The Only Earl is Essex

June 24, 2018 | Author: Gerald Quiachon | Category: Anglo Saxons, Trench
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QUIACHON, Gerald Mari O. 2012-11524 The Only Earl Is Esse

!"r #his e$is"de, $r"$er#y %a&na#e 'a(l )hi&h# in*i#ed Ti%e Tea% Tea% #" in*es#i&a#e ar"(nd his $r"$er#y +hih +as (sed #" e "+ned y #he e /eres /eres "r e##er n"+n as #he Earls " O"rd. I# is +here #hey "(nded a &rand $ri"ry d(rin& #he 12#h en#(ry. Als", #he #ea% +ere #ased #" dis"*er #he #r(#h ehind #he 1#h en#(ry earl, Ed+ard de /ere ere +he#her he +as 3haes$eares ins$ira#i"n ins$ira#i"n " Ha%le# "r hes #he real 3haes$eare. )i#h #he hel$ " &e"$hysiis#s, s"%e " #he +alls " #he $ri"ry +ere dis"*ered e*en +i#h"(# ea*a#in&. The si#e dire#"r, Mi As#"n, As#"n, deided +here #" $lae #he irs# #renh a# #he side " #he ha$el. ha$ el. A# #he irs# #renh, #hey +ere ale #" ind $iles " "nes " nes #ha# +as "ne $laed in a a& #ha# r"##ed a+ay "*er #i%e. They +ere als" ale #" ind ena(s#i #iles and s#ained &lass +hih india#ed #he l"a#i"n " #he &rand ha$el. Aside r"% #hese, #hey "(nd a ra&%en# " a lar&e #erra"##a $la6(e #ha# +as sh"+n in #he ill(s#ra#i"n " #he h"(se d(rin& #he 10 #ha# 'a(l )hi&h# $r"*ided. (rin& #he se"nd sannin& " #he &e"$hysiis#s, #hey +ere ale #" ind a %ys#eri"(s r""% #ha# +as "(# " $lae. A#er ea*a#in& #he se"nd #renh, #hey +ere "nly ale #" ind #he +all " #he ha$el (# n"# #he %ys#ery r""%. H"+e*er, #hey s(s$e#ed #ha# i# +as a ell "r an anh" ri#e7anh"ress. In #he end, a#er di&&in& 2 #renhes, #hey +eren# ale #" ind #he re%ains " Ed+ard de /ere /ere in +hih #hey "nl(ded #ha# sine Ed+ard +as "red #" sell #he $r"$er#y a#er (sin& all #he a%ilys a%ilys +eal#h, he %(s# ha*e een (ried else+here. H"+e*er, +i#h #he hel$ " all #he in"r%a#i"n #hey ha*e &a#hered, #hey +ere ale #"  $r"d(e a 8 "(#line " #he +h"le $ri"ry. 3", #" e h"nes#, I +as e$e#in& %"re. A#er +a#hin& #his e$is"de, I reali9ed #ha# i# las "n#en#. Ins#ead " sh"+in& s#"ne +"r, and drinin& "#ail, +hy n"# :(s# di& %"re #renhes ins#ead " sh"+in& #he *ie+ers senes #ha# d"esn# ha*e %(h "nne#i"n #" #he &"als " #he e$is"de. Or #his :(s# %y rea#i"n a#er "%$arin& i# #" d"(%en#aries d"( %en#aries I*e +a#hed a"(# anien# i*ili9a#i"ns. )ell )ell I &(ess #ha#s all #hey an d" +i#h s(h a sh"r# #i%e.

3(##"n C"(r#enay !"r #his e$is"de, #he Ti%e Tea% +as in*i#ed y r. Helena Ha %er"+ #" in*es#i&a#e an e%$#y ield in O"rdshire. (rin& #he 1;20s, #he irs# An&l"-3a"n se##le%en# ar"(nd #he si#e and aerial $h"#"s " #he si#e s(&&es# #ha# i# %i&h# ha*e  een a $lae "r an An&l"-3a"n &rea# hall.
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