The Superiority of Sayyids

April 12, 2017 | Author: Basharath Siddiqui | Category: N/A
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Muhaqqiqin Sayyid Muhammad Madani Ashrafi Jilani Kichochavi; By Faqir al Quadri


Translation completed, through the Blessings of Shaykh ul Islam wal Muslimin Rayis ul Basharath Ali Siddiqui Ashrafi; At Hyderabad, India; India; in 1430 A.H / 2009 C.E. C.E.

An Exclusive Presentation of ASHRAFIYA ISLAMIC FOUNDATION &



Ashraf ul Mufassirin Hakeem ul Ummat

On the Occasion



Hanafi Ashrafi Nayimi Badayuni

ëö Introduction, Introduction, Translation & Notes By


] 1433 Hijri (2012) (2012)

Book’s Name: Name: Al Kalam ul Maqbul fi Taharati Taharati Nasab al Rasul. Rasul.

-The The Superiority of SayyidsSayyids-.

Basharath Ali Siddiqui Quadri Ashrafi

Author:: Hakeem ul Ummat Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Ashrafi Nayimi. Nayimi. Author Translator:: Muhammad Basharath Ali Siddiqui Quadri Ashrafi. Translator

Ahl us Sunnah Foundation Hyderabad, India

Translation Completed Completed: C.E. ed: 1430 A.H / January 2009 C.E. 1st Edition / Quantity: 2012}} /1000 Copies. Quantity: Rabi ul Awwal 1433 A.H {Feb ’2012


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FAVOURABLE REVIEW All Praise is due to Allah . Peace and Blessings be upon His Beloved Prophet ], his noble Family and the illustrious Companions. None can be a perfect Muslim with out the love for Allah’s



Beloved Prophet

his Companions and ‘Ahl ul Bayt’ i.e. the Family of the Prophet



valuable book, ‘The Superiority of Sayyids’ is the translation of ‘Al Kalam al

Maqbul fi Taharati Nasab al Rasool’ which was compiled by the eminent scholar of ‘Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamah’, Hazrat Allama Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Naeemi. He is a prolific author of many books related to the Belief and Creed of ‘Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamah’. All his books are marked with the authenticity of the content and deep love for the Beloved Prophet ]. The topic of this book is the Superiority of the ‘Ahl ul Bayt’ as well as their progeny who are called as ‘Sayyid’. There are many verses of the Holy Quran and


the traditions of the Prophet


which emphasize their Superiority over the rest

of the Muslims. The author has proved their excellence through many narrations and proofs. This book has been translated by the respected, Basharath Ali Siddiqui Quadri


Ashrafi. Prior to this, he has already translated more than 47 other important


books of numerous scholars. I have personally gone through the whole


translation of this book and have found it to be good and lucid. May Allah


reward him for this effort and make this book a source of

Guidance for one and all. Dr Hafiz Syed Badiuddin Sabri Professor, Dept. Of Arabic Osmania University Hyderabad

authored books specially dedicated to the merits of the respected Sayyids PUBLISHER'S PREFACE

such as ‘Al Ilm uz Zahir fi Nafai’ Nasab it Tahir’ by the great Hanafi Jurist Imam Sayyid Ibn Abidin Shami, ‘Ihya al Mayyit fi Fazail al Ahl ul Bayt’ by

All Praise belongs to the All Powerful Lord-Allah Almighty  and Peace,

Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti, ‘Irath ul Adab li Fazil un Nasab’ & ‘Az Zahr al

Blessings and Salutations be upon the Beloved of Allah - Muhammad

Basim fi Hurmat iz Zakat ala Bani Hashim’ by Imam al Akbar Ahmad Raza Khan Quadri Bareilvi and the exceptionally excellent ‘Al Sharf ul Mawbad li Aali Muhammad ]’ by Imam Yusuf bin Ismail Nabhani Shafai'.

Mustafa ] and upon his Noble Progeny. We, as Muslims know that Allah Almighty  bestowed upon our Prophet - Muhammad ] numerous ‘Khasayis’ {Peculiarities and Specialities} and ‘Mu’jizat’ {Miracles} unfound in any of His former Prophets. Among these uncountable ‘Khasayis’ and ‘Mu’jizat’ is the continuation of the Progeny of the Beloved Rasul-Allah ] through his noble and youngest daughter Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra % and her sons Sayyiduna Imam Hasan ‘ and Sayyiduna Imam Husayn ‘. This continuance of Progeny through one's daughter is unique to the Beloved Prophet of Islam ] only and is

But the merits, greatness, superiority, nobility and genealogy of the Sayyids or ‘Ahl ul Bayt’ has also become one of the most debatable points between the ‘Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamah’ and numerous other astray sects of Islam in recent times, most importantly the most deviant ‘Wahhabiya’ and its numerous by-products of the past century such as the ‘Salafiya’ {Ahle Hadith}, ‘Deobandiya’ and ‘Jamat al Islami’. These sects deny the immense

merits of the present day Sayyids or ‘Ahl ul Bayt’ which is based upon their noble genealogical lineage and consider only piety as the criteria for one's

considered as one of his Miracles {‘Mu’jizah’}.

greatness, superiority and nobility.

Amir ul Mu’minin Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab ‘ narrated that the

‘Al Kalam ul Maqbul fi Taharati Nasab al Rasul’ was written by one of the

Beloved Rasul Allah ] said:

greatest ‘Mufassirin’ {Exegators of Quran} and ‘Muhaddithin’ {Hadith Masters}

“Every genealogical lineage {‘Sababin wa Nasabin’} will get terminated

of the Indian subcontinent - Ashraf ul Mufassirin Hakeem ul Ummat

{‘Munqatiun’} on the Day of Judgement {‘Qiyamah’} except my genealogical

Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Ashrafi Nayimi in answer to a Questionnaire sent

lineage {‘Sababi wa Nasabi’}. Every son is attributed to his father except the

by some people. It was later published in the compendium of his epistles

children of Fatimah, for I am their father and also their

‘Rasail e Nayimiya’. Despite its brevity and conciseness, the book answers

genealogical lineage.” {Musannaf Abdur Razzakh, Sunan al Kubra Bayhaqi & Mu’jam

and clarifies all the major doubts on the subject in the Light of numerous

ul Awsat, Mu’jam ul Kabir of Imam Tibrani}

Quranic Ayahs, Authentic Hadiths and numerous other logical evidences.

Through out Islamic history, Muhaddithin have mentioned numerous

We are thankful to Shaykh Allama Sayyid Alamgir Ashraf Ashrafi Jilani

Hadiths on the Merits of ‘Ahl ul Bayt’ in their Hadith collections under the

who first turned our attention towards the translation of this excellent

chapters, ‘Kitab ul Fazail’ or ‘Kitab ul Manaqib’. While some Scholars

book. We are also extremely thankful to Shaykh ul Hadith Mufti Raza ul

Haq Ashrafi Misbahi, former Shaykh ul Hadith and former Chief Mufti of Jamiya Ashraf, Kichocha, India and the Khalifa of Sarkar e Kalan Sayyid

Al Kalam ul Mabul fi Taharati Taharati Nasab al Rasul

Mukhtar Ashraf Ashrafi Jilani Kichochavi who explained and clarified some points in this book.

What do the Scholars of Religion say in this matter that:

Along with the Translation, we have provided 19 highly informative FootNotes in order to clarify the subject. All Hadiths have also been referenced, giving priority to the ‘Sihah Sittah’ {The famous Six Authentic Hadith books}. Though maximum care has been taken in proof reading the Translated text, still due to human traits, the appearance of mistakes can not be denied. Therefore, all mistakes and defects are that of the Translator and the great Author is free from all such defects. The ‘Ahl us Sunnah Research Foundation’, is trying to its best to Translate

‘Zayd’ says: “All Genealogies and Families are equal in Islam, none is Superior {‘Afzal’} to other. Therefore, ‘Sayyid’, ‘Pathan’, ’Tayli’, Barbers {‘Nai’}, Launderer {‘Dhobi’} are all equal in status. Superiority {‘Fazilat’} is

only based upon Piety {‘Taqwa’} and not upon Genealogy {‘Nasab’}.” He also says: “One’s Pious Forefathers will be of no use , and that only Good Deeds {‘A’mal’} will be of use.”

‘Zayd’ presents this Ayah:

‘Aqayid’ {Beliefs and Doctrines} as well as ‘A’mal’ {Practices}. So far the

ُ ‫اس إِ َّنا َخ َل ْق َنا ُكم ِّمن َذ َك ٍر َوأُن َث ٰى َو َج َع ْل َنا ُك ْم‬ ‫ار ُفوا ۚ◌ إِنَّ أَ ْك َر َم ُك ْم‬ َ ‫ش ُعو ًبا َو َق َبا ِئل َ ِل َت َع‬ ُ ‫ َيا أَ ُّي َھا ال َّن‬w y‫ير‬ ٌ ‫عِندَ ال َّلـ ِه أَ ْت َقا ُك ْم ۚ◌ إِنَّ ال َّلـ َه َعلِي ٌم َخ ِب‬

Institute has Translated 47 books of ‘Ahl us Sunnah’ Scholars on various

“O people! We have created you from one man and one woman and made

topics, among which 16 have been published. Hope this Translation too

you in branches and tribes that you may recognize one another.

and Publish essential ‘Ahl us Sunnah’ Literature both on the topics of

meets the hopes of our readers.

Undoubtedly, the most respected among you in the sight of Allah is one who is more pious; Verily, Allah is Knowing, Aware.”

May Allah Almighty  accept our sincere endeavours in Translating and Publishing this book and make it as a Means of our Salvation through the noble ‘Wasila’ of the Beloved Muhammad Rasul Allah ]!

Muhammad Basharath Ali Siddiqui Quadri Ashrafi

{Surah al Hujarat; 49: 13}

Apart from this, the Prophet ] also said: “O Fatimah! I can not ward off the Punishment of Allah Almighty  from you!”


Ashrafiya Islamic Foundation Hyderabad, India 1

. Based on the Hadiths of Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Iman; See Footnote # 12 for details on

this Hadith.

‘Amr’ says that: “It is not as said above and ‘Sayyids’ are Superior than all

the greatness of the genealogy of the respected ‘Sa’daat’ is proved and we

Families and the Good Deeds of the Forefathers do benefit the children.”

also come to know the benefits of the Good Deeds of the Forefathers on the

Do say whose Statement {‘Qawl’- Position} is Correct.

next generations.

Answer so that you may be rewarded!

Ayah 2: 2:


َّ ‫ش ُر‬ َّ‫ت ُقلْ ال أَ ْسأَلُ ُك ْم َع َل ْي ِه أَ ْجراً إِال‬ ِّ ‫ َذلِ َك ا َّلذِي ُي َب‬w ِ ‫الصال َِحا‬ َّ ‫ُ عِ َبادَ هُ ا َّلذِينَ آ َم ُنوا َو َع ِملُوا‬B َ ‫ َغ ُفو ٌر‬B y ٌ◌ ‫ش ُكور‬ َ ‫ف َح‬ ْ ‫ا ْل َم َودَّ َة فِي ا ْل ُق ْر َبى َو َمنْ َي ْق َت ِر‬ َ َّ َّ‫س َن ًة َن ِزدْ َل ُه فِي َھا ُح ْسنا ً إِن‬

In both matters, the statement of ‘Amr’ is correct and the statement of

“.......... Say you (O Prophet), ‘I ask not from you any wage for it

‘Zayd’ wrong and spurious {‘Batil’}. The Genealogy of respected Sa’adat

{plural of Sayyid}

is Greater



Superior {‘Afzal’} than all other genealogies and the Good Deeds of the Pious from among the Faithful {‘Mu’minin’} will Insha-Allah {Allah Willing} will be of use to their children . Both these matters are proven and established from the Ayahs of the Holy Quran, Authentic Hadiths {‘Ahadith us Sahiha’} and Logical evidences, etc. They are as follows:

except Loving my kinship (dear ones)..................” {Surah al Shoora; 42: 23}

One of the Exegations {‘Tafsir’} of this Ayah is that: “Due to my Right


upon you, love my dear ones {‘Ahl e Qarabat’}." We come to know that the respected ‘Sa’daat’ who are the dear ones and the progeny of the Prophet ], are to be compulsorily loved for the sake of the Prophet ]. It is not so regarding other families! Ayah 3: 3:

Proof Proof and Ayah 1: 1: Allah Almighty  says:

َ ْ‫ان أَ ْل َح ْق َنا ِب ِھ ْم ُذ ِّر َّي َت ُھ ْم َو َما أَ َل ْت َنا ُھ ْم مِنْ َع َملِ ِھ ْم مِن‬ ٍ‫ش ْيء‬ ٍ ‫ َوا َّلذِينَ آ َم ُنوا َوا َّت َب َع ْت ُھ ْم ُذ ِّر َّي ُت ُھ ْم ِبإِي َم‬w y ٌ‫س َب َرھِين‬ َ ‫ئ ِب َما َك‬ ْ ُّ ‫ُكل‬ ٍ ‫ام ِر‬

َ ْ‫اع َل ُموا أَ َّن َما َغن ِْم ُت ْم مِن‬ ‫ِين‬ ِ َّ ِ َّ‫ش ْيءٍ َفأَن‬ ُ ‫ِلر‬ َّ ‫س ُه َول‬ َ ‫ ُخ ُم‬J ْ ‫ َو‬w ِ ‫س‬ ِ ‫ول َو ِلذِي ا ْل ُق ْر َبى َوا ْل َي َتا َمى َوا ْل َم َساك‬ َُّB‫ان َو‬ َّ َ َ‫ َو َما أ‬J‫ا‬ ِ ‫يل إِنْ ُكن ُت ْم آ َم ْن ُت ْم ِب‬ َّ ‫َوا ْب ِن‬ ِ ‫الس ِب‬ ِ ‫ان َي ْو َم ا ْل َت َقى ا ْل َج ْم َع‬ ِ ‫نز ْل َنا َع َلى َع ْب ِد َنا َي ْو َم ا ْل ُف ْر َق‬ َ ِّ ‫َع َلى ُكل‬ y ٌ◌ ‫ش ْيءٍ َقدِير‬ “And know that whatever war booty you take, One-Fifth of it belongs

“And those who Believed and whose offspring followed them with Faith.

exclusively to Allah and to the Messenger and to his dear ones and the

We joined them with their offspring and diminished not anything from

orphans and the needy and the poor.”

their deeds. All men are pledged in their deeds.”

{Surah al Anfal; 8: 41}

{Surah at Tur; 52: 21}

From this Ayah, we come to know that during the Lifetime of the Prophet

Therefore, the Faithful


Progeny of the Prophet ] will be ‘Insha

Allah’ with the Prophet ] on the Day of Judgement


From this

], the dear ones {‘Ahl e Qarabat’} of the Prophet ] used to have separate and permanent share in the 1/5th of the war booty. Where as, according to

Imam Shafai’, the Sayyids are entitled to a share in the 1/5th

even in present times! Such dignity and respect is not so for other families.

because they were from Sayyiduna Ibrahim’s 6 Progeny. Therefore, their genealogy is Noble {‘Ashraf’}!

Ayah 4: 4:

Ayah 6: 6:

y َ‫ض ْل ُت ُك ْم َع َلى ا ْل َعا َلمِين‬ َّ ‫ َيا َبنِي إِ ْس َرائِيل َ ْاذ ُك ُروا ن ِْع َمتِي ا َّلتِي أَ ْن َع ْمتُ َع َل ْي ُك ْم َوأَ ِّني َف‬w

Sayyiduna Khizr 6 said to Sayyiduna Musa 6:

ً ‫صالِحا‬ َ ‫ َوأَ َّما ا ْل ِجدَ ا ُر َف َكانَ لِ ُغال َم ْي ِن َيتِي َم ْي ِن فِي ا ْل َمدِي َن ِة َو َكانَ َت ْح َت ُه َكن ٌز َل ُھ َما َو َكانَ أَ ُبو ُھ َما‬w َ ‫شدَّ ُھ َما َو َي ْس َت ْخ ِر َجا َك‬ ُ َ‫َفأ َ َرادَ َر ُّب َك أَنْ َي ْبلُ َغا أ‬ ‫نز ُھ َما َر ْح َم ًة مِنْ َر ِّب َك َو َما َف َع ْل ُت ُه َعنْ أَ ْم ِري َذ ِل َك‬ y ً◌ ‫ص ْبرا‬ َ ‫َتأْ ِويل ُ َما َل ْم َت ْس َتطِ ْع َع َل ْي ِه‬

“O offspring of Yaqub (Bani Israil)! Recall My that favour which I bestowed upon you and exalted you over the whole world in your time.” {Surah al Baqarah; 2: 47, 122}

“As for that wall, it belonged to the two orphan children of the city and

From this Ayah, we come to know that the genealogy of Sayyiduna Ya’qub

underneath it was their treasure and their father was a pious man; then

6 is so great {‘A’la’} that Allah Almighty  had made his family superior

your Lord desired that those two should reach their maturity and bring

in status to all other families. Then, certainly today, the Sa’adat who are the

forth their treasure as a Mercy from your Lord.....”

family of the Prophet ] are far more superior family than all the other

{Surah al Kahaf; 18: 82}

families in the world.

From this Ayah, we come to know that Allah Almighty  had Mercy upon those two orphans because their father was a pious man! We also come to know that the Good Deeds of the pious do benefit their children and the Good Deeds of the Prophet ] will certainly benefit the respected ‘Sa’daat’. Ayah 5: 5:



. Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Ashrafi states in ‘Tafsir al Nayimi’, in the Tafsir of this Ayah as

follows: “We come to know some important points from this Ayah; (1) That genealogical greatness is also a Favor {‘Ni’mah’} of Allah as the Bani Israil are being reminded of ‘Ihsan’ on being the progeny of Prophets. Certainly, a pious Sayyid or a scholarly Sayyid will be more meritorious and superior {‘Afzal’} than other pious and scholarly people because they are the progeny of the Prophet ]. In a similar way, a sinful Sayyid will be

◌ۖ ‫اب َوآ َت ْي َناهُ أَ ْج َرهُ فِي ال ُّد ْن َيا‬ َ ‫وب َو َج َع ْل َنا فِي ُذ ِّر َّي ِت ِه ال ُّن ُب َّو َة َوا ْل ِك َت‬ َ ‫ َو َو َھ ْب َنا َل ُه إِ ْس َحاقَ َو َي ْع ُق‬w y َ‫الصالِحِين‬ َ‫َوإِ َّن ُه فِي ْاآلخ َِر ِة َلمِن‬ َّ “And We bestowed him (Ibrahim) Ishaq and Yaqub and We put Prophethood and the Book in his offspring......” {Surah al Ankabut; 29: 27}

That is, after Sayyiduna Ibrahim 6, all the Prophets were from his

better than other sinful person in this aspect as he is from the progeny of the Prophet ]. In fact, the truth is that a sinful Sayyid is also better than other pious people in terms of genealogical aspects. Imam Shami mentioned a Hadith in ‘Shami’ Vol: 1 in the discussion of Funeral Prayers {‘Salat ul Janazah’} that the Beloved Prophet

] said: “With death all

genealogical relations will get terminated {‘Mutaqatiu’}, except my genealogical relations.” And he (Imam Shami) says that from the Ayah: “Then when the Trumpet will be blown, there will be no relationships among them, nor will they ask for one another.”{Mu’minun; 23: 101}, the genealogy of the Prophet

] is exempted and in a

were also

similar way the saying of the Prophet ] to his relatives: “O my dear ones, I cannot ward

revealed upon them. They were bestowed with such greatness only

off the punishment of Allah from you.” {Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Iman} "La ughni ankum

progeny only and all Holy Books and Scriptures


Ayah 7: 7:

Allah Almighty’s  special favour which other genealogies and

ً ‫اء َو َج َع َل ُك ْم ُملُوكا‬ ِ َّ ‫وسى لِ َق ْو ِم ِه َيا َق ْو ِم ْاذ ُك ُروا ن ِْع َم َة‬ َ ‫ َع َل ْي ُك ْم إِ ْذ َج َعل َ فِي ُك ْم أَ ْن ِب َي‬B َ ‫ َوإِ ْذ َقال َ ُم‬w ِ ‫َوآ َتا ُك ْم َما َل ْم ُي ْؤ‬ y َ‫ت أَ َحداً مِنْ ا ْل َعا َلمِين‬

communities do not possess.

“And when Musa said to his people: ‘O my people! Remember the favours

‫ض ْعنَ ِبا ْل َق ْو ِل َف َي ْط َم َع ا َّلذِي ِفي َق ْل ِب ِه‬ َ ‫ا َّت َق ْي ُتنَّ َفال َت ْخ‬ y ً◌ ‫َق ْوالً َم ْع ُروفا‬

of Allah upon you that He made amongst you Messengers and made you Kings, and gave you that which He gave not this day to any one in all the worlds.’”

Ayah 8: 8:

“O wives of the Prophet! You are not like other women if you adopt Piety........”

{Surah al Maidah; 5: 20}

From this Ayah, we come to know that the coming of a Prophet from among a particular nation or community is Allah Almighty’s  special favour from which other nations or communities are deprived off. Therefore, the coming of the Prophet ] among the respected ‘Sa’adat’ is

ْ‫اء ال َّن ِب ِّي َل ْس ُتنَّ َكأ َ َح ٍد مِنْ ال ِّنسَاءِ إِن‬ َ ‫ِس‬ َ ‫ َيا ن‬w َ‫ض َو ُق ْلن‬ ٌ ‫َم َر‬

{Surah al Ahzab; 33: 32}

From this Ayah, we come to know that the Pious wives of the Prophet ] are far more superior {‘Afzal’} than all the pious wives in this world because they are the wives of the Prophet ]. Therefore, the pious ‘Sa’adat’ are far more superior than other pious people because they belong to the genealogy of the Prophet ].

minal Allahi min shaiyin" (Yusuf: 67)” means that without the Will of Allah {‘Izn il Allah’} I cannot ward off the punishment of Allah from you. Then Allama Shami says, ‘How is this possible that the Prophet

] can not ward off the punishment from his

progeny though he will Intercede for other people and save them from punishment and would bring them back . Imam Shami wrote a complete monologue on the merits of the respected Sayyids titled: “Al Ilm uz Zahir fi Nafai’ Nasab it Tahir”. Infact, my ‘Iman’ says that a sinful Sayyid is like pearl engulfed with mire, though he is in the mire of sins but still is a Sayyid. (2) That all greatness and respect remains due to Iman. There is no respect for the one without ‘Iman’ near the Lord Almighty because the Bani Israil were not left away due to their being the progeny of Prophets but they were also invited to accept Iman. ‘Kan’an’ was the son of a Prophet but due to lack of ‘Iman’ was destroyed. Similarly, the Apostates {‘Murtad’} from ‘Shiya’, ‘Mirzai’ and ‘Deobandi’ are not even Muslims leave alone their being Sayyids. Saying/ Regarding them Sayyids is also wrong. ‘Iman’ is a condition for being a Sayyid. Note that lack of Iman didn’t give respect to Bani Israil . {Tafsir al Nayimi, 1:355-356}

Ayah 9: 9:

َّ َ‫الصال َة َوآتِين‬ َ‫الز َكا َة َوأَطِ ْعن‬ َ‫ َو َق ْرنَ فِي ُب ُيو ِت ُكنَّ َوال َت َب َّر ْجنَ َت َب ُّر َج ا ْل َجا ِھلِ َّي ِة األُو َلى َوأَق ِْمن‬w َّ َّ ‫سو َل ُه إِ َّن َما ُيري ُد‬ ِ ‫س أَھْ ل َ ا ْل َب ْي‬ yً‫ت َو ُي َط ِّھ َر ُك ْم َت ْط ِھيرا‬ َ ‫الر ْج‬ ِّ ‫ِب َع ْن ُك ْم‬ َ ‫ُ ِل ُي ْذھ‬B ُ ‫ َو َر‬B َ َّ ِ “........ .O Members of the Family of the Prophet! That He may remove from you every uncleanness and purify you well.” {Surah al Ahzab; 33: 33}

From this Ayah, we come to know that the Ahle Bayt, be it the Pure Noble Wives

{‘Azwaj ul Mutahharat’}

or the Pure Progeny

{‘Awlad ul Athar’};


Almighty  has made them pure because they are from the family of the Prophet ]. Other genealogies are not worthy of this special purity. Otherwise, what else could have been the speciality of the ‘Sa’adat’?

possible that ‘Father’ refers to Sayyiduna Abdullah ‘ and the Lady

Ayah 10: 10:

Sayyidah Amina % and ‘Children’ refers to the Prophet ].

{Leaders or Chief}


of the youth in Paradise.” ...... Etc.

that, all the Sayyids can

never go astray. All other Islamic genealogical communities can go astray completely. From this, we come to know that the genealogy and family of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 6 is greater


and superior


as they have

Sayyiduna Ibrahim’s 6 supplication.


. There are approximately 6 Hadiths in various Hadith Books regarding Sayyidah

Fatimah Zahra

% being the ‘Sayyidata Nisa i Ahl il Jannah’ or ‘Sayyidata Nisa il

Mu’minin’ or ‘Sayyidata Nisa i Hazih al Ummah’. We are presenting a Two Hadiths and references of the rest 4 Hadiths.

Ayah 11: 11:

y َ‫ال أ ُ ْقسِ ُم ِب َھ َذا ا ْل َب َل ِد * َوأَ ْنتَ ِحل ٌّ ِب َھ َذا ا ْل َب َل ِد * َو َوالِ ٍد َو َما َو َلد‬w

(i) Umm ul Mu’minin Sayyidah Ayesha

“I swear by this city! (O Prophet) You are dwelling in this city. And by your Father and his Progeny.” {Surah al Balad; 90: 1-3}

Rasul Allah

% narrated in a long Hadith that the Beloved

] said: “.......O Fatimah! Are you not pleased that you are the Chief of all

Women in Paradise {‘Sayyidata Nisa i Ahl il Jannah’} or Chief of all Believing Women {‘Sayyidata Nisa il Mu’minin’}? On this I began to smile profusely.” {Sahih Bukhari, Kitab ul Manaqib}

One of the ‘Tafsirs’ of this Ayah is as follows:

(ii) Umm ul Mu’minin Sayyidah Ayesha

‘Father’ refers to the Sayyid of the Worlds – the Prophet ] and ‘Children’

Rasul Allah

% narrated in along Hadith that the Beloved

] said: “......O Fatimah! Are you not pleased that you are the Chief of all

refers to the pure children of the Prophet ]. From this, we come to know

Believing Women {‘Sayyidata Nisa il Mu’minin’} or Chief of all the Women of this Nation {‘Sayyidata Nisa i Hazih al Ummah’}?” {Sahih Bukhari, Kitab ul Isti’zan}

that the city of the Prophet ] is more superior and meritorious than all

(iii) Jami’ Tirmizi, Abwab ul Manaqib as narrated by Sayyiduna Huzayfah ‘. (iv) Sunan

cities and the pure progeny of the Prophet ] is greater

than all

Nisai, Kitab Fazail us Sahaba as narrated by Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abbas ‘. (v) Nisai in

other families as Allah Almighty  took an Oath of them. And it is

Sunan al Kubra as narrated by Sayyidah Ayesha %. (vi) Imam Bukhari mentions in Tarikh


al Kabir as narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah ‘. >>>

We are therefore presenting here only some Hadiths for the purpose of

members of my household {Ahl ul Bayt}. I remind you to fear

deriving blessings {‘Barakah’}.

to the members of my household.” {Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fazail us Sahaba}

Hadith 1: 1: : “Verily Allah

that of the Holy Quran

. {‘Iman’},


of the

As, to believe in the Holy Quran is so is to believe in the orders of the

narrated from Sayyiduna Abu Zar

Ghifari ‘ : “The example of my Ahl ul Bayt is like the ship of

Nuh {6}, the one who boards it has

gained salvation and the one who remained aloof will be ruined.”


Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Mu’jam ul Kabir of Imam Tabrani}

Hadith 5: 5: Imam Tirmizi narrated from Sayyiduna Zayd bin Arqam ‘ : “I am leaving amongst you that which if you

and Sayyiduna Husayn ‘ being the ‘Sayyida Shababi Ahl il Jannah’ {Chief of All Young

hold on to it, you shall never go Astray, one of them greater than the other:

Men in Paradise}. They are as follows:

Allah’s Book- a rope extended down from the Heaven to the Earth and my

(i) Sayyiduna Abu Saeed Khudri ‘ narrated that the Beloved Rasul Allah ] said: “Hasan


and Husayn are the Chiefs of Youth in Paradise.” {Jami’ Tirmizi, Abwab ul Manaqib}

until they come to me at the Pond {‘Kawthar’}. Look well to how you act with


(ii) Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah ‘ narrated that the Beloved Rasul Allah ] said: “An Angel in the Heavens never visited me before, so he took permission from Allah Almighty to visit me and gave me this glad tiding that Hasan and Husayn are The Chiefs of all Youth in Paradise {‘Sayyida Shababi Ahl il Jannah’}.” {Imam Nasai mentioned it in Sunan al Kubra and Imam Tibrani in al Mu’jam ul Awsat}


- the People of my House. These two shall never part ways

them after me.” {Jami’ Tirmizi, Abwab ul Manaqib} 5


. There are approximately over 340 Hadiths on the Merits {‘Fazail’} of ‘Ahl ul Bayt’ in

the books of Hadith! We are presenting here one more such Hadith>>>


and then said that the genealogy of the Prophet ] is exempted

Hadith 6: 6: Imam Muslim narrated from Sayyiduna Abdul Muttalib bin


Rabiya ‘ that the Beloved Rasul Allah ] said: “Verily, these Sadaqat are

from the Ayah of the Holy Quran as follows:

y َ‫اءلُون‬ َ ‫س‬ َ ‫اب َب ْي َن ُھ ْم َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ َو َال َي َت‬ َ ‫نس‬ َ َ‫ور َف َال أ‬ ُّ ‫ َفإِ َذا ُنف َِخ فِي ال‬w ِ ‫ص‬

the impurities of people and they are not permissible for Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad.” {Sahih Muslim, Kitab uz Zakat}

“When the Trumpet will be blown, there shall be no relationships among

Hadith 7: 7: It is narrated in ‘Radd ul Mukhtar’, V: 1 in the Chapter of

them, nor will they ask for one another.”

‘Bathing the Dead body’ with reference to the Hadith that : “On the Day of

(in Laws)

relations will get

The genealogical ties and kinship will surely benefit. When the Prophet ] will intercede for the whole Nation {‘Ummah’}


then, how is it possible that

except my genealogical and bridal

relations." {Mustadrak al Hakim} Then it is stated that: “Sayyiduna Umar ‘ married Sayyidah Umm ul


Kulthum % bint Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra % on the basis of this Hadith so

daughter of Sayyidah Fatimah

that he may become an ‘In Law’ of Sayyiduna Ali ‘ in genealogical

said to Sayyiduna Ali ‘: “Marry her to me for I swear I have toward her more dedication

. Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab ‘ married Sayyidah Umm Kulthum % {6-49 A.H}, the

% & Sayyiduna Ali ‘ in 17th Hijri. Sayyiduna Umar ‘

to excellent companionship than any man on the face of the earth!” He gave her a ‘Mehr’ {Marital Dowry} of 40,000 Dirhams just in honour of her lineage to the Beloved RasulAllah ]! They had a son known as Sayyiduna Umar Zayd al Akbar ‘, also known as Ibn al Khalifatayn {i.e. the Son of the Two Khalifas; i.e. Sayyiduna Umar ‘ and Sayyiduna Ali (i) Sayyiduna Jabir bin Abdullah

‘ said: “I saw Allah’s Messenger in his Pilgrimage on

the Day of Arafah as he mounted on his Camel- al Qaswa addressing the people and I heard him say: “O People! I have left among you that which if you hold on to it you shall never go Astray: Allah’s Book and my Mantle {Itra} - the People of my House.” {Jami’ Tirmizi, Abwab ul Manaqib} It is important to note that the Ahl ul Bayt also include the Wives of the Beloved RasulAllah ]- The Ummahat ul Mu’minin {Mothers of the Believers} mainly in the light of this Ayah: “And Remain in your houses and be not unveiled like that of unveiling of the former days of ignorance, and establish prayer and pay-due (Zakat) and obey the commands of Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires, O! The members of the family of Prophet! That He may remove from you every uncleanness and purify you well after cleaning you thoroughly.” {Surah al Ahzab; 33: 33}

‘} and a daughter Sayyidah Ruqayya %. Sayyiduna Zayd al Akbar ‘ died at a very young age in the Khilafah of Sayyiduna Amir Muawiya ‘. Sayyidah Umm Kulthum % died in 49 A.H; Sayyiduna Saeed bin al ‘Aas bin Saeed ‘ or Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar ‘ led her funeral prayers. For details one may read or refer the following famous History books: Tabaqat Ibn Sa’ad (8:337-340 & 8:463-464); Imam Bukhari’s, Tarikh alSaghir (1:102); Imam Tabari’s, Tarikh (4:199 and 5:335); Imam Ibn `Abd al Barr’s, Isti`ab (4:490-491); Imam Nawawi’s, Tahdhib al Asma' wal Lughat (2:267 #1219); Imam Dhahabi’s, Siyar A`lam al Nubala' (Dar al-Fikr ed. 5:22-24) and Tarikh al Islam (4:58-59, 4:137-139, 4:227, 5:21); Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani’s, Isaba (4:492 #1481); Imam Ibn Athir’s, Usud al Ghaba (7:387-388) and al Kamil fi al Tarikh (3:54, 4:12); Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti’s, al Hawi lil Fatawa (2:179); etc. This note has been Abridged & Extracted from Shaykh Gibril Haddad’s article.

he can not intercede for his own progeny. The superiority of ‘Sa’adat’ is mainly because they are the family of the Prophet ].


Hadith 8: 8: : “The Quarysh has precedence over the people in the matters of

ruling, the Muslims follow the Muslims amongst them, and the Infidels 7

. The great Hanafi Jurist Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Quadri wrote an excellent and concise

book on Intercession {‘Shafa’at’} titled ‘Assama’ ul Arbayin fi Shafa’ati Sayyid ul Mursalin’ in which he collected 40 Hadiths on the topic. This monologue is present in ‘Al Ataya un Nabviya fi Fatawa ur Razviya’, V: 29, Raza Foundation. 8 . (i) Imam Sayyid Muhammad Amin Ibn Abidin Shami says that Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Bayhaqi and Hakim have narrated with an Authentic Chain {‘Sahih Sanad’} from Sayyiduna Abu Saeed

‘ that the Beloved Rasul Allah ] said

standing on the pulpit {‘Mimbar’}: “What kind of people are those who say that the Prophet of Allah can not even help his relatives on the Day of Judgement. Remember! I will benefit them both in this world {‘Dunya’} and the world Here-after {‘Akhirah’}.” {Rasail Ibn Abidin Shami, 1:5, Suhayl Academy} (ii) Imam Shami states that Tibrani in his ‘Mu’jam’ narrates through an


follow the Infidels


amongst them.......”

{Sahih Bukhari, Kitab Fazail

wa Manaqib un Nabi was Sahaba}

Hadith 9: 9: : “The authority of ruling shall remain among the Quraysh, even if

only two of them remained.”

{Sahih Bukhari, Kitab Fazail wa Manaqib un Nabi was


From these Hadiths, we come to know that all Muslims are under the ruling of Quraysh and Muslim Khilafat is only for the Quraysh!


Rational and Logical Proofs Logic also demands that the family of the Prophet ] should be more superior


and eminent


than all other families due to the

following reasons: Proof 1 When the pebbles, stones and animals have respect affiliation or connection



due to the

to the Prophet ] in such a way that the

Authentic Chain {‘Sahih Sanad’} from Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abbas ‘ that the Beloved

She- Camel of the Prophet ] is far more meritorious

Rasul Allah ] said to Sayyidah Fatimah %: “Allah Almighty will not punish you or your

camels; the pebbles and stones of the Prophet’s ] city

progeny.” {Rasail Ibn Abidin Shami, 1:5, Suhayl Academy} (iii) Imam Shami further mentions that Tibrani, Darqutni and the compiler of ‘Kitab ul Firdaws’ narrated from Sayyiduna Abdullah bin

more meritorious than the crowns of Kings as Allah Almighty  took its

Intercession will be for that follower {‘Ummati’} of mine who loves my Ahl ul Bayt.” {Kanz ul Ummal; V: 14; H# 39057}


y َ‫ال أ ُ ْقسِ ُم ِب َھ َذا ا ْل َب َل ِد* َوأَ ْنتَ ِحل ٌّ ِب َھ َذا ا ْل َب َل ِد * َو َوالِ ٍد َو َما َو َلد‬w “I swear by this city! (O Prophet) You are dwelling in this city. And by your

the Day of Judgment, then for those who were near them, then for the Ansar …….” {Rasail Ibn Abidin Shami, 1:5, Suhayl Academy} It is not only the ‘Ahl ul Bayt’ who will receive Intercession but also those who profusely love them as mentioned in the Hadith as follows:

‘ narrated that the Beloved RasulAllah ] said: “My

than other

oath {‘Qasam’} in the Holy Quran......

Umar ‘ that the Beloved Rasul Allah ] said: “I will Intercede first for my Ahl ul Bayt on

(iv) Sayyiduna Ali bin Abu Talib


father and his Progeny.” {Surah al Balad; 90: 1-3} 9

. The great Hanafi Jurist of India, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan wrote an excellent epistle on this topic entitled ‘Dawam ul Aysh fil Ayimmata min Quraysh’ which is present in ‘Al Ataya un Nabviya fi Fatawa ur Razviya’, V: 14, Raza Foundation.

Then those who are

part of the Prophet’s ] body; and the Light


of his eyes must be

surely more meritorious than other families.

the Hellfire!” When the reaching of the Prophet’s ] Blood in one's stomach has so much effect then what can be said of the Greatness {‘Azmat’} of those whose body is from the Blood of the Prophet ]? Proof 5

Proof 2 All Muslims can accept ‘Zakah’

{‘Annual Poor-Due}

and ‘Sadaqahs’


but Sayyids can not accept ‘Zakahs’ or any other ‘Wajib Sadaqah’ {‘Compulsory Charity’} Kitab uz Zakat}.

because these are the Impurities of wealth.

{Sahih Muslim,

If their genealogy was also like other genealogies, then like

The Prophet ] is the Leader of all Prophets. In this way, all the things which are associated with the Prophet ] are superior

and superior {‘A’la’} than other genealogies.


is superior to all other nations......

y‫اس‬ ِ ‫ ُكن ُت ْم َخ ْي َر أ ُ َّم ٍة أ ُ ْخ ِر َجتْ لِل َّن‬w “You are the best among all nations that appeared unto mankind......” {Surah Ale Imran; 3: 110}

Proof 3 The Sa’adat also have this eminence and nobility

than the

things associated with all other Prophets! See, the Prophet’s ] Nation

others, it would have been permissible for them to accept ‘Zakah’. From this, we come to know that this respected genealogy is highly pure, clean


All the Wives of the Prophet ] are more meritorious {‘Sharf’}

that in ‘Durud

Ibrahim’ offered in the ‘Salah’, Durud is also sent upon them along with the Prophet ]! “O Allah send Greetings and Blessings on the Master Muhammad and on the Progeny of Master Muhammad” (Allah Humma Salli Ala’ Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Ala’ Ali Sayyidina Muhammadin). Pathan,

Shaykh, etc genealogies have not been included in the Durud except this


than all the

wives of the world.....

y◌ۚ ِ‫اء ال َّن ِب ِّي َل ْس ُتنَّ َكأ َ َح ٍد ِّمنَ ال ِّنسَاء‬ َ ‫ِس‬ َ ‫ َيا ن‬w “O wives of the Prophet! You are not like other women........” {Surah al Ahzab; 33: 32}

The city of the Prophet ] is more meritorious than all the cities of other

Take it in this way that the respect and reverence of

Prophets. The companions {‘Sahaba’} of the Prophet ] are more meritorious

this family is included in the ‘Salah’! Therefore, we come to know that this

than the companions of all other Prophets. Based upon this same principle,

family is superior than all other families.

the progeny of the Prophet ] should be more meritorious and superior

Proof 4

than the progeny of all other Prophets. Otherwise, it may seem strange that



Sayyiduna Talha ‘

drank the Blood of the Prophet ] out

of fear of showing disrespect to it. So, the Prophet ] said: “Now, there will be no aches in your stomach! And Allah Almighty  will protect you from

the affiliation or connection {‘Nisbah’} of the Prophet ] to all things makes them more meritorious and superior than all other things and his own respected progeny may be deprived of this same effect!

Answers to Objections on this Matter Matter

“....The Honour is for Allah and His Messenger and Mu’minin (Believers) ....” {Surah al Munafiqun; 63: 8}

In the previous pages, answer to the question of the Questioner was being presented; and now are the answers to the objections of ‘Zayd’!

In this Ayah, all Muslims are included. With out any doubt, you can understand it in this way that, ‘All Prophets are Respectful and even the

Objection 1

smallest disrespect of any of them is Infidelity

The Ayah presented by ‘Zayd’ is:

ُ ‫اس إِ َّنا َخ َل ْق َنا ُكم ِّمن َذ َك ٍر َوأُن َث ٰى َو َج َع ْل َنا ُك ْم‬ ‫ار ُفوا ۚ◌ إِنَّ أَ ْك َر َم ُك ْم‬ َ ‫ش ُعو ًبا َو َق َبا ِئل َ ِل َت َع‬ ُ ‫ َيا أَ ُّي َھا ال َّن‬w y‫ير‬ ٌ ‫عِندَ ال َّلـ ِه أَ ْت َقا ُك ْم ۚ◌ إِنَّ ال َّلـ َه َعلِي ٌم َخ ِب‬ “O people! We have created you from one man and one woman and made you in branches and tribes that you may recognize one another. Undoubtedly, the most respected among you in the sight of Allah is one who is more pious; Verily, Allah is Knowing, Aware.” {Surah al Hujarat; 49: 13}


But, some Prophets

are more meritorious than the others.’ Or in this way that, ‘No one should abandon piety {‘Taqwa’} due to genealogical superiority. Rather, it should be kept in mind that higher the piety, higher is the status of one before Allah Almighty . People with higher genealogies should have higher piety. Or the meaning of this Ayah may be that, one tribe or family should not taunt another tribe or family nor should think another Muslim as menial or base - born {‘Kameen’} nor should make fun of another Muslim due to his tribe or family. It is compulsory


to respect and revere every Muslim. The

exegation {‘Tafsir’} of the above Ayah is this Ayah of the Holy Quran...........

Answer Answer

progenies. If this had been the meaning of this Ayah then it would be

ٍ‫ِسا ٌء ِّمن ِّن َساء‬ َ ‫س ٰى أَن َي ُكو ُنوا َخ ْي ًرا ِّم ْن ُھ ْم َو َال ن‬ َ ‫ َيا أَ ُّي َھا ا َّلذِينَ آ َم ُنوا َال َي ْس َخ ْر َق ْو ٌم ِّمن َق ْو ٍم َع‬w ِ ‫س ُك ْم َو َال َت َنا َب ُزوا ِب ْاألَ ْل َقا‬ ‫س ِاال ْس ُم‬ َ ‫ب ۖ◌ ِب ْئ‬ َ ‫س ٰى أَن َي ُكنَّ َخ ْي ًرا ِّم ْن ُھنَّ ۖ◌ َو َال َت ْل ِم ُزوا أَن ُف‬ َ ‫َع‬ ُ َّ َ ُ ۚ َ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ُ‫وق‬ y َ‫ان ◌ َو َمن ل ْم َيت ْب فأول ٰـ ِئك ُھ ُم الظالِ ُمون‬ ‫س‬ ُ ‫الف‬ ِ َ‫َب ْعد‬ ِ ‫اإلي َم‬

against all those Ayahs which have been presented in the previous pages.

“O Believers! Let not the men scoff at the men, perchance they may be

Therefore, the meaning of this Ayah is that, ‘All Muslims are respectful

better than those who scoff, and nor than those who scoff, and not the

irrespective of the tribe to which they belong. Do not think any Islamic

women at other women, perchance that they may be better than those

tribe as dishonourable or disgraceful {‘Zaleel’} as was the custom among the

women who scoff, and do not taunt one another and not call one another

that they used to consider some tribes as

by nicknames. What a bad name it is to be called a Disobedient after being

The meaning of this Ayah is not what ‘Zayd’ understood, that is, in Islam; the progeny of the Prophet ] has no precedence or superiority over other


despicable or contemptible {‘Zaleel’}.


and dishonourable or disgraceful

Therefore, no tribe among the Muslims is dishonourable or

disgraceful. Though, some are meritorious


Almighty  says:

than others. Allah

a Muslim, and those who do not repent, they are the unjust.” {Surah al Hujarat; 49: 11}

Due the superiority of one’s family it does not become necessary that the other families become dishonoured or disgraced

y َ‫سولِ ِه َو ِل ْل ُم ْؤ ِمنِين‬ ُ ‫ َولِ َّلـ ِه ا ْلع َِّزةُ َول َِر‬w


Therefore, the

respected ‘Sa’adat’ do not have any right to consider other Muslims as

despicable or contemptible {‘Zaleel’}


and dishonourable or disgraceful

because respect of every Muslim is compulsory. Similarly, other

Muslims should respect and revere the ‘Sa’adat’ as they are the family of the Prophet ]; the Prophet ] who taught us the ‘Kalima’ and bestowed us with Faith {‘Iman’} and the Holy Quran! Objection 2 Some people get confused by this Ayah:

y◌ۚ ‫ َلن َتن َف َع ُك ْم أَ ْر َحا ُم ُك ْم َو َال أَ ْو َال ُد ُك ْم ۚ◌ َي ْو َم ا ْل ِق َيا َم ِة َي ْفصِ ل ُ َب ْي َن ُك ْم‬w “Never will your relatives or your children benefit you on the Day of Judgement.........”

‫اء ُت ْل ُقونَ إِ َل ْي ِھم ِبا ْل َم َودَّ ِة َو َقدْ َك َف ُروا ِب َما‬ َ ‫ َيا أَ ُّي َھا ا َّلذِينَ آ َم ُنوا َال َت َّت ِخ ُذوا َعد ُِّوي َو َعد َُّو ُك ْم أَ ْو ِل َي‬w ‫سول َ َوإِ َّيا ُك ْم ۙ◌ أَن ُت ْؤ ِم ُنوا ِبال َّلـ ِه َر ِّب ُك ْم إِن ُكن ُت ْم َخ َر ْج ُت ْم ِج َھادًا‬ ُ ‫الر‬ َّ َ‫اء ُكم ِّمنَ ا ْل َحقِّ ُي ْخ ِر ُجون‬ َ ‫َج‬ ۚ◌ ‫ضاتِي ۚ◌ ُتسِ ُّرونَ إِ َل ْي ِھم ِبا ْل َم َودَّ ِة َوأَ َنا أَ ْع َل ُم ِب َما أَ ْخ َف ْي ُت ْم َو َما أَ ْع َلن ُت ْم‬ َ َ ‫اء َم ْر‬ َ ‫س ِبيلِي َوا ْبتِغ‬ َ ‫فِي‬ َ َ ْ ْ y◌ِ ‫الس ِبيل‬ َّ ‫اء‬ َ ‫س َو‬ َ َّ ‫ضل‬ َ ْ‫َو َمن َيف َعل ُه مِن ُك ْم فقد‬ “O Believers! Take not for friends My and your enemies, you deliver the news to them in friendship while they are deniers of the Truth that has come to you, and drive out the Messenger and you from homes because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you have come out in My path to struggle and to seek My pleasure take them not for friends; you send them secret message of love, while I Know well what you conceal and what you reveal. And whoever of you does so, has, undoubtedly gone astray from the Straight path.”

{Surah al Mumtahina; 60: 3}

{Surah al Mumtahina; 60: 1}

From this Ayah, we come to know that on the Day of Judgement {‘Qiyamah’}, neither genealogy will benefit nor children. The word ‘Arhamukum’ and

‘Awladukum’ includes all relatives and children whether they are of the Prophets or the Friends of Allah {‘Awliya Allah’}. Answer Answer This Ayah addresses those Muslims whose relatives and children were Infidels


and who due to their relations with

them {‘Kafirs’} used to support them. In this Ayah, it is said to such Muslims that: Do not support their relatives who are Infidels in comparison to Islam! Therefore, this Ayah does not have any connection with the relatives and righteous children of the respected Prophets because Allah Almighty  starts this same Paragraph {‘Ruku’} with this Ayah:

And this paragraph of the Holy Quran was revealed for Sayyiduna Hatib bin Abi Balt’a ‘ who for the sake of protection of his near and dear ones used to spy for the Infidels of Makkah and send them in writing the secrets of Muslims as his children were with the Infidels in Makkah. It is in the last part of this Ayah that:

y◌ۚ ‫ َي ْو َم ا ْل ِق َيا َم ِة َي ْفصِ ل ُ َب ْي َن ُك ْم‬w “On the Day of Judgement, He shall separate you from them.....” {Surah al Mumtahina; 60: 3}

This clearly means that the Muslims will enter Paradise and the Infidels will enter Hell. Soon after this Ayah, Allah Almighty  also informs Muslims of the incident of Sayyiduna Ibrahim 6 who for the sake of

Islam had completely terminated his relationship with his people who were Infidels.


These Ayahs prove that the Ayah brought as an Objection actually refers to Children and Relatives who are Infidels!

From all the Ayahs quoted, we come to know that the above mentioned

Objection 3

Ayah is for relatives who are Infidels and the exegation {‘Tafsir’} of this Ayah

y َ◌ ‫اءلُون‬ َ ‫س‬ َ ‫اب َب ْي َن ُھ ْم َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ َو َال َي َت‬ َ ‫نس‬ َ َ‫ور َف َال أ‬ ُّ ‫ َفإِ َذا ُنف َِخ فِي ال‬w ِ ‫ص‬

are the following Ayahs of the Holy Quran:

‫اء ُھ ْم‬ َ ‫سو َل ُه َو َل ْو َكا ُنوا آ َب‬ ُ ‫ َّال َت ِج ُد َق ْو ًما ُي ْؤ ِم ُنونَ ِبال َّلـ ِه َوا ْل َي ْو ِم ْاآلخ ِِر ُي َوا ُّدونَ َمنْ َحادَّ ال َّلـ َه َو َر‬w y◌ۚ ‫ير َت ُھ ْم‬ َ ِ‫اء ُھ ْم أَ ْو إِ ْخ َوا َن ُھ ْم أَ ْو َعش‬ َ ‫أَ ْو أَ ْب َن‬

“Then when the Trumpet shall be blown, there shall be no relationships

“You will not find people who believe in Allah and the Last Day taking as

This Ayah shows that no genealogy is of benefit on the Day of Judgement

their friends those who opposed Allah and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kinsmen. ” {Surah al Mujadilah; 58: 22}

The Quran further states:

y◌ۚ ‫اح َذ ُرو ُھ ْم‬ ْ ‫ َيا أَ ُّي َھا ا َّلذِينَ آ َم ُنوا إِنَّ مِنْ أَ ْز َوا ِج ُك ْم َوأَ ْو َال ِد ُك ْم َعد ًُّوا َّل ُك ْم َف‬w “O Believers! Some of your wives and children are your enemies, so beware of them. But, if you pardon them and over look and forgive, then, undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” {Surah al Taghabun; 64: 14} 10

. The Holy Quran states: “Undoubtedly, there was a good example to follow for you in

Ibrahim and his companions, when they said to their people, ‘Undoubtedly, we quit you and that which you worship besides Allah. We deny you and there has appeared enmity and hatred between us and you for ever; until you believe in One Allah’, but the saying of Ibrahim to his father, ‘I will surely ask forgiveness for you, and I have no authority to benefit you against Allah.’ ‘O Our Lord! In You we put our trust and to You we turn, and to You is the final return.” {Surah al Mumtahina; 60: 4}

among them, nor will they ask for one another.” {Surah al Mu’minun; 23: 101}


whether they are that of Prophets or that of Friends of Allah



Therefore, there is no difference between Sayyids and

Non-Sayyids. Answer Answer This Ayah informs about the terror and fear Judgement and the confusion and chaos


{‘Afra Tafri’}

on the Day of

at the time of its

starting when there will appear the Justice of the Lord

{‘Adal Ilahi’}.


love and help for one's progeny and dear ones would come to an end. Everyone will look after themselves only and no one will think about others. The details of this condition are presented by Allah Almighty  at another place as follows:

َ ‫ئ ِّم ْن ُھ ْم َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ‬ ٌ‫شأْن‬ ْ ِّ ‫صا ِح َب ِت ِه َو َبنِي ِه * لِ ُكل‬ َ ‫ َي ْو َم َيف ُِّر ا ْل َم ْر ُء مِنْ أَخِي ِه * َوأ ُ ِّم ِه َوأَ ِبي ِه * َو‬w ٍ ‫ام ِر‬ y ‫ُي ْغنِي ِه‬ “On that Day man will flee from his brother; and from his mother and his father; and from his wife and his sons. Every one of them on that Day has one anxiety that is enough for him.” {Surah al Abasa; 80: 34-37}

This Ayah does not negate the merits and greatness of some genealogies.

“Close friends shall be foes to one another on that Day except the God-

In-fact, the greatness of genealogies is another thing and the terror and


fear on the Day of Judgement is a different thing. At the start of the Day of

{Surah al Zukhruf; 43: 67}

Judgement, even the other great Prophets will also deny Intercession

Therefore, the Ayah brought as objection neither proves that, there is no

and except our Rasul Allah ] no one would dare to speak before

greatness of the genealogies of the Prophets in this world nor that they will


Allah Almighty . So, from this Fear of Allah Almighty , does it become

be of any benefit on the Day of Judgement!

necessary that these Prophets of Allah ] have no merits or greatness?

Objection 4

Certainly not! And also remember that the terror and fear on the Day of Judgement would be for common Muslims. Some special people or bondsmen of Allah Almighty  would be free from such terror and fear. The Holy Quran states:

It is in the Hadith that every one are from the children of Sayyiduna Adam

6 and Sayyiduna Adam 6 was created from dust. Therefore, we come to know that all are equal in genealogies and none has any merit over the other!

y َ‫وعدُون‬ َ ‫ َال َي ْح ُز ُن ُھ ُم ا ْل َف َز ُع ْاألَ ْك َب ُر َو َت َت َل َّقا ُھ ُم ا ْل َم َال ِئ َك ُة ھ َٰـ َذا َي ْو ُم ُك ُم ا َّلذِي ُكن ُت ْم ُت‬w

Answer Answer

“The great terror shall not grieve them and the Angels will come to greet

The meaning of this Hadith is that, no tribe should consider another tribe

them (saying) that this is your Day which you were promised.”

or family as dishonourable and disgraceful or bad as the origin of every

{Surah al Anbia; 21: 103}

man is mud. And as dust or mud represents Humility and lowliness and

And it further states:

due to these characteristics, it produces fruits and flowers, gardens and

y َ◌ ‫ف َع َل ْي ِھ ْم َو َال ُھ ْم َي ْح َز ُنون‬ ٌ ‫اء ال َّلـ ِه َال َخ ْو‬ َ ‫أَ َال إِنَّ أَ ْولِ َي‬w “Listen carefully! No doubt, there is no fear nor any grief upon the Friends of Allah.” {Surah Yunus; 10: 62}

It is established from the Holy Quran that Friendship of Loved ones of Allah  {i.e. ‘Awliya Allah’} with Him will be same on that Day also and will not change! Whereas other friendships will turn into enmities! Allah Almighty  says:

y َ‫ض َعد ٌُّو إِ َّال ا ْل ُم َّتقِين‬ ٍ ‫ض ُھ ْم ِل َب ْع‬ ُ ‫ ْاألَخ َِّال ُء َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ َب ْع‬w

farms. Whereas, fire represents Pride and Arrogance, therefore, it produces nothing and has no such benefit. This Hadith certainly does not mean that one genealogy does not have Merit over another genealogy, but in fact this Hadith points out that some genealogies are meritorious than other genealogies as the origin of all human race is mud and some dust or mud are meritorious than other mud. The mud of Madinah Munawwarah is meritorious than the mud of other places. The mud or dust of Mosque


is meritorious than the

mud of market places. The mud or dust which flew from the hoofs of Sayyiduna Jibrail’s 6 Horse is meritorious and better than the dust which

flew due to the hoofs of Pharaoh’s




The mud of a fertile

land is better than the mud of infertile land as nothing grows in it! Similarly, the mud or dust of people from the genealogies which have connection with the Prophets is more meritorious and better than the mud or dust of people of other genealogies.

. Imam Muslim mentions this Hadith in Kitab ul Iman, the Chapter: ‘Bab Bayani Anna

man Maata alal Kufri Fahuwa fil Nar wala Tanaluhu Shafa’atun wala Tanfa’uhu Qarabatul Muqarribina’ i.e. ‘The one who died in Infidelity {‘Kufr’} will be in Hell-fire, the Intersession of his dear ones and their relationships will not benefit.’ There are three Hadiths in this Chapter in which Sayyidah Fatimah % is being addressed

It should be noted that mud or dust has the following two characteristics: i. It always falls towards the earth when it is thrown in the air by some

while in other Hadiths various other people, clans and tribes are also being addressed. The three Hadiths in which Sayyidah Fatimah is being addressed are as follows, (i) Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah

‘ narrated that when this Ayah was revealed “And warn your nearest Kinsmen (relatives).”{Surah ash Shu’ara; 26: 214} the


Beloved Rasul Allah

ii. Mud or dust is always in need of water so that Fruits and Flowers may be grown in it. Similarly, every Human being due to natural inherent causes falls towards lowliness, though sometimes due to the blessings of those who are near to Allah Almighty , one also becomes exalted and receives blessings {‘Fayz’} from Allah Almighty . The respected ‘Sa’adat’ donot have this greatness due to their own personal beings, but in fact they are great because the connection and affiliation


of the Prophet ] has made them

exalted. Objection 5 It is in the Hadith that the Prophet ] said: “O Fatimah! Take whatever you want from my wealth for I cannot ward off the punishment of Allah from you.”




. Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Ashrafi states the details of this incident in another great

book of his titled, ‘Mawayiz e Nayimiya’ on page: 103-104. For details one may refer it.

] gathered the notables and common people of Quraysh and said:

“O the family members of Ka’ab bin Luwai! Safe yourselves from Hell, O the family members of Murrah bin Ka’ab! Safe yourselves from Hell, O the family members of Abdi Shams! Safe yourselves from Hell, O the family members of Abdi Manaf! Safe yourselves from Hell, O Banu Hashim! Safe yourselves from Hell, O Bani Abdul Muttalib! Safe yourselves from Hell, O Fatima! Safe yourself from Hell, because I am not a Master of any of Allah Almighty’s things by myself, except that I am your relative and I will soon benefit you with this relationship.” (ii) Umm ul Mu’minin Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa

% narrated that when this Ayah was

revealed, “And warn your nearest Kinsmen (relatives).”{Surah ash Shu’ara, 26: 214}, the Beloved RasulAllah

] climbed the hill of Safa and said: “O Fatima bint

Muhammad! O Safiya bint Abdul Muttalib! O the children of Abdul Muttalib! I am not a master capable of warding off the punishment of Allah from you. But, you may take anything from my wealth as you like.” (iii) Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah

‘ narrated that when this Ayah was revealed, “And warn your nearest Kinsmen (relatives).”{Surah ash Shu’ara, 26: 214}, the Beloved Rasul Allah ] said: “O the people of Quraysh! Sell yourselves to Allah. I cannot ward off any thing coming from Allah from you. O Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib! I cannot ward off any punishment of Allah from you. O Safiya- the aunt of RasulAllah! I cannot ward off any punishment of Allah from you. O Fatima bint Muhammad! Take anything as you like from me, but, I cannot ward off any punishment of Allah from you.”

We come to know from this Hadith that the relation of Rasul Allah ] does

The person who is from the genealogy or the family of the Prophet ], but

not even benefit his own daughter. Then how would it benefit other

is not a Believer

Sayyids? The state of Prophet’s ] genealogy is same as is the state of other

Muslims at all. < in the first place>


Allah Almighty  says to Sayyiduna Nuh 6 as follows: Answer


“He said, ‘O Nuh! He is not of your family. No doubt his work is not

The objective is to

righteous; .......”


{Surah Hud; 11: 46}

“O Fatimah! Accept ‘Iman’, if you do not accept ‘Iman’ then all this genealogical relationship will not benefit.”

then they are not Sayyids because they are not

y◌ۖ ‫صال ٍِح‬ َ ‫س مِنْ أَھْ ِل َك ۖ◌ إِ َّن ُه َع َمل ٌ َغ ْي ُر‬ َ ‫ح إِ َّن ُه َل ْي‬ ُ ‫ َقال َ َيا ُنو‬w

This Hadith belongs to the early period of propagation of Islam. The Prophet ] is commanding them to bring Faith



Any ‘Mirzayi’






‘Wahhabi’ {Ahle Hadith, Deobandi and Jamat Islami}

‘Chakdalvi’ 17

{Ahle Quran}



cannot be a Sayyid. Because,


The Beloved RasulAllah ] said these words standing on the Hill of Safa in Makkah, thus

. Mirzai: This sect is also called as 'Qadiyani' and are named after Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani who claimed to be a Revivalist {'Mujaddid'} in 1884 C.E, then opposed the life of Sayyiduna Isa and claimed himself to be 'Masih' in 1308 A.H/ 1891 C.E and then finally declared his Prophethood in 1318 A.H/ 1901 C.E and was therefore declared an Infidel {'Kafir'} by the scholars of Ahl us Sunnah of the Arab world and the Indian subcontinent in numerous books, the first and the most important of which are 'Hussam ul Haramayn' of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan and 'As Sawarim ul Hindiya' of Shaykh Hashmat Ali Khan Lukhnavi. 15 . Rafzi: This sect is also known as the 'Shiya' and is one of the most ancient sects of Islam having come into existence during the era of Amir ul Mu'minin Sayyiduna Ali bin Abu

indicating it was during the earlier period of propagation! And the Ayah of the Holy



. This saying of Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Ashrafi is based on Imam Muslim naming the

Chapter in Sahih Muslim as follows: ‘Bab Bayani Anna man Maata alal Kufri Fahuwa fil Nar wala Tanaluhu Shafa’atun wala Tanfa’uhu Qarabatul Muqarribina’ i.e. ‘The one who died in Infidelity {‘Kufr’} will be in Hell-fire, the Intersession of his dear ones and their relationships will not benefit.’ If one reads, one can clearly notice that this Hadith belongs to the earlier period of Islam and was said so as to warn the Quraysh to accept Islam and Faith {‘Iman’} and do not be contended with this that they are the relatives of the Prophet ] and belong to his tribe.

Quran is also Makkan which commands the Prophet ] to warn his kinsmen. Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Ashrafi writes in ‘Tafsir al Nayimi’: “All the Ayahs and Hadiths pertaining to the refusal of Intercession by the Beloved RasulAllah

] refer to ‘Kuffar’

. Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra % is also being warned of the same thing that: ‘If you do not accept ‘Iman’, then your Intercession will not occur.’ Therefore, in many Ayahs by revealing ‘Illa’, they have been exempted !” {Tafsir al Nayimi; 1: 366}

‘. This sect exalts the status of Sayyiduna Ali bin Abu Talib ‘ much beyond

permissible limits. They are themselves branched into several sub-sects among which some declare Sayyiduna Ali as the 1st Khalifa and declare the majority of the Sahaba of the Beloved Prophet

] as Infidels, while some raise Sayyiduna Ali ‘ to the rank of

Prophethood and while some to the rank of Allah Almighty! . Chakdalvi: This sect is also famously known as the 'Ahl ul Quran' and was founded by Mawlvi Abdullah Chakdalvi. The main characteristic of this sect is that they balantly deny the Hadiths and hold that Hadiths are the basis of differences among the Muslims. They


for being a Sayyid, Faith and Belief {‘Iman’} are compulsory and these astray advocate that the Holy Quran is enough for one's salvation and there is no need of Hadiths in Islam for Muslims. They are the most recent sect to have come into existence from the Wahhabiya or Ahl ul Hadith. It can be said that they are the most advance version of 'Ahl ul Hadith' in astrayness! 17 . Wahhabi: The most Notorious and Dangerous of the present day astray Sects are the present day ‘Khawarij’ more commonly known as the ‘Wahhabiya Najdiya’ founded by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najdi {1111-1207 A.H/1699-1792 C.E} upon the Principles of ‘Khawarij’, Shaykh Taquiuddin Ahmad Ibn Taymiya and Shaykh Ibn Qayyim Jawzi. The ‘Wahhabiya’ movement came into Limelight in 1143 A.H / 1730 C.E and took 50 years to spread in the Arabian Peninsula with the help of Muhammad bin Saud {the ancestor of the present Wahhabi Saudi dynasty of Saudi Arabia}. In India, this Astray Sect was brought from ‘Najd’ by Shah Ismail Dehlavi {1193-1246 A.H/1780-1833 C.E} who wrote the Heretical book named ‘Taqwiyat ul Iman’. Thereafter, the ‘Wahhabiya’ got divided into Two prominent Sects on the Basis of ‘Fiqh’ as ‘Wahhabiya - Muqallidin’ and ‘Wahhabiya - Ghayr Muqallidin’ . These both Sects of 'Wahhabiya' remained firmly Unified in their 'Aqayid' {Beliefs and Doctrines} and have only differences in 'Fiqh' {Jurispudence}. The 'Wahhabiya - Muqallidin' were also known as 'Wahhabiya-Ishaqiya' while the 'Wahhabiya - Ghayr Muqallidin' were known as 'Wahhabiya-Ismailiya' after their respective chief Scholars i.e Shah Ishaq Dehlavi and Shah Ismail Dehlavi. The 'Wahhabiya- Muqallidin or Ishaqiya' are today known as 'Deobandiya or Tablighi Jamat' after their Chief Centre of learning 'Deoband' and the 'Tablighi Jamat' is its chief operating arm. The 'Wahhabiya- Ghayr Muqallidin' later named them-selves as 'Ahle Hadith' to avoid Muslim wrath and ban! Nowadays, these same 'Wahhabiya- Ghayr Muqallidin' or 'Ahle Hadith' have again changed their name into 'Salafiya' to avoid the wrath and ban of 'Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamah' and Muslims all over the world. These 'Wahhabiya' Sects frequently change their names and disguises. The notorious 'Deobandiya' or 'Tablighi Jamat' is difficult to identify as they freely mingle with the Muslim population and practice 'Taqlid' as do the mainstream Muslims or 'Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamah'. Therefore, the common people find it hard to identify them as some of their 'Outward' Practices such as 'Salah' and 'Sawm' are similar to

people are away from it. Due to Infidelity an Infidel



all genealogical relations break away. Therefore,

cannot marry a Believer


cannot inherit a

Believer’s wealth and cannot be buried in the graveyard of Believers {‘Mu’minin’}.

When the Infidel children will not inherit the wealth of a

Muslim father, then, how is it possible that they can inherit the genealogical Nobility and Greatness of their father? Abu Lahab


belongs to the ‘Bani Hashim’, but he does not have any

nobility. Therefore, only those respected Sayyids who are Believers {‘Mu’min’}

will benefit from the noble genealogy of the Prophet ]. All

Muslims will benefit due to their relation


with the Prophet ] in

such a way that those who will be destined for Hell will instead go to Heaven and the Sinful will be pardoned or forgiven. When affiliation or relation or connection


with the Prophet ] which is Spiritual can

'Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamah'! But, these 'Deobandiya' hold the 'Aqayid' of 'Wahhabiya' and trace their scholarly ancestry and history to 'Khawarij', Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najdi and Shah Ismail Dehlavi. Apart from these old 'Wahhabi' Sects, some new Heretical groups have emerged from them such as the famous 'Jamat Islami' of Syed Abul Ala Mawdudi, the 'Naychariya' {Naturalists} of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Mawlvi Shibli Numani, the 'Nadviya' from 'Nadvat ul Ulama', the 'Ahle Quran' or 'Chakdralviya', the 'Tanzim e Islami' of Mawlvi Israr Ahmad and the most recent being the ‘Ghamidiya’ of Mawlvi Javed Ahmad Ghamidi. In-fact, there are more than 20 such sub-sects originating from the ‘Wahhabiya’ {Khawarij’}!!! 18

. Abu Lahab was the paternal uncle of the Prophet ] and belonged to ‘Bani Hashim’

which is the noblest tribe of the Quraysh. He used to taunt and rebuke the Prophet ] and died as an Infidel. It is in his rebuttal that Allah Almighty revealed Surah Lahab (S # 111).

benefit then why not Genealogical relation (through Blood-ties)


which is both Physical

and Spiritual?

The Ayahs and Hadiths on Intercession {‘Shafa’at’} are numerous from which we come to know that every person who dies with Faith


certainly become worthy of the Prophet’s ] Intercession.

Allah Almighty  says:

‫س ُھ ْم َجا ُءو َك‬ َ ‫اع ِبإِ ْذ ِن ال َّلـ ِه ۚ◌ َو َل ْو أَ َّن ُھ ْم إِذ َّظ َل ُموا أَن ُف‬ َ ‫ول إِ َّال ِل ُي َط‬ ُ ‫س ْل َنا مِن َّر‬ َ ‫ َو َما أَ ْر‬w ٍ ‫س‬ y‫سول ُ َل َو َجدُوا ال َّلـ َه َت َّوا ًبا َّرحِي ًما‬ ُ ‫الر‬ َّ ‫اس َت ْغ َف َر َل ُھ ُم‬ ْ ‫اس َت ْغ َف ُروا ال َّلـ َه َو‬ ْ ‫َف‬

Therefore, the Progeny of the Prophet ] will certainly benefit from special Intercession {‘Shafa’at’} of the Prophet ].

Epilogue and Important Guidance

“And We did not send any Messenger but that he should be obeyed by Allah’s Will. And when they do injustice to their souls, then O Prophet (Messenger)!


They should come to you and then beg forgiveness of Allah and

the Messenger should Intercede for them, then surely, they would find Allah Most Relenting, Merciful.”

The following are some important points and special guidelines regarding the respected ‘Sa’adat’. First Guideline: Guideline: The progeny of Sayyiduna Ali bin Abu Talib ‘ who were born from the Chief-Lady of the Paradise - Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra % are

{Surah an Nisa; 4: 64}

known as Sayyid. The children of Sayyiduna Ali ‘ from his other wives

Allah Almighty  says:

are known as ‘Alavi’ and not Sayyids; for example Sayyiduna Muhammad

y َ‫ َو َما َكانَ ال َّلـ ُه ِل ُي َع ِّذ َب ُھ ْم َوأَنتَ فِي ِھ ْم ۚ◌ َو َما َكانَ ال َّلـ ُه ُم َع ِّذ َب ُھ ْم َو ُھ ْم َي ْس َت ْغ ِف ُرون‬w

bin Hanafiya ‘, etc. All these Merits are for that progeny which is from

“And Allah is not One to chastise them, till (O Prophet) you are in their midst.

the Lady of Paradise - Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra % because these people are

And Allah is not to chastise them, whilst they are begging forgiveness.” {Surah al Anfal; 8: 33}

The Beloved Master

] himself {‘Ummah’}.”

{Jami’ Tirmizi, Sunan Abu Dawud and Sunan Ibn Majah}

narrated that> The Prophet


says: “My Intercession is for the Major Sinners of my Nation
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