The Origins of the Rumanians the Early History of the Rumanian Language

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THE ORIGINS OF THE RUMANIANS The Early History of the Rumanian Language




Copyright 1996 by André Du Nay

Acknowledgments An earlier version of this book appeared in 1977 as Edward Sapir Monograph No. 3, published by Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL, (ISBN 0–933104–03–0, Library of Congress No. 79–115770). Special thanks to Professors Adam Makkai and Valerie Becker Makkai of Jupiter Press for permission to reprint portions of the earlier version.

ISBN 1-882785-08-8 Library of Congess No. 96-76316 All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America

To the memory of my Grandfather


CONTENTS Foreword to The Early History of the Rumanian language, 1977, by Robert A. Hall Jr., Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Italian; Cornell University ........................................................................ Foreword by Adam Makkai, Professor of Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago: A Note on the Importance of Phonemic Change and Etymology: Language as an Eco-system ........................................... Introduction ............................................................................................


XI 1

Chapter I: HISTORY A. The populations of southeastern Europe before the Roman colonization B. The Roman colonization ....................................................................... C. The Albanians ........................................................................................ D. The Slavs .............................................................................................. 1.The migrations of the Slavs to the Balkan peninsula ........................ 2. The placenames and the names of rivers and streams in the former Balkan provinces ................................................................................. 3. Bulgaria from the foundation of the Bulgarian state to the 13th century ........................................................................................ a) The first Bulgarian Empire ........................................................... b) The Vlacho–Bulgarian Empire ..................................................... E. The Vlachs .................................................................................... ........ 1. Records in deeds of gift from Serbian monasteries ............................... 2. Placenames and personal names of Vlach origin ................................... 3. The Northern Rumanian influence on Serbian dialects ........................ 4. The ages of the Vlach settlements in the Balkan peninsula ..................... 5. The migrations of the early Vlachs ....................................................... 6. Documents on the symbosis between Vlachs and Albanians ..................

9 10 17 19 19 20 21 21 24 26 26 29 33 34 36 38

Chapter II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN A. The innovations of Latin in the 1st - 3rd centuries .................................. B. The innovations of Late Latin (4th - 7th centuries) ............................... C. Features shared by Italian dialects and Rumanian .................................. D. East Latin .............................................................................................. 1. The period and the frontiers ............................................................ 2. The features of East Latin .............................................................. E. The question of the substratum ............................................................... iv

40 41 44 48 48 51 55

F. The relationship between Rumanian and Albanian ................................. 60 G. The relationship between Rumanian and Dalmatian .............................. 84 H. The Balkan Linguistic Union ................................................................. 85 I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian ....................................................... 87 J. The contacts of Rumanian with South Slavic ........................................... 98 1. A chronological survey of the South Slavic influence ....................... 98 2. The South Slavic influence ............................................................... 102 3. The Rumanian influence on Bulgarian .............................................. 108 K. The Rumanian religious terminology ..................................................... 111 L. Common Rumanian (româna comun_) .................................................. 115 M. The dialects of the Rumanian language ................................................. 119 1. The four dialects .............................................................................. 119 2. The sub-dialects of Northern Rumanian ......................................... 124 N. The way of life of the early Rumanians as reflected by their language 131 O. The migrations of the Vlachs outside the Balkan peninsula .................. 133 Chapter III: THE THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUMANIAN NORTH OF THE DANUBE A. Introduction ........................................................................................ B. The theory of continuity in modern times ........................................... C. History ................................................................................................ 1. The arguments in favour of Romanization north of the Danube ...... 2. The abandonment of Dacia by the Romans .................................... 3. The “silence of historians” ............................................................ 4. The nature of contacts across the lower Danube in the 4th–6th centuries ......................................................................................... 5. The Gesta Hungarorum ................................................................ D. The archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia Traiana ..................... 1. Settlements ................................................................................... 2. Cemeteries ................................................................................... 3. Objects of Christian character in post-Roman Dacia ................... 4. Roman coins found in post-Roman Dacia ................................... 5. The Latin inscriptions .................................................................. E. The Rumanian language ..................................................................... 1. The theory of core areas .................................................................... 2. Other linguistic arguments in favour of the theory of continuity .......... 3. Other elements of the Rumanian language from the viewpoint of the theory of continuity .................................................................. 4. The absence of Old Germanic elements in Rumanian ....................... 5. About the Balkan Linguistic Union ................................................... 6. Explanations of the lack of inherited Latin placenames and geographical names ............................................................................


138 139 144 144 146 147 151 156 158 159 164 173 176 178 180 180 182 185 189 190 191

Chapter IV: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY A. A survey of opinions of Western scholars about the theory of continuity ........................................................................................... 195 B. Inconsistencies ..................................................................................... 199 C. History ................................................................................................ 202 1. The Roman colonization of Dacia Traiana ............................... 202 2. The abandonment of Dacia by the Romans .................................... 208 3. The “silence of historians” ................................................................. 209 4. The question of contact across the Danube ...................................... 211 5. The Gesta Hungarorum ...................................................................... 215 D. The archaeological finds .................................................................... 220 1. The influence of the Roman material culture in Europe .............. 220 2. The material remains in post-Roman Dacia Traiana ..................... 223 I. The question of Daco-Romans ..................................................... 223 a) Settlements .............................................................................. 223 b) Cemeteries ............................................................................. 224 c) Objects of Christian character ................................................ 226 d) Roman coins .......................................................................... 227 e) The Latin inscriptions ............................................................ 229 II. Indications of demographic discontinuity ...................................... 230 a) The towns .............................................................................. 230 b) Rural settlements ................................................................... 230 c) Cemeteries ............................................................................ 231 III. The 5th - 7th centuries ............................................................... 233 a) The theory of the flight to the mountains and the absence of Daco-Romans ................................................ 234 E. The Rumanian language ........................................................................ 236 1. The theory of core areas ................................................................. 236 2. Other linguistic arguments ................................................................... 239 a) The sound pattern of Slavic influence on Rumanian ................ 239 b) The Rumanian religous terminology ........................................... 239 c) The time span of the Slavic influence ...................................... 239 d) The territory of the Slavo-Rumanian symbiosis ........................ 240 3. The absence of Old Germanic elements .............................................. 241 4. Placenames and geographical names ................................................. 243 a) The hypothesis of ancient placenames preserved to our days .... 243 b) The names of the great rivers in Transylvania ........................ 245 c) The significance of the absence of inherited Latin names .......... 246 d) The significance of the sound pattern of the placenames of Slavic origin ......................................................... 247 e) The theory of the flight to the mountains and the absence of geographical names of Latin origin ............................................... 248 5. The testimony of the Rumanian dialects .............................................. 249 The absence of a Transylvanian subdialect ................................. 251 vi

Chapter V: CONCLUSONS 1. The Late Latin developments, Balkan Latin, and the concordances with Italian dialects ......................................... ................................ .. 2. The correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian ...................... 3. The territory of the ancient Albanians ................................................. 4. The significance of the Balkan Linguistic Union ................................

254 254 256 257

Chapter VI: THE POPULATIONS NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE IN THE 4th TO THE 13th CENTURIES 1. The Dacians, Carps, Sarmatians, Goths, Huns, Gepidae, and Avars ................................................................................................... 258 a) The free Dacians and the Carps .................................................... 258 b) The Sarmatians ............................................................................ 260 c) The Goths .................................................................................... 261 d) The Huns .................................................................................... 262 e) The Gepidae ................................................................................ 263 f) The Avars ..................................................................................... 264 2. The Slavs ........................................................................................... 265 a) The Slavs in the extra-Carpathian regions ................................... 265 b) The Slavs in Transylvania ........................................................... 267 c) The Bulgarian domination in southernTransylvania ................... 268 d) The question of non-Slavic remains from the Slavic period ......... 269 e) The Slavs and the placenames of Rumania ................................... 270 f) Ancient names of rivers ................................................................ 272 3. The Hungarians in Transylvania and in the Banat ............................ 273 a) History .......................................................................................... 273 b) Archaeology ................................................................................. 274 c) Placenames ................................................................................... 275 4. The extra-Carpathian areas in the 10th–13th centuries ...................... 278 a) The Petchenegs .............................................................................. 278 b) The Cumans ................................................................................. 280 Vestiges of the Cuman language in Rumania ................................ 280 5. The first records on Vlachs north of the lower Danube ..................... 262 The first Vlach principalities ...................................................... 263 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................. 284 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF QUOTATIONS IN FRENCH AND GERMAN ...................................................................................... .......... 299


LIST OF MAPS Chapter I 1. The Roman provinces in southeastern Europe between 106 and 275 AD .. 2. The Roman provinces in southeastern Europe in the 4th–6th centuries .... 3. The vestiges of the Vlachs living in the Balkan peninsula in the Middle Ages: Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian placenames and geographical names of Northern Rumanian origin ........................................................ 4. Southeastern Europe in the 9th century AD ............................................. 5. Central and Southeastern Europe in the early13th century AD ................

14 15

32 38 39

Chapter II 6. The Roman Empire in southeastern Europe during the 4th-6th centuries .. 50 7. The Rumanian dialects in the Balkan peninsula .................................... 113

Chapter III 8. The Roman fortresses along the lower Danube in the 3rd–5th centuries and the area occupied by the Empire for about four decades in the 4th century .......................................................................................... 153

Chapter IV 9. The relation between the area dominated by the Roman Empire between 106 and 275 AD (Dacia Traiana) and present day Rumania ................ 203

Chapter VI 10. The distribution of 59 ancient Hungarian placenames formed with the suffix -d in Transylvania, the Banat, Cri_ana, and Maramure_ .............. 277

LIST OF TABLES Chapter I 1. Some data on the Roman provinces in southeastern Europe ................. 15 2. Placenames & geographical names of Northen Rumanian origin in Serbia 30

Chapter II 3. The ethnic situation in the principality of Transylvania in the 16th century ............................................................................................ 123 4. The ethnic situation in Transylvania in 1850-1851 ................................ 124 5. Phonetic peculiarities of the Northern Rumanian sub-dialects .............. 119 6. Morphological peculiarities of the Northern Rumanian sub-dialects ..... 130 viii

7. List of Northern Rumanian lexical elements transferred to Hungarian, Tansylvanian Saxon, Ukrainian, Slovakian, Czech, Polish, and Russian .......................................................................... 135–136

Chapter III 8. Settlements and cemeteries where archaeological remains attributed to Daco-Romans were described .......................................................... 160 9. Settlements and cemeteries where archaeological remains of the free Dacians and other non-Roman populations who migrated to the territory of former Dacia Traiana after 250–275 AD were found ....................... 170 10. Objects of Christian character from the 4th–6th centuries found in the territory of former Dacia Traiana ........................................................... 174

LIST OF FIGURES Chapter II 1. The number and proportion of lexical elements shared by Rumanian and Albanian according to semantic groups ........................................


Chapter IV 2. The time span during which the settlements attributed to Daco-Romans in post-Roman Dacia may have been inhabited .................................... 232 3. The time span during which the cemeteries attributed to Daco-Romans in post-Roman Dacia may have been in use .......................................... 232

Notes: Quotations from Rumanian, Italian, and Hungarian texts are given in English translation. Quotations in German and French appear in the original language. The English translations of these are found on pp. 296–306. All translations were made by the present author. The full title of each reference is given when first mentioned. Subsequently, abbreviations are used. The key to these is given in the Bibliography.


FOREWORD to The Early History of the Rumanian Language, 1977 Is Rumanian an indigenous development out of the Latin of the Roman colonists in the area of Dacia to the north of the Danube, and has it been spoken in the territory of present day Rumania ever since the times of the Roman Empire? – or is it a more recent importation from elsewhere, presumably south or west of the Danube? There has been a long debate over this point, not unrelated to nationalist territorial claims. The “official” view is that the former of these two hypotheses is valid, despite absence of concrete evidence to support it. The later hypothesis has been, in general, rejected. The merit of the present book is that it marshals and presents the evidence on behalf of the second, or “non-Dacian” hypothesis. In the absence of detailed historical records for the post-Imperial period in the non-Byzantine regions of the Balkans, we must rely on the indirect evidence furnished by linguistic and other cultural relaitonships. Dr. Du Nay has sifted and weighed the relevant material with thorough and objective scholarship, making it evident that the “non-Dacian” hypothesis must be taken seriously and reckoned with. We shall of course never know what actually happened in those centuries when Proto-Rumanian was being formed; nor exactly where it took shape, unless by some chance we come into possession of more detailed historical accounts than are at present known. In the meanwhile, it is good to have Dr. Du Nay´s reasoned presentation of the “non-Dacian” side of the argument, to set over against the dominant official view.

Ithaca, N.Y., March, 1977.

ROBERT A. HALL, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Italian; Cornell University


PREFACE by Adam Makkai, Professor of Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago:

A Note on the Importance of Phonemic Change and Etymology: Language as an Eco-System I feel honored to have been asked by André Du Nay to write a brief Preface to the new edition of his book The Origins of the Rumanians – The Early History of the Rumanian language. The point I will try to make in this preface is one which is becoming more and more recognized in Linguistics both in Europe and in the USA – the fact that the planet´s natural languages are living eco-systems. What this means is that there are no isolated or random events in the history of a language and that, therefore, everything that happens in the course of a language´s development organically interdepends with every other part. Thus, phonemic change affects the morphology; the loss of morphological endings, in turn, affects the syntax and the semantics of a language. That this is so is a language universal regardless to where one does one´s research. Think of English, for example. Between the arrival of the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes and the Norman Conquest in 1066, the British Isles developed a number of versions of Anglo-Saxon, or Old English. Whatever the differences between these OE dialects were, they were all Germanic, even if one adds the Scandinavian loan words that were added by the several Viking raids on Britain. But in 1066 all of this changed – the conquering Normans brought Old French with them and since they were the dominant nobility, an overwhelming amount of French vocabulary entered the English language changing its character forever. The Middle English Period lasted for a relatively short time – from the Norman Conquest till the beginning of the 16th century; a mere three hundred years. This was also the period that saw the “Great Vowel Shift” take place between 1400 and 1500, one of the most mysterious and least understood events in the history of a major Indo-European language. The greatest poetic genius of this Middle English period was, of course, Geoffrey Chaucer. It is interesting to compare the original Old English Beowulf with the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, and say, Shakespears´s Hamlet. With the latter we are in the New English period. Although some of Shakespeare´s words are no longer in use, almost everyone who speaks fluent English can enjoy a performance of Hamlet and follow the language. Nobody is seriously questioning in Linguistics today whether English is a Germanic or a Romance language. The answer is obvious to all: English is, xi

basically, a Germanic language with a heavy overlay of Romance vocabulary. Yet if some extraterrestrial visitors were to scan the printed output of the English speaking world with some megacomputer for a month and send a report to their mother ship, they would probably come to the conclusion that English is one of the Romance languages. How wrong would such a report be? Not very – on the surface, at least. Words such as international, situation, atomic, bomb, revolution, abandon, masses, report – the kind of ´intellectual language´ newspapers and magazines are full of – is not of Anglo-Saxon provenance. Our extraterrestrials simply would have made the mistake of going by the printed media only and not listening to the conversations of families at home, where they would have heard words such as brother, mother, father, sister, son, daughter, foot, arm, hand, fire, water, etc. Someone exposed to this kind of home-spun, basic English only, could understandably miss the Romance elements in English and say “English is a purely Germanic language.” Obviously the truth is that English is both Germanic and Romance with a very large number of additional loan vocabulary from Greek, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese and Japanese – to mention just the few most obvious sources. Yet English is the world language. Esperanto will never overtake it. Now that the computer rules mass communications and ´virtual reality´ and ´cyberspace´ have become household words, the English language has once again gained an advantage over all other tongues on earth. We can all wonder, of course, whether this is good or bad for mankind and opinions will differ widely. The United States is a complex culture of immigrants – including the 10 American Indian Phyla with the many languages therein that are no longer mutually intelligible, since they span from the Arctic to Tierra del Fuego and cover anywhere between 10.000 and 35.000 years of linguistic separation. Yet the Indian presence is tangibly there in state names (Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Wisconsin) and in city names (Chicago, Wichita, Kansas, etc.). Our Black population speaks Black English and creates enchanting music and poetry in this particular version of English. Our public and private schools and universities cater to our Hispanic population in a wide variety of programs known as ´bilingual education´. It is well known that almost every place-name in America is either of English, French, Spanish, Italian, or Amerindian origin – with a few of the minor languages of the world also having contributed interesting data for toponymic research. Ypsilanti, Michigan is, for instance, named after the Greek word upsilon, the ancestor of the Latin letter [y], and the city of Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was read on July 4, 1776, means ´City of Brotherly Love´ also from the Greek. If, therefore, some natural catastrophe were to wipe out the population of the United States but somehow the place-names survived in a library some place else, scholars in that imaginary, distant future would be able to reconstruct with a fair xii

amount of precision the settlement history of America. It would emerge with reasonable clarity that the states and cities that begin with the word new and are followed by an English toponym (New York, New Hampshire, New England [as an entire region]) indicate English settlements. The old name of New York was, of course, New Amsterdam, and in that we see the name of a Dutch city being introduced by an English prefix. The place, then, was a Dutch colony which was later taken over by the English. (Originally it belonged to the Indians, of course.) The English word new also occurs before French and Spanish place-names – consider New Orleans and New Mexico. Straightforward French place-names on the North American Continent are so many that entire volumes have been written about them. I will just mention some of the best known examples. The city of Des Moines, Iowa, pronounced /diy móyn/, derives from the French des moines, [de: moan] ´those monks´. It was obviously the place of a French monastery where people went to pray and to do business much as the German city of München which derives from German zu den Mönchen ´to the monks´. A place of pilgrimage or of Sunday market is one that draws travellers. The same happened in Byzantium. The Greeks said ´we are going to that city´ eis tan polín, and this phrase, spoken rapidly, contracted to today´s ´Turkish´ city name Istanbul. Etymology is truly fascinating and can reveal many popular misconceptions. Here is a famous example, again from the USA. The State of Connecticut, according to mistaken folk belief, derives from English and indicates that this state is a ´connecting cut´ between Massachusetts and New York. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Connecticut is an Indian word, kwinnahtahqut, and means ´the fast river´. But let us return to more French examples: The city of Detroit, MI. pronounced /ditróyt/ derives from the French for ´straights´, ´narrow sea or fresh water passage´, D´étroites. One look at the map of the Great Lakes, and one can see why the French named it that. In the State of Wisconsin, a famous town is called Fondulac, pronounced /fá:nd_ulaek/. It is also a French toponym, fond du lac [fo dü lak], meaning ´bottom of the lake´. Many people mistakenly believe that Chicago and Michigan are also French – the reason for this belief is the pronunciation of ch as /š/, obviously a French habit. It turns out that both words are of Algonquian Indian origin. It was simply that the Indian words were first heard and recorded by French explorers who applied French orthography to the Indian words. Chicago means ´wild onion leaves´ or ´skunk weed´, and the morpheme spelled [-chi-] is the same in both Chicago and Michigan, referring to the sharp smell. Out of the five Great Lakes only Lake Superior has an English name (curiously following the French word order from an earlier Lac Supérieur,) the rest, Erie, Ontario, Huron and Michigan are all of Amerindian origin. The Spanish language has contributed a tremendous number of Hispanic toponyms to the USA. Consider Colorado, Florida, San Francisco, San Antonio, Las Vegas, Palos Verdes, San Juan Capistrano – the list is a huge one. ´The xiii

colorful one´, the ´flowery one´, Saint Francis, Saint Anthony, ´The brushes´, ´green branches/sticks´, ´Saint John of Capistrano´ – these would be the awkward English translations of these Spanish place-names. Russian has left a mark on North America as well. In Alaska the place-names were left in the original – Sitka, Alaska, was settled by Russians. But the capital of the State of Idaho is Moscow, not Moskva or Muscovy; i.e., the original Russian city´s name shows up in its anglicized version. It should be reasonably clear from the foregoing that a scientific and objective study of the toponyms of the USA casts light on the immigration and settlement patterns of this huge continent. As I said above, a language can be seen as a gigantic and complex ecosystem where the fate of phonology affects the morphology which, in turn, affects the syntax and the semantics. Let me illustrate from the history of English once more. In Old English the paradigm for the noun dog went as follows: SINGULAR


















It is interesting to compare this paradigm to modern German, where one gets Hund, Hund, Hundes, Hunde in the singular paralleling the OE exactly; the plural has been levelled out as die Hunde. OE hund got respelled under French influence as hound, since [ou] stood for /u/, whereas [u] would have stood for /ü/. The word, together with most monosyllables containing stressed /u/ has diphthongized into [au] – thus today we have hound, /hawnd/, ´a kind of dog´ (´greyhound´, ´bloodhound´). The phenomenon is commonly known as semantic narrowing. The paradigm itself shrank and almost disappeared. The stress having settled down on the first syllable of English words, the second syllable vowels became a murmured “schwa” sound, and eventually dropped. The genitive singular survives as hound´s as in the hound´s leash broke; the nominative and the accusative plural, which already coincided in OE, survive as hounds, as in the police used the bloodhounds to track the criminal, (accusative usage), and the hounds are howling (nominative usage). All the other cases have disappeared. This, in turn, has caused English to change its typological character from an inflectional into an isolating language. Whereas in OE one could still distinguish the nominative and the accusative singular by the definite article se and pone, (se hund waes god ´the dog was good´ vs. we wyllad cweljan pone hund ´we wanted to kill the dog´), this is no longer the case in modern English. xiv

Thus the hound/dog chased the man and the man chased the hound/dog have identical forms for ´dog[nom]´and ´dog[acc]´, and it is strictly by the word order that one can tell which occurrence of hound/dog is nominative (subject) and which one is accusative (direct object). This example illustrates the immense power of phonemic change over the morphology which, then, affects the entire syntactic structure of the language. Let us consider semantic change for a moment. Once upon a time the word queen simply meant ´woman´as it still does in Swedish kvinna. (The word is, of course, a well attested cognate of gyne- as in gynecology, the women´s name Gwen and Gwendolyn.) In the Middle Ages the word underwent ´semantic depression or pejoration´ and came to mean ´tavern wench´ – a girl who sells beer, or may even be a prostitute. Centuries later, queen, spelled with a capital letter as Queen, means ´ruling monarch´or ´ruling monarch´s wife.´ It has, therefore, obviously undergone ´semantic amelioration´or ´upward shift´. What this example illustrates is that in the world´s most influential language, English, in which 90% of all the world scholarly and scientific research is being carried out, has an extremely complex, ecological history, in which everything interdepends with everything else. The orthographic or spelling history of a language is equally important. Once upon a time the Germanic languages were written in runes. Runic script gave way to Latinization which shows the advent of Christianity, Western style. Older styles of English writing that resemble older German, still use the Gothic script, which is a Germanicized variety of Latin. Russian writing, known today as ´Cyrillic´ after the Byzantine monks Cyrill and Method, has also undergone many phases of development from ´Glagolitic´ to the Old Church Slavic through Old Russian and Bulgarian to modern Russian. Several countries neighboring the Slavs where Orthodox Christianity was practiced, started to write in Cyrillic and only changed to Romanized script later. Rumanian is a case in point. All natural human languages are living eco-systems. “Etymologies are fossil poetry,” as already Ralph Waldo Emerson observed in The Poet. What does this mean? All languages are full of idioms. Consider the saying fly off the handle ´become angry´ and kick the bucket ´die´. The first of these comes from falconry – the medieval habit of hunting with a falcon. When the falcon, sitting on T-shaped piece of wood, sees the rabbit, it becomes excited and literally ´flies off the handle´, i.e., becomes airborne. Hence when someone becomes overly excited or angry, he is comparable to a hunting falcon that just saw a rabbit. People still argue where the frequent idiom kick the bucket comes from. Some think it derived from Western style hanging (criminal stands on a bucket with the rope around his neck attached to a tree´s branch; the sheriff comes and kicks the bucket out from under him; he becomes hanged or ´rope borne´. Others believe it comes from 16th century English farms where pigs were tied to beams, called xv

bucqet (from French), and when the farmer slit their throats, their feet, that were tied to these beams, ´kicked´ in protest. Whatever the actual origin, the saying survives and conjures up live cultural images. In a functional eco-system – and natural languages are just such eco-systems – everything has a role. In Africa the tiniest insect counts as much as a large elephant. In an area covered by a language, phonetic change may seem like a small thing, yet it is of considerable importance – it may reveal the actual origin of a word. The same goes for etymologies. This insight has important implications for World History. It is common knowledge that whereas North America is geologically the oldest continent with the “newest humanity” inhabiting its soil, Europe, on the other hand, is laid out the other way around: It is the youngest continent geologically, with the “oldest humanity” inhabiting it. One would think that the older the humanity, the better known its history would be but, unfortunately, it doesn´t quite work that way. Whereas the history of Canada and the USA is reasonably well documented, in Europe, and especially in the Southeastern part of the Continent, history can be extremely complex and shrouded in the mystery of unrecorded migration patterns. In such cases the history of the language – replete with phonemic change, etymologies and toponyms – is almost the only tool that scholarship can use in an attempt at reconstructing the lost portions of history. This is one of the major contributions of the present volume: It fills a number of historic gaps through objective linguistic means.


INTRODUCTION Ethnic Continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian Area, written by Elemér Illyés, in which the problem of the origins of the Rumanians is discussed, was published in 1988.1 This did not, however, make the present book unnecessary, because the two works complement each other. The latter is a thoroughly revised version of The Early History of the Rumanian Language,2 published more than 18 years ago. The organization of the text has been improved, the vast and complicated material more clearly arranged, and relevant new material was added.Of course, every effort has also been made to correct a number of errors, many of which were also pointed out by critics. The new title expresses the topic: although the evolution of the language is in the centre of discussion, it is placed into a context of written records and archaeological material. The result is that obscure periods in the history of the only Romance language to survive in Southeastern Europe, Rumanian, can be explained, and basic circumstances regarding the origins and the early history of the speakers of this language are descibed. There are two main reasons why historical research has not yet arrived at a general consensus about these problems: (1) methodological and (2) political. 1. The methodological difficulties The history of most Romance languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, French, Proven_,cal, Italin, is remarkably well documented. The first written Romance texts are quite early: there are short texts on maps from the 8th century and the Glosas de Silos from the beginning of the eleventh century in Spanish, the Cancioneiro of Alphonse le Saga from the end of the 13th century in Portuguese, the Serments de Strasbourg from 842 AD in French, two short formulas in Latin maps from 960 and 964 in Italian. The oldest Rhaeto-Romance text is from the beginning of the 12th century. The study of the Romance languages, with the possibility of comparing different stages of development with each other and of relating existing forms to their Latin counterparts has contributed considerably to the solution of many problems of general linguistics, especially in the field of language change. The territories in which they developed are well known; in general, they continue the speech of the original Latinspeaking population of the respective areas.


Illyés, E., Ethnic Continuity in the Carpatho–Danubian Area, Boulder, Columbia University Press, New York, 1988; second, revised edition 1992. 2

Published by Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, Illinois, USA. Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture, and Cognition, No. 3, 1977.


In contrast, no records are known concerning the early history of Rumanian, a Romance language, spoken by about 20 million people in south-eastern Europe, predominantly north of the lower Danube. In that area, a Roman province, Dacia Traiana existed between 106 and 275 AD. The extent to which this province became Romanized is not clear, and there is no historical mention of any Roman population there after the province was abandoned by the Roman Empire. It was about 800 years later, in the second half of the 11th century that Vlachs (Rumanians) were reported north of the lower Danube. Towards the midthirteenth century, Vlach political organizations (small principalities) appeared in Muntenia. The first known written Rumanian text is a letter written in 1521 to the judge of Brassó (Kronstadt, Bra_ov), Hans Benkner. Dacia Traiana was part – less than 40% – of the territory in which Northern Rumanian (“Daco-Roman”) is spoken today; it was one of the most distant provinces of the Roman Empire over which Roman domination lasted at most 169 years. In spite of this, the hypothesis that Latin continued to be spoken in Dacia Traiana after 275 AD and that it developed into present day Rumanian there was presented long ago: In the mid-fifteenth century, Italian humanists travelling in eastern Europe discovered a people whose language contained many Latin words also existing in Italian. Knowing that the Roman Empire once dominated Dacia Traiana, these humanists assumed that the Vlachs were the descendants of the Romans, who once subdued the Dacians. Particularly during the last four decades, Rumanian archaeologists and historians have made great efforts to find remains in present day Rumania of a Roman population between the end of the 3rd and the end of the 11th centuries. Reports of such a population were based on material remains of Roman style. However, some Rumanian scholars, (A. Philippide, I. Iordan, I.I. Russu) expressed the opinion that the material finds from earlier periods are not sufficiently specific for such conclusions. This is because of the powerful influence of Roman culture and civilization on the material culture of all European peoples outside the Roman Empire. Thus, there is no historical or archaeological evidence of the ancestors of the Rumanians in the territory of present day Rumania before the 11th century. One may claim that this is not decisive, the “Daco-Romans” were humble people, not important for the chroniclers. However, the question is inevitable: if the Rumanians are not the descendants of Traian´s Romans, where did they come from? Large territories in the Balkan peninsula were Roman provinces for six centuries and were strongly Romanized. Records and finds such as ruins of churches show that Christianity was propagated in that part of the Roman Empire as early as the 3rd century. We have a considerable amount of information about the Church, whose language was Latin. There are numerous descriptions of incursions of Goths, Huns, Avars, Slavs, and other “barbarian” peoples in the Balkan provinces. However, records end in the 6th century; by the mid-seventh century, almost the entire peninsula was taken over by the Slavs. Roman and Byzantine historians no longer had access to these territories, and there are no 2

records about the destinies of the Roman population in these times. It is probable that most of the remaining Romans were in a short time assimilated to the Slavs. From the 8th century, there is a mention of Vlachs (a Romance population) living in the valley of the Rhinos, towards the end of the 10th century, beginning with 976 AD, Vlachs are repeatedly recorded in different places of the Balkan peninsula. While the surrounding populations designated them by the equivalents of the name Vlach, they always called themselves rumîn, Arumanian ar(u)mân, arr_m_nu, armân, which is an inherited Latin word (from Latin romanus). In English, it corresponds to Rumanian, in French, to roumain, in German, to rumänisch, and in Serbo-Croatian, to rymyn. The etymological form, rumîn, is still used in our days; it appears in the texts of Coresi (16th century), as well as in the Palia de la Or__tie (1581–1582), in which also the form român appears for the first time. This is not a popular but a learned form, constructed with the purpose of making it more like Latin romanus.3 Since the mid-nineteenth century, the Rumanian literary language uses exclusively this form. Where did this population live before it was mentioned in the chronicles? What were their socio-economic and ethnic characteristics? Were they the descendants of Roman colonists or of an indigenous population which became Romanized during those six centuries of Roman rule in the Balkan peninsula? In the latter case, were their ancestors Thracians, Illyrians, Dacians or other? Whe were their neighbours? When was their contact with the speakers of Italian and other Romance languages severed? There are no written records to answer these questions. This means that it is not possible to detect anything about the early history of the Rumanians using the historical method : analyses and comparison of different texts, – not even by the study of material remains revealed by archaeology. The historian who sticks to these methods can only state: ignoramus et ignorabimus. As a reviewer of E. Illyés´ monograph argued: ...the only lesson to be drawn by a historian from this study is that artifacts and phonetic changes may confirm attested historical facts but will not substitute for a lack of them.4


Rosetti, A., Istoria limbii române, Bucure_ti, 1986, pp. 332 and 448. Matilda Caragiu-Mario_eanu, Compendiu de dialectologie român_, Bucure_ti, 1975, p. 93. 4

Boba, I., in American Historical Review, Vol. 95, 1990, pp. 1580–1581.


However, modern historical science uses complementary disciplines: physics, chemistry, archaeology, numismatics, sociology, etc. In the case of early Rumanian history, the most important – in fact, decisive – complementary field of research is linguistics. Language is unconsciously transmitted historical evidence as is human remains, written business or military records, customs and institutions, etc.5 The Rumanian language contains elements of great significance regarding its early history. The present book displays and summarizes this vast corpus compiled to a large extent from Rumanian sources. These are facts, which must be explained in some way or other. Not all historians may be willing to do this, or to deal with these problems at all, allegedly because of the lack of written sources. For linguists, of course, it is easier to notice the historical significance of the facts of language (cf., for example, Herbert Izzo, 19846; in Rumania, cf. the works of O.Densusianu, A. Philippide and, more recently, I.I. Russu). The problem is: how to interpret linguistic facts? I. Coteanu, in his introduction to Istoria limbii române, II, 1969, pp. 16–17, has stated clearly that linguistic research alone is unable to solve problems beyond the scope of 5

Dymond, D.P., Archaeology and History. A plea for reconciliation. 1974, p. 79, table after R.T. Shafer and John Vincent. Significant results in the study of the ancient history of the Hungarians were produced by the analysis of lexical elements, phonetic traits, etc. of the Hungarian language (cf. E. Moór, A nyelvtudomány mint az _s- és néptörténet forrástudománya, Akad. kiadó, Budapest, 1963). – As a complex, living, and continually changing system, language is comparable to other complex systems, for example those of living organisms. Biologists have pointed out the parallelism between the different stages of development of animals and of languages. Thus, for example, where other mammals have their hind legs, the whale has certain rudimentary bones. The English word calf is pronounced with the l silent. These small bones as well as the l in calf are vestiges of an earlier stage of development as shown by other mammals and German Kalb, in which l is pronounced, respectively (cf. Hesse-Doflein: Tierbau und Tierleben, 2nd edition, vol. I, Der Tierkörper; Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1935, pp. 80-81). 6

Izzo, H., “On the history of Rumanian”, in The Twelfth Lacus Forum, 1985, pp. 139–47; ed. M.C. Marino and L.A. Pérez, Lake Bluff, Illinois. Writing about the first edition of this monograph, Izzo states among other things : ...“the mass of information he [A. Du Nay] has assembled destroys the hypothesis that Rumanian descends from the Latin of Dacia Traiana.”


linguistics and that it should only occupy itself with its own field, i.e., language. To be able to reach conclusions about historical problems, the scholar must use other methods than linguistics: Linguistic research must not concern itself with what is not linguistics. The conclusions concerning the language surely may be of service to other philological investigation but this extrapolation requires a method different from that used in linguistics. Because of this, the authors of the present volume aim only to describe, with methods specific to their own science, one of the aspects of the past of the Rumanian language. Under these circumstances, the determination of some socio-historical frontiers in the large territory in the east of the Roman Empire, within which the Latin language was spoken, is not possible by exclusively linguistic methods. Many examples will be found in this book of the necessity of using known, well-established historical circumstances as a framework in the interpretation of facts revealed by linguistics. In this way, these facts receive the status of historical evidence, giving indications about the “socio-historical frontiers [...] within which the Latin language [which forms the basis of Rumanian] was spoken”. Thus, for example, the pre-Latin substratum of the Rumanian language is to a significant part identical with Albanian: about one hundred lexical elements, of which more than half pertain to the life of shepherds living in high mountains, and there also are correspondences regarding the Latin elements of these languages. This suggests that the ancestors of the Rumanians spoke the same language as those of the Albanians. One must infer that the ancient areas of the Rumanians were the same (or close to) those of the Albanians. If it would not be known where the latter were living before the Roman occupation of the Balkans, these facts would only have relevance for linguistic research. Fortunately, the ancient areas of the early Albanians are quite well known.– Similarly, the presence in Rumanian of the innovations of Late Latin indicates that the ancestors of the Rumanians lived, during the Late Latin period, in close contact with other areas where Latin was spoken (particularly with Italy). However, in order to determine the territory in which they were living, the study of the historical circumstances of that period in southeastern Europe, the shifting frontiers of the Empire, etc. is also necessary. – The significance of the very powerful South Slavic influence upon the Rumanian language can only be appreciated if one takes into account historical data from a large part of southeastern Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire; namely, the Slavic colonization of large areas of the Balkans starting in the 6th century, the emergence of differences between Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian towards the end of the first millennium A.D., Bulgarian dialects being also spoken in Macedonia; the Christianization of the Bulgarians in the second half of the 9th century, etc. 2. The political circumstances 5

Another major obstacle in the way of arriving at a generally accepted conclusion about the origins of the Rumanian people is that the subject has great political significance. This historical problem became at an early stage the subject of political consideration and struggle. The Supplex libellus Valachorum, written in 1791 by Rumanian intellectuals living in Transylvania to king Leopold II in Vienna, was a petition for more rights. To strengthen their demands, the authors affirmed that the Vlachs were the most ancient population in the country, since they originated from the Roman veterans who were brought to Dacia by Emperor Trajan in the 2nd century AD. The affirmation of autochthoneity was here a means in a political struggle. The theory was developed in detail by Petru Maior, one of the members of the “Transylvanian School” (_coala ardelean_). During and after the First World War, the political situation in South-East Europe once again made the question of the origin of the Rumanian people a topic of political debates. This did not contribute to the objectivity of the publications on the subject. Although the problem is in reality a strictly scientific one, considerations alien to objective investigation are still prevailing in this field. This has been pointed out, among others, by Georg Stadtmüller: Diese Kinderkrankheit der Autochthonomanie ist für die Frühzeit der modernen Geschichtsforschung in dem Vielvölkerraum des östlichen Europa durchaus charakteristisch und wirkt in mancherlei, wenn auch abgeschwächten Formen bei der Erörterung frühgeschichtlicher Fragen auch heute noch fort.7 While the writings of the Transylvanian School may scarcely be regarded as scientific studies, later, extremely valuable work was done by many eminent Rumanian linguists, such as Alexandru Philippide (1859–1933), Ovid Densusianu (1873–1938), and Sextil Pu_cariu (1877–1948), to mention only the most brilliant ones among them. Their extensive study of all dialects of the Rumanian language has thrown light upon most of the problems of the early history of this language, showing its intimate relations with several Balkan languages. Mostly on the basis of these interrelationships, Philippide concluded that the Rumanian language developed, at least until the 7th century AD in the Balkan peninsula, south of the Danube. This view was also expressed by several scholars outside Rumania, of whom we here only mention R.Rösler (Romanische Studien. Untersuchungen zur älteren Geschichte Rumäniens, Leipzig, 1871) and L. Tamás (“Romains, Romans et Roumains dans l´histoire de Dacie Trajane”, Études sur l´Europe Centre-Orientale I, Budapest, 1936). However, in spite of the above-mentioned results of exhaustive linguistic research, the theory that the Rumanian language developed (mainly) from Latin spoken in Dacia Traiana (the theory of continuity) was the official thesis of the 7

Stadtmüller, G., Forschungen zur albanischen Frühgeschichte, 1966, p. 34.


Rumanian Communist Party. Thus, this theory has been adopted in all publications from Rumania during the last four decades; or example, in the following works: Daicoviciu, C. (red.), Istoria Romîniei [The History of Rumania], Bucharest, 1960; Daicoviciu, C., Petrovici, E., & _tefan, G., Istoria României. Compendiu, Bucharest; 1969 (first edition), 1974 (2nd edition, red. _. Pascu); Condurachi, E. & Daicoviciu, C., The Ancient Civilization of Romania, London, 1971. Constantin Daicoviciu (1898–1973) has conducted extensive research into the period of the Dacian states, the Roman colonization north of the lower Danube, as well as the Migration Period in south-eastern Europe. His most important articles were published in one volume in 1969 (Dacica, Cluj). Dumitru Protase (born in 1926), published in one volume the more important archaeological material found in the territory of the former Roman province of Dacia Traiana known until the mid 1960s, trying to find arguments for DacoRoman continuity (Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i numismaticii [The Problem of Continuity in Dacia in the Light of Archaeology and Numismatics], Bucharest, 1966). Also the articles published in Dacoromania I, Jahrbuch für östilche Latinität, edited by P. Miron, Freiburg-München, 1973, argue for the theory of continuity. (These are, however, only some more important examples, because the literature pertaining to the problem of continuity, especially of archaeological material found in Rumania published during the last decades is enormous.) The interpretation of Rumanian history did not change significantly after the political change in Rumanian in 1989; the theory of Daco-Roman continuity is still considered axiomatic. It continues to be part of Rumanian national consciousness. Its message implies that the Rumanians are the only indigenous people in all the territory of oresent day Rumania. Consequensly, all other populations living in the country are considered foreign intruders, without the right to live there and keep their own identity, distinct from the Rumanians. The sensitivities of Rumanian historians, intelelctuals, – and also of the general populace – do not permit an objective discussion of the theory. A recent example will throw some light upon this: a Hungarian archaeologist said recently in an interview that the excavations started in central Cluj (Hungarian Kolozsvár, German Klausenburg) in the summer of 1994 will not yield any evidence of Daco-Roman continuity. It has been stated long ago by Rumanian archaeologists that on the site of Roman Napoca, there are no signs of life after the end of the 4th century AD until the appearance of the earliest Hungarian remains, from the 10th century. However, in a major Rumanian newspaper, an indignant article retorted with the question: “how far should our tolerance go?” – [the Hungarians are now] “questioning the historical rights of Rumanians in Rumania.”8


“Pân_ unde merge toleran_a?” [How far should our tolerance go?] by Adrian Bucurescu, in România Liber_,, (Bucharest) p. 2, September 2nd, 1994.


This is not an isolated opinion of a single journalist, but a typical example of the intellectual atmosphere today in Rumania. The Hungarian archaeologist did not question the theory of Daco-Roman continuity, he only said that there, in Cluj, there are no signs of it. If this statement evokes such a fierce response, one can imagine what the reaction would be if the archaeologist would declare that there are no signs of continuity at all! The situation is thus similar to that before 1989, when continuity was the official thesis of the Communist party and the government. Rumanian critics of The Early History of the Rumanian Language9 referred mainly to details or to material not taken into consideration, but without going into a real, comprehensive debate. Their conclusion was nonetheless that the text was biased and tendentious. The hope expressed by Blair A. Rudes,10 that “Du Nay´s work will, by bringing the ´theory of discontinuity´ back into discussion” stimulate research, was not fullfilled. Glanville Price11 stated: [Du Nay demonstrates] “the difficulties raised by the theory of continuity whose supporters will now have to present an equally well documented and argued answer.” To the best of my knowledge, such an answer has not appeared in the 18 years that have passed since the publication of that book. It is absurd to claim that anyone denying or questioning this thesis, such as R. Rösler, G. Weigand, A. Philippide,12 would do so because of political reasons. Also senseless is the accusation that Hungarians in Transylvania, if they are unwilling to accept this concept, “question the historical rights of the Rumanians in Rumania”. All three main nationalities now living in Transylvania have been there for many centuries, – a sufficiently long time to establish the historical right to live there also in the future. When preparing this book, I have conducted research in an objective way, without prejudice. The problem is primarily scientific and has nothing to do with considerations outside science: it is about the development of the Rumanian language from Latin. I mention the political side of the the question reluctantly, and only because I consider that the reader should be informed about a reality which impedes a free, unprejudiced discussion of the problem in the country which it concerns most – Rumania. Even if national consciousness is often based upon some measure of myth, the enormous gap between the theory of 9

Ligia Bârzu, “Un nou ´Anonymus´. Comentarii pe marginea lucr_rii lui André Du Nay, The Early History of the Rumanian Language”, in Revista de istorie, 33, 1980, 5, pp. 953–973. Niculescu, A., “Une histoire tendancieuse de la langue roumaine”, in Rev. Roum. d´Hist., XIX, 2–3, pp. 555–583, Bucharest, 1980. Brezeanu, S., “Die historischen Quellen und die ´Theorien´ André Du Nays.” 10

B. A. Rudes, (book review) in Southeastern Europe/L´Europe du sud-est, 7, Pt. 1 (1980), pp. 114–117. 11

Glanville Price, The Year´s Work in Modern Language Studies, Vol. 40, 1979. Published by Modern Humanities Reasearch Association, (“Rumanian Studies, 2. History of the Language”, pp. 528–529). 12

A. Dami, K. Sandfeld-Jensen, L. Tamás, G. Schramm, D. McKay, H. Izzo, E. Illyés, G. Vékony, Á. Kosztin, etc.


autochthoneity in Rumania and the result of a thorough analysis is much too large. It amounts to a serious deformation of the history of the Rumanians, who should have the right to be offered as objective an account as possible about their past. * * * In spite of extensive polemics going on for more than a century about the problem of the origins of the Rumanian, there are facts about which there is more or less general consensus. This book starts with a survey of these: in chapter one, a short summary of the relevant historical circumstances is given; chapter two surveys the old elements of the Rumanian language: the pre-Roman vestiges, elements from Late Latin, the relationships with a number of Italian dialects and with the Balkan languages, the strong South Slavic influence, and the dialects. Chapter six contains a short description of the populations that lived north of the lower Danube between the end of the third and the 12th-13th centuries, based mainly on archaeaological finds. The organisation of the text is complicated (the same topic may be discussed at two or more different occasions) by the necessity of giving an objective presentation of the theory of continuity. This is done in the third chapter. An attempt is made to give an objective description of all the major hypotheses and arguments on which the theory is based. For this purpose, extensive use of quotations is appropriate. The arguments put forward in favour of the theory of continuity are analysed in the following, fourth chapter. Largely the same issues as in the third chapter are taken up, but now with comments and with the purpose of reaching a reasonable interpretation of the fatcs. The conclusions are summarized in the fifth chapter.

Chapter I

HISTORY A. The populations of South-East Europe before the Roman colonization One of the most ancient populations of the Balkan peninsula are the Greeks, 9

living in the south. Many Greek and Roman historians have occupied themselves with the peoples living north of the Greek territory before and during the Roman colonization of the Balkan peninsula, having presented considerable amounts of data about them. However, no systematic description is known and our knowledge of these peoples is therefore quite fragmentary. In the northwest of the Balkan peninsula, approximately in the territory limited by Epiros, the Istrian peninsula, the rivers Drava and Danube and, in the east, by a line drawn between present day Belgrade and Skopje (see map 4, p. 50), a large number of different tribes were living (between 80 and 100). These were designated by the name Illyrian by Greek and Roman authors. This may at an early age have been the name of one tribe with which the Greeks had contact, having later been extended to all populations living in the above mentioned area. “Illyrian” is not a well-defined term, not even territorially and even less ethnically or linguistically. 13 The Illyrian language is attested with certainty to have been spoken only along the coasts of the Adriatic Sea from northwestern Greece to the Istrian peninsula.14 No large political units existed among these tribes; they were, in fact, constantly at war with each other. They lived in villages and their main occupation was the raising of animals, especially of sheep. The cheese they produced was well known in antiquity: caseus Dalmaticus, Docleas, Dardanicus. A primitive agriculture contributed to their economy. Certain tribes along the coasts were fisherfolk, and the Illyrian pirates on the Adriatic Sea were feared by the Greeks. East of the Illyrian territory, from the Aegean Sea to the peaks of the Haemus mountains, lived about 100 barbarian tribes called Θρηιξ, Θραιξ, or Θραικες by the Greeks. This name was Latinized as Thrax, Thraex, and the abovementioned territory became known as Thracia. Thracians are, however, reported to have been living also in the western parts of Asia Minor (in Bitinia, Misia, etc.) as well as north of the lower Danube and of the Black Sea. Like the Illyrians, the Thracians were also mainly shepherds, but they did pursue some agriculture. They too, were living in villages; the building of houses of stone and of towns appeared later under Greek and Roman influence. North of the lower Danube, on what is today known as the Valachian plain, lived a population called the Getae. The territory within the arch of the Carpathian mountains (Transylvania) was inhabited mainly by the Dacians. Around 80 BC, a Dacian leader, Burebista, extended his reign after warring against the Celts and occupying the Greek towns on the northern and western coast of the Black Sea. Dacia had now common frontiers with the Roman Empire and a series of battles with the Roman army followed. The centre of the Dacian empire was in the mountainous area south of present day Or__tie (Hungarian 13

“Der Begriff ´Illyrier´ ist von Haus aus ganz unbestimmt...” (Real-encyklopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft [Pauly, Wissova, Kroll, etc.], Stuttgart, Supplementband V, col. 312; quoted by I.I. Russu, Illirii, 1969, p. 27. 14

Popovi_, I., Geschichte der Serbokroatischen Sprache, 1960, p. 68.


Szászváros), at Sarmizegetusa, near present day Gr_di_tea Muncelului. Fortifications of stone built on Greek patterns, dwelling places, store rooms, workshops; vessels, pieces of pottery, tools used in agriculture, smithwork, woodwork, etc. have been unearthed there. Another strong Dacian leader, Decebal, was temporarily successful in fighting the Romans, but finally, in 106 AD, he was defeated by Emperor Trajan, and Dacia was made a Roman province. Unfortunately, very little has been preserved from the languages spoken by the groups of population designated by the names Illyrian, Thracian, Getian and Dacian (cf. below, p. 55).15 Besides these large groups, in parts of the Balkan peninsula there lived several other populations: Celts, Scythians, as well as the ancestors of present day Albanians and others. Of these, the Albanians are of utmost importance for the early history of the Rumanian language (see below).

B. The Roman colonization The first intervention of the Romans in the Balkan peninsula dates back to around 230 BC. They were invited by the Greeks who needed help against Illyrian pirates ravaging the west coast of the Peloponnesos. With these operations, the protracted process of Roman colonization in southeastern Europe had started. The first colonies were organized on the isles and on the coasts of Dalmatia, and in 168 BC, Macedonia was conquered. The Greek town-states, which never succeeded in uniting to resist the Romans, were successively defeated; their ultimate subjugation is marked by the dissolution of the Achaian Alliance and the destruction of its centre, Korinthos, in 146 BC. Along the frontiers, many fierce battles were fought against different barbarian tribes. The resistance of the Illyrians and the Moesians was broken during the first century BC; by the end of this century, the Roman army reached the lower Danube. At that time, all the territory conquered was called the province of Illyricum but at the beginning of the first century AD it was divided 15

The pertinent literature is very rich. Some of the principal works are given by I. Popovi_, Geschichte der Serbokroatischen Sprache, 1960, pp. 70 – 71 and I.I. Russu, Illirii, 1969 (about the Illyrians) and I. Popovi_, op. cit., p. 77 and I.I. Russu, Limba traco-dacilor, 1967, pp. 17–18 (about the Thracians). About the Dacian kingdom in English, cf. G. Vékony, Dacians, Romans and Rumanians, forthcoming. Of a large number of publications from Rumania, we mention here only Istoria Romîniei, vol. I, Bucure_ti, 1960, ed. C. Daicoviciu et al., pp. 216–341.


into Dalmatia, Pannonia, and Moesia; Moesia was soon thereafter divided into Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior. In 106 AD, the Dacian kingdom was defeated and part of Dacia (present day Oltenia, part of the Banat and of Transylvania) was occupied (Dacia Traiana). During the following 165 (or 169) years, the frontiers of the Empire reached to the north of the lower Danube, as far as to the northern part of Transylvania. After the abandonment of this province, two new provinces of Dacia were founded south of the Danube (Dacia Ripensis and Dacia Mediterranea). Emperor Diocletian (284–305) introduced a major reform in the organization of the Empire, dividing it into 4 Prefectures, 13 Dioceses and 116 provinces. Around the camps of the Roman army divisions, canabae (marketplaces) were built. Giving an example of the long time span a legion may have remained in the same place, Jire_ek16 mentions the Legio VII Claudia, which stayed in the area of Viminacium for about 400 years. The settlements of the veterans of this legion extended as far to the south as the region of Skopje and Prizren. The veterans received, after 20–25 years of service, ground plots, draught animals, slaves and seeds, and settled down on the land as farmers.17 Besides the legions, there were auxiliary contingents, composed of soldiers from many different nations living in the Empire. At the beginning of the 4th century, the organization of the army was reformed and the cavalry was strengthened. To the Roman army in this period belonged also “foederati”, army units formed by different barbarian peoples, led by their own chiefs. During the first centuries of Roman rule, the Romans were more or less separated from the population they dominated. Along the coasts of Dalmatia, as well as in Thracia and in Macedonia, there were old Roman and Greek towns. In the course of time, new towns emerged through the development of the canabae. 16

Jire_ek, G., Geschichte der Serben, 1911, p . 35.


“Die Glanzperiode der Illyrischen Truppen war das 3. Jahrhundert. Zahlreiche Kaiser stammten aus diesem militärischen Grenzgebiete” (Jire_ek, 1911, p. 34). In the 3rd century, eight Roman emperors originated from Illyricum, in the 4th century, Jovianus and the Valens family, in th 5th, four emperors were from Illyricum. Justinus I and Justinian I, emperors in the 6th century, originated from Roman colonists in Dardania.


B: Roman colonization These were given municipal rights by Trajan and Hadrian at the beginning of the 2nd century AD. The villages of the Thracians and of the Illyrians were organized in communities called civitas. The chiefs of these were civil clerks or soldiers, chosen from the native population as well as from the Roman colonists. These communities evolved successively from the period of Vespasian on (69–79 AD) into towns. In 212, Caracalla made all free men Roman citizens. With this, the difference between the Roman colonists and the subjugated populations was erased. In the northern provinces of the Balkan peninsula, Roman domination led to an economic boom. For strategic reasons, a rich network of roads was built. The large army units marching on the roads increased economic activity of all kinds. The Danube, which was the northern frontier of the Empire for several centuries, was fortified by a series of castles. A fleet of warships contributed to the defence of the frontier and to the security of the merchant navy. Along the lower Danube, from Singidunum downwards, there were six or seven legion stations. Many towns were founded on the southern shore of the river and at some distance from it towards the south: Nikopolis, Marianopolis, etc. The most important economic activities were agriculture, the raising of animals (sheep, horses, cattle; mostly practised by the Thracians and the Illyrians), fishing and mining. The Latin language was introduced in a comparatively short time in the coastal low-lands and in the valleys, along the Roman roads; especially in the military zone of the Danube. In the region of Naissus and Remesiana, many names of towns of military origin are preserved from this period and the Latin names also of small communities are still in use.18 Roman veterans settled down in the lower part of the Drina-valley and in the lower Narenta region as well. The Romanization of the mountainous districts took a much longer time. Two or three centuries had to pass until most areas became Romanized : “In der Hauptsache war die sprachliche Umwälzung zu Ende des 3. Jahrhunderts abgeschlossen.”19 In certain regions, the Illyrian population survived at least until the 4th century and the Thracian, until the 6th: lingua bessica (probably a Thracian dialect) was still spoken in the 6th century. Thus, Thracian was probably still spoken in the time of the Slavic colonization.

18 19

Jire_ek GS 1911, p. 38. Stadtmüller, G., Geschichte Südosteuropas, 1950, p. 48.


Christianity was introduced first in the southern provinces (Apostle Paul taught in Macedonia, Philippi, Thesssaloniki, and Berrhöa). It spread successively northward; there are records about persecution of Christians in the Danubian regions in the late third century. The persecution of Christians was ended by Emperor Constantine the Great in 313. There are records of rivalry between Orthodox and Arian members of the Church in Serdica, Sirmium, and Singidunum in the 4th century. “Im 5. bis 6. Jahrhundert hielten es die lateinisch redenden Provinzialen des Donaugebietes oft mit der Kirche von Rom gegen die Konstantinopler Kaiser, vor allem gegen Anastas und Justinian.” Illyricum was, until 731 AD, subordinated to the Pope.20 Vestiges of the Christian culture in the Roman age of the Balkan peninsula are old-Christian cemeteries found at Niš and at Sofia, a funerary monument in Belgrade with sculptures showing scenes from the life of Prophet Jonas, a Latin inscription found at Remesiana which invokes the Apostles Peter and Paul in favour of a local church, as well as ruins of FORTY FIVE CHURCHES. In the schools of the Balkan provinces, bricks were used on which the Latin alphabet and, for the higher classes, poems of Homer were carved. Although a specific literature of the Roman provincial type, as in Gaul and Africa, did not develop in the Balkan peninsula, poems written by Dalmatian and Moesian authors are known. Most of the writers in the Balkans were representatives of the Church. In 325 AD, Constantine the Great made Byzantium the residence of the emperor. In 395, the Roman Empire was definitively divided into two halves. Moesia, Dardania, and Praevalis belonged thereafter to the Eastern Empire. The Latin language, however, maintained its influence until the early 7th century. It was used by the army (Latin commands: cede, sta, move, transforma, torna, largiter ambula, etc.), by the administration, the tribunals and by the Church.21 In 397 it was ordered that all judgments of the courts be written in Latin or in Greek. At the high school of Constantinople, founded in 425, half of the professors lectured in the Latin language. It is recorded that Ioannes, the praefectus praeterio, tried to introduce Greek into the European parts of the Empire but his efforts were without success because the inhabitants of the Balkan provinces spoke Latin and did not understand Greek.22 It was as late as during the reign of Emperor Heraklios (610–641) that Latin was replaced by Greek as the official language of the Eastern Empire. On the basis of a careful study of the Roman inscriptions found in the territory of the former province of Moesia Superior, the Hungarian historian A. Mócsy concluded that “ im spätantiken Obermösien eine soziale Schicht gab die das Latein – das Spätlatein freilich – als Muttersprache sprach.”23 20

Jire_ek GS 1911, p. 45.


Cf., for example, Mih_escu, H., Limba latin_ în provinciile dun_rene ale imperiului roman, Bucure_ti, 1960, pp. 38; Jire_ek GS 1911, pp. 49. 22 23

Mih_escu, 1960, p. 38. Mócsy, A., Gesellschaft und Romanisation in der römischen Provinz Moesia


B: Roman colonization During the 2nd century, the number of incursions of barbarian peoples across the Danube increased and in the subsequent centuries, the Balkan provinces were increasingly devastated. The countryside became more and more depopulated and people moved to the towns which could provide better protection from the enemy.

Map 1. The Roman provinces in southeastern Europe between 106–275 AD, according to general consensus (cf., for example, IR Compendiu 1974, p. 45). In reality, the area of Roman domination north of the lower Danube was smaller. It is not quite certain that the entire area was occupied in 106 AD. The organization of Dacia Superior and Inferior in 119 and the further division of the province into Dacia Porolissensis, Apulensis, and Malvensis in 158–168 may suggest a gradual extension of the frontiers during several decades. The limes Superior, Budapest, 1970, pp. 234.


Trans-alutanus was built as late as about 200 AD and the area between the limes and the Olt was dominated by the Empire only from that year to 245 AD (cf., for example, D. Tudor, “Romanizarea Munteniei”, Apulum, XII, 1974, p. 114). Eastern Transylvania was evacuated several years before the abandonment of the entire province in 275 AD. Only part of the Banat belonged to the Empire: the Roman military stations and civil settlements end along the border between the mountainous region and the plains (cf. Tudor, D., Ora_e, tîrguri _i sate în Dacia roman_, 1968, p. 55). On the basis of frequent finds of epigraphic material with the name Legio IV Flavia in the mountainous area, it is assumed that this part of the Banat was connected to Moesia Superior (Tudor Ora_e 1968, p. 55).

Map 2. The Roman provinces in southeastern Europe in the 4th, 5th, and 6th centuries AD. — The northeastern frontiers of the Empire were the same (the Danubian limes) also in the first century AD but the organization of the provinces was different. (After a map by J. Zeiler, reproduced in IR 1960.)


B: Roman colonization The Goths, pushed westward by the expansion of the Huns, attacked the Empire towards the end of the 4th century; in 382, they were permitted to settle down as “foederati” in the provinces south of the Danube. In 471, the East Gothic prince Theodorich conquered Singidunum (present day Belgrade). From there, the Goths conducted several incursions into the Roman provinces and also occupied Dyrrhachion; at last (in 483), Emperor Zeno settled them in Dacia Ripensis and Moesia Inferior. Some years later, Zeno succeeded in inciting Theodorich against Odovacar, the emperor of Italy. The Goths conquered Italy and founded the Eastern Gothic Empire, which comprised Italy, Dalmatia, Pannonia, and the Alp countries. This empire, in which the Goths were the dominating military class who subjugated the Roman population, was annihilated by Justinian in the middle of the 6th century. Although of little importance because of their small number (about 3000 living in Sirmium and Singidunum around 550 AD), another Old Germanic tribe, the Herules, probably from Denmark, may be mentioned here. They were in 512 settled along the Danubian limes. Thus, the Old Germanic populations lived only for short periods in the Balkan peninsula and did not, in contrast to what was the case in Italy, exercise any significant influence upon the ethnic situation of the areas in question: Die geringe “Germanreste” – Reste gotischen Volkstums, – die in einigen Berglandschaften zurückgeblieben waren, nahmen in den folgenden Menschenaltern die lateinische oder griechische Sprache an und gingen so in dem einheimischen Volkstum unter.24 In the middle of the 5th century, the Huns devastated about 70 towns of the Balkan peninsula, from the Danube towards the south, as far as to Serdica and Philippopolis. As a result of the frequent wars waged with the attacking barbarian peoples, as well as of the smaller skirmishes, in which the barbarians collected slaves, the population of the Balkan provinces decreased considerably during the 5th–6th centuries. To defend the empire, Emperor Justinian organized the building of fortifications. Procopius recorded about 80 fortified places along the Danube and 370 castles in other parts of the Balkans. However, as Jire_ek remarked: Alle diese Defensievbauten hatten weing Erfolg. Es fehlte an Mann- schaften zur Verteidigung. Die Grenztruppen gerieten bei finanziellen Schwierigkeiten stark in Verfall, und die Mobilarmee, nach Agathias 150.000 Mann stark, war zerstreut in Garnisonen von Südspanien bis nach Armenien und Oberägypten. Die verfallenden Stadtbevölkerungen hatten mehr Sinn für kirchliche Fragen,


Stadtmüller GS 1950, p. 21.


als für den Schutz des Vaterlandes.25 The line of the Danube was definitively abandoned at the end of the 6th century. Of course, devastation and decline were not uniform in all provinces. Dacia Mediterranea and Dardania had a somewhat protected position and a Romance population was probably preserved longest in these provinces:


Jire_ek GS 1911, p. 56.


C: The Albanians Hier in diesem Raume war auch noch im Laufe der nächsten Jahrhunderte, während welcher die Stürme der Völkerwanderung im Osten stärker wüteten, wegen der gebirgigen Lage und der mehr nach Konstantinopel zielenden Barbarenzüge noch im 6. Jh. römisches Leben möglich. Es wurde durch weitere Zuwanderung aus dem Norden und Osten verstärkt. Dardanien mag den grossen Kaisern Konstantin (aus Naissus – Nisch) und Justinian (aus der Gegend von Scupi – Skopje, türkisch früher Üsküb) als Heimat besonders lieb gewesen sein und so wurde letztere Stadt nich weit von der zerstörten neu aufgebaut und im Jahre 535 zum Sitze des Metropolitan-Bischofes Catellianus erhoben. Von hier ging nun die ganze vereinigte Kirchenprovinz (Dacia ripensis und mediterranea, Moesia superior, Praevalis und Macedonia secunda sowie der östliche Teil von Unterpannonien) ab.26 This was a very powerful Roman diocese and it possessed, through the new prefecture, also political power. Friedwagner concluded that in the above mentioned provinces, especially in Dardania, “the starting point for the development of a specific Romance language was created.”27

C. The Albanians


Friedwagner, M., “Über die Sprache un Heimat der Rumänen in ihrer Frühzeit,” Ztschr. f. romanische Philologie, LIV, Halle, 1934, pp. 641–715. 27

Ibid., p. 663.


G. Stadtmüller showed that the district of Mati and the region of the high mountains in northern Albania are the only areas in the western parts of the Balkan peninsula where Latin placenames are absent.28 Stadtmüller considered this district a “Reliktgebiet”, comparable to the mountains of Wales in Great Britain and the region of the Basque population in the Pyreneans. There, and in some adjacent areas, as Dukagjin and Merdita, as well as in the mountainous region of the Drin, lived the ancestors of the Albanians during the Roman age in the Balkans. The shepherds living in these areas during the summer used adjacent, mostly Romanized areas of lowland as grazing places during the winter season: the lowlands of western Albania, the valley of the Black Drin and some parts of Old Serbia. In these areas, they were exposed to Romanization.29 The oldest elements of Greek origin in the Albanian language show the sound pattern of Old Greek, for example Albanian (Tosc) mokërë ´millstone´, from Greek µηχανη. Greek χ corresponds in this word to Alb. k which shows that the word was borrowed by Albanian in an ancient period; in the Byzantine period, this sound was pronounced as a fricative. Another example of Alb. k (not h ) for Greek χ is Alb. bretëkë ´frog´, from Greek βρωταχος ´frog´.30 This indicates that the ancestors of the Albanians lived in contact with the Greeks, in the southern parts of the Balkan peninsula. The development of the sound pattern of certain placenames in the province of Dardania, in Old Serbia, and in western Bulgaria, seems to indicate an Albanian influence. Thus, there are in Macedonia: Oxrid, from Greek Ανχις, showing the n > r change after a velar consonant, typical of Albanian, Štip, from Greek ´Αστιβος, showing the s > sh change as well as the deletion of initial a. In eastern Serbia, there is Niš, from Latin Naissus, Greek Ναισσος, which shows ai > ei > i and s > sh; in western Bulgaria, Štiponje, from Greek _τοπονιον with the s > sh change, and several others. The name of Dardania is, most probably, also of Albanian origin, connected with Alb. dardhë ´pear-tree´. It is not impossible that Shqipëtar, the name of the Albanians in their own language, derives from Scupi, Alb. Shkup, Macedonian Skopje.31 The Latin influence on Albanian started as early as in the 1st century BC, as indicated by Latin words showing the sound pattern of classical Latin. Albanian qingëlë < Lat. cingula, Alb. vjetër < Lat. vetus, veteris, etc. The Romance languages have instead forms based on Vulgar Latin, e.g., *cingla > Rumanian ching_, veteran > Rum. b_trân, etc.32 28 29 30 31

Stadtmüller FAF 1966, pp. 95–96. Ibid., p. 120. Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 80. Popovi_ GSKS 1960, pp. 83 - 84.


The hypothesis that the Albanians were the descendants of the Carps, who were settled in the Roman Empire AT THE END OF THE 3RD CENTURY AD was put forward long


C: The Albanians

ago, among others by V. Pârvan. There are river names north of the Danube: Mure_, Some_, Timi_, whose end-consonant (š) was assumed to have developed in Albanian (from recorded s[i]). Also the name of the Carpathians may derive from Albanian karpë ´rock´. The different writings of the river name Siret (Tiarantos, Hierasos, Gerasus, Seretos, etc) were explained by Albanian. None of these arguments is, however, decisive. The Albanians are an ancient Balkan people, as shown among other things by the large number of placenames and geographical names of Albanian sound pattern in Dardania, and the early, classical Latin influence, etc. Sandfeld stated in Linguistique balkanique, 1930, p. 143: “Cette théorie est tout ŕ fait inadmissible et laisse trop de choses inexpliquées.” Also modern Rumanian linguists have abandoned this theory; cf. Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 195–197 (below, p. 186, note 1).


An analysis of the Slavic loanwords in Albanian shows that the Albanian shepherds lived essentially in the same areas as shown above also in the period of their first contacts with the Slavs in the 7th century. Slavic loanwords started to be tranferred to Albanian already in that age. However, such elements became numerous only in the 11th century, when the Albanians expanded from their original areas towards the plains along the coasts, where Slavs were living. The Slavic loanwords from this period show that the Albanians learned many details of agriculture, names of plants, fishing, building of dwelling places, social, political organization, etc., from the Slavs. The sound pattern of these words is Bulgarian, and the oldest of them show features of the Bulgarian dialect of Dibra, on the southeastern frontier of the Mati district.

D. The Slavs 1. THE MIGRATION OF THE SLAVS TO THE BALKANS The first historical accounts about invasions of Slavic tribes across the Danube are given by Procopius. These invasions started during the first half of the 6th century. The Roman emperors from Justinian (527–565) to Heraklios (610–641) have the title “Anticus.” In the second half of the 6th century, the number of incursions of the Slavs in the Balkan provinces increased and Slavs reached the Mediterranean coast at Rhodope. Slavic soldiers are mentioned in the Roman army as early as in 538. After the devastations by the Slavs and the Avars, large areas of the Balkans became depopulated.33 The migrations of the Slavs were frequently led by nomadic Turks. This is shown by archaeological finds (the oldest pieces of Slavic pottery and art objects of metal were borrowed from Turk peoples) as well as by numerous loanwords of Turk origin concerning state organization and cultural life.34 The area adjacent to the lower Danube was probably the first to be occupied by the Slavs. Theophanes and Nikephoros mention that in 679, seven Slavic tribes (γενεαι)) were living between the Danube and the highest peaks of the Haemus mountains; these tribes came from what is today Valachia.35 One of the main streams of Slavic colonization went through Moesia Superior and Dacia Ripensis to the interior of Macedonia and Lakonia. Dalmatia was heavily colonized, as well as the region of the eastern Alps along the valleys of the Sava and the Drava. It is generally 33 34 35

Jire_ek GS 1911, p. 79. Stadtmüller GS 1950, p. 88. Jire_ek GS 1911, p. 100.


D: The Slavs considered that most of the Balkan peninsula north of Greece was already inhabited by Slavs in the mid-seventh century .

2. THE PLACENAMES AND THE NAMES OF RIVERS AND STREAMS IN THE FORMER BALKAN PROVINCES A total of 654 placenames and names of rivers and streams used in the Balkan peninsula in the late 6th century were recorded by Procopios.36 The sources of this writer were the books of the imperial administration in Constantinople. The names in question may be divided into two groups: (a) names of Thracian or (in a minor part) Illyrian origin and (b) names of Roman type, with Latin, Greek, Gothic and other elements. A certain continuity of life from the pre-Roman age through the Roman occupation to the Slavic invasions in the 6th century may be stated in several places on the basis of finds on the same site of prehistoric tumuli, Roman stones with inscriptions and medieval churches and cemeteries.37 Many ancient towns were destroyed and remained uninhabited. In other places, the invading Slavs raised towers within the walls. Wenn dies gleich bei der Okkupation des Landes geschah, hat sich der alte Stadtname mit einer kleinen Umformung erhalten. Deshalb erscheinen bei der Errichtung von Bistümen zahlreiche ehemalige Römerstädte wieder als Zentrum ihrer Landschaft. Die Umformung der antiken Namen geschah entweder nach bestimmten Lautregeln oder mit Unterschiebung eines Sinnes durch ein anklingendes slawisches Wort. In dem Falle, wo die Städte römischen Ursprungs in der slawischen Periode einen ganz neuen Namen erhielten, wie die “weisse Burg” Belgrad (Singidunum) oder die Burg des “Verteidigers” (brani_) Brani_evo (Viminacium), war zwischen dem Untergang der antiken Stadt und ihrer Neubesiedlung jedenfalls eine längere Zeit verflossen.38

36 37 38

Cf. Fontes Historiae Dacoromanae II, Bucharest, 1970, pp. 458. Jire_ek GS 1911, p. 144. Jire_ek GS 1911, pp. 144–145.


Of course, alongside the borrowing of old placenames and geographical names, the Slavs created names of their own, ... “mit hunderten von neuen Fluss- und Bach-namen und Tausenden von Dorf- und Flurnamen.”39 The intensity of the Slavic colonization and the degree of the mixing of the Slavs with the local populations in the different areas are to some extent discernible from the study of the placenames. Most of the ancient names were preserved along the coasts. The smallest number of Slavic names were created in northern Albania and eastern Thracia. On the other hand, change of placenames was frequent in Moesia Superior and in the interior of Macedonia and Dalmatia. Examples of Latin names of towns preserved in Dacia Mediterranea and in Dardania are Niš ( a , by assimilation: passere > passar (N. Rum. pas_re). i > a , by assimilation: silvaticus > salvaticus (N. Rum. s_lbatic ´wild´). o > e : rotundus > retundus (N. Rum. r_tund, Old Italian ritondo, Proven_,cal redon, Spanish and Portuguese redondo). The confusion between u and o appears often in inscriptions: marmuris instead of marmoris, etc.77 -v- between vowels disappeared: avunculus > aunculo (N. Rum. unchi ´uncle´).

B. THE INNOVATIONS OF LATE LATIN (4th – 7th CENTURIES) The innovations of the following period, that of Late Latin, from the 4th to the 6th or 7th centuries, are numerous. They affected of course the Latin speakers of the Balkan peninsula, wich was part of the Empire until the Slavic occupation of the peninsula in the 7th century. The territories north of the lower Danube no longer belonged to the Empire in this period. Phonetics Stressed short e > ye is mentioned in grammars from the 5th century AD.78 The assibilation of Latin t + e, i, as well as that of Latin d + i followed by a vowel appeared, according to grammars, in the 5th century.79 (For more details about these changes see below: Common Rumanian, pp. 115–119). Examples of the assibilation of Latin k´ + i followed by a vowel are found in inscriptions from the 2nd century. The palatalization of k´ + e, i, appeared as late as in the 5th century.80 When the first Latin lexical elements were transferred into German, k was not yet changed: Latin

Old Germanic





77 78 79 80

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 105. Ibid., p. 328. Ibid., p. 335. Ibid., p. 340.









In Bavaria, the Latin placename Celio monte is known from 470 AD. It was transferred to Germanic with an initial k : Kellmünz, and the same was the case of Latin Celeusum > Germanic Kelsbach (6th century.) The late date of this change may explain its absence in certain dialects spoken in remote areas, such as Logudorian in central Sardinia and the same is the case of the Latin elements of German and Basque. In the northern dialect of Dalmatian, k was assibilated in front of i but not in front of e.81 In Arumanian, ts stands on the place of Latin k (+ e, i), in Northern Rumanian, _ . (For further discussion of this problem, see below: Common Rumanian, p.115). The accent of intensity In Latin, the quantitative differences between vowels were of decisive importance during the classical period and also afterwards, until the 5th century. With the disappearance of these, the accent of intensity became of primary importance. Syntax The verb In classical Latin, action completed prior to some past point of time was expressed by the pluperfect, e.g., dixi ´I had said´. In Vulgar Latin, after the 4th century, the construction habeo factum acquired the value of the perfect: ecce episcopum cum duce et civibus invitatum habes ´you have invited ... the bishop´. This construction is used by all Romance languages, thus N. Rum.: ai invitat pe episcop ´you have invited the bishop´. (Arumanian and a small part of the population in Oltenia use the original Latin perfect.)82 The nominal system The use of the genitive for the dative can be found occasionally already in classical Latin. This trendency spread continually and became “exceedingly widespread during the period of transition from Latin to Romance.” The documents of later periods (the Merovingian period and Medieval Latin) show “the use of the genitive of the pronouns – sing. illius, ipsius, plur. illorum, eorum, etc., – to supply the function of the dative.”83 The process has been of great 81 82 83

Ibid., p. 114. Ibid., p. 162. Löfstedt, E., Late Latin, 1959, p. 127.



significance for the Romance languages: It is only against the background of the late Latin material that we can understand how loro in Italian, leur in French, etc., (from Lat. illorum) came to serve both as the genitive and the dative.84 Italian loro and French leur corresponds to Rumanian lor. The definite article


Ibid., p. 128.

B. The innovations of Late Latin


Latin had no definite article. The Greek article was, in translations made at the end of the 3rd and the early 4th century, rendered by ille, ipse, hic, iste, or idem.85 The Rumanian definite atricle represents ille. The change demonstrative pronoun > definite article was protracted; in the texts, a definite article in its present day form appeared IN THE 7TH CENTURY, in everyday speech probably somewhat earlier.The phases of this process were essentially the same in Rumanian as in the entire territory of the Neolatin languages.86 (Regarding the postposition of the article cf. below, p. 64). Vocabulary New words and expressions The Latin name of the Slavs (originally, only of the Slovenes), Sclavus or Sclavinus is found in texts from the 6th century on. The Northern Rumanian form of this word is _chiau, in the plural, _chei; the Arumanian form is _cl´eau.87 In late Vulgar Latin, periphrastic contructions appeared for hieme ´during the winter´, vere ´during the spring´, and estate ´during the summer´: tempore hiemis, hiberno tempore, verno tempore, primo vere, aestivo tempore. This development finally resulted in the Romance terms for the seasons of the year, e.g. Italian inverno, French hiver, Rumanian iarn_; Italian primavera, Rumanian prim_var_. (Lat. aestas survived in Italian estate, French été, etc.).88 In Late Latin texts, very often the derivations of aeramen and aeramentum are found instead of classical Latin aes. As judged by the texts, for example, Peregrinatio Aethereae, both variants were equally popular; however, in the 85

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 159.


Coteanu Morfologia 1969, p. 99: “Istoria limbii române arat_ c_ articolul românesc a evoluat în mod asem_n_tor cu cel romanic, trecerea de la valoarea de pronume propriu-zis a lui ille la aceea de articol prezentînd aproximativ acelea_i faze ca în toat_ Romania.” 87 88

Mih_il_, G., Studii de lexicologie _i istorie a lingvisticii române_ti, 1973, p. 16. Löfstedt, E., Syntactica, vol. II, Lund, 1933, p. 42.



Romance dialects, only aeramen survived: Italian rame, Rumanian aram_, etc.89 A specific East Latin feature is the preservation of Latin imperator ´emperor´. It is explained “by the continued existence, in Byzantium, of the Roman Empire; the Occidental forms are of learned origin”90 (cf. N. Rum. împ_rat, Albanian mbret).

Changes of meaning

89 90


Ibid., p. 44. Rosetti, A, Cazacu, B., Coteanu, I., (red.), Istroria limbii române, vol. II, 1969, p.

C. Features shared by Italian dialects and Rumanian


Classical Latin hostis ´enemy´ changed its meaning to ´army´ – “an eloquent testimony, be it said in passing, to the general attitude towards armed forces at that time.” 91 Some of the earliest proofs of this change are given by Löfstedt; all are from the 6th century. From hostis with this meaning developed Portuguese hoste, Spanish hueste, and Rumanian oaste, ´army´. Clasical Latin necare ´to kill´ became more specialized, i.e., it received the meaning ´to drown´. This was, of course, a gradual process, perhaps through the intermediate stages of “ersticken, erwürgen.” In Greg. Tur. Hist. Franc. VI 35, necare is used in both the old general meaning and the new, more narrow one. “Die endgültige Einengung und Spezialisierung des Sinnes ist also erst spät und ganz allmählich vor sich gegangen”...92 The Latin word necare exists in Rumanian in the form îneca, with the meaning ´to drown´ (cf. French noyer ´to drown´).

C. FEATURES SHARED BY ITALIAN DIALECTS AND RUMANIAN During the first five centuries AD, the populations living in Italy and in the Balkan peninsula belonged to the same state, the highly organized Roman Empire. Close contact existed between the Romans living in Italy and those in adjacent areas of the Balkans. The vestiges of this long period of community are found in the languages which carry on the Latin from those centuries spoken in Italy and in the Balkan peninsula: in Friulian, Venetian, and other Italian dialects, in Rhetoromance, in Dalmatian (until the end of the 19th century), in the Latin elements of Albanian – and in Rumanian. These are phonetical peculiarities, special expressions, and unusual meanings of certain words (changes of meaning only found in these idioms). Phonetics An important phonetical similarity was described by Bourciez as follows: La Rhétie parait avoir pris part au contraire ŕ la diphtongaison initiale en ie, uo, qui de lŕ, par le Frioul et l´Istrie, s´ ést propagée le long de la côte de Dalmatie, męme dans le cas d´ entrave (istr. mierlo, kuorno, puorta, vegl. 91 92

Löfstedt Late Latin 1959, p. 17. Löfstedt Synt 1933, 380.


II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN fiasta, puarta). Dans la péninsule proprement dite des Balkans, oů _ seul entre en ligne de compte (pour o,_, voir § 153), la diphtongaison se produit également devant l´entrave latine: on a non seulement roum. ier_ (h_ri), mais

C. Features shared by Italian dialects and Rumanian


aussi piept (p_ctus) 93 Vocabulary, loan translations Venetian, Friulian, and Rumanian have a common expression for ´adoptive child´: Ven., fio d´anema, Friul., fi d´anime, N. Rumanian copil de suflet (anema, anime, suflet ´soul´ thus, literally: ´child of the soul´.) In a moral poem written in the 13th century in the Venetian dialect an interesting word is found: Un mat om qe redise la mate_,ca doi ora Fai como l can qe man_,ca _,co c´a gitadho fora. (´A fool who says the same stupidity twice Does as a dog which eats what it has vomited´.) Of all Romance languages, only Rumanian has a counterpart to the use of ora in this sense (doi ora ´twice´): N. Rumanian de dou_ ori ´twice´. Il serait difficile d´admettre que hora est devenue synonyme de vices en roumain indépendamment du vénétien. C´est une transformation trop subtile, trop surprenante, pour qu´elle ait pu s´effectuer dans deux langues sans qu´il y ait eu le moindre contact entre elle. C´est pour ces raisons que nous n´hésiterons pas ŕ y voir un reste des plus précieux de l´époque oů le roumain ne s´était pas encore isolé de l´Italien. Il y a encore une autre circonstance qui vient donner une importance particuličre au mot en question. C´est que hora apparaît avec le męme sens aussi en albanais, herε, qui signifie aussi ´temps´. L´alb. herε, le roum. oar_ et le vén. ora forment donc une famille inséparable et viennent jeter un peu de lumičre sur un des chapitres les plus obscurs de l´histoire du latin balquanique.94 Densusianu95 gives some examples of expressions shared by Rumanian with Italian dialects: Latin

N. Ital dialects

N. Rumanian


* expanticare



´pour out, shed´


Bourciez, E., Éléments de linguistique romane, 1967, pp. 146–147. – entrave = the position of a stressed vowel in a syllable ending in a consonant. 94

Densusianu, O., Histoire de la langue roumaine, (edit. V. Russu), 1975, pp. 218 –

219. 95

Ibid., pp. 211–226.




impetrir Ven. impetri Friul.


´turn into stone be dumbfounded´


impinir Ven. impleni Friul and Tyrol. impenar Dalm


´to fill, to carry out´


aradegar la via Ven.

a r_t_ci drumul

´to go astray´


ol cel della bocha

cerul gurei

´palate´ (lit. ´the sky of the mouth´)

convenire ´to gather´

zurar no se covem

nu se cuvine s_ juri

´it is not fitting to swear´

reus ´guilty´

ri Dalm. re Campobasso



Greek κοττιζω was transferred to ancient Venetian (scotezar), to Istria (kutisa), to Albanian (kudzon), and to Rumanian (cuteza ´to dare´) during the Middle Ages. This word, among many others, ...confirme d´une maničre éclatante ce que nous avons admis au sujet de développement du latin balkanique; elle montre, par son origine et sa diffusion, que ce latin n´a pas cessé d´ętre en contact avec celui d´Italie jusqu´assez tard dans le moyen âge.96 In the Northern Italian dialects, as well as in Rumanian, fieri is used in the sense of ´esse´ (cf. Rumanian a fi ´to be´). Lexical elements shared by Rumanian and Friulian Friulian


meaning: ´November´ (fr. Latin


Densusianu HLR (1975), p. 219.

C. Features shared by Italian dialects and Rumanian brumajo ´December´





´to cast a spell over´



´to unweave, unravel, break up´



´beneath´ (fr. Lat. de-longe)



´hot, burning´



´stealer of poultry, roost robber´



´to join, to connect´



´to push´

innejar (Muggia)


´to drown´

inquaglier (Engadin)


´to curdle, to coagulate´ (fr. Latin incoagulare)

invernadik (Muggia)


´wintry, winter-like´ (fr Latin hibernaticus)



´wood yard´



´the day after tomorrow´ (fr. Latin post mane)



´to cut, to harvest´ (Lat. sicilare)


Latin levare ´to lighten, to alleviate´ has, in Friulian, Rumanian, and Albanian, among other senses, received also that of ´to buy´: Friul. jeva, N. Rumanian lua, Albanian bl´ën, (from. Latin *ablevare) ´to buy´. Friul. no puess jevalu, no ai vonde bez, N. Rumanian nu-l pot lua pentru c_ n-am destui bani ´I cannot buy it because I don´t have enough money´.97 Latin albus ´white´is preserved in Rhetoromance: alf, in Dalmatian: jualb, and in Rumanian: alb. In all other Romance languages, this Latin word was replaced by Germanic blank. 97

Densusianu HLR (1975), p. 224.



Latin intelligere is preserved in the Rhetoromance dialect of Engadin: incler, and in Rumanian: în_elege ´to understand´. In the other Romance languages, this word was replacd by capere, comprendere, or intendere. An expression existing in the Tyrol dialect of Rhetoromance and in N. Rumanian is soredle da, respectively soarele d_ ´the sun appears´. Rumanian shows a number of correspondences also with different southern Italian dialects: there are, for example, nzurare (Napoli), nzurar (Abruzzes), and N. Rum. (a se) însura ´to get married´ (from Latin inuxorare); ammessarum (southern Italy, in the Codex Cavensis) and N. Rum. arm_sar ´stallion´ (from Lat. admissarius); ammisteka (Abruzzes) and N. Rum. amesteca ´to mix´; ceppe (Abruzzes) and N. Rum. cep ´bung, plug, spigot; tap´ (from Lat. cippus ´rectangular pillar; fortification made of pointed sticks´). Some of these correspondences may represent preserved archaic elements, others are innovations, many of them of a highly specific nature. In their entirety, they indicate that the ancestors of the Rumanians were, from the 2nd–3rd centuries AD until the Slavic occupation of the Balkan peninsula, i.e., until about 600 AD, in close, everyday contact with the speakers of Latin dialects in Italy. As many circumstances pertaining to the problem of Rumanian ethnogenesis, this is not something new, – in fact, Gaston Paris arrived at the same conclusion more than one hundred years ago98.

D. East Latin 1. THE PERIOD AND THE FRONTIERS The division of the Romance languages can only be more or less schematic. In the west, -s was preserved and -p-, -t-, -k- were voiced, while in the east, -s disappeared and the intervocalic stops preserved. The first group may be called West-Romance or Pyreneo-Alpine Romance and the last, East-Romance or Appennino-Balkan Romance. The Italian dialects south of Ancona are considered to belong to the eastern group. There are, however, many exceptions. Sardinian belongs to the western group, but has preserved not only -s, but also p-, -t-, -k-. There are southern Italian dialects which have voiced these consonants, as is the case in the west. The people living today on the Istrian 98

Densusianu HLR (1975), p. 228: “La conclusion ŕ laquelle nous sommes arrivé ici est semblable ŕ celle qu´exprimait, il y a une trentaine d´années, Gaston Paris dans l´article publié en tęte du premier volume de la Romania, 11: ´le roumain ... a été en contact avec le reste du domaine roman jusqu´ŕ l´invasion slave et a pu par conséquent subir encore au Ve et męme au VIe sičcle les influences qui se faisaient sentir dans le reste de ce domaine.”

C. Features shared by Italian dialects and Rumanian


peninsula speak a western Romance idiom, but as shown by ancient placenames, the peninsula belonged earlier to Eastern Romance.99 Dalmatian had elements in common with southern Italian dialects. It is considered the link between ItaloRomance and Balkan-Romance.100


Vidos, B.E., Handbuch der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft, 1975, p. 325.


Ibid., p. 355.



According to Rosetti101, East Latin ("grupul oriental al limbii latine") was spoken in the Danubian provinces and along the shores of Dalmatia, as well as, until the 2nd half of the 3rd century AD, in Italy. Rumanian belongs to this, Appennino–Balcanic linguistic group, together with Dalmatian, the Latin elements of Albanian, and the central and southern Italian dialects (Abruzzian, Sicilian, and Puglian). However, there are concordances between Rumanian and northern Italian dialects, and also Calabrian102, Sardinian,103 and southern Apulian. Thirty words pertaining to shepherding are shared by Rumanian and several southern Italian dialects. Theoretically, the division of the Romance languages may be made according to the substratum: Gallic, Iberic, Italian, etc.; the ancient political and geographical division: Gallia, Italy, Raetia; or only on the basis of geography: Balkan Romance or Balkan Latin. This Romance idiom has neither an ethnic basis (the substratum is Thracian and Illyrian), nor a political one. However, it reflects a geographic and cultural unity within a well-defined territory, distinct from the Western Romance languages.104 Rosetti considers that Balkan Latin was spoken in the Balkan peninsula from the 5th century AD onwards, after the Roman Empire was divided (395 AD). This idiom is on the basis of Rumanian, and of the Latin elements of Albanian and Serbo–Croatian. Dalmatia belonged after the division of the Empire to the western empire, and received from that time on mostly influences from the west. But even Albanian shows some innovations from the west (for example Latin u > ü). Although Balkan Romance does not contain Italian, there are, as shown above, influences from Italian dialects in the Balkan idioms, thus also in Rumanian. The frontiers of Balkan Latin may be drawn with considerable accuracy. Towards the west, Latin spoken in the Balkan peninsula was connected through Istria with the region of Friuli and other parts of northern Italy and by sea, with other regions of Italy. The intermediary area towards the west was thus Istria. The southern and southeastern frontiers were, on the basis of inscriptions, milestones, and coins made by the towns, determined by Jire_ek as follows: Sie verliess das Adriatische Meer bei Lissus, ging durch die Berge der Mirediten und der Dibra in das nördliche Makedonien zwischen Scupi and Stobi durch, umging Naissus und Remesiana mit ihren lateinischen Bürgern, 101

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 75 and p. 563.


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 78: N. Rum. unde instead of ubi, loan translations, such as cerul gurii for ´palatum´, the replacement of the infinitive with the conjunctive, etc. 103

Ibid.: Rumanian, southern Italian dialects and Sardinian share for example the following: the preservation of _, and of the diphthong au, as well as of the intervocalic consonsants -s-, -p-, -t-, -k-. Concordances in the vocabulary of Rumanian and Sardinian: frig, p_trunde, rou_, _ti. 104

Vidos Handbuch 1975, p. 298.

D. East Latin


während Pautalia (Küstendil) und Serdica (Sofia) samt die Landschaft von Pirot in das griechische Gebiet gehörten; zuletzt wendete sie sich längs des

Nordabhanges des Hämus zur Pontusküste.105 Map 6. The Roman Empire in southeastern Europe in the period of East Latin (the 4th–6th centuries AD). The dividing line between the area of Greek and that in which mostly Latin was spoken is shown by the Jire_ek- and the Skok-line. This is called the “Jire_ek line” (see map 6). Skok considered that the western part of this line should be drawn somewhat more to the south. Of course, the frontier between Latin and Greek was probably not as clear-cut; bilingual areas certainly existed both north and south of the Jire_ek line.


Jire_ek G 1911, pp. 38–39.



In the north, a Roman population probably still lived in the former province of Pannonia at least in the 5th century. The question whether the dialect spoken there belonged to East Latin or to the Occidental dialects has been discussed106 but is of no major significance for the problem of Rumanian. The Great Hungarian plain was never occupied by the Roman Empire. The eastern part of the northern frontiers of Balkan Latin: Roman colonization reached the lower Danube during the 1st century BC; until 106 AD, the Danube was the northeastern frontier. Between 106 and 271–275 AD, the territories of present day Oltenia, part of the Banat and part of Transylvania were a Roman province: Dacia Traiana. Thus, during 169 years, the frontiers of the Empire were pushed northward as far as to northern Transylvania. However, from 275 AD until the withdrawal of the Byzantine army at the beginning of the 7th century, i.e., for more than three centuries which roughly correspond to the period of Balkan Latin (and in entire Romania, to Late Latin), the Danubian limes was the northeastern frontier of the Empire, thus also of Balkan Latin.



According to Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 81, it probably belonged to eastern Romance.

D. East Latin


(a) _ was preserved in Rumanian, Albanian, and Sardinian: Latin gula > Rumanian gur_, lupus > lup, numerus > num_r.107 (b) The pronunciation o of the diphthong au is found in inscriptions: Olii instead of Aulii in Pompei, oricla in Gallia; it is criticized in Appenix Probi (written after the 3rd–4th centuries): “a colore auri quod rustici orum dicebant.” 108 This pronunciation was introduced in Rome by Umbrians and other groups after the war in 89 BC. The diphthong au was, however, preserved in Rumanian, Dalmatian, Friulian, Sicilian, Provencale, and Catalan, in a stressed position: Latin aur > N. Rumanian aur, Vegliotic yaur, Old Proven_,cal aur; Lat. laudare > N. Rum. l_uda, Friulian lauda, Prov. lauzur. In Albanian, Lat. au > a : aurum > ar, paucum > pak. (c) Examples of the change of voiceless -p-, -t-, -k- to voiced consonants are found already in inscriptions from Pompei (pagatus, megum [instead of mecum]). In the west, this became general after the end of the 5th century, with the exception of a number of dialects (Mozarabic, Upper Bearnese, Upper Aragonese).109 In Balkan Latin, the voiceless stops were conserved "avec une remarquable fidélité":110 Latin pacare > N. Rum. împ_ca, ripa > rîp_, Vegliotic raipa; and also Sicilian ripa. (d) The kw > p change in front of all vowels except a (a phenomenon of delabialization) in Vulgar Latin is seen in inscriptions and mentioned by grammars: conda instead of quondam; ´coquens non cocens´, etc. In front of a this phenomenon occurred in Sardinian and in East Latin only in the following words:111 Latin














Old Ital.


N.Rum. care


ca kand

când cât

In other cases, kw was not delabialized and developed in the same direction in 107 108 109

Rosetti ILR 1986 p. 105. Ibid., pp. 108–109. Rudes, B.A., in Southeastern Europe/L´Europe de sud-est, 7, Pt. 1 (1980), p. 115

(book review). 110 111

Bourciez, É., Éléments de linguistique romane, 5th edition, 1967, p. 165. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 116.



Sardinian and Rumanian: 112 Latin




















This phenomenon is not found in Albanian: Latin quattuor > Alb. katrë, quadragesima > kreshmë. gw changed in the same way in Sardinian and Rumanian: Lat. lingua > Sard. limba, Rum. limb_, (Lat. sanguine > Sard. sambiene, Rum. sânge is an exception.)113 (e) Latin cl corresponds to Northern Rumanian ch: Lat. clavis > N.Rum. cheie. Istrorumanian and Arumanian have the intermediary consonant group kl´: e.g., Arumanian k´lem. According to Densusianu, this seems to have been the case in Balkan Romance when it was separated from Italian.114 Italian has chiave, French clé. (f) The loss of final s and its replacement by i in Italian in nouns of the third declension: N.Rum. mun_i, Ital. monti, (but French monts). 112 113 114

Ibid. Ibid., p. 117. Densusianu HLR (1975), p. 212.

D. East Latin


Vocabulary Also regarding vocabulary, there are similarities between East Latin (including southern Italy) as opposed to the west. But even here, the situation is complicated. A detailed study of the East Latin vocabulary is found in Istoria limbii române (edit. by A. Rosetti, B. Cazacu & I. Coteanu), 1969, vol. II, pp. 110–173; written by I. Fischer. The criterion for deciding whether a word belonged to the East Latin vocabulary was its existence in at least one of the Rumanian dialects. The PAN-ROMANIC STOCK comprises 488 words. Among these, only seven changed their meaning in Rumanian. A total of 107 words were PRESERVED BY RUMANIAN ONLY. New formations, unknown or unusual in Latin, as well as semantic changes are numerous in this group. A total of 214 Pan-Romanic words do NOT EXIST IN RUMANIAN. This is a very high number, "considerably higher than the number of those absent in any other Romance language, including the Iberian languages, in the extreme west of the Romance territory."115 Many of these words belong to certain well-defined semantic spheres, which indicates that they are not lacking from Rumanian by chance. A large part of them are technical terms, marine, military, or commercial, and also agricultural. Also many Latin words pertaining to general civilization, such as balneum ´bath´, lanterna ´lamp´, lectus ´bed´, littera ´letter´, regula ´rule´, are lacking in Rumanian. The process of simplification and impoverishment, characteristic of Popular (Vulgar) Latin, was here more pronounced than in any other Romance idiom. Many synonyms disappeared, leaving one expression where earlier several existed. Thus, fleo, lacrimo, lamento, and ploro were all replaced by plango: N. Rum. plînge, Istrorum. pl_nze, Arum. plîngu, Meglenorum. plo,_ng, ´to weep, to cry´. Also the number of inherited Latin terms pertaining to art and science, administration and religion, as well as some complex activities, such as iron manufacture and wooden handicraft is very low. THE LATIN WORDS CONCERNING 116 URBAN LIFE ARE ENTIRELY ABSENT IN THE RUMANIAN LANGUAGE. Of course, the Latin spoken by the Roman inhabitants of the numerous towns in the Balkan peninsula must have contained these and many other lexical elements which do not exist in Rumanian. Their absence in the language of the Vlachs is in accordance with information from other sources indicating that they were not town-dwellers.

115 116

ILR 1969, p. 123. Pu_cariu, S., Limba român_, vol. I, pp. 354–355.



Word formation The following prefixes are frequently used: (a) ex (de ex-): Italian, N. Rum. scurta ´to shorten´, Ital. scapeta, N. Rum. sc_p_ta ´to set down; tro decline´. (b) extra- : Ital. strabello ´very beautiful´, stravecchio ´old´, N. Rum. str_vechi ´ancient´, str_luci ´to shine´. (c) in- : Sicilian intiniriri, N. Rum. întineri ´to rejuvenate, to grow young again´. Semantic change Besides changes of meaning which occur in all languages in the course of time, there is in Rumanian a group of Latin words which changed their meaning in such a way that they now belong to the shepherd terminology. The mechanism of this process is concisely explained by S. Ullmann: When a word passes from ordinary language into a specialized nomenclature – the terminology of a trade, a craft, a profession or some other limited group – it tends to acquire a more restricted sense.[...] Specialization of meaning in a restricted social group is an extremely common process; [...] In some cases, the specialized sense has completely superseded the more general one, and the range of the word has been considerably narrowed. This happened in French to a number of ordinary verbs when they passed into the language of the farm-yard: Latin cubare ´to recline, to lie down´ > French couver ´to hatch´ mutare ´to change´ > muer ´to moult´ ponere ´to place´ > pondre ´to lay eggs´ trahere ´to draw´ > traire ´to milk´. 117 On the basis of this process a SPECIALIZED GROUP OF PEOPLE DOES EXIST. The nature of this group (in the above example, farmers) determines the direction of the change. Other factors are also at work; for instance, in the case of trahere ´to draw´ > traire ´to milk´, a homonymic clash between moudre ´to milk´ and moudre ´to grind´ (from Latin mulgere and molere, respectively), made the elimination of one of the homonyms neccessary. In the process of Romanization, the sense of a number of Latin words not pertaining to the life of shepherds was changed by the ancestors of the Rumanians to denote shepherding terms, obviously an indication of the main occupation of this people: 117

Ullmann, S., Semantics, 1970, pp. 199–200.

E. The question of the substratum



N. Rum.



midday, middle day


´the place where the cattle rest at midday´




´small cattle´


´scarlet red´


(dialectal):´sheep with reddsih spots on its head´


´unit of the Roman cavalry; 30 men; (fig.): group



*stimular(ia) (stimulus)

´pointed stake´ (used in battles)




´to rise, to menace´


´to drive, urge on; to carry, push, goad´


Remarks: turm_ is an example of a word with a special sense (military) being used in a different special sense (shepherd). Latin stimulus had a similar, but broader sense: pointed stake used in battle; and driving stake, with an iron point, used to drive oxen; as well as figuratively ´stimulus, irritation´. Another Latin word, mixticius ´mixed, crossed, hybrid´ may be added, probably > N. Rum. mistre_ ´wild boar, (Sus scrofa)´; in French, Proven_,cal, Spanish, and Portuguese with the original Latin sense (ILR 1969, p. 150). Althoug this is not a specific shepherd term, it belongs to the life of shepherds.

E. The question of the substratum It is often said that the substratum of Rumanian is “Thraco-Dacian”, “DacoMoesian”118 or “Illyrian”. Very little of these languages is known, however, and, moreover, nothing of what is known (mostly placenames without a known sense) can with certainty be shown to correspond to elements in the Rumanian language. Those who assume that Rumanian developed from Latin spoken in Dacia Traiana 118

Cf., for instance, Russu, I.I., Limba traco-dacilor, 1967, and Poghirc, C., in Rosetti, A., Cazacu, B., & Coteanu I., (red.), Istoria limbii române, vol. II,1969, p. 319 and in Dacoromania, 1973, p. 197.



between 106 and 275 AD assume also that its substratum was Dacian. C. Poghirc119 proposes the following principles for the study of this problem: (a) The elements from the substratum are to be sought among Rumanian words and other elements of speech of unknown or uncertain etymology. (b) Comparison must at first be made “with the rests, no matter how precarious and uncertain, of Daco–Moesian.”


Poghirc, C., in ILR 1969 vol. II, pp. 319 ff.

E. The question of the substratum


(c) Because of the paucity of the material, any of the old Balkan languages may be used when no Daco–Moesian equivalents are known: “If no sure phonetic feature which excludes a Daco-Moesian origin exists in a word, we must not conclude that it was borrowed from another old Balkan language, but assume that it once also belonged to Daco–Moesian, even if it at persent is only attested in Thracian, Macedonian, or Illyrian.”120 (d) Correspondences with Albanian (or with loans from Albanian or from the substratum of other modern Balkan languages) must be considered to originate from the substratum. “But the comparison must be made between the Common Rumanian (româna comun_) and Common Albanian (albaneza comun_) forms and it must be extended to other Indo-European languages, with the aim to find possible relations between the respective forms and sounds.” (e) If a non-Latin word does not exist in the ancient Balkan languages or in Albanian, it may be useful to compare it with the Baltic languages or with Armenian. (f) Besides the languages mentioned above, comparisons nay be made with words from all Indo-European languages from which Rumanian cannot have borrowed. (g) It is not sufficient to refer to Indo-European roots; words really existing in Indo-European languages must be found and all elements of the word must be explained. (h) A structural correspondence, without a material and functional one, permits only the possibility but not the certainty of relationship. Using these principles, Poghirc reached the following conclusions about the substratum of Rumanian: Phonetics _ also found in Albanian and Bulgarian, may originate from the substratum. h present in the substratum, although a reinforcment by numerous Slavic loanwords is admitted. Rhotacism is considered to be the consequence of the weakening of Latin intervocalic n and it is stated that “the only fact to bear in mind is that also in Albanian, the simple n has had the same evolution as in Rumanian, i.e., that the distinction between strong and weak n existed.” -l- > -r- The transformation of weak intervocalic -l- into -r- (absent in Albanian) has been explained by the substratum but may, according to Poghirc, as well be a consequence of Romance evolution. The same applies to: kw, gw > k, g; p, b – the non-uniform treatment of these Latin consonant groups. 120

ILR 1969 vol. I, p. 319.



ks > ps in Rumanian and ks > fs in Albanian is explained by the fact that this consonant group was weak also in Latin (cf. coxim > cossim). “Only in a few cases is this group treated as ps in Rumanian and as fs in Albanian (Latin coxa > Rum. coaps_, Alb. kofshë; Lat. fraxinus > Rum. dialectally frapsin; Lat. toxico > toapsec; Lat. laxa > Alb. lafshë).” kt > Rum. pt, Alb. ft or jt is considered an effect of the substratum. (The pre-Latin populations in certain parts of the Balkan peninsula seem to have eliminated kt , as shown by Alb. nate, cf. Lat. nocte, Lithuanian naktis.) The diphthongs ea, oa, ie, the change of unstressed o to u and some other phenomena are by certain authors assumed to have originated from the substratum. Poghirc does not accept these assumptions. Morphology and syntax. The definite article, which is enclitic in both Albanian and Rumanian, “shows in Rumanian and Albanian similarities in details which prove a connection between these two systems” (ILR 1969, p. 324). The neuter gender: “The many correspondences in details with Albanian (among others, the appearance of some neuters as masculines in the singular and feminines in the plural) shows that the influence of the substratum is possible also here, but neither the linguistic material nor the structural oppositions lead to a definitive conclusion in favor of the substratum.”121 The numerals between eleven and nineteen are in Rumanian formed according to the system ´unus supra decem´: N. Rum. unsprezece (un-spre-zece) ´eleven´, doisprezece ´twelve´, etc. This is different from the Latin sytem: undecim (undecim), duodecim (duo-decim) etc. The system used by Rumanian is also found in Albanian and in Slavic: Alb. njëmbëdhjetë and Old Slavic jedinu na desete ´eleven´. Most of the authors consider that the Rumanian system derives from Old Slavic. On the basis of its existence also in Albanian, the Baltic languages and partially in Armenian, Poghirc contends that it may as well originate from the substratum. The personal pronoun: in Rumanian, the particle -ne in cine, mine, tine, sine is considered to derive from the substratum, cf. Alb. -në, Old Greek −νη and New Greek −να. “The perfect parallelism between the Rumanian, Albanian, and New Greek forms points to an autochthonous origin of -ne in Rumanian”: absolut


Rumanian :




mua (< mene)



ILR 1969 vol. II, p. 325; Miron, P., (edit) Dacoromania, vol. I, 1973, pp. 207–

E. The question of the substratum New Greek:




“The Albanian pronoun presents also other interesting parallelisms with the Rumanian pronoun (the confusion between dative and accusative of certrain atonic forms, etc.) which would be worth to study” (ILR 1969, p. 326). Suffixes 13 Rumanian suffixes are considered by Poghirc to originate from the substratum. Six of these also exist in Albanian. The confusion between the dative in both Rumanian and Albanian (also present in Greek, Armenian, and Iranian) is not considered to originate from the substratum because a similiar tendency appeared also in Vulgar Latin. Vocabulary There are several thousands of Rumanian words of unknown etymology, 10 15% of the Rumanian word stock.122A number of these originate from the preRoman substratum of the language. The criteria to decide which words belong to this category have been and still are discussed. Since the publication of the first edition of the present monograph, I.I. Russu published the results of his study of the pre-Latin elements of Rumanian (Etnogeneza românilor, 1981) with an extensive review of what is known about the subject. Russu uses the method of reconstruction of Indo-European roots and words: “Ancient Indo-European archetypes: roots and intermediary forms, primary formations, ´reconstructed´ and hypothetical, corresponding to forms unquestionably related in Sanscrit, Old Persian, Balto-Slavic, Germanic, Celtic, Latin, Greek, etc.” 123 Poghirc (in ILR 1969, p. 319) used essentially the same principles (to look after etymologies among the rests of “Daco-Moesian”, the Baltic languages, Armenian, as well as other Indoeuropean languages from which Rumanian could not borrow). He adds that only words may be taken into consideration, I.E. roots are not sufficient. Poghirc divided the “probable or possible” Rumanian substratumwords into 3 groups: (1) “Words for which an etymology has been sought among words known from Daco-Moesian or other ancient Balkan languages.” Thirty five words are placed in this group. The etymologies proposed are from Armenian, Balto-Slavic, Celtic, Dacian (threee words), Greek, Macedonian, Thracian, Thraco-Dacian (one word), etc. Most of them are very uncertain. Half (17) of these 35 words also exist in Albanian. (2) “Rumanian words also existing in Albanian.” This group is the largest, with 101 words. (3) “Words of the substratum deduced from a comparison with other Indo122 123

ILR 1969, vol. II, p. 327. I.I. Russu, Etnogeneza românilor, 1981, p. 111.



European languages.” Five words with obscure etymologies are given here. They may originate from a variety of languages, including Germanic, Greek, Hungarian, Lithuanian, and Sanskrit. Two of them (brînz_ and burt_) may be connected with Albanian. Poghirc created a separate group for geographical names north of the lower Danube assumed to originate from the substratum. The result of this broad approach to the problem of the substratum of Rumanian is far from convincing. The origin from the substratum of the geographical names cannot be accepted (cf. below, pp. 245–246). But also group 1 of words, with a proposed etymology from Daco–Moesian or other ancient Balkan languages, and group 3, with proposed Indo-European connections, contain very many dubious and even certainly false etymologies (cf. Russu, Etnogeneza, pp. 59–66). Also in the list of Russu, in which about 180 Rumanian words are given as probably deriving from the substratum, the etymologies are not more reliable. Illyés124 analysed this word stock from the semantic viewpoint. He found that those Rumanian words which have an Albanian counterpart belong mainly to specific semantic categories: parts of the human body, shepherd terms and names of animals and plants encountered by a shepherd population in a mountainous region.On the other hand, words not found in Albanian are predominantly verbs and substantives of more general semantic content. This circumstance is, besides the uncertainty of etymologies, another reason for scepticism regarding the substratum origin of words not found in Albanian. One difficulty is to decide whether a given Rumanian word may be a loan from Albanian or vice versa (cf., however, below, pp. 71–72). There are no unequivocal criteria; it is not entirely clear how to interpret the sound pattern of these words. Many of them have exactly the same form in both languages: Rum. buz_, Alb. buzë, Rum. c_lbeaz_, g_lbeaz_, Alb. këlbazë, gëlbazë; others show sound changes: Rum. abur, Alb. avull, Rum. mînz, Alb. mës. Albanian has sounds which do not exist in Rumanian, where they correspond to one or several Rumanian sounds: Alb. th – Rum. _, _, or c(i), Alb. dh – Rum. z, or d , etc. Rosetti assumes that the Rumanian sounds represent different sounds in IndoEuroepan, which in Albanian evolved to a single sound, according to the sound laws of this language.125 It is today generally accepted that most of the lexical elements existing in both Rumanian and Albanian are not loans but derive from a common language. For all elements of language (phonetics, morphology, and vocabulary) which probably originate from the substratum of Rumanian, it is true that a large number of them also exist in Albanian: of seven phonetic features discussed above, at 124 125

Illyés Ethnic Cont 1992, pp. 240 and 242. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 242.

E. The question of the substratum


least three: the phonemes /_/ and /h/, and the kt > pt (Alb. ft) change. Out of five morphologic elements discussed by Poghirc, the definite article and the particle -ne of the accusative of the personal pronoun are explained by the substratum, and also the neuter gender is in some way connected with it. In all these three cases, equivalents to the Rumanian forms are found in Albanian, reaching often into the smallest details. Out of 13 suffixes considered to originate from the substratum, six also exist in Albanian. Regarding vocabulary, the existence in both languages may be considered the most certain criterion for the inclusion of a certain word into the group of those coming from the substratum. There are about one hundred such words. Thus, the method of broadening the field of investigation and taking a large number of (extinct and living) languages into consideration, gives many more or less possible etymologies. They are, however, very uncertain and are distributed over many different languages. On the other hand, there is one single language in which a large part of the elements considered to originate from the substratum of Rumanian are found – and that is modern Albanian.

F. The relationship between Rumanian and Albanian Phonetics Unstressed a > _, ë . Modern Northern Rumanian _ and Albanian ë are very similar, although not perfectly identical. This is verified also by X-ray studies.126 The tendency towards the reduction of the distinction of the degree of opening in an unstressed syllable is found in all Romance languages, strongest in Spanish, Portuguese, and southern Italian dialects. Moreover, there are differences between Albanian and Rumanian in the use of this sound. Referring to these circumstances, the theory of an independent development of _ in both languages was put forward.127 There is, however, extensive evidence of close connections between Rumanian and Albanian also in this respect. In both languages, _ developed from (1) unstressed a : Latin familia > N. Rumanian f_meie, femeie, Alb. fëmijë; Lat. camisia > N. Rum. c_ma__, Arum. c_meaš_, Alb. këmishë; Lat. parens, parente(m) > N. Rum. and Arum. p_rinte; 126

For Albanian, by Anastas Dodi and for Rumanian, by A. Rosetti; cf. Brâncu_, G., “Albano-romanica, III. Vocala _ în român_ _i albanez_,” Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice, XXIV, 3, Bucure_ti, 1973, pp. 291–292. 127

Sandfeld LB1930; Petrovici, E., Cercet_ri de lingvistic_, Cluj, 1965; Sala, M., ILR 1969 vol. II, p. 197.



Alb. përint; etc.; (2) from an a in front of a nasal: Lat. canis > N. Rum. cîne, cîine, Arum. cîne, Alb. qën, qen; Lat. sanctus > N. Rum. sînt. sîn, Alb. shënt, shën, etc. (From the phonologic viewpoint, î was in Common Rumanian a variant of _ .) (3) In both Albanian and Rumanian, _ developed not only from a but also, in certain circumstances, from any other vowel (i, e, o and u ). With certain exceptions, this sound does not appear in an initial position. In a period corresponding to Common Rumanian, a appeared exclusively in a stressed syllable and _ only in an unstressed in both Rumanian and Albanian. In both languages, later development created several exceptions to this rule. Thus, in Northern Rumanian, stressed _ appears in the first person plural of the verbs in the first conjugation: lucr_m ´we are working´. The plural form of feminine nouns such as cetate, plur. cet__i, with stressed _ , developed after the period of Common Rumanian. It is interesting that the Gheg dialect of Albanian created a series of nasal vowels while Tosc, the southern dialect, “followed the same way as Rumanian, creating a stressed vowel ë , similar to Rumanian _ .” 128 “The phonemization of _ occurred in relatively identical circumstances in Rumanian and Albanian.” 129 Thus, the opposition a : _ is found in the category of determination: N. Rum. fat_ ´girl´, fata ´the girl´; Alb. vajzë ´girl´, vajza ´the girl´. It also appears in gender: Common Rumanian cumnatu ´brotherin-law´, cumnat_ ´sister-in-law´; and in certain grammatical cases: N. Rum. nominative-accusative fat_, genitive-dative (unei) fete, Alb. (një) vajzë and (e, i, një) vajze, respectively. In Albanian, however, ë has some functions which have no counterpart in Rumanian: the ë : a opposition is used to express number, e.g., sing. vajzë, plur. vajza. This is most probably a later development because otherwise final unstressed a changed to ë . Further, ë is used in Albanian also in forming of nouns (abstract nouns derived from the participle): vdekë ´dying´, pritë ´waiting.´ Later development changed the Albanian ë in many cases, while the number of such cases in Rumanian is much less. Thus, regarding this sound, Rumanian is more conservative than Albanian.130 This is in accord with the idea that Albanian is a continuation of an ancient Balkan language and as such, continues the phonologic system of that language (of which ë was a part). The ancestors of the Rumanians, on the other hand, abandoned this language (adopting Latin), preserving only some elements, among which is the vowel _ . In these circumstances, since most of the phonologic elements of Rumanian are of Latin


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 228.


Brâncu_, G., “Albano-romanica III. Vocala _ în român_ _i albanez_,” Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice, XXIV, 3, 1973 p. 294. 130

Ibid., p. 295.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


origin, _ may be regarded a “borrowed” sound in this language.131 The preservation of Latin _ Latin















buc_ ´cheek´



bucca ´cheek´

The evolution of the Latin consonant groups ct and cs


Brâncu_ Albano-romanica 1973, p. 295: ... “regarding _ , Rumanian is beyond comparison more conservative than Albanian. This observation lends support to the idea that in Rumanian, _ is a borrowed sound (borrowed by Danubian Latin from the language of the autochthonous population), while in Albanian, ë is transmitted directly, together with an inherited phonologic system.”



In spite of much research concerning this phonetic evolution, many problems, including such basic questions as the origin of the change (Greek? substratum? internal evolution? 132) and its development (direct or through intermediary stages?) are still not sufficiently understood. Similarities between Rumanian and Albanian in the treatment of these consonant groups suggest an effect of the substratum: Latin ct > Rumanian pt, Latin cs > Rum. ps (when k was in a stressed syllable) and s in an unstressed syllable: Latin:

N. Rumanian:










right, direct








to fight







molar (tooth)

In Albanian, the situation is partly similar but more complicated: Latin ct > Albanian it (after a and after pre-palatal vowels): Lat. directus Albanian dreite, tractare > traitoj. Lat. ct > Alb. ft (in other cases): lucta > luftë, cotoneum > ftua. Lat. cs > Alb. fs (when k was in a stressed syllable): coxa > kofshë, koshë, laxa > lafshë, lash. Lat. cs > Alb. s (when k was in an unstressed syllable): 132

Greek: A. Rosetti, H. Lausberg; substratum: O. Densusianu, I.A. Candrea, S. Pu_cariu, O. Nandri_, C. Poghirc, M. Bartoli, W. Meyer-Lübke, H. Bari_, Vl. Georgiev, P. Naert; internal evolution: Sala, M., “Evolu_ia grupurilor latine_ti ct _i cs în român_,” Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice, XXIV, 4, pp. 343–354; and I. Iordan.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


axungia > ashung , fraxinus > frashër, laxare > lëshonj.133 It appears that Albanian treated Latin ct as this group was treated in the western Romance languages when kt was preceded by a and e , and according to the way it was treated in Rumanian in other cases: directa > drejtë, but lupta > luftë. The following evolution may be assumed: ct > Xt > ft > pt.


Sala, M., “Evolu_ia grupurilor latine_ti ct _i cs în român_,” Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice, XXIV, 4, p. 344.



M. Sala134 tried to explain the developments of Latin ct and cs in Rumanian by internal evolution, without the influence of the substratum. This theory is based on general considerations. According to B.Malmberg, the changes of Latin pt, ct, and cs in the Romance languages are the result of a tendency towards an open syllable. Sala considers that Rumanian may present the first stage of this evolution, the second stage would be found in Italian and the third, in the languages which have i . E.g.: Latin lactem, Rum. lapte, Ital. latte, French lait. Poghirc (ILR 1969, p. 323) explains the ct > pt change by the substratum: the groups pt, ps were, in the Romance languages in general, as weak as was the group ct: in Late Latin, there are ipse > isse, optimo, scriptum, septembre > otimo, scritum, setembre,135 while in Rumanian, this group is resistent: Lat. septem > Rum. _eapte. It appears that the consonant group kt was eliminated from the speech of the ancestors of the Albanians and Rumanians: in the Rumanian words from the substratum, it does never appear, nor is it found among Daco–Moesian words,136 and Albanian has natë, in contrast to Latin noctem, Lithuanian naktěs. There are also examples of ks > ps among ancient Balkan placenames: Axyrtos – Apsyrtos, Crexi – Krepsa, Kokkyx – Kokkyps. Latin -lv-, -rv-, > Rum., Alb. -lb-, -rbLatin

N. Rum.







to save














to serve


Ibid., pp. 343–354. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 123. Poghirc in ILR 1969, p. 323.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian 137

AND RUMANIAN, especially regarding end-vowels:


-e was preserved; a > _, ë;

and -u, -o, -i disappeared. Rhotacism (the change of intervocalic n to r)


Meyer-Lübke, “Rumänisch, Romanisch, Albanesisch”, Mitteilungen des rum. Instituts an der Univ. Wien, 1914, pp. 1–42; quoted by Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 127.



In Latin, n had a strong and a weak form. During the early development of the Romance languages, in several areas, this consonant became de-nasalized, as a consequence of the decrease of pressure of the tongue during its pronunciation. Weak -n- disappeared often, e.g., in Portuguese and in Rumanian dialects. In the southern (Tosc) dialect of Albanian and in Northern Rumanian it changed to -r-. In N. Rum., this can be shown in words as c_runt ´grey(ish)´, m_runt ´small´, etc. In contrast to this, Arumanian has minut and c_nut.138 Earlier, much more words in N. Rum. were affected by rhotacism. Thus, at least until the 16th century, Rumanian spoken in Moldavia as well as by the Rumanian inhabitants of adjacent Máramaros (Rum. Maramure_), and those of the region of the Mun_ii Apuseni, was rhotacized. In other areas, the weak -n- disappeared. Today rhotacism is only found among speakers of N. Rum. living in the region of the Mun_ii Apuseni.139 Also Northern Rumanian spoken in the Balkan peninsula has varied and is still varying in this respect. Rhotacism is found in the Rudnik–Drinjaca area while it is absent in the valleys of the Timok and the Morava.140 Also IstroRumanian is rhotacized. (Today, the situation once existing can in many cases only be reconstructed on the basis of placenames.) It is interesting that in Albanian, this phenomenon is only found in the southern (Tosc) dialect: zëri, gjuri, Shqiperi, as opposed to Gheg zâni, gjuni, and Shqypni (´the voice´, ´the knee´, and ´Albania´, respectively). Rhotacism appeared after the an, am > în, îm change, and does not affect the words of Slavic origin in Rumanian.141 The question whether its development in Albanian and Rumanian is connected is not yet settled. Rosetti does not believe in a connection and denies also the role of the substratum in this case.142 Morphology The postposition of the definite article In classic Latin, the demonstrative pronoun is mostly put before the noun 138 139 140 141 142

ILR 1969, p. 207. Ibid., p. 208. Dragomir Vlahii 1959, p. 172. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 229. Ibid., p. 230.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


which it determines. In the Late Latin text “Peregrinatio Aethereae”, ille is proclitic in 194 cases and enclitic in 80. In Rumanian and in Albanian, as also in Bulgarian, the definite article is enclitic; e.g., N. Rum. cal ´horse´, calul ´the horse´, fat_ ´girl´, fata ´the girl´. Sandfeld143 presented a survey of the possible explanations of this phenomenon which may be summarized as follows: The suffixed article is found also in the Scandinavian languages and in Armenian. Starting from the idea that it must be very unusual, one has assumed connections between all languages in which this phenomenon appears. Thus, a connection between the Scandinavian and the Balkan languages was assumed by B.P. Hasdeu; others evoked Thracian or Armenian influence to explain the definite article in Rumanian. However, this phenomenon is not extremely rare and one has also started from the idea that the Balkan languages may have developed it independently from each other. On the basis of certain peculiarities in Russian dialects, it was assumed that the definite article of Bulgarian developed independently from Rumanian. None of these theories can with certainty be disproved, because the feature developed entirely in an age from which no written records are known. It existed certainly in Common Rumanian. In Bulgarian, it developed later, after the 10th century. However, as pointed out by Sandfeld, Albanian, Rumanian, and Bulgarian have so many elements in common that it is scarcely possible that they would have developed just this feature independently from each other. Moreover, as stated by _,Cabej: It is known that in Albanian and in Rumanian, as also in Bulgarian, the definite article is enclitic and that only these languages have also a proclitic article. It is worth noticing that these two languages coincide in the use of this element of speech in the smallest details of its syntactic position, which contradicts the assumption of a spontaneous (separate from each other) evolution in these languages.144 It is of interest to review this problem in some detail: (a) The article is not used when the noun is reigned by a preposition: N. Rum. au mers la p_dure ´they have gone to the forest´, Alb. vate në pallát ´he has gone to the palace´. (b) the use of a double article: Rum. omul cel bun, Alb. njeriu i mire ´the good man´. (c) the use of a possessive article with the possessive determiners when these are used without a noun: Rum. un frate al meu ´a brother of mine´ 143 144

Sandfeld LB 1930, pp. 165–173.

_,Cabej, E., “Unele probleme ale istoriei limbii albaneze”, Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice X, p. 531.



(d) The correspondence of the possessive article in gender and number with the preceding noun (denoting the person or thing possessed): Rum. o fat_ a vecinului ´a girl of the neighbour´, Alb. kopshti i luleve ´the flower-garden´. (e) The article used with the possessive determiners also appears as the determinative before a genitive: Rum. ai palatului, Alb. të pallatit ´those of the palace, the people from the palace´; Rum. a cui e aceast_ cas_? Alb. e kujt është ajó shtëpi? ´whose is this house?´ The differencies are the result of later development. For instance, in Albanian, the determinative is also used before a genitive or a possessive pronoun which follows the suffixed article: Alb. shtëpia e plakut ´the house of the old man´, shtëpia e mia ´my house, the house of mine´. In modern Northern Rumanian, this is not the case: casa b_trînului ´the house of the old man´, p_mântul grîului ´the earth of wheat´, popa s_u ´his priest´, etc. In Arumanian, as well as at an earlier stage of Northern Rumanian, however, as shown by old texts, the construction still present in Albanian is the rule: N. Rum. p_mîntul al grîului, popa al s_u, etc. Similarly, while modern N. Rum. has al, a, and lui (with the function of the genitive) and cel, cea (with adjectival function), Albanian has only i, e, but in the earliest N. Rumanian texts, al, a, often appear before adjectives instead of modern cel, cea. Adjectives In Rumanian as well as in Albanian, the feminine plural of the adjectives is used in a neutre sense: Rum. toate, Alb. te gjitha ´all´. N. Rum. e cinstit în toate ´he is honest in everything´. The indefinite pronouns Rumanian and Albanian have similar systems of creating indefinite pronouns: Rumanian forms pronouns by adding -va (from Latin volet), Alb. by adding duaj, dua (´will; love´): N. Rum. careva ´someone´, cineva ´somebody´, undeva ´somewhere´, cumva ´somehow´, etc. Alb. kude ´wherever´, kurdo ´whenever´, kushdň ´whoever, everybody´, sado ´any amount´, etc. Also adverbs may be formed in the same way in the two languages: Rum. niciodat_ ´never´, tot a_a ´in the same way´; Alb. asnjëherë ´never´, gjithashtu ´in the same way´, etc.145 The personal pronoun The personal pronoun (eu, tu, el, ea, ´I, you, he, she´) in the accusative 145

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 233.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


(mine, tine, sine ´me, you, him, her´) contains the particle -ne. This has a counterpart in Albanian (-ne) and in Greek (ε)µενα. There is a perfect parallelism among these three languages as regards the absolute and the conjunct forms.146 The feminine forms of the pronoun may be used in a neutre sense in Rumanian: o cunosc means both ´I know her´ and ´I know that, I know it´; una means ´one (feminine)´ and ´one thing´, for instance: una e s-o vrei _i alta s-o faci ´it is one thing to want (will) it and another to do it´. Also asta means both ´this (feminine)´ and ´this one, this thing´. Albanian ajo ´she´ and ketó, kejó ´this one (feminine)´are used in the same way, e.g., tsh do nga ketó ´what do you want for this´. The ordinal numbers


ILR 1969, p. 326; cf. above, p. 57.



are in Rumanian formed in a way which is different from that used in the other Romance languages. Arumanian ntîn_,, Northern Rumanian dialectally and in old texts întânu; modern literary language întâi ´first´, from Vulgar Latin *antaneus (cf. ante ´in front of, before´).147 This is similar to Albanian: parë ´first´, from para ´in front of, before´. Word formation Several ways of forming of words are common to Rumanian, Albanian and Bulgarian, for instance: Rumanian




nici un



´no one´, lit. ´neither one´




´never´, lit. ´neither when´

Suffixes The following suffixes may originate from the substratum of Rumanian: -a, -ac, -andru, -esc, -e_te, -e_, (-a_, o_), -_ni, -îrl_, -man, -oane, -(o)ma, -un_(_), -(u)_(_), -z(_) . 148 Six of these 14 suffixes are also found in Albanian: (1) -a, an enclitic, deictic and emphatic particle used in demonstrative pronouns and adverbs, may be of Latin origin. It is interesting that in Albanian, it only exists in the southern (Tosc) dialect, which also in several other aspects is more closely related to Northern Rumanian than the northern Albanian (Gheg) dialect. (2) -esc is a very important suffix, which forms adjectives: firesc ´natural´, from fire ´nature´; b_rb_tesc ´masculine´, from b_rbat ´man´; românesc ´Rumanian´, etc. The variant of this suffix, -e_te, forms adverbs: fire_te ´naturally´ române_te ´like a Rumanian, after the manner of Rumanians´, etc. In Albanian, the corresponding suffixes are -ish and -isht, e.g., _,cobanisht ´like a shepherd´. (3) -e_, (-a_, o_) may originate from the substratum but other etymologies 147 148

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 337. ILR 1969, pp. 362–364.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


have been proposed, among others, from Hungarian. However, a Hungarian borrowing is not possible in Albanian. (4) -oane: N. Rum. lupoa(n)e, (from lup ´wolf´) and Albanian ujkonje (from ujk ´wolf) ´she-wolf´. (5) -(u)_(_): in Albanian, -sh forms diminutives. This may have been the case once also in Rumanian.149 (6) -z_, -__, Alb. -zë, -cë, form diminutives and collective nouns: Rum. coac_z_ ´black currant; gooseberry´; Alb. kokazë ´sweetmeat, from kokë ´berry, fruit´. The verb


Ibid., p. 363.



In certain constructions, the infinitive is replaced by a verbal noun derived from the perfect participle:150 Northern Rumanian



trebuie f_cut

duhet bërë

´it must be done´

e de mirat

është për t´u _,cuditur

´it is to be surprized at´

am de legat

kam për të lidhur

´I have to bind´

This construction is always used in the Tosc dialect; in Gheg, the verbal noun, preceded by me, developed into a regular infinitive: me fjet ´to sleep´, me hangr ´to eat´, etc. In Northern Rumanian, the counterpart of this form is a dormi, a mînca, etc., i.e., the Rumanian infinitive, which is different from the infinitive in all other Romance languages.151 In Arumanian, the infinitive is always long, it is in most cases used as a substantive: cîntári, beári, acupiríri, etc. There are similiarities between Rumanian and Albanian also in the use of the infinitive. Phraseology Rumanian has a series of expressions in common with Albanian: Rumanian



n-am când lit.: ´I have not when´

nuk kam kur lit.: ´I have not when´

´I have no time´

e cu cale

ishtë me udhë

´it is proper, it is

150 151

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 238.

Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 131 The tendency to replace the infinitive i discussed below, in the section on the Greek influence on Rumanian, p. 89.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


lit.: ´it is with way´

lit.: ´it is with way´


îmi vine r_u lit.: ´it comes me bad´

i erdhi keq lit.: ´it comes me bad´

´that hurts me´

To strengthen the sense of a noun, ´great thing´ may be added: Rum. mare lucru, Alb. pun´e madhe: Rum. am o poft_ de _ig_ri mare lucru ´I have a great desire for cigarettes´, Alb. i bënet një kal pun´e madhe ´a huge horse appeared before him´. Also in Macedonian, ´great thing´ may be added with the same effect. Latin uvula, the diminutive of uva ´grape´, is in both Rumanian and Albanian called ´little man´: Rum. omu_or, ´little man, dwarf; uvula´, a diminutive of om ´man´. Alb. njerith ´uvula´, from njeri ´man´. This is found also in Bulgarian: m__ec ´little man; uvula´, from m__ ´man´. Several Latin words are in Rumanian used with a changed meaning, according to the meaning of their Albanian counterpart: Latin *albina ´bee hive, bee swarm´, > N. Rum. and Meglenorum. albin_, Arum. algin_ ´bee´. The shift of sense in Rumanian to ´bee´ seems to have been induced by Alb. bletë, which has both the sense of ´bee´ and of ´beehive´. Latin dolor ´pain´, N. Rum. dor ´pain; sorrow, grief; love, torment of love; longing, yearning; striving´. The extension of sense in Rumanian is also found in the Albanian word for pain: Alb. dhëmp ´pain´, dhëmbem ´I am regretted´, dhëmshurë ´loved´. Latin habere, Rum. a avea ´to have´. The participle of this verb is used in Rumanian to express the notion of ´rich, wealthy´: avut. In Albanian, i pásurë ´rich´ is the past participle of the verb ´to have´. In early N. Rum. texts, the past participle of a _ti ´to know´ was used in the sense of expert, learned, erudit.´152 In Arumanian, this is still in use. The same is the case in Albanian: dij ´to know´, i diturë ´learned, erudite´. Latin talis ´such´. It is possible that Rumanian tare ´strong´ is the continuation of this Latin word, with a different sense. Albanian atillë (from talis) means ´such´, but in the dialect of Borgo Erizzo, it also has the sense of ´strong´. 153 Vocabulary Changes of meaning of Latin words shared by Rumanian and Albanian: meaning

Latin 152 153


N. Rum.

In modern N. Rumanian, _tiut means ´well-known´. Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 72.

meaning in


II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN Albanian & Rumanian: conventus

district court, session, agreement

kuvëndoj ´I discuss´














sickle, scythe



jaw, cheek


I fear, I am shocked



I hate


I submerge



I go

palus, padule





sessum (sedeo, sedere, sessum est)







shalet ´saddle´


loins, small of the back

Remarks: conventus: Latin uerbum became in the Christian terminology the correspondent of Greek λογος and was replaced by other terms, such as conuentum, fabula, parabola (ILR I, 1965, p. 62). Latin mergo: the change of meaning is old, as shown by the Latin text: “immargebam ... in quartum decimumque annum” ´I was in the 14s´; cf. Daicoviciu, C., Dacoromania V., Cluj, 1927/28, pp. 477– 478; in Dacica, 1969, p. 585.

These are examples of parallel changes of sense of Latin words, not found in the other Romance languages but shared by Rumanian and Albanian. They must be considered in the following contexts: (a) changes of meaning in Vulgar Latin (for example, mergo and veteranus have been also used in the senses which now are the rule in Rumanian and Albanian); (b) of the geographic situation of Balkan Latin, which made a considerable Greek influence possible (e.g., οµιλεω has also in Greek the two senses ´meeting´ and ´conversation´). (c) In the background of these changes of meaning are also universal, generally human ways of thought and association, the socio-cultural and historical characteristics of the speakers, as well as general psychological aspects. These factors made the

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


changes possible. Such factors are at work in all human societies and several single examples of similar development of sense may be found in other languages. In Rumanian and Albanian, however, there are not only single examples but a high number of parallel changes of sense, most of which are not known in Greek, Vulgar Latin or in the modern Romance languages and are not simple, readily explicable “common sense” changes. Therefore, they cannot be explained by chance or by general socio-cultural or psychological factors only. As also stated by Sandfeld, they were created in a period of common and simultaneous development of the two languages. This must have been the period (or part of that period) of the Latin influence on Albanian and the Romanization of the ancestors of the Rumanians. The question of Albanian loanwords in Rumanian Before discussing this question, it must be emphasized again that the large majority of common elements in Albanian and Rumanian derive from an ancient language, spoken once by the ancestors of both populations. However, the extensive similarity between the two languages regarding the Latin influence (see above) can only be explained by contact during several centuries of Roman domination. A symbiosis between Vlachs and Albanians in the region of Ulcinj – Ragusa – Prizren in the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries is documented in Serbian deeds of gift (cf. above, p. 38). ( From earlier periods, no deeds of gift are known.) There are also Rumanian loanwords in Albanian (cf. above, pp. 37- 38). Consequently, it would not be surprizing to find Albanian loanwords in Rumanian. This possibility is also admitted by Rosetti.154 One would not expect a large number of such words, because these peoples´ way of life and their level of civilization were similar. The important Northern Rumanian word sat ´village´ shows a phonetic peculiarity of Albanian, namely the loss of its first vowel : Latin fossatum ´ditch, entrenchment´ > Alb. fshat ´village´ > (modern) N. Rum. sat ´village´. In N. Rum. texts from the 16th century, there is fsat, with the sense in Codicele Vorone_ean of ´l_ca_ în câmp´ ´dwelling, house in the field´.155 In contrast to the northern dialect, in the corresponding Arumanian word the vowel in the first syllable is preserved, because this dialect borrowed the Greek form: Latin fossatum > Greek (we give here the New Greek form) ϕουσατο ´army´ > Arum. fusáti, fus__i ´trenchwork´.156 In the case of sat, the sound pattern proves its borrowing from Albanian. 154 155 156

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 240. Ibid., p. 182. Caragiu Mario_eanu Dialectologie 1975, p. 259.



Otherwise, there are no certain criteria, and about a number of Rumanian lexical elements one may only assume with more or less probability a borrowing from Albanian: droaie ´great number, multitude; crowd, heap´ (Poghirc: “probably a recent loan from Albanian”, not accepted by Russu); ghimpe ´thorn´ (Poghirc); grap_ ´harrow´ (Pu_cariu; not accepted by Poghirc); mo_ ´old man, ancestor´ (G. Meyer and E. _,Cabej; not accepted by Poghirc). Rosetti mentions gresie, hame_, mo_, and pârâu, but adds: “We have no criteria to prove this; the possibility should not, of course, be excluded.” 157


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 240.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


Weigand158 considered that the following Northen Rumanian dialectal words used in certain areas in Transylvania may have been borrowed from Albanian: Albanian


N. Rum. dial.





mother (16th century)

dhëndër, dhândër



foreign man



far_ (in Ha_eg)



band; link


band; link


the lowest place in a ship



* This word, also existing in Greek and in Bulgarian, is of Old Germanic origin (fara); cf. Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 97. Rumanian words inherited from the substratum The numerous correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian derive mainly from the same ancient language, once spoken by the ancestors of the Albanians and the Rumanians. The Albanians have largely preserved their original language, although they borrowed very many elements from Latin during six centuries of Roman domination in the Balkan peninsula. The ancestors of the Rumanians, on the other hand, changed their language to Latin, preserving only some elements from the ancient idiom. The correspondences regarding Latin elements, however – numerous expressions in common, changes of meaning of Latin words, etc. – must have been created during a period of close contact between the two populations, during the age of Latin influence. Regarding vocabulary, these same possibilities exist, but it is difficult to decide for each word whether it was present in the ancestral language (i.e., in the substratum of Rumanian) or borrowed at a later period. There are no reliable criteria in this respect.159 However, it is most probable that THE OVERWHELMING 158


Weigand, G., Balkan-Archiv, III, 215-218; quoted by Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 254.

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 240.




die alban. Wörter zeigen erbwörtliche Behandlung im Rumänischen, sind also so alt wie seine romanischen Elemente, ein anderer Standpunkt kann sagen

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian


als bodenständig, noch älter.160 Poghirc (in ILR vol. II, 1969, pp. 327–356) discussed the lexical elements of Rumanian which may derive from the substratum, a total of 142. Russu gave an extensive presentation of such elements (Etnogeneza românilor, 1981), listing 198 words. Not a single of the etymologies from other idioms than the ancient Balkan language whose continuation is Albanian is certain, however. The only reliable criterion remains the presence of the word in question in Albanian. Rosetti (ILR 1986, pp. 240–255) presents “the common elements of the Rumanian and the Albanian vocabulary”, without referring to the substratum. (In the index, p. 794, as “substratum languages”, Dacian, Illyrian, and Thracian are given.) In the following list, we use a similar approach. It must be stated that with our present knowledge, it is not possible to create a complete list of Rumanian words which unquestionably originate from the substratum. It is, however, probable that most of the words in the list belong to this group of words, but with the following reservations: (1) It cannot be excluded that a few of them may be borrowings from Albanian. (Those which have been considered probable or possible loanwords, above, pp. 71–72, are not taken up in this list.) (2) It is scarcely probable that all lexical elements inherited from the substratum of Rumanian still exist in Albanian. In the course of time, words disappear and may be replaced by synonyms or by loanwords. Therefore, a number of words which no longer are found in Albanian may derive from the substratum. The chance that this is so is greatest for lexical elements pertaining to the same semantic categories to which most of the words shared with Albanian belong: shepherd terms, animals and plants with which a shepherd population may be familiar. Future research will probably add a number of such lexical elements to this list. (3) A few etymologies are not quite certain: thus, Alb. baltë and mágulë and corresponding Rumanian balt_, m_gur_, may be early Slavic loanwords, bollë may have been borrowed from Serbo-Croatian. The connection of Rum. noian and Alb. ujanë may also be questioned. Although only about half of these lexical elements are found in the southern dialects of Rumanian, they must have existed in Common Rumanian. Of all dialects, Northern Rumanian is best known and the southern dialects may have


Treimer, C., in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, XXXVIII, p. 40; quoted by Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 241.



lost a number of ancient words and replaced them with loanwords.161 A list of words which have been assumed to originate from the substratum of Rumanian (Poghirc in ILR vol. II 1969, and Russu, Etnogeneza 1981) is presented in Illyés Ethnic Continuity 1992, pp. 231–239. In order to facilitate the comparison of the Rumanian words with their Albanian counterparts (which in many cases are identical or very similar), we give here a list of those sounds which, although existing in both languages, are written differently: Albanian


the corresponding English pronunciation



as ts in ´curtsy´


c(i), c(e)

as ch in ´church´



as e in ´term´ (approximately)



as sh in ´she´

Albanian dh is pronounced as th in English ´they´; Alb. th as th in ´three´; Alb. j as ´year´ (or i in Rum. iad); Alb. xh as j in ´jester´, Alb. y as u in French mur (cf. Nelo Drizari, Albanian–English and English–Albanian Dictionary, New York, 1957, p. IV.) WORDS SHARED BY ALBANIAN AND RUMANIAN PRESENTED BY SEMANTIC CATEGORIES 1. Man: parts of the human body Rumanian





lip; rim, edge




nape (of the neck), backhead


neck, throat, windpipe, gullet


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 240.

F. The relation between Rumanian and Albanian ciuf, ciof

tuft (of hair), shock; crest (of birds), hair

_,cufkë, xhufkë _,cupë

tuft, fringe long hair


neck; nape; back, throat

gurmas (grumas), -zi



2. Man: sex, age, family relations Rumanian





child, infant


knight; bastard


(peior.) gaffer, old fogey


old; grandfather


old man

mishë, motshë


spîrc, spîrci

(1) beardless (2) boy, kid


beardless; raw, callow youth






girdle, belt

brez (< bren-zë)

band, bundle, connection


(high) fur cap (fig.) head



3. Clothes

4. Words pertaining to animal husbandry (sheep stock) Rumanian





shepherd in charge of a sheepfold




dung, manure

baigë, bagjë, bagëljë ( Dalmatian guapto, respectively Lat. coxa > Dalmatian kopsa. (In most other words, it was later simplified to t , under the influence of Venetian.)167 Also the gn > mn change, usual in Rumanian, appears only in single Dalmatian words: Lat. cognatus > Dalmatian komnut, Rum. cumnat; there are also 165

Mih_escu, H, Limba latin_ în provinciile dun_rene ale imperiului roman, 1960,

p. 32. 166

Cf., for example, Hadlich, R.L., The Phonological History of Vegliote, 1963, p.

86. 167

Ibid., p. 85.

examples of the mn > au change: Lat. columna > Dalmatian kelauna; Lat. damnum > Rum. daun_. The conservativism of Dalmatian regarding the Latin consonant system is explained by the fact that this system changed in the West in a period when Dalmatia was separated from the rest of the Romance languages by the Slavic occupation of the Balkan peninsula. The great difference between the socio-cultural circumstances of the Dalmatians and those of the mainly shepherd Albanians and Vlachs explains that the Dalmatian language does not belong to the idioms which constitute the Balkan Linguistic Union (cf. below). However, Dalmatian, spoken in an area of the Balkan peninsula adjacent to Italy, shows features characteristic of both Italian dialects and Balkan Latin. It was considered a link between Italian and Rumanian: A notre avis le vegliote doit ętre consideré comme un parler intermediaire entre le roman d´Italie et celui de la péninsule balkanique. Par sa phonétique et son lexique il se rapproche tantôt de l´un, tantôt de l´autre. Sa position géographique nous autorise aussi ŕ voir en lui la transition de l´italien au roumain.168 Significant are the lexical similarities, words and fine variations of meaning, SHARED BY ITALIAN DIALECTS, DALMATIAN, ALBANIAN, AND RUMANIAN. As shown above (p. 48), these are relics of the age when there was a continuum of Latin-speaking populations from Italy through Veglia and the other Dalmatian isles, and the Istrian peninsula, to the Balkans. To the examples given above, the following may be added here (Densusianu, HLR 1975 p. 227): Latin *excotere, Dalmatian skutro, Rumanian scoate ´to take/draw/pull out, to produce´: Dalmatian blaj me skutro joint daint, N. Rum. vreau s_-mi scot un dinte ´I want a tooth to be pulled´. Dalmatian (the Ragusa dialect) lundro, Alb. l´undrë, Rum. luntre ´boat´ and luntre, luntri, etc. in (mosty southern) Italian dialects. Lat. singulus, Dalmatian sanglo, Rum. singur ´alone; only´: Dalmatian sanglo signaur nuestro, Rum. singurul st_pân al nostru ´our only Lord´. Singulus was in most other Romance languages replaced by solus, although it appears in a number of dialects. It should be remembered that the Dalmatian language is not known in detail and it is therefore impossible to decide more exactly its relation to Rumanian.169

168 169

Densusianu HLR (1975), p. 226. Ibid., p. 227.


H. The Balkan Linguistic Union The populations of the Balkan peninsula have had intensive, mutual contacts with each other for many centuries. With the exception of the Croatians and the Turks, they have adhered to the same Church (after 1050 AD theGreek Orthodox) and have continued the traditions of Byzantium. They were exposed to Greek and Byzantine civilization, and absorbed a large amount of Greek material and spiritual culture. Some of these peoples were predominantly shepherds and their wanderings may have contributed to the spread of elements of civilization and popular culture. As a result, these populations have very many features in common in all fields of human activity: architecture, costumes, foods, popular art and literature, popular beliefs and, last but not least, language. The most ancient populations of the Balkans are the Greeks and the Albanians. The ancestors of the Rumanians (of the Northern Rumanians, Istrorumanians, the Arumanians and the Meglenites) also belonged to the ancient populations of the Balkan peninsula. At present, however, the great majority of them are living north of the lower Danube and have no direct contacts with the Greeks and the Albanians. Slavs (ancestors of the Bulgarians, the Serbians, the Croatians, and the Slovenes) have been living in the Balkan peninsula since the 6th century AD. The Turks, coming from Asia Minor, dominated large parts of the peninsula from the 14th century on but occupy at present the southeastern corner only. The Balkan languages belong to different Indo-European groups: Greek, Romanized Illyrian, Thracian or other ancient Balkan populations, Slavic; as well as Turkish (Osmanli), the only non-Indo-European group. The similiarities in phraseology and syntax are most numerous between ALBANIAN, RUMANIAN, AND BULGARIAN, these are by certain authors called Balkan languages OF THE FIRST GRADE, THEY ARE IN THE CORE AREA OF THE 170 BALKAN LANGUAGES . (Serbo-Croatian belongs to those of the second grade, in the peripheral zone [Randzone]). “Quite often, only vocabulary and morphology change and the manner of expression remains essentially the same throughout all the territory occupied by these languages.”171 Balkanisms appear equally in the speech of Northern Rumanians living in the Timok valley, south of the Danube, in Transylvania, Muntenia or Moldavia.172 Rosetti173 presents the correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian under the heading “Balkanisms”. He states that it is not always possible to know the origin of a 170 171

Cf. Solta, Einführung in die Balkanlinguistik..., 1980, p. 7. Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 6.


Obviously, Common Rumanian contained all these elements; later, Arumanian was exposed to a strong Greek influence; the speakers of this dialect are surrounded by a Greek population to which many of them are being assimilated. 173

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 259.

H. The Balcan Linguistic Union certain feature: they may be the effect of the substratum, or of the prolonged and close symbiosis between the different populations, influencing each other, of which most influence emanated from Greek, which is explained by the superior Greek civilization. Out of those nine Balkan features discussed by Rosetti, five were presented above, under the heading “The relationship between Rumanian and Albanian,” p. 60, because they are characteristic of these two languages and are most probably explained by the effect of the substratum of Rumanian, i.e., by Proto-Albanian. The definite article appeared in Latin in the 7th century AD; its postposition, also present in Albanian, is probably explained by Greek influence. The change in the use of the infinitive has the same explanation; these changes will be therefore presented under the influence of Greek, in the following section. The first author who called attention to the peculiar relationships existing among the Balkan languages was Kopitar, in Wiener Jahrbücher der Litteratur, XLVI, 1829. Later, F. Miklosich, H. Schuchardt, G. Meyer, and G. Weigand have assembled much material in this field. A detailed, systematic presentation of the intimate relationships between Greek, Albanian, Rumanian, Bulgarian, SerboCroatian, and, to a much lesser extent, Turkish, was published in 1930 by K. Sandfeld (Linguistique Balkanique – Problčmes et résultats, Paris). A shorter survey was more recently written by Solta (Einführung in die Balkanlinguistik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Substrats und des Balkanlateinischen, 1980). The idea of a “Balkan Linguistics” has been criticized by A. Graur, who argued that this cannot exist in the same sense as, for example, “Indo-European linguistics” or “Romance linguistics”: Remplacer dans la linguistique la notion de parenté par celle d´ ´affinité´, comme on veut le faire maintenant, c´est accorder a la phonétique et męme au vocabulaire et ŕ la syntax le pas sur la morphologie; c´est, par conséquent, remplacer l´essentiel par le superficiel.174 Graur considered that one only can talk about “relationships of borrowings, of influences, but not about Balkan linguistics”. However, in the last decades, scientific journals of Balkanology have been published and congresses are oganized (since the first Congress of Balkanology in Sofia, 1966), particularly in the Balkan countries.175 The investigation of the features shared by the Balkan languages seems quite justified. The results are valuable information about problems of interaction between languages, as well as 174

A. Graur, “Coupe d´oeil sur la linguistique balkanique”, Bulletin linguistique, Bucure_ti, IV,1936, pp. 31–45; quoted by Russu LTD 1967, p. 191. 175

Cf. , for example, Solta, Einführung in die Balkanlinguistik..., 1980, p. VII. Solta gives also a theoretical discussion of the problem.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN language change, and may also contribute to the elucidation of historical problems. Rosetti presents these relationships in detail (Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 225–60) under the heading “The Balkan Linguistic Union” (Uniunea lingvistic_ balcanic_). His articles pertaining to this problem were published in one volume in 1985: La linguistique balkanique suivie par le nouveau en linguistique dans l´oevre de A. Rosetti, Bucharest.

I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian Morphology and syntax The verb: (a) The construction of the future tense The future tense is in Greek, in the southern (Tosc) dialect of Albanian, in Bulgarian, in Serbo-Croatian, and in Rumanian constructed by the use of an auxiliary with the original sense ´will´. This is not unusual, being also found in English, in the Scandinavian languages, in French dialects, etc. The Balkan languages have, however, also many details in the construction of the future tense in common. In Greek, Θελω + infinitive in the construction of the future tense is found since the first centuries AD; in Bulgarian, the oldest texts have hošta ´I want´ + infinitive, and Serbo-Croatian, _u dati or da-_u ´I want to give´. In Rumanian , voi cînta, in old texts often cînta-voiu ´I want to sing´ is usual. Because of the decrease in the use of the infinitive, Θελω γραϕειν became Θελω να γραϕω (not being used as a future, the modern sense of this is ´I want to write´.) The counterparts of this construction are found in Bulgarian and in Rumanian. In N. Rumanian, voiu s_ scriu ´I shall write´ is in old texts used parallel with voiu + infinitive: vedea ve_i cum nu va s_ poat_, and, on the same page, vedea ve_i cum nu va putea ´you will see that he will not be able´.176 In Serbo-Croatian, the construction of the type ´voi s_ scriu´ means in general ´I want to write´, but in areas adjacent to Rumanian and Bulgarian, it has the sense of the future (´I shall write´).177 In Middle Greek, the construction Θε να γραϕω appears, in which Θε is an abbreviated form of the third person of the verb Θελει. This has a perfect counterpart in Albanian: do të shkruaj ´I shall write´, where do is the third person singular of dua ´I will´ (dua të shkruaj means ´I want to write´). The construction is similar in Northern Rumanian: ´o s_ scriu´, where o is an abbreviated form of va, the third person singular of voiu. Arumanian preserved this form: va si scriu.

176 177


Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 182. Meyer-Lübke, Toblerabhandlungen, p. 112, quoted by Sandfeld LB 1930, p.

I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian This verb is a synonym of vrea ´want´ but its origin is non-Latin: it derives from the noun voie ´will, volition´, a Slavic loanword.178 Later, the conjunction να disappeared in Middle Greek: Θε να γραϕω became Θε γραϕω. The same development is seen in Albanian,where do shkruaj often appears parallel with do të shkruaj; as well as in the southern subdialect of Arumanian, where va scriu is found together with va si scriu. In Bulgarian, this is the most usual construction, especially in Macedonia (k´e, k´a, _e piša). In N. Rum., however, this development is not found.


Lombard, A., La langue Roumaine. Une présentation, 1974, p. 275.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN The future tense may also be formed with the auxiliary of the counterparts of ´have´ (Latin habeo): Alb. (Tosc) kam me shkruem, N. Rum. am s_ scriu, Bulg. imam da piša ´I shall write´. Also this is found in Byzantine Greek.179 In old N. Rum. texts, there is also am + a + infinitive: n´am a te l_sa ´I shall not let you´, which is the perfect counterpart of Alb. kam + me + infinitive. In Albanian, the admirative, constructed by the Gheg infinitive without me and with kam put after, was originally future tense and existed all over the territory of Albanian. The construction of the future by the auxiliary corresponding to ´have´+ infinitive is ancient in this language and the type ´will´ + infinitive is an innovation, probably coming from Greek.180

(b) The tendency to replace the infinitive In Greek, the infinitive is used only in the unusual construction of the future tense Θελω γραϕει and is otherwise not used as a verbal form, being preserved only as a substantive. This is present already in the translations of the Bible from the first centuries AD. In the other Balkan languages, the situation of the infinitive is as follows: Albanian: In the Tosc (southern) dialect, the infinitive is only used in some isolated cases, as do me thënë ´that is to say´. In the Gheg dialect, on the other hand, the infinitive, preceded by me, is used as in other languages. Rumanian: (a) Northern Rumanian has two forms of infinitive: the longer form has become a substantive (lucrare ´work´), while the shorter one, often preceded by a for example a lucra ´ to work´, may, in many instances, be used as the infinitive in the other Romance languages. It is, however, in the majority of cases replaced by a subordinated clause with the verb in the subjunctive, and introduced by the conjunction corresponding to English ´that´. “Plus le style est aisé, populaire, moins on trouve d´infinitifs.”181 Also Arumanian preserved the infinitive, as N. Rum., with the ending -re, as a verbal substantive and in a petrified state in va h´i ´may be´, lit. ´it will be´, but replaced it in all other cases by subordinated clauses. In Meglenitic, the constructions with subordinated clauses prevail, although the infinitive may be used in those cases it also is used in Bulgarian. In Istro-Rumanian, whose speakers are living in close contact with

179 180 181

Dietrich, Untersuchungen, 246; quoted by Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 184. Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 185. Lombard Langue Roum 1974, p. 285.

I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian Croats and Italians, the infinitive is used as in other languages and the substitution by subordinated clauses is unusual. In Bulgarian, the infinitive is used in isolated cases only. In Serbo-Croatian, the use of the infinitive is the rule, although it may be substituted by subordinated clauses. This situation suggests that the tendency to evade the infinitive started in Greek and spread northward.182 What is of most significance is not the partial disappearanec of the infinitive but the fact that ALL BALKAN LANGUAGES REPLACE IT EXACTLY IN THE SAME WAY, i.e., THAT A HOMOGENOUS SYSTEM OF 183 SUBORDINATED CLAUSES TO REPLACE IT DEVELOPED IN THESE LANGUAGES. “The conjunctive is in these languages introduced by the conjunctions të, da, and s_ (the use of s_ [< si] with the conjunctive is also characteristic, instead of c_ [< quod], which would be expected )...”184 The word sequence in these clauses follows also the same system in the above mentioned languages: “it is a rule without an exception that the verb follows immediately the conjunction and may only be separated from it by a negative, an adjunctive pronoun or a particle.” 185 In Greek, Albanian, and Rumanian, clauses with a final sense are constructed with the above mentioned conjunctions and the subjunctive. The Slavic languages have no subjunctive, but Bulgarian formed one by da + verb. For example: Greek δος µου να πιω ´give me (something) to drink´, Alb. a-me të pi, N. Rum. d_-mi s_ beau, Bulgarian daj mi da pija ´id.´. Characteristic is the procedure of replacing the infinitive forms with those of the conjunctive and the fact that the phenomenon appears in a handful of languages which may be grouped in a “linguistic union”. The concordance between the languages of the “linguistic union” must be explained by the influence of one language on the other, and not only by the fact that the phenomenon appears among languages spoken in the same region (Meillet, Revue internationale des études balkaniques, I, p. 29 ff.). The facts from southern Italy make it possible to prove this assertion. In the Italian dialects spoken today in the south of Calabria and in Terra d´Otranto, where Greeks have been living since the antique era, the infinitive, without having disappeared, is not popular; the tendency is to replace it with personal formations introduced by the conjunctions mu, mi, ma, and pemmu ( Arumanian stur, Greek τρυϕη > N. Rum. truf_, trufie); after that century, to yu or i: Greek µυστριον > N.Rum. mistrie.188 For words not containing this sound, there are no certain chronologic criteria. Old loanwords from Greek are, in Rumanian and Bulgarian (and those underlined also in Albanian): broatec, bunceag, ciul, cium_, ciutur_, busuioc, colib_, corabie, farmec, fric_, jur, martur, papur_, proasp_t, putin_, sterp, stup, stur, truf_. 189 “The similar treatment of some sounds in Greek words in southern Italy and of the corresponding sounds in words of Greek origin in Rumanian is explained by the contacts between the Greek language spoken in southern Italy and in the Danubian region.”190 Some examples of Greek lexical elements in Rumanian will be mentioned here, out of those 18 given by Rosetti (ILR 1986 pp. 214–215). Most of these are also found in Albanian, many also in southern Italian dialects as well as in Bulgarian. Northern Rumanian am_gi, Arumanian amayi_, amai_ ´to deceive; to seduce´ < Ancient Greek µαγευω ´to enchant, to charm´, found also in several Italian dialects, and in Sardinian. N. Rum. cuteza, Arum. cutidzari ´to dare´ < Greek κοτταβιζο ´jouer au cottabe´, Albanian kuxoj, guxoj. N. Rum. mîngîia ´to caress, to console; séduire´, Albanian méngji ´medicine, Zauberei´, mëngjim ´healing´ < Greek µαγγανευω ´user de philtres´. N. Rum. sterp, Arum. sterpu, Meglenitic sterp ´sterile´, Albanian shterpë ´sterile, which does not give birth this year´ < Greek στεριϕος ´unfruchtbar´. N. Rum. urm_, Arum. ulm_, urm_, Meglenitic urm_, ´trace´, Italian ormare nach´spüren´, orma ´trace´, Alb. gjurmë ´footprint´ < Greek ορµος ´Geruch´. N. Rum. zeam_, Arum. dzam_, ´juice; sauce, sap´, Albanian dhjamë ´fat, grease; 188 189 190

Ibid., p. 213. Ibid., p. 212.

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 213, referring to I . Fischer, “Observations sur la forme et la chronologie de quelques emprunts grecs en latin vulgaire”, Revue roumaine de lingustique, XIX, 1974, fasc. 6, p, 509–517.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN juice´ < Greek ζεµα ´decoct, juice´. A list of Greek lexical elements which exist in all Balkan languages is given by Sandfeld (LB 1930):







αργατης worker





farm hand, servant








dháfen (dafíne)




laurel tree






way, road







καµατος work, labor,

kamate gamate







kórab (Old B: korabli, korabi)






keramida, garamida








crevat (Mold.)







cup, bowl

τριαντα− ϕυλλον

trëndafíl, trandafil







zográf ´painter of churches´


(house) painter

µωρε, µορη

(masc) moré



m_re, m_ri,


I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian (µωρος simpleto

(fem) mori, mojë

mori, mari

m_i, m_



Also many verbs were borrowed, often derived from the aorist.191 The subjunctive of the aorist has an important role in Greek as present perfect and is


Tense denoting simple occurence, without limitations as to continuance, etc.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN used also in cases in which other languages use the infinitive:192 Rumanian



manage, save, provide for



to be missing



to punish


to arrive




κυβερνω εκυβερ− νησα to govern


λειπω, ελ ειψα







Calabria) to correct

σωνω, εσ ωσα

sos ´to be enough´

sósvam to be enough


In Rumanian, these verbs have taken the accent of such verbs as vorbí; thus: pedepsí, sosí, etc. Albanian and Bulgarian preserved the accent on the syllable where it is in the subjunctive of the aorist in Greek: Alb.: qivërrís, Bulg.: pedéps-vam, corresponding to Greek να χυβερνησω and να παιδεψω, respectively. A large number of Greek verbs were borrowed by N. Rumanian in the 18th and early 19th century, when _ara Româneasc_ and Moldavia were vassal states of Turkey and were governed by Greek lords originating from a district of Constantinople called Fanar (the Fanariot-period). With these, the total number of verbs of Greek origin in N. Rum. is about 100.193 As shown by their sound pattern, many N. Rum. words of Greek origin were transferred to Rumanian via Bulgarian and in a smaller number also via Albanian and Turkish. 192

These examples are given on the basis of a list completed by Miklosich; quoted by Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 19. Cf. also Lombard, A., Le verbe roumain. Étude morphologique, II, Lund, 1955, pp. 802–803. 193

Lombard Verbe 1955, p. 802.

I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian Thus, Greek καλιβα > Bulgarian koliba > N. Rumanian colib_, (but Albanian kalive); and Greek καραβι > Bulgarian korab > N. Rum. corabie (but Albanian karaf). If these words had been borrowed directly from Greek, the N. Rum. forms would be *c_liv_ and *c_rave, respectively. Also c_lug_r ´monk´, hor_ ´dance´, and ieftin ´cheap´, originally Greek words, were by Rumanian borrowed from Bulgarian. An example of a Greek word transferred to N. Rum. via Albanian is m_tr_gun_: Greek µανδραγορα Albanian matërgonë > N. Rum m_tr_gun_ ´deadly nightshade (Atropa Belladonna)´. In many cases, the same Greek word appears in the Balkan languages in different forms. This is explained by the fact that different variants of the corresponding Greek words were borrowed. Thus, Greek ϕαρµαχον gave N. Rum. fármec ´charm, spell; enchantment´ (with the accent on the first syllable), while Arumanian, Albanian, and Bulgarian borrowed the Greek form ϕαρµακι, resulting in Arum. f_rmac, and Albanian farmák.194 A suffix of Greek origin for forming of names is known in Rumanian: -ache, from Greek -αχης: Michalache, Vasilache, etc. Loan translations Besides the borrowing of lexical elements, the Greek influence resulted also in a large number of loan translations (calques) in the Balkan languages: Latin conventus ´district court, session, agreement´, Albanian kuvendój ´I discuss, I hold conversation´, N. Rum. cuvânt ´word´. Old Bulgarian suboru ´meeting´ developed in modern Bulgarian to sbor ´meeting; word, conversation´, with the verb sborúvam ´to talk´. Also Serbo-Croatian has zbor ´conversation´ and zboriri ´to talk´. In Greek, there are οµιλια and οµιλεω modern µιλω and it is very probable that the change of sense: meeting > word originated from Greek. N. Rum. a cununa, Albanian kunurzój or vë kunorë, Bulgarian vencavam, Serbo-Croatian vjencati ´to crown; to marry´ (N. Rum. cununie ´wedding, marriage, ceremony; bride´s or bridegroom´s wreath´). This expression originates from στεϕανονω, a Greek marriage ritual. N. Rum. binecuvânta ´to bless, to cross; to praise´, Bulg. blagoslavjam, SerboCroatian blagoslaviti, Russian blagoslavljati were all constructed according to Greek ευλογϖ βλογω. N. Rum. s_pt_mâna mare, Alb. java e madhe, Serbo-Croatian velika nedelja ´Passion week´, lit. ´great week´, reflect Greek η µεγαλη εβδοµασ. This expression is also found in Hungarian: nagyhét (cf. also nagypéntek ´Good194

Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 23.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN Friday, lit. ´Great Friday´). Rumanian and Serbo-Croatian have, parallel with this expression, also ´Passion Week´: s_pt_mâna patimilor and strasna nedelja, respectively. N. Rum s_pt_mâna brânzei, Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian sirna nedelja, Russian syrnaja (nedelja) ´Shrovetide´, lit. ´the week of cheese´, on the pattern of Greek η τυρινη (εβδοµας) the week of cheese´. N. Rum. buric ´navel, umbilical cord; the centre of something´, for example buricul p_mântului ´the centre of the world´, Arum. buriclu a p_duril´ei ´the interior of the forest´, Albanian kërthíjëza e Afrikëzë ´the interior of Africa´. Greek οµϕαλος has the sense of both ´navel, umbilical cord´ and ´centre´. N. Rum. buz_ ´lip; rim, edge, border; mouth, opening´- Arum. budza and Albanian buzë, as well as Greek χειλος have since ancient times the sense of both ´lip´ and ´rim, edge´. “He quarrels with his wife” is expressed by saying “he eats himself with his wife” in Greek: τρωγετα µε την γυναικα, in Albanian: hahetë me shoqenë, in N.Rumanian: se m_nânc_ cu nevasta, and in Bulgarian: jade se s_ _enata. Greek στρωνω ´to lay out, to strech out´ is also used in the following senses: στρωνω το τραπεζι ´to lay the table´ and στρωνω το χρεββατι ´to make the bed´. N. Rum. a a_terne patul, or only a a_terne, Bulg. postilam postelja, Alb. shtrój ´to make the bed´; Rum. a_ternut, Bulg. postelja, postelka, Alb. shtrúarate and Rum. strat, Alb. shtrat (< Latin stratum) ´bed´. There are also N.Rum. a a_terne masa, Bulg. postiljam masata, and Alb. shtroj ´to lay the table´. Rum. a a_terne and Alb. shtroj ´to spread (out), to lay´ derive from Lat. sterno, -ere, stravi, stratum ´to lay out, to strech out; to level, to calm; to cover´, sternere lectum ´to lay pillows in a resting place´, sternere torum ´the make the bed´. Thus, Lat. sternere had at least one of the above mentioned senses (´to make the bed´). This sense is, however, not found in the other Romance languages, only in Rumanian. It seems obvious that the the situation in Rumanian, Albanian, and Bulgarian developed under the influence of Greek στρωνω with its two senses. Here are some other examples of calques from Greek to Rumanian, Albanian, and Bulgarian: Greek




ψηνω to bake ψηµενος ripe

coace bake; ripen copt baked; ripe

pjek to bake pjekur baked; ripe

ολο κλαιει he weeps all the time

totdeauna – always tot plânge – he

gjithënjë always gjith qan – he weeps all the time

vse-edno – always; all the same vse place – he weeps all the

I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian time

weeps all the time ´ςπολλα ετη (να ζησης) to many years σπολλατι thank you

la mul_i ani to many years* mul_umi to thank, to have enough

për shumë mot to many years*

za mnogo godini – to many years*

* A toast: “to live a long time!”

In Rumanian, astfel ´so, thus, in this way´ may be used instead of a demonstrative pronoun with the verb ´listen´. This usage is frequent in Greek: το βασιλοπουλο ακουντας ετσι ´when the prince heard this´; in the New Testament, St. Mark, 2. 12: ουτως ουδεποτε ειδαµεν ´we never saw it on this fashion´(in the Vulgate: nunquam sic vidimus ). The same is the case in Albanian and Rumanian: si pa djali ashtú ´when the boy has seen this´, and auzind astfel împeratul ´when the emperor heard this´. The Greek influence exerted through translations of the Bible In Rumanian, Albanian, and Bulgarian one says ´I ask a word of you´, I say a word to you´ with the sense of ´I ask something of you´ and ´I say something to you´, respectively: Alb.: do të të pjes dembëdhjetë llafë ´I will ask you twelve questions´, Rumanian am s_-_i spun o vorb_ ´I have something to say to you´, te-a_ întreba de o vorb_ ´I would like to ask you a question´, lit. ´... to say a word, to ask you a word´, respectively. It is very usual in all Rumanian dialects to add de zile ´of days´ to the words s_pt_mân_, lun_, and an (´week´, ´month´, and ´year´, respectively): un an de zile ´a whole year´, etc. This is the case also in Serbo-Croatian: mesac dana ´a month (of days)´, in the south-western dialects of Bulgarian: cela edna nedela dni ´a whole week´, and in the northern dialects of Albanian: një javë dit ´a week (of days)´. It is very probable that these usages (the addition of “of days´” to year etc., and “a word” instead of “something”) originate from Hebrew and were conveyd to the Balkan languages by the Greek translations of the Bible. Rosetti (ILR 1986, pp. 256–258) mentions 26 such cases, including expressions such as “don´t intermingle”, “unsteady whether”, “to have the right to something”, “to frighten” (´to put somebody into the earth´), “to annoy somebody”, etc. These are only a very small part of the Greek influence on Rumanian and the other Balkan languages; Papahagi collected not less than 451 (fourhundred and fiftyone) such common features. Sandfeld stated (LB 1930, p. 205): “one would not exaggerate saying that it is an exception when these

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN languages differ completely as regards phraseology.” 195 Summary and concluding remarks


Some more important monographs dealing with the relationships between the Balkan languages ( the “Balkan Lingustic Union”) are the following: Pu_cariu, S., “Studii _i noti_e filologice”, Convorbiri literare, 38, 1904, p. 461 ff., and 39, p. 50. Papahagi, P., “Parallele Ausdrücke und Redensarten im Rumänischen, Albanischen, Neugriechischen und Bulgarischen”, Jahresbericht des Institutes für rumänische Sprache, Leipzig, 14, p. 113 ff. Philippide, A., Originea românilor II, 1927, Ia_i, p. 691 ff. _,Cabej, E., “Parallele Ausdrücke und Redensarten in den Balkan-sprachen”, Revue internationale des études balkaniques, Beograd, 2, 226 ff. Solta, G.R., Einführung in die Balkanlinguistik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Substrats und des Balkanlateinischen, Darmstadt, 1980. Jokl, Litteris, 4, 195 ff. Sandfeld, K., Linguistique Balkanique, Copenhagen, 1930. Rosetti, A., Istoria limbii române, 1986 (“definitive edition”), pp. 256–258. Rosetti, A., Linguistique balkanique, (a collection of the author´s articles about the subject), Bucure_ti, 1985.

I. The Greek influence upon Rumanian The age in which the Balkan languages borrowed this large amount of Greek elements and elements of speech from one another, cannot be determined in all cases. The ancestors of the Rumanians and the Albanians received the first Greek influence on their language during the age of Balkan Latin. These words are to be considered Latin, although of Greek origin: for example, angelus, baptizare, blasphemare, pascha, etc. Summarizing the results of a study by H. Mih_escu, Coteanu and D_n_il_ conclude that “almost all words of Ancient Greek origin found in the Rumanian language were, in fact, borrowed by the Latin language and, with rare exceptions, their evolution in Rumanian was identical with that of the inherited Latin terms.”196 After the age of Balkan Latin, the Byzantine period followed. Beginning with the 6th–7th centuries, a large number of Greek words were transferred to Rumanian, e.g., ieftin, folos, a lipsi, a mirosi, a p_r_si, proasp_t, prisos, etc. Words transferred latest in the 10th century are found in all Rumanian dialects. That this era, beginning with the 6th century, was significant and must have been of considerable duration is shown by the fact that the Bulgarian language contains most of the typical Balkan elements shared by Albanian and Rumanian. The speech of the Bulgarians cannot have significantly been influenced by Greek (or Albanian and Rumanian) before the 6th century, when the Slavs migrated in large groups to the Balkan peninsula. In the first South Slavic texts, written in the 10th and 11th centuries, a considerable number of Greek words appear, many of which belong to religious terminology. It is obvious that the parallelisms between the Balkan languages can only be explained by the influence of one language on the other; it is not sufficient to state that several peoples were living in the same territory (e.g., in the “CarpathoDanubian area”). A situation of virtually general bilingualism must be assumed; many people knew Greek and many of them also one or more other neighbouring languages. The local character of these parallelisms is indicated by the fact that for instance, Serbo-Croatian is a much less of a typical Balkan language than Albanian, the northern dialect of Albanian is less affected than the southern, and also Bulgarian shows some dialectal differences in this respect, Balkanisms being more numerous in Macedonia. In the centuries in question, the ancestors of the Rumanians cannot have been living north of the Danube or even along both shores of it, not even in northern Serbia, where placenames and geographgical names of Rumanian origin still are extant. The fact that Rumanian belongs to the Balkan languages of the first grade can only been explained if one considers that they lived in (parts of) Macedonia and adjacent areas (cf. also below, pp. 257-258).


Mih_escu, H., Influen__ greceasc_ asupra limbii române pân_ în secolul al XVlea, 1966; quoted by Coteanu & D_n_il_ Introd Lingv 1970, p. 221.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic The Bulgars, a Turk people from the steppes north of the Black Sea, subjugated during the 7th century the Slavs living in the northeastern parts of the Balkan peninsula and founded, in 679, the Bulgarian Empire. During the 8th and 9th centuries, Bulgaria expanded in a western and southwestern direction, occupying Serdica (Sofia), part of the Timok valley and Macedonia. The Bulgarians were Christianized in 865 AD. (A short summary of the early history of Bulgaria was given above, pp. 21–26). The Serbs occupied the region of the rivers Lim, Ibar, the Western Morava and the lake Scutari in the course of the 7th and 8th centuries. At the end of the 11th century, they expanded eastward and their new centre became Ras, in the region where Novipazar is today. There was the seat of the Nemanja-family whose documents, from the beginning of the 13th century, contain much information about the Vlachs living in their territory (cf. above, pp. 26–29). The Serbs also expanded in a southern direction and occupied the region of Pe_, Prizren, Kosovopolje, and finally, in the middle of the 14th century, parts of Epirus and Thessaly. Between the Bulgarians in the east and the Serbs in the west, in the centre of the Balkan peninsula, an intensively Romanized region was preserved for a long time after the migration of the Slavs to the Balkans. This circumstance is considered to have been of decisive importance, leading to the differentiation of the initially uniform South Slavic language.197

1. A CHRONOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE SOUTH SLAVIC INFLUENCE The question of the oldest Slavic loanwords East Latin borrowed the name of the Slavic tribe Slovene in the form Sclavus or Sclavinus; plur. Sclavi or Sclavini at the time of the first contacts with the Slavs. The word is attested to in Latin texts from the 6th century onwards. The Northern Rumanian form is _chiau, plur. _chei, Arumanian _cl´eau. From East Latin, it was transferred to Albanian: shqa, plur. shqe (which in that language means ´Bulgarian´) and to Byzantine Greek: Σκλαβοι. Five words are with considerable certainty accepted as being of Slavic origin


van Wijk, Weigand, cf. Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 144.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic and borrowed during the East Latin period:198 alti_ _ ´string of ornaments on a peasant shirt; shirt´ dalt_ ´chisel´ (shows Slavic consonant group without metathesis). mocirl_ ´marsh, morass´ scovard_ ´pancake´ smântân_ ´(sour) cream´ (shows the an > ân change). There are a few words from this early period which may be of Slavic origin or transferred to Rumanian via Slavic. They also may have been borrowed simultaneously by South Slavic and Rumanian from a third language and four of them (balt_, gard, m_gur_, and m_tur_) may derive from the substratum: balt_

marsh, moor, morass






master, sovereign


boyard, master, mister




hill, hillock



The oldest Slavic loanwords in Rumanian show the sound patterns of South Slavic before the end of the 8th century:


Mih_il_ Studii 1973, p. 22.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN (1) Slavic *_ , *_, correspond to Rum. u: Old Slavic *magula > Latin *magula, Rum. m_gur_; s_ta (Old Slavic c_to > s_to) > Latin *suta > Rumanian sut_, *met_la > Latin *metula > Rumanian m_tur_.199 (2) Slavic a (later changed to o ) corresponds to Rum. a : Old Slavic *slav_ne > Latin sclavus, Rum. _chiau. (3) The Slavic consonant groups talt, tart, are preserved: Rum. dalt_. A number of early Slavic loanwords, existing in Common Rumanian, are listed by Matilda Caragiu-Mario_eanu (p. 261): Slavic


N. Rumanian







niveástî (mveástî)


woman, wife,




idleness, laziness












shovel; spade




hem; coat tail; foot (of a hill)





This oldest stratum of South Slavic loanwords, common to all Rumanian dialects, contains about 70 words.200 These existed in Common Rumanian, before the separation of the dialects around 1000 AD. Some of these words underwent formal or semantic changes during the process of borrowing. Common Rumanian constructed new words by adding Latin prefixes to Slavic lexical elements: South Slavic vrteti ´to turn, to twist, to wind etc.´ was borrowed and prefixed with Latin ´in´: N. Rum. învârtesc, Arum. anvîrtescu, Meglenitic anv_rtes, ´I whirl, spin: dance, etc. Slavic plesti ´to plait, to braid´, became by the same procedure N.


P_tru_, I., Studii de limba român_ _i slavistic_, 1974, p. 106. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 251 does not accept the Slavic etymology of m_gur_ (Albanian magulë ´hill´): there is Sardinian moγoro ´small hill´. 200

Popovi_, I., Geschichte der serbokroatischen Sprache, 1960, p. 200.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic Rum. împletesc, Arum. mpletescu, Meglenite amplites ´I knit, weave´. An example of a Slavic word borrowed by Rumanian with a changed sense is loviti ´to hunt; to seize´ > N. Rum. a lovi ´to strike, to hit, to attack´. Slavic ko_a ´skin´ > Common Rumanian *coj_ (Arum.and N. Rum. coaj_) ´shell, crust, rind´.201 The chronology of the Slavic loans in Rumanian (1) Most Rumanian words of Slavic origin show metathesis of the groups talt, tart: N. Rum. brazd_, gr_din_, grajd, etc. This change occurred in Old Slavic in the 9th century. (2) In most of these words which contain the wowel in question, Old Slavic a is rendered by o : clopot, co_, gol. This Slavic a changed to o, probably in the 8th - 9th centuries. (3) The vocatives in -o appeared in Slavic in the 9th century, from which Rum. fato, Silvio, badeo. (4) Slavic in corresponds to Rumanian _ into the 12th century. (5) Slavic y corresponds to Rumanian i from the end of the 11th century. (6) Bulgarian o,_ (nasal o) corresponds, until the 11th century, to Rumanian un, um. In words borrowed from the 12th century on, the corresponding groups are în, îm. In all Rumanian dialects, there are words of Slavic origin containing un, um (scump, munc_, etc.) sa well as în, îm. However, in the placenames of South Slavic origin of Rumania, only în, îm are found: e.g., Dâmbova, from Old Slavic do,_bova ´with oaks´, Glâmbo(a)ca, from Old Slavic glo,_boka ´deep´. This shows that the Slavic placenames were transferred to N. Rum. earliest during the 12th century. (Placenames with un, um exist, of course, but these were given by a Rumanian population using a Rumanian word, e.g. Dumbrava. ) (7) The Slavic consonant groups tj, kt´, dj appear in Rumanian as št, _d (written _t, jd), a specific Bulgarian feature. (8) Bulgarian _ resulted in Rumanian ´a (ea). (9) Slavic r, l > Rumanian îr, îl.


Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 200.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN There are LATIN WORDS WHICH WERE TRANSFERRED TO RUMANIAN VIA SLAVIC: Latin mat_rus > Bulg. mátor, Serbo-Croatian mátor (with the accent on the first syllable) > Rum. mátur ´adult; mature´ (in case of inheritance from Latin, it would be *matúr). Similarly, Latin sec_rus was not inherited by Rumanian but borrowed via Serbo-Croatian: síg_ran, as shown by the place of the accent in N. Rum. sígur. N. Rum. o_et < Latin acetum ´vinegar´ contains a Slavic o instead of Latin a, and _ (ts) instead of c(e).202 The age of the most intense Slavic influence on Northern Rumanian After the separation of the Common Rumanian population into a northern and a southern group around the year 1000, the northern group was exposed to a powerful South Slavic (predominantly Bulgarian) influence. To those 70 lexical elements borrowed during the Common Rumanian period, were, in the following centuries, added thousands of Slavic words. These show the sound pattern of Middle Bulgarian (12th century – early 13th century). They are found all over the territory where Northern Rumanian is spoken. The Slavic influence after the 13th century The more recent Slavic elements of Northern Rumanian are characterized by features of the respective Slavic language and by the fact that most of them only exist in certain areas, namely in the vicinity of the Slavic language in question. The Serbo-Croatian influence is found in the region adjacent to the territory of the Serbs, mostly in the Banat. Most of them are dated to the 15th century or later periods. (Ancient Serbian elements in Rumanian are few.) Ukrainian elements appear in the northeastern parts of the Northern Rumanian territory. They date earliest from the 12th–14th centuries, as indicated by the fact that they show the h > g change which took place in Ukrainian in that period.203


Ibid. Mih_il_ Studii 1973, p. 46.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic

The palatalization of the labials in spoken Rumanian, as well as the palatalization of the dental occlusives (d, t, n) in certain N. Rum. dialects were, indirectly, caused by Slavic influence. The e > ie change at the begining of a syllable: el ´he´, pronounced iel, is explained by the fact that in Slavic, the palatal vowels (_, e, _, i ) are iodized. The surd laryngeal spirant h disappeared early in Vulgar Latin; it probably never existed in East Latin.204 In contrast, it is found in all Rumanian dialects. It may originate (a) from the substratum and/or (b) from the large Slavic word stock borrowed by Rumanian containing h (e.g., Old Slavic xari > Rum. har).205 The change of Latin sce, sci into rum. _te, _ti (Latin piscem > Rum. pe_te, Lat. scio > Rum. _tiu, etc.) may be caused by Slavic influence.206 Rosetti explains the iodization of e , the appearance of h , as well as the loan translations (see below) by Rumanization of a large number of Slavs who, learning Rumanian, preserved certain traits of their original language.207 Morphology Declension The feminine form of the vocative: soro, Anico, reproduces the vocative of the Slavic feminine nouns ending in -a : nominative, glava, vocative, glavo. In Slavic, the masculine nouns ending in o have, in the vocative, -e. The Rumanian vocative in e probably comes from Latin (lupe, in Vulgar Latin: Alexandre) but its use was reinforced by the Slavic vocative.208 The numerals

204 205 206 207 208

ILR 1969, p. 38. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 277; ILR 1969, p. 321. Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 23 (referring to E.Petrovici). Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 269. Ibid., p. 278.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN The formation of the cardinal numbers from 11 to 19 is similar in the Slavic languages, Albanian, and Rumanian: Old Slavic jedinu na desete, Alb. njëmbëdhjetë, Rum. unsprezece ´eleven´; lit. ´one over ten´ or ´one on ten´. Slavic na corresponds to Rum. spre. The numbers 20, 30, 40 etc. are also formed similarly in these languages: Old Slavic duva deseti, Alb. njëzet ´twenty, a score´, but tridhjetë ´thirty´, N. Rum. dou_zeci ´twenty´, treizeci ´thirty´, etc. For the numerals in between (21 to 29, 31 to 39, etc.), Arumanian preserved the Latin system: triginta quinque: Arum. treid__i_in_i ´thirty five´, while Northern Rumanian borrowed the Slavic system with ´and´ (Slavic i, N. Rum. _i): treizeci _i cinci ´thirtyfive´. Common Rumanian had most probably the system corresponding to that of Arumanian. Arumanian preserved also Latin viginti ´twenty´, and it is assumed that Common Rumanian formed the numerals between 21 and 29 according to the Latin system: *vigen_iunu, *vigen_idoi, etc.209 The word for ´hundred´ was transferred to Rumanian from Old Slavic: s_to > N. Rum, and Arum. sut_, after the 9th century. The Rumanian system is, in its details, closer to Slavic than to Albanian and it is generally considered that it is a loan translation from Slavic.210 The verb The shortening of the infinitive (cântare > cânta) occurred most probably under the influence of the short forms of the Slavic infinitive (without -ti).211 The reflexive, a simple future, and the tense of a reported utterance Although the reflexive form was used in Vulgar Latin, the Rumanian system of reflexives cannot be explained from Latin. It must have reached its high development through Slavic influence. In Rumanian, the passive is often replaced by a reflexive construction: cerul este acoperit de nori ´the sky is covered by clouds´, but also cerul se acopere de nori ´the sky covers itself by clouds´. The reflexive is also used in expressions as ´they say´, ´one never knows´. In many cases, Rumanian developed reflexive constructions where the other Romance languages use non-reflexive: m-am n_scut ´I was born´, lit. ´I bore myself´, according to Bulgarian rodil s_m se (in contrast to Italian sono nato, French je suis né); Rum. a se ruga ´to pray´, after Slavic moliti se (in contrast to Latin rogare); Rum. a se jura ´to swear´, after Slavic kleti se ´to swear´ (but Latin


Coteanu Morfologia numelui 1969, p. 156–157.


“This is the type of loan-translation that one might expect from people who had learned another language tolerably well, but had carried over into it some previous habits of word formation and syntax” (R.A. Hall, Jr., External History of the Romance Languages, 1974, p. 92.) Cf. also Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 279–280, and Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 148. 211

K_epinský, M., and Bene_, P., in Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice, VI, 1955, p.255; quoted by Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 280.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic jurare, French jurer, Ital. giurare); Rum. a se teme ´to be afraid´, after Slavic bojati se ´to be afraid´, (but Latin timere), etc.The classification of the reflexive in the Slavic languages can also be used in Rumanian.212 Through Slavic influence, A SIMPLE FUTURE of the verb developed dialectally in Rumanian: viu la tine mâine ´I shall come to you tomorrow´, lit. ´I come to you tomorrow´.213


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 282; Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 207. The reflexive has six forms: objective, eventive, dynamic, reciprocal, passive, and impersonal. 213

Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 207.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN In the western Romance languages, the verb of the subordinated clause must be put in the same tense as the verb of the principal phrase which reproduces the saying of the other person, e.g., il m´a dit qu´il était malade´ he told me that he was sick´. Rumanian has a different rule, borrowed from Slavic: the tense of an utterance is generally retained when the utterance is reported: mi-a spus c_ e bolnav ´he told me that he was sick´, lit. ´he told me that he is sick´.214 The aspect of the verb In Slavic, the aspect of the verb is of great significance. It is expressed by particles in front of the verb. The imperfective aspect expresses action not completed (either continuous, or repeated) while the perfective aspect expresses completion of action. In Rumanian, as in the other Romance languages, the verb expresses time, without indicating the duration of the action. The imperfective or perfective character of an action is expressed in different ways, of which one (expression by prefixes) developed under the influence of Slavic: pre-, in preface, prelucra ´to remake, to change, to process´, r_s-, in r_scump_ra ´to redeem, to expiate; to buy back´. Vocabulary: Qualitative aspects The lexical elements of Slavic origin in Rumanian concern all fields of human activity and material culture, including also abstract notions. Particularly significant are the semantic groups of words which denote things of basic importance for all human beings: gât ´neck; throat´, obraz ´face, cheek´, stomac ´stomach´ and family relations: maic_ ´moder; nun´, ma_ter_ ´stepmother´, nevast_ ´wife, young woman´,215 rud_ ´relative´. Even ba_tin_ ´motherland, native land; origin, descent´ is of Slavic origin, as well as such an important part of speech as the affirmative da ´yes´. Historically important semantic groups are the religious terminology of Slavic origin (presented below, pp. 113–114) and that of words pertaining to social life and state organization. Of the last mentioned category, the following may be mentioned as examples: law


214 215


revolt, rebellion

Lombard Langue Roum 1974, p. 280.

Popovi_ (GSKS 1960, p. 197) quotes S. Pu_cariu: “Wenn nevast_ ´junge Frau, Ehefrau´ slavischen Ursprungs ist, so stammt dieses Wort aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach aus der Zeit, in der die Rumänen anfingen, sich mit Slavinnen zu verheiraten. Mi-am luat o nevast_ bedeutete also anfänglich nicht ´ich habe mir eine Frau genommen´, sondern ´ich habe mir ... eine slavische Frau genommen´.”

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic porunc_




compulsion, force, violence






to rush (at), to attack, to invade


piece of advice; council




community, people; council, assembly




fine (sum of money fixed as penalty for offence)


sentry, guard

Bourciez described the intimate relationships between Slavs and Rumanians as reflected by the Slavic loanwords: [many important words pertaining to material civilization, such as zid ´wall, barrier´, sticl_ ´glass, bottle´, coas_ ´scythe´ etc. were borrowed from Slavic] D´autre part, l´adoption des termes slaves relatifs ŕ la vie intellectuelle et morale montre combien intime a été le mélange des populations. A coté du lat. tempus (roum. timp), on s´est servi de préférence de l´a. sla. vrem_ (roum. vreme), et voici quelques autres emprunts: roum. slov_ ´ slovo ´écriture´, r_zboiu = razboj ´guerre´, ran_ = rana ´blessure´, ciud_ = _udo ´miracle´, groaz_ = groza ´épouvante´, n_dejde = nade_da ´espoir´, noroc = naroku ´bonheur´, etc. Il en été de męme pour les termes se rapportant aux cadres de la vie sociale (roum. jupîn = _upan_ ´maitre´, slug_ = sluga ´serviteur), et pour un grand nombre d´adjectifs usuels: roum. drag = a. sl. drag_ = ´chéri´, bogat = bogat_ ´riche´, mîndru = madr_ ´orgueilleux´, gol = gol_ ´nu´. Enfin beaucoup de verbes furent empruntés, comme saditi ´planter, izbaviti ´sauver´, (roum. s_di, izb_vi), darovati (roum. d_rui) ŕ coté du lat. dare, et il est caractéristique de voir un terme tel que amare disparaitre devant ljubiti (roum. iubi). L´impersonnel qui marque la nécessité, roum. trebuie ´il faut´, vient aussi de la tr_bovati.216 Quantitative aspects


Bourciez, E., Éléments de linguistique romane, 1967, pp. 194–195.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN Before discussing the magnitude of the South Slavic impact upon Northern Rumanian vocabulary up to the 13th centrury, it should be pointed out that a considerable part of the words of Slavic origin was replaced during the last two centuries by other, predominantly Romance words. This was the result of a conscious attempt to “re-Romanize” the language. U. Weinreich, who does not believe that purism and standardizing tendencies are a major factor in the history of languages, cites Rumanian as one example (the other being Czech) where such tendencies “did attain signal successes”.217 Nevertheless, in spite of the elimination of a large number of Slavic words in modern times, statistics made from different viewpoints show the tremendous impact of South Slavic on the vocabulary of Northern Rumanian. (1) Macrea studied the vocabulary of Eminescu. Out of 3607 different words used by the great poet (1850–1889), he found that 48.68% of the words were of Latin origin and 16.81% were from Slavic. Regarding frequency, out of a total of 33.846 words, 83% were of Latin and only 6.93% of Slavic origin.Of course, as Mih_il_ remarks, this method disregards the practical importance of the words. Thus, Eminescu used the international word of Latin origin amor very frequently, while plug ´plough´, used daily by millions of peasants, occurs in his poems only twice.218 (2) Popovi_ quotes Pu_cariu: “... in einem Verzeichnis von 5765Wörtern, auf nur 1165 lateinischen Ursprungs die imposante Anzahl von 2361 slavischen Wörtern kommt (die übrigen sind türk., ngr., magy. und thrak. Herkunft), also 2/5 des Wortschatzes slavisch sind...” (Popovi_ goes as far as to affirm: “In bezug auf den Wortschatz ist das Rumänische keine romanische, sondern eine slavische Sprache...”)219 (3) A large sample of lexical elements (a total of 24.311, excluding derivations) were studied, on the basis of the dictionary of Candrea, by Macrea. Out of these, 20.68% were found to be of Latin and 16.45% of Slavic origin, a ratio of approximately 10 Latin to 8 Slavic.220 (4) The main word stock (“fondul lexical principal”) of N. Rumanian was studied by Graur. Out of 1419 words considered to belong to this group, 58.21% were of Latin and 21.49% of Slavic origin.221 217 218

Weinreich Lang Cont 1964, p. 103. Quoted by Mih_il_, G., Împrumuturi vechi sud-slave în limba român_, 1960, p.

250. 219

Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 199.


Macrea, D., “Circula_ia cuvintelor în limba român_”, Transylvania, 73, 1942, Sibiu, pp. 11–14, 22; Macrea, D., “Contribu_ie la studiul fondului principal de cuvinte al limbii romîne”, Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice, V, 1954, 1–2, pp. 12–13; quoted by Mih_il_ Împrumuturi 1960, p. 252. 221

Graur, A., Încercare asupra fondului principal lexical al limbii romîne, 1954; quoted by Mih_il_ Împrumuturi 1960, p. 253.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic (5) I.I. Russu gives the following figures about the basic elements (“Grundelemente”, “wenn man nur die Grundwörter zählt, aus denen die Familien der Ableitungen gebildet werden”) of the Rumanian word stock: 160 (170) “autochthonous”, 1550 Latin, “more than 2000 Slavic.”222 According to this, about 42% of the basic lexical elements of Northern Rumanian are of Latin origin and at least 54%, more than half, derive from Slavic.

The semantic influence of South Slavic


Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 196.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN There are cases in which the meaning of a Slavic word was borrowed by Rumanian: Rum. lume ´light; world´, from Latin lumen ´light´. The second sense developed in Rumanian on the analogy of Old Slavic sv_t_ ´light; world, universe´. The existence of this sense in all Rumanian dialects indicates its presence in Common Rumanian.223 The origin of the double sense of this word is Oriental; Russian sv_t still preserves both senses, as well as Hungarian világ, while in modern Bulgarian, the sense ´world´ is found only. There are also many loan translations (calques), i.e., Rumanian adopted South Slavic expressions in more or less literally translated forms: N Rum. untdelemn ´oil, olive oil´, lit. ´wood butter´, cf. Old Slavic dr_v_no maslo ´vegetable oil´, lit. wood butter´. N. Rum. destul ´sufficient, enough´, < de s_tul; cf. Bulgarian dosta ´sufficient, enough´, < do + sit (Old Slavic syt_). N. Rum. frunta_ ´chief´ < frunte ´forehead´; cf. Bulg. c_lnik ´leader´ < celo ´forehead´. N. Rum. a înlemni ´to be dumbfounded´, lit. ´to become of wood´ (lemn `wood´); cf. Bulg. sd_rvjavam se ´to become numb, as of wood´ (d_rvo ´wood´).224 Among loan translations, there are also some verbs: N. Rum. binevesti was formed according to Slavic blagovestiti, N. Rum. preacurvi corresponds to Slavic preljubodeiti, N. Rum. încur_i to Slavic vodvoriti (se).225 South Slavic prefixes and suffixes There are very many prefixes and suffixes of South Slavic origin in Rumanian, and they are often very productive. They are found in all dialects, which indicates their presence in Common Rumanian. Rosetti enumerates six prefixes: (1) ne- (from South Slavic ne-) has the function of Latin in-, which was replaced in Rumanian by this Slavic prefix: nemul_umit ´not content, unsatisfied´. (2) po- (from South Slavic po-) has the function of increasing an action or a trait, in verbs borrowed from Slavic; together with adjectives, po- appears in old texts as well as in popular speech today: poneagr_ ´even more black´. (3) pre- (from South Slavic pre-) has the function of changing position or to 223 224 225

Grai _i suflet, 2, 234; quoted by Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 85. Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 292–293; Rosetti mentions 25 loan translations. Lombard Verbe 1955, p. 798.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic repeat, change or strengthen an action. With adjectives, it forms superlatives; from this comes the adverb prea ´too´, e.g., prea mult ´too much´. (4) pro- indicates an anticipation of the action expressed by the verb. This prefix is productive in Meglenitic, but much less so in N. Rum. (5) r_s- (from South Slavic raz-) has the function of Latin re- (indicating repetition ) and Latin dis- (indicating detachment, taking apart); it is also used to indicate an action of great intensity. (6) z_- (from South Slavic za-) shows that the action has been finished. Some examples out of 28 suffixes mentioned by Rosetti are: -alnic (< South Slavic an_nik_ ) forms adjectives: str_dalnic, from N.Rum. str_dui ´to strive´. -an (< South Slavic -anu) forms mostly nouns denoting a quality: codan_ ´flapper, bobby-soxer´. -ar (< South Slavic -ar_) forms names of agent: fugar ´refugee´. -ean (< South Slavic -jan-ino, _n-ino), a very productive suffix, forms ethnic adjectives and nouns: s_tean ´villager´, apusean ´westerner´, as well as family names: Bolintineanu, Sadoveanu, etc. -enie (< South Slavic -ene) is also a very important suffix in Rumanian; it forms nouns denoting an action: afuresenie ´ban; curse of the Church; excommunication; curse´, or a state (of mind): _iretenie ´slyness; cunning; craftiness´. -ic, -ice, -ici, -u_ (< South Slavic -iko, i_e, and -uše, respectively) form diminutives. -nic (South Slavic -nik_ /_n_ + -iko-/) forms adjectives: trainic ´durable´. “The fact that a very large number of words are formed by Slavic prefixes or suffixes shows how intense the Slavo-Rumanian symbiosis has been.”226

3. THE RUMANIAN INFLUENCE ON BULGARIAN Changes in usage may be caused by structural, as well as by socio-cultural factors. It is difficult to determine with certainty how many of those constructions which show similarities between Bulgarian and Rumanian were actually transferred from Rumanian. This occurred, without doubt, in many cases; in other intances, the Rumanian influence may only have contributed to the change. Capidan considered that Rumanian was the most important single factor in the development of those peculiarities in Bulgarian which are not found in the other


Rosetti ILR 1968, p. 319. In the definitive edition of Rosetti´s monograph (1986), this statement is omitted .

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN Slavic languages.227 He assumed the following Rumanian influence on the phonetics of eastern Bulgarian:228 (1) The change of a to unstressed _. (2) The change of unstressed e to i. (3) Stressed e is in eastern Bulgaria pronounced ea when followed by a, o, or u; followed by e or i, it is pronounced e. Cf. N. Rum. sear_ ´night´, and seri ´nights´. Morphology and syntax


Capidan, T., Limb_ _i cultur_, 1943, p. 229; quoted by Macrea Studii 1970, p.

12. 228

Capidan, T., “Raporturile lingvistice slavo-române. I: Influen__ român_ asupra limbei bulgare”, Dacoromania, 1922–1923, III, pp. 129–238.

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic A characteristic feature of Bulgarian is the loss of a number of cases in the declension: while the Slavic languages preserved six or seven cases, Bulgarian has only a few (one, two, or three, depending on the gender of the noun). It is probable that this occurred through the influence of Rumanian.229 The construction of the dative in Bulgarian: na + accusative (š_e go ko_a na sini ´you will tell my son´) is also, most probably, the result of Rumanian influence: Since Bulgarian deviates structurally from all other Slavic languages in using the preposition na to express the genitive–dative, while Rumanian, especially Arumanian, reflects the situation in Latin and is very similar to the other Romance languages, the only conclusion which may be drawn is that Bulgarian borrowed the Proto-Rumanian system of genitive–dative.230 The Rumanian vocative with the definite article, -le, was transferred to Bulgarian and Macedonian: bo_ ele ´God!´, sestrole ´syster!´.231 The postposition of the definite article in the Balkan languages was discussed above (pp. 64–66). In Bulgarian, it developed quite late: it is not yet found in the texts from the 11th century, and became general in the texts written in the 17th century. Most probably, it is the result of Rumanian influence. This is, among other circumstances, shown by the fact that Bulgarian borrowed Rumanian forms with the article: drakulu > drakula, etc.232 Also the general use of subordinated clauses instead of the infinitive (cf. above, pp. 89–91) is considered to have developed in Bulgarian under the influence of Rumanian.233 Vocabulary


Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 279 and 394; “influen__ romanic_”.


Coteanu, I., Morfologia numelui în protoromân_ (româna comun_), 1969, p. 54.


Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 208.


Skok, P., “O bulgarskom jezika u svjetlosti balkanistike”, Jugoslovenski Filolog, kn. XII, 1933, pp. 73–146; quoted by Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 233. Cf. also Sandfeld LB 1930, pp. 170–171. 233

Cf., for example, Macrea Studii 1970, p. 12.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN The oldest Rumanian loanwords in Bulgarian belong to Ancient Bulgarian. The second influx of lexical elements occurred in the 12th–13th centuries, the era also of the most intense Bulgarian influence on Northern Rumanian. More recent loanwords were borrowed from the sub-dialect of Muntenia, from the 18th century on. The total number of words of Rumanian origin in Bulgarian is almost 200. The largest semantic group is that of the shepherd terminology; 234 there are also groups of names of animals, plants, objects of everyday use, parts of the human body, food, abstract words, etc. The placenames of N. Rum. origin in Bulgaria are discussed above, p. 31; cf. also map No. 3. There are also similar expressions and calques from Rumanian: “great thing” (Rum. mare lucru) may be added to strengthen the sense of a noun im Macedonian; Bulg. m__ec ´uvula´ is the diminutive of m__ ´man´, as is Rum. omu_or ´uvula´ the diminutive of om ´man´ (cf. above, p. 69). Bulg. po_inal ´deceased´, from po_ivam, may be a loan translation of N. Rum. r_posat ´dead, deceased´, from ´to rest, to repose, to pass away´.235 The significance of the South Slavic influence H.Schuchardt wrote in a letter in 1893: “der Beweis, dass das Rumänische eine romanische Sprache ist, ist noch nicht erbracht”.236 At present, after the “diligent 234

Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 395–396; out of about 140 Bulgarian words of Rumanian origin enumerated, 33 belong to the shepherd terminology. 235 236

Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 87, note 1.

To G. Weigand; cf. Balkan-Archiv, I, V; quoted by Rosetti ILR 1968, p. 204; 1986, p. 189. Rosetti stated in this connection: [the South Slavic languages will change the Rumanian language] “increasing its Balkan character in such a way that the diligent work of two generations of scholars will be needed to bring to light the eminently Latin features of the Rumanian language” (emphasis added). - In the definitive (1986) edition of this monograph, the

J. The contact of Rumanian with South Slavic work of two generations of scholars” (Rosetti ILR 1968, p. 281, omitted in the 1986 edition), Rumanian is generally considered a Romance language, although one with exceptionally large amounts of non-Roman, in the first place, South Slavic, elements. It contains thousands of South Slavic loanwords, many of which are of primary importance; calques, prefixes and suffixes, Slavic features are found in phonetics, syntax; and even in morphology. It is evident that Rumanian could not have been affected to such a high degree by Slavic but in close and durable symbiosis with Slavs.237 It does not seem too venturesome to assume that if this had continued some – not very long – period of time, the Rumanian language would have disappeared in South Slavic.238 The large number of words pertaining to social and church organization among the Bulgarian loanwords indicates that it was not only a question of two ethnic groups living in close contact (similar to the Vlacho-Albanian symbiosis), but LIVING IN A WELL-ORGANIZED STATE. This state cannot have been other than Bulgaria, founded in 679 AD, Christianized in 865 AD (cf. above, p. 21). This influence began therefore earliest in the 8th century (words pertaining to state organization) and towards the end of the 9th (pertaining to church organization). It is of course impossible to delineate a period of time which is sufficient for the development of the South Slavic impact on Rumanian (and especially Northern Rumanian). It was exerted already during the Common Rumanian period, which ended around 1000 AD. It not only continued, but was intensified after the separation of Arumanian from Northern Rumanian: the strongest Bulgarian influence on the northern dialect was exerted in the 11th and 12th centuries (cf. above, p. 101). During this period, approximately from the end of the 7th century to the end of the 12th, the two populations lived in close symbiosis in the Bulgarian state. The geographical extension of this state has been described above (p. 22); it was south of the lower Danube, extending towards the southwest to Macedonia etc. (see also maps 4 and 5). During the 9th century, Bulgaria also occupied what is today Muntenia and southern Transylvania. This period lasted less than a century,

passage emphasized here was changed to the following: ...”but will not obscure the eminently Latin features of the Rumanian language.” 237

Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 199 (referring to the South Slavic impact on Rumanian vocabulary): “Es ist klar, dass ein solches für das Romanentum der Rumänen fatales Ergebnis nur in einer festen slavisch-romanischen Symbiose entstehen konnte.” 238

Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 208.

which is a totally insufficient time to explain the South Slavic impact on Northern Rumanian.

K. The Rumanian religious terminology During the last centuries of the Roman Empire, the most important sociocultural influence on the Romanized populations was without doubt exerted by the Christian religion. This could not, of course, happen without a lasting effect upon the language. In the 3rd century, most of the fundamental terms of Christianity began to be created, mainly on a Greek and Latin basis. In many cases, the new faith required new expressions: “The new system of thought called for and created not quite a new language, but certainly new forms of expression.”239 Repeated many times on different occasions during the religious services, the new terms were adopted by the language of the people. In the Romance languages about 30 religious terms were borrowed directly from Greek.240 From the viewopoint of Rumanian, the Greek terms which were transferred to Balkan Latin are to be considered Latin words. Some examples of Rumanian religious terms directly inherited from Latin are: Latin


North. Rum.




altar, sanctuary







baptize, to name








to curse, to excommunicate

carnem legare



last but one week of Advent fast

caseum legare

c__leadze, c__leag_



239 240

Löfstedt, E., Late Latin, 1959, p. 68. ILR vol. I, 1965, p. 61.

K. The Rumanian religious terminology commendo —


to make a sacrifice (relig. sense only in Rumanian )


a cumenica

to give (or receive) the Eucharist


cross, Crucifix








draco paganus










sin; guilt; misfortune







The religious terms show the changes of Late Latin in all Romance languages, including Rumanian. In Rumanian, they also show some Balkan Latin features, such as the d > dz (z) change (Latin deus > Arumanian dzeu, N. Rum. zeu) and the word basilica > biseric_. This word “is preserved in the Rumanian, Dalmatian, and Albanian languages, which proves that it was a popular and widely spread word”.241 Although the word itself is not entirely unknown in the western Romance languages, its use in the sense of ´church´is a peculiarity of Balkan Latin. A number of Christian terms of Greek origin are found equally in Albanian, Bulgarian, and Rumanian; some were also borrowed by Serbo-Croatian: meaning




Mih_escu Limba lat. 1960, p.277.




holy water



prayer for the dead


wafer, Eucharist bread


to excommuni cate, to curse


icon; image, picture



agiazma, ajazma










lithurgy, mass

(Tosc) liturgji





kallojér, kallogjër





igumén, gumén




Remark: akatist, napora, kaluger, and igumen are found also in Serbo-Croatian. It is obvious that the religious terms of Latin (and Greek) origin concern many BASIC NOTIONS of the Christian faith. Another, larger, group of religious terms in Rumanian, those of SOUTH SLAVIC ORIGIN, pertain mainly to the ORGANIZATION

of the Church. The exact age of these loanwords cannot always be determined, but they are earliest from the end of the 9th century, when the Bulgarians adopted the Christian faith (cf. above, p. 22). Most of these terms were, of course, borrowed later, during the 11th and the following centuries.242 Many of the corresponding Old Slavic words are found in texts. The direct continuation of Old Slavic (Old Bulgarian) is Middle Bulgarian, the most important variant of Slavonic (in French, slavon, in German, Kirchenslavisch), which dominated in Muntenia and Moldavia during the 14th–16th centuries. The Slavonic texts perserve in general the Old Bulgarian forms. 242

Mih_il_ Studii 1973, p. 126.

K. The Rumanian religious terminology Mih_il_243 presented 79 examples of Rumanian religious terms originating from this source. They are divided into the following groups: (1) fundamental notions of Christianity, (2) evil spirits and heathen gods, (3) designations of the saints, (4) Church hierarchy, (5) monastic life, (6) church, monastery, and (7) divine service. Thirtythree of these examples are of Greek origin, 2 are loan translations from Greek, and one derives from Latin. Some examples: duh ´soul; spirit; ghost´, rai ´paradise´, idol ´idol, image´, iad ´hell´, sobor ´synod, group of priests; prayer, service´, episcop ´bishop´, vladic_ ´bishop´, pop_ ´priest´, m_n_stire ´monastery, cloister´, jertf_ ´offering, sacrifice´, prohod ´funeral service, requiem, burial´. It must be added that, besides the rich Christian terminology, several words concerning popular heathen beliefs of the South Slavic populations were also borrowed by Rumanian: N. Rum. vraj_ ´charm, spell: magic, witchcraft´, basm ´fairy-tale´ (cf. Slavic bajati ´to conjure´), moroi ´ghost, phantom´, vârcolac ´werwolf; vampire; ghost´, zmeu ´dragon´.244 The Christian terms of Northern Rumanian are divided into two distinct groups: (1) those adopted by the ancestors of the Rumanians during the period of the Roman Empire, latest in the 5th or 6th century, and (2) a larger group, borrowed from Bulgarian much later. This must have a counterpart in the sociopolitical conditions of the speakers of Rumanian. The existence of the Latin Christian terms indicates that they were Christianized already during the Roman age, before the 6th century; (a rich religious life, with several dioceses, bishops, churches, etc. is attested from those centuries in the Roman provinces of the Balkan peninsula). The enormous impact of Bulgarian terms pertaining predominantly to church organization indicates that the Vlachs were organized into the Greek Orthodox Church by the Bulgarians.245 This cannot have occurred but after the end of the 9th century, since the Bulgarians were Christianized in 865 AD. This is a very significant socio-cultural fact and completes the picture of an intensive symbiosis with the Bulgarians, which is shown by the Rumanian language in general. The connections between the Church and the state were intimate in those days. The strong Bulgarian influence on the Vlachs´ religious 243 244 245

Ibid., pp. 127–132. Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 204.

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 286. (“the Slavic terms show that the organization of the religion occurred in the period after the 9th century.”)

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN terminology would therefore be very difficult to explain if one assumed that the Vlachs, in a period starting with the 10th century, lived outside the Bulgarian state. Northern. Rumanian cârneleag_, Arum. cârleag_ ´last but one week of Advent fast´ and câ_legi ´carnival´ testify to connections also with the Albanians as regards religious terms. Cârneleag_ (< Latin carnem-ligat) means literally ´the binding of meat´; these words must be connected with Albanian e lidhura (Gheg e lithmeje) ´carnival´, from lidh ´to bind´.246

L. Common Rumanian (româna comun_) This ancient period of the Rumanian language has been referred to in the preceding presentation, among other things, in the context of Arumanian and the other dialects. The Northern Rumanian, Istro-Rumanian, Arumanian, and Megleno-Rumanian dialects once formed a single language without any significant dialectal divergences. This language, which is not documented in written texts, was reconstructed on the basis of the present day dialects; it is called Ancient Rumanian (str_român_), Primitive Rumanian (român_ primitiv_) or Common Rumanian (român_ comun_). The latter term is used here, since it conveys the most important information about this stage of the language.247 The starting point of the common period is the age when the Balkan Latin dialect from which Rumanian developed, started to show its own, specific features, distinct from the rest of the Balkan Latin idioms. The common period ended when the originally homogenous population, living in a relatively small area in close contact with each other started to separate. It is generally considered that this was caused by the Arumanians migrating towards the south. There is some disagreement among different authors over this question: the beginning is assumed by Coteanu (ILR 1969, p. 15) to be the 5th century, by Weigand the 7th century, by Stati (in Dacoromania 1973, p. 213) the 8th century. Weigand puts the end of Common Rumanian in the 9th century, Stati, in the 11th century. There are some data which help to define the end of the common period: one is the report by the Byzantine chronicler Cedren about some Vlach wayfarers, who in 976 AD killed David, the brother of Samuil, the Bulgarian co-regent, between Kastoria and the lake Prispa. These Vlachs were southern Rumanians.248 246

Sandfeld LB 1930, p. 73, referring to Pu_cariu in Dacoromania I, pp. 437–438. Cf. also Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 155 and 257. 247 248

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 321; ILR 1969, p. 17. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 322; Coteanu Morfologia 1969, p. 20.

L. Common Rumanian The other circumstance is the presence of Hungarian words in Northern Rumanian, which do not exist in Arumanian. Assuming that a Hungarian influence was not possible before the 12th century, Coteanu249 considered that “the separation of Arumanian from Dacorumanian could not have occurred before the 12th century”.


Coteanu Morfologia 1969, p. 20.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN According to Rosetti,250 the common Rumanian period started in the 7th and 8th centuries, when it is generally agreed that Latin gave way to the Romance languages, and it ended in the 10th century. This seems to be the most plausible thesis. Common Rumanian was reconstructed on the basis of the present day Rumanian dialects – primarily Northern Rumanian and Arumanian. Every old element found in at least one of the dialects is considered to have been part of the common idiom. Some characteristic features of it will be summarized here, mainly on the basis of descriptions given by Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 321–159, ILR 1969, pp. 189–212, Tagliavini Lingu Neolat 1969, pp. 365–374, and CaragiuMario_eanu Dialectologie 1975, pp. 86–124. Phonetics The vowel system Unstressed Latin a > Rumanian _: Lat. camisia > Arum. câmea__, N. Rum. c_ma__ ´shirt´. Also unstressed Latin o changed to _ in monosyllabic Latin grammatical words, such as Lat. quod > N. Rum, Arum. c_, Latin contra > Arum. cîtrî, N. Rum. c_tr_. In words borrowed from Slavic, -o also changed to _ : Old Slavic sito > Arum., N. Rum. sit_, s_to > sut_. As “a characteristic feature of the Balkan languages”,251 _ appears also in Albanian, Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian dialects. Stressed e (Latin _) was diphthongized: ye: Latin


N. Rumanian










This change is spontaneous (i.e., it is not caused by the influence of another sound on e). It seems to appear in grammar books in the 5th century AD.252 In contrast to Arumanian, Northern Rumanian diphthongized also e in the 250 251 252

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 322. Ibid., p. 591.

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 328, referring to Elise Richter, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Romanismen, Halle, I, 1934, p.138.

L. Common Rumanian position as the first sound in a syllable: ieftin ´cheap´. This occurred later than the above-mentioned change and under the influence of South Slavic. Stressed o followed in the following syllable by e or a was diphthongized: oa . Latin coda > Arum., N. Rum. coad_; also in early Slavic loanwords: Old Slavic kosa > Arum., N. Rum. coas_. Stressed e followed in the next syllable by a (_) or e was diphthongized after the 6th century: Latin herba > Arum., N. Rum. iarb_, Latin petra > Arum. k´atr_, N. Rum. piatr_ (Rosetti, 1986, p. 329). These diphthongs “constitute the originality of Rumanian, in which e and o have the role of semivowels, as i for example in ia´”.253 Later, diphthongs with i as the second element appeared: ai, îi, ei, oi, ui. The vowel system of Common Rumanian was as follows: _

i e

u o

a The an > _n, am > _m change precedes rhotacism and with some exceptions of very early borrowings from Slavic, does not affect the Slavic loanwords. Later, this _ developed into î : Latin manus > Arum., N. Rum. mân_, (but Istrorum. m_r_), Latin angelus > N. Rum. înger, etc. Unstressed Latin o showed a tendency to change to u already inVulgar Latin (o and u are confounded in many texts). This continued in Rumanian: Vulgar Latin oricla > Arum. ureacl´a , N. Rum. ureche ´ear´, Latin romanus > N. Rum., Arum. rumân, Arum. also r_mân, arr_m_nu, armân. Of consonants, the following may be mentioned: Latin d followed by i in a hiatus254 changed in the Latin period; in Latin grammar books from the 5th century AD it is written dz, z, or i255 . In Arum., d > dz if followed by ia, or by unstressed io, iu. In N. Rum. (except a few subdialects) dz later changed to z: Latin medius > Arum. ´nedz, N. Rum. miez, Latin hordeum > Arum. ordzu, N. Rum. orz. If followed by stressed io, iu d changed to ´,g, later j: Latin deorsum > Arum. (n)´,gos, N. Rum. jos. Latin d + e, i changed similarly, after the 6th century: Latin decem > Arum. dza_e, N. Rum. zece, Latin deus > Arum. dz_u, N. Rum. zeu.256 The change of Latin t + i in a hiatus was recorded from the 5th century

253 254 255 256

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 565. Break between two vowels coming together not in the same syllable. Ibid., pp. 335 and 113. Ibid., p. 335.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN on.257 Later development went in two ways: (1) If followed by ia, or by unstressd iu, t changed to ts: Latin matia > Arum. ma__, N. Rum. ma_e. (2) If followed by stressed io, iu, Latin t changed to _: Latin fetiolus > Arum. fi_or, N. Rum. fecior, Latin titionem > Arum. ti_uni, N. Rum. t_ciune. - The assibilation of Latin t + e, i occurred after the 6th century: Latin terra > Arum., N. Rum. _ar_, Latin teneo > Arum. _în, N. Rum. _in.258

257 258

Ibid., pp. 335 and 113.

Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 335, referring to A. Rosetti, Recherches sur la phonétique du roumain au XVIe sičcle, Paris, 1926.

Latin i (j) followed by stressed o, u > Rumanian ´,g : Latin jocus Arum. ´,goc, N Rum. joc, Latin adjungere > Arum. a´,gundziri N. Rum. ajunge. In parts of the N. Rum. territory, ´,g changed to j .259 Latin k + i in a hiatus was palatalized in the 2nd century AD. Later, it developed as follows: followed by unstressed io, iu, it changed to ts: Latin socius > Arum., N. Rum. so_. Followed by stressed io, iu, it changed to _ : Latin petiolus > Arum. and N. Rum. picior. The palatalization of k ´ (+ e, i ) is attested in Latin in the 5th century.260 In Northern Rumanian, it changed to _ : Latin cera > N. Rum. cear_. In Arumanian, the general rule today is ts in this position: _ear_, _er. There are, however, in certain parts of the Arumanian area, reports of the use of _ instead of ts, and Rosetti considers that the pronunciation ts is recent.261 Latin s followed by i and e in a hiatus, changed to š : Latin camisia > Arum. cîmea__, N. Rum. c_ma__, Latin caseus > Arum., N. Rum. ca_. In the Latin group of consonants: br , b changed to u or disappeared: Latin cibrum > Arum. _ir, Meglenitic _ur, N. Rum. ciur. (This is why Abrud [placename in Transylvania, cf. below, chapter III, p. 181] cannot be inherited from Latin Abruttus but must have been handed down to Rumanian by an other language.) Latin cl, gl : The l in these groups disappeared in most of the N. Rum. territory, but not in Arumanian and Istrorumanian: Latin clavis > Arum. cl´ae, N. Rum. cheie, Latin glacies > Arum. gl´e_, gl´a__, N. Rum. ghia__. The Latin group st followed by e or i changed to št: Latin castigare > Arum. cî_tigari, N. Rum. câ_tiga. Followed by i (e) in a hiatus, st changed to š: Latin pastionem > Arum. pî_uni, N. Rum. p__une. The word christianus is an exception: Arum. cri_tin, N. Rum. cre_tin, “because the word penetrated late into the language and was not adapted to the words from the old stock.”262 Intervocalic l > r: Latin mola > Arum., N. Rum., Istrorum. moar_, Latin fil(um) > N. Rum. fir. This change did not affect the Slavic loanwords. As a result of the action of a iot on the preceding consonant, the following new phonemes appeared: /_,/ /´,g/ /_ /, /_,d / /_ /, /´,n/ /l´/. The phoneme /h/ probably existed in this period in words from the substratum but had a subordinate role until strengthened by /h/ in several Slavic loanwords. The consonant system or Common Rumanian had 22 phonemes: /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /c/ /g/ /_/ /_,d/ /_/ /´,g/ /f/ 259

Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 337, 340.


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 340. When the first Latin words were transferred into German, k was not yet assibilated, as shown by: Latin cellarium > Old German kelari, Lat. cista > Old German kista, Lat. vicia > Old German wicka. (The senses of these words are cellar, coffin, and vetch, respectively.) 261 262

Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 340, 343. Ibid., p. 346.








ILR 1969, p. 201.






/r/ 263

L: Common Rumanian The neutre disappeared in Latin and reappeared probably in the period of Common Rumanian. It is expressed with the endings of the masculine nouns in the singular and that of the feminines in the plural, as well as by Latin -ora: N. Rum. scaun ´stool´, scaune ´stools´; ochi – ochiuri.264 For an exhaustive presentation of Common Rumanian, cf. Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 321–359. The conclusion is formulated in the following quotations: The comparison of the Daco-Rumanian dialect with Arumanian (because IstroRumanian is only a branch of the Daco-Rumanian dialect and Meglenitic is a branch of the Arumanian dialect...) reveals the former unity of the primitive language from which the two dialects developed.265 The innovations (more than conservation of features) shared by the four large Rumanian dialects are so many and of such importance that it is impossible to attribute them to mere chance, which would have been the case if the four dialects would have developed in the areas they occupy at present, without any contact with one another. Thus, one must admit that the territory of formation of Proto-Rumanian was more or less extensive but uniform.266


264 265 266

Rosetti ILR 1986 p. 351. Ibid., p. 321.

Tagliavini, C., Le origini delle lingue neolatine. Introduzione alla filologia romanza (5th edition), Bologna, 1969, p. 373.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN Although this term is not unknown (cf., for example, Bourciez, Éléments de lingustique romane, 1967, p. 548: “roumain du Nord”), the designation “DacoRoman” has been used generally when speaking about the Rumanian dialect found north of the Arumanians and the Meglenites. However, this term may cause misunderstanding. It is based on the circumstance that the northern dialect of Rumanian is at present, among other areas, also spoken in the territory which between 106 and 275 AD was Roman Dacia. It is, however, also spoken south of the Danube and during the Middle Ages, its Balkan territory was much more extensive. It included large parts of Serbia and Bulgaria; cf. above, p. 22. The most important reason not to use the designation “Daco-Roman” is that it can be used (and has been used) with the implication that the northern dialect of Rumanian is based on the Dacian language. Thus, for example, C. Daicoviciu (1969) stated categorically that he regarded the term “Daco-Roman” not only in its geographical sense and continued: “For us, the term implies, in the first place, the genetic character of the Daco-Romans, i.e., A ROMANCE POPULATION ON A 267 DACIAN ETHNIC BASIS” (romanitate pe temelia etnic_ dacic_). This cannot be regarded adequate, in the first place because our knowledge of possible Dacian elements in the Rumanian language is very scanty. It is uncertain whether such elements exist at all. An exhaustive presentation of Northern Rumanian was written by Alf Lombard: La langue Roumaine. Une présentation, 1974. In the following survey this, as well as Matilda Caragiu-Mario_eanu´s Compendiu de dialectologie român_ (nord- _i sud-dun_rean_), 1975, were used in the first place. Northern Rumanian is the mother-tongue of more than 20 million people in Rumania, to whom must be added smaller or larger groups living in adjacent countries. It is the most highly developed dialect of the Rumanian language. It is characterized by a tremendous impact of Slavic (cf. above, pp. 98–108). From the 18th and especially the 19th century on, it has absorbed many French, Italian and Classic Latin words.268 Northern Rumanian also contains, in contrast to Arumanian, a considerable amount of Hungarian and a smaller number of German elements, the result of Rumanian contacts with these peoples in Transylvania. Its Balkan characteristics are the same as those found in the other (southern) Rumanian dialects (cf. above, p. 86). As a result of the various foreign influences, many synonyms are organized to a principle involving a double scale, Latin versus Slavic: timp–vreme ´time´, but there are many words included in the synonymic pattern based on a triple scale, for example repede–iute–rapid, three words derived from Latin (inherited), Slavic, and French (which borrowed it 267 268

Daicoviciu, C., Dacica 1969, p. 434 (emphasis in the original).

“In the case of Roumanian, the prestige of French was so great as to introduce thousands of French words – a process still going on – and to make much of the Roumanian vocabulary simply of French lexicon with Roumanian endings” (R.A. Hall, Jr., External History of the Romance Languages, 1974, pp. 198–199).

M. The dialects of the Rumanian language from Classic Latin), respectively, to express the notion of ´fast´.269 The speakers of Istro-Rumanian are the remnants of the Vlachs whose northwestern migration during the Middle Ages ended in Istria. Their dialect is closely related to Northern Rumanian. Their numbers were very low already in the 19th century. P. Kandler gave the figure of 6.000 in 1846, while in 1862,


Cf., for example, Lombard, A., Latinets öden i Öster (The Destinies of Latin in the East), Lund, 1967.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN Miklosich recorded 2953 Istro-Rumanians. The most recent figure from the years 1959 to 1961 (A. Kova_ec) is 1.250 to 1.500. The Istro-Rumanians are all bilingual and are being increasingly assimilated into the surrounding Croatian and Italian populations. Once, they were shepherds, and vestiges of this fact are left in the language of Croatian shepherds in the region of Zadar, who use Rumanian numerals when counting their sheep: dô, pâto, šasto, šop_e, zéci.270 The IstroRumanians used to call themselves vlĺ_, vlĺs; and their language, vlĺski. The surrounding populations call them ciribiri. Arumanian or Macedo-Rumanian, the main southern dialect of Rumanian, is spoken by the Arumanians, who are living on both sides of the Pindus mountains in Greece, in Albania and in Bulgaria. According to the Brockhaus Encyclopedy (1966), their total number in the entire Balkan peninsula is 400.000.271 Also the number of this population is decreasing, as that of the speakers of the other Rumanian dialects in the Balkan peninsula. This group of Vlachs call themselves ar(u)mânu, rum_nu, r_m_nu (< Latin romanus). Their neighbours call them Vlachs; the Greeks use the designation Κουτσοβλαχοι, which means ´limping Vlachs´; the Bulgarians say belivlasi ´white Vlachs´. The Albanian name of the Arumanians is rëmër (from Latin romanus) or _,coban. The Serbians call them _in_ars, probably because of the high frequency of _ (ts) in the Arumanian dialect. The Arumanians have always been predominantly shepherds. In ancient times, they were moving flocks to an Alpine pasture in the spring and then to nearby lowlands in the autumn, but they were also seminomadic or nomadic (wandering) shepherds. There was still between the two World Wars a group of Arumanians who were nomads.272 Arumanian is the only Rumanian dialect south of the Danube with a literature of its own; the first text whose age is known dates from 1731. The Megleno-Rumanians or Meglenites are living in the plain of Meglen north of Thessaloniki, mostly in Greece, partly in Macedonia. This dialect is closely


Pu_cariu, S., Studii istroromâne, II, 1926, p. 6; quoted by Caragiu Mario_eanu Compendiu dial 1975, p. 191; which also is the source of the data about the number of the IstroRumanians (p. 190). 271 272

Caragiu-Mario_eanu Compendiu dial 1975, p. 216.

Capidan, T., Românii nomazi, 1926, quoted by Caragiu-Mario_eanu Compendiu dial 1975, p. 219.

M. The dialects of Rumanian II:the FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN language related to Arumanian. The number of the Meglenites was, at the beginning of the 20th century, estimated around 20.000, but emigration, especially to Turkey after the first World War (they are Mohammedans) has reduced their number. Assimilation to the surrounding Greek and Slavic population thereafter has resulted in the practical extinction of this group. The Meglenites are a group of speakers of Rumanian who lost their name derived from Latin romanus; they call themselves Vla_i; their neighbours call them Vla_i or Meglenites. The importance of the southern dialects in the study of the history of the Rumanian language was summarized by Macrea as follows: Being very close to primitive Common Rumanian (româna primitiv_ comun_) in several respects, Arumanian, Megleno-Rumanian, and IstroRumanian must be regarded living historical documents of our language from the period before our first written documents.273 Although the theory that the speakers of these dialects originate from the areas north of the lower Danube has been presented (cf., for example, the discussion by Macrea: “Despre dialectele limbii române”, Limba romîn_, V, 1, 1956, pp. 14 – 15), there is no evidence for this. It is now generally recognized that they always lived south of the Danube. A survey of the discussion of the question whether Arumanian, Meglenitic, and Istro-Rumanian should be regarded as dialects or separate languages is given by Cazacu (Studii de dialectologie român_, 1966, pp. 9–32). Cazacu´s conclusion is that they must on the basis of genealogic and structural criteria be considered dialects of the same language (Rumanian). Matilda Caragiu-Mario_eanu (Compendiu dial 1975) also presents them as dialects.

Area Szekler


total c:a













93.7% Saxon










Macrea, D., Limba romîn_, V., 1956, p.73.





46% total c:a













300.000 955.000

Table 3. The ethnic situation of the Transylvanian Principality at the end of the 16th century. Because of the scarcity of data, only approximate figures can be given. (After Erdély rövid története, red. B. Köpeczi, in an article by G. Barta, p. 238.) Nationality Rumanian Hungarian German other total

Counties & Fogaras



Transylvania total









159.396 15.2%



























Table 4. The ethnic situation of Transylvania (without the Partium) according to the census made in 1850–1851 (shortly after the Freedom Fight against the Habsburgs, in which very many Hungarians were killed or expelled from the country. (After Erdély rövid története, red. B. Köpeczi, in an article by Zs. Trócsányi & A. Miskolczy, p. 371.) Absolute numbers and proportions are given.

2. THE SUB-DIALECTS OF NORTHERN RUMANIAN When discussing the Rumanian dialects in Transylvania, it must be remembered that in this province, the proportion of the Rumanians was earlier much lower (for example, in the 16th century, only around 30%, see Table 3) and they lived mainly in the mountainous areas of the southern Carpathians, the Transylvanian Alps, and Máramaros (Maramure_). The first systematic studies of the sub-dialects of Northern Rumanian spoken north of the lower Danube and in Dobrogea were carried out by Gustav Weigand (1860–1930), whose Linguistischer Atlas des dacorumänischen Sprachgebietes

M. The dialects of the Rumanian language appeared in 1909 in Leipzig. In general, Weigand´s conclusions have been confirmed by more recent research, although the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas, published in the 1930´s, added much new material. The literary language in Rumania is based on the sub-dialect spoken in Muntenia. On the basis of the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas, Emil Petrovici summarized the phonetic differences of the other sub-dialects as follows:274


Petrovici, E., “Repartizarea graiurilor dacoromîne pe baza Atlasului Lingvistic Romîn”, Limba romîn_, III, 5, 1954, pp. 5–17.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN The different pronunciation of ge (gi) and ci; the preservation of dz (which in Muntenia changed to z), and of -n- in certain words: a încuna instead of a încuia: the change of ia to ie, of -e to -i, and of o to u_; the palatalization of d, t, n in front of e and i . To this, the following may be added: mîine instead of mîini; the velar g in sugit and the velar k in înkid; the palatalization of the velar c in c_lk´îi, etc., the palatalization of f, v (> s, z); the change of -ea to e; the palatalization of the labials; the different treatment of Latin a + n: in Muntenia, îi (cîine), in Moldavia and other areas, î (cîne).275 Some commentaries to these differences between the sub-dialects: (1) a încuna, c_lcâne, etc., are old forms which existed in Common Rumanian and are still found in the dialects south of the Danube. Northern Rumanian, with the exception of the Banat, has innovated (încuia, c_lcâi). This innovation is quite recent: in placenames and personal names found in Latin and Slavic documents written in the 15th century, forms in -n- are the rule.276 (2) The palatalization of the dentals had occurred in several areas already in the 15th century. This is shown in Hungarian documents from Transylvania, where some Rumanian placenames are recorded: the Rumanian name of a village in Hunyad county (Rum. Hunedoara), Cârne_ti, was written Kernyest (1447 AD); B_de_ti, a former village near Temesvár (Rum. Timi_oara) > Begyest, etc.277 (3) The only phoneme written differently in different areas in the 15th century was, as far as it is known today, z – dz. Documents from Moldavia, the Banat and Transylvania show z , while those from Muntenia have dz. Vocabulary There are many lexical elements which in the southern sub-dialect, corresponding mainly to Muntenia, are different from those used for the same notion in other (nothern) areas, for example: Muntenia

Northern areas









Todoran, R., “Cu privire la reparti_ia graiurilor dacoromîne”, Limba romîn_, V. 2, 1956, pp. 38– 50. Todoran also presents some variations in morphology of minor importance and restricted to three areas. 276 277

Petrovici Repartizarea graiurilor 1954, p. 16. Ibid.

M. The dialects of the Rumanian language gresie







nea, om_t



foale, pântece








The following words are considered roughly to delineate the eastern (Moldavian) sub-dialect; 278 although their isoglosses do not coincide: Moldavia






manc_, mamc_


(wet) nurse













mo_ with the sense of ´uncle´


gray-headed man; forefather, ancestor

a pisca

a ciupi

to pinch







The following words are characteristic of a northwestern sub-dialect but, as shown on map No. 3 by Petrovici,279 here too, the isoglosses show wide divergence: 278 279

Petrovici Repartizarea graiurilor 1954, p. 9. Ibid.







peak, summit


gunoiul din ochi
















(sign of the conjunctive)

In this area (part of Transylvania) appear a series of lexical elements of Hungarian origin, such as for example: Northwest

from Hungarian










I taste



colour, paint




The following words appear characteristic of the Banat, although many of them are used also in other areas:280 Banat










Petrovici Repartizarea graiurilor 1954, map No. 4.

M. The dialects of the Rumanian language lop_ti__


weaver´s reed









stud (farm)




Of German origin: farb_ (< Farbe)´colour,´ _naid_r (< Schneider) ´tailor,´ etc. Petrovici concludes that Northern Rumanian may be divided into five subdialects: that of Muntenia, Moldavia, the Banat, Cri_ana, and Maramure_. This division is chiefly based on differences in the vocabulary and phonetics; of the last-mentioned differences, the pronunciation of ge (gi) is considered the most important. THUS, TRANSYLVANIA HAS NO DIALECTAL AREA OF ITS OWN, NOT EVEN ON 281 THE BASIS OF PHONETICS.

About the vocabulary, Petrovici stated the following: Regarding Transylvania without the Banat, Cri_ana, and Maramure_, it is very difficult to find words which would exist in the territory of this province only. Only if we consider Transylvania together with the Banat, Cri_ana, and Maramure_ as a unit, opposing Muntenia and Moldavia taken together, is it possible to find maps on which the former frontier between Transylvania and the Banat on the one hand, and Muntenia and Moldavia on the other, represent a dialectal frontier. The isoglosses, however, do not coincide exactly with the former frontier. Thus, regarding the words ciread_, bolnav, herghelie, the corresponding words beyond the mountains282 are ciord_, beteag, stav_ (in the Banat, arghel_). In such cases, there usually appear new words, of Hungarian origin in Transylvania (for example, ciurd_), and of Turkish origin in Muntenia and Moldavia (herghelie). It should be mentioned that the form arghel_ , found in the Banat, passed (from Turkish) into the Banat subdialect through Serbian. Transylvania forms, in most cases, a single lexical area together with one or two of those four adjacent provinces: once with Moldavia, once with 281 282

Petrovici Repartizarea graiurilor 1954, p. 15 (emphasis added). I.e., in the intra-Carpathian territory.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN Muntenia, but more often with the Banat, Cri_ana, and Maramure_. Most often, however, Transylvania is divided into several (three or four) lexical areas, as was also the case on the maps presented here. We all know the dialectal distribution of those three terms z_pad_, om_t, and nea (see maps No. 1, 2, 3, and 4) which divides Transylvania into three areas: one southern in which z_pad_ is said, as in Muntenia; one northeastern, where om_t is said, as in Moldavia, and one western, where nea or neaua is said, as also in the Banat and in Cri_ana.283


Petrovici Repartizarea graiurilor 1954, pp. 9–11.

M. The dialects of the Rumanian language


Oltenia, Muntenia Possessive article: al, a; ai, ale —

Cri_ _ana

Banat —

1sr person sing., 1st and 2nd person plural of ´a fi´ : (eu) mi-s (noi) ni-s (voi) vi-s Formation of conditional in r__ (obsolete) —

Formation of the past tense of the conditional mood with ´a vrea´

— —

Form. of the conjunctive with _i (not s_)

Table 6. Morphological peculiarities of the Northern Rumanian sub-dialects. (Transylvania, including Maramure_, and Moldavia have no distinctive morphological features.) (On the basis of Todoran, R., “Cu privire la reparti_ia graiurilor dacoromîne,” Limba român_, V, 2, pp. 38–50.) Petrovici concludes as follows: Transylvania has no sub-dialect of its own, but those four (or five) sub-dialects extend from the south, the east, the southwest and the northwest (the subdialect of Maramure_ from the north) towards the centre of Transylvania.284


Ibid., p. 17.

M. The dialects of the Rumanian language On the basis of phonetic peculiarities in texts from the 16th century, two subdialects may be distinguished within Northern Rumanian: a northern area with northern Transylvania, Maramure_, and Moldavia, and a southern area, comprising southern Transylvania and Muntenia.285 Texts written in the Banat coincide partly with the northern and partly with the southern sub-dialect. The differences in phonetics were in that period probably somewhat more pronounced than today.286 An investigation of the vocabulary used in the 16th century texts resulted in the delineation of essentially the same areas as those established by phonetic criteria.287 The absence of dialects in Northern Rumanian is remarkable and unique among the Romance languages: The Rumanian language, in contrast to other Romance languages, has a much more unitary character, a fact which has been emphasized repeatedly.288 In a note, Cazacu quotes the observation of J. Boutičre: Ce qui frappe dčs l´abord, lorsqu´on examine ces cartes (de l´ALR) ... c´est leur unité, au moins relative, qui confine parfois ŕ la pauvreté; nous sommes, la plupart du temps bien loin de l´exubérante richesse que présentent d´autres atlas linguistiques, et notamment celui de Gilliéron.289

N. The way of life of the early Rumanians as reflected by their language Among lexical elements originating from the substratum of Rumanian, shepherd terms predominate; in the Latin word stock, terms pertaining to urban life are practically non-existent and several Latin words changed their meaning in a direction explicable only in the setting of a shepherd community. This has been shown above, but there are other circumstances also indicating that the Vlachs were mainly shepherds, even after the separation of the dialects. 285

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 539. – It should be stated that in the 16th century, Rumanian was spoken in a much smaller part of Transylvania as compared to the situation today. The population living in the central parts of the province was predominantly non-Rumanian. 286

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 540.


Florica Dumitrescu, Contribu_ii la istoria limbii române vechi, 1973, pp. 48–69.


Cazacu, B., Studii de dialectologie român_, 1966, p. 148.


Boutičre, J., “Quelques observations sur les cartes lexicologiques de l´Atlas linguistique de la Roumanie”, Études romanes dédiées ŕ Mario Roques..., Paris, 1946, p. 194.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN These circumstances are: (1) The use of shepherd terms to express general human conditions. (2) Ancient Vlach placenames and names of mountains in the Balkan peninsula. (3) Documents on the shepherd Vlach population in Serbia (12th–15th centuries). (4) Considerable numbers of shepherd terms of Rumanian origin in at leat 12 European languages. (This will be discussed below, see “The wanderings of the Vlachs outside the Balkan peninsula.”) (1) In the Rumanian language, several expressions connected with general human conditions and activities derive from the shepherd terminology: (a) ´To wean´ is expressed by a term taken from the realities of shepherd life: a în_erca lit. ´to put in a fold;´ ´to wean´. This word contains Latin in- and a word from the substratum: _arc ´fold, pen´ (cf. above, p. 76). In contrast, in French, for example, ´to wean´ is expressed by a word the sense of which in Latin is ´to separate´: French sevrer ´to wean´ (< Latin se-parare ´to separate´). (b) arete, from Latin aries ´ram´, may in N. Rumanian signify ´male destined for reproductive function´, for example: coco_ul acesta l-am l_sat de arete ´we have preserved this cock for reproduction´.290 (c) The word strung_ ´sheepfold´, from the shepherd terminology, may also be used in the sense of ´gap between two teeth´; (strung_rea__ has only this sense). (d) chiag ´rennet´, from Latin coagulum, is used in such expressions as se închiag_ un gând ´a thought is being formed´, lit. ´a thought is being coagulated, clotted´; chiagul unei societ__i ´the cement of a society´; a prins chiag may be said of somebody who has consolidated his or her economic situation, etc.291 (e) To say that two persons are of the same age, one may say suntem de aceea_i iarb_, lit. ´we are of the same grass´ – as two lambs which started grazing at the same time. ´Don´t occupy yourself with things you don´t understand´ may be expressed by pa_te iarba pe care o cuno_ti, lit. ´feed upon the grass you know´. (f) The word for ´to graze, to feed´ – pa_te – is used in several everyday expressions: ce pa_ti aici? ´what do you seek here?, m_ pa_te moartea ´there is death ahead for me´, m_ pa_te norocul ´luck is close at hand´, m_ pa_te gândul ´the thought worries me´, etc. Seul un peuple oů la vie pastorale a joué un rôle capital peut dire: m_ pa_te un gînd litter. ´une pensée me paît´; il y a ŕ la base de cette expression l´image d´un troupeau de brebis qui broute jusqu´au dernier brin d´herbe, jusqu´ŕ ce qu´il ne reste plus rien.292 290

Pu_cariu, S., “Le rôle de la Transylvanie dans la formation et l´évolution de la langue roumaine”, La Transylvanie, 1938, p. 53. 291 292

Ibid., p. 52. Ibid. p. 53.

N. The way of life of the early Rumanians as reflected by their language

(g) Also oaie ´sheep´is used in everyday expressions: o face de oaie ´he makes something foolish´, prea e de oaie ´it is a very stupid thing´, suge la dou_ oi is said of somebody who makes a profit out of two sources, etc. (2) The names of Northern Rumanian origin in the Balkan peninsula of small villages (c_tun-s), as well as the names of mountains of the same origin, must have been left by a population living in the high mountains. These names were found by the Slavs when they populated the area, before the 8th century (cf. above, pp. 29–32). (3) Although from a later period (the 12th to the 15th centuries), there also are documentary descriptions of this population: they are mentioned in the earliest deeds of gift from Serbian monasteries known today, and are consistently described as shepherds or carters, often living in symbiosis with Serbians or Albanians (cf. above, pp. 26–29, 38).

O. The wanderings of the Vlachs outside the Balkan peninsula Above, pp. 35–37, the protracted wanderings of the Vlachs in almost the entire Balkan peninsula were described. Here I will present their northward migrations to rather distant territories. In the course of time, part of the Vlach population settled down as peasants. However, large numbers of them continued to be shepherds throughout the Middle Ages and even later, while migrating to new territories. This is, besides historical records, shown by the Rumanian lexical influence on a series of Europen languages: Slovakian, Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Hungarian, and Transylvanian Saxon. This is the result of the migrations of the Vlachs to territories north of the lower Danube; the Carpathian mountains, the Mun_ii Apuseni in Transylvania, the sub-Carpathian Ruthenian area, Slovakia, Moravia, southern Poland, the Ukraine, and southern Russia. It must be pointed out that the Vlachs did not borrow shepherd terms from the Slavs293 or from any other population with the exception of the other par excellence shepherd population of the Balkan peninsula, the Albanians. 293

Mih_il_ Studii 1973, p. 19. Popovi_ GSKS 1960, p. 201, mentions dobitoc ´animal, beast´ (cf. Macedonian dobitok ´cattle´), bivol ´buffalo, Bos bubalus´, jivin_ ´animal; wild beast´, and coco_ ´cock´ – all Slavic words borrowed by N. Rum. These could be regarded as exceptions; however, they also belong to the rich agricultural terminology of Slavic origin in Rumanian.

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN The largest semantic category of Rumanian lexical material borrowed by languages of southeastern Europe is that of the shepherd terms. Other groups are: plants, animals, parts of the body, family relations, human qualities and defects, clothes, food and drink, occupations, tools, habits, administrative and military terms, and even abstract notions. In Hungarian, the oldest Northern Rumanian influence consists mainly of shepherd terms: berbécs ´ram´, brindza ´cheese´, cáp ´he-goat´, cigája ´breed of sheep with prime wool´, esztrenga ´fold, pen´, esztena ´shepherd cottage´, furulya ´flute´, csobán ´shepherd in charge of a sheepfold´, mióra ´sheep´, mokány ´spunky, plucky´, pakulár ´shepherd´, orda ´soft cheese´, etc. The same is the case with the German language of the Transylvanian Saxons: batsch ´shepherd in charge of a sheepfold´, berbetsch ´ram´, tschurde ´flock´, stine ´shepherd cottage´, strunge ´fold, pen´, prents ´cheese´, zare ´butter milk´, zer ´whey´, flur ´flute´, etc. In Ukrainian, there are: afyra and afina ´blueberry´, armaš ´provost marshal´, harmasar ´stallion´, arsyca ´intense heat´, bracar ´bracelet´, bryndza ´cheese´, bukata ´piece, bit´, kam (adverb) ´about, around, nearly´, kamašy ´shirt´, kapestra ´halter, bridle´, karuš ´carter´, karuca ´cart, waggon´, kl´ag ´rennet´, kip ´image´, frika ´fear´, kodaš ´last, lagging behind´, fruntaš ´leader´, mai (adverb) ´more´, makriš ´(cock) sorrel, sharp dock´, malaj ´maize flour´, mamaliga ´maize porridge´, merend´a ´victuals, food´, popušoja ´maize´, sapa ´ho´, sapaty ´to hoe, to dig´, tryfoi ´clover, trefoil´, turma ´flock´, cariyna ´tilled land´, vatra ´hearth´, dzama ´juice´, dzer ´whey´, etc. In Russian: barbos ´bearded´, bryndza and brynza ´cheese´, malaj ´maize flour´, mamaliga ´maize porridge´, placynda ´pancake´, urda ´soft cheese´, cygeika ´sheep´, kalauz ´guide´, papuša ´doll puppet´, carina ´tilled land´, caranin ´peasant´, mors (from Rumanian murs_ ´beauty-spot; Schönheitspflästerchen; Honigwasser´), d_ok ´play´, etc. In Polish: afyra ´blueberry´, jefer ´blueberry´, bacza ´shepherd in charge of a sheepfold´, barda ´hatchet´, berbe_ ´sheep´, bryndza ´cheese´, bukat ´piece, bit´, kalarasz ´horseman´, kalcun ´bennet´, koliba ´hut´, kornuta ´(long)horned´, koszar ´barn, stall´, fujara ´flute´, kokonica ´young woman´, domna ´lady´, domnica ´princess; sweetheart´, linta and lenta ´lentil´, maczuga ´club, bludgeon´, malaj ´maize flour´, mamalyga ´maize porridge´, mierynda ´victuals, food´, strygo´,n ´ghost, phantom´, traista ´bag´, urda ´soft cheese´, dziama ´juice´, dzer ´whey´. A systematic study showed 30 terms of Northern Rumanian origin used by the Slovakian shepherds in the north and the northeast of Slovakia and Orova. Macrea294 mentions the following of these: ghaleta and geleta ´bucket´, kl´ag ´rennet´, putyra and putina ´vat´, merinda ´victuals, food´, demikat ´soup with 294

Macrea Studii 1970, pp. 11–18.

N. The way of life of the early Rumanians as reflected by their language crumbed bread´, kornuta ´(long)horned´, kulastra and kuljastra ´beest(ings)´, carek and carok ´fold, pen´, rumegat´i ´to chew, to rumigate´, meridzat´i ´(from Rumanian a meriza ´to let the cattle rest at noon´), murgana ´ (from Rumanian murgan_ ´sheep with black streaks´), cigaja ´sheep with fine, soft wool´, laja (from Rumanian laie) ´black sheep´, strunga ´sheepfold, pen´, bryndza ´cheese´, urda ´soft cheese´, ba_a ´shepherd in charge of a sheepfold´.295 Almost all these terms are also found in the Czech language. In Moravia and in Galicia, personal names of Rumanian origin were found by Dr_ganu: Puyne, Bacs, Cerbul, Gropa; in Galicia: Plina, Runkur, Stremtura, Florea, Pascu, Botez, etc.








play; pastime; dance




lentil (Lens esculenta)


intense heat

mai (adverb)



shepherd in charge of a sheepfold


maize flour




club, bludgeon


hatchet, block bill


maize porridge




victuals; food




ewe lamb




shepherd; boor, cad


baptism, Christening


mouche, beauty spot


piece, bit



cam (adverb)

about; almost




cavalry man, horseman




(herb)bennet (Geum)


full; compact; fat






halter, bridle


forest pasture


carter, waggoner




cart, waggon


sheepfold, pen




ghost, phantom; wizard




narrow passage, gorge

chip (< Hung. kép)

image, face, shape








herd, flock


clover (Trifolium)






last; lagging behind




cabin, hut, hovel


field under cultivation

mouse ear (Cer-

breed of sheep

O. The wanderings of the Vlachs outside the Balkan peninsula cornut_

astium arvense)


with prime wool


barn; stall; hovel; hut


soft cow cheese




heart; house; home


whistle, pipe


butter milk


fear, anxiety


juice; souce; soup


pit, cavity



Table 7. List of Rumanian lexical elements transferred to Hungarian, Transylvanian Saxon, Ukrainian, Slovakian, Czech, Polish, and Russian. The total number of Rumanian words in the Slavic languages is about 400. The highest number is found in Bulgarian (almost 200); this language also shows phonetic and structural changes of Rumanian origin (cf. above, pp. 108–110). The Slavic languages north of the Danube show lexical influence only. Some suggestions regarding the age of these words are given296 (a) by the rhotacized forms putyra (< putin_), afyra (< afin_) in Ukrainian, Polish, Slovakian, and Czech. Rhotacism was probably widespread in the 10th to the 13th centuries; later, it was restricted to certain smaller areas; (b) by the forms kl´ag in Ukrainean, Polish, and Slovakian, gl´ag in Czech: cl in Latin words changed in N. Rum. to k´ before the 16th century; (c) dz in dzeama, dzer, in Ukrainian and Polish, bryndza in all northern and eastern Slavic languages. In Northern Rumanian, the dz > z change was, as shown by the first written texts, almost complete in the 16th century. It should be pointed out that these criteria are not unequivocal, both rhotacism and dz existed also after the 16th century in certain areas of Northern Rumanian. Historical records may give some help: Vlachs are first described in the Balkan peninsula at the end of the 10th century, in Moldavia, at the end of the 11th century, and in Muntenia, somewhat later; in Transylvania, beginning with the 13th century. In Slovakia, Vlach shepherds appeared, according to Dr_ganu, already during the 10th to the 11th centuries (via Pannonia), but their presence there (and in Moravia) is attested by Czech and Slovakian historians only from the 16th century on. According to Macrea, these Rumanian terms were borrowed “in the period of great dispersion” of the Vlachs, “between the 10th and the 13th centuries.”297 296 297

Macrea Studii 1970, p. 17. Macrea, Studii 1970, p. 17, referring to works of Dr_ganu and to D. Macrea,

II: FROM LATIN TO RUMANIAN That the Vlachs came to the above mentioned areas as wandering shepherds is obvious; no peasant population could have made such extensive migrations. This appears also from the analysis of the Rumanian loanwords from the semantic viewpoint: the largest single group of these words belongs to shepherd terminology and of the rest, a large part, names of plants, animals, tools, etc., are connected with shepherd´s way of life. The Vlach population had its own organization, led by its own leaders (cneji, c_tunari, celnici), and had with them everywhere the jus valachicum, developed in Serbia. In the Balkans, many of their leaders attained high ranks in society as administrators, clerks, church leaders, and also as chiefs of their own local state organizations : cf. the “Valachies” described in Byzantine sources, as well as the As_ne_ti-family, the founders of the second Bulgarian empire. The rank and file were, however, mainly shepherds. In the course of time, more and more of them settled down as peasants. In Slovakia, Bohemia, Poland, the Ukraine, and Russia, they were eventually assimilated into the surrounding Slavic populations. The above mentioned Rumanian impact upon the language of these populations is the only memento of them today.

Probleme de lingvistic_ român_, 1961, pp. 50–53: “The loan of shepherd terms occurred certainly in the period of great dispersion of the Rumanians, of whom a number have reached, in the west, Istria, where they still exist today: the Istrorumanians, others in the south of the Balkan peninsula: present day Arumanians and Meglenites, others to the east of the Dniester and others northward as far as to Moravia and Silezia, all of which happened betweeen the 10th and the 13th centuries.”

Chapter III

THE THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUMANIAN NORTH OF THE DANUBE A. Introduction The definition of the theory of Daco-Roman continuity This theory assumes that present day Rumanian is the direct descendant of Latin spoken at one time, i.e., in AD 106–275, in the territory of the Roman province of Dacia Traiana, present day Oltenia and most of Transylvania. Within this framework opinions vary between archaeologists, historians, and linguists; and also in time. Until the early 1970s, only the former province of Dacia Traiana was considered in this context (C. Daicoviciu). Thereafter, however, certain archaeologists and historians started to declare that areas extra provinciam, such as Muntenia and Moldavia, also belonged to the ancient DacoRoman areas. On the other hand, the evidence of early Vlachs (Rumanians) in several parts of the Balkan peninsula is too strong to be neglected; particularly linguists have assumed a very large area of formation for the Rumanian language and people, both north and south of the lower Danube, from the central areas of the Balkans to northern Transylvania. About the history of the theory Poggio Bracciolini, Italian humanist, travelled in Eastern Europe and discovered with surprise the Vlachs, a population whose language resembled very much his own, Italian. His writing from 1451 was, as far as this is known today, the first thesis about the origins of the Rumanians. Bracciolini knew of the Roman province of Dacia Traiana and believed that the presence in the same territory of a population speaking a Romance language can only be explained by assuming a direct continuity between Trajan´s Romans and this population. This has been called “historical logic” and is by many people still considered plausible. During the centuries following Bracciolini, many similar records appeared about the Vlachs and their language. These ideas were taken up and developed during the 17th and 18th centuries by the first Rumanian chroniclers of importance: Miron Costin, Dimitrie Cantemir, and others. Cantemir (1673–1723) affirmed that Emperor Trajan annihilated or ousted all Dacians from the conquered territories north of the lower 177

178 Danube and that the Rumanian people was the descendant of the Romans – mostly of noble families transferred from Rome to Dacia Traiana; not of a mixed, Roman and Dacian, population. He assumed, nevertheless, the existence of some Dacian words in the Rumanian language.298 As pointed out by Armbruster: Der Sinn und Wert dieser Anschauung liegt in ihrer politischen Absicht, als theoretische Begründung praktischer Unternehmen zur Wiederzusammenführung der ´Romano-Moldo-Wlachen´ aus der Moldau, der Walachei und aus Siebenbürgen in einen einzigen einheitlichen rumänischen Staat.299 During the second half of the 18th century, these views were further developed and propagated by the “Transylvanian School” (_coala ardelean_), whose main protagonists were P. Maior, Gh. _incai, and S. Micu-Klein. Emphasizing the Latin origin of Rumanian, these writers considered the Slavic elements of language alien. They wrote Rumanian grammars and histories, occupied themselves with education, literature, etc. and launched the development of national consciousness among the Rumanians. The political importance of this activity was also very great: History and language were the most important arms with which Micu, as also _incai and Maior, has sought to argue for the right of the Rumanian people to a life in freedom and equality with the other nationalities of Transylvania.300 The ideas of the Transylvanian School have had, and still have, an enormous influence on Rumanian historical thinking.


Cf., for example, Dacoromania II, 1974, p. 263. These words are: stejar, gr_esc, privesc, nemeresc, p_dure, c_rare, and hele_teu. None of them is, however, Dacian: four are of Slavic origin, two derive from Latin and one from Hungarian. 299 300

Dacoromania II, 1974, p. 75.

Macrea, D., “Samul Micu”, Limba romîn_, III, 1956, p. 9. Cf. also Dami, A., “La controverse de la continuité daco-roumaine”, Humanitas Ethnica, Ethnos, 5, 1967, p. 268; and Grecu, V., _coala ardelean_ _i unitatea limbii române literare, Timi_oara, 1973.

O. The wanderings of the Vlachs outside the Balkan peninsula 179

B. The theory of continuity in modern times In Istoria Romîniei, C. Daicoviciu (editor), Edit. Acad. RPR, Bucharest, 1960, the theory of the “formation of the Rumanian language and the Rumanian people” is summarized as follows: The Rumanian people was formed in a prolonged process which was made possible by the colonization and Romanization of Moesia and Dacia. Two elements are found on the basis of this ethnogenesis: the autochthonous population with a Thraco–Daco–Moesic language and the Roman element, represented by the colonists of Rome, who settled in this Daco–Moesic territory during the centuries of Roman domination, and by the Romanizing influence of this domination. The birth of the Rumanian people in the territory of its fatherland (na_terea poporului romîn pe teritoriul patriei sale) was in the first place made possible by the continued existence of a Latin-speaking population in the entire territory between the Haemus mountains and the Northern Dacian Carpathians ALSO AFTER THE OFFICIAL ABANDONMENT OF DACIA. In fact, this continuity was ascertained, its main foci being the Romanized centres of the former province of Dacia and the valley of the lower Danube, including Dobrogea. It continued without interruption, in time and space, not only until the massive settlement of the Slavs in Dacia and in the Balkan peninsula, but also after. During this period, the Moeso–Danubian Roman population (romanitatea moeso-danubian_) of urban, rural, and pastoral character contributed effectively to the completion of the Romanization of the territories north of the river, by unceasing intermigrations of the population from one shore to the other as well as by contacts of political character (temporary domination of the Romano–Byzantine Empire north of the Danube), of economic and cultural character (the propagation of Christianity in the Latin language) which the Empire maintained with the territories beyond the Danube. After the end of the Romano–Byzantine domination on the southern side of the Danube (about the year 600), and as a consequence of the symbiosis of the autochthonous Romance population with the Slavs who settled in Dacia and in Moesia, the process of Rumanian ethnogenesis in a more restricted sense of the word started in the entire Daco–Moesian territory, lasting about two or three centuries (from the 7th to the 9th century). The contacts between the Romance population of Moesia and Dacia were not interrupted in these centuries either, but were preserved, though from now on the common Latin language spoken by this population started to sever itself from popular Latin when going through the first stage of the common Rumanian language (the so-



called Ancient Rumanian (str_româna).301 Considering the fact that the Slavic elements in the Rumanian language show predominantly Bulgarian traits, and the frontier of Bulgarian was approximately the same as today, the early Rumanians are said to have been living in the Balkans only in the small area between the Haemus mountains (the Jire_ek-line), the lower Danube, and the Bulgarian–Serbian frontier. From this small area of the Balkan peninsula – it is true that it was strongly Romanized – those waves of Romance population are alleged to have started which, according to another theory, that of the linguist A. Philippide, led to the re-Romanization, from the 7th century on, of the territories north of the Danube, where at present 17 million people speak Rumanian. The probability of such a massive migration, starting from a limited area is, however, very small. Therefore, the area on both sides of the Danube (the “Daco–Moesian territory,” spa_iu daco-moesic) is said to have been the region in which the ancestors of the Rumanians lived and where the Slavo–Rumanian symbiosis took place:


Daicoviciu, C., (red.) Istoria Romîniei, 1960, pp. 806–807.

B: The theory in modern times


The phonetic, lexical, and grammatical changes in the Daco–Moesian Rumanian language (romanica daco-moesic_) took place in the long interval between the 7th and 9th centuries. This language was carried towards the south by the Vlachs, the ancestors of the Arumanians mentioned by Byzantine historians of the 10th century as having arrived from the Danubian regions, from the vicinity of Dacia. Thus, at this period, the formation of the Rumanian language was completed.302 Another summary of the theory of continuity is given in an article by C. Daicoviciu (1967): Die slawische Toponymie Rumäniens, besonders die im Banat, in Siebenbürgen, in Oltenien und Muntenien zeigt dieselbe südslawischen phonetischen Kennzeichen, wie auch im Wortschatz der rumänischen Sprache vorkommenden slawischen Elemente. Folglich muss die Urheimat der rumänischen Sprache nördlich des Kammes des Haemus-Gebirges und zwar bis in Gebiete, zu denen die Romanisierung vordrang, also BIS NACH DACIEN HINEIN, und bis östlich der heutigen Grenze zwischen Jugoslavien und Bulgarien gesucht werden. Von diesen donau-moesischen Gebieten her sind im Laufe des frühen Mittelalters (etwa im 7.–9. Jahrhundert, also nach dem Eindringen der Bulgaren) romanische Schafhirten nicht nur nach Süden, Südwesten und Westen, in die Balkanhalbinsel (die Vorfahren der heutigen Arumänen, Megleno-Rumänen und, auf der Istrien-Halbinsel, der Istro-Rumänen), sondern auch nach Norden, in das gebirgige Dazien gezogen.303

302 303

IR 1960, p. 797.

Daicoviciu, C., “Der Ursprung des rumänischen Volkes im Lichte neuesten Forschungen und Ausgrabungen”, published originally in Forschungen zur Volk- und Landeskunde, Sibiu (Hermannstadt), 1967; in Dacica 1969, pp. 544–558 (the passage quoted here is found on pp. 553–554).



It appears that the above authorities do not believe in the theory that the Rumanian language originated exclusively from Latin spoken in Dacia Traiana but assume a larger or smaller area also south of the lower Danube as its area of formation. The question is then, which was this area? The territory of formation of Common Rumanian was defined above (p. 321).304 According to Densusianu, (H.d.l.r., I, 289), this territory would have comprised Moesia, Illyria,and Dacia; Pu_cariu (Ét. de ling. roum., 112) puts the territory of formation of the Rumanian language on both shores of the Danube (“a large territory, south and north of the Danube”, LR I, 255, Treimer (Literaturbl. f. germ. u. rom. Phil., LXII, col. 64–65) in Illyria, Dardania, and Paeonia, and Philippide (Orig. Rom., II, 385), in the Balkan peninsula. The areas of the Timok and Morava remained Romanized until the 13th and 14th centuries. In these regions, although to a lesser extent as compared to Dalmatia, a large number of Roman placenames were preserved (see the enumeration in Orig. Rom., I, 453, by Philippide); the Romanized population was preserved during the period of the Byzantine domination along the road of great penetration in the Balkan peninsula, Via Egnatia (Margulies, A. Slavic. Ph., XL, 197 ff.) 305 It is interesting to follow Rosetti´s argument about the territories north of the Danube as a part of the Rumanian ancient homeland. The arguments are taken from archaeological finds and a reference to the assumption that not all citizens of Dacia Traiana have left the province in 275 AD. There is also a difference between the 1968 edition and the definitive (1986) edition regarding the territories north of the Danube: The presence of a Romanized population (Vlachs...) in the western parts of the Balkan peninsula is normal. It does not exclude the persistence of a Romanized element north of the Danube in those regions which once were under Roman rule. The existence of a Rumanian population north of the Danube (at Dridu, Urziceni, and Bucov, Ploie_ti) in the 9th and 10th centuries is, as a matter of fact, proved by archaeological excavations (Nestor, Don. 304

On this page, this territory is defined a follows: [the Rumanian dialects: Arumanian, Meglenitic, Northern Rumanian, and Istro-Rumanian] “were originally a single language, descendant of Oriental Latin, which was once spoken in the Romanized Danubian provinces, Moesia Superior and Inferior, Dacia, and Pannonia Inferior.” 305

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 323.

B: The theory in modern times


archéol. 407–410). M. Besnier, L´Empire romain, de l´avenement des Sévčres au concile de Nicée, Paris, p. 243 (Histoire romaine. IV, 1): the evacuation of Dacia “ne fut pas complčte ... La masse des paysans ne bougea pas ... Ainsi s´explique la persistence si tenace de la race et de la langue latines dans la contrée que Trajan avait conquise”. After the official abandonment of Dacia by Aurelian, a part of the Romanized population – with the exception of the soldiers, functionaries and a considerable part of the town-dwellers and of those who were living in the countryside – remained in their places, in the Banat (C. Patsch, Banater Sarmaten, Akad. d. Wissenschaft. in Wien, Anzeiger 1925, nr. XXVII, p. 215.) For the conditions in which this Romanized population survived in Dacia under the domination of the barbarians, until the arrival of the Slavs, cf. Daicoviciu, Transylv., p. 79 ff.306 In the year 535, the diocese of the bishop of Skopje comprised the provinces Dacia Ripensis, Dacia Mediterranea, Moesia Superior, Praevalis, Macedonia Secunda and the eastern part of southern Pannonia, thus, also the provinces enumerated above (M. Friedwagner, ZRPh., LIV, 663). “We are forced to admit that at least part of the ancient Rumanians lived south of the Danube” (Pu_cariu, LR, I, 270). This territory, restricted and enlarged in the course of time (in 235–238, Moesia Inferior was abandoned because of the incursions of the migrating peoples, and in 268 were Dacia and Moesia Superior abandoned; in 377, the Huns occupied Pannonia: Philippide, Orig. rom., I, 854), does not comprise the regions in which the Rumanian language was to be extended later (unde limba român_ era s_ se întind_ mai tîrziu): eastern Transylvania, Bucovina, Moldova, Basarabia, _ara Româneasc_ and Dobrogea. 307 The argument of Pu_cariu against the theory of a Balkan origin of the Rumanians is quoted: If the Rumanians of modern Rumania were the descendants of some migrating shepherds who, as some people pretend, came form the Balkan peninsula during the Middle Ages into regions inhabited by other populations, their fate would have been, beyond doubt, the same as that of those Vlach groups who disappeared in the masses of Hungarians and Slavs in Ancient Pannonia and in the northern Carpathians.308 306 307

Ibid., p. 199. Rosetti ILR 1968, pp. 215–216. (In the 1986 edition, the last sentence was

omitted.) 308


Pu_cariu, S., Limba român_, vol. I, 1940, p. 361; quoted by Rosetti ILR 1986, p.



As was mentioned above, before the 1970s, historians as well as linguists considered that the Rumanian language developed (also) in the territory of the former province of Dacia Traiana. (C. Daicoviciu explicitly stated this, criticizing the attempts at extending the theory of continuity to areas beyond the frontiers of this province.) Also Rosetti stated, in the earlier editions of his Istoria limbii române, that Muntenia, Moldavia, and other areas once extra provinciam did not belong to the territory of the Daco-Romans (see above). However, in the definitive edition (1986), this statement was omitted. This is the expression of a change in policy during the first years of the 1970s, as shown by a similar inconsistency in a textbook of history: Istoria României. Compendiu, 1969, stressed the importance of the distinction between those areas which once belonged to the Roman Empire and those which remained extra provinciam. We must not forget that the problem of continuity appeared for a very long time ago in the science of history and that it has a well-defined content, which we are not allowed to change according to our own wishes. This problem pertains exclusively to Roman Dacia: it was for THIS territory that the followers of Roesler denied the preservation under Roman rule of the Dacian population, for THIS territory was Daco-Roman continuity denied after 271 AD, in THIS territory were “brought”, also by Roesler´s partisans, from the territory south of the Danube, the Rumanians in the 9th–13th centuries. The problem of continuity is thus a problem regarding Roman Dacia. Does this mean that in Muntenia and in Moldavia no continuity of human life existed? Not at all! Muntenia and Moldavia were never left deserted, but there one cannot talk of Dacian continuity under Roman rule, only of continuity of the free Dacians. There is not and cannot be a Daco-Roman continuity after the abandonment by Aurelian because of the simple reason that between 106– 271, Muntenia and Moldavia not having been occupied by the Romans, little more than a bare beginning of Romanization can have occurred there, and the abandonment by Aurelian changed almost nothing of the situation in these territories. The Dacian population of Muntenia and Moldavia was Romanized much later. This is the reason why the issue of continuity must be restricted exclusively to the territories which belonged to Roman Dacia and particularly to the intraCarpathian areas.309 In the third (1974) edition of the same textbook a very different view is found: Does this mean that in Muntenia and in Moldavia no continuity of human life existed? Not at all! Muntenia and Moldavia never remained desert; also there,


Istoria României. Compendiu. M. Constantinescu et al. (red.), 1969, p. 105.

C: History


there was a Dacian continuity under Roman rule, continuity of DacoRoman life, because southern Moldavia and Muntenia belonged to the Roman province of Moesia Inferior.310

History 1. THE ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF ROMANIZATION NORTH OF THE DANUBE C. Daicoviciu311 assembled the following arguments in favour of “the possibility of a real Romanization” of Dacia Traiana: (1) The Dacians were exposed to Roman civilization at least a century before their subjugation by the Romans, and Romanization continued also after the abandonment of the province by Rome. (2) The colonization there – as shown by the facts that very strong army units were used and that the process was highly organized, – was a deliberate effort made by the Roman state to build a bastion in the midth of barbaricum. (3) The spread of Christianity during the 4th century among the population left by the Romans in the province. “That this propagation of the new religion occurred in the Latin language is shown by the basic terms of Latin origin in the Christian terminology of Rumanian.” (4) Those of the foreign colonists who did not speak Latin, were compelled to learn it in order to be able to communicate with the other inhabitants. (5) There are two historical records about “the Roman character of the province”: (a) Eutropius (VIII, 6, 2) tells us that when Emperor Hadrian (117– 138) planned to leave Dacia, he was told not to do so, “to evade handing over many Roman citizens to the barbarians”. (b) Zonaras (Annal., XI, 21, II, p. 510, ed. Bonn): “And from that time on, from the conquest of Dacia, the Dacian people and their province became Roman.” 310 311

Istoria României. Compendiu, _. Pascu (red.), 3rd edition, 1974, p. 87.

Daicoviciu, C., “Romanizarea Daciei”, Apulum, VII, 1, 1968, pp. 261–271; in Dacica, 1969, pp. 427–437. The following survey (1–14) is based on this article.



(6) The absence of any racial sentiment and any opposition based on a uniform language. The Dacian language, with its many dialects was no obstacle to Romanization, on the contrary, affirms Daicoviciu, it was advantageous to change to a language known by the entire population. (7) A large number of inscriptions (almost 3000), of which most are Latin, attest to the presence of the Latin language in the province. Daicoviciu asserts that the frequent appearance of non-Latin names in the inscriptions is no indication against Romanization because this has, in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, counterparts in other Roman provinces. The statistics made by A. Kerényi (Die Personnamen von Dazien, Budapest, 1941) show that the great majority of the names were of Roman origin. (8) Among colonists coming from 20 provinces, some were from Italy, as shown by the situation in the capital, Ulpia Traiana, where this was studied: An investigation of the personal names in Ulpia Traiana revealed some whose territory of origin is certain, among which was Italy (families such as Varenii, Cominii, Domitii, Servii, etc.). An investigation which will be necessary to make also about the rest of the communities of Dacia will result in the same statement: the number of people from Italy, settled in Dacia either as veterans, as handicraftsmen or as businessmen (among whom there were certainly also farmers) is much higher than is generally believed (p. 432). (9) A large number of Dalmatian miners contributed to Romanization. (10) The high number of military units: at the beginning, three, then one, and later, two legions, and a “considerable number of auxiliary units”. The majority of these came from the western provinces, in a period when the auxiliary units were increasingly Romanizaed. Through the canabae, these units were starting points of Romanization. (11) The increase in the standard of living, from which also the indigenous population benefited, may have brought them close to the Romans. (12) The archaeological finds show that the Roman buildings in Dacia were of the same style as those in the western parts of the empire. (13) The progressive Romanization of the province is reflected in the successive organization of municipia and of colonies. (14) “In the most suitable moment of the maturation of this process of Romanization, the institution of the Concilium III Daciarum by Severus Alexander crowns this transformation of ´barbarian´ Dacia into Dacia Romana” (p. 436).312 312

Historical and archaeological treatises published during the last decades in Rumania defend the theory of continuity. Out of the large number of books on this theme, the following, more important volumes may be mentioned: Condurachi, E., Daicoviciu, C., The Ancient Civilization of Romania, 1971.

C: History


2. THE ABANDONMENT OF DACIA BY THE ROMANS The record about the Roman retreat from Dacia Traiana was written about 100 years after the event, by Eutropius. This writer was the magister memoriae of Emperor Valens (364–369). Eutropius wrote in 369 a history of Rome: Breviarium ab urbe condita. The most important sources of this work were Constantinescu, M., Daicoviciu, C., and Pascu, _., Istoria României, Compendiu, 1969; 3rd edition: 1974. Daicoviciu, C., Dacica, Cluj, 1969 (a collection of the author´s articles). Daicoviciu, C. (red.), Istoria Romîniei, vol. I, 1960. Giurescu, C.C. (red.), Istoria României în date, 1971. Giurescu, C.C., and Giurescu, D.C., Istoria românilor din cele mai vechi timpuri pîn_ ast_zi, 2nd edition, 1975. Miron, P. (red.), Dacoromania. Jahrbuch für östliche Latinität, vol. I, 1973. Pippidi, D.M. (red.), Dic_ionar de istorie veche a României (paleolitic - sec. X), 1976.Giurescu, C.C., (ed.) Istoria României în date, 1971. Protase, D., Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i numismaticii, 1966. Protase, D., Autohtonii în Dacia, 1980.



Suetonius, Livius, and a history of the Empire also known by other authors. Writing about Emperor Aurelian, Eutropius tells us the following: IX, 13, 1. After him, Aurelian, who originated from Dacia Ripensis, took the power in the Empire: [...] he defeated very bravely the Goths, thanks to several lucky wars, he restored the Roman power to the former frontiers. IX, 15, 1. [...] He abandoned the province of Dacia, created by Trajan beyond the Danube, since the whole of Illyricum and all of Moesia were devastated, and he had no hope of keeping it. He took the Romans from the towns and from the fields of Dacia and placed them in the middle of Moesia; and, what before was to the left, is now to the right of the Danube, as it flows into the sea.313 Historians who believe in Daco-Roman continuity cannot, of course, accept the idea that all Latin-speaking inhabitants have left Dacia Traiana. Thus, for example, V. Iliescu, one of the editors of Fontes Historiae Daco-Romanae, comments in a footnote the above text as follows: Since he wanted to save the prestige of the Romans and at the same time not to diminish the figure of Aurelian, who is praised by the author to have restored the empire, Eutropius “augments” (l_rge_te) the operation of evacuation of Dacia and creates in this way the illusion of a total evacuation, in the same way as he, in connection with Trajan, talked about a total colonization of Dacia. And in this way, a false tradition was created, taken up by Festus and then put into circulation.314

3. THE “SILENCE OF HISTORIANS” After the record by Eutropius, no Roman population north of the lower Danube is mentioned for 800 years, until the second half of the 11th century, when Vlach soldiers were first recorded in Moldavia. This silence has been used as an argument against the theory of continuity. It is, however, only an argument


Eutropius, Breviarium ab urbe condita; - Fontes Historiae Daco-Romanae, vol. II, Bucure_ti, 1970, p. 38: IX, 13, 1. “Post eum, Aurelianus suscepit imperium, Dacia Ripensis oriundus: ... quoque Gothos strenuisse vicit, Romanam ditionem ad fines pristinos varia bellorum felicitate revocavit.” IX, 15, 1: ... “Provinciam Daciam, quam Traianus ultra Danubiam fecerat, intermisit, vastato omni Illyrico et Moesia, desperans eam posse retineri; abductosque Romanos ex urbibus et agris Daciae, in media Moesia collocavit; et est in dextra Danubio in mare fluenti, cum ante fuerit in laeva.” 314

Fontes II, p. 39, note 11.

C: History


ex silentio; it has been pointed out repeatedly315 that the absence of records about a Roman population cannot in itself be regarded as proof of the absence of such a population. The following explanations have been offered: When discussing these regions in their works, the Byzantine and the western chroniclers occupied themselves only with the events of war or with dominating ethnic elements, and only if these were interesting for their friendly or inimical attitude towards Byzantium or the Western world. [...]


Cf., for example, Daicoviciu Dacica 1969, pp. 552 - 553; IR 1960, p. 780.



Of course, the possibility cannot be excluded that the Byzantine authors had the autochthonous population in mind when using archaic expressions or the name of some dominating peoples, since it might be possible that the chroniclers meant, without saying it explicitly, the masses of local peoples when they wrote about those numerous “nationes” and “gentes” over which ( also according to the chroniclers of the age) Huns and Avars reigned.316 G. _tefan317 affirmed that even in the light of the historical records, “the theory of a total evacuation of the north-Danubian province proves false”. His and other authors´ arguments in favour of this may be summarized as follows: (1)The fact that the Huns dominated over several populations, among which there might have been also Romans. Travelling north of the lower Danube, the Byzantine envoy Priscus found villages (κωµαι) comprised of huts (καλυβαι): Thus, this was a sedentary population of peasant farmers, not of Hunnish origin, without any political significance but only with an economic one, because politics and war belonged to the affairs of the Huns. We may talk about a kind of symbiosis between the dominating Huns and their subjects (Sarmatians, Goths, Gepidae, beyond doubt, also Romance groups). [...] One may also observe the progress attained by the Hunnish society thanks to the contact with the Roman civilization. The court of Attila, the dwelling place of Onegesios, the bath constructed by a prisoner from Sirmium are only some examples. We also may add the fact that there was an organized office, that several languages were spoken at the court of Attila. About this, Priscus writes: “because the Scythians are mixed and besides their own language, they try to speak the language of the Huns, or that of the Goths or that of the Ausoni, when some of them have to do with the Romans.” This is not the place to once again discuss the question of the Ausoni and their language. For us, the statement by Priscus that this language was used for the understading with the Romans (οσοις αυτων προς Ρωµαιους επιµιζια και ου ραδιως τις ελλενιζει τη ϕω νη), and not with the Byzantine Greeks, is sufficient. It was thus a Romance language (o limb_ romanic_), probably Latin spoken in the Romanized region of the Danube valley (the two Moesiae and Daciae, Pannonia, which together with north-Danubian Dacia and Scythia Minor, constitute the territory of the Danubian Roman population). (2) The persecution of king Hellenos (?) would have been “caused by the 316 317

IR 1960, p. 780. In Fontes II, pp. VI–X.

C: History


hatred against the Romans”, but it did not succeed in suppressing the Christians. In fact, Epiphanios writes (70, 15, 4): “and even though it would appear as if all Christians had been expelled, SOME BELIEVERS REMAINED THERE.” Such affirmations give us the right to ask whether the hatred against the Romans was directed against the Roman state or only against the Roman subjects of the Goths. (3) Talking about the propagation of Christianity among the Goths, [Sozomenos, an historian living in the 5th century] says that it was spread among the Goths as well as among “those who earlier were their neighbours along the shores of the Ister”, an information which deserves to be remembered. Who were earlier the neighbours of the Goths the author refers to? Sarmatians, Carps, Daco-Romans? An opportunity to meditate and an incentive to go into the problem more deeply is offered us also by the affirmation that under the influence of Christianity, “they (the Goths) adapted themselves to a more civilized and better life”.318 (4) Zosimos, IV, 34, wrote that Theodosius defeated the Carpo–Dacians and forced them to return to their places. Gh. _tefan considers this to be of great significance: ...“being repelled, they returned to their places, an incontestable proof of continuity.” (5) The story of Chilbudios is told by IR 1960 pp. 738–739 as follows: During their incursions into the Empire, the different Slavic tribes often brought with them as prisoners, groups of Thraco-Romanized population (popula_ie traco-romanizat_) from the territory south of the Danube. The Latin language was used north of the Danube, and in this context an important record was left by Procopios. Narrating the attempt made by the Ant [a Slavic tribe] Chilbudios to appear as if he were the general with the same name who died, Procopios shows how he was exposed by general Narses, “IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT HE SPOKE LATIN and that he learned to imitate many of the habits of the Roman general Chilbudios ...” The fact that the false Chilbudios learned the Latin language north of the Danube can only be explained by the presence there of a Romance population and by the use of the Latin language among the different groups [emphasis in the original]. (6) The episode recorded by Theophylaktos Simokattes and Theophanes Confessor about the shouting of the words “torna, torna, frater!”, during a march of a Byzantine army unit in the region of the Haemus mountains refers to a Romanized population:


Fontes II, p. XI.



...all repeated in the language of the local peoples (în limba b__tina_ilor): “torna, torna“, i.e., return, as if it had been the sign of peril. The words are evidently Romance. Since the author shows that they were uttered in the language of the local population of the Balkans, it is obvious that these people were Romance (este evident c_ ace_tia erau romanici). 319 (7) In a work written at the beginning of the 7th century, the author, Mauricius, gives advice regarding the tactics to be followed by the Byzantine army in the battles with the Sclavini and the Antes north of the Danube. In chapter XI, 31, Mauricius writes: We must beware of those so-called refugees, sent to us to show the ways and to find somebody; although they are Romans, with time, their mode of life changed, they forgot their own people and show more affection for the enemy. The difficulty is to understand the exact significance of the word refugees. Are they some inhabitants of the Empire who fled to the Slavs and were used by these to deceive the Byzantine army? Or are they somehow Romans originating from the north of the Danube, because, “in the course of time, their mode of life changed”, in the course of the symbiosis with the Slavs? [...] The problem remains open. In a note to this text, however, V. Iliescu gives the following commentary to the word refugees (ρεϕουγους):



Fontes II, p. XIV. The description of the episode itself is found on pp. 538 and

C: History


The Latin technical term used shows a juridic notion. The author talks about Romance elements north of the Danube, who fled across the Danube, home, to the Empire but served as guides for the Byzantine troops north of the Danube, these places being known for them, because their flight occurred a not very long time before.320 (8) Also the record written by Auxentius Durostorensis, who stated that the Gothic bishop Ulfila preached in Greek, Latin, and Gothic, has been assumed to prove the presence of a Latin-speaking population north of the lower Danube: Having done these and similar things, and shining with glory for forty years in the episcopate, he preached, by apostolic grace, without interruption, in the Greek, Latin, and Gothic languages in the one and only Church of Christ.321 C. Daicoviciu wrote about this in 1941 the following: Even the Christianity of the Goths propagated by Ulfila and other missionaries is, with good reason, connected with the Daco-Roman, Christian population north of the lower Danube, for to whom would Ulfila have preached in Latin if not to these people?322 In a note to the above-mentioned text, in Fontes Historiae Daco-Romanae, II, (p. III, note 1) the same opinion is found: The preaching in three languages, and especially in Latin, attests to the continued presence of a Latin-speaking population north of the Danube.


Fontes II, p. 561, note 5. Ibid., p. 110. Daicoviciu Dacica 1969, p. 525.



After the abandonment of Dacia Traiana in 275 AD, the lower Danube became again the frontier of the Roman Empire. What was the relation between the Empire and the territories north of the lower Danube after the end of the 3rd century? According to Istoria Romîniei, 1960 (p. 647): The lively connections between the populations of the Dacian territory and the Roman provinces situated between the Danube and the Balkan mountains were an important factor in the preservation of the north-Danubian Roman population (în men_inerea romanit__ii nord-dun_rene). The maintenance of contacts across the Danube was, according to IR, made easier by the following circumstances: It was possible to evacuate Dacia without a hurry, the evacuation was organized and certain terms could be imposed upon the new rulers.323 It is also assumed that because the territories south of the Danube were poorer than those north of the river, the Romans needed the products of the north, which must have led to exchange between themselves and the population living in the north. What are then the material proofs of these assumptions? On the basis of what is found in Istoria Romîniei, 1960, and an article by D. Tudor,324 the arguments may be summarized as follows: Commercial contacts

323 324

IR 1960, p. 647.

Tudor, D., “Preuves archéologiques attestant la continuité de la domination romaine au nord du Danube aprčs l´abandon de la Dacie sous Aurelien (IIIe–Ve sičcles)”, Dacoromania I, 1973, pp. 149–161.

C: History


Themistios (317–388 AD) mentions the existence of commercial contacts between the Romans and the Goths:325 ...The exchange is shown to have been very active as proved by the continued circulation of Roman coins and the presence of some Romano–Byzantine products far in the territory of Dacia. As shown by archaelogical finds, Sucidava, on the northern shore of the Danube, has had economic contacts with Dobrogea, the Balkan peninsula, the Near East, and also with Dacia


Oration No. X; in Fontes II, p. 60; cf. IR 1960, p. 650.


III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY some periodical markets organized in the same way as in other periods, on the shore of the Danube, supervised by the garrison. Many weights were found here, one of which was used for the checking of coins of precious metal from the barbarian world. In Sucidava, imitations of Romano–Byzantine bronze coins circulated, made by the populations of Dacia.326 Military operations Procopios327 recorded that during the 3rd, 4th, and 5th centuries, the Roman emperors raised forts (mostly single towers, monopyrgia) not only along the southern shore of the lower Danube, but “here and there, also on the other shore”. Emperor Diocletian (284–305) conducted a series of military actions, reaching from the Danube far into the Valachian plain, which led to an increase of the Roman influence north of the lower Danube. Constantine the Great (306–337) occupied the southern parts of present-day Oltenia and Muntenia, probably up to the Furrow of Novac (brazda lui Novac, see map No. 8). This was the greatest expansion of the Empire north of the lower Danube after the abandonment of Dacia Traiana; it lasted for about 40 years. Constantine also built a 2400 m long bridge across the Danube, between Oescus and Sucidava. It must be emphasized that a bridge of such dimensions could not have been constructed only to serve the needs of a modest fortress such as Sucidava, but rather with the aim of serving a domination which must have been exercised in the large territory reconquered in the south of the ancient province of Dacia.328 Remnants from this bridge, and a miliarium, 1479 m from Celei at the Danube were discovered by archaeologists. The road from Sucidava to the Furrow of Novac was repaired, as well as that between Oescus and Serdica. The tower of Sucidava (on the place of present-day Celei–Corabia) was repaired. Excavations made there showed jewels,weapons, and many other objects which belonged to 326 327 328

IR 1960, p. 664. Procopius: De aedificiis, Fontes II, pp. 458–474; quoted by IR, p. 650. Tudor, D., Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 156.

C: History


the soldiers stationed there. In the town, objects of metal, mirrors, amphorae for wine and many other articles were found; several imported from the region of the

Aegean Sea. These finds testify to civil urban life in Sucidava. Sucidava, with a Map 8. The Roman fortresses along the lower Danube in the 3rd to the 6th centuries AD and the area occupied by the Empire for about four decades in the 4th century (between the Danube and the Furrow of Novac). (On the basis of the map [fig. 2] in Tudor, D., “Preuves archéologiques attestant la continuité de la domination romaine au nord de Danube aprčs l´abandon de la Dacie sous Aurélien [IIIe–Ve sičcles],” Dacoromania I, 1973, pp. 149–161.) Roman garrison between 275 - 450 AD,329 was probably the centre of defense along the lower Danube. In the 5th century, it was burnt down twice by the Huns 329

Ibid., p. 156.



and then left by Byzantium, until Emperor Justinian (527–565 AD) restored it, “in order to cut the road of the barbarians towards the territory south of the Danube, as affirmed by Procopios (de Aedif. IV, 6).”330 Another large military station, mentioned in written documents as well as shown by archaeological finds, was Drobeta (Turnu Severin). At the beginning of the 5th century, the military units stationed there were called cuneus equitum Dalmatarum et auxilium primorum Daciscorum. Material finds show modifications of the camp, the construction of new buildings in the 3rd and 4th centuries. About four miles north of Drobeta, at Pu_inei, a castellum was built. In Dierna, a prefecture of the Legio XIII Gemina was installed. The camp, 35 by 35 metres, was excavated before the town Or_ova, later built on this place, was inundated by the artificial lake serving the new hydroelectric power station of the Iron Gate. A large number of coins from the epoch of Diocletian (284–305) and from that of Constantine the Great (306–337) were found within the camp. Dierna had to defend the valley of the Danube against attacks coming from the valley of the Cerna. At Turnu M_gurele, remains of a fortress, fragments of earthenware, and a number of coins were found. At Pojejena de Sus, on the northern shore of the Danube, bricks from the 4th century with the inscription leg(io) VII Cl(audia) C(uppis), were excavated. During the period between the abandonment of Dacia Traiana and the Hunnish invasion, at least 14 Roman fortresses existed along the northern shore of the lower Danube (see Map No 8). Thus, for about 170 years, the Romans dominated, by these fortified centres distributed from Bazia_ to Gala_i, over an important part of the territory along the Danube.331 In the early 6th century, the Byzantine state expanded, reaching again the lower Danube. Many towers and towns in the Balkan peninsula were re-built. Procopios mentions the names of more than 600 such places and states that some of the towers were built on the northern shore of the lower Danube. These were: Litterata or Lederata, a powerful fortress in the Banat, the ruins of which still are visible; the castle of Zernes (former Dierna); Daphne; as well as a tower at Turnu M_gurele, whose ruins still exist. In the Novella of Justinian, Recidiva is mentioned as an important political and religious centre. It is not known which place was meant by this, but it may be Sycibida-Sucidava. In Sucidava, some objects of the Byzantine style were found, which date, according to coins, from the 6th century. There is also a stratum of ash, 20–40 cm thick, from the end of the 6th century, in which Avar iron shafts were found. The Avar devastations mark the end of the Byzantine power in the region of the lower Danube. 330 331

Tudor, D., Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 156. Ibid., p. 160.

C: History


The Novella of Emperor Justinian is considered an important document on the policy of Byzantium regarding south-eastern Europe in the 6th century, showing that the Byzantine state had plans referring to territories north of the lower Danube: (XI ) Thus, since in our time, with God´s help, our state became greater, and our fortresses exist on both shores of the Danube, and Viminacium as well as Recidiva and Litterata, which are beyond the Danube, were again put under our power, we have considered it necessary to place beside Pannonia, in our most lucky fatherland, the glorious prefecture, which was organized in Pannonia, because Pannonia Secunda is not far away from Dacia Mediterranea but large territories separate Macedonia Prima from Pannonia Secunda. (XLI) The disposition to Bonus, the questor of the army, states who has to investigate the appeals from those 5 dioceses: Caria, Cyprus, the Cicladian isles, Moesia, and Scythia. [...] “We know that we took recently a sacred decision by which we have put under the rule of your highness these five dioceses, Caria, Cyprus, the Cicladian isles, Moesia and Scythia...” (CXX) “We advise the holy Churches in the towns Odessos and Tomis to sell buildings in order to ransom the war prizoners...” Edict XIII, chapter XI. About taxes to be collected and punishments in case of disobedience in this respect. It is also possible that “the entire military unit will be sent away from the country and placed into the areas beyond the river Istros or Danube, in order to guard the frontiers there...”332 It is asserted that Emperor Justinian´s (527–565) policy led to a strengthening of Romanity (an assumed Roman population) north of the lower Danube: ...the document of foundation of the archiepiscopate Justiniana Prima, contained in the 11th Novella of Emperor Justinian and dated 535 AD, disposes that some localities on the other [northern] side of the Danube be put under the authority of the archiepiscopate Justiniana Prima and under the administration of the Illyrian prefect´s office. Two civitates are mentioned by their older name. Recidiva and Litterata (probably former Arcidava and Lederata), about which it is explicitly stated that they are on the farther side of the Danube (quae trans Danubium sunt) and that they were again in the possession of the empire (nostrae iterum dicioni subactae).333 The conclusion drawn from all this is that the Roman bridge-heads and fortresses on the northern shore of the Danube, as well as the annexation of certain territories of the Valachian plain, contributed to the preservation of the 332 333

Fontes II, p. 386. IR Compendiu 1974, p. 78.



connections and to the strengthening of the Roman population in the north by lively contacts mediated by “emigrants, merchants, prisoners of war, mercenaries, marriages, etc.”334


IR 1960, p. 649.

C: History


La présence continuelle et de longue durée de la domination romaine dans une grande partie de la Dacie méridionale męme aprčs l´ abandon officiel de la province sous Aurélien offre un matériel documentaire de toute premičre importance pour la discussion des problčmes historiques si disputés comme la continuité de la romanité au nord du Danube, la formation de la langue et du peuple roumain, la diffusion du christianisme dans l´ancienne Dacie trajane, etc. Si l´on veut aboutir ŕ une solution définitive en ce qui les concerne, historiens, archéologues et philologues doivent nécessairement partir de cette réalité archéologique.335 *



5. THE GESTA HUNGARORUM The question of the ethnic situation in Transylvania in the 10th century is not connected with the problem of Daco-Roman continuity. In that period, Vlachs were living in many areas of the Balkan peninsula, also south of the Jire_ek-line, where they must obviously have migrated. The time span of eight centuries without records about a Romance population north of the Danube would decrease to about seven centuries, if Vlachs would have been living in Transylvania in the 10th century. It is only because the problem concerns the early history of the Vlachs, and refers to the last century of Common Rumanian, that a brief survey may be warranted. In several works on Rumanian history, the ethnic situation in Transylvania in the above mentioned period is presented mainly on the basis of the Gesta Hungarorum. IR, vol. II, writes, under the heading “The first political formations of a feudal character in the territory of our country” (pp. 42–44): Anonymus, the notary of King Bela III, gives us interesting information concerning the political situation of Transylvania in the first half of the 10th century. It is true that Anonymus wrote his work, “The feats of the Hungarians” (Gesta Hungarorum) towards the end of the 12th century, but he used other historical records from the end of the 11th century, as well as the sources he had access to as a person of high rank in the Royal Court, while the oral tradition was still alive in his period. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that Anonymus included records concerning later periods when referring to the first half of the 10th century; a custom practised by many other medieval historians. But what is in the first place to be retained from the record of Anonymus is the basis of the narrative, the essential instead of the details. In this respect, historical criticism arrived at the conclusion that the things 335

Tudor, Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 160.



Anonymus described deserve to be trusted, that they reflect the reality of the period to which they refer. As also mentioned in volume I (p. 804), Anonymus described three political formations, three principalities (voivodates): one in Cri_ana, led by “prince” (voivod) Menomorut, which comprised the territory between the rivers Mure_ and Some_, with its centre in the forests of Biharea; the second in the Banat, between the Mure_ and the Danube, the leader of which was “prince” Glad, who probably had his seat in the fortress of Cuvin (Keve), between the Timi_ and the Danube, and the third in Transylvania proper extending from the gate of the Mese_ mountains to the springs of the rivers Some_, led by “prince” Gelu, who had his centre near Cluj. Fighting is said to have been especially fierce around the fortress of Satu Mare (Hung. Szatmár), which was subdued after a siege of three days, and Biharea (Hung. Bihar), occupied on the thirteenth day of siege. In the Banat was the principality (voivodate) of Glad, who also tried to defend his possession, concentrating his large army of equestrians and pedestrians formed by Cumans, Bulgarians, and Rumanians (Cumani336 et Bulgari atque Blachi). Since he was subdued, Glad fled to the fortress (castrum) of Cuvin (Keve) followed by the invaders who at first conquered this fortress and later that of Or_ova. The attacks of the Hungarians were thereafter directed towards Transylvania proper where the principality inhabited by Rumanians and Slavs (Blasii et Sclavi) was situated, led by the Rumanian prince (quidam Blachus) Gelu. Since the Hungarian tribes were not arrested at the gate of the Mese_ mountains, they penetrated into the pincipality of Gelu, pursuing the army of the prince until the river Alma_, where a battle took place; being defeated, Gelu tried to flee to his fortress (ad castrum suum) near the Some_ but was killed not far from the river C_pu_, and the Hungarians and the autochthonous population, “shaking hands”, came to an agreement, electing Tuhutum as their leader, the leader of the Hungarian tribe. In his story, Anonymus presents the events in such a way that the merits of the main hero of his work, prince Árpád, comes to light as much as possible. The similarity of the events which have led to the defeat of the abovementined princes – in the way they are described by Anonymus – raises some suspicion regarding the veracity of the narrative. Even if the details of the described events were not true – these must be regarded with some reservation 336

Footnote in IR: “Anonymus confounds the Cumans with the Petchenegs, the latter were present at the frontiers of the Hungarian kingdom in the period his chronicle refers to.”

C: History


(for example the names of the princes, derived very probably by the historian from the existing placenames in the principalities in question), the core of the story deserves to be taken into consideration, the more so because certain descriptions have been verified by records from other sources: the existence of the successor of Glad, prince Ahtum, by the Legend of Saint Gerard, the events in Transylvania in the first years of the 10th century, by chroniclers from the 13th and 14th centuries, the occupation of the fortress of Biharea, the events concerning Gelu etc., by the latest archaeological excavations. Thus, we may consider that the existence of some political formations, some voivodates, led by “princes”, i.e., voivodes, in the territory of Transylvania at the beginning of the 10th century was a reality.337

D. The archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia Traiana The theory of Daco-Roman continuity is mainly based on archeological finds excavated in present day Rumania As a matter of fact, earlier and more recent investigations have disclosed numerous direct proofs of the existence of the Daco-Roman population in Dacia in the centuries following the retreat by Aurelian from Dacia. They belong to archaeology and their number is increasing in direct proportion to the intensification of the investigations. [...] As is natural, continuity was probably more intense and is easier to detect in the areas near the Danube, considering the presence of the Roman Empire along the northern shore of the river beginning with Constantine the Great. Thus, it has been fully proved in the Banat, on the basis of written records as well as by archaeological discoveries. Here, the products of late Roman origin and imperial coins from the period after Aurelian until the 6th century are present in almost all localities known from the Roman period, sometimes even in the ruins of the old buildings. [...]


IR vol. II, pp. 43–44.



In the rural areas, particularly in the eastern regions of Dacia, [...] a popular culture was formed already in the Roman period, in which the traditions of the autochthonous Dacian culture combined with Roman cultural forms. With this popular culture the Daco-Romans embarked upon the new historic evolution opened up by the liberation of Dacia from the domination of the Roman state.338 A comprehensive survey of the archaeological finds considered to indicate the persistence of a Romanized population in the territory of former Dacia Traiana is Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i numismaticii (The Problem of Continuity in Dacia in the Light of Archaeology and Numismatics) by D. Protase, Bucharest, 1966. In the Foreword to this monograph, the author states that “we have collected and selected here all the archaeological and numismatic material published or yet unpublished which was known to us up to 1964–1965.” According to the Preface written by C. Daicoviciu, Protase´s monograph is ... a systematic and critical presentation of the concrete proofs of the persistence of the Dacian and the Daco-Roman populations in the territory of our present socialist country, which is the fundamental premise of the autochthoneity of the Rumanians in their several thousand year old fatherland.339 Protase gives a detailed presentation of what he calls “the vestiges of the Daco-Romans in Dacia between 271 and 450 AD” (pp. 103–198). In the introduction to this chapter, the following statement is made: Emphasizing that the problem of continuity is not resolved by admitting only fragmentary remains of the Romanized population in Dacia, C. Daicoviciu 338 339

These quotations are from IR 1960, pp. 616, and 628–629.

Protase PCD 1966, p. 7 (written by C. Daicoviciu in July, 1965). In the original: ...”prezentarea sistematic_ _i critic_ a dovezilor concrete asupra st_ruirii popula_iei dacice _i daco-romane pe meleagurile __rii noastre socialiste de ast_zi, premis_ fundamental_ a autohtoniei românilor în patria lor multimilenar_.”

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia showed convincingly that the Rumanian people could have been formed only by the survival en masse of the north-Danubian Roman population and by its development in uninterrupted contact with the Roman element south of the Danube, and supported (alimentat_) continually by them. Protase´s monogaph is of great value, because it gives a systematic and exhaustive presentation of the archaeological finds existing up to the mid 1960s considered to prove Daco-Roman continuity. In the decades after the publication of this monograph, very much new material was excavated in Rumania. It would take too much space to discuss these; only some of these more recent finds will be used here. The nature of all the discoveries is essentially the same, in the sense that the material shows traits characteristic of Roman products, Roman provincial traditions, Roman style, etc. The ethnic attribution of the different sites is mainly based on the style of the objects, often earthenware, and, in the case of the cemeteries, also on funeral rites and rituals. For each site, the relevant text will be quoted or summarized below. In the Foreword to his monograph (p. 10), Protase mentions that he in general adopted the opinions of the authors who described the material in question. The possibilities of establishing the period in which the different settlements and cemeteries were in use are in many cases fairly good, since the style of the material contents often shows elements characteristic of a certain period. The maximum time span during which the different settlements and burial sites might have been in use is shown in Figures 2 and 3 (p.232) according to data compiled from the above-mentioned monograph by Protase. 1. SETTLEMENTS Archiud (Erked): The Roman earthenware and the late changes easily observed in their forms and style, the supply caves similar to those found in the Daco-Roman settlement at Obreja, as well as the absence of Gothic or Sarmatian cultural Settlements




Alba Iulia










Cioroiul Nou

(Gyulafehérvár) —







Lechin_a de Mure_












Pro_tea Mic_








Sf. Gheorghe


Porumbenii Mici












Soporul de Câmpie


Verbi_a Ve_el

Soporul de Câmpie

— (Mez_szopor)

— (Veczel)

Table 8. Settlements and cemeteries where archeological remains attributed to “Daco-Romans” were described. (On the basis of D. Protase, Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i numismaticii, 1966, pp. 104– 132. The Hungarian names of the places in Transylvania are given in brackets. elements justify the attribution of this settlement from the 3rd to the 4th centuries at Archiud to the provincial population to which probably groups of free Dacians were added, in the second half of the 3rd century. Bratei (Baráthely): see below, p. 165.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia

Cioroiul Nou: ...fragments of bottles and of black earthenware of Roman style, similar to those discovered at Sucidava, in the cultural stratum of the 4th and the 5th centuries AD. The coins of silver and bronze form a continuous series from Nerva until the period of Constantine, and thus confirm the life of the Romam population in this settlement also after Aurelian. Cluj-M_n__tur (Kolozs-Monostor): The earthenware, mostly made by hand, rarely on the wheel, is of grey colour, porous or fine, fragments of red vases are rare. Regarding the forms, grey jars (dolia) of the Roman provincial tradition predominate, as well as different kinds of grey-blackish pots without a handle and usually without ornaments. Among the few pieces of earthenware, there is none of the Sântana de Mure_Cerneahov type, while the forms and the techniques show the powerful tradition of provincial Roman pottery (puternice tradi_ii ale ol_riei romane provinciale). Iernut (Radnót): The pottery preserves to a large extent the style of the provincial Roman pottery, but shows at the same time non-Roman technical and ornamental elements, specific to the period immediately after the abandonment of Dacia by the Romans. Mugeni (Bögöz): Most numerous are the vases of Roman provincial tradition, grey and red, but fragments of vases showing the style of the Sântana de Mure_–Cerneahov culture, as well as Dacian vases are also found. As shown by the material contents, elements from the Sântana de Mure_ culture penetrated to this settlement during the second phase of its existence. No_lac (Nagylak): In one of the cavities, a comb made of bone with a curved back was found, with characteristic rivets, and decorated on both sides with the usual concentric circles. The earthenware from this settlement includes some red-yellow fragments of the Roman style, numerous fragments of grey, fine vases with a metallic shine and sometimes with shiny, geometric patterns, pieces of large, grey jars

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY (dolia), decorated by strips of curly lines; and there is an appreciable quantity also of grey-blackish pieces, made by hand or on the wheel. On the basis of the earthenware and the comb mentioned above, the settlement is dated to the 4th–5th centuries and is considered to have belonged to the Daco-Roman population. Obreja (Obrázsa): This settlement was inhabited during the Roman domination and also after, in the 4th century, ...which is proved by a fibula of the type “with onion heads”, found among the pottery of the best Roman provincial style. The continuation of the settlement in the 4th century is also indicated by some grey, fine fragments, with patterns achieved by polishing, and also by the information that after the first World War, some coins (now lost) were found which, according to the description given by the villagers who discovered them, seem to be from the period of Constantine. Porumbenii Mici (Kisgalambfalva): and grey provincial Roman pottery and a large bronze coin of Commodus. Other objects discovered in this settlement are: a Denar of Vespasian, a funeral lion, and two rings of Roman type, one of silver with an inlaid stone and another of gold, decorated by two granulated triangles (the stone is not preserved), and also grey and red earthenware of strikingly Roman style. There is no grey earthenware of metalllic shine in this settlement. In some sections, only GREY earthenware of Roman style is found, no red. This would be the only indication of the continuation of the settlement after the Roman retreat from these areas, until the end of the 3rd century. R_cari: During the Roman period, R_cari was a vicus on the way to become a town. A Roman camp built of stone was found there. the period after Aurelian, but probably not before Constantine the Great, the doors of the camp were blocked by “barbarian” walls and over the wall of enclosure, which has fallen into ruins, a wall of earth mixed with old debris was erected, at some places 2.5 metres high. Within the old military camp cabins were dug and huts of wood were constructed from which Tocilescu collected a rich archaeological material which dates from the 4th– 6th centuries (fibulae, objects of bronze, and pottery) specific to this late period, which is deposited, still not published, in the National Museum of

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia Antiquities. Regarding the period of Roman domination in Dacia, the coins found in the camp start with Vespasian and end with Decius, and then, after a pause of some decades, the bronze coins of Diocletian, Constantine I and his son, Valens, Theodosius II and Justinian I appear. Sarmizegetusa (Gr_di_tea) (Várhely): The archaeological excavations made in the former capital of Roman Dacia revealed modest but incontestable vestiges of the poor, local population who, after the retreat of the Roman authorities, sought shelter among the ruins of the old town. In Sarmizegetusa, finds suggest that the forum and some buildings were used, for the needs of a shabby life, also AFTER Aurelian. Sebe_ (Szászsebes): During the excavation made in 1960, at the “bridge of Pipoc”, a cavity was emptied which contained pieces of Roman bricks, a bronze fibula with the legs inverted below, as well as fragments of grey vases, intensively burned, with a surface of metallic shine. On the basis of the pottery and the fibula, the cavity dates from the 4th century AD. To the same period belongs a hut, on the side of a kiln with a cover of burned clay, fastened on the bank of the Seca_. From the limited number of excavations made so far, one may conclude on the basis of the uninterrupted succesion of the remains of material culture, that the autochthonous element continued to exist here during the Roman occupation and that a Daco-Roman population was present here also after the retreat by Aurelian. Sic (Szék): A settlement inhabited during the Roman domination in Dacia and attributed to the Dacians was found on the territory of this village in 1963. ...Roman provincial pottery was discovered, associated by fragments of vases made by hand of rough paste of dark grey colour, some of them showing ornaments specific to the late Dacian La Tčne. In our opinion, the settlement in Sic continued to exist also after the abandonment of Dacia by the Romans, until the beginning of the 4th century. This is definitely indicated by the numerous fragments of vases made by hand of a rough paste characterized by the cut off (right) or arched form of the base, and the absence of ornamentation. Soporul de Câmpie (Mez_szopor):


A small settlement used during a short period, probably in the second half of the 5th century. Fragments of vases of a greyish black colour, mostly without ornamentations, were found there. The presence of the huts from the 5th century in the territory of the old, abandoned, Daco-Roman cemetery proves that its inhabitants did not know that the place was once used as a cemetery, and that they came from an other place, possibly from an adjacent area. Without having at present more exact material proof, the facts that these huts form a small group, are situated in a remote region and lack material characteristic of the migratory peoples, are valid indications that they belonged to some elements of the indigenous [b__tina__] population. Verbi_a: A settlement from the period of Roman domination “and, possibly, also from the times following the official abandonment of the province.” Ve_el (Veczel): A fragment of a silver fibula, dated to the 4th century, with the inscription “Quartine vivas!” was found there (cf. below, p. 180). A general characterization of these settlements is given by Protase as follows: It is interesting to note that this type of settlement ceased to exist after the end of the 4th century; there is no continuation into the following century. The disappearance of these settlements may have been caused, if not by economic circumstances, by the same disturbances which led to the termination of life in the towns. No doubt, the preservation of the Daco-Roman population in the old settlements after the evacuation of the Roman state apparatus from Dacia is a phenomenon of much larger proportions, something which will be brought to light by future archaeological excavations and investigations (care va fi pus în lumin_ de viitoare s_p_turi _i cercet_ri arheologice).340



Protase PCD 1966, p. 134.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár): In the years from 1898 to 1915, five tombs of inhumation were discovered [...] among many other tombs with inventaries from the 11th to the 13th centuries, equipped with sarcophagi made of RE-USED Roman bricks. In the tombs, bracelets of the Roman style, bronze fibulae of the type “with onionheads”, necklaces of characteristic forms and two bronze-coins of Constantine I (306–337) were found. The tombs, partly deranged by the burials in the 11th to the 13th centuries, are found in the territory of the former Roman town Apulum, in its very centre, and obviously date from the times following the retreat of the Romans from Dacia. The funerary inventary and particularly those two coins of Constantine I found IN THE TOMBS indicate that these are from the 4th century AD. The uniformly Roman style of the tombs and the total absence of any foreign element exclude their attribution to a migratory population. Thus, as pointed out also by Kurt Horedt, the public buildings in the centre of the Roman town had lost their original function and were now used as cemeteries.341 Horedt summarized in 1982 the signs of life in the former Roman towns in Transylvania, stating that one finds a uniform, although fragmentary picture, determined by the same kinds of finds. Siedlungsreste sind sehr spärlich und könnten nur in sicher datierten Schichten abgegrenzt werden. Sie müssten bei Stadtkerngrabungen festgestellt werden, die aber nur unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen bei gelegentlichen Bauarbeiten durchgeführt wurden und bisher keine Ergebnisse in dieser Hinsicht erbrachten.342 Bratei (Baráthely): A cemetery of cremation, which dates from the second half of the 4th century (and possibly to the beginning of the 5th). This is the largest cemetery from the period following the abandonment of Dacia Traiana by the Romans. It was found in Bratei, 7 kilometers east of Media_ (Hung. Medgyes), on the bank of the river Târnava Mare (Hung. Nagyküküll_). This cemetery is considered particularly significant: 341 342

Horedt, K., Siebenbürgen in Spätrömischer Zeit, 1982, p. 62. Ibid., pp. 69–70.


Of particular significance in proving the continuation of the Daco-Roman population is the cemetery at Br_teiu, along the Tîrnava Mare, a cemetery of cremation dated to the time span between 380 and 454...343 Therefore, it will be described in some detail. But first, a survey over the material remains found at Bratei: As on several sites in Transylvania, remains from many different periods and populations, from the neolitic to the 13th century inclusive, were excavated at Bratei. The following survey is based on the article by R. Harhoiu, in Dic_ionar de istrorie veche a României, edited by D.M. Pippidi, 1976, pp. 99–102. SETTLEMENTS Settlement No. 1 (4th–6th centuries AD). Pottery made on a wheel (“a development of Roman pottery”) and by hand (“of Dacian origin”), and a small quantity of fine, grey earthenware, “indicating the presence of a Germanic element”. Settlement No 2, in four levels: (a) 4th–6th centuries, of the same character as settlement No 1. (b) 6th–7th centuries, showing traits of the Ipote_ti–Ciurel–Cânde_ti culture. (c) 7th–8th centuries, showing traits of the first phase of the Dridu culture. (d) 12th–13th centuries; pottery made on a wheel; agricultural and other kinds of tools; vases and cooking vessels of the Petchenegs. CEMETERIES Celtic tombs from the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Cemetery No 1, 4th–5th centuries (see below). Cemetery No 4, similar to the preceding . Cemetery No 3, 6th–7th centuries, with 300 tombs of inhumation; Gepidic. Cemetery No 2, 8th century, showing the rite of cremation (85% of the tombs) as well as that of inhumation (15%). Considered to have belonged to the first phase of the Dridu culture.


Giurescu & Giurescu Istoria rom 1975, p. 147.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia Cemetery No 1 was described by Ligia Bârzu in a monograph published in 1973.344 The following survey is mainly based on this monograph. Between the years 1959 and 1969, 353 tombs were excavated in this cemetery; another 100 were destroyed in 1970, in the course of work on this site, which now is a sandpit. The cemetery is 72 meters long and 55 meters wide. At the beginning, the tombs formed regular rows, but this order was not always kept. Tombs placed one upon the other are especially frequent in the middle of the cemetery. This may be explained by the custom according to which members of one family were buried near to one other; after some time, space was no longer sufficient for this practice. The funeral rite was cremation. The cavities in which the remains were laid down are of different types: Ritually burned cavities are found in 270 cases (77.5%). Most of these tombs are rectangular or oval, but two are almost entirely round and one is cross-shaped. Not burned are the cavities of 78 tombs (22.5%). Sixtyone of these are oval or rectangular, 9 are round, 6 are bottle-shaped and one is conical. The size of the cavities is the following: length, 120 – 150 (180) cm, bredth, 40 – 60 cm, depth (measured from the original surface), 20 – 50 cm. Orientation in space: in a north to south direction are placed 78% of the burned cavities of rectangular or of oval shape, and somewhat more than half of the cavities which are not burned. Twenty-two percent of the burned cavities and less than half of those not burned are placed in an east to west direction. Contents of the tombs A large amount of animal bones were found in these tombs. The figures given by Ligia Bârzu are based on the analysis of 220 tombs (about 63% of all) made in 1966 and 1969. Most of the bones belong to big, domesticated animals, the number of which is estimated by L. Bârzu as follows: 349 oxen (Bos taurus), 120 porcs, 77 animals like sheep and goats and 27 horses. Other animals are rare: there were 3 dogs, 4 deers, and one wild bore (Sus scrofa ferus). 1. Earthenware I. Made on a wheel. a. Of rough paste. 1. Pots, of Roman origin, also found in the Sântana de Mure_ culture. 2. Large storing vessels are found in almost all tombs. They are known from the Roman period and also from the Sântana de Mure_ culture. 3. Bowls, very frequently found also in sites of the Sântana de Mure_ culture. 344

Bârzu, Ligia, Continuitatea popula_iei autohtone în Transilvania în secolele IV – V (cimitirul 1 de la Bratei), 1973.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY 4. Amphorae are more numerous than the bowls. In the Sântana de Mure_ culture, amphorae are rare. According to L. Bârzu (p. 39), “This form is provincial Roman and represents the realization of the red Roman amphorae in a grey paste, of a late period.” They indicate, according to the same author, that workrooms which preserved the techniques of the Roman provincial pottery existed in Transylvania in the 4th century. 5. Jugs – a small number of fragments were found. b. Of fine paste. This type is represented less (about 15%) than the pottery made of a rough paste. The Bratei cemetery reveals in this respect a different situation as compared to the sites of the Sântana de Mure_ culture. The forms are largely the same as those in the group made of a rough paste. They must be products of local workshops, which thus produced pottery “of purely Roman tradition” in the 4th century and in the first 2 or 3 decades of the 5th. The pots and the bowls, as well as the jugs are similar to those found in the Sântana de Mure_ culture, but the jugs are also found in Roman cemeteries. c. Imported earthenware. About 5% of the pottery found at Bratei were imported. These vessels were made of a fine paste, burned red; there also are enamelled vessels, mostly amphorae and jugs. These were probably made in Pannonia, a province wellknown of the production of enamelled vessels in the 4th century. At Bratei, there is a large variety of forms, while in the Sântana de Mure_ culture, the amphorae prevail. This is considered another indication suggesting that the population at Bratei was different from that of the Sântana de Mure_ people. II. Earthenware made by hand. Although present in almost all tombs, this type is not found in very large amounts. According to differences in the paste and the burning, 3 types may be distinguished. Regarding forms, the pot without handles is most frequent; there is also the censer (c__uia) and the lid. The censer is of typical Dacian tradition: These forms are of the most authentic Dacian tradition and confirm, in the possibly most certain way, the Daco-Roman character of the cemetery at Bratei.345 One form of these vessels, of Roman origin, shows an ornamentation usual in the pottery of the free Dacians who migrated to Transylvania from the west. The significanec of this kind of pottery at Bratei is that it shows a clear influence from the free Dacians: Regarding the similarities between this type of earthenware and that made by 345

Bârzu Cemet 1973, p. 51.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia hand in the culture of the western Dacians, we believe that it is not wrong to affirm that one may regard in it a substantial contribution from the group Cip_u “Gîrle”.346 2. Pieces of metal These are few in the cemetery No 1 at Bratei. There are pieces made of iron, silver, and bronze. Objects of iron include farming implements, handicraft utensils and other tools, one weapon, “fusaiol”-s,347 fibulae, clasps, etc. One entire plough-share and a fragment was also found; they are of the type of the provincial Roman style of Pannonia. Sickles are of the type found among the free Dacians as well as in the Roman world. Of some joiners tools, one is known from the material remains of the free Dacians, the rest from the Roman Empire. Of the awls, one variant, of Roman origin, as well as most of the fusaiol-s are also found in the Sântana de Mure_ culture. Only 19 fibulae were found at Bratei. All are of the type “with the leg inverted below”; most of them have counterparts in the Sântana de Mure_ culture or in the territory of present day Hungary. The same is true about 8 clasps of iron. 3. Objects of glass

346 347

Ibid., p. 52.

A fusaiol is a round object, mostly made of clay, with a small opening in its middle part; it served as a weight for the spindle. Its shape and the material it was made of changed in the course of time.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY All objects of glass were imported; they are quite numerous. There are vases, bracelets and pearls. The vases are of several types, most of which have counterparts in Western Europe, in the Sântana de Mure_ culture and/or in the territory of present day Hungary. One of the centres of production of these vases was Cologne, but they were also made in Pannonia; those found at Bratei were most probably imported from that province.348 Pearls are also of several types, and almost all have counterparts in the Sântana de Mure_ culture and/or in Hungary (from the Hunnish period). Certain types were widespread in Europe, and are characteristic of the “barbarian” world of the 4th century (Bârzu Cemet p. 72). 4. Objects made of bones; tiles and bricks These are mostly combs varying in size from 5.2 x 5.2 cm to about 10 x 8 cm. “Combs of this kind are characteristic of some late Roman settlements and cemeteries and particularly of the area of the Sântana de Mure_-Cerneahov culture” (p. 74). The number of tiles and of bricks is quite high. They are made of a very rough paste and are bulky. “These tiles are different from the classical Roman tiles by the quality of the paste, the burning as well as by the bulkiness” (p. 75). Ligia Bârzu assumes that their presence in this cemetery indicates the existence of an older settlement in the vicinity, from which those who used the cemetery took the tiles. (End of the detailed report on the Bratei cemetery; the description of the other cemeteries continues.)

Cluj (Hung. Kolozsvár, German Klausenburg) Roman sarcophags were re-used; material remains are scarce, but a Christian symbol (a plain cross), nails, and a pair of ear-rings indicate that these tombs date from the period after the Roman era.349 In the territory of former Napoca and in present day M_n__tur, 3 km from the centre of the town, a total of 26 Roman coins from the period after the Roman domination in Dacia (up to the end of the 4th century) were found.350 Iernut (Hung. Radnót): 348 349 350

Bârzu Cemet 1973 p. 69. Horedt, K., Siebenbürgen in spätrömischer Zeit, 1982, p. 66. Horedt Spätrömische Zeit 1982, pp. 67–68.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia

Not far from the place of a villa rustica, about 12 urns of cremation were found in 1961 during work on a thermo-electric power station. Only one tomb could be saved, the others were destroyed during the work. The urn preserved from this tomb, now in the Museum of Archaeology in Cluj, is described as follows: Made on a wheel, of red-yellowish paste, with a rounded rim and a supporting Village

Period (centuryAD)





2nd ˝ of 3rd, and 4th



Sântana de Mure_; free Dacians “Roman provincial cultural influences”


2nd ˝ of 3rd


95 tombs

free Dacians, “powerful Roman influence”




5 tombs of inhumation

Dacians and “Daco-Iazyges”





“of other ethnic character”


end of 3rd 4th century



free Dacians


end of 3rd


1 urn of cremation



4th century


1 tomb of inhumation

Sântana de Mure_ or Daco-Carps


2nd ˝ of 3rd

1 urn of cremation

free Dacians


Table 9. Settlements and cemeteries where archaeological remains of free Dacians and other non-Roman populations, who migrated to the territory of former Dacia Traiana after 250–275 AD, were found. (On the basis of D. Protase, Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i numismaticii,

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY 1966, pp. 104–132.) ring on its base, the urn preserved is a pot without handles, which in shape, colour, and paste technique, continues the series of the red Roman pots from the time of the province, and has close analogies in the cemetery at Soporul de Cîmpie. [...] A certain degeneration in the making of the paste, as compared to the red Roman provincial pottery, may be observed in the case of the urn from Iernut.351 Lechin_a de Mure_ (Maroslekence): A tomb from around 300 AD: The urn, made beyond doubt in the Roman pottery-workshops at Criste_ti, contained cremated human bones and a silver fibula with the head made of a semicircular plate, and the leg inverted below. Analogous to some samples from the Gothic inhumation cemetery at Sântana de Mure_, it represents one of the earliest of this type of fibulae. [...] The funeral rite and the style of the urn are clearly Roman provincial, which shows that the deceased belonged to a community of Daco-Roman population, in spite of the Gothic fibula, which came from the east.352 Moigrad (Mojgrád): Before the First World War, in the territory of the Roman municipium [...] among the ruins of a Roman building equipped with a hypocaust, A. Buday discovered 17 tombs of inhumation, of which 6 were boxes of bricks connected by mortar and 11 without a sarcophag, the deceased having been laid down directly in the cavity. The tombs, most of which were plundered and scattered, did not contain any objects. [...] The assumption that they date from the period after the retreat by Aurelian which is supported only by the fact they were found among the ruins of a building from the 2nd or the 3rd century, encounters real and multiple difficulties.353 Pro_tea Mic_ (Kisekemez_)


Protase PCD 1966, p. 116.


Protase PCD 1966, p. 117. In a note (No 272), Protase mentions that C. Daicoviciu agreed with this interpretation, while K. Horedt, in Untersuchungen zur Frühgeschichte Siebenbürgens, Bucharest, 1958, p. 20, as well as I. Nestor, in Istoria Romîniei, 1960, p. 688, do not believe that this tomb belonged to a Daco-Roman. 353

Protase PCD 1966, p. 119 (“întîmpin_ reale _i multiple dificult__i”).

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia A tomb with the skeleton of a man was discovered there in 1958. The pottery found in this tomb is described as follows: ...fragments of vases made by wheel, of fine or porous paste and well-burned; of red-yellowish or dark-grey colour. Among the fragments of vases there is also a rim which, as suggested by its form, seems to originate from a grey fruit-dish, of the kind known from the settlements of Roman Dacia. According to the coin of Philip the Arab, the tomb is from the second half of the 3rd century AD, but according to the fibula, it must date from around 300. The contention that the deceased belonged to a community of DacoRomans, as indicated by the pottery, whose forms and techniques strongly resembled the Roman forms and techniques, appears entirely justified.354 S_r__eni (Sóvárad): Two tombs of cremation, which date beyond doubt from a period when the Roman camp was abandoned, possibly the second half of the 3rd century or more probably the first half of the 4th. These tombs, as suggested by the funeral rites and the vase made by hand, may belong to some elements of the Romanized provincial population, who stayed on in the eastern part of Dacia, abandoned by the Romans. Sfântu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy): On a hill called “Eprestet_”, on the eastern shore of the Olt, two tombs, one of cremation and the other of inhumation, were discovered in 1959. This type of tomb of cremation was usual in Dacia Romana, being found also at Apulum, Porolissum, More_ti, Sebe_, and Cinci_. The cemetery at Bratei, from the 4th century (see above), is of the same type. It is not found in areas which remained extra provinciam. Because of this, we consider the tomb at “Eprestet_” to have belonged to a Daco-Roman, a supposition supported also by the style of the earthenware.355 It is uncertain whether this tomb is really from the period after the abandonment of the province by the Romans: If the fragment of the grey, polished vase, with a net-pattern, really belonged to the inventary of the tomb, then this must be dated to the end of the 3rd 354 355

Protase PCD 1966, pp. 124–125. Protase PCD 1966, p. 128 (the following quotation is from the same page).

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY century or, more probably, to the first half of the following century, in any case, after the retreat of the Romans from this region. Soporul de Câmpie (Mez_szopor): Three urns of cremation were discovered in the territory of this village in 1960, but only one of them was preserved (without its contents), the others were destroyed and lost. The urn which was recovered, 0.34 m high, without handles, was made on a wheel, of fine, hard and resistent paste, without a metallic polishing. In the Daco-Roman cemetery (2nd to 3rd centuries) discovered at “Cuntenit”, this kind of pot is not found. According to its form and style, which shows strong reminiscenses of the Roman provincial pottery, the urn may date from the end of the 3rd century AD, after the official abandonment of the province. [...] The funeral rite of cremation and the style of the urn suggest that those buried here were Daco-Romans.356

3. OBJECTS OF CHRISTIAN CHARACTER IN POSTROMAN DACIA It seems that Dacia Traiana did not take part in the large-scale spread of Christianity during the 3rd century, which characterized the Balkan provinces and also Gallia, Britannia, and the Iberian peninsula. (In the western Asian and northern African territories of the Roman Empire, the new religion had been propagated effectively already before 200 AD.) Discussing the causes of this, Protase stresses the importance of the fact that the socio-economic structure of Dacia Traiana was different from that of other Roman provinces; it was closer to the “barbarian” form of life in free Dacia than to a system of a Roman community.357 Other factors, according to Protase, may have been the stronger supervision exercised by the authorities in this remote province as compared to other regions, and also the interruption of contacts with Asia Minor in the midsecond century. Protase considers that the significance of the objects of Christian character from the 4th century is that they can be used as a “testimony of the theory that a numerous Roman population existed in Dacia after Aurelian.”358 In IR 1960, the 356 357 358

Ibid., p. 129. Protase PCD 1966, pp. 142–143.

Ibid., p. 141, “m_rturie în sprijinul tezei d_inuirii în mas_ a popula_iei romanice de dup_ Aurelian”.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia fact is pointed out that, in the 4th century, Christian communities appeared along the Danube and that dioceses were founded in the Danubian provinces: in Marcianopolis, Naissus, Sirmium, Siscia, Durostorum, Tomis, etc. The gains of territory north of the lower Danube in the 4th century, during the reign of Constantine the Great are said to have made the propagation of Christianity in the regions north of the lower Danube possible.359 Protase described ten objects of Christian use. Some more important data about these are given in table 10. (Protase omits objects found along the Danube, which may have been imported there during the years of domination by the Empire and are therefore not relevant in this context.) The style of these objects is similar to those made in the period in question in Italy, northern Africa, the Balkan provinces and Pannonia; they were, “far from


IR 1960, pp. 629–630.


being local products”, imported from some of these provinces.360 Protase assumed, as other Rumanian archaeologists, that the owners of these objects were “Daco-Romans”. Other authors, e.g., A. Alföldi, considered that they belonged to the Goths or, as F. Lot, did not attribute any importance to them.361

Protase gives the following arguments in favour of his opinion: (1) All objects of Christian use f rom the 4th century were found in the territory of the former province of Dacia Traiana. It is true that two inscriptions were found also in Slovakia, but only one of these can be accepted as having been Christian, and they “belong to Pannonia Romana, from where they may have been imported to Slovakia in a late period.”362 Three objects of Christian character were found on the Great Hungarian Plain, but ...they are objects of precious metal and may have reached the places in question from the region of the Danube in Pannonia either as a result of the offensive of Constantine the Great or in connection with a possible Roman occupation of some areas on the northern side of the river during the same period. (2) Without exceptions, the Christian relics from post-Roman Dacia were discovered in large urban centres (Apulum, Napoca, Potaissa, Ampelum) or rural settlements (Biertan) during the times of the Roman occupation in 360 361 362

Protase PCD 1966, p. 154. Ibid., p. 155. Ibid., p. 155, note 382.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia Dacia. On the other hand, they are (with the exception of the lamp from Dej) grouped in the central and in the southwestern parts of intra-Carpathic Dacia [...] where Roman life, in all its manifestations, reached the greatest development in the era of the province, and where no Gothic archaeological complexes from the period after the abandonment by Aurelian were found so far. On the other hand, unequivocally Christian objects are totally absent from the eastern parts of Transylvania, north of the Tîrnava Mare and in the upper valleys of the Olt and the Mure_, where archaeological remains of the Goths are more frequent.363


Ibid., pp. 157–158.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY The vestiges of Christianity from the territories of the old province can in no case belong to the newly arrived Goths, and the assumption that they were left by some elements who came later from the Empire is plainly contradicted by the fact that they were discovered in former Roman towns and rural settlements. The only reasonable conclusion is that they belonged to some communities of Daco-Roman population which remained in their territories atfer 271 and which, by their Roman provincial life style constituted a favourable medium for the propagation of the new religion in Latin shape in a simple, popular form, without any higher ecclesiastic organization.364

4. ROMAN COINS FOUND IN POST-ROMAN DACIA TRAIANA. As in the case of the objects of Christian use, Protase excludes from the discussion coins found along the Danube (in the Banat and in Oltenia) since these territories were for some periods also after 271 AD occupied by the Empire. The circulation of coins between 271 and 450 AD was subject to considerable fluctuation, by which three periods may be distinguished: (1) 271-305 AD. The number of coins is very low, in absolute numbers as well as compared to the period of Roman domination. According to Preda,365 60 finds were made in entire Rumania, i.e., about 17 finds for each decade of the period. The total number of coins from this period is somewhat more than 100. Two thirds of the finds were made in the area of the former Roman province and one third in areas which remained extra provinciam. (2) 306-392 AD. The circulation of Roman coins increases sharply. Most finds are from the period of Constantine the Great, who occupied an area north of the lower Danube (cf. above, p. 154). Most of the coins were made in Siscia and in Sirmium. From this period, which ends with the Hunnish invasion, almost 300 isolated bronze coins were found in Transylvania. Ten hoards of coins, which were either entirely accumulated during this period or whose accumulation ends in this period were found in Transylvania, 19 in the Banat, and 2 in Oltenia. The total number of discoveries from this period is, according to Preda, “about 200" approximately 26 for each decade.366 (3) 393-450 AD. The number of coins is much lower than it was during most of the 4th century. The proportion of gold coins increased. Thus, in Transylvania, at least 11 isolated gold coins, 11 isolated bronze coins, and about 30 gold coins in 364



Preda, C., “Circula_ia monedelor romane postaureliene în Dacia”, Studii _i cercet_ri de istorie veche _i de arheologie, 26, 4, 1975, p. 445. 366

Ibid., p. 447.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia hoards were found. In the Banat, the number of gold coins is about 5, that of bronze only small and there are an unspecified, low number of gold coins in hoards. In Oltenia, about 40 isolated bronze coins, no gold, and about 480 bronze coins in hoards were discovered. However, the finds from Oltenia are almost exclusively from the surroundings of Sucidava and belonged to the soldiers of the Roman garrison stationed there. The gold coins are considered to have been owned by the peoples who dominated the country – the Goths, the Gepidae, the Huns – representing tribute paid to them by the Roman or the Byzantine Empire.367 In the following, the circumstances will be summarized which, according to Protase, ...may be used as valid arguments in favour of the continued existence, in the territories north of the Danube and in the interior of the arch of the Carpathian mountains, of the Daco-Roman peoples, who always maintained monetary commercial contacts with the Romano-Byzantine world.368 (1) The coins were found throughout a large territory and not restricted to some areas with one particular population: “the attribution of the coins to a population which did not occupy the entire territory of the former province is a priori excluded.” (2) In general, the Goths did not put bronze coins in their tombs, although a few such cases are known, for example, at Cerneahov. Several hoards of gold and silver (but no bronze) coins were found among the material remains of the Goths. The bronze coins with a small, almost negligible intrinsic value, were used in the first place by the autochthonous population, accustomed from earlier times to the advantages of a commerce based on an exact monetary system, and to a lesser extent by the Goths, who appreciated not the coins as such but the precious metal it contained. (3) The coins were mainly found in the vicinity of Roman camps, urban centres, rural settlements, or in places where vestiges from the Romans were found, or in settlements and cemeteries of the autochthonous population founded at the end of the 3rd century or in the 4th century.369 However, on the same page, Protase states that “late Roman coins found in places where no kinds of remains from the 367 368 369

Protase PCD 1966, p. 192. Ibid., p. 198. Ibid., p. 195; “a_ez_ri _i cimitire autohtone”.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY 2nd and the 3rd centuries or from the following period are mentioned in the literature, are numerous.” This may, according to Protase, in many cases be explained by our lack of knowledge of such remains because of lack of archaeological investigations in the places in question. (4) Regarding the hoards of coins hidden in the 4th century, it has been pointed out rightly that there are some among these which by their particular composition may contribute the the solution of the problem of Daco-Roman continuity in Dacia.These are the hoards which IN A CERTAIN PROPORTION comprise silver and bronze coins also from the times after Aurelian. In fact, IF we exclude the import of these hoards from the Empire to the Daco-Roman territories and IF we do not take some reservations regarding their INTEGRITY or the UNITY of some of them into account, we have a group of hoards with a probatory value for Daco-Roman continuity. We talk about the generally known hoards of coins from Hunedoara, Pasul Vîlcan, Reghin (?), Nire_, Or_ova, and Borlova.370 These hoards contain mostly denarii from the 1st to the 3rd centuries and, after a gap, a few coins of bronze from the first half of the 4th century. The successive owners of such monetary estates, transmitted from generation to generation within the same family or population, could not have been others than the autochthonous elements, people who lived in Dacia Romana and remained in their settlements after the abandonment by Aurelian. To another group of hoards belong those which were accumulated exclusively during the 4th century and contain mostly bronze (and a few silver) coins. It must be admitted that these, either because they are small, (Bran-Z_rne_ti, Sarmizegetusa, Ungurei, etc.), or because they were buried in places where no traces of Goths, Iazyges, or of Romano-Byzantine domination were shown, also belonged to the autochthonous population. The hoard which contains 15 pieces of bronze found at Cip_u in a hut which belonged to the settlement of the free Dacians who came from the west of the country confirms in general the view that the small hoards represent monetary collections of the autochthonous population.371 The total volume of the monetary circulation does not seem to have been sufficient to satisfy the needs of the economy and it must be assumed that 370 371

Protase PCD 1966, p. 197. Ibid., p. 198.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia exchange in natura was used extensively in the entire period between 271 and 450 AD. 372

5. THE LATIN INSCRIPTIONS Two objects from the the 4th century AD with Latin inscriptions were found in Transylvania: (1) An ex voto, made of a tabula ansata of bronze, with the inscription in three lines: EGO ZENO VIVS VOT VM POSVI



III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY (Ego, Zenovius, votum posui ´I, Zenovius, have placed [this] present´), and a disc of bronze with the monogram of Jesus Christ (X + P). It was found in 1775 in the woods and fields, about 3 miles from Biertan, nearMedia_ (Hung. Medgyes), together with fragments of a jar and a tureen of bronze. Made in the Roman Empire, these objects probably belonged originally to a bronze chandelier from an altar.373 The significance of this find is, according to C. Daicoviciu, as follows: This Donarium cannot have been placed in Biertan for any other reason than the existence there of a Christian community around the sanctuary of a Christian cult place. Who were these Christians, is a question which must be discussed in more detail. In the first place, the Latin language used in the votive inscription gives us an answer sufficient in itself: the believers spoke Latin, i.e., [they are] ROMANS or ROMANIZED people. But these could not, in the heart of Transylvania, have been other than the Daco-Roman population who stayed on in spite of the order of retreat given by Aurelian. Even if we would admit (in excessive prudence), that a Gothic Christian community existed at Biertan, we ask why Zenovius wrote the inscription in Latin and not in Greek, if he was a missionary from the Orient, or in the Gothic language, if he was a local Goth? The answer is easy to give: because he either was a Daco-Roman himself, or because he addressed himself to his believers in a language which they knew and spoke. These believers, even if they were Goths or only Goths (chiar dac_ erau go_i sau numai go_i) could, however, know this language only from their subjects living in the region of Biertan.This also leads us to the only valid historical conclusion: the admission of the existence of a Daco-Roman population speaking Latin, which adhered to the Christian faith in Dacia Superior after Aurelian.374 In Istoria României. Compendiu, 1974, these ideas are presented again: ...settlements and cemeteries of the Daco-Roman tradition, from the 4th–6th centuries AD, for example Bratei, Biertan, etc. These are rural settlements of a population of farmers who used pottery of Roman provincial or Dacian tradition, bread ovens, Romano-Byzantine coins and the Latin language. In this context, the bronze inscription from Biertan is very important which, besides the monogram XP, shows the Latin text EGO ZENOVIVS VOTVM POSVI. We conclude from this that at Biertan, not far from Media_, a Christian community was constituted in the 4th century, using the Latin language, to which a person called Zenovius gave a chandelier with his

373 374

Protase PCD 1966, p. 144. Daicoviciu Dacica 1969, pp. 524–525.

D: Archaeological finds in post-Roman Dacia name.375 In Ancient Civilization of Romania, by E. Condurachi & C. Daicoviciu, 1971, (p. 179), the following may be read about the Donarium: We now have a whole series of remains bearing witness to the continued existence of a population of Daco-Roman stock throughout the whole of the former province of Dacia Traiana. [...] ...only a Daco-Roman population could have produced the various objects of Christian use which are dated to the same century – for example the lucernae or, even more strikingly, an exvoto (Plate 123) bearing the monogram of Christ and the inscription ego Zenovius votum posui. (2) The arch of a silver fibula, later changed to a ring, discovered in 1865 in the Mure_ valley at Ve_el, west of Alba Iulia (Hung. Gyulafehérvár). It shows the inscription: QUARTINE VIVAS; it does not contain Christian features.

E. The Rumanian language 1. THE THEORY OF CORE-AREAS The appearance of the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas in the 1930s seemed to have provided linguistic evidence of the preservation of the Latin language in some regions north of the lower Danube. Pu_cariu argued that the presence of Latin forms in the Transylvanian Alps imply the survival of a Latin-speaking population:


IR Compendiu 1974, pp. 76–77.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY nous considérons la carte de l´ancienne Dacie trajane ... nous voyons que la région oů les établissements romains étaient plus denses, et par conséquent la romanisation plus intense, coďncident avec la région oů les mots d´origine latin se sont le mieux conservés.376 This theory has been accepted also by several other European scholars. E. Gamillscheg377 believed that two areas in Rumania might be considered core areas, “Kerngebiet”-s of a Romance population: (a) a small strip of territory along the lower Danube, and (b) the region of the Mun_ii Apuseni in western Transylvania. The consideration which led to the hypothesis of the Mun_ii Apuseni as a Kerngebiet may be summarized as follows: The Rumanian sub-dialect spoken there pronounces sclab instead of slab, scloat_, scloi, sclov_, sclug_, etc. instead of sloat_, sloi, slov_, slug_, etc. It is known that in certain areas of Vulgar Latin, k was put between s and l. Wenn nun heute für das allgemein rumänische slab hier sklab(_) gesprochen wird, dann bricht in dieser Aussprache das altlateinische Lautsystem mit der gleichen Stärke durch wie im 5. Jahrhundert auf dem Boden Südfrankreichs oder Oberitaliens. Moreover, rinichiu ´kidney´ in Muntenia corresponds to the form r_runchiu in other parts of Rumania (also in the region of the Mun_ii Apuseni). The origin of these two forms goes back to the period of the Roman Empire: reniculus was said in Gascogne, in Sardinia, and in the south of the Roman Empire, while renunculus was preferred in northern France, in the provinces of Raetia, Noricum, and part of the Balkan peninsula. This suggests that the Rumanian population originated from at least two areas, one connected with the south and another situated within the area of renunculus. According to Gamillscheg, the hypothesis of the Mun_ii Apuseni as an ancient dialectal area is strengthened by two names of rivers and two placenames of directly Roman origin in this region: Ampoi and Cri_ (rivers), and Abrud and Turda (placenames). The placenames in the valleys of the Arie_ and the Ampoi 376

Pu_cariu, S., “Les enseignements de l´Atlas linguistique de Roumanie”, Bucharest, 1936, extr. from Rev. de Transylvanie, III, 1936, p. 9; quoted by Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 199. 377

Gamillscheg, E., “Über die Herkunft der Rumänen”, Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, Philos. -hist. Klasse, Berlin, 1940, pp. 118–134.

E: The Rumanian language indicate that 110 villages were founded by Hungarians, 87 by Rumanians, and 32 by Slavs. On the other hand, out of 17 names of mountains in the same region, only 4 are Hungarian, 13 are Rumanian, and none is Slavic. This would suggest that the mountains there were populated by Rumanians before the Slavs and the Hungarians settled in that region. To all this, Gamillscheg adds, with some reservation (“wenn auch seine Angaben durchaus nicht als einwandfreie historische Zeugnisse gelten können”), the text of Anonymus about a certain Gelu, a “Vlach“, who is said to have been living in this region at the beginning of the 10th century. (The narrative of Anonymus is discussed above, p. 156, and below, p. 215–219). The theory of an ancient Rumanian Core Area (Kerngebiet) in western Transylvania, put forward by Sextil Pu_cariu in the 1930s, was referred to in 1975 by Giurescu & Giurescu: [the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas shows] ...the presence of some terms of Latin origin, such as for example nea, pedestru, and june only in the westen parts of Transylvania, from Maramure_ and Cri_ana to the Banat, which do not appear in the rest of the Carpatho-Danubian region. This would not be possible if the Ancient Rumanians (str_românii) would have come from the Balkan peninsula. This was revealed and stressed by the Rumanian linguists Sextil Pu_cariu and Emil Petrovici, as well as by foreign linguists. One of these, the Romanist K. Jaberg, showed that the map of the cited Atlas “speak a clear language: how could the Latin elements be preserved particularly well in the northwest of Rumania if the Rumanians would have come from Moesia?” And another leading Romanist, Ernst Gamillscheg, stated – also on the basis of the maps mentioned above – that one of the centres of formation of the Rumanian people was exactly the region of the Apuseni mountains, from where the three rivers with such a characteristic Romance name as Cri_, spring.378

2. OTHER LINGUISTIC ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY The main linguistic argument for the theory of continuity is that based on data revealed by the Rumanian Lingustic Atlas in the 1930s. Other arguments based on language are as follows: a) Rumanian religious terminology


Giurescu & Giurescu Istoria Rom 1975, p. 151.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Linguistics shows that in the territory of former Dacia Romana, the bearer of Christianity was the Latin language. In fact, in Rumanian, the basic terms of the Christian doctrine are clearly of Latin origin: cruce, dumnezeu, cre_tin, înger, etc. derive from Latin. Of most significance in this respect is the term biseric_. Only in the Rumanian language (and in Rhetoromance!) was this Latin word (from basilica) preserved, in the other Romance languages (French, Italian, etc.) the derivations of the Greek term ecclesia are used (in French, église, in Italian, chiesa). The explanation of this phenomenon is provided by the fact that in the 4th century, when the term basilica was replaced by ecclesia, the DacoRomans no longer belonged to the Empire. If our Daco-Roman ancestors lived south of the Danube, in the Empire, that innovation would have penetrated also into the Rumanian language and the notion of ´church´ would also here have been expressed by a word derived from Greek ecclesia (as happened, for example, in the case of the Albanians, in the Balkan peninsula, who have the term ´qeshë´.379 In the third (1974) edition of IR Compendiu, the idea that early Christianity was spread in the former province of Dacia Traiana in the Latin language appears again (p. 77), but the passage about the word biseric_ is omitted. b) A theory based on the Slavic influence Emil Petrovici presented a theory summarized by IR 1960 as follows:


IR Compendiu 1969, p. 92.

E: The Rumanian language The treatment of št, _ d, (Rumanian _t, jd) of the Common Slavic (slava comun_) groups *tj, (*kt´), *dj, the rendition of the Common Slavic vowels *o,_, *_, *_, *_ by în, ea, (a), o, e is found also in the Slavic placenames of Dacia, while these reflexes are not present to the west of a line corresponding to the present day frontier between Bulgaria and Yougoslavia, where the corresponding reflexes are _, k´, _, d_, ´,g, d, u, (< *o,_), e, (je, i) (< *_), _, (> a) (< *_, *_). This fact is of decisive importance in establishing the territory in which the Rumanian language was formed.380 It is claimed that this proves that “the oldest and most numerous” (cele mai vechi _i cele mai numeroase) Slavic elements of Rumanian could only have been borrowed from the Slavs who lived east of the present day frontier between Bulgaria and Serbia, and north of the highest peaks of the Haemus mountains. Petrovici remarks that this hypothesis is corroborated by the fact that the Greek language has a Slavic word (βλαχθι) to denote the Vlachs, which indicates that “in the early Middle Ages, South Slavs were living between the Greeks and the Rumanians.” c) The time span of the South Slavic influence It is obvious that the South Slavic impact upon Rumanian must be the result of a close symbiosis lasting several centuries. Which centuries, and if there were periods of particularly strong influence, etc. are important issues in Rumanian history. The sound patterns of loanwords and other circumstances indicate that already Balkan Latin was exposed to a certain Slavic influence, beginning with the 6th century. The number of words of South Slavic origin in Common Rumanian was relatively low (only about 70), and the South Slavic influence on Northern Rumanian became most intense AFTER the 10th century. All these facts are described by Rosetti. In contrast to this, Rumanian historians and archaeologists affirm that the Slavic influence on Rumanian ended much earlier: With the retreat of the Bulgarian Empire to the south of the Danube, the 380

IR 1960, pp. 792–793, referring to Petrovici, E., “Problema limitei sud-vestice a teritoriului de formare a limbii romîne_ti”, Limba romîn_, IX, 1, 1960, pp. 79–83.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Slavic element, which until then had been dominant, became secondary in the regions north of the Danube, and the Slavic population left in the territory of our country was, in a relatively short time, assimilated to the Proto-Rumanian (str_româneasc_) population.381


IR 1960, p.747. — As shown above, the Bulgarian state dominated what today is Muntenia and southern Transylvania during most of the 9th century. The statement of IR implies therefore that the Slavs in these territories disappeared “in a relatively short time” after the 9th century, having been assimilated to a population which spoke Common Rumanian.

E: The Rumanian language Giurescu & Giurescu affirmed approximately the same: the Slavs were assimilated to the Rumanians between the 6th and the 10th centuries.382 Eugenia Zaharia asserted that the archaeological finds indicate the complete assimilation of the Slavs to the Daco-Romans in the entire territory of present day Rumania already in the 8th century.383 d) The territory of the Slavo-Rumanian symbiosis . A crucial problem of the history of the Rumanian language is WHERE the tremendous South Slavic influence was exerted upon it. No serious linguist can deny that such influence was exerted south of the Danube, but if the theory of continuity is to be sustained, also north-Danubian areas must be assumed. Rosetti (ILR 1986, p. 265) formulated the following statement about this: The contact between the Slavs and the Romanized population of the Danubian provinces took place north of the Danube as well as south of it. Those who deny the possibility of the existence of these connections north of the Danube (Friedwagner, ZRPh., LIV, 659; Mustaf_iev, Bulg. et Roum., 70 ff.; Skok, Sl., VIII, 624 ff.; [...], on the grounds that Dacia north of the Danube was a territory through which the migratory peoples passed and that the Romanized population could not remain in its old settlements, are making a mere assumption because, in fact, we have no direct information on the connections between the Romanized population and these peoples. For those who admit that the Rumanian language developed in a large territory of Roman colonization, the existence of contact between the Romanized population and the Slavs south of the Danube as well as north of it appears to be beyond doubt (cf. Popovi_, GSKS,384 118.) Dr_ganu, Rom. s. IX–XIV, 28 ff., as well as Jung, admit that the Romanized population was preserved in Dacia after Roman domination ceased. For the borrowings from Albanian, see Mladenov, B_lg.-alb. otnoš: Seliš_ev, Slav. nas. Vlach. Alb. and Jokl, Slavic., XIII, 281 and 609 [..]. E. Petrovici considers that the territory “in which the victory of popular Latin over the Thracian language took place ... must be placed along the lower 382

Giurescu & Giurescu Ist Rom. 1975, p. 179.


Eugenia Zaharia, “Les sources archéologiques de la continuité daco-romaine”, Apulum, XII, 1974, pp. 284, 287, and 293. 384

GSKS = Geschichte der serbokroatischen Sprache. — Popovi_ does not support this opinion. On p. 118, discussing the age of the placenames and the geographic names of Slavic origin in Rumania, he states: ...”die Lehnwörter sind jedoch im gegebenen Fall überhaupt zu unserem Zweck nicht nutzbar, weil das Problem der sog. rumän. Urheimat /südl. oder nördl. der Donau/ noch offen bleibt (s. Kap. II, § 22) und wir nicht wissen können, ob ein Lehnwort nördlich oder südlich der Donau aus dem Sl. ins Rum. eingedrungen ist...” (emphasis added).

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Danube, from the estuary of the Tisza to the sea. The Roman domination there lasted for at least 600 years.” _i_mariov, Lb. mold., 26–28, states that the military units and the provincials crossed the Danube to the south but considers that the poor classes of the population could not have wanted to leave Dacia.

3. OTHER ELEMENTS OF THE RUMANIAN LANGUAGE FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Above, arguments based on the Rumanian language in favour of the theory of continuity were presented. In the following, the arguments put forward with the aim of defending this theory against objections based on the Rumanian language will be summarized. a) The correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian In IR 1960, this problem is summarized as follows: We have seen that the presence in the Rumanian language of some words which Rumanian shares with Albanian has been interpreted by some scholars who are against continuity as an indication that the fatherland of the Rumanian people was somewhere in the Balkan peninsula, in the vicinity of the Albanians. This argument is not valid. These words in common do not show the sound pattern and the sense they should as a result of living together (convie_uire). On the other hand, the Bulgarian linguist De_ev has rightly pointed out that in the case of a symbiosis between Rumanians and Albanians in the Balkan peninsula, the result ought to have been one common or [two] related languages (o limb_ comun_ sau înrudit_) and not two totally different ones. In reality, those few words which the Rumanian language shares with Albanian are not loanwords but were inherited by both languages from the ANCIENT INDO-EUROPEAN, CARPATHO-BALKANIC WORD STOCK.385 In the chapter on linguistic arguments for the theory of continuity, the following is added: Regarding the Albanian territory, Albanologists agree that it extended far towards the northeast. It must be noted that the ancient name of the most important town in the centre of the Balkan peninsula, Naissus, was mediated


IR 1960, p. 782. The first part of this in the original: “S-a v_zut c_ existen_a în limba romîn_ a unor cuvinte comune cu limba albanez_ a fost interpretat_ de unii cercet_tori adversari ai continuit__ii ca o indica_ie c_ patria poporului romîn a fost undeva în Balcani, al_turi de poporul albanez. Argumentul este _ubred.”

E: The Rumanian language to the Slavs by an Albanian population, which changed it according to the sound laws of Albanian.386 Daicoviciu, Petrovici, and _tefan (La formation du peuple Roumain et de sa langue, 1963) also restrict their discussion of this problem to the WORDS from the substratum, without mentioning the correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian in other respects. They conclude, referring to I.I. Russu, Limba tracodacilor, 1967, p. 220, that these words ...constituent un bien commun que l´une et l´autre ont hérité de fond linguistique archaďque indoeuropéen (thrace, respectivement thraco-illyrien), propre ŕ l´espace carpato-balkanique. Rosetti, in Istoria limbii române, 1986, presents the Albano–Rumanian correspondences in great detail. His conclusion regarding the territory of contact between the two populations is cautious:


Ibid., p. 796.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY It is not necessary to assume that the borrowing of the terms took place in the vicinity of Albanian. In spite of this, there are reasons to believe that the linguistic territory of the Albanians once extended beyond their present day territory towards the north (cf. above, p. 195 ff.) and that, consequently, the ancestors of the Albanians were neighbours of our ancestors.387 The very close correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian would not contradict the theory of formation of the Rumanian language north of the Danube if it could be shown that the same language was spoken in antiquity in Macedonia, in Serbia, western Bulgaria, Oltenia and Transylvania.In that case, the ancestors of the Rumanians could have inherited the ancient, pre-Roman elements from this language north of the lower Danube. (We disregard here the similarities also regarding the Latin elements.) This hypothesis is based on the ancient Greek and Roman terms “Thracian” and “Illyrian”; there is also the term “Daco-Moesian”: Au fait, les éléments communs au romain et ŕ l´albanaise s´expliquent parfaitment par parenté génétique, par le voisinage et la réciprocité d´influence possible dans l´antiquité entre l´illyrien ou thrace, comme ancętre de l´albanaise, et le daco-moesien, substrat du roumain.388 This author (C. Poghirc) refers to the Balkan Linguistic Union and points out that the mutual influences among the Balkan languages must have been even greater during the first centuries AD than they are now. Finnish and Rumanian also have several words in common: Slavic words transferred to Finnish from Russian, and to Rumanian from Old Bulgarian. Poghirc argues that it would be unreasonable to conclude that Finns and Rumanians were neighbours as it is to assume that Albanians and Rumanians lived together. Is there any material evidence in favour of the assumption of the same language in a very large territory: Thracian, Thraco-Dacian, Illyrian, DacoMoesian, or a “Carpatho-Balkanic word stock”, as assumed by IR 1960? Unfortunately, very little is known about these ancient languages, which makes the answer to this question difficult. But Thracian and Dacian etymologies have 387

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 259. — On p. 195 he refers to, Rosetti discusses the original homeland (i.e., the area inhabited before their partial Romanization) of the Albanians and concludes that this was in northern Albania and in adjacent areas towards the north-east, stretching approximately to the region of Niš. 388

Poghirc, C., Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 202.

E: The Rumanian language been proposed for Rumanian words. Poghirc, in ILR 1969, pp. 329–335 and 355 considers that a Dacian etymology is possible in the following cases: brusture ´common burdock´. Among other possibilities, the Dacian name of a plant ribobasta, peripobasta, peripomasta, (the name was preserved with an uncertain spelling), may come into question (cf. also Alb. brushtull(ë), above, p. 79). mic ´small, little´ “seems to be attested in Thraco–Dacian”389 in the placename Micia, in the name of a people Micenses, and in the personal names Miccos, Miccas, etc. zîrn_ ´black nightshade, Solanum nigrum´. The second half of the Dacian name προ−διαρνα may have had the meaning ´dark´. This word was connected with the Dacian placenames Dierna, Tierna, Zerna. doin_ ´elegiac song; doina´. Many etymologies have been proposed. A connection between this Rumanian word and Lithuanian daina, Lettish daina ´popular song´ is generally accepted by investigators of the Baltic languages. E. Fraenkel believed that doin_ originated from Dacian. This list of four words not only gives some examples of possible Dacian etymologies in Rumanian but contains ALL words for which such an etymology is discussed by Poghirc among words of unknown origin. A Thracian etymology has been discussed, among other possibilities, in about twenty cases. Most of these are very uncertain, and there is no correspondence between the meanings of the proposed Rumanian words and that of the corresponding Thracian words. Many of these last mentioned words were preserved as placenames and their meaning is often unknown. I.I. Russu390 has tried to compose a Rumanian–Thraco-Dacian glossary. The Thracian lexical elements were compiled from Greek and Latin texts; their meanings are either known with some probability or are assumed. Among the Rumanian words in this list, 11 probably originate from the substratum of Rumanian: balt_ ´marsh´, brusture ´common burdock´, bucurie ´joy´, c_tun ´small village´, colib_ ´hut´, copil ´child´, curpen ´tendril´, gard ´fence´, groap_ ´cavity´, spânz ´hellebore´, _ap ´he-goat´. In only one of these cases has the corresponding Thracian word a similar form: Rum. gard, Thracian Gordion (placename). The sense of this Thracian name is not known. Another Rumanian word of unknown etymology has been assumed to have a Thracian connection: Rum. mare ´great, large, big´, is similar to - maros, -merula in Thracian personal names; however, the sense of these is 389 390

ILR 1969, p. 332. Russu LTD 1967, pp. 137–143.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY also unknown. b) The relationship between Rumanian and Dalmatian The fact that the Dalmatian language does not belong to the Balkan Linguistic Union is said to show that “the Rumanian language was not formed near the Dalmatian”.391 Similarly, the differences between the two languages, for example those in the treatment of the Latin consonant groups gn, ct, and cs, are said to prove that the south-western part of Illyricum and Old Dalmatia had nothing to do with the formation of the Rumanian language.392 It is emphasized that Rumanian and Dalmatian were always separated from each other: The Rumanian territory is isolated from the Dalmatian by an area occupied by the Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Slovenian) and Albanian. The isolation of the territories along the lower Danube does not, however, originate only from the period in which the Slavs migrated to the Balkan peninsula (the 7th century AD), but from the first years of Romanization of the regions along the lower Danube, starting during the reign of Augustus. [...] Towards the west, Romanization affected very slightly the mountain region in which relatively few Latin inscriptions were discovered and in which nonRomanized Thracians and Illyrians prevailed, ancestors of the Albanians and, by Slavification, of the Serbo-Croatians. This large, weakly Romanized mountain region separated the two strongly Romanized narrow areas of the Balkan peninsula: the Danubian and the Dalmatian regions, the latter region having been connected to Italy by very intense navigation on the Adriatic Sea which went on in antiquity and during the Middle Ages. The intense Romanization of these two regions is attested by thousands of Latin inscriptions that have been discovered in Dalmatia, Dacia, and Moesia.393 IR 1960 also contends that this intense Romanization along the lower Danube is indicated by the large number of Roman towns; about 40 are known to have existed between present day Belgrade and Tulcea on the shore of the Black Sea. In the 4th, 5th, and 6th centuries, eleven of these towns were residences of bishops: Singidunum, Margum, Viminacium, Aquae, Castra Martis, Ratiaria, 391 392 393

IR 1960, p. 791: “Limba român_ nu s-a format în apropierea dalmatei”. Russu LTD 1967, p. 218. IR 1960, pp. 794–795.

E: The Rumanian language Oescus, Novae, Abrittus, Appiaria, and Durostorum.

4. THE ABSENCE OF OLD GERMANIC ELEMENTS IN THE RUMANIAN LANGUAGE Old Germanic populations – in the first place, Goths and Gepidae – were living in several areas of present day Rumania for many centuries after the Roman domination. This is known from written records and from rich archaeological material characteristic of these peoples. On the basis of the theory of Daco-Roman continuity, one would expect some Old Germanic influence upon Northern Rumanian. It is therefore understandable that several authors have assumed an Old Germanic origin of many Rumanian words. Thus, Diculescu assumed that 16 words, 15 personal names, and 5 placenames derived from Old Germanic. It has been shown, however, that these etymologies are based on mere phonetic similarity.394 According to M. Isb__escu,395 there are ten Rumanian lexical elements of which “a Germanic origin seems possible or at least more probable than the other etymologies which were proposed”: bâlc_ ´jug; pitcher´, bulz ´chunk, lump; sawn log´, ciuf, ciof ´tuft of hair, shock´, nasture ´button´, rap_n ´scurf, scab´, str_nut ´star´, strugure ´grapes´ , targ_ ´ barrow; litter´, tureci ´trousers´ , and zgudui ´to shake´. None of these etymologies is generally accepted and almost all were rejected by scholars who have investigated the problem. Gamillscheg assumed that gard ´fence, enclosure, pilework´, was a loanword from Gepidic (gards; there is a similar word in Old Icelandic). This cannot be accepted, because the word also exists in Albanian (gardh) as well as in Old Slavic. The possibility that Rumanian gard is of Slavic origin cannot be excluded396 but Albanian gardh is not likely to have derived from Slavic because Old Slavic d corresponds to Albanian d, not dh.397 This word may derive from the substratum of Rumanian and may be related, on the Indo-European basis, with Lithuanian gardas, Gothic garps, etc.398 The conclusion is given by Rosetti: One may say that none of the proposed etymological relationships is valid; 394 395 396 397 398

Rosetti ILR 1986, pp. 221–224. ILR 1969, p. 368. Mih_il_ Studii 1973, p. 22. Ibid., p. 21; Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 249. Russu, Element autohtone 1970, pp. 313-314; Mih_il_ Studii 1973, p. 21.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY most of them are contradicted by a clear explanation of the Rumanian word from other languages. Because of this, those few words for which no other etymology has yet been proposed besides the Germanic, have little chance of belonging to this group of words.399 The absence of Old Germanic elements in the Rumanian language is thus generally recognized. According to Daicoviciu, Petrovici & _tefan (La formation du peuple Roumain et de sa langue, 1963), this does not contradict the theory of continuity in Dacia, and the same opinion may be read in IR 1960.


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 222. There are Old Germanic words in Rumanian which were borrowed by Vulgar Latin. Such words are found also in New Greek and in Albanian. One example is tuf_ ´bush, shrub; branch´, attested to in Latin near Vegezio: tufa. It is also present in Albanian: tufë ´bunch (of flowers)´. (Cf. Old Swedish thuva, modern Swedish tuva ´tussock, grassy hillock´; Norwegian tuv ´top, knot, tie´. There are, of course, particularly in Transylvania and in the Banat, recent borrowings from the German (Transylvanian Saxon and Swabian) population of these regions.

E: The Rumanian language Le caractčre de la domination des peuplades germaniques sur la Dacie, leur nombre restreint, l´absence de toute vie commune de longue durée avec les Daco-Romans...400 were not favourable for the penetration of Germanic elements into the Rumanian language. In IR 1960, it is also affirmed that “Germanic elements would have been transferred to Rumanian even in the case it had been formed in the Balkan peninsula.” On the other hand, a “Daco-Roman” element among the Gothic and Gepidic material remains in Transylvania is also asserted. Referring to IR 1960, p. 692, to investigations of Diculescu, Philippide, and Gamillscheg, Rosetti concludes: The permanent habitation of the populations of Germanic language north of the Danube and their symbiosis with the local Romanized populations are, thus, well-proved facts.401

5. ABOUT THE BALKAN LINGUISTIC UNION Also the very close relationships between the Balkan languages (Greek, Albanian, Rumanian, Bulgarian, and Serbian) are in contradiction with the idea that the ancestors of the Rumanians lived as far away from the areas of these populations as present day Rumania. Explanations: a “Carpatho-Danubian language”, lively contacts between the Empire and the territories north of the lower Danube etc., were discussed above, p. 186. But also the idea itself of a Balkan Linguistic Union has been questioned (cf. above, p. 87). However, Rumanian authors in general accept the idea of Balkan Linguistics (cf., for example A. Rosetti´s volume entitled ´Balkan Linguistics´).


Translation of a passage in IR 1960, p. 782. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 220.


“Rumanian placenames which continue autochthonous antique names ... exist.”402 Eighteen such names were assumed by Poghirc to belong to this type of place- names; of these, a geographic correspondence (besides the phonetic similarity) may exist in the following cases: Drencova, Hîr_ova, Mehadia, Oltina, and B_roi. Drencova, in the Banat, is believed to continue Dric(c)a, mentioned by Iordanes and possibly a tributary of the Danube. Another river, a tributary of the Tisza, is ∆ρεγκων or ∆ρηκων. Hîr_ova is assumed to continue ancient Carsium in Dobrogea. Mehadia is assumed to originate from Latin Ad Mediam; although not from Latin medius but “probably from an autochthonous *Mehedia, Mehadia, with an intervocalic h not recorded by the Romans.”403 Oltina in Dobrogea continues ancient Altina, and B_roi, ancient Birea, Beroe. (This question is discussed in more detail below, pp. 244.) These hypotheses are not generally accepted, on the contrary, there is general consensus that no inherited Latin placenames exist in the toponymy of the territories north of the lower Danube. This is not, of course, favourable for the assumption of the persistence of a Roman population there until the arrival of the Slavs. However, several explanations have been offered: If examined critically, also toponymy gives the same answer in favour of continuity and an argument can by no means be constructed against this continuity from the absence of placenames directly inherited from the GetoDacian or the Latin language. This is because, in the first place, although its documentary value cannot be denied, the probatory value of toponymy (as also that of personal names) is not absolute. The giving of names in the Middle Ages to people as well as to places, was subject to many conditions and factors. Very often, personal names and placenames are translated from one language to the other, and the original name does not always remain in use. In the second place, the fact should be remembered that in the entire Balkan peninsula, all placenames and names of small and large rivers and streams are non-Rumanian, with the exception of some cases, such as S_runa (Salonic), Pe_ter(i), and Durmitor (mountains in Yougoslavia), etc. All these names, spread over a large territory and of relatively recent origin (with the exception of the important centre of S_runa) originate from the Vlach shepherds of the Peninsula and do not prove that the primitive fatherland of

402 403

Poghirc in ILR 1969, p. 359. Ibid., p. 360.

E: The Rumanian language the Rumanian people was in the Balkan peninsula.404 The fact that placenames of Slavic origin dominate in Rumania is explained as follows:


IR 1960, p. 786.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY A valid explanation of this phenomenon in our country may be found in the temporary political, military, and social domination of the Slavic conquerors over former Dacia, as well as in the result of the Slavo-Rumanian symbiosis and of the bilingualism which was created. Because of these circumstances, the Slavic placenames were able to supersede the Latin, the indigenous population (b__tina_ii) adopted them, either by abandoning, in part, the old Daco-Roman names or adjusting part of these to the Slavic sound pattern. This may have been the case particularly in regions in which the indigenous people at a certain time were not in the majority among the sedentary farmers.405 Another possibility is mentioned by Rosetti: The fact that the majority of Rumanian placenames north of the Danube are Slavic is explained by the fact that the very numerous Slavic population translated older names of villages, as Frumoasa into Dobra, Piatra into Kamenu, Repedea into Bistri_a, Cîmpulung into Dulgopol, etc. [Rosetti refers here to Pu_cariu, Capidan, and Iordan] and that the towns were founded BY FOREIGNERS, THUS, THE TOWNS ALONG THE NORTHERN FRONTIER OF _ARA ROMÂNEASC_ WERE FOUNDED BY TEUTONIC EQUESTRIANS AND THE MARKET406 PLACES OF MOLDAVIA HAVE A MIXED POPULATION (FOR EXAMPLE BAIA).

Also Pu_cariu wrote about the translation of Rumanian placenames by the Slavs, and, in Transylvania, by the Hungarians: Le cas du fleuve Bistri_a est instructif. Son nom est d´origine slave, et il signifie ´rapide´, en roumain ´repede´. Mais Repede est auhjourd´hui encore le nom d´un des affluents de ce fleuve, dans la région montagneuse de son cours, et que ce nom a été traduit par des Slaves établis plus tard sur ses rives par l´équivalent Bistryca. Il est arrivé ensuite ce qu´on peut observer bien souvent chez nous et dans d´autres pays: la population ancienne accepte la nouvelle dénomination officielle donnée par les conquérants. And in a note: 405 406

Ibid., p. 787.

Rosetti ILR 1968, p. 215, emphasize added. — In the 1986 edition, the passage emphasized here was omitted and replaced by the word “later” (thus: “and the towns were founded later”).

E: The Rumanian language

De męme le nom du village de Dobroudja Camena n´est qu´une traduction slave, étendue aujourd´hui ŕ la langue des Roumains, de l´ancien Petra , qui apparaît dans une inscription latine trouvée lŕ-bas (C.T. Sauciuc: O inscrip_ie latin_ dans ´Analele Dobrogei´, XV (1934), pp. 93–112).”407 Not all placenames based on Slavic lexical elements were given by Slavs. There are Rumanian derivatives of Slavic names: Cern_te_ti (cf. Old Slavic _r_n_), Ple_eni (cf. Old Slavic pl_š_) “which may have been given by the respective Rumanian population.”408 Also placenames derived from personal names of Slavic origin may have been given by Rumanians: “If a name of river, such as Dîmbovi_a originates from a population which spoke the Old Bulgarian language, the placename Cr_e_ti (Tecuci), for example, does not permit the same explanation because it derives from a personal name (Craiu), from the name of the owner of the estate (Iordan, Rum. Top., 53).”409 There are also placenames of Slavic origin given by Rumanians: for example Baia or Bivol, from words of Slavic origin borrowed by Rumanian. However, the number of placenames given by a Slavic population – such as for example Cobia (cf. Old Slavic kob_), Crasna (cf. Old Slavic kras_na) B_lgrad, Bistri_a, Ialomi_a, Ilfov, Prahova, Predeal, Râmnic, Vla_ca, Zlatna, etc. is extremely high in entire Rumania.410 (b) River names The following hypotheses have been presented concerning the names of the great rivers in Transylvania: Linguistic research has established that the names of the rivers Olt, Mure_, Some_, etc. derive from the names used during the Roman period: Alutus, 407

Pu_cariu, S., “Le rôle de la Transylvanie dans la formation et l´évolution de la langue roumaine”, La Transylvanie, 1938, 41. 408 409 410

Rosetti ILR 1968, p. 288. Ibid., p. 301. Ibid., pp. 301–302; Popovi_ GSKS 1960, pp. 116–122.

III: THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Maris, Samus. These names preserve vestiges indicating that they were used by the Slavs who settled in our country during the 6th–7th centuries, but do not show any traces of having passed through a Germanic medium (filier_ germanic_). This fact shows that the Slavs did not learn these names from a Germanic population but from one which spoke Latin and which preserved the names of rivers used during the Roman domination.411


IR Compendiu 1969, p. 92.

E: The Rumanian language In this passage, it is accepted that the names of these rivers were borrowed by a Rumanian population from the Slavs. However, also attempts at explaining these names without borrowing from Slavic or Hungarian have been made. The argumentation is based on certain sound changes: -si- > š and a > o (or, sometimes, u). Thus, ancient Marisia and Timisia would have changed, in “late Daco-Moesian”, to Mureš and to Timiš, respectively; ancient Samus to Someš and Alutus to Olt. A difficulty is Tisia which, according to this hypothesis, would have changed to something like *Tiš (instead of Tisa). Poghirc, who put forward this theory, assumed that the -si- > š and the a > o (u) changes occurred in “late Daco-Moesian”, between the 3rd and the 6th centuries. He explains the form of the Tisa by the possibility that the “autochthonous population” did not have the same sound on the place of -si- as in Marisia, Timisia, etc. The writing of this name (with tz) by Constantinus Porphyrogenitos in the 10th century is said to support this view.412 In the 1968 edition of ILR (p. 288), Rosetti mentioned the explanation given by E. Petrovici in 1951of the toponymy of Slavic origin in Rumania: The contradiction between the Romance character of the Rumanian language and the non-Romance – primarily Slavic, but also Hungarian, Cumanian and other – character of the old toponymy in the territory of the Rumanian language cannot be explained, I believe, other than by assuming the spread of the Romance (Rumanian) language in a territory where mainly Slavic was spoken (Petrovici, Lingv. R.P.R. [1951] 91.) Rosetti commented upon this as follows: “which is not our opinion about the Slavo-Rumanian contacts and the explanation of the Slavic toponymy north of the Danube.” He continues, however, with discussing certain regions, where, also according to Petrovici, “the population that spoke Rumanian settled among a relatively sparse Slavic-speaking people.” Also the hypothesis that “the Rumanian element penetrated to southern Moldavia, coming from Transylvania, in the 11th and 12th centuries,” is mentioned in this context. Regarding the toponyms of a Serbo-Croatian or Bulgarian sound pattern in Moldavia and Bucovina (e.g. Sl_nic), Rosetti considered that these “were introduced in this area by the Rumanian population in Moldavia in the 13th century.” All these reasonings, beginning with the quotation of Petrovici (1951), are omitted from the definitive (1986) edition of Rosetti´s Istoria limbii române.


C. Poghirc in ILR 1969, p. 359; and Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 198.

Chapter IV

A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY A. A survey of opinions of Western scholars about the theory 1. Friedwagner, M., “Über die Sprache und Heimat der Rumänen in ihrer Frühzeit”, in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, Halle, LIV, pp. 641–715: Friedwagner stresses that the territory inhabited by the early Rumanians must have been unitary: Im ganzen aber wird an der Vorstellung eines einheitlichen, zusammenhängenden Lebensraumes bis zur Abwanderung des südlichen Zweiges schon aus zwingenden sprachlichen Gründen festgehalten werden müssen (pp. 713 – 714). Regarding the main areas of early Rumanian: Dass der Mittelpunkt des urrumänischen Volkes (centrul vie_ii române) einst im Donauraum und zwar südlich des Stromes lag, daran wird im allgemeinen von den Linguisten nicht mehr gezweifelt (p. 713). ist illyrische Gegend, im Altertum Dardanien in sich begreifend, nach neuerer Bezeichnung das Land östlich von Montenegro: Alt- und Südserbien (in seinen früherer Grenzen) und Westbulgarien (p. 714). About the possibility of development north of the lower Danube, Friedwagner writes: Nördlich der Donau glaubt man wohl mit Recht an römische Reste im südöstlichen Banat; möglich dass solche auch im südwestlichen Gebirge Transylvaniens und im nördlichen Oltenien (Kleine Walachei) sich halten konnten. Ob das in der dortigen Sprache sich noch nachweisen lässt, wird sich zeigen (p. 715). Friedwagner concludes with the statement that if the Rumanians really were able to persist in those areas, this would be a lesser miracle than their ability to keep their language as unitary as it is today in spite of the large area which they inhabited in ancient times (if one assumes areas north of the Danube): ...dass bei so grosser Ausbreitung des Volkes in der Frühzeit die sprachliche

E: The Rumanian language [...] Einheit möglich geworden ist (p. 715). 2. Popovi_, I., Geschichte der serbokroatischen Sprache, Wiesbaden, 1960: Dass die Rumänen südlich der Donau gesessen haben, lässt sich kaum bestreiten” (p. 62). “Die ersten sl. Elemente sind ins Rum. bereits in der ´urrumänischen´ Epoche eingedrungen, d.h. zur Zeit, als die rum. Sprache [...] noch eine geographisch-linguistische Einheit bildete (irgendwo auf dem Zentralbalkan) (p. 200). However, Popovi_, after having stated that it is a priori not probable that all of the Latin-speaking inhabitants would have left Dacia Traiana in 271, concludes as follows: Wenn wir im Endresultat die heute herrschende Annahme einer rumän. Urheimat sowohl nördl. als auch südl. der Donau vetreten, so beruht das eher auf einer allgemeinen Überzeugung als auf sicheren sprachlichen Tatsachen. Feste Sprachargumente müssen erst von der künftigen Forschung erbracht werden, da uns die bisherigen nicht genügen können (p. 63). 3. Stadtmüller, G., Grundfragen der europäischen Geschichte, München – Wien, 1965: Stadtmüller considered that the Rumanian language developed mainly south of the Danube and that the Rumanians (Vlachs) started to migrate to their present day territoriers in the 12th century. About Transylvania, Stadtmüller remarked: Für Siebenbürgen ist es wahrscheinlich, dass zuerst die Bulgaren dort sassen, danach kamen die Ungarn und später die Rumänen. Nach dem Sprachatlas von Pu_cariu und nach Untersuchungen von Ernst Gamillscheg und Günter Reichenkron muss man jedoch mit der Möglichkeit rechnen, dass geringe Reste der Provinzialromanen auch nach der römischen Räumung der Provinz Dacia Trajana (271) in Siebenbürgen überdauert haben und dann seit dem 12. Jahrhundert durch einen gewaltigen Zuzug von Rumänen aus dem Inneren des Balkan verstärkt worden sind. An diesem Zuzug kann nämlich nicht gezweifelt werden. Er ist von nichtrumänischen und rumänischen Gelehrten überzeugend aus urkundlichen und literarischen Quellen nachgewiesen worden (p. 91). 4. Lombard, A., Latinets öden i öster (The destinies of Latin in the East), Lund, 1967: Lombard considered the absence of Old Germanic elements the most important argument against the possibility of development north of the Danube. However, “the concordances between ancient times and the present are too striking and speak for a continuous existence of Latin north of the Danube, in

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY ancient Dacia” (p. 7). Also dialectology – the theory of core regions – has, according to Lombard, “given some support” for the theory of continuity (p. 6). This author also stressed the significance of linguistics in solving historical and cultural problems. In the case of Rumanian, neither the chronicles, nor archaeology can give a reliable answer: The archaeological remains, such as the big Tropeum Traiani in Dobrogea and the rich finds in Transylvanian cemeteries say little more [than the chronicles and the Latin inscriptions] in spite of the efforts of Pârvan and Daicoviciu to get them speak (p.3). Lombard was of the opinion that if it is true that the Latin language survived north of the lower Danube then “one must say that this is a unique case”. The conclusion of this treatise is that the Rumanian language probably was formed south and north of the lower Danube. 5. Bourciez, É., Éléments de linguistique romane, Paris, 1967. Bourciez considers that the entire population of Dacia Traiana does not seem to have left the province: until the period of Justinian, the mid-sixth century, there were contacts between Dacia and the Empire, since Byzantine authors from the 6th century recorded the building or restauration of bridge-heads on the northern shore of the lower Danube. Toutefois, c´est bien au sud de ce fleuve que doit avoir été, pendant quelques sičcles, le sičge principal des populations qui parlaient le latin d´Orient: elles étaient répendues en Moesie, en Dalmatie, et communiquaient largement avec l´Italie dont elles formaient le prolongement... (p. 135). 6. Tagliavini, C., Le origini delle lingue neolatine. Introduzione alla filologia romanza, Bologna, 1969. Tagliavini emphasizes that the similiarities, especially the innovations shared by all four Rumanian dialects can only be explanied by a common, unitary area and that this must have been situated south of the Danube: Philological arguments indicate that Ancient Rumanian developed on the southern shore of the Danube. To this conclusion leads us the study of facts such as the concordances with Albanian which cannot exclusively be ascribed to a common substratum but must have developed during a period of symbiosis; the Bulgarian character (and only to a lesser degree, Serbian) of the old Slavic elements of Rumanian (all the northern Slavic elements, for instance, Ruthenian, are more recent), the absence of Old Germanic elements, etc. (p.373). Without denying the possibility of rests of Roman population north of the

A: Western scholars about the theory Danube, the majority of foreign linguists now consider that the territory of formation of the Rumanian language must have been approximately in historical Serbia (p. 374). 7. Vidos, B.E., Handbuch der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft, 1975. After the enumeration of facts of language (the concordances with Albanian, the Bulgarian influence, the lack of Old Germanic elements), Vidos continues: Auf Grund dieser sprachlichen und historischen Überlegungen nimmt man an, dass sich die romanische Bevölkerung nach der Räumung Daziens in das Gebiet südlich der Donau zurückgezogen hat, und dass das Rumänische hier auf dem Balkan entstanden ist. Da sich indes fast das ganze dakoromanische Sprachgebiet im Norden der Donau erstreckt, wird angenommen, dass die Rumänen im Lauf des Mittelalters von neuem aus der Balkanhalbinsel auf das linke Donauufer ausgewandert sind und das heutige Rumänien erneut kolonisiert haben.413 After these statements, however, Vidos refers to the data revealed by the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas (cf. above, pp. 180–181), and concludes that these prove that Die grosse Masse des Volkes, Bauern, Hirten, arme Leute, die noch heute den grössten Teil des rumänischen Volkes bilden, ist nicht auf das rechte Ufer der Donau ausgezogen.414 8. Pei, M., The Story of Latin and the Romance Languages, 1976. Presenting the problem of the origin of Rumanian (“The Mystery of Rumanian”), pp. 137–143, Pei puts a number of questions and concludes that there is no sufficient evidence to give the answers. These questions “continue to plague Romance linguists and historians” (p. 137). 9. Izzo, H., “On the History of Romanian”, The Twelfth Lacus Forum 1985, 413

Vidos Handbuch 1975, pp. 360– 361. In a note, the author refers to Friedwagner, Tamás, Gamillscheg, Pu_cariu, Wartburg, Br_tianu, Valkhoff, and Tagliavini. 414

Vidos Handbuch 1975, p. 361. In the notes, Vidos refers to S. Pop, La dialectologie. Aper_,cu historique et méthodes d´enquętes linguistiques. I. Dialectologie romane, p. 270 and S. Pu_cariu, Études de linguistique roumaine. Klausenburg–Bukarest 1937.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY edited by Mary C. Marino and L. A. Pérez, Lake Bluff, 1986, pp. 139–147. The most likely scenario is, according to Izzo, ... that Romanian is the language of what remained, after the South Slavic invasions of the 6th and 7th centuries, of the once thoroughly Latinized population of the Balkan peninsula between the Danube and Greece, somewhere in the area corresponding to modern Serbia, Macedonia or Bulgaria (not too far from where Macedo-Romanian is now spoken). After living among Slavs for several centuries they would have migrated across the Danube into Romania after the nomads abandoned it, perhaps as late as the end of the 13th century. Although there is no proof that this last supposition is correct, it is at least plausible; and, unlike all the others, it accounts for precisely those facts which conflict with all the other hypotheses (pp. 144– 145).

B. Inconsistencies The essential features of the theory of Daco-Roman continuity were presented above in chapter III. Here, a number of contradictions and inconsequencies will have to be pointed out. (a) The notion “Daco-Roman” is ambiguous . This is surprizing, because the term is the very base of the theory of continuity. The logical definition would be “Romanized (Latin-speaking) people, who, or whose ancestors, were once Dacians and lived north of the lower Danube”415. However, reading the literature, it may be observed that this is not as simple, as Protase also clearly explained the real situation: The notion of “Daco-Roman” may be understood in several different ways. It has an ethnic, and at the same time, a chronological sense. If we say ´DacoRoman settlement´ – in the case we do not know the ethnic composition of its inhabitants – we may think of four or even five possibilities: 1) settlement of local Dacians in the period and territory of Roman Dacia, 2) settlement of Roman colonists in Dacia, 3) settlement in which a mixed population lived, LOCAL DACIANS AND ROMAN COLONISTS, 4) settlement inhabited by Romanized Dacians, dated to the post-Aurelian period, 5) settlement of Romanized Dacians and Roman colonists from the same period. 415

Using the term “Daco-Roman” in the present monograph, the author has always this sense in mind.

B: Inconsistencies The term “Daco-Roman” is thus equivocal, if it is not qualified by some of the above specifications. We use it here because of its conciseness. Usually, by “Daco-Romans” one denotes the population of the Romanized Dacians, mixed with the Roman colonists.416 This ambiguity – because authors not always give the necessary specification– causes in many cases uncertainty about what is really meant. ALSO THE EXPRESSION “AUTOCHTHONOUS POPULATION” IS AMBIGUOUS: it is used to designate a Latin-speaking people, but also Dacians, free or living in Dacia Traiana. Vague and ambiguous terms are often used, such as “CarpathoDanubian” or “Carpatho-Balkanic” space, “Thraco-Illyrian”, “Thraco-Dacian”, or “Geto-Dacian”, “Daco-Moesian” language. In the historical circumstances in question, it is very unlikely that a uniform language would have existed in the entire eastern half of the Balkan peninsula, thus, even “Thracian” (as a single language) is questionable. (b) The change of opinion about the territory of the Daco-Romans Until the early 1970-s, it was maintained that the Daco-Romans lived in the territory of former Roman Dacia – after these years, practically entire present day Rumania is claimed by historians as the ancient homeland of the Rumanian people (cf. above, pp. 143–144). The change is not explained, no new discoveries were made to warrant it. A comparison of the two texts in IR Compendiu shows that only a few words were deleted, “dar acolo nu e vorba” (but there is no question) is changed to its opposite “_i acolo e vorba” and in this way, the statement made in 1974 corresponds exactly to the opposite of what was said five years earlier. This refers to Istoria României. Compendiu, 1969 and 1974, but the change is seen also in other publications – also in the 1986 edition of Rosetti´s ILR, passages which in 1968 clearly stated what areas were not considered as the ancient areas of the Daco-Romans are omitted (cf. above, p. 143). At the same time, a number of archaeological studies started to be published which asserted Daco-Roman continuity also in Muntenia and in Moldavia. (c) Did the Daco-Romans flee to the mountains?


Protase, D., Autohtonii în Dacia, vol. I. Dacia romana, 1980, p. 12.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY According to IR 1960, the Daco-Romans left their settlements during the 5th to the 6th centuries because of repeated harassments and it is therefore “easy to understand why all the ancient placenames, in contrast to the areas south of the Danube, disappeared in the territories of the former province of Dacia Traiana.”417 According to E. Condurachi & C. Daicoviciu (Romania, 1971, p. 182): “The steady disappearance of Daco-Roman farming settlements in the period up to 600 A.D. was a natural consequence of the repeated harassments of a population which had become accustomed to a settled and peaceable life.” IR Compendiu 1969 (p. 100) writes that the Daco-Romans were, after the 6th century AD, forced to flee to remote valleys and mountains, and that “this is the only way to explain the oblivion of the old names of settlements and towns”. In the third edition (1974, p. 83), the situation is described differently: After the emigration of the Slavs across the Danube, the relation of power north of the river changed in favour of the autochthonous Daco-Romans. These have left the mountainous and hilly regions, united themselves with the groups spread over the forest steppe and with a part of the Romance people who came here (cu o parte din romanicii veni_i aici) because of the attacks of the Slavs on the southern shores of the Danube. Because of their higher numbers, superior biological and economic capacities, a more united social organization, the Daco-Romans have assimilated the Slavs. Thus, an admigration of Romance elements from the south is admitted here. The flight to the mountains is not denied, but at the same time, “groups spread over the forest steppe” are assumed. This is the start of a new concept, that of denying the idea of the flight to the mountains explicitely. Several monographs dealing with archaeological materials claim now that the Daco-Romans never left their ancient dwelling places but lived together with the migratory peoples, for example with the Goths and with the Gepidae. (d) Partiality These changes of concept, without any material basis (for example, new discoveries) somehow reminds of the situation in earlier periods, when the study of the development of the Rumanian language and people was in the first place undertaken in order to prove the autochthoneity of the Rumanians in their present territories. I. Iordan wrote, for instance, (in connection with the study of the placenames), in 1952:


IR 1960, p. 627.

C: History In our country, the Daco-Roman placenames were, considered from a historical viewpoint studied for a long time almost exclusively with the purpose of proving the persistence of the Romance element in Dacia after this province was abandoned by Aurelian. Since the realization of such an aim presupposes the existence of a large number of Latin toponyms, possibly preRoman, i.e. indigenous but borrowed and preserved by Trajan´s colonists and their descendants, the problem of continuity is complicated as regards toponyms by the Latin origin of a significant part of our geographic names. The difficulties are great – even for linguists and so much more for historians – particularly if these do not abandon the aim which is, because of circumstances, to a great extent purely political: if you consider the placenames as proof of national significance, you are inclined to find such evidence even where it does not exist. And I do not have in mind here only the peculiar or ludicrous etymologies of, for example, Slatina < stella latina, Târgovi_te < Târgul Vestei, etc. from once upon a time.418



Iordan, I., Nume de locuri române_ti în RPR, 1952, pp. VI–VII.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY The approximate frontiers of the Roman domination north of the lower Danube (the frontiers of Dacia Traiana) are shown on maps No. 1 and 9. These maps were drawn according to the description of the frontiers of Dacia Traiana in IR Compendiu 1974, p. 45, and the map given by Protase (PCD 1966, p. 156). The accuracy of these maps is not very high; they are based on the Roman castra built for the defence of the province.419 It may be seen that not the entire territory of Dacia was occupied. The areas of what are present day Maramure_ and Cri_ana were never under Roman rule, and the plains of the Banat were not colonized. The area of Dacia Traiana corresponds to less than 40% of the territory of what is today Rumania. After the conquest in 106 AD, the new province was populated by people coming from the whole Roman world (ex toto orbe Romano), probably from 20 provinces. Some years later, Dacia was divided into two parts: Dacia Superior and Dacia Inferior (corresponding roughly to what is today Transylvania and Oltenia, respectively). The northern part was later divided into Dacia Porolissensis in the north and Dacia Apulensis in the south. The new province was a Roman outpost in barbaricum, and as such, subject to many attacks. There are several records describing the wars with the free Dacians (in 144, 156–158 AD, etc.). During the Marcomann wars (166–180 AD), Dacia Traiana and Moesia Inferior were ravaged by Germanic peoples and the Iazyges. Records about wars give an idea about the great damage caused to the population of the Empire. Thus, Dio Cassius, LXXI, 16, 2 (in Fontes I, p. 703) stated about the Iazyges: The great power they still possessed, as well as the severe damages they have caused to the Romans were indicated by the fact that they returned one hundred thousand prisoners, after having sold many of them and many others died or suceeded to escape. These peoples, as well as the free Dacians and the Carps, continued their attacks against the province during the 3rd century. Major incursions are recorded from the years 236, 245, and 254. However, new roads were still being built towards the mid-third century and in Sarmizegetusa, the bronze sculpture of Emperor Decius was erected. During the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus (222–235), Dacia received the “Concilium Provinciarium Daciarum trium” with its seat in Sarmizegetusa, which at the same time received the title of “metropolis”. The chief of this Concilium was a chief priest, the “sacerdos arae Augusti (nostri)”. Of those six priests who are named in the inscriptions, four are mentioned as


IR Compendiu 1974, p. 45.

C: History

Map 9, showing the relation between the territory of Dacia Traiana and present day (1995) Rumania. The area occupied by the Roman Empire was less than 40% of the territory of Rumania. (See also the commentary to the question of the frontiers of Dacia Traiana, map No. 1, p. 14).

being Roman chevaliers. This is considered to indicate that, by that time, Dacia had the same status as the western provinces of the Empire.420 During the 3rd century, the number of Oriental elements in the population increased. Many nonLatin people, mostly from the Near East, had their own organizations, according to their nationality or religion. During the reign of Gallienus (253–268), eastern Transylvania was abandoned. Archaeological finds from this period, attributed to the free Dacians, were discovered in several places, indicating that these migrated to the areas left by the Romans. The question of the number of Dacians living in Dacia Traiana


Daicoviciu Dacica 1969, p. 408.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Remains of dwelling places and cemeteries of the Dacian type, with earthenware showing Dacian traits, and dated to the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, were found in many places of the former province. But finds also show a serious discontinuity: for the two centuries preceding the Roman conquest, 235 settlements were verified. On the site of 87 of these, a settlement existed also during the Roman period, but only on one site (Slimnic, near Sibiu) has the direct continuation of the pre-Roman settlement been shown.421 Such a serious discontinuity on the village level is difficult to reconcile with the thought of a flourishing population living in masses in the Roman province. It has been explained by the policy of the Roman state to concentrate the small indigenous settlements in larger and more stable communities, as well as the desire to move these into open places, where they were easier to supervise.422 There are no reliable methods to determine the approximative number of Dacians in the province. According to Strabo, the Dacians were in the period of Burebista able to raise 200.000 soldiers; later, about 40.000. IR Compendiu, 1974, (p. 59), asserts that in the time of Decebal, the Dacian population “must have numbered about half a million people”. The number of prisoners taken by Trajan was estimated to 50.000 (Ioanes Lydus). But are these records reliable? If they are, did those 50.000 men represent the majority of the Dacian men, in other words, was Dacia really “deprived of men”, as affirmed by Eutropius? There are no answers to questions like these. In these circumstances, there is substantial room for speculation. Thus, the protagonists of the Transylvanian School, who were mainly interested in the Latin character of the Rumanian language, denied even the presence of Dacians in Roman Dacia. C. Daicoviciu believed in 1934 that there were not many Dacians left, but later he changed his mind: on the basis of settlements and cemeteries attributed to the Dacians that were discovered during the two decades after the war, he stated (in 1968): “we have the right to reckon with a numerous provincial Dacian population”.423 Giurescu assumed that 3/4 of the original


Iudita Winkler, “Procesul romaniz_rii în lumin_ monumentelor epigrafice _i sculpturale din a_ez_rile rurale ale provinciei Dacia”, Studii _i cercet_ri de istorie veche _i de arheologie, 25, 4, 1974, pp. 497–515. 422 423

Daicovicu Dacica 1969, p. 434. Ibid.

C: History population remained in the province after the Roman conquest:424 Even if we admit, which is impossible, that all warriors perished, [...] their wives and children remained (we refer to the words prunc, copil, and zestre, which are Dacian), thus, roughly THREE FOURTH OF THE INITIAL TOTAL POPULATION REMAINED.


Giurescu & Giurescu Istoria Rom 1975, p. 92.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY The argument based on “Dacian words” cannot be accepted – there are no certainly Dacian words in the Rumanian language (cf. above, p. 55).425 The preservation of ancient geographical names does not tell us anything about the number of the Dacians and even less is the significance of certain scenes on the column of Trajan showing Dacians returning to their homes. It is kown that many Dacians were taken to Rome and to other parts of the Empire as slaves and many others were dispersed throughout the Empire as soldiers. Quantitative data are extant about a) Dacian personal names on the inscriptions and b) Roman army units in Dacia formed by Dacians. a) Along with more than 2000 Latin names, about 60 Dacian ones are known from the province, and another 37 from other parts of the Empire. The Dacians may have had less opportunity to make inscriptions than the Romans had, but the figure is in any case extremely low. b) The number of army units in Dacia, formed by Dacians, was very low: Regarding the Geto-Dacians, it is impossible not to take into account their quite small number in the Roman period (cf. the extremely small number of alae and cohortes formed by Dacians in the imperial Roman period, stated by Pârvan, Dacia, Cambridge, p. 190.)426 One may conclude that there are no hard facts on which to base any estimation of the number of Dacians in their old places or anywhere in the province of Dacia Traiana. There is nothing to indicate that they would have been living there in large numbers, the contrary seems more probable. A comparison with the Balkan provinces, which were under Roman rule for a much longer time than Dacia Traiana, is of interest. Religious syncretism was widely practised there, but the indigenous beliefs prevailed stubbornly. Thus, in Bulgaria, about 2000 reliefs of the Thracian equestrian god were found, indicating a widespread worship of this god, while in Dacia Traiana, no traces of the indigenous Dacian religion exist: In many parts of the Empire, including Italia, Hispania,Gallia, Germania, Britannia, numerous indubitable proofs exist of the worship of indigenous gods having continued for a long time under varying forms and under their own original name, side by side of those from the Greco-Roman Pantheon, or even merging with these, while in Dacia Traiana not a single name of a GetoDacian god is known whose worship by the indigenous population continued. 425

The etymology of prunc ´small child, infant´, is not clear; explanations from Latin and Greek are not satisfctory (Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 175), copil belongs to the words from the substratum which Rumanian shares with Albanian (kopil), zestre is considered to derive from the substratum (Russu Etnogeneza 1981, p. 423). 426

Daicoviciu Dacica 1969, p. 17

C: History Here, everything is hidden under the forms of the Greco-Roman religious forms.427 The question of Romanization There are very few facts regarding the degree in which the Latin language was spread in Dacia Traiana. It may be assumed that many of those people who have been brought to the new province knew Latin, but the mother tongue of a large number of them – coming from 20 provinces – must have been other than Latin. In an article published in Apulum, VII, 1, 1968 (“The Romanization of Dacia”, pp. 427–437), C. Daicoviciu stated: The idea that the acceptance or the rejection of Romanization is, to a high degree, also a question of rather subjective judgment is not unfamiliar to us. The short time span of the province (at most 169 years) has repeatedly been pointed out. According to I. Iordan, for example:


Protase Autohtonii 1980, p. 252.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Dacia was not completely Romanized and, in addition, was dominated by the Romans for only 165 years, in which time only part of the autochthonous population could have learned the Latin language, namely those who had economic, administrative and other kinds of contacts with the representatives of the new conditions.428 The arguments in favour of an intensive Romanization in Dacia put forward by C. Daicoviciu were presented above (chapter III, pp. 144–146). They are more or less valid, but they are only indications of the possibility of (a certain degree of) Romanization. There is nothing to prove that the majority of the population had Latin as their mother-tongue in the province; and this is the prerequisite of the creation of a Romance language. Moreover, when Hadrian was told not to leave the province, in the 120s, because there were “many Roman citizens” there, not even two decades had passed since the occupation of Dacia and under this short time there can be no question of any real Romanization. The Dalmatian miners lived in a limited area and also in a short time; after the Marcomann wars, in the 180s, these areas were largely abandoned. The record of Hadrian´s plans to give up the province witnesses against the belief that the Empire organized Dacia deliberately into a “safe bastion of Romanity”, “planted in the midth of Barbaricum”. The scope of Rome with the occupation of this territory was rather different: it was partly military and partly economic; above all, it aimed at the exploitation of gold and salt. Life in this remote outpost of the Roman Empire was quite different from that in the other Roman provinces: In the inscriptions from Dacia, mostly acts of administrative and religious character are reflected, or the public and private manifestations of the army. It is only on rare occasions that the sincerity and the kind of speech of the ordinary citizen or of the slave permeate through them.429

428 429

Iordan, I., Alexandru Philippide, 1969, p. 104. Mih_escu Limba Lat 1960, p. 278.

C: History A presentation of the many different peoples who assembled after 106 AD in Dacia Traiana is given by D. Tudor (Ora_e, tîrguri _i sate în Dacia roman_, 1968). The inscriptions do not offer a reliable basis for the estimation of the Roman element, because inscriptions were in the Roman Empire predominatly made in the Latin language and non-Roman people often used Latin or Latinized names. Moreover, a large part of the inscriptions in Dacia were made by the army, and these do not indicate a sedentary, Latin-speaking population. There are indications that the number of non-Romans was high all over the province and that these were in the majority in extensive areas. In eastern Transylvania, the Dacians are considered to have been in the majority 430 and in the region of the gold-mines in the Mun_ii Apuseni, the population consisted mainly of Illyrians, Greeks, and Oriental peoples.431 On the basis of Latin inscriptions found IN THE RURAL AREAS, a numerous Latin-speaking population has been assumed there. Iudita Winkler432 gives the following figures: the number of villages in the entire province is estimated to 500 and the population of a typical village is assumed to have been varying between 50 and 200 inhabitants. In only 160 (32%) of these villages were inscriptions found, in a total number of 230 (about 8% of all inscriptions found in Dacia Traiana). This is a small proportion, although similar figures were reported from other provinces, for example from Moesia Superior.433 However, most of these inscriptions are of an official character, initiated obviously by the ruling Roman functionaries, priests and soldiers, who were not permanently living in the respective places but were strangers. Consequently, the inscriptions do not indicate a Latin-speaking population living in significant numbers in the rural areas of the province.

430 431

Tudor, D., Ora_e _i sate în Dacia Roman_, 1968, p. 283. Ibid., pp. 194, 197, and 203.


Iudita Winkler, “Procesul romaniz_rii în lumin_ monumentelor epigrafice _i sculpturale din a_ez_rile rurale ale provinciei Dacia”, Studii _i cercet_ri de istorie veche _i de arheologie, 25, 4, 1974, pp. 497–515. 433

Mócsy, A., Gesellschaft und Romanisation in der römischen Provinz Moesia Superior, 1970, pp. 199–326.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY It is well-known that all over the Roman Empire, the centres of economic, political, and cultural life, AS WELL AS OF ROMANIZATION, were the towns. What was then the situation IN THE TOWNS OF DACIA? All towns had a mixed population, coming from many different areas of the Empire. Tudor stated about the capital, Sarmizegetusa: “The Roman element of Italian origin was not numerous and consisted mainly of the representatives of the floating group of functionaries.”434 Permanent inhabitants from Italy were very few in Dacia Traiana. The colonists from the Orient and from the other provinces were more or less Latinized or not Latinized at all. Thus, for example, at Sarmizegetusa, the inscriptions “testify to numerous nationes of civilians and soldiers”.435 At Apulum, there were a large number of Augustales with non-Latin names, and all known names of the merchants there, in the largest town of the province, were of Oriental origin.436 A great variety of gods were found there; especially those imported from the Orient were numerous and these gods “made a real assault with the aim of conquering the ´religious market´of the locality.”437 At Ampelum and at Alburnus Maior, the majority of the population were Illyrians, Greeks and Oriental peoples. Out of 68 free citizens living there, who are named in 25 documents published in CIL (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum), III, only 6 were with certainty and another 12 with some probability Roman citizens.438 As shown by these texts, “their knowledge of Latin was not among the best”.439 In Potaissa, the majority of the gods in the Pantheon were Roman “which is natural in view of the presence of the 5th Macedonian legio in this place.” But even here, a variety of different peoples were living, in the first place, of Oriental origin. Also in Napoca, colonists came mainly from Asia Minor and organized themselves in different associations (Galatae consistentes municipio [Napoca], Collegium Asianorum, etc.). These people preserved their ethnic and cultural identity throughout the period of the province: “Until the 3rd century inclusive, these [people] preserved the knowledge about their home country.” A general conclusion about the towns of Roman Dacia was given by Protase: In contrast to Italia and the western provinces, where some urban centres of the indigenous population continued to develop and became real Roman towns, in Dacia, the more important settlements, the town centres of the 434 435 436 437 438 439

Tudor Ora_e 1968, p. 101. Ibid., p. 76. Ibid., p. 159. Ibid., p. 165. Pólay, E., A dáciai viaszostáblák szerz_dései, 1972, pp. 71–72.

Tudor Ora_e 1968, p. 198; the following data about Potaissa and Napoca are from the same monograph, pp. 215 and 229, respectively.

C: History indigenous population ceased to exist with the Roman conquest. All the towns of Trajan´s province were created from civil and military settlements as a consequence of Roman colonisation, and only borrowed the names of the old Dacian settlements: Sarmizegetusa, Apulum, Potaissa, Napoca, Porolissum, Drobeta, Dierna, etc. In Dacia, there was no Daco-Roman urban development. The towns (with the exception of the Greek towns along the black Sea) appeared in Dacia with the Roman domination and disappeared as such after its abolishment ...440

2. THE ABANDONMENT OF DACIA BY THE ROMANS Eutropius recorded clearly that the Romans evacuated Dacia Traiana and created at the same time two other provinces south of the Danube with the names Dacia Ripensis and Dacia Mediterranea. The scarcity of data does not permit to decide how much of the population may have been left north of the Danube. The validity of Eutropius´ record has been questioned (cf. above, chapter III, p. 147). It does not make sense to speculate about this problem. The scepticism of Rumanian authors may be appreciated, records of ancient chroniclers must be rigorously scrutinized; in too many cases, a critical analysis of the texts shows superficial descriptions, exaggerations, errors, etc.


Protase Autohtonii 1980, p. 252.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY The question of a total or only partial evacuation is not as important as it may appear to be. In many other provinces, Latin-speaking people were left behind after the retreat of the Roman army and administration. In Noricum, for example, there are lists of names of Roman peasants living in their old areas after the abandonment of that province by Rome. In the new surroundings, outside the Roman Empire, these groups of people were not strong enough to resist gradual assimilation to the surrounding, mainly Germanic population. Even more striking is the case of Britannia: England was under Roman rule from 43-45 AD to 410, i.e., under 365 years. Roman life there is attested by a number of material remains, such as about 100 towns, baths, a very rich system of roads, etc. Most significant is the fact that a large number of Roman placenames were preserved in England to our days: from Latin castra, there are today English place names ending in –caster, –cester, –chester, (Manchester, Lancaster, etc); Latin vicus > English wick (Warwick); Latin colonia > English –coln (Lincoln).441 People who spoke Latin were most probably left in England in 410 AD, but, living outside the Empire, they eventually were assimilated to other populations; to the native people who continued to use their mother tongue during the Roman rule, and/or to the peoples which migrated there after the Roman retreat. The only thing we know certainly is that in spite of 365 years of Roman domination, abundant material remains of Roman style and customs, and even the preservation of dozens of Latin placenames, no Latin-speaking (Romance) population survived in England.

3. THE ´SILENCE OF HISTORIANS´ This is also one of the frequently mentioned arguments against the theory of continuity. However, the situation is in principle similar to the case of the records about the abandonment of Dacia Traiana by the Romans: the questionable reliability of ancient records and narratives. It is rightly pointed out (cf. above, p. 147–148) that the Byzantine and the western chroniclers did not give a systematic presentation of the circumstances in different territories and of different times, but occupied themselves mainly with events and conditions that have had some relevance for their own country. In other words, the silence of historians is only an argument ex silentio and cannot be decisive. Again, the question is which populations lived north of the lower Danube in the centuries after the Roman 441

Herbert Izzo (”On the history of Romanian”, The Twelfth Lacus Forum 1985, pp. 139–147) has pointed out that it is appropriate to compare the situation of Dacia after the Roman retreat with that of post-Roman Britannia.

C: History retreat? Is there any evidence of “Daco-Romans”? As shown above, pp. 147–151, a number of arguments were put forward in favour of a positive answer to this question. Unfortunately, none of these stands up to a critical examination. (1): The theory about the “Ausonian” language is only speculation without any material basis. (2) For the discussion of the record about bishop Ulfila, see below. (3) The reports of some Christians who remained in Dacia, and about the “earlier neighbours of the Goths” do not contain anything to warrant the conclusion that a Romance population is meant. (4) The CarpoDacians were forced to return to their places. This could suggest Roman continuity if it had been the question of a Romance population, but this people never lived in the Empire and did not speak Latin. (5) Chilboudios, if he was a prisoner taken by the Slavs in the territory of the Empire, had learned the Latin language there. (6) The words “torna, torna, frater” are Romance – but they were uttered in present day Bulgaria, south of the Danube, and the story has therefore no relevance for Roman continuity north of the river. (7) The theory about the refugees who “show more affection for the enemy” having been Romance elements, lacks any evidence. In this context it may be asked why the Byzantine author did not explicitly state that these refugees were Latin-speaking people living in barbaricum, if this had been the case? Two of these arguments warrant a more extended discussion: the Latin language having been spoken in the Hunnish empire and the story of Ulfila, the Gothic bishop living in Muntenia in the 4th century. (a) In the Hunnish Empire, several populations subdued by the Huns were living, of which the Sarmatians, the Goths and the Gepidae are well-documented. _tefan adds that “beyond doubt, also Romance groups [lived there]”, however, these were not living in former Dacia BUT IN PANNONIA. There, evidence of a Latin-speaking population exists from the time immediately before the invasion of the Huns: Latin inscriptions were made until the end of the 4th century. Pannonia, however, was of a considerable distance from Dacia and these two provinces were divided from one another by the plains between the Danube and the Transylvanian Mountains (Mun_ii Apuseni). These plains were never under the rule of the Roman Empire. The presence of a Latin-speaking population in Pannonia has therefore nothing to do with the ethnic situation in Dacia. (b) The record on Bishop Ulfila is quoted in a truncated way (above, p. 150– 151). The entire relevant text leads to a totally different conclusion. Auxentius Durostorensis tells us that Ulfila was 30 years old when he became bishop over the Goths (in gente Gothorum de lectore triginta annorum episkopus est ordinatus), “to lead and improve, to teach and to build in spirit the people of the Goths” (ut regeret et corrigeret [et] docet et aedificaret gentem Gothorum), “according to the Evangelical, apostolic, and prophetic directory, this saint, on the decision and order of Jesus Christ, led the people of the Goths” (iste sanctus ipsius Cristi dispositione et ordinatione .. agentem ipsam gentem Gothorum secundum evangelicam et apostolicam et profeticam regulam emendavit...).

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Ulfila preached among the Goths for seven years; then a persecution of Christians started and Ulfila was forced to settle, together with a part of his congregation, south of the Danube, in the Roman Empire: “Living with his people in the territory of the Romans, he preached, besides those 7 years, another 33 years the truth...” (Degens cum suo populo in solo Romaniae absque illis septem annis triginta et tribus annis veritatem predicavit...) (Fontes II, p. 112.) To summarize: Ulfila preached for 7 years among the Goths (in a few sentences, Auxentius Durostorensis states three times: ”gentem Gothorum”). Thereafter he was forced to settle in the Roman Empire where he preached for another 33 years of course, (also) in Latin. One may wonder why this Byzantine author did not mention a Latin-speaking population (if there had been such a population) among the believers of Ulfila, in view of the fact that he was so explicit regarding the Goths. Therefore, far from suggesting Romans living north of the lower Danube in the 4th century, the record of Auxentius Durostorensis rather makes this assumption more unlikely.

4. THE QUESTION OF CONTACTS ACROSS THE DANUBE Commercial contacts and military operations in the 4th–6th centuries along the northern shores of the lower Danube and at some distance from the river towards the north are claimed to have strengthened the Roman population assumed to have been living in former Dacia Traiana (cf. above, pp. 151–153). An analysis of the situation shows, however, that no normal, everyday contacts could exist in that period between the populations south and north of the Danube. After 275 AD, the lower Danube became again the Roman limes, the frontier of the Empire against barbaricum. It was defended by a strong army and a fleet. The centuries to come were characterized by repeated incursions into the Empire of a number of barbarian peoples; Goths, Sarmatians, Huns, Avars, etc. The Roman Empire, and later, until about 600 AD, Byzantium, defended their own people and territories against them with varying success. The communications across the Roman limes were described by Jire_ek as follows: An der Reichsgrenze war der Verkehr an der Donau, ebensogut wie an der persischen Grenze oder am Rande der Wüsten von Afrika strenge überwacht, nur an bestimmten Tagen und Orten unter militärischer Aufsicht gestattet. Die Ausfuhr von Waffen, Eisen, Gold, Getreide und Salz war überhaupt verboten.442 442

Jire_ek GS 1911, p. 43.

C: History Historical records, corroborated by archaeological finds, tell us about fortifying of the camps and the towns along the lower Danube, the establishing of bridge-heads and a number of castra on the northern shore of the river, military raids towards the north, as well as occupation of certain areas for periods of different lengths. The largest of these occupations was achieved by Constantine the Great: the territory probably up to the “Furrow of Novac” (Brazda lui Novac) was under Byzantine rule for about 40 years. The fortresses on the northern shore of the Danube were the outposts of the Empire in barbaricum with the strict military purpose of DEFENSE. It appears clearly from the record of Procopios that during all this time, Byzantium made great efforts to defend its own territories against the invading barbarians and there was no question of an expansion northward. Procopios from Caesarea was born around 500 AD. He described, partly as an eye-witness, the wars waged by the Romans against the Persians, the Vandals, the Goths, etc. His work About constructions (Περι κτισµατων) was written in the years 553–555, from which we quote: IV, 3. Particularly in Europe [i.e., the Balkan peninsula], seeking to give help according to need, he [Emperor Justinian] realized works of which we have difficulties speaking and which also in writing can only be explained with difficulty. These [the works] were made taking into account the vicinity of the river Istros and the barbarians who threatened our country. 5. Hunnish and Gothic peoples have settled in its vicinity and the Tauric and Scythian peoples, as well as Slavs [...] and other kinds of wild men are roaming there with their herds or are living there. 6. Determined to resist those who incessantly sought reasons for war, and not doing anything half way, Emperor Justinian was forced to raise innumerable fortifications, to place very many sentries, and do everything which could set a barrier for cruel and wild enemies. IV, 14. Because he has fortified with walls the entire Europa [i.e., the Balkan peninsula] made it impossible for the barbarians who live beyond the river Istros to defy it. 33. Because the Emperor wanted to make of the Istros our most powerful defence of the entire Europe, he covered the shore of the river with dense fortifications, as we will show below, and has placed sentries all over the shores, with the aim powerfully to check the passing of the barbarians from those areas. 34. Not having relied on deceptive human hope, and considering that if the enemies succeed in trespassing the river in some way or other, they will invade the fields lacking defense, they will take as slaves all the young people and will destroy all the wealth, the Emperor was not satisfied with giving [his people] a collective security by the fortifications on the shores of the river but gave them also a special local one. 35. He made such dense fortifications in villages that every estate had its own fortification or was in

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY the vicinity of a fortified place. IV, 5, 1. In this way, Emperor Justinian fortified all the territory in the interior of Illyria. Now, I shall show how he fortified the shore of the Istros, which is also called Danubios, with fortifications and garrisons of soldiers. 2. Aiming to check the trespassing of the Danube by the barbarians, previous Roman emperors covered the entire shore of this river with fortifications, not only on its right [southern] shore, but have built also on the opposite side small, fortified towns and towers. [. ..] 8. In this way, he entirely restituted to the Roman Empire the security which it had lost. IV, 6, 18. Emperor Justinian has re-built Pontes, which is situated on the right side of the river and impossible to conquer, and in this way he made the Illyrians secure. [Writing about two fortifications situated on the southern and the northern shore of the Danube]: 35. Emperor Justinian has restored these posts, which were demolished in the course of time, and in this way, he stopped the invasions of the barbarians there. IV, 11, 20. He [Emperor Justinian] has raised innumerable fortifications in Thracia, and thanks to these Thracia, earlier exposed to the invasions of the enemy, has now given protection.443 It appears clearly from the passages quoted above that between the end of the 3rd century and about the year 600, the Roman and the Byzantine empires had great difficulties in defending their own population from unceasing attacks from the north. Large parts of the Balkan peninsula were fortified; during certain periods, particularly under Constantine the Great in the early 4th, and Emperor Justinian in the 6th century, defense was more successful. In other times, many towns and smaller or larger areas in the Balkans were devastated. There cannot have been any attempts (and even less any possibility of success in case attempts had been made) to spread Roman or Byzantine culture or the Latin language in the territories inhabited by the barbarian peoples. The occupation of the southern part of Oltenia for 40 years was a short episode in the history of that province. The towns were not affected at all: 443

Procopios´ work About constructions is reproduced in Fontes Historiae Dacoromanae, II, 1970. The quotations given here are found on pp. 458–471 (in the Greek original and with a Rumanian translation).

C: History

The return of the Roman domination in the 4th century in the southern and southeastern parts of Dacia did not lead to a renewed urbanization of these territories.444


Tudor Ora_e 1968, p. 385. It goes without saying that Oltenia north of the Furrow of Novac, most of the Banat and entire Transylvania never were affected by these operations of the Roman army. As stated also by E. Popescu: “Im 4. und 6. Jahrhundert hat die römisch-byzantinische Herrschaft jenseits der Donau nur verhältnismässig kurz gedauert und dehnte sich lediglich über ein begrenztes Territorium des früheren Dakiens aus” (Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 70).

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Commercial contacts existed between the Roman Empire and almost all of Europe north of it (cf. the survey of the impact of Roman culture and civilization on the peoples of Europe, below, pp. 220–223). Material remains of such contact were found also north of the Danube, not only in present day Rumania but also far away towards the north and the east. Commercial contacts often result in the transfer of lexical elements (cf. the many words of Latin origin in the Germanic languages) but rarely if ever have other effects upon language. Nothing has been discovered to indicate that the situation north of the lower Danube was different. Nothing has been reported to suggest that contacts through the temporary bridgeheads or through the annexed territories by “emigrants, merchants, prisoners of war, mercenaries, marriages, etc.” (as assumed by IR 1960, p. 649; cf. also above, p.152) were different from those along the other frontiers of the Empire. Nowhere did such contacts contribute to or result in the preservation of the Latin language. Thus, one may conclude with Straka:445 On ne trouve non plus aucune preuve tangible de la continuation des rapports lingustiques entre la Dacie et les régions romanisées au sud du Danube entre 271 et la fin du VIe sičcle; la supposition de M.M. [H. Mih_escu] a ce sujet est donc une hypothčse qui n´est pas fondée sur faits objectifs. Enfin, en ce qui concerne les rapports entre les Balkans et la latinité occidentale par l´intermediaire de Byzance et du christianisme (rapports dont la Dacie semble d´ailleurs exclue), il ne pouvait s´agir que d´influences exercées par la langue officielle de l´État ou de l´Église, et c´est autre chose que les rapports directs avec le latin quotidien de l´ouest que les régions balkaniques avaient eus précédemment, avant leur detachement de l´Empire romain. Dans ces conditions, et contrairement ŕ ce qu´en pense M. Rosetti (Istoria limbii romîne, vol. I, 3e ed., 1960, p. 49–50), il n´y a pas lieu de modifier en quoi que ce soit le point de vue de Bourciez (Éléments, § 50, 4 ) et le nôtre (RLR, 71, p. 276, et RLiR, 20, p. 253 et 258; v. aussi Väänenen, ouvr. c., p. 27) sur l´isolement linguistique des provinces de l´est ŕ la suite de leur abandon par les Romains; rien ne semble infirmer, dans l´ouvrage de M.M., la théorie selon laquelle aprčs 271, c´est-ŕ-dire a partir du moment oů de nouveaux colons ne venaient plus s´installer en Dacie, les changements linguistiques de l´ouest ne se propagaient plus dans le parler roman de cette ancienne province, qui de ce fait ne participait plus, depuis le dernier quart du IIIe sičcle, ŕ l´évolution linguistique des autre parties de la Romania et 445

Straka, G., in a critical review of H. Mih_escu, Limba latin_ în provinciile dun_rene ale imperiului roman, in Revue de linguistique romane, Paris, XXIV, 1960, pp. 405– 406.

C: History commencait ŕ se constituer en une langue indépendante.

5. THE GESTA HUNGARORUM A considerable number of scholars, mostly Hungarian, have during the last two centuries occupied themselves with the problem of the Gesta Hungarorum. “It is not an exaggeration to talk about a special Anonymus-philology.”446 The author of this narrative was most probably the notary of the Hungarian King Béla III (1172–1196). This statement is based on the style of the text, the descriptions of the political situation in Hungary and the relations between Hungary and its neighbours, as well as on peculiarities in the general tendency of the work. All these suggest the situation at the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th.447 The main written sources of this text were: De excidio Troiae historia, and Gesta Alexandri Magni by Dares Phrygius, the annals of abbot Regino, who died in 915 AD, the Exordia Scythica, which is an extract made in the 7th century from the work of Justinus, written in the 2nd century, the Bible, Etymologiarum libri by Isidorus Hispalensis, Rationes dictanti prosaice by Hugo Bononiensis. Similarities in style show that the author also knew the romantic gesta-literature which was in fashion in the 12th century in England, France, and Aragonia. Anonymus did not appreciate oral tradition, “the false tales of the peasants and the foolish songs of the minstrels.”448 He did not use the Gesta Ungarorum either. The narrative is preserved in the Széchényi Library, Budapest, under the registration number Cod. Lat. Medii Aevi 403. It contains 57 chapters. The manuscript was first published by J.G. Schwandtner and M. Bél, in 1746. It was recently published again (Anonymus Gesta Hungarorum, Budapest, 1975). This edition includes a reproduction (photocopy) of the original manuscript, a Hungarian translation, and a study about the narrative by Gy. Gy_rffy, who 446

Karsai, G., Középkori kútf_ink kritikus kérdései (Problems of our Medieval Sources), 1974, p. 45. 447

Gy_rffy, Gy., “Anonymus Gesta Hungarorumának kora és hitelessége”, Irodalomtörténeti közlemények, 1970, 7, pp. 1–2. 448

Gy_rffy Anonymus 1970, p. 6.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY summarized its contents as follows: In the first sentence of the prologue, the author refers to his own person: P. dictus magister ac quondam bone memorie gloriosissimi Bele regis Hungariae notarius..., then he writes about his studies, during which he became fond of the history of Troy and Greece as well as the work of Dares Phrygius. These works prompted him to write “the genealogy of the Hungarian kings and noblemen” and also record their wandering from Scythia to Hungary. The first chapter gives the description of Scythia, mostly word by word from Exordia Scythica, extracted from the work of Justinus. In the second chapter, the author explains the designation Hungari from the placename Hunguar (Ungvár). The 3rd to the 6th chapters narrate the election of chief Álmos in Scythia. The 7th to the 11th chapters contain the description of the wandering of the Hungarians from Scythia to Pannonia. According to the author, the Hungarians crossed the river Volga (Ethyl) and the province of Suzdal (in Rusciam, que Susudal dictur) and arrived at the town Kiev (ad civitatem Kyeu) where seven Cuman leaders (VII duces Cumanorum) attached themselves with their peoples to the Hungarians, and the Russian leaders (duces Ruthenorum) offered to pay an annual tax (tributum) of 10.000 Marks. From there, they marched to the town Vlagyimir (ad civitatem Lodomer), then to Galicia (in Galiciam) where the leaders of Vlagyimir and Galicia opened the gates of their towns, honoured chief Álmos with a very precious gift and asked the Hungarians to move to Pannonia, describing the country and its inhabitants. The phases of the Hungarian Landnahme are narrated in 41 chapters. Of these, the 12th and the 13th discuss the crossing of the Carpathian mountains (per silvam Houos) and the occupation of Ungvár; the 14th to the 18th chapters describe the occupation of the region between the Tisza and the Tátra (mons Turtur). The 19th to the 23rd chapters depict the military operations against Menomorut, who reigned over the Kazars (populus Cozar) and whose country extended from the Tisza to the Maros. Interrupting this, chapters 24–27, inserted later, describe the occupation of Transylvania where the Vlach leader Gelou reigned (dux Blacorum). Chapters 28 and 29 again describe the military operations against Menomorut; chapters 30 to 37, the occupation of the area between the Tisza and the Nyitra; the largest part of which was ruled by the Czech chief Zubur, a smaller part by the Bulgarian chief Salan. Chapters 38 to 41 relate the occupation of the province between the Danube and the Tisza, dominated by the Bulgarian chief Salan, who was the vassal of the Greeks. Chapters 42 and 43 deal with the occupation of Dalmatia, Croatia, and the area of Zagreb. Chapters 44 and 45 deal with the conquering of the country of Glad between the Maros and the Danube and a military operation in the Balkan peninsula, which was dominated by the Romans, as well as with the completion of the military operation against Menomorut. Chapters 53 and 56 narrate the

C: History “wandering” military operations in the west during the period of prince Zulta, based partly on the annals of Regino. The last chapter, the 57th, describes how the frontiers of Hungary were drawn, and describes the settlement of alien peoples during the 10th century.449


Gy_rffyAnonymus 1970, 7, pp. 1–2.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY The aim of Anonymus was not to give an objective account of the events but rather to emphasize the merits of his principal hero, Árpád, and his associates and by pointing out their deeds of prowess, to stengthen the legal right of the contemporary aristocracy – the descendants of Árpád and of his associates – to the land they owned.450 Using the family tradition of noblemen and of high priests in the royal court, Anonymus also wanted to write the genealogy of the Hungarian kings and noblemen.451 Since he wanted to prove the right to their land of as many contemporary families as possible, he described seven Hungarian and seven Cuman leaders, seven leaders of the army as well as five famous heroes. He asserts that the whole country and the territories which later became satellites or developed into a feudal relationship with Hungary were all conquered by Árpád and his associates, not taking the historical facts into consideration.452 How Anonymus invented names for his heroes Anonymus had no sources for the fighting during the Landnahme 300 years earlier. Nevertheless, he wanted to show by descriptions of battles, made vivid by colourful details, how the ancestor of X or Y occupied the land which he owns. Since the written sources only told him that Pannonia was once the country of the Romans, thereafter ruled by Attila, and the ancient gesta preserved only the name of prince Morot, personified from the name of the Moravian people, and he needed enemy leaders who were defeated by the Hungarians, he invented inimical leader images. On the basis of recurrent regularity, it may be concluded that Anonymus invented stories in order to explain several placenames known in his time. His method, related to a very widespread custom, is the following: the name of place X derives from the name of a famous person X, who was murdered in that place. [...] Anonymus used this method to fabricate from the following geographical and placenames: the river Loborcy, the hills Turzol and Zubor, the tower of Gelou, and the village of Glad, names for the Bulgarian chief Loborcy, the Cuman Turzol, the Czech Zubur, the Vlach Gelou, and Glad, the leader of Vidin – each of whom, according to Anonymus, died in the respective place [named after him]. He also created new names from those found in his sources and split other names apart. He probably read in legends of the origin of the Hungarians in 450 451 452

Karsai Középkori kútf_ink 1974, p. 44. Gy_rffy Anonymus 1970, p. 6. Karsai Középkori kútf_ink 1974, p. 54.

C: History the ancient Gesta that the first mothers of the Hungarians (a magyarok _sanyjai) were the daughters of Enech, Dula, and Belar, and it seems that he fabricated, by putting together the first syllables (ene-du-bel) of these, the name of the maternal ancestor of Álmos: Eunedubelianus. In the ancient Gesta, Menrot, the first father (_sapa) is mentioned, who had several wives. Anonymus added to this the name of chief Morout, who reigned in Pannonia, thus creating Menomorut, the alleged leader of the Cazar people in Bihar, whom he later also attached to the family of Árpád.453 What did Anonymus know about events 300 years earlier?


Gy_rffy Anonymus 1970, pp. 6–7.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Comparing the story told by Anonymus with historical sources from the 9th century, Gy. Gy_rffy concluded that Anonymus knew very little about the real situation in the basin of the Carpathians in that century.454 Thus, contemporary sources recorded two events in connection with the Hungarian Landnahme. In 896 AD, Emperor Arnulf appointed Braslav to the defence of Pannonia and of Paludarum urbs (Mosaburg, Blatinski grad, Zalavár); and in 907, the Hungarians defeated the Bavarian army at Bretslavspurc (German Pressburg, Slovakian Bratislava, Hung. Pozsony). Although a large part of the narrative describes battles in the period in question, it does not mention these events. Gy_rffy lists the names of 21 historical persons (prince Svatopluk, bishops Wiching and Metod, Emperor Arnulf, etc.) who had important political functions in the second half of the 9th century in the basin of the Carpathian mountains. None of these is mentioned by Anonymus. What did Anonymus know about the different populations living in the basin of the Carpathians in the 9th century? Contemporary sources attest to the existence in the Carpathian basin in the 9th century of Avars, Danubian Slovenes, Bavarian-Franks, Moravians, Bulgarians, and Gepidae. Of these, Anonymus mentions only the Slavs and the Bulgarians. The name of the Moravian people appears in the Gesta only as that of prince Morout. On the other hand, Anonymus mentions a series of peoples who are not attested by other sources: Romans, Czechs, Greeks, Vlachs, Cozars, and Cumans. The anachronism in mentioning Cumans is also pointed out by IR (cf. above, p. 157, footnote 1). Anonymus writes about two different kinds of Cumans: (a) “Cumans” who associated themselves with the Hungarians before the end of the 9th century and were with them when they took possession of Hungary in 896 AD. These “Cumans” were probably the Kabars, a Turk people, who are known from other sources to have joined the Hungarians in that period. (b) According to Anonymus, Cumans helped the Slavic chief Glad in the Banat in his fight against the Hungarians: When they started to cross the river Temes, they were countered by Glad [...] the prince of the country, with a large army of pedestrians and equestrians helped by Cumans and Bulgarians and Vlachs.455 454 455

Ibid., p. 8.

Cum vellent transire amnem Temes, venit obviam eis Glad ... dux illius patrie cum magno exercitu et peditum adiutorio Cumanorum et Bulgarorum et Blacorum.

C: History

This is a projection of the situation at the end of the 12th century back to the 9th. In the time of Anonymus, Cumans were living on the plains south of the Carpathian mountains and made also incursions into Transylvania. They helped the Bulgarians and the Vlachs in achieving independence from Byzantium and establishing the Vlacho-Bulgarian Empire in 1187 (cf. above, p. 25). An explanation of this erroneous record may have been the Slavic tradition which helds that the Hungarians ousted the Franks – the Volochs in the language of the Slavs – from the area of the Danube. The Slavic ethnic name of the 10th century, Vlach, was, in its plural form: vlasi, borrowed by the Hungarian language with the sense ´Neo-latin, Italian, French´, in the form olasz(i); in the period of Árpád, this was the Hungarian name of the Neo-Latin peoples, thus also of the French, i.e., the Franks (cf. Latin Frankavilla > Hungarian Olaszi) and this is also at present the Hungarian name of the Italians.456 Conclusion It has been argued that even if Anonymus made mistakes, he described the most significant circumstances in a trustworthy way (cf. above, p.157). Given the significant inconsistencies between reality as known from other sources and the Gesta, this conclusion is very questionable. The reasoning of IR may be analysed, however. The question is what is significant? For a present-day historian, records about the different peoples would be among the most important information. But for the author of this narrative, this seems to have been of minor significance: whether his Hungarian heroes defeated Slavs, Franks, Cumans, or Vlachs, cannot have been important to him. Also his knowledge of the peoples living in the territory is extremely scanty. Therefore, the mention by Anonymus of quidam Blachus, as well as his characterization of the alleged population in Transylvania (in chapter 25): “The inhabitants of that country are the most unworthy people of the whole world (habitatores terre illi viliores homines esset toti mundi) because they are Vlachs and Slavs”457 cannot be 456 457

Gy_rffy Anonymus 1970, p. 8.

For an exhaustive discussion of Anonymus´ Gesta Hungarorum see E. Illyés Ethnic Continuity 1988, 1992, pp. 11–32. Illyés analysed those ten placenames and names of rivers and streams in Transylvania mentioned by Anonymus. Out of these, four are based on Hungarian appellatives (Meszes, Almás, Kapus, Esküll_) and were borrowed by the Rumanians from Hungarian. Two are based on Hungarian personal names (one of which is probably of Slavic origin): Golou (today Gyalu), and Zyloc (today Zilah); both were borrowed by Rumanian. One ancient river name (Cri_, Hung. Körös) was transmitted to Rumanian from Hungarian, and the other three (Timi_, Mure_ and Some_) either from Slavic or from Hungarian. The river name C_pu_ < Hungarian Kapus (cf. Hung. kapu ´door´) cannot have been borrowed earlier than the 13th or 14th century, when the o > a change was accomplished in Hungarian (in case of an

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY accepted. The Gesta of Anonymus is not a reliable historical source but a narrative writtten according to the fashion of the age, a legend with very little contact with actual historical facts.

C. The Archaeological finds 1. THE INFLUENCE OF THE ROMAN MATERIAL CULTURE IN EUROPE The enormous impact of Roman civilization on the populations of Europe is well-documented. Roman products were carried also to remote areas, such as Scandinavia and India. In most of Europe, the STYLE of manufactured products was powerfully influenced by the Roman patterns. The PROVINCIAL ROMAN STYLE, developed in the western provinces, spread soon over large areas extra provinciam, particularly among the Germanic peoples. In the Gothic style, which originated among the Goths north of the Black Sea and spread westwards, Germanic patterns were mixed with classical (particularly Hellenistic) and Oriental forms. Influenced by the Roman Empire, many European peoples introduced the use of coins. After the period of Emperor Trajan (98–117 AD), silver coins were spread over the entire territory inhabited by Germanic peoples and towards the end of the 2nd century, such coins reached Denmark, Gotland, and the region of the lake Mälaren in Sweden. They were used in commerce (not only as jewels), and were found at thousands of places beyond the Empire. There are also finds showing that the Germanic peoples borrowed the Roman custom of putting gold coins in the mouth of the dead. Elements of the highly developed Roman technique of building houses were also borrowed. When Julianus Apostata, in the second half of the 4th century, conducted a military expedition against the Alemannians, he found stone houses erected by this Old Germanic population according to Roman techniques. The Goths living north of the Black Sea developed the Runic letters mainly on the basis of the Greek alphabet. The writing of these letters soon spread all over the territory inhabited by Germanic peoples, and they were used already in the 4th century in Scandinavia. The Old Germanic populations attributed also magic significance to them; the magic numbers coincide largely with those found in the earlier borrowing, it should be *Copu_). Also Rumanian Zal_u indicates that the borrowing of this Hungarian placename must have occurred after the time of Anonymus, since it reproduces a later form in Hungarian, without the end consonant: Zilah, pronounced Zila´. In the 13th century, it was Zyloc, this form appears also in the Gesta Hungarorum.

C: Archeology eastern cult of Mithras. In the 4th century, a Christian congregation existed among the Goths living in the territory of present day Muntenia. For 7 years, their bishop was Ulfila, who translated the Bible to the Gothic language (cf. the record of Auxentius Durostorensis, above, pp. 210–211). The contacts of the Empire with the non-Roman world were many-sided. In the period of Trajan, for example, many Germanic tribes, such as the Frieses, the Bructeres, the Marcomanns, the Quades, were in a dependent position to Rome. In the course of time, friendly relations alternated with war. Many men from the barbarian territories served as soldiers in the Roman army, a large part of whom certainly returned home after having been discharged. In the second half of the 4th century, half of the army officers in the Imperial army were of Gemanic origin. Men from the upper classes were often sent to Rome as envoys or as hostages. Especially the latter category had, during prolonged stays among the Romans, the opportunity of picking up Roman customs and absorbing Roman culture. The powerful influence of Roman culture and of the Roman state had far-reaching consequences for the policy of many Germanic tribes as regards their relations with the Empire. But also Romans, i.e., Roman slaves and prisoners of war were numerous in barbaricum. Prisoners of war taken by the Goths in Asia Minor propagated Christianity among the Gothic population. All these reciprocal and prolonged contacts have had significant effects also on language, the vestiges of which are a number of lexical elements in the Germanic languages. Since wine was not produced in northern Europe but was imported from the Empire, the Germanic peoples borrowed Latin vinum, probably already during the 1st century AD, cf. English wine, German Wein, Swedish vin; Such words as English pound, German Pfund, English mint, Geman Münze, Swedish mynt, etc. were probably borrowed in the same period together with several Latin words designating weight and measure, obviously as a result of commerce with the Romans. German kaufen, Swedish köpa ´to buy´ originate from Latin caupo ´inn-keeper, tradesman´. In certain cases, even the names of Roman coins were preserved. Thus, the name of the Roman gold coin, aureus, is still in use in Scandinavia: Danish and Swedish öre (although it is now the name of a unity of lower value). Also the name of the solidus, the gold coin introduced by Emperor Constantine the Great is preserved in Europe: English soldier, German Soldat and Sold, etc. The Roman cultural influence in Scandinavia The material vestiges of the Roman influence on the peoples of Scandinavia will be summarized in the following, in order to give an idea about the extent of Roman cultural influence even in a far away territory in which any degree of Romanization is a priori excluded.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY As early as during the first century BC, commercial contacts existed between the Empire and Scandinavia. These were particularly intense between the second half of the first century AD and about 400. At the beginning, imports to Scandinavia came mainly from Italy, e.g., bronze vessels from Capua, later also from other places, especially from Gallia. The great rivers were the most important roads of commerce: the Elbe, later the Odera, the Vistula, etc. Scandinavia also had commercial contacts with the regions along the northern shore of the Black Sea. Part of the imported Roman objects were transmitted to the population of the Scandinavian peninsula by the Germanic peoples living on the Continent, who were very responsive to Roman cultural influence. Parallel with the beginning and the intensification of commerce, Roman influence on the material civilization of the people of Scandinavia appeared and increased rapidly. Thus, the short, double-edged sword, made after the model of the short Roman gladius, became the main weapon of men; the spear with flukes dated to the late Roman Iron Age, was introduced and the shield changed significantly. The style of the fibulae changed often, according to the Roman patterns. Clothes and ornaments were in a very high degree influenced by Roman style. The strap-clap was introduced from the Empire and soon replaced the beltring. An industry of pottery was built up in the Baltic Sea island of Gotland and produced for many centuries large amounts of beautiful pieces of earthenware. The style of these pieces shows influences from Roman bronze vessels. Most of these objects were found in tombs which, accordingly, show a new style beginning with the end of the 1st century AD. (In the 1st century AD, inhumation was the main funeral rite, probably a Celtic influence.) Objects of different origin were laid down in the tombs. For example, on the Baltic Sea island of Öland, a sword, a pot of clay, two arrow-heads of bone and a glass cup of provincial Roman style were found in a tomb dated to the Roman Iron Age.458 In a tomb probably from the 2nd century AD, excavated on Gotland, a vessel of clay of the typical Gotland style, two drinking horns with bronze mountings and a wine-scoop of provincial Roman style were found. Many Scandinavian tombs from this period contain imported Roman material: a total of about one hundred of the above-mentioned wine-scoops are known. The oldest are from the middle of the 1st century AD and were made in Italy, the newer ones, of which some are from the early 3rd century AD, were produced in the region of the Rhine. Large numbers of silver Dinarii were found in Scandinavia; in Sweden almost 7000. An interesting group of imported objects is that of small FIGURINES OF ROMAN GODS AND GODESSES, of which about 15 are known from Denmark and some also from Sweden. These were widespread in the Germanic world of those days. In Scandinavia, they were never found in tombs or in settlements but


Stenberger, M., Det forntida Sverige, Stockholm, 1971, p. 371.

C: Archeology constituted single finds in the woods and fields. They were mass-produced in the Roman Empire, for the needs of the general populace. Their use may be compared to that of pictures of saints in the Catholic world today. These figurines were copied at least in one place (Öland), and it is not excluded that they were used also by the population of Scandinavia as cult objects. Also LATIN INSCRIPTIONS were found in Scandinavia. Two swords with inscriptions are known, one from southeastern Sweden and one from Gotland, as well as two bronze vessels, all dated to the 2nd century AD. One is the so called Apollo Grannus vase, found north of the lake Mälaren in Sweden, with the inscription “APOLLONI GRANNO DONUM AMMILIVS CONSTANS PRAEF TEMPLI IPSIVS VSLLM”. (´To Apollo Grannus was this gift given by his chief of temple Ammilius Constans.´) Another bronze vessel with a similar inscription was found in Norway, east of Mjösen. These objects were most probably taken from temples in Gallia or Raetia by plundering soldiers. Conclusions Objects of the kind discussed in this section may easily be transported to far away areas. They may give information regarding technology: the people of Öland were capable of producing figurines of Roman gods; economics – indicating commerce with the Empire, or suggesting that soldiers from the place in question may have served in the Empire. Regarding questions of the social circumstances in the area in question, not to mention the language or ethnicity of the people living there, they have no value.

2. THE MATERIAL REMAINS IN POST-ROMAN DACIA TRAIANA There are two main problems: 1) Do the material remains found in the former province of Dacia Traiana warrant the conclusion that they were left by a Roman population, i.e., are they more specific than just showing a Roman influence also characteristic of archaeological finds from the period in other parts of Europe? 2) Regardless of the question of ethnicity, do the settlements and cemeteries show any continuity from the time of the Roman era to the following centuries? I. THE QUESTION OF DACO-ROMANS a) The settlements Archaeological remains of an assumed “Daco-Roman” population were described from a number of sites in Oltenia and Transylvania. Protase presented

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY more than thirty such sites (cf. above, pp. 159–173). The assumption of a Roman population is based on the Roman provincial style shown by the remains. However, at least at eight of these sites, (cf. table 9, p. 170), the existence of nonRoman peoples is shown. Among these are Chilia and St_ne_ti in Oltenia, and Cip_u, Comol_u, Media_, Bezid, and Reci, in eastern Transylvania, which date from the middle or the 2nd half of the 3rd century, when the Romans left the limes trans-Alutanus and eastern Transylvania. To the abandoned areas, free Dacians, Carps, Iazyges, and Goths migrated. Instead of the continuation of the population from the Roman period, we see here the influx of non-Roman elements already in the mid-third century. The classification of these sites as “Daco-Roman” is simply wrong – en example of the ambiguity of this notion, cf. above, pp. 199–200. Also at other sites, clearly non-Roman elements appear. At Archiud (Erked), in a settlement inhabited from the mid-third to the 4th century, the earthenware of Roman provincial tradition shows “increasing barbarization”, and there are vestiges of the free Dacians. At Mugeni (Bögöz), elements of the Cerneachov culture appear towards the end of the 3rd century. In Sarmizegetusa, the once flourishing capital of Roman Dacia, changes made on the old Roman buildings, according to a “barbarized technique”, may have been achieved by any population. Two of the sites (Cioroiul Nou and Verbi_a) are situated between the Danube and the Furrow of Novac in Oltenia. This area was in the 4th century reconquered by the Empire (cf. above, p. 152 and map No 8), the existence there of Romans in that period would therefore not be impossible. Regarding the problem of the persistence of a Roman population in former Dacia Traiana, this is, however, of little relevance. Horedt described 50 settlements in use in post-Roman Dacia Traiana. He distinguished two main groups: (a) a western group of settlements, in the valleys of the Mure_, the lower course of the Târnava, and the Some_, there are a kind of fibulae (Zwiebelknopffibeln) and combs with two rows, not found in the eastern group. The pottery is more like the Roman pottery. (b) The eastern group, found in the valleys of the middle course of the Mure_ and the upper courses of the rivers Târnava, as well as in present day Covasna and Bra_ov counties, called the Sfântu Gheorghe culture, is clearly non-Roman, with influences from the Sântana de Mure_ culture, and also from the east, the Carps.459 b) The cemeteries


Horedt, K., Siebenbürgen in spätrömischer Zeit, Kriterion, Bucharest, 1982, pp. 70– 82, with maps and figures.

C: Archeology The assumption of a Daco-Roman population in 13 cemeteries (cf. above, p. 164–173) is also based mainly on material of Roman style. In several sites, as also in the case of the settlements, clearly non-Roman material remains were found. Thus, at S_r__eni (Sóvárad), vessels similar to Carpic vessels and the habit of putting several vessels in a tomb is characteristic of the Cerneachov culture. Cemetery No. 1 at Bratei contains material remains characteristic of the free Dacians, pieces of earthenware made by hand, e.g., the Dacian censer (c__uia), fragments of big vessels of supply decorated according to the classic period of the Dacian pottery. Also the large amounts of animal bones, not found in Roman and Illyrian cemeteries, is characteristic of the tombs of free Dacians (of the type Porolissum–Salca). Several details of the rituals, such as placing the inventary over the cavity, assembling of fragments of earthenware together with stones, animal bones, and other objects, are old Dacian customs. The ritual of burning of the cavities used at Bratei was also found in the cemetery excavated at Ocni_a, which dates from the period before the occupation of Dacia by the Romans. The funeral ritual of burned cavities is not Dacian and does not appear in significant numbers before the Roman conquest. It is found in Pannonia, Moesia, and Illyricum. Garasanin (quoted by Bârzu Cemet. 1973, p. 92), assumed that it is of Illyrian origin; it was, in any case, widedspread in Illyria. Big vessels of supply are abundant, and they are not of the Roman type. This cemetery does not continue one from the Roman period but was in use in the second half of the 4th (and, possibly, in the first quarter of the 5th) century. All these facts contradict the assumption of a Roman population having been buried here. Also the surroundings are other than Roman: only about 5 miles from Bratei, at Media_ (Hung. Medgyes), a Carpic tomb of cremation which dates from the end of the 3rd century was discovered (cf. above, Table 9, p. 170). Products imported from the Empire suggest that the people who used the cemetery No. 1 at Bratei had commercial contacts with Pannonia. On the other hand, nothing among the finds suggests contact with the Roman towns along the lower Danube.460 About the two tombs discovered at S_r__eni, Protase wrote in 1966 that they may have belonged to Daco-Romans (cf. above, p. 172). In a more detailed analysis, however, he stated that “if the observations at S_r__eni are correct”, the cremation was made on the place of the burial, a ritual widespread in Dacia Romana and not known from the extra-Carpathian regions. But the vessels found in these tombs are to a certain extent similar to those found in Carpic cemeteries in Moldavia and there are 3–4 of them in each tomb, the habit of putting several vessels in a tomb is characteristic of the Cerneachov–Sântana de Mure_ culture.461 460

Bârzu Cemet 1973, p. 95: “We do not know to what extent the possibility of establishing commercial relations with the towns along the lower Danube existed.” 461

Protase, D., “Considérations sur les rites funéraires des Daces”, Revue

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY Also the two tombs discovered at Sfântu Gheorghe (cf. above, p. 172) are questionable indications of Daco-Romans: they are of the same type as the cemetery at Bratei from the 4th century.462 It is also uncertain whether these tombs date from the period after 275. Objects of the Dacian or Carpic style and Dacian customs are, as shown by the analysis of the settlements as well as of the cemeteries from post-Roman Dacia, widespread. If the Dacians living in the province adopted Roman customs and Roman culture in general, this should be reflected by material remains different from those of the free Dacians, the Carps, and the Goths. However, this is not the case. Regarding the funeral rites, this was stated by Protase: Le rite funéraire de l´incinération avec urne, qui existe aussi bien chez les Daces soumis aux Romains que chez Daces libres, ne peut plus servir cette fois ŕ séparer ces deux catégories de populations – la catégorie dace adventice et la catégorie romaine demeuré sur place – de l´espace de l´ancienne province romaine. On l´a vu, le besoin des précisions et des détails que le matériel archéologique peut fournir se fait sentir.463

d´archéologie et d´histoire ancienne, nouvelle série, IV, 1962, p. 184. 462 463

Protase PCD 1966, p. 128. Protase Rites Fun 1962, p. 196.

C: Archeology At Soporul de Câmpie,464 many of the material remains show the provincial Roman style: their fibulae are of this type, in contrast to those found among the material remains of the free Carps, which are of the “barbarian” style. The same may be said about a considerable part of their pottery. A Sarmatian influence, characteristic of the remains of the Carps in Moldavia, was not ascertained at Soporu de Câmpie. In 5 out of 189 tombs, i.e., in 2.6% of all tombs, coins were found and it is assumed that these were used according to the Greco-Roman custom of putting an “obulus of Charon” in the mouth of the deceased. Of all these, the only sign of adoption of a Roman custom would be the use of coins, if they really were used as assumed. This is one of the largest cemeteries from the age of the Roman domination in this area, in use for more than a century. Even if the coins were put in those 5 tombs in order to follow this GrecoRoman custom, it must be stated that 97.4% of the tombs do not show it. The find is too insignificant to warrant a general conclusion about the adoption by the inhabitants of a Roman custom. On the other hand, there is ample evidence to indicate that the people at Soporu de Câmpie preserved their old traditions, notwithstanding the fact that they were living in a Roman province. The total number of tombs in this cemetery is 193. Out of these, 189 date from the 2nd and the 3rd centuries and are considered to belong to “Daco-Romans”. (Four tombs from the 5th century are not considered Daco-Roman.) A total of 167 tombs contain earthenware and in 62 of these, this is of the Dacian style. The differences as compared to the earthenware of the free Dacians are not essential: ...the Dacian pottery of the 2nd to the 4th centuries preserved everywhere – both within the province and outside of it – the powerful traditions from the late La Tčne, from which it developed relatively uniformly...465 The funeral rites at Soporu de Câmpie continue the Dacian rites from the late La Tčne. Although the funeral rituals of the Romans show considerable variation, one must state that in this cemetery, nothing suggests a Roman tradition; there are, for example, no sarcophagi of bricks or tombs of the type bustum. Protase concludes that the people who left these material remains “were able to organically assimilate only minor elements of the rich repertoire of the Roman provincial tradition.”466 This is true of entire Dacia Traiana: THERE ARE NO INDICATIONS OF A PROCESS OF GRADUAL ADOPTION




The data about this site were taken mainly from Protase, D., Un cimitir dacic din epoca roman_ la Soporu de Cîmpie, 1976. 465 466

Protase Un cimitir 1976, p. 56. Ibid., p. 72.


assimilation of Roman style, essentially in the same way as was the case in almost all of contemporary Europe. (c) The objects of Christian use Those ten objects presented in 1966 by Protase as indicating the presence of Christians in Transylvania in the 4th century were described above (p. 173–175). Since then, a number of similar discoveries were made, for example crosses and casting moulds for crosses, objects with different Christian symbols, Christian monograms on pottery pieces, etc.467 Protase argued in 1966 that these objects were only found on the territory of the former province and there, mostly on the place of former Roman towns or rural settlements. This would prove that the objects were used by a Christian and Daco-Roman population. However, his material was quite unreliable in this respect. (The Christian character of two objects was dubious, in three cases, the place where the objects were found is unknown, possibly even outside the province.) It is possible that there were Christians who used the objects as Christian symbols, but these were not produced in Dacia. The low significance of these objects was admitted, indirectly, also by the authors of IR 1960, when they stated that the Rumanian religious terms of Latin origin are more important: More clearly than by the origin of the archaeologiacl objects, is the Latin character of the primitive Christianity of the Daco-Romans shown by the Latin origin of the fundamental terms of the Christian faith, preserved until the present day in the language of the Rumanian people, as for example: crux –cruce, domine deo–dumnezeu, christianus–cre_tin, [etc.]468 A fundamental trait of Christianity is its universality. It has been from its early days the religion of the people without regard to their language or ethnicity. The missionaries were forced to speak the language of the people; an example of an early translation of the Bible is that made by bishop Ulfila in the 4th century, in present day Muntenia. This is a proof of Christianity having been propagated north of the lower Danube among the Goths in that period (cf. the record of Auxentius Durostorensis, above, p. 210). If the ancestors of the Rumanians had adopted Christianity in Transylvania in the 4th century, then they must have moved to Bulgaria in the 10th century. It is namely scarcely possible that they could have been organized in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, taking over Slavic as the language of the religious services, 467

See, for example, the description by K. Horedt, Siebenbürgen in spätrömischer Zeit, 1982, pp. 163–171. 468

IR 1960, pp. 632–633. The religious terminology of Rumanian is discussed above, pp. 111-115.

C: Archeology (and borrowing more than 70 religious terms from Bulgarian), during that century the Bulgarian state ruled over Muntenia and southern Transylvania after 830 AD (cf. above, p.22). – The Rumanian Orthodox Church belonged, until the early 18th century, to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the archbishopric of Ochrida. d) Roman coins Finds of coins in themselves can be rarely, if ever, sufficient for conclusions about such problems as the language or the ethnicity of a certain population. The number of coins found in a certain territory depends to a large extent on chance, as well as on the intensity of archaeological research. If the effects of these factors can be minimized, coins may indicate the intensity of commerce, they may help in determining the period in which a given settlement or burial place was in use, they may contribute to the knowledge about social stratification; they may show the existence of some traditions, such as the Greco-Roman custom of putting an obulus in the mouth of the deceased. Significant numbers of hoards of coins suggest war or invasion. North of the lower Danube, the low number of coins from the period between 271 and 305 AD may be explained by the bad economic situation of the Roman Empire, and the decrease and gradual disappearance of the coins in the 5th century was certainly caused by the severe crisis and final collapse of the Empire. These factors are recognized also by Protase and Preda, who argued that the coins indicated a Daco-Roman population (cf. above, p. 176–178). However, their reasoning does not take into account other important factors. Roman coins were not only found near former Roman towns or camps and they are by no means restricted to the territory of the former province. Those of a lower value (the bronze coins) were used as money by many European populations in the period in question.469 Roman coins were discovered as far as in Ukraine (in the territory of the Cerneachov culture) and on the Crimean peninsula. In the most eastern areas, they are rare, but their number increases considerably west of the Dniester.470 In the territory of present day Rumania, the free Dacians, who migrated to the former province after 275 AD along the Mure_ and the superior valley of the Olt, left Roman coins in their settlements and in the Banat, the Sarmatian Iazyges “used extensively, for a long time, Roman coins”.471 469

According to Preda (Circula_ia 1975, p. 445), 2/3 of all coins from the postRoman period found in Rumania were discovered in the territory of the former province of Dacia, which would suggest a Romanized population there. This difference is not, however, quite certain, because much more research was conducted in Transylvania than in other areas. Moreover, southern Oltenia, the Banat, and southwestern Transylvania were nearest the Roman Empire. Also in other parts of Europe, commerce was most intense in the areas of barbaricum which were adjacent to the Empire. 470 471

Protase PCD 1966, p. 196. Ibid., p. 197.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY In the case of hoards of coins, drawing conclusions is made difficult also by the uncertainty about basic circumstances connected with the finds. Many of them were found a long time ago and lack proper descriptions of essential data such as their integrity and unity. A number of them might have been imported much later from the territory of the former Roman Empire (cf. the reservations made by Protase, above, p. 177). According to Protase, some of the hoards accumulated entirely in the 4th century may belong to the “autochthonous population”. This is not impossible, but this population turns out to have been the free Dacians, who were not Latinized.472 Conclusions regarding the Roman coins The finds of Roman coins, whether single or in hoards, do not suggest anything about the ethnic situation in the post-Roman period north of the lower Danube. Hoards of coins from different periods may have a certain significance:


Ibid., p. 198; cf. above, p. 178. – This is an example of the arbitrary use of the term “autochthonous”, above, pp. 199–200.

C: Archeology Many hoards were buried during the period of Roman domination in Dacia, for example in the 240s, the time of the Carpic incursions. Obviously, the population of the province was attacked and many people were forced to flee, but at least a considerable number of them expected to return in due course. A remarkable contrast to this is shown in the period of the Roman retreat from Dacia. In the 270s, free Dacians, Goths, and Iazyges invaded this territory. Yet, not a single hoard buried between 271 and 305 AD has been found so far.473 Did people not fear the barbarians in 271 as they did three decades earlier? Or did they not expect to return to their homes? (e) The Latin inscriptions The two inscriptions (Qvartine vivas and the ex voto with the inscription: Ego Zenovivs votvm posvi, cf. above, pp. 178–180) do not tell us anything about the ethnic character or the language of the population of Transylvania in the 4th century. Contrary to what Condurachi & Daicoviciu (cf. above, p. 179–180) assert, the ex voto was not produced in Dacia. Both inscriptions were imported from the Empire, but it is not even certain if this occurred in the 4th century, later imports cannot be excluded. The finds were isolated, without any distinct archaeological site. The ex voto was probably produced in northern Italy; similar objects were found in Aquilea, Bonyhád (Hungary), Ljubljana (Slovenia), etc. Most probably, these pieces reached Transylvania through trade or by plundering soldiers (cf. Latin inscriptions found in other parts of Europe, above, p. 222). Why not pursue archaeological investigations also south of the Danube? A serious objection against the concept on which Rumanian archaeologists base their research is that they restrict investigation to the territory of present day Rumania. In view of the fact that it is generally admitted, at least by linguists, that the Rumanian language and people also developed south of the lower Danube (cf. above, p. 140–142), a similar picture of archaeological finds, identical or at least very similar cultures, should exist on both sides of the lower Danube or even at a considerable distance from it towards the south (that is to say, if the material excavated in Rumania really showed the ancestors of the Rumanians.) II. INDICATIONS OF DEMOGRAPHIC DISCONTINUITY


Preda Circula_ia monedelor 1975, p. 443; Protase PCD 1966, p. 184.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY The lack of hoards buried around the time of the abandon of Dacia may be an indication of the abandonment of the province not only by the Roman army and administration but also by the inhabitants. There is also manifest material evidence to indicate that very serious changes of the dwelling places and the cemeteries occurred both at the beginning and at the end of the Roman domination. These do not warrant any conclusions about the ethnical circumstances, but testify to fundamental changes in the society of the province. a) The towns In the former Roman towns, archaeological finds show radical changes after the abandonment by the Romans. The Roman handicraft of advanced techniques is no longer produced, no more buildings of stone or of bricks are erected, no monuments and no inscriptions are made. Signs of human activity during the 4th century in the former towns are: changes made in the Roman buildings, for example the erecting of walls of earth, the use of sarcophagi made of bricks (Apulum), the re-use of a sarcophagus, etc. A comparison with the situation in the towns of post-Roman Britain may be of interest: for about half a century after the Romans left, many walled towns not only continued to be inhabited but even new buildings were going up. In at least two towns (Verulamium and Wroxeter), archaeological finds show urban communities possessing an elementary internal structure.474 Nothing of this kind is found in post-Roman Dacia. The presence of burials in the centre of the towns indicates the abandonment of Roman custom. In any case, the remains do not suggest in these few (6 or 7) towns significant numbers of people and these do not behave as Romans. The towns of Dacia Traiana disappeared as such after the abolishment of the Roman domination.475 At the time of the Hunnish invasion at the end of the 4th century, all signs of life ceased in the former towns. b) Rural settlements Protase presented 22 settlements as indicating the continued existence of “Daco-Romans” in post-Roman Dacia Traiana. Out of these, six show the material remains of FREE DACIANS OR CARPS who migrated to the former province towards the end of the 3rd century: Bezid, Cip_u, Comol_u, Media_, Reci (in Transylvania) and Chilia in the region of Arge_. At Sic, a settlement of Dacians during the Roman domination continued possibly until the end of the 3rd 474 475

Cf., for example, Todd, M., Roman Britain 55 BC –AD 400, pp. 241–245. Protase Autohtonii 1980, p. 252; cf. above, p. 208.

C: Archeology century. Seven of these settlements were FOUNDED AFTER 275 AD (the abandonment of the province by the Romans): Archiud, Bratei, Cluj-M_n__tur, Iernut, Mugeni, No_lac, and Soporu de Câmpie. Two (Cioroiul Nou and Verbi_a) are situated in Oltenia south of the Furrow of Novac, in an area dominated for some decades during the 4th century by the Roman Empire (cf. above, p. 224). Thus, six settlements remain north of the Furrow of Novac which were a) inhabited during the Roman domination and with more or less probability also after its end (in several cases only until the end of the 3rd century) and b) in which the material remains do not clearly indicate free Dacians or Carps. This is a very low figure, and even of these, two can scarcely be taken into consideration. At Porumbenii Mici, the existence of the settlement after 271 AD is questionable; at most, it may have existed a few decades at the end of the 3rd century. In Ve_el, the only sign assumed to indicate life in the 4th century is a silver fibula. Villae rusticae A survey of the data presented by Protase PCD 1966 and Horedt 1973 shows a similar discontinuity of the villae rusticae (rural farms) from the time of the province. Only one of these is assumed to have been inhabited after 275 AD (Iernut) and in another (Rah_u) is this possible.476 c) Cemeteries Out of those 13 cemeteries or single tombs presented by Protase (cf. above, p. 164) as showing the material remains of Daco-Romans, two (Chilia and St_ne_ti) show the material remains of free Dacians who migrated to the area after the Romans had left. The cemetery at Bratei dated to the 4th century was discussed above (pp. 165–169); remains suggesting the Sântana de Mure_ culture as well as of free Dacians predominate there. In Media_, an urn of cremation from the end of the 3rd century and assumed to belong to the Carpic population was discovered. Of the remaining nine sites, 6 are single tombs and date from the end of the 3rd century or (in the case of Cluj) the mid-fifth. Only one cemetery, that found at Iernut, was in continued use after 275 AD; from the mid-third century to about 400 AD. At Moigrad, a cemetery was most probably used during the Roman rule, and its use after 275 is questionable.477 476 477

Protase 1966, p. 135; K. Horedt, in Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 138. For a detailed presentation of the cemeteries in question see Horedt,


Fig. 2. The time span during which the SETTLEMENTS attributed to a “DacoRoman” population in post-Roman Dacia Traiana may have been inhabited. Maximal limits of time, earliest start and latest abandonment, are given. (After D. Protase, Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i numismaticii, 1966.)

Siebenbürgen in spätrömischer Zeit, 1982, pp. 88–126.

C: Archeology

Fig. 3. The time span during which the CEMETERIES attributed to a “DacoRoman” population may have been in use. (On the basis of D. Protase, Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i numismaticii, 1966.)

Conclusions: discontinuity of the settlements and of the cemeteries At all these sites, the assumption of Daco-Romans is based on objects of Roman style and/or signs of some Roman customs. On the other hand, only one single cemetery and a few settlements show continuity from the Roman period to the 4th century. Without giving any indication regarding the ethnicity of the people who have left these remains, the finds indicate a fundamental discontinuity of the dwelling places (and correspondingly, of the cemeteries) of the population. III. THE 5th–7th CENTURIES The archaeological material from the territories north of the lower Danube which dates from the 3rd and the 4th centuries is characterized, as shown above, by a Roman cultural influence. This is true of most other parts of Europe. Latest in the 6th century, the Roman influence decreased sharply, both north of the lower Danube and in Europe in general. From the 6th century on, the Roman provincial features in the earthenware do not seem to be as easily distinguishable as before. In spite of the fact that the earthenware became largely uniform, with a general, pre-feudal, “barbarized” character specific to a very large area, a circumstance which makes the exact determination of the autochthonous Daco-Roman elements difficult, until the coming of the Slavs (7th century) when the earthenware shows a qualitative change, some vestiges of the forms and the style of the Roman provincial vessels still may be discerned, although to a lesser extent.478 478

Protase PCD 1966, pp. 137–138.


From the 7th century on, the material culture no longer shows any Roman influence: Bereits im 6. Jh. besteht in Siebenbürgen eine einheitliche Kultur, die nicht ohne weiteres ethnische Unterschiedungen zulässt und an der Germanen und Romanen teilhaben. Aus der Siedlungsweise und bestimmten kenn- zeichnenden Einzelfunden und -formen konnten aber doch Hinweise für ethnische Deutungen erschlossen werden. Mit dem Verschwinden der Germanen und dem Auftreten der slawischen Kultur besteht diese Möglichkeit nicht mehr.479 The disappearance of Roman provincial traits is another indication of the fact that these traits were not the expression of a new population of a Romance character but of the same cultural influence that may be seen in other parts of Europe.


K. Horedt, in Dacoromania I 1973, p. 147.

C: Archeology Those settlements in which Daco-Romans were assumed (cf. above, pp. 159–164), were abandoned partly already in the first quarter of the 4th century and latest towards its end, obviously attacked by the Huns. Thus, the population of the former province was, less than a century after the abandonment by the Roman Empire, once again exposed to radical changes in its dwelling places. In spite of the assertion of the presence of Daco-Romans also in this period, the following passage by Condurachi & Daicoviciu (Ancient Civil 1971, p. 179) is rather more an admission of their absence: For the 5th and the 6th centuries we have a bronze lamp found at Dej which is clearly Christian, and a pot lid marked with a cross which was found at Tibiscum and undoubtedly belongs to the same period. When western Christianity, using the Latin language, penetrated into this region it not only helped to safeguard the Roman culture and language of the region but also promoted the full development of both culture and language. a) The theory of the flight to the mountains and the absence of DacoRomans It may be assumed, of course, that the Daco-Romans left their places and fled to remote valleys among the mountains. This theory was put forward long ago to explain the absence of placenames and geographical names of Latin origin north of the lower Danube, as well as the lack of an Old Germanic influence on Rumanian: The disturbed conditions which prevailed from the 5th century onwards as a result of attacks by the Huns and Avars undoubtedly led the people to seek means of escaping the calamities of the time. [...] The steady disappearance of Daco-Roman farming settlements in the period up to 600 AD was a natural consequence of the repeated harassments of a population which had become accustomed to a settled and peaceable life.480 It is also assumed that the new conditions forced the Daco-Roman farmers to become shepherds: It is significant also that the Dacians who were required by their new way of life to travel constantly to and fro with their flocks and herds between the Carpathians and the Danube thus inevitably remained in contact with the Roman cities on the right bank of the river and the population living farther to the south, so that the process of romanisation was given fresh impetus in this 480

Condurachi & Daicoviciu Ancient Civil 1971, p. 182.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY final stage of a long developemnt which dated back to the 1st century B.C. and reached its term in the 9th and 10th centuries A.D.481



C: Archeology This assumption would permit the Daco-Romans to escape from the invading barbarians and survive in the summer. But when they travelled to the Danube in the autumn, they would have met exactly those barbarians they had fled from.482 Nevertheless, many different explanations have been put forward in the course of time. They often contradict each other. Even the period in which this flight is supposed to have taken place is given vaguely and differently by different authors. Condurachi & Daicoviciu (cf. above, p. 234) state that the attacks of the Huns and of the Avars caused the “steady disappearance of the Daco-Roman farming settlements”, which implies that the process started in the second half of the 4th century. According to IR 1960 (p. 627), the Daco-Romans left their old places during the 5th and the 6th centuries. The explanation put forward in IR Compendiu 1969, p. 100, asserts that the Daco-Romans fled to “distant valleys, among hills and mountains, in one word in places better protected from the ceaseless predatory invasions of the migrating troops.” This would be the explanation of the oblivion of ancient placenames. However: After a not too long time had passed, the autochthons will return to the open places, mixing with the dominating Slavic population, which they after a symbiosis (convie_uire) will assimilate in a short time. Those who put forward such hypotheses cannot give any material proof. This has been stated by K. Horedt: Es gibt aber keine archäologischen Belege dafür, dass die romanischen Elemente vor den Wandervölkern in abgelegene Täler am Fusse der Gebirge ausgewichen wären, da aus diesen Gebieten keine völkerwanderungszeitliche Funde bekannt sind.483 As shown above, IR Compendiu 1969 defended the theory of the flight to the 482

I. Donat, in Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 79: “Certainement. ŕ ce que l´on affirme habituellement, une pareille économie pastorale n´aurait pas permis ŕ la population daco-romaine de résister au nord du Danube, car nos pâtres n´auraient été en sűreté que pendant les mois d´été, dans les montagnes, tandis que durant leurs longues marches ŕ travers la pleine ils auraient du affronter des périls autrement grands que les agriculteurs établis dans des régions retirées, ŕ l´abri des hauteurs, et des fôrets.” 483

Dacoromania I, 1973, p. 144.

IV: ANALYSIS OF THE THEORY OF CONTINUITY mountains. More recently, archaeologists in Rumania deny it. In the 1974 edition of IR Compendiu, the passage about this is omitted, although it is not yet denied: writing about the Gepidae living together with “Daco-Romans”, it is asserted that “being different populations, basically inimical, they had few points of contact, which explains the absence of Old Germanic words in the Rumanian language”. Eugenia Zaharia disposed of the theory of the flight into the mountains entirely, stating that it belongs to the 19th century, and that the archaeological finds show

E: The Rumanian language


that the Daco-Romans lived in close contact with the migratory populations.484

E. The Rumanian language 1. THE THEORY OF ´CORE AREAS´ As shown above, the Rumanian Lingusitic Atlas published in the 1930s showed a number of Latin words which were preserved only in certain areas of Rumania, while speakers in other areas used other words, usually loanwords, instead of these. It was then assumed (cf. above, p.181) that in these areas, a Romanized population has been living since the age of Trajan: ...the presence of some terms of Latin origin, such as for example nea, pedestru, and june, only in the western parts of Transylvania, from Maramure_ and Cri_ana to the Banat, and absent in the rest of the CarpathoDanubian region [...] would not be possible if the ancient Rumanians would have come from the Balkan peninsula [and, as asked by Jaberg] could the Latin elements be preserved particularly well in the northwest of Rumania if the Rumanians would have come from Moesia? If these reasonings are right, then also the following assertion would be correct: ...*the presence of some terms of Latin origin, such as for example ávrî ´freshness, a light wind´, (< Latin aura), cîprínî ´goat´s hair´, (< Latin caprina, cî_ári ´sheepfold´ (< Latin casearia), fáuî ´bean´, (< Latin faba), in northern Greece, northwest of Trikkala, and absent in the rest of the Rumanian dialects [...] would not be possible if the ancient Arumanians would have migrated to this territory.* This is not a quotation, in fact, no scholar of the Rumanian language would even dream of asserting this. The Arumanians living in northern Greece cannot


Eugenia Zaharia, “Les sources archéologiques de la continuité daco-romaine”, Apulum, XII, 1974, p. 284: “Cette idée appartient au sičcle passé, lorsqu´on ne possédait pas encore de preuves archéologiques...”



have been living there since their Romanization, but must have migrated there later, since that territory is situated south of the Jire_ek-line, the frontier between Latin and Greek in the Balkan peninsula. The question put by K. Jaberg is to be answered as follows: The Arumanians migrated, after the period of Common Rumanian, to the region northwest of Trikkala. As a Romance language, their language contained many Latin words, among others, also those mentioned above. The difference as compared to the rest of Rumanian today has nothing to do with the Arumanians. Its explanation is to be sought in the other dialects. Northern Rumanian, for example, has lost cî_ári and uses only strung_, it has replaced Latin faba with other words, etc. The explanation of the preserved Latin words in the region of the Mun_ii Apuseni, in Cri_ana, Maramure_, and the Banat, is similar. In fact, the impossibility of the argument regarding the ancient Latin core areas appears already in the above quotation from Giurescu & Giurescu. It contains the information that those Latin words appear not only in the region of the Mun_ii Apuseni, “where the Roman settlements were most dense” (Pu_cariu), but also in Cri_ana and Maramure_, where such settlements were entirely absent, because those areas never belonged to the Roman Empire. Rosetti has pointed out the fact that other Latin words were forgotten or replaced by foreign loan- words in Transylvania but preserved in other areas of Rumania, along the lower Danube, in Moldavia or in Dobrogea: [the theory of ´core areas´ (Kerngebiete) would be correct if two conditions were fullfilled]: 1. One has to take into account that this geographical distribution may have originated in the course of subsequent linguistic extensions. A series of other Latin terms, which appear in ALR [the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas] deny the putative Latin character of Transylvania, by their presence in _ara Româneasc_ and in Moldavia, and prove, by appearing in regions which were not Romanized, that we are dealing with subsequent linguistic expansions. ... 2. The entire lexical stock must be investigated – not only a few words chosen arbitrarily – to be able to decide whether the great majority of the terms confirms the theory (cf. ALR I, vol. I and II, maps 78: str_nut, 112: guturai. 153: tat_ vitreg, 157: mam_ vitreag_, 208: colastr_, 20: cum_tru, 221: cum_tr_, 235 mîngîia, 236: desmierd, in which the areas of the Latin terms cover Oltenia, _ara Româneasc_, and Moldavia, while Transylvania or the north-west of Transylvania has terms of foreign origin).485


Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 199.

E: The Rumanian language


To give an example of how these dialectal differences are to be interpreted, we consider the dialectal distribution of a number of words. The word for ´snow´ is nea (< Latin nivem) in western Transylvania, Cri_ana, and the Banat; z_pad_, of Slavic origin, in Oltenia, Muntenia, southern Transylvania and Dobrogea; and om_t, (cf. Russian omät, Ukrainean om_t) in Moldavia and north-eastern Transylvania. For ´abdomen´, there is in the northern part of the country, pântece (pâncete) (< Latin pantex, -ticem), in the south-west, foale (< Latin follis, -em), and in the south, burt_. The word of Latin origin, p_curar (< Latin pecorarius) is used by speakers of Rumanian living in the intra-Carpathian territory, with the exception of southern Transylvania, where cioban (of Turkish origin but transferred to Rumanian via Bulgarian) is used. It obviously extends from Muntenia and Oltenia, where a homonymic clash occurred between p_curar ´shepherd´ and p_curar ´merchant of crude oil´ – in those territories, oil was exploited. In the case of the word for ´woman´, it is also possible to follow the changes. In this case, the original Latin word was preserved in Rumanian spoken today in the Banat, Cri_ana, and the centre of Transylvania: muiere (< Latin mulier, -erem). In Muntenia, Moldavia, southern and northern Transylvania, it was replaced, starting with the 17th century, by femeie, a word also of Latin origin, but with the sense of ´family´ whose sense changed in the same century to that of ´woman´. Lastly, in F_g_ra_, where many Rumanian peasants were ennobled by the Hungarian kings, boreas_, from boier ´nobleman´, with the suffix -eas_, replaced the word of Latin origin. Nea exists also in Arumanian, Meglenorumanian, and Istrorumanian: neao, n_u_, and n_, n_vu, respectively. The inherited Latin word familia exists also in the south: Arumanian fumeal´e , Meglenitic f_mel_l´_, fum_l´_, and there with the original sense of ´family´. Also Latin mulier is found in the south, and was earlier general in the Rumanian language: Arum. and Meglenitic mul´ari, Istrorumanian mul´_re. 486 In principle, the explanation of other phenomena put forward as arguments for a “core region” in north-western Transylvania is similar to that of the words. Thus, the habit of putting a k between s and l – sclab instead of slab, etc., as well as the form renunculus (besides reniculus) existed in certain areas of Late Latin; also in part of the Balkan peninsula. Given the different forms in the Latin of the Balkan peninsula, it is only natural that they are found also today in the language of the Rumanians – as it is natural that the Rumanian grammar is predominantly Latin, or that there are Latin words in Rumanian. As regards the geographical names and the placenames put forward by Gamillscheg in favour of the core-region hypothesis, no one of these names is in


Cazacu Dialectologie 1966, pp. 161–168, with maps.



Rumanian directly inherited from Latin.487 Consequently, these arguments are also invalid. The phenomena put forward in favour of the Kerngebiet theory are chosen arbitrarily from a vast number of facts of language, such as differences in pronunciation, the preservation or replacement of Latin lexical elements by loanwords in the course of time in the different areas, etc. Some examples of these factors were given above. Although this theory was initially put forward by linguists, present day Rumanian linguists do not accept it. As shown above, Rosetti refuted it definitely and Matilda Caragiu Mario_eanu, in her monograph about the Rumanian dialects, does not even mention it. The same is the case with other publications on Rumanian dialectology as for example the studies by B. Cazacu, collected in one volume (1966). If it has been discussed here in some detail, this is because the theory of core areas seems to be one of the main arguments in favour of the theory of continuity accepted also by some western scholars (cf. above, pp. 195–198). E. Illyés, in Ethnic Continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian Area, 1992, pp. 272–290, after having given a more detailed review of this theory, also refuted it.

2. OTHER LINGUISTIC ARGUMENTS a) Rumanian religious terminology The arguments mentioned in IR Compendiu 1969 (cf. above, p. 182), concerning the Christian terms of Latin origin – namely that in Dacia Romana, 487

In several areas of Transylvania, the majority of the names of the mountains are Rumanian. These names are not, however, older than earliest from the 14th century, when the first Rumanian village names appeared. When the Vlach shepherds started to migrate to Transylvania, in the 13th century, they lived initially in the region of the high mountains, where they took part in defending of the fortresses built by the Hungarian kings. These regions were either uninhabited or populated by a usually sparse Slavic or Hungarian population.

E: The Rumanian language


Christianity was the bearer of the Latin language – are not acceptable. These terms were inherited by Rumanian in the Balkan peninsula (Albanian concordances, etc, cf. above, pp. 111-115). The theory that the word biseric_ proves that the ancestors of the Rumanians did not live in the Balkans in the 4th century was not mentioned in the 1974 edition of this treatise. As shown above, basilica has also been borrowed by Albanian. b) The sound pattern of the Slavic influence The theory based on the difference between the treatment of Common Slavic consonant groups *tj, *dj , and a number of Common Slavic vowels (cf. above, pp. 182-183) cannot be accepted. The Bulgarian pronunciation reaches far to the southwest to Macedonia. Besides, to refer to the “oldest and most numerous” Slavic elements in Rumanian, as if the oldest elements would also be the most numerous, does not correspond to reality. (The oldest Slavic influence includes about 70 lexical elements, which existed in Common Rumanian. Most numerous Slavic loanwords in Northern Rumanian are those borrowed later, in the 11th– 12th centuries (cf. above, p.101). c) The time span of the Slavic influence on Rumanian There is significant difference between Rumanian archaeologists and historians on the one side and linguists, on the other, regarding this question. The affirmation in IR 1960 and of Giurescu & Giurescu, that the Slavs living in the territory of present day Rumania were assimilated to the Rumanians in a relatively short time after the 10th century (cf. above, p. 183) cannot be correct. The same applies to the result which Eugenia Zaharia reached on the basis of archaeological finds – the assimilation in the 8th century. This is clearly shown by the analysis of the sound pattern of the South Slavic elements in Rumanian, presented in detail also by Rosetti (ILR 1986, cf. above, pp. 98–101). If IR 1960 would be right, only about 70 South Slavic words were found in the Rumanian language, essentially the same in all dialects. The result reached by Eugenia Zaharia is an example of the danger of drawing conclusions regarding language from material remains. The disappearance of the Slavic contact already in the 8th century would not even permit this relatively weak Slavic impact. As shown above, p. 101, the South Slavic influence on Northern Rumanian increased after the Common Rumanian period, reaching its peak in the 11th and the 12th centuries. d) The territory of the Slavo-Rumanian symbiosis Rumanian historians assert that the Rumanian language was exposed to Slavic (entirely or at least predominantly) north of the Danube. Rosetti presents



all the facts but does not draw the logical conclusions. The passage dealing with this in Rosetti ILR 1986 (cf. above, p. 184) may be summarized as follows (with the present author´s comments in brackets): Friedwagner and others, who deny the possiblity of influence in the north, “make a mere assumption because we have no direct information on the connections between the Romanized population and [the migratory peoples].” (The problem is that we have no information about a Romanized population in the period in question north of the Danube.) Rosetti continues the argument by saying that for those who admit that the Rumanian language developed on a large territory of Roman colonization, the existence of contact between such a population and the Slavs also north of the Danube appears to be beyond doubt. (This is not, of course, a linguistic argument and no valid argument at all, because the assumption of a large, both south- and northDanubian territory in which the Rumanian language developed is not proved. On the contrary, it is denied exactly by the Slavic influence upon Rumanian, which excludes the territory of present day Rumania, cf. below.) The next argument presented is the assumption that “the Romanized population was preserved in Dacia after the Roman domination ceased.” (This is not impossible, but it has little relevance for the question discussed; cf. above, p. 209: Latin-speaking populations remained after the Roman retreat in Pannonia, Noricum, Britannia, etc., but they did not survive for many centuries. As regards the statement of Petrovici, it should be made clear that the Roman domination lasted 600 years SOUTH of the lower Danube. Several circumstances indicate that the original areas of the Vlachs were situated much more to the south). Thus, Rosetti showed in this passage, although indirectly, that there is no LINGUISTIC argument for the assumption of a South Slavic influence upon early Rumanian north of the Danube. There is, in fact, specific evidence showing a South Slavic influence on Rumanian exerted in the Balkan peninsula. There are words of Latin origin borrowed by South Slavic and then from this language by the Rumanians. Rumanian sigur, matur, and o_et derive from South Slavic, as shown by the accent on the first syllable in sígur and mátur, (as opposed to Latin secúrus and matúrus) and o instead of a and ts instead of c(e) in o_et (cf. Latin acetum). Thus, two main conditions were established: (1) The Rumanian language contains South Slavic elements with a sound pattern from the 7th–8th centuries and the most numerous Slavic elements in Northern Rumanian show the sound pattern of Middle Bulgarian (11th–12th centuries). (2) Before the 12th–13th centuries, only SOUTH Slavic elements were transferred to Rumanian. Considering the historical situation, these facts indicate that Rumanians cannot have been living before that period (a) in central and northwestern Transylvania. Archaeological remains excavated there show namely western and eastern Slavic cultures and the placenames of Slavic origin in that area show a western Slavic pattern. (b)The Rumanian language also lacks Ukrainian elements

E: The Rumanian language


of a pattern shown before the 12th–13th centuries, which excludes also (at least northern) Moldavia. (c) But not even the Bulgarian influence upon Rumanian could have been exerted north of the lower Danube, because the Bulgarian domination was too short there. The Bulgarian state was founded in 679 south of the lower Danube and expanded in a southward and southwestward direction. In the 9th century, the Bulgarians occupied present day Muntenia and southern Transylvania. However, latest at the beginning of the 10th century, Bulgaria lost its power north of the Danube. The Bulgarian domination lasted at most a century in Muntenia and southern Transylvania, obviously too short for the impact of South Slavic on Northern Rumanian. After the Bulgarians, Petchenegs occupied Moldavia and the Valachian plain. The Hlincea I culture in southern Moldavia showed signs of ravages around 930 AD and disappeared some decades later. This, as well as the end of the Dridu culture on the Valachian plain not long after 1000 AD is ascribed to Petcheneg attacks (cf. below, pp. 278–279). The Transylvanian basin and most of the valleys were, beginning with the 10th century, inhabited by Hungarians. From the end of the 11th century, the Cumans dominated the extra-Carpathian territories (cf. below, p. 280). Thus, in the period of the most intense Bulgarian influence on Northern Rumanian, the Bulgarians no longer ruled north of the lower Danube, Slavic archaeological cultures disappeared there, Turk peoples were living in the extra-Carpathian territories and Transylvania was organized into the Hungarian kingdom and was increasingly populated by Hungarians. Neither the absolute amount of the South Slavic influence (cf. above, pp. 102–108) nor its increase upon Northern Rumanian after the 10th century can be explained under these circumstances. Consequently, THE SOUTH SLAVIC INFLUENCE ON RUMANIAN BEFORE THE 12th– 13th CENTURIES WAS EXERTED SOUTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE.

3. THE ABSENCE OF OLD GERMANIC ELEMENTS Historical records and abundant archaeological finds testify to the presence of Goths and later of Gepidae in most of present day Rumania from the end of the 3rd to the 7th–8th centuries. Some historians have affirmed that these populations did not have close contacts with the “Daco-Romans”, others asserted a symbiosis between the two populations (cf. above, pp. 190). Rosetti stated that there are no Old Germanic elements in the Rumanian language, and that, based upon historical records and archaeological finds, “the permanent habitation of the populations of Germanic language north of the Danube and their symbiosis with the local Romanized populations are well-proved facts.” This section in Rosetti´s ILR 1986 does not contain any answer to the question: how can these two facts be reconciled with the theory of continuity? (The affirmation that Old Germanic elements could have been borrowed by the Rumanians also south of the Danube is no sufficient explanation, nor is it valid.) Also ILR 1969 evades to answer this



question. Iordan & Manoliu,488 although criticising the argument presented more than a century ago by Rösler, that the absence of Old Germanic words in Rumanian is not compatible with the theory of Daco-Roman continuity, do not give any explanation of the fact itself. In order to give a background to the question of Old Germanic elements in Rumanian, the Old Germanic influence on the Neolatin languages will be summarized shortly. During their contacts with Germanic tribes, the Romans borrowed some Old Germanic words as early as the first century AD. Some of these survived in the Romance languages, for example French jante < Germanic ganta ´goose´, Italian bandiera < Germanic bandum ´flag´, etc. Most of the Old Germanic words were, however, probably borrowed later, after 600 AD, separately by each Romance language. The historical data: Most numerous of all Germanic peoples were the Franks, who started to attack Gaul in the 3rd century AD. In 358, they were permitted by Emperor Julian to settle down in what is today Belgium and northern France. From there, they successively extended their domination and, by the end of the 5th century, they ruled over a large territory corresponding to central and northern France. The Visigoths who lived in most of the 4th century in Transylvania and other parts of present day Rumania (cf. below, p. 261) were forced by the Hunnish invasion to migrate westwards and reached Italy, southern France, and the Iberian peninsula. The Ostrogoths conquered Italy in 493, in 555, however, the East Roman Empire defeated them. The Longobards invaded northern Italy in 568 and organized there a state which existed until 774, when Italy was conquered by the Franks. The Burgundians dominated the eastern part of southern France for about a century until they were defeated by the Franks (532–534 AD). Gepidae lived in several areas of the Carpathian basin from the end of the 3rd century to the mid-seventh century, cf. below, p. 263. The Old Germanic influence on the Romance languages was considerable, with hundreds of lexical elements. The largest number (more than 500), of these were left by the Franks, followed by the Longobards, with about 300. Out of words from the language of the Visigoths, about 130, from that of the Ostrogoths, 70, and from Burgundian, about 50 words are still extant in the Romance languages. (These figures are taken from Întroducere în lingvistica romanic_, by 488

Iordan, I., Manoliu, Maria, Introducere în lingvistica romanic_, 1965, p. 275.

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I. Iordan & Maria Manoliu, 1965, p. 276, who quote Gamillscheg, Romania Germanica, 1934–1936. According to Iordan & Manoliu, the figures are somewhat exaggerated.) From the viewpoint of the modern Romance languages, the GalloRomance idioms contain most words of Old Germanic origin, followed by the Italian dialects and, lastly, the Ibero-Romance languages. However, the number of personal names of Old Germanic origin in Spanish and in Portuguese is considerable (cf., for instance, Tagliavini Orig Lingu Neolat 1969, p. 305). In Rumanian, as shown above, there are no Old Germanic elements (not even personal names). In the Balkan peninsula, the role of the Old Germanic peoples was of a very limited importance (cf. above, p. 16). In contrast, large areas north of the lower Danube were during the 4th to the 7th centuries inhabited and dominated by Old Germanic peoples (Goths and Gepidae). Assuming with Rumanian archaeologists that they were living together, in the same settlements, with Daco-Romans, i.e., the ancestors of the Rumanians (Mugeni, Lechin_a de Mure_, etc.), one would expect to find Old Germanic elements in the Rumanian language. The number of these would not necessarily be as high as it is in the western Romance languages, but the total absence of this influence is very difficult to reconcile with the idea of a symbiosis lasting several centuries. One may assume, as was usually done earlier, that the Daco-Romans fled to the mountains and did not have contacts with the Germanic peoples, who lived in villages in the valleys. But a shepherd population is not entirely independent from peasant groups; and the Vlach shepherds proved, both by their Romanization as well as by their borrowing of a tremendous amount of Slavic elements, contact with surrounding populations. However, there are the Basques living in the Pyrenean mountains whose ancestors were once subdued by Old Germanic peoples and their language lacks, in spite of this, any Old Germanic influence. The absence of Old Germanic elements in Rumanian may thus be considered an argument ex silentio, and as such, not decisive in itself, although by no means without significance.

4. PLACENAMES AND GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES In chapter III, p. 191–193, a number of hypotheses were presented concerning the placenames and names of rivers in present day Rumania. a) The hypothesis of ancient placenames preserved to our days Poghirc assumed about five placenames recorded in ancient texts that they may exist even today, because their names are similar and the geographical situation of these settlements is the same as assumed for the settlements mentioned in ancient texts. These are Drencova, Hîrsova, Mehadia, Oltina, and B_roi.



Drencova, in the Banat, is believed to continue Dric(c)a, mentioned by Iordanes. It may be a non-identified tributary of the Danube. Another river, a tributary of the Tisza, is ∆ρεγκων or ∆ρηκων. There are several places with this and similar names in Rumania. Iordan mentions the following: Dranov, Dranovatul, Drânceni, Drâncova or Drencova (in the Banat), Drencea (in the region of Ia_i), Drincea, and Drinova.489 It is of course not probable that all these names would derive from ancient Dric(c)a or ∆ρεγκων. Iordan derives these names from Slavic dren ´cornel tree (Cornus mascula)´ (Bulgarian dr_n ´id.´ and dr_nov ´of cornel tree´). Many Slovakian, Serbian, and Croatian placenames contain this word. Hîr_ova is assumed to continue ancient Carsium in Dobrogea. Also in this case, there are several villages with similar names: besides that in the region of Constan_a, there is a village with the same name in Vaslui, and in the region of Craiova, there is Cru_ovul. This name exists also in Arumanian: Cru_uva.490 Before the 15th century, Hîr_ova was written in Slavic documents Hrušova or Hruševa. Assuming that Hîr_ova continues ancient Carsium, the c > h change must be explained. Poghirc proposes that an “autochthonous” h was in Latin written c, because h did not exist in Latin in that period. However, all places with this name cannot continue ancient Carsium but are evidently of Slavic origin, from Slavic hruša, kruš(_)ka ´pear tree´. Many placenames all over the territories populated by Slavs derive from this word. Iordan´s conclusion is that Hîr_ova in the region of Constan_a may continue, “indirectly and at least formally” ancient Carsium, but it was modified by Slavic hruš(k)a.491 Mehadia is assumed to derive from Latin Ad Mediam, although not from Latin medius but “probably from an autochthonous *Mehedia, Mehadia, with intervocalic h not recorded by the Romans”.492 This hypothesis cannot be accepted, because, as indicated by the first mentioning in a document (1323: Myhald, Mihald, etc.), this name derives from the Hungarian personal name Mihály, with the suffix -d. 493 489 490 491 492 493

Iordan Nume de locuri 1950, p. 45. Ibid., p. 66. Ibid., p. 67. Poghirc, ILR 1969, p. 360. Suciu, C., Dic_ionar istoric al localit__ilor din Transilvania, 1967, vol. I. p. 389.

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Oltina in Dobrogea is most probably the continuation of ancient Altina, with the Slavic a > o sound change. B_roi, also in Dobrogea, derives probably from ancient Bireo, Beroe. Thus, out of four placenames and a river name for which “a perfect geographical correspondence” is assumed, two are of Slavic and one is of Hungarian origin. The rest, two placenames, most probably continue the ancient name, but the settlements in question (as also Hîr_ova) are situated in Dobrogea, south of the Danube. They belong to the large number of Roman settlements along the southern shore of the Danube whose names were preserved – in a Slavic sound pattern. These Roman towns, although exposed to the ravages of the barbarians, existed until the end of the 6th century and a Latin-speaking population lived there in the period of Slavic colonization. This explains the fact that these, together with a large number of Latin placenames in the Balkan peninsula, were not forgotten. Many Latin names disappeared also in the Balkans, in those cases in which the settlements were abandoned, and occupied by the Slavs after some time had elapsed. To such settlements, the Slavs gave their own names, for example Brani_evo ´the tower of the defender´ for Viminacium (cf. above, p.20). Of course, one should also take into account that changes may have occurred by chance, reducing the number of preserved names in certain areas. However, north of the lower Danube we find not only a reduced number of inherited placenames but a total absence – not a single name of a Roman town or any other kind of settlement was preserved. The most obvious explanation of this is that the Slavs did not find Latin-speaking inhabitants when they migrated to these territories in the 6th–7th centuries. b) The problem of the names of the great rivers in Transylvania It is generally considered that the ancient names of the great rivers were handed down to Rumanian by the Slavs. In the course of time, however, hypotheses were put forward assuming that these names were inherited directly. Poghirc has tried to show that Slavic or Hungarian were not necessary to explain the Rumanian names Mure_, Olt, Some_, Timi_, and Tisa.494 The argument is based on assumed sound changes which would have occurred in “late DacoMoesian” between the 3rd and the 6th centuries: -si- > š and a > o (u). Ancient Marisia and Timisia changed to Mure_ and Timi_, respectively, Samus to Some_ and Alutus to Olt. A difficulty is Tisia, which, according to this hypothesis would have changed to *Ti_. This may be explained, argues Poghirc, 494

C. Poghirc, Dacoromania I 1973, p. 198.



by a different pronunciation by the local population of this name, not corresponding to what was recorded.495


C. Poghirc, ILR 1969, p. 359.

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The basis of this reasoning is very weak and uncertain, which is, in fact, also pointed out by Poghirc: “We emphasize the hypothetical nature of these phonetical transformations, based upon a scanty and uncertain material.”496 One may add that if Dacia Traiana had had a Latin-speaking population in those times, all these names would have been used by this population IN A LATIN FORM and a sound change in “Daco-Moesian” between the 3rd and the 6th centuries would not have affected them. Another hypothesis is that old Rumanian names were TRANSLATED by the Slavs, and in Transylvania by the Hungarians (cf. above, p. 192). There is, however, no proof that this mechanism was instrumental. It is not known whether the name of a tributary of the Bistri_a, Repede, existed before the Slavic population of the area. It might as well have been given by Vlachs who migrated there much later. (´Fast´ is a usual name given to mountain rives and brooks.) It was originally Dr_ganu497 who assumed that from Latin Alutus, Rumanian Alt resulted and this was the name of the river until the Slavs and the Hungarians came to the region and changed it to Olt. The Rumanians then borrowed the Slavic or the Hungarian form: Olt, while the Germans, when they in the 13th century settled in Transylvania, borrowed the old Rumanian form Alt. This is at most a possibility, although very unlikely. It would be justified to formulate such hypotheses in a territory in which most of the geographical names are of Latin or of Rumanian origin. This is, however, not the case here: NOT A SINGLE PLAECNAME OR GEOGRAPHICAL NAME OF PROVED LATIN ORIGIN AND INHERITED DIRECTLY BY RUMANIAN IS FOUND NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE.

Assumptions that merely permit the possibility of such origin are in these circumstances meaningless. For the most probable explanation of the river names cf. below, p. 272– 273. The example presented by Pu_cariu (cf. above, p. 192) of Petra translated by the Slavs into Kamena has no relevance for the territory of former Dacia Traiana. This settlement in Dobrogea belongs, together with B_roi and Oltina, to the Roman settlements along the southern shore of the lower Danube, whose names were preserved (in a Slavic sound pattern) obviously because the Slavs found there a Latin-speaking population. c) The significance of the absence of inherited Latin names One has tried to explain the absence of inherited Latin names north of the lower Danube by assuming that the “Daco-Romans” adopted the names given by the Slavs (cf. above, p. 192). These explanations cannot be accepted. People who migrate to new territories usually borrow the geographical names and the placenames they find there. The numerical circumstances and even the 496 497

Ibid., p. 317, note 1.

Dr_ganu, N., Românii în veacurile IX–XV, p. 537; quoted by Pu_cariu Le rôle de la Transylvanie..., 1938, p. 41.



cultural level of the populations in question have a subordinated role in this process. The decisive circumstance is the existence of a name (of a town, of a river, etc.). Thus, for example, the English borrowed very many names of rivers and streams in America, Africa, and elsewhere. This group of nouns is the most easily transferred element of language. In American English, “the numerous names of Indian origin are almost the only loanwords from that source.”498


Weinreich Lang Cont 1964, p. 57.

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In a series of former Roman provinces, the Latin-speaking population was in the course of time replaced by speakers of other languages. In many of these provinces, placenames of Latin origin are still in use. In England, names ending in –chester, –caster (Manchaster, Lancaster, etc.) continue Latin –castra, the ending –coln (Lincoln, Old English Lindcylne) derives from Latin colonia. In Noricum and in Raetia, the Slavs and the Germans borrowed many Latin placenames and names of rivers and streams from the Latin-speaking population they found there in the 6th–7th centuries. About 200 of these are still in use in the territory of the former Roman provinces: Latin Laureacum > German Lorch, Lentia > Linz, Bataua (Castra) > Passau, Licus > Lech, (Ad) Pontes > Pfunzen, Celeusus > Kelsbach, etc.499 In Pannonia, the situation is varying in the different areas, depending on historical circumstances. In the northeast, the changes of population occurred more abruptly and more often, and, consequently, there are no placenames of Latin origin in that part. In the west, however, there are: Latin Vindobona > German Wien, Poetovio > Ptuj, Siscia > Sisak. The Hungarians found a number of such names when they, at the end of the 9th century, took possession of Pannonia. They borrowed several river names: Latin Arrabo > Hungarian Rába, Mursella > Marcal, Sala > Zala, etc., and Savaria was in use (along Hungarian Szombathely) until the 19th century.500 In the Balkans, the Rumanians have preserved a number of ancient placenames in a sound pattern which shows direct inheritance: S_run_, L_sun, Fl_rina, etc. This indicates that they have lived in (or were in contact with) those areas continually since the Roman times, which implies Roman-Rumanian continuity. North of the lower Danube, several toponyms of Scythian, Sarmatian, Petcheneg, and other origin were transferred to Rumanian – and in Transylvania, to Hungarian – via Slavic. The earliest toponyms borrowed directly by the Rumanians from people living north of the Danube were (1) from the Cumans, in the 12th–13th centuries (cf. below, pp. 280–281), and (2) from Slavic, showing the Bulgarian sound pattern in approximately the same period (cf. below, p. 248). The explanations given (cf. above, pp. 191–192), in themselves more or less valid, can only explain why not ALL Latin toponyms were preserved in the former Roman provinces. They are not sufficient to account for the total absence 499

Kranzmayer, E., “Frühromanische Mundarten zwischen Donau und Adria in deutschen und slawischen Ortsnamen”, Ztschr. f. Namenforschung, XV, 1939, p. 195. 500

Tóth, E., in Köpeczi, B. (ed.), Erdély története I, 1986, p. 105.



of inherited Latin placenames and geographical names in Rumanian spoken north of the Danube. The absence of such names is not compatible with the assumption that Rumanian is the continuation of Latin spoken in Dacia Traiana.501 d) The significance of the sound pattern of the placenames of Slavic origin Rumanian placenames of Slavic origin also give some indication regarding the period in which the Rumanians spread over the territories north of the lower Danube. The sound patterns of these names are relatively recent and it has been assumed that this was caused by an adaptation of the pronunciation:


The conclusion was summarized by E. Petrovici, who stated in 1951 that on the territory of (Northern) Rumanian, the placenames are of non-Romance origin – primarily Slavic, but also Hungarian, Cumanian, and other – which can only be explained by assuming the spread of the Rumanian language in a territory in which mainly Slavic was spoken (cf. above, p. 194.)

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Notons que les Roumains ont pu employer pour ces toponyms, ŕ une époque plus réculée, des formes ŕ un, um, (par ex. *Dumbova, *Glumboaca, etc.). Mais, ŕ mesure que changeait la prononciation de o,_ dans la bouche des Slaves, la prononciation de ces toponyms dans la bouche des Roumains s´adaptait ŕ celle des Slaves.502 A similar hypothesis was put forward to explain the more recent sound pattern of most Northern Rumanian words of Slavic origin as compared to the Slavic loanwords in Albanian and in Greek: In the Danubian provinces, the Slavic elements who immigrated during the first period were constantly renewed by additional Slavic elements, in this way, the pronunciation of the words was during the whole time adapted to the actual pronunciation.503 This argument is erroneous. There are several Rumanian words of South Slavic origin with an older sound pattern: m_gur_, _chiau, scump, munc_, dalt_, etc. (cf. above, p. 98–99). These words were borrowed early, probably before the 9th–10th centuries, and were not “adapted to the actual pronunciation” (in Slavic). Words borrowed from a foreign language usually develop according to the rules of the borrowing language, not those of the original one. This is true, of course, also regarding placenames and geographical names, which, moreover, are among the most resistant elements of any language. This fact gives them their great significance in historical research. All the placenames and geographical names north of the Danube borrowed by Rumanian from Slavic are of a much later sound pattern (of the 11th–12th centuries and later) than the above-mentioned words (from the period before the 9th–10th centuries). Since it is known that Slavs were living in the territory also earlier (in the 7th–10th centuries), this circumstance confirms the conclusion above, that Rumanians did not live north of the Danube in those centuries. e) The theory of the flight to the mountains and the absence of geographical names of Latin origin The above conclusion applies to all areas north of the lower Danube. However, with regard to the hypothesis that the “Daco-Romans” were, during a certain period, living in far away valleys and high mountains, the situation in 502 503

Petrovici, E., Studii de dialectologie _i toponimie, 1970, pp. 197–198. Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 265.



these areas should be analysed separately. If the ancestors of the Rumanians had been living, in the period of Slavic colonization, in the region of the high mountains, we may assume that they could possibly have forgotten the names of the towns.504 They would have preserved, however, at least some names of villages and names of rivers and streams in the territory in which they were living (allegedly the Transylvanian Alps [Mun_ii Apuseni] and the southern Carpathians). The rivers Arie_, Ampoi, Some_ as well as Cerna, Sebe_, Dâmbovi_a, flow in this region. The upper course of the Sebe_, a tributary to the Mure_, situated in the area of mountains about 2000 m high, is in the heart of this region; it is called Bistra, a name borrowed from Slavic. Also Târnava (Mare and Mic_), Mure_, and Olt should be known by a population living in those mountains. However, not a single of these names was by Rumanian inherited from Latin. As shown below, pp. 271–273, they are either ancient names, or names of Slavic or of Hungarian origin, and ALL WERE BORROWED BY THE RUMANIANS FROM ONE OF THESE TWO LANGUAGES. The situation in the mountainous region south of Or__tie (Hung. Szászváros) has been investigated by Mircea Homorodean.505 This author tried to find ancient Dacian names in the region around Sarmizegetusa, once the centre of the Dacian state. The result was negative: not a single geographical name or placename of Dacian or of Latin origin was found.506 (It may be added that, along with 504

Although, as mentioned above, p. 247, in the Balkan peninsula, there are Rumanian names of settlements whose sound pattern indicates inheritance of an ancient name, thus, for example Rum. S_run_ continues the name of the town Saloniki (Salona). 505 506

Homorodean. M., Vechea vatr_ a Sarmizegetusei în lumina toponimiei, 1980. Homorodean Vechea vatr_ 1980, p. 51 and 78. “In the absence of conclusive

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Rumanian names, a considerable amount of Hungarian and also German [Transylvanian Saxon] names were found in the area.)

5. THE TESTIMONY OF THE RUMANIAN DIALECTS The idea of the development of Rumanian north of the Danube is not compatible with the Rumanian dialects. If the ancestors of the Rumanians lived, during the 4th–6th centuries both south and north of the lower Danube, there would be at least some dialectal differentiation in their language between the territories south and north of the river, as a consequence of the Roman limes; even if one would assume more significant contact across this frontier. Such differences in Latin have been caused by the division of the Roman Empire into two halves at the end of the 4th century, and the frontier between the two halves was much less of an obstacle of contact between peoples than was the Danubian limes. The dialectal division of Rumanian (presented above, pp. 119–123) shows, however, no traces of a division caused by the Roman limes. It goes, instead, between Arumanian with Meglenitic in the southern parts of the Balkans on the one hand, and Northern Rumanian with Istro-Rumanian on the other. These two dialects are spoken in Istria, in the Timok valley, and were spoken during the Middle Ages in a large area between Skopje and Prizren up to Niš and Sofia, and also to the west of this territory (cf. above, pp. 26–33 and map No 3). Northern Rumanian is now spoken mostly north of the lower Danube, where it is the mother tongue of about 20 million people. However, in spite of this, and in spite of the large territory in which its speakers are living, this idiom shows a remarkably weak dialactal differentiation (cf. above, pp. 124–131). Most relevant in this context would be the situation in ancient periods. Unfortunately, data are extant only from the 15th century on. The opinions concerning the dialectal differentiation of the texts written in the 16th century differ. Some authors assume more phonetic differences as compared to the present situation, others, considering mainly the lexical elements, deny the existence of subdialects in that period:

historical and particularly linguistic evidence, we were not able to find any toponym from the antique era (in the first place, Dacian) in the region of the former capital of Dacia, Sarmizegetusa.”



The linguistic phenomena on which this [the division of the subdialects] is based are not old. The words which give to the maps of vocabulary such a varied picture are relatively recent borrowings of the Rumanian language, words of German (...), Hungarian (...), Serbian (...), (arghel_ ´heghelie´), Bulgarian (a ciupi) origin... It is, consequently, probable that the present day subdialects did not exist before the 15th century.507 The phonetic differences are assumed to have been more pronounced earlier among others by Rosetti508 but it appears from the entire presentation that they were not very great. The low differentiation of Northern Rumanian is thus generally acknowledged. It has been explained by the assumption of lively contact between the population of the different regions, caused by the shepherd way of life: The dialectal groupings which we have established are warranted by the contacts between the social groups of northern Transylvania – Maramure_ and Moldavia or southern Transylvania and _ara Româneasc_ as well as by the emigration of the population from Transylvania to the adjacent provinces.509 In the majority of cases, the south of Transylvania is grouped together with Oltenia and Muntenia, while the northeast of this historic province belongs to a common area with Moldavia. This distribution is a consequence of the permanent connections which existed during the centuries among Rumanians living on both sides of the Carpathian mountains.510


Petrovici, E., “Reparti_ia graiurilor dacoromâne pe baza Atlasului lingvistic român”, in Limba român_, III, 5, p. 16; quoted by Mih_il_ Studii 1973, p. 53. 508 509 510

Rosetti ILR 1986 p. 540. Ibid. Cazacu Studii 1966, p. 169.

E: The Rumanian language


Similar connections must have existed, for example, also between the early Albanians – a typically shepherd population – and in spite of this, their language developed, on a much smaller territory than present day Rumania, two distinct dialects (Tosc and Gheg). The Rhetoromance language has a number of dialects. Bulgarian developed marked dialectal differences since its speakers settled, in the 7th century, in the northeast of the Balkans. Intensive contacts are therefore scarcely sufficient to explain the low dialectal differentiation of Northern Rumanian. If speakers of a certain dialect emigrate to new territories where they find favourable living conditions, their number may rapidly increase so as they spread over large territories. An example from modern times is the populating of the western regions of the United States. In such cases time may not be sufficient for the development of significant dialectal differences, which results in a large area inhabited by speakers of a relatively homogenous language. This mechanism was descibed by J.M. Anderson as follows: Observations of the present situation between dialects and geography, however, suggest that if we have a large area only a small part of which is broken up into marked dialect differentiation, the large homogenous area has only recently been settled. For examples one can compare the recently settled and linguistically homogenous western United States with the east coast of the United States (a smaller area with numerous dialects) or the United States and England. In both cases the more recently settled area shows less dialectal differentiation. Deductions based upon these observations may be applied to other linguistic groups such as Eskimo; this inferentially helps to substantiate the notion that the Eskimos settled recently in the north, as their language is fairly uniform from Alaska to Greenland.511 These observations may be applied to Northern Rumanian, independently corroborating the conclusion of emigration to the territories north of the lower Danube by groups of Vlachs relatively recently (i.e., starting in the 11th century.) It is hardly possible that a population living in such a large territory as Rumania from the 3rd century AD to the 15th (and the 20th) century i.e., for 1200–1700 years as assumed by the theory of continuity, should not have developed any significant dialectal differences in their language. The absence of a Transylvanian subdialect in Rumanian 511

Anderson, J.M., Structural Aspects of Language Change, 1973, p. 82.



Pu_cariu tried to explain this mainly by the following circumstances: (1) The Vlach shepherds followed the ways of transhumance (les voies de transhumance) from Transylvania across the Carpathain mountains to adjacent plains: the Banat, the Valachain plain, and Moldavia. (2) In Transylvania proper, there were no Rumanian political, cultural, or religious centres around which the Rumanian inhabitants of this province could have aggreagated. The Hungarian and the Saxon towns were for them only market places, administrative and jurisdictional centres. Pu_ariu affirmed also that “Les cartes de l´Atlas linguistiques nous permettront d´étudier l´expansion des Roumains de Transylvanie dans toutes les directions.”512 According to this, the Moldavian and the Muntenian sub-dialects would be the continuation of the Transylvanian sub-dialects. This, however, is an interpretation of the information provided by the maps. The maps show only that there is no Transylvanian sub-dialect. Instead, Rumanian spoken in the south of Transylvania is essentially the idiom spoken in adjacent Muntenia and Oltenia, and in the northeast, that of Moldavia. This suggests an opposite direction as compared to that suggested by Pu_cariu. Speakers of Rumanian living in Moldavia migrated in the first place to northeastern Transylvania, and those from Muntenia, to southern Transylvania. The main criteria of a Transylvanian dialect transferred to Moldavia and Muntenia by emigrants would be (1) a number of specific traits only found in Transylvania (because even assuming large-scale migrations, it is unlikely that ALL features of a dialect specific to a certain territory would be transferred to other areas) and (2) the presence of at least a number of specific Transylvanian features in both Moldavia and Muntenia. There are also specific lexical elements whose distribution in Rumania indicates transfer from the extra-Carpathian territories to Transylvania. Thus, for example, the speakers of Rumanian in the Banat, most of the Mun_ii Apuseni, Cri_ana, and the region of Satu Mare use the inherited Latin word nea (Latin nevis) ´snow´. In the northeast of Transylvania, om_t is used, as also in Moldavia, a loanword from Ukrainian. In Muntenia and Oltenia, z_pad_, (of Slavic origin) is said, and this is the case also in adjacent areas of southern Transylvania.513 Another word of Turkish origin and transferred to Rumanian spoken in Muntenia and Oltenia via Bulgarian is cioban ´chief shepherd´. In that territory, as well as in Moldavia, crude oil, p_cur_, was extracted and those who sold this product were called p_curar. A homonymic clash occurred between this and p_curar ´chief shepherd´, from Latin pecorarius, which therefore was replaced by cioban. This word penetrated to parts of southern Transylvania (while other areas 512

Pu_cariu, S., “Le rôle de la Transylvanie dans la formation et l´évolution de la langue roumaine”, La Transylvanie, 1938, p. 67. 513

Cazacu Studii 1966, p. 162, map No. 10.

325 in that province preserved p_curar).514 The same map by Cazacu shows that mocan ´shepherd; simple, uncultivated man´ is used in an area in southeastern Moldavia. In roughly the same region, there are many placenames based on ungurean ´people from Hungary´ or ´Rumanian from Transylvania´, which indicates that people from Transylvania did migrate to the territories beyond the Carpathians.


Ibid., p. 164, map No 12.



Thus, there is linguistic evidence for migrations of speakers of Rumanian both to and from Transylvania. However, the overwhelming majority of lexical elements specific to Moldavia are found in adjacent areas of Transylvania, and the same is the case with Muntenia. In the absence of a specific Transylvanian Rumanian (sub)dialect, this can only indicate that northeastern Transylvania was populated mainly by Rumanians coming from Moldavia and southern Transylvania received its Rumanian population mainly from adjacent Muntenia and Oltenia. This is of course incompatible with the thought of Transylvania as an ancient Rumanian province, in which Latin and later Rumanian was spoken continually since the time of Emperor Trajan. It indicates, on the contrary, that this province was the last to be populated by Rumanians.515 515

Some doubt regarding the assumption of migrations from Transylvania as the explanation of the dialectal situation of Rumania is expressed by Coteanu & D_n_il_: “Beyond doubt, a close connection may be established between the Moldavian dialect and the linguistic situation in Transylvania, in the sense that the Moldavian dialect, particularly its northern part, seems to be a continuation of certain Transylvanian sub-dialects [graiuri]. Less certain is, however, the possibility that the same would have happened in southern Muntenia. (Introducere în lingvistica _i filologia româneasc_.. Probleme – biografie, 1970, p. 244, note 2, referring to the article by Pu_cariu, quoted above; emphasis added.) — It should be remembered that in significant parts of Transylvania, the population is not Rumanian but Hungarian (e.g., a large Szekler area in the southeast) or Transylvanian Saxon, and such areas were more extended in the past (cf. tables 3 and 4, above, p. 123–124). In many territories with a mixed population, the Rumanians are newcomers. Historical documents, the placenames, and many other circumstances attest to this. Thus, Rumanian Orthodox churches were started being built about two centuries after the Hungarian Catholic churches. At least five Catholic churches were built in Transylvania in the 11th and the 12th centuries, and another six in the 13th. The first Rumanian church in Transylvania, at Demsu_ in the south, was built at the end of the 13th century; and most of these churches were built much later (cf. Á. Kosztin, A dákoromán legenda. Keresztény kultuszhelyek Erdélyben.) For a more detailed presentation of the population of Transylvania, see Illyés, Ethnic

E: The Rumanian language


Chapter V

CONCLUSIONS Of the linguistic arguments put forward in favour of the development of Rumanian north of the lower Danube, that of the “core regions” is the most important. It is evidently false and is now refuted by authoritative Rumanian linguists. As has also been shown above, the same is the case with other arguments based on elements of the Rumanian language. The absence of any Old Germanic influence in Rumanian makes the theory of continuity less probable, to say the least. The South Slavic influence, in the case of Northern Rumanian, strongest during the 11th–early 13th centuries, cannot have been exerted in the territory of present day Rumania. In contrast to the Balkan peninsula and other former Roman provinces, not a single Roman placename has been preserved north of the lower Danube. The ancient names of the great rivers are continued, but were transferred to Rumanian via Slavic or Hungarian. But if the territory north of the Danube was not included in the early territories of the Vlachs, where did they live during most of the Middle Ages? In the following, the elements of the Rumanian language will be summarized which, considered in the context of history, testify to the region in which the ancestors of the Rumanians lived. 1. The Late Latin developments, Balkan Latin, and concordances with Italian dialects As shown above, in chapter II, the Rumanian language contains vestiges of the Late Latin changes, as well as the characteristic features of Balkan Latin (approximately the 4th–7th centuries AD). There are concordances with a number of Italian dialects, which testify to close, everyday contacts with the Latin-speaking population of the Italian peninsula during the early Middle Ages. In this period, the northeastern frontier (limes) of the Empire was the lower Danube. The limes was defended and strongly supervised by the Roman army. Later, in the 5th and 6th centuries, the Byzantine Empire defended the frontiers against recurrent attacks from the barbarian populations. During all this time, no

Continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian Area, 2nd edition, 1992, chapter IV, pp. 291–336.



everyday contact was possible across the Danube. Therefore, after the end of the 3rd century, the language of a Latin-speaking population north of the river could not have developed in the same way as did Rumanian. Consequently, in the period of Late Latin, the ancestors of the Rumanians were living in the Roman Empire, i.e., in the Balkan peninsula and in close contact with Italy. 2. The correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian Also concerning this problem, the opinions of Rumanian historians and linguists are different. Historians speak about “a few words” shared by Rumanian and Albanian, (IR 1960, cf. above, p. 185) and affirm that these derive from an “ancient Indo-European, Carpatho-Balkanic word stock”. The opinion of Rosetti (above, p. 186) is more cautious: “the ancestors of the Albanians were neighbours of our ancestors”. That it is not the question of only “a few words” appears from any treatise on the history of the Rumanian language, not least from that of Rosetti. The question is then: what is the relation of Rumanian and of Albanian to the ancient language from which these correspondences derive? And: Where did the speakers of this language live? The languages spoken in antiquity in southeastern Europe and particularly in the Balkan peninsula are little known. Before discussing them, it must be stated that the assumption of a “Carpatho-Balkanic word stock” implies that the same language was spoken from Macedonia through parts of present day Serbia and Bulgaria and farther away towards the north, as far as Transylvania and Moldavia.516 For a long period of time, the hypothesis that the ancient populations of the Balkan peninsula north of Greece spoke Thracian (in the eastern half) and Illyrian (in the west) was generally accepted ..“si bien que nous employons souvent le terme ´thraco-illyrien´”517 as stated by V. Georgiev. This view was made possible by the paucity of information from these languages, which disappeared more than a thousand years ago. The Greek authors did not give obejctive and exhaustive information about the barbarian peoples. They wrote not only about Thracian and Illyrian as if these woud have been uniform languages, but affirmed, for example, that the Dacians and the Phrygians were Thracian tribes and spoke the Thracian language. Similarly erroneous was the assertion made by Tyrannion de Amisos and Varro that Latin was an Aeolian dialect of Greek. Modern science has shown that in primitive societies without any higher political organization, large areas do not contain one uniform language. Instead, 516

Given the correspondences between Rumanian and Albanian, with elements of morphology concerning even details and lexical elements which are often identic, it is not sufficient to assume only related languages. 517

p. 14.

V. Georgiev, “La thracologie: état actuel”, Études balkaniques, 3, 1972, (Sofia),

V: Conclusions


there is a diversity of idioms, often showing considerable differences even within relatively small areas. As formulated by Georgiev, regarding the situation in the period in question in southeastern Europe: Il est peu vraisemblable, qu´il ait eu une langue commune dans une région aussi vaste fortement entrecoupé de grandes montagnes et dans une societé primitive alors que les rapports économiques entre les differentes tribus etaient insignifiants et qu´un État commun n´existait pas.518 According to this principle, the differentiation of languages spoken in the Balkans in the period in question must have been even greater than it is today. But there is also some concrete, albeit limited evidence for a considerable differentiation. That Thracian and Dacian were different is indicated by the placenames and personal names preserved. The placenames and personal names from Thracia, i.e., from the eastern half of the Balkan peninsula, are completely different from those recorded from Dacia, north of the lower Danube. In Thracia, there are about 50 placenames ending in –para (Bendipara, Bessapara, Skaptopara, etc.), about 20 ending in –bria (Mesembria, Poltymbria, Skelabrie, etc.) and 10 which end in –diza or –dizos (Beodizos, Orudiza, Tarpadizos, etc.). None of these endings is known north of the Danube. There are also certain lexical differences: ´town´ in Thracian: bria, in Dacian: dava. A consonant change (Lautverschiebung) occurred in Thracian but not in Dacian.





The ending –dava, –deva, mostly known from ancient placenames in Dacia, occurs also in the northern part of Moesia Inferior. According to Georgiev, out of a total of 47 (or 45) such names known at present, 9 (or 10) were found in northern Bulgaria and in Dobrogea, and 7 (or 8) in the region of Niš, Kjustendil, and Sofia519. On this basis, the term “Daco-Moesian language” was created, as stated, for instance, by Poghirc: “We call the language of the population in this territory Daco-Moesian or, for the sake of conciseness, Dacian.” (ILR 1969, p. 313, note 6). This is, however, an hypothesis based on a questionable basis, which is also mentioned by Poghirc: “We emphasize the hypothetical character of these phonetical transformations based upon a scanty and uncertain material” (ILR 1969, p. 317, note 1). The underlying assumption, that before the Roman period, essentially the same language was spoken from northern Bulgaria to Transylvania, is particularly difficult to accept if one considers that Dacian and Getian were also different: The affirmation of Strabo that the Dacians talked the same language as the Getae (VII, 3, 10), and that the language of the Getae was the same as that of the Thracians (VII, 3, 13), is of no greater value than the assertion made by Italian travellers in the Rumanian countries [__rile Române] in the 16th century that Rumanian was a dialect of Italian.520 The material extant is not sufficient to permit more detailed description of the linguistic situation in question, but it is most probable that the terms Thracian, Illyrian, and also Dacian, and Getian, give us only rough information. There were certainly languages totally unknown by the Greek authors or, in any case, about which no record has been preserved. This is suggested by the fact that not a single Rumanian word assumed to derive from the substratum of the language appears among the lexical elements preserved in Greek and Latin texts (cf. above, p. 55). Because of the scarcity of data, there is no absolute proof; the number of words, including placenames preserved from Thracian and Illyrian is small. But it is very probable that records on the ancient Balkan language, Proto-Albanian, which is the substratum of Rumanian, were either lost or never made, or that this language was simply not known by the Greek and Roman authors, since it was spoken by a population of shepherds living in the mountains in small villages with little interest for the chroniclers.


Georgiev, V., “Raporturile dintre limbile dac_, trac_ _i frigian_”, Studii clasice, 1960, pp. 39–57. 520

C. Poghirc, ILR 1969, p. 318, note 2.

V: Conclusions


3. The territory of the ancient Albanians The Albanians, an ancient population of shepherds of the Balkan peninsula, lived in the region of Mati and adjacent areas, Dukagjin and Merdita, as well as in parts of Dardania and old Serbia before the Roman colonization in the Balkans and to a large extent also after (cf. above, pp. 17–18). Thus, the fact that the substratum of the Rumanian language was Proto-Albanian indicates that the ancestors of the Rumanians essentially lived in the same region, mainly south of Niš (the northernmost area of the Albanians). The many correspondences between Albanian and Rumanian also regarding the Latin elements (cf. above, pp. 56, 60–63) indicate that the two populations lived together during many centuries of Roman domination. The territory they occupied in these centuries must have been adjacent to the territory where Greek was spoken. Considering the territory of the Albanians and that of the Greeks, the Vlachs must have been living in this period in parts of Macedonia, in the region of present day Prizren and Skopje, and towards the north possibly as far as the region of Niš (Naissus). 4. The significance of the Balkan Linguistic Union Before their Romanization, the ancestors of the Vlachs spoke the same language as the Proto-Albanians, and the two populations lived together during many centuries of Roman domination in the Balkan peninsula. The most important difference between them was that while the Vlachs were entirely Latinized, the Albanians kept their language, although strongly influenced by Latin. Both populations were for centuries exposed to a strong Greek influence and, after the Slavic migrations to the Balkans in the 6th–7th centuries, the Vlachs lived in very close contact also with the Slavs. These circumstances resulted in an impact on the language of the Vlachs which is still discernible today, perhaps nine centuries after these close contacts ceased. Among the Balkan languages, two groups may be distinguished (cf. above, p. 86): there is a CORE AREA, with languages that show most of the typical Balkan features (Balkan languages of the first grade) and another, Randzone, (Balkan languages of the second grade). Bulgarian belongs to those of the first grade, and, within this idiom, the Macedonian dialects are most “typical”. Thus, the core area was Macedonia, adjacent to the territories of speakers of Greek as well as of Albanian, both Balkan languages of the first grade. Dalmatian, once spoken in the northwest of the Balkan peninsula, is not considered to belong to the Balkan Linguistic Union. One would believe that Serbian belongs to the most typical Balkan languages. Its speakers came to the Balkan peninsula in the same era as the ancestors of the Bulgarians, in the 6th century AD, and have been living there since that time, for about one and a half millennium. In spite of these facts, Serbian, spoken north of Macedonia, shows the features of the Randzone,



it is a Balkan language of the second grade. Regarding Rumanian, the situation in the first millennium AD must have been very different from that of today. Considering the present situation, one would not assume many Balkan features in Northern Rumanian. But this would be the case also given the theory that Rumanian was formed “on a large territory, both north and south of the Danube,” – one would, in any case, expect fewer Balkanisms in Rumanian than in Serbian. Moreover, there should be regional differences in the number of typical Balkanisms, for example, such as found in Bulgarian, with most of the Balkanisms in the Macedonian dialects and less towards the northeast. The corresponding situation in Northern Rumanian would be that the southern dialects show more or less pronounced Balkanisms, while Rumanian spoken farther to the north and the northeast, particularly north of the Danube, would contain fewer, if any, of such elements. Such is not the case, however. Instead, in its entire present-day territory from the Timok valley in the south-west to Moldavia in the north-east, Northern Rumanian is uniform regarding its Balkan traits. Moreover, the RUMANIAN LANGUAGE BELONGS TO THE BALKAN LANGUAGES OF THE FIRST GRADE, TO THOSE IN THE CORE AREA, MACEDONIA. IT WAS CONSEQUENTLY FORMED IN (PARTS OF) MACEDONIA AND ADJACENT AREAS, in close contact with the speakers of

Albanian, Greek, and Bulgarian. How exact their areas can be traced is a question for future resarch. The ancient Vlachs were a mobile population, and the picture of their territories as shown by the numerous Northen Rumanian placenames and geographical names preserved in the Serbian and Bulgarian toponymy (cf. above, pp. 29–33) in the central and northern parts of the Balkan peninsula is the result of early migrations.

Chapter VI

THE POPULATIONS NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE IN THE 4-th TO THE 13-th CENTURIES 1. THE DACIANS, CARPS, SARMATIANS, GOTHS, HUNS, GEPIDAE, AND AVARS a) The free Dacians and the Carps In the 3rd century, i.e., in the time of Roman Dacia, Carps inhabited the

V: Conclusions


territory of what today is Moldavia; free Dacians lived north and northwest of Transylvania, in parts of the Banat and Muntenia. The material culture of the Carps is mainly known from the cemeteries of the type Poiene_ti, after the name of a village in the region of Vaslui. Cemeteries of this type were also found at Vârti_coi, near Foc_ani, as well as in the surroundings of Roman, Bac_u, etc. Isolated finds were reported from the entire Moldavia, which is said to indicate that this culture was widespread and that the Carps were numerous.521 The predominant rite in these cemeteries is cremation. There are urns made by hand and decorated by alveolar streaks in relief, of a form characteristic of the Geto-Dacian tradition. This culture shows very powerful influences also from the Romans and particularly from the Sarmatians. The Roman influence is most noticeable in the pottery, in which new types of vases appear (e.g. amphorae), and superior techniques are used (a clay of better quality, more uniform burning, etc.). The Sarmatian influence is more intense: new forms of pottery pieces appear (e.g., vases with characteristic Alanian features), as well as new kinds of jewels (a large number of pearls made of corals from the region of the Persian Gulf). There is also a metal mirror, made after the model of Greek mirrors, highly characteristic of the Alanian remains. In some places also the funeral rites changed.


IR 1960, p. 638.

The Carps probably lived in tribal unions. Their main trade was agriculture and animal breeding. Many Roman coins as well as products from the Empire from the 3rd century were discovered in Moldavia, indicating that the Carps had economic contacts with the Romans.522 In the mid-third century, the Carps made several incursions into the Roman Empire. Ten hoards of coins from this period were found in Transylvania and in Oltenia, suggesting invasions. In connection with these incursions, the Romans left the limes Transalutanus (245 AD). Archaeological finds show that the area between the limes and the Olt as well as eastern Transylvania were, in the midthird century, populated by free Dacians and Carps.523 In the years 295–297, the Carps were defeated by the Roman army and, according to Roman historians, the whole nation was settled within the frontiers of the Empire. There are, however, records on Carps from the mid-fourth century: during the period of Constantine the Great, Carps were recorded to have attacked the East Roman Empire and according to Zosimos (IV, 34, 6; in Fontes II, p. 312): Theodosius repulsed the Scirs and the Carpodacians who were mixed with the Huns, and conquering them in a battle, forced them to cross the Danube and return to their places. Most of the territories of the Carps were, towards the end of the 3rd century, occupied by the Goths, and no traces of the Poiene_ti culture were found from the 4th century.

522 523

Ibid., p. 639. Protase PCD 1966, p. 139; cf. above, table 9, p. 170.

Sarmatians, Goths Vestiges of free Dacians who migrated to the former province were found in southern Oltenia, and at Cip_u (Hung. Csapó), “punctul Gârla”, in Transylvania. A cemetery of cremation dated to the second half of the 3rd century discovered there probably belonged to the western Dacians, as judged by the funeral rite and the urns. Some elements of this material culture were powerfully influenced by the Sarmatian Iazyges. The last mention of Dacians is from the 4th century, and their language disappeared probably in the 6th-7th centuries.524 b) The Sarmatians The Sarmatians belonged to the western Iranian populations. In the 5th century BC, they lived east of the river Don and their western neighbours were the Scythians. They started to migrate westwards probably during the 3rd century BC. They were nomadic shepherds and equestrian warriors living on the steppes. West of the Dniester, they came into contact with the Geto-Dacian populations whose history will be influenced, for several centuries to come, by the complex and varying contacts with the newcomers. The Sarmatians infiltrated and settled in certain regions of the Carpatho–Danubian area of the Geto-Dacian tribes.525 The Roman poet Ovide, living in exile in Tomis (present day Constan_a) in the years 9 to 17 AD, mentioned Sarmatians crossing the Danube in a southern direction. Tacitus (Annales, XII, 29 and 30) reported them living in the first century AD between the Danube and the Tisza. Their presence in present day Cri_ana and the western parts of the Banat is proved by archaeological finds which date from the 2nd and 3rd centuries. The earliest find is from about 100 AD, left by the Sarmatian Iazyges. After the retreat of the Romans, they occupied also the central parts of the Banat. In 332, they were attacked by the Goths, but received help from Constantine the Great, who defeated the Goths. In the course of this war, the ruling class, called Sarmati Argaragantes, gave arms to their slaves (the Sarmati Limigantes). These then revolted against their outnumbered ruling class and finally succeeded in driving them out of the country.526 The Roxolani, another group of Sarmatian peoples, populated Moldavia and Muntenia starting with the first decades of the 2nd century AD. Towards the end of the 2nd century and during the first half of the 3rd, they were living in these areas in considerable numbers. They disappeared at the end of the third century, probably migrating to the present day Hungarian plain. A small number of 524 525 526

Pippidi Dict ist veche 1976, p. 218. IR 1960, pp. 671–672. Ammianus Marcellianus, XVII, 12, 19; cf. Pippidi Dict ist veche 1976, p. 522.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Roaxolani tombs were found also in the Banat and in Cri_ana. The Alani, the last wave of the Sarmatian peoples in southeastern Europe, started to migrate westwards of the Don in the first half of the 3rd century AD and reached the territories of the present day Republic of Moldavia and the province of Moldavia (Rum. Moldova) in Rumania, as well as Muntenia during the second half of that century. In Transylvania and in Oltenia no remains of the Sarmatians were found. In other areas of present day Rumania, they are numerous: Sarmatian tombs were discovered at 134 different sites.527 The funeral rite was inhumation. The tombs contain remains of men, women and children. In the tombs of women, jewels were often laid down and in those of children, bells of bronze. Of weapons, there are short swords and daggers. Their pottery, besides typically Sarmatian forms, contain also pieces of the Dacian and of the provincial Roman style. Very characteristic of these tombs is the circular or fronto-occipital deformation of the cranium by a bandage applied in childhood. This was regarded a sign of beauty and distinction. This rite was not practized by the Iazyges. The cultural influence of the Sarmatian peoples on what is considered the material culture of the Dacians and the Carps was quite powerful. The two populations intermingled to such a high extent that sometimes “objects specific only of the Carps or only of the Sarmatians become cultural assets shared by both peoples.”528 The Sarmatians left a considerable number of placenames, handed down to the Rumanians by Slavs. One group of these peoples, the Alanians, still live in the Caucasus; the present day Osset-s. c) The Goths The Goths belonged to the eastern branch of the Old Germanic populations. They migrated from the area around the estuary of the Vistula in a southern and southeastern direction; from the second half of the second century AD, they were living north and east of Dacia Traiana. The first battle between the Goths and the Roman army took place during the reign of Emperor Caracalla, probably in 213–214 AD, and was followed by many attacks led by the Goths during the 3rd century. From the end of that century, the Goths were divided into two branches: Ostrogoths and Visigoths (eastern and western Goths, respectively). The Visigoths migrated in large numbers into the areas west of the Pruth and their material remains, from the end of the third and from the 4th century were found in Moldavia, Muntenia, Oltenia, and Transylvania. The occupation of these territories by the Goths created a new 527 528

Pippidi Dict ist veche 1976, p. 520. Ibid., p. 522.

Sarmatians, Goths ethnic configuration. The settlements and the cemeteries of the type Poiene_ti in Moldavia, attributed to the Carps, as well as those of the type Bucure_ti-Militari in Muntenia were abandoned at the end of the 3rd century. The country was populated and dominated by the Goths and was, accordingly, called Gothia. In southwestern Russia, the material culture left by the Goths is known as the Cerneachov-culture, after a cemetery at the river Dnieper. In Rumania, it is named, after a cemetery in the valley of the Mure_, Sântana de Mure_ culture. It covers a large territory, from the Dnieper to central Transylvania and from the region of the rivers Pripet and Bug to the lower Danube. This territory was dominated by the Goths. A large number of settlements and cemeteries left by the Goths were discovered and studied after the second World War. In Moldavia, 150 settlements are known and in Muntenia, 100.529 They are also numerous in the regions of the upper Olt, the Târnava Mare and Târnava Mic_ (Hung. Nagyküküll_ and Kisküküll_) and the Mure_, in Transylvania. The settlements were often built on the sun-lit shores of the rivers and were not fortified. About 1500 tombs of the type Cerneachov-Sântana de Mure_ are known. In the vicinity of the village Sântana de Mure_ (Hung. Marosszentanna), 74 were excavated. The predominant funeral rite was inhumation, and the tombs were arranged in a north-south direction. Such tombs are attributed to the Goths and the Sarmatians, while those of cremation (the type found at Târg_or–Olteni) probably belonged to the Taifals. In certain places, also earthenware of the Dacian style was found (in the tombs of the type Târg_or–Gher_seni).530 No weapons were put in the tombs but often food, for example, eggs. Most of what remained from this culture is earthenware. Very characteristic are the complex reverberating kilns in which earthenware of high quality, both red and grey, was produced. The wheel driven by foot was used in the making of pottery pieces. As shown by finds of coulters and sickles, the inhabitants also pursued agriculture and the raising of animals, as well as handicraft. In the territory of Rumania, this culture ended at the end of the 4th century, when the Huns conquered large parts of eastern Europe. d) The Huns In the 3rd century BC, the Huns lived in parts of northern China, in the present day provinces Sansi, Sensi, and Hopei. After having been attacked by the Chinese, they migrated westwards and were living for a long period of time in the region of the Volga. In 375 AD, they attacked the Goths in Moldavia and Muntenia and occupied in a short time all the territory formerly dominated by the 529 530

Pippidi Dict Ist Veche 1976, p. 542. Ibid., p. 543.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Goths. The Huns are recorded 531 to have been living in Dacia and in Pannonia, together with other populations subjugated by them. Thus, Iordanes wrote in Getica, 226: ...“the provinces of Dacia and Pannonia, in which in that period the Huns lived with several subjugated populations.”532 There is a record of their mixing with the Carps (Zosimos, cf. above, p. 259). Archaeological finds of Hunnish material remains (jewels, kettles, etc.) are known from the valleys of the Pruth, the Buz_u, and the Danube, from the surroundings of the towns Bra_ov (Hung. Brassó), and Roman, etc. No Hunnish cemeteries, only isolated tombs were found in the territory of Rumania. The power of the Huns was at its height in the mid-fifth century. In 451, the West Roman Empire defeated them in the battle at Catalaunum (near Troyes in France). Attila died in 453. In the following year, a coalition led by the Gepidae defeated the Huns at the river Nedao in Pannonia, which marks the end of the Hunnish power in Europe. e) The Gepidae


An eye-witness´ report from the Hunnish Empire and from the court of Attila, the Hunnish king in the mid-fifth century, is found among the writings of Priscus Panites (The History of the Goths); cf. Fontes II, pp. 246–299. 532

Cf. Fontes II, p. 428.

Gepidae The Gepidae, a branch of the Old Germanic peoples who at the beginning of the first millennium AD were living along the shores of the Baltic Sea, started to migrate southward in the mid-third century. They settled in the region of the upper course of the Tisza (Rum. Tisa). Most of them remained in their places during the Hunnish domination and regained their independence in 453. In 471, they occupied the town Sirmium at the shore of the Sava and made it the residence of their kings. In the following century, they ruled over a large territory from the Sava to the eastern Carpathian mountains. In 567, the Avars, in coalition with the Longobards, defeated the Gepidae and abolished their kingdom. Gepidae are, however, mentioned in historical records even later. Theophylaktos Simokattes related that Priskos, the Byzantine general, when fighting the Avars in the Banat in 601 AD, found three Gepidic villages there.533 According to Theophanes,534 Priskos defeated the Avars and collected 9.000 prizoners, of whom 3000 were Avars, 800 Slavs, 3.200 Gepidae, and 2.000 “barbarians”. Archaeological excavations revealed material remains of the Gepidae which date as late as from the mid-seventh century.

533 534

Theophylaktos Simokattes, Historiae, VIII, 3; Fontes II, p. 548.

II, 282, 1 (ed. Boor); quoted by Tamás, L., Rómaiak, románok és oláhok Dácia Trajánában, 1935, p. 83.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Gepidia extended, according to Iordanes, from the plains between the Danube and the Tisza to the east, as far as to the river “Flutausis” (probably the Olt).535 This record was confirmed by archaeological finds. Two periods may be distinguished: the first is that of the Gepidic kingdom (475–567 AD). Characteristic are the settlements with large dwelling places with cottages around (More_ti–Malomfalva, _eica Mic_ –Kissejk, Porumbenii Mici–Kisgalambfalva) and the cemeteries of inhumation, with rows of tombs (Cluj–Cardo_, Lechin_a de Mure_–Maroslekence, More_ti–Malomfalva, Some_eni–Szamosfalva, etc.). There are many objects typical of the Gepidic settlements, such as combs, fibulae with 3 or 5 buttons, clasps, sometimes decorated by the pattern of an eagle-head, arms, sickles, fusaiol-s (cf. above, p. 168, note 3), earthenware made on a wheel or by hand, etc. Weapons are rare in the tombs. The orientation of the tombs in a west to east direction and certain Christian symbols, for example on a breast-plate found at Cluj–Some_eni suggest the presence of Christianity at the end of the 5th century and in the 6th. The first period ended in 567 AD, when the Gepidic kingdom was defeated by the Avars. In the following, second period, the Gepidic material remains show a different character. This period is characterized by large cemeteries with hundreds of tombs (Band–Mez_bánd, Bratei–Baráthely, No_lac – Nagylak). The fibulae disappear, there are sets of belts, more lances and bows; inlay of iron with silver (Tauschierung) was used; among earthenware pieces, pear-formed vases dominate. New funeral rites appear: horses are being put into the tombs. In this period, the Gepidae were ruled by the Avars and a part of the new material culture was probably induced by Avar influence. The Gepidae pursued agriculture and raised cattle; workrooms of silversmiths and of weaving were discovered at Band and at More_ti, respectively.536 f) The Avars Probably coming from Mongolia, the Avars occupied the steppes of southern Russia some time before the 6th century. In 558, they sent an envoy to Byzantium, offering their services in exchange for certain territories and for money. In 567, the Avars attacked the Gepidae, defeated them and occupied their country. During the second half of the 6th century and the first three decades of the 7th, Byzantium suffered many invasions from the Avars, who reduced Sirmium after a siege of three years. In alliance with the Persians, the Avars laid siege to Constnatinople but were driven back. At the height of their power, the Avars reigned over a vast territory between the Alps, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. The main sources concerning the ethnic composition of the Avar Empire are the writings of Byzantine authors, who 535 536

Iordanes, Getica, 33 and 74; Fontes II, pp. 410–412 and 418. Cf., for instance, Pippidi Dict Ist Veche 1976, pp. 79, 294–295, 415.

Avars recorded Avars, Gepidae, and Slavs. Several successfull uprisings of Slavic tribes are recorded, for example the revolt of the Vends in 623. A large number of Avar settlements and cemeteries were found, particularly in Hungary. Fortifications are described in historical records. Best known are the cemeteries: more than 30.000 tombs were excavated. Characteristic of the material in this tombs is, among other things, that the waist-belt replaces the fibula of earlier periods. This is explained by the fact that the Avars were equestrians and a waist-belt is more effective in holding the clothes together when riding. The men were laid down in the tombs with their horses, arms and horse-trappings. Up to the end of the 7th century, the art reflected by these objects was being characterized by geometrical ornaments pressed upon a print. It shows a certain degree of Byzantine influence. After a transition period of about 40 years, i.e., after 720 AD, the motives changed. Figures of plants and of animals were used more frequently and they were cast and decorated. This new art shows Asian features. The cause of this change is probably that a new population coming from the east took the place of the earlier one.537 Their centre of power being in the Great Hungarian Plain, the Avars penetrated into Transylvania along the valleys of the great rivers. Archaeological remains were described from Dumbr_veni (Erzsébetváros), Corund (Korond), Tg. Secuiesc (Kézdivásárhely), etc., as well as from the Banat and from Cri_ana. Specific Avar objects from around 700 AD were also found along the Mure_ and some of its tributaries at Aiud (Nagyenyed), Gâmba_ (Marosgombás), Teiu_ (Tövis), and Câmpia Turzii (Aranyosgyéres), mostly in tombs. These tombs also contain objects of the Byzantine style, particularly fibulae and ear-rings. Thus, according to archaeological evidence, the Avars populated the Banat, Cri_ana, and parts of Transylvania. Their number in Transylvania does not seem to have been very high, but this is difficult to estimate. As in other territories, they probably lived together with Slavic tribes. The power of the Avars was broken in 795–796, when the Franks destroyed the residence of the kaganat (the hring). The chronicle of Nestor affirms that all Avars died, but it is known that part of them retired to the territories east of the Tisza whence the Franks did not follow them. The last reliable mention of Avars in Central Europe is from the year 822, and from 873 there is a record of uncertain character. However,


Cf., for instance, IR 1960, p. 720. According to Gy. László, this new population may have been Hungarian: László, Gy., Vértesszöll_st_l Pusztaszerig. Élet a Kárpát-medencében a magyar államalapításig, 1974, p. 214.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES ...elements of Avar material culture continue to exist in the course of the 9th century AD but it is not known whether these indicate the real existence of Avars or only the preservation of some cultural influence.538

2. THE SLAVS A number of Avars were still living in the eastern parts of the Carpathian basin when the Hungarians occupied the territory. The most important population, however, who lived there immediately before and also at the beginning of the Hungarian presence were the Slavs. The same applies to the Rumanians in the extra-Carpathian areas and in south-western Transylvania and parts of the Banat. The material culture of the Slavs in their original areas is quite well known (the Praga–Penkovka, respectively the Praga–Kor_ak culture). Differences between them – western, eastern and southern Slavic features, different material remains and variations in language – appeared successively during the centuries following their southward migration. Written records about them are scanty and also the archaeological finds are often difficult to interpret. a) The Slavs in the extra-Carpathian regions of Rumania From their territories north and northeast of the Carpathian mountains, Slavic tribes started to migrate southward during the 5th century. The defence system of the Gepidic kingdom is considered to have impeded their penetration in masses into Transylvania during most of the 6th century. According to Procopios, the regions along the lower Danube were in the 6th and 7th centuries inhabited by Sclavinae, Antes, and Huns (probably Bulgarians). Moldavia and northeastern Muntenia were populated by the Slavic tribe of the Antes. The frontiers between the different tribes were, however, not stable and many battles were fought. The Slavs undertook a series of incursions across the Danube into the East Roman Empire, reaching as far as to the suburbs of Byzantium. After 562, when the Avars occupied the area of what is today the Great Hungarian Plain, they extended their sphere of influence also over Oltenia and Muntenia. In 579, Emperor Tiberius Constantine succeeded to incite the Avars against the Sclavines in Muntenia and Baian´s great army of 60.000 equestrian warriors was transported with the help of Byzantium along the shores of the Danube to Dobrogea and from there on Byzantine ships to the northern shore, where it attacked the Slavs. These hid in the mountains and in the forests and the Avars 538

IR 1960, p. 717.

Avars had to retire. Apart from episodes of this kind, the Avars and the Slavs were most of the time allies in attacking the Byzantine Empire. In the course of time, many Slavs migrated to the Empire; for example there are records about nine tribes who settled there in the early 7th century. As a consequence of this, their number north of the lower Danube decreased.539 The oldest archaeological remains left behind by Slavs in the extra-Carpathian regions of present day Rumania were discovered at Suceava–_ipot in Modavia.540 These are rectangular huts with hearths marked out by stones. The earthenware was handmade and shows features of the earthenware from the Zhitomir area. As judged by a “fingered” fibula, the oldest stratum is from the second half of the 6th century. The most important of this type of finds is the large cemetery of cremation discovered at S_rata–Monteoru, with more than 1500 tombs. Characteristic of this culture is the “fingered” fibula with 5 buttons. The earthenware is primitive, hand-made, but from a later date, also pieces made with the help of a primitive wheel are found. No weapons were laid down in these tombs. These material remains belong to the eastern Slavic culture named Zhitomir–Kor_ak, known from the regions along the middle course of the Dnieper.541 The inhabitants were probably the Antes. Finds of the same type were made in Muntenia and Oltenia. Many complexes of settlemens without fortifications (called sili_ti) from the 7th century were found in Moldavia, at Doroban_i (near Ia_i), Hlincea, and Suceava. Two or three huts are grouped together. They contain kilns of stone or of clay and earthenware made by hand or with some instrument. Vases of a similar type were found near Bucharest and at Li_co_eanca (near Gala_i). This culture is probably a continuation of the Zhitomir-Kor_ak culture of the 6th century. It is called the Hlincea-Luka Raikove_ kaia culture. It extended from the Dnieper to the Forestrian Carpathians. In the course of time it developed into a new phase, with a new type of hearths and pottery made by a primitive wheel and decorated by horizontal lines and wave-lines, alongside with the pottery made by hand. This culture was considerably uniform:

539 540 541

Pippidi Dict Ist Veche 1976, p. 546. IR 1960, p. 733. Ibid., p. 734.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES The identity of the complexes in Moldavia [...] with those in the regions west of the Dnieper proves that in the 8th and 9th centuries, the Slavic tribes in central and northern Moldavia developed in close contact with the eastern Slavic tribes who lived between the Dnieper and the Forestrian Carpathians.542 On the plains of Muntenia, another Slavic culture was identified, which dates from the 6th–7th centuries. In this Ipote_ti–Cânde_ti–Ciurel culture, the participation of a Dacian element is assumed.543 The period of the 9th and 10th centuries is dominated by the Balkan–Danube culture, which extended over a large territory from the Balkan mountains across the Danube over a broad strip of territory through the southern halves of Muntenia and Moldavia and towards the northeast north of the Black Sea. In Oltenia it is weakly represented. This culture is divided into four phases, with local variations. It is correlated to the expansion of the Bulgarian state north of the lower Danube during the 9th century. b) The Slavs in Transylvania

542 543

Ibid., p. 741.

According to C. Daicoviciu, this is a “mixed, Slavo-Dacian (not Slavo-DacoRoman) culture” (Dacica 1969, p. 551).

The Slavs What is known about the Slavs in Transylvania derives mostly from archaeology. Slavic tribes came to this territory probably as early as during the period of the Gepidae, in the 5th century; a number of them were apparently settled there by the Avars in the 6th century. The first specific Slavic object, a klebec (a kind of baking-plate) was found in the Avar cemetery found at Band (Hung. Mez_bánd). It dates from the period between 600–630 AD.544 These Slavs came probably from their original homeland at the beginning of the 7th century to the upper course of the Mure_. Approximately in the same period migrated other Slavic tribes to the territory of present day Covasna county, where an unusually high number of placenames and river names of Slavic origin are still found in the Hungarian (Szekler) toponymy (such as Csernáton, cf. Slavic _erna ´black´, or the river name Feketeügy, translated from Slavic _erna voda, etc.). In the 7th century, the Slavs populated also the valleys of the rivers Târnava (Hungarian Küküll_), and the name of these rivers was transferred to Rumanian and Transylvanian Saxon (Kokel); the Hungarians translated it. Slavic cemeteries with the rite of cremation appeared in Transylvania during the 7th century. The largest of these is that found at Bratei, cemetery No 2, which started to be used in the early 8th century. There, 210 tombs of cremation were found. Avar remains include 34 tombs of inhumation, 2 tombs with horses, as well as objects typical of the Avars (stirrups, bridles, decorations of girdles of cast bronze, vases, etc.) are found together with material remains of the Slavs. Most of the Slavic cemeteries in Transylvania show the rite of cremation, but a small number of the tombs contain bones. The rite of cremation was used also in the large cemeteries found at Nu_fal_u (Szilágynagyfalu) and Some_eni (Szamos- falva). As shown by the style of some metal objects, these cemeteries date from the period between the early 8th century and the end of the 9th century. A number of objects show analogies in tombs found in present day northern Hungary and southern Slovakia (Érsekújvár, Slovakian Nové Zámky), Gy_r, Komárom, etc. According to István Bóna (in Erdély története I p. 187–188), the Slavs living here came from the northeast. IR 1960 considered, on the basis of metal objects of the type Keszthely (western Hungary), wooden buckets of the same type as those found in Hungary and in Moravia, pottery decorations (bands of horizontal and wavelines) typical of the Slavs who lived along the middle course of the Danube, that the population here belonged to western Slavic groups.545 c) The Bulgarian domination in southern Transylvania The Bulgarian state, founded in 679 AD, increased its power in the 8th century. Khan Krum (802–814) defetated the Avars and extended the frontiers of 544 545

István Bóna in Köpeczi, B. (red.), Erdély története I, 1986, p. 179. IR 1960, p. 744.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Bulgaria in the north of the Balkan peninsula, to the frontiers of the Frankish Empire, which then ruled over Pannonia. Khan Omurtag (827–831) occupied Sirmium and eastern Slavonia, some areas along the Tisza and in southern Transylvania. The Bulgarians controlled then the exploitation of salt in Transylvania, as indicated by the record in Annales Fuldenses a. 892: King Arnulf sent envoys to Vladimir, the Bulgarian chief, asking him not to permit the sending of salt to the Moravians.546


István Bóna, in Erdély története I, 1986, p. 190.

The Slavs Archaeological remains of Bulgarians from the 9th–10th centuries were found in the region of the middle course of the Mure_ in southern Transylvania. In the cemetery found at Blândiana (Hung. Maroskarna), pottery pieces of the type the Bulgarians produced along the lower Danube were found. Material remains left by a Bulgarian population were found in a territory 30–40 km long on both shores along the middle course of the Mure_.547 Another Bulgarian cemetery found at Ciumbrud (Hung. Csombord) dates from the 9th–10th centuries. These settlements were most probably created after 830 AD, when the Bulgarians, under Omurtag, conquered several territories north of the Danube. In this area, there were a number of salt-mines, exploited by the Bulgarians. The name of former Apulum: Belgrad, was most probably given by this population. The Rumanians borrowed it (B_lgrad), while the Hungarians translated its sense (Fehérvár ´white castle´). In the 9th century, the differentiation of the Slavs was at a level which permits to state that most of Transylvania was, in that period, inhabited by eastern and western Slavs. Bulgarians lived in the south. It must be stated, however, that Slavs migrated to Transylvania also later (from Russia, Slovakia, the Ukraine, Bulgaria, etc). These later settlements received also Slavic names or were named after the respective population (Orosz, Tót, Cseh, etc.) The Bulgarian state reached its largest territorial expansion during the reign of Czar Simeon the Great (893–927). During the reign of his son, Peter (927– 969), the power of Bulgaria declined. The Bulgarian rule over the territories north of the lower Danube ended during the first decades of the 10th century. d) The question of non-Slavic remains from the Slavic period “Daco-Romans” were assumed to participate in several Slavic cultures. However, it can easily be shown that these hypotheses do not stand up to critical examination. C. Daicoviciu refuted, in an article published in 1967,548 several such claims. Thus, Panaitescu assumed (1964) Daco-Romans during the 6th– 9th centuries among the Slavic cultures of Muntenia and Moldavia. Daicoviciu pointed out that this assumption was based on a wrong translation of the text Panaitescu referred to. The Ipote_ti–Cânde_ti–Ciurel culture is, according to Daicoviciu, Slavo-Dacian, NOT Slavo-Daco-Rumanian, and Daicoviciu questioned also the participation of Daco-Romans in the More_ti-Bandu-No_lac culture. About the Dridu culture, Daicoviciu showed that it is of Bulgarian origin, whith considerable influence from Byzantium, from Moesia (provincial Roman traits) as well as from the territories north of the Black Sea.

547 548

Ibid., p. 192.

Daicoviciu, C., “Der Ursprung des rumänischen Volkes im Lichte der neuesten Forschungen und Ausgrabungen”, Forschungen zur Volks- und Landeskunde, Hermannstadt (Sibiu), 1967, 2, pp. 5–19; in Dacica 1970, pp. 544–558.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES The idea that the Ipote_ti–Cânde_ti–Ciurel culture shows “a powerful DacoRoman component” has been put forward again.549 The pottery shows Slavic forms, but a certain form made by hand “reminds of the Dacian forms and reflects the indigenous tradition” and the earthenware made by a wheel shows the features of the Roman–Byzantine earthenware.550 This is an example of the ambiguous use of the terms “Daco-Roman” and “autochthonous” (“indigenous”), cf. above, p. 199–200. Dacian style and influence from Byzantium do not, of course, indicate a Latin-speaking population. IR Compendiu 1974 (p. 84), asserts that the Balkan–Danube culture (called “Carpatho–Balkan”) may have belonged to several peoples, Bulgarians as well as Proto-Rumanians: The Carpatho–Balkan culture, extending over both shores of the Danube, may be attributed, consequently, south of the river, to the Slavo–Bulgarians, because there, the Slavo–Bulgarian ethnic component dominated, while in the north, between the Danube and the Carpathians, it may be considered ProtoRumanian, because here, the predominant element was Romance. In any case, it constitutes the stage directly before the really Rumanian culture (verig_ imediat anterioar_ culturii române_ti propriu-zise). This change of opinion as compared to the 1969 edition, where this culture was stated to have been Slavo-Bulgarian (p. 106), is not, as seen from the above passage, warranted by new discoveries but is motivated by the assumption that the “dominating element” north of the Danube was Romance. (In the preceeding passage, the record of Anonymus about Vlachs in Transylvania is mentioned.) A more adequate method would be to draw conclusions concerning the “dominating element” from the archaeological remains, not inversely. e) The Slavs and the placenames of Rumania Placenames of Slavic origin Slavs were living in the territory of present day Rumania from the 6th century until the 12th–13th centuries. In Byzantine chronicles, the territories north of the lower Danube were, after the 5th century, designated Sclavinia (_κλαβηνια). The early Slavic migrants found most probably Gepidae, Avars (many Slavic tribes were brought to the territory by the Avars), and possibly Dacians in several places. All these peoples disappeared in the course of time in 549 550

IR Compendiu 1974, p. 77. Pippidi Dict Ist Veche 1976, p. 348.

The Slavs the masses of the Slavs. A placename or geographical name based on a Slavic word does not automatically imply a Slavic namegiving. In case the word in question exists (or existed once) in the Rumanian language, the placename or geographical name may have been given by Rumanians. The number of names of Slavic origin, given by Slavs and borrowed by the Rumanians is very high in the entire country. According to the Slavic language they derive from, these names are divided into four groups: (1) an eastern Slavic (Ukrainian) in the northeast, (2) a small area of western South Slavic in the southwest, (3) an eastern South Slavic (Bulgarian) area in the south (the largest of the Slavic areas), and (4) a northwestern area with special features.551 The sound pattern of these names is of a more recent date as compared to the placenames of Slavic origin in Greece. They show: (1) Metathesis of the groups tart, talt – B_lgrad, Predeal, etc. (2) The y > i change – Bistra (older form in Slavic: bystr_). (3) The disappearance of the semi-vowels: Crasna (older form in Slavic: kras_na), Ocna (ok_no). (4) Slavic o,_ corresponds always to Rumanian în, îm. Since these sound patterns appeared in Slavic in or after the 9th century, the Slavic placenames and names of rivers and streams in Rumania cannot have been borrowed by the Rumanian language earlier than that century. In reality, the borrowings occurred much later – that Slavic o,_ always corresponds to Rumanian în, îm indicates that names containing this sound were borrowed EARLIEST during the 12th century (cf. above, p. 100). Examples of placenames and geographical names of Slavic origin in Rumania B_lgrad (at present Alba Iulia) – Old Slavic b_l_ + grad_ ´white´ + ´castle´, translated by the Hungarians: Fehérvár. The town (on the place of former Roman Apulum) was the residence of the Hungarian chief Gyula and is in Hungarian called Gyulafehérvár. The modern Rumanian name is modelled after this. Bistre_, Bistri_a, in many areas – Old Slavic bystr_cu ´fast´. Cerna, Cerni_oara, in many areas – Old Slavic __rna ´black´. Craiova, in several areas, also the central town of Oltenia – Old Slavic kral_ ´king´+ the Slavic suffix -ova. Crasna, in many areas – Old Slavic kras_na (r_ka) ´beautifull´. Dâmbovi_a, Dâmbova – Slavic do,_b_ ´oak´. 551

Petrovici, E., Studii de dialectologie _i toponimie, 1970, pp. 77–78; Rosetti ILR 1968, p. 328 (omitted in the 1986 edition).

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Ialomi_a – Old Slavic jalovica, jalov ´unfertile, barren´. Ilfov – Bulgarian elhov. Moldova (ancient forms: Moldua, Mulduva, the name of the province Moldavia in the east of Rumania) – Slavic mold- (molid + the Slavic suffix -ov, -ova). Novac, in many areas – Old Slavic novaku. Ocna, in many areas – Old Slavic okno ´pit´. Prahova – Old Slavic praxu, Serbo-Croatian Praxovo (prax_ ´dust´). Predeal – Old Slavic pr_d_l_, Bulgarian predel ´mountain pass´. Snagov – Old Slavic sn_g_, Bulgarian Snegovo. Târnava – Old Slavic tr_n_ ´spine, thorn´. Zlatna – Old Slavic zlata, Bulgarian zlatna ´gold´. As pointed out by Popovi_,552 it is characteristic of the density of the Slavic placenames in Rumania that the same name often appears in many different areas throughout the country: e.g., Crasna in the counties of Craiova, Ploie_ti, Bac_u, Suceava, and Ia_i, Ocna in Pite_ti, Bucure_ti, Ploie_ti, and Bac_u, etc. Moreover, in many cases, there are several derivations from the same Slavic root: from _ern ´black´, there are Rumanian Cerna, Cernaia, Cernat, Cern_dia, Cernica, Cernofca, and Cerni_oara; from do,_b_ ´oak´, Dâmbul, Dâmboiul, Dâmbovi_a, Dâmbovicioara, and Dâmboviceanul, etc. Another very important aspect is that the Slavic placenames and names of rivers and streams occur all over the country: ... the placenames of Slavic origin which we meet everywhere, regardless of the geographical situation of the Rumanian provinces and of the physical nature of the place in question.553 f) Ancient names of rivers In contrast to the Balkan peninsula, where ancient placenames, borrowed by Latin and later from Latin by Slavic are still in use, north of the lower Danube, only the names of the more important rivers were preserved. While their etymology is still debated, the sound pattern of most of these names indicates that they were transferred to Rumanian via Slavic and, in Transylvania, via Hungarian or Slavic. Among the old names of streams in the territory north of the Danube, some are considered Thracian; the sound pattern of the Rumanian form of some of these names indicates, however, that they were handed down to the Rumanian-speaking populations by the Slavs who, in their turn, borrowed

552 553

Popovi_ GSKS 1960, pp. 117–118. Iordan Nume de locuri 1952, p. VII.

The Slavs them from the ancient populations of the territories north of the Danube.554 A difficulty in explaning these names is that they were recorded by Greek and Roman authors often in different forms and the original forms used by the local populations may have been distorted in this process. Mure_ (Hungarian Maros, Serbian Moriš_). In Greek texts, it is written Μαρις, Μαρισος, Μορησης; Iordanes used the form Marisia. It may be of Thracian origin, with the sense of ´swampy, boggy´. The transition of a to o may have taken place in Slavic or in Hungarian and the Rumanians may have borrowed the form Moreš. Olt (Greek Αλουτας; Latin Alutas, Alutus, Aittus, Alutum; Hungarian Olt, Transylvanian Saxon Alt). A river named Alutus (probably of Iranian origin) which flows into the Caspian Sea was described by Ptolemaios. Initial a appears in all ancient forms and must be considered as certain; its change to o occurred most probably in Slavic (cf. ancient Altina in Dobrogea, now Oltina). Rumanian Olt was thus most probably borrowed from Slavic. Some_ (not recorded in ancient documents; Samus is mentioned as the name of a settlement, and also regio Ansamensium;555 Hungarian Szamos). If the original form contained a , the a > o change is tyipcal of Slavic and the Rumanian form was borrowed from Slavic. Ompoi, Ampoi, Hungarian Ompoly. Ancient attestation uncertain (Ampellum? ILR 1969 p. 356 refers to Dacian Ampee, CIL III, 14507, 1308, 1293.) The Rumanian sound pattern suggests that this name was borrowed by the Rumanian language from Hungarian, which borrowed it from the Slavs. Timi_ (In the texts of Ptolemaios and Herodotos Τιβισις, Τιβισκος; Hungarian Temes, Serbian Tamiš) derives from Slavic or from Hungarian.

554 555

Rosetti ILR 1986, p. 210. ILR 1969, p. 358.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Dun_re, with the stress on the first syllable, (German Donau, Hungarian Duna, Serbocroatian Dunav, Bulgarian Dunava, ´Danube´.) The name may be connected with Avestic danu ´fluid, mist, dew´, but also Iranian, Celtic, Thracian, Dacian and Cuman origin has been assumed. In Greek texts, it is written Λανουβιος, Λανουιος, Λανουβις, Λανουσις; in Latin, Danubius, Danuuius. A different ancient name of the Danube (east of the Iron Gate) is Istros (Ιστρος). The first part of the Rumanian name (Dun_-) was handed down to the Rumanians by Slavs, as shown by certain sound changes characteristic of Slavic.556 In its entirety, however, Dun_re cannot be explained from any of the known names of the river.557 Assumed Dacian etymologies are as uncertain as other attempts at explaining Rumanian words from Dacian lexical elements.558 Dun_re does not continue ancient Danubius or Istros. The ancestors of the Rumanians had apparently no name for this river before they borrowed its Slavic form, which confirms the conclusion drawn also from other circumstances, namely, that they did not live in the valley of the Danube. Pruth (in the Middle Ages, Alanus Fluvius). The Avestic word peretav means ´shallow place, ford; bridge´. The Rumanian form derives from Slavic. Ia_i (placename). Besides being the name of the central town of Moldavia, this name appears also in several other parts of the country: Gura Ia_ului, Valea Ia_ului, Ia_i (a village in the county of Gorj). It reproduces the name given after the 9th century to the Alanians, As. Avestic asav ´fast, rapid´. Also this name was borrowed by Rumanian from Slavic.


556 557 558

Rosetti 1986, pp. 217–218. ILR 1969, p. 357.

A Dacian *Donaris has been proposed to explain Dun_re, sometimes presented as if it really did appear in ancient records, which makes it necessary to point out that such a name is not attested. For details, cf. G. Schramm, “Der rumänische Name der Donau”, in Dacoromania I, 1973, pp. 228–236; cf. also Vékony, Dákok, rómaiak, románok, 1989, pp. 237-238.

The Hungarians The Hungarian occupation of Transylvania started in the early 10th century. Constantinus Porphyrogenitus (905–959), the erudite scholar and historian, whose works possess a special documentary value,559 recorded in his De administrando Imperio, from AD 945, that in the eastern part of the present day Hungarian Plain and in the Banat, Hungarians were living in the 10th century: The Turks (=Hungarians) were driven away by the Petchenegs, they moved and settled in the country which they inhabit even now. In those places, there are some old vestiges: the first is the bridge of Trajan, at the gate of Turcia (=Hungary), then there is Belgrade, at a distance of three days´ journey from this bridge; in Belgrade there is also a tower of the sacred Emperor Constantine the Great; farther on the river, there is Sirmium, at two days´ journey from Belgrade, and farther away, there is great Moravia, not Christianized, which was devastated by the Turks (=Hungarians) and was earlier ruled by Svatopluk. (40, 35–44): These are the places worthy of mentioning [...] along the river Istros. Those inside of these, where there are Turk (=Hungarian) settlements all over, were named after the rivers which flow there. These rivers are: Timisis (Τιµησης), Tutis (Τουτης), Morisis (Μορησης), Krisos (Κρισος), and the Tisza (Τιτζα). The eastern neighbours of the Turks (=Hungarians) are the Bulgarians, separated from them by the river Istros (×Ιστρος) also called Danubios (Λανουβιος). To the west, there are the Franks, and to the south, the Croatians.560 The only name in this text which was not identified is the Tutis. b) Archaeology

559 560

II, p. 666.

Cf. Fontes II, p. 657. Constantinus Porphyrogenitus, De administrando Imperio, 40, 25–44; in Fontes

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES The Hungarians´ tombs are typical: the warriors were laid down with their weapons and their horse, often only its head and leg bones. From the entire Carpathian basin, such cemeteries were excavated at 550 sites.561 Also the tombs of the ´common people´ (Hungarian köznép) show characteristic Oriental features. Such cemeteries, which date from the 10th century, are very numerous in the eastern Hungarian plain and in the Banat; in Transylvania, they were found in the valley of the Kisszamos (Rum. Some_ul Mic), the rivers Küküll_ (Rum. Târnava) and Maros (Mure_), as well as in the south-eastern corner of the Szekler territory (mainly present day Covasna county).562 IR vol. II p. 47 listed Biharea-Oradea, _icl_u, Cluj, Gâmba_, and Lopadea.563 The Hungarian tombs in Kolozsvár (Cluj), Zápolya-utca (Rum. Str. Dostoievski), were excavated long ago, but not far from that site, another Hungarian cemetery from the 10th century was discovered in the 1980s during excavations conducted with the aim of exploring a Roman cemetery from the 2nd–3rd centuries. According to Erdély rövid története, p. 123, about 30 tombs were unearthed at this site, of which about 5 contained the remains of a horse. A third ancient Hungarian cemetery was probably situated about 600 m from this site. c) Placenames The archaeological remains give only a vague picture of the situation in those times. The finds are often made by chance and planned excavations are and have been for many decades aimed mainly at finding material remains of a Roman population. A large number of ancient Hungarian placenames give a better picture of the areas where Hungarians were living in the 10th, 11th, and 12th centuries. Of these, we present here only one special group, those formed with the suffix –d. Originally a suffix forming diminutives, –d in Ancient Hungarian was often used to form placenames: The study of the distribution in space of the Hungarian placenames with the archaic suffix –d [...] indicates what parts of Transylvania were conquered and organized in the Hungarian feudal system until the 12th century, the last century in which this suffix was used.564


István Bóna, in Köpeczi, B., (red.) Erdély rövid története, 1989, pp. 117–119.


A map showing these sites, as well as settlements named after ancient Hungarian tribes, Hungarian fortresses etc. in Transylvania in the 10th century is found in Erdély rövid története, 1989, p. 108. 563

Four of these Rumanian placenames were borrowed from Hungarian: Marosgombás, Siklód, Várad, Magyarlapád; see below. The name of Cluj, German Klausenburg, Hungarian Kolozsvár derives most probably from Slavic. 564

1975, p. 266.

Popescu, R.S. “Note de toponimie transilv_nean_”, Limba român_, XXIV, 3,

The Hungarians These areas are shown on map No. 10, p. 277. As indicated by these ancient placenames, a large part of the area within the northwestern and southern Carpathian mountains – the valleys of all major rivers, and the Transylvanian basin – was inhabited by Hungarians in the 11th and 12th centuries. These data complete the picture given by archaeology. (It should be pointed out that the total number of Hungarian placenames formed with the suffix –d is higher than the figures given on this map, which only reflect those listed by Popescu, and that the total number of ancient Hungarian placenames in Transylvania is much higher than the number of those containing the suffix –d.) Most of these placenames formed with the suffix –d were borrowed by Rumanian. Some examples (modern forms): Buzád (from Hungarian búza ´wheat´) > Rumanian Buzad. Élesd (éles ´sharp´) > Rum. Ale_d. Er_sd (er_s ´strong´) > Ariu_d. Fejérd (fejér, fehér ´white´) > Rum. Feiurd; (later changed to Feiurdeni). Feny_d (feny_ ´fir, pine´) > Rum. Fenied; recently translated: Br_de_ti (brad ´fir, pine´). Galambod (galamb ´pigeon´) > Rum. Galambod; recently translated: Porumbeni (porumbel ´pigeon´). Komlód (komló ´hop´) > Rum. Comlod. Kövesd (old forms: Kuesd, Kewesd) (k_ ´stone´) > Cuied, Cuie_d, Chie_d. Siklód (sikló ´slide´) > Rum. _iclod. Telegd (telek ´piece of ground, plot, parcel´) > Rum. Tileagd. Out of those 59 Hungarian placenames ending in –d, 54 are based upon Hungarian appellatives and adjectives: Hung.









gate, door


birch grove








fir, pine










piece of ground






twig, rod


part of a cart




great, big








* Words marked with an asterisk occur in more than one placename. Four of these placenames ending in –d derive from Slavic appellatives: (1) Vezend (1268: “Wezend”) < Slavic vezen, from vez_ ´ash (Fraxinus)´ + suffix –d. (2) Calmand (1335: “Keethkamar”) < Hungarian kámán + –d < Slavic kamen ´stone´. Kaman > Calman by popular etymology. (3) Vecerd (1337: Wecherd”) < Old Slavic ve_er_ ´evening´ + –d. (4) Suhard, probably from Bulgarian suhar + –d. There is no unequivocally Rumanian word on the basis of these placenames, although one of them has been assumed to be of Rumanian origin. This is O_and (1213: “villa Vosian”, or V_r_and (1214: “villa Vosian”), Hungarian Varsánd. I. Kniezsa considered that this is based on the Hungarian personal name Varsány, while Popescu connected it, on the basis of its first documentary mentionings (Vosian), with Rumanian o_an or o_ean ´person originating from _ara Oa_ului´. (The name of this territory in the northwestern corner of present day Rumania was borrowed, much later than the 10th century, from Hungarian: Avas > Rum. Oa_.)

The Hungarians

Map 10. The distribution of 59 ancient Hungarian placenames formed with the suffix –d in the area of the eastern and southern Carpathian mountains (Transylvania, the Banat, Cri_ana, and Maramure_). The numbers of these names are given for each county; an additional 12 are found in the valley of the Mure_ (Maros) and another 12 in the valley of the rivers Târnava Mare and Târnava Mic_ (Nagyküküll_ and Kisküküll_, respectively). — Since the suffix –d was no longer used in constructing placenames after the 12th century, the existence of such names in an area indicates the presence of Hungarians in the 10th, 11th, or, latest, in the 12th century. (The data were compiled from R.S. Popescu: “Note de toponimie transilv_nean_,” Limba român_, XXIV, 3, 1975, pp. 263–266 and “M_rturii toponimice privind istoria Transilvaniei medievale,” by the same author, in Limba român_, XXII, 4, 1973, pp. 309–314.) (The total number of Hungarian placenames formed with the suffix –d is higher than the figures given here, which only reflect those given by Popescu. The number of ancient Hungarian placenames in Transylvania is, of course, much higher than those containing the suffix –d. This type was only taken as an example of ancient Hungarian placenames in Transylvania.)

In the above-mentioned article, Popescu565 asserted that “many of these Hungarian names are translations of older Rumanian names.” He presented four examples, none of which is based upon a Rumanian appellative or adjective but only on personal names: Bogdand, Ivand, Peterd, and Petrind. None of them contains, however, any specific element to be decisive in this question. Bogdan, Ivan, and Peter are found equally in Slavic, Hungarian, and Rumanian: Bogdan is an old name of Slavic origin and its sense is ´given by God´ (Bog ´God´). It is probably a semantic loan from Greek (Theodoros). It is mentioned in SerboCroatian documents from the 11th–12th centuries. Hungarian as well as Rumanian borrowed it from Slavic. Ivan is the Russian form of a very frequent European name, originating from Hebrew: Johanan. The main Rumanian form is Ion, although there are very many variants. Ivan is specific to the Slavs and frequently used by the Russians, Ukrainians, and Bulgarians. The form specific to Serbian is Iovan. Peter was created from the Greek word signifying ´stone´, from which Latin petra, in the early Christian era. The form used in Western Europe is based on the Latin variant, while the Slavs and the Rumanians continue the Greek form. In documents, the Rumanian form appeared in the 14th century. The modern Rumanian forms are Petru, Petruc, Petra_, Petre, etc. In Bulgarian, there are Petar, Petre, Petra, in Serbian, Petar, and in Hungarian, Péter, Pet_, Petur. In summary, the placenames Bogdand, Ivand, Peterd and Petrind may have been based on Slavic, Hungarian, or Rumanian personal names. Since all other placenames with the ending –d were based on Hungarian words (appellatives or adjectives), it is most likely that also these four placenames derive from Hungarian. (The data used in this section were taken from C. Ionescu, Mic_ enciclopedie onomastic_, 1975.)

4. THE EXTRA-CARPATHIAN AREAS IN THE 10th–13th CENTURIES a) The Petchenegs (Patzinaks) Towards the end of the 9th century, a Turk people, the Petchenegs appeared in the region of the lower Danube. They devastated, in alliance with the Bulgarians, the Hungarian settlements in Atelkozu (Hung. Etelköz, between the Dniester and the Pruth) which forced the Hungarians to migrate westwards. The earliest Petcheneg archaeological remains in present day Rumania date 565

1975, p. 313.

Popescu, R. S., “Note de toponimie transilv_nean_”, Limba român_, XXIV, 3,

Patzinaks and Cumans from around 930 AD. In the same period, in the southern part of the region between the Dniester and the Pruth, the Hlincea I culture shows signs of ravages and ends some decades later. These changes may have been caused by the occupation of the area by the Petchenegs. The first incursion of this population into the Balkan peninsula (933–934) was described by the Arab historians Al Masudi and Ibn-al-Ahtir. Together with the Petchenegs were several other peoples, also Hungarians. The Valachian plain was, according to Diaconu,566 occupied by the Petchenegs in the same period when northeastern Bulgaria and southern Dobrogea were occupied by the Byzantine Empire, i.e., about the year 1000. The Dridu culture there ended latest in the mid-eleventh century. During the 11th century, the Petchenegs made a series of incursions into the Balkan peninsula until they, in 1091, were finally defeated by Byzantium. In this battle, the large Byzantine army was reinforced by “Bulgars from the valleys of the Struma and the Vardar as well as by Vlachs from Thessaly.”567 The Cumans were also the allies of Byzantium in this battle. The Petchenegs made incursions also into Transylvania fighting with the Hungarians (e.g., king Ladislas the Saint, 1077–1095). Groups of this Turk people were, however, also settled by the Hungarian kings in several parts of Transylvania, for example in the region of present day Barót (Rum. Baraolt), in the southeast. Petchenegs were still mentioned living there in the 13th century. From 1213, Petcheneg soldiers are mentioned in the army of the Hungarian king and a document from 1224 tells us about the silva Blachorum et Bissenorum in southeastern Transylvania. Archaeological remains of Petchenegs were found, for example, in the abovementioned area (a vessel in the river Vargyas [Rum. Vârghi_]) and in a settlement near Bratei from the 12th–13th centuries (cf. above, p. 166, the fourth level of settlement No. 2). Material remains characteristic of this population were also found in the tower of Doboka (D_bâca), north of Cluj. According to historical records, the language of the Petchenegs belonged to the Turk languages and was similar to that of the Cumans. No remains of this language are known, however, and one cannot determine its influence on the placenames of Rumania, except those which are based upon the ethnic name of this population. These are Slavic pe_en__ _ sk_ (adjective), Serbian Pe_enoge (placename), Hungarian beseny_, and Rumanian peceneg. Of these names, Iordan mentions the following:568 Placenames based on the ethnic name of the Petchenegs in the extraCarpathian territories 566 567 568

Diaconu, P., Les Petchénčgues au Bas-Danube, 1970, p.38. Ibid., p. 133. Iordan Nume de locuri 1952, p. 237.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Peceneaga (reg. Buz_u, raion Beceni; reg. Gala_i, raion C_lm__ui, county Teleorman), Pecineaga (reg. Constan_a), Picineaga (reg. Gala_i, raion M_cin), Picineagul (county Muscel), Picinoaga (reg. Gala_i, raion C_lm__ui), Pecenevca and Peceni_ca or Pecenicica (county of Severin). Placenames based on the ethnic name of the Petchenegs in Transylvania Be_eneu or Be_ineu (in the counties Alba [Hung. Fehér], N_s_ud [Naszód], Târnava Mic_ [Kisküküll_], Trei Scaune (today Covasna) [Háromszék, today Kovászna], Be_imbac (from Hungarian Besinbák, transferred to Hungarian from Transylvanian Saxon Beschenbach, in the county of F_g_ra_ [Fogaras]), Be_enova and Be_enova Nou_ (county of Timi_-Torontal [Temes-Torontál]), Dealul Be_inoului (county of Sibiu [Szeben]). Peceneagul (county of F_g_ra_); Pi_ineaga (county of Hunedoara [Hunyad]). (Be_eneu in the county of N_s_ud is also called Be_imbav; cf. Be_imbac, above). The geographical distribution of these placenames in Rumania is significant: IN THE EXTRA-CARPATHIAN TERRITORIES, all of them (a total of 9) are based on the Slavic or Rumanian forms. IN TRANSYLVANIA, two names of this type appear, both along the southern frontier, in the counties F_g_ra_ and Hunedoara. Except these frontier areas, all placenames (a total of 8) based on the ethnic name of the Petchenegs were derived from the Hungarian form Beseny_. The present day Rumanian forms (Be_eneu, etc.) were borrowed from Hungarian. b) The Cumans The place of the Petchenegs was, towards the end of the 11th century, taken by the Cumans, another Turk population.They dominated Moldavia and the Valachian plain until the beginning of the 13th century; contemporary writers called these territories Black Cumania. Like the Petchenegs, the Cumans conducted several incursions into the Balkan peninsula, waging wars against Byzantium and Bulgaria. They were, however, often allies of the Bulgarians in attacking Byzantium. The founders of the Vlacho-Bulgarian Empire, the brothers Ivan and Peter were, in 1187, helped by the Cumans (cf.above, p. 25). The Cumans conducted also incursions towards the north, into Transylvania, fighting against the Hungarians. Groups of them settled in the Hungarian kingdom, mostly between the Danube and the Tisza. The Cumans were Christianized and adopted the Roman Catholic faith at the beginning of the 13th century and in 1227, a diocese was organized for them in the valley of the Milcov. Vestiges of the Cuman language in Rumania The Cuman language is partly known from some texts and from a Latin– Persian–Cuman dictionary, written in 1303 by Italian and German missionaries

Patzinaks and Cumans and given by Petrarch to St. Mark´s Library in Venice.569 Because the language spoken by the Cumans was closely related to Turkish, it is difficult to distinguish this influence from later borrowings of Turkish words. On the basis of certain criteria, Denusianu considered that the following Rumanian words were of


Densusianu HLR (1975), p. 352.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES Cuman origin: beci ´cellar´, toi ´climax´, scrum ´ash´.570 Placenames of Cuman origin in Rumania are for example: B_r_gan, Burnaz (steppes in Muntenia), Caracal (from Cuman kara ´black´, and kala ´fortification, castle´), Caraiman, Teleorman (from Cuman teli ´wild´, and orman ´forest´); probably also Caraba, C_lm__ui, Covorlui, D_sn__ui, Tâncab_, Toxab_, and Vaslui.571 Originally, Teleorman probably was the name of a much larger territory than later (the county of Teleorman). It is mentioned by Cinnamos in the context of a Byzantine attack conducted against the Cumans in 1148.572 The ethnic name of the Cumans is preserved in many Rumanian placenames: Comana, Comanca, Com_ni_a, Comanul, Com_neanca, Com_ne_ti, etc. More than 40 such places are listed by Iordan (Nume de locuri 1952, pp. 227–228), most of them in the extra-Carpathian territories. The Cuman lexical elements, as well as the placenames were transferred to the Rumanian language directly, without the mediation of the Slavs. This indicates that Vlachs lived together with Cumans, which proves the presence of Vlachs north of the lower Danube in the 12th–3th centuries. This presence is also recorded in historical texts. (The Cumans disappeared from the territories north of the lower Danube during the 13th century.)



Ibid., p. 354, cf. Hungarian korom ´soot´. A series of other Rumanian words may derive from the language of the Cumans. 571 572

Giurescu & Giurescu Istoria Rom 1975, p. 190.

Densusianu HLR (1975), p. 355. mountainous regions of Moldavia and Muntenia.

Teli orman probably included all the

The first known mention of Vlachs north of the lower Danube was writtern by the Polish chronicler Jan Dlugosz (1415–1480). It relates that Ruthenians, Petchenegs, and Vlachs were in 1070 AD fighting in Moldavia in the army of prince (cnez) Wiaczeslav against Boleslaw, who later became the king of Poland (Boleslaw II. Smialy).573 Vardan, an Armenian historian, who wrote his Geographia in the mid-thirteenth century, mentioned that Vlachs were found north of the lower Danube in the second half of the 11th century.574 Niketas Akominatos reported that Andronikos, who fled to Hali_, was in 1164 captured by some Vlachs serving the Byzantine Empire. Kinnamos reported Vlachs north of the lower Danube from 1166. Thus, from the second half of the 12th century onwards, Vlachs were mentioned north of the lower Danube by several chroniclers, but for more than 100 years there was no indication of Vlach settlements. From 1213 it is reported that Germans (Transylvanian Saxons), Szeklers, Vlachs, and Petchenegs were fighting in the army of the Hungarian king Andreas II (1205–1235), but it is not stated where these Vlachs came from. A document from 1222 describes the “terra Blachorum” along the southeastern frontiers of Transylvania (in present day F_g_ra_).575 The Diploma of Pope Gregeory IX from 1234 mentions Vlachs living in the Diocese of the Cumans in the region of present day Foc_ani in southern Moldavia. This population, migrating from the region of the high mountains in the central and northern parts of the Balkan peninsula, found their niche – areas suitable for shepherding – in the Southern Carpathians, the mountainous parts of Moldavia, and later also in the Transylvanian Alps (Mun_ii Apuseni). The bulk of the Vlachs came to these areas, which in that time were sparsely populated and partly uninhabited, because the Slavs and the Hungarians (as also the Cumans and other Turk populations) pursued agriculture and the raising of animals and were mainly living on the plains, in the valleys and in the region of lower mountains. In their new habitat, the Vlachs were exposed to the invading armies (for example the Tartars in the 13th century ) in a much lesser degree than the surrounding populations in the valleys. These and a number of other circumstances explain the relatively rapid increase of this population in the centuries after the Tartar invasion, which almost extinguished Hungary. As shown by the Rumanian influence on several Slavic languages spoken in the northern Carpathains and also beyond them (cf. above, pp. 133–137), groups of Vlachs reached also these territories, but these groups were not sufficiently strong to resist assimilation into the surrounding Slavs. These are of course only the main outlines of a protracted process, which, 573 574 575


IRD 1971, p. 61. Ibid. Ibid., p. 65; Tamás, Rómaiak, románok és oláhok Dácia Trajánában, 1935, p.

VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES however, is not the topic of the present monograph. The first Vlach principalities The first Vlach political organizations are mentioned in a document written in 1247. In the first state-buildings of the Vlachs north of the lower Danube, the Cumans were of great importance: by their alliance with the Rumanians particularly in the mountainous regions of Arge_ and Muscel, the Cumans gave the Vlachs an impulse to organize a state, which passed from Borciu the Cuman to B_s_rab_.576 Stadtmüller stated that they even helped the Vlachs in their migrations to the areas north of the lower Danube:


_tef_nescu, _., “Les premičres formations étatiques sur le territoire de la Roumanie”, Dacoromania 1, 1973, p. 106, referring to N. Iorga, “Imperiul cumanilor _i Domnia lui B_s_rab_. Un capitol din colabora_ia româno-barbar_ în evul mediu”, in Analele Academiei Române, Memoriile Sec_iunii istorice, III, VIII (1927–1928), p. 101.

Die grosse Ausbreitung des rumänischen Volkes in das damals noch unerschlossene Urwaldgebiet der Karpaten ging aber nicht von den sesshaften Romanen des Paristrion, sondern von den “wlachischen” Wanderhirten der innerbalkanischen Berglandschaften aus. Auch ihre Führer nördlich der Donau tragen zu einem guten Teile kumanische Namen. Die Kumanen scheinen also an dieser grossen Walachischen Nordwanderung einen beträchtlichen Anteil gehabt zu haben.577 The Diploma of the Ioanites from 1247, written by king Béla IV of Hungary and the chief of the Order of the Ioanites, mentions the following political organizations of the Vlachs: _ara Severinului in the western part of Oltenia and the southern part of the Banat; two small principalities (cnezat-s) in Oltenia with Ioan and Farca_, respectively, as chiefs; the voivodate of Litovoi between the rivers Jiu and Olt, which included also Ha_eg (< Hungarian Hátszeg), a small area north of the peaks of the southern Carpathians. There was a _ ar_ also in the region of Arge_ whose chief was Seneslav.578 The names Vla_ca and Codrul Vl_siei (´the forest of Vlach country´) given by a Slavic population are vestiges from such voivodates.579 . These small principalities had their own army. In the first half of the 14th century, those to the west and to the east of the Olt were united by Basarab I (around 1310–1352). Somewhat later, also Moldavia emerged as a united principality.

577 578 579

Stadtmüller GS 1950, pp. 207–208. IR Compendiu 1969, p. 127. Iordan Nume de locuri 1952, p. 262.


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373 Abbreviation: P_tru_ Studii 1974. PEI, M., The Story of Latin and the Romance Languages, Harper & Row, New York – San Francisco – London, 1976. PETROVICI, E., “Reparti_ia graiurilor dacoromîne pe baza atlasului lingvistic romîn” [The geographical distribution of the Daco-Roman subdialects on the basis of the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas], Limba romîn_, III, 5, pp. 5–17, 1954. Abbreviation: Petrovici Repartizarea graiurilor 1954 PETROVICI, E., Studii de dialectologie _i toponimie [Studies of Dialectology and Toponymy], (volum îngrijit de I. P_tru_, B. Kelemen _i I. M_rii), Edit Acad. RSR, Bucharest, 1970. Abbreviation: Petrovici Studii 1970 PHILIPPIDE, A., Originea romînilor [The Origin of the Rumanians], I, 1923, II, 1927, Ia_i. PIPPIDI, D.M. (red.), Dic_ionar de istorie veche a României (Paleolitic - sec. X) [Dictionary of the Ancient History of Rumania. Paleolithic - 10th Century] Edit. _tiin_ific_ _i enciclopedic_, Bucharest, 1976. Abbreviation: Pippidi Dict ist veche 1976. PÓLAY, E., A dáciai viaszostáblák szerz_dései [The contracts found on the vaxtablets from Dacia], Közgadasági és jogi Kiadó, Budapest, 1972. POPESCU, R., “M_rturii toponimice privind istoria Transilvaniei medievale,” [Toponyms as evidence regarding the History of Transylvania in the Middle Ages], Limba român_, XXII, 4, pp. 309–314, 1973. POPOVI_, I., Geschichte der serbokroatischen Sprache, Wiesbaden, 1960. Abbreviation: Popovi_ GSKS 1960 PREDA, C., “Circula_ia monedelor romane postaureliene în Dacia” [The circulation of the Roman coins from the period after Aurelian in Dacia], Studii _i cercet_ri de istorie veche _i de arheologie, 26, 4, 1975, pp. 441–485. Abbreviation: Preda Circula_ia 1975 PROTASE, D., “Considérations sur les rites funéraires des Daces,” Revue d´archéologie et d´histoire ancienne, nouvelle série, IV, Bucharest, 1962. Abbreviation: Protase Rites Fun 1962. PROTASE, D., Problema continuit__ii în Dacia în lumina arheologiei _i

374 VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES numismaticii [The Problem of Continuity in Dacia in the Light of Archaeology and Numismatics], Edit. Acad. RSR, Bucharest, 1966. Abbreviation: Protase PCD 1966 PROTASE, D., Un cimitir dacic din epoca roman_ la Soporu de Cîmpie. Contribu_ia la problema continuit__ii în Dacia [A Dacian Cemetery from the Roman Period at Soporu de Cîmpie. Contribution to the Problem of Continuity in Dacia], Edit. Acad. RSR, Bucharest, 1976. Abbreviation: Protase Soporu 1976 PROTASE, D., Autohtonii în Dacia [The Autochthonous /People/ in Dacia], vol. 1, Edit. _tiin_ific_ _i enciclopedic_, Bucharest, 1980. Abbreviation: Protase Autohtonii 1980 PU_CARIU, S., “Le rôle de la Transylvanie dans la formation et l´évolution de la langue roumaine,” La Transylvanie, Académie Roumaine, Bucharest, 1938, pp. 37–69. ROSENKRANZ, B., Historische Laut- und Formenlehre des Altbulgarischen (Altkirchenslavischen), Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, Heidelberg, in Verbindung mit Mouton & Co. N.V. S.-Gravenhage, 1955. ROSETTI, A., Istoria limbii române de la origini pîn_ în secolul al XVII-lea [The History of the Rumanian Language from its Origins into the 17th Century] Editura pentru literatur_, Bucharest, 1968; Definitive edition, 1986. Abbreviation: Rosetti ILR 1986 (or 1968, respectively) ROSETTI, A., La linguistique balkanique suivi par le nouveau en linguistique dans l´oevre de l´auteur, Editura Univers, Bucharest, 1985. ROSETTI, A., CAZACU, B., & COTEANU, I. (red.), Istoria limbii române. [The History of the Rumanian Language], Vol. II, Edit. Acad. RSR, Bucharest, 1969 (Vol. I, 1965). Abbreviation: ILR 1969 (or vol. I, 1965, respectively) RÖSLER, R., Romanische Studien. Untersuchungen zur älteren Geschichte Rumäniens, Leipzig, 1871. RUNCIMAN, S., A History of the First Bulgarian Empire, Edit. G. Bell & Sons Ltd., London, 1930. RUSSU, I.I., Limba traco-dacilor [The Language of the Thraco-Dacians], Edit.

375 _tiin_ific_, Bucharest, 1967. Abbreviation: Russu LTD 1967. RUSSU, I.I., Illirii. Istoria – limba _i onomastica – romanizarea [The Illyrians. History, Language, and Onomastics, and Romanization], Biblioteca Istoric_, XVII, Edit. Acad. RSR, Bucharest, 1969. Abbreviation: Russu Illirii 1969. RUSSU, I.I., Elemente autohtone în limba român_. Substratul comun românoalbanez [Autochthonous Elements in the Rumanian Language. The Substratum Shared by Rumanian and Albanian], Bucharest, 1970. Abbreviation: Russu Elemente autohtone 1970 RUSSU, I.I., Etnogeneza românilor. Fondul autohton traco-dacic _i componenta latino-romanic_, [The Ethnogenesis of the Rumanians. The Autochthonous Thraco-Dacian Basis and its Latino-Romance Component], Edit. _tiin_ific_ _i enciclopedic_, Bucharest, 1981. Abbreviation: Russu Etnogeneza 1981 SALA, M., “Evolu_ia grupurilor latine_ti ct _i cs în român_” [The development of the Latin /Consonant/ Groups ct and cs in Rumanian], Studii _i cercet_ri lingvistice, XXIV, 4, pp. 343–355, Bucharest, 1973. Abbreviation: Sala Evolu_ia 1973 SANDFELD, K., Linguistique balkanique. Problčmes et résultats. Libraire ancienne Honoré Champion, éditeur Édouard Champion, Paris, 1930. Abbreviation: Sandfeld LB 1930

SLATARSKI, W.N., Geschichte der Bulgaren. Teil I–II. Bulgarische Bibliothek, V- VI, Edit. Dr. Iwan Parlapanoff, Leipzig, 1918. Abbreviation: Slatarski Gesch Bulg 1918 SOLTA, G. R., Einführung in die Balkanlinguistik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Substrats und des Balkanlateinischen, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1980. STADTMÜLLER, G., Grundfragen der europäischen Geschichte. R. Oldenbourg, München – Wien, 1965. STADTMÜLLER, G., Forschungen zur albanischen Frühgeschichte. Albanische Forschungen, 2, (2nd edition), Edit. Otto Harrasowitz, Wiesbaden, 1966. Abbreviation: Stadtmüller FAF 1966


STADTMÜLLER, G., Geschichte Südosteuropas, Edit. R. Oldenbourg, München, 1950. Abbreviation: Stadtmüller GS 1950 STENBERGER, M., Det forntida Sverige [Ancient Sweden], (2nd edition), Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1971. STOICESCU, N., Continuitatea românilor. Privire istoriografic_, istoricul problemei, dovezile continuit__ii [The Continuity of the Rumanians. An Historiographic Survey, the History of the Problem, the Proofs of Continuity.] Edit. _tiin_ific_ _i enciclopedic_, Bucharest, 1980. STRAKA, G., Revue linguistique romane, XXIV, Paris, 1960. (Livres, Compte rendues sommaires, pp. 405–406.) SUCIU, C., Dic_ionar istoric al localit__ilor din Transilvania [Historical Dictionary of the Localities in Transylvania], vol. I 1967, vol. II 1968, Edit. Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucharest. Abbreviation: Suciu Dic_ionar istoric (vol I; vol II) _TEFAN, G. (red.), Fontes ad historiam Dacoromaniae pertinentes I. Ab Hesiodo usque ad Itinerarium Antonini. Edit. Acad. RPR, Bucharest, 1964. Abbreviation: Fontes I 1964 TAGLIAVINI, C., Le origini delle lingue neolatine. Introduzione alla filologia romanza (5th edition), Casa editrice prof. Ricardo Patron, Bologna, 1969. Abbreviation: Tagliavini Orig Lingu Neolat 1969

TAMÁS, L., Romains, Romans et Roumains dans l´histoire de Dacie Trajane. Études sur l´Europe Centre-Orientale I, Budapest, 1936. (In Hungarian: Rómaiak, románok és oláhok Dácia Trajánában, Edit. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1935.) TODD, M., Roman Britain 55 BC – AD 400. The Province beyond Ocean. Fontana History of England, edited by G.R. Elton, 1981. TODORAN, R., “Cu privire la reparti_ia graiurilor dacoromîne,” Limba român_, V, 2, pp. 38–50, 1956. TÖRÖK, S., Településtörténeti tanulmányok és határproblémák a Kárpát-

377 medencében [Studies on Settlement History and Frontier Problems in the Carpathian Basin], American Hungarian Literary Guild, Astor Park, Florida, 1973. TREIMER, C., “Albanisch und Rumänisch,” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, XXXVIII, pp. 385–411, Halle, 1912. TUDOR, D., Ora_e _i sate în Dacia Roman_ [Towns and villages in Roman Dacia], Edit. _tii_ific_, Bucharest, 1968. Abbreviation: Tudor Ora_e 1968 ULLMANN, S., Semantics. An Introduction to the Science of Meaning, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1970. Abbreviation: Ullmann Semantics 1970 VÉKONY, G., Dákok, rómaiak, románok [Dacians, Romans, Rumanians], Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1989. VIDOS, B.E., Handbuch der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft, München, 1975. Abbreviation: Vidos Handbuch 1975 VRACIU, A., Studii de lingvistic_ general_, Edit, Junimea, Ia_i, 1972. WEINREICH, U., Languages in Contact. Findings and Problems. Mouton & Co., London – The Hague – Paris, 1964. Abbreviation: Weinreich Lang Cont 1964 WINKLER, Iudita, “Procesul romaniz_rii în lumin_ monumentelor epigrafice _i sculpturale din a_ez_rile rurale ale provinciei Dacia” [The Process of Romanization in the light of epigraphy and the sculptural monuments of the Province Dacia], Studii _i cercet_ri de istorie veche _i de arheologie, 25, 4, 1974, pp. 497–515, Bucharest. ZAHARIA, Eugenia, “Les sources archélogiques de la continuité daco-romaine,” Apulum, XII, 1974, pp. 279–294.

Abbreviations begin usually with the name of the author. Where this is not the case, complete bibliographic data are found under the name of the relevant

378 VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES author/editor, as indicated in the following list: Fontes I 1964


Fontes II 1970


ILR 1969


IR 1960


IR Compendiu 1969 IR Compendiu 1974


IRD 1971


English translations of quotations in French and German. Introduction, pp. 5-6 This childrens´ disease of autochthonomany is characteristic of the early periods of modern historiography in Eastern Europe, where many different peoples live, and it is felt still today in different shapes, although less conspicuously, when problems of ancient history are discussed. (Stadtmüller) Chapter I p. 9, note 1: “The notion ´Illyrian´ is, from the very beginning, quite vague...” (quoted by Russu) p. 11, note 2: The most glorious period of the Illyrian army units was the 3rd century. Numerous emperors originated from this military frontier area. (Jire_ek) p. 12: “The change of language was essentially completed at the end of the 3rd

379 century”. (Stadtmüller) pp. 12-13: “In the 5th and 6th centuries, the Latin-speaking inhabitants of the Danube area were often on the side of the Roman Church against the Emperor of Constantinople, particularly against Anastas and Justinian.” (Jire_ek) p. 16: Those small groups of Germans left, i.e., of Goths, who remained in some mountainous areas, adopted in the following generations Latin or Greek and were thus assimilated to the local populations. ( Stadtmüller) All these constructions for defence had little success. There was a shortage of people for defence. The troops along the limes had financial difficulties and consequently degenerated, and the mobile army, which according to Agathias numbered 150,000 men, was dispersed in garrisons from southern Spain to Armenia and upper Egypt. The degenerated population of the towns were more interested in religious problems than in the defence of the country. (Jire_ek) p. 17: In this area, Roman life was possible as late as in the 6th century, in which in the east, the storms of the Peoples´ Migration blew more intensely, because this area was mountainous and the barbarians attacked mainly Constantinople. The Roman population was STRENGTHENED by migrations from the north. Dardania was, as the country of origin, certainly particularly loved by the great emperors Constantine (originating from Naissus – Niš) and Justinian (from the area of Scupi – Skopje, in Turkish earlier Üsküb). Thus, after having been destroyed, this last-mentioned town was re-built not far from the destroyed one and made in 535 AD the seat of the Metropolitan Bishop Catellianus. This became the centre of the entire united Diocese (Dacia Ripensis and Mediterranea, Moesia Superior, Praevalis and Macedonia secunda, as well as the eastern part of Pannonia Inferior). (Friedwagner) p. 18 note 4: “This theory is entirely unacceptable and leaves many things unexplained.” (Sandfeld) p. 20: When this happened at the same time as the occupation of the country, the old name of the town was preserved with some small changes. This explains why earlier Roman towns reappear as the centre of their province when dioceses are organized. The ancient names were changed either according to certain phonetic rules, or with a Slavic word of a similar sound pattern. In those cases in which the

380 VI: NORTH OF THE LOWER DANUBE 4th - 13th CENTURIES towns of Roman origin received a totally new name in the Slavic period, for example the “white castle” Beograd (Singidunum) or the castle of the “defender” (brani_) Brani_evo (Viminacium), a longer period of time had elapsed between the perishing of the ancient town and its re-population. (Jire_ek) p. 25: “God has decided to give back the Bulgarians and the Vlachs their freedom and to relieve them from the yoke [under which they had lived] in many years...” (Slatarski) p. 35 note 2: M. Malecki, About the Balkan Linguistic Union, Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Linguists, Firenze, 1935, p. 75. “Such is the case in all the regions of Serbia, along the Morava, around Valjevo and along the Drina. Eighty to one hundred percent of the inhabitants there are immigrants who came mainly in the last three centuries... The documents of the archives... give no idea about the great significance of the migrations.” (Quoted by Rosetti) note 3: Originally, both were situated near each other, e.g. in the document from _i_a (around 1220) the summer grazing place on the mountain Kotlenik, the winter grazing place in the nearby valley of the Ibar. (Jire_ek)

Chapter II. p. 44-45: In Rhaetia, the diphthongues ie, uo seem to have appeared, and spread through Friuli and Istria along the Dalmatian coasts, even in the case of entrave (Istrian mierlo, kuorno, puorta, Vegliote fiasta, puarta). In the Balkan peninsula proper, where only _ comes into question, (for o,_, see § 153), diphthongation occurred also before the Latin entrave: there is not only Rum. ier_ (h_ri) but also piept (p_ctus). (Bourciez) p. 45: It would be difficult to admit that hora became the synonym of vices in Rumanian independently from Venetian. This is a too subtle change, too surprising for its occurance in two languages with no contact with each other. This is why we don´t hesitate to see in this a vestige of the period of time when Rumanian was not yet isolated from Italian. There is another circumstance which gives special significance to the word in question. This is that hora appears with the same sense also in the Albanian herε, which also means ´time´. Albanian herε, Rumanian oar_ and Venetian ora form thus a common family and throw some light on one of the most obscure chapters of the history of Balkan Latin.

381 (Densusianu) p. 43, note 2: “The history of the Rumanian language shows that the Rumanian [definite] article evolved in a similar way as did the Romance article, the change from the sense of pronoun of ille to that of article presented approximately the same phases in the entire Romania.” (Coteanu) p. 44: “Thus, the definitive restriction and specialization of the sense occurred late and gradually.” (Löfstedt) p. 46: ...confirms strikingly what we have said about the development of Balkan Latin; it shows, by its origin and its wide dispersion, that this Latin did not cease to be in contact with that of Italy until quite late in the Middle Ages. (Densusianu) p. 48, note 1: “The conclusion to which we have arrived here is simialr to that stated for thirty or so years ago by Gaston Paris in the article published first in the first volume of Romania, 11: ´Rumanian ... was in contact with the rest of the Roman territory until the Slavic invasion and was therefore exposed in the 5th and even in the 6th century to the influences which affected the rest of this territory´.” p. 49: It leaves the Adriatic Sea at Lissus, stretches across the mountains of the Miredites and the Dibra to northern Macedonia between Scupi and Stobi, proceeds then south of Naissus and Remesiana with their Latin inhabitants, while Pautalia (Küstendil) and Serdica (Sofia) and the region of Pirot belong to the Greek territory; and finally, the frontier continues along the northern slopes of the Haemus mountains to the coast of the Black Sea. (Jire_ek) pp. 72-73: The Albanian words are treated as inherited words in Rumanian; they are thus as old as the latter´s Roman elements. Fom another point of view, they are even older, since they are indigenous. (Treimer) p.85: We believe that Vegliote must be regarded an intermediary dialect between Roman spoken in Italy and in the Balkan peninsula. By its sound pattern and lexical elements, it is sometimes like one, sometimes like the other. Also its geographical position justifies seeing in it the transition from Italian to Rumanian. (Densusianu)


p. 87: In linguistics to replace the notion of origin with that of “affinity,” as one wants to do now, means to attribute to phonetics and vocabulary and to syntax more importance than to morphology, and consequently, to substitute the superficial for the essential. (Graur) p. 104, note 2: “If nevast_, ´young woman, wife´, is of Slavic origin, it was most probably borrowed by the Rumanians in a period in which they started to marry Slavic women. Thus, the sense of mi-am luat o nevast_ [I have taken a nevast_] was initially not ´I have taken [married] a woman´ but ´I have married ... a Slavic woman.´” (Popovi_) p. 105: On the other hand, the borrowing of Slavic words pertaining to the intellectual and the moral aspects of life shows how intimate the mixing of the populations has been. Besides Latin tempus (Rum. timp), one has Old Slavic vrem_ (Rum. vreme), and here are some other loans: Rum. slov_ Old Slavic slovo ´writing´, r_zboiu = razboj ´war´, ran_ = rana ´wound´, ciud_ = ciudo ´miracle´, groaz_ = groza ´horror´, n_dejde = nade_da ´hope´, noroc = naroku ´luck´, etc. The same is the case with the words pertaining to social life: (Rum. jupîn = Old Slavic _upanu ´lord´, slug_ = sluga ´servant´), and with a large number of frequently used adjectives: Rum. drag = Old Slavic drag_ ´dear, beloved´, bogat = bogat_ ´rich´, mîndru = madr_ ´proud´, gol = gol_ ´naked´. Lastly, many verbs were borrowed, such as Old Slavic saditi ´to plant´, izbaviti ´to save´, (Rum. s_di, izb_vi), darovati (Rum. d_rui), along Latin dare, and it is characteristic to see a word such as amare disappear for Old Slavic ljubiti (Rum. iubi). The impersonal word which expresses necessity, Rum. trebuie ´to be necessary, to need´, originates also from Old Slavic tr_bovati. (Bourciez) p. 106: “... in a list of 5764 words, 1165 are of Latin origin while the number of words of Slavic origin is as high as 2361 (the rest are of Turkish, New-Greek, Hungarian, and Thrtacian origin), thus, 2/5 of the words are Slavic...” [...] “Regarding the lexical elements, Rumanian is not a Romance but a Slavic language...” (Popovi_) (“Basic elements”, “if only the basic words are taken into consideration, from which the derivaitons are formed”). (I.I. Russu p. 110: “it is not yet proved that Rumanian is a Romance language.” (Schuchardt)


p. 110, note 4: “It is evident that such a fatal outcome for the Roman character of the Rumanians could only occur in a firmly established Slavic–Rumanian symbiosis.” (Popovi_) p. 131: When examining the maps (of the Rumanian Linguistic Atlas)... one is primarily impressed by their relative uniformity, which is sometimes near poverty; we are most of the time far away from the exuberant richness presented by other linguistic atlases, particularly those of Gilliéron. (Boutičre) p. 132: Only a people for whom shepherding has played an essential role may say: m_ pa_te un gînd lit. ´a thought grazes me´; on the basis of this expression, there is the image of a flock of sheep which grazes eveything to the last stalk of grass, until nothing is left. (Pu_cariu)

Chapter III p. 139: The meaning and the value of this opinion consists in its political aim, which is to serve as a theoretical basis for concrete activity in order to re-unite the “Romano–Moldo–Vlachs” from Moldavia, Valachia and Transylvania in one uniform Rumanian state. (Armbruster) p. 141: The Slavic toponymy of Rumania, particularly in the Banat, in Transylvania, in Oltenia and Muntenia, shows the same phonetic features as the Slavic elements in the Rumanian vocabulary. Consequently, the original homeland of the Rumanian language must be sought north of the peaks of the Haemus mountains, and in territories to which Romanization expanded – thus [also] IN DACIA, and east of the present day frontier between Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. During the early Middle Ages (approximately in the 7th–9th centuries, thus after the coming of the Bulgarians), Roman shepherds wandered from these Danubian–Moesian territories not only to the south, southwest and west, (the ancestors of the present day Arumanians, Megleno-Rumanians, and, on the Istrian peninsula, of the Istro-Rumanians), but also to the north, to mountainous Dacia (C. Daicoviciu) p. 142: [the evacuation of Dacia] “was not complete... The masses of peasants did not move... In this way is the tenacious persistence of the Latin race and language in the territory conquered by Trajan explained.” (Besnier, quoted by Rosetti)


pp. 155–156: The continued presence, of long duration, of the Roman domination over a large part of southern Dacia also after the official abandonment of the province by Aurelian constitutes a highly significant documentary material for the discussion of historical problems debated so intensely as the continuity of Roman-ness north of the Danube, the development of the Rumanian language and people, the spread of Christianity in ancient Dacia Traiana, etc. If one wants to reach definitive solutions regarding these problems, historians, archaeologists, and linguists must necessarily depart from this archaeological reality. (Tudor) p. 165: Remains of dwelling places are very few and they could be demarcated only in strata whose age is known with certainty. They should be discovered at excavations in the centre of towns, which, however, were made only under special circumstances in connection with constructions and had so far not given results... (Horedt) p. 180: ...if we consider the map of ancient Dacia Traiana ... we find that the region in which the Roman establishments were more dense, and consequently, Romanization more intense, coincide with the region in which the words of Latin origin are best preserved. (Pu_cariu) p. 181: Now, if sklab(_) is said here instead of general Rumanian slab, in this pronunciation, the ancient Latin sound system breaks through with the same strength as in the 5th century in the territory of southern France or northern Italy. (Gamillscheg) p. 184 note 2: ...”however, the loanwords cannot be used in this case, because the problem of the so called original Rumanian homeland (south or north of the Danube) is not yet decided (see Chapter II, § 22) and we cannot know whether a loanword reached the Rumanian language north or souht of the Danube...” (Popovi_) p. 186: ... make out a common goods which both have inherited from the ancient IndoEuropean linguistic material (Thracian, respectively Thraco–Illyrian), indigenous in the Carpatho–Balcanic space. In fact, the elements shared by Rumanian and Albanian are perfectly explained by common origin, by their proximity and possibility of influencing each other in

385 the Antique Age, with Illyrian or Thracian as ancestors of Albanian, and with Daco-Moesian as the substratum of Rumanian. (Poghirc) p. 190: The way in which the Germanic peoples dominated Dacia, their restricted numbers, the lack of any symbiosis of long duration with the Daco-Romans... (IR 1960, p. 782) p. 192: The case of the river Bistri_a is instructive. Its name is of Slavic origin and it means ´fast´, in Rumanian, ´repede´. But Repede is today the name of one of the tributaries of this river, in the mountainous region of its course, and this name was translated by the Slavs who settled along its shores by corresponding Bistryca. In this way, something has occurred which one may observe quite often in our country as well as in other countries: the ancient population accepts the new, official name given by the conquerors. (Pu_cariu.) Similarly, the name of a village in Dobrogea, Camena, is a Slavic translation, handed down to the language of the Rumanians, of ancient Petra, which appears in a Latin inscription found there (C.T. Sauciuc: A Latin inscription in ´Annals of Dobrogea´, XV (1934), pp. 93–112). (Pu_cariu.) Chapter IV (M. Friedwagner: About the Language and the Dwelling Places of the Rumanians in their Ancient Period.) p. 195: Generally, however, one must maintain the idea of A UNITARY AND COHERENT LIVING SPACE also because of compelling linguistical grounds (pp. 713–714). Linguists no longer doubt that the CENTRE of the ancient Rumanian people (centrul vie_ii române) [ = the centre of Rumanian life] was once situated in the region of the Danube, and south of the river (p. 713). ... it is Illyrian territory, in the Antique Age comprising Dardania, according to a newer definition, the country east of Montenegro: old- and southern Serbia (in its earlier frontiers) and western Bulgaria (p. 714). North of the Danube, Roman remains may be thought to have existed in southeastern Banat; it is possible that such remains may have persisted also in the southwestern mountains of Transylvania and in northern Oltenia (Little Valachia). It needs to be shown whether this may be verified in the speech of those areas (p. 715).


...that lingustic [...] unity was possible with the people living in such a large territory in ancient times (p. 715). (I. Popovi_: History of the Serbo-Croatian Language.) pp. 196: It can scarcely be doubted that the Rumanians lived south of the Danube (p. 62). The first Slavic elements were transferred to Rumanian in the “ancient Rumanian” period, i.e., in the era when the Rumanian language [...] yet constituted a geographical and linguistic unity (somewhere in the centre of the Balkans) (p. 200.) If we accept the dominating assumption today, namely that the ancient home of the Rumanians was situated both north and south of the Danube, then this is based more on a general conviction rather than upon verified linguistic facts. Concrete linguistic arguments must be presented by future research because those extant today are not sufficient (p. 63). (G. Stadtmüller: Basic Problems of European History.) p. 196: Regarding Transylvania, it is probable that the Bulgarians were there first, followed by the Hungarians and later the Rumanians. After the Linguistic Atlas by Pu_cariu and research by Ernst Gamillscheg and Günter Reichenkron, however, one has to consider the possibility of small groups of provincial Romans remaining in Transylvania also after the Romans abandoned the province Dacia Traiana (271), and that they were, after the l2th century, strengthened by a massive immigration of Rumanians from the central parts of the Balkans. Such an immigration has doubtless taken place: it has been shown convincingly by nonRumanian as well as Rumanian scholars on the basis of documents and records (p. 91)

(É. Bourciez: Basic Concepts of Romance Linguistics.) p. 197: Nevertheless, during a number of centuries, the main territory of the populations who spoke East Latin must have been south of this river: they were living in Moesia, Dalmatia, and had close contact with Italy, whose prolongation they were... (p. 135). (B.E. Vidos: Handbook of Romance Linguistics.) p. 198: On the basis of this linguistic and historical consideration, it is assumed that the Roman population retired after the abandonment of Dacia south of the Danube,

387 and that the Rumanian language was formed there, in the Balkan peninsula. However, since almost the entire Daco-Rumanian territory is situated north of the Danube, it is assumed that the Rumanians wandered during the Middle Ages from the Balkan peninsula to the left shore of the Danube and colonized again present day Rumania (pp. 360–361). p.198: The great majority of the people, peasants, shepherds, and poor people, who constitute even today the largest part of the Rumanian population, have not moved to the right shore of the Danube (p. 361). p. 211: On the frontiers of the empire, along the Danube, as well as on the Persian frontier and on the edge of the deserts in Africa, circulation was strictly supervised and permitted only on certain days and in certain localities, under the control of the army. Exports of weapons, iron, gold, cereals and salt were not allowed. (Jire_ek GS 1911,p. 43) p. 213, note 2: “In the 4th and 6th centuries, the Roman-Byzantine domination north of the Danube was of relatively short duration and affected only a restricted area of former Dacia.” (Popescu) p. 214: One cannot find any evidence of the continuation of linguistic contact between Dacia and the Romanized territories south of the Danube from 271 and the end of the 6th century; the assumption of H. Mih_escu on this topic is thus not based upon objective facts. Lastly, regarding the contact between the Balkans and western Romania by the mediation of Byzantium and Christianity (contact with which, moreover, Dacia seems to have been excluded), only the influence of the language of the state or the Church is possible, and this is something quite different from direct contact with everyday western Latin which the Balkan territories have had earlier, before their separation from the Roman empire. Under these circumstances, and contrary to what Rosetti believes (The History of the Rumanian Language, vol. I, 3rd edition, 1960, pp. 49–50), there is no reason to alter the opinion of Bourciez (Éléments, § 50, 4) nor our opinion (RLR, 71, p. 276, and RLiR, 20, p. 253 and 258; see also Väänenen, op. cit., p. 27) about the linguistic isolation of the eastern provinces following their abandonment by the Romans. Nothing in the work of H. Mih_escu seems to invalidate the theory that after 271, i.e., from the time when no more colonists came to Dacia, the linguistic changes of the West no longer spread to the Romance idiom of this ancient province, which therefore after the last quarter of the 3rd century, no longer participated in the linguistic evolution of the other parts of Romania and started

388 to develop an independent language. (Straka) p. 225: The funeral rite of cremation and the use of the urn, which is found among the Dacians under Roman rule as well as among the free Dacians, cannot be used to distinguish these two populations of the ancient Roman province – the newly immigrated Dacians and those who stayed in their places. The archaeological material lacks details and accuracy. (Protase) p. 233: In the 6th century, a uniform [material] culture dominates in Transylvania, which makes impossible to discover ethnic differences and in which both Germans and Romans take part. On the basis of the features of the settlements and of certain typical single finds and forms, it was possible to discern indications useful in the interpretation of the ethnic situation. With the disappearance of the Germans and the appearance of the Slavic culture, this possibility no longer exists. (Horedt) p. 235: However, there is no archaeological evidence to show that the Roman element evaded the migrating peoples by moving to far away valleys at the feet of high mountains, because there are no finds in these areas which date from the period of the Peoples´ Migrations. (Horedt) p. 235, note 1: “Certainly, in contrast to what is often affirmed, such a shepherd economy would not have made possible for the Daco-Roman population to persist north of the Danube, because our shepherds would have been in security only during the summer, in the mountains, while under their long wanderings through the plains, they would gave to face greater perils than the peasants living in faraway regions, in the protection of the hills and the forests.” (Donat) p. 236 note 1: “This idea belongs to the last century, when no archaeological proofs were yet available...” (Eugenia Zaharia) p. 248: The Rumanians could, in an ancient period, use the forms with un, um of these toponyms (e.g., *Dumbova, *Glumboaca, etc.). But, when the pronunciation of o,_ changed in Slavic, the pronunciation by the Rumanians of these toponyms was adapted to that of the Slavs. (Petrovici) p. 252: “The maps of the Linguistic Atlas make for us poassible to study the expansion of the Rumanians from Transylvania to all directions.” (Pu_cariu)


Chapter V p. 255: It is hardly probable that a common language existed in such a large territory, which was divided by high mountains, and in a primitive society, with insignificant economic contact between the different tribes and without a common state. (Georgiev) Chapter VI p. 263: However, the massive migration of the Rumanian people to the primeval forests of the Carpathians, which in that epoch were not yet populated, did not depart from the sedentary Romans of Paristrion, but from the “Vlach” wandering shepherds of the mountainous areas of the central parts of the Balkans. Their leaders north of the Danube have largely Cuman names. Thus, the Cumans seem to have taken a considerable part in this great Vlach migration towards the north. (Stadtmüller)

SUBJECT INDEX ____________________________________________________________ Abandonment of Dacia Traiana (under Aurelian) 142, 144, 146-147, 153, 158, 161-163, 179, 208-209 Admigration 201 Alanians 259, 273

Albania 20, 23, 64 — language 18, 38, 44, 49, 51-52, 56-60, 60-83, 84-91, 93-98, 102-103, 112-113, 115-116, 122, 185-186, 189-190, 197-198, 239, 251, 254-

390 256 Albanians 5, 10, 17-19, 37-38, 86, 133, 186 n1, 251, 256-258 Annales Fuldenses 268 Antes (Slavic tribe) 150, 266 Appendix Probi 51 Armenian 56, 58, 60, 64, 86 Atlas, Rumanian, Linguistic 180182, 196, 198, 236-237, 250 n 1, 252 Avars 19, 21-22, 258, 263, 264265, 266-268, 270 — material remains of 265 Balkan-Danube culture 267, 269270 Balkan peninsula 3, 5-6, 9-10, 1213, 16-17, 20-21, 23-24, 34-37, 44, 55-59, 63-65, 72-73, 84-89, 96-98, 109, 114, 120, 122, 133, 137-138, 140-143, 149, 152, 156, 173-174, 181, 185, 188-189, 191, 195, 198, 205, 212-214, 216, 236-243, 245, 247, 249-257, 267-268, 272, 279283 Balkan Linguistic Union 85-87, 96, 116,120, 186, 188, 190, 257258, Baltic languages 56-58 Banat 125, 127-130, 141-142, 154158, 176, 181, 191, 202, 213, 218, 228, 236-238, 243-244, 260, 263, 265, 273-274, 277, 283 Basque language 42, 243, 252-252 Bessarabia 143, 260 Black Cumania 280 Black Sea 98, 220-221, 264, 267, Catalan language 51 Catholic churches in Transylvania 253 Celtic language 58, 273 — influence 222 — material 166, Celts 10

269 Bosnia 36 Britannia 173, 205, 209, 230, 240 — Roman placenames in 209 Bucovina 143, 194 Bulgaria 5, 18, 21-26, 31-33, 37, 86, 98, 108, 110-111, 114-115, 120, 122, 137, 141, 183, 186, 195, 198, 205, 210, 227, 241, 254, 256, 267268-269, 279-280 Bulgarian language 56, 64-65, 67, 87-91, 93-97, 100-101, 108-111, 113-114, 116, 122, 136, 140, 186, 188, 190, 194, 198, 237, 239, 241, 244, 247, 250-252, 257-258, 270271 — Old Bulgarian 100, 193 Bulgarian Orthodox Church 227 Bulgarians 157, 196, 216, 218219, 268-269 Byzantium 13, 22-26, 34, 43, 85, 97, 137, 140-141, 147, 153-154, 177-178, 211, 214, 219, 254, 264, 266, 269, 279-281 Byzantine authors 197, 209, 210211 264, 270 — cultural influence 264-265, 269 Carpathians 10, 124, 133, 140, 143, 177, 216-218, 234, 249, 250-252, 263, 267, 270, 275, 282-283 Carps 149, 170, 202, 210, 223-225, 229-231, 258-259, 262-262 — cemeteries of 225

Cerneachov 177 — culture 228, 261 (see also Sântana de Mure_...) Christian Church 23, 111, 113114, 150 — communities 173, 179

391 Dacians 10-11, 120, 138, 143-144 158, 161, 163, 168-169, 199, 202203-205, 207, 223-225, 228-231, 234, 255, 258-259, 270 Dacia Mediterranea 11, 17, 143, 148, 155, 209 Dacia Ripensis 11, 16, 17, 143, 146, 148, 209 Dacia Traiana 1-2, 14-15, 50, 55, 120, 138-139, 141-148, 151-155, 158-159, 161, 163, 169-170, 170175, 178, 180, 182, 184, 188, 192, 196, 198-199, 201-202 (division of), 203-211, 213-214, 219, 223-224, 229-234, 239-240, 245-247, 258 “Daco-Moesian language” 55-56, 58-59, 141, 186-187 , 245, 256, Daco-Moesian territory 141 Daco-Roman continuity, theory of, 7, 138-144, 147, 156, 158-159, 177178, 184-186, 189, 191, 195, 197, 199-201, 209-210, 242, 249, 251, 253 “Daco-Roman placenames” 192, 201 “Daco-Romans “ 149, 158-160, 162-164, 171-173, 175, 177, 180, 182, 184, 190, 199-201, 210, 223228, 230-235, 241, 243, 246, 248, 269 Dalmatia 10-11, 13, 15-16, 23, 44, 49, 197, 216 Dacia 10, 249, 255, 262 Dacian language 55, 58, 73, 120, Dalmatians (miners) 145, 206 139, 145, 204-205, 249, 255-256, Dalmatian language 44, 48, 51, 8485, 188, 257 273 Dardania 13, 17-18, 194, 256 — religion 205 Denmark 16, 220-222 — settlements 208 — style, material 161, 166, 168, 203, 259, 261-262, 269 Diploma of the Ioanites 283 Dobrogea 124, 140, 143, 152, 191Discontinuity, demographic 230– 192, 197, 237, 244-246, 256, 266, 272, 279 234 Dridu culture 166, 241, 269, 279

— symbols, objects 169, 173-176, 180, 226-227, 234, 263 Christianity 140, 145, 149, 155, 175, 179, 182, 221, 227, 234, 239, 263, 278 Christians 22, 148, 179, 210-211, 227 Codicele Vorone_ean 71 Coins, Roman 151-152, 158, 161162, 169, 171, 176-178, 179, 259, 221-222, 227-229 Common Rumanian 40-42, 56, 6061, 73, 86, 99-101, 103, 107, 109, 115-119, 123, 125, 140-142, 156, 183, 195-197, 236, 239-240 Constantinople 20, 23, 25, 93, 264 Core areas (Kerngebiete), theory of 180-182, 196, 198, 227-230, 236– 239, 253, Corpus Inscr. Lat. (CIL) 208 Cri_ana 128-130, 156, 202, 236238, 252, 260, 265, 277 Croatia 216, Croatians 122 Crusaders 24-25 Cuman language 194, 247, 272, 279, 280-281 Cumans 24-25, 157, 216-219, 279, 280-281, 282-283 Czech language 105, 133-134, 136137, Czechs 218

392 189, 201, 210-212, 220-221, 223, 225, 227, 229, 241-243, 258-261262 Greece 122, 198, 215, 236, 255 Greeks 9-10, 11, 18, 22, 25, 86, 90, Frankish empire 22, 268 93, 122, 207-208, 216, 256, 258 Friuli 44, 49 Greek language 27, 43, 46, 50, 57— dialect 51 58, 61, 66, 70, 86-98, 111, 113, 150, France 181, 215, 242 179, 182-183, 186-187, 190, 220236, Franks 218-219, 242-243, 265, 274 248, 257, 272-273, 278 French 54, 120, 132, 182, 219, 242 — material 259 England 209, 215, 247 English peoples 246 — placenames 209 — American English 246

Galicia (Hali_) 134, 216, 281 Gallia 173, 205, 221-222, 242 Gepidae 148, 176, 189, 201, 210, 218, 235, 241-243, 258, 263-264, 266-267, 270, Gepidia 263 Gepidic language 189 — material 166, 190 German language 41-42, 120, 221, 246, 250 Germanic, Old, language 58, 189190, 193, 196-198, 214, 234-235, 241–243, 247, 253 — material remains, 166 — peoples 202, 209, 220-221, 242 Germans 280 Gesta Hungarorum 156-157, 215219, Getae 10, Getian language 256 “Geto-Dacian language” 191, 200 Geto-Dacians 205 Gheg (Albanian dialect) 60, 64, 64, 67-68, 76-77, 81, 88-90, 97, 115, 251 Gothia 261 Gothic language 150, 179, 220 — material 159, 171, 190 Goths 16, 146, 148-151, 175-179, Illyrians 9, 11-12, 86, 188, 207-208, 213 Ipote_ti-Ciurel-Cânde_ti culture 166

Hebrew 96, 278 Hercegovina 28 Hrišov-s (deeds of gift in mediaeval Serbia) 27-29, 34-37, 71, 133, 278 Hungarian language 58, 94, 107, 120, 125, 127-128, 133, 136, 193194, 219, 244-245, 249-250, 254, 267, 272-273, 275 Hungarians 22, 143, 157, 181, 192, 196, 215-219, 238, 241, 245-246, 252-253, 265, 269, 271, 273–278, 279-280, 282 Hungary 24, 50, 157 n 1, 168-169, 175, 215-216, 218, 229, 241, 260, 264, 268, 274, 280, 282 Huns 16, 148, 153-154, 176, 210212, 230, 234, 242, 258-259, 262263 Iazyges 202, 223, 228-229 Iberian languages 53, 243 — peninsula 173, 205, 242 Icelandic, Old 189 Illyricum 9-11, 195, 213, 224 Illyrian language 9, 38, 54, 56, 73, 186-187, 255 — cemeteries 224 Iranian 272-273 Istria 9, 44, 48-49, 85, 137, 250, 267, 269

393 Italian language, dialects 44-47, 48-49, 52, 60-61, 84-85, 90-91, 182, 242-243, 254, 256 Italians 89-90, 280 Italy 16, 49, 52, 84-85, 91, 145, 173-174, 180, 188, 197, 205, 207208, 221-222, 229, 242, 254 Jire_ _ek line 36, 49-50, 140, 156, 236 Jus Valachicum 28, 137 Kabars 218 Kazars 216-218 Kosovo 36 La Tčne 163, 226 Latin language 40-45, 53, 55-58, 62-63, 67, 70-72, 82, 85-86, 97-98, 100-103, 106-107, 109, 111, 117, 119-120, 125, 131-132, 138, 140, 145, 148-151, 179-180, 182, 187188, 191-193, 196-198, 201, 205207, 210, 213, 221, 227, 234, 236239, 255-256, 269, 272-273, 278, 280 see also: — East Latin 48-55, 98, — Balkan Latin 45-46, 48-50, 70, 91, 97, 111-112, 115, 183, 254 Latin inscriptions 145, 178-180, 188, 206-207, 210, 222, 229, 230 Lettish language 187 Lithuanian language 57-58, 63, 187, 189 Macedonia 11, 17, 21-23, 25, 88, 97-98 111, 122, 143, 155, 186, 198, 239, 254, 257-258 Macedonian dialect 56, 58, 69, 109-110, 188, 257-258 see also Bulgarian Máramaros (Maramure_) 124, 128Ossets 261

130, 181, 202, 236-237, 250, 277 Micenses 187 Migration period 6, – peoples 184 Moesia 11, 13, 15-17, 23-24, 36, 139, 143-144, 146-148, 155, 181, 188, 197, 202, 207, 224, 236, 255, 269, Moldavia (Moldova) 22, 86, 90, 93, 114, 125-126, 128-130, 137-139, 143-144, 147, 192, 194, 225-226, 237-238, 241, 250-253, 255, 258, 260-262, 266-267, 269, 273, 279283 Moravia 133-134, 137, 268, 274 Moravians 217-218, 268 Morlachs 36 Montenegro 28, 34, 36, 38, 195 Muntenia 2, 86, 109, 111, 114, 124125, 128-130, 137-138, 141, 143144, 152, 181, 183, 210, 220, 227, 241, 250, 252-253, 260-262, 266267, 269, 279-281 Mun_ii Apuseni (Transylv. Alps) 180-181, 207, 210, 237-238, 249, 252, 282 Noricum 15, 181, 209, 240, 247 Norwegian 190 (n 6 fr p 189) Norway 222 Novac, Furrow of 152-153, 212, 213 n 2, 224, 231 Novella of Justinian 154, 212-213 Ochrida 23, 227 Oltenia 11, 42, 50, 129-130, 138, 141, 152, 176, 186, 195, 213, 223224, 228, 231, 237, 250, 252-253, 259-261, 266-267, 271, 283 Oriental peoples 207-208 Orthodox churches in Transylvania 253

394 Pannonia 11, 15-16, 50, 137, 143, 154-155, 167-169, 173-175, 216218, 224-225, 240, 247, 262, 268 Peregrinatio Aethereae 64 Persians 212, 264, 280 Petchenegs 23-24, 157, 166, 241, 274, 278-280, 282-282 — language 247, 279 Phrygians 255 Polish language 133-134, 136-137 Portuguese 54, 60, 63, 243 Praevalis 13, 17, 143 Proven_,cal 51, 54 Religious terminology, Rumanian 111-115, 145, 182, 227, 239 Rheto-Romance 44, 47, 182, 251 Raetia 44, 181, 222, 247, Rhinos valley 2-3 Rhotacism 56, 63-64, 117, 137 Roman empire 2, 40, 43, 49, 111, 140, 142-143, 148-149, 151-152, 158, 168, 175-177, 179, 181-182, 190, 197, 202-207, 209-211, 213, 220, 221-222, 224-225, 228, 237, 242, 249, 254, 258, 263, 266 Romanization 54, 70, 140-141, 144-146, 188, 204 n 1, 205-208, 236, 243, 257 Roman–Rumanian continuity 247 Roman religion 205, 208, 222 Roman provincial style 161-163, 165-168, 170, 209, 214, 220-223, 224-225, 230, 233, 261, 269 Romans 9-10, 12-13, 40, 84, 138, 145-146, 148, 150-151, 154, 158159, 161, 164-165, 172, 199, 206209, 216-218, 221, 223-224, 242, 244-245, 259-261 Rome 51, 139, 140, 145, 205, 221 Rumania 120, 141, 158, 180, 189190, 199-200, 203, 214, 228-229, 236-237, 239, 242, 244, 250, 252-

253, 256, 260-262, 265-266, 270271, 276, 278-281 Rumanian language 140-144, 190, 194, 196-198, 201, 204, 229, 235236, 238-243, 245-248, 250, 256257, 267, 270, 273, 275, 282 see also: — Northern Rumanian 27, 29-39, 119-137, — subdialects of 124137, 236, 239-241, 248, 250-253, 257-258 — Istro-Rumanian 28, 36, 52-53, 63, 86, 89-90, 115, 118-119, 120123, 137 note 2, 141, 238, 250 — Arumanian 3, 26-27, 42-43, 52, 65-69, 71, 86, 88-90, 94, 98, 100, 102-103, 109, 111-112, 114-115, 117-123, 137 note 2, 141 121-123, 198, 236, 238, 244, 250 — Meglenitic 86, 89, 91, 107, 115, 118-119, 121-123, 137 note 2, 141, 238, 250 Rumanian Orthodox Church 85 Rumanians 158-159, 181, 185, 190, 193, 196, 198, 201, 219 see also: Vlachs Russia 133, 261, 264, 269 — language 65, 107, 133, 186, 237 Russians 23, 134, 136, 216, 278 Ruthenians 197, 281 Sanskrit 58 Sardinian 42, 48-49, 51-52, 91, 99 n1, 181 Sarmatians 148-149, 210-211, 258259, 260, 262 — language 247 — material, style 159, 226 Saxons, Transylvanian 123-124, 252-253, 281

395 — language 133-136, 190 (n 6 fr p. 198), 249, 267, 272, 280, Sântana de Mure_ – Cernachov culture 161, 167-171, 223-225, 231, 261-262 Scandinavia 220-221 Scandinavian languages 64 Schism of Church in 1054 AD 24 Scythia 155, 215-216 Scythians 10, 148, 212, 260 — language 247 Serbia 18, 27, 34, 37, 120, 131, 137, 195, 198, 254, 256 Serbo-Croatian language 5, 32-34, 86-90, 93-94, 96-97, 101, 113, 116, 128, 190, 194, 244, 250, 257-258, 271, 278 Serbo-Croatians 188 Serbs 22-23, 27-29, 33, 36-37, 98, 122, 133 Sf. Gheorghe culture 224 Sicilian dialect 51, 54 “Silence of historians” 147-148, 209-211 Skok-line 50 Slavic languages 56-57, 64, 83, 88, 120, 125, 136, 182, 189, 192-194, 196, 237, 239-241, 243-249, 252, 254, 276, 278-280, 282 see also: — Old 98-100, 105, 189, 193, 197, 271 — South 97, 98-111, 113, 116, 141, 182-184, 239-241, 248, 253, 270 Slavonic (Kirchenslavisch) 113114, 227, 244 Slavs 12, 18-20, 22-23, 27-29, 33, 35, 41, 43, 84, 86, 97-98, 102, 105, 122, 140, 141, 143, 149-150, 157, 181-184, 188, 191-193, 198, 200201, 210, 212, 218-219, 233, 235, 239, 240, 241 —(Western) 245248, 257, 261, 263-264, 265-273,

278, 282-283 Slovakia 133, 175, 268-269 — language 133-134, 136-137, 244 Slovenes 86, 98, 218 Slovenia 229, — language 188 Spanish 54, 60, 243 Substratum of Rumanian 54, 5661, 63-64, 72-83, 86, 99, 102, 131, 185-186, 189, 204 n 5, 254-256 Supplex libellus Valachorum 5 Swabian 190 (n 6 fr p 189) Sweden 220, 222 Swedish 190 (n 6 fr p 190), 221 Szeklers 253, 267, 274, 282 Taifals 262 Terra Blachorum 282 Thessaly 23, 26, 279 Thracia 10, 12, 20, 22, 213 — language 21, 54, 56, 58, 64, 73, 184, 186-187, 200, 255, 272-273 — religion 205 Thracians 86, 188 “Thraco-Dacian” 58, 187, 200 “Thraco-Daco-Moesian” 140 “Thraco-Illyrian” 200 Tosc (Albanian dialect, southern) 60, 63-64, 67-68, 76-77, 87-90, 97, 251 Timok valley 86, 90, 98, 250, 258 Transylvania 8, 10-11, 50, 72, 86, 90, 120, 123-129, 133, 137-139, 141, 156-157, 165-168, 176, 178-180, 183, 186, 192-197, 203, 207, 213, 216, 218, 223, 227-229, 233, 241242, 245-246, 250-254, 256, 259, 260, 261, 265-268, 270, 273-274, 279-280 Transylvanian School (_coala Arde lean_) 5, 6, 139, 204, 236-238 Turkish language 87, 93, 128, 237, 252, 280 Turkey 122, Turks 85, 86

396 139, 143, 192 _ara Oa_ului (Avas) 276 _ara Româneasc_ (Wallachia) 93, Ukraine 133, 228, 269-270 Ukrainian language 101, 133-134, 136-137, 237, 252 — people 278 United States of America 246, 251 Uzes 24 Wallachia; Great, Little and Upper 26, 137 Vandals 212 Venetian dialect 84 Vlach principalities 282-283 Vlachs 2,3, 23-26-29, 32, 35-38, 53, 71, 84, 114-115, 120, 122, 131, 133, 137-138, 141-143, 147, 156157, 181, 191, 195-196, 216, 218219, 238, 240, 243, 245-246, 248249, 252, 254, 257-258, 270, 279, 281-283 see also: Rumanians Vlacho-Bulgarian empire 25-26, 280


NAME INDEX Ahtum, Hungarian chief 157 Al Masudi, Arab historian 279 Alföldi, András 175 Álmos, Hungarian chief 215 Ammianus Marcellianus, 330–c:a 400 AD, Roman historian 260 n3 Anderson, James M 251 Andreas II, (Hungarian king 12051235 AD) 282 Andronikus I Komnenus, 1184-1185, Byzantine Emperor 25 Anonymus, Hungarian chronicler 156-157, 181, 215-219, 270 Ansbertus 29 Armbruster, Adolf 139 Arnulf, Emperor, 9th century, 218, 268 Árpád, Hungarian chief 157, 216217, 219 As_ne_ti family, rulers in Bulgaria 33 Assan Ivan: see Ivan Assan Attila, king of Huns 148, 217, 263 Augustus, Roman Emperor, 23 BC - 14 AD 188 Aurelian, Roman Emperor, 270275 AD 146-147 Auxentius Durostorensis, bishop, 4th century 150, 210, 220 Baian, Avar chieftain 266 Barbarossa, Fredrik 29 Bari_, H 62 n1, Barta, Gábor 123 Bartoli, Matteo 84, 62 n1, Basarab I, (B_s_rab_) 1st Rumanian

voivod of Muntenia, 14th century 282-283 Basileos, Byzantine emperor 23 Bârzu, Ligia 7 n2, 166-167, 168 n1, 169, 225 n1

Bél, Mátyás 215 Béla III, Hungarian king, 1172-1196, 156, 215, 283 Benkner, Hans 2 Besnier M 142 Boba, Imre 3 Boleslaw II Smialy 281 Bóna, István 267 n3, 268, 274 n2 Bonus, questor of Byzantine army, 6th century 155 Bononiensis, Hugo 215 Borciu the Cuman 282 Bourciez, Édouard 44, 105 n1, 119, 197, 214 Boril, 1207-1218, Bulgarian Czar, 25 Boris, Bulgarian Khan 853-864, Czar Michael 865-888 22 Boutičre, J 131 Bracciolini, Poggio, Italian Humanist, 138 Braslav 218 Brâncu_, Grigore 61 n2,3,4, Brezeanu, Stellan 7 n2, Bucurescu, Adrian 7 Buday A 171 Burebista, Dacian ruler 204 Candrea, I.A. 106 Cantemir, Dimitrie 138 Capidan, Theodor 27 n1, 108, 122 n3, 192, Caracalla, Roman Emperor, 198-

398 217 AD 261 Caragiu-Mario_eanu, Matilda 3, 71 n3, 120, 122 n1-3, 238 Cassius, Dio 202 Catellianus, bishop, 6th century 17 Condurachi, Emil 6, 146 n1, 234 n1-2, 200, 229 Commodus, 180–192 AD, Roman Emperor 162 Constantin I, Great, 306–337 AD, Roman emperor, 152, 154, 158, 161-163, 165, 173, 175-176, 212213, 259-260, 274 Constantinescu, Miron 144 n1, 146 n1 Constantinus Porphyrogenitus, 905–959, Byzantine emperor 945959 AD 194, 273, 274 n1 Coteanu, Ion 97 n1, 101 n2, 103 n1, 115 n4, 253 _,Cabej, Eqrem 65, 71, 96 n1 Daicoviciu, Constantin, 6, 10 n1, 70, 120, 138-139, 140 n1, 141, 143146, 147 n3, 150 n3, 158-159, 179, 185, 197, 200, 203 n1, 204- 206, 229, 267 n2, 269 Dami, Aldo 8 n1, 139 n3 Dares Phrygius, historian, 215 David, Bulgarian ruler, 10th century 23, 115 D_n_il_, I 97, 253 n 1, Decebal, Dacian ruler 204 De_ev, D 185 Decius, Roman emperor 249–251 163, 202 Deljan, Peter, leader of revolt in Belgrade, 11th century 23 Densusianu, Ovid 4, 6, 45 n2-3, 46 n1, 47 n1, 48 n1, 52, 62 n1, 85 n1-2, 280, 281 n3 Diaconu, Petre 279 Diculescu, Constantin 189-190

Cazacu, Boris 53, 123, 131, 238, 250 n4, 252 Cedren: see Kedren Chilbudios 149, 210 Dietrich 88 n4 Dio Cassius, Roman Senator, historian 202 Diocletian, Roman Emperor 284–305 152, 154, 163 Dlugosz, Jan Polish historian, 1415–1480 AD 281 Dodi, Anastas 60 n1 Donat, Ion 235 n1 Dragomir, Silviu 26-28, 31 n1, 3334, 35 n1, 4, 36 n1, 37 n1, 38 n1, 64 n3, Dr_ganu, Nicolae 36, 134, 137, 184, 246 Drizari, Nelo 74 Dumitrescu, Florica 131 n2 Dymond, David P 3 Eminescu, Mihai 106 Epiphanios, bishop, 4th century 148 Erdeljanovi_ 38 Eutropius 145-147, 204, 208 Farca_ (cneaz) 283 Festus Rufius, Roman historian, 4th century 147 Fischer, Iancu 53, 91 n3 Fraenkel E 187 Friedwagner, Mathias 17 n1, 143, 184, 195, 240 Garasanin 224 Gallienus, Roman emperor, 253–268, 203 Gamillscheg, Ernst 180-181, 190, 196, 238, 243 Gelu (in Gesta Hungarorum) 157,

399 181, 216-217 Georgiev, Vladimir 5, 62 n1, 255 n2-3, 256 n1 Giurescu, Constantin C 24 n2-3, 26 n1, 27 n2, 146 n1, 165 n3, 182 n1, 183 n3 Graur, Alexandru 82, 87, 106 Grecu, V 139 n3 Gy_rffy, György 215-219

Giurescu, Constantin C & Dinu C 23 n1-2, 25 n1, 146 n1, 165 n3, 182 n1, 183 n3, 204, 237, 239, 281 n2 Glad (in Gesta Hungarorum) 156157, 216-218 Glanville, Price 7

Jaberg, Karl 181, 236 Jire_ek, K 11, 12 n1, 13 n1, 16, 19 n1,3, 20 n2-3, 21 n1-2, 35 n3, 49, 211 Hadlich, R L 84 n2 Hadrian, Roman Emperor 117–138 Jokl N 38, 96 n1, 184 Julian, Roman Emperor 361–363 AD 145, 206 Hall, Robert A, Jr 103 n2, 120 n2 AD, 220, 242 Jung, J 184 Harhoiu, Radu 166 Justinian, 527–565 AD, East-Roman Hasdeu, Bogdan-Petriceicu 64 emperor 17, 153-155, 163, 197, Hellenos 148 Heraklios, Byzantine Emperor 212-213 Justinus, Roman chronicler, 2nd 610–641 19 century AD 215 Herodotos 273 Homorodean, Mircea 249 Horedt, Kurt 165, 169 n2-3, 171 Kaloian (Ioani_a), Bulgarian Czar n2, 224, 227 n1, 231 n1-2, 233 n2, 1197–1207 AD 25 235 Kandler, P 120 Karsai, Géza 215 n1, 216 n2, 217 Ibn-al-Ahtir, Arab chronicler 279 n2 Iliescu, Vladimir 147, 150 Kedren, Byzantine historian, 10th Illyés, Elemér 1, 8 n1, 59 n1, 219 century 115 n2, 253 n1 Kerényi, András 145 Ioan (cneaz) 283 Kinnamos Ioannes, Byzantine Ionescu, Christian 278 historian 24, 281 Iordan, Iorgu 192-193, 201, 206, Kniezsa, István 277 242-244, 272 n1, 279, 281, 283 n3 Konstantin Kopronimos, Byzantine Iordanes 244, 262-263, 272 Emperor, 7th century 21 Iorga, Nicolae 282 n2 Konstantin VIII 23 Kopitar, B 87 Isb__escu 189 Kosztin, Árpád 8 n1, 253 n1, Isidorus Hispalensis 215 Isperich, Bulgarian ruler, 7th century Köpeczi, Béla 123-124, 247 n2 Kranzmayer, E 247 n1 21 Ivan Assan, 12th century,Bulgarian Krum, Bulgarian khan 21-22, 268 Czar 280 Ladislas the Saint, Hungarian king Ive 84 1077–1095 279 Izzo, Herbert 4, 8 n1, 198, 209 n1

400 László, Gyula 264 n2, Lausberg, H 62 n1 Litovoi, Rumanian voivod 283 Livius 146 Loborcy, in Gesta Hungarorum 217 Lombard, Alf 88 n3, 89 n2, 93 n23, 104 n1, 107 n3, 120, 196-197 Maior, Petru 139 Malmberg, Bertil 63 Manaster, Cuman chief, 13th century 25 Manoliu, Maria 242-243 Marino, Mary C 4 n1, 198 McKay, Donald 8 n1 Menomorut, in Gesta Hungarorum 156, 216 Menrot, Hungarian chief in 9th century, used by Anonymus 217 Metod, bishop in 9th century 218 Meyer, Gustav 71, 87 Meyer-Lübke, W 62 n1, 63 n3, 88 n2 Michael, Bulgarian Czar: see Boris Micu-Klein, Samuil 139 Mih_escu, Haralambie 13 n2-3, 84 n1, 97, 112 n1, 206 n2, 214 Mih_il_ G 98 n2, 100 n2, 106, 113 n1, 114, 133 n1, 189 n3-5, Miklosich, Franz 87, 93 n1 Miron, Paul 6, 146 n1 Miskolczy, Ambrus 124 Mladenov S 184 Mócsy, András 13 n4, 207 Moór, Elemér 3 Morout (Morot) in Gesta Hungarorum 217-218

Lot, Ferdinand 175 Löfstedt, Einar 42 n3-4, 43 n4-5, 44 n1-2, 111 n1 Lydus Ioanes 204 Macrea D 34 n1, 82, 106, 109 n5, 123, 134, 137, 139 n3 Nestor, Ion 142, 171 n2 Niculescu, A 7 n2 Niketas Akominatos 281 Nikiphoros, Byzantine Emperor, 9th century 22 Nikola, Prince of Vlachs 23 Odovacar, Emperor of Italy, 5th century 16 Omurtag, Bulgarian Khan 814–831 22, 268-269 Onogesios 148 Ovidius 260

Panaitescu, Petre 269 Papahagi, Pericle 96 n1 Pascu, _tefan 6, 144 n2, 146 n1 Patsch, C 142 P_tru_,, Ion 99 n1 Pârvan, Vasile 18 n4, 197, 205 Pei, Mario 198 Pérez, Luis A 4 n1, 198 Peter, Bulgarian Czar 927–969 22 Petrarch 280 Petrovici, Emil 6, 60 n2, 124, 125 n2-3, 126 n1-2, 127 n1, 128-130, 181-185, 194, 247 n3, 248 n1, 250 n1, 270 n1 Philip the Arab 171 Philippide, Alexandru 4, 6, 8, 96 Naert, P 62 n1 n1, 140, 143, 190 Pippidi, Dionisie M 146 n1, 166, Nandri_, Octave 62 n1 260 n1-3, 261 n1-2, 262 n1-2, 264 Narses, Roman general 149 Nerva, 96–98 AD Roman Emperor n1, 266 n1, 269 n3 Poghirc, Cicerone 55 n1-2, 63 n2, 161 82 n2, 186 n2, 191 n1-2, 194 n1, Nestor, Russian historian, 265

401 244-245, 256 Pólay, Elemér 208 Popescu, Emilian 213 Popescu, R S 275 n1, 277-278 Popovi_ , Ivan 9 n2, 10 n1, 18 n23, 100 n1-2, 101 n1, 102 n3, 103 n45, 104 n2, 106 n3, 109 n3, 110 n4-5, 113 n2, 133 n1, 184, 196, 271 Protase, Dumitru 146 n1, 158-160, 164 n1, 171 n1-3, 172 n1-2, 173 n13, 174, 175 n1-4, 176 n1, 177, 178 n1-3, 199, 205 n2, 202, 208, 225, 226 n1-2, 228, 231 n1, 233 n1, 259 n2 Ptolemaios 272-273 Pu_cariu, Sextil 53 n2, 62 n1, 71, 96 n1, 106, 115 n1, 122 n1, 132 n13, 143, 180-181, 192, 193 n1, 196, 237, 246, 252 Regino, abbot, 9th century 215 Reichenkron, Günther 196 Rosetti, Alexandru 3, 17 n4, 28 n1, 34, 41 n1-4, 42 n 1-2, 43 n1, 48, 49 n1-2, 50 n1, 51 n1,2,5, 52 n1-2, 53, 59 n2, 61 n1, 62 n1, 63 n1, 64 n4-5, 66 n1, 67 n1, 68 n1, 71, 72 n1, 73 n2, 86 n4, 87, 90 n1,3-4, 91 n3, 96, 99 n1, 102 n2,4-5, 103 n2-4, 107 n2, 108 n1, 109 n1, 110 n1,3, 113 n3, 115 n1-3, 117-119, 130 n2, 131 n1, 142-143, 183-184, 186, 189-190, 192, 193 n2-4, 194, 200, 214, 237240, 242, 248 n2, 250, 272 n2, 273 n1 Rösler, Robert 6, 8, 144, 242 Rudes, Blair A 7, 51 n3, Rufius Festus: see Festus Russu, Ion I 4, 9 n1, 10 n1, 55 n1, 58-59, 71, 73, 82, 106, 186-187, 188 n2, 189 n5 Sala, Marius 62 n1-3,

Preda, Constantin 176, 228, 229 n1 Pressian, Bulgarian Khan 22 Priscus Panites, Byzantine envoy 148, 262 n3 Priskos, Byzantine general 263 Procopios, Byzantine historian 16, 19-20, 149, 152-154, 212-213 Salan, Bulgarian chief, in Gesta Hungarorum 216 Samuil, Bulgarian Czar 980–1014 23, 115 Sandfeld-Jensen, Kristian 8 n1, 17 n4, 60 n2, 63 n3, 64 n6, 65, 69 n2, 70, 86 n2, 87, 88 n1-4, 89 n1,3-4, 90 n2, 91 n1-2, 93 n1, 94 n1, 96 n1, 103 n2, 107 n1, 109 n4, 110 n2, 115 n1 Sauciuc, C T 192 Schramm, Gottfried 8 n1, 273 n3, Schuchardt, Hugo 87, 110 Schwandtner, Ioannes Georgius 215 Seliš_ev, A M 184 Seneslav, Rumanian cneaz 283 Severus Alexander, Roman emperor 222–235 AD 145, 202 Shafer, R T 3 Simeon the Great, Bulgarian Czar 893–927 269 Skari_, Vladimir 36 Skok, Petar 50, 184 Slatarski, W N 24 n1, 25 n2 Solta, Georg Renatus 86 n1, 87 n2, 96 n1 Sozomenos Salamanos Hermeias, historian in Constantinople, 5th century 149 Stadtmüller, Georg 5, 6 n1, 12 n2, 16 n1, 17, 18 n1, 19 n2, 196, 283 n1 Stati, Sorin 40, 115 Stenberger, M 222 n1 Strabon, 63 BC–19 AD, Roman historian 204

402 Straka, Georges 214 Suciu, Coriolan 244 n5 Suetonius, 70–150 AD, Roman historian 146 Svatopluk, Slavic prince, 9th century 218 _incai, Gheorghe 139 _i_mariov, V F 184 _tefan, Gheorghe 6, 148-149, 185, Tagliavini, Carlos 119 n3, 197, 243 Telerig Bulgarian khan 21 Themistios, 317–388 AD, Prefect of Constantinople, author 151 Theodor, king of Saloniki, 13th century 25 Theodorich, East Gothic prince 16 Theodosius II 149, 163, 259 Theophanes Confessor, c:a 752–818 AD, historian, Saint of the Eastern Church 19, 149, 263 n1 Theophylaktos Simokattes, historian, 6th century 149, 263 Tiberius Constantin, Byzantine Emperor 266 Tocilescu, G G 163 Todd, M 230-231 Todoran, R 125 n1, 129, 130 Tóth, Endre 247 Trajan, Roman Emperor 98–117 AD 146-147, 201, 204-205, 220, 236, 253, 274 Treimer, Carl 72 Trócsányi, Zsolt 124 Tudor, Dumitru 151-153, 154 n1, 156 n1, 207, 208 n1-2,4, 213 n2 Tuhutum, Hungarian chief, 9th century 157 Turzol, in Gesta Hungarorum 217 Tyrannion de Amisos 255

210 Štefan Dušan 36, 281 Štefan Milutin, king of Serbia 28 _tef_nescu, _tefan 282 n2


Tamás, Lajos 6, 8 n1, 263 n2, 282 n1 Tacitus 260 Ullmann, Stephen 54 Uroš Milutin, Serbian 1282–1298, 29, 35


Valens, Roman emperor 364–369 AD 146, 163 Vardan, Armenian historian, 13th century 281 Varro 255 Vespasian, Roman emperor 69–79 AD 162-163 Vékony, Gábor 8 n1, 10 n1, 273 n3, Vidos B E 48 n2, 49 n3, 198 Vladimir, Bulgarian chief, 9th century 268 Väänenen, Veikko 214 Weigand, Gustav 8, 71 n5, 87, 98 n1, 110 n3, 115, 124 Weinreich, Uriel 105, 106 n1, 246 n2 Wiaczeslav, Polish prince 281 Wiching, bishop in 9th century 218 Wijk, N van 98 n1 Winkler, Judita 204, 207 Wladislaff Johannes 23 Woitech George, leader of revolt in Bulgaria 1072 AD 24 Wulfila – see Ulfila

Zaharia, Eugenia 184, 235, 236 n1, Ulfila (Wulfila), Gothic bishop, 4th 239 century 150, 210-211, 220, 227 Zeiler, J 15

403 Zeno, Roman Emperor 474–491 AD 16 Zenovivs (Latin inscription) 178-179 Zonaras 145 Zosimos, historian, 5th century 149, 259, 262 Zubur, in Gesta Hungarorum 216 Zulta, in Gesta Hungarorum 216

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