By virtue of Republic Act 7836, amended by Republic Act 993, teachin! "as
professionali#ed and there professionali#ed thereby by re$uirin! teachers to ta%e the &icensure '(amination for Teachers )&'T*+
7 Rs that Professional Professional Teachers T eachers need to do and to learn as professionals to 1. Remember to
perform your duties "ith
hi!h de!ree of professionalism+ A teacher should not allo" his or her inte!rity to be destroyed due to personal !reed avoid and cheatin! bad politics+ T Teachers eachers should their students !rades and havin! favoritism in class+ 2. Respond to
the needs of each student "ith utmost level of concern to the
3. Recognize
teachers continuously see% professionalmustcareer advancements throu!h -oinin! professional associations, attendin! continuin! education activities for teachers, and doin! !raduate studies+ 4. Reawaken your passion and sense of mission to serve all types of learners re!ardless of their reli!ion, socio economic status, !ender, race, intellectual ability and learnin! modalities+
5. Renew your commitment to help each
learner in order to have a better future+ A teacher must believe that each child can have !ood future if "e help them "ith the %no"led!e and s%ills that "e teach them+ attitude to"ard 6. Re-evaluate your students and your ethics+ 7. Relearn ,
learn, and unlearn many thin!s to %eep you updated "ith ne" %no"led!e and information+ A teacher
must be al"ays active in the business of lifelon! learnin!+
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