The Pimp Files

April 29, 2017 | Author: nrique64 | Category: N/A
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How to be a player. Dating hot women. Find a girlfriend easily. Player Supreme...


These are copies of my old posts from my pimpnetwork days. You will gain a lot of pimp style knowledge from them which will help your game grow. Sit back read up and enjoy! I have included WAY more than what you paid for as my special bonus to you for ordering my programs. PlayerSupreme,

Ok I think I mentioned on another post about having Laryngitis this weekend and I still caught a couple of ho's. Sat. night I met a good one. To teach about getting into their minds I am going to start letting you playa's read our email contacts. It was a pleasure meeting and dancing with you T. I haven't met someone with so much feminine energy and passion in a long time. I hope we can hook up sometime soon (when I have a voice I have been waiting to meet someone as sexy as you T. You set my blood boiling and you ignited a deep fire of passion within me. I can feel that you and I are a good connection. I hope you can feel that energy between us also.

Here is her first response to mine: "Hi C,

Thanks for the thoughtful message. It means a lot to have someone speak with appreciation and sincerity. Last night, I felt that no one else was even around when we were together. Time and my breath had stopped several times in your presence. It really is a wonderful feeling. Honestly, I was starting to feel that I would never experience that again with someone. It is a shame to start to get jaded when it comes to that. Thank you for just being yourself. Even if you never sent me a message or called me I still would have been so thankful for that evening because I feel alive again. Not just existing but feeling alive. The fact that you are man enough to send a thoughtful message makes you even more appealing to me. I hope your voice gets better soon, even though I did think it was too sexy. I could deal with it. Let me know what your schedule is like. I have a really routine schedule. I work 8-5 Monday thru Friday. I also have 2 beautiful children. My daughter, Whitney, is 9 and my son, Darren, is 6. So they keep me busy throughout the week. You caught me in a major transition phase because my company just moved me back here from Texas 3 weeks ago. I am still not settled in but I am so grateful to be home again. I will have to tell you the story of that trip maybe when we get a chance to meet again. I spent only 3 months in Texas but I learned so much moving away from home. I feel like I could write you a few pages but I really don't want to overwhelm you with too much information all at once. I have to catch myself because I feel I could lose all sense of time and consciousness with you. I have to finish my laundry and start dinner. So, I will call you this evening. (((HUG))) T Ok my goal is to reach her emotionally. Here is the email convo I sent her back: "Congradulations on having two beautiful children. Thanks for writing back. I think you and I share a deep connection T... We both have a deep passion that sparks in each others presence. You made me buzz with energy last night. The way you touched me reached deep inside of me. You are a special woman T.... I haven't met very many women with this gift. I can't wait to see how deep you run. You know how to be a woman in a real man's presence. I liked that! That is what I've been searching's intoxicating and invigorating...and exciting. Your feminity attracted me like a moth.... When we danced there were no others around us dancing except those watching and wishing.....wishing they could share just a moment of what we had... I'm glad we met...I look forward to getting to know every aspect about you and tasting your passion.... Oh my schedule is kinda hectic right now. The white dude I was with is a tv & movie producer. We are working on a project in the Bay area right now. I will also be heading down there tonight, so I will not be around until Monday afternoon. Send me more information about you, so that I can taste your essence. I want to know everything that you are....

Ok. A couple of comments. I had told her last night at the club that she was very feminine and passionate. This made her more open to more passionate dancing. I was able to guide her into a deep state of arousal (Oh Im a mutha fucka on the dance floor), through our dance. My use of compliments motovated her to follow my lead. Our dance was like a passionate erotic madonna video. It's no wonder so many ho's were gasping as they watched. If you look at the email I sent her I reminded her of what I saw in her (compliment, not a fake one either). I created a situation where she will begin to fantasize about giving in to the fantasy that I will create. She is obviously open to it. She has two kids, is working hard, just got back to town, has probably not very many friends...even though she had a lot of male suitors after her last night. I caught her eye with an intense look and then did the eye contact sh*t on her fine ass. Notice in my first sentence I complimented her on her notice in the end of the 2nd paragraph. I said I can't wait to see how deep. That will start her fantasies of sex with me and inform her that I will be taking the p*ssy and she has nothing to say about look at the next I told her how she effected me, women love that sh* look at the next paragraph...I isolated her to just her and I sharing what the world can't feel or understand...we share a special bond... only she and I can understand...(get it playas?)...look at my last paragraph. I said I wanted to taste her...and look at how I wrote I my last sentence...believe me I ment to put it that way... Lastly, look at the language she uses and look at the language I am using back on her. Women speak in emotional languages. To reach them you gotta use it back on them. Excite their emotions. I am also doing the withdrawl by telling her that I will be unavailable for a while...this will keep me in her head...I will continue with a few more emails contacts to get her into a high state of arousal then I will take the panties, and begin destroying what is left of her self-esteem...(sorry I sound so cold blooded, but it's pimp or be pimped in this world and I intend to win). In closing I didn't compliment her on her looks like all the symps that were after her. Instead I found something deeper to reach into and exploit.. Ok I will keep posting on this example...peace _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers

Well babygirl called me last night around 10pm. She obviously didn't get my email yet. She seems to be falling quickly. _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers Hi …., I only had a few moments at home so I just forwarded your last e-mail to my work e-mail address. This is the last one I received from you and it looked like I didn't receive one today. So feel free to try me here during the day:) Tonight, I am taking the kids to the River Cats game. Then they will be with their dad until Wednesday. Let me know if you can squeeze me in for a little while maybe this evening or Tuesday. If you ever have time during the day to maybe meet for lunch and talk, that would be great too.

I am extremely busy at work today and probably for the next couple of days because it is the last week for loan signings/closings. Plus every one that works on my team is out this week so the days will probably fly by. Sounds like you are quite the entrepreneur. That is really exciting and challenging. I spent over a year working for myself in a couple of fields related to finance. I was working as a mobile notary and doing financial consulting which included selling insurance, refinancing, etc. I hope to get back to being my own boss again. It really is the way to go if you have the passion and drive to make the business work. I have been working in finance for 12 years now and I do know that just collecting a paycheck isn't the way to go for the long run. I got a little sidetracked from my goals by taking that job in Texas but I will be back on track as soon as I get settled back in. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help because I know it gets rough with and without support. I have to run because I am swamped. Hope to talk to you soon. (((HUG)))

***************************** Ok note here in her email, how she is asking for moments of my time. She is also trying to sell herself to me with her statements in paragraph 4. Note the end of the paragraph the very last sentence for you aspiring macks out there. You want a woman who will have your back and offer everything that she has to serve your cause. ************************************* My return email: T, I would love to squeeze you into my tight time table.... I have been thinking about you today.....wondering again what you would be like on deeper levels....I'm glad you have some time thoughts were returning to Saturday night, dancing with you so passionately and intensely....seemed like there was no beginning or ending....couldn't tell where you began and I ended.... What time are you availible tonight! *************************** Note the sugesstive words "squeeze, tight, deeper, passionately, intensely, beginning, ending" Most ho's will read this and those words will stick in their heads...they may not even understand much of what I am saying except those words above. that is why alot of women have to read and re-read my emails to finally comprehend what I am saying on a conscious level. At the end I backed away again by demanding her to answer what time she is available. I chose this as a soft introduction to making demands, instead of a harder statement. Oh you can see the undertones of how she is already offering herself to's just a matter of me collecting when I want...Total investment..just a little time and dinner's...I may have her come over to my place tonight or maybe I will just do phone convo with her....Her instincts are going off like crazy now. Women want a man who can provide for their young...basic programming. They also want that dream of romance and passion. I am providing both dreams with no pay off of course. _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

Mission successful. Here is her reply to my email from last night:

"I think I got home on a cloud last night. I had trouble getting to sleep because you had entered in thru my brain and was wondering around inside me most of the night. I was wondering what you found? I do fight these feelings most of the time. But not this time. You better be careful with what you have sparked. A girl is a little fragile no matter what may come out of my mouth. We may have to be inventive this evening because of all of the times of the month to be childless my body is reminding me I am a woman at the moment. Catch my drift, sweet stuff? Patience is something that I continue to get tested in. So patience may have to come in to play again tonight and I will be prepared, I hope. " I guess I will have to do other things with her tonight....LOL. Ok, to enter a womans brain you must use their emotions. Getting her emotions activated is a direct route into her mind. A player has to know how to arouse what ever emotion he chooses within his victim. To tap those emotions you gotta be able to speak the words that causes this arousal. Then use these words within your verbal and writting communications. Words such as: Naked, stiff, come, wet, hard, climax, deep, urge, thrust, pleasure, abandon, yield, need, release, intimacy, longing, fingers, appetite, arouse, delight, uninhibited, satisfy, oral, moist, mount, suck, enter, touch, breast, erect, hole, sensitive, throbbing, hot, flesh. Passion, passionate, desire, desires, Appetitie, carress, bed, pleasure, suck, firm, heave, member, tease enterance, Touch, desire, thrill, erect, excite, bare, delight, flush, intense, tongue, penetrate, gratify, Mouth, flesh, please, stroke, flesh, moist, eager, throb, feel, satisfy, sensitive. Getting p*ssy is easy. There is no challenge in just getting p*ssy fella's. Your challenge is in taking total control over her. Sell the fantasy and she will follow you like a jack ass and a carrot. Not once did you see this one complain as I began her seduction. I used words that were ment to arouse feelings in her head and keep her thoughts on me. Some of you may think my emails were corny but you can see that they do have devastating results. This one will be a sweet pleasure to own for a while. Peace _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. another one bites the dust! _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. Posting from Flash: lol, deep shyt, that was nice to read tho... I saw how u used metaphores lol, thats a good way and vocab, yes. I dont know why but u said she didn't have many friends and must of split up from the father, I kind of felt sorry for her...

If your heart is too big then you will never make it in this game. In this game there is no place for sympathy or emotions like that. That is why I say when your playing the game you play it, not just fake play it cause else it will eat you up. You try stepping to a gold digger type with this kind of emotional sleeve and you will get played like a dominoe. This girl has been played before and now knows the game as most women do. You have to look deeper into her words cause she chose her words for certain effects also. The poor little me, please don't hurt me...well turns out that is exactly what she is craving. A N*gga like me to take her on a roller coaster ride like all the others before me have, so she can feel alive again.

And no her father divorced her mom and is now happily married again to a high school sweetheart. she does have some friends but very few men freinds to call upon. she is now on my team at the entry level but she performed hard last night. I am also very suprised...she knows what the matrix is...that is my trick question that I ask ho's when I meet them or after I take them. She is full german so I guess there is a brain under all that hair which goes down to her butt, and that innocent pretty face...with high arched eye brows and chrystal clear skin...very little make up...full soft lips....sorry I tend to start writing in that style. LOL In closing, you need to decide if you really want to be a player or just a guy who get's a girlfriend. If your hear learning to get a girlfriend then good luck bruh... If other then more power too ya. aight there are no victims in the game of love, only volunteers--The art of Seduction, by Roger Greene _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. Well I got a fast response to my email and her it is brothers:

You are toooo much!!! Well the game starts at 7:05, I think and we should be out of there around 10ish. I can call you when the game is over to give you a better ETA. So...the bottom line is... it may be late and I am not sure what time you get tucked in for bed. I may need to keep you out past your bedtime, if you don't mind (((HUG))) T.... And here is my reply: Nothing would be more intensely pleasurable than to spend my evening with you T...if you can handle the heat....then I'm sure I can rise to the occasion. Gotta get back to my business of

busting and breaking these women who want their bodies sculpted....Dam I love my work!!!. I don't need to point out the sexual undertone words!...LOL _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. Met the girl this evening...Investment 0. She was there before me and had already ordered a drink, she bought me one too, actually 2 before the evening was over. I told her she was coming over to my place tomorrow night...she agreed. I did the usuall sh*t of getting her life story and then getting her ready for the next level you*t like that. Spit my contract at her..she accepted it...called me a devil...but feels lucky to of met me... I just sent her an erotic email to give her something to think about until 8pm tue. night: This was a perfect evening babygirl...when your lips touched mine....I know you could feel it too....Yes I am bad ...very very bad....and you like it too...don't you...each delicious aspect.... You belong in my bed babygirl...I know you can feel what I'm saying...I know you have thought about my weight on top of you....laying between you thighs...penetrating you....thrusting...our lips tongue tasting yours....that look of the eyes....wanting and hands holding you in my grasp.....the heat of our bodies....moist...and wet....slick.....deep.....I know you can feel my words babygirl....we share that spark that most people do not have......You can still feel my lips on yours can't hand down there touching you....the feel of my hands on your neck.... tonight you will belong to me completely as you have never before belonged to another babygirl....I may be like the serpent in the garden of evil...but you know deep inside how good we can be.....don't you....sweetness..... I am going to take you into my world when you come to me tonight....I know you wanted to kidnap me last night, but good things are worth waiting you have something to think about all day as you toil away at work..... Pimp Daddy _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. In Closing of this case I sent this email out: notice the wordings. My bed is empty and alone...your appetite for pleasure was thrilling....I can still smell you in my sheets....warms and fragrant....I enjoyed how you loved to have your flesh stroked....sending erotic shivers through your body....especially when I put my hands know... the climax of which there were many last night was your understanding of the matrix...are you eager for more babygirl.... and I just recieved this back: Eager?!? That isn't the word. I was wondering if I start stalking you now or wait for your permission...LOL. You have left an indelible mark on my soul. I feel like I should be writing a dozen "thank you" notes but I know words aren't enough. You have awoken in me a part that I felt was starting to wither. I was just standing by watching it happen unsure of any remedies to slow down that process but then I met you and what I thought was dying is now

blossoming into what I know to be very special. I am glad you can appreciate that part of me. And sign me up on the waiting list because I know you must have one. I may need to cut in line a little, every once in a while. (((HUG))) Case closed all the rest is now private...peace playa's. Women want guys like me in their lives so they can feel alive again. That is what we give them emotional responses in a deadend world. These women are so bored by the time their 25 with the living of everyday life that all it takes is just a slight push to ignite the flame within them again. Most have lost touch with that spark that they had as little girls and it need to be rekindled and nurtured back to life. That is what we do. We bring happiness to these women not the symps who only offer boredom and sameness. We are the ones who make them feel alive and vital. Eager and yearning for more. We are the ones who help them live again and feel again! Amen! This has been a zen sermon from the mountain of pain and pleasure. _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. this is probably my last is the latest email from my example...exactly 7 &1/2 days later since I met her late last saturday nite. "I love getting your sweet messages. You know how to put the icing on the cake for me everyday. I can get so used to this. You better be careful with what you have started. I do have to say that it is such a beautiful thing what you and I share. You are so delicious to me. When I leave, I just can't get over you because I can still feel you inside me... I smell you... and taste you... and hear the sexy sound of your voice in my ear. You got me... hook, line and sinker. I feel blessed to know you. Like the heavens opened up and placed you right before me. Let me know what is a good day for me to cook you a special dinner. If I had my way, I would be cooking for you all the time but I know that I have to be patient on my impulses. But you do deserve to be treated well. Thank you for yet another beautiful evening. Now I can just float through the rest of the day. She was responding to some words I had with her and a follow up email. She tried to test me a day ago by trying to stop me from pulling down her thong. I said how dare she block me from my home. she admitted that it was a test. I told her that was her one and only test. the first one isn't free either. Here is the email I sent her to fruther inbed what I said to her: " Babygirl. I was thinking about your test today. BAD GIRL! BAD BAD could you test your Big Daddy. I know a woman will always try to test a man to see if he is man enough. Well I am as I told you., I am the only real man you will ever meet. Deny me my home. Leave me out in the cold...a woman is a man's home where he can come for comfort away from the world. away from all the stress and turmoil.... When I lay with you, I know I am with a woman, and not a child. My manhood responds to

you as such. That is why I tell you that you are my woman. With me it doesn't get any deeper than that. You are my pleasure in life. You are the feminine energy that makes me a man....and behave as a man.... A woman takes care of her me that means she is always open to him...nourishes a mans soul....recharges his goes deeper than meer sex...infinitely deeper....stronger.....more powerful than just sex.... I see in you what I have been searching for, for a long long time, rarely touching upon, but desperately needing to complete who I am...I want to bury my strength in you...give you my essence of all that I am....and together it will make us stronger..... One test is all you get babygirl....then we can get on with what will be...I can't wait to taste the food that you prepare for me....made with your own hands....and heart...." I used this email to nail home what I told her in person and stoke her fires to an even higher level. I did not slam her for her attempt to test...I had been waiting for it...they all do it. There is an old saying. "Pimp with your mind not your hands" Be stern, but use sugar too. This girl is now on the team and working hard to please me. It's that easy fellas. I caught 3 new ones this weekend, but my plate is kinda full again. Sometimes I start messing with as many as 8-10 women and it brings ya down. I now plan to handle 2-3 top performers on my team. Go for the quality instead of the quantity. Good hunting bruthers. It easy getting pus*sy, but much harder keeping it and making it dedicated and devoted to your happiness. Peace _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. Training gettin done: You are to much, Daddy! I can feel you touching me as I read every word you write. This day has been a long one for me because I have been looking at the clock counting down the hours until I can embrace you again. It is true I don't need any drug but you. You intoxicate me every time I look into your eyes. I have some important things I want to talk about with you tonight. Don't be scared but don't let me forget because sometimes I just lose all consciousness with you. Forgetting where I am and even the time of day because nothing else matters. You put me at ease and make me feel safe and cared for. You were molded with precious tools with the most wonderful attention to detail I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy. Where did you come from and who put me on the creator's "good list"? (((HUG))) Your Babygirl b*tch is gettin used to being called babygirl and calling me Daddy. I must teach her to uncapatalize the babygirl though by breaking her ass down a bit. I think the b*tch has found out some sh*t about me from another playa as I posted on the Neo's example. I will have to keep my pimp brain in gear to pimp this situation. _________________

Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. With your fresh cops you gotta sell the dream. Put them in a state where all they think about is you. Here is my new ones latest email to me: "Daddy, How is it that I could possibly be so blessed to meet someone and connect on all four critical levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual? It is truly rare. I want you to know how much I appreciate the man that you are. I have met and connected with others on two or three levels but the magic is in the complete intensity of all four. I know you feel it too. It is something that neither of us could deny ourselves. Can you see inside me? Can you feel that my soul has been searching for you? I refuse to play around with something so special. SomeONE so precious. It has been two weeks and though the world around us may say it is impossible, you and I know how we compliment each other. Did I just awake from a dream? Or has the dream just begun? It is all in the perception of that which isn't real. Does it matter? All I know is the harmony that is cradling my heart and the contentment I feel in your arms. Some things are impossible to put into words but I think you know what level I am working on. I told you last week to be careful with what you have started and eluded to my fragile state. I truly am not afraid. I know you are aware of my needs and desires. I know that your soul and heart warms in my presence. There is nothing I would deny you. So I offer my heart and soul to you willingly and without reservation. Your babygirl, " You want your words to put her mind to sleep and sow seeds in that brain of hers. This ho only took 2 weeks to reach an extremely attracted to me state...hell f**k be copped. Now am I an asshole for posting her shyt up here like this? NO! _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. honey is almost fully copped. Unfortunately she has two kids. I don't feed off a working mom. Her only place on my team is for my own personal pleasure. I will not mack on her. It's hard enough for a young mother to make ends meet without some vampire sucking her life blood away... Here is her most recent email...she is totally mine now: Hey Daddy, I just got your e-mail and your woman is at home taking care of her children like a good woman is supposed to do:-) But I am missing you something fierce too. I feel like I need to keep that in check and make sure you have your space too. Cuz if it was up to me I would be all up in your ass like it was a religion or somethin...LOL. I could start one. You just let me know. I could see myself bowing to your ass daily. I will call you later. I have to finish cooking for my little ones. here is my return email to stoke her fires alittle hotter: Welcome to the church of Zen. I am your master, lord, Daddy, lover. father, mother, sister, brother....everything you have ever wanted in a man. I am your soul provider...midnight lover. night school preacher....I know what is in your soul babygirl. You belong

to Daddy now....enter my home and taste my bread....taste the heaven on earth we can make.....taste what is in my heart and soul.....feel what I am....take me deep into you! just alot of abstract phrases connected together. We as men don't understand it but women feel the essence of what you write. _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

Seductive Conversation

A lot of the reason that men are so nervous about approaching women is because they fear that feeling of having nothing to talk about. I have been there, where you are speaking to a target, and everything is going well, until all of a sudden you run out of things to say. There is an awkward 30 seconds of silence which feels like 30 hours, and you eject out of frustration and fear of being seen as a loser. This is called STALLING. The way to make sure that you never stall is to have a game-plan off which to base your conversation. Conversation is nothing more then a piece of an overall process. The purpose of this process is to ultimately fvck her. Therefore, your conversation must be tailored in a way that it moves the process along, hence moves you CLOSER to fvcking her. Know that every single word that comes out of your mouth will either advance or regress the process. I've noticed that the general population on this board preaches that you constantly beat her with open-ended questions. Tell me about your family. How do you like school, what classes do you like, what do you want to do when you get older, bla bla bla. The point of this, is to retain MYSTERY in yourself and reduce stalling by keeping the target talking. Unfortunately, at the same time these questions are NOT getting you any closer to fvcking her, they are only filling that potential stall space that we are so afraid of. Think about it? Does constantly asking open-ended questions REALLY get her closer to my desired outcome? If so, how and why? I say no. The reason for this is that women process FEELINGS. They love to FEEL things. Thats why women love drama, and soap-operas, and jerks, and DJs, and weddings, and romance novels! They LOVE feeling things. It is exciting for them. Men, on the other hand, just want the FACTS. We process them easier and it cuts through the bullshyt. Unfortunatly FACTS are not going to get your target comfortable with you, and later turned on enough to fvck you. So far we have figured out that you should have SOME TYPE of gameplan for conversation, and that women process feelings. Now we must devise a gameplan that pushes her through mental states and makes her FEEL the feelings that will get her to fvck. When we talk about mental state, we talk about the frame of mind that she is in during that time. Read this paragraph:

"The reason I love seduction so much, is that I love that feeling, when you have a girl laying on your bed. The sexiest girl you can imagine, her clothes are off and you can see the dim light beat from her huge breasts. You can FEEL her body heat on her chest pressed against yours. Her pvssy is wet, as you massage it with your hands and fingers. Your fingers slide through her juices as you penetrate and rub her. You can feel the emotional connection. As you slide your c0ck inside of her, and watch her face change to one of pleasure, she lets out a gasp of air. It feels warm inside of her, as her labia gently wraps around your hard d!ck" This paragraph, if read with total concentration, will TAKE you and place you inside this scenario. You will FEEL what this guy is feeling right now, and in turn, be in a STATE OF ARROUSAL. Horny. This is one example of a state that you want your target to be in. The challenge is to get her INTO this state without being detected. There is a sequence of mental states that I tend to follow. The progression makes each transition natural: 1)Comfort 2)Connection 3)Excitment 4)Arrousal Now we will create a gameplan to push these women through our desired states. Comfort This is the first step. This is where you will do must of your FLUFF TALK (the facts) and find out about her. Remember, don't ask questions that will waste time...only ask questions that will give you REQUIRED information, or that will most likely open up a TANGENT for you to go from. Some example fluff would be: 1)Where do you live? To find out if its worth number closing 2)Who do you live with? To see if you can fvck close her at her house 3)Who are you here with Allows you to meet and disarm obstacles, and/or hook up wingmen 4)What brings you here? Find out her motives for being there. She'll probably lie, however, but it will also allow for a good transition to the 'connection' section. 5)What do you like to do with your time? This question allows you to find out her interests. From her interests you can tell what KIND of person she is. If she likes skydiving and bungee jumping then you can see that she VALUES excitment. So GIVE her that. If she likes to read and go to plays then you know she values INTELLEGENCE so give that to her. The last question is your best transition into the connection section. She should have named several activities that she enjoys, of them, choose one that MOST interests you and tell her how much you LOVE it....

Connection For example, if the woman says she loves to go skiing, you could say "Awww, get out of here! Skiing is awesome. What is it that you like about it?" She'll have to THINK about skiing (something that she really likes) to tell you about it. Ask her how it feels when she is racing down the mountain. She will give you MORE information that you have to remember. So if she says, it feels like I am FREE, then you know she values FREEDOM. Give her that. After that, give her a pattern something like this: "You know, I usually comes to the bars just to (whatever reason she gave to the 'what brings you here' question)and I rarely ever actually meet somebody worth spending a conversation with." "Only once in my life can I remember a time when I REALLY hit it off with a woman I met at a bar. Can you remember a time when you just met somebody, but you can feel deep inside, that this guy isn't just another guy. There is something about him that makes you feel really comfortable and you can actually picture a future with this guy? It's as if you've known him for years. Now with me, I think that kind of connection is so rare, but ultimately I think that is the type of deep connection that we are all looking for" This DOES sound bizarre. I will admit that. However, it is only going to sound unnatural to you if you talk in a ghetto slang the entire conversation THEN switch to something DEEP and proper like this. If you are talking in this way the entire conversation, she won't even notice what is happening. Also, the WAY that you word the connection paragraph isn't important. You just have to get her to remember a time that she felt close to somebody that she just met. Use words that YOU are comfortable with. Excitment This is where it starts getting REALLY fun. With your words, you want to lead your target on an emotional rollercoaster, take her imagination on a journey. Make her FEEL things that other guys have NEVER made her feel. You can do this by describing an experience that she enjoys. Lets take the skiing example again. You could say something like this: "We'll go skiing sometime..haha. Wouldn't that be awesome, picture it right now. We'd get up early, get some good breakfast. Go to the mountain, bundled up trying to stay warm. The BEST feeling though, as to be when we're at the very top of the mountain, looking down at what we're about to experience. The adrenaline is rushing through your body. And 10 seconds later you feel the excitement as you are whipping down the hill, the cold air blowing at your face. After all of this we can go into the lodge and enjoy a nice, HOT cup of hot chocoalte. MMM.." In this example, the girl HAS to imagine these things. Even if she had plans to REJECT your offer to take her skiing, she has to run this movie through her mind, of how it's going to feel skiing with you. When she does, she FEELS these things, and of course she likes it because she TOLD you earlier that she LOVES SKIING. Basically, by eliciting her values she is TELLING YOU HOW to SEDUCE HER!

You can also get her into an excited state by saying things like: "Where would you like to go on vacation? Oh that would be so nice, I can imagine that right now, yada yada yada" "What does your dream house look like? Describe it to me. Ok, so if we're standing in your dream bedroom, look around and tell me what it looks like" Anytime that you can lead her imagination, you are EXCITING her. Just keep it positive. Arrousal Arrousal is probably the funnest state to have your target in for obvious reasons. It is also the most difficult state to get her in UNDETECTED. There are many things you can do to make her think about sex. My favorite is the My Brother routine. This is copied and pasted from another post I wrote: "Pretend your cell phone is ringing (its on vibrate of course), and act like your trying to answer the phone but can't hear. So hang it up and ask her to take a walk with you outside so that you can call him back (isolation). If you've attracted her/connected enough she won't object to it. When you get outside call your (fake?) brother and pretend he's not answering. Hang up once more. Tell her that he lost his virginity last night, and he's seeing the same girl again tonight and he's asking you for tips on how he can pleasure her further. Explain that you gave him some really helpful hints and that you're guaranteeing he'll pleasure her well tonight. This should perk her curiousity and cause her to ask "What did you say to him?". If she asks you THIS, she has given you permission to get as descriptive and nasty as you'd like. Say something like "Well I gave him tips on how to give great oral sex. I told him that I start at the bellybutton and I'll circle it to let her imagine what I am going to do with it in just a minute. I will start sucking on her hips, and licking the inner thighs. Then just rub 'over' her vagina so that she feels the heat of your mouth...this builds anticipation" Something like this will cause her imagination to wander and put her in a state of arrousal. From here, KISS HER. She's outside, you're outside, you're both horney. " The point is, by the arrousal stage she should be attracted to, and connected to you. So you can get away with a lot more then if you were just some 'stranger' (heh). Now if you REALLY want to fvck FAST, this is where you must introduce your PROGRAM, and if she isn't willing to go with it and cooperate then you have to cut your losses and go. If she wants to keep talking with you, your going to have to make it apparent to her that you LIKE sex, and that you like to talk about sex, and if she is crazy enough to be alone with you, you WILL fvck her. This is where you want to start getting more aggressive. Start talking about sex. Start asking her to pick out the hottest guy in the room. If she asks why, just say you're curious about her taste in men. I'm sure she'll ask you to pick out the hottest

girl. Pick out a girl and tell her the things you'd like to do to her. She might be a little confused by this, but again, be descriptive and let her imagine what you want to do with the girls. Another thing to do is to say something like, "ooh man, stupid cell phone is ringing" then look down and see who it is. Tell her it's some girl that you slept with ONCE and she doesn't leave you alone. Say something like "God, it's like these girls have NEVER HAD multiple-orgasms before. We made love one night and she said she came over and over again. Since then she hasn't stopped calling me, I don't understand." One more tactic you can use to get her arroused, is to play the questions game. Tell her you're bored and would like to play a game. Tell her that she can ask you one ANY question. If you choose NOT to answer it, then you will buy her a drink. If you answer it, then you get to ask HER any question. If she refuses to answer, she must buy YOU a drink. When you play this game, start off light, and go into more personal things. Ask her what her favorite position is and why. Ask her how she thinks it feels when she's walking down the beach at night barefoot, holding the hand of the man she loves. Questions like these to keep her FEELING. So boys, this is my conversation tips. Make sure that WHATEVER you do, remember that by the time you get to the arrouse stage, SHE WANTS TO FVCK YOU. Women love to fvck just as much as men. The entire point of the conversation is to show her that it is OK to fvck, and that YOU are very good at it. Get her horney, disarm her obstacles, and subtly imply that you could fvck her like no other guy. That is the main goal of conversation. Have fun fellas, it's all a game.

Sex Word List Naked, stiff, come, wet, hard, climax, deep, urge, thrust, pleasure, abandon, yield, need, release, intimacy, longing, fingers, appetite, arouse, delight, uninhibited, satisfy, oral, moist, mount, suck, enter, touch, breast, erect, hole, sensitive, throbbing, hot, flesh. Passion, passionate, desire, desires, More words: Appetitie, carress, bed, pleasure, suck, firm, heave, member, tease enterance, Touch, desire, thrill, erect, excite, bare, delight, flush, intense, tongue, penetrate, gratify, Mouth, flesh, please, stroke, flesh, moist, eager, throb, feel, satisfy, sensitive. As a player you gotta develop rapport with your women. You must make them feel comfortable around you. You do this by giving them positive attention. Remember we are talking about being a player, not a pimp. What this means is that you must develop rapport through attention. To accomplish this you must use compliments to get inside her guards. As a player you must learn to play the game. That means being able to adapt to each situation at hand. One of my techniques was to appear really interested in the woman that I was pursuing.

When I danced with her I only had eyes for her. I would give the woman my complete attention on the dance floor. This caused her to get in sinc with me. I developed the ability to read her every movement on the dance floor and new exactly when to push her a little harder. Just this weekend I was able to break through a woman’s defenses within 8 minutes and get her to give me some “sugga” . I did this by adapting my movements to hers so that it appeared that we were actually vibing together. Women are all about feelings. They want to feel good. As a player your goal is to constantly give them pleasant feelings about you. Your goal is to get her to associate good feelings in her subconscious mind with images of YOU. What I want all of you aspiring players to do is take a lesson from the pimp game. Get her life story. What that means is ask her questions about herself, during your convo. Then listen to what she says. In her conversation she will give you the clues that it takes to get those panties. She will give you a blue print for mastering her body. Women will even provide information on what kind of atmosphere that they want when you seduce them. This process does take time but it’s well worth it in the long run. I want you to mold your being to appear more compatible with her. That doesn’t mean lying about yourself. If she says she loves scuba diving and you tell a fat lie about doing it also your gonna look pretty stupid when it’s time to put up or shut up. What I would do is pretend to be interested in the sport and act like I’m really impressed with her knowledge and mastery of what she is into. A player must learn to keep the woman smiling and feeling good about herself. One way is to tap into her sense of humor. Women love to laugh, and they love men who make them laugh. I’m not asking your to actually “symp” (sympathize) out with women. As a player you actually don’t really care what she is feeling, as long as she is feeling like breaking you off some and doing all the freaky things that you have in your heads for her to do for YOU! One of my best techniques which is sweeping the net is the cocky but funny technique. This is actually an old style from way back when that has been coined and being sold by a smart internet marketer in the dating arena. What you do is adopt a persona of being extremely competent, and crack jokes on the woman. Not serious put downs but funny little things about something humorous about her. For example: Recently I was at a night club, there was this breezy (really fine girl) standing near me. She was the type that turned heads everywhere. Well the girl was dancing around behind me and I turned to her and said “I wanna see you dance”, she though I asked her to dance and said “ok” I said “no I don’t wanna dance with you I just wanna watch you back it up on the dance floor”. You gotta look for your opportunities with this technique to create an opening line to get her attention and create humor. You can’t let fear stop you. Fear is the biggest weakness of players who are new to the game. To overcome your fear you gotta go to the source.

Your mind! When you look at a fine woman, what are you really afraid of? Go on ask yourself what are you really afraid of. Then ask yourself how can you get rid of this fear since it no longer serves you. Fear is designed to protect us from harm. But in our game it only does harm to us. I say that fear is for the Symps out there. As players fear has no place in our lives. I read some motivating words recently that stated: As a player you come to deal with a stacked deck. So what if that broad didn’t cough up her phone number. She has no importance in your life than a bag of dog food and you with no dog. It means nothing to you cause you are the center of your universe. Nothing can harm you unless you allow it. This woman means nothing to you. And it is her loss when she says no. She is a thing that is easily replaced, so you will not waste one minute of worry over her behind. We players are not in the business of looking for approval or love from other people. You are in control of your life. The symps who watch you have no power over you. So what if you have to walk away from the girl in the night club with them watching. You are a player, you have plenty of women to chose from. Aight peace, players.

TRAINING YOUR WOMEN: Getting your ho's to bow down can sometimes be a challenge. I am working with this one girl whom I am trying to break her down. I called her late tue. night and she didn't answer her cell phone. I ignored her for a day to raise up her temperature and yesterday I broke down my game on her about respect. I told her the first words outta her mouth should be Daddy. The following are our email convo's

Her: *********************************** Hello... I hope you had a nice evening.... I can tell that something is the matter with you and the way you treated me yesterday..... I feel like you punished me because I did not answer my phone..I was asleep...usually if you do not call me by 9 or so then you have other plans... I tried calling you all day yesterday....and you seemed to ignore me.... We had a nice night on Sunday....... I hope things are ok...I miss hanging out with is already Wed. and I feel like we do not hang out that much.... Weekend is almost here and you will be with C*** (my road dogg).......(Iam fine with this..I am just stating the facts....) I am going to Tahoe on 07-19-03 for the night and then I will be moving.... I am trying to keep something going between us....... Take care your kisses..

*********************************************** Her again: ********************************************* I am not sure why you are avoiding me...... Take care of yourself....... **************************************** Her next message in a long series of which I will show you just a few: ************************** I would like to take you to see a movie some evening when you are free....... A back rub...head rub....foot rub...feet rub.......hand rub......... ****************************** Next: ***************************** like to take you for appetizers somewhere soon... I know you are let me know when........ I need fucked baby.....really bad....are you game..... Next after I spoke to her about disrespect yest. this this morning: How is my Big Daddy doing today....hope you had a nice night... I will talk to you soon....miss you ..what time are we meeting tonight... I want to spend some time with you....I am extremely ******************************************** My email to her: *********************************************** The first words outta your mouth should be Daddy, you just don't get it tt. Your kinda slow in the chrome babygirl. I'm taking the p*ssy tonight so get that sh*t ready and yeah I want appetizers and sh*t. I will be done around 8pm. *********************************************** Her response: ***************************** Daddy..... What is slow in the chrome???? ************************************ My response: It's the reason why I call you tinitz...your kinda slow babygirl. Hardheaded too. ************************************** OH I forgot to post this above in her frantic emails: ************************************ Do you want me to always keep my phone for now on???? Would that help.... ************** I took the time to destroy her selfconfidence, I renamed her as Tinitz like a ditz...just to keep her chrome down to earth. She actually likes the new name. Dam this b*tch is hardheaded: just got these emails: ******************** How am I hardheaded???? ******************** I wrote back: *********************** this is how your hardheaded. I told you the first words outta ya mouth should be Daddy.

A good girl woulda wrote : Daddy how am I hardheaded? ****************************** Her 2nd one that I found just said: ***************************** call me.... ****************************** I wrote to her saying: ************************************ A good girl woulda wrote " Daddy please call me? A good girl would not of demanded a call cause she would know then it woudn't happen. Like I said tinitz your kinda slow on this game. I think I need to re-think tonights sh*t *************************************** Training these bitches aint easy bruh.....I think Ryland says it best with "Pimping online aint easy" _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. And the training continues...some of these have my reply inside the box: Daddy..please call me.... That's what I want to hear babyg ****************************. ********************************************* Daddy ...rethink what........ Your doing it babygirl tinitz... ****************************************** *************************************************** Daddy......pls call me Daddy... Now that's more like it babygirl. This is what I want from you. ************************************************* ****************************************** Daddy...I am confused...... Why are you confused babygirl. All you gotta do is be a good girl and you will get taken care of. I told you I was a pimp once. This is just my pimp mind set re asserting itself. It's the real me. Are you game or not? Do you wanna play or not... *************************************************** Daddy...what am I doing.....I can play this game...I just need to know the rules.... for starters b*tch her's a brief run down: 1. you belong to me 2. you will always call me Daddy first 3. that's my p*ssy baby and you know it ************************************ ******************************** Daddy are you trying to turn me on...


Daddy..of course I am game with you.....anything you want.... I am going to back in 30 minutes... Daddy...will you tell me what I am going to get from you tonight... *********************************** This nuckle head still doesn't get it, but she is getting better. she doesn't get that she isn't getting anything from me...I am giving to her...allowing her the pleasure of my attention. It's a subtle shift in thinking, but makes a big difference. Tinitz thinks I'm playing games with my sh*t, like I told her and you guys she is kinda slow on the uptake. She is a smart woman. Has a Masters Degree and BA, but kinda blond vacume effect on reality I think, and it's cool with Control is the key you playaz gotta control your bitches. You gotta tweak their emotions and heads. Play with their minds...keep them confused and desiring you. _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

These are the final 3 emails that I recieved so far...I will just post them with no blocks in between

Yes...Daddy..I do feel nasty and this is making me extra horney... Yes....Daddy..I want you....I am getting wet down there..... Yes..Daddy....I need your strengh....your hard body.your eyes...your hands.....all of you... Women need those chromedomes stroked. This girl has a Masters degree and a BA and works as an accountant. Bean counters come from the wrong side of the brain. She is extremely conservative and prudish, but with the right strokes even she will open her head up. End of Transmission from planet Mack a Vallei _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. How it's rolling: Hey Daddy, I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that I am thinking about you today. I decided I might need to kidnap you soon so keep looking over your shoulder .......(I edited most of this out) You helped to be a good distraction from those emotions. I hope you are enjoying the time we spend together as much as I do. It is like a breath of fresh air to be around when you can squeeze me in:-) You may have done a little damage to me yesterday or this morning because I feel like the inside of my body might have been ripped a little. YOU FREAK! LOL It was worth it though.

I hope you had a good day today. I will try to call you later, if you aren't busy or I will catch up with you tomorrow. _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. honey is almost fully copped. Unfortunately she has two kids. I don't feed off a working mom. Her only place on my team is for my own personal pleasure. I will not mack on her. It's hard enough for a young mother to make ends meet without some vampire sucking her life blood away... Here is her most recent email...she is totally mine now: Hey Daddy, I just got your e-mail and your woman is at home taking care of her children like a good woman is supposed to do:-) But I am missing you something fierce too. I feel like I need to keep that in check and make sure you have your space too. Cuz if it was up to me I would be all up in your ass like it was a religion or somethin...LOL. I could start one. You just let me know. I could see myself bowing to your ass daily. I will call you later. I have to finish cooking for my little ones.

here is my return email to stoke her fires alittle hotter: Welcome to the church of Zen. I am your master, lord, Daddy, lover. father, mother, sister, brother....everything you have ever wanted in a man. I am your soul provider...midnight lover. night school preacher....I know what is in your soul babygirl. You belong to Daddy now....enter my home and taste my bread....taste the heaven on earth we can make.....taste what is in my heart and soul.....feel what I am....take me deep into you!

just alot of abstract phrases connected together. We as men don't understand it but women feel the essence of what you write. _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers. Finally getting this ho trained. My next step is getting her to want it and crave the training... She is smart she will pick this sh*t up:

Daddy, Good morning (((HUG))) I wanted to reply to this so bad yesterday but I was too busy to send any kind of e-mails. You had me just stuck thinking about all that you wrote and how excited I was reading it. I didn't know I needed any extra panties at work because I was wet when I was done reading. Thank you for putting the excitement back into my life and awakening the passion that was asleep for so long. I am looking forward to this evening so much that time is teasing me. The clock doesn't move fast enough today but again patience isn't my strong point. Here are the directions to my sister's place: Take 99 North toward Redding **************** You can park anywhere. Have a good day today! But I gotta check her ass tonight cause some sh*t got back to me. I have had a few run in's with a fake player trying to cut my grass...well this ho is actually friends with the chump. I told her not to tell him about me for a few weeks...she didn't but told him she heard two black guys talkin about him at a night club and what's going on, kinda sh*t. women can be sneaky as f**k trying to dig out info on a pimpish playa. I was planing to f**k this one up real good in her chrome dome, then pull the f**k out...yeah the game can be kinda heartless at times when you want it too be. I think I will hold onto her to teach this player pup a lesson on who the boss player is around here. When he see's my pimpin her mind better than he eve could he will nut the f**k up... _________________ Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.


Just Words On A Page? Did you ever instantly know you were going to like and trust someone for a long, long time? Maybe you only knew them for a short while but it seemed that you had known them your whole life, as if there were a timeless connection between you. As you read these words and remember those amazing feelings, it's good to know that sometimes life has a way of making us remember those things, right prior to discovering that we can experience those feelings again... With my experience, it's the kind of

thing that can't be forced and no essay or words can create it. Words and appearances are only expressions, the vehicles that contain the essence that moves us. It can only happen naturally as the expression of an energy between two people, but when it's just like that feeling of incredible bonding, when all the barriers melt and drop way, and two people come together, fused into one spiritual essence, the mingling of energies feeding one to the other, building and increasing and intensifying, mingling into an expression of aliveness that words can initiate but never capture fully. It has instead to be indulged inside your own imagination...dwelled on, contemplated, experienced, deep, deep inside you. I do not know if you are the kind of person that can imagine enjoying that that kind connection, with someone wonderful who deeply moves you. But if you could envision the possibility and feel it opening now before you, drawing you irresistibly forward, how powerfully could you feel that urge to read on and learn more? If these words have moved you... Then perhaps you are the special, imaginative, fun-loving woman for me and perhaps we are already on the way to being able to meet and feel a special connection; a connection based not just on getting what you want, but moving beyond what you want into what could deeply fulfill you. Me...I am open to that special, adventurous, athletic , in-shape woman who can show me she has a sense of purpose to her life and a sense of humor and play to her soul. A woman, not a girl, who is open to new learning, indeed even thirsts for it, but also has her own mind. A woman who longs to share with someone special; someone who will be her friend and lover, partner and adventurer, who will make each day together seem like the first and each moment together filled with that sense of a timeless and indescribable connection.

Do You Remember?? Do you remember when you were a little child and you went to bed expecting tomorrow to be a rainy stormy day? But you woke up the next morning and to your delight and surprise, you looked out to see a brightly shining sun, and not a cloud in the sky? And you realized, "Hey...this day is MINE to make happen?" Imagine sharing those feelings everyday with someone who truly understands, along with the passions only adults can create and share. More About Me... I'm 6’ tall, athletically muscular, shaved headed black man, dark eyes and I am very pre-occupied with stimulating and intelligent conversation; I believe the greatest adventure is to: explore one's passions. I define true passion as not just lust in the's not even when you are touched so deeply that you find you give all that you have. It's when you are touched so deeply you find things coming forth from you that you never even knew or imagined could be there. Can you feel that.....would be an amazing thing to experience with someone? ME: I'm not a doctor or attorney, I own a personal training business. I am also involved in the human potential movement, so you'll learn lots from me about spirit and mind as well as body! I must be with someone adventurous who LOVES to learn new things and is longing for an amazing new direction. Someone who can decide on her own what SHE uniquely finds desirable, magnetizing and attractive based on her own deep feelings and needs. Not because society would approve. Not because her friends would validate it. Not even because it is what she is used to or expecting or based on seeing her "type" or what is "typical", because maybe what is typical hasn't really made you very happy in the past. But because she is ready...truly ready..for something beyond what she really even thought could be possible. Because

maybe feeling that amazing opening is the link between the girl inside the woman, and the woman inside the girl. What I Like... I'm strongly into touching, and intense kissing(electricity)...that first, soft brush of the lips so soft you're not even sure you're kissing yet, and it's as if all the passion..all the fire that will be experienced in the relationship is enfolded in that one, first, soft, special kiss, just waiting to be explored and made real. It's that moment where time stands still and yet in that one moment, there is an eternity of experience to be explored. It makes your knees weak and your heart soar and every part of you comes...alive...awakened...ready for whatever will come next. It's That Moment It's that moment when you just stop...and look deep inside yourself and you are able to push aside all the rules and restrictions that hold you find that you are free to look at your own desires with eyes unclouded by the fears of others. You can look deep inside and see that special place where you keep all your secrets. Inside is what you desire. You can see your desires and when you see your desires, you know that what you want is right there waiting for you to act on your desire. Now, with me...that's quite a powerful thing. When you see your desires clearly, maybe for the first time, the excitement and longing you feel is very strong. The excitement of knowing you can fulfill these desires and the longing of wanting to share that experience with someone who so understands how you feel. More For You... I am willing and able to learn from you just as I am willing and able to teach you many new things. Moving forward together in life, longing

for this amazing new direction. Feeling totally excited with permission to not only be who you are, but to totally explore and accept the person who is even NOW emerging. So if perhaps you are this woman, 21-35, with a touch of poetry in her soul (and a bit of a naughty mind), then maybe you can feel surprised at how much you'd like to meet and learn more. Please understand that looks are not enough; I truly seek a person with a good, strong philosophy of life, a high-self esteem, a sense of fun and adventure, a love of life and learning and a great imagination(so very important!). Please also have a good sense of humor and play, and a love of all things sensual(if your skill with your lips matches your luck with your looks then maybe we already have something amazing in common!) Does This Sound Too Good To Be True? Sometimes in life, we get hurt and let our disappointments or past experiences block us from holding out hope...hope that real love with real people can be possible. But behind all that...behind all the cynicism and hurt...the let-downs and the "not quites" is the part and the person who believes. The one who believes in love and being loved for who you are. As you listen to the message that one is telling you right here, right now...NOW what do you feel just might be possible, if you reach out and make this yours? Here Is Your Next Step To Take... Got pics? show me yours, I'll show you mine". No pics? Then don't ask! I don't mind younger women(21+) and have dated/enjoyed a few, but you younger gals, don't write me if you can't sustain the excitement; thrilled to be your teacher but not looking to be a babysitter! So my preference is 27-35, please! (If you're hot and flowing with life, a few years older won't matter either!) Piqued your interest? Good! How strong can you feel that building before you RESPOND AND EMAIL ME at [email protected]

Of course, you don't have to email me right away; you might want to take a few minutes to feel the excitement and anticipation or even read this page over a few times before you email me. Then you can look back on it and enjoy the satisfaction you feel as you look forward to receiving my reply! Just adapt this profile to your personality and watch it pull women like crazy! Da kids Pimposphies:

people. This girl, though she will be seeing other people, will 'check in' periodically to see how your clout is 'shaping up'. The moment your clout reaches critical mass, is the moment she finally decides to reveal these 'feelings' she's had for you over the last 9 years. What you decide to do with this 'prodigal' broad is up to you, but I would make that bitch post bail, i.e. 'prove her love to me' before I reciprocate. The rule of reciprocation states that everyone is treated accordingly. When a broad finally comes clean, don't just accept this and drop the grudge. THIS BROAD HAS BEEN FRONTING ON YOU FOR X NUMBER OF MONTHS/YEARS. You have the ball now......RUN WITH IT! Or more specifically, run down the shot clock. Just when she thinks she is about to regain possession, drive to the hole and DUNK IT ON HER ASS. Notice how appropriate it is that she is right under the goal, with your nuts in her face as you hang from the rim. That's a beautiful thing. Front and Clout are both dependent on your environment (which I will discuss in the next article). The funny thing about all this is that a lot of times a broad is not conciously aware of all these little things that determine whether she has a crush on you now or whether she 'discovers' her feelings for you later. Also, it needs to be mentioned that the woman's overall status in society plays a very important part of what she considers a compatible , complimentary status in a man. Once again, environmental factors play a big role in this whole scheme of things. In closing, front and clout are co-dependent on each other. With out a good front, you cannot attract. Without tight clout, you cannot keep (as effortlessy as you could WITH tight clout). This is not saying that you can't get what you want if your front and clout ain't tight. This is saying that you can get what you want, and keep what you want, without doing next to nothing at all, if your front and clout are tight. Better yet, within reason, you can treat them however you want and do whatever you want, and them broads won't go anywhere. I'll close with

this example. Do you really think that if Magic Johnson wasn't Magic Johnson, that his wife would still be with him? HIV and all? Think about it.

It ain't EZ bein' me, The Kidd!!

Field Exercise #3: If you haven't seen it yet, rent 'HavPlenty'. Watch it, anylize it. The main thing to notice here is how Lee had to come up on clout before Haviland (Hav) stopped treating him anykind of way and came clean. If you pick up anything else, E-mail me and we can talk about it.

Shout outs: The PTC (Mr. Flick, Juinor Boy, Bitty, Blue, and Hush), Pimposio for puttin' me on, Jay Holmes, Walter Sutton, Donn Bridges, Kenny Ahorrio, and everyone else who feels this s**t I'm spittin'! Next: Environmental Factors 14 April 99 Environmental Factors ----------------------As I repeatedly stated in the previous articles, the key to how tight your front and clout has to be to get broads on your tip supa tuff depends greatly upon your environment. Now, when I talk about your environment, it has nothing to do with the weather. Environment refers to the area you live and the different social and financial factors associated within. First of all, from a general standpoint, pimps do not adapt to their environment. That's what playas do. Pimps are like dinosaurs. If conditions are not favorable, they die (figuratively). In the book ,'Pimp', when Iceberg Slim's environment became unproductive, did he stay there and make it work? Hell no! He picked up his s**t and moved on to greener pastures. Pimps rarely if ever compromise. Just like hoes, it is their way or the highway. If the environment you are in isn't conducive to pimpin', more often than not hoes are making runnin' thangs and can't no man say squat. If at all feasible, seriously consider moving. I'll get into social factors first. Main thing that influences social factors is demographics, or how many of what is in an area, per capita, and all that type o' stuff. If you are somewhere where men outnumber women, believe you me, the sympin' and ho sittin' will be outrageous. The ideal social environment for a pimp is a hoe heavy

environment. Where ever there are more women then men, women feel the crunch and act accordingly (i.e. running behind men). They will also put up with more of a man's s**t because, hey, there just isn't much to choose from, is there? Financial factors refer to who makes what and what they do with it. If you live in a high profile area (like Hollywood or Las Vegas), where when you go out, you have to share the club with celebrities, boxers, actors and the like, all eyez WILL NOT be on you. All the hoes in there will be star-struck and you will be AO'd (assed out). To put it bluntly, if you live somewhere that big ballers are plentiful and you are not a big baller, well, then you have to settle for the leftovers. It doesn't help none when these big willies are always taking these hoes shoppin', gettin' their hair done, feedin' um, and all that other symp sheet. It's next to impossible to pimp spoiled hoes (hoes spoiled by symps, that is.). Once a bitch gets put on by a symp, they don't want anything less than the best, and will automatically assume that whoever hollas at her after that will conform accordingly. The X factor to this is that if she is on your tip, and you play your cards right, you can reverse this. That, however, is another article. Another factor is space. If you are in a confined environment, like a town where the nearest town in any direction is like 4 hours or more away, then a pimp's effectiveness takes another hit. When you in a confined environment, the broads are slow to move because they know that you are not going anywhere. That's another reason why it sucks to live in Vegas. Good places are like Arizona or Texas, where you can bounce from town to town. Hoes are quicker to holla at you because they don't even know if you live in that town, much less when you are coming back. That is why it is so easy to run broads when you go on a trip. Plus, you won't be there long enough to mess up any game they have going on at the time, so that's an added plus. All in all, these are basically the major things that can hamper pimps environmentally. To close, I will break down my environment, Las Vegas, and explain how it works: Social: More dudes than broads. Sympin' is atrocious. So is the hatin' and saltin'. Hoes are real snotty, 'cause they know that they got s**t on lock. They act a fool BIG time. Financial: Las Vegas is a big baller town. All about the loot. Half of these hoes strip, so they are ballin'. Go to the club, shakin' hands with Marcus Allen, Ronnie DeVoe, and Kid Capri is the DJ. Me? I'm just a lowly college student. How can I compete? Space: Las Vegas is painfully confined. Both L.A and Phoenix are 4-5 hours away. Result: It ain't EZ bein' me in Las Vegas. I'm moving upon graduation. My cousin on the other hand, Mr. Flick (of the PTC) who is in the military and has front and clout similar to mine, is doing much better than I am in the small town of Sierra Vista, AZ. Here are the reasons why: Social: More hoes than dudes. Plus, these hoes are trying to get out of town 'cause it sucks. Best route? Marry a military man. Fronting is a rare occurrence and when it does happen, rarely does it last past minute rice.

Financial: Everybody who is anybody is in the military. This town is that small (pop. about 30-40,000). When my cousin goes to the club, HE is the star. Space: Hour away from Mexico, hour away from Tuscon, 2 1/2 hours away from Phoenix....round, round, get around,...HE GETS AROUND... Result: His phone rings like every 15 minutes. NO JOKE. Hopefully, this simple compare and contrast sheds a little more light on the subject. What makes everything come together, however, is what I call my 'Marquee Value Theory', which will be explored in my next article. Until then, stay posted and go watch 'The Matrix'. That is the Pimp Tightest movie out right now and gets my stamp of approval. Very symbolic indeed. Peace out! Field Exercise #4: What else? Watch 'The Matrix'! MAN-DA-TOR-REE! Got it? That red pill swallower, The Kidd!!

Note: I will be putting together a glossary to help some of ya'll aspiring pimps with the terms. Patience, Daniel San! Shout outs: Pimpioso for puttin' me on, the whole PTC (Mr. Flick, Bitty, Blue, Junior Boy and Hush), Sierra Vista's finest (Wiz, P-Shay, Mikey, Lil' Dog, and DC), Donn Bridges, Jay Holmes, Walter Sutton, Spxiii!, and everyone else who feels this s**t I'm spittin'! 25 March 99 The Front Factor -----------------Whereas clout is who you actually are (or what you have accomplished), a front is what you portray yourself to be (or the potential you hold). Front + Clout = Status in Society. A good front is necessary to draw hoes out without any extra effort (i.e. sympin') on your part. For the record, clout is much more important than a front, because as the name implies, that's exactly what it is: a front. Every front has a back, and that back is called clout. I will go more into clout in the next article. God has given each and everybody something that when used correctly, will attract members of the opposite sex. Some peoples 'gifts' are more apparent than others, but everybody has something. For women, God gave them the ultimate drawing card....'nana. Just imagine if men were given 'nana and the women had our 'jimmy'. Things would be a lot different. I wouldn't be writing this right now, because my life would be easy. I would be getting chased down everyday, getting offers to go to the movies, out to dinner, taken shopping, you know, all of that good stuff. Our cards aren't as blatantly apparent. If you are lucky, and society considers you good looking, then your front is already halfway established, whether you know it or not. Some of us have to dig and

search ourselves to find out what our 'card' is. For example, maybe someone isn't good looking, but is smart as all hell (i.e. Bill Gates). If you can turn those smarts into money, there's your front. Hoes jock stability and what a man can offer more than looks anyway (as evidenced by ugly famous people with bomb ass wives). The key is, that every man has SOMETHING....nice physique, athletic ability, sense of humor, high intellegence....SOMETHING. All you have to do is figure out what yours is, then accentuate it to make it stand out. Better yet, do something with it to make a lot of LOOT. LOOT attracts HOES. Here are some examples: Note: These are basic 'Front + Clout = Status in Society' equations. Nothing hard. Athletic ability in basketball + NBA contract ($$$) = NBA Player High intelligence + P.H.D. in Medicine ($$$) = Doctor Sense of humor + nationwide audience ($$$) = Comedian Good acting ability + starring role in movie ($$$) = Actor Good looking + contract with top modeling agency ($$$) = Supermodel Of course, the higher your 'Status', the higher quality hoes will approach you without provocation. See the general pattern? The bottom line here is: If you build it, they will come. Women are naturally attracted to men who have something to show for themselves. How many 'love-at-first-sight' stories have you heard where the broad falls head over heels for a bum on the street? Not many. It's always some 'dashing' dude who is loaded, or displays a whole lot of potential. When a broad is all in your mouth, talking about how nice you look and how funny you are, you best believe she has taken into account certain criteria that implies that you are somebody of worth, or have the potential to be. Sometimes this is a concious act, sometimes it's not. A common mistake a lot of men make is to go above and beyond the call to get a woman (i.e sympin'). Calling her all the time, taking her out, all that good stuff. Then she ends up ditching that dude for a better prospect. If that dude would just realize for a minute that if he spent all that money he had spent on her....on HIMSELF, eventually someone would approach HIM. As a guideline, remember: front attracts, clout keeps. In the meantime, do what you can to better your appearance. Kinda flabby or skinny? Get in the gym. Take your 'chase-a-hoe' money, get some creatine, get your buff on, and let the hoes chase YOU for a change. The amount of time it takes to build an effective front varies per individual. Some dudes come with a ready-made front, where others have to start from scratch. It all comes down to how bad you want it. Or, how sick you are of running behind women. At any rate, take care of yourself, and everything else will fall into place. The sooner you start, the sooner you finish. Front and clout vary on effectiveness depending on your environment. For example, my '92 Honda Accord on 16" chromies is all the rage in Tucson, AZ, but it ain't SQUAT here in Las Vegas, NV. I'll get into environmental factors in another article. In conclusion, as quiet as it's kept, we men have the same capability as women to do things our way...if we are dealing with broads who are jocking the CRAP out of us. The key is utilizing our redeming trait(s) and to build a marketable front out of it.

Field Exercise #2: Take one weekends worth of 'treat-a-trick-good' money, and get a new outfit or a watch that goes "gleam! gleam!". See if you notice a difference. The nicer your gear is, the more confident you will feel. The more confident you feel, the more confident you look. The more confident you look, the more hoes will holla. Until next time, The Kidd!! Shout Outs: The whole Pimp Tight Click (Mr. Flick, Juinor Boy, Bitty, Blue, and Hush), Pimposio for puttin' me on, Jay Holmes, Walter Sutton, Donn Bridges, Kenny Ahorrio, and to everyone else who is feeling this s**t I'm spittin'. I'm out!! Keep your eyes peeled for 'The Clout Factor'. Coming soon! 15 Dec 00 Starting Fresh ----------------

This one is gonna be short and sweet. Basically, there is gonna come a time where one of your broads is gonna wanna vacate. You're gonna do what you can to coerce her to stay on the team, but this time it doesn't work. If she leaves, don't try to chase her down. Let her ride. First of all, it could be a bluff. She might be trying to steal the ball or trying to pull the hoe card she thinks you are holding and bluffing on. Should this broad get even a hint of an impression that you need her, you are in big trouble, cause she will go from annoying to downright unruly. You are better off just letting her bounce and starting fresh on some new hoes. There's always the chance that she will come back later, if whatever she had planed doesn't pan out. Should this occur, act accordingly. My other articles can guide you on that line of action. You can think about it, ponder it, maybe even predict it, but NEVER count on it, because if it doesn't happen, you just lost your bet and whatever you had riding on it. This is one of those "It's not the end...this is only the beginning" type of things. Whereas this ends Covert Tactics, the game starts all over again. I don't worry about losing broads. Why? I look at it like that means that there is a better one out there just waiting to spoil me, ya dig? Such is the Pimp Tight life. I could have 3 hoes today, nothing next week, and 4 broads next month. You gotta take the bad with the good. Although you may have a couple that will be down for you no matter what, cop and blow is still the name of the game. People still go out and get new clothes/shoes even though the old ones are still in good condition, ya dig? Just stay on your toes when dealing with deez hoes and everything else will be gravy. That's all folks!!, The Kidd!!

Finish How You Start ---------------------The number one reason why most relationships don't last is because someone wasn't being their 'true self' from the get go. Unfortunately, the guilty party is usually us...the men. Women, being the pimps they are, always tell us what they are looking for when they deal with someone. Men, on the other hand, will emulate whatever the woman's 'ideal' man is until they achieve their objective, then flip the script. Then they wonder why their car windows are broken and their tires are slashed. Most guys do whatever they feel it's gonna take to get some drawlz. Then, when the mission is accomplished, who they really are take over and the problems begin. The most common issue is that of affection. Initially, the male usually will be overly affectionate. Always hugging the broad on sight, flowers, complements, the whole "wine and dine" 9. Most broads fall for this, and things are cool for a minute. Then, as the male becomes complacent, he lets his guard down, and slacks up on the affection. Then, all of a sudden, the girl he is dealing with starts trippin' and he can't understand why. The reason is because the man that this chick got with was the guy who hugged her everytime he saw her, and brought her flowers every other day, and washed her car and stuff. The moment this activity ceases, guess what? That male is no longer the same man she 'loves'. This is the shit that needs to stop. It is unecessary and tedious. Hopefully, if you have read everything else I've written, you can tell when a broad is on your jock and how to act accordingly, instead of sugary-sweet. If you can finish how you start, life will be beautiful. When you meet a broad, and you deduce that she is jockin', be straight up from jump. Outline your 'terms of engagement'. Let her know that you date, ain't looking for a steady, don't pay on dates, whatever, and for her to proceed at her own risk. If she accepts, cool. If not, ya'll can be 'cool', and she will eventually beat herself up anyway cause she won't be sexually attracted to you any less. Worst case senario is the broad will just leave you alone. What have you lost? Probably quite a few headaches. In order to have dealt with that broad, you couldn't have been yourself. Eventually, you get tired of playing a role, and the bitch woulda tripped then. Players are really good at this, but for me personally, this is too much work and I gotz better things to do. I don't worry about broads...they worry about me. For an example, women that deal with me know that I do not call on a whim, just to say hi or any of that mushy bullshit. I tell them if they call me and leave a message, I'll call them back, but never out of the blue. If they choose to deal with me, this is something they accept. Therefore, I never have to hear, "Why don't you call me?".

Apply that example and relate it to yourself. Is there something you don't normally do, but do when you are dealing with a broad because you feel you have to? Guess what? YOU DON'T HAVE TO. Refer to the Marquee Value Theory. She is the one missing out, not you. Let's say you are dealing with a broad who starts catching feelings and you don't. She has no reason to get shitty with you, because you haven't been feeding her bullshit. Yet and still, she will try you, because every other guy she gave some pussy to suckered out sooner or later. Guess what? You're not that sucker. You told her from jump that you date and are not trying to get serious with anyone, correct? All you have to do then is throw that disclaimer in her face and tell her to shut that shit up. She might storm out, but hey, you'll be suprised how quickly she comes back. All she was trying to do was re-negotiate the contract. All you did was remind her that the terms of the contract are non-negotiable. It's that simple, The Kidd!!

23 Nov 99 Evoking the Guilty Plea ------------------------This one is not that easy to explain, but it is my duty to attempt to explain it, so here goes. Evoking a guilty plea basically means that you get the broad to submit, admit defeat, raise the white flag and surrender. The time this takes to happen depends on who you are dealing with, your environment, front, and clout factors and how hard the broad is actually jocking you. It's always nice when a broad just saves you all the trouble and just rolls up on you like she wants it. All you have to do then is return volley. Unfortunately, things aren't always that easy, especially if you are striving to be Pimp Tight. It's hard to get something for nothing. The best way to circumvent all this drama is to ensure that your front/clout factors are up to speed for the environment you are in and that you are as high profile as you can possibly be. Until you can get to this 'status in society', however, you may have to get down into the trenches and engage in mental 'tug 'o war' with you adversaries (i.e. hoes). Everyone is their own person, and I don't expect anyone to be a cookie cut of me. You are going to have to figure out your own method and style to doing this. As long as you stick to the basic guidelines that I have outlined, shit will be copastetic. Let's say you have a target in mind. After you have deduced that she is indeed 'on your team', plan your approach. If at all possible, attempt to get her to come to you. Make eye contact, then use your index, middle finger and thumb to 'beckon' the bitch to you. If she comes, step 1 is accomplished. If she ignores you, acts shitty, or tells you to come to her, EJECT, EJECT! This doesn't mean that the bitch is jockin' you any less that she is. It means that she is used to getting things her way and expects you to act accordingly. Now, I'm not saying that you can't pull the bitch, I'm just saying that she is going to try to put you through more shit than you would like to deal with. If you have a high tolerance for shit, proceed. These type of hoes are looking for a cake daddy, a captain-save-'em kinda guy. Avoid like the plauge. In some environments, it is better to just go ahead and approach if jockin' is present, then attempt to steal the ball (which will be explained later).

On a positive note, however, once your front and clout become cemented how you want it, this same broad who acted shitty today may try to act right later on down the road. This is due mostly to the Marquee Value Theory. If she tries to act right later, take it how you want to. Me personally, I'll play cool, get that broad for some loot/gifts/favors, then the moment she tries me, curb kick 'em and tell that that's what they get for acting shitty X days/months/years ago. Trust me, some hoes will take years before they decide to try to act right. Let's say she actually came over. Now where the real fun begins. Keep in mind that while you are talking to her, observe her subconscious signs of jockin' (like stroking her neck, playing with her necklace, very good eye contact, dilated pupils outside at high noon, touching you for no apparent reason, etc.). The presence or lack thereof of these signs let's you know whether you are wasting your time or not without having to look like a dumb ass and ask. Depending on who you are and your immediate goals, you can do a few things, of which I will briefly outline: Pussy: If all you want to do is hit, and when you are a young man this is usually all you want to do, be straightforward. Be like, what's happenin', blase blah, been seeing you around, you noticing me, me noticing you, blah, blah, blah, well since we are feeling each other here's my number, hit me up. Try to keep it short and sweet. The less blanks you fill in, the more mystique you retain. When she calls, get that bitch to tell you her life story (she probably will anyway). After she does that, she will feel closer to you and all that stuff. Plus you can use some of that imformation to help you really cinch the bitch. If you really listen to a woman, they will inadvertently tell you what style of pimpin' works on them, be it hard, medium, or soft. I don't mean when they say they like candle lit dinners, massages, flowers and shit like that. I mean how her ex-boyfriend was a dick but she still loves him and she hasn't been sexed right in a minute. If her ex was an asshole and she still loves him, this tells you that you have to be hard and put your foot down everytime she tries you. Not being sexed right? You gotz to lay it down. Now, after you bring up sex once, LEAVE IT ALONE. Trust me, the bitch has not forgotten that you want to fuck. She wants to do it too. After a minute, she will start initiating the sex talk. The phone is your friend. If you handle business right on the phone, the next time you see her, she could very well be butt nekkid in your bed. Money: If your primary goal is loot, it's kinda the same as above except you don't go for the jugular. You know how Too $hort says he collects hoes like baseball cards? This is what he means. You want to be more like a friend. I don't mean like ya'll hang out like your homeboys and shit, unless she is taking you out all the damn time. When ya'll see each other, speak but don't go out of your way to do it. When she calls, talk. Don't worry about calling her, or hoes in general. I can't remember the last time I called a broad first or on a whim. Just be cool and don't push the sex issue. It will come in due time. Just keep stabbin' the hoes you already got until she just can't take it anymore. All you really gotta do is act like them in a sense. Do you remember the last time a girl made you wait to hit? That was the best shit you ever had, right? Same rules apply to women. Plus they are not used to waiting so it really hits home. In the meantime, they will assume the male role (i.e. taking you out, calling you, dropping hints, etc.) Try to hold out on sexing them as long as you possibly can. Right when she appears to be losing interest, hit it. It will be the best dick she has ever had. Remember, real pimps don't fuck their hoes all that often, if at all. They get in that bitch's brain and that's where they remain. Once you are in their brain, you will always be there. Now, they can get wrapped up with a symp and vanish for a minute, but they will eventually some back when that weak ass cat finally decides to show his true colors. When she does come back, what you decide to do is up to you. General rule of thumb? If the bitch gotz money and doesn't mind spending it, take her back. Not wholeheartedly, mind you. Make her feel

shitty and guilty. This will in turn prompt her to 'make it up to you'. DO NOT ACCEPT SEX FOR AN APOLOGY. Tell that bitch that those new Jordans are sweeeeeeet. It's turkey time!, The Kidd!! P.S. I know this article is pretty general in nature. I will entertain any and all questions as everyone is different and has different goals. Just make sure it's after Thanksgiving, aw-ight? 21 Apr 99 The Marquee Value Theory -------------------------Women, should they have their way, would like for us men to believe that they are superior to us and will always run things. To a certain extent, this is true. If you don't believe that this 'man's world' is actually a 'woman's world', you haven't swallowed the red pill yet (refer to 'The Matrix'). Sad but true, this IS their world...they just let us run it to pacify our enormous egos. It is important to remember that generally speaking, men are attracted to hot, fresh ass (the younger, the better), whereas women are attracted to clout and stability (i.e. 'what can you do for me?'). This simple fact is the basis for all of my previous articles. Men are basically raised from birth to respect women no matter what, and that we absolutely have to have pussy. Women, on the other hand, are pulled aside by our mothers and instructed on how to get a man. What our mothers and fathers have neglected to tell us, however, is that while women have their way in the beginning, we win in the end. This surmises my 'Marquee Value Theory'. Let's begin, shall we? Let's take two individuals, one male and one female. Both of them are 19 years old. At 19, a female is the epitome of hot, fresh ass. She has probably been getting into nightclubs since she was 15, and gets the crap jocked out of her regularly. All she really has to worry about is her weight, makeup, and getting raped. Everything else is gravy. She is at the top of her game. Conversely, a 19 year old male is at the bottom of the totem pole. The average male at 19 doesn't have a whole lot to show for himself. If he's lucky, he might have a car. Chances are he wasn't going to nightclubs...he was skateboarding and playing video games (which I still do). He's wondering why all of the women his age are with older dudes. Also, since the male hormonal rage is at 18, this naturally makes men hella sympish at this age, bending over backwards just for a chance to get some drawlz. 19 is not a good time for most of us. Hell, most of us still live with Momz. Fast forward a little. Now both people between 25-35. Depending on the circumstances in their lives, this is generally where the sexes break even, though in most cases females still have the upper hand. Why? Because we are stoopid, and usually can't see what I am about to point out. The formerly untouchable woman now has a few things to worry about. Namely, the new models that are coming out (a.k.a broads younger than her), and that good 'ol biological clock that just a keeps on tick, tick, tickin' away. Also, if she has had any children

by this time and is not married, this drops her marquee value even further. Plus, females hormonal rage kicks in at 30, so she will be a little more aggressive anyway. I assume this is to increase the chance that the broad will reproduce before it's too late. The guy on the other hand is moving on up. By now, he has probably finished college, or is on some sort of career path. He has a car. He has an apartment or house. He basically has something to show for himself. He has also been around a little bit, and therefore is a little more worldly wise. This is why older women tend to gravitate toward younger men, because they are easier to manipulate. Plus, the 'new models' that are coming out are jocking him tough, because he is older and more established. Also, since his hormonal rage has subsided, he is thinking a lot more clearly, and is generally more worried about taking care of himself and his future plans than running behind some broad. This, of course, can work a broad into a frenzy. In other words, he is shaping up to be good 'baby daddy' material. This is generally where guys fu*k up. Even though, slowly but surely, this guy's status in society has gone up, it is usually so gradual that he doesn't even notice it. This basically means that even though he has something going for him, he still thinks that the only way to get a broad is to court her (i.e. run behind that beeyutch). This is when he should just kick back and watch them run to HIM. I just wish more guys would figure this out. Fast forward again. Now both people are in their 40's. This is where we men start to pull away. You know what they say about a woman that is 40 and up: She has a better chance of getting attacked by a terrorist than getting married. Or how about this one: A woman's beauty is gone with the first gray hair. Ever wonder why more women undergo plastic surgery than men? To compete with the younger models that men at their age (in this case, 40 or so) can get almost effortlessly. There really isn't a lot to say here. Men, on the other hand, are having a field day. First of all, men are in control of the economy. Everyone knows that women generally make 72 cents to every dollar we make. This adds up quite nicely. I have three words: Money, Power, Respect. If this guy has played his cards right, he should be in a very good position by now, with at least some influence. Do you see Bill Gates getting plastic surgery to improve his looks? No. How about Sean Connery smoothing away some wrinkles? No. Why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE MONEY, THAT'S WHY. That's what women jock. When you look good, women will look at you. When you look good AND have money, women will throw themselves at you. Actually, you don't even have to look good. As far as 50+ goes, I only have one word to say: Viagra. The advent of this little blue pill has guaranteed us men that we can have sex until we die. Couple that with the fact that we can reproduce until we die and that's quite the one-two punch. Women? Nope, no viagra for broads. All we have to do is stay healthy, successful, and have a jar full of little blue pills by the bed and we will be set. For women around this age, except for those that are extremely well off(consult environmental factors), their game is over. In conclusion, all we men need is a little patience. Sure, you can get what you want now if you want to work for it, but why not work on yourself, bide your time, then watch broads work on getting with you? Simple in concept, trying in execution, as this train of thought is far from the norm and hard for the average guy to swallow. Then again, not everyone decides to take the red pill, because some people just can't handle the truth. So to all of my aspiring pimps, keep the faith and get your sh*t

tight. We might be losing some of the battles, but we will WIN THE WAR AGAINST BROADS. My next article will be entitiled 'X-Factors', which basically establishes disclaimers and loopholes for my pimposohies. No system is perfect, and mine is not without flaws. This is aimed at the majority. Stay tuned. Keep your head up, The Kidd!! Note: 'X-Factors' will be my last article in Pimposophies. I am considering doing another section called 'Covert Tactics' which actually explains how to read and pull broads. I haven't had much response to these articles, so I don't know if I'm wasting my time. Please E-mail me and let me know if ya'll want to see 'Covert Tactics'. I'm out!

Shout outs: The PTC, Mad Flush, SV Boyz, Public Figure Crew, F.A.N. C.L.U.B., Pimposio, Flatt, Jay Holmes, Walter Sutton, 'Phonzo, Spxiii!, and everyone else who is feelin' the s**t I'm spittin'! 10 Sep 99 Observation ------------In the pimp game, observation is the key. Without the ability to properly observe a situation, the analysis of any given situation will be far from accurate. It also helps to know what you are looking for. The amount of observation neccessary varies per situation. If you are out of town (or out of your environment), you shouldn't spend near as much time observing as you would where you live. The reason for this is simple. When on vacation, you can afford to make a few mistakes like cold approaches (i.e. very little if any eye contact, etc.), because you aren't going to be there long enough for the consequences to affect you. But, since the majority of us aren't going anywhere anytime soon, I will focus on long term observation. The first thing you want to do went observing is to set up your 'base of operations'. What I mean is, sit yourself down somewhere, be it school, the club, the mall, whatever, and remain stationary. Fight the temptation to explore your surroundings. This makes you look hungry like the rest of the nyggas in there. Trust me, if a bitch likes what she sees, she will put herself in your perimeter. Just make sure that you are sitting somewhere highly visible. Be the 1st one in the club to get a good seat if you have to. What you want to keep an eye out for is what I call 'the perimeter breach'. This is basically when a girl is all in your area. She will probably glance at you occasionally and jock you on the subtle tip. She is wondering why if

all of these other guys are up her ass, why aren't you. How you react to this depends on environmental factors. If you are out of town, throw your fingers up and beckon that bitch to you. If you are on your home turf, try to chill. Remember, chances are that the bitch lives there too, and you will probably see her again. This is where patience kicks in. When I go out here in Vegas, I see the same hoes a lot. Even though I've been here a little over a year, I'm still a mystery to them because I don't try to run down every girl I see. This will take some time to get used to, but will pay off in the long run. aren't going anywhere, and neither are they. Drive their curiosity to a fever pitch. When they finally do speak to you or you decide that they are jocking you so tough that it's time to make that move, the amount of static she gives you (depending on your approach, of course) will be much of nothing. One key thing to remember is this... women jock men on the sneak the same way we jock them. If you know this, you can use this against them. I have a general rule: If I can see them, then they can see me. If a bitch is on your shit, she will position herself where she can get a good view of you. If you are sitting near the dance floor, and hoes start dancing like right in front of you, chances are they are jocking you. Especially is the dance floor isn't packed and they didn't have to dance right there. The less crowded an environment is, the more 'clean-cut' observations are. If the joint is jumpin', then you will have to relie more on eye contact, proximity, and other subtle factors. Here is an example: Sometimes when I sit in the mall or in the lounge at school, a bitch that is sitting quite a ways from me will choose to throw some trash away in the can that is in my proximity. No big deal right? WRONG. How about there was a trash can a lot closer to her than mine was. She didn't have to come way over here just to throw away a lollipop stick, then return to her seat. Most people don't think twice about things like that, but they should. That is an excellent example of subtle jocking. If your obsevation skills are not up to par, you would miss that incident and quite a few more which could have been very revealing. I really can't teach observation unless you are in my face. The best thing to do is to just sit yourself down in the mall or at school and just practice. Watch which hoes decide to sit near you even when there are chairs all over the damn place. How many times a particular broad walks back and forth in front of you for no damn apparent reason at all. Do this for a little while, then try your luck at the club. In the club, however, hoes are a little more aware that they are being watched, and will be a little harder to read. But, if you know what subtleties to look for, it won't be too hard. Soon you won't be getting dissed anymore because you will know exactly which broad(s) actually want to holla at you. And that, my fledging pimps, is the beauty of proper observation.

Get your peep on, The Kidd!!

19 Oct 99

Stacking Evidence -------------------

The next logical step when scoping out a potential 'cop' is stacking evidence. This works a lot like our legal system. You can't take someone to court and get a guilty verdict unless you have a little bit of hard evidence or a whole lot of circumstantial evidence. In other words, if you are going to take a chance and approach a broad, make sure that you have paid enough attention to her to know for sure (or as sure as you can possibly be) that she is indeed jockin' you. This should be easy, as all you do is categorize everything that you have observed and analyzed up until that point. Everytime she does anything that you think could be remotely jockin', commit it to memory. The more obvious it is, the better evidence you have. The more vague it is, the less you have, which means you have to obtain more of it. Let's say that at school this one chick always sits at the table next to you, even when there are plenty of open tables, and glances occasionally. If she does it once, no biggie. Twice, still no biggie. If this continues and forms a regular pattern, however, then you might have something. This evidence is not very strong and doesn't stand on it's own, because you need to take the time to rule out other factors. It's not too far fetched to think that she could be jockin' someone else, especially if you do not sit alone. This is where experimentation come into play. Switch it up occasionally. Sit at a different table and see if she still sits in your proximity. If so, you have a stronger case. If not, back to square one. The bottom line is, if somebody does something consistently over a given period of time, it is no longer mere coincidence. Everything she does, every glance, every close brush by you when there is plenty of room to get through, every time she sits near you AND sits so you are in her field of vision,

every time she asks you what time it is when you are not the only person in the room with a watch...EVERYTHING IS EVIDENCE. It's like everything she does are sheets of paper. Little things are one sheet, and obvious things are 2 sheets and up, depending just how obvious you deem the action to be. Pretend you are placing these sheets into a manila folder. When you figure that this folder is burstingly full, then it's time to approach. Sometimes, though, by the time it's this thick she may already have said something to you. Depends once again on your environment. Do not dismiss anything. It's just that the less obvious it is, the more patient you need to be to stack enough of it. Here's where it gets tricky. Do not confuse subconscious evidence with conscious evidence. She may not be aware just how much she digs you. Should you approach and she decides to front, do not confront her with subconscious evidence, because she will not know what the hell you are talking about. Chances are you will always get more subconscious than conscious, so keep that in mind. But I'll get more into that next time. In conclusion, scoping is a combination of three things: Observation, Analyzation, and Stacking Evidence (in that order). These three points are the most important in all of Covert Tactics, as without a good foundation in this, everything else is useless. You can not pull a bitch who is not attracted to you, period. By using these three tools, you will immediately begin to minimize your rejections because you will already know who you should holla at and who should be hollerin' at you. No more stabbin' in the dark!, scratch more playing the odds (i.e. 'If I talk to 20 girls, I'm bound to get a couple.')! You will be one step ahead of your competition because you will already know who wants to talk to YOU. It's a beautiful thing, ain't it? How U luv dat?

Until next time, The Kidd!! 15 Mar 00

Take Your Time --------------

Patience is a virtue, and when striving to be Pimp Tight, patience is a neccesity. This one is pretty cut and dried, though it will still be challenging to accept and incorporate considering that the culture we've been born in raised in is based on instant gratification. Let's face it: No one likes to wait for anything they want. But sometimes (especially in this game), waiting to cop a broad gives you a much tighter cop than if you had moved sooner. Remember that movie Twiins? When Arnold would always say, "You moved too soon."? Well, just like when whoever moved too soon caught it in that movie, if you move too soon, you might catch absolutely nothing but a headache. It takes time and practice to learn exactly what to say when, but when you finally develop that knack to go with your patience, the rewards are great and long-term. Which takes me back to a favorite quote of mine from Iceberg Slim's epic novel, "Pimp" (which, in case you don't know, is required reading). "If you chase a whore, you get a chump's weak cop, If you stalk a whore, you get a pimp's strong cop." What this means is that if you pursue a female blatanly and obviously (like most guys do), you are gonna get taken. Sure, you might get the pussy, but not much else. And if you get the pussy, you still really haven't gotten anything. But, if you see a chick you like, then take the time to determine whether she is jocking you or not, then the ball in your possesion. This is where patience comes in. Unlike guys, just because a female is on your jock doesn't mean that she will act right away. You have to remember that women, especially fine ass hoes, get dick offered to them daily. This is why women are so passive, because they can afford to be. Besides, if she is jocking you on the subconcious tip, it will take that much longer for her to realize that she actually does like you in that way (sad, but true). If you have concluded that she is jocking, two things you can do. One, if you are high profile enough, is to kick back and chill and hopefully she will approach you or you can get her to come talk to you. Or two, make first contact then concentrate on 'stealing the ball' in the

future. Either way, once you all are talking, be nonchalant. She expects you to be all up her ass, hell, every other guy she talks to is. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. This is where you throw the curve ball. Don't let her know you like her consciously, let her know unconsciously. But only do it in reciprocation. If she is talking to you and she touches you, make it a point to touch her back before the conversation is over. Just a pat on the shoulder or a squeeze on the arm will do. Enough of this will mess her head up, because she will be subconsciously receiving signs that you are not consciously backing up. Over time [the amount of which varies on Marquee Value Theory, Clout/Front/Environmental factors, and Symp 'n' Salt factors (aka haters)], she will eventually fold and when she does, it will be damn near forever. Remember when a girl you liked made you wait forever before you hit, and when you finally did, you were hooked? Same principle applies here. If you give them what they want too soon, they lose interest a lot quicker than if you waited. Another good thing about taking your time is that the sex will be good to her no matter if you bust quicker than minute rice. Everyone knows that sex is more mental than physical. If you take the time and massage that brain right, you can't lose. It's like getting a car you've wanted for a long time. Even though it might drive like a piece of shit with wheels on it, you would still justify keeping it much longer than a car that you really didn't want in the first place. In fact, the car you didn't want might even ride better, but since it's not what you really wanted, you still are not happy. Apply that line of thinking to hoes. You could fuck a bitch whose been jocking you for a minute for 2 hours and you could fuck a bitch whose been on your nutz for a while for 20 minutes, and I'll bet you that the 2nd broad would defintely get more out of it than the first. I haven't really tore some pussy up in a minute, but the hoes I deal with now defintely act a lot better and do a lot more than the girlfriend (whose pussy I was KILLIN'!) I had 4 years ago. Now, chillin' out is not as mundane as it sounds. Trust me, there will be other broads who

will fill the void while the top dollar hoes are figuring out what they really want. Plus, these so called 'friends' of yours will cook for you, take you out, buy you stuff, and you're not even fucking them! In all absolute honesty, the longer you take to fuck a bitch, the longer you will be able to keep that bitch, 'cause curiosity is a muthafuckah. Matter of fact, you can actually reverse the roles on them. They will be trying to kiss you and you will be like, "I think we are moving to fast." Boy, now that is some good shit. I'm not saying not to fuck the bitch. I'm just saying make sure that you are pimpin' her good before you do. I'm gonna end this with some examples for you to chew on. One of my broads I haven't even kissed yet. This girl shows up at my work place with dinner, takes me out to eat/movies, I can walk into her work and order damn near anything on the menu. The best part is, she is all about taking it slow, which is cool because I'm gonna get a lot of goodies before I have to do any 'work' (aka stabbin')! You gotta love that. In the meanwhile, there is this other broad who I knew was on my nuts a year ago, but she was out of state so I played the 'Hi/Bye' game. I would see her like once every 4 months at a club or something. Never pursued, never asked/gave phone numbers. This last new year's eve, she finally folded and gave me the number. This broad took me out to eat/movies, then commenced to slob my knob. THEN, she flew out to see me for Valentine's Day, and calls me every night 'just to hear my voice'. The other day, she had an 'O-ring' just sitting around her crib thinking about me. Ahhh...It's a beautiful thing. In closing, taking your time may take some getting used to, but the rewards are lovely. Think of it as sacrificing today for a better tomorrow.

How U luv DAT? The Kidd!!

11 July 00 Stay Vigilant / Check that Bitch --------------------------------This article is gonna be pretty straightforward. The whole concept behind staying vigilant is just being aware that just because you copped a broad doesn't mean that the game is over.

Remember, a broad's job is to see just how much rope they can get from you. Knowing this, it is essential to keep your guard up and your eyes open. You're gonna have to pay attention to little shit. Shit that most folks just dismiss as coincidence or something (read 'observation'). Remember, everything happens for a reason. For example, if a bitch that was acting fine and dandy last week starts trippin' for no apparent reason this week, chances are that she has options (meaning some symp ass bustas are up her ass and inflating her head to max PSI). To this, you can either say nothing and let it ride (because after all, you really don't NEED the bitch), or you can blow that bitch brain and tell her that you know what's going on and if she don't straighten up and fly right, she will lose the one guy that she knows ain't fulla shit. Personally, I'd tell the broad that I don't mind her dealing with other guys, just recognize who you are dealing with and act accordingly. Actually I encourage it. Say some shit like, "You have the busters to kiss your ass and you have me when you get sick of their whiny shit. Between us, you have the perfect man." In that situation, she is trying to get you to bow down to her 'pussy power'. Sure, you can sucker out so you can keep fuckin' her, but why? You're gonna put up with her shit then make her day by givin' her some dick? Yeah right! Better tell that broad take a hike. One of two things will happen, one of which being that she will relent and act right. Actually, she will act better because you have just assumed the 'Daddy' role whether you know it or not. Bitches by nature don't want a pussy ass man. They just stay with them 'cause they got loot and end up cheatin' on them with a guy like you. When you put your foot down when you are supposed to, you earn that broad's respect. Now, she won't TELL you this, so don't ask. You'll be able to tell by the way she will act following the incident. The other thing that could happen is she will disappear. When she leaves, DO NOT TRY TO GET HER BACK. I don't care if she is your only bitch. That is what she is waiting for you to do. Just let her ride out and deal with your 'options'. By you leaving her be, you reinforce what you have been saying about how you don't need the bitch. She will discover soon enough that these other guys she thinks have you beat aren't shit compared to you. How long this takes

depends on how much experience the bitch has had with men and how smart she is. Trust me, one day she will be back, whether it's next week or next year. It'll trip you out, too. The best way to check a bitch is verbally. Fuck what you heard, a verbal beatdown is much worse and lasts a lot longer than 'Ike-in' a bitch. Now, if the broad tries to physically harm you, that's different...IKE THAT BITCH. But never hit first or just over words. That just shows that you could'nt think of nothin' to say to verbally butcher the broad. When it is 'checkout' time, have your ammo ready. The ammo I'm referring to is all the shit she's done, be it obvious or subtle, to try you. If you are vigilant, you will have more than enough ammo to demolish the broad's brain. Brain damage is cool. Address whatever she did to piss you off, then bring up all the little shit that you noticed but didn't speak on to prove your 'conspiracy' theory. Trust me, it works wonders. It's kinda like rubbin' a puppy's nose in shit. Check the broad as soon as she tries you or you will regret it later. Don't be afraid to check a bitch. Hoes take guys nuts everyday, why can't we grab a few ovaries, hmmm? If you don't check her, you will lose ground and never be able to regain it. If that happens, it's all downhill. Like everything else, the more you do it, to better you get at it. It's checkout time!, The Kidd!! 10 March 99

Who is a Pimp? ---------------What exactly determines whether someone is a pimp or not? This is the question I will attempt to delve into today. Some people think of themselves as pimps, but in fact they are nowhere close. Yet while others are pimps and don't even know it. By definition, a pimp is someone, male or female, who receives money from persons (mainly women) that solicit sex. I am not trying to define a pimp in the physical sense, but in the mental sense, as far as having a 'pimp tight' mentality. Being a pimp is not dependent on gender. For those that didn't know, all women are natural pimps. Why? Because they all know that they have something

that approximately 98% of the men in the world can't resist....'nana. Therefore, women usually always put forth demands (whether they are aware or not) that they want met before a guy gets into the drawlz. Very few men, on the other hand, are actually pimps, and can actually reverse the game and make their demands before they give women what they REALLY want....the deeyuck. But that's another chapter. Being a pimp is not dependent on age. Just because a man gets to be a certain age does not automatically graduate him to pimp status. He could just be a really old symp. A person's experiences and what that individual takes from them is what determines whether a person becomes a pimp or not, and how long that transformation will take. There are a lot of 30-something year old men who still run behind broads, while there are very few 20-somethings (like myself) who knows what's really going on and act accordingly. Being a pimp is not dependent on race. Just as Rosebud was a bonafide pimp, so was 'Lucky' Luciano. Their methods might have differed a little, but the goals remained the same. Think of it this way: If I'm coaching a football team, whether I decide to pass the ball, or run the ball, I'm still going for a touchdown. Feel me? A pimp tight individual is someone who is very observant, extremely patient and acutely aware of what is going on around him at all times. Now, not many of us are actually gonna have women out there hoein' for us, therefore we fall into the 'pimp tight' category. In my book, as long as you are getting the drawlz without coming out the pocket or chasing them hoes down, you are getting over. If you can get some money and favors on top of that, that's even better. Ideally, you want the broad to spend some loot on you before you break her off. This is called classic conditioning. Heard of Pavlov's dogs? Well, this Pavlov dude had these dogs trained to salivate when they heard a bell ring, because they had been conditioned to think that they were about to recieve a treat. Same thing with these hoes. You kick back and wait till they do something nice for you, then you stabb 'em up real good. This programs the back of their head (subconcious mind) to think that when they do something good for you, you will, in turn, sex them good. Solid in theory, trying in execution, because most of us men lack the two main keys to being a successful pimp. PATIENCE. Remember dealing with that one girl who held out and held out and when she finally let you hit the skinz, you swore that was the best you ever had? If you are aware that a girl is jocking you tough, you can use this formula against HER. Now, this can be tricky because you don't want to hold off too long where she loses interest. And if she says she's losing interest, it's only a front, kinda like if you tell a broad that if she doesn't come off the drawlz soon, you will be out, when you know damn well that the moment she puts

the stuff in your face, you'll be right there to 'beat it up'. IT'S A BLUFF. Once you are sexually attracted to someone, it NEVER goes away, no matter what they say. Different circumstances and situations might prevent the sex act from happening, but this doesn't mean that she still wouldn't give it up if conditions were perfect. Remember that. This is where the second main key comes into play. OBSERVATION. Actually, this comes before patience, as once a situation has been properly observed then analyzed (which we will get into later), this makes being patient a whole lot easier as you will be able so see things developing. I cannot stress enough how important being able to correctly observe a situation really is. "Chase a whore, you get a chump's weak cop, Stalk a whore, you get a pimp's strong cop." -Iceberg Slim, PIMP What this basically means is that if you leap without looking, the broad will get the best of you. Conversely, if you do your homework before steppin' to the broad (or calling her to you, my personal favorite), you have a much better chance of getting your way. KNOW YOUR ENEMY. Remember, a broad is out to use what she has to get her way (or, in other words, play you for the fool)by nature. And if she is aware of what she is doing, then it's twice as bad. If you deduce that she is jockin' you tough before you even step, you will be able to put your foot down without fear of her going anywhere, because you KNOW she is in your mouth TOUGH. She might front on you (and there isn't too much you can do about that. I'll get into front blasting later), but that doesn't mean that she will stop jocking you, and if you know what to look for, you won't worry about anything. By putting these two assets together (patience and observation), with some practice a pimp becomes actuely aware of his environment. Who the haters are, the bustas, the symps. Which hoes are jockin' him tough, trying to draw him out, or who are just plain JAFAHS. Oh, I'm sorry: JAFAHS: Jockin' Ass Frontin Ass HoeS - - - As I was saying, once this is achieved, then, like I do, a pimp can put everything into perspective. Who is eventually going to break down and holla at him. Who is going to front on him, but when he totally cuts her off and doesn't run behind her like she expects, then comes correct, only to pay a pretty penny for her insolance. This comes with time, practice, and experience, not age, sex, or race.

I have a lot more to say, but I will stop for now. I am trying to divide up all of my 'Pimposophys' into nice little sections, but sometimes they will bleed onto each other, so bear with me. To get you all on the path of good obsevation, her is a field exercise I've found very helpful. Field Exercise #1: For one day, do not speak to anyone that you speak to regularly (family and close friends excluded), and observe who speaks to you first. You will be surprised at how many people you thought were your peeps that will walk right past you. Especially the broads you thought were on your team. Know the Force, The Kidd!!

Shout outs: To the PTC (Mr. Flick, Bitty, Juinor Boy, Blue, and Hush), Pimposio for putting me on, and to anyone that feels the s**t I'm spittin'! Peace out! Next Chapter: "The Clout Factor" (subject to change without notification) Note: The 'Marquee Value theory' has been pushed back to fit the chronological arrangement of this program. Please bear with me.

3 May 99

X-Factors -----------

There really isn't much to this article. So far, by reading the preceeding articles, you have been exposed to the 'Matrix'. Your eyes have been opened to what is really going on. Now, what I've said so far is sound and all, but who really wants to wait until they are 30 to 40 to start pulling top notch, bomb ass hoes right? X-Factors are best described as quirks in the Matrix. Depending on how you play these quirks is the difference between prosperity and despair. If you know what to look for, you have a fighting chance to circumvent front, clout, and even marquee value. To better explain this, let me draw an example from 'The Matrix' Once Neo saw and understood what the Matrix was, he then began training to break the rules of the Matrix. That is what qualifies him as a pimp. Once he got over the shock and the feeling of helplesness that the Matrix evoked in him, he then began experimenting in how to beat it. To get around it. To be in the Matrix but

still do things his way. With my next section, 'Covert Tactics', I will show you how to manipulate your environment in a Pimp Tyte manner. How to jump from building to building. How to run up walls. How to fly. You might not catch on right away (even Neo didn't make his first building jump), but it is through your mistakes that you learn. Remember the 1st time Neo saw Morpheous jump a building? "Whoa" That is how the average bystander who is unaware will basically react when they see you in motion. Pure and utter shock. Haters will target you and will try to thwart you at all costs. Remember: Pimps do what they want, and haters do what they can. People will try to reprogram you. My Mom tries to influence me to symp every day. It's not that she means to. It's just that she, like most women, subconciously acknowledge that I am a threat to the whole female gender. Lord forbid if I could get every man in America to listen to me just once with an open mind. The whole dating game would change overnight. But I'm not going to be able to reach everyone. Some people are perfectly happy with the blue pill and eating their steak. In other words, ignorance is bliss. If you are still having trouble handling the truth, you're better off never returning to the Pimp Network. My next series of articles are going to blow the roof off of these hoes. I've shown you the rules........ I'm going to show you how to break them.

Thus ends my Pimposophies.

Stay Tuned, The Kidd!!

P.S. The revolution will not be televised. So spread the word. Tell your friends. Print out my articles and get them to dudes you feel may be looking for a better way. The more pimp tight individuals there are, the more them hoes are backed into a corner.


Being a participant in the dating game is very similar to being a repairman. He has a job to do. He has to fix things. In order to do that, he must know how to go about it. But knowing how is not enough. He must have the "tools to do the job." In the dating game, you cannot attract women if you do not have the tools to do the job. All of the knowledge in the world about women will not result in success, unless you can actually apply it properly. Attracting women includes radiating confidence, charm, ambition, challenge, mystery. The list goes on. All of these qualities can be summed up as charisma. Charisma is simply defined as "a personal attractiveness that makes one like you and be inspired by you." The stronger your charismatic aura, the stronger and more frequent you will attract women, and people in general. Developing this aura takes practice and discipline, a constant process of selfimprovement that involves working on each separate component: Manner - radiating a type of gracefulness and finesse with a bearing that says you are an important person that demands respect. Presence - looking good, learning how to confidently deal with the space around (the opposite of appearing goofy). Empathy - treating people, ALL people you come into contact with, special by learning to listen to them, to their dreams, hopes, fears, and appealing to them, and inspiring hope and desire in them. Mystery - One of the most important components. If you cannot fulfill the other parts of charisma, mystery will have no effect. Mystery is created when you keep your intentions to yourself, never showing all the cards in your hand, being unpredictable. When your confident manner, commanding presence, and empathetic attitude make you stand out, people's imaginations begin to rock and they wonder "What is it about him that makes him so different. Why does HE, out of everyone else, look so confident?" This wondering causes people to want to be around you more, because somehow you "connect" with them and have their respect, and radiate that confident aura. They cannot explain it, but they grow attracted to you and your presence is heightened because those who never met you will want to, once they hear from others how great you are.

See the pattern and how it all "connects?" Develop charisma and get the ultimate tools for the job!

Dealin with womens tests... Remember that episode of Bevis & Buthead were they went to the pound looking for the right dog? They went to the most masculine of dogs and would stick their arm in and if the dog licked it then they went to the next dog. When a dog bit the shit out of them they chose up that dog. Bitches are like those too fools, they are looking for a real mutha fucka who can handle them. They use “The Test” to select out the weak candidates. When they test your credentials as a pimp or real man they will do something that will determine if you are worthy or not to wear the crown, and to see how much you will put up with by : 1. Calling yo ass at the last minute to break a date. 2. Bitch will be vague when accepting to spend time with you. Ho might say some shit like “I might have to drop by my parents but I might be open, why don’t you call me to confirm. And if you symp yo ass out and do call her she will be busy. 3. Show up to meet you over coffee & bring a friend or a relative with some shit like “I hope you don’t mind” batting her eye lashes at you. “I hope you don’t mind while I walk the fuck out of here then” 4. Yo ass is expecting to tap that ass and she suddenly remembers she gots to stop over at her parents or some weak ass shit. “Ho you gotta do better than that if you wanna hang with me’ 5. Or I’m not going to be here this weekend, "I’m going away with my ex-oh just to talk about some shit". I collected these variations of the test from a reliable source on on the subject. A symp will accept what ever crumbs a bitch throws his way. This is like saying your boss just cut your pay by 70% and if you stay then it’s a sure bet that you aren’t in demand at any other companies around. Putting up with some shit like this will show her that you don’t have options. Ho’s are like a Bank Of America loan officer. If you look like you need it your sho’ nuff not going to get it. These trifling ass ho’s will not respect you if you don’t respect yourself. Cha’Ching you’ve just been demoted to the friend zone boy…. So what the fuck do you do? You stand yo pimp ass up to the bitch. That doesn’t mean you gotta “cut her head back to the white meat” . Jail is full of gorilla pimps.

Here is what I’ve learned to say. “Ok I understand that you wanna test a nigga, to see if I’ll put up with some shit that women try to put over on a fella. Well the answer is NO, (Using my shaolin icy eye technique ,for this you gotta have a black mom to learn this one), that’s your freebie, try some shit like this again and your outta here. Do you understand_______then I use her name. This cuts off resistance. The main thing is that you do not go along with whatever nonsense this bitch is trying to pull on a nigga or dude for my white brothers up in here- Shit we are all in this game together. It’s us against them and they have been kicking our asses for sometime. It’s time to even out the score as MillineumBrotha said in a private email to me“AJ 25 Her 0. Ho’s Choosing Signals From a distance, before contact: 1. Occasionally looking in your direction or throwing yo ass a sideways glance. 2. Briefly holding your gaze then moving her eyes downwards and aways. 3. Smoothing her clothes or fucking with her hair after you’ve caught her ass looking at you. 4. Turning her body toward you and smiling. 5. Adopting the same posture as you. 6. Accentuating her breasts. You know sticking out the forillas. 7. Seeming to appear by chance in the same fucking vicinity as you-check it when she moves to another spot and after you’ve moved their. She appears like a fucking ghost doing what Da Kidd and Paradise called perimeter breaches. 8. Accidentally bumping into you. 9. Touching you while she passes. This is a strong choosing signal. 10. Seeming to hang about in your area for no apparent reason as if she is waiting for you to be a got dam man and step up to her ass. Close Up, while your in convo with the biatch: Her eyes: 1. She holds your eye contact for long periods. 2. She starts blinking as if she is trying to bat her eyelashes at yo ass. 3. She starts raising and lowering her got dam eyebrow and then smiling at you. Take a brick in the head if you don’t get it. 4. Check her pupils and see if they are dilated or larger than normal. This means she is getting horny for you. Her Hair or head area: 1. She starts playing with her hair, stroking it or curling it around her fingers. You’ve all see them do this shyt. 2. Occasionally throwing her hair back from her shoulders. 3. Tilting her head while she talks to you. Her face and mouth area:

1. Occasionally licker her lips as if you’re a barbeque rib, or running her tongue around her lips. 2. Biting her lips. 3. Occasionally touching her cheek or chin, even though she isn’t hiding her face. 4. Laughing with you and smiling at you. 5. If she’s a stupid smoker then blowing smoke straight at you. Her skin: 1. Check to see if her cheeks get flushed. 2. Check the neck area also for flushing. These are signs of sexual interest. Her Hands: 1. Look to see if she is exposing her palms and inner wrist towards you. Since these are vulnerable areas in usually means she is opening up to you. Touching: 1. Touching any part of your body. Ie…your hands, arms , shoulders, or even you’r legs. 2. Fondling objects like her glass, rubbing it like a dick with a caressing or pulling motion. 3. Sliding her hands or fingers up and down long objects like a candlestick or back to the glass thing. Her clothes: 1. Check to see if she starts straightening her clothes out, by smoothing & patting them. 2. Notice if she starts undoing a button on her blouse or shirt, or starts loosening anything up. Her Voice: 1. Notice if she starts matching your voice. 2. Notice if she starts pacing your convo. Her sitting Posture: 1. Notice if she is turning and facing you in her chair 2. Allowing the hem to slide up her leg, trying to expose some thigh flesh for you without trying to pull it back down. Women are aware of everything they do! 3. Is she starting to touch herself gently, especially one of her breasts? 4. Has she started leaning in towards you? 5. Is she starting to copy your body language and posture? 6. Lowers her glass to avoid putting a barrier between the two of you? 7. Check it if she starts gradually assuming a more open and inviting posture. Her Legs: 1. Notice if she starts rubbing her legs against each other. 2. Or rubbing one leg against the leg of a chair or table.

3. Look to see if she starts crossing or uncrossing her legs and pointing the upper leg towards your pimpin ass. 4. Is she sitting with crossed legs and rocking her upper leg back and forth towards you? Yeah you got it. 5. How about if she is sitting with her legs open towards you. Need I say more? 6. Or if she is dangling a shoe on her toe. When the ho’ is standing: 1. Is she standing with her head cocked slightly at an angle, one foot behind the other, with her hips thrust slightly forward? 2. When she moves into your personal body space. Rhythmic Movments: 1. She starts moving to the music while she is in convo with you. 2. She is rocking while sitting or standing during your convo. If she is in a group: 1. If she is giving you her total attention and speaking only to you. 2. When she moves away from the group as though giving you an opportunity to holla at her in private, especially if she glances back at you after moving away. This is a private invite into her. What she spits: 1. Notice if she starts paying you compliments, especially over shyt that seems petty. If she disagrees with you she does it laughingly. 4 Keys to Hittin It. Step 1: Don’t shuck and jive with your hat in your hand with no bitch. When you approach or she approaches, don’t act like you are a punk just meeting a fine babe for the first time. The bitch will sense your insecurities and you ass will get nowhere real fast. Never act like you are a punk to a bitch. Step2: Put that ho in her place Alota mutha fucka’s act like they are in the presence of some famous actor when they meet dimes and get all nervous and shit. They freeze up and hem and haw. Ain’t no bitch made with a superhuman pussy. Don’t make her ass god almighty and you become one of those biblical prophets falling down to his knees shaking and quaking. This will leave you with the “friend” mark. Your ass is dead in the water even before you open you mutha fuckin mouth. Instant death because you acted like a weak-skinny low clout boy. The first thing you must do is take that bitch off her cloud pedistal and put her in the reality of your mutha fuckin mind. If you have to imagine her ass taking a dump to take the veneer of godhood of her ass. Do what ever it takes to snap yo’ ass back into reality.

Take the attitude of a successful pimp. Adopt the outlook that this ho’ must prove herself worthy to yo’ ass. This will reverse the game. Her status will go down in ya mind and your status will “raise up like the dead” in her mind. Try it this shit works. Step3: Show the bitch that you got game and you’re a major player. When you first meet a ho’ most of the game is non-verbal in nature. What you gotta do is get the bitches interest first, then use your mouthpiece. You gotta have your front looking good (clothes, style, dress, grooming). Your shit’s gotta say yo ass is a player. Forget that baggy assed bum look. This shit is for true hard mutha fucka’s. Real O.G’s. Step4: Catch the bitches eye. I see a lot of mutha’s look then they shoot themselves down with the “averted gaze” reflex. You gotta learn how to hold a bitches look without backing down. It’s a war to show your manhood if you lose you lose the game. This shit takes practice. When a bitch notices me looking at her ass I don’t look away. I give her a deep look and add a slight confident smile, not that’s non-verbal. What I communicate is that I am man enough to handle yo’ bitch ass ho and I will make you bow down before a real man. Timing is everything. You want to hold eye contact with her and smile for atleast 5 seconds. Then break away for about two seconds then give the ho a lingering look again. You want her ass to look down and this will show that she is submissive to you now. This is your first non-verbal communication tool. This will tell you if the bitch is interested or not. Don’t beat yourself up this shit takes practice. Approach the game focused on the process not the outcome. Learn to have fun playing the game.

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