THE POLICIES OF DRRM #hilippine D$$% &aw $' ()(*( and !ts !mplementing $ules and $egulations !ts Beginnings The #hilippine #hilippine D$$% &aw was signed on %ay %ay *+, *)() !mplementing rules and regulations was signed on eptember *+, *)() took eecr ater (/ days 0ational Disaster $isk $eduction $eduction and %anagement "ramework "ramework was signed on 1une (2, *)(( 0ational D$$% #lan was approved by %ational 3ouncil on "ebruary +, *)(*
Creation of DRRMC & Salient Features of the DRRM Law %angaging the atermath o a disaster can overwhelm a state4s machinery. The creation o the 0D$$%3 was thus well received because it taps local government gover nment units 5&67s8, 5&67s8, communiti communities, es, and civil society society partners partners.. The new law shited more responsibilities to local communities on disaster management. 9ith this, the new disaster body promises to be more responsive on disaster concerns. This and other changes are e:plicitly written in the new D$$% law4s Declaration #olicy, oremost oremost o which is the protection o the people4s constitutional rights to lie and property. T;< #;!&!##!0< D$$% D$$% =Trst in 'sia to have enacted its own law on disaster risk reduction and management through $epublic 'ct 0o. ()(*( or the #hilippine $isk $eduction and %anagement 5D$$%8 'ct o *)(). This law provided #aradigm #aradigm hit rom Disaster $elei $elei and $esponse $esponse 5D$$8 toward Disaster $isk $eduction and %anagement 5D$$%8.
Top op Down and T controlled disaster management Disaster as merely a unction o physical haard "ocus on disaster response and anticipation
. s s e c o r p n o i t c u d e r k s i r r e t s a s i d y r o t a p i c i t r a p d n a p u - m o t t o B • y t i l i b a r e n l u v s ' e l p o e p o n o i t c e f e r y l n i a m s r e t s a s i D • . k s i r r e t s a s i d e c u d e r o t t n e m p o l e v e d n a m u h d n a l a i c o s e n i u n e g o t h c a o r p p a d e t a r g e t n ! •
DRRMC Organizational Structure an Functions 's the country4s highest policy-making body or disaster risk reduction and management, the 0D$$%3 advises the #resident regarding all phases o disasters, rom preparedness to rehabilitation. ?n the top o 0D$$%34s oraganiational pyramid is the ecretary o 0ational Deense as 3hairperson. The Department o 0ational Deense 5D0D8 is the agency mandated mand ated to guard guard againts againts e:ternal e:ternal and internal internal threats threats to national national peace and security in times o peace, war, and disaster. The ?@ce o 3ivil Deense 5?3D8 is the implementing arm o 0D$$%3 and has the primary mission o administering a comprehensive national civil deense and the D$$% program. ?3D4s main responsibility is ensuring the implementation and monito monitorin ring g o the 0atio 0ational nal Disas Disaster ter $isk $isk $educt eduction ion and %anage %anagemen mentt #lan #lan 50D$$%#8. 0D$$%3 is empowered to do the ollowing unctionsA • • •
• •
Develop the 0D$$% ramework Develop o 0D$$% plan 'dvis dvise e the the pres presid iden entt on the the status o D$$% in the country
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