The Reiki Method - Reiki Master

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The Reiki Method Empowerments in Reiki and associated modalities




May 2007

Contents Introduction Disclaimer What is Level III Reiki? The Empowerment Symbol Daikomyo Ethics Reiju Reiju Empowerment Procedure Empowerment Kotodama Giving Attunements/Empowerments using Kotodama • • •

Level I (Shoden) Level II (Okuden) Level III Master (Shinpiden)

Attunement Procedures ‘Usui Shiki Ryoho’ Style • • •

Level I (Shoden) Level II (Okuden) Level III Master (Shinpiden)

Introduction Welcome to Level III Master (Shinpiden) Reiki. The purpose of this manual is to provide a practical guide to Reiki at Level III and while no manual is ever truly complete, it will hopefully be a comprehensive and useful guide to its practice. Disclaimer Reiki is a natural method of ‘hands on’ energy balancing treatment for the purpose of reducing stress and for relaxation. Reiki is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological health care. No Reiki practitioner (unless qualified to do so) treats, makes any diagnosis of a condition or conditions, performs any medical treatments, prescribes any substance nor interferes in any way with the treatments of licenced medical professionals. Reiki does not in any way compete with the medical profession nor medical treatment, it does in fact compliment medical treatment. For any physical or psychological ailment, it is recommended that a licenced medical professional is consulted. What is Level III Reiki? Reiki at Level III has various aspects that are distinct to this level. Attunement methods are given at Level III. There are some that will wish only to attune their friends and/or family and this is fine. There are others who will wish to teach Reiki to others for whatever fee, if any, they set and this is fine also. In either case, Level III completes your Reiki training (although other systems can be gone on to afterwards) and hopefully offers opportunities to enhance your own development. The method of attuning others has changed over the years since first devised in the days of Usui Sensei and many variations of attunement methods exist. The method used to attune you is included in this manual (for all three levels) as is the Japanese method, called ‘Reiju’ (‘giving/receiving the spirituality’), although this method is not the method of Reiju used in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai as that method is known only to that organisation itself. A Reiju empowerment (if desired) will be given to you, using the same energy lineage as each of your level attunements, at least one week after your Level III attunement. Shinpiden – The Mystery The Empowerment Symbol Daikomyo The Daikomyo (also referred to as the Usui Master Symbol) has as its primary use the attunement of others. Once the recipient is attuned to this symbol, he/she has the ability to attune others into the Reiki energy. In Japan, this symbol is called Empowerment. That said, in Japan, along with Connection of Level II, Daikomyo would be considered as a phrase, serving as a focus

for a specific aspect of the Reiki energy. As you no doubt already know (from Level II), the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai does not use symbols. It has been stated in the west that the meaning of ‘Daikomyo’ (pronounced D-eye-kohmyoh) is ‘Great Being shine brightly’ or ‘Great Being of the Universe, shine on me, be my friend’ or ‘Treasure House of the Great Beaming Light’. It has also been said that Daikomyo is a Zen Buddhist expression for ‘One’s true nature of which one becomes aware of in the experience of enlightenment’. Hiroshi Doi, a Japanese Reiki Master, explains it as ‘Great Light radiated by Buddha’ – Dai (Great) Ko Myo (Light radiated by Buddha – ‘Wisdom which is that Light that breaks the darkness’). Use of Daikomyo creates a stronger connection between your higher self and the physical. It also can enable recognition and clarity about your true path. The Daikomyo as shown on the next page is the Usui Master symbol as taught in Japan and as used in your attunements.

Thanks to Rick Rivard ( for permission to reproduce the Daikomyo symbol image. Ethics Ethics are obviously very important at Level III. In no way is the teaching Level III Master (Shinpiden) any form of holy man or guru of any kind and he/she can not and should not expect any form of devotion from any of his/her students. Moral and ethical behaviour is expected towards each and every student from a Level III Master (Shinpiden). Any confidence entered into between a Level III Master (Shinpiden) and student ought to be kept.

When treating or attuning, the physical areas of sensibility shall be avoided and the recipient’s requests in all areas regarding the treatment and/or attunement must be respected within personal, professional and ethical limits. Accurate client files must be kept if practicing professionally. Personal hygiene and the non-use of alcohol, drugs etc. during professional activities is required from a Level III Master (Shinpiden). All Usui Reiki lineages must be respected equally. Reiju Reiju is a ‘spiritual empowerment’ that connects the recipient to Reiki reinforcing that connection and increasing the strength of his/her Reiki. The practice of the energy exercises daily, enhances that connection. Reiju enhances the recipient’s spiritual development. Maximisation of the recipient’s intuition and sensitivity to Reiki energy is gained by repeated Reiju empowerments on a regular basis. Reiju Empowerment Procedure This information is for Level III Masters only. 1. Gassho 2. Extending your hands upwards, connect to Reiki 3. Bring your arms downwards in a circular motion and then inwards until they rest in front of your hara (3cm below the navel), right hand resting in the left, thumbs joined at tips 4. Focus Reiki energy into the hara 5. As you inhale, raise your arms upward in front of you, keeping your thumbs and index fingers touching and spreading your fingers wide 6. As your hands reach your head, separate them and at the top of this cycle begin to exhale and bring them down and outwards again creating a circle that ends in front of your hara, right hand over left 7. As you are bringing your hands down, visualise that you are surrounding your intended recipient(s) in a circle of Reiki or light energy 8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 two more times, each time allowing Reiki to build up in your hara 9. Stand in front of the recipient, Gassho and bow 10. Touch the person on the shoulder saying to yourself “I begin Reiju”. The recipient is to adopt the Gassho position 11. Move your hands high up from both sides and hold them facing them palms up 12. Slowly lower your hands above the recipient’s crown, join the index fingers of both

hands making contact of the first and second joints of the two index fingers (the other fingers relaxed) horizontally 13. In one continuous movement, move your hands down in front of the recipient, drawing a line of Reiki energy down the centre of his/her body to the height of the recipient’s knee. Releasing the index finger contact, sweep to both sides simultaneously, moving your arms away from each other, moving down and to the floor, finally facing your palms to the floor 14. Continue to move your hands back up in a circle until they are over the recipient’s head 15. Join your hands, one on top of the other, palms down (dominant hand under nondominant) touching the aura of the recipient 16. Let Reiki flow for a count of about fifteen seconds, intending the recipient to be connected to Reiki 17. Following the outline of the aura, move your hands to both sides of the recipient’s head, each palm facing one side of the head at eyebrow height 18. Let Reiki flow for a count of about fifteen seconds 19. Following the outline of the aura, move your hands to the front of his/her face and make a triangle with your index fingers and your thumbs, palms facing face. 20. Let Reiki flow into his/her third eye chakra for a count of about fifteen seconds 21. Move your hands to in front of and behind the throat chakra of recipient 22. Let Reiki flow into his/her throat chakra for about fifteen seconds 23. Move your hands to in front of and behind heart chakra of recipient 24. Let Reiki flow into his/her heart chakra for about fifteen seconds 25. Move your hands down and around the recipient’s hands in a triangular manner as at third eye chakra (without touching them) which should be in Gassho 26. Let the energy flow through his/her hands for a count of about fifteen seconds 27. Smoothly separate and move your hands downwards, near to the floor and bring them together, palms upward, making contact with the tips of the two smallest fingers of each hand and quickly move your hands up along in front of the recipient’s body as if you were scooping the Reiki energy and returning it to the sky, releasing the little finger contact at the end 28. Touch the recipient’s shoulder and tell them you are finished 29. Say to yourself “I have finished Reiju” 30. Gassho and bow Empowerment Kotodama The Empowerment kotodama represents the energy of the Usui Master symbol Daikomyo.

The Daikomyo connects you to the Universal energy of Reiki. To pronounce: ai ko yo

aaah-eeee coe yo

Giving Attunements/Empowerments using Kotodama Level I (Shoden) Give Reiju four times to recipient Level II (Okuden) Give Reiju to recipient pronouncing kotodama in mind repetitively at each point (crown, temples, third eye, throat, heart, hands) 1st Reiju – pronounce Focus kotodama 2nd Reiju – pronounce Harmony kotodama 3rd Reiju – pronounce Connection kotodama Level III Master (Shinpiden) Give Reiju three times to recipient pronouncing Empowerment kotodama in mind, repetitively at each point It is recommended that the recipient chant the kotodama of the level given for ten minutes directly after the empowerment, i.e. After 1st Okuden Reiju – chant Focus kotodama After 2nd Okuden Reiju – chant Harmony kotodama After 3rd Okuden Reiju – chant Connection kotodama After each Shinpiden Reiju – chant Empowerment kotodama This enables the recipient to become more at one with the energies that the kotodama represent.

Attunement procedures ‘Usui Shiki Ryoho’ style Level I (Shoden) First attunement 1. Behind recipient, place both hands on top of the head of recipient, close your eyes, gain energetic rapport with recipient 2. Draw Daikomyo over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 3. Touch recipient’s left shoulder. Recipient to adopt Gassho position at top of their head 4. Draw Chokurei in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 5. Move recipient’s Gassho position from top of head to in front of heart chakra 6. Move to the front of recipient and with your right hand open recipient’s hands flat while holding them underneath with your left hand (reverse if left handed) 7. Draw Chokurei in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 8. With right hand draw Chokurei in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 9. Bring recipient’s hands together and move them up to recipient’s heart chakra. Blow over the hands up to third eye and crown and back over hands to solar plexus and back to hands 10. At back, place hands on recipient’s shoulders and look down through crown chakra imagining that you can see into recipient’s heart chakra. Place a positive affirmation here such as ‘you are a successful and confident Reiki Healer’ into the heart chakra of recipient by repeating it three times in mind intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the recipient 11. Bring your hands together placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat: ‘I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom’ while picturing a door with a Chokurei on it being closed and locked. Intend, will and feel that the process is sealed and complete and that the recipient is directly connected to the Reiki source, as you do this 12. Place your palms on the recipient’s shoulders and repeat the affirmation : ‘ We are both blessed by this process’ 13. Move to front asking recipient to place palms down flat on his/her legs and to breathe deeply and slowly open his/her eyes

Second attunement 1. Behind recipient, place both hands on top of the head of recipient, close your eyes, gain energetic rapport with recipient 2. Draw Daikomyo over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 3. Draw the Honshazeshonen symbol over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 4. Touch recipient’s left shoulder. Recipient to adopt Gassho position at top of their head 5. Draw the Chokurei in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 6. Move recipient’s Gassho position from top of head to in front of heart chakra 7. Move to the front of recipient and with your right hand open recipient’s hands flat while holding them underneath with your left hand (reverse if left handed) 8. Draw Chokurei in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 9. Draw Honshazeshonen in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 10. With right hand draw Chokurei in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 11. Bring recipient’s hands together and move them up to recipient’s heart chakra. Blow over the hands up to third eye and crown and back over hands to solar plexus and back to hands 12. At back, place hands on recipient’s shoulders and look down through crown chakra imagining that you can see into recipient’s heart chakra. Place a positive affirmation here such as ‘you are a successful and confident Reiki Healer’ into the heart chakra of recipient by repeating it three times in mind intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the recipient 13. Bring your hands together placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat: ‘I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom’ while picturing a door with a Chokurei on it being closed and locked. Intend, will and feel that the process is sealed and complete and that the recipient is directly connected to the Reiki source, as you do this 14. Place your palms on the recipient’s shoulders and repeat the affirmation : ‘ We are both blessed by this process’ 15. Move to front asking recipient to place palms down flat on his/her legs and to breathe deeply and slowly open his/her eyes

Third attunement Exactly the same as Second attunement Fourth attunement 1. Behind recipient, place both hands on top of the head of recipient, close your eyes, gain energetic rapport with recipient 2. Draw Daikomyo over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 3. Draw the Honshazeshonen symbol over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 4. Draw the Seiheki symbol over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 5. Touch recipient’s left shoulder. Recipient to adopt Gassho position at top of their head 6. Draw the Chokurei in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 7. Move recipient’s Gassho position from top of head to in front of heart chakra 8. Move to the front of recipient and with your right hand open recipient’s hands flat while holding them underneath with your left hand (reverse if left handed) 9. Draw Chokurei in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 10. Draw Honshazeshonen in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 11. Draw Seiheki in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 12. With right hand draw Chokurei in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 13. Bring recipient’s hands together and move them up to recipient’s heart chakra. Blow over the hands up to third eye and crown and back over hands to solar plexus and back to hands 14. At back, place hands on recipient’s shoulders and look down through crown chakra imagining that you can see into recipient’s heart chakra. Place a positive affirmation here such as ‘you are a successful and confident Reiki Healer’ into the heart chakra of recipient by repeating it three times in mind intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the recipient

15. Bring your hands together placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat: ‘I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom’ while picturing a door with a Chokurei on it being closed and locked. Intend, will and feel that the process is sealed and complete and that the recipient is directly connected to the Reiki source, as you do this 16. Place your palms on the recipient’s shoulders and repeat the affirmation : ‘ We are both blessed by this process’ 17. Move to front asking recipient to place palms down flat on his/her legs and to breathe deeply and slowly open his/her eyes Level II (Okuden) 1. Behind recipient, place both hands on top of the head of recipient, close your eyes, gain energetic rapport with recipient 2. Draw Daikomyo over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 3. Touch recipient’s left shoulder. Recipient to adopt Gassho position at top of their head 4. Draw the Chokurei in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 5. Draw the Seiheki in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 6. Draw the Honshazeshonen in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 7. Move recipient’s Gassho position from top of head to in front of heart chakra 8. Move to the front of recipient and with your right hand open recipient’s hands flat while holding them underneath with your left hand (reverse if left handed) 9. Draw Chokurei in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 10. Draw Seiheki in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 11. Draw Honshazeshonen in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 12. With right hand draw Chokurei in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 13. With right hand draw Seiheki in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands

three times 14. With right hand draw Honshazeshonen in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 15. Bring recipient’s hands together and move them up to recipient’s heart chakra. Blow over the hands up to third eye and crown and back over hands to solar plexus and back to hands 16. At back, place hands on recipient’s shoulders and look down through crown chakra imagining that you can see into recipient’s heart chakra. Place a positive affirmation here such as ‘you are a successful and confident Reiki Healer’ into the heart chakra of recipient by repeating it three times in mind intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the recipient 17. Bring your hands together placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat: ‘I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom’ while picturing a door with a Chokurei on it being closed and locked. Intend, will and feel that the process is sealed and complete and that the recipient is directly connected to the Reiki source, as you do this 18. Place your palms on the recipient’s shoulders and repeat the affirmation : ‘ We are both blessed by this process’ 19. Move to front asking recipient to place palms down flat on his/her legs and to breathe deeply and slowly open his/her eyes Level III Master (Shinpiden) 1. Behind recipient, place both hands on top of the head of recipient, close your eyes, gain energetic rapport with recipient 2. Touch recipient’s left shoulder. Recipient to adopt Gassho position at top of their head 3. Draw Daikomyo over the head of recipient, repeating symbol name three times in mind. Picture the symbol moving through the crown chakra through the head, lodging in the base of the brain while guiding it with your right hand 4. Draw the Chokurei in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 5. Draw the Seiheki in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 6. Draw the Honshazeshonen in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands and down through the crown chakra through to lodge in the base of the brain while repeating symbol name three times in mind 7. Move recipient’s Gassho position from top of head to in front of heart chakra 8. Move to the front of recipient and with your right hand open recipient’s hands flat while holding them underneath with your left hand (reverse if left handed)

9. Draw Daikomyo in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 10. Draw Chokurei in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 11. Draw Seiheki in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 12. Draw Honshazeshonen in front of recipient’s third eye repeating symbol name three times in mind as you picture it move through head into third eye 13. With right hand draw Daikomyo in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 14. With right hand draw Chokurei in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 15. With right hand draw Seiheki in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 16. With right hand draw Honshazeshonen in air above recipient’s hands. Picture symbol moving into recipient’s hands as you repeat symbol name three times in mind. Slap hands three times 17. Bring recipient’s hands together and move them up to recipient’s heart chakra. Blow over the hands up to third eye and crown and back over hands to solar plexus and back to hands 18. At back, place hands on recipient’s shoulders and look down through crown chakra imagining that you can see into recipient’s heart chakra. Place a positive affirmation here such as ‘you are a successful and confident Reiki Healer’ into the heart chakra of recipient by repeating it three times in mind intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind of the recipient 19. Bring your hands together placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat: ‘I now seal this process with Divine love and wisdom’ while picturing a door with a Chokurei on it being closed and locked. Intend, will and feel that the process is sealed and complete and that the recipient is directly connected to the Reiki source, as you do this 20. Place your palms on the recipient’s shoulders and repeat the affirmation : ‘ We are both blessed by this process 21) Move to front asking recipient to place palms down flat on his/her legs and to breathe deeply and slowly open his/her eyes

Recommended Reading Iyashino Gendai Reiki Ho Hiroshi Doi Fraser Journal Publishing ISBN 0-9688100-0-4 The Original Reiki Handbook Of Dr. Mikao Usui Dr. Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter Lotus Press ISBN 0-914955-57-8 Reiki, The Healing Touch William Lee Rand Vision Publications ISBN 1-886785-05-8 Essential Reiki Diane Stein The Crossing Press ISBN 0-89594-736-6 The Reiki Sourcebook Bronwen & Frans Stiene O Books ISBN 1-903816-55-6 The Japanese Art of Reiki Bronwen & Frans Stiene O Books ISBN 1-905047-02-9

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