The Purusha Sukta
Short Description
purusha sukta...
THE PURUSHA SUKTA The Vedic Vedic Hymn on the Supreme Being Be ing
by Sri V. Sundar February 17, 1995
General Introduction o
Introduction to the Purusha Sukta
What is its place in the Vedas?
What does it talk about?
o Notes on this translation attempt
First anuvAka o
Verses 1-
Verses !-"
Verses Ve rses #-11
Verses 1-1$
Verses 1"-1%
Second anuvAka o
Verses 1-"
&onclusion and 'edication
Invocation to the Acharyas lakshmInAtha samArambhAm nAthayAmuna madhyamAm | asmadAcArya paryantAm vande guruparamparAm ||
(hat )ondrous linea*e o+ preceptors, that starts )ith Sriman Naraana, and came throu*h Nathamuni do)n to m o)n Achara, I salute that.
Invocation to Vishvaksena (sEnai mudaliAr yasya dvirada vaktrAdyAH pArishadyAH paraH Satam | vighnam nighnanti satatam vishvaksenam tamASraye ||
An Introduction to the Purusha Sukta !here is the Purusha Suktam Su ktam in the Vedas" Vedas" /indu reli*ious sources are classi+ied as 00Sruti or 00sm2ti. Sruti -- that )hich is heard -- is o+ the nature o+ divine revelation. We believe that the Vedas, Vedas, hmns composed b seers and sa*es be*innin* as best as )e can date them in !333 4&, )ere sun* under divine inspiration. (his is )h the are Sruti. (hese sa*es 00heard them as the voice o+ the 'ivine. 5nl t)o bodies o+ hmns are reco*ni6ed as divinel composed. 5ne bein* the Vedas, Vedas, and the other, the (hiruvaamo6hi o+ 7aari 8aaran Sada*opan, or Sri Nammaa6hvaar, )hich Nammaa6hvaar, )hich are reco*ni6ed as e9uivalent to the : Vedas Vedas in the ;bhaa Vedanta school, the Sri Vaishnava Vaishnava tradition. (he si< compositions o+ 7alian Neelan, or Sri (hiruman*ai Aa6hvaar , are reco*ni6ed as the " vedAn*as. =Note> ubhaa vedAnta re+ers to the t)o+old vedAnta, seen throu*h the t)o ees o+ the Sanskrit ;panishads and the (amil 'iva Prabandham. (he are o+ paramount and e9ual authorit to Sri Vaishnavas.
Sm2ti is that )hich is remembered, and includes a lar*e part o+ the commentar o+ the Vedas, Vedas, di++erent Puranas, epics, and other sources. (he Purusha Suktam is one o+ the Pancha Suktams o+ the Sri Vaishnava sampradaa or tradition. (he other +our are the Naraana Suktam, Sri Suktam, 4hu Suktam, and the Nila Suktam. (he Purusha Suktam is seen earliest in the 2* Veda, Veda, as the @3th Suktam o+ its 13th mandalam, )ith 1" mantrams. ater, it is seen in the VaBasanei Samhita o+ the Shukla CaBur Vedam, the (aittria Aranaka o+ the 7rishna CaBur Vedam, the Sama Veda, and the Atharvana Veda, )ith some modi+ications and redactions.
In South India, the Purusha Suktam, Vishnu Suktam, Sri Suktam, and Naraana Suktam are *enerall chanted to*ether in paaraanam. (he Sri 2udram, Purusha Suktam, ;panishads, the Gita, and the Vishnu Sahasra Naamam are also recommended +or dail paaraanam - chantin*. Since the Purusha Suktam is seen in all Vedas, it is cited as the essence o+ all Srutis b Veda Vasa in the 8ahabharata. Saunaka, Apastamba, and 4odhaana have also )ritten concernin* the use o+ the Purusha Suktam.
!hat does the Purusha Suktam talk a#out" (he Purusha in the title o+ the Purusha Sukta re+ers to the Parama Purusha, Pu rushottama, Naraana, in his +orm as the Viraa( Purusha. /e )as the source o+ all creation. It describes this +orm o+ his, as havin* countless heads, ees, le*s, mani+ested ever)here, and beond the scope o+ an limited method o+ comprehension. All creation is but a +ourth part o+ him. (he rest is unmani+ested. Purusha as 4rahma remained inactive, and Aniruddha Naraana, one o+ the +our aspects o+ Naraana in the +irst tier at the base o+ the Vishaaka Coopa, asked him 00Wh do ou do nothin*? 004ecause o+ not kno)in*, 4rahma replied. 00Per+orm a aBna. Cour senses, the devas, shall be the ritviks. Cour bod shall be the havis. Cour heart, the altar. And I shall be he )ho enBos the havis -- the o++erin*. From our bod sacri+iced, shall ou create bodies +or all livin* creatures, as ou have done in kalpas be+ore this. (hus sas the sAkala brAmhaNA. (his aBna )as called 00sarvahut, the o++erin* o+ all. (he act o+ creation itsel+ *re) out o+ aBna, the rite o+ sacri+ice. Who )as )orshipped at this sacri+ice? It )as the Purusha. Who per+ormed it? 4rahma, the creative aspect o+ the Purusha. Who )ere the ritvik priests ? (he devas, )ho are the Purushas senses. Who )as tied as the beast o+ the sacri+ice? 4rahma, a*ain. What )as barhis, the altar o+ the sacri+ice? All o+ nature. Who )as the +ire? (he Purushas heart. What )as sacri+iced? A*ain, the Purusha himsel+, his *reat bod that contained all o+ creation. In a )a, this is a messa*e o+ love, that the Purusha )ould con sume himsel+ in the +ire o+ creation, to create all the )orlds. From this sacri+ice did all o+ creation emanate. (his is central to the messa*e o+ the Purusha Sukta. vedAhametam purusham mahAntam Aditya varNam tamasaH parastAt | tam evam vidvAn amRta iha bhavati na anyaH panthA vidyate 'yanaaya ||
(his *reat Purusha, brilliant as the sun, )ho is beond all darkness, I kno) him in m heart. Who kno)s the Purusha thus, attains immortalit in this ver birth. I kno) o+ no other )a to salvation.
!hat a#out this translation attem$t" (he redaction I have attempted to translate is based to a lar*e part on theistic tradition and approach, rather than a critical approach. (his is because this is the )a this )onder+ul cosmo*enical son* speaks to me. 8 sources +or the translation are to put it mildl, a hod*epod*e. I have little skill in Sanskrit msel+, and have had to borro) hea vil +rom these sources>
Purushasukta Bhashya of Ranganaatha Muni. 2an*anaatha 8uni D1th centurE is also kno)n as Peria eear or NanBeear in the Sri Vaishnava Sampradaa. Hymns from the Rig Veda, b ean e 8ee. Ne) Cork> 1@#$. Hymns from the Vedas, b Avinash &handra 4ose. 4omba> 1@"". ``Anna'' 's transation into Tami of the Purusha Suktam. 8adras> 1@%". Rg !hAshya saMgraha, &hanana, ed., 5rient Publishin* /ouse, 'elhi> 1@"$.
/ope+ull, that )orks. And no), on )ith the sho)
Sri Purusha Suktam prathama anuvAkam
Verse % sahasra SIrshA purusha: | sahasrAksha: sahasrapAt | sa bhUmim vishvato vRtvA | atyatishad daSAngulam || ! ||
DsahasraE (housands DSIrshAE o+ heads has Dpurusha>E the *reat bein*. DsahasraE (housands o+ DakshaE ees has he, Dsahasra pAtE and thousands o+ le*s. DsaE /e Dv2tvAE mani+ests Dbh;mimE the )orld. Datatish(atE /e stands beond DdaSAn*ulamE the count o+ ten +in*ers. (he )ords 00purusha in its most literal sense means man. (his is not a *eneric +or human, but includes the masculine sense and principle o+ the )orld. In one )a, it is interpreted as Naraana alone is purusha, and all the rest o+ prakriti, creation, is +emale. Purusha ma also be split as pura H usha -- the da)n-li*ht DushaE o+ the cit o+ the bod DpuraE. 5r pu H rusha, one )hose passions
are re+ined. 5r even puru H sha, +illed )ith )isdom and happiness. Which purusha is re+erred to here? 8an - is a simple ans)er, )ith some merit +or its ar*uments. 8an )as created +irst, and he is a creature that kno)s not its o)n *lor, and he is sacri+iced +or the rest o+ creation -- a humblin* thou*ht +or us. /o)ever, theistic and mstic sources tend to interpret purusha as Parama Purusha, the Sup reme Purusha, Purushottama, the best amon* purushas, Sriman Naraana. /e is the source and the basis o+ all creation, he mani+ests himsel+ in all o+ it. All creation is his bod -- the vishvaroopa mahAkAa. /e encompasses it. So )h does this Purusha have thousands o+ +eet, hands, ees? 5ne must remember that lar*e numbers, like a thousand, can re+er to a +u66 00uncountable. SAaNAcAra interprets this as the Purusha mani+estin* himsel+ in all that lives. And since all )as created +rom his bod, as )e shall see, all heads are his heads, all ees his ees, all +eet his +eet. And then )e see that the Purusha eE o+ the purusha DudaitE rise above, D;rdhvaE above all creation. DpAda>E 5ne part alone DasaE o+ his DihaE is here DabhavatE mani+ested Dpuna>E a*ain an d a*ain. DtataE From that part did DsASana - anaSanaE bein*s that eat and eat not, DvishvakE all o+ these DabhivAkramatE did come +orth. 2an*anathamuni comments on the *reatness o+ the Purusha )ho looms above all creation. he is +illed )ith *race and all Bo, kno)led*e, and *oodness. /e is e ternal, and the basis o+ all. (he )orlds sustenance is but his sport. /is Bo is himsel+, as he is all. (hat besides, even the Vedas )onder about his *reatness. 00so an*a veda adi vA na veda. /e alone kno)s -- or mabe he kno)s not. D2* Veda, nAsadIa s;ktaE. (he )a 00ad annenAtirohati and 00sASanAnaSane abhi vAkramat are interpreted is a point o+ some discussion. Peterson, 2enou, and e8ee, )ho *ive simpl 00man +or Purusha, interpret these as 00man, )ho *ro)s b +ood, 00a part o+ man )as made into all thin*s that eat and eat not, and advanced to)ards theseas these, out)ards. I pre+er sAaNAs interpretation, as *iven above. Not onl is the importance o+ +ood stressed, t)o verses be+ore, but no) Purusha is also that )hich eats not, li+e and non-li+e. (his is in con+ormit )ith the Visistadvaita vie) o+ 4rahman mani+est as cit and acit, livin* and inert. (hree parts o+ his Are beond all this All o+ this, is but a part. A*ain and a*ain, All that eats, And that eats not Appeared +rom this 5ne part o+ /is.
Verse ) tasmAt virAd a%Ayata | virA%o adhipUrusha : | sa %Ato atyaricyata | pashcAd bhUmimatho pura: || ) ||
DtasmAtE +rom that *reat purusha DvirAtE did the shinin* universe DaBAataE come +orth. DvirABo adhiE From that
virAt, )ith its needs in heart Dpurusha>E came +orth 4rahma, to care +or it. DsaE /e DBAta>E )as born Dati aricataE and *re) ver lar*e, eE and then Dpura>E behind. From Purusha came +orth the universe. (he creative aspect o+ his, 4rahma, came +orth, and *re) to include everthin* in himsel+. (his is )h the universe is called 00bramhAnda, the e**sphere o+ 4rahma. 004ramhAnda is also an adBective indicatin* ma*n itude. (his ima*e o+ eE, Dpura>E -- cities -- bodies +or creatures to live in. 00virAt vakt2kto deva-tira*-manushAdi r;po bh;t. /e became lar*e and became the bodies, or *ave +orm to devas, animals DtirakE and humans. (here is support +or the +ormer vie) +rom the sAkala b rAhmaNa, ho)ever. In this )ork, Aniruddha Naraana, one o+ the +our aspects o+ Naraana in the +irst tier o+ the Vishaka Cupa, appears to 4rahma. (his 4ramha, en*or*ed )ith *ro)th as it )ere, is ina ctive, he does nothin*. Aniruddha asks him the reason +or his inactivit 00brahman kim t;shNIm bhavasi - iti and 4rahma replies, 004ecause o+ not kno)in* - 00aBnAnAt - iti hovAca. /o)ever, 4rahma has to create. (his is his nature. So to remove his i*norance, Aniruddha Naraana instructs him to per+orm s2sh(i aBna, the sacri+ice o+ creation. In the brAhmaNa, this is termed kAncana aBna, the rite o+ *old. 00brahman s2shtartham kAncana aBnam kuru. 4 this means )ill ou be able to create the )orlds, as ou have in kalpas past. (he rest o+ Aniruddha Naraanas instructions and the details o+ the srS/ti a*na are *iven in the verses to come. From him came +orth (he bri*ht ;niverse And he became a &reator For its sake And so he created (he verdant Jarth And creation Was his bod.
Verse * yatpurushena havishA | devA ya%nam atanvata | vasanto asyAsI*dA%yam | grIshma idhma Saraddhavi: || + ||
DatE (hat DaBnaE rite that DdevA>E the *ods DatanvataE per+ormed, DpurushenaE )ith the Purusha himsel+ as DhavishAE havis, the +ire o++erin*, DvasantaE the Sprin*
DAsItE became DABamE its *hee. D*rIshmaE (he summer became its DidhmaE samit-)ood +irebrand, DSaradE Autumn became Dhavi>E its burn o++erin*. What sort o+ aBna is this s2sh(i aBna? Nothin* eE made, Dad aBnamE +or the sacri+ice +or )hich DdevA>E the *ods
as DtanvAnA>E as per+ormers o+ the sacri+ice DabadhnanE bound DpurushamE the purusha DpaSumE as the beast o+ sacri+ice. (he A*A*ni, the sacred +ire o+ the sacri+ice, is invoked on a vedi, or altar, that is al)as sheathed, or +enced. sAaNA *ives us this> 00aish(ikasAvAhavanIasa traa> paridaa> uttaravedikAstraa> AditaSca saptama> paridhi pratinidhi r;pa>. (hree +ences are in the uttaravedi part, three in the AvAhanIa, and Adita is the seventh sheath, o r +ence. Nothin* had been created at this point. So )hat )ere the paridi-s? (he seven chandas-s, or metres, *Aatri, trish(up, brhatee, pankti, ushNuk, anushtup, and Ba*atI ma be the seven here. /o)ever, later verses )ould seem to *o a*ainst this hpothesis. (he chandas-s seem to be later creations, as the basis o+ speech. (he maitrAaNi upanishad su**ests prthvi DearthE, ap D)aterE, teBas D+ireE, vAu D airE, AkASa DspaceE, ahamkAra De*oE, and buddhi DintellectE as these seven. (he +ive elements or panchabh;tas amon* these, Dprthvi, ap, teBas, vAu, AkASaE, alon* )ith the +ive subtle principles or tanmAtras, the +ive active senses or karmendrias, the +ive discernin* senses or BnAnendrias, combined )ith anta>karaNam, darkenin*, are said to be the t)ent one samit +irebrands, in the painkI brAhmaNa. Seven )ere the +encin* lo*s (hrice seven the +irebrands made When the *ods bound the Purusha As the beast +or their sacri+ice.
Verse , tam ya%nam barhishi prokshan | purusham %Atam agrata: | tena devA aya%anta | sAdhyA RshayaS ca ye || - ||
DtamE (hat DpurushamE purusha DaBnamE o+ the sacri+ice, DBAtamE )ho )as Da*rata>E in the be*innin*, DsAdhA>E those achievers DprokshanE sprinkled him )ith hol )ater DbarhishiE on the sacri+icial bed o+ stra). DtenaE 4 this means DdevA 2shaaS caE did the *ods and the seers DeE )ho )here, DaaBantaE sacri+ice. /ere is the Purusha himsel+ bound as the beast o+ sacri+ice. (his beast has to be sancti+iced, on a sacred bed o+ stra), )ith hol )ater. (he )ord barhis indicates this stra). Accordin* to the Co*aratna, virAt Dthe allE, barhis and prakriti are snonms. In this sense, all o+ nature is the sta*e +or this sacri+ice, and Purusha the sacri+ice to be o++ered. /e )as +irstborn and +oremost o+ creation. (he )ord sAdhA> accordin* to 2an*anathamuni includes all devas, 2S/is, suras, and d)ellers o+ Vaikuntha. /o)ever, in other places, it has been interpreted to mean somethin* like an analo*ue to 00bodhisattva -- those )ho have the potential o+ +reedom +rom time, but have not et actuall achieved it. In the sense that SAdham indicates possibilit o+ achievement, I tend to)ards this vie).
/im, +irstborn o+ all o+ this (he sancti+ied, on a bed o+ stra) 4 /im did the seers, (hose *reat ones, 4 /im did the *ods too Sacri+ice.
Verse tasmAd ya%nAt sarvahuta: | sambhRtam prshadA%yam | pashU"s tA"S cakre vAyavyAn | AraNyAn grAmyAs ca ye || - ||
DtasmAtE From that DaBnAtE rite Dsarvahuta>E called sarvahut DsambhrtamE )as *athered Dprshad-ABamE *hee miE As praBApati, ord o+ his SubBects, he DcaratiE lives Danta>E in D*arbheE the )omb. DaBAamAna> E ;nborn, DviBAateE he appears DbahudhAE in man )as. DdheerA>E (he stead+ast DpariBAnantiE kno) )ell DtasaE his DonimE true +orm. Jven Dvedhasa>E the creators, the kno)ers DiccantiE desire to the DpadamE positions o+ DmareechenAmE sa*es like mareechi, )ho )orship /im. I must *o to sAaNa +or commentar on this rather obtuse verse. What is this )omb praBApati resides in ? bramhAnda roope *arbhe anat madhe praBApatir vi*rahavAn bhootva carati. virAt, the shinin* universe, the +emale principle that puruS/a *ave birth to, )hich in turn *ave birth to puruS/a has no) been +ormed into the bramhAnda, and is compared to a )omb, in )hich
praBApati, ord o+ his SubBects, puruS/a mani+ested as a +ertilit diet invoked in )eddin*s etc., resides. Purusha does not need to be born to mani+est himsel+ as all. (hat process be*ins be+ore he appears +rom, in and as virAt. /e encompasses satam, *naanam, anantam - truth, kno)led*e, and in+init. Since he *ives birth to all, he is oni, themouth o+ the )omb. /is +orm is a oni, +rom )hich all is born. tasa praBApater onim Ba*atkAraNaroopam vAstavam svaroopam. Who kno)s this ? dheera dhairavantA o*ena drtendriA mahAtmAno BAnanti the brave, the coura*eous, those )ho have made their senses stead+ast in o*a, those *reat ones kno) this truth. Such is the compulsion o+ this truth that even the srshtikartA-s o+ this )orld, those that puruS/a has mani+ested himsel+ as in order to create, desire nothin* but to )orship him as tam eva upAsa mareeceenAm mareecatri-pramukhAnAm - the sa*e mareeci, and sa*es led b mareeci, atri Damon* the seven 2S/isE - as these sa*es do. 4irthin* this )ord /imsel+ ;nborn /e is kno)n b those Who oked their senses.. And even the kno)ers 5+ this )orld and more 'esire but to adore /im.
Verse yo devebhya Atapati | yo devAnAm purohita: | poorvo yo devebhyo %Ata: | namo rucAya brAhmaye || ( ||
Dnama>E We salute Da>E )ho DAtapatiE shines as divinit in Ddevebha>E in the Gods, Da>E )ho is Dpurohita>E 4rhaspati, priest to DdevAnAmE the Gods, Da>E )ho )as DBAta>E born Dpoorva>E be+ore Ddevebha>E the Gods, DrucAaE )ho brilliant in himsel+, DbrahmaeE is the parabramham, the supreme all. puruS/a )as, hiraNa*arbha> samavartatA*re - be+ore the *olden shinin* )omb o+ all, virAt, )as established. /e is +irst o+ all the Gods, their priest, their *uide to immortalit, and the essence o+ their divinit. veril is he )orth o+ our salutations. (his is one ans)er to the 9uestion Lkasmai devAa havitA vidhema?L - Which God shall )e )orship b our o++erin*s ? Who burns, +ire-bri*ht In the Gods, )ho is their priest, Jldest, )ho is the Jssence, 5+ )hat Is, We )orship /im.
Verse ) rucam brAmham %anayanta: | deva agre tadabruvan |
yastvaivam brAhmaNo vidhyAt | tasya deva asan vashe || ) ||
DdevaE (he Gods, )ho DBanaantaE send +orth the Drucam brAhmamE essence o+ the kno)led*e o+ 4rahman DabruvanE said this DtatE about that 4rahman Da*reE in the 4e*innin* > L DastuE )hoever DbrAhmaNa>E has an inclination to)ards 4rahman, i+ he DvidhAtE kno)s 4rahman DevamE thus, DdevA>E the Gods DasanE )ill be DtasaE in his DvasheE control. L (he Gods taste o+ 4rahman.. (his Lrucam brAmhamL is et another +ood metaphor +or the Boinin*, or the union o+ the seeker and the sou*ht. Jven as he )ho eats +ood tastes it, so shall ou taste 4rahman, and enBo him. (he Gods are in the 4rahma- Vidaa-Sampradaaa, and the are our teachers, our *urus too. (he declare this in the be*innin*, as a sort o+ phalashruti, or list o+ +ruits o+ kno)in* the puruS/a thus > Who, )ith heart stead+ast on the puruS/a kno)s him thus, him even )e )ill serve. &ompare the (aittiria ;panishad, that talks about he )ho kno)s 4rahman - sarve asmai devA balim-Aharanti - All the Gods brin* him o++erin*s. (he Gods )ho taste /im, and spread the )ord Said this, in the be*innin* 00Who )ith his heart 7no)s /im, thus, /im even We )ill be bound b.
Verse * hreeshca te lakshmeeshca patnyau | ahorAtre pArshve | nakshatrANi roopam | ashvinau vyAttam | iSHam maniSHANa | amum maniSHANa | sarvam maniSHANA ||
DhreeshcaE /ree and DlakshmishcaE askhmi are DpatnauE )ives DteE to ou. Daho - rAtreE (he da and the ni*ht DpArshveE our sides. DnakshatrANiE the Stars DroopamE our brilliant +orm. DashvinauE the /ealin* Ashvins DvAttamE our mouth DmaniS/ANaE Grant us DiS/(amE the kno)led*e that )e desire, DmaniS/ANaE *rant us DamumE happiness in this )orld, DmaniS/ANaE *rant us DsarvamE all that is, no) and +orever /ree is the Goddess that *rants 8odest, and akshmi she )ho *rants Wealth. D hreerlaBBAbhimAninee devata , lakshmee- raishvaAbhimAninee devatA - iti sAaNAE (he 'a and the Ni*ht are even such opposites. Sriman Naraana is the conciliation o+ all such opposites, even as Sesha, the snake, and *aruda, the ea*le, )orshippin* him to*ether si*ni+. /e is brilliant as the stars, and healin* comes +rom him.
Askin* him to *rant as iS/(am, amum, sarvam, is an analo*ue to askin* +or sat, Ananda, and chit. All )e ask is to kno) /im. /ree and akshmi Are our consorts, our ()o sides, 'a and Ni*ht, (he stars our +orm, /ealin* our )ords. Grant us 5ur desires, 5ur Bos, Cour all. bein* DmAnushebha>E to all mankind. DbheshaBamE 8a plants, like medicinal herbs DBi*AtuE +lourish and *ro) DoordhvamE up)ards. DshamE Good Dna> astu E come unto us +rom DdvipadeE creatures that *o on t)o +eet DshamE and *ood +rom DchatuS/padeE those that *o on +our +eet. DshAnti>E Peace. Sorro)s that are, and sorro)s to be We seek that )hich *rants us Peace +rom these 8a the rite +lourish, And those )ho keep it.. (he *race o+ the *ods 4e )ith all mankind.. 8a the earth be covered With *ro)in* *reen And *ood come to us From all creation From bein*s that *o 5n t)o +eet and +our.. 8a the three-+old peace Jmbrace the and..
/edication (his translation is dedicated to m *reat *rand+ather, 8ahomahopadhaaa 8analoor Veeravalli 2amanuBacharar. Its +aults are mine alone.(he spirit that moved and enthused me to even attempt this is his, and )hat he inspires. I did no t kno) him in li+e. (his is m small attempt at rememberin* him, as he deserves to be remembered - in learnin*, in respect, in humilit, and most o+ all, in trin* - +or his spirit o+ doin* )as inde+ati*able.
-- V. Sundar
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