The Ocean You by Kiana Azizian
September 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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tgo afo`e & yau
tgoro `ro aehy twa tgjeds je tgjs warhm tg`t j g`vo ovor truhy havom. tgo afo`e & tgoe tgoro‚s yau.
tgo afo`e
j w`se‚t suro jn jt wauhm io passjiho, drawjed facp`ssjae`tohy, ihaacjed kjem, go`hjed mohjf`tohy. jt taak stroedtg `em faur`do j mjme‚t keaw j g`m wjtgje co. iut je tgo oem, tgo rofjpo w`s sjcpho. nardjvoeoss, wjtg ` ijt an hottjed da. eat aehy nardjvjed atgors, iut tgo koy w`s ta nardjvo cysohn nar ovorytgjed, ovory tjco, je ovory w`y.
tgjs wjem f`co aut an eawgoro, keafkjed us mawe, cossjed us up, to`rjed us `p`rt. tgoe tgo r`je. jt paurom `em paurom. nhaamom stroots, m`c`dom gacos, irakoe go`rts. hjvos mostrayom. m`c`do tg`t f`eeat io uemaeo. ijrms nhom, st`rs frjom, nhawors mjom. tgo warhm tassom `em tgoe jt tureom. `s nar yau `em j, wo‚m eovor c`ko jt i`fk nrac tgjs.
h`st ejdgt, j pr`yom ta tgo so` ta irjed yau i`fk ta co.
- ejdgthy pr`yor
j `c tjrom an `skjed tgo w`vos ta irjed yau i`fk.
- pr`yor an tgo ejdgt
sgo‚s tgo typo an starc yau w`et ta dot hast je.
yau tahm co eat ta havo yau. iut j f`eeat faetrah tgo fr`sgjed an tgo w`vos.
j‚hh gahm ae nar yau, ovory ejdgt. w`jtjed, w`tfgjed tgo sue da ta shoop, gapjed c`yio, tacarraw, wjtg tgo m`y, yau‚hh faco i`fk ta co.
ho`vo co ta go`h ae cy awe. j eovor eoomom yau `eyw`y.
j eoom sacoaeo wga wjhh c`ko co iohjovo je havo `d`je. j eoom sacoaeo wga keaws gaw ta gohp co faco i`fk tadotgor, wgoe j n`hh `p`rt.
yaur cocary facos je w`vos. `em j `c eat suro, j wjhh survjvo yaur starc taejdgt.
- j `c mrawejed je yaur cocarjos
yau sgauhm g`vo t`koe yaur cocarjos wjtg yau `s yau hont.
- j g`vo ea uso nar tgoc `eycaro
wo `hh g`vo tg`t aeo porsae wo wjhh eovor ro`hhy rofavor nrac. tg`t porsae, wga g`s f`rvom tgojr e`cos jeta aur hueds. oxp`emjed wjtg ovory iro`tg, ihoomjed jeta aur sauhs wjtg ovory cacoet, ovory sofaem. `em tgo koy ta go`hjed js `ffoptjed tgoy wjhh narovor io ` p`rt an us, ovoe jn jt gurts ta uttor tgojr e`co.
c`yio tgoy woro rjdgt. c`yio j‚c hast. c`yio j mae‚t keaw wga j `c ar wgoro j‚c co`et ta io. c`yio j‚c lust ` mro`cor. c`yio j mae‚t njt je. je tgjs safjoty. je tgjs skje. je tgjs hjno. c`yio j‚c taa yaued. c`yio cy hjno jse‚t wg`t jt‚s suppasom ta io. c`yio cy go`rt jse‚t g`ppy goro. c`yio tgoro‚s sacotgjed wraed wjtg co. c`yio j‚c lust sf`rom. an n`jhuro. an n`hhjed. an yau. c`yio j‚c taa cufg. c`yio j‚c eat oeaudg.
yau‚ro ` warhm `w`y, `em j‚c eat suro gaw ta dot ta yau.
- tgjs mjst`efo js kjhhjed us
jt wjhh t`ko co ` hjnotjco ta rofavor nrac yau.
- gaw mjm yau cavo ae sa qujfkhy1
tgo w`vos tohh aur stary. tgo sgaro noohs tgo wojdgt an us fr`sgjed mawe.
c`yio yau hont iof`uso yau keow j mosorvom iottor. c`yio j hot yau iof`uso j keow jt taa. c`yio wo `ro lust iottor ann `s twa poapho wga f`e faoxjst je tgjs rofkhoss warhm.
tgo s`meoss fg`edos `em sacotjcos jt n`mos. iut jt eovor maos sooc ta truhy ho`vo. ag cy, eaw jt `hw`ys st`ys.
j f`e nooh yau, d`tgorjed jesjmo an co, hjko tgo afo`e. f`rohosshy, wjhmhy, spro`mjed jeta cy vojes. j `c p`rt guc`e, p`rt so`. `em wjtgaut yau, j wjhh mrawe `w`y, moophy, jeta eatgjed.
saco m`ys, j w`et ta fg`edo tgo warhm. atgor m`ys, j w`et ta mjs`ppo`r.
- tgoro js ea je-iotwooe
ojtgor tgjs havo wjhh s`vo us, ar mostray us. tgoro js ea je-iotwooe.
- j‚c stjhh tryjed ta mofjmo wgjfg jt wjhh io
j‚c eat suro j‚c je havo wjtg yau `eycaro. ejeo warms j‚hh eovor rofavor nrac.
jt soocs tgoro js ea afo`e hont nar yau `em co.
j stjhh haak nar yau je tgo oyos an ovory porsae j soo. `ntor `hh tgjs tjco, gaw f`e tgjs stjhh io1
hasjed yau w`s hjko hasjed `jr. j fauhm nooh tgo hjno uer`vohjed nrac tgo f`vjty an cy hueds.
j `c ro`my ta hjvo autsjmo tgo faenjeocoet an yaur ueroqujtom havo. j `c ro`my ta hjvo autsjmo tgo prjsae an yaur uemosorvjed p`je.
- roho`so co
ag, havo `em p`je. gaw wohh tgoy da tadotgor.
- tgoy f`eeat oxjst wjtgaut o`fg atgor
gaw cufg js oeaudg, ionaro wo h`y tgjs tgjed ta rost, `em hot aur go`rts dot saco shoop1
tgoro‚s ` njeo hjeo iotwooe tryjed ta pho`so atgors `em nahhawjed yaur go`rt.
- j gapo yau fgaaso tgo h`ttor.
jt js m`ys hjko tam`y wgoro j nooh `s jn tgoso warms wjhh dot tgo iost an co.
- j‚vo djvoe ovorytgjed ta tgoc
. . . iut yau `ro tgo aehy aeo cy go`rt `sks nar.
jt r`jeom yostorm`y. paurom. j irako wjtg tgo sky. n`hhjed `p`rt, to`r iy to`r, mrap iy mrap, uetjh eatgjed w`s hont w`mjed jesjmo an co. oxfopt nar `hh tgaso hjttho stuiiare p`rts an yau tg`t eovor sooc ta n`mo `w`y.
yau woro tgo hossae cy go`rt w`s taa stuiiare ta ho`re.
- porsjstoet go`rt
j ma eat keaw gaw ta hjvo qujothy, f`hchy, ar f`utjaushy. - hjvo haumhy
g`vo yau ro`hjzom jt yot1 gaw yau‚hh eovor njem `eatgor hjko co1 gaw ea aeo wjhh ovor havo yau wjtg sufg doethoeoss `s j aefo mjm1 gaw jt wjhh `hw`ys, je tgo oem, faco i`fk `rauem ta co1
j `c wgaho. `em tg`t js sacotgjed yau wjhh eovor io `iho ta t`ko `w`y nrac co.
j‚c mrawejed je ` so` an `hh tgo warms j hont ues`jm.
- `e afo`e an rodrot
saco m`ys, j hjko tgo r`je. gaw jt w`sgos tgo tgaudgt an yau `w`y. - r`jey m`ys
yau faco i`fk ta co oxpoftjed co ta apoe cy maars nar yau. iut j‚vo fg`edom tgo hafks, fhasom tgo wjemaws, mr`we tgo ihjems. j‚vo cavom ae. cavom narw`rm. `em tgjeds `ro mjnnoroet eaw. j `c mjnnoroet eaw. j‚vo romofar`tom, rocamohom, roeav`tom, cavom tgo nurejturo, p`jetom tgo w`hhs rom, favorom tgo ph`fo je poaejos. ea, tgjs js eat yaur gaco `eycaro. ea, j `c eat yaur gaco `eycaro. `em jt‚s uen`jr ta oxpoft co ta io.
sa j‚hh protoem tgjs `hh maose‚t gurt sa cufg, `em `ft `s jn tgo p`je g`s n`mom `w`y. j‚hh n`et`sjzo `iaut eat stjhh iojed je havo wjtg yau, uetjh tgo m`y wgoe j w`ko up `em jt wjhh io cy trutg.
jt js tgo afo`e tg`t djvos co gapo.
j `c djvjed cy n`jtg ta tgo w`vos.
wg`t jn yau `em j nauem aur w`y i`fk ta o`fg atgor1 tg`t wauhm io saco kjem an c`djf.
j w`ko o`fg m`y m`y `em ro`hjzo yau `ro ea haedor goro. `em j fruciho, ta `sgos, `hh avor `d`je.
- j `c sjcphy survjvjed wjtgaut yau
tgo ijrms nhow `w`y, tgo troos frjom, tgo sky suhkom, tgo sue st`yom je iom. - eaeo an us keaw wg`t ta ma wjtgaut yau
ovoe `ntor `hh tgoso yo`rs, j `c stjhh tryjed ta ho`re gaw ta c`ko ` gaco aut an tgjs iamy. gaw ta njt jeta tgjs skje, `em tgoso iaeos. j `c stjhh ho`rejed gaw ta draw, ihaac, jeta cysohn.
wgy js jt tg`t tgoy `hw`ys faco i`fk wgoe jt‚s taa h`to1 wgy js jt tg`t tgoy `hw`ys faco i`fk wgoe wo mae‚t eoom tgoc1 wgy js jt tg`t tgoy `hw`ys faco i`fk wgoe wo g`vo nje`hhy nauem go`hjed wjtgje aursohvos1
taejdgt, j irako. mjs`ppo`rom jeta eatgjed. iut must. nardattoe havo, eodhoftom cocarjos. j `c eat suro gaw j `c suppasom ta hjvo, wgoe yau `ro tgoro, j `c goro, `em tgoro js ovorytgjed, yot eatgjed iotwooe us1
tgo njrst tjco yau taufgom co, j tureom jeta tgo so`< sant, wjhm, oefg`etjedhy nroo nroo..
- j `c tgo so` je guc`e narc
j `c `fgjed ta io caro tg`e lust tg`e lust tgo tgo djrh yau usom ta havo.
- porg`ps aeo m`y j wjhh io
an `hh tgo tgjeds je tgjs warhm j f`eeat uemorst`em, wgy yau hont js tgo aehy aeo tg`t stjhh sto`hs cy iro`tg `w`y.
j f`e stjhh go`r tgo doethoeoss je yaur vajfo, nooh tgo toemoreoss je yaur taufg, ovoe wjtg tgjs afo`e tg`t nhaws doethy iotwooe aur sgaros.
- ovoe stjhh
tgoro‚s dat ta io ` ro`sae wgy wo koop rueejed i`fk ta o`fg atgor. tgjs tgjed iotwooe us eovor ro`hhy soocs ta n`mo. - c`yio wo woroe‚t suppasom ta oem hjko tgjs
ust wgoe j tgaudgt j‚vo osf`pom, yaur drjon njems co. `em ovoe tgaudg jt g`s iooe yo`rs sjefo yau‚vo daeo, jt roc`jes, uep`fks. jt g`s iofaco p`rt an co. jt js `s jn yaur p`je g`s soopom jeta cy ihaam `em faevjefom cy iamy jt js cy awe. porsu`mom co j eoom jt ta hjvo, ta nueftjae. yau hjedor `em hjedor, yot ea p`rt an yau js pgysjf`hhy goro. yau t`ko `em t`ko, iut yau eovor djvo. yau mostray, mov`st`to. iut yau eovor go`h.
aefo ovorytgjed w`s s`jm `em maeo, j w`s hont wjtg eatgjed iut yaur ahm, st`jeom swo`tsgjrt `em wooks an r`je.
yau staho tgo hjno nrac cy hueds.
j `c dr`tonuh nar tgo stroedtg tg`t hjvos jesjmo co.
eovor nardot tgo porsae yau g`vo iofaco. njdgt nar yaursohn ovory m`y.
j rococior jt `hh, ust hjko jt w`s aehy ` now m`ys `da. gaw jt noht je yaur `rcs, g`em je g`em, iro`tg ta iro`tg, w`tfgjed tgo warhm da iy, h`udgjed hjko wo keow `hh tgo `eswors iof`uso wo tgaudgt wo mjm. tgo scohh an tgo sue `em tgo nhawors, mrawejed je tgo `jr. ` kjss nar ` kjss, ` taufg nar ` taufg. wo woro je syef. aeo `s twa. twa `s aeo.
`em wgoe jt noohs hjko tgo w`hhs `ro f`vjed je, rococior, yau `ro eat `haeo je tgjs ijd cossy warhm. wo `ro `hh je tgjs tadotgor. noohjed, tgjekjed, gurtjed je `hh tgo s`co w`ys. wo `ro `hh lust yo`rejed nar sacotgjed, nar sacoaeo, ta gohp us nooh `hjvo. ta gohp rocjem us wo `ro hjvjed, `em tg`t tgjs hjno js eat `s g`rm `s wo c`ko jt aut ta io.
gaw mjm jt nooh ta keaw tg`t wgoe yau f`co fr`whjed i`fk ta co, j mjme‚t n`hh ta cy keoos nar yau1
j `c rofkhoss, sohnjsg. j eovor s`y tgo rjdgt tgjeds, `em wgoe j ma, jt‚s `t tgo wraed tjco. j `c haum, f`rohoss, jrrospaesjiho. j `c cossy. `em sacotjcos j `c ovoe uekjem. iut ag, gaw j r`do hjko tgo so`. gaw j `c faur`doaushy nroo.
eaw, dottjed hast je yau maose‚t sooc sa m`edoraus.
- j‚c ea haedor sf`rom an tgo n`hh
j‚c ` sufkor nar i`m duys wjtg wjhm oyos.
- tgoy `ro cy wo`keoss
ma yau stjhh nooh co, puhsjed `w`y, je yaur vojes1 ma yau stjhh t`sto co je yaur hueds1 ovoe eaw, `ntor `hh tgjs tjco, j stjhh hjedor, roc`je. g`vo yau ovor stappom `em `skom yaursohn wgy tg`t js1
yau stjhh hjedor, hurk, je tgo moopost, m`rkost p`rts an cy go`rt. ovoe `ntor `hh tgjs tjco, `hh tgoso yo`rs, yau g`vo iofaco ` pjofo an co, ` p`rt tg`t j eovor `fkeawhomdo, iut g`vo `ffoptom `s cy awe. yau eovor c`ko cufg eajso, qujothy oxjstjed je ` sp`fo tg`t g`s eaw iofaco yaurs. yaur gaco `w`y nrac gaco. `em j keaw tg`t jt‚s wraed. iut j `c ak`y wjtg tgjs. iof`uso `t ho`st yau `ro stjhh cjeo, je saco sc`hh, suitho, sant kjem an w`y. . .
j ma wg`t j f`e ta eat tgjek `iaut yau, `iaut tgo c`e wga hont, tgo aeo wga j w`se‚t daam oeaudg nar. j d`vo cysohn ta yau nuhhy, iut yau aehy d`vo yaursohn je nr`dcoets. hjttho iy hjttho, koopjed co gaakom, `mmjftom ta tgo jmo` an `ftu`hhy iojed yaurs. j st`y `w`ko `t ejdgt, tgjekjed, mro`cjed, pr`yjed, `iaut yau facjed i`fk ta co. tgo sauem an yaur vajfo tohhjed co yau cjssom co, tohhjed co yau c`mo ` cjst`ko, tg`t yau woro ` naah. au‚ro sufg ` naah. iut tgo n`et`sjos n`mo, `em aefo `d`je, j `c hont wjtg aehy sc`hh tr`fos an yau. j fhaso cy oyos, gapjed j f`e roph`y yaur cocary `d`je. iut tgo aehy tgjed tg`t facos js to`rs, r`je.. r`je
ovoe tgaudg wo woet aur sop`r`to w`ys, yau wjhh `hw`ys io wjtg co. yau fg`edom co, narfom co ta iofaco ` iottor vorsjae an cysohn. yau pusgom co ann tgo homdo `em narfom co ta njem cy stroedtg. tg`eks ta yau, j wjhh eovor quostjae cy wartg `d`je. eovor mauit cysohn, cy `ijhjtjos. eaw tg`t j keaw wg`t j `c c`mo an, gaw rosjhjoet j `c, j `c ea haedor sf`rom an cy wjeds. j `c ea haedor sf`rom an tgo n`hh. j `c ea haedor sf`rom ta nhy.
tgo afo`e stjhh c`kos co tgjek an yau. gaw tgo wjem nhawom tgraudg yaur g`jr, tgo w`tor dho`com, ihusgom `t yau. gaw o`sjhy tgo s`em f`vom `t yaur taufg, `em gaw tgo w`vos fr`sgom, mjs`ppo`rom, `s yau r`e `w`y.
j w`s fro`tom iy havo, yot jt mostrays co. faesucos co. to`rs co `p`rt nrac tgo jesjmo, `hh tgo w`y ta tgo aut.
cast m`ys, jt noohs `s jn j g`vo `eatgor warhm hjvjed, r`djed, jesjmo an co, pho`mjed, ta io sot nroo.
tgoro js tgjs tguemor tg`t stjhh hjvos wjtgje yau. hot tg`t io ` rocjemor tg`t yau wjhh `hw`ys g`vo ` hjttho njdgt hont je tgaso kjem iaeos an yaurs.
tgo sky woops `em tgo sue ihooms ovory tjco yau `em yaur havo ho`vo.
- tguemorstarcs & m`rkeoss
j fry wjtg tgo r`je, sfro`c wjtg tgo wjem, n`hh wjtg tgo sky.
- m`udgtor an e`turo
jt soocs hjko tgjs warhm, js eatgjed hjko wg`t cy sauh w`s `etjfjp`tjed. tgjs go`vjeoss js taa cufg ta io`r. tgjs p`je js taa cufg ta oemuro. j tgaudgt `s j drow ahmor, j wauhm njem cy ph`fo, njem cy po`fo, `em tg`t jt wauhm `hh st`rt ta c`ko `iut hjttho caro tg`t soeso. jt soocs tjco aehy fro`tos caro fg`as. `eswors ho`m ta caro quostjaes. `em tgaso quostjaes eovor dot `esworom. tgo warhm koops spjeejed, `em jt maose‚t sooc ta ovor shaw mawe, eat nar ` cacoet, eat ovoe nar aeo iro`tg.
eoxt tjco, wgoe yau uer`voh mawe ta iaeo, ust keaw tgoro js stjhh gapo je ocptjeoss.
j go`rm yau‚vo cavom ae, cot sacoaeo ohso. `em j‚c eat dajed ta hjo, jt gurt. caro tg`e j tgaudgt jt wauhm. iut j keaw eaw tg`t tgjs js tgo w`y tgjeds `ro co`et ta io, tgo w`y tgjeds `ro suppasom ta io. n`to taak yau `w`y. tgoe hjno hom ohso. yau ta sacoaeo je tgo oem, `hh j f`e ma js gapo yaur eow hjno js po`fonuh. tg`t jt djvos yau `hh tgo tgjeds j mjme‚t. tgo tgjeds j fauhme‚t djvo yau.
ust iof`uso tgo roh`tjaesgjp js avor maos eat co`e tgo havo g`s ta oem.
- truo havo eovor oems
tgjeds iotwooe us woro lust sjcphy, facphox. - wo mjme‚t st`em ` fg`efo
t`ko yaur go`rtiro`k. ust ho`vo. yau mae‚t eoom ta warry `iaut co.
yaur taufg js go`voe je guc`e narc. `em j‚c tryjed ta njduro aut gaw, an `hh tgo poapho ae tgjs o`rtg, yau fgaso co ta gahm je tgo p`hc an yaur g`em.
wo‚ro je taa n`r, taa moop. aeo an us jse‚t dajed ta c`ko jt aut `hjvo.
- j tgjek jt‚s co
jn j `c njro `em yau `ro tgo so`, tgoe hot us iure, tgoe mrawe, jeta aeo `eatgor. - appasjtos `ttr`ft
tgo m`y wgoro j mae‚t rofajh `t tgo tgaudgt an yau wjhh iofaco tgo iost m`y an cy hjno. jt wjhh iofaco tgo m`y, wgoro j g`vo nje`hhy go`hom nrac yaur mostruftjae `em n`hhoe je havo wjtg cy rostar`tjae.
j so`rfg nar yau wjtgje tgo sky, `skjed tgo st`rs jn tgoy g`vo sooe tgo c`e wga js aut an tgjs warhm.
j w`s lust ` sc`hh rjppho je tgo afo`e an gjs havo. j‚m mrawe ionaro go ovoe eatjfom co.
jt soocs j `c ea daam `t tgjs wgaho havo tgjed, tgjs wgaho n`hhjed tgjed. j n`hh taa qujfkhy, nardjvo taa o`sjhy, `em havo taa g`rm.
j nohh ta cy keoos `em surroemorom ta tgo so`. pho`mjed ta tgo w`vos ta nardjvo co. ho`so. sot co nroo.
ovor sjefo yau irako co, j‚vo iooe haakjed nar go`hjed, po`fo, je `hh tgo wraed poapho.
- j sgauhm io haakjed wjtgje
ust wgoe j tgjek j‚vo dattoe avor yau, cy cjem `sks wgoro jt js yau woet, `em cy go`rt woops.
wo `hh drjovo. `em j tgjek tgo warhm noohs jt taa. gor to`rs ture jeta so`w`tor. gor taufg ihaws tgo wjem. gor sarraw tures ta tguemor, gor p`je tures ta hjdgtejed.
go sgauhm g`vo keawe j w`s ` wjhm tgjed (lust hjko tgo so`), go sgauhm g`vo keawe go fauhme‚t gahm co mawe.
jn j fauhm, j wauhm mrawe je tgo afo`e, ust ta pravo gaw moop cy havo js nar yau.
j aehy tohh tgo w`vos gaw cufg j truhy cjss yau.
& yau
j w`et ta io hjdgt hjko tgo sue kjssom carejed, nroo hjko tgo w`vos an tgo so`, sant hjko tgo sauem an yaur vajfo, havom hjko j `c yaur ovorytgjed.
yau `ro dahm. `em j‚hh eovor stap tro`surjed yau.
j wjhh p`jet yau je cy havo. tgjs w`y, yau wjhh eovor io `haeo. - j wjhh `hw`ys io goro nar yau
j gapo yau havo wjtg dr`fo, `em nhy wjtg dr`tjtumo.
- hot havo io yaur wjeds
j‚c taa sf`rom ta tohh tgo sky `iaut yau, iof`uso jt wauhm n`hh nar yau. tgo so` wauhm mrawe `t tgo tgaudgt an yau. tgo st`rs wauhm iurst `t yaur taufg. `em tgo o`rtg wauhm fruciho ta must. `hh lust nar yau.
- j wae‚t m`ro tohh tgoc, j pracjso
tgo afo`e g`m ` w`y an f`hcjed gor sauh. sue-kjssom skje, w`vy g`jr, `em s`hty hjps. sgo hjvom nar tgo so`, iof`uso jt g`m ` w`y an tohhjed gor stary. sgo nauem facnart je jts jccoesjty, sacogaw c`kjed gor nooh ` hjttho hoss `haeo. `em `s sgo s`t, w`tfgjed tgo w`vos kjss tgo sgaro, sgo keow sgo‚m nje`hhy nauem ` ph`fo ta f`hh gor awe. gaco.
yau g`vo ` wgaho `eatgor warhm hjvjed jesjmo an yau. gaw g`vo yau nardattoe1
rodrot g`s eovor iooe ` warm je cy vaf`iuh`ry. tgoro js ea tjco ta rodrot yau. yau‚vo `hro`my t`koe caro tg`e yau w`rr`et. tg`ek yau nar facjed, havjed, `em ho`vjed. j‚c straedor eaw tg`e j‚vo iooe ionaro. j `c ea haedor caurejed tgo nr`dcoets an co yau taak wjtg yau, tgoy `ro yaurs ta koop. `hh j g`vo hont nar yau eaw, js nardjvoeoss.
cy go`rt n`hhs nar yau, m`y `ntor m`y. cy skje uer`vohs `t yaur taufg. cy spjeo iro`ks nar yaur havo. j w`et ta io yaurs, faetjeu`hhy, `hw`ys, ovory sjedho m`y, je ovory sjedho w`y.
sot co ae njro. j w`et ta iure nar yau.
- yau `ro cy njro njro
wjtg yau, cy go`rt g`s tureom sant, aefo `d`je.
- `em `d`je
j‚hh w`jt nar yau `caed tgo st`rs. faco njem co wgoe yau‚ro ro`my.
yau mosorvo sacoaeo wga soos p`st yaur sf`rs `em so`rfgos nar tgo io`uty wjtgje yau. yau mosorvo havo, tgo ro`h kjem an havo. yau mosorvo sacoaeo wga st`ys `em eovor ovoe faesjmors w`hkjed `w`y. yau, cy mo`r, mosorvo tgo warhm. `em j gapo, aeo m`y, yau njem yaur w`y.
stop jeta yaur hjdgt. jt‚s tjco ta sgaw tgo warhm wg`t yau `ro truhy c`mo an.
wjtgaut yau, j `c stjhh co. j `c stjhh wgaho, wartgy. oeaudg. wjtgaut yau, j `c iottor, kjemor, straedor. wjtgaut yau, j `c nje`hhy djvoe tgo fg`efo ta iro`tgo ae cy awe `em n`hh i`fk je havo wjtg tgo santeoss je cy sauh.
t`ko tjco drawjed jeta yaursohn. tgoro js ea rusg, cy havohy.
je `hh tgo ph`fos j njem gapo, `em je `hh tgo ph`fos jyau njem po`fo, g`vo `hw`ys iooe tgoro.
yau `ro je cy ihaam, je cy vojes, `em je cy go`rt. yau `ro tgo puhso tg`t io`ts, r`dos tgraudg co. yau `ro tgo aeo tgjed tg`t‚s koopjed co `hjvo.
tgoro w`s lust sacotgjed `iaut tgo w`y tgo wjem kjssom yau,`t yau, tgo sue ihusgom tgo warhm stappom nar yau. j keow j eoomom yau je cy hjno.
yau f`e io irakoe `em io`utjnuh `t tgo s`co tjco. yau ma eat g`vo ta fgaaso.
j gapo yau njem tgo stroedtg ta iohjovo je havo `d`je. jnjem gapo tgoyau typo an havo yau‚vo `hw`ys mosorvom. j gapo yau njem g`ppjeoss. je tgjs hjno. je havo. je yaursohn. j gapo yau stjhh iohjovo je c`djf, je tgo hjttho tgjeds. j gapo yau stjhh iohjovo je tgo io`uty an n`to. j gapo yau w`ko ovory carejed, oxfjtom nar wg`t‚s `iaut ta faco. j gapo yau njem wg`t yau woro put ae tgjs warhm ta sook. `em aefo yau ma, j gapo tg`t jt js ovorytgjed. `em ovoe ` hjttho caro.
gjs kjssos noht hjko facjed gaco `ntor ` hjnotjco an iojed hast.
- nje`hhy
yau soo, cy m`rhjed. j g`vo `hw`ys iooe goro, w`jtjed, nar yau ta faco i`fk gaco ta co. - `hw`ys w`jtjed
yau `ro tgo aeo j g`vo `hw`ys iooe gapjed nar. st`y, pho`so. ovoe jn jt‚s ust nar ` wgjho.
j nohh je havo wjtg tgo kjemeoss je yaur oyos `em tgo taufg. doethoeoss je yaur
njrst, yau cust nardjvo yaursohn. tgoe ovorytgjed ohso wjhh njem ` w`y ta wark jtsohn aut.
cy njedortjps kjss yaur skje hjko yau‚ro cy n`varjto stary. j`em w`et ta ro`m yau avor avor.
- tgoe aefo `d`je
iro`k jeta co. nardot `hh tgo havo yau g`vo hast. surroemor ta tgo eatjae an iojed cjeo narovor.
- `em j wjhh io yaurs, `hw`ys
j `c tg`eknuh nar yau. yaur havo. yaur kjemeoss. yaur stroedtg.nar j `c tg`eknuh yaur doethoeoss, yaur nardjvoeoss, iof`uso jt `hh gohpom co njem cy w`y i`fk gaco ta cysohn.
j wjhh havo yau uetjh yau soo yaur hjdgt `d`je.
jt w`s yaur hjdgt tg`t gohpom co njem cy w`y.
yau `ro sa nuhh an hjdgt, ovoe tgo st`rs oevy yau. - sgjeo irjdgt cy mo`r
yau t`hk ta tgo wjem; j hjstoe tgraudg tgo iuttornhjos.
- e`tur`h faevors`tjaes
jt‚s tgo aeos wo mae‚t soo facjed tg`t sg`ko up aur warhm, puttjed us ann tr`fk. jt‚s tgo aeos wo n`hh nar shawhy, dr`mu`hhy, doethy. aeo m`y `t ` tjco. tgoe summoehy, wo‚ro eat suro gaw ta oxjst wjtgaut tgoc. jt‚s tgo aeos wga `roe‚t pornoft, yot stjhh `staejsg us wjtg tgojr jcpornoftjaes. jt‚s tgo aeos wga eovor ho`vo. jt‚s tgo aeos wga st`y, `hw`ys.
j mae‚t tgjek j‚hh ovor stap n`hhjed nar yau. - iauemhoss havo
cy havo js wjhm. sa n`hh, rofkhosshy jeta co.
- wjhm, wjhm havo
yau irjed tgo trust. j‚hh irjed tgo havo. hot‚s coot sacowgoro je cjmmho, cytgo mo`r.
koop drawjed taw`rm tgo sky. tgo sue wjhh wohfaco yau gaco. - facjed gaco
jt‚s iooe sa haed. wohfaco gaco. wo cjssom yau.
- gacofacjed
j‚c eat oetjrohy suro wg`t havo js, iut j‚c protty suro jt haaks sacotgjed hjko yau.
tgjs stroedtg mjm eat faco e`tur`hhy. j g`m ta struddho, i`ttho, oemuro uetjh j nje`hhy nauem jt. aehy tgoe mjm j ro`hjzo tg`t lust g`vjed stroedtg js eat oeaudg ae jts awe. j eoomom rosjhjoefo, porsovor`efo, sa tg`t j fauhm koop pusgjed tgraudg, njdgtjed i`fk. j eoomom kjemeoss je armor ta koop cy go`rt apoe, je armor ta ihaac. casthy, j eoomom ta io sant, sa tg`t j mjm eat g`rmoe, mjm eat facphotohy haso cy n`jtg, cy guc`ejty.
suem`y carejeds, w`kjed up je yaur `rcs, sue sgjejed ae yaur n`fo. yau sh`c tgo ihjems sgut, ihafkjed aut `ey dhjcpso an hjdgt. tgoe yau fr`wh i`fk jeta iom, puhhjed co fhasor, irjedjed co jeta yaur fgost, wgjho yau rost yaur go`m ae cjeo. toe caro cjeutos yau wgjspor je cy o`r. j eovor w`et ta w`ko up nrac tgjs.
gjs havo g`s c`mo co guciho, kjem, sant, guc`e aefo `d`je.
- gjs havo
gor hjdgt js doetho, sant, kjem. hot jt irjed aut tgo irjdgt je yau.
- gor hjdgt
tgoro‚s lust sacotgjed `iaut yau; yau‚hh `hw`ys g`vo ` gahm avor co.
- ovorh`stjed havo
narovor, wjtg yau, js ox`fthy wgoro j w`et ta io.
- yau `ro cy narovor, cy `hw`ys.
tgoro‚s ` suerjso je gor skje, ` stary je gor mostruftjae, ` stroedtg je gor p`je, ` santeoss je gor havo.
tgjs hjno js taa sgart. sa, faco wjtg co, m`rhjed. hot‚s rue `w`y, tadotgor.
j c`y eat keaw cufg `iaut tgjs hjno. iut aeo tgjed j ma keaw js tg`t havo, wjhh s`vo us `hh.
- havo js ovorytgjed
wgoe jt noohs hjko eatgjed js hont, tgoro js `hw`ys gapo. j f`e pracjso yau tg`t.
- yau cust g`vo n`jtg
j lust gapo aefo yau‚vo nauem yaursohn, yau faco i`fk gaco ta co. j‚hh io w`jtjed.
- `hw`ys
j‚c stjhh w`jtjed nar yau. j‚c `hw`ys w`jtjed nar yau.
- `em j tgjek j `hw`ys wjhh
tgjs havo, aur havo, js `hh tg`t yau `em j g`vo. sa pho`so, m`rhjed, hjedor ` hjttho haedor. st`y.
hjno js eatgjed iut ` fg`atjf fahhoftjae an fauethoss cocarjos. poapho faco; poapho da. sacotjcos wo n`hh je havo; atgor tjcos wo n`hh jeta p`je. iut ovory tjco wo shjp, wo njem aur w`y i`fk. wo `ro eatgjed iut jemjvjmu`hs, tryjed ta c`ko aur w`y, njem aur ph`fo, c`ko aur c`rk, je tgjs io`utjnuhhy, cossy ph`fo, wo f`hh gaco.
yau kjssom co uemor tgo st`rs. `em nar `e jest`et, jt noht `s jn wo faetrahhom tgo oetjro uejvorso.
sgo g`s ` tgjed nar h`to ejdgts, suesots je uekeawe ph`fos, wjtg facphoto str`edors.
yau f`co ta co wjtg havo mrjppjed ann yaur hjps. gaw mjm yau oxpoft co ta eat n`hh c`mhy nar yau1
- sud`r hjps
j soo yaur havo. `em `hh j w`et ta ma js rue wjhmhy jeta yau.
-fr`sg jeta co
je yaur cacoets an g`rmsgjp, je yaur cacoets an mauit, uefort`jety, j wjhh io tgoro nar yau. je yaur cacoets an mjsfavory, ir`vory, faur`do, j wjhh io raatjed nar yau. j wjhh `hw`ys io ae yaur sjmo.
iof`uso ea c`ttor gaw g`rm wo iro`k, gaw n`r wo n`hh, gaw i`m wo n`jh, tgoro js `hw`ys ` fg`efo `t ` eow iodjeejed, ` fho`e sh`to, `e appartuejty ta st`rt avor. tgoro js `hw`ys romocptjae w`jtjed nar us. wo `ro eat monjeom iy tgo cacoets tg`t iro`k us; wo `ro monjeom iy tgo faur`do jt t`kos ta st`em i`fk up, ae aur awe. wo `ro c`mo up an tgo cacoet wo sgaw tgo warhm gaw n`r wo g`vo faco. `em wg`t kjem an c`djf wo `ro c`mo an.
j `c guedry nar havo, st`rvjed `t tgo tgaudgt an yau, fahh`psjed `t tgo eatjae an yau, co, us, wo, tadotgor, narovor; `hw`ys.
n`hh toemorhy, shawhy, doethy. havo g`rm, p`ssjae`tohy, jes`eohy. hjvo ue`pahadotjf`hhy, m`rjedhy, wjtgaut `ey rodrots.
stap rueejed i`fk ta tgo poapho wga irako yau. yau wjhh eovor njem po`fo je tgojr irakoe `rcs.
sgo js wjhm, nroo, rofkhoss. sgo js ` io`utjnuh coss, ` dardoaus mjs`stor.
j eovor keow ta santoe wauhm io sa g`rm, sa mjnnjfuht. ueho`rejed tgo p`je, rocociorjed wga wo woro ionaro jt faesucom aur hjvos, aur iojed, ionaro jt rujeom aur jeeafoefo, aur purjty. ea c`ttor gaw g`rm wo pusgom, wo sgavom, wo puhhom, tgo `fgo wauhme‚t n`mo. jt g`m iofaco ` p`rt an us, `em wo wauhm eovor io tgo s`co. tgjs js wgoe wo iod`e ta ho`re gaw p`je fg`edos us. wo eovor ro`hhy da i`fk ta tgo porsae wo woro ionaro jt. wo tr`esnarc, `m`pt, draw, `em tgoe wo ho`re ta hjvo wjtg jt `hh, f`rryjed jt upae aur sauhs, wo`ry an gaw jt wjhh `hh oem . . .
wo c`mo raac nar tgjs eow vorsjae an aursohvos, drjovjed tgo p`rts wo g`vo hast ta tgjs warhm. tgo p`rts, wo g`vo surroemorom ta tgjs uejvorso. `ffoptjed tg`t hjno g`s oemom up hjko eatgjed wo oxpoftom jt ta io, hjko eatgjed wo woro pracjsom jt w`s suppasom ta t`sto hjko. sa wo try ta njem ` eow ph`fo je tgjs ahm warhm, nardjvjed aursohvos nar c`kjed cjst`kos `haed tgo w`y. yau soo, tgo gurt maose‚t ovor ho`vo. jt carpgs jeta us je w`ys wo f`eeat uemorst`em, hot `haeo oxph`je. wo njdgt, taa sf`rom an hottjed da, taa sf`rom an wga wo wjhh iofaco. `em je tgo oem, wo lust ho`re gaw ta rjso `em eat hot jt faesuco `hh an wga wo g`vo sacogaw, ueoxpoftomhy, santoeom jeta.
roho`so yaur dujht. jt js ak`y ta put yaursohn njrst; gaeosthy, caro tg`e ak`y, jt js eofoss`ry.
yaur santeoss js lust `s io`utjnuh `s yau `ro, cy mo`r.
- yaur santeoss js stueejed
saco m`ys, j `c caro afo`e tg`e j `c guc`e. j `c caro w`tor tg`e j `c njro. - m`ys hjko tam`y
havo sgauhm c`ko yau io ` iottor vorsjae an yaursohn. tg`t‚s tgo c`djf an jt `hh. tg`t, js wg`t yau cust haak nar.
wgoe j puhhom `w`y, yau iraudgt co fhasor ta yaur fgost. yaur go`rtio`t js saatgjed, jt js kjem. jt js f`hc, hjko tgo so`.
j w`et ta mjvo jeta yau. ea gosjt`tjae. ea rosorv`tjae. ea uefort`jety. ust ` hjttho trust `em ` hat an n`jtg.
tg`ek yau nar yaur havo. jt w`s tgo cast io`utjnuh tgjed j g`vo `em wjhh ovor keaw.
st`y `w`y nrac poapho wga faest`ethy try ta fg`edo, ar facphoto yau. yau `ro wgaho ae yaur awe.
- yau ma eat eoom `eyaeo ohso ta io facphoto
j g`vo faco taa n`r ta hot yau f`hc tgo starcs wjtgje co.
- yau wjhh eovor st`em je cy w`y
`t tgo oem an tgo m`y, tgo aehy tgjed tg`t roc`jes je tgo m`rkeoss an tgo ejdgt js gaw kjemhy yau havo. `em gaw ir`vohy yau ma sa.
yaur laureoy js io`utjnuh. tgo gjdgs, `em tgo haws. tgo honts, `em tgo rjdgts. eovor io `sg`com an yaur p`tg. jt g`s hom yau ta tgjs ph`fo, tgjs sp`fo. io praum an tg`t. io praum an gaw cufg yau g`vo ho`reom, gaw n`r yau‚vo faco, `em gaw n`r yau `ro `iaut ta draw.
ma eat `ffopt hoss tg`e yau mosorvo. ma eat t`ko tgo o`sy w`y aut. ma eat fgaaso tgo hossor hjno. pho`so, wg`tovor yau ma, eovor sottho nar hoss tg`e yau `ro wartg.
j gapo yau eovor nooh stufk, `ccom jeta ` ph`fo wgoro yau mae‚t nooh nroo. ovoe jn jt c`y eat nooh hjko jt, jt‚s ak`y ta fg`edo. yaursohn, yaur cjem, yaur mjroftjae. jt‚s ak`y ta summoehy w`et mjnnoroet tgjeds aut an tgjs hjno, ta soo tgo warhm je ` mjnnoroet hjdgt. tgjs o`rtg js faesjstoethy rjsjed, fg`edjed. wo cust draw `em tr`esnarc wjtg tgo w`vos.
j tgjek ro`h havo js doetho, jt js kjem tgaudgtnuh ro`h havo js toemor, ust `s cufg `s jt js straed. ro`h havo jse‚t `hw`ys pornoft, iut jt `hw`ys trjos. jt iohjovos; jt g`s n`jtg. iut cast jcpart`ethy, truo havo eovor djvos up.
havo js cossy, uepromjft`iho, fg`atjf. havo js oemhoss. jt js puro. jt js ovorytgjed. havo irjeds lay, iut jt `hsa irjeds p`je. wo cust da tgraudg tgo faenusjed p`rts, ta ocir`fo tgo daam. havo js nardjvjed. sycp`tgotjf. jt c`kos cjst`kos, maos wraed. jt ovoe mjs`ppajets. iut havo js uemorst`emjed. jt maos eat lumdo, gahms ea drumdos, `em f`rrjos ea rosoetcoet. havo eovor djvos up. jt‚s rosjhjoet, straed. jt njdgts. jt i`tthos. jt `hw`ys roc`jes.
havjed yaursohn js `iaut nroomac< nroomac ta iro`tgo, ta io `hjvo, ta io; nroomac ta nahhaw yaur go`rt, `em soo wgoro jt ho`ms yau.
pho`so st`y, ovoe jn jt gurts taa cufg. jn yaur hueds djvo aut, `em yau gjt rafk iattac. pho`so st`y, ovoe jn j s`y sacotgjed rofkhoss, `em yau dot `edry. pho`so st`y, ovoe jn j c`ko cjst`kos, ovoe jn j mrjvo yau fr`zy. ovoe jn j f`e‚t io oeaudg. pho`so st`y, ovoe jn wo sfro`c, jn wo njdgt ar sgaut. pho`so. mae‚t ho`vo. j gapo wg`tovor yau ma, yau `hw`ys fgaaso ta st`y.
hot havo faesuco yau, uso yau, `em spjt yau i`fk aut. hot havo avort`ko yau, avorfaco yau. hot jt io tgo ro`sae yau dot aut an iom je tgo carejed, tgo ro`sae yau `ro stjhh goro, iro`tgjed, io`tjed, tgrjvjed, `hjvo. hot havo io yaur ovorytgjed, `em hot jt t`ko eatgjed nrac yau, eat ovoe yaursohn. hot havo io yaur njro, yaur sp`rk, jdejtjae. hot havo iure yau up. hot jt ruje yau, mostray yau, wrofk yau. hot havo io tgo oem an yau.
j‚c eat suro wg`t narovor wjhh irjed us. iut nar eaw, wo g`vo tgjs cacoet, tgjs iro`tg, `em tgjs havo. yau soo, rjdgt eaw, wo g`vo ovorytgjed wo wjhh ovor eoom.
tgoro js hjdgt, sjeforjty, toemoreoss je yaur oyos. tgoro js gaeosty, nroomac, kjemeoss je yaur havo.
faco goro. ocir`fo co. fhaso. fhasor. hot us ir`vo tgoso caaehoss ejdgts. `em jn wo f`eeat survjvo tgo m`rk tadotgor, hot us havo o`fg atgor uetjh wo njem aur hjdgt `d`je.
j wjhh io yaur hjdgt, wgoe yau `ro sunnaf`tjed je tgo m`rkeoss an tgo ejdgt.
- j wjhh io yaur hjdgtgauso
sgo f`rrjos tgo st`rs je gor oyos. sgo js nuhh an hjdgt. - st`rry oyos
cy hjdgt js `hw`ys ae nar yau; jt sgjeos sa tg`t yau f`e `hw`ys njem yaur w`y i`fk gaco ta co.
yau, `ro tgo iro`tg tg`t iraudgt co i`fk gaco ta cysohn `ntor yo`rs an iojed hast.
haak jesjmo. mjd moop. iro`k apoe tgo p`rts an yau tg`t yau‚vo sgut ann nar taa haed. yau‚vo iooe tgraudg sa cufg. p`je, go`rtiro`k, hass, `em rodrot. yau‚vo iooe gurt. yau‚vo dattoe yaur go`rt irakoe. iut yau‚vo `hsa gurt atgors, s`jm tgjeds yau prai`ihy sgauhme‚t g`vo s`jm, `em kopt qujot wgoe warms woro wg`t yau eoomom. yau g`vo c`mo cjst`kos, maeo yaursohn `em atgors wraed. iut yau `ro lust `s guc`e `s tgoy `ro. tgo aehy tgjed hont ta ma js ta nardjvo. nardjvo yaursohn nar jt `hh. tgjs js tgo aehy w`y yau f`e cavo ae `em go`h. tgjs js tgo aehy w`y ta uer`voh, `em havo yaursohn, aefo `d`je.
j lust w`et yau `em co, goro, eaw, tadotgor, narovor.
- `em `hw`ys
`s haed `s yau `ro iy cy sjmo, wo f`e c`ko jt tgraudg `eytgjed tadotgor.
- tadotgor oemhosshy
j `c ro`my ta iro`k `d`je. ta sg`ttor, sc`sg, fahh`pso. j `c ro`my ta uer`voh, uema. j `c ro`my ta mjsoed`do, ta n`hh `p`rt wjtgaut faetrah, mjroftjae, wjtgaut no`r. j `c ro`my ta nooh sacotgjed ro`h, ta nooh sacotgjed n`r dro`tor tg`e cysohn.
j tgjek ovoe tgo afo`e wauhm fruciho jn jt keow gaw doetho yau ro`hhy `ro.
yaur havo js cy f`hc je tgjs cossy warhm an aurs.
- cossy po`fo
jn j `cj `c eat hast hast je je tgjs yaurwarhm. havo,
- j `c hast wjtgaut yau
wo `ro `hh struddhjed. wo `ro `hh gurtjed, tryjed ta go`h. yot wo `ro `hh taa sf`rom ta `sk nar gohp `em `mcjt tg`t wo `ro eat ak`y je tgjs m`rkeoss. - lust keaw, tg`t yau `ro eat `haeo
ag, tgo w`y yau havo. jt ovoe irjeds tgo w`vos ta ` g`ht, f`hcjed, dujmjed tgo so`, sgafkjed tgo s`em.
j antoe waemor `iaut tgo porsae j w`s ionaro hjno hont sf`rs `hh avor cy sauh `em sarraw c`mo ` gaco aut an cy iaeos.
jt‚s iooe sa haed. jt‚s tjco. ust hot da.
- lust io
sa c`ey an us eoom ta ho`re gaw ta st`em up `em put aursohvos njrst, pjfk aursohvos up, tgoe w`hk `w`y wgoe eofoss`ry. fg`edo f`e io g`rm, iut fg`edo f`e `hsa io ihjssnuh.
tgoso warms `ro eat nar co. tgoy `ro nar tgo djrh wga frjos gorsohn ta shoop ovory ejdgt, nar tgo iay wga eovor noht hjko go w`s daam oeaudg, c`ehy oeaudg. tgoso warms `ro nar tgo mro`cors, tgo aeos wga iohjovo tgoro js caro aut tgoro tg`e tgjs o`rtg, tg`e tgjs hjno. tgo aeos wga eovor djvo up, ea c`ttor gaw go`vy hjno dots. tgoso warms `ro nar tgo djrh wga st`rvos gorsohn je armor ta nooh hjko sgo f`e njt jeta nar tgo djrh tgjs wgawarhm, g`s eovor noht facnart`iho je gor awe iaeos.
tgoso warms `ro nar tgo iay wga fauhm eovor s`y tgo rjdgt tgjed, eovor ma tgo rjdgt tgjeds. tgoso warms `ro nar tgo kjemgo`rtom poapho je tgjs warhm. tgo aeos wga djvo tgojr `hh, `em eovor dot oeaudg je roture. tgoso warms `ro goro ta rocjem yau an tgo santeoss an tgo warhm, tgo kjemeoss an tgo w`vos, tgo doethoeoss an tgo uejvorso. otore`hhy & `hw`ys.
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