
January 31, 2019 | Author: Carlos Reyes | Category: N/A
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N.E.P. The Next Evolution of Pickup From the Streets Streets of the Seduction Seduction Community to the World of the Social Community "This will change the game forever..."

The Most Important Missing Component to all of Pickup, Meeting and Attracting Women, ating, and !eduction that "ill Accelerate #our $ame Exponentiall#%

&#' $a(riel Angelo """%socialnatural%com

FEEL FREE TO PASS THIS BOOK ALONG If #ou "ant to pass this (ook to some(od# "ho "ill (enefit from it, please do so%

) Note that this entire document is the "ork of the author and cop#righted, and that no parts of it can (e reproduced in an# form "ithout the author*s consent% +isclaimer' &# continuing on from here, #ou understand and agree that this is for entertainment purposes onl#, and that "e are in no "a# held responsi(le for an# action #ou take or ma# take as a result of "hat #ou learned from this document%

!oc ial Natural Natura l N.E.P. - !ocial


.i, I*m $a(riel% And "hat I*m a(out to share "ith #ou "ill change the "a# #ou think a(out pickup and meeting "omen, forever%%% .ave #ou ever reall# "ondered "h# some people /ust get this "hole meeting "omen thing the ver# first fe" times the# learned this stuff and start getting immediate results, "hile others learned like forever and going out (ut are still struggling0 That*s (ecause the# are missing the most essential core component that makes pickup and meeting "omen "ork that ever#(od# is leaving out% 1ou are a(out to discover a revelation I came upon "hen I "as tr#ing to improve this area of m# life also, that "ill change the "hole communit# on its head and the "a# #ou look at this game%%%

My Story

Well, I could "rite a complete auto(iograph#, (ut I "on*t (ore #ou "ith that as I kno" #ou "ant to get into the real goodies of 2

!oc ial Natural Natura l N.E.P. - !ocial

this (ook, (ut I also "ant to let #ou kno" "here I*m coming from%%% I came from a strict famil# famil# up(ringing% M# parents moved around a lot, and I eventuall# gre" gre" up in a ver# small to"n% As t#pical as it "as al"a#s (eing the ne" kid, I "as constantl# teased and made fun of for ever#(od#*s self3amusement, and so I isolated m#self from all forms of social human interactions and avoided them as much as possi(le, and (ecame a loner, didn*t even have a single friend gro"ing up% I thought that m# pro(lem "as going to automaticall# solve itself as I got older, (ut nothing "as further form the truth%%% 4h, not onl# "as I terri(le "ith "omen, (ut "ith people in general, sociall#% It "as so (ad to the point that I even thought that I had some sort of social disorders, like Asperser*s s#ndrome% It "as utter torture% I "as depressed depressed and didn5t (other leaving the house, until I snapped and hit a threshold that enough "as enough, and didn5t care an#more and /ust "ent out (# m#self "ithout an# goal in mind (ut to /ust get out of the house% Man, "as I em(arrassingl# horri(le in social gatherings in ever# possi(le "a# from (eing creep# to almost getting arrested, (ut I learned and practiced m# social skills and cali(rated them%


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.o"ever, in m# struggle m# luck# (reak came "hen I met these gu#s "ho "ere not onl# good "ith "omen (ut people in general% The# "ere naturall# social "ith ever#(od#, hence social natural% The# took me under their "ings and I learned from them and "ent out and experimented, and that "as "hen I reall# noticed a difference% There "as something a(out these social naturals* (ehavior that the# "ere unconsciousl# a"are of, as most people "ho are good at something don5t reall# kno" ho" to explain ho" the# are doing it, the# /ust do it naturall# "ithout thinking, (ut I did coming from a conscious different perspective% To make a long stor# short%%% $raduall#, I started to perform sociall# at their high3octane social level and the friends "ithin the social natural5s social circle, "ho first 7uestioned "h# even let, me, this loser sociall# a"k"ard gu# to hang out "ith them, started to like me and  (ecame close (uddies%

Th R!lation

!o no" #ou kno" m# stor#%%%"hat does it come do"n to0 %%%#our social skills%


!oc ial Natural Natura l N.E.P. - !ocial

9or me, I never took that opportunit# to develop m# social skills, and there are a lot of us "ho didn*t either (ut "on*t em(arrassingl# admit it: and that*s ok, it is not our fault% It could have (een%%% •

"e "ere raised in a unsupportive environment that "as not conducive to human interactions our famil# "ere not social people and discouraged us from interacting "ith others and even other people discouraged us

"e "ere over3sheltered

"e "ere (ullied causing us to (e lonel# outcasts

"e avoided it

"e didn*t like it

"e "ere restricted

"e "ere homeschooled

"e "ere the geeks;the nerds

"e moved around a lot%%%% <

!oc ial Natural Natura l N.E.P. - !ocial

%%%and man# other countless reasons #ou can think of .o"ever, "e can still learn this and (e even (etter than those "ho have (een social all their lives (ecause "e come from a different perspective and understanding than most people, and this gives us a conscious a"areness of (oth sides of the coin having personall# gone through them ourselves%

"hy do " Nd to Larn Ho# to $ Social%

No" "h# do "e need to learn ho" to (e social0 Well, a long time ago (ack to our o"n ancestral da#s, "e lived in colonies and tri(es% We needed this tri(e to survive, other"ise if #ou take one mem(er out he or she "ould die% It "as /ust /ust ver#  (asic primitive social (ehaviors% We "ere like like machines% The men "ould "ould hunt and protect protect the tri(e "hile the "omen "ould take care and nourish the #ounglings% Prett# much it "as the same t#pe of social (ehaviors ever#da#, nothing fanc# and sophisticated social skills "ere re7uired% The# do the same things throughout the da#, ever#da#, and feel and think a(out the same things, like ro(ots% It "as /ust (asicall# like onl# hanging around "ith #our famil# =

!oc ial Natural Natura l N.E.P. - !ocial


!oc ial Natural Natura l N.E.P. - !ocial

Final "ords

If #ou "ant to improve #our dating and social skills fast, go out a lot, even go out (# #ourself if #ou can so #ou "on*t have that safet# securit# of the other person to come (ack to, and learn and recognie the patterns and social structures that control the response outcome (# making mistakes if #ou have to, and then cali(rate for next time% 4nce #ou have done that, ever#thing "ill (e su(conscious and automatic and here #ou have N4T /ust Natural $ame%%%(ut $LEAT Natural !ocial $ame% When #ou have the social skills, meeting and having people from all "alks of life adding value to #our life and enriching it, meeting "omen is natural almost effortless, #ou "ill (e meeting them through their social circle and their friends social circle% I reall# hope #ou en/o#ed this (ook, and #ou got a lot out of it that "ill help #ou start mastering #our dating as "ell as #our social life% If #ou like to find out more information, check out m# site' Socia Soc iall Na Natur tural al Li Li st styl yl

I "ish #ou the (estG $a(riel Angelo >>

!oc ial Natural Natura l N.E.P. - !ocial

to share this (ook to an#(od# "ho might P.S. I encourage #ou to  (enefit from it% feed(acks, or need to contact P.S.S. If #ou have an# 7uestion, feed(acks, & , please do so as I "ould love to hear from #ou% http';;;"""%socialnatural%com


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