction with Guru, a malefic lord for Makara lagna, ruling the 12th house of loss and exit from the world. Even in the navamsha, or harmonic 9th chart, Ketu is in the 2nd house, another marakasthana, along with Mercury, a strong maraka planet for the navamsha chart. Because the maraka period was running (Ketu mahadasha), the planetary sub period, along with transits of key planets, become critical with reference to timing death. Mercury sub period was on when Srila Prabhupada left us. Mercury resides in the 2nd house (a death dealing house) relative to Ketu, and gets

potential maraka power; we have already mentioned above how Mercury's marakatva is enhanced by it situation in avamsha as lord of 7 in 2. Mercury resides in the lunar mansion of the Moon, a maraka itself by virtue of its 7th house rulership. Relative to Ketu the Moon rules the 12th house of loss and exit from the world. All these points become relavant if Ketu, the major planetary ruler indicates death. Otherwise, if Sagittarius is rising, Ketu has no death dealing influence and the question of these lesser factors does not arise. 5)Another very significant point is the fact that if the ascendant of the chart is 29 degs. 45 mins. of Sagittarius, the entire horoscope is ruined due to the serious flaw called rashi sandhi, or being placed at the junction of two signs. The ascendant is the pivot, or most crucial point of the chart. If it is strong, then whatever weak planetary combinations may exist in the chart get toned down accordingly while strong planetary yogas get full opportunity for expression. Shyamasundara has adequately pointed out this flaw, along with the flaw of the ascendant lord (Jupiter) being eclipsed by Ketu in exact degree conjunction. Please see Chapter 3 section 3.2 of his argument. This was one of my first doubts about the Sagittarius chart. There are many other points that could be examined relative to this issue,but as I said earlier, I feel that Shyamasundara has more than adequately refuted the Sagittarius rising argument, leaving little else to be said, other than more astrological details. In conclusion, I would like to say that as a professional astrologer, I have examined the arguments on both sides, have studied both charts myself and have concluded that Srila Prabhupada was without doubt born under Capricorn ascendant. I summarize my reasons for this: 1)Srila Prabhupada was conversant enough with jyotish to understand the importance of accurate birth times; he consistantly gave 4:00 p.m. as his time of birth and the resulting horoscope erected for the time adequately describes the reality of his life. Therefore the need for chart rectification (altering the time where the exact time is uncertain) does not arise. 2)Shyamasundar prabhu has pointed out in numerous examples how the Sagittarius rising chart does not fit the observable reality of our guru maharaj's life. It is a glaring flaw on Nalini Kantha's part that he has not demonstrated how the planetary periods in the Sagittarius chart support Srila Prabhupada's life events. This in itself would clinch the issue in the minds of most astrologers. The Capricorn rising chart clearly demonstrates the accuracy of the birth time. In closing I would like to say that while holding the veiws that I do, I maintain no animosity or ill-feeling whatsoever toward Sriman Nalini Kantha prabhu (or anyone else holding opposing views to my own in this matter), whom I see as a sincere devotee trying to glorify Srila Prabhupada in his own way. I consider him a friend and am only exercising my individual insight and observation in this matter. I feel it of utmost importance that the true horoscope of Srila Prabhupada come to light for the sake of history and I sincerely feel the Capricorn chart to be accurate and correct, while the Sagittarius chart, though impressive at first glance, is flawed in several ways as pointed out by Shyamasundara prabhu and others. I pray to all the sincere vaishnavas for their kind glance and hope that none have been offended by anything said herein. Yours in service, Ratnabahu das Adhikary

7.5 Srimati Urmila Prabhu From [email protected] Oct 29 09:08:19 1995 Date: Sat, 28 Oct 95 23:41 EDT

From: “LINK: Urmila (Devi Dasi) ACBSP (ISKCON School)” To: [email protected] Subject: reports I'm a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, first initiation in Dec 73 and second initiation in July 75, having always remained in good standing in ISKCON. I joined unofficially in Feb.73 (underage) and officially in June 73. I have studied Western and Eastern astrology superficially for about 17 years. I am in no way any kind of expert. I favor the Capricorn rising because: 1)Srila Prabhupada often refered to this as his birth time and approved of charts so based. 2)Shyamasundara's interpretation is reasonable and astrologically sound. 3)The astrological periods correspond to those of Prabhupada's life. I reject the Sag rising because: 1)There's no evidence that Prabhupada accepted such a chart himself. 2)The current interpretation is superficial and lacks scholarship in astrology. 3)There is no attempt to explain the astrolical periods in a way consistent with the chart and Prabhupada's life. 4)Those who are pushing for acceptance of such a chart have personal, ecomonic biases for their decision. For example, Hrikesananda published a Sag rising chart for Prabhupada in a prominent position in his new book about gems, in which he surely invested a great deal of money. Nalini Kanta also has this chart in his astrology book which might damage sales if proved incorrect. On the other hand, those who want the Cap rising chart have no economic stake in the issue. Your servant, Urmila devi dasi

Grand-disciples 7.6 Sriman Bhaktivinode Thakur Prabhu Dear GBC Members Please, accept my most humble obeisances . . . All glories to Srila Prabhupada! My name is Bhaktivinode Thakur dasa, a disciple of Srila Harikesa Maharaja. I formally joined ISKCON in 1986 in Poland and was initiated in 1988. I started to study western astrology in 1985, but gave it up after one year. I considered it a huge speculation based on the remnants of the old and forgotten tradition. I was waiting until I find a source of a bona fide Vedic astrology to further my studies. I have got a book written by HG Nalini Kanta Prabhu How To Read Your Horoscope - The Basics of a Bona Fide Astrology, in the very beginning of 1988. Since that time I have been studying astrology from numerous books from India, and with casual help and assistance of HH Prahladananda Swami, HG Nalini Kanta Prabhu, HG Bhudhara Prabhu, and HG Shyamasundar Prabhu. My relation with HG Shyamasundar Prabhu is most fruitful as I am also a member of his Link-Com conference about Jyotisha. Beside studying Vedic astrology I have been also teaching the basics of Vedic vaisnava philosophy and astrology in a New Age school for three last years. I have been asked by HG Shyamasundar Prabhu and also by HG Hrsikesananda Prabhu to write a report for the GBC concerning Srila Prabhupada’s birth chart. It is especially connected with a controversy between two proposed charts (Capricorn and Saggitarius rising signs) that were presented by HG Shyamasundar

Prabhu and HG Nalini Kanta Prabhu. I have read the two reports and would like to make some comments. I will not go into technical area of the charts as these were sufficiently dealt with already. I will try to share with some of my experiences of practicing astrologer and a teacher that might be valuable in judging this case. I would like to humbly suggest that it is one thing to have a sincere desire to glorify Srila Prabhupada and another it to master the tool by which one wants to do it. For example there might be an effort to sing some song in the temple for the pleasure of the Deities, but one can do it by singing a proper or improper song, with a proper or improper melody, etc. Thus here we should rather judge a quality of an astrological skill and work of the two devotees. The chart should reflect the glories and life events of Srila Prabhupada. But there are tools of different difficulty in mastering them. Astrology is a very complex one, just like it is difficult to master sanskrit language. One can do it on levels of an amateur, student, western scholar who doesn’t understand Vedic philosophy, Indian sanskrit scholar who knows Vedic literature and philosophy, but it might be also of the quality of HDG Jiva Gosvami in his Sat-sandarbhas. We should keep it in mind while approaching Vedic astrology. One can have some doubts if it is at all possible to make a judgment. Is really astrology applying to the devotees and especially pure devotees, or what to speak of Krsna? These are valid questions that should also be answered by referring to Srila Prabhupada’s books and his other teachings. Those of you who have some doubts like that might ask HG Shyamasundar Prabhu to deliver a complete set of quotes from the sources on that subject. For now I would like to append a quote from Srimad Bhagavatam 1,12,12: TRANSLATION “Thereupon, when all the good signs of the zodiac gradually evolved, the heir apparent of Pandu, who would be exactly like him in prowess, took birth. PURPORT Astronomical calculations of stellar influences upon a living being are not suppositions, but are factual, as confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Every living being is controlled by the laws of nature at every minute, just as a citizen is controlled by the influence of the state. The state laws are grossly observed, but the laws of material nature, being subtle to our gross understanding, cannot be experienced grossly. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (3.9), every action of life produces another reaction, which is binding upon us, and only those who are acting on behalf of Yajna (Visnu) are not bound by reactions. Our actions are judged by the higher authorities, the agents of the Lord, and thus we are awarded bodies according to our activities. The law of nature is so subtle that every part of our body is influenced by the respective stars, and a living being obtains his working body to fulfill his terms of imprisonment by the manipulation of such astronomical influence. A man's destiny is therefore ascertained by the birthtime constellation of stars, and a factual horoscope is made by a learned astrologer. It is a great science, and misuse of a science does not make it useless. Maharaja Pariksit or even the Personality of Godhead appear in certain constellations of good stars, and thus the influence is exerted upon the body thus born at an auspicious moment. The most auspicious constellation of stars takes place during the appearance of the Lord in this material world, and it is specifically called jayanti, a word not to be abused for any other purposes. Maharaja Pariksit was not only a great ksatriya emperor, but also a great devotee of the Lord. Thus he cannot take his birth at any inauspicious moment. As a proper place and time is selected to receive a respectable personage, so also to receive such a personality as Maharaja Pariksit, who was especially cared for by the Supreme Lord, a suitable moment is chosen when all good stars assembled together to exert their influence upon the King. Thus he took his birth just to be known as the great hero of Srimad-Bhagavatam. This suitable arrangement of astral influences is never a creation of man's will, but is the arrangement of the superior manage-ment of the agency of the Supreme Lord. Of course, the arrangement is made according to the good or bad deeds of the living being. Herein lies the importance of pious acts performed by the living being. Only by pious acts can one be allowed to get good wealth, good education and beautiful features. . . .”

From that quote we see that we have to respect the time of appearance of such great souls like Srila Prabhupada. A horoscope made by a learned astrologer on the basis of such respected birth time should reveal Srila Prabhupada’s activities. Also we read that ”this suitable arrangement of astral influences is never a creation of man's will, but is the arrangement of the superior management of the agency of the Supreme Lord”. Just like the words of Guru are respected as they carry the transcendental message not to be gained in any other way, similarly we should respect a knowledge about Guru’s appearance given by Himself. In my astrological practice I have found that people don’t understand the importance of the exact time of birth. That’s why about 50% of people who contacted me didn’t know the exact time of birth. Or were giving me wrong time due to some mistake of the parents, their own bad memory, etc. Therefore before I agree to look into somebody’s chart I strongly insist that he should do everything possible to check the actual time of birth. Otherwise it is just a great speculation on the part of astrologer. It is because in our culture there is no tradition of using astrology. Thus for example doctors of one devotee here in Poland changed his time of birth to the previous day because they considered it would be more auspicious if he takes birth in the day presided over by one of christian saints! Not only doctors, but also some neophyte astrologers who don’t understand the position of the Supeme Personality of Godhead as the Time, tend to speculate about people’s time of birth before they try to check all possible sources of such information. There are some books containing hundreds of charts of some historical persons. Times of birth are not authentic there (difficult to get, especially in the West), but are speculated on the basis of very superficial assumptions that could be made only by uneducated and inexperienced people trying to be astrologers. Knowing that from my experience (and my own mistakes), I purposefully introduced into my astrology lessons in the school a procedure of finding unknown time of birth. I have done it not to actually teach them that, but to give them experience how difficult it is. And how great speculation is involved if one doesn’t know what he is doing. That’s when they understood how limited their abilities are. For example, I was giving them a date of birth of John Paul II (they know him well, he is Polish) and ordered to find out a time of birth. You get 12 basic charts a day (I mean 12 ascending signs of the zodiac) and they had to analyse them and show the proper one. Usually everybody went into wide ocean of speculation and couldn’t get the point. See the higher level of difficulty. Here you have to choose only Saggitarius or Capricorn. But they had to choose from 12 charts! Another exercise of even higher difficulty involved two personalities widely known in karmi world: Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. They were born on the same day, but on different continents and at different time of the day. Here the students had to match two charts out of 12 to two life pictures of those men. Very difficult! The procedure requires that you have to know a lot of details from their life: dates, events, characteristics, qualities, actions, failures and accomplishments. From many spheres of life. And then you have to analyse all the charts from many points of view. It’s a lot of work! But it is a typical part of education of an astrologer. But it is also an advanced techinque. It is not sufficient to only check few basic elements. Astrology is complex as the life is complex. Otherwise it could not function.

Conclusion 1. We should respect the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his form of Kala (time) that allowed us to get unlimited benefit of associating with Srila Prabhupada by his appearance amonst us. It does not only include his birth, but also life events that lead him to come to the West to save us. His time of birth should be respected as it is an integral part of his life of a great devotee of the Lord and a preacher of unlimited capacity.

2. Srila Prabhupada’s own testimony on the time of his birth is final and any efforts to undermine his own opinion are not proper. In our parampara we see other great acaryas-astrologers like Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, or Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur. The grandfather of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur was also predicting his future, and Srila Bhaktivinode Himself was acquainted with the science to some extent. It is difficult to expect that Srila Prabhupada would not take any interest in that subject when so many of his predecessors did. Many references about astrology and astronomy in his books, lectures, letters and conversations indicate it clearly. Also as a person coming from a Indian culture had to consult with astrologers and had to know the time of his birth. 3. If the time of Srila Prabhupada’s birth wouldn’t be known exactly then we could start speculate and try to find out a proper time of birth. A. In such a case the chart submitted by HG Shyamasundara Prabhu is brilliant and completely satisfying a mind of an astrologer. I mean here not only general interpretaton, but especially a detailed study of all inherent strenghts and weaknesses (like family life, etc.). Also his presentation of planetary periods and their connection with Prabhupada’s life events is impressive. I would say it was a good lesson of astrology. His comparative study of the Capricorn and Saggitarius charts is very solid, detailed and based on sastric principles. I completely agree with his opinion on that matter. B. Arguments of HG Nalini Kanta Prabhu for changing Srila Prabhupada’s time of birth are based on unsubstantial assumptions. I mean both his attempt to question Prabhupada’s opinion on that subject and astrological tools used by him. The tools were invalid (as shown by Shyamasundara, Nalini made several basic mistakes in the art) and the way he used them was also improper (he mainly tried to emotionally impress his own idea on others, instead of performing an impartial analysis based on proper astrological principles). At the end I would like to mention that I initially learned some basic elements of astrology from HG Nalini Kanta’s book. Thus I feel indebted to him for introducing me into that science. But later I had to refuse some of the principles I learned from him after comparing his teaching with standard books on astrology written by the acarayas like Parasara and Varaha Mihira. It is especially related to his method of calculating planetary periods, connection of zodiacal signs with the varnas, and a very simplistic approach to very complex atrological problems. Initially I have also learned from him that Srila Prabhupada has Saggitarius rising. But after some time of studying and receiving some informations about a proper time of birth of Prabhupada I changed my opinion. Now I completely accept Capricorn chart as the only proper one. Thank You for allowing me to serve you. Your humble servant Bhaktivinode Thakur dasa

7.7 Srimati Malati Manjari Prabhu From [email protected] Nov 6 21:21:39 1995 Date: Mon, 6 Nov 95 19:01 WET From: “COM: Malati Manjari (dd) BCS (Wiesbaden - D)” To: “LINK: Shyamasundara (Dasa) ACBSP (Astrologer)” Subject: debate.doc Dear Shyamasundara Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to HDG Srila Prabhupada!

Congratulations for your presentation! I think your text gives clearly evidence about the complexity of Jyotish and gives a profund analysis of Srila Prabhupada's charts based on Capricorn Rising, which obviously defeats Nalini Kanta's simplicistic reading. Here are my comments: I am initiated by His Holiness Srila Bhakti Charu Maharaja, joined the movement 91/92 and began to study vedic astrology in 1990. To my knowledge Shyamasundara Prabhu is the most senior astrologer in our movement and has studied the science thoroughly by different experts in India. His analysis of Srila Prabhupada's charts with Capricon rising is most profund and describes the character of His Divine Grace without leaving any doubts. His arguments why Sagittarius rising should be rejected are convincing and logical: 1. Srila Prabhupada himself said, as Nalinikanta Prabhu admits, that he was born at 4 p.m. or even later. Nalini even states that he [Prabhupada] himself said that he has Capricon rising. Srila Prabhupada was well versed with the science of astrology (as we see from the exchanges with devotees), so he must have known that a time difference of half on hour makes up a completely different chart. Since he himself gave this information, there is no need to manufacture an other ascendent which seems to be more appropriate and in this way change the birthtime for at least half an hour. Finally Srila Prabhupada himself said that the reading by Asutosh Oja, who used Capricon ascedent, was “quite accurate”. 2. As we see many stalwart devotees, such as Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, Bhaktivinode Thakura and many other saints have many planets in the sign of Capricon, which makes it very prominent. Saturn, the planet of the yogis and sannyasis has to be well placed in a chart on order to make spiritual life successfull. In the Capricon rising chart this can be clearly seen, as Saturn the ascendent Lord is exalted in the 10th house, indicating the immense achievements by hard labor for the spiritual benfits of others. Shyamasundara has proved from Jyotish sastra that it is wrong and simplicistic to say that Capricon is a sudra signs, Saturn is a negative planet and the 8th house is all in all evil. Each ascendent and each planet has a whole range a possible results. In the case of his Divine Grace, because of the prominent Viparita Raja Yoga, only the best results manifest which show clearly his pure spiritual nature as indicated by the 8th house. 3. As for Sagittarius Venus as lord of the 6th and 11th would cause damage to the 10th and minimise the the owner's intelligence and and his achievements, whereas he would even enhance these great qualities as yoga karaka in conjunction with exalted Mercury in the 9th house in the case of Capricon, which is surely more appropriate for Srila Prabhupada. Also Mercury indicates a worshipper of Vishnu, being perfectly situated in the house of dharma. 4.The dasa periods for Capricon describe very accurately Srila Prabhupada's life, whereas for Sagittarius lagna don't. I think that Nalinkanta has neglected the effects of the yogas, which can have a completely different impact on the whole interpretation, if one studies a chart not only on the surface, but goes deeply into it, as Shyamsundara has demonstrated. Your humble servant Malati Manjari Devi Dasi

7.8 Sriman Sadhusanga Prabhu

(His resume is at end of his submital.) 11/7/95 Dear Shyamasundara prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I was never really aware of the whole controversy around the actual birth time of Srila Prabhupada until recently (the last few years), but after studying your essay, I would like to make a statement of total support and agreement on Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope. I remember when I first got a copy of Nalini prabhu’s book, The Basics of Bonafide Astrology, I looked at the cover and noticed a chart cast for Srila Prabhupada. The first thing that struck my mind was: “You know, he’s right on the cusp with Sagittarius at 29 degrees. If it would be Capricorn instead, then we’d be looking at a powerful 5th house with exalted Moon and 4th lord Mars, a tremendously powerful raja-yoga in the 9th with Mercury and Venus, and an exalted Saturn in the 0th. Now this would be the chart of a ‘world teacher’, spreading spiritual knowledge! Maybe there was a mistake? No…, no one would print a ‘mistake’ on the cover of a book!” A couple years latter, when I was working for the BBT Archives in Los Angeles, I came across Prabhupada’s birth time, (4:00 pm.) while I was doing some cross-referencing work. My suspicions where confirmed that Nalini prabhu must have made a ‘mistake’ in his book and that Srila Prabhupada had Capricorn rising. Then, I hunted down the actual recorded conversations with the astrologer in Prabhupada’s room that were made during the last days of Srila Prabhupada’s life. It was clear that the readings being done for Srila Prabhupada where based on a Capricorn ascendant and NOT a Sagittarius ascendant. Since my “discovery” of Srila Prabhupada’s real birth time, I’ve often been obsessed with studying His Divine Grace’s chart for hours at a time. “How can he say Sagittarius is rising?” I would ask myself. Even though I’m certainly not a jyotish pundit or a professional astrologer, for the past 15 years I’ve always took Vedic astrology seriously and tried to read any book on the subject I could find. With what little I know, even I can see that Srila Prabhupada must have had Capricorn rising. I feel that your analysis of the 8th house, (and the working viparita raja-yoga there) is the clincher. Now, even idiots like me can see what the raja-yoga combination of Venus and Mercury in the 9th is doing to enhance the overall literary skills and devotional make-up of Srila Prabhupada, and what exalted Saturn in the 10th has done for Srila Prabhupada’s being an international figure and “conquering the world” with his books. But the strength of this 8th house, it makes for a real ystic, a saint, a liberated soul that is beyond our comprehension. Being able to analyze the “difficult” houses such as the 6th, 8th and 12th only comes with experience and mature judgment, a qualification that everyone would agree you have. One can’t use the “simplistic” approach all the time and expect to get “results”, as Nalini prabhu may propose. The big thing that strikes me is Ketu, the natural indicator of liberation, moksa karaka, is with the 12th lord Jupiter and 8th lord Sun in the 8th. So we see 2 moksa lords in a moksa house with the moksa karaka Ketu. Combine this with the powerful viparit raja-yoga you have explained and what is the conclusion? Is this the configuration of a “worldly man”? NO. It’s a combination of someone who is of Srila Prabhupada’s caliber. Sagittarius rising doesn’t create such a ombination. Your analysis of the 8th house totally supports the position of Capricorn rising. Final comment. Like I said, I’m not so expert at knowing all sorts of yoga’s and rules and guidelines of astrology, but, I think it’s clear, even from an amateurs point of view, that Srila Prabhupada has the sign of Capricorn rising.

As every house and planetary position is analyzed in the Capricorn chart carefully, we can see that it all points to an individual of deep mysticism and devotion, scholarly abilities and powerful influence all over the world. The Sagittarius rising chart is good, but weak at best for someone of the caliber of Srila Prabhupada. We have to establish once and for all, without a doubt, that Srila Prabhupada has Capricorn rising in his chart. Like you said in your essay, scholars of the future will look at His Divine Grace’s chart and judge his works, ISKCON and his overall creditability by the structure of his natal horoscope. I ersonally think that Nalini prabhu realizes his error but can’t come to public admission because of embarrassment and personal pride. If he could somehow or other come to publicly state his shortcomings and support that Capricorn is rising, it would be the BEST service he could render to his Guru Maharaja and his godbrothers. Your servant, Sadhusanga das P.S. One other personal comment I would like to add concerning Nalini’s analysis technique. (This comment is not directed to Shyamasundara prabhu, but is a general comment on Nalini prabhu and his interpretation style). One basic interpretation technique that Nalini prabhu uses often is the technique of judging an individual’s caste and dharmic activity based on the concentration of planets in particular houses. For example: The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses are dharma houses. A concentration of planets in these houses would suggest an individual who is dedicated to religious duty, philanthropic works, higher education etc. With all due respect to Nalini prabhu, he always seems to attach superficial concepts to a house without deep analysis. For example: “Oh, the 10th house is an arta house (economic development), so this native is into economic development because this house is so powerfull. Can’t you see prabhu, it’s fundamental… you know? Let’s stick to fundamentals before we go on to ‘advanced’ interpretation.” At this point, let me just add one consideration of analysis that I don’t believe I saw in Shyamasundara’s essay. Using Nalini’s OWN standards of analysis, consider the following: For Sagittarius rising we would have: 3 planets are in dharma houses (piety, religiousness, duty etc.) 4 planets are in arta houses (economic development) 2 planets are in kama houses (desire), and NO PLANETS are in moksa houses (liberation). For Capricorn rising we would have: 4 planets are in dharma houses (piety, religiousness, duty etc.) 2 planets are in arta houses (economic development) NO planets are in kama houses (desire), and 3 planets are in moksa houses (liberation)! Now, using the ‘simplistic’ approach to astrology that Nalini prabhu has proposed, we may predict the personality of the one with this Sagittarius rising chart as an individual who is: A) pious (3 planets in dharma houses) B) VERY much expert and attached to economic development (4 planets in arta houses) C) somewhat attached to sense gratification (2 planets in kama houses) and D) not so much concerned about “liberation” at all (no planets in moksa houses). Does this profile fit the personality of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada? I THINK NOT. Now, we can predict the personality of the one with this Capricorn rising as an individual who is: A) VERY pious and aware of the ‘laws of God and man’ (4 planets in dharma houses) B) somewhat expert and interested in economic development (2 planets in arta houses) C) not so much interested in sense gratification at all (NO planets in kama houses) and D) VERY concerned and interested in liberation and solving the real problems of this

material existence (3 planets in moksa houses). Now does THIS fit the profile of Srila Prabhupada? I most certainly think so! So, even using Nalini prabhu’s “simple” approach to analyzing a chart, we can see that Srila Prabhupada has Capricorn rising. Your servant, Sadhusanga das Sadhusanga's devotional and astrological resume: 1B) I became involved with Krsna Consciousness in 1974 (age 20). By 1976 I joined the New York temple, participated in the first Rathayatra festival there, met Srila Prabhupada and even was blessed to go on a morning walk one time with His Divine Grace. I was fully involved until 1978 with New York. I never had the opportunity to become a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada. After completing college etc., I again became a full-time member of ISKCON around 1987. I took initiation from Kavicandra Swami in 1988, and 2nd initiation in 1992. 2B) I’ve been interested in astrology since my teen years, but took to vedic astrology around 1978 when I had a "Hindu" chart done for me from a man in Sri Lanka. From 1980-85 I was a passive student but in 1985 or so I discovered the "Boddi Tree Book Store" and their extensive texts on Eastern astrology. At that time I became a "serious" student. 3B) My level of interest in on the subject of vedic astrology is about as high as you can get. Even though I may play myself down publicly, I feel I understand most of the concepts of joytish astrology well. I had no problem keeping up with your essay and the arguments you presented. 4B) I’ve never read charts professionally because I don’t feel I have the braminical qualifications to do so. I’m not trained properly and I don’t want the karma of giving the wrong advice to someone. If a friend approaches me for astrological help, I will give it to the best of my ability… but that’s it. I’ll let them know up front that I’m not a professional, but if they want professional advice, they can contact someone like your good self.

7.9 Sriman Svayambhuva Prabhu From [email protected] Nov 2 07:30:11 1995 Date: Wed, 1 Nov 95 16:42 SWT From: “COM: Svayambhuva (das) HKS (Malmoe - S)” To: [email protected] Subject: Srila Prabhupada Dear Shyamasundar Prabhu, Thank you for posting text related to Srila Prabhupadas supposed lagna. I read both sides with great interest. Some of my data: Svayambhuva das, disciple of Harikesa Swami. Joined in former Soviet in 1979, got second initiation in 1985. Studied astrology under the guidance of Sri Ram Prabhu, also about that time. Was very active in that field before, but recent 2-3 years was busy with other studies. Still, keep the knowledge alive by occasional consultations . . . Now all said and done, I read first the presentation of Nalini-Kanta Prabhu. I took no sides and read objectively. Short as it was, and easy to read, from the first look I liked it. It will undoubtedly appeal to

someone not acquainted with astrology. Futhermore, because it deals with the very basic principles, it will impress even someone who got some basics on the subject. Then I read your explanations. Well, first of all, you did a whole lot of work! Sheer volume is quite astounding. Then, further I read, the more it become obvious that Nalini-Kantha Prabhu's logic does not hold. In my opinion, after reading your presentation, there should be no doubt about the lagna of Srila Prabhupada's birth. If you kindly let me to drop my 2 paisa worth of a comment, I did not notice that you've mentioned the following. In case we assume lagna to be in Capricorn, exalted Saturn ends in the 10th house. With all the strong sides connected to exaltation, still due to the inherent nature of the planet it will manifest all those good sides LATER in life. And that essentially what was unfolding in the real story of Srila Prabhupada. Taking Saggitarius as lagna, it [Saturn] ends in 11th house and that, althought not excluding completely the possibility, still would not fit the reality as nicely. And last but not least, for me the most convincing argument was that Srila Prabhupada's glory was foreseen by an astrologer at the time of his birth. This astrologer was obviously using 4 P.M. And the astrologer who correctly predicted the time of death did so based on that same moment. That alone should suffice. I hope that my opinion, for all it worth, will support you in the pursuit of that wonderful craft which is Vedic astrology. Please keep up the good work. Your servant Svayambhuva das.

General Conclusions We humbly submit that Srila Prabhupada is the ultimate authority on himself. We have gone to great lengths to document and demonstrate that Srila Prabhupada consistently used 4:00 PM as his birth time and that a chart based on Capricorn rising was accepted by Srila Prabhupada as accurate. We suggest that it would be consistent that this was also the time and chart used by Srila Prabhupada all during his life before ISKCON. We have also demonstrated that it is only the Capricorn rising chart which accurately describes Srila Prabhupada in all his glory whereas the Sagittarius rising chart and arguments against the Capricorn chart are disappointing on closer scrutiny. To the un-initiated Nalini’s arguments look strong and compelling but they easily unravel and fall apart when even slight scrutiny is brought to bear on them as is confirmed by the opinions expressed by other astrologers in chapter seven . We have also brought it to the attention of the GBC that if it tolerates this type of mental speculation and misrepresentation of Srila Prabhupada by remaining silent then it becomes a party to the act. Future generations who all depend on us, the first generation of disciples, for an accurate depiction of Srila Prabhupada will be mislead by this silence. Further more by allowing the wanton changing of the words of Srila Prabhupada in regards to his personal birth details and his choice of the horoscope that accurately depicted him we are allowing a very dangerous precedent to enter into the hagiography of Srila Prabhupada. If we allow this precedent then nothing else is sacred and all surrounding the life of Prabhupada is subject to change and at the mercy of anyone capable of presenting persuasive and emotionally appealing, though incorrect arguments and sophistry. As a positive step in order to avoid this type of problems in the future I recommend that the GBC take the following steps by passing these resolutions: 1. The GBC finds that Srila Prabhupada favored only the Capricorn rising chart. That the chart with Capricorn rising based on the date and time of September 1, 1896 at 4:00 PM (LMT) in Calcutta is the actual and official chart of Srila Prabhupada. 2 a. All future published charts of Srila Prabhupada must be based on this Capricorn rising chart. 2 b. Srila Prabhupada stated that there may have been some slight variation in his time of birth (see letter by Abhiram) but he always favored a time of 4:00 PM or later, but never earlier than 4:00 PM. Though the time used may vary, ultimately the rising sign arrived at must remain Capricorn. Not any other. Thus any astrologer wishing to experiment can only use a range of times that preserve the Capricorn rising and is preferably close to 4:00 PM. 3. Any future biographies or reprints of Prabhupada Lilamrta must include the Capricorn rising horoscope. 4. Any publication with Sagittarius (or any sign other than Capricorn) rising be withdrawn by its publishers and not sold. Or in case of financial difficulty, clearly visible disclaimers should be placed in each book indicating the error and making a correction and giving the actual time and rising sign.

Bibliography AM—Astrological Magazine, published by BV Raman. Bhat, Ramakrishna, second revised edition 1979, Fundamentals of Astrology, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Chatterjee, Hari Prasanna, 1912, reprint 1979, translation of Varaha Mihira’s Brhat Jataka, with commentary of Bhattotpala, New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Forrest, Steven, 1984, The Inner Sky, The Dynamic New Astrology For Everyone, New York: Bantam Books. Frawley, David, 1990, The Astrology of the Seers, Salt Lake City, Utah: Passage Press. Govindacharya, Alkondavilli, 1982 (reprint of 1902 [?] edition), The Holy Lives of the Azhvars, Bombay: Ananthacharya Indological Research Institute. Hopke, Tom, 1987, How To Read Your Horoscope, Honolulu, HI: The Vedic Cultural Association Kapoor, Gauri Shankar, 1981, translation, Bhrigu Sutram of Sage Bhrigu, Delhi: Ranjan Publications. Life of Prabhupada Srila Sarasvati Thakura, 1st English Edition 1983, Sri Mayapura: Gaurdas Brahmacari, Sri Chaitanya Math. Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar, 1982, St. Paul MN: Llewellyn Publications. Mital, Bhagwan Das , 1966, Bhrgu Sanhita Paddhati, Mathura: Bhrgu Jyotish Pustkalaya. Newman, James R., 1956, The World of Mathematics, A small library of the literature of mathematics from A‘h-mosé the Scribe to Albert Einstein, presented with commentaries and notes by James R. Newman (volume four), New York: Simon and Schuster. Ojha, Pandit Gopesh Kumar ,1977, Predictive Astrology of the Hindus, Bombay: Taraporevala. Rajan, C.G., 1955, translation, Jaathaka Satyaachaareeyam or The Foundations of the Dhruva Naadi and Satya Samhitaa Naadi, Madras: Giri Trading Agency. Raman, B.V., 1976, A Manual of Hindu Astrology, Bangalore: IBH Prakashana. Raman, B.V., 1979, 7th edition, How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol.1), Bangalore: IBH Prakashana. Raman, B.V., 1980, 1st edition, How to Judge a Horoscope (Vol.2), Bangalore: IBH Prakashana. Raman, B.V., 1980a, translation, Prasna Marga, Bangalore: Raman Publication’s Press. Raman, B.V., 1983, A Catechism of Astrology (Vol.1), Bangalore: IBH Prakashana. Raman, B.V., 1992, My Experiences in Astrology, New Delhi: Raman Publications. Raman, S.K., 1979, translation, Satya-Jatakam of Sage Satyacharya, Treatise on Horoscopy Based on the Principles of Satya Samhita, Delhi: Ranjan Publications.

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