The Taximan's Story- Catherine Lim.docx

February 10, 2017 | Author: Jennybabe Peta | Category: N/A
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GUIDE QUESTIONS 1. What is the irony of the story? The irony is the fact that the taximan criticizes young people of our generation for being too immature by hanging out at places like Hotel McElroy; while he still goes there to make an easy living as Hotel McElroy is a popular spot to earn more money. This is an act of contradiction, and instead of 'practising what he has preached', he has gone against his stand and decides to put money and making a living over his own beliefs and mind-set. The irony of the story is that Lay Choo is intelligent and is very good in her studies but unexpectedly, she was fooling around instead of being in school. 2. What are the themes raised in the story? The themes raised are: How young people of Singapore have grown to be bold and reckless; as compared to the youth's of the 'old' Singapore. Differences of the 'old' (taximan's generation) and current (Lay Choo's generation) Singapore How making a living in Singapore has overcome the need to stand up for our own beliefs and make a stand to whatever opposes us 3. How realistic is this story? This story is very realistic as it touches on how fast Singapore has advanced, be it for the better or the worse, just like how the current youths of Singapore have been 'learning' from older generations more quickly. This is realistic as it narrates a current affair of Singapore. This story is very realistic as the writer potrays the taximan to be a typical Singaporean who do not have much education and speaks singlish. She also writes about the current problems faced by most families about handling teenagers, like the taximan's. 4. What do you think of the taxi man? Do you feel sympathy for him? I do not think highly of this taximan. Although it is alright to put your job ahead of everything else in order to survive, I think Singaporeans should also have a sense of pride at the same time. We might be a small country, but we are advancing fast and it is important for us to be proud of what we believe in; rather than let that belief crumble under circumstances like earning a quick buck.


Therefore, I do feel sympathy for this taximan as he struggles between putting the food on the table and having a sense of pride. I think that the taximan is very violent and strict. He beat and slapped Lay Choo when he found out that she was fooling around. He even lock her up in her room for three days. I feel sympathy for him as he did all this because he love Lay Choo and was concerned about her studies. He worked all day and save for her University, yet she went fooling around. 5. Do you agree with his lamenting? As his 'lamenting' is supported by evidence through experience, I do agree. 6. What about the other characters in the story? Do you feel sympathy for them? I sympathise with Lay Choo's mother because I feel that she will be very disappointed in her daughter who is smartest of all her siblings to do such a disgraceful thing. I do not sympathise with Lay Choo as she was wrong to fool around and deserved to face the music. Even though She might have her own reasons. For example: Her family need cash urgently. She should have discussed it will her parents and don't act rashly. 7. Is the taximan a good father? After we read the "Taximan Story" in Little Ironies by Catherine Lim, Ms Lim asked," Is the taxi man a good father?" Today, I am going to answer this question and express my point of view. If you go to a dictionary and search the word, "father" you will most probably see:" A father is defined as the male parent of an offspring". Is the father only a male parent of an offspring, or is he something much more? What is a good father? Must a good father be rich, tall, strong or famous? I think that a good father does not need to have any of the four qualities mentioned above. A good father must be, in my opinion, caring for the child both academically and psychologically and neither of them can be more than the other. Although the taxi man in the story did care very much about his daughter education, he failed to care about his daughter psychological health. Although he did all he could to earn money and try to get his daughter into university, he did not care whether his daughter was doing well socially or psychologically. So I believe the taxi man is not a good father and can only be defined as,"a male parent of an offspring" SUMMARY So, the story starts of with a first person account of the taximan.(Note: the whole story is about him speaking, no other dialouge or narration included.) This taximan is engaged in a rather onesided conversation with his passenger, whom he adresses as 'madam'. The setting of the story: 'madam' is a teacher and is rushing for a meeting. So, the taximan goes on and on about how the younger generation of Singapore are being unfillial to their parents by stating that they have a school -related activity while in actual fact the child is off enoying themselves in the company of their 'European or American boyfriends', which the taximan claims are filthy rich. He also states a personal experience as evidence, with his daughther being the unfortunate culprit. but in the end, the irony would be evident. find out for your self in Catherine Lim'sLittle Ironies: Stories of Singapore. WORLD LITERATURE

TheTaximan'sStory 1. The irony of the story is that the taximan's beloved daughter went to cheat him and went to become a prostitute. That broke the taximan's heart as he had loved her and did not think that this kind of irony would happen to him. 2. The themes are: i. Self-dignity. -- Lay Choo did not demonstrate it. ii. The abuse of the excuse of school activities. -- Lay Choo said that she had meetings and went to Orchard Road. iii. Love of father. -- Father loved her daughter--> textual evidence --> he saved money for her to go to university. iv. Perspective of taximan's family. --> Taximan told his version of story. v. Irony -- see above vi. Abuse of love -- Lay Choo did not respect his father who gave her so much love. 3.The story is very realistic as nowadays, students always use the excuse of school activities to go out and gamble, play, shop etc. However, teachers do not know this most of the time. Hence, I believe that the communication and interaction between parents and teachers is very important to prevent such things from happening. 4. I think the taximan is very greedy and and the same time should be sympathised of. He already objected her daughter to become a prostitute. However, now he goes to Elroy Hotel where many of them are there as he wants to earn more money. Hence, he should set a good example for his daughter to follow. At the same time, he is using this money to help his daughter to go to University. However, Lay Choon misuses his love and do the things that is not right for her to do. 5. I agree with his lamenting in some parts and am against other past. I agree with him lamenting about the behaviour and acts of his daughter but am against him lamenting about people bargaining with him. He should be more concerned about his family's well-being instead of complaining about petty matters. 6. I sympathise with the taximan's eldest daughter. She is so obedient and filial towards her parents but does not have good health whereas the second daughter is so unfilial but is healthy and strong. I also sympathise with the teacher as she does not know the condition of students nowadays. Being a teacher, she should know her students the best as they spend half of their time there. REFLECTION The taximan should not be so violent to her daughter as it might cause her to reble even more. I think he should advise her on the advantages and disadvantages on mixing with bad company and fooling around. E.g. It will affect her studies etc. The taximan should not be ashamed to tell Lay Choo's teacher about the incident so that she might be able to help in monitoring Lay Choo.


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