The Real Savoy - She Has a Boyfriend
April 29, 2017 | Author: Atlas884 | Category: N/A
Short Description An article on how to get the girl with the boyfriend....
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Love Systems Tip of the Day: She has a boyfriend
This will be old hat to those experienced with Love Systems, but it Email:
came up in a student's one-o n-one with an instructor last week that I was observing, so I thought it was worth a quick tip.
submit (Quick note on that - I don't normally hang out on our instructors' one-o n-ones, so don't book one thinking it'll be part of the package (unless I'm teaching one myself, which is rare). I SUBSCRIBE TO
do it sometimes for quality control and to help share best practices across instructors. It takes a lot of effort to make sure we have a great system of peer review, student review, and my
review across everything Love Systems does, and we spend infinitely more time at this than anyone else. SELECTED POSTS
Most people think it's for the long-term brand benefits, and I
Love Systems Bootcamps (#1
suppose it is a little bit, but I think the benefits are actually more
immediate. Not only do we almost never get refund requests -
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even though we offer a full money-back guarantee on everything
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we do, no questions asked - but it's part of what lets all of us take
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Mine: LS_Savoy All: LS_Savoy/LSinstructors
Twins, and getting a BJ in the bar... He Said / She Said (in detail) Playboy Mansion Runway Model
so much pride in Love Systems. I've seen what happens to other guys when some instructors start's a cancer. Even guys who normally give 110% start slacking as well, and then
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the whole places loses its reputation. It's sad how many once-
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good dating coaching places have fallen victim to this and are
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trading on yesterday's glories).
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Love Systems / Boston Globe
Beautiful women ("9"s and "10"s) almost always have a boyfriend,
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Controversy or someone who fills a boyfriend-type role in her life.
change a lightbulb? Women with boyfriends
Why shouldn't she? Did you think you were the first guy to notice
The Girls of Love Systems
her? The first guy who knows how to attract her and can fulfill her emotionally and physically?
Yeah, some women are on the rebound, others have decided to try being single for a bit, others are really selective, etc., etc. - but LABELS
in general, don't expect a beautiful woman to not already have at
Twitter: LS_Savoy Magic Bullets Handbook Keys to the VIP
1 -1 training (4)
least one man in her life. Sometimes it's a "serious" relationship
5 . 0 (2)
with Mr Right and sometimes it's "Mr. Right Now".
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Now, here's a key implication - remember from Magic Bullets on
Love Systems Routines Manual
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how a woman's emotions work "backward" in terms of being
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attracted to a guy? She's looking for a guy with a sense of humor,
The Attraction Forums
status, social intuition, and so on, but what she actually responds
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to is what men who have high-value characteristics are
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generally like.
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Volume 1
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Love Systems on iTunes To use a cliched example, women like confident men, not because
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they are confident, but because confident men tend to have a lot
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of qualities that women look for (success, ambition, leadership,
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social intuition, etc.) and men who don't have these qualities don't
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usually come across as confident.
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So, beautiful women with boyfriends....they are used to lower-
Brent Smith (1 )
value men, the type of men who have never dated beautiful
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Volume 2
women before, putting a lot of emphasis on whether she has a boyfriend. They'll ask if she's single. They'll back off when she
Adventures with Big Business Coming soon: The Deconstructions… - What’s up, readers? Those of you who check out this blog on
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Brent Smith (1 ) Brett Favre (4) Cajun (6) callback humor (1 )
value men, the type of men who have never dated beautiful women before, putting a lot of emphasis on whether she has a boyfriend. They'll ask if she's single. They'll back off when she mentions a boyfriend or another guy. They'll be "respectful" at all costs.
Cameron Teone (1 )
1 day ago
Carlos Xuma (2)
Asking a woman if she has a boyfriend or putting a lot of weight on
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it when she says she does is kind of like approaching her with "can
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I buy you a drink" or buying her flowers on the first date. It's
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something low-value men tend to do, and something high-value
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men tend not to do. Many beautiful women will instantly lump
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you in the low-value category if you react when she mentions a
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Deconstructions… - What’s up, readers? Those of you who check out this blog on the reg will know that I have spent a really good amount of time involved with the comedy scene...
boyfriend, even if she doesn't know why. (Women often don't know why they feel attracted or lose that feeling of attraction - or they rationalize their feelings to another cause) In contrast, the type of guy who doesn't react when she mentions
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a boyfriend - usually those kinds of guys are successful with
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women and know how the world works.
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(This is NOT to say all women will cheat. In fact, in one chapter of
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my upcoming relationship management DVD set, I explain the
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Love Systems infidelity model -- a predictive model that lets you
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determine how and when a woman is likely to cheat. Some never
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will). By the way - a lot of times, a woman will mention a boyfriend for no reason at all, or to "test" you, or for a million other possible reasons.
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3 days ago
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Check out of one of my field reports last year for an example of
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When a woman I'm interested in tells me she has a boyfriend - the
Erik von Markovik (3)
dialogue goes something like this:
eseduce (1 ) Fader (1 ) Fastseduction (1 ) Female Psychology (4)
Her: I have a boyfriend Me: That's nice. Does he treat you well? Her: Yes Me: [quick pause. eye contact] I wouldn't [slight smile]
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And move forward into the next topic. (Credit retired Love
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Systems instructor Future for this)
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So - in summary - if she says she a boyfriend, don't make
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it a big deal, don't get into a conversation about it, it's not
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a conversation that will help you. Just move forward to
6 days ago
conversational topics that will help you. This applies until
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she's not the type to cheat, she'll mention the boyfriend again, and
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she's not going to cheat with you anyway. My game is pretty tight
Dating Coach Braddock Dating Coach Dubbsy On Same Night Lays - Same Night Lays I was just listening to Braddock and Daxx’s interview on Take-aways & Boundaries and it’s inspired me to write up a post on how t o get one ...
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you sleep together. For those worried about bad karma -- trust me, if she really does have a boyfriend and he is giving her everything she needs and
to say the least, and I've met women who I could throw the
1 week ago
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kitchen at and won't budge from "I have a boyfriend" as a response
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to anything that would cross the line. Most beautiful women who
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go out a lot (especially without their boyfriends) aren't this
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committed, but many are. One cool thing about our relationship
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management stuff is now we can predict her behavior...before she
Adventures of Keychain Keychain featured in Vegas Newspaper! - Hey guys, The folks from Las Vegas Weekly came down to report on the Love Systems Superconference 2009. Savoy sent them into my break-out room seminar on K...
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becomes your girlfriend. POSTED BY S A V O Y A T 12:33 PM
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Anonymous said...
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Savoy - absolutely brilliant and inspiring. I run into this
Biskit l'instructeur Francophone Comment approcher une femme le jour. - Vous marchez dans la rue et vous la voyez. Elle est incroyable,
I'm losing my mind (1 )
Savoy - absolutely brilliant and inspiring. I run into this
Immaculate Seduction (1 )
quite frequently and though in the back of your mind you
Inner Game (3)
know what to say (ie - your jargon - "Does he treat you
internet dating (2) Internship (1 ) Interview Series (7 ) Ireland (2)
well" "I would'nt") you freeze up and go low value. I have just noted this on my Iphone so I can remember it! Thank
DECEMBER 16, 2008 1:37 PM
Justmetal (1 ) Anonymous said...
Keychain (1 )
Seriously, keep these coming
Keys to the VIP (1 )
DECEMBER 16, 2008 6:24 PM
1 week ago
Lair (1 ) Las Vegas (1 ) last minute resistance (1 )
Cajun of Keys to the VIP Playboy Mansion! YOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo ooooo! Been a while since I posted, summers are always super busy for me and I tend to spread myself out thin, sorry about that guys. ...
Anonymous said... Best tip you've posted in a while! Thanks Savoy.
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DECEMBER 17, 2008 12:21 PM
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1 week ago
Blog of the Future Andre Agassi at Sports Illustrated - Even if you don’t like sports or care much about tennis (I don’t), this excerpt from Andre Agassi’s autobiography is one Hell of a read, and it’s especiall...
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la voyez. Elle est incroyable, elle est belle et vous avez une envie brulante de la rencontrer. Vous sentez qu’elle vous a...
Anonymous said...
4 months ago
Yo Savoy,
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this bf-killer is great. I like it and will start using it tonight.
Here are my so far used bf-killer (I forgot who to credit for,
► 2009 (1 7 4)
but there not mine!)
▼ 2008 (96) ▼ December (1 7)
The guaranteed New Year's
HB: I have a bf.
Resolutions to change yo...
Alcedo: That's nice, [pause] I love it when someone is
The next Love Systems
taking care of you when I am not around [ righteye to
righteye ans slight smile]!
Do you read Norweigian? You
2009 (5) Lovedrop (1 )
don't? WTF?
Don't be alone on New Year's
LSi (5) mack tight (1 )
Remember the worst
Magic Bullets (8)
HB: I have a bf!
Magnum Opus Report (2)
Alcedo: [enthousiastic] Hey me too! [pause] but mine is
married women (1 )
more cute then yours [+ smile]
New York Post goes
Matador (1 ) media (4) mehow (1 ) Michael Ballaschk (1 ) Michael Ballaschk Films (1 ) Mike Skinner (1 )
I might even try to use your bf-killer on top of this last one
Favorite Love Systems Interview
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DECEMBER 19, 2008 1:08 AM
Control Words Weekend Dating Tip: 8 Rules to Avoid Sabotaging Yo...
So, who WAS your favorite
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Love Systems
After this comment, why not have a beer?
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Dmitri the lover - this is
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She has a boyfriend
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Love Systems Tip of the Day: Tip of the Day
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undercover at Love Systems boot...
on occasion, tough it might be to much bf-talk.
MILFs (1 ) Mind of mystery (2)
cybersex ever? Happy Holidays!
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