The Roles of Semantics in Translation
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The Roles of Semantics in Translation...
Ni Luh Windiari Windiari
The Roles of Semantics in Translation Translation
The main objective of translation is to transfer the meaning from the source language to the target language. In transferring the meaning, a good translator should have the knowledge of source and target language, the gram gramma marr and and cult cultur ures es,, and and also also the the skil skills ls in tran transl slat atio ion. n. Skil Skills ls and and knowledge in translation are powerful means to produce better works. The knowledge can be gained through reading and understanding while the skills can be further gained b more practices. Since translation main objective is !meaning", it is ver important to stud about theor of meaning. Semantics is a branch of linguistics which stud studie iess abou aboutt mean meanin ing. g. Thus Thus,, we can can see see that that sema semant ntic icss pla plass a ver ver important role in translation. This paper will discuss the roles of semantics in transl translati ation on briefl briefl. . Some Some intern internati ationa onall journa journals ls on semant semantics ics have have been been reviewed to be able to find out an possible roles that semantics can have in translation. Sema Semant ntic icss stud stud prov provid ides es theo theori ries es,, appr approa oach ches es or meth method odss in understanding #meaning$ that are ver useful in translation. Some problems relat related ed to mean meanin ing g are are ofte often n face faced d b tran transl slat ator orss in tran transl slat atin ing g a te%t te%t.. &cco &ccord rdin ing g to 'atf 'atfor ord d ()*+ ()*+- */ */ untr untran ansl slat atab abil ilit it occu occurs rs when when it is impossible to build functionall relevant features of the situation into the conte%tua conte%tuall meaning of the TL te%t. te%t. Those Those happen where where the difficult difficult is linguistic such as ambiguit (due to shared e%ponent of two or more SL gramma grammatic tical al or le%ica le%icall items items and polise polisem/ m/ and oligos oligosem em,, and where where difficult is cultural. In semantics, there are some methods of anal0ing the
meaning of a word. 1gden and 2ichard propose the triangular concept of meaning in which semantics is also related to semiotics, pragmatics and discourse. The point is, in understanding the meaning we also need to relate it with the conte%t (pragmatic/. ¬her method of analsis is b using componential analsis method. 'omponential analsis, also called feature analysis or contrast analysis, refers to the description of the meaning of words through structured sets of semantic features, which are given as !present", !absent" or !indifferent with reference to feature".
'omponential analsis is a
method tpical of structural semantics which anal0es the structure of a word3s meaning. Thus, it reveals the culturall important features b which speakers of the language distinguish different words in the domain (1ttenheimer, 455+, p. 45/. This is a highl valuable approach to learning another language and understanding a specific semantic domain of and 6thnograph. 7or e%amples : man 8 9: male;, 9: mature;, woman 8 9< male;, 9: mature;, boy 8 9: male;, 9< mature;, girl 9< male; 9< mature;, child 9:=/ which emplos simple culturall?shared meanings (semantic primes/ as its vocabular of semantic and pragmatic description. The natural semantic metalanguage theor (Wier0bicka )**+a@ Aoddard and Wier0bicka eds )**, 4554@ Aoddard )**B@ Aoddard ed. in press/ is based on evidence supporting the view that, despite their enormous differences, all languages share a small but stable core of simple shared meanings (semantic primes/, that these meanings have concrete linguistic e%ponents as words or word?like e%pressions in all languages, and that the share a universal Semantics
grammar of combination, valenc, and complementation. That is, in an natural language one can isolate a small vocabular and grammar which has precise eCuivalents in all other languages. The number of semantic primes appears to be in the low?si%ties. 6%amples include the primar meanings of the 6nglish words- someone/person, something/thing , people, say, words, do, think , want , good , bad , if , can and because. Semantic primes can be combined, according to grammatical patterns which also appear to be universal, to form simple phrases and sentences such as- #people think that this is good$, #it is bad if someone sas something like this$, #if ou do something like this, people will think something bad about ou$, and so on. The words and grammar of the natural semantic metalanguage jointl constitute a surprisingl fle%ible and e%pressive !mini?language". Thus, knowing this theor is ver beneficial in translation. ¬her approach to translation is hermeneutics. &ccording to Shi in the article entitled Hermeneutics and Translation Theory , hermeneutics is relevant to translation because there is no translation without understanding and interpreting te%ts, which is the initial step in an kinds of translation including literar translation. Inappropriate interpretation inevitabl results in inadeCuate translations, if not absolutel wrong translations. 6ssentiall, hermeneutics involves cultivating the abilit to understand things from somebod else3s point of view, and to appreciate the cultural and social forces that ma have influenced their outlook. Dermeneutics interprets or inCuires into the meaning and import of these phenomena, through understanding the point of view and 3inner life3 (Eilthe/ of an insider, or the first?person perspective of an engaged participant in these phenomena. In addition, le%ical semantics is also ver necessar to be learned in translation stud. It deals with snonm, antonm, polisem and Semantics
hponm. Le%ical semantic analses necessaril involve more or less e%plicit considerations concerning the number of interpretational variants of a word form, i.e. identifing the le%ical items associated with a le%eme (Solstad/. 7rom the above e%planation we can conclude that semantics plas a ver important role in translation stud. It provides theories@ approaches or methods to meaning that are ver useful in translation stud.
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