The Solution

April 24, 2017 | Author: Wayne Purdin | Category: N/A
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The SOLution: Laying the Foundation for a Solar Civilization Civilization

Wayne H. Purdin

Wayne H. Purdin

The SOLution st 1  Edition: © 2009 Wayne H. Purdin All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. ISBN: This book was printed in the United States of America Cover illustration by Elan Sunstar,


To my master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov for giving me the vision of the highest ideal. May the kingdom of God and his righteousness be established established upon upo n Earth.


I would like to thank Hira Ratan Manek, who taught me how to sungaze and corrected and added to my description of his protocol. I am also indebted to long-time sungazers and list owners Vinny Pinto, Seekverta, and Peter Livui for their insights into the practice and history of sungazing. sungazin g. And I am especially grateful for the light of wisdom handed down by sungazing pioneer Gene Savoy and the disciple of the sun, Omarram Mikhael Aivanhov.

The title of this book begs the question: What’s What’s the problem? I could list a dozen or so  problems that this this book could solve: the worsening worsening health crisis at home home and abroad; the escalation of war and terrorism; the moral bankruptcy of large segments of society; the failure of education to prepare students for real success; the starvation of millions of people in third world nations; the pandemic of obesity in developed nations; the oppression of billions of people by totalitarian regimes; the lack of emotional harmony in families; the slavery of people to the rat race in the vain pursuit of material happiness; the hypocrisy and divisiveness of religion; the overcrowding of prisons and the failure of capital punishment as a deterrent; and the rise in chronic depression resulting in increased incidence of suicide. But the t he underlying problem that is the root cause of all these and other problems is this: We have lost our connection to God. We feel separated from God by space (we’re down do wn here and he’s he’s way up there) or by sin (God is all good and we are miserable sinners). If we feel alone and worthless, if we don’t see that God is in our hearts, we won’t treat ourselves with respect. If we don’t see that God is in everyone else as well, we won’t treat them with respect either. The problems we face are the same as those faced by people in every society in every epoch of history. history. If we carefully scrutinize the historical record, we will see that social,  political and religious religious institutions have not not provided solutions to these these problems, and, in many cases, have worsened the problems. Throughout this dark pageant of wars, sectarian strife, plagues, famines, slavery, slavery, materialism, ignorance and perversions, we can glimpse brief periods of peace and enlightenment. In every case, these bright interludes have been brought about by the establishment of a new religion, based on the sun of our system, Sol. Sol is an interesting word. Add a “u” for you, and you get soul, the sun of your being. Add Add an “o” for one, and you get solo, which means alone or all one. “We “We are all one in the sun” is not just a fanciful New Age expression. It is the key to the New Ne w Age and the SOLution to the problems p roblems of the Old Age. The continuing failure of religion, modern medicine, education, education, and government to solve  problems will sooner or later lead people to consider trying trying the SOLution, and the the lost teachings of the great avatars and masters, the suns of God, will once o nce again enlighten  people, this time time on a global scale. "Wayne's Purdin's book is a tour de force of force  of the importance of the sun on man and nature. He takes us through the initial obsession of ancient civilisations civilisations for the sun - the Egyptians, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Mayans, Mithrasians - and analyses its beneficial effects on the physical body, the mind, in art, philosophy, and religions. These endorsements of the sun's power are the backdrop for a fascinating practical guide to using spiritual and physical sun gazing as a source of empowering a person's mind and enhancing the health of the body." - Robert Feather, author of the The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran and Qumran  and The Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran .

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