The Secret of the known as Wishing Machines

May 3, 2017 | Author: expertandmaster | Category: N/A
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This book aims to bring the reader to the fascinating and little known world of Radionic. This relatively misleading nam...


The Secret of the (known as)

Wishing Machines

Getting the welfare and the things you want through

Radionic Devices


COPYRIGHT 2015 Open Project

It is not allowed the total or partial reproduction of this work, or transmitted, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Copyright holders

Legal Deposit: ISBN: 84-95292-55-1

PREFACE This book aims to bring the reader to the fascinating and little known world of Radionic. This relatively misleading name, has nothing to do with receivers or conventional radio transmitters but with tools that enhance mental abilities and psychic of their users. From the outset it has tried to avoid excessive deepening of theories that try to explain how this phenomenon works. Rather, it has sought to provide an overview of the broad spectrum where you can practically apply this system for amplification and enhancement of the extraordinary capabilities that every human being possess in a greater or lesser extent. The intention was to consider as soon as possible practical situations that any user can experience with radionics devices and check the results by himself.

An approach with an open mind is required. But this is not just to believe or not to believe what is presented on the following pages. Neither is asked acceptance or rejection about what is written without more evaluation. This book simply suggests a personal testing if any of the experiences described may be of interest to the reader.

Come in, a world of extraordinary possibilities may be waiting


Chapter 1. The science of Radionic. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. Let your imagination run wild: The possible applications of Radionic to health, personal development, wealth, business, actions on plants and animals, relationships and etc. Concepts about detecting vibratory informatión, broadcast. Attraction and Achievement, how to get them. What is Radionic. How radionics devices work in general. What measures Radionic? Visualization and radionic. Mental power amplified through radionic devices. Amazing applications in therapy. Remote treatments. Explanation about handling Radionic machines. Practical examples. Different types of devices. Orgone energy, and radionic.

Chapter 2. Mental energy, universal energy and its relationship with Radionic How the mental powers are activated through beliefs and profound convictions.The experimenter mind influences on the experiment. Concepts of Chi, Prana, Orgone. An explanation of mental phenomena through Magic. Notes on the Cosmic Matrix. Modulating the energy through the devices Radionic.

Chapter 3. Synchronicity and Radionic What is synchronicity? Connections between people. The incredible love story of a British couple. Connections between people and animals. The striking case of dog «Prince». The amazing case of cat «Sugar». Connections between people and things. André and his box. How the humans influence on objects. Dowsers and their connection to the water. How to detect ore deposits with simple pendulums. The example of Magic to connect with the energy of the people. The advantages of the radionic instruments to establish positive links.

Chapter 4. Basic concepts and principles in Radionic. Intrinsic Data Fields and Waveforms Explanation of Intrinsic Data Fields (IDF’s) and its importance. Representations for use in the detection and emission. Rupert Sheldrake and his theory of morphic fields. Global solutions to complex problems. Using the radionic in situations requiring different concatenated solutions. What are waveforms and how to use them in regards to radionic.

Chapter 5. The radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing remote healings? The practice of radionic in different countries. The reason for his detractors and defenders. The origin. The amazing discoveries of Dr. Abrams. Simple detection of diseases. Dr. Ruth and adherent plaque development. Remote pathology detection. Remote broadcast of remedies. The beginning of different applications using radionic. Dr. W. Reich and the

orgone. The researcher Hieronymus and discoveries about life energy and radionic applications on plants. The development of Radionic in the UK. George DeLa War and Malcolm Rae. Radionic and homeopathy. Duplication of homeopathic remedies and remote transmission. Is it possible to modify the structure of water? Dr. Emoto and striking experiences. Human thought influences the particles. Explanation on the functioning of Radionic. Using samples. Experiences that anyone can prove.

Chapter 6. The multiple practical applications of radionic devices Countless practical, everyday applications of Radionic. How to take advantage of these amazing devices. Plants and agriculture applications. How to incorporate «information» to water for irrigation or drinking water. Surprising implications. Radionic and animals. How to clean energy from gems and jewellery. How to incorporate positive vibrations to objects and make them possible that they can transmit in turn. How to «replicate» intrinsic data fields and what are their applications. Improve the taste and qualities of the wine, food and beverages. Using Radionic to find the most appropriate option, the most appropriate studies, the most compatible occupation, the business that we must choose or the most appropriate place to live. Finding objects, animals or missing persons. How to remove negative vibrations and harmful charges from objects, houses and buildings. How to measure compatibility between people, people and businesses, people and studies, etc. List of applications where Radionic can be used successfully. How to improve the life of many devices, from appliances to vehicles. Improving fuel consumption?. Entering IDF’s in liquids, colognes and perfumes. Related

applications. Improving relationships with Radionic. How to increase the personal appeal.

Chapter 7. Radionic in the business world, purchases, sales and money How to better run a business with Radionic. How to sell more with Radionic. Property acquisitions and Radionic. Examples of using Radionic and cars, real estate, etc. How the adherence plate of a radionic device is used. Choosing the best place to put an advertisement with Radionic. Saving money using Radionic. How to use the Radionic to improve in the negotiations. Ethical use of Radionic. How to increase the chances of success in any transaction. How to choose companies to invest or to buy shares. How to improve business using radionic. How to increase the flow of customers to your business with radionic. How to enhance the attraction of your business to potential customers. Clearing vibrational blockages in your business. How «to charge» elements of advertising with positive vibrations to attract customers. How to reduce the rate of defaulters. How to choose logos and increase its appeal, uploading them with vibrations. How to choose the best designs for your company. Using the radionic to find the best location for your business. How use the radionic to choose the best franchise in your particular case. How «to load» IDF’s related to economic success. How to increase the «luck». Considerations on the use of radionic and gambling.

Chapter 8. Modern radionic devices available Legal Considerations on the use of radionic related to health issues. Several devices on the market. Radionic devices marketed in the UK. The «ARE» devices. Radionic instruments with orgone energy. Considerations and advantages of this type of equipment. Radionic advanced equipments. The combination of computing and Radionic. The extraordinary device «SE 5- 1000». Harmonizing radionic devices. The Scalar Antennas for radionic transmission. Radionic structural links by codes and geometric patterns. Stand-alone Chi-Orgone Generators. Hartmann and Curry networks.

Chapter 1


In this general chapter you’ll discover what’s Radionic, which involves, how it is implemented and the extraordinary possibilities that you can expect from it. An open mind and a positive disposition to check is suggested. It’s not intended to convince by the words, but to encourage the reader to ponder and evaluate. To consider new possibilities and horizons. To appreciates by himself the validity of the theory and reaching his/her own conclusions through the own experience

Let your imagination run wild Imagine for a moment that you would have in your hands a device that would allow you to approach your dreams or best achieve them. Something like a modern and improved version of Aladdin’s lamp. Where there weren’t no need to deal with a genius and where the wishes to accomplish weren’t limited to three, but were infinite. Health? Money? Love? Traveling? Do you want to increase your standard of living? Help others? Produce more favorable circumstances for you and yours? Enhance the physical possibilities? Increase your ability to


- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

learn? Enhance your business? Developing skills more easily? Influencing on plants and animals? ...... It Sounds great, right? And ... How about if there really is something like this? It is not a dream nor a joke. Actually we talk about the possibilities presented by a science called Radionic. Of course, there is no question of flying on a carpet or be able to destroy mountains with a simple wish. We refer to increase detection capabilities, broadcast, attraction and achievement to the limit. Detection ?, Emission?, Attracting ?, Achievement ?, Please, read and understand better what it’s all about.

What is Radionic? Radionic is a science. We understand «science» as a set of systematically structured knowledge. Knowledge that are developed using regular patterns and experimentation. Radionic uses instruments with electrical or electronic circuits for measurement of vibration and subtle energies that shape both the physical elements and intangible ones (we will look in greater detail about that). With radionic devices it’s possible to receive subtle information and broadcast subtle information in the same manner. According to radionic theory, when used these devices correctly, we can configure thoughts so that the circumstances around us are altered to realize the goals, desires and objectives of all kinds we want or need.

Radionic devices are designed with the objective of providing connection between human consciousness and the subtle energies present in any object, living being, thought or form. Everything that exists, or everything we can conceive, can be assigned to a number, a coordinate or a representation of some kind. Radionic devices usually work with numbers, coordinates set by potentiometers on the devices, words, or even drawings to which are assigned a specific meaning.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

Radionic devices are designed with the objective of providing connection between human consciousness and the subtle energies present in any object, living being, thought or form If we talk about health issues, a person can use a radionic device to detect diseases itself or another individual, always at vibrational level. Diseases that may already be presents or in developing process at physical level. You can measure the vitality of a particular organ, a set of organs or an entire organism (again we always refer to subtle level). A therapist can be accessed remotely, using a sample of the patient to a diagnosis of the person, depending on the type of radionic device the therapist has. But radionic is much more than that. It amplifies up to extraordinary limits the power of intention and the power of goals materialization. It increases, in a extraordinary way, the possibilities of materializing desires of all kinds formulated in the mind of the operator through his radionic device. Depending on the type of device used, it can be accelerated to a greater or lesser extent obtaining what is sought: personal development, improving skills, vibrational treatments for diseases, solving personal problems, business and economic objectives and etc. It can also work with animals, plants or insects. So you can improve plantation yields, eliminate pests, «balance» places and enviroments, help heal animals or even work with microorganisms. It is even possible to modify or improve flavors, transmit vibratory elements and features to liquids and food, and a very long and exciting etc.

It increases, in a extraordinary way, the possibilities of materializing desires of all kinds formulated in the mind of the operator through his radionic device


- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

What measures Radionic? To clarify concepts, we start from the premise that everything in the universe can be named somehow. We could give a name to it or, better yet we could give a numerical definition or parameter. Say for example that the cream colored three seater sofa in your room could be represented by a number: 0894. We could also do the same with ideas. The visualization that someone can do with the aim of achieving a goal, can be represented by a number or coordinates. So John Smith’s desire to achieve a archery prize in a particular specialty, may be linked to a number or a signal amplitude with a potentiometer. This number represent the achievement of that achievement. A different numbering would be the current state of John Smith in relation to that achievement. You can measure the vibratory health of a given body at a precise moment in time and set a parameter to the same body with a perfect health. You can set measures for individuals or groups. The same for animals, situations, goals, to avoid unpleasant situations, to obtain remedies, to improve food, to improve crops, for improving flavor, to accelerate results in studies, to concentrate better, to improve processes and for anything else a person can conceive. Radionic equipments, can accelerate and increase the chances of obtaining individual or group objectives in an astonishing way. Many people know the benefits of creative visualization. That is: Use the mind to imagine what we want, in order to materialize that mental image. Radionic goes further. It acts as an enhancer element which serves to accelerate the realization of these objectives that are displayed and are created in the human mind. Radionic devices are instruments that direct the mental energies towards goals, giving extra power and magnifying these energies to the limit. It is important to mention that many of the phenomena that can be observed with the procedures and radionic devices are so amazing, strange and unusual to the «scientific mentality» and analytical, that many people do not consider it a true science but a practice rather has to do with unconventional procedures, even «magical» or placebo effects. Here it 13

- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

should be noted that the same principle applies to other methods such as homeopathy, Chi Kung, visualization, naturopathy and other sciences that work, but purely analytic minds do not admit as serious, tested or acceptable for be taken into consideration. Moreover, for those who know the nature of radionic and explored its possibilities, this developing science provides a holistic understanding of human consciousness and its potential. Not only at healing level, therapeutic level or analytical level; also at the level of achievement of objectives and improvement in almost every field imaginable. Radionic devices have been described by many as «wishing machines» when they experience firsthand the benefits they offer. We’re not admitting that anything is possible. The physical or physiological limitations will still be there, but be amazed at how you can tip the scales in your favour or develop the skills that you have not thought to have, much more easily. So, you can not expect to grow wings with a radionic device, but you can program your radionic machine in order to expect that things happen so that you can get «fly» to a country that wants to visit. You won’t be able to lift five thousand kilos with his physical strength, but you can increase your sports performance to levels that could not imagine. You can not have two brains, but you can increase your learning ability to high levels.

Radionic devices have been described by many as «wishing machines» when they experience firsthand the benefits they offer

If we talk about the therapeutic field, radionic can be used with certain devices to diagnose (at vibratory level) ailments or diseases. Even when they have not yet appeared physically, as already mentioned above. Clarify here that those who use the radionic not intended to replace traditional medical or conventional therapies that a professional in medicine can provide. Again: In radionic we always talk to vibrational level. You can set programs to help a person improve or treat physical or 14

- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

energetic diseases, entering subtle fields of human morphology, plant or animal. The results are often spectaculars. Many people find in the world of radionic the solution they have not found elsewhere or by other means. Radionic machines act as a sort of psychic amplifier unconscious ability of people who operate these devices, and the energy that surrounds us as a whole. Radionic enables to connect us to each other and with the Universe through its devices. This amplifying capacity allows therapists to perform very precise diagnosis of the diseases that affect a patient, without having made a prior physical examination. It can be done remotely using a sample of the person (blood, saliva, hair) or even a photograph. In this sense, it seems that radionic rely on the «universal connection or Matrix» on which many modern scientists theorize. It’s important to specify that radionic devices can amplify innate psychic healing abilities of a person. They are also capable of transmitting very specific vibrations or someone suffering an illness with amazing energy efficiency. Even if the person is thousands of kilometres away, or on the opposite side of the globe. However, despite the practical evidence, to date there is no acceptable «scientific» explanation of how this phenomenon occurs.

It should be noted here that the «Bioresonance» equipments used in alternative therapies and medical consultations, are a derivation of radionic devices. They are better known and accepted simply because they are not used remotely and the patient is usually present in the consultations. Examinations and treatments are made when the patient holds up with his hands two electrodes through which transmits and receives vibrational information. The final concept is very similar. The vibration emitted by the patient in relation to an organ or set of organs is measured and then is projected back with the correct parameters to correct the problem. We must point out that the efficiency of bioresonance equipments improves exponentially when used in conjunction with radionic devices that emit orgone energy. This has been noticed by many therapists and we’ll talk in more detail below.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

We must point out that the efficiency of bioresonance equipments improves exponentially when used in conjunction with radionic devices that emit orgone energy

How a radionic device works? We have said that there are different types of devices, but they present basic similarities. A «machine» Radionic is an electrical or electronic circuit that serves both to capture information and to send information. It is not entirely conceived following the usual pattern of electrical circuits and can not make sense from the point of view of an electronics expert. Usually consists of a plate or container where to put a sample from a person (photo, some hair, blood sample, saliva sample, etc.) and a written statement with the information the operator wants to collect. For example: «Current status of Andrew Miller in relation to his ability to speak in public and transmit information in the best possible way.» In the other plate is placed another small written paper with the desired state: «Andrew Miller speaks in public perfectly, in an interesting, relaxed and communicative way when transmitting information». (Some more sophisticated radionic devices permit to write messages on a computer connected to them). With the potentiometers which are connected to each plate, the operator begin to search a numerical parameter using at the same time a touch panel that is in the device. By sliding the fingers over the adherent plate, a special feeling of adhesiveness will be appreciated when the appropriate number appears indicated on the potentiometer. We establish parameters for both the current state and the desired state. In principle, these parameters are different for each of the written messages.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

It is evident that in our example, Andrew has a problem to solve related to communication or simply wants to improve in the best way possible their ability to speak in public. The device is now working. The intention of the operator, embodied in a written and placed on the plate, is transmitted «vibrationally» to the sample and thus the person, like a radio transmitter.

From this moment it will seem as if the universe began «to conspire» in order to Andrew communication skills improve. His interest in public speaking correctly will increase exponentially. It’s likely that Andrew finds relevant information to his particular case. Maybe he meets people who are skilled in this regard. Or he even he develops a special interest for everything related to public speaking. Andrew could see that his abilities start to improve at high speed now, even if he was once a little lazy in this field.

Andrew may also feel much calmer automatically when speaking in public, without knowing exactly why. Even more imaginative when communicating. It may be expressed more naturally, with more enthusiasm, with a better diction or the quality of her voice. Perhaps greater empathy to the public that listens to him or suddenly he realize he is able to articulate a warm speech, with notes of mood, highlighting key points best suited to capture the interest of those who hear him. As changes happen, the operator will make new measurements and the potentiometers that measure the content of each of the notes that are on the plates will begin to converge, until finally they equal. When this occurs, the improvement process is complete or is in a point of incredible improvement over the initial state. This same simple process can be used to work on anything: therapies, transmission of information, skills improvement, attracting positive situations, elimination of negative situations, increase social skills, etc. (see section on the most common uses reported by users of radionic devices).


- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

Many radionic devices use numerical configurations (eg representing healthy organs) words and drawings (or a mixture of them) that researchers have successfully used for different purposes. You may even pass information about homeopathic remedies and other substances to water or liquids with surprising results. To improve and accelerate the results, there are radionic devices which also incorporate generators of life energy or «orgone» (See writings of Dr. W. Reich). It is called «Prana» energy for the Hindus or the socalled» Chi «of Asians. The same energy that flows through the acupuncture channels, considered the basis of life. This additional energy produced within the device itself, exponentially increases the efficiency of appliances and helps the operator to achieve the objectives without worrying about his own life energy be drained when working with complex issues or people with weakened energy by the disease. The radionic device can be used by the owner to himself or use it for another person. The circuit measures the vibration of intention (easily set by the operator through the adherent plate that tells him what the potentiometers show as correct). Then, the device itself sends the right signals (as if it were a homeopathic remedy) to the subject target (In this example, our imaginary Andrew Miller). The internal circuit connect the person’s current state with the desired positive conditions that we want to incorporate that person. The message or trend sought will affect with a correct vibration and in a remote way to the person, through their sample (photo, hair, etc.). Emitting in radio station mode, the person we want to influence or improve receives the new information and acts unconsciously in the direction of the trend that has been marked on the appliance. At first, when positive results are observed, it is very easy to think that everything is chance. However, when using the radionic device over and over again with outcomes that met the expectations (and they are often spectacular), it is hard to deny the evidence of the effectiveness of Radionic.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it.

There are simple radionic devices that only consist of basic circuit and the interconnection between the target and the trend set or expected. In these devices, the operator is paramount. It acts as an antenna, a receiver and transmitter. The Operator’s own energy can be drained from this cause. With these devices, ultimate effectiveness is reduced and depends on the energy and mood of the operator. To address this, the most sophisticated radionic devices incorporate a very powerful orgone generator (vital energy. Universal energy, Chi or Prana), as explained above. What does this mean? Very simple, the operator of the radionic device simply set the parameters and let it work. The very powerful energy generating exerts a powerful force modulated by the device in the direction of the objective. The operator do not drain their physical or psychic energy and the results are much faster and accurate. In any case, a radionic device without orgone generator can be very effective today, by its high degree of sophistication (see description of device SE 5 1000 in chapter about current radionic devices). However, many users jointly employ both types of devices (with and without orgone generator) to ensure extraordinary efficiency in all circumstances.


Chapter 2

MENTAL ENERGY, UNIVERSAL ENERGY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE RADIONIC Almost everyone has heard about the power of the mind to control the own body, to push the boundaries of human capabilities or to make dreams come true by controlled and persistent action. There are hundreds of books dedicated to meditation, mental concentration, visualization and the power of intention as a means to achieve all kind of objectives. There are also dozens of books showing that the prayer (in any kind of religion), tends to activate processes that go beyond coincidence when applied according to the criteria of statistics. Regardless that you can believe in the existence of a Supreme Being who attend prayers, or you consider the existence of an entity that assumes supernatural abilities, one thing is clear: The power of intention is in many cases a decisive force in the course of things. People who visualise and people who asking help from higher beings are activating the same type of process. That is: The ability of humans to influence the events through intention and mental strength. Research in quantum physics show that the belief of the observer about how will develop certain subatomic particles in certain circumstances, causes these particles follow the patterns that researcher has mentally determined in advance. This means that two researchers with different ideas about the future of a physical reaction, eventually both of them end up being right, with completely different results. Both expect different things


- Radionic- CHAPTER 2 Mental energy, Universal Energy and its relationship with the Radionic

and those different things happen. The particles behave according to what each experimenter expects. In Buddhism it is said that «All is Mind». In essence, Buddha considered that human beings share a common space created by the minds of every existing person. Therefore he also believed that the mind can change the world where we interact, as well as the reactions and perceptions of things if it has enough energy and conscience to do so.

The energy present in the Universe The positive energy that moves the universe and penetrates all living beings is the energy that Asians called Chi, Hindus called Prana and Western researchers described as Odic energy or Orgone energy. The human mind, through the will, can absorb, modular and use that energy. Practitioners of Chi Kung and Tai Chi know it. They know how to assimilate this energy through movement and breathing. So do the yogis and practitioners of Reiki. Actually there are many disciplines that know about that and know how to use this energy for multiple purposes: Martial arts, meditation, advanced visualization, healing, etc.

Magic actually uses energy, focusing that energy through connections between the mind of the person who modulate it and the object or subject to whom it is addressed. In white magic rituals, friendly and beneficial energy sources are collected and then projected toward positive goals, to creation and growth. Good deeds in general and all types of nice development. In the rituals of black magic, the way to capture the energy is by the shock, cruel sacrifices, darkness and blood. All this also produce energy but modified and altered in negative way, with generally evil intentions. The human body, animals and plants employ the universal energy. It is the energy that flows through the acupuncture channels and now begins to be accepted by the medical and scientific establishment. It has been 21

- Radionic- CHAPTER 2 Mental energy, Universal Energy and its relationship with the Radionic

discovered that the energy can be transmitted through space and through conductive elements such as copper. The researcher T. G. Hieronymus planted seeds in two different containers placed in two separated boxes placed in a dark cellar. With control flowerpot no operation was made, except to leave it without light in a cold environment. The other pot was connected by a cable to an outside plate which received sunlight. Plants that had a connection with sunlight through a single cable grew stronger and healthier. By contrast, the other plants had only weak growth. The universal energy is present in all things to a greater or lesser extent. It is possible to use, accumulate and direct that energy in the precise direction we need. Our mind has that extraordinary ability to channel and use that enormous power using various means. One such means is radionic and its appliances. Instruments to detect, measure, modular, transmit and manage vibrational information, while facilitating the access to capabilities that only are considered present in privileged humans. They also allow managing vital energy and to use it in accordance with the intention of the person who operates one of these devices.

The connection People, living beings and things, we all share a universe in which we are deeply interconnected. Later we will enter the concept of «Matrix» or area where we can access the ability to receive or send information, in a voluntary way, on a kind of Internet for «subtle energy».


- Radionic- CHAPTER 2 Mental energy, Universal Energy and its relationship with the Radionic

Radionic We can say that Radionic and their devices are a simple way to access and amplify our mental power. We can compare a radionic device to a new generation smartphone that allows us to connect through an operator (estructural link) to the Internet (Matrix) to gather the information we need or send new information to anywhere or person, in order to correct anomalous situations or circumstances and to facilitate the achievement of objectives of all kinds. We will understand more on these concepts in the following chapters.


Chapter 3

SYNCHRONICITY Y RADIONIC Most people have ever experienced what is known as synchronicity’s phenomena or connections. Even Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, Freud’s collaborator in his beginnings, devoted an entire book to these phenomena and their implications. Maybe you have had the experience of thinking about a certain person, a person you didn’t heard about for some time (even years) and then that person phoned you instantly or a few minutes later. You may dream about someone and the next day you find that person, by chance in the street or elsewhere. It seems as if people, living beings and even things, we share a common matrix that allows us to connect at energy level when needed, just when we want it or when accidentally circumstances exist for that connection. Let’s consider the ways in which we are connected and its relationship with radionic

Connections between people Lovers or those who share a special interest, when there is a great energy intensity generated by the excitement, typically have higher «coincidences» in this sense. Many people who experience a special attraction towards somebody have found that, if the attraction is mutual, both individuals meet again by chance in the most unexpected places again and again until they solve their «connection» in any way. A British couple in love, were separated during World War II because he served his country in Indochina, fighting against the Japanese army. Despite the distance, they were very close emotionally. She received a statement saying that her boyfriend had been reported missing. She was given little hope, but she felt that her partner was alive. One night she dreamed of coming down a steep stairs and was walking between berths.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 3 Synchronicity and Radionic

She did not know where she was, but the dream was very real and vivid. After walking between rows of beds, she turned to one side without knowing why and found her beloved in a lower berth, sick but alive. Both looked at each other and shook hands. At that time, she woke up startled with the conviction that the dream was real and that John was alive. When the war ended, John which was a prisoner, he was released and returned home. He told her that he remained alive despite the harsh conditions and disease, because he had seen her appear between the bunks and gave him hands in a dream he had during his captivity. That dream gave him the strength to endure and overcome the extreme hardness of the situation until he was released.

The animals and their owners Synchronicity and connection occur not only between people but also between people and animals. There have been dozens of cases of dogs or cats that return to their home when they are left hundreds or even thousands of kilometres from home.

There are dozens of cases reported each year worldwide about dogs who return to find their owners tens of kilometres away from where they lost, but few cases as flashy as «Prince» an Irish terrier who escaped from the county of Staffordshire in England until the trenches between France and Germany to meet its owner during the 1st World War. The dog crossed the English Channel and a large part of French territory without human assistance known, finding its owner in front. The man’s wife reported her husband about the disappearance of the animal to he was particularly attached, but when the letter arrived months later to the recipient, the dog was with his owner. No one could explain how it happened. Without being so striking experiences, many dogs know when their owners arrive to the garage of a large building housing even if they are


- Radionic- CHAPTER 3 Synchronicity and Radionic

separated by hundreds of meters from the parking and it is impossible for them to sniff their owners. Others perceive when their owners leave work and head to home. Many perceive that animals react to thoughts even when the dog owner is in another room and pets can not observe the movements or actions of the person to which they are attached. A cat named Sugar, in the United States, was lost by its family in Anderson, California, when they began to move into their new home to more than 2,400 km away. The cat got scared and jumped out the car window. Although they delayed the trip for several hours and they sought the cat, they failed to find him and finally they had to leave without the animal. The family gasped when fourteen months later, the cat found his family in Oklahoma, in a place he had never been before, and without any help. The animal came very thin, scarred and exhausted, but reunited with their owners. The family had doubts at first about if the cat were really Sugar, but they had to admit the evidence when, in addition to responding to his name, it had the same colour and the same sex, and they found that the cat had a bone deformity exactly as Sugar always had had . They never turned away again from him.

Beyond living things The connections also exist between people and things. Even between people and information, knowledge or ideas. Before the Internet were a window to the world, The writers know that was not so easy to find information on a unknown or very particular subject. However, many say after wandering for libraries and records to find information about events or facts with little references, they «accidentally» ran into the information they needed, in a old magazine «casually» buyed in a sunday market, in a book found in the library of a person met «by chance» or even in backward publications abandoned in a waiting room of a doctor who the writer had to visit because of a sudden ailment. André, a resident of Paris, told how he had received from his late father an old little silver box carved, with inside hallmarks that his father had engraved. André had special affection for that object. However, during 26

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a small vacation, the home was robbed and the thieves took everything of value they found, among them the small silver box. André felt the loss, especially the little silver box, but police couldn’t find the evildoers nor the stolen articles. Two years later, André ran into publicity about Amsterdam and thought it would be a good idea to travel with your partner there for a special weekend. André still remembered with regret the loss of the little box he inherited from his father and remained in contact with authorities in case it appeared in any raid or was recovered in somehow. When they arrived at the beautiful Dutch city, they went for a walk and ended up lost in a not very busy neighbourhood. Trying to find a reference street ran into an antique shop. When they entered, André was attracted to a dimly lit shelf where there were small objects. His surprise was great when he found a small silver box exactly like the one he lost. He Looked stunned and when he opened the box, he could see that it had exactly the brands that his father drew in it. Since the value of the box was not very high, he willingly paid the marked price to avoid the hassles of reporting what happened to the authorities in a foreign country. In any case he recovered «by chance» that so beloved object and closed the issue. If you have ever planned to change your car, maybe you’ve had the experience that your old vehicle begins to cause problems, above usual. Sudden breakdowns occur. It’s like your car perceived you intend to get rid of it and it does not mind to decompose in any way. We are not saying the car thinks, but it may have some sort of connection between us and the things we own, so our energy «load» these properties. It seems to be an unseen link and when we cut this, we stop to feed the object that belongs to us with certain type of subtle energy. The same often happens with appliances, phones and other items. Evidence shows that there are natural connections and other connections that can be set intentionally between people, between living things and between things. There are links that allow us to detect remotely what we want, what we need or what we need to know at certain times or circumstances. It is as if our mind unconsciously programmed in advance by our desires and expectations, it help us to find what we need within the tangle of objects and data that populate our universe and physically guide us to find it. 27

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It seems to be an unseen link and when we cut this, we stop to feed the object that belongs to us with certain type of subtle energy

It is also possible to establish connections at will when a person intends to focus on a specific goal of any kind. Dowsers find water or metals using tree branches with establishing a certain system of signals. The branch does not find anything for itself. It’s the individual and its muscles that do it, exerting a certain pressure on the branch, moving it up or down in a completely unconscious way. The same applies to those who handle different types of pendulum, sensible instruments such as detecting rods, the so called biosensors and the famous «aurameter», widely used in rural areas of the United States to detect mineral veins and water quite successfully. Both the dowser as the geobiology expert, using a pendulum for detecting ore veins, they establish a process of conscious connection at any given time. We are all connected to everything, but these experts have developed a certain sensitivity that allows them to connect when they want, using an simple instrument. Learning to use these means (pendulum rod, tree branches) requires practice and help from a person who knows the system, but anyone can do it with some insistence. We could find an analogy with the study of a particular musical instrument. Almost anyone can touch a guitar relatively well, with study and practice. Some better and some worse, but generally speaking, any human being with dominion over his mental and physical faculties has this capability.

It is also possible to establish connections at will when a person intends to focus on a specific goal of any kind


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Radionic instruments have the advantage of facilitating the task of connecting dramatically. It is very easy to use them. Actually whereby contact easily. To detect information and also transmit information. When a person uses a radionic device detects signals using a surface of the machine where the fingers slide. When the connection is established, the fingers stick to that surface, indicating the person working with the machine that is detecting what wanted. The advantage of the radionic devices is that they are very versatile and can be used for dozens of different activities: From detect ailments up to issue remedies for these ailments. From finding a lost object, up to know the likelihood that a business can generate benefits. From increasing the capacity to store, up to enhance the attractiveness of a person in relation to others. To find veins of ore, know the general state of a machine, increase the chances of achieving a goal, expand the vitality of plants and animals and a long etc. Those who have spent many years practicing hypnosis, know that it is possible to act on a remote person and even get it to a deep sleep, especially if you have worked directly with that person before. That is, if there is a previously established connection is relatively simple to make the subject responds to the remote suggestions. If the hypnotist also has a photograph or a sample of the person, the connection is greater and more fluid. Simply because the mind of the operator can more easily focus on the target. Those who practice magic, usually use a doll representing a person. To make the connection more powerful, they stick the doll with hair, nails, saliva or belongings of the person chosen to establish the influence. The practising (operator) concentrates on the doll and performing ceremonies or spells that seek to alter behaviour, do harm or even cause disease in the target person. Surprisingly in most cases it works, because there is a force generated by the wizard and a constancy practised by the person who commissioning the work. The latter must continue making a series of actions aimed at maintaining a mentally constant stalking to the victim. So it ensures that the mind of the person commissioning the work is always influencing on the victim, in order to send a constant «negative force» to the target person and his surroundings. 29

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If the person being attacked maintains during that period of time adequate mental and physical balance, external influences will not affect that person. It would be like being sheltered in a well-grounded house with windows and doors closed. Conversely, if the person to who the poisoned energy is directed is unstructured or goes through a period of imbalance in your life, it is very likely receive the pernicious influence and his difficulties will be increased. It is therefore very important to maintain good mental health, a positive attitude to adversity and respect the rest, proper nutrition and sleep. It is the best way for our energies can build a shield against any external influence of harmful nature.

The advantage of the radionic devices is that they are very versatile and can be used for dozens of different activities

Having said that, a radionic device acts on its positive side, as a constant emission instrument that allows focusing the mind of the person who works with this device directing it towards the goals he wants. Is it possible to use a radionic instrument to hurt somebody? Many experts say no, but others argue that just as you can do good, could be used in reverse. A medication may be good for a sick person or a poison for a healthy person who uses it the wrong way. A knife can be used to prepare a nutritious meal for the family or be used to do great harm to someone. The person who uses Radionic for negative purposes must bear in mind the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of karma. Everything positive done for others, is beneficial for those who perform good deeds. Everything negative, and if done consciously, ends up attracting harmful consequences to those who make evil. It should be noted that radionic machines can be a perfect shield against the negative influences of others and especially for those who feel they are attacked from a distance by specialized individuals in actions of this nature. The reason is that the radionic device allows to have a constantly balanced energy level. This results in good mood and constant flow of energy 30

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between chakras and channels of circulation of that vital energy. The owner of a radionic device can work on himself and others to act on all the fields shown in this manual. Strengthen his/her energy and act on it at any field, even on health problems (at vibratory level). Frankly, the radionic world offers a range of extraordinary possibilities to people, including the proper physical-mental development and maintenance from the point of view subtle energy. In this book you will find the most common applications experienced by thousands of people over many years of use. People who have successfully tested these radionic devices and are happy to have them and use them. Read on and find out if any of these applications could be useful and interesting for you.


Chapter 4

GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND BASIC CONCEPTS IN RADIONIC. INTRINSIC DATA FIELDS AND WAVEFORMS Anything we can consider in the Universe is energy. The energy appears in many forms and can be measured and differentiated if you have the means. The energy also exists in the mind and consciousness, in the mind through thoughts. Emotions and feelings are forms of energy. Electricity, magnetism, light, colour, sound, heat, are forms of energy. It differs in frequency of vibration and the way of transmission. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the people we know, animals and plants that inhabit our planet, the things around us, everything has an essential basis for energy. That energy presents unique and differentiating patterns. Patterns that identify anything that we know and conceive. Like all objects, the body absorbs and radiates energy in different formats of waves and frequencies. Each of our senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, work through energy in different frequency bands and electromagnetic spectra. We tend to believe only what we can experience through our physical senses, but the truth is there are many other energies that affect us and that we can perceive at a deeper levels under certain circumstances and through appropriate instruments. Most of us are unaware of the vibrational frequencies that surround us and which can be produced by human technology or nature itself. For example, we are literally traversed by control radars, mobile phone frequencies, television or radio waves. Also


- Radionic- CHAPTER 4 General principles and basic concepts in radionic. Intrinsic data Fields and waveforms

by earth energies caused by underground water, magneto electric nets generated by the planet (Curry, Hartmann), mineral veins or land with some radioactivity. Our bodies produce energy fields as a result of the different physical-chemical reactions that generate. If we enlarge tissues, cells, molecules and atoms we’ll see how everything is moving and produces special and differentiated reactions. All these reactions are generated or generate energy patterns and specific data. This is what we call «intrinsic data fields» or «IDF’s» in radionic, because their parameters can be detected, measured, represented and influenced by their specific vibrations. If we consider a magnet placed under a board on which sprinkle iron filings, we see that these are placed with a specific pattern that indicates the boundaries of the «scope» of the magnet or «magnetic field». If we think the transmission is made through a radio broadcasting station, the station tower radiates an «electromagnetic field» that can be identified and measured by the detection devices.

All these reactions are generated or generate energy patterns and specific data. This is what we call «intrinsic data fields» or «IDF’s» in radionic

The Earth has its own «magnetic field» and all lively and inanimate objects have their own «information field» or specific and particular mark that identifies each of these objects. If we think of a certain cat we can get an «intrinsic data field» (IDF) of that cat. But we can also obtain a measure for each part of that cat, for the body, for each organ or set of organs or even for a specific behaviour of that cat in a particular situation. It would be like putting a label or name to each part or every action performed by the cat. Everything would have its own CDI and can be measured through a radionic equipment. If we consider the universe as a whole which is interrelated, we can conceive the idea that we can access 33

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any element of the universe through some kind of subtle energy directly or indirectly through space.

We can identify a particular thought and represent it through words, numbers, pictures or graphics. This representation can then be used as a bridge or link to the energy produced by the thought.

As already mentioned, the intrinsic data field (IDF) is not only a characteristic of the objects, but also the thoughts and actions. We can identify a particular thought and represent it through words, numbers, pictures or graphics. This representation can then be used as a bridge to the energy produced by the thought. A radionic instrument also serves to recognize this type of information in an individual and to issue the intrinsic data field of a particular concept or behaviour. We can broadcast it directly if positive or invest to neutralize if negative. For example we can measure whether a person suffers from some form of depression through a sample of the person placed in a radionic device, but can also «radiate» or emit the concept of «right mental balance» to this person in order to rebalance. We can also, emit to a person (or subject) IDF’s corresponding to determined skills like to «improve communication with others» or «increase desire and ability to study» on a given subject, in order that the target person remain «impregnated» with this idea as if would receive a dose of a homeopathic medicine. We will talk later about the extraordinary possibilities of radionic in the field of personal development.


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The theory of IDF’s The IDF’s (intrinsic data fields), occur in relation to any existing or conceivable thing. A particular IDF contains all the information concerning a thing or a thought. The researcher Rupert Sheldrake became well known for his books in which he spoke about the «morphic fields» and «morphic resonance.» According to Sheldrake, we are united by a kind of general matrix or field which in turn is subdivided into smaller fields according to species or groups. Through these connections, we can receive information and provide information of all kinds. We exchange information easily among groups with similar IDF’s. For example, ideas, customs and ways of life would spread among humans through these invisible connections in addition to conventional means. Sheldrake emphasizes that changes to deeper levels are made by subtle information exchanged with others in an imperceptible way. When a person use pendulums, rods and other instruments to detect water or mineral veins, this person (the operator) is detecting or measuring these fields intrinsic data fields of information (IDF’s) that act as a specific and unique «fingerprint» . Another example of the IDF, would be the information obtained or memorized in the muscles when learning a particular skill, such as cycling. The new information is coded within muscle tissues and brain. Some scientists believe that the whole organism receives the information as if it were a hologram. Consider the possibility that every cell in our body could accept, retain, store or discard the data received or already had. In this case, the malfunction can be modified if new data with adequate and relevant information are received. We could modify behaviours, performs changes in disease patterns to solve them or introduce the bases to install new skills more quickly.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 4 General principles and basic concepts in radionic. Intrinsic data Fields and waveforms

IDF’s and Radionic interact to solve complex situations By interacting on a whole or holographic matrix, radionic makes it possible global solutions or group solutions to the problems or situations requiring related and successive changes. These changes may be related to health, personal skills, or even situations that have to do with a person or a group of people. According to this idea, sometimes a health problem treated with a radionic machine (vibrational treatment) can be solved just with intervention of the operator and the instrument. For example, a CDI is detected with measures that do not correspond to a good health situation. For example a sore arm muscle. The operator, using a sample of the person, may emit with his radionic device a CDI that matches the CDI corresponding to healthy muscles or send with that radionic instrument the intention to fully heal the damaged muscle. The muscle receives that information and restores normality. But other times, it takes more than just receiving the corresponding corrective vibration or IDF issuance of a healthy muscle. What happens then? Although the phenomenon seems hard to understand, the circumstances seem to be conjugated in order that the solution takes place. Maybe otherwise or as a result of multiple factors that fit together, as if it were a puzzle.

By interacting on a whole or holographic matrix, radionic makes it possible global solutions or group solutions to the problems or situations requiring related and successive changes The radionic users often face complex situations that require multiple solutions or multiple participations. What then? Enter the desired solution in the radionic device, find the parameters that correspond to this 36

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solution and send these parameters to the person being treated. Those who commonly use radionic to help in their daily lives comment very curious cases.

An interesting example was that of Peter. Regular user of radionic equipment, Peter told how he met a friend who was suffering from a rare disease related to the immune system. Despite having consulted for years to multiple therapists and medical professionals, Peter’s friend did not quite heal. Peter asked his friend permission to use his radionic device with him and he agreed. At first, Peter’s friend, Marcus, noticed a big improvement. Although this was already something remarkable, it did not mean the ultimate solution. But two weeks later, «by chance» Marcus met someone with a similar problem that had healed following an unconventional treatment of a little-known therapist. Interestingly, this meeting took place in a very haphazard way, because it had to do with the sudden need for Marcus to come to a meeting related to a customer of your company. Marcus went to the recommended therapist and by following his instructions he completely cured his ailment in a couple of months.

To attribute the healing of Peter’s friend to the radionic device is an outrage? At first it might seem so, and that whatever happened had to do with a combination of circumstances that were going well accidentally. However when such coincidences are repeated innumerable times among users of radionic devices, we would seek an explanation that fit within the whole structure we have considered here. If the theory of «Matrix» global is correct, would mean that by acting on certain parameters, we could trigger certain events at the end of a consecutive process. It would be like the example of the «butterfly effect», according to which, the flutter of a flying insect at one end of the world can cause a hurricane if the circumstances are chained favourably.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 4 General principles and basic concepts in radionic. Intrinsic data Fields and waveforms

People accustomed to viewing targets with the intention of ending coming true their dreams, know how important it is to focus on the final solution rather than on the way to that solution. When the mind is used to achieve objectives, in whatever form, is always better to visualize the desired result and let «the universe conspires» to find the most appropriate way to reach the goal. Without mysticism, regardless of the particular beliefs, we understand that this «conspiracy» is simply a unconsciously way to find the most appropriate way to reach the expected destination, through the connection or field that we all share. We have explained that a radionic device is a device that amplifies psychic abilities of the person who uses it. Therefore, using radionic and its «machines» will give us an incredibly powerful opportunity to develop our extrasensory perception and use it in multiple applications of various kinds.

Would mean that by acting on certain parameters, we could trigger certain events at the end of a consecutive process.

The advantage of the Radionic devices is that allow users to use an instrument that channels perfectly its intentions. To modular and to direct towards the targets, without the necessity of a constant visualization and a permanent concentration by the user. In addition you can work on multiple targets at once and even work with the aim of different people. We repeat that the scope of radionic is as wide as the creativity to find new uses for both the person who owns one of these devices and others.

The waveforms and their relationship to Radionic The modern discovery of the waveforms (ODF) is due to two French researchers called André de Belizal and León Chaumery. These specialists in dowsing, by using several devices, pendulums and various


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experiments checked that geometric shapes seem to emit radiation or vibrations that affect living things that are found around them. Certain geometric shapes seem to harmonize environments, interacting with them and enabling the smooth flow of beneficial energy for humans and life in general. Others are neutral and still others are negatives. The Egyptians and many other ancient peoples knew these interactions and used them to improve the ground performance, for example by placing stone structures in certain places of the field to facilitate the production of good harvests by balancing the energy on the treatment area. This was not done randomly but by people who as a «dowsers» perceived the earth energies of an area and knew how to derive them, neutralize them or expand them using certain rock structures. To this it has been called «acupuncture of the ground.» The Chinese, through the theory of Feng Shui use objects, colors and structures to harmonize both exterior and interior environments. Many believe that this kind of «science» is just trickery, but the practicality of Asian would have prevented that this knowledge from being implemented today if not actually work. We can say without fear of mistake that almost every modern building in Chinese cities has been developed with the advice of an expert in Feng Shui. The waveforms can be issued to a greater or lesser extent by almost any object, although some are so weak that have little interest. These waveforms interact with people and living things and can positively or negatively affect health and well-being. In general terms we can say that the waveforms issued by symmetrical geometric structures are beneficial, while those issued by irregular geometric shapes are harmful to a greater or lesser degree. It is possible that the reader knows the multiple experiments with pyramidal forms and how they seem to beneficially affect the environment when aligned properly in space. The nature of these subtle energies is not clarified from the conventional scientific view, but its existence is undeniable. The reader can consult many books that speak in detail about


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the energy produced by the pyramids and how they can be used to dehydrate food, to improve plant growth or to heal some wounds faster.

We can say without fear of mistake that almost every modern building in Chinese cities has been developed with the advice of an expert in Feng Shui. Waveforms can propagate through space as directed vibrations, they can be driven by copper wires, induced and emitted. The waveforms and their intensity can be measured with radionic devices and can be used to influence different types of targets. In developing radionic devices it is usual to have in mind the waveforms and the geometric structures, because they can increase the effectiveness of the devices. The antennas of these devices and their structures often follow geometric patterns that improve both the reception and emission of information. It is important to keep this in mind when choosing the radionic device that allows access to a new world of infinite possibilities. Moreover, you can use beneficial geometric shapes to radiate radionically to a person or a particular environment. It can vitalize, neutralize negative influences, enhance or decrease positive or negative patterns by the waveforms in combination with Radionic. The person who wants to delve into the possibilities of using the waveforms, can consult some treaties about Dowsing and Geobiology and learn about this issue in more detail.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 4 General principles and basic concepts in radionic. Intrinsic data Fields and waveforms


Chapter 5


AMAZING HEALINGS AT A DISTANCE? Although we have seen that man has practised for thousands of years with the remote influence and connection between people, the Radionic as theory and as an object of serious research began in the twentieth century at the hands of people trained and with a scientific view of experimentation. Radionic currently is used widely in the UK and India for therapeutic purposes. France has a long history of people who investigated the Radionic for many different purposes using different types of devices. In Germany and other European countries it is very successfully used for therapy in humans and animals through bioresonance devices that are an extension of radionic. The fundamental difference is that the measuring and treatment of patients is only in the query itself through electrodes. In its broad therapeutic side we will make clear that all radionic systems are designed to establish a bridge between human consciousness and the energies of each patient. The aim is to make a measurement on health and disease from a purely vibrational perspective. If disturbances are detected, the patient is given the correct parameters using the radionic devices or through homeopathy, naturopathic, traditional medicine or whatever the therapist consider appropriate. All these complementary


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therapies can also be tested on the radionic equipment in relation with the patient. Through Radionic is possible to quantify and measure the energy emitted by the physical organs and subtle energies present in the etheric body of man. Chakras, channels, psychosomatic disorders, imbalances and extensive additional information may be collected by radionic devices and corrected through them. Precisely this comprehensive information and the possibility to modify the imbalances using a vibrational treatment is what is not generally accepted by the scientific community classic. Some of the phenomena observed with radionic are so amazing and yet so irrational for scientific analytical mind that its detractors claim that we are not facing a true science but a practice that borders on magic or the placebo effect. Curiously, it is the same approach that many treatments of homeopathy or alternative medicine, which notwithstanding are commonly used successfully by people who do not find solutions in traditional medicine.

For those who are unfamiliar with radionic devices, especially for those people who do not believe that humans have extrasensory abilities that use little, it seems that all this is an accidental issue or pure statistical coincidence phenomena. However, those who are aware of the enormous possibilities of alternative therapies and the influence of human consciousness in healing, they open the door to experimenting and to get benefits with the possibilities of radionic and its many uses.

Anyone can use very successfully the radionic devices from the start.

In any case, the progress of quantum physics and laser holography, allow being developed scientific models that will explain radionic and its implications. Until then, we can consider the theoretical aspects and use the practical results that can be checked very easily when these devices are used.


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In radionic, devices with specially designed circuits are used. Used properly, it is possible to detect illness with much precision, but also it is possible to articulate a non invasive therapy and purely vibrational in order to heal ailments of various kinds (at vibratory level). Even treat quite successfully serious diseases. Radionic does not propose the abandonment of traditional medicine since the radionic treatment, although it can be used as the only way (at vibratory level), usually served as a valuable aid and complementary to accelerate the healing process. Within the theoretical functioning of Radionic and its appliances, we say that sometimes appear to act as a sort of unconscious psychic amplifier ability to perceive energies by operators. Surprisingly, the practice shows that those who use these machines do not need any special training or detailed knowledge of diseases. Anyone can use very successfully the radionic devices from the start. It is very common in some radionic devices the use of software where organs or diseases are listed to facilitate the inexperienced operators the detecting operation. But it’s not always necessary because the operator can anyway accurately indicate changes in the subjects measured or diagnosed. Often without knowledge of medicine or even when these programs are developed in languages unknown to the operator. When appearing the name of the damaged organ, the person simply observes that his fingers stop sliding over the adherence plate. This shows that most, if not all human beings have the ability to detect information about other people, by unconventional means. Most striking is the fact that vibrational healing energies are transmitted to a subject even thousands of kilometres away, with no connection more than the name and some data written on paper (although it works much better when there is a sample the subject as hair, saliva or a drop of blood). This remind of mental training courses of Jose Silva (Silva Mind Control), where in just one weekend anyone can develop a psychic ability to detect malfunctions and diseases away. But even in this case you have to use this ability in special conditions, not like with radionic devices. You can use the radionic machines when you want and in any environment.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 5 The Radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing healings at a distance?

This shows that most, if not all human beings have the ability to detect information about other people, by unconventional means . The challenge of radionic is to explain how using a special device, anyone can perform the feat of detection from someone at a distance and also transmit vibrational remedies without physical contact. Even if the subject doesn’t know that is being treated, the beneficial effects can be determined with great speed and accuracy.

Some history The modern origin of radionic is curious and irregular. All seasoned with interesting discoveries and the intervention of bright people from different backgrounds who were not afraid of criticism in search of new horizons. Dr. Albert Abrams was the most renowned pioneer. This MD, neurologist practiced his profession in San Francisco in the early twentieth century. Dr. Abrams used the technique of percussion to perform examinations on their patients as the other doctors of his time. For younger clarify that percussion is a system in which the doctor puts a finger on the abdomen and with the middle finger of the other hand strikes the first finger in order to create a specific sound. It is something like what many people do on melons and watermelons to establish its maturity. Using this system, a trained doctor may gather information about tissues and state of tissues or organs under the percussive area, to explore organ size, abnormal excessive presence of water or gases, and general condition of the patient. On one occasion, Dr. Abrams was recognizing a 45

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patient using this methodology. The patient had cancer in a lip in an advanced stage. When the doctor made percussions on the patient’s abdomen he observed a thud that should not be. To improve his posture, the patient changed place and the doctor noticed that the sound was so different. It was a hollow sound. He did tests and found that every time the patient was oriented west the sound was different from when he was oriented south. This rare phenomenon had never been advised by Dr. Abrams. This led him to believe that the orientation of the patient relative to the earth’s magnetic poles had some influence on the body and also had some kind of particular measurable energy emanation associated with lip cancer patient. The following experiment confirmed the doctor that diseased tissues seemed to radiate some kind of vibration that could be measured. He explored a healthy subject and noted that percussion reflected the sound of a person in good health. However, when approaching a container of cancerous tissue the healthy subject, this healthy subject showed the very sound of a person who had cancer. When removing and placing the sample of cancerous tissue in another room, the person failed to reflect an abnormal sound. Dr. Abrams concluded that the diseased tissue exuded a kind of energy, vibration or radiation that was perceived by the healthy subject causing a reflection on the abdominal muscles where the percussion was made. Following these experiences, he began to investigate and realized that different diseased tissues produce different sounds when the samples were placed close to healthy individuals and these people were examined by percussion. The orientation of the subjects was also important. Later he connected healthy people with sick via cable and could see that the healthy people showed the same sound patterns of sick patients. He did the same with samples of diseased tissue attached by wires to the front of the healthy subjects and these also showed symptoms of the disease. The phenomenon only occurred when the volunteers were oriented to the West, something that puzzled to our good doctor. Later it was found that the location may be important or even decisive for measuring radionic emissions.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 5 The Radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing healings at a distance?

The curious doctor, went on differentiating sounds and associating them with different types of diseases. He began to realize that she had found a system, that well developed could be quite accurate and help detect diseases. However, one day he realized that the sound produced in a patient with syphilis was no different from that produced by a cancer patient and reflection produced was the same in the abdominal area. Therefore the system followed started to not be so distinctive, so it would have to find a method more reliably measure the different vibrations that emit various diseases.

In any case, Dr. Abrams concluded that the energy emitted by the tissues was some kind of energy that could flow on a cable and even in space, producing some reaction in tissues of healthy people placed in surrounding areas. From here our investigator’s mind began to race. He had something important in hand but needed improvement. Abrams began experimenting with this «electromagnetic» energy. He ordered to build a special instrument or box with potentiometers and resistors, so that he could make modifications on the energy through the apparatus. He would Create a circuit formed by the healthy volunteer, the device and the ill patient. Abrams intended to use the device as a discriminator in order to filter out frequencies that were received and thus be more accurate in diagnosing various diseases or what could be measured. When using potentiometers and the numbering they provided, he found that could find different kinds of ailments through their code numbers. When getting the right number for a disease and reverse it, the healthy subjects showed a positive abdominal reflex. Based on its initial success, Dr. Abrams created a guide which contained specific areas of the abdomen to establish a diagnosis and the resistance (in ohms) that were required to detect major diseases by his device. But here’s the kicker: Our curious doctor realized he could place a drop of blood from the patient on paper and to connect it via cable to his radionic device (with potentiometers and resistors) and the healthy subject. Once done, it was not necessary to have the patient in the circuit. Only with the drop of blood could make the diagnosis as precisely as before. This 47

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discovery was of paramount importance and at the same time of great controversy. Ultimately, it led to the modern practice of using blood samples on filter paper to diagnose «remote» the illness of a patient by means of radionic technology. (Later it was also found that it was feasible to use other samples with good results).

Dr. Abrams concluded that the energy emitted by the tissues was some kind of energy that could flow on a cable and even in space, producing some reaction in tissues of healthy people placed in surrounding areas.

After that, Dr. Abrams got hundreds of patients diagnosed correctly more comfortably and with less involved in the process. Nevertheless, doctors who worked with him began to complain of the difficulty of properly learning the process and significance of percussion sounds. Abrams’s mind continued to work. He devised a different percussion system to get the same results easily. With a glass rod, apprentices could produce percussion more easily, but it happened that when students located an abnormal reflex and the rod touched the skin, the skin presented a certain resistance to the glass rod and started to wrinkle. By using this reaction, they could get the same signal than with percussion, but much easier to learn. They still needed the collaboration of healthy people that would serve to establish the full circuit. These people were exhausted after several hours of measurement. Moreover for the detection and measurement experiments it was found that the yellow color produced errors because it reacts with the solar plexus and then it was not possible to use the abdomen


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to detect alterations. This colour provides additional energy that seems to interfere, causing muscle changes.

Dr. Abrams got hundreds of patients diagnosed correctly more comfortably and with less involved in the process

Despite the apparent difficulties, Dr. Abrams continued mulling. If the reflexes of the disease were mitigated when the healthy volunteer changed their spatial orientation (because of terrestrial magnetism), meant that the disease itself could also improve or even dissolve if there was some kind of vibration, energy or force to counteract disturbances caused by ailments. So the doctor began conducting experiments with medicines in a purely vibrational level. By using known cures for certain diseases, he introduced them into the circuit without give the medicines physically to the patients. Just in a bottle placed inside the radionic circuit and connected to the volunteer. For example, our researcher found that by introducing quinine in his radionic circuit, there was an abdominal reflex in healthy volunteer identical to that recorded in a volunteer connected by a cable to a patient with malaria. The reflections observed for both the disease and to cure were identical. This coincidence suggested that there might be some kind of energetic resonance between the disease (malaria in this case) and the remedy used (quinine) that was the drug commonly used at the time. Let us point out here that in classical homeopathy, healing occurs only when the vibrational frequency of the remedy matches the «frequency of the disease» of the patient (neutralizing and balancing the body again). The hypothesis Abrams acquired greater strength thanks to another observation made during its investigation of malaria. When exploring a number of individuals by using a blood sample from a patient with this disease along with a few grains of quinine placed in the radionic circuit, he noted that the abdominal reflex reaction of malaria had disappeared. 49

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While the volunteer remained connected to the patient’s blood and the quinine, it was not possible to reproduce the corresponding abdominal reflection of malaria. Quinine seemed to void the negative energy radiation or cancel the pathological vibration caused by infected blood. Abrams tested a variant of the experiment by undergoing examination other infectious disease, syphilis. The cure employed at that time was mercury. He introduced a blood sample from a patient with active syphilis in the radionic circuit and found that volunteers showed characteristic abdominal reflexes of syphilis. However, if while it was in the circuit, he added mercury to a vessel containing a sample of blood from a syphilis patient, the abdominal reflex reaction of syphilis disappeared in the voluntary. This brought more evidence to the researcher to the fact that, in addition to the chemical effects produced in the body, there was another important reason why some drugs cured certain diseases. He concluded that the substances used to heal (and indeed any other existing thing) has certain energetic properties characteristics. A blueprint or measurable identity and the ability to influence on illness. In this case, properties that served to neutralize the radiation produced by abnormal pathological diseases for which they had been prescribed.

He concluded that the substances used to heal (and indeed any other existing thing) has certain energetic properties characteristics. A blueprint or measurable identity and the ability to influence on illness

Dr. Abrams questioned rightly whether there would be a complete method of energetic treatment and healing, adequate to his theory of electromagnetic vibrations of disease. So he talked to leading experts in electrical circuits of his time, and finally he developed a device to which he gave the name of «Oscilloclast». The patient was connected to this device with a cable and an electrode. After making an initial diagnosis of the patient’s disease through his classic equipment, Dr. Abrams rotate the 50

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«Oscilloclast» dials until you find the proper position on the device to obtain a reaction. The various dials and combinations were adjusted a particular frequency, then transmitted impulses of a very low electrical intensity to patients. These adjustments were made in accordance with empirical observations that Abrams had found useful in treating certain diseases. Once you locate the most appropriate value, the device transmitting the modulated energy to the patient through a cable connected to an electrode placed on the patient’s spleen area, which was where the most positive response was obtained (apparently this area coincides with the splenic chakra that plays an important role in the distribution of Chi or vital energy in the meridians and energy systems of the body). Although several sessions were needed with Oscilloclast to achieve lasting healing effects, Abrams and his students obtained a great success in using this new device for energy cure a wide range of diseases. For years Dr. Abrams continued to refine his system and his therapy devices, also discovering thousands of radionic measures for diseases and his vibrational remedies.

Dr. Ruth Drown It was an early disciple of Dr. Abrams and she continued his legacy perfecting their equipment and improving detection techniques and healing. Among the improvements, we note the addition of a rectangular rubber sheet (it’s possible to use different materials) that she called «sticky plaque» or «adherence plate». By entering this rubber sheet in the radionic circuit, he managed to eliminate the healthy subject. The rubber sheet worked as detection system. At first she used percussion, but experience showed that there was a reaction in the fingers of the person operating the device when sliding them over the surface of the rubber plate. When placing a hand on a dial of the apparatus and rotate it looking for a signal, the operator reached a receiving frequency, then the other hand fingers, while sliding on the sticking plate, felt an adherence at the same time and remained stuck. This sense of adherence corresponded to what was 51

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happening with the glass rod that Dr. Abrams used on the abdomen of healthy volunteers. The best thing about this system is that there was no need to receive specific training on the different sounds in the abdomen of a healthy person. Neither the connection of a healthy subject was necessary for using a radionic machine. One single person, without special training could perceive the adequate vibrational settings for treating a patient on a radionic machine. .

The experience showed that there was a reaction in the fingers of the person operating the device when sliding them over the surface of the rubber plate

By placing a drop of blood of the person to diagnose in the circuit and after adjusting the dials using the information being received by the sticking plate, Dr. Drown had some numbers and positions of dials. They corresponded to an individual patient. It was «radionic frequency» of the patient at a given time. Then she compared that figure with a reference table where appearing the frequencies associated with different diseases. If she introduced in the circuit the necessary medicines to treat the patient’s disease, the patient began to heal. Even patients were kilometres away.

In essence, the radionic machine consists of an electrical circuit modulated by dials. The sample of the patient was connected and the dials were adjusted to the ill. The remedy was also connected to the device. The patient, through their sample was connected to remedy the diseases. From there the subject started his healing.


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Note here that the instrument by Dr. Drown was used to compare frequencies taken by experts using rods and pendulums on samples of inorganic minerals (with a radionic instrument you can take measures for all existing things even abstract concepts as ideas or thoughts).The readings of dials from Drown’s radionic equipment corresponded virtually with the dowsing different mineral values. These values, in turn, matched to their atomic weights. Therefore, Drown’s device allows the operator to obtain figures of accurate atomic structures and energetic characteristics of different samples of both organic tissue and inorganic elements.

When Dr. Drown thought that the sample of the person kept some kind of connection with that person, radionic went a step further. If the sample from the person is treated, then the person and his body will receive the benefits, he thought. And so it was.


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The best thing about this system is that there was no need to receive specific training on the different sounds in the abdomen of a healthy person. Neither the connection of a healthy subject was necessary for using a radionic machine. One single person, without special training could perceive the adequate vibrational settings for treating a patient on a radionic machine . She began to use blood samples to «transmit» through radionic treatments subtle energy present in medications. The energy vibration from the medicine to cure a disease could be sent away, through a kind of resonance, no matter how far the patient were, from a hundred meters to kilometres or thousands of kilometres away. The success rate of Drown team confirmed his theory. However, the scientific reasoning behind the functioning of your device (called Radio-Vision) there was no point for academic scientists of the time and is still the same in our time. Many argue that in physics, the intensity of any type electromagnetic energy decreases as the square of the distance from the source. That means that the more remote is the source, the energy intensity decrease greater degree. So the kind of energy that connected patients with devices and remedies should be different from the one present in conventional type electromagnetic fields. This does not preclude that this energy can also be channelled through electrical and electronic products.

Today, many theorists argue that the subtle energy of the human body works to multidimensional level and can connect to all human beings through a kind of primary Matrix, which in turn is connected to another top where we can relate to the animals, plants and even the «things» through their vibrational fields.


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Today, many theorists argue that the subtle energy of the human body works to multidimensional level and can connect to all human beings through a kind of primary Matrix, which in turn is connected to another top where we can relate to the animals, plants and even the «things» through their vibrational fields.

Unafraid to investigate, Drown was much further. She connected her radionic equipment to a camera and she obtained photos wherein the outer surface of the affected organ or organs of a patient were recorded. Even when what was connected to radionic team was a simple blood sample from the patient. However, he noticed that this type of pictures only occurred when she involved in the process and some of his collaborators. Not everyone that worked with the equipment could get this type of pictures. Some researchers also managed to replicate such phenomena but it was not something everybody could get. Therefore it was thought that there was some kind of psychic ability that was wrapped in the upper echelons of use of radionic machines. In short: anyone could perfectly use a radionic equipment for detection and therapy, but not for certain «achievements» as pictures of diseased organs at a distance. Currently, the most modern equipment radionic include subtle energy generators in order to facilitate the operator’s objectives. In this way greater certainty and reliability in achieving its aims are achieved.


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Dr. Drown was accused of fraud and use tools without scientific basis to deceive their patients, so she ended in court. Despite having hundreds of real testimonials from patients who had solved their problems (some of which were incurable diseases, according to conventional medicine established)

The fact that radionic allows to act on a subject at a distance, helps to cure using samples from patients or considers that there are «connections» invisible through which they can influence on someone or something, make it seem more a matter of «magic» than science, from the point of view of its critical detractors. However, most of these critics have not dared to experiment with radionic devices and they do not reach clear conclusions that disarm their destructive criticism. Let us note here that there are always people who attack almost any treatment, from homeopathy to Chinese medicine, bioenergetics, chiropractors, those using bioresonance or employing remedies based on naturopathy. Depending on the commercial or economic interests, the persecution of certain solutions is usually more or less intense. The truth is that Dr. Abrams, Dr. Drown and their disciples they managed to cure their patients using radionic devices. However, they were attacked by many who held power in medical and pharmaceutical establishment. Dr. Drown was accused of fraud and use tools without scientific basis to deceive their patients, so she ended in court. Despite having hundreds of real testimonials from patients who had solved their problems (some of which were incurable diseases, according to conventional medicine established), Dr. Drown ended up being accused of «medical fraud» and sentenced to a short prison term. His instruments were confiscated and destroyed. His careful notes and written records were also confiscated and destroyed.


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Important to point out that radionic is still considered like something pseudo scientific and inexplicable from the point of view of its devices. Sometimes even as a network of «toys of charlatans». Many people consider radionic as nonsense, and the Food and Drug Administration (known as FDA) does not recognize any legitimate medical use for these devices, because not even its circuits may be sometimes functionals from the point of view usual. However, in the UK this alternative therapy is recognized and its practice is permitted. Those who have had the opportunity to test the efficacy of radionic in therapy also support it. Also the radionic machines go far beyond the purely medical use. In fact, it is used very effectively related to personal development, sports, goal achievement, agriculture, improved properties in food and beverages, animal health and pest control to vast fields etc. Most people who use the radionic are cultured and openminded people arranged to check the reality of things by experimenting own. They are subjects not linked to commercial interests or corporations. They are individuals who use relatively inexpensive means to solve problems and improve their lives and the lives of many people. Dr. Abrams was prosecuted for rent his equipment and generate recurring income from its use. Would people pay for something useless again and again? None of his patients sued him for fraud. The same happened to the doctor Drown and other researchers in this field. They always were sued by established powers and not by the users themselves who benefited from this type of unconventional therapy.. Another controversial researcher was Wilhelm Reich. Disciple of Freud, he developed theories about the human psyche and how to achieve balance through the release of frustrations or «energy armour». He studied the life energy he called orgone energy and explained that this energy could be obtained from some devices and accumulate it. This energy could be used to improve the physical condition of a person, perform healings or used in various forms of personal development. He came into contact with Einstein to validate their equipment and discoveries. The latter found that there were unexplained changes in temperature produced by their devices, but later ruled out further research. His works were banned and destroyed by the FDA. Wilhelm Reich ended up in prison where he died. Years later,


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radionic devices were combined with advanced orgone generators or chi energy generators, that offer a very interesting and powerful use for all types of targets.

We mention here another researcher named T.G. Hieronymous. The success of this man was avoid standing out a lot with their equipment and obviate, as far as possible, the word radionic and much another controversial terminology that would attract too much attention. This made one of his devices could even be patented although described as a device designed to detect and measure emissions of materials, both organic and inorganic. The apparatus has the «adherence plate» or «detector plate» typical of Radionic machines. He used a prism of mirrors to reflect the energy that was not electrical in nature but could flow through circuits and cables, as his predecessors had advocated.

Hieronymous wanted to show that it was possible to transmit the vital energy (according to him, a kind of subtle energy in sunlight) through cables, and that this energy was essential for living things. As already mentioned earlier in this book, he put a metal plate on the outside of a home with a wire and took him to a basement. In the basement there were two pots with seeds. The cable was introduced in one of these little containers and the other pot kept disconnected to serve as a control sample. The pot with seeds without cable could only grow a few seeds and very weakly. The container connected allowed the development of healthy plants with a bright colour. Both pots were in the dark and were also watered. This experiment was repeated by others who gave validity to the test. Hieronymous considered the eloptic energy (so he called) was part of the solar energy and could show both the characteristics of electricity, for its ability to be transmitted by wire ropes and the characteristics of light, since plants need the photosynthesis of chlorophyll using the light in the visible spectrum.


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It is possible to make changes in subtle energy level at a distance, on humans, animals, plants and even on certain circumstances related to groups

The photographs in radionic serve to transmit subtle energy remotely in the appropriate healing frequency to a patient who is not present . Even the patient need not know that is being benefited by this power transmission so that there is improvement. This fact invalidates the theory that radionic only acts to placebo level. In addition, you can also treat animals or plants with results that are sometimes quite spectacular. Expressed another way, it is possible to make changes in subtle energy level at a distance, on humans, animals, plants and even on certain circumstances related to groups. Having said that, we should consider whether it is ethical or not to «treat» a person without their consent even when the family sees fit. Many radionic therapists refuse to perform actions without the express consent of the person who will help. Moreover, the idea that if radionic can be used to help a person to heal (or to improve conditions), then could also be used for the opposite also arises. Hieronymus always tried to avoid this possibility was raised, fearing that the military and intelligence forces employed radionic in negatively way. Some sources pointed out at the time that both the Soviet Union and the United States engaged in a secret psychic warfare in which both countries tried negatively influence in the contrary nation personalities. According to these same sources, at the same time specialists were trying to keep theirs in good condition by countering attacks opponents using some types of radionic devices.

Hieronymous showed that in the right circumstances, the appropriate use of photographs with radionic devices could give exceptional healing benefits. However, since the use of radionic for healing 59

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purposes was banned in the United States to be employed in the human beings, the researcher chose to address their research and development of radionic devices with discretion and guiding it to less controversial issues. He directed his studies to treatment of diseases and pests on crops. It should be mentioned that another pioneer, Curtis Upton, had already adapted one of Abrams devices for the use in the detection and treatment of plant diseases. The researcher found that he could diagnose and treat abnormal growth by introducing a leaf of plants affected in his radionic device or by simply placing in it a photograph of plants, crops, trees or fields for planting. But continuing about Hieronymous, in the sixties of the last century, an engineer named Ed Hermann Thomas asked Galen Hieronyumous a demonstration of radionic on an infected tree of caterpillars in his garden. Thomas and his devices were more than 500 kilometres from the diseased tree, which otherwise had been treated with pesticides and fertilizers without results. Hieronymous requested a photographic negative of the tree (you can use perfectly instead of a photograph), some sheets of it and several of the caterpillars who were killing him. After having sent the requested items, Herman waited several days treatment outcome. One afternoon when returning to his home, gasped when contemplating that the diseased tree was literally surrounded by a «carpet» of dead caterpillars that had come off of it. A month later it was recovered and lush.

The researcher found that he could diagnose and treat abnormal growth by introducing a leaf of plants affected in his radionic device or by simply placing in it a photograph of plants, crops, trees or fields for planting..

Hieronymous and Upton devices were very effective in agriculture. They eradicated pests and improved crops. There were new companies that used radionic for these purposes with great success and the farmers 60

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contracted them because they were very competitive and serviceable. The client took aerial photographs of the crops requiring treatment and these were introduced in radionic devices which the company had. Devices were also supplied to farmers. Through these devices was sent the vibration of a particular chemical harmful to insects attacking the plants. All the treatments were done using the pictures or samples of plants and at a distance. One of the companies involved in this type of treatment, «Homeonic Research Foundation» of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, only charged for its services if they could eradicate the pest. This sort of business involved zero risk for the farmer but was very successful for the company, because the results began to be spectacular. But pesticides companies got into a dispute with the goal of eliminating competition Homeonic Research. They finally achieved their purpose accusing radionic operators of fraud, even though the company only charged for results as already mentioned.

«Homeonic Research Foundation» of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, only charged for its services if they could eradicate the pest. This sort of business involved zero risk for the farmer but was very successful for the company, because the results began to be spectacular.

The main problem that had to fight both Hieronymous and their radionic colleagues was the refusal of renowned scientists of the time to get involved with them and certify the results. So finally, the «lobbies» of the industry managed that radionic officially ceased to be used on the fields of America.


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The «lobbies» of the industry managed that radionic officially ceased to be used on the fields of America.

The enormous distances are not an obstacle to Radionic Note that Thomas G. Hieronymous kept working and experimenting with radionic. It is very interesting that our investigator made physiological measurements of the astronauts of the Apollo missions Apollo VIII and XI, sending them to NASA. Most measurements made nearly 385,000 km away and off planet Earth, over the bodies of astronauts agreed well with measurements performed constantly by the space agency over his men. Nevertheless, the NASA was barely interested in the phenomenon and showed no interest in how Hieronymous had access to so much information on the basis of simple photographs of the cosmonauts. .

Development of Radionic in the UK Fortunately though research and development of radionic is not supported in the US , we find other countries that have been able to continue the work of Dr. Abrams without many obstacles or restrictions. One such country is the United Kingdom. There we met George DeLa Warr and his wife. DeLa Warr was a college-educated and cultured person. He was graduated as an engineer at the prestigious Oxford University. DeLa Warr was fascinated from the first moment for the possibilities of radionic. He began his research during World War II. He developed his own equipment, improving and adding new possibilities, such as the use of colour therapy. Despite the great successes, he also had many detractors who could not admit that his instruments had a positive effect on people.


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He was sued by doctors and organizations that saw their incomes threatened by the use of radionic. Although he won lawsuits, he had to pay an enormous fortune for his defence and prove his innocence in the charges of fraud.

Through the device the operator could send the proper rate or vibratory pattern to the water or pills, so that after it was ingested by the patient, the person received the vibration needed for rebalancing and healing

He designed advanced systems of Radionic circuits, creating a device known as «Magnetogeométric Potency Simulator». This apparatus was used to send subtle energy in the most appropriate frequency and conditions for the remote patient. It was a versatile device. The device was used to transmit a determined energy pattern for balancing the person and restablish the health, connecting with the subject through a drop of blood. The tiny blood sample was used as a «radionic link» or structural link, facilitating the transfer of appropriate energy vibrations regardless of the distance to the receiver. The other possibility was to use a vial of water and alcohol or lactose pills (like those used in homeopathic remedies). Through the device the operator could send the proper rate or vibratory pattern to the water or pills, so that after it was ingested by the patient, the person received the vibration needed for rebalancing and healing. This device also allowed duplication of homeopathic remedies in minutes, transmitting the vibrational patterns selected to the flask with water and alcohol or lactose tablets mentioned above. This device allowed the therapist may choose to develop homeopathic «tinctures» of any appropriate remedy existing or specially designed and tested for a particular patient. The «Potency Simulator» could create a homeopathic antidote, a vibrational remedy or even a set of 63

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appropriate vibrational remedies. It was used to decrease the toxic side effects of drugs or heavy metals. Mention here that Isopathy , a subspecialty of homeopathy, uses this detoxification principle to help release certain harmful chemicals that have accumulated in the body. This effect is achieved by prescribing homeopathic potencies of the toxic chemical to be removed. The homeopathic remedy induces to the bioenergy systems of the body to neutralize or discharge the toxic substance in the body. This form of homeopathic detoxification is quite common in homeopathy based on electro acupuncture and is used to remove the accumulation of heavy metals, pesticides and petrochemicals out of the body that produce different types of pathologies.

The advantage of using this type of radionic device is that it is possible to obtain vibrational or homeopathic remedies instantly without diluting or repeatedly activate a medicinal substance, as the classic method. Better yet, sometimes the homeopathic remedy need not even exist commercially. In these cases the Rae device and many other radionic devices (i.e. ARE X serie devices or SE 5 1000 device), are an option to create a remedy from almost any substance that can be captured in a bottle, either animal, vegetable or mineral. Even abstractions as ideas and concepts have their own «load» or vibration that can be incorporated seamlessly into a water vial using the «homeopathic way» in order to be ingested.

As you can record the sound of an orchestra on a digital device and play or copy the device as many times as you like on other media or hard drive, you can do the same with the vibrational information of a remedy, affirmation or idea. Information is passed to a medium that supports it and which is impregnated with their properties. This medium (preferably aqueous), has the ability to capture information and when ingested, to pass the appropriate information into the body of a living being.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 5 The Radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing healings at a distance?

Even abstractions as ideas and concepts have their own «load» or vibration that can be incorporated seamlessly into a water vial using the «homeopathic way» in order to be ingested

A lot has been experienced with water as perfect storage medium to «hold» subtle energies, especially magnetism. A special mention for studies by Dr. Robert Miller and Bernard Grad, in addition to photographic experiences of the Japanese Masaru Emoto. The latter, despite being criticized and contested by more rigid scientific communities, through an interesting book showed how it was possible to transmit «the essence of ideas» to water or aqueous elements even improving aesthetically the microscopic crystals obtained. Rae incorporated the use of magnets and magnetic fields in radionic devices to improve performance. Magnetism acts as a driving force transferring part of the subtle magnetic energy of the remedy and copying it on the «blank copy» of the mixture of water and alcohol. Thus, water and alcohol absorb vibrational characteristics of the remedy copied, just as a copy of a CD faithfully reproduces the same music recorded on the original tape. The magnetic field produced by a magnet or induction system incorporated into a radionic device helps to print certain patterns or vibrational energy into the water in a similar way that sunlight is able to print vital energy patterns of flowers in water during the process of making flower essences. It should be noted that in the initial research by Dr. Abrams, the abdominal reflexes of a specific disease, only obtained in healthy volunteers if they were oriented to the west. Dr. Abrams concluded that the Earth’s magnetic influence was important in measuring disease by radionic devices. Magnetic fields and their influence was decisive in building teams Malcolm Rae. His innovations used magnets and magnetism in radionic circuits.


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Rae also discovered that the energetic patterns of a homeopathic remedy, a flower essence or a medicine energy could be stored or coded in a drawing of geometric pattern with just ink on paper. Moreover, this geometric pattern in the form of so-called «Radionic Rae cards», could be introduced in the simulator of Rae to obtain radionic instant remedies. Those remedies contained the same healing properties of a homeopathic remedy. This so little orthodox process was very simple to implement. First, it was introduced into the slot of the appliance a card with a drawing corresponding to a homeopathic remedy, such as «nux vomica». Then a dropper bottle with a neutral mixture of water and alcohol (the vibrational «blank water» used to create the remedy) was placed in the hollow output of the simulator. Then the card with the geometric pattern corresponding to the vibrational healing «nux vomica» transferred the IDF’s (Intrinsic Data Fields) to the water. In this way you could obtain a vibrational remedy which possesses the same features that homeopathic remedy «nux vomica», traditionally made in laboratory. Theoretically, it is possible to use the ability of Rae simulator with different cards to create a homeopathic remedy which is needed urgently in a given time and not available. To critics of this system it is very difficult to accept this possibility: that the simple geometric representation of a remedy can produce through «subtle energy vibration» the same effects as the original remedy. But it can be argued that the effects on the body are identical in both cases and that when a picture is taken kirlian of the water treated through these cards; the water presents the same vibratory characteristics that the original remedy. This leads us to believe that the representation of an idea or thought through specific words written on paper and exposed to a radionic circuit where magnetic fields are produced, can influence on a liquid, as postulated by the researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto in his book “Messages From Water” This researcher, praised by many and branded by others as a pseudoscientific, but whose followers are hundreds of thousands worldwide, said:


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“«Human thought, words, music, the labels on the containers, influence the water and can be changed to best absolutely. If water does, we who are 70-80% water should behave alike. You should apply my theory to your life to improve it»”

Dr. Emoto used glass containers with water. Then he stuck a label with kind and appreciation words. He also used negative words for another test group. The containers and the words were exposed to light as a catalyst to the words projected on the liquid. The water with labels of positive words resulted in crystals of great beauty and geometric perfection (when frozen like snowflakes), while water with negative words or phrases made remarkably unbalanced imperfect crystals.

«Human thought, words, music, the labels on the containers, influence the water and can be changed to best absolutely. If water does, we who are 70-80% water should behave alike. You should apply my theory to your life to improve it»

As they have successfully replicated these experiences in many places by people who expected the same results as those of Masaru Emoto, other unbelieving scientists claim to have no appreciable results obtained as an average between positive and negative results that would be expected in a randomized study. The difference lies, as in all radionic experiences in the «intention of the operator.» As they have successfully replicated these experiences in many places by people who expected the same results as those of Masaru Emoto, other unbelieving scientists claim to have no appreciable results obtained as 67

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an average between positive and negative results that would be expected in a randomized study . The difference lies, as in all radionic experiences in the «intention of the operator.» What? Then that’s not scientific! ...well... wait a minute!

Particles behave according to the intention of the operator Physicist John Wheeler established that photons could «perceive» the kind of observation that an investigator would conduct on an experiment. If the researcher expected the photons behave like a wave, they act well. If instead the same investigator expected to behave as a particle, photons adopt this pattern. This experiment was reproduced by other scientists as Philippe Gangier , Francois Treussart and Jean F. Roch recently adding an interferometer which replaced the two slots apparatus employed in the original experiments of Thomas Young, achieving the same results but with an added. The experience confirmed that the photon appears as a particle when it is expected to have corpuscular behaviour and behaves like a wave when you expect it to be so. In addition, since the measuring device had an available space of 50 meters, the investigators tried to delay the most the choosing experience once the photon was released. The result was the same, only here the photon seemed to know in advance what the researcher would decide. As if the «intent» travelled at a speed greater than the speed of light, reach the photon after he had begun his march and communicate what the experimenter wanted. That is an astonishing fact that reveals that we are facing a phenomenon that surpasses the theory of relativity. Therefore we emphasize that «intent» is a key differentiating factor in the results and that the communication speed exceeds the speed of light in these phenomena. Is that what happens to the experiments of Dr. Emoto? Is the water perceives the intention of the experimenter through the words and phrases that are written in the label of a vial? 68

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In radionic, we have asserted that the intention of the operator is paramount and that devices amplify this intention in a superlative way, facilitating the materialization which is expected to occur, within the physically possible. With radionic devices the transmission speed of information can be incredibly fast, especially when the devices carry a generator of vital energy (also called orgone, chi, prana, etc.) built in. In addition, it is possible to emit at a distance, the modulated vibration by the graphical representation of a remedy, written intention or the remedy itself, over a person or another subject. Later we will see how you can use the radionic device with the mission to convey ideas or concepts that «permeate» to a given target (person, liquid or thing) with that idea or concept. So that the objective person would benefit not only with the incorporation of a particular vibrational remedy, but could also be affected positively with ideas that involve strengthening the capacities of that person. For example, increasing their desire to perform a certain activity, improve memory, improve their attitudes and aptitudes towards a goal, relax easily, sleep better, speak more fluent in public, increase safety, develop charisma, facilitate a determined learning , etc, etc.

With radionic devices the transmission speed of information can be incredibly fast, especially when the devices carry a generator of vital energy (also called orgone, chi, prana, etc.) built in

The radionic operator can act positively on himself or others, individually or as a group. The versatility of the devices can transmit vibration of a remedy or an idea to more than one person at a time, even using a database present on a computer. Some people use the radionic almost exclusively for themselves, their families and associates. Others use 69

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it to positively affect business, sports teams, associations and groups that share a certain idea. Certainly these possibilities seem like science fiction and raise the possibility of controlling other persons by these devices. Here we must say that human beings seem to have protection mechanisms when the body is balanced and healthy. However, the same as advertising messages may end up decanting tastes and actions of individuals, the radionic influence can somehow modify certain behaviours and patterns in individuals who do not have established a firm criteria for action and thought The use of radionic for abusing others is ethically reprehensible. Also the experiments show that people who are influenced against their will to perform certain actions, end up being rebels sooner or later, causing more of a headache to those who use radionic devices for manipulation purposes or selfish intentions. That said, let’s focus on the ethical and positive use of these amazing devices, the same as we choose cutting tools for the kitchen rather than to use them to harm or threaten others.

Some people use the radionic almost exclusively for themselves, their families and associates. Others use it to positively affect business, sports teams, associations and groups that share a certain idea

The theory of how radionic works It was mentioned that radionic devices act as a sort of amplifier of psychic ability of human beings for receiving information and emitting information. The radionic operator receives information about the condition of a specific organ or set of organs at vibrational level (when talking about therapy). It is important to emphasize here that sometimes reading a diseased organ does not correspond to a physical illness, because the disease may be in formation and the manifestation of a disorder at 70

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vibrational level it may be delayed at physical level. Therefore a radionic therapist does not replace a doctor neither intends to do so at any time. The radionic operator simply receives information through his device or devices and then sends the correct vibrational frequency to correct a disorder through these devices.

There are similarities between radionic and dowsing, and we can even say that there is a common pattern in the sense that there is a person that detects certain types of information in their environment or through a connection with the environment and an instrument more or less complex. Most people know the figure of the dowser, an individual who is able to know where the groundwater is by simply using a tree branch in a «Y» shape. When he is above groundwater, the end of the stick starts to lean down, indicating the presence of the precious liquid. You can also use a pendulum to detect water, minerals, the response to questions or other information with positive results. Both dowsing rod and the pendulum of a dowser, don’t have any power by themselves, the person who uses them has developed a system of communication with their muscles by decoding the information coming at him from the outside. The expert dowser doesn’t even need to be at the physical location to determine if a particular area has the presence of water or other minerals. It is enough to have a map of the place, in fact a connection to that particular place. It’s the same with a radionic operator who uses a sample as a connection link for a person, animal, plant or thing. Some studies with dowsers have speculated that perceive the magnetic changes produced by groundwater.

Some people use rods, biosensors and other instruments through which they can describe what happen in the environment in a very precisely way and in the same manner as dowsers. Companies typically hire such specialists to save money on surveys. Dowsers also employ techniques with pendulums to diagnose ailments and find therapeutic suggestions (herbal remedies, food, dietary supplements, etc.) that work very well in the sick people.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 5 The Radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing healings at a distance?

The Radionic devices make it easier to use the extrasensory abilities that all people have in a greater or lesser extent. As a rule, amplifying and developing these abilities are much easier with a radionic instrument than with the use of a pendulum. In fact you can learn to use the «adherence plate» or «detector plate» of a radionic device in minutes. While there are many experts in radionic that also know in depth how to use other devices to receive and emit vibrational information.

Pendulums, biosensors, rods, dowsing rods, or radionic machines act as amplifiers of unconscious mental processes of psychic perception, providing to the conscious mind the information about the questions posed mentally (or visually and mentally in the case of radionic) about a subject. The actual psychic perception of the existence of water, metals, disease, problem solving, personal improvement and much of purposes, seems to relate to the chakras or energy centres that are closely related to the nervous system and the acupuncture channels.

The Radionic devices make it easier to use the extrasensory abilities that all people have in a greater or lesser extent

The original hypothesis from Dr. Abrams was that any matter, emitted a type of radiation or vibratory information that is different from everything else. So that we can say that, for example, a human heart has a particular type of vibration or blueprint, a distinctive mark that it will also be different if the heart is sick or healthy. Through a radionic equipment can be set «measures» or numerical parameters (also known as «radionic rates») for a well-functioning heart and for a heart with disorders. With the same equipment that detects the vibrational measures of a sick heart, you can emit and transmit information on measures that usually have a healthy heart. From that moment an interaction happens, in a way that the damaged heart receives the right vibration and complete the healing at vibrational


- Radionic- CHAPTER 5 The Radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing healings at a distance?

level, which may have effects in physical level if the healing is possible, with or without the intervention of third parties. This is how radionic works.

Samples in radionic We have already discussed how most radionic researchers who used radionic as a therapy to the treatment of people, used a drop of blood sample as a connection to the individual. In fact this procedure is accepted by the general public, since the use of blood samples is usually quite common in the realm of conventional medicine. However, radionic analysis mechanism is not purely physical-chemical. During the radionic analysis of a blood sample, what is measured and analyzed are the energy characteristics of the sample. To illustrate why a blood sample may reflect the spectrum of a person’s health overall and also at the level of organs or systems in particular, we consider the concept of «hologram». A hologram is a three-dimensional image of an object or person who has been captured by laser. To achieve this, a single beam is split into two by a device. From the resulting two beams, the first is used to illuminate the subject and the second bounce off mirrors to reach a photographic plate that is placed next to the object. When the laser light reflecting the object meets the other beam, the two come together to form an energetic interference pattern which is captured in the photographic plate. When the iron is revealed and illuminated by a laser beam, an image appears showing the photographed object in three dimensions. The hologram has the same optical enlargement properties of a microscope. Most surprising is that the cut part of the hologram when placed in front of a laser beam, permits see the exact same object that appeared in the original hologram in full. We can say that every part contains the whole information.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 5 The Radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing healings at a distance?

Many scientists have postulated that all matter could also have some similarity with the holograms to a certain level, maybe at subatomic level, since all particles are energy fields frozen miniature light as tiny energy interference patterns. Whatever the true nature of matter in relation to this concept, the fact is that a blood sample on a paper can be seen as a kind of «holographic fragment» biologic of a particular human being. Through this fragment you can access to all biological information of the person and even his mind using radionic. In this way, the person using a radionic device may obtain information about the vibrational frequencies emitted by any part of the body or even access the mental vibrations emitted by the person studied. The most interesting is that the measurements correspond to the situation of the person in real time and not just how it was at the time of sample collection. That is, a «connection» that allows monitoring the individual at any time you want to collect vibrational information of this individual. Thus, the blood sample (or any other sample as discussed below), maintains a dynamic energy connection, a kind holographic variable connectivity that includes the «updated» and accurate information of what happens at the time of each measurement or analysis.

That is, a «connection» that allows monitoring the individual at any time you want to collect vibrational information of this individual.

Psychic experiences that anyone can verify The connections between people are established not only at physical level. You may have experienced more than once the curiosity of thinking about someone and that person calls you on the phone. Sometimes we dream of a friend or friend we haven’t seen for long and we found him the next day on the street. It is interesting that those who work with databases or customer records, when they consult a particular record, often the person on that record calls the company for any reason unresolved


- Radionic- CHAPTER 5 The Radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing healings at a distance?

within minutes . It seems as if observing the data or a record in the computer screen or on a written paper, makes it possible the operator to connect at a psique level with this person and the person react remembering the matter which is pending with the company or organization that searches the registry.

There is a program to develop extrasensory abilities, called «Silva Mind Control Method». In just one or two weekends, the organizers train participants to be aware of the psychic possibility that any human being possess and can be used practically. One of the surprising techniques, than 95% of participants pass near the end of the course, is the «connection» at a distance with a particular person that can be hundreds or thousands of kilometres away. Students sit in pairs. One holds information written on a card and the other person relaxes using a mental deepening technique taught in this method. The person who has the data, tells the concentrated person the full name and address of who they want to analyze. In a moment, the person in state of relaxation begins to give details of the person analyzed: their physical appearance, what happen to him or her and generally the ailment that afflicts, to end with a «healing technique» in which he imagines that the person is better from his illness. At the end, the person who has been concentrated leaves his state of relaxation and checks the information on the paper, which reflects exactly what he perceived in his deep mental state. Sometimes new data emerges about the person which is not written but is checked later with astonishing results. The hit rate is spectacular and most of the students are shocked to be able to receive this information remotely so clearly and accurately. The Radionic experiences show that a drop of blood, some saliva or just a hair serve to establish clear and reliable connections, but it is also possible to connect through photographs, signatures or even the name and address of the person to be tested. Always we choose the best possible union nexus in order to work more accurately, obtain better vibration data from the subject or person and, if necessary, to emit new subtle information with greater clarity.


Chapter 6


When a person approaches the first time to radionic, usually he does on the recommendation of a colleague or friend who uses a device of this kind with brilliant results. Many are approaching this science motivated by health problems or to correct disorders for which have not found a solution in medicine or the various existing therapies. Others do it out of curiosity. However, radionic applications in everyday life, in business, in personal development, at work or in relationships, are as varied and positive that is worth commenting on and take them into consideration. These applications can literally change a person’s life for the better. Given the surprising uses of these devices, we point out that the purpose of this manual is not to disclose fallacies or feed the minds of gullible people. Anyone can experience on your own the truth of what is stated here without risk to your pocket. Although not all do, many serious marketers of these devices offer back guarantees that show whether the «radionic machines» can be used successfully by the acquirer. In this way, the person who starts to move in this world of infinite possibilities can check the benefits of the devices without fear of losing money.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

The uses with plants In this book, it is said that in the United States several companies were working with farmers to improve land and crops using radionic. Importantly, these companies came to do the treatments in advance and did not charge until the positive results were showing obvious. The success was so resounding that the fertilizers and insecticides companies formed a common front in order to accusing the «radionic» entrepreneurs of fraud for using devices that were not supported by the scientific community. However, although as mentioned, the works weren’t charged until farmers checked the real and beneficial effects on their crops and land. Besides, the radionic entrepreneurs received anonymous threats of all types forcing them to abandon their work. We emphasize this fact to warn anyone who can think of using the radionic to improve the fields and crops of others. However, if you have your own farm, experimentation on your own crops may find it so amazing and profitable than you should surely consider giving an opportunity to radionic.


However, radionic applications in everyday life, in business, in personal development, at work or in relationships, are as varied and positive that is worth commenting on and take them into consideration

Let’s go to more home applications. Say you have a plant in your home and performs an analysis with a radionic device to discover that the plant needs more selenium and nitrogen and because of this, the plant is attracting pests. You can choose to use a program installed on your radionic device (in SE 5 1000 device you have some software) using a sample of the plant or, as a second option to «program» (or transmit) some water with IDF’s (Intrinsic Data Fields) that deal with selenium and nitrogen. If you choose this second option, then you can water the plant over a period of several weeks with the «programmed water» to obtain the healing of it and 77

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getting rid of the bugs that lurked. In this way, your device will be free for other jobs. How many different IDF’s can get into the water? Usually water to which has been added a mineral solution can store more different IDF’s (mineral, compounds and waveforms of various origins) than normal water. To find the answer, put the water you will be using on your device (in a glass) and mentally ask: «How many different IDF’s can be stored in this water?». Then slide your finger over the adherence plate of the device and go moving the potentiometer from cero up until you get a number, when reached, you will notice as your fingers stick to the plate. That will be the number of different IDF’s you can store in the type of water analyzed. The device will kill the bugs? Radionic devices are not intended to harm or kill living things. In this example, what it’s achieved is rebalance the plant and as a result, the insects will leave or disappear. Sometimes they die because the plant no longer has the conditions for the pests to develop. The radionic device optimizes the conditions for healing to take place. However, if you have doubt about the type of compounds that should be used (or IDF’s of these compounds) and don’t want to spend time finding out directly with the device, you can consult a specialist in plants and then verify, using the radionic device if what the specialist said, is what your plant needs. Then you can proceed to apply the optimal treatment. Some people have used successfully quartz crystals to radiate the IDF’s needed for the plant and then bury the crystals around the plant with equally positive results. As mentioned, it is possible to load any natural quartz crystal with different IDF’s employing a radionic device. I.e. we can «load» the quartzes with ideas and intentions and carry these crystals (maybe as ornaments near the body or in contact with it) so that the quartzes unload the IDF’s in the person carrying the crystal. Diamonds are perfect for this. A ring «loaded» with a certain thought or intention can be ideal for a loved one. We can do the same with us to improve or enhance aspects of our personality. Load some jewellery for own use with the IDF’s you want or need to acquire. Maybe with the IDF’s for «good luck» or with IDFs related to personal development. You can also do the same with IDF’s relating to protection and security against dangerous people or circumstances. Experience and observe the results. . 78

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Radionic and animals As you can work with plants it is possible to use radionic therapy for animals. There are IDF’s lists with specific solutions for the animal treatment. You can set vibration diagnostics and treatments at a distance. Also emit IDF’S of homeopathy and remedies of all kinds. There are many veterinary professionals that successfully use radionic devices in their offices.

Gems an Jewellery Extending what has been said about loading IDF’s in natural crystals, stones and noble metals, it is important first to make the «cleaning» of prior influences and energies, before introducing new vibrational patterns. Often a particular stone or quartz looks opaque and is not by dirt, but by the possible negativity that has been collected over time. With the process of radionic cleaning it is possible to change the appearance and brightness of a brilliant or quartz in minutes. (Some devices that works well for all this and we’ll talk about that in the corresponding section are the radionic device SE 5 1000, and ARE X devices). Once you have a «clean» stone or quartz, empty of interference and negative energies, then you can load the positive «programs» or information (IDF’s) you deems appropriate, or introduce the vibrational loading of specific messages designed by you. Perhaps messages of appreciation and sincere love for the recipient of a ring or pendant. Maybe it could be a ring with a stone which is loaded of messages for improving an aspect of personality which needs attention. A well-known therapist discovered that one of his relatives needed a vibrational remedy to solve a chronic health problem that had dragged years and nobody could solve. It was a muscular pain that had no apparent physical origin. Since the patient was reluctant to unusual remedies and homeopathic solutions, the therapist thought he could incorporate the vibrational remedy in an ornament that had a natural quartz stone as the main element. After loading the pendant with the accurate vibration (with his radionic device), he gave the object to 79

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his relative and this began to recover from his condition until the pain completely disappeared and didn’t reappear. Interestingly, the «placebo effect» was not present, because the person with the problem didn’t know he received a «special» gift loaded with the vibration of a remedy. .

With the process of radionic cleaning it is possible to change the appearance and brightness of a brilliant or quartz in minutes

Replicate Materials (Replicate IDF’s) Replicating something from the point of view Radionic implies «potentizing» its IDF’s (intrinsic data fields) of a substance in another, so that the vibrational information of the original substance passes to the second. In this way you can get the same effect generally (and similar in others), when the object, liquid or food that has received the information is used. Does that mean that if you replicate a vitamin pill in the water, the water will show the vitamins incorporated in a chemical analysis? No. However, usually you will appreciate that water changes its flavour. The vibration related to the vitamins present in the tablet will be passed to the water and the effect (vibration) to ingest the water will be very similar to physically take the vitamin pill. It’s been experimented transferring IDF’s of high quality wine to more ordinary wine. Comparisons were made before and after measuring the infrared and ultraviolet spectra of lower quality wine. When was applied the IDF’s of exquisite wine, the spectra of ordinary wine changed with a very similar resemblance to high quality. When the experts tested the resulting product, they appreciated a flavour of grown and exquisite wine. 80

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It’s been experimented transferring IDF’s of high quality wine to more ordinary wine. Comparisons were made before and after measuring the infrared and ultraviolet spectra of lower quality wine. There are wineries employing radionic devices to improve all aspects of their wines without resorting to more costly methods, with amazing results. Moreover, you can work on plants and improve virtually almost any product from treated plants, at very low cost and with very high yields.

Choosing an occupation, studies, business or place to live Radionic devices can connect us with the deepest essence of our mind. Our unconscious usually shows what we really need or seek regardless of external factors that sometimes confuse and limit the development of what is truly good for us. You can also connect with the vibrational essence of another person and get information on what may be more suitable according to the personal essence, being possible to quantify visually what is best according to that. Obviously there may be several appropriate options and ultimately it’ll be a personal decision, based on various factors which will be imposed, but knowing what is closer to our soul could make a difference and help us choose the right path.

When placing a sample of the person to consider, can through the potentiometers and the adherence plate (or detector plate), to ask which is the better option concerning the most appropriate studies, the most compatible occupation, the business that we must choose or the most 81

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appropriate place to live. We can numerically establish the most suitable option in each case and act accordingly. In special when there is great hesitancy on an issue.

It is very curious that when we asked for an option on an individual level, this tends to vary by considering two people as a whole. For example, if we are deciding the most appropriate place to establish our residence to live alone, the response may be different if we ask for the right place to live with our partner. In the latter case, we have to place samples of the two people in the radionic device in order to have the right answers.

When placing a sample of the person to consider, can through the potentiometers and the adherence plate (or detector plate), to ask which is the better option concerning the most appropriate studies, the most compatible occupation, the business that we must choose or the most appropriate place to live

Returning to the «Theory of Everything» and considering that we are part of a global matrix, the information obtained through radionic can show if our personal vibrations and the vibrations of our potential targets fit what we believe most convenient consciously. Sometimes it is possible to detect aspects and interferences that can harm us and are yet unknown for us or are simply less compatible or even antagonistic to what we need or we want to achieve.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

A couple was looking for a suitable place to live. They had three options and found that the one which appeared to be particularly attractive had a much lower score than the others two, when they measured the three options with their radionic device. This made them doubt, but they didn’t want to make a decision only with their «radionic measurement» without a logical consideration (that’s the best way to do things, using both methods). So they went to the apartment building where the best option for them was. They asked neighbours and found that precisely the apartment they liked had a major problem. Tenants of the house that was directly above the apartment had been denounced repeatedly by scandal and noise. Obviously they definitely ruled out this location.

An invaluable help to make better decisions When we use the radionic to make decisions, it is reasonable not discard options simply because they didn’t appear as the most suitable according to the radionic measurements. However, it would be wise to investigate more carefully on the impact and implications of these less desirable options (according the radionic measurements) can bring us. Most of the time we find important details that we had overlooked and which may be decisive in our choice. People who have spent years using radionic, usually have so many positive experiences that usually discard almost everything that does not have adequate radionic measurement. However, the balanced experimenter uses both reason and subtle perception for making better and right choices.

Finding objects, animals and missing persons Practitioners of very skilled and experienced dowsing are hired by various institutions and even by the police to locate certain enclaves and find missing or kidnapped people. These people use pendulous, maps and samples to find where the people are. Most of the time, they find what they


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

seek without more help than the pendulum and their personal ability. The problem here is to replicate the ability of these people with this particularly sensitive ability developed by many years of practice. Not so with the radionic. Once you have a radionic device is very easy to get used to using the stick plate (also called «adherence plate» or «detector plate») and make measurements of all types (remember that for measurements fingers are passed over the adherence plate of the device. When you get no signal, the fingers do not stick to the plate). You can also use the device connecting a pointer and passing this pointer over a map that is being analyzed from the top down while fingers slides over the detector plate until a signal is achieved . When you get a «stick» then you signal the area. After that, the map is rotated 90 degrees and passes back the pointer up and down until a new signal by adherence is perceived. Both points are joined with two lines forming a right angle. Where the lines intersect, the map point the object, animal or person missed.

Once you have a radionic device is very easy to get used to using the stick plate (also called «adherence plate» or «detector plate») and make measurements of all types

When we search for missing persons or animals, it is appropriate to ask whether they are alive or not. Besides, from the point of view of search should be considered the mobility when make the measurement. An interesting case mentioned in a handbook about the radionic device SE 5 1000. It was related to the search for a Picasso painting that had been missing for years. Some scholars thought that perhaps it was part of a private collection, but they had no record that this was so. A user of radionic devices set to work in the search. He asked for a photo of the missing painting and began to investigate a list of a hundred galleries and 84

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museums that could own or know the location of the artwork. Sometimes museums have important pieces that are lost in rooms, cabinets and cellars for multiple reasons. The radionic practitioner pointed to a particular gallery through his machine. He called its office but he was said they did not know the whereabouts, yet they provided a phone number of another specialized gallery. He phoned there. When they answered the phone, they said they had no idea where or who might have it. A gallery visitor of this art gallery heard the conversation and interrupted the person answering the phone to tell him that he knew who had the painting in its collection. After reading this story, you might think that everything was pure chance, but again we say the same thing: An isolated fact or experience may perhaps be considered casual, but when accumulate many chance events, maybe a person begins to think that so many coincidences cannot be fortuitous. Finally it is possible to reach the conclusion that the hypothesis of «matrix» and interconnectedness of all existences (beings, thoughts and things) can be more real than it seems. Radionic helps to connect all, by using devices and the operator’s mind.

Eliminate negativity and harmful energy from houses and buildings In Switzerland there is a hotel which has been adapted as such starting from a building that was dedicated to serve as a prison for decades. This building was originally erected with part of materials other old prison (so the materials were used twice for building prisons). The hotel keeps the rooms with the cell structure for the prisoners and doors are the same that were used as boundary of these cells. So for more than two centuries both the land and the building materials and even the building served to enforce penalties on people who suffered a lot and surely had large negative


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

emotional burdens. Those who have slept in this reconverted hotel mentioned the oppression they felt when they walked through the building and the difficulty falling asleep. It is a proven fact that people with sensitivity often notice the negativity of places where murders have been committed or people have been abused. It is as if the walls remain steeped in the painful feelings of those who have been there. What many feel as «negativity» they are simply vibrations or IDF`s that have not been eliminated by other positive vibrations that counteract. Radionic devices can be used to emit balanced and positive intrinsic data fields to replace those that arouse bad feelings in people. For this, a photograph of the building, house or room to be treated is taken. Then we placed in the radionic device, phrases like «Remove negative emotions; dissolve the fear, depression and unpleasant mental conditions; remove the injury, anxiety and anger; dissolve negativity, the pessimism, the claustrophobia; eliminate any negative entity of any kind, the psychic forces of darkness and negative or harmful entities «. Then the vibrations corresponding to these sentences apply to the pictures as structural links. After that, the device is programmed to emit vibrations corresponding to positive statements: «Storing positive emotions; attract confidence, well-being and pleasant mental conditions; expand recognition, serenity and compassion; attract positivity, fullness and optimism; Attract goodness, positive energy and light.» You can use these phrases or similar ones.

What many feel as «negativity» they are simply vibrations or IDF`s that have not been eliminated by other positive vibrations that counteract. Radionic devices can be used to emit balanced and positive intrinsic data fields to replace those that arouse bad feelings in people.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

After treatment you can see the changes. The brightness is evident as well as feelings of safety and welfare. Sometimes it is required to perform various emissions. You can ask the question of how many will be needed to achieve the complete cleaning. As a very dirty house physically requires thorough several cleaning stages, the highly charged environments negative vibrations may require several operations of energy sanitation

How to eliminate the chemical odours in new articles. Replicating natural odours and add them to an object Some people present some reactions to new odours in products such as carpets or sofas by chemicals present in the tissues, even if they are of natural origin. You can use the radionic device to enter a message and then emit it to a sample of the chosen object or a photograph of it. For example: «delete all natural or chemical odours present.» Usually the smell bothering you will disappear. Some people have made the opposite operation with striking results. For example, replicate IDF’s of a wool carpet on a synthetic carpet. Apparently the synthetic carpet smells some like wool and even acquires a certain texture of natural carpet. Many people are amazed at the similarity. I must say that synthetics do not retain the IDF’s forever. The effect usually disappears within one or two years, but in that case it is a matter of redo the process to achieve similar results.

Measuring compatibility between IDF’s (Intrinsic Data Fields) Intrinsic Data Fields (IDF’s) can be measured in relation to others to ensure compatibility between them. So we see the chances that a person or company can carry two different types of affairs at a time, the degree of 87

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compatibility between two people (for relationships, work, sports, etc.), compatibility between two or more IDF‘s from substances, etc, etc. Numeric parameters indicating the degree of support are set depending on the radionic device. Interestingly, this system is used as additional information by psychologists, consultants, investors and marriage counsellors. These operators comment on the correctness of these readings and applications found in working with them, helping them solve different situations in less time and with greater success.

Interestingly, this system is used as additional information by psychologists, consultants, investors and marriage counsellors Some possible applications: - Analyze the IDF’s of dietary supplements with IDF’s of a particular person - Same in IDF’s of a food with a person’s IDF’s - Selection of drugs and natural remedies with respect to people and animals - Selection of plant nutrients - Compatibility of colours for locations - Incidence of IDF’s colours on a person - Selection of cosmetics products - Choice of jewellery and accessories - Compatibility of various occupations and works with a specific person - Selection of product for a company - Selection of people to work together in a company - Picking people for sport teams - Selection of investments - Etc, etc. 88

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In relation to issues of personal well we point out that device like the SE 5 1000 (See related chapter) have integrated programs with vibrational information related to IDF’s of:

- Pain and its treatment - Parasites - Premenstrual syndrome - Balanced for polarity - Balanced for depression - Drug and problems associated with their use - Balancing sexual energy - Fatigue and vitality - Skin problems - Migraines - Anti snuff Treatment - Alcoholism - Candida - Toxins in the water - Balanced for dental problems - Electromagnetic loads - Stress - Food intolerances - Longevity - Balanced for main organs - Etc, etc.

In this field as in others, the user’s creativity will determine the uses that can be performed using measurements. It should also be recalled that measures always have to do with vibrational energies and subtle aspects. Not talking about physical parameters. We must remember this when using the information in relation to food or medicine. The opinion of medical professionals always prevails legally in this sense.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

Uses related to everyday objects, cars and other equipment Some people improve their cleaning products and / or detergents sending special IDF’s to these products. Also for paints and coatings products to make them more durable. There are lists of IDF’s to improve any object. For example: for home protection, to improve the performance of tools such as knives and cutters to make more durable engines and a wide range of diverse applications. When working on a complex instrument with many parts, for example a car, IDF’s can be directed to all or each of its components, wheels, engine, suspension, etc. The latter option seems to work best. Experience shows that you can extend the life of second hand things or instruments when you send them the IDF’s of new ones. But there seems to be a limit to the «restoration». Second hand objects typically double their lifetime in good condition when they receive the IDF’s of new ones. However, they can quadruple its normal use time if they receive the corresponding «new one» vibration at the beginning of its life, that is, when they start to perform their work for which they were manufactured.

Experience shows that you can extend the life of second hand things or instruments when you send them the IDF’s of new ones

Try it on wheels, clutches, brakes, razors, computers, tools, appliances, leather goods, clothing and anything else that comes to mind. Be sure to do the maintenance and follow manufacturer’s instructions when performing the checks and maintenance. Take everything written here as


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

experimental and subject to verification, but you will be amazed at what happens, if you performed well radionic operation. It is worth mentioning about the durability of fuel. Many users report that radionic devices come to reduce consumption between ten and fifteen percent in modern models. For this it is necessary to introduce a cable that connects to the radionic device and in contact with the fuel. After that the operator introduced through the device the adequate IDF’s related to «increase the mileage per litre of petrol», «improving engine combustion,» «increase octane», etc. Remember there is no physical correspondence with IDF’s, but a «vibrating» burden for the message to be transmitted. This «energy» is the one that seems to bring new possibilities for materials or liquids. It is understandable that what you are reading it hard to believe, but there is no point on accepting it, but check it personally. Remember you can buy radionic equipment to test and experiment at no risk, because if you are not completely satisfied you can send back the device and recover the money you spent. If you discover that serves for use in your area of interest, you may find a decisive advantage in this type of equipment and spend time experiencing new possibilities.

Uses related to the repair of equipment There are experiences related to the troubleshooting in equipment where the usual electronic check ups are difficult and time consuming. Currently the repairs are usually based on the replacement of complete components plates, as they are economic. However, some people still require changing unitary elements. For that reason they use radionic devices indicating the various components that may be damaged, asking mentally if there is any problem about that particular component. When the answer is yes, they appreciate that the adherence plate is activated by passing fingers. You can also find the faulty component on a printed circuit performing the same operation used in the detection of lost objects on a map (refer to this chapter for details).


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

Extend the shelf life of food Many experiments have been done on food in order to prevent spoilage, extending its period of use. Radionic seems to work very well in this regard. You can also extend the life of food in general and fruit and vegetables in particular longer with a more attractive appearance to the consumer, showing vitality and appearance intact. The advantage is that it is not necessary to add more chemicals or artificial products. Devices like the SE-5 1000 have specific programs to improve vibrational level attributes and vibratory health in plant and food.

Enhance athletic performance Those who regularly practice sport knows the feeling of «being in top shape.» It is a feeling of balance, strength focused, harmony in all the muscles involved in the activity and that the mind remains calm. There are many factors involved in exercise to feel good and get the most out of it. Professional athletes monitor their nutrition, muscle condition, proper rest, elasticity, strength, power, mental balance, willpower, motivation, etc. If you also need teamwork, coordination between partners and the overall balance is also sought. All this can be improved using radionic devices. There are Olympic teams employing radionic devices for years, as well as individual elite athletes or teams of football and basketball. For example, the device SE 5 1000 has extraordinary IDF’s programs built in that balance (at vibrational level) muscles, organs and systems. It also act on the subtle energy centres chakras and acupuncture channels. May also be employed ARE devices X1, X2 or X3 for these tasks with excellent results. Moreover it is possible to emit IDF‘s for balancing the mind, improving the chances of reaching much higher levels of sport, especially when the competition is intense and optimum relaxation and concentration is needed. The AER radionic devices include pulse patterns specially designed for sports enthusiasts. Furthermore, it is possible to work on the pain and discomfort caused by exercise and athletes can recover more quickly from exertion. . 92

- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

There are Olympic teams employing radionic devices for years, as well as individual elite athletes or teams of football and basketball.

How to enter IDF’s (intrinsic data fields) in water, liquid or fragrances for different objectives. We have already mentioned the possibility of including information in the form of subtle patterns to almost any element. Water is especially suitable for this purpose. We have presented the controversial experiments of Dr. Emoto (see and other researchers. Radionic experimenters have also used fragrances in order to «load» them with IDF’s related to positive ideas so that the person using these fragrances may be exposed to vibrations inherent in these ideas. Using dark field microscopy has been found possible to find «traces» or small crystalline formations when a liquid is subjected to transmission or homeopathic potencies IDF’s with Radionic equipment. Fragrances contain alcohol and IDF’s are fixed more strongly, as happens with many homeopathic remedies. You can load fragrances especially for a loved one or IDF’s with patterns of behaviour that you want to incorporate in order to try to speed up the incorporation of this behaviour in his or her own person. Does that mean that these patterns of behaviour are to be introduced in our mind as if it were a program? Of course not, but experience shows that the person will be exposed to the inherent vibration of that information for long. You may be naturally attracted to the interest to develop the conduct pattern you have been exposed through subtle energies, or if already present, will tend to develop more effort and determination towards this behaviour.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 6 The many practical applications of radionic devices

Using dark field microscopy has been found possible to find «traces» or small crystalline formations when a liquid is subjected to transmission or homeopathic potencies IDF’s with Radionic equipment

Remember that trying to manipulate others without their consent may cause rejection or a forced collaboration that ends causing problems. To illustrate this, imagine trying to convince someone that football clubs are the best there is. You can encourage that person to meet members of the rock, go out with them, to share time and check that there are many nice and good people there, to attend its meetings and go to the football games of the team to which it affiliated the association. Maybe get arouse the interest of the person and that end up being comfortable in that environment. Even that is one of the best football fans of a certain rock. But if the subject has a strong natural rejection or very clear he does not like soccer or anything that has to do with the sport, it is hard you achieve an inner and real implication. Chances are that the person returns to its initial state of interest once you finish the psychological pressure exerted on it.

The relationships and radionic Many are those who wonder about love and relationships and the world of radionic. Could you subjecting someone with a radionic device till the point of causing be in love with a certain person? We again express what has been said. It is quite easily influence on dysfunctional people or who are going through difficult times. This is true both consciously and using subtle energies. However, we repeat that if there is no a real interest emanating naturally from the person then he or she will gradually develop resistance and disdain for who employ radionic for selfish reasons. Some experimenters have seen how these devices can be used successfully in the same sense like you could do with hypnosis or other psychological tricks. But, ultimately, the results are not positive in the relations arising in this way. 94

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It is much healthier using the radionic device to enhance positive aspects of yourself (or the person who is interested in improving relationships), so that you become much more attractive to the opposite sex. Use IDF’s of seductive or fascinating people and incorporate them to your person. When you do that, you may develop interest in matters that allow you to develop a captivating personality. You may begin to realize that there are aspects of your character that need to be reviewed and improved. You may begin to appreciate how your communicative level improves or develop social skills not previously had or did not care. It is very interesting to observe a process of change caused by radionic. Note that someone who presents attractive to the opposite sex is the result not only of a face or nice body, but a set of issues that shape an attractive person. In addition, you can also use the device as a kind of transmitter antenna that amplifies the chances of finding the right person. In a world with so many millions of individuals, virtually anyone can hope that there is someone who feels attracted naturally to him or her. The issue is to enable the meeting. Remember that the radionic device acts as a psychic amplifier when it comes to realize desires and also act as emitter device emitting a «call» to whom may be a suitable match. The experience of many users in this sense is very positive and that things seem to happen so that the circumstances lead to meet people who fit very well with the real needs of the person making the «contact request» through these devices.

Ethics and radionic We have said that the human being has unconscious protection mechanisms. It is always better to respect the free will of others. Respect others and focus on doing things in the best way possible. Use radionic in a constructively and productively way. Enhance, improve, promote and accelerate change has nothing to do with manipulate, coerce, or force submit. The reward for doing things from an ethical and positive outlook will be much more rewarding than trying to do it with unhealthy or selfish motives. Why not help people who are interested in a particular subject so 95

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they can do it better, faster and in a more skilful way? Help a musician to play better, an athlete to practice their sport with increased performance, a painter to better translate its inspiration on a canvas, a writer to have more creativity, a speaker to communicate better, an entrepreneur to do more business with patterns for involving better serve their customers, more efficiently or using new resources in your company. The well used radionic devices can be a great tool for development. Experiment and find out how you can improve your life and that of others, but always do so with the desire to do it with the highest possible motivation. That will be your greatest reward.

Use radionic in a constructively and productively way. Enhance, improve, promote and accelerate change has nothing to do with manipulate, coerce, or force submit


Chapter 7


This chapter is especially dedicated to considering the performance you would expect from a radionic device from an economic point of view when applied to deal with money or business.

How to find the best options in business or property acquisition If you decide to acquire a versatile radionic device you’ll be amazed at its wide possibilities for action. Every day, users use their devices with very different views. You can use it for purchasing of all types of properties or products and also to establish businesses. Imagine you want to buy a second-hand car and want to accelerate the process in addition to greater security make a proper purchase. First you can put directly into your radionic device the desire « to acquire the best car for you according to your needs and availability and let it all go heading to get it». After a few days you can start taking more direct action. To do this, make a list of cars that most would have drawn attention. Then point one by one the items on your list (you can point directly on a computer screen) using a pointer connected to your radionic device (depending on the


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

device). You can also write on paper the vehicle data and place the data on the plate for analysis. Using knobs and the adherence plate, you can make a selection on the cars of interest. Moving his fingers over the adherence plate will notice that when one of them is a good choice, your fingers will adhere to the surface of the plate. Then, among the best, you can set a score that tells the best car for your needs and the vibrational quality of the car as a whole.

Moving his fingers over the adherence plate will notice that when one of them is a good choice, your fingers will adhere to the surface of the plate

The same can be done when making a real estate purchase between similar options or choosing a hotel for vacation when we have doubts. The use of radionic provides us with an «additional assurance» of calm and confidence. Generally, the person who comes into this amazing world of radionic, uses the new detection system as an element of additional information to keep in mind. The initial level of confidence is often scarce. It is common to think that positive results have to do with «coincidence» mixed with high doses of «desire that everything goes well.» It seems impossible that things could go so well using a device whose «scientific» validity is neither clear nor acceptable from an academic point of view. But as happen again and again that the information collected in this way is true and valuable, the radionic operator enters a period of confidence and security in the «readings» and also in the ability to materialize objectives through device. The initial sense of chance gives way to a huge certainty and conviction in both the detection process, as in emission and subsequent feedback. Finally, the operator obtains results that often exceed his expectations and amazes him (or her) even when has years of positive experience.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

Radionic for buying, radionic for selling We have mentioned how you can make better choices when it comes to purchase or rent a particular good. But what happens when selling? Is there any advantage for using these devices? Between professional sellers, it is always said how nice it would be not to have to convince people to buy and to have the opportunity to address only those who willingly want to make the purchase of a product they represent. Well, radionic facilitates this process without a long apprenticeship. Many sellers are huge lists of prospects and their job is to call all possible to provide the item or service they sell. What is possible somehow find out who will be more inclined to accept an offer? Well there are several possibilities. The most used is to point the pointer to which we referred earlier on the list provided. While pointing the pointer or otherwise (depending on the device in question) slide your fingers on the adherence plate waiting to receive the feeling of stickiness or contact. When the signal is perceived, the reference is written down. Then all the references which receive a signal are chosen as particularly significant. These will be used to focus personal forces in a more precise way on these potential customers. The seller can spend more time and provide further explanation to these possible customers because the chances of success will be much greater.

Sale of chattel or real estate You can load a small or large object at vibrational level to make it more attractive. To do that, incorporate the IDF’s you deem most appropriate for your prospective buyer with your radionic device. No matter if the product is as small as a watch or as large as a mansion.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

To save money on advertising, you can choose the best media to advertise what you sell: Internet, website, television, radio or newspaper. To do that use all the signals detected through the adherence plate of your radionic device. You can choose the section, page or the day of publication most suitable for your potential customer to see the ad. Remember the theory of interconnection between human beings and between human beings and all that surrounds us. Radionic can measure parameters indicating possibilities. So you can tell when it’s best to perform certain actions and when to avoid them. This can save a lot of time, effort and of course, also money.

Radionic can measure parameters indicating possibilities. So you can tell when it’s best to perform certain actions and when to avoid them. This can save a lot of time, effort and of course, also money..

Talks Negotiations may be the key element that allows close a deal, win or lose money or even decide the future of a company. Sometimes it can be only economic question: To what figure may be willing to accept the other party to close a deal? What is the acceptable price to make the sale? What is the price at which the supplier would be willing to reach? Sometimes the price is the less relevant issue (within certain ranges) and yet there are aspects that are not known at first sight but can be conclusive for successful completion of an agreement. Is it possible to exchange goods besides money? Shares or other type of ownership? Rights? Delivery? Concessions on payments? Knowing what is of interest to the contrary can mean achieving the desired «win-win» state, in which all 100

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parties are satisfied in the process. Use radionic to «programme» yourself and be more perceptive when dealing with a specific person or company. Then write down everything you can think that might be of interest to negotiate. Using a pointer connected to your device, go through each idea (pointing all of them), mentally asking if that particular idea can be of value to the other part for reaching an agreement. If you notice a contact or adherence in any of the written points, mark them. You can then move the pointer back to each of the positive point and take a numerical value (zero to one hundred, for example) and classify them in order of importance to the person or group who has to negotiate with you. This method is used by persons engaged in businesses that use radionic to close deals more efficiently. Can this be used in your field of activity? After reading these ideas, would you think of any other application that could help you?

Use radionic to «programme» yourself and be more perceptive when dealing with a specific person or company

Election of shares and companies to invest Everyone knows that markets are highly manipulated by multiple actors, in addition to receiving the impact of unexpected events that can alter prices without anyone doing anything about it (natural disasters, accidents, terrorist acts, etc.). With this in mind, we say that the IDF’s of manipulations and trade agreements can be very powerful and detectable, but the oscillations due to unexpected events have the ability to remove a person from their position very easily if a heavily leveraged product or participation in the market is chosen. So what shall we conclude? Simply that you can easily spot a trend, but this trend should be followed closely to avoid surprises for the investor who uses radionic. In highly volatile markets investors must be especially cautious. For example, in the Forex Market can be fluctuations 101

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of 300 points or more without the main trend (the most easily detectable) changes. Radionic can be very useful, but it is essential that the operator acts wisely when managing information and investment, knowing the consequences of certain actions in a specific market. In the classic buying of companies’ shares, the likelihood of success is increased if the investor is moderate and makes purchases without leverage and with a long time horizon. Following this method, it is easy to make a portfolio of promising companies making the selection with the help of radionic. That can mean outstanding performance compared to other systems.

We say that the IDF’s of manipulations and trade agreements can be very powerful and detectable

Remember to use caution until the practice shows you that the method chosen and adapted to your way of investing is reasonably certain. Finally, make sure what their choices are appropriate by orthodox research and accurate analysis using traditional patterns as much as possible. Take special care to risk money, especially large amounts, which can lead to selfdeception and impair your ability to accurately detect the right choice.

Help for established businesses The factors affecting a business are many and varied. You can inquire with radionic the main reason why a business does not go well (strategy, poor management, inadequate staffing, poor presentation, unwise location, presence of distorting elements, choice of inappropriate behaviour, selection of more saleable products and a long etc) or a combination of several. Once you detected the problem will be easier to make modifications accurately without wasting time doing unnecessary or even counterproductive actions. 102

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You can remove general blockages, improve the capacities of certain key people, detect the main cause that a business does not go on track and even sweeten the offer or the business itself for customers. You can also specify the most appropriate decoration for the place of the company in order to be more attractive and sell more. Colours, furniture, location of tables, etc, etc, etc. It is not advisable to manipulate customers to purchase the products we sell, because we have already explained that there are mechanisms of protection in humans. We refer to directly influence the purchase of an item or group of products. Ethics must be present in all our actions and experimentations. Remember that in trying to make someone go against their will using radionic, we create unconscious resistance in the person. You may get results for a while with manipulation, especially if you act on individuals energetically unstructured. But the person will have a deep inner rejection towards you that will increase over time and eventually could turn against you. It is always better to use the radionic as an enhancer of the positive. We will seek to attract individuals who previously want our product or our service. Radionic devices with life energy generators work very well to «load» a certain business with IDF´s and make it attractive for people that are looking for what you sell. You can make a business or company very attractive and magnetic using this method. You can also act on specific factors of your business, as mentioned before. There are very interesting experiences about it. For example, «load» the business cards with energy or with certain IDF’s to draw the attention of the cardholder. Do the same on publicity leaflets introducing an attracting vibration, or improve the taste of a product to make it more enjoyable for the consumer, etc, etc. In all this, the imagination of entrepreneurs will be the guide to implement the key points of business using radionic. In any case, the results are often shocking and bold.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

Radionic devices with life energy generators work very well to «load» a certain business with IDF´s and make it attractive for people that are looking for what you sell

Improving credit control Some users employ radionic to establish a more secure when giving credit to their customers. A small company had problems because of the high number of defaults on its customers, despite using the classical methods of economic study to incorporate customers into its business portfolio. Using radionic to know the real possibility of receipts and payments of their clients as well as honesty and intention to meet its obligations, delinquencies declined by more than 50%.

Reduce negative factors related to sick leave Other companies have focused on improving health (at subtle level) of their employees, noting that the sickness rate dropped significantly. Since specialization of labour can be high and it’s difficult to temporarily replace some workers, the health of a person can have a major impact on the course of business, especially small businesses.

Other companies have focused on improving health (at subtle level) of their employees, noting that the sickness rate dropped significantly


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

Removing barriers in negotiations Almost any radionic device can be used to remove blockages that prevent to complete negotiations. A very versatile device for all types of solutions is the «SE-5 1000» (see chapter on modern radionic instruments). Also and more affordable are devices like ARE X series (X1,X2 or X3 Pro). If we use these devices, we can follow specific routines that help us to bring to fruition negotiations that have sometimes been stagnant. It is very curious that after mobilizing energies, the negotiation moves very fast and solves very well for both parties or is rapidly broken when the agreement is materially impossible. In both cases, an operator notices the result is positive. In the first case, because a satisfactory agreement is achieved. In the second case, because the stalled negotiations are extinguished, and any of these events tend to end up being more positive for the radionic user than expected. It is very common that new possibilities appear even new deals or new businesses that are profitable or more profitable than those who would have resulted from the initial negotiations

We can follow specific routines that help us to bring to fruition negotiations that have sometimes been stagnant.

Many times when we are immersed in the idea of closing an agreement, we tend to forget about other possibilities that may be even better ones. Surely the reader also checked first hand, that when things are forced too much and closing them inappropriately, the consequences are often unsatisfactory or even harmful. At such times, we say: «It seems that something was telling me that the agreement would not bring anything good. I shouldn’t have insisted too much when I saw such a resistance.» It is possible to make a radionic analysis of each immersed part in a negotiation and remove locks on each side or clarify where they are the main impediments. Everyone knows that it is essential to know the real motivations of the parties to reach a good agreement. Since radionic devices can measure existing IDF‘s, it is possible to analyze «hidden 105

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springs» that may be essential for successful completion of an agreement or a transaction.

Blockages in business Many users have been amazed to see that when the blockages disappear on a business, customers begin to appear in large numbers. On the occasions that the business does not improve after removing blockages, it is important to perform routines of cleaning and vibrational enhancement on the owners of the company, because they can be the root of the problem. The psychological state and vibrational balance of the directors of a commercial activity is essential for the smooth running of the company, be it small or large. Radionic devices let you work the psychological aspects of people, mood and balance.

Advertising and attracting customers You can achieve greater effectiveness on your advertising campaigns using a radionic equipment. Some devices like the SE-5 1000 have software that can be tailored to a specific campaign. Other devices have their own vital energy module that can be «modulated» to expand or convey the idea that we want to spread (see devices like “ARE X1, X2 and X3 Pro”). Ideally, use both types of device, because the results can be truly amazing. The cost of the equipment will be negligible and absolutely amortizable from the start compared to the benefits to be gained and savings on ineffective advertising. Even at low cost campaigns elaborated by small businesses. It has already been mentioned that it is possible to «load» promotional items (leaflets, leaves for mailings, business cards, merchandising, etc.) with the right vibration to enhance our business opportunities or setting up contacts to subtle level with our prospects. Whenever you go to do this is important to measure whether it is


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

appropriate to perform this action or not. Devices like the SE 5 1000 have incorporated a program that evaluates whether there are impediments to this procedure. In ARE X devices you can also do this easily.

When a radionic IDF’s related to the product is emitted directly into the space, it ensures that potential customers can naturally «resonate» with the product and tend to be interested in it. You can not «cheat» when using subtle energies. The recipient receives the true reality of things. We have said that ethics must prevail in the use of a radionic device. It is not appropriate to try to deceive or manipulate anyone, whatever the method used. Moreover, a radionic device places information in the subtle field or matrix that we all share and the people that resonates with the message have the option to reply or not to it. Again: The recipient receives the message without the accessories that usually handle the information. The person perceives the intention. If it resonates with that intention will respond, if not, there will be no response.

When a radionic IDF’s related to the product is emitted directly into the space, it ensures that potential customers can naturally «resonate» with the product and tend to be interested in it

We can set sales goals for a given product, measuring in advance the radionic potential of what we promote in accordance with the public demand for that product. Once these parameters are measured we will know more accurately the full extent of the results. You can also measure the energy index of a campaign. It is possible to measure different types of ads for the same product to see what impact that will have or choose the means to provide better results, whether television, radio, newspapers, magazines, Internet, etc. It is even possible to establish the best program in any media to place the ads, the most auspicious days, hours or spaces where our 107

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product will have a greater impact and the advertising will be more profitable. The latter is important, because often the more spending does not mean better performance. Invest 100,000 Euros (or dollars) in a campaign in the wrong media or in an unsuitable TV slot, you can leave less performance than 2,000 Euros (or dollars) employees in the media, program, day and time that fits the customer profile and when it is more inclined to assimilate the information or make the purchase.

The waveforms and the business activity It is mentioned in this manual how the geometric shapes and other designs generate waveforms that can be beneficial or harmful. When making a design or logo with which it identifies your company can make a radionic test to check the quality and power of design in order to represent your company. Place the logo on your device and then type or write down (depending on device type) a word or phrase that you would like to attribute to your business. For example: Honesty, commercial success, attracting a lot of satisfied customers, large income generation, etc. Place the power to the maximum and go down as far as it appreciates that the adherent plate shows «contact». The higher the amount indicated for the message you test, the better the logo chosen. You can test colours, fonts, size or inclusion of lines, dots or characters. There are people dedicated to design that obtain very significant results using radionic. Do not forget that you can also test workplaces achieving good vibration depending on the elements that contains the location and arrangement thereof. Using Feng Shui and Radionic to get perfect settings for a particular business can mean a drastic change in the revenue produced.

When making a design or logo with which it identifies your company can


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

make a radionic test to check the quality and power of design in order to represent your company

Choosing franchises Today, many people choose this way to channel their entrepreneurial ambitions. Franchises usually offer greater chances of success in the adventure of opening a business due to the support and expertise of a reputable and established business (if you can check it). The offer is very wide and sometimes within certain investment possibilities is difficult to choose between various activities and between several companies. First of all you can test with your radionic device what are the most profitable franchises and easier to establish. After that, place a sample of you and a sample of each franchise chosen to see the compatibility with the business model advocated by the franchisor. Choose the franchises with better measures and discard those that offer a lower reading. Then put the name of the city where you live and want to establish the business and measure again. Finally include the exact address where you think to establish the franchisee business to see if the location is good enough. Initially you are testing the viability of the business, profitability and ease. You must consider there are very profitable franchises but whose overall difficulty prevents a high rate of success. Then check if your personal style is compatible with the style of the company. If the vibrations are similar you’ll get high or very high readings for this concept. Note that for a business to flourish, the person in charge has to feel comfortable with the activity performed. Furthermore, an activity can be very profitable in a city by its special feature and a complete failure in another town for the same reason. Finally, consider the neighbourhood, street and the right place to set up the franchise. It is well known that even in the same street, a particular site can make between 10 and 50% more commercial activity depending on various factors that are not always visible. Already it has been considered how is possible to «clean» the energy of a location or a 109

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house, in addition to balancing the environment and enhance the vibration and the energy breathed and felt in the place. To end this section, we will repeat that the use of radionic devices in this and other fields is only limited by the creativity of who employs them. Every business and every circumstance have specific needs and concrete solutions, but be able to access a much wider world of possibilities presents an extraordinary advantage. And since we are dealing with an issue that is measurable from the economic point of view, we can say that the yield of a radionic equipment exceed hundreds or even thousands of times the investment required to purchase one of these devices, regardless of the other applications that are presented in this book.

Radionic and money Many will be thinking: «If you can positively influence so many things, is it possible to influence economic abundance? Attract the money directly? Increasing the flow of wealth and wellbeing in our lives? We will discuss some of the actions used by many radionic users with good results. There are people who identify patterns of economic behaviour of financial geniuses and emit these IDF’s on themselves as a way to absorb the style of action in the field of activity of that person or persons. Others use their device to identify which would be the fields of action on which to work, on a personal level, to improve in a job or move up the ladder of command of the company where they work. Others use their radionic device to choose companies on which are more likely to join and send their curriculum to these companies.

There are people who identify patterns of economic behaviour of financial


- Radionic- CHAPTER 7 Radionic in the business world: purchases, sales and money

geniuses and emit these IDF’s on themselves as a way to absorb the style of action in the field of activity of that person or persons In any case it is important to consider that when a person thinks of money, you are actually thinking about things of interest that can be obtained with money. Not everyone needs or even aims have a supercar of high value. Not everyone wants a yacht between their properties. Not everyone wants to have a mansion on the beach most fashionable of the moment. Actually what they want is the enjoyment of those things. Therefore, a good suggestion is to focus on what you really want to get and let our unconscious mind leads us to find ways to get it with the help of the radionic. Perhaps, the desire of travelling the world can be satisfied in a more attractive and enriching way if you work as a correspondent that if you travel as a tourist. Therefore, you should think about what money means and use radionic to approach the target instead of just think the way of getting it. In any case if what you want is the possession of a specific physical object, you can be sure that a radionic device will provide easier ways to get it. That said, most people believe that there are people with «luck» for the money. However, a closer look at those people shows us that what’s behind its star is an attitude towards life, a way of acting, an effort and a number of additional factors that make that person has economic success. Copy those factors, repeat and adapt them to your own personality. This will allow you a better chance of increasing the flow of wealth. However, we have already talked about IDF’s. The IDF’s may relate to individual factors or factors as a whole. You can issue these factors in one way or another and test the effectiveness of each of them on their person. You can also remove blockages that could sabotage your efforts to succeed due to misconceptions or «mental programs» wrong instilled since your childhood.

Can I use radionic to win the lottery? That’s a common question type. Winning the lottery is only possible by hitting the right number. It is 111

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pure chance. Every individual has a number is exerting mental energy towards that number to be the winner. A radionic device facilitates a specific action, but is not always guaranteed one hundred per cent. When we consider the possibility that someone gets a goal, we think it is possible that different people using different paths, achieve similar results and all (or nearly all) can satisfy their desire. Returning to the theory of «matrix», each individual will get according to the energy put into his goal and the possibilities of interconnection. But if we think of gambling, it is only a matter of chance, considering that mental energy put into each number by each of the participants is relatively similar. However there are theorists who think the radionic devices increase such possibilities as anything else. In this book the idea will not defend because, although there are people who claim to have won awards in gaming using radionic, the author believes that there are not enough positive experiences and a clear line of action as to support in practice this possibility.


Chapter 8


This chapter is devoted to various radionic devices marketed today. Some of its features and capabilities are included. If you think about using these devices to improve health, always remember that no device is intended to replace a physician or a person duly licensed to practice medicine. Again: The radionic devices act at vibrational level, like homeopathy. When we talked about health and radionic in this manual it is always considering this proviso. The radionic readings may not coincide with doctor diagnoses, analysis or evidence generally accepted by medical professionals. In fact, the irregularities detected in a measurement radionic can end manifested or not physically, because the readings with these devices have to do with energy whose nature still is not be recognized by conventional science or medicine. Legally, these devices should be regarded as experimental. All possible assertions about them are just related to subtle energy fields whose existence is not officially established. Therefore they can not legally be attributed physical or medical benefits to this sort of devices. Keep this always present and consult a doctor if you think you have a disease. Having complied with these necessary legal clarifications we shall discuss about some devices that the interested reader can acquire. In this book we have presented many possible applications, but not all devices are so versatile to include each and every one of those possibilities. In addition to the devices discussed here, you can be found on the Internet other devices, but you should know that not all of them work properly, equally well and not all offer money-back guarantees. If you choose to experiment with radionic, you must contact with suppliers who guarantee you a 113

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minimum of 20 days to see if what you want of these devices is what you get. If a supplier is earnest one, it will allow you to get your money back if you are not satisfied with the purchase.

Copenlabs devices Copenlabs, founded in the UK, sells various types of radionic quality equipment since 1947. Among them is the EVP / CC / 80/8 an equipment designed to replicate homeopathic remedies that works well and has many satisfied users. Also noteworthy is its known device MK12. It has a system of 12 levels for analysis and balancing the body. It includes numerous types of parameters for testing and issuing vibrational information. They can replicate and deliver more than 2,000 homeopathic remedies and substances. It is a versatile device that has proven effective for years. It is mainly focused for therapy. Finally, the highest range equipment of this company is the ASLD95. It has 15 controls to set the radionic measures and more than 6,500 parameters to analyze. Also it functions as replicator and can get, depending on the manufacturer, store the information of over 7,000 remedies. It is a device also designed for therapies and works in depth with of homeopathic remedies. Its high cost prevents not to be considered a device very popular among professionals.

For more information, the interested reader can visit the website of the company:


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

Radionic devices with a high power orgone generator . ARE X series devices (Advanced Radionic Equipment) Especially recommended for its features, price, versatility, ease of use and power output. The ARE devices are the following: ARE X1, ARE X2 and ARE X3 Pro. They are sold with a 30 days money back guarantee and one year warranty against defects. They can be used alone or in conjunction with other devices.

Here we have a new generation of radionic devices, that combines classic radionic with a generator of vital energy (called orgone energy, Chi, Prana, etc.). They are relatively inexpensive with a range of affordable prices and offer many possibilities. The main thing is that the unification of vital energy and radionic circuits increases the speed of results. Are X1 Device The subtle energy generated is very powerful. The use is very simple and anyone can start using them within minutes, because it’s not necessary a specialized learning and the results are really astonishing. They can be used as instruments of therapy, and also are especially appreciated for everything related to personal development, achievement of objectives and many different applications. You can have your own «machine of wishes» with a reduced investment. Anecdotally, many specialists in clairvoyance, magic and «white magic» use these devices to increase their successes, effectiveness and customer satisfaction.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

The ARE X devices have a power generator built-in and emit vital energy (measured in BOVIS units used in dowsing), from 15,000 to 600,000 units, depending on the model. There is nothing superior related to subtle energy power of these devices and in price, guarantee and quality. They have an automatic stabilizer pulses employed especially in areas related to sports, meditation, psychic development and mental abilities, concentration and targeted actions. Do not confuse «orgone generator with capacity for broadcast» with so-called «orgone accumulators» or orgonites. The latter can be done relatively easily using resin and iron filings, but its power of transference is very limited and their applications are relatively scarce, although not negligible.

What advantage has a powerful vital energy generator built in a high quality radionic device? Because this energy is modulated through the radionic module the goal is always needed to ensure the realization and materialization expected. In old classical radionic devices, the operator and his innate ability to mobilize energy unconsciously can determine the results and the speed with which they occur, getting more powerful effects if the operator is physically and mentally balanced. Are X2 Device

Are X3 Pro Device 116

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With devices that have integrated an energy production module, the person using the device ensures that the device itself generates plenty of «vital force» to focus it to produce the desired trend or getting the objective. The operator is still essential, but not its own energy that could be exhausted. They are really powerful devices. Many users even use them as a complement to other radionic equipments or even bio resonance devices, because they observe that the effectiveness soars.

Are X3 Pro Device

To view detailed characteristics see the website:

Advanced devices for individual and professional multiple uses. Undoubtedly, one of the most recognized and recommended devices worldwide is the SE 5-1000. The SE 5-1000 is the result of the evolution of past teams: SE 5 and SE 5 Plus. With over 25 years of history and positive testimonials of users, therapists, medical professionals, veterinarians, entrepreneurs, 117

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coaches and entrepreneurs, we can say without fear of contradiction that is currently the «Quintessence of radionic devices.» It can be used as an instrument of development at all levels, as personal therapy apparatus and / or professional as extraordinary as each of those mentioned applications in this book. Easy operation, handling and transport can be used by anyone who wants to exploit the enormous potential of radionic at any scale of use. For any therapist it presents possibilities that overflowing imagination, also including duplication of substances or homeopathic remedies. But also it is used for many practical applications: personal, family, business, sports and experimental options considered in this manual, covering the entire spectrum of SE5 1000 Device actions mentioned and not only that, because every day brings new experiences from users that extend the range of use. Although its price is somewhat higher than other instruments, its versatility compensates for its cost, which is amortized quickly in any range of use. The vast majority of users from different countries praised its features and abilities in all fields. Allows even identify blockages to the actions to take and when it is best moment to start any work. It has automatic programs included in the device itself to ensure that the operator remains in the most suitable psycho-physical balance for measurement, and actions as appropriate. Some people use this appliance with any of the ARE X devices (ARE X1, X2 and X3 Pro ARE all) mentioned in the previous section, in order to combine it with the high-power orgone generator that amplifies and accelerates processes. In any case, if the price is high for you,


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

remember that any ARE X device is an extraordinary option that will provide extraordinary results also as a unique device.

The device SE 5 1000 comes with a large additional equipment and a powerful computer application that improves their characteristics, increase its possibilities for action and ease of use. The basic training requires about two hours and the marketing company provides training through video and detailed manuals of simple understanding. It also has back guarantee in the unlikely event that the buyer decides to return the equipment. This is essential to ensure both the effectiveness of the instrument as the reliability of manufacturers and distributors. You can get more information on this highly recommended device on the website:

Another radionic device that has many positive references is Homeonic device. It is used by many health professionals and alternative therapists. This radionic machine replicates homeopathic potencies and has a wide data base that allows the issuance of remedies, can make accurate diagnoses and offers good software. Vendors provide support and training for use. Although the price of its most complete version can be quite high, we repeat that such equipment ends up being very profitable from the point of view of performance and user satisfaction. For more information see the website:


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

Radionic devices for harmonizing These are devices that are designed for a particular purpose. We will cite for example the Chi-O device designed and manufactured to keep the body balanced and free from the influence of contaminants frequencies causing magnetic and physical alterations. Much has been said of the frequency of telephony towers which emitting dangerous signals and electromagnetic pollution from mobile and powerful smartphones that virtually we all possess. However, it is rare to find a product that truly serves to effectively counter the harmful impact of these microwaves in our body. The Chi-O device served as a pendant, has an internal circuit that keeps a person free from the negative influence of such signals. If you use the phone frequently and feel fatigue, sleep disturbances or frequent headaches, you may find a solution with this high quality instrument. In addition to the positive testimonials, they have been tested by blood analysis to support its effectiveness. Just wear it near your body (neck or in a pocket within the range of the energy body) and you’ll be able to experience its benefits. For more information visit the website:


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

Of course they will always find both: opponents of all such devices and advocates for telephone companies, who argue that mobile phones or broadcast antennas are not harmful to humans. The user on their own should investigate and gather information. Ultimately and as mentioned elsewhere in this manual, if you think of acquiring a product of this type, choose one marketer to ensure repayment of the amount paid if the client is not satisfied with the purchase. In this way you can check the effectiveness of your buying, without risk to your pocket and with added confidence

The Scalar Antennas for radionic transmission It is one of the latest additions to radionic devices. Although there are a wide range of the complete radionic machines like SE 5 1000 or ARE X1, X2 and X3 Pro, the Scalar Antennas are surprising for the possibilities they have and its relatively inexpensive price. For beginners in Radionic, no doubt can be a perfect starting point to get a lot of benefits. The scalar radionic antennas, can be used with any device that can record and / or play voice and allows for connecting headphones. Thus, you can use any music player or any computer to which you can be also connect a speaker or headphones. Even smarphones. . Why they are called scalar antennas and how they relate Radionic?


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

The theory is that scalar waves, although they share common characteristics to the electromagnetic waves, do not propagate through space like them, which decay or lose power over distance. They are snapshots in its spread and can carry information from the IDF’s very effectively. Nor they are affected by structures that form a «faraday cage» and can cross through them easily, according to the researchers. Such waves are also called Tesla waves, after the famous scientist who postulated and theorized about them. The reader should draw their own conclusions about this type of wave whose existence is not completely consensuated, but that seem to explain many phenomena that can not be explained on the basis of other mechanisms. The author merely transmits the concept that seems to explain the working mechanism of these antennas. In any case and ultimately, the results must to be assessed with regardless of the underlying cause. The Radionic theory states that humans emit such scalar waves through the brain when they are in meditation or visualization state. Thoughts travel through space instantly and can be perceived by other people with no distance limitation. It should be recalled here that visualization, is considered necessary for achieving what we want to obtain, according to all ancient and modern schools of thought. If we get something, is because we build it first in our mind. These same schools show that, most of the time, humans do not get more of themselves because of their fears and the mental representation they make of them. These fears are continually affecting their physical reality. For most people, always thinking positive is very difficult. It is also difficult to have time to visualize what you want continuously. However, if we use a device that allows us to make statements and emit


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them in a constant suitable «format», we can influence both in ourselves and in others. In this way we’ll have an instrument that it’ll influence what happens around us very efficiently and continuously.

The Scalar antennas are usually made by a special circuit that may or may not make sense from the electromagnetism point of view of, but generally are prepared both to emit scalar waves as normal signals. It looks important that the configuration of these devices follow certain parameters so that coincide with what we’ve seen elsewhere in this manual as «beneficial waveforms».

The antennas seem to transform the recorded messages in signals that affect people to whom they are addressed in the same way the radionic devices do. (Many radionic devices have their own scalar antennas and also incorporate input connectors in order to be supplemented with external scalar antennas). If you use your mobile phone with one of these antennas, all you have to do is record messages with the information you want to incorporate into your vibrational field or vibratory field of another person. The IDF’s will move to the chosen subject through a structural link (photo or hair). The recorder message is transformed into waves that are emitted by the antenna and been incorporated in the vibratory structure of the person for whom the action is performed.

Recall again the experiments of Dr. Emoto about the «imprint» on water crystals, that showed harmonious or not depending on the radiated written messages on it. Interestingly, the late Dr. Emoto used radionic instruments like the MRA device that is mentioned on page 121 (spanish version) of his book «Hidden Messages in Water». In that same book, the device appears in one of the photos.

The type of experiments that can be performed with the recordings and antennas is similar to the experiments you can do with other radionic devices. The fundamental difference is that there are no dials to establish


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measures, no adherent plate to serve as reference connection and nor has the orgon auxiliary power that is present in some devices that have been considered in this book. In short, they are less potent, but no less effective. In any case, we can point out the «modularity» of radionic. If your experience is positive, you’ll want to have better equipment. Usually it happens with people who start experimenting. When they discover the effectiveness of this kind of valuable tools for its multiple applications, they want to incorporate more elements or devices that allow them to operate more powerful, faster and on multiple targets. If for budget reason you decide to start with a small investment, you can purchase any radionic antenna and later (or at the same time) incorporate some auxiliary orgone generator. Placed next to the antenna can increase the results, according to all the experiences. If at the end you decide to buy any «premier division» radionic device, both the antenna and the auxiliary power generator can be incorporated into the top equipment to increase its capacity. You can also assessed the fact of having several devices to work with different targets simultaneously. It is something you’ll have to evaluate if the experimentation on radionic eventually seduces you.

Users employ scalar antennas very successfully to incorporate statements of all kinds, use healing therapies, improve attitudes and skills, help yourself and others to make changes, increase overall vitality in minutes, perform experiments with animals and plants, as well as be used with other devices. You could say that is an indispensable assistant for those that use visualization and for those who already have radionic equipments and want to see them improved to the max. Its effectiveness is far superior to that of subliminal messages and the advantage is that you do not need special equipment or programs to produce great results.


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

An important advantage when using these antennas, is that messages need not be heard. That is, the operator (the person performing the experience) records messages and then reproduces these messages. The person just has to connect the antenna to the audio output. When using with mobiles, you’ll generally have to silence the phone, because if the speaker phone is open, the signal does not reach the antenna and is not transmitted through it. In computers it is possible to do both at once, that is, send and listen, but you have to make sure that the computer output from the speaker can also be heard on a headset. If this is the case, then the handset is replaced by the antenna. But, once again I must say that it is not necessary to hear the message from the speakers, and that what works is the emission through the antenna. It is also possible to emit continuous messages over and over again for as long as desired. In this sense, the operator must decide how long he considers the most appropriate to influence their goals. However, experience has shown that, depending on the subject to be treated, you can get results in just fifteen or twenty minutes of emission.

There are very good experiences with therapists who recorded messages relating to certain very specific health states and radiate these messages to their patients while they are in consultation. Positive responses obtained can hardly be explained by mere chance. Following the idea of practice and results, the important thing is to check the effects that occur with use. And in this, we can talk of very fast and positive results similar to those obtained with other radionic devices

To view detailed characteristics about this Scalar Antennas see the website:


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

«Radionic structural links by codes and geometric patterns» In the world of subtle energies, experimentation always brings surprising results. This is the case of so-called structural links. Remember that these structural links are factors used to establish connections with a given vibrational subject. The most common links are usually those related to elements that come from the individual himself: hair, saliva, a blood drop, etc. Through these personal samples it is possible to measure and send information to solve imbalances or to help incorporate new responses and positive actions.

However, sometimes it is not possible to have a sample of the person to send information or corrective trend in the sense of improving some capacity or incorporate new skills. Looking for a solution, tests have been done with codes (similar to used on any computer). That is, a key that is provided to a particular person through a support element. The support containing the key may be just a little paper that must remain near the body of the person, in a pocket or purse. The problem is that the paper can easily be lost or deteriorated, in addition to not present a good waveform and a material that enhances the connection with the subject. Everything can be improved as will be explained below. The interesting thing is that if you use a radionic device to send information to the code, the person carrying this code react to the information or vibration therapy. This has been proven by measuring the person with complex radionic devices or bioresonance appliances, showing significant and rapid changes on the person when the corrective IDF’s are sent. It should be emphasized that the key (and its holder) must remain within the energy field of the person who wears it, ie a maximum of 10-20 centimetres from the body. .


- Radionic- CHAPTER 8 Modern radionic devices you can acquire

The link can be improved if the support used is made of a noble metal such as gold or silver and if it contains also a beneficial geometric waveform. The three elements: beneficial geometric waveform, noble support material, and a unique key, make a perfect team to operate on a given person or subject. If you have this code and a radionic device, you easily can balance, send energy or vibrational information to the person who has the structural link, using any radionic device (or at least one generator of vital energy). When you do that, it is intended that the drawing waveform be a particularly good by itself, generating good vibration for the target. There are geometric shapes that seem to affect in a positive way to the environments and people or are especially corrective for some vibratory imbalances. It’s actually what many people seek when they use representations of a character considered a holy one or sacred symbol. The thing is that, in these cases, they lack of additional radionic energy load and individual coding, without these elements the energy expected is very weak and is generated just by the mind of the believer and the symbol. Another thing would be to use a religious or sacred representation (which produces a good waveform) and then add extra energy with a radionic generator plus a unique and custom coding. Not all classical religious representations produce good vibrations. For example there is a type of cross whose measurements are not harmonic, which emits a wave that negative affect the person wearing it. The same goes for certain symbols that drain energy and that may adversely affect the wearer. This can be checked with a full radionic device (SE 5 1000 or any of the ARE equipments X1, X2 and X3 Pro) As you see, the possibilities are so varied that the radionic practitioner can always be experiencing new applications. .

Stand-alone Chi-Orgone Generators Although they are not strictly radionic devices, The Chi-Orgone power generators (or vital generators) provide the necessary to accelerate regenerative processes and changes. There are radionic devices that have 127

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them incorporated, as seen in this book, and can also be purchased separately. In this way they are cheaper and can also be used to double the effectiveness of the scalar antennas for example. Generally they are portable and run on AC power (some also battery powered). Many therapists also use them to unlock the chakras or to send energy to specific acupuncture points, making the patient gets a greater flow of energy through your channels. The ARE X-0 is a good generator device that emits a high power subtle energy, in addition it has a switch which allowing the operator to use different types of energy pulses in each circumstance.

«Pure Waveform Emitters» and «Neutralizing Harmonizers» to be connected to the power grid from home There are other devices that only use their own «wave form» of its spatial configuration (relative to the space occupied by its shape) to neutralize geopathogenic places (typically geometric shapes are good emitters balanced waveforms). There is already talk in this book about the waveforms and how they are used for millennia by humans. For these devices to take the desired effect, usually need the help of some expert geobiology make the necessary measurements in the room, the home or the workplace in order to properly position the device (usually must be aligned with the Earth’s magnetic field so that neutralize the dangerous magnetic fields).

These issuers subtle energy-correction, are usually used by sensitive people who discover that the place where they sleep or spend most of the day has some type of alteration that affects their health and wellbeing: Electromagnetic pollution, groundwater, minerals, existence of some kind of subtle harmful radiation, etc. If you suffer from muscle aches, pains of unknown origin, headaches or other alterations which can not find 128

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origin in consultation with your doctor, it is possible that your body is responding to the stress produced by any of the reasons mentioned. The telluric electromagnetic negative energies received by the body have a cumulative effect. Sometimes it is the case that in a given block of flats, all bedrooms in a given area are exposed to such radiation in first, second, third, fourth and subsequent plants. And curiously appear cancers and tumours among people who sleep in those specific bedrooms, with a frequency well above that occurs in the area itself or neighbourhoods where these houses are. It is interesting to mention that many areas where you can not plant a decent garden, suffer from some form of geobiological alteration affecting living beings: whether they are plants or animals or people. Sometimes you can see how a tree grows crooked if located exactly on a crossing Hartmann or Curry lines, causing the tree to try to escape its influence disrupting its normal growth. Again a geobiologist expert will confirm you if you are facing a problem of this type, which otherwise is more common than you might think, and if possible the use of some kind of waveforms transmitter instrument to neutralize subtle radiation affecting the environment. Many of these issuers do not need any electrical connection. Everything depends on the objective sought and the presence of a type of disturbance and another. Finally, we mention in this chapter the harmonizing connecting to the grid of a home and eliminate the effects of electromagnetic pollution produced by the installation itself and connected equipment. Particularly sensitive people value the changes produced when using these devices. The results seem to be very good, depending on the model. The interested reader is referred to various options in magazines or the Internet.



· Radionics interface with the Ether Fields (David Tansley) · Subtle Energy (John Davison) · The Field (Lynne Mc Tagg) · Regaining Wholeness through the Subtle Dimensions (Don Paris) · Me and the Orgone (Orson Bean) · The Body Electric (Robert O. Becker) · Seven Experiments that could change the world (Rupert Sheldrake) · A practical guide to vibrational Medicine (Richard Gerber) · The Intentional Experiment (Lynne Mc Tagg)

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