Descripción: The Nunology of the Pineal Gland by NEB HERU...
Question: What is Nunology?
Answer: Nunology is our Ancient Mental & Spiritual Science that teaches you how to tap into, work with and “Apply” the “Positive” Unseen Forces in Nature known to our Ancient African Egyptian Ancestors as “Nupu”. Nupu is the “Hidden Dark Energy” in Nature that represents the Original “Creative Forces”. Nunology which is known as “ NUN” Pronouced “Noon” is the Science of Sciences and is the Way we Children of the SUN (PAA RE) and Nature as Ancient Africans also known today as “Melaninites” learn to tap into, bring forth and work with the Positive Life Forces in Nature. In (Egypt) and Ancient Africa Ancient (NAPATA/NUPU-TA ) Nubia or Cush we called this Science of Black Mental Magic (Al-Khemy) “NUN”. To the onlookers who did not know or was uninitiated our Science appeared to be “MAGIC” and spookism, but to the Initiated and students of the High Mysteries at the time we always knew about the Laws of Nature (Nazduru) and the Science in working with the Laws of Nature to bring about a Positive result to raise the Vibrations of not only ourselves but all others around us and who come in contact with us.
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland The People who practice and “apply” this way of Life in this day and time as in Ancient times are known as “NUNOLOGIST”. Nupu-Nun = Electromagnetic Energy known today by the Scientific World. As African People Worldwide “YOU” are an incarnated Whole Light Being (SOUL),that has risen from the Dark Waters of ANUN-RE. ANUN-RE is the Unseen Darkness or Ether of Original Creation still and always will be “ CREATING” which is Growth for creation truly means “GROWTH”. Realize now that your Melanin or what the Science World is calling “MELANIN” is a condensed form of Light, and responds to and interacts to Light Waves, Vibrations, Tones and Frequencies in its immediate environment. We as Nunologist always knew that we could have an effect on distant places, persons, and things on this side of h1 (Hydrogen) via “MIND POWER”. Nunology is Pure “Mental Energy” that is in contact with the Pure Mental Creative thought of the infinite and boundless Universes (Multiverse) and Beyond the Beyond. Your Mind Power has been a symbol of your “GOD POWER” and “Birth Right” which is “Greatly Lacking” in this day and time as African People World Wide.
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland We are now Living in the Day and Time where “ MIND POWER” must overcome Physical Matter and gain back control which is Order over the Chaos! As a Nunologist you are the MIND of GOD, learn to utilize it! And when we say GOD, we mean “any Person, Place or Thing in control at any given Moment!” Your Mind Power as Nunologist is the Governor over Space, Matter and Time thus making you a “Quantum Being”, and in time all this will become clear to you, as your Awareness grows in remembrance of all these Ancient Facts! Always remember “Oh Children of ALL” that MIND POWER is GOD POWER and you always receive this confirmation through facts, “Which is SOUND RIGHT REASONING! ” You now have the Master Keys (Ankh) to your ultimate freedom as a Nunologist to “shape”, “mold” , “control” and “MASTER” your Destiny!
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
Introduction to the NUNOLOGY of the Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland Question: What is the Endocrine System?
Answer: The Endocrine System is a collection of Glands that secrete chemical messages we call Hormones. These Glands regulate Hormonal production throughout the whole body system, or throughout your Body. Your Endocrine System plays a major role in this day and time because these Glands are your Energy transformers knows as the “Seats of Light” also known to our Ancient African Egyptian Ancestors as “Arushaat” and well known today as Chakras. These Glands or Chakras known as “Energy Seats” or “Wheels of Life”, is one of the major ways this “BLACK LIGHT ENERGY” enters your Body and then transduces this Light frequency and vibration throughout your Whole Body System. The Black Light Energy (UV-Rays or Light) manifest on this side of Visible Matter as the Green Healing Light directed to you by way of your Subconscious Mind, come from the Plane of Force (Forces). Through your Endocrine Glands also known as the “Seats of Light and Darkness” you are always receiving messages in the form of Light messages, coming from People, Places and Things surrounding you. As one begins to learn “fuel” there Endocrine System or Glandular System with the Proper fuels such as “Green Foods, Pure and Positive Thoughts (9ether), Deep Rhythmic Breathing, Meditation, and Prayers in the form of 5
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland Positive “Affirmations”, you will begin to become more “Psychic Sensitive” and “aware of impressions”, energy and messages coming to you outside of your Time Zone, known in Nunology as “Outellect”. In other words you will begin to access the more Subtle and Hidden Dimensions of Reality, that have always been here, but many have not been able to fully access them. The Plane of Force or Forces is a real existence, and is the plane that governs all your involuntary functions throughout your Body. The Plane of Force is the World of the Subconscious Mind and is a Plane most needed to be learned about and gained access to in this day and time. Question: What are Glands?
Answer: A gland is a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals known as “Hormones” Har). (Haru, Your “Endocrine System” has “Seven major Glands” most focused on in this day and time.
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The Pineal Gland – The word “Pineal” refers to “Pine Cone” because this Gland has a Pine Cone Shape and is the size of a Pea. The Pineal Gland’s principle Hormonal production is a hormone known as “Melatonin”, which is a derivative of an amino acid known as “Tryptophan”. The Amino Acid known as Tryptophan produces and neurotransmitter known as “Serotonin” which in turn is Converted into “Melatonin” for proper Pineal Gland Production. As stated earlier, Serotonin is a Neuro Chemical which is dominant during the day and helps keep us active and awake, while Melatonin encourages rest and is Dominant at Night. Together they regulate the Body’s “Circadian Rhythm”, which is Biological Cycles responsible for maintaining balance in relation to “Light and Darkness”, between the Black Light (Darkness) and those Frequencies within the Visible light Spectrum we now know is called “ Light.” When we stay in Darkness for several days, Serotonin and Melatonin Levels continue to alternate. When we are exposed to constant Light or we stay awake for several days, the Rhythm is disrupted. Melatonin is associated with the release of “Innate (NaturalComing from within ) Hallucinogens”, and research shows that High levels of “Melatonin” are present
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland during altered “States of Consciousness” and “Psychic visions.”
The Esoteric (Cosmic) functions of the Pineal Gland When the “Pineal Gland” is functioning properly or as being termed in this day and time “Awakened ” you will experience: 1. An Increased sense of Awareness 2. Psychic Visions and a Heightened Perception. 3. Visual Images become more Vivid, Colorful and Whole. 4. Your Ability to process and hear Sounds from a distance
“Clairaudience” 5. An Increased ability to Channel new ideas (Very Creative) and thoughts of inspiration. 6. A heightened sense of Positive Outlook
(9ether) and Perception on life.
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland The Quantum Physics of the Pineal Gland The Pineal Gland which is the Physical aspect of what rd is termed the third (3 ) Eye processes Light, from the Full Light Spectrum known as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum from the SUN (PAA RE). This small NeuroEndocrine Gland, the size of a Pea and the Shape of a Pine-Cone, has baffled modern science for decades. The Pineal Glands creative functions have led Ancients to refer to it as the creative “Gene of Isis or Aset” (Genesis meaning Gene-ISIS).
ASET also known as ISIS 9
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland The Pineal Gland’s partly “crystallized” Nature and ability to absorb, store and transmit Light store Energy and transmit Light Energy suggests it is the body’s inner crystal. Science has recently discovered back in the year 2002 that the Pineal Gland is covered with crystalline structures called “Calcite Micro-Crystals” that runs of the science of “Piezoelectricity ”. ”. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure. It is derived from the Greek piezo or piezein (πιέζειν), which means to squeeze or press, and electric or electron (ήλεκτρον), which stands for amber – an ancient source of electric charge.
*Note: notice the Light what part of the Light spectrum they Europeans definition acknowledges, the “amber light”. Europeans, pull Pineal Gland pulls from a lesser Light Spectrum and Vibration, then you “QATUM (MELANINITE) Beings, But the fact still remains your Pineal Gland is a Crystal the ‘BLACK CRYSTAL” which now you know why you have Telepathic Powers etc… Now the Pineal Gland works closely with the Pituitary Gland. That’s because these two Energy Seats (Chakras, Arushaat) are linked. The Pituitary is known as the “MASTER GLAND” because it has a stimulating effect on various bodily systems. The 10
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland Pineal Gland we could usefully call the “ Mother Gland” because it appears to calm the Body’s Systems. The Pineal Gland releases two NeuroHormones, “Serotonin” and “Melatonin”. Serotonin is a Neuro Chemical which is dominant during the day and helps keep us active and awake, while Melatonin encourages rest and is Dominant at Night (Amun). Together they regulate the Body’s circadian Rhythm, which is Biological Cycles responsible for maintaining balance in relation to Light (Atum-RE) and Darkness (Amun-RE). When we stay in Darkness (Amun to Anun) for several days, Serotonin and Melatonin Levels continue to alternate. If however we are exposed to constant Light or we stay awake for several days, the Rhythm is disrupted. Melatonin is associated with the release of Innate Hallucinogens, and research shows that High levels of Melatonin are present during altered “States of Consciousness” and Psychic visions. Neuro Transmitters and “BRAIN CHECMICALS: for Heighten Spiritual Awareness:
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland *Note: Melatonin is also active in the production of Melanin.
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
Sunlight – Vitamin D and Melanin As Qatum (Melaninite) People we need the POWER of the SUN (PAA RE), not only do we get charged by the SUN by way of the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light, but also it is a Natural source of Vitamin D and Serotonin. Vitamin D helps to strengthen your immune sickness which helps to fight off infectious diseases. PAA RE (THE SUN) is our Healer not Killer! Many do not know that “SUNLIGHT” and Vitamin D production is Key to staying Healthy. Vitamin D boosts the body’s production of “Anti-microbial Peptides” which is a natural anti-biotic for Immune protection. “Peptides are known to kill bacteria and virus”. When we Qatum (Melaninite) Beings, are in our Natural Sunny Environments like Africa and 15
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland South America, places that get an ample amount of SUNLIGHT, then we are more Spiritually intune with TA(EARTH), MA(WATER) and RE(SUN), thus the TRUE TAMA-REANS (Egyptians).
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
Vitamin-D benefits!
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland Super Blue Green Algae and the Pineal Gland Question: What is “Super Blue Green Algae”?
Answer: Well as you know Algae are the fundamental basis of the entire food chain - the foundational nutrient source for creating and renewing all life on earth. Because our Planet is now going through a renewal process what is being termed “The Genetic “ and Dimensional Shift is taking place, and learning to ingest and eat “Primordial” foods, that tie back to the original foundation of the Planet Earth (PTAH-NUN) keeps your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Soul with the Tone, Vibration, and Frequency coming from the planet Earth (PTAH-NUN), in other words you will be able to pick up on the Telepathic signals coming from Mother Earth, and hear the messages, as to wear to be and wear to go, in order to be safe. Question: So will taken Super Blue Green Algae open my Pineal Gland?
Answer: Not only will it open your Pineal Gland for higher transmissions coming from Earth (PTAH-NUN ) and the SUN (PAA RE) but also keep the channel open! There is one such Algae that we will recommend named (AFA) Aphanizomenon Flos”. AFA Aquae which we call the “ Ultimate Soul Food ”. 18
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland is one of the most nutrient-rich abundant whole green foods known. This primordial blue - green alga (Cyanobacteria) absorbs the entire spectrum of light and transforms it to nutrients naturally. It contains 20 antioxidants, 68 minerals and 70 trace elements, other concentrated all amino acids and photochemical. Its abundance of amino acids, Bvitamins and folic acid makes AFA the purest brain and nerve food. AFA supports the release of stem cells; constituting the natural renewal process of the entire body. Its chlorophyll content remains unmatched by any other food source including Spirulina and Chlorella. In African countries, AFA is sun-dried and sold at the local markets or added to sauces and poured over fish, beans or rice. Another Interesting fact about AFA-Super Blue Green Algae is that it is one of your “SMART FOODS” or “Brain Foods”. Let’s look at it this way Intelligence is said to exist when brain cells communicate. As a whole working together Agal cells act like one Body, as a Mind/Body complex, sharing information with each other by transferring small bundles of DNA called “Replicons”. AFA also contains unique lowmolecular weight proteins called “neuropeptides”. These are the basic building blocks for Neurotransmitters which are important for proper and optimum Brain function. 19
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
*Note: “It is “highly” recommended if you are a person who eats a high concentration of MEAT, DIARY, STARCH what we call Mucous forming foods, to start to detox and eliminate this out your system before attempting to full open your Pineal Gland for full activation, for you will not reap the full benefits of taking in such a great Natural Food and Gift from Our Mother Nature!”
Question: What can you list foods that are good for our Pineal Gland?
Answer: Sure, these are what I term “Brain Foods” which are excellent to promote Pineal Gland “Black Crystal” function. 1. Water - yes Water, our bodies are made up of 70% Water or more, your Pineal Gland sits in a sac of water in your Brain! So Water is #1. 2. Bananas – They are very good source for Tryptophan a much need Neurotransmitter! 3. Almonds – Also great for Pineal Function and a intake of Tryptophan. 20
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland 4. Pure Cocoa Powder – Also great for Pineal Function, high in Magnesium which promotes optimal Brain function! 5. Sea Weeds – Blue Green Algae, Kelp Fresh, Dried or Powder, Nori, Wakame all sea Veggies that
For More information Refer to: “Holographic Brain and the Power of Inner Vision” NEW Nun Tablet! Visit: The Eternal Temple of NUN! “ALL IS THOUGHT, AND THOUGHT IS ALL!”
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
“NUN” Ancient (TaMa-Rean ) Egyptian Word and Principle st for 1 , Prime, Hidden Potential and Infinite Possibilities. The Original Creative Forces of the Universe (Nature), the Black Light of Intellect (Mental Energy ), the Black Waters or Celestial Waters known as the Etheric Realm, formless Ethers, Un-manifested energies, Nameless.
The Eternal Now! “ As African People our Minds are linked to ALL Eternal and Almighty Almighty Nature , what we can conceive conceive in our Minds will be, see it and so shall it be seen ”. – Neb Heru
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
THE NEW SUN CYCLE! (SOLAR CYCLE OF RE) Inscribed by: Neb Heru: A Kheper Ka Re (Khaf-Re) ( Khaf-Re)
Master Your Destiny Series Tablet Title The Energy of Thought Vibration th 4 Dimension and The Sub-Conscious Mind Holographic Brain-The Power of Inner Vision Electromagnetic Foods The G.O.D. Gene How the Mind Works? Inner Vision Outer Reality The Value of An Idea The Healing Power of Prayer Auto-Suggestions Auto-Suggestions for Magical Success Magnetize Your Life Plane of Force and Magnetic Attraction
Tablet # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
Master Your Destiny Series Tablet Title You are the Shrine The Sacred Alter of the Mind Psychic Self Defense Scientific Training for Children Perfect Health The Magnetic Body How to think like a G.O.D. Quantum Thinking (Nine Reasoning) Imagination and the Master Mind The Higher Forces Within The Creative Forces in You The Nine Stars Within The Age of Reasoning –Feminine Healing How to Rid the Mind of Negative Thoughts Egyptian Black Magik How Thoughts Become Things The Power to Change ALL The Shift in Vibration Energetic Tones
Tablet # 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
Healing Vibrations The Therapeutic Value of AUM Booklet /w AUDIO CD
For more information about how you can order the Most Dynamic Books in the New Sun Cycle email The Eternal Temple of NUN
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The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
ON SALE NOW! The Eternal Temple of NUN! In these Series of 31 Nun Tablets you will learn: The Art and Powers of your Mind and Psychic Universe, Thought Transfer, How to Develop your Intuition for Success, Telepathy Exercises, Clairvoyance, Clairvoyance, Clair audio, Psychometry, The Antonym of the Body, Nunology Sciences, Quantum Physics, Visualization Exercises, Practical Meditations, and… OPENING THE INNER DIMENSIONS OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS (NUN) MIND to INVOKE YOUR Ancient th Egyptian Ancestors! 4 Dimension is NOW!
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland
The NUNOLOGY Of The Pineal Gland