The Prince of Purgatory

May 31, 2016 | Author: Keith Love | Category: Types, Creative Writing
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Short Description

A young man born in Hell strikes a deal with the devil to avenge his murdered mother. As he tracks down the four guilty ...


The Prince of Purgatory by Keith J. Love

[email protected] 817) 706-3980


FADE IN: EXT. SAN FRANCISCO SKYLINE - NIGHT A misty blanket of fog breezes over the bay. EXT. BURGER EXPRESS - NIGHT BARLOW (20) pulls up the collar on a mid-length black leather coat as he shakes a mane of long, black hair back. A silver cross hangs midway over a charcoal crew neck. Barlow enters the fast food joint. INT. BURGER EXPRESS Seven booths line the west wall. A half-dozen bar stools stand in front of an eight-foot counter on the right. Barlow stands third in line. He looks over and smiles at ERICA (26), who sits in a nearby booth. She is well-dressed, in a hip-hop sorta way, as she reads a copy of Vibe magazine. Erica carefully turns the pages, determined to keep her greasy fingers from smearing it. BARLOW Hello. ERICA Hi. How are you doing tonight? BARLOW It's going pretty good so far. ERICA So, what you up to? Want some company? Barlow looks at her a little sideways as he doesn't quite catch her pitch. ERICA (CONT'D) (whispers) A date? Would you like one? BARLOW Oh. Me? Ah, no thanks. I actually just wanted something to eat. She gives an approving smile. BARLOW (CONT'D) I mean, I just need to grab a bite. ERICA Sure, I knew what you meant.


ERICA (CONT'D) That's a nice cross... They're coming back in this year. BARLOW Back in? I don't wear it as a fashion statement y'know. ERICA No, I didn't know, sorry. I think you got a good look going, that's all. BARLOW Thanks. It is a statement, I guess, it truly has nothing to do with fashion. (beat) You didn't seem like a person too concerned about looks. ERICA I can be a little picky sometime. They smile at each other. Barlow steps up to the counter, as the cute CASHIER (19) stares past him. Her forced smile quickly disappears. Barlow turns back to find a trio of BLACK MEN entering. DARREN (22) heads right to the counter and stands beside Barlow. He wears a Lakers jersey that shows off his tats. MARCEL (27) wears dark shades as he steps over to Barlow's other side. RICKY (24) locks a deadbolt at the top of the door. Darren stares at the cashier. DARREN Don't look surprised, you know what this is. MARCEL Get the fuckin' safe open. She looks over at the chubby MANAGER (31), who backs up and bumps against the ice cream machine. Her hand shivers, as she drops the aluminum milk shake cup. MARCEL (CONT'D) We want it our way. Now open the Goddamn safe! Marcel pulls out an Uzi to make his point clear. Barlow looks over and glares at Marcel.


Darren leans in toward Barlow. DARREN What the fuck you lookin' at? MARCEL Bitch, did you hear what I said? Open the safe! MANAGER I can't. I mean I can't open it right now. RICKY Why can't you open it now? MANAGER It's not time. MARCEL What? I will shoot yo fat ass. MANAGER No, I mean it's on a time lock. The fuckin' time opens it! RICKY Okay, okay. Just empty both drawers for me. The cashier opens both registers, as the manager starts to load a bag with money. Ricky looks over and spots Erica in the booth. RICKY (CONT'D) What's up Erica? Givin' those tricks a break huh? MARCEL Do you know that bitch? RICKY Yeah, yeah she's that P to M ho I told you about. She ain't sayin' shit. Barlow looks at her as she embarrassedly glances back. MARCEL What the fuck? P to M? DARREN Damn nigga you don't know shit. Pussy to... MARCEL What? Oh, okay. You nasty girl. Darren reaches back, like he's about to slap the manager.


DARREN Hurry the fuck up! MARCEL Damn juicy, you lucky I'm pressed for time, sho smack yo ass up. ERICA Oh really? Try robbing a bank next time muthafucka and then maybe you can get some. Barlow closes his eyes and shakes his head in caution. Marcel reaches for the money and then lowers his hand to the counter. He taps on it with indecisive fingers. Marcel turns and glares at Erica while the manager tries to get him to take the bag. Finally, Darren snatches the bag of money. As Marcel slowly walks toward Erica, she stares back with a false dare. MARCEL What did you say bitch? RICKY Erica, you seriously need to shut the fuck up. BARLOW (to marcel) Okay, you got what you came for. MARCEL I asked you a question! ERICA Look, you got yo lil' money, so whyWith stunning quickness, he slaps the shit out of her as Erica's head slams into the window. Barlow steps near her, but Darren backs him off, as he waves a stout, chrome pistol. RICKY Man let's go! What the fuck? Don't let this bitch get us busted. MARCEL Yeah, fuck it. They begin to walk away, but the offense has sunken too deeply into Marcel's ego. He suddenly blasts a burst of gunfire into the ceiling.


MARCEL (CONT'D) Get on the floor muthafuckas! Hit the Goddamn floor! He goes over to Erica and grabs a fistful of her braids, as he snatches her from the booth. She hits the floor with a painfully loud scream and he drags her toward the storeroom. BARLOW Listen, man do not do this, please just don't. MARCEL Who the fuck are you?! Get in the fuckin' corner... all of em', in the damn corner! If he moves shoot his bitch ass! RICKY We do not have time for this bullshit! Erica kicks and claws at the walls as he drags her, while they disappear into the storeroom. The huddled GROUP stare toward her loud, hysterical plea. Then for a brief moment, the place goes deadly silent. Darren stares at Barlow as he tightens his grip on the gun. DARREN If you move muthafucka I'll drop yo ass, and everybody behind you. Barlow glances back at the crowd of anxious people. BARLOW All this for a few hundred bucks? Wow, really? DARREN Shut the fuck up! RICKY No, that's okay. What we're doing here is establishing a principle of will. The money isn't important. BARLOW It is not possible to impose your will... successfully anyway. DARREN We gonna give it a shot though. (beat) Man, Marcel needs to c'mon. Darren and Ricky look toward the suddenly, quiet storeroom.

6. Barlow quickly breaks for the storeroom, as Darren and Ricky shoot at him. Their firing lines appear as smokey, white streams that curve around Barlow.

He leaps over the counter as bullets trail off course, unable to stay on target. INT. STOREROOM Barlow bursts into the storeroom. Marcel stands over Erica as she lay on the floor. Marcel points the Uzi at her. Fear fills her hazel eyes as she looks at Barlow. Marcel glances over, then fires a short burst into her stomach. He quickly pans a blurry blaze of bullets in Barlow's direction, but Barlow is no longer there. Before Marcel can realize, Barlow grabs his arm from behind and forces the shell-spitting gun to Marcel's head. He spins wildly and falls dead to the floor. Barlow steps over him and locks the door, he turns back to her as she gasps for air. He kneels down beside her and wipes the tears from her face. ERICA Please help me, I wasn't ready for this. I don't wanna die. Darren and Ricky bang on the door yelling for their partner. BARLOW I know you're afraid, but I need you to listen. ERICA Don't let me die... just save me. BARLOW I cannot save you, I'm so sorry this happened to you Erica. (beat) Only He can save you now. If you believe, He will save your soul. Her eyes focus on the silver cross as it gleams against his dark shirt. BARLOW (CONT'D) Do you trust in Him Erica? ERICA Being what I am... the things I've done. I know He still loves me. Erica coughs up some blood as she struggles to speak.


ERICA (CONT'D) I'd ask Him to forgive me... the way I lived my life. He nods as her hand reaches up and takes hold of the cross. Her eyes never leave his... Erica's chest heaves to a stop. They finally shoot their way inside, Barlow turns and glares into their faces. They look over at their dead homie. Barlow stands up, while the people scatter out the front door. RICKY That son of a bitch killed him! BARLOW I'm gonna ask you both a simple question. I'll only ask it once. DARREN You ain't gonna have time to ask nobody shit. BARLOW Are you sorry for her? RICKY This fool is crazy for real. Darren cocks the pistol's hammer and points it at him. DARREN Fools die evWith barely visible speed, suddenly Barlow has a hand gripped around Darren's throat. He squeezes it so tightly, veins bulge from Darren's neck and forehead. Barlow stares at Ricky daring him to move. Stunned, Ricky freezes as Darren's mouth falls open critically desperate for air. Barlow grabs Darren's hand and pushes the shiny weapon into his mouth. BARLOW Can't answer right now huh? I'll take that as a no. Barlow forces down the trigger and blasts two shots into his muffled mouth. Ricky is too shocked to scream and too spellbound to run. Darren falls face first, as what's left of it, slams to the floor in a splash of blood. RICKY What the fuck man?!


BARLOW That's a question, not an answer! RICKY What? I didn't do it man, y'know, I was out-. I didn't want her to die. BARLOW Are you sorry for her?! RICKY Yes! Yeah, I'm sorry okay. I just wanted to make a point to my crew. I'm no killa man. BARLOW Funny, because a point is exactly what I plan to make. (beat) Killing, is what I was born to do. Ricky slides down the wall sobbing as Barlow stares at him. Police sirens BLARE louder... Barlow grabs the collar on Ricky's blue Polo shirt and slowly pulls him up. RICKY You gonna kill me? I'm sorry man. Lord, please forgive me. Y'know? BARLOW Yeah, I heard you. That's good. So, now you'll try to impose your will to live, on me. (beat) Like I told you, it's not possible. Just as Ricky gets to his feet, and leans against the wall, a flash of light forces him to blink. Inside that tenth of a second, Barlow's hand swings past Ricky's face. Barlow lowers his arm, as a bloody, blade shimmers, then disappears back up the arm of his coat. Ricky gazes out from half open eyes as his legs give way. His head separates from the shoulders then falls against his dead body. Barlow turns as he glares down at Marcel and Darren. Who finally, burst into sudden flames. He opens the double backdoors, then enters the alley as the flames rise behind him. EXT. BACK ALLEY - NIGHT BARLOW Feels like home, so get use to it.


EXT. INTERSECTION He slips past the swollen crowd as three squad cars screech in front of the fast food crime scene. His steps quicken. BARLOW (V.O.) I should've stopped them. She should not be dead over this. Barlow glances back, painfully disappointed. EXT. CITY PARK AREA - DAWN Barlow crests the top of a steep hill as he looks down on the waking city. He takes hold of the cross from his chest. BARLOW (V.O.) She reminded me of you... Mom, I miss you, so much. BEGIN FLASHBACK: SUPERIMPOSE: "Sacramento County Jail". "One year ago". INT. SACRAMENTO COUNTY JAIL - DAY SNOW (32), a tall, black male stands behind the thick Plexiglas. He wears a dark blue suit as he strokes a neatly trimmed goatee. JANET (28) sits down and snatches the phone off the hook. JANET I see you finally made it down here! Damn Snow, what took you so fuckin' long? Her lime green eyes search Snow's face, daring an excuse. SNOW I had other things going on. (beat) Janet you picked the wrong day to get busted. JANET Look, they got a new way of marking money. You can't see shit on it nowhere. SNOW That's not the point.


JANET So what's the point? The bail money? You know I can flip that back in a damn week. SNOW I don't think that's gonna be possible... you ain't got a week. Janet flips her long, amber locks back, as though she can't quite believe what she just heard. JANET Why don't I have a week? What the fuck are you saying Snow? SNOW You'll be here for a month, that's why. I'm not paying. It's five grand Janet, election week, remember. SNOW (CONT'D) As a matter of fact, I've decided to cut my losses, now. JANET You wanna drop me over this? (beat) What about my money I saved? Use that to pay the bail. He marvels at the absurdity of her suggestion. SNOW First rule of the game baby, all money is my money. JANET I made you damn near sixty grand this year, and you wanna tell me this bullshit? Do not leave me in here Snow. SNOW The unadorned truth baby, you're not what you use to be. JANET Look, I'll pay you back, you can't be serious about this. Nobody's what they use to be... God dammit! A loud argument suddenly breaks out in the background, as a small troop of guards race past. Screams of terror echo throughout the visitation booths, as the deep thump of wood against flesh and bone sting Janet's ears. The voice of a female deputy on the P.A. demands attention.


FEMALE DEPUTY(O.S.) All inmates in the visitation area, hang up your phones and stand facing the day-room immediately! SNOW I put a hundred dollars on your books Janet. That's about all I can do for you. As Snow stands and hangs up the phone, Janet stays seated, almost frozen. And, while a tear does stream down her cheek, the look in her eyes is that of total and utter hatred. INT. PRISONER RELEASE AREA - DAY SUPERIMPOSE: "Thirty days later"... MALE DEPUTY Here are your clothes and shoes, the laces are in your property pack. The deputy opens the envelope then hands her some money and shoelaces. MALE DEPUTY (CONT'D) One gold chain with a crucifix, and forty-three dollars cash. Janet watches as the deputy pours the gold chain and the cross into his hand. JANET I no longer need that. MALE DEPUTY What? Don't you want this? JANET No, I don't. Keep it, throw it away, I don't care. MALE DEPUTY Take it. Now sign your release, I don't have time to play games with you Novak. Janet signs the property release. She glances at the trash can behind the counter. She unlocks the chain and holds it up over the counter. She lets one end go and watches the cross slide down the chain. MALE DEPUTY (CONT'D) What the hell are you doing?


JANET I don't believe in it anymore. Janet takes the cross and tosses it into the trash. The deputy looks back at her, shaking his head, as she clips the chain around her neck. She goes into the dressing room, and then returns with the folded orange overalls. MALE DEPUTY Okay you're all set. Let's hope we don't see you in here again. JANET Let's hope you don't see me at all. She walks over to the double doors, as the deputy presses in the unlock code. EXT. RED LIGHT DISTRICT - NIGHT Janet leans inside the car window of a potential trick. Seemingly unimpressed with the offer, she waves him off. EXT. RED LIGHT DISTRICT Janet hops into some guy's pickup truck as her head disappears down behind the dash. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. RED LIGHT DISTRICT - NIGHT Janet climbs out of another trick's convertible. She crosses the street and walks toward a night-club. Her eyes narrow as she spots Snow's white BMW in the lot. INT. NIGHT CLUB - NIGHT Janet bumps her way through the crowded dance floor. She sees Snow at the bar, as he talks to this sexy, YOUNG WOMAN (23). Janet stands behind them, she glares at their smiling faces in the mirrored wall behind the bar. As in a daze, she stares at Snow. The people around her dance to the deep, thumping bass. Snow checks his goatee in the mirror, when his eyes lock on her reflection. Janet reaches inside her purse, she clutches the gun as their eyes hold contact. Until finally, she blinks. He slowly spins around, as the bar stool creaks to a stop. She raises the purse and points it straight at him.


SNOW (whispers) Janet. No. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The woman screams, as she leaps away from Snow's falling body. Blood sprays from his head and chest raining down on Janet's daring image in the mirror. She drops the exploded purse, and still holds the gun as people scatter in panic. EXT. SIDE STREET - NIGHT She bolts out the side-door and crashes into a parked cab. Hiding the gun at her side, she jumps inside the cab. INT. TAXICAB - NIGHT JANET Get me outta here! Anywhere, go! DRIVER You okay? What's going on in there? JANET Just go man! Somebody started shooting, get me the fuck outta here! C'mon let's go! DRIVER Okay, okay. JANET Take me to the Starlight motel. INT. STARLIGHT MOTEL ROOM - DAWN Janet throws a few clothes and some personal items into an overnight bag. She grabs the bag off the bed, then stands up and catches a glimpse of herself in the dresser mirror. For a brief moment, she stares at her reflection, at the murderer who stares back. Janet turns away and leaves the small room. She doesn't even bother to close the door. SUPERIMPOSE: "San Diego, Ca." "Two months later"... EXT. HOTEL PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT DOUG HENDERSON, (32) a kinda tall, sorta blonde, computer game programmer; parks his Honda.


INT. DOUG'S CAR Janet checks her face in the glow of the vanity mirror. DOUG Well, everything's set baby. Doug hands Janet a card-key. JANET So how many friends did you invite to our lil' party? DOUG Just three. But, you can still look for two grand. That cool? JANET Yeah, sounds fair. Three is plenty. EXT. HOTEL PARKING GARAGE They begin to walk toward the convention entrance, when Doug takes Janet by the hand. DOUG Well, I guess this could really help with your plans. JANET Yes, and thank you. DOUG I mean I'm happy for you Janet, but at the same time, I just hate to see you leave. JANET I know. I'll miss you too. It's only forty miles outside of Cancun, you can come visit sometime. DOUG Don't be surprised If I show up one night. JANET I hope so... I'm just tired of big cities, and all the tension that goes with em'. This should be a night to remember. DOUG Something tells me you may be right about that. INT. CONVENTION FLOOR Janet and Doug walk around the high tech convention. They see the three other men that complete their freaky quintet.

15. RAYMAR JOHNSON (37) reaches out and shakes Doug's hand. Ray has better than average looks, to go with an, at times, southern charm.

RAY Well, there's the man who means what he says. Dammit boy. DOUG I'm glad you think so Ray. What'd I say? RAY When you wrote me about coming out you said there was a pretty lady you wanted me to meet. Well, this lady is the prettiest in the room so she's gotta be the one. Janet half smiles at the sudden compliment. DOUG You know, you're right. Dammit boy. Ray this is Janet. RAY Very pleased to meet you Janet. JANET Hello Ray, nice to see you came. Are you a game programmer also? SERGIO MENDEZ (32) walks nearby as he smiles at Janet. RAY I am a programmer, not for video games though. SERGIO Doug, my friend, how's everything? DOUG Great to see you Serg. RAY Oh, he's with us? I mean, I didn't realize you knew this guy. DOUG Yeah I do... Aukio, over here. AUKIO OTAKI (52) turns to find Doug waving him over. RAY Who? Aukio? The hell?... AUKIO Good evening Doug. I remembered you said to meet at the Tri Tech Booth.


DOUG That's what I said. Aukio, this is Janet. AUKIO Honored to make your acquaintance. JANET You as well. Janet glances at Ray, as she senses his growing agitation. JANET (CONT'D) Listen guys, I'm gonna head up to the room. Doug, give me about thirty minutes, okay? DOUG Sure thing. We're gonna talk to some people, get a drink... we'll be up. They watch her walk to the elevator and then head to the hotel lounge. INT. LOUNGE They take a table near the bar as Doug raises his hand. INT. JANET'S SUITE Janet closes the door to the spacious suite. She smiles as she looks around the nicely decorated layout. INT. SUITE BEDROOM Janet walks into the bedroom. She spins and falls back on the bed's plush comforter. INT. LOUNGE This curious group of men are about to become the willing participants in Janet's free for all. Well, not quite free. RAY (whirling a glass) That's some damn fine whiskey. DOUG Good huh? So, everyone impressed with our sexy party girl? SERGIO You could have done worse my friend. AUKIO I certainly have no complaints.


RAY So how much is this lil' bash gonna cost me? I could get my own hooker y'know. DOUG Do something daring for once man. Have some fun. (beat) I told her two-grand, and she accepted. RAY I bet she did. AUKIO That's five apiece, is she that good Doug? RAY Hell naw, pussy ain't worth that kinda money. DOUG Look, she's willing to go one at a time, or, everybody at the same damn time. How many girls do you know would go for that? SERGIO Up there all by herself, nada. DOUG C'mon Ray, HIV free. I set this up mainly for you man. Eighteen months of lockdown leaves a lot of making up to do, y'know. RAY Aids negative huh?... Well, ain't that a caution. DOUG God dammit Ray. Do you guys want in or not? AUKIO Oh, I definitely want, in. DOUG Serg? SERGIO (looks at Ray) Si. They empty their glasses and look at Ray as he rolls his eyes at Aukio and Sergio.


RAY Yeah man, sure, why not? INT. JANET'S SUITE BATHROOM Janet steps out of the Jacuzzi. She seems eager to get this over with as she dries herself. INT. SUITE BEDROOM She sits on the edge of the bed, she gazes into the dresser mirror. Then lies back on the bed, as the towel hangs between her long legs. INT. ELEVATOR AUKIO Let's just have a good time. INT. JANET'S SUITE BEDROOM Her eyes widen at the knock on the door. Janet slips her curvaceous body into a silky, sheer teddy. INT. SUITE LIVING ROOM JANET Good evening gentlemen, c'mon in. DOUG Everything okay baby? JANET Oh yeah, right on time. SERGIO This is a very nice suite Janet. JANET Thanks. I ordered some champagne guys, please help yourselves. Aukio pops a bottle of champagne. Doug goes over to the wet bar and pours himself a glass. JANET (CONT'D) So, what is it you do Sergio? SERGIO My company offers services to the gambling industry on statistical data we've found crucial to them. DOUG Is that what you call it down there. Janet he sells info to the Mexican bookies.


DOUG (CONT'D) That's right, then they set odds on the bullfights. Sergio kinda shrugs at her. DOUG (CONT'D) Then the slick fuck bets on the odds he's set up. JANET Real high tech stuff, huh? Sergio would you like some champagne? SERGIO I would, but I prefer not to use a glass. I'd much rather drink it from your belly button. Janet smiles as she takes the glass out of Doug's hand. JANET (hands it to Sergio) That sounds fun, but I have an outty... Do you wanna be first? SERGIO You can bet on that. Ray shakes his head as he glares at Doug. RAY Lookahere Doug, it's bad enough you invited these sons of bitches. I'll be God damn if he's going first. DOUG What difference does it make Ray? Shit, it's up to her. JANET You damn right it's up to me. RAY I'm not going in after no fuckin' wetJANET Shut up! He goes first, you go last. JANET (CONT'D) Who's got my damn money, Doug? Get this shit over with. They look at each other, and begin to count their money, except for Ray. Janet dims the lights. JANET (CONT'D) I don't take credit cards Ray.


RAY You know what Janet, I'm not really in the mood to make some nigga's Cadillac payment tonight. I'll just watch. JANET What the fuck did you say? Get the hell outta here you stupid son of a bitch! DOUG Ray what's up with you man? I can't believe you said that. JANET I'm so terribly bored with of your shitty attitude. JANET (CONT'D) I want my money, now. DOUG Don't worry baby, I got him. JANET (takes the grand) Man where did you meet this asshole? I should charge you more for all this bullshit Doug. DOUG C'mon everything's cool now, okay. Ray gulps down another glass of champagne, as Aukio, and Sergio hand Janet their money. She turns toward the bedroom. Finally, she smiles, then pulls down the spaghetti straps on her short teddy. SERGIO You are very beautiful Janet, I see why Ray wants you all to himself. INT. SUITE BEDROOM She lies on the bed and reaches out to him. He presses his muscular body against her soft, moist skin. Janet bites open the condom wrapper... He's in. Doug loosens his tie. Aukio sits in a nearby chair, he watches them as he waits his turn. Sergio rolls off the bed, he lies on the thick carpet and attempts to catch his breath. Aukio declares himself next as he carefully places his eyeglasses on the nightstand.

21. Janet doesn't hesitate, using the soapy towel hung over the brass headboard.

Aukio stares blankly into her face and slips inside of her. His slow, rhythmic strokes amuse Janet. His technique and maturity buys Aukio a little time, but, he too soon falls away, as he mumbles in Japanese. Ray glances over at Doug, who shrugs at the line up, as Janet rolls over for her well-known trick. Ray empties the bottle into his glass, then slams it on the nightstand beside them. Ray walks back into the living area and turns on the stereo. Doug holds her hips as she looks back at him. They bounce into each other at a rapidly increased pace until her loud, fake moans cause him to grunt his satisfaction. Ray drops his empty glass in the doorway. RAY Well, about Goddamn time. JANET C'mon cowboy let's see how well you ride this. RAY Yeah, you fixin' to. He climbs onto her and then pushes himself inside. She looks disappointed, at least that's what she tries to make him think. Ray tries to prove his manhood and pounds harder, she's unfazed. As the sweat drips from his forehead, he slams her with a clumsy, erratic motion. JANET You can't fuck me that hard if you don't know how to. RAY What's wrong, can't you take a real man? She tries to slide out from under him, but he won't let go of her wrists. RAY (CONT'D) C'mon now baby, if you keep yo ass still, I won't hurt it. JANET Get off of me. Doug! RAY Bitch you bought and paid for.


JANET Stop God dammit. Doug get this prick off me! The other three sorta look around as they quickly get dressed. She glares up at Ray, then spits right in his face. JANET (CONT'D) Get up. As he wipes the spit from his eyes, she reaches for the empty bottle on the nightstand. He slaps her hand and knocks it to the floor. AUKIO Doug this is getting out of hand. RAY Shut up, hell, we just gettin' started. Ray turns back to her, his eyes widen as he screams in horrid surprise while Janet sinks her inch long nails into his back, and rips him from the waist up. Blood and skin roll, as Ray jumps up, he twists and turns as he tries to feel the ten trenches she's gouged in his yellow spine. Blood leaks relentlessly, as he falls to the floor. Ray lands next to the bottle, he grabs it, and lunges at her. Janet looks at Doug, and just as she turns back to Ray, the bottle crashes against her head. Her long auburn hair turns a horrible burgundy as she manages to grab a piece of glass. DOUG What the hell are you doing?! Have you lost your fuckin' mind?! Ray! Ray stares down at his hand, as its tight grip around the neck of the bleeding bottle spasmodically opens. The broken bottle quietly lands on the thick carpet, as he looks up at her. Janet suddenly lunges forward with a piece of glass and stabs Ray in the neck. He shoves her as she falls back on the bed, he reaches down for the jagged bottle. Doug rushes toward Ray, but Ray shoves him to the floor. Sergio and Aukio move in toward Ray, but, both stop in their tracks, as Ray snatches the bottle off the floor. DOUG (CONT'D) Leave her alone! God dammit Ray!


JANET Doug!... No! Ray pounces on top of her and plunges the razor sharp glass into her stomach. Janet's eyes open widely, as her back arches while she reaches out for him. Ray slowly steps back as he glares down at her, he shatters the bloody weapon against the wall in a corner. Janet collapses, as a pool of blood widens beneath her. Still gripped in her hand is the piece of glass, she lets go of it. Janet desperately reaches for the chain as she frantically feels for the cross that is no longer around her neck. The expression on her face reveals a sudden remembrance of her rejection of it. Janet's heaving chest suddenly stills, as her eyes continue to stare out at them. Aukio backs against the wall, as his head shakes in horror. Sergio sadly stares at the sight of her bright, new blood. Doug sinks, as he weeps in the corner, in total disbelief of what has just happened. Ray's eyes dart around the room. DOUG God dammit Ray what did you do? SERGIO You crazy son of a bitch. AUKIO I'm getting the hell outta here. Sergio starts to wipe off anything he thought they might have touched, champagne glasses, and the edges of the furniture. He even flushes a coupla used condoms. INT. NINTH FLOOR HALLWAY - NIGHT The door flies open as they scatter out of the room. INT. NINTH FLOOR ELEVATOR SERGIO You must be out of your fuckin' mind! You did not have to kill her. AUKIO I have yet to witness anything so brutal in all my fifty-two years.


RAY Witness? You ain't no damn witness, no one in here is. The word my friends is "accessory". RAY (CONT'D) So if any of y'all think about calling the law, you best remember that fuckin' word. INT. JANET'S SUITE BEDROOM - DAY Janet stares a frozen, painful gaze through her matted hair, stained in blood, shimmering with glass. Her cupped hand lay empty across the gold chain, as the risen sun leaks through the vertical blinds. A loud knock bangs the door. MAID (O.S.) Housekeeping, anybody here? INT. SUITE LIVING ROOM The MAID (49) enters, she carries a few fresh towels. INT. SUITE BATHROOM She goes straight into the bathroom and replaces the dirty towels. She notices one of the hand towels is missing. MAID You want your towels replaced, then put em' back. Have me hunting all over the damn suite. She marches out of the bathroom and turns a corner headed for the bedroom. INT. SUITE BEDROOM Her quickly paced steps come to an abrupt, and horrified halt. Janet lay motionless in a pool of blood as the maid stares in shock. The maid then spots the hand towel, as it hangs on the headboard. A shrieking shrilling scream escapes her. INT. RAY'S SUITE - DAY Ray talks on his cell phone, as he packs his suitcase. RAY Doug, boy don't panic, that bitch wasn't nothin' to nobody so ain't nobody gonna miss her. DOUG (O.S.) What are you talking about? She didn't have to mean shit to anyone except the fucking police! You still at the Hotel?


RAY I'm flying back to Dallas in about an hour. RAY (CONT'D) Look, I read in the paper just this morning, some piece of shit is killin' whores out here. DOUG (O.S.) So, that suppose to help us? RAY Now the cops know who he is, and if y'all just stay cool, he might catch all the hell for this. DOUG (O.S.) You better fuckin pray he does Ray. RAY Boy, didn't yo mama ever tell ya, it pays to pray. INT. JANET'S SUITE - DAY A photo flash bulb bursts a circle of light, as the blinding glare fades, two POLICE officers begin their commentary. POLICE #1 I must admit this does look familiar. POLICE #2 Yeah, I think so too, we need to bring THOMPSON back in. The two cops hover over Janet as plain-clothes DETECTIVE GRAYSON (41) walks up to the foot of the bed. Mark Grayson stares down at her...His blue eyes brim with impatience. GRAYSON Well I have to agree, it would appear Thompson has decided to move up from the south side. Who is she? POLICE #2 The suite is registered to a Nelson. The forensic team is way, and the coroners' right them. We'll get confirmation identity by tonight.

Janice on the behind on her

GRAYSON Good, tell em' I want a hard sweep done on this. Clean prints off of everything.


POLICE #1 If we find a match on Thompson, we won't hesitate to call. GRAYSON That's not necessary, he's been here. We're bringing him in. I can still smell the bastard. EXT. BACK OF HOTEL - DAY A zipper seams past Janet's face, as THEY slide her into the back of the coroner's station wagon and quietly drive away. INT. SAN DIEGO COUNTY CORONER'S LAB - NIGHT Janet lay on a gurney while a HAND wipes her face with a moist sponge. It removes the chain from her neck and places it in a small envelope. The hand writes her name on a tag, then ties it to her painted toe. A frosty mist leaks, as the hand opens the door to the body storage compartment. Janet is slid inside the dark chamber as all light quickly disappears at the slam of the door. INT. WHITE TILE ROOM - NIGHT Janet is again on a gurney, in the middle of a strange white tiled room. An icy glow condensates on her skin as her right arm hangs over the side. The moisture defrosts and drips alongside her face. A stream of melted water slowly runs down her arm. Distant plodding FOOTSTEPS approach. The water drips off her fingers and splashes into a puddle. Suddenly a large, bare, hideous foot stomps into the water. As a huge, blistered hand grabs Janet by the top of her head. The MUTATED MAN sits her straight up and reaches back, then slaps the fuck out of her, as she flies off the gurney. MUTANT MAN Wake up bitch! She slams the cold floor, then slowly opens her eyes to find the mutated assailant as he looms over her. His hunched over body is grotesquely deformed as his left arm is visibly shorter than the thicker, muscular right arm. Sagging, blistered skin hangs from his sunken chest.

27. While perched on top of his tilted, narrow shoulders, is a perfectly normal face. Except for his dead, cold eyes.

JANET Stay away from me! What are you, what the fuck are you?! JANET (CONT'D) This can't be a dream. I'm alive, my God, I'm still alive! MUTANT MAN Correction, you are quite dead. But, your soul never dies, and it is here, with us. JANET Where am I? Where the hell am I? He stares down at her with white, dilated pupils. A near match to the shade of the strange room. MUTANT MAN How ironic, you ask a question and answer it at the same time. Hell is where you are! Janet looks around the stark white room as the mutant turns back toward the large double doors. Her eyes widen as she watches a narrow stream of blood leak underneath the doors. The blood rolls straight toward her, into the grout of the tile, then splits to the left and right in equal measure. The mutant man looks back at her with a crooked smile. The doors suddenly burst open, as an eight-foot hulk races toward her. His hideous face stares straight into hers as a tidal wave of blood follows behind him. Janet stares in disbelief, frozen at the sight of him. THE RETRIEVER grabs a fistful of her hair and snatches Janet from the floor. They crash through the shattered walls as the blood splashes against them. INT. HELL - CAVERNOUS AREA They enter a large cavernous pit at such a speed, Janet suspends in mid air behind the gruesome giant. They race past CROWDS of half naked people who reach out screaming for her.


RETRIEVER We have her now mighty one, the whore has arrived... Janet Melissa Novak! The gargantuan courier runs toward his master, and now hers. SATAN turns to his new slave, and glares with eyes so black, The Retriever stops dead in his tracks at the sight of him. Sending Janet flying twelve feet toward her host of hell from the sudden reverse force. She lands near him, as he steps down and reaches out to her. Janet shakes relentlessly as she stares at his old, wrinkled hand and up to his sagging face. Striking fear within her like never before. He stands there, small, fragile, almost sickly in appearance, as though he could be eighty years old. His long, silver bluish hair has receded to just above the ears. Janet feels herself moving toward him. She glares down, and gasps at the fat, albino snake, as it bumps against her. The snake's forked tongue slowly unties the tag from her toe as it ignites and floats away in a cinder. Her panic-stricken eyes frantically search for its other end, as she follows his winding body. She screams hysterically when she traces the slimy snake connected to Satan as it disappears into the split of the grimy, dusty tuxedo tails hanging from his waist. The TAILSNAKE wraps around her torso and pops his scaly head in her face. TAILSNAKE Welcome home Janet. SATAN No need to fear me child, there are far more urgent matters ahead. JANET What are you talking about? What do you want from me?! SATAN The same thing that you want. For death to find the bastards that did this to you. JANET Yeah, I want that, but I don't want to do it from here.


SATAN But, you are here! Those men killed you for no reason, which will get them here eventually. SATAN (CONT'D) You did the same thing... only you got yourself killed. (beat) So, you will help get them here. JANET What are you saying? SATAN A plan has already been set into motion. JANET What plan? What are you talking about? SATAN They didn't just end your life my dear whore. They, one of them, also started one inside you. JANET Inside me? That's not true. Satan, you're a liar! SATAN Now you and your son will taste the sweetness of revenge. JANET There's no baby, are you crazy? I can't be pregnant, I'm dead! SATAN The line between the spiritual and physical worlds gets thinner every day. TAILSNAKE As do cheap condoms. SATAN Hush. You, however, have not crossed that line alone. JANET Oh my God help me, help me! SATAN He can never help you again Janet. Nothing can change this. You belong to me totally and without further negotiation.

30. Janet looks around as if in some nightmare she could never awaken from.

SATAN (CONT'D) Your son will be with us very soon and will grow quite fast. With my guidance, he'll take them fast. JANET My son? He isn't going after them for you. I never agreed to this. SATAN I don't need you me bitch. I only deliver the boy, almost worthless

in agreement with need you to after which you're to me.

SATAN (CONT'D) There is a war coming Janet, and Barlow will rank highly in it. Janet stares into his ancient face with hopeless anger. She slowly crosses her arms around her stomach. His head rocks in wicked confirmation. The faint, yet constant shrieking screams of torment pierce Janet's ears. SATAN (CONT'D) No one is going to hurt you Janet, at least for now. INT. HELL Janet paces the strange marble floor. Sweating, she looks like she's been up for days, the panic has not left her face. She looks down at her rapidly grown stomach, her eyes dart through damp hair. JANET What's happening to me?! Janet now appears eight months pregnant, as she bursts into uncontrollable tears. LIZZIE (O.S.) (distant voice) Now calm yourself my dear, I will help you. JANET Who's that? Who said that? LIZZIE (O.S.) (closer voice) 'Twas I, your dear friend Lizzie.


JANET I don't have any friends here. I don't know you! LIZZIE (O.S.) Oh, come now, of course you do. LIZZIE (40's) bolts out of the darkness, her blood-stained axe of infamy poised to strike. LIZZIE (CONT'D) Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done; I gave my father forty-one! Janet screams and backs against the wall. Lizzie's dark shadow climbs up her legs, then her protruding stomach. The head of the tailsnake suddenly locks its jaws onto Lizzie's hand. Wraps itself up her arm, then gashes a chunk out of her neck. Lizzie is slammed to the floor as the snake is completely around her throat. The tumbling axe clanks against the marble floor, as blood sprays off of it. Red drops land on Janet's gown as she frantically wipes at the soaking blood. A horrendous scream raises her head, and she sees Lizzie being slowly dragged into a darkened corner. Satan steps out into the light of her view, he stands there, thin and weakly, yet unleashes a blow so fierce unto Lizzie's head, a noticeable knot surfaces on the opposite side. Her deep, painful moans echo throughout the corners of hell. SATAN You will hurt far too much for tears if you ever threaten him again. I don't even want you in the same hemisphere. He pulls his tail, the snake unwraps from her neck, as she falls to the cold floor. Satan nudges her with his pointed foot. SATAN (CONT'D) Go, go away. Janet stares strangely grateful while an open armed Satan walks toward her. She leans into the wall, her eyes slowly close, while his shadow now climbs upon her.


SUPERIMPOSE: "San Francisco, Ca." INT. S.F.P.D. SEVENTH PRECINCT - DAY San Francisco homicide detective JOSEPH LOVEJOY (36) a tall, athletic looking black man, takes a few items from his desk. His partner NICK (38) stands in the doorway. NICK So where you gonna go on this well deserved vacation? LOVEJOY Thinking about going to see my Mom in Sacramento. Catch up with a few friends. NICK Well, have a good time. We honestly don't need you that much right now anyway. LOVEJOY Man, that is a sorry ass attempt at reverse psychology Nick. C'mon now. NICK Okay so I missed a few classes. The key word partner is, "relax". NICK (CONT'D) Whatever you miss, I'm sure will happen again when you get back. LOVEJOY That's what I love about this city, criminals never stop trying to outdo each other. NICK You got what, ninety days to burn before the end of the year? LOVEJOY No. Counting sick days, comp-time, bout forty-two days or so. Anyway, like the ex-governor use to say. I'll be back. INT. HELL - CAVERNOUS AREA Janet stands amongst a group of PEOPLE, suddenly a WOMAN (36) marches toward her as she points at Janet's stomach. While a gruesome USHER slowly flanks the woman.


WOMAN I had children before, you're not special. In the Outworld, my kids were bad all the damn time. WOMAN (CONT'D) Always needing this and crying for that. Drove me fucking crazy. JANET Apparently. WOMAN So I taught em'a real good lesson. JANET You don't have to worry about them anymore, do you? So what's your excuse for being crazy now? Just as the insulted woman is about to respond, the usher's brass studded elbow crashes into her mouth. She flies backward and slams through the crowd. Suddenly ropes of barbed-wire shoot out from a wall of roaring flames. The crisscrossing wire encircles the horrified crowd, who are viciously wrapped up as the wire digs into them. Janet steps back in terrified shock, as they are snatched into the torturous fire, and their cries add to the chorus of screams that do not end. The usher points to Janet, then gestures for her to follow. USHER They're ready for you now. JANET (chokes on her words) I can't do this, I don't think I can do this! I never had a baby. USHER You never will again, you won't even have this one for very long. Now let's go! INT. HELL - ROCKY PIT She's led down into a dark, rocky pit, where the jagged walls seem to sweat with blood. Within seconds, an immense CROWD has gathered as a grotesque WORK CREW loudly set up a crude, wooden delivery table. A pair of old, creepy, black clad, TWIN NURSES (70's) inspect the dilapidated medical instruments.

34. Janet's panic-filled eyes dart around this nightmare, then they lock on Satan.

Satan stands with his back to her as he talks to a DOCTOR (60's), whose large eyes stare down into his black bag. Janet inches toward them. The tailsnake tugs at the split coattail as Satan glares back over the high collar on the dusty, ragged tuxedo. JANET Listen, please, don't do this, please. Do not do this to me! SATAN I'm afraid the time has come my child. JANET I'm not your fucking child! You can't do this to me. God dammit! SATAN (walks up to her) Janet, I already have. She looks hopelessly into his jet black eyes as tears roll down her face. She grabs her head, when a sudden splash of water squirts through her gown. He looks down as his eyes gleam with excitement, the CROWD roars in anticipation. The twin nurses grab hold of Janet and drag her to the delivery table. JANET Please! I'll do whatever you want, just stop this from happening! I cannot have my baby like this! SATAN Now you lie there and shut the fuck up, there's no turning this around now. So shut up, and, and breathe. NURSE #1 Girl, the longer you fight only makes it worse. NURSE #2 And here, there is always worse. They slam her to the table, strap her down across the chest. A pair of mechanical rods buzzes down from the strange canopy, each with a metal loop that's clamped around her ankles and spreads her long legs.


DOCTOR Now that's a good girl Janet. This is my first time too honey. Well, since I came here. DOCTOR (CONT'D) Back in the Outworld, I rarely brought em' out alive. JANET Could that be why you're here now? And the bullet holes in your chest Doc? What happened there? His large eyes get impossibly larger. JANET (CONT'D) Someone take offense to the way you advised pregnant women? He looks down with his huge, panic frozen eyes as he rubs the fatal wounds in his chest. The white jacket oozes blood. His sweaty, reddened face glares back up at her. Satan walks over and pats the Doc's bald head as he leans over Janet. The tailsnake hisses, as it rises over his shoulder. The tailsnake slowly wraps around her thigh, then suddenly snatches it wider. SATAN Listen. I really do want all to go well Janet. We can get this over with if I can persuade you for some assistance. JANET You can't have him, he's coming, but you're not taking him from me! SATAN I'm not taking him away from you, he's coming to avenge you. (beat) So there's just one thing I need our little mother to do. Push!! JANET He's mine! You can't touch him. Do you hear me Devil? He's mine. JANET (CONT'D) Oh my God he's coming. My baby is coming now! She screams in such pain, the two nurses help push down on her pelvis.

36. A huge, rubber studded ball rolls up out of the dirt, and slowly spins as it cracks into the bottom of the table.

The doctor reaches down between her legs with a claw-like object. The chanting crowd screams, "BARLOW"! JANET (CONT'D) Don't call him that. His name is not Barlow, don't say that. She slams her head to the table, and screams behind the pain. Janet gasps deeply, and pushes, she pushes harder, and again. Satan stares between her legs, breathlessly awaiting his arrival, as he taps his bottom lip. Finally, his deep cry echoes throughout the unholy pit, as the frenetic crowd cheers wildly at the sight of him. Janet tries to sit up, as the two nurses quickly wrap him in a red blanket. SATAN It is done! The sign I've waited an eternity for has finally come to past. Life! My kingdom has produced life from the Outworld! He snatches the baby away from the nurse. SATAN (CONT'D) No longer do we depend on the rejects of Jehovah! He turns, and raises him up to the cheering crowd. JANET Give him to me! You can't take his soul. God damn you. SATAN I've taken nothing... Although, once he does to them, what they did to you. (beat) Well, you know the rules. JANET I won't let that happen! I'll talk him out of it! They're gonna come anyway, so why put my baby in this? SATAN Because I don't have fifty years to wait for the motherfuckers to die! TAILSNAKE (giggles) Motherfuckers.


JANET I need him more than you do. He'll listen to me, he won't do it! SATAN Oh, he'll do it because he was born for that very purpose. He'll want to so much, no one will be able to change that. SATAN (CONT'D) Avenge the death of his beloved mother, not to mention, his own denial of a life on God's green earth. JANET So, if he's supposed to be doing this for me, then he's gonna have to know me. And more importantly, love me. One of the twin nurses come over and quickly draws a blood sample from Barlow. JANET (CONT'D) What's that for? SATAN His DNA of course, which may prove to be incomprehensively valuable. SATAN (CONT'D) Vanity. I wouldn't count you as his primary motivation, I think more selfish reasons will prevail. SATAN (CONT'D) However, I do understand your point. That's the only reason you're gonna even lay eyes on him. (beat) Now that's the fucking deal. JANET Untie me. Satan, annoyingly amused, stares at her boldness, while he holds the boy. INT. SATAN'S OFFICE Satan sits behind his massive, marble desk. The base is made from circled rows of stacked skulls. He grimaces as an eerie glow reflects into his black eyes. He pokes the keys on the semi-circled keyboard as he stares into the luminous, purple glow of the granite-cased monitor. He clicks on a folder entitled "Micro Death" while an evil grin smears his saggy face.

38. He drags and drops a file marked "HIV 2.0", when a knock on the door disrupts his excitement. Satan blares into a skull that sits atop the desk...

SATAN Who is it now? SECRETARY (O.S.) He's here for his daily edification. The high, arched door slowly opens, as a little boy, BARLOW (5) walks into the dark, steamy office. SATAN So, Barlow, what is it you'd like to learn today? I have an extensive bar code tracking program. Or, we can move on to century twenty-one, get you caught right up. BARLOW Nah. But, I wanna ask you something okay? SATAN Why go right ahead, ask me whatever you like. BARLOW Who's God? Satan sits there suddenly frozen, with his fake, purposely pleasant expression caught utterly off guard. He stares almost through the boy, the air knocked out of him until an involuntary quiver shakes him from his daze. The formidable desk is almost knocked over as he recoils out of the chair. SATAN Janet you fucking whore! Get your ass in here right now, now! You bitch, you're gonna pay for this! His fist slams the desk with such force, the base of skulls starts to collapse. The desk slowly cracks, and stacks of skulls begin to unravel. Barlow's eyes widen, as the skulls roll toward him, he turns racing out of the office as fast as his small legs can move. Janet approaches Satan's office as Barlow runs out, he jumps into his mother's arms. Janet picks him up, as she smiles at Satan's glare. He stands fuming, as the weird computer slides toward the widening crack in the center of his desk. Strange, almost liquid, sparks fly.


INT. HELL The repulsive face of a midget WOMAN screams her high-pitched voice at the longhaired BRUTE. WOMAN Now again, hit him again! The muscular brute reaches back to inflict yet another blow with the dog chain. BRUTE We are under orders to test you. The chain whistles through the air, then smashes into the back of a young man, BARLOW (19) his tan skin barely bruised. The teenager raises his head, his dark eyes turn to the sweaty face of the brute. While a breathless Satan hurries near. SATAN Stop. Stop it you fools! The ghoulish woman turns a puzzled face as the brute drops the chain. SATAN (CONT'D) I cannot believe this. Simply test his tolerance to pain was all I asked. Not break his fucking back, you, you brainless morons! He storms over to the brute, Satan trembles with anger. The tailsnake rises over Satan's shoulder, bouncing its head into the brute's face. TAILSNAKE You two must be hard of hearing, perhaps if you couldn't smell, your hearing might improve. SATAN Perhaps so. Barlow looks at them in partially concerned silence. WOMAN Master we were only doingSATAN Silence! The snake leaps for the man's nose, its sharp fangs rip it clean off. He grabs his face screaming in pain as Satan backhands him into the jagged walls. The midget woman tries to run as Satan snatches the chain off the ground.

40. He slings the rusty chain around her stubby ankles and yanks her feet out from under her.

She slams the ground screaming as he drags her toward him. WOMAN Please, spare me master, please! At his feet, she looks up crying for mercy while he shakes his head at her hysterical plea. The tailsnake wraps itself around Satan's stomach, and starts to squeeze it. She sighs in suspended relief. Then five rats suddenly spew out of Satan's mouth as they land on her face, the rodent pack feasts on her big nose. He turns a wicked grin to Barlow, as the tailsnake unwraps. TAILSNAKE I hope they can hear better now. SATAN Are you all right Barlow? BARLOW Was that really necessary? SATAN Apparently they were unaware your rapid growth could be stymied, though that process appears complete. SATAN (CONT'D) I simply will not tolerate any delays in our esteemed quest for justice my boy. Barlow rubs the minor bruises on his lean, muscular body. He shakes his long, black hair back and looks over to Satan. BARLOW What quest for justice are you talking about? SATAN The one you were born to fulfill for me, uh, and yourself. Barlow you are here with us under some very exceptional circumstances. BARLOW Whatever kind of miracle or mistake it was that put me here makes no difference.


BARLOW (CONT’D) I have not done anything to come under the judgment of God, and I do not belong here. SATAN Yet, you are not without purpose my dear boy. SATAN (CONT'D) It is through you, the physical and spiritual world will realize my true power. BARLOW You have no power over me, I'm not here to serve or promote you. SATAN And what is it that you do want Barlow? To leave this place? (beat) Well there is a way... only one way. BARLOW So, then why don't you tell me all about that? SATAN Perhaps I'll explain in detail later. I do think it's time you had a talk with that mother of yours. INT. HELL JANET'S CHAMBER Janet sits in a corner with her knees in her chest as Barlow walks through the bars of flames. JANET Hey baby. Baby? Look at how tall you've gotten. JANET (CONT'D) I can't believe he's seriously gonna make you do it. BARLOW Do what? Mom tell me what's going on, what does he want from me? JANET I don't know how to say this to you. It's my fault you're here. BARLOW Why are you here? What did you do in the Outworld to be sent here?


JANET What difference does it make I'm here now? BARLOW And I'm here with you! How did you die? I want to know what happened to you. JANET I killed someone, alright. I'm here because I killed someone. JANET (CONT'D) Then a few months later, these men killed me. BARLOW You killed someone, why? JANET Because he deserved it! I hated him so much after what he did to me. JANET (CONT'D) For three years I stayed with this man, and I made him a lot of money then he treats me like shit! He betrayed me. He stares at her as Janet's eyes brim with tears. Barlow reaches down to his mother as she slowly extends her hand, he pulls her off the floor. JANET (CONT'D) Please don't hate me for what I used to be, I never meant for my mistakes to affect you. I love you. BARLOW I know. So, who killed you? JANET I made a deal with these men, and for two thousand dollars, I had sex with them. JANET (CONT'D) But it didn't go so well, things got out of control with one of them. (beat) He was crazy, he wanted a fight. We fought, and he uh, he killed me. BARLOW None of the men tried to help you?


JANET The others just stood around and let it happen. I screamed, and no one tried to stop it. BARLOW You were pregnant already when this happened? JANET No! I was not, no. BARLOW I kinda wish you were, now what you're saying is one these men is my father. Right? Am I right?! She just looks at him, nods her head, as tears stream down her face. BARLOW (CONT'D) So, like he got you for murder, now he wants them, is that it? JANET That's right, and he uh, he wants you to kill them. BARLOW They should be here for what happened to you. They should be here for murder. JANET Yeah, but they're not dead. BARLOW Neither am I. BARLOW (CONT'D) They will be soon, the same way they took you, one by one. JANET (takes his hand) Listen to me, if you kill them, you may come back when you die. BARLOW That won't happen. Suddenly, Satan's wrinkled hand clamps over theirs. SATAN So, Janet, how's our little heart to heartless going? JANET Get away! You can't judge me. A nobod-


Satan gestures, as though he's zipped his mouth shut. Her lips give way to the rusty, seaming metal that quiets her shit talk. BARLOW Take that off of her! Take it off! SATAN Don't make the mistake of thinking you two are so damn important that I'm gonna listen to all this noise. He waves away the zipper as it falls in pieces to the floor. SATAN (CONT'D) (off Barlow's stare) Barlow, is there something you want to ask? BARLOW There's one extremely significant detail about this quest of ours you need to understand. SATAN Ah, so we're talking then? As they leave her room, the curious CROWD slowly backs away. Satan waves his hand at them, as a ball of massive flames, sends them crashing into the ceiling and walls. BARLOW (intrigued) She told me what happened to her, and what she did. (beat) How can I learn to do that? Satan beguilingly flashes a smile at him. SATAN Yes, what a shame it all was. Such a sad, short life she had. SATAN (CONT'D) What they did to her must not go unpunished. BARLOW Nothing they did that night will go unpunished. BARLOW (CONT'D) They will die for their crime. (beat) But I will require something from you.


SATAN Why I don't think that's a problem. He walks ahead of Barlow while the tailsnake narrows its beady eyes up at him. SATAN (CONT'D) I'm prepared to offer you vast resources of material wealth. Satan stops to turn back. SATAN (CONT'D) You could have more than you ever dared to dream possible. He turns looking at Barlow as the glow of a sudden, risen flame exposes the strange gaze in his eyes. SATAN (CONT'D) It could all be yours... even the whole world. A closer glimpse reveals the dilation in those pupils of his, are a pair of fully rotating blue and white planet earths. BARLOW I don't want the world, only my place in it. What I require has nothing to do with money. I will kill these men. (beat) But, I want my soul back to do it. SATAN (eyes black as ever) What did you say? You want what? BARLOW You'll make no claims or petitions for my soul, even after my own death. Ever. SATAN Well, you really can't have it back, that's just not how it's done I'm afraid. BARLOW Then lose the four bastards you want right now. BARLOW (CONT'D) Unless you're willing to wait for their natural deaths.


SATAN Barlow, you're in the unique position that allows me to rank you quite prominently during my coming reign. BARLOW Reign? You won't survive this war! So don't fool yourself, there is no alignment between us. SATAN And you somehow assume He'll save you boy? I don't think you meet their criteria. BARLOW Criteria? I'll take my chances. But, if I were you, I'd seriously consider calling a truce. SATAN Why you ungrateful litBARLOW So, what's with the snake anyway? (beat) God's little reminder that He won't forget how you sold out the world? Satan stares suspiciously as he wonders how Barlow could possibly know so much. SATAN Why I had no idea Janet was so studious in Sunday school? BARLOW No. She tries to tell me some things, but, no. I get it straight from the source. SATAN Really? How special for you. BARLOW Thoughts do come to me, not in my own voice. And I believe them. SATAN Well, maybe one day you'll listen to my side of the story. SUPERIMPOSE: "SACRAMENTO, CA."


INT. NIGHT CLUB - NIGHT A sexy WAITRESS (29) weaves through a crowd of empty tables, as she approaches Lovejoy at the bar. WAITRESS Would you like another one? LOVEJOY No thanks, I'm good. Say, what time does the crowd come through? WAITRESS Won't be long. You waiting to meet somebody? LOVEJOY I was hoping to catch up with a coupla friends of mine. Marcus and Snow. You know em' WAITRESS Yeah, I knew Snow, but uh, he won't be coming here baby. WAITRESS (CONT'D) Snow got killed, almost right where you're sittin. LOVEJOY What? When did this happen? WAITRESS Coupla months ago. I wasn't working that night. WAITRESS (CONT'D) You know he had a few girls he was managing. LOVEJOY Shit. Yeah I heard he was trying out the pimp game. WAITRESS Well, evidently he was trying a little too hard, cause one of his ho's blew his brains all over that mirror. LOVEJOY Damn, really? Who is she? WAITRESS Baby I don't know. I try to stay outta other people's business.


LOVEJOY Were you here when it happened? I mean, have you heard anything about her, a nickname? WAITRESS Naw, I told you I was off that night. Look, I heard it was this white girl named Janet. LOVEJOY Have you seen her? What does she look like? WAITRESS No, no, and I think we've talked long enough. I try to stay outta police business too. She walks away glaring at him, as though she'd just been conned into running her mouth. INT. HELL SECLUDED AREA Satan and Barlow stare into the darkness, as they walk through a narrow area, a strange sound buzzes ahead. They turn a corner, the buzz is now louder... A middle-aged MAN (54) in a worn out Nazi uniform glares back. The black, square mustache marks his sweat drenched, panic-stricken face. Huge shears buzz in his quivering hands. SATAN You. You worthless bastard. TAILSNAKE Orphan fuck up. The anguished Fuhrer falls to his knees and grabs hold of a sheep. Satan steps in front of the sheep, then bends over to face it. SATAN Say bah. The sheep opens its mouth, and the tailsnake wiggles down its throat, then deeper, as the animal's body starts to convex. Satan turns away while the emerging snake shakes a creepy pus from its face. SATAN (CONT'D) The next time I check, there better not be a speck of feces. SATAN (CONT'D) Groomed to hand me the world and you only come up with six mil!

49. The tailsnake licks an apparent bullet wound at the temple of the failed commandant.

TAILSNAKE Disavowed pussy. SATAN They better learn who runs the Outworld! Let's go! BARLOW Then why are you so afraid of losing it to this Jesus Christ? The tailsnake pops up a shocked face as Satan stops dead in his tracks, he glares back. SATAN I'm not gonna lose anything to Him. (beat) Best watch that mouth of yours boy. BARLOW Just how are you supposed to win? Your demon army shits themselves at the mention of His name... these people down here are useless. SATAN You'll be surprised how many will reject Him during the seven years of Hell on earth. SATAN (CONT'D) Mankind is my army, and they don't want Him taking back what I have given them. INT. S.F.P.D. - DAY Lovejoy enters his precinct. NICK Hey, what are you doing back so soon? Everything okay? LOVEJOY No, not at all, things are far from being okay. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) I found out an old friend of mine was murdered by some renegade bitch he was pimping. NICK This friend was a pimp?


LOVEJOY Apparently. He wasn't always on the street Nick, okay, we went to college together. NICK That right? So did he play football too? LOVEJOY No, he played basketball, should'a went pro. He just made the mistake of fuckin' with drugs. NICK Got himself thrown off the team? LOVEJOY Man, Snow got caught with some cocaine during the Final Four, we get eliminated, and he gets kicked out of school. NICK No coach would touch that, not back then. Hence the nickname? LOVEJOY Anyway, I go to this after hours club to catch up with him, and some waitress tells me one of his bitches blew his head off. NICK Shit. LOVEJOY I mean right there in the club. NICK Hell hath no fury like a hooker scorned. LOVEJOY No shit. Look, Nick I need a favor. NICK Yeah, I'll find her, but I'm not bumping Sacramento jurisdiction. LOVEJOY I know. All I got is a first name, Janet. Caucasian, sure she has a record. NICK Well that may not be enough, but I will try. If I get something I'll call.


LOVEJOY Thanks a lot. NICK I would say anytime, but I'd be lying to ya. INT. HELL Barlow walks toward Satan, who sits facing away from him. BARLOW Do you agree to the terms or not? I won't be coming back. SATAN His death changes nothing, sin was born, every one of you belong here. BARLOW I guess you could say that, if it were you who made up the rules. SATAN I'm not the one who changed the rules in the middle of the game. SATAN (CONT'D) I may be resorting to legalism, but ah, He is not a god worthy of praise. BARLOW You don't get to make that decision for me. BARLOW (CONT'D) You want me to become like that thing, your guard dog that drags the condemned down here. That's not all there is for me... it can't be. SATAN No, you could be far more useful than that, he's only doing what he was created to do. (beat) If my rebellion has a meaning, its pure basis is we should become all that our own desires call us to be. SATAN (CONT'D) Come with me Barlow, there's something I must show you. INT. HELL SECLUDED AREA They walk to a secluded area guarded only by the jagged ground below. Satan turns, and grins at Barlow, then grabs him by the back of his neck.


They levitate over the razor sharp stones and land on a single smooth one. They quickly sink as the rock takes them underground, and they fall out of an interior tunnel. Barlow stands as he stares up at what appears to be a gigantic chandelier. INT. HELL UNDERGROUND AREA BARLOW Where are we? SATAN What I have to share with you is truly a gift. SATAN (CONT'D) It's a room, a room where the future is born. SATAN (CONT'D) Barlow I refuse to believe you'll turn down a chance at true life. BARLOW I have a life. I want my soul cleared of my crimes so I can have an afterlife... Somewhere other than here. SATAN Your afterlife is contingent upon the first man's fate... sin has touched all of you. SATAN (CONT'D) The dark fires of the world remain lit by the evil that lurks in the hearts of men. Satan walks toward him and holds out his left arm. Barlow glares down at it as the word "EVIL" emerges from underneath his wrinkled, pale skin. SATAN (CONT'D) Mankind must accept what he is, so too must their God accept it. He stands in front of Barlow as the letters slowly flip to spell "LIVE". The tailsnake hisses, as its wicked head proudly rises, while Satan hums a strange little tune. The snake slowly wraps itself around a rocky pillar and crumbles it to dust. Barlow watches, as it makes this foul noise, then wholly regurgitates the big, red apple of our doom.

53. It rolls near Satan's small, pointed foot, he smashes the worm-filled fruit, then looks up with an evil grin.

Barlow appears somewhat unimpressed. Satan walks off, then stops in front of a dusty, old mirror and wipes a clear streak. SATAN (CONT'D) What makes you think they'll want you anyway. You know what happened to your mother after her murderous act. BARLOW That was completely different, and you know it! SATAN Now you must kill four men, and I will make no demands for your soul, and may not have to. SATAN (CONT'D) The question remains, will it be cleansed of their blood? BARLOW You don't know what He'll do with me. I have my own life to live. SATAN Well, who knows, maybe they can use a serial killing whoreson! SATAN (CONT'D) So, we'll see ya at the big show. (beat) Come to papa. The soft, clinking sound of glass echoes, and Barlow looks up as the mammoth sized chandelier begins to rattle. Satan storms over, and shoves him aside, as the clanking rows of glass begins to lower. The pink and blue glow that softly illuminates from the oblong bulbs fills the room with shadows of color. With its twenty-foot radius, the circular light fixture now hangs just overhead. Barlow's eyes narrow as he stares deeper into one of the bulbs. They are actually test tubes as each contains a small fetus. He looks back at Satan, who quietly claps as he bounces with prideful anticipation.

54. Barlow glares closer at the smeared lot, there it is right across their tiny foreheads, 666.

INT. HELL Janet stares through the bars of flames. She smiles as Barlow approaches, only to find Satan close behind him. SATAN Barlow there was another matter we should discuss concerning your prey. BARLOW What about them? SATAN Well, it's just there's this nosy cop trying to crash our lil' party, and I don't like it. BARLOW So what, if he's in the way, then that's his problem. Nobody is gonna stop me from doing this. SATAN (amused at his machismo) That's not it, really. SATAN (CONT'D) I just don't want the bastards proved her killers. You know, long trials, longer convictions. SATAN (CONT'D) No, I just want em' dead, plain and fuckin' simple. BARLOW Well, who is he? You sound like he's got something to do with all this. SATAN The son of a bitch was a buddy to the guy your mama blasted. SATAN (CONT'D) You just need to get to em' first, understood? All four dead. You fail, you come back. BARLOW Four chances are all it'll take to send down those dead fucks. SATAN Now, that's the Barlow I was waiting to show up.


SATAN (CONT’D) You must go to the city of her death, the place of your conceived instant. (beat) You will be gifted with a limited source of powers. BARLOW Like fireballs? How'd you do that? SATAN Hmmm, more like environmental manipulation... Focus, that's all. SATAN (CONT'D) Every ounce of pure hatred, from the absolute core of your being, and the willingness to inflict it upon someone else. BARLOW Hatred with conviction? SATAN Now you're getting it. It does however, take some practice. BARLOW So which one of them planted me inside her? SATAN Your father? Oh, that my boy I do not know. TAILSNAKE But you will, right before you kill the cocksucker. Satan glances back at the crudeness of the snakes comment. SATAN Mr. Giggles...Come now. INT. HELL JANET'S CHAMBER As Janet lay resting, Barlow squats down and softly kisses her face. JANET That's probably the last kiss I'll ever get from you. I don't deserve your love. BARLOW You don't have to, I never blamed this on you. They killed you, and they'll pay for all of this.


JANET And you'll keep your immortal soul in return? You don't make deals with that lying bastard! BARLOW What was I supposed to do? I need to get outta here! BARLOW (CONT'D) The things I feel, this bitter hatred, and suffocating rage. BARLOW (CONT'D) This is all supposed to happen. I don't have a choice. JANET You were robbed baby, that, nobody denies, but if you do this, then you're a murderer. (beat) And for that, I am to blame. BARLOW You gave me life, I don't blame you. I do love you. JANET It feels so good to hear you say that. Just try not to forget me. BARLOW That will never happen. JANET By the way, God gave you life. I only delivered you for Him. BARLOW I know. I've always known. EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET - DAY Lovejoy turns his Corvette over a steep hilltop when his cell phone rings. INT. LOVEJOY'S CAR He taps a button on the Bluetooth earpiece as he negotiates the winding street. LOVEJOY Yeah, what's up? NICK (O.S.) Hey Joseph, it's Nick.


LOVEJOY I knew you'd find her, where did she turn up. NICK (O.S.) I did find her, but uh, where doesn't actually matter. NICK (O.S.) (CONT'D) She's dead Joseph, San Diego county morgue. I'm sorry. LOVEJOY Dammit! I was afraid something like this would happen before I got to her. Was she murdered? NICK (O.S.) From the story I got, there's some Jack the Ripper wannabe killing hookers down there. LOVEJOY Is that right? NICK (O.S.) You really wanted this girl didn't you? Was this guy really that important to you Joseph? LOVEJOY Like I told you Nick, he was my friend. I need to find out more about her. INT. S.F.P.D. SEVENTH PRECINCT - DAY NICK Why, in order to hate her? Well, you're gonna go through hell first. NICK (CONT'D) A Sgt. Mark Grayson is in charge of the case, and he's notorious for choking off outside help. LOVEJOY (O.S.) I'll choke back. NICK Listen, partner don't go down there and get into something that's gonna follow you back here. She is not worth it. LOVEJOY (O.S.) Thanks for all your help on this. I think I'm gonna spend some time in San Diego.


NICK A hard head makes for an easy unemployment check. LOVEJOY (O.S.) Hey, I hear they gotta great zoo. I am on vacation y'know. NICK Yeah, well don't step in any shit while you're visiting it. LOVEJOY (O.S.) Later. INT. HELL Barlow creeps alongside the rocky edges of an elevated hillside. He stares down at Satan, who stands below staring up at the dusty, dirt ceiling. Out of nowhere, a nearly transparent DEMON bolts up beside Satan. Barlow looks in closer as to hear with his eyes. SATAN Are the forces in position against that faggot thumper? DEMON Quite near sir, I've managed to assemble most of our original team. SATAN Very good then. SATAN (CONT'D) It gratifies me to recall when we squashed that meager little fairyland of theirs. DEMON Yes, I amusingly recollect. SATAN The crooked bastard got jail time on top of it. SATAN (CONT'D) With that raccoon looking bitch of his, crying black tears for every camera in sight. DEMON Quite laughable. He's been paroled for some time now. Attempting some sort of inept comeback I gather, and recently widowed. They look up, and dust the falling dirt off their faces.


SATAN Well, they'd divorced. Her case is still being litigated, some rather questionable behavior under review. DEMON The pure nerve of it. However, our current strategy will be of a more permanent nature. He was very popular amongst his old cellmates. SATAN Jimbo? I guess he took the love thy neighbor thing a little too far. DEMON Quite. Now, moving on. It seems that bastard in Texas is gonna do the dirty deed for us. (beat) He's resorted back to the water diet... barely a blip on the heart monitoring machine. SATAN Another hunger strike? Like he's some fuckin' political prisoner. TAILSNAKE The child-molesting prick. The demon suddenly dashes out of sight. Barlow climbs down. BARLOW Who was that? SATAN Oh him? Just someone who helps out around here Barlow, a career you should perhaps consider. This could be sorta like on the job training. BARLOW Stop! Just stop it. What's up there, more test tubes? SATAN Actually, quite the opposite. An end, not a beginning. Suddenly large chunks of dirt fall crashing nearby as Satan raises his arms. Areas of earth begin to shift, as rocks rain down at them. SATAN (CONT'D) C'mon you bastards! He glares above as the creaking noises gets their attention.

60. Barlow squints from the dust, when suddenly, half of a casket crashes through the rocky ceiling.

It's followed by another, then another, and one more. They hang there above them, angled through the dirt, and teeter helplessly. BARLOW Stop. Leave em' alone! SATAN (turns a sullen face) What makes you say that? I have not condemned these people. No, it was your dear Jesus that has judged them. The growing shadow of a falling casket races toward Barlow. He glances up in time for fear to throw him out of the way as it crashes nearby. While a giggling Satan, suddenly looks up to dodge one also. Two more caskets shatter to the ground, as the sorrowful spirits crawl out from the splinters. BARLOW Who are they? SATAN Some old friends from Texas. SATAN (CONT'D) They took a self-induced fire bath together. Or was it government induced. TAILSNAKE Another worthless thumper cashes in. SATAN I guess the fire would've made their transition easier. BARLOW You mean that cult from Waco? SATAN Held up in Purgatory for fifteen fucking years of litigation. (beat) He was by no means a prophet. The son of a bitch. SATAN (CONT'D) By the by, did your mom ever mention a Mr. Swaggert to ya?

61. Barlow stares straight ahead as if he hadn't heard the crude insult.

Suddenly, a small ball of fire shoots from his hand and spreads a ring of flames on the dusty ground. SATAN (CONT'D) Wow, you really do love her. Oh Barlow smiles at his hand in amazement. INT. HELL Janet stands in the midst of a large CROWD as they chant the propaganda of their master. She looks over at Barlow, who disfavors the parade like show. A small pond glistens as Barlow kneels near, he looks at his reflection, and then sees Janet behind him. JANET He's getting ready to take you away from me. Baby, whatever you do, please don't end up back here. JANET (CONT'D) If you have to let them go, then let em' go. BARLOW If there were another way out of here, I'd do it. Suddenly, Satan leaps out of the quiet pond as the murky water splashes all over them, and the crowd roars. SATAN How very sweet they are. Barlow it's time to go bye bye, now give mommy a big wet kiss. BARLOW C'mon let's go! I can't wait to get away from you! SATAN That's right boy, you go find the great heart, cause He'll be looking for you! BARLOW I'll answer for everything I do. Can you say the same? SATAN I'm the one who doesn't have to. Last chance to sign up boy.


BARLOW If I do come back, it'll be with Him to bury your ass! SATAN Alright go! We'll be with you every step of the Goddamn way! (beat) While you wallow in the stink of their blood, I'll watch them spit on the lil' hit man from hell. Satan walks over to him and grabs his throat. He looks up at the jagged ceiling, as a final drop of water falls back into the pond. JANET Stop it! Bursting through the screaming crowd is a short, stocky OLD MAN. He crashes past the fanatics, like a flesh covered bowling ball. Barlow strains his neck to see him as he bounces off the walls and flies spinning, as he bears down on him. Janet looks into her son's eyes, just as Satan lets him go, the muscular midget slams into Barlow, knocking him into the dark water. As he sinks through its muddy bottom, Janet runs over to the edge, just as Barlow's foot disappears. She looks back and glares at Satan with a hatred that is pure and complete. He turns, walking away while the tailsnake hisses at her. The crowd mumbles, as they abandon the guilt-ridden mother. EXT. SAN DIEGO PACIFIC OCEAN - NIGHT A lone FISHERMAN (59) sits in a small bass boat, rocking with the waves just off the San Diego coast. The dark, blue water reflects the glow of a full moonlight. He patiently ponders his next bite, when the waves suddenly become violent, and he's thrown from his seat. FISHERMAN Son of a bitch! He hits the deck as his reel spins rapidly, and hums for attention. He crawls over to it, and grabs hold, he fights to get on his feet. He struggles as the FISH briefly emerges from the cold, violent water. In total disbelief of the power this catch displays, he yanks and pulls with all his strength and finally reels in the monster prize.

63. The man slams the fish to the floorboard, then collapses into the seat, as he gasps for air.

He stares over as the enormus catch flops wildly, and he witnesses its violent metamorphosis. FISHERMAN (CONT'D) What in the hell? The fins flap and split open, giving way to slime covered human arms. The tail slams loudly and bursts apart as a pair of legs kick their way through. The old man shakes so hard he throws up his dinner While eyes pop out of the fishhead as it splits apart. Finally, Barlow rises up as he wipes the goo from his face. The man has seen too much of this gruesome transformation. He gazes breathlessly at this creature, still shaking from shock. He clutches his chest as his exploding heart never catches up. Barlow watches him as he falls over onto a pile of fish. Barlow grabs the man's shirt and flips him overboard. The water splashes back into his face, and he breathes deeply as he tries to adjust to the new air. He stares back to shore as the San Diego skyline defines the man made jungle where his second birth must now survive. Barlow starts the motor, and gazes momentarily up into the starry sky. He turns the boat for the shore and slowly drives in. EXT. SAN DIEGO BEACH - NIGHT Barlow walks naked, as he presses his toes into the sand. He looks around the shore and sees a YOUNG COUPLE making love under a beach umbrella. Quietly, Barlow creeps near them, and he sneaks off with the guy's Nike's, jeans, and black tee shirt. EXT. DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO - DAWN Barlow wanders through the downtown area, as though he's being drawn closer to something. The risen sun reflects on the mirrored exterior of a tall building, Barlow squints as he approaches it. He suddenly stops and rubs his eyes. Barlow continues toward the building with a purposeful jog as he turns a corner, the building comes fully into view.

64. He stops, staring at the huge sign near the entrance. His breathing becomes labored as he continues to gaze at " The Ambassador Hotel" sign.

Finally, he glances along the hotel, looking at the rooms. Suddenly he stops on a room window, Janet's room. Barlow feels his view being pulled into her room while he still stands in the parking lot. BEGIN FLASHBACK: INT. JANET'S SUITE -NIGHT As though having sent a part of himself back in time, Barlow now stands inside Janet's room that night, as her four guests enter the suite. Barlow stares into the faces of these men as Janet drinks some champagne. They all walk right by Barlow as the men follow Janet into the bedroom. Barlow inches toward the door of the bedroom, then he suddenly stops halfway. He hears the rhythmic squeak of the bed, and with more anger than embarrassment, he stares down at the floor. EXT. FRONT OF HOTEL - DAY Barlow walks toward the hotel entrance, the sadness in his eyes reflect his inability to change anything he's about to see, but, has already happened. INT. JANET'S SUITE - NIGHT The sudden shatter of glass turns his attention back to her bedroom. Barlow runs to the doorway. INT. JANET'S SUITE. BEDROOM Ray's left hand covers his bloody neck as he reaches down for the jagged bottle. Barlow's eyes widen, but he can't say a word. Ray snatches the broken bottle off the carpet and plunges it into Janet's stomach. BARLOW No! Mom! Barlow trembles with anger, as he watches the men scatter for the door. He turns back to her, breathless, and barely able to stand. END FLASHBACK:


EXT. FRONT OF HOTEL - DAY Barlow turns away as he walks toward the hotel parking lot. A few PEOPLE walk in and out of the hotel. A LADY puts an empty Red Bull can into an overfilled trash receptacle. A loud motorcycle parks nearby, as the DRIVER walks toward the lobby. Barlow's unblinking eyes stare ahead with an intense focus. He walks over and snatches the Red Bull can from the trash. He marches toward the motorcycle while he crumples the can, then opens his hand to reveal a blue and gray key. Barlow scrapes the tip of the newly forged key across the license plate, as the random letters and numbers, change to spell, "All4HER". Barlow starts the bike and races into the distance. INT. SERGIO'S OFFICE - DAY SUPERIMPOSE: "La Paz, Mexico" Sergio sits inside his colorful office. His tall, pretty SECRETARY (25) brings some software over to him, as he boots up his computer. SERGIO I believe we'll do exceptionally well today. This update gives us a much more accurate prediction of how long the bull can survive. SECRETARY Now would be an excellent time to increase our price point schedule. I'll make the calls after lunch. SERGIO Once the bookies upgrade, call them back and bet four times our billing invoice. SECRETARY And just like that, we can't lose. I'll have the printouts for you after lunch. EXT. HWY 1 LA PAZ MEXICO - DAY Barlow races down the highway with a determined look in his eyes. He spots the bullfighting arena and exits the highway.


EXT. ARENA PARKING LOT - DAY Barlow parks the bike and walks toward the arena. He grabs a flyer off the windshield of a parked car. He folds the paper between his fingers as he approaches the turnstile, he snaps a ticket over to the ATTENDANT. EXT. ARENA STANDS Barlow circles the stands as his sharp eyes stare through the festive crowd. Eagerly awaiting the next fight, is Sergio Mendez. Sergio scribbles notes on a lap full of printouts as the next fight begins. Barlow spots Sergio and slowly moves in, then stops several rows behind him. BARLOW If you win, you'll never collect. As he writes more notes, the CHEERING FANS force Sergio's attention to the ring. He looks back down at his yellow legal pad and finds a spat of blood, he curiously glances skyward. Sergio looks back down at the pile of papers, only to find them soaked in blood. He leaps up with a scream, as Barlow inches closer. Sergio's pockets begin to overflow with blood while streams of blood drip from his bulging eyes. Slits open themselves across his face and arms. People scatter away from him as blood leaks relentlessly from his dark skin. Sergio twists and turns as the blood flings off of him. SERGIO My God, somebody help me! Sergio spins and falls crashing down the dusty wooden stairs. ON THE JUMBOTRON: He pulls himself up at the rim of the bullring, to the collective gasp of THE CROWD as they see his bloodstained image on the giant screen monitor. EXT. ARENA STANDS Barlow steps closer, he stares, almost sympathetically, at his victim of this brutal setup. BARLOW Adios.


EXT. BULLRING Sergio flips over the wall and crashes into the ring. In the distance, as the dust clears, Sergio desperately tries to stand up. Suddenly the head of THE BULL charges into view. His big, black profile stares down as he slobbers for air. BULL'S POV: The bull turns his massive head toward the bloody, peripheral image, as all COLOR fades to BLACK and WHITE. All except the mass of limping redness that is Sergio, as he desperately goes for the wall. The ignored matador slips behind a guard-wall, as red dots THE CROWD. The bull's eyes focus on its brightest image, then makes an earth-shaking charge to destroy it. END BULL'S POV: EXT. ARENA STANDS BARLOW Olay... You lose. Sergio tries to run, as his blood splashes and waves. He glares back, only to find the beast just inches behind him. The bull rips through him and flips Sergio to the dirt. Still running through, the bull never misses a beat. ON THE JUMBOTRON: The big screen zooms on the screeching bull's image, as he skids to a turn. EXT. BULLRING Trailing blood, Sergio finally crawls to the arena wall. With no strength left in his mangled body, his attempt to climb over it is hopelessly futile. TWO MEN race from the stands and try to pull Sergio over the top of the wall. The three men scream in panic-filled Spanish as they watch the beast rapidly approach on the Jumbotron. Sergio has the wall under one arm as they try to grab hold of his belt. Then a pounding, crashing thud almost knocks the wall down, blood sprays into the screaming crowd, as the two men abruptly fall back.


The bull backs into view, and is followed by Sergio's impaled, bloody body, still pinned across the bull's mighty, broad shoulders. Barlow slowly backs up the stairs while the curious CROWD runs past him. OFFICIALS race from the stands, as the murderous accomplice flings Sergio, and he crashes to the bloodstained dirt. INT. SAN DIEGO POLICE STATION - DAY Lovejoy enters the precinct. LOVEJOY Is Sgt. Grayson available? DESK SGT. And you are? LOVEJOY Joseph Lovejoy, San Francisco homicide unit. I was hoping to discuss the Janet Novak case. DESK SGT. I'll call and make sure he's free. DESK SGT. (CONT'D) (into phone) There's a San Francisco detective, Lovejoy here to see you about the Novak case. Sure will. DESK SGT. (CONT'D) He'll be glad to see you. Third floor, in three eleven. LOVEJOY Thanks Sgt. INT. GRAYSON'S OFFICE GRAYSON Come in detective. So how can we help you in this matter? LOVEJOY I was interested in the status of the suspect... uh? GRAYSON Thompson, Victor Thompson. I got his ass cold, now what about him? LOVEJOY There may have been some people from Sacramento looking for her.


GRAYSON Did she get into some kind of trouble up there? LOVEJOY You could say that. GRAYSON Let me tell you something Lovejoy, five prostitutes have been killed here in the past two months. LOVEJOY Yeah I heard. GRAYSON Now, we lifted Thompson's prints from almost every location, along with other forensic evidence. LOVEJOY Such as? GRAYSON Such as? Well, how about a pubic hair sample of his found between some other dead whore's teeth. LOVEJOY But, what connects him to Janet Novak? That's all I'm genuinely concerned with. GRAYSON Since you asked me, it doesn't seem you should be too concerned at all. GRAYSON (CONT'D) Why are you so damn worried about Sacramento's caseload? What did this woman do? LOVEJOY She murdered someone, someone I use to know. GRAYSON Oh, I see. Then shouldn't you be a little happy about this? LOVEJOY What? No, it's not that simple. GRAYSON Well, our boy is home grown, and ever since we brought him inLOVEJOY Yeah I get it, no more dead hookers since, right?


GRAYSON Undeniably. He's already been indicted. No time will be wasted getting him to trial. LOVEJOY Well, ain't that nice and neat. Look, I'm staying at the Palms Inn. If something comes up, give me a call? GRAYSON I don't see much harm in that. (beat) Just try not to get too involved out there. LOVEJOY I'm not that involved. I'm on vacation, really. INT. HELL Satan's slowly paced steps come to a stop, when he turns back and stares past the hovering CROWD. SATAN I do believe we have a guest. The crowd stops and looks back to find the hideous face of The Retriever. He gazes past them as he fills his blood red eyes with the sight of his wicked consignee. SATAN (CONT'D) Has the boy sent you? I hadn't even begun monitoring him yet. (beat) Well, c'mon let him go... Give him to me! The giant stands there as his stark pale face begins to bulge, as red veins rapidly thump. His eyes roll back as he shakes violently, spewing vulgar noises from his slimy mouth. He grabs his head, as his long, black tongue unravels out of his mouth. He turns away, and then spins back toward them, and vomits up a horrible beige fluid. The thick, lumpy, liquid rolls toward the crowd as they scatter out of its way. A closer look at this disgorge finds various body parts flowing within it. Satan runs over to identify his acquired asset, as pieces of Sergio's face reform together.


The vile vomit finally reconstructs as Sergio's head and upper body. SERGIO What's happening to me!? I must be dreaming, it's gotta be a horrible nightmare! SATAN Oh no, no my greedy amigo, you're emphatically and entirely awake. SATAN (CONT'D) You've come home, and your stay will be quite lengthy. So, uh, get yourself together. INT. DOUG'S SAN DIEGO DUPLEX - DAY Doug sits in front of his computer. He's hacked the S.D.P.D. homicide database. He searches for Janet's name in the unsolved case file, his eyes scan the monitor, he sees it. He checks the names of suspects listed as Victor Thompson's appears. His status declares he's in custody, bond denied. DOUG Oh, hell yes. EXT. AMBASSADOR HOTEL - DAY The front tire of the borrowed bike stops a safe distance from the lobby. Barlow climbs off and takes the key. He walks slowly toward the hotel, he tosses the key as a twisted Red Bull can lands into the trash can. Barlow stares at the hotel, while he painfully tries to focus on Janet's room window. INT. HOTEL LOBBY Barlow goes straight to the elevator and gets on it. INT. ELEVATOR He reaches for the tenth floor button, then pauses. Maybe it's the ninth, no tenth, tenth floor. INT. TENTH FLOOR HALLWAY He walks down the hall, then stops suddenly and stares down at the floor. INT. NINTH FLOOR STAIRWELL Barlow races down a flight of stairs, then bursts through the ninth floor doorway.


INT. NINTH FLOOR HALLWAY Barlow immediately glares at the door of her room. He slowly walks toward it as he struggles with the dread of knowing what happened there. He grabs the doorframe and forces it to the left as it intrudes into the wall. INT. JANET'S HOTEL SUITE He enters the room and reaches behind his back as he pulls the doorframe back into position. His distraught eyes look around the suite, then lock on the bedroom. Barlow storms toward the room his mother never left alive. He stops in the doorway as he can almost sense her presence. INT. JANET'S SUITE BEDROOM Barlow tentatively enters the room and sits on the bed. He gently strokes the thick comforter. He glances around, then drops his head in his hands, as the pace of his labored breathing quickens. He stares down at the carpet, then his eyes zoom into its deepest fibers. A more defined splash of her blood slowly fades into view as his focused eyes confirm. Barlow's fingers dig down, then grab hold of the plush, beige carpet as he suddenly snatches it from the floor. The edges of the carpet begin to pop up from the tack-board around the room. Barlow jumps up and pulls with such speed and force, the furniture is violently thrown over. A dresser flips forward as chairs are sent flying into the walls. A glass top table shatters from an airborne collision with a floor lamp. INT. NINTH FLOOR HALLWAY Barlow leaves the tossed room... Sorta stumbles, and leans against the wall. A food service WAITER (28) rolls a cart toward him as a few disturbed guests peek into the hallway. WAITER Excuse me, are you okay? BARLOW Yeah, I just got a lil' dizzy. My stomach feels... I don't know.


WAITER Well, have you eaten today? BARLOW What? Oh, not yet. The waiter takes a roll and hands it to him. WAITER Go ahead, put something in your system. BARLOW Thanks, appreciate that. Barlow stares closely at the artful label from a bottle of champagne on ice, a Garden of Eden scene. EVE reaches into a grapevine, when a closer look reveals a SNAKE as it weaves through the leaves. WAITER You thirsty? I have some water. BARLOW No, I'm okay. Have a good day. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX - NIGHT Doug sits inside his spacious duplex as he sneaks inside the backdoor he left in the S.D.P.D. Homicide database. The sudden blare of the dumb song on his cell phone startles him. DOUG Who is this? RAY (O.S.) Boy don't you ever keep yo ass at home? DOUG I am home, I'm online right now. My cable internet is down, gotta use this fuckin' dial-up. Just got back inside the man's network. RAY (O.S.) Anything there that ain't in the damn newspapers? DOUG Yeah, this could mean something. Some out of town pig seems to be pushing his snout through the shit. RAY (O.S.) What?


DOUG I don't know what he wants, but the way they've lined him in, doesn't look like he's buying Thompson. RAY (O.S.) Well I'll be damn. Who is the son of a bitch? DOUG Lovejoy, some San Francisco homicide dick wad. I don't wanna stay on this line too long. I'm not gonna worry about the prick. RAY (O.S.) Yeah fuck em', hell, just read the papers, even out here they're making Thompson look like fuckin' Henry Lee. Bye. INT. HELL SATAN'S OFFICE Satan lurks amidst a group of MEN, whose suits are made of packed on mud, carved lines, even neckties. The old faces of these men are in various stages of decomposition. SATAN Listen to me, you committee of idiotic morons. How can you tell me you're still not sure? MUD MAN #1 Sir, we've researched this for nine months, unfortunately, our findings remain inconclusive. MUD MAN #2 The parables are different every day. How can we base a solid recommendation, when the book constantly changes its words? SATAN Base it on what I've told you! The books will never stay intact here. And you call yourselves lawyers. MUD MAN #3 According to our research the ten holy ordinances were in fact still in effect when Christ was born. MUD MAN #3 (CONT'D) It's that he died, is where your problem starts. (beat) Yet, I would conclude an influx is still a viable concept.


SATAN Fuck concept! Does He overrule the ten laws or not? MUD MAN #2 If man were judged on the ten laws of Moses, then we'd have a case. MUD MAN #3 It would appear that this new testament scripture has given them a simpler solution. MUD MAN #1 Belief in Christ, along with a confessed plea for forgiveness, seems to void, or retract, any sin man could possibly commit. MUD MAN #3 Those that lived before Him may also be saved if they held fast to a belief in a Messiah of Atonement, as foretold in the book of Isaiah. SATAN It took you dicks nine months to come up with that? Get out. EXT. SAN DIEGO CLOTHING STORE - DAY Barlow approaches a clothing store, then grabs a free newspaper from the display rack. He tears the paper in half, then tears in in half again. INT. STORE -DAY Barlow now flips through a coupla hundred dollars cash, as the time to upgrade his apparel has come. Barlow browses for a pair of jeans, he settles on black. SALESWOMAN You need a shirt to go with those? BARLOW Yes, and maybe a leather coat. Black, mid-length. SALESWOMAN It is starting to get cooler. BARLOW You have no idea how much I've looked forward to that happening. INT. RAY'S HOUSE - DAY Ray sits at his computer while he works on a program, his phone rings.


SUPERIMPOSE: "Dallas, Texas" RAY Yeah, hello. DOUG (O.S.) Ray it's Doug. I'd thought you'd like to know, Thompson was just convicted. RAY Is that right? Well good, I see they didn't waste too much time. I'm really glad to hear it. DOUG (O.S.) Of course, you are. She was named in the indictment as one of his victims. He'll be sentenced next week. He plea-bargained a deal. RAY I bet he did. Well there's nothing else to worry about then. DOUG (O.S.) No, no not anymore. It was all so fuckin' unnecessary. RAY Yeah, well y'know, what can I say? Shit does happen man. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX - DAY DOUG Is that the best you can do? You son of a bitch. Everyone could've been ruined over this! I don't know you man, we're done! Do you understand me? RAY (O.S.) You getting a lil' bent outta shape over this chick, ain't ya? I mean we got history beDOUG We may have history, but you took her future. (beat) Despite what it looked like, she had a future. And we snuffed it out like some cheap fuckin' cigar. DOUG (CONT'D) So yeah, I feel bad about that, and you don't, so fuck you Ray.

77. Doug hangs up the phone and drops his head into his hands.

INT. LOVEJOY'S MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Lovejoy sits on the bed as he thumbs through a newspaper. He reads the headline, "Bloody Man Killed By Bull". He stares at the disturbing photo as he shakes his head at this real life horror story. He flips the page and is even more disturbed by the headline that reads "Thompson Convicted In Red Light Murders". INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX - NIGHT Doug's browses online player screens stream then eliminates a few bull, as he charges a

video news clips. The half dozen flash various news stories. He looks over, of the screens. He then sees a raging seriously injured man.

He kills the two other feeds and focuses on the bull fighting video. Doug stares intently as he listens to the American coverage of the story. FEMALE REPORTER (V.O.) Mexican authorities have now released the name of this man, Sergio Mendez. Seen here after having fallen into a bullring during a live event. Doug clicks the video into full screen mode as he leans forward in surprised shock. ON COMPUTER: The pretty reporter (24) details the rest of the story. FEMALE REPORTER Witnesses report the victim was covered, presumably with blood, prior to his fall into the ring. FEMALE REPORTER (CONT'D) Arena officials could not get the victim out in time. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX DOUG Oh my God. Sergio. He pauses the clip as he covers his mouth in disbelief. Doug gets up, as his desk chair half spins. A loud FAUCET sprays water, while the paused image on the monitor shows a closer look at the horrified crowd. One spectator in particular glances back, as he heads for an exit, Barlow. Doug places a glass of water on the desk as he turns off the flat panel monitor, Barlow's image is last to fade out.


DOUG (CONT'D) Jesus, I can't believe that. He shakes his head as he turns his attention to a second workstation on the large L shaped desk. His game design setup hosts an array of geeky gadgets, which includes his preferred twenty-seven inch CRT glass monitor. His creation is a third person, 3D role-playing video game set in medieval times. Having calmed down a bit, Doug opens the game program. He half smiles at the hero, his digital look-alike. ON MONITOR: The screen comes alive as the loading 3D landscape looks amazingly realistic. He puts on a pair of weird, black goggles, as two bright blue pupils glow. INSIDE MONITOR: EXT. VIRTUAL FOREST - DAY He maneuvers "DOUGLAS THE DARING", as he slashes his golden blade through the Black Forest. He bravely conquers dragons who breathe fire, and rival knights that throw spears. Douglas dodges whirling axes, flaming arrows, and lions that lunge straight at him, all done to an impressive 3D effect. EXT. KING'S CASTLE The KING (61) and his beautiful DAUGHTER (23) greet him at the huge castle. KING You've shown immense courage in your quest to save our kingdom. KING (CONT'D) However, your most crucial test still remains. DOUGLAS I shall not rest until all enemies of the kingdom are conquered. INT. KING'S CASTLE They walk down a great hall. Gathered in front of the high arched double doors, Douglas turns to the king. DOUGLAS Exactly who, your majesty is this final enemy?


KING The man who stands in your way to my throne is the son I no longer know. This prince must die. TWO GUARDS push open the towering doors, as Douglas steps into the packed arena, the CROWD cheers wildly. INT. FIGHTING ARENA The PRINCE (20) slowly turns as he stares through the triple bar headgear, while his dark eyes pierce deeply into the grandiose opponent. Douglas quickly turns back to the king, as the king and princess are being seated. The princess drops her silk handkerchief, the crowd hushes. It lands softly on the marble floor as Douglas charges the stationary prince. He slashes his golden sword, but the prince makes waste of the attack, as he blocks every strike. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX Feeling the closeness of this technology, a sweaty Doug backs his digital self away from the talented enemy. INT. FIGHTING ARENA The menacing prince stalks toward the knight and begins a merciless assault, his double-edged sword sparks off the golden blade. Unable to stop the onslaught, Douglas barely blocks a brutal swing. The prince's sword slides down off his opponent's, but he quickly raises it back up under the contender's arm and viciously slices it off. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX Doug falls back in his chair, he watches through the dark glasses, as the golden blade clanks against the floor, still held by his knight's arm. He flips a page from his notes. ON MONITOR: His fighter stands up, a hand clamped over an armless shoulder, as blood squirts past his fingers. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX DOUG Pick up the damn sword you idiot. Use your good arm!

80. He slaps the side of the monitor, his sweaty fingers pound at the keyboard. Douglas squats down for his sword.

DOUG (CONT'D) That's right... what the hell are you waiting for? INT. FIGHTING ARENA His knight stands up staring into the face-guard of his merciless opponent. The prince lowers his head and pulls the helmet off. Long, black hair falls down over his face. He shakes back his hair as Barlow's dark eyes glare into the terrified knight. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX Doug stares at the face of the prince. DOUG Who the hell? He flips through the pages of photos in his notebook. DOUG (CONT'D) That's not who I scanned for the fucking prince. Doug reaches for the speaker as he turns down the cheering crowd. He soon hears the touch-tone beeping of a computer phone modem. He quickly turns back to the screen to find the message box, "modem initialized". DOUG (CONT'D) What is this? I'm not in online mode. The modem makes its connection as that beeping, ringing, faxing sound, shakes Doug's head in confusion. A new message box pops up reading, "downloading file". He quickly tries to move his fighter into an attack position. The blue blocks that indicate the progress of the downloading file slowly click forward. DOUG (CONT'D) Will you fight you scary shit? Swing the damn sword! The downloading file continues, clicking inevitably onward. DOUG (CONT'D) What in the hell is going on?


INT. FIGHTING ARENA The knight finally makes a one armed attempt and swings his sword and barely misses the face of the vengeful prince. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX Doug watches helplessly as the download indicator is one block away from completion. He leans in, pounds the keys. INT. FIGHTING ARENA His inept fighter wildly swings the sword through the air. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX The last block clicks into the final space. Doug desperately reaches for the power button. The screaming knight causes him to look back at the monitor. He watches in 3-D terror as the vicious prince takes the challenger's head clean off. A sudden bolt of nerves jerks within Doug, the blue pupils in his dark glasses dilate in horror. The shattered glass monitor gives way to Barlow's virtual double-edged sword as it enters the third dimension, and slices Doug's head straight off. His headless body wiggles in the chair, as his head crashes against the keyboard. A silver disc ejects from the DVD drive, and slides across the wooden floor, it bumps to a stop against the baseboard. INT. HELL SATAN'S OFFICE Satan creeps around his dark, dank office as he glances over at the large Michelangelo painting every now and then. He stops, and leans on his desk, then taps his finger as he glares closer into the masterpiece. The angelic face in the picture suddenly cries a tear of blood, Satan rushes over and wipes it dry. Then a weird glow begins emitting from the old original, as section after section symmetrically expose a video monitor. Twelve video feeds form a singular screen image, on which, stomps The Retriever past the hoards of PEOPLE. Clutched in his unforgiving hand, swings Doug's severed head. Satan backs into the glow of his closed circuit creep show. SATAN Now, that's video game violence.


EXT. AMBASSADOR HOTEL - NIGHT Lovejoy parks in front of the hotel. INT. HOTEL LOBBY DESK CLERK Good evening sir, may I help you? LOVEJOY Yes, I'm with the San Francisco police, I just wondered if there was a visitors log kept from the recent Tech Expo? DESK CLERK I believe so, but you'd have to speak to the manager about seeing it. I'll page him for you. He picks up the phone, quietly mumbles into it... The night manager, MR. OWENS (48) quietly walks to the lobby. OWENS Yes, detective, what can we do for you tonight? LOVEJOY I was looking for some possible information on the tech show held earlier this year. OWENS Well that depends on what type you're looking for. OWENS (CONT'D) This wouldn't have anything to do with that, that prostitute who was killed? LOVEJOY Actually, it does. OWENS Correct me if I'm wrong detective, but, wasn't someone just convicted in that entire slew of murders? We've already suffered enough negative publicity over this. LOVEJOY I understand, but as far as her murder is concerned, he was never placed here. (beat) I think the D.A. only put her name on the indictment, so they could wrap this whole thing up together.


OWENS Now why would they do that? LOVEJOY Well it happens, more than I'd like to admit. OWENS Really? Oh my goodness. LOVEJOY Now wouldn't it be a disservice to you, your guests, this community; if someone were still out here killing women. OWENS That would be nothing short of disastrous. LOVEJOY My point exactly. I check the logs, maybe I see something they didn't. An alias, or something that puts him here without a doubt. OWENS Well, I suppose you checking the register wouldn't hurt. INT. HOTEL BACK OFFICE They enter a small office as Lovejoy sits at the metal desk. Owens hands him the thick register. OWENS There you are. Might I get you some coffee? LOVEJOY Oh, no thanks, makes me sleepy. Lovejoy falls back into the tiny chair, staring at the book of unknown names... ...He continues through the pages of the register. Tired eyes slow his finger on a name with a decidedly familiar ring to it. Jumping up, he quickly looks around the little office, as his eyes lock on a newspaper. Lovejoy snatches the paper, he flips the pages, then turns back staring at the register. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) That son of a bitch was here. I'll be damn. Sergio Mendez, did you know our girl?


INT. HOTEL BAR Lovejoy walks in on the eleven o' clock news... as an gripping story blares from the cornered tube. BARTENDER What can I get ya? LOVEJOY Gimme a rum and coke. BARTENDER (watching TV) Yeah here it is again, you gotta hear this shit. This guy got his head cut off, I saw it eaLOVEJOY So let's hear it then. ON TV: NEWSWOMAN (Doug's photo inlaid) Computer game programmer Doug Henderson was found dead in his San Diego duplex tonight. Police have yet to speculate as to what may have occurred. Only saying there were loud screams reported by several neighbors. INT. HOTEL BAR LOVEJOY You said his head was cut off? BARTENDER Yeah, that's what they said before. BARTENDER (CONT'D) I've seen that guy here man, coupla months ago. I know I did. LOVEJOY Here? Naw. When, at the tech show? BARTENDER Yeah, he was at that geek show. LOVEJOY Really, are you sure that's the same guy? BARTENDER Fuckin' A, hell they were all sittin' right over there. LOVEJOY They? How many of em' was it?


BARTENDER Shit, it was four or five of em'. I remember thinking how fuckin international they looked. LOVEJOY Why, was one of them Hispanic? BARTENDER I think one of em' was Mexican or something. LOVEJOY Oh yeah? What about the other guys? What'd they look like? BARTENDER There was this Asian guy, and some cowboy looking asshole. (beat) He was the one making all the noise. LOVEJOY So, what was all the noise about? BARTENDER Say, you sure ask a lot of Goddamn questions! You some kinda fuckin' cop? LOVEJOY (flashing his badge) Smart son of a bitch ain't ya? (beat) You tryin' to get your own reality T. V. show right? Their last drink alive was a... BARTENDER What? Nah man... I saw the dead guy trying to get the cowboy to calm down. I think it was over some chick. Seriously. LOVEJOY Over some chick, you think? Did you catch the cowboy's name? BARTENDER The only thing I catch are the tips. Look I know I'm right, it was the night before they found that woman dead in her suite. Lovejoy studies him for a moment...Silently nods a thanks. Then drops a fifty in his tip glass.


INT. HOTEL FRONT DESK LOVEJOY Excuse me, do you have a phone book I could use. DESK CLERK I believe so. Lovejoy takes the phone book and looks for Doug's address. His pen stops on the location, 427 Cabana Ct. He writes it down and heads for his car. INT. LOVEJOY'S CAR - NIGHT He climbs inside the Vette and keys the address into the GPS system. The map on the small screen blinks as Doug's address is highlighted. EXT. CABANA CT. He cruises in front of the beachfront duplex and spots the police-taped door. He walks over, carefully picking the lock and ducks under the bright, yellow warning. INT. DOUG'S DUPLEX Lovejoy looks around the dark, messy crib, staring at the blood splashed walls and floor. He sees the shattered monitor, and broken glass all over the desk. His eyes pan the room, when a multi colored reflection catches them. Walking over toward the window, he squats down and picks up the shiny DVD ROM disc. He holds it around the edges and slips it inside his jacket. Lovejoy jumps up to the boom of the door slamming open... He turns and stares down the barrel of a drawn 9mm. POLICE Hold it right where you are! What are you doing in here? GRAYSON Fucking up big time. That right Lovejoy? GRAYSON (CONT'D) Now, tell me why I shouldn't arrest you for unlawful entry, tampering with a crime scene, and just plain outta Goddamn line?! LOVEJOY Look, Grayson, the door was wide open, and I haven't touched a thing.


GRAYSON Why the fuck are you even in here? GRAYSON (CONT'D) Do you honestly think this guy had something to do with that dead whore of yours? Thompson's gonna die in prison for her. (beat) Who the hell are you anyway? LOVEJOY I don't think Thompson ever made it to her hotel. This guy and three of his buddies did. I was just gonna checkin' it out. GRAYSON It's not your fucking job to check out jack shit in my Goddamn city! You don't come into one of my cases and start moving shit around! LOVEJOY Yeah, I know, you're right. I'm not being professional about this girl. I just can't shake her. GRAYSON Does it matter so much who killed her? She's dead, and so's your friend. Right? GRAYSON (CONT'D) Now Thompson may or may not have killed her, but he's done enough to pay for it. GRAYSON (CONT'D) What? So her real killer goes free? (beat) Bullshit. He'll fuck up somewhere down the line. LOVEJOY I understand your point, I just can't change the truth to suit me. And that's all I was looking for. GRAYSON Jesus Christ. GRAYSON (CONT'D) We found out tonight, your boy here wrote to a federal release a few months back. GRAYSON (CONT'D) Now it didn't mean squat to me, but a shit starter like you may have some use for it.


LOVEJOY Is that right? So, who's the pen pal? GRAYSON One, Raymar Johnson, convicted for computer espionage. Released from a Texas federal prison last March. LOVEJOY Texas huh? Well, I'm already packed... Thanks detective. GRAYSON Oh, and Lovejoy, enjoy the rest of your vacation. INT. LOVEJOY'S MOTEL ROOM - DAY Lovejoy boots up his laptop computer and loads the lifted game disc ON COMPUTER: A flashy opening sequence lights up the screen. As Lovejoy enters the standard play mode, he's surprised to see that the knight is a digital Doug Henderson. After he checks the sword movement, then guides the fighter through the various levels. INT. FIGHTING ARENA The king and princess show him down the great hall as the two guards push open the tall doors. The king points him into the arena as Lovejoy moves the challenger inside. The frenetic CROWD screams at his fighter, as they bombard him with spoiled vegetables. INT. LOVEJOY'S MOTEL ROOM The evil prince turns to this underdog, as a strange feeling of excitement fills Lovejoy. INT. FIGHTING ARENA He rushes his knight in with a wicked offensive attack but is slashed across the chest for his effort. As blood rolls down, the knight looks back up, and before Lovejoy can move, his fighter is beheaded by the unbeatable prince. The bloodthirsty crowd cheers wildly, as his head slams the floor.


INT. LOVEJOY'S MOTEL ROOM Lovejoy appears stunned by the realistic portrayal of violence this game depicts. INT. FIGHTING ARENA The victorious prince takes off his headgear as the crowd screams, "Barlow the Brutal"! INT. LOVEJOY'S MOTEL ROOM He pauses the game as Barlow's face fills the screen. He falls back in the chair, and stares at the young man who is so full of hatred for his latest victim. LOVEJOY Barlow? SUPERIMPOSE: "Tokyo, Japan" EXT. PORT OF TOKYO - DAY A cargo ship is being unloaded, as the net full of U.S. marked crates lands on the docks. EXT. AUKIO'S HOME. STUDIO - DAY A brown van pulls in front of Aukio's house, the DRIVER unloads several boxes on his doorstep. INT. AUKIO'S STUDIO Aukio opens the boxes of his eagerly awaited, Nevada made, latex and silicone body parts. Digging through one of the boxes, he grabs the pony-tailed head of a SAMURAI warrior, to complete one of his robots with. AUKIO Finally. He turns the plastic head around, it is the twin image of Barlow. Aukio places an A.I. chip inside the neck of another ROBOT, completing its assembly. He is now ready to test their instincts and logic in the heat of battle. He holds a joystick device as to control one robot, and leaves the other to rely on his operating system software. Aukio takes his samurai through some preliminary warm ups. Aukio stares over to the other robot, his cocky smile, induces the lone warrior to show off some moves of his own. Apparently not impressed, Aukio walks toward his challenger.


AUKIO (CONT'D) (bends down) You're gonna have to do better than that. Use your brain. Aukio backs away as the four foot fighters prepare for battle. They bow to each other, then raise poised to strike. Aukio wastes no time as he charges his robot at the Barlow inspired warrior, who sidesteps the assault, and quickly delivers three unanswered blows. He retreats the embarrassed teammate, then manipulates a complex offensive maneuver. Barlow slices the robot across the face and chest and the robot falls to the floor. Aukio throws the joystick at the winning fighter as he turns back and glares at his fallen warrior. He then chokes up shrieks of inaudible terror, as he watches blood slowly puddle under the beaten robot's latex cheek. Barlow stares at the stunned genius, as he slowly walks toward him. AUKIO (CONT'D) No, stop! Put down that sword you stupid machine. Drop it! From sheer panic, he scrambles for the joystick controller, and desperately points it at the stalking samurai. Barlow stops. Aukio sighs in relief. Then Barlow points over to the dead robot. BARLOW Pick it up. AUKIO What?... What? BARLOW You had better pick it up. (beat) Pick up the damn sword! Aukio timidly grabs the sword, in total disbelief of this catastrophic malfunction. BARLOW (CONT'D) Settle it in your heart... you will die. Aukio hesitantly bows to his murderous creation, then fear leaps upon his yellow spine, and he's unable to raise up.


BARLOW (CONT'D) I'll kill you just like that. (beat) Stand up and die! Barlow wipes the fallen robot's blood from his sword onto Aukio's shoulder. Then suddenly slices off an ear. Aukio's bloodstained eyeglasses flip to the floor. BARLOW (CONT'D) You weren't listening anyway. Aukio screams, as he swings wildly at his toy gone haywire. Barlow makes him pay, with a wicked swing that slices Aukio's leg off just above the knee. He crashes to the floor. Aukio struggles to sit up, when Barlow slashes him across his narrow eyes. BARLOW (CONT'D) Stand up now! AUKIO I cannot! What are you!? (beat) I never made you! BARLOW Are you sure about that? Aukio blindly crawls away and pulls himself up against a box of body parts, but, the box tips over, as plastic arms and legs crash upon his disabled body. Barlow walks toward him as Aukio gropes the air. Barlow glares down at him as he grows two feet taller. Barlow grabs one of the fake legs and fiercely jams it inside Aukio's stumpy, bloody thigh. He cries out in an unimaginable shriek of pain. Barlow wraps his necktie around his fist and snatches him up from the floor. BARLOW (CONT'D) See, now you can stand. AUKIO Why are you doing this to me? I only made the robots for our historical dignity! Barlow lets go of his tie and turns away as he listens to the babbling, barely breathing, blind beggar.


AUKIO (CONT'D) Our cultural legacy was not to be karate kicking ninja turtles, or stupid ballet dancing power rangers...Ah my leg. Barlow stares at a radiant sun through the cracked micro blinds. His eyes show a weariness, even to this life. Aukio musters enough energy to desperately plead his case. AUKIO (CONT'D) My intent is to create a high-tech toy with a little cultural class. I'm so sick of all the cute, fuckin' furry, baby animals! (beat) I have not dishonored you people, why do you seek to kill me? Why?! Suddenly, Barlow leaps upward, flipping 360 degrees in the air. Spearing the sword into Aukio's screaming throat before he lands, and again faces the window. The tip of the blade shoots out from the back of Aukio's neck as blood sprays the dead robot. Aukio reaches back with both hands for the pierced sword as Barlow turns, then kicks the fake leg out from under him. Aukio spins, as he falls backward and stabs the blade into the bamboo floor. He slowly slides down the bloody steel. Barlow turns and pulls the band from his ponytail while his own sweaty face emerges through the plasticity of the latex. His dark eyes raise, as he squints at the huge, red sun, that circles through the middle of the room-wide, white blinds. INT. HELL CAVERNOUS CORRIDOR Janet walks down the steamy hall that leads to Satan's office. She stops, gazing around the dim corner as a green light vaguely glows. Suddenly, she hears the stampede of PEOPLE coming toward her as they chant his propaganda. They race past her as she backs against the wall, staring at the crazed look in their eyes. She watches as they turn the corner she tries to catch her breath. Janet turns back to continue, and Satan is standing right in her startled face. SATAN Won't you join us Janet? We're having sushi. He shoves her ahead.


INT. HELL SWAMP The CROWD has gathered in a semi circle on the banks of a nasty, little swamp. Slimy starfish quickly swim for the edge, as the thick water rises. The Retriever emerges. The fanatics' roar, as the water drips down his face, and both arms flipped back behind his head. Satan steps out from the curious crowd. SATAN My angel, where's the dead fish? The Retriever raises his massive arms as Aukio's head comes up into view behind him, he clutches both ends of the sword speared through Aukio's mouth. The crowd screams as he flips him over his head for all to see. Aukio's limp body hangs over the murky water. Janet glares up at him. SATAN (CONT'D) Oh, he's good. How proud you must be of that boy. JANET I will be, when he starts to live his own life, after all this. SATAN Of course you'll be. JANET Only one more, then you've got nothing else to do with him. Nothing! SATAN That may be his problem. JANET What's that supposed to mean? SATAN It means, a mortal can only do mortal things. To survive on his own may prove to be a challenge. JANET He'll be done with all this death, he will survive. SATAN Though I think he's starting to like it, growing progressively more violent it seems.


JANET That's a damn lie. That's a lie, and you know it! SATAN You're the perfect example of what the Outworld can produce in people. He could'a been born in fuckin' Hackensack and started doing this shit for the rush. JANET My son will not be back here. SATAN I happen to think he's worth some investment, and I paid him well. JANET If his soul is forgiven, we both know it wasn't from you. You're nothing. I hate you! SATAN So what's the real problem? He backs her toward the wall, as her feet tangle, the hissing tailsnake snaps at her legs in retreat. SATAN (CONT'D) Is it the fact that all of this is really your fault, and you can't stand the guilt. (beat) You're such a bitch, acting as though you had nothing to do with any of this. You had him here! JANET He forgave me Satan. Yes, something truly special happened down here. You have made the mistake of thinking it was to your benefit. SATAN Stay out of my business Janet, I will warn you no more. INT. LOVEJOY'S MOTEL ROOM - DAY Lovejoy sits as he reads Janet's case file. He looks at the crossed off names of Sergio, and Doug, as he writes an exclamation point next to Ray's. The right margin of the page lists a coupla dozen Asian names from the register. Included, is Aukio Otaki's'. He rubs his red eyes, then he scratches his head with both hands. Lovejoy looks over at his laptop.


ON COMPUTER: He clicks on a world news link and then on Asia. "China declares Beijing Olympics as a testimony to human rights policy, seeks to host the world cup". No... Japan, "An earthquake, five point two on the Richter scale rocks Osaka". So sorry... Finally Tokyo, "High tech tragedy", click! NEWSWOMAN In high tech news, a tragic ending. Tech Effect founder Aukio Otaki was found dead in his Tokyo home this morning. NEWSWOMAN (CONT'D) Otaki, renowned for his use of microcomputers with robotics, was apparently working on a new project when he was killed. INT. LOVEJOY'S MOTEL ROOM He grabs the page from the file and circles Aukio's name. LOVEJOY (V.O.) These bastards are getting killed before I can even find them. LOVEJOY Who loved you like this Janet? EXT. MOTEL PARKING LOT DAY He tosses a travel bag into his car and drives off the lot. EXT. DALLAS SKYLINE - NIGHT INT. RAY'S HOUSE Ray sits on the living room floor of his secluded North Dallas home. He gazes down at the mess of newspapers spread all over the carpet. Aukio's graphically reported nightmare lay near his trembling knee. He gulps his shot glass dry, then scrambles through the nonfiction horror stories, he snatches Doug's off the floor. RAY What the fuck got to you man? He throws the glass into the burning fireplace, a roar of flames reflect up onto the large, silver cross hung over it.


EXT. DALLAS HIGHWAY - NIGHT Lovejoy's Corvette speeds into Dallas as he whips past the welcome sign. EXT. DALLAS AREA HILLSIDE - NIGHT Barlow stands on a deserted hill as he looks at the overcast Dallas skyline, a flashing streak of lightning strikes a far off wooded area. His eyes lock, then zoom on the steamy hit as dark clouds roll into the sky. EXT. RAY'S FRONT YARD - NIGHT A nervous Ray stares out the window at the smoking stump and scattered debris, that seconds ago was his pecan tree. INT. RAY'S HOUSE RAY What the hell? Man that's it I'm outta here. He rushes into the bedroom and puts a travel bag on the bed. INT. LOVEJOY'S CAR - NIGHT LOVEJOY (V.O.) Someone really misses you Janet. LOVEJOY Maybe he's coming to remember just how much. INT. RAY'S HOUSE - NIGHT He rumbles through his briefcase, when a heavy knock on the door runs cold chills down his back. RAY Yeah, who is it? LOVEJOY (O.S.) Mr. Johnson I'm detective Joseph Lovejoy, we need to discuss a very important matter. RAY (cracks the door) Where the hell do you know me from? LOVEJOY Ray I believe someone is coming after you and plans some serious damage when he finds you.


RAY What are you talking about, who's supposed to be after me? Lovejoy pushes the door open. INT. RAY'S HOUSE LOVEJOY Look, you can play dumb if you want to... I know about San Diego. RAY What do you mean? Didn't shit happen in San Diego. LOVEJOY What I mean is you and your now dead buddies paid for a night of sex with Janet Novak. (beat) And somehow during this freak show, she wound up dead! RAY That's a damn lie! You can't tell me that somebody wasn't just convicted for her murder. LOVEJOY Maybe so, and why would you even know about Thompson? (beat) The real question is, whose killing your gang bangin' partners Ray? LOVEJOY (CONT'D) I see this the way you need to, they're all dead. You're the last man standing Ray, and your ass is next on his list. RAY That's crazy, I barely knew those guys, and I never laid eyes on Janet Novak. LOVEJOY Okay look, I don't have time to waste with your bullshit. (beat) I don't know who it was that got to your friends, but, I'm sure your death will be epic. Ray marches over to his briefcase and slams it shut as he glances back at Lovejoy. RAY I'm not gonna die... I didn't kill her.


So whoever this guy is, he ain't after me. (beat) So were the newspapers right, about the way they all died? LOVEJOY Oh yeah, he's no fluke. I could get you into protective custody, you need to tell me the truth. RAY There's no way I'm talking to you. So if, you don't have some sorta warrant, I'd appreciate you gettin' yo ass outta my house. LOVEJOY That's cool Ray. I'll just bait you out anyway. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) So, right before he kills you, try to remember, I could'a saved your stupid red neck! He watches, as Lovejoy bolts out the door. EXT. WOODED AREA - NIGHT - RAIN Lovejoy pulls his car off the road. EXT. LOCAL BAR - NIGHT Ray parks his car and heads toward the bar. RAY (V.O.) I need a real drink, in a real bar. INT. LOCAL BAR Ray sits at the bar, and checks out the thin crowd, as he glances toward the door, a redhead, TAMARA (22) walks in. INT. LOVEJOY'S CAR - NIGHT He flings open the steel blue 357, and loads it full. LOVEJOY (V.O) I don't know who you are, but, I'm not bringing a sword. INT. LOCAL BAR - NIGHT Ray, still at the bar, finishes his drink, then holds out three wiggly fingers. RAY That's right baby one mo... Shit I know what I need.


RAY (CONT’D) I'm paying you, keeping yo ass in business. BARTENDER (O.S.) Say you better chill, before I put yo drunk ass outta here. RAY I am chillin', you chill, Bill, Phil. Just hand me the drink. Tamara sits a few stools away as Ray turns and peers in blurry-eyed admiration, as she takes out a cigarette. RAY (CONT'D) I would really love to buy you a drink. I'm Ray. TAMARA Hello Ray, I'm Tamara. Nice to meet you. RAY (lights her cigarette) Now, you know that's bad for your heart. TAMARA My heart's been through worse Ray. As a matter of fact, I left my husband this morning. RAY That's a shame. come out on top Ya see darlin', your heart some

Well, I hope you in the divorce. I could only do good.

TAMARA Is that so? He nods a crooked, wobbly yes, like a drunk would. TAMARA (CONT'D) I'm learning all good things truly do come to an end, don't they Ray? RAY So do the bad things sugar. (beat) Lookahere, we should go somewhere. I know a nice motel up the road. TAMARA A motel? No, I really couldn't go someplace so, so obvious. Are you married?


RAY Me? No, but ITAMARA Can't we go to your place? You seem like a sweet guy, and I certainly do appreciate your concern. RAY Uh, yeah, I guess it'll be okay. She smiles at him. INT. RAY'S BEDROOM They stand near his bed, and he slowly takes off her blouse, as he fondles her round breasts. She takes his hand as they lay on the bed, and begin to make love. The ceiling fan spins its cool breeze down on them, as Ray soon works up a sweat... a single bead drips off his nose. The drop of sweat lands, then rolls down her cheek and gashes a bloody trail in its path that shocks Ray into a state of frozen panic. Another dripping bead quickly falls and lands on the curve of her breast and splits it open. Her long legs, still wrapped around him rapidly decompose, as Ray wildly backstrokes. Her long red hair glistens like streams of blood as Ray stares franticly into her self-dissecting face. He looks closer... Only to shake relentlessly at the sight of another face, underneath hers, staring back at him. Her breastbone splits open while stronger legs kick past her dead ones. Elbows crash from her shattered torso... Then, Barlow's face finally emerges. He grabs Ray by the back of his head, then yanks him back and sends him flying as he crashes through the ceiling fan. BARLOW Get the fuck off me! Ray slams into the wall and smashes the NAGEL print. Barlow jumps up and marches toward him as Ray snatches a piece of the broken glass. BARLOW (CONT'D) The one who plunged that broken bottle into her is the one who plunged me into her!


RAY No, it's not like that, I barely knew her. It wasn't my fault! BARLOW You made me a bastard in Hell! Barlow grabs Ray by the top of the head and snatches him to his feet. Ray still holds the piece of glass as he tries to struggle free. Barlow grabs his hand and squeezes it tighter into the glass, then smashes Ray's head halfway through the wall. BARLOW (CONT'D) You better stand still. He guides Ray's bloody hand quickly down past the front of his waist... a thump hits the carpet. Ray screams in bone chilling, wickedly agonizing pain. BARLOW (CONT'D) That, you no longer need. He bleeds all over Barlow's feet, as his screams for help fill his house of pain. RAY My God help me! Somebody please! Barlow snatches him from the wall while driving his fist completely through Ray's stomach. Barlow forces his arm upward as it cracks past his ribs, and smashes through his collar bone. The blood rolls off Barlow's arm as Ray almost falls in two different directions at once. Barlow reaches back and backhands him across the room. Blood sprays the dresser mirror. Barlow turns and gasps for air. Holding himself up against the dresser, he stares into the blood splashed mirror as he catches his breath. BARLOW It's over... finally, I'm free. He reaches into the drawer and grabs a pair of gray shorts, when these vile noises raise his head up. He slowly turns, then falls back against the dresser at the grotesque sight of The Retriever. Barlow stares at the bloodthirsty courier, as he gropes for Rays mangled body and soul. RETRIEVER I'll see you again real soon!

102. A flooding glow of light strobes the room, when a bolt of lightning crashes near, before a boom of thunder. The bang of gunfire rips through the front door.

The Retriever bursts into wicked laughter. Barlow looks down the hall, as Lovejoy races toward him. Barlow turns back into the bedroom and runs straight at the wall, he then smashes through it. Barlow blasts through the adjoining bathroom... then crashes past the ceiling high, brick fireplace, as the silver cross twirls forward. An awestruck Lovejoy cannot believe the strength of this young man. Barlow races out of the house, as Lovejoy chases after him. INT. HELL Ray's bloody face slams the dusty ground of hell, while the Retriever's blistered foot rests on his crudely stitched back. Satan turns with a menacing smirk. SATAN Well, make room for daddy. EXT. WOODED AREA - DAWN - RAIN Barlow bolts through the wooded landscape in the stinging rain, as Lovejoy tries to catch up with him. Barlow races past the towering trees. The veins bulge in his neck as he flexes, trying desperately to transform into something, anything! A small tree branch protrudes from his arm, then quickly disappears. Lovejoy fires a shot in the air. Barlow ducks behind some trees, then hears Satan's voice, seeming to whisper throughout the billowing branches. SATAN (O.S.) It's all over now. He's about to blow your brains out, and you'll be back home. (beat) No time to pledge any alliances, I'm afraid. BARLOW Satan, you liar. I was never with you.


SATAN (O.S.) Oh, come now, did you really think you'd get away with all this? You can't take back what belongs to me! BARLOW I never belonged to you! He made me. You got what you wanted, leave me alone! Barlow wraps his arms around the thick tree and climbs up the huge trunk. Lovejoy races under his view. SATAN (O.S.) Wrong way boy. Murderers don't get in. That's at the top of their list! BARLOW God help me! Please, I can no longer help myself. The baffled cop looks around for him... suddenly Barlow leaps from the tree, with both arms outstretched from his rapidly rotating body. Lovejoy looks up, just as Barlow crashes into the spellbound cop, he flips over him and rolls to a sudden stop. Lovejoy stands and points the gun at his prisoner, then he starts to walk toward him. Lovejoy stops in his tracks when Barlow jumps up. BARLOW (CONT'D) (whispers) All along I believed in you, don't forget me now. The cop stalks toward him, aimed at his head. LOVEJOY What are you? What the fuck are you?! Barlow stares, as the rain showers his face. BARLOW They murdered my mother! Everyone of them deserved to die. I was sent to make sure they did. LOVEJOY Sent? Where did you come from? Who sent you?


BARLOW Hell was her punishment for killing your friend. I was born there for the purpose of killing them. BARLOW (CONT'D) Satan wanted their souls... I wanted mine back! BARLOW (CONT'D) It was my only way out of there. I had to kill them to stay out! LOVEJOY What? What the fuck are you telling me?! BARLOW The truth. Isn't that what you've been searching for? Their deaths are justified. LOVEJOY That's not for you to say! You don't have the right to judge them. Don't you know that? Thunder echoes, as lightning strobes the dark woods. Afraid and somewhat confused, Barlow looks up into the violent sky. He glances down at his hand, it flinches; as he still tries to conjure up some form of offense. Not so much as a puff of smoke emits from it. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) So now what about you? Will you pay for your crimes Barlow? What about you?! BARLOW What about me? Well, let's find out then. Barlow stiffens. He stares and marches toward the gun; Lovejoy cocks the 357. BARLOW (CONT'D) Do it if you have to? Maybe my time is over. Lovejoy rocks his aim, as to remind Barlow there is something between them. BARLOW (CONT'D) If I'm really guilty, I'd just go back!


BARLOW (CONT'D) If I am forgiven, then what she said is true, and it won't matter if I die. Lightning flashes, Lovejoy glances up, as he shields his eyes, the echoing thunder booms. He looks down, just as Barlow, at arm's length, reaches for the gun. Instinctively, Lovejoy fires a shot and strikes Barlow in the upper abdomen. LOVEJOY Back off! Barlow falls back and crashes to the ground. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) Barlow? Dammit I didn't meanLovejoy frantically pats himself down, as he shakes the pockets of his trench coat. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) Ah fuck, where is it? Shit. Shit! He looks back in the direction of his car. He takes off his coat and covers Barlow. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) I'll be right back! Gonna get some help, hold on Barlow! LOVEJOY (CONT'D) No matter what you believe, it always, always matters if you die! Barlow watches him race away. He stares ahead, as a sudden wind stirs the leaf covered ground. A large mound in the ground begins moving up and down, and rolls directly toward Barlow. The dirt bulges to a stop just beneath him, then sinks to ground level. He tries to sit up and inspect the wound, as blood streams from underneath the coat. He slowly falls back and almost passes out. The massive arms of The Retriever suddenly come out of the ground on both sides of Barlow. INT. UNDERGROUND RETRIEVER You're done boy, and you're coming with me.

106. He gropes and grabs at Barlow, as Barlow's spirit begins to leave his body. The Retriever snatches at his spirit, and pulls it further into the ground.

EXT. WOODED AREA Barlow, still on his back, sees the curve of a steel sickle, as he tries to focus his eyes. He then sees The Grim Reaper, who stands over him. He looms over Barlow, as he stands at his head, staring down with expressionless eyes. Barlow feels himself slowly dying, as he lay under the falling rain. He searches the cloudy sky, while a distinct tear finally streams down his face. BARLOW Was this all you meant for me? No! I don't believe that. You must forgive me. Please. INT. LOVEJOY'S CAR LOVEJOY (into phone) Listen, I need an ambulance, right now. LOVEJOY (CONT'D) I'm in a rural area about four miles south of I35, highway 67 exit. Dallas county, I'll activate my Lo Jack GPS. Yes, please hurry! INT. HELL A cork blasts from the dusty bottle of champagne Satan holds, he turns and hands the bottle to Janet. She wears a white bath robe. Ray glares down at the Hotel logo on his robe. RAY What the fuck is this? SATAN A little souvenir from the night you lost everything. There some ol' friends just dying to see you Ray... coming Janet? Janet pours the champange and fills four glasses that sit on a strange, dirty, canvas covered, padded table. Walking away, she reads the label. JANET Vineyards of Eden 1973, the same year I ordered up that night.

107. Ray glances back at her, while he reaches for the glass in front of him.

Suddenly, the appearance of three pairs of HANDS grabs hold of him. Ray turns to find Doug staring into his shocked face. Thick stitching, rings Doug's neck. DOUG (gargled) Welcome home Ray. Sergio and Aukio twist Ray's arms behind his back and force him down over the table. Doug slaps the glasses away, as they shatter against the rocky walls. He pushes Ray's head down, as Janet walks toward him from behind. SATAN Your time of suffering has come I'm afraid... and it shall last an eternity. RAY What the fuck are you talkin' about? I'm already in hell! JANET How right you are... And so it begins. She looks at Doug, and he lifts Ray's head up. Janet reaches back and hammers down the thick bottom of the bottle against his skull, as not to shatter it. SATAN Déjà vu? Janet flips the robe up over his back, as she notices Satan, once again enjoying the hateful gleam in her eye. Slowly, she drags the jagged tips of the broken bottle down Rays quivering spine. Satan looks over, as The Retriever approaches. Satan realizes his sudden reappearance could mean only one thing. SATAN (CONT'D) Back so soon? Go ahead, tell me, tell me the cop shot him. The Retriever reaches out and holds a rather large rock. He breaks it in half and crumbles it to dust, as the pile grows waist high. He digs down into the dirt... Satan stares unblinking. SATAN (CONT'D) Janet, that will have to wait. Everyone stares, as he continues to feel throughout the dirt. A strangely satisfied expression overcomes his hideous face.


He suddenly snatches Barlow up from the crumbled pile. Janet cries out a fitful scream... she stabs the jagged bottle into the table, as Ray rolls off just in time. JANET No! Barlow no! Barlow gazes up sadly into her face, almost too ashamed to look her in the eye. Janet runs over and helps him up, then she wipes his face and strokes his hair. EXT. WOODED AREA - DAWN Lovejoy runs over to Barlow. He pulls back the coat and looks at the gunshot wound. He feels his neck for a pulse, then shakes him by the shoulders. LOVEJOY Barlow! C'mon man look at me. Help is on the way, just hang on dammit! INT. HELL Feeling the intensity of his stare, Barlow looks at Satan. SATAN Well, now look who's back. Did I not warn you of this day? BARLOW The days' not over yet, and I won't be staying long. The tailsnake shoots out at him and loops around his neck, then salivates in his face. SATAN Oh I think you'll be here quite some time this go round! JANET Let go of him! Stop choking him, you maniac! Barlow struggles with the tailsnake... then glares over at the champagne bottle lodged in the table. He stares closely at the label, and recognizes it from the hotel, he then looks intently into Satan's eyes. BEGIN FLASHBACK: INT. JANET'S HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Ray reaches down and grabs the broken bottle off the carpet. He turns back to Janet and pounces on the bed, then plunges the jagged bottle into her.


Within the replay of this horrific event, Barlow again watches as a bystander, but, now slows time to a crawl. He focuses on the artwork from the bottle's label. "Vineyards of Eden". Eve reaches for grapes from a twisting vine, he then stares even closer. Barlow glares, and watches, as the snake comes alive... then slithers from the vines and off of the label, and enters Janet's gashing wound. He follows the snake, as if her skin were translucent. Ray steps away from Janet, as the blood pools beneath her arched back. Ray throws the bottle into the corner. INSIDE JANET: The small snake worms its way near her heaving lungs. INT. JANET'S HOTEL ROOM She franticly reaches along the chain on her neck for the discarded cross. Barlow covers his mouth, as he stares at her, inside of her. INSIDE JANET: The snake glares at her rapidly beating heart... then springs forth and clamps its fangs into her aorta. INT. JANET'S HOTEL ROOM She collapses into the puddle of blood. Barlow shakes himself from her fatal nightmare. END FLASHBACK: INT. HELL Barlow glares at Satan, then he grabs the middle of the tailsnake and yanks Satan toward him. The surprised snake unwraps itself from Barlow's neck. SATAN What? What do you think you're doing boy? BARLOW It was you; you killed her! You killed my mother!


SATAN Now hold on, that's a lie if I evBARLOW You are a liar! It was you! Janet and the others stare at Satan. The Retriever glares at him with a confused disappointment. Suddenly, the GRIM REAPER stands behind Barlow, he turns and lets go of the captive tailsnake, as Satan stumbles back. RETRIEVER (turns to The Reaper) My brother, have I been deceived? REAPER I confirm detail for the eternal scrolls, but, yet again, he has deceived many. EXT. WOODED AREA - DAWN Lovejoy pumps Barlow's chest, as he attempts to revive him. INT. HELL REAPER (to Satan) You have stolen their last rites for a final time. The day of accounting has come. SATAN Okay, okay, she was about to die anyway, what difThe Reaper crashes his tall, sickle staff into the ground, and rocks the foundations of hell. REAPER Silence! Lucifer you will not cross the forbidden boundaries again! EXT. WOODED AREA - DAWN A flickering, flash of lightning glares the area white, then a boom of thunder knocks Lovejoy back on his ass. He sits up and stares at Barlow, who to his shock, looks back at him. LOVEJOY My God. Lovejoy hears the sirens from the ambulance. He turns and looks back to the road. He crawls up and runs toward them.


INT. HELL Barlow begins a strange appearance of flashing transparency. Satan's eyes narrow, as the pile of dirt transforms into a kinetic fog that surrounds Barlow. REAPER (looks at Barlow) I was in pursuit of you for the eternal record... He tosses something, that Barlow snatches out of the air; he opens his hand, and a bloody, spent bullet smolders. REAPER (CONT'D) ... though it appears your time has not yet come. SATAN What? That son of a bitch died... on his own no less! The Reaper turns and walks toward the darkness. SATAN (CONT'D) Will you wait a fuckin' minute?! He stops... doesn't look back. REAPER He is to take possession of the keys. Hand them over to him. REAPER (CONT'D) (turns to The Retriever) It has been deemed so. The Reaper turns and disappears into the distant darkness. The Retriever gives Barlow a pair of twisted skeleton keys. SATAN What are you doing? Barlow begins to dissipate, as the strange fog thickens. BARLOW She's coming with me. He grabs his mother by the hand. SATAN Have you lost your mind completely? BARLOW I said she is coming with me! And everybody else you robbed.


Doug, Sergio, and Aukio race toward the thick fog that engulfs Janet and Barlow, as they jump inside. Ray runs toward them, as the misty ball begins to levitate. He makes it almost inside, when the head of the tailsnake suddenly wraps around his foot. SATAN Oh, I really don't think so! They look down at him, as he's being pulled back out. RAY Barlow please! Don't leave me down here, please son! I'm sorry! Lord have mercy. Barlow reaches down and grabs his hand, as the tailsnake pulls harder. Barlow is being pulled back down, when Janet grabs him. JANET No! Let him go; I won't lose you again. He looks at her, struggles to keep his grip... not losing his determination. He's suddenly yanked down even further. JANET (CONT'D) No! Drop him Barlow! He glares into Satan's dark eyes... ... who looks expectantly back at Barlow. With his free hand, Barlow suddenly shoots a ball of fire and hits the snake square in the face. It unwraps from Ray's ankle with a loud squeal. Barlow pulls his father up, and they slowly ascend into the vanishing distance. SATAN Barlow! Barlow, you will by no means get away with this! He turns glaring at The Retriever. SATAN (CONT'D) Why didn't you stop him, you; you fool?! (beat) And how the hell could you give up the keys to Purgatory?!


RETRIEVER You will wait! You will wait for His judgment Lucifer! I will not be misused through your deceit again! Satan glares at him, then over to that label on the bottle still stuck in the table. He grimaces in utter disgust. EXT. WOODED AREA - DAWN Lovejoy races back toward where he left Barlow, as he waves the paramedics over. He slows down, as he stares at his flattened, wet coat. LOVEJOY Oh, God no. He snatches back the soggy coat, only to find leaves and dirt. He stands, and curiously looks around the area. INT. UNDERGROUND AREA The flashing mist dissipates at the gates of Purgatory. Janet stares at her son, as he places a key into the lock. He clicks it free, as a breathless sigh escapes her. BARLOW Don't be afraid, it is a place of rest, for a time. JANET I know, but what if I'm judBARLOW Don't think that way. No matter what... I will be with you all ways. She begins to cry tears of comfort. The four men stare in silence. They begin to enter, as Barlow closes the gate, she stops just inside and looks back at him. JANET You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Words could never describe how much I love you. BARLOW Well, we have a lot more than words to show what we've been through. Janet flashes an exhaustive smile.


BARLOW (CONT'D) Pray always, trust in His judgment. There is no longer a black veil over your heart... Or mine. He turns and walks toward a distant light. She never takes her eyes off of him. INT. LOVEJOY'S CAR - DAY Lovejoy walks toward the fogged up, driver's side window. Opening the door, he collapses into the seat. He looks at Janet's file next to him, slowly he closes it. LOVEJOY Janet. One helluva vacation. END FLASHBACK: EXT. SAN FRANCISCO HILLSIDE - NIGHT From behind, in the distance. Barlow stands wearing the black leather coat. He stares down on the lights of San Francisco. BARLOW (V.O.) I never doubted you. There had to be something more you had planned for my life. BARLOW (V.O) I will try to save other victims from the torments of hell, even if only for a time. He turns around. A shadow of dark whiskers frame his face. BARLOW (V.O.) (CONT'D) As for their murderers, that don't ask your forgiveness, who refuse to confess... He marches straight ahead in all black attire. The silver cross swings across his chest. BARLOW (CONT'D) Hell awaits them... and I will send them straight into the roaring fury of its flames. He reaches out, spreads his fingers, and a ball of fire suddenly blasts forth. FADE OUT.

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