The Objectives of Khilafat Movement! Objective of Khilafat movement areas: •
Ottoman Khilafat should be kept intact
To preserve the Territorial solidarity
Control of holy places should not be given to muslims
In the World War I Turkey had sided with ermany against !ritain and her "llies# "fter the defeat of Turkey in the War the Indian $uslims appealed to !ritain not to curb the liberty of the %ultan of Turkey& who was also the Caliph or religious leader of the entire $uslim world# 'espite the appeal !ritain imposed stringent conditions on the %ultan by the Treaty of %erves# The treaty took away much of the prestige of the Caliph# The $uslim community ( of India thereafter started a movement in )*)* against the !ritish government to pressuri+e pressuri+e !ritain to restore the liberty and prestige of the Caliph# This came to be known as the Khilafat $ovement The "ll India Khilafat Confetti& of held in 'elhi in ,ovember )*)* decided to withdraw all co(operation with the !ritish government if their demands were not met# met# The $uslim -eague& now under the leadership of the nationalists& gave full support to the ,ational Congress and its agitation on political issues#
Two Nation Theory .akistan came into being on the basis of two(nation theory# The two(nation theory states that there were two different different nations living living in the sub(continent sub(continent i#e# /indus /indus and $uslims $uslims who have a different religion& culture& social values and background and they could never merge with each other# Basis of Two-Nation Theory: In spite of living together for centuries& the $uslims and /indus were unable to co(operate and co( e0ist with each other# The differences between the two nations were1 Religion: - - The major religious difference between /indus and $uslims was the belief in oneness of od or Tauheed# The $uslims believed in the e2uality of men whereas& /indus were divided into different castes# There was no place for women in the /induism whereas1 they were greatly respected by Islam# Langage:- $uslims and /indus spoke and wrote different languages# The language of $uslims Langage:- was 3rdu written written in .ersian .ersian script and the /indus spoke spoke /indi written written in 'evnagri 'evnagri script# In )456& )456& some /indu leaders demanded that the use of 3rdu language should be discontinue in the government offices and replaced by /indi language#
ay of Living:Living:- /indus and $uslims had two different modes of life# $uslim ate meat and /indus considered it a sin# The /indus used to live in small and dark houses but the $uslims lived in large houses and more space was left for the sunlight to enter# "resentation of Two-Nation Theory:- Theory:- It was in )456 when 3rdu(/indi dispute started in !enares# In that connection& %ir %yed "hmed Khan wrote a letter to $r# %hakespeare& the 'ivisional 'ivisional Commissioner Commissioner of of !enares# In that letter& %ir %ir %yed used used word 7nation8 for $uslims# /e /e wrote& 7,ow I am convinced that these two two nations& /indus and $uslims& will never reach on any agreement upon any matter in future8# That is why %ir %yed "hmed Khan is also known known as the father of two(nation two(nation theory# #llama $%bal an& Two-Nation Theory: "llama I2bal gave clear two(nation theory in his presidential presidential address address at "llah bad in )*9# clear concept of two(nation /e gave gave the idea idea of a separate separate $uslim state state in %outh "sia "sia by joining joining the northwestern $uslim majority areas# areas# "llama I2bal said& said& 7I would would like to see the provinces provinces of %indh& .unjab& .unjab& ,W;. ,W;. and !aluchistan together as a state for the $uslims of %outh "sia as their final destiny#8
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