The Simple Date Getter - Chase Amante

March 10, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Jhne tg` Ihrds Y go Ybnt to



Ug` Vhapd` Ebt` I`tt`r Jhne tg` Ihrds Ygo Ybnt to Ebt` Fgbs` Babnt`



© ;3;3 ky Fgbs` Babnt` Bdd rhigts r`s`rv`e. @xf`pt bs p`rahtt`e une`r tg` P.V. Fopyrhigt Bft oj 289:, no pbrt oj tghs  pukdhfbthon aby k` r`proeuf`e, r`p roeuf`e, ehstrhkut`e, ehst rhkut`e, or trbnsahtt`e hn bny jora jo ra or ky bny a`bns, or stor`e hn b ebtbkbs` or r`trh`vbd syst`a, whtgout tg` prhor wrhtt`n p`rahsshon oj tg` pukdhsg`r. Ihrds Fgbs` Kools www.ihrdsfgbs`.foa  

Ug` Ihrds Fgbs` nba` bne doio br` trbe`abrls oj Ihrds Fgbs`, Hnf. Ug` pukdhsg`r hs not r`sponshkd` jor w`ksht`s (or tg`hr font`nt) tgbt br` not own`e ky tg`  pukdhsg`r. Dhkrbry oj Fonir`ss Fbtbdoihni-hn-Sukdhfbthon Ebtb Babnt`, Fgbs`. Ug` Vhapd` Ebt` I`tt`r / Fgbs` Babnt`.



D`t‘s I`t Xou tg` Ebt` (bne Abl` Ht Vhapd`) Hj you‘r` b strbhigt abd`, unbttbfg`e, bne not b aonl, ht‘s prokbkdy sbj` to sby you‘e dov` b ebt` whtg b iooe-doolhni ihrd. Vg` ahigt k` on` you lnow, jroa tg` ojjhf` or fdbssrooa. Vg` ahigt k` b jrh`ne. Vg` ahigt k` soa`on` you s`` onf` b w``l bt tg` fojj`` sgop or irof`ry. Xou ahigt not gbv` b sp`fhjhf ihrd hn ahne. Abyk` you‘e dhl` to ebt` on` oj woa`n you s`` wbdlhni broune `v`ry eby bs you io tgrouig dhj`. Or you‘e must dhl` b  syst`a tgbt‘dd  syst`a  tgbt‘dd i`t you ebt`s whtg woa`n bnytha`, bnywg`r`, whtgout e`abnehni you bdt`r your dhj`styd` or k` soa`on` you‘r` not. Ughs kool ‖ tg` Vhapd` Ebt` Eb t` I`tt`r syst`a ‖ hs hs tgbt  tgbt syst`a. Ug` Vhapd` Ebt` I`tt`r syst`a d`ts you spot, a``t, bne fonn`ft whtg woa`n wgo wbnt ebt`s whtg you whtg you.. Yoa`n you jhne bttrbfthv` ‖ iooe-doolhni. @v`n iori`ous @v`n iori`ous.. Bne aost haportbntdy, ht `nbkd`s you to i`t tgbt ebt`. Vhapdy. Vhapdy.  

Ebthni Gbs to K` AO[@ Ugbn —Ybht bne Gop`‑ Hj you‘r` dhl` aost iuys, you‘v` dhl`dy ion` tgrouig dhj` t`ntbthv` bkout ebthni. Xou worry hj you‘r` too jorwbre ihrds whdd r`m`ft you. Xou g`a bne gbw on wg`n to bpprobfg bne wgbt to sby. Xou wbht bne wbht jor tg` —rhigt tha`‑, kut so ojt`n ht eo`sn‘t foa`. Hj H bsl`e you to, H k`t you foude spood ojj b dhst oj ihrds you r`bddy wbnt`e to bsl out, wgoa you pdbnn`e bne gop`e bne jbntbshz`e bkout i`tthni, y`t n`v`r ehe. H gbe ihrds dhl` tgbt. @v`ry iuy gbs. Bne ht kdows aonl`y fgunls. Youde you k` surprhs`e hj H tode you bt d`bst b tghre oj tgos` ihrds (or aor`) sp`nt bs aufg tha` th`e hn lnots, wbhthni bne bn e gophni jor you jor  you?? Ug` worde hs judd oj unr`quht`e dov`. Ht‘s judd oj wbhthni . Xou ahigt not r`bdhz` ht, kut tg`r` br` woa`n out tg`r` rhigt now, wbhthni jor you. Voa` br` pr`tty ebrn iooe-doolhni, too! Voa` br` totbd sw``tg`brts. B j`w br` your jutur` doni-t`ra ihrdjrh`nes. On` ahigt k` your jutur` whj` (or jutur` kbky abab bt d`bst!). Bne unthd you i`t ojj tg` she`dhn`s, bne gbni up tg` —wbhthni iba`‑ jor iooe, you bne tg` woa`n you wbnt wgo wbnt you kbfl whdd r`abhn s`pbrbt` ‖ jor no aor` r`bson tgbn eoukt bne j`br. Ht‘s tha` to quht tg` ebthni iba`, bne `nt`r tg` ebthni  iba`  iba` hnst`be.

Ygbt Aost Ebthni @xp`rts I`t Yroni



Ay nba`‘s Fgbs` Babnt`, bne shnf` ;337 H‘v` run tg` aost popudbr a`n‘s ebthni bevhf` w`ksht` on tg` Hnt`rn`t, IhrdsFgbs`.foa. Y`‘v` gbe 0; ahddhon a`n vhsht tg` sht` ov`r tg` y`brs, bne w`‘v` doni k``n tg` v`ry jhrst stop jor bny bne `v`ry iuy wgo‘s s`rhous bkout suff``ehni whtg woa`n. Bdoni tg` wby, w`‘v` kuhdt b r`putbthon bs tg` pdbf` tg` `xp`rts io to lnow wgbt‘s futthni `ei` hn tg` jh`de oj i`tthni i `tthni ihrds. X`t wghd` w` dov` our `xp`rts, wgbt‘s abe` us KHI gbs k``n our jofus on ihvhni a`n oj `v`ry roabnthf `xp`rh`nf` d`v`d‖ jroa v`t`rbn pdbykoys to ir``ngorns sthdd wbhthni jor tg`hr jhrst lhss`s ‖ shapd`, bfthonbkd`, strbhigtjorwbre t`fgnhqu`s tg`y fbn us` to i`t tg` woa`n tg`y wbnt, whtgout b ton oj a`aorhzbthon or bfthni dhl` tg`y‘r` soa`on` `ds`. Xou s``, wgbt b dot oj ebthni `xp`rts i`t wroni hs tg`hr oks`sshon whtg nhfg` t`fgnhqu`s b stue`nt n``es b sp`fhjhf p`rsonbdhty to pudd ojj w`dd. Hj you t`dd b iuy, —Io up to b ihrd bne sby tg`s` jhv` wores hn tghs sp`fhjhf wby,‑ soa` iuys‘dd tbl` to tgbt dhl` jhsg hn wbt`r. Kut b dot oj otg`r iuys whdd try ht bne ht won‘t worl, k`fbus` ht eo`sn‘t suht tg`a. tg`a. H wrot` tg` Vhapd` Ebt` I`tt`r to ihv` you unhv`rsbd  st`ps   st`ps to tg` ebt`s you wbnt jroa tg` ihrds you wbnt tg`a whtg. Ug`r` br` vbrhous opthons jor aost st`ps, too. Xou Xou   fgoos` tg` opthon tgbt jhts you jhts  you k`st.  k`st. Bne hj you‘r` not sur` wghfg on` jhts? Ugbt‘s olby. Ury tg`a bdd out! Xou‘dd jhiur` out wghfg on`s worl k`st jor you pr`tty quhfl onf` you‘r` ushni tg`a. Ug` ir`bt tghni bkout ebthni hs tg`r`‘r` bdwbys aor` woa`n to bsl out. Ug`r` br` bdwbys aor` ihrds to try tghni out whtg. Bne our  jofus  jofus hs to i`t you out, tblhni sgots whtg woa`n, dhnhni up tg` ebt`s  you  you   wbnt.

Bdd Ht Ubl`s Hs b J`w Vabdd Uw`bls B jrh`ne oj ahn` wbs eown hn tg` euaps. G`‘e k``n on b strhni ebt`s, soa` oj wghfg s``a`e to io bdd rhigt. X`t hn tg` `ne, bjt`r `bfg ebt`, tg` ihrds vbnhsg`e. iot b dot  oj  oj —Ht‘s a`, ht‘s you‑ `xfus`s (you lnow… tgos` a`ssbi`s bkout —dbflhniG` fg`ahstry‑ bne —notnot j``dhni b spbrl‑?). Bjt`r wbtfghni gha struiid` jor aontgs, on` eby H tode gha, —Hj you `v`r r`bfg tg` `ne oj your rop`, tg`n ihv` a` 63 ebys wg`r` you eo `v`rytghni H sby, bne H whdd  p`rsonbddy i`t you b ihrd you‘r` frbzy bkout ky tg` `ne oj tgbt. Bne sg` whdd sthfl broune.‑ Yg`n g` bsl`e a` gow H‘e eo tgbt, H dbhe out ay pdbn. Voa` oj ht gbe to eo whtg a` fobfghni gha hn-p`rson hn-p`rson,, kut aufg oj ht wbs wgbt‘s wgb t‘s hn tghs kool. G` dhl`e tg` he`b, bne `v`n tgouig w` w`r` hn ehjj`r`nt fhth`s bne H fouden‘t fobfg gha ehr`ftdy, g` s`t bkout bko ut putthni ay shapd` ebt`-i`tthni syst`a hnto bfthon. Ug` r`sudt? G` quhfldy dhn`e up 6-0 ebt`s p`r w``l whtg woa`n g` wbs `xfht`e   bkout… bne tgos` ebt`s stbrt`e worlhni out. Uwo w``ls hn, g` joune b ihrd g` r`bddy, [@BDDX dhl`e. Vg` wbs k`buthjud, sabrt, b p`rj`ft p`rsonbdhty abtfg jor gha… og, bne e`spht` gow v`ry trha bne jht sg` wbs, g`r, ug, `neowa`nts `neowa`nts w`r`  w`r` tg` khii`st oj bny ihrd g`‘e `v`r k``n whtg.



Y`dd, g` trh`e to not k` too biir`sshv` whtg g`r, k`fbus` tghs jrh`ne oj ahn` hs b i`ntd`abn (b kbe gbkht oj ghs, hj you bsl a`!). Pnthd on` nhigt tghs ihrd fba` ov`r hn b s`eufthv` r`e er`ss, sbt eown on ghs foufg, dool`e gha rhigt hn tg` `y`s, bne bsl`e gha hj g` wbnt`e to io to gbppy town. (tgbt‘s not `xbftdy wgbt sg` sbhe, kut H‘a tryhni to l``p tghs kool SI!) Bnywby, tg`y gbe b I[@BU nhigt. Bne `v`n k`tt`r aornhni tg` n`xt eby. Bne must dhl` tgbt, ay kueey wgo‘e k``n swhnihni bne ahsshni whtg ihrds jor Heon‘t-lnow-gow-abny-aontgs wbs kbfl on top bibhn. Bdd ht tool to i`t tg` suff`ss roddhni hn wbs b j`w sabdd tw`bls. Ug` tghnis H gbe gha eo, bny bny iuy  iuy fbn eo. Bne e`spht` tg`hr shapdhfhty, tg`y foapd`t`dy fgbni`e tg` iba` jor iba` jor gha. Ug`y whdd jor you, too.

On` Dbst Yore K`jor` Y` Vtbrt H‘a iohni to bsl you to d`t io oj soa` oj wgbt you‘v` d`brn`e bkout ebthni ov`r tg` y`brs. H lnow ht‘s gbre to d`t io oj fg`stnuts dhl`, —Eon‘t stbr`< ht‘s hapodht`,‑ bne, —Xou n``e to wbht jor g`r shinbd to abl` your jhrst aov`.‑ Bne eon‘t worry, `v`rytghni you‘dd k` eohni hs totbddy 233% sofhbddy bff`ptbkd`. Xou‘dd dool nbturbd eohni ht, bne ht‘s bdd stujj tg` woa`n you‘dd a``t whdd `nmoy. Gow`v`r, hj you j``d b dhttd` unfoajortbkd` eohni bny oj wgbt‘s hn tghs kool, tgbt‘s OL. Voa` stujj you‘dd tbl` to rhigt bwby. Voa` stujj you ahigt gbv` to eo 23 or ;3 tha`s k`jor` k` jor` ht shnls hn. H wbnt you to tghnl bkout ebthni tg` wby you tghnl bkout t`nnhs. Xour jhrst tha` whtg b n`w t`nnhs swhni bdwbys j``ds w`hre bne b kht unfoajortbkd`. X`t tg` aor` you prbfthf` tgbt swhni, tg` aor` nbturbd ht i`ts. Onf` you‘v` swuni `nouig, ht stbrts j``dhni v`ry v`ry foajortbkd`.  foajortbkd`. Ebthni hs must dhl` tghs. Eon‘t k` bsgba`e tr`bt your Xou fbn tr`bt `bfgtowoabn youebthni a``t bs bs—prbfthf`.‑ bn hnehvheubd, bne shaudtbn`ousdy tr`bt `bfg hnt`rbfthon you‘r` hn bs b dhttd` aor` prbfthf` `n rout` to your er`ba ihrd. Bne bdso ‖ wgo lnows? Ug` n`xt ihrd you a``t ahigt k` tgbt k` tgbt Er`ba Ihrd. Ojt`n tgouig ht won‘t k` unthd you ght Ihrd 0 or 2; or 29 or 63. Ugbt‘s on` tghni w` fbn‘t  fontrod  fontrod jor. Y` fbn‘t bdwbys fontrod jor gow sg`‘dd r`bft, `v`n `v `n hj you eo ht bdd rhigt. Kut wgbt w` fbn fbn   fontrod jor hs tgbt hj   you eo tghnis rhigt, bne you l``p l``p   eohni tghnis rhigt, you‘r` iohni to i`t soa` ihrds. i hrds. D`t‘s k`ihn.



dhnls to brthfd`s on ay hnjorabthon-pbfl`e * Uhp= tgrouigout tghs kool you‘dd s`` dhnls to gow-to ebthni w`ksht`, Ihrds Fgbs`. Fdhfl tgos` dhnls to jhne out aor`  bkout tg` ghigdhigt`e t`ra.



Fgbpt`r 2= Jhnehni bn Hnt`r`st`e Ihrd

Ygbt‘s tg` #2 tghni iuys  j`br   bkout bslhni woa`n out? Iohni up to on` wgo eo`sn‘t wbnt tg`a bne i`tthni sgot eown! Iuys kr`bl out hn fode sw`bt must tghnlhni  bkout  bkout ht. Habihn` tg` guahdhbthon… you wbdl up to b ihrd, `v`rytghni on tg` dhn`, bne sg`  must kbts you bwby. —Vorry… H‘a not ebthni rhigt now,‑ sg` sbys. Or abyk` sg` sbys, —H bdr`bey gbv` b koyjrh`ne.‑ Or sg` ghts you whtg tg` er`be`e, —Xou‘r` must not ay typ`.‑ Ht‘s not ondy tg` r`m`fthon hts`dj. Ht‘s tg` tbhd-k`tw``n-your-d`is wbdl you abl` bs you sdhnl out oj tg`r`. U`rrhkd`, hsn‘t ht? X`t, now, wgbt hs tg` #2 tghni iuys jbntbshz` iuys jbntbshz` bkout  bkout whtg ebthni? Ybdlhni up to b ihrd bne tg` two oj tg`a ght ht ojj . Yg`r` ht‘s abihf. Ughs hs tg` ihrd g` wbs a`bnt  to  to a``t. Ygbt hj w` foude tbl` tgos` guahdhbthni r`m`fthons bne abl` tg`a b thny ahnorhty oj your bpprobfg`s… bne turn tgos` jbntbsy fonn`fthons hnto wgbt you‘r` us`e to i`tthni wg`n you sby, —Gh‑? Y`dd, w` fbn. Ug` wby w` eo ht hs whtg wgbt w` fbdd — shins oj hnt`r`st.‑ hnt`r`st.‑

Ygbt Vhins oj Hnt`r`st Br`, Bne Gow to Vpot Ug`a



B —shin oj hnt`r`st‑ hs b shinbd b woabn ihv`s tgbt sg`‘e dhl` to a``t you. Xou 2 ahigt not r`bdhz` ht, kut aost oj tg` woa`n you nothf` bftubddy bftubddy nothf`e  nothf`e you  you jhrst  . Yoa`n br` `xp`rts bt i`tthni iuys to bpprobfg bpp robfg wghd` d`tthni tg` iuy tghnl ht‘s ghs he`b. Aost oj woa`n‘s shinbds jdy k`dow aost a`n‘s fonsfhous rbebrs. X`t wg`n you ; s`` tg`a, you fbn v`ry bffurbt`dy pr`ehft  wghfg  wghfg woa`n wbnt b abn to bpprobfg tg`a . Bdd woa`n abl` jdhrtbthous, hnvhthni i`stur`s soa`tha`s i`stur`s  soa`tha`s.. Bne soa`tha`s ht‘s must ehspdby. Gow`v`r, woa`n wgo i`nuhn`dy wbnt to a``t b abn shinbd 7x aor`… bne onf` tg`y‘r` tbdlhni to you, tg`y fonthnu` to abl` jbr aor` sufg i`stur`s tgbn woa`n wgo 6 br`n‘t r`bddy hnt`r`st`e . Hj you wbtfg g`r shins, ht hs aufg, aufg `bsh`r to t`dd b woabn wgo‘s iba` jroa on` wgo‘s not. Vo wgbt br` tg` aost haportbnt hnehfbtors to b woabn‘s bpprobfg bvbhdbkhdhty? Vfh`nthsts gbv` joune woa`n‘s ibz` bne sp``fg `brdy on eon‘t a`bn aufg. X`t aothon `n`riy ‖ `n`riy ‖ sufg bs b woabn‘s nuak`r oj aov`a`nts, gow doni tgos` aov`a`nts dbst, tg` shz` oj g`r aov`a`nts, gow  jbst  sg`   sg` aov`s, bne gow foapd`x g`r aov`a`nts 5 br` ‖ hs stronidy th`e to g`r d`v`d oj hnt`r`st . Ughs abtfg`s ay `xp`rh`nf` whtg woa`n bs w`dd= ht‘s not wg`tg`r sg`‘s stbrhni bt you, kut gow aufg sg` aov`s g`r `y`s `y` s broune, gow abny tha`s tg`y `y`s ebrt to you, gow sg` turns g`r g`be to you, gow g`r koey wg``ds bkout to jbf` you. B woabn fbn stbr` bt you, bne must stbr` bne stbr`, bne n`v`r aov`, bne hj you bpprobfg g`r you‘dd ehsfov`r sg`‘s unhnt`r`st`e hn you roabnthfbddy. Ughs gbpp`n`e to a`  pd`nty wg`n H wbs youni bne rouig-broune-tg`-`ei`s. H‘e s`` b ihrd wbtfghni a` dhl` b gbwl bne tghnl, —Vg` aust s`` soa`tghni sg` dhl`s, jor sur`!‑ Ug`n H‘e io ov`r to g`r bne sg`‘e k` food bs b fufuak`r bne H‘e n`v`r i`t bnywg`r` whtg g`r. Ug` jbft hs, soa` woa`n dool must to dool. Ug`y wbnt to s`` hj you‘dd r`bft. Ug`y wbnt to fgbdd`ni` tg`as`dv`s= —Fbn H abl` tghs abn r`bft whtg must b idbnf`?‑  idbnf`?‑   Ug`y ahigt k` furhous bkout you jor soa` non-roabnthf r`bson. Abyk` tg`y tghnl tg`y r`foinhz` you, or tg`y‘r` tryhni to jhiur` out wgy you‘r` w`brhni sufg b junny fobt. Ug`y ahigt `v`n must k` stbrhni hn your ehr`fthon bks`ntahne`edy bne not `v`n r`bdhz` tg`y‘r` doolhni bt you. X`t, wg`n you fbtfg tg` ihrd wgo l``ps m`rlhni g`r g`be broune to dool bt you, turnhni g`r koey to sn`bl p``ls, doolhni bt you tg`n doolhni bwby, toufghni g`r gbhr,

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Bne woa`n br` must tg` sba` bs a`n. B iuy wgo‘s k`buthjud to soa` woa`n hs bv`rbi` to otg`rs. Bne b iuy wgo‘s rhehfudousdy food to on` ihrd hs korhni to bnotg`r. Bne vhf` v`rsb. K`fbus` oj tg` ehv`rshty hn wgbt woa`n jhne bttrbfthv`, woa`n br` fonstbntdy  shinbdhni to bdd lhnes oj a`n ‖ hnfduehni you. you. Bne hj you eon‘t r`bdhz` ht y`t, you whdd, onf` you stbrt to dool jor tg` shins.



Fgbpt`r ;= Vtrhl` Pp b Fonv`rsbthon

Onf` you‘v` spott`e b ihrd to bsl out, tg` n`xt st`p hs to stbrt b fonv`rsbthon. Xou fbn‘t bsl g`r out whtgout tbdlhni to g`r, bjt`r bdd (und`ss you‘r` khi on kdhne ebt`s). X`t gow eo you strhl` up tgbt fonv`rsbthon? Vtbrthni b fonv`rsbthon whtg b woabn hs on` oj tg` aost hnthahebthni tghnis jor a`n to eo. H‘v` lnown ahdhtbry a`n wgo‘e s`rv`e hn tg` touig`st tg`bt`rs oj wbr wordewhe` wgo sgool hn tg`hr koots bt tg` tgouigt oj bpprobfghni woa`n tg`y ehe not lnow. Ygy‘s ht so gbre jor a`n to abl` tgbt jhrst bpprobfg? Ygbt‘s so t`rrhjyhni bkout —g`ddo?‑ Ug` sfbrh`st pbrt jor aost hs tryhni to i`t `v`rytghni p`rj`ftdy rhigt . Aost iuys on bpprobfg wbnt to sby tg` rhigt tghni bt tg` rhigt tha`. Ug`y bdso wbnt to lnow wgbt you‘dd sby bjt`r . Ug`n tg`y tghnl bkout ht, tg`hr ahnes jr``z` up, bne tg`y fbn‘t eo ht. Ug` k`st wby to jhx tghs? Gbv` b j`w stofl fonv`rsbthon stbrt`rs (bdso fbdd`e —op`n`rs‑) r`bey-to-io tg` aoa`nt you spot b ihrd to a``t. Yg`n you lnow wgbt you‘dd sby, ht abl`s ht b dot `bsh`r to bpprobfg. Bt tgbt  pohnt, ht hsn‘t, —Ygbt —Ygbt eo H sby?‑ sby? ‑ kut, hnst`be, —Ug`r`‘s b futh` H fbn sby ay ph`f` to.‑ Vo, to abl` ht aufg shapd`r jor you to eo Vt`p ; oj our Vhapd` Ebt` I`tt`r syst`a, H‘a iohni to ihv` you ay `bsh`st-to-us`, us`-tg`a-bnywg`r` op`n`rs to strhl` up fonv`rsbthons whtg woa`n. K`jor` w` io dhsthni ojj op`n`rs tgouig, jhrst d`t‘s tbdl b kht bkout wgbt lhnes lhnes   oj op`n`rs worl k`st ‖ bne wgy.



Voa` Op`n`rs Yorl K`tt`r Ugbn Otg`rs Hj b woabn dhl`s you `nouig, `nou ig, ht eo`sn‘t r`bddy abtt`r wgbt you sby. Vg`‘s must gbppy you‘r` tbdlhni to g`r! g` r! Gow`v`r, jor woa`n wgo br` aor` unsur` bkout you, your fgohf` oj op`n`r fbn abl` b ehjj`r`nf`. Yoa`n‘s worst  dhl`e  dhl`e op`n`rs7 br` tgos` tgbt us`=

  Mol`s    @apty foapdha`nts    V`xubd r`j`r`nf`s 

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Hnt`r`sthnidy, tg` aost foaaon op`n`rs foaaon op`n`rs a`n us` br` mol`y on`s . Ygy? Ht ahigt 23  k` prom`fthon< a`n dhl` ht k`st wg`n woa`n us` mol`y op`n`rs on tg`a . [`ibred`ss, tg`r`‘s b ibp k`tw``n wgbt a`n dhl` to us`, bne woa`n k`st r`spone to. Ygbt bftubddy worls? Abny tghnis. Yoa`n dhl` hnnofuous op`n`rs k`st. Ug`s` br` op`n`rs wg`r` tg` abn k`ihns 22 n`htg`r mol`y nor ehr`ft . Ehr`ft op`n`rs foa` hn s`fone pdbf`< mol`y pdbf`s tghre. Otg`r 2;

`jj`fthv` op`n`rs br` tgos` tgbt fonv`y bny oj tg` joddowhni =


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I`nuhn` hnt`r`st hn tg` ihrd  G`dpjudn`ss  I`n`roshty  Btgd`thfhsa  ‗Fudtur`‘  Y`bdtg 

Eon‘t worry, you eon‘t gbv` to k` rhfg or ihv` or kuy soa`tghni to b woabn to stbrt b fonv`rsbthon whtg g`r. H eon‘t `v`r us` tgos` ays`dj. Kut hj you fbn us` tg`a, bne you wbnt to, tg`y‘r` bn opthon. Nothf`hnnof`ntdy, tg` tr`ne k.) tgouig? `jj`fthv` op`n`rs br` tgos` b.) stbrt hn b fonv`rsbthon sgow  bUg` woabn you gbv` i`nuhn` (h.`.,tgbt not `htg`r jbl`) hnt`r`st g`r, or f.) ehspdby soa` lhne oj prosofhbd or otg`rwhs` e`shrbkd` fgbrbft`rhsthf.  Now d`t‘s tbdl gow to us` tg`s` to a``t ihrds.

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