The Shining Ones

April 13, 2017 | Author: Matthew Robinson | Category: N/A
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he Shining Ones brings together a lifetime of research and scholarship in presenting evidence of the activities of a group of culturally and technically advanced people, who dominated human progress for several thousand years.


Establishing agriculture in a mountain valley in the Near East around 8,500 BC, these sages founded the Garden of Eden, and set the stage for the diffusion of the Indo-European peoples throughout the world. They were deified and are still remembered as gods. We can follow their story within the recently translated Sumerian Kharsag Epics and the deliberately concealed Chronicles of Enoch, with added support from an alternative translation of the later compilation of the Book of Genesis. This book follows their footsteps and influence throughout the world. We now realise that they surveyed and mapped the stars and the earth with great precision. Their brilliant mixed and balanced farming and wildlife management methods still survive in some areas today. Their megalithic and sophisticated building skills still astonish and puzzle experts. Their arts, crafts and sciences, preserved in areas such as China, excel modern equivalents in many ways. Their administrative excellence, through kingship and self-contained city states, provides many surprising solutions for today's troubled world. Their common laws, customs and practical philosophies, corrupted, if not destroyed, by priests and politicians, still offer hope for all of us, to create a better world. . . . cont 'd on back flap

All enquiries regarding this book to: The Patrick Foundation, e-mail: uk or visit the Golden Age Project website uk

Their ordered and efficient role-societies survived for thousands of years, but were unable to cope with the often predicted episodic catastrophes, inflicted by cosmic radiation, cometary debris and volcanic activity, which brought in their wake fire, flood, drought or climate change. In their previous book The Genius of the Few the authors promised to address the question - From where did these Shining Ones come? They have therefore woven into the text a wealth of additional evidence from the ancient records, to support the popular concept of a spiritual dimension · and a spiritual influence. As an outstanding exploration geologist, Christian O'Brien presents his thesis and survey of the ocean floor to support the former existence of the Island of Atlantis in the region of the Azores.

This book, along with other past scholarship on the activities and technology of our ancestor gods, provides the links to establish their full story. Ancient myths are now shown to be realities. The re-discovery of a Golden Age is within reach.

Edmund Marriage - The Golden Age Project Christian O'Brien read Natural Sciences at Christ's College, Cambridge and spent many years as an exploration geologist in Iran, in Canada, and in other remote areas of the world. In 1936 he was involved in the discovery of the T choga Zambil Ziggurat in Southem Iran. In 1970 he retired as head of the Iranian Oil Operating Companies to devote all his time to researching the many enigmas of prehistory. He died in February 2001.

Designed and published by:

Dianthus Publishing Limited The Pool House, Kemble, Cirencester GL7 6AD UK Tel.: +44 (O) 1285 770 239

ISBN 978-0-946604-20-3

ISBN 0-946604-20-7 UK £49 .50 USA $ 75

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Barbara Joy O 'Brien still plays a full part in these researches and is a poet with several publications and awards to her credit.


nee upon a time the Gods divided up the Earth between them - not in the course of a quar~el; for it would be quite wrong to think that the Gods do not know what is appropriate to them, or that, knowing it, they would want to annex what property belongs to others. Each gladly received his just allocation, and settled his territories; and having done so they proceeded to look after us, their creatures and children, as shephenls look after their flocks. They did not use physical means of control like shepherds who ~ flocks ~th_hlow.. , but brougHt their influence to bear on the creature's most le}l~t!f~Jit'R.t using persuasion as a steersman uses the helm, to direct the mind as they saw fit the whole moral creature. The various Gods, then, administered the variot.M had been allotted to them. But Hephaestos and Athene, who shared as common character, and pursued the same ends in their love of kf!l.W~ allotted this land of ours as their joint sphere and as a excellence and wisdom. They produced a native race of tl04!d;li political arrangements. Their names have been nr•~•e·nJII!t!llr·llll forgotten because of the destruction of their successors said before, the survivors of this destruction were heard the names of the rulers of the land

The Shining Ones An Account of the Development of Early Civilizations through the Direct Assistance of Powers incarnated on Earth from the Materio-Spiritual Planes of the Astral and Causal Regions

A Philosophical Discussion based on Ancient Mystical and Secular Documents from the Mythologies of all Races, and on the Personal Experiences of Saints of many Persuasions

Dianthus Publishing Limited


Published by Dianthus Publishing Limited The Pool House, Kemble, Cirencester, England, GL7 GAD Tel.: +44(0) 1285 770 239. Fax: +44(0) 1285 770 896 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers or the owners of the copyright. © Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien. Their right to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. The maps on pp 10, 121, 267, 285, 348 and 436 are Mountain High Maps ® Copyright © Digital Wisdom Inc. ISBN 978-0-946604-20-3 Printed in Great Britain by CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham, Wiltshire

All enqunies regarding this book should be directed to:

The Patrick Foundation, e-mail: [email protected] Or, visit The Golden Age Project web site: uk




Letter 368 : ... "It is not possible to comprehend these mysteries of creation till we have crossed the frontiers of mind and maya (the two lower spiritual regions), and one should leave them alone. "Yes, souls who are permanent denizens of these regions (the two lower ones) sometimes incarnate themselves in this world in accordance with the scheme ofcreation and, after doing their work, go back to their place." "Other souls also, who for one reason or another are staying in these regions, do from time to time incarnate here primarily for speeding their progress or seeking higher initiations in order to reach Sat Desh (the highest spiritual region).

Light on Sant Mat Huzur Maharaj Charan Singh Ji p.357. The 'Shining Ones', described here, were such incarnations working on Earth within the framework of the overall Creation structure.



THE ANGELS They found a place where high lands met the low and planted there a garden ripe with grain: the Shining Ones established their domain among the mountains, by the winter snow. They came from nowhere to make orchards grow, to plough, to cultivate a lake-bed plain and leave the story of that lush Eden. The people drank from ditches, caught the flow of storm-water, before the Angels launched a programmed teaching course to demonstrate the arts of living -- glowingly they brought their knowledge, and light-heartedly they danced; they introduced the flute and pipes. Those great resplendent leaders settled down and taught.

Barbara Joy 0 'Brien



DEDICATION With Grateful Thanks to our Beloved Master Huzur Maharaj Charan Singh Ji Who has provided the Inspiration and the Direction for this Work;







.. Frontispiece: God reaching down to assist Mankind - House ofJustice, San Miguel Azores







PROLOGUE (FIRST PART) The Elohim (The Shining Ones) The Shining Ones PROLOGUE (SECOND PART) The Authority of the New Beginning Structure of Creation A Partial Outline of the Geography of the Spiritual Regions The Hierarchy of the Lower Spiritual Regions Hierarchical Definitions

30 32 34 35 36 37

39 41 49-51

CHAPTER ONE: An Introduction to Doubt


CHAPTER TWO: Eastward in Eden


CHAPTER THREE: Where Heaven and Earth Met Problems in Linguistics Kharsag - the Garden in Eden Arrival of the Anannage The Sumerian Kharsag Epics Kharsag Epic No.1: The Arrival of the Anannage Kharsag Epic No.2: The Decision to Settle Kharsag Epic No.3: The Romance ofEnlil and Ninlil Kharsag Epic No.4: The Planning of the Cultivation Kharsag Epic No.5: The Building of the Settlement Kharsag Epic No.6: The Great House ofEnlil Kharsag Epic No.7: The Great Winter Storm

62 62 65 65 67 68 72

CHAPTER FOUR: The Chronicles ofEnoch The Summoning of Enoch The Seventh Haven The Terrain of the Country around Eden The Excursions of Enoch: The Volcanic Ravines The Excursions of Enoch: The Garden in Eden


91 94 96 98 102

104 107 110 111 113




Arabian Desert



1000 Km

Map 1. Outline of the Middle East (with the Fertile Crescent)



CHAPTER FIVE: The Reality of Eden The Geography of Eden The Inhabitants of Eden The Shining Ones The Lords The Watchers The Patriarchal Families The Cro-Magnon Tribes

119 125 131 132 134 144 144 145

CHAPTER SIX: The 'Making'ofMan


CHAPTER SEVEN: The Fall of the Watchers Enoch the Intermediary The Flood

158 165 174

CHAPTER EIGHT: The Destruction of Kharsag Kharsag Epic No.8: The Thousand-Year Storm Kharsag Epic No.9: The Final destruction

180 181 183






CHAPTER NINE: Yahweh Elohim (The Warlord of the Shining Ones) The Exodus The Ratification of the Covenant The Blessing The Curse The Wandering in the Wilderness The Desert Tent: the Dwelling of Yahweh The Servants ofYahweh The Unsolicited Fire The Long March The Insubordination of Korah, Dathan and Abiram The Order for Impaling The Conciliation The Coda - Return from the Exile

189 195 204 205 206 208 211 217 220 223 229 234 240 243

CHAPTER TEN: Odyssey ofAchaia The Seven Cities of the Levant 1. Kharsag 2. Jericho 3. came over from the Place ofthe Right and banished them to the Flashing Sphere. There were twelve regions (on the Astral Plane) Sabaoth the Adamas ruled as Head Archon over six of them, while his colleague, fabraoth, ruled over the other six. When fabraoth came to believe in the Initiation of the Light, together with his Archons, he abandoned the practice ofsexual intercourse. But Sabaoth the Adamas continued to be involved with sexual matters. And when feu, the Master of my Master, saw that fabraoth believed, he carried him (up) with all the Archons who had believed with him, and received him in the Sphere. He took him to a place ofpure air where the Sun shone between the Places of the Middle and those of the Invisible God (Kal Niranjan). He established fabraoth, there, with the Archons who had believed in him. And he carried of!Sabaoth the Ad4mas, with his Archons who did not practise the Mysteries ofthe Initiation of the Light- but continued to practise sexual intercourse in the Mysteries.(3) He (then) appointed eighteen hundred Archons in each Aeon, and he placed three hundred and sixty over them. He appointed five other Arch-archons to rule over the three hundred and sixty, and over all the Archons which he appointed. In all the World ofMankind, these five Arch-archons are known by the following names. The first is called Cronus. And (then) he drew a power out of I psantashoun(I} See Liberation of the Sou4 p. 118 by Dr.]. Stanley White, Ph.D. (2} If this interpretation of 'Master' is accepted for the ancient Coptic term eiwt (which, as well as father', also meant 'Abbot' and 'Head ofa Congregation}, then it follows that ]eu had incarnated on Earth as the Master ofJohn the Baptist (suppose dry jesus's Master), in order to help prepare the ground for jesus of Nazareth. This would also imply that he had incarnated as the mysterious, but spiritualry-powerfo4 Essene "Teacher ofRighteousness (Tr.uth)"- whose eventual departure from Earth is shrouded in mystery. The Path of Light, p.5. (3) The reference to se:!
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