The Policies of DRRM

August 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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THE POLICIES OF DRRM #hilippine D$$% &aw $' ()(*( and !ts !mplementing $ules and $egulations !ts Beginnings  The #hilippine #hilippine D$$% &aw was signed on %ay %ay *+, *)() !mplementing rules and regulations was signed on eptember *+, *)() took eecr ater (/ days 0ational Disaster $isk $eduction $eduction and %anagement "ramework "ramework was signed on  1une (2, *)(( 0ational D$$% #lan was approved by %ational 3ouncil on "ebruary +, *)(*

Creation of DRRMC & Salient Features of the DRRM Law %angaging the atermath o a disaster can overwhelm a state4s machinery.  The creation o the 0D$$%3 was thus well received because it taps local government gover nment units 5&67s8, 5&67s8, communiti communities, es, and civil society society partners partners.. The new law shited more responsibilities to local communities on disaster management. 9ith this, the new disaster body promises to be more responsive on disaster concerns.  This and other changes are e:plicitly written in the new D$$% law4s Declaration #olicy, oremost oremost o which is the protection o the people4s constitutional rights to lie and property.  T;< #;!&!##!0< D$$% D$$% =Trst in 'sia to have enacted its own law on disaster risk reduction and management through $epublic 'ct 0o. ()(*( or the #hilippine $isk $eduction and %anagement 5D$$%8 'ct o *)().  This law provided #aradigm #aradigm hit rom Disaster $elei $elei and $esponse $esponse 5D$$8 toward Disaster $isk $eduction and %anagement 5D$$%8.

 Top op Down and  T controlled disaster management Disaster as merely a unction o physical haard "ocus on disaster response and anticipation

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DRRMC Organizational Structure an Functions 's the country4s highest policy-making body or disaster risk reduction and management, the 0D$$%3 advises the #resident regarding all phases o disasters, rom preparedness to rehabilitation. ?n the top o 0D$$%34s oraganiational pyramid is the ecretary o 0ational Deense as 3hairperson. The Department o 0ational Deense 5D0D8 is the agency mandated mand ated to guard guard againts againts e:ternal e:ternal and internal internal threats threats to national national peace and security in times o peace, war, and disaster.  The ?@ce o 3ivil Deense 5?3D8 is the implementing arm o 0D$$%3 and has the primary mission o administering a comprehensive national civil deense and the D$$% program. ?3D4s main responsibility is ensuring the implementation and monito monitorin ring g o the 0atio 0ational nal Disas Disaster ter $isk $isk $educt eduction ion and %anage %anagemen mentt #lan #lan 50D$$%#8. 0D$$%3 is empowered to do the ollowing unctionsA • • •

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Develop the 0D$$% ramework Develop o 0D$$% plan 'dvis dvise e the the pres presid iden entt on the the status o D$$% in the country
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