The Opponents of the Writing of Tradition in Early Islam - Michael Cook

September 9, 2017 | Author: Smple Trth | Category: Abrahamic Religions, Religion And Belief
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tx 29

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p€ddce of th€mesfrom éschatologicatrr{dition.4oyct thc rcxr sri tains much that is What is the oÍigin ofrhe pan of rhe rraditionI havecàlledrhê apocatypdcchron As we h3ve it, the rexr is manifestlya Muslim document.No J€wish apocatypric would ÍecognizeChristi no Ch.isrianone would recognizerhe Muslim propher.Eql the lmSuageof the text is &abic, and there@ ctearinsrancesofeurránic rermino Y€t thereis nuch that points outsiderhe wortd of rhe Muslim traditionists.Th. nological terminoloSyis tanspdenrly boEowed froÍn a non MusliÍn source.and dating from the cotrqueÍ of Sy.ia, as opposedto the Hijra, is unlslamic. Th€ ABbla clumsy 6d unidiomatic.arThe refeÍencero yazid's iconoctasmsuggesBa Ch background.Above all, the whole genrèis foreign to edly Muslim eschatological atuÍe,and much mo.e al homein a non-Muslimenvironment.{ I would accordirgly sugg€strhar what we have hereis somethiosbetweena tion and a reworhn8 of a non-Muslim, probabtyChÍistian, Syriàn ap@arypseoí early 'Abbnsid Friod. As a Ch.jsiian text translarêdinto Arabic. ir is edlvi à! which has found its way into rhe titeratureof the rÍadÍ is to my knowl! unique. Through \rhat irfoÍmal prccess of cultural contacr the transmission occun€d can onty speculate.a5 ecua 0 parailetpasàEe ro our krd,hon quorêd dnono \9a nan jobadohL *tíoru tihid rót r98bl . i m m Á 4'nt h í i b i d . Ío t t4 3 a 9 .p s! .lr o r o t zOOb .r ) " Sce,tor.xanple, .he lkr quoredin n.4l rb a we h,!. rhe Byanrne i - Thu nor a p-"rrir rrcm tÉ smê Dcriod, óe A'mrq I'bd.. Íot t99b.t9), Lhc yêmenr re: H. Us.n.r,_Dest phi.o At.xàndnno." i;hbI d . . m s l ' b r d , Í o t 2 r lJÀt' .lh ê .o m r De o ír h e tu t.r o f 5chà1" ltrrpzi,E, l9l2 t4). vol. l. D. (ibid., fot 100a.3r. an,l rh. mte .r ,he This GEek aíolosical text p*ai* u ^ndàrusid rhe confronhrioD wi.h rhe Byzanrin s mirr, Anb rures, *ho d. hisrdical dorn ro tlE (ibid.. fol. 2OO.:l7). Fo.lherÈ lhên s se. foÍ exan, otd Manrsr: usenerdr@sn ro t53,59/775 ple, Mad.lung, _Ap*àtypr'c prcphac! in H,n5, h È , n , r y è i 3i b. i d. p p 2 5 9 ,2 6 t ) Dp. 149 53 ron rhe lemen' Ed.em.r), t5B ron rh. " Thàr Mudrms oí rh. 6.!ood/e'ghrà A'nàq), ról-62 (on ràe rolê of Èe Mvalt ! A, seE nor rmDurêro th. chms of chnÍi,n uadé. 'Alaudós hldjes sobE la ocuplción d. Al; lypric literotuft is jrdic&d by a curioD3 íoni po. un grupo d. hispano nusulnanes., tudtu b' Michel rhe Sy.iar (d. 59ó/tt99) O. A. Ch dê la Anritiór Espofr.ta d. Onentolistas ed., Chrmiqu. d. Mich"t L Sttirn lpsi's, 12 (197ó): t59 30, v.^ioN c rnd H (for thc Anr9r0l, !ol. 4. p.465c:lr = vol 2, p. 5o7b,.ir.a " ThN drR ft É,.Íence( ro lh.Énnrs\ttna, ibid, fó|. 20Oal) md Sponkh ( ttÉ \i.r sorraí ||o rÍnnj. ibid., for. 20oai9). Th. r.m ard srrrra "r,{rrádl, óccus. heÊ po$ibly id rJ!. snse oí leu.ia (ibid., fol. 200.:13). coDsknri Íopre ( r.ferd ro a6 ,lzd,rira (ibid.). Borh a.d sinvu sd &@xrd rccuÍ ,n a pÍal.t p,sa8e rn l od_.xon quokd rrcm Adin (jbd.. Íot tz2a ) 'Ánoth.r ermpt. oÍ .uch !m,bula4 x rhe saÈóêí r.gsd'ns tj\e Propher: nan sadàrqahu

Bel(êÍ. D6 Reich der Ism&lit n im kdiÉl Danielbucb,p 53). Thè MoDorhví. tiah. siji"LD, ror of *.tcsi.sijcil p"rirics, '."""nrravoÍw'rhMsáo ti Toón con..m.rlrocdrry

be md a collab.rÀ.or compos.d a wolk b shich ga!. rbe lnlc "Apsalyp* of Eoah j in ir pr&Èd a pa$a8. i.dicatirg !h{ Mrsan woutd atul àíd hin his son. Ma0Àn fe for.his rlov, had then pÍ.paÉ , comnenkry on .hê rêr. H; did not, of coue. rule rfter tun

I Hti ( )Pt)()NltN'ts O} 'I'HE WRITING OI' ' t R A l ) I ( ) N IN EARI,Y ISLAM

CONTENTS ( l he nurnben in this Conrents refer to the paf,agraph numb€n in Michael (',ook, rh, Oppannt aJ the Wtiting oJ Tradirin A Eab Iskn.)

L Introduction............. Ibn ar Óawi\ exhoÉtion (q l) for dd asàitu1 thc clàbility óf oral tansmision ($ 2a)r irs sentual honoM€$ G a)i conÉnsus ón (0 5); the hostility to Milins (S 6)j sdsink initiàIy tdsdi$jon view ($ 7)j the sope of thjr study (S 8); oudioe of tne dsucnr 109)i 1he hií.ry or &js íudy (S l0); thc sourccs (0 I l). IL

The history

of tle



Tradition...................... l The Baerarlphnse

to the witing



.................... li l2 ...................... S 12

'lhe anser oflbn 'Ulàryá G l2I suppóíing marcnal on Ibn'tjlàtaà, Ibn strin, dd lbn 'Àm (S l3)j Baran tansmissjor of óe nain P.opheic tradltlon asáiní Mitins ($ 14)i was n órisinàIy Bard? (! l5); schdLrs view (E l6)i dáting ó€ Bsan ph* ($ 17) innG vation o. dchaism? 6 l8)i Basar mal€.ial ir falou. or w.ilins $ l9): Htuan àl-Bari (S 20) md Ard ibn MáliL ($ 2l); Bara md G€ Prcph€tic tBditiotu ií fàvour oa wnting ($ 22)j r€ddual Bastu mat€nal G0 23t).

2. The grneralphase.............................................................. ! 25 ($$ 25r). OppNir,o. ourrde Bam seDeral and onc€ pÈalè nnl: oppmition fÀda óut €dli€r ($ 27)i slishr rcle of Knfos in tnnmifrins ii€ l,.ophetic badióotu a9in$ $S 284) and ror wnG ilg $ 30), and its sisnmcmcc (l 3l)i the vicw or óe proto'Hanali law-shool (l$ 32t)i Knlan-Aam crcsr€feFnc€s ($i 3af.); datins the fadeout of opFsition 6 36). Mditu: 'rne tuta or zuhri (S 37) apinÍ ($ 38) dd fo. Mitins (l 39); hjs ercu$s (! 4o); litde opposition 2fur zulni 6$ al-3)i mÍc! opp.rition bcaor€him (S 44); th€ Mcdin€sc compmions (S45): Abn Hun)m\ tradition ($ 46)i Zayd ibn fàbit's tEdition (! +7)! 'Uhd ib. al-Hátttb and his *.ond thóusht (SS484)j Jiehl rcle or thc M€dinese in th€se (! 50). Mfta Thc disndnuity of M€ccan i?didon ad th€ rcle of SUEán ibn 'U.'á'm in s€ndal (EEsrt); lacl of s@d màtrid G 53); Me.or àuthonri€s asaiBt dd for (0 54). I@r Txe 6suEs vho count (! 55)i the mle of Táms (0 s6); the roL óa Ma!ffi (E 57) sunmins-n! ($ 58). S2M Syno TEdition in $neral {$ 59)i Sriu asainsl ($ 60) and for witing ($ 6l)j SFans ballfriniís f.on non-Srrids natnar

X ni (5 t50):Epi.inr a4runents (g l5|; r ceonicresponsDm lg t52)l a íructu.ataPp.oach (E 153).

again$ (A! 624) dd lor wrnnrg (ili 64t)i the problem ol dating (l$ 66f.)i th€ quesion of Und}.|ád códiication i! 68). l-iine to rcpoí Í! 69). orL' .rrd summins up ($$ 70t).

3. The nature of thc oppc,sirion PaitrN or chaosi' i! 7:ll. 'n' .mt mí. pauàn: P\bti. and p.irat donàins 1! 73)r íudents rvho mcnorisc in public bui Mit in p.ivate (S$741:)iFa.h{s sho LÍit. in pÀatÊ but terh or2ny 6q 76r.)i wn!.n tansnxson n the Àmity (!! 78t)i deathbed d61ruction of Mi(en r€ {$e80i)i àtdtud€s to letten (S$32tl; sdnfuins-uP {! 84) rh. 1dm;und oJ 6at ulu6: Iincs of áppro&h to the quesnan ([ 85)] Knran prosoposnpbn al arsumcnt (5 86): Ibn MaÍnd (! 87li 'Ali and rh. 'Alds (!{ 88t)i implicalions ($ 90)i lbrÀllim al_Naba'i and Sà'bi ($$91f.)rthemari. approà.hcs($ 93r: euphenisn in dt Prophetr. badidóÍs (!s 94tli zuhd\ ex.uses (E 96li dtuPenetions ($ 97): $ritins then erains G\ 98t)i nere ,,'4l Gq l00f)i smmins_ uP G 1021.

4. Concludinsrcmarks


plausibilityí! l04l; Thr p..supposirions oarhe.econíru.tióo (! 1031r villl Scheler'slieas (E tos). conparison

S 72

! 103

I mdrla,l' odlh dbon \ | l. : d onqn m rh. C.hi ^r'' Í'gain.d al-B2n md solomon oràl habns $ llz)i ihe li€ss oflbl'Abd candz (! ll3)i óbjcctions($$ llatlj rn ongio outide Arabiar í$ 116):lat€ antiquitt and Chnsdd y ($ ll7)i Zor@*nrnism (S l2li. $l 118-20)ra Jsish o4i

.. .... .......... | 122 2. TbeJewishparallel ............................. W.itcn Torah and OE|toran ($ 122)i the Rabbinic .ontovcny ov{ wdlins ({ l2rl)r th similarity ($ 124)i the lvlNlin p.lcnic aSainstrhe "p.óplc of the Boor" $! t?5t)i rcr.rencesto the Mishnrrr ($$ 1274); the pnblic and pnvar. sph€r€s in hlam and Judaism($ 129)iljlcBJy lindsiE 130)rrhe p.oprietyofLt.n 6 13l)l point of conpaison ig I32)i sulming-uP $ 1331. 'i!óÍ 'lhe w ider c ont ex t . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$- . .1. 3 4 3. ThÊ shared dichotomy hetwse. Lriften ànd onl .elelabors {!! I3at)i a Jcwish ongin Íor th€ Mu:lim di.hdomy? (8 136)i GoldzihÊr\ vi$s ($ I 37li dt. o.igin ol the eá,/ i\ l33l: Horovit.\ tlnis (! 139)r Rabbinic chains of audrnries ($ l'10)i mmins up

| 113

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. li4

s.lín' iuu. dno u,rr, orb..,r o,J L-diriLn 9 | í rhr tJan,.€(! 155); uns€lfcorsiour T.ádnion rmong th. Arabs (E 156)i setfcoMnDs o,nl .rEdirbn in rslo (S 1i"7)j shy did i' ld' o ó m l o o I,st ..t, .o m p d n sn nw i .h h c A\FG ''m r n è r h| r t.,- n p d i .,,n w i ,t,,L r p a t ,d n o . 9 t6 ,,,r c \.,.Ji . ronpdison $ 162)jcon.lusion(E 1631.

Indcx of Íirst c;rarions of rràditionists

.................S 106 r r adit ion .....-................. ...................... l. r he p o s i b i l i ti e s $ 106 The qudrion oforigins (E106);d origrnwithin ltlam? ovdt moti_ r " ' , n n . \r l u i l .: n e\i l ' i l\i { 6 l naj " " d

transition(E l42ri Shcriru The pÍ,blen of th€ Oral Torah lqs l43l)i saadyis "r'-\ on fie kriiina af thr^monic-Geoni. 6! I.154);ad cnbàÍdsed silrnc. (li l47l; tl\. UId h|tu"m r mrat (8 l48li B.n Baboir\ llqli rlr vÍi(it's (l!)kt !í rh. Mi\h"!h

ínrx l usnn


III. The origin of the Musljm hostility to the wtiling of

iri l4rt ,t. "How was the Mishnah srittent"


438 mneD.rni. linuosiry rhough n certainly $as that.i For jl Í.as on the ofal condnu;ly of tÍansmission that the vel}. authcnricity of f.radition nas s€en ro rest; mere lrlerary tansmission, and a r/r;z l;terary finds. ' oul .l ,ar n nu . u, h nu, t , onn. I ni" pu, n, ot s. s n- . 1. í nphah . xd, r ) r h. r ê! eF. óiour osn: r h. Lr . ad s, d S. r o . , , p. resenl at once the philotoBist,sdrcam and the rradirionisfs nighmare. It ;s hard 1l] imagjne thar lbn al-óaszi $.o,rld have set much s|rlre by modem *)dicarions of rhe aulhenri.ilv ot lÍuíim!;on bascd o; the exhumarion of,{rab;c lir.ràry pap}.ri,dor on the claim that the oral terminology ol zads always conc.ats {.ritlen hansmission.r



\ I In the sixth ccntut) of rhe Níuslim erà lhe Hanbaljte scholar Ab[ 'l-]araÉ ibn al-Óawzi (d. 597) wrote a book to encourage his la4' cortemporaries to grearer clToÍll in the memorisation o1 'lradition.' God, he argued, had singlcd out the NÍuslims to memorise Koran and Tradirion, whereas those who had been beforc theÍn had be.n dcpend'lhcJews, ent on sítteD sourcesand wcre incapable of memoisalion foÍ examplc, had confered on Ezral the titlc '\on of God" mcreiy becausehe kncw the Torah by hcart; among N{uslims, b)' contrast, a seven-year-oldchild coulrl recite the Koran Iiom memon. Th. same conlrast obtained iÍ lhe field of lradition- "Nobody among ihc nations traDsmits t}le words and deeds of their Proph.t in a reliable làshion apart írom us; for among us l'raditior is transmittcd from onc gcneration Io another, and ihe rcliability of lea.hl hansmitle. h €\amined unril rhc tradition has been traced back to lhe ProPher. ()thcr nadons have their haditioni from written sources of $'hich the $'ritcrs and arc unknoli."' | 2 lbn al-Óawzi\ exhofation suggeís tso basic poinb about thc "oral l radition" oflslam. lhe fint concerns the sigrificance ol its oral character. lor lbn al-Óawzi, as Íàr the Muslim faditionists i. gencral, this oral charactcr was more than an occasion for the dsplay o1 7bn ar-C^wzi, ul HdU'.ln tila nr;ln ba lila t;biit d|httrq Brirur, ll85; s.r also the desnpdon of fte wo|! in \L $cisvciler, Itbnlulï HanàlnfLnrlulm .uÍ unbiha l99ino l 4 9 l t e n d r o u s P I . a d i r i o n' k , r . l . r t , lituL ttun t t ; k t at o, r s r ant nl, I I 37, pP. Ádli1 at la.g., and '1radni.n" lor rn individual n"dl ' For .rtr read li4r', à.d aor lhe /dqd./,ol iI. A.irui pnn(ins Íad /a ídd', \ih ' Ibn al'Óawzt.rrrl, p rl lfi \\ci*r.,lfÍ.

II tl\ttrlllnrruhn.l1l ^ttmlmh


hos,eler, widely represcnLedin the broa{t{r.utru.e ol S 3 Ou d\r ;$,\Ld, bram, and evcn amons the raditioniís th.msctves óàliz id !55t av.Í! that. but l o' b"o t, o c "nJ re e.,' , ti nt.o,r,rl l n-_ s a,.,l pJ r ' \, ' ^outohc to., 4i ,add_d p:i a' hk l d :Mi ut a ."bana..L\n,..aa o.]"k a tj t" i r4L n, otA Lr, S ,.r4 J L,:r,,., a 18.1 deàn., d 4dl Í,en, ót ,h- \fi . d B nr drrL':i d 2 a .l c d.2.ÍÍ' dpprdv u h"n,a,.8 t, .,.n,,a,,.. -., (he rh. sound thar Trddition $,as nor wrire! dokn b€fore l l LÊ o' ITd D ,am,,È FnJ h\ ddtu ngi rFi fl o...,n.,d,\ rnui e qnd' e \r I r'nr or dr- V ,d.i èr l tuhi m nda on \T. ,i r ' FJ h.,q.. l Jr''l d rL4 ri ,"t|.nt.r\ ' ,n."o' ,,"n.n.nhr. ih+ *nrld aalrly af.ibe .hinss ro limr Irj a. rman, an&dote a radnionist or tne crrtv s...nd .utu.} wÀhcs ro w.ite d.rvn a lradiijon $ .hat no one can rjed n.r'Ihc KrtraD Abn Nu.ayn at-Fadr ibn Dukayd id ltgt Íacs lha;


"Ê 1rn

o. s d,.onr. .dn b. .rn.

ro. è\.trut-

.,h",orj rn,,on.,


r n , d"", . , J". r xJ À. , , . t u, q1. , . , . . , , h; , "p. . . . r . ", l l l l ,-l ' , ^ . . \ bt tcr . t t èÍ G àd. -. b^à. , . , r , , . r , , . d t . f l o. t b h__, t _, ?, fJl i ,f

vdf . : . ^t r r . , r c , n, d r

r abq . D; nm . r , , @

\ dm J. ,

"J. \ H. 4 5 q .h . q u .t.. h r ,- ó r .è . r ._ vr x t\h a h l .,,.1 nu , h d fe b . , T t , ? , : a Í r l " .tó s f,r . ,. n ,n .n " , G.r i .,J.F.u .. t\ r ! À., J i r r L .. d l :.d Jt I {d t.d \.. t,.d J . 'i . . p . r 'r r u .l r - à U tr r l o - 4 p . i n 2 l . l \. .U .J r , 1 l l . "u 'h ^ , q l b o ' rÍ \. \tu r . 1 n |b L ,4 ,1 o w a . C \"g ,_ d L o ,d ,r . t- ,7 - 2 . .. ILp 2 a ,.r o p x, ,,l . \r /o n . \4 ,"u e . L .r .r ,, - .i b ' I'rÊ,r I 'F PP 1i, bir -,1. .À.M. Hárnn, caiÍo. le3B-.!5,t, p .!7 3 :.9^1i7, Hqatin, ",t '1r,1., p. 11.6 I ohr Lorh of theseracrcncesb AlbeÍ Arazi: tor par.I{,ts ro rle i..ond. \ce b.torv, I ll5, nort 5t2. . , " ..JD .i , a \a l a d r 8 ., r .,{,a ,,. e d \tH i tr ,r , r .d n ,h - ,d c .. ,tl t tn t h \a .d o r 1 r .,r . u h t o 4 ,.d .a tto . t.,.! ,., tr I] 'I I h . ', \ ( 1 i Ál .r ,1 In ,i '!r , t( r 8 4 ,p r ? L 1 , s e . l , r t r,k. r Í{í. 5 l ) \

i I

X .1,1-0

139 (h.ever doesnot.,hr.k snl nn qrnrenÈcordsn pronero error lbn Itrnbrl t1 t,!ll is asledabouia manÍho hrs í)mcth;,sbr l,car(.L,d |as i [dinddr] veni.n i. wnrins:hc.cpli.sLLarh. p.efe^rhe!ftren\lrh lrtÍ the .,.crd. HanbahcNaÀmall)in al'lifi rd 716r..pon.drllr \jcs dL( it qoukl make hile heenb.tieríiht Caliph'UrnrrL,uledlll-?31hrd là.vet (lompannrr r (nk. È.o{l ol rhe liadnionhe hzd h.r.d fn'r rhc Pn,pbet.' of this oral \ .1 lhc sccond poinr concerns the e\'.ntoal hoLLowncss juÍ sas a r.vivalií: it $,as Lrccaus. slalus ol l radition. lbn al-Óa!Í,i dre pra.ricc oi his day relied so nuch.rn wrifirg Èar hc was movcd 1{) reassert ih. value of memorisation. The hollowness caD bc sccn alieadY in earl,vtraditions sanctioning the use ol tlte o'al retm hdddata lo, $rircn t.ànsmission, ruch as one recorded b) Ibn Hanbal on thc aurho;r) of \Íansnr ibn al Mu.iamir ld. l32l: 'If I wrire ro yoLt, I\,e lokl )ou'.ir 'fhn is Dot to imply lhat from lhe third ..ntun oD\tards r.ansm;ssbn was ni general no nrcre than an.mpÍ) Ibfmalini but ir no* opefaled in a.onrext perrrcrtcd Ly drc us. oí $fiting.'' lo \eek out lraditions $om oral sources was still a l.àdiri.trist\ spoÍ as lare as rhe rime ol Su-vntrrd. 9l llL'q trur th( lradidons he a.quir.d in rhis wa,! $..c a .olcctoft show-piece,not his Íock-;nrrad.. i 5 ft n. however, gencralh acccptcd thrr rhe \Iuslin oral I raditior had once been genunrch oral. I'hus Nalria :\bboLt who strongly emphasisesthe wÍ;rkn lrensnission ol lradition, scesthe t;nr of Zuhri !d. 12.!l a5 rhar oithe major shifi liom oraL to l'riuer (Ía.smissioD,'' a riov erpallv ser fotuard by Sczgin iD his firs1 ajoÍ Íudyi'' and aldrough Sezgin has snr.. argucd for an cxclusirly sritLei TfadirioD ''fÍom &e beginnirg",i'1rc havc vct to bc prescntcd \Lith rhe ri.w thal , 1, P , t ' l' cr h ,' F c l Í .c r c ^ h n h h l fu d i , i on i r qri ,i nJ 1AÈ,n rn'Ja al'l)imaíti, ?a'1, cJ. S.N àl-qrs!..i.

l)amà,n.l. p rti, n.

ri lbn l\br Ya lá, rdbattàtrL tlanabla,d ÀÍ H. rl-Fnti. Cano, 1152,I, p 318 | 1952n, ll, Tibntàt al Hdnirtnd.e.l NI:{ all,q,. (lir. " rhn RaÉalr. p. 368Il;riqhnv '/&l'aLi or \r.onsl-\,.Ibn Rr$b rcàb LLr !ic! .s rar oJ lnr hn.srlJ: ' lln l.làftt\, ul-'llal bu nu'nIn dl at /. ed w .N{. ',\hhas. Benur m,l Rivad, I 9lil, Il, p i2. no. l9i){. in{l lll. p lgj, no 1810 this $orl i" ldeaft.I .n.d rs'1/r/l .rrl) lJrír( " lhis srnbiosis.rnd is nnpkadons fo. (hc (ex1tralhN.q oJ lir.durr. hasbeen {xdi.d bv c S.hoekr n, r ï;.s olrdnlcs n, 'nu.h ,, /]/aÍ n,Dmi4 { oflns fi irgs..r 1,. fou.d nr hn l)ie r.ase der s.hrihh,h.. od.Í rurlli.he nlibe i.lem ngder \ ! is s . nnhr f t enim an' lu, I s l i n i . a ) - i r , , 6 1 . l ! ) 8 i . l , t ) : 1 1 ) . 22 .1-íj: .rd n À \ \ ' c i1* s r uf lnge der s c hilih. he n . d e rm i r d l n , Í i , I 1 l r L Í l i J t r f ! , 1 , ' \\'lssenschaJien im hhm . /)r /i1,,,, ti6, 198q,pp 381 6t' a/ . \ 4r t r i.Cam l , f n l ! . . l q r _ ) .l . r ) r L 'Srt DN Í Sr hn, . r / r l, f li, ) r\bbo(, .t/?tr,. ll, tt ii. 801. illl. !trr) I SrLljr Rthtintut Loml,ltn ttr$rnlt nah,hrl-, l.i,',li L. l'r_,1'., L1 l,l. ,t!rr lr . , ! t 11r , llv l. l, r l)

likesise generaliy a..epred rhar rhcrc $,as s.nne hosrititv | 6 It 's l;om oral to \fiten Tradition. lhis opposition. already 10 Èc.hange discussedby Sprenge..rr rcceived somewhat rough justice rl rhe haDds 01 Coldzihd. Tak;ng at facc ialue traditions rcgardnrg rhe very rarlv writiDg of T.adition, hc caÍigaled rhe oralists Íàr rak;ng up a posrrioD .conhary ro the facN iinown to llrt'r)".1 i,{s sc shall see, rhe "làcts" in queslion telrd to bc ftos. allcged b,v rhc winnnrg sidci and although they narurall_vsunivr in gfcal quantig, th.v arc neither morc nor l*s worthv of credencc than the 'fac|s" allcgc.l b\ lhe bsers .r: Since Goldriher óc opposi*r ro uriting has been íirrther minimised by schoiarscon.em.d to emphasisc$ittcn transmissionb) \r:+ ol d.lèndi.s rire auth.Dti.ilv ol Tradition.r! tsur onh Sezgin has gone so lar as ro d.ny its existcn.. aloge reÍ. dismi$irg it as a 'lupcrstition" .r.aled b! Goldziher.rr posirion is I'ir uer rhair,rrraandi6 Jdvrtnes \hen \ 7 Thc,rux of Se?grns ll'e] rppea. nr uadiidr dir..rrl rgai.Í rhe qririig of Tradition, are nor ro bf til.. in thc rLnr setrseol'!o $ri(.' \vhàr the_\'reler(o is nor. n, his rirr. rlr $nr g.1 lradirioi is s(h, bur snnpl_\ns É.iucn rdrm$io. rirbo appro rr Sprcng.r. O. ihe o'.igir and p.osressof urilnrc dr's, niírnrat fr.h rmong lhe M'Fal'nanJ ^. , J,md ,/ dr Álatu $Mt ![ Ba1gL ?5 I 856, es]re.i.l]r pp tJ79lr I : also i.1.. u{:l*r dls riadidon$csfx Lci den Arlben , a.;Litinl lln Irutthn ,rtrtldtatull rha Gdkldli. 10, 1856,Jrp +r: !1 L CLtuL;n(Í.,lluhannndusthrtrrlr, llalle, 1U89,90.II. p l9+r and .l rri1, I q. $h..e it i\ plain rhar Coldzihr *rs rwar. nl drr slÈLin.ssof rh.s.,rà.6, Erlr rd belol, I lrve mie N. ofrle Erstish randano. I./atn r/zlti, L,ndon, l9(i7,t l \en€nquonns liom lhis srrk. !, Ihn is of..nF a nrbcr unsrar.tu .nrcnnr: n sa O.tdzil,r. in rhn lery iud, Nho rrgxed rh:r ue should so ni I raditi.n 'a rcnccri.n ol rh. r.n.le.(ics \Iirh :ppear.l r rl,c ..omntrnirydudng rh. marur.r dases.l ns dcvrlopnrrtr nril., p s and S.zsin okd rbole. ! 2. nórr\ 611 ' see, ,n addiion t. dlr ra.ks ol \r.'I al-[iain,. li,nt al hndí. Lcbrrcr, ^hb.r 1967,pp ]39-86. .spr.iJlt_\pI, 1851r\1.NI Ann. stuttu h w4 Uulíth tit-dtue, Èeirt, lgljB, rlio ava,lablenr an Arabn v.'snnl \l.NL a1-A2mi. ttfiit lí l idíl aMhaLí, Ri_vàd, n.d.t 'Ih.s.yhol2n í,outd scfnj !, hrve a dighd)"n+.olrabl. rllr rn wansbmusl,t.aJ. $an.tDt\gh,7lL )ttunannihd, orford, 1978.pp 30i i. ca dso ihc pokmi oJ \i. al-Dn' ,lr rglnNi rh. ()ie.utis$ .n rhis isnreLvald a/ ,ar1i ! litu al hdi!. Bc\Írr. n Í1 pp .1 - 3 . udÀ. J u,v.holl, 1tu u hntut4 rl ttt tuttt ot tuootu drítt,,a; o n,rlm Est1, t evd.n. l!69. pp..ti-5+. R..e.rh a Shi'nc author hr\ publisheda \.D ruLírnrl roÀ oÍ (l ki iÀlR rl Husnvnirl C2lah. fad,, dl ranndat mha'rya, (lnmn\ t1r3. J.rwn ro nr) a(en{ionb} I Srzgin. aiíárrr. Í, p.53 TLf n.m "slpeNdon $as bn,ushr rhc !.n bv (nnd?ihc.:n.v.nh.l$\ rh. ron. of SzSrn s pol.mi. iganN I h gr\.s n .ug q f l a k a li '. t t r . si .n .1 'h ..xt1 ( !) i r l l .; r .r u r l d n a e r e d i i o l fr r h . $ i r n r Ê.t tr a d i i o n {t (; Sr,!Íl'.1)i Ithnlil.n!l\ L; rnlonnmto^,lllÁtr,,i,,, í;nrr. (ji(:Ír'. 19b9.p :) r c s l l k r l i J . N l ,Ír l L i ,l r t l h ,{.t r r n l l .Íl 'r : t l r ,l i 'l tr r r L '1 .S,h i d t^ d txÍ. R d i l 1 i ,,r ". / r r / j r , r . i , 1 ,.L ,r 1 r ,r t) u t1


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+41 uiih tclling exrnples'" Èiar. loDatui$.r8 Bur as S.hoolcr ha\ dcmon{rrtod 'S.,or s ;"t..prerat"" Ureat aosn $|.. .onfrorlcd with rhc r'xts To Scho'lc'\ rrpical tridnion dir'tred rsJnsr rhr $Innrs of fladnr'n aaa craipt.s "" "-r ' rhai Pe'pl' Àtcr r' {hal lbn MaJn.l C-,p,-on i', tr',, t
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