The Power of the Yod

June 24, 2019 | Author: farzana25 | Category: Planets In Astrology, Astrological Sign, Astrology, Esoteric Cosmology, Divination
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THE POWER OF THE YOD As Originally Published in the September 200 issue !" Dell  !" Dell   Horoscope

 by Sister Ray the Astrologer  ©Gail Lawson Clough

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he stage is dim and the audience hushed as three participants ta!e their places on the Panel. "ne by one# the spotlight $alls on% &'( Panelist )umber "ne% She is the most $amous homema!er in the world with her own * show# show# magazine# and over a dozen boo!s to her name+ &,( &,( Panelist )umber wo% -e is a beloved astronaut admired by the whole world $or his  bravery and courage in saving his crew on a hal$million mile  /ourney through space in a crippled ship+ and &0( Panelist  )umber hree% -e was a brilliant 1rench psychologist and statistician who shoc!ed the scienti$ic establishment with his daring theory correlating planetary positions at birth with speci$ic pro$essions. hese three participants in the Panel o$ Li$e have each made signi$icant contributions to humanity. humanity. 2ho are these three amazing # but very v ery di$$erent people and what common bond do they share3 Contestant number one# 4artha Stewart+ contestant number two# Commander 5ames Lovell+ and contestant number three# 6r. 4ichel Gau7uelin all have one

thing in common% common% All three have a rare rare and power$ul astrological con$iguration called a 8od. 8od. 1or those o$ you who are not $amiliar with the 8od 8od con$iguration# it is an isosceles triangle $ormed by two planets se9tile each other and both 7uincun9 a third# $ulcrum planet. Li!e the Grand Cross# the 8od 8od can be said to be one o$ the most challenging con$igurations that can occur in a horoscope. 5ust as a person with a Grand Cross can $eel li!e they are always :up on the cross; in li$e# so too is a person with a 8od 8od :crossed#; in  particular#  particular# starcrossed by the 1inger o$ 1ate# $or the 8od is also re$erred to as the :1inger o$ God.; Are you driven by $orces that seem beyond your control3 6o you $eel that you have a great reservoir o$ talent that is /ust within reach3 6o you $eel certain that you have a special  purpose in li$e3 8ou may be e9periencing the power o$ the 8od. =earer >s search $or his or her special purpose is li!e a 7uest $or a personal -oly Grail. -ow does the 8od wor!3 THE #E$HA%&$S OF THE YOD

here is a $ourway $ ourway e9change o$ energy involved invo lved in the 8od 8od con$iguration%


he 8od 1ulcrum &or 1oot planet( shoots energy out through the double 7uincun9 to planets ' and ,# trying to $ind its :sea legs; ?earth legs@ or :a leg to stand on.;


he se9tile $rom planet ' to planet , $orms the base o$ the 8od# trying to stabilize the con$iguration.


he individual 7uincun9 energy $lowing $rom planets ' and , bac! to the 8od 1ulcrum :tal! bac!#; providing $eedbac!+ and


he point directly opposite the 8od 1ulcrum called the Activation Point# i.e., the 4idpoint between the two 8od se9tiles# sets the 8od vibrating when it is activated by transit# synastry or act o$ will. he 8od energy in the 1ulcrum &or 1oot( planet is bound up in the world o$ $orm and personality until the Activation Point triggers it into action.

he 8od is a power$ul circuit that puts intense pressure on the 1ulcrum# demanding release li!e an arrow shot $rom a bow &this analogy comes $rom 5oan Bellogg>s boo!# The Yod: Its soteric  Meaning (. A%A'Y(&%) THE YOD

Analyzing the 8od involves% &'( consideration o$ the sign# house position and dispositor o$ the 1ulcrum planet+ &,( the same $or the two se9tile planets+ &0( aspects $rom any other  planets to the three 8od planets+ and &( transits and  progressions to the three 8od planets and the Activation Point. he 7uincun9 &also called the incon/unction( is the main

component o$ the 8od and one o$ the !eys to understanding it#  but the 7uincun9 aspect is a tric!ster de$ying analysis by its very nature. 2ise and renowned astrologer# Alan "!en# says that# :Li!e ranus# the e$$ects o$ an incon/unction are the least  predictable o$ all the aspects.; &p. 0DE# !oul"#entered  $strology(. he disruptive# capricious 7uincun9 creates a great deal o$ nervous energy that is $ocused on the 8od 1ulcrum. here is also an esoteric component to the 8od because it is by its very nature a highly spiritual con$iguration with !armic connotations. hus# the 4oon>s )odes# which represent !arma# should also be part o$ the 8od analysis. *EY THE#ES OF THE YOD F+'$R+# P'A%ET

he theme o$ the 8od is revealed by the 8od 1ulcrum planet>s zodiac sign. Fach sign o$ the zodiac has a symbolic theme when considered in the 8od conte9t# as $ollows% S+%  Symbol o$ the li$e $orce and character. 8ou are called $orth to ta!e a leadership role as part o$ your li$e>s central  purpose. $HOSE% TO 'EAD #OO%  Symbol o$ the mother# nurturing principles and emotions. 8ou are chosen to utilize the nurturing principle. $HOSE% TO %+RT+RE #ER$+RY  Symbol o$ the mind# communications and writing. 8our li$e>s purpose involves intellectual activity through speech or the written word.

$HOSE% TO TH&%*, OR )E%ERATE A% &DEA -E%+S  Symbol o$ love# pleasure# art# sensuality# social harmony. 8our purpose is to bring people together in a spirit o$ love and cooperation. $HOSE% TO 'O-E, TO +%&TE #ARS  Symbol o$ war# combat# action# military impulses. 8ou have been chosen to ta!e up the sword# whether literally or symbolically and $ight $or a cause. $HOSE% TO A$T, TO .ATT'E /+P&TER   Symbol o$ Royalty# !ings# high priests# e9pansion# religion# pomp and circumstance# good $ortune. 8our purpose is to e9pand horizons and bring abundance to the lives o$ those around you. $HOSE% TO EPA%D SAT+R%  Symbol o$ structure# limitation# time# repression# responsibility# lessons# burdens# re7uirements# !armic ad/ustment. 8our li$e>s purpose involves principles o$ structure and responsibility# shoring up $oundations. $HOSE% TO .+&'D A%D .EAR RESPO%S&.&'&TY +RA%+S  Symbol o$ rebellion# electricity# sudden change# disruption# genius# brilliance. 8ou are a revolutionary. 8ou have  been chosen to turn your world upside down# challenging the status 7uo and disrupting complacency. $HOSE% TO RE-O'+T&O%&(E

%EPT+%E  Symbol o$ music# mysticism# higher love# sacri$ice# inner vision# transcendence# duplicity# subter$uge. 8our special purpose involves the higher mysteries and the heights o$ consciousness. $HOSE% TO #YST&FY, .EW&T$H, E%$HA%T, &%SP&RE P'+TO  Symbol o$ annihilation# obliteration# resurrection# trans$ormation. 8our special purpose in li$e is to trans$orm# you are the phoeni9# chosen to resurrect. $HOSE% TO A%%H&'&ATE, TRA%SFOR#, RES+RRE$T $HARA$TER&ST&$S OF YOD .EARERS

here are certain patterns that occur in the lives o$ 8od =earers. According to Baren -ama!erHondag# there is a seesaw e$$ect at wor! in their lives# a be$oreIa$ter phenomenon% the $irst hal$ o$ li$e is sometimes completely di$$erent $rom the second hal$ o$  li$e# as though there are two di$$erent people and two di$$erent lives. s classic# Mastering the $rt  of 'rench #oo&ing . A driven overachiever with Scorpio rising# this superambitious 8od =earer began rac!ing up accomplishments at an early age. A$ter wor!ing her way through college as a model# she became a 2all Street stoc! bro!er. s most $amous brush with

death occurred during his command o$ the Apollo '0 mission to the 4oon. Apollo '0 blasted o$$ $rom Farth on Saturday# April ''# 'O at '%'0 p.m. &which is '0%'0 in military time(. 1i$ty $ive hours and $i$ty $our minutes into the $light and the day a$ter the transiting 4oon made a con/unction with the Pluto leg o$ his 8od# one o$ the o9ygen tan!s on the space ship "dyssey e9ploded# lea!ing precious o9ygen into space and e$$ectively ending the mission. At $irst# the crew was only given a 'Q chance o$ ma!ing it home alive. 4illions o$ people all over the world held their breath $or three and onehal$ grim days as Commander Lovell and his crew raced bac! to earth in their crippled space capsule. A heroic e$$ort by the brave crew and scores o$ brainstorming scientists at )ASA resulted in a triumphant ending to an otherwise harrowing event in the history o$ space e9ploration. Saturn is the planet o$ responsibility and also symbolizes the 1ather. 5ames Lovell has always had a great deal o$ responsibility# beginning when he lost his 1ather in a motor vehicle accident and had to ta!e charge o$ his own $ate be$ore even graduating $rom high school. -e was separated $rom his $amily $ollowing his 1ather>s death &Saturn(# staying with relatives while his 4other# =lanch Lovell# struggled to $eed and clothe her $amily. -er presence in her son>s 8od is unmista!able with the Saturn 1ulcrum 7uincun9 his $ourth house &early li$e( 4oon &4other(. he 4oon leg o$ Lovell>s Saturn 8od is involved in a s7uare with 4ars in A7uarius in the second house and retrograde )eptune in Leo in the eighth house. 6isappointment $ollowed by triumph over adversity is a recurring theme in the li$e o$ this remar!able man. Some e9amples include his initial re/ection &Saturn( by the )aval

Academy# only to be accepted the second time+ his initial re/ection &Saturn again( by the Astronaut Corps> 4ercury  program# only to be accepted into the Gemini program &his 8od Activation Point is in the sign Gemini(+ and the biggest disappointment o$ his li$e  being denied the e9perience o$ wal!ing on the 4oon. A$ter logging the most hours in space &O'D hours and $ive minutes per o$ any man on Farth  prior to the S!ylab program# this was a brutal disappointment. s li$e. -is power$ul Aries stellium o$ the Sun5upiterranus is ruled by the planet o$  war# 4ars# which is in mutual reception with the planet o$ disruption# ranus# and opposite )eptune. 6eath and danger have always been part o$ his li$e. =e$ore he was an astronaut &a very ris!y /ob indeedJ(# Lovell was a test pilot $or $our years# one o$ the most dangerous /obs on the planet. Although some 8od =earers have di$$iculty $inding their special  purpose# this was not the case $or 5ames Lovell. Fven as a boy# he was $ascinated by roc!ets and roc!et science. -e was destined $or the stars. -is )orth )ode &good !arma# !arma we control( is in Gemini# the sign o$ his 8od Activation Point# and the name o$ the Astronaut Corps program that set him on his  path to destiny. -is South )ode is in $arsee!ing Sagittarius# the same sign as his Saturn 8od 1ulcrum  he was destined to $ul$ill his passion $or roc!et science in a very direct way# ultimately

 being on the $irst team o$ astronauts to ride on the Bing o$ Roc!ets# the Saturn *. Pursuing his interest in roc!ets and roc!et science would also eventually result in his being the only human being to have traveled to and $rom the 4oon twice. 6espite loss# delay# danger and close encounters with death# 5ames Lovell has repeatedly turned adversity into achievement. -is courage# intelligence and strength o$ character have served him well in his odyssey through li$e. Fven though he has nobly $ul$illed his special purpose# he is probably still see!ing mountains to climb and missions to accomplishment. S7ientist #i7hel )au8uelin 5 $h!sen t! Re6!luti!ni9e

6r. 4ichel Gau7uelin# the brilliant 1rench psychologist and statistician whose wor! revolutionized the way world viewed astrology# was a 8od =earer supreme with a double 8od that involved all o$ his planets in a dramatic# $iery $ocus o$ intellectual brilliance. -e was a pioneer &ranus Aries 8od( who nurtured a theory &4oon Sagittarius 8od( that became his li$e>s wor!. he two 8od 1ulcrum planets# the 4oon and ranus# are trine# wor!ing together to in$use passion &Sagittarius 4oon( into a pioneering endeavor &Aries( involving the ancient art and science o$ astrology# which is governed by the planet ranus. Gau7uelin# whose $ather was an astrologer# had a li$elong interest in astrology and believed that statistics should support its principles. Assisted by his psychologist wi$e# 1ranoise Gau7uelin# he set out to criti7ue the principles o$ astrology utilizing statistical analysis. ogether# the Gau7uelins collected hundreds o$

horoscopes and $ound that there was a correlation between the  position o$ the 4oon# the personal planets# 4ars# 5upiter# Saturn+ and certain pro$essions. Kuoting 4ichel Gau7uelin% :Around 'D# as we were preparing our criti7ue o$ traditional astrology . . . we $ound ourselves con$ronted# somewhat unwillingly# with a strange result. s birth and his $uture success as a doctor.; &The #osmic #loc&s # p. 'E# 'O# citing to M(thode pour )tudier la *(partition des $stres Dans le  Mou+ement Diurne &Paris% 'DO# 4. and 1. Gau7uelin(. hey $urther discovered that certain planets when rising or culminating &the :Gau7uelin Sector;( indicated a disposition towards certain pro$essions% 5upiter was $ound in the charts o$  prominent :military men# politicians# actors# /ournalists and  playwrights;+ Saturn in the charts o$ :scientists and physicians;+ the 4oon in the charts o$ :politicians and writers;+ and 4ars in the charts o$ :scientists# physicians# athletes# military men and  businessmen.; See p. 'O o$ The #osmic #loc&s . he latter  phenomenon was nic!named# :he 4ars F$$ect#; and caused a storm o$ outrage in the scienti$ic establishment. Li!e so many  pioneers# the Gau7uelins were attac!ed $or their innovation. Gau7uelin>s ranus 8od in Aries is retrograde in the ninth house o$ philosophy# higher learning# esoteric !nowledge and

 publishing &he published numerous papers and many boo!s(. s ruler# 4ercury# which is in the power$ul# penetrating sign o$ Scorpio. 4ercury se9tile )eptune means mind and soul are wor!ing together toward a special purpose. Gau7uelin supremely $ul$illed his special purpose% -is )orth )ode in Gemini &which is ruled by 4ercury# a ranus 8od leg( and his South )ode in Sagittarius &the same sign as his 4oon 8od 1ulcrum( put him s7uarely on the path o$ destiny to be a see!er &Sagittarius( and communicator &4ercury( o$ higher !nowledge. he ranus 8od 1ulcrum trine the 4oon 8od 1ulcrum $oreshadows his scientist wi$e# who would play a big role in his li$e and wor!. he nurturing 7ualities o$ the 4oon e9press themselves in the way the two Gau7uelins nurtured each other#  putting up a united $ront against those in the scienti$ic community who did not agree with them. 5upiter and *enus are in mutual reception in 4ichel>s chart# symbolizing the strong  bond o$ husband and wi$e in their une7uivocal support o$ each other and their li$e>s wor! &at least in the $irst hal$ o$ their lives(. 5upiter is 4ichel and *enus is 1ranoise. hey collaborated $or many years# but eventually sucuumbed to a  bitter divorce &Baren -ama!erHontag>s 8od seesaw e$$ect at wor!(. Perhaps 1ranoise grew weary o$ sharing her li$e with a double 8od =earer# and got $ed up with the Collateral 8od e$$ectJ 4ichel>s 4oon 8od 1ulcrum in Sagittarius is 7uincun9 4ars in Cancer# which is in the same sign as his Scorpio Sun>s ruler# Pluto. he 4oon 7uincun9 4ars gave 4ichel an abundance o$ nervous energy. Fven though at nine degrees apart 4ars and

Pluto are not close enough to $orm a con/unction# they still wor!  together# as they are in the same sign and are both disposited by the 4oon. his gives deep# penetrating insight# which is rein$orced by Pluto trine the Sun in Pluto>s natural sign o$ Scorpio. 4ichel Gau7uelin was a man o$ deep insight and  prodigious intellect whose revolutionary discoveries turned the astrological and scienti$ic communities upside down. 5upiter is e9actly opposite 4ercury in Scorpio% he Gau7uelins were $aced with abundant opposition to their theory# even to the point that it is said that certain e9periments were conducted with $raudulent data to :disprove; the 4ars F$$ect. here is a boo! about this sub/ect called The Tenacious Mars ffect  by Benneth
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