The Thin White Line Issue 1

March 31, 2018 | Author: jimmie65 | Category: Leisure, Sports
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Blood Bowl...


Issue #1 Issue #1


ATCH eport The Mods V All Hallows Evil The White House 20:00 25/2/14

Stars steal the show….and the spp’s! Hey there sports fans and welcome to the very first edition of the Thin White Line, a weekly blood bowl publication from the Hebbl. I’m Jim Johnson, and joining me is Bob Bifford. I Will be filling our readers in on how the match between The Mods and All Hallows Evil went down and Bob will be telling you all about the MVP’s. We also have some great pictures from the game that came from the Bad year Blimp and you can see these in our Turn section in the magazine, brought to you by Block and Dodger. Jim

The Game 34,000 screaming fans turned up to see the first clash between The Mods and All Hallows Evil, also coined “The White Bowl” due to the Head Coaches surnames. The Evil, one of the Hebbl’s powerhouses weighed in at a whopping TV of 2480 while the Mods came in at TV 1620. The gulf was big enough for Mods GM to hire the services of Mod favorite big guy Morg’n’Thorg and also the one and only Griff Oberwald. The weather was perfect and The Mods won the coin toss and elected to receive the kick off. Old grand-pa joe stepped back to take the kick and just as he started his run up, he was blindsided by some Angry Mod fans!, In fact the whole pitch was invaded by Mods and undead throwing punches, rocks, and the odd bone, even Morg was stunned by an angry zombie, who was repeatedly whacking him while unconscious on the turf…

J im a n d B o b report on th e g a m e … [Date] The Faceblock MVP was awarded to no other than Griff Oberwald. Griff had 2 TD’s in the game and caused the tackle on Mighoul Jackson to score his second of the night…

After the melee there were 7 Mod players on the turf, including Mean Mr Mustard and Paul Wellard, to the evils 3, not a great start for the opening drive. The Mods were on the back foot. Grand-pa Joe drove the kick down the centre of the pitch and the Evil lumbered forward, slowly, pretty much like dead things do.. Turn 1 Mainly saw the Mods rolling over, and securing the ball before advancing, while the evil again, lumbered forward. Turn 2 And the big guys Mustard, Morg were on their feet and also Griff. Throwa Whitey scooped up the ball and sprinted for the left flank. Unbeknown to the Mods, a one Ag4, Mv8, block, leap, tackle, mighty blow, claws, 125 spp, “fluffykins” the Evils star player and a veritable Hebbl legend and former EOBB star, was salivating in the centre of the field, eyeing up a blitz on the Mods ball carrier Whitey. In a blink of a witch elf’s eye Fluffykins had ran 8 paces from the centre of the field, and leapt into the Mods screen and landed an un assisted blitz on the thrower knocking him to the turf and spilling the ball. Whitey was badly hurt and would miss the game. Turn 3 Angered by the the audacity of the werewolf, Mod Blitzer Paul Wellard, who was at the front of the advancing cage turned round and smashed the Evil’s star straight in the side of it’s head, knocking him clean out, boos and jeers screamed from the stands at the White House as the the wolf was stretchered off, blood dripping from his proud canines. Turn 4 The Mods were in a little disarray and shock at the speed of the undead star that the front of the cage was left open just enough for Zombie Elvis to run in to the cage and cause some problems.

Morg training at strawberry fields…

Mod’n’Thorg Due top the extortionate TV of All Hallows Evil, The Mods were granted some Gold for inducements (when we say some, we mean 880,00 gold coins!). Head coach, Willy Stroker wasted no time in sorting out the hired help of Mod Favorite big guy Morg’n’Thorg. This was the second time this season that the ogre had played for the Mods and to coin a phrase from MootDonalds, he was clearly loving it. Morg had 2 KO’s on the night…


Turn 1 of the game saw some of the 24,000 strong Evil’s fans invade the pitch and set about the Mods!. One of the Mod cheerleaders “ Penny Lane” said “ it all happened faster than Elf quick pass!. One second the Mods are lining up, the next I’m watching Morg getting beaten with what looked like the soggy end of a skeletons leg!. Once the Dust had settled no fewer than 7 Mod players were stunned to only 2 the Evils…



Turns of the game. .

Turn 5 At this point Star player Griff decided to takes things into his own hands he scooped up the ball and headed up the left flank followed by Mr Mustard and some of the Mod line. Santa’s little helper, the other Evil werewolf decided to leap through the line and try and charge the star down from the rear but after running out of steam the werewolf failed going for it and hit the deck. Zombie Elvis was ganged up on by 3 Mod Blitzer’s and was definitely all shook up after taking 3 whacks to the jaw from all angles, dropping to the floor like moot dung.

Turn #2 Mods

Turn #2 EVil

Turn 6 Elvis and Santa’s little helper were back on their feet at this point, Elvis trying to tie up the Blitzer’s while Santa’s sprinted up the sideline, the werewolf was gaining on the Star when Blitzer Justin Thyme managed to catch up the on the pair and provided and assist for Griff to drop kick the werewolf into the stands. Angry Mod fans were then stamping on the mutt to the delight of Mr Mustard who could be heard laughing from all over the field. Turn 7 Odd Bod the Evils Flesh Golem was one of the few remaining players between Griff and the end zone, and even managed to blitz to star down even with many of the Mod cage bearing down on him. Some of the Evil players even brought Morg down with a crash to the turf, some desperate defending seemed to be paying off…

Did you know Turn #3 Mods

Turn #3 Mods

Did you know that Hebbl season 8 undead team The Ship Old Boys consisted of players from the season 7 finalists the Ship Inn Swashbucklers. Many of whom were killed in the final against Thor Points.


Turns of the game. .

Cagey tactics….

Turn #4 Evil

Odd bod, the Evil Flesh golem who successfully blitzed Griff was now surrounded by Mods players, and at least three of them waded into the player, with elbow’s knees and heads, it was too much for the Golem who was subsequently knocked out by the flurry of blows. Griff Picked up the ball and was not far now from the end zone. Mustard decided he wanted to play and followed the screen up the pitch and Morg decided to hold the middle of the field. Only one player could possibly tackle Griff and prevent the Td, and that was Evil Wight Judge Death, however getting to the ball carrier was not going to be easy as by this time he was surrounded by no less than for 4 Mods players, dodging on 4’s seemed to be too much and he was tackled trying to dodge away by Sgt Pepper. Griff was free to score and ran than ball home to the delights of some 11,000 screaming Mod fans. The half came to an end and the Mods went into the break 1-0. Second Half

Turn #5 Mods

Turn #6 Mods

End #6 Mods

Turn 1 (next page)The Mods lined up in a 34-3-1 with Senor Cairns with his tackling skills at the back. The ball was kicked deep down the middle of the field to MiGhoul Jackson and the undead pushed into the centre of the field, The zombie on his own on the left, Larry had wondered into the centre of the field, to provide assists but left the Evil left wing dangerously exposed and Griff Oberwald wasted no time in sprinting 9 paces down the field to lay some pressure on the Ghoul. Turn 2 The Evil pushed down their right flank with Elvis blitzing his way through, but just as Mighoul Jackson tried to dodge away from Griff on ones he tripped on his own feet after snake eyes came up and bit him in the behind. The ball was 5 paces from the Evil EZ with Griff only 7 with no one between him and scoring, a sure gift from Nuffle. Griff grabbed the ball off the turf and like a smooth criminal moonwalked his way in for his second of the game 2-0 Mods. Silence surround the White House, was there a possibility the ”White Bowl” could be a shutout for the Mods?. Turn 3 The Mods kicked off to the Evil and the undead team collected the ball and headed down their right flank. Santa’s little helper, who by this stage was clearly foaming at the mouth made a leap past the Mod screen and fell but the Mods completely did not account for her jump up abilities, Even Morg see the play unfolding and traced back to defend.


Turns of the game.

2nd Half

The Mods were too slow to react though as Santa’s little helper jumped up and ran into the Mods EZ and waited for a short pass from the ball carrier Fluffykins. The pass was accurate and the werewolf ran in the TD to make the game 2-1 with 5 turns left in the half. Turn 4 The Mods game plan from here was simple, get the ball to Griff, because if its not broken…. The plan was working brilliantly, and again the hummies pushed up the left flank, Griff leading the way and the Evil trying to halt the advance.

Kick Off Mods

Turn 5 Saw more of the same for the Mods with Morg smashing the zombies left right and centre, but the undead held their ground and the left flank became a roadblock. Turn 6 Paul Wellard was KO’d in turn 6 by Herman the Flesh golem, who smashed the Blitzer so hard that his helmet came flying off! Spinning through the air and literally providing the assist on Morg!, the evil had done it, the big guy finally knocked out, it was thought to be the game changer that the Evil needed.

Turn #2 Evil

Turn 7 Fluffykins was determined to once again try and leap in and strip the ball from Griff but due to all the Guard the Star had from his Blitzer’s it was a die chance and nigh on impossible, a skull was rolled literally and the werewolf came crashing to the ground with a howl. With time running out Griff hugged the sideline and was followed by Blitzer’s Senor Cairns, Justin Thyme and Sgt Pepper, even if the Evil did somehow manage to get the ball back they did not have anyone in scoring range to tie the game up. The whistle went up and the crowd went wild! The Mods had secured their first win of the season. Without Griff, Morg and maybe a little blessing from Nuffle, it could have been a different story all together

Turn #2 Mods


Score Mods All Hallows Evil CAS Mods Diamond white

2 1 1 0

Sneaky B highlight reel. Celtics 1 Diamond White 0


"Donald Spleentearer has been doing lots of pace work in the closed season and that paid off with this opening TD. The Celtics held the dwarves around the half way line. Their patience paid off as Diamond White turned over leaving a way in. Minty the witch elf knocked the ball loose and number 9 had the ball and was off like a flash. There was no way a bunch of dwarves wee catching him after he showed them a clean pair of heels. Textbook defensive touchdown.

Turns of the game.

2nd Half

Sneaky B highlight reel Celtics 2-0 Diamond White: Being on offense and 1-0 to the good the Celtics had time on their side. The ball was kicked deep and a group of dark elves ploughed forward to force a gap. Rookie runner was thrown the ball by his senior counterpart Hamish Widow maker. Instead of going forward though Gordon dropped back to draw Diamond White forward. It was a risky play but his nerve held and be bought the dwarves on before sprinting the length of the field to run in the second TD".

WK 3

Turn #3 Mods

Turn #5 Mods


3 1


2 2 Turn #7 Mods

The Celtics roll of honored dead season 10: Week 1: Rab C Nesbitt Week 2: Mac T Knife Week 2: Bob Sporan

line elf assassin LIne elf

Special thanks go to Sir Len of Wood this week for his excellent work in designing the name and front cover of TTWL, The Thin White Line. Also for the great work Len has done on the team logos for the Hebbl. May Nuffle bless your dice Sir Len. Thomas White, The Mods

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