The Sound of Music - Script (1)

February 23, 2017 | Author: Diana Murphy | Category: N/A
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Rodgers and Hammerstein’s

THE SOUND OF MUSIC CAST Captain Von Trapp : Michael Joshua Fräulein Maria :Sherina Wijaya Rolf : Ken Adrian Liesl : Sifra Siregar Friedrick : Jessadani Lukas (Louisa) : Nicholas Raditheo Kurt : Hansen Benedikt (Brigitta) : Derril Putra K Mikhael (Marta) : Jonathan Sibarani Gretle : Fasya Widhani

(Maria stands up front with the curtains closed behind her) MARIA Hello and good afternoon to you all. My name is Maria. Today, I would like to tell you a wonderful and heartwarming story of how music changed the lives of a navy captain and his seven children. It all began when I lived in an Abbey near the Alps.... (Maria exits through the curtains, and “The Sound of Music” starts. The curtains open up to Maria singing in the Alps) MARIA MY DAY IN THE HILLS HAS COME TO AN END, I KNOW A STAR HAS COME OUT TO TELL ME IT'S TIME TO GO BUT DEEP IN THE DARK GREEN SHADOWS ARE VOICES THAT URGE ME TO STAY SO I PAUSE AND I WAIT AND I LISTEN FOR ONE MERE SOUND, FOR ONE MORE LOVELY THING THAT THE HILLS MIGHT SAY

THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC WITH SONGS THEY HAVE SUNG FOR A THOUSAND YEARS THE HILLS FILL MY HEART WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC MY HEART WANTS TO SING EVERY SONG IT HEARS MY HEART WANTS BEAT LIKE THE WINGS OF THE BIRDS THAT RISE FROM THE LAKE TO THE TREES MY HEART WANTS TO SIGH LIKE A CHIME THAT FLIES FROM THE CHURCH ON A BREEZE TO LAUGH LIKE A BROOK WHEN IT TRIPS AND FALLS OVER STONES ON ITS WAY TO SING THROUGH THE NIGHT LIKE A LARK WHO IS LEARNING TO PRAY I GO TO THE HILLS WHEN MY HEART IS LONELY I KNOW I WILL HEAR WHAT I'VE HEARD BEFORE MY HEART WILL BE BLESSED WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC AND I'LL SING ONCE MORE (Maria exits and Liesl and Friedrick enter, taking her place, acting as narator) LIESL Although Maria was a wonderful girl, she seems to get into trouble a lot. She climbs trees and whistles on the stairs. She‘s always late for everything except for every meal. FRIEDRICK Seeing Maria’s unique character, Reverend Mother decided to send her away to take care of a family with seven children - The Von Trapp Family. Captain Von Trapp was a retired officer of the Imperial Navy. His wife had died a few years ago and he lives with his seven children.

(Liesl and Friedrick exit through one side, and Maria enters the Von Trapp house through the other, carrying a small bag and a guitar case, admiring the beauty of the house. Suddenly, Captain Von Trapp enters) CAPTAIN Good afternoon Fräulein Maria.

MARIA Good afternoon...Captain. (She stares at him) CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Why do you stare at me like that? MARIA You don’t look at all like a sea captain sir. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Well you don’t look at all like a governess. (looks at the dress) I don’t like that dress, you’ll have to change. MARIA I don’t have any other dresses... When we enter the Abbey, all of our worldly possession are given to the poor. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP What about that dress? MARIA Oh, The Poor didn’t want this one. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Well, then it’ll have to do. I don’t know what the Abbey has told you but you are the twelfth governess to look after my children since their mother died. I trust you will be an improvement on the last governess. She stayed for only two hours. (The Captain begins to blow a whistle. A Loud thunderous noise begins as the children march, entering the room) CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Children, This your new governess, Fräulein Maria. (The children look at her disapprovingly) Give your name at your signal. Fräulein, listen carefully. Learn their signals so you can call them. (He blows the whistle) LIESL Liesl. FRIEDRICK Friedrick.

LUKAS Lukas. KURT Kurt. BENEDIKT Benedikt. MIKHAEL Mikhael. (At the sound for Gretle, She marches forward and forgets to say her name) CAPTAIN VON TRAPP That’s Gretle. Now, when I want you, this is what you will hear... (He prepares to blow the whistle) MARIA Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir! I could never answer to a whistle. Whistles are for animals, not for children, and definitely not for me. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Fräulein, were you this much trouble at the abbey? MARIA Oh much more sir. (The Captain turns to exit, but Maria suddenly asks him) MARIA Excuse me Captain, I don’t know your signal. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP (Turns mid-way) You may call me....Captain. (The Captain exits. The children snicker and laugh. The children are still standing at attention.) MARIA Well, now that there's just us, would you please tell me all your names again and how old you are. LIESL I’m Liesl, I’m 16 years old and I don’t need a governess. MARIA I'm glad you told me, Liesl. We'll just be good friends then. FRIEDRICK I'm Friedrick. I’m 14 years old and I'm impossible.

MARIA Really? Who told you that Freidrick? FREIDRICK Fräulein Elisabeth. Four governesses ago. LUKAS I’m Benedikt MARIA You didn’t tell me how old you were Lukas. BENEDIKT I’m Benedikt, (pointing to Lukas), he’s Lukas, he’s 12 years old and I’m 10 and that is the ugliest dress I’ve ever seen. KURT Benedikt, you shouldn't say that! BENEDIKT Why not? Don’t you think so? KURT Why yes, but Fräulein Helga's was ugliest. I'm Kurt. I'm incorrigible. MARIA Congratulations. KURT What’s...Incorrigible? MARIA I think it means you want to be treated like a boy. MIKHAEL I'm Mikhael, and I'm going to be 8 on Tuesday. I'd like a basketball MARIA Basketball’s my favorite ball too. (Gretle stamps her feet.) Yes, you’re Gretle. (Gretle holds up five fingers) And you're five years old? My, you're practically a lady. GRETLE You know, I like you Fräulein Maria. (Maria smiles and the curtains close. Kurt enters through the curtains, closed behind him)

KURT Ever since The Captain lost his wife, he ran this house like one of his ships. LUKAS Whistles, orders. There were no more laughing, no more singing, nothing that reminded him of his wife. (Kurt and Lukas exit, and the curtains open showing Liesl and The Captain. Rolf stands on the side, delivering a telegram to The Captain.) CAPTAIN Looks like the telegram’s here (The Captain takes the telegrams and nods his head towards Rolf before exiting. ) ROLF PSST. Liesl. Liesl! LIESL Rolf! I’ve missed you! Have you missed me? ROLF Why of course! I even thought of sending you a telegram so I could deliver it to you. LIESL (She smiles and sighs) If only we didn't have to wait for someone to send Father a telegram... How do I know when I'll see you again? ROLF I could come by here with a telegram from Colonel Schneider! He's here from Berlin. Liesl, I’m worried about your father. LIESL You don’t have to worry about him, he's a big naval hero. He was even decorated by the emperor. ROLF Well then I worry about his daughter... You’re so... LIESL What? ROLF Well, you’re a baby! (The Song “SIXTEEN GOING ON SEVENTEEN” starts to play) YOU WAIT, LITTLE GIRL, ON AN EMPTY STAGE FOR FATE TO TURN THE LIGHT ON YOU’RE LIFE LITTLE GIRL IS AN EMPTY PAGE THAT MEN WILL WANT TO WRITE ON

LIESL TO WRITE ON.... ROLF YOU ARE 16 GOING ON 17, BABY IT’S TIME TO THINK BETTER BEWARE, BE CANNY AND CAREFUL BABY, YOU’RE ON THE BRINK YOU ARE 16 GOING ON 17 FELLOWS WILL FALL IN LINE EAGER YOUNG LADS AND ROUES AND CADS WILL OFFER YOU FOOD AND WINE TOTALY UNPREPARED ARE YOU TO FACE A WORLD OF MEN TIMID AND SHY AND SCARED ARE YOU OF THINGS BEYOND YOUR KEN YOU NEED SOMEONE OLDER AND WISER TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO I AM 17 GOING ON 18, I’LL TAKE CARE OF YOU. LIESL I AM SIXTEEN GOING ON SEVENTEEN I KNOW THAT I'M NAÏVE FELLOWS I MEET MAY TELL ME I'M SWEET AND WILLINGLY I BELIEVE I AM SIXTEEN GOING ON SEVENTEEN INNOCENT AS A ROSE BACHELOR DANDIES DRINKERS OF BRANDIES WHAT DO I KNOW OF THOSE? TOTALLY UNPREPARED AM I TO FACE A WORLD OF MEN TIMID AND SHY AND SCARED AM I OF THINGS BEYOND MY KEN I NEED SOMEONE OLDER AND WISER TELLING ME WHAT TO DO YOU ARE SEVENTEEN GOING ON EIGHTEEN, I’LL DEPEND ON YOU. (Off-stage, we hear people arguing, “Who’s out there?!”) ROLFE Goodbye, Liesl! I’ll see you again... sometime later.... (Exits, Liesl smiles happily. The Curtain closes) (The Captain, acting as narator, enters the stage through the curtains, closed behind him) CAPTAIN The Next day, Fräulein Maria brought the Von Trapp children around Salzburg to play and sing and laugh. (The Captain Exits and the curtains open, Maria and the Children enter carrying a picnic basket and a guitar) BENEDIKT I’ve never been to this part of town before! MIKHAEL It’s so... so.... peaceful. LIESL No orders, no whistles... I wish home could be like this all the time. (Maria smiles sadly)

MARIA Well, children.... Let’s sing some songs, shall we? GRETL But Fräulein, we don’t sing. MARIA Of course you sing. Everbody sings. LUKAS Father doesn't like us to sing. MARIA Perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do you know? MIKHAEL We don't know any songs. FRIEDRICK We don't even know how to sing MARIA Well, then I’ll teach you. Come on. (Maria and the children huddle, “Do-Re-Mi” starts to play) MARIA LET'S START AT THE VERY BEGINNING, A VERY GOOD PLACE TO START WHEN YOU READ YOU BEGIN WITH, GRETL A-B-C MARIA WHEN YOU SING YOU BEGIN WITH DO-RE-MI ALL CHILDREN DO-RE-MI MARIA DO-RE-MI, THE FIRST THREE NOTES JUST HAPPEN TO BE, DO-RE-MI ALL CHILDREN DO RE MI MARIA DO RE MI FA SOL LA TI (Pauses) Well, let's see if I can make it easier DO - A DEER A FEMALE DEER RE - A DROP OF GOLDEN SUN MI - A NAME I CALL MYSELF FA - A LONG LONG WAY TO RUN




WHEN YOU KNOW THE NOTES TO SING YOU CAN SING MOST ANYTHING! DO - A DEER A FEMALE DEER RE - A DROP OF GOLDEN SUN MI - A NAME I CALL MYSELF FA - A LONG LONG WAY TO RUN SOL - A NEEDLE PULLING THREAD LA - A NOTE TO FOLLOW SO TI - A DRINK WITH JAM AND BREAD THAT WILL BRING US BACK TO DO! DO RE MI FA SOL LA TI DO.... SOL DO! (STOMP) (The curtains closed and the music plays on. When the curtains open, Captain Von Trapp is standing angrily, and we can hear the children laughing with Maria as they enter) MARIA Oh Captain, you’re home! ALL CHILDDREN (joyfully) Father, father you’re home! MARIA Welcome home Captain! (Captain Von Trapp blows his whistle. Everyone is suddenly frightened as they run to their formation) CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Children, go to your rooms and get out of those ridiculous clothes. Hurry up. (The children hurriedly exit) CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Fräulein, have my children been roaming around Salzburg wearing those.... horrid clothes?

MARIA Yes, and they’ve become quite popular. Everyone smiles at them. They say, “Oh Look there goes the Von Trapp Children” CAPTAIN VON TRAPP They have uniforms MARIA Children cannot do things they are supposed to do if they have to worry about their precious clothes. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP They don't complain. MARIA They don't dare. They love you too much and fear-CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Don't discuss my children. MARIA You've got to hear, you're never home-CAPTAIN VON TRAPP I DON'T WANT TO HEAR MORE! MARIA I know you don't, but you've got to! Liesl's not a child. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP NOT ONE WORD-MARIA Soon she'll be a woman and you won't even know her. Friedrick wants to be a man but you're not here to show him -CAPTAIN VON TRAPP DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME-MARIA Benedikt could tell you about him. He notices everything. Kurt acts tough to hide the pain when you ignore him... The way you do all of them. Lukas, I don't know about yet. But the little ones just want love. Please Captain, love them all. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP I DON'T CARE TO HEAR MORE. MARIA I am not finished yet, captain! CAPTAIN VON TRAPP OH, YES, YOU ARE, CAPTAIN! (Pause) Fräulein.

Now you will pack your bags at once and return to the abbey. (Suddenly, off-stage, we hear The Children singing “The Sound of Music (Reprise)”. The Captain turns and is touched by their song. The children walk in, singing the song.) ALL CHILDDREN THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC, CAPTAIN What's that? MARIA It’s singing WITH SONGS THEY HAVE SUNG FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. CAPTAIN Yes, I realized it’s singing, but who is singing? THE HILLS FILL MY HEART, WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC. MARIA The Children, Captain MY HEART WANTS TO SING EVERY SONG IT HEARS. MY HEART WANTS TO BEAT LIKE THE WINGS OF THE BIRDS THAT RISE FROM THE LAKE TO THE TREES. MY HEART WANTS TO SIGH LIKE A CHIME THAT FLIES FROM A CHURCH ON A BREEZE, TO LAUGH LIKE A BROOK WHEN IT TRIPS AND FALLS OVER STONES ON ITS WAY TO SING THROUGH THE NIGHT, LIKE A LARK WHO IS LEARNING TO PRAY. (The Captain slowly moves closer to them and sings. The children stop in surprise but then continues to sing with him) CAPTAIN VON TRAPP I GO TO THE HILLS WHEN MY HEART IS LONELY. I KNOW I WILL HEAR WHAT I’VE HEARD BEFORE. MY HEART WILL BE BLESSED WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC AND I'LL SING ONCE MORE. (Slowly the children run towards their father and they all hug. The music plays on. Maria is about to leave but the Captain stops her) CAPTAIN VON TRAPP Fräulein. Don’t go. I’ve behaved badly. You were right. I don’t know my own children. MARIA There’s still time.

CAPTAIN VON TRAPP You. You have brought music back to this house. I’ve forgotten. I want you to stay. I ask you to stay. MARIA If I could be of any help. CAPTAIN VON TRAPP You have already. More than you know. (“The Sound of Music” plays once more as all the players bow and sing toghether) I GO TO THE HILLS WHEN MY HEART IS LONELY. I KNOW I WILL HEAR WHAT I’VE HEARD BEFORE. MY HEART WILL BE BLESSED WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC AND I'LL SING ONCE MORE. (The song ends and the curtains close) --THE END--

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