The Pleiadians and life on Erra.txt

April 23, 2017 | Author: trav1stys | Category: N/A
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pleidians and life on erra...


The Pleiadians and life on Erra By our calendars Semjase would have been born on Feb. 7. The Pleiadians are very much into astrology and do not think that Earth astrology is very accurate. The Pleiades are located in the constellation of Taurus the bull. They are visib le to the naked eye during the winter months in the northern hemisphere. They ar e sometimes mistaken for the little dipper. In the Bible the Pleiades are known as the seven sisters or the daughters of seven. Indians have a folk tale that sa ys seven Indian maidens were being chased by a bear. They rose into the sky and became the Pleiades. The Devils Tower in Wyoming shows the bear claws of the bea r that was chasing them. The Pleiades also show up in ancient Egyptian and Mayan cultures. Is there a connection? In 1771, an astronomer named Charles Messir wa s the first to chart the Pleiades. From atop a hotel in Paris, he charted 45 sta rs in the system. The Pleiades became designated M45. Located 500 light years fr om Earth, on the planet called Erra, just 10% smaller than ours, live a group of humans we call the Pleiadians. They live in a system of 254 blue suns located in the area around the sun we cal l Taygeta - in a slighly higher vibration/dimention.( another time-line also) 400 million humans live on Erra. Earth was selected long ago by their ancestors because of the similarities. The rotation of Erra is 365 1/4 days, 23 hours and 59.4 seconds. Erra is one of four inhabited planets in their system of nine. An hour is called the ODUR. Day = MUSAL. Month = ASAR. They have 13 months with a compensation every 23 years. Erra is one half second out of our time of reality. )Ol is the symbol for the planet Erra. ) = half moon or soul symbol representing the power of the spirit form (soul). The Pleiadians seem to be in control of th eir spiritual powers. This could be, in part, how they have contributed to their long life span of over 700 years. O = Symbol of the spirit. The centering of the individual or the actual content of life for the individual around which all things center themselves. In the sym bol of Erra, this spirit unites the spiritual and the material aspects in harmon y. I = The symbol of Uranus named after an astronomer called Herschel. Old Pleiadia n writings in our history have influenced the drawings and letters somewhat. Thi s represents a dipole, the switching element of a calculator. Either yes or no, as in the north or south elements of iron, or the +1- part of a force field. The Pleiadians are descendants of the Lyrians. Lyra is the oldest known home of the human life form. 22 million years of history reaching across more than 1,800 ,000 known planets with human life. 230,000 years ago an ancient Lyrian named Is hwish Asael left Lyra, fleeing with 183 great spacers, 250 small ships and 360,0 00 people. When Asael died, his daughter Pleja, an Ishrish, took over and change d the name of their system to PLEJA. Her orders to explore led them to the disco very of Earth while following the path of the same destroyer comet which had bee n known in their system in Lyra. By order from Pleja, three planets were colonized: Earth, Mars and the then 4th planet called Milona. Their history of colonization on Earth tells of their depa rture around the year 33 after the procreation of Jmmanuel. They returned in the 1600's to study and learn again about Earth. It is difficult for them to unders tand a lot about our logic and human nature. ..having lived many more lives than we. They studied our language and mostly our belief systems and how we seem to be dependent on a god or an idol of some kind instead of being responsible for o

urselves. The Pleiadian plan for the New Age For the last 100 years they have enlightened some of us and helped us from time to time with certain inventions when they were needed. A network surrounds our p lanet warning travelers. The Pleiadians are adamant about not interfering in our political and power structures. They abide by agreed-upon laws which govern a p lanet not able to leave its own solar system. 200 to 300 Pleiadians have lived a mong us at various times. Bases were built in Russia, Switzerland and later in t he USA. 70 years ago a mission was planned to benefit us, their younger brothers. A lady named Semjase decided to undertake a mission to Earth. She began to study us an d the thought patterns of Eduard Meier. It was time for the truth to be put back into humanity. The Pleiadians are human just like us with few physical differences. Ears are sm aller and higher on the head with no lobes, just a gradual sloping down to the j awbone. The original Asael settlers were Titans and were seven to nine meters ta ll. (21-27 feet) Their body size has changed over the years because of the plane t they live on. Their average age is now between 700-1000 years, mostly due to t he control of spiritual energies gained through numerous lifetimes. They have no medical problems like we have, since they control health through psychic balanc e. All of our medical problems are caused by illogical thinking. Male sperm is n ormally active for 12 hours.. .up to three days maximum. During the first three weeks the spirit form makes the decision to inhabit the n ew body that is being created. Abortion is allowed only during this time. Astrol ogy as we know it exists but to a finer degree. The moment the head breaches is the moment of birth for astrology. Born into a collective consciousness, the Ple iadians have developed their spiritual energies to a very high degree allowing t elepathic communication with one another. This greatly changes the society. They have good and bad, moral and immoral like we do.. .it's just on a much differen t scale since their emotions are much different than ours. Since they have cognition of previous lives and understand why we choose our par ents and our names, they look at children as people coming through again. They h ave the ability to know who they are. There is a trend toward staying within a f amily. They are born with the capacity to understand their past lives and their chosen lessons in the new life. Since the Pleiadians do not treat children as their per sonal property they give love and attention to all children and help each of the m with their education. Newly born people are helped emotionally and mentally by controlling positive and negative influences in their lives. They are exposed t o the negative and learn to understand it, instead of being thrown into a hostil e world and forced to manufacture defensive emotions, as we are. The first 70 years are spent in education, maybe up to 20 professions are learne d. Once they leave their education years, they work anywhere on the planet for a bout four hours a day and spend another four hours persuing the proper balance o f creativity and spiritual growth. Many choose to live off-world on giant floati ng cities. Emphasis is put on personal growth and achievement based on what is g ood for the individual, a true understanding of the importance of personal spiri tual growth by taking 100% responsibility for themselves. Only through understan ding and cognition of the Laws of Creation can you hope to evolve. There is no s piritual growth when we indulge in religion. Our spirit pines away and leads to stagnation.

Pleiadians have no economics as we know it. We have the only paper money they ha ve ever seen. Likewise, we make war with economics instead of keeping score. All things are provided in their society, as achievement for the sake of material p ossessions leads to greed, hate, anger and no spiritual growth. Since they are t elepathic it is not possible for them to deceive or mislead each other and this provides for an environment of truth and honesty between all. Love and Marriage Pleiadians enter marriage for the purpose of families but are conscious of popul ation control. Since they are aware of the being coming through, the view of chi ldren is slightly different. They maintain population growth in keeping with the energies of the planet they live on. Spiritually, there is always a connection between the fine matter and the coarse matter. Population control factors are de cided by council. Telepathic abilities allowing awareness of feelings and though ts do not allow them to take advantage of one another as we do. Everyone pitches in and shares the load. If you need material possessions, your needs are provid ed for. Most manufacturing is done off-world on planets that do not interfere wi th nature. They have developed androids who do much of the physical work. Government on Erra Around the year 10 they came across a race of highly developed beings in the And romeda Galaxy in the last stage of physical life. They were far more advanced th an the Pleiadians. A decision was made to take the advice of these beings and to abide by their suggestions. No more wars. They have a planet where the High Cou ncil spreads the information to all of their planets. They do not vote as we do but have a system of unity where everyone must agree. Their planet has a green atmosphere they control which contributes to their heal th and stressless way of life. They do not need as much sleep as we do. Foods ar e grown that control the digestive system so they don't have to eat as much. The y have a very high technical understanding of how food affects their thinking pr ocesses. They are primarily vegetarians but with a controlled amount of meat in their diet so as not to become too light-headed. Meat gives you grounding in you r thinking. * Divorce is not allowed since this is an offense against the Laws of Creati on. If the marriage laws are broken, the partners are exiled from the planet but this rarely happens. * There are many kinds of love. The love in friendship and marriage are very close and likewise, love of all creatures is very closely related. * If the rare case happened that a Pleiadian should choose to marry into ano ther race less spiritually evolved than himself then it is provided that the spi ritual evolution of the less evolved life form be accelerated to meet the evolve d level of the partner. * The Pleiadians are members of an alliance of many solar systems of human l ife, about 127 billion in number. There are also many other worlds who are not i n the alliance or have chosen not to stay in contact with it. * We must become aware that not all beings are friendly. There are many barb aric races who would enslave us if given the chance. We must prepare for the ine vitable time when we will run into them.

* The Pleiadians say they are not super-human with great powers as we may th ink. They are men and women like us who benefit from the knowledge of many lifet imes. They are not teachers, missionaries or way-preparers. The do not come on b ehalf of any god to give us the long awaited peace. God does not confer any obli gation on them. They understand our right of free will to evolve on our own. Pea ce will only come when the Earth human takes responsibility for his own future a nd learns to create his own reality. Relying on or believing that someone else o r some other power is going to bring peace will not make it happen. They feel an obligation to other life forms to help but not to interfere. * There is no plan to land on the White House lawn. They have listened to th e thoughts of all governments and know that all earthly governments are only thi rsty for power. An examination of the thoughts of our leaders shows them all to be power crazy individuals who look at extra-terrestrials as a source of power t o conquer the cosmos, when in fact they cannot even create peace on their own wo rld. * We are to enslaved by religion and delusion to have communication with the m at this time. * To expose themselves world-wide would cause panic. In the past, they have been revered as gods and have been forced to take over a planet which is of no i nterest to them. So they chose to select certain individuals who are capable of understanding the TRUTH and pass on information to them so that we may begin to know that we are not alone.

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