The Russell Stutely Platinum Package Training Manual

July 23, 2016 | Author: srdjan013 | Category: Types, Brochures
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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package



• OCFM International Coach • 6th Dan Karate Jutsu • Europe's Leading Authority on Acupressure Points and their relationship to the Martial Arts • Inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2000 • EFC Martial Artist of the Year 2000 • 4th Dan Ryu Kyu Kempo Karate • 4th Dan Kick Boxing • 3rd Dan Torite Jutsu • Instructor at Door Supervisor Courses • Instructor at Police Training Courses • Registered Self Protection Instructor ~ British Combat Association (BCA) • Senior Instructor British Combat Association • Former Trainer to the Cyprus National Thai Boxing Team • Professional Fighters Trainer • Areas of Speciality: Kata / Form Analysis and Breakdown, Players to the Game, Power generation, Pressure Points and Self Protection.

Russell Stutely has also produced a wide variety of Martial Arts Videos that have been distributed all over the World. He has been acknowledged as the leading authority on Kata Bunkai in Europe.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

“I have dedicated my life to the furtherance of knowledge for all Martial Artists, regardless of grade or style.” Russell Stutely

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

More Information

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to meet and train with some of the UK's and indeed the World's foremost Instructors / Seminar Instructors / Trainers and MA practitioners. During this period I have also been fortunate enough to learn what I previously considered to be well beyond my capabilities. For this I am eternally grateful.

However, I am also deeply worried and saddened by what I have learnt.

For years I was happy to do the same class week in, week out. Happy to march up and down in lines, happy to do Kata and happy to do some Kumite. We were quite content to intensify the training leading up to Gradings and / or competitions and push ourselves to what we thought were the limits. We were all gloriously happy in what we thought was Martial Arts, what we thought was real Shotokan Martial Arts. We were told that Shotokan was about the best there is, and we were happy to accept that, indeed so was I.

I / we were quite happy to accept that our Martial Arts would work for us in the street if we needed it. Even though, at the time, several of my friends were bouncers and I knew deep down that what I was doing would not work against them. Still, I kept training the same way. Even though I knew it would not work. The thing is, I was HAPPY doing it and so probably are you!

Now, here is the problem... Does that story sound familiar to you? Do you know that deep down what you are doing will never stand up to the venom and ferocity of a real attack? Are you kidding yourself? More importantly, are you an Instructor who is kidding others by teaching the same old stuff?

I mean to shock with this Training Manual. I mean to offend people. I mean to offend the Martial Arts Do World. I mean to take you away from your comfort zone!

Firstly, I want you to leave aside personal likes / dislikes. What I am about to write is not a personal attack on any person or any system. It is an attack on a mindset that is potentially life threatening for those involved in it. If this offends you, then you are part of it.

Now, ask yourself some questions. Why did you start Martial Arts? According to all the statistics most people started for Self Defence and / or fitness. These reasons are changing with the

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

advent of Full Time Centres that are more biased to the personal development skills that Martial Arts can and indeed does bring. But, they are another matter!

So, most people started for self-defence and / or fitness. What has been the result of those years of training? Are you more able to defend yourself? Are you much fitter? You may well think that you are, because you have reached a Dan grade in whatever you do. But let me tell you, you are not!

If you have reached Dan Grade in say Shotokan, you will probably have become totally institutionalised in that system, the same with Wado / Kung Fu / TKD etc. You will automatically go into long, deep stances. You will bounce up and down in Kumite. You will automatically put one hand at Hikite for no apparent reason. You will think that your reverse punch is a fight stopper because it works in Competition. You could have reached Dan grade without EVER having hit a pad or a bag, let alone a person. You will be under the impression that your Jodan Mawashageri will work; you will think it is right to step in front of your supporting leg when performing Yokogeri. You will be under the impression that your back kick will work against anybody; your lunge punch will finish the fight just like it did in last week's competition. You will do more and more Kata for no apparent reason other than to learn another Kata!

Why, will you think this? Because your Instructor told you. His Instructor told him. And yes, his Instructor told him.... And so on and so forth till we get back to the villain of the piece. The Instructor that started it all, whoever he may be.

Deep down, you know all this is wrong. What possible purpose does Kata serve in a fight? What possible way can you land a spinning reverse roundhouse kick in a fight? Why would you bounce up and down in a fighting stance for a fight on the street?

OK, I hear you say, what makes you think all this is wrong? What qualifies you to say that we are wrong? We have Instructors with 7th / 8th or even 9th Dans from Japan that do not agree? It has always been taught this way for hundreds of years? This is real Martial Arts.

Well, I say "Wake up and smell the Coffee!". Firstly I want you to think of every rule that there is in a Kumite biting for example, no groin kicks etc etc etc. Now, we have a fight, you stick to the rules and I GUARANTEE I will break every rule there is. I have just increased my chances of winning 1000%!!

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

• Kumite, teaches you to stick to the rules. • Kihon teaches you terrible Body Mechanics • Kata teaches you Kata These people are perpetuating the myth that Martial Arts in its present state works! Are you dumb enough to believe them?

People sometimes say to me, "I have been training 25 years!".. That is often true.. But they have been doing year 5 for the last 20 of them!

Just be sensible for a moment, ask a friend with no knowledge of the Martial Arts to look at what you do and to give an honest opinion. What will you say when they ask you what the moves are for in your Kata? What will you say when they ask why you put one hand on your hip and leave yourself open to attack when you do a reverse punch?

Then have a spar with a boxer and try and use your "One punch one kill" Martial Arts punches and see what happens. Have a training session with a Boxer and see how fit you really are.

When I start this argument, people bring up names of famous Martial Artists as "proof" that Martial Arts works. Well, these people are making it work in spite of Martial Arts not because of it! They could probably make Tiddlywinks work!

Now, I want you to look at your Instructor at the next training session, is he making all these mistakes and more? Is he perpetuating this myth? It is more than likely not his fault, don't blame him, he has become institutionalised. Martial Arts is more like a "cult" than some cults. Students and Instructors blindly following the words of some "demi-god" in charge of their association, who is the most guilty of all, as he is the one who has perpetuated the myth to all those below him.

People are going to write and / or call me up and shout about the exceptions to the above. Of course there are exceptions, I am not getting at those who do not follow the myth. However, look at yourself and the system and the main Instructors within that system with a critical eye BEFORE you make that call or write that letter.

You need to ask yourself ONE VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. "Would you bet your life on what your Instructor has just taught you?" If you hesitate for one moment, you would not. You know that deep down it does not and will not work, the way it has been taught.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

I was honest enough with myself to ask that question and know the real answer... I would never take that bet! Then I met the following people in no particular order; Rick Moneymaker, Tom Muncy, Peter Consterdine, Eddie Stokes, Anthony Blades and Peter Holmes

These people have changed my Martial Arts forever. They have changed my life. Ruined it as well:) In terms of training partners I am as lonely as the last little ginger kid at the orphanage.

Having said all the above about the state of Martial Arts as it is taught, why you may ask do I have anything to do with it? The simple answer is that I have a total passion and commitment to the Arts. If you want to see commitment to training, go and train with Peter Consterdine on a Saturday morning. Come and train with us at 06.30 3 times a week when 90% of Martial Artists are still in bed. Go and train with Eddie Stokes on a Sunday afternoon instead of eating yet another huge Sunday roast. In other words, get off your arse and train, but train properly. There is absolutely no point in going up and down in lines and thinking you are training for a self defence situation.

If your self-defence techniques are done against a Martial Arts type punch, ask yourself this question. How many people in the street throw a Martial Arts punch and then wait for you to do your defence? Answer... None!

Having said all the above, having said that Martial Arts as it is taught, does not work, I am totally and utterly convinced and know through experience that Martial Arts can be made to work and to work devastatingly well if you change things around a little bit.

What do I mean by change things around? Just little things like, don't make a self-defence situation a fight... there is a massive difference. Don't make the body mechanics mistakes of Martial Arts. Earn the right to land your technique.

About 4 years ago, Eddie Stokes and myself were conducting a seminar. Eddie said these words "You have to earn the right to land your technique" Since then I have stolen that phrase and used it at every opportunity. It encapsulates everything we are trying to say in one sentence.

If you want to learn how to earn that right, contact Eddie Stokes. I guarantee you will come away from that training session with a new approach to the Martial Arts and a deep respect for a man who is putting into practice what he preaches 3 nights a week, every week on some pretty

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

awful troubled nightspots. There, you will learn how to create that opening that you need to land your technique, whatever it may be.

Geoff Thompson and Peter Consterdine were instrumental in bringing to the fore the downsides of current Martial Arts practices for the street. They were instrumental in the "pre-emptive strike". We, as Martial Artists must be eternally grateful to these two people for that. They have provided the solid base from which you can build and move forward.

I stated earlier that Kihons teach poor Body Mechanics and Kata teaches Kata. To rectify this, I highly recommend that you contact The OCFM. There you will learn how your body really works for self-defence. You will learn the real secrets contained within Kata. Go to the source, find out the truth and decide for yourself.

This a quote from an OCFM Instructor " I used to spend 99% of my time trying to make my Martial Arts work, now I am using Russell’s technology I am spending 99% of my time trying to stop my Martial Arts from being so effective. I am losing training partners!" Be honest with yourself, when was the last time you had to deliberately reduce your capabilities by 99%? I don't mean by not taking a cheap shot against a compliant training partner either!

When I first publically stated the above at Seminars and in the Martial Arts Press I seemed to upset quite a few people, well that was a complete success then I thought to myself. I struck a nerve. I annoyed many Instructors. I have had Instructors call me and challenge me to a fight; others called just to argue their case. I had students call me and tell me how great their Instructor is and how he could beat me up if he really wanted to, but he was a true Martial Artists and would not stoop to that level. I had other students call me and tell me that their Instructor had simply told them that I was wrong and that Martial Arts does work and that they should pay no attention to my Training Manuals.

I am so pleased with what has happened. I shall tell you why. It means that there are now many more Instructors who are worried about what they are teaching and ots more students who have had the nerve to question their Instructor!

Now, if each Instructor has say 30 students, that means thousands of people may begin to question their art, may begin to look at what they really want from it. A very small start you may say... well it reminds me of a story.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

When the Berlin wall came down and then Russia split into its various states, Mikhail Gorbachev was asked how he changed the mindset of the whole of Russia.

"It was easy" he said, " I only had to change the mind of one man, Ronald Reagan. When he was convinced that Russia was friendly, he convinced America. Then when America was friendly, it was easy to convince the Russian people!" So, in the same vein, if one Instructor changes his attitude, it could well affect the whole of Martial Arts!

Make that difference! Change your attitude!

Now, on to how we can make Martial Arts work for the street.

As I stated earlier, you have to earn the right to land your technique! How do we earn that right? How do we put ourselves in a position to make things work? How do we land our devastating right hook or our devastating roundhouse kick?

The answer lies in the understanding of Body Alarm Reaction (BAR). Over the years, people such as Geoff Thompson and Peter Consterdine have written detailed accounts of the "Chemical Cocktail" all the fears and adrenal releases that occur pre-fight, during fight and after fight. They have talked and explained how the use of Action triggers can help alleviate some / many of these problems. They are 100% right in what they have said and the solution they have brought to the table.

I specialise in the teaching of Principles (what we call Players to the Game), BAR being one of the 90+ that I actively teach. BAR adds to the effectiveness of the action triggers that Peter and Geoff have espoused for so many years.

It is difficult to put across what is meant by this, and to appreciate the effectiveness of BAR in the written word. However, as they say, feeling is believing. Any one, who has trained BAR with us, knows exactly what I mean.

BAR can be used pre-emptively or reactively. It puts shock into your opponent at such a high level, that usually the body just can't take it. Put another way, your opponent has decided to start a fight with you / attack you. He has gone through all the mental trauma so superbly

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

described by Peter and Geoff over the years. He has gone through that decision process. He has weighed up the options, the consequences and your abilities. He has decided he can beat you. He now sees the light at the end of the tunnel. However, what he thinks is the light at the end of the tunnel is really the Headlight of you coming straight at him! That is BAR. You are playing shock ping-pong.

The moment a threat occurs you launch into BAR response, again either pre-emptively or reactively, it works just as well either way.

Then, you have earned the right to land your technique. Then and only then, can you do your roundhouse kick / right hook / Kata Bunkai or whatever it is that floats your boat.

Techniques can now be analysed correctly, Kata now makes sense. How the Body works is now just as important as doing loads more reps. Training smarter is better than training harder, training harder and smarter is the best way to train.

Many Martial Artists have taken advantage of the huge amount of information out there on the Internet, Message Boards, Discussion groups etc that abound these days. The volumes of videos, seminars, training camps and Training Manuals that are available. These Martial Artists have done themselves a huge favour, as they have improved themselves and probably at the same time improved whatever art they practice.

It has also become apparent that too much in the MA is made difficult to understand, overly complex. Many people are adding to their syllabus to ensure that their students do not catch up with them too quickly! Our work as Instructors, especially as full time Instructors, is to make our students much better than we are.

Too many Instructors still have this age old problem of ego, we all have one of course, but it must be kept under control. Instructors do not have to be the best in the club at every aspect of training, they have to be the best at teaching, not doing.

To put it another way, some fight Instructors are expected to be better fighters than the fighters they are training. This is ludicrous, if they were, then they would be fighting, not training! Manny Steward does not beat up Klitschko before he sends him out to fight. He is a Boxing Coach! This is where I think the mistakes have been made. In the MA we all want to be Instructors and not many people want to be a Coach!

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

I have been fortunate enough to train with Eddie Stokes and Peter Consterdine on many occasions, Eddie too many times! Eddie has been working the doors all this time and has recently returned from a 4 month tour of Iraq. His level of knowledge and experience in Combat is second to none.

I have been very lucky to have trained with Eddie so regularly. Any of you that have met him will appreciate just how good he is. This training, combined with what I learnt from Peter and Rick Moneymaker has been invaluable to say the least.

Eddie has been a complete role model for me in the Martial Arts. Train hard but teach soft. Eddie, is the epitome of a great Coach. This type of training brought myself and Eddie to many conclusions. We knew that Self Defence should be simple and easy to learn, but we also knew that the Old Masters kept saying that to truly understand Martial Arts and especially Kata took a lifetimes study. This seems at first to be a major contradiction. But, like many things, first impressions are not always what they seem. Both myself and Eddie took the step about 7 years ago to teach SD first and then people can learn the art as they go along, if they want to. This led to many things, as a business, forget it, you hardly have any students. But for quality of students and people, you can’t beat it.

I remember saying to all the people that I taught, that I considered myself a coach. Eddie was the one out there proving what we taught worked, week in and week out, as were the multitude of Doormen etc that came to train with us. People like Jez Thorpe, Tony Bruno and Steve Wallbank, all former Doormen and now coaches within our umbrella.

Now, back to that paradox of making the MA simple yet incorporating a lifetimes of study. How can it be achieved? Has it been done before? What will happen to our system?

Of course this has happened before. It has happened with every single MA out there. Every single one has been simplified from where it was, made easier than it once was. The knowledge of the art has become much more superficial. Lifetimes study to truly understand Kata has lost its real meaning. It does not mean, keep training till you can perform the Kata correctly all the way through and score 10 out of 10 from every judge. It means, it takes a lifetimes study to truly understand why every move is made and what it is really for. Now, maybe in the old days with slow communications it took a lifetime, but not now. We can be anywhere in the World in a day, back then it took a day to travel 30 miles.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

This simplification that has happened in for example Shotokan, has resulted in a system with 3 or 4 punches, 7 or 8 kicks, a few blocks, a few stances and a load of Kata. Which, for the majority, is just combinations of the above in a set order. Is that really a lifetimes study? To put this into perspective, about 15 years ago I was watching a tape with all 26 Shotokan Kata on. My sister, a Dance Teacher, saw it and said that it looked real easy to learn. I told her she knew nothing about the MA and not to be so silly, as these Kata are known by only the very top people who have taken years to learn them. She replied, with “ I could learn them in a week”. The bet was on. I lost, convincingly. She performed them superbly well. No in depth knowledge, but the performance of the moves was beyond reproach!

Does this sound like a watering down to you? The performance of the moves is there, but with no depth of knowledge. A perfect singer, singing in a foreign language. Hitting all the right notes, but not understanding a word!

There has never been a better time in the MA to learn more, never been a time with so much information, never been a time with so many multi talented Instructors out there. Yet, with all this wealth of information, the vast majority of MA Schools have simplified still further. Now, no Kata in Martial Arts is quite normal. Many Schools are teaching Kick Boxing, most of which neither Box nor Kick correctly. They are merely over simplified versions of a simplified version of Martial Arts.

The problem is, people have mistaken “simplicity” for “no need to fully understand what you are doing”. There is a MASSIVE difference between the two. Take a superb Boxer, Herol Graham, for example. His depth of knowledge is amazing. He can explain exactly how and why every part of your body is positioned for the best execution of each and every punch. That statement sounds simple. But read it again. “How and Why every part of the body” is the key.

A simple statement, easily overlooked, easily misinterpreted, but that statement encapsulates everything required to attack correctly, whilst keeping yourself defended. Read it again to make sure you understand.

Now, onto our own syllabus, detailed later in this Training Manual. On the surface it seems ludicrously simple. The execution of it, in fact is designed to be simple for the beginner. But, as you read into it more and more, you see how it is alive with every aspect of the MA that is required. This is the key to any syllabus.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

How do we stop it from being watered down? Simple. There are checks and balances in place to ensure that the required standards are met. Not your typical wait “x” amount of years between grades. It is a simple case of, you can either do it or not, you can either teach it or not. That is why we have only students or Coaches, not Instructors, but Coaches. Each coach must be verified by senior coaches and the more senior the coach then the more senior the verification. Stop training and after a short period of time, you lose your certification. Each Coach is certified for one year at a time. As long as they keep training and maintain their standards, they are automatically renewed. Stop training or drop your standards and you are no longer certified, simple as that.

Too many Black Belts reach 1st Dan and stop training. Then they are awarded grades by friends and colleagues in the Industry and reach high Dan levels with no checks and balances on their actual teaching ability or depth of knowledge. Putting in the years is NO EXCUSE, in fact, many years training with no depth of knowledge is an even worse crime!

Now, back to the watered down bit. This lack of in depth knowledge is the real problem within the Martial Arts. The sad thing is, that during this period of time in the MA there is no reason for such a lack of understanding. There is simply so much information available.

Let’s analyse Boxing for a moment, 4 punches, one stance and a few blocks. Slip, slide, bob, weave, pivot and duck. Doesn’t sound like too much to learn, does it? On a boxing coaching course, they actually teach this in two weekends and voila, you are a boxing coach.

But, to truly understand how and why all those component parts can be fused together, takes years and years of study. How to fight off the ropes, get out of a corner, cope with the various types of fighters. This, simple subject on paper, is suddenly mind bogglingly massive in terms of information. Suddenly, there is too much to learn!

Now, add in all the kicks of Kick Boxing, the knees and elbows of Thai, the throws and takedowns of Ju Jitsu, the groundwork of Judo/BJJ, put it all together and you suddenly have an unbelievable amount of information to digest and learn.

No wonder many Instructors take the easy path and just learn the basics and do not bother to even try and learn the hows and whys. No wonder, there is a plethora of Schools teaching Kick Boxing and yet they do not have a clue about the various elements, that make up a true system.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

To apply locks correctly for example, you should have a good working knowledge of levers, points of balance, body structure, body physics, body dynamics, pressure points etc.

To strike correctly you need to know how your own body is balanced, how to position your body for maximum impact, how to deliver the strike with speed, power, timing and accuracy, whilst at the same time keeping balance, defence and structural integrity. So much to learn, it seems impossible to have a deep knowledge of all this. In fact, you would be surprised, it is much easier than you think. Do not take the easy way out and have a superficial knowledge of your art. Delve deep into it, not the history, but how and why techniques work.

I have spent the last 12 years of my MA life, doing just that. Analysing every constituent part of techniques and learning how and why they are done in a certain fashion. This gives you a true understanding of what you are doing.

This is called principle based training. The vast majority of students and Instructors are taught on a technique based method. A monkey see monkey do method if you like.

If you are in a class or teaching a class of 50-60 students, it is difficult to teach correct principle based methods. Much easier to have everyone in lines, copying the Instructor. Think about it for a moment, how do you really train?

This Training Manual will explain how! This Training Manual is designed with one thing in mind as per the title, exposing the hidden secrets of Martial Arts. For anything to work it has to be simple in operation. There may well be a wealth of knowledge and expertise behind what is working, but the actual performance MUST be simple.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

All the information contained in this Training Manual has been proven to work time and time again with a very high percentage success rate. That is the best you can hope for in any encounter. Nothing is perfect and nothing works all of the time on all of the people. But something that works 90+% of the time on 90+% of the people has to be a good thing, especially if it is learnable within a few hours or even minutes of training. Obviously, this Training Manual is designed as a training aid. It should be used in conjunction with your training and not stand alone. Although in some cases the information contained in here has been used as a stand alone procedure by many people with just as high a percentage of success. I highly recommend that you train each part of this Training Manual as detailed. You will definitely increase your Martial Arts skills tremendously.

Remember, fighting skills are NOT self defence skills. Never make a self defence situation a fight. The other guy might be a much better fighter than you. He could be a highly skilled grappling Champion and you have just tried a fancy takedown and been taken to the floor as well. In that case, you lose and lose big!

Keep it self defence at all times as per the sequences in this Training Manual and you should fare very well compared to having a fight. A fight is when it has all gone wrong, which is where your training comes in. Many times over the years, people have asked me “How come you can know so much about the Martial Arts, how and why it works, how and why the body works and so many Techniques?”

The answer is really quite simple, it is in principle based training as opposed to technique based training. This is discussed in greater length later on in this Training Manual. Principle based training was first shown to me by Grand Master Rick Moneymaker of the Dragon Society International, who remains to this day, the one person I have to blame for setting me on the right path. It’s all your fault Rick!

Enjoy the Course The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Before this Training Manual starts proper, there are some issues that need clearing up first. Where do certain parts of the Martial Arts overlap with others? When does my Martial Arts start to become more like Ju Jitsu or Kick Boxing? Where does self defence training fit into all this? What training attire should I use? Is it bad manners not to train in a Gi? My personal view on this is quite clear. I train in a Gi when I do not want to ruin my T Shirt and shorts. I use a Gi for some groundwork as it can take the pounding, pulling etc. I use a Gi top for takedowns etc as it does not rip. That and formality of an occasion is the only reason I wear a Gi.

The biggest secret of Martial Arts is that it encompasses all of the attributes you expect from every Martial Art. If you truly understand your Martial Arts, you will see that it includes: Self Defence, Fitness & Conditioning, Power Generation, locks, chokes, strangles, grappling, pressure Points, Body Physics / Dynamics and a thorough understanding of how and why the body works and responds to various stimuli.

The MOST IMPORTANT SECRET of Martial Arts is that it is taught back to front by almost every single Association in the World. Yes, I said back to front, they teach it all the wrong way round. You are taught at first what you should be taught last, and taught last that which you should be taught first!

All Martial Artists are taught the basic techniques first, followed by Kata and then more intricate techniques and Kumite. Then later on at Black Belt level, they start to analyse Kata or want to just know why the hell they have been doing Kata anyway. Then they learn some Self Defence techniques and try to apply the basic techniques to these scenarios. Well, that DOES NOT WORK! Wake up and smell the coffee! YOU MUST learn self defence first and techniques etc later. You must learn how your body works first and apply that knowledge later. You must learn to hit very hard first and where to hit later!

I am very well known for Pressure Points in the Martial Arts and being able to breakdown any Kata move from any system and give viable street effective Bunkai for that move. I do not know every Kata out there. I do not know every move out there. BUT, I understand HOW and WHY the body works and moves. This information alone can unlock the secrets to 90% of your Kata.

So, this Training Manual works in the order that you need to teach you the “Hidden Secrets of Martial Arts”

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The order of things

Rather than the usual layout of chapters etc within a Training Manual. I have set out to introduce you to the “secrets” of Martial Arts in the order that they are learnt. There are no chapters because not one of these phases ever actually stops. The more you learn, then the more you go back to the beginning and start again. The more you add to that which you already know. This is one of the main “Secrets” of Martial Arts.

All Martial Artists should be taught the following BEFORE anything else: How to Box! Plain and simple, how to Box. These four punches and the relevant defences against and stances etc take a lifetime to master anyway. Just when you know how to use them properly, your reflexes have slowed and you get beat by the younger faster guy. The balance, co-ordination, timing, sparring, technique of Boxing is paramount. Was not ancient Kung Fu called Chinese Boxing?

If you don’t know how to Box then either I or my National Boxing Coach, Herol “Bomber” Graham will help you. You MUST put in the practice time though!

Then, add in your Kicks, Knees and elbows and various other strikes within your system. This is all done at the same time as you are learning your self defence, BAR, Palm Down etc. Every time you have a new technique, low roundhouse kick for example, you add that to your SD Training, your BAR Training and of course your Palm Down Training.

I hope you can see how this is all co-ordinated now?

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

It Might Look the Same ~ But it ain’t! I want you to think about the following for a while before you take any action. Have a good long think and try to remember similar occasions in your own training. That is exactly what I did and it helped me to improve tremendously.

How many times have you looked at what people are doing and thought to yourself “we do that” or “that’s in our system as well”. Many times at seminars when teaching a lock for example, attendees have come up to me and said “we do this lock in our system”.

My usual reply is “Good, you should be, let me see what you are doing with it”. Then I look at what they are doing and yes they are doing the same lock but it ain’t the same effect! It may look the same, but it ain’t! By utilising the principles of leverage, body mechanics, fulcrums, bases and pressure points, then locks can be made much more effective. To an onlooker it may look the same, but to the person being locked, it is completely different!

Let’s take a look at a reverse punch for example. Most systems are almost identical in terms of delivery of this straightforward punch. The vast majority of MA’s punching in very much the same way. Again, to the onlooker, they all look the same and in the main, they feel the same on impact.

Then, hold the pad for someone like Peter Consterdine or Peter Holmes or indeed any of my National / International Coaches. The impact is completely different! Again, it may look the same, but it ain’t! Peter Holmes literally punched straight through an ethafoam pad on 3 separate occasions. For those of you that have trained with these pads, you know how impactive that punch must have been! Peter, in fact punched through one pad whilst we were making our waveform video a few years ago.

These same impactive effects are found in other techniques, such as a slap, Hammerfist, low roundhouse, hook, uppercut and headbutt. Why is it, that these techniques look the same as a mainstream MA technique, but they feel so different?

This is not to say that all MA’s who study Martial Arts, TKD, WC etc can’t hit hard or kick hard, of course some guys out there hit very hard indeed. The real problem, lies in the incorrect use of

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

body mechanics / dynamics / physics. The vast majority of TMA’s are taught to strike in a manner that does not make the best use of their potential.

There, I put that as politically correct as I could possibly think of! It is this simple, if you do not move your body correctly, then you will lose power and impact. It might look like what someone else is doing, but it will not feel like it! It is at this point in a discussion, that many MA’s start reeling off names of people in their art that can hit hard and are real tough etc. My usual retort is “So what, have they taught you and your training colleagues to be as good?” “ Have they shown you the difference between what they are doing and what you are doing? Or was it another, train harder, train harder command?”

The important point I am making here is that it is vitally important that you are taught how to generate power correctly in a strike. It is vitally important that you are taught how to apply locks correctly. It is vitally important that you are taught how to unbalance your opponent properly, making that throw or takedown extremely easy.

If you are trying like mad to hit hard and it is not working, then you are doing it wrong.

If you have to use loads of power to make a lock devastatingly painful, then you are doing it wrong.

If you have to use loads of strength to takedown or throw, then you are doing it wrong.

There is no way to sugar coat this, no way to hide from this. Deep down you know it is true, but it is sometimes very difficult to admit to yourself and even more so to admit it openly. Especially if you are a Dan Grade already or an Instructor. Or even if you are a fighter!

Now, natural skills and abilities and will to win, may get you through as a fighter for example. You may be so conditioned, so dedicated that your opponent will have to kill you to beat you. So, these attributes may help to overcome your lack of punching power, your difficulties applying locks, the massive amount of energy you use up trying lo takedown or throw your opponent.

How many times have we seen Boxers with consummate defensive skills, but lack any type of power for their weight? Then, someone else in the same division, punching the same way (or so it looks) K.O’s everyone! Again, it looks the same, but it ain’t!

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

What is that devastating puncher doing, that the other Boxer is not? What is the difference between a punch from Peter Holmes, Peter Consterdine and most TMA’s?

The answer lies in the correct use of Body mechanics / dynamics and physics. It is the small, subtle yet devastating differences in the technique that make all the difference.

What is the difference between your attempts at throws and that seminar Instructor that gets the biggest uke up and tosses him around like a rag doll?

What is the difference between your locks and that Seminar Instructor that drops people with the slightest touch?

What’s the difference between your trapping and that Seminar Instructor that traps and stops the opponent in his tracks and has him totally off balance? It may all look the same, but it ain’t!

I have lost count of the number of times people have told me that they have pressure points in their system and they know them. There is a massive difference between knowing where a point is located and being able to make it work!

It may look the same, but it ain’t The fundamental flaw that I am pointing out to you, is the fact that most of these mistakes are due to only having a fleeting / basic understanding of the techniques and / or the way the body works.

A reverse punch for example, the way it is usually taught, is fundamentally flawed in that much of your power is lost in the incorrect use of the hips and the withdrawing hand.

The way to really improve your MA, is not to train harder, but to train smarter. You must learn how and why a technique works to truly understand it and make it your own.

You must learn the principles that make up a technique so that you can analyse it and correct your own mistakes.

To do this, you must utilise principle based training and definitely not technique based training. Learning principles is like learning the formulas in mathematics. Learning techniques is like

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

trying to learn and remember all the answers! You may get the same answers a few times. It may look the same again, but it ain’t!

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Do you train hard or train hard and smart?

Over the last 10 or so years I have been very fortunate to meet some of the Worlds most gifted and talented Martial Artists. I have been even more fortunate to train with these people, learn from them and become friends with them.

During this period my training routines have been heavily influenced by the likes of Peter Consterdine, Herol “Bomber” Graham, Eddie Stokes and of course Grand Master Rick Moneymaker.

These training methods have enabled me to improve much quicker than previously in all areas of my Martial Arts. Just because I am well known for Pressure Points does not mean that I do not train in other areas as well!

I always thought I trained fairly hard till I trained with Peter Consterdine. It was then that I realised I needed to up my training regime considerably. Thanks for that Peter! Still not forgiven you! I must say that Peter Consterdine has been an absolute inspiration to me in many ways. I consider myself very fortunate to have met and trained with such a genuine person as Peter. A true Martial Artist in every sense of the word and one of the hardest and smartest trainers you will ever see!

Grand Master Rick Moneymaker introduced me to principle based training as opposed to technique based. Rick totally transformed my Martial Arts. Rick Moneymaker was and is an inspiration to me like you could not believe. Always totally honest, brutally honest sometimes! One of the Worlds greatest ever Martial Artists and a real friend.

Herol Graham showed me what it is like to train fitness and conditioning at World Class level! What a quantum leap that is! Body sparring for one round with Herol is like doing 10 rounds with anyone else, believe me! I still have nightmares from those sessions. Especially the 2 hour non stop skipping sessions, when I thought it would just be 6 or 7 rounds to get warm!

How do these people get so fit and conditioned without spending 8 hours a day training? What makes their training so different to what most of us do or most of us did?

The answer lies in how they train. Not just the sheer effort and willpower they bring to the table, not just training very hard, but training very hard and very smart.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The ideal way to train is to make your training specific to the tasks required. A pure Boxer for example does not need to gain massive flexibility in the legs, does not need to train kicks, locks, grappling etc. His training has to be geared around doing up to 12 x 3 minute rounds of non stop action.

He needs to be supremely fit, able to keep going for long periods of time, able to make sudden very fast, explosive, powerful movements in blitzes and all the time be conditioned enough to absorb blows. He needs to keep his concentration at all time highs for three minutes at a time and to be able to recover from near exhaustion back to ready to fight in just 60 seconds! Then keep doing that for 11 more rounds!

So, how do we as Martial Artists adjust our training routines to get every last ounce of benefit from every second we train? Train Smart!

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

What is Smart Training?

To me, it is the best possible utilisation of your training time. How many people in a weights gym do you see, standing around chatting? How many MA’s do you see going through the motions? How many people do you train with who are always stopping to ask a question or just to talk trivia? This is complete time wasting. Most of us lead very busy and hectic lives, so we must get everything we can from our training.

Firstly you decide what you want from your training. If it is purely a good all round level of fitness, then that is what you train for. A good mix of running, circuits, bag and pad work should sort that one out.

If you are a MA who wants to train for competition, then first write down what type of competition, the main techniques you will use, the way the fights usually go, the timings and when is the competition.

If it is points style stop start Kumite for example, you need to train for speed. Power is not required if you are not going to actually hit anyone! You train your main techniques for speed and explosiveness. You drill them like mad. Once you are nicely on the way to being warmed up, start to make these techniques part of your warm up, then drill them, then utilise those techniques against different training partners with increasing levels of non-compliance. Get used to different heights, shapes, sizes of opponent. Get used to “knowing” your correct distance from each different body type. Keep away from exercises that are opposing the muscle movement you are looking for. For example, bicep chins do not help with punching speed. Biceps pull the arm in, not send it out. To punch fast you need lithe and strong triceps, back and shoulder muscles.

Training at my Centre is geared towards Fighters. We have a mix of Boxers, Kick Boxers, Thai Boxers and now we are just getting some MMA fighters. There are of course many who just want to get fit, they do what I call “White Collar Fighter Training”.

We take a technique in isolation, maybe jab, cross, hook, low kick, takedown or in combination and drill that for warm up. But make the exercise harder, bend your legs more than normal, crouch lower than normal, move in further than normal, spring back further than normal.

When stretching, stretch in the form of the various techniques that you going to apply. This way, your body gets used to the movement, used to being in that position. The muscle memory takes

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

over eventually and your techniques become crisper and much more fluid. The other key to your training is the old one of effort. You only get out what you put in after all. So when you train smart you do not train easy! Still put in 100% effort all the time. It will take a few weeks before you notice any differences to your MA ability by adopting this method, but it is well worth the wait.

In your next Martial Arts Class, watch what is happening. Are you being taught to train smart? Are you warming up with specific goals in mind? Are you drilling specific movements for a specific task. Blindly going up and down in lines is NOT what I mean! The training smart methodology is what I incorporated into my Pressure Point training. It enabled me to go from novice to Internationally recognised as something of an authority in Pressure Point Fighting in a relatively short period of time.

It is this training method that I am using to bring along more people in this field such as Peter Holmes, who is destined to be one of the Worlds greatest teachers of Pressure Point technology. Eddie Stokes utilised the self same methods to become unbelievably good at PP’s. I rate Eddie Stokes as the most complete PP fighting machine I have ever seen. His knowledge is second to none and his ability to apply that knowledge is quite simply the best I have ever seen, anywhere. Those that have met and trained with Eddie never forget the experience. Some training days are etched in my memory, alongside the knuckle induced dents! People talk about reality training. Eddie is reality training!

I am fortunate at the moment to train with various Olympic Boxers, along with fighters in other disciplines from all over the World. Training with these people is an inspiration and utilising the methodologies of training smart, leads to big improvements, in short periods of time.

These same methods can be utilised to understand your Kata Bunkai correctly, your self defence training in fact they can and should be used for any / all your training requirements.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

What is this Russell Stutely Pressure Point Course?

It is a series of One Day Courses that are designed to take the Martial Arts Instructor / Black Belt / CIT to the next level and way beyond.

How Long will it take to become a Coach?

There are various levels of Coach, that have been detailed below. The first Level is a One Day Course. Then there are a series of Coaching Days required to advance through the Coaching Levels.

Can I advertise as Teaching Pressure Points? Yes. Once you have fully completed the Course.

What are the benefits for my Martial Arts School?

There are many benefits, some of which are detailed below;

Extra Revenue from a new and LONG TERM Program Extra Revenue from CIT You become a better Martial Artist Extra Revenue from Seminars within your own School You can teach your students to become better Martial Artists

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Courses & Levels

These Courses are designed to take you in a structured manner through the various Coaching Levels. It is vital that you move from one Course to the next as quickly as possible. In this way, you will improve your knowledge base as a Coach and by knowing more about your subject, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits that this Course will bring to you.

Additional Requirements for Coach Recognition

First Aid

All Coaches MUST attend a reputable First Aid Course and continue with any recommended follow up courses. Proof of course attendance MUST be logged with OCFM Head Office BEFORE any Coaching Certificate can be issued.

Health & Safety

All Coaches MUST produce a current Health & Safety Certificate BEFORE a Coaching authorisation can be issued.

Child Protection All Coaches MUST produce a current Child Protection Certificate if they teach Minors. Otherwise a confirmation letter MUST be sent BEFORE a Coaching authorisation can be issued.

Enhanced CRB Check

All Coaches MUST produce an Enhanced CRB Check BEFORE a Coaching Authorisation can be issued.


Copies of suitable cover MUST be up to date and provided

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Fitness and Conditioning

This is an area of some contention. However, my personal viewpoint is that any coach should possess a well above average level of fitness and conditioning.

Senior Coaches and above should be able to complete a 3 Mile run in less than 28 minutes. They should also have a good working knowledge of correct warm up / down procedures, stretching, conditioning and isolation exercises.

Anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of this aspect should contact Russell Stutely to arrange fitness sessions / training camp or training routines etc.

Additional Points

The more senior the coach then the more fluid and flowing all the techniques should be. The coach MUST also be able to teach to the correct level. It is imperative that the mindset is one of a COACH and not of “look at what I can do”

There are also regular Training Camps and Coaching Courses available within the OCFM network for many other Martial Arts and indeed in the OCFM Full Syllabus itself.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Technique Enhancers (Players to The Game)

What are Players to The Game? They are the bits that make Pressure Points work properly. Sure, you can just hit a point and get a reaction. But to truly be able to make Pressure points work, you MUST be proficient in Players first. Over the last 7 or 8 years many people have expressed an interest in learning the “Players to The Game” or what are more accurately described as “Technique Enhancers”.

We have continued to teach these elements within our regular Classes and throughout the Seminar Circuit with great success. These are ADDITIONS to that which you already know. These can be trained in isolation in order to practice and make them a part of what you do. Although, for the very best effect, they should be used in conjunction with as many other Players as possible.

Over the coming Months I will try my best to explain each major Player in turn and give training examples for you. Just ADD this to what you do and experiment with each one in turn and see if you can gain any benefit from them. Please remember to keep power levels low in training and to treat your training partner with the respect that you would want to be treated with.

Then, once comfortable with each Player, gradually increase the Power and take away the compliance to a mutually acceptable level.

I have listed below the whole list of Players that are usually taught. This is an in-depth list and in effect the Players have been broken down into “Sub-Players” if you like for analysis. Therefore, I will during some explanations, lump various Players together.

These Players can, if you will, be likened to a set of principles.

Absorption of Attack ~ Go with flow Accumulating Points Alarm Points Anatomy/ Physiology Angle of attack 15,30,45,90 Associated Points Body Positioning

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Body Type Branch Meridians Breath Broken Rhythm Color Projection Combining Points Connecting Points Constructive Cycle Cross Body Motor Reflexes Damming of Meridian Dan Tien ~ Lower Burner Deep -Vs- Superficial Energy Dermatomes Destructive Cycle Direction of Meridian Flow Diurnal Cycle Eight Meeting Points Energetics Entry Points Exit Points Extraordinary Vessels Five Elements Flow of Movement Focus Four Seas Point Inanimate Objects / Assistance Inherence for 2nd strike Intention Intersection of Meridians Kidney #1(station point ) Maintain 45 degree body angle Mechanical Alignment: Footwork/ placement Muscle Tearing Neural Response Opening the Gates (Blocking) Perineum Pinwheel (Blocking) Planes of attack

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Point Location Accuracy Power Zone Proper Grab/Latch technique ~ "Bite" Qi Gong Blocking (Iron Shirt) Qi Gong for Borrowing Qi Gong for Projection Qi Gong for Storage Quadrant Theory Quickness / Personal speed Range/ Distance/ spacing from opponent Reversing the Cycle Sealing the Air Gates Sealing the Blood Gates Sedation Points Sinews Small Circle Technique Special Meeting Points Sound Intonation Source Points Strength / Personal Power Level Strike Selection (max. "vehicle" to deliver) Structural Damage TCM Theory Tongue (to roof of mouth) Tonification Points Uprooting Vibration Visualisation Vitality Wave: Diagonal/ Horizontal/ Spiral/ Vertical Weapon First Yin-Yang Theory

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Syllabus

Plus, Dan Grades do NOT a Coach make. One could be a 2st Dan and at Senior Coach Level or a 7th Dan that can’t make Asst Coach level.

To ensure that standards are maintained, it is imperative that those wishing to become a Coach train directly with a National Coach or higher as often as possible.

The RUSSELL STUTELY PRESSURE POINT BLACK BELT AND BEYOND Training Camps, held twice a year are great times to train with many National / International Coaches. Asst Coach

Strikes 1-4, 9, 11 Jab Cross Hook Uppercut Front Kick Low Roundhouse

BAR 1-4 Hands up reaction to noise Grab ~ Clap in front of face Grab ~ slap top of head Pre-emptive BAR to head

P Down 1-3 Basic Palm Down. Straight arms keeping distance Above plus shin kicks Above + go to BAR

Techniques 1-4 Gorilla Pull ~ Knock down arms / head butt or shoulder strike, grab round neck, knee to groin / torso, pull down to floor and stomp. Rolling Bitch Slap ~ Non stop attacks with tiger claw strikes / slaps to face. Chin Drive 1 ~ drive chin back with jab / strike and follow up with punch to face / torso

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


Strikes 5-7 Hammerfist Slap Elbow BAR 5-7 Re-active BAR to head from threat BAR + Shake BAR + Pull head down + multiple BAR to head

Technique 5 + Variations Gap Closer ~ block and enter, grab hold, turn head, take balance and strike Dizzy Drill Defender to point up to ceiling, spin round till dizzy (get the effect of being hit) and then utilise everything learnt so far.

Balance Points Wrist Elbow Shoulders Hips Head and Neck Small of back Knees Ankle Push from side Push from front Push from back Creating a base to make them all work better

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Senior Coach

Strikes 8 + 10 Leg sweep Stamping Kick

BAR 8-10 Above + kick out leg As above plus stomps to finish All above both reactive and pre-emptive from all / any attacks

Balance + Slow Motion (SM) Sparring Single

Balance + SM Sparring Multiples Technique 6+7 Flow from one to another Waveforms Punch, Elbow, Slap, Kick, Head Butt & Hammerfist***

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

County Coach

Locks to wrist / elbow / shoulder Technique 8 + 9 Rear Choke Arm Bar

Takedowns 1-5 From outside of opponents right, your right to head, left hand to small of back and keep going forward. Like irimi neage from Aikido Grab head and ram knuckles into side above ear and force to the ground Pull down on right arm at elbow balance. Overhook head with your right and sweep away legs From in close, twist head to one side with flat of hand and overhook all the way round to your left hand side down and behind, to ram back of head into floor. Grab shoulder and kick out knee on opposite side whilst pulling down violently on shoulder

Application of all on the move

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Regional Coach

Technique 10 Good working knowledge of locks to all joints

PP K.O’s St5 St6 St4 GB20 LI18

Vital Points Eyes Groin Throat Back of Head Spine

Transitional Flow

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

National Coach

Complete understanding of the “science” behind all the above. Either from TCM or MWM perspective.

International Coach ~ By Appointment

Complete knowledge of above plus experience of teaching the teachers

*** Please note that the waveforms are a study area of their own. All coach levels must increase their effectiveness and use of waveform motion in everything as they progress through the various coaching levels. THIS IS THE most important aspect of your training / coaching. It MUST BE CORRECT. There must be no doubt that the waveforms are being utilised correctly. A minimum of two International Coaches MUST verify that this is the case BEFORE any higher coaching level can be accredited.


TCM ~ Good working knowledge required MWM ~ Good working knowledge preferred but not required A&P ~ Good working knowledge preferred but not required

First Aid

All Coaches MUST attend a reputable First Aid Course and continue with any recommended follow up courses. Proof of course attendance MUST be logged with International Coaches BEFORE any Coaching Certificate can be issued.

Health & Safety

All Coaches MUST produce a current Health & Safety Certificate BEFORE a Coaching authorisation can be issued.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

All the above Courses are available at a Discounted Rate to existing Coaches. We will organise 4 Courses throughout the Year for our Coaches. To obtain your Coaching Authorisation, attendance and completion of the above is Mandatory. There are no exceptions to this.

Enhanced CRB Check

All Coaches MUST produce an Enhanced CRB Check BEFORE a Coaching Authorisation can be issued.

Insurance All Coaches who teach in any capacity whatsoever, even if it is your best friend in your Garden once in a Blue Moon, MUST be properly Insured. Correct Insurance details MUST be logged with HQ BEFORE a Coaching Authorisation can be issued. If you need Insurance, please contact HQ for details.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


All the information contained in this Training Manual has been proven to work time and time again with a very high percentage success rate. That is the best you can hope for in any encounter. Nothing is perfect and nothing works all of the time on all of the people. But something that works 90+% of the time on 90+% of the people has to be a good thing, especially if it is learnable within a few hours or even minutes of training.

Obviously, this Training Manual is designed as a training aid. It should be used in conjunction with your training and not stand alone. Although in some cases the information contained in here has been used as a stand alone procedure by many people with just as high a percentage of success. I highly recommend that you train each part of this Training Manual as detailed. You will definitely increase your Martial Arts skills tremendously.

Remember, fighting skills are NOT self defence skills. Never make a self defence situation a fight. The other guy might be a much better fighter than you. He could be a highly skilled grappling Champion and you have just tried a fancy takedown and been taken to the floor as well. In that case, you lose and lose big! Keep it self defence at all times as per the sequences in this Training Manual and you should fare very well compared to having a fight. A fight is when it has all gone wrong, which is where your training comes in.

Many times over the years, people have asked me “How come you can know so much about the Martial Arts, how and why it works, how and why the body works and so many Techniques?”

The answer is really quite simple, it is in principle based training as opposed to technique based training.

Here is a more detailed “reactive scenario”. The attacker is throwing many punches. The defender “palms down” moves off at an angle and attacks back with BAR at the first opportunity.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

This is the most difficult scenario to train, but train it you must. No matter how horrible it may seem or how frightening it may seem, it is still only about half as frightening as the real thing. So, get out of that comfort zone and train it.

Fig pdown1

Fig pdown2

Palm Down the attacking arms

Whilst moving away and off at an angle

Fig pdown3

Fig pdown4

Look for an opening

Whilst staying alert

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Fig pdown5

Fig pdown6

and take it..

A good follow up strike

Have the attacker launch a ferocious attack with multiple punches. Utilise the principles of the Palm Down and dive in with both hands to BAR your opponent on the head. REMEMBER the attacker MUST attack with the ferocity and venom of a real street encounter and you MUST defend with the same.

The attacker should be “out of action” for up to 6 seconds. Sometimes the attacker will be in that much shock that he will simply fall over. Sometimes we have known attackers to simply pass out through shock.

I can not stress the importance of getting BAR into your opponent. It is of paramount importance, above everything else.

Just imagine that you are faced with the biggest, baddest meanest guy in the whole neighbourhood. You BAR him and buy yourself up to 6 seconds before he is recovered enough to go for you. In 6 seconds you can be away from the situation with a 40 metre head start. You could be in your car and away. If the need is there you could have ample time to deliver the blow required to finish the situation. If you do not BAR this guy, he is going to rip you to pieces. Hitting someone much bigger and much stronger and much more able will probably lead to you getting a more severe beating. REMEMBER: Big fish still eat little fish!

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

That is why there are weight limits in Boxing. That is why you don’t see many 5ft 100lb bullies hanging around pubs and clubs.

BAR helps to make that Big Fish a Little Fish for a few seconds. It helps to even the score for a few seconds. You MUST do something when you have bought yourself some time though. To simply stand there and admire your handiwork will result in a beating for you when the guy has recovered.

The best advice is to get away from a trouble situation as quickly as you possibly can. If there is no immediate escape then unfortunately Now You Are Fighting. We will cover BAR in detail next.

Body Alarm Reaction – BAR

More Information before we start

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to meet and train with some of the UK's and indeed the World's foremost Instructors / Seminar Instructors / Trainers and MA practitioners. During this period I have also been fortunate enough to learn what I previously considered to be well beyond my capabilities. For this I am eternally grateful.

However, I am also deeply worried and saddened by what I have learnt.

For years I was happy to do the same class week in, week out. Happy to march up and down in lines, happy to do Kata and happy to do some Kumite. We were quite content to intensify the training leading up to Gradings and / or competitions and push ourselves to what we thought were the limits.

We were all gloriously happy in what we thought was Martial Arts, what we thought was real Shotokan Martial Arts. We were told that Shotokan was about the best there is, and we were happy to accept that, indeed so was I.

I / we were quite happy to accept that our Martial Arts would work for us in the street if we needed it. Even though, at the time, several of my friends were bouncers and I knew deep down

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

that what I was doing would not work against them. Still, I kept training the same way. Even though I knew it would not work. The thing is, I was HAPPY doing it and so probably are you!

Now, here is the problem... Does that story sound familiar to you? Do you know that deep down what you are doing will never stand up to the venom and ferocity of a real attack? Are you kidding yourself? More importantly, are you an Instructor who is kidding others by teaching the same old stuff?

I mean to shock with this Training Manual. I mean to offend people. I mean to offend the Martial Arts Do World. I mean to take you away from your comfort zone!

Firstly, I want you to leave aside personal likes / dislikes. What I am about to write is not a personal attack on any person or any system. It is an attack on a mindset that is potentially life threatening for those involved in it. If this offends you, then you are part of it. Now, ask yourself some questions. Why did you start Martial Arts? According to all the statistics most people started for Self Defence and / or fitness. These reasons are changing with the advent of Full Time Centres that are more biased to the personal development skills that Martial Arts can and indeed does bring. But, they are another matter!

So, most people started for self-defence and / or fitness. What has been the result of those years of training? Are you more able to defend yourself? Are you much fitter? You may well think that you are, because you have reached a Dan grade in whatever you do. But let me tell you, you are not!

If you have reached Dan Grade in say Shotokan, you will probably have become totally institutionalised in that system, the same with Wado / Kung Fu / TKD etc. You will automatically go into long, deep stances. You will bounce up and down in Kumite. You will automatically put one hand at Hikite for no apparent reason. You will think that your reverse punch is a fight stopper because it works in Competition. You could have reached Dan grade without EVER having hit a pad or a bag, let alone a person.

You will be under the impression that your Jodan Mawashageri will work; you will think it is right to step in front of your supporting leg when performing Yokogeri. You will be under the impression that your back kick will work against anybody; your lunge punch will finish the fight just like it did in last week's competition. You will do more and more Kata for no apparent reason other than to learn another Kata!

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Why, will you think this? Because your Instructor told you. His Instructor told him. And yes, his Instructor told him.... And so on and so forth till we get back to the villain of the piece. The Instructor that started it all, whoever he may be. Deep down, you know all this is wrong. What possible purpose does Kata serve in a fight? What possible way can you land a spinning reverse roundhouse kick in a fight? Why would you bounce up and down in a fighting stance for a fight on the street?

OK, I hear you say, what makes you think all this is wrong? What qualifies you to say that we are wrong? We have Instructors with 7th / 8th or even 9th Dans from Japan that do not agree? It has always been taught this way for hundreds of years? This is real Martial Arts.

Well, I say "Wake up and smell the Coffee!". Firstly I want you to think of every rule that there is in a Kumite biting for example, no groin kicks etc etc etc. Now, we have a fight, you stick to the rules and I GUARANTEE I will break every rule there is. I have just increased my chances of winning 1000%!!

• Kumite, teaches you to stick to the rules. • Kihon teaches you terrible Body Mechanics • Kata teaches you Kata These people are perpetuating the myth that Martial Arts in its present state works! Are you dumb enough to believe them?

People sometimes say to me, "I have been training 25 years!" That is often true. But they have been doing year 5 for the last 20 of them!

Just be sensible for a moment, ask a friend with no knowledge of the Martial Arts to look at what you do and to give an honest opinion. What will you say when they ask you what the moves are for in your Kata? What will you say when they ask why you put one hand on your hip and leave yourself open to attack when you do a reverse punch?

Then have a spar with a boxer and try and use your "One punch one kill" Martial Arts punches and see what happens. Have a training session with a Boxer and see how fit you really are.

When I start this argument, people bring up names of famous Martial Artists as "proof" that Martial Arts works. Well, these people are making it work in spite of Martial Arts not because of it! They could probably make Tiddlywinks work!

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You need to ask yourself ONE VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. "Would you bet your life on what your Instructor has just taught you?" If you hesitate for one moment, you would not. You know that deep down it does not and will not work, the way it has been taught. I was honest enough with myself to ask that question and know the real answer. I would never take that bet!

If your self-defence techniques are done against a Martial Arts type punch, ask yourself this question. How many people in the street throw a Martial Arts punch and then wait for you to do your defence? Answer... None!

Having said all the above about the state of Martial Arts as it is taught, why you may ask do I have anything to do with it? The simple answer is that I have a total passion and commitment to the Arts.

Having said all the above, having said that Martial Arts as it is taught, does not work, I am totally and utterly convinced and know through experience that Martial Arts can be made to work and to work devastatingly well if you change things around a little bit.

What do I mean by change things around? Just little things like, don't make a self-defence situation a fight... there is a massive difference. Don't make the body mechanics mistakes of Martial Arts. Earn the right to land your technique.

About 1999, Eddie Stokes and myself were conducting a seminar. Eddie said these words "You have to earn the right to land your technique" Since then I have stolen that phrase and used it at every opportunity. It encapsulates everything we are trying to say in one sentence.

This a quote from an OCFM Coach " I used to spend 99% of my time trying to make my Martial Arts work, now I am using Russell’s technology I am spending 99% of my time trying to stop my Martial Arts from being so effective. I am losing training partners!" Be honest with yourself, when was the last time you had to deliberately reduce your capabilities by 99%? I don't mean by not taking a cheap shot against a compliant training partner either!

Now, on to how we can make Martial Arts work for the street.

As I stated earlier, you have to earn the right to land your technique! How do we earn that right? How do we put ourselves in a position to make things work? How do we land our devastating right hook or our devastating roundhouse kick?

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The answer lies in the understanding of Body Alarm Reaction (BAR).

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Body Alarm Reaction (BAR)

If I were to choose one aspect of Martial Arts training above all others then BAR would be it. This is the most misunderstood subject and yet the most important.

Many people have discussed over the years the psychological and physiological aspects of a fight situation. The fight or flight syndrome. The chemical reactions that occur within the body, when faced with danger and or potentially dangerous situations.

To my knowledge, no-one has addressed the problem of counteracting these adverse reactions. BAR successfully counteracts all of these physiological and psychological reactions.

First you need to understand what is happening. Let's take a simple example;

You are in the chip shop on a Saturday night and some idiot decides it is time for you to take a beating. Leaving aside the whys and wherefores of choosing you as his target, let's analyse what happens next.

Your attacker has already gone through the tunnel of decision making; Can I beat this guy? Will I get hurt? He has assessed the potential risks to himself and decided he will win. He must have, no-one picks a fight they think they will lose!

His body has already gone through the adrenal rush, the panic, the tunnel vision etc. He has already experienced the fight or flight syndrome. He has already experienced all those things that together we think of as fear, not only has he experienced it all, he has decided to get you.

He is heading towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, BAR, transforms that light at the end of the tunnel to the headlight of you charging towards him. It puts your attacker right back at the beginning of that decision process, it buys you time! Time is a commodity that you desperately need and rarely have in a fight.

From the experience of hundreds of Doorman, Martial Artists and members of the public that have been taught BAR, the average time that has been gained is up to 6 seconds.

In other words, once you put BAR into your opponent, he is unable to react or fight back for anywhere up to 6 seconds. Just imagine what can happen in 6 seconds!

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You will know when you experience it. You will never forget the feeling.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

How to practice BAR

Basically there are only two ways to utilise BAR. They are;

• Pre-Emptively • Reactively In other words, either you are reacting to an attack and use BAR or you are aware that an attack is imminent and you pre-emptively strike first. The effects and the result are the same. First train pre-emptively as detailed in the next photo section. Please note the use of safety equipment.

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Stand opposite your training partner as in fig BB Bar Start Attacker shouts and threatens.

Have your partner shout and threaten you. Make sure you “feel” that adrenal rush and that your training partner gets “angry”. Fig BB Bar Start

Immediately slap your partner on top of the head with both hands.

Then have your partner raise his hand when he feels that he is ready to carry on fighting. Start this exercise at low power levels for the defender and gradually Fig BB Bar1

increase the power and intent. The attacker must attack like he means it.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


Have your training partner shout, swear, threaten and grab you viciously by the lapel or T Shirt. The millisecond the grab occurs, BAR him as shown in Figs BB Bar Grab & BB Bar Grab 2. You MUST completely ignore the grabbing hands and just hit with BAR immediately. Again get your training partner to tell you when he feels ok to continue. You should be getting about 3 to 5 seconds of time now.

Fig BB Bar Grab

Fig BB Bar Grab 2

In the next sequence your training partner must grab and try to punch you in the face with everything he has. See Figs BB Bar Gr Hit & BB Bar Gr Hit2

You MUST completely ignore the grabbing hand, completely ignore the punching hand and just dive straight in with BAR.

Countless times I have seen trained Martial Artists try to deal with a grabbing hand and bang! Lights out! They are unconscious before they can do anything.

The hands of the attacker move too fast for you to do anything with them at this range. A big Saturday night special that was telegraphed can be blocked, but nothing can be blocked at this range.

Fig BB Bar Gr Hit

Fig BB Bar Gr Hit2

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

You should now have your training partner dizzy for about 6 seconds or even have him collapsing due to the shock involved. Once you increase your power levels to about 30% most people pass out in practice. You need about double that for real!

Detailed below is an example sequence of how to utilise BAR along with the other principles detailed in my BAR DVD that comes with this Training Manual and Course.

The use of several weak areas are shown as examples of what can be done.

Usually only one or two weak areas are required in any situation. You would use whichever is right at the time and what feels right for you.

Fig: BB Bar Start

Fig: BB Bar 1

The initial threat

A reactive BAR strike to the head

Fig:BB Bar 3


Followed by a football kick to the inside ankle

then a controlling head grab

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Fig: BB Bar 3

Fig:BB Bar 4

A hammer fist is delivered to the back of the

The head is then grabbed and pushed to


the floor

Fig: BB Bar 5

Fig:BB Bar 6

The face is smashed into the floor

The ankle is stomped on to break before the escape is made

Obviously the above photo sequence does not need to be followed exactly. Just use whatever is right for the threat at the time. Many thanks to my student, big Paul Butlin, for helping with these photos. Paul is a professional Heavyweight Boxer ranked 15th in the UK and also a Doorman.

Pressure Points ~ Myth or Reality?

I have read with some amusement books that reference the use or rather non-use of Pressure Points. Like any "part of the jigsaw" of Martial Arts, they have again been taken out of context by yet more uninformed bystanders.

PP's are the last 5% of any given technique as I keep saying and keep teaching. They are a part and parcel of what you should be doing. If I punch someone in the jaw, I will punch them as hard as I possibly can (which is quite hard by the way) and try to land on a PP as well.

I or any PP practitioner worth his salt would never try to just use PP's with little touches or taps in a real encounter. Taps and touches are for teaching and demonstration purposes only.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

As for the effectiveness? I have no doubt. The hundreds of Doormen we teach have no doubt. The fact that Geoff Thompson invited me to be a guest writer on his website, should leave you in no doubt. The fact that I assisted Peter Consterdine and Geoff Thompson on their annual SD Seminar several times, should leave you in no doubt. Have Peter and Geoff been taken in?

Ronnie Green, Lee Hasdell and the esteemed editor of MAI Bob Sykes are just some of the more famous names I could mention who are aware of the effectiveness of PP's for Combat. Have they been taken in as well?

In fact, Bob Sykes is on two of my PP videos extolling the virtues of what I taught him as regards PP's. Bob was so impressed with what he had been shown that he offered to do the Introduction and also asked to appear in the videos.

Herol “Bomber” Graham, former professional Boxer, who was considered the finest Boxer the UK has ever produced in his day was so impressed with the effectiveness of PP’s that Herol and I have now taught many seminars all over the UK in the useage of PP's for Boxers. Herol, who is now a Boxing coach, is utilising that information in his own teachings. Has Herol been taken in as well?

Paul Butlin, one of my ex students, is currently a pro Heavyweight Boxer, ranked 16th in the UK. He is able to confirm the effectiveness of PP's in Combat, as we have had the odd tussle now and then. Steve Baker, 3 time UK Kick Boxing and Kick Jutsu Champion, has been TKO'd several times in the last year by yours truly in Boxing with PP's.

I mention the above, not to inflate or promote myself, merely to point out that some good fighters without the blinkers and prejudice of the likes of many Martial Artists, or those with a self serving agenda are able to see the effectiveness of PP's and then had the foresight to learn them and incorporate them into what they do as a useful addition to that which they know.

The people mentioned above and many others are not fooled by "hocus pocus" or something that does not, will not or can not be made to work. Fighting ability is of course up to the individual. PP's are merely the best use of the weakest parts of the Human body.

My advice to anyone unsure as the effectiveness of anything in the MA is to seek out a great teacher in that aspect of the MA. People have gone on for years about how this art or that art will not work in the street. Or this technique or that technique will not work in the street. All correct and paradoxically at the same time incorrect.

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Earn the right to land your technique and everything works. Bob Sykes has the best back kick I have ever seen. I have no doubt as to Bob’s ability to land it in the street. He would earn the right to do so.

Pressure Points are the same. Once you have earned the right to land your technique, why not land it on the weakest part of the body for the greatest possible effect?

Many of the people who train with us are those who need a Martial Art or techniques that work with a very high percentage of success.

These people know what does or does not work. They can smell BS in terms of useability a mile away. But it is these people that continuously train with us. It is the blinkered Martial Artists that deride the use of PP’s or dismiss them even though they have never trained properly in them. Then you get that special breed of MA who says he will not believe in them till he sees them beat some of the top guys in MA today.

Well, applying that logic is ludicrous in the extreme. Using that logic you can prove that Mike Tyson’s hooks no longer work because he got K.O’d by Lennox Lewis. You can prove Boxing does not work if a grappler takes them to the floor and ankle locks them.

Similarly you can prove grappling does not work by K.O’ing the grappler before he gets the chance to grapple.

You can prove all of the MA do not work by shooting the opponent first!

Pressure Points work and work well. They are not a panacea for fighting or for the Martial Arts. They are a very useful addition to that which you already know.

Everything in your MA works if you know how to apply it. Some things work with a much higher percentage than others. It is these high percentage techniques that I personally give my time to. Then by adding the use of PP’s to these techniques, you greatly increase your chances of success.

PP’s are as simple as this, weak areas of the body. Is it better to hit someone in a weak part of the body or a strong part? The answer is blindingly obvious. So, if you want to improve your

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Martial Arts ability, why not learn where these weak areas are and how to utilise them in what you do?

I have detailed in this Training Manual some weak areas of the body and how to attack them. It can be made as simple as “hit here” and “X” will happen. Or “hit here” and most people are K.O’d. It is this making it simple that is the key to learning it properly. Personally I spent a long time learning PP’s, to ensure that I really did know and understand how and why they work. As a MA, you do not need to know all that information. You just need to know where to hit and the best way to hit. That is now the bulk of my teaching, along with fight training.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pressure Points.

They are only the size of a pen nib ~ How can you hit them for real?

The point itself is only that size, however the area of activation is about the size of your fist! There are 360+ places on the body to hit as well! Just imagine now 360 fist size dots on your body ~ do you think you could hit one in a fight? In fact it is almost impossible not to hit one!

Do I have to hit them in a specific order?

Absolutely NOT!

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Are there one strike Knockouts?

Yes, many are detailed in this Course and in my videos “Pressure Point K.O’s Made Easy 1 & 2”

How long does the effect last when I hit a point? This obviously depends on how "well" it was struck ~ but as a rough guideline, the systemic effect on the body lasts for approximately 20 minutes on a decreasing scale. The lighter the touch ~ the quicker the cycles return to normal.

Are their dangers involved?

There are dangers in all Martial Arts. However, we would not take even a 0.1% chance on injuring anyone at a seminar or in training. If you have any medical problems or are on any drugs ~ you should seek medical advice before training.

I've been studying now for quite a while ~ I know where many points are ~ but I can't make them work on some people ~ why?

There are many possible reasons for this. Without using "Players to the Game", you have less chance of success ~ I have detailed the main "Players" in this Training Manual. Utilising one or two of these Players will usually negate most problems. Correct angle and direction could be another problem. Also, bear in mind that some people just do not feel the pain at very low power levels. DO NOT increase the power levels in training though. Bear in mind that you will be going full power in the street.

I want to learn more ~ what do I do next?

You have taken the first step, you have bought this Course. To take your learning even further, then study this complete Course till you know it well and then you will be able to apply for Membership of the “Elite Pressure Point Training Courses”

I have been studying my Kata but can not think of any Bunkai for many of the moves ~ can you help?

After reading this Training Manual you should have a much better understanding of movement and will have the Keys to unlock the secrets of Kata.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Yin Yang

The following chapter is from the Dragon Society International (DSI) Torite Jutsu Manual and was written by Sensei Rusty McMains. It is kindly reproduced here. The DSI Manual is top of my recommended reading list.

The principle of Yin and Yang is an Eastern way of seeing reality that views every aspect of the world, material and spiritual, as being composed of two opposing and at the same time harmonious forces. This concept of complementary opposites has merely labelled a necessary condition since the beginning of time. Rooted in China and other East Asian countries, it is believed that there could be no evolutionary change if everything were the same.

Western society only began to believe this after the publication of Charles Darwins Training Manual explaining the theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. If all animals were created identically, there would be no competition for selective breeding to produce offspring that would have the greatest chance of survival Now it is readily believed that in order for change to occur, there must be underlying differences between things. For if everything were identical there would be no need for change or growth. All things would be equal and no advantages or disadvantages between things would occur.

Yin and Yang are Chinese terms intended to describe qualities of specific paired items in relation to one another. The mere existence of life itself under this philosophy depends on a very complex, and though seemingly almost contradictory, simplistic understanding of what is known as the "Law of Complementary opposites. " In other words, nothing can exist without its counterpart. Without light we cannot know dark. Without hard there is no soft. without linear there is no circular, without an inside there is no outside. The list is infinite. This idea has farreaching effects in making comparisons and should always be taken into account.

However, it is restricted by comparison. For example, though we may classify something as light in colour or hue, there are differing degrees of intensity and contrast. For example, compared to an orange, the colour of a lime is dark. But on the other hand, when you compare that same lime to a plum, the lime is lighter in colour. Thus, there is no absolute when dealing with Yin and Yang, except that it is always dynamic it is this constant state of change or continuous flow that makes Yin and Yang the most important aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM, in turn, is the basis for the applied sciences and concepts that gave birth to the life-protection arts in the ancient lands of China, Okinawa, Japan, Indonesia and others

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

It has been often said that wisdom is power. However, that statement is imprecise It is the application of wisdom that is true Power. Similarly, it is the application of Yin and Yang that creates strength or weakness, as well as understanding the underlying concepts. Understanding this relativity concept helps to deduce properties or existence of things. Knowing that item X is considered yang by nature tells you immediately that there is an opposite item, Y. that is yin by nature. This implication is very important in the rehabilitative and medical fields, where a trained person could quickly ascertain imbalances, deficiencies, or problems based on the presence or absence of certain symptoms. Understanding this relationship is also the cornerstone of using yin/yang principles in applying kyusho/tuite (dim mak / chin na) techniques.

Because the life of every organism depends on the precarious balance between yin and yang components, applying techniques that create or amplify an imbalance can be quite devastating. There are endless applications of Yin and Yang. The greater ones ability in recognising and acting upon these imbalances, the greater is one's ability to defeat an attacker quickly and easily with minimal physical effort.

Specifically every aspect of an attack or defence Sequence has yin and yang properties including the direction and motion of attack defensive postures body surfaces angle and direction of attack/ defensive techniques body position etc. Opening or closing an attack will yield other options for the defender to take advantage of, where none existed before.

The human body can be classified in an endless array of yin/yang pairs. By understanding the events that one condition must precede or follow another one can precisely predict an outcome Specifically for martial arts. Such actions are distinctly identified instead of meeting force head-on (Yang vs Yang). one would "ride" the attack and go with it. Using the concepts of Yin and Yang is analogous to a covert operation in which a spy infiltrates the enemy under the guise of "being one of them" and catches the enemy off guard. This one person can do more damage internally than a thousand troops in the battlefield. At the same time observing a weakness leads to a Strong and formidable attack.

An attacker lunging forward with a strong punch (yang attack) could be countered, for example, with a yielding sidestep, deflecting parry and subsequent capture of the attacking arm (yin response). In contrast, countering a playing grab suggests "accepting the offer" and entering the attackers field, rather than resisting and trying to pull away. There are endless options and numerous "what if" scenarios

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It is important to understand that the laws and principles of Yin and Yang, as well as other TCM sciences, are the basis for the original combative arts of China, Okinawa and other Eastern cultures. Understanding and applying such sciences and principles opens up a world of infinite possibilities not otherwise available to less dextrous practitioners of the martial arts. With a more thorough understanding of TCM and the cultures that birthed such wisdom one is given a greater insight to the actual people and the serious nature of their life protection arts. In TCM, Yin and Yang are representative of the internal organs of the body and are used to identity certain characteristics and properties in comparison to one another. These identifying labels extend to the meridians of their corresponding organs.

Using the models of the organs and bowels we must not look at them as opponents, but as willing partners engaged in maintaining balance between themselves and the rest of the paired energies. One feeds the other, helps replenish another and aids in maintaining the equilibrium of yet another. By understanding these relationships we learn how attacking one can cause a collapse of the remaining statures and systems. This is the goal of applying Yin and Yang in attacks or defences.

In a martial aspect we want to cause as many things to go awry as possible. Knowing that a pressure point lies on a yang meridian we can deduce that attacking a point on a yin meridian will give us a desirable effect. Grabbing an opponent's wrist for example, will yield several yin/yang effects. Joining the outside and top of the wrist to the inside and underside of the wrist creates an imbalance by connecting the positively charged energies of the small intestine triple burner and large intestine to their negatively charged counterparts the heart pericardium and lung respectively. Visualize this connection as the bringing together of the negative and positive wires of an electrical circuit resulting in a small explosion of sparks of electrical energy. Bring together two three or four sets of positive and negative wires at one time The ensuing response would be equivalent to a devastating explosion capable of interrupting life support. Understanding how to make these connections in the body will give similar results. The more things that can be made to go wrong in an efficient and convenient manner increases the ratio of success.

However sometimes going Yin to Yang is not the preferred method of attack. Remember the concept of Yin and Yang is to sustain a state of balance Take into consideration that there are six Yin organs and six Yang bowels Affecting one of each though causing a weakness still leaves a balance of five each Staying within Yin or within Yang in this instance causes a greater imbalance requiring the systems to Seek a more complete response to solicit balance. Chaos within one's own house will lead to a quicker defeat them attaching from the outside.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

When a particular meridian is struck or activated. it indirectly sets the entire network of its respective polarity on alert. For example, striking the lung meridian (yin metal) will cause a reaction within the entire Yin system through either the Conception Vessel, the controller of all Yin Meridians or by its relationship with one of the other yin meridians. The Yin system is put in a state of "confusion'' and seeks to rebalance itself, thereby making the other Yin energies viable targets. On a less precise scale, attacking one side of the body and then the other will cause a weakening within the energetic balances of the body without having to utilize meridians or their respective acupressure points. Striking one side of the body creates a weakness on several levels. The most basic indication is a reaction to the right side. On a deeper level, striking the top, front left section of the body would create the greatest deficit by following up to the bottom back right section This is the basis for the Quadrant Theory which will be discussed within its own chapter in subsequent issues. Yin and Yang, though appearing to be less attractive than some of the other laws and sciences of TCM or A&P, are by far the most significant. With only this single specific law, a martial artist can devise and articulate truly effective life protection techniques and concepts. The concepts of Yin and Yang are far reaching and Seemingly endless. Adopting the inherent properties of Yin and Yang into your self defense teachings and techniques will undoubtedly open up a world yet to be discovered and experienced.

Simply stated, the quadrant theory says that the further away the strike is from the point of attachment or the previous strike, the more systemic and overall damaging the effect. This is why Kata / Patterns / Forms have moves that Grab High and Kick Low. Strike left and right simultaneously, or hit front and back.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Areas of Attack

The areas detailed are those that have proven over time to work and work well even in the most extreme cases. These weak areas of the body have been utilised by Martial Arts Masters for hundreds of years.

They were used on the Battlefields of yesteryear when hand to hand combat was a necessity. These areas were taught in WW2 combatives as quick and easy finishes to either enable a killing strike or they killed on their own.

These areas were also attacked with weapons such as long or short sword, bayonet etc. They work and work very well. As such EXTREME care MUST be taken when practicing these techniques.

The reader should always be aware of and adhere to the laws of self defence as they apply to your Country.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Inside Shin

Four finger widths up from the inside ankle bone. The circle indicates the correct area to kick

Fig areaankle

For the very best results simply toe punt this area hard or stamp on it. It causes a massive energy drain on the body and a huge shock to the system as a whole. A strike here makes the head very weak. In some cases a very hard strike will result in a K.O and / or a broken leg.

The strike will also split the legs, causing your opponent to lose balance and leave his groin open to attack. Kick it as hard as you can, either straight in or down with a stomp.

Fig areaanklehit

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


This is best struck from the side and across either diagonally up or down. It can be struck from the outside to the inside or vice versa.

Fig: areaknee.jpg

Fig areakneehit Stomp the Knee Cap in and down to collapse the leg.

The above pictures detail where to hit and an example of how to hit the inside of the kneecap. It is a very quick and simple disabling kick that can be done with light summer shoes or hard working boots. It can even be done with flip flops!

A hard strike to the kneecap will result in semi permenant / permenant injury. It will definitely render your opponent incapable of catching you if you run away. Again a strike to this area will make your opponents head very weak to attack.

For the outside of the knee cap, you can either foot stomp as for the inside or just swing your leg through as if you are going to volley a football.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Outer Thigh

Located on the outside of the thigh halfway between the side of the knee and the hip joint behind the thigh muscle. Notice that the area to hit is level with the fingertips when standing relaxed. It is directly on the side of the leg on the round of the muscle.

Fig areaouterthigh This area needs to be struck in and down towards the bone with a chopping motion. You must kick through the leg as if you are chopping down a tree.

Fig outerthighhit

A hard strike to this area will cause semi paralysis / paralysis of the leg for several minutes. A severe strike will cause a break to the femur and or a K.O. Again, a strike to this area will make your opponents head weak to attack.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Inner Thigh

Halfway up the inside of the leg between the inner side of the knee cap and the groin. Please note that this area is just above the Inner Knee Cap. So if you miss one you will probably hit the other

Fig areainnerthigh

This area needs to be hit straight into the bone parallel to the ground.

Fig Innerthighhit

This area can cause a K.O. with a hard strike. It will cause your opponent to lose balance and leave the groin and ankle open to attack.

A severe strike here can rupture the femoral artery and cause massive internal bleed out.

Again, a strike to this area will make your opponents head weak to attack.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


Strike this area in and down trying to punch through towards the floor about 4 feet behind your opponent. A hard strike to this area will send your opponent backwards and bring his head down to waist height.

Please note how large the potential striking area is. It is very difficult to miss. The best results are directly in the middle or halfway from the middle to the outside of the oval

Fig areastomach

At this point the head can easily be controlled. A severe strike to this area will result in vomiting, loss of control of bowel and bladder.

Punch in and down as per the photo for the very best result.

Again this will result in making your opponents head weak to attack.

Fig areastomachhit Shown from a different angle into a different area of the stomach. The result, however, will be the same!

Fig areastomachhit2

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Top of Collar

This area is known as a Brachial stun. It is commonly taught to and used by Police Forces up and down the UK. It should be struck in and down towards the centre of the body from one side to the other. A hard strike will result in a stun to your opponent. His legs will give way and the body will crumple. He may lose consciousness. A severe strike will result in unconsciousness.

Fig areatopofshoulderhit Fig areatopofshoulder

Please note that in the above photo the attack to this area is from the front. It can also be utilised from the rear.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Side of Jaw

This area should be struck in a downward motion across the jaw, preferably with a slap or a hammer fist. A medium strike will result in a loss of motor reflexes and possible K.O. A hard to severe strike will result in unconsciousness. This is one of the best if not the best areas for a quick slap K.O. The downside is, it is also one of the most difficult to hit in a fight. So, you have to keep it a self defence situation and hit hard and first for optimum results. A slight downward motion on the strike will give the best results. REMEMBER Hit hard and through.

Fig areasideofjaw Use a Hammer Fist to strike down and across the jaw. This will ensure that you connect with all the weak spots along the side of the jaw.

Fig Jawhit2 Hitting the middle of the jaw with a Hammer Fist will guarantee a simple and quick K.O.

Fig Jawhit1

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Tip of Chin

The very tip of the chin produces an easy, simple and instant K.O. It MUST be struck in and down as if you are hammering on a door to be let in. A light strike to this area will cause the jaw to push back and ache for quite a while at the hinge. The head will experience a “zing” from back to front and then back again. A medium strike will cause a light K.O or severe dizziness.

A hard strike will cause a sever K.O. and could result in the dislocation of the jaw and / or several teeth becoming dislodged / loose Hammer it down straight through the body.

Fig areatipchin The correct method to Hammer down.

Fig areatipchinhit

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This area produces a great effect on the body. The body moves back and down and loses all the will to fight. Again, hammer it like you are trying to get someone to open the door. The best result comes from a strike in, down and across the face from one side to the other. Located directly above the eye.

Fig areaforehead Use a Hammer Fist to strike in and down from right to left for the very best effect. A hard strike will result in a K.O.

Fig areaforeheadhit

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Top of Chest

This area should be struck in a downward motion, preferably with a Hammer Fist. A light to medium strike will make the knees buckle and cause your opponent to exhale sharply.

Fig areatopofchest Hit down hard and through the body to the floor about 4 feet behind your opponent.

Fig areachesthit

A firm strike will cause a massive exhalation, knees to give way and probable collapse of opponent. A severe strike will cause unconsciousness.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Solar Plexus

Many people are aware of this area and many advocate the use of it in a fight situation. It is great for putting shock into your opponent and as a release from things like grabs and strangles. For the very best effect it must be hit in and down towards the spine. This will result in a massive energy loss in your opponent and cause the legs to buckle, the head to come forward and down and the whole body to move directly backwards.

Fig areaplexus Punch straight in and down. REMEMBER to punch through your opponent.

Fig areaplexushit

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Side of Ribs

This is one of the most misunderstood areas of attack and yet at the same time it is one of the best for completely disabling your opponent without causing damage. It is not the “floating ribs”.

This area causes two things to happen depending on how it is struck. A strike in and up towards the spine will cause a diaphragmatic shutdown. Your opponent will be unable to breathe properly and will make short sharp gasping attempts for air as he collapses. A strike in and downwards towards the spine will cause an instant and dramatic “energy” loss to your opponent. He will curl up and drop to the floor unable to continue. Please note, this area is 2 inches down and an inch across from the nipple.

Fig arearib You can uppercut into and across or hammer fist. For the best result hook in and down.

Fig arearibhit

Over the last few years, many of my fighters have utilised this area to great effect, scoring many K.O’s. Many Doormen that I have taught have used this area to finish a fight before it starts as well. A great place to strike all too often left out for the sake of head shots! Deny it at your peril!

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Back of Head

This area should be struck in an upward motion towards the opposite upper side of the frontal part of the head. Strike towards the forehead of the opposite side.

This is the “easiest” K.O. point on the body. However, it is not easy to get to as it is on the back of the head. All the Doormen, Security Officers and Law Enforcement Officers I have taught this to have made this place their “favourite”.

Fig areabackofhead

A light strike will cause dizziness and the legs to buckle.

A medium strike will cause unconsciousness and momentary memory loss.

A severe strike will cause massive unconsciousness and possible death. It will also cause total short term (last few hours) memory loss.

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The throat is a great fight finisher. If your opponent is unable to breathe, he is unable to fight, plain and simple.

The photo below details two main areas to strike. The front of the throat under the Adams Apple and the side of the throat in between the windpipe and the main muscle, the sternocleidomastoid.

Either punch or finger jab into these areas to finish the fight very quickly.

Fig areathroat Simply punch or finger jab straight in for the best result

Fig areathroathit In this example a Hammer Fist is used again to the side of the throat.

A light strike to the front of the throat will cause your opponent to gag!

A medium to heavy strike will drop them to the floor instantly gasping for breath. The side of the throat requires more force but is more destructive in its result.

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The neck and throat are the main conduits for all nerves etc to the Brain and as such EXTREME care MUST be taken in practice. It is NEVER worth the risk of injuring a training partner for the sake of ego.

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This is an obvious target that everyone knows will finish the fight very quickly. What is unknown to most people however is the best way to strike the groin. Unlike the fabled kick up into the groin as is commonly taught, the best way is to hit down.

Simply punch, kick or strike in and down to end the fight immediately. The pain of striking in and down has to be felt to be believed when compared to a kick up into the groin.

Fig areagroin

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The eyes too are an obvious target. They will finish a fight immediately of that there is no doubt. However, once again, they are difficult to get to unless you have been grabbed or are being strangled from the front.

Do not worry about finesse, simply ram your fingers or the best is your thumb in and back as far as you can.

The natural reaction to anything coming near your eyes is to move away.

This may result in someone letting go of you, but may well not result in the end of the fight, unless you really have hit them hard. Conclusion

There are many other areas of attack that work and work well. However, they have a downside, they are difficult to get to and therefore do not have the high percentage of chance of success as the ones listed in this chapter. For this reason I have decided to leave them out of this Training Manual. I have also taken the decision to give only a brief description of what happens when you attack these areas.

Too much information goes against the philosophy behind this Training Manual, making it easy!

You MUST remember that these areas can kill.

Do not strike them for fun or just to see what happens.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Split

The Split was taught to WW2 Combatives as a very quick and dynamic method of self defence. It requires the correct mindset to make it work in its pure form.

It has been adapted here to make it more “user friendly”. If you have the aggression and mind set of a combat operative fighting for his life then it will work great for you.

Our natural reaction when something is thrown at our head is to move back and lift our hands in a defensive posture. It is this natural movement that we can utilise in the split.

Fig Split4

Fig Split5

Attack comes… lean away and lift

Come straight back with Hammer Fist

both arms

The split is best used for sudden attacks whereby you just did not see the build up, had no time to prepare, no time to think about palming down etc. After you have hit back then you attack the weak areas of the body with gusto.

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Once confident in the split it can be used as a pre-emptive tool also.

Fig Split1

Fig Split2

Fig Split3

In the above example the attacker is initiating the verbal action before the fight. Defender keeps the correct distance and angle thereby helping to negate the initial attack.

The defender then moves in knocking down the front arm of the attacker forcefully whilst at the same time preparing his own rear arm for attack.

The Defender then attacks with a strong Hammer Fist to the side of the jaw to finish the fight.

The same move can be used in front of the attacker. Simply strike one arm down with your lead hand, the other up with your own attacking hand and then Hammerfist to finish.

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5 Element Theory

As can be seen from the diagram these relationships or more properly "cycles" are a continuous "loop" and it is the disruption of this loop in its various forms that we as Martial Artists hope to achieve.

There are two Cycles that we can disrupt ~ The Constructive Cycle and the Destructive Cycle. The Constructive Cycle is the outer ring, the Destructive Cycle being the inner Pentagon.

The cycles being;


Wood creates Fire Fire creates Earth Earth creates Metal Metal creates Water Water creates Wood…..and so on


Wood penetrates Earth Earth contains Water

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Water extinguishes Fire Fire Burns Metal Metal cuts Wood….. and so on

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

We also know the following;

1. There are twelve Main Meridians 2. There are Five Elements 3. Each Element has an Elemental Pair ~ e.g. Metal has Lung ~ Yin and Large Intestine ~ Yang 4. Fire Element has 2 Pairs 5. Each Pair is Yin and Yang ( Back to opposites again)

Therefore we can now begin to add our Five Element knowledge to our Yin / Yang knowledge which also incorporates of course, the Quadrant Theory.

There are other parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that can also be considered, such as Source Points, Alarm Points, Associated Points, Horary Points and much more. These are all extras that help incapacitate an opponent with more and more ease the more of them you apply. This all sounds so difficult ~ how can we possibly think of all this and more in a combat situation?

The answer lies in practice and more practice. Kata also, maps out where these points are, how to hit them, the best order in which to hit them, where your opponent will fall, how he will fall, where to follow up your strike and how. All of this information and more is contained in each and every move of each and every one of your Kata!

The next step is to understand how to interpret these moves.

This Training Manual and Course is designed as a true learning aid; we will give you the keys to unlock the secrets hidden within Kata. There is no mysticism in this, no hocus pocus, just clear guidelines and principles that work.

Just take the time for a moment to think of a Kata move. Maybe it is a move with a high grab and a low kick (opposites again), or a double strike ~ high left, low right (opposites again). Can you now begin to visualise all the "opposites" that are occuring in the move. Maybe there is a withdrawing hand at the same time as the other is "blocking" (opposites again). It is these opposites that is the first key to understanding your Kata and therefore how the body can be made very weak with the slightest of touches / strikes. Try slowing down your "blocks" and really look at the full movement. The initialisation of that movement is usually the most important part, the "blocking" part is usually the attack.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

On the surface it seems such a daunting task ~ to understand all these different cycles, theories, complicated moves in Kata etc. It is however; surprisingly easy to grasp and understand once you have been given the formulas. As an example ~ a mathematician does not learn answers to mathematical problems ~ he would have to remember billions of answers. He simply learns formulas; each formula will generate as many answers to as many questions as he is asked.

It is the same for the Martial Artist. The Kata is our list of answers; the formulas are what we need to learn in order to understand these answers. Yin and Yang, Quadrants, Five Elements, Pressure Points, Players to the Game are the formulas.

Consider this;

At the moment you may be able to perform the Kata beautifully, you may have a thorough grounding of technique. The performance of the Kata may be faultless, but, you do not understand what the moves are for or how they could be used in Combat. When compared then to singing ~ You are singing in perfect key, you reach every note, it sounds superb, but, you are singing in a foreign language and do not understand any of the words! So it is with Kata. It is our intention with these Training Manuals and with Seminars and Courses to teach you the language of Kata ~ not how to sing ~ you may well be the best singer already! ACTS OF VIOLENCE How many of us practice self defence in our training to a degree of realism that gets us ready for the ferocity and venom of a real attack? How many of us make our “reality training” realistic? Sure, we might train real hard and have loads of black eyes and sore limbs to show for it. We might learn how to grapple on the floor for hours on end, we might learn to box for 10 rounds, we might practice hitting real hard; we might learn loads of Bunkai. But, do we know what type of attack we are most likely to encounter? Do we practice against this type of attack? To make our self defence training as realistic as possible we MUST practice against what we are MOST likely to encounter. Has anyone EVER seen anyone throw a Yoko Geri on the street? To train realistically we must know what we are likely to face.

Below are the 10 most common attacks, male on male, taken from Police figures, witness statements etc for UK and Europe. These are listed in frequency order.

1. One person pushes, hands to chest, which is normally followed by the pushee striking first, to

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

the head. 2. A swinging punch to the head. 3. A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by punch to the head. 4. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a head butt. 5. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a knee to the groin. 6. A bottle, glass, or ashtray to the head. 7. A lashing kick to groin/lower legs. 8. A broken bottle/glass jabbed to face. 9. A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife. (Apart from muggings, sexual assaults and gang violence, the hunting/combat type knife is seldom used) 10. A grappling style head lock.

Now, compare that list to the way you train self defence. If what you train is not on that list, I would suggest that you might want to hold back on training it for a bit! Most of our self defence training is against a swinging punch to the head. As can be seen, it occupies the top two spots. The only difference is that the top spot is a reactive attack and the 2nd spot is a “pre-emptive” type of attack.

In other words, in the first attack, you as the defender have pushed your attacker away and he simply comes straight back at you with a swinging punch to the head. Now, as 85% of people are right handed, I would suggest you train for only a right hand attack. The defence is the same. You either go in with 100% commitment or you get out with 100% commitment. Anything in between is likely to get you hit.

Attacks 3, 4 & 5

Any type of clothing grab means trouble! For one, you have let your opponent get too close. Practice maintaining your distance. Then move onto the grab, this is because you got it wrong and did not maintain distance. Then practice the grab from different scenarios, e.g. a surprise grab, or an argument then a grab etc.

The defence against a grab is always the same, attack back hard and fast with 100% commitment. Completely ignore the grabbing arm/s. If you try to do anything with them you will be hit. Try it and see. Wear a headguard, have someone wear a boxing glove and grab you and try to K.O you.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

If you ignore the grabbing hand and just attack you will be o.k. not K.O!! If you try to block you are doomed, from our training experience about 7 out of 10 times. In training, when trying to do something with the grabbing arm the defender loses 10 out of 10. By the defender ignoring the grabbing arm and the punching arm and just attacking, we have such a low figure of being hit that it is less then 2% of the time! That is not bad odds!

Attacks 6, 8 & 9

A weapon to the head, knife, glass, bottle etc. It is shocking that weapons now account for 3 out of top 10 attacks! There is no realistic defence against a weapon attack. The odds of you getting hurt have just gone through the roof. Again, we come back to commitment, you have to go in or get out at 100% commitment. Anything else will probably get you scarred for life or scarred for death!

Try utilising exactly the same attacks as 1, 2, & 3 but this time with an armed attacker. Start slowly and build up. Let your confidence build slowly.

Attack 7

Lower level kick to leg or groin. You should see this coming a mile away! Most people can not or do not kick when in close. They usually want to punch you! When defending against this attack try not to just move backwards. REMEMBER; Your opponent can move forwards quicker than you can move backwards. Take a 45 degree angle either in or out.

Attack 10

Grappling style headlock Practice it as a surprise grab. Practice it from a scuffle. Practice it with just the lock. Then try it against a lock and someone trying to punch you in the face as well. Then practice against someone wanting to face drop you to the pavement.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Waveforms - Vertical

Over the last 8-9 years the biggest mis-conception about what we teach has been on the subject of Waveforms. What are they? What do they do? Is it a punch or an elbow strike? The answer is that a waveform is all of this and much more. Quite simply, the waveform, is correct body dynamics and body physics. It is a method of movement that could and indeed SHOULD be applied to each and every movement you make within the Martial Arts.

Of course, this is easier said than done in the heat of a ring fight or SD situation. However, like anything, with sufficient training, you should be able to achieve a true waveform or very close in most situations. Liken it if you will to achieving a right hook, you may be able to hit real hard on the bags or pads, but landing it on a moving opponent is MUCH more difficult. So it is with the waveform, so it is with EVERYTHING though!

At seminars we usually show the beginning of a waveform movement, i.e how to utilise this movement to strike with MASSIVE impact. Usually we can double your impact and halve your effort whilst so doing. Some of our Coaches like, Peter Holmes and Eddie Stokes, have taken the waveform to new heights. Some, like Anthony Bailey and John Andrews, have utilised these movements within the context of MMA and grappling.

The waveform, however powerful you get it, should not be taken in isolation! It should be used alongside everything else that you already know. Add to it, your existing prowess, Players to the Game, PP’s, Balance Points etc to really make your MA come alive. Start, like anything, slowly and gradually build up the resistance of your training partner, till you reach the point that you can utilise the waveform movement in sparring and then eventually to the point that you can use it in the ring etc.

To understand the waveform correctly we must break it down into its constituent parts. Then we must add them back together to form the whole picture. The training routine detailed below, shows you this method.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Any movement MUST be made up one or all of the following, up and down, side to side, front to back and spiralling. By training these movements in isolation first, we can then understand how our own body works to a much higher level. Then, by incorporating all of these movements together, we can establish a powerful base from which to build our skills further.

The first part we practice is the vertical waveform. This is a TRAINING DRILL and is in no way yet combative. This is the beginning of learning in isolation.

Hands start roughly belt high and knees slightly bent.

The body moving upwards, makes the hands move upwards.

Fig vert1 The hands are now towards the top of their movement. They “lag” the body movement by a split second at all times.

Fig vert 2

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At this point the body begins to move down and hands can be seen to “whip” at the top of their movement.

Fig vert 3 The hands now follow the body on its downward movement.

Fig vert 4

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The hands are now towards the end of their movement. The body has already reached the end of its movement.

Fig vert 5 The body now begins its upward movement. The hands are now seen to whip at the lower end of their movement.

Fig vert 6

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

We are now back we started.

Fig vert 7 This movement MUST be done in a slow and precise manner and kept as smooth as possible. It should also be a continuous movement and repeated without pausing or stopping anywhere along the complete length of the movement.

It should be done many times in succession, again with no pauses or stops. This isolation method of each angle of movement, will give you a base to go back to work on should you “feel” that the waveform is not working properly for you. The next stage of waveform practice continues next Month. For more information on Seminars, Courses, OCFM training or Videos see

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Waveforms - Horizontal

Last section we showed how to practice the Vertical waveform movement. This section we are going to detail the horizontal movement. This can be used on its own for straight punches, hooks etc. However the TRAINING DRILL shown is just to get the movement correct.

Remember that the movements shown in the training drill have been made bigger for ease of clarity. You should make every effort to reduce the size of these movements and make them as imperceptible as possible.

It is critical that you understand these basic movements, BEFORE you train the waveform movement into your Martial Art. These movements may look a bit daft to start with and you may feel a bit of a fool practicing them. However, I can assure you, that should you follow these drills, then you will be amazed at your increase in Impact and Power. Also, please remember that these drills are in ISOLATION and are used solely to understand the basic mechanics of the whole movement. They are a part of a whole and should NOT be considered on their own or out of context.

This movement can be utilised to perform extremely powerful and impactive Slaps and backslaps. Again, it must be stressed that the movements detailed in the photos has been made larger for clarity. You must try to “shrink” this movement down and to “blend” it into your own natural movement.

Many Martial Artists have said to me that these movements do not resemble what they are taught in their Martial Arts. My reply is usually “do you hit harder and feel it is easier to do?” They answer “Yes, much harder and much easier” I then reply “What is the problem with doing this instead then? You have “X” years of Martial Arts practice behind you and hit with “Y” power. You have an hour or two of waveform practice and you now hit with “2Y” power. You have doubled your impact. Is it not worth considering keeping this movement within your arsenal?”

Some carry on with us and have become great Coaches in our OCFM system. Others drift back to the comfort zone that they have become to rely on. It is time in this era of mass communication and the ease in which we can train and learn from each other to free yourself from the shackles of any one way to achieve a goal. If something works better, then why not use it?

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The hand starts out to one side. The body begins to rotate in the opposite directions and the hand “lags” behind.

Fig hor 1 The hand is now being pulled along by the body movement.

Fig hor 2 As the hand begins to reach the “end2 of its movement, the body is already at the end of its movement.

Fig hor 3 The body now begins to reverse its movement back to where it started. The hand is now seen to whip at the end of its movement.

Fig hor 4

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The body leads and the hand follows

Fig hor 5 The body is at the end of its movement, closely followed by the hand

Fig hor 6 The body begins to come back to where it started and the hand is seen to whip again at the end of its movement.

Fig hor 7

As can be seen from these photos there are two “whips” occurring here, just as in the vertical waveform.

This should be practiced from both sides and then with both hands together. Again, this is a DRILL to attain the correct movement. Remember, that you must make this a continuous and smooth movement that will be done many times with no pause and no stopping.. Again, any time you feel that you are losing your waveform power, go back to these simple drills to reinforce the correct movement within your body.

For more information on Courses, Seminars, OCFM Coaching and / or videos see Tel 0796 24 23 543 E Mail [email protected]

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Waveforms – 45 Degrees

The 45 Degree Waveform is merely a combination of the Horizontal and Vertical Waveform. By combining the previous two waveforms we end up with a MUCH more powerful waveform motion.

This motion can be best utilised for strikes such as overhand right, chopping hooks, throws and takedowns.

It can also be utilised for movements resembling low section Block or Gedan Berai. The practice method “resembles” this motion at first and then, when you have the movement correct it can be applied in all manner of techniques. Remember that this is a “DRILL” and is in no way combative until you adapt the movement to what you want it to become.

We have also detailed this drill in “one plane” only. The movement can and indeed should be applied in any plane and of course in multiple planes and with “depth” for the very best results. Also, please remember that “waveform” movement should be combined in various planes at the same time. Take for example a simple hip throw. There is the pulling down on one arm in a 45 degree movement, the more circular movement of the other arm and the use of the hips in another plane. Three planes of attack at once in one throw / takedown. The body may resist one or two planes of attack, but it very rarely can resist three planes at once.

Hands at ready position. The hips start to move at 45 degrees BEFORE the hands move.

Fig 451

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The body has now initiated the movement of the hands.

Fig 452 The hands now cross and the body has completed its movement.

Fig 453 As the hands almost reach the end of their movement the body begins to change direction

Fig 454 The body is now about to change completely and the hands are ready to “whip”

Fig 455

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Now the hands are travelling back towards the beginning and the body is on the way to the end of its movement

Fig 456 ¾ of the way through the movement

Fig 457 The body has completed its movement and the hands are on the way to the end of their movement

Fig 458 The body is on its way back, followed by the hands

Fig 459

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

At this point we are going to change the final movement into a “spiral”, the MOST powerful movement of all

Fig 4510 Notice how the hands are beginning to “twist”

Fig 4511 Impact has been made and the follow through of the hands ensures the “spiral” goes through

Fig 4512

We have added in for you the “spiral as the last section of this movement. It is usually the most mis-understood. Just allow your body to do what it “feels” is the right thing to do. Your own body will do this as long as you allow it to do so.

Remember, these are drills to get the motion correct. Once you have the movement down, then you can adapt it to suit your own body structure and style. It will improve your Impact and Power tremendously.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

If, you are ever struggling with the movement, go back over these Training Manuals and “practice” the basic movements in isolation, then add them back together to complete the full range. Practicing these movements is akin to “shadow boxing” for technique training. Once you have it correct in shadows then you advance to bag and padwork, set sparring and eventually open sparring.

Remember this as well, even the very best Boxers in the World, continue to do shadows for technique. They know that these basic movements are the foundations for everything that they do.

As a Martial Artist we are often misled as to what constitutes good basics. It is most certainly NOT going up and down the hall in lines doing a few punches and kicks. Basic techniques within OCFM are akin to that Boxer doing shadows for technique.

Basic techniques to us, is breaking the movement of the body down to its constituent parts in order to more fully understand how our own body works, so that we can use it in the most efficient way for us as an individual.

The principle of the movement will be the same for all OCFM Coaches. However, we will not look “exactly” the same as we do these movements. This is a sometimes a difficult concept for MA’s to grasp. Especially those who have been taught from a monkey see, monkey do system, whereby you have to replicate your Instructors movements to the letter.

If your body movement is not natural to you, then it will not work for you! Think of it like driving a car. At first you are not sure where the pedals arte, how to change gear. All the time you are learning this aspect, you have to be aware of your surroundings so that you do not crash! Then, eventually, you just know where the pedals are, you know when to change gear, you know how to steer, you keep aware etc etc. In other words you have made this trained movement, natural for you. So it is with the waveform movement and all your Martial Arts.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Masters Syllabus

There are 10 levels in OCFM Karate Jutsu once at Black Belt. Once at Black Belt, the student must show a deep understanding of the art and the principles of combat.

There are 50 Techniques in the system that must be learnt on both sides. Five for each level. They are numbered 1 to 50 below for your convenience.

50 Karate Jutsu Techniques : LH=Left Hand, RH=Right Hand, LF=Left Foot, and RF=Right Foot Attack


Points Used

Basic Science of Technique


1 RH Punch

LH parry from the outside


RH latch wrist


LH arm bar


Fire Burns Metal

TB-11 RH parry from the inside 2 RH Punch

LH latch wrist RH chop to LI-13 on forearm

SI-5 HT-7 LI-5

Fire Burns Metal

LU-9 LI-13

LH parry from the outside LH pushes punch downward RH thumb strikes to HT-3 to 3 RH Punch

bend elbow LH slides through under arm

HT-3 LI-5 GB-20

Fire Burns Metal Metal Cuts Wood

Apply shoulder (hammer) lock RH punch to back of head 4 RH Punch

LH parry punch from the




Fire Burns Metal

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

LH grasps wrist


Turn elbow over - palm up Place arm under your armpit Bend backward to apply pressure to elbow Latch wrist with LH Twist wrist to activate points

5 RH Fist in Face

and release wrist


Place LH palm on back of




Fire Burns Metal

Press downward toward floor Circle LH inward & up


RH Same Side Wrist Grab

slightly Step forward with left foot Push forward with LH

PC-8 LU-11

Fire Burns Metal

forearm to release grip Place all fingers including 7

RH Same Side Wrist

thumb together



Roll wrist and hand in any


Fire Burns Metal

direction to escape Step to side with left foot RH elbow strike to rear to chest 8

Attempted Bear Hug From Rear

RF steps behind opponent's legs RH forearm forces their head & body back across

LU-7 CV-14

+ / - Metal


Extraordinary Attack


right knee LH punches to Tan Tien RH Head Blocks attack


RH Club Attack Down on Head

LH circles over forearm &


latches your own wrist


RH may grasp opponent's


Fire Burns Metal


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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

RF steps to rear of opponent Shoulder lock forces them to ground LH circles inward & up RH reaches under & grasps their hand 10

RH Same Side Wrist

Wrist Turn with RH



LH may slide up and press


Fire Burns Metal

upward against elbow Or, LH may turn & press down on back of hand Circle LH outside & up RH grasps opponent's hand


RH Same Side Wrist Grab

which is now facing thumb




RH Center Lock


Fire Burns Metal

LH slides down to elbow and squeezes points 12 RH Finger Point at Face

LH latches finger Bend finger back

LI-3 LI-6

13 RH Punch

LH parry punch down

Crossing of GB-

RH punch to ribs

22, GB-23, SP20, and SP-21

LI-3 Finger release

Metal Cuts Wood Wood Penetrates Earth


14 RH Punch

LH parry punch


RH latch wrist


LH back knuckle strike to


GB/SP crossing

Crossing of GB-

RH turns wrist

22, GB-23, SP-

Fire Burns Metal Metal Cuts Wood Wood Penetrates Earth

20, and SP-21 Option A:Fist Vertical 15 RH Fist in Face

Option A:

Option A:

Both Knuckles strike to both PC-7

Stop energy flow to

inside & outside of wrists




Option B:

Option B:

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Option B: Fist Horizontal


Stop Energy flow to

Knuckles strike to Radial



& Ulnar bones

+ / - Fire

simultaneously LH parry punch RH ridge hand strike to 16 RH Punch

centerline RF steps to opponent's rear

CV-14 LI-18

Extraordinary Attack

RH strike to neck Both Hands Cross (X) Block SI-5




RH circles over the top


RH Overhand Club

RH latches wrist


Fire Burns Metal


LH arm bar


Metal Cuts Wood

LH grabs uniform at



Crossing of LV-

RF knee to ribs

14 & GB-24

RF steps forward RH elbow bends over top of


LH Inverted Wrist Grab to RH From Side

their arm LH secures their grip to your wrist

SI-5 LI-3

Fire Burns Metal

RH elbow presses down RH back knuckle to temple LH parry punch 19

RH Overhand Club Attack

RH brushes & traps arm




RH palm strike to side of


Reverse Constructive Cycle

jaw RH covers & latches wrist

20 RH Lapel Grab

LH comes over the top


LH forearm presses down


on their forearm


Turn body to side

Crossing of LV-

LH cuts back & clears arm

14 & GB-24

Fire Burns Metal Metal Cuts Wood

to their rear

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

LH braces on their kidney RH punches to ribs at crossing RH grabs their RH 21 Double Lapel Grab

LH palm strike to GB-1


LH forearm across top of




Fire Burns Metal Metal Cuts Wood

RH wrist turn LV-14 & GB-24

22 Headlock

RH parries punch


RH grabs opponent's RH


LH elbow strike to ribs


Slip out from under arm


Lock arm into Arm Bar


Fire Burns Metal Metal Cuts Wood

TB-12 RH punches to leg 23 Headlock

LH grabs front of throat Pull head back RH hammer fist to ribs

24 RH Punch


Metal Cuts Wood


Wood Penetrates

LV-14 & GB-24



LH parry down


RH forearm strike to LI-13


LH Parry 25 RH Punch


RH Finger strike to GB-1 RH Latch to wrist LH Arm bar to TB-12

Metal Cuts Wood

TB-6 LI-6 GB-1 TB-11

Fire Burns Metal Metal Cuts Wood

TB-12 LI-5

26 RH Punch

Brush / Parry/ Grab


LH Strike to Ribs

LV-14 & GB-24

Metal Cuts Wood

Crossing RH covers Opponents RH LH braces on top 27 RH Chest Push

Wrist Turn Clear with LH RH Punch ST-6

HT-8 SI-2 LI-3

Fire Burns Metal


The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

LH (Palm Down) catches push 28 RH Chest Push

RH grabs wrist (thumb on PC-8) Wrist Turn Push hand to off-side LH (Palm Down) catches

29 RH Chest Push

push RH Forearm braces on top Wrist turn

PC-8 HT-8 SI-2

Fire Burns Metal

LI-5 LU-9

HT-8 SI-2

Fire Burns Metal


LH (Palm Down) catches push 30 RH Chest Push

RH Forearm braces on top RH locks under own forearm

HT-8 SI-2

Fire Burns Metal


Wrist Turn submission LH (Palm Down) catches push RH Forearm braces on top 31 RH Chest Push

RH locks under own forearm LH forearm strikes down on

HT-8 SI-2 LI-5

Fire Burns Metal


forearm LH catches push (finger up) 32 RH Chest Push

LH little finger touches LI-3


Bend Wrist back


Fire Burns Metal

RH punch to chest LH deflect RH latch palm & fingers 33 RH Chest Push

LH forearm applies


downward pressure


Fire Burns Metal

RH punch to fallen opponent

34 LH Punch

Brush / Grab with LH


RH forearm to TB-12


RH uppercut to GB-6


Fire Burns Metal Metal Cuts Wood

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

LU-9 TB-12 GB-6 Turn body towards outside 35

RH Cross Hand

LH forearm strike under


Wrist Grab

opponent's elbow for elbow TB-11

+ / - Fire

separation RH thumb strikes wrist to release it Turn their hand over 36

RH Same Hand

Lock their hand to your

Wrist Grab

chest RH circles over

LI-3 SI-5

Fire Burns Metal


RH forearm strike down on TB-11 LH circles inward & up RH supports underneath RH lifts using back of wrist LH turns over and grabs




RH Same Hand

RH turns over and grabs


Wrist Grab



LH wrist turn


Fire Burns Metal

LH forearm strikes forearm downward Turn body to accentuate technique LH turns inward slightly to 38

RH Same Hand

expose radial bone

Wrist Grab

RH strikes to Lung meridian

Stop energy flow to LU-7

thumb, thus weakening grip.

on wrist Pivot on Right Foot


RH Grab From Rear

RH latches wrist LH grabs wrist Apply center lock

SI-5 LI-3

Fire Burns Metal

RH grips forearm &

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

squeezes LH circles outside & over 40

RH Grab to LH

RH grabs hand

From Side

LH holds sleeve Right foot kicks to chest

SI-5 LI-2

Fire Burns Metal


Double block Grab fingers of both hands 41

Attempted Bear Hug

Slide under left arm

from Rear

RH presses their arm against their other elbow for

SI-2 LI-3

Fire Burns Metal


arm bar RH latches wrist one finger at a time 42 LH Fist in Face

The Chinese Pulses are pressed sequentially down the wrist towards the body.

SI-5 LU-9 LU-8

Fire Burns Metal


Step in & grab opponent's last 2 fingers of their LH

43 None

with your RH


LH goes to inside of their




LH pulls elbow to your




+ / - Fire

RH bends their fingers back SI-3 into a lock


RH small circle LH holds elbow in place RH parry LH down 44

Attempted Double Hand Push

LH parry RH on top of LH to cross their hands LH traps arms down

TB-6 LI-18

Fire Burns Metal

RH chop to neck RH slides inside both arms 45 Double Lapel Grab

RH attacks throat w/thumb


Wood Penetrates

on ST-5



RH turns the head

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

LH latches hair at back of head Step back with LF Twist head down to rear LH blocks punch 46 RH Roundhouse Punch

LH drops & palm strikes LU1 RH punches ribs

LU-1 Crossing of LV- Metal Cuts Wood 14 & GB-24

RH checks punch 47 RH Roundhouse Punch

LH checks same punch



RH strikes w/forearm to


Constructive Cycle

collarbone at ST-12


RH Reaches to Grab Chest

RH parry RH LH grabs wrist


RH palm strike to biceps

Mechanical Damage by Splitting Biceps

RH attacks the esophagus Both hands grip sleeves of uniform 49 Double Lapel Grab


Use knuckles to rub Golgi's TB-11 (Both Tendon on both arms


Lift and extend them


Extraordinary Attack

through tendon attacks RH punch to Solar Plexus LH circles around from the RH Shoulder Grab from 50 Front, LH Prepares to Punch

outside LF forearm cuts down on their forearm RH strike to tear the

LI-10 LI-11 ST-9

Reverse Constructive Cycle



The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

What are Kata?

To most MA’s Kata is something that you learn in order to pass your next grading. They are a necessary evil. Something that has no real meaning, but you just need to know it.

To some MA’s, Kata is something that can be performed in competition, sometimes even to music, in order to increase the volume of trophies in that cabinet.

To very few MA’s, Kata is something that takes a massive amount of study and analysis, something that you must learn from other systems as well. These people are collecting Kata in order to help increase their MA knowledge.

To even less people, Kata is about self defence, in a controlled environment against typical Martial Arts attacks with a compliant partner. To me and to likeminded people, Kata is about self defence, where it matters, on the street. Kata, against the Saturday night thug wanting to smash your face in because you looked at his pint of beer in a strange way.

Things to ponder

We have all been led to believe over the years, that the ancient Masters used Kata in real life or death situations. That Kata was a secret way of passing down from student to student the killing techniques contained within their system. Kata contains the Dim Mak points that will kill your opponent immediately or in the next seven days. Kata contains all the locks, chokes, strangles, throws, death strikes, knockouts etc that are hidden in your system, but you have not trained hard enough to learn yet. Kata contains all the trapping, standing grappling and groundwork that is in your system, but you have not learnt yet.

Now, you must be thinking, if my Kata contains all that information, all those techniques, how come no-one has taught me them? It is not your Instructors fault, he was not taught them, his Instructor was probably not taught them, his Instructor was probably not taught them and so on back to the real villain of the piece. The Instructor who knew it all and did not teach his students. Or the villain who knew it all and let money get in the way of real teaching. Sending out into the World, Instructors with great basics, great Kumite and great Kata performance, but no knowledge of the massive amount of information contained within the Kata they are performing.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Now, what if I told you that I can help you to understand your Kata? I can help you understand Kata from other systems. I can give you the keys to unlock the secrets in your Kata? Show you how your Kata can be used for real self defence, against an uncompliant aggressor? Would that be a good thing?

More things to Ponder Is a move in your Kata really what it seems to be? Why are you in a certain stance, that you never use in Kumite? Why does one hand go to Hikite? What are those strange movements, again that you never use in Kumite? Why do you Kiai? Why do you use those blocks that you never use in Kumite? Lots of questions, but no real answers.

Let me use the following analogy. Let’s assume for the moment that you are a great singer, you can hit every note, know all the words, be in the correct key. There is one thing missing though, you are singing in a foreign language and you do not understand the words in the song. So it is with Kata, you know all the moves, you can perform them perfectly, but you do not know how to apply them correctly.

What this Training Manual will give you, is the translation for those moves. You will learn the language and grammar of Kata.

How you will learn Learning a language is quite difficult. I am in the middle of learning Greek and Bulgarian at the moment. I always found languages very difficult and so as a student at school etc I gave it only cursory application. But now, I find it exciting and challenging to try and learn a new language. In short, I am ready to learn a new language, I want to learn a new language. So it must be with Kata. You must want to learn the language of Kata and you must be ready to learn the language. If it is forced on you, you will not learn. If you are not ready, you will not learn.

To learn a new language you start with some words, you add in a few verbs and phrases. As you go along you add more words, verbs, phrases and then some tenses. Then you start to learn grammar. All the time in this process, you try to apply what you are learning by talking to people, making mistakes, being corrected. In my case some very embarrassing mistakes. It is surprising in Greek how so many innocent words are very close in sound to some very rude ones! It does not help when some of the people helping you are deliberately telling you the wrong phrases for a laugh!

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Does all this sound familiar? Does it sound like the way we have all been taught Kata? We have been given mis-translations, sometimes on purpose, mostly through our own mistakes.

So, when I give you the words, verbs, grammar and tenses of Kata, you must go and practice them. Make mistakes. Learn from those mistakes. But do not give in. Keep talking Kata and eventually you will be able to hold a conversation.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Basics

Lets begin at the beginning. It’s always a good place to start. In most systems the first Kata is quite basic. The moves are very easy and usually start with a block followed by a punch and the move is usually repeated a few times and sometimes includes a different block.

Lets start with a low section block or Gedan Berai.

We shall first look at the end of the movement and analyse some of the more commonly taught applications. Most systems teach this move as a block to a front kick. Now, lets think about this for a moment. Would you use your arm to block a leg? Would you risk breaking your arm / hand against the most powerful limb of the body? I hope the answer is no!

FIG:Katabunkai 0 21

As can be seen from the below sequence, the most likely scenario after blocking a kick in this fashion is a punch to the face.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 31

FIG:Katabunkai 0 32

Master Stutely manages to block a

Only to get punched in the face by

kick with Gedan Berai….

Master Steve Baker

So, if it is not a block, what is it? What else could it be? The answer, quite annoyingly is, it is whatever you want it to be. It can be a strike, a lock, a takedown, an arm bar for example. It can be used to break, knockdown, knockout or even kill.

FIG:Katabunkai 0 33

FIG:Katabunkai 0 34

Arm Bar?


FIG:Katabunkai 0 35 Knockout?

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 36

FIG:Katabunkai 0 37

Arm break followed by punch to jaw

Kill by striking into throat?

FIG:Katabunkai 0 38 Simple knock away

Now, surely these applications make more sense than simply blocking a kick? The next move in most systems is usually a stepping punch.

If you want it to be a punch then that is what it is. But, let’s think what else it could be as well. I admit, a punch is what I would use given the opportunity, but if we take the shape of that movement in isolation and analyse it, we can see other reasons for the move.

Why do we have one hand back at the hip if we are punching? Ask anyone who knows about body physics / body dynamics and they will tell you this is not the best use of the body to perform a punch. See my waveform tapes to see how to punch correctly.

The sequence below demonstrates the move as grab first, followed by a punch to create a vicious neck break

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 41

FIG:Katabunkai 0 42

Is it a punch or is it a grab? It looks

The next step in the Kata

the same

FIG:Katabunkai 0 43

FIG:Katabunkai 0 44

Becomes a vicious neck break

Following through to ensure the break

One of the keys I am trying to give you here is that a move is not always what it obviously appears to be. Try to think what else could it be. A clenched fist could be a grab. A step could be a takedown or a leg attack.

Also, you are not always directly in front of your opponent. You should always try to be offline at a 45 degree angle. Then these moves work much better.

Think of every move as having applications at the front, side and rear of your opponent. Put yourself in the shape of the movement and work it at all angles with your training partner.

Over the last few pages we have looked at the basic low block followed by the basic stepping punch, found at the beginning of almost every first Kata in a Martial Arts System.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 45

FIG:Katabunkai 0 46

Block or elbow strike?

Block or arm break?

FIG:Katabunkai 0 47

FIG:Katabunkai 0 48

Block or neck break?

Double Block or choke and arm break?

FIG:Katabunkai 0 49 Block or kill strike?

The above sequences of photos show various “Blocks” and a different interpretation as to what they could really mean.

How do we get to these moves? The answer is very simple, you get there from any attack. Try it slowly first and gradually build up the speed and ferocity of attack to that which you would encounter on the street.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 050

FIG:Katabunkai 051 Master Stutely uses a simple parry and deflection to enable himself to utilise low Block on Master Steve Baker

FIG:Katabunkai 0 52

FIG:Katabunkai 053

FIG:Katabunkai 054

FIG:Katabunkai 055

FIG:Katabunkai 056

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Master Stutely utilises absorption and rolling with the hook punch to get to Low Block on Master Steve Baker.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 057

FIG:Katabunkai 058

FIG:Katabunkai 059

FIG:Katabunkai 060

FIG:Katabunkai 061 Master Stutely scoops the uppercut, strikes Master Baker and “rolls” the arm to get to Low Block again!

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 062

FIG:Katabunkai 063

FIG:Katabunkai 064

FIG:Katabunkai 065

Master Stutely defends against a front strangle and again gets to Low Block on Master Steve Baker

FIG:Katabunkai 066

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

As can be seen from the above examples, it is simple to get to “low block” from many varied attacks. Now, let’s analyse this a little deeper.

How many top fighters are there that are noted for a particular technique? Master Bob Sykes for example, the illustrious Editor of Martial Arts Illustrated, is world renowned for his back kick. He just seems to be able to land it from anywhere. Bill Wallace was famous for his lead leg kicks, able to land them all the time. In the world of Boxing, Oscar De La Hoya is famous for his left hook. In the world of self defence, Geoff Thompson was famous for his right cross/hook. Peter Consterdine for his power slap and power kick.

All these Gentlemen had one thing in common, they were noted for a technique, opponents knew that was what they were famous for, opponents knew what to expect and yet they still landed their techniques! The answer as to why and how is really very simple. Although they all posses a varied arsenal of techniques and weapons, they have made one particular technique or a few as their favourites. They have drilled this technique, not just in isolation, but against varied attacks, varied scenarios. In other words, they have made the technique their own.

Let us assume for a moment, that the only “technique” you knew was “low block” then you must learn how to get to it every time you have a fight. The above sequence shows you 3 ways to get to it. The principles are there for you to get to it from 1000’s of variations. Think about it and try to imagine different ways of getting there.

The above Gentlemen remind me of a great Instructor Ron Van Browning, who often says “I only know a couple of techniques, but I know millions of ways of getting there”. That is something to think about.

Before we move on it is a good idea to look at the photos below and see that a technique from your Kata is not necessarily what it looks like again. To see that each part of the move means something, to see that moves can be repeated or taken in isolation.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 67

FIG:Katabunkai 0 68

From a grab, Master Stutely

Pulls the balance point of the elbow

immediately strikes

FIG:Katabunkai 0 69

FIG:Katabunkai 0 70 Takes the balance of Master Baker

Master Stutely utilises the opening

and strikes the throat to finish

part of low block to strike the stomach and back of head together… this connect the most yin and most yang parts of the body… resulting in a K.O at about 15-20% power.

Please note that in the above sequence, it is quite possible to start with the strike to stomach and back of head and then move to the previous sequence. See how parts of the Kata are coming together?

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 71

FIG:Katabunkai 0 72

Master Stutely is threatened by

Master Stutely destroys the arms of

Master Baker

Master Baker with “Mawate Uke” or Double hand Block

FIG:Katabunkai 073 Master Stutely uses the same “block” to viciously K.O Master Baker The above sequence shows how the use of just one “Block” can negate an attack and then be used as an attack itself. This is another key to understanding Kata.

FIG:Katabunkai 0 74

FIG:Katabunkai 0 75

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 76

FIG:Katabunkai 0 77

FIG:Katabunkai 0 78

The above sequence shows how Master Stutely can get to Shuto Uke or Knife Hand Block as an attack. The strike landing on GB20 on Master Steve Baker to achieve a simple K.O. Please note, that before you can use your technique, in this case Shuto Uke, you have to put yourself in a position to be able to do it. You have to earn the right to land your technique!

When trying to understand your Kata it is essential that you understand the following principles;  A move is not always what it appears to be at first glance  Usually the translation of the move is incorrect. E.g Uke means to receive or partner, not Block!  The move is ALWAYS against one opponent  The move is almost always preceeded by a strike  The move is only done if the strike does not finish it  The move is there to enable you to get to your favourite technique  There are NO WASTED movements in Kata  A hand at Hikite is doing something  Your legs are doing something

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

 Your bodyweight is doing something  Each move can be what you want it to be  Each move has a front door, side door and rear door application  Each move should be simple  NEVER practice against a Martial Arts punch or Kick…. No-one uses them at the Chip Shop on a Saturday night  You MUST flow from move to move.  ALWAYS try to take an angle of 45 degrees Well by now you should be starting to have a much better understanding of your Kata and be looking for more varied interpretations.

Now, you should be thinking differently. Looking at your Kata in a new light. You should be understanding more about how your body is balanced, how your body and your opponents body reacts to various stimuli.

This is all contained within your Kata. It just needs pointing out to you. Analyse each movement as “big movement” then look at the tiny movements in that move and try to work out why they are there and what they mean. All the clues have been given to you over the last few months.

FIG:Katabunkai 0 79

FIG:Katabunkai 0 80

FIG:Katabunkai 0 81

FIG:Katabunkai 0 82

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

I mentioned in previously the need to make one particular technique your own and to learn how to get to it from anywhere. The likes of Bob Sykes and Geoff Thompson were mentioned. The above sequence shows one way to get to a right hook from a front strangle.

The first 3 photos are just like a low block, then the hook comes in.

FIG:Katabunkai 0 83

FIG:Katabunkai 0 84

FIG:Katabunkai 0 85

FIG:Katabunkai 0 86

The above sequence shows a defence against a swinging punch. Master Stutely blocks with Jodan Uke, rolls the arm to low block and finishes with a cracking right hook that explodes off the jaw of Master Steve Baker.

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 87

FIG:Katabunkai 0 88

FIG:Katabunkai 0 89

FIG:Katabunkai 0 90

Master Stutely is pushed and grabbed by Master Baker who is ready to throw that dangerous left hand. Master Stutely strikes in an instant, turns at 45 degrees, forces the hand down, thereby negating Master Bakers left hand. The movement is again a low block, and Master Stutely follows up with a crushing right hook to the jaw.

FIG:Katabunkai 0 91

FIG:Katabunkai 0 92

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The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 93

FIG:Katabunkai 0 94

FIG:Katabunkai 0 95

Master Baker tries a sneaky lead hand left hook on Master Stutely (91) who covers it in an instant. Master Stutely rolls it down and simultaneously strikes Master Baker (92). A disorientated Master Baker has his jabbing arm twisted and grabbed (93) and has it forced across and upwards (94) by the advancing Master Stutely. Master Stutely delivers a right hook to the side of Master Bakers jaw to finish the fight.

All the above sequences have shown that you can utilise the moves in your Kata to get to your favourite technique, in this case a right hook. The Editor of Martial Arts Illustrated, Master Bob Sykes, would utilise these Kata moves to get to a Back Kick, a Ju Jitsu man might utilise these Kata moves to get to a throw or a takedown. If you have a great roundhouse kick, you could utilise the moves in your Kata to get to that kick. True knowledge of Kata, true understanding of Kata is in stages. I refer back to the very start of this Training Manual where I compared Kata to learning a new language. Over the course of this Training Manual I have given you many verbs, some grammar rules, various words and phrases. It is now up to you to practice and learn how to put them together to make a sentence.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

Well, by now you should have been practicing your Kata with a renewed vigour and a completely different mind set. You should be coming up with your own applications for moves in your Kata. You should be utilising moves within your Kata to get to your favourite technique. Previously I mentioned how each Kata move can be taken in isolation and can be used from the front, rear or side. Take a look at the sequences below for the move from Heian / Pinan Yondan.

FIG:Katabunkai 0 96

FIG:Katabunkai 0 97

Master Baker and Master Stutely

Master Stutely crashes down on the

square off

arms of Master Baker to gain entry

FIG:Katabunkai 0 98

FIG:Katabunkai 0 99

Master Stutely forcefully grabs Master

And drives home a vicious knee strike

Baker round the neck

to the solar plexus. This attack is a front door approach

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 100

FIG:Katabunkai 0 101

Same square off

This time Master Stutely delivers more power with his left arm that turns Master Baker

FIG:Katabunkai 0 102

FIG:Katabunkai 0 103

Master Stutely grabs Master Bakers

And delivers a crushing knee strike to

head from the side

the floating ribs

FIG:Katabunkai 0 104

FIG:Katabunkai 0 105

Same square off

Same crash down as before

FIG:Katabunkai 0 106

FIG:Katabunkai 0 107

Note how Master Stutely’s right hand

Master Stutely grabs around the face

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

has crashed into Master Bakers jaw

of Master Baker, pulling violently back

first! Violently turning Master Bakers head

FIG:Katabunkai 0 108 In order to deliver a devastating knee strike to Master Bakers spine

The above sequences show how one move in a Kata can be used in 3 different ways, front, side and rear. Now, your next step is to then add to this move your favourite technique, be it a right hook, a roundhouse kick or whatever. Obviously, after utilising the above Kata sequence, landing your favourite technique now becomes quite simple.

So, armed only with the knowledge of the above move from one Kata you can learn how to land your favourite technique!

I hope there are some light bulbs switching on at this point! Now, go back to your Kata and use every move from the front, side and rear and then do the same to land your favourite technique. You now have most of the keys to a much better understanding of your Kata. A much better understanding of body movement, body physics and dynamics. You should be able to land your favourite technique much more often.

You should be looking at your Kata in a different light. Kata should now mean something to you. It is not just there for the next grade, or for looking good in competition or for putting music to. It can teach you how to get to your technique.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 26

FIG:Katabunkai 0 27

 Strike to the Throat / Jaw

 K.O to side of Jaw

 Arm Break

 Knockdown and K.O

 Strike to Back of Head

 Arm break

FIG:Katabunkai 0 28

FIG:Katabunkai 0 29

 Rear Choke

 Arm break




 Neck Break

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

FIG:Katabunkai 0 30  Take down with ankle break  Arm bar / break  K.O The above stills from various Kata moves can be utilised in various ways, now here is the proof of the pudding as whether you are understanding your Kata.

Go and practice these moves and use them from the front, side and rear. Use them to gain entry to your favourite technique.

The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

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