The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

March 15, 2017 | Author: Maicon Nobre | Category: N/A
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EPHESIANS 2 The apostle shows the Christians at Ephesus their former ruined state, as dead in sin, slaves of Satan and “children of disobedience;” among whom he and all believers once were, being “by nature the children of wrath, even as others,” Eph2.1-3. All who do not perish are saved “by grace,” “in Christ,” “through faith;” and are “created unto good works,” Eph2.4-10. The Gentiles were once “without Christ, without hope, without God;” but by the special grace of God, through the atonement of Christ, all who believed were brought nigh, and reconciled to God; had access to him; and were formed into one church with Jewish converts, the ritual law being taken away by the death of Christ, Eph2.11-18. Thus they became one family and temple, a habitation of God through the Spirit, Eph2.19-22. 1. you. ver. Eph2.5, Eph2.6. Ep Eph1.19, Eph1.20. Jn ✓ Jn5.24, Jn5.25. * Jn10.10. Jn11.25, Jn11.26. ✓ Jn14.6. Ro Ro8.2. 1 Co 1Co15.45. Col Col1.21. * Col2.13. * Col3.1-4. hath he quickened. f63:63I, Jsh + Jos3.3. ver. Eph2.5. dead. ver. Eph2.5. Ep Eph4.18. Eph5.14. Ge Ge2.17. Ezk +* Eze18.4, Eze18.21. Mt Mt8.22. Lk 15:+ Lk15.24, Lk15.32. Jn Jn5.21, Jn5.24, Jn5.25. Ro * Ro8.6-8. 2 Co * 2Co5.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.6. 1 J 1Jn3.14. Re Re2.11. Re3.1. 2. in time. ver. Eph2.3, Eph2.11, Eph2.13. Ep Eph4.22. Eph5.8. Jb Job31.7. Ac Ac19.35. Ro * Ro11.30. 1 Co +* 1Co6.11. Col Col1.21. Col3.7. Ti Tt3.3. 1 P 1Pe4.3. 1 J 1Jn5.19. walked according. Ep Eph4.17. Ps Ps17.14. Je Je23.10. Lk * Lk16.8. Jn Jn7.7. Jn8.23. Jn15.19. Ro +* Ro12.2. 1 Co 1Co5.10. Ga Ga1.4. Col Col3.7. 2 Ti 2Ti4.10. Ja Jas1.7. * Jas4.4. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. * 1Jn5.4. course. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. f121:121P, Mt + Mt13.22. Ep + Eph1.21. Ga Ga1.4. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. f121:121J, Jn + Jn12.31. Col Col2.8, Col2.20. the prince. Ep * Eph6.12. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. +* Jn12.31. +* Jn14.30. * Jn16.11. 1 J * 1Jn5.19. Re Re9.11. * Re12.9. * Re13.8, Re13.14. * Re20.2. of the air. Jb * Job1.7, Job1.16, Job1.19. Re Re16.17. the spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt +* Mt8.16. Ep * Eph6.12. Mt Mt12.43-45. Lk Lk11.21-26. * Lk22.2, Lk22.3, Lk22.31. Jn Jn13.2, Jn13.27. Ac Ac5.3. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.4. 1 J * 1Jn3.8. 1Jn4.4. worketh. Ep Eph1.11. Mt + Mt14.2. the children. f108:108B, 1 S + 1Sa20.31. ver. Eph2.3. Ep Eph5.6. Is Is30.1. Is57.4. Ho Ho10.9. Mt Mt11.19. Mt13.38. Lk + Lk10.6. Jn Jn8.34, Jn8.44. Ro Ro6.20. Col Col3.6. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. Ti Tt3.3. 1 P 1Pe1.14g. 2 P 2Pe2.14g. 1 J 1Jn3.10. * 1Jn5.19. 3. we all. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. ver. Eph2.2. Is ✓ Is53.6. * Is64.6, Is64.7. Da Da9.5-9. Ro * Ro3.9-19. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. Ga Ga2.15, Ga2.16. Ga3.22. Ti * Tt3.3. 1 P * 1Pe4.3. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.8-10. in times. Ep Eph4.17-19. Ac Ac14.16. ✓ Ac17.30, Ac17.31. Ro Ro11.30. 1 P 1Pe2.10. 1 J 1Jn2.8. in the lusts. Ep Eph4.22. Mk Mk4.19. Jn * Jn8.44. Ro Ro1.24. Ro6.12. * Ro13.14. Ga * Ga5.16-24. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.9. Ja * Jas4.1-3. 1 P 1Pe1.14. * 1Pe2.11. 1Pe4.2. 2 P 2Pe2.18. 1 J * 1Jn2.16. Ju Jud16-18. flesh. f171:171Q, Ro + Ro8.4. fulfilling. T#698. Le Le18.24, Le18.25. Ro Ro8.7, Ro8.8. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ga * Ga5.19-21. 2 Ti 2Ti3.4. Ti Tt3.3. Ja Jas5.5. 1 P + 1Pe2.11 (T#675). 4:3, 4. desires. Gr. wills. Jn * Jn1.13. and of the. Paul and the rest of Scripture frequently speaks in terms of dichotomy more consistently than of trichotomy. Mt ◐ Mt22.37. Lk * Lk1.46, Lk1.47. Ro +* Ro8.10. 1 Th ◐* 1Th5.23. He ◐* Heb4.12. by nature. T#164. Ge Ge5.3. Ge6.5. * Ge8.21. Jb Job11.12. * Job14.4. * Job15.14-16. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 1. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Job25.4. Ps ✓ Ps51.5. * Ps58.3. Pr Pr22.15. Is Is48.8. Mk +* Mk7.21, Mk7.22. Jn * Jn3.1-7. Ro * Ro3.10, Ro3.20, Ro3.23. * Ro5.12-19. Ro7.18. 2 Co 2Co5.14. Ga * Ga2.15, Ga2.16. Ga4.8. children of wrath. f108:108B, 1 S + 1Sa20.31. T#656. See on ver. Eph2.2. Mt Mt13.38. Lk + Lk10.6. Ro * Ro9.22. 2 P 2Pe2.14. even. Ps Ps51.5. Ro * Ro3.9, Ro3.22, Ro3.23. Ro5.12. 1 Co 1Co4.7. 1 Th 1Th4.1. 1Th5.6. 4. rich in mercy. f22:22D, Ps +8:18. ver. * Eph2.7. Ep +* Eph1.7. * Eph3.8. Ex * Ex33.19. *34:+✓ Ex34.6, Ex34.7. Ne Ne9.17. Ps +* Ps51.1. * Ps86.5, Ps86.15. * Ps103.8-11. Ps111.4. Ps118.3. Ps130.7. Ps145.8. Is ✓ Is55.6-8. Je +✓ Je29.11. Da Da9.9. Jon +* Jon4.2. Mi * Mic7.18-20. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Lk Lk1.78. Ro +* Ro2.4. * Ro5.20, Ro5.21. Ro9.23. * Ro10.12. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. Ti Tt3.5. 1 P * 1Pe1.3. his. Dt * Dt7.7, Dt7.8. Dt9.5, Dt9.6. Je Je31.3. Ezk Eze16.68. Jn ✓ Jn3.14-17. Ro ✓ Ro5.8. Ro9.15, Ro9.16. 2 Th 2Th2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. Ti Tt3.4-7. 1 J * 1Jn4.10-19. loved us. T#826. Dt Dt7.13. Ps Ps4.3. Ps42.8. Ps103.4. Ps146.8. Pr Pr15.9. Is Is43.4. Is62.4, Is62.5. Je * Je31.3. Je32.41. Ho Ho14.4. Zp Zep3.17. Jn Jn16.27. Jn17.23, Jn17.26. Ro Ro9.25. 2 Th 2Th2.16. 1 J 1Jn4.10, 1Jn4.16, 1Jn4.19. 5. dead. See on ver. Eph2.1. Ro * Ro5.6, Ro5.8, Ro5.10. quickened. See on ver. Eph2.1. Ep Eph5.14. Jn * Jn5.21. * Jn6.63. Jn11.25. * Jn14.19. Ro Ro8.2. Col Col2.12, Col2.13. * Col3.1-3. Re Re20.4. grace ye. Gr. whose grace ye. f81, Ge + Ge15.13. ver. Eph2.8. Ac + Ac15.11. Ro +* Ro3.24. Ro4.16. Ro8.24. Ro11.5, Ro11.6. Ro16.20. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ti * Tt2.11. * Tt3.5. Re Re22.21. 6. hath. f96:96C, Ge + Ge45.9. See on Ep Eph1.19, Eph1.20. Ro * Ro6.4, Ro6.5. Col * Col1.18. Col2.12, Col2.13. * Col3.1-3. sit. Mt Mt26.29. Lk Lk12.37. +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Jn Jn12.26. +* Jn14.3. * Jn17.21-26. Re * Re3.20, Re3.21. in heavenly. See on Ep Eph1.3. Le = Le24.9. Dt Dt32.13. Ps Ps18.33. Ps81.16. Pr Pr30.28. Ezk = Eze44.16. 1 Co = 1Co10.21. Ph * Php3.20. He * Heb6.19, Heb6.20. 7. in the. Ep Eph3.5, Eph3.21. Ps Ps41.13. Ps106.48. Is * Is60.15. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.17. ages. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. show. See on ver. Eph2.4. 2 Th 2Th1.12. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.16. 1 P 1Pe1.12. Re * Re5.9-14. riches. f22:22D, Pr + Pr8.18. in his kindness. Ro +* Ro2.4. +* Ro11.22. Ti * Tt3.4g. 8. by grace. See on ver. Eph2.5. Ro +* Ro3.24. Ro11.6. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. through faith. Mk * Mk16.16. Lk +* Lk7.50. Jn ✓ Jn3.14-18, Jn3.36. ✓ Jn5.24. Jn6.27-29, Jn6.35, Jn6.40. Ac Ac13.39. Ac15.7-9. +✓ Ac16.31. Ro * Ro3.22-27. * Ro4.5, Ro4.16. ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. Ga Ga3.14, Ga3.22. 1 P 1Pe1.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.10-12. not of yourselves. ver. * Eph2.10. Ep Eph1.19. Mt * Mt16.17. Jn ✓ Jn1.12, Jn1.13. * Jn6.37, Jn6.44, Jn6.65. Ac Ac14.27. * Ac16.14. Ro ✓ Ro10.14-17. 2 Co 2Co3.5. Ph * Php1.29. Col Col2.12. Ja * Jas1.16-18. the gift. Ep Eph3.7. Eph4.7. Jn Jn4.10. Ac Ac8.20. 2 Co 2Co9.15. He Heb6.4. 9. Not of works. Ro * Ro3.20, Ro3.27, Ro3.28. * Ro4.2. * Ro9.11, Ro9.16. * Ro11.6. Ga Ga3.12, Ga3.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. Ti ✓ Tt3.3-5, ◐ Tt3.8. lest any. Jg Jdg7.2. 1 Co * 1Co1.29-31. 2 Co * 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. 10. we are. Dt Dt32.6, Dt32.15. Ps Ps95.6. Ps100.3. Ps138.8. Ps149.2. Is Is19.25. Is29.23. Is43.21. * Is60.21. Is61.3. Is64.8. Je Je31.33. Je32.39, Je32.40. Jn * Jn3.3-6, Jn3.21. 1 Co * 1Co3.9. 2 Co * 2Co5.5, 2Co5.17. Ph * Php1.6. ✓ Php2.13. He * Heb13.21. workmanship. Ro Ro1.20g. created. Ep Eph3.9. * Eph4.24. Ps * Ps51.10. Ps102.18. 2 Co ✓ Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 2. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Co5.17. Ga * Ga6.15. Col Col3.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.15. good works. Ep Eph4.24. Mt +* Mt5.16. Ac + Ac9.36. 2 Co * 2Co9.8. Col +✓ Col1.10. 2 Th 2Th2.17. 1 Ti 1Ti2.10. 1Ti5.10, 1Ti5.25. 1Ti6.18. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.21. +* 2Ti3.17. Ti * Tt2.7, Tt2.14. ✓ Tt3.1, + Tt3.8, 24. He * Heb10.24. * Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe2.12. which God. Ep + Eph1.4. Ro +* Ro8.29. ordained. or, prepared. Nu = Nu4.27. 1 Ch 1Ch6.48. Jn +* Jn15.16. that we. Ep Eph1.12. walk. ver. Eph2.2. Ep Eph4.1. Dt Dt5.33. Ps Ps81.13. Ps119.3. Is +* Is2.3-5. Ac Ac9.31. Ro * Ro8.1. Col +✓ Col1.10. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. +* 1Jn2.6. 11. remember. Ep Eph5.8. Dt Dt5.15. Dt8.2. Dt9.7. Dt15.15. Dt16.12. Ps * Ps103.2. Is * Is51.1, Is51.2. Ezk Eze16.61-63. Eze20.43. Eze36.31. 1 Co 1Co6.11. 1Co12.2. Ga Ga4.8, Ga4.9. time past. ver. + Eph2.2. Dt Dt5.15. Gentiles. Ro +* Ro2.28, Ro2.29. Ga Ga2.15. Ga6.12. Col Col1.21. Col2.13. Uncircumcision. Le Le26.41. 1 S 1Sa17.26, 1Sa17.36. Je Je6.10. +* Je9.25, Je9.26. Ezk Eze44.7. Ph * Php3.3. Col +* Col3.11. Circumcision. Ro * Ro2.26, Ro2.28. Col * Col2.11, Col2.13. made by hands. Mk Mk14.58. Col * Col2.11. 12. without Christ. Ep Eph5.8. Jn +* Jn10.16. * Jn15.5, Jn15.6. 1 Co 1Co12.2. Col Col1.21. Col3.7. aliens. Ep Eph4.18. Ezr Ezr4.3. Is Is61.5. Ezk Eze13.9. Eze14.5, Eze14.7. Ga Ga2.15. Ga4.8. Col Col1.21. He Heb11.34. commonwealth of Israel. ver. Eph2.19. strangers. Le = Le22.10. the covenants. Ge * Ge15.18. +* Ge17.7-9. Ex Ex24.3-11. Nu Nu18.19. Ps Ps89.3, etc. Is +* Is55.3. Je ✓ Je31.31-34. * Je33.20-26. Ezk Eze37.26. Lk Lk1.72. Ac * Ac3.25. Ro Ro9.1, + Ro9.4, Ro9.5, Ro9.8. Ga +* Ga3.16, Ga3.17. having no hope. Ep + Eph1.18. Je Je14.8. Je17.13. Jn Jn4.22. Ac Ac28.20. Col ◐* Col1.5, Col1.27. 1 Th 1Th4.13. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. He ◐* Heb6.18, Heb6.19. 1 P ◐* 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.21. * 1Pe3.15. 1 J 1Jn3.3. without God. 2 Ch 2Ch15.3. Is Is44.6. Is45.20. Ho Ho3.4. Lk ✓ Lk10.22. Ac Ac14.15, Ac14.16. Ro +* Ro1.18-20, Ro1.28-32. +* Ro2.12. * Ro10.13-15. 1 Co +* 1Co8.4-6. 1Co10.19, 1Co10.20. Ga Ga4.8. 1 Th 1Th4.5. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 13. in Christ Jesus. See on Ro +* Ro8.1n. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. Ga * Ga3.28. far off. ver. Eph2.12, Eph2.17, Eph2.19-22. Ep Eph3.5-8. Ps Ps22.27. Ps73.27. Is Is11.10. Is24.15, Is24.16. Is43.6. Is49.12. Is57.19. Is60.4, Is60.9. Is66.19. Je Je16.19. Ac +* Ac2.39. Ac15.14. Ac22.21. +* Ac26.18. Ro * Ro15.8-12. are made nigh. ver. Eph2.16. Ep * Eph1.7. Ge = Ge45.4. Ex Ex12.44. Le += Le23.19. Nu = Nu3.5, Nu3.6. = Nu16.10. Ezk = Eze43.27. Ro * Ro3.23-30. * Ro5.9, Ro5.10. 1 Co 1Co6.11. 2 Co * 2Co5.20, 2Co5.21. Col * Col1.13, Col1.14, Col1.21-23. He Heb9.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. * 1Pe3.18. Re * Re5.9. by the blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. By Metalepsis or Double Metonymy, “blood” is put for his death and the atonement made in His obedient act in dying for His people. Ro + Ro3.25. Col Col1.20. 14. For he. Jb * Job9.33. our peace. ver. Eph2.17. Ep Eph6.15. Le += Le23.19. Ps Ps72.7. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Ezk Eze34.24, Eze34.25. Mi Mic5.5. Zc Zec6.13. Zec9.10. Lk Lk1.79. +* Lk2.14. Jn Jn16.33. Ac +✓ Ac10.36. Ro * Ro5.1. Col Col1.20. Col3.15. He Heb7.2. * Heb13.20. both. ver. Eph2.15. Ep Eph3.15. Eph4.16. Is Is19.24, Is19.25. Ezk Eze37.19, Eze37.20. Jn +* Jn10.16. Jn11.52. 1 Co 1Co12.12. Ga +* Ga3.28. Col +* Col3.11. broken down. Ep +* Eph4.4. Jn Jn2.19g. Ac +✓ Ac10.11. the middle. Est Es3.8. Mt ✓ Mt27.51. Ac * Ac10.28. Col * Col2.1014, Col2.20. partition. Ac Ac10.13n. 15. in his flesh. Ro Ro7.4. Col Col1.21, Col1.22. He +* Heb10.19-22. the enmity. ver. Eph2.16. Ro Ro8.7. Ja Jas4.4. the law. Ga Ga3.10. Col * Col2.14, Col2.20. He Heb7.16. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 3. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Heb8.13. Heb9.9, Heb9.10, Heb9.23. Heb10.1-10. ordinances. Lk Lk2.1. Ac Ac16.4. Ac17.7g. Col Col2.14, Col2.20. one new man. Ep Eph4.16, Eph4.24. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.12, 1Co12.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. Ga ✓ Ga6.15. Col * Col3.10. making peace. ver. + Eph2.14. 16. reconcile. Ro +* Ro5.10. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13. 2 Co * 2Co5.18-21. Col Col1.20-22. both unto God. Ac Ac13.44-46. Ac22.21, Ac22.22. 1 Th 1Th2.16. one body. Ep * Eph3.6. +* Eph4.4. Ro Ro7.4. Col Col3.15. having slain. ver. Eph2.15. Ro * Ro6.6. Ro8.3, Ro8.7. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Col Col2.14. 1 P 1Pe4.1, 1Pe4.2. the enmity. ver. Eph2.15. Ro * Ro8.7. thereby. or, in himself. Col Col2.15g. 17. And came. Jn Jn14.18. Ac Ac26.23. and preached. Ps * Ps85.10. Is Is27.5. Is52.7. * Is57.19-21. Zc * Zec9.10. Mt Mt10.13. Lk * Lk2.14. Lk10.5, Lk10.6. Ac +* Ac2.39. +✓ Ac10.36. Ro * Ro5.1. 2 Co 2Co5.20. peace. ver. + Eph2.14. Le += Le23.19. Ps Ps85.8. Zc Zec9.10. that. ver. + Eph2.13, Eph2.14. Dt * Dt4.7. Ps Ps75.1. Ps76.1, Ps76.2. Ps147.19, Ps147.20. * Ps148.14. Lk Lk10.9-11. 18. through him. Ep * Eph3.12. Jn Jn10.7, Jn10.9. ✓ Jn14.6. Ro Ro5.2. He Heb4.14-16. * Heb7.19, Heb7.25. * Heb10.19, Heb10.20, Heb10.22. 1 P * 1Pe1.21. * 1Pe3.18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. access. T#796. Ep Eph1.6. * Eph3.12. Ex Ex24.2. Ex34.4-7. Le = Le16.12-15 w He Heb10.19-22. Nu = Nu3.5, Nu3.6. = Nu16.10. Dt Dt4.7. Ps Ps15.1. * Ps16.11. Ps23.6. Ps24.3, Ps24.4. Ps27.4. Ps42.1, Ps42.2. Ps43.3. Ps65.4. Ps73.28. Ps84.1, Ps84.2. Ps145.18. Is Is2.3. Is26.2. ✓ Is55.3, Is55.6. Je Je31.6. Ezk Eze20.40, Eze20.41. Ho Ho14.2. Jl Joe2.12. Mt Mt6.6. Jn * Jn10.7, Jn10.9. ✓ Jn14.6. Ac Ac14.27. Ro + Ro5.2. Col Col1.21, Col1.22. He ✓ Heb4.16. Heb7.19, Heb7.25. Heb10.19, Heb10.20. ✓ Heb11.6. Ja Jas4.8. 1 P 1Pe1.17. 1Pe2.4, 1Pe2.5. 1Pe3.12. Re Re3.8. by one. Ep +* Eph4.4. Eph6.18. Zc * Zec12.10. Jn * Jn4.23. Ro * Ro8.15, Ro8.26, Ro8.27. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13. Ju ✓ Jud20. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. unto the Father. Ep Eph3.14. Mt +✓ Mt28.19. Jn * Jn4.21-23. Jn20.17. Ro * Ro8.14, Ro8.15. 1 Co * 1Co8.6. Ga Ga4.6. Ja Jas3.9. 1 P 1Pe1.17. 19. no more. Le += Le23.19. Is Is56.3. 1 Co 1Co6.11. strangers and. See on ver. Eph2.12. Ex Ex12.43. Le = Le22.10. Dt Dt10.19. He Heb11.13. Heb13.14. 1 P ◐ 1Pe2.11. foreigners. or, sojourners. Ac Ac7.6, Ac7.29. 1 P 1Pe1.17. 1Pe2.11. but. Ep Eph3.6. Ga Ga3.26-28. Ga4.2631. Ph * Php3.20g. He * Heb12.22-24. Re Re21.12-26. the saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. household. Ep * Eph3.15. Mt Mt10.25. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Ti 1Ti3.15. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1. 20. built. Ep * Eph4.12. Je * Je12.16. Je24.6. 1 Co +* 1Co3.9. Col +* Col2.7. 1 P * 1Pe2.4, 1Pe2.5. the foundation. Is * Is28.16. Mt * Mt16.18. 1 Co * 1Co3.9-11. Ga * Ga2.9. Re * Re21.14. apostles. Ep * Eph4.11-13. 1 Co * 1Co12.28. He + Heb11.9g. Re Re21.14. and prophets. Ep Eph3.5. Lk +* Lk24.44. 1 Co + 1Co12.28. 2 P * 2Pe1.21. Jesus. 1 Co 1Co3.11. chief corner. f22:22L, Is + Is8.14. Ps * Ps118.22. Is * Is28.16. Mt * Mt21.42. Mk Mk12.10, Mk12.11. Lk * Lk20.17, Lk20.18. Ac ✓ Ac4.11, Ac4.12. 1 Co 1Co3.11. 2 Th 2Th2.16. 2Th3.16. 1 P * 1Pe2.6-8. 21. all the building. Ep * Eph4.13-16. Ezk ch. 40-42. 1 Co 1Co3.9. He Heb3.3, Heb3.4. fitly framed. Ex ch. 26. 1 K 1Ki6.7. groweth unto. Ep Eph4.15, Eph4.16. holy temple. Ps Ps93.5. Ezk Eze42.12. 1 Co * 1Co3.16, 1Co3.17. * 1Co6.19. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 4. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

22. an habitation. Ep Eph3.17. Lk ◐ Lk11.21-26. Jn * Jn14.16-23. Jn17.21-23. Ro +* Ro8.911. 1 Co * 1Co3.16. * 1Co6.19. 2 Co 2Co6.16. 1 Ti 1Ti3.15. 1 P 1Pe2.4, 1Pe2.5. 1 J 1Jn3.24. * 1Jn4.13, 1Jn4.16. Re Re18.2.

EPHESIANS 3 Paul, the prisoner of Christ for the Gentiles, Eph3.1; shows, that the mystery concerning their salvation, which was before concealed, had been made known to him by revelation, Eph3.2-7; and to him, “who was least of all saints, was this grace given, that he should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,” Eph3.8" Eph3.9 }; that “the principalities and powers in heavenly places” might, in the church, discover “the manifold wisdom of God;” while, “according to his eternal purpose,” Jews and Gentiles had “access with boldness, by Jesus Christ,” Eph3.10-12. He desires that the Ephesians may not faint, because of his tribulations for them, Eph3.13; fervently prays, that they may be abundantly strengthened, enlightened, sanctified, and comforted, Eph3.14-20; and concludes with most animated praises, Eph3.21. 1. I Paul. 2 Co 2Co10.1. Ga Ga5.2. the prisoner. f63:63B, Ge + Ge2.10. Supply by ellipsis, “(am) the prisoner.” Ep Eph4.1. Eph6.20. Lk Lk21.12. Ac * Ac21.13, Ac21.27, Ac21.28, Ac21.33. Ac23.18. Ac26.29. Ac28.17-20. 2 Co 2Co11.23. Ph Php1.7, Php1.13-16. Col Col1.24. Col4.3, Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8, 2Ti1.16. 2Ti2.9. Phm Phm1, Phm9. Re Re2.10. for. ver. Eph3.13. Ac * Ac22.21, Ac22.22. Ga * Ga5.11. Col Col1.24. 1 Th * 1Th2.15, 1Th2.16. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. Gentiles. ver. Eph3.8. 2. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. f136, Is + Is60.12. ye. Ep Eph4.21. Ga Ga1.13. Col Col1.4, Col1.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11. the dispensation. or, stewardship. ver. Eph3.8. Ep Eph1.10. Eph4.7. Ac * Ac9.15. + Ac11.23. * Ac13.2, Ac13.46. Ac22.21. +* Ac26.17, Ac26.18. Ro * Ro1.5. * Ro11.13. +* Ro12.3. Ro15.15, Ro15.16. 1 Co * 1Co4.1. 9:+ 1Co9.17-2222. Ga Ga1.15, Ga1.16. Ga2.8, Ga2.9. Col Col1.25-27. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4, 1Ti1.11. 1Ti2.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11. grace. Ac * Ac20.24. 1 Co + 1Co1.4. 3. How that. Ep Eph1.17. Ac Ac22.17, Ac22.21. Ac23.9. * Ac26.15-19. 1 Co 1Co2.9, 1Co2.10. Ga * Ga1.12, Ga1.16-19. by revelation. 2 Co + 2Co12.1. the mystery. ver. Eph3.9. Ep Eph6.19. Da Da2.29. Ro Ro11.25. +* Ro16.25n. Col +* Col1.26, Col1.27. as I. Ep * Eph1.9-11. Eph2.11-22. afore. or, a little before. Ep Eph1.9, Eph1.10. 4. Whereby. 2 Co 2Co11.6. ye may. Mt Mt13.11. 1 Co 1Co2.6, 1Co2.7. 1Co13.2. 2 Co 2Co11.6. the mystery. Ep Eph1.9. Eph5.32. * Eph6.19. Lk Lk2.10, Lk2.11. Lk8.10. 1 Co 1Co4.1. Col Col1.27. Col2.2. Col4.3. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.9, 1Ti3.16. 5. in other. ver. * Eph3.9. Mt * Mt13.17. Lk * Lk10.24. Ac Ac10.28. Ro +* Ro16.25n. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.10, 2Ti1.11. Ti * Tt1.1-3. He * Heb11.39, Heb11.40. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.10-12. sons of men. f144:144A, Ge + Ge11.5. Mt Mt12.31. Mk Mk3.28. now revealed. Mt ◐* Mt23.24. holy. Lk + Lk1.70. apostles and. See on Ep +* Eph2.20. * Eph4.11, Eph4.12. Lk * Lk11.49. 1 Co * 1Co12.28, 1Co12.29. 2 P * 2Pe3.2. Ju * Jud17. by. Mt Mt1.22. Lk * Lk2.26, Lk2.27. Jn * Jn14.26. * Jn16.13. Ac * Ac10.19, Ac10.20, Ac10.28. 1 Co * 1Co12.8-10. Re Re1.10. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 5. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

6. the Gentiles. Ep Eph2.13-22. Ro Ro8.15-17. Ga * Ga3.26-29. +* Ga4.5-7n. fellowheirs. Ep * Eph1.11n. Mt +* Mt8.11. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. Ga +* Ga3.29. He Heb11.9. the same body. Ep +* Eph2.16. Eph4.15, Eph4.16. Eph5.30. Ro Ro12.4, Ro12.5. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.12, 1Co12.13, 1Co12.27. Col Col2.19. partakers. Ep ◐ Eph5.7. Ga * Ga3.14. 1 J * 1Jn1.3. * 1Jn2.25. his promise. Ep + Eph2.18. 7. I was. See on ver. Eph3.2. Ro Ro15.16. 2 Co 2Co3.6. 2Co4.1. Col Col1.23-25. a minister. 1 Co + 1Co3.5. according. ver. Eph3.8. Ro Ro1.5. 1 Co 1Co15.10. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.14, 1Ti1.15. the grace. ver. + Eph3.2. by. ver. Eph3.20. Ep + Eph1.19. Eph4.16. Is Is43.13. Ro Ro15.18, Ro15.19. 2 Co * 2Co10.4, 2Co10.5. Ga Ga2.8. Col * Col1.29. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. He * Heb13.21. 8. who am. Pr * Pr30.2, Pr30.3. Ro Ro12.10. 1 Co +* 1Co15.9. Ph +* Php2.3. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.13, 1Ti1.15. 1 P * 1Pe5.5, 1Pe5.6. less than. f111, Ge + Ge18.27. 2 Co 2Co10.1, 2Co10.10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. the least. f125, Jb + Job22.6. saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. is this. 1 Ch 1Ch17.16. 1Ch29.14, 1Ch29.15. Ac Ac5.41. Ro Ro15.15-17. I should. See on ver. Eph3.2. Ga Ga1.16. Ga2.8. 1 Ti 1Ti2.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11. among the Gentiles. ver. Eph3.1, Eph3.2. Ac + Ac9.15. unsearchable. ver. Eph3.16, Eph3.19. Ep Eph1.7, Eph1.8. Eph2.7. Ge = Ge41.49. Jb Job5.9. Ps Ps31.19. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Jn Jn1.16. Ro * Ro11.33g. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. ✓ 1Co2.9. Ph ✓ Php4.19. Col +* Col1.27. * Col2.1-3. Re Re3.18. riches. f22:22D, Pr + Pr8.18. f108:108B, Ro + Ro2.4. ver. Eph3.16. Ep Eph1.18. Ro + Ro2.4. 9. to make. Mt Mt10.27. +✓ Mt28.19. Mk * Mk16.15, Mk16.16. Lk * Lk24.47. Ro Ro16.26. Col Col1.23. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. Re Re14.6. fellowship. or, dispensation, or stewardship. ver. + Eph3.2, Eph3.3-5. Ep Eph1.9, Eph1.10. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. beginning. Ep * Eph1.4. Mt Mt13.35. Mt25.34. Ac Ac15.18. 1 Co 1Co2.7. Col Col1.26. 2 Th 2Th2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. Ti * Tt1.2. 1 P 1Pe1.20. Re Re13.8. Re17.8. world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. hid. f84, Ge + Ge6.17. Col Col1.26. Col3.3. created. Ep Eph2.10. Ps Ps33.6. Is Is44.24. Jn * Jn1.1-3. Jn5.17, Jn5.19. +* Jn10.30. Col * Col1.16, Col1.17. He * Heb1.2, Heb1.3. Heb3.3, Heb3.4. Re Re4.11. 10. intent. Ex * Ex25.17-22. Ps * Ps103.20. * Ps148.1, Ps148.2. Is * Is6.2-4. Ezk Eze3.12. 1 P 1Pe1.12. Re * Re5.9-14. principalities. See on Ep * Eph1.21. Eph6.12. Ro +* Ro8.38. 1 Co + 1Co15.24g. Col Col1.16. 1 P * 1Pe3.22. in heavenly. See on Ep * Eph1.3. be known. ver. Eph3.5. Ti Tt1.3. 1 P 1Pe1.12. manifold. Ep * Eph1.8. Ps * Ps104.24. Mt +* Mt11.25-27. Ro * Ro11.33. 1 Co 1Co1.24. 1Co2.7. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1 P 1Pe4.10. Re * Re5.12. wisdom. Ro * Ro11.33. 11. eternal. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. purpose. T#304. Ep * Eph1.3, Eph1.4, Eph1.9, +* Eph1.11. Dt + Dt32.4 (T#249). Jb + Job14.5 (T#251). Ps + Ps33.11 (T#250). Is Is14.24-27. Is46.10, Is46.11. Je Je51.29. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro9.11. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. Ti Tt1.2. 1 P 1Pe1.19, 1Pe1.20. Re Re13.8. Re17.8. 12. In whom. Ep +* Eph2.18. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ro Ro5.2. He Heb4.14-16. +* Heb10.19-22. boldness. T#1314. He * Heb4.15, Heb4.16. * Heb10.19, Heb10.20. 1 J * 1Jn2.28. and access. Ep +* Eph2.18. with confidence. 2 Co 2Co3.4. faith. Mk Mk11.22. Ph Php3.9. 13. ye faint not. Dt Dt20.3. Is Is40.30, Is40.31. Zp Zep3.16. Lk + Lk18.1. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ga * Ga6.9. 2 Th 2Th3.13. He * Heb12.3-5. at. ver. Eph3.1. 2 Co 2Co1.6. Ph * Php1.12-14. Col Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 6. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Col1.24. 1 Th * 1Th3.2-4. for you. ver. Eph3.1. Ph Php2.17. Col Col1.24. which is. 2 Co * 2Co1.6. 14. For this. f67, Ro + Ro3.26. f13. Anachoresis; or, Regression B913. A return to the original subject after a digression. Here, resuming the subject of verse 1. For another instance of this figure see Ro Ro1.7. I bow. Ep Eph1.16-19. 1 K 1Ki8.54. 1Ki19.18. 2 Ch 2Ch6.13. Ezr Ezr9.5. Ps Ps95.6. Is Is45.23. Da +* Da6.10. Lk * Lk22.41. Ac +* Ac7.60. Ac9.40. Ac20.36. Ac21.5. the Father. See on Ep Eph1.3. 15. the whole. Ep Eph1.10, Eph1.21. Ga * Ga3.26. Ph * Php2.9-11. Col Col1.20. Re Re5.814. Re7.4-12. is. Is Is65.15. Je Je33.16. Ac Ac11.26. Re Re2.17. Re3.12. 16. That. f63:63E, 1 S + 1Sa13.8. Supply ellipsis, “(Praying) that.” according. ver. + Eph3.8. Ep * Eph1.7, Eph1.18. Eph2.7. Ro Ro9.23. Ph ✓ Php4.19. Col +* Col1.27. riches. f22:22D, Pr + Pr8.18. to be. Ep * Eph6.10. Jb Job23.6. Ps Ps28.8. * Ps138.3. Is * Is40.29-31. * Is41.10. Zc Zec10.12. Mt +* Mt6.13. 1 Co 1Co16.13. 2 Co * 2Co12.9. Ph ✓ Php4.13. Col * Col1.11. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. He Heb11.34. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. the inner man. Je Je31.33. Ro Ro2.29. +* Ro7.22. 2 Co * 2Co4.16. 1 P * 1Pe3.4. 17. dwell in. T#1575. Ep * Eph2.21, Eph2.22. Is +* Is57.15. Jn * Jn6.56. * Jn14.17, +* Jn14.20, Jn14.23. * Jn17.20-23. Ro +* Ro8.9-11. 2 Co 2Co6.16. Ga * Ga2.20. Col +* Col1.27. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. 1 J 1Jn4.4, 1Jn4.16. Re ✓ Re3.20. being rooted. Mt * Mt13.6. Ro * Ro5.5. 1 Co 1Co8.1. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. Ga * Ga5.6. Col +* Col2.7. grounded. Mt * Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Lk Lk6.48g. Col +* Col1.23. in love. Mt * Mt10.37. 18. able. ver. Eph3.19. Ep * Eph1.18-23. Jb Job11.7-9. Ps * Ps103.11, Ps103.12, Ps103.17. Ps139.6. Is * Is55.9. Mt * Mt18.11. Jn Jn1.5. * Jn15.13. Ga * Ga2.20. +* Ga3.13. Ph * Php2.5-8. Php3.8-10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14-16. * 1Ti3.16. Ti Tt2.13, Tt2.14. Re Re3.21. with all. Ep Eph1.10, Eph1.15. Dt Dt33.2, Dt33.3. 2 Ch 2Ch6.41. Ps Ps116.15. Ps132.9. Ps145.10. Zc Zec14.5. 2 Co 2Co13.13. Col Col1.4. Re * Re5.9. saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. what. Ro * Ro10.3, Ro10.11, Ro10.12. depth and. Jb Job11.8, Job11.9. Ro +* Ro8.39. * Ro11.33. height. f22:22I, Jb Job11.8. f63:63I, Ex + Ex12.4. Supply ellipsis, “height (of love is).” 19. to know. T#1612. ver. Eph3.18. Ep Eph5.2, Eph5.25. Jn * Jn17.3. 2 Co * 2Co5.14. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Ph * Php2.5-12. Col +✓ Col1.10. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn4.9-14. the love. Le = Le7.34. Pr * Pr8.17. SS * So2.4. Jn * Jn11.35, Jn11.36. * Jn13.1, Jn13.34, Jn13.35. * Jn14.21. * Jn15.9, Jn15.10. Ro +* Ro8.35. 2 Co 2Co5.14. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. 1 J * 1Jn3.16. * 1Jn4.19. Re +* Re1.5, Re1.6. Re3.19. passeth knowledge. ver. +* Eph3.8. Jb Job11.7. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Ph ✓ Php4.7. that ye. Ep * Eph1.23. +* Eph5.18. Ps * Ps17.15. Ps43.4. Mt +* Mt5.6. Jn * Jn1.16. Ro * Ro15.13, Ro15.14. Ph * Php1.11. Col * Col1.9. * Col2.9, Col2.10. Re * Re7.15-17. * Re21.2224. * Re22.3-5. the fulness. T#1504. Ep + Eph1.23. Jn Jn1.16. 20. able. Ge Ge17.1. Ge18.4. 2 Ch 2Ch25.9. Je Je32.17, Je32.27. Da Da3.17. Da6.20. Mt Mt3.9. Jn * Jn10.29, Jn10.30. Ac Ac20.32. Ro * Ro4.21. Ro14.4. +* Ro16.25. 2 Co * 2Co9.8. He Heb2.18. * Heb7.25. Heb11.19. * Heb13.20, Heb13.21. Ja Jas4.12. Ju * Jud24. exceeding. Ex Ex34.6. 2 S 2Sa7.19. 1 K 1Ki3.13. Ps Ps36.8, Ps36.9. SS So5.1. Is Is35.2. ✓ Is55.7. Jn * Jn10.10. Ro +* Ro8.32. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.11. above all. 1 K 1Ki10.13. 2 K = 2Ki13.18, 2Ki13.19. 2 Ch 2Ch1.10, 2Ch1.12. * 2Ch25.9. Ps Ps37.4. Je +* Je33.3. Ml * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 7. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mal3.10. according. ver. Eph3.7. Ep * Eph1.19, Eph1.20. Ph * Php4.19. Col * Col1.29. that worketh. Mt + Mt14.2. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. Ja +* Jas5.16. 21. Unto him. Ge +* Ge49.10. Jn Jn12.32. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.15. 2 Th 2Th2.1. He Heb13.13. be glory. Ep Eph1.6. 1 Ch 1Ch29.11. Ps Ps29.1, Ps29.2. Ps72.19. Ps115.1. Is Is6.3. Is42.12. Mt +* Mt6.13. Lk * Lk2.14. Ro * Ro11.36. Ro16.27. Ga Ga1.5. Ph Php2.11. Php4.20. 2 Ti 2Ti4.18. He * Heb13.15, Heb13.21. 1 P * 1Pe5.11. Re * Re4.9-11. * Re5.9-14. Re7.12, etc. by. Ph Php1.11. He * Heb13.15, Heb13.16. 1 P 1Pe2.5. throughout. Ep * Eph2.7. 1 P * 1Pe5.11. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. Ju * Jud25. ages. or, generations. Col Col1.26. world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. the age of the ages.

EPHESIANS 4 The apostle exhorts his brethren to a consistent walk in humility and love, as united by manifold most endearing bonds, Eph4.1-6; to a peaceful improvement of gifts and endearments, and performance of duties, for the good of the church; from regard to the ascended Savior, and the nature of his communications and appointments, for the edification of his saints, Eph4.7-16; to a conduct peculiarly distinguished from that of the Gentiles around them; being taught by Christ, dead to sin, and continually more and more renewed to the divine image, Eph4.17-24; to avoid deceit and anger, 25-27, to labor in what was good; and so to shun dishonesty, and to practice charity, Eph4.28; to use their tongues in holy discourse, and not in unholy, Eph4.29; to beware of grieving the holy Spirit, Eph4.30; and to meekness, kindness, and forgiveness, after the example of the love of God in Christ, Eph4.31" Eph4.32 }. 1. prisoner. See on Ep Eph3.1. of the Lord. or, in the Lord. beseech. Je Je38.20. Ro +* Ro12.1. 1 Co 1Co4.16. 2 Co 2Co5.20. 2Co6.1. 2Co10.1. Ga Ga4.12. Phm Phm1, Phm9, Phm10. 1 P 1Pe2.11. 2 J 2Jn5. walk. ver. Eph4.17. Ep Eph5.2. Ge Ge5.24. Ge17.1. Ac Ac9.31. Ph * Php1.27. Php3.17, Php3.18. Col +✓ Col1.10. * Col2.6. Col4.12. 1 Th * 1Th2.12. 1Th4.1, 1Th4.2. Ti * Tt2.10. He * Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.16. 1 J * 1Jn2.6. vocation. ver. Eph4.4. Lk * Lk3.14n. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro +* Ro11.29. 1 Co * 1Co7.20. Ph * Php3.14. 2 Th 2Th1.11. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. He Heb3.1. 1 P 1Pe3.9. 1Pe5.10. 2 P * 2Pe1.3. 2. lowliness. Nu Nu12.3. Ps Ps45.4. Ps138.6. Pr Pr3.34. * Pr16.19. Pr29.23. Is +* Is57.15. Is61.1-3. Zp +* Zep2.3. Zc * Zec9.9. Mt +* Mt5.3-5. ✓ Mt11.29. Ac Ac20.19. 1 Co ✓ 1Co13.4, 1Co13.5. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ph +* Php2.3. Col Col2.18, Col2.23. * Col3.12, Col3.13. 1 Ti 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. Ja Jas1.21. Jas3.15-18. 1 P * 1Pe3.8, 1Pe3.15. 1Pe5.5g. meekness. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Col Col3.12. with longsuffering. Ro +* Ro2.4. 1 Co * 1Co13.4. 2 Co 2Co6.6. Ga +* Ga5.22. Col * Col1.11. * Col3.12. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10. 2Ti4.2. He Heb6.12. Ja Jas5.10g. forbearing. Mt + Mt17.17. Mk Mk9.19. Ro Ro15.1. 1 Co * 1Co13.7. Ga * Ga6.2. Col * Col3.13. 3. keep the unity. ver. * Eph4.4. Jn Jn13.34. * Jn17.21-23. Ro * Ro15.5n. 1 Co +* 1Co1.10. ✓ 1Co12.12, 1Co12.13. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Col * Col3.13-15. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Ep Eph6.17. Jn + Jn7.39. in the bond. Ac Ac8.23. Col Col2.19. * Col3.14. peace. Ro * Ro14.1719. 1 Th 1Th5.13. He +* Heb12.14. Ja * Jas3.17, Jas3.18. 4. one body. Since there is but one body and one hope, the teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses that there is a heavenly hope available only to 144,000 and an earthly hope Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 8. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

available to the rest of mankind is certainly mistaken, for it obviously sets forth two hopes and makes two bodies, an earthly and a heavenly, in contradiction to this clear Scripture. See related notes (John 3:7. 1 Co 1Co15.50). T#113. Ep Eph1.10. + Eph2.16. ✓ Eph3.6. * Eph5.30. Nu +* Nu15.16. Jn +* Jn10.16. Ac +✓ Ac10.11. Ro * Ro12.4, Ro12.5. 1 Co 1Co10.17. * 1Co12.12, ✓ 1Co12.13, 1Co12.20. Col Col3.15. one Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Ep 2:+ Eph2.18, Eph2.22. Mt +✓ Mt28.19. 1 Co * 1Co12.4-11. 2 Co 2Co11.4. as ye are called. See on ver. Eph4.1. Ep +* Eph1.18. one hope. Ep 1:+* Eph1.11, + Eph1.18. Je Je14.8. Je17.7. Jn ✓ Jn3.3, Jn3.5, Jn3.7. Ac * Ac15.11. Ro +* Ro15.4. Col * Col1.5, Col1.27. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. Ti ✓ Tt1.2. ✓ Tt2.13. ✓ Tt3.7. He * Heb6.18, Heb6.19. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4, 1Pe1.21. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.3. calling. ver. * Eph4.1. Ro +* Ro11.29. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 5. One Lord. Zc ✓ Zec14.9. Ac * Ac2.36. +✓ Ac10.36. Ro ✓ Ro14.8, Ro14.9. 1 Co 1Co1.2, + 1Co1.13. +* 1Co8.6. * 1Co12.3, 1Co12.5, 1Co12.6. Ph ✓ Php2.11. * Php3.8. one faith. f121:121R, Ac + Ac6.7. ver. * Eph4.13. Ro * Ro3.30. 2 Co 2Co11.4. Ga Ga1.6, Ga1.7. * Ga5.5, Ga5.6. Ti Tt1.1, Tt1.4. He * Heb13.7. Ja Jas2.18. 2 P 2Pe1.1. Ju +✓ Jud3, Jud20. one baptism. Since the scope of the immediate context shows Paul is writing of the spiritual unity of the church, this reference to baptism has no bearing upon the mode of Christian baptism. On this text Alexander Carson asserts that as believer’s baptism “cannot possibly extend to infants, if there is such a thing as infant baptism, there must be two baptisms. If then, there is but one baptism, there can be no infant baptism” (Baptism: Its Mode and Subjects, p. 212). As relevant to the exposition of this text as the assertion that the moon is made of green cheese! Some wrongly assume that to accept sprinkling, pouring, and immersion as baptism means that would make three baptisms; therefore, since immersion is alleged to be the only biblical mode, immersion, as the only valid mode of baptism, must be the “one baptism.” In the same manner as there are expressly stated to be two circumcisions, one with hands, which is the sign (Ro Ro4.11) of the real, made without hands (Ro Ro2.29. Col Col2.11), Scripture teaches there are at least two baptisms: ritual baptism with water, and real baptism by the Holy Spirit. Since ritual baptism is the mere symbol of real baptism, the “one baptism” of this passage must refer to real baptism, by which we are all placed in the one body (1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13). Paul is not contradicting himself or the rest of Scripture when he speaks here of one baptism, since there is only one real, spiritual baptism which places all believers into the one body. J. W. Dale (Christic Baptism, p. 349) enumerates twelve distinctly different non-Jewish baptisms mentioned in connection with Christianity in the New Testament: (1) Baptism into repentance, Ac Ac2.38. He Heb6.2. (2) Baptism into the remission of sins, Ac Ac2.38. (3) The personal covenant baptism of Christ to “fulfill all righteousness,” Mt Mt3.15. (4) The personal baptism of Christ by the Holy Ghost “without measure” in order to the fulfilment of this covenant engagement, Jn Jn3.34. (5) The personal baptism of Christ in the actual fulfilment of this covenant engagement, by baptism into penal death upon the Cross, Mt Mt20.22. Lk Lk12.50. (6) The baptism of the Apostles by the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, endowing them with gifts and power for the Apostleship, Ac Ac1.5. Ac2.4. (7) The ritual, symbol baptism of the Samaritans “into the name of the Lord Jesus,” Ac Ac8.12, Ac8.16. (8) The baptism of Cornelius and friends by the Holy Ghost endowing with miraculous gifts, but diverse from the kindred baptizing endowment of the Apostles, in that these gifts were not such as to qualify for the Apostleship, Ac Ac10.47, Ac10.48. (9) Baptism into Moses, 1 Co 1Co10.2n. (10) Baptism into Paul, 1 Co 1Co1.13. (11) Baptism “by one Spirit into one body,” including regeneration and endowment, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 9. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

without either of which there can be no membership in the body of Christ, 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13. (12) Baptism “into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,” which is consequent upon and the consummation of baptism “into Christ,” Mt Mt28.19. See related notes listed at Ac Ac22.16. Mt +✓ Mt28.19. Ac +* Ac1.5n. +* Ac22.16n. Ro +* Ro6.3, Ro6.4n. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13n. Ga +* Ga3.26-28. He Heb6.6. 1 P 1Pe3.21. Re +* Re1.5. 6. One. ver. Eph4.5. Dt +* Dt6.4. 1 K ◐+* 1Ki20.23n. 1 Co +* 1Co8.6. God and. Note the mention of all three members of the trinitarian Godhead in the immediate context: Father (ver. 6), Son (ver. 5), and Holy Spirit (ver. 4), as in 1 Co 1Co12.4-6. See related notes (Is +* Is42.1n. Mt +✓ Mt28.19). Ep Eph6.23. Nu Nu16.22. Is Is63.16. Ml * Mal2.10. Mt +* Mt6.9. Jn * Jn20.17. 1 Co +* 1Co8.6. 1Co12.6. Ga * Ga3.26-28. Ga4.3-7. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1-3. who. Ep Eph1.21. Ge Ge14.19. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11, 1Ch29.12. Ps Ps95.3. Is Is40.11-17, Is40.21-23. +* Is57.15. Je Je10.10-13. Da Da4.34, Da4.35. Da5.18-23. Mt +* Mt6.13. Ac * Ac17.24-26, Ac17.28. Ro * Ro11.36. Re * Re4.8-11. above all. or, over all. Ro +* Ro9.5n. Col * Col1.16-19. and in. Ep * Eph2.22. Eph3.17. Jn Jn14.23. Jn17.26. 2 Co 2Co6.16. 1 J 1Jn3.24. 1Jn4.12-15. 7. unto. ver. * Eph4.8-14. Mt * Mt25.15. Ro ✓ Ro12.6-8. 1 Co 1Co7.7. ✓ 1Co12.7-11, 1Co12.28-30. 1 P 1Pe4.10. grace. Ep Eph1.6. * Eph3.2, Eph3.8. 1 Co + 1Co1.4. 2 Co * 2Co6.1. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14. 1 P * 1Pe4.10. according to. ver. Eph4.16. Ex Ex28.21. the measure. Ep Eph3.2. Jn * Jn3.34. Ro +* Ro12.3. 2 Co 2Co10.13-15. 8. he saith. Ep Eph5.14. Ro Ro9.15. Ja Jas4.6. When. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. See on Ps *▶ Ps68.18. he. In the Hebrew of the passage Paul cites, “he” is in reference to Jehovah (Ps Ps68.17), another instance of many where the New Testament writers apply to Jesus what was said in the Old Testament of Jehovah (Ne +* Ne9.6. Je +* Je23.6. Mk Mk1.3 w Is ▶ Is40.3. Ac Ac11.21n. 1 Co 1Co12.3n. 1 P +* 1Pe2.3n w Ps ▶ Ps34.8), inconceivable of strict former Jewish monotheists if they did not explicitly believe and teach that Jesus is God (Ac Ac7.59n). ascended. Ps Ps7.7. Ps24.7-10. Ps47.5. Is Is14.17. Lk Lk16.22. Lk23.43. Jn +* Jn3.13n, Jn3.31n. Ac * Ac1.9. he led. Jg Jdg5.12. Col * Col2.15. captivity. or, a multitude of captives. 2 Co ✓ 2Co2.14n. He * Heb2.14, Heb2.15. and. 1 S 1Sa30.26. Est Es2.18. gave. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. f92:92F, Mt + Mt2.6. An ellipsis may be supplied, “led captivity captive, and, (receiving) gifts, gave them to men.” gifts. Jn * Jn16.7. Ac * Ac2.4, Ac2.29-33. 9. that. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. or, “this (expression).” he ascended. Pr * Pr30.4. Jn +* Jn3.13. * Jn6.33, Jn6.62. * Jn20.17. Ac * Ac2.34-36. he also. Ge * Ge11.5. Ex * Ex19.20. Jn Jn6.33, Jn6.38, Jn6.41, Jn6.51, Jn6.58. Jn8.14. * Jn16.27, Jn16.28. the lower. Dt +* Dt32.22. Ps Ps8.5. * Ps63.9. Ps139.15. Is Is44.23. Ezk Eze26.20. Eze31.14. Mt +* Mt12.40n. He * Heb2.7, Heb2.9. 10. ascended. See on Ep * Eph1.20-23. Mk +* Mk16.19. Ac +* Ac1.9, Ac1.11. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. far above. Ep Eph1.21. He Heb4.14. Heb7.26. Heb8.1. Heb9.23, Heb9.24. all heavens. 2 Co 2Co12.2. He Heb9.24. that he. f22:22A, 1 Co + 1Co15.25. Ep Eph3.19. Jn * Jn1.16. Ac Ac2.33. Col Col1.19. Col2.9. fill. or, fulfil. Ep * Eph1.23. Je Je23.24. Mt Mt24.34. Lk +* Lk24.44. Jn Jn19.24, Jn19.28, Jn19.36g. Ac Ac3.18. Ac13.32, Ac13.33. Ro Ro9.25-30. Ro15.9-13. +* Ro16.25, Ro16.26. 11. he gave. ver. * Eph4.8. 1 Co 1Co12.5, 1Co12.6. some. T#447. Je +* Je3.15 (T#101). *15:19. Ezk * Eze3.17. Mt Mt5.13, Mt5.14. Ac +* Ac26.17, Ac26.18. Ro * Ro10.14, Ro10.15. 1 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 10. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Co 1Co1.21. 2 Co 2Co1.24. 2Co5.20. 1 Ti 1Ti3.1. He * Heb13.17. apostles. The term “apostles” meant what we call “missionaries” today (see Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Church Life, p. 17), who minister the word in places where it has not been preached before (Ro Ro15.20. 1 Co 1Co3.10). Ep * Eph2.20. Eph3.5. 2 S 2Sa12.7. Jn Jn13.16g. Ac Ac13.2. Ac14.4, Ac14.14. Ro * Ro10.14, Ro10.15. Ro16.7. 1 Co 1Co4.9. +* 1Co12.28. * 1Co15.5-7. 1 Th 1Th2.6. Ju Jud17. Re Re2.2. Re18.20. Re21.14. prophets. Ac Ac11.27, Ac11.28. Ac15.4, Ac15.6, Ac15.22, Ac15.32, Ac15.41. Ac21.10, Ac21.11. 1 Co 1Co12.28, 1Co12.29. 1Co14.29, 1Co14.32, 1Co14.37. evangelists. Ac +* Ac21.8. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.5. pastors. 2 Ch * 2Ch15.3. Je +* Je3.15. Je23.4. Ezk Eze34.23. Am Am3.12. Mt * Mt28.20. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Co * 1Co12.29. 1 P ✓ 1Pe5.1-3. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “teaching pastors,” with an emphasis upon teaching. Not two classes of persons, but one; implying that a shepherd who did not feed would fail in his duty; and so would a teacher who failed to be a pastor. teachers. Ac Ac11.26. * Ac13.1. Ac15.35. Ac18.11, Ac18.25. Ac28.31. Ro * Ro12.7. 1 Co 1Co12.28, 1Co12.29. He * Heb5.12. Ja Jas3.1. 12. perfecting. Lk * Lk22.32. Jn Jn21.15-17. Ac * Ac9.31. +* Ac11.23. +* Ac14.22, Ac14.23. +* Ac20.28. Ro 15:* Ro15.14, Ro15.29. 1 Co 1Co12.7. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. 2Co13.9, 2Co13.11. Ph Php1.25, Php1.26. * Php3.12-18. Col * Col1.28. 1 Th 1Th3.10. 1Th5.11-14. He * Heb6.1. * Heb13.17. the saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. the work. Ac Ac1.17, Ac1.25. * Ac20.24. Ro * Ro12.7. 1 Co 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. 2 Co 3:+ 2Co3.6, 2Co3.8. 2Co4.1. * 2Co5.18-20. * 2Co6.3. Col Col4.17. 1 Ti 1Ti1.12. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.5, 2Ti4.11. the edifying. ver. Eph4.16, * Eph4.29. Ro * Ro14.19. Ro15.2. 1 Co 1Co14.4, 1Co14.5, 1Co14.12, 1Co14.14, + 1Co14.26. 2 Co * 2Co12.19. 1 Th 1Th5.11. the body. f22:22A, Col + Col2.17. ver. * Eph4.4. Ep Eph1.23. 1 Co + 1Co12.27. Col * Col1.24. 13. we all. See on ver. Eph4.3, Eph4.5. Je Je32.38, Je32.39. Ezk Eze37.21, Eze37.22. Zp * Zep3.9. Zc Zec14.9. Jn * Jn17.21. Ac Ac4.32. 1 Co 1Co1.10. Ph +* Php2.1-3. come. f171:171J, Ac + Ac16.1. in the unity. or, into the unity. ver. Eph4.5. Ju +* Jud3. the knowledge. Ep Eph1.17. Is * Is53.11. Mt +* Mt11.27. Jn Jn16.3. Jn17.3, Jn17.25, Jn17.26. 2 Co 2Co4.6. Ph Php3.8, Php3.10. Col Col2.2g. 2 P 2Pe1.1-3. +* 2Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn5.20. the Son of God. Mt +* Mt14.33. +* Mt27.54n. Jn +* Jn5.25. Ac Ac8.37n. unto a perfect man. ver. Eph4.12. Ep Eph2.15. 1 Ch = 1Ch28.12, 1Ch28.19. Jn Jn13.15. 1 Co 1Co14.20. Col * Col1.28. He * Heb5.14. stature. or, age. Lk + Lk2.52. fulness. See on Ep Eph1.23. 14. no more children. ver. ◐ Eph4.13. Jb Job17.9. Is * Is28.9. Ezk +* Eze33.31, Eze33.32. Mt Mt18.3, Mt18.4. Mk Mk4.16, Mk4.17. Lk Lk6.49. +* Lk8.13. 1 Co +* 1Co3.1, 1Co3.2. 1Co14.20. Ga Ga4.1-3. Col +* Col1.23. +* Col2.7. He * Heb5.12-14. tossed. T#364. Ge Ge49.4. Ps ◐+* Ps119.63. Pr +* Pr24.21. Mt Mt11.7. Ac Ac20.30, Ac20.31. Ro * Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 1 Co + 1Co15.58 (T#712). 2 Co 2Co11.3, 2Co11.4. Ga +* Ga1.6, Ga1.7. Ga3.1. Col * Col2.4-8. 2 Th 2Th2.2-5. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.6. * 1Ti4.6, 1Ti4.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. 2Ti2.17, 2Ti2.18. 2Ti3.6-9, 2Ti3.13. * 2Ti4.3. He ✓ Heb13.9. Ja Jas1.6. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. 1 J * 1Jn2.19, 1Jn2.26. ✓ 1Jn4.1. Ju ◐+* Jud3, Jud12. carried about. 1 K +* 1Ki18.21. Mt Mt11.7. 1 Co 1Co12.2. Ga Ga2.13. Col ◐+* Col1.23. He * Heb13.9. Ja * Jas1.6. Jas3.4. every wind. Pr Pr24.21. Je Je2.36. 2 Ti 2Ti4.3. of doctrine. Is ✓ Is32.6. Mt Mt15.9. Mt16.12. Ac +* Ac15.24. Ro +* Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. 2 Co 2Co3.6n. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1, 1Ti4.16. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16, 2Ti3.17. 2Ti4.3. He * Heb13.9. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.1. ✓ 2Pe3.17. by the sleight. Mt * Mt24.11, Mt24.24. 2 Co * 2Co2.17. +* 2Co4.2. ✓ 2Co11.13-15. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.9, 2Th2.10. 2 P 2Pe2.18. Re Re13.11-14. * Re19.20. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 11. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

cunning craftiness. Ge Ge3.1. Ge27.16. Jsh Jos9.4. Jb Job15.5. Mt Mt26.4. Mk Mk14.1. Lk Lk20.23. 1 Co 1Co3.19. 2 Co +* 2Co4.2. 2Co11.3. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.16, 2Pe3.17. lie in wait. Ps Ps10.9. Ps59.3. Mi Mic7.2. Ac Ac23.21. to deceive. Ep Eph6.11. Ezk Eze13.10. Eze14.10n. Ac Ac20.30. Ro Ro16.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13. Col Col2.8. 1 Ti 1Ti1.7. 1Ti4.2. ✓ 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.6, 2Ti3.7, 2Ti3.13. ✓ 2Ti4.3. Ti Tt1.10, Tt1.11. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.18. 2 J 2Jn7. 15. But. ver. Eph4.25. Zc * Zec8.16. 2 Co +* 2Co4.2. 2Co8.8. speaking the truth. or, being sincere. or, dealing truly. ver. Eph4.25. Jg Jdg16.15. Ps Ps32.2. Ml = Mal2.6. Jn Jn1.47. Ro * Ro12.9. 2 Co +* 2Co4.2. Ja Jas2.15, Jas2.16. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 1 J + 1Jn3.18. in love. Jn * Jn13.34, Jn13.35. 1 Co * 1Co13.2. may grow. Ep Eph2.21. Ho Ho14.5-7. Ml Mal4.2. Ro +* Ro8.29. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.2. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn2.14. which. Ep Eph1.22. Eph5.23. Col +* Col1.18, Col1.19. Col2.19. the head. f22:22A, Ep + Eph1.22. Ep + Eph1.22. 16. whom. See on ver. Eph4.12. Jn * Jn15.5. body. f22:22A, Col + Col2.17. fitly. Jb Job10.10, Job10.11. Ps Ps139.15, Ps139.16. SS So7.1. 1 Co * 1Co12.12-28. Col Col2.19. supplieth. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. according. ver. Eph4.7. the effectual. Ep Eph3.7. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. edifying. ver. Eph4.12, Eph4.15, Eph4.29. Ep Eph1.4. * Eph3.17. 1 Co 1Co8.1. * 1Co13.4-9, 1Co13.13. 1Co14.1, + 1Co14.26. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.13, Ga5.14, Ga5.22. Ph Php1.9. Col Col2.2. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1Th3.12. 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 1 J 1Jn4.16. 17. I say. 1 Co 1Co1.12. 1Co15.50. 2 Co 2Co9.6. Ga Ga3.17. Col Col2.4. testify. Ne Ne9.29, Ne9.30. Ne13.15. Je Je42.19. Ac Ac2.40. Ac18.5. Ac20.21, Ac20.26. Ac26.22. Ga Ga5.3. 1 Th 1Th2.11. + 1Th4.6. in the. 1 Th 1Th4.1, 1Th4.2. 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. 1Ti6.13. 2 Ti 2Ti4.1. that ye. ver. Eph4.1, * Eph4.22. Ep * Eph2.1-3. * Eph5.3-8. Ro Ro1.23-32. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. Ga * Ga5.19-21. Col Col3.5-8. 1 P * 1Pe4.3, 1Pe4.4. walk not. 1 Th 1Th4.5. in the vanity. Ps Ps94.8-11. Je +* Je2.5. Je10.3. Ac Ac14.15. Ro * Ro1.21. Col Col2.18. 1 P 1Pe1.18. 2 P 2Pe2.18. 18. the understanding. Ep ◐ Eph1.18. Ps Ps74.20. Ps115.4-8. Is * Is44.18-20. Is46.5-8. Ac * Ac17.30. +* Ac26.17, Ac26.18. Ro * Ro1.21-23, Ro1.28. 1 Co 1Co1.21. +* 1Co2.14. 2 Co +* 2Co3.14. ✓ 2Co4.4, 2Co4.5. Ga Ga4.8. Col Col1.21g. 1 Th 1Th4.5. 2 Th * 2Th1.8, 2Th1.9. ✓ 2Th2.9-12. darkened. Ep * Eph5.8, Eph5.11. Eph6.12. Mt +* Mt6.23. Jn * Jn3.19. Ro Ro11.10. Col Col1.13. 1 Th 1Th5.4, 1Th5.5. 1 J 1Jn1.5, 1Jn1.6. 1Jn2.8, 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.11. alienated. Ep Eph2.1, + Eph2.12. Ge Ge2.17. +* Ge6.5. Ro * Ro8.7, Ro8.8. Ga Ga4.8. Col Col1.21. 1 Th 1Th4.5. Ja * Jas4.4. from the life. Jn Jn1.3, Jn1.4. through the ignorance. Ac +* Ac17.30. 2 P 2Pe3.5. because. Ro Ro1.21. Ro2.19. 1 J 1Jn2.11. blindness. or, hardness. Da * Da5.20. Mt +* Mt13.15. Mk + Mk3.5. Jn Jn12.40. Ro Ro11.25mg. 19. past. Pr Pr23.35. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.2. given themselves over. ver. Eph4.17. 1 K 1Ki21.25. Ro +* Ro1.24-26, Ro1.28. 1 P 1Pe4.3. lasciviousness. The Greek word refers to the conduct of one who is morally unprincipled, who excites disgust, by unbridled lust, excess, licentiousness, wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness, insolence. Used of gluttony and venery (Ju Jud4), carnality, lasciviousness (2 Co 2Co12.21. Ga Ga5.19. Ep Eph4.19. 2 P 2Pe2.7). Used in the plural (Ro Ro13.13) of wanton acts or manners, as filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females (Thayer, Lexicon, p. 79, 80). Trench argues the word encompasses more than sexual deviancy, that it depicts “one who Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 12. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

acknowledges no restraints, who dares whatsoever his caprice and wanton petulance may suggest” (Synonyms, Sec. 16, p. 56). ❅S#766g: Mk +* Mk7.22. Ro Ro13.13 (wantonness). 2 Co 2Co12.21. Ga Ga5.19. Ep Eph4.19. 1 P 1Pe4.3. 2 P 2Pe2.7, 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud4. uncleanness. Ep Eph5.3. with greediness. Ep Eph5.3. Jb * Job15.16. Is Is56.11. 2 P 2Pe2.12-14, 2Pe2.22. Ju Jud11. Re Re17.1-6. Re18.3. 20. not so learned. Mk +* Mk11.29. Lk +* Lk24.47. Jn * Jn6.45. Ro Ro6.1, Ro6.2. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. Ti ✓ Tt2.11-14. 1 J * 1Jn2.27. 21. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. heard. Ep Eph1.13. Mt Mt17.5. Lk Lk10.16. Jn + Jn1.14. ✓ Jn10.27. Ac * Ac3.22, Ac3.23. Ro Ro10.14. Col Col1.6. He Heb3.7, Heb3.8. been taught. Col +* Col2.7. as the truth. ver. Eph4.24. Ep Eph1.13. Ps Ps45.4. * Ps85.10, Ps85.11. Jn * Jn1.17. Jn3.21. ✓ Jn14.6, Jn14.17. * Jn16.13, Jn16.14. 2 Co 2Co1.20. 2Co11.10. 1 J 1Jn1.6. ✓ 1Jn5.10-12, 1Jn5.20. 22. ye. ver. Eph4.25. 1 S 1Sa1.14. Jb Job22.23. Ezk Eze18.30-32. Col Col2.11. * Col3.8, Col3.9. He * Heb12.1. Ja * Jas1.21. 1 P * 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.2. former. ver. Eph4.17. Ep * Eph2.3. Ga Ga1.13. Col Col3.7. 1 P 1Pe1.18. 1Pe4.3. 2 P 2Pe2.7. conversation. Ja + Jas3.13. the old. f121:121I, Ge + Ge3.7. Ro * Ro6.6. Col * Col3.9. corrupt. Ro Ro8.21. 1 Ti 1Ti6.5. deceitful lusts. Pr Pr11.18. Je Je49.16. Ob Ob3. Ro Ro7.11. 2 Th 2Th2.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9. Ti Tt3.3. He +* Heb3.13. Ja Jas1.26. 2 P 2Pe2.13. 23. be. Ep Eph2.10. Ps +* Ps51.10. Ezk Eze11.19. Eze18.31. Eze36.26. Ro +* Ro12.2. Col * Col3.10, Col3.12. Ti ✓ Tt3.5. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Ro + Ro8.1n. f144:144B, Dt + Dt33.19. f121:121A, Ps + Ps51.10. Ro Ro8.6. 1 P 1Pe1.13. mind. Ro Ro7.25. 24. put on. Ep Eph6.11. Jb Job29.14. Is Is52.1. Is59.17. Ro * Ro13.12, + Ro13.14. 1 Co * 1Co15.53. Ga * Ga3.27. Col * Col3.10-14. new man. Ep Eph2.15. Ro +* Ro6.4. 2 Co 2Co4.16. ✓ 2Co5.17. Col Col3.10. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.2. after God. Ge +* Ge1.26, Ge1.27. Ro +* Ro8.27. 2 Co * 2Co3.18. Col * Col3.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. created. See on Ep * Eph2.10. Eph3.9. Ga * Ga6.15. righteousness. Ep Eph5.9. Ps * Ps45.6, Ps45.7. Lk Lk1.75. Ro +* Ro8.29. 1 Th 1Th2.10. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. He +* Heb1.8, Heb1.9. ✓ Heb12.14. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. true holiness. or, holiness of truth. Jn Jn17.17. Ti Tt1.8g. * Tt2.11, Tt2.12. 25. putting away lying. ver. Eph4.22. Ge +* Ge27.19. Ex +* Ex20.16. Le +* Le19.11, Le19.13. 1 K 1Ki13.18. Ps Ps52.3. Ps119.29. Pr * Pr6.17. * Pr12.19, Pr12.22. Pr21.6. Is Is9.15. Is59.3, Is59.4. Is63.8. Je Je9.3-5. Ho Ho4.2. Mt Mt19.19. Mk Mk10.19. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. Ac ✓ Ac5.3, Ac5.4. Col * Col3.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. 1Ti4.2. Ti ✓ Tt1.2, Tt1.12. Re +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. speak. ver. Eph4.15. Ps * Ps15.2. Pr Pr8.7. Pr12.17. Zc Zec8.16, Zec8.19. 2 Co 2Co7.14. Col * Col3.9. members. Ep +* Eph5.30. Ro +* Ro12.5. 1 Co 1Co10.17. 1Co12.12-27. 26. Be ye angry. ver. Eph4.31, Eph4.32. Ex Ex11.8. Ex32.21, Ex32.22. Nu Nu20.10-13, Nu20.24. Nu25.7-11. Ne * Ne5.6-13. Ps Ps4.4. * Ps37.8. Ps106.30-33. Pr +* Pr14.29. * Pr19.11. Pr25.23. Ec * Ec7.9. Mt Mt5.22. Mk * Mk3.5. * Mk10.14. Ro Ro12.19-21. Ja ✓ Jas1.19, Jas1.20. let. Dt Dt24.15. 27. Neither give place. T#18. Ep +* Eph5.11. Eph6.11-13, Eph6.16. 2 S +* 2Sa12.14. Ps Ps50.16. Mt + Mt15.14 (T#477). Mk +* Mk1.34. Lk + Lk12.37 (T#738). Ac * Ac5.3. 2 Co ✓ Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 13. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Co2.10, 2Co2.11. 2Co11.14. Ga ✓ Ga2.5. Ja +* Jas4.7. 1 P * 1Pe5.8, 1Pe5.9. 2 J +* 2Jn10, 2Jn11. Ju +* Jud3. 28. him that stole. Ex +* Ex20.15, Ex20.17. Ex21.16. Pr + Pr30.9 (T#1712). Je Je7.9. Ho Ho4.2. Zc Zec5.3. Jn Jn12.6. 1 Co +* 1Co6.10, 1Co6.11. steal no more. T#713. Ex Ex20.15. Le Le19.11. Jb Job34.32. Pr ✓ Pr28.13. Lk Lk3.8, Lk3.10-14. Lk19.8. 1 P 1Pe4.15. labor. Pr Pr13.11. Pr14.23. Ac Ac20.34, Ac20.35. 1 Th * 1Th4.11, 1Th4.12. 2 Th * 2Th3.6-8, 2Th3.11, 2Th3.12. Ti Tt3.8, Tt3.14. his hands. Pr Pr31.19. good. Ga * Ga6.10. that he. Pr Pr21.26. Lk Lk3.11. Lk21.1-4. Jn Jn13.29. 2 Co 2Co8.2, 2Co8.12. give. or, distribute. Lk + Lk3.11. ✓ Lk19.7, Lk19.8. Ac +* Ac20.35. Ro Ro12.12, Ro12.13. 1 Co 1Co16.2. 1Co9.13, 1Co9.14. 2 Co 2Co9.12-15. Ga * Ga6.6, Ga6.7. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.17, 1Ti6.18. He Heb13.16. that needeth. 1 J 1Jn3.17g. 29. no corrupt communication. Ep * Eph5.3, Eph5.4. Ps Ps5.9. Ps52.2. * Ps73.7-9. Mt Mt7.17, Mt7.18. +* Mt12.33-37. Mt13.48. Lk Lk6.43g. Ro Ro3.13, Ro3.14. 1 Co 1Co15.32, 1Co15.33. Col * Col3.8, Col3.9. ✓ Col4.6. Ja * Jas3.2-8. 2 P 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud13-16. Re Re13.5, Re13.6. out of. Mt Mt12.34. Lk Lk6.45. Col Col3.8. but. f63:63C, Ge + Ge25.32. Not observing the Ellipsis, the word “if” was omitted to make sense. With the word “if” retained, the Ellipsis is properly supplied thus: “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but, if any (speech be) good to the use of edifying, (let it be spoken) that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” that which. Dt * Dt6.6-9. Ps * Ps37.30, Ps37.31. Ps45.2. Ps71.17, Ps71.18, Ps71.24. Ps78.4, Ps78.5. Pr Pr10.31, Pr10.32. Pr12.13. * Pr15.2, Pr15.4, Pr15.7, * Pr15.23. Pr16.21. * Pr25.11, Pr25.12. Is * Is50.4. Ml ✓ Mal3.16-18. Lk Lk4.22. 1 Co 1Co14.19. Col ✓ Col3.16, Col3.17. ✓ Col4.6. 1 Th * 1Th5.11. to the use of edifying. or, to edify profitably. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. The meaning by the figure Antiptosis is “that which is good for edifying use.” See on ver. Eph4.12, Eph4.16. Jb Job4.3, Job4.4. 1 Co + 1Co14.26. 1 Th * 1Th5.11. Ti Tt3.14g. minister grace. Pr Pr22.11. Ec Ec10.12. Mt * Mt5.16. 1 Co + 1Co1.4. Col * Col3.16. ✓ Col4.6. 1 P 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.1. 30. And. Mk +* Mk3.5. 1 Th 1Th5.19. grieve. The linguistic and semantic category of this verb unequivocally asserts and establishes the personality of the Holy Spirit: ask “does the verb belong to the category ‘animate’ or ‘inanimate,’ ‘personal’ or ‘nonpersonal’?” Clearly only animate persons can be grieved. For related notes establishing the Holy Spirit as a person, see Mt Mt12.32n; Lk Lk3.22n; Jn Jn16.13n, Jn16.14n. T#348. Ge * Ge6.3, Ge6.6. Jg Jdg10.16. Ps Ps78.40. * Ps95.10. Is * Is7.13. Is43.24. +* Is63.10. Ezk Eze16.43. Mt Mt12.31, Mt12.32. Mk Mk3.5. Jn + Jn3.19 (T#309). Ac * Ac7.51. 1 Th * 1Th5.19. He * Heb3.10, Heb3.17. Heb10.28, Heb10.29. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Mt + Mt12.32. whereby. See on Ep +* Eph1.13. ye. Je Je33.21n. Ga ◐ Ga2.20n. sealed. T#347, 844. Ep +* Eph1.13. Ge Ge17.11. Ezk +* Eze9.4. Jn +* Jn3.33. * Jn6.27. Ro Ro4.11. Ro5.5. 2 Co +* 2Co1.22 (T#517). 5:5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.19. unto the day. Is * Is35.4, Is35.10. +* Is51.11. Ro Ro8.12-14. 1 Co ✓ 1Co1.8. Ga Ga3.3. Ga5.2-4. Ga6.7-9. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16. He +* Heb3.14. Heb6.11, Heb6.12. Heb10.23, Heb10.35. of redemption. Ep ✓1:+ Eph1.7, Eph1.14. Ps ✓ Ps111.9. Is +* Is51.11. Ho * Ho13.14. Lk +* Lk21.28. Ro ✓ Ro8.11, Ro8.23. 1 Co 1Co1.30. * 1Co15.54. Ph Php3.20, Php3.21. 31. bitterness. Ps Ps64.3. Ac Ac8.23g. Ro Ro3.14. Col * Col3.8, Col3.19. He +* Heb12.15g. Ja Jas3.14, Jas3.15. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. wrath. Gr. thumon, S#2372g: Lk Lk4.28. Ac Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 14. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ac19.28. Ro Ro2.8 (indignation). 2 Co 2Co12.20 (wraths). Ga Ga5.20. Ep Eph4.31. Col Col3.8. He Heb11.27. Re Re12.12. Re14.8, Re14.10, Re14.19. Re15.1, Re15.7. Re16.1, Re16.19. Re18.3. Re19.15. stirring emotions, then explosions (A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures, vol. 4, p. 312). ver. Eph4.26. Pr Pr14.17. Pr19.12. Ec Ec7.9. Ro Ro2.8. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga Ga5.20. Col * Col3.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.23. Ti Tt1.7. Ja ✓ Jas1.19. * Jas3.14-18. * Jas4.1, Jas4.2. anger. Gr. orgee, S#3709g. Vine notes that orgee “suggests a more settled or abiding condition of mind, frequently with a view to taking revenge. Orgee is less sudden in its rise than thumos, but more lasting in its nature. Thumos expresses more the inward feeling, orgee the more active emotion” (Expository Dictionary, vol 1, pp. 55, 56). Mt Mt3.7 (wrath). Mk Mk3.5. Lk Lk3.7. Lk21.23. Jn Jn3.36. Ro Ro1.18. Ro2.5, Ro2.5, Ro2.8. Ro3.5 (vengeance). Ro4.15. Ro5.9. Ro9.22, Ro9.22. Ro12.19. Ro13.4, Ro13.5. Ep Eph2.3. Eph4.31. Eph5.6. Col Col3.6 (wrath), Col3.8 (anger). 1 Th 1Th1.10. 1Th2.16. 1Th5.9. 1 Ti 1Ti2.8. He Heb3.11. Heb4.3. Ja Jas1.19, Jas1.20. Re Re6.16, Re6.17. Re11.18. Re14.10. Re16.19. Re19.15. clamor. 2 S 2Sa19.43. 2Sa20.1, 2Sa20.2. Pr Pr29.9, Pr29.22. Mt Mt25.6g. Lk Lk1.42g. Ac Ac19.28, Ac19.29. Ac21.30. Ac22.22, Ac22.23. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.5. evil speaking. Le * Le19.16. 2 S 2Sa19.27. Ps * Ps15.3. Ps50.20. Ps101.5. Ps140.11. Pr * Pr6.19. Pr10.18. Pr18.8. Pr25.23. Pr26.20. Je Je6.28. Je9.4. Mt Mt15.19. Mk Mk7.22. Ro +* Ro1.29, Ro1.30. Col Col3.8. 1 Ti 1Ti3.11. 1Ti5.13. 1Ti6.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.3. Ti Tt2.3. * Tt3.2. Ja * Jas4.11. 1 P * 1Pe2.1. 2 P * 2Pe2.10, 2Pe2.11. Ju * Jud8-10. Re * Re12.10. put away. f180:180D, Ex + Ex20.18. with. Ge Ge4.8. Ge27.41. Ge37.4, Ge37.21. Le +* Le19.17, Le19.18. 2 S 2Sa13.22. Pr Pr10.12. Pr26.24, Pr26.25. Ec Ec7.9. Ro +* Ro1.29. 1 Co 1Co5.8. 1Co14.20. Col * Col3.8. Ti Tt3.3. 1 P 1Pe2.1. 1 J 1Jn3.12, 1Jn3.15. 32. kind. Ru Ru2.20. Ps Ps112.4, Ps112.5, Ps112.9. Pr Pr19.22. Is Is57.1mg. Lk +* Lk6.35. Ac Ac28.2. Ro * Ro12.10. 1 Co +* 1Co13.4. 2 Co 2Co2.10. 2Co6.6. Col * Col3.12, Col3.13. 1 P 1Pe2.3g. 2 P * 2Pe1.7. tenderhearted. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ps Ps145.9. Pr Pr12.10. Lk Lk1.78. Ja * Jas5.11. 1 P * 1Pe3.8. forgiving. T#203. Ep * Eph5.1. Ge Ge50.17, Ge50.18. Pr + Pr16.7 (T#737). Mt *6:+ Mt6.12 (T#539), +14, 15. +11:29 (T#62). *18:21-35. Mk * Mk11.25, Mk11.26. Lk * Lk6.37. * Lk11.4. * Lk17.3, Lk17.4. Ro Ro12.20, Ro12.21. 2 Co 2Co2.7, 2Co2.10. Col * Col3.12, Col3.13. 1 P * 1Pe3.8, 1Pe3.9. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.9. + 1Jn2.12 (T#583). as God. Is * Is44.22. for. Ge = Ge39.5. Nu = Nu14.17-20. hath forgiven. Lk + Lk7.42.

EPHESIANS 5 The apostle exhorts the Ephesians to imitate the love of God in Christ, 1, 2, to avoid all uncleanness, covetousness, and improper discourse, which draw down the wrath of God upon “the children of disobedience,” Eph5.3-6; to have “no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness;” but, as the “children of light,” to reprove them, Eph5.7-14; to walk with wisdom and circumspection, Eph5.15-17; not to seek exhilaration by excess of wine, but to “be filled with the Spirit,” speaking and singing Psalms and praises to God, Eph5.18-20; and to submit to one another, in the several relations of life, Eph5.21. The duties of wives and husbands, enforced and illustrated by the mutual love of Christ and his church, Eph5.22-33. 1. followers. Ep ✓ Eph4.32. Le Le11.45. Mt * Mt5.7, Mt5.45, Mt5.48. Lk +* Lk6.35, Lk6.36. Jn Jn10.27. 1 Co + 1Co4.16. 1 P 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.16. 1Pe2.21. 1Pe3.13. 1 J 1Jn4.11. as. Je Je31.20. Ho Ho1.10. Mt * Mt5.45. Jn ✓ Jn1.12. Col * Col3.12. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1, 1Jn3.2. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 15. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. walk. Ep * Eph3.17. * Eph4.2, Eph4.15, Eph4.16. Jn * Jn13.34. Ro * Ro14.15. 1 Co * 1Co16.14. Col * Col3.14. 1 Th * 1Th4.9. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.12. 1 P * 1Pe4.8. 1 J * 1Jn3.11, 1Jn3.12, 1Jn3.23. * 1Jn4.20, 1Jn4.21. as Christ. ver. * Eph5.25, Eph5.29. Ep * Eph3.19. Mt * Mt20.28. Jn * Jn15.12, Jn15.13. Ro Ro14.15. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. ✓ 2Co8.9. Ga * Ga1.4. ✓ Ga2.20. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.6. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. He * Heb7.25-27. * Heb9.14, Heb9.26. Heb10.10, Heb10.11. 1 P * 1Pe2.21-24. 1 J * 1Jn3.16. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. loved us. T#837. Ps Ps45.11. SS So2.4, So2.6. So4.9. So7.10. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Jn Jn13.1, Jn13.34. Jn14.21. * Jn15.9, Jn15.12. Ro * Ro8.37. 1 J ◐+* 1Jn4.16. Re +* Re1.5. Re3.9. given himself. ver. Eph5.25. Ro + Ro4.25. an offering. Le += Le23.12 (burnt offering). He Heb7.27. Heb9.14. Heb10.10, Heb10.12. a sacrifice. Le = Le7.11 (peace offering). Ro * Ro8.3mg. 1 Co * 1Co5.7. He Heb9.23. * Heb10.12. for a. Ge +* Ge8.21. Ex Ex29.18, Ex29.25, Ex29.41. Le 1:* Le1.9, Le1.13, Le1.17. Le3.16. Ezk Eze16.19. Eze20.41. Am Am5.21. 2 Co * 2Co2.15. Ph Php4.18. savor. f22:22C, Ge + Ge8.21. 3. fornication. ver. Eph5.5. Ep Eph4.19, Eph4.20. Nu Nu25.1. Dt Dt23.17, Dt23.18. Mt Mt15.19. Mk +* Mk7.21. Ac +✓ Ac15.20. Ro +* Ro1.29. Ro6.13. 1 Co 1Co5.10, 1Co5.11. +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10, 1Co6.13, 1Co6.18. 1Co10.8. 2 Co 2Co12.21. Ga * Ga5.19-21. Col * Col3.5. 1 Th * 1Th4.3, 1Th4.7. He Heb12.16. +* Heb13.4. 2 P 2Pe2.10. Re Re2.14, Re2.21. Re9.21. +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. all uncleanness. Ep Eph4.19. Mt Mt23.27. 1 Co + 1Co5.10. covetousness. ver. Eph5.5. Ex +* Ex18.21. +* Ex20.17. Jsh Jos7.21. 1 S 1Sa8.3. Ps +* Ps10.3. * Ps119.36. Pr * Pr28.16. Je Je6.13. Je8.10. Je22.17. Ezk +* Eze33.31. Mi Mic2.2. Mk +* Mk7.22. Lk +* Lk12.15. Lk16.14. Ac Ac20.33. 1 Co +* 1Co6.10. Col * Col3.5. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. ✓ 1Ti6.6-11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.2. Ti Tt1.7, Tt1.11. He +* Heb13.5. 1 P * 1Pe5.2. 2 P 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.14. named. ver. Eph5.12. Ex Ex23.13. Ps +* Ps16.4. 1 Co 1Co5.1. as. Ro Ro16.2. Ph * Php1.27. 1 Ti 1Ti2.10. Ti Tt2.3. saints. 2 Co 2Co1.1. 4. Neither. Is +* Is58.13n. filthiness. Ep Eph4.29. Pr Pr12.23. Pr15.2. Mt +* Mt12.34-37. Mk +* Mk7.22. Col * Col3.8. Ja Jas3.4-8. 2 P 2Pe2.7, 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud10, Jud13, Jud15. foolish talking. Ec Ec10.13. Is Is58.13n. nor jesting. Pr Pr10.23. Pr26.19. Is Is58.13n. Ezk +* Eze33.31mg. Ro Ro12.3. 1 Th 1Th5.8. 2 Ti 2Ti1.7n. Ti Tt2.4, Tt2.6, Tt2.12. 1 P 1Pe5.8. convenient. Ro +* Ro1.28. Col Col3.18. Phm Phm8. but. ver. Eph5.19, Eph5.20. Ep Eph1.16. Ps Ps33.1. * Ps92.1. * Ps107.21, Ps107.22. Da +* Da6.10. Jn Jn6.23. 2 Co 2Co1.11. 2Co9.15. Ph ✓ Php4.6. Col * Col3.15-17. 1 Th 1Th3.9. * 1Th5.18. He ✓ Heb13.15. 5. this. SS 5:19, 21. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. that no. See on ver. Eph5.3. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. Ga * Ga5.21. Re +* Re21.8. whoremonger. 1 Co + 1Co5.10. He +* Heb13.4. Re * Re22.15. covetous man. T#138. ver. +* Eph5.3. Ps +* Ps10.3. Is * Is56.11mg. Is57.17. Mi Mic2.2, Mic2.3. Hab Hab2.9. 1 Co 1Co5.11. * 1Co6.10. Ju Jud11. who is. Ezk +* Eze14.3. Ga * Ga5.21. Col * Col3.5. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.10, 1Ti6.17. Re +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. inheritance. Ep +* Eph1.11n. 1 Co +* 1Co15.50n. kingdom. Mt +* Mt13.41-43. Ro Ro14.17. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. 2 P 2Pe1.11. Re +* Re11.15. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “the kingdom of Christ, yes—of Christ who is truly God” (B667). 6. no. Je Je29.8, Je29.9, Je29.31. Ezk Eze13.10-16. Mi Mic3.5. Mt Mt24.4, Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.5, Mk13.22. Ga Ga6.7, Ga6.8. Col Col2.4, Col2.8, Col2.18. 2 Th 2Th2.3, 2Th2.10-12. Ja Jas1.16. 1 J * 1Jn4.1. vain words. 2 K 2Ki18.20. Je Je23.14-16. Col Col2.8. cometh. Nu Nu32.13, Nu32.14. Jsh Jos22.17, Jos22.18. Ps Ps78.31. Mt Mt3.7. Ro +* Ro1.18. Col Col3.6. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 16. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

wrath. f121:121C, Ps + Ps79.6. children. f108:108B, 1 S + 1Sa20.31. See on Ep Eph2.2, Eph2.3. disobedience. or, unbelief. He Heb3.19. 1 P 1Pe2.8g. 7. Be not. ver. * Eph5.11. Nu * Nu16.26. Ps Ps50.18. Pr * Pr1.10-17. * Pr9.6. * Pr13.20. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.22. Re * Re18.4. partakers. Ep Eph3.6. 8. ye were. Ep * Eph2.11, Eph2.12. + Eph4.18. Eph6.12. Ps Ps74.20. Is Is9.2. Is42.16. Is60.2. Je Je13.16. Mt Mt4.16. Lk Lk1.79. Ac * Ac17.30. +* Ac26.18. Ro Ro1.21. Ro2.19. 2 Co 2Co6.14. Col Col1.13. Ti Tt3.3. 1 P * 1Pe2.9. 1 J 1Jn2.8. darkness. f121:121N, Ge + Ge34.29. Ge +* Ge6.5. Is +* Is9.2. Jn * Jn3.19. but. Is Is42.6, Is42.7. Is49.6, Is49.9. Is60.1, Is60.3, Is60.19, Is60.20. Jn Jn1.4, Jn1.5, Jn1.9. * Jn8.12. * Jn12.46. 1 Co 1Co1.30. 2 Co 2Co3.18. * 2Co4.6. 1 Th * 1Th5.4-8. 1 J 1Jn2.9-11. light. f121:121N, Ge + Ge34.29. walk. ver. Eph5.2. Is Is2.5. Lk * Lk16.8. Jn * Jn12.35, Jn12.36. Ga Ga5.25. 1 P * 1Pe2.9-11. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. 9. the fruit. Ro + Ro7.4. See on Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. is. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. or, consists. goodness. Ps Ps16.2, Ps16.3. Ro Ro2.4. +* Ro15.14. 2 Co 2Co1.12, 2Co1.13. 1 P 2:28. 3 J 3Jn11. righteousness. Ep Eph4.24. Ph Php1.11. 1 Ti 1Ti6.11. Ti Tt2.12. He +* Heb1.8. Heb11.33. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. 1 J 1Jn2.29. 1Jn3.9, 1Jn3.10. truth. Ep Eph4.15, Eph4.25. Eph6.14. Jn Jn1.47. 10. Proving. 1 S 1Sa17.39. Ro + Ro2.18. * Ro12.1, Ro12.2. Ph * Php1.10. 1 Th 1Th2.4. * 1Th5.21. acceptable. Ps * Ps19.14. Pr * Pr21.3. Is Is58.5. Je Je6.20. Ro +* Ro14.18. Ph Php4.18. Col +* Col1.10. Col3.20. 1 Ti 1Ti2.3. * 1Ti5.4. He Heb12.28. 1 P 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.20. 11. no fellowship. ver. * Eph5.7. Ge Ge49.5-7. 2 Ch +* 2Ch19.2. Ps +* Ps1.1, Ps1.2. * Ps26.4, Ps26.5. Ps94.20, Ps94.21. +* Ps119.63. Pr * Pr4.14, 15. 9:6. Je +* Je10.2. Je15.17. * Je16.8. Mt +* Mt15.14. Ro * Ro16.17. 1 Co * 1Co5.9-11. * 1Co10.20, 1Co10.21. 2 Co ✓ 2Co6.14-18. 2 Th * 2Th3.6, 2Th3.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.5. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.5. 2 J * 2Jn10, * 2Jn11. Re * Re18.4. unfruitful. Pr Pr1.31. Is Is3.10, Is3.11. Ro * Ro6.21. Ga * Ga6.8. 2 P +* 2Pe1.8. works. Ep Eph4.22. Jb * Job24.13-17. Jn * Jn3.19-21. Ro * Ro1.22-32. +* Ro13.12. 1 Th 1Th5.7. darkness. T#167. Jb Job24.14-17. Pr Pr7.6-9. Is +* Is9.2. Is29.15. Ezk Eze8.12. Mt +* Mt6.23. Jn * Jn3.19. reprove. Ge Ge20.9, Ge20.16. Le ◐ Le5.1. +✓ Le19.17. Ne +* Ne13.11. Ps +* Ps141.5. Pr Pr9.7, Pr9.8. Pr13.18. Pr15.12. * Pr19.25. * Pr25.12. Pr28.4. * Pr29.1, ◐ Pr29.24. Is Is29.21. Mt * Mt18.15, +* Mt18.31. Lk Lk3.19. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.20. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. Ti Tt2.15. 12. a shame. ver. Eph5.3. 2 S 2Sa13.9. Ezk Eze16.25. Eze23.14-20. Ro Ro1.24-27. Ph Php3.19. 1 P 1Pe4.3. in secret. 2 S 2Sa12.12. Pr Pr9.17. Ec Ec12.14. Je Je23.24. Ezk Eze8.12, Eze8.14, Eze8.16. Lk Lk12.1, Lk12.2. Ro Ro2.16. Re Re20.12. 13. reproved. or, discovered. La La2.14. Ho Ho2.10. Ho7.1. for. Mi Mic7.9. Jn * Jn3.20, Jn3.21. 1 Co 1Co4.5. He Heb4.13. 14. he. or, it. Ep + Eph4.8. Awake. Pr Pr6.9. SS So2.10. Is Is51.17. Is52.1. * Is60.1. Ml Mal4.2. Ro 13:+ Ro13.11, Ro13.12. 1 Co 1Co15.34. 1 Th 1Th5.6. 2 Ti 2Ti2.26mg. arise. Ep * Eph2.5. Is +* Is26.19n. Is51.17. Ezk Eze37.4-10. Mk Mk10.49. Lk Lk22.46. Jn Jn5.8, Jn5.2529. Jn11.43, Jn11.44. Ro * Ro6.4, Ro6.5, Ro6.13. Col Col3.1. from the dead. 1 Ti 1Ti5.6. Re Re3.1, Re3.2. Christ. Lk Lk1.78, Lk1.79. Jn * Jn8.12. Jn9.5. Ac Ac13.47. 2 Co 2Co4.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.10. shall give. Lk Lk15.32. Jn * Jn5.40. Ph Php3.10, Php3.11. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 17. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

15. See. ver. * Eph5.33. Mt Mt8.4. Mt27.4, Mt27.24. 1 Th * 1Th5.15. He Heb12.25. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. Re * Re19.10. walk. Ex * Ex23.13. Pr * Pr4.23-27. Pr15.21. Mt +* Mt10.16. 1 Co 1Co14.20. Ph +* Php1.27. Col +* Col1.9, Col1.10. * Col4.5. circumspectly. Ac Ac26.5g. 1 Th +* 1Th5.22. not. 1 S +* 1Sa25.17, 1Sa25.25, 1Sa25.36, 1Sa25.37. 2 S * 2Sa24.10. Jb * Job2.10. Ps Ps73.22. Pr * Pr14.8, Pr14.21. Mt * Mt25.2. Lk * Lk24.25. Ga * Ga3.1, Ga3.3. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.9. Ja * Jas3.13. as wise. 2 K +* 2Ki5.13. Mt Mt10.16. Ph Php2.15. 16. Redeeming. Ps Ps89.47. * Ps90.12. Pr Pr22.29. Ec * Ec9.10. Da Da2.8. Jn * Jn9.4. Ac Ac20.17-19, Ac20.23, Ac20.24. Ro +* Ro13.11. Ga * Ga6.10. Col * Col4.5. the days. f121:121P, Dt + Dt4.32. Ep 6:* Eph6.13, Eph6.15. Ps Ps37.19. Ec Ec11.2. * Ec12.1. Am Am5.13. Jn * Jn12.35. Ac Ac11.28, Ac11.29. 1 Co * 1Co7.26, 1Co7.29-31. Ga Ga1.4. 17. be. See on ver. Eph5.15. Mt Mt25.1, Mt25.2. Col * Col4.5. understanding. Dt * Dt4.6. 1 K 1Ki3.9-12. 1 Ch +* 1Ch12.32. Jb * Job28.28. Ps * Ps111.10. * Ps119.27. Pr * Pr2.5. Pr14.8. Pr23.23. Je Je4.22. Jn +* Jn7.17. Ro +* Ro12.2. 2 Co + 2Co10.12. Col * Col1.9. 1 Th * 1Th4.1-3. +* 1Th5.18. 1 P 1Pe4.2. the will. Ac Ac21.14. + Ac22.14. 18. be not drunk. T#366. Ge +* Ge9.21. Ge19.32-35. Dt * Dt21.20, Dt21.21. Ps Ps69.12. Pr +* Pr20.1. +* Pr22.3. * Pr23.20, Pr23.21, Pr23.29-35. Is * Is5.11-13, Is5.22. Is28.1, Is28.7. Je Je35.2, Je35.5, Je35.6, * Je35.8, Je35.13, * Je35.14. Am Am4.1. Mt * Mt24.48-51. Lk Lk1.15. Lk12.45. +* Lk21.34. Ro ✓ Ro13.13. + Ro14.21 (T#368). 1 Co * 1Co5.11. +✓ 1Co6.10. + 1Co9.25 (T#721). 11:21. Ga * Ga5.21. Ph + Php3.19 (T#199). 1 Th 1Th5.7. 1 Ti ◐ 1Ti3.8. ◐ 1Ti5.23. wine. Le = Le10.8, Le10.9. Is Is24.9. excess. Pr Pr7.11. Mt * Mt23.25. Lk Lk15.13. Ti Tt1.6. 1 P ✓ 1Pe4.3, 1Pe4.4. but. This marks the sentence as another instance of the balanced sentence (ver. 17. Lk +* Lk11.4n), where the command of the first clause is used to enhance the emphasis of the last clause. Ps Ps63.3-5. SS So1.4. * So7.9. Is Is25.6. Is55.1. Zc Zec9.1517. Lk * Lk11.13. Ac * Ac2.13-18. Ac11.24. Ga * Ga5.22-25. be filled. There is a sermon in the mood, tense, voice and number of this verb: it is imperative mood, indicating a command; it is present tense, which in Greek represents aspect denoting continuous action—we are to be constantly or continuously filled; it is passive voice, indicating we are to allow this to be done to us; it is plural in number, meaning it applies to all believers. There is much needed corrective doctrinal instruction in the grammatical cases which this passive verb governs: the Dative case designates the filler, here, the Holy Spirit, necessitating an improvement in the English rendering to show we are filled not with but BY the Spirit; the Genitive case denotes what the vessel is filled with. When the verb “fill” is in the active voice, a third case, the Accusative, designates the vessel or whatever is filled. Note that the Holy Spirit is never said to fill us with Himself, but with gifts specified in the immediate context; here, gifts other than wine, gifts specified by the participles in the following verses, speaking (in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs), singing, giving thanks, and submitting. The filling of the Holy Spirit is always a reference to a filling with His gifts for service. He does not fill us with Himself, but with His gifts. Attention to these details will show how greatly mistaken are the popular conceptions of the Holy Spirit and His work. These mistaken conceptions, though taught with great sincerity, frequently supported by an appeal to misconstrued or misinterpreted experience, are in great error. Such mistaken notions lack Biblical authority because they are not based upon an accurate understanding of Scripture (Is +* Is8.20n. Mk ✓ Mk12.24. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti2.15). Lk Lk1.15. Ac + Ac2.4. with the. 1 S 1Sa10.6. Jn Jn3.34. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. f121:121A, Jn + Jn3.34. Not with the Person of the Holy Spirit surely! but with His operations: i.e., with the gifts Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 18. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

which come through the ministry of the Word; as is clear from Col Col3.16, where this effect is produced by the same cause: occupation of the heart with God—the Word of Christ dwelling richly within us (B540). 19. Speaking. T#747. Le Le18.30. Jg Jdg5.12. 1 K 1Ki8.22. Ps Ps89.7. Ml +* Mal3.16. Mt * Mt26.30. Col + Col3.16 (T#529). He Heb12.28, Heb12.29. + Heb13.15 (T#528). 1 P * 1Pe4.10, 1Pe4.11. 2 J +* 2Jn10. to yourselves. Ac Ac16.25. Ro + Ro12.5. 1 Co * 1Co14.26. Col * Col3.16. Ja Jas5.13. 1 P ✓ 1Pe4.10, 1Pe4.11. psalms. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. Psalms, psalmoi, from psallo, to touch, or play on a musical instrument, properly denotes such sacred songs or poems as are sung to stringed instruments, and may here refer to those of David; Alford states these are not to be confined to Old Testament hymns (1 Co 1Co14.26. Ja Jas5.13): the word properly signified those sacred songs which were performed with musical accompaniment; hymns, umnoi, from udo, to sing, celebrate, praise, signifies songs in honor of God; and songs, odai, from asido, to sing, denotes any regular poetic composition adapted to singing, and is here restricted to those which are spiritual. 1 Ch 1Ch15.22. * 1Ch16.42n. Ps Ps95.2. Ps105.2. Mt * Mt26.30. 1 Co 1Co14.26. hymns. Ac + Ac16.25. spiritual. Ro + Ro1.11g. songs. 1 Ch = 1Ch6.32. = 1Ch25.7. Col * Col3.16. Re Re5.9. Re14.3. Re15.3. singing. Col Col3.16. making melody. Ps Ps47.7, Ps47.8. Ps57.7, Ps57.8. Ps62.8. Ps86.12. Ps105.3. Ps147.7. Is Is65.14. Mt Mt15.8. Jn Jn4.23, Jn4.24. Ja + Jas5.13. 20. thanks. See on ver. Eph5.4. Jb * Job1.21. Ps * Ps34.1. Is * Is63.7. Ac * Ac5.41. 1 Co 1Co1.4. Ph * Php1.3. * Php4.6. Col Col1.11, Col1.12. Col2.7. ✓ Col3.17. Col4.2. 1 Th 1Th1.2. 1Th3.9. +* 1Th5.18. 2 Th * 2Th1.3. * 2Th2.13. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.1. unto God. 1 Co 1Co15.24. Ja Jas1.27. in the name. Jn * Jn14.13, Jn14.14. +* Jn15.16. * Jn16.23-26. Ac + Ac2.21. Col * Col3.17. He * Heb13.15. 1 P * 1Pe2.5. 1Pe4.11. 21. submitting. ver. Eph5.22, Eph5.24. Ge Ge16.9. 1 Ch 1Ch29.24. Ro Ro13.1-5. 1 Co * 1Co16.16. Ph +* Php2.3. 1 Ti 1Ti2.11. + 1Ti3.4. He +* Heb13.17. 1 P 1Pe2.13. +* 1Pe5.5g. one to another. Ro + Ro12.5. in the fear of God. 2 Ch 2Ch19.7. Ne Ne5.9, Ne5.15. Pr Pr24.21. 2 Co 2Co5.11. * 2Co7.1. 1 P * 1Pe2.13-17. 22. submit. ver. Eph5.24. Ge * Ge3.16. Est Es1.16-18, Es1.20. 1 Co + 1Co11.3. +* 1Co14.34n. Col * Col3.18, etc. 1 Ti 1Ti2.11, 1Ti2.12. Ti * Tt2.4, Tt2.5. 1 P * 1Pe3.1-6. as. Ep Eph6.5. Col Col3.22, Col3.23. 23. husband. See on 1 Co 1Co11.3-10. the head. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.3, 1Co11.8, 1Co11.9. * 1Co14.34n. 1 Ti 1Ti2.11. even. Ep 1:+ Eph1.22, Eph1.23. Eph4.15. Col +* Col1.18. Christ is. Col Col2.10. the church. Note carefully that the church is not said here to be the head of anyone or anything, and no one is said to be subject to the church. All the members are directly responsible to the head of the church, who is Christ alone. Mt +* Mt24.45. Ac +* Ac17.11. 2 Co +✓ 2Co1.24. Ga * Ga1.8n. He ◐* Heb13.7. 2 P * 2Pe1.20n. he. ver. Eph5.25, Eph5.26. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Co 1Co6.13. 1 Th 1Th1.10. Re * Re5.9. the savior. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. the body. Ep + Eph1.23. 24. in every thing. ver. Eph5.33. Ex Ex23.13. Ex29.35. Col Col3.20, Col3.22. Ti Tt2.7, Tt2.9.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 19. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

25. love. ver. Eph5.28, Eph5.33. Ge +* Ge2.24. Ge24.67. 2 S 2Sa12.3. Pr Pr5.18, Pr5.19. Col * Col3.19. 1 P * 1Pe3.7. loved. ver. +* Eph5.2, Eph5.29. Mt Mt20.28. Lk Lk22.19, Lk22.20. Jn Jn6.51. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ga Ga1.4. ✓ Ga2.20. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.6. 1 P 1Pe1.18-21. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. gave himself. ver. Eph5.2. Ro + Ro4.25. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.5, 1Ti2.6. Ti Tt2.14. 26. he. Jn * Jn17.17-19. Ac +* Ac26.18. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. Ti * Tt2.14. He * Heb9.14. * Heb10.10. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. Ju * Jud1. and cleanse. Ti Tt2.14g. 2 P + 2Pe1.9. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. with the washing. Gr. loutron, ❅S#3067g, only here and Ti Tt3.5g. Ex = Ex29.4. = Ex30.18. Ezk Eze16.9. * Eze36.25. Zc Zec13.1. Jn * Jn3.5. Ac +* Ac22.16. 1 Co +* 1Co6.11. Ti * Tt3.5-7. He +* Heb10.22. 1 P * 1Pe3.21. 1 J * 1Jn5.6. Re Re7.14. by the word. Ep Eph6.17. Ps ✓ Ps119.9. Jn * Jn15.3. Jn17.17. Ro + Ro10.8, Ro10.9. He Heb6.5. Ja * Jas1.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.22, 1Pe1.23. 27. present it. Ep Eph1.4. Ge Ge24.67. Nu = Nu3.6. 2 Co * 2Co4.14. * 2Co11.2. Col * Col1.22, Col1.28. Ju * Jud24. glorious. 2 Ch = 2Ch5.1. Ps Ps45.13. * Ps87.3. Is * Is60.15-20. * Is62.3. Je Je33.9. Jn Jn17.22. 2 Th 2Th1.10. He * Heb12.22-24. Re * Re7.9-17. Re19.7, Re19.8. * Re21.10-26. not having spot. SS * So4.7. So5.2. So6.9. He * Heb9.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.19. 2 P ◐ 2Pe2.13. * 2Pe3.14. but. f15:15G, Ge + Ge35.3. Ep +* Eph1.4. 2 Co * 2Co11.2. Col * Col1.22, Col1.28. 1 Th ✓ 1Th5.23. Ju ✓ Jud24. Re * Re21.10, Re21.11, Re21.27. 28. ought men. ver. Eph5.25, Eph5.33. as. ver. Eph5.31, Eph5.33. Ge Ge2.21-24. Mt Mt19.5. 29. hated. ver. Eph5.31. Pr Pr11.17. Ec Ec4.5. Ro Ro1.31. nourisheth. Ep Eph6.4g. Is Is40.11. Ezk Eze34.14, Eze34.15, Eze34.27. Mt Mt23.37. Jn Jn6.50-58. cherisheth. Le +* Le19.18. Mt +* Mt22.39. Ph ◐+* Php2.3. even as. ver. +* Eph5.2, Eph5.25. Ep * Eph4.32. Dt Dt32.10. Is Is62.3. Ml Mal3.17. Jn Jn14.16, Jn14.17. Jn16.13, Jn16.14. Jn17.14, Jn17.15. Ac * Ac20.28. Ro Ro5.8. Col Col1.24. 30. are members. Ep Eph1.23. Ge * Ge2.23. Nu = Nu18.2. Jn Jn17.11. Ro * Ro12.4, Ro12.5. 1 Co 1Co1.10. +* 1Co6.15, 1Co6.17. 1Co10.17. * 1Co12.12-27. Col Col2.19. of his body. Ep + Eph1.23. +* Eph4.4n. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13. of his flesh. Ep ◐+* Eph6.12. Ge +* Ge29.14. Mt ◐+* Mt16.17. Lk +* Lk24.39. 1 Co ◐+* 1Co15.50. of his bones. Ge +* Ge29.14. 2 S +* 2Sa5.1. 31. For this cause. f92:92B, Mt + Mt12.40. Ge ▶ Ge2.24. Ps Ps45.10. Mt Mt19.5. Mk Mk10.7, Mk10.8. 1 Co 1Co6.16. 1Co7.10, 1Co7.11. 32. a great mystery. Ep Eph6.19. Ro +* Ro16.25n. Col Col2.2. 1 Ti 1Ti3.9, 1Ti3.16. speak. Ps Ps45.9-17. SS ch. 1-8. Is Is54.5. Is62.4, Is62.5. Jn Jn3.29. 2 Co 2Co11.2. Re Re19.7, Re19.8. Re21.2. 33. let. ver. Eph5.25, Eph5.28, Eph5.29. Col Col3.19. 1 P 1Pe3.7. and. f15:15G, Ge + Ge35.3. reverence. i.e. fear, in the sense of reverence; spontaneous, obedient regard (Expositor’s Greek Testament); deference. ver. Eph5.22. 1 K 1Ki1.31. Est Es1.20. He Heb12.9. 1 P 1Pe3.2-6.

EPHESIANS 6 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 20. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

The apostle exhorts children and parents to their respective duties, Eph6.1-4; and also servants and masters, Eph6.5-9. He animates his brethren to resist their spiritual enemies, by putting on and using diligently “the whole armor of God,” 10-17, and by persevering prayer; supplicating for all saints, and for him especially, that he might preach the gospel with all boldness, Eph6.18-20. He commends Tychicus to them, and concludes with affectionate salutations, Eph6.21-24. 1. Children obey. T#53, 1903. Ge Ge28.7. Ge37.13. Ex +* Ex20.12. Le * Le19.3. Dt * Dt21.18-21. 1 S 1Sa17.20. Est * Es2.20. Pr * Pr1.8, Pr1.9, Pr1.20-22. * Pr6.20-22. Pr13.1. * Pr23.22. * Pr30.11, Pr30.17. Je * Je35.14, Je35.18, Je35.19. Mt Mt15.4-6. Lk * Lk2.51. Col * Col3.20, etc. 1 Ti 1Ti5.4. in. ver. Eph6.5, Eph6.6. Ro Ro16.2. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Col * Col3.16, Col3.17, Col3.23, Col3.24. 1 P * 1Pe2.13. for. Ne Ne9.13. Jb * Job33.27. Ps * Ps19.8. * Ps119.75, Ps119.128. Ho * Ho14.9. Ro Ro7.12. * Ro12.2. 1 Ti 1Ti5.4. 2. Honor. Ge Ge45.9-11. Ex +*▶ Ex20.12. Le * Le19.3. Dt Dt5.16. * Dt27.16. Pr * Pr20.20. Je * Je35.18, Je35.19. Ezk Eze22.7. Ml Mal1.6. Mt * Mt15.4-6. Mt19.19. Mk Mk7.9-13. Mk10.19. Lk Lk18.20. Ro Ro13.7. 1 Ti 1Ti5.4. 3. That. Ps +✓ Ps9.10n. * Ps78.5-8. may be well. Ex Ex20.12. Dt Dt4.40. Dt5.16. Dt6.3, Dt6.18. Dt12.25, Dt12.28. Dt22.7. Ru Ru3.1. Ps Ps128.1, Ps128.2. Is Is3.10. Je Je42.6. live long. Dt +* Dt5.16. Ps +* Ps91.16mg. Is ◐+* Is38.10. on the earth. Mt +* Mt5.5. 4. fathers. Ex +* Ex13.8. Dt +* Dt6.20. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9, 1Ch28.10. Jb +* Job1.5. La La2.19. 1 Co +* 1Co14.35n. 2 Co 2Co12.14. 1 Ti 1Ti3.4. provoke not. Ge Ge31.14, Ge31.15. +* Ge44.30. 1 S 1Sa20.30-34. Ro Ro10.19g. Col ✓ Col3.21. but bring. Ge +* Ge18.19. Ex Ex12.26, Ex12.27. Ex13.14, Ex13.15. Dt * Dt4.9. * Dt6.6-9, Dt6.20-24. Dt11.19-21. Jsh Jos4.6, Jos4.7, Jos4.21-24. ✓ Jos24.15. 1 Ch 1Ch22.10-13. 1Ch28.9, 1Ch28.10, 1Ch28.20. 1Ch29.19. Ps Ps71.17, Ps71.18. ✓ Ps78.4-8. Pr Pr4.1-4. +* Pr19.18. ✓ Pr22.6, Pr22.15. Pr23.13, Pr23.14. * Pr29.15, Pr29.17. Is Is38.19. 2 Ti 2Ti1.5. 2Ti3.15. He Heb12.7-10. nurture. Gr. paideia, Thayer states, means “1. the whole training and education of children (which relates to the cultivation of mind and morals, and employs for this purpose now commands and admonitions, now reproof and punishment: Ep Eph6.4; Eph6.2. whatever in adults also cultivates the soul, especially by correcting mistakes and curbing the passions; hence, a. instruction which aims at the increase of virtue: 2 Ti 2Ti3.16. b. according to biblical usage chastisement, chastening, (of the evils with which God visits men for their amendment): He Heb12.5, Heb12.7, Heb12.11; Pr Pr3.11; Pr15.5” (Lexicon, p. 473a). Trench states the word speaks of discipline, indicating “the laws and ordinances of the Christian household, the transgression of which will induce correction”—“training by act and by discipline” (Synonyms, sec. 32, p. 112). Ep Eph5.29g. Dt +* Dt6.20. Is Is28.9. Is38.19. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15. admonition. Gr. nouthesia, Trench explains, “is the training by word—by the word of encouragement, when this is sufficient, but also by that of remonstrance, of reproof, of blame, where these may be required” (Synonyms, p. 112); “whatever is needed to cause the monition to be taken home, to be laid to heart, is involved in the word” (p. 113, 114). Lightfoot discusses nouthesia (admonition) in its relation to teaching (didaskein) in his comments on Col Col1.28, where the terms occur together, speaking of them as complimentary aspects of the preacher’s duty, related to one another as repentance is to faith: “warning to repent, instructing in the faith” (Ac Ac20.21). Jg ◐ Jdg8.16. 2 S ◐ 2Sa2.24. 2Sa3.13, LXX. 1 Co +* 1Co10.11. Ti Tt3.10g. of the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 21. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Lord. Charles Hodge on this phrase states “Children are not to be allowed to grow up without care or control. They are to be instructed, disciplined, and admonished, so that they be brought to knowledge, self control, and obedience. This whole process of education is to be religious, and not only religious, but Christian. It is ‘the nurture and admonition of the Lord,’ which is the appointed and only effectual means of attaining the end of education. Where this means is neglected or any other substituted in its place, the result must be disastrous failure. The moral and religious element of our nature is just as essential and universal as the intellectual. Religion therefore is as necessary to the development of the mind as knowledge. And as Christianity is the only true religion, and God in Christ the only true God, the only possible means of profitable education is the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Comm. on Ephesians, p. 360). 1 S ◐ 1Sa3.13. ◐ 1Sa8.3. 1 K ◐ 1Ki1.6. 2 Ch +* 2Ch26.4. Pr ◐ Pr29.15. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.5. 5. Servants. Ti Tt2.9. 1 P +* 1Pe2.18. obedient. Ge +* Ge16.9. Ps Ps123.2. Ml Mal1.6. Mt ✓ Mt6.24. Mt8.9. Ac Ac10.7, Ac10.8. Col * Col3.22. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.1-3. Ti * Tt2.9, Tt2.10. 1 P * 1Pe2.18-21. according. Col Col3.22. Phm Phm16. with fear. 1 Co + 1Co2.3. 2 Co 2Co7.15. Ph Php2.12. 1 P 1Pe3.2. in singleness. ver. Eph6.24. Jsh Jos24.14. 1 Ch 1Ch29.17. Ps Ps86.11. Mt Mt6.22. Ac Ac2.46. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 2Co11.2, 2Co11.3. as unto Christ. Ep ch. 1. 5:22. Ac +✓ Ac10.36. Ro Ro14.9. 1 Co 1Co7.22. Col Col3.17-24. 6. eyeservice. T#1838. Ph Php2.12. Col Col3.22. 1 Th 1Th2.4. menpleasers. Ps Ps53.5. Ga + Ga1.10. servants of Christ. ver. Eph6.9. 1 Co 1Co7.22. Col * Col3.23. Ja + Jas1.1. doing. Ep Eph5.17. Mt Mt7.21. Mt12.50. Col Col1.9. Col4.12. 1 Th + 1Th4.3. He Heb10.36. Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe2.15. 1Pe4.2. 1 J 1Jn2.17. from. 2 Ch * 2Ch19.6. Je Je3.10. Je24.7. Ro Ro6.17. Col Col3.23. heart. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt22.37. 7. good will. Ge Ge31.6, Ge31.38-40. Jsh +* Jos14.8. 2 K 2Ki5.2, 2Ki5.3, 2Ki5.13. service. 1 Ch = 1Ch16.37. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. Ph * Php2.12. 1 P * 1Pe4.10. as to the Lord. T#1864. ver. Eph6.5, Eph6.6. Dt = Dt10.8. Pr +* Pr16.7. 1 Co 1Co7.32, 1Co7.34. * 1Co10.31. not to men. ver. +* Eph6.6. Mt ✓ Mt6.24. Mt * Mt23.8, Mt23.10. Ac +✓ Ac10.36. 1 Co ✓ 1Co7.23. Col ✓ Col3.23, Col3.24. 8. whatsoever. Pr Pr11.18. Pr23.18. Is Is3.11. Mt Mt5.12. Mt6.1, Mt6.4. Mt10.41, Mt10.42. Mt16.27. Lk +* Lk6.35. Lk14.14. Ro * Ro2.6-10. 2 Co +* 2Co5.10. Col +* Col3.24, Col3.25. He +* Heb10.35. Heb11.26. good. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. the same. Mt * Mt10.42. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.8. He +* Heb6.10. whether. 1 Co +* 1Co12.13. Ga * Ga3.28. Col +* Col3.11. 9. ye masters. Le +* Le19.13. Le25.39-46. Dt Dt15.11-16. +* Dt24.14, Dt24.15. Ru Ru2.4. Ne Ne5.5, Ne5.8, Ne5.9. Jb Job24.10-12. Job31.13-15. Is Is47.6. Is58.3-6. Am Am8.4-7. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mt Mt8.8-13. Lk Lk7.2-10. * Lk10.7. Col ✓ Col4.1. Ja +* Jas5.4. the same. ver. Eph6.5-7. 1 S +* 1Sa25.17. 2 K +* 2Ki5.13. Ps Ps123.2. Mt ✓ Mt7.12. Lk Lk6.31. Ja Jas2.8, Jas2.13. forbearing. or, moderating. T#1848. Ep Eph4.2. Le +* Le25.43. 1 S * 1Sa15.17. 1 K +* 1Ki12.7. Pr Pr29.21. Ec * Ec7.21, Ec7.22. ✓ Ec10.12. Je * Je2.14. Da * Da3.6, Da3.15. * Da5.19, Da5.20. Col Col3.13. 1 P * 1Pe2.23. knowing. Ps Ps140.12. Ec Ec5.8. Mt Mt23.8, Mt23.10. Mt24.48, Mt24.51. Lk Lk12.45, Lk12.46. Jn Jn13.13. 1 Co * 1Co7.22. your Master. Some read, both your and their Master. Jb * Job31.13-15. Jn +* Jn13.13. Ac +✓ Ac10.36. 1 Co 1Co1.2. Ph Php2.10, Php2.11. neither. See on Ac Ac10.34. Ro * Ro2.11. Col * Col3.25. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 22. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

10. Finally. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ph Php3.1. * Php4.8. 1 P 1Pe3.8. be strong. T#187. ver. Eph6.10-13. Ep Eph1.19. * Eph3.16. Dt * Dt20.3, Dt20.4. Dt31.23. Jsh Jos1.6, Jos1.7, Jos1.9. 1 S * 1Sa23.16. 1 Ch = 1Ch26.8. 1Ch28.10, 1Ch28.20. 2 Ch * 2Ch15.7. Jb Job23.6. Ps Ps28.8. * Ps138.3. Is * Is26.4. Is35.3, Is35.4. * Is40.28-31. Is41.10. Na Na3.11. Hg * Hag2.4. Zc Zec8.9, Zec8.13. Ro Ro4.20g. 1 Co * 1Co16.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ph ✓ Php4.13. Col Col1.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.1. 2Ti4.17. 1 P 1Pe5.10. 1 J 1Jn2.14. the power. Col * Col1.11. 11. Put on. f7, Allegory by continued Hypocatastasis, Ga + Ga4.24. ver. Eph6.14. Ep * Eph4.24. Ro + Ro6.4n. * Ro13.12, Ro13.14. Ga Ga3.27. Col Col3.10. whole armor. ver. * Eph6.13. Lk Lk11.22. Ro * Ro13.12. 2 Co * 2Co6.7. * 2Co10.4. 1 Th * 1Th5.8. able. ver. * Eph6.13. Lk * Lk14.29-31. 1 Co ✓ 1Co10.13. He * Heb7.25. Ju * Jud24. the wiles. Ep +* Eph4.14g. Mk * Mk13.22. 2 Co * 2Co2.11. * 2Co4.4. ✓ 2Co11.3, 2Co11.13-15. 2 Th * 2Th2.911. 1 P * 1Pe5.8. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. Re Re2.24. Re12.9. Re13.11-15. Re19.20. Re20.2, Re20.3, Re20.7, Re20.8. 12. wrestle not. Ge Ge12.6. Ps * Ps23.5. Pr * Pr1.10. Mt Mt5.11. Lk +* Lk13.24. Ro * Ro7.22, Ro7.23. 1 Co * 1Co9.25-27. 1Co15.32. 2 Ti 2Ti2.5. He * Heb12.1, Heb12.4. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 1 J * 1Jn2.15. against. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. flesh and blood. Gr. blood and flesh. * f171:171Q, Mt + Mt16.17. Ep ◐+* Eph5.30. Mt +* Mt16.17. Lk ◐+* Lk24.39. 1 Co +* 1Co15.50. Ga * Ga1.16. principalities. Ep +* Eph1.21. * Eph3.10. Ro +* Ro8.38. Col * Col2.15. 1 P * 1Pe3.22. against the. Ep * Eph2.2. Jb * Job2.2. Da ✓ Da10.3, Da10.12, Da10.13. Lk * Lk22.53. Jn * Jn12.31. +* Jn14.30. * Jn16.11. Ac +* Ac26.18. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. Col * Col1.13. darkness. Ep +* Eph4.18. Lk Lk22.53. Jn Jn8.12. Col Col1.13. this world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. f121:121P, Mt + Mt13.22. f121:121J, Jn + Jn12.31. Jn +* Jn6.54n. spiritual wickedness. or, wicked spirits. Gr. pneumatikos, Ro + Ro1.11. lit. the spiritual (powers, bands, hosts) of wickedness. i.e. wicked spirits. f24:24G, Ge Ge1.9. Da +* Da10.13. Mt +* Mt8.16. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.1. high. or, heavenly. See on Ep Eph1.3. Eph3.10. Re Re12.9-11. 13. take. See on ver. * Eph6.11-17. Ro Ro13.13, Ro13.14. 2 Co * 2Co10.4. 1 P 1Pe4.1. the whole. Panoplia, a complete suit of armor, both offensive and defensive, from pan, “all,” and oplon, “armor.” ver. +* Eph6.11. in the evil day. Ep * Eph5.6, + Eph5.16. Ec * Ec12.1. Am Am6.3. Lk +* Lk8.13. Re +* Re3.10. done all. or, overcome all. to stand. Dt = Dt10.8. 1 Ch = 1Ch6.33mg. Ml * Mal3.2. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. Ac Ac26.22. Col * Col4.12. Re * Re6.17. 14. loins girt. Ep * Eph5.9. Ex = Ex29.9. Ps Ps18.32n. Is Is11.5. Je +* Je1.17. Lk +* Lk12.35. 2 Co * 2Co6.7. 1 P * 1Pe1.13. truth. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ac +* Ac6.3. 2 Co * 2Co1.12. the breastplate. The thorax, or “breastplate,” consisted of two parts; one of which covered the whole region of the thorax or breast, and the other the back, as far down as the front part extended. Is * Is59.17. 1 Th * 1Th5.8. Re Re9.9, Re9.17. of righteousness. Ps * Ps119.6. = Ps132.9. Is Is61.10. Je +* Je23.6. Ac * Ac24.16. 2 Co 2Co6.7. 15. feet shod. Ex Ex12.11. Dt * Dt33.25. SS So7.1. Is * Is52.7. Na Na1.15. Hab Hab3.19. Lk Lk15.22. Ac Ac10.36. Ro Ro10.15. the preparation. Is Is40.3. Ti Tt3.1. the gospel. Is * Is52.7. Ro * Ro10.15. 2 Co * 2Co5.18-21. of peace. Ep Eph2.14, Eph2.17. Ro * Ro5.1, Ro5.3. 16. Above all. Col Col3.14. the shield. The thureos was a large oblong shield, or scuta, like a door, thura, made of wood and covered with hides. Ge * Ge15.1. * Ge39.9. Ps * Ps56.3, Ps56.4, Ps56.10, Ps56.11. Pr * Pr18.10. Pr30.5. 2 Co * 2Co1.24. * 2Co4.16-18. He Heb6.17, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 23. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Heb6.18. Heb11.24-34. 1 P * 1Pe1.6-9. * 1Pe5.8, 1Pe5.9. 1 J * 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. to quench. 1 Th 1Th5.19. fiery darts. Ps Ps120.4. the wicked. f96:96F, Ge + Ge3.8. Mt + Mt13.19. 17. the helmet. 1 S 1Sa17.5, 1Sa17.38. Ps Ps140.7. Is * Is59.17. 1 Th ✓ 1Th5.8. salvation. Ps * Ps27.1. Is Is61.10. Lk Lk2.30. Lk3.6. Ac Ac28.28g. He * Heb6.17-19. the sword. Ex = Ex32.27. 1 S 1Sa21.9. Ps Ps64.3. SS So3.8. Is Is49.2. Ho Ho6.5. 2 Co 2Co6.7. Ph * Php1.17. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. 2 Ti 2Ti2.3. He ✓ Heb4.12. Re Re1.16. Re2.16. * Re19.15. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Ep Eph4.3. Jn + Jn7.39. which. Mt * Mt4.4, Mt4.7, Mt4.10, Mt4.11. 2 Co * 2Co10.4. He Heb12.5, Heb12.6. * Heb13.5, Heb13.6. Re * Re12.11. word of God. T#1076. Ep Eph5.26. Is ✓ Is55.11. Ho Ho6.5. Mt * Mt4.4-10. Lk Lk4.4, Lk4.8, Lk4.10. Ro + Ro9.6. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17. He ✓ Heb4.12. Heb6.5. 2 P * 2Pe1.21. Re Re19.13. 18. Praying always. f147:147D, Ge + Ge1.29. Ep Eph1.16. 1 S +* 1Sa12.23. Ne Ne2.4. Jb Job27.10. Ps 4:16, 17. Ps35.22. Ps73.28. * Ps86.3, Ps86.6. Ps109.4. Ps116.2. Is Is26.16. Da +* Da6.10. Lk * Lk2.37. Lk3.26, Lk3.27. * Lk18.1-7. +* Lk21.36. Ac Ac1.14. * Ac6.4. Ac9.11. Ac10.2, Ac10.9. Ac12.5. Ro Ro1.9. * Ro12.12. Ph ✓ Php4.6. Col Col1.9. *4:2. 1 Th 1Th3.10. +* 1Th5.17. 1 Ti 1Ti5.5. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. all prayer. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “supplicating prayer.” T#1307. supplication. 1 K 1Ki8.52, 1Ki8.54, 1Ki8.59. 1Ki9.3. Est Es4.8. Da 9:30. Ho Ho12.4. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1. He Heb5.7. in the. T#1410. Ep Eph2.22. Zc Zec12.10. Jn * Jn4.24. Ro +* Ro8.15, Ro8.26, Ro8.27. Ga Ga4.6. Ju ✓ Jud20. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. watching. Mt * Mt26.41. Mk * Mk13.33. Mk14.38. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. Lk22.46. Col * Col4.2. He Heb13.17. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. all perseverance. Ge * Ge32.24-29. Ex = Ex17.11. Mt Mt15.25-28. Lk Lk11.5-8. Lk18.1-8. Ac + Ac1.14. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. supplication. See on ver. Eph6.19. Ep Eph1.16. Eph3.8, Eph3.18. Ac Ac12.5. 2 Co 2Co1.11. Ph Php1.4. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1. Col Col1.4. Phm Phm5. saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. 19. for. Ro * Ro15.30. 2 Co 2Co1.11. Ph Php1.19. Col * Col4.3. 1 Th + 1Th5.25. 2 Th * 2Th3.1. Phm Phm22. He Heb13.18. utterance. Is Is50.4. Ac Ac2.4. 1 Co * 1Co1.5. 2 Co 2Co8.7. 2 Th 2Th3.1. that I. Ac * Ac4.13, Ac4.29, Ac4.31. * Ac9.27, Ac9.29. * Ac13.46. Ac14.3. * Ac18.26. Ac19.8. Ac28.31. 2 Co 2Co3.12mg. 2Co7.4. Ph * Php1.20. 1 Th 1Th2.2. open. Ps Ps51.15. Mt Mt5.2. boldly. T#1441. Ac 4:+ Ac4.13, * Ac4.29-31. Ph Php1.20. He Heb4.16. Heb13.6. the mystery. Ep Eph1.9. Eph3.3, Eph3.4. Ro +* Ro16.25n. 1 Co 1Co2.7. 1Co4.1. Col * Col1.26, Col1.27. * Col2.2. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 20. I am. Pr Pr13.17. Is Is33.7. 2 Co +* 2Co5.20. Phm Phm9. bonds. or, a chain. See on Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. 2 S 2Sa10.2-6. Ac + Ac21.33. Ac26.29. Ac28.20. Ph * Php1.7, Php1.13, Php1.14. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16. 2Ti2.9. Phm Phm10. therein. or, thereof. boldly. See on ver. Eph6.19. Is Is58.1. Je Je1.7, Je1.8, Je1.17. Ezk * Eze2.4-7. Mt Mt10.27, Mt10.28. Ac Ac5.29. * Ac22.21-24. Ac28.31. Ph * Php1.20. Col Col4.4. 1 Th * 1Th2.2. 1 J 1Jn3.16. Ju +* Jud3. ought. Ac +* Ac5.29. 1 Co 1Co9.16. 21. that. Ph Php1.12. Col * Col4.7. Tychicus. Ac * Ac20.4. 2 Ti 2Ti4.12. Ti Tt3.12. beloved. Col Col4.9. Phm Phm16. 2 P 2Pe3.15. faithful. 1 Co 4:+ 1Co4.2, 1Co4.17. Col Col1.2, Col1.7. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6. 1 P 1Pe5.12. minister. Ac + Ac19.22. 22. I have sent. Ph Php2.19, Php2.25. Col Col2.2. Col4.7, Col4.8. 1 Th 1Th3.2. 2 Th 2Th2.17. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 24. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

23. Peace. See on Ro +* Ro1.7. 1 Co 1Co1.3. Ge Ge43.23. 1 S 1Sa25.6. Ps ✓ Ps122.6-9. Jn * Jn14.27. Ga * Ga6.16. 2 Th 2Th3.16. 1 P 1Pe5.14. 3 J 3Jn14. Re Re1.4. the brethren. Jn + Jn21.23. 1 Co 1Co8.12. 1Co16.11, 1Co16.12, 1Co16.20. 2 Co 2Co9.3, 2Co9.5. 2Co11.9. Ga Ga1.2. Ph Php1.14. Php4.21. Col Col1.2. Col4.15. 1 Th 1Th4.10. 1Th5.26, 1Th5.27. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6. 2 Ti 2Ti4.21. and love. Ga Ga5.6. 1 Th 1Th1.3. * 1Th5.8. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. Phm Phm5-7. with faith. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. 24. Grace. 1 Co 1Co16.23. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Col Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. Ti Tt3.15. He Heb13.25. all them. T#1684. ver. Eph6.18. 2 Ch 2Ch6.41. Ps * Ps36.10. Ps40.16. * Ps70.4. Ps90.16. Ps125.4. Ps132.9. Mt * Mt25.40. Jn Jn17.20-23. Ac Ac20.32. Ph Php1.3-6. Col Col1.3, Col1.4, Col1.9, Col1.10. love. See on Jn * Jn21.15-17. 1 Co 1Co16.22. in sincerity. or, with incorruption. Mt Mt22.37. Ro +* Ro2.7g. 2 Co 2Co8.8, 2Co8.12. Ti Tt2.7. Amen. See on Mt Mt6.13. Mt28.20.

PHILIPPIANS PHILIPPIANS 1 The apostle addresses the saints at Philippi with the bishops and deacons, 1, 2: showing his thankfulness to God for their “fellowship in the gospel,” to that time; his love to them; and his confidence in them as to the future, Php1.3-8; and giving a summary of the blessings for which he prayed in their behalf, Php1.9-11. He informs them, that his imprisonment at Rome had conduced “to the furtherance of the gospel,” 12, 13: so that many had been rendered more bold in preaching it; in which he greatly rejoices, though some did it from corrupt motives, Php1.14-18; knowing that this “will turn to his salvation, through their prayers, and by the Spirit,” and trusting that “Christ will be magnified in his body, whether by life or death,” Php1.19" Php1.20 }. He declares that he is prepared for either event; that “to depart, and be with Christ, would be far better” for him; but that, as his life would be useful to them, he doubts in his choice, and supposes that he shall live, and be set at liberty, that he may further their joy of faith, by coming to them, Php1.21-26. He exhorts them to walk worthy of their profession; to be of one mind “in striving for the gospel;” and to suffer cheerfully for Christ, as they had already been called to do, Php1.27-30. 1. Paul. See on Ro Ro1.1. 1 Co 1Co1.1. Timotheus. Ph Php2.19. Ac Ac16.1-3. 1 Co 1Co16.10. 2 Co 2Co1.1. Col Col1.1. 1 Th 1Th1.1. 2 Th 2Th1.1. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. He Heb13.23. the servants. Mt * Mt6.24. Mk Mk13.34. Jn * Jn12.26. Ro * Ro6.22. Ti Tt1.1. Ja + Jas1.1. 2 P 2Pe1.1. Ju Jud1. Re Re1.1. Re19.10. Re22.9. the saints. Ro Ro1.7. 1 Co 1Co1.2. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. Ep Eph1.1, Eph1.15. 2 Th 2Th1.10. in Christ Jesus. Ph Php3.9. Ro +* Ro8.1n. Ro12.5. 2 Co * 2Co5.17. Philippi. Ac + Ac16.12, etc. 1 Th 1Th2.2. the bishops. or, overseers. Ac Ac1.20. +* Ac20.28. 1 Ti 1Ti3.1, 1Ti3.2. Ti Tt1.7. 1 P 1Pe2.25. Re Re1.20. Re2.1, Re2.8, Re2.12. and deacons. Ac Ac6.1-7. 1 Ti 1Ti3.8, 1Ti3.10, 1Ti3.12, 1Ti3.13. 2. Grace. Ro + Ro1.7. 2 Co 2Co1.2. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 3. I thank. Ro 1:+ Ro1.8, Ro1.9. Ro6.17. 1 Co 1Co1.4. my God. Ph Php4.19. Ac Ac27.23. Ro Ro1.8. 1 Th 1Th2.2. 2 Th 2Th1.11. Phm Phm4. upon. Ep Eph1.15, Eph1.16. Col * Col1.3, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 25. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Col1.4. 1 Th 1Th1.2, 1Th1.3. 3:19. 2 Th remembrance. or, mention.

2Th1.3. 2 Ti

2Ti1.3. Phm



4. in every prayer. ver. Php1.9-11. See on Ro Ro1.9. Ep Eph1.14, etc. 1 Th 1Th1.2. with joy. ver. Php1.25. Ph Php2.2, Php2.17, Php2.18, Php2.28, Php2.29. Php3.1, Php3.18. Php4.1, Php4.4, Php4.10. Lk Lk15.7, Lk15.10. Col Col2.5. 1 Th 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. Phm Phm7. 2 J 2Jn4. 5. your fellowship. ver. Php1.7. Ph Php2.12. Php4.14, Php4.15. Ac + Ac2.42. Ac16.15. Ro Ro11.17. Ro12.13. Ro15.26, Ro15.27. 1 Co * 1Co1.9. 2 Co 2Co8.1. Ep Eph2.19-22. +* Eph3.6. Col Col1.21-23. Phm Phm17. He +* Heb3.14. 2 P 2Pe1.1. 1 J 1Jn1.3, 1Jn1.7. 6. confident. 2 Co 2Co1.15. 2Co2.3. 2Co7.16. 2Co9.4. Ga Ga5.10. 2 Th 2Th3.4. Phm Phm21. He +* Heb10.35. begun. ver. Php1.29. Ph ✓ Php2.13. Jn * Jn6.29. Ac Ac11.18. Ac16.14. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ga Ga3.3. Ep Eph2.4-10. Col Col2.12. 1 Th * 1Th1.3. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. Ti Tt3.4-6. He * Heb13.20, Heb13.21. Ja * Jas1.16-18. 1 P 1Pe1.2, 1Pe1.3. will. Ph * Php2.13. Ex Ex6.8. Ru Ru3.18. Ps Ps57.2. Ps138.8. Jn Jn6.29. Ga Ga3.3. Ep Eph4.12. Col +* Col2.6, Col2.7. 1 Th ✓ 1Th5.23, 1Th5.24. 2 Th 2Th1.11. He Heb6.9. Heb13.20, Heb13.21. 1 J 1Jn2.19. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. perform it. or, finish it. Ep * Eph1.13, Eph1.14. He +* Heb12.2. until. Jn Jn21.22. the day. ver. Php1.10. Ph Php2.16. See on 1 Co +* 1Co1.8. 2 P * 2Pe3.10. 7. it is. 1 Co 1Co13.7. 1 Th 1Th1.2-5. 1Th5.5. He +* Heb6.9, Heb6.10. because. 2 Co 2Co3.2. * 2Co7.3. I have you in my heart. or, ye have me in your heart. Ga Ga5.6. 1 J 1Jn3.14. as. ver. Php1.13, Php1.14, Php1.17. Ac Ac16.23-25. Ac20.23. Ac26.29. Ac28.20. Ep + Eph3.1. Eph4.1. Eph6.20. Col Col4.3, Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. 2Ti2.9. Phm Phm10, Phm13. He Heb10.33, Heb10.34. the defense. ver. Php1.17. Ph Php4.14. Ac + Ac19.33. confirmation. He Heb6.16. partakers of my. or, partakers with me of. See on ver. Php1.5. Ph Php4.14. Ro + Ro11.17. 1 Co 1Co9.23. He Heb3.1. 1 P 1Pe4.13. 1Pe5.1. 8. God is. See on Ro Ro1.9. Ro9.1. Ga Ga1.20. 1 Th 1Th2.5. how. Ph Php2.26. * Php4.1. Ro Ro1.11. Ro15.23. 2 Co 2Co9.14. 2Co13.9. Ga Ga4.19. Col Col2.1. 1 Th 1Th2.8. 1Th3.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.4. in. Ph Php2.1. Is Is16.11. Is63.15. Je Je31.20. Lk Lk1.78mg. 2 Co 2Co6.12. 2Co7.15mg. Col + Col3.12. Phm Phm12, Phm20. 1 J 1Jn3.17. 9. this. See on ver. Php1.4. love may abound. T#1609. Ph Php3.15, Php3.16. Jb Job17.9. Pr +* Pr4.18. Mt Mt13.31-33. 2 Co 2Co8.7. Eph 1:8g. 3:17-19. Col Col2.1, Col2.2. 1 Th * 1Th3.12, 1Th3.13. 1Th4.1, 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 2 Th 2Th1.3. Phm Phm6. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1 J * 1Jn5.2. Ju Jud2. in knowledge. T#393. Ps + Ps19.7 (T#47). 1 Co 1Co14.20. Ep Eph5.17. Col +* Col1.9. Col3.10. 2 P 2Pe1.2, 2Pe1.3, 2Pe1.5, 2Pe1.6. +* 2Pe3.18. judgment. or, sense. Ps Ps119.66n. Pr Pr1.4, Pr1.22. Lk Lk9.45. He Heb5.14g. 10. ye. Is Is7.15, Is7.16. Am Am5.14, Am5.15. Mi Mic3.2. Jn * Jn3.20. Ro + Ro2.18. Ro7.16, Ro7.22. Ro8.7. +* Ro12.2, Ro12.9. approve things that are excellent. or, try things that differ. Jb Job12.11. Job34.3. Ps Ps119.66n. Ro +* Ro12.2. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. Ep * Eph5.10, Eph5.17. 1 Th +* 1Th5.21. He * Heb5.12-14. 1 J ✓ 1Jn4.1. Re Re2.2. that ye may be. ver. Php1.16. Ge Ge20.5. Jsh * Jos24.14. Jn Jn1.47. Ac * Ac24.16. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 2Co2.17. 2Co8.8. Ep Eph4.15mg. Eph5.27. Eph6.24. 1 Th 1Th3.13. ✓ 1Th5.23. 2 P +* 2Pe3.14. sincere. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 26. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Gr. eilikrineis, from eilee, the splendor of the sun, and krino, I judge, discern, properly pure and unsullied to such a degree as to bear examination in the full splendor of the solar rays. 2 Ch + 2Ch29.34. 1 Co + 1Co5.8. 2 P 2Pe3.1. without. Mt Mt16.23. Mt18.6, Mt18.7. Mt26.33. Ro Ro14.20, Ro14.21. Ro16.17. 1 Co 1Co8.13. 1Co10.32. 2 Co 2Co6.3. Ga Ga5.11. 1 Th 1Th3.13. till. ver. Php1.6. See on 1 Co +* 1Co1.8. 1 Th * 1Th5.23. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10, 2Pe1.11. 11. filled. Ph Php4.17. Ps +* Ps1.3. Ps92.12-14. Is Is5.2. Lk * Lk13.6-9. Jn * Jn15.2, Jn15.8, Jn15.16. Ro Ro6.22. Ro15.28. 2 Co 2Co9.10. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ep Eph5.9. Col +* Col1.6, Col1.10. He Heb12.11. Ja Jas3.17, + Jas3.18. fruits. Ho Ho14.8. Jn Jn15.4. are. Ps Ps92.14, Ps92.15. Is +* Is60.21. * Is61.3, Is61.11. Mt * Mt5.16. Jn * Jn15.4, Jn15.5. 1 Co * 1Co10.31. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. Col Col1.6. 2 Th 2Th1.12. He * Heb13.15, Heb13.16. 1 P 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9, 1Pe2.12. 1Pe4.10, 1Pe4.11, 1Pe4.14. unto the glory. Mt +* Mt5.16. Jn * Jn15.8. Ro +* Ro3.23. and praise. Ep + Eph1.12, Eph1.14. 12. that. Ac Ac21.28, etc. ch. 22, 28. rather. Ge +* Ge50.20. Ex Ex18.11. Est Es9.1. Ps +* Ps76.10. Pr +* Pr21.30. Ac * Ac8.4. * Ac11.19-21. Ro +* Ro8.28, Ro8.37. 2 Ti 2Ti2.9. furtherance. ver. Php1.25. 1 Ti 1Ti4.15. 13. my bonds. f121:121G, Ge + Ge31.1. ver. +* Php1.7. Lk Lk21.13. Ac Ac20.23, Ac20.24. Ac21.11-13. Ac26.29, Ac26.31. Ac28.17, Ac28.20. Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. Eph6.20. Col Col4.318. in Christ. or, for Christ. 1 P 1Pe4.12-16. all. f171:171L, Mt + Mt26.59. the palace. or, Caesar’s court. Ph Php4.22. Mt Mt27.27. Mk Mk15.16. Jn Jn18.28, Jn18.33. Ac Ac23.35. in all other places. or, to all others. Ac Ac28.30, Ac28.31. 1 Th 1Th1.8, 1Th1.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.9. 14. many. 1 Co + 1Co9.19g. brethren. Ph Php4.1. Ep + Eph6.23. Col Col4.7. waxing. Ac Ac4.23-31. 2 Co 2Co1.3-7. Ep Eph3.13. Eph6.19, Eph6.20. Col Col4.4. 1 Th 1Th2.2. the word. Ro + Ro9.6. without. Lk Lk1.74. Lk12.5-7. 15. Some indeed. 2 Co +* 2Co11.13. preach. ver. Php1.16, Php1.18. Ac Ac5.42. Ac8.5, Ac8.35. Ac9.20. +* Ac10.36. Ac11.20. 1 Co 1Co1.23. 2 Co 2Co1.19. 2Co4.5. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. envy and strife. Ph +* Php2.3. Mt Mt23.5. Ro +* Ro1.29. Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 1 Co 1Co3.3, 1Co3.4. 1Co13.3. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga * Ga1.7. Ga2.4. Ja Jas4.5, Jas4.6. good will. ver. Php1.17. 1 P * 1Pe5.2-4. 16. The one. f153, Jn + Jn16.9. contention. Ro Ro2.8. Ja + Jas3.14. not sincerely. See on ver. Php1.10. 2 Co 2Co2.17. +* 2Co4.1, 2Co4.2. supposing. Jb Job6.14. Job16.4. Ps Ps69.26. bonds. f121:121N, Ge + Ge31.54. 17. knowing. 1 Co 1Co9.17. I am set. ver. Php1.7. Lk Lk2.34. Ro +* Ro1.13-17. 1 Co 1Co9.16, 1Co9.17. Ga Ga2.7, Ga2.8. 1 Th 1Th3.3g. 1 Ti 1Ti2.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11, 2Ti1.12. 2Ti4.6, 2Ti4.7. defense. Nu = Nu8.24. Lk Lk21.14. Ac Ac22.1. Ac26.1, Ac26.24. Ep Eph6.17. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. 2 Ti 2Ti2.3. 2Ti4.16g. 18. What. Ro Ro3.9. Ro6.15. 1 Co 1Co10.19. 1Co14.15. notwithstanding. f5. Affirmatio; or, Affirmation B960. Spontaneous affirmation of what no one has disputed. whether. ver. Php1.14-17. Mt Mt23.14. Mk Mk12.40. Christ. See on ver. Php1.15. and I. Mk Mk9.38-40. Lk Lk9.45, Lk9.50. 1 Co 1Co15.11. 2 J +* 2Jn9-11. rejoice. Mk Mk9.39. Lk Lk9.50. 19. I know. Ro +* Ro8.28. 1 Co 1Co4.17. 1 P 1Pe1.7-9. this shall turn. Ge +* Ge50.20. 2 Co * 2Co4.17. my salvation. Jb Job13.16. through. 2 Co +* 2Co1.11. Ep Eph6.18, Eph6.19. the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 27. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

supply. 2 Co + 2Co9.10. Ga Ga3.5. Ep Eph4.16. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk1.17n. Ac + Ac16.7. Ro +* Ro8.9. Ga Ga4.6. 1 P 1Pe1.11. 20. earnest expectation. Ps Ps62.5. Pr Pr10.28. Pr23.18. Ro Ro8.19. and hope. Ps Ps25.3. Jl Joe2.27. Ro + Ro5.5. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. 2Ti2.15. in nothing. Ps Ps25.2. Ps119.80, Ps119.116. Is Is45.17. Is50.7. Is54.4. Ro Ro5.5. Ro9.33. 2 Co 2Co7.14. 2Co10.8. Ep Eph6.19, Eph6.20. 1 P 1Pe4.16. 1 J 1Jn2.28. with all boldness. T#460. See on ver. Php1.14. Jsh + Jos1.9 (T#134). Ps +* Ps34.4. Je Je1.7, Je1.8, Je1.17-19. Ezk Eze2.6. Jn + Jn1.47 (T#659). Ac * Ac4.13, Ac4.18-20, Ac4.29. Ac6.10. Ac9.29. Ac18.9, Ac18.10. * Ac19.8. 2 Co 2Co2.14-16. He +* Heb13.6. Christ. Ph Php2.17. Jn Jn21.19. Ac +* Ac10.46. Ro Ro6.13, Ro6.19. +* Ro12.1. 1 Co * 1Co6.20. 1Co7.34. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.15. 1 Th ✓ 1Th5.23. 1 P 1Pe2.12. whether. ver. Php1.23, Php1.24. Jn Jn12.27, Jn12.28. Jn21.19. Ac Ac20.24. Ac21.13. Ro * Ro14.7-9. 1 Co 1Co15.31. 2 Co 2Co4.10. Col * Col1.24. 2 Ti 2Ti4.5-7. 2 P 2Pe1.12-15. 21. to live. See on ver. Php1.20. Ph Php2.21. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. Ga * Ga2.20. * Ga6.14. Col * Col3.3, Col3.4. is Christ. That is, Christ is the object of his life. to die. T#153. ver. Php1.23. Jb * Job3.17, Job3.18. * Job7.16. Ps Ps23.4. Ps31.5. * Ps37.37. * Ps116.15. Pr +* Pr14.32. Is Is57.1, Is57.2. Ro +* Ro8.35-39. 1 Co 1Co3.22. +* 1Co15.54-57. 2 Co * 2Co5.1, 2Co5.6, 2Co5.8. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.13-15. Re +* Re14.13. is gain. Paul says to die is “gain,” and this he says while living. If death resulted in annihilation or soul sleep, it is unaccountable how one with the mind of Paul while living would prefer that. Rather, contrary to the teaching of annihilationists, Paul expects upon death to go immediately to be with Christ—not to lie mouldering in the grave, “to depart into forgetfulness, and be with Christ when he woke up,” insensible of the time that intervened (see related notes on Da Da12.2. 1 Co 1Co15.54). Re +* Re14.13. 22. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. live. ver. Php1.24. 2 Co 2Co10.3. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Col Col2.1. 1 P 1Pe4.2. this. Ps Ps71.18. Is Is38.18, Is38.19. I wot. Ge Ge21.26. Ge39.8. Ex Ex32.1. Ac Ac3.17. Ro Ro11.2. 1 Co + 1Co15.1. 23. in a strait. 2 S 2Sa24.14. 1 Ch 1Ch21.13. Lk Lk12.50. Ac + Ac18.5. 2 Co 2Co6.12. betwixt two. This does not mean he was equally indifferent to the two things, and desired a third, for he specifically states he is in a strait betwixt two. The alternatives are clearly (1) to remain in the flesh and (2) to die. The immediately corresponding advantages are (1) to benefit the Philippians in their spiritual growth or (2) to depart this life in death and be immediately with Christ, which Paul for himself would prefer. Annihilationists and materialists find it necessary to wrest this plain scripture, and in a vain effort to maintain their system against its logic, mangle Paul’s clear statement by affirming a third alternative, his desire to depart, which they claim is not a departure at all, but a reference to the returning and being with Christ. But if this were so, they are hard pressed to explain how Paul could affirm to the Philippians that it is better for him to remain in the flesh than for Christ to return. By dividing this third alternative, Jehovah’s Witnesses introduce a fourth, asserting Paul’s departure is a releasing, that is, “his own releasing to be with Christ at his return and the Lord’s releasing of himself from heavenly restraints to return as he promised” (New World Translation with references, 1984 revised edition, Appendix 5D, p. 1578), which by their doctrine occurred at the second presence of Christ (Appendix 5B, pp. 1576, 1577) in 1914 (Bible Topics for Discussion, p. 4; Make Sure of All Things, topic “Chronology,” pp. 89, 90, of 1965 edition). a desire. Lk Lk2.29, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 28. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Lk2.30. Jn Jn13.1. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.8. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.6. to depart. Gr. to analusai, ❅S#360g, only here and Lk Lk12.36 (return). f88, Ge + Ge15.15. Paul uses a beautiful euphemism for death, employing a Greek word which itself contains a Metaphor, to loose anchor. A. T. Robertson states “One may note here that Paul speaks as if he expected to be with Jesus at death without an interval. The word ‘depart’ (analusai, loosen up. The intransitive sense of depart is common in Polybius and the papyri, see p. 36 of Moulton and Milligan, Vocabulary, etc.) was variously used, for a ship’s departure, for breaking up camp, and for death. Paul himself uses a similar word (kataluthee) for death under the figure of breaking up camp or striking a tent (2 Co 2Co5.1). And in 2 Ti 2Ti4.6 he speaks of his own death again with the same word (analuseos) as here” (Paul’s Joy in Christ, p. 97, 98). See the related noun derived from this verb, ❅S#359g, analusis, which occurs at 2 Ti 2Ti4.6 (departure). Vine states for ❅S#360g, analuo, “lit., to unloose, undo (ana, up, or again), signifies to depart, in the sense of departing from life, Ph Php1.23, a metaphor drawn from loosing moorings preparatory to setting sail, or, according to some, from breaking up an encampment, or from the unyoking of baggage animals” (Expository Dictionary, vol 1, p. 294, 295). For ❅S#359g, analusis, Vine states “an unloosing (as of things woven), a dissolving into separate parts (English analysis), is once used of departure from life, 2 Ti 2Ti4.6, where the metaphor is either nautical, from loosing from moorings (thus used in Greek poetry), or military, from breaking up an encampment” (Expository Dictionary, vol. 1, p. 295). Compare the related word kataluo (❅S#2647g, Mt + Mt5.17 “destroy,” rendered “dissolved” in 2 Co 2Co5.1, used of the death of the body). Since the noun derived from the verb used here is likewise used by Paul of his “departure” or death (2 Ti 2Ti4.6), it should be so understood here of his death, as his death is the immediate subject of the context. F. W. Grant observes “And it is true that it sometimes means ‘return,’ but not so often as ‘depart,’ so that an Annihilationist alone could tell us why it should be so translated here. The reason being only in the exigencies of a theory, which must bend Scripture to its need, or be convicted of open opposition to it” (Facts and Theories as to a Future State, p. 119). A modern example of just such an explanation may be found in Appendix 5D of the 1984 revised edition of the Jehovah’s Witnesses New World Translation with references, p. 1578; p. 3591 of the six volumes in one edition of 1963; or pp. 780, 781 of the Christian Greek Scriptures, 1951 edition. Ja Jas2.26. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.6g. *X? f24:24A, Antimereia of the Verb: the Infinitive for a Noun, Ge + Ge32.24. E. W. Bullinger, being a materialist, and therefore an annihilationist, supports the mistaken view discussed above with the following comments. “Having a desire unto the return”: i.e., (lit.) unto the to return (i.e. the returning of Christ). ‘Analuo,’ to loosen back again, but always from there to here; hence, to return (not from here to there, which would be to depart). See the only occurrences of the verb: Lk Lk12.36. Tobit 2:1. Judith 13:1. 1 Esdras 3:3. Wisdom 2:1. 5:12. Ecclusiasticus 3:15. 2 Maccabees 8:25. 9:1. 12:7. 15:28; and Josephus Ant. vi. 4, 1. The meaning is that the Apostle knew not which to choose, whether to live or to die. His living would be better for them than his dying, but not better than a third thing which pressed him out of the other two, viz., the return of Christ, which was “far better” than either” (B492). See further on this mistaken view supported by E. W. Bullinger in the notes on Epanalepsis, f67, ver. Php1.24. be with. ver. Php1.21. Jb +* Job19.26, Job19.27. Ps * Ps49.15. Mt +* Mt10.28n. Mk Mk5.18. Lk Lk8.38. Lk12.4, Lk12.5n. Lk16.22. +* Lk23.43. Jn Jn11.11-14. + Jn12.26. +* Jn14.3. Jn17.24. Ac +* Ac7.59. 1 Co 1Co15.20-23. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.8. 2Co12.2. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.17. Re +* Re14.13. far better. f144:144C, Ge + Ge21.1. lit. much (pollo) Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 29. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

more (mallon) better (kreisson). Ps +* Ps16.10, Ps16.11. Ps17.15. Ps73.24-26. Re Re7.14-17. +* Re14.13. 24. to abide. ver. Php1.22, Php1.25, Php1.26. Jn Jn16.7. +* Jn21.22g. Ac Ac20.29-31. in the flesh. f67, Epanalepsis; or, Resumption: the repetition of the same word after a break, or parenthesis, Ro + Ro3.26. E. W. Bullinger explains this figure in support of his annihilationist position as follows. “In verse 20, the apostle had been speaking of glorifying God “by life, or by death.” For, if he lived, it would be “Christ,” and if he died, it would be “gain” to him, and would release him and give him rest from all his labors. The real conclusion is that if he continued to abide in the flesh it would be better for them. But this conclusion is interrupted by the mention, parenthetically, of a third thing, which made him unable to say which of the two (living or dying) he would really prefer, because this third thing was so much better than either of the other two; for it was—the return of Christ. Then, having mentioned this, he takes up the statement again, repeating the beginning of verse 22 (“in the flesh”) and continuing it in verse 24. Verse 22:—“But if I live in the flesh, *this is the fruit of my labor (yet what I shall choose I wot not, (23) for I am being pressed out of (ek) these two, having a strong desire unto the return, and to be with Christ, which is a far, far better thing): but to remain in the flesh] is more needful for you” (i.e., than dying—not better than Christ’s return)” (B206, 207). Bullinger then cites 1 Th 1Th4.17 to show that “and so shall we ever be with the Lord” proves our being with the Lord will only occur at the return of Christ: “There is, therefore, no other way of being ‘with the Lord.’ The Spirit of God would not have written one thing to the Thessalonians and a different thing to the Philippians” (B207). Bullinger’s view is mistaken, being forced by his materialist position. His identification of the figure Epanalepsis is undeniable, but he is otherwise mistaken in (1) his forced identification of “to depart” with the figure Antimereia (compare another theologically forced identification, Ps Ps16.10n); (2) his strained definition of “depart” as “unto the to return” (B492), and (3) his introduction of a “third thing” into Paul’s argument. 25. confidence. Ph Php2.24. Ac Ac20.25. for. Lk Lk22.32. Jn Jn21.15-17. Ac +* Ac11.23. +* Ac14.22. Ro * Ro1.11, Ro1.12. * Ro15.18, Ro15.29. 2 Co ✓ 2Co1.24. Ep +* Eph4.11-13. furtherance. ver. Php1.12. joy. ver. + Php1.4. Ps Ps60.6. Ro Ro5.2. Ro15.13. 1 P * 1Pe1.8. of faith. Ac + Ac6.7. 1 Co + 1Co16.13. 26. your rejoicing. Ph Php2.16-18. Php3.1, Php3.3. Php4.4, Php4.10. SS So5.1. Jn Jn16.22, Jn16.24. Ro Ro4.2. 1 Co 1Co5.6. 1Co9.15, 1Co9.16. 2 Co 2Co1.14. 2Co5.12. 2Co7.6. 2Co9.3. Ga Ga6.4. He Heb3.6. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. ver. Php1.8. Ph Php2.12. Mt * Mt24.23-27. Ac +* Ac1.11. 1 Co 1Co16.17. 2 Co 2Co7.6. 27. let. Ph Php3.18-21. Ac Ac23.1. Ep +* Eph4.1. Col +✓ Col1.10. 1 Th 1Th2.11, 1Th2.12. 1Th4.1. Ti Tt2.10. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.4-9. * 2Pe3.11, 2Pe3.14. the gospel. Ro * Ro1.9, Ro1.16. Ro15.16, + Ro15.19, Ro15.29. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.4. 2Co9.13. Ga Ga1.7. whether. Ph Php2.12, Php2.24. I may. Ep Eph1.15. Col Col1.4. 1 Th 1Th3.6. Phm Phm5. 3 J 3Jn3, 3Jn4. stand fast. Ph Php2.1, Php2.2. * Php4.1. Ps Ps122.3. Ps133.1. Mt Mt12.25. 1 Co 1Co1.10. ✓ 1Co15.58. + 1Co16.13, 1Co16.14. 2 Co 2Co13.11. in one. Je Je32.39. Jn Jn17.20, Jn17.21. Ac Ac2.46 Ac4.32. Ro Ro12.4, Ro12.5. Ro15.5n. 1 Co +* 1Co1.10. 1Co12.12, etc. Ep Eph4.3-6. Ja Jas3.18. Ju +* Jud3. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt26.41. mind. Gr. psyche, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 30. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

f121:121A, Mt + Mt22.37. striving. Ph Php4.3. Ju +* Jud3. the faith. Pr Pr23.23. Ac Ac24.24. Ro * Ro1.5. Ro10.8. Ep Eph1.13. 1 Ti 1Ti1.11, 1Ti1.19. 2 Ti 2Ti4.7. 28. in. Is * Is51.7, Is51.12. Mt +* Mt10.28. Lk * Lk12.4-7. Lk21.12-19. Ac * Ac4.19-31. * Ac5.40-42. 1 Th 1Th2.2. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.7, 2Ti1.8. He * Heb13.6. Re Re2.10. to them. 1 Co 1Co1.18. an evident token. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.5-10. 1 P * 1Pe4.12-14. but. Mt * Mt5.10-12. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro Ro8.17. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 2 Ti 2Ti2.11, 2Ti2.12. and that. Ge Ge49.18. Ps * Ps50.23. * Ps68.19, Ps68.20. Is +* Is12.2. Lk Lk3.6. Ac Ac28.28. 29. it is given. T#801. Ph Php2.9. Mt +* Mt5.12. Jn +* Jn6.45. Ac * Ac5.41. +* Ac11.18. +* Ac13.48. +* Ac18.27. + Ac25.11. Ro Ro5.3. Ep Eph1.3, Eph1.4. * Eph2.8. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. Ja Jas1.2. 1 P 1Pe4.13. the behalf. Ep ◐ Eph5.25, Eph5.26. Ti ◐* Tt2.14. He ◐ Heb9.14. Heb13.12. not only. Mt Mt16.17. Jn Jn1.12, Jn1.13. Jn6.44, Jn6.45. Ac Ac13.39. Ac14.27. Ep Eph2.8. Col Col2.12. Ja Jas1.17, Jas1.18. to believe. Ac Ac5.31. Ro + Ro10.14. 1 Co 1Co1.30. Ti Tt3.5, Tt3.6. 1 J 1Jn1.7. to suffer. Ph * Php3.8. Mk * Mk10.30. Ac +* Ac14.22. 30. the same conflict. Jn Jn16.33. Ro Ro8.35-37. 1 Co 1Co4.9-14. 1Co15.30-32. Ep Eph6.11-18. Col Col1.29. Col2.1. 1 Th 1Th2.2, 1Th2.14, 1Th2.15. 1Th3.2-4. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10-12. 2Ti4.7. He Heb10.32, Heb10.33. Heb12.1g, Heb12.4. Re Re2.10, Re2.11. Re12.11. which. Ac Ac16.19-40. 1 Th 1Th2.2. now. See on ver. Php1.7, Php1.13.

PHILIPPIANS 2 The apostle, by the most affecting topics, exhorts his brethren to humble, condescending, and self-denying love, Php2.1-4; after the example of Christ, in his incarnation, humiliation, and death on the cross, as introductory to his glorious exaltation, Php2.5-11. He exhorts to diligence, “in working out their own salvation,” as depending on the grace of God, Php2.12" Php2.13 }; and to profess the gospel, and adorn it among their neighbors, by a harmless and blameless example; in such a manner, that he might rejoice with them at the day of Christ, in the success of his labors, Php2.14-16. He assures them that he should joyfully become a martyr for their sakes; and he exhorts them to rejoice with him, Php2.17" Php2.18 }. He hopes to send Timothy to them shortly, whom he highly commends, Php2.19-23; as he does also Epaphroditus, their messenger to him; who had been sick, and was grieved that they had heard it; and who, as God had mercifully restored him, longed to return to them, Php2.24-27. The apostle therefore sends him back; and exhorts them highly to value him and such as he, seeing he had “disregarded his life, to supply their lack of service,” Php2.28-30. 1. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any consolation. Ph Php3.3. Lk Lk2.10, Lk2.11, Lk2.25. Jn Jn14.18, Jn14.27. Jn15.11. Jn16.22-24. Jn17.13. Ro Ro5.1, Ro5.2. Ro15.12, Ro15.13. 1 Co + 1Co14.3. 1Co15.31. 2 Co * 2Co1.5, 2Co1.6. 2Co2.14. Ep * Eph3.19. 2 Th * 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. He Heb6.18. 1 P 1Pe1.6-8. if any comfort. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Ps Ps133.1. Jn Jn15.10-12. Ac Ac2.46. Ac4.32. Ga Ga5.22. Ep Eph4.30-32. Col Col2.2. 1 J 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.8, 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.16. of love. Ro Ro15.30. 2 Th 2Th2.16. if any fellowhip. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Ro Ro5.5. * Ro8.9-16, Ro8.26. 1 Co * 1Co3.16. 1Co6.19, 1Co6.20. ✓ 1Co12.13. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ga Ga4.6. Ep * Eph1.13, Eph1.14. Eph2.18-22. Eph4.4. 1 P 1Pe1.2, 1Pe1.22, 1Pe1.23. 1 J 1Jn3.24. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt26.41. if any bowels. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. f121:121G, Is + Is63.15. See on Ph Php1.8. Col + Col3.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 31. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. Fulfil. ver. Php2.16. Ph 1:+ Php1.4, Php1.26, Php1.27. Jn Jn3.29. + Jn15.11. 2 Co 2Co2.3. 2Co7.7. Col Col2.5. 1 Th 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. 1Th3.6-10. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. 2 Ti 2Ti1.4. Phm Phm20. 1 J 1Jn1.3, 1Jn1.4. 2 J 2Jn4. 3 J 3Jn4. that. See on Ph Php1.27. likeminded. ver. Php2.20. Ph Php3.15, Php3.16. Php4.2. Ro + Ro12.16. Ro15.5n, Ro15.6. 1 Co * 1Co1.10. 2 Co 2Co13.11. 1 P 1Pe3.8, 1Pe3.9. one accord. Ac Ac1.14. Ac2.1, Ac2.46. Ac5.12. 3. nothing. ver. Php2.14. Ph Php1.15, Php1.16. Pr Pr13.10. Ro Ro13.13. 1 Co 1Co3.3. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga Ga5.15, Ga5.20, Ga5.21, * Ga5.26. Col Col3.8. 1 Ti 1Ti6.4. Ja * Jas3.14-16. Jas4.5, Jas4.6. 1 P 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.2. strife. Ph Php1.17. Ge Ge13.8. Ja + Jas3.14. vainglory. Ga Ga5.26. but. Lk Lk14.7-11. Lk18.14. Ro * Ro12.10. 1 Co 1Co15.9. Ep + Eph4.2g. * Eph5.21. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. lowliness of mind. T#482. Pr Pr25.6, Pr25.7. Mt +* Mt11.29 (T#62). *20:26, 27. Jn +* Jn3.30. Ro +* Ro12.3, Ro12.10. 1 Co 1Co13.4. Ga Ga5.26. + Ga6.1 (T#437). Ep Eph4.1, Eph4.2. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.17. esteem. 1 S * 1Sa2.30. 1Sa15.17. ◐ 1Sa18.23. Jb ◐+* Job23.12. Ps +* Ps119.21. Pr Pr25.27. Is ◐ Is53.3, Is53.4. Mt ◐+* Mt22.39. Jn +* Jn5.44. Ac Ac20.19. +* Ac28.15. Ro ✓ Ro12.3, Ro12.10, Ro12.16. 1 Co ◐* 1Co4.6. ◐ 1Co11.5. ◐ 1Co12.11. 2 Co +* 2Co10.12. Ga ◐* Ga6.4. Ep ◐* Eph2.10. Eph5.21, ◐+* Eph5.29. 1 Th ◐ 1Th5.13. 4. Look not. ver. Php2.21. Mt * Mt18.6. Ro * Ro12.15. * Ro14.19-22. +* Ro15.1, Ro15.2. 1 Co * 1Co8.9-13. * 1Co10.24, 1Co10.32, 1Co10.33. * 1Co12.22-26. * 1Co13.4, 1Co13.5. 2 Co 2Co6.3. 2Co11.29. Ja * Jas2.8, Jas2.15, Jas2.16. 1 J 1Jn3.14-18. others. Ga * Ga6.2. Ja Jas2.15, Jas2.16. 1 J 1Jn3.14-18. 5. this mind. Mt +* Mt11.29. * Mt20.26-28. Lk Lk14.11. Lk18.14. Lk22.27. Jn * Jn13.14, Jn13.15. Ac * Ac10.38. +* Ac20.35. Ro Ro14.15. * Ro15.3, Ro15.5. 1 Co * 1Co10.33. * 1Co11.1. Ep * Eph5.2. 1 P * 1Pe2.21. * 1Pe4.1. 1 J +* 1Jn2.6. 6. Who. Jn +* Jn1.1n. in the form. Is +* Is7.14. Is8.8. +* Is9.6. Je +* Je23.6. Mi +* Mic5.2. Mt +* Mt1.23. Jn * Jn1.2, Jn1.18. * Jn17.5. Ro +* Ro9.5. 2 Co +* 2Co4.4. Col +* Col1.15, Col1.16. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.17. * 1Ti3.16. Ti * Tt2.13. He * Heb1.3, Heb1.6, Heb1.8. +* Heb13.8. of God. This is a clear assertion on Paul’s part of the deity of Christ. Daniel Waterland gets to the crux of the controversy by setting forth two series of texts. The first series includes Is Is43.10. Is44.8. Is45.5. Is46.9, which declare that God is one, and to him none can be likened. The second series includes Jn Jn1.1. Ro Ro9.5. Ph Php2.6. He Heb1.3, Heb1.8, which declare that Jesus Christ is God. The consequences of the Arian scheme are that if the texts of Isaiah exclude the Son, he is altogether excluded, and is no God at all. He cannot, upon Arian principles, be the same God, because he is not the same Person: he cannot be another God, because excluded by the Isaiah texts. If, therefore he be neither the same God, nor another God, it must follow, that he is no God. This is the difficulty which lies against the Arian scheme, and which Arians have not sufficiently attended to. It will not do to make Jesus Christ “a god” in a lesser sense, reserving only to the Father the title of supreme God, for neither Isaiah, nor the first commandment, allow for such a distinction. If they had allowed such a distinction, then in what sense would the worship of Baal and Ashteroth be considered idolatry, if they were merely looked upon as inferior deities, and served with a subordinate worship? The Old Testament texts cannot mean that there is merely no other Supreme God; but absolutely no other: and therefore our blessed Lord must either be included and comprehended in the one Supreme God of Israel, or be entirely excluded with the other pretended or nominal deities. In no case have the Arians proved—what must be proved if their understanding is to be received Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 32. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

as correct—that texts which designate God the Father as the “only true God” (Jn Jn17.3) or “one God” (1 Co 1Co8.6) are meant to teach that the Son is absolutely excluded also from such designations, just as the Son is emphatically designated one Lord (Ep Eph4.5) without design to exclude the Father from being Lord also (see Daniel Waterland, Works, vol. 1, pp. 275-280). Waterland observes that the tactics of Arians in his day were to industriously run from the point, misrepresent our sense, and artfully conceal their own—characteristics which have not changed from his day to ours. Jesus must either be entirely excluded by the Isaiah texts, or not at all: and if he be not excluded, he is comprehended in the one Supreme God, and is one with him. Arians produce texts to show that the Father singly is the Supreme God, and that Christ is excluded from being the Supreme God: but I insist upon it, that you misunderstand those texts; because the interpretation you give of them is not reconcilable with other texts; and because it leads to such absurdities, as are too shocking even for yourself to admit. In short, either you prove too much, or you prove nothing (Waterland, vol 1, p. 278, 281). Subsisting in the form of God proves his nature and essence to be divine. John Daille states “As then the Lord Jesus, before He took our flesh, was in the form of God, it necessarily follows that He was truly God, no one being able to have the glory of God but He who had His nature also. And what the apostle adds, that He was “equal with God,” clearly also determines the same thing; it being evident that if the Son were a creature, He could not be equal to God; every creature being of necessity infinitely below the nature, power, and majesty of the Creator” (Comm. on Philippians, Sermon 9, pp. 91, 92). thought. Ge * Ge32.24-30. * Ge48.15, Ge48.16. Ex * Ex3.2-6. Jsh * Jos5.13-15. Ho * Ho12.3-5. Zc +* Zec13.7. Jn +✓ Jn5.18, Jn5.22, Jn5.23. ✓ Jn8.58, Jn8.59. +✓ Jn10.30, Jn10.33, Jn10.38. * Jn14.9. +✓ Jn20.28. He Heb5.5. Re * Re1.17, Re1.18. * Re21.6. not robbery. or, counted it not a prize. The Greek word harpagmos may bear either of two meanings: (1) in the active sense, the act of seizing, robbery; (2) in the passive sense, a thing held as a prize. The orthodox position may accept of either meaning, but the Arian position requires the latter meaning only, which is the reason they contend so strongly for it. The former meaning may be understood in the sense “Who because He was subsisting in the essential form of God, did not regard it as any usurpation that He was on an equality of glory and majesty with God, but yet emptied Himself of that co-equal glory”; the latter meaning may be understood in the sense “Who though He was subsisting in the essential form of God, yet did not regard His being on an equality of glory and majesty with God as a prize and a treasure to be held fast, but emptied himself thereof” (Vine, Expository Dictionary, vol. 3, p. 216, citing Gifford, The Incarnation, pp. 28, 36). Waterland offers the following explanatory paraphrase for the second view: “Who being essentially God (and consequently having a rightful claim to be honored equally with God), yet did not covet or desire to be so honored, did not insist upon his right; but, for the greater glory of God, and for the good of others, chose rather (in the particular instance of his incarnation) to wave his pretensions, and, in appearance, to recede from them” (Works, vol. 2, p. 110). Jn +* Jn5.18. * Jn10.33. ◐+* Jn14.30. equal with. f45, Is + Is40.31. f24:24G, Ge Ge1.9. i.e. on an equality with God. This is what the first man grasped at, tempted and deceived by the Old Serpent. But Christ, the second man, the last Adam, did not think it a matter to be grasped at in this way, “but humbled Himself,” and through suffering and death reached His exaltation (B496). Seven steps downward in the Savior’s humiliation are followed in verses 9-11 by seven steps upward in His glorification (B433). Is Is40.25. Is45.5. Zc Zec13.7. Ml Mal3.6. Jn +* Jn5.18n. Re Re1.17. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 33. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

7. made. Ps Ps22.6. Is Is49.7. * Is50.5, Is50.6. Is52.14. * Is53.2, Is53.3. Da Da9.26. Zc * Zec9.9. Mk * Mk9.12. Jn * Jn6.38. Ro * Ro15.3. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. He * Heb2.9-18. +* Heb12.2. * Heb13.3. no reputation. or, emptied himself. Waterland explains “we are not to suppose that he lost anything which he had before; or that he ceased to be in the form of God, by taking on him the form of man. No: he had the same essential glory, the same real dignity, which he ever had, but among men concealed it; appeared not in majesty and glory like to God, but divested himself of every dazzling appearance, and every outward mark of majesty and greatness, condescending to appear, and act, and converse as a man, like unto us in all things, sin only excepted” (Works, vol. 2, pp. 111, 112). Various kenosis theories have since been devised in an attempt to define what Christ “emptied himself” of—some asserting that he emptied himself of his divine nature, exchanging it for a human nature (thus denying the doctrine of the two natures in Christ); others assert that he gave up some of his divine attributes (such as omniscience, omnipotence, essential holiness—and so could sin, though he did not, though Scripture clearly affirms Christ was not able to sin, He Heb4.15); or his prerogatives as deity. Waterland’s observation that Christ gave up only the visible manifestation of his glory is the one explanation fully verified by Scripture. Ex = Ex40.34. Mk + Mk9.12g. Jn ✓ Jn17.5. Ac Ac8.33. 1 Co + 1Co1.17g. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. 2Co13.4. Re * Re5.12, Re5.13. and took. This refutes the error which maintains that Christ did not always possess a divine nature, for he had that nature, being in the form of God, before he took upon himself human nature, in the form of a servant. Is ✓ Is9.6. the form. Is * Is42.1. Is49.3, Is49.6. Is52.13. * Is53.11. Ezk * Eze34.23, Eze34.24. Zc * Zec3.8. Mt * Mt12.18. * Mt20.28. Mk * Mk10.44, Mk10.45. Lk * Lk22.27. Jn * Jn13.3-14. Ro +* Ro15.8. a servant. Ge = Ge39.1. Ps = Ps105.17. Is = Is49.7. Mt Mt20.28. was made. Jn + Jn1.14. Ro Ro8.3. Ga Ga4.4. in the. ver. Php2.6. Jn * Jn1.14. Ro Ro1.3. * Ro8.3. Ga * Ga4.4. He * Heb2.14-17. +* Heb4.15. likeness. or, habit. 8. found. f171:171J, 1 S + 1Sa13.15. in. Mt Mt17.2. Mk * Mk9.2, Mk9.3. Lk Lk9.29. he humbled. ver. Php2.7. Pr * Pr15.33. Lk Lk2.51. Ac Ac8.33. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. He * Heb5.5-7. * Heb12.2. and became. Ps * Ps40.6-8. Is * Is50.5, Is50.6. Mt * Mt26.39, Mt26.42, Mt26.52-54. Jn * Jn4.34. * Jn15.10. Ro Ro5.19. He * Heb5.8, Heb5.9. * Heb10.7-9. the death. f16, Ge + Ge1.27. Dt Dt21.23. Ps * Ps22.16. Jn * Jn10.18. * Jn12.28-32. Jn14.31. Ga +* Ga3.13. Ti * Tt2.14. He * Heb12.2. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. * 1Pe3.18. 9. Wherefore. Jn Jn10.17. God. Ge +* Ge3.15. Ps Ps2.6-12. Ps8.5-8. Ps45.6, Ps45.7. Ps69.29, Ps69.30. Ps72.17-19. Ps91.14. Ps110.1-5. Is +* Is9.7. Is49.6-8. Is52.13. * Is53.12. Da Da2.44, Da2.45. * Da7.14. Mt +* Mt11.27. * Mt28.18. Lk Lk10.22. Jn Jn3.35, Jn3.36. Jn5.2227. Jn13.3. Jn17.1-3, Jn17.5. Ac Ac2.32-36. Ac5.31. Ro Ro14.9-11. 1 Co 1Co15.24-27. He * Heb2.9. Heb12.2. 2 P 2Pe1.17. Re +* Re1.5. Re3.21. Re5.12. Re11.15. Re19.16. given. Ph Php1.29g. Ps Ps89.27. Ep * Eph1.20-23. Col +* Col1.18. He Heb1.4. 1 P 1Pe3.22. a name. f121:121T, Ep + Eph1.21. 1 S 1Sa18.30mg. SS So1.3. Ac Ac5.41. Ep Eph1.21. He Heb1.4. above. 1 Ch ◐ 1Ch29.11. 10. at the name. Is ✓▶ Is45.23. Jn Jn8.24. every knee. Ge = Ge41.43. Ex = Ex11.8. Is ✓ Is45.23-25. Mt + Mt14.33. Mt27.29. Mt28.18. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Ro Ro11.4. Ro14.10, Ro14.11. 1 Co * 1Co15.24, 1Co15.25. Ep Eph3.14. Col * Col1.18. He Heb1.6. Re Re1.7. Re4.10. 5:+ Re5.12, Re5.13, Re5.14. bow. f121:121S, Is + Is45.23. of things. Ep +* Eph1.10. Re Re5.3, Re5.13. under. Ex Ex20.4. Dt Dt5.8. Mt +* Mt12.40n. Jn Jn5.28, Jn5.29. Ep Eph4.9. Re Re20.13. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 34. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

11. every. Ps Ps18.49mg. Mt Mt10.32. Jn Jn9.22. Jn12.42. Ro ✓ Ro10.9. Ro15.9. 1 Co 1Co12.3. 1 J 1Jn4.2, 1Jn4.15. 2 J 2Jn7. Re Re3.5. Jesus Christ. Ac +* Ac2.36. Col Col2.6. is Lord. Ps Ps110.1. Je +* Je23.6. Lk Lk2.11. Jn + Jn13.13. +* Jn20.28. Ac * Ac2.36. +✓ Ac10.36. Ro * Ro10.9-12. * Ro14.9, Ro14.11. 1 Co * 1Co8.6. +* 1Co12.3n. ✓ 1Co15.47. Col * Col2.9. 1 P +* 1Pe2.3n. to the. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Jn13.31, Jn13.32. Jn14.13, Jn14.23. Jn16.14, Jn16.15. Jn17.1. Ro Ro15.7. 1 P 1Pe1.21. glory. Ph Php1.11. Ro +* Ro3.23. 12. my beloved. Ph * Php4.1. 1 Co * 1Co4.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.11. as ye. Ph * Php1.5, Php1.27, Php1.29. Php4.15. always obeyed. Ro Ro6.17. 2 Co 2Co10.5. He +* Heb5.9. * Heb13.7, Heb13.17. 1 P +* 1Pe1.22. presence. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3n. Ph 1:+ Php1.26, Php1.27. much more. Ge Ge39.6. Ex +* Ex18.21. Le = Le6.13. 2 K * 2Ki12.15. 2Ki22.2. Jb Job27.5, Job27.6. Ps Ps12.1. * Ps15.2-5. Ps18.21-23. Pr Pr11.3. Pr20.6, Pr20.7. +* Pr22.6. ◐* Pr25.19. Je Je5.1. +* Je12.5. Je15.18mg. Je35.6-10. Da Da1.8. Mk Mk13.32-36. Lk +* Lk16.10. Ac +* Ac6.3. 1 Co 1Co4.2. +* 1Co15.58. Ep * Eph6.5-8. Col ✓ Col3.22-24. in my absence. Mt Mt24.46. Mt25.14, Mt25.15, Mt25.19. Jn Jn20.29. work out. Ph * Php3.13, Php3.14. Pr * Pr10.16. * Pr13.4. Pr31.27. Mt * Mt11.12, Mt11.29. Lk * Lk13.23, Lk13.24. Jn * Jn6.27-29. Ro +* Ro2.7. 1 Co * 1Co9.24-27. ✓ 1Co15.58. 2 Co 2Co4.17g. * 2Co7.1. Ga * Ga6.7-9. 1 Th * 1Th1.3. He +* Heb3.14. * Heb4.11. +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. * Heb12.1. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-11. +* 2Pe3.18. own. Ph Php2.19. Ro * Ro13.11-14. 1 Co 1Co9.20-23. 2 Ti 2Ti2.9, 2Ti2.10. with fear. Ezr * Ezr10.3. Ps * Ps2.11. * Ps119.120. Is * Is66.2, Is66.5. Ac +* Ac9.6. Ac16.29. 1 Co +* 1Co2.3. 2 Co 2Co7.15. Ep * Eph6.5. He * Heb4.1. * Heb12.28, Heb12.29. 1 P ✓ 1Pe4.17, 1Pe4.18. 13. For. Jn Jn6.65. it is God. 2 Ch 2Ch30.12. Is * Is26.12. Je Je31.33. * Je32.39. Jn * Jn3.27. Ac Ac11.21. 1 Co 1Co12.6. + 1Co15.10. 2 Co * 2Co3.5. He * Heb13.21. Ja * Jas1.16-18. which worketh. Ps Ps68.28. Pr Pr16.1. Is Is26.12. Is43.13. Mt + Mt14.2. 2 Co 2Co6.1. to will. 1 K * 1Ki8.58. 1 Ch 1Ch29.14-18. Ezr Ezr1.1, Ezr1.5. Ezr7.27. Ne Ne2.4. Ps Ps110.3. Ps119.36. Ps141.4. Pr * Pr21.1. Jn * Jn6.45, Jn6.65. Ac +* Ac13.48. Ep Eph2.4, Eph2.5. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. Ti Tt3.4, Tt3.5. 1 P 1Pe1.3. Re Re17.17. good pleasure. Ps +* Ps115.3. Lk + Lk2.14. * Lk12.32. Ro Ro9.11, Ro9.16, +* Ro9.18. Ep * Eph1.5, Eph1.9, Eph1.11. * Eph2.8. 2 Th * 2Th1.11. 1 Ti 1Ti2.4. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 14. without murmurings. ver. Php2.3. Ex * Ex16.7, Ex16.8. Nu +* Nu11.1. Nu14.27. Ps * Ps106.25. Ps144.14. Is +✓ Is29.24. Is58.13. La La3.39. Mt * Mt20.11. Mk Mk14.5. Lk Lk10.40. Ac Ac6.1. 1 Co * 1Co10.10. Ja * Jas5.9. 1 P * 1Pe4.9. Ju +* Jud16. disputings. Pr Pr13.10. * Pr15.17, Pr15.18. Mk Mk9.33, Mk9.34. Ac Ac15.2, Ac15.7, Ac15.39. Ro * Ro12.18. Ro14.1. * Ro16.17. 1 Co 1Co1.10-12. 1Co3.3-5. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga Ga5.15, Ga5.26. Ep +* Eph4.31, Eph4.32. 1 Th 1Th5.13, 1Th5.15. 1 Ti 1Ti2.8. * 1Ti6.3-5. He +* Heb12.14. Ja Jas1.20. * Jas3.14-18. * Jas4.1. 1 P 1Pe3.11. 15. blameless. Ph Php3.6. Lk Lk1.6. 1 Co * 1Co1.8. Ep Eph5.27. 1 Th * 1Th5.23. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.10. 1Ti5.7. Ti Tt1.6. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.14. and. Mt * Mt10.16. Ro * Ro16.19. Ep Eph5.15. He * Heb7.26. harmless. or, sincere. Ph Php1.10. sons of God. Mt * Mt5.45, Mt5.48. Lk +* Lk6.35. Jn Jn1.12. Jn11.52. Ro Ro8.16, Ro8.17, Ro8.21. Ro9.8. 2 Co ✓ 2Co6.17, 2Co6.18. Ep Eph5.1, Eph5.2, Eph5.7, Eph5.8. 1 P 1Pe1.14-17. 1Pe2.9. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1-3, 1Jn3.10. 1Jn5.2. rebuke. Ep + Eph1.4. 1 Ti 1Ti5.14, 1Ti5.20. Ti * Tt2.10, Tt2.15. in the midst. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 35. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jn Jn17.15. 1 Co 1Co5.10. 1 P +* 1Pe2.12. a crooked. Dt =* Dt32.5. Ps Ps125.5. Mt Mt17.17. Lk Lk9.41. Ac + Ac2.40. Ac20.30. 1 P + 1Pe2.12. Re Re3.9. ye shine. or, shine ye. Is Is60.1. Mt * Mt5.14-16. Jn Jn5.35. Jn8.12. Ep * Eph5.8. Ti * Tt2.10. as lights. Ps Ps119.130. Pr +* Pr4.18. Re Re21.11. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 16. Holding forth. Ph Php1.27. Dt = Dt33.11. Ps Ps40.9, Ps40.10. Ps71.17, Ps71.18. Mt Mt10.27. Lk Lk12.8. Ro * Ro10.8-16. 2 Ti 2Ti4.2. Re Re22.17. the word. Jn * Jn6.63, Jn6.68. Ac Ac5.20. Ac13.26. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.15-17. He ✓ Heb4.12. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. 1 J 1Jn1.1. that I may rejoice. Ph + Php1.26. 2 Co 2Co1.14. 1 Th * 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. the day of Christ. Ph Php1.6, Php1.10. 1 Co +* 1Co1.8. not run in vain. Is Is49.4. 1 Co 1Co9.24-26. Ga Ga2.2. +* Ga4.11. Ga5.7. labored in vain. Is Is49.4. Is65.23. Ga +* Ga4.11. 1 Th 1Th3.5. 17. and if. f185:185A, Lk + Lk11.8. ver. Php2.30. Ph Php1.20. Ac * Ac20.24. Ac21.13. 2 Co 2Co12.15. 1 Th 1Th2.8. 2 Ti 2Ti4.6. 1 J 1Jn3.16. offered. Gr. poured forth. Le += Le23.13 (drink offering). Nu Nu28.7. Is Is53.12. 2 Co + 2Co12.15. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.6. 1 J 1Jn3.16. the sacrifice. Ph Php4.18. Ro +* Ro12.1. Ro15.16. He Heb13.15, Heb13.16. 1 P 1Pe2.5. and service. Lk + Lk1.23. Ro Ro15.16. I joy. Ph + Php1.4. Mt +* Mt5.12. 2 Co 2Co7.4. Col * Col1.24. 1 Th 1Th3.7-9. 18. do. Ph Php3.1. Php4.4. Ep Eph3.13. Ja Jas1.2-4. 19. But. or, Moreover. I trust. ver. Php2.24. Je Je17.5. Mt Mt12.21. Ro Ro15.12. Ep Eph1.13. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12mg. Ja * Jas4.15. 1 P 1Pe1.21. to send. ver. Php2.23, Php2.25. Ph Php1.1. Ro Ro16.21. 1 Co ✓ 1Co4.17. Ep Eph6.21, Eph6.22. Col Col4.8, Col4.9. 1 Th 1Th3.2, 1Th3.6. Timotheus. Ph Php1.1. Ac + Ac16.1. that I. ver. Php2.28. 1 Th 1Th3.6-8. 2 Th 2Th1.3. Phm Phm5-7. 3 J 3Jn3, 3Jn4. 20. I have. ver. Php2.2, Php2.22. Ps Ps55.13. Pr Pr31.29. Jn Jn10.13. Jn12.6. 1 Co 1Co1.10, 1Co1.11. Col Col4.11. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.5. likeminded. or, so dear unto me. 1 S 1Sa18.1, 1Sa18.3. 1 Co 1Co16.10. naturally. or, truly. Gr. genuinely. Ph + Php4.3. care. Mt + Mt6.25g. 21. all. f171:171A, Ex + Ex9.6. seek. T#136. ver. Php2.4. Jb +* Job21.15 (T#689). Is Is56.11. Ml Mal1.10. Mt * Mt16.24. Lk Lk9.57-62. Lk14.26. Ac Ac13.13. Ac15.38. 1 Co * 1Co10.24, 1Co10.33. 1Co13.5. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. 2Ti3.2, + 2Ti3.5 (T#191). 4:10, 16. the things. Ph Php1.20, Php1.21. 2 Co 2Co4.5. ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. 22. ye. Ac Ac16.3-12. 2 Co 2Co2.9. 8:+ 2Co8.2, 2Co8.8, 2Co8.22, 2Co8.24. as. See on ver. Php2.20. 1 Co * 1Co4.17. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2, 1Ti1.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. Ti Tt1.4. served with me. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10. in the gospel. Ph Php4.3. Ro Ro1.9. 23. to send. ver. + Php2.19. so soon. 1 S 1Sa22.3. 24. trust. See on ver. Php2.19. Ph Php1.25, Php1.26. Ro Ro15.28, Ro15.29. Phm Phm22. 2 J 2Jn12. 3 J 3Jn14. 25. Epaphroditus. Ph Php4.18. Col Col1.7. Col4.12. Phm Phm23. my brother. 2 Co 2Co2.13. 2Co8.22. Phm Phm1. companion. Ph Php4.3. Ro + Ro16.3. 1 Co 1Co3.9. 2 Co 2Co8.23. Col Col1.7. Col4.11. 1 Th 1Th3.2. Phm Phm1, Phm24. fellowsoldier. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.3, 2Ti2.4. Phm Phm2. messenger. Gr. apostle. Pr Pr25.13. Jn Jn17.18. 1 Co + 1Co12.28. 2 Co Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 36. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Co8.23. He Heb3.1g. and he. Ph Php4.18. 2 Co 2Co11.7-9. that ministered. Ro + Ro13.6. my wants. ver. Php2.30. Ph * Php4.18. 26. he longed. Ph Php1.3, + Php1.8. Php4.1. 2 S 2Sa13.39. Ro Ro1.11. 2 Co 2Co9.14. full. Jb Job9.27. Ps Ps69.20. Pr Pr12.25. Is Is61.3. Mt Mt11.28. Mt26.37. Mk Mk14.33. Ro Ro9.2. 1 P 1Pe1.6. ye had. 2 S 2Sa24.17. Jn Jn11.35, Jn11.36. Ac Ac21.13. Ro Ro12.15. 1 Co 1Co12.26. Ga Ga6.2. Ep Eph3.13. 27. sick nigh. ver. Php2.30. 2 K 2Ki20.1. Ps Ps107.18. * Ps116.15. Ec Ec9.1, Ec9.2. Is +* Is38.1. Jn Jn11.3, Jn11.4. Ac Ac9.37. but God. 2 K 2Ki20.5. Jb Job5.19. Ps Ps30.1-3, Ps30.10, Ps30.11. Ps34.19. +* Ps41.3. +* Ps103.3, Ps103.4. * Ps107.19-22. Is Is38.17. Is43.2. Ac Ac9.39-41. 1 Co 1Co7.25. 2 Co 2Co4.1. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13, 1Ti1.16. but on. Is * Is27.8. Je Je8.18. Je10.24. Je45.3. Hab Hab3.2. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 2 Co 2Co2.7. 28. more carefully. Lk Lk7.4. 2 Ti 2Ti1.17. Ti Tt3.13g. ye see. ver. Php2.26. Ge Ge45.27, Ge45.28. Ge46.29, Ge46.30. Ge48.11. Jn Jn16.22. Ac Ac20.38. 2 Ti 2Ti1.4. rejoice. Ph + Php1.4. and that. See on ver. Php2.27. 2 Co 2Co2.3. 1 J 1Jn1.3, 1Jn1.4. 29. Receive. Ph Php2.19, Php2.24, Php2.29. Mt * Mt10.40, Mt10.41. Lk Lk9.5. Jn Jn13.20. Ro Ro16.2. 1 Co 1Co16.10. 2 Co 2Co7.2. Col Col4.10. 3 J 3Jn10. gladness. Ph + Php1.4. Php3.1. Php4.4, Php4.10. Is Is52.7. Lk Lk2.10, Lk2.11. Ac Ac2.46. Ac8.8. Ro Ro10.15. Ep Eph4.9-12. Col Col3.17. and. 2 Co 2Co10.18. 1 Th * 1Th5.12, 1Th5.13. He Heb13.17. hold such in reputation. or, honor such. Lk Lk7.2. Ac Ac28.10. 1 Co 1Co16.18. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.17. 30. the work. 1 Co 1Co15.53. 1Co16.10. nigh. ver. Php2.17, Php2.27. Ph Php1.19, Php1.20. Mt * Mt25.36-40. Ac Ac20.24. Ro Ro16.4. 2 Co 12:15. Re ✓ Re12.11. life. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt2.20. f121:121A, Ge + Ge9.5. to supply. Ph Php4.10, Php4.18. 1 Co + 1Co16.17. Phm Phm13. your lack. ver. Php2.25. service. Ro Ro15.27. 2 Co 2Co9.12.

PHILIPPIANS 3 The apostle exhorts to joy in the Lord, and gives cautions against false teachers, Php3.1" Php3.2 }; shows that the church of real Christians are the true “circumcision,” Php3.3; and that he had better grounds of carnal confidence than most of those who trusted in the law, or inward distinctions, Php3.4-6; but he had learned to count all his gain loss for Christ; yea, that he still counted all things, as loss and dung, compared with the knowledge of Christ, and the “righteousness of God by faith” in him, Php3.7-9; desiring also to know the power of his resurrection, and to be conformed to him, even in suffering and death; if so be he might attain to the resurrection of the just, Php3.10" Php3.11 }. He owns, that he was not yet perfect, but that he anxiously and earnestly sought “the prize of the high calling of God,” Php3.12-14. He exhorts to an imitation of his example, Php3.15-17; as many, professing Christianity, “walked after the flesh,” in the way of destruction, Php3.18" Php3.19 }; with whom he contrasts true Christians, their heavenly conversation, and their expectation of Christ to raise their “vile body,” and render it “like to his glorified body,” Php3.20" Php3.21 }. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 37. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1. Finally. Ph ✓ Php4.8. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ep * Eph6.10. 1 Th * 1Th4.1g. 2 Th 2Th3.1. 1 P 1Pe3.8. rejoice. ver. Php3.3. Ph + Php1.4. * Php4.4. Dt * Dt12.18. * Dt16.11. 1 S * 1Sa2.1. 1 Ch 1Ch15.28. * 1Ch16.10, 1Ch16.31-33. 1Ch29.22. 2 Ch 2Ch30.26, 2Ch30.27. Ne * Ne8.10. Jb Job22.26. Ps * Ps5.11. Ps32.11. Ps33.1. * Ps37.4. Ps42.4. Ps97.1. * Ps100.1, Ps100.2. Ps149.2. Is +* Is12.2, Is12.3. Is41.16. * Is61.10. Is65.14. Is66.11, Is66.12. Jl Joe2.23. Hab ✓ Hab3.17, Hab3.18. Zp * Zep3.14, Zep3.17. Zc Zec10.7. Mt +* Mt5.12. Lk Lk1.47. Ro Ro5.2, Ro5.3, Ro5.11. 1 Th +* 1Th5.16. Ja * Jas1.2. 1 P * 1Pe1.6-8. * 1Pe4.13. To write. Ph Php2.17, Php2.18. Ro Ro15.14, Ro15.15. 2 P * 2Pe1.12-15. * 2Pe3.1. Ju Jud5. 2. Beware of dogs. Ps Ps22.16, Ps22.20. Pr Pr26.11. Is Is56.10, Is56.11. Mt 7:+* Mt7.6, Mt7.15. Mt24.10. Ga Ga5.15. 2 Ti 2Ti4.14, 2Ti4.15. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.22. Re * Re22.15. beware. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. evil. ver. Php3.19. Ps Ps119.115. Mt * Mt7.22, Mt7.23. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13. Ga Ga5.13. 1 Ti 1Ti1.19. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-6. 2Ti4.3, 2Ti4.4. Ti Tt1.16. 2 P 2Pe2.18-20. Ju Jud4, Jud1013. Re +* Re21.8. the concision. ver. Php3.3. Ro +* Ro2.28. Ga Ga2.3, Ga2.4. * Ga5.1-3, Ga5.6. Ga6.13. Re Re2.9. Re3.9. 3. we. Ge Ge17.5-11. Dt * Dt10.16. Dt30.6. Je Je4.4. Je9.26. Ro Ro2.25-29. * Ro4.11, Ro4.12. Col * Col2.11. circumcision. Ex Ex12.48. Ro * Ro2.29. worship. Ml Mal1.11. Lk + Lk2.37. Jn ✓ Jn4.23, Jn4.24. Ro Ro1.9. * Ro7.6. +* Ro8.15, Ro8.26, Ro8.27. Ep Eph6.18. Ju * Jud20. in the spirit. Gr. pneuma, Ac + Ac18.25n. Ro Ro8.14. Ga Ga5.25. 1 P 1Pe4.14. 1 J 1Jn4.2. Ju Jud20. rejoice. See on ver. Php3.7-9. Ps Ps105.3. Is Is45.25. Je * Je9.23, Je9.24. Ro Ro15.17. 1 Co 1Co1.29-31. Ga * Ga6.13, Ga6.14. have. ver. Php3.4-6. He * Heb9.10. 1 P 1Pe1.23-25. 4. have confidence. 2 Co * 2Co11.18-22. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any other. 1 Co 1Co3.18. 1Co8.2. thinketh. f122, Ex + Ex15.9. 5. Circumcised. Ge * Ge17.12. Le Le12.3. Lk Lk1.59. Lk2.21. Jn Jn7.21-24. of the stock. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ac Ac22.3. 2 Co 2Co11.22. of Israel. Ro +* Ro11.1. of the tribe. Ro +* Ro11.1. an Hebrew. f147:147H, Ge + Ge9.25. Ge Ge14.13. Ge40.15. Ge41.12. 1 S 1Sa4.6. Jon Jon1.9. Ac Ac6.1. 2 Co 2Co11.22. as touching. Ac Ac22.12. Pharisee. Ac +* Ac23.6. * Ac26.4, Ac26.5. 6. zeal. 2 S 2Sa21.2. 2 K 2Ki10.16. Ac Ac21.20. Ro +* Ro10.2. Ga * Ga1.13, Ga1.14. persecuting. Ac +* Ac8.3. * Ac9.1, etc. 22:3, 4. 26:9, 10. 1 Co 1Co15.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13. touching. ver. Php3.9. Mt ✓ Mt5.20, Mt5.27, Mt5.28. * Mt19.17-20. Mt23.25. Mk Mk10.20, Mk10.21. Lk Lk1.6. Ac Ac26.5. Ro * Ro7.9. Ro9.31, Ro9.32. Ro10.2-5. blameless. Ph Php2.15. 7. were gain. ver. Php3.4-6, Php3.8-10. Ge Ge19.17, Ge19.26. Jb Job2.4. Pr Pr13.8. Pr23.23. Mt +* Mt13.44-46. Mt16.26. Lk Lk14.26, Lk14.33. * Lk16.8. Lk17.31-33. Ac Ac27.18, Ac27.19, Ac27.38. Ga Ga2.15, Ga2.16. Ga5.2-5. those. f31, Is + Is1.21. counted loss. Lk Lk14.33. Ga ✓ Ga2.21. He Heb11.26. 8. doubtless. Nu Nu14.30. Ps +* Ps126.6. Lk Lk11.20. 1 Co 1Co9.10. 1 J 1Jn2.19. I count. Ge Ge45.20. 2 Ch 2Ch25.9. Ac Ac20.24. Ro Ro8.18. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. the excellency. ver. Php3.10. Is * Is53.11. Je +* Je9.23, Je9.24. Mt +* Mt11.25-27. Mt16.16, Mt16.17. Lk Lk10.21, Lk10.22. Jn Jn14.7, Jn14.20. Jn16.3. * Jn17.3, Jn17.8. 1 Co * 1Co2.2. 2 Co * 2Co4.4, 2Co4.6. * 2Co5.15. +* 2Co10.5. Ga Ga1.16. Ep Eph1.17, Eph1.18. Eph3.8, Eph3.9, Eph3.18, Eph3.19. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 38. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Col Col2.2, Col2.3. 1 P 1Pe2.7. 2 P 2Pe1.3. +* 2Pe3.18. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. my Lord. Lk Lk1.43. Lk20.42-44. Jn Jn20.13, +* Jn20.28. for whom. See on ver. Php3.7. Mt * Mt19.27-29. Mk +* Mk10.28-30. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. 2 Co 2Co11.23-27. 2 Ti 2Ti4.6. have suffered. Lk + Lk9.25g. loss. Ph ◐ Php4.18. Mt +* Mt16.26 (❅S#2210g). but dung. 1 K 1Ki14.10. 2 K 2Ki9.37. Jb Job20.7. Ml Mal2.3. win. Mt Mt13.44-46. He +* Heb3.14. 1 J 1Jn1.3. 9. be found. f171:171J, 1 S + 1Sa13.15. Ge * Ge7.7, Ge7.23. Dt Dt19.3, Dt19.4. He * Heb6.18. 1 P 1Pe3.19, 1Pe3.20. in him. Jn * Jn15.4. See on Ro +* Ro8.1n. Ro16.7. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. not having. f64, Ps + Ps1.1. ver. Php3.6. 1 K * 1Ki8.46. 2 Ch 2Ch32.25, 2Ch32.31. Jb Job9.28-31. Job10.14, Job10.15. * Job15.14-16. Job42.5, Job42.6. Ps Ps14.3. Ps19.12. Ps130.3, Ps130.4. Ps143.2. Ec +* Ec7.20. Is Is6.5. +* Is53.6. ✓ Is64.5, Is64.6. Mt Mt9.13. Ro Ro9.31, Ro9.32. * Ro10.1-3, Ro10.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. Ti ✓ Tt3.5. Ja Jas3.2. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.8-10. own righteousness. Jb ◐ Job27.6. Mt * Mt5.20. which is. Dt Dt27.26. Lk Lk10.2529. Ro * Ro3.19, Ro3.20. * Ro4.13-15. Ro7.5-13. Ro8.3. Ro10.4, Ro10.5. Ga Ga3.10-13, Ga3.21, Ga3.22. Ja * Jas2.9-11. 1 J 1Jn3.4. faith. Mk + Mk11.22. the righteousness. Ps Ps71.15, Ps71.16. Is Is45.24, Is45.25. Is46.13. * Is53.11. Je +* Je23.6. Je33.16. Da +* Da9.24. Jn Jn16.8-11. Ro +* Ro1.17. * Ro3.21, Ro3.22. Ro4.5, Ro4.6, Ro4.13. * Ro5.19, Ro5.21. Ro9.30. * Ro10.3, Ro10.4, Ro10.6, Ro10.10. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. Ga * Ga2.16. Ga3.11. 2 P 2Pe1.1. 10. I may know. f180:180D, Ex + Ex20.18. See on ver. Php3.8. Ro Ro13.11, Ro13.12. 1 Co 1Co15.34. Ep Eph4.13. 1 J 1Jn2.3, 1Jn2.5. and the power. Jn Jn5.21-29. * Jn10.18. * Jn11.25, Jn11.26. Ac Ac2.31-38. Ro +* Ro1.4. * Ro6.4-11. Ro8.10, Ro8.11. 1 Co 1Co15.21-23. 2 Co 2Co1.10. 2Co4.10-13. 2Co13.4. Ep Eph1.19-21. Col Col2.13. * Col3.1, Col3.2. 1 Th 1Th4.14, 1Th4.15. 1 P 1Pe1.3. 1Pe4.1, 1Pe4.2. Re Re1.18. and the fellowship. Mt Mt20.23. Ro * Ro6.3-5. Ro8.17, Ro8.29. 2 Co 2Co1.5. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Col Col1.24. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.11, 2Ti2.12. 1 P +* 1Pe4.13, 1Pe4.14. made conformable. ver. Php3.21. 2 Co * 2Co4.10, 2Co4.11. 11. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Ac Ac27.12g. Ro Ro1.10g. Ro11.14g. by. Ph * Php1.21. Ps Ps49.7. Ac Ac27.12. Ro Ro11.14. 1 Co * 1Co9.22, 1Co9.26, 1Co9.27. 2 Co * 2Co11.3. 1 Th 1Th3.5. 2 Th 2Th2.3. attain. f171:171J, Ac + Ac16.1. Lk * Lk14.14. * Lk20.35, Lk20.36. +* Lk21.36. Jn * Jn5.29. Jn11.24. Ac Ac23.6. Ac26.7. He Heb11.35. resurrection. lit. “outresurrection.” J. N. Darby affirms that “Scripture never confounds resurrection of and resurrection out of the dead” (Collected Writings, Vol. 11 (Prophetic No. 4, p. 364). W. J. Erdman states “It is very clear from these foregoing scriptures that believers in Christ, by virtue of their union with Him, share with Him a resurrection peculiar as to kind and as to time; it is the resurrection from among the dead, the rest of the dead waiting until their call to judgment comes. It is not a simultaneous raising of good and evil, nor a judgment of all in one brief period of time” (The Unseen World: A Concordance with Notes, p. 40). Ps ◐+* Ps6.10. Is ◐+* Is24.21, Is24.22. Lk +* Lk14.14. * Lk20.35. Jn Jn5.29. Ac Ac4.2. Ac26.23. 1 Co 1Co15.23. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16. 1 P 1Pe1.3. Re ◐+* Re20.5. of the dead. lit. from among or out of. Gr. ek, which expresses out of, from, from among, and (as noted in Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol 2, p. 298) invariably before a genitive signifies a whole from which a part is taken (Ac Ac3.23. Ac19.33. 1 Co 1Co5.13. He Heb5.1). Da * Da12.2. Mk Mk9.9, Mk9.10. Lk ✓ Lk20.35g. Ac Ac4.2. 1 Co 1Co6.14g. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16n. 1 P * 1Pe1.3. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 39. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

12. I had. ver. Php3.13, Php3.16. Ph * Php1.21. Ps Ps119.5, Ps119.173-176. Ro Ro7.1924. Ga Ga5.17. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12, 1Ti6.19. Ja Jas3.2. either were. Ex Ex23.29, Ex23.30. already perfect. ver. +* Php3.13. Jb ✓ Job9.20. +* Job17.9. Ps +* Ps37.18n. * Ps138.8. Pr +* Pr4.18. Ec +* Ec7.20. Jn ◐+* Jn17.6. Ro ✓ Ro7.21. 1 Co 1Co13.10. 2 Co +* 2Co7.1. 2Co13.9. Ep * Eph4.12. He Heb5.9. Heb11.40. ✓ Heb12.23. * Heb13.21. Ja ◐* Jas3.2. ✓ Jas4.17. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-8. +* 2Pe3.18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.8, 1Jn1.10. ✓ 1Jn2.1. ◐✓ 1Jn3.9. Re Re3.2. I follow. ver. Php3.14. Ps Ps42.1. Ps63.1-3, Ps63.8. Ps84.2. Ps94.15. Is Is51.1. Ho +* Ho6.3. 1 Th 1Th5.15. 1 Ti 1Ti5.10. 1Ti6.11. He +* Heb12.14, Heb12.15. 1 P 1Pe3.11-13. if that. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. ver. Php3.13, Php3.14. Ro Ro9.30. 1 Co 1Co9.24g. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12. that for. Ph Php4.10g. apprehended. Ps Ps110.2, Ps110.3. Zc Zec3.2. Ac * Ac9.3-6, Ac9.15. Ep Eph1.4. 2 Th 2Th2.13. 13. I count not. ver. Php3.8, +* Php3.12. Ph Php1.18-21. Php4.11-13. Ge * Ge12.9. Ge26.13. Ps Ps27.4. Ec Ec3.19. Mk Mk10.21. Lk * Lk10.42. Jn Jn9.25. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. apprehended. f63:63I, Jsh + Jos3.3. f63:63A, 2 S + 2Sa6.6. Supply ellipsis, (the prize). one thing. Ps Ps27.4. Lk +* Lk10.42. 2 P 2Pe3.8. forgetting. Ge = Ge45.20. Ps Ps45.10. Lk Lk9.62. 2 Co 2Co5.16. ◐ 2Co11.23-27. He Heb6.1. Heb12.1. and reaching. Ph * Php2.12. Jsh Jos13.1. Ro Ro15.23-29. 1 Co * 1Co9.24-27. He +* Heb12.1, Heb12.2. 14. press. Jsh +* Jos14.8. Lk Lk16.16. 2 Co * 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. 2Co5.1. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.8. Re Re3.21. the prize. 1 Co + 1Co9.24. the high. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro9.23, Ro9.24. + Ro11.29. Col Col3.1, Col3.2. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. He Heb3.1. 1 P * 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4, 1Pe1.13. * 1Pe5.10. 2 P * 2Pe1.3. 15. as many. Jn +* Jn17.6. Ro * Ro15.1, Ro15.8, Ro15.13, Ro15.14. 1 Co 1Co2.6. 1Co14.20. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ep +* Eph4.13. Col * Col1.28. Col4.12. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.17. He * Heb5.14g. Heb6.1. Ja * Jas1.4. 1 J * 1Jn2.5. be. f108:108A, Ex + Ex8.18. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. or, supply “(desire to) be.” perfect. ver. +* Php3.12. Mt + Mt5.48. Jn +* Jn17.6. 1 Co +* 1Co2.6. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. otherwise. Ga Ga5.10. be thus. ver. Php3.12-14. God. Ps +* Ps25.8, Ps25.9. Pr Pr2.3-6. ✓ Pr3.5, Pr3.6. Is Is35.8. Ho * Ho6.3. Lk Lk11.13. Jn +* Jn7.17. Col +* Col2.7. Ja +* Jas1.5. 16. whereto. Ga Ga5.7. He * Heb10.38, Heb10.39. 2 P 2Pe2.10-20. Re Re2.4, Re2.5. Re3.3. let us walk. f96:96B, Ex + Ex20.8. Ro Ro12.16. Ro15.5n. Ga + Ga5.25. Ga6.16. Ep Eph5.2-8. Col +* Col2.6. let us mind. See on Ph Php1.27. Php2.2. Php4.2. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. 17. be followers. Ph * Php4.9. 1 Co + 1Co4.16. 1Co10.32, 1Co10.33. +* 1Co11.1. 1 Th 1Th1.6. 1Th2.10-14. 2 Th 2Th3.7, 2Th3.9. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti4.12. He * Heb13.7. 1 P +* 1Pe5.3. and mark. Ps Ps37.37. Ro Ro16.17. 2 Th 2Th3.14. for an ensample. or, example. He +* Heb6.12. 18. For. f136, Is + Is60.12. many walk. Is Is8.11. Da Da4.37. 2 Co + 2Co11.13. Ga Ga2.14. Ep Eph4.17. 2 Th * 2Th3.11. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.10. Ju Jud13. I have told. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. Ga * Ga5.21. Ep * Eph5.5, Eph5.6. 1 Th +* 1Th4.6. even weeping. Ph Php1.4. Ps * Ps119.136. Ps126.6. Je Je9.1. Je13.17. Ezk +* Eze9.4. Lk Lk19.41. Ac * Ac20.19, Ac20.30, Ac20.31. Ro Ro9.2. 2 Co 2Co2.4. 2Co11.29. He Heb13.17. enemies. Ph Php1.15, Php1.16. Ro * Ro2.23, Ro2.24. 1 Co 1Co1.18. Ga Ga1.7. Ga2.21. ✓ Ga5.4. Ga6.12. 2 P * 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.2. the cross. 1 Co + 1Co1.17. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 40. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

19. end. f183. Hysteron-Proteron; or, Last First B703. Here, the “end” is put first, in order that the mind may dwell with greater horror on the things which lead to it. For other instances of this figure see He Heb3.8 and 4:2. Mt +* Mt25.41. Lk * Lk12.45, Lk12.46. 2 Co 2Co11.15. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.9. ✓ 2Th2.8, 2Th2.12. He * Heb6.6-8. 2 P 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.17. Ju Jud4, Jud13. Re Re19.20. Re20.9, Re20.10. +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. destruction. Nu Nu24.20. Dt +* Dt32.29. Lk * Lk12.45, Lk12.46. whose God. Ph Php2.21. 1 S 1Sa2.11-16, 1Sa2.29. Is Is56.1012. Ezk Eze13.19. Eze34.3. Mi Mic3.5, Mic3.11. Ml Mal1.12. Lk * Lk12.19. Lk16.19. Ro * Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 1 Ti 1Ti6.5. 2 Ti 2Ti3.4. Ti * Tt1.11, Tt1.12. 2 P 2Pe2.13. Ju Jud12. belly. f171:171Q, Ro + Ro16.18. i.e. themselves, and what they can get. T#199. Ge Ge1.29. Ge9.3, Ge9.4. Ex Ex32.6, Ex32.7. Nu Nu11.32. Dt +* Dt21.20, Dt21.21. Pr Pr21.17. Pr23.1-3, Pr23.20, Pr23.21. Pr25.16. Is Is22.12, Is22.13. ✓ Is56.11. Je Je35.14. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Da Da1.12, Da1.15. Mt Mt6.31-33. ◐ Mt11.19. Lk ◐ Lk7.34. Lk16.19, Lk16.25. Lk21.34. Ro + Ro14.21 (T#368). 1 Co ✓ 1Co3.16, 1Co3.17. +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. 1Co8.13. + 1Co9.25 (T#721). Ep +* Eph5.18. 1 Ti 1Ti3.8. 1Ti4.3. Ti Tt1.12. Tt2.3. 1 P +* 1Pe4.3. Ju Jud12. whose glory. Ps Ps52.1. Ho Ho4.7. Hab Hab2.15, Hab2.16. Lk Lk18.4. Ro +* Ro1.28, Ro1.32. + Ro6.21. 1 Co 1Co5.2, 1Co5.6. 2 Co 2Co11.12. Ga Ga6.13. Ja * Jas4.16. 2 P * 2Pe2.18, 2Pe2.19. Ju Jud13, Jud16. Re Re18.7. who mind. Ps Ps4.6, Ps4.7. Ps17.14. Mt Mt16.23. Ro ✓ Ro8.5-7. 1 Co 1Co3.3. Col ◐* Col3.1, Col3.2. 2 P 2Pe2.3. earthly things. Jn + Jn3.12g. 20. For our. Ph Php1.18-21. Ps +* Ps16.11. * Ps17.15. Ps73.24-26. Pr Pr15.24. Mt * Mt6.19-21. Mt19.21. Lk Lk12.21, Lk12.32-34. Lk14.14. 2 Co 2Co4.18. 2Co5.1, 2Co5.8. Ep Eph2.6, Eph2.19. Col * Col1.5. ✓ Col3.1-3. He Heb10.34, Heb10.35. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. conversation. Ph Php1.27. Is Is26.1, Is26.2. Ga Ga4.26. Ep + Eph2.19. He * Heb12.22, Heb12.23. Re Re21.10-27. is in. Mt Mt22.32. He Heb11.13. heaven. f96:96F, Ge + Ge3.8. Ep * Eph2.6. He +* Heb11.16. from whence. Ac +* Ac1.11. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.16. 2 Th * 2Th1.7, 2Th1.8. Re +* Re1.7. we look for. Ph Php1.10. 1 Co + 1Co1.7. 1Co15.23. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.8. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He ✓ Heb9.28. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.12-14. the Savior. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. 21. shall change. Jn +* Jn5.29. 1 Co * 1Co15.42-44, 1Co15.48-54. 2 Co ◐ 2Co11.13-15. our vile body. Ph Php1.21, Php1.23. Jb +* Job19.25, Job19.26. Jn +* Jn2.21, Jn2.22. Ro + Ro6.6. Ro7.24. +* Ro8.23. 1 Co 1Co15.40, 1Co15.44. 2 Co +* 2Co5.8. fashioned like. T#618. ver. Php3.10. Ac +* Ac2.24. Ro +* Ro8.29. 1 Co 1Co15.35-37, 1Co15.42-44, 1Co15.50-54. 2 Co 2Co5.2-4. Col Col3.4. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. his glorious. Mt * Mt17.2. Col * Col3.4. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. Re Re1.13, etc. the working. Is Is25.8. +* Is26.19n. Ho * Ho13.14. Mt Mt22.29. Mt28.18. Jn * Jn5.25-29. * Jn11.24-26. 1 Co * 1Co15.25-27, 1Co15.53-56. Ep 1:+ Eph1.19, Eph1.20. Re +* Re1.8, Re1.18. Re20.11-15. to subdue. 1 Co 1Co15.27, 1Co15.28. Col +* Col3.16.

PHILIPPIANS 4 The apostle affectionately exhorts and encourages the Christians at Philippi to stedfastness in the faith, concord among themselves, and joy in the Lord, Php4.1-4; and to moderation, confidence in God, constant prayer and thanksgiving, and positive themes for thought, Php4.59. He declares his joy in the Lord, on account of their renewed care of him, in sending by Epaphroditus a supply for his wants, Php4.10; for, though he had learned, and was able, “through Christ strengthening him,” to be content in any station; they had done well in Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 41. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

communicating with him in his affliction, Php4.11-14. Indeed, they alone had formerly thus communicated with him: and he rejoiced that they were thus fruitful; as it would redound to their own profit; being a spiritual sacrifice particularly acceptable to God through Christ, who would abundantly supply all their needs, Php4.15-19. To him he ascribes eternal glory, Php4.20; and concludes with salutations and benedictions, 24-28. 1. Therefore. Ph * Php3.20, Php3.21. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.11-14. and. See on Ph Php1.8. Php2.26. my joy. Ph + Php1.4. Php2.16. 2 Co + 2Co1.14. 1 Th * 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. 1Th3.9. and crown. Pr Pr16.31. Pr17.6. so stand fast. Ph +* Php1.27. Ps Ps27.14. Ps125.1. Mt Mt10.22. Jn ✓ Jn8.31. Jn15.3, Jn15.4. Ac * Ac2.42. +* Ac11.23. +* Ac14.22. Ro +* Ro2.7. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. * 1Co16.13. Ga * Ga5.1. Ep Eph6.10-18. Col * Col4.12. 1 Th * 1Th3.8, 1Th3.9, 1Th3.13. 2 Th 2Th2.15. 2 Ti 2Ti2.1. He +* Heb3.14. Heb4.14. Heb10.23, Heb10.35, Heb10.36. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. Ju * Jud20, Jud21, Jud24, Jud25. Re Re3.10, Re3.11. 2. beseech. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. Euodias. i.e. a sweet scent, ❅S#2136g. Syntyche. i.e. fate; well-met, ❅S#4941g. same mind. Ph +* Php2.2, Php2.3. Php3.16. Ge Ge45.24. Ps ch. 133. Mk Mk9.50. Ro Ro12.16-18. Ro15.5n. 1 Co +* 1Co1.10. Ep Eph4.1-8. 1 Th 1Th5.13. He +* Heb12.14. Ja * Jas3.17, Jas3.18. 1 P * 1Pe2.13. 1Pe3.8-11. 3. I. ver. Php4.2. Ro +* Ro12.1. Phm Phm8, Phm9. true. See on Ph Php2.20-25. Col Col1.7. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. Ti Tt1.4. help. Ph Php1.27. Ac Ac9.36-41. Ac16.14-18. Ro Ro16.2-4, Ro16.9, Ro16.12. 1 Ti 1Ti5.9, 1Ti5.10. which labored. Ph Php1.27g. in the gospel. Ph Php2.22. Ro Ro1.9. Clement. i.e. mild; merciful, ❅S#2815g. fellowlaborers. Ro + Ro16.3. whose names. Ex Ex32.32. Ps Ps69.28. Is Is4.3. Ezk Eze13.9. Da +* Da12.1. Lk +* Lk10.20. He Heb12.23. Re * Re3.5. * Re13.8. Re17.8. Re20.12, Re20.15. Re21.27. book. f22:22D, Ex + Ex32.32. 4. Rejoice. f66, Ge + Ge9.3. See on Ph Php3.1. 1 Ch = 1Ch15.16. Ps * Ps32.11. Ro * Ro12.12. 1 Th +* 1Th5.16. 1 P * 1Pe4.13. alway. Ps Ps34.1, Ps34.2. Ps145.1, Ps145.2. Ps146.2. Mt +* Mt5.12. Ac Ac5.41. +* Ac16.25. Ro Ro5.2, Ro5.3. 1 Th +* 1Th5.16-18. Ja * Jas1.2-4. 1 P * 1Pe4.13. again. f77, Ex + Ex3.19. Ph + Php1.4. Php3.1. 2 Co 2Co13.1, 2Co13.2. Ga Ga1.8, Ga1.9. 5. your moderation. lit. your moderate. f24:24G, Ge Ge1.9. Ge Ge13.8. Pr Pr25.16. Mt Mt5.39-42. Mt6.25, Mt6.34. Lk Lk6.29-35. Lk12.22-30. * Lk21.34. 1 Co 1Co6.7. 1Co7.29-31. 1Co8.13. * 1Co9.25. 2 Co 2Co10.1. Ep * Eph4.2. Ti Tt3.2. He +* Heb13.5, Heb13.6. Ja +* Jas3.17. 1 P 1Pe1.11. The. Mt Mt24.48-50. 1 Th 1Th5.2-4. 2 Th 2Th2.2. He ✓ Heb10.25. Ja * Jas5.8, Jas5.9. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. 2 P * 2Pe3.8-14. Re * Re22.7, Re22.20. at hand. Dt Dt4.7. Ps Ps119.151. Ro +* Ro13.12. 1 Co * 1Co7.29-31. 1Co16.22. 2 Th ◐+* 2Th2.2. Ja +* Jas5.3. 6. careful. or, anxious. Ps +* Ps34.4. Da Da3.16. Mt * Mt6.25-33. Mt10.19. * Mt13.22. Lk Lk10.41. * Lk12.22, Lk12.29. 1 Co 1Co7.21, 1Co7.22, 1Co7.32. 1 P ✓ 1Pe5.7. in every thing. T#1477. Ge * Ge32.7-12. 1 S * 1Sa1.15. * 1Sa30.6. 2 Ch * 2Ch32.20. * 2Ch33.12, 2Ch33.13. Ps * Ps34.5-7. Ps37.5mg. Ps51.15. ✓ Ps55.17, Ps55.22. * Ps62.8. Pr ✓ Pr3.5, Pr3.6. * Pr16.3. Je ✓ Je33.3. Mt ✓ Mt7.7, Mt7.8. Lk +* Lk11.9. * Lk18.1, Lk18.7. Ep * Eph6.18. Col * Col4.2. 1 Th +* 1Th5.17, 1Th5.18. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. Ju * Jud20, * Jud21. by prayer. Mt + Mt17.21. and supplication. 1 Ti + 1Ti2.1. thanksgiving. T#1415. 1 S 1Sa7.12. 2 S 2Sa22.50. Ne = Ne11.17. Ps Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 42. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps30.4. Ps35.18. Ps50.14. Ps79.13. Ps100.4. Ps116.17, Ps116.18. Ps119.62. Da +* Da6.10. Jon Jon2.9. Ro +* Ro1.8. 2 Co 2Co1.11. Ep * Eph5.20. Col Col2.7. * Col3.15, Col3.17. Col4.2. 1 Th * 1Th5.18. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.1. Re Re4.9-11. Re7.12. Re11.16, Re11.17. requests. Gr. aiteema, ❅S#155g. Lk Lk23.34 (required). 1 J 1Jn5.15 (petitions). known. Pr * Pr15.8. SS So2.14. Mt * Mt6.8. 7. the peace. T#666. Ph Php1.2. Nu Nu6.26. Jb Job22.21. Job34.29. Ps Ps29.11. Ps85.8. * Ps119.165. Is ✓ Is26.3, Is26.13. Is45.7. Is48.18, Is48.22. ✓ Is55.11, Is55.12. Is57.19-21. Je Je33.6. Lk Lk1.79. * Lk2.14. Jn +* Jn14.27. Jn16.33. See on Ro +* Ro1.7. * Ro5.1. Ro8.6. * Ro14.17. Ro15.13. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ga * Ga5.22. Col Col3.15. 2 Th 2Th3.16. He + Heb2.17 (T#582). *13:20. Re Re1.4. passeth. Ep Eph3.19. Re * Re2.17. shall keep. or, guard. Dt Dt32.10. Ne * Ne8.10. Pr Pr2.11. +* Pr4.6, Pr4.23. ✓ Pr6.22. Is Is26.3. 1 P +* 1Pe1.5. and minds. 2 Co + 2Co2.11g. through. 1 P 1Pe1.4, 1Pe1.5. Ju Jud1. 8. Finally. See on Ph Php3.1. whatsoever. Ro * Ro12.9-21. 1 Co * 1Co13.4-7. Ga * Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ja * Jas3.17. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-7. are true. Mt Mt22.16. Jn Jn7.18. Ro Ro12.9. 2 Co 2Co6.8. Ep * Eph4.25. Eph5.9. Eph6.14. 1 Ti 1Ti3.8, 1Ti3.11g. Ti Tt2.2g. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1 J 1Jn3.18. whatsoever things. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. honest. or, venerable. Ac +* Ac6.3. Ro * Ro12.17. * Ro13.13. 2 Co 2Co8.21. 2Co13.7. 1 Th 1Th4.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.8, 1Ti3.11. Ti Tt2.2, Tt2.7g. Tt3.14mg. He Heb13.18. 1 P 1Pe2.12. are just. Ge +* Ge18.19. Dt Dt16.20. 2 S 2Sa23.3. Ps Ps82.2. Pr Pr11.1. Pr16.11. Pr20.7. Is Is26.7. Mi +✓ Mic6.8. Mk Mk6.20. Lk Lk2.25. Lk23.50. Ac Ac10.22. Col Col4.1. Ti Tt1.8. are pure. Ps +* Ps101.3. Hab Hab1.13. Mt +* Mt5.8. 1 Th 1Th5.22. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti4.12. 1Ti5.2. Ti Tt2.14. Ja Jas1.27. Jas3.17. 2 P ◐ 2Pe2.14. 2Pe3.1. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.3. are lovely. 2 S 2Sa1.23. SS So5.16. 1 Co ch. 13. 1 P * 1Pe4.8. good report. Ph * Php1.27. Ac +* Ac6.3. Ac10.22. Ac22.12. Col Col4.5. 1 Th +* 1Th5.22. 1 Ti 1Ti3.7. 1Ti5.10. Ti * Tt2.10. He Heb11.2. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. virtue. Ru Ru3.11. Pr Pr12.4. Pr31.10, Pr31.29. 1 P 1Pe2.9g. 2 P 2Pe1.3-5. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. praise. Pr Pr31.31. Ro Ro2.29. Ro13.3. 1 Co 1Co4.5. 2 Co 2Co8.18. think on. Pr +* Pr4.23. Pr16.3. Pr23.7. Is ◐+* Is66.4. Je +* Je6.19. Ezk ◐+* Eze14.3. Lk Lk16.15. 2 Co +* 2Co3.18. 2Co10.5. 1 Th +* 1Th5.21. 1 J * 1Jn4.1. 9. which. Ph * Php3.17. 1 Co * 1Co10.31-33. +* 1Co11.1. 1 Th 1Th1.6. ✓ 1Th2.2-12, 1Th2.14. 1Th4.1-8. 2 Th * 2Th3.6-10. learned. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. received. Col Col2.6. in me. Ph Php3.17. do. Dt Dt5.1. Mt * Mt5.19, Mt5.20. Mt7.21, Mt7.24-27. Lk +✓ Lk6.46. Lk8.21. Jn +* Jn2.5. +* Jn13.17. +* Jn15.14. Ac Ac9.6. 2 Th 2Th3.4. Ja +* Jas1.22. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.3. * 1Jn3.22. the God. ver. Php4.7. Ro + Ro15.33. * Ro16.19, Ro16.20. 1 Co * 1Co14.33. 2 Co 2Co5.19, 2Co5.20. 2Co13.11. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23. He * Heb13.20, Heb13.21. with. Is Is8.10. Is41.10. Mt +* Mt1.23. * Mt28.20. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. 10. I rejoiced. See on Ph Php1.1, Php1.3, + Php1.4. 2 Co 2Co7.6, 2Co7.7. your. 2 Co 2Co11.9. Ga Ga6.6. hath flourished. or, is revived. Ph Php2.30. Ps Ps85.6. Ho Ho14.7. 2 Co 2Co11.9. wherein. Ph Php3.12g. but ye lacked. f78. Epitherapeia; or, Qualification B466. Addition of conclusion by way of modification. The figure is employed when a sentence is added at the end to heal, soften, mitigate, or modify what has been before said, so that modesty or other feeling might not be offended or injured. It may be added by way of apology. For another instance of this figure see Mt Mt26.41. 2 Co 2Co6.7. Ga +* Ga6.10. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 43. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

11. in respect. 1 Co 1Co4.11, 1Co4.12. 2 Co 2Co6.10. * 2Co8.9. 2Co11.27. want. Mk Mk12.44. I have learned. Ph Php3.8. Ps Ps119.71. Is Is1.16, Is1.17. Mt Mt11.29. Jn Jn6.45. Ep Eph4.20-23. 1 Ti 1Ti5.4. He Heb5.8. Heb10.34. therewith. f63:63C, Ge + Ge25.32. Supply ellipsis “to be content (with the will of God). to be content. T#133. Ge Ge28.20. Ex Ex2.21. Ps ◐+* Ps77.3. Pr Pr15.16. ◐+* Pr19.3. + Pr23.4 (T#626). Is +* Is29.24. Mt ✓ Mt6.21-34. Lk * Lk3.14. 2 Co 2Co9.8. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.6-9. He +* Heb13.5, Heb13.6. 12. how to be. Ac * Ac20.33, Ac20.34. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. 2 Co 2Co6.4-10. 2Co10.1, 2Co10.10. 2Co11.7, 2Co11.27. 2Co12.7-10. I am. Dt Dt32.10. Ne Ne9.20. Pr * Pr30.8, Pr30.9. Is Is8.11. Je Je31.19. Mt * Mt11.29. +* Mt13.52. Ep * Eph4.20, Eph4.21. suffer need. Lk Lk15.14. 2 Co 2Co11.9. 13. can do. Nu Nu13.30. Jn * Jn15.4, Jn15.5, Jn15.7. 2 Co * 2Co3.4, 2Co3.5. all. ✓ f171:171A, Ex + Ex9.6. through Christ. Is Is40.29-31. * Is41.10. Is45.24. See on 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ep +* Eph3.16. Eph6.10. Col * Col1.11. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.12. strengtheneth. Dt Dt31.23. Jsh = Jos17.17. Is Is45.24. Zc Zec10.12. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9. Ep * Eph3.14-17. 14. ye have. 1 K 1Ki8.18. 2 Ch 2Ch6.8. Mt Mt25.21. 3 J 3Jn5-8. ye did communicate. ver. Php4.18. Ph Php1.7. Ro Ro15.27. 1 Co 1Co9.10, 1Co9.11. Ga Ga6.6. 1 Ti 1Ti6.18. He Heb10.33, Heb10.34. Heb13.16. Re Re1.9. 15. Philippians. i.e. war-like, ❅S#5374g. beginning. Ph + Php1.5. 2 K 2Ki5.16, 2Ki5.20. 2 Co * 2Co11.8-12. 2Co12.11-15. I departed. Ac Ac16.40. Ac17.1-5. Macedonia. Ac + Ac16.9. giving. Ja Jas1.17g. 16. even. f63:63B, Ge + Ge2.10. Supply by ellipsis (absolute: of the verb substantive), “For even (when I was) in Thessalonica.” in. Ac + Ac17.1. 1 Th 1Th2.9. 2 Th 2Th3.8. once and again. 1 Th 1Th2.18. 17. because. ver. Php4.11. Ml Mal1.10. Ac * Ac20.33-35. 1 Co 1Co9.12-15. 2 Co 2Co9.5. 2Co11.16. 1 Th 1Th2.5. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. 1Ti6.10. Ti Tt1.7. 1 P 1Pe5.2. 2 P 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.15. Ju Jud11. fruit. Ph Php1.11. Mi Mic7.1. Jn +* Jn15.8, Jn15.16. Ro + Ro1.13. Ro15.28. 2 Co 2Co9.9-13. Ti Tt3.14. to your. 1 S * 1Sa30.24. Pr +* Pr19.17. Mt ✓ Mt10.40-42. * Mt25.34-40. Lk ✓ Lk14.12-14. Ac Ac10.4. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.17-19. He +* Heb6.10. +* Heb10.34. 18. I have all. or, I have received all. Ph ◐ Php3.8. Mt + Mt6.2g. abound. ver. Php4.12. Le = Le7.10. 2 Ch = 2Ch31.10. Mt Mt14.20. Lk Lk15.17. 2 Th 2Th1.3. having received. Ph + Php2.25. Epaphroditus. i.e. lovely; fascinating, ❅S#1891g. Ph * Php2.25g, Php2.26. an odor. Ex += Ex30.1. SS += So1.12. Jn Jn12.3-8. 2 Co 2Co2.15, 2Co2.16. Ep +* Eph5.2. He * Heb13.16. 1 P * 1Pe2.5. smell. f22:22C, Ge + Ge8.21. sacrifice. Is Is56.7. acceptable. Ne = Ne10.38. Ro +* Ro12.1. 2 Co 2Co9.7, 2Co9.12. wellpleasing. Ga * Ga5.6. He ✓ Heb11.6. 19. my God. Ph + Php1.3. 2 S * 2Sa22.7. 2 Ch 2Ch18.13. Ne * Ne5.19. Ps * Ps63.1. Da Da6.22. Mi * Mic7.7. Jn Jn20.17, +* Jn20.28. Ro Ro1.8. 2 Co 2Co12.21. Phm Phm4. supply. Ge * Ge48.15. Nu = Nu7.5, Nu7.6. Dt * Dt8.3, Dt8.4. Ne Ne9.15. Ps * Ps23.1-5. Ps41.1-3. * Ps84.11. Ps112.5-9. Pr * Pr3.9, Pr3.10. * Pr11.24, Pr11.25. Ml * Mal3.10. Lk * Lk12.30-33. 2 Co * 2Co9.8-11. all. 2 Ch * 2Ch25.9. Ro +* Ro8.32. your need. T#1146. Ge = Ge42.25. 2 Ch 2Ch20.12. Ps * Ps9.18. Ps22.11. Ps25.16. Ps28.1. Ps31.9, Ps31.10. * Ps37.3, Ps37.4. Ps38.1Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 44. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

8. Ps39.12, Ps39.13. Ps40.11, Ps40.12. Ps56.1. Ps69.1-3. Ps142.6. * Ps143.7. La La1.20, La1.21. Mt * Mt6.8. according. Ge Ge45.21. Ps Ps36.8. * Ps84.11. * Ps104.24. * Ps130.7. Mt * Mt6.33. Mt9.29. Ro +* Ro2.4. +* Ro8.32. Ro9.23. * Ro11.33. Ep * Eph1.7, Eph1.18. * Eph2.7. 3:* Eph3.8, Eph3.16, ✓ Eph3.20. Col * Col1.27. * Col3.16. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.17. riches. f22:22D, Pr + Pr8.18. glory. Ps Ps145.10-13. Ro ✓ Ro8.18. 1 Co * 1Co2.9. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. Col Col1.12. * Col3.4. 1 Th * 1Th2.12. 1 P 1Pe5.1, 1Pe5.10. 20. unto. Ph Php1.11. Ps Ps72.19. Ps115.1. Mt * Mt6.9, Mt6.13. Ro +* Ro11.36. Ro16.27. Ga 1:+ Ga1.4, Ga1.5. Ep Eph3.21. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. 2 Ti 2Ti4.18. Ju * Jud25. Re Re1.6. Re4.9-11. Re5.12. Re7.12. Re11.13. Re14.7. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Amen. ver. Php4.23. Mt Mt6.12. Mt28.20. 21. Salute. See on Ro Ro16.3-16. saint. Ph Php1.1. 1 Co 1Co1.2. Ep Eph1.1. The brethren. Ro Ro16.21, Ro16.22. Ga Ga1.2. Ga2.3. Ep + Eph6.23. Col Col4.10-14. Phm Phm23, Phm24. 22. the saints. Ro Ro16.16. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. 2Co13.13. He Heb13.24. 1 P 1Pe5.13. 3 J 3Jn14. they. Ph * Php1.13. Caesar’s. The cruel, worthless, and diabolical Nero was at this time emperor of Rome; but it is not improbable that the empress Poppaea was favorably inclined to Christianity, as Josephus relates that “she was a worshipper of the true God.” Jerome states (in Philemon) that St. Paul had converted many of Caesar’s family; for “being by the emperor cast into prison, he became more known to his family, and turned the house of Christ’s persecutor into a church.” Ac + Ac17.7. 1 Co * 1Co1.26. * 1Co7.20-22. 23. grace. Ro Ro16.20, Ro16.24. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ga + Ga6.18. you all. or, your spirit. Gr. pneuma, f171:171Q, Mk + Mk2.8n.

COLOSSIANS COLOSSIANS 1 The apostle salutes the saints at Colosse, Col1.1" Col1.2 }; thanks God for the good account which he had heard from Epaphras, of their faith and love, Col1.3-8; shows, how he prayed for their increasing knowledge, holiness, patience, joy, and gratitude for redeeming love, Col1.914; declares in exalted terms the personal and mediatorial glory of Christ, Col1.15-20; by whom they, who were once enemies, were now reconciled to God; and would be eternally saved, if they continued in the faith of the gospel, of which Paul was made a minister, Col1.2123; who rejoiced in all his labors and sufferings for their sakes, as the apostle of the Gentiles, Col1.24-27; and labored earnestly, “according to the mighty power of God in him,” Col1.28" Col1.29 }. 1. an apostle. See on Ro Ro1.1. 1 Co 1Co1.1. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. Ep Eph1.1. by the will. 1 Co + 1Co1.1. Ga * Ga1.1. * Ga2.8. Timotheus. Ac + Ac16.1. Ph Php1.1. 1 Th 1Th1.1. 2 Th 2Th1.1. Phm Phm1. 2. To. Is +* Is8.20n. Ro +* Ro1.7. the saints. The term agios, saint, properly denotes a holy person, separated from sin, and consecrated to God, probably from agos, a thing sacred, purity; and such the gospel requires every man to be, and such every true believer is. To Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 45. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

restrict it here to those who adhered to the purity of the Christian faith in opposition to the Judiazing Christians, greatly impoverishes and debases the sense, as Dr. Doddridge well remarks. Taking it in the sense of those few holy persons canonized by the church and now in heaven is of course a wholly mistaken and unscriptural view of the term. See on Ps Ps16.3. 1 Co * 1Co1.2. Ga Ga3.9. Ep Eph1.1. 2 P * 2Pe1.1. 1 J 1Jn1.3. faithful brethren. 1 Co ✓ 1Co4.17. Ep Eph1.1. Eph6.21. 1 J * 1Jn3.14. in Christ. Ro Ro8.1n. Colosse. i.e. punishment; monstrosities, ❅S#2857g. Grace. Ro + Ro1.7. Ga Ga1.3. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 2 P * 2Pe1.2. Ju Jud2. Re Re1.4. 3. give. Ro Ro1.8, Ro1.9. 1 Co 1Co1.4. Ep Eph1.15, Eph1.16. Ph * Php1.3-5. * Php4.6. 1 Th 1Th1.2. to God. Ro + Ro15.6. praying. ver. Col1.9, Col1.13. Ep * Eph3.14-19. Ph * Php1.911. 1 Th 1Th3.10-13. 2 Th * 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. 4. we. ver. Col1.9. 2 Co 2Co7.7. Ep Eph1.15. 1 Th 1Th3.6. 3 J 3Jn3, * 3Jn4. faith. Ga * Ga5.6. 1 Th +* 1Th1.3. 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 2 Th * 2Th1.3. Phm * Phm5. 1 P * 1Pe1.21-23. 1 J * 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.23. * 1Jn4.16. the love. He +* Heb6.10. 2 P * 2Pe1.5, 2Pe1.7. 5. the hope. ver. * Col1.23, Col1.27. Ac + Ac23.6. * Ac24.15. Ac26.6, Ac26.7. Ro +* Ro15.4. 1 Co 1Co13.13. * 1Co15.19. Ga * Ga5.5. Ep * Eph1.18, Eph1.19. +* Eph4.4. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. Ti + Tt1.2. He + Heb3.6. Heb7.19. 1 P +* 1Pe3.15. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. laid. Ps * Ps31.19. Mt ✓ Mt6.19-21. Lk Lk12.33, Lk12.34. Ph Php3.20. 1 Ti 1Ti6.19. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. the word. Col * Col3.16. Ac +* Ac10.36. Ac13.26. Ro * Ro10.8. 2 Co 2Co5.19. 2Co6.7. Ep +* Eph1.13. 1 Th * 1Th1.5. ✓ 1Th2.13. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.2. the truth. Ga + Ga2.5. 6. is come. ver. Col1.23. Ps Ps98.3. Mt Mt24.14. +* Mt28.19. Mk * Mk16.15. Ro + Ro1.8. * Ro10.18. Ro15.19. Ro16.26. 2 Co 2Co10.14. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. bringeth. ver. Col1.10. Ge Ge39.3, Ge39.23. Dt Dt29.9. Jsh ✓ Jos1.8. Ps +* Ps1.3. Is Is44.4. Mk * Mk4.8, Mk4.26-29. Jn +* Jn15.16. Ac Ac12.24. Ro Ro1.13. Ro15.28. Ep * Eph5.9. Ph * Php1.11. Php4.17. 1 P * 1Pe2.2. since. Ro ✓ Ro10.17. Ep Eph4.21. knew. Gr. epiginosko, Mt + Mt11.27. Ps * Ps110.3. Ac Ac11.18. * Ac16.14. +* Ac26.18. Ro Ro16.26. 1 Co * 1Co15.10, 1Co15.11. 2 Co +* 2Co6.1. Ep * Eph3.2. Eph4.23, Eph4.24. 1 Th * 1Th1.5. ✓ 1Th2.13. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. Ti ✓ Tt2.11, Tt2.12. 1 P 1Pe1.2, 1Pe1.3. * 1Pe5.12. the grace. Ac +* Ac11.23. * Ac20.24. in truth. Jn ✓ Jn4.23. 7. Epaphras. i.e. covered with foam, ❅S#1889g. Col * Col4.12g. Ph Php2.25. Php4.18. Phm * Phm23g. our. Col Col4.17. See on Ph Php2.19-22, Php2.25. faithful minister. ver. Col1.23, Col1.25. Col Col4.9. Nu Nu12.7. Mt +* Mt24.45. * Mt25.21. 1 Co * 1Co1.17. + 1Co3.5. 4:+ 1Co4.2, 1Co4.17. * 1Co7.25. 2 Co 2Co11.23. Ep Eph6.21. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.6. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.2. He Heb2.17. Heb3.2. 8. love. ver. Col1.4. Ro * Ro5.5. * Ro15.30. Ga +* Ga5.22. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. 1 P * 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.8, 1Pe1.22. * 1Pe2.5. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Ac + Ac18.25n. 9. since. ver. Col1.3, Col1.4, Col1.6. Ro Ro1.8-10. Ep * Eph1.15, Eph1.16. do not cease. 1 S ✓ 1Sa12.23. Ac * Ac12.5. Ro +* Ro1.9. Ep Eph1.16. Ph Php1.4. 1 Th 1Th1.3. +* 1Th5.17. 2 Th * 2Th1.11, 2Th1.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3, 2Ti1.4. Phm Phm4. to pray. Mk * Mk11.24. that ye. 1 Co 1Co1.5. Ep * Eph1.15-20. Eph3.14-19. Ph * Php1.9-11. the knowledge. Col Col2.2. Col3.10. Ac Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 46. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

+ Ac22.14. Ep Eph1.9. Eph4.13. Ph Php1.9. 1 Ti + 1Ti2.4. Phm Phm6. of his will. Col * Col4.12. Ps * Ps143.10. Jn +* Jn7.17. Ro +* Ro12.2. Ep Eph5.10, * Eph5.17. * Eph6.6. 1 Th * 1Th4.3. He +* Heb10.36. *13:21. 1 P * 1Pe2.15. 1Pe4.2. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.17. wisdom. ver. Col1.28. Col ✓ Col3.16. ✓ Col4.5. Ps * Ps119.99. 1 Co + 1Co12.8. Ep * Eph1.8. Ja +* Jas1.5. * Jas3.17. spiritual. Ro + Ro1.11g. understanding. Col Col2.2. Ps +* Ps119.27. Mk + Mk12.33. Ep Eph5.17. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. 10. walk worthy. T#1740. Col +* Col2.6. * Col4.5. Ps +* Ps1.1, Ps1.3. * Ps119.3. Ps128.1. Mi * Mic4.5. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. Ro Ro4.12. +* Ro6.4. Ep * Eph4.1. * Eph5.2, Eph5.15. Ph * Php1.27. 1 Th * 1Th2.12. all pleasing. Col * Col3.20. Ps Ps147.11. Ps149.4. Pr +* Pr16.7. 2 Co 2Co5.9. Ep Eph5.10. Ph Php4.18. 1 Th * 1Th4.1. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.4. He * Heb11.5. * Heb13.16, Heb13.21. 1 J * 1Jn3.22. fruitful. T#1503. ver. Col1.6. Ps +* Ps1.3. Jn +* Jn15.8, Jn15.16. 2 Co 2Co9.10. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. Ph * Php1.9-11. Php4.17. Ti * Tt3.1, Tt3.14. He * Heb13.21. 1 P +* 1Pe2.2. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.8. good work. Ac + Ac9.36. 2 Co * 2Co9.8. Ti * Tt3.1, Tt3.8, Tt3.14. increasing. Col Col2.19. Is * Is53.11. Da +* Da12.4. Hab * Hab2.14. Jn ✓ Jn17.3. 2 Co 2Co2.14. * 2Co4.6. ✓ 2Co9.8. Ep * Eph1.17. Eph4.13. 2 P 2Pe1.2, 2Pe1.3. +* 2Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn5.20, 1Jn5.21. knowledge. Ps +* Ps51.6. Pr +* Pr15.14. Ho * Ho6.3, Ho6.6. 11. Strengthened. Dt * Dt33.25. Jsh * Jos1.9. Is Is40.29, Is40.31. See on Is Is45.24. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9. Ep +* Eph3.16. * Eph6.10. Ph ✓ Php4.13. He Heb11.34. his glorious power. f24.O, Ge + Ge9.5. ver. Col1.17, Col1.29. Ex Ex15.6. Ps Ps63.2. Ac +* Ac1.8. Ro Ro6.4. 2 Co 2Co4.7. Ep Eph1.19. He * Heb1.3. Ju * Jud25. patience. T#1633. Pr Pr24.10. Ac Ac5.41. Ro Ro2.7. * Ro5.3-5. 2 Co 2Co6.4-6. ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ep Eph4.2. 1 Th 1Th3.3-5. 2 Ti 2Ti2.1-3. He * Heb10.34-38. Heb11.34-38. +* Heb12.1, Heb12.2. Ja * Jas1.2-4. * Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 2 P +* 2Pe1.6. Re * Re14.12. longsuffering. T#1608. ❅S#3115g. Col Col3.12. Ro Ro2.4. Ro9.22. 2 Co 2Co6.6. Ga * Ga5.22. Ep + Eph4.2. 1 Ti 1Ti1.16. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10. 2Ti4.2. He Heb6.12 (patience). Ja Jas5.10 (patience). 1 P 1Pe3.20. 2 P 2Pe3.15. with joyfulness. ver. Col1.24. Mt +* Mt5.12. 12. Giving thanks. Col * Col3.15, Col3.17. 1 Ch 1Ch29.20. Ps Ps79.13. Ps107.21, Ps107.22. Ps116.7. Da Da2.23. Ep Eph5.4, + Eph5.20. the Father. Col Col2.2. Jn ✓ Jn4.23. ✓ Jn14.6. * Jn20.17. Ac + Ac1.4. 1 Co +* 1Co8.6. Ep Eph4.6. Ja Jas3.9. 1 J 1Jn1.3. made us. 1 K 1Ki6.7. Pr Pr16.1. Ro +* Ro8.29, Ro8.30. * Ro9.23. 2 Co 2Co3.6. * 2Co5.5. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. Re Re22.14. partakers. Ro Ro11.17. Ro15.27. 1 Co 1Co9.23. Ep Eph3.6. He +* Heb3.1, Heb3.14. 1 P * 1Pe5.1. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1-3. inheritance. Ps Ps16.5. Da +* Da12.13. Mt +* Mt25.34. Jn +* Jn14.2. Ac Ac20.32. +* Ac26.18. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. Ep +* Eph1.11n, Eph1.18. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.2-5. the saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. in light. Ps Ps36.9. * Ps97.11. Pr +* Pr4.18. Is * Is60.19, Is60.20. 2 Co * 2Co4.6. He * Heb12.23. Re * Re21.23. * Re22.5. 13. delivered us. Ps +* Ps71.20. Ps86.13. Is Is49.24, Is49.25. * Is53.12. Mt Mt12.29, Mt12.30. Lk Lk8.27-35. Ac +* Ac26.18. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. He * Heb2.14, Heb2.15. the power. Lk * Lk22.53. Jn * Jn12.31, Jn12.32. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.4. Ep Eph4.18. * Eph5.8. * Eph6.12. 1 P * 1Pe2.9. 1 J 1Jn2.8, 1Jn2.9. ✓ 1Jn3.8. darkness. Jb * Job10.21, Job10.22. Ps Ps88.18. Ps143.3. Ec Ec6.4. Mi Mic7.8. Lk +* Lk22.53. Jn Jn12.27. and hath. f96:96C, Mt + Mt2.4. Here, future blessings are spoken of as present (as glorification, Ro Ro8.30), for this kingdom is declared by Paul to be future, 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.1. The reference to the “inheritance” in the immediate context (ver. 12) verifies the reference to be future. As the inheritance is certainly future, so the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 47. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

kingdom with which it is associated must be future. Lk +* Lk13.24. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. Ro Ro6.17-22. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. 2 Co 2Co6.17, 2Co6.18. Ep * Eph2.3-10. 1 Th 1Th2.12. Ti Tt3.3-6. 2 P 2Pe1.11. 1 J 1Jn3.14. the kingdom. Ps * Ps2.6, Ps2.7. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Da +✓ Da7.13, Da7.14. Zc * Zec9.9. Mt +* Mt25.34. Ro * Ro14.17. 1 Co 1Co15.23-25. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.11. his dear Son. Gr. the Son of his love. f24:24B, Ge + Ge9.5. Is Is42.1. Mt ✓ Mt3.17. * Mt17.5. Jn * Jn3.35. * Jn17.24. Ep Eph1.6. 14. In whom. Mt * Mt20.28. +* Mt26.28. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ro * Ro3.24, Ro3.25. Ga +* Ga3.13. Ep ✓ Eph1.7. Eph5.2. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.6. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. He * Heb9.12, Heb9.22. Heb10.1214. 1 P * 1Pe1.19, 1Pe1.20. ✓ 1Pe3.18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.2. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. Re14.4. redemption. Ep * Eph1.7. Ti * Tt2.14. through his blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. Ex Ex12.13. Ro +* Ro3.25. Ro5.8. He Heb9.12. the forgiveness. Col Col2.13. Col3.13. Ps ✓ Ps32.1, Ps32.2. Ps130.4. Lk Lk5.20. Lk7.47-50. Ac +* Ac2.38. +* Ac10.43. +* Ac13.38, Ac13.39. +* Ac26.18. Ro ✓ Ro4.6-8. Ep ✓ Eph4.32. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.9. * 1Jn2.12. of sins. Le += Le5.6. 15. the image. Ex Ex24.10. Nu * Nu12.8. Ezk Eze1.26-28. Jn ✓ Jn1.18. ✓ Jn14.9. * Jn15.24. Ro Ro8.29. 2 Co * 2Co4.4, 2Co4.6. Ph +* Php2.6. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. He ✓ Heb1.3. the invisible God. Jn +* Jn1.18. Ro Ro1.20. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.17. ✓ 1Ti6.16. He Heb11.27. the firstborn. or, heir. f22:22D, Ro + Ro8.29. f157, 1 Co + 1Co15.6. Compare Ge Ge41.51, Ge41.52 w Je +✓ Je31.9. Ex * Ex4.22, superiority of position, rank, priority. Dt Dt21.15-17. Ps +* Ps89.20, * Ps89.27. Consider Abraham’s sons: Ishmael was the firstborn, but Isaac was the promised heir and seed, Ga Ga4.23. Consider also Jacob and Esau: Ge Ge25.23. Ml * Mal1.1, Mal1.2, Mal1.3. Ro Ro9.12, Ro9.13. Among Jacob’s sons, Reuben was the firstborn, but the birthright was Joseph’s, 1 Ch 1Ch5.1, 1Ch5.2. Simri was made firstborn, 1 Ch 1Ch26.10, though expressly not born first. Manasseh was firstborn, but the blessing was given to Ephraim, Ge Ge48.14. If “firstborn” invariably means “born first,” then how can Israel (Ex Ex4.22), David (Ps Ps89.27), and Ephraim (Je +✓ Je31.9), and Christ (Ro Ro8.29. Col Col1.15, Col1.18. He Heb1.6. Re Re1.5) all be called by God “my firstborn”? Therefore, use of the term firstborn in reference to Christ says nothing concerning his origin, but declares his position, rank, and office. Note the use of “firstborn” in Jb Job18.13. ver. Col1.17, Col1.18. Le += Le23.10. Jsh ✓ Jos14.6n. 1 Ch 1Ch8.38n. Ps * Ps89.27. Jn Jn1.14. ✓ Jn3.16. Ro +* Ro8.29. He * Heb1.2, Heb1.6. of every creature. ver. * Col1.16, * Col1.17. Pr * Pr8.29-31. Re +* Re3.14. 16. by him were. ver. Col1.15. Ps * Ps102.25-27. Is * Is40.9-12. ✓ Is44.24. Jn * Jn1.3. 1 Co +* 1Co8.6. Ep * Eph3.9. He * Heb1.2, Heb1.10-12. * Heb3.3, Heb3.4. all things. Logically, if all things have been created by Christ, then he of necessity is uncreated, an absolute proof of His deity. This explains why the Jehovah’s Witnesses in their New World Translation felt constrained, for doctrinal reasons, to make the unwarranted addition to the Word of God at this verse by adding “other” so as to read “all other things,” making a lame attempt to justify such an addition by a reference to Lk Lk11.41, Lk11.42 or 13:2, 4. In the early editions (1950, 1951, and six volumes bound in one, 1963) of their translation, “other” was not even included in brackets, as it now is—a change perhaps prompted by the harsh criticism of many Bible scholars. ver. Col1.17, Col1.20. Is Is44.24. Jn Jn1.3. Ep Eph3.9. He Heb1.2. Heb2.10. in heaven. ver. Col1.20. Dt * Dt4.39. 1 Ch 1Ch29.11. Ep +* Eph1.10. Ph * Php2.10. Re * Re5.13, Re5.14. thrones. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. Col Col2.10, Col2.15. Ezk Eze10.1. Ro +* Ro8.38. Ep * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 48. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Eph1.21. * Eph3.10. * Eph6.12. 1 P * 1Pe3.22. dominions. Col Col2.15. Ep +* Eph1.21. powers. 1 P 1Pe3.22. all things. Ps Ps8.6. Pr Pr16.4. Jn +* Jn1.3. Ph Php3.21. ◐ Php4.13. He Heb3.4. Re Re4.11. by him. Pr * Pr16.4. Is * Is43.21. Ro * Ro11.36. 1 Co 1Co8.6. He * Heb2.10. for him. T#76-2. Pr + Pr16.4 (T#209). Ep Eph1.5. He + Heb9.14 (T#346). 17. he is before. ver. * Col1.15. Pr * Pr8.22, Pr8.23. Is * Is43.11-13. * Is44.6. Mi +* Mic5.2. Jn +* Jn1.1-3. ✓8:+* Jn8.35, Jn8.58. +* Jn17.5. 1 Co +* 1Co8.6. He +* Heb13.8. Re +* Re1.8, Re1.11, Re1.17. * Re2.8. all things. ver. Col1.16, Col1.20. 1 Co * 1Co8.6. and by him. ver. Col1.11. 1 S * 1Sa2.8. Ne +* Ne9.6. Ps Ps75.3. Jn +✓ Jn5.17, Jn5.18. Ac * Ac17.28. Ep Eph1.19. He ✓ Heb1.3. 2 P 2Pe3.5g. Re +* Re3.14. 18. he is. ver. Col1.24. Col ✓ Col2.10-14. 1 Co +* 1Co11.3. Ep * Eph1.10, + Eph1.22, Eph1.23. * Eph4.15, Eph4.16. * Eph5.23. the head. f22:22A, Ep + Eph1.22. the church. ver. Col1.24. Ep + Eph1.23. the beginning. Jn +* Jn1.1. 1 J 1Jn1.1. Re +* Re1.8. +* Re3.14. Re21.6. Re22.13. the firstborn from. Le + Le23.10. Jn * Jn11.25, Jn11.26. Ac +* Ac2.24. +* Ac26.23. Ro * Ro6.9. Ro8.29. Ro14.9. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.20-23n. Re +* Re1.5, Re1.18. in all. or, among all. ver. Col1.16, Col1.17, Col1.20. Ps Ps45.2-5. Ps89.27. SS * So5.10. Is Is52.13. Mt Mt23.8. * Mt28.18. Jn Jn1.16, Jn1.27. Jn3.29-31, Jn3.34, Jn3.35. Ro +* Ro8.29. 1 Co * 1Co15.25. He +* Heb1.5, Heb1.6. Re Re5.9-13. ✓ Re11.15. Re21.23, Re21.24. preeminence. Ge = Ge37.7, Ge37.9. Ex * Ex20.3. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Ph * Php2.10. 19. it pleased. Col Col2.3, Col2.9. * Col3.11. Mt +* Mt11.25-27. Lk * Lk10.21, Lk10.22. Jn * Jn1.16. * Jn3.34. 1 Co 1Co1.21. 1Co10.5. Ga Ga1.15. Ep * Eph1.3, + Eph1.5, Eph1.23. Eph4.10. Ja Jas1.12. Jas4.6. in him. 2 Co 2Co5.19. fulness. Col ✓ Col2.9n. Jn Jn1.16. Ep Eph1.23. 20. having made peace. or, making peace. ver. Col1.21, Col1.22. Le Le6.30. += Le23.19. Ps * Ps85.10, Ps85.11. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Ezk * Eze16.63. Eze45.17-20. Da +* Da9.24-26. Mi +* Mic5.2, Mic5.5. Zc * Zec9.9, Zec9.10. Lk * Lk2.14. Ac +* Ac10.36. Ro ✓ Ro5.1. 2 Co * 2Co5.1921. Ep * Eph2.13-17. He * Heb13.20, Heb13.21. 1 J * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. through the blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. Ro +* Ro3.25. Ep Eph2.13. He * Heb10.10. cross. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. reconcile. Le = Le16.20. Ro + Ro5.10. 2 Co * 2Co5.18. He Heb2.17. 1 J + 1Jn2.2. things in earth. ver. Col1.16-18. Ep * Eph1.10. Ph * Php2.10. 21. And you. Col Col2.13. Ep +* Eph2.1. alienated. Nu = Nu35.25. Ro +* Ro1.30. * Ro5.9, Ro5.10. * Ro8.7, Ro8.8. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. Ep * Eph2.1, Eph2.2, + Eph2.12, Eph2.19. Eph4.18. Ti * Tt3.3-7. He Heb9.15. Ja * Jas4.4. and enemies. Mt * Mt12.30. Ro Ro5.10. Ep Eph2.15. Ja * Jas4.4. in your mind by. or, by your mind in. Ti * Tt1.15, Tt1.16. wicked works. Mt * Mt7.20. Jn + Jn7.7. Ti Tt1.16. reconciled. Ro +* Ro5.10. 2 Co 2Co5.18, 2Co5.19. Ep Eph2.15, Eph2.16. 22. the body. Ro * Ro7.4. Ep * Eph2.15, Eph2.16. He * Heb10.10, Heb10.20. his flesh. 1 P +* 1Pe3.18. death. f171:171S, Ro + Ro5.10. to present. ver. Col1.28. Lk Lk1.75. 2 Co 2Co11.2. Ep * Eph1.4. * Eph5.27. 1 Th * 1Th4.7. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.14. Ju ✓ Jud24. unreproveable. 1 Co + 1Co1.8. in his sight. Jb Job15.15. * Job25.5. Ps +* Ps51.7. Jn +* Jn17.6. He * Heb13.21.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 49. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

23. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Ge +* Ge4.7. Je +* Je7.5. 1 Th +* 1Th3.8. 2 P +✓ 2Pe1.10. ye continue. T#514. Ps * Ps92.13, Ps92.14. * Ps125.5. Ezk * Eze18.26. Ho Ho6.3, Ho6.4. Zp * Zep1.6. Mt Mt10.22. * Mt24.13. Lk +* Lk8.13-15. * Lk22.32. Jn ✓ Jn8.30-32. *15:+ Jn15.4, Jn15.6, Jn15.9, Jn15.10. Ac +* Ac11.23. +* Ac14.22. Ro +* Ro2.6, Ro2.7. 1 Co 1Co9.27. * 1Co10.12. Ga +* Ga4.11. * Ga5.7. ✓ Ga6.9. 1 Th * 1Th3.5. He +* Heb3.6, Heb3.14. * Heb4.1, Heb4.11, Heb4.14. +* Heb10.35, Heb10.38. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. * 2Pe2.18-22. 1 J * 1Jn2.27. Re * Re2.7, Re2.10, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.26. Re3.5. 12:21. Re21.7. grounded. Col +* Col2.7. Mt * Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Lk * Lk6.48. Ep Eph2.21. * Eph3.17. 4:+* Eph4.14, Eph4.16. and settled. 1 Co 1Co7.37. +✓ 1Co15.58. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.16. not moved away. Jn ✓ Jn10.27, Jn10.28. * Jn15.6. Ac * Ac20.24. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Ga Ga2.13. Ep +* Eph4.14. 1 Th 1Th3.3. He Heb10.38. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.5. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.17. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.19. the hope. ver. +* Col1.5. Ro +* Ro5.5. +* Ro15.4. Ga * Ga5.5. Ep * Eph1.18. 1 Th * 1Th5.8. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. Ti * Tt3.7. He ✓ Heb6.19. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1-3. to every. ver. * Col1.6. Mt * Mt24.14. Mk * Mk16.15. Ro * Ro10.18. creature. f171:171E, Mk + Mk16.15. under. Dt * Dt2.25. * Dt4.19. La La3.66. Ac * Ac2.5. ✓ Ac4.12. whereof. ver. * Col1.25. Ac Ac1.17, Ac1.25. * Ac26.16. Ro * Ro15.16. 1 Co 1Co4.1-3. 2 Co +* 2Co3.6. 2Co4.1. * 2Co5.18-20. * 2Co6.1. * 2Co11.23. Ep * Eph3.7, Eph3.8. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.12. * 1Ti2.7. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.11, 2Ti1.12. * 2Ti4.5, 2Ti4.6. a minister. 1 Co + 1Co3.5. 24. rejoice. ver. Col1.11. Mt +* Mt5.11, Mt5.12. Ac * Ac5.41. Ro * Ro5.3. 2 Co + 2Co7.4. Ep 3:+ Eph3.1, Eph3.13. Ph Php2.17, Php2.18. Ja * Jas1.2. fill up. 2 Co * 2Co1.5-8. * 2Co4.812. 2Co11.23-27. Ph * Php3.10. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. 2Ti2.9, 2Ti2.10. afflictions of. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. Lk Lk9.23. 2 Co + 2Co1.5, 2Co1.6. 1 P 1Pe4.13. Christ. f121:121K, Ac + Ac9.4. for. See on ver. Col1.18. Ep Eph1.23. Eph4.12. the church. ver. Col1.18. Ep + Eph1.23. 25. I am. ver. +* Col1.23. 1 Th 1Th3.2. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.6. according. Ro Ro15.15-18. 1 Co * 1Co9.17. Ga Ga2.7, Ga2.8. Ep *3:+ Eph3.2, Eph3.9. to fulfill. or, fully to preach. Ro * Ro15.19. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.2-5. the word. Ro + Ro9.6. 26. the mystery. lit. the word concerning the mystery. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. Col Col4.3, Col4.4. Ro +* Ro16.25n, Ro16.26. 1 Co * 1Co2.7. Ep * Eph3.3-10. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. hid. Col Col2.3. Ep Eph3.9. ages. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Ep Eph3.21. now. f15:15C, Mk + Mk6.11. Ps Ps25.14. Mt +* Mt13.11. Mk Mk4.11. Lk Lk8.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.10. his saints. Ps Ps30.4. * Ps50.5. Ps52.9. Ps79.2. +* Ps149.9. 1 Th 1Th3.13. 2 Th 2Th1.10. 27. To whom. Col Col2.2. Mt +* Mt13.11. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.12-14. 2 Co * 2Co2.14. * 2Co4.6. Ga Ga1.15, Ga1.16. the riches. f22:22D, Pr + Pr8.18. f108:108B, Ro + Ro2.4. Col ✓ Col2.3. Ro Ro9.23. * Ro11.33. Ep * Eph1.7, Eph1.17, Eph1.18. * Eph3.8-10, Eph3.16. Ph ✓ Php4.19. of the. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. Christ. Col Col3.3, Col3.11. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Lk +* Lk17.21. Jn Jn6.56. Jn14.17, Jn14.20, Jn14.23. * Jn15.2-5. ✓ Jn17.22, Jn17.23, Jn17.26. Ro Ro8.10. 1 Co ✓ 1Co3.16. ◐+* 1Co12.13. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Ga4.19. Ep Eph1.23. Eph2.22. ✓ Eph3.17. 1 J 1Jn4.4. Re ✓ Re3.20. in you. or, among you. A. T. Robertson states the idea is “in,” not “among.” “It is the personal experience and presence of Christ in the individual life of all believers that Paul has in mind, the indwelling Christ in the heart as in Ep Eph3.17. He constitutes also the hope of glory for he is the Shekinah of God” (Word Pictures, vol. 4, p. 485). the hope. ver. +* Col1.5. Ps +* Ps16.9-11. Ro +* Ro5.2. +* Ro8.18, Ro8.19. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. 1 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 50. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ti * 1Ti1.1. He * Heb6.18, Heb6.19. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3, Ex13.21. Ex40.35. Zc +* Zec2.5. 2 P 2Pe1.17.

1Pe1.4n. of glory. Col +* Col3.4. Ex

28. Whom. Ac Ac3.20. Ac5.42. Ac8.5, Ac8.35. Ac9.20. +* Ac10.36. Ac11.20. +* Ac13.38. +* Ac17.3, Ac17.18. Ro +* Ro16.25n. 1 Co 1Co1.23. 1Co15.12. 2 Co * 2Co4.5. 2Co10.14. Ep * Eph3.8. Ph Php1.15-18. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. warning. Col Col3.16. Je ✓ Je6.10. Ezk ✓ Eze3.17-21. Eze33.4-9. Mt Mt3.7. Ac +* Ac20.27, Ac20.28, Ac20.31. Ro +* Ro11.22. 1 Co * 1Co4.14. 1 Th 1Th4.6. 5:+ 1Th5.12-1414. teaching. Dt Dt4.5. Ezr * Ezr7.10. Ec Ec12.9. Mt * Mt28.20. Mk Mk6.34. Ac * Ac20.20. Ep +* Eph4.11. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2. +* 1Ti4.11, 1Ti4.16. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.2, 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. in all wisdom. * f171:171A, Ex + Ex9.6. ver. +* Col1.9. Pr +* Pr4.7. Pr8.5. Je +* Je3.15. Lk Lk21.15. 1 Co 1Co2.6, 1Co2.15. 1Co12.8. 2 P * 2Pe3.15. we may present. ver. + Col1.22. 2 Co 2Co11.2. Ep * Eph5.27. perfect. Col * Col2.10. Col4.12. Mt +* Mt5.48. Jn +* Jn17.6. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. Ep * Eph4.12, Eph4.13. Ph ◐+* Php3.12. He * Heb10.14. * Heb13.21. 29. Whereunto. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10g. labor. Col * Col4.12. 1 Co * 1Co15.10. 2 Co 2Co5.9. 2Co6.5. * 2Co11.23. 2Co12.11. Ph +* Php2.16. 1 Th * 1Th2.9. 2 Th * 2Th3.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. Re Re2.3. striving. Col * Col2.1. Col4.12mg. Lk +* Lk13.24. Jn Jn18.36g. Ro Ro15.20, Ro15.30. 1 Co * 1Co9.25-27. Ph * Php1.27, Php1.30. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10. 1Ti6.12g. 2 Ti 2Ti4.7g. He Heb12.4. his working. 1 Co * 1Co12.6, 1Co12.11. Ep +* Eph1.19. * Eph3.7, Eph3.20. Ph ✓ Php2.13. He * Heb13.21. which worketh. Mt + Mt14.2. Ja + Jas5.16. mightily. ver. Col1.11. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. 2Co13.3.

COLOSSIANS 2 The apostle shows how earnestly he prayed for the Colossians, and the churches which had not seen him; that they might be united in love, and thus comforted; and that they might attain to a clear knowledge of the mysteries of Christ, and not be seduced by deceivers, Col2.1-4. He rejoices, as if he saw “their order, and the stedfastness of their faith;” and exhorts them to perseverance and thankfulness, Col2.5-7; warning them against vain philosophy and human traditions; and showing that they were complete in Christ, Col2.8-10; having in him the true circumcision, of which baptism was the external sign, Col2.11-13. For God “had quickened them with Christ,” having forgiven their sins, and abolished the law of ordinances, by his cross, Col2.14; on which he triumphed over principalities and powers, Col2.15. They ought not then to submit to legal impositions, which were shadows of Christ, Col2.16" Col2.17 }; nor be induced, by vain pretences, to worship angels, or to any other observances of voluntary humility, will-worship, and self-imposed austerity, Col2.18-23. 1. I would. 1 Co + 1Co10.1. 1Co11.3. what. Col Col1.24, Col1.29. 4:12. Ge Ge30.8. Ge32.24-30. Ho Ho12.3, Ho12.4. Lk Lk22.44. Ga Ga4.19. Ph Php1.30. 1 Th * 1Th2.2. He Heb5.7. conflict. or, fear, or, care. Col Col1.29. Ph + Php1.30. at. Col Col4.13, Col4.15, Col4.16. Re Re1.11. * Re3.14-22. not. ver. Col2.5. Ac Ac20.25, Ac20.38. 1 P 1Pe1.8. in the flesh. ver. Col2.5. 2. their. Col Col4.8. Is Is40.1. Ro Ro15.13. 2 Co * 2Co1.4-6. Ep Eph6.2. 1 Th 1Th3.2. * 1Th5.14. 2 Th * 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. being. Col Col3.14. Ps * Ps133.1. Jn * Jn17.21. Ac Ac4.32. Ga +* Ga3.28. Ph * Php2.1. 1 J 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.16. all. See on Col Col1.27. riches. f108:108B, Ro + Ro2.4. of the full. Is Is32.17. Lk + Lk1.1. 1 Th 1Th1.5. He Heb6.11. Heb10.22. 2 P +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 51. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Pe1.10. 1 J * 1Jn3.19. understanding. Col +* Col1.9. Ps +* Ps119.27. Jn Jn6.69. * Jn17.3. Ro Ro16.25. 1 Co * 1Co2.12. Ep * Eph1.17-19. * Eph3.9, Eph3.10. Ph Php3.8. 2 P 2Pe1.3. 2Pe3.18. to the. Col Col1.9. Ep Eph4.13. 1 J 1Jn5.7. mystery. Ro +* Ro16.25n. of the Father. Col Col1.15-17. Is * Is53.11. Je * Je9.24. Mt +* Mt11.25, Mt11.27. Lk Lk10.21, Lk10.22. Jn +* Jn1.1-3. * Jn5.17, Jn5.23. +* Jn10.30, Jn10.38. Jn14.9-11. Jn16.15. * Jn17.21-23. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 3. In whom. or, Wherein. Col Col1.9, Col1.19. * Col3.16. Ps * Ps68.18, Is Is11.2. Is45.3. Lk Lk11.49. Ro * Ro11.33. 1 Co +* 1Co1.24, 1Co1.30. 1Co2.6-8. Ep Eph1.8. Eph3.10. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15-17. hid. Col Col1.27. Col3.3. Jb Job28.21. Pr Pr2.4. Mt Mt10.26. Ep * Eph3.8, Eph3.9. Re * Re2.17. the treasures. Dt = Dt33.8. Ezr = Ezr2.62, Ezr2.63. wisdom. Ge = Ge41.39. Pr Pr2.6. +* Pr4.7. Pr8.14. Is Is9.6. Je Je32.19. Ro +* Ro11.33. 1 Co * 1Co2.6, 1Co2.7. Ep +* Eph1.11. 1 J 1Jn2.1. Re Re3.18. and knowledge. Pr Pr8.12, Pr8.22-30. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Jn Jn1.1, Jn1.14. +* Jn2.24, Jn2.25. 1 Co 1Co1.24, 1Co1.30. 4. lest. ver. Col2.8, Col2.18. Mt * Mt24.4, Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Ac * Ac20.30. Ro * Ro16.18, Ro16.19. 2 Co 2Co11.3, ✓ 2Co11.11-13. Ga Ga2.4. Ep +* Eph4.14. * Eph5.6. 2 Th 2Th2.9-11. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1, 1Ti4.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16. 2Ti3.13. Ti Tt1.10, Tt1.11. 2 P 2Pe2.1-3. 1 J 1Jn2.18, 1Jn2.26. * 1Jn4.1. 2 J 2Jn7. Re Re12.9. Re13.8. Re20.3, Re20.8. beguile. or, delude. Ja Jas1.22. enticing. 1 Co * 1Co2.4. 5. For though. f185:185A, Lk + Lk11.8. absent. ver. Col2.1. 1 Co * 1Co5.3, 1Co5.4. 1 Th * 1Th2.17. in the flesh. ver. Col2.1. with you. 2 K 2Ki5.26. spirit. Gr. pneuma, Ac + Ac18.25n. and beholding. 2 Ch 2Ch29.35. 1 Co 1Co11.34. * 1Co14.40. stedfastness. Ru Ru1.18. Ps Ps78.8, Ps78.37. Ac Ac2.42. Ac16.5. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. 1Co16.13. 1 Th +* 1Th3.8. He +* Heb3.14. * Heb6.19. 1 P 1Pe5.9. 2 P +* 2Pe3.17, 2Pe3.18. faith in. Ac + Ac20.21. 6. received. Mt Mt10.40. Jn ✓ Jn1.12, Jn1.13. Jn13.20. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. Ga Ga3.3. Ph Php4.9. He +* Heb3.14. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12, 1Jn5.20. 2 J 2Jn8, 2Jn9. Ju +* Jud3. Re ✓ Re3.20. Jesus. Ph Php2.11. so walk. T#1872. Col +* Col1.10. * Col3.17. Is Is2.5. Mi Mic4.2. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.7. 2Co6.16. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Ep * Eph4.1. Eph5.1, Eph5.2. Ph * Php1.27. 1 Th * 1Th4.1. He +* Heb10.35. Ja Jas3.11. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.6. in him. Jn Jn15.4. 7. Rooted. Col * Col1.23. Ps +* Ps1.3. Ps37.35mg. Ps92.13. Is * Is61.3. Je * Je17.8. Ezk Eze17.23, Eze17.24. Ro Ro11.17, Ro11.18. Ep * Eph2.21, Eph2.22. * Eph3.17. Ju Jud12. built. Col Col1.23. Mt * Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Lk +* Lk6.48. Ac ✓ Ac20.32. Ro + Ro14.19. 1 Co * 1Co3.915. Ep * Eph2.20-22. 1 P * 1Pe2.4-6. Ju ✓ Jud20. stablished. Col * Col1.23. Ro Ro16.25. 1 Co + 1Co1.8g. ✓ 1Co15.58. 2 Co * 2Co1.21. * 2Co5.7. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Th 2Th2.17. He * Heb13.9. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. 2 P * 2Pe3.17, 2Pe3.18. Ju * Jud24. been taught. Ep Eph4.21. thanksgiving. Col * Col1.12, Col1.13. * Col3.17. Ep * Eph5.20. 1 Th +* 1Th5.18. He * Heb13.15. 8. Beware. Dt Dt6.12. Mt Mt7.15. Mt10.17. Mt16.6. Mt24.4. Ph Php3.2. He +* Heb3.12. 2 P 2Pe3.17. any man. or, any one. This indefinite tis is frequently used by St. Paul, when speaking of opponents whom he knows well enough but does not care to name (Lightfoot, Comm. on Colossians, p. 178). ver. Col2.16. 1 Co 1Co4.18. +* 1Co11.16. Ga Ga1.7. Ga2.12. spoil. ver. Col2.18. SS So2.15. Je * Je29.8. Ro Ro16.17. Ep Eph5.6. He * Heb13.9. 2 J * 2Jn8. philosophy. Ac Ac17.18, Ac17.32. Ro Ro1.21, Ro1.22. 1 Co 1Co1.19-23. * 1Co3.18, 1Co3.19. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 52. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Co15.35, 1Co15.36. 2 Co 2Co10.5g. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.20, 1Ti6.21. 2 Ti 2Ti2.17, 2Ti2.18. 2Ti3.13. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “vain, deceitful philosophy.” Two words used, one thing meant. vain deceit. Ep Eph5.6. after the tradition. ver. Col2.22. Mt 15:+ Mt15.2-99. Mk ✓ Mk7.3-13. 1 Co ◐ 1Co11.2. Ga Ga1.14. 2 Th ◐* 2Th2.15. ◐* 2Th3.6. 1 P 1Pe1.18. of men. Ga Ga1.1, Ga1.11, Ga1.12. the rudiments. or, the elements. ver. Col2.20. Ga Ga4.3mg, Ga4.9. Ep Eph2.2. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. after Christ. Ro +* Ro15.5. Ep Eph4.20. 9. in him. ver. Col2.2, Col2.3. Col Col1.19. Is +* Is7.14. Mt +* Mt1.23. Jn * Jn1.14. Jn10.30, Jn10.38. * Jn14.9, Jn14.10, Jn14.20. * Jn17.21. 2 Co * 2Co5.19. 1 Ti 1Ti3.16. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. 1 J 1Jn5.7, * 1Jn5.20. dwelleth. Col Col1.19. 1 Co ◐ 1Co6.19. Ep ◐ Eph3.17, Eph3.19. 1 J ◐ 1Jn4.15. fulness. Ex = Ex29.9mg. Jn +* Jn1.16. Godhead. Gr. theoteetos. J. H. Thayer gives the definition “deity. i.e. the state of being God, Godhead” (Lexicon, p. 288b). Trench states “St. Paul is declaring that in the Son there dwells all the fulness of absolute Godhead.... He was, and is, absolute and perfect God....” (Synonyms, sec. 2, p. 8). Bengel states “not merely the Divine attributes, but the Divine Nature itself.” Alford states “theotees, the abstract of theos, must not be confounded with theiotees, the abstract of theios, divine, which occurs in Ro Ro1.20.” bodily. ver. Col2.17. Jb +* Job19.26. Lk Lk3.22. Lk24.39. Jn Jn1.14. +* Jn2.21. * Jn3.13. Jn20.27. Ph * Php3.21. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.5. 10. complete. Col Col3.11. Jn * Jn1.16. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30, 1Co1.31. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. Ga * Ga3.26-29. Ep * Eph1.6, Eph1.23. Eph3.19. He +* Heb5.9. the head. T#76. Col Col1.16-18. Mt Mt10.1. Mk Mk2.5-11. 1 Co +* 1Co11.3. Ep Eph1.20-23. Eph4.15, Eph4.16. Eph5.23. Ph ✓ Php2.9-11. He Heb1.14. 1 P * 1Pe3.22. Re Re1.18. Re5.9-13. principality. ver. Col2.15. Ep + Eph1.21. 11. whom. Dt Dt10.16. * Dt30.6. Je * Je4.4. Ro +* Ro2.29. Ph * Php3.3. without. Mk Mk14.58. Ac Ac7.48. Ac17.24. 2 Co 2Co5.1. Ep Eph2.11. He Heb9.11, Heb9.24. in putting. ver. Col2.15. Col * Col3.8, Col3.9. Ro * Ro6.6. Ep * Eph4.22. the body. Ro + Ro6.6. * Ro7.24. * Ro8.13. by. Lk Lk2.21. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Ga4.4, Ga4.5. Ep Eph2.10-18. circumcision of Christ. The juxtaposition of baptism and circumcision in this passage (ver. 11, 12) clearly shows that there is an intended relationship between them (Ga ✓ Ga4.25n). As the circumcision is spiritual, so the baptism is spiritual. Here, circumcision is unmistakably equated with Christian baptism, in such a manner as to affirm that baptism now takes the place of circumcision as the initiatory rite into membership in the Body of Christ. Real baptism corresponds to circumcision of the heart; ritual baptism to circumcision with hands; circumcision under the Old Covenant and baptism under the New Covenant is the seal of the Abrahamic Covenant, associated with the Promise, not the Law, and therefore not done away in Christ, who fulfilled the Law, but not yet the Promise. Just as there is a similarity between the Jewish Passover and the Lord’s Supper, so is there intended similarity between Circumcision and Baptism. As the Lord’s Supper was given to Gentile converts instead of the Passover, so Baptism was given to them instead of Circumcision. The law required of worthy partakers of the Passover (Ex ✓ Ex12.48), “let ALL his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it.” A man’s own personal circumcision was not sufficient passport to the Passover Table. Not only must the father of the family be circumcised, but his whole family or oikos. Thus in the New Testament the whole oikos (Ac +* Ac16.15n), family, was baptized because in Christ there is neither male nor female, no distinction in behalf of either sex (Ga Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 53. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ga3.28). Perhaps more accurately, all believers, male or female, are in the New Testament regarded as sons (Ga Ga4.7). Thus the objection that circumcision cannot prefigure baptism because it applies only to males is mistaken on two counts: (1) every female under the Old Covenant is represented by a male (Ge Ge1.27. Ge2.18, Ge2.24. Ex ✓ Ex12.48. ◐ Ex34.15, Ex34.16. Dt ◐ Dt7.3. Jg ◐ Jdg14.3), regarded as circumcised, and qualified to partake of the Passover; (2) under the New Covenant, all believers partake of the “adoption of sons” (Ga +* Ga4.5), and are spoken of, without exception, as sons (Ga +* Ga4.7n). 12. Buried. Gr. sunthaptomai, ❅S#4916g, only here and Ro Ro6.4. This Greek word is thought by many to be decisive in regard to the mode of Christian baptism. But the word would better have been translated “entombed,” then the term would not have been interjected into the baptism debate. There is no possible likeness between immersion into water and the mode of burial of the dead. When Christ was buried, he was not placed under six feet of earth, but wrapped like a mummy and laid on a shelf in a cave above ground. Roman burial involved burning the body, and placing the ashes in an urn kept in a tomb or a room prepared for the purpose. Hughey asks “Can any likeness be seen between our mode of burial and immersion? If there is any likeness at all between baptism and such a mode of burial, it would be to baptism by pouring, for the earth is poured upon the body, and not the body plunged into the earth. Plainly there can be no physical likeness between any of these modes of burial and immersion in water” (The Scriptural Mode of Christian Baptism, p. 194). The concept of “burial in water” may be possible in English, but in Greek this word is never used with reference to water. In this passage, and its near-parallel in Romans 6:4, water is not mentioned. The reference is to real baptism, not ritual, and those who are buried with Christ stay buried. There is no resurrection out of that into which believers were buried, for such would be apostasy from Christ. Those who favor immersion as a mode do not practice immersion, but dipping, for to leave the person immersed would be as fatal to the person as it is to their theory. To bring the issue of water baptism into Romans 6 or Colossians 2 is to extract from the message of Paul a meaning he did not intend, so as to totally miss the significance of the doctrinal truth he wished to convey. Baptism into Christ’s death is not a momentary dipping, but the permanent placement in the grave where Christ was laid of every believer in his permanent union with Christ. As a result of the misapplication of these two passages by immersionists, this central message of Paul in Romans is often missed—perhaps accounting for the prevalence of such defective views of our death to sin, union with Christ, and his Lordship over our lives. 2 K 2Ki24.6n. Ps + Ps51.2 (T#32). Mt Mt3.5, Mt3.6, Mt3.16. Jn Jn3.23. Ac Ac8.38, Ac8.39. Ro Ro6.4◐n (T#39), 5. He ◐+ Heb10.22 (T#39). baptism. The baptism of this verse and the circumcision of ver. Col2.11 are one and the same thing. As the circumcision is spiritual and made without hands, so is the baptism. This is a reference to real baptism by the Holy Spirit, not ritual baptism in water (Ac +* Ac1.5n). The burial is not into water but into the benefits of Christ’s death. This baptism is accomplished by the Holy Spirit when an individual places faith in Christ (1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13n). “The being baptized into anything is the being brought under, and saturated with its influence and power” (W. R. Nicholson, Popular Studies in Colossians: Oneness With Christ, p. 195). See related notes listed at Ac Ac22.16n. Ro ✓ Ro6.3. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13. Ga * Ga3.27. Ep +* Eph4.5. Ti Tt3.5, Tt3.6. He Heb6.2. 1 P * 1Pe3.21. wherein. Col Col3.1, Col3.2. Ro * Ro6.8-11. Ro7.4. 1 Co 1Co15.20. Ep Eph1.20. Eph2.4-6. * Eph5.14. 1 P 1Pe4.1-3. ye are risen. As this resurrection is a moral or spiritual one in the individual believer through the faith of the operation of God, so the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 54. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

“burial” in the first half of this antithesis must likewise be a spiritual burial, not a literal burial under water. Col Col3.1. Ro Ro6.5. the faith. Mk * Mk11.22. Lk * Lk17.5g. Jn * Jn1.12, Jn1.13. ✓ Jn3.3-7. Ac Ac14.27. Ep * Eph1.19. ✓ Eph2.8. Eph3.7, Eph3.17. Ph Php1.29. He * Heb12.2. Ja Jas1.16, Jas1.17. the operation. Col Col1.29. 1 Co 1Co6.14. Ep + Eph1.19. Eph4.16. Ph Php3.21. who. Ac +* Ac2.24. Ro Ro4.24. He * Heb13.20, Heb13.21. 13. dead. Ezk * Eze37.1-10. Lk Lk9.60. * Lk15.24, Lk15.32. Ro Ro6.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. Ep +* Eph2.1, Eph2.5, Eph2.6. Eph5.14. 1 Ti 1Ti5.6. He Heb6.1. Heb9.14. Ja Jas2.17, Jas2.20, Jas2.26. the uncircumcision. ver. Col2.11. Ep Eph2.11. he quickened. Ps Ps71.20. +* Ps119.50. Jn Jn5.21. Jn6.63. Ro Ro4.17. * Ro6.13. +* Ro8.11. 1 Co 1Co15.36, 1Co15.45. 2 Co 2Co3.6mg. Ep +* Eph2.5. 1 Ti 1Ti6.13. 1 P * 1Pe1.3. having forgiven. It is helpful to distinguish between judicial forgiveness, where God as judge forgives the sinner of the penalty of sin, and family (or parental) forgiveness, where God as Father forgives the saint and restores the joy (Ps Ps51.12) of his salvation (John B. Marchbanks, Great Doctrines Relating to Salvation, pp. 33, 36. Charles F. Baker, A Dispensational Theology, pp. 276, 277). Col Col3.13. Le = Le16.21, Le16.22. Nu Nu14.18. Ps * Ps32.1, Ps32.2. Ps86.5. ✓ Ps103.3, Ps103.12. Ps130.3, Ps130.4. Is * Is1.18. ✓ Is55.7. Je Je31.34. Mk Mk2.7. Lk + Lk7.43. Jn +* Jn17.6. Ac +* Ac10.43. +* Ac13.38, Ac13.39. Ro Ro4.7, Ro4.8. Ro5.21. +* Ro8.1, Ro8.32-34. 2 Co 2Co5.19. Ep Eph1.7. * Eph4.32. He Heb8.10-12. Heb10.12-18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.7-9. 1Jn2.12. all. The specification of “all” includes past, present, and future trespasses. This follows logically from the fact that justification does not admit of repetition, and that the pardon granted in justification “involves the removal of all guilt and of every penalty” (L. Berkhof, Systematic Theology, p. 514). Confession of sin for the believer does not restore him to salvation, but to fellowship with God (1 J 1Jn1.9). If continued salvation depended upon complete confession, then by this theory the failure to confess one sin through oversight would result in loss of salvation, which is contradictory to the possibility of assurance of salvation, our placement as sons and joint-heirship with Christ (Jn Jn1.12. Ro Ro8.17. Ga +* Ga4.5, Ga4.7n), and the close connection between (1) justification and glorification (Ro +* Ro8.29, Ro8.30); (2) present suffering and future glory (Ro Ro8.17. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12); (3) remission of sin and future inheritance (Ac +* Ac26.18); (4) justification and hope of glory (Ro Ro5.1, Ro5.2). Ps ◐ Ps25.7. ✓ Ps103.3, Ps103.12. Is Is44.22. Zc = Zec3.4. Ac +* Ac26.18. Ro Ro5.1, Ro5.2. 2 Co * 2Co5.19. He * Heb10.14. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.7. trespasses. Le += Le5.6. 14. Blotting out. f73, Zc + Zec1.5. f105, Ml + Mal4.2. Nu Nu5.23. Ne Ne4.5. Ps Ps51.1, Ps51.9. Ps109.14. Is Is43.25. Is44.22. Je Je18.23. Ac +* Ac3.19. the handwriting. ver. Col2.20. Est Es3.12. Es8.8. Da Da5.7, Da5.8. Lk Lk1.6. Ac * Ac15.10. Ro +* Ro7.4. Ga Ga4.1-4. Ep ✓ Eph2.14-16. He Heb7.18. Heb8.13. Heb9.9, Heb9.10. Heb10.8, Heb10.9. ordinances. Ga Ga3.10n. Ep +* Eph2.15. took. Is Is57.14. 2 Th 2Th2.7. out of the way. f108:108H, Mt + Mt13.49. 15. having. ver. Col2.11. Ge +* Ge3.15. Ps Ps68.18. Is Is49.24, Is49.25. * Is53.12. Mt * Mt12.29. Lk * Lk10.18. * Lk11.21, Lk11.22. Jn Jn12.31. * Jn16.11. 1 Co * 1Co15.55-57. Ep Eph4.8. He ✓ Heb2.14. Re Re12.9. Re20.2, Re20.3, Re20.10. principalities. ver. Col2.10. Col Col1.16. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. Ep + Eph1.21. Eph6.12. triumphing. Lk Lk23.39-43. Jn Jn12.32. Jn19.30. Ac Ac2.23, Ac2.24, Ac2.32-36. Ro +* Ro8.37-39. 2 Co ✓ 2Co2.14g,n. in it. or, in himself. Ep Eph2.16g. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 55. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

16. judge. Ro * Ro14.3, Ro14.10, Ro14.13. 1 Co 1Co10.28-31. Ga Ga2.12, 13. 3:10n. Ja Jas4.11. in meat, etc. or, for eating and drinking. ver. Col2.21. Le Le11.2-47. Le17.10-15. Dt Dt14.3-20. Ezk Eze4.14. Mt Mt15.11. Ac Ac11.3-18. Ac15.20. Ro Ro14.2, Ro14.6, * Ro14.1417, Ro14.20, Ro14.21. 1 Co * 1Co8.7-13. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti4.3-5. He Heb9.10. * Heb13.9. in drink. Le Le10.9. Le11.34. Nu Nu6.3. in respect. or, in part. 2 Co 2Co3.10. 2Co9.3g. of an. 1 Ch 1Ch23.31. 2 Ch 2Ch2.4. 2Ch31.3. Is Is1.13, Is1.14. Ezk Eze45.17. Ho Ho2.11. Ga Ga4.10. holy day. or, feast day. Le 23:+✓ Le23.2, Le23.3n, +* Le23.5, +* Le23.6, +* Le23.16, +* Le23.24n, Le23.28, +* Le23.34, Le23.39n, Le23.42. Nu ch. 28, 29. Dt Dt16.1-17. Ne Ne8.9. Ne10.31. Ps Ps42.4. Ro Ro14.5, Ro14.6. Ga Ga4.10. the new moon. Nu Nu10.10. Nu28.11, Nu28.14. 1 S 1Sa20.5, 1Sa20.18. 2 K 2Ki4.23. 1 Ch 1Ch23.31. 2 Ch +* 2Ch2.4. Ne Ne10.33. Ps Ps81.3. Is Is1.13. ✓ Is66.23. Ezk Eze45.17. Eze46.1-3. Am Am8.5. Ga Ga4.10. or of the sabbath. or, the sabbath days. The plural is put for the singular, Mt Mt12.1. Bengel notes “used here significantly, for the several days of the week are called Sabbaths, Mt Mt28.1; therefore Paul intimates here the removal of all distinctions of days; for he never wrote more openly of the Sabbath. Christ, after he himself, the Lord of the Sabbath, had come, or before his suffering, clearly taught the liberty of the Sabbath; but he asserted it more openly by Paul after his resurrection. Nor has it yet been clearly defined what is due to the Sabbath, what to the Lord’s day; but this has been left to the measure of every one’s faith. The Sabbath is not commended, is not enjoined; the Lord’s day is mentioned, not enjoined. A stated day is useful and necessary to those who are engrossed in worldly concerns. They who keep a continual Sabbath enjoy greater liberty. The Sabbath is a type even of eternal things, He Heb4.3, Heb4.4; yet its obligation does not therefore continue in the New Testament, otherwise the new moons should be retained, Is Is66.23” (Word Studies, vol. 2, p. 463). Some argue that the Sabbath, like the tithe, is a pre-Mosaic institution, and therefore our obligation to observe it did not cease with the abolition of the Mosaic law (Ep Eph2.15) upon the death and resurrection of Christ and the beginning of the New Covenant under grace. In answer to this argument is Paul’s very clear statement here, that we are to let no one judge us in respect to the keeping of the sabbath. Furthermore, those who would place us under legalistic obligations of the law, Mosaic or not, are guilty of the Galatian heresy, a heresy which results in spiritual death and loss of salvation (Ga Ga2.21. Ga5.2-4). Nowhere in the Word of God is the Mosaic Law given as binding to the Gentiles (Ac Ac15.5, Ac15.10, Ac15.19, ✓ Ac15.24. ✓ Ac21.25. Ro Ro2.14. Ro3.2. Ep Eph2.12). Sabbath observance needs to be left where the inspired apostle has placed it—as a matter of individual conscience, conviction, and preference—but never as an obligation to be imposed upon others (Ro Ro14.5). So with tithing: in all of the apostolic appeals for Christian giving for a multitude of purposes, never once is recourse had to making the tithe obligatory for the Christian, whether by direct appeal to the law, by precept, or example (Mt ◐ Mt23.23n. Lk ✓ Lk11.41n, Lk11.42n). The proper basis of appeal for Christian giving is found in Ph Php4.17, where Paul urges as a proper motive the eternal reward which accrues to our account as the result of our Christian giving. Le Le16.31. Le23.3, Le23.24, Le23.32, Le23.39. Is ◐+* Is58.13n. Mk Mk2.27, Mk2.28. Ro ◐ Ro14.5n. Ti * Tt3.9. 17. a shadow. Jn Jn1.17. Ro +* Ro15.4. He * Heb8.5. * Heb9.9. * Heb10.1. things to come. He Heb10.1. the body. f22:22A. Anthropomorphism B872. Parts and members of man, or of the human body, are attributed to God: a body is used of Christ. For other instances of this Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 56. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

figure see Ep Eph1.23. Eph4.12, Eph4.16. is of Christ. ver. Col2.9. Mt * Mt11.28, Mt11.29. He Heb4.1-11. 18. no. ver. Col2.4, Col2.8. Ge Ge3.13. Nu Nu25.18. Mt Mt24.24. Ro Ro16.18. 2 Co 2Co11.3. Ep Eph5.6. 2 P 2Pe2.14. 1 J 1Jn2.26. * 1Jn4.1, 1Jn4.2. 2 J * 2Jn7-11. Re * Re3.11. Re12.9. * Re13.8, Re13.14. beguile you. or, judge against you. ver. Col2.16. 1 Co 1Co9.24. Ph Php3.14. your reward. Gr. katabrabuo, ❅S#2603g, only here. Compare the related root, ❅S#1018g: brabuo, Col Col3.15 (rule), and its root ❅S#1017g: brabion, 1 Co 1Co9.24 (prize); Ph Php3.14 (prize). 2 J 2Jn8. in a voluntary humility. Gr. being a voluntary in humility. ver. Col2.23. Is Is57.9. Ac Ac26.5. Ja Jas1.26, Jas1.27g. humility. Ep + Eph4.2g. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “the religious humility of angels.” worshipping. T#80. Da Da11.38h. Mt Mt4.10. Ac Ac14.13-15. Ro Ro1.25. 1 Co 1Co8.5, 1Co8.6. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1g. * 1Ti2.5, 1Ti2.8. Re Re19.10. +* Re22.8, Re22.9. of angels. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. Mt + Mt18.10. He ◐* Heb1.4-6. intruding. Dt +* Dt29.29. 1 S = 1Sa6.19. 2 S = 2Sa6.6, 2Sa6.7. Jb Job38.2. Ps Ps138.1, Ps138.2. Ezk Eze13.3, Eze13.7. Mt = Mt11.27. 1 Ti 1Ti1.7. not seen. Ezk Eze13.3. vainly. ver. Col2.8. Ro + Ro13.4. 1 Co 1Co4.18. 1Co8.1. 1Co13.4. puffed up. Is Is65.5n. 1 Co + 1Co4.6. Ep Eph4.17. fleshly. Ro Ro8.6-8. 1 Co 1Co3.3. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga Ga5.19, Ga5.20. Ja Jas3.14-16. Jas4.1-6. 19. not. ver. Col2.6-9. Col Col1.18. Ga Ga1.6-9. Ga5.2-4. Ep +* Eph4.15, Eph4.16. 1 Ti 1Ti2.4-6. 1 P +* 1Pe2.2. holding. Re Re2.13. Re3.11. all. Ep Eph4.15, Eph4.16. by. Jb Job10.912. Ps Ps139.15, Ps139.16. bands. Ep + Eph4.3. nourishment. Jn * Jn15.4-6. Ro Ro11.17. Ep * Eph5.29. ministered. 2 Co + 2Co9.10. knit. ver. Col2.2. Jn * Jn17.21. Ac Ac4.32. Ro * Ro12.4, Ro12.5. 1 Co 1Co1.10. 1Co10.16, 1Co10.17. * 1Co12.12-27. Ep * Eph4.3. Ph Php1.27. Php2.2-5. 1 P 1Pe3.8. increaseth. f147:147D, Ge + Ge1.29. Col +* Col1.10. 1 Co 1Co3.6. Ep Eph4.16. 1 Th 1Th3.12. 1Th4.10. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.18. 20. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Col Col3.3. Ro * Ro6.2-11. Ro7.4-6. Ga Ga2.19, Ga2.20. * Ga6.14. 1 P 1Pe4.1-3. from. See on ver. Col2.8. Ep Eph2.15. rudiments. or, elements. ver. Col2.8. Ga Ga4.3mg. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. living. Jn Jn15.19. Jn17.14-16. 2 Co 2Co10.3. Ja Jas4.4. 1 J 1Jn5.19. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. subject. See on ver. Col2.14, Col2.16. Ga * Ga4.3, Ga4.9-12. He * Heb13.9. 21. Touch not. f81, Ge + Ge15.13. f92:92H, Ac + Ac17.28. Ge Ge3.3. Le Le5.2. Le11.8. Is Is52.11. 2 Co * 2Co6.17. taste not. ver. Col2.16. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti4.3, 1Ti4.4. 22. to perish. Mt Mt15.17. Mk * Mk7.18, Mk7.19. Jn * Jn6.27. 1 Co 1Co6.13. + 1Co15.42g. after. Is ✓ Is29.13, Is29.18. Da Da11.37. Mt * Mt15.3-9. Mk * Mk7.7-13. Ti Tt1.14. Re Re17.18. 23. a show. Ge +* Ge3.5, Ge3.6. Dt * Dt4.2. Mt * Mt23.27, Mt23.28. 2 Co 2Co11.13-15. 1 Ti 1Ti4.3, 1Ti4.8. will. See on ver. Col2.8, + Col2.18, Col2.22. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. ver. Col2.18. neglecting. or, punishing, or, not sparing. Ep Eph5.29. 1 Ti 1Ti4.8. satisfying. Is +* Is58.13. Ro * Ro13.14. 1 Co * 1Co10.31.

COLOSSIANS 3 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 57. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

The apostle exhorts Christians to “seek” and “set their affections on things above,” as risen with Christ, and as following him to heaven, Col3.1-4; to mortify all carnal lusts, to put away malice, and to seek conformity to Christ in holiness, Col3.5-11; especially in love of each other, readiness to forgive injuries, and gratitude to God, Col3.12-15; to “let the word of Christ dwell in them richly;” to abound in grateful praises; and to “do all things in the name of Christ,” Col3.16" Col3.17 }. He gives exhortations to wives and husbands, Col3.18" Col3.19 }; to children and parents, Col3.20" Col3.21 }; and to servants, Col3.22-25. 1. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. risen. Col 2:+* Col2.12, Col2.13, Col2.20. Ro * Ro6.4, Ro6.5, Ro6.9-11. Ga * Ga2.19, Ga2.20. Ep Eph1.19, Eph1.20. * Eph2.5, Eph2.6. seek. ver. Col3.2. Ps +* Ps16.11. * Ps17.14, Ps17.15. * Ps73.25, Ps73.26. Pr Pr15.24. Mt ✓ Mt6.19, Mt6.20, Mt6.33. Lk Lk12.33. Ro Ro8.6. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.18. Ph +* Php3.20, Php3.21. He Heb10.34. Heb11.13-16. those things. Jn Jn8.23. Ph Php3.14. where. Ps Ps110.1. Mt Mt22.44. Mt26.64. Mk Mk12.36. Mk14.62. * Mk16.19. Lk Lk20.42. Lk22.69. Ac Ac2.34. * Ac7.55. Ro * Ro8.34. Ep + Eph1.20. Eph4.10. He Heb1.3, Heb1.13. Heb8.1. Heb10.12. * Heb12.2. 1 P 1Pe3.22. right hand. f22:22A, Ps + Ps110.1. 2. Set. See on ver. Col3.1. 1 S 1Sa22.23. 1 Ch * 1Ch22.19. 1Ch29.3. Ps ✓ Ps62.10. Ps91.14. ✓ Ps119.36, Ps119.37. Pr * Pr23.5. Ec Ec7.14. Mt * Mt6.21. +* Mt16.23. Jn Jn14.19. Ro ✓ Ro8.4-6. Ph Php1.23. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. affection. or, mind. not. ver. ✓ Col3.5. Ge Ge45.20. Ps Ps49.11-17. Pr Pr23.6. Mt ✓ Mt6.19. Lk ✓ Lk12.15. * Lk16.8, Lk16.9, Lk16.11, Lk16.19-25. Ph +* Php3.19. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15. 3. are dead. Col Col2.20. Ro +* Ro6.2, Ro6.6. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. your. ver. Col3.4. Col Col1.5. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. * Jn4.14. * Jn5.21, Jn5.24, Jn5.40. Jn6.39, Jn6.40. ✓ Jn10.28-30. * Jn14.19. Ro * Ro5.10, Ro5.21. Ro8.2, Ro8.34-39. 1 Co 1Co15.45. 2 Co +* 2Co5.7. He Heb7.25. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3-5. hid. Col +* Col2.3. Ge Ge7.16. 2 K 2Ki11.3. Ps +* Ps83.3. Mt +* Mt11.25. Jn Jn17.23. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.14. Ph +* Php4.7. 1 P 1Pe3.4. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. Re * Re2.17. with Christ. Jn * Jn17.21. 1 Co 1Co12.27. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. 4. who is. f63:63I, Nu + Nu26.4. or, “(with whom) our life (is hid).” our. Jn +* Jn11.25. ✓ Jn14.6. +* Jn20.31. Ac * Ac3.15. 2 Co 2Co4.16. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. 2 Ti 2Ti1.1. 1 J * 1Jn1.1, 1Jn1.2. ✓ 1Jn5.12. Re Re2.7. Re22.1, Re22.14. shall appear. Ph Php3.21. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1, 2Ti4.8. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He ✓ Heb9.28. 1 P 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.13. 1Pe4.13. * 1Pe5.4. 1 J 1Jn2.28. ✓ 1Jn3.2. ye also. Ps * Ps17.15. * Ps73.24. Is * Is25.8, Is25.9. Mt +* Mt13.43. Jn Jn6.39, Jn6.40. +* Jn14.3. * Jn17.24. Ro * Ro8.19, Ro8.29. 1 Co * 1Co15.43. 2 Co * 2Co4.17. Ph +* Php3.21. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.17. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10-12. Ju * Jud24. with him. Ex = Ex28.1. in glory. Ps ✓ Ps102.16. Ro * Ro8.17, Ro8.18, Ro8.21. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.43. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 1 P * 1Pe4.13. 5. Mortify. Mt Mt5.29. Mt18.9. Mk Mk9.47. Ro * Ro6.6. ✓ Ro8.13. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. * Ga5.24. Ep Eph5.3-6. members. f46:46A, Le + Le26.30. The members which commit the sins are put by a forcible Catachresis for the sins themselves. For the sins are immediately enumerated, not the members (B677). Ro Ro6.13. * Ro7.5, Ro7.23. Ja Jas4.1. fornication. Mt Mt15.19. Mk +* Mk7.21, Mk7.22. Ac +✓ Ac15.20. Ro +* Ro1.29. 1 Co * 1Co5.1, 1Co5.10, 1Co5.11. +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.13, 1Co6.18. 2 Co 2Co12.21. Ga * Ga5.19-21. Ep +* Eph5.3, Eph5.5. 1 Th * 1Th4.3. He Heb12.16. +* Heb13.4. Re +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. inordinate. Ro Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 58. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ro1.26. 1 Th 1Th4.5g. evil. Ro Ro7.7, Ro7.8. 1 Co 1Co10.6-8. Ep Eph4.19. 1 P 1Pe2.11. covetousness. Ps +* Ps10.3. 1 Co +* 1Co6.10. Ga * Ga5.19-21. See on Ep Eph5.3, Eph5.5. which is. 1 S +* 1Sa15.23. idolatry. Jb Job31.25, Job31.26. Ezk +* Eze14.3. 6. which. Ro * Ro1.18. Ep +* Eph5.6. Re Re22.15. children. Is Is57.4. Ezk Eze16.45, Eze16.46. Ep Eph2.2, Eph2.3. 1 P 1Pe1.14. 2 P 2Pe2.14g. 7. also walked. Col Col2.13. Ro * Ro6.19, Ro6.20. Ro7.5. 1 Co +* 1Co6.11. Ep +* Eph2.2. Ti Tt3.3. 1 P * 1Pe4.3, 1Pe4.4. when. Ep +* Eph2.11. 8. put off. ver. Col3.5, Col3.9. Ro Ro6.6. Ep +* Eph4.22. He * Heb12.1. Ja * Jas1.21. 1 P 1Pe2.1. anger. Ps * Ps37.8. Pr Pr17.14. Pr19.19. Pr29.22. Mt Mt5.22. Ro Ro13.13. 1 Co 1Co3.3. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga Ga5.15, Ga5.20, Ga5.26. Ep ✓ Eph4.26, + Eph4.31, Eph4.32. 2 Ti 2Ti2.23, 2Ti2.24. Ja * Jas1.20. * Jas3.14-16. blasphemy. Le Le24.11-16. Mk Mk7.22. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13, 1Ti1.20. Ja Jas2.7. Ju Jud8. Re Re16.9. filthy. Ep +* Eph4.29. * Eph5.4. Ja * Jas3.4-6. 2 P 2Pe2.7, 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud8, Jud13. 9. Lie not. T#417. Ge +* Ge27.19. Ex Ex20.16. Le +* Le19.11, Le19.12. Ps * Ps15.1, Ps15.2. * Ps34.13. + Ps101.5 (T#729). Pr Pr4.24. Is * Is63.8. Je Je9.3-5. Zp Zep3.13. Zc Zec8.16. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. Ep ✓ Eph4.25. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. Ti Tt1.12, Tt1.13. 1 P * 1Pe3.10. Ju + Jud8 (T#730). Re +* Re21.8, Re21.27. * Re22.15. ye have. Col Col2.11. put off. ver. Col3.8. Ro * Ro6.6. Ep * Eph4.22. 10. put on. ver. Col3.12, Col3.14. Jb Job29.14. Is Is52.1. Is59.17. Ro * Ro13.12, Ro13.14. 1 Co 1Co15.53, 1Co15.54. Ga +* Ga3.27. Ep +* Eph4.23, Eph4.24. the new. Ezk Eze11.19. Eze18.31. * Eze36.26. Ro +* Ro6.4. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. Ga * Ga6.15. Ep ✓ Eph2.10, Eph2.15. Eph4.24. Re Re21.5. renewed. Ps +* Ps51.10. Ro +* Ro12.2. Ep * Eph4.23. Ti Tt3.5. He Heb6.6. knowledge. Col +* Col1.9. Jn ✓ Jn17.3. 2 Co ✓ 2Co3.18. * 2Co4.6. 1 J * 1Jn2.3, 1Jn2.5. after. Ge +* Ge1.26, Ge1.27. Ro +* Ro8.29. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. * Eph4.23, Eph4.24. 1 P * 1Pe1.1416. 11. there. Ps Ps117.2. Is Is19.23-25. Is49.6. Is52.10. Is66.18-22. Je * Je16.19. Ho Ho2.23. Am Am9.12. Mi Mic4.2. Zc Zec2.11. * Zec8.20-23. Ml * Mal1.11. Mt Mt12.18-21. Ac * Ac10.34, Ac10.35. * Ac13.46-48. Ac15.17. Ac26.17, Ac26.18. Ro Ro3.29. Ro4.10, Ro4.11. Ro9.24-26, Ro9.30, Ro9.31. * Ro10.12. Ro15.9-13. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13. Ga ✓ Ga3.28. Ep +* Eph3.6. circumcision. 1 Co * 1Co7.19. Ga +* Ga5.6. * Ga6.15. Barbarian. Ac Ac28.2, Ac28.4. Ro Ro1.14. 1 Co 1Co14.11. Scythian. i.e. degraded, ❅S#4658g. bond. 1 Co 1Co7.21, 1Co7.22. Ep Eph6.8. but. Col Col2.10. 1 Co +* 1Co1.29, 1Co1.30. 1Co3.21-23. Ga * Ga3.29. * Ga6.14. Ph Php3.7-9. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. 2 J 2Jn9. and. Jn Jn6.56, Jn6.57. Jn14.23. * Jn15.5. * Jn17.23. Ro +* Ro8.10, Ro8.11. Ga ✓ Ga2.20. Ep + Eph1.23. +* Eph3.17. 1 J 1Jn5.20. 12. Put on. See on ver. Col3.10. Ex = Ex29.8, Ex29.9. Le = Le7.8. Ps = Ps132.9. Ep Eph4.24. as the elect. Dt +* Dt10.15. Is Is42.1. Is45.4. Is65.9, Is65.22. Mt 24:+* Mt24.22, Mt24.24, Mt24.31. Mk Mk13.20, Mk13.22, Mk13.27. Lk + Lk18.7. Ro +* Ro8.29-33. * Ro9.11. * Ro11.57. 1 Th * 1Th1.3, 1Th1.4. 1Th5.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. Ti Tt1.1. 1 P * 1Pe1.1, 1Pe1.2. 1Pe2.8, 1Pe2.9. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. 2 J 2Jn1, 2Jn13. Re Re17.14. holy. Ro * Ro8.29. Ep * Eph1.4. 1 Th 1Th1.3-6. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. beloved. Je Je31.3. Ezk Eze16.8. Ro +* Ro1.7. Ep Eph2.4, Eph2.5. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.9. Ti * Tt3.4-6. 1 J 1Jn4.19. bowels. f46:46C, Mt + Mt8.6. f121:121G, Is + Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 59. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Is63.15. Is Is63.15. Je Je31.20. Lk Lk1.78mg. 2 Co +* 2Co6.12n. 2Co7.15. Ph Php1.8. Php2.1. Phm Phm7, Phm12, Phm20. 1 J * 1Jn3.17. mercies. 1 Th 1Th5.15. Ja * Jas2.13. * Jas3.17, Jas3.18. 1 P 1Pe3.8-11. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-8. 1 J * 1Jn3.14-20. kindness. Ro Ro12.9, Ro12.10. Ep +* Eph4.32. humbleness of mind. Ph +* Php2.3. meekness. Mt +* Mt5.5. Ga Ga5.23. longsuffering. Ga Ga5.22. Ep +* Eph4.2. 13. Forbearing. Ro * Ro15.1, Ro15.2. 2 Co 2Co6.6. Ga * Ga6.2. Ep ✓ Eph4.2, Eph4.32. forgiving. Mt * Mt5.44. * Mt6.12, Mt6.14, Mt6.15. * Mt18.21-35. Mk * Mk11.25. Lk +* Lk6.35-37. Lk11.4. * Lk17.3, Lk17.4. Lk23.34. Ja * Jas2.13. if any. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. quarrel. or, complaint. Mt * Mt18.15-17. 1 Co 1Co6.7, 1Co6.8. even. Mt Mt18.27. Lk Lk5.2024. Lk7.48-50. 2 Co 2Co2.10. Ep ✓ Eph4.32. Eph5.2. 1 P 1Pe2.21. 14. above all. Ep Eph6.16. charity. Col Col2.2. Jn * Jn13.34. Jn15.12. Ro Ro13.8. 1 Co ch. *13. Ep * Eph4.15, Eph4.16. + Eph5.2. 1 Th 1Th4.9. 1Th5.8. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1 P * 1Pe4.8. 2 P * 2Pe1.7. 1 J * 1Jn3.23. 1Jn4.21. the bond. Col Col2.2. Ac Ac8.23. Ep Eph1.4. * Eph4.3. He +* Heb12.14. 1 J * 1Jn4.7-12. perfectness. Jn Jn17.23. He Heb6.1g. 15. the peace. T#849. Ps Ps25.13. * Ps29.11. +* Ps34.4. Ps85.8. Ps147.3. Is ✓ Is26.3. Is27.5. * Is32.17, Is32.18. * Is57.15, Is57.19. Lk Lk7.50. Jn * Jn14.27. Jn16.33. Ro * Ro5.1. * Ro14.17. Ro15.13. 2 Co * 2Co5.19-21. Ep * Eph2.12-18. Eph5.1. Ph +✓ Php4.7 (T#666). 2 Th 2Th3.16. to the which. 1 Co + 1Co7.15. Ep Eph2.16, Eph2.17. Eph4.4, Eph4.16. one body. Ep + Eph2.16. +* Eph4.4n. thankful. ver. + Col3.17. Col * Col1.12. * Col2.7. Ps Ps100.4. Ps107.22. Ps116.17. Jon Jon2.9. Lk Lk17.16-18. Ro Ro1.21. 2 Co 2Co4.15. 2Co9.11. Ep * Eph5.20. Ph ✓ Php4.6. 1 Th * 1Th5.18. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1. He * Heb13.15. Re * Re7.12. 16. the word. 2 Ch = 2Ch17.9. Jn +✓ Jn5.39, Jn5.40. +* Jn8.31, Jn8.37. * Jn15.3, Jn15.7. Ac Ac8.25. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15, 2Ti3.16. He ✓ Heb4.12, Heb4.13. 1 P 1Pe1.11, 1Pe1.12. 1 J +* 1Jn1.10. Re Re19.10. dwell. T#1101. Dt * Dt6.6-9. * Dt11.18-20. Jb Job22.22. +* Job23.12. Ps +* Ps1.2. ✓ Ps119.11. Pr Pr22.18. Je +* Je15.16. Lk Lk2.51. Jn * Jn15.7. 1 J * 1Jn2.14, 1Jn2.24, 1Jn2.27. 2 J 2Jn2. richly. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.17. Ti Tt3.6mg. all wisdom. Col +* Col1.9. 1 K * 1Ki3.9-12, 1Ki3.28. Pr * Pr2.6, Pr2.7. ✓ Pr4.7. Pr14.8. +* Pr18.1n. Is * Is11.2. Ep * Eph1.17. * Eph5.17. Ja +* Jas1.5. * Jas3.17. teaching. Col +* Col1.28. Ro * Ro15.14. 1 Th 1Th4.18. * 1Th5.11, 1Th5.12. 2 Th * 2Th3.15. He * Heb12.12-15. admonishing. Col +* Col1.28. in psalms. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. Mt * Mt26.30. 1 Co * 1Co14.26. Ep +* Eph5.19n. Ja * Jas5.13. and spiritual. 1 Ch * 1Ch25.7. Ne * Ne12.46. Ps * Ps32.7. * Ps119.54. SS So1.1. Is Is5.1. Is26.1. Is30.29. Ro + Ro1.11g. Ep Eph5.19. Re * Re5.9. Re14.3. *15:3. singing. Col * Col4.6. 1 Ch = 1Ch6.32. = 1Ch15.22. = 1Ch25.7. 2 Ch = 2Ch23.13. Ps * Ps28.7. Ps30.11, Ps30.12. Ps47.6, Ps47.7. * Ps63.4-6. Ps71.23. Ps103.1, Ps103.2. Ps138.1. 1 Co * 1Co14.15. Ep +* Eph4.29. in your hearts. T#529. 1 S + 1Sa16.7 (T#333). Ps Ps111.1. 1 Co 1Co14.15. Ep Eph5.19, Eph5.20. to the Lord. ver. * Col3.23. 17. whatsoever. ver. * Col3.23. 2 Ch * 2Ch31.20, 2Ch31.21. Pr ✓ Pr3.6. Ro * Ro14.6-8. 1 Co ✓ 1Co10.31. in word. 2 Th 2Th2.17. 1 J * 1Jn3.18. do all. 2 S 2Sa15.15. Jn +* Jn2.5. * Jn15.14. 1 Co * 1Co10.31. in the name. Dt = Dt10.8. = Dt18.5. Mi * Mic4.5. Mt +* Mt28.19. Ac Ac3.6, Ac3.16. Ac4.10, Ac4.18, Ac4.29, Ac4.30. Ac5.40. Ac9.27, Ac9.29. Ac10.48. Ac16.18. * Ac19.17. 1 Co 1Co5.4. 1Co6.11. Ep Eph5.20. Ph Php1.11. Php2.10, Php2.29. 1 Th * 1Th4.1, 1Th4.2. 2 Th 2Th3.6. Ja Jas5.14. giving thanks. ver. Col3.15. Col * Col1.12. +* Col2.7. * Col4.2. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 60. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps Ps100.4. Ps107.1. Mt Mt26.27. Jn Jn11.41. Ro Ro1.8. Ep +* Eph5.20. 1 Th +* 1Th5.18. 1 Ti 1Ti4.4, 1Ti4.5. He * Heb13.15. 1 P * 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9. * 1Pe4.11. God. Ep Eph1.17. Ph Php2.11. 1 Th 1Th1.1. He Heb1.5. 1 J * 1Jn2.23. 18. submit. T#197. Ge Ge2.18. * Ge3.16. +* Ge16.9. Nu Nu30.13. Est Es1.20. 1 Co +* 1Co11.3-9, 1Co11.13-15. +* 1Co14.34n, 1Co14.35n. Ep * Eph5.22-24, Eph5.33. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.11-13. Ti 2:+ Tt2.4 (T#425), 5. 1 P * 1Pe3.1-7. as. Ac * Ac5.29. Ep * Eph5.3, Eph5.4. Eph6.1. Phm Phm8. 19. love. Ge Ge2.23, Ge2.24. Ge24.67. Pr Pr5.18, Pr5.19. Ec Ec9.9. Ml Mal2.14-16. Lk Lk14.26. 1 Co * 1Co7.14-16. Ep * Eph5.25, Eph5.28, Eph5.29, Eph5.33. 1 P * 1Pe3.7. bitter. ver. Col3.21. Ro Ro3.14. Ep * Eph4.31. Ja Jas3.14. 20. obey. Ge Ge28.7. Ex +* Ex20.12. Le +* Le19.3. Dt * Dt21.18-21. * Dt27.16. Pr * Pr6.2023. * Pr20.20. * Pr30.11, Pr30.17. Ezk Eze22.7. Ml * Mal1.6. Mt Mt15.4-6. * Mt19.17, Mt19.19. Lk * Lk2.51. Ep +✓ Eph6.1-3. in all. ver. Col3.22. Ep Eph5.24. Ti Tt2.9. well pleasing. Col +* Col1.10. Ep + Eph5.10. Ph Php4.18. He * Heb13.21. 21. provoke not. A. T. Robertson notes that the Greek verb translated “provoke” in its good sense means excite (2 Co 2Co9.2, to stimulate), and in its bad sense as used here means to nag. The present tense signifies nag as a habit (Word Pictures, vol. 4, p. 507). Ps Ps103.13. Pr Pr3.12. Pr4.1-4. See on Ep +✓ Eph6.4. 1 Th +* 1Th2.11. He * Heb12.5-11. lest. Ps * Ps78.4, Ps78.7, Ps78.8. Pr ◐ Pr3.27. ◐* Pr12.25. ◐* Pr15.1, Pr15.23, Pr15.30. ◐* Pr16.24. Pr22.6. Is Is50.4. Je ◐+* Je12.5. Mt Mt18.4-6. Lk Lk17.2. Ac ◐+* Ac11.23. 1 Co ◐* 1Co15.58. 1 Th ◐+* 1Th2.11, 1Th2.12. He * Heb3.13n. * Heb12.15. 22. servants, obey. T#680. ver. Col3.20. Ps Ps123.2. Pr + Pr14.35 (T#907). Ml * Mal1.6. Mt Mt8.9. Lk +* Lk6.46. Lk7.8. Ep +* Eph6.5-9. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.1-3. Ti Tt2.9, Tt2.10. Phm * Phm16. 1 P * 1Pe2.18, 1Pe2.19. all things. ver. + Col3.20. menpleasers. Ga * Ga1.10. 1 Th 1Th2.4. in singleness. Mt * Mt6.22. Ac Ac2.46. Ep +* Eph6.5. of heart. 1 S +* 1Sa16.7. fearing. Ge Ge42.18. Ne * Ne5.9, Ne5.15. Ec Ec5.7. * Ec8.12. ✓ Ec12.13, Ec12.14. Ac * Ac5.29. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. 23. whatsoever. See on ver. Col3.17. 2 Ch +* 2Ch31.21. Ps Ps47.6, Ps47.7. Ps103.1. Ps119.10, Ps119.34, Ps119.145. Ec +* Ec9.10. Je Je3.10. 1 P 1Pe1.22. heartily. Gr. from the soul. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt22.37. as to. 2 Ch 2Ch19.6. Zc Zec7.5-7. Mt Mt6.16. Ro * Ro14.6, Ro14.8. Ep +* Eph5.22. +* Eph6.5-7. Phm Phm16. 1 P * 1Pe2.13, 1Pe2.15. 24. of the Lord. 2 K 2Ki17.35. Jn Jn1.1. shall receive. Col Col1.13n. Mt * Mt25.34. Lk ✓ Lk14.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.1n, 2Ti4.8. He Heb12.28n. 2 P 2Pe1.11. Re Re11.18. the reward. Col * Col2.18. Ge Ge15.1. Ru * Ru2.12. Pr * Pr11.18. Mt +* Mt5.12, Mt5.46. Mt6.1, Mt6.2, Mt6.5, Mt6.16. * Mt10.41. Lk * Lk6.35. +* Lk14.14. Ro +* Ro2.6, Ro2.7. * Ro4.4, Ro4.5. 1 Co * 1Co3.8. 1Co9.17, 1Co9.18. Ep * Eph6.8. He * Heb9.15. * Heb10.35. ✓ Heb11.6. the inheritance. Nu = Nu18.20. Dt +* Dt32.9. Ps * Ps106.5. Ac + Ac20.32. Ro Ro8.17. 1 Co 1Co6.9. 2 Co 2Co6.10. Ep +* Eph1.11n, Eph1.14. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 2 Th 2Th1.5. Ja Jas2.5. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4n. 2 P 2Pe1.11. for ye serve. Nu = Nu3.7. 1 Ch = 1Ch16.37. Jn * Jn12.26. Ac Ac20.19. Ro * Ro1.1. +* Ro12.11. * Ro14.18. Ro16.18. 1 Co 1Co7.22. Ga * Ga1.10. Ep +* Eph6.6, Eph6.7. Ja + Jas1.1. 2 P 2Pe1.1. Ju Jud1. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 61. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

25. he that. 1 Co 1Co6.7, 1Co6.8. 1 Th 1Th4.6. Phm Phm18. receive. Ge +* Ge6.13 (T#566). 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.10. He Heb2.2. and. Col Col4.1. Le +* Le19.15. Dt Dt1.17. * Dt10.17. 2 S 2Sa14.14. 2 Ch 2Ch19.7. Jb Job34.19. Job37.24. Lk Lk20.21. Ac Ac10.34. Ro * Ro2.11. Ep Eph6.9. 1 P * 1Pe1.17. Ju Jud16.

COLOSSIANS 4 Masters are charged to behave properly to their servants, Col4.1. Exhortations to perseverance in prayer, Col4.2-4; and to prudence and edifying speech, Col4.5" Col4.6 }. The apostle commends Tychicus and Onesimus, by whom he sends the epistle, Col4.7-9; and concludes with salutations, admonitions, and directions, Col4.10-18. 1. Masters. T#679. Dt Dt23.15, Dt23.16. +* Dt24.14, Dt24.15. Jb + Job27.13 (T#490). Pr + Pr21.13 (T#687). +22:22 (T#636). Je * Je22.13. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Ep +* Eph6.9. 1 Ti 1Ti5.18. give. Le +* Le19.13. * Le25.39-43. Dt * Dt15.12-15. +* Dt24.14, Dt24.15. Ne Ne5.5-13. Jb Job24.11, Job24.12. * Job31.13-15. Is * Is58.3, Is58.5-9. Je Je34.9-17. Ml +* Mal3.5. Lk Lk7.15. Jn Jn19.27. Ja * Jas2.13. +* Jas5.4. just. T#1849. Pr +* Pr18.13. Jn +* Jn7.51. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.19n. Ja +* Jas5.4. equal. T#1850. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mt ✓ Mt7.12. * Mt20.9n, Mt20.13n, Mt20.25, Mt20.26. 2 Co 2Co8.14. ye also. Ec * Ec5.8. Mt Mt23.8, Mt23.9. * Mt24.48-51. Lk * Lk16.1-13. Lk19.15. Ep * Eph6.8, Eph6.9, etc. Re * Re17.14. Re19.16. 2. Continue. ver. Col4.12. Col Col1.9. Ge * Ge32.26. 1 S +* 1Sa12.23. Jb Job15.4. Job27.810. Ps +* Ps55.16, Ps55.17. Ps109.4. See on Lk Lk18.1. Ac + Ac1.14. Ro * Ro12.12. Ep * Eph6.18. Ph ✓ Php4.6. 1 Th +* 1Th5.17, 1Th5.18. watch. Ne * Ne4.9. Mt + Mt24.42. * Mt26.41. Mk Mk13.33. Mk14.38. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. thanksgiving. Col * Col1.12, Col1.13. See on 2:7. 3:15, 17. Ep + Eph5.20. He * Heb13.15. 3. praying. Ro * Ro15.30-32. Ep * Eph6.19. Ph Php1.19. 1 Th * 1Th5.25. Phm Phm22. He Heb13.18, Heb13.19. that. 1 Co 1Co16.9. 2 Co 2Co2.12. 2 Th 2Th3.1, 2Th3.2. Re * Re3.7, Re3.8. a door. The term door is used metaphorically for an entrance to any business, or occasion or opportunity of doing any thing; and consequently “a door of utterance” is an opportunity of preaching the gospel successfully. See the parallel texts. Ac +* Ac14.27. of utterance. or, for the word. Ac + Ac8.4. the mystery. See on Col * Col1.26. Col2.2, Col2.3. Mt +* Mt13.11. Ro +* Ro16.25n. 1 Co * 1Co4.1. Ep Eph6.19. of Christ. Ep Eph3.4. for. ver. Col4.18. Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. Eph6.20. Ph *1:+ Php1.7, Php1.13, Php1.14. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16. * 2Ti2.9. 4. I may. Mt Mt10.26, Mt10.27. Ac Ac4.29. 2 Co 2Co3.12. 2Co4.1-4. as. ver. Col4.6. Ac Ac5.29. 1 Co * 1Co2.4, 1Co2.5. 2 Co +* 2Co2.14-17. Ep Eph6.20. 5. Walk. Col +* Col3.16. Ps * Ps90.12. Mt * Mt10.16. Ro Ro16.19. 1 Co 1Co14.19-25. Ep +* Eph5.15-17. Ja +* Jas1.5. * Jas3.13, Jas3.17. in wisdom. Col +* Col1.9. toward them. Col +* Col1.10. 2 S ✓ 2Sa12.14. Ps * Ps39.1. Pr +* Pr25.26. Ezk Eze20.9. Mk + Mk4.11. Ac Ac2.47. * Ac24.16. Ro +* Ro2.24. Ro12.17. Ro13.7. Ro14.16-18. 1 Co 1Co5.12, 1Co5.13. 1Co9.12. * 1Co10.32. 1Co14.23. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 2Co8.21. Ga +* Ga6.10. Ep Eph4.1. Ph Php1.27. Php2.15. Php4.5, Php4.8. 1 Th * 1Th4.12. * 1Th5.15. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.7. 1Ti5.7, * 1Ti5.14. 1Ti6.1. Ti * Tt2.5, Tt2.8, Tt2.10. Tt3.2. He +* Heb12.14. Ja Jas2.7. 1 P * 1Pe2.12, 1Pe2.15, 1Pe2.17. * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 62. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Pe3.1, 1Pe3.16. redeeming. Da Da2.8. See on Ep * Eph5.16. the time. Ec +* Ec9.10. Ro + Ro13.11g. 6. your speech. Col +* Col3.16. Dt * Dt6.6, Dt6.7. * Dt11.19. 1 Ch 1Ch16.24. Jb * Job4.3, Job4.4. Ps Ps19.14. Ps30.12mg,n. Ps34.13. * Ps37.30, Ps37.31. ✓ Ps39.1. * Ps40.9, Ps40.10. Ps45.2. * Ps66.16. Ps71.8, Ps71.15-18, Ps71.23, Ps71.24. +* Ps71.8. * Ps78.3, Ps78.4. Ps105.2. Ps119.13, Ps119.46. Pr * Pr10.21. * Pr15.4, Pr15.7. * Pr16.21-24. Pr22.17, Pr22.18. * Pr25.11, Pr25.12. Pr31.26. Ec * Ec10.12. Ml +* Mal3.16-18. Mt +* Mt12.34, Mt12.35. Lk * Lk4.22. Ep +* Eph4.29. Ti * Tt2.8. Ja Jas3.2, Jas3.6, Jas3.8. with grace. Col +* Col3.16. seasoned. Le Le2.13. 2 K 2Ki2.20-22. Mt * Mt5.13. Mk +* Mk9.50n. how. Pr Pr15.1. Pr26.4, Pr26.5. Mt +* Mt7.6. Lk * Lk20.20-40. Ro Ro14.19. 1 P +* 1Pe3.9, 1Pe3.15. 7. my. Ep Eph6.21-23. Tychicus. Ac Ac20.4. 2 Ti 2Ti4.12. Ti Tt3.12. a beloved. ver. Col4.9, Col4.12. See on Ep Eph6.21. Ph Php2.25. brother. Col Col1.1. a faithful. ver. Col4.9. 1 Co +* 1Co4.1-4. minister. Ac + Ac19.22. fellowservant. Col Col1.7. 8. I have. 1 Co 1Co4.17. 2 Co 2Co12.18. Ep Eph6.22. Ph Php2.28. 1 Th 1Th3.5. and comfort. Col + Col2.2. Is Is40.1. Is61.2, Is61.3. 2 Co * 2Co1.4. 2Co2.7. 1 Th 1Th2.11. 1Th3.2. 1Th4.18. 1Th5.11, 1Th5.14. 2 Th * 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. 9. Onesimus. ver. Col4.7. Phm * Phm10-19. faithful. ver. Col4.7. Col + Col1.7. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. 1 P 1Pe5.12. beloved. Phm Phm16. who is. ver. Col4.12, Col4.14. 10. Aristarchus. Ac Ac19.29. Ac20.4. Ac27.2. Ro Ro16.7. Phm Phm23, Phm24. saluteth. See on Ro Ro16.21-23. and Marcus. Ac +* Ac12.12. Ac13.5, Ac13.13. Ac15.37-39. 2 Ti 2Ti4.11. 1 P 1Pe5.13. sister’s son. Ac Ac15.37, Ac15.39. to Barnabas. Ac + Ac4.36. if he come. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.11. receive. Ro Ro16.2. 2 J 2Jn8, 2Jn9. 11. Justus. Ac Ac1.23. Ac18.7. who. Ac Ac10.45. + Ac11.2. Ro Ro4.12. Ga Ga2.7, Ga2.8. Ep Eph2.11. Ti Tt1.10. fellowworkers. ver. Col4.7. Ro + Ro16.3. 1 Co 1Co3.5-9. 2 Co 2Co6.1. Ph Php4.3. 1 Th 1Th3.2. Phm Phm1, Phm24. the kingdom of God. Ro +* Ro14.17. a comfort. 2 Co 2Co7.6, 2Co7.7. 1 Th 1Th3.7. Phm Phm7. 12. Epaphras. Col Col1.7. Phm * Phm23. one of you. ver. Col4.9, Col4.14. a servant. Jn * Jn12.26. Ga Ga1.10. Ja + Jas1.1. 2 P 2Pe1.1. always. See on ver. Col4.2. Lk Lk22.44. Ga Ga4.19. He * Heb5.7. Ja +* Jas5.16. laboring. or, striving. Col +* Col1.29. ch. 2. that. ver. Col4.1. See on Col +* Col1.9, Col1.22, Col1.28. Mt * Mt5.48. Ro +* Ro15.30. 1 Co 1Co2.6. 1Co14.20g. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ep +* Eph4.11-13. Ph Php3.12-15. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23. He Heb5.14g. Heb6.1. Ju * Jud24. perfect. Col Col1.28. Mt +* Mt5.48. complete. or, filled. Lk + Lk1.1g. Ro Ro15.14. will of God. Col +* Col1.9. 1 Th +* 1Th4.3. 13. I bear. Ro Ro10.2. 2 Co 2Co8.3. Ga Ga4.15. for you. Col Col2.1. and them. Re Re3.17. Laodicea. Laodicea and Hierapolis were both cities of Phrygia in Asia Minor, between which, and equidistant from each, was situated Colosse. Laodicea was seated near the Lycus, about 63 miles east of Ephesus; and became one of the largest and richest towns in Phrygia, vying in power with the maritime cities. It is now called Eski-hissar, the old castle; and besides the whole surface within the city’s wall being strewed with pedestals and fragments, the ruins of an amphitheater, a magnificent odeum (a small roofed theater for musical or dramatical performances), and other public buildings, attest its former splendor and magnificence. But Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 63. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

when visited by Dr. Chandler, all was silence and solitude; and a fox, first discovered by his ears peeping over a brow, was the only inhabitant of Laodicea. Hierapolis. i.e. temple city, ❅S#2404g, only here. Hierapolis, now Pambouk-Kaiesi, was situated, according to the Itinerary, six miles N. of Laodicea; and its ruins are now about a mile and a half in circumference. ver. Col4.15, Col4.16. Col + Col2.1. Re Re1.11. * Re3.14-18. 14. Luke. i.e. luminous, ❅S#3065g. Ac ◐+ Ac16.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.11. Phm Phm24. beloved. ver. Col4.9, Col4.12. Demas. i.e. popular, ❅S#1214g. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.10. Phm Phm24. 15. the brethren. Ep + Eph6.23. Laodicea. See on ver. Col4.13. Nymphas. i.e. bridegroom, ❅S#3564g. This name may be feminine. the church. Ro + Ro16.5. 1 Co * 1Co16.9. Phm +* Phm2. their house. or, some authorities read, her house. A. T. Robertson states “It is not possible to tell whether it is ‘her’ or ‘his’ house here” (Word Pictures, vol. 4, p. 512). Bruce Metzger in his Textual Commentary indicates the editorial committee for the United Bible Societies’ Greek text preferred the feminine reading on the basis of the manuscript evidence cited there (p. 627). 16. this epistle. Ro ❅S#2994g. Re Re3.14.

Ro16.22. 2 Th

2Th3.14. is read. 1 Th * 1Th5.27. Laodiceans.

17. Archippus. i.e. horse chief, ❅S#751g. Phm * Phm2. Take. Le Le10.3. Nu Nu18.5. 2 Ch 2Ch29.11. Ezk Eze44.23, Eze44.24. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. 1Ti6.11-14, 1Ti6.20. 2 Ti 2Ti4.1-5. the ministry. Ac Ac1.17. Ac14.23. 1 Co 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. Ep +* Eph4.11. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6, 1Ti4.14. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. +* 2Ti2.2. 2Ti4.5. thou hast received. Ac Ac14.23. Ti Tt1.5. fulfil. 2 Ti 2Ti4.5. 18. by. 1 Co +* 1Co16.21. 2 Th 2Th3.17. hand. f121:121BC, 1 Co + 1Co16.21. Remember. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. He Heb13.3. my bonds. ver. Col4.3. Ph + Php1.7. Grace. See on Ro Ro16.20, Ro16.24. 2 Co +* 2Co13.14. 1 Ti 1Ti6.21. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. Ti Tt3.15. He Heb13.25.

1 THESSALONIANS 1 THESSALONIANS 1 The apostle salutes the church at Thessalonica, 1Th1.1; and shows how he thanked God on their behalf, and prayed for them; remembering the fruits of their faith, love, and patient hope, as evidences of their “election of God,” 1Th1.2-4. He speaks, more particularly, concerning the happy effects of his success among them: for, “receiving the word in much affliction,” copying the example of their teachers, and setting good examples to others; their conversion from idols to the service of the true God, and their patient waiting for Jesus, the Deliverer “from the wrath to come,” speedily became known in every place, 1Th1.6-10. 1. Paul. 2 Th 2Th1.1, 2Th1.2. Silvanus. Silas, or Silvanus, and Timothy, did not come to the Apostle, when driven from Thessalonica and Berea, till after his arrival at Athens, nor did they continue with him in that city, being sent speedily back to Thessalonica (1 Th 1Th3.1. Ac Ac17.10-15); which shows that this epistle could not have been written from Athens, but from Corinth, where they afterwards rejoined him (Ac Ac18.1-6). Ac 15:+ Ac15.22, Ac15.27, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 64. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ac15.32, Ac15.34, Ac15.40. Ac16.19, Ac16.25, Ac16.29. Ac17.4, Ac17.15. Ac18.5, Silas. 2 Co 2Co1.19. 2 Th 2Th1.1. 1 P 1Pe5.12. Timotheus. Ac 16:+ Ac16.1-33. Ac17.14, Ac17.15. Ac18.5. Ac19.22. Ac20.4. 2 Co 2Co1.1. Ph Php1.1. Col Col1.1. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. He Heb13.23. unto the. See on 1 Co 1Co1.2. Ga Ga1.2. Thessalonians. i.e. victory over the tossing of the law; victory over falsity, ❅S#2331g. Ac ◐17:+ Ac17.1-99, Ac17.11, Ac17.13. Ac20.4. Ac27.2. 2 Th 2Th1.1. in God. Ga Ga1.22. 2 Th 2Th1.1. 1 J 1Jn1.3. Ju Jud1. Grace. See on Ro + Ro1.7. Ep Eph1.2. 2. give thanks. 1 Th 1Th2.13. 1Th3.9. See on Ro 1:+ Ro1.8, Ro1.9. Ro6.17. 1 Co 1Co1.4. Ep Eph1.15, Eph1.16. Ep + Eph5.20. Ph Php1.3, Php1.4. Col Col1.3. Phm Phm4. always for. f98, Ro + Ro11.33. Alliteration is present in the Greek: “pantote peri panton.” mention. Ro + Ro1.9. prayers. Ph * Php4.6. 3. Remembering. 1 Th 1Th3.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3-5. without ceasing. 1 Th * 1Th2.13. +* 1Th5.17. your work of. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. This may be understood to mean “work which proceeds from faith, labor which proceeds from love, and patience that proceeds from hope” if taken as the genitive of origin. The genitive, however, may be, by Anti mereia, faithful service, loving labor, and hopeful patience. But if the figure is Antiptosis, then it means a working faith (i.e. a faith which is manifested by its works), a laborious love, and patient hope. Probably all three interpretations are correct! (B508). 1 Th * 1Th2.13, 1Th2.14. Jn Jn6.27-29. Ro Ro16.26. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Ga * Ga5.6. 2 Th * 2Th1.3, 2Th1.11. He Heb4.11. +* Heb6.10. Heb11.7, Heb11.8, Heb11.17, Heb11.24-34. Ja * Jas2.17-26. Re Re2.19. of faith. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. 1 Th * 1Th3.6. 1Th5.8. 1 Co 1Co13.13. and labor. Ge Ge29.20. SS So8.7. Jn Jn14.15, Jn14.2123. Jn15.10. Jn21.15-17. Ro Ro16.6. 1 Co 1Co13.4-7. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. 2Co8.7-9. Ga Ga5.13. Phm Phm5-7. He +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. 1 J 1Jn3.18. 1Jn5.3. Re Re2.2-4. of love. 1 Th * 1Th3.6. Col Col1.4. 2 Th * 2Th1.3, 2Th1.4. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. Phm Phm5. Re Re2.10. and patience. Ro +* Ro2.7. +* Ro5.3-5. Ro8.24, Ro8.25. Ro12.12. 15:+* Ro15.4, Ro15.13. 1 Co 1Co13.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. Ga +* Ga6.9. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 2Th3.5. He Heb6.15. Heb10.36. Ja Jas1.3, Jas1.4. * Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 1 J 1Jn3.3. Re Re3.10. in the sight. 1 Th 1Th2.19. 1Th3.9, 1Th3.13. Is Is2.5. Is50.11. Ec Ec2.26. Ac +* Ac3.19. Ac10.31. 2 Co 2Co2.17. 1 Ti 1Ti2.3. He * Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe3.4. 1 J 1Jn1.7. 1Jn3.21. our. Ga + Ga1.4. 4. Knowing. ver. 1Th1.3. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro11.5-7. Ep Eph1.4. Ph * Php1.6, Php1.7. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. beloved, your election of God. or, beloved of God, your election. beloved. Ro Ro1.7. Col Col3.12. 2 Th 2Th2.13. election. Mk Mk13.20. Lk + Lk18.7. Ac +* Ac13.48. +* Ac18.27. Ro +* Ro1.7. * Ro9.25. Ep * Eph1.4. Eph2.4, Eph2.5. Col Col3.12. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9, 2Ti1.10. Ti Tt3.4, Tt3.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. Re Re13.8. Re17.8. 5. our. Is ✓ Is55.11. Ro Ro2.16. 2 Co 2Co4.3. Ga Ga1.8-12. Ga2.2. 2 Th 2Th2.14. 2 Ti 2Ti2.8. in word. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. Is ✓ Is55.10, Is55.11. 1 Co +* 1Co2.4. * 1Co4.20. 2 Co 2Co3.6. but. Ps Ps110.2, Ps110.3. Mk Mk16.20. Ac Ac11.21. Ac16.14. Ro +* Ro1.16. Ro15.18, Ro15.19. 1 Co 1Co1.24. 1Co2.4, 1Co2.5. 1Co3.6. 2 Co 2Co10.4, 2Co10.5. Ep Eph1.17-20. Eph2.4, Eph2.5, Eph2.10. Eph3.20. Ph ✓ Php2.13. Ja Jas1.16-18. 1 P 1Pe1.3. in the. Jn Jn16.7-15. Ac Ac2.33. Ac10.44-46. Ac11.15-18. 1 Co 1Co3.16. 1Co12.7-11. 2 Co 2Co6.6. Ga Ga3.2-5. Ga5.5, Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ti Tt3.5, Tt3.6. He Heb2.4. 1 P 1Pe1.12. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18n. in much assurance. Col +* Col2.2. He * Heb2.3. Heb6.11, Heb6.18, Heb6.19. Heb10.22. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.10, 2Pe1.19. what manner. 1 Th * 1Th2.1-11. Ac Ac20.18, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 65. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ac20.19, Ac20.33-35. 1 Co 1Co2.2-5. 1Co4.9-13. 1Co10.33. 2 Co 2Co4.1, 2Co4.2. 2Co6.3-10. Ph Php4.9. 2 Th 2Th3.7-9. 1 Ti 1Ti4.12-16. 1 P 1Pe5.3. for. 1 Co 1Co9.19-23. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. 6. ye. 1 Th 1Th2.14. 1 Co + 1Co4.16. +* 1Co11.1. 2 Co * 2Co8.5. Ph Php3.17. 2 Th 2Th3.7, 2Th3.9. and of. Mt Mt16.24. Jn * Jn8.12. Jn13.13-15. 1 Co +* 1Co11.1. Ep Eph5.1. 1 P 1Pe3.13. 3 J 3Jn11. received. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13, 1Th2.14. 1Th3.2-4. Ho Ho2.14. Mk Mk10.29, Mk10.30. Ac Ac17.5-10. 2 Co 2Co8.1, 2Co8.2. 2 Th 2Th1.4. the word. Ac + Ac8.4. with joy. Mt +* Mt5.12. Jn Jn14.16-18. Ac Ac5.41. Ac9.31. * Ac13.52. Ro Ro5.3-5. Ro8.16-18. Ro15.13. Ga * Ga5.22. He Heb10.34. 1 P 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.8. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18. 7. ensamples. 1 Th 1Th4.10. 1 Ti 1Ti4.12. Ti Tt2.7. 1 P +* 1Pe5.3. in Macedonia. 1 Th 1Th4.10. ver. 1Th1.8. Ac 16:+ Ac16.9, Ac16.12. Ac17.13. Ac18.1. 2 Co 2Co1.1. 2Co9.2. 2Co11.9, 2Co11.10. Achaia. Ac + Ac19.21. 8. from. Is Is2.3. Is52.7. Is66.19. Ro Ro10.14-18. 1 Co 1Co14.36. 2 Th 2Th3.1. Re Re14.6. Re22.17. sounded. Nu = Nu10.8-10. 1 Co 1Co14.8. the word. 1 Th 1Th4.15. Ac + Ac15.35. 2 Th 2Th3.1. in every. Ro +* Ro1.8. 2 Co 2Co2.14. 2 Th * 2Th1.4. 3 J 3Jn12. God-ward. Ex Ex18.19. 2 Co 2Co3.4. Phm Phm5. so that. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 9. what. ver. 1Th1.5, 1Th1.6. 1 Th 1Th2.1, 1Th2.13. Ac Ac13.24. ye turned. Is Is2.17-21. Je Je16.19. Zp Zep2.11. Zc * Zec8.20-23. Ml Mal1.11. Ac Ac11.21. ◐+ Ac14.15. +* Ac26.17, Ac26.18, Ac26.20. 1 Co 1Co12.2. Ga Ga4.8, Ga4.9. from idols. 1 Co 1Co12.2. Ga Ga4.8. to serve. Ja + Jas1.1. the living. Dt Dt5.26. 1 S 1Sa17.26, 1Sa17.36. Ps Ps42.2. Ps84.2. Is Is37.4, Is37.17. Je Je10.10. Da Da6.26. Ho Ho1.10. Mt + Mt16.16. Ro Ro9.26. 2 Co 2Co6.16, 2Co6.17. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10. He Heb12.22. Re Re7.2. and true. f79, Ge + Ge21.16. Jn +* Jn17.3. 10. wait. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.16, 1Th4.17. Ge Ge49.18. Jb +* Job19.25-27. Ps Ps40.1. Is * Is25.8, Is25.9. Mt ◐ Mt21.28 (work). Lk Lk2.25. Lk12.36, Lk12.37 (watch). +✓ Lk21.36. Ac Ac1.4, +* Ac1.11. +* Ac3.20, Ac3.21. Ac10.42. Ac17.31. Ro +* Ro2.7. * Ro8.23-25. 1 Co + 1Co1.7. * 1Co4.5. Ph * Php3.20. 2 Th 2Th1.7. 2Th2.7. 2Th3.1-5. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He ✓ Heb9.28. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.12, 2Pe3.14. Re +* Re1.7. his Son. Mt Mt3.17. +* Mt16.27n. Jn Jn3.16. Ro Ro8.32. Ep Eph1.6. Col Col1.13. from heaven. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16. Ps Ps8.1. Jn +* Jn14.3. Ac +* Ac1.11. Ep Eph4.10. 2 Th * 2Th1.7, 2Th1.10. He Heb4.14. Heb9.24. 1 P 1Pe3.22. Re +* Re1.7. raised. Ac +* Ac2.24. Ac3.15. Ac4.10. Ac5.30, Ac5.31. Ac10.40, Ac10.41. ✓ Ac17.31. Ro Ro1.4. Ro4.25. Ro8.34. 1 Co 1Co15.4-21. Col +* Col1.18. 1 P 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.21. * 1Pe3.18. Re Re1.18. Jesus. 1 Th * 1Th5.9. Mt Mt1.21. Lk Lk3.7. Ga Ga3.13. He Heb10.27. Heb13.8. 1 P 1Pe2.21. delivered. Ex Ex12.13, Ex12.23. Ps +* Ps83.3. Zp +* Zep2.3. Ac = Ac7.35. Ro +* Ro11.26. Col Col1.13. 1 J 1Jn1.7. from. Is Is57.1. Re +* Re3.10. wrath. Interpreters differ as to what this reference to wrath refers. Some take it to refer to the wrath of God against the unsaved (Jn +* Jn3.36), but others, probably more correctly, take it to mean the time of wrath called the Great Tribulation which is yet future. The reference to the Great Tribulation is confirmed by (1) the immediately preceding reference to “waiting for his Son,” a statement which would lack connection if the wrath were that of God against unbelievers, (2) the mention of deliverance, which, allied closely with the similar term in Ro Ro11.26, certainly designates deliverance from tribulation foretold in Old Testament prophecy (Zp +* Zep2.3), and promised by Christ (Lk +* Lk21.36). If the identification of the “wrath to come” with the great tribulation is correct, then the pre-tribulation rapture position would be the correct Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 66. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

prophetic position. This of itself would not answer the question whether the Rapture is promised for all believers, or only to those who are “counted worthy” (Lk +* Lk21.36). The doctrine of the “one body” (Ep Eph4.4n), the declaration that “we shall all be changed” (1 Co 1Co15.51), and the extension by promise and prophecy of blessings equally to all believers (Ps +* Ps149.9) argue for all to be raptured, as against the various partial rapture theories. However, the presence in Scripture of repeated warnings to be faithful and ready, and the exhortation of our Lord to pray that we might be counted worthy, suggest the real possibility that some believers will not be counted worthy, otherwise there would be no point to the warnings, if qualification were universal and automatic. 1 Th 1Th2.16. ✓ 1Th5.9. Jb * Job21.30. Ps +* Ps7.6. Is Is24.20, Is24.21. +* Is26.20, Is26.21. Is34.2-4. Is61.2. Je +* Je30.7. Da +* Da12.1. Na ✓ Na1.2. Zp Zep1.15. +* Zep2.3. Mt Mt13.49, Mt13.50. Ro Ro1.18. Ro2.5. +* Ro5.9. Re * Re6.16, Re6.17. to come. Ps Ps132.18. Ps149.4. Mt Mt3.7. Ep Eph5.6. Col Col3.6.

1 THESSALONIANS 2 The apostle reminds the Thessalonians of his affectionate, faithful labors, and holy manner of life, among them, 1Th2.1-12. He expresses his satisfaction, as to the manner in which they had received the gospel; and their constancy amidst persecution, 13, 14: and speaks of the guilt and ruin of the unbelieving Jews, especially for opposing the gospel’s being preached to the Gentiles, 1Th2.15" 1Th2.16 }. He shows his joy on the account of the Thessalonians, his desire of seeing them again, and his hope of a joyful meeting at the coming of Christ, 1Th2.17-20. 1. our entrance. ver. 1Th2.13. 1 Th * 1Th1.3-10. Ac Ac13.24. 2 Th 2Th3.1. was not. 2 Th 2Th1.10. in vain. 1 Th 1Th3.5. Jb Job39.16. Ps Ps73.13. Ps127.1. Is * Is49.4. * Is65.23. Hab Hab2.13. 1 Co 15:+* 1Co15.2, 1Co15.10, ✓ 1Co15.58. 2 Co 2Co6.1. Ga Ga2.2. +* Ga4.11. Ph Php2.16. 2. shamefully. Ac Ac5.41. Ac14.5g. Ac16.12, Ac16.22-24, Ac16.37. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. He Heb11.36, Heb11.37. Heb12.2, Heb12.3. 1 P 1Pe2.14-16. bold. 1 Th 1Th1.5. Ac 4:+ Ac4.13, Ac4.20, Ac4.31. Ac14.3. +* Ac17.2, Ac17.3. Ep Eph6.19, Eph6.20. at Philippi. Ac 16:+ Ac16.12, Ac16.22-24, Ac16.37. our God. 1 Th 1Th3.9. Ph + Php1.3. 2 Th 2Th1.11, 2Th1.12. to speak. Ac Ac17.2-9. the gospel. ver. 1Th2.8, 1Th2.9. Ro + Ro1.1. Col Col1.26-29. much. Ac Ac6.9, Ac6.10. Ac15.1, Ac15.2. Ac17.2-9, Ac17.17. Ac19.8. Ph Php1.27-30. Col Col2.1. Ju +* Jud3. contention. The word agon properly denotes strife, contention, or contest for victory, such as was used in the Grecian games of running, wrestling, boxing, etc. Hence it may mean here not only a struggle, contest, or labor, but exposed to danger,—at the peril of our lives. So in a Greek phrase quoted by Rosenmuller, agon prophasin, ouk anamenei, “in danger, we must not delay.” Ph + Php1.30. 3. our exhortation. ver. 1Th2.5, 1Th2.6, 1Th2.11. 1 Th 1Th4.1, 1Th4.2. Nu Nu16.15. 1 S 1Sa12.3. Ac + Ac4.36. Ac20.33, Ac20.34. 2 Co * 2Co2.17. * 2Co4.2, 2Co4.5. 2Co7.2. 2Co11.13. 2Co12.16-18. 2 P 2Pe1.16. deceit. 2 Co 2Co6.8g. 2 Th 2Th2.11. uncleanness. 1 Th 1Th4.7. in guile. 2 Co +* 2Co4.2. 4. as we. 1 Co 1Co7.25. Ep * Eph3.8. 1 Ti 1Ti1.11-13. allowed. Ro + Ro2.18. to be. Lk Lk12.42. Lk16.11. 1 Co 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. * 1Co9.17. Ga + Ga2.7. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.11, 1Ti1.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 67. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Ti6.20. 2 Ti 2Ti1.14. +* 2Ti2.2. Ti Tt1.3. the gospel. 2 Ch = 2Ch17.9. 2 Co 2Co5.19. Col * Col3.16. not. 1 Co 1Co2.4, 1Co2.5. 2 Co +* 2Co4.2. 2Co5.11, 2Co5.16. Ga +* Ga1.10. Ep Eph6.6. Col Col3.22. but God. Nu Nu27.16. 1 K 1Ki8.39. 1 Ch 1Ch29.17. Ps Ps7.9. Ps17.3. Ps44.21. * Ps139.1, Ps139.2. Pr Pr17.3. Je +* Je17.10. Je32.19. Jn +* Jn2.24, Jn2.25. Jn21.17. Ro + Ro8.27. He ✓ Heb4.13. Re * Re2.23. 5. flattering. Jb Job17.5. Job32.21, Job32.22. Ps * Ps12.2, +* Ps12.3. Pr Pr20.19. Pr26.28. Pr28.23. Pr29.5. Is Is30.10. Mt Mt22.16. 2 P 2Pe2.18. 1 J * 1Jn3.21. a cloke. Is Is56.11. Je Je6.13. Je8.10. Mi Mic3.5. Ml Mal1.10. Mt Mt23.14. Ac +* Ac20.33. Ro Ro16.18. 1 Co + 1Co9.12. 2 Co 2Co2.17. +* 2Co4.2. 2Co7.2. 2Co12.17. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3, 1Ti3.8. Ti Tt1.7. 1 P 1Pe5.2. 2 P * 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.14, 2Pe2.15. Ju Jud11. Re Re18.12, Re18.13. God is witness. ver. 1Th2.10. Ro +* Ro1.9. Ro9.1. 2 Co * 2Co1.23. 2Co11.31. Ga Ga1.20. Ph Php1.8. 6. of men. Est Es1.4. Es5.11. Pr Pr25.27. Da Da4.30. Jn *5:+ Jn5.41, Jn5.44. Jn7.18. * Jn12.43. 2 Co 2Co4.5. Ga +* Ga1.10. Ga5.26. * Ga6.13. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.17. when. ver. 1Th2.9. 1 Co *9:+ 1Co9.4, 1Co9.6, 1Co9.12-18. 2 Co 2Co10.1, 2Co10.2, 2Co10.10, 2Co10.11. 2Co13.10. Phm Phm8, Phm9. been burdensome. or, used authority. 2 Co +* 2Co1.24. 2Co11.9. * 2Co12.13-15. 2 Th * 2Th3.8, 2Th3.9. 1 Ti 1Ti5.16. as the. 1 Co 9:+ 1Co9.1, 1Co9.2, 1Co9.4-6. 7. we. Ge Ge33.13, Ge33.14. Is * Is40.11. Ezk Eze34.14-16. Mt * Mt11.29, Mt11.30. Jn Jn21.15-17. 1 Co 1Co2.3. * 1Co9.22. 2 Co * 2Co10.1. 2Co13.4. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.1, 1Ti5.2. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. Ja * Jas3.17. gentle. Mt + Mt18.3. 1 Co 1Co14.20. as. ver. 1Th2.11. Nu Nu11.12. Is Is49.23. Is60.16. Is66.13. Ac Ac13.18mg. 1 Co 1Co4.15. 8. affectionately. Je Je13.15-17. Ro Ro1.11, Ro1.12. Ro9.1-3. Ro10.1. Ro15.29. 2 Co 2Co6.1, 2Co6.11-13. Ga Ga4.19. Ph Php1.8. Php2.25, Php2.26. Col Col1.28. +* Col4.12. He * Heb13.17. the gospel. ver. 1Th2.2. Ro + Ro1.1. but. Ac Ac20.23, Ac20.24. 2 Co +* 2Co12.15. Ph Php2.17. 1 J +* 1Jn3.16. souls. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt2.20. dear. Lk Lk7.2. Ph Php2.20mg. Php4.1. Col Col1.7. Phm Phm1. 9. our labor. 1 Th 1Th1.3. Ac Ac18.3. * Ac20.34, Ac20.35. 1 Co 1Co4.12. 1Co9.6, 1Co9.15. 2 Co 2Co6.5. 2Co11.27. 2 Th 2Th3.7-9. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10. night. 1 Th 1Th3.10. Ps Ps32.4. Ps88.1. Je Je9.1. Lk Lk2.37. Lk18.7. Ac +* Ac20.31. 1 Ti 1Ti5.5. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. laboring. Ac + Ac18.3. chargeable. ver. 1Th2.6. Ne Ne5.15, Ne5.18. 1 Co 1Co9.7, 1Co9.18. 2 Co 2Co11.9. 2Co12.13, 2Co12.14. Ph Php4.16. the gospel. ver. 1Th2.2. Ac Ac20.24. Ro Ro1.1. Ro15.16, Ro15.19. 1 Ti 1Ti1.11. 10. witnesses. 1 Th 1Th1.5. 1 S 1Sa12.3-5. Ac * Ac20.18, Ac20.26, Ac20.33, Ac20.34. 2 Co +* 2Co4.2. +* 2Co5.11. 2Co11.11, 2Co11.31. and God. ver. 1Th2.5. Ro + Ro1.9. how holily. 1 Th + 1Th1.5. Nu Nu16.15. Jb Job29.11-17. Job31.1-39. Ps Ps7.3-5. Ps18.20-24. Je Je18.20. Lk + Lk1.75. Ac +* Ac24.16. 2 Co * 2Co1.12. 2Co6.3-10. * 2Co7.2. 2 Th 2Th3.7. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10. Ti Tt2.7, Tt2.8. 1 P +* 1Pe5.3. unblameably. 1 Th 1Th3.13. 1Th5.23. Lk + Lk1.6. 11. how. 1 Th * 1Th4.1. 1Th5.11. Ac Ac20.2. 2 Th 2Th3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti6.2. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. Ti Tt2.6, Tt2.9, Tt2.15. He Heb13.22. exhorted. 1 Th + 1Th4.18. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. comforted. 1 Th 1Th5.14. Jn Jn11.19, Jn11.31. 1 Co 1Co14.3. Ph Php2.1g. charged. Nu Nu27.19. Dt Dt3.28. Dt31.14. Ep + Eph4.17. 1 Ti 1Ti5.7, 1Ti5.21. 1Ti6.13, 1Ti6.17. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. as a father. ver. 1Th2.7, 1Th2.17. Ge Ge50.16, Ge50.17. 1 Ch 1Ch22.11-13. 38:9, 20. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 68. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps * Ps34.11. Pr * Pr1.10, Pr1.15. Pr2.1. Pr3.1. Pr4.1-12. Pr5.1, Pr5.2. Pr6.1. Pr7.1, Pr7.24. Pr31.1-9. 1 Co ✓ 1Co4.14, 1Co4.15. 12. walk worthy. 1 Th * 1Th4.1, 1Th4.12. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. Ga Ga5.16. Ep +* Eph4.1. Eph5.2, Eph5.8. Ph * Php1.27. Col +✓ Col1.10. Col2.6. 1 P 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.16. 1 J 1Jn1.6, 1Jn1.7. +* 1Jn2.6. 3 J 3Jn6. called you. 1 Th 1Th5.24. Lk ◐* Lk22.29. Ro +* Ro8.28, Ro8.30. Ro9.23, Ro9.24. 1 Co * 1Co1.9. 2 Th 2Th1.11, 2Th1.12. * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 2Ti2.14. 1 P 1Pe1.15. * 1Pe2.9. 1Pe3.9. 1Pe5.10. kingdom. Ps * Ps145.11, Ps145.13. Mt +* Mt24.14. +* Mt25.34. Col Col1.13n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “his glorious kingdom,” with emphasis on the word “glorious.” Two words are used, but one thing meant. glory. Ps +* Ps102.16. Mt +* Mt25.31. Col +* Col3.4. 13. thank. See on 1 Th +* 1Th1.2, 1Th1.3. Ro * Ro1.8, Ro1.9. because. Je * Je44.16. Mt Mt10.13, Mt10.14, Mt10.40. Ac * Ac2.41. Ac10.33. Ac11.1. Ac13.45, Ac13.48. Ac16.14, Ac16.30-34. 17:+* Ac17.11, Ac17.18-20, Ac17.32. Ga * Ga4.14. 2 P * 2Pe3.2. ye received. 1 Th * 1Th4.8. Mt * Mt10.40. Mt13.23. Lk Lk10.39. Ac +* Ac17.11, Ac17.12. which ye heard. lit. the word of hearing. f144:144B, Dt + Dt33.19. Ro ✓ Ro10.17. Ga Ga3.2, Ga3.5. received it not as. T#1066. Mt + Mt10.20. Lk +* Lk8.18. Ga Ga4.14. word of men. Ga Ga1.11. the word of God. Je ✓ Je23.28n, Je23.29. Lk * Lk5.1. * Lk8.11, Lk8.21. +* Lk11.28. Ac Ac8.14. Ac13.44, * Ac13.46. Ro + Ro9.6. ✓ Ro10.17. Ep * Eph6.17. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15, 2Ti3.16. He ✓ Heb4.12. 1 P * 1Pe1.25. 2 P * 2Pe1.16-21. effectually worketh. T#1053. 1 Th * 1Th1.5-10. Is ✓ Is55.11. Je Je5.14. Je23.29. Jn ✓ Jn15.3. * Jn17.17, Jn17.19. Ac Ac19.20. +* Ac20.32. Ro +* Ro1.16. * Ro6.17, Ro6.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co3.18. Ph ◐* Php2.13. Col * Col1.6. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15, 2Ti3.16. He ✓ Heb4.12. Ja +* Jas1.18. +* Jas5.16. 1 P +* 1Pe1.23. * 1Pe2.2. 2 P * 2Pe3.18. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. * 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. 14. became. 1 Th + 1Th1.6. the churches. Ac Ac9.31. ◐+* Ac10.28. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. Ga Ga1.22. are in Christ. 1 Th 1Th1.1. Jn Jn15.5. 1 Co 1Co1.30. 2 Th 2Th1.1. ye also. 1 Th 1Th3.4. Ac Ac17.1-8, Ac17.13. 2 Co 2Co8.1, 2Co8.2. 2 Th 2Th1.4, 2Th1.5. even. Ac Ac8.1, Ac8.3. Ac9.1, Ac9.13. Ac11.19. Ac12.1-3. He 5:33, 34. * Heb10.33, Heb10.34. 15. killed. Mt +* Mt5.12. Mt21.35-39. Mt23.31-35, Mt23.37. Mt27.25. Lk Lk11.48-51. Lk13.33, Lk13.34. + Lk24.20. Ac Ac2.23. Ac3.15. Ac4.10. Ac5.30. * Ac7.52. own prophets. Je Je2.30. persecuted us. or, chased us out. Am Am7.12. Lk Lk11.49g. Ac Ac9.22, Ac9.23. Ac22.18-21. 2 Co + 2Co11.26. please not. Ac Ac12.3. Ro + Ro8.8. 1 Co 1Co10.5. contrary. Est Es3.8. Lk Lk11.52, Lk11.53. 16. Forbidding. Ac Ac11.2, Ac11.3, Ac11.17, Ac11.18. * Ac13.45, Ac13.50. * Ac14.2, Ac14.5, Ac14.19. * Ac17.5, Ac17.6, Ac17.13. * Ac18.12, Ac18.13. Ac19.9. Ac21.27-31. Ac22.21, Ac22.22. Ga Ga5.11. Ep * Eph3.8, Eph3.13. that. Is * Is45.22. Mk +* Mk16.16. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. Ro * Ro10.13-15. 2 Th 2Th2.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.4. to fill. Ge +* Ge15.16. Da Da8.23. Zc Zec5.6-8. Mt * Mt23.32, Mt23.34. for the wrath. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. Jl * Joe2.30, Joe2.31. Ml * Mal4.1, Mal4.5. Mt * Mt3.7-10, Mt3.12. Mt12.45. Mt21.41-44. * Mt22.6, Mt22.7. * Mt24.1, Mt24.2, Mt24.6, Mt24.14, Mt24.21, Mt24.22, Mt24.34. Lk Lk11.50, Lk11.51. * Lk19.42-44. +* Lk21.20-24. He * Heb6.8. +* Heb10.27-30. Ja +* Jas5.1-6. Re * Re22.11.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 69. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

17. being taken. ver. 1Th2.11. Ac Ac17.6-9. short time. lit. hour. f171:171T, Jn + Jn4.23. 2 Co + 2Co7.8. in presence. 2 K 2Ki5.26. Ac Ac17.10. 1 Co 1Co5.3. Col * Col2.5. endeavored. 1 Th * 1Th3.6, 1Th3.10, 1Th3.11. Ge Ge31.30. Ge45.28. Ge48.11. 2 S 2Sa13.39. Ps Ps63.1. Lk Lk22.15. Ro Ro1.13. Ro15.23. Ph Php1.22-26. 18. even. 1 Co 1Co16.21. Col Col4.18. 2 Th 2Th3.17. Phm Phm9. once. Ne Ne13.20. Jb Job33.14. Ph Php4.16. Satan. By raising such a storm of persecution at Berea and other places, that it was deemed prudent to delay his visit till the storm was somewhat allayed. Some, apparently with less propriety, suppose Satan may mean some adversary, or powerful opponent, as the word denotes; others refer it to wicked men, who are the instruments of Satan; and others by a very usual figure which substitutes the concrete for the abstract ( f121:121A. Figure of speech Metonymy of the Cause: here, the person acting for the thing done. For other instances of the concrete put for abstract, see Ga Ga4.19. Ep Eph4.13, Eph4.22. Col Col3.11. Contrast f121:121N. Metonymy of the Adjunct, abstract put for concrete, Ge + Ge31.54), understand wickedness, i.e. the wickedness of his enemies and persecutors. Satan, of course, is himself a created being, a person, not merely an abstract influence (see Jn Jn16.14n), not ominiscient, not omnipresent—only ubiquitous, everywhere present in an evil sense, but only in one place at a time. Jb + Job1.7 (T#15). Zc Zec3.1, Zec3.2. Jn * Jn13.2, Jn13.27. Ro Ro1.13. Ro15.22. 1 Co + 1Co5.5. 2 Co 2Co11.12-14. Re * Re2.10. Re12.9-12. hindered. Ne Ne4.8. Jb Job2.7. Da Da10.13. Lk Lk11.52. Lk13.16. Ac Ac5.3. ◐ Ac16.7. 17:✓ Ac17.9, Ac17.13, Ac17.14, Ac17.18. Ro Ro1.13. Ro15.22. 2 Co 2Co2.11. 2Co11.3. 2Co11.13-15. 2Co12.7. Ep Eph6.11. 1 Ti 1Ti5.15. 1 P 1Pe5.8. Re Re2.13, Re2.24. 19. For what. Dr. Macknight connects this verse with the preceding by adding, “These things ye may believe; for what,” etc. The fervor of affection, and the animation with which it is expressed, in this chapter, are incomparable. our hope. 2 Co * 2Co1.14. Ph Php2.16. +* Php4.1. crown. Pr Pr4.9. Pr12.4. Pr16.31. Pr17.6. Is Is62.3. 2 Ti 2Ti4.8. Ja Jas1.12. 1 P 1Pe5.4. Re +* Re2.10. Re4.10, Re4.11. rejoicing. or, glorying. f121:121E, Ge + Ge25.23. ver. 1Th2.20. Ps +* Ps126.6. Da +* Da12.3. Ro Ro15.16-19. He +* Heb13.17. Are not. Is * Is8.18. 1 Co 1Co15.31. 2 Co + 2Co1.14. 2 Th 2Th1.4. even ye. Ga ◐+* Ga4.11. in the presence. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1Th3.9, 1Th3.13. * 1Th5.23. 1 Co * 1Co4.5. 1Co15.23. 2 Co 2Co1.14. Ph Php2.16. Php4.1. 2 Th 2Th1.7-12. 2Th2.1. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14, 1Ti6.15. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.1, 2Ti4.2. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. 1 J 1Jn2.28. our Lord. Ju * Jud24. at his. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. 1 J * 1Jn3.1-3. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.14. Re +* Re1.7. Re11.18. * Re22.12. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. 1 Th 1Th3.13. 1Th4.15. 1Th5.23. 2 Th 2Th2.1, 2Th2.8. 1 Co 1Co15.23. Ja Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 2 P 2Pe1.16. 2Pe3.4, 2Pe3.12. 1 J 1Jn2.28. 20. our glory. f121:121E, Ge + Ge25.23. Pr Pr17.6. 1 Co 1Co11.7.

1 THESSALONIANS 3 The apostle shows, that his care for the Christians at Thessalonica had induced him to send Timothy, to establish and encourage them, 1Th3.1-5; whose good report concerning them had been a great comfort to him in his distresses, 1Th3.6-8. He thanks God, in their behalf, and shows how earnestly he desires to see them, 9, 1Th3.10; and prays, that he may be enabled to visit them; and for their growth in holiness and love, and perseverance to the end, 1Th3.11-13.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 70. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1. when. ver. 1Th3.5. 1 Th 1Th2.17. Je Je20.9. Je44.22. 1 Co + 1Co9.12. 2 Co 2Co2.13. 2Co11.29, 2Co11.30. forbear. f63:63A, 2 S + 2Sa6.6. Supply by ellipsis (absolute: of accusative), “when we could no longer bear (our anxiety).” ver. 1Th3.5. we thought. Ac +* Ac17.15, Ac17.16. 2. sent. ver. 1Th3.5. Ph + Php2.19. Timotheus. Ac + Ac16.1. Ac17.14, Ac17.15. Ac18.5. our brother. Ro Ro16.21. 1 Co 1Co16.10, 1Co16.11. 2 Co 2Co1.1, 2Co1.19. 2Co2.13. 2Co8.23. Ep Eph6.21. Ph Php2.19-25. Col Col1.1, Col1.7. Col4.9, Col4.12. Phm Phm1. He Heb13.23. minister. 2 Co + 2Co6.4. fellowlaborer. 1 Co + 1Co3.9. 1Co16.10. the gospel. Ro + Ro15.19. to establish. ver. 1Th3.13. Lk Lk22.32. Ac +* Ac14.22, Ac14.23. Ac16.5. Ep Eph6.22. Ph Php1.25. 1 P +* 1Pe5.10. comfort. 1 Th + 1Th4.18. 3. moved. Ps Ps112.6. Ac Ac2.25. Ac20.24. Ac21.13. Ro +* Ro5.3. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Ep Eph3.13. Ph Php1.28. Col +* Col1.23. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 2Th2.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. 1 P 1Pe4.12-14. Re Re2.10, Re2.13. Re3.2. we are. 1 Th * 1Th5.9. Mt Mt10.16-18. * Mt24.9, Mt24.10. Lk Lk21.12. Jn Jn15.19-21. Jn16.2, Jn16.33. Ac +* Ac9.16. +* Ac14.22. * Ac20.23, Ac20.24. Ac21.11, Ac21.13. Ro +* Ro8.17, Ro8.35-37. 1 Co 1Co4.9. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti3.11, 2Ti3.12. 1 P * 1Pe2.21. * 1Pe4.12, 1Pe4.13. ✓ 1Pe5.10. appointed. Lk Lk2.34. Ph Php1.16g. 4. we told. 1 Th 1Th4.6. Jn * Jn16.1-3. Ac Ac20.24. 2 Co 2Co13.2. Ga Ga5.21. suffer tribulation. Mt Mt10.22. Ep * Eph3.13. even. 1 Th 1Th2.2, + 1Th2.14. Ac Ac17.1, Ac17.5-9, Ac17.13. 2 Co 2Co8.1, 2Co8.2. 2 Th 2Th1.4-6. 5. when. See on ver. 1Th3.1. forbear. f63:63A, 2 S + 2Sa6.6. ver. 1Th3.1. I sent. ver. 1Th3.2, 1Th3.6. Ac Ac15.36. 2 Co 2Co7.5-7. your faith. 2 Th * 2Th1.3, 2Th1.4. He Heb3.6, Heb3.14. Heb4.14. Heb10.38. 2 P 2Pe2.18-22. lest. Mt Mt4.3. 1 Co 1Co7.5. 2 Co 2Co2.11. ✓ 2Co11.2, 2Co11.3, 2Co11.13-15. Ga Ga1.6-9. Ep +* Eph4.14. Ja Jas1.13, Jas1.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.5-7. the tempter. f24:24B, Ge + Ge23.16. 1 Th 1Th2.18. Mt Mt4.3. and our labor. Paul consistently sought to conserve his gains and minimize losses through careful followup of his converts (Ac Ac15.36. Ac20.31, Ac20.32. Compare He +* Heb3.12, Heb3.13). In our day more attention needs to be paid to spiritual growth following initial conversion. So much attention has been focused upon the “birth” that little has been done to insure growth of new believers. As a result, as many are lost silently out the “back door” as are currently being won and brought in through the front door. Warmly introduce newcomers to the fellowship to strong believers who will exercise continuing love and hospitality toward them (Ro +* Ro12.13. 1 P * 1Pe4.9, 1Pe4.10) to facilitate the development of deep Christian relationships (Ro +* Ro12.5). Rather than be so efficient in dropping inactive members from the church roll, we ought to be careful to exercise our responsibility in caring for (1 Ti +* 1Ti3.5) and feeding the sheep, seeking out the ones who have left the fold, winning them back to active life in the body of Christ, rather than abandoning them to the world, the flesh, or the devil. See related notes (Jon Jon4.11n. He Heb3.13n. Heb6.9n). See on 1 Th 1Th2.1, 1Th2.11-13, 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. Is * Is49.4. Ga Ga2.2. +* Ga4.11. Ph +* Php2.16. in vain. It does not appear from this remark that Paul taught or believed in unconditional eternal security. See the “if ” in ver. 1Th3.8. To what purpose are the warnings to believers in Scripture, if what is warned against is not possible in the first place? We need to exercise care in formulating our doctrinal systems that we do not wrest Scripture by arbitrarily denying even the possibility of what so many texts repeatedly warn against: doctrinal (1 Co +* 1Co15.2) or moral (1 Co +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10) Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 71. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

apostasy. Lk +* Lk8.13. Jn Jn3.16n. 2 Co 2Co6.1. Ga Ga2.2. +* Ga4.11. Ph Php2.16. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1n. 6. when. 1 Th 1Th1.1. Ac * Ac18.1, Ac18.5. 2 Co 2Co7.6, 2Co7.9. and brought. Pr Pr25.25. Is Is52.7. 2 Co 2Co7.5-7. faith. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. 1 Co 1Co13.13. Ga +* Ga5.6. Col Col1.4. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. Phm Phm5. 1 J +* 1Jn3.23. and charity. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. and that. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1Th2.9. 1 Co 1Co11.2. Col Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. He Heb13.3, Heb13.7. desiring. ver. 1Th3.9, 1Th3.10. See on 1 Th 1Th2.17. Ph + Php1.8. 7. we were. ver. 1Th3.8, 1Th3.9. 2 Co +* 2Co1.4. * 2Co7.6, 2Co7.7, 2Co7.13. 2 J 2Jn4. in all. Ac Ac17.4-10. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. 2 Co * 2Co11.23-26. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.10-12. distress. Lk +* Lk21.23. 8. we live. f108:108B, 1 S + 1Sa10.24. 1 S 1Sa25.6h. Ps * Ps30.5. 2 Co 2Co13.4, 2Co13.5. Ga +* Ga4.11, Ga4.19. Ph * Php1.21. He +* Heb6.11. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Ge +* Ge4.7. Je +* Je7.5. Jn * Jn8.31. Col +* Col1.23. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. 3 J * 3Jn4. stand fast. 1 Th 1Th2.19. Jn +* Jn8.31. * Jn15.4, Jn15.7. Ac +* Ac11.23. +* Ac14.22. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. + 1Co16.13. Ga * Ga5.1. Ep * Eph3.17. * Eph4.15, Eph4.16. * Eph6.10, Eph6.11, Eph6.13, Eph6.14. Ph * Php1.27. * Php4.1. Col +* Col1.23. He +* Heb3.14. 4:14. *10:23. 1 P 1Pe5.10. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.17. Re 3:* Re3.3, Re3.11. 9. what. 1 Th 1Th1.2, 1Th1.3. 2 S 2Sa7.18-20. Ne Ne9.5. Ps Ps71.14, Ps71.15. 2 Co * 2Co2.14. 2Co9.15. for. ver. 1Th3.7, 1Th3.8. See on 1 Th * 1Th2.19. before. ver. 1Th3.13. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. Dt Dt12.12, Dt12.18. Dt16.11. 2 S 2Sa6.21. Ps Ps68.3. Ps96.12, Ps96.13. Ps98.8, Ps98.9. our God. 1 Th 1Th2.2. Ph + Php1.3. 2 Th 2Th1.11, 2Th1.12. 10. Night. Mk + Mk5.5. Lk Lk2.37. Ac Ac26.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. Re Re4.8. Re7.15. praying. ver. 1Th3.11. 1 Th 1Th2.17, 1Th2.18. Ro Ro1.10. Ro15.30-32. Phm Phm22. exceedingly. 2 Th 2Th1.3. might see. T#1693. 1 Th 1Th2.17. Ro Ro1.10. Ro15.23. might perfect. T#1486. Ro * Ro1.11, Ro1.12. 2 Co 2Co1.15, +* 2Co1.24. *13:+ 2Co13.9, 2Co13.11. Ph Php1.25. Col Col1.28. * Col4.12. 2 Th 2Th1.11. 11. God. ver. 1Th3.13. Is Is63.16. Je Je31.9. Ml Mal1.6. Mt Mt6.4, Mt6.6, Mt6.8, Mt6.9, Mt6.14, Mt6.18, Mt6.26, Mt6.32. Lk * Lk12.30, Lk12.32. Jn Jn20.17. 2 Co * 2Co6.18. Ga + Ga1.4. Col Col1.2. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1. himself. 1 Th 1Th4.16. 1Th5.23. Ro Ro8.16, Ro8.26. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. 2Th3.16. Re Re21.3. our Father. 1 Th * 1Th2.16. Jn +* Jn10.30. and our Lord. See on Ro Ro1.3. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. direct. or, guide. Lk Lk1.79g. 2 Th 2Th3.5. our way. Ezr Ezr8.21-23. Pr ✓ Pr3.5, Pr3.6. Mk Mk1.3. 12. the Lord. This invocation of Christ by all Christians, in all places, must suppose him omniscient, omnipresent, and the searcher of all hearts; and these are the properties of God alone (Whitby, cited by Scott. See Ac Ac7.59n). 1 Th 1Th4.10. Ps Ps115.4. Lk Lk17.5. 2 Co 2Co9.10. Ph * Php2.11. Ja Jas1.17. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. make you. 2 Th 2Th1.3. abound. 1 Th 1Th4.1, 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. Ph Php1.9. 2 Th 2Th1.3. in love. T#412, 1611. 1 Th 1Th4.9. 1Th5.15. Pr + Pr21.3 (T#629). Ml + Mal2.10 (T#685). Mt ✓ Mt7.12. + Mt10.8 (T#406). 22:39. +25:35 (T#715). Jn +* Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Ro Ro13.8-10. 1 Co * 1Co13.13. 1Co16.14. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.13, Ga5.14, Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Col Col2.1, Col2.2. Col3.14. 1 Ti 1Ti4.12. He +* Heb6.10. 1 P +* 1Pe1.22. 1Pe4.8. 2 P +* 2Pe1.7. 1 J 1Jn3.11-19. 1Jn4.7-16. one toward Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 72. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

another. Ro + Ro12.5. toward all. T#1610. Mt + Mt5.44. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10. even. 1 Th 1Th2.8. 13. he may. 1 Th ✓ 1Th5.23. Ro Ro14.4. * Ro16.25. 1 Co +* 1Co1.8. Ph * Php1.10. 2 Th * 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. 1 P +* 1Pe5.10. 1 J 1Jn3.20, 1Jn3.21. unblameable. 1 Th 1Th2.10. +* 1Th5.23. Lk + Lk1.6. Ep * Eph5.27. Col * Col1.22. 1 J 1Jn3.20, 1Jn3.21. 2 P +* 2Pe3.14. Ju * Jud24. before. See on ver. 1Th3.11. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. at the coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. 1 Th +* 1Th2.19. * 1Th4.15. * 1Th5.23. 1 Co * 1Co1.7. * 1Co15.23. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.1. with all. 1 Th 1Th4.14. Dt +* Dt33.2. Ps +* Ps50.5. +* Ps149.6-9. Zc +* Zec14.5. Mt +* Mt25.31. 2 Th * 2Th1.7, 2Th1.10. Ju * Jud14, * Jud15. Re Re19.14. Re20.6. his saints. Ps +* Ps149.9. Da * Da7.18. Col + Col1.26. 2 Th 2Th1.10.

1 THESSALONIANS 4 The apostle earnestly exhorts his brethren, to increasing in diligence in obeying Christ, 1, 2: and to chastity, and integrity in all things: as God had called them to holiness: and those who despised these admonitions, would despise God himself, 1Th4.3-8. He calls on them to “abound more and more in love” of one another, 1Th4.9" 1Th4.10 }; to be industrious in their respective callings, 1Th4.11" 1Th4.12 }; and to moderate their sorrow for deceased believers, 1Th4.13; from assured expectation of the coming of Christ to raise the dead in Christ, to change living believers, and receive them by the Rapture to himself, 1Th4.14-18. 1. Furthermore. Ph + Php3.1. we. 1 Th 1Th2.11. Ro * Ro12.1. 2 Co 2Co6.1. 2Co10.1. Ep Eph4.1. Phm Phm9, Phm10. He Heb13.22. we beseech. or, we request. exhort. or, beseech. by the. ver. 1Th4.2. 1 Co * 1Co5.4. Ep Eph4.20. 2 Th 2Th2.1. 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. 1Ti6.13, 1Ti6.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. ye have received. ver. 1Th4.11, 1Th4.12. Ac * Ac20.27. 1 Co 1Co11.23. 1Co15.1. Ph * Php1.27. Ph Php4.9. Col +* Col2.6. 2 Th 2Th3.10-12. ye ought. See on 1 Th 1Th2.12. to walk. Col +✓ Col1.10. and. f93:93B, Is + Is66.11. to please. Ro + Ro8.8. +* Ro12.2. Ep +* Eph5.17. Col +✓ Col1.10. He ✓ Heb11.6. * Heb13.16. 1 J * 1Jn3.22. abound. ver. 1Th4.10. 1 Th 1Th3.12. Jb Job17.9. Ps Ps92.14. Pr +* Pr4.18. Jn * Jn15.2. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Ph Php1.9. Php3.14. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-10. +* 2Pe3.18. 2. ye know. 1 Co 1Co11.2. what commandments. ver. 1Th4.11. Ezk Eze3.17. Mt * Mt28.20. Ac Ac5.28g. Ac16.24g. 1 Co 1Co9.21. 2 Th 2Th3.4, 2Th3.6, 2Th3.10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1 J +* 1Jn2.3. by the Lord. The assertion that Paul never quotes the words of Christ is false (ver. 15. Ac Ac20.35. 1 Co ✓ 1Co9.7n, 1Co9.14n. 1Co11.23-26. 1 Ti 1Ti5.18); so also the assertion that his teaching was not founded upon any of the teaching of our Lord given during the earthly ministry in Palestine. On the contrary, Paul carefully distinguishes the basis of authority for his teaching, whether the known teaching of Jesus himself (see the reference passages below), the teaching of the law (1 Co 1Co14.34), or divinely inspired teaching granted Paul by the Holy Spirit (Ro Ro16.25. 1 Co 1Co7.40. Ga Ga1.12). Careful attention to this matter will serve as a proper corrective to the mistaken teaching of some that the Old Testament is not authoritative for the church, or that the teaching of our Lord’s earthly ministry in the gospels does not pertain to this dispensation. Paul taught that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable (2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.16, 2Ti3.17); that the Old Testament was written for our learning (Ro +* Ro15.4); to it Paul appeals as the ground of authority for his teaching for New Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 73. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Testament church practice and doctrine (1 Co 1Co14.34. 1 Ti 1Ti2.12-14); he cites the very words of Christ in Mt Mt10.10 at 1 Ti 1Ti5.18, calling them scripture. Peter calls the writings of Paul scripture, 2 P 2Pe3.16. Beware, therefore, of that false teaching in the name of “rightly dividing the word of truth” (apparently misread by some as “rightly subtracting”) which would take whole portions of the Word of God, such as the Sermon on the Mount, the commands of Christ (1 J +* 1Jn2.3n), or even the whole of Christ’s earthly teaching ministry before the cross, not to mention all of Paul’s early epistles written before the alleged founding of the church after Acts ch. 28, and render them inapplicable for teaching and instruction for the church today. Such an approach is certainly condemned by the consistent warning of scripture (Dt Dt4.2. Dt12.32. Pr Pr30.6) not to “take away from the words” of this book, lest God take away “his part out of the book of life” (Re +* Re22.19). 1 Co ✓7:◐ 1Co7.6, * 1Co7.10, ◐ 1Co7.12, ◐ 1Co7.25, ◐ 1Co7.40. 3. the will. 1 Th 1Th5.18. Ps * Ps40.8. Ps143.10. Mt Mt7.21. Mt12.50. Mk Mk3.35. Jn Jn4.34. +* Jn7.17. Ro Ro1.10. +* Ro12.2. Ro15.32. 2 Co 2Co8.5. Ep * Eph5.17. Eph6.6. Col Col1.9. * Col4.12. 2 Ti 2Ti2.26. He * Heb10.36. * Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe2.15. 1Pe3.17. 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.19. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.17. your sanctification. ver. 1Th4.4. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23. Jn * Jn17.17-19. Ac * Ac20.32. +* Ac26.18. Ro Ro6.19, Ro6.22g. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. +* 1Co6.11. Ep ✓ Eph5.26, Eph5.27. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. 1 Ti 1Ti2.15. Ti * Tt2.14. He +* Heb12.14. 1 P 1Pe1.2. abstain. Mt Mt15.19. Ac +✓ Ac15.20. Ro +* Ro1.29. 1 Co 1Co5.9-11. +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10, 1Co6.13-18. 1Co7.2. 2 Co 2Co12.21. Ga * Ga5.19. Ep * Eph5.3-5. Col +* Col3.5. He Heb12.16. +* Heb13.4. Re +* Re21.8. Re22.15g. 4. should know. Ro ✓ Ro6.19. +* Ro12.1. 1 Co * 1Co6.15, 1Co6.18-20. possess. Gr. ktaomai, to acquire, as money (Mt Mt10.9. Lk Lk18.12), lands (Ac Ac1.18), political liberty (Ac Ac22.28), or the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ac Ac8.20), as noted by Hogg and Vine, Comm. on Thessalonians, p. 116. Boyce W. Blackwelder points out that the present tense of this infinitive requires the meaning of “acquire;” if the perfect tense of the verb had been used, then the meaning of “possess” would be correct, but such is not the case here (Toward Understanding Thessalonians, p. 93). his vessel. f46:46C, Mt + Mt8.6. Gr. skeuos, a vase or utensil, is used for the Hebrew klee, which has a wider meaning, instrument or weapon. See Ho Ho13.15 and 1 S 1Sa21.3-6 (B679). This may be a reference to himself, his body (1 S 1Sa21.5. Ro Ro6.13. 1 Co 1Co9.27), or more likely, the reference is to acquiring his own wife (1 Co 1Co7.2), since one could hardly acquire himself. Ru Ru4.10. 1 S 1Sa21.5. Ac * Ac9.15. Ro Ro9.21-23. 2 Co 2Co4.7. 2 Ti 2Ti2.20, 2Ti2.21. 1 P ✓ 1Pe3.7. in sanctification. ver. +* 1Th4.3. honor. Ac +* Ac6.3. Ro Ro1.24. Ph +* Php4.8. He +* Heb13.4. 5. in the lust. Ro +* Ro1.24, Ro1.26. Col +* Col3.5. concupiscence. Gr. epithumia, ❅S#1939g. Mk Mk4.19 (lusts). Lk Lk22.15 (desire). Jn Jn8.44. Ro Ro1.24. Ro6.12. Ro7.7, Ro7.8. Ro13.14. Ga Ga5.16, Ga5.24. Ep Eph2.3. Eph4.22. Ph Php1.23. Col Col3.5 (concupiscence). 1 Th 1Th2.17 (desire). 1 Ti 1Ti6.9 (lusts). 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. 2Ti3.6. 2Ti4.3. Ti Tt2.12. Tt3.3. Ja Jas1.14, Jas1.15. 1 P 1Pe1.14. 1Pe2.11. 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.3. 2 P 2Pe1.4. 2Pe2.10, 2Pe2.18. 2Pe3.3. 1 J 1Jn2.16, 1Jn2.16, 1Jn2.17. Ju Jud16, Jud18. Re Re18.14. Compare epithumeo, ❅S#1937g, Mt + Mt5.28. as the Gentiles. Mt Mt6.32. Lk Lk12.30. Ep Eph4.17-19. 1 P +* 1Pe4.3. which. f142, Ge + Ge20.16. know not. A. T. Robertson aptly observes “One of the reasons for the revival of paganism in modern life is professedly this very Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 74. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

thing that men wish to get rid of the inhibitions against licentiousness by God” (Word Pictures, vol. 4, p. 29). Jg Jdg2.10. Ps ▶ Ps79.6. Is Is45.4, Is45.5. Je Je9.3. ▶ Je10.25. Ho Ho4.1. Ac * Ac17.23, Ac17.30, Ac17.31. Ro +* Ro1.28. 1 Co 1Co1.21. 1Co15.34. Ga + Ga4.8. Ep ✓ Eph2.12. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.8. 6. go beyond. A command not to go beyond the fixed limits of chastity established by God’s law. Ex +* Ex20.14, Ex20.17. Le +✓ Le19.11, Le19.13. Dt Dt24.7. Dt25.13-16. Pr * Pr11.1. Pr16.11. * Pr20.14, Pr20.23. * Pr28.24. Is Is5.7. Is59.4-7. Je Je9.4. Ezk Eze22.13. Eze45.9-14. Am Am8.5, Am8.6. Zp Zep3.5. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mk ✓ Mk10.19. 1 Co ✓ 1Co6.7-9. 1Co13.5. Ep +* Eph4.28. Ja +* Jas5.4. defraud. or, oppress, or, overreach. We are not to destroy the moral purity of fellow believers or anyone else to satisfy our own impure desires by stepping over the boundaries God has established. The practice of men having “live in” girlfriends, or women having “live in” boyfriends, is clearly and absolutely forbidden by this Scripture. Christian parents further have the responsibility to shield their children from exposure to amoral or non-Christian instruction in these matters contrary to the principles of the written word of God (Mt Mt18.6. 1 Co 1Co7.36-38. Ep Eph5.12) by whatever means are necessary (Ac +* Ac5.29). T#732. Le Le19.11, Le19.13, Le19.35. * Le25.14, Le25.17. Dt +* Dt24.14. Dt25.13-15. Dt27.17. 1 S 1Sa12.3, 1Sa12.4. Ps +* Ps12.5. Ps82.2. Pr Pr11.1. + Pr21.3 (T#629). +22:22 (T#636). Je Je7.6. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Mi Mic2.2. Zp Zep3.1. 2 Co +* 2Co2.11g. Ep Eph4.19n. Ja Jas2.6. his brother. Used of mankind in general by Paul only here. Mt Mt7.2. 1 Co 1Co6.8. in any matter. or, in the matter. Paul delicately has reference to the sexual sin mentioned in the immediate context; in particular, adultery and pre-marital sex, sins absolutely forbidden to Christian men and women. As the preceding reference passages show, the commandment “Defraud not” elsewhere has broader application. Dt Dt22.25. 2 S ✓ 2Sa13.1-14. Ac Ac15.20. 1 Co 1Co6.9, 1Co6.18, 1Co6.19. 1Co7.1,2. 1Co13.5. 2 Co 2Co7.11. Ep Eph5.3, Eph5.6-11. the avenger. Dt ✓ Dt32.35. Jb Job31.13, Job31.14. Ps Ps94.1. Ps140.12. Pr +* Pr22.22, Pr22.23. Ec Ec5.8. Is Is1.23, Is1.24. Ro * Ro1.18. ✓ Ro12.19. Ro13.4. Ep Eph5.6. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.8. He +* Heb13.4. as we. Lk Lk12.5. Ga Ga5.21. Ep Eph4.17. forwarned. 1 Th + 1Th3.4. Ac Ac1.16g. testified. Lk + Lk16.28. Ep + Eph4.17. 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. 2Ti4.1. He Heb2.6g. 7. God. Le Le11.44. * Le19.2. Ro Ro1.7. +* Ro8.29, Ro8.30. 1 Co 1Co1.2. Ep Eph1.4. Eph2.10. Eph4.1. 2 Th 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. He ✓ Heb12.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.14-16. 1Pe2.9-12, 1Pe2.21, 1Pe2.22. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.14. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.3. uncleanness. 1 Th 1Th2.3. Ga * Ga5.19. Ep Eph4.19. 2 P 2Pe2.10. holiness. ver. +* 1Th4.3. He +* Heb12.14. 8. therefore. He Heb12.1g. despiseth. or, rejecteth. 1 S 1Sa8.7. 1Sa10.19. Lk Lk7.30g. Jn Jn12.48. 1 Co 1Co1.19g. Ga ✓ Ga2.21g. despiseth not man. 1 Th 1Th2.13. Pr Pr1.7. Pr23.9. Is Is49.7. Is53.3. Lk ✓ Lk10.16. Ac Ac13.41. Ju Jud8. who. Ne Ne9.30. Ezk Eze37.6. Ac +* Ac5.3, Ac5.4. 1 Co * 1Co2.10, 1Co2.13. ✓ 1Co6.19. 1Co7.40. +* 1Co10.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16. 1 P 1Pe1.12. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.21. 1 J 1Jn3.24. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Lk + Lk1.17n. 9. touching. Le Le19.8. Ps Ps133.1. Jn Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Jn15.12-17. Ac Ac4.32. Ro Ro12.10. Ep Eph5.1, Eph5.2. He + Heb13.1. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 1Pe3.8. 2 P 2Pe1.7. 1 J 1Jn2.10. 1Jn3.11, 1Jn3.14-19, 1Jn3.23. 1Jn4.7-16. ye need. 1 Th 1Th1.8. * 1Th5.1. Je Je31.34. 2 Co 2Co9.1. He +* Heb8.10, Heb8.11. 1 J * 1Jn2.20-27. for ye. Is Is54.13. Mt * Mt22.39. Jn Jn6.44, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 75. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jn6.45. Jn13.34. * Jn14.26. * Jn15.12, Jn15.17. Ep * Eph5.2. He Heb10.16. 1 P * 1Pe4.8. 1 J * 1Jn3.11, 1Jn3.23. 1Jn4.21. 1Jn5.1. taught of God. Is Is54.13. Jn Jn6.45. 1 Co 1Co2.13. 1 J * 1Jn2.20, 1Jn2.27. to love. 1 Th 1Th3.12. Jn +* Jn13.34. 10. all the. 1 Th 1Th1.7. 2 Co 2Co8.1, 2Co8.2, 2Co8.8-10. Ep Eph1.15. Col Col1.4. 2 Th 2Th1.3. Phm Phm5-7. brethren. 1 Th 1Th5.26, 1Th5.27. Ep + Eph6.23. Macedonia. 1 Th 1Th1.7. Ac + Ac16.9. beseech. ver. + 1Th4.18g. that ye increase. ver. 1Th4.1. 1 Th 1Th3.12. Ph * Php1.9. Php3.13-15. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. 11. that. Pr * Pr17.1. Ec Ec4.6. La La3.26. 2 Th * 2Th3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. 1 P * 1Pe3.4. study. Gr. be ambitious. Ro Ro15.20. 2 Co 2Co5.9g. to be quiet. Pr Pr17.14. Pr20.3. Pr25.8. 2 Th 2Th3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. and to do. Mk Mk13.34. Lk Lk12.42, Lk12.43. Ro Ro12.4-8. Col Col3.2224. 2 Th ✓ 2Th3.11. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti5.13. Ti Tt2.4-10. 1 P 1Pe4.10, 1Pe4.11, +* 1Pe4.15. to work. Ac + Ac18.3. +* Ac20.35. Ro +* Ro12.11. 1 Co * 1Co4.12. Ep +* Eph4.28. 2 Th ✓ 2Th3.7-12. Ti Tt3.14mg. commanded. ver. 1Th4.2. 2 Th 2Th3.4. 12. ye may walk. 1 Th 1Th5.22. Ro +* Ro12.17. +* Ro13.13. 2 Co * 2Co8.20, 2Co8.21. Ph +* Php4.8. Col * Col4.5. Ti Tt2.8-10. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.12. * 1Pe3.16, 1Pe3.17. honestly. Ex +* Ex18.21. Ac +* Ac6.3. 2 Co +* 2Co6.3. * 2Co8.20, 2Co8.21. them. f142, Ge + Ge20.16. Mk + Mk4.11. 1 Co 1Co5.12, 1Co5.13. Col Col4.5. 1 Ti 1Ti3.7. 1 P 1Pe3.1. nothing. or, no man. 2 Co 2Co11.7-9. 13. I would not. f175:175B, Ge + Ge21.16. Ro Ro1.13. 1 Co + 1Co10.1. 1Co12.1. 2 Co 2Co1.8. 2 P 2Pe3.8. which are. ver. 1Th4.15. 1 Th 1Th5.10. 1 K 1Ki1.21. 1Ki2.10. Da +* Da12.2n. Mt + Mt27.52. Lk Lk8.52, Lk8.53. Jn * Jn11.11-13. Ac * Ac7.60. Ac13.36. 1 Co 1Co15.6, 1Co15.18. 2 P 2Pe3.4. asleep. Gr. koimaomai, to fall asleep, involuntarily: hence used (in nearly every place) of death, but only of saints. Contrast 1 Th +* 1Th5.6, “sleep,” Gr. katheudo, to go asleep, voluntarily: hence not used of death, but either of taking rest in sleep, or of the opposite of watchfulness. EWB (B372) observes, “Thus the marked use of koimaomai in the first series, and of katheudo in the second series teaches us that the hope of Resurrection and Ascension before the Day of the Lord is for all who are Christ’s, whether they are dead or alive, whether they are watchful or unwatchful.” ❅S#2837g. ver. 1Th4.14, 1Th4.15. Mt Mt27.52. Mt28.13. Lk Lk22.45. Jn Jn11.11, Jn11.12. Ac Ac7.60. Ac12.6. Ac13.36. 1 Co 1Co7.39. 1Co11.30. 1Co15.6, 1Co15.18, 1Co15.20, 1Co15.51. 2 P 2Pe3.4. ye sorrow not. Ge Ge37.35. Le Le19.28. Dt * Dt14.1, Dt14.2. 2 S ✓ 2Sa12.19-23. 2Sa18.33. Jb ✓ Job1.21. Ezk Eze24.16-18. Mk Mk5.39. Jn * Jn11.24. Ac Ac8.2. as others. f142, Ge + Ge20.16. 1 Th 1Th5.6. Ep Eph2.3. have no hope. Jb ◐+* Job19.25-27. Pr +* Pr14.32. Ezk Eze37.11. 1 Co 1Co15.19. See on Ep * Eph2.12. 14. if we believe. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Is +* Is26.19n. Ro +* Ro8.11. ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. 1 Co * 1Co15.12-23. 2 Co 2Co4.13, 2Co4.14. Re Re1.18. sleep in Jesus. ver. +* 1Th4.13. 1 Th 1Th3.13. 1 Co + 1Co15.18. Re +* Re14.13. God bring. Jn Jn5.29. 1 Co 1Co15.35. with him. ver. 1Th4.17. 1 Th +* 1Th3.13. Ge +* Ge49.10. Zc +* Zec14.5. Mt +* Mt24.31. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.23. Ph +* Php3.20, Php3.21. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.1. Ju * Jud14, * Jud15. 15. by the word. ver. ✓ 1Th4.2n. 1 Th + 1Th1.8. 1 K 1Ki13.1, 1Ki13.9, 1Ki13.17, 1Ki13.18, 1Ki13.22. 1Ki20.35. 1Ki22.14. Lk ✓ Lk20.35, Lk20.36. that we. Some have mistakenly drawn Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 76. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

the inference that Paul here asserts he expected the return of Jesus in his own lifetime. This, of course, is an unwarranted inference which fails to take into account Paul’s own inspired prediction regarding the great apostasy and the coming of Antichrist given in 2 Th ch. 2, events which Paul certainly did not suppose were to be compressed into his own lifespan. The fact that Christ revealed to Peter certain events which would transpire in his life (Jn Jn21.18-23), as well as to Paul (Ac Ac9.15. Ac20.23, Ac20.24. Ac27.24), must not be understood to deny the doctrine of the imminency of the return of Christ. Robertson notes Paul “was alive, not dead, when he wrote” (Word Pictures, vol. 4, p. 32). Paul sometimes associates himself with the living (as here, and Ph Php3.20. Ti Tt2.12, Tt2.13), and sometimes with the dead, (as 1 Co ✓ 1Co6.14. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.14. 2Co5.8. Ph Php1.21-24. Php2.17. 2 Ti 2Ti4.6-8). By such words Paul simply associates himself with the class of the living to which he then belonged, as opposed to the dead, and was not making a statement about how soon Jesus would return, a secret which God has kept in his own counsel (Dt +* Dt29.29. Mt Mt24.36. Mk +* Mk13.32. Ac +* Ac1.7), as Hogg and Vine well observe (Comm. on 1 Thessalonians, p. 138). ver. 1Th4.17. 1 Th 1Th5.10. Ps Ps66.6. Ho Ho12.4. Mt Mt16.28n. Mk Mk9.1. Lk Lk9.27. Ro Ro13.11, Ro13.13. 1 Co 1Co15.51. which are alive. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.51-53. 2 Co * 2Co4.14. and remain. Gr. ❅S#4035g, only here and ver. 1Th4.17. perileipomenoi, present passive participle of perileipo, “remain, be left behind,” “to leave over; to remain over, to survive,” (Arndt, Gingrich; Thayer); compare citation in MM, p. 506b, “a very small portion...will be left.” Is +* Is24.6. Mt +* Mt7.14. Lk Lk18.8. the coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. 1 Th + 1Th2.19. Parousia has the basic meaning of presence or arrival, used in later Greek secular literature of the official visit of a king or ruler. In the New Testament it is used nontechnically of presence (1 Co 1Co16.17. 2 Co 2Co10.10. Ph Php1.26. Php2.12); of coming or arrival (2 Co 2Co7.6, 2Co7.7. Ph Php1.26); and in a technical eschatological sense of the second coming of Christ, with the connotation of ultimate presence (Mt + Mt24.3n, Mt24.27, Mt24.37, Mt24.39. 1 Co 1Co15.23. 1 Th 1Th2.19. 1Th3.13. 1Th4.15. 1Th5.23. 2 Th 2Th2.1, 2Th2.8. Ja Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 2 P 2Pe1.16. 2Pe3.4, 2Pe3.12. 1 J 1Jn2.28). Hogg and Vine note that the usual translation, “coming,” is misleading, for other Greek words are better so translated (erchomai, Lk Lk12.45. Lk19.23. eleusis, Ac Ac7.52. eisodos, Ac Ac13.24). ‘’...whereas these words fix the attention on the journey to, and the arrival at, a place, parousia fixes it on the stay which follows on the arrival there” (Comm. on Thessalonians, p. 87. See also Boyce Blackwelder, Toward Understanding Thessalonians, p. 85). The word parousia does not itself denote either secrecy or invisibility (Mt Mt24.3n). Hogg and Vine further note (p. 88) that when used non-prophetically of Christ, parousia refers to a defined period (2 P 2Pe1.16, the transfiguration, see Mt Mt17.1-8). Where it is used prophetically, parousia refers to the time beginning with the descent of the Lord from heaven into the air (1 Th 1Th4.16, 1Th4.17), and ending with his revelation and manifestation to the world (2 Th 2Th1.7). “The Parousia of the Lord Jesus is thus a period with a beginning, a course, and a conclusion. The beginning is prominent in 1 Th 1Th4.15; 1Th5.23. 2 Th 2Th2.1. 1 Co 1Co15.23. Ja Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 2 P 2Pe3.4; the course in 1 Th 1Th2.19. 1Th3.13. Mt Mt24.3, Mt24.37, Mt24.39. 1 J 1Jn2.28; the conclusion in 2 Th 2Th2.8. Mt Mt24.27” (Hogg and Vine, Thessalonians, p. 88). shall not. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. Ac + Ac10.42. prevent. obsolete for precede. Jb Job41.11. Ps Ps88.13. Ps119.147, Ps119.148. Mt Mt17.25. 2 Co 2Co10.14. asleep. See on ver. 1Th4.13. 16. the Lord. Is * Is25.8, Is25.9. Mt +* Mt16.27n. +* Mt24.30, Mt24.31. +* Mt25.31. Mt26.64. Ac +* Ac1.11. 2 Th * 2Th1.7. 2 P * 2Pe3.10. Re +* Re1.7. himself. 1 Th + 1Th3.11. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 77. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

descend. Ph * Php3.20. from heaven. 1 Th 1Th1.10. 2 Th 2Th1.7. with a shout. Nu Nu23.21. 2 S 2Sa6.15. Ps Ps47.1, Ps47.5. Jl Joe2.11. Zc Zec4.7. Zec9.9. Jn Jn5.28, Jn5.29. the voice. Jl * Joe2.11. Mt + Mt24.31. 1 Co 1Co14.7, 1Co14.8. Re Re1.10. Re4.1. the archangel. Hogg and Vine note that there is no article before “voice” and “archangel” in the Greek, “so that the quality of the voice, its majesty and authority, is intended; but there is nothing to indicate that any particular angelic chief was in the writer’s mind” (Comm. on 1 Thessalonians, p. 142). Jehovah’s Witnesses argue from this text that Jesus is the archangel Michael, since Michael is the only archangel named in Scripture. This of course is shaky inference indeed, opposed to very clear declarations of Scripture as to the two natures in Christ. The motivation for such identification is to remove the basis for the doctrine of the deity of Christ and the Trinity. But such wresting of Scripture will not stand up to careful comparison of Scripture. In He Heb2.16 it is declared that Jesus “took not on him the nature of angels,” but took on in his incarnation “the seed of Abraham.” As Paul asserts Christ before the incarnation was in the form of God, Christ could not have been an archangel in time past; Scripture declares that Jesus during his earthly life “became flesh” (Jn Jn1.14) and was made in the likeness of men (Ph Php2.7), and now as man is in heaven (1 Ti 1Ti2.5). These direct assertions of Scripture leave no room before, during, or after the incarnation for Jesus Christ to have been or to have since become an archangel: he is truly man, in whom the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily (Col Col2.9). The Jehovah Witness doctrine regarding the person of Christ also fails in that it requires the discontinuity of the person of Michael the archangel, and is subject to the same fatal objection noted in their doctrine of the mortality of the soul, namely, that not resurrection but new creation must take place in reconstituting the person, so that the same person does not exist before and after (see note on Mt +* Mt10.28n. Compare 1 Co 1Co15.54n). The apostle Peter could not truthfully assert, as he did, that it was “this same Jesus” who is now exalted to the right hand of the Father, if he believed Jesus is now Michael (Ac +* Ac2.36). Perhaps Jehovah’s Witnesses would be helped to perceive the invalidity of their logic if we apply the same logic to the succeeding phrase: since Christ is to return with the “trump of God,” He must be God. While on other grounds this can be proven true, Jehovah’s Witnesses would rightly object to the logical form of such an argument here; and for the same reasons they find it invalid, their own argument identifying Jesus with Michael fails. Da Da10.13, Da10.21. Da12.1. Ro Ro8.38. Ep Eph1.21. Col Col1.16. Ju * Jud9. Re Re12.7. with the trump. Ex Ex19.16. Ex20.18. Le += Le23.24. 2 S 2Sa6.15. Is Is27.13. Jl Joe2.1. Zc Zec9.14. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.52n. Re Re1.10. Re8.13. of God. 1 Ch 1Ch16.42. Zc Zec9.14. Re Re15.2. and the dead. 1 Co 15:+ 1Co15.23, 1Co15.51, 1Co15.52. 2 Th 2Th2.1. Re +* Re14.13. * Re20.5, Re20.6. rise first. f157, 1 Co + 1Co15.6. This proves that Scripture does not teach a single general resurrection of the righteous with the wicked at the end of the world (Jn x Jn6.39), as so often taught. Here reference is made to the resurrection of the “dead in Christ,” not all the dead. Daniel asserts that “many of,” not “many,” and certainly not “all” that sleep in the earth shall awake. While “many” by a figure of speech may sometimes stand for “all” (Mt Mt26.28n), such cannot be so for the phrase “many of” which is different (See Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, Proposition 126, Observation 2, who cites Dr. Hody to this effect, p. 245). Clearly the wicked are resurrected at another time, which Scripture elsewhere teaches is after a one thousand year interval, at the end of the Millennium (Re Re20.5). Since the resurrection of the wicked is not mentioned here, this resurrection has exclusive reference to the righteous, a fact utterly opposed to a simultaneous resurrection of all the dead (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol 2, p. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 78. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

297). Is Is25.6-9. +* Is26.19n, Is26.21. Is27.6. Da ✓ Da12.2. Lk * Lk14.14. ✓ Lk20.35, Lk20.36. Ac Ac26.6-8. 1 Co * 1Co15.23. Ph * Php3.11g. He Heb11.35. Re Re20.3, +* Re20.5, Re20.6. 17. Then. f157, 1 Co + 1Co15.6. we which. ver. +* 1Th4.15. 1 Co 1Co15.52. caught. This clause gives the basis for belief in the rapture (from the Latin, rapio) of the living saints. The Rapture is clearly pretribulational, for Paul’s purpose is to comfort (ver. 18) the Thessalonians by calling attention to this glorious prospect and blessed hope (Ti ✓ Tt2.13). Paul corrects the mistaken view of the Thessalonians again in the second epistle by showing that the day of Christ was not at hand. Logically, this must refer to the fact that they had been taught and correctly understood that the day of Christ was secret in its initial stage—at least unknown to the world, and not the public manifestation of Christ at his return in glory, or they could not have been confused about the day of Christ having already transpired, or being already present, without their having had a part in it, 2 Th 2Th2.1. Paul argues they could know that the day had not yet come because the Rapture had not taken place (2 Th 2Th2.1), nor had the great apostasy and the revelation of the Antichrist transpired (2 Th 2Th2.3, 2Th2.8). Careful students of prophecy have noted that the Second Advent of Christ takes place in two stages: at the first stage Christ’s coming for his saints is unobserved by the world (Is Is26.20. Zp Zep2.3. Mt +* Mt24.42n. 1 Th 1Th5.2. 2 Th 2Th2.1. 2 P 2Pe3.10); the last stage, when Christ comes with his saints, is most public and visible (Jl Joe3.11. Zc +* Zec14.5. Mt +* Mt24.30. Re +* Re1.7. Re19.14). The timing of the first stage is not revealed; the Rapture is imminent: it could take place at any time. The second stage takes place at the end of the Great Tribulation, therefore the precise timing will be known (Mt +* Mt24.42n. Da Da9.27. Da12.7). Because many prophetic events take place between the two stages, the time interval may be greater than the usually postulated seven years. The amount of time between the Rapture and the onset of the Tribulation is apparently unrevealed. 1 K 1Ki18.12. 2 K 2Ki2.11, 2Ki2.16. Ps +* Ps7.6, Ps7.7. Is Is57.1. Jl Joe2.32. Zp +* Zep2.3. Mt Mt11.12g. Mt13.19g. Jn Jn6.15g. Jn10.12, Jn10.28, Jn10.29g. Ac * Ac8.39. Ac23.10. 2 Co *12:+ 2Co12.2-44. Ju Jud23. Re Re11.12. Re12.5. together with. Ep +* Eph1.10. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.1. in the clouds. Gr. en nephelais, “the instrumental case, by means of clouds, portrays clouds as the vehicle by which the Rapture of the saints is executed” (Boyce W. Blackwelder, Toward Understanding Thessalonians, p. 101). Ellicott explains “the clouds forming the element with which they would be surrounded, and in which they would be borne up to meet their coming Lord.” “...upon which the glorified and luciform body will be caught up in the enveloping and upbearing clouds” (Comm. on Thessalonians, p. 65, 66). Other interpreters more generally understand this as “in clouds,” as the Greek article is lacking. Ge + Ge9.13. Ex +* Ex13.21. +* Ex16.10. Ex19.9. Ex24.16. Nu Nu11.25. 2 Ch +✓ 2Ch5.13. Ps Ps18.11, Ps18.12. +* Ps68.17. Is Is19.1. Da +* Da7.13. Mt Mt17.5. +* Mt24.30. Mt26.64. Mk Mk14.62. Ac Ac1.9. 1 Co 1Co10.2n. Re +* Re1.7. ✓ Re11.12. to meet. f171:171J, Ac + Ac16.1. Alford notes “as he descends.” The word “implies meeting one who was approaching—not merely a ‘meeting with’ a person.” “Christ is on his way to this earth: and when De W. says that there is no plain trace in St. Paul of Christ’s kingdom on earth,—and Lun., that the words show that the Apostle did not think of Christ as descending down to the earth, surely they cannot suppose him to have been so ignorant of O. T. prophecy, as to have allowed this, its plain testimony, to escape him” (Greek Testament, vol. 3, p. 276). 1 S 1Sa13.10. 1 K 1Ki9.14. 2 Ch 2Ch15.2. 2Ch19.2. Mt Mt25.1g, Mt25.6g, Mt25.31. Ac * Ac28.15g. Col Col3.4. 2 Th * 2Th2.1. in the air. The word for “air” in Greek is aer, a reference to the dense atmosphere of earth, not aither (a word not used Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 79. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

in the New Testament), which would refer to the upper atmosphere. Ac Ac22.23. 1 Co 1Co9.26. 1Co14.9. Ep Eph2.2. Re Re9.2. Re16.17. and so. Ps +* Ps16.11. * Ps17.15. * Ps49.15. Ps73.24. Is Is35.10. Is60.19, Is60.20. Jn Jn12.26. +* Jn14.3. Jn17.24. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.8. Ph +* Php1.23. 2 P 2Pe3.13. Re Re7.14-17. Re21.3-7, Re21.22, Re21.23. Re22.3-5. ever be. Wordsworth states “We shall be caught up into the air, and so be ever with Christ. There is no indication of any intervening Millennium on earth between Resurrection and heavenly glory” (Greek Testament, vol. 2, p. 19). His misunderstanding is grounded in his failure, among other things, to note that only the righteous are spoken of as being included in this resurrection. His careful observation earlier on the same passage, that the “circumstances of the Second Advent, and of the Last Judgment, appear to have been prefigured by those of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai” is carefully drawn, except for the mistaken connection with the Last Judgment, and independently confirms Peters, cited below. Further confirmation of such connections is provided by the study of “Antitypical Parallels” alluded to by Peters (Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, Proposition 121, Observation 8, note 28, point 4, p. 191), but developed fully by others as in Antitypical Parallels; or, The Kingdom of Israel and of Heaven, by “Gershom” (Major General J. E. Goodwyn), London: S. W. Partridge, 1866, pp. xxiv, 1-501. Jn +* Jn12.26. with the Lord. Paul, having accomplished his purpose of comfort by asserting that the living saints would rejoin deceased believers at the Rapture, abruptly stops the discussion. No doubt the Thessalonians had received much fuller instruction from Paul about prophecy when he was with them in person. We are left to infer from other Scripture where the saints will go once they are raptured. The usual view is that Christ takes the saints back to the third heaven, some believe forever, others suppose for the seven years of the Tribulation. Interestingly enough, Paul does not say here, nor does Scripture elsewhere state, that the saints return to heaven. Peters cogently argues (See the following references, which I have carefully noted, as they are not represented in the indexes in Peters’ volumes: Theocratic Kingdom, volume 3, Proposition 170, Observation 6, pp. 59, 60. Prop. 166, Ob. 6, note 1, pp. 25, 26. For other significant references to the “third heaven” in Peters not found in his indexes see: Volume 1, pp. 245, Prop. 35, Ob. 2; *596, Prop. 89, Ob. 1; 602, Prop. 90, Ob. 5; 615, Prop. 93, Ob. 6, point 2; Volume 2, pp. 11, 12, Prop. 107, Ob. 2; 13, Prop. 107, Ob. 4; 29, Prop. 108, Ob. 3, note 7; 222, Prop. 123, Ob. 4; 227, Prop. 125, p. 227; 303, Prop. 128, Ob. 12; 341, Prop. 131, Ob. 3; ✓346, Ob. 7; ✓377, Prop. 134, Ob. 2, point 15; 378, Prop. 134, Ob. 2, note 3; 411, Prop. 138, Ob. 3; *501, Prop. 148, Ob. 3; ✓575, 576, Prop. 154, Ob. 3, note 1 && 2; 578, Ob. 5, point 4. Volume 3, p. 25, 26, Prop. 166, Ob. 6, note 1; 46, Prop. 169, Ob. 2, note 2; 453, Prop. 196, Ob. 4, note; 459, Prop. 196, Ob. 12, point 7) that such a removal of the saints from this earth to heaven with Christ (especially if conceived of as a permanent removal) would be in violation of prophecy and covenant, which place the inheritance and kingdom of Christ here upon this earth (Mt +* Mt5.5. Ac +* Ac7.5n. Ep +* Eph1.11n. He +* Heb11.13, Heb11.16n). Peters establishes at length and in great detail that the saints will be taken by Christ to some secure appointed place upon earth (Dt +* Dt33.2) to organize and prepare for the establishment of the kingdom, when believers will receive their training and appointments (Jn +* Jn14.2) to posts of rulership and responsibility (Ps Ps149.4-9. Mt Mt19.28, Mt19.29. Mt24.47. Mt25.21, Mt25.23. Lk Lk22.29, Lk22.30. 1 Co 1Co6.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12. Re Re2.26, Re2.27. Re20.4, Re20.6) in that kingdom (Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 3, Proposition 166, pp. 17-28). When the preparation is complete, Christ will march (Dt +* Dt33.2. Is * Is63.1-6) upon his enemies, then victorious will ascend the Mount of Olives (Zc Zec14.3-5) and enter Zion (Is * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 80. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Is1.27. +* Is51.11. +* Is59.20. Jl * Joe3.16. Zc * Zec1.16, Zec1.17. Ro +* Ro11.26) with all his saints, and establish his kingdom over the whole earth, ruling from Jerusalem (Zc Zec14.9). with. Jn +* Jn14.3. 2 Th * 2Th2.1. 18. Wherefore. 1 Th 1Th5.11, 1Th5.14. Is Is40.1, Is40.2. Lk Lk21.28. He Heb12.12. comfort. 1 Th 1Th3.2, 1Th3.7. 1Th5.11. Is Is66.13. 2 Co 2Co1.4. 2Co7.6, 2Co7.7. 2 Th 2Th2.17. or, exhort. ver. 1Th4.1, 1Th4.10. 1 Th 1Th2.11. 1Th5.11, 1Th5.14. Is Is41.6. 2 Th 2Th3.12. He +* Heb10.24, Heb10.25. these words. Ti Tt1.9.

1 THESSALONIANS 5 As the coming of Christ will be sudden, and bring inevitable destruction on the wicked; “the children of light” are especially called on to prepare for it, in vigilance and sobriety, with faith and love and hope, and to comfort and edify one another, 1Th5.1-11. Various exhortations, admonitions, and encouragements, 1Th5.12-25. Concluding prayers and salutations, 261Th5.12-28. 1. the times. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. Da Da2.21. Mt +* Mt24.3, Mt24.36. Mk Mk13.30-32. Ac +* Ac1.7n. seasons. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. ye. 1 Th + 1Th4.9. 2 Co 2Co9.1. Ju +* Jud3. you. f159, Ezk + Eze36.13. The repetition of the pronoun “you” and “ye” in verses 1, 2, 4, 5, stands in marked contrast to the repetition of the pronouns “they” and “them” in verse 3, thus pointing out the significant lesson that those who are “waiting for God’s Son from heaven” are not concerned with “times and seasons” which have to do with “the day of the Lord,” and his coming as “a thief ” on the ungodly. 2. know. 1 Th 1Th2.1. 2 Th 2Th3.7. Je Je23.20. the day of the Lord. ver. 1Th5.4. Is +* Is2.12. ✓ Is13.6-13. +* Is34.8. Je * Je46.10. Ezk +* Eze30.3. Jl +* Joe2.1, Joe2.11, Joe2.31. Am +* Am5.18, Am5.20. Ob Ob15. Zp +* Zep1.14, Zep1.15. +* Zep2.2, Zep2.3. Mt Mt24.42-44. Mt25.13. Mk Mk13.34, Mk13.35. Lk * Lk12.39, Lk12.40. Ac Ac2.20. 1 Co + 1Co1.8. +* 1Co3.13. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.10. Ju Jud14, Jud15. Re Re3.3. * Re16.14, Re16.15. so cometh. Mt Mt25.6. Lk +* Lk21.34-36. as a thief. Mt +* Mt24.43. Lk +* Lk17.24. 2 Th 2Th2.2. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.10. Re Re16.15. in the night. Mt Mt25.6. 3. Peace. Dt Dt29.19. Jg Jdg18.27, Jdg18.28. Ps Ps10.11-13. Is Is21.4. Is56.12. Ezk Eze13.10. Da Da5.3-6. ✓ Da8.25. Na Na1.10. Mt Mt24.37-39. Lk Lk17.26-30. Lk21.34, Lk21.35. then sudden. Ex Ex15.9, Ex15.10. Jsh Jos8.20-22. Jg Jdg20.41, Jdg20.42. 2 Ch 2Ch32.19-21. Ps Ps35.8. Ps73.18-20. Pr * Pr29.1. Is Is30.13. Lk * Lk17.26-30. +* Lk21.34g, Lk21.35. Ac Ac12.22, Ac12.23. 12:41. 2 Th 2Th1.9. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Re Re18.7, Re18.8. destruction. Is ✓ Is13.6-11. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.9. 2 P 2Pe3.7. as travail. Ps Ps48.6. Is * Is13.8. Is21.3. Is26.17. Is43.6-9. Je Je4.31. Je6.24. Je13.21. Je22.23. +* Je30.6, Je30.7. Ho Ho13.13. Mi Mic4.9, Mic4.10. Mt +* Mt24.8. Jn Jn16.21. Re Re12.2. and they. Mt Mt23.33. He ✓ Heb2.3. Heb12.25. shall not. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. escape. Hab +* Hab2.9. Lk ◐+* Lk21.36. 4. are not. Ro Ro13.11-13. Col +* Col1.13. 1 P 1Pe2.9, 1Pe2.10. 1 J + 1Jn2.8. darkness. Is + Is9.2. overtake. Dt Dt19.6. Dt28.15, Dt28.45. Je Je42.16. Ho Ho10.9. Zc Zec1.6. Jn Jn12.35. as a thief. ver. +* 1Th5.2. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 81. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

5. the children. Lk +* Lk16.8. Jn Jn12.36. Ac +* Ac26.18. Ep * Eph5.8. darkness. Is + Is9.2. Lk + Lk22.53. Ac +* Ac26.18. Col * Col1.12, Col1.13. 6. let us not. ver. ◐ 1Th5.10. Pr Pr6.10, Pr6.11. Pr19.15. Pr24.33, Pr24.34. +* Pr25.28. Is Is56.10. Jon Jon1.6. Mt Mt13.25. * Mt25.5. Mk Mk13.36. Mk14.37. Lk Lk22.46. Ro +* Ro13.11-14. 1 Co 1Co15.34. Ep Eph5.14. Ph Php3.10, Php3.11. sleep. Gr. katheudo. ❅S#2518g. ver. 1Th5.7, 1Th5.7, 1Th5.10. Mt Mt8.24. Mt9.24. Mt13.25. Mt25.5. Mt26.40, Mt26.43, Mt26.45. Mk Mk4.27, Mk4.38. Mk5.39. Mk13.36. Mk14.37, Mk14.37, Mk14.40, Mk14.41. Lk Lk8.52. Lk22.46. Ep Eph5.14. See related note, 1 Th 1Th4.13. as do others. 1 Th * 1Th4.13. Ep * Eph2.3. watch. Mt +* Mt24.42. Mt25.13. Mt26.38, Mt26.40, Mt26.41. Mk Mk13.34, Mk13.35, Mk13.37. Mk14.38. Lk Lk12.37, Lk12.39. +✓ Lk21.36. Lk22.46. Ac Ac20.31. 1 Co 1Co16.13. Ep * Eph6.18. Col * Col4.2. 2 Ti 2Ti4.5. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. Re Re3.2. Re16.15. sober. ver. 1Th5.8. Ph * Php4.5. 1 Ti 1Ti2.9, 1Ti2.15. 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.11. Ti Tt2.6, Tt2.12. 1 P +* 1Pe1.13. ✓ 1Pe5.8. 7. they that sleep. Jb Job4.13. Job33.15. Lk * Lk21.34, Lk21.35. Ro Ro13.13. 1 Co 1Co15.34. Ep Eph5.14. night. Ge Ge19.33. and they. 1 S 1Sa25.36, 1Sa25.37. Pr Pr23.29-35. Is Is21.4, Is21.5. Da Da5.4, Da5.5. Lk +* Lk21.34. Ac Ac2.15. 1 Co +* 1Co6.10. 2 P 2Pe2.13. 8. Let us. Pr +* Pr4.18. who. ver. 1Th5.5. Ro Ro13.13. Ep Eph5.8, Eph5.9. 1 P * 1Pe2.9. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. be sober. ver. 1Th5.6. 1 P +* 1Pe1.13. putting on. Ro +* Ro13.12. the breastplate. Is Is59.17. Ro Ro13.12. 2 Co 2Co6.7. Ep Eph6.11, Eph6.13-18. of faith and. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1 Co 1Co13.13. Ga * Ga5.6. Ep Eph6.23. He * Heb11.32-34. and love. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. Mt * Mt22.37-40. Col Col3.14. helmet. Ex = Ex29.9. Ep * Eph6.17. the hope. Jb +* Job19.23-27. Ps Ps42.5, Ps42.11. Ps43.5. * Ps119.6. La La3.26. Ro Ro5.2-5. Ro8.24, Ro8.25. 1 Co 1Co13.13. Ga Ga5.5. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti1.12. He * Heb6.18, Heb6.19. Heb10.35, Heb10.36. 1 P 1Pe1.3-5, 1Pe1.13. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1-3. 9. not appointed. 2 Th * 2Th1.10. 2Th3.3. Ge Ge19.22. Ex Ex9.16. Dt +* Dt10.15. Pr * Pr16.4. Ezk Eze38.10-17. Na * Na1.2. Mt * Mt26.24. Ac Ac1.20, Ac1.25. +* Ac13.48. Ro * Ro9.11-23. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.19, 2Ti2.20. 1 P * 1Pe2.8. 2 P * 2Pe2.3. Ju * Jud4. Re +* Re3.10. wrath. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. Jb +* Job21.30. Ps +* Ps7.6. Na Na1.2. Ro * Ro5.9. Ro9.22. Ph ◐ Php1.29. Re * Re6.16, Re6.17. obtain. Ge Ge19.22. Lk + Lk17.33. Jn Jn3.17. Ro ◐ Ro8.17. * Ro11.7, Ro11.30. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13, 1Ti1.16. * 1Ti2.4. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10, 2Ti2.12. He Heb10.39. 1 P * 1Pe2.10. 2 P * 2Pe1.1. 10. died. Mt * Mt20.28. Jn Jn10.11, Jn10.15, Jn10.17. Jn15.13. Ro Ro5.6-8. Ro8.34. +* Ro14.8, Ro14.9. 1 Co +* 1Co15.3. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.15, 2Co5.21. Ep Eph5.2. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.6. 2 Ti 2Ti2.11. Ti * Tt2.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. * 1Pe3.18. whether. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. ver. + 1Th5.6. See on 1 Th 1Th4.13, 17. should live. Lk Lk20.38. Ro Ro14.9. 2 Co 2Co5.15. 11. Wherefore. See on 1 Th 1Th4.18. comfort. or, exhort. ver. 1Th5.14. 1 Th +* 1Th4.18. He +* Heb3.13. * Heb10.25. together. T#110. Ro Ro12.4-10. Ro14.19. Ro15.1-3. Ep Eph4.15, Eph4.16, Eph4.29. Col Col3.16. He +* Heb3.13. * Heb10.24, Heb10.25. and edify. Ro Ro14.19. Ro15.2. 1 Co 1Co10.23. 1Co14.5, 1Co14.12, 1Co14.29. 2 Co 2Co12.19. Ep Eph4.12, Eph4.16, + Eph4.29. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. Ju * Jud20. even. 1 Th 1Th4.10. Ro Ro15.14. 2 P 2Pe1.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 82. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

12. to know. f121:121C, Ge + Ge39.6. 1 Co * 1Co16.18. Ph * Php2.29. He Heb13.7, Heb13.17. labor. 1 Th 1Th2.9. Mt Mt9.37, Mt9.38. Lk Lk10.1, Lk10.2, Lk10.7. Jn Jn4.38. Ac +* Ac20.35. Ro Ro16.6. 1 Co 1Co3.9. 1Co15.10. 1Co16.16. 2 Co 2Co5.9. 2Co6.1. 2Co11.23. Ga +* Ga4.11. Ph * Php2.16. Col Col1.29. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.17, 1Ti5.18. 2 Ti 2Ti2.6. Re Re2.3. are over. 1 Ch = 1Ch9.28, 1Ch9.29. 2 Ch = 2Ch34.12, 2Ch34.13. Ne = Ne11.16. Ac * Ac14.23. +* Ac20.28. 1 Co 1Co12.28. 1Co16.16. 1 Ti 1Ti5.17. Ti Tt1.5. He * Heb13.7, Heb13.17. 1 P * 1Pe5.2, 1Pe5.3. Re Re1.20. Re2.1, Re2.8, Re2.12, Re2.18. Re3.1, Re3.7, Re3.14. and admonish. ver. 1Th5.14. Ac Ac20.31. Ro Ro15.14. 1 Co 1Co4.14. Col Col1.28. * Col3.16. 2 Th 2Th3.15. 1 Ti 1Ti5.1, 1Ti5.20. Ti Tt1.13. Tt2.15. * Tt3.10. 13. esteem. Mt * Mt10.40. Ro Ro12.3. 1 Co 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. 1Co9.7-11. Ga Ga4.14. Ga6.6. Ph +* Php2.3. And be. Ge Ge45.24. Ps * Ps133.1. Mk +* Mk9.50. Lk +* Lk17.3-5. Jn Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Jn15.17. Ro Ro14.17-19. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ga * Ga5.22. Ep Eph4.3. Col Col3.15. 2 Th 2Th3.16. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. He +* Heb12.14. Ja Jas3.18. 14. exhort. or, beseech. ver. 1Th5.11. Ro * Ro12.1. you. See on ver. 1Th5.12. warn. ver. + 1Th5.12. Je * Je6.10. Ezk * Eze3.17-21. * Eze33.3-9. Ac * Ac20.27, Ac20.31. 1 Co 1Co4.14. Col * Col1.28. unruly. or, disorderly. 2 Th * 2Th3.6, 2Th3.7, 2Th3.11-13. Ti * Tt1.6, Tt1.10. comfort. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. 1 Th * 1Th2.7-12. 1Th4.18. Is * Is35.3, Is35.4. * Is40.1, Is40.2, Is40.11. Ezk * Eze34.16. Mt * Mt12.20. Lk * Lk22.32. Jn * Jn21.15-17. Ro +* Ro15.4. 2 Co +* 2Co1.3, 2Co1.4. feebleminded. or, fainthearted. Pr ✓ Pr18.14g. Is * Is35.4. Is54.6. +* Is57.15. He Heb12.15. support the weak. Da * Da11.32-34. Ac * Ac20.35g. Ro * Ro14.1. +* Ro15.1-3. 1 Co 1Co6.9, 1Co6.11. Ga Ga6.1, Ga6.2. He Heb12.12. be patient. Is +* Is63.9. 1 Co +* 1Co13.4, 1Co13.5. Ga * Ga5.22. Ep * Eph4.2, Eph4.32. Eph5.1, Eph5.2. Col * Col3.12, Col3.13. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. * 2Ti4.2. He Heb5.2, Heb5.3. Heb13.3. 15. See. Ge Ge45.24. 1 Co 1Co16.10. Ep * Eph5.15, Eph5.33. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. Re Re19.10. Re22.9. none. Ex * Ex23.4, Ex23.5. Le +* Le19.18. 1 S * 1Sa24.13. Ps Ps7.4. Pr * Pr17.13. * Pr20.22. * Pr24.17, Pr24.29. * Pr25.21. Mt * Mt5.39, Mt5.44, Mt5.45. Lk * Lk6.35. Ro ✓ Ro12.17-21. 1 Co * 1Co6.7. 1 P * 1Pe2.22, 1Pe2.23. * 1Pe3.9. ever. 1 Th * 1Th2.12. Dt * Dt16.20. Ps * Ps38.20. Ro Ro12.9. * Ro14.19. 1 Co * 1Co14.1. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.11. He +* Heb12.14. 1 P * 1Pe3.11-13. 3 J * 3Jn11. and to. 1 Th 1Th3.12. Ps * Ps39.1. Pr +* Pr25.26. Ro * Ro12.17, Ro12.18. Ga +* Ga6.10. Col +* Col4.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24. Ti * Tt3.2. 1 P 1Pe2.17. 16. Rejoice. T#296. 1 Ch 1Ch16.31, 1Ch16.32. Ne + Ne8.10 (T#52). Ps Ps5.11. Ps32.11. Ps33.1. * Ps37.4. * Ps40.16. Ps68.3, Ps68.4. Ps97.1, Ps97.2. Ps149.2. Is Is41.16. Mt +* Mt5.12. Lk Lk10.20. Ro Ro12.12. 2 Co * 2Co6.10. Ph + Php1.4. + Php3.1. ✓ Php4.4. 17. Pray. T#1147. Ge Ge4.26. Dt Dt8.18. 1 S ✓ 1Sa12.23. 1 Ch 1Ch16.8, 1Ch16.10, 1Ch16.11, 1Ch16.29. 1Ch22.19. * 1Ch28.9. 2 Ch +✓ 2Ch7.14. 2Ch14.4, 2Ch14.7. 2Ch15.12, 2Ch15.13. 2Ch16.12. 2Ch17.3, 2Ch17.4. 2Ch26.1, 2Ch26.5. Jb * Job5.8, Job5.9. Job15.4. Job22.27. Job23.3, Job23.4. Job33.26. Job35.10, Job35.11. Ps Ps2.8. * Ps10.4. Ps53.2. Ps55.16. Ps62.2. Ps79.6. Ps95.6, Ps95.7. Ps105.3, Ps105.4. Ps109.4. Is Is8.17. Is17.7. Is43.22. ✓ Is45.11. * Is55.6. Is62.6, Is62.7. Je Je3.4. La La3.40, La3.41. Ezk * Eze22.30. Eze36.37. Da +* Da6.10, Da6.11. Ho * Ho14.2. Jl * Joe2.12-19. Am Am5.6. 11:8. Zc Zec10.1. Mt * Mt5.44. * Mt6.6. * Mt7.7. Mt9.38. Mt17.21. Mt24.20. Mt26.41. Mk +* Mk1.35. Mk13.33. Mk14.37, Mk14.38. Lk Lk3.21. See on +*18:1. +*21:36. 22:40, 46. Jn * Jn16.24. Ro Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 83. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ro12.12. Ep * Eph6.18. Ph * Php4.6. Col * Col4.2. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.8. Ja Jas4.8. * Jas5.13, Jas5.14. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. without ceasing. T#540. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. 1Th3.10. Ge Ge32.24-26. Is +* Is62.7. Lk Lk6.12. Lk11.5-8. Lk18.1, Lk18.5, Lk18.7, Lk18.8. +* Lk21.36. Ac + Ac6.4 (T#1319). Ro * Ro12.12. Ep * Eph6.18. Col + Col1.23 (T#514). *4:2. 18. In. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. every. Jb Job1.21. Ps Ps34.1. See on Ep * Eph5.20. Ph * Php4.6. Col * Col3.17. He Heb13.15. give thanks. 1 Ch = 1Ch23.30. the will. 1 Th +* 1Th4.3. Nu = Nu4.27. 1 Ch = 1Ch6.48. Ep Eph2.10. 1 P * 1Pe2.15. 1Pe4.2. 1 J * 1Jn2.17. 19. Quench. SS So8.7. 1 Co ◐ 1Co14.30. Ep +* Eph4.30. * Eph6.16. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Lk + Lk1.17n. f121:121A, Jn + Jn3.34. i.e. do not hinder in yourself or in others the use of spiritual gifts (B540). Horne (Introduction, vol. 2, p. 455) states “The Holy Spirit is put for the Influences or Gifts of the Spirit. The similitude is borrowed from the ancient altar of burntoffering, in which the fire was to be kept continually burning.” Ge + Ge1.2. +* Ge6.3. 1 S 1Sa16.14. Ne Ne9.30. Ps Ps51.11. Is +* Is63.10. Jn + Jn7.39. Ac Ac7.51. 1 Co 1Co14.30. Ep 4:39. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.6. 20. Despise not. 1 Th 1Th4.8. Nu Nu11.25-29. 1 S 1Sa10.5, 1Sa10.6, 1Sa10.10-13. 1Sa19.20-24. Lk * Lk10.16. Ac Ac19.6. 1 Co 1Co11.4. 1Co12.10, 1Co12.28. 1Co13.2, 1Co13.9. 1Co14.1, 1Co14.3-6, 1Co14.22-25, 1Co14.29-32, 1Co14.37-39. 2 Co + 2Co10.10g. Ep +* Eph4.11, Eph4.12. Re Re11.3-11. prophesyings. Ac + Ac2.18. * Ac15.32. Ro Ro12.6. 1 Co 1Co13.2. 1Co14.6. 21. Prove. Jb * Job34.4. Pr +✓ Pr14.15. +* Pr18.17. Is +* Is8.20n. Mt * Mt7.15-20. Mk * Mk7.14-16. Lk * Lk12.57. Jn Jn7.24, Jn7.51. Ac +✓ Ac17.11n. Ro +* Ro12.2. 1 Co +* 1Co2.11, 1Co2.14, 1Co2.15. ✓ 1Co14.29. Ga +* Ga1.8n. Ep +* Eph5.10. Ph * Php1.10mg. 1 J ✓ 1Jn4.1. Re * Re2.2. hold fast. Dt Dt11.6-9. * Dt32.46, Dt32.47. Pr * Pr3.1, Pr3.21-24. * Pr4.13. * Pr6.21-23. * Pr23.23. SS * So3.4. Jn +* Jn8.31. * Jn15.4. Ac +* Ac11.23. +* Ac14.22. Ro * Ro12.9. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Ph Php3.16. * Php4.8. 2 Th * 2Th2.15. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. 2Ti3.6. 2Ti4.14. He +* Heb10.23. Re * Re2.25. * Re3.3, Re3.11. which is good. ver. +* 1Th5.15. 22. Abstain. 1 Th * 1Th4.12. Ex * Ex23.7. Is * Is33.15. Je Je48.10. Mt Mt17.26, Mt17.27. Ro * Ro12.17. * Ro14.21. 1 Co 1Co8.13. * 1Co10.31-33. 2 Co 2Co6.3. * 2Co8.20, 2Co8.21. Ph * Php4.8. Ju * Jud23. appearance. Ge ◐ Ge38.15. Nu Nu5.17n. Ac +* Ac6.3. 23. God. Ro Ro15.5, Ro15.13, + Ro15.33. Ro16.20. 1 Co 1Co14.33. 2 Co * 2Co5.19. Ph +* Php4.9. 2 Th 2Th3.16. He * Heb13.20. 1 P 1Pe5.10. sanctify. T#1686. 1 Th 1Th3.13. 1Th4.3. Ex = Ex28.41. Ex31.13. Le = Le8.30. Le20.8, Le20.26. Ps Ps17.5. * Ps19.12-14. * Ps51.10-12. Ps119.117. Ezk Eze37.28. Jn * Jn17.17-19, Jn17.22, Jn17.23. Ac Ac20.32. +* Ac26.18. 1 Co 1Co1.2. * 1Co6.11. Ep Eph3.16-21. * Eph5.25-27. Ph * Php4.6, Php4.7. He Heb2.11. 1 P 1Pe1.2. Ju * Jud1. wholly. f98, Ro + Ro11.33. In Greek the words underlying “wholly” and “whole” demonstrate the figure Homoeopropheron, or Alliteration: holoteleis and holokleeron. Jsh +* Jos14.8. Ja Jas1.4. your whole. Gr. holoteleis, ❅S#3648g, only here and Ja Jas1.4 (entire). Paul in this text does not use the word “holomereis, ‘in all your parts,’ followed by the summing up of those parts, spirit, soul, and body; but that it reads holoteleis, which refers, not to the parts, but to the final end, telos” (Abraham Kuyper, The Work of the Holy Spirit, p. 491, note. Also cited by J. I. Marais, ISBE, vol 4, p. 2496), thus a reference to man as a unity. Paul speaks here of “body,” “soul,” and “spirit” by way of periphrasis to represent the whole man. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 84. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

This text and He Heb4.12 appear to teach man is trichotomous, that he consists of three distinct elements: body, soul, and spirit. Yet no one argues on the basis of Lk Lk10.27 that man’s being consists of four or five elements: (body), heart, soul, strength, mind. Careful comparison of Scripture with Scripture will show that man is dichotomous (Ro +* Ro8.10), and that soul and spirit are but two different aspects of the same conscious non-material eternal part of man. That they are the same element in man is proven by the fact that the terms soul and spirit are used interchangeably (Ge +* Ge2.7). The terms soul and spirit are used with a wide degree of meaning in Scripture (see for soul, Mt +* Mt2.20n; for spirit, Mt +* Mt8.16n), but it is possible to affirm absolutely that the soul is not the body (Mt +* Mt10.28n), contrary to the frequent affirmation of materialists like the Jehovah’s Witnesses. That soul and spirit as they comprise the “hidden man of the heart” are immortal is absolutely affirmed by Peter (1 P +* 1Pe3.4), for the Greek word aphthartos, rendered “not corruptible” is rendered “immortal” at 1 Ti 1Ti1.17, and the closely related noun form of this word, aphtharsia, is rendered “immortality” at Ro Ro2.7 and 2 Ti 2Ti1.10. Yet some quibble may be raised that aphthartos is best translated “incorruptible,” and that the rendering immortal and immortality is best reserved for athanasia, which occurs at 1 Co 1Co15.53, 1Co15.54 and 1 Ti 1Ti6.16. Yet by the rule that things equal to a third thing are equal to each other, the Corinthian passage shows that the bodies of dead saints must put on incorruption, and the living saints who are mortal must put on immortality: but since both the living and the dead are one body (Ep Eph4.4) in Christ, at the Rapture (1 Th 1Th4.15-17) the final form of existence for both groups is identical. Since the dead saints are raised to incorruption and the living saints (“mortals”) are changed and put on immortality, incorruption and immortality are in this case one and the same thing in final result, and the objection that “incorruption” is not “immortality” has no force. For if the living are granted immortality, but the dead only incorruption, then living believers have an advantage over the dead in Christ, which is contrary to Paul’s argument in 1 Th 1Th4.13-18, for such a concept is the very error Paul wrote to correct in the Thessalonian church. Perhaps the term “immortality” with its meaning of deathlessness was reserved by Paul to living believers since they shall never experience physical death, and applied to their bodies, not their souls or spirits, both of which latter are never said in Scripture to be subject to natural (as opposed to spiritual) death in any case. Mt ◐ Mt22.37. Ro ◐+* Ro8.10. He ✓ Heb4.12. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50. Jb Job27.3. Job32.8. Job33.4. Lk Lk1.47. 1 Co 1Co5.5. 1Co15.45. soul. Gr. psyche, Mt +* Mt10.28n. Jb +* Job14.22. Lk Lk1.46. 1 Co 1Co15.45. body. Jb +* Job14.22. Mt Mt10.28. 1 Co 1Co5.5. preserved. T#1650. 1 Th 1Th3.12, 1Th3.13. 1 Co 1Co1.8, 1Co1.9. Ep * Eph5.26, Eph5.27. Ph * Php1.6, Php1.10. * Php2.15, Php2.16. Col Col1.22. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. Ju + Jud1. blameless. 1 Th + 1Th2.10. 1 Co * 1Co1.8. 2 P +* 2Pe3.14. Ju * Jud24. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. 1 Th + 1Th2.19. +* 1Th5.15n. 24. Faithful. Dt Dt7.9. Ps Ps36.5. Ps40.10. Ps86.15. Ps89.2. Ps92.2. Ps100.5. ✓ Ps138.2. Ps146.6. Is Is25.1. La La3.23. Mi Mic7.20. Jn Jn1.17. Jn3.33. 1 Co +* 1Co1.9. ✓ 1Co10.13. 2 Th * 2Th3.3. 2 Ti 2Ti2.13. Ti Tt1.2. He * Heb6.17, Heb6.18. calleth. 1 Th +* 1Th2.12. Ro +* Ro8.30. Ro9.24. Ga Ga1.15. 2 Th 2Th2.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 1 P 1Pe5.10. 2 P 2Pe1.3. Re Re17.14. who. Nu Nu23.19. 2 K 2Ki19.31. Is +* Is9.7. Is14.24-26. Is37.32. Mt Mt24.35. will do. Jsh Jos14.10. Jos23.14. Ph * Php1.6. * Php2.13. 1 P * 1Pe1.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. 25. pray for. T#471, 1618. Ro Ro15.30-32. 2 Co * 2Co1.11. Ep * Eph6.18-20. Ph Php1.19. Col * Col4.3, Col4.4. 2 Th * 2Th3.1-3. Phm Phm22. He Heb13.18, Heb13.19. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 85. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

26. Greet. See on Ro Ro16.16. 1 Co 1Co16.20. the brethren. Ep + Eph6.23. 27. I charge. or, I adjure. 1 Th 1Th2.11. Nu Nu27.23. 1 K 1Ki22.16. 2 Ch 2Ch18.15. Mt Mt26.63. Mk + Mk5.7. Ac Ac19.13. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3, 1Ti1.18. 1Ti5.7, 1Ti5.21. 1Ti6.13, 1Ti6.17. 2 Ti 2Ti4.1. that. Col * Col4.16. 2 Th 2Th3.14. holy. He Heb3.1. 28. grace. See on Ro +* Ro1.7. Ro16.20, Ro16.24. 2 Th 2Th3.18.

2 THESSALONIANS 2 THESSALONIANS 1 The apostle salutes the Church of the Thessalonians, 2Th1.1" 2Th1.2 }; thanks God for their growth in faith and love; encourages their perseverance under persecutions, by the prospect of the coming of Christ; and shows how glorious he will then appear in the destruction of all unbelievers, and the complete salvation of his people, 2Th1.3-10. He prays for their perfect sanctification, and meetness for heavenly felicity, by the grace and for the glory of God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, 2Th1.11" 2Th1.12 }. 1. Cir. A.M. 4056. A.D. 52. Paul. 1 Th 1Th1.1. and Silvanus. Ac + Ac15.22. See on 2 Co 2Co1.19. 1 Th 1Th1.1, etc. 1 P 1Pe5.12. Timotheus. Ac + Ac16.1. the Thessalonians. Ac + Ac17.1. in God. 1 J 1Jn1.3. 2. Grace. See on Ro Ro1.7. 1 Co 1Co1.3, 1Co1.8. 3. are bound. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. See on Ro Ro1.8. 1 Co 1Co1.4. 1 Th 1:+ 1Th1.2, 1Th1.3. 1Th3.6, 1Th3.9. thank God. 1 Co 1Co1.4, 1Co1.5. Ep * Eph1.15-17. Col * Col1.3, Col1.4. 1 Th 1Th3.10. always. Ep + Eph5.20. as it. Lk Lk15.32. Ph Php1.7. 2 P 2Pe1.13. your. Jb Job17.9. Ps Ps84.7. Ps92.13. Pr +* Pr4.18. Is Is40.29-31. Lk Lk17.5. Jn Jn15.2. 2 Co 2Co10.15. Ph Php1.9. 1 Th 1Th4.1, 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-10. +* 2Pe3.18. faith. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. groweth. The word uperauksano, from uper, intensive, and auksano, to grow, increase, signifies, as Dr. Clarke remarks, to grow luxuriantly, as a good and healthy tree in a good soil; and, if a fruit tree, bearing an abundance of fruit to compensate the labor of the husbandman. Faith is one of the seeds of the kingdom: this the Apostle had sowed and watered, and God gave an abundant increase. Their faith was multiplied, and their love abounded: and this was not the case with some distinguished characters only; it was the case with every one of them. For this the apostle felt himself bound to give continual thanks to God on their behalf, as it was “meet” and right. the charity. 1 Th + 1Th3.12. 4. glory. 2 Co 2Co7.14. 2Co9.2, 2Co9.4. 1 Th 2:+ 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. in the churches. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. 1 Th 1Th1.8. your patience. 2 Th 2Th3.5. Ro Ro2.7. * Ro5.3-5. Ro8.25. Ro12.12. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1Th3.2-8. He Heb6.15. Heb10.36. * Heb11.32-36. * Heb12.1-3. Ja * Jas1.3, Jas1.4. ✓ Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 2 P * 2Pe1.6. Re Re14.12. your persecutions. Mk Mk10.30. 1 Th +* 1Th2.14. 1Th3.3, 1Th3.4. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. Ja Jas5.11. 5. a manifest. ver. 2Th1.6. Ph * Php1.28. 1 P 1Pe4.14-18. righteous. Jb Job8.3. Ps Ps9.7, Ps9.8. Ps33.5. Ps50.6. Ps72.2. Ps99.4. Ps111.7. Je +* Je9.24. Da Da4.37. Ro Ro2.5. Re * Re15.4. Re16.7. Re19.2. counted worthy. ver. 2Th1.11. Lk ✓ Lk20.35. +✓ Lk21.36. Ac Ac5.41. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 86. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

* Ac13.46. Ep * Eph4.1. Col 1:+* Col1.10, Col1.12. He Heb3.3. Re * Re3.4. kingdom of God. Mt +* Mt5.10. Lk +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro +* Ro14.17. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. for. ver. 2Th1.7. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. 1 Th 1Th2.14. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti2.11, 2Ti2.12. He * Heb10.32, Heb10.33. 1 P ✓ 1Pe4.12, 1Pe4.13. 6. righteous. Ge +* Ge18.25. Ps Ps71.2. He +* Heb6.10. recompense tribulation. Ex Ex23.22. Dt Dt32.41-43. Ps Ps74.22, Ps74.23. Ps79.10-12. Ps94.20-23. Is Is49.26. Jl Joe3.4, Joe3.7. Zc ✓ Zec2.8. Re +*12:19. Re +* Re6.10. Re11.18. Re15.4. Re16.5, Re16.6. Re18.20, Re18.24. Re19.2. to them. Ge +* Ge6.13 (T#566). Je +* Je20.11. 7. who. Is Is57.2. Mt +* Mt5.10-12. Lk Lk16.25. Ro Ro8.17. 2 Co 2Co4.17. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12. He * Heb4.1, Heb4.9, Heb4.11. 1 P 1Pe4.1. Re Re7.14-17. Re14.13. Re21.4. rest with. Ps +* Ps94.13. Je +* Je31.2. Hab +✓ Hab3.16. Re Re6.11. Re11.18. +* Re14.13. when. Mt +* Mt13.39-43. +* Mt16.27n. +* Mt25.31. ✓ Mt26.64. Mk Mk8.38. Mk14.62. Lk +* Lk17.30. Jn +* Jn1.51. Ac +* Ac1.11. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16, 1Th4.17. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He * Heb9.28. Ju * Jud14, * Jud15. Re +* Re1.7. Re20.11. from heaven. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. his mighty angels. Gr. the angels of his power. Ps Ps103.20. Jn Jn1.3. Ep Eph1.2. Col Col1.16. 1 P 1Pe3.22. Ju +* Jud14. Re Re22.6, Re22.9, Re22.16. 8. flaming. Ge * Ge3.24. Dt Dt4.11. Dt5.5. Ps Ps21.8, Ps21.9. Ps50.2-6. Da Da7.10. Ml Mal3.2, Mal3.3. Mal4.1. Mt +* Mt25.41, Mt25.46. 1 Co 1Co3.13. He * Heb10.27. * Heb12.29. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.7, 2Pe3.10-12. Ju Jud7. Re Re14.10. Re19.20. Re20.10, Re20.14, Re20.15. +* Re21.8. fire. Is +* Is33.14. * Is66.15, Is66.16. Lk +* Lk16.24. 2 Co * 2Co5.11. 2 P +* 2Pe3.10. taking. or, yielding. vengeance. Dt Dt32.35, Dt32.41, Dt32.42. Ps * Ps2.9-12. +* Ps9.17. Ps94.1. Is Is35.4. Is61.2. Is63.4-6. Ro +* Ro1.18. +* Ro2.8, Ro2.9. He Heb10.30. Re Re6.10, Re6.16, Re6.17. that know not. Ex Ex5.2. 1 S 1Sa2.12. Ps +* Ps9.10. Ps79.6. Is Is27.11. Je Je9.6. Zp Zep1.6. Jn * Jn3.19. Jn8.19. Ro +* Ro1.28. 1 Co 1Co15.34. Ga +* Ga4.8. 1 Th 1Th4.5. obey not. Dt Dt4.30. Ps Ps18.44. Is Is1.19. Ac Ac6.7. Ro Ro1.5. +* Ro2.7, Ro2.8. Ro6.16. Ro10.16. Ro15.18. Ro16.26. 2 Co * 2Co10.5. Ga Ga3.1. He ✓ Heb2.3. +* Heb5.9. Heb11.8. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 1Pe3.6. * 1Pe4.17. 9. be punished. Jb +* Job8.13. Is Is33.14. +* Is66.24. Da +* Da12.2. Mt +* Mt25.41, Mt25.46. Mt26.24. Mk +* Mk9.43-49. Lk +* Lk12.48. * Lk16.25, Lk16.26. Jn Jn5.14. Ph +* Php3.19. He Heb10.29. 2 P 2Pe2.17. 2Pe3.7. Ju Jud13. Re * Re14.10, Re14.11. Re20.14. +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. everlasting. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Ju +* Jud7. destruction. 1 K 1Ki13.3, 1Ki13.4, LXX. Is * Is65.15-17. 1 Th 1Th5.3. 2 P 2Pe3.7. Ju Jud13. Re Re19.19-21. from the presence. f22:22A, Ge + Ge19.13. Ge Ge3.8. Ge4.16. Jb Job21.14. Job22.17. Ps +* Ps16.11. +* Ps51.11. Mt * Mt7.23. Mt22.13. Mt25.41. Lk Lk13.27. Re Re6.16. the glory. 2 Th 2Th2.8. Dt +* Dt33.2. Is * Is2.10, Is2.19, Is2.21. Mt +* Mt16.27n. +* Mt24.30. Ti ✓ Tt2.13g. Re Re15.8. Re20.11. 10. he shall come. Is +* Is66.5. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. +* 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. to be glorified. ver. 2Th1.12. Nu Nu23.23. 2 Ch = 2Ch5.1. Ps Ps89.7. +* Ps149.4. Is Is28.5. Is43.21. Is44.23. Is49.3. Is60.21. Je Je33.9. Mt Mt25.31. Jn Jn11.4. * Jn17.10. Ga Ga1.21. Ep Eph1.6, Eph1.12, Eph1.14, Eph1.18. Eph2.7. * Eph3.10, Eph3.16. Eph5.27. 1 P 1Pe2.9. Re * Re7.9-12. in his saints. Col + Col1.26. 1 Th 1Th3.13. to be admired. Ps Ps68.35. our testimony. 1 Co 1Co1.6. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. 1 Th * 1Th1.5. ✓ 1Th2.13. was believed. 1 Th 1Th2.1, ✓ 1Th2.13. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 87. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

in that day. Ml * Mal3.17. Mt ✓ Mt7.22. +* Mt24.36. Lk * Lk10.12. Lk +* Lk14.14. 1 Co +* 1Co3.13. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti1.12, 2Ti1.18. ✓ 2Ti4.8. 11. we pray. See on Ro Ro1.9. Ep Eph1.16. Eph3.14-21. Ph Php1.9-11. Col * Col1.9-13. 1 Th 1Th1.2. 1Th3.9-13. our God. Ps Ps48.14. Ps68.20. Is Is25.9. ✓ Is55.7. Da Da3.17. Ph + Php1.3. 1 Th 1Th2.2. 1Th3.9. Re Re5.10. would. See on ver. +* 2Th1.5. Col Col1.12. Re Re3.4. count. or, vouchsafe. worthy. ver. +* 2Th1.5. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. this calling. f121:121R, Ge + Ge43.11. i.e. of that for which He has called you: viz., to deliver you out of the tribulation; so that He may be glorified in His saints before He comes forth “in flaming fire,” etc. (ver. 8, 9). 2 Th 2Th2.14. Ro +* Ro8.30. Ro9.23, Ro9.24. +* Ro11.29. Ph Php3.14. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. He Heb3.1. 1 P 1Pe5.10. fulfill. Ps Ps138.8. Pr +* Pr4.18. Is Is66.9. Ho +* Ho6.3. Zc +* Zec4.7. Mk Mk4.28. 1 Co 1Co1.8. Ph * Php1.6. good pleasure. Ps Ps51.18. Lk +* Lk12.32. Ro Ro10.1. +* Ro15.14. Ep * Eph1.5, Eph1.9. Ph ✓ Php2.13. Ti * Tt3.4-7. of his goodness. Je +* Je29.11. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Mk +* Mk10.18n. Ro +* Ro11.22. the work. Jn Jn6.27-29. Ep Eph1.19, Eph1.20. Ph * Php1.6. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. ✓ 1Th2.13. He * Heb12.2. with power. 1 P +* 1Pe1.5. 12. the name. See on ver. 2Th1.10. Jn * Jn17.10. 1 P * 1Pe4.14. glorified in you. ver. +* 2Th1.10. Is * Is66.5. Ac * Ac13.48. 2 Co 2Co4.11. Ti Tt2.13. and ye. Ge Ge18.18. Ps Ps72.17. Is Is45.17, Is45.25. Jn * Jn17.21-26. Ph Php3.9. Col Col2.9, Col2.10. 1 P 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.8. the grace. See on Ro Ro1.7. 1 Co 1Co1.4. 2 Co ✓ 2Co8.9. 2Co13.4. Ti ✓ Tt2.11. Re Re1.4. our God and. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.1.

2 THESSALONIANS 2 The apostle warns the Thessalonians against groundlessly supposing that the day of Christ was at hand, 1, 2, and shows that it must be preceded by a great apostasy; in which “the man of sin,” by his blasphemies, usurpations, and impostures, would cause the destruction of numbers, and then sink himself into perdition, 2Th2.3-12. He thanks God for his special and effectual grace shown in choosing and calling the Christians at Thessalonica, “unto salvation and glory,” 2Th2.13" 2Th2.14 }. He exhorts them to steadfastness, 2Th2.15; and prays that they may be “comforted, and established in every good word and work,” 2Th2.16" 2Th2.17 }. 1. we beseech. See on Ro +* Ro12.1. He * Heb10.25. by the coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. ver. 2Th2.8. See on 1 Th + 1Th2.19. +✓ 1Th4.14-16n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n. and by. Ge +* Ge49.10. Mt Mt24.31. Mt25.32. Mk Mk13.27. Ep +* Eph1.10. 1 Th +* 1Th3.13. +✓ 1Th4.17n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n. our gathering. Ps +* Ps50.5. ✓ Ps102.21, Ps102.22. Ezk +* Eze17.23. 1 Th +✓ 1Th4.17n. unto him. Ge +* Ge49.10. Ps ✓ Ps102.22. Jn Jn12.32. 2 Co 2Co5.15. Ep Eph3.21. He Heb13.13. 2. shaken. Is Is7.2. Is8.12, Is8.13. Is26.3. Mt Mt24.6. Mk Mk13.7. Lk Lk21.9, Lk21.19. Jn Jn14.1, Jn14.27. Ac Ac17.13g. Ac20.23, Ac20.24. Ep Eph5.6. 1 Th 1Th3.3. troubled. Mt Mt24.6. Mk Mk13.7. neither. f129, Ezk + Eze34.4. by spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. f121:121A, Ezk + Eze37.1. Dt Dt13.1-5. Je +✓ Je23.25-28n. Mi Mic2.11. Mt * Mt24.4, Mt24.5, Mt24.24. 1 Co +* 1Co14.29. 1 Th 1Th5.19, 1Th5.21. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. 1 J ✓ 1Jn4.1, 1Jn4.2. Re Re19.20. by word. ver. 2Th2.15. 1 Co 1Co12.8. 1Co14.26, 1Co14.29. 1 Th 1Th5.2. nor by Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 88. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

letter. Ga +* Ga1.7, Ga1.8n. 1 Th 1Th4.15. 2 P 2Pe3.4-8. day of Christ. Virtually all modern editors of the Greek text read “day of the Lord” here (Is Is13.6. Am +* Am5.18. Zp Zep1.14. 1 Th +✓ 1Th5.2. 2 P +* 2Pe3.10). Ac +* Ac17.31. Ro Ro2.5. 1 Co +* 1Co1.8. +* 1Co3.13. 1Co5.5. 2 Co 2Co1.14. Ep +* Eph4.30. Ph Php1.6, Php1.10. 1 Th +* 1Th5.2. is at hand. or, is now present. Ro Ro8.38. ◐+* Ro13.12. Ga Ga1.4. 2 Ti 2Ti2.18. 2Ti3.1. He Heb9.9. 1 P ◐+* 1Pe4.7. Such a belief on the part of the Thessalonians necessarily implies that they correctly understood the rapture and its associated resurrection of the righteous dead in Christ to be an event which will be secret and unobserved by the world (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, pp. 316, 317). Mt Mt24.3-6, Mt24.14. 25:+✓ Mt25.19, Mt25.31-34, Mt25.41. Lk +* Lk19.11. Ac Ac17.31. 1 Co 1Co15.24. He Heb2.8. 2 P 2Pe3.13. Re Re11.15-18. 3. Let no man. See on Mt +* Mt24.4-6. Mk +* Mk4.24. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. + 1Co11.16. Ep +* Eph4.14. + Eph5.6. Ph Php2.5, Php2.8. Col +* Col1.23. +* Col2.7, Col2.18. that day. f63:63D, Mt + Mt16.7. except. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1-3. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.1-3. 2Ti4.3, 2Ti4.4. falling away. Da +* Da11.35. Ac Ac21.21g. first. f96:96E, Jn + Jn1.15. man of sin. ver. ✓ 2Th2.8-10. Da +* Da7.25. Da8.24, Da8.25. +* Da11.36, Da11.40n, Da11.41n. Mi ✓ Mic5.5, Mic5.6. Zc Zec9.13. Zec11.15. 1 J 1Jn2.18. Re Re13.5, Re13.6, Re13.11, etc. 19:20. the son. f108:108B, 1 S 1Sa20.21. Jn + Jn17.12. Re Re17.8, Re17.11. 4. exalteth himself. Is ✓ Is14.13. Ezk ✓ Eze28.2, Eze28.6, Eze28.9. Da ✓ Da7.8, Da7.25. ✓ Da8.9-11. +* Da11.36. Re * Re13.6. called God. 1 Co 1Co8.5. worshipped. Ac Ac17.23. Re Re13.4. sitteth. Da ✓ Da8.12-14. ✓ Da11.45. Mt +* Mt24.15. Re * Re13.6, Re13.7. the temple. Da Da9.27. Mt Mt23.16. +* Mt24.15. 1 Ti x 1Ti3.15. Re Re11.1. of God. 1 Co x 1Co1.2. 2 Co x 2Co6.16. showing himself. Is Is14.14. Ezk Eze28.2, Eze28.6, Eze28.9. 5. Remember. Mt Mt16.9. Mk Mk8.18. Lk Lk24.6, Lk24.7. Ac Ac20.31. when. 2 Th 2Th3.10. Jn Jn16.4. Ga Ga5.21. 1 Th 1Th2.11. 2 P 2Pe1.15. 6. withholdeth. or, holdeth. ver. 2Th2.7. Lk Lk4.42. Ro Ro1.18g. revealed. ver. 2Th2.3, 2Th2.8. in his time. Da Da11.29, Da11.35. 1 Ti 1Ti6.15. 7. the mystery. Ro +* Ro16.25n. 1 Ti 1Ti3.16. Re * Re17.5, Re17.7. doth. Ac Ac20.29. Col Col2.18-23. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1. 2 Ti 2Ti2.17, 2Ti2.18. 1 J 1Jn2.18. 1Jn4.3. only he who. ver. 2Th2.6. Is Is5.4, Is5.5. Ro Ro1.24, Ro1.28. he be taken. f63:63A. Figure of speech Ellipsis (Absolute: of the Nominative), whereby the subject of the verb must be supplied from the nature of the subject alone, or from what is elsewhere expressed, Ge + Ge14.20. See 1 Co 1Co15.24n. Hogg and Vine note the nominative of ginomai is not expressed in the original (Thessalonians, p. 261). Just who or what will be taken out of the way has puzzled interpreters. The most usually suggested options are (1) human government, (2) the church, (3) the Holy Spirit, (4) God. Several considerations, faithfully applied, will narrow down the possibilities to the correct choice. First, who or whatever this was or is was already known, already existing. Second, whatever is the correct choice must correspond to identifiable prophecy in the Old Testament. Third, Paul is intentionally being obscure here, probably to protect himself and the Christians he is addressing from adverse political persecution (Jn Jn11.48. Ac Ac17.7). Similar reticence to protect the parties concerned is reflected in the fact that the synoptic gospels do not mention the resurrection of Lazarus; only John records this event, presumably long after any possible harm might occur to Lazarus himself. Paul uses similar obscurity at 1 Co 1Co15.24-28. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 89. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

This factor of obscurity immediately rules out the possibility that the reference is to God, the Holy Spirit, or the Church, for if any of these were what he meant, he could have unhesitatingly named any of them without risk. Grammatical considerations also remove God, the Church, or the Holy Spirit from consideration. In this passage two grammatical genders are used of the restrainer: neuter gender, and masculine gender. If the Holy Spirit were the intended reference, Paul would have consistently used the neuter gender. Since the Holy Spirit is omnipresent (Ps Ps139.7, Ps139.8), and does not merely indwell believers, the removal of the saints at the Rapture does not constitute his removal. His removal is not suggested here or elsewhere in Scripture. As many are to be saved during the Tribulation (Re Re7.14. Re15.2-4. Re20.4), his presence is essential (Ro Ro8.9). If the Church were Paul’s intended reference, Paul would have consistently used the feminine gender, for in Greek the word “church” is feminine in its grammatical gender. Note that this does not mean that the church is feminine in any sense, or that it is thereby called a woman, for Greek grammatical gender has no necessary connection with natural gender (see note on Jn Jn16.13n). The reference is not to the Church, for if this were the case, the Church must be present during the first half of the Tribulation, until the Antichrist is revealed, yet this cannot be, for the Church is raptured (1 Th 1Th4.17n) before the Tribulation begins. But the masculine and neuter gender does fit the future government (neuter gender) and its king (masculine gender). This leaves human government as the only remaining choice of those given. But the reference is not to human government in general, for prophecy nowhere states that such government will cease just prior to the revelation of the Antichrist. Rather, Paul has a specific reference to biblical prophecy in mind, Da ✓ Da7.8, Da7.24, where Daniel speaks of the Antichrist defeating three kings which until that time restrained his power. That Paul’s reference is to prophecy in the book of Daniel is confirmed by his reference to Daniel in ver. 2Th2.4, and his statement in ver. 2Th2.5, which indicates that when he was present with the Thessalonians he had been teaching them about Bible prophecy from the book of Daniel. out of the way. f108:108H, Mt + Mt13.49. 8. that Wicked. ver. + 2Th2.3. Ps +* Ps9.5. Mt Mt13.19, Mt13.38. 1 J 1Jn2.13. 1Jn3.12. 1Jn5.18. whom. Da * Da7.10, Da7.11, Da7.26. Re Re18.8-10. Re19.20. shall consume. Je * Je25.30, Je25.31. with the. Is Is30.28. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt26.41n. Jb Job4.9. Ps Ps18.15. Ps29.3-6. Ps33.6. Is +*▶ Is11.4. Ho Ho6.5. He Heb10.27. Re Re1.16. Re2.16. Re19.15, Re19.20, Re19.21. of his mouth. He * Heb4.12. Re Re2.16. Re19.15. destroy. This is unanswerable proof that since Antichrist exists prior to the millennial age, and is destroyed (Da ✓ Da7.10, Da7.11. 2 Th 2Th2.8. Re ✓ Re19.19-21) by the personal coming of Jesus, we then have the strongest possible proof of the personal premillennial coming of Christ (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, Proposition 123, Observation 1, p. 208). Da ✓ Da7.10, Da7.11. Lk Lk13.7. 1 Co 1Co15.24. He Heb2.14. Re Re14.6-8. Re18.10, Re18.21. ✓ Re19.20. with the brightness. Gr. epiphaneia, ❅S#2015g. 2 Th 2Th1.8, 2Th1.9. Hab +* Hab3.4. Mt ✓ Mt24.27. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14g (appearing). 2 Ti 2Ti1.10g. * 2Ti4.1g, 2Ti4.8g. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He Heb10.27. of his. Paul repeatedly asserts the personal coming of Christ. ver. 2Th2.1. 2 Th 2Th3.5. Da * Da7.13, Da7.14. 1 Th 1Th1.10. 1Th2.19. 1Th3.13. 1Th4.16. 1Th5.23. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. ver. 2Th2.1. 1 Th + 1Th2.19. 1Th4.15n. 9. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. is after. Jn Jn8.41, Jn8.44. Ac Ac8.9-11. Ac13.10. 2 Co 2Co4.4. 2Co11.3, 2Co11.14. Ep + Eph1.19. Eph2.2. Re Re9.11. Re12.9, Re12.17. Re13.1Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 90. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

5. Re18.23. Re19.20. Re20.10. Satan. 1 Co + 1Co5.5. with all. Re Re13.14. power. 2 Th 2Th1.11g. and signs. Ex Ex7.22. * Ex8.7, Ex8.18. Dt Dt13.1, Dt13.2. Mt +* Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Jn ◐+ Jn4.48. Ac ◐ Ac2.22. Ro ◐ Ro15.19. 2 Co ◐ 2Co12.12. 2 Ti 2Ti3.8. He ◐ Heb2.4. Re ✓ Re13.11-15. Re18.23. Re19.20. lying. ver. 2Th2.11. 10. deceivableness. Ro Ro16.18. 2 Co 2Co2.17. +* 2Co4.2. ✓ 2Co11.13, 2Co11.15. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 P 2Pe2.18. He +* Heb3.13. of unrighteousness. ver. 2Th2.12. 1 Co 1Co13.6. in them. 1 Co + 1Co1.18. 2 Co 2Co2.15. * 2Co4.3-5. Ep Eph4.18. 2 P 2Pe2.12. Re ◐ Re9.4. * Re13.8. perish. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. because. Jb Job21.14. Ps +✓ Ps9.10n. Je +* Je9.6. Lk Lk19.14. Ac * Ac12.23g. 2 Co * 2Co4.3-5. Ep Eph4.18. they received. Pr Pr1.7. Pr2.1-6. Pr4.5, Pr4.6. Pr8.17. Mt +* Mt13.11. Jn ✓ Jn3.19-21. Jn8.45-47. Ro Ro2.7, Ro2.8. Ro6.17. 1 Co 1Co16.22. Ja Jas1.16-18. the love of. Ps ◐ Ps119.104. the truth. Both “love” and “truth” have the Greek article, so that Paul is referring not to love of truth in general, but love for the specific truth of the gospel. 2 Co 2Co4.2. 2Co13.8. that they. Jn Jn3.17. Jn5.34. Ro Ro10.1. 1 Th 1Th2.16. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.4. 11. for. Ps * Ps81.11, Ps81.12. Ps109.17. Is Is29.9-14. Jn Jn12.39-43. Ro * Ro1.21-25, Ro1.28. 2 Co * 2Co4.3, 2Co4.4. God shall send. ✓ f108:108A, Ge + Ge31.7. Ex +* Ex4.21. Dt +* Dt2.30. 1 K 1Ki22.18-22. 2 Ch 2Ch18.18-22. See on Is Is6.9, Is6.10. * Is66.4. Ezk Eze14.5, Eze14.9. Ro * Ro1.28. Re Re17.17. strong delusion. ver. 2Th2.9. that. Is Is30.28. Is44.20. Is66.4. Je Je27.10. Ezk Eze21.29. Mt Mt24.5, Mt24.11. 2 Th ◐ 2Th2.13. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1. a lie. lit. the lie. ver. ✓ 2Th2.4. Ge Ge3.5. Jn Jn8.44. Ro + Ro1.25. 1 Th 1Th2.3. 1 Ti 1Ti4.2. 12. they. Dt Dt32.35. Mk * Mk16.16. Jn ✓ Jn3.36. 1 Th +* 1Th5.9. 2 P * 2Pe2.3. Ju Jud4, Jud5. be damned. Gr. judged. Ac Ac7.7g. believed not. 2 Th 2Th1.8. Jn * Jn3.18. Ro Ro2.8. 2 P 2Pe3.5. the truth. ver. 2Th2.10. 1 Co 1Co13.6. but. Ps Ps11.5. Ps50.16-21. Ps52.3, 4. Ho Ho7.3. Mi Mic3.2. Mk Mk14.11. Jn ✓ Jn3.19-21. Ro +* Ro1.32. Ro2.8. Ro8.7, Ro8.8. Ro12.9. 2 P 2Pe2.13-15. 3 J 3Jn11. 13. we. 2 Th 2Th1.3. See on Ro Ro1.8. Ro6.17. 1 Th + 1Th1.2. beloved. ver. 2Th2.16. Dt Dt33.12. 2 S 2Sa12.25mg. Je Je31.3. Ezk Eze16.8. Da Da9.23. Da10.11, Da10.19. Ro Ro1.7. Col Col3.12. 1 Th +* 1Th1.4. 1 J 1Jn4.10, 1Jn4.19. from. Ge Ge1.1. Pr Pr8.23. Is Is46.10. Mt Mt25.34. Jn Jn1.1. Jn8.44. Ac Ac15.18. Ti Tt1.1, Tt1.2. He Heb1.10. Re Re13.8. Re17.8. chosen. Dt Dt7.6, Dt7.7. Dt26.18. Mk Mk13.20. Ac +* Ac13.48. Ro +* Ro8.29, Ro8.30, Ro8.33. Ro9.11. Ep 1:+ Eph1.4, Eph1.5. 1 Th 1Th1.4. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. 1Pe2.9. unto salvation. 1 Th +* 1Th5.9. through sanctification. ver. 2Th2.10, 2Th2.12. Lk Lk1.75. Ro * Ro15.16. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. Ep Eph1.1. 1 Th 1Th4.3, + 1Th4.4. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.19. He +* Heb12.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.2-5. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Ro Ro8.9. 1 Co 1Co2.4. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. belief. T#257. ver. ◐ 2Th2.11. Mt + Mt4.6 (T#17). Jn Jn8.45, Jn8.46. ✓ Jn14.6. Ac +* Ac13.48. Ac15.9. Ac27.22-24, Ac27.30, Ac27.31. Ga Ga1.3. Ep ✓ Eph2.8. Col +* Col1.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.15. +✓ 2Ti3.15. Ja +* Jas1.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. or, faith. 1 P * 1Pe1.5. of the truth. lit. of truth. Jn +* Jn7.17. 14. he called. See on Ro +* Ro8.28-30. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.12.!Bm 1 P 1Pe5.10. our gospel. Ro Ro2.16. +* Ro16.25. 1 Th * 1Th1.5. to the obtaining. Ps +* Ps16.11. Mt ✓ Mt25.21. Jn +* Jn14.2, Jn14.3. * Jn17.22, Jn17.24. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. Ep +* Eph1.18. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.12. +* 1Th5.9. 2 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 91. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ti * 2Ti2.12. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4, 1Pe1.5. * 1Pe5.10. Re * Re3.21. * Re21.23. * Re22.3-5. of the glory. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. Jn * Jn17.22. Ro Ro5.2. +* Ro8.30. Col ✓ Col3.4. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.12. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. 15. stand fast. ver. ◐ 2Th2.2. See on 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. + 1Co16.13. Ph * Php4.1. 1 Th +* 1Th3.8. hold. 2 Th * 2Th3.6. 1 Co 1Co11.2. Re Re2.25. the traditions. 2 Th 2Th3.6. Mt Mt15.2. Ro Ro6.17. 1 Co * 1Co11.2, 1Co11.23. +* 1Co15.3. Ga Ga1.12, Ga1.14. Col Col2.8. Ju +* Jud3g. whether. ver. 2Th2.2. 2 Th 2Th3.14. by word. ver. + 2Th2.2. our epistle. 1 Th 1Th4.15-18. 16. our Lord. 2 Th 2Th1.1, 2Th1.2. 2Th3.16. Jn +* Jn10.30. See on Ro Ro1.7. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ep Eph2.20. 1 Th 1Th3.11. 1Th5.23. himself. 1 Th +* 1Th3.11. and God. 2 Th 2Th1.1, 2Th1.2. which hath loved. See on ver. 2Th2.13. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. Jn13.1. Jn15.9, Jn15.13. Ro * Ro5.8. Ep Eph2.4, Eph2.5. Eph5.2, Eph5.25. Ph Php2.1. Ti * Tt3.4-7. 1 J * 1Jn3.16. * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. Re +* Re1.5. Re3.9. everlasting. Ps Ps103.17. Is +* Is35.10. +* Is51.11. +* Is60.19, Is60.20. Is61.7. Jn * Jn4.14. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.5-8. Re Re22.5. consolation. Lk +* Lk2.25g. * Lk16.25. Jn Jn14.16-18. Jn16.22. 1 Co +* 1Co14.3. He * Heb6.18. Re Re7.16, Re7.17. good hope. Ro * Ro5.2-5. Ro8.24, Ro8.25. +* Ro15.4. Col +* Col1.5, Col1.23. 1 Th 1Th1.3. Ti Tt1.2. ✓ Tt2.13. Tt3.7. He * Heb6.11, Heb6.12, Heb6.19. Heb7.19. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3-5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2, 1Jn3.3. through grace. Ac Ac15.11. Ac18.27. Ro Ro4.4, Ro4.16. Ro5.2. Ro11.5, Ro11.6. 17. Comfort. ver. 2Th2.16. Is Is51.3, Is51.12. +* Is57.15. Is61.1, Is61.2. Is66.13. Ro Ro15.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co1.3-6. 1 Th + 1Th4.18. your hearts. Col + Col2.2. stablish. 2 Th 2Th3.3. Is Is62.7. Ro Ro1.11. Ro16.25. 1 Co * 1Co1.8. 2 Co 2Co1.21. Col +* Col2.7. 1 Th 1Th3.2, 1Th3.13. He * Heb13.9. 1 P +* 1Pe5.10. Ju * Jud24. in every. Ja Jas1.21, Jas1.22. 1 J 1Jn3.18. good. Mt * Mt5.16. Ph * Php2.15, Php2.16. word. In the Revised Version (1881) and more modern translations (NIV), the order is reversed to read “every good work and word.” Hogg and Vine note “the order is significant, practice should precede precept” (Comm. on Thessalonians, p. 279). Ep * Eph4.29. Eph5.4. Col ◐* Col3.17. * Col4.6. Ja Jas1.19. * Jas3.2. 1 P 1Pe4.11. and work. Ac + Ac9.36.

2 THESSALONIANS 3 The apostle requests the prayers of the Thessalonians, especially for the success of his ministry; expresses his confidence respecting them; and prays for them, 2Th3.1-5. He charges them to censure and withdraw from disorderly walkers, who neglected their own business, and intermeddled in that of others; interspersing suitable arguments, directions, and exhortations, 2Th3.6-15. He concludes with benedictions, 16- 2Th3.6-18. 1. Finally. Ph + Php3.1. pray. Mt * Mt9.38. Lk Lk10.2. Ro Ro15.30. 2 Co 2Co1.11. Ep Eph6.19, Eph6.20. Col * Col4.3. 1 Th +* 1Th5.17, 1Th5.25. He Heb13.18, Heb13.19. the word. Ac Ac6.7. Ac12.24. Ac13.49. +* Ac17.2, Ac17.3. Ac19.20. 1 Co 1Co16.9. 1 Th 1Th1.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.9. have free course. Gr. run. T#1755. Ps Ps147.15. be glorified. Ps ✓ Ps138.2. Ac +* Ac13.48. even. 1 Th 1Th1.5. 1Th2.1, ✓ 1Th2.13.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 92. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. delivered from. T#1749. Ps Ps7.1, Ps7.2. Ps36.11. Ps43.1. Ps59.2-4. Ps71.4, Ps71.5. Ps74.19, Ps74.20. Ro +* Ro15.31. 1 Co 1Co15.32. 2 Co 2Co1.8-10. 1 Th 1Th2.18. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. unreasonable. Gr. absurd. Lk Lk23.41. Ac Ac25.5. Ac28.6g. all men have not. Dt Dt32.20. Mt Mt17.17. Mt23.23. Lk * Lk18.8. Jn Jn2.23-25. Ac Ac13.45, Ac13.50. Ac14.2. Ac17.5. Ac28.24. Ro Ro10.16. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.3, 2Co4.4. faith. or, the faith. Lk * Lk18.8. Ac + Ac6.7. 1 Co + 1Co16.13. Ep * Eph2.8. 3. the Lord. See on 1 Co 1Co1.9. ✓ 1Co10.13. 1 Th 1Th5.24. 1 J * 1Jn1.9. stablish. See on 2 Th 2Th2.17. 1 P +* 1Pe5.10. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. and keep. Ge Ge20.6. Ge48.16. 1 Ch 1Ch4.10. Ps Ps19.13. Ps121.7. Mt +* Mt6.13. Lk +* Lk11.4n. Jn * Jn17.15. 1 Co * 1Co10.13. 2 Ti 2Ti4.18. 2 P * 2Pe2.9. 1 J * 1Jn5.18. Ju ✓ Jud24. from evil. 2 Th 2Th2.17. Mt + Mt13.19. 4. we have. Ro Ro15.14. 2 Co + 2Co2.3. 2Co7.16. 2Co8.22. Ga Ga5.10. Ph * Php1.6. Phm Phm21. that. ver. 2Th3.6, 2Th3.12. Mt Mt28.20. Ro +* Ro2.7. Ro15.18. 1 Co 1Co7.19. 1Co14.37. 2 Co 2Co2.9. 2Co7.15. Ph ✓ Php2.12. 1 Th 1Th4.1, 1Th4.2, 1Th4.10. command. 1 Th 1Th4.2, 1Th4.11. 5. the Lord. 1 K 1Ki8.58. 1 Ch 1Ch29.18. Ps Ps119.5, Ps119.26. Pr ✓ Pr3.6. Je Je10.23. Ja Jas1.16-18. direct. Lk Lk1.79g. 1 Th 1Th3.11. your hearts. 1 Ch 1Ch29.18. Ps Ps78.8. into the love. T#1532. Dt Dt30.6. Je Je31.33. Lk Lk11.42. Jn Jn5.42. Jn17.26. Ro * Ro5.5. +* Ro8.28, Ro8.39. 1 Co 1Co8.3. 2 Co 2Co13.14. Ga * Ga5.22. Ep Eph3.16-19. Eph6.23. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 J 1Jn2.5. 1Jn3.17. 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.19. 1Jn5.3. Ju Jud2, * Jud21. and into. Ps Ps40.1. Ps130.5, Ps130.6. La La3.26. Lk Lk12.36, Lk12.37. Ro Ro8.25. Ph +* Php3.20, Php3.21. 1 Th *1:+ 1Th1.3, 1Th1.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He ✓ Heb9.28. 2 P 2Pe3.12. Re * Re3.10, Re3.11. Re13.10. the patient waiting for Christ. or, the patience of Christ. Ro Ro2.7. He * Heb12.2, Heb12.3. Ja * Jas5.7, Jas5.11. 1 P 1Pe4.1. 6. in the name. 1 Co 1Co5.4. 2 Co 2Co2.10. Ep Eph4.17. Col * Col3.17. 1 Th 1Th4.1. 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. 1Ti6.13, 1Ti6.14. 2 Ti 2Ti4.1. that ye. ver. 2Th3.14, 2Th3.15. Mt Mt18.17. Ro +* Ro16.17. 1 Co 5:+ 1Co5.9, * 1Co5.11-13. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.5. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5. He Heb12.15, Heb12.16. 2 J 2Jn10. 3 J 3Jn10, 3Jn11. withdraw. Ps +* Ps119.63. Mt +* Mt15.14. 2 Co 2Co8.20g. brother. 1 Co 1Co5.11. walketh. ver. 2Th3.7, 2Th3.11. 1 Th 1Th4.11. 1Th5.14. not after. ver. 2Th3.10, 2Th3.14. 2 Th 2Th2.15. 1 Co 1Co11.2. 7. how. ver. 2Th3.9. Ac Ac20.35. 1 Co 1Co4.16. ✓ 1Co11.1. Ph Php3.17. Php4.9. 1 Th 1:+ 1Th1.6, 1Th1.7. 1 Ti 1Ti4.12. Ti Tt2.7. 1 P 1Pe5.3. for. ver. 2Th3.6. 1 Th + 1Th1.5. * 1Th2.10. 8. Neither did. 1 Co + 1Co9.12. eat. ver. 2Th3.12. Pr Pr31.27. Mt Mt6.11. but wrought. Ac * Ac18.3. * Ac20.34. 1 Co * 1Co4.12. 2 Co 2Co11.9. 1 Th 1Th4.11. night. Mk + Mk5.5. See on 1 Th 1Th2.9. that we. T#1860. Lk ◐ Lk10.7. Lk22.36. 1 Co 1Co10.24. 9. Not. Mt * Mt10.10. 1 Co +* 1Co9.4-14. 2 Co * 2Co11.9, 2Co11.12. Ga Ga6.6. 1 Th 1Th2.6. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.18. to make. See on ver. 2Th3.7. Jn Jn13.15. 1 P 1Pe2.21. +* 1Pe5.3. to follow. ver. + 2Th3.7. Ph * Php3.17. * Php4.9. 10. when. Lk Lk24.44. Jn Jn16.4. Ac Ac20.18. commanded. 1 Th 1Th4.11. that if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any would. f138:138C, Ge + Ge22.14. T#1862. Ge * Ge3.19. Pr Pr13.4. Pr20.4. Pr21.25. Pr24.30-34. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. 1 Th 1Th4.11. not work. T#1837. Ec * Ec3.13. Ezk +* Eze16.49. neither. f164, 1 S + 1Sa17.7. f65, Mt + Mt27.19. Bengel on this Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 93. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

passage (N.T. Word Studies, vol. 2, p. 502) identifies this as a form of Enthymeme, confirmation of the argument from its contrary. “Supply, But every man eats: therefore let every man labor. Paul does not mean, that such a man should be immediately deprived of food by others; but he proves from the necessity of eating the necessity of laboring. There is a similar Enthymeme at 1 Co 1Co11.6.” More properly, this is the figure Syllogismus, or Omission of the Conclusion, the opposite of the figure Enthymeme, or Omission of the Premise. Pr Pr19.15. 11. some. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. walk. See on ver. 2Th3.6. working not. f171:171C, Ex + Ex20.10. Ezk +* Eze16.49. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.11. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.8. 1 P +* 1Pe4.15. busybodies. f135, Ps + Ps68.28. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.13. 12. we. See on ver. 2Th3.6. exhort. 1 Th + 1Th4.18. that with. Ge Ge49.14, Ge49.15. Pr Pr17.1. Ec Ec4.6. Ep +* Eph4.28. 1 Th +* 1Th4.11. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. eat. See on ver. 2Th3.8. Lk Lk11.3. 13. ye. Is Is40.30, Is40.31. Ml Mal1.13. Ro Ro2.7. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Ga * Ga6.9, Ga6.10. Ph Php1.9. 1 Th 1Th4.1. He Heb12.3. be not weary. or, faint not. Dt Dt20.8. Ps Ps27.13. Is * Is40.29-31. Zp Zep3.16mg. Ml Mal1.13. Lk +* Lk18.1. Ro +* Ro2.7. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. 2 Co 2Co4.1, 2Co4.16. Ga * Ga6.9. He Heb12.5. Re Re2.3. 14. And if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. obey. Dt Dt16.12. Pr Pr5.13. Zp Zep3.2. Mt * Mt18.17. 2 Co 2Co2.9. 2Co7.15. 2Co10.6. Ph ✓ Php2.12. 1 Th 1Th4.8. Phm Phm21. He Heb13.17. by this epistle, note that man. or, signify that man by an epistle. ver. 2Th3.6. Mt Mt18.17. Ro Ro16.17, Ro16.22. 1 Co 1Co5.9, 1Co5.11. Col Col4.16. 1 Th 1Th5.27. Ti Tt3.10. have no company. ver. +* 2Th3.6. Ps +* Ps119.63. that he. Nu Nu12.14. Ezr Ezr9.6. Ps Ps83.16. Je Je3.3. Je6.15. Je31.18-20. Ezk Eze16.61-63. Eze36.31, Eze36.32. Lk Lk15.18-21. 1 Co +* 1Co4.14. 15. count. Le +* Le19.17, Le19.18. Mt + Mt18.15. 1 Co 1Co5.5. 2 Co 2Co2.6-10. 2Co10.8. 2Co13.10. Ga +* Ga6.1. 1 Th 1Th5.14. Ju Jud22, Jud23. admonish. Ps * Ps141.5. Pr Pr9.9. Pr25.12. Mt Mt18.15. 1 Co 1Co4.14. 1 Th 1Th5.12, 1Th5.14. Ti Tt3.10. Ja +* Jas5.19, Jas5.20. 16. the Lord of peace. Ps Ps72.3, Ps72.7. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Zc Zec6.13. Lk * Lk2.14. Jn * Jn14.27. Ro + Ro15.33. Ro16.20. 1 Co 1Co14.33. 2 Co * 2Co5.19-21. 2Co13.11. Ep ✓ Eph2.1417. + Eph6.23. 1 Th * 1Th5.23. He Heb7.2. ✓ Heb13.20. himself. 2 Th 2Th2.16. Ep Eph2.20. 1 Th + 1Th3.11. give. Nu Nu6.26. Jg Jdg6.24mg. Ps Ps29.11. * Ps85.8-10. Is * Is26.12. +* Is45.7. Is54.10. Is66.12. Hg Hag2.9. Jn Jn16.33. See on Ro Ro1.7. Ph ✓ Php4.7-9. always. Ep Eph6.18. The Lord be. ver. 2Th3.18. Ru Ru2.4. 1 S 1Sa17.37. 1Sa20.13. Ps Ps46.7, Ps46.11. Is Is8.10. Mt * Mt1.23. * Mt28.20. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. Phm Phm25. 17. with mine own hand. 1 Co +* 1Co16.21. Col * Col4.18. the token. See on 2 Th 2Th1.5. Jsh +* Jos2.12. 1 S 1Sa17.18. 18. grace. See on Ro Ro16.20, Ro16.24.

1 TIMOTHY Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 94. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1 TIMOTHY 1 The apostle salutes Timothy, 1Ti1.1" 1Ti1.2 }; reminds him for what purpose he was left at Ephesus, 1Ti1.3" 1Ti1.4 }; shows that “the end of the commandment is love, from a pure heart, a good conscience, and unfeigned faith,” 1Ti1.5; from which some having swerved, in attempting to preach the law had perverted it, 1Ti1.6" 1Ti1.7 }. The law is good; but is intended to condemn transgressors, 1Ti1.8-10; which accords with the gospel also, 1Ti1.11. With deep humility and thankfulness, the apostle speaks of his own conversion, and the encouragement given by it to sinners in every age; and ascribes glory to God, 1Ti1.12-17. He charges Timothy to maintain faith and a good conscience; and mentions some, who had renounced the truth, and whom he had delivered unto Satan, 1Ti1.18-20. 1. an apostle. See on Ro Ro1.1. 1 Co 1Co1.1. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. by. 1 Ti 1Ti2.7. Ac * Ac9.15. +* Ac26.16-18. Ro Ro16.26. 1 Co 1Co7.6. 1Co9.17. 2 Co 2Co8.8. Ga Ga1.1, Ga1.11. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11. Ti Tt1.3. God. 1 Ti 1Ti2.3. * 1Ti4.10. Ps Ps24.5. Ps106.21. Is +* Is12.2. Is43.3, Is43.11. Is45.15, Is45.21. Is49.26. Is60.16. Is63.8. Ho Ho13.4. Lk Lk1.47. Lk2.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.10. Ti Tt1.3. Tt2.10, Tt2.13. Tt3.4, Tt3.6. 2 P 2Pe1.1. 1 J 1Jn4.14. Ju * Jud25. our hope. f121:121R, Ps + Ps71.5. Ro Ro15.12, Ro15.13. Col +* Col1.27. 2 Th 2Th2.16. 1 P 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.21. 2. Timothy. Ac Ac16.1-3. 1 Th 1Th3.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. my. ver. 1Ti1.18. 1 Co +* 1Co4.14-17. Ph * Php2.19-22. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. 2Ti2.1. Ti Tt1.4. Grace. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. See on Ro Ro1.7. Ga Ga1.3. Ga6.16. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. Ti Tt1.4. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 2 J 2Jn3. Ju Jud2. and. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. 3. As I besought. Ti Tt1.5. at. Ac + Ac18.21. Ac19.1, etc. 2 Ti 2Ti1.18. 2Ti4.12. when. Ac Ac20.1-3. Ph Php2.24. Macedonia. Ac + Ac16.9. charge. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6, 1Ti4.11. 1Ti5.7. 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.10, 1Ti6.17. Ga Ga1.6, Ga1.7. Ep +* Eph4.14. Col Col2.6-11. Ti Tt1.9-11. 2 J 2Jn7, 2Jn9, 2Jn10. Re Re2.1, Re2.2, Re2.14, Re2.20. some. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. no other. 1 Ti 1Ti6.3-5. 2 Co 2Co11.4. Ga * Ga1.6, Ga1.7, Ga1.9. 4. Neither give heed. Mk +* Mk4.24. to. 1 Ti 1Ti4.7. 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.20. Col * Col2.8. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.14, 2Ti2.16-18. 2Ti4.4. Ti Tt1.14. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.16. fables and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. endless. Gr. aperantos, ❅S#562g, only here. Ti * Tt3.9. questions. 1 Ti 6:+ 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.5. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.23. godly. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.11. Lk Lk16.2, Lk16.3, Lk16.4. 1 Co + 1Co9.17. 2 Co 2Co1.12. ✓ 2Co7.9, 2Co7.10. Ep + Eph3.2. +* Eph4.12-16. Ti Tt1.1. He +* Heb13.9. in faith. 15D, Mk + Mk11.32. so do. f63:63D, Ro + Ro7.3. Supply by ellipsis (absolute: of anantapodoton), “in faith (so I repeat my charge, that thou remain at Ephesus)” (B55). 5. the end. Ro * Ro10.4. Ro13.8-10. Ga * Ga5.13, Ga5.14, Ga5.22. 1 J 1Jn4.7-14. commandment. ver. 1Ti1.18. charity. Mk * Mk12.28-34. Jn +* Jn13.34. Ro Ro14.15. 1 Co 1Co8.1-3. ch. ✓13. 14:1. 1 P 1Pe4.8. 2 P * 2Pe1.7. 1 J * 1Jn3.18, 1Jn3.19. a pure. Ps Ps24.4. +* Ps51.10. Je Je4.14. Mt +* Mt5.8. Mt12.35. Ac * Ac15.9. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.22. Ja + Jas4.8. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 1 J 1Jn3.3. a good. ver. * 1Ti1.19. 1 Ti 1Ti3.9. Ac +* Ac23.1. * Ac24.16. Ro Ro9.1. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. Ti * Tt1.15. He * Heb9.14. ✓ Heb10.22. Heb13.18. 1 P 3:* 1Pe3.16, 1Pe3.21. faith. Ro Ro12.9. Ga * Ga5.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.5. He * Heb11.5, Heb11.6. 1 J * 1Jn3.23. unfeigned. Ja + Jas3.17g. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 95. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

6. some. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. having swerved. or, not aiming at. 1 Ti 1Ti6.21. 2 Ti 2Ti2.18g. 2Ti4.10. turned. 1 Ti 1Ti5.15. 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.5, 1Ti6.20. 2 Ti 2Ti2.23, 2Ti2.24. 2Ti4.4. Ti Tt1.10. Tt3.9. He Heb12.13g. vain jangling. Ti Tt1.10. 7. Desiring. Ja +* Jas3.1. to. Lk + Lk5.17. Ac Ac15.1. Ro Ro2.19-21. Ga Ga3.2, Ga3.5. Ga4.21. Ga5.3, Ga5.4. Ti Tt1.10, Tt1.11. understanding. 1 Ti 1Ti6.4. Is Is29.13, Is29.14. Je Je8.8, Je8.9. Mt +* Mt15.14. Mt21.27. Mt23.16-24. Jn Jn3.9, Jn3.10. Jn9.40, Jn9.41. Ro Ro1.22. Col Col2.18. 2 Ti 2Ti3.7. 2 P 2Pe2.12. affirm. Ti Tt3.8. 8. the law. Dt Dt4.6-8. Ne Ne9.13. Ps * Ps19.7-10. * Ps119.96-105, Ps119.127, Ps119.128. Ro * Ro7.12, Ro7.13, Ro7.16, Ro7.18, Ro7.22. * Ro10.4. +* Ro12.2. Ga * Ga3.11, Ga3.21. is good. Ro Ro7.16. Ti Tt1.15. if a. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. lawfully. 2 Ti 2Ti2.5. 9. the law. Ro Ro4.13. Ro5.20. Ro6.14. Ga Ga3.10-14, Ga3.19. Ga5.23. the lawless. 2 Th 2Th2.8g. disobedient. Ro Ro1.30. Ti Tt1.6, Tt1.10, Tt1.16. Tt3.3. He Heb11.31. 1 P 1Pe2.7. 1Pe3.20. the ungodly. 1 P 1Pe4.18. Ju Jud15. profane. 1 Ti 1Ti4.7. 1Ti6.20. Je Je23.11. Ezk Eze21.25. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16. He Heb12.16. murderers. Ex * Ex21.15. Le Le20.9. Dt Dt27.16. 2 S 2Sa16.11. 2Sa17.1-4. 2 K 2Ki19.37. 2 Ch 2Ch32.21. Pr Pr20.20. Pr28.24. Pr30.11, Pr30.17. Mt Mt10.21. manslayers. Ge +* Ge9.5, Ge9.6. Ex +* Ex20.13. Ex21.14. Nu Nu35.30-33. Dt Dt21.6-9. Pr Pr28.17. Ga * Ga5.21. Re +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. 10. whoremongers. Mk +* Mk7.21, Mk7.22. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. Ga * Ga5.19-21. Ep * Eph5.3-6. He +* Heb13.4. defile. Ge Ge19.5. Le Le18.21, Le18.22. Le20.13. Ro +* Ro1.26. Ju +* Jud7. menstealers. T#682. Ge Ge37.27. Ge40.15. Ex Ex21.16. Dt Dt24.7. Jb + Job27.13 (T#490). +36:6 (T#631). Pr + Pr21.7 (T#489). +22:22 (T#636). Ec + Ec7.7 (T#491). Je Je5.26. * Je34.17. Re Re18.13. for liars. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. Re +* Re21.8, Re21.27. * Re22.15. perjured. Ex +* Ex20.7. Le +* Le19.12. Ezk Eze17.16-19. Ho Ho4.1, Ho4.2. Ho10.4. Zc Zec5.4. Zec8.17. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mt * Mt5.33-37. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. contrary. 1 Ti 1Ti6.3. Ga ◐* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. 2Ti4.3. Ti Tt1.9. Tt2.1. sound. Gr. healthful. 1 Ti 1Ti6.3. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. 2Ti4.3. Ti Tt1.9, Tt1.13. Tt2.1, Tt2.2. doctrine. or, teaching. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6. 11. According. Ro Ro2.16. glorious. f24:24N, Ge + Ge17.5. Ps ✓ Ps138.2. Lk Lk2.10, Lk2.11, Lk2.14. 2 Co 2Co3.8-11. ✓ 2Co4.4, 2Co4.6. Ep Eph1.6, Eph1.12. Eph2.7. * Eph3.8, Eph3.10. 1 P 1Pe1.11, 1Pe1.12. the blessed. 1 Ti 1Ti6.15. committed. T#465. 1 Ti 1Ti2.7. 1Ti6.20, 1Ti6.21. Ezk Eze3.17, Eze3.19. Eze33.7-9. Eze34.8-10. Ro + Ro2.16. * Ro15.15. 1 Co +* 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. 1Co9.17. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.18-20. Ga + Ga2.7. Col Col1.25. 1 Th 1Th2.4. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11, 2Ti1.14. +* 2Ti2.2. Ti Tt1.3. trust. 1 Ch = 1Ch9.26mg. 12. I thank. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Ph * Php2.11. Re * Re5.9-14. Re7.10-12. enabled. Ac Ac9.22g. 1 Co * 1Co15.10. 2 Co 2Co3.5, 2Co3.6. 2Co4.1. ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ph ✓ Php4.13. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. counted. Ac Ac16.15. 1 Co 1Co7.25. faithful. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. putting. See on ver. 1Ti1.11. Ac * Ac9.15. 2 Co +* 2Co3.6. Col Col1.25. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. 13. was. Ac * Ac8.3. Ac9.1, Ac9.5, Ac9.13. Ac22.4. Ac26.9-11. 1 Co 1Co15.9. Ga * Ga1.13. Ph Php3.6. a blasphemer. 2 Ti 2Ti3.2g. persecutor. Ac + Ac8.3. and injurious. Ro Ro1.30g. but. ver. 1Ti1.16. Ho Ho2.23. Ro ✓ Ro5.20, Ro5.21. * Ro9.18. Ro11.30, Ro11.31. 1 Co 1Co7.25. 2 Co 2Co4.1. He ✓ Heb4.16. 1 P 1Pe2.10. because. Nu Nu15.30. Lk +* Lk12.47. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 96. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Lk23.34. Jn * Jn9.39-41. Ac + Ac3.17. Ac26.9. He * Heb6.4-8. ✓ Heb10.26-29. 2 P * 2Pe2.21, 2Pe2.22. 14. the grace. Ac Ac15.11. Ro * Ro5.20. Ro6.1. Ro16.20. 2 Co ✓ 2Co8.9. ✓ 2Co13.14. Re * Re22.21. our Lord. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. He Heb7.14. exceeding. Ex Ex34.6. Is ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. Ro * Ro5.15-20. 1 Co * 1Co15.10. Ep Eph1.7, Eph1.8. * Eph2.8. 1 P 1Pe1.3. with faith and love. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. 1 Ti 1Ti2.15. +* 1Ti4.12. 1Ti6.11. Lk * Lk7.47-50. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. * 1Th5.8. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. 2Ti2.22. 2Ti3.10. Ti Tt2.2. 1 J * 1Jn4.10. which is in. 1 Ti 1Ti3.13. 2 Ti 2Ti1.1, 2Ti1.13. 2Ti2.1, 2Ti2.10. 2Ti3.15. 15. a faithful. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. ver. 1Ti1.19. 1 Ti 1Ti3.1. 1Ti4.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.11. Ti Tt1.9. ✓ Tt3.8. Re Re21.5. Re22.6. worthy. 1 Ti 1Ti4.9. Jn * Jn1.12. ✓ Jn3.16, Jn3.17, Jn3.36. Ac Ac11.1, Ac11.18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. that. Mt +* Mt1.21. Mt9.13. +* Mt18.11. Mt20.28. Mk Mk2.17. Lk * Lk5.32. +* Lk19.10. Jn * Jn1.29. +* Jn3.17. Jn12.47. Ac Ac3.26. Ro * Ro3.2426. + Ro4.25. * Ro5.6, Ro5.8-10. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.9, 2Ti1.10. He ✓ Heb7.25. 1 J 1Jn3.5, 1Jn3.8. * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. Re * Re5.9. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. of whom. ver. 1Ti1.13. Jb Job42.6. Ezk Eze16.63. Eze36.31, Eze36.32. 1 Co * 1Co15.9. Ep * Eph3.8. 16. for this. Nu Nu23.23. Ps Ps25.11. Is ✓ Is1.18. Is43.25. Ep Eph1.6, Eph1.12. Eph2.7. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. I obtained. See on ver. 1Ti1.13. 2 Co 2Co4.1. that in me. Ep Eph2.7. first. or, as chief (of sinners). f63:63I, Ex + Ex12.4. all. Ex +* Ex34.6. Ro 2:+ Ro2.4, Ro2.5. 1 P 1Pe3.20. 2 P * 2Pe3.9, 2Pe3.15. for a pattern. 2 Ch 2Ch33.9-13, 2Ch33.19. Is ✓ Is55.7. Lk Lk7.47. Lk15.10. Lk18.13, Lk18.14. Lk19.7-9. Lk23.43. Jn ✓ Jn6.37. Ac Ac13.39. Ro * Ro5.20. +* Ro15.4. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13g. He ✓ Heb7.25. believe. Jn ✓ Jn3.15, Jn3.16, Jn3.36. ✓ Jn5.24. Jn6.40, +* Jn6.54n. ✓ Jn20.31. Ro * Ro5.21. ✓ Ro6.23. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. everlasting. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Ro + Ro2.7. Ti Tt1.2. Tt3.7. 17. the King. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.15, 1Ti6.16. Ps * Ps10.16. Ps45.1, Ps45.6. Ps47.6-8. Ps90.2. Ps145.13. Je Je10.10. Da * Da2.44. +* Da7.14. Mi +* Mic5.2. Ml Mal1.14. Mt +* Mt6.13. Mt25.34. Ro Ro1.23. He * Heb1.8-13. Re Re4.9, Re4.10. ✓ Re15.3. Re17.14. Re19.16. eternal. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Dt +* Dt33.27. He * Heb9.14. immortal. Gr. aphthartos, ❅S#862g. Ro Ro1.23 (uncorruptible). 1 Co 1Co9.25 (incorruptible). ✓ 1Co15.52. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4, 1Pe1.23. 1Pe3.4. This Greek word is rendered immortal only here. Nevertheless, a comparison of how this word is used in conjunction with athanasia (❅S#110g, 1 Ti + 1Ti6.16) in 1 Co 1Co15.52-54 shows these terms are equivalent, as discussed in the note at 1 Th 1Th5.23. 2 Ti 2Ti1.10. invisible. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Jn ✓ Jn1.18. Ro Ro1.20. Col * Col1.15. He Heb11.27. 1 J 1Jn4.12. the only. T#962‡. 1 Ti ◐ 1Ti6.16n. Ps Ps90.2. Is Is40.28. * Is44.6. Ro * Ro16.27. Ju +* Jud25. be honor and. T#300. 1 Ch 1Ch16.28, 1Ch16.29. +* 1Ch29.11. Ne * Ne9.5. Jb Job36.24. Ps Ps41.13. Ps57.11. Ps72.18, Ps72.19. + Ps79.9 (T#538). 106:48. 115:1. Pr Pr3.9. Je * Je13.16. Da * Da4.34, Da4.37. Ml Mal1.6. Jn ✓ Jn5.22, Jn5.23. Jn8.49. 1 Co 1Co6.20. * 1Co10.31. Ep Eph3.20, Eph3.21. 1 P 1Pe5.11. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. Re Re4.8-11. Re5.914. Re7.12. Re19.1, Re19.6. glory. 1 Ch 1Ch29.10, 1Ch29.11. Ph + Php4.20. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the ages of the ages. Ga + Ga1.5. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Amen. See on Mt +* Mt6.13. Mt28.20.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 97. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

18. charge. ver. 1Ti1.5. See on ver. 1Ti1.11, 1Ti1.12. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14. 1Ti6.13, 1Ti6.14, 1Ti6.20. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.2. * 2Ti4.1-3. son. See on ver. 1Ti1.2. Ph Php2.22. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. 2Ti2.1. Ti Tt1.4. Phm Phm10. according. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14. went before. 1 Ti 1Ti5.24. Lk Lk1.66, Lk1.67, Lk1.76. mightest. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.12. 2 Co * 2Co10.3, 2Co10.4. Ep * Eph6.12-18. 2 Ti 2Ti2.3-5. 2Ti4.7. war. f147:147D, Ge + Ge1.29. 1 Co 1Co9.7. 2 Co * 2Co10.4. Ph +* Php1.17. 2 Ti 2Ti2.3, 2Ti2.4. 19. Holding. See on ver. 1Ti1.5. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.9. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. Ti Tt1.9. He +* Heb3.14. 1 P * 1Pe3.15, 1Pe3.16. Re * Re3.3, Re3.8, Re3.10. faith. ver. + 1Ti1.5. Mt +* Mt7.21. Ja * Jas2.17. Ju +* Jud3, Jud4. good conscience. Ac * Ac23.1. Ti * Tt3.8. which some. Ex Ex32.1. Nu Nu14.1-4, Nu14.9, Nu14.10, Nu14.22-24. Dt Dt13.13. Jg Jdg2.17. 1 S 1Sa18.12. 2 Ch 2Ch25.14, 2Ch25.27. Ne * Ne9.26. Ezk Eze36.20. Mt Mt26.14-16. Mt27.3-5. Jn * Jn6.66. Jn17.12. Ac Ac7.39. ✓ Ac8.13, Ac8.21. Ac20.30. Ro * Ro6.15. Ph +* Php3.18, Php3.19. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. * 2Ti3.1-6. 2Ti4.10. He +✓ Heb10.38. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3, 2Pe2.12-22. Ju Jud10-13. put away. Lk +* Lk8.13. Col +✓ Col1.23. He +✓ Heb10.38. 2 P +* 2Pe3.17. concerning. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1n, 1Ti4.2. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. Ga * Ga1.6-8. +* Ga5.4. 2 Ti 2Ti4.4. He ✓ Heb6.4-6. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.19. faith. or, the faith. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1n, 1Ti4.6. 1Ti5.8. 1Ti6.10, 1Ti6.21. Lk +* Lk18.8. Ac + Ac6.7. 1 Co + 1Co16.13. 2 Ti 2Ti3.8. 2Ti4.7. Ti Tt1.13. made shipwreck. 1 Ti 1Ti6.9. Mt Mt7.27. 1 Co * 1Co10.12. 20. Hymenaeus. i.e. marriage, ❅S#5211g. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.17. Alexander. Mk Mk15.21. Ac Ac19.33. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. ✓ 2Ti4.14, 2Ti4.15. I have delivered unto. Mt * Mt18.17. 1 Co ✓ 1Co5.4, 1Co5.5. 2 Co 2Co10.6. 2Co13.10. Satan. 1 Co + 1Co5.5. that. 1 Co 1Co11.32. 2 Th 2Th3.15. Re Re3.19. learn. Gr. paideuo, ❅S#3811g. Lk Lk23.16 (chastise), Lk23.22. Ac Ac7.22 (learned). Ac22.3 (taught). 1 Co 1Co11.32 (chastened). 2 Co 2Co6.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.25 (instructing). Ti Tt2.12 (teaching). He Heb12.6 (chasteneth), Heb12.7, Heb12.10. Re Re3.19 (chasten). blaspheme. 2 Ti 2Ti3.2. Re Re13.1, Re13.5, Re13.6. Gr. blaspheemeo, ❅S#987g. 1 Ti 1Ti6.1. Mt Mt9.3. Mt26.65. Mt27.39 (reviled). Mk Mk3.28, Mk3.29. Mk15.29 (railed). Lk Lk12.10. Lk22.65. Lk23.39 (railed). Jn Jn10.36. Ac + Ac13.45. Ac18.6. Ac19.37. Ac26.11. Ro Ro2.24. Ro3.8 (slanderously reported). 14:16 (evil spoken of). 1 Co 1Co4.13 (being defamed). 10:30 (evil spoken of). Ti Tt2.5. Tt3.2 (speak evil). Ja Jas2.7. 1 P 1Pe4.4, 1Pe4.14. 2 P 2Pe2.2, 2Pe2.10, 2Pe2.12. Ju Jud8, Jud10. Re Re13.6. Re16.9, Re16.11, Re16.21.

1 TIMOTHY 2 The apostle enjoins prayers, and thanksgivings, to be made for all men; especially for kings and rulers to “God our Savior, who is willing that all should be saved,” 1Ti2.1-4. There is “one God, and one Mediator, Jesus Christ, who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,” 1Ti2.5" 1Ti2.6 }. He declares his appointment, as the teacher of the Gentiles, 7: gives directions concerning prayer, and the modest apparel of women, 1Ti2.8-10; prohibits them to teach, and requires them to be in subjection, 1Ti2.11" 1Ti2.12 }; as the man was first created, and the woman was first seduced into sin, 1Ti2.13" 1Ti2.14 }. A promise concerning childbearing, 1Ti2.15. 1. exhort. or, desire. f130, Ac + Ac11.23. 2 Co 2Co8.6. Ep Eph3.13. He Heb6.11. first. 1 Co +* 1Co15.3. supplications. 1 Ti 1Ti5.5. Ge Ge18.23-32. 1 K 1Ki8.41-43. Ps Ps67.1-4. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 98. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps72.19. Mt * Mt6.9, Mt6.10. Ep Eph6.18. Ph Php4.4. Ja +* Jas5.16. Gr. de-eesis, ❅S#1162g: Rendered (1) prayer: Lk Lk1.13. Lk2.37. Lk5.33. Ro Ro10.1. 2 Co 2Co1.11. 2Co9.14. Ph Php1.4a, Php1.19. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. He * Heb5.7. Ja +* Jas5.16. 1 P 1Pe3.12. (2) supplication: Ac Ac1.14. Ep Eph6.18, Eph6.18. Ph Php4.6. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1. 1Ti5.5. (3) request: Ph Php1.4b. prayers. Mt Mt6.9, Mt6.10. 1 Th +* 1Th5.17. Gr. proseukee, ❅S#4335g: Mt Mt17.21. Mt21.13, Mt21.22. Mk Mk9.29. Mk11.17. Lk Lk6.12. Lk19.46. Lk22.45. Ac Ac1.14. Ac2.42. Ac3.1. Ac6.4. Ac10.4, Ac10.31. Ac12.5. Ac16.13, Ac16.16. Ro Ro1.9. Ro12.12. Ro15.30. 1 Co 1Co7.5. Ep Eph1.16. Eph6.18. Ph Php4.6. Col Col4.2, Col4.12. 1 Th 1Th1.2. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1. 1Ti5.5. Phm Phm4, Phm22. Ja * Jas5.17. 1 P 1Pe3.7. 1Pe4.7. Re Re5.8. Re8.3, Re8.4. intercessions. Ge +* Ge18.32. Ex Ex32.11. Nu +* Nu12.13. Nu14.19, Nu14.20. 1 S +* 1Sa12.23. 2 Ch * 2Ch30.18-20. Gr. enteuxis, ❅S#1783g. 1 Ti 1Ti4.5g (prayer). giving of thanks. Ro Ro1.8. Ro6.17. Ep Eph5.20. Ph Php1.3. +* Php4.6. 1 Th 1Th5.18. 2 Th 2Th1.3. be made. Dt +* Dt29.29. for all men. T#1432. ver. 1Ti2.4. Is Is56.7. Ac * Ac17.30. 1 Th 1Th3.12. 2 Ti 2Ti2.24. Ti ✓ Tt2.11. Tt3.2. 2. For kings. T#1592. 1 S 1Sa10.24. 1Sa15.10, 1Sa15.11. 1 K 1Ki1.34-37, 1Ki1.39. 1 Ch 1Ch29.19. Ezr * Ezr6.10. Ne Ne1.11. Ps Ps20.1-4. Ps72.1. Je Je29.7. for all. T#1435. Ro * Ro13.1, etc. 1 P 1Pe2.13, 1Pe2.14. authority. or, eminent place. quiet. T#1662. 2 Ch 2Ch20.30. peaceable. Ge Ge49.14, Ge49.15. Jsh Jos23.1. 2 S 2Sa20.19. 2 K 2Ki20.19. 2 Ch 2Ch15.15. Jb * Job34.29. Pr +* Pr16.7. Pr24.21. Ec Ec3.12, Ec3.13. Ec8.2-5. Je * Je29.7. Ro Ro12.18. 1 Th 1Th4.11. 1Th5.13. He +* Heb12.14. all godliness. 1 Ti + 1Ti3.16. Lk Lk1.6. Lk2.25. Ac Ac10.22. Ac24.16. Ph ✓ Php4.8. Ti ✓ Tt2.10-14. 1 P * 1Pe2.9-13. 2 P +* 2Pe1.3-7. honesty. or, gravity. 1 Ti 1Ti3.4. Ti Tt2.7. 3. this. 1 Ti 1Ti5.4. Ro +* Ro12.1, Ro12.2. Ro14.18. Ep Eph5.9, Eph5.10. Ph Php1.11. Php4.18. Col +✓ Col1.10. 1 Th 1Th4.1. He * Heb13.16. 1 P 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.20. God. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. Is Is45.21. Lk Lk1.47. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 4. Who will. Is * Is45.22. * Is49.6. * Is55.1. Ezk * Eze18.23, Eze18.32. * Eze33.11. Mt * Mt18.14. Lk * Lk13.34. Lk14.23. Jn ✓ Jn3.15-17. ✓ Jn6.37. Ro * Ro3.29, Ro3.30. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17-19. Ph * Php2.13. 1 Th 1Th2.15, 1Th2.16. Ti * Tt2.11. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.9. all men. ✓ f171:171B, Ge + Ge24.10. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.10. Ezk Eze18.23, Eze18.32. Mt Mt26.28n. Jn + Jn3.17. + Jn4.42. Ro +* Ro5.18. Ti Tt2.11. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.9. and to come. Mt +* Mt28.19. Mk * Mk16.15. Lk * Lk24.47. Ro ✓ Ro10.12-15. 2 Ti 2Ti3.7. Re * Re14.6. the knowledge. Is * Is53.11. Hab * Hab2.14. Lk * Lk1.77. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. * Jn17.3, Jn17.17. Col +* Col1.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. * 2Ti3.7. Ti Tt1.1. He Heb10.26. 5. one God. Dt +* Dt6.4. Is * Is44.6. * Is45.22. Mt +✓ Mt28.19. Mk +* Mk12.29-33. Jn ✓ Jn17.3. Ro Ro3.29, Ro3.30. Ro10.12. Ro16.27. 1 Co +* 1Co8.6. Ga Ga3.20. Ep +* Eph4.5, Eph4.6. Ja Jas2.19. and one mediator. There is no basis in Scripture to introduce additional intermediaries such as Mary the mother of Jesus or the saints. To do so is directly contrary to the explicit teaching of God’s word in Scripture in this text, and contradicts the statement of Jesus that no one can come to the Father but through him (Jn Jn14.6). Ex = Ex33.8, Ex33.9. Le Le16.17. Jb * Job9.33. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. Ro Ro8.34. Ga + Ga3.20. He ✓ Heb7.25. Heb8.6. * Heb9.15. * Heb12.24. 1 J * 1Jn2.1. between. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. and men. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. the man. The Jehovah’s Witness doctrine that Jesus Christ is the archangel Michael (1 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 99. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Th 1Th4.16n), and is no longer a man, directly contradicts this declaration of Paul that Jesus is still a man, not an angel, though now in heaven as our one Mediator. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Zc +* Zec13.7. Mt +* Mt1.23. Lk * Lk2.10, Lk2.11. Jn * Jn1.14. Jn8.40. Ro + Ro1.3. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.45-47. Ph +* Php2.6-8. He Heb2.6-13. Re Re1.13. Christ Jesus. Mt +* Mt10.32. 6. gave. Jb * Job33.24. Is ✓ Is53.6. Mt +* Mt20.28. +* Mt26.28n. Mk +* Mk10.45. Jn * Jn6.51. * Jn10.15, Jn10.18. 2 Co * 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15, 2Co5.21. Ep * Eph1.7, Eph1.14. * Eph5.2. Ti * Tt2.14. He * Heb9.12. 1 P * 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. * 1Pe2.24. * 1Pe3.18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. * 1Jn4.10. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. himself. Is Is53.10. Lk +* Lk9.24. a ransom. Gr. antilutron, ❅S#487g, only here. Thayer gives the definition “what is given in exchange for another as the price of his redemption, ransom” (Lexicon, p. 50). Friedrich Buchsel in the TDNT notes that the word is a rare form, but represents a direct reference to Mk Mk10.45 expressed in the more elegant and forceful style of Greek found in the Pastoral epistles (TDNT, vol. 4, p. 349). A. T. Robertson states, speaking of the Greek preposition anti in reference to Mt Mt20.28 and Mk Mk10.45, “These important doctrinal passages teach the substitutionary conception of Christ’s death, not because anti of itself means “instead,” which is not true, but because the context renders any other resultant idea out of the question. Compare also antilutron uper panton by Paul (1 Ti 1Ti5.6) where both anti and uper combine with lutron in expressing this idea” (A Grammar of the Greek New Testament, pp. 573, 574). The Jehovah Witness New World Translation renders antilutron as “corresponding ransom.” According to Jehovah Witness theology, following the pattern set by Charles T. Russell, Christ’s ransom corresponded exactly to Adam, and Christ atoned for but one man, Adam, in whom we were all comprehended (He Heb7.10). Thus “one unforfeited life could redeem one forfeited life and no more.” As F. W. Grant wryly remarks in reviewing this system, it smacks of the merchant, “with simply a clever plan for making a very large purchase with a very little money; and this trader’s wit Mr. Russell credits to God as divine wisdom,” but such a view of the atonement constitutes “a dreadful estimate or blasphemy of the divine nature, and in which Christ’s life is valued at just the worth of any other man’s!” (Facts and Theories as to a Future State, pp. 587, 588). The flaw in Russellism’s atonement is at least twofold: (1) Scripture nowhere states Christ was Adam’s substitute; this is a false deduction from Ro Ro5.18, Ro5.19, the commercial theory of the atonement taken to its extreme; (2) this passage does not state Christ gave his life a ransom for Adam, but Christ gave himself a ransom for all, as the very next words in the verse indicate. Le Le5.15, Le5.16. Le6.4, Le6.5. Ps Ps69.4. Mt * Mt20.28. Jn Jn17.23, Jn17.24. for all. The Calvinistic doctrine of the limited atonement does not accord with the declaration of this verse, and the attempts to get around the obvious sense of this passage show the flaw to be in that system of interpretation which necessitates explaining away this text (2 P 2Pe1.20n). T#580. ver. +* 1Ti2.4. Mt Mt20.28. +* Mt26.28n. Mk * Mk16.15. Jn * Jn1.29. Jn3.17. Jn4.42. Ro +* Ro5.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. He * Heb2.9. ✓ Heb7.25. 1 J * 1Jn2.2. Re + Re22.17 (T#370). to be testified. or, a testimony. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. Supply ellipsis, (to be borne by us). 1 Co +* 1Co1.6. 2 Th 2Th1.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.8. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. in due time. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.16. * 1Ti6.15. Mt Mt24.14. Is Is26.9. Is27.6. Ro * Ro5.6. Ro16.26. 1 Co +* 1Co15.8. Ga * Ga4.4. Ep * Eph1.9, Eph1.10. * Eph3.5. Ti * Tt1.3. Re Re7.9, Re7.10. 7. I am. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.11, 1Ti1.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11. a preacher. Ec Ec1.1, Ec1.2, Ec1.12. Ec7.27. Ec12.8-10. Ro Ro10.14. Ep * Eph3.7, Eph3.8. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11. 2 P 2Pe2.5. apostle. Ac Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 100. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ac26.17. 1 Co + 1Co9.1. I speak. See on Ro Ro1.9. Ro9.1. 2 Co 2Co11.31. Ga Ga1.20. a teacher. Jn Jn7.35. Ac +* Ac9.15. Ac22.21. Ac26.17, Ac26.18, Ac26.20. Ro Ro11.13. *15:16. 2 Co * 2Co5.20. Ga Ga1.16. Ga2.9. in faith. Ac Ac14.27. Ga Ga2.16. Ga3.9. verity. Ps Ps111.7. 8. I will. 1 Ti 1Ti5.14. 1 Co 1Co7.7g. Ti ✓ Tt3.8. pray. 2 Ch 2Ch33.11, 2Ch33.12. Ps Ps130.1, Ps130.2. La La3.55, La3.56. Jon Jon2.1, Jon2.2. Ml Mal1.11. Lk Lk23.42, Lk23.43. Jn * Jn4.21, Jn4.23, Jn4.24. Ac Ac21.5. He * Heb10.21, Heb10.22. 1 Th +* 1Th5.17. everywhere. T#1189. Jn + Jn4.21. 1 Co + 1Co1.2. lifting up. f121:121S, Ge + Ge14.22. T#1248. Ge * Ge14.22. Le +* Le9.22n. 1 K 1Ki8.22. Ne Ne8.6. Jb Job11.13. Job16.17. Ps Ps26.6. * Ps28.2. * Ps63.4. +* Ps66.18. Ps119.48. Ps134.2. * Ps141.2. Ps143.6. Pr Pr15.8. Pr21.27. Is * Is1.15. Is58.7-11. Je Je7.9, Je7.10. La * La2.19. * La3.41. Ml Mal1.9, Mal1.10. Lk Lk24.50. Ac * Ac10.2, Ac10.4, Ac10.31. He +* Heb10.22. Ja * Jas4.8. 1 J * 1Jn3.20-22. holy hands. T#1341. Jb Job16.17. Job17.9. Ps Ps24.4. Ja Jas4.8. without wrath. T#1429. Zp +* Zep2.3. Mt * Mt5.23, Mt5.24. and doubting. T#1326. 1 K 1Ki3.11. Ps Ps35.13. Mt * Mt5.22-24, Mt5.44. Mt6.12, Mt6.14, Mt6.15. Mt21.21. Mk ✓ Mk11.23-25. Lk Lk23.34. Ac * Ac7.60. Ph + Php2.14. Ja * Jas1.6-8. 1 P 1Pe3.7. 9. like manner. Grammatically a reference to ver. 1Ti2.8, “I will.” women adorn themselves. T#173. 2 S * 2Sa11.2. Ti Tt2.10. 1 P ✓ 1Pe3.3-5. with shamefacedness. Pr Pr7.10. Is Is3.16. Ti Tt2.3-5. and sobriety. ver. 1Ti2.15. Ti Tt2.4, Tt2.5. not. Ge Ge24.53. Ex Ex35.22, Ex35.23. 2 K 2Ki9.30. Est Es5.1. Ps Ps45.13, Ps45.14. Ps149.4. Pr Pr31.22. Is Is3.18-24. Is61.10. Je Je2.32. Je4.30. Ezk Eze16.9-16. Mt Mt6.28, Mt6.29. Mt11.8. broidered. or, plaited. 1 P * 1Pe3.3. pearls. Mt + Mt13.46. 10. becometh. Ep Eph5.3. women. 1 P * 1Pe3.3-5. 2 P 2Pe3.11. godliness. 1 Ti + 1Ti3.16. with good works. 1 Ti 1Ti5.6-10. +* 1Ti6.18. Pr Pr31.31. Ac 9:+* Ac9.36, Ac9.39. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. ✓ Tt3.8. 1 P 1Pe2.12. 2 P +* 2Pe1.6-8. Re Re2.19. 11. women learn. Ge * Ge3.16. Est Es1.20. 1 Co +✓ 1Co11.3n. +* 1Co14.34n, 1Co14.35. Ep * Eph5.22-24. Col Col3.18. 1 P 1Pe3.1, 1Pe3.5, 1Pe3.6. in silence. 1 Th + 1Th4.11. subjection. Ep * Eph5.24. Ti Tt2.5. 1 P + 1Pe3.1. 12. I suffer not. 1 Co 1Co14.34g. 1Co16.7g. a woman. 1 Ti 1Ti5.14. 1 Co +✓ 1Co14.34n. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15. Ti Tt2.4, Tt2.5. to teach. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2-5. 1Ti4.11, 1Ti4.12. 1Ti5.17. Dt Dt17.813. 2 Ch +* 2Ch15.3. 2Ch35.3n. Ml Mal2.6, Mal2.7. Mt Mt7.29. Ac Ac13.1. ◐ Ac18.26n. 1 Co 1Co12.29. Ep Eph4.11. Ti Tt2.1, * Tt2.4, Tt2.7, Tt2.15. authority. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2-5. 1Ti4.11, 1Ti4.12. 1Ti5.17. Ge Ge3.16. Nu Nu30.8. Mt Mt23.2, Mt23.3. Ep Eph5.22. Ti Tt2.1, Tt2.7, Tt2.15. silence. Is +* Is58.13. 13. was first. Ge Ge1.27. * Ge2.7, Ge2.8, Ge2.18, Ge2.22. 1 Co * 1Co11.8, 1Co11.9, 1Co11.12. then Eve. Ge Ge2.18, Ge2.22. 1 Co 1Co11.8. 14. not deceived. Ro + Ro7.11. but the woman. Ge Ge3.6, Ge3.12, Ge3.13. 2 Co +* 2Co11.3n. being deceived. or, being greatly deceived. Ro Ro7.11. Ro16.18. 1 Co 1Co3.18. 2 Co * 2Co11.3. 2 Th 2Th2.3. in the transgression. Ge * Ge3.6, Ge3.13, Ge3.16.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 101. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

15. she. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is +* Is7.14. +* Is9.6. Je Je31.22. Mt * Mt1.21-25. Lk Lk2.7, Lk2.10, Lk2.11. Ga * Ga4.4, Ga4.5. shall be saved. Having just spoken of the curse which brought pain in childbearing to women, Paul in a rapid transition of thought marked by the “nevertheless” of this verse, here refers not to the present period but to the state of restoration or restitution (Ac +* Ac3.19-21) of the race to the pre-Fall Edenic condition during the Millennium, at which time women who continue in faith, charity, and holiness will be spared the pain experienced now (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, Proposition 119, Observation 3, note 2, p. 146). in childbearing. Ge * Ge3.16. if they continue. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. f96:96D, Ge + Ge29.27. The presence of this condition annexed to the promise does not remove its application from the millennial period, for there are other promises attached to that time which are also conditional. Is Is65.20. Zc Zec14.16-19. in faith. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.5, 1Ti1.14. and charity. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. holiness. 1 Th + 1Th4.3. sobriety. See on ver. 1Ti2.9. Ti Tt2.12. 1 P 1Pe4.7.

1 TIMOTHY 3 The office of a bishop is a “good work,” and the desire of it, as such, should be encouraged, 1Ti3.1. The qualifications required in bishops and deacons; with directions concerning their wives and children, 1Ti3.2-13. The apostle wrote these things to Timothy (hoping to come to him soon), to regulate his conduct in the church of God, “the pillar and ground of the truth,” 1Ti3.14" 1Ti3.15 }. “Great is the mystery of godliness,” 1Ti3.16. 1. is a. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.15. 1Ti4.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.11. Ti ✓ Tt3.8. true. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. desire. 1 Ti 1Ti6.10. He Heb11.16g. the office. ver. 1Ti3.2-7. Ac Ac1.20. + Ac20.28. Ph Php1.1. Ti Tt1.7. 1 P 1Pe2.25. bishop. Ac +* Ac20.28. He * Heb12.15. 1 P 1Pe4.15. 1Pe5.2g. desireth. Pr +* Pr11.30. Lk * Lk15.10. Ro Ro11.13. Ep * Eph4.12. 1 Th 1Th5.14. Ja +* Jas5.19, Jas5.20. 2. bishop. Ti +* Tt1.6-9. blameless. ver. 1Ti3.10. 1 Ti 1Ti5.7. 1Ti6.14. Lk Lk1.6. Ph Php2.15. the husband. ver. 1Ti3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti4.3. 1Ti5.9. He +* Heb13.4. of one wife. T#426. Ge + Ge4.19. Dt Dt17.15, * Dt17.17. 1 K 1Ki11.1, 1Ki11.3. Ml * Mal2.15. Mt Mt19.9. Mk Mk10.11, Mk10.12. vigilant. Is Is56.10. Ac Ac20.29-31. 1 P 1Pe4.7. 1Pe5.8. sober. Ti Tt2.2, Tt2.5. of good behavior. or, modest. Ro +* Ro12.3. Ph +* Php2.3. given. 1 Ti 1Ti5.10. Ro Ro12.13. Ti Tt1.8. He * Heb13.2. 1 P 1Pe4.9. apt to teach. 2 Ti 2Ti2.24. Ep +* Eph4.11. Ti Tt1.9. 3. Not given to wine. or, Not ready to quarrel, and offer wrong, as one in wine. ver. 1Ti3.8. Le Le10.9. Is Is5.11, Is5.12. Is28.1, Is28.7. Is56.12. Ezk Eze44.21. Mi Mic2.11. Mt Mt24.4551. Lk Lk12.42-46. +* Lk21.34-36. Ep +* Eph5.18. Ti Tt1.7. Tt2.3. no striker. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. Ti Tt1.7. not greedy. Ex +* Ex18.21. Pr Pr1.19. Pr15.27. Is Is56.11. Ac * Ac20.33, Ac20.34. Ju Jud11. filthy. ver. 1Ti3.8. 1 S 1Sa8.3. Ti Tt1.7, Tt1.11. 1 P * 1Pe5.2. patient. 1 Ti 1Ti6.11. Ec Ec7.8. 1 Th 1Th5.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24. Ti Tt3.2. Ja +* Jas3.17. Re Re1.9. a brawler. Ti Tt3.2. Ja Jas4.1mg. not covetous. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.10. Ex +* Ex18.21. 1 S 1Sa2.15-17. 2 K 2Ki5.20-27. Je Je6.13. Je8.10. Mi Mic3.5, Mic3.11. Ml * Mal1.10. Mt Mt21.13. Jn Jn10.12, Jn10.13. Jn12.5, Jn12.6. Ac Ac8.18-21. Ac20.33. Ro Ro16.18. He Heb13.5. 2 P 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.14, 2Pe2.15. Re Re18.11-13. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 102. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

4. One. Ti Tt1.6. ruleth. ver. +* 1Ti3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti5.17. Ge +* Ge18.19. Jsh +* Jos24.15. Ps *101:2-9. Ac * Ac10.2. Ro * Ro12.8. 1 Th 1Th5.12. Ti * Tt1.6. house. f121:121J, Ge + Ge7.1. having his children. Ge +* Ge18.19. Ex +* Ex20.12. Le Le19.3. Dt Dt27.16. 1 S ◐ 1Sa2.12, 1Sa2.22-25. ◐+* 1Sa3.13. Pr Pr1.8. Pr6.20. Pr7.1. +* Pr19.18. Pr23.22. ◐+* Pr29.15. Lk * Lk2.51. Ep +* Eph6.1-4. Col +* Col3.20, Col3.21. 1 Th +* 1Th2.11. in subjection. Gr. hupotagee, ❅S#5292g. 2 Co 2Co9.13. Ga Ga2.5. 1 Ti 1Ti2.11. For the related Greek term, hupotasso, ❅S#5293, see 1 P + 1Pe5.5. with. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. Ex Ex20.12. Pr Pr23.22. Ml Mal1.6. Ph Php4.8g. Ti * Tt1.6. Tt2.2, Tt2.7. 5. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 1 S * 1Sa2.29, 1Sa2.30. * 1Sa3.13. how to. Lk * Lk16.10. rule. Gr. proisteemi, ❅S#4291g. Rendered (1) rule: Ro Ro12.8. 1 Ti 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.5, 1Ti3.12. 1Ti5.17. (2) maintain: Ti Tt3.8, Tt3.14. (3) be over: 1 Th 1Th5.12. take care. Lk Lk10.35, Lk10.36g. Jn Jn10.13. Ac * Ac20.28, Ac20.31, Ac20.32. Ro * Ro12.11n. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.25. * 1Co16.15, 1Co16.16. 2 Co 2Co7.12. * 2Co11.28. 2Co12.20. Ga +* Ga4.11. Ph * Php2.20. 1 Th 1Th3.10. 1Th5.12. He +* Heb3.13n. * Heb13.17. Ja +* Jas5.14-16. 1 P +* 1Pe4.7-11. 1Pe5.7. the church of God. ver. * 1Ti3.15. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Co + 1Co10.32. Ep Eph1.22. Eph5.24, Eph5.32. 6. not a novice. or, one newly come to the faith. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22n. 1 Co 1Co3.1. He Heb5.12, Heb5.13. 1 P * 1Pe2.2. lest. Dt Dt8.14. Dt17.20. 2 K 2Ki14.10. 2 Ch 2Ch26.16. 2Ch32.25. Pr Pr16.18, Pr16.19. Pr18.12. Pr29.23. Is Is2.12. 1 Co 1Co4.6-8. 1Co8.1. 2 Co 2Co12.7. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. lifted up. 1 Ti 1Ti6.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.4. with pride. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.17. Ps +* Ps10.2, Ps10.4. +* Ps119.21. Pr +* Pr16.5, Pr16.18. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Ro +* Ro12.3. Ph +* Php2.3. the condemnation. ver. 1Ti3.7. 1 Ti 1Ti6.10. Is Is14.12-14. Lk Lk10.18. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Ju Jud6. 7. a good report. 1 Ti 1Ti5.24, 1Ti5.25. 1 S 1Sa2.24. Ac +* Ac6.3. Ac10.22. * Ac22.12. 3 J 3Jn12. them. Mk + Mk4.11. 1 Co 1Co5.12. Col * Col4.5. 1 Th * 1Th4.12. lest. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.14. 1 Co 1Co10.32. 2 Co 2Co6.3. 2Co8.21. 1 Th 1Th5.22. Ti Tt2.5, Tt2.8. 1 P 1Pe4.14-16. the snare. ver. 1Ti3.6. 1 Ti 1Ti6.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.26. 8. the deacons. T#102. ver. 1Ti3.12. Ac * Ac6.3-6. Ph Php1.1. be. See on ver. 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.11. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.2. Ph Php4.8g. Ti Tt2.2. doubletongued. 1 Ch 1Ch12.33. Ps Ps5.9. * Ps12.2. Ps50.19. Ps52.2. Ro Ro3.13. Ja Jas1.8. Jas3.10. not given. See on ver. 1Ti3.3. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.23. Le Le10.9. Ezk Eze44.21. Ti Tt2.3. not greedy. Ex +* Ex18.21. Pr Pr15.27. Ti Tt1.7, Tt1.11. 1 P 1Pe5.2. 9. Holding. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.5, 1Ti1.19. the mystery. ver. 1Ti3.16. Ro +* Ro16.25n. 2 J 2Jn9, 2Jn10. the faith. Ac + Ac6.7. 1 Co + 1Co16.13. pure conscience. Ac +* Ac23.1. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. Ti Tt1.15. 10. let these. ver. 1Ti3.6. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22. 1 J 1Jn4.1. use. ver. 1Ti3.13. Ac Ac6.1, Ac6.2. being. ver. 1Ti3.2. 1 Co + 1Co1.8. Col Col1.22. Ti Tt1.6, Tt1.7. 11. their. Le Le21.7, Le21.13-15. Ezk Eze44.22. Lk Lk1.5, Lk1.6. Ti Tt2.3. be grave. See on ver. 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.8. not slanderers. Ps Ps15.3. Ps50.20. +* Ps101.5. Pr Pr10.18. Pr25.23. Je Je9.4. Mt Mt4.1. Jn Jn6.70. 2 Ti 2Ti3.3. Ti Tt2.3g. Re Re12.9, Re12.10. sober. ver. 1Ti3.2. 1 Th 1Th5.6-8. 2 Ti 2Ti4.5. Ti Tt2.2. Tt3.2g. 1 P 1Pe5.8. faithful. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.12. 1Ti6.2. Lk +* Lk16.10. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. Ti Tt2.10. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 103. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

12. the husband. See on ver. 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.5. of one wife. Ge + Ge4.19. ruling their children. ver. +* 1Ti3.4. Pr +* Pr19.18. Ep +* Eph6.4. own houses. 1 Co +* 1Co14.35n. 13. they. Mt + Mt25.21. Lk Lk16.10-12. Lk19.17. used. or, ministered. Mt Mt20.28. Ro Ro12.7, Ro12.8. 1 Co 1Co16.15. He +* Heb6.10. 1 P 1Pe4.10, 1Pe4.11. purchase. Lk + Lk17.33. Ac Ac20.28. degree. 1 Ti 1Ti6.19. Ac Ac21.35g. great. Ac + Ac4.13. * Ac6.5, Ac6.8, Ac6.10, Ac6.15. Ac7.1, etc. Ph Php1.14. 1 Th 1Th2.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.1. which is. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. Col Col1.4. 14. hoping. 1 Ti 1Ti4.13. 1 Co 1Co11.34. 1Co16.5-7. 2 Co 2Co1.15-17. 1 Th 1Th2.18. Phm Phm22. He Heb13.23. 2 J 2Jn12. 3 J 3Jn14. shortly. lit. more quickly. f96:96E. Heterosis of Degree B527: the comparative for the positive. For another instance of this figure see 2 Ti 2Ti1.18. 15. But if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. know. ver. 1Ti3.2. Dt Dt31.23. 1 K 1Ki2.2, 1Ki2.4. 1 Ch 1Ch22.13. 1Ch28.9-21. Ac Ac1.2. 1 Co * 1Co3.16. the house. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. Ep * Eph2.21, Eph2.22. 2 Ti 2Ti2.20. He Heb3.2-6. Heb10.21. 1 P 1Pe2.5. 1Pe4.17. the church. T#92. See on ver. 1Ti3.5. Mt Mt5.13-16. Ep Eph3.10, Eph3.11. the living. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10. 1Ti6.16. Dt Dt5.26. Jsh Jos3.10. 1 S 1Sa17.26, 1Sa17.36. 2 K 2Ki19.4. Ps Ps42.2. Ps84.2. Je Je10.10. Je23.36. Da Da6.26. Ho Ho1.10. Mt + Mt16.16. Jn Jn6.69. Ac Ac14.15. Ro Ro9.26. 2 Co 2Co3.3. 2Co6.16. 1 Th 1Th1.9. He +* Heb3.12. Heb9.14. Heb12.22. Re Re7.2. the pillar. Pr Pr9.1. Je Je1.18. Mt Mt16.18, Mt16.19. Mt18.18. Ro Ro3.2. Ga Ga2.9. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, foundation pillar. ver. 1Ti3.9, 1Ti3.16. ground. or, stay. the truth. ver. 1Ti3.16. Jn Jn1.17. ✓ Jn14.6. Jn18.37. 2 Co 2Co6.7. Ga Ga3.1. Ep Eph4.21. Col * Col1.5. 16. without. He Heb7.7. great. f101, Dt Dt32.42. the mystery. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. T#81. ver. 1Ti3.9. Mt Mt1.23. Mt13.11. Mt22.41-46. Ro +* Ro16.25n. 1 Co 1Co2.7. Ep Eph1.9. Eph3.3-9. Eph6.19. Col Col2.2. 2 Th 2Th2.7. Re Re17.5, Re17.7. Re19.12. Re22.16. godliness. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2, 1Ti2.10. 1Ti4.7, 1Ti4.8. 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.5, 1Ti6.6, 1Ti6.11. Ac + Ac3.12. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5, 2Ti3.12. Ti Tt1.1. Tt2.12. 1 J * 1Jn3.1-3. God. All of the modern editors of the Greek text read “Who” instead of “God.” The difference in the original Greek manuscripts is between the two-letter word os and the two-letter abbreviation for God, Ths, the letter theta in Greek differing from omicron only by having a horizontal line across its middle. Is +* Is7.14. +* Is9.6. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Mi +* Mic5.2. Mt Mt1.23. Jn Jn1.1, Jn1.2, Jn1.14. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ro Ro8.3. ✓ Ro9.5. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.47. Ga Ga4.14. Ph * Php2.6-8. Col * Col1.16-18. He Heb1.3. * Heb2.9-13. 1 J 1Jn1.2. Re Re1.17, Re1.18. manifest. Gr. manifested. 1 J 1Jn3.5. in the flesh. f171:171Q, Jn + Jn1.14. Jb +* Job19.26. Jn + Jn1.14. Ro Ro8.3. 1 P 1Pe3.18. justified. Is Is50.57. Mt * Mt3.16. Jn * Jn1.32, Jn1.33. Jn15.26. * Jn16.8, Jn16.9. Ac * Ac2.32-36. Ro * Ro1.3, Ro1.4. 1 P * 1Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn5.6-8. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Ro + Ro1.4. 1 P 1Pe3.18. seen. Ps Ps68.17, Ps68.18. Mt * Mt4.11. Mt28.2. Mk Mk1.13. Mk16.5. Lk * Lk2.10-14. * Lk22.43. Lk24.4. Jn Jn20.12. Ac +* Ac1.10, Ac1.11. Ep Eph3.10. 1 P 1Pe1.12. preached. Lk Lk2.32. Ac + Ac9.15. Ac10.34. +* Ac13.46-48. Ro Ro10.12, Ro10.18. Ga * Ga2.2, Ga2.8. Ep Eph3.5-8. Col Col1.27. believed. Ac Ac14.27. Col * Col1.6, Col1.23. 2 Th 2Th1.10. Re Re7.9. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. Ro Ro10.18. Col Col1.27, Col1.28. received. Mk + Mk16.19. Lk * Lk24.51. Jn Jn6.62. Jn13.3. Jn16.28. Jn17.5. Ac Ac1.1-9, Ac1.19. Ep Eph4.8-10. He Heb1.3. Heb8.1. * Heb10.13. * Heb12.2. 1 P * 1Pe3.22. into glory. 1 P 1Pe1.11.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 104. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1 TIMOTHY 4 The apostle foretells a great apostasy, and corruption of Christianity, in after times, 1Ti4.13; shows that “every creature of God is good,” 1Ti4.4" 1Ti4.5 }; and directs Timothy, in respect of his doctrine and personal conduct, that he may preach and live in such a manner as “to save himself and those that hear him,” 1Ti4.6-16. 1. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Jn + Jn7.39. Jn14.17. * Jn16.13. Ac Ac13.2. Ac28.25. 1 Co 1Co12.11. 2 P * 2Pe1.21. 1 J * 1Jn2.18. Re Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.29. Re3.6, Re3.13, Re3.22. expressly. Ezk Eze1.3. the latter. Nu Nu24.14. Dt Dt4.30. Dt32.29. Is Is2.2. Je Je48.47. Je49.39. Ezk Eze38.16. Da Da10.14. Ho Ho3.5. Mi Mic4.1. 1 Co +* 1Co11.19. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.3-9. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1, etc. 1 P 1Pe1.20. 2 P +* 2Pe2.1. * 2Pe3.3. Ju Jud4, Jud18. some. f175:175A, Ge + Ge27.44. depart. Those who teach unconditional eternal security need to consider whether the direct statements of Scripture affirm apostasy is possible. One cannot logically be said to depart, fall away, or apostatize from a faith which one never held in the first place. Paul is addressing these warnings to believers, not unbelievers. One must not appeal to an isolated text such as Jn Jn10.28, and force it to teach unconditional security, when such a statement in its context is clearly said of those who Jesus declares “hear my voice” and “follow me” (Jn Jn10.27). A text like Jn Jn5.24 shows by the use of the present tenses in the Greek that the promise is to those who keep on hearing and believing (Jn Jn3.16n). In the context of Romans 8, the subject of apostasy is not in view. A text like Ro Ro8.30 is not addressing the unconditional security of the believer but the certainty of our glorification with Christ, despite how difficult our present circumstances might seem. In context (Ro Ro8.17) such confidence relates directly to our eternal inheritance with Christ as co-heirs in his earthly Messianic kingdom, an inheritance which is not rendered less certain because of present trials and tribulations, but more certain, for our reward and position is only increased by our perseverance (Mt +* Mt5.11, Mt5.12). One does not apostatize every time a sin is committed. Moral apostasy consists of willfully persisting in known sin (1 Co +* 1Co6.911. He Heb10.26. 1 J 1Jn3.9). Although one is never said in Scripture to be saved over and over again, or to be born again more than once, this fact does not remove the validity of all the warnings to believers against both moral and doctrinal (1 Co +* 1Co15.2) apostasy. Certainly there would be no point in warning believers against what was impossible (1 Th 1Th3.5n). While the Bible emphatically teaches the eternal security of the believer (Mt Mt24.13n), and makes the security of salvation in no sense dependent upon good works to stay saved, this security belongs to believers who continue to place their faith in Christ for salvation, not unconditionally to persons who by a single act of faith allegedly “received Christ” but have since departed from the faith doctrinally or morally. That eternal security is not unconditional is proved by (1) repeated warnings to believers against doctrinal and moral apostasy; (2) the presence of “if” clauses (2 P +* 2Pe1.10); (3) Paul’s repeated concern that his labor not be in vain (1 Th 1Th3.5n); (4) recorded instances of individuals who departed from true faith (He +* Heb10.38); (5) that believing or saving faith is always represented in Greek as a continuing active faith, not a single or one time act of faith (Jn Jn3.16n). (6) Jesus said it is possible to stop believing (Lk +* Lk8.13). To suggest, as many contemporary expositors do, that the warnings against apostasy in the book of Hebrews were addressed only to Jewish Christians who were in danger of forsaking Christianity and falling back into Judaism, and therefore cannot apply to believers today, is at best a shaky assumption, and at worst is taking away Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 105. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

from the Word of God by wrongly rendering its warnings inapplicable to present day believers. As the warnings against apostasy are addressed with greater frequency to the Gentile Christians addressed in Paul’s epistles (1 Co +* 1Co15.2), such an argument has no force. To deny the force of the warning in Hebrews 6:4-6 by relegating the Apostle’s argument to a “reductio ad absurdum,” or reduction to an absurdity, is begging the question, as Spiros Zodhiates does in a footnote in his otherwise excellent work (The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, pp. 1496, 1497). Few readers of that day or this would be in position to appreciate such a display of the niceties of rhetoric as the argument necessarily supposes was the author’s intention. Such interpreters, in their mistaken effort to support the theory of unconditional eternal security, ignore, suppress, or explain away all contrary evidence. Such a procedure is invalid because, by its practice, the interpreter makes it impossible for God to assert a contrary truth. No matter how God might choose to express such a truth, the interpreter intent on defending this mistaken theory would explain the language away. An example of a clever but mistaken attempt to escape the logical consequences of this passage (1 Ti 1Ti4.1) is the effort to redefine the Greek terms for apostasy used here and at 2 Th 2Th2.3 to mean “stand aloof from,” making the reference to be to persons who were never believers, but simply those who associated with the Christians (Spiros Zodhiates, The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, p. 1468, note on 2 Th 2Th2.3). Zodhiates’ redefinition also involves him in the exegetical “word study” fallacy discussed by D. A. Carson as “The Root Fallacy” (Exegetical Fallacies, pp. 26-32). Such a redefinition is rendered necessary by the exigencies of the theory of unconditional eternal security, as Zodhiates’ ensuing arguments using Jn Jn10.28, Ro Ro8.38, Ro8.39, etc., show. This view is in error for the word “apostasy,” in Greek, apostasia, in its religious use necessarily includes a prior turning to God (Heinrich Schlier, TDNT, vol. 1, p. 513, note 4), a concept rendered certain here by the next words “from the faith.” Da Da11.35. Mt Mt24.5-12. Lk +* Lk8.13. 2 Th 2Th2.3g. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-5. 2Ti4.4. He +* Heb3.12. Re * Re3.8. from the faith. f121:121R, Ac + Ac6.7. ver. 1Ti4.6. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.19. seducing. f168, Is + Is1.11. Ge Ge3.3-5, Ge3.13. 1 K 1Ki22.22, 1Ki22.23. 2 Ch 2Ch18.19-22. Mt + Mt7.15. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.3, 2Co11.1315. 2 Th 2Th2.9-12. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. 2 P 2Pe2.1. 1 J 1Jn4.6g. Re Re9.2-11. Re13.14. Re16.14. Re18.2, Re18.23. Re19.20. Re20.2, Re20.3, Re20.8, Re20.10. spirits. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. and doctrines. ver. + 1Ti4.6. Da Da11.35-38. 1 Co 1Co8.5, 1Co8.6. 1Co10.20. Col Col2.18. Ac Ac17.18. Ju * Jud4. Re Re9.20g. 2. lies. 1 K 1Ki13.18. 1Ki22.22. Is Is9.15. Je Je5.31. Je23.14, Je23.32. Da Da8.23-25. Mt Mt7.15. Mt24.24. Ac Ac20.30. Ro Ro16.18. Ep +* Eph4.14. 1 Th 1Th2.3. 2 Th 2Th2.11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. Re Re16.14. hypocrisy. Lk + Lk12.1. their. Ro +* Ro1.28. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. seared. Ep Eph4.19. 3. Forbidding. Da Da11.37. 1 Co 1Co7.28, 1Co7.36-39. He +* Heb13.4. and commanding. f180:180A, Ge + Ge4.20. f63:63F, Ge + Ge33.10. to abstain. Ro * Ro14.3, Ro14.17. 1 Co * 1Co8.8. Col 2:+ Col2.16, * Col2.20-23. He * Heb13.9. which. 1 Ti 1Ti6.17. Ge * Ge1.29, Ge1.30. * Ge9.3. Ps Ps104.14, Ps104.15. Ps145.15, Ps145.16. Ec Ec5.18. Mt * Mt15.9, Mt15.11. Ac Ac10.13-15. 1 Co 1Co6.13. received with thanksgiving. ver. 1Ti4.4. 1 S 1Sa9.13. Mt Mt14.19. Mt15.36. Lk +* Lk24.30. Jn Jn6.23. Ac Ac27.35. Ro + Ro14.6. 1 Co * 1Co10.30, 1Co10.31. Col * Col3.17. believe. 1 Ti 1Ti2.4. Jn ✓ Jn8.31, Jn8.32. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. know. Gr. epiginosko, Mt + Mt11.27. 1 Ti 1Ti2.4.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 106. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

4. every. Ge Ge1.31. Dt Dt32.4. Ec Ec7.29. Ac Ac10.15. Ro * Ro14.14. and. Ac +* Ac10.15. Ac11.7-9. Ac15.20, Ac15.21, Ac15.29. Ac21.25. Ro Ro14.14, Ro14.20. 1 Co 1Co10.23, 1Co10.25. received. ver. 1Ti4.3. 5. sanctified. ver. 1Ti4.3. Lk Lk11.41. 1 Co +* 1Co7.14. Ti Tt1.15. the word of God. Ge Ge1.25, Ge1.31. Lk Lk4.4. and prayer. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1. 1 S * 1Sa9.13. Lk +* Lk24.30. 6. thou put. Ac * Ac20.31, Ac20.35. Ro Ro15.15. 1 Co ✓ 1Co4.17. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. 2Ti2.14. * 2Ti3.14, 2Ti3.15. 2 P * 2Pe1.12-15. 2Pe3.1, 2Pe3.2. Ju Jud5. the brethren. Ep + Eph6.23. 2 Ti 2Ti4.21. a good. Mt Mt13.52. 1 Co +* 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. 2 Co 2Co3.6. 2Co6.4. Ep Eph6.21. Col Col4.7. 1 Th 1Th3.2. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.15. nourished. Je +* Je15.16. Ep Eph4.15, Eph4.16. Col Col2.19. ✓ Col3.16. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.14-17. He * Heb5.12. 1 P * 1Pe2.2. faith. or, the faith. ver. 1Ti4.1. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. good doctrine. ver. 1Ti4.1, 1Ti4.13g, 1Ti4.16g. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. +* 1Ti4.16. 1Ti5.17g. 1Ti6.1, 1Ti6.3. Ps Ps19.7mg. Pr Pr4.2. Jn +* Jn7.16, Jn7.17. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10, 2Ti3.16g. 2Ti4.3. Ti Tt1.9. Tt2.1, Tt2.7-10. 2 J +* 2Jn9. thou hast. Ph Php3.16. 2 Ti 2Ti3.14. attained. Lk + Lk1.3g. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10. 7. refuse. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. 1Ti5.11. 1Ti6.20. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16, 2Ti2.23. 2Ti4.4. Ti Tt1.14. Tt3.9, Tt3.10. profane. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.9. fables. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.4. exercise. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. 1Ti2.10. 1Ti3.16. 1Ti6.11. Ac Ac24.16. 2 Ti 2Ti3.12. Ti ✓ Tt2.12. He * Heb5.14. Heb12.11. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-8. 2Pe2.14. godliness. 1 Ti + 1Ti3.16. 8. bodily. 1 S 1Sa15.22. Ps Ps50.7-15. Is Is1.11-16. Is58.3-5. Je Je6.20. Am Am5.21-24. 1 Co * 1Co8.8. Col * Col2.21-23. He * Heb13.9. little. or, for a little time. He Heb9.9, Heb9.10. godliness. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1, 1Ti2.2. 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.6, 1Ti6.11. Jb Job22.2. Mi +* Mic6.8. Ti * Tt2.12. ✓ Tt3.8. 2 P 2Pe1.3. 2Pe3.11. is profitable. 1 Ti 1Ti6.6. Dt +* Dt4.40. Dt29.9. 2 Ch * 2Ch26.5. Jb ◐ Job21.15. Job22.2. Ec Ec8.12. Is Is3.10. Is65.22. Je Je7.23. Je22.15. having promise. Ge Ge49.25. Dt * Dt28.1-14. Jb Job5.19-26. Ps +* Ps19.11. * Ps37.3, Ps37.4, Ps37.9, Ps37.11, Ps37.16-19, Ps37.29. * Ps84.11. * Ps91.10-16. Ps112.1-3. Ps128.1-6. Ps145.19. Pr Pr3.16-18. Pr19.23. Pr22.4. Ec ✓ Ec8.12. Is Is3.10. Is32.17, Is32.18. Is33.16. Is65.13, Is65.14. Mt +* Mt5.3-12. ✓ Mt6.33. +* Mt19.29. Mk +✓ Mk10.29, Mk10.30. Lk * Lk12.31, Lk12.32. Ro +* Ro8.28. 1 Co 1Co3.22. 2 P * 2Pe1.3, 2Pe1.4. 1 J 1Jn2.25. Re Re3.12, Re3.21. that now is. Ps * Ps68.19. Pr +* Pr28.20. Mt +* Mt12.32. Mk +✓ Mk10.30. Lk +* Lk18.30. is to come. Mt +* Mt5.12. +* Mt12.32. Mt20.21, Mt20.23. * Mt25.21. Lk +* Lk14.14. +* Lk18.30. Ja +* Jas2.5. Re * Re11.18. 9. faithful saying. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. 10. therefore. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. 2 Co 2Co4.8-10. 2Co6.3-10. 2Co11.23-27. Col + Col1.29. 2 Ti 2Ti2.9, 2Ti2.10. 2Ti3.10-12. He * Heb11.24-26. Heb13.13. 1 P * 1Pe4.14, 1Pe4.15. because. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti6.17. Ps * Ps37.40. Ps52.8. Ps84.12. Ps118.8. Is +* Is12.2. Is50.10. Je +* Je17.7. Da Da3.28. Na * Na1.7. Mt Mt27.43. Ro Ro15.12, Ro15.13. 1 P * 1Pe1.21. the living God. See on 1 Ti 1Ti3.15. Mt + Mt16.16. the savior. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. See on *2:6. Ps Ps36.6. Ps107.2, Ps107.6, etc. Is Is45.21, 22. Jn * Jn1.29. ✓ Jn3.15-17. + Jn4.42. 1 J * 1Jn4.14. of all men. See on 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.4. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.15. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.2. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.9. specially. Jn ◐✓ Jn3.18. ✓ Jn5.24. ◐✓ Jn8.24. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.10-13.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 107. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

11. command. 1 Ti 1Ti5.7. 1Ti6.2. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.2. Ti * Tt2.15. ✓ Tt3.8. teach. Ezk = Eze44.23. 1 Co 1Co14.34n. Ep Eph4.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.2. 1 P 1Pe4.11. 12. Let no man. Mt Mt18.10. 1 Co * 1Co16.10, 1Co16.11. 2 Ti 2Ti2.7, * 2Ti2.15, * 2Ti2.22. Ti Tt2.15. thy youth. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. an example. T#178. Ps + Ps101.2 (T#492). Ezk = Eze44.23. Mt Mt5.16, Mt5.48. Lk Lk6.36. Jn Jn13.15. Ro Ro15.2. 1 Co 1Co8.8, 1Co8.9, 1Co8.13. ✓ 1Co11.1. 2 Co * 2Co6.4-6. Ph Php3.17. Col * Col4.5. 1 Th 1Th1.6. 1Th2.10. 2 Th 2Th3.7-9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15, 1Ti1.16. 2 Ti 2Ti3.15. Ti * Tt2.7, Tt2.8. He Heb13.7. Ja Jas5.10, Jas5.11. 1 P 1Pe2.11-15. +* 1Pe5.3. of the believers. Jn Jn20.27. Ac Ac10.45. Ep Eph1.1. in word. Pr Pr15.26. Mt Mt12.34-37. 2 Co * 2Co6.4-17. Ep Eph5.12. Ph ✓ Php4.8. Col +* Col4.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.22. Ti Tt2.8. Ja Jas3.13, Jas3.17. 2 P +* 2Pe1.5-8. in conversation. Je +* Je10.2. Ro * Ro12.2. Ph Php1.27. He Heb13.7. Ja + Jas3.13. 1 P 1Pe2.12. 2 P 2Pe3.11. 1 J 1Jn2.15-17. in charity. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. Jn +* Jn13.34, Jn13.35. 1 Th +* 1Th3.12. 1 P +* 1Pe1.22. 2 P +* 2Pe1.7. in spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt5.3n. Pr +* Pr4.23. in faith. Ga * Ga5.22, Ga5.23. He Heb10.22. in purity. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1Ti5.2, 1Ti5.22. Ps Ps24.4. +* Ps101.3. * Ps119.9. Pr Pr15.26. Pr20.11. Pr21.8. Mi Mic6.11. Mt +* Mt5.8. 2 Co 2Co6.6. Ph * Php4.8. 1 Th 1Th4.36n. Ti Tt1.15. Ja Jas1.27. Jas3.17. Jas4.8. 1 P +* 1Pe1.22. 2 P * 2Pe3.1, 2Pe3.14. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. Ju * Jud24. 13. I come. See on 1 Ti 1Ti3.14, 1Ti3.15. give attendance. Da +* Da9.2. to reading. Dt * Dt17.19. Jsh +* Jos1.8. = Jos15.15 (Kirjath-sepher: city of books), 49 (Kirjath-sannah: city of study). Ps +* Ps1.2, Ps1.3. ✓ Ps119.97-104. Pr * Pr2.4, Pr2.5. +* Pr4.7. Mt +* Mt13.51, Mt13.52. Mk ✓ Mk12.24-27. Jn +✓ Jn5.39. Ac * Ac6.4. +✓ Ac17.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.15-17. 2Ti4.13. Re * Re1.3. to exhortation. 1 Ti 1Ti6.2. Ac + Ac4.36. Ro Ro12.8. 1 Co 1Co14.3. 2 Ti 2Ti4.2. Ti Tt1.9. Tt2.15. to doctrine. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. ver. +* 1Ti4.6, * 1Ti4.16. 1 Co 1Co14.6, * 1Co14.26. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. 14. Neglect not. Mt ✓ Mt25.14-30. Lk * Lk19.12-26. Ro ✓ Ro12.6-8. 1 Co * 1Co14.12. 1 Th +* 1Th5.19. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.6. 1 P 1Pe4.9-11. gift. Ro +* Ro11.29. 1 Co 1Co12.4-11. Ja Jas1.17, Jas1.18. 1 P 1Pe4.10. 1 J 1Jn5.16. which. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. Ep * Eph3.7, Eph3.8. by prophecy. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. with. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22. Ac +* Ac6.6. * Ac8.17. * Ac13.3. * Ac19.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. the presbytery. 1 Ti 1Ti5.17, 1Ti5.19. Lk Lk22.66g. Ac Ac20.17. Ac22.5g. 15. Meditate. Jsh +* Jos1.8. Ps +* Ps1.2. * Ps19.14. Ps49.3. Ps63.6. Ps77.12. Ps104.34. Ps105.5. * Ps119.15, Ps119.23, Ps119.48, Ps119.97, Ps119.99, Ps119.148. Ps143.5. give. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ac * Ac6.4. * Ac20.23, Ac20.24. 1 Co 1Co16.15. 2 Co 2Co4.14, 2Co4.15. 2Co8.5. Ti * Tt2.14. wholly. T#464. Nu +* Nu14.24. Jsh +* Jos14.8. Lk Lk9.59, Lk9.60. Ac Ac6.2-4. Ro +* Ro12.8, Ro12.11. 1 Co 1Co2.2. Ph * Php1.21. that. ver. 1Ti4.6. Mt * Mt5.16. Ph Php1.12, Php1.25. Php2.15, Php2.16. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16. 2Ti3.9, 2Ti3.13. to all. or, in all things. 16. Take heed. 1 Ch 1Ch28.10. 2 Ch * 2Ch19.6. Mk Mk13.9. Lk +* Lk21.34. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Co * 1Co3.10, 1Co3.11. Col Col2.8, Col2.18. Col4.17. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. Ti * Tt2.7, Tt2.15. He Heb2.1. +* Heb3.12. Heb4.1. +* Heb12.15. 2 J * 2Jn8. unto the doctrine. ver. + 1Ti4.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. Ro * Ro16.17. Ep +* Eph4.14. Ti Tt2.7. He * Heb13.9. 2 J +* 2Jn9. continue. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. 1 S 1Sa12.14. 1 Ch 1Ch28.9. Ezr * Ezr7.10, Ezr7.25. Je +* Je23.28n. Jn Jn8.31. Ac * Ac6.4. Ac13.43. Ac14.22. * Ac26.22. Ro Ro2.7. Ro11.22. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2, 1Co15.58. Col +* Col1.23. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.14. Ti * Tt1.9. He +* Heb10.35. 1 J 1Jn2.24. thou shalt. T#468. Je * Je23.22. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 108. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ezk * Eze3.19-21. * Eze33.7-9. Da +* Da12.3. Mk Mk1.17. Jn * Jn4.36. Ac Ac11.24. Ac14.1. * Ac20.26, Ac20.27. 1 Co +* 1Co4.15 (T#432). 9:27. save thyself. Ezk * Eze14.10n. Ob +* Ob21. Ml ◐ Mal2.12. Lk +* Lk21.36. and them. Pr +* Pr11.30. Is ✓ Is55.11. Je ✓ Je23.22. Da +* Da11.33n. * Da12.3. Ro * Ro10.10-14. + Ro11.14. 1 Co * 1Co9.22. 1 Th 1Th2.16, 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. Phm Phm19. Ja +* Jas5.20.

1 TIMOTHY 5 Directions how to admonish elders, and younger persons, men and women, 1, 2: concerning the widows, who were provided for, or employed by the church; the conduct of Christians towards relations; and what was expedient for younger widows, 1Ti5.3-16. The honor to be shown to diligent rulers and teachers, 1Ti5.17" 1Ti5.18 }. How Timothy should behave towards accused elders, and offenders, 1Ti5.19" 1Ti5.20 }. A solemn charge to faithfulness and impartiality in ordaining pastors, 1Ti5.21" 1Ti5.22 }. Counsel to Timothy concerning his health, 1Ti5.23. The character of some is more easily known than that of others, yet that may by patience and careful investigation be ascertained, 1Ti5.24" 1Ti5.25 }. 1. Rebuke. ver. 1Ti5.19, 1Ti5.20. Le * Le19.32. Dt Dt33.9. Ga Ga2.11-14. an elder. ver. 1Ti5.17. Ac +* Ac14.23. Ac15.4, Ac15.6. Ac20.17. Ti Tt1.5, Tt1.6. Ja Jas5.14. 1 P 1Pe5.1. 2 J 2Jn1. 3 J 3Jn1. Re Re4.4. intreat. Ro Ro13.7. Ga Ga6.1. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. Phm Phm9, Phm10. Ja Jas3.17. 1 P 1Pe5.5, 1Pe5.6. younger men. Lk Lk22.26. Ti Tt2.6. 1 P 1Pe5.5. as brethren. Mt Mt18.15-17. Mt23.8. 2. elder. ver. 1Ti5.3. Mt Mt12.50. Jn Jn19.26, Jn19.27. with. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. Ph ✓ Php4.8. 1 Th 1Th5.22. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. 3. Honor. f108:108B, Mt + Mt15.6. ver. 1Ti5.2, 1Ti5.17. Ex Ex20.12. Mt Mt15.6. 1 Th 1Th2.6. 1 P 1Pe2.17. 1Pe3.7. widows. ver. 1Ti5.9. Dt Dt10.18. Dt14.29. Dt16.11, Dt16.14. Dt27.19. Jb Job29.13. Job31.16. Ps Ps68.5. Ps94.6. Ps146.9. Je Je49.11. Mt Mt23.14. Lk Lk7.12. Ac Ac6.1. Ac9.39. Ja Jas1.27. indeed. ver. 1Ti5.4, 1Ti5.5, 1Ti5.9-11, 1Ti5.16. Lk Lk2.37. Jn Jn1.47. 4. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. nephews. Jg Jdg12.14mg. Jb Job18.19. Is Is14.22. learn. 1 S 1Sa22.3, 1Sa22.4. Pr Pr31.28. Lk Lk2.51. Jn Jn19.26, Jn19.27. piety. or, kindness. Mt Mt15.4-6. Mk Mk7.10-13. to requite their parents. Ge Ge45.9-11. Ge47.12, Ge47.28. Ru Ru2.2, Ru2.18. Mt Mt15.5, Mt15.6. 2 Co ◐+* 2Co12.14. Ep +* Eph6.1-3. good. See on 1 Ti 1Ti2.3. 5. a widow. ver. 1Ti5.3, 1Ti5.16. Ru Ru1.5, Ru1.12, Ru1.20, Ru1.21. 1 Co 1Co7.32. and desolate. Is Is3.26. Is49.21. Is54.1. La La1.13. trusteth. 1 Ti 1Ti6.17. Ru Ru2.12. Ps Ps91.4. Is +* Is12.2. Is50.10. Je +* Je49.11. 1 Co 1Co7.32. 1 P 1Pe3.5. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. in God. Ps Ps4.5. 1 P 1Pe3.5. continueth. See on Lk * Lk2.37. +* Lk18.1, Lk18.7. Ac Ac26.7. Ep * Eph6.18. in supplications. 1 Ti + 1Ti2.1. night and. Mk + Mk5.5. 6. she that. f125, Jb + Job22.6. 1 S 1Sa25.6. Jb Job21.11-15. Ps Ps73.5-7. Is Is22.13. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Am Am6.5, Am6.6. Lk * Lk12.19. Lk15.13. Lk16.19. Ja Jas5.5. Re Re18.7. in pleasure. or, delicately. Dt Dt28.54, Dt28.56. 1 S 1Sa15.32. Pr Pr29.21. Is Is47.1. Je Je6.2. La Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 109. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

La4.5. Lk Lk7.25. is dead. f145, Jg + Jdg11.40. Mt Mt8.22. Lk Lk15.24, Lk15.32. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. Ep ✓ Eph2.1, Eph2.5. Eph5.14. Col Col2.13. Re Re3.1, Re3.2. 7. these things. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. 1Ti4.11. 1Ti6.2, 1Ti6.17. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. Ti Tt1.13. Tt2.15. blameless. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2. 1Ti6.14. 8. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. provide not. T#1863. Ro Ro12.13. 2 Co ◐+* 2Co12.14. Ga * Ga6.6, Ga6.10. 2 Th 2Th3.10. Ja Jas2.15. 1 J 1Jn3.17. his own. Ac + Ac4.23. and specially. Ge Ge30.30. Is ✓ Is58.7. Mt Mt7.11. Lk Lk11.11-13. 2 Co 2Co12.14. Ga +* Ga6.10. house. or, kindred. See on ver. 1Ti5.4. Is +* Is58.7. Ga + Ga6.10. hath denied. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5. Ti Tt1.16. 2 P + 2Pe2.1. Re Re2.13. Re3.8. the faith. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.19. and is worse. Mt Mt18.17. Lk +* Lk12.47, Lk12.48. Jn Jn15.22. 2 Co 2Co2.15, 2Co2.16. 2Co6.15. 9. a widow. See on ver. 1Ti5.3, 1Ti5.4. taken. or, chosen. under. ver. 1Ti5.11, 1Ti5.14. Lk Lk2.36, Lk2.37. Ro Ro16.1. having. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.12. 1 Co 1Co7.10, 1Co7.11, 1Co7.39, 1Co7.40. wife of one. Some interpreters suggest that this means not having been remarried, not to one husband at a time. Others hold that this refers to a “one-wife husband,” denoting marital faithfulness. Still others, probably more correctly, hold this prohibition excludes from leadership in the church those who have practiced polygamy (Mt ✓ Mt19.3n). Ge +* Ge4.19. 1 Co * 1Co7.39. 10. Well reported. 1 Ti 1Ti3.7. Ac +* Ac6.3. Ac10.22. Ac22.12. 3 J 3Jn12. good works. f171:171K, Ex + Ex23.4. ver. 1Ti5.25. 1 Ti 1Ti2.10. 1Ti6.18. Mt +* Mt5.16. Ac +* Ac9.36. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. 2 Ti + 2Ti2.21. 2Ti3.17. Ti Tt2.7. ✓ Tt3.8, Tt3.14. He Heb10.24. Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe2.12. if she have brought. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.5. +* 2Ti3.15. if she have lodged. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 1 Ti + 1Ti3.2. Ac * Ac16.14, Ac16.15. Ro Ro12.13. He * Heb13.2. 1 P * 1Pe4.9. washed. Ge Ge18.4. Ge19.2. Ge24.32. Ge43.24. SS +* So5.3. Lk * Lk7.36, Lk7.38, + Lk7.44. Jn * Jn13.5-15. saints’. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. if she have relieved. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ver. 1Ti5.16. Le Le25.35. 2 Ch 2Ch28.15. Is Is1.17. Ac Ac9.39. if she have diligently. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 1 Ti 1Ti6.18. Ps Ps119.4. Col +✓ Col1.10. 2 Ti 2Ti2.21. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. Tt3.1, Tt3.8g. 11. the younger. ver. 1Ti5.9, 1Ti5.14. refuse. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.7. to wax. Dt Dt32.15. Is Is3.16. Ho Ho13.6. Ja Jas5.5. 2 P 2Pe2.18. Re Re18.3, Re18.7, Re18.9. they will. ver. 1Ti5.14. 1 Ti 1Ti4.3. 1 Co 1Co7.39, 1Co7.40. 12. damnation. 1 Co 1Co11.34. Ja Jas3.1. 1 P 1Pe4.17g. their. 2 Co * 2Co6.14. Ga Ga1.6. Re * Re2.4, Re2.5. first. f96:96E, Jn + Jn1.15. 13. to be idle. T#358. 1 Ch + 1Ch22.16 (T#1). Pr * Pr6.6-9. Pr15.19. Pr18.9. * Pr19.15. Pr20.4, Pr20.13. Pr21.25, Pr21.26. * Pr23.21. * Pr24.30-34. ◐ Pr31.27. Ec * Ec10.18. Ezk +* Eze16.49 (T#709). Col ◐+* Col4.5. 2 Th ✓ 2Th3.6-12. wandering. Le Le19.16. Pr Pr7.11, Pr7.12. Pr20.19. +* Pr25.17. Lk Lk10.7. Ac Ac20.20. Ti Tt1.11. * Tt2.4, Tt2.5. tattlers. Pr +* Pr11.13. Ro +* Ro1.29. 3 J 3Jn10g. busybodies. 1 Co 1Co7.9. 2 Th * 2Th3.11, 2Th3.12. 1 P +* 1Pe4.15. speaking. Pr Pr17.9. Mt +* Mt12.36. Ac Ac20.30. Col ◐* Col4.6. Ti Tt1.11. Ja Jas3.10. 3 J 3Jn10.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 110. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

14. I will. See on 1 Ti * 1Ti2.8. the younger. ver. * 1Ti5.11. 1 Ti 1Ti4.3. 1 Co 1Co7.8, 1Co7.9. He +* Heb13.4. guide the house. Gr. oikodespotein, ❅S#3616g, only here (see note at Ac Ac16.15). Ge * Ge18.6, Ge18.9. Pr Pr14.1. Pr31.27-29. Ti Tt2.5g. give none. 1 Ti 1Ti6.1. 2 S ✓ 2Sa12.14. Da Da6.4. Ro Ro14.13. 2 Co 2Co11.12. Col * Col4.5. Ti Tt2.5, Tt2.8. 1 P * 1Pe4.14, 1Pe4.15. occasion. Ro + Ro7.8. the adversary. 1 Co 1Co16.9. Ph Php1.28. to speak reproachfully. Gr. for their railing. Lk Lk23.35-41. 15. already turned aside. 1 Ti 1Ti1.20. 1Ti4.1n. Ph +* Php3.18, Php3.19. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. 2Ti2.18. 2Ti4.10. He +* Heb10.38. 2 P * 2Pe2.2, 2Pe2.20-22. 2Pe3.16. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.19. Ju Jud4, Jud5. Re Re12.9. Satan. 1 Co + 1Co5.5. 16. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. let them relieve. See on ver. 1Ti5.4, 1Ti5.8, 1Ti5.10. church be charged. 2 Co 2Co1.8. 2Co5.4g. 1 Th + 1Th2.6. widows indeed. ver. 1Ti5.3, 1Ti5.5. 17. the elders. See on ver. 1Ti5.1, 1Ti5.19. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.14. Ti Tt1.5. rule well. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.5. Mt +✓ Mt24.45. Lk +* Lk12.42. Ro +* Ro12.8n. 1 Co 1Co12.28. 2 Co ✓ 2Co1.24. +* 2Co10.8. 1 Th * 1Th5.12, 1Th5.13. He ✓ Heb13.7, Heb13.17, Heb13.24. 1 P +* 1Pe5.3. be counted worthy. See on ver. 1Ti5.3, 1Ti5.18. Lk Lk10.7. +* Lk21.36. Ac Ac28.10. Ro ✓ Ro15.27. 1 Co * 1Co9.5-14. Ga +* Ga6.6. Ph Php2.29. +* Php4.17. Col +* Col1.10. 1 Th +* 1Th1.5, 11. He * Heb13.7, Heb13.16. double. f121:121L, Ge + Ge43.12. honor. f108:108B, Mt + Mt15.6. Ge +* Ge14.20. Dt Dt15.18. Dt21.17. 1 S +* 1Sa9.7. 2 K 2Ki2.9. Jb * Job42.10-12. Is +* Is40.2. Je Je16.18. * Je17.18. Zc +* Zec9.12. 1 Co 1Co9.14. +* 1Co16.2. labor. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10. 2 Ch * 2Ch17.9. Mt Mt9.37, Mt9.38. Lk Lk10.1, Lk10.2, Lk10.7. Jn Jn4.38. Ac +* Ac20.35. Ro 16:+ Ro16.6, Ro16.12. 1 Co 1Co3.9. * 1Co15.10. 1Co16.16. 2 Co 2Co6.1. Ph Php2.16. Php4.3. Col * Col1.28, Col1.29. 1 Th 1Th5.12. 2 Ti 2Ti2.6. word. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6, 1Ti4.16. Ac + Ac8.4. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. and doctrine. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6g. 18. the scripture. Lk + Lk4.21. Ro Ro4.3. Ro9.17. Ro10.11. Ro11.2. Ga Ga3.8. Ja Jas4.5. Thou. Dt ▶ Dt25.4. 1 Co * 1Co9.9, 1Co9.10. The laborer. Le +* Le19.13. Dt +* Dt24.14, Dt24.15. Je +* Je22.13 (T#1851). Ml +* Mal3.5. Mt * Mt10.10. Mt20.13n. Lk ▶ Lk10.7. 1 Co ✓ 1Co9.7n, 1Co9.14n. 1 Th * 1Th4.2n. Ja +* Jas5.4. 19. Against an elder. Every servant of Christ must exercise diligence in living absolutely above reproach (Ac +* Ac6.3. Ro Ro14.22. 1 Th +* 1Th5.22. Ti * Tt2.8), lest the ministry be blamed (2 Co +* 2Co6.3). Yet despite such care, misunderstandings and ugly situations will arise (Lk Lk16.1n. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.12), frequently from lack of communication between the accuser and the accused. Words and actions are consistently misread, and wrong motives assigned, which in the imagination of the accuser run wild and rampant with no foundation in reality. And it takes but little effort to find two “witnesses” to agree in a false accusation. Any person in the church, whether elder, pastor, teacher, or custodian, will have repeated and sometimes painful experiences where his words or actions will be misinterpreted, and taken completely out of context. The corrective for such problems is to teach forthrightly the penalty Scripture assigns for the false accuser (Dt * Dt19.18, Dt19.19). Teach the necessity of godly forbearance and suspension of judgment until all concerned parties have been fully heard, the evidence is in, and all due process appeal procedures have been exhausted. Teach the need to keep channels of communication open in both directions (1 S +* 1Sa25.17. 2 K +* 2Ki5.13). Teach the proper response to correction (Ps Ps25.9. +* Ps141.5. Pr +* Pr9.8, Pr9.9. Jn Jn15.20, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 111. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jn15.21), as well as the proper means of offering it (Le +* Le19.17. Pr Pr27.6. Ro +* Ro12.8n. Ga ✓ Ga6.1. Ep +* Eph6.9). Teach the requirement that scrupulous adherence to every principle of due process be maintained (Le +* Le19.13, Le19.15. Jn +* Jn7.51. Col Col4.1). Christians in positions of management in the workplace need to follow the same principles in maintaining proper employer/employee relations. receive not. Accusations against an elder which cannot be substantiated by credible, disinterested witnesses are not even to be investigated, but ignored, suppressed, and silenced. Ex +* Ex23.1mg. Le +* Le19.15. Ps * Ps15.3mg. Pr +* Pr18.13. Jn Jn18.29. Ac Ac24.2-13. * Ac25.16. Ti Tt1.6. an accusation. Ge +* Ge38.19. Ex +* Ex23.1, Ex23.2. Ps +* Ps101.5. Pr +* Pr9.8. +* Pr13.18. +* Pr17.10. +* Pr18.13. Mt ✓ Mt18.15. Lk +* Lk16.1n. Jn +* Jn7.24, Jn7.51. Ep +* Eph5.11. +* Eph6.9. Col +* Col4.1. before. or, under. two. Dt Dt17.6. ✓ Dt19.15, Dt19.18, Dt19.19. Mt + Mt18.16. Jn Jn8.17. 2 Co 2Co13.1. He Heb10.28. 20. Them that sin. The present active participle refers to those that continue to sin; continue, that is, after appropriate private correction has taken place (ver. +*19n), and no change for the better has occurred. Jn Jn5.29n. Ga Ga5.21n. He +* Heb10.26. 1 J +* 1Jn3.8. rebuke. T#461. Le +* Le19.17. 1 S 1Sa13.13, 1Sa13.14. 2 S 2Sa12.7. 1 K 1Ki18.17, 1Ki18.18. 1Ki21.20. Pr +* Pr9.8. + Pr28.23 (T#610). *27:5. Is * Is58.1. Ezk Eze16.2. Mi Mic3.8. Mt Mt18.15. Jn Jn8.9. + Jn16.8g. Ac Ac2.23. Ac7.51-53. Ga ✓2:+ Ga2.11 (T#611), 12-14. Ep +* Eph5.11. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti4.2. Ti * Tt1.9-11, Tt1.13. Tt2.15. Ju Jud15g. before all. Public exposure and rebuke is the final stage of the disciplinary process, reserved for those elders who, after due process procedures have been exhausted, and after private rebuke has been administered, are found to be continuing obstinately in the sin. Ga Ga2.14. that others. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.20. Dt Dt13.11. Dt17.13. +* Dt19.20. * Dt21.21. Ac * Ac5.5, Ac5.11. * Ac19.17. 21. charge. 1 Ti 1Ti6.13. 1 Th + 1Th4.6. 1Th5.27. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. +* 2Ti4.1. before. Lk Lk9.26. + Lk12.8. the elect angels. Zc +* Zec3.7. Mt +* Mt16.27. Mt18.10. * Mt25.31, Mt25.32, Mt25.41. 1 Co 1Co4.9. 1Co11.10. 2 P * 2Pe2.4. Ju * Jud6. Re Re12.7-9. Re14.10. observe. Ps Ps107.43. Ps119.34. Mt * Mt28.20. without preferring. or, without prejudice. Le +* Le19.15. Dt Dt1.7. Dt33.9. Pr Pr18.5. Lk Lk20.21. Ac Ac15.37, Ac15.38. 2 Co +* 2Co5.16. partiality. Ge +* Ge44.30. Ps * Ps15.2-5. Ml Mal2.9. Ja * Jas2.1-4. Jas3.17. 22. Lay hands. This has reference to ordination. T#401. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.14. Nu Nu27.22, Nu27.23. Ac Ac6.6. * Ac13.2, Ac13.3. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. He Heb6.2. suddenly. This applies equally to new candidates for ordination, or restoring a wayward elder to fellowship (ver. 20). 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti3.6, 1Ti3.10. Jsh Jos9.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.2. Ti Tt1.5-9. neither. Ex +* Ex23.2. Ps +* Ps119.63. Ps139.22. Pr +* Pr1.10. Pr16.1. Da Da1.8. Ep +* Eph5.11. 2 J +* 2Jn9-11. Re * Re18.4. keep. f136, Is + Is60.12. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. Ac Ac18.6. * Ac20.26. Ja Jas1.27. 2 P +* 2Pe3.14. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. 23. but use. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.3, 1Ti3.8. * 1Ti4.4. Le Le10.9-11. Ps Ps104.15. Pr Pr31.4-7. Ezk Eze44.21. Ep +* Eph5.18. Ti Tt1.7. Tt2.3. 24. sins. ver. 1Ti5.20, 1Ti5.22. are open. Je Je2.34. Ac Ac1.16-20. Ac5.1-11. * Ac8.18. 1 Co * 1Co5.3. Ga +* Ga5.19-21. 2 Ti 2Ti4.10. He Heb7.14. 2 P * 2Pe2.20, 2Pe2.21. going before. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. Ti Tt3.11. to judgment. Mt * Mt5.21. Mt18.17. Jn +* Jn7.24. follow after. Nu +* Nu32.23. Pr * Pr13.15. Ro * Ro2.16. 1 Co 1Co4.5. 2 Co 2Co4.2. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 112. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

25. the good works. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.7. + 1Ti6.18. Mt ✓ Mt5.16. Ac +* Ac9.36. Ac10.22. * Ac16.1-3. Ac22.12. Ga ✓ Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ph Php1.11. cannot. Ps * Ps37.5, Ps37.6. Pr Pr10.9. Mt +* Mt6.3-6. ✓ Mt10.26. Lk Lk11.33.

1 TIMOTHY 6 The duty of servants to unbelieving and to believing masters, 1Ti6.1" 1Ti6.2 }. Timothy must shun those, as corrupters of the gospel, who teach things contrary to the apostle’s doctrine, 1Ti6.3-5. The advantage of godliness with contentment, 1Ti6.6-8. The mischiefs arising from the love of money, 1Ti6.9" 1Ti6.10 }. The apostle exhorts Timothy to flee from these evils; to “follow after righteousness,” and “to fight the good fight of faith,” 1Ti6.11" 1Ti6.12 }; and most solemnly charges him to be faithful till the coming of Christ, 1Ti6.13" 1Ti6.14 }. He ascribes glory to the eternal God, 1Ti6.15" 1Ti6.16 }. Timothy must charge the rich to avoid pride, and confidence in wealth; and to abound in liberality, as seeking a treasure in heaven, against the time to come, 1Ti6.18" 1Ti6.19 }; and he must adhere to the faith, avoiding profane and vain controversies, 1Ti6.20" 1Ti6.21 }. 1. servants. Dt Dt28.48. Is Is47.6. Is58.6. Mt * Mt11.29, Mt11.30. Ac Ac15.10. 1 Co 1Co7.21, 1Co7.22. Ga * Ga5.1. Ti Tt2.9. 1 P +* 1Pe2.18. count. Ge +* Ge16.9. Ge24.2, Ge24.12, Ge24.27, Ge24.35, etc. 2 K * 2Ki5.2, 2Ki5.3, +* 2Ki5.13. Ml Mal1.6. Ac Ac10.7, Ac10.22. Ep +* Eph6.5-8. Col +* Col3.22-25. Ti Tt2.9. 1 P * 1Pe2.17-20. that the name. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.14. Ge Ge13.7, Ge13.8. 2 S +* 2Sa12.14. Ne Ne9.5. Is Is52.5. Ezk Eze36.20, Eze36.23. Lk Lk17.1. Ro Ro2.24. 1 Co * 1Co10.32. Ti Tt2.5, Tt2.8, Tt2.10. Ja + Jas2.7. 1 P * 1Pe2.12. * 1Pe3.16. his. f63:63A, Mt + Mt19.13. doctrine. ver. 1Ti6.3. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6. 2. believing masters. Col +* Col4.1. Phm Phm10-16. let. Ge Ge16.4, Ge16.5. Nu Nu16.3. Mt Mt6.24. 2 P 2Pe2.10. Ju Jud8. because they are brethren. 2 Ti 5:1. Mt Mt23.8. Mt25.40. Ro +* Ro8.29. Ga Ga3.26-29. Col * Col3.11. Phm + Phm16. because they are. Ga Ga5.6. Ep Eph1.1, Eph1.15. Col Col1.2, Col1.4. Col3.12. 2 Th 2Th1.3. Phm Phm5-7. faithful. or, believing. partakers. Jl +* Joe2.28. Lk Lk1.54. Ac Ac20.35g. Ro Ro11.17. Ep Eph3.6. He * Heb3.1, Heb3.14. 1 P * 1Pe5.1. These. 1 Ti 1Ti4.11. 1Ti5.7. Ti Tt2.1, Tt2.15. ✓ Tt3.8. exhort. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.13. 3. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. teach otherwise. 1 Ti 1:+ 1Ti1.3, 1Ti1.6. Ro Ro16.17. 2 Co 2Co13.2, 2Co13.3. Ga * Ga1.6-8. to wholesome. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.10. Pr Pr15.4. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. 2Ti4.3. Ti Tt1.9. Tt2.1, Tt2.2g, Tt2.8. ✓ Tt3.8. the words. Mt * Mt10.20. Mt22.21. Mt28.20. 1 Th 1Th4.1, 1Th4.2, 1Th4.8. the doctrine. ver. 1Ti6.1. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6-8. Ti Tt1.1. ✓ Tt2.11-14. 2 P +* 2Pe1.3-7. according. Ti Tt1.1. godliness. ver. 1Ti6.11. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16. 4. He is. 1 Ti 1Ti1.7. 1Ti3.6. Pr Pr13.7. Pr25.14. Pr26.12. Ac Ac8.9, Ac8.21-23. Ro +* Ro12.16. 1 Co * 1Co3.18. 1Co8.1, 1Co8.2. Ga Ga6.3. Col * Col2.18. 2 Th 2Th2.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.4. 2 P 2Pe2.12, 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud10, Jud16. Re Re3.17. proud. or, a fool. knowing nothing. f171:171C, Ex + Ex20.10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.7. 1 Co * 1Co8.2. doting. or, sick. about. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.23. words. Is Is58.4. Ac Ac15.2. Ro Ro2.8. Ro13.13. Ro14.1. 1 Co 1Co3.3. 1Co11.16, 1Co11.18. 2 Co 2Co11.20. Ga Ga5.15, Ga5.20, Ga5.21, Ga5.26. Ph Php1.15. +* Php2.3, Php2.14. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. Ti Tt3.9. Ja Jas1.19, Jas1.20. Jas2.14-18. Jas4.1, Jas4.2, Jas4.5, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 113. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jas4.6. 1 P * 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.2. envy. Ro +* Ro1.29. railings. Ep + Eph4.31. evil surmisings. 1 Co ◐ 1Co13.5. 5. Perverse, etc. or, Gallings one of another. 1 Ti 1Ti1.6. 1 Co * 1Co11.16. men. Mt * Mt7.17-20. Mt12.33. Jn ✓ Jn3.19-21. Ep Eph4.17-19, Eph4.22. 2 Th +* 2Th2.8-11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.8. Ti * Tt1.15, Tt1.16. He +* Heb3.12, Heb3.13. 2 J +* 2Jn8-10. destitute of the truth. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. +* 1Ti4.1n. Ti Tt1.14. supposing that gain. ver. 1Ti6.6. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3, 1Ti3.8. 2 K 2Ki5.20-27. Is * Is56.11. Je Je6.13. * Je8.10. Ezk +* Eze33.31. Zc ✓ Zec11.5. Mt Mt21.13. Mt23.14. Ac * Ac8.18-20. Ac19.24-28. 2 Co ◐ 2Co11.7. Ph ◐* Php3.7, Php3.8. Ti Tt1.11. 2 P 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.15. Ju Jud11. Re ✓ Re3.17. Re18.3, Re18.13. is godliness. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. ver. 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.11. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16. withdraw. T#177. 2 Ch + 2Ch19.2 (T#112). Ps +✓ Ps119.63. Mt +* Mt15.14 (T#477). 18:17. Ro +* Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 1 Co 1Co5.11. Ga Ga1.8, Ga1.9. 2 Th * 2Th3.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.5. Ti * Tt3.10, Tt3.11. 2 J * 2Jn10. Re + Re18.4 (T#115). 6. godliness. See on 1 Ti * 1Ti4.8. Ps * Ps37.16. * Ps84.11. Pr * Pr3.13-18. Pr8.18-21. * Pr15.16. +* Pr16.8. Pr30.8. Mt ✓ Mt6.32, Mt6.33. Lk * Lk12.31, Lk12.32. Ro Ro5.3-5. +* Ro8.28. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. 2Co5.1. Ph Php1.21. He +* Heb13.5. contentment. T#928. ver. 1Ti6.8. Ex Ex2.21. Pr Pr14.30. Pr15.15. Pr17.22. Pr23.17, Pr23.18. Lk Lk3.14. 2 Co * 2Co9.8g. Ph ✓ Php4.11-13. He +* Heb13.5. great gain. f145, Jg + Jdg11.40. 2 Co * 2Co9.8. Ph * Php3.7, Php3.8. 7. we brought. Jb * Job1.21. Pr Pr27.24. Ec Ec5.15, Ec5.16. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. certain. Jb Job27.19. Ps * Ps39.6. ✓ Ps49.17. Lk * Lk12.19-21. * Lk16.22, Lk16.23. 8. having food. f171:171K, Ex + Ex23.4. Food and raiment are put by example for this world’s goods. Ge +* Ge28.20-22. Ge48.15. Dt Dt2.7. Dt8.3, Dt8.4. Pr Pr27.23-27. * Pr30.8, Pr30.9. Ec Ec2.24-26. Ec3.12, Ec3.13. Mt ✓ Mt6.11, Mt6.25-33. He +* Heb13.5, Heb13.6. 1 J 1Jn3.17. let us. lit. we shall. f96:96C, Jg + Jdg5.21. content. T#1873. Ps +* Ps62.10. Pr Pr27.26, Pr27.27. Lk +* Lk12.15. 9. that will. f108:108B. Idiom B828. “To will” is an idiom used for to wish to do anything speedily and spontaneously. It is also used for eager desire. For other instances of this idiom see 2 Co 2Co8.10mg. Mk Mk10.35. Mk12.38. Ga Ga4.21. be rich. Ge ✓ Ge13.10-13. Nu * Nu22.17-19. Jsh ✓ Jos7.21. 2 K * 2Ki5.20-27. Ps +* Ps10.3. Pr ✓ Pr15.27. * Pr20.21. * Pr21.6. ✓ Pr22.16. * Pr23.4. ✓ Pr28.20-22. Is Is5.8. Ho * Ho12.7, Ho12.8. Am Am8.4-6. Zc ✓ Zec11.5. Mt +* Mt13.22. * Mt19.22. Mt26.15. Mk +* Mk4.19. Ja +* Jas5.1-4. 2 P * 2Pe2.15, 2Pe2.16. Ju * Jud11. snare. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.7. Dt * Dt7.25. Ps Ps11.6. Pr * Pr1.17-19. Lk +* Lk21.34, Lk21.35. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.26. many. Mk +* Mk4.19. Ep Eph4.22. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. which. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. Nu * Nu31.8. Jsh ✓ Jos7.24-26. Mt * Mt27.3-5. Ac * Ac5.4, Ac5.5. * Ac8.20. 2 P 2Pe2.3. 10. the love of money. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. Ge Ge34.23, Ge34.24. Ge38.16. Ex * Ex23.7, Ex23.8. Dt Dt16.19. * Dt23.4, Dt23.5, Dt23.18. Jg Jdg17.10, Jdg17.11. Jdg18.19, Jdg18.20, Jdg18.29-31. 2 S * 2Sa4.10, 2Sa4.11. Pr * Pr1.19. Is Is1.23. * Is56.11. Je Je5.27, Je5.28. Ezk Eze13.19. Eze16.33. * Eze22.12. Mi * Mic3.11. Mic7.3, Mic7.4. Ml * Mal1.10. Mt Mt23.14. Lk Lk16.14. Ac * Ac1.16-19. 1 Co 1Co5.10. 2 Ti 2Ti3.2. Ti * Tt1.11. He +* Heb13.5. Re Re18.13. the root. Ex Ex23.8. Dt Dt16.19. coveted. ver. * 1Ti6.21. 1 Ti 1Ti3.1. Ps +* Ps10.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.10. He Heb11.16g. Ju Jud11. Re Re2.14, Re2.15. erred. or, been seduced. He +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 114. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Heb3.13. +* Heb10.38. +* Heb12.15. the faith. ver. 1Ti6.21. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. and pierced. Ge Ge19.14, Ge19.26, Ge19.31, etc. 2 K 2Ki5.27. Ps * Ps32.10. Pr Pr1.31. 2 P * 2Pe2.7, 2Pe2.8. 11. But. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. O man. ver. 1Ti6.20. Dt Dt33.1. Jsh Jos14.6. Jg Jdg13.6. 1 S 1Sa2.27. 1Sa9.6. 1 K 1Ki12.22. 1Ki13.1, 1Ki13.26. 1Ki17.18, 1Ki17.24. 1Ki20.28. 2 K 2Ki1.9, 2Ki1.13. 2Ki5.20. 2Ki23.17. 1 Ch 1Ch23.14. 2 Ch 2Ch8.14. 2Ch30.16. Ezr Ezr3.2. Ne Ne12.24, Ne12.36. Je Je35.4. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.17. flee. 1 Co +* 1Co6.18. 1Co10.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.22. follow after. 1 Ti 5:10. Dt Dt16.20. Ps Ps34.14. Ps38.20. Pr * Pr15.9. Pr21.21. Is Is51.1. Mt +* Mt5.6. Ro Ro9.30. Ro14.19. 1 Co 1Co14.1. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. He +* Heb12.14. 1 P 1Pe3.11. righteousness. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. Pr * Pr15.9. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ph ✓ Php4.8, Php4.9. Ti ✓ Tt2.11, Tt2.12. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-7. godliness. ver. 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.5, 1Ti6.6. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16. faith. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. 1 Co +* 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. love. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.10. patience. Ro +* Ro15.4. meekness. Mt * Mt11.29. 2 Ti 2Ti2.25. 12. Fight. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. Zc Zec10.5. 1 Co +* 1Co9.25, 1Co9.26. 2 Co 2Co6.7. * 2Co10.3-5. Ep * Eph6.10-18. 1 Th 1Th5.8, 1Th5.9. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.3. 2Ti4.7. Ju +* Jud3. good. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. fight of faith. Ph + Php1.30. lay hold. f108:108A, Jn + Jn7.52. Denoting, “thou shalt lay hold of.” ver. 1Ti6.19. Ps Ps63.8. Pr Pr3.18. SS So3.4. Ph Php3.12-14. He +* Heb3.14. * Heb6.18. 1 J 1Jn2.25. Re Re3.3. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Jn ✓ Jn17.3. Ac Ac13.46g. whereunto. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro9.23, Ro9.24. Col Col3.15. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 2 Th 2Th2.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 1 P 1Pe3.9. +* 1Pe5.10. hast. ver. 1Ti6.13. Dt Dt26.3, Dt26.17-19. Is Is44.5. Lk Lk12.8, Lk12.9. Ro ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. 2 Co + 2Co9.13. He * Heb10.23. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10, 2Pe1.11. good. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. 13. give. See on 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1, 2Ti4.2. who quickeneth. Dt Dt32.39. 1 S 1Sa2.6. Lk Lk17.33. Jn +* Jn5.21, Jn5.26. * Jn11.25, Jn11.26. ✓ Jn14.6. Ac Ac7.19. Ac17.25. Re Re21.6. Re22.1. who before. Mt Mt27.11. Jn +* Jn18.36, Jn18.37. Jn19.11. Re +* Re1.5. +* Re3.14. Pilate. Mt + Mt27.2. confession. or, profession. ver. 1Ti6.12. 2 Co + 2Co9.13. 14. keep. ver. 1Ti6.20. 1 Ti 1Ti4.11-16. 1 Ch 1Ch28.9, 1Ch28.10, 1Ch28.20. Col * Col4.17. without. SS So4.7. Ep +* Eph5.27. He * Heb9.14. Ja Jas1.27. 1 P 1Pe1.19. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.14. unrebukable. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2. 1Ti5.7. Jn +* Jn17.6. Ph Php2.15. Col Col1.22. Ju ✓ Jud24. until. 1 Co +* 1Co1.8. Ph * Php1.6, Php1.10. 1 Th +* 1Th3.13. +* 1Th5.23. 2 Th +* 2Th2.1, 2Th2.8. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He ✓ Heb9.28. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. Re +* Re1.7. 15. times. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. who. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.11, 1Ti1.17. Ps Ps47.2. Ps83.18. Je Je10.10. Je46.18. Da Da2.44-47. Da4.34. Mt +* Mt6.13. his times. 1 Ti + 1Ti2.6. Ac +* Ac1.6, Ac1.7. blessed. 1 Ti 1Ti1.11. the King. Ezr Ezr7.12. Pr Pr8.15. Da Da4.34. Re ✓ Re17.14. ✓ Re19.16. of kings. f147:147H, Ge + Ge9.25. Lord of. Dt Dt10.17. Ps Ps136.3. Da Da2.47. Jn +* Jn20.28. Ti * Tt2.13. He Heb1.2. 16. Who only. If this limits the possession of immortality to God alone, then by a similar process of reasoning, Ro Ro16.27 restricts the possession of wisdom exclusively to him likewise. Of course, both statements, correctly interpreted, ascribe inherent wisdom and immortality to God, but do not limit their possession to Him alone (see Ec +* Ec3.19n. Ezk Eze32.27n). See on 1 Ti * 1Ti1.17. Ex +* Ex3.14. Dt Dt32.40. Ps * Ps90.2. Is +* Is57.15. Jn ✓ Jn8.58. He +* Heb13.8. Re +* Re1.8, Re1.17, Re1.18. immortality. Gr. athanasia, ❅S#110g, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 115. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

only here and 1 Co 1Co15.53g, 1Co15.54g. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17n. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.10. dwelling. Ps Ps104.2. Hab Hab3.4. 1 J * 1Jn1.5. 1 J 1Jn1.7. Re * Re1.16, Re1.17. Re21.23. Re22.5. can approach. Jb Job37.23. Ec * Ec3.11. no man hath seen. Ex * Ex33.20. Jb Job23.8, Job23.9. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Jn +* Jn1.18. Jn6.46. * Jn14.9. Col +* Col1.15. 1 J 1Jn4.12. to whom. See on 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti1.17. Ro * Ro16.25-27. Ep Eph3.21. Ph Php4.20. Ju * Jud25. Re * Re1.6. Re4.11. Re7.12. honor. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.17. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Re * Re4.11. power. 1 P + 1Pe4.11. everlasting. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Ro * Ro16.26. He * Heb9.14. Re Re22.13. 17. Charge. See on ver. 1Ti6.13. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. * 1Ti5.21. rich. Ge * Ge13.2. Jb * Job1.1-3. Pr +* Pr10.22. Mt * Mt19.23. Mt27.57. Lk Lk19.2, Lk19.9, Lk19.10. in this world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Lk Lk16.8. Jn +* Jn6.54n. 1 Co 1Co1.20. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.10. Ti * Tt2.12. that they. Dt ✓ Dt6.10-12. Dt8.17. Dt33.15. 2 Ch 2Ch26.16. * 2Ch32.25, 2Ch32.26. Ps +* Ps10.3, Ps10.4. Ps73.5-9. Pr * Pr30.9. Je Je2.31. * Je9.23. Ezk 16:+* Eze16.49, Eze16.50, Eze16.56. Da Da4.30. Da5.19-23. Ho * Ho13.6. Hab Hab1.15, Hab1.16. Ro * Ro11.20. +* Ro12.3, Ro12.16. Ph +* Php2.3. Ja * Jas1.9, Jas1.10. Re * Re18.6, Re18.7. nor trust. Jb Job31.24, Job31.25. Ps * Ps52.7. +* Ps62.10. Pr Pr11.28. Je +* Je9.23, Je9.24. * Je48.7. Mk +* Mk10.24. Lk * Lk12.1521. Ep +* Eph5.5. uncertain riches. Gr. the uncertainty of riches. Pr * Pr23.5. * Pr27.24. Ec Ec5.13, Ec5.14. Hg * Hag1.6. Mt +* Mt13.22. but. Ps * Ps62.8. * Ps84.11, Ps84.12. Ps118.8, Ps118.9. Je +* Je17.7, Je17.8. the living. See on 1 Ti * 1Ti3.15. * 1Ti4.10. 1 Th * 1Th1.9. who giveth. Ps Ps104.28. Pr +* Pr10.22. Mt * Mt6.32. Ac + Ac14.17. * Ac17.25. Ro +* Ro8.32. 2 Co 2Co9.11. richly. Pr +* Pr10.22. Mt ✓ Mt6.31, Mt6.33. Ec Ec5.18, Ec5.19. Ro * Ro8.18. 1 Co * 1Co2.9. Col * Col3.16. Ti * Tt3.6mg. 18. they do good. T#628. 2 Ch * 2Ch24.16. Ps * Ps37.3. Ec Ec3.12. Mt + Mt10.8 (T#406). Lk +* Lk6.33-35. Ac * Ac10.38. Ga +* Ga6.10. He * Heb13.16. 1 P 1Pe3.11. 3 J * 3Jn11. rich in. 1 Ti 1Ti5.10. Lk ✓ Lk12.21. Ac +* Ac9.36. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. ✓ Tt3.8. Ja +* Jas2.5. good works. 1 Ti 1Ti2.10. 1Ti5.10, 1Ti5.25. Ac +* Ac9.36. Ep * Eph2.10. +* Eph5.11. Ti Tt2.7, Tt2.14. ✓ Tt3.8, Tt3.14. He Heb10.24. 1 P 1Pe2.12. ready. Dt ✓ Dt15.7-11. Ps Ps112.9. Pr * Pr11.24, Pr11.25. Ec * Ec11.1, Ec11.2, Ec11.6. Is Is32.8. * Is58.7. Mt +* Mt6.19, Mt6.20. Lk +* Lk6.35, Lk6.38. * Lk14.12-14. Ac Ac2.44, Ac2.45. Ac4.34-37. * Ac11.29. +* Ac20.35. Ro * Ro12.8, Ro12.13. 1 Co +* 1Co16.2. 2 Co 2Co8.1, 2Co8.2, * 2Co8.9, * 2Co8.12. 2Co9.6-15. Ga * Ga6.6. Ph * Php4.18, Php4.19. He * Heb13.16. 1 J * 1Jn3.17. willing to communicate. or, sociable. or, ready to sympathize. Dt Dt10.19. Ro +* Ro12.13, Ro12.15. He * Heb13.16. 19. Laying up. f46:46B, Ex + Ex5.21. Ps Ps17.14. Mt ✓ Mt6.19-21. ✓ Mt10.41, Mt10.42. * Mt19.21. * Mt25.34-40. Lk * Lk12.33. * Lk16.9. Lk18.2, * Lk18.22. 2 Co * 2Co9.6. Ga +* Ga6.8, Ga6.9. Ph +* Php4.17n. foundation. Pr * Pr10.25. Lk * Lk6.48, Lk6.49. Ga Ga5.6. Ep * Eph3.17. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.19. the time. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.8. Pr Pr31.25. Lk Lk16.9, Lk16.25. +* Lk21.36. Jn +* Jn6.54n. lay hold. See on ver. 1Ti6.12. Lk Lk19.9. Ph * Php3.14. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. 2 Ti 2Ti1.1. 20. O Timothy. ver. 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti 2Ti2.1. keep. ver. 1Ti6.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.11. Ro Ro3.2. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 2Th2.15. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.12-14. 2Ti3.14. * 2Ti4.5. Ti * Tt1.9. Re Re3.3. avoiding. ver. 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.5. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4, 1Ti1.6. 1Ti4.7. Col Col2.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14-16, 2Ti2.23. 2Ti3.5. 2Ti4.4. Ti Tt1.4, Tt1.14. Tt3.9. profane. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.9. vain babblings. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16. oppositions. Ac Ac17.18, Ac17.21. Ro Ro1.22. 1 Co 1Co1.19-23. 1Co2.6. * 1Co3.19. Col Col2.8, Col2.18. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 116. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

21. some. 1 Co + 1Co11.16. have erred. ver. * 1Ti6.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.6, 1Ti1.19. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14, 2Ti2.18g. He +* Heb3.10-12. the faith. ver. 1Ti6.10. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. Grace. Ro +* Ro1.7. Ro16.20, Ro16.24. Col + Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. Ti Tt3.15. He * Heb13.25. Amen. Mt +* Mt6.13.

2 TIMOTHY 2 TIMOTHY 1 The apostle affectionately salutes Timothy with thanksgiving and prayer, 1-3, and expresses a great desire of seeing him, 2Ti1.4; remembering his faith, and that of his grandmother and mother, 2Ti1.5. He exhorts him to stir up the gift of God which was in him, 2Ti1.6. He charges him not to be ashamed of the divine testimony, or of him the Lord’s prisoner; but to prepare for suffering; as having been saved, and called by the grace of God, according to the gospel, which fully reveals life and immortality, 2Ti1.7-10. Of this, Paul had been made an apostle; for which cause he suffered, without being either ashamed or afraid, as he knew the power of him in whom he trusted, 2Ti1.11" 2Ti1.12 }. He exhorts Timothy to steadfastness and faithfulness, 13, 2Ti1.14; shows that those of Asia had turned from him, 2Ti1.15; and commends the diligent and courageous kindness of Onesiphorus; praying fervently that he and his family might find mercy from God at the last day, 2Ti1.16-18. 1. an. Ac * Ac26.15-18. See on Ro Ro1.1. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. by the will. 1 Co + 1Co1.1. according. Ga + Ga3.29. the promise. Jn * Jn5.24, Jn5.39, Jn5.40. Jn6.40, Jn6.54. ✓ Jn10.28. ✓ Jn17.3. Ro * Ro5.21. * Ro6.23. 2 Co 2Co1.20. Ep * Eph3.6. Ti * Tt1.2. He Heb9.15. 2 P 2Pe1.3, 2Pe1.4. 1 J 1Jn2.25. ✓ 1Jn5.11-13. of life. 1 Ti 1Ti6.19. in Christ Jesus. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. 2. Timothy. i.e. valued of God; honored of God,✣S#5095g. Ac + Ac16.1. Ro Ro12.19. 2 Co 2Co1.1. Ph Php4.1. See on 1 Ti 1:* 1Ti1.2, 1Ti1.18. 1Ti6.20. Phm Phm1. He Heb13.23. beloved son. 2 Ti 2Ti2.1. 1 Co * 1Co4.17. 3 J + 3Jn4. Grace. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. See on Ro Ro1.7. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.2. and peace. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. 3. I thank. See Ro + Ro1.8. Ep Eph1.16. whom. ver. 2Ti1.5. Ac Ac22.3. + Ac24.14. Ac26.4. * Ac27.23. from. 2 Ti 2Ti3.15. Ac + Ac22.3. Ga Ga1.14. pure conscience. Ac +* Ac23.1. Ac24.16. Ro Ro1.9. Ro9.1. 2 Co * 2Co1.12. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5, 1Ti1.19. * 1Ti3.9. Ti Tt1.15. He * Heb13.18. that. See on Ro * Ro1.9. 1 Th 1Th1.2, 1Th1.3. 1Th3.10. night. See on Lk Lk2.37. Mk + Mk5.5. 4. desiring. 2 Ti 2Ti4.9, 2Ti4.21. Ro Ro1.11. Ro15.30-32. Ph + Php1.8. Php2.26. 1 Th 1Th2.17-20. 1Th3.1. being. Ac Ac20.19, Ac20.31, * Ac20.37, Ac20.38. Re Re7.17. Re21.4. filled. Ps Ps126.5. Is Is61.3. Je Je31.13. Jn Jn16.22, Jn16.24. 1 J 1Jn1.4. 5. I call. Ps Ps77.6. unfeigned. Ps Ps17.1. Ps18.44. Ps66.3. Ps81.15mg. Je Je3.10. Jn Jn1.47. Ro Ro12.9. 2 Co 2Co6.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1Ti4.6. Ja + Jas3.17g. 1 P 1Pe1.22. that is. f63:63I, Jsh + Jos3.3. The words “that is” should have been placed in italics, for there is no verb in the Greek. The ellipsis (of repetition: from succeeding clause) may be supplied: “Taking remembrance of the unfeigned faith (dwelling in thee).” Lois. i.e. superior; pleasing; no flight, ❅S#3090g. thy mother. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15. Ps Ps22.10. Ps86.16. Ps116.16. Ac * Ac16.1. Eunice. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 117. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

i.e. good victory; well won, ❅S#2131g. I am. ver. 2Ti1.12. Ac Ac26.26. Ro Ro4.21. Ro8.38. Ro14.5, Ro14.14. Ro15.14. He +* Heb6.9. Heb11.13. 6. I put. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. Is Is43.26. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6. 2 P 2Pe1.12. 2Pe3.1. Ju Jud5. that. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. Ex Ex35.26. Ex36.2. Mt Mt25.15, etc. Lk Lk19.13. Ro * Ro12.6-8. 1 Co * 1Co12.7. Col * Col4.17. 1 Th +* 1Th5.19. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.14. 1 P 1Pe4.10, 1Pe4.11. by the. Ac Ac8.17, Ac8.18. Ac19.6. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14. He Heb6.2. 7. the spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt5.3n. Is Is11.2. Ac * Ac20.24. Ac21.13. Ro +* Ro8.15. He Heb2.15. 1 J * 1Jn4.18. of fear. Ge ◐+* Ge19.30. Ps +✓ Ps34.4. Is +* Is12.2 (T#814). Jn Jn14.27. 1 J * 1Jn4.18. Re Re21.8. but. f63:63I, Nu + Nu26.4. Supply ellipsis, “but (God hath given to us the spirit).” of power. Mi * Mic3.8. Zc * Zec4.6. Lk Lk10.19. * Lk24.49. Ac +* Ac1.8. Ac6.8. Ac9.22. * Ac10.38. 1 Co * 1Co2.4, 1Co2.5. of love. Ro * Ro5.5. Ga * Ga5.22. Col Col1.8. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. a sound mind. ver. +* 2Ti1.13. Ps * Ps119.80. Pr * Pr2.7. * Pr8.14. Is * Is59.15mg. Je Je29.26. Ho Ho9.7. Lk * Lk8.35. * Lk15.17. Ac * Ac26.11, Ac26.25. 2 Co 2Co5.13, 2Co5.14. Gr. sophronismou, ❅S#4995g, only here. The word means self-discipline, self control, and prudence in living a “measured and orderly life” (TDNT, vol. 7, p. 1103) before the world. The concept connected with the word group to which this word belongs (in terms of associated words from the same or related roots) has reference to living soberly and righteously in this present world in watchful expectation of Christ’s coming, as well as reference to avoidance of ecstatic and eschatological frenzy (2 Co 2Co5.12, 2Co5.13. 1 P 1Pe4.7). Trench remarks of the related word sophrosunee at 1 Ti 1Ti2.9 that it refers to “that inner self-government, with its constant rein on all the passions and desires” (Synonyms, Sec. 20, p. 71, 72). Pr +* Pr22.3. Ac Ac26.25. Ro +* Ro12.3, Ro12.16. 1 Ti 1Ti2.9, 1Ti2.15. 1Ti3.2. Ti Tt1.8. Tt2.2, Tt2.4, Tt2.5, Tt2.12. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. 8. ashamed. ver. 2Ti1.12, 2Ti1.16. Ps Ps119.46. Is Is51.7. Mk +* Mk8.38. Lk Lk9.26. Ac Ac5.41. Ro ✓ Ro1.16. Ro9.33. Ep Eph3.13. 1 P 1Pe4.14. the testimony. Ps * Ps19.7. Is +* Is8.20. Jn Jn15.27. Jn19.35. 1 Co + 1Co1.6. Ep Eph4.17. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.6. 1 J * 1Jn4.14. ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. Re Re1.2. ✓ Re12.11. * Re19.10. our Lord. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. He Heb7.14. his prisoner. ver. 2Ti1.16. 1 Ti 1Ti2.9. See on Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. Ph Php1.7. be thou partaker. 2 Ti 2Ti2.3, 2Ti2.9, 2Ti2.11, 2Ti2.12. * 2Ti4.5. Mk + Mk8.35. Ro Ro8.17, Ro8.18, Ro8.36. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. 2 Co 2Co11.23-27. Ph Php3.10. Col Col1.24. 1 Th 1Th3.4. 1 P 1Pe4.13-15. Re Re1.9. * Re12.11. afflictions. Ac * Ac20.23, Ac20.24. * Ac21.13. 2 Co * 2Co12.10. according. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. Ro Ro16.25. 2 Co 2Co6.7. ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ph ✓ Php4.13. Col * Col1.11. 1 P +* 1Pe1.5. Ju * Jud24. 9. hath saved. Mt Mt1.21. Ac Ac2.47. Ro Ro13.11. 1 Co 1Co1.18. Ep Eph2.5, Eph2.8. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.1. Ti Tt3.4, Tt3.5. called. Ro +* Ro8.28, Ro8.30. Ro9.24. 1 Th 1Th1.4. 1Th4.7. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. He Heb3.1. 1 P 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.16. 1Pe2.9, 1Pe2.20, 1Pe2.21. 2 P + 2Pe1.3. holy calling. Ro +* Ro11.29. 2 Th +* 2Th1.11. not. Ro Ro3.20. Ro9.11. Ro11.5, Ro11.6. Ep Eph2.9. Ph ◐* Php2.12. Ti * Tt3.5. according to his. Dt Dt7.7, Dt7.8. Is Is14.26, Is14.27. Mt Mt11.25, Mt11.26. Lk Lk10.21. Ro + Ro3.27. +* Ro8.28. Ep Eph1.9, +* Eph1.11. own purpose. Dt * Dt7.7, Dt7.8. Jn Jn15.16. Ro +* Ro8.28. Ro9.11-13, Ro9.16. Ro10.20. 1 Co 1Co1.27-29. Ep Eph1.3-7, * Eph1.9. * Eph3.11. and grace. Ac +* Ac15.11. which. Jn ✓ Jn6.37. ✓ Jn10.28, Jn10.29. Jn17.9. 1 Co +* 1Co1.4. 1Co3.21, 1Co3.22. Ep Eph1.3. before. Jn Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 118. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jn17.24. Ac Ac15.18. Ro Ro16.25. Ep + Eph1.4. Eph3.11. 2 Th +* 2Th2.13. Ti * Tt1.2. 1 P 1Pe1.20. Re Re13.8. Re17.8. the world. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. lit. ages of time. 10. now. Is Is25.7. Is60.2, Is60.3. Lk Lk2.31, Lk2.32. Ro + Ro16.26. Ep Eph1.9. Col * Col1.26, Col1.27. Ti Tt1.3. * Tt2.11. 1 P * 1Pe1.20, 1Pe1.21. 1 J 1Jn1.2. the appearing. 2 Th +* 2Th2.8. our. Is Is43.3. Is45.15, Is45.21. Lk + Lk2.11. Jn Jn4.42. Ac Ac5.31. Ac13.23. Ep Eph5.23. Ph Php3.20. Ti Tt1.4. * Tt2.13. Tt3.4, Tt3.6. 2 P 2Pe1.1, 2Pe1.11. 2Pe2.20. 2Pe3.2, 2Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn4.14. who. Is Is25.8. Ho Ho13.14. Jn * Jn11.25, Jn11.26. Ac Ac2.24. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.54, 1Co15.55. He * Heb2.14, Heb2.15. Re Re20.14. abolished. Lk Lk13.7. Ro Ro3.31. Ro5.12-21. Ro6.6. 1 Co 1Co15.26. Ga Ga5.4g. and hath brought. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. ver. 2Ti1.1. Jb Job33.30. Jn * Jn5.24-29, Jn5.40. ✓ Jn14.6. ✓ Jn20.31. Ro * Ro2.7. Ro5.17, Ro5.18. 1 Co 1Co15.53. 2 Co 2Co5.4. 2 P 2Pe1.3. 1 J 1Jn1.2. Re Re2.7. Re22.1, Re22.2, Re22.14, Re22.17. Lk Lk11.36. Jn Jn1.9. 1 Co 1Co4.5. Ep Eph1.18. He Heb10.32. Re Re18.1g. life and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, immortal life, with an emphasis upon immortal. Two words used, but one thing meant. Jn +* Jn5.29. * Jn11.25, Jn11.26. immortality. Gr. aphtharsia, ❅S#861g. Ro Ro2.7. 1 Co 1Co15.42 (incorruption), 1Co15.50, 1Co15.53, 1Co15.54. Ep Eph6.24 (sincerity). Ti Tt2.7 (sincerity). Compare the related word aphthartos, ❅S#862g, 1 Ti + 1Ti1.17n. T#422. Ec + Ec3.21 (T#152). Ezk Eze32.27n. Jn * Jn10.27, Jn10.28. Ac + Ac24.15 (T#617). Ro Ro2.6, Ro2.7. 1 Th 1Th5.23n. 1 Ti 1Ti6.16. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. to light. Ezk Eze32.27n. 2 Co 2Co4.4. 11. appointed. Ac * Ac9.15. Ep * Eph3.7, Eph3.8. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.7. + 1Ti2.7. 12. the which. ver. 2Ti1.8. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.9. 2Ti3.10-12. 2Ti4.16, 2Ti4.17. Lk Lk12.4. Ac Ac9.16. Ac13.46, Ac13.50. Ac13.46, Ac13.50. Ac14.5, Ac14.6. Ac21.27-31. Ac22.21-24. Ep Eph3.1-8. 1 Th 1Th2.16. I am. ver. 2Ti1.8, 2Ti1.16. Ps Ps25.2. Is Is50.7. Is54.4. Ac Ac21.13. Ro ✓ Ro1.16. Ro5.4, Ro5.5. Ro9.33. Ph Php1.20. He * Heb12.2. 1 P 1Pe4.16. for I know. Jb * Job19.25. Ps +✓ Ps9.10. Ps10.14. Ps56.9. Na Na1.7. Jn Jn4.42. Ga Ga2.20n. Ph Php3.8, Php3.10. 1 P * 1Pe4.19. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.13. believed. or, trusted. Is +* Is12.2. Na * Na1.7. Mt Mt12.21. Ro Ro15.12, Ro15.13. Ep Eph1.12, Eph1.13. Ti +* Tt3.8. 1 P 1Pe1.20, 1Pe1.21. am persuaded. See on ver. 2Ti1.5. he is. Jn ✓ Jn10.28-30. Ph * Php3.21. He Heb2.18. Heb7.25. keep that. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.18n. Ge = Ge39.6. Is Is27.3. Jn Jn6.39, Jn6.40, Jn6.44. Jn17.11, Jn17.12, Jn17.15. 1 Co +* 1Co15.55. 1 Ti 1Ti6.20. 1 P +*1:5. Ju * Jud24. which I. ver. 2Ti1.14. Ps Ps31.5. Lk +* Lk23.46n. Ac +* Ac7.59n. 1 Ti 1Ti6.20. 1 P ✓ 1Pe4.19. against. ver. 2Ti1.18. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. Mt Mt7.22. Mt24.36. Lk Lk10.12. 1 Th 1Th5.4. that day. ver. 2Ti1.18. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. 1 Co +* 1Co3.13. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. 13. Hold fast. ver. 2Ti1.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.14. Pr Pr3.18, Pr3.21. Pr4.4-8, Pr4.13. Pr23.23. Mt +* Mt15.14. Ph Php1.27. 1 Th 1Th5.21. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. Ti * Tt1.9. He * Heb3.6. * Heb4.14. Heb10.23. Ju +* Jud3. Re Re2.25. Re3.3, Re3.11. the form. Pr Pr8.14. Ro Ro2.20. * Ro6.17. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10, 1Ti1.16g. 1Ti6.3. Ti Tt2.1, Tt2.8. sound words. ver. +* 2Ti1.7. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.10. 1Ti6.3. Ti Tt1.9. Tt2.1, Tt2.8. which. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.2. 2Ti3.10, 2Ti3.14. Ph * Php4.9. in faith. Ro * Ro14.23. See on Col Col1.4. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. and love. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. Jn * Jn13.35. * Jn14.15. 1 Co * 1Co13.2. in Christ Jesus. 2 Ti 2Ti2.1. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. 14. good. ver. + 2Ti1.12. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.2. Lk Lk16.11. Ro Ro3.2. 1 Co 1Co9.17. 2 Co * 2Co5.19, 2Co5.20. Ga Ga2.7. Col * Col4.11. 1 Ti 1Ti1.11. 1Ti6.20. keep. Nu = Nu3.7. 2 Ti Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 119. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Ti4.7. by the. Ro Ro8.13, Ro8.26. Ep +* Eph5.18. 1 Th 1Th5.19. 1 P 1Pe1.22. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18. which dwelleth in us. Jn * Jn14.17. Ro +* Ro8.9, Ro8.11. 1 Co * 1Co3.16. * 1Co6.19. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. Ep Eph2.22. 15. that. Ac Ac16.6. Ac19.10, Ac19.27, Ac19.31. Ac20.16. 1 Co 1Co16.19. all. f108:108B, 1 Co + 1Co13.2. in Asia. Ac + Ac2.9. turned away. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.10, 2Ti4.11, 2Ti4.16. Ph Php2.21. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1n. He * Heb6.4-8. 2 P * 2Pe2.20-22. Phygellus. i.e. fugitive, ❅S#5436g. Hermogenes. i.e. begotten of Mercury, ❅S#2061g. 16. Lord. ver. 2Ti1.18. Ne Ne5.19. Ne13.14, Ne13.22, Ne13.31. Ps Ps18.25. Ps37.26. Mt +* Mt5.7. ✓ Mt10.41, Mt10.42. Mt25.35-40. 2 Co 2Co9.12-14. He +* Heb6.10. Heb10.34. the house. f121:121J. Metonymy of the Subject, here “house” put for family, Ge + Ge7.1. T#1564. 2 Ti 2Ti4.19. Ru Ru4.12. 2 S 2Sa7.25-29. Ac Ac16.15n. Onesiphorus. i.e. profit bringing, ❅S#3683g. 1 Ti 4:19. refreshed. Mt * Mt10.42. 1 Co 1Co16.18. Phm Phm7, Phm20. not ashamed. See on ver. 2Ti1.8, 2Ti1.12. my chain. ver. 2Ti1.8. Ac + Ac28.20. Ep Eph6.20mg. 17. Rome. Ac Ac18.2. Ac19.21. Ac23.11. * Ac28.14, Ac28.16. Ro Ro1.7, Ro1.15. he sought. Mt Mt25.36-40. Ac Ac28.30, Ac28.31. diligently. Lk Lk7.4g. 18. that he. See on ver. 2Ti1.16. 1 K 1Ki17.20. Mt Mt25.31-40. find mercy. ver. 2Ti1.16. Ps Ps130.3, Ps130.4. Lk Lk1.72, Lk1.78. Ro ✓ Ro3.23, Ro3.24. Ro9.15-23. Ep Eph2.4. 1 P 1Pe1.10. in that day. See on ver. 2Ti1.12. 1 Co +* 1Co3.13. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. Re +* Re1.10n. ministered. Mt ✓ Mt25.40. Lk + Lk8.3. Ac + Ac19.22. 2 Co 2Co9.1. He +* Heb6.10. Ephesus. 2 Ti 2Ti4.12. Ac + Ac18.21. Ac19.1. 1 Co 1Co16.8. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. Re Re2.1. very well. lit. better. f96:96E. Heterosis of Degree, 1 Ti 1Ti3.14. i.e. too well to need reminding of. Ac Ac25.10.

2 TIMOTHY 2 Timothy is exhorted to appoint faithful ministers; and to courage, fidelity, and patience, as “the good soldier of Christ,” 2Ti2.1-7; in remembrance of Christ as risen from the dead, 2Ti2.8; in imitation of the apostle’s example, 9, 10; and in assured faith and hope, 2Ti2.11-13. He must warn the flock against false teachers and vain controversies; studying, as an approved workman, “rightly to divide the word of truth,” 2Ti2.14-16. The pernicious effects of the error of Hymeneus and Philetus, 17, 18: yet “the foundation of God stands sure,” and “all who name the name of Christ” should “depart from iniquity,” 2Ti2.19. Some are vessels of honor, others of dishonor; but Timothy must seek to be the former, 2Ti2.20" 2Ti2.21 }. He is taught what to flee and what to follow after, 2Ti2.22; to shun disputatious questions; and to instruct opposers with meekness, in hopes of their being recovered from the snare of the devil, 2Ti2.23-26. 1. my. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.2. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.2, 1Ti1.18. be. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. Jsh * Jos1.7, Jos1.9. Hg Hag2.4. See on 1 Co 1Co16.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ep +* Eph6.10. Ph ✓ Php4.13. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.18. that is. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. 2. the things. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.13. * 2Ti3.10, 2Ti3.14. among. or, by. many. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14. * 1Ti6.12. the same. See on 2 Ti 2Ti1.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. * 1Ti5.22. commit. Ex +* Ex18.21. Ezr Ezr7.25. Pr * Pr11.30. Mt Mt28.19mg, Mt28.20. faithful. Nu * Nu12.7. 1 S * 1Sa2.35. Ne * Ne7.2. Ps Ps101.6. Pr Pr13.17. Je +* Je23.28n. Mt +✓ Mt24.45. Lk +* Lk12.42. ✓ Lk16.10-12. Ac +* Ac6.3. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. Col * Col1.7. 1 Ti 1Ti1.12. He Heb2.17. Heb3.2, Heb3.3. Re * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 120. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re2.10-13. who. ver. 2Ti2.24, * 2Ti2.25. Ezr * Ezr7.10, Ezr7.25. Ml Mal2.7. Mt +* Mt13.52. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2-9. * 1Ti4.6. Ti * Tt1.5-9. 3. endure. ver. 2Ti2.10. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.8. 2Ti3.11. * 2Ti4.5. 1 Co 1Co13.7. 2 Co 2Co1.6. He Heb6.15. Heb10.32. Heb11.27. * Heb12.2, Heb12.3. Ja * Jas1.12. a good. 1 Co + 1Co9.7. 2 Co 2Co10.3-5. Ep * Eph6.11-18. Ph +* Php1.17. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. 4. that warreth. Dt Dt20.5-7. Lk Lk9.59-62. entangleth. 2 Ti 2Ti4.10. Lk +* Lk8.14. 1 Co 1Co9.25, 1Co9.26. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9-12. 2 P * 2Pe2.20. that he. 1 Co 1Co7.22, 1Co7.23. 2 Co 2Co5.9. 1 Th 1Th2.4. 5. And if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. strive. Lk Lk13.24. 1 Co * 1Co9.24-27. Ph Php1.15. Col Col1.29. He Heb12.4. is he. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.8. He Heb2.7, Heb2.9. Ja Jas1.12. 1 P 1Pe5.4. Re Re2.10. Re3.11. Re4.4, Re4.10. 6. husbandman. Is Is28.24-26. Mt Mt9.37, Mt9.38. Mt20.1. Mt21.33-41. Lk Lk10.2. Jn * Jn4.35-38. 1 Co * 1Co3.6-9. 1Co9.7-11. He Heb6.7. laboreth must be first partaker of the fruits. or, laboring first, must be partaker of the fruits. 1 Co 1Co9.23. He Heb10.36. 7. Consider. Dt Dt4.39. Dt32.29. Ps Ps64.9. Pr Pr24.32. Is Is1.3. Is5.12. Lk Lk9.44. Ph ✓ Php4.8. 1 Ti 1Ti4.15. He Heb3.1. Heb7.4. Heb12.3. Heb13.7. and. Ge Ge41.38, Ge41.39. Ex Ex36.1, Ex36.2. Nu Nu27.16, Nu27.17. 1 Ch 1Ch22.12. 1Ch29.19. 2 Ch 2Ch1.8-12. Ps Ps119.73, Ps119.125, Ps119.144. Ps143.8, Ps143.9. Pr Pr2.3-6. Is Is28.26. Da Da1.17. Lk Lk21.15. Lk24.45. Jn * Jn14.26. Jn16.13. Ac Ac7.10. 1 Co 1Co12.8. Ep Eph1.17, Eph1.18. Col * Col1.9. Ja +* Jas1.5. * Jas3.15, Jas3.17. 1 J 1Jn5.20. understanding. Ps +* Ps119.27. 8. Remember. f121:121C, Is + Is44.21. He Heb12.2, Heb12.3. Jesus. See on Mt Mt1.1. Ac Ac2.30. Ac13.23. Ro * Ro1.3, Ro1.4. Re Re5.5. of the seed of David. 2 S 2Sa7.12. Ac +* Ac13.23. Mt + Mt1.1. Ro * Ro1.3, Ro1.4. raised. See on Lk Lk24.46. Ac Ac2.24. 1 Co 1Co15.1, 1Co15.4, 1Co15.11-20. 1 P 1Pe1.3. 1Pe3.21. according. Ro + Ro2.16. +* Ro16.25. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.1-4. 2 Th 2Th2.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.11. 1Ti2.7. 9. I suffer. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8, 2Ti1.12, 2Ti1.16. Ac * Ac9.16. as. Ep Eph6.20. 1 P 1Pe2.12, 1Pe2.14. 1Pe3.16. 1Pe4.15. even. Ac Ac28.31. Ep Eph6.19, Eph6.20. Ph *1:+ Php1.7, Php1.12-14. 2 Th 2Th3.1. but. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. Ro + Ro9.6. Ep Eph3.1. Ph Php1.7, Php1.13. Col Col4.3, Col4.18. not bound. Je +* Je39.15. 10. I endure. See on ver. 2Ti2.3. 1 Co 1Co13.7. Ep Eph3.13. Col Col1.24. for. Mt Mt24.22, Mt24.24, Mt24.31. Jn Jn11.52. +* Jn17.9. 1 Co 1Co9.22. 2 Co * 2Co1.6. 2Co4.15. + 2Co12.15. Ep Eph3.13. Col * Col1.24. elect’s. Dt Dt7.7, Dt7.8. Is Is48.11. Da Da9.19. Ho Ho14.4. Mt +✓ Mt24.22n. Lk +* Lk18.7. Jn Jn6.37, Jn6.39, Jn6.44. Jn10.29. Jn12.32. Jn17.2. Ac + Ac13.48 (T#254). Ro Ro5.8. Ro9.11-13. 1 Co 1Co1.27, 1Co1.28. 1Co4.7. Ep + Eph1.4 (T#255). 2:8. 1 J 1Jn4.10, 1Jn4.19. obtain. Pr Pr8.35. Jn Jn17.24. 1 Th 1Th5.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13, 1Ti1.14. 1 P 1Pe2.10. salvation. 2 Co 2Co1.6. which is. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. with. Ro * Ro2.7. Ro9.23. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. Col Col1.27. 2 Th * 2Th2.14. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. glory. T#860. Da +* Da12.3. Mt +* Mt13.43. Ro ✓ Ro8.17, Ro8.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. Col Col3.4. 1 P 1Pe4.13.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 121. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

11. faithful. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.15. 1Ti3.1. Ti * Tt3.8. For if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Ro ◐* Ro6.5, Ro6.8. 1 Co 1Co15.31. 2 Co * 2Co4.10. Ga * Ga2.19, Ga2.20. Col * Col3.3, Col3.4. we shall. Mt * Mt10.32. Jn Jn14.19. 2 Co 2Co13.4. 1 Th * 1Th4.17. 1Th5.10. live with. Re * Re20.4. 12. If we. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Mt +* Mt5.10. Mt19.28, Mt19.29. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro * Ro8.17. Ph Php1.28. 2 Th 2Th1.4-8. 1 P * 1Pe4.13-16. Re Re1.6, Re1.9. * Re5.10. ✓ Re20.4, Re20.6. suffer. Gr. hupomeno, ❅S#5278g. ver. 2Ti2.10 (endure). Mt Mt10.22 (endureth). Mt24.13. Mk Mk13.13. Ac Ac17.14 (abode). Ro Ro12.12 (patient). 1 Co 1Co13.7 (endureth). He Heb10.32. Heb12.2, Heb12.3, Heb12.7. Ja Jas1.12. Jas5.11. 1 P 1Pe2.20 (patiently), 1Pe2.20. we shall. T#512. Dt + Dt8.2 (T#4). Ps * Ps64.10. Ps68.13. Mt +* Mt5.1012. Ro * Ro8.17, Ro8.18. 1 P * 1Pe4.12-14. Re + Re14.13 (T#337). 15:3. reign with. Ps +* Ps149.5-9. Da Da7.27. Mt +* Mt25.34. Lk * Lk22.28-30. Ro +* Ro8.17. 1 Co * 1Co6.2, 1Co6.3. He +* Heb10.36. Re Re1.9. * Re3.21. +✓ Re5.10. +* Re20.4. Re22.5. if we deny. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Pr Pr30.9. Mt +* Mt10.33. Mt26.35, Mt26.72, Mt26.75. Mk * Mk8.38. Mk10.33. Lk Lk9.26. Lk12.9. Ac +* Ac14.22. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. 1 Ti 1Ti5.8. He +* Heb10.35. 1 J 1Jn2.22, 1Jn2.23. Ju Jud4. Re Re2.13. Re3.8. deny us. Dt +* Dt31.17. Mt Mt10.33. ✓ Mt25.12. 13. If we. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Lk +* Lk8.13. Ro * Ro3.3. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. yet. Is Is25.1. Mt Mt24.35. Ro Ro3.3. Ro9.6. 1 Co + 1Co1.9. +* 1Co10.13. 2 Co 2Co1.18. Ph Php1.6. 1 Th 1Th5.24. 2 Th 2Th3.3. He Heb10.23. he cannot. Nu * Nu23.19. 1 S 1Sa15.29. Je Je10.10. Ml +* Mal3.6. Ti * Tt1.2. He * Heb6.18. Re Re3.7. 14. put. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. Ti Tt3.1. 2 P 2Pe1.12, 2Pe1.13. 2Pe3.1. charging. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. Ep Eph4.17. 1 Th 1Th4.1, + 1Th4.6. 2 Th 2Th3.6. 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. 1Ti6.13. that. ver. 2Ti2.16, 2Ti2.23. Ac Ac18.15. Ro Ro14.1. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4, 1Ti1.6. * 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.5. Ti Tt3.9-11. to no. 1 S 1Sa12.21. Je Je2.8, Je2.11. Je7.8. Je16.19. Je23.32. Hab Hab2.18. Mt Mt16.26. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.8. Ti Tt3.9. He Heb13.9. the subverting. Pr +* Pr19.27. Je * Je23.36. Ezk Eze14.10n. Mt +* Mt15.14. Mk +* Mk4.24. Lk +* Lk8.18. Ac Ac13.10. Ac15.24. Ga Ga1.7. Ti Tt3.11. 2 P 2Pe2.6g. 15. Study. Pr ✓ Pr23.12. Gr. spoudazo, ❅S#4704g. 2 Ti 2Ti4.9 (diligence), 2Ti4.21. Ga Ga2.10 (forward). Ep Eph4.3 (endeavoring). 1 Th 1Th2.17 (endeavored). Ti Tt3.12 (diligent). He Heb4.11 (labor). 2 P 1:+* 2Pe1.10 (give diligence), 15. ✓3:14. approved. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. Ac Ac2.22. Ac27.24g. Ro * Ro14.18. Ro16.10. 2 Co * 2Co5.9. * 2Co10.18. Ga * Ga1.10. Col +* Col1.10. 1 Th * 1Th2.4. 2 Th 2Th1.11. Ja + Jas1.12g. a workman. Mt +* Mt13.52. 2 Co * 2Co3.6. * 2Co6.3, 2Co6.4. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.6, 1Ti4.12-16. ashamed. Ph Php1.20. 1 J 1Jn2.28. rightly. Is +* Is8.20n. Je +* Je8.8mg. Mt +* Mt13.52. Mk * Mk4.33. +* Mk12.24. Lk Lk4.18-20. +* Lk12.42. Jn * Jn21.15-17. Ac * Ac20.20, Ac20.27. 1 Co 1Co2.6. * 1Co3.1, 1Co3.2. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.2. 1 Th 1Th4.2n. * 1Th5.14. He * Heb5.11-14. 2 P ◐* 2Pe3.16. dividing. “rightly dividing” is the rendering of a single Greek word, orthotomeo, ❅S#3718g, only here. Vine notes the word is from orthos, straight, and temno, to cut, “the meaning passed from the idea of cutting or dividing, to the more general sense of rightly dealing with a thing. What is intended here is not dividing Scripture from Scripture, but teaching Scripture accurately” (Expository Dictionary, vol 1, p. 327). The word occurs in the Septuagint at Pr Pr3.6 and 11:5, where the English has “direct.” The reference is not to dividing up Scripture into dispensations, and applying to Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 122. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

ourselves only what is allegedly valid for this dispensation. Neither is it dividing Scripture on the basis of to whom it was originally addressed or spoken of, the Jew, the Gentile, or the Church of God (citing 1 Co 1Co10.32, pressing this text far beyond the bounds of its legitimate meaning and application in context), for all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable (2 Ti ✓ 2Ti3.16). While all Scripture may indeed not be about us, it is all for our learning (Ro +* Ro15.4), and we have no right by such arbitrary distinctions to eliminate from our careful consideration whole sections of the Word of God. The emphasis is not upon “right division” (which in the practice of some is “wrong subtraction,” 1 Th 1Th4.2n), but on “correct interpretation.” In context Paul is directing Timothy not to strive about words to the subverting of the hearers, but to handle the Word of God accurately so as to teach them the truth. Pr Pr25.12. Mt +* Mt7.6. 2 Co +* 2Co2.17. ✓ 2Co4.2. word of truth. Jn +* Jn17.17. Ep + Eph1.13. 16. shun. ver. 2Ti2.14. Pr +* Pr19.27. 1 Ti 1Ti4.7. 1Ti6.20. Ti Tt1.14. * Tt3.9. profane. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.9. babblings. 1 Ti 1Ti6.20. for. 2 Ti 2Ti3.9, 2Ti3.13. Ezr Ezr10.10. Ho Ho12.1. 1 Co 1Co5.6. 1Co15.33. 2 Th 2Th2.7, 2Th2.8. Ti Tt1.11. He +* Heb12.15. 2 P 2Pe2.2, 2Pe2.18. Re Re13.3, Re13.14. ungodliness. Ti Tt2.12. 17. their word. Na Na3.15. Ja * Jas5.3. canker. or, gangrene. Hymeneus. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.20. Philetus. i.e. beloved, ❅S#5372g. 18. concerning. Mt Mt22.29. 1 Ti 1Ti1.19. 1Ti6.10, 1Ti6.21. He Heb3.10. Ja Jas5.19. have erred. Mk +* Mk12.24. 1 Ti 1Ti1.6. 1Ti6.21. that. 1 Co * 1Co15.12. Col * Col3.1. overthrow. ver. 2Ti2.14. Mt Mt15.13. Lk +* Lk8.13. Lk22.31, Lk22.32. Ac Ac5.39. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. Ti Tt1.11. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.19. 19. the foundation. Pr Pr10.25. Is Is14.32. * Is28.16. Mt Mt7.25. * Mt16.16, Mt16.18. Lk Lk6.48. 1 Co * 1Co3.10, 1Co3.11. Ep Eph2.20. 1 Ti 1Ti6.19. He Heb11.10. 1 P 1Pe2.5. Re Re21.14. standeth. Mt Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Ro +* Ro8.31-35. Ro9.11. He * Heb6.18, Heb6.19. 1 J * 1Jn2.19. sure. or, steady. Ps Ps112.6. Ps125.1, Ps125.2. having. Ezk +* Eze9.4. Hg Hag2.23. Zc Zec3.9. Zec4.7-9. Ro * Ro4.11. 2 Co 2Co1.22. Ep +* Eph4.30. Re Re7.2, Re7.3. The Lord knoweth. f96:96A, Mt + Mt5.29. f121:121C, Ge + Ge39.6. i.e. loves and cares for. Nu * Nu16.5. Ezr = Ezr2.62, Ezr2.63. Ps +* Ps1.6. * Ps37.18, Ps37.28. Na ✓ Na1.7. Mt ✓ Mt7.23. Lk Lk13.27. Jn ✓ Jn10.14, Jn10.27-30. Jn13.18. Ro +* Ro8.28. +* Ro11.2. 1 Co + 1Co8.3. Ga Ga4.9. Re Re17.8. them that are his. ver. 2Ti2.10. Mt Mt24.24. Let. Nu Nu6.27. Is Is26.13. Is63.19. Is65.15. Am Am6.10. Mt +* Mt28.19. Ac Ac9.14. Ac11.26. Ac15.17. Ro Ro15.9, Ro15.20. 1 Co 1Co1.2. Ep Eph3.15. Re Re2.13. Re3.8. Re22.4. depart. Nu Nu16.26. Jb Job28.28. Ps * Ps34.14. * Ps37.27. * Ps97.10. Pr * Pr3.7. Is Is52.11. Ro * Ro12.9. 2 Co ✓ 2Co7.1. Ga * Ga5.24. Ep Eph4.17-22. Eph5.1-11. Col +* Col3.5-8. Ti * Tt2.11-14. 1 P * 1Pe1.1319. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.4-10. ✓ 2Pe3.14. 1 J * 1Jn3.7-10. 20. in a. Mt Mt13.47. 1 Co 1Co3.9, 1Co3.16, 1Co3.17. Ep Eph2.22. 1 Ti + 1Ti3.15. He Heb3.2-6. 1 P 1Pe2.5. vessels. Ex Ex27.3. 1 Ch = 1Ch9.28, 1Ch9.29. Ezr Ezr1.6. Ezr6.5. La * La4.2. Da Da5.2. 2 Co 2Co4.7. gold. Ml = Mal3.3. 1 P 1Pe1.7. of wood. 1 Co ◐ 1Co3.12. earth. 2 Co 2Co4.7. and some to honor. Ro Ro9.21-23. dishonor. f63:63D, Ro + Ro7.3. Supply ellipsis (absolute: of anantapodoton or apodosis), “(so in the great house of the church there Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 123. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

are not only the elect saints, which are the vessels of honor, but there are the impious and reprobate, who are the vessels of dishonor)” (B55). 21. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. purge. Ps * Ps119.9. Pr Pr25.4. Is * Is1.25. * Is52.11. Je * Je15.19. Ml * Mal3.3. 1 Co * 1Co5.7. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. a vessel. ver. * 2Ti2.20. 1 Ch = 1Ch9.28, 1Ch9.29. Ac Ac9.15. 1 P * 1Pe1.7. meet. 2 Ti 2Ti4.11. Ac * Ac9.15. Phm Phm11. prepared. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.17. Jsh Jos8.4. 1 Ti 1Ti5.10. Ti Tt3.1. good work. Ac +* Ac9.36. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. Ti ✓ Tt3.1, Tt3.8, Tt3.14. 22. Flee. Pr Pr6.5. 1 Co 1Co6.18. 1Co10.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.11. youthful. Ps * Ps119.9. Ec Ec11.9, Ec11.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. 1 P * 1Pe2.11. follow. See on 1 Ti * 1Ti4.12. +* 1Ti6.11. He +* Heb12.14. 3 J 3Jn11. faith. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. 1 Co * 1Co13.13. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.14. charity. See on 1 Co * 1Co14.1. peace. Ro * Ro14.17, + Ro14.19. Ro15.5, Ro15.6. 1 Co 1Co1.10. * 1Co7.15. He +* Heb12.14. Ja * Jas3.17. 1 P * 1Pe3.11. call. 1 Ch 1Ch29.17, 1Ch29.18. Ps Ps17.1. 66:* Ps66.18, Ps66.19. Pr * Pr15.8, Pr15.9. See on Ac + Ac9.14. 1 Co * 1Co1.2. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.8. pure heart. T#1355. Mt * Mt15.8. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.5. +* 1Ti4.12. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 23. foolish. See on ver. 2Ti2.14, 2Ti2.16. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. 1Ti4.7. 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.5. Ti Tt3.9. questions. ver. 2Ti2.14. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.4. avoid. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.7. 24. the servant. Dt Dt34.5. Jsh Jos1.1. 2 Ch 2Ch24.6. Da Da6.20. 1 Ti 1Ti6.11. Ti Tt1.1. Tt3.2. Ja + Jas1.1. must. Is Is42.1-3. Mt * Mt12.18, Mt12.19. Ac Ac15.2. 2 Co * 2Co10.4. Ph Php2.3, Php2.14. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. Ti Tt1.7. Ja Jas1.19, Jas1.20. Ju +* Jud3. strive. Jn Jn6.52. Ac Ac7.26. Ac23.9. Ja Jas4.2g. but. Is Is40.11. Mt * Mt11.29. Ac * Ac20.31. 2 Co * 2Co10.1. Ga Ga5.22. 1 Th 1Th2.7. Ti Tt3.2. Ja * Jas3.17. 1 P 1Pe3.8. apt. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.3. Ti Tt1.9. patient. or, forbearing. 1 Co * 1Co13.5. Ep Eph4.2. Col Col3.13. 25. In meekness. Mt * Mt11.29. Ga * Ga6.1. 1 Ti 1Ti6.11. Ti Tt3.2. 1 P ✓ 1Pe3.15. instructing. Je * Je13.15-17. Je26.12-15. Jn Jn5.34. Ac ch. 22, etc. if. T#434. Dt + Dt30.6 (T#594). Ps + Ps17.5 (T#596). 51:12, 13. Je Je31.18, Je31.19, Je31.33. Ezk * Eze11.19. Eze36.26, Eze36.31. Zc * Zec4.6. * Zec12.10. Ac + Ac5.31 (T#595). *11:18. Ja * Jas1.17. 1 J * 1Jn5.16. peradventure. Da Da4.27. Ac * Ac8.22. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.4. will give. T#242. Dt +* Dt29.4. 1 S 1Sa26.19. 2 Ch + 2Ch18.31 (T#264). Ps Ps33.14, * Ps33.15. Is Is45.9. Mt +* Mt11.27. +* Mt13.10, Mt13.11. Mt20.15, Mt20.16. Jn +* Jn6.44, Jn6.65. Ac +* Ac11.18. +✓ Ac13.48. +* Ac18.27. Ro *9:+ Ro9.18 (T#234), 20-23. Ph +* Php1.29. He + Heb4.2 (T#435). ◐12:17. repentance. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.7. Mt Mt21.32. Mk * Mk1.3, Mk1.4, Mk1.15. Ac +* Ac2.38. * Ac8.22. * Ac20.21. Ro ✓ Ro2.4. 2 Co ✓ 2Co7.8-10. Ti Tt1.1. acknowledging. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.4. 26. recover. Gr. awake. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. Supply ellipsis, (and be delivered). Lk * Lk15.17. Ro * Ro16.20. 1 Co * 1Co15.34. Ep Eph5.14. out. Ps * Ps124.7. Is Is8.15. * Is28.13. Ac +* Ac26.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co2.11. Col * Col1.13. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.9-12. 1 Ti 1Ti3.7. +* 1Ti6.9, 1Ti6.10. Re * Re12.9. * Re20.2, Re20.3. who are. Is * Is42.6, Is42.7. * Is49.25, Is49.26. * Is53.12. Mt * Mt12.28, Mt12.29. Lk Lk11.21. 2 P * 2Pe2.18-20. taken captive. Gr. taken alive. Lk ◐ Lk5.10g. Jn Jn8.34, Jn8.44. Ro Ro6.20. Ep Eph2.1, Eph2.2. Ti Tt3.3. 1 J 1Jn3.10. 1Jn5.19. by him. i.e. the devil. Gr. autou, having reference grammatically to the nearest preceding noun, “devil.” There is no need to attempt to connect this pronoun to a remote antecedent (see discussion in William Hendrickson, Comm. on 2 Timothy, p. 276, note 149). at. Jb * Job1.12. * Job2.6. Lk * Lk22.31, Lk22.32. Jn * Jn13.2, Jn13.27. Ac * Ac5.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.20. his will. i.e. the devil’s will. Gr. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 124. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

ekeinou, having reference grammatically to the nearest preceding pronoun, “him” (autou). It is unnecessary to attempt to make these pronouns refer to God or to the Lord’s servant, mentioned earlier in the context, for the sense is perfectly clear taking the most natural construction. Jn ◐ Jn19.11. 1 Th + 1Th4.3?.

2 TIMOTHY 3 The apostle foretells grievous times “in the last days,” through the atrocious wickedness of those, who would retain “the form, without the power of godliness,” 2Ti3.1-5; and the devices and opposition of false teachers, 2Ti3.6-9. He proposes his own example to Timothy, 2Ti3.1013; exhorting him to continue in the faith, 2Ti3.14; and showing the excellency, authority, and sufficiency of the sacred scriptures which Timothy had known from his youth, 2Ti3.15-17. 1. in. 2 Ti 2Ti4.3. Ge Ge49.1. Is * Is2.2. Je Je48.47. Je49.39. Ezk Eze38.16. Da Da10.14. Ho Ho3.5. Mi Mic4.1. Mt * Mt24.10-12, Mt24.14. Ac Ac2.17. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1n. 2 P * 2Pe3.3. 1 J +* 1Jn2.18. Ju * Jud17, Jud18. perilous. Da Da7.8, Da7.20-25. Da8.8-14. Da11.36-45. Da12.1, Da12.7, Da12.11. 2 Th 2Th2.3-12. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1-3. Re ch. 8-17. times. f121:121P, 1 Ch + 1Ch12.32. 2. lovers. f168, Is + Is1.11. ver. 2Ti3.4. Ro +* Ro12.3. Ro15.1-3. 2 Co 2Co5.15. Ph +* Php2.3, Php2.21. Ja Jas2.8. own selves. f97, Ro + Ro12.15. Ph +* Php2.3. covetous. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ex +* Ex18.21. Ps +* Ps10.3. Lk +* Lk12.15. Lk16.14. Ro +* Ro1.29. Col +* Col3.5. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.10. 2 P 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.14, 2Pe2.15. Ju Jud11, Jud16. Re Re18.12, Re18.13. boasters. Ps * Ps10.3. Ps49.6. Ps52.1. Is Is10.15. Ac Ac5.36. Ro Ro1.29-31. Ro11.18. 2 Th * 2Th2.4. Ja Jas4.16. 2 P 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud16. proud. Ps +* Ps119.21. Pr * Pr6.17. Lk Lk1.51g. 1 Ti 1Ti6.4. Ja * Jas4.6. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. blasphemers. Da Da7.25. Da11.36. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13g, 1Ti1.20. 2 P 2Pe2.12. Ju Jud10. Re Re13.1, Re13.5, Re13.6. Re16.9, Re16.11, Re16.21. disobedient to parents. Dt +* Dt21.20. Dt27.16. Pr Pr15.20. Pr30.11. Mi Mic7.6. Ml ◐+* Mal4.6. Mt Mt15.6. Mk Mk7.11, Mk7.12. Ro Ro1.30. Ep ◐+* Eph6.1. 1 Ti 1Ti3.4. Ti Tt1.6. unthankful. Lk Lk17.17, Lk17.18. Ro * Ro1.21. 1 Th ◐+* 1Th5.18. unholy. 1 Ti 1Ti1.9. 3. natural. Mt Mt10.21. Ro Ro1.31. trucebreakers. 2 S 2Sa21.1-3. Ps +* Ps15.4. Ezk Eze17.15-19. Ro Ro1.31g. false accusers. or, make-bates. Mt Mt4.1. Jn Jn6.70. See on 1 Ti 1Ti3.11. Ti Tt2.3. All in Gr. incontinent. 1 Co 1Co7.5, 1Co7.9. 2 P 2Pe2.14, 2Pe2.19. 2Pe3.3. Ju Jud16, Jud18. fierce. Ge Ge49.7. Da Da8.23. Re Re13.15, Re13.17. Re16.6. Re17.6. despisers. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ps Ps22.6. Is * Is53.3. Is60.14. Lk Lk10.16. Lk16.14. 1 Th 1Th4.8. Ti Tt1.8. Ja Jas2.6. 4. Traitors. 2 P 2Pe2.10, etc. Ju Jud8, Jud9. heady. or, headstrong. Ac Ac19.36g. highminded. Ro Ro11.20. +* Ro12.3. 1 Ti 1Ti3.6. 1Ti6.4, 1Ti6.17. lovers. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. lovers of God. Ro Ro16.18. Ph +* Php3.18, Php3.19. 1 Ti 1Ti5.6. 2 P 2Pe2.13, 2Pe2.15. Ju Jud4, Jud19. 5. a form. T#191. 1 S + 1Sa16.7 (T#333). Jb + Job21.15 (T#689). Ps + Ps5.9 (T#702). 106:12, +13 (T#411). Pr + Pr16.25 (T#704). Is * Is26.13. Is29.13. * Is48.1, Is48.2. * Is58.1-3. Je Je3.10. Ezk +* Eze33.30-32. Mt * Mt7.15. Mt13.20, Mt13.21. Mt15.7, Mt15.8. * Mt23.27, Mt23.28. Lk + Lk18.12. Jn Jn6.26. Ac * Ac8.13, Ac8.21. Ro 2:+ Ro2.20, Ro2.24. Ro10.2. 1 Co 1Co13.1-3. 2 Co + 2Co7.10 (T#609). Ga Ga1.13, Ga1.14. + Ga4.17 (T#623). 5:6. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.8. Ti * Tt1.16. Ja Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 125. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jas2.19. of godliness. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16. denying the power. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.8. Ti Tt1.16. from such. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.16, 2Ti2.23. Ps +✓ Ps119.63. Mt +✓ Mt15.14. Ro * Ro16.17, Ro16.18. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Th +* 2Th3.6, 2Th3.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.5, 1Ti6.20. Ti Tt1.14. * Tt3.10. 2 J +* 2Jn10-12. 6. of this. Mt Mt23.14. Ti Tt1.11. Ju Jud4. houses. f121:121J, Ge + Ge7.1. laden. Ps Ps38.4. Is Is1.4. Mt ✓ Mt11.28. led. 1 Co 1Co12.2. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. divers lusts. 2 Ti 2Ti4.3. Mk +* Mk4.19. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9. Ti Tt3.3. 2 P 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud16, Jud18. 7. learning. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.3, 2Ti4.4. Dt * Dt29.4. Pr * Pr14.6. Is * Is30.10, Is30.11. Ezk Eze14.4-10. Mt +* Mt13.11. Jn * Jn3.20, Jn3.21. * Jn5.44. * Jn12.42, Jn12.43. 1 Co * 1Co3.1-4. Ep +* Eph4.14. He * Heb5.11, Heb5.12. never. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.4. the knowledge. See on 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. 8. as. f106, Ge + Ge31.7. Ex * Ex7.11, Ex7.22. Ex8.7, Ex8.18. Jannes. i.e. he deceived, ❅S#2389g. Jambres. i.e. the sea with poverty; foamy healer, ❅S#2387g. resist. 2 Ti 2Ti4.15. 1 K 1Ki22.22-24. Je Je28.1, etc. Ac Ac13.8-11. Ac15.24. Ga Ga1.7-9. Ga2.4, Ga2.5. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.9-11. Ti Tt1.10. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. 1 J * 1Jn2.18. * 1Jn4.1. Re Re2.6, Re2.14, Re2.15, Re2.20. men. Ac Ac8.21, Ac8.22. Ro * Ro1.28. Ro16.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. 1 Ti 1Ti1.19. 1Ti4.2. +* 1Ti6.5. Ti Tt1.16. 2 P 2Pe2.14. Ju Jud18, Jud19. reprobate. or, of no judgment. Je Je6.30. 1 Co + 1Co9.27g. See on 2 Co 2Co13.5, 2Co13.6. the faith. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. 9. proceed. ver. 2Ti3.13g. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16. their folly. ver. 2Ti3.8. Ex * Ex7.12. * Ex8.18, Ex8.19. * Ex9.11. 1 K 1Ki22.25. Ps Ps76.10. Je Je28.15-17. Je29.21-23, Je29.31, Je29.32. Je37.19. Lk Lk6.11. Ac Ac13.11. Ac19.15-17. 10. thou hast fully known. or, thou hast been a diligent follower of. Lk Lk1.3. Ph Php2.22. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.6g. my doctrine. ver. +* 2Ti3.16, 2Ti3.17. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.3. Ac * Ac2.42. Ro * Ro16.17. Ep +* Eph4.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. +* 1Ti4.6, 1Ti4.12, 1Ti4.13. Ti * Tt2.7. He * Heb13.9. 2 J +* 2Jn9, 2Jn10. manner. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ac * Ac20.18. * Ac26.4. 1 Co * 1Co2.2. ✓ 1Co4.17. 1 Th * 1Th1.5. 2 P * 2Pe3.11. purpose. Da +* Da1.8. Ac +* Ac11.23. 2 Co * 2Co1.17. Ph * Php1.21. faith. ver. 2Ti3.15. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. 2 Co * 2Co6.4-10. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. +* 1Ti4.12. 1Ti6.11. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-7. longsuffering. Ep + Eph4.2g. Col * Col1.11. charity. 2 Co * 2Co12.15. Ti Tt2.2. 2 P 2Pe1.7. patience. 2 P + 2Pe1.6. 11. Persecutions. Ac * Ac9.16. Ac20.19, Ac20.23, Ac20.24. Ro +* Ro8.35-37. 1 Co 1Co4.911. 2 Co * 2Co1.8-10. 2Co4.8-11. * 2Co11.23-28. 2 Co + 2Co12.10. He Heb10.33, Heb10.34. afflictions. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. at Antioch. Ac Ac13.14, Ac13.45, Ac13.50, Ac13.51. Iconium. Ac 14:1, 2, 5, 6, 19-21. Lystra. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ac Ac14.6, Ac14.19. but. 2 Ti 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.17, 2Ti4.18. Ge Ge48.16. 2 S 2Sa22.1, 2Sa22.49. Jb Job5.19, Job5.20. Ps * Ps34.19. Ps37.40. Ps91.2-6, Ps91.14. Is Is41.10, Is41.14. Is43.2. Je Je1.19. Da Da6.27. Ac Ac9.23-25. Ac21.32, Ac21.33. Ac23.10, Ac23.12-24. Ac25.3, Ac25.4. Ac26.17, Ac26.22. 2 Co 2Co1.10. 2 P 2Pe2.9. delivered. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. Ps +* Ps34.4. Ro +* Ro15.31. 12. live. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. +* 1Ti3.16. 1Ti6.3. Ti Tt1.1. ✓ Tt2.12. 2 P 2Pe3.11. suffer persecution. T#467. 2 Ti 2Ti2.3, 2Ti2.9. Jsh Jos17.14. Ps + Ps2.2 (T#68). *37:12-15. +42:10 (T#511). Je Je2.30. Je15.10. Ezk Eze33.30. Da +* Da11.33. Mt +* Mt5.10-12. Mt10.1618, Mt10.22-25. Mt16.24. Mt23.34. Mk + Mk10.30. Lk * Lk14.26, Lk14.27. Jn * Jn15.19-21. Jn16.2, Jn16.33. * Jn17.14. Ac Ac5.40, Ac5.41. Ac7.52. Ac9.15, Ac9.16. +* Ac14.22. Ac20.23. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 126. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1 Co 1Co4.9, 1Co4.11-13. 1Co15.19. 2 Co 2Co1.5-7. 2Co4.8-11. 2Co6.4, 2Co6.5, 2Co6.8-10. * 2Co11.23-27, 2Co11.32, 2Co11.33. Ga Ga1.10. Ga5.11. 1 Th * 1Th3.3, 1Th3.4. He Heb11.32-38. 1 P * 1Pe2.20, 1Pe2.21. 1Pe3.14. 1Pe4.12-16. 1Pe5.9, 1Pe5.10. Re Re1.9, Re1.10. Re7.14. Re12.4, Re12.7-10. 13. evil. See on ver. 2Ti3.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16, 2Ti2.17. 2 Th 2Th2.6-10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1. 2 P 2Pe2.20. 2Pe3.3. Re Re12.9. Re13.14. Re18.23. Re22.11. wax worse. ver. 2Ti3.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16. 1 K 1Ki12.28n. Je +* Je16.12. being deceived. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. Jb Job12.16. Is Is44.20. Ezk Eze14.9, +* Eze14.10n. Mt +* Mt15.14. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.11, 2Th2.12. Ti Tt3.3. 14. continue. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.13. +* 2Ti2.2. See on 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. learned. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. assured. Ac * Ac17.31. Ro Ro14.5mg. Col Col2.2. 1 Th * 1Th1.5. He +* Heb6.11. +* Heb10.22. knowing. Gr. oida, Jn Jn8.55n. ver. 2Ti3.15. Lk * Lk10.16. 1 Th +* 1Th2.13. thou. f159, Ezk + Eze36.23. hast learned. Pr +* Pr24.21. Ep +* Eph4.14. Ju +* Jud3. 15. from. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.5. Ge Ge41.38, Ge41.46. Dt * Dt6.6, Dt6.7. * Dt11.19. Dt31.13. Dt32.46, Dt32.47. 1 S 1Sa2.18, 1Sa2.26. 1Sa3.1. 1Sa17.33, 1Sa17.37. 2 Ch 2Ch24.1, 2Ch24.2. +* 2Ch26.4. * 2Ch34.1-3. Ps * Ps71.5, Ps71.17. Pr * Pr8.17. ✓ Pr22.6. Ec * Ec12.1. Is +* Is28.9. Lk Lk1.15. * Lk2.40, Lk2.49. Jn Jn21.15. Ep +* Eph6.4. child. T#1071, 1110. Lk +* Lk18.15 (❅S#1025g, infants). known. Gr. oida, Jn Jn8.55n. T#1065. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.15. the holy. Da * Da10.21. Mt + Mt21.42. * Mt22.29. Lk +* Lk24.27, Lk24.32, Lk24.45. Jn +* Jn5.24, Jn5.39. Jn15.3. Ac +* Ac17.2. Ro Ro1.2. * Ro10.17. +* Ro15.4. * Ro16.26. 1 Co +* 1Co15.3, 1Co15.4. Col Col1.5, Col1.6. * Col3.16. 1 Th 1Th1.5. ✓ 1Th2.13. Ja * Jas1.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.20, 2Pe1.21. 2Pe3.16. which. Ps * Ps19.7. Ps119.99. Jn +✓ Jn5.39, Jn5.40. Ac +* Ac10.43. * Ac13.29, Ac13.38, Ac13.39. 1 P 1Pe1.10-12. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. Re Re19.10. wise. T#1023. Da +* Da11.33. +* Da12.3. Jn +✓ Jn5.39. Ja Jas1.21. unto salvation. Ro +* Ro1.16. 1 P * 1Pe1.8-11. through faith. Ro Ro3.22. Ro4.5. ✓ Ro10.17. He ✓ Heb11.6. which is in. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. 16. All. 2 S * 2Sa23.2. Mt Mt21.42. Mt22.31, Mt22.32, Mt22.43. Mt26.54, Mt26.56. Mk * Mk12.24, Mk12.36. Jn * Jn10.35. Ac Ac1.16. Ac28.25. Ro Ro3.2. +✓ Ro15.4. Ga Ga3.8. He Heb3.7. ✓ Heb4.12. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.19-21. is. f63:63B, Ge + Ge2.10. This grammatical construction involves two predicate adjectives connected by and. The Revised Version (1881) changes one of these predicate adjectives to an attributive position, which is incorrect. The revisers do not misconstrue this construction in the other passages where it occurs. For the same grammatical construction see Ro Ro7.12. 1 Co 1Co11.30. 2 Co 2Co10.10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. 1Ti2.3. 1Ti4.4, 1Ti4.9. He Heb4.12, Heb4.13. In the Authorized Version text this “is” is given in italics, showing there is no word for it in the Greek, and it has therefore to be supplied. The Revised Version (1881) omits this “is,” and reads “Every Scripture inspired of God is also profitable,” thus suggesting that some Scriptures are not inspired. The American Standard Version (1901) follows the Revised Version (1881); the New American Standard Version (1960) gives this rendering as a possibility in its margin. There are nine other passages which present exactly the same construction in Greek, and not one of these has been altered by the revisers (of 1881). Had they done so in the same manner as they have done in this case, the result would have been as follows: Ro Ro7.12, The holy commandment is also just. 1 Co 1Co11.30, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 127. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Many weak are also sickly. 2 Co 2Co10.10, His weighty letters are also powerful. Similarly with the other passages, which are 1 Ti 1Ti1.15 (the faithful saying is also worthy of all acceptation). 2:3 (this good thing is also acceptable). 4:4 (every good creature of God is also nothing to be refused), 9. He Heb4.12 (the living word of God is also active), 13 (all naked things are also opened). “It is true that the A.V. rendering is given in the margin of the R.V., but it is difficult to see why that should be disturbed” (Companion Bible). This is another instance where the Scripture’s own teaching about itself has been adversely affected in some modern translations (see Jn Jn5.39n and 8:31). inspiration. T#40. Ex Ex20.1. 2 S 2Sa23.1, 2Sa23.2. 2 K 2Ki17.13. 2 Ch 2Ch34.21. 2Ch36.21. Ne Ne9.30. Is +* Is8.20. Je Je1.9. * Je36.1, Je36.2. Ezk * Eze1.3. Zc Zec7.12. Ml Mal4.4. Lk Lk1.70. Lk24.44. Jn Jn1.23. +* Jn5.39. * Jn10.34, Jn10.35. Jn14.26. Jn16.13. Jn19.36, Jn19.37. Jn20.9. Ac Ac1.16. Ac3.18. Ac7.38. Ac13.34. Ac28.25. Ro Ro1.2. Ro3.2. Ro4.23. Ro9.17. +* Ro15.4. 1 Co 1Co2.12, 1Co2.13. 1Co6.16. 1Co9.10. 1Co14.37. Ga Ga1.11, Ga1.12. Ga3.8, Ga3.16, Ga3.22. Ga4.30. 1 Th 1Th1.5. ✓ 1Th2.13. He Heb1.1, Heb1.2. Heb3.7. Heb9.8. Heb10.15. 2 P * 2Pe1.18-21. 2Pe3.16. 1 J 1Jn4.6. Re Re14.13. Re22.19. and is profitable. f52:52A. Correspondence (Extended Alternation) B372. Extended alternation when there are still only two series, but each series consists of more than two members. Here, four members may be discerned: The Word of God is profitable (statement) for (A) doctrine, (B) reproof, (C) correction, (D) instruction; therefore (consequence), (A) preach the word, (B) reprove, (C) rebuke, (D) exhort. This figure occurs frequently throughout Scripture, but since the format of the Treasury does not lend itself to the display of this structure, only this example is given. See the margins of the Companion Bible for additional examples. Passages cited as illustrating this figure in B368-372 are Ps ch. 66, 72, 132. Ro Ro2.17-20. 1 Th 1Th1.2-10 w 2:13-16. 4:13—5:11. T#1024, 1111. Ps * Ps19.711. * Ps119.97-104, Ps119.130. Je * Je23.22, Je23.32. Mi +* Mic2.7. Ac Ac20.20, * Ac20.27. Ro +* Ro15.4. 1 Co 1Co12.7. Ep Eph4.11-16. for doctrine. or, teaching. See on ver. * 2Ti3.10. Dt Dt6.4-9. Ps ✓ Ps119.97-100. Is +* Is8.20n. Is28.9. +✓ Is29.24. 1 Ti ✓4:+ 1Ti4.6g, 1Ti4.13, 1Ti4.16. * 1Ti5.17. Ti * Tt2.12. for reproof. The original word bears the meaning “correction,” “censure,” “conviction.” 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. Ps Ps38.14. Ps39.11. +* Ps141.5. Pr * Pr6.23. Pr15.10, Pr15.31. Jn * Jn3.20. Jn16.8-11. Ac Ac2.37, Ac2.38. Ac16.30, Ac16.31. Ep * Eph5.11-13. 1 Ti 1Ti5.20. Ti Tt1.9, Tt1.13. Tt2.15. He Heb11.1g. for correction. The word literally means “restoration to an upright or a right state; hence correction and improvement” (Frank E. Gaebelein, The Christian Use of the Bible, p. 33). Ps ✓ Ps119.9. Je * Je23.29. Da * Da12.3. Jn Jn21.15-17. Ga * Ga6.1, Ga6.2. for instruction. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Gaebelein cites Thayer (Lexicon, p. 473), “whatever in adults also cultivates the soul, especially by correcting mistakes and curbing passions; hence instruction which aims at increase of virtue,” thus “education in righteousness” (The Christian Use of the Bible, p. 34). 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. Dt Dt4.36. Ne Ne9.20. Ps ✓ Ps119.7-11. Pr * Pr4.10-13. Mt +* Mt13.52. Ac Ac18.25. Ro Ro2.20. +✓ Ro15.4. 2 Co 2Co10.3-6. Ti * Tt2.11-14. in righteousness. Ex +* Ex18.21. Le +✓ Le19.2-4, Le19.9-18, Le19.20, Le19.26-37. Dt +* Dt16.20. Ps +* Ps15.2-5. Is +* Is66.4. Je +* Je10.2. Je22.13, Je22.16. +* Je48.10. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Am +* Am8.5. Mi +* Mic6.8. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mt +* Mt23.23. Lk +* Lk16.10. Ac +* Ac6.3. 1 Co +✓ 1Co6.9-11. 17. the man. Dt Dt33.1. Ne Ne12.24. See on Ps ✓ Ps119.98-100. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.11. 2 P 2Pe1.21. throughly furnished. or, perfected. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Holy Scripture is the only source of doctrinal and spiritual authority for the Christian. This passage teaches the sufficiency of Scripture: Scripture furnishes all that the Christian must know to be saved and to Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 128. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

grow in grace, and tells us all we need to know to live a life which is well pleasing to God. No source of doctrine or revelation outside of Scripture is valid, for such a source would be adding to the written word of God, which is absolutely forbidden by Scripture (Re +* Re22.18). T#1112. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.21. Ne Ne2.18. Ps ✓ Ps119.104, Ps119.113, Ps119.128. Is +* Is8.20. Je * Je23.28. Lk + Lk6.40. Ep +* Eph4.11-14. good works. Mt Mt26.10. Ac Ac9.36. 2 Co * 2Co9.8. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. 1 Ti 1Ti5.10. Ti Tt1.16. ✓ Tt2.14. Tt3.1, Tt3.8. He * Heb10.24. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3n.

2 TIMOTHY 4 The apostle solemnly charges Timothy to be diligent and faithful in his ministry, 2Ti4.1" 2Ti4.2 }; as before long, men would “not endure sound doctrine,” 2Ti4.3" 2Ti4.4 }; and as he, Paul, had nearly finished his work, was about to suffer martyrdom, and receive the crown of righteousness, 2Ti4.5-8. He presses Timothy to come to him, and to bring Mark with him, as he was almost left alone; and gives him information, direction, and caution, requesting his cloak, books, and especially the parchments, 2Ti4.9-13. Paul warns against Alexander the coppersmith; Paul’s imprecatory prayer beseeching God to reward Alexander according to his works, 2Ti4.14" 2Ti4.15 }. He shows Timothy, how his brethren had forsaken him, and how the Lord had supported him, when called to answer before his persecutors; expressing his confidence in God for the future, 2Ti4.16-18; and he concludes with salutations and benedictions, 2Ti4.19-22. 1. charge. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. Dt Dt4.26. Dt30.19. Dt31.28. See on 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. 1Ti6.13. Ju Jud17. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “charge thee therefore before God, even the Lord Jesus Christ.” Two words used, one person meant. Compare Ep Eph5.5. the Lord. Ne +* Ne9.6. Ac +* Ac10.36. shall judge. T#388. 1 Ch * 1Ch16.14-19, 1Ch16.31-33. Ps Ps9.3, Ps9.4, Ps9.7, Ps9.8. * Ps50.5, Ps50.6. Ps82.8. Ps94.2. Ps96.10, Ps96.13. Ps98.9. Ec * Ec12.14. Is Is9.6, Is9.7. Is16.5. Is30.18, Is30.19. Je * Je23.5-8. Je33.15. Mi Mic5.1. Mt +✓ Mt10.15n. +* Mt16.27n. * Mt25.31, etc. Lk +* Lk14.14. Jn * Jn5.22-27. Ac Ac10.40, + Ac10.42. * Ac17.31. Ro Ro2.16. Ro14.9-11. 1 Co * 1Co4.4, 1Co4.5. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.9, 2Co5.10. 2 Th +* 2Th1.7-10. 1 P 1Pe4.5. Re * Re11.17, Re11.18. x* Re20.11-15. the quick and the dead. These are the subjects of the judgment: clearly a reference to the righteous living and the dead in Christ (1 Th 1Th4.16n), for Scripture nowhere asserts the simultaneous resurrection of the wicked with the righteous (Lk +* Lk14.14). Ps Ps9.13. Ro Ro14.9. Re ✓ Re11.18. at his. This clearly specifies the time of this judgment: at Christ’s appearing and kingdom. ver. +* 2Ti4.8. Col Col3.4. 1 Th +* 1Th4.15, 1Th4.16. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He ✓ Heb9.27, Heb9.28. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 1Pe5.4. 1 J 1Jn2.28. Re +* Re1.7. appearing and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, his kingdom appearing, as distinct from his coming at the Rapture. Compare 1 Th 1Th2.12. That Paul here links the appearing and the kingdom shows that Christ’s reign will be visible, not invisible (Mt +* Mt16.27n. +✓ Mt24.3n. Da * Da7.13n). This further determines that this kingdom is future, and in no sense presently existing (Col Col1.13n. +* Col3.24). 2 Th + 2Th2.8g. 2Th3.5. his kingdom. Mt Mt13.41. +* Mt24.14. +* Mt25.34. Lk +* Lk1.32, Lk1.33. Lk12.32. Lk19.12, Lk19.15. Lk21.31. Lk22.30. Lk23.42. 1 Th +* 1Th2.12. 2 Th +* 2Th1.5, 2Th1.10. 2 P * 2Pe1.11, 2Pe1.17. 2. Preach. Ps Ps40.9. Is * Is58.11. Is61.1-3. Jon * Jon3.2. Lk +* Lk4.18, Lk4.19. * Lk9.60. Ro * Ro10.15. 1 Co 1Co1.21-23. 2 Co 2Co5.19, 2Co5.20. See on Col * Col1.25, Col1.28. the word. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 129. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ac Ac5.20. + Ac8.4. * Ac13.26. Ro Ro10.8. Ph Php2.16. Ja * Jas1.21. 1 P * 1Pe4.11. be. Lk Lk7.4. Lk23.23. Ac Ac13.5. Ro * Ro12.12. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.15, 1Ti4.16. in season. Ezk Eze2.7. Mk Mk14.11g. Jn * Jn4.6-10, Jn4.32-34. Ac * Ac16.13, Ac16.31-33. * Ac20.7, Ac20.18-21. * Ac28.16, Ac28.30, Ac28.31. reprove. Pr Pr15.23. Col * Col1.28, Col1.29. 1 Th 1Th2.11, 1Th2.12. * 1Th5.14. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.20. Ti Tt1.13. Tt2.15. He Heb13.22. Re * Re3.19. rebuke. Lk Lk17.3. exhort. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.13. all. See on 2 Ti * 2Ti2.21-25. 2Ti3.10. longsuffering. Ep + Eph4.2. 3. the time. See on 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-6. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1-3. not endure. 1 K 1Ki22.8, 1Ki22.18. 2 Ch 2Ch16.9, 2Ch16.10. 2Ch24.20-22. 2Ch25.15, 2Ch25.16. Is Is28.12. Is33.9-11. Je Je6.16, Je6.17. Je18.18. Am Am7.10-13. Mt + Mt17.17g. Lk Lk20.19. Jn Jn8.45. Ga Ga4.16. sound. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.10. doctrine. or, teaching. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6. but. 2 Ti 2Ti3.6. 1 K 1Ki18.22. 2 Ch 2Ch18.4, 2Ch18.5. Je Je5.31. Je23.16, Je23.17. Je27.9. Je29.8. Mi Mic2.11. Lk Lk6.26. Jn ✓ Jn3.19-21. 2 P 2Pe2.1-3. lusts. f108:108K, Ex + Ex15.9. heap to themselves. 1 K +* 1Ki14.23. having. Ex 33:32. Ac Ac17.21g. 1 Co 1Co2.1, 1Co2.4. itching ears. T#466. Nu Nu24.10, Nu24.11. 4. turn. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. Pr Pr1.32. Zc Zec7.11. Ac Ac7.57. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.20. Ti Tt1.14. He Heb13.25. unto. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.4, 1Ti1.6. 1Ti4.7. Ti * Tt1.14-16. 2 P 2Pe1.16. 5. watch. Is Is56.9, Is56.10. Is62.6. Je Je6.17. Ezk Eze3.17. Eze33.2, Eze33.7. Mk Mk13.34, Mk13.37. Lk Lk12.37. Ac Ac20.30, Ac20.31. 1 Th 1Th5.6. He ✓ Heb13.17. 1 P + 1Pe1.13. Re Re3.2. endure. See on 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. 2Ti2.3, 2Ti2.10. 2Ti3.10-12. an. Ac Ac21.8. Ep +* Eph4.11. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12, 1Ti4.15. make full proof of. or, fulfill. ver. 2Ti4.17. Lk Lk1.1g. Ac Ac12.25. Ro Ro15.19. Col Col1.25. Col4.17. 6. I am. f96:96C, Mt + Mt26.24. Ph * Php2.17. and the. f95, Ps + Ps7.13. Ge Ge48.21. Ge50.24. Nu Nu27.12-17. Dt Dt31.14. Jsh Jos23.14. Ph * Php1.23. 2 P * 2Pe1.14, 2Pe1.15. departure. Ph ✓ Php1.23n. 7. have fought. f147:147D, Ge + Ge1.29. Nu = Nu4.23mg, Nu4.30mg. See on 1 Ti + 1Ti1.18. * 1Ti6.12. I have finished. 1 Ch = 1Ch23.26. Jn Jn4.34. Ac Ac13.25. + Ac20.24. 1 Co * 1Co9.24-27. Ph Php3.13, Php3.14. He Heb12.1, Heb12.2. I have kept. 2 Ti 2Ti1.14. Nu = Nu3.7. Pr Pr23.23. Lk Lk8.15. Lk11.28. Jn Jn17.6. 1 Ti 1Ti6.20. Re Re3.8, Re3.10. the faith. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. 8. there. Ps Ps31.19. Mt ✓ Mt6.19, Mt6.20. Ph +* Php4.17. Col +* Col1.5. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.19. a crown. 2 Ti 2Ti2.5. Pr Pr4.9. 1 Co 1Co9.25. 1 Th 1Th2.19. Ja + Jas1.12. 1 P * 1Pe5.4. Re +* Re2.10. Re4.4, Re4.10. the righteous judge. See on ver. 2Ti4.1. Ge +* Ge18.25. Ps Ps7.11. Ro Ro2.5. 2 Th 2Th1.5, 2Th1.6. Re Re19.11. shall give. ver. 2Ti4.1n, 2Ti4.18n. Col +* Col3.24. at that day. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12, 2Ti1.18. Ml Mal3.17. Mt Mt7.22. Mt24.36. Lk Lk10.12. ✓ Lk14.14. Jn Jn6.54n. ✓ Jn11.24. 1 Co +* 1Co3.13. Col * Col3.4. 1 Th 1Th5.4. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. and not. f69:69B, Pr + Pr6.16. that love. f121:121C, Ps + Ps11.5. Ps * Ps69.34-36. Is * Is25.8, Is25.9. Lk +* Lk21.28, Lk21.36. Ro Ro8.23. 1 Co 1Co2.9. 2 Co 2Co5.2. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He ✓ Heb9.28. Re +* Re1.7. Re22.20. his appearing. ver. +* 2Ti4.1. 9. diligence. ver. 2Ti4.21. 2 Ti 2Ti1.4. Ti Tt3.12. 10. Demas. Col * Col4.14, Col4.15. Phm Phm24. hath forsaken. ver. 2Ti4.16. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. Da +* Da11.35. Mt Mt26.56. Ac Ac13.13. Ac15.38. He +* Heb10.38. 2 P 2Pe2.15. having Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 130. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

loved. f121:121C, Ps + Ps11.5. T#624. Mt Mt13.22. Mt19.21, Mt19.22. Lk Lk9.61, Lk9.62. ✓ Lk14.26, Lk14.27, Lk14.33. ✓ Lk16.13. Lk17.32. Ph Php2.21. 1 Ti 1Ti6.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15, 1Jn2.16. 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. this present. Jn +✓ Jn6.54n. 1 Co + 1Co1.20. 1 Ti 1Ti6.17. Ti Tt2.12. world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. f121:121P, Mt + Mt13.22. i.e. the course and life of this world. Thessalonica. Ac +* Ac17.1, Ac17.11, Ac17.13. Crescens. i.e. increasing, ❅S#2913g. Galatia. Ac + Ac16.6. Ac18.23. Ga Ga1.2. Titus. 2 Co + 2Co2.13. 2Co7.6. 2Co8.6, 2Co8.16, 2Co8.23. Ga Ga2.1-3. Ti Tt1.4. Tt3.12. Dalmatia. i.e. vain splendor, ❅S#1149g. 11. Only. See on 2 Ti * 2Ti1.15. Luke. Ac Ac16.10. Col * Col4.14. Phm Phm24. Take Mark. Ho Ho14.4. Ac 12:+ Ac12.12, Ac12.25. Ac13.5, Ac13.13. Ac15.37-39. Col * Col4.10. 1 P 1Pe5.13. for. Mt Mt19.30. Mt20.16. Lk Lk13.30. profitable. 2 Ti 2Ti2.21. Phm Phm11g. ministry. Ac + Ac19.22. 12. Tychicus. Ac Ac20.4. Ep * Eph6.21, Eph6.22. Col Col4.7. Ti Tt3.12. to Ephesus. 2 Ti 2Ti1.18. Ac + Ac18.21. Ac20.16, Ac20.17, Ac20.25. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. 13. cloak. This request confirms the utter poverty of Paul to the end of his life, that he should have to send so far for a garment to keep warm during the coming winter (Scott). 1 Co * 1Co4.11. 2 Co * 2Co11.27. Troas. Ac 16:+ Ac16.8, Ac16.11. Ac20.5-12. Carpus. i.e. fruit, ❅S#2591g. and the books. “One of the great presuppositions of the Bible is that God’s people will read. The existence of Scripture is in itself an argument for the necessity of reading. That God inspired a book indicates His desire that His servants should be readers” (Dinsdale T. Young, cited by Wilbur M. Smith, Chats from a Minister’s Library, p. 176). I have somewhere read, but cannot now recall the source or the scholar alluded to, that although some have wrongfully said of such a text as this that it is unworthy of divine inspiration to have been included in Holy Writ, yet this text has been blessed to guide the life of at least one important Bible scholar to pursue a life of study which has since blessed multitudes of Christians, for, having determined to give up his library and scholarly study, he was impressed by this passage not to do so. Jsh = Jos15.15 (Kirjath-sepher: city of books), 49 (Kirjath-sannah: city of study). 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.13. especially the parchments. These may have been copies of the Hebrew Scriptures. This earnest desire of Paul to continue in earnest study to the very end of his life should impress us with the important place reading held in Paul’s life. Who are we to think we need to study any less? 14. Alexander. Ac Ac19.33, Ac19.34. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.20. coppersmith. Ge Ge4.22. reward. f110, Ezk + Eze34.2. 1 S 1Sa24.12. 2 S * 2Sa3.39. Ne Ne6.14. Ne13.29. Ps * Ps28.3, Ps28.4. Ps62.12. Ps109.5-20. Pr Pr24.12. Je +✓ Je10.25. Je15.15. Je18.19-23. 1 Co 1Co16.22. Ga Ga1.8, Ga1.9. 2 Th 2Th1.6. 1 J 1Jn5.16. Re ✓ Re6.10. Re18.6, Re18.20. according to. Ge +✓ Ge6.13 (T#566). Nu +✓ Nu32.23. 15. be. Mt Mt10.16, Mt10.17. Ph Php3.2. withstood. See on 2 Ti 2Ti3.8. words. or, preachings. 16. answer. Mt Mt10.18. Ac + Ac19.33. Ac22.1. Ac25.16. 1 Co 1Co9.3. 2 Co 2Co7.11. Ph Php1.7, Php1.17. 1 P 1Pe3.15g. no. ver. 2Ti4.10. Ps Ps31.11-13. Mk Mk14.50. Jn Jn16.32. forsook. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. Mt Mt26.56. I pray. 2 Ch ◐ 2Ch24.22. Mt + Mt5.44. Lk Lk23.34. Ac +* Ac7.60. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 131. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

17. the Lord. Ps * Ps37.39, Ps37.40. Ps109.31. Je Je15.20, Je15.21. Je20.10, Je20.11. Mt * Mt10.19, Mt10.20. Ac Ac18.9, Ac18.10. * Ac23.11. Ac27.23, Ac27.24. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. strengthened. Jb Job23.6. Ps Ps27.1. Is Is41.10, Is41.14. * Is43.2. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ep * Eph6.10. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.12. by. Lk Lk21.15. Ac Ac9.15. Ac26.17, Ac26.18. Ro Ro16.25, Ro16.26. Ep Eph3.8. Ph Php1.12-14. the preaching. Mt Mt12.41. Lk Lk11.42. Ro Ro16.25. 1 Co 1Co1.21. 1Co2.4. 1Co15.14. Ti Tt1.3. fully known. ver. 2Ti4.5. Lk Lk1.1g. all the Gentiles. Ac +* Ac9.15. and I. 2 Ti + 2Ti3.11. 1 S 1Sa17.37. Ps Ps22.21. Pr Pr19.12. Pr20.2. Pr28.15. Je Je2.30. Da Da6.22, Da6.27. He Heb11.33. 1 P 1Pe5.8. 2 P * 2Pe2.9. was delivered. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. lion. f103, Ge + Ge3.13. 18. And. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. deliver. Ge Ge48.16. 1 S 1Sa25.39. 1 Ch 1Ch4.10. Ps * Ps121.7. Mt Mt6.13. Lk Lk11.4. Jn Jn17.15. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 2 Co 2Co1.10. 2 Th 2Th3.3. evil work. Jn + Jn7.7. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. will preserve. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. Supply by ellipsis, “preserve me (and bring me) unto his heavenly kingdom.” Thus fixing our thought rather on the wondrous preservation than on the act of bringing (B69). “Preserve” is the usual Greek word for “save” (S#4982g: 2 Ti 2Ti1.9. Mt Mt1.21. Mt8.25. Mt9.21, Mt9.22 (whole). Mt10.22. Mt14.30. Mt16.25. Mt18.11. Mt19.25. Mt24.13, Mt24.22. Mt27.40, Mt27.42, Mt27.49. Jn Jn3.17. Jn5.34. Jn10.9. Jn11.12. Jn12.27, Jn12.47. Ac Ac2.21, Ac2.40, Ac2.47. Ac4.9, Ac4.12. Ac11.14. Ac14.9 (healed). Ac15.1, Ac15.11. * Ac16.30, Ac16.31. Ac27.20, Ac27.31. Ro Ro5.9, Ro5.10. Ro8.24. Ro9.27. Ro10.9, Ro10.13. Ro11.14, Ro11.26. 1 Co 1Co15.2). 2 Ti * 2Ti1.12. Ps * Ps37.28. Ps73.24. * Ps92.10. Mt Mt13.43. Mt25.34. Lk +* Lk12.32. +* Lk22.29. Jn ✓ Jn10.28-30. 1 Th 1Th5.28. He Heb9.28n. * Heb12.28. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 P +* 1Pe1.5. Ju Jud1, * Jud24. me. Ga Ga2.20n. Ep +* Eph4.30. He Heb10.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. ✓ 1Jn5.10-13. unto. Paul’s expression demonstrates that he taught that the kingdom was still future (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 1, p. 600). Col Col1.13n. +* Col3.24. * Col4.11. 2 Th 2Th1.5. He Heb12.28. his. Ro * Ro8.17. heavenly. “Heavenly” denotes not where the kingdom is, but its character and source from God. The kingdom is future (ver. +*1n), and our positions in it (Mt Mt25.21, Mt25.23. Jn +* Jn14.2. 1 Co +* 1Co6.2) are awarded “at that day” (ver. 8) when Christ appears (ver. +*1n, 8. Mt * Mt16.27. Re Re22.12). There is only one kingdom promised by prophecy and covenant (Is +* Is55.3), only one inheritance (Ep +* Eph1.11n), which while heavenly in character, source, and authority, is confined by prophecy and covenant to this earth (Mt +* Mt5.5. Ac +* Ac7.5n. Ro ✓ Ro4.13. Ep +* Eph1.11n. He +* Heb11.16n. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4n). Ps x Ps11.4. Mt Mt13.44. 1 Co x 1Co15.50n. He +* Heb11.16n. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. kingdom. ver. +* 2Ti4.1. Da * Da2.44. +* Da7.14. Mt +* Mt5.5. Lk +* Lk1.32, Lk1.33. +* Lk17.20, Lk17.21. +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Jn +* Jn18.36. Ac +* Ac1.6n, Ac1.7n. Ep +* Eph1.11n. Col Col1.13n. Re ✓ Re11.15. to whom. Ro + Ro11.36. Ro16.27. Ga Ga1.5. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. 1Ti6.16. He Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe5.11. Ju Jud25. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. 19. Prisca. i.e. ancient, ❅S#4251g. Ac *18:+ Ac18.2, Ac18.18, Ac18.26. Ro Ro16.3, Ro16.4. 1 Co 1Co16.19, Priscilla. the household. f121:121J, Ge + Ge7.1. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16-18. 20. Erastus. Ac Ac19.22. Ro Ro16.23n. Corinth. Ac + Ac18.1. Trophimus. Ac Ac20.4. Ac21.29. Miletum. i.e. red; cared for, ❅S#3399g. Ac Ac20.15, Ac20.17, Miletus. sick. 2 K * 2Ki13.14. 2Ki20.1. Jb Job2.7. Is +* Is38.1. Da 8:37. Mt Mt8.17. Jn Jn9.3. Jn11.4, Jn11.15. Ac Ac10.38. Ro +* Ro8.28. Ph Php2.26, Php2.27. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 132. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

21. thy. ver. + 2Ti4.9, 2Ti4.13. 2 Ti 2Ti1.4. before winter. Mt Mt24.20. Eubulus. i.e. good counsellor, ❅S#2103g. Pudens. i.e. modest, ❅S#4227g. Linus. i.e. linen; nets, ❅S#3044g. Claudia. i.e. halt, lame, wavering, ❅S#2803g. and all. Ro Ro16.21-23. 1 Co 1Co16.20. 2 Co 2Co13.13. Ph Php4.22. 2 J 2Jn13. 3 J 3Jn14. the brethren. Ep + Eph6.23. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6. 22. The Lord. Mt * Mt28.20. Ro Ro16.20. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ga Ga6.18. Phm Phm25. with. Mt Mt1.23. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f171:171Q, Mk + Mk2.8n. Grace. Ro Ro1.7. 1 Co 1Co16.23. Ep Eph6.24. Col + Col4.18. 1 Ti 1Ti6.21. 1 P 1Pe5.14. Re Re22.21. Nero. Gr. Caesar Nero, or, the emperor Nero. i.e. strong, ❅S#3505g.

TITUS TITUS 1 The apostle shows the nature and importance of his office, and salutes Titus, Tt1.1-4. He states for what purpose Titus had been left in Crete, Tt1.5; and what manner of persons should be ordained to the ministry, Tt1.6-9. He exposes the dangerous principles and the selfishness of the false teachers, “whose mouths must be stopped,” 10, 11: and the bad national character of the Cretians; whom Titus must “sharply rebuke” and instruct, that “they may be sound in the faith,” Tt1.12-16. 1. a servant. See on 1 Ch 1Ch6.49. Ro * Ro1.1. Ph Php1.1. Ja + Jas1.1. an apostle. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. of Jesus. Ac Ac27.23. the faith. Jn ✓ Jn10.26, Jn10.27. Ac +* Ac13.48. Ep ✓ Eph2.8. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. elect. Dt +* Dt10.15. Mt +* Mt24.22n. Lk + Lk18.7. Ep * Eph1.4. Col Col3.12. 1 Th 1Th5.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 1Pe2.8, 1Pe2.9. Re Re17.14. the acknowledging. Col + Col1.9. Col2.2. 1 Ti 1Ti2.4. 2 Ti 2Ti2.23, +* 2Ti2.25. 2Ti3.7. He Heb10.26. 1 J 1Jn2.23. truth. 2 Ti 2Ti3.7. after. Ti ✓ Tt2.11, Tt2.12. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. 1Ti3.16. 1Ti6.3. 2 P * 2Pe1.3. 2Pe3.11. godliness. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16. 2. In. or, For. hope. Readers of English translations and versions often mistakenly attribute the modern English connotation of a greater or lesser degree of doubtfulness, uncertainty, or contingency to “hope,” a connotation which the biblical usage of this word most emphatically does not contain. See related note on Ga Ga3.14, “might.” “Hope” merely distinguishes what is not yet in our full and present possession and experience; it expresses no doubtfulness of outcome. Ti * Tt2.7, Tt2.13. Tt3.7. Jn +* Jn5.39. * Jn6.68. Ro Ro2.7. Ro5.2-4. Col Col1.5, +* Col1.27. 1 Th 1Th5.8. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.1. 2Ti2.10. He Heb6.18. Heb9.15. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. 1 J 1Jn2.25. ✓ 1Jn3.2, 1Jn3.3. ✓ 1Jn5.13. Ju * Jud21. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Mt * Mt25.46. Mk Mk10.17, Mk10.30. Jn * Jn3.15, Jn3.16. Jn6.54. ✓ Jn10.28. Jn17.2. Ro + Ro2.7. * Ro5.21. ✓ Ro6.23. 1 Ti 1Ti1.16. 1Ti6.12, 1Ti6.19. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11-13, 1Jn5.20. God. Nu * Nu23.19. 1 S 1Sa15.29. 2 Ti 2Ti2.13. He * Heb6.17, Heb6.18. cannot lie. The answer to the question “Can God do everything?” is No, for He cannot do that which is out of harmony with His character. The question posed by some agnostics, “Can God make a stone so great that He cannot lift it?” is nonsensical for the same and other reasons—like asking can God make a square circle, an impossibility by definition, and so an absurdity. Nu * Nu23.19. 2 Ti + 2Ti2.13. He * Heb6.17. promised. Ro Ro1.2. Ep Eph1.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.20. Re Re17.8. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 133. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

before. Pr Pr8.23-31. Mt * Mt25.34. Jn * Jn17.24. Ac Ac15.18. 1 Co +* 1Co15.45. Ro Ro16.25. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.9. He * Heb13.20. 1 P * 1Pe1.20-23. Re Re13.8. world. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. lit. ages of time. 3. in. Da Da8.23. +* Da9.24-27. Da10.1. Da11.27. Hab * Hab2.3. Ac * Ac17.26. Ro Ro5.6. Ga * Ga4.4. Ep Eph1.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.10. times. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. manifested. Mk Mk13.10. * Mk16.15. Ac +* Ac10.36. Ro * Ro10.14, Ro10.15. Ro15.19. +* Ro16.26. Ep Eph2.17. * Eph3.5-8. Ph Php1.13. Col Col1.6, * Col1.23. 1 Ti 1Ti2.5. Re Re14.6. preaching. Ro * Ro16.25. 2 Ti + 2Ti4.17g. which. Ro Ro3.2. 1 Co 1Co9.17. Ga Ga2.7. 1 Th 1Th2.4. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.11. * 1Ti2.7. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.11. commandment. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. God. Ti * Tt2.10, Tt2.13. * Tt3.46. Is +* Is12.2. Is45.15, Is45.21. Lk Lk1.47. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.1. 1Ti2.3. * 1Ti4.10. 4. Titus. i.e. honorable, ❅S#5103g. 2 Co + 2Co2.13. 2Co7.6, 2Co7.13, 2Co7.14. * 2Co8.6, 2Co8.16, 2Co8.23. 2Co12.18, 2Co12.18. Ga Ga2.1, Ga2.3. 2 Ti 2Ti4.10. mine. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1, 1Ti1.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. 3 J + 3Jn4. the common. Jn Jn1.12. Ro Ro1.12. 2 Co * 2Co4.13. 2 P * 2Pe1.1. Ju +* Jud3. Grace. f173, Ge + Ge27.44. See on Ro Ro1.7. Ep Eph1.2. Col Col1.2. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. and peace. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. our. See on ver. * Tt1.3. Lk * Lk2.11. Jn * Jn4.42. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. 2 P 2Pe1.11. * 2Pe2.20. * 2Pe3.2, 2Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn4.14. 5. I left. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. Crete. ver. Tt1.12. Dt Dt2.23. Je Je47.4. Am Am9.7. Ac Ac2.11. Ac27.7, Ac27.12, Ac27.13, Ac27.21. set. 1 Ch 1Ch6.32. Ec * Ec12.9. Is Is44.7. 1 Co 1Co11.34. * 1Co14.40. Col * Col2.5. wanting. or, left undone. Ti Tt3.13. Lk Lk18.22g. ordain elders. Ac +* Ac14.23. Ac15.22. Ph Php1.1. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.17. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.2. every city. Ac Ac14.23. 6. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any. See on 1 Ti * 1Ti3.2-7. blameless. 1 Co + 1Co1.8. 1 Ti 1Ti3.10. the husband. Le * Le21.7, Le21.14. Ezk Eze44.22. Ml Mal2.15. Lk Lk1.5. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.12. 1Ti5.9. one wife. Ge +* Ge4.19. having. Ge +* Ge18.19. 1 S * 1Sa2.11, 1Sa2.22, 1Sa2.29, 1Sa2.30. * 1Sa3.12, 1Sa3.13. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.5, 1Ti3.12. faithful. 1 Co 1Co4.17. not accused. Pr * Pr28.7. riot. Lk Lk15.13. Ep + Eph5.18. 1 P 1Pe4.3, 1Pe4.4. or unruly. lit. insubordinate, rebellious, disobedient, not submissive. ver. Tt1.10. 1 S * 1Sa2.11, 1Sa2.22, 1Sa2.29, 1Sa2.30. * 1Sa3.12, 1Sa3.13. * 1Sa15.23. 1 Th 1Th5.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.9. He Heb2.8. 7. a bishop. ver. Tt1.5. Ac Ac20.28. Ph Php1.1. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.1, 1Ti3.2, etc. blameless. Ac +* Ac6.3. 1 Ti 1Ti3.10. steward. Mt +✓ Mt24.45. Lk +* Lk12.42. 1 Co +* 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. 1 P * 1Pe4.10. not selfwilled. Ge Ge49.6. 1 P * 1Pe5.2. 2 P * 2Pe2.10. not soon angry. Pr * Pr14.17. * Pr15.18. Pr16.32. Ec * Ec7.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.24. Ja ✓ Jas1.19, Jas1.20. not given to wine. Ti Tt2.3. Le Le10.9. Pr Pr31.4, Pr31.5. Is * Is28.7. Is56.12. Ezk Eze44.21. Ep +* Eph5.18. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.3. no striker. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25g. not given to filthy. Is Is56.10, Is56.11. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.3, 1Ti3.8. 1 P * 1Pe5.2. 8. lover of hospitality. T#354. Mt Mt10.40-42. + Mt25.35 (T#715). Ro Ro12.10, Ro12.13. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.2. 1Ti5.10. He * Heb13.2. 1 P +* 1Pe4.9. a lover of good. 1 S 1Sa18.1. 1 K 1Ki5.1, 1Ki5.7. 2 Ch ◐ 2Ch13.7. * 2Ch19.2. Ps Ps16.3. +* Ps119.63. Am * Am5.15. Ac +* Ac6.3. 2 Ti 2Ti2.2. 2Ti3.3. 1 J * 1Jn3.14. * 1Jn5.1. men. or, things. Ph * Php4.8. sober. Ti * Tt2.2, Tt2.5, Tt2.7. 2 Co 2Co6.4-8. 1 Th 1Th2.10. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.12. * 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.22. just. Lk Lk1.75. Ep Eph4.24. 1 Th 1Th2.10g. temperate. Ac + Ac24.25. 1 Co 1Co7.9g. 1Co9.25. 2 P 2Pe1.6. 9. Holding. Jb Job2.3. Job27.6. Pr * Pr23.23. 1 Th * 1Th5.21. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.15. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.13. Ju +* Jud3. Re Re2.25. Re3.3, * Re3.11. fast. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. 1Ti4.9. * 1Ti6.3. 2 Ti +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 134. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Ti2.2. faithful word. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.15. as he hath been taught. or, in teaching. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6. sound doctrine. Ti * Tt2.1, Tt2.7, Tt2.8. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.10. * 1Ti6.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.3. exhort. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.13. to convince. ver. Tt1.11. Ac * Ac18.28. 1 Co 1Co14.24. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.20g. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. the gainsayers. Gr. antilego, ❅S#483g. Rendered: (1) speak against: Lk Lk2.34. Jn Jn19.12. Ac Ac13.45a. Ac28.19, Ac28.22. (2) deny: Lk Lk20.27. (3) contradict: Ac Ac13.45b. (4) gainsay: Ro Ro10.21. (5) gainsayer: Ti Tt1.9. (6) answer again: Ti Tt2.9. 10. there. ver. Tt1.6. Ac * Ac20.29. Ro * Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 2 Co * 2Co11.12-15. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.10-12. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4, 1Ti1.6. * 1Ti6.3-5. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. 2Ti4.4. Ja * Jas1.26. 2 P * 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.2. 1 J 1Jn2.18. * 1Jn4.1. Re Re2.6, Re2.14. deceivers. Ga Ga6.3. specially. Ac + Ac11.2. * Ac15.1, Ac15.24. Ga * Ga1.6-8. Ga2.4. * Ga3.1. Ga4.17-21. * Ga5.1-4. Ph Php3.2, Php3.3. 11. mouths. ver. Tt1.9. Ti * Tt3.10. Ps Ps63.11. Ps107.42. Ezk Eze16.63. Lk Lk20.40. Ro Ro3.19. 2 Co 2Co11.10. subvert. Mt * Mt23.14. 2 Ti 2Ti2.18. 2Ti3.6. houses. f121:121J, Ge + Ge7.1. filthy. See on ver. Tt1.7. Is Is56.10, Is56.11. Je Je8.10. Ezk Eze13.19. Mi 3:* Mic3.5, Mic3.11. Jn Jn10.12. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.5. 1 P 1Pe5.2. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. 12. of. Ac * Ac17.28. prophet. f121:121Q, Je + Je28.5. Cretians. i.e. given to the flesh, ❅S#2912g. f92:92H, Ac + Ac17.28. ver. ◐+ Tt1.5. Ac Ac2.11. alway. Gr. aei, Mk Mk15.8. liars. Ro * Ro16.18. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.2. 2 P 2Pe2.12, 2Pe2.15. Ju Jud8-13. slow bellies. or, idle gluttons. f171:171Q, Ro + Ro16.18. i.e. slow persons, who by reason of large eating, have grown stout and move slowly (B648). Ph +* Php3.19. 13. rebuke. Ti * Tt2.15. Pr * Pr27.5. Ro Ro11.22g. 2 Co 2Co13.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.20. ◐ 1Ti6.5. 2 Ti ◐* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. * 2Ti4.2. that. Ti * Tt2.2. Le +* Le19.17. Ps * Ps119.80. Ps141.5. 2 Co 2Co7.8-12. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.10. * 1Ti4.6. sound. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. the faith. f121:121R, Ac + Ac6.7. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.19. 14. Jewish. i.e. confession, ❅S#2451g, only here. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.4-7. * 1Ti4.7. 2 Ti 2Ti4.4. commandments of men. Is * Is29.13. Mt ✓ Mt15.6, Mt15.9. Mk ✓ Mk7.7. Col + Col2.22. turn. Ga * Ga4.9. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.20. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.4. He Heb12.25. 2 P * 2Pe2.22. 15. Unto. f138:138C, Ge + Ge22.14. the pure. Mk Mk7.19. Lk * Lk11.39-41. Ac +* Ac10.15. Ac15.9. Ro * Ro14.14, Ro14.20. 1 Co 1Co6.12, 1Co6.13. 1Co10.23, 1Co10.25, 1Co10.31. 1 Ti 1Ti1.8. * 1Ti4.3, 1Ti4.4. things. f63:63A, Ge + Ge14.20. Supply (meats), for the word “clean” is being used in its ceremonial or Levitical sense, for none can be otherwise either “pure” or “clean.” but. Pr * Pr21.4. Hg Hag2.13. Zc Zec7.5, Zec7.6. Mt * Mt15.11, Mt15.18. Ro * Ro14.20, Ro14.23. 1 Co 1Co11.27-29. their mind. Ge +* Ge6.5. Ge8.21. Ec Ec9.3. Je +* Je17.9. Mk * Mk7.21-23. Jn * Jn3.19. Ro Ro8.7, Ro8.8. 1 Co * 1Co2.14. 1Co8.7. Ep Eph4.17-19. Eph5.8. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.5. He * Heb9.14. * Heb10.22. conscience is defiled. T#126. Je Je6.15. Zp Zep3.5. 1 Co 1Co8.7. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. 1 Ti 1Ti3.9. 1Ti4.2. He Heb9.14. 16. profess. Nu Nu24.16. Is Is29.13. * Is48.1. Is58.2. Is58.2. Ezk +* Eze33.31. Ho Ho8.2, Ho8.3. Ro Ro2.18-24. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.5-8. 1 J 1Jn2.4. Ju Jud4. but in. Col Col1.21, Col1.22. deny. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.8. being. Jb * Job15.16. Pr Pr17.15. Re * Re21.8, Re21.27. know. Je Je22.16. 1 J 1Jn2.3-5. 1Jn4.20. in works. Ps Ps14.1, Ps14.3. they deny. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5. and disobedient. Ti Tt3.3. 1 S * 1Sa15.22-24. Ep * Eph5.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.9. unto. Ti Tt3.1. Je Je6.30. Ac + Ac9.26. Ro * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 135. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ro1.28. 2 Ti 2Ti2.21. * 2Ti3.8, 2Ti3.17. reprobate. or, void of judgment. Je ◐ Je22.16. 1 Co + 1Co9.27g.

TITUS 2 The apostle directs Titus to instruct the people in their several relative duties, for the honor of the gospel; to exemplify them in his own conduct, and to take heed to his doctrine, Tt2.1-8; to teach servants to be obedient and upright, that “in all things they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior,” Tt2.9" Tt2.10 }. He enforces his exhortations, by showing the holy tendency and efficacy of the gospel, and charges Titus to act with authority and firmness, Tt2.11-15. 1. speak. Ml = Mal2.7. which become. ver. Tt2.11-14. Ti * Tt1.9. Tt3.8. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. * 1Ti6.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.13. doctrine. ver. Tt2.7, Tt2.10. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6. 2. That. f63:63I, Jsh + Jos3.3. the aged. Le Le19.32. Jb Job12.12. Ps * Ps92.14. Pr * Pr16.31. Is Is65.20. Lk Lk1.18. Phm Phm9. 2 J 2Jn1, 2Jn5. sober. or, vigilant. 1 Co * 1Co15.34. 1 Th * 1Th5.6, 1Th5.8. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.11. 1 P 1Pe1.13. 1Pe4.7. * 1Pe5.8g. grave. ver. Tt2.7. 1 Ti 1Ti3.4, + 1Ti3.8, 1Ti3.11. Ph * Php4.8g. temperate. Ti Tt1.8. Mk Mk5.15. Lk Lk8.35. Ac Ac24.25. Ro Ro12.3. 1 Co 1Co9.25. 2 Co 2Co5.13. Ga * Ga5.23. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2. 1 P 1Pe4.7g. 2 P * 2Pe1.6. sound. See on Ti * Tt1.13. Ro Ro14.1. in faith. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.14. Ja Jas1.3. Re Re13.10. in charity. See on 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10. in patience. 2 Th 2Th3.5. 2 Ti + 2Ti3.10. Ja * Jas5.8, Jas5.10. 3. as. Ro Ro16.2. Ep Eph5.3. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.9, 1Ti2.10. 1Ti3.11. 1Ti5.5-10. 1 P * 1Pe3.3-5. holiness. or, holy women. false accusers. or, makebates. See on 1 Ti 1Ti3.8, 1Ti3.11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.3. not given. See on Ti * Tt1.7. teachers. ver. * Tt2.4. He * Heb5.12. Re Re2.20. 4. teach. T#425. Ep Eph5.21-25, Eph5.28, Eph5.33. Col + Col3.18 (T#197). 1 Ti + 1Ti2.9. young women. 1 Ti 1Ti5.2, 1Ti5.11, 1Ti5.14. sober. or, wise. See on ver. * Tt2.2. to love their husbands. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.14. 5. discreet. See on ver. Tt2.2. chaste. 1 P 1Pe3.2. keepers at home. T#351. Ge +* Ge16.8, Ge16.9. Ge18.9. Pr * Pr7.11. Pr25.17. Pr27.8. * Pr31.10-31. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.13, 1Ti5.14. good. Mt Mt20.15. Ac Ac9.36, Ac9.39. Ro Ro5.7. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.10. 1 P 1Pe2.18g. obedient. Ge * Ge3.16. 1 Co +* 1Co11.3. * 1Co14.34. Ep * Eph5.22-24, Eph5.33. Col * Col3.18. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.11, 1Ti2.12. 1 P * 1Pe3.1-5. that. 2 S * 2Sa12.14. Ps Ps74.10. Is Is52.5. Ro Ro2.24. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.14. +* 1Ti6.1. the word. Ro + Ro9.6. 6. Young. Jb Job29.8. Ps Ps148.12. Ec Ec11.9. * Ec12.1. Jl +* Joe2.28. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.12. + 1Ti5.1. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. 1 J 1Jn2.13. soberminded. or, discreet. ver. Tt2.2. 1 P + 1Pe4.7g. 7. all things. Ac * Ac20.33-35. 2 Th 2Th3.9. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. 1 P 1Pe5.3. a pattern. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. 1 P + 1Pe5.3. good works. ver. Tt2.14. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.18. doctrine. ver. Tt2.1, Tt2.10. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6. uncorruptness. 2 Co * 2Co2.17. * 2Co4.2. * 2Co11.3-5. 2 Co +* 2Co2.17. +* 2Co4.2. Ga * Ga1.8. gravity. See on ver. Tt2.2. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. 1Ti3.4. sincerity. 2 Co * 2Co1.12. 2Co8.8. Ep * Eph6.24. Ph * Php1.10.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 136. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

8. Sound speech. Mk Mk12.17, Mk12.28, Mk12.32, Mk12.34. Col * Col4.5, Col4.6. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.3. that he. Ne * Ne5.9. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.12, 1Pe2.15. * 1Pe3.16. may. Is +* Is66.5. Lk * Lk13.17. 1 Co 1Co4.14. 2 Th * 2Th3.14. having. Ne Ne5.9. Da Da6.4, Da6.5. Ph * Php2.14-16. 1 P 1Pe2.15. 9. servants. Ep * Eph6.5-8. Col * Col3.22-25. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.1, 1Ti6.2. 1 P *2:+ 1Pe2.18-2525. to please. Ep Eph5.24. in all. Col Col3.22. answering again. or, gainsaying. Ti Tt1.9. 1 S 1Sa15.23. Lk Lk21.15. Ac Ac19.36. 10. purloining. 2 K * 2Ki5.20-24. Lk Lk16.6-8. Jn * Jn12.6. Ac * Ac5.2, Ac5.3. showing. Ge Ge31.37, Ge31.38. * Ge39.8, Ge39.9. 1 S 1Sa22.14. 1Sa26.23. Ps Ps101.6. Mt +* Mt24.45. Lk ✓ Lk16.10. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. 1 Ti 1Ti3.11. adorn. Mt +* Mt5.16. Ep Eph4.1. Ph +* Php1.27. * Php2.15, Php2.16. ✓ Php4.8. 1 P * 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.16. the doctrine. ver. Tt2.1, Tt2.7. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.6. * 1Ti5.17. 1Ti6.1, 1Ti6.3. 2 J * 2Jn9. God. Ti + Tt1.3. Is +* Is12.2. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. 11. the grace. Ti * Tt3.4, Tt3.5, Tt3.7. Ps +* Ps84.11. Zc * Zec4.7. +* Zec12.10. Jn * Jn1.14, Jn1.16, Jn1.17. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ac13.43. Ac15.11. Ac20.24. Ro * Ro4.4, Ro4.5. Ro5.2, Ro5.15, Ro5.20, Ro5.21. Ro11.5, Ro11.6. 2 Co 2Co6.1. Ga * Ga2.21. Ep Eph1.6, Eph1.7. * Eph2.5-8. 2 Th 2Th2.16. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. He * Heb2.9. +* Heb12.15. 1 P 1Pe1.10-12. 1Pe5.5-12. bringeth, etc. or, bringeth salvation to all men, hath appeared. hath. Ti Tt3.4. Ps Ps96.1-3, Ps96.10. Ps98.1-3. ch. 117. Is Is2.2, Is2.3. * Is45.22. * Is49.6. Is52.10. Is60.1-3. Mt +✓ Mt28.19. Mk * Mk16.15. Lk Lk3.6. +* Lk24.47. Ac * Ac13.47. Ro Ro10.18. Ro15.9-19. Ep Eph3.6-8. Col * Col1.6, Col1.23. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.4. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. all. Ps Ps67.2. Lk + Lk3.6. Jn Jn1.9. Ro Ro10.18. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.4, 1Ti2.6. 12. Teaching. Mt Mt28.20. Jn Jn6.45. Ro Ro6.12-16. Ga Ga5.16, Ga5.17. Col Col3.2. 1 Th * 1Th4.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16. He * Heb8.11. Heb12.11. 1 J * 1Jn2.27. denying. Is ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. Ezk Eze18.30, Eze18.31. Eze33.14, Eze33.15. Mt * Mt3.8-10. * Mt16.24. Lk Lk1.75. Ro * Ro6.1, Ro6.2, Ro6.4-6, Ro6.12, Ro6.19. Ro8.13. Ro13.12, Ro13.13. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ga * Ga5.24. Ep Eph1.4. Eph4.22-25. Col Col1.22. Col3.5-9. 1 Th * 1Th4.7. Ja Jas4.8-10. 1 P 1Pe2.11, 1Pe2.12. * 1Pe4.2-5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.4. * 2Pe2.20-22. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. Ju Jud18. ungodliness. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16. worldly lusts. 1 P * 1Pe4.2. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.16. live. Ps Ps105.45. Ezk Eze36.27. Mt ✓ Mt5.19, Mt5.20. Lk Lk1.6, Lk1.75. Lk3.9-13. Ac Ac17.30. * Ac24.16, Ac24.25. Ro * Ro6.19. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. 2 Ti 2Ti3.12. 1 P 1Pe1.14-18. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-8. 2Pe3.11. 1 J * 1Jn2.6. Re Re14.12. soberly. See on ver. * Tt2.4. righteously. Lk Lk1.75. godly. Ps * Ps4.3. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.9. 2 P * 2Pe2.9. this. Jn +✓ Jn6.54n. Jn14.30. * Jn17.14, Jn17.15. Ro +* Ro12.2. Ga Ga1.4. Ep Eph2.2. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. + 1Ti6.17. 2 Ti 2Ti4.10. 1 J * 1Jn5.19. world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. 13. Looking. Lk Lk2.25, Lk2.38g. Ac +* Ac24.15. 1 Co + 1Co1.7. Ph * Php3.20, Php3.21. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. He Heb9.28. 2 P *3:+ 2Pe3.12-1414. blessed hope. f121:121R, Ps + Ps71.5. Is the “blessed hope” the Rapture of the church (1 Th 1Th4.16, 1Th4.17) before the Great Tribulation, or is it the appearance of Christ “in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” after the Tribulation? Misunderstanding this verse, some interpreters fail to recognize this is a reference to Christ’s pretribulational “glorious appearing” for the Church (Mt Mt17.2. Jn ✓ Jn14.3. ✓ Jn17.5, Jn17.24. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.17. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2), to be carefully distinguished from His “coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Mt Mt24.30) after the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 137. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Great Tribulation at the open manifestation of the Second Advent. Paul presented the doctrine of the Rapture as a source of present comfort to the Thessalonians (1 Th 1Th4.18). It could hardly be a source of comfort to them if Paul taught that they must endure the Great Tribulation first! A careful study of the details of prophecy confirms the doctrine of the imminent and secret pretribulation Rapture as the logical outcome of the proper combination of prophetic detail. Peters (Theocratic Kingdom) and other careful students of prophecy before and since have shown (1) that prophecy must be interpreted consistently in a literal manner; (2) that such a literal interpretation necessitates a distinction between the Church and Israel (Is Is60.21n); (3) maintaining and observing the distinction between the Church and Israel guards against applying the Great Tribulation, called in Scripture the time of Jacob’s trouble (Je Je30.7) to the Church; (4) that no event of prophecy is said to occur before the first stage of the Second Advent, for to interpose any event, such as the Great Tribulation, introduces a snare to put us off our guard (see Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 3, p. 102); (5) Scripture most certainly does predict specific events which occur prior to the last stages of the Second Advent, such as the coming of Elijah (Ml Mal4.5, Mal4.6), but such events occur in the interim between the first or secret stage of the advent, and its final or open public stage, and so do not precede the Rapture; (6) that the number of events revealed in Scripture to take place on “the last day” (Jn +* Jn6.54n) when Christ returns at the second advent are simply too numerous to compress into a single event occupying but one literal twenty-four hour day; (7) that since the events are so numerous, the second advent may be divided loosely into at least two stages (see the note on the known and unknown time of Christ’s coming, Mt Mt24.42), which must not be misrepresented as a second and third coming, any more than prophecies of the First Advent that Christ would come as a babe to Bethlehem yet ride triumphantly to Jerusalem on a colt constitute that a first and second coming; (8) that the many passages relating to the return of Christ may be distinguished in their reference to his public manifestation in glory to the earth after the Tribulation with his saints, and the imminent return for his saints prior to the Great Tribulation; (9) careful readers have certainly noted that some passages present the world as proceeding with its affairs in very normal times (“peace and safety,” 1 Th 1Th5.3. “all things continue,” 2 P 2Pe3.4) when the return of Christ comes as a surprise, while other passages represent the time immediately preceding his return as a time of great tribulation, suffering, and terror (Lk Lk21.26. Re Re6.16), everyone very much aware of his advent (Mt Mt24.30); (10) many other lines of proof are developed in Peters’ work, including specific prophecies (Mi Mic7.15) which specify a period of time involving years for the accomplishment of all the related events; (11) a consideration of the prophecies of the First Advent and their manner of accomplishment will show that their fulfillment was pre-eminently literal, occupied at least 33 years, could not be compressed into a single day, yet if they were to be interpreted by the principles advocated by amillenialists for the Second Advent prophecies, we could hardly have expected a suffering Savior who was literally born of a virgin in Bethlehem, and who was crucified on a cross, for by their principles all such specific details of prophecy must not be pressed for a literal fulfillment. Ti Tt1.2. Tt3.7. Ac ✓ Ac24.15. Ro Ro5.5. * Ro8.19, Ro8.24, Ro8.25, Ro8.29. 15:◐+* Ro15.4, Ro15.13. Ga * Ga5.5. Col +* Col1.5, Col1.23, Col1.27. 1 Th 1Th2.16. He Heb6.18, Heb6.19. 1 P +✓ 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.3. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, the “blessed hope” and “the glorious appearing” are not two things, but one: our hope is the glorious appearing (B669). The “glorious appearing” may well be one with the rapture, for Christ at the Rapture will appear gloriously for his saints. Walvoord notes, “While the appearing of the glory of Christ to the world and to Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 138. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Israel will not be fulfilled until the Second Coming to establish the kingdom on earth, the church will see the glory of Christ when she meets him in the air” (John F. Walvoord, The Rapture Question, p. 74). the glorious appearing. f24:24N, Ge + Ge17.5. The preparations required to come with his saints require Christ to have first come for his saints; therefore, the blessed hope and glorious appearing may be applied to the Rapture of the Church prior to Christ’s return in “power and great glory” (Mt Mt24.30), when we will be with him and share in his glory (Zc +* Zec14.5. Ju Jud14, Jud15). The rewarding of the saints (Lk +* Lk14.14), their appointment to positions of authority (Jn +* Jn14.2, Jn14.3), their training and organization for posts (Mt Mt25.21, Mt25.23. Lk Lk22.29, Lk22.30) in the eternal earthly kingdom (Da Da7.13. Re Re11.15) of Christ, not to mention such diverse events as are comprehended in Old Testament prophecies such as Christ’s pleading with Israel in the wilderness (Ezk Eze20.35, Eze20.36) and speaking “comfortably unto her” (Ho Ho2.14), and his victorious march against his enemies on the way to Jerusalem (Is Is63.1-4), then his victory over the hosts gathered against Judah and Jerusalem (Zc Zec9.14. Zec12.7, Zec12.8), all require his literal physical personal presence upon the earth (Re Re11.17n. Re16.5) before he comes to Zion (Is +* Is51.11) for the victory ascent to the Mount of Olives (Zc Zec14.4), which are all events that take place prior to the final public victorious manifestation of Christ in clouds of glory (Mt +* Mt24.30) with his saints (Zc +* Zec14.5. Col Col3.4. Ju Jud14, Jud15), when every eye shall see him (Re +* Re1.7). Now it is just such attention to prophetic details which enables the careful student to entertain a correct view of the several aspects or stages of the second advent. Of course the contention of some that this is “grasshopper theology” or “hop-skipand-jump” prooftexting is directly refuted by the examination of the location and extent of prophecies regarding the first advent, which are likewise widely scattered through the Old Testament, and are nowhere found in a systematic arrangement (T#1874). That Christ and the apostles taught Scripture by such a comparison of widely scattered texts is evident from the occurrence of composite quotations in the New Testament (Mt +* Mt27.9n). Jb +* Job19.2527. Is * Is25.9. Mt +* Mt16.27n. ✓ Mt17.2. * Mt25.31. * Mt26.64. Mk Mk8.38. Mk14.62. Jn ✓ Jn14.3. ✓ Jn17.5, Jn17.24. 2 Co * 2Co4.4, 2Co4.6g. Col +* Col1.26. * Col3.3, Col3.4. 2 Th 2Th1.7, 2Th1.8. + 2Th2.8g. 1 Ti 1Ti6.13, 1Ti6.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1, 2Ti4.8. He ✓9:28. 1 P * 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.13. 1Pe4.13. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. Re * Re1.7. great God and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. A. T. Robertson notes that as early as 1798 Granville Sharp laid down a rule which has not since been successfully discredited, that when two nouns (either substantive or adjective, or participle) of the same case are connected by “and” (kai, in Greek), nouns of personal description (respecting office, dignity, affinity, or connection, and attributes, properties, or qualities, good or ill), if the article “the” in any of its cases precedes the first of the said nouns or participles, and is not repeated before the second noun or participle, the second noun always relates to the same person that is expressed or described by the first noun or participle: i.e. it denotes a farther description of the first named person. This principle is not claimed, however, for proper names or to the plural number. Thus “the apostle and high priest of our confession” is one person, Jesus (He Heb3.1). John is referred to as “your brother, and companion” in Re Re1.9, a reference to just one person. Such expressions as “the God and Father” (Ro Ro15.6. 1 Co 1Co15.24. 2 Co 2Co1.3. 2Co11.31. Ga Ga1.4. Ep Eph5.20. Ph Php4.20. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1Th3.11, 1Th3.13. Re Re1.6) and “the Lord and Father” (Ja Jas1.27. Jas3.9) are all used of one person, not two. So likewise “the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 P 2Pe2.20. 2Pe3.2) is a reference to one person. The introduction of the word “our” in 2 P Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 139. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Pe1.11 and 3:18 does not affect the idiom. Following the same principle for the identical construction in Greek for 2 P 2Pe1.1, “our God and Savior Jesus Christ” is a reference to a single person, not two. So here at Ti Tt2.13, the same construction is correctly rendered “our God and Savior Jesus Christ,” and the reference is to one person, not two. Attention to this construction thus yields two texts in support of the Deity of Christ that were not evident in some English translations (see Robertson, The Minister and His Greek New Testament, “The Greek Article and the Deity of Christ,” pp. 61-68). When the Greek article occurs before both nouns, two persons are meant, as “let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican,” two separate persons are implied (Mt Mt18.17, cited by William Hendrickson, Comm. on 1-2 Timothy and Titus, p. 374). Those who deny the validity of this grammatical principle are faced with the problem that if two persons are meant, then Paul is predicting the simultaneous glorious advent of both the Father and the Son at Christ’s second coming. Although the advent of the Father is supportable from other prophecies (Da ◐ Da7.22. Zc ✓ Zec14.5. Ep * Eph1.10), the simultaneous advent of the Father and the Son is not usually incorporated into the prophetic system of those who understand this passage to refer to two persons. Ne Ne1.5. Ne9.32. Da Da2.45. Da9.4. Lk * Lk9.26. Jn * Jn1.1. +* Jn20.28. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ro +* Ro9.5. Ph * Php2.6. Col * Col2.9. 2 Th 2Th1.12g. He +* Heb1.8. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.1g. our Savior. Ti * Tt3.4, Tt3.6. Ne +* Ne9.6. Is ✓ Is43.11. Ezk Eze37.23. Ho Ho1.7. Mt * Mt1.21. Ac Ac3.26. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn4.14. 14. gave. Mt +* Mt20.28. Jn Jn6.51. * Jn10.15, Jn10.18. 2 Co * 2Co5.21. Ga * Ga1.4. ✓ Ga2.20n. Ga3.13. Ep Eph1.7. Eph5.2, Eph5.23-27. Col Col1.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. ✓ 1Ti2.6. He Heb1.3. Heb7.26. * Heb9.14. 1 P * 1Pe3.18. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. for us. Jn Jn10.11. Jn11.51, Jn11.52. Ac Ac20.28. Ro * Ro5.8. ✓ Ro8.32. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.15. Ep Eph4.23, Eph4.25-27. 1 P 1Pe1.18-21. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.2. 1Jn4.10. redeem. Ge Ge48.16. Ex Ex15.16. 2 S 2Sa7.23. Ps Ps130.8. Ezk Eze36.25. Eze37.23. Ho Ho13.14. Mt * Mt1.21. Ro Ro11.26, Ro11.27. 1 P + 1Pe1.18. purify. Nu = Nu8.21. Ml Mal3.3. Mt * Mt3.12. Ac * Ac15.9. He Heb9.14g. Ja * Jas4.8. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 2 P + 2Pe1.9. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2, 1Jn3.3. unto himself. Ac Ac15.14. Ro Ro14.7, Ro14.8. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. peculiar. T#671. Ex Ex15.16. * Ex19.5, Ex19.6. Dt Dt7.6. * Dt14.2. Dt26.18. Ps * Ps4.3. Ps135.4. Ro Ro7.15-25. 2 Co 2Co6.8-10. 1 P +* 1Pe2.9. zealous. Ph +* Php1.29. of good works. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. ver. Tt2.7. Ti ✓ Tt3.8. Nu Nu25.13. Ac +* Ac9.36. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. 1 Ti 1Ti2.10. + 1Ti6.18. He * Heb10.24. 1 P 1Pe2.12. 15. speak. See on Ti Tt1.13. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. exhort. 1 Ti + 1Ti4.13. rebuke. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.20. with. Mt Mt7.29. Mk Mk1.22, Mk1.27. Lk Lk4.36. authority. 2 Co +* 2Co10.8. Let. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. despise. Lk * Lk10.16.

TITUS 3 The apostle inculcates on Christians, subjection to rulers, and good behavior to all men, Tt3.1" Tt3.2 }; from the consideration of their own sinfulness and their salvation by God’s mercy through Christ, Tt3.3-8. He cautions Titus to avoid disputes; and shows him how to deal with heretics, 9-11: and, directing him to meet him at Nicopolis, and giving instructions about other matters, 12-14, he concludes with salutations, Tt3.15.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 140. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1. Put. Is Is43.26. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. 2Ti2.14. 2 P 2Pe1.12, 2Pe1.13. * 2Pe3.1, 2Pe3.2. Ju Jud5. to be subject. T#314. Ex Ex22.28. Dt Dt17.9-12. Pr Pr24.21. Ec * Ec8.2-5. Ec10.4. Je Je27.17. Mt * Mt17.24-27. * Mt22.20, Mt22.21. * Mt23.2, Mt23.3. Ac ◐+* Ac4.19. ◐+* Ac5.29. Ro ✓ Ro13.1-7. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1-3. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.13-17. magistrates. Ep + Eph1.21. to be ready. ver. * Tt3.8, * Tt3.14. Ti * Tt2.14. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.58. Ga ✓ Ga6.9, Ga6.10. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. Ph Php1.11. Col +✓ Col1.10. 1 Ti 1Ti5.10. 2 Ti + 2Ti2.21. He * Heb13.21. 2. speak. Ps Ps140.11. Pr Pr6.19. Ac * Ac23.5. 1 Co +✓ 1Co6.10. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ep +* Eph4.31. 1 Ti 1Ti3.11. Ja * Jas4.11. 1 P 1Pe2.1. 1Pe3.10. 1Pe4.4. 2 P 2Pe2.10. Ju Jud8, Jud10. no. Pr Pr19.19. Pr25.24. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.3. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. gentle. 2 S * 2Sa22.36. Is Is40.11. Mt * Mt11.29. 1 Co 1Co13.5. 2 Co 2Co10.1. Ga +* Ga5.22. * Ga6.1. Ep Eph4.2. Ph Php4.5. Col * Col3.12, Col3.13. 1 Th 1Th2.7. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. Ja * Jas1.19, Jas1.20. + Jas3.17. 1 P 1Pe3.8. showing all meekness. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. all men. 1 Co 1Co9.19. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Th 1Th5.14, 1Th5.15. 1 P 1Pe2.17. 3. we ourselves. * f39, Ac + Ac17.23. Ro * Ro3.9-20. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. Ep * Eph2.1-3. Col Col1.21. Col3.7. 1 P * 1Pe4.1-3. were. T#574. Je + Je20.11 (T#513). 1 Co ✓ 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.8. Re Re22.15. foolish. Pr * Pr1.22, Pr1.23. Pr8.5. Pr9.6. disobedient. Ti Tt1.16. Mt Mt21.29. Ac Ac9.1-6. * Ac26.19, Ac26.20. Ep * Eph2.2. 1 P * 1Pe1.14. deceived. Is Is44.20. Ob Ob3. Lk * Lk21.8. Ga Ga6.3. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. Ja * Jas1.26. Re * Re12.9. Re13.14. serving. Jn *8:+ Jn8.34, Jn8.44. Ro * Ro6.17, Ro6.20, Ro6.22. Ep Eph2.1, Eph2.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. 1 J 1Jn3.10. 1Jn5.19. divers lusts. 2 Ti 2Ti3.6. 2Ti4.3. living. Ro +* Ro1.29-31. 2 Co 2Co12.20. 2 Ti 2Ti3.2, 2Ti3.3. hateful. Ps Ps36.2. 1 J 1Jn2.9. 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.15. Re Re18.2. 4. the kindness. Ti * Tt2.11. Ro Ro2.4. * Ro5.20, Ro5.21. +* Ro11.22. Ep * Eph2.4-10. love. or, pity. 1 J * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. God. See on Ti Tt1.3. * Tt2.10. Is Is45.21, Is45.22. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. 1Ti2.3. * 1Ti4.10. appeared. Ti ✓ Tt2.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.10. He * Heb9.26. 5. not by works. Jb * Job9.20. Job15.14. * Job25.4. Ps Ps143.2. Is * Is57.12. Lk Lk10.2729. Ro * Ro3.20, Ro3.27, Ro3.28. ✓ Ro4.5. Ro9.11, Ro9.16, Ro9.30. Ro11.6. Ga * Ga2.16. Ga3.16-21. Ep ✓ Eph2.4, Eph2.8, Eph2.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. according. ver. Tt3.4. 1 S 1Sa12.22. Ps Ps62.12. * Ps86.5, Ps86.15. Ps109.26. Ps130.7. Mi ✓ Mic7.18. Lk Lk1.50, Lk1.54, Lk1.72, Lk1.78. Ep Eph1.3, Eph1.6, Eph1.7. +* Eph2.4. He * Heb4.16. 1 P * 1Pe1.3. 1Pe2.10. washing. Jn ✓ Jn3.3-5. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.26. 1 P 1Pe3.21. regeneration. Mt +* Mt19.28g. renewing. Ps +* Ps51.10. Ro +* Ro12.2. Ep Eph4.22, Eph4.23. Col * Col3.10. He Heb6.6. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18. 6. he shed. f22:22C, Ps + Ps79.6. f22:22K, Je + Je2.13. Pr * Pr1.23. Is Is32.15. Is44.3. Ezk Eze36.25. Jl +* Joe2.28. Jn * Jn1.16. *7:37-39. Ac * Ac2.33. Ac10.45. Ro * Ro5.5. abundantly. Gr. richly. See on Ep Eph2.4. * Eph3.8. through. Ti Tt1.4. Jn * Jn4.10. * Jn14.16, Jn14.17. * Jn16.7. Ro Ro8.2. our Savior. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.10. 7. being justified. Ti * Tt2.11. Ro +* Ro3.24, Ro3.28. Ro4.4, Ro4.16. * Ro5.1, Ro5.2, Ro5.15-21. Ro11.6. 1 Co 1Co6.11. Ga * Ga2.16. his grace. Ti Tt2.11. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ac15.11. made heirs. Mt +* Mt19.29. Ro ✓8:+ Ro8.17, Ro8.23, Ro8.24. Ga Ga3.29. Ga4.7. Ep Eph1.11n. He * Heb6.17. Heb11.7, Heb11.9. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 P 1Pe3.7. hope. See on Ti +* Tt1.2n. ✓ Tt2.13. Ac Ac23.6. +* Ac26.6. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 141. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

8. a faithful. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. Ti Tt1.9. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.15. these things. f63:63I, Ex + Ex12.4. or, “concerning these (heirs).” that thou. Pr Pr21.28. Ac Ac12.15. 2 Co 2Co4.13. 1 Ti 1Ti1.7. which. Ps Ps78.22. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. Jn12.44. Ac + Ac16.34g. Ro ✓ Ro4.3, Ro4.5. Ro10.14. Ga Ga3.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.12. Ja Jas2.23. 1 P * 1Pe1.21. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.10-13. be careful. See on ver. Tt3.1, Tt3.14. Ti Tt2.14. Ep +* Eph4.28. maintain. Ja * Jas2.17. good works. Jb Job22.2. Job35.7, Job35.8. Ps Ps16.2, Ps16.3. 2 Co 2Co9.12-15. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.18. Phm Phm11. 9. avoid. See on Ti Tt1.14. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3-7. 1Ti4.7. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16, 2Ti2.23. questions. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. 1Ti6.4. 2 Ti 2Ti2.23. genealogies. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4. strivings about. Col ✓ Col2.16n, Col2.17, Col2.20-23. the law. Ac ✓ Ac21.25. unprofitable. Jb Job15.3. 1 Co 1Co8.1. 1Co13.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. 10. heretick. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. Ga Ga5.20. 2 P 2Pe2.1. after. Mt *18:+ Mt18.15-1717. 2 Co 2Co13.2. first and second. Pr +* Pr18.13. Jn +* Jn7.24, Jn7.51. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.19n. admonition. 1 Co 1Co10.11. Ep Eph6.4. 1 Th 1Th5.12. reject. Ps +✓ Ps119.63. Mt +* Mt7.6. +✓ Mt15.14. Ro +* Ro16.17. 1 Co 1Co5.4-13. Ga Ga5.12. 2 Th +* 2Th3.6, 2Th3.14. 1 Ti 1Ti4.7. 1Ti5.11. 2 Ti 2Ti2.23. * 2Ti3.5. 2 J +* 2Jn10. 11. is subverted. Ti Tt1.11. Ac Ac15.24. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.19, 1Ti1.20. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. He Heb10.26. being. Mt Mt25.26-29. Lk * Lk7.30. Lk19.22. Jn ✓ Jn3.18. Ac Ac13.46. Ro Ro3.19. 12. Artemas. i.e. whole, sound; safe and sound, ❅S#734g. Tychicus. Ac Ac20.4. Ep * Eph6.21. 2 Ti + 2Ti4.12. be diligent. 2 Ti 4:+ 2Ti4.9, 2Ti4.21. Nicopolis. i.e. conquest of the city, ❅S#3533g. 2 Ti ◐ 2Ti4.10. for. 1 Co 1Co16.6, 1Co16.8, 1Co16.9. 13. Bring. Ac + Ac15.3. Zenas. i.e. living; Jupiter, ❅S#2211g. the lawyer. Mt + Mt22.35. Lk * Lk7.30. Lk10.25. Lk11.45, Lk11.52. Lk14.3. Apollos. See on Ac * Ac18.24. 1 Co 1Co1.12. on. Ac Ac21.5. Ac28.10. Ro Ro15.24. 1 Co 1Co16.11. 3 J * 3Jn5-8. diligently. Lk + Lk7.4g. that nothing. Ti + Tt1.5. 14. learn. See on ver. Tt3.8. maintain good works. or, profess honest trades. Ti Tt2.14. Ac Ac18.3. +* Ac20.35g. Ep ✓ Eph4.28. 1 Th * 1Th2.9. 2 Th 2Th3.8. 1 Ti 1Ti6.18. necessary uses. Ep Eph4.29g. that. Is Is61.3. Mt Mt7.19. Mt21.19. Lk * Lk13.6-9. Jn * Jn15.8, Jn15.16. Ro Ro15.28. Ph Php1.11. +* Php4.17n. Col +✓ Col1.10. He Heb6.6-12. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.8. 15. with me. See on Ro Ro16.21-24. 2 Ti 2Ti4.21. Greet. See on Ro Ro16.1-20. love. Ga Ga5.6. Ep Eph6.23. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. Phm Phm5. 2 J 2Jn1, 2Jn2. 3 J 3Jn1. Grace. See on 1 Co 1Co16.23. Ep Eph6.24. Col + Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. He Heb13.25.

PHILEMON PHILEMON 1 The apostle salutes Philemon, Phm1-3; declares his joy at hearing of his faith and love, Phm4-7; earnestly and pathetically entreats him to receive into favor his fugitive servant, Onesimus, now become, by the apostle’s ministry, a consistent believer, Phm8-21; desires him Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 142. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

to provide for him a lodging, as he expected to be speedily released, Phm22; and concludes with salutations and benedictions, Phm23-25. 1. a prisoner. ver. Phm9. Ac * Ac23.18. See on Ep 3:+ Eph3.1, Eph3.13. * Eph4.1. * Eph6.19, Eph6.20. Ph Php1.7, Php1.12-20. Col Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. Timothy. Ac + Ac16.1. See on 2 Co 2Co1.1. Ph Php1.1. Col Col1.1. 2 Th 2Th1.1. our brother. 1 Co + 1Co1.1. Philemon. ❅S#5371g. The apostle in this epistle indulges in some fine paronomasias on the proper names. Thus Philemon, phileemon, “affectionate,” or “beloved,” is “our dearly beloved;” Apphia, (Apphia, from appha, the affectionate address of a brother or sister, according to Suidas) is “the beloved sister,” as several MSS., Vulgate, and others correctly read; Archippus (Arkippos, the ruler of the horse, for the managing of which heroes were anciently famous) is “our fellow soldier;” and Onesimus (Oneesimos, “useful” or “profitable”) once unprofitable, is now profitable. beloved. Ac Ac15.25. Ro Ro16.5, Ro16.8. and fellowlaborer. ver. Phm24. Ro + Ro16.3. 1 Co 1Co3.9. Ph Php2.25. * Php4.3. Col Col4.11. 1 Th * 1Th3.2. 2. Apphia. i.e. dear one, ❅S#682g. Archippus. Col * Col4.17. our fellow-soldier. Ph Php2.25. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.3, 2Ti2.4. the church. 2 Co 2Co11.28. in thy house. Ro +* Ro16.5. 1 Co * 1Co16.19. Col Col4.15. 2 J 2Jn10. 3. Grace. See on Ro +* Ro1.7. 1 Co * 1Co16.23. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ep Eph1.2. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. peace. Jn * Jn14.27. He * Heb13.20. 4. thank. Ac Ac27.35. Ro +* Ro1.8, Ro1.9. Ep Eph1.16. Ph * Php1.3, Php1.4. Col Col1.3. 1 Th 1Th1.2. 2 Th * 2Th1.3. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. mention. Ro + Ro1.9. 5. Hearing. Ga * Ga5.6. Ep * Eph1.15. Col Col1.3, Col1.4, Col1.9. thy love. Ep * Eph6.24. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. 1 P * 1Pe1.8. and faith. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. Ep Eph1.15. toward the Lord. ver. Phm7. Ps Ps16.3. Ac Ac9.39-41. Ro Ro12.13. Ro15.25, Ro15.26. 1 Co 1Co16.1. 2 Th * 2Th1.3. He +* Heb6.10. 1 J * 1Jn3.23. 1Jn5.1, 1Jn5.2. saints. Ac Ac9.13. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. 6. That. or, (praying) that. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. the communication. or, fellowship. Ac * Ac2.42. Ro Ro15.26g. 1 Co 1Co1.9. 2 Co 2Co9.12-14. 2Co13.14. Ph * Php1.9-11. Php2.1. Ti * Tt3.14. He +* Heb6.10. Heb13.16g. Ja * Jas2.14, Jas2.17. 1 J 1Jn1.3, 1Jn1.6, 1Jn1.7. thy faith. Ro Ro4.5. Ga Ga5.6. effectual. He Heb4.12g. Ja Jas5.16. the acknowledging. Ps Ps107.2. Mt +* Mt5.16. 1 Co 1Co14.25. 2 Co * 2Co9.13. Ep Eph1.17mg. Eph3.17-19. Ph Php1.9. ✓ Php4.8. Col +* Col1.9, Col1.10. Col3.10. 1 P 1Pe1.5-8. * 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.1, 1Pe3.16. in you. 2 P +* 2Pe1.8. 7. great joy. 2 Co 2Co7.4. Ph Php1.25, Php1.26. Php2.2, Php2.17, Php2.18. ✓ Php4.4. 1 Th 1Th1.3. ✓ 1Th2.13, 1Th2.19. 1Th3.9. Ja Jas1.2. 2 J * 2Jn4. 3 J 3Jn3-6. consolation. or, comfort. Lk Lk16.25. Ac Ac4.36. 1 Co + 1Co14.3. 2 Co ✓ 2Co1.4, 2Co1.6. 2Co7.4, 2Co7.13. Col Col4.11. the bowels. or, hearts. ver. Phm12, Phm20. 2 Co 2Co6.12. 2Co7.13. Col +* Col3.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16. saints. He +* Heb6.10. refreshed. ver. Phm20. 1 Ch 1Ch22.9, 1Ch22.18. Mt * Mt11.28. Ro Ro15.32. 1 Co 1Co16.18. 2 Co 2Co7.13. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16. Re Re6.11. +* Re14.13. 8. bold. Ac Ac2.29g. Ac4.29. 2 Co 2Co3.12. 2Co10.1, 2Co10.2. 2Co11.21. Ep * Eph6.19, Eph6.20. 1 Th * 1Th2.2, 1Th2.6. He Heb3.6g. Heb4.14, Heb4.16. enjoin. Mk Mk1.27g. Ac Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 143. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ac23.2. 2 Co 2Co10.8. Col Col3.18. 1 Ti 1Ti6.13. convenient. or, befitting. Ep Eph5.4. Col Col3.18. 9. love’s sake. Ro +* Ro12.1. 2 Co 2Co5.20. 2Co6.1. Ga * Ga5.13. Ep Eph4.1, Eph4.2. He Heb13.19. 1 P * 1Pe2.11. Paul the aged. Ps * Ps71.9, Ps71.18. Pr * Pr16.31. Is * Is46.4. Lk Lk1.18. 2 Co + 2Co5.20. Ep Eph6.20. Ti Tt2.2. a prisoner. ver. Phm1. Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. 10. beseech. 2 Co * 2Co10.1. my son. 2 S 2Sa9.1-7. 2Sa18.5. 2Sa19.37, 2Sa19.38. Mk Mk9.17. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.2. Ti * Tt1.4. 3 J + 3Jn4. Onesimus. i.e. profitable, ❅S#3682g. ver. Phm20. Col * Col4.9. whom. ver. Phm13. 1 Co +* 1Co4.15. Ga * Ga4.19. bonds. 2 Ti 2Ti2.9. 11. time past. Ep * Eph2.1, Eph2.2, Eph2.12, Eph2.13. Eph5.8. 1 P * 1Pe4.3. unprofitable. f111, Ge + Ge18.27. Jb Job30.1, Job30.2. Ho Ho8.8. Mt * Mt25.30. Lk ✓ Lk17.10. Ro * Ro3.12. 1 P 1Pe2.10. but now. f63:63B, Ge + Ge2.10. Supply (is). profitable. Lk * Lk15.24, Lk15.32. 2 Ti 2Ti2.21. * 2Ti4.11. 12. sent. Lk Lk23.7, Lk23.11, Lk23.15. Ac Ac25.21. thou. Mt * Mt6.14, Mt6.15. * Mt18.21-35. Mk * Mk11.25. Ep ✓ Eph4.32. mine. Dt Dt13.6. 2 S 2Sa16.11. Je Je31.20. Lk * Lk15.20. bowels. ver. Phm7, Phm20. 13. Whom. 2 Ti 2Ti4.11. in thy stead. 1 Co + 1Co16.17. Ph * Php2.30. ministered. Ac + Ac19.22. the bonds. ver. Phm1, Phm10. Mk Mk8.35. Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. Ph 1:+ Php1.7, Php1.13. 14. without. ver. Phm8, Phm9. 2 Co +* 2Co1.24. 1 P * 1Pe5.3. thy benefit. 1 Ch 1Ch29.17. Ps Ps110.3. 1 Co * 1Co9.7, 1Co9.17. 2 Co * 2Co8.12. * 2Co9.5, 2Co9.7. 1 P * 1Pe5.2. necessity. 2 Co +* 2Co9.5, 2Co9.7. He Heb7.12. willingly. He Heb10.26g. 1 P * 1Pe5.2. 15. perhaps. Ge * Ge45.5-8. +* Ge50.20. Ps Ps76.10. Is Is10.7. Ac Ac4.28. Ro Ro5.7g. +* Ro8.28. departed. Mt Mt19.6g. 1 Co 1Co7.11, 1Co7.15g. for a season. lit. hour. f171:171T, Jn + Jn4.23. Jn Jn5.35. 2 Co + 2Co7.8. 1 Th 1Th2.17. receive. Mt + Mt6.2g. Mt10.40. Mt18.5. Lk * Lk16.4, Lk16.9. Jn Jn13.20. Col Col4.10. for ever. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Jn +* Jn15.16. 16. Not now as. 1 Co 1Co7.21-23. a servant. 1 Co +* 1Co7.22. 1 P 1Pe2.16. above. Jn Jn15.15. Col Col3.11. a brother. Mt * Mt23.8. Ac Ac9.17. Ga Ga4.28, Ga4.29. Col Col4.9. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.2. He Heb3.1. 1 P * 1Pe1.22, 1Pe1.23. 1Pe2.18-24. 1 J * 1Jn5.1. both in. Ep * Eph6.5-7. and in. Col * Col3.22, Col3.23. 17. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. thou count. Ac Ac16.15. 2 Co 2Co8.23. Ep Eph3.6. Ph Php1.7. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.2. He Heb3.1, Heb3.14. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 P 1Pe5.1. 1 J * 1Jn1.3. partner. or, partaker. He * Heb3.1. receive. ver. Phm10, Phm12. Mt * Mt10.40. Mt12.48-50. * Mt18.5. * Mt25.40. Ac Ac28.2. Ro Ro14.1. Ro15.7. 18. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. wronged. Mt Mt20.13. 1 Co 1Co6.8. oweth. Dt Dt15.2. Mt Mt18.28. Lk Lk16.5, Lk16.7. T 2:10. put that. Is * Is53.4-7h. Lk Lk10.35. Ro Ro4.23. Ro5.13g. mine account. Ph +* Php4.17n. 19. I Paul. 1 Co +* 1Co16.21, 1Co16.22. Ga Ga5.2. Ga6.11. not say. f35. Apophasis; or, Insinuation B486. Addition of insinuation (implied) by way of reasoning. The figure occurs Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 144. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

when, professing to suppress certain matters, the writer adds the insinuation negatively, as if to say, “I will not mention the matter, but,” etc.; or, “I will not mention another argument, which, however, if I should, you could not refute.” how thou owest. 1 Co * 1Co4.15. 1Co6.19. * 1Co9.1, 1Co9.2. 2 Co * 2Co3.2. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. Ti Tt1.4. Ja * Jas5.19, Jas5.20. 20. let me. ver. Phm10. 2 Co 2Co2.2. 2Co7.4-7, 2Co7.13. Ph Php2.2. * Php4.1. 1 Th * 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. 1Th3.7-9. He * Heb13.17. 3 J * 3Jn4. refresh. ver. + Phm7, Phm12. Ph Php1.8. Php2.1. 1 J * 1Jn3.17. the Lord. Ro Ro16.7, Ro16.9. 21. confidence. 2 Co + 2Co2.3. 2Co7.16. 2Co8.22. Ga Ga5.10. 2 Th 2Th3.4. obedience. Ro Ro1.5. Ph ✓ Php2.12. He Heb5.8. 1 P * 1Pe1.2, 1Pe1.14, 1Pe1.22. do more. Lk ✓ Lk17.10. 22. prepare. Ac * Ac28.23. for I trust. Ro Ro15.24. Ph Php1.25, Php1.26. Php2.24. He Heb13.23. 2 J 2Jn12. 3 J 3Jn14. through. Ro Ro15.30-32. 2 Co +* 2Co1.11. Ph Php1.19, Php1.25. Ja * Jas5.16. I shall. He Heb13.19. given unto. Ac + Ac25.11g. Ac27.24. 1 Co 1Co2.12. 23. Epaphras. Col Col1.7. * Col4.12. my fellow-prisoner. Ro * Ro16.7. Col Col4.10. 24. Marcus. Ac Ac12.12, Ac12.25. 13:+* Ac13.5, Ac13.13. Ac15.37-39. Col + Col4.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.11. 1 P 1Pe5.13. Aristarchus. Ac * Ac19.29. Ac20.4. Ac27.2. Col Col4.10. Demas. Col +* Col4.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.10, 2Ti4.11. Lucas. i.e. luminous, ❅S#3065g. Col Col4.14. 2 Ti 2Ti4.11. my fellow-laborers. ver. + Phm1, Phm2. Ro Ro16.3, Ro16.9, Ro16.21. 1 Co 1Co3.9. 2 Co * 2Co8.23. Ph Php2.25. * Php4.3. 3 J * 3Jn8. 25. grace. See on Ro Ro16.20, Ro16.24. Ga +* Ga6.18. your spirit. Gr. pneuma, f171:171Q, Mk + Mk2.8. Mk8.12. Lk Lk1.47. Jn Jn11.33. Jn13.21. 1 Co 1Co14.14. 1Co16.18. 2 Co 2Co2.13. 2Co7.1, 2Co7.13. Ga Ga6.18. Ph Php4.23mg. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.22.

HEBREWS HEBREWS 1 The writer declares the essential deity and mediatorial glory of the Son of God, by whom the Father speaks to men under the gospel dispensation, Heb1.1-4. He adduces several scriptures to prove that the Messiah was to be far greater than the angels, and worshipped by them as their Creator and Lord, Heb1.5-14. 1. Cir. A.M. 4067. A.D. 63. at sundry times. f98, Ro + Ro11.33. Ge +* Ge3.15. Ge6.3, Ge6.13, etc. 8:15, etc. 9:1, etc. +*12:1-3. 26:2-5. 28:12-15. 32:24-30. 46:2-4. Ex Ex3.1, etc. Lk * Lk24.27, Lk24.44. Ac Ac28.23. 1 P 1Pe1.10-12. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.20, 2Pe1.21. in divers manners. Nu * Nu12.6-8. Ps * Ps89.19. Jl +* Joe2.28. spake. Mt + Mt10.20. the fathers. Lk Lk1.55, Lk1.72. Jn Jn7.22. Ac Ac13.32. Ro +* Ro15.8. 2. these. He Heb9.26. Ge Ge49.1. Nu Nu24.14. Dt Dt4.30. Dt18.15. Dt31.29. Is * Is2.2. Je Je30.24. Je48.47. Ezk Eze38.16. Da Da2.28. Da10.14. Ho Ho3.5. Mi Mic4.1. Ac Ac2.17. Ga ✓ Ga4.4. Ep +* Eph1.10. 1 P 1Pe1.20. 2 P 2Pe3.3. 1 J + 1Jn2.18. Ju Jud18. spoken. ver. Heb1.5, Heb1.8. He * Heb2.3. * Heb5.8. Heb7.3. Ex = Ex20.19. Dt = Dt5.5. Mt * Mt3.17. * Mt17.5. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 145. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mt26.63. Mk Mk1.1. Mk12.6. Jn * Jn1.14, Jn1.17, Jn1.18. ✓ Jn3.16. * Jn14.10. Jn15.15. Ro +* Ro1.4. by his Son. ver. Heb1.8. He Heb3.6. Heb4.14. Heb5.8. Heb6.6. Heb7.3, Heb7.28. Heb10.29. Mt +* Mt14.33. +* Mt24.36. appointed. f171:171J, Ro + Ro4.17. He * Heb2.6, Heb2.8, Heb2.9. Ps * Ps2.6-9. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. * Is53.10-12. Mt Mt21.38. Mt28.18. Jn * Jn3.35. Jn13.3. Jn16.15. Jn17.2. Ac +* Ac10.36. Ro * Ro8.17. 1 Co * 1Co8.6. 1Co15.25-27. Ep Eph1.20-23. Ph ✓ Php2.9-11. Col * Col1.17, Col1.18. 1 P 1Pe3.22. heir. Ps * Ps2.8. +* Ps94.14. Mt Mt21.28. +* Mt28.18. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. Ep Eph1.11n. all things. Jn Jn1.3. 1 Co 1Co8.6. Col Col1.16. by whom. He Heb2.10. Heb3.3. Pr Pr8.22-31. Is Is44.24. Is45.12, Is45.18. Jn +* Jn1.3. 1 Co * 1Co8.6. Ep * Eph3.9. Col +* Col1.16, Col1.17. worlds. Gr. aions, Mt + Mt6.13. f121:121P, Mt + Mt13.22. He Heb11.3. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.17. 3. Who being. Jn +* Jn8.24. the brightness. Jn * Jn1.14. * Jn14.9, Jn14.10. 2 Co * 2Co4.6. his glory. Lk * Lk9.32. 2 Co +* 2Co4.4. express image. Is Is7.14. Is43.10. Mt Mt1.23. Jn * Jn14.9. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. Col +* Col1.15, Col1.16. ✓ Col2.9. his person. or, substance. He Heb3.14. Heb11.1, Heb11.2. 2 Co 2Co9.4. 2Co11.17g. upholding. He Heb11.3. Ne Ne9.6. Ps Ps75.3. Jn * Jn1.4. Ep Eph1.19. Col ✓ Col1.11, Col1.17. Re Re4.11. the word. Ec * Ec8.4. Ro +* Ro1.16. 2 Co * 2Co4.7. power. Col Col1.11. by himself. He Heb7.27. * Heb9.12-14, Heb9.16, Heb9.26. Jn Jn1.29. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. 1Jn3.5. purged our sins. He +* Heb9.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. sat down. ver. Heb1.13. He * Heb4.14. * Heb8.1. * Heb10.12. Heb12.2. Ps ✡* Ps110.1. Zc Zec6.13. Mt Mt22.44. Mk +* Mk16.19. Lk Lk20.42, Lk20.43. Ac Ac2.33. +* Ac7.56. Ro * Ro8.34. Ep * Eph1.20-22. Col * Col3.1. 1 P 1Pe1.21. 1Pe3.22. Re ✓ Re3.21. right hand. f22:22A, Ps + Ps110.1. Mt +* Mt26.64. Lk Lk22.69. 1 P 1Pe3.22. Majesty. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11. Jb Job37.22. Mi Mic5.4. 2 P * 2Pe1.16. Ju * Jud25. on high. Ps Ps92.8. Ps93.4. Ps113.5. Mt Mt21.9. Mk Mk11.10. Lk Lk2.14. Lk19.38. 4. so much better. ver. Heb1.9. He Heb2.9. Heb7.22. Heb8.6. Heb10.25. Ep Eph1.21. Ph Php2.9. Col * Col1.18. Col2.10, ◐ Col2.18. 1 Th 1Th4.16n. 2 Th 2Th1.7. 1 P 1Pe3.22. Re * Re5.11, Re5.12. angels. Col Col2.18. by inheritance. Ps Ps2.7, Ps2.8. Ro * Ro8.17. Ep +* Eph1.11n. more excellent name. Is +* Is9.6. Lk * Lk1.32, Lk1.35. Jn * Jn3.18. Ep ✓ Eph1.21. Ph * Php2.9-11. 5. which. f85:85C, Ge + Ge18.14. Thou. He Heb5.5. Ps *▶ Ps2.7. Ac * Ac13.33. begotten. f22:22C, Ps + Ps2.7. I will. 2 S *▶ 2Sa7.14. 1 Ch 1Ch17.13. 1Ch22.10. 1Ch28.6. Ps +* Ps89.26, Ps89.27. 2 Co +* 2Co6.18. 6. And again, etc. or, When he bringeth again. He Heb10.5. the firstbegotten. f22:22D, Ro + Ro8.29. ver. * Heb1.5. Pr Pr8.24, Pr8.25. Jn * Jn1.14, Jn1.18. ✓ Jn3.16. Ro +* Ro8.29. Col +* Col1.15, Col1.18. 1 J * 1Jn4.9. Re +* Re1.5. * Re3.14. Re19.10. world. Gr. oikoumene, Mt + Mt24.14. f24:24B, Ge + Ge23.16. He Heb2.5. And let. Dt *▶ Dt32.43, LXX. Ps * Ps97.7. Mt +* Mt14.33. Lk * Lk2.9-14. 1 P ✓ 1Pe3.22. Re ✓ Re5.9-14. the angels. Mt * Mt25.31. Mk Mk8.38. Lk Lk12.8, Lk12.9. Lk15.10. Jn Jn1.51. Ac Ac10.3. Ga Ga4.14. worship him. T#79. Ps * Ps2.12. Is Is49.23. Mt Mt2.1, Mt2.2. Mt4.10. Mt8.2. +* Mt14.33. Mt28.9, Mt28.16, Mt28.17, Mt28.19. Lk ◐ Lk14.10. ✓ Lk24.51, Lk24.52. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Ac +✓ Ac7.59n. ◐ Ac10.25. 2 Co 2Co13.14. Ph * Php2.9-11. Col ◐ Col2.18. 2 P 2Pe1.17. 2Pe3.18. Re +* Re5.12. 7. of. Gr. unto. Who maketh. ver. Heb1.14. 2 K 2Ki2.11. 2Ki6.17. Ps ▶ Ps104.4. Is Is6.2h. Ezk Eze1.13, Eze1.14. Da Da7.10. Zc Zec6.5. his angels. Ps Ps148.8. spirits. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 146. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Lk24.37. ministers. ver. Heb1.14. He Heb8.2, Heb8.6. Heb9.21. Heb10.11. Ps Ps103.20, Ps103.21. Da * Da9.21. Lk + Lk1.23g. a flame. 2 K 2Ki1.10. 2Ki2.11. * 2Ki6.17. 8. Son. ver. + Heb1.2. Jn +* Jn8.35. Thy throne. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. f22:22D, Ps + Ps45.6. Ps +*▶ Ps45.6, Ps45.7. Ps93.2. Ps110.2. Jn Jn16.15. Re +* Re3.21. O God. He Heb3.3, Heb3.4. Ex Ex7.1. Ex21.6. Ex22.8, Ex22.9, Ex22.20, Ex22.28. Ex32.31. Jsh Jos23.16. Jg Jdg13.22. Jdg16.23. 1 S 1Sa2.25. 1Sa4.7. 1 K 1Ki11.33. Jb +* Job19.26. Ps ▶ Ps45.6. Ps47.7, Ps47.8. Ps86.8. Ps97.7. Is +* Is7.14. +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Is40.9, Is40.10. Is45.21, Is45.22, Is45.25. Je ✓ Je23.6. Ho Ho1.7. Zc Zec13.9. Ml * Mal3.1. Mt * Mt1.23. Lk Lk1.16, Lk1.17. Jn ✓ Jn1.1. ✓ Jn5.18n. Jn10.30, Jn10.33. +* Jn20.28n. Ro +* Ro9.5n. 1 Co ◐+* 1Co15.24, 1Co15.25. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. Ti ✓ Tt2.13n, Tt2.14. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age of the age. 2 S * 2Sa7.13, 2Sa7.16. Ps Ps10.16. Ps72.5. * Ps89.4. Ps110.4. Ps145.13. Is +* Is9.7. Da * Da2.44. +* Da7.14. Mi +* Mic5.2. Lk * Lk1.32, Lk1.33. Jn +* Jn8.35. Jn17.5. 1 Co ◐+* 1Co15.24n, 1Co15.25. 2 P * 2Pe1.11. Re ✓ Re11.15. Re19.16. a scepter. f22:22D, Ps + Ps2.9. 2 S 2Sa23.3. Ps Ps67.4. Ps72.1-4, Ps72.11-14. Ps96.10. Ps99.4. Is +* Is9.7. * Is32.1, Is32.2. Je * Je23.5. * Je33.15. Zc * Zec9.9. righteousness. Gr. rightness, or, straightness. thy kingdom. In this passage it is affirmed that the kingdom is eternal, that it is ruled by Messiah who is God (Je ✓ Je23.6), and in accordance with covenant and prophecy, this kingdom is upon earth, the reign is upon earth, where the inheritance is located (Ep Eph1.11n), and not in or from heaven or the third heaven. Mt Mt16.28. Lk +* Lk22.30. Lk23.42. Jn +* Jn18.36. Ph Php2.10. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. Re ✓ Re11.15. Re17.14. 9. loved. He Heb7.26. Ps Ps11.5, Ps11.7. Ps33.5. Ps36.5, Ps36.6. Ps37.28. Ps40.8. +* Ps45.7. Ps89.14. Is Is53.9. Is61.8. 1 P * 1Pe2.22. hated. Ps * Ps119.104, Ps119.128. Pr Pr8.13. Am Am5.15. Zc Zec8.17. Ro Ro12.9. Re Re2.6, Re2.7, Re2.15. God. Is Is61.1. Lk +* Lk4.18. thy God. Ps Ps89.26. Jn * Jn20.17. 2 Co 2Co11.31. Ep Eph1.3. 1 P 1Pe1.3. anointed. f22:22D, Ps + Ps45.7. 1 K 1Ki1.39. Ps * Ps2.2, Ps2.6mg. Ps89.20. Is Is61.1. Lk +* Lk4.18, Lk4.21. Jn Jn1.41. * Jn3.34. Ac Ac4.27. * Ac10.38. oil. Ge = Ge49.25. Ps * Ps23.5. Is Is61.3. Ro Ro15.13. Ga * Ga5.22. of gladness. Ps Ps21.6. Is Is61.3. Lk Lk10.21. above. Re +* Re1.5. Re17.14. Re19.16. thy fellows. He ✓ Heb2.11, Heb2.16, Heb2.17. Ps Ps94.10. Ps138.4. Mi +* Mic5.2. Zc +* Zec14.5. Ro +* Ro8.17. 1 Co 1Co1.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12. 1 J * 1Jn1.3. Re +* Re5.10. * Re20.4, Re20.6. 10. Thou. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. Ps ▶ Ps102.25-27. Lord. Ne +* Ne9.6. Jn * Jn8.24. in. He Heb11.3. Ge +* Ge1.1. Ge2.1. Jb Job38.4. Ps Ps115.15. Is Is42.5. Is44.24. Is45.18. Jn ✓ Jn1.13. Ac Ac14.15. Ac17.24. Col Col1.16, Col1.17. Re +* Re3.14. Re4.11. hast. Pr Pr8.29. Is Is42.5. Is48.13. Is51.13. Je Je32.17. Zc Zec12.1. the heavens. Ps Ps33.6. Ps96.5. Ps136.5. the works. Dt Dt4.19. Ps Ps8.3, Ps8.4. Ps19.1. Is Is64.8. 11. shall perish. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. He Heb12.27. Ec ◐+* Ec1.4. Is Is34.4. * Is51.6. Is65.17. Mt * Mt24.35. Mk Mk13.31. Lk Lk21.33. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.7-10, 2Pe3.12. Re * Re20.11. * Re21.1. thou remainest. Ps Ps9.7. Ps10.16. Ps29.10. Ps90.2. Ps102.12. Is Is41.4. Is44.6. Re Re1.11, Re1.17, Re1.18. Re2.8. shall wax. Is Is50.9. Is51.6, Is51.8. 12. art the same. He ✓ Heb13.8. Ex Ex3.14. Is Is41.4. Is48.12. Ml +* Mal3.6. Jn ✓ Jn8.35, Jn8.58. Ja * Jas1.17. Re +* Re1.8. and they. Ps Ps90.4. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 147. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

13. But. f77, Ex + Ex3.19. to which. f85:85C, Ge + Ge18.14. ver. * Heb1.5. Sit. ver. Heb1.3. He Heb10.12. Ps *▶ Ps110.1. Mt +* Mt22.44. Mk Mk12.36. Mk14.62. +* Mk16.19. Lk Lk20.42. Lk22.69. Ac Ac2.34-36. Ac7.55. right hand. Ro * Ro8.34. Ep * Eph1.20. Col * Col3.1. until. He Heb10.13. Ps Ps21.8, Ps21.9. Ps132.18. Is Is63.3-6. Lk Lk19.27. 1 Co +* 1Co15.25, 1Co15.26. Re Re19.11-21. Re20.15. thy footstool. f22:22D, Ps + Ps110.1. Jsh Jos10.24. Ps Ps8.6. Ps18.38. 14. Are. f85:85B, Ge + Ge13.9. ministering. T#847. ver. + Heb1.7. He Heb8.6. Heb10.11. 1 K 1Ki22.19. Jb Job1.6. Ps * Ps34.7. * Ps91.11, Ps91.12. Ps103.20, Ps103.21. Ps104.4. Is Is6.2, Is6.3. Da Da3.28. Da7.10. Mt Mt13.41, Mt13.49, Mt13.50. * Mt18.10. Mk Mk1.13. Lk Lk1.19, Lk1.23. Lk2.9, Lk2.13. Ac Ac13.2. Ro Ro13.6. Ro15.16, Ro15.27. 2 Co 2Co9.12. Ph Php2.17, Php2.25g. 2 Th 2Th1.7. Ju Jud14. spirits. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk24.37. sent. Ge * Ge19.15, Ge19.16. Ge28.12. Ge32.1, Ge32.2, Ge32.24. Jg Jdg6.11. Jdg13.3, Jdg13.6, Jdg13.9. Ps Ps34.7. +* Ps35.6. Ps91.11. Ps103.20, Ps103.21. Da Da3.28. * Da6.22. Da10.11. Mt Mt18.10. Lk * Lk1.19. + Lk16.22. Ac Ac5.19. Ac8.26. Ac10.1-6. Ac11.22. * Ac12.7, Ac12.15. * Ac27.23, Ac27.24. 1 P 1Pe1.12. Re Re5.6. minister. Ps Ps34.7. Ps91.11, Ps91.12. Da Da6.22. Da9.21-23. Da10.11, Da10.12. Mt Mt1.20. Mt2.13. Mt24.31. Lk Lk16.22. Ac Ac5.19. Ac10.3, Ac10.4. Ac12.7, Ac12.23. Ac16.26. Ac27.23. heirs. f142, Ge + Ge20.16. He Heb6.12, Heb6.17. Mt + Mt25.34. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. Ga Ga3.7, Ga3.9, Ga3.29. Ep Eph1.11n. Eph3.6. Ti * Tt3.7. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4n. 1Pe3.7.

HEBREWS 2 An earnest call to attend the gospel; enforced by the consideration of the danger of “neglecting so great salvation,” thus revealed and confirmed, Heb2.1-4. Further scriptural proof of Christ’s superiority to angels, notwithstanding his temporary humiliation in our nature, Heb2.5-9. An explanation of the motives, reasons, condescension, and benefit, of his incarnation, temptations, sufferings, and death; as connected with his being the High Priest and Savior of his people, Heb2.10-18. 1. Therefore. ver. * Heb2.2-4. He Heb1.1, Heb1.2. * Heb12.25, Heb12.26. the more. Dt * Dt4.9, Dt4.23. * Dt32.46, Dt32.47. Jsh * Jos23.11, Jos23.12. 1 Ch * 1Ch22.13. Ps ✓ Ps119.9. Pr Pr2.1-6. Pr3.21. * Pr4.1-4, Pr4.20-22. Pr7.1, Pr7.2. Ho * Ho4.6, Ho4.10. Lk +* Lk8.15. * Lk9.44. Ac * Ac3.22, Ac3.23. we should. He Heb12.5. Mt * Mt16.9. Mk Mk8.18. 2 P 2Pe1.12, 2Pe1.13, 2Pe1.15. 2Pe3.1. let them slip. Gr. run out, as leaking vessels. Jb Job6.15. Hag *1:6. *2:16. 2. For if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. spoken. Dt +* Dt33.2. Ps * Ps68.17. Ac +* Ac7.53. Ga * Ga3.19. every. He * Heb10.28. Ex * Ex32.27, Ex32.28. Le * Le10.1, Le10.2. * Le24.14-16. Nu * Nu11.33. * Nu14.28, Nu14.37. * Nu15.30-36. * Nu16.31-35, Nu16.49. * Nu20.11, Nu20.12. * Nu21.6. * Nu25.9. Dt * Dt4.3, Dt4.4. Dt17.2, Dt17.5, Dt17.12. Dt27.26. 1 Co * 1Co10.5-12. Ju * Jud5. recompense. He * Heb10.35. * Heb11.6, Heb11.26g. Ps * Ps31.23. 3. How. He * Heb4.1, Heb4.11. ✓ Heb10.28, Heb10.29. * Heb12.25. Is Is20.6. Ezk Eze17.15, Eze17.18. Mt * Mt23.33. Jn * Jn12.48. Ro * Ro2.3. 1 Th * 1Th5.3. 1 P * 1Pe4.17, 1Pe4.18. Re Re6.16, Re6.17. neglect. He Heb8.9g. Jsh * Jos24.15. Mt * Mt22.5g. Ro +* Ro2.12. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14g. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15. 1 P ◐ 1Pe5.7g. 2 P 2Pe1.12g. Re +* Re3.20. so great. He Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 148. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

* Heb5.9. ✓ Heb7.25, Heb7.26. Is +* Is12.2. Is51.5, Is51.8. Is62.11. Lk Lk1.69. Jn ✓ Jn3.16-18. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.15. Ti ✓ Tt2.11. Re Re7.10. salvation. He +* Heb9.28n. Mt Mt16.26. Lk Lk2.30. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. 2 Co +* 2Co6.2. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11-13. Ju +* Jud3. began. He * Heb1.2. Mt * Mt4.17. Mk Mk1.14. Lk Lk24.19. Ac Ac2.22. and was. Mk * Mk16.15-20. Lk * Lk1.2. +* Lk24.47, Lk24.48. Jn Jn15.27. Ac Ac1.8, Ac1.22. * Ac5.32. * Ac10.39-42. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.16. 1 J * 1Jn1.1-3. 4. God also. Mk * Mk16.20. Jn Jn15.26. Ac Ac2.32, Ac2.33. Ac3.15, Ac3.16. Ac4.10. * Ac14.3. * Ac19.11, Ac19.12. Ro * Ro15.18, Ro15.19. signs. Jn + Jn4.48. Ac * Ac2.43. divers miracles. He Heb6.4, Heb6.5. Ac + Ac2.22. 1 Co * 1Co2.4. gifts. or, distributions. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.4-11. Ep ✓ Eph4.8-11. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18. according. Da Da4.35. Ep Eph1.5, Eph1.9. 5. the world. Gr. oikoumene, Mt + Mt24.14. He Heb1.6. Heb6.5. 2 P 2Pe3.13. Re * Re11.15. to come. He * Heb6.5. Is * Is65.17. Jn +* Jn6.54n. 6. in. He Heb4.4. Heb5.6. 1 P 1Pe1.11. testified. 1 Th + 1Th4.6. What. f85:85F, Ps + Ps8.4. Jb * Job7.17, Job7.18. Job15.14. Job25.6. See on Ps ▶ Ps8.4-8. * Ps144.3. Is Is40.17. mindful. Ge Ge8.1. Ge19.29. Ge30.22. Ex Ex2.24. 1 S 1Sa1.19. the son. Jb Job25.6. Ps Ps80.17. Ps146.3, Ps146.4. Is Is51.12. visitest. Ge * Ge50.24. Ps Ps65.9. Lk *1:+ Lk1.68, Lk1.78, Lk1.79. Lk7.16. 7. madest. f96:96C, Ge + Ge45.9. See on ver. Heb2.9. a little lower than. or, a little while inferior to. Lk Lk22.58. Ac Ac5.34. Ac27.28g. angels. Mt * Mt4.11. Lk * Lk22.43. with glory. Ps Ps21.5. didst set. Ge Ge1.26, Ge1.28. Ge9.2. Ja Jas3.7. 8. hast. f151, Ge + Ge1.28. ver. Heb2.5. He Heb1.13. Ps * Ps2.6. Da +* Da7.14. Mt * Mt28.18. Jn Jn3.35. Jn13.3. 1 Co +* 1Co15.27. Ep * Eph1.21, Eph1.22. Ph ✓ Php2.9-11. 1 P 1Pe3.22. Re +* Re1.5, Re1.18. * Re5.11-13. under. f22:22D, Ps + Ps110.1. But. Jb Job39.1-12. ch. 41. 1 Co * 1Co15.24, 1Co15.25. not yet. Dt Dt12.9. 9. we see. 2 P 2Pe1.16. Jesus. He Heb8.3. Heb10.5. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is +* Is7.14. Is11.1. * Is53.2-10. Ro Ro8.3. Ga ✓ Ga4.4. Ph ✓ Php2.7-9. lower. ver. Heb2.7. for the. or, by the. f137, Ge + Ge13.13. Jn + Jn10.17. Ph Php2.7-9. suffering. ver. +* Heb2.10. Ro * Ro8.17, Ro8.18. crowned. Ps * Ps21.3-5. Zc * Zec6.11-13. Ac + Ac2.33. Ac3.13. 1 P 1Pe1.21. Re * Re19.12. glory. Ex Ex28.2. Ps * Ps45.3, Ps45.4. 2 P 2Pe1.17. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. by. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ro * Ro5.8, Ro5.18. ✓ Ro8.32. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. * 2Co6.1. 1 J * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. taste. Mt Mt16.28. Mk Mk9.1. Lk Lk9.27. Jn Jn8.52. for every. ✓ f171:171B, Ge + Ge24.10. Mt Mt20.28. +* Mt26.28n. Jn +* Jn1.29. +* Jn12.32. Ro * Ro5.18. 1 Co 1Co15.22. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.6. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.2. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.9. Re * Re5.9. 10. it became. He Heb7.26. Ge +* Ge18.25. Lk Lk2.14. +* Lk24.26, Lk24.46. Ro * Ro3.25, Ro3.26. Ep Eph1.6-8. Eph2.7. Eph3.10. 1 P 1Pe1.12. for whom. Pr * Pr16.4. Is Is43.21. Ro * Ro11.36. 1 Co +* 1Co8.6. 2 Co 2Co5.18. Col * Col1.16, Col1.17. Re Re4.11. in bringing. Nu = Nu18.2. Je = Je33.22. Ho Ho1.10. Jn Jn11.52. Ac Ac9.31. Ro ✓ Ro8.14-18, Ro8.29, Ro8.30. Ro9.25, Ro9.26. 2 Co * 2Co6.18. Ga * Ga3.26. Ep Eph1.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1, 1Jn3.2. Re * Re7.9, Re7.10, Re7.14. many. ✓ f171:171F, Is + Is53.12. He Heb9.28. Ge = Ge50.20. Mt + Mt20.28. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 149. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

sons. Ro +* Ro8.14. unto glory. He Heb3.1. Ro Ro8.30. Ro9.23. 1 Co 1Co2.7. 2 Co * 2Co3.18. ✓ 2Co4.17. Col +* Col3.4. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. 1 P 1Pe5.1, 1Pe5.10. the captain. He Heb5.9. Heb6.20. * Heb12.2. Jsh Jos5.14, Jos5.15. Is * Is55.4. Mi Mic2.13. Ac +* Ac3.15. Ac5.31. perfect. He * Heb5.8, Heb5.9. Heb7.28. Heb11.40. Heb12.23. Lk Lk13.32. Lk24.26, Lk24.46. Jn Jn19.30. Ph Php3.12. sufferings. ver. Heb2.9. Ex Ex25.5. += Ex26.33. +* Ex27.20. += Ex30.10. Le += Le2.4, Le2.6. += Le17.11. Is = Is53.5, Is53.10. Ac Ac26.23. 2 Co + 2Co1.5. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. 11. he that. He * Heb9.13, Heb9.14. * Heb10.10, Heb10.14. * Heb13.12. Jn Jn17.19. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. and they. He Heb10.10, Heb10.14, Heb10.29. Jn Jn17.19. all of one. f63:63I, Ex + Ex12.4. or, all (sons) of one (father). ver. Heb2.14. He + Heb12.9. Jn Jn17.21. Ac Ac17.26, Ac17.28. Ga * Ga4.4. he is. He +* Heb11.16. Mk Mk8.38. Lk * Lk9.26. to call. Mt +* Mt12.4850. Mt25.40. Mt28.10. Jn * Jn20.17. Ro * Ro8.29. brethren. He Heb3.1. Ge = Ge46.31. = Ge47.1. Nu = Nu18.2. Mt Mt25.40. 12. I will declare. Ps ▶ Ps22.22, Ps22.25. Ps102.21. Jn +* Jn17.6. my brethren. Mt + Mt28.10. in. Ps Ps40.10. Ps111.1. Jn Jn18.20. midst. f144:144A, Ge + Ge45.6. church. or, congregation. He Heb12.23. Ac Ac7.38. sing. Ac Ac16.25g. 13. I will put. 2 S ▶ 2Sa22.3. Ps Ps16.1. ▶ Ps18.2. Ps36.7, Ps36.8. Ps91.2. Is * Is8.17. +* Is12.2. * Is50.7-9. Mt Mt27.43. Jn * Jn5.30. Behold. Is ▶ Is8.18. * Is53.10. which. Ge Ge33.5. Ge48.9. Ps Ps127.3. Jn Jn10.29. *17:+* Jn17.2, Jn17.6-12. 1 Co 1Co4.15. 14. the children. See on ver. Heb2.10. of flesh and. * f171:171Q, Mt + Mt16.17. Ge Ge2.23. 2 S 2Sa5.1. Jb Job33.6. Mt +* Mt16.17. 1 Co +* 1Co15.50. he also. ver. Heb2.18. He +* Heb4.15. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is +* Is7.14. Jn * Jn1.14. Ro * Ro8.3. Ga * Ga4.4. Ph * Php2.6-8. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. took part. ver. Heb2.17. He Heb7.13. Jn + Jn1.14. through death. f171:171S, Ro + Ro5.10. He Heb9.15. Is Is53.12. Jn Jn12.24, Jn12.31-33. Ro Ro14.9. 1 Co +* 1Co15.55. Col Col2.15. Re * Re1.18. destroy. Is Is25.8. Ho Ho13.14. 1 Co +* 1Co15.54, 1Co15.55. Col Col2.15. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.10. of death. f145, Jg + Jdg11.40. the devil. Mt Mt25.41. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.8-10. Re Re2.10. Re12.9. Re20.2. 15. deliver. Jb Job33.21-28. Ps Ps33.19. Ps56.13. Ps89.48. Ps107.14. Lk Lk1.74, Lk1.75. 2 Co 2Co1.10. through. Jb Job18.11, Job18.14. Job24.17. Ps Ps55.4. Ps73.19. 1 Co +* 1Co15.50-57. death. Re +* Re1.18. lifetime. f24:24A, Ge + Ge32.24. subject. Ro 8:+ Ro8.15, Ro8.21. Ga Ga4.21. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. 16. verily. He Heb6.16. Heb12.10. Ro Ro2.25. 1 P 1Pe1.20. took not, etc. Gr. taketh not hold of angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold. f96:96C, Mt + Mt2.13. He Heb8.9. Is Is41.8, Is41.9. 1 Th * 1Th4.16n. him the. f63:63K, Ge + Ge37.13. the seed. Ge Ge22.18. Mt * Mt1.1, etc. Ro Ro4.16, etc. Ga * Ga3.16, Ga3.29. 17. all things. He +* Heb4.15. it behooved. See on ver. Heb2.11, Heb2.14. Ph * Php2.7, Php2.8. made like. He ◐ Heb7.26. Ps ◐* Ps50.21. Ph * Php2.7. a merciful. He Heb3.2, Heb3.5. +* Heb4.15, Heb4.16. * Heb5.1, Heb5.2, Heb5.7, Heb5.8. Is Is11.5. and faithful. He Heb3.1, Heb3.2. Ps ◐+* Ps36.5. Mt +* Mt28.19n. 2 Th 2Th3.3. Re Re1.5. Re3.14. Re19.11. high priest. He Heb3.1. Heb4.14, Heb4.15. Heb5.5, Heb5.10. Heb6.20. Heb7.26, Heb7.28. Heb8.1, Heb8.3. Heb9.11. Heb10.21. in things. He Heb5.1. Ro Ro15.17. to make. T#582. Le Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 150. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Le6.30. Le8.15. 2 Ch 2Ch29.24. Ezk Eze45.15, Eze45.17, Eze45.20. Da * Da9.24. Lk + Lk18.13. Ro Ro5.1, Ro5.2, Ro5.10. 2 Co * 2Co5.18-21. Ep Eph2.16. Ph + Php4.7 (T#666). Col * Col1.21. of the people. Mt Mt1.21. Lk Lk1.68, Lk1.77. Lk2.10. 18. suffered. He * Heb4.15, Heb4.16. Heb5.2, Heb5.7-9. * Heb12.3. Mt * Mt4.1-10. Mt26.37-39. Mt27.34. Lk Lk22.53. being tempted. He +* Heb4.15. Lk Lk22.28. he is able. f108:108B, Ro + Ro4.21. He * Heb7.25, Heb7.26. Jn * Jn10.29. Ro Ro4.21. Ro14.4. 2 Co * 2Co9.8. Ep Eph3.20. Ph Php3.21. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.12. Ju * Jud24. them. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.7-10. 2 P * 2Pe2.9. Re +* Re3.10.

HEBREWS 3 The great superiority of Christ above Moses is proved and illustrated, Heb3.1-6. The Hebrews are solemnly warned not to copy the example of their unbelieving ancestors, who perished in the wilderness, Heb3.7-19. 1. holy. He Heb2.11. Col * Col1.22. Col3.12. 1 Th * 1Th5.27. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 1 P 1Pe2.9. * 1Pe3.5. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.3-10. Re Re18.20. partakers. ver. * Heb3.14. He * Heb6.4. Ro Ro11.17. Ro15.27. 1 Co 1Co9.23. 1Co10.17. 2 Co 2Co1.7. Ep * Eph3.6. Col * Col1.12. 1 Ti 1Ti6.2. 1 P 1Pe5.1. 2 P * 2Pe1.4. 1 J * 1Jn1.3. the heavenly. He Heb2.10. Heb9.15. Ro Ro1.6, Ro1.7. +* Ro8.28-30. Ro9.24. 1 Co * 1Co1.2. Ep Eph4.1, * Eph4.4. Ph * Php3.14. 1 Th * 1Th2.12. * 1Th4.7. 2 Th * 2Th1.11. 2Th2.14. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 1 P 1Pe5.10. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. Ju Jud1. Re * Re17.14. consider. Is Is1.3. Is5.12. Is41.20. Ezk Eze12.3. * Eze18.28. Hg * Hag1.5. Hag2.15. Jn Jn20.27. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.7. the apostle. Jn * Jn20.21g. Ro +* Ro15.8. and. He +* Heb2.17. * Heb4.14, Heb4.15. Heb5.1-10. Heb6.20. * Heb7.26, Heb7.27. Heb8.1-3. Heb9.11. Heb10.21. Ps * Ps110.4. profession. He Heb4.14. Heb10.23. 2 Co 2Co9.13. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12, 1Ti6.13. 2. faithful. He Heb2.17. Jn Jn6.38-40. Jn7.18. * Jn8.29. Jn15.10. *17:4. appointed. Gr. made. 1 S 1Sa12.6mg. Ac Ac2.36. as. ver. Heb3.5. Ex * Ex40.16. Nu * Nu12.7. Dt * Dt4.5. 1 Ti 1Ti1.12. all. ver. * Heb3.6. Ep * Eph2.22. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.15. house. Is Is5.7. 1 Ti 1Ti3.15. 3. this. ver. Heb3.6. He Heb1.2-4. Heb2.9. Col * Col1.18. glory. Zc +* Zec6.13. who. He Heb9.2, Heb9.6. Heb11.7. Zc Zec4.9. * Zec6.12, Zec6.13. Mt * Mt16.18. 1 Co 1Co3.9. 1 P 1Pe2.5-7. 1Pe3.20g. 4. but. See on ver. Heb3.3. He Heb1.2. Zc * Zec6.12. Mt * Mt16.18. Jn Jn1.3. Ac Ac7.38. Ep Eph2.10. Eph3.9. 1 P + 1Pe2.5. 5. faithful. ver. Heb3.2. Nu Nu12.7. Da * Da6.4. Mt +* Mt24.45. Mt25.21. Lk +* Lk12.42. * Lk16.10-12. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.12. as a servant. Ex Ex14.31. Nu Nu12.7. Dt Dt3.24. Dt34.5. Jsh Jos1.2, Jos1.7, Jos1.15. Jos8.31, Jos8.33. Ne Ne9.14. Ps Ps105.26. Re Re15.3. for a testimony. He Heb8.5. Heb9.8-13, Heb9.24. * Heb10.1. Dt Dt18.15-19. Lk +* Lk24.27, Lk24.44. Jn +✓ Jn5.39, Jn5.46, Jn5.47. Ac Ac3.22, Ac3.23. Ac7.37. Ac28.23. Ro * Ro3.21. 1 P 1Pe1.10-12. 6. as. ver. ◐= Heb3.5. He +* Heb1.2. Heb4.14. Ps * Ps2.6, Ps2.7, Ps2.12. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Jn ✓ Jn3.35, Jn3.36. * Jn17.10, Jn17.12. 2 P 2Pe1.16. Re * Re2.18. over. Ge = Ge41.40. own Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 151. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

house. Ps Ps93.5. whose. ver. Heb3.2, Heb3.3. Mt * Mt16.18. 1 Co * 1Co3.16. * 1Co6.19. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. Ep * Eph2.21, Eph2.22. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.15. 1 P * 1Pe2.5. if. ver. +* Heb3.14. He Heb4.11. * Heb6.11. * Heb10.23, Heb10.35, Heb10.38, Heb10.39. Mt * Mt10.22. * Mt24.13. Ga ✓ Ga6.9. Col +* Col1.23. Re * Re2.25. * Re3.11. are we. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. hold fast. ver. Heb3.14. He Heb10.23. 1 Co 1Co11.2. +* 1Co15.2. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. confidence. He Heb4.16. Heb10.19, Heb10.35. Ac +* Ac4.13. rejoicing. Ro * Ro5.2. * Ro12.12. * Ro15.13. Ph +* Php1.26. 1 Th +* 1Th5.16. 2 Th 2Th2.16. 1 P * 1Pe1.3-6, 1Pe1.8. the hope. He Heb6.11, Heb6.18. Heb7.19. Heb10.23. Ro Ro5.2. Col +* Col1.5, Col1.23. firm unto. ver. Heb3.14. He +* Heb4.14. +* Heb6.11. * Heb10.35, Heb10.36. Ps Ps119.33, Ps119.112. Mt + Mt10.22. 1 J * 1Jn2.19. Re Re2.26. 7. as. He Heb9.8. Heb10.15. 2 S * 2Sa23.2. Mt Mt22.43. Mk * Mk12.36. Ac +* Ac1.16. + Ac8.29. Ac28.25. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.21. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Today. ver. Heb3.13, Heb3.15. He Heb4.7. Ps ▶ Ps95.7-11. Pr * Pr27.1. Ec +* Ec9.10. Is ✓ Is55.6. Mk + Mk16.14. Ac Ac19.9. Ro Ro9.18. 2 Co +* 2Co6.1, 2Co6.2. Ja * Jas4.13-15. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. hear. Ps Ps81.11, Ps81.13. Is +* Is55.3. Mt * Mt17.5. Jn Jn5.25. Jn10.3, Jn10.16, Jn10.27. Re ✓ Re3.20. 8. Harden. ver. Heb3.12, Heb3.13. Ex Ex8.15. Dt * Dt9.7. 1 S 1Sa6.6. 2 K 2Ki17.14. 2 Ch 2Ch30.8. 2Ch36.13. Ne Ne9.16. Jb Job9.4. Ps ▶ Ps95.8. Pr Pr28.14. ✓ Pr29.1. Je Je7.26. Ezk Eze3.7-9. Da Da5.20. Zc Zec7.11, Zec7.12. Mt Mt13.15. Ac Ac19.9. Ro Ro2.5, Ro2.6. as. Ex Ex17.1-7. Nu * Nu14.11, Nu14.22, Nu14.23. Nu20.1-13. Dt Dt9.22-24. Ps Ps78.56. provocation. f183, Ph + Php3.19. The provocation of God followed the temptation in the wilderness; but is here put first to mark out the special temptation referred to (B703). of. Ex Ex17.7. Dt Dt6.16. Ps Ps78.18. Ps106.14. 1 Co 1Co10.9. 9. When. Ps ▶ Ps95.9. tempted. Nu * Nu14.22, Nu14.23. Ac + Ac15.10. 1 Co * 1Co10.9. and saw. Ex Ex19.4. Ex20.22. Nu * Nu14.22, Nu14.23. Dt Dt4.3, Dt4.9. Dt11.7. Dt29.2. Jsh Jos23.3. Jos24.7. Lk Lk7.22. forty. Nu Nu14.33. Dt Dt8.2, Dt8.4. Jsh Jos5.6. Am Am2.10. Ac + Ac7.36. Ac13.18. 10. I was grieved. Ge * Ge6.6. Jg Jdg10.16. Ps * Ps78.40, Ps78.41. ▶ Ps95.10. Is +* Is63.10. Mk Mk3.5. Ep +* Eph4.30. alway. Gr. aei, Mk + Mk15.8. err. ver. Heb3.12. He Heb5.2. Ps * Ps78.8. Is Is28.7. Ho Ho4.12. Jn ✓ Jn3.19, Jn3.20. Jn8.45. Ro +* Ro1.28. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.10-12. they have. Ps Ps67.2. Ps95.10. Ps147.20. Je * Je4.22. Ro Ro3.17. 11. So. He Heb4.3, Heb4.5. Ps ▶ Ps95.11. I sware. ver. Heb3.18, Heb3.19. He Heb4.3. Nu * Nu14.20-23, Nu14.24, * Nu14.27-30, Nu14.35. * Nu32.10-13. Dt Dt1.34, Dt1.35. Dt2.14. Ezk Eze20.15. They shall not enter. Gr. if they shall enter. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. my rest. See on He Heb4.9. 12. Take heed. He * Heb2.1-3. Heb4.11. *12:+* Heb12.15, Heb12.25. Pr +* Pr27.23. Mt Mt24.4. Mk Mk13.9, Mk13.23, Mk13.33. Lk * Lk21.8. Ro Ro11.21. 1 Co * 1Co10.12. Col +* Col2.8. an evil heart. See on ver. Heb3.10. Ge +* Ge8.21. 1 K +* 1Ki8.18. Je Je2.13. Je3.17. * Je7.24. Je11.8. Je16.12. +* Je17.9. Je18.12. Mk +* Mk7.21-23. of unbelief. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. T#708. ver. Heb3.19. He Heb4.6, Heb4.11. Nu Nu14.11. Ps Ps10.11, Ps10.13. + Ps14.1 (T#22). 73:9-11. 94:5-7. Ezk Eze8.12. + Eze13.22 (T#568). Zp Zep1.12. Mk Mk6.6. Mk16.16. Jn * Jn3.18. Jn5.44. Jn8.43. Jn16.8, Jn16.9. Ro Ro11.20. in departing. He +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 152. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Heb10.38, Heb10.39. Heb12.25. Jb * Job21.14. Job22.17. Ps * Ps18.21. * Ps78.56, Ps78.57. Pr Pr1.32. Is * Is59.13. Je +* Je2.13. +* Je17.5. Ho Ho1.2. Lk +* Lk8.13. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.19. +* 1Ti4.1n. the living. He Heb9.14. Heb10.31. Heb12.22. Mt + Mt16.16. See on 1 Th 1Th1.9. 13. exhort one another. Our duty towards one another in watching over one another’s spiritual lives (He Heb13.7,17) merits careful study in this context. Prompt action based upon the signs of spiritual decline given in ver. Heb3.12 is essential. Scripture furnishes much material which should form the basis of exhortation. We should encourage one another in (1) love: Ep Eph3.17. Eph4.15, Eph4.16. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. (2) good works: Ep * Eph2.10. Ti +* Tt3.8. (3) regular fellowship: He ✓ Heb10.25. Ex Ex34.24. 1 S 1Sa2.30. Mt * Mt6.33. Ac * Ac2.42, Ac2.43. (4) avoiding willful sin: He * Heb10.26. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. Ga * Ga5.21. Ep Eph5.5. Re +* Re21.8. Re21.27. (5) maintaining confidence: He +* Heb10.35. Ac +* Ac11.23. * Ac13.43. +* Ac14.22. (6) the hope of Christ’s coming: 1 Th +* 1Th4.13-18. Ti Tt2.11-14. Ja Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 1 J 1Jn3.1-3. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.14. (7) steadfastness and perseverance: He Heb10.38, Heb10.39. 1 Co +* 1Co15.58. (8) in not drawing back unto perdition: He +* Heb10.35. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1n. 2 P * 2Pe2.20-22. See the related notes pertaining to exhortation at Ps +✓ Ps9.10 and Ro ✓ Ro12.8n, and followup evangelism, of which exhortation is a most important component, at 1 Th 1Th3.5n. He ✓ Heb10.24, Heb10.25. Da +* Da11.33n. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ro +✓ Ro12.5. 2 Co +* 2Co8.16. 1 Th 1Th2.11. 1Th4.18. 1Th5.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.2. daily. Spiritual needs should not wait until the next stated meeting of the congregation. Exhortation is to proceed on a daily basis, as the need requires, through personal contact (Ac Ac20.20). It is necessary to reach a person before it is too late, and spiritual hardness sets in. See on ver. Heb3.7. Pr +* Pr19.18. Da +* Da11.33. Ml +* Mal3.16. Mt Mt4.4. Mt6.11. Mt24.45. Lk * Lk19.44. Jn * Jn12.35, Jn12.36. lest. Col +* Col3.21. Ja +* Jas5.19. hardened. ver. Heb3.8, Heb3.15. He Heb4.7. through. 1 Ti 1Ti6.10mg. the deceitfulness. Ge * Ge3.4-6. Pr Pr28.26. Is Is44.20. Ob Ob3. Mk * Mk12.24. Lk * Lk19.21. Ro * Ro7.11. Ep Eph4.22. Ti Tt2.14. Ja Jas1.14. 14. we are made. f96:96C, Ge + Ge45.9. ver. Heb3.1. He ✓ Heb6.4. Heb12.10. Ro Ro11.17. 1 Co 1Co1.9, 1Co1.30. 1Co9.23. 1Co10.17. Ep Eph3.6. 1 Ti 1Ti6.2. 1 P * 1Pe4.13. 1Pe5.1. 1 J 1Jn1.3. Re * Re2.10. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. See on ver. +* Heb3.6. He +* Heb6.11. Ge +* Ge4.7. Je +* Je7.5. Jn * Jn8.31. Col +* Col1.23. 1 Th 1Th2.19. +* 1Th3.8. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.12. Ja * Jas5.19. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. confidence. He Heb11.1g. 2 Co +* 2Co9.4. stedfast. He Heb6.11. * Heb10.23, +* Heb10.35. Jn * Jn15.16. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. unto the end. Re * Re2.10. * Re3.21. 15. To day. See on ver. Heb3.7, Heb3.8. He * Heb10.38, Heb10.39. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. 16. some. See on ver. Heb3.9, Heb3.10. Nu Nu14.2, Nu14.4, Nu14.11. Nu26.65. Dt Dt1.34, Dt1.35. Ps * Ps78.17, Ps78.40. not. Nu 14:+* Nu14.24, Nu14.30, Nu14.38. Dt * Dt1.36, Dt1.38. Jsh * Jos14.7-11. Ro * Ro11.4, Ro11.5. 17. with whom. See on ver. Heb3.10. forty. Ac + Ac7.36. was it. Nu Nu26.64, Nu26.65. 1 Co * 1Co10.1-13. whose. Nu Nu14.22, Nu14.29, Nu14.32, Nu14.33. Dt Dt2.15, Dt2.16. Je Je9.22. Ju * Jud5.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 153. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

18. to whom. See on ver. Heb3.11. He Heb4.2. Nu Nu14.30. Dt Dt1.34, Dt1.35. but. ver. Heb3.12, Heb3.19. He Heb4.6, Heb4.11. Heb11.31. Nu * Nu14.11. Nu20.12. Dt * Dt1.26-32. * Dt9.23. Ps Ps106.24-26. 19. could not enter. He Heb4.6. Ps Ps78.22. * Ps106.24-26. Mk * Mk16.16. Jn ✓ Jn3.18, Jn3.36. 2 Th * 2Th2.12. 1 J * 1Jn5.10. Ju * Jud5. unbelief. ver. +* Heb3.12.

HEBREWS 4 An admonition to humble fear, and against unbelief, Heb4.1" Heb4.2 }. The certainty and excellency of the heavenly rest, as typified by that of the sabbath, and of Canaan, Heb4.3-11. The energy of the word of God, the omniscience of our Judge, and the compassion of our great High Priest, used as motives to steadfastness, and earnestness in coming to the throne of grace, Heb4.12-16. 1. Let us. ver. Heb4.11. He ✓ Heb2.1-3. +* Heb12.15, Heb12.25. Heb13.7. Pr Pr14.16. Pr28.14. Je Je32.40. Ro Ro11.20. 1 Co 1Co10.12. a promise. ver. * Heb4.9. Nu Nu14.34. 1 S * 1Sa2.30. Ro Ro3.3, Ro3.4. 2 Ti 2Ti2.13. entering. f24:24A, Ge + Ge32.24. his rest. ver. Heb4.3-5. See on He Heb3.11. any. Mt ✓ Mt7.21-23, Mt7.26, Mt7.27. * Mt24.48-51. Mt25.13. Lk Lk12.45, Lk12.46. * Lk13.25-30. Ro ✓ Ro3.23. 1 Co * 1Co9.26, 1Co9.27. seem. Ja + Jas1.26. come short. He +* Heb12.15. 1 Co 1Co1.7g. 2. unto us. Ac Ac3.26. * Ac13.46. Ga * Ga3.8, Ga3.9. Ga4.13. 1 P 1Pe1.12. unto them. f183, Ph + Php3.19. Here, the order of time is inverted, to agree with the order of thought, and for emphasis (B704). preached. Gr. of hearing. Ro ✓ Ro10.16, Ro10.17mg. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. did not profit. T#435. Is Is6.9-12. Is28.13. Je * Je5.14. Mi * Mic2.7. Mk Mk4.3-8. Ro Ro2.25. 1 Co * 1Co13.3. 2 Co * 2Co2.15, 2Co2.16. 1 Ti 1Ti4.8. 2 Ti + 2Ti2.25 (T#242). not being, etc. or, because they were not united by faith to. ver. Heb4.6. He 3:* Heb3.12, Heb3.18, Heb3.19. ✓ Heb11.6. Nu Nu13.27. Ro + Ro3.3. 1 Th * 1Th1.5. ✓ 1Th2.13. 2 Th * 2Th2.12, 2Th2.13. Ja * Jas1.21. 3. we. He * Heb3.14. Is Is28.12. Je Je6.16. Mt ✓ Mt11.28, Mt11.29. Ro * Ro5.1, Ro5.2. As I. See on He Heb3.11. Ps Ps95.11. if they. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ver. Heb4.5. my rest. 2 Th +* 2Th1.7. Re +* Re14.13. the works. Ge Ge1.31. Ex * Ex20.11. from. He Heb9.26. Ge Ge1.31. Jb ◐ Job26.7. Mt + Mt13.35. Ac +* Ac15.18. Ep * Eph1.4. 1 P 1Pe1.20. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 4. in. See on He Heb2.6. God. ver. Heb4.10. Ge * Ge2.1, ▶ Ge2.2. Ex * Ex20.11. Ex31.17. Dt Dt5.14. 5. If they. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ver. Heb4.3. He Heb3.11. shall enter. Ps ▶ Ps95.11. 6. it remaineth. ver. Heb4.9. 1 Co 1Co7.29. some. Nu * Nu14.12, Nu14.31. Is Is65.15. Mt * Mt21.43. * Mt22.9, Mt22.10. Lk * Lk14.21-24. Ac * Ac13.46, Ac13.47. Ac28.28. they. ver. Heb4.2. He Heb3.19. Ga Ga3.8. it was. or, the gospel was. entered not. See on He Heb3.18, Heb3.19. unbelief. ver. Heb4.11. He Heb3.12, Heb3.18, Heb3.19.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 154. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

7. saying. He Heb3.7, Heb3.8. 2 S 2Sa23.1, 2Sa23.2. Mt Mt22.43. Mk Mk12.36. Lk Lk20.42. Ac Ac2.29-31. Ac28.25. in David. Ps Ps95.1-11, title. Ac + Ac4.25. To day. He Heb3.7, Heb3.8, Heb3.15. Ps Ps95.7. after. 1 K 1Ki6.1. Ac Ac13.20-23. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. harden not. He Heb3.15. 8. For if. f184:184B, Mt + Mt23.30. The Second Class condition of Hypothetical Proposition, where the speaker denies the possibility of his assumption. Jesus. that is, Joshua. See on Ac Ac7.45. had. He * Heb11.13-15. Dt * Dt12.9. Dt25.19. Jsh Jos1.15. Jos22.4. * Jos23.1. Ps Ps78.55. Ps105.44. have spoken. f184:184B, Lk + Lk7.39. or, he would not speak (be speaking), in the passage in David. Imperfect tense, not aorist (A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures, vol. 5, p. 362). 9. remaineth. ver. Heb4.1, Heb4.3. He Heb3.11. Is Is11.10. Is57.2. Is60.19, Is60.20. Col * Col2.16n, Col2.17. Re Re7.14-17. * Re21.4. rest. or, keeping of a sabbath. Ex Ex16.30. 1 Ch = 1Ch6.31. = 1Ch23.25. 2 Ch = 2Ch35.3. Is +* Is58.13n. Mt Mt11.29. people. He Heb11.25. Ps Ps47.9. Mt Mt1.21. Ti * Tt2.14. 1 P 1Pe2.10. 10. he that. He Heb1.3. Heb10.12. Re Re14.13. hath. He * Heb6.20. Mt Mt11.28, Mt11.29. Jn * Jn17.4. Jn19.30. Ph * Php3.9. 1 P 1Pe4.1, 1Pe4.2. Re Re6.11. Re14.13. as. See on ver. Heb4.3, Heb4.4. 11. Let. ver. Heb4.1. He * Heb6.11. Mt * Mt7.13. Mt11.12, * Mt11.28-30. Lk +* Lk13.24. Lk16.16. Jn * Jn6.27. 1 Co * 1Co9.24, 1Co9.25. Ph ✓ Php2.12. * Php3.14. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.10, 2Pe1.11. lest. See on He +* Heb3.12, Heb3.18, Heb3.19. example. Jn Jn13.15. Ja Jas5.10. 2 P 2Pe2.6. unbelief. or, disobedience. ver. Heb4.6. He +* Heb5.9. Ac Ac26.19. Ro Ro11.30-32. Ep Eph2.2. * Eph5.6. Col Col3.6. Ti * Tt1.16. Tt3.3g. 12. the word of God. He * Heb13.7. Is * Is49.2. Je +* Je15.16. * Je23.29. Mt Mt4.4-10. Lk Lk8.11. Ac * Ac4.31. Ro + Ro9.6. 2 Co * 2Co2.17. +* 2Co4.2. Ep * Eph6.17. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. Re * Re20.4. is quick. T#1029. Ps Ps110.2. *119:+* Ps119.50, Ps119.130. Ec Ec12.11. Is ✓ Is55.11. Je ✓ Je23.29. Jn Jn6.51, Jn6.63. Ac Ac7.38. Ro +* Ro1.16. 1 Co 1Co1.24. 2 Co * 2Co10.4, 2Co10.5. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. Ja ✓ Jas1.18. 1 P +* 1Pe1.23. 1Pe2.4, 1Pe2.5g. powerful. Je Je23.29. 2 Co 2Co10.4. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. sharper. Ps Ps45.3. Ps57.4. Ps59.7. Ps64.3. * Ps149.6. Pr * Pr5.4. Is * Is11.4. * Is49.2. Ac * Ac2.37. * Ac5.33. Ep * Eph6.17. Re * Re1.16. * Re2.16. 19:* Re19.15, Re19.21. twoedged. Ps Ps149.6. Pr Pr5.4. Re Re1.16. Re2.12. sword. Jsh Jos11.11. 1 S 1Sa21.9. Ep Eph6.17. Re Re19.15. dividing asunder. This clause is often popularly understood to support “trichotomy,” the doctrine that “soul” is distinct and discrete from “spirit,” and that man is a trinity consisting of body, soul, and spirit. There can be no proper analogy drawn between the Divine Trinity of the Godhead who are equal in power and glory and of the same substance, and an alleged trinity in the human nature of body, soul and spirit, for to which person of the Trinity shall “body” be equated, when the body is considered inferior to the soul and spirit? Likewise, soul being considered inferior to spirit, to which person of the Trinity shall each be equated? The analogy, when pressed, breaks down immediately, and if held, is a fruitful source of heresy, as it has been throughout church history, though not all trichotomists are heretics! Elsewhere in Scripture man is consistently spoken of as “dichotomous” (Ro +* Ro8.10), consisting of two elements, body and soul, sometimes expressed body and spirit, the soul and spirit being the same element. Here, the text in the original does not say soul is divided from spirit, but that soul and spirit are divided Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 155. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

from the joints and marrow, speaking of man as dichotomous. Others understand the text to mean “the piercing of the soul and the spirit, even to their joints and marrow” (Strong, Systematic Theology, p. 485), and point out it is not stated that there is a “dividing between soul and spirit” but a dividing of, indicated in Greek by “a series of genitives, each one in itself naming something which is divided” (J. Oliver Buswell, A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1, p. 243). See related notes (Ge Ge2.7n. 1 Th 1Th5.23n). 1 Co 1Co15.44. Ph Php1.27. 1 Th 1Th5.23. Ju Jud19. soul. Gr. psyche, Mt + Mt10.28. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50. and is. Ps * Ps139.2. Je +* Je17.10. 1 Co * 1Co14.24, 1Co14.25. Ep * Eph5.13. Re * Re2.23. intents. 1 P 1Pe4.1g. 13. is there. 1 S +* 1Sa16.7. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. 2 Ch * 2Ch6.30. 2Ch16.9. Ps * Ps7.9. Ps33.13-15. * Ps44.21. * Ps90.8. ✓ Ps139.4, Ps139.11, Ps139.12. Pr * Pr15.3, Pr15.11. Je +* Je17.10. * Je23.24. Jn +* Jn2.24, Jn2.25. * Jn21.17. 1 Co * 1Co4.5. Re * Re2.23. all things. T#219. God the Father is omniscient. 1 S 1Sa2.3. ✓ 1Sa16.7. 1 K 1Ki8.39. 1 Ch 1Ch28.9. 2 Ch 2Ch16.9. Jb Job11.11. Job12.13, Job12.16. Job23.10. Job26.6. * Job34.21, Job34.22. Job37.16. Ps Ps11.4. Ps44.21. * Ps90.8. Ps94.9, Ps94.11. Ps104.24. * Ps139.1-6, Ps139.11, Ps139.12. Ps147.5. Pr * Pr5.21. Pr8.14. * Pr15.3. Pr17.3. Pr21.2. Pr24.11, Pr24.12. Is Is40.28. Is42.8, Is42.9. Is48.3-5. Je Je17.10. * Je23.23, Je23.24. * Je32.19. Ezk * Eze11.5. Mt + Mt9.4 (T#76). +*28:19n. Ac Ac1.24. + Ac2.23 (T#213). 15:18. Ro +* Ro8.29. Ro11.33. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 1 J 1Jn3.20. Ju Jud25. Re * Re2.18, Re2.19. naked. Jb * Job26.6. Job31.4. * Job34.21. * Job38.17. opened. Ge = Ge42.8. Le Le1.6, Le1.9. Ps Ps51.6. Ps139.23, Ps139.24. with. Ec * Ec12.14. Mt * Mt7.21, Mt7.22. +* Mt10.15n. * Mt25.31, Mt25.32. Jn * Jn5.22-29. Ac ✓ Ac17.31. Ro * Ro2.16. *14:9-12. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. Re * Re20.11-15. the eyes. f22:22A, Ps + Ps11.4. 14. a great. He +* Heb2.17. * Heb3.1. * Heb5.5, Heb5.6. Heb7.21. Heb10.21. that is. He * Heb1.3. * Heb6.20. * Heb7.25, Heb7.26. * Heb8.1. * Heb9.12, Heb9.24. Heb10.12. +* Heb12.2. Mk * Mk16.19. Lk * Lk24.51. Ac +* Ac1.11. * Ac3.21. Ro ✓ Ro8.34. Ep +* Eph4.10. 1 P * 1Pe3.22. Jesus. He +* Heb1.2, Heb1.8. Mk * Mk1.1. the Son of God. He +* Heb1.2. Mt +* Mt14.33. +* Mt27.54n. Ac Ac8.37n. let. See on He * Heb2.1. +* Heb3.6, Heb3.14. * Heb10.23. our profession. He + Heb3.1. 15. we have. He Heb5.2. Ex Ex23.9. Is * Is53.3-5. Ho Ho11.8. Mt Mt8.16, Mt8.17. Mt12.20. Ph * Php2.7, Php2.8. high priest. ver. Heb4.14. He + Heb2.17. Heb10.21. be touched. Is ✡ Is40.11. ✡ Is42.3. Mt Mt27.34. tempted. See on He Heb2.17, Heb2.18. Ge = Ge39.9. Mk +* Mk12.15. Lk * Lk4.2. Lk22.28. Jn * Jn4.6. * Jn11.33-35, Jn11.53, Jn11.54. 22:28. like as. Ps +* Ps50.21. Is Is53.3. we are. f63:63K, Ge + Ge37.13. or, “but was tried according to all things, according to (our) likeness, apart from sin” (B127). yet. He * Heb7.26. Is * Is53.9. Jn Jn8.46. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. 1 P +* 1Pe2.22. 1 J * 1Jn3.5. without sin. or, excepting sin, or, sin apart. Scripture teaches the impeccability of Christ. In answer to the question “Was Christ able not to sin, or not able to sin?” the Scripture teaches Christ was not able to sin. Since he possessed two natures (1 Th 1Th4.16n), a human nature and a divine nature, which nature was in control? Logically, the divine nature must have been in control of the human nature. Since Jesus was both God (Jn +* Jn20.29n) and man (Ph Php2.7. 1 Ti 1Ti2.5), and it is impossible for God to sin or to be tempted with evil (Ti Tt1.2n. Ja ✓ Jas1.13), Jesus could not sin, neither could he be tempted with evil, for there was nothing of our sinful nature in him to Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 156. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

which Satan could appeal (Jn Jn14.30). Though he was tempted in all points like as we, yet this temptation was never to sin. His human nature was subject to weariness and hunger, and the suffering of death, but never sin. Had Jesus been able to sin while on earth in his human nature, but merely did not, then he is still able to sin in the human nature which he still possesses, and the divine plan of redemption is ever in jeopardy—a doctrine incompatible with Scripture. Thus the significance of the qualifying phrase “without sin” can be understood to teach Jesus not only did not sin, was able not to sin, but, possessed of a divine nature, could not sin. He Heb7.26. Heb9.28g. Ge = Ge39.9. Lk +* Lk1.35. Jn Jn4.34. * Jn8.29, * Jn8.46. +* Jn14.30. Ro Ro1.4. 1 P +* 1Pe2.22. 16. Let us. Ps +* Ps95.6. come. He Heb7.19, Heb7.25. Heb10.19-23. Heb13.6. Ro * Ro8.15-17. Ep * Eph2.18. * Eph3.12. boldly. 1 J + 1Jn2.28. the throne. f22:22D, Ps + Ps45.6. He Heb8.1. Heb9.5. Heb12.2. Ex * Ex25.17-22. Le Le16.2. 1 Ch 1Ch28.11. Zc Zec6.13. Mt Mt19.28. Mt25.31. Ro * Ro3.24, Ro3.25g. obtain. Ps +* Ps4.1. Is Is27.11. ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. Mt Mt7.7-11. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.8-10. Ph ✓ Php4.6, Php4.7. 1 P 1Pe2.10. mercy. He +* Heb2.17. find grace. He Heb12.28. Lk Lk1.30. Ac Ac7.46. time of need. T#1164. He +* Heb13.6. Dt Dt2.7. 1 K 1Ki17.6, 1Ki17.16. 1Ki19.6. 2 K 2Ki3.20. 2Ki4.6. 2Ki7.8. Ps Ps145.15. Is * Is65.24. Je * Je33.3. Mt * Mt6.8. Mt14.20. +* Mt24.45. Ph ✓ Php4.19.

HEBREWS 5 The nature of the Aaronic priesthood, and the requisite call and qualifications for it, are stated, Heb5.1-4; in order to show the pre-eminence of Christ, as a “High Priest after the order of Melchisedec,” Heb5.5-10. A reproof of the Hebrews for their small proficiency in Christianity, Heb5.11-14. 1. every. He Heb10.11. Ex Ex28.1, etc. 29:1, etc. Le Le8.2. high priest. He +* Heb2.17. is ordained. He Heb8.3. for men. He Heb2.17. Nu Nu16.46-48. Nu18.1-3. in things pertaining. He Heb2.17. Ro Ro15.17. both. He Heb8.3. Heb9.9. Heb10.11. Heb11.4. Le Le9.7, Le9.1521. gifts. He Heb8.4. Mt + Mt23.18g. sacrifices. He Heb10.11. Ep Eph5.2. for sins. ver. Heb5.3. He Heb7.27. Heb10.12. 1 Co 1Co15.3. 2. Who. He Heb2.18. +* Heb4.15. have compassion on. or, reasonably bear with. He + Heb2.17. ignorant. Nu Nu15.22-29. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13. them. He Heb3.10. Heb12.13. Ex Ex32.8. Jg Jdg2.17. Is Is30.11. himself also. He +* Heb4.15. is compassed. He Heb7.28. Ex Ex32.2-5, Ex32.21-24. Nu Nu12.1-9. Nu20.10-12. Lk Lk22.32. 2 Co 2Co11.30. 2Co12.5, ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ga Ga4.13. infirmity. Mk Mk14.38. 3. as. He * Heb7.27. Heb9.7. Ex Ex29.12-19. Le Le4.3-12. Le8.14-21. * Le9.7. * Le16.6, Le16.15, Le16.17, Le16.24. offer. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. for sins. ver. + Heb5.1. 4. no man taketh. T#449. Ex * Ex28.1. Le Le8.2. Nu * Nu3.3, Nu3.10. Nu16.5, Nu16.7, Nu16.10, Nu16.35, * Nu16.40, Nu16.46-48. Nu17.3-11. Nu18.1-5, Nu18.7. 1 Ch 1Ch23.13. 2 Ch ✓ 2Ch26.18, 2Ch26.19, 2Ch26.21. Jn Jn3.27. 1 Co +* 1Co4.7. 1Co9.16. Ga Ga1.15. as was. Ex Ex28.1. 1 Ch 1Ch23.13. Aaron. i.e. enlightened, ❅S#2g. He Heb7.11. Heb9.4. Lk Lk1.5. Ac Ac7.40. For ❅S# 0175h, see Ex + Ex4.14. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 157. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

5. Christ. Jn Jn7.18. +* Jn8.54. not himself. Ro Ro15.3. Ph Php2.6. a high priest. ver. Heb5.10. He +* Heb2.17. Thou. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. He Heb1.5. Ps *▶ Ps2.7. Mi +* Mic5.2. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. Ac Ac13.33. Ro Ro8.3. 6. Thou art. ver. Heb5.10. He Heb6.20. Heb7.3, Heb7.8, Heb7.11, Heb7.15, Heb7.17, Heb7.21. Ps ▶ Ps110.4. Jn Jn1.36. Re Re14.4. a priest. Zc Zec6.13. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. He Heb7.24, Heb7.28. Jn Jn12.34. Melchisedec. i.e. king of righteousness, ❅S#3198g. ver. Heb5.10. He Heb6.20. Heb7.1, Heb7.10, Heb7.11, Heb7.15, Heb7.17, Heb7.21. For ❅S# 04442h, see Ge 14:+ Ge14.18, Ge14.19. 7. the days. He Heb2.14. Jn * Jn1.14. Ro Ro8.3. Ga * Ga4.4. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1 J 1Jn4.3. 2 J 2Jn7. offered up. Ps Ps22.1-21. Ps69.1. Ps88.1. Mt * Mt26.28-44. Mk +* Mk1.35. Mk14.3239. Lk Lk22.41-44. Jn Jn17.1. strong crying. He Heb12.2. Jb Job16.9, Job16.10. Job30.9-16. Ps * Ps22.1,2, Ps22.6-8,13. Ps35.15,16, Ps35.25. Ps69.7-12. Is Is49.7. Is50.6-11. * Is52.14, Is52.15. Mi Mic5.1. Mt Mt27.46, Mt27.50. Mk Mk15.34, Mk15.37. Lk * Lk22.44, Lk22.63-65. Lk23.46. tears. Is * Is53.3, Is53.11. Lk Lk19.41. Jn Jn11.35. unto him. Mt * Mt26.52, Mt26.53. Mk ✓ Mk14.36. was heard. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. He * Heb13.20. Ps * Ps18.6, Ps18.16, Ps18.19, Ps18.20. * Ps21.2. * Ps22.21, Ps22.24. Ps40.1-3. Ps69.13-16. Ps118.5. Is Is49.8. Jn * Jn11.42. * Jn17.4, Jn17.5. in that he feared. or, for his piety. He Heb11.7. * Heb12.28. Ps +* Ps5.7. Mt Mt26.37, Mt26.38. Mk Mk14.33, Mk14.34. Lk + Lk2.25. * Lk22.42-44. Jn * Jn12.27, Jn12.28. 8. he were. He 1:+ Heb1.2, Heb1.5, Heb1.8. Heb3.6. yet. He Heb10.5-9. Is * Is50.5, Is50.6. Mt Mt3.15. Jn Jn4.34. Jn6.38. Jn15.10. Ph * Php2.8. learned. Ph Php2.8, Php2.12. Php4.11. obedience. He = Heb11.8. by the things. 2 Co + 2Co1.5. 9. being. He +* Heb2.10. * Heb7.26. Heb11.40. Da * Da9.24. Lk * Lk13.32. Jn * Jn19.30g. Ro * Ro1.4. he became. He Heb2.10. +* Heb12.2. Ps Ps68.18-20. Is * Is45.22. * Is49.6. Ac Ac3.15mg. ✓ Ac4.12. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. He * Heb2.3. * Heb9.12, Heb9.15. Is Is45.17. Is51.6, Is51.8. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.10. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. Ju * Jud21. salvation. He ✓ Heb9.28. unto. He * Heb11.8. Is * Is50.10. +✓ Is55.3. Zc Zec6.15. Mt * Mt7.24-27. * Mt17.5. Ac Ac5.32. Ro * Ro1.5. * Ro2.8. * Ro6.17. Ro10.16. * Ro15.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co10.5. 2 Th * 2Th1.8. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. that obey. T#872. ver. Heb5.8. He Heb4.11mg. Ex Ex29.22. Is Is50.10. Mt +* Mt7.21, Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Mk Mk1.14, Mk1.15. Mk16.16. Lk +* Lk11.28. Jn ✓ Jn3.36g. Jn5.24. Jn8.51. +* Jn13.17. * Jn14.15. * Jn15.10. Ac +* Ac14.22. 1 P +* 1Pe1.22. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3n. +* 1Jn3.24. 10. Called. ver. Heb5.5, Heb5.6. He Heb6.20. high priest. ver. Heb5.5. He +* Heb2.17. after the order. ver. + Heb5.6. Ps Ps110.4. 11. we. 1 K 1Ki10.1. Jn Jn6.6. Jn16.12. hard. 2 P * 2Pe3.16. dull. He Heb6.12g. Is * Is6.10. Mt +* Mt13.15. Mk Mk8.17, Mk8.18, Mk8.21. Lk Lk24.25. Ac Ac28.27. 12. for the time. He Heb10.32. Mt Mt17.17. Mk Mk9.19. teachers. Ezr * Ezr7.10. Ps * Ps34.11. Da +* Da12.3mg. 1 Co 1Co14.19. Col * Col3.16. Ti Tt2.3, Tt2.4. teach. Is Is28.9, Is28.10, Is28.13. Ph Php3.1. the first. He * Heb6.1. Ga + Ga4.3. the oracles. 2 S 2Sa16.23. Ac + Ac7.38. Ro * Ro3.2. 1 P 1Pe4.11. have need. ver. Heb5.13. Is * Is55.1. 1 Co + 1Co3.1-3. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.2. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 158. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

13. useth milk. ver. Heb5.12. 1 Co +* 1Co3.2. is unskilful. Gr. hath no experience. the word. Ps * Ps119.123. Ro * Ro1.17, Ro1.18. Ro10.5, Ro10.6. 2 Co 2Co3.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16. of. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. he is. Is * Is28.9. Mt +* Mt11.25. Mk * Mk10.15. Ro Ro2.20. 1 Co +* 1Co3.1. * 1Co13.11. * 1Co14.20. Ep +* Eph4.14. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.2. 14. of full age. or, perfect. He Heb6.1. Mt +* Mt5.48. 1 Co 1Co2.6. 1Co14.20. Ep * Eph4.13. Ph Php3.15. Ja * Jas3.2g. use. or, an habit, or, perfection. their senses. Jb Job6.30. Job12.11. Job34.3. Ps * Ps119.103. SS So1.3. So2.3. Mt +* Mt6.22, Mt6.23. Ep Eph1.18. exercised. He Heb12.11. 1 Ti 1Ti4.7. 2 P 2Pe2.14. to discern. Ge +* Ge3.5. 2 S 2Sa14.17. 1 K * 1Ki3.9, 1Ki3.11. Jb Job6.30. Pr +* Pr14.15. Ec Ec8.5. Is * Is7.15, Is7.16. Ml Mal3.18. Ro Ro14.1g. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.14, 1Co2.15. 1Co12.10g. Ep Eph5.17. Ph ✓ Php1.9, Php1.10g. 1 Th +* 1Th5.21. good and. Ge Ge3.22. Dt Dt1.39. 2 S 2Sa14.17.

HEBREWS 6 The apostle purposes to lead the Hebrews forward in the knowledge of Christ, Heb6.1-3. He shows the desperate state of apostates, Heb6.4-6; and illustrates it by a simile of barren land, which no culture improves, 7, 8: but declares his favorable opinion of the Hebrew Christians, and his desire of their fruitfulness and diligence, in order to their assured hope to the end, Heb6.9-12. He expatiates on the security of the covenant of grace, as confirmed to Abraham by the promise and oath of God, for the strong consolation of all future believers, Heb6.12-20. 1. leaving. f116, 1 Co + 1Co11.16. See on He * Heb5.12-14. Ph Php3.12-14. principles of the doctrine. or, word of the beginning. He Heb5.12. Mk Mk1.1. Jn Jn1.1-3. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. go on. Ph Php3.12-15. Col +✓ Col1.10. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. unto perfection. or, full growth. He + Heb5.14. * Heb7.11, Heb7.12, Heb7.18, Heb7.19. Heb12.13. Pr +* Pr4.18. Mt * Mt5.48. 1 Co 1Co13.10. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ep Eph4.12. Col Col1.28. Col4.12. Ja Jas1.4. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. 1 J 1Jn4.12. laying. Mt Mt7.25. Lk Lk6.48. 1 Co * 1Co3.10-12. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.19. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.19. repentance. Is ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. Ezk * Eze18.30-32. Zc * Zec12.10. Mt Mt3.2. * Mt4.17. Mt21.29, Mt21.32. Mk Mk1.4, Mk1.15. Mk6.12. Ac +* Ac2.38. +* Ac3.19. Ac11.18. ✓ Ac17.30. * Ac20.21. Ac26.20. 2 Co ✓ 2Co7.10. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. dead. f121:121G, Ge + Ge31.1. He Heb9.14. Ro * Ro6.23. Ga +* Ga5.19-21. Ep * Eph2.1, Eph2.5. and. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. faith. He ✓ Heb11.6. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. Jn12.44. Jn14.1. 1 P 1Pe1.21. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.10-13. 2. the doctrine. He * Heb9.9, Heb9.10. +* Heb10.22. Mt Mt3.14. Mt20.22, Mt20.23. +✓ Mt28.19. Mk +* Mk7.3. * Mk16.16. Lk Lk3.16. Lk12.50. Jn Jn1.33. * Jn3.25, Jn3.26. Jn4.1, Jn4.2. Ac ✓ Ac1.5n. +* Ac2.38, Ac2.41. * Ac8.12, Ac8.13, Ac8.16, Ac8.36-38. Ac10.47. Ac16.15, Ac16.33. * Ac19.2-5. +✓ Ac22.16n. Ro +* Ro6.3, Ro6.4n. 1 Co 1Co1.12-17. +* 1Co10.2n. +* 1Co12.13n. Col +* Col2.12n. 1 P 1Pe3.20, 1Pe3.21. Re +* Re19.13. of baptisms. He Heb9.10. Mk Mk7.4, Mk7.8. Lk Lk11.38g. laying. Nu * Nu8.10, Nu8.11. Ac Ac6.6. + Ac8.17. * Ac13.2, Ac13.3. Ac19.6. resurrection. He Heb11.35. Ps +* Ps16.9, Ps16.10. Is +* Is26.19n. Ezk * Eze37.1-14. Da +* Da12.2. Mt Mt22.23-32. Lk +* Lk14.14. ✓ Lk20.37, Lk20.38. Jn * Jn5.29. Jn11.24, Jn11.25. Ac Ac4.2. Ac17.18, Ac17.31, Ac17.32. * Ac23.6, Ac23.8. Ac24.15, Ac24.21. Ac26.8. Ro Ro6.5. 1 Co * 1Co15.13-57. Ph +* Php3.21. 1 Th +* 1Th4.14-18. 2 Ti 2Ti2.18. of. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. judgment. Ec * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 159. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ec12.14. Da * Da7.9, Da7.10. Mt +* Mt10.15n. * Mt25.31-46. Ac +* Ac10.42. ✓ Ac17.31. Ac24.25. Ro Ro2.5-10, Ro2.16. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. 2 P 2Pe3.7. Ju * Jud14, * Jud15. Re ✓ Re20.1015. 3. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Ac + Ac18.21. Ro Ro15.32. 1 Co 1Co4.19. * 1Co16.7. 2 Co * 2Co3.5. Ja * Jas4.15. permit. f108:108B. Idiom B827. “To permit,” denoting if God so orders it, and gives the needed grace and strength. 4. impossible. T#20. ver. ✓ Heb6.18. He Heb10.4, +* Heb10.26-29. * Heb11.6. +* Heb12.15-17. Mt Mt5.13. +* Mt12.31n, Mt12.32n, Mt12.45. Mt19.26. Lk Lk11.24-26. Jn * Jn15.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.25. 2Ti4.14. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.20-22. 1 J +* 1Jn5.16. ❅S#102g: Mt Mt19.26. Mk Mk10.27. Lk Lk18.27. Ac Ac14.8 (impotent). Ro Ro8.3 (could not do). 15:1 (weak). for those. The following five-fold description of the true believer is scarcely if ever equaled elsewhere in the pages of Scripture as to detail or extent, and most certainly can apply only to persons who were once genuinely saved. If such a description were to occur in any other context but this, there would be no question as to its application to true believers. This text furnishes a nearperfect measure of one’s theological system: if you must work strenuously to avoid the clear implication of the text in an effort to prove these were not true believers, your system stands convicted as incorrect at this point, and the effort to explain this passage away is the hallmark of those who are guilty of mishandling the word of God in order to maintain their preconceived doctrinal system (2 Co +* 2Co4.2. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.15). were once. Mt * Mt7.21, Mt7.22. Lk +* Lk8.13. Jn Jn3.27. Col +* Col1.23. He Heb12.15-17. 2 P * 2Pe2.18-22. enlightened. He * Heb10.32. Nu * Nu24.3, Nu24.4, Nu24.15, Nu24.16. Ps Ps19.7, Ps19.8. Mt Mt4.16. Mt5.14, Mt5.15. Lk Lk11.34-36. Lk16.8. Jn Jn1.9. * Jn3.20, Jn3.21. 1 Co * 1Co8.1, 1Co8.2. Ep Eph1.18. Eph5.8. Col Col1.12. 1 Th 1Th5.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.7. 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.10. and have tasted. Mt * Mt7.21, Mt7.22. Lk Lk10.19, Lk10.20. Jn Jn1.12. Jn3.16, Jn3.27. Jn4.10. Jn6.32, Jn6.51. Ac ✓ Ac8.20. * Ac10.45, Ac10.46. Ac11.17. Ro * Ro1.11. 1 Co * 1Co13.1, 1Co13.2. Ep ✓ Eph2.8. Eph3.7. Eph4.7. 1 Ti 1Ti4.14. Ja Jas1.17, Jas1.18. 1 P * 1Pe2.3g. heavenly gift. 2 Co 2Co9.15. 1 Co 1Co12.3, 1Co12.8-10. Ep + Eph2.8. made partakers. He * Heb2.4. +* Heb3.1, Heb3.14. Lk Lk5.7. Jn ◐ Jn14.17. Ac Ac15.8. Ro ◐+* Ro8.9. Ga 3:+ Ga3.2, Ga3.5. Ju ◐ Jud19. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18. 5. tasted. He Heb2.9g. Ex * Ex24.9, Ex24.11. Ps Ps34.8. Je ◐+* Je15.16. Mt ✓ Mt7.22, Mt7.23. +* Mt13.20, Mt13.21. Mk * Mk4.16, Mk4.17. * Mk6.20. Lk +✓ Lk8.13. Jn * Jn6.32, Jn6.51. * Jn15.3. Ac Ac2.41. Ac4.4. Ac8.14. Ac11.1. +* Ac17.11, Ac17.12. * Ac24.25. Ro ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. Ep Eph5.26. Ja * Jas1.18-25. 1 P +* 1Pe1.23. ✓ 1Pe2.3. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.20. word of God. Ep + Eph6.17. the powers. He Heb2.5. world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Mt Mt12.32. Ep Eph1.21. to come. He Heb2.5. Mk +* Mk10.30. Lk * Lk18.30. ✓ Lk20.35. Jn +* Jn6.54n. 6. If. lit. And. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. fall away. The Scripture frequently warns against the possibility of apostasy as a very real danger. Logically, only real believers can apostatize, unbelievers cannot. These warnings in Hebrews must not be explained away as applicable only to Hebrew Christians who were at that time in danger of falling back into Judaism, if only because the same warnings are given with equal urgency to the Gentile Christians to whom Paul wrote in his several epistles (1 Co +* 1Co15.2). Nor can these individuals arbitrarily be classed as those who professed a relationship with Christ but who Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 160. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

were never really genuinely saved (1 J 1Jn2.19n), for the Holy Spirit has closed off this possibility as completely as it is possible to do so with the language used in the preceding description identifying just who these individuals were. He * Heb3.10, Heb3.11. Nu Nu3.4. Is ✓ Is1.28. Jn Jn6.66. ◐✓ Jn10.27, Jn10.28. Ac Ac1.25. Ga Ga5.4. 1 Ti +✓ 1Ti4.1n. 2 P 2Pe2.15, 2Pe2.22. 1 J * 1Jn2.19, 1Jn2.20. Ju * Jud5. to renew. This is hardly a description of a Christian who has momentarily backslidden (Ps Ps37.24. Pr * Pr24.16. Ju Jud24), but rather of the inveterate apostate who, though once truly trusting in Christ for salvation, has through moral (1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11) or doctrinal (1 Co +* 1Co15.2) apostasy fallen away from Christ. If such a person has ceased to believe in Christ (Lk +* Lk8.13), and no longer places faith in what Christ did on the cross for him (2 Ti 2Ti2.12, 2Ti2.13), there is no other sacrifice for sin to which he can appeal for salvation. Being removed from the only possible grounds for hope and salvation, it is impossible to renew such a person again on the basis of any other hope. This passage does not teach that it is impossible for the person who has sinned to repent and turn back to Christ, if he wills to do so (Jn Jn6.37). It teaches that there is no other possible alternative to which the person who has turned away from Christ for salvation can turn (Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ac ✓ Ac4.12). Continuing to put Christ to an open shame by their flagrant disregard of His sacrifice, they cannot be renewed to repentance. See on ver. Heb6.4. Ps +* Ps51.10, Ps51.11. Pr * Pr21.16. * Pr29.1. Is Is1.28. Mt * Mt12.31n, Mt12.32n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. Ja ◐* Jas5.19, Jas5.20. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.20, 2Pe2.21. Re Re3.14-22. again unto. He Heb12.17. 1 S * 1Sa2.25. * 1Sa3.14. Ro +* Ro1.24, Ro1.26, Ro1.28. 2 Th +* 2Th2.9-11. 1 J +* 1Jn5.16. repentance. Ps ◐+* Ps51.17. Is ◐* Is55.6, Is55.7. 2 Co 2Co12.21. they crucify. Present active participle, denoting in Greek a continuing practice, not a single unrepeated action. It has become their willful habit of life, their lifestyle. He +* Heb10.26, Heb10.29. Zc * Zec12.10, etc. Mt Mt23.31, Mt23.32. Lk Lk11.48. the Son of God. He + Heb1.2. Mt +* Mt14.33. and put. Present active participle. an open shame. He +* Heb12.2. Mt Mt1.19g. Mt27.38-44. Mk Mk15.29-32. Lk Lk23.35-39. 7. the earth. Ge Ge1.11, Ge1.12. Dt Dt11.11. Dt28.11, Dt28.12. Ps * Ps65.9-13. Ps104.11-13. Is ✓ Is55.10-13. Jl Joe2.21-26. Ja * Jas5.7. by. or, for. 1 Co 1Co9.10. 2 Ti 2Ti2.6. receiveth. Ge * Ge27.27, Ge27.28. Le Le25.21. Dt Dt33.13. Ps Ps24.5. Ps65.10. * Ps126.6. Is Is44.3. Ezk Eze34.26. Ho Ho10.12. Ml * Mal3.10. Mt +* Mt13.23. Jn * Jn15.2. 8. beareth. He Heb12.17. Ge * Ge3.17, Ge3.18. Ge4.11. Ge5.29. Dt Dt29.28. Jb Job31.40. Ps Ps107.34. Is * Is5.1-7. Je * Je17.6. Je44.22. Mk Mk11.14, Mk11.21. Lk ✓ Lk13.79. rejected. 1 Co +* 1Co9.27. nigh unto. He Heb8.13g. Ge Ge3.17. Je Je44.22. Lk Lk13.6-9. Ja +* Jas5.19. cursing. Dt +* Dt28.15. Dt29.22-28. Pr +* Pr3.33. whose end. He * Heb10.27. Is Is27.10, Is27.11. Ezk Eze15.2-7. Eze20.47. Ml Mal4.1. Mt * Mt3.10. * Mt7.19. +* Mt25.41. Jn ✓ Jn15.6. 2 P 2Pe3.10, 2Pe3.12. Re ✓ Re20.15. 9. beloved. ver. * Heb6.4-6, Heb6.10. He Heb10.34, * Heb10.39. Ph * Php1.6, Php1.7. 1 Th * 1Th1.3, 1Th1.4. persuaded. Ro +* Ro15.14. better things. He Heb7.19, Heb7.22. Heb8.6. Heb9.23. Heb10.34, +* Heb10.35. 11:+* Heb11.16, Heb11.35, Heb11.40. Heb12.24. things that accompany salvation. Attention to the things which accompany salvation will provide guidance for spiritual growth beyond the initial salvation experience of the new birth, as well as provide for continuing growth or restoration, and protection against apostasy, as the individual case may require. Such things include (1) caring about spiritual things: (a) neglect Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 161. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

not our great salvation, He Heb2.3. (b) care for our own steadfastness, 1 Co +* 1Co15.58. 1 Th +* 1Th3.8. (c) our grounding in the faith as a guard against apostasy, Ps +* Ps1.3. Mt Mt7.1327. Lk +* Lk8.13. Ep +* Eph4.14. Col +✓ Col1.23. +* Col2.7. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. (d) the steadfastness of others, He +* Heb3.13n. (e) our steadfastness in fellowship, He +* Heb10.25. (f) guard against the danger of willful sin, He +* Heb10.26. (g) cast not away your confidence, He * Heb10.35-39. (2) obedience: He ✓ Heb5.9. Mt * Mt7.24-27. Lk +* Lk11.28. Jn Jn14.15, Jn14.23. Ro Ro1.5. Ro6.17. Ro15.18. 2 Co 2Co10.5. 2 Th 2Th1.8. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1 J +* 1Jn2.3. (3) teachability, humility, and contriteness: 1 S +* 1Sa25.17. Ps ✓ Ps25.9. Is +* Is57.15. (4) qualities underlying spiritual maturity: Mt +* Mt5.3-12. (5) fruit of the Holy Spirit: Ga Ga5.22, Ga5.23. (6) development of the composite qualities underlying true love: 1 Co 1Co13.4-7. (7) progress along the steps to steadfastness: 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.3-11. (8) regular prayer: 2 Ch +* 2Ch7.14. Ps +* Ps119.18. Da +* Da6.10. 1 Th +* 1Th5.17. (9) a continuing hunger for and increasing knowledge of the written Word of God: Jb +* Job23.12. Je +* Je15.16. Mt +* Mt5.6. Jn +* Jn5.39. Ac +* Ac17.11. Col +✓ Col1.10. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.2. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. (10) daily study of God’s Word: Jsh * Jos1.8. Ps +* Ps1.2. Ac +✓ Ac17.11. The book of 1 John would make a most suitable place for the new Christian to begin the study of God’s Word. Read a chapter each day of 1 John on Monday through Friday every week for an entire month in order to begin to learn and master its contents. From time to time look up the cross references given in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge for a favorite or striking verse encountered in that day’s reading. The book of 1 John, in discussing the several characteristics of true believers (1 J 1Jn5.13n), incidentally mentions many additional things that accompany salvation. Further reading of the gospels of Mark and John, Paul’s shorter letters, such as Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, and the concurrent reading of a chapter each day from the Old Testament book of Proverbs (read for each day the chapter number which corresponds with that day’s calendar date) would provide, in about that order, an appropriate spiritual diet for a new believer. Beyond this, reading of Matthew, Luke, Acts, and the book of Romans is suggested. Once a new believer is familiar with all these books of Scripture, reading in any other books as personal interest may lead would then be profitable. In addition to the consecutive reading of whole books of the Bible, the study of particular subjects in the Bible is essential. Topics recommended for priority study are the following Treasury notes and references: Is +✓ Is8.20n (T#46). Ps + Ps102.18 (T#49). Ga +✓ Ga1.8n (T#1120). The reference passages given for 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17, and What the Bible teaches about itself, Topic Numbers 1014-1121. He * Heb2.3. * Heb5.9. Is +* Is57.15. Mt * Mt5.3-12. Mk * Mk16.16. Ac * Ac11.18. * Ac20.21. Ro * Ro8.6. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. * 2Co7.10. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ti * Tt2.11-14. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.3-11. 1 J +* 1Jn2.3n. * 1Jn3.14. though. f185:185A, Lk + Lk11.8. 10. God is not unrighteous. Ge +* Ge18.25. Dt Dt32.4. Ro Ro3.4, Ro3.5. 2 Th 2Th1.6, 2Th1.7. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.9. to forget. Ne Ne5.19. 13:* Ne13.14, Ne13.22, Ne13.31. Ps Ps20.3. Je Je2.2, Je2.3. Je18.20. Ac +* Ac10.4, Ac10.31. your work. Ru Ru2.12. 2 Ch +* 2Ch24.10. Ga Ga5.6. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. 1 J 1Jn3.17, 1Jn3.18. and labor. Nu = Nu4.49. = Nu7.5, Nu7.6. = Nu18.31. 1 Co 1Co3.8. of love. 1 Co * 1Co13.4-7. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.13. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.17. Re Re2.19. which ye have. He Heb13.16. Pr Pr14.31. Pr19.17. Pr22.9. Pr28.27. Ec Ec11.1. Mt ✓ Mt10.42. * Mt25.35-40. Mk Mk9.41. Lk Lk6.38. Ac * Ac2.44, Ac2.45. * Ac4.32, Ac4.34, Ac4.35. Ac9.36-39. Ac11.29. Ro Ro12.13. 15:+ Ro15.25-2727, Ro15.31. 1 Co 1Co16.1-3. 2 Co Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 162. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Co8.1-9. 2Co9.1, 2Co9.8, 2Co9.11-15. Ga * Ga6.10. Ph Php4.16-18. Col Col3.17. 1 Ti 1Ti6.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.17, 2Ti1.18. Phm Phm5-7. Ja * Jas2.15-17. 1 J 1Jn3.14-17. ministered to. Nu = Nu3.6. Mt * Mt25.40. Mt27.55. Ga +* Ga6.10. the saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. and do. He Heb13.1. 11. we desire. He Heb13.17. Ps +* Ps126.6. Ro Ro1.11. 2 Co 2Co11.28. Ga +* Ga4.19. Ph * Php1.9-11. Php3.15. 1 Th +* 1Th3.8. 1Th4.10. diligence. Pr Pr10.4. Pr13.4. +* Pr22.29. Ro Ro12.8g, Ro12.11. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. 2 P +* 2Pe1.5-11. ✓ 2Pe3.14. full assurance. He +* Heb3.6, Heb3.14. +* Heb10.22. Is Is32.17. Col +* Col2.2. 1 Th 1Th1.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10, 2Pe1.11. 1 J * 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.18, 1Jn3.19. ✓ 1Jn5.13. of hope. ver. Heb6.18-20. He +* Heb3.6. Ac +* Ac26.6. Ro * Ro5.2-5. Ro8.24, Ro8.25. Ro12.12. Ro15.13. 1 Co 1Co13.13. Ga Ga5.5. Col +* Col1.5, Col1.23. 2 Th 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. 1 P 1Pe1.3-5, 1Pe1.21. 1 J * 1Jn3.1-3. unto the end. He +* Heb3.6, Heb3.14. Heb10.32-35. Mt Mt24.13. Ga +* Ga6.9. 2 Th 2Th3.13mg. 1 P * 1Pe1.13. Re Re2.26. 12. not slothful. He * Heb5.11g. Jg * Jdg18.9. Pr Pr10.26. Pr12.24. * Pr13.4. Pr15.19. * Pr18.9. * Pr24.30-34. Ec Ec10.18. Je +* Je48.10mg. Ezk +* Eze16.49 (T#709). Mt * Mt25.26. Ro +* Ro12.11. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. but followers. He * Heb12.1. * Heb13.7. Jsh +* Jos14.8. SS So1.8. Je * Je6.16. Ro Ro4.12. Ph * Php3.17. Ja * Jas5.10, Jas5.11. 1 Co +* 1Co11.1. 1 P * 1Pe3.5, 1Pe3.6. of them. 2 Ch ◐* 2Ch13.7. Ps +✓ Ps119.63. through faith. ver. * Heb6.15. He * Heb10.36. * Heb11.8-16. Lk * Lk8.15. Ro +* Ro2.7. * Ro8.25, Ro8.26. Ga Ga3.7, Ga3.29. 1 Th * 1Th1.3. Re Re13.10. Re14.12. and patience. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. T#936. He * Heb10.35-37. Pr Pr10.28. La La3.26-29. Ro Ro5.3, Ro5.4. Ep + Eph4.2g. Ja * Jas1.2-4, Jas1.12. Jas4.10. Jas5.7, Jas5.8, Jas5.11. 1 P 1Pe2.20. 1Pe5.6. inherit. He * Heb1.14. * Heb10.36. Heb11.9, Heb11.17, Heb11.33. Mt * Mt22.32. +* Mt25.34. Lk Lk16.22. * Lk20.37, Lk20.38. Ep +* Eph1.11n. 1 J * 1Jn2.25. Re +* Re14.13. the promises. ver. Heb6.15. He Heb7.6. +* Heb10.36. 11:+* Heb11.13, Heb11.17, Heb11.33. Ac +✓ Ac26.6. Ro +* Ro9.4. +* Ro15.8. 2 Co 2Co1.20. 2Co7.1. Ga * Ga3.16, Ga3.18, Ga3.29. 13. he sware. ver. Heb6.16-18. Ge * Ge22.15-18. Ezk Eze32.13. Ps Ps105.9, Ps105.10. Is Is45.23. Je Je22.5. Je49.13. Mi Mic7.20. Lk Lk1.73. 14. Surely. Ge ▶ Ge22.17. Lk Lk1.73. blessing. f147:147B, Ge + Ge2.16. multiplying. Ge Ge17.2. Ge48.4. Ex Ex32.13. Dt Dt1.10. Ne Ne9.23. 15. after. ver. Heb6.12. Ge +* Ge12.2, Ge12.3. Ge15.2-6. Ge17.16, Ge17.17. Ge21.2-7. Ex Ex1.7. Hab Hab2.2, Hab2.3. Ro Ro4.17-25. patiently endured. ver. +* Heb6.12. He Heb7.6. Ro +* Ro4.13. he obtained. He ◐+* Heb11.13. Dt * Dt1.10. Lk * Lk1.68, Lk1.69. Lk * Lk16.22. Jn * Jn8.56. Ac ◐+* Ac7.5. 16. swear. ver. Heb6.13. Ge Ge14.22. * Ge21.23, Ge21.24. * Ge24.3. Ge26.20, Ge26.26, Ge26.28, Ge26.31. Mt Mt23.20-22. an oath. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. Ge Ge21.30, Ge21.31. Ge31.53. Ex Ex22.11. Jsh Jos9.15-20. 2 S 2Sa21.2. Ezk Eze17.16-20. for confirmation. T#720. Dt Dt10.20. Ne Ne5.12. Ps Ps15.1, Ps15.4. Ec Ec8.2. Mt * Mt26.63, Mt26.64. 2 Co 2Co1.23. Ph Php1.7. all. f171:171A, Ex + Ex9.6. strife. He Heb7.7. Heb12.3. Ju Jud11g. 17. willing. 1 Co 1Co12.11. Ja * Jas1.18. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.9. more. Ps Ps36.8. SS So5.1. Is ✓ Is55.7. Jn * Jn10.10. 1 P 1Pe1.3. the heirs. ver. Heb6.12. He Heb11.7, Heb11.9. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 163. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ga * Ga3.29. Ep +* Eph1.11n. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 P 1Pe3.7. of promise. Ge +* Ge17.7. Ac +* Ac2.39. Ga * Ga3.17, Ga3.29. the immutability. lit. unchangeable. i.e. unchangeableness. f24:24G, Ge Ge1.9. ver. Heb6.18. Jb Job23.13, Job23.14. Ps * Ps33.11. Ps110.4. Pr * Pr19.21. Is Is14.24, Is14.26, Is14.27. * Is25.1. ✓ Is46.10. Is54.9, Is54.10. ✓ Is55.11. Je Je33.20, Je33.21, Je33.25, Je33.26. Ml +* Mal3.6. Ro * Ro4.13, Ro4.16. +* Ro11.29. Ja ✓ Jas1.17. of his. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. i.e. his unchangeable counsel. counsel. Ac +* Ac20.27. confirmed it. Gr. interposed himself. Gr. mediated. ver. Heb6.16. Ge Ge26.28. Ex Ex22.11. Ga + Ga3.20. by an oath. He Heb8.6. Je = Je33.20, Je33.21. 18. two. ver. Heb6.17. He Heb3.11. * Heb7.21. Ps Ps110.4. Mt Mt24.35. 1 P * 1Pe1.25. immutable. ver. Heb6.17. Ge +* Ge9.16. impossible. Nu * Nu23.19. 1 S 1Sa15.29. Ro Ro3.4. 2 Ti + 2Ti2.13. Ti +* Tt1.2n. 1 J 1Jn1.10. 1Jn5.10. we might. Is Is51.12. Is66.10-13. Lk Lk2.25. Ro Ro15.5. 2 Co 2Co1.5-7. Ph Php2.1. 2 Th * 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. strong consolation. He Heb12.5. Heb13.22. 1 Co + 1Co14.3g. who. He Heb11.7. Ge Ge19.22. Nu Nu35.11-15. Jsh Jos20.3. Ps Ps46.1. * Ps62.8. Is Is32.1, Is32.2. Zc Zec9.12. Mt Mt3.7. 2 Co * 2Co5.18-21. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. fled for refuge. Nu = Nu35.6, Nu35.11. Jsh ✓ Jos20.7n. Ps * Ps46.1. Pr Pr14.26. Ac Ac14.6g. lay hold. 1 K 1Ki2.28. Pr Pr3.18. Pr4.13. Is Is27.5. Is56.4. Is64.7. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.12. the hope. He + Heb3.6. Ac +✓ Ac26.6. Ro * Ro15.13. Ep +* Eph2.12. Col +* Col1.5, Col1.23, Col1.27. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3. set. He * Heb12.1, Heb12.2. Ro Ro3.25. 19. we have. Col +* Col1.5. 1 Th * 1Th5.8. 1 P +* 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. as an anchor. Ac Ac27.29, Ac27.40. soul. Gr. psyche, Lk + Lk9.24. Ps +* Ps103.1. Lk +* Lk1.46. both sure. Ps Ps42.5, Ps42.11. Ps43.5. Ps62.5, Ps62.6. Ps146.5, Ps146.6. Is +* Is12.2. Is25.3, Is25.4. Is28.16. Je * Je17.7, Je17.8. Ro Ro4.16. Ro5.5-10. +* Ro8.28-39. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.19. entereth. He * Heb4.16. 9:+ Heb9.3, Heb9.7. Heb10.20, Heb10.21. Le Le16.2, Le16.15. Mt * Mt27.51. Ep Eph2.6. Col * Col3.1. 20. the forerunner. He Heb2.10. Ps * Ps73.25. Jn +* Jn14.2, Jn14.3. 1 Co * 1Co15.20. for. He Heb1.3. * Heb4.14. Heb8.1. * Heb9.12, Heb9.24. * Heb12.2. Ro * Ro8.34. Ep Eph1.3, Eph1.20-23. 1 P 1Pe3.22. 1 J 1Jn2.12. an high priest. He + Heb2.17. See on 3:1. 5:6, 10. 7:1-21. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. He + Heb5.6. * Heb7.24, Heb7.15. +* Heb13.8. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19. after the order. He + Heb5.6.

HEBREWS 7 The superiority of Melchisedec’s typical priesthood, above that of Aaron, proved and illustrated, Heb7.1-10. It was intended, that the priesthood should be changed, and consequently that the ritual law of Moses should be disannulled, when the Messiah came; that a better covenant and priesthood might take place, Heb7.11-18. This was needful, for the more perfect state of the church, and for the salvation of all who come to God by Jesus Christ, to the uttermost, and forever, Heb7.19-28. 1. this. ver. Heb7.6. He Heb6.20. Ge * Ge14.18-20. Salem. i.e. at peace; perfect, complete, ❅S#4532g. ver. Heb7.2. For ❅S# 08004h, see Ge + Ge14.18. Ge Ge33.18. Ps * Ps76.2. Jn Jn3.23. priest. Zc * Zec6.12, Zec6.13. the most. Ge Ge14.18. Nu Nu24.16. Dt Dt32.8. Ps Ps57.2. Ps78.35, Ps78.56. Da Da4.2. Da5.18, Da5.21. Mi Mic6.6. Mk Mk5.7. Lk + Lk1.32. Ac Ac16.17. the slaughter. Ge Ge16.14-16. Is Is41.2, Is41.3. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 164. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. gave. Lk +* Lk11.41n. a tenth. Ge Ge28.22. Le Le27.32. Nu Nu18.21. 1 S 1Sa8.15, 1Sa8.17. interpretation. f95, Ps + Ps7.13. Mk + Mk5.41. King of righteousness. 2 S 2Sa8.15. 2Sa23.3. 1 K 1Ki4.24, 1Ki4.25. 1 Ch 1Ch22.9. Ps +* Ps45.5-7. * Ps72.1-3, Ps72.7. * Ps85.10, Ps85.11. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Is32.1, Is32.2. Is45.22-25. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Je33.15, Je33.16. Mi Mic5.5. Lk Lk2.14. Ro Ro3.26. * Ro5.1, Ro5.2. Ep Eph2.14-18. peace. Ps Ps76.2. Col * Col1.20. 2 Th * 2Th3.16. 3. Without father. That is, as the Syriac renders, “Whose father and mother are not inscribed among the genealogies;” and therefore it was not known who he was. descent. Gr. pedigree. ver. Heb7.6. Ex Ex6.18, Ex6.20-27. 1 Ch 1Ch6.1-3. Ezr * Ezr2.61, Ezr2.62. neither beginning. Pr * Pr8.23. Mi +* Mic5.2. Jn Jn1.1. Re * Re1.8. nor end. Ps * Ps102.27. the Son of God. ver. Heb7.28. He + Heb1.2. Mt + Mt14.33. abideth. f96:96C, Mt + Mt2.13. a priest. ver. Heb7.17, Heb7.23-28. continually. He Heb10.1, Heb10.12, Heb10.14. 4. man was. or, by ellipsis, supply (priest was). f63:63I, Ex + Ex12.4. the patriarch. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. Ac Ac2.29. Ac7.8, Ac7.9. Abraham. Ge * Ge12.2. +* Ge17.5, Ge17.6. Ro * Ro4.11-13, Ro4.17, Ro4.18. Ga Ga3.28, Ga3.29. Ja Jas2.23. gave. Ge Ge14.20. 5. who receive. He * Heb5.4. Ex Ex28.1. Nu Nu16.10, Nu16.11. Nu17.3-10. * Nu18.7, Nu18.21-26. to take. Le * Le27.30-33. Nu Nu18.26-32. Dt Dt14.22. 2 Ch 2Ch31.4-6. Ne Ne10.37. Ne12.44. Ne13.10. come. ver. Heb7.10. Ge Ge35.11. Ge46.26. Ex Ex1.5. 1 K 1Ki8.19. 6. descent. Gr. pedigree. ver. Heb7.3. received. ver. Heb7.2, Heb7.4. Ge Ge14.19, Ge14.20. had the promises. He Heb6.13-15. Heb11.13, Heb11.17. Ge Ge12.2, Ge12.13. Ge13.14-17. Ge17.4-8. Ge22.17, Ge22.18. Ac Ac3.25. Ro +* Ro4.13. Ro9.4. Ga Ga3.16. 7. without. He + Heb6.16. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. the less. f96:96G, Mt + Mt1.20. He * Heb11.20, Heb11.21. Ge Ge28.1-4. Ge32.24-30. Ge47.7-10. Ge48.15-20. Ge49.28. Nu * Nu6.23-27. Dt Dt32.1. 2 S 2Sa6.20. 1 K 1Ki8.55. 2 Ch 2Ch30.27. Lk Lk24.50, Lk24.51. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ep * Eph1.3. 8. men. ver. Heb7.23. He +* Heb9.27. of whom. He Heb5.6. Heb6.20. Ps Ps110.4. he liveth. f96:96C, Mt + Mt2.13. He Heb3.16, 24, 25. Heb5.6. Heb6.20. Lk Lk24.5. Jn Jn6.57. * Jn11.25, Jn11.26. * Jn14.6, Jn14.19. Re * Re1.17, Re1.18. 9. payed tithes. ver. Heb7.4. Ge +* Ge14.20. Ro Ro5.12mg. 10. in the loins. ver. Heb7.5. He ◐+ Heb12.9. Ge Ge1.28. Ge2.7, Ge2.23. Ge35.11. Ge46.26. 1 K 1Ki8.19. Ps ◐ Ps104.30. Mt Mt1.2. Jn Jn1.13. Jn3.6. of his father. 1 Co 1Co11.8. 11. If therefore. 184B, Mt + Mt23.30. The Second Condition of Hypothetical Propositions, to show the impossibility of the assumed condition. perfection. Teleiosis, “completion,” or “fulfilment” of the plan and purpose of God. ver. Heb7.18, Heb7.19. He Heb8.7, Heb8.10-13. * Heb10.1-5, Heb10.9, Heb10.11, Heb10.12, Heb10.14. Ga ✓ Ga2.21. Ga4.3, Ga4.9. Col Col2.10-17. Levitical. ❅S#3020g. received the law. He Heb8.6g. 2 Ch +* 2Ch15.3. 2Ch35.3n. 1 Co +* 1Co14.34n. what. ver. Heb7.26-28. another. ver. Heb7.15, Heb7.17, Heb7.21. See on He Heb5.6, Heb5.10. Heb6.20. after the order. ver. Heb7.17. He + Heb5.6.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 165. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

12. being changed. Mt Mt3.15. a change. Is Is66.21. Je Je31.31-34. Ezk Eze16.61. Ac Ac6.13, Ac6.14. the law. Nu Nu8.5-7. 13. For he. ver. Heb7.14. pertaineth. He + Heb2.14. of which. Nu Nu16.40. Nu17.5. 2 Ch 2Ch26.16-21. 14. evident. 1 Ti 1Ti5.24, 1Ti5.25g. our Lord. ver. Heb7.13. Lk Lk1.43. Jn * Jn20.13, Jn20.28. Ep Eph1.3. Ph Php3.8. sprang. Nu Nu24.17. out of Judah. Ge Ge46.12. +*✡ Ge49.10. Ru * Ru4.18-22. 1 Ch +✡ 1Ch5.2. Ps +✡ Ps60.7. Is * Is11.1. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Mi +*✡ Mic5.2. Mt Mt1.3-16. Mt2.6. Lk Lk2.23-33. * Lk3.33. Ro * Ro1.3. Ro2.3. Re * Re5.5. * Re22.16. spake nothing. Nu Nu3.5-8. Dt * Dt10.8. 2 Ch * 2Ch26.1, 2Ch26.16, 2Ch26.21. 15. after. ver. Heb7.3, Heb7.11, Heb7.17-21. Ps Ps110.4. there ariseth. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 16. the law. He * Heb9.9, Heb9.10. Heb10.1. Ga Ga4.3, Ga4.9. Col * Col2.14, Col2.20. carnal commandment. He * Heb9.10. Ro + Ro7.14. Ga Ga3.3. the power. ver. Heb7.3, Heb7.17, Heb7.21, Heb7.24, Heb7.25, Heb7.28. Re Re1.18. endless. ❅S#179g, only here. life. Jb * Job19.25. Jn * Jn5.26. Ac * Ac3.15. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. Re * Re1.17, Re1.18. 17. Thou art. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. ver. Heb7.15, Heb7.21. He Heb5.6, Heb5.10. Heb6.20. Ps ▶ Ps110.4. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19. 18. a disannulling. ver. Heb7.11, Heb7.12. He Heb8.7-13. Heb9.26. Heb10.1-9, Heb10.28g. Ro Ro3.31. Ga Ga3.15, Ga3.17. the weakness. ver. Heb7.19. He Heb8.7, Heb8.8. Heb9.9, Heb9.10. Heb10.1-4. Heb13.9. Ac Ac13.39. Ro +* Ro8.3. Ga * Ga3.23, Ga3.24. * Ga4.9, Ga4.21. 1 Ti 1Ti4.8. unprofitableness. He + Heb13.9. 19. the law. See on ver. Heb7.11. He * Heb9.9. Heb10.1. Ex Ex29.36. Le Le16.16. ◐* Le18.5. Ezk Eze45.18. Ac +* Ac13.39. Ro * Ro3.20, Ro3.21. Ro8.3. Ga +* Ga2.16. * Ga3.24. made. Ouden eteleosen, “completed nothing,” it was the introduction, but not the completion. the bringing in. or, it was the bringing in. Ga Ga3.24. a better hope. He + Heb3.6. 6:+ Heb6.9, Heb6.18, Heb6.19. Heb8.6. Heb11.40. Jn Jn1.17. Ro Ro8.3. Col +* Col1.27. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. we draw. ver. Heb7.25. He +* Heb4.16. * Heb10.19-22. Le Le10.3. Ps Ps73.28. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ro * Ro5.2. Ep * Eph2.13-18. * Eph3.12. Ja Jas4.8. 20. without. ver. Heb7.21, Heb7.28g. 21. without. ver. Heb7.20, Heb7.28g. an oath. or, swearing of an oath. The Lord. ver. + Heb7.17. Ps Ps110.4. sware. See on He * Heb6.16-18. repent. Mt + Mt21.29. Thou art. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. 22. By so much. He + Heb1.4. was Jesus made. Is * Is53.5. a surety. Ge Ge43.9. Ge44.32. Jb Job17.3. Pr Pr6.1. Pr20.16. of a. He * Heb8.6-12. * Heb9.15-23. * Heb12.24. Heb13.20. Da Da9.27. Mt Mt26.28. Mk Mk14.24. Lk Lk22.20. 1 Co 1Co11.25. better. ver. Heb7.19. He + Heb6.9. testament. Rather, “covenant,” diatheekee. Ro + Ro9.4. 23. were many. ver. Heb7.8. 1 Ch 1Ch6.3-14. Ne Ne12.10, Ne12.11. 1 Co + 1Co9.19g. by reason. Ex Ex29.29, Ex29.30. Le Le16.32. Nu * Nu20.28. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 166. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

24. But. O de, “But he,” that is, Christ, because “he continueth ever,” hath aparabaton ierosuneen, “a priesthood that passeth not away from him.” he continueth. See on ver. Heb7.8-25, Heb7.28. He ✓ Heb13.8. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Jn Jn12.34. Ro Ro6.9. Re Re1.18. ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. ver. Heb7.21, Heb7.28. hath. 1 S 1Sa2.35. an unchangeable priesthood. or, a priesthood which passeth not from one to another. Ps = Ps99.6. 25. he is able. He Heb2.18. Heb5.7. Is Is45.22. Is63.1. Je ◐= Je15.1. Da Da3.15, Da3.17, Da3.29. Da6.20. Mt * Mt10.28. Jn * Jn6.37-40. * Jn10.29, Jn10.30. Ep Eph3.20. Ph Php3.21. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.12. Ju * Jud24. to save. Ge Ge18.32. Jn * Jn14.19. Ro * Ro5.10. them. ver. + Heb7.19. He Heb11.6g. to the uttermost. or, evermore. Gr. completely. Lk Lk13.11g. that come. ver. Heb7.19. He ✓ Heb11.6. Jb Job22.17. Job23.3. Ps Ps68.31, Ps68.32. Is Is45.24. Je Je3.22. Jn ✓ Jn6.37, Jn6.39. by him. He Heb13.15. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ro Ro5.2. Ep Eph2.18. Eph3.12. 1 J * 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. ever liveth. See on ver. Heb7.8, Heb7.16, Heb7.24. to make intercession. T#836. He * Heb4.14-16. * Heb9.24. Ex = Ex17.12. = Ex30.1. Is * Is53.12. Is59.16. Da Da9.24. Mt +* Mt10.32. Jn Jn14.13, Jn14.16. Jn16.23, Jn16.24. Jn17.9-26. Ro +* Ro8.34. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. Re Re8.3, Re8.4. 26. such. ver. Heb7.11. He Heb8.1. Heb9.23-26. Heb10.11-22. a high priest. He + Heb2.17. became. He +* Heb2.10. Lk Lk24.26, Lk24.46. holy. He +* Heb4.15. * Heb9.14. Ex Ex28.2, Ex28.36-38. Le * Le21.1, Le21.6, Le21.11. Ps * Ps16.10. Is * Is53.9. Mk * Mk1.24. Lk +* Lk1.35. Lk4.34. * Lk23.22, Lk23.41, Lk23.47. Jn * Jn8.29. +* Jn14.30. Ac Ac2.27. Ac3.14. Ac4.27. Ac13.35. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. 1 P * 1Pe1.19. * 1Pe2.22. 1 J * 1Jn2.2. * 1Jn3.5. Re * Re3.7. Re15.4. Re16.5. harmless. Zc Zec9.9. Ro Ro16.18g. undefiled. Is * Is53.9. 1 P * 1Pe1.19. * 1Pe2.22. separate from. He +* Heb4.15. Ge = Ge49.26. Jn * Jn8.46. 1 P 1Pe2.22. made higher. He * Heb1.3. +* Heb4.14. Heb8.1. * Heb12.2. Ps Ps68.18. Mt Mt27.18. Mk +* Mk16.19. Ep Eph1.20-22. * Eph4.8-10. Ph ✓ Php2.9-11. 1 P 1Pe3.22. 1 J * 1Jn2.1. Re Re1.17, Re1.18. 27. daily. He Heb10.11g. Ex * Ex29.36-42. Nu Nu28.2-10. first. He + Heb5.3. Heb9.7. Le Le4.3, etc. 9:7, etc. *16:6, 11, 15. and then. Le Le4.13-16. Le9.15. Le16.15. this. He * Heb9.12, Heb9.14, Heb9.25, Heb9.28. Heb10.6-12. Is * Is53.10-12. Ro Ro6.10. Ep Eph5.2, Eph5.25. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. once. He * Heb9.12. * Heb10.10, Heb10.12. Ro * Ro6.10. when. Mt + Mt20.28. Ro + Ro4.25. 28. the law maketh. See on He Heb5.1, Heb5.2. Ex Ex32.21, Ex32.22. Le Le4.3. the word. See on ver. Heb7.21. Ps Ps110.4. maketh the Son. See on ver. Heb7.3. He + Heb1.2. + Heb2.17. Heb3.6. Heb4.14. Heb5.5, Heb5.8. who. ver. Heb7.21, Heb7.24. consecrated. Gr. perfected. He +* Heb2.10. +* Heb5.9. Le Le21.10. Lk Lk13.32. Jn Jn19.30g. evermore. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19.

HEBREWS 8 Further evidence of the superiority of Messiah’s priesthood to that of Aaron, Heb8.1-6; and that it was predicted that the Sinai covenant would be abrogated, to make way for a new and better covenant, through a superior Mediator, Heb8.7-13. 1. sum. Or, chief, principal point, in both which senses kephalaion is used by profane writers. Ex = Ex38.21. We have. See on He Heb7.26-28. an high priest. He + Heb2.17. who. See Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 167. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

on He +* Heb1.3, Heb1.13. Heb10.12. * Heb12.2. Ep Eph6.20. Col * Col3.1. Re Re3.21. right hand. f22:22A, Ps + Ps110.1. He Heb1.3. Ac Ac7.55, Ac7.56. the throne. f22:22D, Ps + Ps45.6. He +* Heb4.16. the Majesty. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11. Jb Job37.22. Ps Ps21.5. Ps45.3, Ps45.4. Ps104.1. Ps145.12. Is Is24.14. Mi Mic5.4. in the heavens. He +* Heb4.14. Heb7.26. Ep * Eph1.20. 2. minister. He + Heb1.7. Heb9.8-12. * Heb10.21. Ex Ex28.1, Ex28.35. Lk Lk24.44. Ro +* Ro15.8. the sanctuary. or, holy things. He Heb9.1, Heb9.2, Heb9.8, Heb9.12, Heb9.24, Heb9.25. Heb10.19. Heb13.11g. the true. He Heb9.11, Heb9.23, Heb9.24. Heb10.22. Jn Jn1.9. Jn4.23. Ep * Eph2.19-22. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.15. which. He * Heb9.24. Heb11.10. Nu Nu24.6. 2 Co 2Co5.1. Col 2:11. pitched. Ex Ex33.7. Jsh Jos18.1. 3. every. See on He Heb5.1. Heb7.27. to offer. Le Le1.2. Le16.11, Le16.15, Le16.16. Le23.37. have. He Heb9.14. Heb10.9-12. Jn Jn6.51. Ep * Eph5.2. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. 4. For if. f184:184B, Mt + Mt23.30. “Now if he were on earth (which he is not), he would not even be a priest,” as he is not of the tribe of Levi. Condition of the second class, determined as unfulfilled. he should. f184:184B, Mt + Mt23.30. He * Heb7.11-15. Nu * Nu16.40. Nu17.12, Nu17.13. Nu18.5. 2 Ch * 2Ch26.18, 2Ch26.19. there are priests. or, they are priests. gifts. dora, gifts, or offerings, comprehended propitiatory sacrifices, as well as freewill-offerings. See He Heb11.4. 5. unto. upodeigmati kai skia, or, “with the representation and shadow,” as Dr. Macknight renders. He Heb9.23. the example. He Heb9.9, Heb9.23, Heb9.24. and shadow. He * Heb10.1. Col * Col2.17. admonished. He Heb11.7. Heb12.25g. Lk + Lk2.26g. tabernacle. He Heb13.10. See. Ex ▶ Ex25.40. * Ex26.30. Ex27.8. Nu Nu8.4. 1 Ch 1Ch28.11, 1Ch28.12, 1Ch28.19. Ac Ac7.44. pattern. Tupon, type, plan, or form. 6. obtained. ver. Heb8.7-13. more excellent. He Heb1.4. 2 Co * 2Co3.6-11. ministry. He + Heb1.7. Heb9.21. the mediator. He Heb7.22. Heb9.15. Heb12.24. Ga 3:+ Ga3.19, Ga3.20. covenant. or, testament. See on He * Heb7.22. Heb9.15-20. Ex * Ex24.6-8. Je = Je33.20, Je33.21. Ml = Mal2.4. was established. Nenomotheetai, “was ordained (or established) by law.” He Heb7.11g. * Heb10.8, Heb10.9. upon. ver. Heb8.10-12. Ro Ro9.4. Ga Ga3.16-21. Ti +* Tt1.2. 2 P 2Pe1.4. 7. For if. f184:184B, Mt + Mt23.30. had. ver. Heb8.6. He 7:+ Heb7.11, Heb7.18. Ro * Ro8.3. Ga Ga3.21. 8. he saith. See on Je *▶ Je31.31-34. the days. He * Heb10.16, Heb10.17. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.7. Je30.3. * Je31.27, Je31.31-34, Je31.38. Lk ✓ Lk17.22. a new. ver. Heb8.13. He * Heb9.15. Heb12.24. Mt +* Mt26.28. Mk Mk14.24. Lk Lk22.20. 1 Co * 1Co11.25. 2 Co 2Co3.6. covenant. Is +* Is55.3. Je * Je32.40. ✓ Je33.24-26. Ezk Eze16.60, Eze16.61. * Eze37.26. the house. Ac + Ac2.36. Judah. i.e. praised, ✣S#2455g,so rendered only here. 9. the covenant. He Heb9.18-20. Ex Ex24.3-11. Ex34.10, Ex34.27, Ex34.28. Dt Dt5.2, Dt5.3. Dt29.1, Dt29.12. Ga Ga3.15-19. Ga4.24. I took. He + Heb2.16. Ge Ge19.16. Dt Dt1.31. Jb Job8.20mg. SS So8.5. Is Is41.13. Is51.18. Mk Mk8.23. Ac Ac9.8. Ac13.11. to lead. Ex Ex19.4, Ex19.5. Ps Ps77.20. Ps78.52-54. Ps105.43. Ps136.11-14. Is Is40.11. Is63.9, Is63.1113. they continued. Ex Ex32.8. Dt Dt29.25. Dt31.16-18. Jsh Jos23.15, Jos23.16. 2 K * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 168. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Ki17.15-18. Ps Ps78.10, Ps78.11, Ps78.57. Is Is24.5, Is24.6. Je Je11.7, Je11.8. Je22.8, Je22.9. Je31.32. Ezk Eze16.8, Eze16.59. Eze20.37, Eze20.38. regarded. Jg * Jdg2.20, Jdg2.21. Jdg10.13, Jdg10.14. Je * Je15.1. La La4.16. Ho * Ho1.9. Am Am5.22. Ml Mal2.13. 10. this is. He Heb10.16, Heb10.17. Ro Ro11.27. I will put. Gr. I will give. Ex Ex24.4, Ex24.7. Ex34.1, Ex34.27. Dt Dt30.6. Ps Ps119.135. Je Je31.33. Je32.40. Ezk Eze11.19. * Eze36.26, Eze36.27. Eze37.26. Jn * Jn14.26. 2 Co 2Co3.3, 2Co3.7, 2Co3.8. * 2Co4.6. Ja +* Jas1.18, Jas1.21. 1 P +* 1Pe1.23. into. Ex +* Ex25.21. write. f22:22C, Ex + Ex31.18. in. or, upon. Ps Ps37.31. Ps40.8. Is Is51.7. 2 Co * 2Co3.3. I will be. He +* Heb11.16. Ge +* Ge17.7, Ge17.8. Le Le26.12. SS So2.16. Je Je7.23. Je11.4. Je24.7. Je30.22. Je31.1, Je31.33. Je32.38. Ezk Eze11.20. Eze14.11. Eze36.28. Eze37.27. Eze39.22. Ho Ho1.10. * Ho2.23. Zc * Zec8.8. +* Zec13.9. Mt Mt22.32. 1 Co * 1Co6.16. Re Re21.7. they shall. Ex * Ex19.5, Ex19.6. Ac * Ac2.41. Ro * Ro8.4. Ro9.25, Ro9.26. 2 Co * 2Co6.16-18. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.9, 1Pe2.10. 11. they shall. Is +* Is2.3. * Is54.13. Je * Je31.24. Jn +* Jn6.45. 1 J * 1Jn2.27. Know the. Gr. ginosko, Jn Jn8.55n. 2 K 2Ki17.27, 2Ki17.28. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. 2 Ch 2Ch30.22. Ezr * Ezr7.25. for all. Is * Is54.13. Je * Je24.7. Ezk Eze34.30. Hab * Hab2.14. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. shall know. Gr. oida, Jn Jn8.55n. T#443. Is * Is11.9. ✓ Is29.18, Is29.24. * Is33.6. Je * Je3.15. * Je31.34. Ezk * Eze34.27. Hab Hab2.14. Jn * Jn6.45. * Jn17.3. 1 Co 1Co13.8. from. Je Je6.13. Je42.1, Je42.8. Je44.12. Ac +* Ac8.10. 12. will be merciful. He Heb10.16, Heb10.17. Ps Ps25.7. Ps65.3. Is * Is43.25. * Is44.22. +* Is54.7. Je Je33.8. ✓ Je50.20. Mi +* Mic7.19, Mic7.20. Zc +* Zec10.6. Ac +* Ac10.43. +* Ac13.38, Ac13.39. Ro +* Ro11.27. Ep * Eph1.7. Col * Col1.14. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.7-9. ✓ 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. Re +* Re1.5. and their sins. He Heb10.17. Je Je31.34. Am Am8.7. Col * Col2.13. and their. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. remember no more. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. Is +* Is41.9. * Is43.25. * Is44.22. Zc +* Zec10.6. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. 13. A new. See on ver. Heb8.8. he hath. He Heb7.11, Heb7.12, Heb7.18, Heb7.19. Heb9.9, Heb9.10. ready. He + Heb6.8g. Is Is51.6. Mt * Mt24.35. 1 Co * 1Co13.8. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17.

HEBREWS 9 The tabernacle and its furniture, and the typical meaning of it, and of the ordinances observed at it, Heb9.1-10. An application of the subject to the priesthood, sacrifice, and covenant of Christ, Heb9.11-26. Men are appointed to die, and after death the judgment, when Christ shall come for salvation to all who “look for him,” Heb9.27" Heb9.28 }. 1. the first. He Heb8.7,13. covenant. f63:63A, Ge + Ge14.20. had. ver. Heb9.10. Le Le18.3, Le18.4, Le18.30. Le22.9. Nu Nu9.12. Ezk Eze43.11. Lk Lk1.6. ordinances. or, ceremonies. ver. Heb9.10mg. Ex Ex15.25, Ex15.26. divine service. ver. Heb9.6. Ro Ro9.4g. and a. ver. Heb9.10, Heb9.11. He + Heb8.2. Ex * Ex25.8. * Ex29.43. Nu * Nu10.21. Col Col2.8. 2. a tabernacle. Ex Ex26.1-30. Ex29.1, Ex29.35. Ex36.8-38. Ex39.32-34. Ex40.2, Ex40.1820. made. ver. Heb9.6. He + Heb3.4g. the first. ver. Heb9.6. Ex Ex25.23-40. Ex26.35. Ex37.10-24. Ex39.36-38. Ex40.4, Ex40.22-24. the candlestick. Ex * Ex25.31-39. Mt * Mt5.15, Mt5.16. Jn * Jn15.5. 1 J * 1Jn1.3, 1Jn1.7. Re * Re1.12, Re1.20. the table. Ex Ex25.23-29. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 169. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ex40.4. Le Le24.5, Le24.6. the showbread. Ex Ex25.23, Ex25.30. Le Le24.5-8. 1 Co * 1Co10.16-18. the sanctuary. or, holy. He + Heb8.2. Ex Ex26.33. 3. the second. ver. Heb9.7. He +* Heb6.19. Heb10.20. Ex * Ex26.31-33, Ex26.34, Ex26.36. Ex36.35-38. Ex40.3, Ex40.21. 2 Ch 2Ch3.14. Is Is25.7. Mt Mt27.51. Mk Mk15.38. Lk Lk23.45. the Holiest. ver. Heb9.8. He Heb10.19. Ex Ex26.33. 1 K 1Ki8.6. 4. the golden censer. Le * Le16.12, Le16.13. 1 K 1Ki7.50. 2 Ch 2Ch26.19. Ezk Eze8.11. Re Re8.3. or, altar of incense. Ex Ex30.1, Ex30.27. Le Le16.20. Nu Nu4.13. Dt Dt33.10. 1 K 1Ki6.20, 1Ki6.22. the ark. Ex Ex25.10-16. Ex26.33. Ex37.1-5. Ex39.35. Ex40.3, Ex40.21. Re Re11.19. the covenant. Ro + Ro9.4. overlaid. Ex Ex25.11. golden pot. Ex * Ex16.33, Ex16.34. and Aaron’s. Nu * Nu17.5, Nu17.8, Nu17.10. Ps Ps110.2, Ps110.3. and the tables. Ex * Ex25.16, Ex25.21. Ex26.33. Ex34.29. * Ex40.3, Ex40.20, Ex40.21. Dt * Dt10.2-5. 1 K * 1Ki8.9, 1Ki8.21. 2 Ch 2Ch5.10n. 5. over. Ex Ex25.17-22. * Ex37.6-9. * Ex40.20. Le Le16.2. Nu Nu7.89. 1 S 1Sa4.4. 1 K 1Ki8.6, 1Ki8.7. 2 K 2Ki19.15. 1 Ch 1Ch28.18. Ps Ps80.1. Ps99.1. Ep Eph3.10. 1 P 1Pe1.12. the mercyseat. He * Heb4.16. Le Le16.2, Le16.13, Le16.15. 1 Ch 1Ch28.11. 6. ordained. ver. Heb9.2. He + Heb3.4g. the priests. Ex Ex27.21. Ex30.7, Ex30.8. Nu Nu28.3. 2 Ch 2Ch26.16-19. Da Da8.11. Lk Lk1.8-11. the first. ver. Heb9.2. the service. ver. Heb9.1. 7. the second. ver. + Heb9.3. the high priest. ver. Heb9.24, Heb9.25. He Heb10.3. Ex Ex30.10. Le * Le16.2-20, Le16.34. alone. Is ◐ Is63.3. not without. He + Heb5.3. Heb7.27. Heb10.19, Heb10.20. offered. Le += Le23.27. errors. Le Le5.18. Nu * Nu15.27, Nu15.28, Nu15.30, Nu15.31. 2 S 2Sa6.7. 2 Ch 2Ch33.9. Ps Ps19.12. Ps95.10. Is Is3.12. Is9.16. Is28.7. Is29.14. Ho Ho4.12. Am Am2.4. 8. Holy Ghost. He + Heb3.7. Heb10.15. Is * Is63.11. Ac Ac7.51, Ac7.52. Ac28.25. Ga Ga3.8. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.21. the way. ver. Heb9.3. He +* Heb4.15, Heb4.16. * Heb10.19-22. Jn * Jn10.7, Jn10.9. ✓ Jn14.6. Ep Eph2.18. the holiest. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. He + Heb8.2. Is +* Is57.15. Mt * Mt27.51. Re * Re21.27. 9. a figure. ver. Heb9.24. He Heb11.19. Ro Ro5.14. 1 P * 1Pe3.21. the time. He Heb7.11. Heb11.39, Heb11.40. 1 P 1Pe1.11, 1Pe1.12. gifts. See on He + Heb5.1. that could not. ver. Heb9.13, Heb9.14. He * Heb7.18, + Heb7.19. * Heb10.1-4, Heb10.11. Ps Ps40.6, Ps40.7. Ga * Ga3.21. make. He + Heb7.19. him that. He Heb10.2. Heb12.28g. Lk + Lk2.37. as pertaining. ver. Heb9.14. Ps * Ps51.16-19. conscience. ver. Heb9.14. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. 10. in meats. He Heb13.9. Le * Le11.2, etc. Dt Dt14.3-21. Ezk Eze4.14. Ac Ac10.13-15. Col ✓ Col2.16n. drinks. Le * Le10.8, Le10.9. Le11.34. Nu * Nu6.2, Nu6.3. divers. This cannot mean different or diverse immersions, for under the Mosaic system different modes of purification were required, such as washing, sprinkling, and rinsing. The apostle, when writing that the Levitical institutes consisted “ONLY” of meats and drinks, and diverse baptisms, could not have meant that lustrations consist ONLY of immersion. Besides, he applied the adjective diphorois, different, to qualify the noun baptisms. This makes good sense if we suppose the noun to be generic, as purifications, but is absurd if we take the noun as specific, like immersion. Those who argue that the “one baptism” of Ep Eph4.5 proves their doctrine of one Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 170. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

mode of baptism have to reckon with this passage, where “different baptisms” certainly proves different modes (See F. G. Hibbard, Christian Baptism, Part Two, p. 214). He Heb6.2g. +* Heb10.22. Ex Ex29.4. Ex30.19-21. Ex40.12. Le Le14.8, Le14.9. * Le16.4, Le16.24. * Le17.15, Le17.16. Le22.6. Nu Nu19.7-21. Dt Dt21.6. Dt23.11. washings. Gr. baptismos, ❅S#909g, Mk + Mk7.4. Ex * Ex40.31, Ex40.32. Le * Le8.6, Le8.12. He Heb6.2. Jn Jn2.6. Jn3.25. carnal ordinances. or, ordinances of the flesh, or ordinances of the person. That is, the baptisms or Jewish purifications spoken of are restricted to those ceremonies which had an application to the body of the worshipper, not the rites for the purification of cups, skins, clothes, vessels, etc. This is clear from the context, which contemplates the effect that these ordinances were to have upon the conscience of the worshipper. It is clear from their being called ordinances of the flesh. It is clear from the antithesis drawn in the apostle’s argument: the blood of bulls, and of goats, and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctified to the purifying of the flesh, but the blood of Christ shall purge your conscience from dead works, etc. (ver. 13, 14). The fact established, then, that the ordinances spoken of as “baptisms” are with reference only to the body of the worshipper, the manner of the mode commanded for the administering of those Jewish purifications is of great significance in determining the meaning conveyed by baptismos. The question becomes, is immersion ever enjoined, under any circumstances, as necessary to effect a purification of a person? No immersions of persons are enjoined under the Mosaic ritual. No washings of persons are enjoined by the Hebrew word tabal (❅S# 02881h, 2 K 2Ki5.14), the Hebrew word understood by some to mean or require immersion, nor by any word that denotes immersion; but without exception washings or purifications are enjoined by the word rahats (❅S# 07364h, Ex Ex29.4), which denotes to wash or purify, without any reference to mode. The word rahats and its usual Greek equivalent in the Septuagint, louo, denote the application of water to the person or thing, and not of the thing or person to the water, as immersion would require. These words are synonymous with the English wash, but they are not synonymous with bathe. The Hebrew rahats is rendered by the Septuagint sometimes by louo, which denotes the washing of the body; by nipto, which also means to wash, and is used to denote washing of hands or feet; and sometimes by pluno, which is used to denote the washing of clothes, accomplished by treading them in water in a trough; and once it is translated by cheo, to flow, to pour forth, to shed. The word used to enjoin the washing of clothes, in the Old Testament, is kabas, which primarily means to tread, to trample with the feet; and hence, to wash, to cleanse, etc., as garments, by treading them in a trough; and finally, to wash in any way. It is sometimes used in a figurative sense, as Ps Ps51.2, Ps51.7; Je Je2.22; Je4.14; Ml Mal3.2. The Septuagint sometimes uses pluno which means to wash clothes, to render the Hebrew shatap (❅S# 07857h, Le + Le15.11), to gush, to pour out, to rush, to overflow; hence, to wash, rinse, as Ezk Eze16.9, “wash away thy blood”; Jb Job38.25, “outpouring” of waters; Pr Pr27.4, anger is an “outpouring.” This word is generally translated rinse in English, where it denotes washing of hands, or vessels, as in Le Le15.11, Le15.12. When in English the word bathe occurs, this does not enjoin immersion, for the original Hebrew term in every such case denotes only to wash. The most usual practice in the Old Testament was to sprinkle, as alluded to in He Heb9.13, and Nu Nu19.20 (See F. G. Hibbard, Christian Baptism, pp. 86-90, 210-213). For the original Hebrew and Greek terms employed with reference to baptism, see the index entry “Baptism, Related Terms.” ver. Heb9.1. He + Heb7.16. Ga Ga4.3, Ga4.9. Ep Eph2.15. Col Col2.20-22.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 171. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

ordinances. or, rites, or, ceremonies. ver. Heb9.1. Ep * Eph2.15. until. He Heb2.5. Heb6.5. Heb8.8-13. Jn * Jn4.23. Ac * Ac21.25. Ga * Ga4.4. Ep Eph1.10. Col ✓ Col2.16n. 11. Christ. Ge +* Ge49.10. Ps Ps40.7. Is Is59.20. Ml Mal3.1. Mt Mt2.6. Mt11.3. Jn Jn4.25. 1 J 1Jn4.2, 1Jn4.3. 1Jn5.20. 2 J 2Jn7. an high priest. He +* Heb2.17. Heb3.1. +* Heb4.15. Heb5.5, Heb5.6. Heb7.1, Heb7.11-26, Heb7.27. * Heb8.1, Heb8.2. of good things. He Heb10.1. to come. Mt Mt6.10. Ro Ro14.17. 1 Co 1Co11.26. 1Co13.10. by a greater. ver. Heb9.1-9, Heb9.24. He Heb8.2. Jn Jn1.14g. Ep * Eph1.3. not made. ver. Heb9.23, Heb9.24. Mk + Mk14.58. Jn +* Jn2.19, Jn2.21. Ac Ac7.48. Ac17.24, Ac17.25. 2 Co * 2Co5.1. Col Col2.11. 12. Neither. f111, Ge + Ge18.27. by the. ver. Heb9.13, Heb9.19. He * Heb10.4. Le Le8.2. Le9.15. * Le16.5-10. by his own blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. ver. Heb9.14. He Heb1.3. Heb10.9-14. * Heb13.12, Heb13.20. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ro +* Ro3.25. Ep * Eph1.7. Col * Col1.14. Ti +* Tt2.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.6, Re5.9. he entered. ver. Heb9.7, Heb9.24-26. He +* Heb4.14. Heb10.12, Heb10.19. once. ver. Heb9.26, Heb9.28. He +* Heb7.27. Heb10.10. Zc Zec3.9. holy place. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. ver. Heb9.8, Heb9.24. He + Heb8.2. having. ver. Heb9.15. He Heb5.9. Jb Job33.24. Da Da9.24. Mk Mk3.29. 1 Co 1Co6.20. Ga Ga3.13, Ga3.14. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. obtained. f171:171J, Ge + Ge6.8. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. ver. Heb9.15. He Heb5.9. redemption. He Heb10.14. Lk + Lk1.68. Jn Jn17.17. Ga Ga4.5. 1 P 1Pe2.24. 13. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. blood of. f111, Ge + Ge18.27. ver. + Heb9.12. Le Le16.14-16. and. Nu * Nu19.2-21. sprinkling. Gr. rantizo, ❅S#4472g. ver. Heb9.19, Heb9.21. He Heb10.22g. the purifying. Nu Nu8.7. Nu19.12. 2 Ch 2Ch30.19. Ps Ps51.7. Ac Ac15.9. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 14. How. Dt Dt31.27. 2 S 2Sa4.11. Jb Job15.16. Mt Mt7.11. Lk Lk12.24, Lk12.28. Ro Ro11.12, Ro11.24. the blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. See on ver. Heb9.12. 1 P * 1Pe1.19. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. Re +* Re1.5. * Re7.14. * Re12.11. who. Is Is42.1. Is61.1. Mt Mt12.28. Lk +* Lk4.18. Jn * Jn3.34. Ac Ac1.2. * Ac10.38. Ro +* Ro1.4. 1 P +* 1Pe3.18. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Dt Dt33.27. Is +* Is57.15. Je Je10.10. Ro Ro1.20. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.17. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. God the Holy Spirit is eternal (Mt +* Mt28.19n). T#346. Is + Is6.8 (T#211). Mi Mic2.7. Mi + Mic5.2 (T#76). Jn Jn14.26. Ac * Ac5.3, Ac5.4. Ro Ro15.19. 1 Co 1Co2.10, 1Co2.11. * 1Co12.3. Col + Col2.10 (T#76). offered himself. ver. Heb9.7, Heb9.28. He + Heb7.27. Heb13.12. Ex Ex12.13. Le += Le1.3. Mt +* Mt20.28. Jn +* Jn2.19. Jn ✓ Jn10.18. Ep Eph2.5. * Eph5.2. Ph +* Php1.29. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. * 1Pe3.18. without. Le Le22.20. Nu Nu19.2-21. Nu28.3, Nu28.9, Nu28.11. Dt 15:24. Dt17.1. Is +* Is53.9. Da +* Da9.24-26. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. 1 P +* 1Pe1.19. * 1Pe2.22. 1 J * 1Jn3.5. spot. or, fault. purge. ver. Heb9.9, Heb9.22, Heb9.23. He * Heb1.3. * Heb10.2, Heb10.22. Ti * Tt2.14g. conscience. ver. Heb9.9. He * Heb10.22. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. dead works. f121:121G, Ge + Ge31.1. See on He Heb6.1. Lk * Lk15.24. Ro * Ro6.13, Ro6.23. Ep * Eph2.1. to serve. He Heb12.28. Lk Lk1.74. Ac + Ac24.14. Ro Ro6.13, Ro6.22. Ro16.26. Ga Ga2.19. 1 Th 1Th1.9. 1 P 1Pe4.2. the living. He Heb3.12. Heb10.31. Heb12.22. Dt Dt5.26. 1 S 1Sa17.26. 2 K 2Ki19.16. Je Je10.10. Da Da6.26. Mt + Mt16.16. Ac Ac14.15. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.15. 15. the mediator. He * Heb7.22. Heb8.6. * Heb12.24. Ga + Ga3.19. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.5. the new. See on He + Heb8.8. Heb10.29. Heb12.24. 2 Co 2Co3.6. testament. Ro + Ro9.4. by means. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 172. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

ver. Heb9.16, Heb9.28. He Heb2.14. Heb13.20. Nu Nu35.25. Is +* Is53.10-12. Da Da9.26. Ro + Ro4.25. Col Col1.21, Col1.22. for. ver. Heb9.12. He Heb11.40. Ro 3:+ Ro3.24-2626. Ro5.6, Ro5.8, Ro5.10. Ep * Eph1.7. 1 P * 1Pe3.18. Re Re5.9. Re14.3, Re14.4. the first. ver. Heb9.1. He Heb8.7, Heb8.13. they which are called. He Heb3.1. See on Ro +* Ro8.28, Ro8.30. Ro9.24. 2 Th 2Th2.14. might receive. He Heb10.36. Heb11.39. Ex Ex32.13. promise. f100, Ge + Ge10.9. He Heb6.13. *11:+* Heb11.13, +* Heb11.16, Heb11.39, Heb11.40. Ti +* Tt1.2. Ja Jas1.12. 1 J 1Jn2.25. of. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. i.e. the promised eternal inheritance. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. ver. Heb9.12. He Heb5.9. inheritance. Ps +* Ps37.18. Mt +* Mt5.5. * Mt19.29. Mt25.34, Mt25.46. Mk Mk10.17. Lk Lk18.18. Jn ✓ Jn10.28. Ac +* Ac20.32. Ro ✓ Ro6.23. Ep +* Eph1.11n. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.10. Ti +* Tt1.2. Tt3.7. 1 P +* 1Pe1.2-4. * 1Pe5.10. 16. be. or, be brought in. Ge * Ge15.7-10. Je * Je34.18. testator. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. Supply by ellipsis, (which makes the sacrifice). 17. a testament. Ge Ge48.21. Jn Jn14.27g. Ga Ga3.15. after. or, over. Thus translate, “over dead victims or sacrifices” (B70). dead. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. testator. f24:24B, Ge + Ge23.16. f96:96G, Ac + Ac9.37. Heterosis of Gender, the Masculine for the Feminine. “Testator” is masculine; but the word for sacrifice, to which it refers, is feminine: yet the masculine is used, because the sacrifice was Christ himself; otherwise it would have been feminine to agree with sacrifice (hee thusia). Thus, though the Greek word is feminine, the Hebrew is masculine, and “the testator” (o diatheminos) which is masculine agrees with the Hebrew thought, rather than with the Greek word (B533). 18. the first. He Heb8.7-9. Ex Ex12.22, Ex12.23. * Ex24.3-8. dedicated. or, purified. ver. Heb9.14, Heb9.22. He Heb10.20. Nu Nu7.10, etc. 1 K 1Ki8.63. without blood. Ex Ex24.6-8. 19. he took. f92:92G, Lk + Lk4.18. Ex ▶ Ex24.8. the blood. ver. + Heb9.12. He Heb10.4. Ex Ex24.5, Ex24.6, Ex24.8, etc. Le Le1.2, Le1.3, Le1.10. Le3.6. Le16.14-18. with water. Le = Le14.5-7, Le14.49, Le14.51, Le14.52. Nu Nu19.6, Nu19.17, Nu19.18. Jn = Jn19.34. Ac Ac1.5n. 1 J 1Jn5.6, 1Jn5.8. scarlet. or, purple. Le Le14.4-6, Le14.49-52. Nu Nu19.6. Mt Mt27.28. Mk Mk15.17, Mk15.20. Jn Jn19.2, Jn19.5. hyssop. Ex Ex12.22. Nu Nu19.18. 1 K 1Ki4.33. Ps +* Ps51.7. Jn Jn19.29. sprinkled both. f106, Ge + Ge31.7. ver. Heb9.18. He Heb11.28. Heb12.24. Ex Ex24.8. Is * Is52.15. Ezk * Eze36.25. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. 20. This. He Heb10.29. * Heb13.20. Ex ▶ Ex24.8. Zc Zec9.11. Mt +* Mt26.28. Mk Mk14.24. Lk Lk22.20. 1 Co 1Co11.25. testament. Rather, covenant. Ver. 16, 17, may be better rendered, “For where a covenant is, there must necessarily be the death of that by which it is confirmed; for a covenant is confirmed over dead victims, and does not avail while that by which it is confirmed liveth.” See on Dt Dt29.12. Jsh Jos9.6. 21. he sprinkled. Ex Ex29.12, Ex29.20, Ex29.36. Le Le8.15, Le8.19. Le9.8, Le9.9, Le9.18. * Le16.14-19. 2 Ch 2Ch29.19-22. Ezk Eze43.18-26. tabernacle. Ex Ex29.12, Ex29.36. Le Le8.15, Le8.19. Le16.14, Le16.16, Le16.18, Le16.19. 2 Ch 2Ch29.22. the vessels. Nu * Nu4.12. 1 Ch 1Ch9.28, 1Ch9.29. 2 Ch 2Ch24.14. of. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. the ministry. He + Heb1.7. Heb8.6. Lk + Lk1.23. 22. almost. Le Le14.6, Le14.14, Le14.25, Le14.51, Le14.52. purged. ver. + Heb9.14. with blood. Ex Ex12.13. and without. Jb Job8.11-15. Is Is43.11. Is45.22. Je Je17.13. Mt Mt22.37, Mt22.38. Jn Jn3.3. ✓ Jn14.6. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. Re Re20.15. shedding of blood. Ge = Ge3.21. Le Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 173. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Le4.20, Le4.26, Le4.35. Le5.10, Le5.12, Le5.18. Le6.7. +* Le17.11. Is * Is53.4-6, Is53.10-12. Zc Zec13.1. Mt Mt26.28. Jn Jn1.29. Jn3.14-17. Ep ✓ Eph1.7. Col ✓ Col1.14. 1 P 1Pe2.24. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. * 1Jn2.2. Re * Re7.14, Re7.15. 23. the patterns. ver. Heb9.9, Heb9.10, Heb9.24. He Heb8.5. Heb10.1. Col Col2.17. purified. f100, Ge + Ge10.9. the heavenly. ver. Heb9.11, Heb9.12, Heb9.14, Heb9.24. He Heb10.4, Heb10.10-17. Lk Lk24.26, Lk24.46. Jn +* Jn14.3. 1 P 1Pe1.19-21. Re Re5.9. better. He + Heb6.9. sacrifices. ✓ f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. 24. not entered. ver. Heb9.12. He +* Heb4.14. the holy. He + Heb8.2. made with hands. ver. Heb9.11. Mk + Mk14.58. Jn +* Jn2.19-21. the figures. ver. Heb9.9, Heb9.23. He + Heb8.2. 1 P 1Pe3.21g. but. He * Heb1.3. Heb6.20. Heb7.26. Heb8.2, Heb8.5. * Heb12.2. Ps Ps68.18. Mk Mk16.19. Lk Lk24.51. Jn Jn6.62. Jn16.28. Ac +* Ac1.9-11. +* Ac3.21. Ep Eph1.20-22. Eph4.8-11. Col * Col3.2. 1 P 1Pe3.22. now to appear. He Heb7.25. Ex Ex28.12, Ex28.29. Zc Zec3.1. Mt +* Mt10.32. Ro +* Ro8.34. 1 J * 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. Re Re8.3. the presence. Ac + Ac2.28. for us. He +* Heb7.25. Ex = Ex30.1. Lk Lk22.32. Ro +* Ro8.34. 25. Nor yet. Ac Ac13.34. Ro Ro6.9, Ro6.10. offer. ver. Heb9.7, Heb9.14, Heb9.26. He ✓ Heb10.10. as. ver. Heb9.12. Ex * Ex30.10. Le * Le16.2-34. the holy place. He + Heb8.2. blood of others. He Heb10.19. 26. For then. f184:184B, Mt + Mt23.30. suffered. He Heb13.12. Ac + Ac3.18. the foundation. He + Heb4.3. Mt Mt25.34. Jn Jn17.24. 1 P 1Pe1.20. Re Re13.8. Re17.8. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. once. ver. Heb9.12. He Heb7.27. ✓ Heb10.10. 1 P ✓ 1Pe3.18. in the end. Gr. sunteleia, S#4930g, Mt + Mt24.3n. He Heb1.2. Is * Is2.2. Da Da10.14. Mi Mic4.1. Mt +* Mt13.39. 1 Co 1Co10.11. Ga Ga4.4. Ep +* Eph1.10. 1 P * 1Pe1.20. world. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Jn +* Jn6.54n. he appeared. ver. Heb9.12. He Heb7.27. Heb10.4, Heb10.10. Le Le16.21, Le16.22. 2 S 2Sa12.13. 2Sa24.10. Jb Job7.21. Da +* Da9.24. Jn * Jn1.29. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. * 1Pe3.18. 1 J +* 1Jn3.5. to put away. He Heb7.18. Heb10.28g. Ro * Ro5.19. * Ro6.14. 1 Co * 1Co15.56, 1Co15.57. the sacrifice. ver. Heb9.14. He Heb10.12, Heb10.26. Ep * Eph5.2. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. 27. appointed. Jb Job7.1. +* Job36.18. 2 Co 2Co5.10. once. 2 S * 2Sa14.14. Jb +* Job8.13. ✓ Job16.22. Pr +* Pr10.28. Lk * Lk16.26. to die. T#145. Ge +* Ge3.19. 2 S 2Sa14.14. Jb Job14.5. Job16.22. * Job30.23. Job34.15. Ps Ps89.48. Ps104.29. Ec * Ec3.1, Ec3.2, Ec3.20. * Ec8.8. +* Ec9.5, Ec9.10. +* Ec12.7. Zc Zec1.5. Ro * Ro5.12. but after. T#150. He Heb6.2. 2 S * 2Sa12.23. Jb ✓ Job7.8-10. * Job10.21. ✓ Job14.7-12, Job14.19-21. * Job16.22. Job19.25. Ps +* Ps146.4. Ec Ec11.9. +* Ec12.14. Is ✓ Is38.18. Mt + Mt16.27. Mt21.41. Mt25.31, etc. Lk +* Lk12.5. * Lk16.27-29. Jn Jn5.26-29. Ac ✓ Ac17.31. Ro Ro2.5, Ro2.8, Ro2.9. * Ro14.9-11. 1 Co * 1Co4.5. 2 Co * 2Co5.10, +* 2Co5.11. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. Ju * Jud15. Re ✓ Re20.11-15. 28. was once. ver. * Heb9.25. Ro ✓ Ro6.10. 1 P ✓ 1Pe3.18. 1 J * 1Jn3.5. offered. ver. Heb9.14. Le += Le23.27. to bear. Le * Le10.17. Nu Nu18.1, Nu18.23. Is * Is53.4-6, Is53.11, Is53.12. Mt +* Mt26.28n. Ro Ro5.15. 1 P +* 1Pe2.24. the sins. f121:121C, Ge + Ge19.15. of many. ✓ f171:171F, Is + Is53.12. He 2:◐* Heb2.9, Heb2.10. Mt Mt20.28. +* Mt26.28n. Mk Mk10.45. Re Re5.9. unto them. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. Ph * Php3.20. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. 2 P * 2Pe3.12. that look. or, wait. Ge Ge49.18. Is Is26.8. La La3.26. Mi * Mic7.7. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 174. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Lk +✓ Lk21.28. 1 Co *1:+ 1Co1.7, 1Co1.8. Ph * Php3.20. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. Ti +* Tt2.13n. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.12-14. he appear. Zc * Zec14.5. Jn +* Jn14.3. Ac +* Ac1.11. 1 Th +* 1Th4.14-16. 2 Th +* 2Th1.5-9. +* 2Th2.1. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. Re +* Re1.7. second time. He Heb2.5. Heb4.9. Heb10.36, Heb10.37. Is ◐+* Is11.11. Mt Mt23.39. Mt25.19. Lk Lk19.12-27. Ac +* Ac1.11. +* Ac3.19-21. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. 1 P 1Pe1.10-13. without sin. He +* Heb4.15g. Is * Is53.12. Ro Ro6.10. Ro8.3. Ro2.1-29 C ✓5:21. unto salvation. “Salvation” or “the salvation” was a Biblical term derived from the prophets (Is Is25.9) descriptive of the times of Millennial blessing to be experienced when the throne and kingdom of David should be restored under Messiah (Is +* Is55.3). The kingdom of the Messiah and salvation were in the Jewish mind convertible terms (Mk Mk15.43 w Lk Lk2.25). From Origen’s time to the present the term “salvation” has been too exclusively applied to the present life and the intermediate state. If we turn to the apostolic teaching we find, on the other hand, a full and free adoption of the Jewish phraseology (Ac Ac1.6n), without placing upon it another and widely differing interpretation, and its direct reference to the future, when, as prophets teach, it will be realized. The salvation which the apostles preached is related to the fulfillment of the covenant and restoration of the nation of Israel (Lk ✓ Lk1.69-75. Ro +* Ro15.8). This salvation, whatever the earnest might be in the present or intermediate state, is declared by the apostles to be still future. What a contrast exists between the present prevailing spiritualistic, indefinite modern conceptions of “salvation,” and the correct belief based on the oath-bound covenants. What an astonishing change, when “the Christ,” “the kingdom,” and even “salvation” itself are transformed from their covenanted and predicted meaning. The most selfish and mystical conceptions are adopted in preference to the simple truth (See Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 3, Proposition 196, Observation 1, pp. 449, 450). Ps +* Ps37.39. Ps119.166, Ps119.174. +* Ps149.4. Is +✓ Is25.9. La La3.26. Mk Mk15.43. Lk ✓ Lk1.69-75. 2:* Lk2.25, Lk2.38. Lk21.28. Ro * Ro8.19-23. Ro13.11. 1 Co * 1Co15.24. Ep +* Eph4.30. Ph * Php3.21. 1 Th +* 1Th4.17. * 1Th5.9. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.10.

HEBREWS 10 The inefficacy of the legal sacrifices is shown from the frequent repetition of them, Heb10.1-4. The abolition of them, and the substitution of the sacrifice of Christ, was foretold by the psalmist, Heb10.5-9; and is that by which believers obtain eternal remission, Heb10.10-18. Exhortations to faith, prayer, and constancy in the gospel; and to love and good works, Heb10.19-25. The danger of willfully renouncing Christ, after having received the knowledge of the truth; with solemn warnings, expostulations, and encouragements, Heb10.26-39. 1. having a shadow. See on He Heb8.5. * Heb9.9, Heb9.11, Heb9.23. Ro +* Ro15.4. Col * Col2.16, Col2.17. good things. He Heb9.11. with. ver. Heb10.3, Heb10.4, Heb10.11-18. He Heb7.18, Heb7.19. Heb9.8, Heb9.9, Heb9.25. continually. ver. Heb10.12, Heb10.14. He Heb7.3. perfect. ver. Heb10.14. He + Heb7.19. 2. For then. f184:184B, Mt + Mt23.30. would they not have. or, they would have. worshippers. He Heb9.9. Heb12.28g. Lk + Lk2.37. once. ver. Heb10.17. He Heb9.13, Heb9.14. Ps Ps103.12. Is Is43.25. Is44.22. Mi * Mic7.19. conscience. Our translators use the word conscience here, as elsewhere, for consciousness. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 175. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

3. a remembrance. He + Heb9.7. Ex Ex30.10. Le Le16.6-11, Le16.21, Le16.22, Le16.29, Le16.30, Le16.34. Le23.27, Le23.28. Nu Nu29.7-11. 1 K 1Ki17.18. Mt Mt26.28. 4. not. ver. Heb10.8, Heb10.11. He Heb9.9, Heb9.13. Ps Ps50.8-12. Ps51.16. Is Is1.1115. Is66.3. Je Je6.20. Je7.21, Je7.22. Ho Ho6.6. Am Am5.21, Am5.22. Mi +* Mic6.6-8. Mk Mk12.33. the blood. He + Heb9.12. take. There were essential defects in these sacrifices. 1st.—They were not of the same nature with those who sinned. 2nd.—They were not of sufficient value to make satisfaction for the affronts done to the justice and government of God. 3rd.—The beasts offered up under the law could not consent to put themselves in the sinner’s room and place. The atoning sacrifice must be one capable of consenting, and must voluntarily substitute himself in the sinner’s stead: Christ did so. The nature and requirements of Christ’s office as our substitute in his work of redemption through His death on the Cross absolutely require of Him that He be divine. A substitute must meet at least these six qualifications: (1) He must honor and obey the law which those for whom he substitutes are dishonoring and disobeying, as highly as though it had never been broken, so that justice will not be injured. Ge Ge18.25. Ps Ps40.7, Ps40.8. Is Is42.21. Jn * Jn8.46. This demands the impeccability of Christ (He +* Heb4.15). (2) Though giving perfect obedience to the law that is being broken, he must yet suffer its full penalty as though he had been the supreme criminal against it, so that mercy will not be injured. He Heb7.26. Is Is53.3. 2 Co * 2Co5.21. (3) He must do his work as a substitute voluntarily and without the slightest pressure from without, so that he himself will not be injured. He Heb12.2. Jn ✓ Jn10.18. (4) He must have the absolute and inherent right thus to dispose of himself, so that no one else will be injured. Christ has the inherent right thus to dispose of himself, provided He is Creator and not creature. No creature, not even the highest and greatest of the sinless angels, has any right over his own life. It belongs to, and is therefore wholly at the disposal of, the Creator. When Christ died, obedient to death (Ph Php2.8), though he voluntarily dismissed His spirit (Lk Lk23.46), no man taking his life from him, yet he did not thereby commit suicide, but the very opposite. For when one suicides, he thrusts himself unbidden into the presence of God, having no right to take his life because he cannot bring it back again. No creature could qualify under this fourth requirement, for none has the right to lay his life down. Moreover, if God should grant any sinless creature that right, and he should lay his life down by the permission of God, here then would be God giving a creature instead of Himself, and this would wholly remove Him, and therefore His love, from the transaction. For love is self-giving, not the giving of someone else. God could never show His love without giving Himself (Ge Ge22.8). If Christ is not actually God Himself, manifest in the flesh (1 Ti 1Ti3.16), He was but a creature, and as such, wholly unable to qualify at this point. This fourth requirement of a substitute thus demands the deity of Jesus Christ. (5) A substitute must be able fully to represent and answer for both God and man in his work as a substitute, so that neither party to the transaction will be injured. In meeting this fifth requirement, Christ is fully able to answer for and represent both God and man, if He IS both God and man. That Christ is both God and Man is shown by His ability to render wholly acceptable service to God as, on the one hand, He represents Him in maintaining His Law to the last jot and tittle in qualifying before Him on behalf of the sinless; and on the other hand, as He represents man in receiving the penalty of the Law on behalf of the sinful. For no one ought to answer for man’s sins but man; and no one can answer for them but God. Reason therefore demands the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. God must be his Father, else He cannot be God, just as a woman must be His mother, else He cannot be Man. Herein lies the philosophy Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 176. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

of the incarnation. This is why the Mighty God tabernacled in the flesh. (6) His work as a substitute must be of such intrinsic moral worth as forever to satisfy the utmost demands of perfect righteousness and holiness, so that the principles of equity will not be injured. Christ’s work as substitute was of such intrinsic moral worth as to present to God a value sufficient to cover the moral needs, not only of his own holy Law in bringing it up out of dishonor, but also of the whole sinful world. Here once more reason demands the deity of the substitute, and the Scripture declares it. And such is what gave His work its worth; such worth did His work have that no injury could ever come to the eternal principles of equity and righteousness inherent in God’s holiness. Christ’s suffering was the perfect satisfaction given to the justice of God by the infinite merit of the holiness of the selfsame God (Ge Ge22.8), who Himself became the substitute to meet on man’s behalf His own just requirements. It was no third party (such as the Arians claim Michael the Archangel to be, 1 Th 1Th4.16n) coming in between God and the sinner and changing His wrath to love. It was God Himself expressing His love, at infinite cost to Himself, in a way that gave full satisfaction both to the justice and the mercy which must be demanded by a holy and loving God. Christ did not merely offer a corresponding ransom for the sin of Adam (1 Ti 1Ti2.6n), for not only does his death atone for Adamic sin, but his blood has purged our sins (He Heb1.3), for Christ did not taste death for Adam only, but He “tasted death for every man” (He Heb2.9). This Christ could not do, were He merely man—even perfect man, for “None can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him: (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever:) That he should still live for ever, and not see corruption” (Ps Ps49.7-9). So at most, were Christ merely human, He could redeem but one man—and no more—if He himself were perfectly sinless. But as it is in truth, Christ is not merely a ransom for the sin of Adam, but He gave Himself “a ransom for all” (1 Ti 1Ti2.6), and this is absolute testimony for the deity of Christ: Only an infinite Savior could pay an infinite Sacrifice (adapted from J. E. Conant, No Salvation Without Substitution, Chapter 7, “The Nature of Substitution,” pp. 112-131). ver. Heb10.11. Ho Ho14.2. Jn * Jn1.29. Ro Ro11.27. 1 J * 1Jn3.5. 5. when. ver. Heb10.7. He Heb1.6. Mt Mt11.3. Lk Lk7.19g. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. Sacrifice. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. Le = Le7.11. += Le23.19 (peace offering). 1 S * 1Sa15.22. Ps ▶ Ps40.6-8. Ps50.8, etc. 51:16. Pr Pr21.3. Is Is1.11. Je Je6.20. Je7.22, Je7.23. Am Am5.21, Am5.22. and offering. Le += Le23.12 (burnt offering). but a body. f92:92F. Gnome; or, Quotation B793: where the words are changed by a variant reading. For another instance of this figure see He Heb11.21. This New Testament citation of Ps Ps40.6 has interpreted “ear” in the original Hebrew by the figure of speech f171:171N. Synecdoche of the Whole, where the whole (body) is put for the part (ear), taking the ear to represent the entire body of the listening and obedient servant of Jehovah. For other instances of this figure, see Ge + Ge8.13. For other instances of New Testament quotations which interpret rather than translate a figure of speech, see Ps +* Ps16.9n. ver. Heb10.10. He Heb2.14. Heb8.3. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is +* Is7.14. Je Je31.22. Mt * Mt1.20-23. Lk +* Lk1.35. Jn * Jn1.14. Ga * Ga4.4. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1 J 1Jn4.2, 1Jn4.3. 2 J 2Jn7. hast thou prepared me. or, thou hast fitted me. me. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. It is a question whether the Dative is used, by Antiptosis, for the Accusative; to show that, while Christ’s human body was prepared for Him, yet He was also constituted a servant for ever according to Ex Ex21.6 and Dt Dt15.17. This is the sense in Ps Ps40.6, and (soma), body, was used of slaves (Re Re18.13), just as we use “hands” of laborers (B509). Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 177. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

6. burnt. See on ver. Heb10.4. Le ch. 1, 4, 5. 6:1-7. +=23:12. Mk Mk12.33. sacrifices. He Heb13.11. Ro + Ro8.3. for sin. Le += Le23.19 (sin offering). thou. 1 S * 1Sa15.22. Ps Ps50.8-10. * Ps51.16. Ps147.11. Is * Is1.11. Ho * Ho6.6. Am * Am5.21, Am5.22. Ml Mal1.10. Mt Mt3.17. * Mt17.5. Ep * Eph5.2. Ph Php4.18. 7. Then. Ps ▶ Ps40.7. Lo. ver. Heb10.9, Heb10.10. Pr Pr8.31. Zc Zec2.10. Jn Jn4.34. Jn5.30. Jn6.38. Jn8.42. 1 J 1Jn5.20. in. Ge +* Ge3.15. the volume. or, roll. lit. head. f171:171S. Synecdoche of the Part B651. The knob of the roll is put for the manuscript or book itself. Here, “volume” is literally “head,” not roll, and refers to the head or knob of the cylinder on which the manuscript was rolled, and which is put, by Synecdoche, for the roll and volume itself. Ezr Ezr6.2. Is Is8.1. Je Je36.2, Je36.4. Ezk Eze2.9. Eze3.1, Eze3.2, Eze3.3. Zc Zec5.1, Zec5.2. written of me. Lk +* Lk24.26, Lk24.27. 9. Lo. ver. Heb10.7. He Heb9.11-14. Ps Ps40.7, Ps40.8. He taketh. He Heb7.18, Heb7.19. Heb8.7-13. Heb12.27, Heb12.28. 10. we. ver. Heb10.14, Heb10.29. He + Heb2.11. * Heb13.12. Zc Zec13.1. Jn * Jn17.19. Jn19.34. Ro * Ro8.29. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. * 1Co6.11. 1 J 1Jn5.6. Ju Jud1. the offering. ver. Heb10.5, Heb10.12, Heb10.14, Heb10.20. He Heb9.12, Heb9.26, Heb9.28. the body. ver. Heb10.5. Mt Mt26.26. Mk Mk14.22. Lk Lk22.19. 1 Co 1Co11.24. once. He + Heb7.27. 11. standeth. f96:96C, Ge + Ge4.1. daily. He Heb7.27g. Ex Ex29.38, Ex29.39. Nu * Nu28.3, Nu28.24. Nu29.6. Ezk Eze45.4. Da Da8.11. Da9.21, Da9.27. Da11.31. Da12.11. Lk Lk1.9, Lk1.10. ministering. He + Heb1.7. Lk + Lk1.23. offering. He + Heb5.1. which. See on ver. Heb10.1, Heb10.4. He Heb9.9. Ps Ps50.8-13. Is Is1.11. 12. this man. See on He * Heb1.3. Heb8.1. Heb9.12. Ac Ac2.33, Ac2.34. Ro +* Ro8.34. Col * Col3.1. offered. He + Heb7.27. one sacrifice. Lk Lk13.25. for sins. Le += Le5.6. for ever. ver. Heb10.1. He Heb7.3g. right hand. He +* Heb1.3. 13. henceforth. He Heb1.13. Ps * Ps110.1. Da Da2.44. Mt Mt22.44. Mk Mk12.36. Lk Lk20.43. Ac Ac2.35. 1 Co * 1Co15.25. till. He Heb1.13. 1 Co * 1Co15.25-28. footstool. Jsh Jos10.24. Ps Ps8.6. Ps18.38. 14. one offering. He Heb9.12. he. ver. Heb10.1. He 7:+ Heb7.19, Heb7.25. Heb9.10, Heb9.14. Ro * Ro5.8, Ro5.9. * Ro8.1. them. ver. Heb10.10, Heb10.29. He + Heb2.11. Heb9.13, Heb9.14. Heb13.12. Ac Ac20.32. Ac26.13. Ro Ro15.16. 1 Co 1Co1.2. Ep * Eph5.26. Ju Jud1. are sanctified. He ◐+* Heb12.14. Jn * Jn17.17. Ga Ga4.5. 15. the Holy. He Heb2.3, Heb2.4. + Heb3.7. Heb9.8. 2 S 2Sa23.2. Ne Ne9.30. Jn Jn15.26. Ac Ac28.25. 1 P 1Pe1.11, 1Pe1.12. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.21. Re Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.29. Re3.6, Re3.13, Re3.22. * Re19.10. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. 16. the covenant. He Heb8.8-12. Je ▶ Je31.33, Je31.34. Ro Ro11.27. I will put. He + Heb8.10. Jn Jn15.16. Ac ◐ Ac5.3, Ac5.4. Ro ◐ Ro8.16. into. Ex +* Ex25.21. 17. And. Some copies have: Then he said, And their, etc. He +* Heb8.12. Ps * Ps32.1. * Ps103.12. Is * Is38.17. * Is44.22. Je ▶ Je31.34. Je50.20. Am ◐ Am8.7. Mi * Mic7.19. and iniquities. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. no more. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 178. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

18. where remission. See on ver. Heb10.2, Heb10.14. Ac + Ac2.38. offering for. Le += Le23.19. 19. Having. ver. Heb10.35. He +* Heb3.6. +* Heb4.16. Heb12.28. Ro Ro8.15. Ga Ga4.6, Ga4.7. Ep * Eph3.12. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. 1 J 1Jn3.19-21. 1Jn4.17. boldness. or, liberty. to enter. He * Heb7.25. Heb9.3, Heb9.7, Heb9.8, Heb9.12, Heb9.23-25. Ezk = Eze44.16. Ro Ro5.2. Ep * Eph2.18. 1 J * 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. the holiest. He + Heb8.2g. blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. 20. a new. He * Heb7.25. Heb9.8. Jn +* Jn10.7, Jn10.9. ✓ Jn14.6. living. f108:108B, Ac + Ac7.38. consecrated. or, new made. He + Heb9.18. through. He Heb6.19. + Heb9.3. Ex Ex26.31, etc. 36:35, etc. Le Le16.2, Le16.15. Le21.23. Mt Mt27.50, Mt27.51. Mk Mk15.38. Lk Lk23.45. his flesh. f171:171Q, Jn + Jn1.14. Jn Jn6.51-56. Ep Eph2.15. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1 P * 1Pe3.18. 1 J * 1Jn4.2. 2 J 2Jn7. 21. an high. f96:96E, 1 S + 1Sa17.14. See on He +* Heb2.17. Heb3.1. * Heb4.14-16. Heb6.20. Heb7.26. Heb8.1. Zc Zec6.11-13. the house. He * Heb3.3-6. Mt +* Mt16.18. 1 Co * 1Co3.9-17. 2 Co * 2Co6.16, 2Co6.17. Ep * Eph2.19-22. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.15. 22. draw near. He +* Heb4.16. Heb7.19. Ex Ex12.48. Ps * Ps73.28. Is Is29.13. Je Je30.21. Ja * Jas4.8. a true heart. T#1361. He + Heb8.2. 1 K * 1Ki15.3. 2 K +* 2Ki20.3. 1 Ch * 1Ch12.33, 1Ch12.38n. +* 1Ch28.9. 1Ch29.17. Ps Ps9.1. Ps32.11. +* Ps51.6, Ps51.10. * Ps84.11. Ps94.15. Ps111.1. Ps119.2, Ps119.7, Ps119.10, Ps119.34, Ps119.58, Ps119.69, Ps119.80, Ps119.145. Pr Pr23.26. Je Je3.10. * Je24.7. Jn * Jn1.47. Ac * Ac8.21, Ac8.36, Ac8.37. Ep Eph6.5. in full assurance. See on ver. Heb10.19. He +* Heb6.11. Mt Mt21.21, Mt21.22. Mk * Mk11.23, Mk11.24. Ep Eph3.12. Col + Col2.2. Ja * Jas1.6. 1 J * 1Jn3.19, 1Jn3.21, 1Jn3.22. hearts. T#1359. Ti * Tt3.5, Tt3.6. Ja * Jas4.8. sprinkled. “If the real washing, the washing away of sin from the soul, is done by sprinkling, and the renewing or regeneration of the heart is done by pouring, by what rule of analogy, logic, fitness of things, or common sense would you have the emblem of this cleansing and purification done by immersion? Ought there not to be agreement between the thing done within and that which is the outward emblem of it in mode? If the inward, spiritual washing can be and is done by sprinkling or affusion, cannot and ought not the outward washing which represents it be done by affusion? Would not this be the appropriate way to represent it? It seems to me that no argument could be made clearer to prove anything than the argument here is to prove that the religious washing of baptism is Scripturally performed by affusion” (G. W. Hughey, The Scriptural Mode of Christian Baptism, p. 207). T#39. He +* Heb9.13, Heb9.14, Heb9.19. * Heb11.28. * Heb12.24. Ex Ex29.21. Le Le8.30. Le14.7. Nu Nu8.7. +* Nu19.13, Nu19.16-19. Ps Ps51.7. + Ps72.6 (T#620). Is Is44.3. Is52.15. Ezk * Eze36.25. Mk + Mk7.4 (T#31). Ac +* Ac22.16. Ro ◐+* Ro6.4 (T#39). 2 Co 2Co7.1. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. Re +* Re1.5. * Re7.13, Re7.14. from. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. Supply by ellipsis (relative: of a combined word), “sprinkled (and so being delivered) from an evil conscience.” an evil. He + Heb9.14. Jn Jn8.9. Ac Ac23.1. 1 Ti 1Ti4.2. 1 P 1Pe3.21. 1 J 1Jn3.20. our bodies. See on He +* Heb9.10n. Ex Ex29.4. Le * Le8.6, Le8.22, Le8.23. Ezk Eze16.9. Eze36.25. Zc Zec13.1. Mt Mt3.11. Jn Jn3.5. Jn13.8-10. 1 Co +* 1Co6.11. 2 Co +* 2Co7.1. Ep * Eph5.26. Ti * Tt3.5. 1 P 1Pe3.21. Re +* Re1.5. washed. Gr. louo, ❅S#3068g, Jn + Jn13.10. He Heb6.2. Ex +* Ex29.4. Ex30.20. * Ex40.30. Le Le8.6. * Le16.4. Ac Ac9.37. Ac16.33. +* Ac22.16. 1 Co +* 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.26. 2 P 2Pe2.22. Re Re1.5g. with. Ac +* Ac1.5. pure. Nu Nu5.17. = Nu8.6, Nu8.7. Is Is1.16. Ezk Eze36.25. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 179. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

23. hold fast. See on He +* Heb3.6, Heb3.14. +* Heb4.14. * Heb6.19. 1 Th +* 1Th3.8. Re * Re3.11. profession. He + Heb3.1. our faith. He + Heb3.6. without wavering. Ja * Jas1.6. for he is faithful. See on He * Heb6.18. * Heb11.11. Jsh Jos23.14. 1 Co +* 1Co1.9. +* 1Co10.13. 1 Th +* 1Th5.24. 2 Th * 2Th3.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.13. Ti +* Tt1.2. that promised. T#951. He * Heb6.18. Nu Nu23.19. Dt Dt4.31. Dt7.9. Jsh * Jos23.14. 1 S 1Sa15.29. 1 K 1Ki5.12. 1Ki8.56. Ps ✓ Ps9.10. Ps18.30. * Ps89.34. Ps105.8. Ps119.89, Ps119.90, Ps119.160. Is Is46.11. Is54.10. Ro * Ro4.21. 2 Co 2Co1.20. 2 Ti 2Ti2.13. Ti +* Tt1.2. 2 P * 2Pe1.4. * 2Pe3.9. 24. consider. He +* Heb3.13. Heb13.3. Ps * Ps41.1. Pr Pr29.7. Ac * Ac11.29. Ro Ro12.15. * Ro15.1, Ro15.2. 1 Co 1Co8.12, 1Co8.13. * 1Co9.22. * 1Co10.33. Ga +* Ga6.1. Col * Col3.16. 1 Th 1Th5.11. 2 Th 2Th3.9. one another. Ro +* Ro12.5. to provoke. 1 S +* 1Sa23.16. 1 Ch ◐ 1Ch21.1. Jb * Job4.3, Job4.4. Pr Pr6.3g. Ac * Ac15.39g. Ac17.16g. 1 Co 1Co13.5g. Ro * Ro11.14. 2 Co 2Co8.8. 2Co9.2. Ga Ga5.26. love. He +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. Heb13.1. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.13, Ga5.22. Ep * Eph3.17. * Eph4.15, Eph4.16. Ph * Php1.9-11. 1 Th 1Th1.3. * 1Th3.12, 1Th3.13. 1 Ti 1Ti6.18. Ti Tt2.4. ✓ Tt3.8. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 1 J * 1Jn3.18, 1Jn3.19. good works. Mt * Mt25.40. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.18. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16, 2Ti3.17. 25. Not forsaking. The unsteady professor has no spiritual home. No church is sound enough for him; none wholly molded to his taste. Like the wandering bird, he is always on the wing. Any one place is too strait for him. The accustomed food, even though coming down from heaven, is “loathed as light bread” (Nu Nu21.5). His vitiated appetite leaves him often on the sabbath morning undecided whom to hear, his own will being his only guide. He is anxious to hear from all; and, as the sure result, he learns from none (2 Ti 2Ti3.7). In this self-willed delusion the form and substance of the Church is destroyed. It is not a few wandering sheep, but a fold and a shepherd; not a heap of loose scattered stones, but stones cemented, fitted into their several places; and “the building thus fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord” (Ep Eph2.21, Eph2.22). The Church is “terrible” not in her single members, but “as an army with banners” (SS So6.10); close in rank, where each soldier keeps his own place. The individual profession, in the stead of collective unity, is a purely schismatical spirit, the essence of pride and selfishness (Charles Bridges, Proverbs, p. 509, on Pr Pr27.8). Ex Ex34.24. Ne Ne10.39. Pr +* Pr27.8. Mt +* Mt18.20. Jn Jn20.19-29. Ac Ac1.13, Ac1.14. Ac2.1, * Ac2.42, Ac2.46. Ac16.16. Ac20.7. 1 Co 1Co5.4. 1Co11.17, 1Co11.18, 1Co11.20. 1Co14.23. Ju * Jud19. the assembling. T#745. Ne Ne8.1-7. Ps Ps40.7-10. Mt * Mt18.20. Ac Ac11.25, Ac11.26. Ac13.14-16, Ac13.42-45. ourselves. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. together. Da Da11.33. Ml Mal3.16. Mt * Mt18.20. Ac Ac19.9, Ac19.10. 1 Co 1Co14.26. 1Co16.15, 1Co16.16. Ep Eph5.19-21. 1 P * 1Pe4.7-11. 2 J +* 2Jn10. but exhorting. See on ver. Heb10.24. He +* Heb3.12-14. 1 S +* 1Sa23.16. Ro +* Ro12.8. 1 Co 1Co14.3. 1 Th 1Th4.18. * 1Th5.11mg. so much. Ac + Ac1.4. as ye. ver. Heb10.37. Mt Mt24.33, Mt24.34. Mk Mk13.29, Mk13.30. Ro +* Ro13.11-13. Ph Php4.5. Ja * Jas5.8. 1 P 1Pe4.7. Ja +* Jas5.8. 2 P * 2Pe3.9, 2Pe3.11, 2Pe3.14. the day. 1 Co +* 1Co3.13. 1 Th 1Th5.2, 1Th5.4. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. * 2Th2.2, 2Th2.3. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1. approaching. Ro +* Ro13.12. 2 Th ◐+* 2Th2.2. 26. if we. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. Ge +* Ge4.7. Je +* Je7.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. 1 J 1Jn1.8, 1Jn1.10. sin willfully. See on He +* Heb6.4-6. Le Le4.2, Le4.13. Nu ◐* Nu15.27-31. Dt Dt17.12. Ps * Ps19.12, Ps19.13. Da Da5.22, Da5.23. Mt * Mt12.31n, Mt12.32n, Mt12.43-45. Mk Mk12.31. Jn Jn9.41. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. 1 P 1Pe5.2g. 2 P * 2Pe2.20-22. 1 J * 1Jn3.9. +* 1Jn5.16. Re +* Re21.8. after. ver. Heb10.39. He + Heb6.4. Lk +* Lk12.47. Jn +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 180. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jn13.17. Jn15.22-24. 2 Th 2Th2.10. Ja ✓ Jas4.17. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.20, 2Pe2.21. the knowledge. 1 Ti + 1Ti2.4. there remaineth. See on ver. Heb10.3-10. He Heb6.6. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. 1 Co * 1Co3.11. 1 J +* 1Jn5.16. no more. Nu Nu15.30n. 27. a certain. He * Heb2.3. Heb12.25. 1 S 1Sa28.19, 1Sa28.20. Is Is33.14. Da Da5.6. Ho Ho10.8. Mt Mt8.29. Mt11.24. Lk Lk10.14, Lk10.15. Lk21.26. Lk23.30. Ro * Ro2.5. Re Re6.1517. fiery. He Heb12.29. Nu Nu16.35. Ps Ps21.9. Ps79.5. Is Is26.11. Je Je4.4. Ezk Eze36.5. Eze38.19. Jl Joe2.30. Na Na1.5, Na1.6. Zp Zep1.18. Zep3.8. Zc Zec8.2. Ml Mal4.1. Mt Mt3.10, Mt3.12. Mt13.42, Mt13.50. +* Mt25.41. Mk * Mk9.43-49. Lk * Lk16.24. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.8. Ja +* Jas5.3. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7. Re * Re20.15. +* Re21.8. indignation. Is +* Is66.14. Ro +* Ro2.8. which. Dt Dt32.43. Ps Ps68.1, Ps68.2. Na Na1.2, Na1.8-10. Lk Lk19.27. 1 Th * 1Th2.14-16. 28. despised. See on He Heb2.2. + Heb7.18. Nu Nu15.30, Nu15.31, Nu15.36. Dt Dt13.610. Dt17.2-13. 2 S 2Sa12.9, 2Sa12.13. Lk + Lk7.30. Moses’ law. Jn + Jn7.23. without. Dt Dt19.13. Is Is27.11. Je Je13.14. Ro Ro9.15. Ja Jas2.13. mercy. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. under. Nu Nu35.30. Dt * Dt17.2, Dt17.6, Dt17.7. Dt19.15. Mt + Mt18.16. Jn Jn8.17. 2 Co 2Co13.1. 29. how. See on He * Heb2.3. * Heb12.25. sorer punishment. Lk +* Lk12.48. 2 Co +* 2Co5.11. 1 P * 1Pe4.17. trodden. He Heb6.6. 2 K 2Ki9.33. Ps Ps91.13. Is Is14.19. Is28.3. La La1.15. Ezk Eze16.6mg. Eze23.35. Mi Mic7.10. Mt +* Mt7.6. Ro Ro16.20. 1 Co 1Co15.25, 1Co15.27. the Son of God. He + Heb1.2. Jn + Jn5.25. the blood. See on He + Heb9.12, + Heb9.20. * Heb13.20. Zc Zec9.11. the covenant. ver. Heb10.16. He Heb9.15. Ro + Ro9.4. wherewith. He Heb2.11. Heb9.13, Heb9.14. Je Je1.5. Jn Jn10.36. Jn17.19. 1 Co 1Co11.27, 1Co11.29. he was sanctified. ver. Heb10.10, Heb10.14. He + Heb2.11. an unholy thing. Gr. a common thing. Mk + Mk7.2g. and hath done. Ge +* Ge6.3. Is +* Is63.10. Mt +* Mt12.31n, Mt12.32n. Mk Mk3.28-30. Lk Lk12.10. Ac Ac7.51. Ep +* Eph4.30. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Ps Ps143.10. Zc Zec12.10. of grace. Ps ◐+* Ps84.11. Zc * Zec12.10. Mt +* Mt28.19n. 2 Co ◐+* 2Co8.9. 30. Vengeance. T#558. Dt 32:▶ Dt32.35, Dt32.39-41, Dt32.43. Ps Ps94.1. Is Is1.24. Is35.4. Is59.17, Is59.18. Is61.2. Is63.4. Je Je51.56. Na Na1.2. Ro Ro12.19. Ro13.4. 1 Th 1Th4.6. I. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. The Lord shall. Dt ▶ Dt32.36. Ps * Ps50.4. Ps96.13. Ps98.9. Ps135.14. Ezk Eze18.30. Eze34.17. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. Re * Re22.12. 31. fearful thing. T#155. ver. Heb10.27. Jb Job27.19-22. Is +* Is33.14. Lk * Lk12.5, Lk12.20. Lk21.11. Jn + Jn8.21 (T#564). Ro ◐ Ro5.9. +* Ro11.22. 2 Co +* 2Co5.11. Re +* Re6.16. to fall. He * Heb12.29. 2 S ◐ 2Sa24.14. 1 Ch ◐ 1Ch21.13. Ps Ps50.22. Ps76.7. Ps90.11. Mt +* Mt10.28. Lk +* Lk12.5. the living. He Heb3.12. Heb9.14. Heb12.22. Dt Dt32.40. Mt + Mt16.16. 32. call. Ga Ga3.3, Ga3.4. Ph Php3.16. 2 J 2Jn8. Re Re2.5. Re3.3. the former days. He Heb5.12. Re Re2.5. after. See on He +* Heb6.4. Ac +* Ac26.18. 2 Co * 2Co4.6. Ep Eph1.18. 1 P * 1Pe2.9. ye endured. He Heb12.4. Ac Ac8.1-3. Ac9.1, Ac9.2. Ph * Php1.29, Php1.30. Col Col2.1. 2 Ti 2Ti2.3, etc. 4:7, 8.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 181. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

33. Partly. 1 Th 1Th2.14. made. He Heb11.36. Heb12.4. Ps Ps71.7. Na Na3.6. Zc Zec3.8. 1 Co 1Co4.9. by reproaches. He Heb11.26. Heb13.13. Ps Ps69.9. Ps74.22. Ps79.12. Ps89.51. Is Is51.7. 2 Co 2Co12.10. whilst. Ph Php1.7. Php4.14. 1 Th 1Th2.14. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8, 2Ti1.16-18. 34. had compassion. He Heb13.3. Mt Mt25.36. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16. in my bonds. Ac Ac21.33. Ac28.20. Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. Eph6.20. Ph Php1.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16. 2Ti2.9. and took joyfully. Ge Ge45.20. Mt +* Mt5.11, Mt5.12. Ac * Ac5.41. Ja * Jas1.2. goods. f135, Ps + Ps68.28. in yourselves that ye have. or, that ye have in yourselves, or, for yourselves. ver. Heb10.39. Mt ✓ Mt6.19, Mt6.20. Mt19.21. Lk Lk10.42. Lk12.33. Lk21.19. 2 Co * 2Co5.1. Col Col1.5. Col3.2-4. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.19. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. in heaven. Mt * Mt6.20. Ph +* Php4.17n. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4n. a better. He + Heb6.9. 1 P 1Pe1.4. enduring. Mt * Mt6.19, Mt6.20. Lk Lk16.9. 1 P 1Pe1.4. substance. f135, Ps + Ps68.28. 35. Cast. See on He +* Heb3.6, Heb3.14. +* Heb4.14. +* Heb6.9. * Heb13.9. Jn +* Jn8.31. Ac * Ac13.43. +* Ac14.22. Ro +* Ro11.22. 1 Co +* 1Co15.58. Ga +* Ga6.9. Col +* Col1.23. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. 1 J * 1Jn2.24. your confidence. ver. + Heb10.19. great recompense. He Heb2.2. * Heb11.26. Ps Ps19.11. Mt +* Mt5.12. * Mt10.32, Mt10.42. Lk Lk12.8. +* Lk14.14. Ro ✓ Ro8.18. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. Ga ✓ Ga6.8-10. 36. ye have. He 6:+* Heb6.12, Heb6.15. Heb12.1-7. Ps * Ps37.7. Ps40.1. Mt + Mt10.22. Mt24.13. Lk Lk8.15. * Lk21.19. Ro +* Ro2.7. * Ro5.3, Ro5.4. Ro8.25. Ro12.12. +* Ro15.4, Ro15.5. 1 Co * 1Co13.7. Ga +* Ga6.9. Col * Col1.11. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10, 2Ti2.12. Ja *1:+ Jas1.3, Jas1.4. * Jas5.7-11. 2 P + 2Pe1.6. Re Re13.10. Re14.12. after. He * Heb13.21. Mt * Mt7.21. Mt12.50. Mt21.31. Jn +* Jn7.17. Ac * Ac13.22, Ac13.36. Ro +* Ro12.2. Ep Eph6.6. Col Col4.12. 1 J * 1Jn2.17. the will. Lk +* Lk11.28. 1 Th +* 1Th4.3. ye might receive. See on He Heb6.12, Heb6.15, Heb6.17. * Heb9.15. Heb11.39. Col Col3.24. 1 P * 1Pe1.9. the promise. He * Heb9.15. Ac +✓ Ac26.6. Ga +* Ga3.29. Ti +* Tt1.2. 37. For yet. ver. Heb10.25. Lk Lk18.8. 2 P * 2Pe3.9. Re Re22.20. a little while. f84, Ge + Ge6.17. Ps Ps37.10. Is * Is26.20. Is60.22. Hab * Hab2.3, Hab2.4. Hg Hag2.6. Lk Lk18.8. Ja * Jas5.7-9. 2 P * 2Pe3.8, 2Pe3.9. Re * Re22.7, Re22.20. he that. Hab ▶ Hab2.3, Hab2.4. Mt + Mt11.3. * Mt24.1-3, Mt24.34. 1 Co * 1Co11.26. will come. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. tarry. Jn + Jn21.22. 38. the just. Hab +*▶ Hab2.4. Ro +* Ro1.17. Ga * Ga2.20. * Ga3.11. but if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Ge +* Ge4.7. Je +* Je7.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. draw back. See on ver. * Heb10.26, * Heb10.27. He +* Heb3.12. +* Heb6.4-6. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. Ps * Ps85.8. Ezk * Eze3.20. * Eze18.24. +* Eze33.18. Da +* Da11.35. Zp * Zep1.6. Mt * Mt12.43-45. * Mt13.21. Lk +* Lk8.13, Lk8.14. * Lk9.62. Ac +* Ac20.20g. 1 Ti +✓ 1Ti1.19. +* 1Ti4.1n. +* 1Ti5.15. +* 1Ti6.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.10. 2 P +* 2Pe2.19-22. 1 J * 1Jn2.19. my. Ps * Ps5.4. * Ps147.11. +* Ps149.4. Is Is42.1. Ml Mal1.10. Mt Mt12.18. 1 Th 1Th2.15. soul. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, Mt + Mt12.18. f22:22A, Le + Le26.11. Le + Le26.11n. 39. we are not. He +* Heb6.6-9. 1 S * 1Sa15.11. Ps * Ps44.18. Pr * Pr1.32. * Pr14.14. Lk * Lk11.26. 1 J +* 1Jn5.16. Ju * Jud12, * Jud13. draw back. ver. +* Heb10.38. unto perdition. ver. * Heb10.26. Jn * Jn17.12. 2 Th * 2Th2.3. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9. 2 P 2Pe3.7. Re Re17.8, Re17.11. but. He Heb11.1. Mk * Mk16.16. Jn ✓ Jn3.15, Jn3.16. ✓ Jn5.24. * Jn6.40. ✓ Jn20.31. Ac ✓ Ac16.30, + Ac16.31. Ro ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. Ep * Eph2.8. 1 Th * 1Th5.9. 2 Th * 2Th2.12-14. 1 P +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 182. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Pe1.5. 1 J * 1Jn5.5. believe to. ver. +* Heb10.35. Ph * Php1.6. 1 J * 1Jn2.19, 1Jn2.24. saving. or, gaining. ver. Heb10.34. Jn * Jn6.37, Jn6.39. Ro +* Ro1.16. +* Ro8.38, Ro8.39. 1 Th + 1Th5.9. soul. Gr. psyche, Lk + Lk9.24.

HEBREWS 11 The nature, excellency, efficacy, and fruits of faith, illustrated by the examples of the most eminent saints, from Abel to the close of the Old Testament dispensation, Heb11.1-38. The superior advantages of Christianity, Heb11.39" Heb11.40 }. 1. faith. T#181. ver. Heb11.13. He Heb10.22, Heb10.39. Ac Ac20.21. Ro * Ro10.9, Ro10.10. 1 Co 1Co13.13. Ga * Ga5.6. Ti Tt1.1. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 2 P 2Pe1.1. is the. Ps Ps27.13. Ps42.11. substance. or, ground, or, confidence. He * Heb2.3. * Heb3.14g. 2 Co 2Co9.4. 2Co11.17g. hoped. See on He Heb6.12, Heb6.18, Heb6.19. things. ver. Heb11.7, Heb11.27. Ro Ro8.24. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.18. ✓ 2Co5.7. 1 P * 1Pe1.8, 1Pe1.9. 2. by it. ver. Heb11.4, Heb11.39. the elders. ver. Heb11.4-39. Mt Mt15.2. 3. faith. He Heb1.2. Ge +* Ge1.1, etc. 2:1. Ps * Ps33.6, Ps33.9. Is Is40.26. Je Je10.11, Je10.16. Jn * Jn1.3. Ac Ac14.15. Ac17.24. Ro Ro1.19-21. Ro4.17. 2 P 2Pe3.5. Re Re4.11. worlds. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. f121:121P, Mt + Mt13.22. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.17. by. He Heb1.3. 2 P + 2Pe3.5. word. T#259. Ge Ge1.3. Ps Ps29.4-8. * Ps33.6-9. Ps66.7. Re + Re19.6 (T#218). things which. Ro Ro4.17. 1 Co 1Co1.28. 4. By faith Abel. Ge * Ge4.3-5, Ge4.15, Ge4.25. 1 J 1Jn3.11, 1Jn3.12. a more. He ✓ Heb9.22. Pr Pr15.8. Pr21.27. Is Is1.15. Ti Tt1.16. Ju + Jud11. sacrifice. He + Heb5.1. he obtained. ver. Heb11.2, Heb11.39. Le * Le9.24. 1 K 1Ki18.38. Mt Mt23.35. Lk Lk11.51. righteous. Mt +* Mt5.10. 1 J * 1Jn3.12. and by. He Heb12.1, Heb12.24. Ge Ge4.10. Mt Mt23.35. Re Re6.10. yet speaketh. or, is yet spoken of. He Heb12.24. 5. Enoch. Ge * Ge5.22-24. Lk Lk3.37. Ju Jud14. translated. 2 K 2Ki2.11. Ps Ps89.48. Jn Jn8.51, Jn8.52. not see. Lk + Lk2.26. and was. 2 K 2Ki2.16, 2Ki2.17. Je Je36.26. Re Re11.9-12. found. f171:171J, 1 S + 1Sa13.15. this testimony. ver. Heb11.3, Heb11.4. that he pleased. ver. Heb11.6. He Heb12.28. Heb13.16, Heb13.21. Ge Ge5.22. Ps Ps147.11. +* Ps149.4. Ro * Ro8.8, Ro8.9. Col +* Col1.10. 1 Th 1Th2.4. 1 J 1Jn3.22. 6. without. He * Heb3.12, Heb3.18, Heb3.19. * Heb4.2, Heb4.6. Nu * Nu14.11. * Nu20.12. Ps * Ps78.22, Ps78.32. * Ps106.21, Ps106.22, Ps106.24. Is * Is7.9. Mk Mk16.17. Jn ✓ Jn3.18, Jn3.19. * Jn8.24. Ga * Ga5.6. Re +* Re21.8. faith. T#535. He Heb10.22. Is + Is26.3 (T#293). Ja * Jas1.5-7. he that. See on He * Heb7.25. Jb * Job21.14. Ps * Ps73.28. Is +* Is55.3. Je Je2.31. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. must. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. Je Je29.12-14. Jn * Jn4.24. Ac * Ac14.15. Ro * Ro10.14. 1 Th * 1Th1.9. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.10. believe. 2 Ch +* 2Ch20.20. Jn ✓ Jn3.18. a rewarder. ver. Heb11.26. Ge Ge15.1. Ru * Ru2.12. Ps * Ps58.11. Pr * Pr11.18. Mt +* Mt5.12. * Mt6.1, Mt6.2, Mt6.5, Mt6.16. * Mt10.41, Mt10.42. Lk +* Lk6.35. diligently seek. Ex +* Ex15.26. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. Ps +* Ps9.10. Ps105.3, Ps105.4. * Ps119.10, Ps119.94. Pr * Pr8.17. SS So3.1-4. Je ✓ Je29.13, Je29.14. Mt ✓ Mt6.33. Lk * Lk12.31. 1 P + 1Pe1.10g. 2 P * 2Pe1.5, 2Pe1.10. * 2Pe3.14. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 183. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

7. By faith. Ro * Ro3.22. Ph * Php3.8, Php3.9. Noah. i.e. rest, ❅S#3575g. For ❅S# 05146h, see Ge + Ge5.29. Ge * Ge6.13-22. Ge7.1, Ge7.5. Mt Mt24.38. Lk + Lk17.26, Noe. 2 P * 2Pe2.5. warned. He + Heb8.5. Ge Ge6.13. Ge19.14. Ex Ex9.18-21. Pr +* Pr22.3. Pr27.12. Ezk Eze3.17-19. Mt Mt3.7. Mt24.15-25. 2 P 2Pe3.6-8. things. See on ver. Heb11.1. moved with fear. or, being wary. See on He Heb5.7g. Ec * Ec12.13. prepared. He Heb3.3. Heb9.2, Heb9.6g. Ge Ge6.18. Ge7.1, Ge7.23. Ge8.16. Ezk Eze14.14, Eze14.20. 1 P 1Pe3.20. an ark. Ge = Ge7.13-17. his house. f121:121J, Ge + Ge7.1. Ac +* Ac16.15n. he condemned. Mt Mt12.41, Mt12.42. Lk Lk11.31, Lk11.32. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. righteousness. Ge Ge6.9. Ezk Eze14.14, Eze14.20. Ro Ro1.17. Ro3.22. Ro4.11, Ro4.13. + Ro9.30. Ro10.6. Ga Ga5.5. Ph Php3.9. 2 P 2Pe1.1. 8. Abraham. Ge Ge11.31. * Ge12.1-4. Jsh Jos24.3. Ne Ne9.7, Ne9.8. Is Is41.2. Is51.2. Ac * Ac7.2-4. which. Ge Ge12.7. Ge13.15-17. Ge15.7, Ge15.8. Ge17.8. Ge26.3. Dt Dt9.5. Ps Ps105.9-11. Ezk Eze33.24. obeyed. ver. Heb11.33. He Heb5.8, Heb5.9. Ge = Ge12.4. Ge22.18. Ge26.5. Mt Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Ro Ro1.5. Ro6.17. Ro10.16. 2 Co * 2Co10.5. Ja * Jas2.14-16. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1Pe3.1. * 1Pe4.17. 9. he sojourned. Ge Ge17.8. * Ge23.4. Ge26.3. Ge35.27. 1 Ch 1Ch16.19. Ac Ac7.5, Ac7.6. dwelling. Ge * Ge12.8. * Ge13.3, Ge13.18. Ge18.1, Ge18.2, Ge18.6, Ge18.9. Ge25.27. * Ge26.17, Ge26.25. * Ge33.18. * Ge35.21. with Isaac. i.e. pleasure, ❅S#2464g. For ❅S# 03327h, see Ge + Ge17.19. ver. Heb11.17, Heb11.18, Heb11.20. Mt Mt1.2. Mt8.11. Mt22.32. Mk Mk12.26. Lk Lk3.34. Lk13.28. Lk20.37. Ac Ac3.13. Ac7.8, Ac7.8, Ac7.32. Ro Ro9.7, Ro9.10. Ga Ga4.28. Ja Jas2.21. and Jacob. Ge Ge35.27. the heirs. He Heb6.17. Ge Ge26.3, Ge26.4. Ge28.4, Ge28.13, Ge28.14. Ge48.3, Ge48.4. Ro Ro8.17. Ep Eph3.6. 1 P 1Pe3.7g. 10. he looked. He * Heb12.22, Heb12.28. * Heb13.14. Jn +* Jn14.2. Ph * Php3.20g. Re * Re21.2, Re21.10-27. a city. ver. Heb11.16. foundations. Ps Ps87.1. Re Re21.14, Re21.19. whose. ver. Heb11.16. He Heb3.4. Heb8.2. Is Is14.32. 2 Co * 2Co5.1. Re Re21.2, Re21.10. 11. Sara. i.e. princess; noble lady, ❅S#4564g. For ❅S# 08283h, see Ge + Ge17.15. Ge * Ge17.17-19. * Ge18.11-14. * Ge21.1, Ge21.2. Lk Lk1.36. Ro Ro4.19. Ro9.9. 1 P 1Pe3.5, 1Pe3.6. conceive. Ge ◐ Ge11.30. Ge29.31. because. He Heb10.23. Ro * Ro4.20, Ro4.21. 1 Co + 1Co1.9. promised. ver. Heb11.17, Heb11.18. Ga + Ga4.23. 12. of one. Is Is51.2. Ezk Eze33.24. Ml Mal2.15. and him. ver. Heb11.19. Ro Ro4.19. as the stars. f102:102B, f138:138B, Ge + Ge13.16. Ge Ge15.5. * Ge22.17. Ge26.4. Ex Ex32.13. Dt * Dt1.10. Dt10.22. Dt28.62. 1 Ch 1Ch27.23. Ne Ne9.23. Ro * Ro4.17. as the sand. f102:102B, f138:138B, Ge + Ge13.16. Ge Ge13.16. Ge22.17. Ge32.12. Nu Nu23.10. Jsh Jos11.4. Jg Jdg7.12. 1 S 1Sa12.5. 2 S 2Sa17.11. 1 K 1Ki4.20. 2 Ch 2Ch1.9. Is Is10.22. Is48.19. Je Je33.22. Ho Ho1.10. Hab Hab1.9. Ro Ro4.18. Ro9.27. Re Re20.8. innumerable. Ge Ge32.12. 1 K 1Ki3.8. 13. all. f171:171M, Ge + Ge6.12. died. Ge +* Ge25.8. Ge27.2-4. * Ge48.21. * Ge49.18, Ge49.28, Ge49.33. Ge50.24. in faith. Gr. according to faith. not. ver. * Heb11.39. Ac +✓ Ac7.5. the promises. f121:121R, Ge + Ge43.11. i.e. the things which had been promised. The promises were what they had received, but not the things promised (B603). but. ver. Heb11.27. Ge +* Ge49.10. Nu * Nu24.17. Jb * Job19.25. Mt Mt13.17. Jn * Jn8.56. * Jn12.41. 2 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 184. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Co +* 2Co4.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.10-12. and were. Ro Ro4.21. Ro8.24. Ge Ge49.18. 1 J * 1Jn3.19g. embraced. f121:121S, Ge + Ge21.6. confessed. Ge * Ge23.4. * Ge47.9. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.14, 1Ch29.15. Ps * Ps39.12. Ps73.24. * Ps119.19, Ps119.31. Ph Php3.20. 1 P 1Pe1.17. * 1Pe2.11. strangers. Ep Eph2.19. pilgrims. 1 P 1Pe1.1. 1Pe2.11g. 14. they seek. ver. Heb11.10, Heb11.16. He Heb13.14. Ro Ro8.23-25. 2 Co 2Co4.18. 2Co5.1-7. Ph Php1.23. 15. if they. f184:184B, Lk + Lk7.39. mindful. Ge12.10. Ge24.6-8. Ge31.18. Ge32.9-11.

f121:121C, Is + Is44.21. Ge * Ge11.31.

16. they desire. See on ver. Heb11.14. He Heb12.22. 1 Ti 1Ti3.1. 1Ti6.10g. a better. ver. Heb11.35, Heb11.40. He + Heb6.9. an heavenly. This is not a reference to either “heaven” or the “third heaven,” but a reference to the heavenly kingdom or “kingdom of heaven” on earth, the restored Davidic kingdom (Is +* Is55.3), which involves the promised restoration of the land of Israel in theocratic millennial earthly blessing (Ac +* Ac1.6. +* Ac3.19, Ac3.21). He Heb3.11, Heb3.18. Heb4.9mg. Dt ✓ Dt11.21. Ps Ps37.9, Ps37.11, Ps37.22, Ps37.29, Ps37.34. Ps76.9. * Ps89.29. Pr Pr2.21, Pr2.22. Pr10.30. Pr11.31. Pr12.7. Is Is65.17. Is66.22. Je Je7.7. Mt +* Mt5.5. Mt19.28. Ac +* Ac3.21. +✓ Ac7.5. Ro +* Ro4.13. Ro8.19, Ro8.23. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. God is not. f175:175B, Ge + Ge21.16. He Heb2.11. Mk + Mk8.38. to be. Ge Ge17.7, Ge17.8. Ge26.24. Ge28.13. Ex * Ex3.6, Ex3.15. Ex4.5. Is Is41.8-10. Je Je31.1. Mt * Mt22.31, Mt22.32. Mk Mk12.26, Mk12.27. Lk Lk20.37, Lk20.38. Ac Ac7.32. prepared. Ps Ps73.24. Jn +* Jn14.2. Ph Php3.20. a city. ver. Heb11.10. He Heb13.14. Mt Mt25.34. Lk Lk12.32. Ph Php3.20. 17. faith. Ge * Ge17.8, Ge17.19. * Ge22.1-12. Ja Jas2.21-24. when. Dt Dt8.2. 2 Ch 2Ch32.31. Jb Job1.11, Job1.12. Job2.3-6. Pr Pr17.3. Da * Da11.35. Zc * Zec13.9. Ml Mal3.2, Mal3.3. Ja Jas1.2-4. Jas5.11. 1 P 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.7. 1Pe4.12. Re +* Re3.10. received. He Heb7.6. Ac Ac28.7g. the promises. ver. Heb11.11. offered. 2 Co 2Co8.12. Ja Jas2.21. only. Ge * Ge22.2, Ge22.12, Ge22.16. Lk + Lk7.12. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. 1 J 1Jn4.9. 18. Of. or, To. He Heb1.7, Heb1.8g. That. Ge Ge17.19. ✡▶ Ge21.12. Ro Ro9.7. 19. God. Ge * Ge22.5h. Mt Mt9.28. Ro Ro4.17-21. Ep Eph3.20. from the. ver. Heb11.11, Heb11.12. He Heb9.24. Ge * Ge22.4, Ge22.5, Ge22.13. Mt * Mt20.19. Ro Ro5.14. a figure. He Heb9.9. 20. Isaac blessed. Ge Ge27.27-40. Ge28.2, Ge28.3. 21. faith. Ge * Ge48.5-22. and worshipped. f106, Ge + Ge31.7. Ge * Ge47.31. 1 K 1Ki1.47. Jn + Jn4.20. staff. f92:92F, He + Heb10.5. Ge Ge32.10. 22. faith. Ge * Ge50.24, Ge50.25. Ex * Ex13.19. Jsh Jos24.32. Ac Ac7.16. made mention of. or, remembered. children of. Ac + Ac5.21. 23. faith. Ex * Ex2.2, etc. Ac Ac7.20. was hid. Pr +* Pr22.3. 2 Co 2Co12.14. 1 Ti 1Ti5.8. a proper child. That is, a fine, beautiful, or fair child, as our translators render asteios in Ac Ac7.20; which was in their time the sense of proper, from the French propre. Ex Ex2.2. Lk Lk2.40, Lk2.52. Ac Ac7.20mg. and they. He Heb13.6. Ps Ps56.4. Ps118.6. Is Is8.12, Is8.13. Is41.10, Is41.14. Is51.7, Is51.12. Da Da3.16-18. +* Da6.10. Mt +* Mt10.28. Lk +* Lk12.4, Lk12.5. the king’s. Ex * Ex1.16, Ex1.22. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 185. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

24. when. Ex * Ex2.10, Ex2.11. Ac * Ac7.21-24. refused. Mt = Mt4.4-8. 25. Choosing. He Heb10.32. Jb Job36.21. Ps * Ps84.10. Mt +* Mt5.10-12. Mt13.21. Ac Ac7.24, Ac7.25. Ac20.23, Ac20.24. Ro Ro5.3. * Ro8.17, ✓ Ro8.18, Ro8.35-39. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. Col * Col1.24. 2 Th 2Th1.3-6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. 2Ti2.3-10. ✓ 2Ti3.11, 2Ti3.12. Ja Jas1.20. 1 P 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.7. 1Pe4.12-16. the people. He Heb4.9. Ps Ps47.9. 1 P 1Pe2.10. the pleasures. Jb * Job20.5. Job21.11-13. Ps Ps73.18-20. Is Is21.4. Is47.8, Is47.9. Lk * Lk12.19, Lk12.20. * Lk16.25. Ja Jas5.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.17. Re Re18.7. for a season. 2 Co + 2Co4.18g. 26. Esteeming. Ph Php3.7, Php3.8. Re Re2.9. the reproach. He Heb10.33. * Heb13.13. Ps Ps69.7, Ps69.9, Ps69.20. Ps89.50, Ps89.51. Is Is51.7. Ac Ac5.41. 2 Co * 2Co12.10. 1 P 1Pe1.11. * 1Pe4.13, 1Pe4.14. 2 P * 2Pe3.3, 2Pe3.4. of Christ. or, for Christ. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. Ge * Ge12.3. +*49:10. greater. Ps Ps37.16. Je Je9.23, Je9.24. 2 Co 2Co6.10. = 2Co8.9. Ep Eph1.18. Eph3.8. Re Re2.9. Re3.18. for he had. See on ver. Heb11.6. He Heb2.2. +* Heb10.35. = Heb12.2. Ru Ru2.12. Pr Pr11.18. Pr23.18. Mt +* Mt5.12. Mt6.1. Mt10.41. Lk +* Lk14.14. Ro * Ro8.17, Ro8.18. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. 27. he forsook. Ex Ex10.28, Ex10.29. Ex11.8. Ex12.31, Ex12.37, etc. 13:17-21. Mt = Mt2.15. not fearing. Ex * Ex2.14, Ex2.15. Ex4.19. Ex10.28, Ex10.29. Ex14.10-13. endured. He Heb6.15. Heb10.32. Heb12.3. Mt Mt10.22. Mt24.13. Mk Mk4.17. Mk13.13. 1 Co 1Co13.7. Ja Jas5.11. seeing. ver. Heb11.1, Heb11.13. He * Heb12.2. Ps Ps16.8. Jn = Jn8.29. Ac Ac2.25. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.18. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.17. 1Ti6.16. 1 P 1Pe1.8. invisible. T#216. Jn Jn1.18. Jn4.24. Col Col1.15. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.16. 28. he kept. Ex * Ex12.3-14, Ex12.21-30. Ezk +* Eze9.4, Eze9.6. Mt Mt26.18. Lk ◐= Lk22.15. Jn + Jn6.4. the sprinkling. Gr. proschusia, ❅S#4378g, only here. He Heb9.19. Heb12.24. Ex Ex12.7, Ex12.13, Ex12.22, Ex12.23. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. of blood. Ro * Ro3.25. lest he. Ex Ex12.23. firstborn. Ex Ex12.29. touch. f108:108B, Ge + Ge26.29. 29. passed through. Ex * Ex14.13-31. Ex15.1-21. Nu Nu33.8. Jsh Jos2.10. Ne Ne9.11. Ps Ps66.6. Ps77.19. Ps78.13. * Ps106.9-11. Ps114.1-5. Ps136.13-15. Is Is11.15, Is11.16. Is43.16. Is51.9, Is51.10. Is63.11-16. Hab Hab3.8-10. 1 Co * 1Co10.1. which. Ex Ex14.23-29. Ex15.4. Dt Dt11.4. Ps Ps78.53. Ps106.11. Ps136.15. 30. the walls. Jsh * Jos6.3-20. 2 Co * 2Co10.4, 2Co10.5. Jericho. Mt Mt20.29. Mk Mk10.46. Lk Lk10.30. Lk18.35, Lk18.43. Lk19.1. after. Jsh Jos6.15, Jos6.16. 31. the harlot. f11, Ge + Ge2.23. f46:46C, Mt + Mt8.6. Gr. pornee, a harlot, receives its true meaning from the Hebrew zonah which means a female hostess, or landlady, as well as harlot (B680). See related notes (Ge Ge38.21n. Jsh Jos2.1n, Jos2.13n. Jg Jdg11.1n. 1 K 1Ki3.16n). Jsh Jos2.1-22. * Jos6.22-25. Mt * Mt1.1, Mt1.5. Ep Eph2.8. Ja * Jas2.25. Rahab. i.e. arrogance, insolence, ❅S#4460g. For ❅S# 07343h, see Jsh + Jos2.1. Ja Jas2.25. believed not. or, were disobedient. He + Heb3.18. 1 P 1Pe2.8. 1Pe3.20. she had. Jsh Jos1.1. Jos2.1, Jos2.4, Jos2.8-13. with peace. Ac + Ac15.33. 32. what shall. Ro Ro3.5. Ro4.1. Ro6.1. Ro7.7. more say. f131. Paraleipsis; or, A Passing By B484. Addition (brief) of that which is professedly ignored. When the speaker professes a wish to pass something by in silence, but subsequently adds by a brief allusion to it. Here, the writer alludes briefly in verses 33-38 to what he professedly was about to pass by, or not Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 186. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

mention. the time. Jn Jn21.25. tell of. f82, Ex + Ex15.9. Gedeon. i.e. a great tree trunk, ❅S#1066g. For ❅S# 01439h, see Jg + Jdg6.11. Jg ch. 6-8, Gideon. 1 S 1Sa12.11, Jerubbaal. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. Barak. i.e. a gleam; thunder, ❅S#913g. For ❅S# 01301h, Jg + Jdg4.6. Jg ch. 4, 5. Samson. i.e. splendid sun, ❅S#4546g. For ❅S# 08123h, Jg + Jdg13.24. Jg ch. 13-16. Jepthae. i.e. whom God sets free, ❅S#2422g. For ❅S# 03316h, see Jg + Jdg11.1. Jg ch. 11. 12:1-7, Jephthah. David. 1 S 1Sa16.1, 1Sa16.13. ch. 17, etc. Ac Ac2.29-31. Ac13.22-36. Samuel. 1 S 1Sa1.20. 1Sa2.11, 1Sa2.18. ch. 3-12. 28:3, etc. Ps Ps99.6. Je Je15.1. Ac Ac3.24. Ac13.20. the prophets. Mt +* Mt5.12. Lk Lk13.28. Lk16.31. Ac + Ac3.24. +* Ac10.43. Ja Jas5.10. 1 P 1Pe1.10-12. 2 P * 2Pe1.21. 2Pe3.2. 33. through. Jsh ch. 6-13. 2 S 2Sa5.4-25. 2Sa8.1-14. Ps Ps18.32-34. Ps44.2-6. Ps144.1, Ps144.2, Ps144.10. subdued. Jg Jdg4.24. Jdg7.25. Jdg16.30. Jdg11.33. 1 S 1Sa7.13. 2 S 2Sa5.17-25. 2Sa8.1, 2Sa8.2. wrought. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. See on ver. Heb11.4-8, Heb11.17. Dt * Dt16.18. 1 S 1Sa12.3, 1Sa12.4. 2 S 2Sa8.15. 1 Ch 1Ch18.14. obtained. See on He * Heb6.12-15. Heb10.36. Jsh Jos21.45. 2 S 2Sa7.11, 2Sa7.12, etc. 1 K 1Ki8.56. 1 Ch 1Ch22.9. Ga Ga3.16. stopped. Jg * Jdg14.5, Jdg14.6. 1 S * 1Sa17.33-36. 2 S 2Sa23.20. 1 Ch 1Ch11.22. Ps Ps91.13. Da * Da6.20-23. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. 1 P 1Pe5.8. 34. Quenched. Ps Ps66.12. Is Is43.2. Da * Da3.19-28. 1 P 1Pe4.12. escaped. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. 1 S 1Sa18.11. 1Sa19.10, 1Sa19.12. 1Sa20.1. 1Sa21.10. 2 S 2Sa21.16, 2Sa21.17. 1 K 1Ki19.3. 2 K * 2Ki6.16-18, 2Ki6.32. Jb Job5.20. Ps Ps144.10. Je * Je26.24. Je36.26. the edge. f144:144A, Ge + Ge34.26. Lk Lk21.24. out of. Jg Jdg6.34. Jdg7.19-25. Jdg8.4-10. Jdg15.14-20. * Jdg16.19-30. 2 K * 2Ki20.5, 2Ki20.7, etc. Jb Job42.10. Ps Ps6.8. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. waxed valiant. Jg Jdg7.21. * Jdg15.8, Jdg15.15. 1 S 1Sa17.51, 1Sa17.52. 2 S 2Sa10.15-19. 2Sa12.29. turned. 1 S 1Sa14.13, etc. *17:51, 52. 2 S 2Sa8.1, etc. 2 Ch 2Ch14.11-14. 2Ch16.19. 2Ch20.6-25. 2Ch32.20-22. 35. Women received. 1 K * 1Ki17.22-24. 2 K * 2Ki4.27-37. Lk Lk7.12-16. Jn Jn11.40-45. Ac Ac9.41. tortured. Ac Ac22.24, Ac22.25, Ac22.29. not accepting. Ac Ac4.19. that they. Mt Mt22.30. Mk Mk12.25. Lk +* Lk14.14. Lk20.36. Jn Jn5.29. Ac Ac23.6. Ac24.15. 1 Co 1Co15.54. Ph ✓ Php3.11. a better. ver. Heb11.16, Heb11.40. He + Heb6.9. resurrection. Mk Mk9.9, Mk9.10. Ac Ac10.41. Ac13.34. Ac17.31, Ac17.32. Ac26.23. 1 Co 1Co15.12. Ph ✓ Php3.11. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16n. 36. had trial. Re + Re2.10. mockings. Jg Jdg16.25. 2 K 2Ki2.23. 2 Ch 2Ch30.10. 2Ch36.16. Je Je20.7. Mt Mt20.19. Mk Mk10.34. Lk Lk18.32. Lk23.11, Lk23.36. and scourgings. 1 K 1Ki22.24. Je Je20.2. Je37.15. Mt Mt21.35. Mt23.34. Mt27.26. Ac Ac5.40. Ac16.22, Ac16.23. 2 Co 2Co11.24, 2Co11.25. bonds. He Heb10.34. Ge * Ge39.20. 1 K * 1Ki22.27. 2 Ch 2Ch16.10. Ps Ps105.17, Ps105.18. Je * Je20.2. Je29.26. Je32.2, Je32.3, Je32.8. Je36.5. * Je37.15-21. Je38.6-13, Je38.28. Je39.15. La La3.52-55. Ac Ac4.3. Ac5.18. Ac8.3. Ac12.4, etc. 16:24, etc. 21:33. 24:27. 2 Co 2Co11.23. Ep Eph3.1. Eph4.1. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16. 2Ti2.9. Re Re2.10. 37. stoned. 1 K 1Ki21.10, 1Ki21.13-15. 2 Ch * 2Ch24.20, 2Ch24.21. Mt Mt21.35. Mt23.37. Lk Lk13.34. Jn Jn10.31-33. Ac +* Ac7.58, Ac7.59. Ac14.19. 2 Co 2Co11.25. were slain. 1 S 1Sa22.17-19. 1 K 1Ki18.4, 1Ki18.13. 1Ki19.1, 1Ki19.10, 1Ki19.14. Je Je2.30. Je26.23. La La4.13, La4.14. Mt Mt23.35-37. Lk Lk11.51-54. Ac Ac7.52. Ac12.2, Ac12.3. in sheepskins. 2 K 2Ki1.8. Zc Zec13.4. Mt Mt3.4. Mk Mk2.6. Re Re11.3. being destitute. He Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 187. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Heb12.1-3. Zc * Zec13.9. Mt Mt8.20. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. 2 Co 2Co11.23-27. 2Co12.10. Ja Jas5.10, Jas5.11. tormented. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. ver. Heb11.25. He Heb13.3. 38. whom. 1 K 1Ki14.12, 1Ki14.13. 2 K 2Ki23.25-29. Is Is57.1. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. wandered. 1 S 1Sa22.1. 1Sa23.15, 1Sa23.19, 1Sa23.23. 1Sa24.1-3. 1Sa26.1. 1 K 1Ki17.3. 1Ki18.4, 1Ki18.13. 1Ki19.9. Ps Ps142.1-7, title. mountains. Jg Jdg6.2. caves. 1 S 1Sa22.1. 1 K * 1Ki18.4. * 1Ki19.9. 39. these all. f166, Mt + Mt1.17. The apostle in the early part of the chapter having given us a general account of the grace of faith, proceeds to set before us some illustrious examples of it in Old Testament times. The leading instance and example of faith recorded is that of righteous Abel: one of the first saints and the first martyr for religion—one who lived by faith and died for it, and therefore a fit pattern for the Hebrews to imitate. It is observable that the Holy Spirit has not thought fit to say any thing here of the faith of our first parents; and yet the church of God has generally, by a pious charity, taken it for granted that God gave them repentance and faith in the promised seed; that he instructed them in the mystery of sacrificing, that they instructed their children in it, and that they found mercy with God, after they had ruined themselves and all their posterity. But God has left the matter still under some doubt, as a warning to all who have great talents given to them, and a great trust reposed in them, that they do not prove unfaithful, since God would not enroll our first parents among the number of believers in this blessed calendar (Matthew Henry). having obtained. See on ver. * Heb11.2, * Heb11.13. Lk * Lk10.23, Lk10.24. 1 P 1Pe1.12. received not. ver. Heb11.13. He + Heb10.36. Ac +✓ Ac7.5. 1 P 1Pe1.12. the promise. Ge Ge12.3. Ps Ps111.9. Lk ✓ Lk1.6873. Ac +✓ Ac26.6. Ro ✓ Ro4.13. +* Ro15.8. Ga * Ga3.18. 40. provided. or, foreseen. better. ver. Heb11.16, Heb11.35. He +6:9. *7:19, 22. *8:6. *9:23. *12:24. for us. Mt Mt13.16, Mt13.17. 1 P * 1Pe1.10-12. they without us. He * Heb9.815. * Heb10.11-14. Jn +* Jn10.16. Ro * Ro3.25, Ro3.26. Ep * Eph1.10. Eph4.8. 1 Th +* 1Th4.15-17. Ja Jas5.7. Re Re6.9-11. made perfect. He + Heb2.10. * Heb5.9. * Heb12.23. Ro +* Ro8.11, Ro8.23. 1 Co +* 1Co13.10n. Re * Re6.11.

HEBREWS 12 Exhortations to constancy, patience, and diligence, deduced from the abundant testimony of former believers, from the example of Christ, and from the loving intent and salutary effect of the Lord’s corrections, Heb12.1-13; to peace and holiness, and to jealous watchfulness over ourselves, and each other, enforced by the case of Esau, Heb12.14-17; to an obedient reception of the gospel, and reverential worship of God, from the superior excellency of the promised inheritance of the eternal kingdom, and the proportionately greater guilt and danger of neglecting it, Heb12.18-29. 1. seeing. He Heb11.2-38. compassed about. Ps Ps22.4. * Ps89.1, Ps89.8. Is Is25.1. * Is26.3, Is26.4. La La3.23. a cloud. Is Is60.8. Ezk * Eze38.9, Eze38.16. witnesses. Lk * Lk16.28. Jn * Jn3.32. * Jn4.39, Jn4.44. Ac Ac22.20. 1 P 1Pe5.12. Re Re2.13. Re17.6. * Re22.16. let us lay. Pr * Pr29.25. Mt * Mt10.37, Mt10.38. Lk * Lk8.14. * Lk9.59-62. * Lk12.15. * Lk14.26-33. * Lk18.22-25. +* Lk21.34. Ro * Ro13.11-14. 2 Co * 2Co6.14. * 2Co7.1. Ep * Eph4.22-24. Ph * Php3.7-14. Col * Col3.5-8. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9, 1Ti6.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.4. 1 P * 1Pe2.1. * 1Pe4.2. * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 188. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Pe5.7. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15, 1Jn2.16. and the sin. He Heb10.35-39. Ps * Ps18.23. Ep + Eph4.22. beset. He +* Heb3.12. Ho Ho7.2. and let us. 1 Co *9:+ 1Co9.24-2727. Ga * Ga5.7. Ph * Php2.16. * Php3.10-14. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.7. with patience. He * Heb6.15. +* Heb10.36. Je +* Je12.5. Mt * Mt10.22. * Mt24.13. Lk +* Lk8.15. Ro +* Ro2.7. * Ro5.3-5. * Ro8.24, Ro8.25. * Ro12.12. Ja * Jas1.3. * Jas5.7-11. 2 P * 2Pe1.6. Re * Re1.9. +* Re3.10. * Re13.10. the race. f121.O, Ge + Ge28.22. 1 Co * 1Co9.24. Ph + Php1.30g. Php3.13, Php3.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.8. set before. He Heb6.18. 2. Looking. T#1369. ver. * Heb12.3. He +* Heb9.28. Nu Nu21.8, Nu21.9. Ps * Ps17.15. Ps123.2. Ps130.6. Is * Is8.17. * Is31.1. * Is45.22. Mi * Mic7.7. Zc * Zec12.10. Jn * Jn1.29. * Jn3.14, Jn3.15. * Jn6.40. * Jn8.56. 1 Co 1Co13.12. 2 Co 2Co3.18. Ph * Php3.20. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. 1 J * 1Jn1.1-3. Ju * Jud21. the author. or, the beginner. or, the captain. He + Heb2.10. Mk Mk9.24. Lk Lk17.5. Ac Ac5.31g. Re * Re1.8, Re1.11, Re1.17. * Re2.8. * Re3.14. finisher. He Heb7.19. * Heb10.14g. Ps * Ps138.8. 1 Co * 1Co1.7, 1Co1.8. Ph * Php1.6. our. f63:63K, Ge + Ge37.13. for the joy. He Heb2.7-9. * Heb5.9. Ge Ge29.20. Ps +* Ps16.9-11. Is Is49.6. +* Is53.10-12. Lk +* Lk24.26. Jn * Jn12.24, Jn12.32. Jn13.3, Jn13.31, Jn13.32. * Jn17.14. Ac * Ac2.25, Ac2.26, Ac2.36. Ph ✓ Php2.8-11. 1 P * 1Pe1.11. endured. He Heb10.5-12. Mt Mt16.21. * Mt20.18, Mt20.19, Mt20.28. * Mt27.31-50. Mk * Mk14.36. Lk Lk23.33. Jn * Jn12.27, Jn12.28. Ep Eph2.16. Eph5.2. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. * 1Pe3.18. the cross. Ph Php2.8. despising. He Heb10.33. Heb11.36. Ps * Ps22.6-8. Ps69.19, Ps69.20. Is Is49.7. * Is50.6, Is50.7. +* Is53.3. Mt * Mt26.67, Mt26.68. * Mt27.27-31, Mt27.38-44. Mk Mk9.12. Lk Lk23.11, Lk23.35-39. Ac Ac5.41. 1 P * 1Pe2.23. * 1Pe4.14-16. the shame. He = Heb11.26. Ph Php2.6-11. 1 P 1Pe2.23. and is set down. See on He * Heb1.3, Heb1.13. * Heb8.1. Ps * Ps110.1. Ro Ro14.9. 1 P * 1Pe3.22. Re +* Re3.21. right hand. He + Heb1.3. the throne. He * Heb4.16. Heb8.1. Mt Mt5.34. Mt23.22. Re Re2.13. +* Re3.21. Re7.15. Re12.5. Re16.10. Re22.1, Re22.3. 3. consider. ver. Heb12.2. He Heb3.1. 1 S 1Sa12.24. La La1.12. Mt + Mt10.24. 2 Ti 2Ti2.7, 2Ti2.8. Re Re2.3. contradiction. He Heb6.16. Heb7.7. Mt * Mt10.24, Mt10.25. Mt11.19. Mt12.24. Mt15.2. Mt21.15, Mt21.16, Mt21.23, Mt21.46. Mt22.15. Lk Lk2.34g. Lk4.28, Lk4.29. Lk5.21. Lk11.15, Lk11.16, Lk11.53, Lk11.54. Lk13.13, Lk13.14. Lk14.1. Lk15.2. Lk16.14. Lk19.39, Lk19.40. Jn Jn5.16. Jn7.12. Jn8.13, Jn8.48, Jn8.49, Jn8.52, Jn8.59. Jn9.40. Jn10.20, Jn10.31-39. Jn12.9, Jn12.10. * Jn15.18-24. Jn18.22. Ju Jud11g. lest. ver. Heb12.5. Dt Dt20.3. Pr Pr24.10. Is Is40.30, Is40.31. Is50.4. 1 Co +* 1Co15.58. 2 Co 2Co4.1, 2Co4.16. Ga +* Ga6.9. 2 Th 2Th3.13. minds. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt22.37. 4. resisted unto. ver. Heb12.2. He * Heb10.32-34. Mt +* Mt24.9. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 2 Ti 2Ti4.6, 2Ti4.7. 1 J * 1Jn3.16. Re Re2.13. * Re6.9-11. +* Re12.11. Re17.6. Re18.24. striving against. Lk Lk13.24. 1 Co 1Co9.25, 1Co9.26. Ju +* Jud3. 5. ye have forgotten. Dt Dt4.9, Dt4.10. Ps * Ps119.16, Ps119.83, Ps119.109. Pr * Pr3.1. Pr4.5. Mt Mt16.9, Mt16.10. Lk Lk24.6, Lk24.8. the exhortation. ver. Heb12.7. He Heb13.22. Pr * Pr3.11, Pr3.12. Ac + Ac4.36. My son. Pr ▶ Pr3.11, Pr3.12. despise not. Jb * Job5.17, Job5.18. Job34.31. Ps Ps94.12. Ps118.18. Ps119.75. Pr Pr3.11. Je Je31.18. 1 Co 1Co11.32. Ja * Jas1.12. Re * Re3.19. nor faint. ver. Heb12.3, Heb12.4. Jsh Jos7.7-11. 2 S 2Sa6.7-10. 1 Ch 1Ch13.9-13. 1Ch15.12, 1Ch15.13. Ps Ps6.1, Ps6.2. Pr Pr24.10. Je Je12.5. 2 Co 2Co4.8, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 189. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Co4.9. ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. rebuked. Le * Le26.23, Le26.24. Ps Ps94.12. Ps119.67, Ps119.75. Je Je31.18, Je31.19. Re Re3.19. 6. whom. Dt Dt8.5. Ps * Ps32.1-5. Ps73.14, Ps73.15. Ps89.30-34. * Ps94.12. * Ps119.71, Ps119.75. Pr * Pr3.12. Pr13.24. Is Is27.9. Je Je10.24. Ja * Jas1.12. Jas5.11. Re * Re3.19. and scourgeth. ver. Heb12.7, Heb12.8. 2 S 2Sa7.14. son. He Heb2.10. 7. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. endure. Jb Job34.31, Job34.32. Pr +* Pr19.18. Pr22.15. Pr23.13, Pr23.14. Pr29.15, Pr29.17. Ac +* Ac14.22. God dealeth. Dt * Dt8.5. 2 S * 2Sa7.14. Pr * Pr13.24. +* Pr19.18. Pr23.13. Pr29.17. for what. 1 S 1Sa2.29, 1Sa2.34. 1Sa3.13. 1 K 1Ki1.6. 1Ki2.24, 1Ki2.25. Pr Pr13.24. Pr29.15. chasteneth not. Am * Am3.2. 1 Co * 1Co11.32. 8. But if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. without chastisement. ver. Heb12.6. Ps Ps73.1, Ps73.14, Ps73.15. Jn Jn16.33. 1 P * 1Pe5.9, 1Pe5.10. 9. fathers. Jn Jn3.6. Ac Ac2.30. Ro Ro1.3. Ro9.3, Ro9.5. corrected. See on ver. Heb12.7. we gave. Ex +* Ex20.12. Le * Le19.3. Dt * Dt21.18-21. * Dt27.16. Pr * Pr30.17. Ezk Eze22.7. Lk + Lk18.2g. Ep +* Eph6.1-4. shall we not. Ml * Mal1.6. Ja Jas4.7, Jas4.10. 1 P * 1Pe5.6, 1Pe5.7. the Father of. Those who believe each soul is created separately and directly by God (“Creationism”) appeal to this text and associated references. Those who believe the soul is produced by natural generation and is received through the parents (“Traducianism”) appeal to He Heb7.10 and associated references. He Heb2.11. Nu * Nu16.22. Nu27.16. Jb * Job12.10. Ps Ps104.30. Ec +* Ec12.7. Is Is42.5. Is57.16. Da Da5.23. Zc Zec12.1. Ac Ac17.28. spirits. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50. and live. Is Is38.16. 10. after their own pleasure. or, as seemed good, or meet, to them. but he. T#509. See on ver. Heb12.5, Heb12.6. Jb Job36.8, Job36.9. Is Is27.7, Is27.9. La La3.32, La3.33. partakers. Le Le11.44, Le11.45. Le19.2. Ps * Ps17.15. Ezk * Eze36.25-27. Ep Eph4.24. * Eph5.26, Eph5.27. Col Col1.22. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.16. 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9. 2 P +* 2Pe1.4. holiness. 2 Co 2Co1.12g. 11. no chastening. Ps Ps89.32. Ps118.18. Pr Pr15.10. Pr19.18. Ti + Tt2.12. for the present. 1 P 1Pe1.6. joyous. lit. of joy. f24:24J, Dt + Dt32.42. but grievous. lit. of grief. f24:24J, Dt + Dt32.42. Jb Job14.1. nevertheless. See on ver. Heb12.5, Heb12.6, Heb12.10. afterward. Ps * Ps119.67. Pr +* Pr19.18. ◐ Pr20.17. +* Pr22.6. Jn Jn15.11. peaceable. Ps * Ps119.165. Is * Is32.17. Ro * Ro5.3-5. * Ro14.17. 2 Co 2Co4.17. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ja +* Jas3.17, Jas3.18. exercised. He + Heb5.14. 1 Ti 1Ti4.7, 1Ti4.8. 2 P 2Pe2.14g. 12. lift up. ver. Heb12.3, Heb12.5. 1 S +* 1Sa23.16. Jb * Job4.3, Job4.4. Is ▶ Is35.3. Ezk Eze7.17. Eze21.7. Da Da5.6. Na Na2.10. 1 Th 1Th5.14. feeble knees. Ps Ps109.24. 13. make. Pr * Pr4.26, Pr4.27. Pr5.6, Pr5.21. Is Is35.3, Is35.8-10. Is40.3, Is40.4. Is42.16. Is58.12. Je Je18.15. Lk Lk3.5. Ro Ro14.13. Ep * Eph3.13. straight. or, even. lame. Is Is35.6. Je Je31.8, Je31.9. turned out. Ro * Ro14.21. 1 Ti 1Ti1.6. 1Ti5.15. 1Ti6.20. 2 Ti 2Ti4.4g. but let. Ga +* Ga6.1. Ja +* Jas5.16. Ju Jud22, Jud23. 14. Follow peace. T#499. Ge Ge13.7-9. Ps * Ps34.14. Ps38.20. Ps120.6. * Ps133.1. Pr * Pr15.1. +* Pr16.7 (T#737). 17:14. +19:11 (T#201). Is * Is11.6-9. Je * Je29.7. Mt +* Mt5.9. + Mt10.16 (T#660). +11:29 (T#62). Mk Mk9.50. Ro ✓ Ro12.10, Ro12.18. +* Ro14.19. 1 Co Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 190. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Co1.10. 1Co7.15. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. + Ga6.1 (T#437). Ep Eph4.1-8, ✓ Eph4.32. Ph Php2.14, Php2.15. Col *3:8, 13-15. 1 Th 1Th2.7. * 1Th5.13, 1Th5.15. 1 Ti 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.22, 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. Ja ✓ Jas3.17, Jas3.18. 1 P 1Pe3.10, 1Pe3.11. with all. Jn Jn13.34. 1 Co 1Co1.10. +* 1Co12.13. Ga * Ga6.10. and holiness. ver. Heb12.10. 2 Ch 2Ch31.18. Ps Ps94.15. Is Is51.1. Lk Lk1.75. Ro * Ro6.22. 2 Co * 2Co6.17. * 2Co7.1. Ep Eph1.1. Ph Php3.12. 1 Th * 1Th3.13. 4:+ 1Th4.3, 1Th4.7. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. 1 P 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.16. 1Pe3.13. 2 P * 2Pe3.11, 2Pe3.18. 3 J 3Jn11. without which. Ps * Ps5.4. no man. Ge Ge32.30. Jb * Job19.26. Job33.26. Mt +* Mt5.8. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. * 1Co13.12. 2 Co 2Co7.1. Ga Ga5.21. Ep * Eph5.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2, 1Jn3.3. Re * Re21.24-27. Re22.3, Re22.4, Re22.11-15. shall see. Ps * Ps15.1-5. Mt +* Mt5.8. Jn * Jn3.3. 15. Looking diligently. He * Heb2.1, Heb2.2. +* Heb3.12-15. * Heb4.1, Heb4.11. +* Heb6.11. * Heb10.23-35. Dt ✓ Dt4.9. Pr +* Pr4.23. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. 1 Co 1Co9.24-27. * 1Co10.12. 2 Co * 2Co6.1. * 2Co13.5. Col +✓ Col1.10. 2 P +✓ 2Pe1.10. 2Pe3.11, * 2Pe3.14. 2 J * 2Jn8. Ju * Jud20, * Jud21. any man. Lk * Lk22.32. 1 Co 1Co13.8. Ga * Ga5.4. fail of. or, fall from. He +* Heb4.1. 2 Co +* 2Co6.1. Ga ✓ Ga5.4. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. the grace. Ac +* Ac11.23. any root. He +* Heb3.12. Dt * Dt29.18. Dt32.32. Is Is5.4, Is5.7. Je Je2.21. Mt * Mt7.16-18. Ac Ac8.23. of bitterness. Dt Dt32.32. Ru +✓ Ru1.13, Ru1.20, Ru1.21. Je Je4.18. Ac * Ac8.23. Ro * Ro3.14. Ep ✓ Eph4.31. Ja ✓ Jas3.14. trouble. Jsh * Jos6.18. * Jos7.25, Jos7.26. * Jos22.17-20. Lk Lk6.18g. Ep Eph5.3. Col Col3.5. and thereby. Ex Ex32.21. 1 K 1Ki14.16. 2 Ch * 2Ch13.7. Ps +✓ Ps9.10n. Ac * Ac20.30, Ac20.31. 1 Co * 1Co5.6. +* 1Co15.33. Ga Ga2.13. Ga5.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.16, 2Ti2.17. 2 P * 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.2, 2Pe2.18. 16. any fornicator. He +* Heb13.4. Mk +* Mk7.21. Ac Ac15.20, Ac15.29. 1 Co 1Co5.1-6, +* 1Co5.9-11. 1Co6.15-20. 1Co10.8. 2 Co 2Co12.21. Ga +* Ga5.19-21. Ep * Eph5.3, Eph5.5. Col +* Col3.5. 1 Th * 1Th4.3-7. Re Re2.20-23. +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. profane. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.9. as Esau. i.e. rough, ❅S#2269g. For ❅S# 06215h, see Ge + Ge25.25. He Heb11.20. Ge * Ge25.3134. Ge27.36. Ro Ro9.13. meat. f171:171I, Ps + Ps107.18. birthright. T#1793. 17. when he. Ge * Ge27.31-41. he was. He +* Heb6.8. Pr * Pr1.24-31. Je Je6.30. Mt ✓ Mt7.23. Mt25.11, Mt25.12. Lk Lk13.24-27. for he. He +* Heb6.4-6. * Heb10.26-29. found no. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. place for repentance. or, way to change his mind. Ac * Ac5.31. though he sought. He +* Heb6.6. Ge Ge6.3. Ps Ps36.12. Pr Pr6.15. Is Is55.6. Mk Mk3.29. Lk Lk16.26. Jn ✓ Jn6.37. 2 Co 2Co6.2. Re Re14.11. +* Re22.11. 18. For. f136, Is + Is60.12. not come. Ex * Ex19.12-19. Ex20.18. Ex24.17. Dt * Dt4.11. Dt5.22-26. Ro ✓ Ro6.14. * Ro8.15. 2 Co 2Co3.9. Ga * Ga4.24, Ga4.25. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. touched. f24:24B, Ge + Ge23.16. Ps Ps104.32. 19. the sound. Ex Ex19.16-19. Ex20.18. 1 Co 1Co15.52. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16. and the voice. ver. Heb12.26. Ex Ex19.19. Ex20.1-17, Ex20.22. Dt Dt4.12, Dt4.33. Dt5.3-22. they that. ver. Heb12.25. Ex * Ex20.18, Ex20.19. Dt Dt5.24-27. Dt18.16. 20. For they. f81, Ge + Ge15.13. Dt Dt33.2. Ro * Ro3.19, Ro3.20. Ga Ga2.19. Ga3.10. And if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. so much. Ex ▶ Ex19.12, Ex19.13, Ex19.16. 21. terrible. f106, Ge + Ge31.7. Moses. Ex Ex19.16, Ex19.19. Dt Dt9.19. Ps Ps119.120. Is Is6.3-5. Da Da10.8, Da10.17. Re Re1.17. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 191. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

22. are come. lit. have come. f96:96C, Ge + Ge45.9. Figure of speech Heterosis of Tenses, past used for future. This figure is frequently used to assert the certainty of a future promised or prophesied benefit or event. ver. ◐ Heb12.28n. Ge Ge6.13. Is Is60.1. Mt Mt12.28. Ro * Ro8.30. 2 Co * 2Co5.1. Ep * Eph1.3. Mount Sion. Ps * Ps2.6. * Ps48.2. Ps78.68, Ps78.69. * Ps125.1. ✓ Ps132.13, Ps132.14. Is Is12.6. Is14.32. Is28.16. Is51.11, Is51.16. +* Is59.20. Is60.14. Jl +* Joe2.32. Mi * Mic4.7. Ro +* Ro11.26. Ga * Ga4.26. Re * Re14.1. the city. He Heb11.10. * Heb13.14. Ps Ps48.2. Ps87.3. Mt Mt5.35. Ep + Eph2.19. Ph Php3.20mg. Re Re3.12. Re21.2, Re21.10. Re22.19. living God. He Heb3.12. Heb9.14. Heb10.31. Dt Dt5.26. Jsh Jos3.10. 2 K 2Ki19.4. Ps Ps42.2. Ps84.2. Je Je10.10. Da Da6.26. Ho Ho1.10. Mt +* Mt16.16. Ro Ro9.26. 1 Th 1Th1.9. Re Re7.2. the heavenly. Care must be taken not to equate this “heavenly Jerusalem” with the “third heaven,” for this Jerusalem descends from and out of (Re * Re21.2) heaven to the earth (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 3, p. 46). Jn +* Jn14.2. 2 P 2Pe3.13. Re * Re21.1, Re21.2. Jerusalem. The church (ver. 23) is distinguished from, not identified as, the heavenly Jerusalem, just as Jerusalem and its people are distinguished by the prophets and other Scripture (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 3, p. 44). Is * Is65.17, Is65.18. Ga + Ga4.26. Re Re3.12. an innumerable. T#11. Dt +* Dt33.2. Ps +* Ps68.17. Da * Da7.10. Ju +* Jud14. Re * Re5.11, Re5.12. Re22.14. angels. He * Heb1.14. Mt Mt16.27. Mt25.31. Mt26.64. Lk Lk22.69. Jn +* Jn1.51n. 23. the general. Ps Ps89.7. Ps111.1. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ep Eph1.22. * Eph5.24-27. Col Col1.24. 1 Ti 1Ti3.5. church. He Heb2.12. Ac Ac7.38. the firstborn. Ge Ge49.3. Ex Ex4.22. Ex13.2. Ex22.29. Nu =* Nu3.12, Nu3.13. Dt * Dt21.17. 2 Ch 2Ch21.3. Ps * Ps89.27. Je +* Je31.9. Ro ✓ Ro8.16, Ro8.17, Ro8.29. Ja * Jas1.18. Re * Re14.4. which. Ex Ex32.32. Ps Ps69.28. Is Is56.5, Is56.6. Ml Mal3.16, Mal3.17. Lk +* Lk10.20. Ac Ac13.39. Ph * Php4.3. Re Re13.8. Re20.15. are. Mt ✓ Mt22.32. written. or, enrolled. in heaven. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4n. God the Judge. He +* Heb6.10-12. +✓ Heb9.27. Ge +* Ge18.25. Ps Ps9.8. Ps50.5, Ps50.6. Ps58.11. Ps67.4. * Ps75.7. Ps82.1. Ps94.2. Ps96.10, Ps96.13. Ps98.9. Ec * Ec12.14. Mt Mt25.31-34. Jn * Jn5.27. Ro * Ro2.16. Ro3.6. 2 Th 2Th1.5-7. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. 1 P 1Pe2.23. * 1Pe4.5. the spirits. Gr. pneuma, Ro + Ro1.4n. f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50. He Heb11.4, Heb11.40. Ec +* Ec3.21. +* Ec12.7. Is +* Is38.16. Lk * Lk23.46. Ac +* Ac7.59. 1 Co 1Co5.5. 1Co13.12. 1Co15.49, 1Co15.54. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.8. Ph ✓ Php1.21-23. Php3.12, etc. Col Col1.12. Re * Re6.9. * Re7.1417. made perfect. He + Heb2.10. Re +* Re14.13. 24. Jesus. He Heb7.22. Heb8.6, Heb8.8. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.5. the mediator. He Heb8.6. * Heb9.15. Ga + Ga3.19. new. He + Heb8.8. * Heb13.20. Is +* Is55.3. Je * Je31.31-33. covenant. or, testament. He Heb9.15. Mt * Mt26.28. Mk Mk14.24. Lk Lk22.20. Ro + Ro9.4. to the blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. He Heb9.21. +* Heb10.19, Heb10.22. Heb11.28. Ex * Ex24.8. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.7. sprinkling. Gr. rantismos, ❅S#4473g, only here and 1 P 1Pe1.2g. He +* Heb10.22n. Heb11.28. Le = Le8.30. speaketh. He Heb11.4. Ge Ge4.10. Mt Mt23.35. Lk Lk11.51. better. He + Heb6.9. Abel. He Heb11.4. Ge = Ge2.8-10. 25. See that. He Heb8.5. Ex Ex16.20. 1 K 1Ki12.16. Is Is48.6. Is64.9. Mt Mt8.4. 1 Th * 1Th5.15. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. Re Re19.10. Re22.9. refuse not. He +* Heb3.12. Pr ✓ Pr1.24. Pr8.33. Pr13.18. * Pr15.32. Je * Je11.10. Ezk Eze5.6. Zc * Zec7.11. Mt * Mt17.5. Ac Ac7.35. * Ac13.45, Ac13.46. For if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. escaped not. See on He Heb2.1-3. Heb3.17. * Heb10.28, Heb10.29. refused him. ver. Heb12.19. Je * Je13.10. that spake. He + Heb8.5g. on Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 192. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

earth. Re + Re5.10g. turn away. Nu Nu32.15. Dt Dt30.17. Jsh Jos22.16. 2 Ch 2Ch7.19. Pr * Pr1.32. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.4. from him. Ex Ex20.22. Dt Dt4.36. Ne Ne9.13. Lk * Lk10.16. 26. voice. ver. Heb12.19. Ex * Ex19.18. Jg Jdg5.5. Ps Ps68.8. Ps114.6, Ps114.7. Hab Hab3.10. Yet once. ver. * Heb12.27. Is * Is2.19. * Is13.13. Jl * Joe3.16. Hg *▶ Hag2.6, Hag2.7, Hag2.22. I shake. Is Is2.19, Is2.21. Is13.13. * Is24.13, Is24.18-23. Jl * Joe3.16. Hg * Hag2.21, Hag2.22. Mt Mt24.29. Mk Mk13.25. Lk Lk21.26. Re Re11.13. 27. signifieth. Ps * Ps102.26, Ps102.27. Ezk * Eze21.27. Mt * Mt24.35. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.10, 2Pe3.11. Re * Re6.14. * Re11.15. ✓ Re21.1. the removing. Ps Ps45.5. Is Is34.4. * Is51.16. Is54.10. * Is65.17. * Is66.22. Ezk Eze21.27. Mt +* Mt24.35. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.13. Re * Re20.11. * Re21.1. those things. Notice the writer’s intentional obscurity “to avoid exciting unduly the hostility of the Roman Empire, under which the believers then lived” (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 497). Other examples of intentional obscurity can be seen at 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.24n and 2 Th 2Th2.7n. are shaken. or, may be shaken. be shaken. f24:24C, 2 K + 2Ki18.21. remain. Ps Ps45.2. Da * Da2.44. +* Da7.13, Da7.14. 28. receiving. f96:96C, Mt + Mt2.4. Figure of speech Heterosis of Tenses, whereby the present tense is used for the future. Peters (Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 1, p. 415) notes “In studying the subject of the Kingdom, we must not be misled by a striking peculiarity of Scripture, viz.: that things still future, owing to their certainty, are spoken of as present.” Ps Ps37.11. Mt +* Mt5.5. Col ✓ Col3.24. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n. a kingdom. Ps Ps2.8. Is +* Is9.7. Da * Da2.44. +* Da7.14, Da7.27. Mt +* Mt24.14. +* Mt25.34. Lk +* Lk1.33. +* Lk17.20, Lk17.21. * Lk22.28, Lk22.29. Col +* Col1.13n. Col4.11. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n, 2Ti4.18. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4n, 1Pe1.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.11. Re * Re1.5, Re1.6. Re3.21. * Re5.9, Re5.10. which cannot. Da +* Da2.44. have. or, hold fast. See on He +* Heb3.6. +* Heb10.23. grace. or, thankfulness. He +* Heb4.16. Heb13.15. Ps Ps50.14, Ps50.23. we may. He + Heb9.14. Ps Ps19.14. Is Is56.7. Ro +* Ro12.1, Ro12.2. Ep Eph1.6. Eph5.10. Ph Php4.18. 1 P 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.20. acceptably. He Heb11.5. Heb13.16, Heb13.21. Lk Lk21.36. Col Col1.10. Col3.23, Col3.24. 2 P 2Pe3.14. with reverence. He +* Heb4.16. + Heb5.7. +* Heb10.19, Heb10.22. Le Le10.3. Ps Ps2.11. Ps89.7. Pr Pr28.14. Ro Ro11.20. 1 P * 1Pe1.17. Re * Re15.4. godly fear. Ml = Mal2.5. 29. our God is. He * Heb10.27. Ex * Ex24.17. Nu Nu11.1. Nu16.35. Dt *▶ Dt4.24. Dt9.3. Ps * Ps50.3. * Ps97.3. Is +* Is9.5. Is10.16-18. Is29.6. Is30.27, Is30.30. * Is66.15. Da Da7.9. Na * Na1.2, Na1.3, Na1.5, Na1.6. Zp Zep1.18. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.8. 2 P +✓ 2Pe3.7. fire. 1 K +* 1Ki19.12.

HEBREWS 13 Exhortations to brotherly love, hospitality, and compassion; to chastity, contentment, and trust in God, Heb13.1-3; to recollect the faith, examples, and happy end of deceased pastors, Heb13.4-7; remembering that Christ is unchangeable and eternal, Heb13.8; to watchfulness against false doctrines, regard to the sacrifice of Christ, willingness to bear reproach for him, thanksgivings to God, liberality to men, subjection to vigilant and faithful teachers, and prayer for the apostle, Heb13.9-19. An earnest prayer to the “God of peace,” through the great Shepherd, and the blood of his covenant, for the Hebrews; and concluding salutations, Heb13.20-25. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 193. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1. brotherly love. He +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. * Heb10.24. Jn * Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Jn15.17. Ac Ac2.1, Ac2.44-46. Ac4.32. Ro * Ro12.9, Ro12.10. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.13, Ga5.22. Ep Eph4.3. Eph5.2. Ph +* Php2.1-3. 1 Th * 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.22. * 1Pe2.17. * 1Pe3.8. 1Pe4.8. 2 P * 2Pe1.7. 1 J 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.10. * 1Jn3.10-18, 1Jn3.23. * 1Jn4.7-11, 1Jn4.20, 1Jn4.21. 1Jn5.1. 2 J 2Jn5, 2Jn6. Re Re2.4. continue. He +* Heb6.10. 2. not. f175:175B, Ge + Ge21.16. Le Le19.34. Dt Dt10.18, Dt10.19. 1 K 1Ki17.10-16. 2 K 2Ki4.8. Jb Job31.19, Job31.32. Is Is58.7. Mt 25:+ Mt25.35, Mt25.43. Ac Ac16.15. Ro * Ro12.13. Ro16.23. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2. 1Ti5.10. Ti Tt1.8. 1 P +* 1Pe4.9. entertain strangers. Ac Ac28.2, +* Ac28.15. Ro Ro12.13. some. Ge * Ge18.2-10. * Ge19.1-3. Jg Jdg13.15, etc. Mt * Mt25.40. 3. Remember them. T#686. He Heb10.34. Ge Ge40.14, Ge40.15, Ge40.23. Is * Is58.6-11. Je Je38.7-13. Mt + Mt5.7 (T#527). *25:36, 43. Ac Ac16.29-34. Ac24.23. Ac27.3. Ep Eph4.1. Ph Php4.14-19. Col * Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.16-18. as bound with. Ro * Ro12.15. which suffer. He Heb11.25, Heb11.37. Ne Ne1.3, Ne1.4. Ro * Ro12.15. 1 Co 1Co12.26. Ga +* Ga6.1, Ga6.2. 1 P 1Pe3.8. as being. 2 Co 2Co5.6. 2Co12.2, 2Co12.3. 4. Marriage. T#423. Ge * Ge1.27, Ge1.28. * Ge2.18-22, Ge2.24. Le Le21.13-15. 2 K 2Ki22.14. Ps Ps68.6. Ps107.41, Ps107.42. Pr Pr5.15-23. Pr18.22. Is Is8.3. Mt * Mt19.4-6. 1 Co 1Co7.2, etc., 38. 9:5. Ep Eph5.31. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.4, 1Ti3.12. * 1Ti4.1-3. 1Ti5.14, 1Ti5.15. Ti Tt1.6. honorable. Ge Ge2.18. Pr * Pr18.22. Ml * Mal2.14, Mal2.15. Mt Mt19.5. Jn * Jn2.1, Jn2.2. 1 Co 1Co7.1, * 1Co7.2, 1Co7.8, 1Co7.26, 1Co7.27, 1Co7.32, 1Co7.33, 1Co7.38, +* 1Co7.39. * 1Co9.5. Ep * Eph5.23. 1 Ti 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.12. all. * f171:171B, Ge + Ge24.10. and the bed. See on He Heb12.16. Le * Le21.1, Le21.7, Le21.10, Le21.13. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. Ga * Ga5.19, Ga5.21. Ep Eph5.5. Col * Col3.5, Col3.6. Re Re22.15. undefiled. Ro Ro13.13. but. T#405. He Heb12.16. Ge Ge39.9. Le Le20.10. Nu Nu25.1-9. Pr * Pr2.18, Pr2.19. Pr5.3, Pr5.4, Pr5.8-12. Pr6.26-34. Pr7.22-27. Pr9.16-18. Pr29.3. Ec Ec7.26. Je Je5.7-9. Je23.14, Je23.15. Ho Ho4.11. Ml +* Mal3.5. Ro Ro1.27. 1 Co +* 1Co5.10, 1Co5.11. +✓ 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. 1Co10.8. Ga * Ga5.19-21. Ep * Eph5.5, Eph5.6. Ju +* Jud7. Re +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. God will judge. f121:121C, Ge + Ge15.14. Ps Ps50.16-22. Ml +* Mal3.5. Ro +* Ro1.26-32. 1 Co 1Co5.13. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. Col * Col3.5, Col3.6. 1 Th +* 1Th4.6. 5. conversation. Ex +* Ex18.21. +* Ex20.17. Jsh * Jos7.21. Ps +* Ps10.3. Ps119.36. Je Je6.13. Ezk +* Eze33.31. Mk * Mk7.22. Lk +* Lk8.14. * Lk12.15-21. * Lk16.13, Lk16.14. Ro Ro1.29. 1 Co 5:+ 1Co5.10, 1Co5.11. +* 1Co6.10. Ep Eph5.3, Eph5.5. Col +* Col3.5. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. +* 1Ti6.9, 1Ti6.10. 2 P 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.14. Ju Jud11. be content. Ex Ex2.21. Mt +* Mt6.25, Mt6.34. Lk * Lk3.14. Ph ✓ Php4.11, Php4.12. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.6-8. I will. Ge * Ge28.15. Dt 31:▶ Dt31.6, Dt31.8, ◐+* Dt31.17. Jsh *▶ Jos1.5. 1 S 1Sa12.22. 1 K * 1Ki8.57. 1 Ch * 1Ch28.20. Ps Ps27.9. * Ps37.25, Ps37.28. Ps38.21. Is Is41.10, Is41.17. never. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. nor forsake. T#831. Le Le26.11. Ps +✓ Ps9.10n. * Ps37.28. Ps94.14. Is Is42.16. Is44.21. Is49.1416. * Is54.9, Is54.10. La * La3.31, La3.32. Je +* Je32.40. Ro +* Ro11.1. 2 Co 2Co4.9. 6. boldly. He +* Heb4.16. Heb10.19. Ep Eph3.12. The Lord. T#828. Ge Ge15.1. Ex Ex18.4. Dt Dt33.26, Dt33.27, Dt33.29. Ps * Ps18.1, Ps18.2. * Ps27.1-3, Ps27.9. Ps33.20. * Ps40.17. Ps46.11. * Ps54.4. Ps56.9. Ps63.7. Ps94.17. Ps115.9-11. *118:▶ Ps118.6, Ps118.7, Ps118.9. Ps124.8. Ps146.3. Is * Is41.10, Is41.13, Is41.14. Ho Ho13.9. Ac Ac26.22. Ro +* Ro8.31. not Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 194. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

fear. Ge ◐+* Ge19.30. Ps +* Ps34.4. * Ps56.4, Ps56.11, Ps56.12. * Ps118.6. Is Is51.12. Da * Da3.16-18. Zp * Zep3.13. Mt +* Mt10.28. Lk +* Lk12.4, Lk12.5. 7. which. ver. Heb13.17, Heb13.24. Mt +* Mt24.45. Lk +* Lk12.42. Lk22.26g. Ac +* Ac14.23. 1 Co 1Co12.28. 2 Co ◐+* 2Co1.24. 1 Th 1Th5.12, 1Th5.13. 1 Ti 1Ti3.5. have the rule. or, are the guides. 2 Co +* 2Co10.8. word of God. Lk Lk8.11. Ac Ac4.31. Ac13.46. Ro + Ro9.6. ✓ Ro10.17. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. Re Re1.9. Re6.9. Re20.4. whose faith follow. He +* Heb6.12. SS So1.8. 1 Co * 1Co4.16. +* 1Co11.1. Ph Php3.17. 1 Th 1Th1.6. 2 Th 2Th3.7, 2Th3.9. considering. Ac +* Ac7.55-60. Ac12.2. the end. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13g. conversation. Gr. manner of life. Ja + Jas3.13. 8. the same. T#76. God the Son is immutable. He * Heb1.12. Ps Ps90.2, Ps90.4. * Ps102.27, Ps102.28. Ps103.17. Is Is41.4. Is44.6. Ml ◐+* Mal3.6. Mt ◐ Mt12.32. +* Mt28.19n. Jn *8:+* Jn8.35, Jn8.56-58. 2 Co 2Co1.19. Ja ✓ Jas1.17. Re Re1.4, Re1.8, Re1.11, Re1.17, Re1.18. yesterday. Is * Is63.16. Mi +* Mic5.2. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. to day. f22:22D, Da + Da7.9. Jn +* Jn8.58. Re +* Re1.8. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the ages. He ✓ Heb7.24, Heb7.25. Is +* Is43.3, Is43.11. * Is63.16. 9. carried about. Mt +* Mt24.4, Mt24.24. Ac Ac17.19, Ac17.20. Ac20.30. Ro Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.11-15. Ga +* Ga1.6-9. * Ga2.13. Ep +✓ Eph4.14. Eph5.6. Col * Col2.4, Col2.8. 2 Th 2Th2.2. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1-3. 1Ti6.3-5, 1Ti6.20. 1 J * 1Jn4.1. Ju +* Jud3, Jud12. strange doctrines. 2 Ti ◐ 2Ti1.13. ◐✓ 2Ti3.14. Ti ◐ Tt1.13. 2 J ◐+* 2Jn10. Ju ◐+* Jud3. For it is. Ac Ac20.32. 2 Co 2Co1.21. Ga * Ga6.1. 2 Th 2Th2.17. 2 Ti 2Ti2.1, 2Ti2.2. the heart. Pr +* Pr4.23. be established. He +* Heb10.35. 1 Co + 1Co1.8. Col +* Col1.23. +* Col2.7. not with meats. f171:171K, Dt + Dt19.5. See on He Heb9.9, Heb9.10. Le ch. 11. Dt Dt14.3-21. Ac Ac10.14-16. Ro * Ro14.2, Ro14.6, Ro14.17. 1 Co 1Co6.13. 1Co8.8. Col ✓ Col2.16-20. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti4.3-5. Ti Tt1.14, Tt1.15. not profited. He Heb7.18. occupied therein. He Heb9.10. 10. an altar. f121:121J, Ps + Ps23.5. Le = Le10.12, Le10.13. 1 Co 1Co5.7, 1Co5.8. 1Co10.17-20. no right. Jn * Jn6.54, Jn6.55. 1 Co * 1Co9.13, 1Co9.14. * 1Co11.23-26. to eat. Le * Le6.15, Le6.16, Le6.25, Le6.26. serve. Nu Nu3.7, Nu3.8. Nu7.5. the tabernacle. He Heb8.5. 11. the bodies. Ex Ex29.14. Le Le4.5-7, Le4.11, Le4.12, Le4.16-21. * Le6.30. Le9.9, Le9.11. Le16.14-19, Le16.27. Nu Nu19.3, Nu19.5. sanctuary. He + Heb8.2. for sin. Ro + Ro8.3. the camp. Re Re20.9. 12. sanctify. He Heb2.11. Heb9.13, Heb9.14, Heb9.18, Heb9.19. Heb10.29. Jn Jn17.19. Jn19.34. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.26. Ti * Tt2.14. 1 J 1Jn5.6-8. own blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. He +* Heb9.12. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. suffered. He Heb9.26. Le Le24.23. Nu Nu15.36. Jsh Jos7.24. Mt Mt21.39. Mk Mk12.8. Mk15.20-24. Lk Lk20.15. Jn * Jn19.17, Jn19.18, Jn19.20. Ac + Ac3.18. Ac7.58. Ga * Ga3.13. Ph +* Php1.29. without the gate. Re Re14.20. 13. go forth. He * Heb11.26. Heb12.3. Ex * Ex33.7, Ex33.8. Mt +* Mt5.11. * Mt10.24, Mt10.25. Mt16.24. Mt27.32, Mt27.39-44. Lk Lk6.22. Ac * Ac5.41. 1 Co 1Co4.10-13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.10. 1 P * 1Pe4.4, 1Pe4.14-16. unto him. He * Heb12.2. Ge +* Ge49.10. Jn Jn12.32. 2 Co Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 195. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Co5.15. Ep Eph3.21. 2 Th 2Th2.1. without the camp. Ex = Ex32.26. Le Le14.3. Lk Lk10.33. = Lk11.23. Jn Jn9.22. Re Re20.9. his reproach. He + Heb11.26. 14. For here. He Heb4.9. * Heb11.9, Heb11.10, Heb11.12-16. +* Heb12.22. Mi * Mic2.10. 1 Co 1Co7.29. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. * 2Co5.1-8. Ep + Eph2.19. Ph * Php3.20g. Col * Col3.1-3. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.13, 2Pe3.14. no continuing city. Nu = Nu18.20. Dt = Dt10.9. Ezk = Eze44.28. seek. He Heb11.14. one to come. He * Heb11.10, Heb11.16. +* Heb12.28. 15. By him. He * Heb7.25. Jn * Jn10.9. ✓ Jn14.6. Ep * Eph2.18. + Eph5.20. Col * Col3.17. 1 P +* 1Pe2.5. the sacrifice. He Heb12.28. Le * Le7.12. 2 Ch 2Ch7.6. * 2Ch29.31. 2Ch33.16. Ezr Ezr3.11. Ne Ne12.40, Ne12.43. Ps * Ps50.14, Ps50.23. * Ps69.30, Ps69.31. * Ps107.21, Ps107.22. * Ps116.17-19. Ps118.19. Ps119.108. Ps136.1, etc. 145:1, etc. Is +* Is12.1, Is12.2. Je +* Je33.11. Ep * Eph5.19, Eph5.20. Col Col1.12. * Col3.16. 1 P 1Pe4.11. Re Re4.8-11. Re5.9-14. Re7.9-12. Re19.1-6. of praise. T#528. Ps Ps9.11. Ps22.22. Ps35.18. Ps47.6, Ps47.7. ✓ Ps50.23. Ps57.7-11. Ps92.1-4. Ps95.1-3. Ps96.1-4. Ps100.1-5. * Ps106.12. Ps107.31, Ps107.32. Ps150.1-6. Mt Mt26.30. Ac Ac16.25. Ep + Eph5.19 (T#747). continually. Je = Je33.18. the fruit. Ge Ge4.3, Ge4.4. Ps Ps119.108. Is Is57.19. Ho * Ho14.2. Ro Ro6.19. * Ro12.1. Ju Jud12, Jud15, Jud16. giving thanks to. Gr. confessing to. Le = Le7.12. += Le23.19. Ps * Ps18.49mg. Ps50.14. Jon Jon2.9. Mt * Mt11.25. Lk Lk10.21g. his name. Ps Ps113.1. Ac Ac15.14. 16. to do good. ver. Heb13.1, Heb13.2. Ps * Ps37.3. Mt * Mt25.35-40. Lk +* Lk6.35, Lk6.36. Ac +✓ Ac9.36. * Ac10.38. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Th 1Th5.15. 2 Th * 2Th3.13. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.1719. Ja ✓ Jas2.15, Jas2.16. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.17. 3 J 3Jn11. communicate. Lk * Lk18.22. Ac +* Ac11.29. +* Ac20.35. Ac24.17. Ro +* Ro12.13. Ro15.26. 1 Co * 1Co9.7n, 1Co9.12-14n. 1Co16.2n, 1Co16.15. 2 Co 2Co8.1-4, 2Co8.7. * 2Co9.12-14. Ga Ga2.10. +* Ga6.6, Ga6.7. Ep * Eph4.28. Ph Php4.14. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti5.17. +* 1Ti6.18. Phm Phm6. forget not. Ge Ge29.15. Ex * Ex23.15. Dt Dt16.16. 1 S 1Sa9.7, 1Sa9.8. 2 S +* 2Sa24.24. 1 Ch +* 1Ch21.24. Lk Lk21.4. 1 Co +* 1Co16.2. with such. He +* Heb6.10. Dt Dt10.12. Ps Ps51.19. Mi Mic6.7, +* Mic6.8. Ph +* Php4.17, Php4.18. God is. ver. Heb13.21. He Heb11.5. Heb12.28. 17. Obey. See on ver. Heb13.7. 1 S 1Sa8.19. 1Sa15.19, 1Sa15.20. Pr Pr5.13. Ph Php2.12, Php2.29. 1 Th * 1Th5.12, 1Th5.13. 2 Th 2Th3.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.17. have the rule over. or, guide. ver. Heb13.7, Heb13.24. 1 Ch = 1Ch9.29. 2 Ch = 2Ch34.12, 2Ch34.13. Ne = Ne11.16. Da +* Da11.33. 2 Co +* 2Co1.24. +* 2Co10.8. 1 Th 1Th5.12, 1Th5.13. submit. Ge +* Ge16.9. 1 Co * 1Co16.16. Ep * Eph5.21. Ja Jas4.7. 1 P +* 1Pe5.5. watch. He +* Heb3.12, Heb3.13. +* Heb12.15. Ezk * Eze3.17-21. Eze33.2, Eze33.7-9. Mk + Mk13.33. Ac ✓ Ac20.24-26, Ac20.28, Ac20.31. 1 Co 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.2. 1 P +* 1Pe5.2, 1Pe5.3. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, 2 Co + 2Co12.15mg. give account. Je Je13.20. Ezk Eze14.10n. Eze34.10. Ml Mal2.12. Lk Lk16.2. Ro Ro14.12. 1 Co * 1Co4.1-5. 2 Co * 2Co5.10, 2Co5.11. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. with joy. Ps +* Ps126.6. Da +* Da12.3. 2 Co * 2Co2.15. Ph Php1.4. Php2.16. Php4.1. 1 Th +* 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. 3:+* 1Th3.8, 1Th3.9, 1Th3.10. with grief. Ex Ex32.31. Je Je13.17. Ac Ac20.31. Ga +* Ga4.11. Ph Php3.18. unprofitable. f111, Ge + Ge18.27. 18. Pray. Ro * Ro15.30. Ep * Eph6.19, Eph6.20. Col * Col4.3. 1 Th +* 1Th5.25. 2 Th * 2Th3.1. we have. Ac +* Ac23.1. +* Ac24.16. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1 P 1Pe3.16, 1Pe3.21. in all. Ac +* Ac6.3. Ro * Ro12.17. Ro13.13. Ph ✓ Php4.8. 1 Th 1Th4.12. 1 P 1Pe2.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 196. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

19. that I. Ro Ro1.10-12. Ro15.31, Ro15.32. Phm * Phm22. 20. the God of peace. Is * Is57.19. Ro + Ro15.33. Ro16.20. 1 Co * 1Co14.33. 2 Co * 2Co13.11. Ph * Php4.9. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23. 2 Th * 2Th3.16. brought again. Ps Ps30.3. Is Is63.11. Ro * Ro10.7. from the dead. Ac +* Ac2.24, Ac2.32. Ac3.15. Ac4.10. Ac5.30. Ac10.40, Ac10.41. Ac13.30. ✓ Ac17.31. Ro +* Ro1.4. * Ro4.24, Ro4.25. +* Ro8.11. 1 Co * 1Co6.14. * 1Co15.15. 2 Co 2Co4.14. Ga Ga1.1. Ep Eph1.20. Col * Col2.12. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. 1 P * 1Pe1.21. our Lord. Ne +* Ne9.6. Is * Is40.10, Is40.11. Jn Jn12.41. that great. f96:96E, 1 S + 1Sa17.14. Ge = Ge49.24. Ps +* Ps23.1. Ps80.1. Is * Is40.11. * Is63.11. Ezk +* Eze34.23. Eze37.24. Jn +* Jn10.11, Jn10.14. 1 P * 1Pe2.25. * 1Pe5.4. the blood. See on He Heb9.20. +* Heb10.22, Heb10.29. Ex * Ex24.8. Zc Zec9.11. Mt +* Mt26.28. Mk Mk14.24. Lk Lk22.20. everlasting. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Ge +* Ge9.16. +* Ge17.7. 2 S 2Sa23.5. 1 Ch 1Ch16.17. Is * Is54.10. +✓ Is55.3. * Is61.8. Je Je32.40. Ezk Eze37.26. 1 P * 1Pe1.20. covenant. or, testament. T#575. See on He Heb9.16, Heb9.17. Ps Ps89.3, Ps89.4. Is +* Is42.6. Is53.12. Zc Zec6.12, Zec6.13. Jn * Jn6.39. 21. Make you perfect. T#1636. He Heb12.23. Dt Dt32.4. Ps Ps138.8. Lk + Lk6.40. Jn 17:+* Jn17.6, Jn17.22, Jn17.23. Ep Eph3.16-19. Col +* Col1.9-12. * Col4.12. 1 Th 1Th3.13. +* 1Th5.23. 1 P ✓ 1Pe5.10, 1Pe5.11. every good work. Ac +* Ac9.36. 2 Co ✓ 2Co9.8. Ep ✓ Eph2.10. Ph Php1.11. Col +* Col1.10. 2 Th * 2Th2.16, 2Th2.17. 1 Ti 1Ti5.10. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.1517. Ti * Tt3.1, Tt3.8, Tt3.14. to do his will. He * Heb10.36. Mt +* Mt6.10. ✓ Mt7.21. Mt12.50. Mt21.31. Jn +* Jn7.17. Ro +* Ro12.2. 1 Th * 1Th4.3. 1 P 1Pe4.2. 1 J * 1Jn2.17. working. or, doing. He Heb10.36. Ph ✓ Php2.13. well pleasing. ver. Heb13.16. He Heb11.5. Heb12.28. Ro Ro12.1. Ro14.17, + Ro14.18. Ph Php4.18. Col Col3.20. 1 J 1Jn3.22. through. Jn Jn16.23, Jn16.24. Ep Eph2.18. Ph * Php1.11. * Php4.13. Col * Col3.17. 1 P * 1Pe2.5. to whom. Ps Ps72.18, Ps72.19. Ro Ro16.27. Ga Ga1.5. Ph Php2.11. + Php4.20. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.17. * 1Ti6.16. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.18. 1 P 1Pe5.11. 2 P * 2Pe3.18. Ju * Jud25. Re Re4.6. * Re5.9, Re5.13. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the ages of the ages, Ga + Ga1.5. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. Amen. See on Mt +* Mt6.13. Mt28.20. 22. suffer. ver. Heb13.1-3, Heb13.12-16. He * Heb2.1. +* Heb3.1, Heb3.12, Heb3.13. Heb4.1, Heb4.11. * Heb6.11, Heb6.12. Heb10.19-39. Heb12.1, Heb12.2, Heb12.12-16, Heb12.25-28. 2 Co 2Co5.20. 2Co6.1. * 2Co10.1. Phm Phm8, Phm9. the word. Ac Ac13.15. of exhortation. He Heb12.5. Ac + Ac4.36. for. Ga Ga6.11. 1 P 1Pe5.12. 23. our brother Timothy. See on Ac +* Ac16.1-3. 1 Th + 1Th3.2. Phm Phm1. is set. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. Re Re7.14. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. I will. Ro Ro15.25, Ro15.28. Phm Phm22. 24. Salute. See on Ro Ro16.1-16. the rule. See on ver. Heb13.7, Heb13.17. and all. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. 2Co13.13. Ph Php1.1. Php4.22. Col Col1.2. Phm Phm5. They. See on Ro Ro16.21-23. Italy. Ac Ac18.2. + Ac27.1. 25. Grace. See on Ro Ro1.7. Ro16.20, Ro16.24. Ep Eph6.24. Col + Col4.18. 2 Ti 2Ti4.22. Ti Tt3.15. Re Re22.21.

JAMES Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 197. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

JAMES 1 The apostle addresses “the twelve tribes, which were scattered abroad,” Jas1.1. He exhorts them to joyful patience under trials, Jas1.2-4; and to ask wisdom of God in faith, with an unwavering mind, Jas1.5-8. He counsels the poor and the rich, Jas1.9-11; and shows the happiness prepared for those who endure, Jas1.12. Men are tempted to sin, not by God, but by their own lusts, Jas1.13-15. Every good gift comes from the unchangeable God, of which good gifts regeneration is especially mentioned, Jas1.16-18. Cautions against pride, loquacity, anger, and malice, 19, 20: admonitions to receive the word of God in meekness, and to reduce it to practice, Jas1.21-25. The necessity of bridling the tongue, Jas1.26. The nature of true religion, Jas1.27. 1. James. Mt Mt10.3. +* Mt13.55. Mk Mk3.18. Lk Lk6.15. Ac Ac1.13. + Ac12.17. Ac15.13. Ac21.18. Ga Ga1.19. Ga2.9, Ga2.12. Ju * Jud1. a servant. Gr. bondservant. Lk Lk2.29. Lk16.13. Ac Ac2.18. Ac4.29. Ac16.17. Jn Jn12.26. Ro Ro1.1. Ph Php1.1. 1 Th 1Th1.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.24. Ti Tt1.1. 1 P 1Pe2.16. 2 P 2Pe1.1. Re + Re7.3. and of. Jn Jn15.15. Ro Ro1.1. 1 Co 1Co7.22. Ga Ga1.10. Ep Eph6.6. Ph Php1.1. Col + Col3.24. Col4.12. 2 Ti 2Ti2.24. 2 P 2Pe1.1. Ju Jud1. Re Re1.1. Re2.20. to. Ex Ex24.4. Ex28.21. Ex39.14. 1 K 1Ki18.31. Ezr Ezr6.17. Mt Mt19.28. Mt22.30. Ac Ac26.7. Re Re7.4. Re21.12. scattered. Le Le26.33. Dt Dt4.27. Dt28.25, Dt28.64. Dt30.3. Dt32.26. Est Es3.8. Ezk Eze12.15. Am Am9.8, Am9.9. Jn + Jn7.35. Ac * Ac2.5, Ac2.9-11. * Ac8.1, Ac8.4. Ac15.21. Ga Ga3.26-29. 1 P * 1Pe1.1. greeting. Ezr Ezr5.7. Ac + Ac15.23. Ac23.26. 2 Ti 2Ti4.21. 2. count. ver. Jas1.12. Mt +* Mt5.10-12. * Mt6.13. Lk Lk6.22, Lk6.23. Ac * Ac5.41. Ro * Ro8.17, Ro8.18, Ro8.35-37. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ph Php1.29. Php2.17. Col Col1.24. He Heb10.34. Heb12.11. 1 P * 1Pe4.13-16. all. f108:108B, 1 Co + 1Co13.2. divers. Mt Mt26.41. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. He Heb11.36-38. 1 P 1Pe1.6-8. 2 P 2Pe2.9. Re Re2.10. 3. that. Ro * Ro5.3, Ro5.4. +* Ro8.28. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. 1 P * 1Pe1.7. patience. Ja Jas5.11. Ro +* Ro2.7. Ro8.25. +* Ro15.4. Col Col1.11. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 2Th3.5. He +* Heb10.36. Heb12.1. 2 P 2Pe1.6. 4. let patience. f16, Ge + Ge1.27. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. T#498. Ja * Jas5.7-11. Jb + Job14.14 (T#154). 17:9. Ps Ps37.1, Ps37.7. Ps40.1. Pr + Pr16.7 (T#737). +19:11 (T#201). Hab Hab2.3. Mt 10:+ Mt10.16 (T#660), 22. +11:29 (T#62). 24:13. Lk Lk8.15. * Lk21.19. Ro * Ro2.7. Ro12.12. 2 Co 2Co6.4. Ga +* Ga6.1 (T#437), 9. 1 Th * 1Th5.14. He * Heb6.12. * Heb10.36. * Heb12.1, Heb12.2. Ja Jas5.7-11. 1 P 1Pe2.20. 2 P * 2Pe1.5, 2Pe1.6. perfect and. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. Ja Jas3.2. Pr +* Pr4.18. Mt + Mt5.48. Jn Jn17.23. 1 Co 1Co2.6. Ph Php3.12-15. Col Col4.12. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.17. He Heb13.21. 1 P 1Pe5.10. 1 J 1Jn4.17, 1Jn4.18. entire. Ac Ac3.16. 1 Th * 1Th5.23. wanting. ver. Jas1.5. Mt Mt19.20. Mk Mk10.21. Lk Lk18.22. 2 P 2Pe1.9. 5. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any. Ex Ex31.3, Ex31.6. Ex36.1-4. 1 K 1Ki3.7-9, 1Ki3.11, 1Ki3.12. Jb Job28.12-28. Pr ✓ Pr3.5-7. Pr9.4-6. Je Je1.6, Je1.7. 2 Co 2Co2.16. wisdom. Ps +* Ps51.6. +* Ps119.27. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.7. let him ask. T#395, 1871. ver. Jas1.17. Ja Jas3.17. Jas5.16. Ex Ex3.13. 1 Ch 1Ch22.12. 2 Ch 2Ch1.10. Pr Pr2.3-7. Pr18.1. Is ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. Je Je29.12, Je29.13. Da Da2.18-22. Mt +* Mt7.7-11. Lk ✓ Lk11.9-13. Jn Jn4.10. Jn14.13. Jn15.7. * Jn16.23, Jn16.24. 1 J 1Jn3.22. ✓ 1Jn5.14, 1Jn5.15. that giveth. Ps +* Ps32.8. Pr Pr28.5. Is Is28.26. Ac + Ac17.25. and upbraideth. Mt Mt11.20. Mk Mk16.14. Lk Lk15.20-22. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 198. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

6. let. Ja Jas5.15. Mt * Mt21.22. Mk ✓ Mk11.22-24. Lk Lk12.29. 1 Ti 1Ti2.8. He ✓ Heb11.6. in faith. 2 Ch +* 2Ch20.20. Is Is7.9mg. nothing wavering. Ja Jas2.4. Jas3.17. Mt Mt21.21, Mt21.22. He * Heb10.23. he. Ge Ge49.4. Ep +* Eph4.14. He * Heb10.23. * Heb13.9. 2 P 2Pe2.17. Ju Jud12, Jud13. a wave. Is Is57.20. Lk Lk8.24g. Ep +* Eph4.14. 7. let not. T#1812. ver. Jas1.6. Ja Jas4.3. Pr Pr15.8. Pr21.27. Is Is1.15. Is58.3, Is58.4. 8. double minded. Ja Jas4.8. 1 K 1Ki18.21. 2 K 2Ki17.33, 2Ki17.41. 1 Ch 1Ch12.33. Ps Ps12.2. Ps119.113. Is Is29.13. Ho Ho7.8-11. Ho10.2. Mt +* Mt6.22, Mt6.24. 1 Ti 1Ti3.8. unstable. Ja Jas3.8g. Is * Is7.9mg. 2 P 2Pe2.14. 2Pe3.16. 9. the brother. Ja * Jas2.5, Jas2.6. Dt Dt15.7, Dt15.9, Dt15.11. Ps Ps62.9. Pr Pr17.5. Pr19.1. Lk Lk1.52. * Lk6.20, Lk6.21. 2 Co ✓ 2Co8.9. rejoice. or, glory. Je +* Je9.23, Je9.24. Ro Ro5.2, Ro5.3. Ph Php3.3g. in. Ja Jas2.5. 1 S 1Sa2.8. Ps Ps113.7, Ps113.8. Lk Lk9.48. Lk10.20. Ro * Ro8.17. 2 Co * 2Co6.10. Ph Php3.14. 1 P 1Pe2.9. 1 J * 1Jn3.1-3. Re Re2.9. Re5.9, Re5.10. Re7.9, Re7.10. 10. the rich. Je * Je9.23. in. Is Is57.15. Is66.2. Mt +* Mt5.3. Lk Lk16.22. Ph Php3.8. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.17. because. Ja Jas4.14. Jb Job14.2. Ps * Ps37.2, Ps37.35, Ps37.36. Ps90.5, Ps90.6. Ps102.4, Ps102.11. Ps103.15. Is Is40.6. Is51.12. Mt Mt6.30. 1 Co 1Co7.31. 1 P * 1Pe1.24. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.17. 11. risen. Is Is49.10. Jon Jon4.7, Jon4.8. Mt Mt13.6. Mk Mk4.6. burning heat. Mt + Mt20.12. it withereth. Is ▶ Is40.7, Is40.8. perisheth. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. so. Ja Jas5.1-7. Jb Job21.24-30. Ps Ps37.35, Ps37.36. Ps49.6-14. Ps73.18-20. Ec Ec5.15. Is Is28.1, Is28.4. Is40.7, Is40.8. Lk Lk12.16-21. Lk16.19-25. 1 Co 1Co7.31. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. 1Pe5.4. fade away. Jb Job15.30. 12. Blessed. Da Da12.12. the man. See on ver. Jas1.2-4. Ja Jas5.11. Jb * Job5.17. Ps Ps94.12. Ps119.67, Ps119.71, Ps119.75. Pr * Pr3.11, Pr3.12. Mt + Mt10.22. He Heb6.15. Heb10.32. Heb12.5. 1 P 1Pe3.14. Re Re3.19. when. Dt Dt8.2. Dt13.3. Pr Pr17.3. Zc Zec13.9. Ml Mal3.2, Mal3.3. He Heb11.17. 1 P 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.7. 1Pe5.10. tried. or, approved. Dt Dt8.2. Dt13.1-3. Ro Ro5.4. Ro14.18. Ro16.10. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. 2 Co 2Co10.18. 2Co13.7. Ph Php2.22g. 2 Ti 2Ti2.15g. 1 P 1Pe1.16. the crown. Zc Zec6.14. Mt Mt25.34. Lk Lk22.28-30. Ro Ro2.7-10. 1 Co 1Co9.25. 1 Th 1Th2.19. 2 Ti 2Ti4.8. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 1Pe4.13. 1Pe5.4. Re * Re2.10. Re3.11, Re3.21. which. Ja * Jas2.5. Jas4.6. Is Is64.4. Mt Mt10.22. +* Mt19.28, Mt19.29. Col Col1.19. 1 Ti 1Ti4.5-8. them. Ja * Jas2.5. Ex Ex20.6. Dt Dt7.9. Jg Jdg5.31. Ne Ne1.5. Ps Ps5.11. Ps97.10. Ps145.20. Ro +* Ro8.28. 1 Co 1Co2.9. 1Co8.3. 1 P 1Pe1.8. 1 J 1Jn4.19. love him. T#875. Pr Pr8.17, Pr8.21. Jn * Jn14.21. Ga Ga5.6. Ep * Eph6.24. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. 13. no man. ver. Jas1.2, Jas1.12. Ge Ge3.12. Is * Is63.17. Hab Hab2.12, Hab2.13. Ro * Ro9.19, Ro9.20. tempted. Mt Mt4.1. cannot. Ps * Ps5.4, Ps5.5. Hab * Hab1.13. Ti Tt1.2. with. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. evil. or, evils. ver. +* Jas1.17. Ru ◐+* Ru1.13. 2 K +* 2Ki6.33. Jb +* Job2.10. Je +✓ Je29.11. neither. T#723. 1 Co + 1Co14.33 (T#269). 14. when. Ja Jas4.1, Jas4.2. Ge Ge6.5. Ge8.21. Jsh Jos7.21-24. 2 S 2Sa11.2, 2Sa11.3. 1 K 1Ki21.2-4. Jb Job31.9, Job31.27. Pr * Pr4.23. Is Is44.20. Ho * Ho13.9. Mt Mt5.28. * Mt15.1820. Mk * Mk7.21, Mk7.22. Ro +* Ro6.12. Ro7.11, Ro7.13. Ep Eph4.22. He Heb3.13. own lust. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. Ge +* Ge3.6. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.16, 1Jn2.17. and enticed. 2 P 2Pe2.14, 2Pe2.18. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 199. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

15. when. Ge Ge3.6. Ge4.5-8. Jb Job15.35. Ps Ps7.14. Is Is59.4. Mi Mic2.1-3. Mt Mt26.14, Mt26.48-50. Ac Ac5.1-3. 1 Co * 1Co10.5, 1Co10.6. conceived. f155:155F, Ge + Ge4.7. sin, when. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. Ge +* Ge2.17. Ge3.17-19. Ps Ps9.17. Ro Ro5.12-21. * Ro6.21-23. Re Re20.14, Re20.15. death. T#287. Ge +* Ge2.17. Ps + Ps9.17 (T#561). Pr * Pr11.23. Ezk +* Eze18.4. Eze33.11. Mt + Mt5.20 (T#560). *25:41, +46 (T#567). Lk + Lk12.10 (T#562). Jn + Jn3.19 (T#309). ◐8:51. Ro * Ro5.12. * Ro6.23. Ga Ga3.10, Ga3.13. Re + Re2.11 (T#563). 16. Do. Mt Mt22.29. Mk Mk12.24, Mk12.27. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. 1Co15.33. Ga Ga6.7. Ep + Eph5.6. Col Col2.4, Col2.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.18. my. ver. Jas1.19. Ja Jas2.5. 1 Co * 1Co15.58. Ph Php2.12. Php4.1. He Heb13.1. 17. Every good. See on ver. Jas1.5. Ja Jas3.15, Jas3.17. Ge Ge41.16, Ge41.38, Ge41.39. Ex Ex4.11, Ex4.12. Ex31.3-6. Ex36.1, Ex36.2. Nu Nu11.17, Nu11.25. 1 Ch 1Ch22.12. 1Ch29.19. 2 Ch 2Ch1.11, 2Ch1.12. Jb ◐+* Job2.10. Ps +* Ps37.24. Ps85.12. ✓ Ps104.28. +* Ps145.9. Pr Pr2.6. Is Is28.26. Je +✓ Je29.11. Da Da2.21, Da2.22, Da2.27-30. Mt Mt7.11. Mt11.25, Mt11.26. Mt13.11, Mt13.12. Lk +* Lk6.35. Lk11.13. Jn Jn3.27. Ac Ac5.31. Ac11.18. * Ac17.25. Ro Ro6.23. Ro11.36. Ro12.6-8. 1 Co 1Co4.7. 1Co12.4-12. Ep Eph2.3-5, Eph2.8. Eph4.8-11. Ph Php1.29. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.17. Ti Tt3.3-5. 1 J 1Jn4.10. ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. gift. Ph Php4.15g. perfect gift. Ro Ro5.16g. from above. Ja Jas3.15, Jas3.17. Jn Jn3.3g. from the. Ge * Ge1.2-5, Ge1.14, Ge1.15. Dt Dt4.19. Ps Ps19.1-8. * Ps84.11. Is Is45.7. Is60.19. Je Je4.23. Jn * Jn1.9. Jn8.12. 2 Co 2Co4.6. Ep Eph1.18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.5. Re Re21.23. Re22.5. lights. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. f22:22J, Ps + Ps27.1. no variableness. T#217. Nu * Nu23.19. 1 S 1Sa15.29. Jb Job23.13. Ps + Ps33.11 (T#250). 102:25-27. 119:89-91. Is +* Is31.2. Is46.10. Ml +* Mal3.6. Ro * Ro11.29. He Heb1.11, Heb1.12. + Heb13.8 (T#76-4). 18. his own will. Jn ✓ Jn1.12,13. ✓ Jn3.3-5. Ro Ro4.17. +* Ro8.29-31. Ro9.15-18. 1 Co + 1Co12.11. Ep Eph2.4, Eph2.5. Col Col1.20, Col1.21. 1 Th 1Th4.3. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.23. begat. T#1114. Ga Ga4.19. Ti * Tt2.14. * Tt3.5, Tt3.6. 1 P * 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.23. with. ver. Jas1.21. 1 Co 1Co4.15. Ep Eph1.12. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.23. 1 J * 1Jn3.9. the word of truth. Ps Ps119.43, Ps119.160. Da Da10.21. 2 Co 2Co6.7. Ep Eph1.13. Col Col1.5. 2 Ti 2Ti2.15. that we. Ep Eph1.12. firstfruits. Le +* Le23.10. Je Je2.3. Am Am6.1mg. Ro Ro8.19-23. He * Heb12.23. Re * Re14.4. 19. beloved brethren. ver. + Jas1.16. let. Ne * Ne8.2, Ne8.3, Ne8.12-14, Ne8.18. * Ne9.3. Pr * Pr8.32-35. Ec * Ec5.1. Mk Mk2.2. Mk12.37. Lk Lk15.1. Lk19.48. Ac * Ac2.42. Ac10.33. Ac13.42-44, Ac13.48. +* Ac17.11. 1 Th * 1Th2.13. swift to hear. 1 S ◐+* 1Sa25.17. 2 K +* 2Ki5.13. 2 Ch = 2Ch34.20. Ec Ec5.1, Ec5.2. slow to speak. ver. * Jas1.26. Ja * Jas3.1, Jas3.2. Pr ✓ Pr10.19. * Pr13.3. * Pr15.2. * Pr17.27. * Pr18.13, Pr18.21. * Pr21.23. Ec * Ec5.2, Ec5.3. slow to wrath. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Ne * Ne9.17. Ps Ps37.8. Pr * Pr14.17, Pr14.29. * Pr15.18. ✓ Pr16.32. Pr17.14. * Pr19.11, Pr19.19. * Pr25.15, Pr25.28. Ec * Ec7.8, Ec7.9. Mt * Mt5.22. Ga * Ga5.20, Ga5.21. Ep * Eph4.26, Eph4.31. Col * Col3.8, Col3.15. 20. wrath of man. T#735. Ja Jas3.17, Jas3.18. Nu * Nu20.11, Nu20.12. +* Nu32.23 (T#733). Jb * Job5.2. Ps * Ps37.8. Ps76.10. * Ps106.33. Pr * Pr11.17. + Pr12.16 (T#200). ✓14:16, 17, 29. 15:18. *16:32. 19:19. 22:24. 24:17, 18. 25:28. 26:21. 27:4. 29:22. Ec Ec7.9. Ro Ro12.18-20. Ep ✓ Eph4.31, Eph4.32. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 200. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

21. lay. Is Is2.20. Is30.22. Ezk Eze18.31. Ro +* Ro1.29. Ro13.12, Ro13.13. Ep Eph4.22. Col * Col3.5-8. He * Heb12.1. 1 P 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.11. filthiness. Ja * Jas4.8. Ezk Eze36.25. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ep Eph5.4. Re Re22.11. and receive. T#1067. Ja Jas3.13. Ps +* Ps25.9. Is Is29.19. Is61.1. Zp +* Zep2.3. Mt +* Mt5.5. Lk +* Lk8.15. Ac Ac10.33. 1 Th 1Th1.5. ✓ 1Th2.13. the engrafted. Jn Jn6.63, Jn6.68. Ro Ro6.17mg. Ro11.17. He Heb4.2. which. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. Ac Ac13.26. * Ac20.32. Ro +* Ro1.16. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. Ep Eph1.13. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17. Ti * Tt2.11. He * Heb2.3. 1 P 1Pe1.9. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, 2 Co + 2Co12.15mg. Ps Ps103.1. Lk +* Lk1.46. 22. be ye doers. Ja Jas2.14-20. Jas4.11, ✓ Jas4.17. Dt +* Dt26.16. Mt Mt5.19. ✓ Mt7.2125. Mt12.50. * Mt28.20. Lk * Lk6.46-48. * Lk8.21. +* Lk11.28. +* Lk12.47, Lk12.48. Jn * Jn8.31. +* Jn13.17. Ro * Ro2.13. Ep Eph2.10. Ph ✓ Php4.8, Php4.9. Col * Col3.17. Ti Tt3.8. 1 J 2:✓ 1Jn2.3, 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.10. 1Jn3.7. 3 J * 3Jn11. Re * Re22.7. the word. ver. Jas1.21, Jas1.23. Mk Mk4.14. not hearers only. Ezk +* Eze33.31, Eze33.32. deceiving. T#1078. ver. Jas1.26. Is Is44.20. Ob +* Ob3. 1 Co * 1Co3.18. +* 1Co6.9. 1Co15.33. Ga * Ga6.3, Ga6.7. Col Col2.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. Ti Tt3.3. 2 P 2Pe2.13. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.8. Re Re12.9. 23. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. a hearer. See on Ja Jas2.14-26. Je Je44.16. Ezk +* Eze33.31, Eze33.32. Mt * Mt7.26, Mt7.27. Lk * Lk6.47-49, etc. natural face. Gr. face of his birth. Ja Jas3.6. mirror. 1 Co 1Co13.12g. 2 Co 2Co3.18g. 24. beholdeth. f96:96C, Ge + Ge4.1. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. what. Jg Jdg8.18. Mt Mt8.27. Lk Lk1.66. Lk7.39. 1 Th 1Th1.5. 2 P 2Pe3.11. 25. looketh. Pr Pr14.15. Is +* Is8.20n. Lk Lk24.12. Jn Jn20.5, Jn20.11g. 2 Co * 2Co13.5. He * Heb12.15. 1 P 1Pe1.12. the perfect. Ja Jas2.12. Ps ✓ Ps19.7-10. Ps119.32, * Ps119.45, ✓ Ps119.96-105. Ro * Ro7.12, Ro7.22, Ro7.23. liberty. Ja Jas2.12. Jn ✓ Jn8.32, Jn8.36. Ro * Ro8.15. 2 Co * 2Co3.17, 2Co3.18. Ga Ga2.4. ✓ Ga5.1, Ga5.13. 1 P 1Pe2.16. 2 P 2Pe2.19. and continueth. 1 S 1Sa12.14. Jn +* Jn8.31. Jn15.9, Jn15.10. Ac Ac2.42. +* Ac13.43. Ac26.22. Ro * Ro2.7, Ro2.8. +* Ro11.22. Col +* Col1.23. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.15. +* 1Ti4.16. 1 J * 1Jn2.24. a forgetful. ver. Jas1.23, Jas1.24. but a doer. ver. +* Jas1.22. Jn +* Jn13.17. this. Ps +* Ps1.1, Ps1.2. * Ps19.11. Ps106.3. Ps119.2, Ps119.3. Lk * Lk6.47, etc. +*11:28. Jn +* Jn13.17. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. Re +* Re14.13. Re22.14. deed. or, doing. 26. If any. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. seem. Pr ✓ Pr14.12. * Pr16.25. Mt Mt3.9. Mk Mk10.42. Lk +* Lk8.18. 1 Co * 1Co3.18. 1Co10.12. 1Co11.16. 1Co14.37. Ga Ga2.6, Ga2.9. Ga6.3. He Heb4.1. bridleth not. T#731. ver. Jas1.19. Ja Jas3.2-6. Ps Ps32.9. * Ps34.13. * Ps39.1, Ps39.2. Ps141.3. Pr * Pr10.19, Pr10.31. * Pr13.2, Pr13.3. Pr15.2. Pr16.10. Pr19.1. * Pr21.23. Ec * Ec10.20. Mi * Mic7.5. Mt * Mt12.34, Mt12.35. Ep Eph4.29. Eph5.4. Col Col4.6. 1 P 1Pe3.10. but. See on ver. Jas1.22. Dt Dt11.16. Is Is44.20. Ga Ga6.3. this. Ja Jas2.20. Is Is1.13. Ml Mal3.14. Mt Mt15.9. Mk Mk7.7. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2, 1Co15.15. Ga Ga3.4. religion. Ac Ac26.5. Col Col2.18g. 27. Pure. Ja Jas3.17. Ps Ps119.1. Mt +* Mt5.8. Lk Lk1.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1Ti5.4. God and. Ja ◐ Jas3.9. 1 Co 1Co15.24. Ep Eph5.20. Ti Tt2.13n. is this. Ps * Ps15.1-5. Is ✓ Is58.6, Is58.7. Mi +* Mic6.8. Zc * Zec7.9, Zec7.10. He * Heb11.6. To visit. Jb Job29.12, Job29.13. Job31.15-20. Ps Ps68.5. Is * Is1.16, Is1.17. Mt * Mt25.34-46. Ro Ro12.13. Ga * Ga5.6. +* Ga6.9, Ga6.10. 1 J ✓ Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 201. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Jn3.17-19. the fatherless. Ge + Ge11.28. Dt +* Dt10.18. Jb Job29.16. * Job31.17, Job31.18. Is * Is1.17, Is1.23. widows. f171:171I, Ex + Ex22.22. to keep. Ja * Jas4.4. Jn * Jn17.14, Jn17.15. Ro +* Ro12.2. Ga Ga1.4. * Ga6.14. Col * Col3.1-3. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5, 1Jn5.18. unspotted. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14. He +* Heb12.14. 1 P 1Pe1.19. 2 P 2Pe2.20. ✓ 2Pe3.14. Ju * Jud23. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8.

JAMES 2 Caution against partial regard to the rich, and contempt of the poor, especially in places of worship, as contrary to the law of love, Jas2.1-9. The transgression of one commandment violates the whole law, Jas2.10-12. No mercy will be shown to the unmerciful, Jas2.13. As love, shown by words alone, is worthless; so faith without works is dead and unprofitable, Jas2.1420. This is illustrated by the examples of Abraham and Rahab, Jas2.21-26. 1. the faith. Ac * Ac20.21. Ac24.24. Col Col1.4. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.19. Ti * Tt1.1. 2 P * 2Pe1.1. Re * Re14.12. the Lord. Ne +* Ne9.6. of glory. Ps * Ps24.7-10. Ps29.3. Is Is42.8. Jn Jn1.14. +* Jn3.13, Jn3.31. * Jn17.5. Ac Ac7.2. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.8. +* 1Co15.47. Ep Eph1.17. Ti * Tt2.13. He * Heb1.3. 1 P 1Pe4.14. with respect. ver. Jas2.3, Jas2.9. Ja * Jas3.17. Le +* Le19.15. Dt * Dt1.17. * Dt16.19. 2 Ch 2Ch19.7. Pr * Pr24.23. * Pr28.21. Mt * Mt22.16. Lk Lk1.52. Ac + Ac10.34. Ro Ro2.11. 2 Co + 2Co6.16. Ep Eph6.9. Col Col3.25. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.21. Ju * Jud16. 2. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. assembly. Gr. synagogue. gold. Est Es3.10. Es8.2. Lk Lk15.22. goodly. Ge Ge27.15. Mt Mt11.8, Mt11.9. Lk Lk23.11. Ac Ac10.30. Re Re15.6. Re19.8. in vile. Is * Is64.6. Zc Zec3.3, Zec3.4. Re Re22.11g. 3. have respect. Ro * Ro12.16. Ju Jud16. in a good place. or, well, or, seemly. to the poor. See on ver. Jas2.6. Pr * Pr14.20, Pr14.21. Pr18.23. Is +* Is65.5. Lk Lk7.44-46. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. 4. partial. f135, Ps + Ps68.28. See on ver. Jas2.1. Ja Jas1.6. Jas3.17. Jb Job34.19. Ml Mal2.9. judges. f135, Ps + Ps68.28. Ja Jas4.11. Jb Job21.27. Ps Ps58.1. Ps82.2. Ps109.31. Mt Mt7.1-5. Lk Lk16.8, Lk16.9. Lk18.6. Jn +* Jn7.24. evil thoughts. Mt Mt15.19. 5. Hearken. Jg Jdg9.7. 1 K 1Ki22.28. Jb Job34.10. Job37.14. Pr Pr7.24. Pr8.32. Mk Mk7.14. Ac Ac7.2. my beloved. Ja + Jas1.16. Hath not. Ja Jas1.9. Jb Job34.19. Is Is14.32. Is29.19. Zp Zep3.12. Zc Zec11.7, Zec11.11. Mt Mt11.5. Lk Lk6.20. Lk9.57, Lk9.58. Lk16.22, Lk16.25. Jn Jn7.48. 1 Co * 1Co1.26-28. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. chosen. Ac +* Ac13.48. +* Ac18.27. 1 Co +* 1Co1.27. Ep Eph1.4, Eph1.5. Col Col3.12. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. the poor. T#524, 781. Ja Jas1.9. 1 S 1Sa2.8, 1Sa2.9. Jb Job5.15, Job5.16. Job36.15. Ps * Ps9.18. + Ps12.5 (T#523). *68:10. 69:33. 72:2, 12, 13. 102:17. *107:41. 113:7, 8. 112:9, 10. 132:15. Is Is14.30. Je * Je20.13. Je52.16. Mt +* Mt5.3. Mt11.5. Lk Lk1.52, Lk1.53. Lk4.18. Lk10.21. Lk14.21. Lk16.25. 1 Co 1Co1.26-29. this. Jn +* Jn6.54n. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. rich in faith. Pr Pr8.17-21. * Pr13.7. Lk + Lk12.21. 1 Co 1Co3.21-23. 2 Co 2Co4.15. 2Co6.10. * 2Co8.9. Ep Eph1.18. Eph3.8. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.18. He Heb11.26. Re * Re2.9. Re3.18. Re21.7. heirs. Mt +* Mt5.3. +* Mt25.34. Lk +* Lk12.32. +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Ro +* Ro4.13. +* Ro8.17. 1 Co ◐+* 1Co6.9. Ep * Eph1.5, +* Eph1.11n. Col * Col3.24. 1 Th +* 1Th2.12. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8, 2Ti4.18. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. the. or, that. kingdom. Mt +✓ Mt5.5. +* Mt25.34. Lk Lk12.32. Lk13.29. +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Ac +* Ac1.6n. Ac8.12. Ac14.22. Ac20.25. Ac28.31. Col +* Col1.13n. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 202. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Col4.11. 1 Th +* 1Th2.12. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1, 2Ti4.18. He +* Heb12.28. 2 P +* 2Pe1.11. which. See on Ja Jas1.12. 1 S 1Sa2.30. Mt +* Mt5.3. Lk * Lk6.20. * Lk12.32. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. He +* Heb9.28. love him. T#874. Ex Ex20.6. Dt Dt7.9. Dt11.13, Dt11.14. Jg Jdg5.31. Ne Ne1.5. Ps Ps37.4. +* Ps69.35, Ps69.36. Ps91.14. * Ps145.20. Pr Pr8.17. Da Da9.4. Ro * Ro8.28. 1 Co * 1Co2.9 (T#289). 8:3. 1 J 1Jn4.19, 1Jn4.21. 6. ye. ver. Jas2.3. Ps Ps14.6. Pr Pr14.21, Pr14.31. Pr17.5. Ec Ec9.15, Ec9.16. Is +* Is53.3. Jn Jn8.49. 1 Co 1Co11.22. Do. Ja * Jas5.4. Jb Job20.19. Ps Ps10.2, Ps10.8, Ps10.10, Ps10.14. Ps12.5. Pr Pr22.16. Ec Ec5.8. Is Is3.14, Is3.15. Am Am2.6, Am2.7. Am4.1. Am5.11. Am8.46. Mi Mic6.11,12. Hab Hab3.14. Zc Zec7.10. oppress. Dt +* Dt24.14. Jb Job24.3, Job24.4. Ps +* Ps12.5. Ezk +* Eze16.49. and draw. Ja Jas5.6. 1 K 1Ki21.11-13. Ac Ac4.1-3, Ac4.26-28. Ac5.17, Ac5.18, Ac5.26, Ac5.27. Ac8.3. Ac13.50. 16:+ Ac16.19, Ac16.20. Ac17.6. Ac18.12. judgment seats. 1 Co 1Co6.2, 1Co6.4. 7. blaspheme. Ps Ps73.7-9. Mt Mt12.24. Mt27.63. Lk Lk22.64, Lk22.65. Ac + Ac13.45. Ac26.11. Ro Ro2.24. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13. 1Ti6.1. Ti Tt2.5. Re Re13.5, Re13.6. Re16.9. worthy. Ps Ps111.9. SS So1.3. Is +* Is7.14. +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Mt * Mt1.23. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. Ph * Php2.9-11. Re Re19.13, Re19.16. name. Is Is63.19. Is65.1. Je Je7.10. Je32.34. Je34.15. Am Am9.12. Ml Mal1.11. Ac Ac15.17. by. Is Is65.15. Ac Ac11.26. Ep Eph3.15. 8. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. the royal. ver. Jas2.12. Ja Jas1.25. 1 P 1Pe2.9. the scripture. ver. Jas2.23. Ja Jas4.5. Lk + Lk4.21. Thou. Ja Jas4.11. Le +*19:▶ Le19.18, Le19.34. Mt + Mt19.19. Mt22.39. Mk Mk12.31-33. Lk Lk10.27-37. Ro * Ro13.8, Ro13.9. Ga * Ga5.14. * Ga6.2. 1 Th 1Th4.9. ye do. ver. Jas2.19. 1 K 1Ki8.18. 2 K 2Ki7.9. Jon Jon4.4, Jon4.9. Mt Mt25.21, Mt25.23. Ph Php4.14. 9. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. See on ver. Jas2.1-4. Le +* Le19.15. respect. Ge +* Ge44.30. Pr Pr24.23. are. Jn Jn8.9, Jn8.46. Jn16.8mg. 1 Co 1Co14.24. Ju Jud15. transgressors. Ro Ro2.25, Ro2.27. Ro3.20. Ro7.7-13. Ga Ga2.18. 1 J 1Jn3.4. 10. For. While the Jews taught that “he who transgresses all the precepts of the law has broken the yoke, dissolved the covenant, and exposed the law to contempt; and so has he done who has only broken one precept;” they also taught, “that he who observed any principal command was equal to him who kept the whole law,” and gave for an example the forsaking of idolatry. To correct this false doctrine was the object St. James has in view. whosoever. Dt * Dt27.26. Mt Mt5.18, Mt5.19. Ga Ga3.10. shall keep. Le +* Le18.5. Dt Dt27.26. 2 K * 2Ki22.13. offend. Ja Jas3.2. 2 P 2Pe1.10. Ju Jud24. in one. Ec +* Ec7.20. Lk * Lk18.22. he is. Mt Mt5.19. Ga Ga3.10. guilty. 1 Co + 1Co11.27. 11. he that said. or, that law, which said. Do not commit. Ex +*▶ Ex20.13, Ex20.14. Dt Dt5.17, Dt5.18. Mt Mt5.21-28. Mt19.18. Mk Mk10.19. Lk Lk18.20. Ro Ro13.9. Now if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Le Le4.2, Le4.13, Le4.22. Ps Ps130.3, Ps130.4. 12. speak. Ph ✓ Php4.8. Col * Col3.17. 2 P 2Pe1.4-8. the. ver. Jas2.8. See on Ja Jas1.25. Ga * Ga5.1. 13. he. Ja * Jas5.4. Ge * Ge42.21. Jg +* Jdg1.7. Jb Job22.6-11. Ps Ps18.25, Ps18.26. Pr * Pr21.13. Is Is27.11. Ezk Eze25.11-14. Mt +* Mt5.7. * Mt6.15. * Mt7.1, Mt7.2. * Mt18.28-35. * Mt25.41-46. Lk Lk6.38. * Lk16.25. Ro Ro1.31. and. Ps * Ps85.10. Je * Je9.24. Ezk * Eze33.11. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 203. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mi ✓ Mic7.18. Ep * Eph1.6, Eph1.7. * Eph2.4-7. 1 J * 1Jn4.8-16, 1Jn4.18, 1Jn4.19. rejoiceth. or, glorieth. judgment. f63:63D, Ge + Ge30.27. Supply by ellipsis (absolute: of anantapodoton), “mercy rejoiceth against judgment (to him that hath showed mercy).” 14. What. ver. Jas2.16. Je Je7.8. Ro Ro2.25. 1 Co 1Co13.3. 1Co15.32. 1 Ti 1Ti4.8. He * Heb13.9. profit. f66, Ge + Ge9.3. though. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. ver. Jas2.18, Jas2.26. Ja * Jas1.22-25. Mt * Mt5.20. ✓ Mt7.21-23, Mt7.26, Mt7.27. Lk Lk6.49. Ac * Ac8.13, Ac8.21. Ac15.9. 1 Co 1Co13.2. 1Co16.22. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.13. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. Ti Tt1.16. Tt3.8. He Heb11.7, Heb11.8, Heb11.17. 2 P 2Pe1.5. 1 J 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. faith. f121:121Q, Je + Je28.5. and. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. have not. Ja Jas1.22. can. ver. Jas2.17. Mk Mk16.16. Ac +* Ac16.31. Ro Ro4.2. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. Ep * Eph2.8-10. 15. If a. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. brother or. ver. Jas2.5. Le * Le25.35. Jb Job31.16-21. Is Is58.7, Is58.10. Ezk Eze18.7. Mt * Mt25.35-40. Mk Mk14.7. Lk + Lk3.11. Ac Ac9.39. He Heb11.37. be naked. f171:171N, Ge + Ge8.13. 2 Ch 2Ch28.15. destitute. Ac Ac11.29. +* Ac20.35. Ro Ro15.26. Ga Ga2.10. Ga6.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.8. He +* Heb13.16. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.17. 16. And one. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Jb Job22.7-9. Pr Pr3.27, Pr3.28. Mt Mt14.15, Mt14.16. Mt15.32. Mt25.42-45. Ro Ro12.9. 2 Co 2Co8.8. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.16-19. Depart in peace. Jg Jdg18.6. 1 S 1Sa1.17. 1Sa20.13, 1Sa20.42. 2 S 2Sa15.9. Mk Mk5.34. Lk Lk7.50. Lk8.48. Ac Ac16.36. what. See on ver. Jas2.14. 17. so. ver. Jas2.14, Jas2.19, Jas2.20, Jas2.26. 1 Co 1Co13.3, 1Co13.13. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 2 P 2Pe1.5-9. faith. f121:121Q, Je + Je28.5. if it. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. dead. f100, Ge + Ge10.9. alone. Gr. by itself. 18. man may say. Ro + Ro9.19. Thou. ver. Jas2.14, Jas2.22. Ro Ro14.23. 1 Co 1Co13.2. Ga * Ga5.6. He * Heb11.6, Heb11.31. show me. Ja Jas3.13. without thy works. Some copies read, by thy works. ver. Jas2.20, Jas2.26. Ro Ro3.28. Ro4.6. He Heb11.33. and I will. ver. Jas2.2225. Ja Jas3.13. Is Is57.12. Mt * Mt7.16, Mt7.17. Jn Jn13.35. * Jn15.2. Ro Ro8.1. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. * 2Co7.1. Ga * Ga5.6. 1 Th 1Th1.3-10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. Ti Tt2.7, Tt2.11-14. ◐ Tt3.5, Tt3.8. 1 J * 1Jn1.6. * 1Jn2.6, 1Jn2.29. 2 P * 2Pe1.5-9. my faith. T#186. ver. Jas2.14-18. Ps + Ps19.11 (T#302). +119:6 (T#602). 19. Thou believest. f169, Je + Je12.1. Ja Jas4.12. Dt +* Dt6.4. Ne Ne9.6. Is Is42.8. * Is43.10. * Is44.6, Is44.8. * Is45.6, Is45.21, Is45.22. * Is46.9. Zc * Zec14.9. Mk * Mk12.29, Mk12.32. Jn + Jn5.44. ✓ Jn17.3. Ro Ro2.17-25. * Ro3.30. 1 Co +* 1Co8.4, 1Co8.6. Ga * Ga3.20. Ep * Eph4.5, Eph4.6. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.5. Ju Jud4. thou doest. ver. Jas2.8. Jon Jon4.4, Jon4.9. Mk Mk7.9. the devils also. Mt * Mt8.28, Mt8.29. Mk +* Mk1.24. * Mk5.7. Lk * Lk4.33, Lk4.34. Ac * Ac16.16, Ac16.17. * Ac19.15. Ac24.25. Ju Jud6. Re Re20.2, Re20.3, Re20.10. believe. Ezk ◐* Eze33.30-32. Mt Mt8.28, Mt8.29. Lk +* Lk8.13. Ac * Ac8.13, Ac8.20, Ac8.21. * Ac26.27. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. tremble. Jb Job4.15. Je Je2.12. Mt Mt8.29. Mk Mk1.24. Lk Lk8.31. 20. O vain. Ja Jas1.26. Jg Jdg9.4. Jb Job11.11, Job11.12. Ps Ps94.8-11. Pr Pr12.11. Je Je2.5. Mt Mt5.22. Ro Ro1.21. 1 Co 1Co15.35, 1Co15.36. Ga Ga3.1. Ga6.3. Col Col2.8. 1 Ti 1Ti1.6. Ti Tt1.10. that. See on ver. Jas2.14. faith. f121:121Q, Je + Je28.5. without. ver. + Jas2.18. dead. or, barren. 2 P 2Pe1.8g. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 204. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

21. Abraham. Ge Ge22.9, Ge22.12, Ge22.16-18. Jsh Jos24.3. Is Is51.2. Mt Mt3.9. Lk Lk1.73. Lk16.24, Lk16.30. Jn Jn8.39, Jn8.53. Ac Ac7.2. Ro * Ro4.1, Ro4.12, Ro4.16. justified. f121:121I, Ge + Ge2.17. ver. Jas2.18, Jas2.24. Ps Ps143.2. Mt Mt12.37. Mt25.31-40. Ro * Ro3.20. He * Heb11.17. when. Ge Ge22.9-12, Ge22.16-18. 22. Seest thou. or, Thou seest. faith. ver. Jas2.18. Ga * Ga5.6. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. He Heb11.17-19. faith made. f121:121I, Ge + Ge2.17. 1 J * 1Jn2.5. 1Jn4.17, 1Jn4.18. 23. the scripture. ver. Jas2.8. Ja Jas4.5. Mk Mk12.10. Mk15.28. Lk +* Lk4.21. Ac Ac1.16. Ro Ro9.17. +* Ro11.2. Ga Ga3.8-10, * Ga3.22. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16. 1 P 1Pe2.6. fulfilled. Mt + Mt1.22. Abraham. Ge ✓▶ Ge15.6. Ro ✓ Ro4.3-6, Ro4.10, Ro4.11, Ro4.22-24. Ga * Ga3.6. believed. Ti + Tt3.8g. the Friend. T#649. Ex Ex33.11. 2 Ch * 2Ch20.7. Jb Job16.21mg. Is Is1.24. * Is41.8. Mt + Mt13.38 (T#690). Jn * Jn15.13-15. 24. see then. ver. * Jas2.15-18, Jas2.21, Jas2.22. by works. Mt * Mt5.16. * Mt25.34, Mt25.35, Mt25.40. Ro ◐* Ro4.2, Ro4.20-22. * Ro14.17, Ro14.18. Ga Ga3.6, Ga3.7, Ga3.12, Ga3.26, Ga3.29. Re Re20.12. justified. f121:121I, Ge + Ge2.17. faith. f121:121Q, Je + Je28.5. 25. was. Jsh Jos2.1. Mt Mt1.5, Rahab. the harlot. f11, Ge + Ge2.23. f46:46C, Mt + Mt8.6. Mt Mt21.31. He +* Heb11.31n. justified. f121:121I, Ge + Ge2.17. ver. Jas2.18-22. when. Jsh Jos2.19-21. Jos6.17, Jos6.22-25. He * Heb11.31. received. Lk + Lk10.38. 26. as the body. Da +* Da12.2. Lk * Lk16.22. Jn +* Jn2.19, Jn2.21. 1 Co * 1Co15.35. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.8. without. Jb Job34.14, Job34.15. Ps Ps104.29. +* Ps146.4. Ec +* Ec12.7. Is Is2.22. Lk Lk23.46. Ac +* Ac7.59, Ac7.60. spirit. or, breath. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50. Ps +* Ps146.4. so faith. f121:121Q, Je + Je28.5. See on ver. Jas2.14, Jas2.17, Jas2.20. Ep * Eph2.810. without. ver. + Jas2.18.

JAMES 3 A caution against an assuming and aspiring conduct, Jas3.1" Jas3.2 }. The fatal effects of an unbridled tongue, and the difficulty and duty of governing the tongue, Jas3.3-12. The nature and effects of earthly, and heavenly, wisdom contrasted, Jas3.13-18. 1. be not. Ml Mal2.12. Mt Mt9.11. Mt10.24. * Mt23.8-10, Mt23.14. Jn Jn3.10. Ac Ac13.1. Ro Ro2.20, Ro2.21. 1 Co 1Co12.28, 1Co12.29. Ep +* Eph4.11. 1 Ti 1Ti1.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11g. 1 P +* 1Pe5.3. many masters. Rather, “be not many of you teachers,” didaskaloi; for many wish to be teachers who have more need to learn; and aspire to the office of teacher, without a proper call or suitable qualifications. knowing. Le Le10.3. Ezk Eze3.17, Eze3.18. Eze33.7-9. Lk Lk6.37. +* Lk12.47, Lk12.48. Lk16.2. Ac Ac20.26, Ac20.27. 1 Co 1Co4.2-5. 2 Co 2Co5.10. He * Heb13.17. receive. Mk Mk12.40. Lk Lk20.47. condemnation. or, judgment. f37:37B, Ge + Ge3.22. Mt * Mt7.1, Mt7.2. Mt23.14. 1 Co * 1Co11.29-32g. 2. in. 1 K +* 1Ki8.46. 2 Ch 2Ch6.36. Pr Pr10.19. * Pr20.9. Ec +* Ec7.20. Is ◐ Is53.9. ✓ Is64.6. Ro * Ro3.10. Ro7.21. Ga Ga3.22. Ga5.17. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.8-10. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ver. Jas3.5, Jas3.6, ✓ Jas3.8. See on Ja Jas1.26. Ps * Ps34.13. Pr Pr13.3. 1 P 1Pe3.10. offend not. Ja + Jas2.10. Is Is53.9. 1 P 1Pe2.22. in word. Jb * Job31.30. Ps * Ps15.2-4. * Ps39.1. Mt ✓ Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 205. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mt12.36, Mt12.37. a perfect. See on Ja Jas1.4. Mt * Mt12.37. Col Col1.28. Col4.12. He * Heb13.21. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. to bridle. Ja + Jas1.26. 1 Co * 1Co9.27. 3. put bits. Ja Jas1.26. 2 K 2Ki19.28. Ps * Ps32.9. * Ps39.1. Is Is37.29. 4. are driven. Ps Ps107.25-27. Jon Jon1.4. Mt Mt8.24. Ac Ac27.14, etc. governor. f100, Ge + Ge10.9. 5. so. Ex Ex5.2. Ex15.9. 2 K 2Ki19.22-24. Jb Job21.14, Job21.15. Job22.17. Ps +* Ps10.3. * Ps12.2-4. Ps17.10. Ps52.1, Ps52.2. Ps73.8, Ps73.9. Pr Pr12.18. Pr15.2. * Pr18.21. Je Je9.38. Je18.18. Ezk Eze28.2. Eze29.3. Da Da3.15. Da4.30. 2 P 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud16. Re Re13.5, Re13.6. how great. Ps Ps83.14. Pr Pr26.20, Pr26.21. Is Is9.18. Is10.16-18. Zc Zec12.6. matter. or, wood. 6. the tongue. T#728. Jg Jdg12.4-6. 2 S 2Sa19.43. 2Sa20.1. 2 Ch * 2Ch10.13-16. 2Ch13.17. Jb Job5.21, Job5.24. Ps + Ps5.9 (T#702). +12:3 (T#198). 52:2, 4. *55:21. 57:4. *64:3. +*101:5. 120:2-4. *140:3. Pr * Pr11.9, Pr11.11. * Pr12.18. * Pr13.13. * Pr15.1, Pr15.4. * Pr16.27, Pr16.28. * Pr17.9, Pr17.28. Pr18.7, Pr18.8, Pr18.21. Pr25.18. * Pr26.20, Pr26.21. Is ◐ Is11.4. Is30.27. ◐ Is49.2. Je Je9.3, Je9.8. Je18.18. Ho ◐ Ho6.5. Mt * Mt15.18, Mt15.19. Jn + Jn8.44 (T#416). a world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. f102, Ge + Ge2.24. Ja Jas2.7. Ge +* Ge3.4-6. Le * Le24.11. Nu Nu25.2. Nu31.16. Dt * Dt13.6. Jg * Jdg16.15-20. 1 S 1Sa22.9-17. 2 S 2Sa13.26-29. 2Sa15.2-6. 2Sa16.20-23. 2Sa17.1, 2Sa17.2. 1 K * 1Ki21.5-15. Ps Ps10.7. Ps34.13. * Ps39.1. Ps52.2. Pr * Pr1.10-14. * Pr6.19. * Pr7.5, Pr21.23. Is Is3.8. Is59.3. Je * Je20.10. * Je28.16. Mt * Mt12.24, Mt12.32-36. * Mt15.11-20. Mk +* Mk7.15, Mk7.20-22. * Mk14.55-57. Ac Ac5.3. Ac6.13. * Ac20.30. Ro * Ro3.13, Ro3.14. * Ro16.17, Ro16.18. Ep * Eph5.3, Eph5.4. Col * Col3.8, Col3.9. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.10-12. Ti Tt1.11. 2 P * 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.2. 2Pe3.3. 3 J 3Jn10. Ju Jud8-10, Jud15-18. Re Re2.14, Re2.15. * Re13.1-5, Re13.14. Re18.23. * Re19.20. that it. Mt Mt12.34. Mt15.18. Mk Mk7.20. defileth. Ju Jud23. body. f171:171Q, Ex + Ex21.3mg. course of nature. Gr. ton trochon geneseos, literally, “the wheel of nature” or generation or birth; by which some understand the whole circle of human affairs; others, the course of man’s life; and others, the successive generations of men; in all which senses the Apostle’s sentiment is true. Some think he alludes to the penal wheel of the Greeks, beneath which fire was placed; and others, that he refers to the circulation of blood. Ja Jas1.23g. Ezk Eze1.15, Eze1.16. it is set. Lk +* Lk16.24. Ac * Ac5.3. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. 2 Th * 2Th2.9. Re * Re12.9. hell. Gr. gehenna, Mt + Mt5.22. 7. For every. Ge Ge1.26. Ge9.2. kind. Gr. nature. is tamed. Mk Mk5.4g. mankind. Gr. the nature of man. 8. no man. ver. * Jas3.2. 1 K +* 1Ki8.46. an unruly. ver. Jas3.6, Jas3.16. Ja Jas1.8g. Ps Ps55.21. Ps57.4. Ps59.7. Ps64.3, Ps64.4. full. Dt Dt32.33. Jb Job20.16. Ps Ps58.4. * Ps140.3. Ec Ec10.11. Ro Ro3.13. Re Re12.9. 9. Therewith. Ps +* Ps16.9n. ✓ Ps30.12mg,n. Ps35.28. +* Ps51.14. Ps57.8. Ps62.4. Ps71.24. Ps108.1. Ac Ac2.26. bless. 1 Ch 1Ch29.10, 1Ch29.20. Ps Ps34.1. Ps63.4. Ps145.1, Ps145.21. Is Is29.13. Ep Eph1.3. 1 P 1Pe1.3. God, even the. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. Ja + Jas1.27. Is * Is63.16. Mt Mt11.25. therewith curse. Jg Jdg9.27. 2 S 2Sa16.5. 2Sa19.21. Ps Ps10.7. Ps59.12. Ps109.17, Ps109.18. Ec Ec7.22. Mt Mt5.44. Mt26.74. Ro Ro3.14. made. Ge Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 206. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

* Ge1.26, Ge1.27. Ge5.1. Ge9.6. 1 Co 1Co11.7. 1Co15.49. 2 Co 2Co4.4. Ep Eph4.24. Col Col3.10. 10. Out of. Ps Ps50.16-20. Pr Pr18.21. Je Je7.4-10. Mi Mic3.11. Ro Ro12.14. 1 P 1Pe3.9. these. Ge Ge20.9. 2 S 2Sa13.12. 1 Co 1Co3.3. 1 Ti 1Ti5.13. 11. Doth. Mt Mt7.16-20. Lk Lk6.44. place. or, hole. 12. the fig tree. Is Is5.2-4. Je Je2.21. Mt Mt7.16-20. Mt12.33. Lk Lk6.43, Lk6.44. Ro Ro11.16-18. so. Ex Ex15.23-25. 2 K 2Ki2.19-22. Ezk Eze47.8-11. 13. is a wise. ver. Jas3.1. Dt Dt1.13. Dt4.6. Ps Ps107.43. Ec Ec8.1, Ec8.5. Je Je9.12, Je9.23. Ho Ho14.9. Mt Mt7.24. 1 Co 1Co6.5. Ga Ga6.4. endued. 2 Ch 2Ch2.12, 2Ch2.13. Jb Job28.28. Is Is11.3. Da Da2.21. let. Ja Jas2.18. Is Is60.6. 2 Co 2Co8.24. 1 P 1Pe2.9. a good. Ph Php1.27. 1 Ti 1Ti4.12. He +* Heb13.5. 1 P 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.1, 1Pe3.2, 1Pe3.16. conversation. or, manner of life. Ga Ga1.13. Ep Eph4.22. 1 Ti 1Ti4.12. He Heb13.7. 1 P 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.18. 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.1, 1Pe3.2, 1Pe3.16. 2 P 2Pe2.7. 2Pe3.11g. with meekness. ver. Jas3.17. Ja Jas1.21. Nu Nu12.3. Ps +* Ps25.9. Ps45.4. +* Ps149.4. Is Is11.4. Is29.19. Is61.1. Zp +* Zep2.3. Mt +* Mt5.5. ✓ Mt11.29. Mt21.5. 2 Co 2Co10.1. Ga * Ga5.23. +* Ga6.1. Ep Eph4.2. Col Col3.12. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. Ti Tt3.2. 1 P +* 1Pe3.4, 1Pe3.15. 14. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ver. Jas3.16. Ja Jas4.1-5. Ge Ge30.1, Ge30.2. Ge37.11. Jb Job5.2. Pr Pr14.30. Pr27.4. Is Is11.13. Hab Hab1.3. Mt Mt27.18. Ac + Ac5.17. Ac7.9. Ac13.45. Ro * Ro1.29. Ro13.13. 1 Co 1Co3.3. 1Co13.4. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga Ga5.15, Ga5.21, Ga5.26. Ph Php1.15. +* Php2.3. 1 Ti 1Ti6.4. Ti Tt3.3. 1 P 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.2. and strife. ver. Jas3.16. Ro Ro2.8. Ro13.13. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga Ga5.20. Ph Php1.17. +* Php2.3. glory. Ro Ro2.17, Ro2.23, etc. 1 Co 1Co4.7, 1Co4.8. 1Co5.2, 1Co5.6. Ga Ga6.13. and lie. 2 K 2Ki10.16, 2Ki10.31. Jn Jn16.2. Ac Ac26.9. 15. wisdom. ver. Jas3.17. Ja * Jas1.5, Jas1.17. Jn Jn3.27. 1 Co 1Co3.3. Ph Php3.19. not from above. Ja +* Jas1.17. but is. 2 S 2Sa13.3. 2Sa15.31. 2Sa16.23. Je Je4.22. Lk Lk16.8. Ro Ro1.22. 1 Co 1Co1.19, 1Co1.20, 1Co1.27. 1Co2.6, 1Co2.7. 1Co3.19. 2 Co 2Co1.12. Ju Jud19. earthly. Jn Jn3.12. 1 Co 1Co15.40. 2 Co 2Co5.1. Ph Php2.10. Php3.19g. sensual. or, natural. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.14. 1Co15.44, 1Co15.46. Ju Jud19g. devilish. Gr. demoniacal. Ge Ge3.1-5. 1 K 1Ki22.22. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. Ac Ac13.10. 2 Co * 2Co11.3, 2Co11.13-15. 2 Th 2Th2.9, 2Th2.10. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1. 1 J 1Jn3.8-10. Ju Jud19. Re Re2.24. Re9.11. Re12.9. 16. where. ver. + Jas3.14. 1 Co * 1Co3.3. Ga Ga5.20. there. Ge Ge11.9mg. Ac Ac19.29. 1 Co 1Co14.33. confusion. Gr. tumult, or, unquietness. ver. Jas3.8. Pr Pr26.28. Lk Lk21.9g. every. 1 J 1Jn3.12. evil work. Ga ✓ Ga5.19, Ga5.21. 17. the wisdom. ver. Jas3.15. Ja Jas1.5, Jas1.17. Ge Ge41.38, Ge41.39. Ex Ex36.2. 1 K 1Ki3.9, 1Ki3.12, 1Ki3.28. 1 Ch 1Ch22.12. Jb Job28.12, Job28.23, Job28.28. Job32.7. Pr Pr2.6. Pr4.7. Is Is11.2, Is11.3. Da Da1.17. Ho Ho14.9. Mt Mt7.24. Lk Lk21.15. 1 Co 1Co2.6, 1Co2.7. 1Co12.8. 2 Ti 2Ti3.15. first pure. Ja * Jas4.8. Ml Mal3.3. Mt +* Mt5.8. 2 Co 2Co7.11. Ph ✓ Php4.8. Ti Tt1.15. 1 J 1Jn3.3. peaceable. ver. Jas3.18. Ja ◐ Jas4.4. 1 Ch 22:9mg. Pr Pr3.17. Is Is2.4. +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Is11.2-9. Is32.15-17. Ro Ro12.18. He Heb12.11, +* Heb12.14. gentle. Is Is40.11. 1 Co 1Co13.4-7. 2 Co 2Co10.1. Ga * Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ep Eph5.9. Ph Php4.5. 1 Th 1Th2.7. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.24. Ti Tt3.2. 1 P 1Pe2.18. easy. Ps +* Ps19.7. +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 207. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps25.9. Pr +* Pr8.9. to be entreated. 1 S ◐+* 1Sa25.17. 2 K +* 2Ki5.13. Ro +* Ro12.3, Ro12.10, Ro12.16. Ga ◐ Ga2.5. Ep * Eph5.21. Ph +* Php2.3. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. full. Lk +* Lk6.36. Jn Jn1.14. Ac Ac9.36. Ac11.24. Ro Ro15.14. 2 Co 2Co9.10. Ph Php1.11. Col +* Col1.10. good fruits. Ga +* Ga5.22, Ga5.23. without. Ja Jas1.6. Jas2.4. Ml Mal2.9. 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. partiality. or, wrangling. Ge +* Ge44.30. hypocrisy. Is Is32.6. Mt Mt23.28. Lk Lk12.1, Lk12.2. Jn Jn1.47. Ro +* Ro12.9. 2 Co 2Co6.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 2 Ti 2Ti1.5. 1 P 1Pe1.22g. 1Pe2.1. 1 J 1Jn3.18. 18. the fruit. ver. Jas3.17. Ja * Jas1.20. Pr * Pr11.18, Pr11.28, Pr11.30. Is Is32.16, * Is32.17. Ho * Ho10.12. Am Am6.12. Mt * Mt5.9. Jn * Jn4.36. Ph * Php1.11. Re * Re12.11. is sown. Pr +* Pr11.30. Mt +* Mt5.9. Ga +* Ga6.7, Ga6.8. make. Is +* Is45.7. Mt +* Mt5.9. Ep Eph2.15.

JAMES 4 Wars and contentions spring from the lusts of the human heart, which produce the most fatal effects, and always end in disappointment, Jas4.1" Jas4.2 }; because men do not ask good gifts from God; or because “they ask amiss,” Jas4.3. “The friendship of the world is enmity against God,” Jas4.4. “The spirit that is in us lusteth to envy” and pride; but “God resisteth the proud, and showeth favor to the humble,” Jas4.5" Jas4.6 }. Exhortations to repentance and submission to God, Jas4.7-10. Cautions against destruction and censoriousness, and against carnal security; with instructions to consider the uncertainty of life, and to trust God in every undertaking, Jas4.11-17. 1. whence. Ja Jas3.14-18. wars. Je Je1.19. Je15.20. wars. f102, Ge + Ge2.24. fightings. or, brawlings. come they. Ja Jas1.14. Ge Ge4.5-8. Je Je17.9. Mt Mt15.19. Mk +* Mk7.21-23. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. Ro Ro8.7. 1 Ti 1Ti6.4-10. Ti Tt3.3. 1 P 1Pe1.14. 1Pe2.11. 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.3. 2 P 2Pe2.18. 2Pe3.3. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. Ju Jud16-18. lusts. or, pleasures. So ver. Jas4.3. that war. Ro Ro7.23. 1 P 1Pe2.11. in your. Ro * Ro6.12, Ro6.13. Ro7.5, Ro7.23. Ga * Ga5.17. Col * Col3.5. 2. lust. Ja Jas5.1-5. Pr Pr1.19. Ec Ec4.8. Hab Hab2.5. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9, 1Ti6.10. kill. or, envy. Ja Jas5.6. desire. or, covet. Gr. desire to have. f93:93B, Is + Is66.11. Ps +* Ps10.3. Ac + Ac7.6. ye have not. ver. +* Jas4.3. Jn +* Jn9.31. because. Ja Jas1.5. Is Is7.12. Mt * Mt7.7, Mt7.8. Lk ✓ Lk11.9-13. Jn Jn4.10. Jn16.24. ye ask not. Jsh +* Jos9.14. Jg Jdg20.23, Jdg20.26. 2 K = 2Ki13.18, 2Ki13.19. Is Is29.15. Je +✓ Je10.25. 3. ask, and. Ja Jas1.6, Jas1.7. Jb Job27.8-10. Job35.12. Ps Ps18.41. * Ps66.18, Ps66.19. Pr * Pr1.28. Pr15.8. Pr21.13, Pr21.27. Is Is1.15, Is1.16. Je Je11.11, Je11.14. Je14.12. Mi Mic3.4. Zc Zec7.13. Mt + Mt7.7. * Mt20.22. Mk Mk10.38. Jn +* Jn9.31. 1 J 1Jn3.22. * 1Jn5.14. receive not. For a summary of Scriptural reasons for unanswered prayer, see T#1792. Ja Jas1.6, Jas1.7. Dt Dt1.45. 1 S 1Sa14.37. 1Sa28.6. Ps * Ps66.18. Pr * Pr1.28. Pr21.13. Pr28.9. Is Is1.15. ✓ Is59.2. Mi Mic3.4. Zc Zec7.13. 2 Co 2Co12.8, 2Co12.9. ask amiss. T#1792. Nu Nu11.15. 1 K ◐ 1Ki3.11, 1Ki3.12. 1Ki19.4. Ps ◐ Ps84.11. * Ps106.15. Pr ◐ Pr30.8, Pr30.9. Jon Jon4.3. Mt Mt5.23, Mt5.24. Mt20.21. Lk Lk12.13. Jn Jn18.23g. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.14. ye may. Lk Lk15.13, Lk15.30. Lk16.1, Lk16.2. consume. Lk Lk15.14g. lusts. or, pleasures. ver. Jas4.1. Lk +* Lk8.14. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 208. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

4. adulterers. Ps Ps50.18. Ps73.27. Is Is57.3. Je Je9.2. Ho Ho3.1. Mt + Mt12.39. Mt16.4. and adulteresses. Is Is54.5. Je Je2.2. Ezk Eze16.32. 2 P 2Pe2.14. the friendship. Jn Jn7.7. * Jn15.19, Jn15.23. Jn17.14. 2 Co * 2Co6.14, 2Co6.17, 2Co6.18. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15, 1Jn2.16. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. enmity. Ja ◐ Jas3.17. Ge +* Ge3.15. Mt Mt10.34-38. Jn Jn15.18, Jn15.19. Ro * Ro8.7. Ep Eph2.15. 1 P 1Pe4.12-19. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. 1Jn3.7-10. 1Jn4.1-6. whosoever. Mt Mt6.24. Lk Lk16.13. Jn * Jn15.19. Ga * Ga1.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. is the. Ps Ps21.8. Lk Lk19.27. Jn Jn15.23, Jn15.24. Ro Ro5.10. 5. think that. Nu Nu23.19. the scripture. Lk + Lk4.21. Jn Jn7.42. * Jn10.35. Jn19.37. Ro Ro9.17. Ga Ga3.8. The spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50. Ge Ge4.5, Ge4.6. Ge6.5. Ge8.21. Ge26.14. Ge30.1. Ge37.11. Nu Nu11.29. Ps Ps37.1. Ps106.16. Pr Pr21.10. Ec Ec4.4. Is Is11.13. Ac Ac7.9. Ro Ro1.29. Ti Tt3.3. that dwelleth. 1 Co 1Co6.19. 2 Co 2Co6.16. lusteth. Ga Ga5.19-24. to envy. or, enviously. Je Je3.14. Ho Ho2.19. 2 Co * 2Co11.2. 6. he giveth. Ja + Jas1.12. Is Is54.7, Is54.8. Mt + Mt13.12. more grace. 1 Co + 1Co1.4. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. God resisteth. Ex Ex10.3, Ex10.4. Ex15.9,10. Ex18.11. 1 S 1Sa2.3. Jb Job22.29. Job40.10-12. Ps * Ps138.6. Pr ▶ Pr3.34. Pr6.16, Pr6.17. +* Pr13.15. Pr29.23. Is Is2.11, Is2.12, Is2.17. Is10.8-14. Is16.6, Is16.7. Da Da4.37. Da5.20-23. Mt Mt23.12. Lk * Lk1.52. Lk14.11. Lk18.14. 2 Co 2Co7.6. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. the proud. Ps +* Ps119.21. giveth grace. 2 Ch 2Ch32.26. 2Ch33.12, 2Ch33.19, 2Ch33.23. 2Ch34.27. Jb Job22.29. Ps Ps9.12. Pr Pr15.33. Pr18.12. Pr22.4. Is +* Is57.15. the humble. T#932. Jb Job22.29. Ps Ps9.12. Ps10.17. Ps138.6. Pr ▶ Pr3.34. Pr11.2. Pr15.33. Pr16.19. Pr18.12. Pr22.4. Pr29.23. Mt * Mt18.4. * Mt23.12. Lk Lk18.14. 1 P 1Pe5.5, 1Pe5.6. 7. Submit. T#298. Le Le26.41-43. Dt Dt27.26. 1 S 1Sa3.18. 2 S 2Sa15.26. 2 K 2Ki1.13-15. 2 Ch 2Ch30.8. 2Ch33.12, 2Ch33.13. Jb Job1.21. Job40.3-5. Job42.1-6. Ps Ps32.3-5. + Ps37.7 (T#536). +39:9 (T#278). 66:3. 68:30. Is Is45.9. Je Je13.18. Da Da4.25, Da4.32, Da4.34-37. Mt Mt6.9,10. Mt11.29. Ac Ac9.6. Ac16.29-31. Ac26.19. Ro Ro10.3. Ro14.11. Ep Eph5.21. He Heb12.9. 1 P 1Pe2.13. Resist. Mt Mt4.3-11. Lk Lk4.2-13. Ep * Eph4.27. * Eph6.11, Eph6.12. 1 P * 1Pe5.8, 1Pe5.9. Re Re12.9-11. will flee. T#813. Ge Ge3.15. Lk Lk22.31, Lk22.32. Ro * Ro16.20. 1 J 1Jn2.14. * 1Jn5.18. 8. Draw nigh to God. Ge Ge18.23. Ge45.4. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. 2 Ch 2Ch15.2. Ps Ps73.28. Ps145.18. Is Is29.13. Is48.16. ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. La La3.57. Da * Da9.3. Ho +* Ho6.1, Ho6.2. * Ho14.1, Ho14.2. Zc Zec1.3. Ml Mal3.7. Lk Lk15.20. He Heb7.19. +* Heb10.22. Cleanse. T#1316. Ex = Ex30.18. Jb Job9.30. Job16.17. Job17.9. Ps Ps18.20. Ps24.4. Ps26.6. Ps73.13. Is * Is1.15, Is1.16. Is33.15. Je Je2.22. Mt Mt15.2. Mt27.24. 1 Ti 1Ti2.8. 1 P 1Pe3.21. hands. 2 S 2Sa22.21, 2Sa22.25. Jb Job17.9. Ps Ps24.3, Ps24.4. Ps26.6. purify. Ps Ps51.6, Ps51.7, Ps51.10. Je Je4.14. Ezk * Eze18.31. Eze36.25-27. Mt Mt12.33. Mt23.25, Mt23.26. Lk Lk11.39, Lk11.40. Ac Ac15.9. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.22. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. ye double. See on Ja Jas1.8. Ho Ho10.2. Mt * Mt6.24. 9. afflicted. Ja Jas5.1, Jas5.2. Ps Ps119.67, Ps119.71, Ps119.136. +* Ps126.5, Ps126.6. Ec Ec7.2-5. Is Is22.12, Is22.13. Je Je9.18. Je31.9, Je31.13, Je31.18-20. Ezk Eze7.16. Eze16.63. Jl Joe1.13. Mi Mic3.4. Zc Zec12.10, etc. Mt +* Mt5.4. Lk Lk6.21, Lk6.25. Lk23.28. 2 Co * 2Co7.10, 2Co7.11. let. Jb Job30.31. Pr Pr14.13. Ec Ec2.2. Ec7.6. La La5.15. Lk Lk6.25. Lk16.25. Re Re18.7, Re18.8. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 209. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

10. Humble. T#357. See on ver. Jas4.6, Jas4.7. Le Le26.41, Le26.42. 1 K 1Ki21.27. 2 Ch +✓ 2Ch7.14 (T#607). 12:7. Jb Job5.11. Job22.29. Ps Ps9.12. Ps10.17. Ps138.6. Pr Pr3.34. Pr15.33. Pr22.4. Pr29.23. Is +* Is57.15. Ezk Eze21.26. Da Da9.3. Mi +* Mic6.8. Mt +* Mt5.3. Lk Lk1.52. + Lk13.3 (T#606). 18:14. 2 Co 2Co11.7. 1 P * 1Pe5.5, 1Pe5.6. he. 1 S 1Sa2.9. Jb Job22.29. Ps Ps27.6. Ps28.9. Ps30.1. Ps113.7. Ps147.6. Mt + Mt23.12. Lk Lk14.11. Lk18.14. 1 P 1Pe5.6. 11. Speak. Ja Jas5.9. Ex Ex20.16. Ps Ps50.20. Ps101.5. Ps140.11. Ro Ro1.30. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ep * Eph4.31. 1 Ti 1Ti3.11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.3. Ti Tt3.2. 1 P 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.16. and judgeth. Mt +* Mt7.1, Mt7.2. Lk * Lk6.37. Ro Ro2.1. * Ro14.3, Ro14.4, Ro14.10-12. 1 Co +* 1Co4.5. speaketh evil of the law. Ja Jas2.8. Ro * Ro7.7, Ro7.12, Ro7.13. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. a doer. Ja * Jas1.22, Jas1.23, Jas1.25. 1 K 1Ki11.34. Jn +* Jn17.6. Ro Ro2.13. 1 J +* 1Jn2.3. 12. is one. Ja Jas2.19. lawgiver. Is Is33.22. able. 2 K 2Ki5.7. Mt +* Mt10.28. Lk +* Lk12.5. He * Heb7.25. destroy. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. who. 1 S 1Sa25.10. Jb Job38.2. Ro Ro2.1. + Ro9.20. Ro14.4, Ro14.13. 13. Go to. Ja Jas5.1. Ge Ge11.3, Ge11.4, Ge11.7. Ec Ec2.1. Is Is5.5. To day. Pr * Pr27.1. Is Is56.12. Lk Lk12.17-20. will go. f96:96B, Mt + Mt11.6. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. continue. f171:171J, Ac + Ac15.33. Mt Mt20.12. Re Re13.5g. and buy. Is Is24.2. Is56.11. Ezk Eze7.12. 1 Co 1Co7.30. 14. morrow. Pr Pr27.1. Mt Mt6.34. It is. or, For it is. a vapor. Ja Jas1.10. Jb * Job7.6, Job7.7, Job7.9. Job8.9. Job9.25, Job9.26. Job14.1, Job14.2. Ps Ps39.5. Ps89.47. Ps90.5-7. * Ps102.3. Ps144.4. Is Is38.12. 1 P 1Pe1.24. 1Pe4.7. 1 J 1Jn2.17. a little time. T#148. Ge * Ge47.9. Dt ◐+* Dt5.16. 2 S 2Sa19.34mg. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.15. Jb 7:+ Job7.1 (T#146), 6. *8:9. 9:25, 26. 14:1, 2. Ps * Ps39.5. + Ps89.47 (T#726). *90:10, +12 (T#727). *102:11. *103:15, 16. 109:23. 144:4. Ec Ec6.12. Is +* Is38.10. Is40.6, Is40.7. * Is64.6. 1 Co * 1Co7.29-31. +* 1Co11.30. 1 P 1Pe1.24. 1 J * 1Jn2.17. vanisheth. Ac Ac13.41. 15. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. 2 S 2Sa15.25, 2Sa15.26. Ps Ps31.15. Pr * Pr19.21. La * La3.37. Ac +* Ac18.21. Ro * Ro1.10. * Ro15.32. 1 Co 1Co4.19. * 1Co16.7. He * Heb6.3. we shall. f96:96B, Mt + Mt11.6. 16. ye rejoice. Ja Jas3.14. Ps Ps52.1, Ps52.7. Pr Pr25.14. Pr27.1. Is Is47.7, Is47.8, Is47.10. 1 Co 1Co4.7, 1Co4.8. 1Co5.6. Re Re18.7. boastings. 1 J 1Jn2.16. all such. Ja Jas1.9. 1 Co 1Co5.6. 17. knoweth. Lk +* Lk12.47, Lk12.48. Jn Jn5.39. + Jn9.41. +* Jn13.17. Jn15.22. Ro Ro1.20, Ro1.21, Ro1.32. Ro2.17-23. Ro7.13. 2 Ti 2Ti2.15. 2 P 2Pe2.21. 2Pe3.18. to do good. Ja Jas1.27. Jas3.17. Ps Ps1.1-3. Ps15.1-5. Ps34.14. Ps37.3, Ps37.27. Ps122.6. Is +* Is66.4. Mi Mic2.7. +* Mic6.8. Lk +* Lk6.35. ✓ Lk16.10. Ro Ro13.3. 1 Co * 1Co15.58. Ga +* Ga6.10. Ph ✓ Php3.12. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.13. +* 1Ti6.18. He +* Heb13.16. 1 P 1Pe2.15. 1Pe3.11, 1Pe3.17. 2 P * 2Pe3.18. doeth it not. Ja Jas3.2, Jas3.8. Jg Jdg5.23. Jdg21.8. Ne Ne3.5. Ne9.35. Ps * Ps109.16. Pr Pr21.13. Je Je8.20. +* Je48.10. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Eze34.4. Mt Mt7.26. Mt23.23. Mt25.27, Mt25.45. Lk Lk11.42. +* Lk12.47. ✓ Lk17.10. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.14. sin. Ja Jas2.10, Jas2.11.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 210. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Pr Pr10.19. Pr14.21. * Pr24.9. Ho Ho6.8. Mt Mt5.28. Ro Ro3.10. Ro4.15. Ro5.12. * Ro14.23. 1 Co 1Co8.12. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.8, 1Jn1.10. * 1Jn3.4. * 1Jn5.17.

JAMES 5 Judgments are denounced on the rich and wicked Jews, Jas5.1-6. Christians are exhorted to patience and meekness under their trials, in hope of a speedy deliverance, Jas5.7-11. A caution against swearing; and an admonition to prayer and praise, Jas5.12" Jas5.13 }. Instructions concerning the elders visiting the sick, Jas5.14" Jas5.15 }; and concerning Christians confessing their sins to each other, with prayer for one another; and a declaration of the efficacy of fervent prayer, Jas5.17" Jas5.18 }. An encouragement to attempt the conversion of sinners, and the recovery of offending brethren, Jas5.19" Jas5.20 }. 1. Go. See on Ja Jas4.13. ye rich. f38:38B, 2 S + 2Sa1.24. Ja Jas1.11. Jas2.6. Dt Dt8.12-14. Dt32.15. Ne Ne9.25, Ne9.26. Jb Job20.15-29. Ps Ps17.14. Ps49.6-20. Ps73.3-9, Ps73.18-20. Pr * Pr11.4, Pr11.28. Ec Ec5.13, Ec5.14. Je +* Je9.23. Am Am6.1. Mi Mic6.12. Zp Zep1.18. Mt Mt19.23, Mt19.24. Lk * Lk6.24. Lk12.16-21. Lk16.19-25. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9, 1Ti6.10. Re 6:15-24. weep. f96:96B, Ge + Ge20.7. Ja Jas4.9. Is Is13.6. Is15.2, Is15.3, Is15.8. Is16.7. Is22.12, Is22.13. Je Je4.8. Je51.8. Ezk Eze19.2. Eze30.2. Jl Joe1.5, Joe1.11, Joe1.13. Am Am6.6, Am6.7. Zc Zec11.2, Zec11.3. Lk Lk6.25. Lk23.28, Lk23.29. miseries. Ro Ro3.16. that shall come. Pr +* Pr11.4. Ezk ✓ Eze7.19. Zp +* Zep1.11. Mt * Mt24.1, Mt24.2, Mt24.21. 2. Your riches. Je Je17.11. Ezk Eze17.9, Eze17.10. Mt * Mt6.19, Mt6.20. Lk Lk12.33. 1 P 1Pe1.4. your garments. Ja Jas2.2. Jb Job13.28. Ps Ps39.11. Is Is50.9. Is51.8. Ho Ho5.12. 3. is. f96:96C. Heterosis of Tenses, Present put for Future. “The present tense is often put for the future, to show that the thing spoken of shall as certainly happen as if it were already present” (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 1, p. 415, citing Macnight). For other instances of this figure, see Mt + Mt2.4. Ro Ro8.30. He Heb12.22n. cankered. 2 Ti 2Ti2.17. the rust. Mt * Mt6.20. a witness. Ge Ge31.48, Ge31.52. Jsh Jos24.27. Jb Job16.8. Mt + Mt8.4. Lk Lk9.5. and shall. Je Je19.9. Mi Mic3.3. Re Re17.16. Re20.15. +* Re21.8. Ye have. Dt Dt32.33, Dt32.34. Jb Job14.16, Job14.17. Mt Mt6.19. Lk Lk12.21. Ro * Ro2.5. 1 Ti ◐+* 1Ti6.19. 2 P 2Pe3.7. heaped treasure. f63:63A, 2 S + 2Sa6.6. By ellipsis, supply “ye have treasured up (wrath) for the last days.” the last days. ver. Jas5.8, Jas5.9. See on Ge Ge49.1. Is +* Is2.2. Mi Mic4.1. Jn +* Jn6.54n. Ac Ac2.17. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1. 2 P 2Pe3.3. 1 J + 1Jn2.18. 4. the hire. Le +* Le19.13. Dt +* Dt24.14, Dt24.15. Jb Job24.10, Job24.11. Job31.38, Job31.39. Is Is5.7. Je * Je22.13. Hab Hab2.11. Zc * Zec8.10. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mt Mt10.10. Lk * Lk10.7. Col +* Col4.1. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.18. fields. Lk Lk21.21. Jn Jn4.35g. kept back. Le +* Le19.13. Dt +* Dt24.15. Pr * Pr3.27, Pr3.28. by fraud. Le +* Le19.13. Je Je22.13. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mk Mk10.19. Lk Lk3.13. 1 Th 1Th4.6. the cries. Ge +* Ge4.10. Ex * Ex2.23, Ex2.24. * Ex3.9. +* Ex22.22-24, Ex22.27. Dt * Dt15.9. +* Dt24.15. Jb * Job34.28. Job35.9. Ps * Ps9.12. +* Ps12.5. * Ps34.15-17. Pr +* Pr22.22, Pr22.23. Pr30.10. Lk * Lk18.7. the ears. f22:22A, Ps + Ps10.17. Lord. Ro * Ro9.29. Is * Is1.9h. of sabaoth. Is +* Is6.5. Is44.6. Is54.5. Je Je10.16. Je50.34. Je51.19. Jn Jn12.37-41. Ro Ro9.29. 5. have lived. 1 S 1Sa25.6, 1Sa25.36. Jb * Job21.11-15. Ps Ps17.14. Ps73.7. Ec Ec11.9. Is Is5.11, Is5.12. Is47.8. Is56.12. Am Am6.1, Am6.4-6. Lk * Lk16.19, Lk16.25. 1 Ti 1Ti5.6. 2 Ti Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 211. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Ti3.4. 2 P 2Pe2.13. Ju Jud12. Re Re18.7. been wanton. Is Is3.16. Ro Ro13.13. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.6. your hearts. Jg Jdg19.5. Ps Ps104.15. Lk Lk21.34. Ac Ac14.17. as in. Pr Pr7.14. Pr17.1. Is Is22.13. Is34.2, Is34.6. Je Je12.3. Je25.34. Ezk Eze21.15. Eze39.17. Re Re19.17, Re19.18. 6. have condemned. Ja Jas2.6. Mt Mt21.38. Mt23.34, Mt23.35. Mt27.20, Mt27.24, Mt27.25. Jn Jn16.2, Jn16.3. Ac Ac2.22, Ac2.23. Ac3.14, Ac3.15. Ac4.10-12. * Ac7.52. * Ac9.5. Ac13.27, Ac13.28. Ac22.14. 1 Th 1Th2.15, 1Th2.16. killed. Ja Jas4.2. 1 Th * 1Th2.1416. the just. Ac Ac3.14. * Ac7.52. Ac22.14. 1 P 1Pe3.18. 1 J 1Jn2.1. and he. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. Is * Is53.7. Mt Mt5.39. ✓ Mt26.53, Mt26.54. Lk Lk22.51-53. Jn Jn19.9-11. Ac Ac8.32. 1 P 1Pe2.22, 1Pe2.23. 7. Be patient. or, Be long patient, or, Suffer with long patience. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. Lk * Lk8.15. Ro Ro2.7. Ro8.24, Ro8.25. +* Ro15.4. 2 Co 2Co6.4, 2Co6.5. Ga Ga5.5. +* Ga6.9. Col * Col1.11. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 2 Th 2Th1.4-10. 2Th3.5. He Heb6.15. Heb10.36, Heb10.37. * Heb12.1-3. 1 P 1Pe4.12, 1Pe4.13. unto. ver. Jas5.8, Jas5.9. Mt Mt24.27, Mt24.44. Lk Lk18.8. Lk21.27. Jn + Jn21.22. 1 Co 1Co1.7. 1 Th 1Th2.19. 1Th3.13. 2 P 2Pe3.4. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. 1 Th + 1Th2.19. 2 P 2Pe3.9. waiteth for. Ro Ro5.1, Ro5.2. * Ro8.24. 2 Th 2Th1.5-11. 1 P 1Pe1.5, 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.13. 1Pe4.13. 1Pe5.1, 1Pe5.4, 1Pe5.10. 1 J 1Jn2.28. * 1Jn3.2. patience for. Lk Lk18.7g. the early. Dt Dt11.14. Je Je5.24. Ho * Ho6.3. Jl * Joe2.23. Zc * Zec10.1. latter rain. Jb Job29.23. Pr Pr16.15. 8. ye also. Ge Ge49.18. Ps * Ps37.7. Ps40.1-3. Ps130.5. La La3.25, La3.26. Mi Mic7.7. Hab Hab2.3. Ro Ro8.25. Ga Ga5.22. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. 2 Th 2Th3.5. He Heb10.35-37. stablish. Ps Ps27.14. 1 Th 1Th3.13. 1 P + 1Pe5.10. for. ver. Jas5.9. Ph Php4.5. He +* Heb10.25, Heb10.37. 1 P 1Pe4.7. Re Re22.20. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. Mt * Mt24.2, Mt24.30. draweth nigh. Is Is54.7. Jl Joe2.1. Ro +* Ro13.11, Ro13.12. 1 Co 1Co7.29-31. 1Co10.11. Ph * Php4.5. 2 Th ◐+* 2Th2.2. He Heb10.25, Heb10.27. 1 P 1Pe4.7. Re Re1.1. * Re22.7, Re22.12, Re22.20. 9. Grudge not. or grieve not. or, murmur not. Ja Jas4.11. Le +* Le19.18. Nu +* Nu11.1. Ps Ps59.15. * Ps73.3, Ps73.19, Ps73.24. Mk Mk6.19mg. 2 Co 2Co9.7. Ga Ga5.14, Ga5.26. Ph * Php2.14. 1 P 1Pe4.9. lest. Mt Mt6.14, Mt6.15. * Mt7.1, Mt7.2. Lk Lk6.37. the Judge. Ja + Jas4.12. Ge Ge4.7. Mt Mt24.33. Jn Jn5.22. 1 Co +* 1Co4.5. 1Co10.11. 1 P 1Pe4.5. Re Re22.12. before the door. Mt * Mt24.33. Mk Mk13.29. Re * Re3.20. 10. the prophets. Da Da12.12. Mt Mt5.10. + Mt12.1-50. 1 P 1Pe3.14. who have spoken. Is Is39.8. Je Je23.22. Je26.16. Mt Mt1.22. Ac +* Ac3.21. He * Heb13.7. in the name. ver. Jas5.14. Ac + Ac2.21. for. 2 Ch * 2Ch36.16. Je * Je2.30. Mt +* Mt5.11, Mt5.12. Mt21.34-39. Mt23.34-37. Lk Lk6.23. Lk13.34. Ac Ac7.52. 1 Th 1Th2.14, 1Th2.15. He *11:32-38. example. He + Heb4.11g. patience. Ep + Eph4.2g. 11. we count. Ja * Jas1.3, Jas1.4, Jas1.12. Ps * Ps94.12. Mt +* Mt5.10, Mt5.11. * Mt10.22. Ro +* Ro2.7. He +* Heb3.6, Heb3.14. Heb10.39. Ye. Jb * Job1.21, Job1.22, etc. ✓2:10. *13:15, 16. *23:10. Job. i.e. the persecuted; he that weeps or cries, ❅S#2492g. For ❅S# 0347h, see Jb + Job1.1. seen the end. f121:121P, Pr + Pr23.18. Jb * Job42.10-17. Ps Ps37.37. Ec Ec7.8. Je +* Je29.11. 1 P 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.13. 2 P * 2Pe2.9. the Lord is. Ex +* Ex34.6. Nu * Nu14.18. 1 Ch 1Ch21.13. 2 Ch 2Ch30.9. Ne Ne9.17, Ne9.31. Ps * Ps25.6, Ps25.7. +* Ps51.1. Ps78.38. Ps86.5, Ps86.15. * Ps103.8, Ps103.13. Ps111.4. Ps116.5. Ps119.132. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 212. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps136.1, etc. 145:8. Is ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. Is63.7, Is63.9. Je +* Je29.11. La La3.22. Da Da9.9, Da9.18, Da9.19. Jl Joe2.13. Jon Jon4.2. Mi +* Mic7.18. Lk Lk1.50. Lk6.36. Ro Ro2.4. 2 Co 2Co1.3. Ep Eph1.6. Eph2.4. pitiful. or, compassionate. T#225. Ex Ex32.14. Jg Jdg10.16. Jb + Job36.7 (T#585). Ps Ps25.6. Ps36.7. Ps69.16. Ps78.38. Ps86.15. Ps103.13. + Ps140.12 (T#522). 145:8, 9. La +* La3.22, La3.32, La3.33. Ho Ho11.8. Jon + Jon4.2 (T#233). Lk +* Lk6.35. 1 P 1Pe3.8. 12. above. 1 P 1Pe4.8. 3 J 3Jn2. swear not. Ex Ex20.7. Le Le19.12. See on Mt * Mt5.3337. * Mt23.16-22. but. See on 2 Co 2Co1.17-20. lest. Ja Jas3.1, Jas3.2. 1 Co 1Co11.34. 13. afflicted. T#1217. Dt Dt4.27, Dt4.29, Dt4.30. 2 Ch 2Ch33.10-13. Jb Job33.26. Ps * Ps18.4-6. +* Ps50.15. Ps91.15. Ps106.44. * Ps116.3-6. Ps118.5. Ps119.107, Ps119.153. Ps142.1-3. La La1.9-11. La2.18, La2.19. La3.55, La3.56. Ho * Ho5.15. Ho6.1. Jon Jon2.1, Jon2.2, Jon2.7. Mt Mt26.38, Mt26.39. Lk Lk22.44. Lk23.42. Ac Ac16.24, Ac16.25. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.7-10. He Heb5.7. pray. Ps Ps50.14, Ps50.15. Is any. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. merry. Jg Jdg16.23-25. Da Da5.4. Ac + Ac27.22. let him sing. 1 Ch 1Ch16.9. Ps Ps95.2. Ps105.2. Mi Mic4.5. Mt Mt26.30. Ac * Ac16.25. Ro Ro15.9. 1 Co 1Co14.15, 1Co14.26. Ep Eph5.19g. Col * Col3.16, Col3.17. Re Re5.9-14. Re7.10. Re14.3. Re19.1-6. 14. any sick. T#1280. 2 K * 2Ki20.1-6. Ps Ps107.17-20. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.20. for the elders. T#103. Ac + Ac11.30. * Ac14.23. Ac15.4, Ac15.6. Ac16.4. * Ac20.17. Ph Php1.1. Ti Tt1.5. pray. 1 K 1Ki17.21. 2 K 2Ki4.33. 2Ki5.11. Ac Ac9.40. Ac28.8. anointing. T#1221. Mk * Mk6.13. + Mk16.18. in the name. ver. Jas5.10. Mt +* Mt28.19. Ac 2:+ Ac2.21, Ac2.38. Ac10.48. Ac19.5. 1 Co 1Co1.13, 1Co1.15. 15. the prayer of faith. T#189. See on ver. Jas5.13, Jas5.16. Ja Jas1.6. Mt *9:+ Mt9.2, Mt9.6, Mt9.7. + Mt10.1 (T#100). 14:29-31. 17:20, 21. *21:20-22. Mk * Mk11.22-24. * Mk16.17, Mk16.18. Jn * Jn14.12, Jn14.13. Ac Ac9.40. Ac28.8. 1 Co 1Co12.8-10, 1Co12.2830. shall save. Mk + Mk10.52. and if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Mt Mt21.21g. have committed. Is Is33.24. Mt Mt9.2-6. Mk Mk2.5-11. Lk + Lk7.48. Lk13.2-5. Jn Jn5.14. * Jn9.2, Jn9.3. 1 Co 1Co11.30-32. 1 J + 1Jn3.4g. * 1Jn5.14-16. forgiven. Ps +* Ps103.3. Ps130.4. Ezk Eze18.22. Mt Mt6.14. Mk Mk3.28. Ac Ac5.31. Ac13.38. Ac26.18. Ep Eph1.7. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.9. 16. Confess. Gr. exomologeo, S#1843g, Mk + Mk1.5. To confess from the heart, freely, publicly, openly (Thayer). It denotes full and unreserved confession or acknowledgment (Cremer, p. 772). The confession specified is voluntary (though not optional, the verb here is second person, plural number, middle voice, imperative mode, and so a command), not oneway auricular confession to a pastor or priest, not merely to the elders, nor to the church in a public meeting, not just to those we have offended, but to one another, to one in right standing with God, with the purpose of securing mutual informed interest, counsel, and prayer support. T#1235. Ge Ge41.9, Ge41.10. Ex Ex10.16, Ex10.17. Nu Nu21.7. Jsh Jos7.19. 2 S 2Sa12.13. 2Sa19.19. Ps Ps106.33n. * Ps119.26. Pr +* Pr28.13. Mt Mt3.6. Mt5.24. ✓ Mt18.15-17. Lk Lk7.3, Lk7.4. Lk17.4. Ac +* Ac19.18. faults. Ps Ps19.12. Gr. paraptoma, ❅S#3900g. A falling aside, when one should have stood upright. Hence (morally) a fall, a falling aside from truth and equity; a fault, or trespass (CB). Mt Mt6.14 (trespasses), Mt6.15, Mt6.15. Mt18.35. Mk Mk11.25, Mk11.26. Ro Ro4.25 (offenses). Ro5.15, Ro5.15, Ro5.16, Ro5.17, Ro5.18, Ro5.20. Ro11.11 (fall), Ro11.12. 2 Co 2Co5.19 (trespasses). Ga * Ga6.1 (fault). Ep Eph1.7 (sins). Eph2.1 (trespasses), Eph2.5 (sins). Col Col2.13 (sins), Col2.13 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 213. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

(trespasses). one to another. Ps Ps106.33n. Mt Mt5.23, Mt5.24. ✓ Mt18.15-17. Ro + Ro12.5. Ro15.1. Ga +* Ga6.1. He +* Heb3.12, Heb3.13. Heb10.24, Heb10.25. pray one for another. 1 S * 1Sa12.23. Ro Ro15.30. Ep Eph6.18. Col Col1.9. 1 Th 5:* 1Th5.17, 1Th5.23, 1Th5.25. He * Heb13.18. that ye. ver. Jas5.14. Ge * Ge20.17. 2 Ch * 2Ch30.20. Ps +* Ps103.3. Mt Mt8.14-17. Mt13.15. Lk Lk9.6. Ac * Ac10.38. He Heb12.13. 1 P 1Pe2.24. The effectual. “On the word energoumenee, inwardly energizing in devotion and love to God, so as to produce external effects in obedience” see the following reference passages. “Observe, therefore, how happily the two emphatic words dikaiou (righteous) and energoumenee are (in the Greek text) reserved for the end of the sentence, to give weight and force to the whole; and to make it sink into the ears and hearts of hearers and readers of the Epistle; and to teach the faithful of every age, that it is holiness of life and devotion of heart which give efficacy to Prayer” (Wordsworth, Greek Testament, vol. 4, p. 34). Zc Zec12.10. Ro Ro8.26. 2 Co 2Co1.6. Ga * Ga5.6. Ep Eph3.20. Col Col1.29. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. fervent prayer. Ge Ge18.23-32. Ge19.29. * Ge20.7, Ge20.17. * Ge32.28. Ex Ex9.28, Ex9.29, Ex9.33. * Ex17.11. Ex32.10-14. Nu * Nu11.2. * Nu14.13-20. * Nu21.7-9. Dt * Dt9.18-20. Jsh Jos10.12. 1 S * 1Sa12.18. 1 K * 1Ki13.6. * 1Ki17.18-24. 2 K * 2Ki4.33-35. * 2Ki19.15-20. ✓ 2Ki20.2-5. 2 Ch 2Ch14.11, 2Ch14.12. * 2Ch32.20-22. Jb +* Job42.8. Ps Ps10.17, Ps10.18. +* Ps34.15. +✓ Ps62.8. * Ps145.18, Ps145.19. Je Je15.1. * Je29.12, Je29.13. ✓ Je33.3. Da Da2.18-23. * Da9.20-22. Ho Ho12.3, Ho12.4. Mt ✓ Mt7.7-11. * Mt21.22. Lk Lk11.11-13. * Lk18.1-8. Ac * Ac4.24-31. * Ac12.5-12. 1 P 1Pe3.12. 1 J * 1Jn3.22. a righteous. Pr +* Pr15.8, Pr15.29. * Pr28.9. Jn +* Jn9.31. Ro Ro3.10. * Ro5.19. He Heb11.4, Heb11.7. 1 J * 1Jn3.7. availeth much. On this passage, Wordsworth notes “It is the inner working of the heart, moved by a spirit of love, that prevails with God. The wrestlings of Jacob in prayer, the yearnings of Hanna’s heart, these gain a blessing from Him.” Ge Ge18.23. Ex Ex8.13. Ex32.10-14. * Ex33.17. 1 S 1Sa12.18. 1 K 1Ki13.6. Jb Job42.810. Is Is45.11, Is45.19. Lk +* Lk11.9, Lk11.10. Lk18.7, Lk18.8. Ac * Ac10.4. 2 Co 2Co1.11. Ph * Php1.19. Col Col4.12. Phm * Phm22. He Heb5.7. 1 J * 1Jn5.14. 17. Elias. 1 K 1Ki17.1, Elijah. subject. Ac Ac10.26. Ac14.15. and he prayed. f106, Ge + Ge31.7. Ro +* Ro11.2. Re Re11.6. earnestly. or, in prayer. f147:147D, Ge + Ge1.29. T#1327. Lk * Lk22.44. Ps +* Ps119.145. Ro Ro8.26. Col Col2.1, Col2.2. 1 Th 1Th3.10. He * Heb5.7. not rain. T#1666. 1 K 1Ki17.1. and it rained not. Lk Lk4.25. 18. he prayed. 1 K * 1Ki18.18, 1Ki18.42-45. Je Je14.22. Ac Ac14.17. gave rain. T#1665. 1 S 1Sa12.16-18. 1 K 1Ki18.42-45. 2 Ch 2Ch6.26, 2Ch6.27. +* 2Ch7.13, 2Ch7.14. Zc * Zec10.1. 19. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Col +* Col1.23. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. He * Heb3.14. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. err from. Ps Ps119.21, Ps119.118. Pr +* Pr19.27. Is Is3.12. Mk +* Mk12.24. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. Ep +* Eph4.14. 1 Th +* 1Th3.5n. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1n. * 1Ti6.10, 1Ti6.21. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.18, 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. Ju Jud11. and one convert him. ver. * Jas5.20. Le +* Le19.17. 1 S * 1Sa9.27. Ps +* Ps51.13. Ezk Eze34.4, Eze34.16. Da +* Da12.3. Ml Mal2.6. Mt * Mt18.15. Lk Lk1.16. * Lk15.3-7. * Lk22.32. Ga +* Ga6.1. 1 Th * 1Th2.13. He +* Heb3.12, Heb3.13. 6:◐+* Heb6.6, * Heb6.9n. * Heb10.24. Heb12.12, Heb12.13. 1 J +* 1Jn5.16. Ju * Jud22, * Jud23. Re Re3.14-22. 20. that he. ver. * Jas5.19. the sinner. Ja +* Jas4.17. the error of. T#175. Ps Ps19.12. Pr +* Pr19.27. Ec Ec7.29. Mt + Mt15.14 (T#477). 16:12. Jn + Jn1.12 (T#183). 1 Co +* 1Co6.9-11. 1Co15.33. Ga Ga1.6, Ga1.7. Ga5.9, Ga5.19-21. 2 Th 2Th2.11, 2Th2.12. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.16-18, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 214. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Ti2.26. He +* Heb3.12, Heb3.13. * Heb10.26. * Heb12.15. 2 P * 2Pe2.1. * 2Pe3.17. shall save. Pr * Pr11.30. Ezk Eze13.19. Da +* Da12.3. Ro Ro11.14. 1 Co 1Co7.16. * 1Co9.22. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. Phm Phm19. Ju * Jud23. soul. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, Ac Ac2.41. from death. Ja * Jas1.15. Pr * Pr10.2. * Pr11.4. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. 1 J +* 1Jn5.16. Re * Re20.6. hide. Ne Ne4.5. Ps * Ps32.1. Ps85.2. Pr * Pr10.12. Is * Is43.25. 1 P * 1Pe4.8. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. a multitude. Ezk Eze28.18.

1 PETER 1 PETER 1 The apostle addressed the strangers of the dispersion in Pontus, etc., with salutations, and thanksgivings to God for his abundant mercy, and the inestimable blessings bestowed on them, 1Pe1.1-5. He shows the nature and benefit of their trials, and the joy by which they were counterbalanced, 1Pe1.6" 1Pe1.7 }. Through faith, they loved and rejoiced in an unseen Savior, and received his salvation, 1Pe1.8" 1Pe1.9 }. The ancient prophets had most diligently inquired into this salvation; angels desired to look into it; and the Holy Spirit confirmed and prospered the preaching of it by the apostles, 1Pe1.10-12. This should animate Christians to a holy and circumspect conduct, as the worshippers of a holy God, 1Pe1.13-17; and as redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, through whom they believed and hoped in God, 1Pe1.18-21. Exhortations to the pure and fervent love of Christians to one another; being brethren by regeneration, through the Word of God, which, as “an incorruptible seed,” “endureth forever,” in the endeared relation thus formed, and in all things, 1Pe1.22-25. 1. Cir. A.M. 4068. A.D. 64. Peter. See on Mt Mt4.18. * Mt10.2. Jn Jn1.41, Jn1.42. * Jn21.15-17. an apostle. 2 P 2Pe1.1. strangers. 1 P 1Pe2.11. Ac Ac2.5-11. Ep * Eph2.12, Eph2.19. He Heb11.13. scattered. Le Le26.33. Dt Dt4.27. Dt28.64. Dt32.26. Est Es3.8. Ps Ps44.11. Ezk Eze6.8. Jn Jn7.35. Jn11.52. Ac * Ac8.1, Ac8.4. Ja +* Jas1.1. Pontus. Ac Ac2.5, + Ac2.9, Ac2.10. Ac18.2. Galatia. Ac + Ac16.6. Ac18.23. Ga Ga1.2. Cappadocia. Ac Ac2.9. Asia. Ac Ac6.9. Ac16.6. Ac19.10. Ac20.16-18. 1 Co 1Co16.19. 2 Co 2Co1.8. 2 Ti 2Ti1.15. Re Re1.11. Bithynia. Ac Ac16.7. 2. Elect. 1 P * 1Pe2.8, 1Pe2.9. Dt Dt7.6. +* Dt10.15. Is Is65.9, Is65.22. Mt Mt24.22, Mt24.24, Mt24.31. Mk Mk13.20, Mk13.22, Mk13.27. Lk + Lk18.7. Jn Jn15.16-19. Ac +* Ac13.48. Ro +* Ro8.29, Ro8.33. +* Ro11.2, Ro11.5-7, Ro11.28. Ep * Eph1.4, Eph1.5. Col Col3.12. 1 Th 1Th5.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. Ti Tt1.1. 2 J 2Jn1, 2Jn13. the foreknowledge. ver. 1Pe1.20. Ac Ac2.23. Ac15.18. Ro +* Ro8.29, Ro8.30. Ro9.23, Ro9.24. Ro11.2. Re Re13.8. through. 2 Th +* 2Th2.13. sanctification. Ex = Ex28.41. Le = Le8.30. Ac Ac20.32. Ro Ro15.16. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. +* 1Co6.11. 1 Th + 1Th4.3. 1Th5.23. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.13. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Jn + Jn7.39. Ro +* Ro8.9. unto obedience. ver. 1Pe1.14, 1Pe1.22. Ro Ro1.5. Ro6.16. Ro8.13. Ro16.19, Ro16.26. 2 Co * 2Co10.5, 2Co10.6. He +* Heb5.9. sprinkling. Ex * Ex24.8. Le = Le8.30. Le16.14-16. See on He * Heb9.19-22. +* Heb10.22. Heb11.28. Heb12.24. blood of. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. He * Heb9.13, Heb9.14. Heb12.24. Heb13.12. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. Grace. 2 P 2Pe1.2. See on Ro Ro1.7. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. 2 J + 2Jn3. peace. Da Da4.1. Da6.25. Ju Jud2. be. Is Is55.7mg. Da Da4.1. Da6.25. 2 P 2Pe1.2. Ju Jud2. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 215. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

3. Blessed. 1 K 1Ki8.15. 1 Ch 1Ch29.10-13, 1Ch29.20. Ps Ps41.13. Ps72.18, Ps72.19. 2 Co + 2Co1.3. Ep Eph1.3, Eph1.17. Eph3.20. the God and. T#965‡. Mk Mk15.34. Jn + Jn17.3 (T#966‡). 20:17. Ro + Ro15.6. 1 Co 1Co11.3. Ti ◐+* Tt2.13. Re Re1.6. which. Ex Ex34.6. Ps Ps86.5, Ps86.15. Jsh Jos4.2. Ro Ro5.15-21. Ep Eph1.7. Eph2.4, Eph2.7-10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. Ti * Tt3.4-6. abundant. Gr. much. mercy. Ps Ps118.3. Ep * Eph2.4-6. hath begotten. ver. + 1Pe1.23. 1 P * 1Pe2.2. Jn * Jn1.13. * Jn3.3-8. Ac +* Ac13.33. Ja * Jas1.18. 1 J 1Jn2.29. 1Jn3.9. 1Jn4.7. 1Jn5.1, 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.18. unto. Ro Ro5.4, Ro5.5. Ro8.24. Ro12.12. Ro15.13. 1 Co 1Co13.13. Col +* Col1.23, Col1.27. 1 Th 1Th1.3. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He * Heb3.6. * Heb6.18, Heb6.19. 1 J 1Jn3.3. hope. Ro +* Ro15.4. Ep ◐ Eph2.12. 2 Th * 2Th2.16. Ti Tt3.7. He * Heb6.19, Heb6.20. by. 1 P * 1Pe3.21. Is +* Is26.19n. Ac Ac1.22. +* Ac2.24. Ro * Ro4.25. Ro5.10. +* Ro8.11. 1 Co * 1Co15.20. Ep * Eph2.6. 1 Th * 1Th4.13, 1Th4.14. from. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. 4. an inheritance. T#862. 1 P 1Pe3.9. Mt +* Mt25.34. Ac +* Ac20.32. Ac26.18. Ro * Ro8.17. Ga Ga3.18. Ep 1:+* Eph1.11, Eph1.14, Eph1.18. Col * Col1.12. He Heb9.15. Ja +* Jas2.5. incorruptible. f99, Mk + Mk12.30. Mt +* Mt6.20. Lk Lk12.33. 1 Co 1Co9.25. 1Co15.52-54. 2 Ti 2Ti1.10. undefiled. Re Re21.27. fadeth. 1 P 1Pe5.4. Is Is40.7, Is40.8. Ezk Eze47.12. Ja Jas1.11. reserved in heaven. The inheritance is not in heaven, for by prophecy and covenant confirmed by oath the inheritance is upon earth (Mt +* Mt5.5. Ep +* Eph1.11n. He +* Heb11.16n). The inheritance is not in heaven, but from heaven (2 Ti 2Ti4.18n), and is not present but future (Col Col1.13n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n). The inheritance is not in heaven, but is reserved in heaven, just as Scripture elsewhere teaches that our names are written in heaven (Da * Da7.10. * Da12.1. Lk +* Lk10.20. Re Re3.5. Re20.12, Re20.15). Ps Ps31.19. Mk +* Mk10.40. Jn +* Jn14.3. Ph Php3.20, Php3.21. Col * Col1.5. Col3.3, Col3.4. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. He +* Heb10.34. +* Heb12.23. 2 P +* 2Pe3.13. Ju Jud1. Re Re3.12. Re21.2. for you. or, for us. 5. kept. 1 S 1Sa2.9. Ps * Ps37.23, Ps37.24, Ps37.28. * Ps97.10. Ps103.17, Ps103.18. * Ps121.7, Ps121.8. Ps125.1, Ps125.2. Pr Pr2.8. Is Is54.17. Je Je32.40. Jn Jn4.14. ✓ Jn5.24. ✓ Jn10.28-30. Jn17.11, Jn17.12, Jn17.15. Ro ✓ Ro8.31-39. 1 Co * 1Co1.8. 2 Co 2Co11.32. Ga Ga3.23. Ep * Eph1.13, Eph1.14. +* Eph4.30. Ph Php1.6. Php4.7g. 1 Th * 1Th5.24. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. Ju * Jud1, Jud24. power of. Ps * Ps18.2. 1 Co 1Co1.24. 1Co2.5. 2 Co 2Co6.7. through faith. Ro Ro11.20. 2 Co * 2Co1.24. Ga * Ga2.20. Ep ✓ Eph2.8. Eph3.17. 2 Th 2Th2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15. He Heb6.12. unto. Is Is45.17. Is51.6. 1 Th 1Th1.3, 1Th1.4. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. He +* Heb9.28. ready. ver. 1Pe1.13. 1 P 1Pe5.10. Ro Ro8.18. 2 Co 2Co4.17. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14, 1Ti6.15. Ti ✓ Tt2.13. He Heb12.11. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. revealed. Mt +* Mt25.34. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. Col * Col3.4. Ti +* Tt2.13. in. Jb Job19.25. Jn Jn12.48. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. 1 J + 1Jn2.18. 6. ye greatly. ver. 1Pe1.8. 1 P 1Pe4.13. 1 S 1Sa2.1. Ps Ps9.14. Ps35.19. Ps95.1. Is * Is12.2, Is12.3. Is61.3, Is61.10. Mt +* Mt5.12. Lk Lk1.47. Lk2.10. Lk10.20. Jn Jn16.22. Ro * Ro5.2, Ro5.3, Ro5.11. * Ro12.12. 2 Co 2Co6.10. ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ga * Ga5.22. Ph Php3.3. ✓ Php4.4. 1 Th 1Th1.6. Ja Jas1.2, Jas1.9. for a season. 1 P 1Pe4.7. * 1Pe5.10. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ver. 1Pe1.7. Ps +* Ps119.75. La * La3.32, La3.33. He Heb12.7-11. ye are. Jb Job9.27, Job9.28. Ps Ps69.20. Ps119.28. Is Is61.3. Mt Mt11.28. Mt26.37. Ro Ro9.2. Ph Php2.26. He Heb12.11. Ja Jas4.9. manifold. Ps Ps34.19. Jn Jn16.33. Ac Ac14.22. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. 2 Co 2Co4.7-11. 2Co11.23-27. He Heb11.35-38. Ja Jas1.2.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 216. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

7. the trial. 1 P * 1Pe4.12, 1Pe4.13. Ge = Ge12.6. Dt Dt8.2. Jb Job23.10. Ps Ps23.5. Ps66.10-12. Pr Pr17.3. Is Is48.10. Je Je9.7. Zc * Zec13.9. Ml Mal3.3. Ro * Ro5.3, Ro5.4. Ep Eph6.12. Ja * Jas1.3, Jas1.4, Jas1.12. Re Re2.10. +* Re3.10. precious. 1 P 1Pe2.4, 1Pe2.7. Pr Pr3.13-15. Pr8.19. Pr16.16. 2 P 2Pe1.1, 2Pe1.4. gold. Ml = Mal3.3. 2 Ti 2Ti2.20, 2Ti2.21. that. Ec Ec5.14. Je Je48.36. Lk Lk12.20, Lk12.21, Lk12.33. Ac Ac8.20. Ja Jas5.2, Jas5.3. 2 P 2Pe3.10-12. Re Re18.16, Re18.17. perisheth. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. tried. 1 P 1Pe4.12. Jb Job23.10. Ps Ps66.10. Pr Pr17.3. Is Is48.10. Da Da11.35. Zc * Zec13.9. Ml = Mal3.3. 1 Co 1Co3.13. Re Re3.18. with fire. 1 P 1Pe4.12. 1 Co 1Co3.13. might. 1 S 1Sa2.30. Mt Mt19.28. Mt25.21, Mt25.23. Jn Jn5.44. Jn12.26. Ro Ro2.7, Ro2.10, Ro2.29. 1 Co +* 1Co4.5. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.7-12. Ju * Jud24. glory. 1 P 1Pe2.7. Ro * Ro2.7, Ro2.10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. He Heb2.7, Heb2.9. 2 P 2Pe1.17. Re + Re4.9. at. See on ver. 1Pe1.5. Re Re1.7. the appearing. ver. 1Pe1.13. 1 P 1Pe4.13. Lk Lk17.30. 1 Co 1Co1.7. Ph Php3.20. Col Col3.4. 2 Th 2Th1.7. Ti +* Tt2.13n. 8. having. Jn * Jn20.29. 2 Co * 2Co4.18. ✓ 2Co5.7. He * Heb11.1, Heb11.27. 1 J 1Jn4.20. ye love. T#325. 1 P 1Pe2.7. Ps Ps45.11. SS So1.7. So5.9, So5.16. Mt Mt10.37. Mt25.35-40. Jn Jn8.42. Jn14.15, Jn14.21, Jn14.24. Jn21.15-17. 1 Co * 1Co16.22. 2 Co * 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. Ga * Ga5.6. Ep Eph6.24. 1 J ✓ 1Jn4.19. yet believing. T#664. See on ver. 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.21. Hab ✓ Hab3.17, Hab3.18. Ac Ac16.34. Ro + Ro10.14. Ro14.17. Ro15.13. 2 Co + 2Co5.7 (T#184). Ga Ga2.20. Ph Php1.25. Php3.3. ✓ Php4.4. ye rejoice. T#852. ver. 1Pe1.6. 1 P 1Pe4.13. Jb Job22.26. Ne * Ne8.10. Ps Ps4.7. * Ps33.21. Ps63.5. Ps64.10. * Ps68.3. * Ps89.15, Ps89.16. Ps97.11. Ps118.15. +* Ps126.5, Ps126.6. SS * So1.4. Is Is9.3. Is41.16. +* Is51.11. Is55.12. Is61.7, Is61.10. Is62.5. Is65.14. Hab Hab3.18. Jn * Jn15.11. Jn16.22. Ac + Ac16.34. Ro Ro5.2. Ph * Php3.8, Php3.9. with joy. T#297. 1 S 1Sa2.1. Ne Ne8.10. Hab Hab3.17-19. unspeakable. Jn Jn16.22. Ro Ro8.26. 2 Co 2Co9.15. 2Co12.4. full. 1 P 1Pe5.4. 2 Co 2Co1.22. Ga * Ga5.22. Ep Eph1.13, Eph1.14. 9. Receiving. Ro * Ro6.22. He * Heb11.13. Ja * Jas1.21. the end. f121:121P, Pr + Pr23.18. Ro Ro6.22. salvation. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. Ro Ro8.1. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, 2 Co + 2Co12.15mg. f171:171Q, Nu + Nu23.10. 10. which. Ge +* Ge49.10. Da * Da2.44. Hg * Hag2.7. Zc * Zec6.12. Mt * Mt13.17. Lk * Lk10.24. * Lk24.25-27, Lk24.44. Ac * Ac3.22-24. * Ac7.52. +* Ac10.43. * Ac13.27-29. * Ac28.23. 2 P * 2Pe1.19-21. the prophets. Da Da8.15. Mt Mt13.17. Lk Lk10.24. 2 P 2Pe1.19. inquired. ❅S#1567g. Lk Lk11.50, Lk11.51 (required). Ac Ac15.17 (seek after). Ro Ro3.11. He * Heb11.6 (diligently seek). 12:17. and searched. ver. * 1Pe1.11. Pr Pr2.4. +* Pr15.14. Da Da9.2, Da9.3. Jn +* Jn5.39. * Jn7.52. Ac +* Ac17.11. the grace. He * Heb11.13, Heb11.40. 11. Searching what. Pr Pr15.14. Da Da9.2, Da9.24-26. Mt Mt13.17. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. 1 P 1Pe3.18, 1Pe3.19. Jn Jn14.17. Jn16.7. Ac + Ac16.7. Ro +* Ro8.9. Ga * Ga4.6. He Heb9.14. 2 P * 2Pe1.21. Re * Re19.10. when it testified. Mt + Mt26.24. the sufferings. Ps * Ps22.1-21. * Ps69.1-21. ch. 88. Is * Is52.13, Is52.14. * Is53.1-10. Da * Da9.2426. Zc * Zec13.7. Lk +* Lk24.25-27, Lk24.44. Ac + Ac3.18. 1 Co +* 1Co15.3, 1Co15.4. 2 Co 2Co1.5. the glory. Ge +* Ge3.15. +* Ge49.10. Ps * Ps22.22-31. Ps45.3-7. * Ps69.30-36. * Ps72.17-19. +* Ps102.16. * Ps110.1-6. * Ps145.11. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Is * Is11.10mg. * Is49.6. * Is53.11, Is53.12. Da * Da2.34, Da2.35, Da2.44. +* Da7.13, Da7.14. Zc ✓ Zec2.8-12. +✓ Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 217. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Zec6.13. +* Zec14.9. Mt Mt6.13. Lk ✓ Lk24.26. Jn * Jn12.41. Ac * Ac26.22, Ac26.23. 1 Th +* 1Th2.12. 12. it was revealed. Is Is53.1. Da Da2.19, Da2.22, Da2.28, Da2.29, Da2.47. Da10.1. Da12.4, Da12.9, Da12.13. Am +* Am3.7. Mt +* Mt11.25, Mt11.27. Mt16.17. Lk Lk2.26. Ro Ro1.17, Ro1.18. 1 Co 1Co2.10. Ga Ga1.12, Ga1.16. that not. Da Da9.24. Da12.9, Da12.13. Mt Mt13.17. Lk Lk10.24. He * Heb11.13, Heb11.39, Heb11.40. that have. Mk * Mk16.15. Lk Lk9.6. Ac Ac8.25. Ac16.10. Ro Ro1.15. Ro10.15. Ro15.19. 1 Th 1Th2.9. He Heb4.2. with. Mk * Mk16.20. Jn Jn15.26. Jn16.7-15. Ac * Ac2.2-4, Ac2.33. Ac4.8, Ac4.31. Ac10.44. 2 Co * 2Co1.22. 2Co6.6. 1 Th 1Th1.5, 1Th1.6. He Heb2.4. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18. sent. Pr * Pr1.23. Is Is11.2-6. Is32.15. Is44.3-5. Jl +* Joe2.28. Zc * Zec12.10. Jn Jn15.26. Ac Ac2.17, Ac2.18. which things. Ex Ex25.20. Da Da8.13. Da12.5, Da12.6. Lk Lk15.10. Ep * Eph3.10. Re Re5.11. to look into. Ja + Jas1.25. 13. gird. Ex Ex12.11. 1 K 1Ki18.46. 2 K 2Ki4.29. Jb Job38.3. Job40.7. Is Is11.5. Je Je1.17. Lk +* Lk12.35. Lk17.8. Ep * Eph6.14. be sober. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. 1Pe5.8. Lk +* Lk21.34, Lk21.35. Ro Ro13.13. 1 Th * 1Th5.6-8. 2 Ti 2Ti4.5. Ti +* Tt2.13. hope. ver. 1Pe1.3-5. 1 P * 1Pe3.15. Ro +* Ro15.4-13. 1 Co 1Co13.13. 1 Th 1Th5.8. He Heb3.6. Heb6.19. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. to the end. Gr. perfectly. the grace. ver. 1Pe1.4-9. Lk Lk17.30. 1 Co 1Co1.7. 2 Th 2Th1.7. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. Ti +* Tt2.11-13. He +* Heb9.28. * Heb10.35. at the revelation. ver. + 1Pe1.7. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. 14. obedient children. T#654. ver. + 1Pe1.2. Lk + Lk10.6. Ep ◐ Eph2.2. Eph5.6g. not fashioning. 1 P 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.3. Ro * Ro6.4. +* Ro12.2. Ep Eph4.18-22. Col Col3.5-7. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. according to. 1 P * 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.3. Ti Tt3.3. in. Ac Ac17.23, Ac17.30. Ep Eph4.18. 1 Th 1Th4.5. Ti * Tt3.3-5. 15. as. 1 P 1Pe2.9. 1Pe5.10. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro9.24. Ph Php3.14. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 1Th4.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.9. 2 P 2Pe1.3, 2Pe1.10. is. Is Is6.3. Re Re3.7. Re4.8. Re6.10. so. Ps Ps93.5. Mt Mt5.48. Lk Lk1.74, Lk1.75. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ep * Eph5.1, Eph5.2. Ph Php1.27. Php2.15, Php2.16. 1 Th * 1Th4.3-7. Ti ✓ Tt2.11-14. * Tt3.8, Tt3.14. He +* Heb12.14. 2 P 2Pe1.4-10. 1 J 1Jn3.3. in. ver. 1Pe1.18. 1 P 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.16. Ph Php3.20. 1 Ti 1Ti4.12. He +* Heb13.5. Ja + Jas3.13. 2 P * 2Pe3.11-14. 16. Because. T#1062. 1 Co 1Co1.31. Be ye holy. Le *▶ Le11.44. Le19.2. Le20.7, Le20.26. Am Am3.3. 17. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. call. Je Je3.19. Zp Zep3.9. Mt * Mt6.9. * Mt7.7-11. Lk Lk11.2. 2 Co 2Co1.2. Ep Eph1.17. Eph3.14. the Father. Je Je3.19. Ml Mal1.6. 2 Co 2Co6.18. who. Dt * Dt10.17, Dt10.20. 2 Ch 2Ch19.7. Jb Job34.19. Mt Mt22.16. Ac *10:+ Ac10.34, Ac10.35. Ro * Ro2.10, Ro2.11. Ga Ga2.6. Ep Eph6.9. Col Col3.25. judgeth. Ec * Ec12.14. Mt +* Mt10.15n. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. according. Mt +* Mt16.27. pass. Ge Ge47.9. 1 Ch 1Ch29.15. Ps Ps39.12. He +* Heb11.13-16. sojourning. 1 P 1Pe2.11. Ep Eph2.19. He * Heb13.14. in fear. 1 P 1Pe3.15. Ps * Ps2.11. * Ps119.120. Pr Pr14.16. * Pr28.14. Ro Ro11.20. 2 Co 2Co5.6. 2Co7.1, 2Co7.11. Ph Php2.12. He Heb4.1. +* Heb12.28. 18. redeemed. Ex Ex15.16. = Ex30.11-16. Le = Le22.11. Nu Nu3.51. Ps * Ps49.7, Ps49.8. Ps130.8. Is Is52.3. Mt Mt20.28. Lk Lk24.21. Ac * Ac20.28. 1 Co 1Co6.20. 1Co7.23. Ti Tt2.14. 2 P 2Pe2.1. Re Re5.9. corruptible. See on ver. 1Pe1.7. vain. Ps Ps39.6. Ps62.10. Je Je4.11. Ro Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 218. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ro1.21. 1 Co 1Co3.20. Ep + Eph4.17. conversation. ver. 1Pe1.15. Ja + Jas3.13g. received. 1 P 1Pe4.3. Je Je9.14. Je16.19. Je44.17. Ezk Eze20.18. Am Am2.4. Zc Zec1.4-6. Mt Mt15.2, Mt15.3. Ac Ac7.51, Ac7.52. Ac19.34, Ac19.35. Ga Ga1.14. * Ga5.1. 19. with. 1 P 1Pe2.22-24. 1Pe3.18. Da Da9.24. Zc Zec13.7. Mt Mt20.28. +* Mt26.28n. 1 Co * 1Co6.20. Ep Eph1.7. Col Col1.14. He Heb9.12-14. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. * 1Jn2.2. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. precious. Ps * Ps49.7, Ps49.8. Ps116.15. Ps139.17. Is Is28.16. blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. Ac +* Ac20.28. He * Heb9.12. Re Re1.5. as. Ex Ex12.5. Is * Is53.7, Is53.9. Jn *1:+ Jn1.29, Jn1.36. Ac Ac8.32-35. 1 Co 1Co5.7, 1Co5.8. 1 J * 1Jn4.10. Re Re5.6. Re7.14. Re14.1. lamb. f22:22E, Jn + Jn1.29. without blemish. T#579. Ex * Ex12.5. Le Le22.19, Le22.20. Ml Mal1.8. Ep Eph5.27. He Heb7.26, Heb7.27. Heb9.14. without spot. Ja + Jas1.27. 1 J * 1Jn3.5. 20. foreordained. Ge +* Ge3.15. Pr Pr8.23. Mi +* Mic5.2. Ro + Ro3.25. Ro8.29. Ro16.25, Ro16.26. Ep Eph1.4. * Eph3.9, Eph3.11. Col Col1.26. before the. Ge Ge17.7. Mt Mt13.35. Jn + Jn17.24. 1 Co +* 1Co15.45. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.9, 2Ti1.10. He Heb13.20. Ti ✓ Tt1.2, Tt1.3. Re Re13.8. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. but. Ac Ac3.25, Ac3.26. Col Col1.26. 1 J 1Jn1.2. 1Jn3.5, 1Jn3.8. * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. manifest. He Heb1.3. Ro + Ro16.26. in. Ga * Ga4.4, Ga4.5. Ep Eph1.10. He + Heb1.2. Heb9.26. 21. by. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. +* Jn12.44. ✓ Jn14.6. Ac Ac3.16. He Heb6.1. Heb7.25. do believe. ver. 1Pe1.8. Ro + Ro10.14. that raised. Ac +* Ac2.24, Ac2.32. Ac3.15. Ac4.10. Ro * Ro8.32, Ro8.34. ✓ Ro10.9. gave. ver. 1Pe1.11. 1 P 1Pe3.22. Mt Mt28.18. Jn Jn3.34. Jn5.22, Jn5.23. Jn13.31, Jn13.32. Jn17.1. Jn + Jn7.39. Ac Ac2.33. Ac3.13. Ep * Eph1.20-23. Ph ✓ Php2.9-11. He * Heb2.9. your faith. Ps Ps42.5. Ps146.3-5. Je Je17.7. Jn Jn14.1. Ep Eph1.12, Eph1.13mg, Eph1.15. Col Col1.27. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. and hope. T#352. Ps Ps42.5. Ro Ro5.2. 22. have purified. Jn Jn15.3. Jn17.17, Jn17.19. Ac * Ac15.9. Ro Ro6.16, Ro6.17. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. Ja * Jas4.8. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, 2 Co + 2Co12.15mg. in obeying. ver. + 1Pe1.2. 1 P 1Pe3.1. * 1Pe4.17. Ezk ◐* Eze33.31, Eze33.32. Ac Ac6.7. Ro Ro1.5. Ro2.8. Ga Ga3.1. Ga5.7. Ph +* Php2.12, Php2.13. 1 Th * 1Th2.13. Ti * Tt3.5. He +* Heb5.9. Heb11.8. Ja Jas1.18, Jas1.21, Jas1.22. through. Ro Ro8.13. Ga Ga5.5. 2 Ti 2Ti1.14. He Heb9.14. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. unto unfeigned love. 1 P 1Pe2.17. * 1Pe3.8. * 1Pe4.8. Jn +* Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Jn15.17. Ro * Ro12.9, Ro12.10. 2 Co 2Co6.6. Ga +* Ga6.10. Ep Eph4.3. 1 Th 1Th4.8, 1Th4.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. He +* Heb6.10. + Heb13.1. Ja Jas2.15, Jas2.16. + Jas3.17. 2 P +* 2Pe1.7. 1 J *3:+ 1Jn3.11, 1Jn3.14-19, 1Jn3.23. * 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.12, 20, 21. *5:1, 2. see. Jn * Jn13.35. Ep * Eph1.4. Ph Php1.9. 1 Th +* 1Th3.12. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 1 J * 1Jn3.18. Re Re2.4. one another. Ro + Ro12.5. a pure. Mt +* Mt5.8. Ac Ac15.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. +* 1Ti4.12. 1Ti5.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. Ja Jas4.8. fervently. 1 P * 1Pe4.8. Ac + Ac12.5g. 23. born. See on ver. 1Pe1.3. 1 P * 1Pe2.2. Ps * Ps119.50. Jn Jn1.13. * Jn3.5. Ja * Jas1.18. 1 J * 1Jn3.9. 1Jn4.7. 1Jn5.1, 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.18. not. Ml Mal2.3. Ro Ro1.23. 1 Co * 1Co15.53, 1Co15.54. but of incorruptible. Le += Le11.37. 1 J * 1Jn3.9. * 1Jn5.18. by the word. T#1035. ver. * 1Pe1.25. Je * Je23.28, Je23.29. Mt * Mt24.35. Jn * Jn6.63. Ro + Ro9.6. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15. He * Heb4.12. Ja * Jas1.18. which liveth. Da ◐ Da4.34. ◐ Da6.26. ◐ Da12.7. Jn ◐ Jn6.51. Ac Ac7.38. He +* Heb4.12. Re ◐ Re4.10. forever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 219. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

24. For. or, For that. f92:92E, Mt + Mt4.10. all flesh. f171:171Q, Ge + Ge6.12. Ge +* Ge6.3. 2 K 2Ki19.26. Ps * Ps37.2. * Ps90.5. * Ps92.7. Ps102.4. * Ps103.15. Ps129.6. Is *▶ Is40.6-8. * Is51.12. Lk + Lk3.6. Ja * Jas1.10, Jas1.11. * Jas4.14. 1 J * 1Jn2.17. 25. the word. See on ver. * 1Pe1.23. Ps Ps102.12, Ps102.26. * Ps119.89. Is * Is40.8. Mt * Mt5.18. * Mt24.35. Lk * Lk16.17. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19. this. ver. 1Pe1.12. 1 P * 1Pe2.2. Jn * Jn1.1, Jn1.14. Ro Ro10.8. 1 Co 1Co1.21-24. 1Co2.2. * 1Co15.1-4. Ep Eph2.17. * Eph3.8. Ti Tt1.3. 2 P * 2Pe1.19. 1 J * 1Jn1.1, 1Jn1.3. the gospel. Is Is40.9.

1 PETER 2 Christians are exhorted to lay aside selfish and angry passions; that they may long for “the sincere milk of the word,” and grow by it, having “tasted that the Lord is gracious,” 1Pe2.1-3. The preciousness of Christ, the chief corner stone, to believers as builded on him, by faith, and thus made a holy temple and a spiritual priesthood, according to the scriptures; while unbelievers stumble and perish, 1Pe2.4-8. The sacred character and invaluable privileges of believers, as called out of darkness into light, to show forth the praises of God, 9, 1Pe2.10. The apostle beseeches them to abstain from fleshly lusts, and by their good conversation to glorify God among the Gentiles, 1Pe2.11" 1Pe2.12 }. He enforces obedience to magistrates, 13-17, and that of servants to their masters; exhorting them to suffer patiently even for well-doing after the example of Christ, and from love to him, 1Pe2.18-25. 1. Wherefore. 1 P 1Pe1.18-25. laying. 1 P 1Pe4.2. Is Is2.20. Is30.22. Ezk Eze18.31, Eze18.32. Ro Ro13.12. Ep Eph4.22-25. Col * Col3.5-8. He Heb12.1. Ja +* Jas1.21. Jas5.9. malice. ver. 1Pe2.16. 1 Co 1Co5.8. 1Co14.20. Ep +* Eph4.31. Ti * Tt3.3-5. guile. ver. 1Pe2.22. 1 P 1Pe3.10. Ps Ps32.2. Ps34.13. Jn Jn1.47. 1 Th 1Th2.3. Re Re14.5. hypocrisies. Jb Job36.13. Mt Mt7.5. Mt15.7. Mt23.28. Mt24.51. Mk Mk12.15. Lk Lk6.42. Lk11.42. + Lk12.1. Ja Jas3.17. envies. 1 S 1Sa18.8, 1Sa18.9. Ps Ps37.1. Ps73.3. Pr Pr3.31. Pr14.30. Pr24.1, Pr24.19. Mt Mt27.18. Mk Mk15.10. Ro Ro1.29. Ro13.13. 1 Co 1Co3.2, 1Co3.3. 2 Co 2Co12.20. Ga ✓ Ga5.21-26. Ph Php1.15. 1 Ti 1Ti6.4. Ti Tt3.3. Ja Jas3.14, Jas3.16. Jas4.5. all evil. 1 P 1Pe4.4. Ml = Mal2.6. 2 Co 2Co12.20g. Ep Eph4.31. Col Col3.8. 1 Ti 1Ti3.11. Ti Tt2.3. Ja + Jas4.11. 2. newborn babes. T#1113. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. Le = Le22.11. Mt +* Mt18.3. Mk * Mk10.15. Ro * Ro6.4. 1 Co * 1Co3.1. 1Co14.20. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.15. desire. Jb * Job23.12. Ps Ps112.1. Ps119.165. Je ◐ Je6.10. ✓ Je15.16. Mt Mt5.6. the sincere. or, spiritual. Gr. reasonable. Ps * Ps19.7-10. Ro Ro12.1g. 1 Co * 1Co3.2. He * Heb5.12, Heb5.13. milk. He Heb5.12. of the word. Ex = Ex16.15. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6. grow. T#1048. 2 S 2Sa23.5. Jb * Job17.9. Pr +* Pr4.18. Ho * Ho6.3. * Ho14.5, Ho14.7. Ml * Mal4.2. Ac * Ac20.32. Ep Eph2.21. * Eph4.15. Col Col1.6, +* Col1.10. Col2.19. 1 Th * 1Th2.13. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.16, 2Ti3.17. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.18. 3. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. tasted. Ps +✓ Ps9.10. ▶ Ps34.8. Ps63.5. SS * So2.3. Zc Zec9.17. He * Heb6.5, Heb6.6. 1 J * 1Jn5.10. the Lord. The Hebrew text underlying this quotation from the Old Testament reads “Jehovah” (Ps Ps34.8h); this is therefore a very clear instance of the divine name of Jehovah being applied directly to Jesus Christ by the apostles in the New Testament, for the following verse (ver. 4) shows unmistakably that this reference is Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 220. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

to Jesus (Ac Ac11.21n). The following pairs of references will show that this identification is very frequently made in the New Testament: (1) Mt Mt3.3 w Is Is40.3. (2) Jn Jn12.41 w Is Is6.1. (3) Ep Eph4.7, Eph4.8n w Ps Ps68.18. (4) 1 P 1Pe3.15 w Is Is8.13. (5) 1 Co 1Co2.8 w Ps Ps24.7, Ps24.10. (6) Ja Jas2.1 w Ps Ps24.7, Ps24.10. (7) 1 Co 1Co1.30 w Je ✓ Je23.5, Je23.6. (7) Jn Jn3.31 w Ps Ps97.9. (8) Re Re1.17 w Is Is44.6. (9) Ph Php2.6 w Zc Zec13.7. (10) He Heb13.20 w Is Is40.10, Is40.11. (11) Col Col1.16 w Pr Pr16.4. (12) Lk Lk7.27 w Ml Mal3.1. (13) He Heb1.8, Heb1.10-12 w Ps Ps102.24-27. (14) Ti Tt2.13 w Ho Ho1.7. (15) 2 Ti 2Ti4.1 w Ec Ec12.14. (16) Re Re1.5 and 17:14 w Da Da2.47. (17) Jn Jn1.3 w Is Is40.28. (18) Col Col1.17 w Ne +* Ne9.6. For Scripture evidence establishing the divinity or deity of Christ, see Topic Numbers 74-82, the sets of references gathered at Mt Mt28.19n, and the following related notes and references: (1) Deity of Christ, Col Col1.16n. (2) Christ received worship, Mt +* Mt14.33. Jn +* Jn20.28, Jn20.29n. Ac +* Ac7.59n. (3) Christ is not a lesser god, or entitled to a lesser degree of worship, Jn +* Jn1.1n. Ph Php2.6n. (4) Jesus called God, Jn +✓ Jn20.28, Jn20.29n. (5) Charged with blasphemy for his claim to deity, Jn Jn10.32n. (6) Only a divine Savior possessing full deity could qualify as our substitute in the atonement for sins, He Heb10.4n. Je ✓ Je23.5, Je23.6. gracious. Mt Mt11.30. Lk Lk6.35. Ro Ro2.4. Ep +* Eph4.32g. 4. To whom coming. Dt Dt12.5, Dt12.6. Is +* Is55.3. Je Je3.22. Mt Mt11.28. Jn * Jn5.40. ✓ Jn6.37. He ✓ Heb7.25. a living. f108:108B, Ac + Ac7.38. Jn Jn5.26. Jn6.57. Jn11.25, Jn11.26. * Jn14.6, Jn14.19. Ro Ro5.10. Col Col3.4. stone. f22:22L, Is + Is8.14. Is Is28.16. Da Da2.34, Da2.45. Zc Zec3.9. Zec4.7. disallowed. Ps * Ps118.22, Ps118.23. Is Is8.14, Is8.15. Mt Mt16.16-18. Mt21.42. Mk * Mk12.10, Mk12.11. Lk Lk20.17, Lk20.18. Ac Ac4.11, Ac4.12. 1 Co * 1Co3.11. chosen. Is Is42.1. Mt Mt12.18. precious. ver. 1Pe2.7. 1 P 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.19. 2 P 2Pe1.1, 2Pe1.4. 5. also. 1 Co * 1Co3.16. * 1Co6.19. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. Ep ✓ Eph2.19-22. He * Heb3.6. Re Re3.12. lively. f108:108B, Ac + Ac7.38. are built. or, be ye built. 1 Co 1Co3.9. spiritual. Ro + Ro1.11g. house. Ro + Ro1.11g. 1 Co * 1Co6.19. Ep Eph2.22. He * Heb3.4, Heb3.6. an holy priesthood. ver. 1Pe2.9. Ex = Ex29.9. Is Is61.6. Is66.21. Re Re1.6. Re5.10. Re20.6. spiritual. Ro + Ro1.11g. sacrifices. Ps Ps50.14, Ps50.23. Ps141.2. Is Is8.13, Is8.14. Is56.7. Ho * Ho14.2. Ml Mal1.11. = Mal3.3. Jn Jn4.22-24. Ro +* Ro12.1, Ro12.2. Ph Php2.17. Php4.18. He * Heb13.15, Heb13.16. acceptable. 1 P 1Pe4.11. Le += Le23.12. Mi +* Mic6.6-8. Ro +* Ro12.1. + Ro15.16. Ph Php1.11. Php4.18. Col Col3.17. 6. it. Da Da10.21. Mk Mk12.10. Jn Jn7.38. Jn19.37. Ac Ac1.16. Ro Ro9.17. 2 Ti 2Ti3.16. 2 P 2Pe1.20. 2Pe3.16. is contained. lit. it contains. i.e., there is a passage in the Scripture. f96:96A. Heterosis of Voice B512: the active for the passive voice. Behold. f92:92A, Mt + Mt1.23. ver. 1Pe2.4. Is ▶ Is28.16. Zc Zec10.4. Ro Ro9.32, Ro9.33. Ep Eph2.20. elect. Ps Ps89.19. Is Is42.1. Mt Mt12.18. Lk Lk23.35. Ep Eph1.4. corner stone. f22:22L, Is + Is8.14. Is ✡ Is28.16. Ep Eph2.20. believeth. Ro 9:3310:11. 1 J 1Jn3.23. shall not. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. Ps Ps40.14. Is Is41.11. Is45.16, Is45.17. Is50.7. Is54.4. 1 Co 1Co1.27. confounded. f121:121G, Ps + Ps25.2. 7. you. 1 P 1Pe1.8. SS So5.9-16. Hg Hag2.7. Mt Mt13.44-46. Jn Jn4.42. Jn6.68, Jn6.69. Ph ✓ Php3.7-10. which believe. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. precious. or, an honor. 1 P +* 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.19. Is Is28.5. Is43.4. Lk Lk2.32. but unto them. Ex Ex14.20. 1 S 1Sa5.11. Ho Ho6.5. Ho14.9. 2 Co 2Co2.16. which be. ver. 1Pe2.8. Mk + Mk16.16. Ac Ac26.19. Ro Ro10.21. * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 221. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ro15.31mg. Ti Tt3.3. He Heb4.11. 11:31mg. the stone. f22:22L, Ps + Ps118.22. f92:92G, Lk + Lk4.18. Ps ▶ Ps118.22, Ps118.23. Is Is28.16. Mt + Mt21.42. Mk + Mk8.31. Mk12.10, Mk12.11. Lk Lk20.17. Ac ✓ Ac4.11, Ac4.12. the head. Zc Zec4.7. Col Col2.10. 8. a stone. f22:22L, Is + Is8.14. Is ▶ Is8.14. Is57.14. Mt Mt21.44. Lk * Lk2.34. Ro Ro9.32, Ro9.33. 1 Co 1Co1.23. 2 Co 2Co2.16. of stumbling. Da Da2.45. Ho Ho14.9. Da Da2.45. Ga Ga5.11. of offense. Ex = Ex10.7. stumble at. T#1105. Ps 119:* Ps119.155, Ps119.171. Pr Pr28.5. Is Is26.9. +* Is66.4, Is66.5. Je * Je6.19. Ezk Eze12.2. * Eze33.31. Da * Da9.13. * Da12.10. Ho Ho13.6. Mi ◐+* Mic2.7. Hab Hab1.4. Jn Jn7.17. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.3, 2Co4.4. 2 P 2Pe3.16. the word. Ac + Ac8.4. being disobedient. See on ver. 1Pe2.7. 1 P 1Pe3.1. Ezk * Eze33.11. whereunto. T#252. Ge +* Ge50.20. Ex Ex9.16. Ac +* Ac2.23. Ac4.27, Ac4.28. Ac13.29. Ro Ro9.22. 1 Th 1Th5.9. 2 P * 2Pe2.3. Ju Jud4. Re Re17.17. appointed. 1 P 1Pe1.2. Dt +* Dt10.15. Re Re17.14. 9. a chosen. 1 P + 1Pe1.2. Dt Dt10.15. = Dt21.5. Jg Jdg2.1. Ps Ps22.30. Ps33.12. Ps73.15. Is Is41.8. Is43.20. Is44.1. Ep * Eph1.4, Eph1.5. generation. Ps Ps22.30. Ps24.6. Mt Mt24.34. a royal priesthood. ver. 1Pe2.5. Ex Ex19.6. Ex20.5, Ex20.6. = Ex29.9. Is Is61.6. Is66.21. Re Re1.6. Re5.10. Re20.4, Re20.6. an holy. Ex * Ex19.6. Dt Dt7.6. Ps Ps106.5. Is Is26.2. Je Je2.3. Jn Jn17.19. 1 Co 1Co3.17. 2 Ti 2Ti1.9. peculiar. or, purchased. Ex Ex6.7, Ex6.8. * Ex19.5. Dt Dt4.20. Dt7.6. Dt14.2. Dt26.18, Dt26.19. Ps Ps135.4. Ezk Eze37.23. Ml Mal3.17. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ep Eph1.14. Ti * Tt2.14. show. 1 P 1Pe4.11. Ps Ps9.13, Ps9.14. Ps96.2. Is Is42.12. * Is43.21. Is60.1-3. Is63.7. Mt * Mt5.16. Jn * Jn15.8. Ep Eph1.6. Eph3.21. Ph Php2.15, Php2.16. praises. or, virtues. 2 P 2Pe1.3g. who. Is Is9.2. Is60.1, Is60.2. Mt Mt4.16. Lk Lk1.79. Ac Ac26.18. Ro +* Ro8.28. Ro9.24. Ro13.12. Ep Eph5.8-11. Ph Php3.14. Col * Col1.13. 1 Th 1Th5.4-8. out of darkness. Ps Ps107.14. Is +* Is9.2. Is42.16. Ac +* Ac26.18. his marvellous. Ps Ps36.9. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. 10. were not. f111, Ge + Ge18.27. Ho * Ho1.9, Ho1.10. Ho2.23. Ro * Ro9.25, Ro9.26. Ro10.19. obtained. Ho Ho1.6. * Ho2.23. Ro Ro11.6, Ro11.7, Ro11.30. 1 Co 1Co7.25. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13. He +* Heb4.16. 11. I beseech. Ro +* Ro12.1. 2 Co 2Co5.20. 2Co6.1. Ep Eph4.1. Phm Phm9, Phm10. as strangers. 1 P 1Pe1.1, + 1Pe1.17. Ge Ge23.4. Ge47.9. Le Le25.23. 1 Ch 1Ch29.15. Ps Ps39.12. Ps119.19, Ps119.54. Ac Ac7.6, Ac7.29. Ep ◐ Eph2.19. He Heb11.13. and pilgrims. Ge Ge12.8. He Heb11.13. abstain. 1 P 1Pe4.2. Lk * Lk21.34. Ac * Ac15.20, Ac15.29. Ro ✓ Ro8.12, Ro8.13. ✓ Ro13.13, Ro13.14. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ga ✓ Ga5.16-21. 2 Ti 2Ti2.22. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. fleshly lusts. T#675. Am * Am6.3-7. Ro Ro6.12. * Ro13.13, Ro13.14. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ga Ga5.24. Ep + Eph2.3 (T#698). +5:18 (T#366). Ti * Tt2.11, Tt2.12. 1 J +* 1Jn2.16. war. Ro Ro7.23. Ro8.13. Ga Ga5.17, Ga5.24. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9, 1Ti6.10. Ja Jas4.1. soul. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Lk + Lk21.19. 12. Having. ver. 1Pe2.15. 1 P 1Pe3.16. 2 Co 2Co8.21. Ph Php2.15. Ti Tt2.8. Ja + Jas4.11. your conversation. 1 P 1Pe3.2. Ps Ps37.14. Ps50.23. 2 Co 2Co1.12. Ep Eph2.3. Eph4.22. Ph Php1.27. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.12. He Heb13.5. Ja + Jas3.13g. 2 P 2Pe3.11. honest. Ps * Ps5.8. Ac * Ac24.16. Ro Ro12.17. Ro13.13. 2 Co 2Co8.21. 2Co13.7. Ph ✓ Php4.8. 1 Th * 1Th4.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. He Heb13.18. among. Ge Ge13.7, Ge13.8. Ph Php2.15, Php2.16. that. 1 P * 1Pe3.1, 1Pe3.16. 1Pe4.14-16. Mt Mt5.11. Mt10.25. Lk Lk6.22. Ac Ac24.5, Ac24.6, Ac24.13. Ac25.7. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 222. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

whereas. or, wherein. they may. Mt * Mt5.16. Ti Tt2.7, Tt2.8. good works. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.18. glorify. 1 P 1Pe4.11. Ps Ps50.23. Jn Jn21.19. Ro Ro15.9. 1 Co 1Co14.25. 2 Co 2Co9.13. Ga Ga1.24. the day. Is ✓ Is10.3. Is34.8. * Is61.2. Je Je8.12. Ho +* Ho9.7. of visitation. Jb Job10.12. Je * Je6.15. Je51.18. Lk Lk1.68, Lk1.78. ✓ Lk19.44. Ac Ac15.14. 13. Submit. T#909. Pr Pr17.11. Pr24.21. Ec Ec8.4, Ec8.5. Je Je29.7. Mt Mt22.21. Mk Mk12.17. Lk Lk20.25. Ac ◐+* Ac4.19. ◐+* Ac5.29. Ro ✓ Ro13.1-7. Ep ✓ Eph5.21. 1 Ti 1Ti2.1, 1Ti2.2. Ti * Tt3.1. 2 P 2Pe2.10. Ju Jud8-10. ordinance. f171:171E, Mk + Mk16.15. 14. for the punishment. Ro * Ro13.3, Ro13.4. 15. so. 1 P + 1Pe3.17. the will. 1 P 1Pe4.2. Ep Eph6.6, Eph6.7. 1 Th + 1Th4.3. 1Th5.18. with. See on ver. 1Pe2.12. Jb Job5.16. Ps Ps107.42. Ti * Tt2.8. well doing. Ne Ne5.9. put to silence. Da * Da6.4, Da6.5. Ti * Tt2.8. the ignorance. 1 Co 1Co15.34g. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13. 2 P 2Pe2.12. Ju Jud10. foolish. Dt Dt32.6. Jb Job2.10. Ps Ps5.5. Pr Pr9.6. Je Je4.22. Mt Mt7.26. Mt25.2. Ro Ro1.21. Ga Ga3.1. Ti Tt3.3. 16. free. Jn Jn8.32-36. Ro * Ro6.14, Ro6.18, Ro6.22. * Ro8.1. 1 Co 1Co7.22. * 1Co8.9. Ga * Ga5.1, Ga5.13. Ja +* Jas1.25. Jas2.12. 2 P 2Pe2.19. and. Ju Jud4. using. Gr. having. a cloak. Mt Mt23.14. Jn Jn15.22. 1 Th 1Th2.5. but as. Ro Ro6.22. 1 Co 1Co7.22. Ep * Eph6.6. Col +* Col3.23, Col3.24. servants. Ja + Jas1.1. 17. Honor. or, Esteem. 1 P * 1Pe5.5. Ex Ex20.12. Le * Le19.32. 1 S 1Sa15.30. Ro * Ro12.10. * Ro13.7. Ph +* Php2.3. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.1. Love. See on 1 P 1Pe1.22. Zc Zec11.14. Jn * Jn13.35. He + Heb13.1. the brotherhood. f121:121N, Ge + Ge31.54. 1 P 1Pe5.9g. Ga +* Ga6.10. Fear. See on Ge Ge20.11. * Ge22.12. Ge42.18. Ps * Ps111.10. Pr * Pr1.7. * Pr23.17. * Pr24.21. Ec Ec8.2. Mt * Mt22.21. Ro Ro13.7. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ep * Eph5.21. Re Re14.7. Honor. 1 S 1Sa15.30. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.20. Pr * Pr24.21. 18. Servants. Lk Lk16.13. Ac Ac10.7. Ro Ro14.4. be subject. Ge Ge16.9. Ep * Eph6.5-7. Col * Col3.22-25. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.1-3. Ti Tt2.9, Tt2.10. the good. 2 Co 2Co10.1. Ga Ga5.22. Ti Tt3.2. and gentle. Ja +* Jas3.17. but. Ps Ps101.4. Pr Pr3.32. Pr8.13. Pr10.32. Pr11.20. Ac + Ac2.40. 19. this. ver. 1Pe2.20. Lk Lk6.32. thankworthy. or, thank. Lk Lk6.32-34. Ac Ac11.23. 1 Co 1Co15.10. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 2Co8.1g. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. for conscience. 1 P 1Pe3.14-17, 1Pe3.21. 1Pe4.14-16. Mt +* Mt5.10-12. Jn Jn15.21. Ro Ro13.5. 1 Co 1Co4.4. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. He Heb10.2. toward. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. suffering. Jb Job21.27. Ps Ps35.19. Ps38.19. Ps69.4. Ps119.86. 20. For. 1 P 1Pe3.14. 1Pe4.14-16. Mt Mt5.47. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. buffeted. Mt Mt26.67. Mk Mk14.65. 1 Co 1Co4.11. 2 Co + 2Co12.7. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. when. See on ver. 1Pe2.19. 1 P 1Pe3.17, 1Pe3.18. 1Pe4.13, 1Pe4.16. and suffer. Mt Mt11.29. take it patiently. 1 P 1Pe1.6. 1Pe4.12, 1Pe4.13, 1Pe4.19. Jb Job5.17. Job13.15. Mt Mt26.39. Ro Ro5.3. Ro12.12. 2 Co 2Co12.9. 1 Th 1Th3.3, 1Th3.4. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 2 Ti 2Ti4.5. He Heb10.34. Heb12.3-12. this. Mt +* Mt5.10-12. Ro +* Ro12.1, Ro12.2. Ep Eph5.10. Ph Php4.18. acceptable. or, thank. See on ver. 1Pe2.19. Lk Lk6.32.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 223. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

21. even. 1 P * 1Pe3.9. Mt Mt10.38. Mt16.24. Mk Mk8.34, Mk8.35. Lk Lk9.23-25. Lk14.26, Lk14.27. Jn Jn16.33. Ac Ac9.16. Ac14.22. Ro +* Ro8.28. 1 Th 1Th3.3, 1Th3.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.12. because. ver. 1Pe2.23, 1Pe2.24. 1 P 1Pe3.18. 1Pe4.1. Lk Lk24.26. Ac + Ac3.18. * Ac17.3. He Heb2.10. for us. Some read, for you. 1 P 1Pe1.20. leaving. Ps Ps85.13. Mt + Mt11.29. Jn Jn13.15. Ro Ro8.29. 1 Co +* 1Co11.1. Ep * Eph5.2. Ph Php2.5. He +* Heb12.1, Heb12.2. 1 J 1Jn2.6. 1Jn3.16. Re ✓ Re12.11. follow. Jn Jn12.26. 2 Ti 2Ti3.12. 22. did no sin. Is Is53.9. Da = Da6.4. Mt * Mt27.4, Mt27.19, Mt27.23, Mt27.24. Lk Lk23.41, Lk23.47. Jn * Jn8.46. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. He +* Heb4.15. * Heb7.26, Heb7.27. +* Heb9.28. 1 J * 1Jn2.1. *3:+ 1Jn3.4g, 1Jn3.5. guile. Ps Ps32.2. Is ✡ Is53.7, Is53.9. Jn * Jn1.47. Ja Jas3.2. Re Re14.5. 23. when he was. 1 P 1Pe3.9. Ps Ps38.12-14. Is * Is53.7. Mt * Mt27.12, Mt27.39-44. Mk Mk14.60, Mk14.61. Mk15.29-32. Lk Lk22.64, Lk22.65. * Lk23.9, Lk23.34-39. Jn * Jn8.48, Jn8.49. Jn19.9-11. Ac Ac8.32-35. He * Heb12.3. reviled not. Mt +* Mt26.63. suffered. ver. + 1Pe2.21. threatened. Ac Ac4.17, Ac4.29. Ac9.1. Ep Eph6.9. but committed. 1 P 1Pe4.19. Ps Ps10.14. Ps31.5. Ps37.5. Lk Lk23.46. Ac +* Ac7.59. Ac14.26g. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. himself. or, his cause. f63:63A, 2 S + 2Sa6.6. judgeth. Ge +* Ge18.25. Ps Ps7.11. Ps96.13. Ac +* Ac17.31. Ro Ro2.5. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 2 Ti 2Ti4.8. Re Re19.11. 24. his own self. Ex * Ex28.38. ◐= Ex32.30, Ex32.32. Le * Le16.22. Le22.9. Nu * Nu18.22. Ps * Ps38.4. Is ✓ Is53.4-6, Is53.11. Mt * Mt8.17. Jn * Jn1.29. Ti * Tt2.14. He +* Heb9.28. bare. f121:121C, Ge + Ge19.15. sins. 1 P 1Pe3.18. Le += Le5.6. Ro +* Ro3.25. + Ro4.25. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. his own. He Heb9.12. on. or, to. the tree. f121:121D, Ge + Ge40.19. Dt * Dt21.22, Dt21.23. Ac * Ac5.30. Ac10.39. Ac13.29. Ga * Ga3.13. being. 1 P 1Pe4.1, 1Pe4.2. Ro * Ro6.2, Ro6.7, Ro6.11. * Ro7.4, Ro7.6mg. 2 Co * 2Co6.17. Col * Col2.20. Col3.3g. He * Heb7.26. live. Mt * Mt5.20. Lk * Lk1.74, Lk1.75. Ac Ac10.35. Ro * Ro6.11, * Ro6.13, Ro6.16, 22. Ep * Eph5.9. Ph Php1.11. 1 J * 1Jn2.29. * 1Jn3.7. by. Is * Is53.5, Is53.6. Mt * Mt27.26. Mk * Mk15.15. Jn * Jn19.1. healed. Ps * Ps147.3. Ml * Mal4.2. Mt ✓ Mt8.17. Lk +* Lk4.18. Re Re22.2. 25. as sheep. f160:160A, Ps + Ps1.3. Ps * Ps119.176. Is * Is53.6. Je Je23.2. Ezk * Eze34.6. Mt * Mt9.36. * Mt18.12. Lk * Lk15.4-6. returned. Ac + Ac9.35. The Shepherd. 1 P * 1Pe5.4. Ps ✓ Ps23.1-3. Ps80.1. SS So1.7, So1.8. Is * Is40.11. Ezk * Eze34.11-16, Eze34.23, Eze34.24. Eze37.24. Zc Zec13.7. Jn * Jn10.11-16. He * Heb13.20. Bishop. He Heb3.1. Ac +* Ac20.28g. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, 2 Co + 2Co12.15mg.

1 PETER 3 Exhortations to wives and husbands, concerning their respective duties, 1Pe3.1-7; and to all Christians to live in amity, to forgive injuries, to be constant under persecutions, to profess and defend the truth with meekness; and to maintain a good conscience: enforced, by the nature of their calling, their privileges, and the example of Christ, 1Pe3.8-18. The case of those to whom Christ, by his Spirit in Noah, had preached, who yet perished in the deluge; and that of Noah and his family saved in the ark: an emblem of the destruction of the wicked, and the salvation of those, who had not only the sign of baptism, but the thing signified by it, through a risen and glorified Redeemer, 1Pe3.18-22. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 224. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1. Likewise. ver. 1Pe3.7. 1 P 1Pe2.13. ye wives. Ge Ge3.16. Est Es1.16-20. Pr +* Pr19.13. Ro Ro7.2g. 1 Co +* 1Co11.3. +* 1Co14.34n. Ep ✓ Eph5.22-24, Eph5.33. Col Col3.18. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.11, 1Ti2.12. Ti Tt2.3-6. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. obey. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1Pe2.8. 1Pe4.17. Ro Ro6.17. Ro10.16. 2 Th 2Th1.8. He +* Heb5.9. Heb11.8. the word. f145, Jg + Jdg11.40. Ac + Ac8.4. they. 1 Co ✓ 1Co7.16. Col Col4.5. won. Pr +* Pr11.30. * Pr18.19. Mt Mt18.15. 1 Co 1Co9.19-22. Ja +* Jas5.19, Jas5.20. the conversation. or, manner of life. ver. 1Pe3.16. Ja + Jas3.13. 2. they behold. ver. 1Pe3.16. 1 P 1Pe1.15. 1Pe2.12. Ph Php1.27. Php3.20. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.12. 2 P 2Pe3.11. chaste. Ti Tt2.5. conversation. ver. 1Pe3.1. with fear. ver. 1Pe3.5, 1Pe3.6, 1Pe3.15. Ep Eph5.33. Eph6.5. Col Col3.22. 3. adorning. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. let it not. Je Je31.34. Ro Ro2.29. Ro7.22. 2 Co 2Co4.16. Ep Eph3.16. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.9, 1Ti2.10. Ti Tt2.3, etc. Re Re21.2. that outward. Ge Ge24.22, Ge24.47, Ge24.53. Ex Ex3.22. Ex32.2. Ex33.4. Ex35.22. Ex38.8. 2 K 2Ki9.30. Est Es5.1. Ps Ps45.9. Is * Is3.18-24. Is52.1. Is61.10. Je Je2.32. Je4.30. Ezk Eze16.7-13. Eze23.40. plaiting. f86, Is + Is3.16. putting on. Ge ◐ Ge38.14, Ge38.15. Le Le19.19. 4. the hidden. Ps Ps45.13. +* Ps51.6. Mt Mt23.26. Lk Lk11.40. Ro Ro2.29. Ro6.6. Ro7.22. 2 Co 2Co4.16. Ep Eph3.16. Eph4.22-24. Col * Col3.3, Col3.9, Col3.10. 1 Ti 1Ti2.10. heart. f121:121J, Ps + Ps24.4. which is. 1 P 1Pe1.23. not corruptible. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23n. a meek. ver. 1Pe3.15. Ps +* Ps25.9. Ps147.6. +* Ps149.4. Is Is11.4. Is29.19. +* Is57.15. Is61.1. Mt +* Mt5.5. * Mt11.29. Mt21.5. 2 Co 2Co10.1. Ga * Ga5.23. Ep Eph4.2. Col Col3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.11, 1Ti2.12. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. Ti Tt3.2. Ja * Jas1.21. * Jas3.13-17. quiet. Ps Ps131.2. Je Je51.59. 1 Th 1Th4.11. 2 Th 2Th3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt5.3. f121:121A, Ps + Ps51.10. which is in. 1 S +* 1Sa16.7. Ps Ps147.10, Ps147.11. +* Ps149.4. Lk Lk16.15. 5. the holy. Pr Pr31.10, Pr31.30. Lk Lk8.2, Lk8.3. Ac Ac1.14. Ac9.36. 1 Ti 1Ti2.10. 1Ti5.10. Ti Tt2.3, Tt2.4. who. 1 S 1Sa2.1. Je Je49.11. Lk Lk2.37. 1 Ti 1Ti2.15. 1Ti5.5. He Heb11.11. adorned. ver. 1Pe3.2-4. 6. as Sara. Ge Ge18.12. calling him. Ge * Ge18.12. daughters. Gr. children. Ro Ro9.7-9. Ga Ga3.6. Ga4.22-26, Ga4.31. and. ver. 1Pe3.14, 1Pe3.15. Ge Ge18.15. Pr Pr3.25. * Pr29.25. Is Is57.11. Da Da3.16-18. Mt Mt26.69-75. Ac Ac4.8-13, Ac4.19. Ep Eph5.33. 7. Likewise. ver. 1Pe3.1. ye husbands. Ge Ge2.23, Ge2.24. Pr * Pr5.15-19. Ml * Mal2.1416. Mt * Mt19.3-9. 1 Co * 1Co7.3. Ep ✓ Eph5.25-28, Eph5.33. Col ✓ Col3.19. knowledge. 1 Th * 1Th4.5. * 1Th2.1-20#P 1Th1.5, 1Th1.6. giving. 1 Co 1Co12.22-24. 1 Th * 1Th4.4. honor. f108:108B, Mt + Mt15.6. vessel. 1 Th + 1Th4.4. heirs. Ep * Eph3.6. Ti * Tt3.7. He * Heb1.14. + Heb11.9g. grace of life. 1 P 1Pe1.4, 1Pe1.13. Ro * Ro6.23. Ga Ga3.28. that your prayers. T#1252. Jb * Job42.8. Ps Ps66.18. Is Is59.1, Is59.2. Da * Da10.12, Da10.13. Mt * Mt5.23, Mt5.24. +* Mt18.19. Ro * Ro8.26, Ro8.27. 1 Co 1Co7.5. Ep +* Eph4.30. * Eph6.18. Ja + Jas4.3. 8. be ye. See on Ac Ac2.1. Ac4.32. Ro + Ro12.16. Ro15.5n. 1 Co +* 1Co1.10. Ph * Php2.2. Php3.16. having. Zc Zec7.9. Mt Mt18.33. Lk Lk10.33. Ro Ro12.15. 1 Co 1Co12.26. Ja Jas2.13. Jas3.17. love as brethren. or, loving to the brethren. See on 1 P * 1Pe1.22. 1Pe2.17. Ro * Ro12.10. He + Heb13.1. 2 P 2Pe1.7. 1 J * 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.18, 1Jn3.19. pitiful. Ps Ps103.13. Pr Pr28.8. Mt Mt18.33. Ep * Eph4.32. Ja * Jas5.11. courteous. T#135. Pr Pr29.23. Mt + Mt17.27 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 225. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

(T#459). 26:50. Ac Ac27.3. Ac28.7. Ep ✓4:+ Eph4.2, Eph4.31, Eph4.32. Eph5.1, Eph5.2. Ph ✓ Php4.8, Php4.9. Col Col3.12. Col4.6. 9. not rendering. 1 P 1Pe2.20-23. Pr Pr17.13. Pr20.22. Mt * Mt5.39, Mt5.44. Lk Lk6.2729. Ro * Ro12.14, + Ro12.17, Ro12.19-21. 1 Co * 1Co4.12, 1Co4.13. Ep ✓ Eph4.32. 1 Th * 1Th5.15. or railing. 1 P 1Pe2.23. 1 Co 1Co5.11. 1Co6.10. blessing. Mt Mt5.44. Lk Lk6.28. Ro Ro12.14. 1 Co 1Co4.12. called. 1 P 1Pe2.21. 1Pe5.10. See on Ro * Ro8.28, Ro8.30. inherit. Mt Mt19.29. +* Mt25.34. Mk Mk10.17. Lk Lk10.25. Lk18.18. a blessing. Mt + Mt6.33. Ro Ro15.29. Ep Eph1.3. 10. he. See on Ps ▶ Ps34.12-16. love. Dt Dt32.47. Jb Job2.4. Pr Pr3.2, Pr3.18. Pr4.22. Pr8.35. Mt Mt19.17. Mk Mk8.35. Jn Jn12.25. life. f108:108B, 1 S + 1Sa10.24. see. Jb Job7.7, Job7.8. Job9.25. Job33.28. Ps Ps27.13. Ps49.19. Ps106.5. Ec Ec2.3. Mt Mt13.16, Mt13.17. refrain. 1 P 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.23. Ps Ps15.3. Ps39.1. Ps141.3. Pr Pr13.3. * Pr18.21. Pr21.23. Ep * Eph4.26. See on Ja * Jas1.26. Jas3.1-10. speak. 1 P 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.22. Zp Zep3.13. Jn Jn1.47. Re * Re14.5. 11. eschew. Jb Job1.1. Job2.3. Job28.28. Ps Ps34.14. * Ps37.27. Pr * Pr3.7. Pr16.6, Pr16.17. Is * Is1.16, Is1.17. Mt * Mt6.13. Jn Jn17.15. Ro * Ro12.9. do good. Ps Ps125.4. Mt Mt5.45. Mk Mk14.7. Lk +* Lk6.9, Lk6.35. Ro Ro7.19, Ro7.21. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.18. He +* Heb13.16. Ja +* Jas4.17. 3 J 3Jn11. seek peace. Ps Ps120.6, Ps120.7. Mt +* Mt5.9. Lk Lk1.79. Ro * Ro5.1. Ro8.6. ✓ Ro12.18. * Ro14.17, + Ro14.19. Ga * Ga5.22. Col Col3.15. He +* Heb12.14. Ja * Jas3.17, Jas3.18. 12. the eyes. f22:22A, Dt + Dt11.12. Dt Dt11.12. 2 Ch * 2Ch16.9. Jb Job36.7. Ps Ps11.4. Ps33.18. +*▶ Ps34.15, Ps34.16. Pr +* Pr15.3. Zc Zec4.10. his ears. Ex +* Ex22.23. 2 Ch 2Ch7.15. Ps Ps65.2. Pr * Pr15.8, Pr15.29. Jn +* Jn9.31. Ja +* Jas5.4, Jas5.16. but. Le Le17.10. Le20.3, Le20.5, Le20.6. Le26.17. Ps * Ps66.18. Ps80.16. Je Je21.10. Je44.11. Ezk Eze14.8. Eze15.7. Am Am9.4. the face. f22:22A, Ge + Ge19.13. Ac + Ac2.28. against. Gr. upon. Ge + Ge6.13 (T#566). Ps + Ps34.16 (T#303). do evil. Ps +* Ps34.16. 13. who. Pr +* Pr16.7. Is Is50.9. Ro +* Ro8.28. Ro13.3. if ye. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. followers. Ps Ps38.20. Pr Pr15.9. 1 Co 1Co14.1. Ep Eph5.1. 1 Th 1Th5.15. 2 Ti 5:10. 3 J 3Jn11. 14. if. f184:184D, Lk + Lk22.67. lit. if even ye were to suffer. The Apostle does not assume that they so suffered, as the A.V. suggests. 1 P 1Pe2.19, 1Pe2.20. 1Pe4.13-16. Je Je15.15. Mt +* Mt5.10-12. Mt10.18-22, Mt10.39. Mt16.25. Mt19.29. Mk Mk8.35. Mk10.29. Lk Lk6.22, Lk6.23. Ac Ac9.16. 2 Co 2Co12.10. Ph Php1.29. Ja * Jas1.12. righteousness’ sake. f46:46C, Mt + Mt8.6. “Righteousness” (Gr. dikaiosunee) is used of ordinary piety, kindness, etc. So 2 Co 2Co9.9. Mt Mt6.1 according to one reading (B680). happy. Ja Jas5.11. and be not afraid. ver. 1Pe3.6. Is * Is8.12, Is8.13. Is29.23. Is41.10-14. Is51.12. Je Je1.8. Ezk Eze3.9. Mt +* Mt10.28, Mt10.31. Lk +* Lk12.4, Lk12.5. Jn Jn14.1, Jn14.27. Ac Ac18.9, Ac18.10. their terror. Je +* Je10.5. neither. Jn Jn14.1, Jn14.27. 15. sanctify. f108:108B, Je + Je12.3. Nu Nu20.12. Nu27.14. Is * Is5.16. * Is8.13. Is29.23. Mt Mt6.9g. and be ready. Ps * Ps119.46. Pr Pr15.28. Je * Je26.12-16. Da * Da3.16-18. Am Am7.14-17. Mt * Mt10.18-20. Lk * Lk21.14, Lk21.15. Ac * Ac4.8-12. * Ac5.29-31. Ac21.39, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 226. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ac21.40. Ac22.1, Ac22.2, etc. 24:14. 26:22. Col * Col4.6. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25. always. Gr. aei, Mk Mk15.8. to give. 2 Co + 2Co7.11. 2 Ti 2Ti2.25. an answer. One of the most effective approaches possible in witnessing and personal evangelism is to become involved in the lives and activities of others who are not part of the Christian community, and let our lives prompt others to ask us questions about our faith. When this happens, we have earned a right to be heard, and can be more effective for Christ when we answer their questions about our faith, than if we try to force our faith upon persons who do not have an immediate interest in our message. Le +* Le19.17. Dt + Dt6.7 (T#1073). Pr +* Pr22.21. Ac + Ac19.33. Ac24.10. Ti Tt1.13. a reason. 1 S * 1Sa12.7. Is * Is1.18. * Is41.21. Ac * Ac24.25. Ph Php1.7, Php1.16, Php1.27. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.24, 2Ti2.25. Ti Tt1.9-11. 2 P 2Pe1.16. 1 J 1Jn1.1-3. Ju +* Jud3, Jud22. the hope. 1 P * 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. Ac +* Ac26.7. Ro +* Ro15.4. Col * Col1.5, Col1.23, Col1.27. Ti * Tt1.2. He Heb3.6. * Heb6.11, Heb6.18, Heb6.19. with meekness. See on ver. * 1Pe3.2, * 1Pe3.4. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. fear. or, reverence. 1 P + 1Pe1.17. He * Heb12.28, Heb12.29. 16. Having. He Heb13.18. a good conscience. ver. + 1Pe3.21. 1 P 1Pe2.19. Ac Ac24.16. Ro Ro9.1. 2 Co +* 2Co1.12. 2Co4.2. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5, 1Ti1.19. 2 Ti 2Ti1.3. He Heb9.14. Heb13.18. whereas. See on 1 P 1Pe2.12. Ti Tt2.8. be ashamed. Da Da6.4. Lk Lk13.17. Ac * Ac24.13. falsely. Mt +* Mt5.11. accuse. 1 P 1Pe4.4. Lk Lk6.28g. good. See on ver. 1Pe3.1, 1Pe3.2. conversation. ver. 1Pe3.1. Ja + Jas3.13. 17. if. f184:184D, Lk + Lk22.67. 1 P 1Pe2.15. 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.19. Mt Mt26.39, Mt26.42. Ac + Ac18.21. Ac21.14. the will. 1 Th + 1Th4.3. suffer. See on ver. 1Pe3.14. Ac Ac26.2, Ac26.3. 18. once. He Heb9.26, Heb9.28. suffered. 1 P * 1Pe2.21-24. * 1Pe4.1. Is * Is53.4-6. Ro + Ro4.25. * Ro5.6-8. Ro8.3. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. Ga * Ga1.4. * Ga3.13. Ti * Tt2.14. He * Heb9.26, Heb9.28. for sins. 1 P 1Pe2.24. Le += Le5.6. the just. Zc * Zec9.9. Mt * Mt27.19, Mt27.24. Ac * Ac3.14. * Ac22.14. 2 Co * 2Co5.21. Ja * Jas5.6. 1 J * 1Jn1.9. that. Ep ✓ Eph2.16-18. bring. Nu = Nu18.2. He Heb2.10. being. 1 P * 1Pe4.1, 1Pe4.6. Da * Da9.26. Ro * Ro4.25. 2 Co * 2Co13.4. Col * Col1.21, Col1.22. the flesh. f171:171Q, Jn + Jn1.14. 1 P 1Pe4.6. Jn Jn3.6. Jn6.63. but quickened. Ps +* Ps71.20. Jn +* Jn2.22. Ro * Ro1.4. Ro4.17. * Ro8.11. 1 Co 1Co15.45. by. The Greek article to in the dative case is omitted by many modern textual authorities, but most certainly is the correct text. No apostle would assert that Jesus Christ died physically but was raised as a spirit being (rendered, following the modern Greek textual authorities, by the New World Translation, “made alive in the spirit”), for such an assertion is a denial of the most basic or fundamental doctrine of the gospel, the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day (Jn +* Jn2.19, Jn2.21. Ro Ro10.9, Ro10.10. 1 Co 1Co15.4). Scripture asserts the physical death of the body of Christ, but not the death of his or anyone else’s spirit, so that not spirits but bodies are made alive by resurrection. The resurrection of Christ is attributed to each member of the Trinity by Scripture (Jn Jn2.19 and 10:18. Ac Ac2.24, Ac2.32. 1 P 1Pe3.18 and Ro Ro8.11). Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16; see Ro ◐+ Ro1.4. Ps +* Ps146.4. Lk ◐ Lk23.46. Jn Jn10.18. Ro * Ro8.11. Re Re1.10. 19. By which. f136, Is + Is60.12. 1 P 1Pe1.11, 1Pe1.12. ✓ 1Pe4.6. Ne Ne9.30. 2 P * 2Pe1.21. Re Re19.10. he went. Christ, as God, had gone, by his Spirit, inspiring his servant Noah, to denounce the approaching deluge, and preach repentance to incorrigible antediluvians, who perished in their sins, and whose “spirits” were in “the prison” of hell, when the apostle wrote; being confined there till the judgment of the great day. This appears Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 227. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

to be the genuine sense of the passage, as it is perfectly agreeable to the whole of the context. This passage does not teach Christ’s alleged “descent into hell,” to preach the gospel to those who had never heard (Ezk Eze16.55), as some mistakenly interpret. In this text only the antediluvians are mentioned as having been preached to: does anyone assert that when Christ allegedly went to hades to preach to the unsaved dead that he selectively preached only to those who had been living in Noah’s day in the time before the flood? Scripture positively forbids the notion that there is any second chance for salvation after death (He +* Heb9.27). Christ upon his death went to paradise, according to his promise to the dying thief (Lk Lk23.43). Ps +* Ps16.9-11. Jn Jn20.17. He Heb9.12. and preached. Ps Ps68.18. Ep Eph4.9. spirits. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk24.37. He +* Heb12.23. Re ◐ Re6.9. Re20.4. in prison. Ge = Ge39.20. Is Is42.7. Is49.9. Is61.1. 2 P 2Pe2.4, 2Pe2.5. Ju Jud6. Re Re20.7. 20. sometime. Ge * Ge6.3, Ge6.5, Ge6.13, Ge6.14. 2 P + 2Pe3.9. the longsuffering. Is * Is30.18. Ro Ro2.4, Ro2.5. Ro9.22. 2 P 2Pe3.15. of God. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. i.e. the longsuffering God. the days. Mt * Mt24.37-39. Lk Lk17.26-30. of Noah. 2 P 2Pe2.5. while. Ge Ge6.14-22. He Heb11.7. preparing. He + Heb3.3g. wherein few. Ge Ge6.14-22. Ge8.1, Ge8.18. Mt +✓ Mt7.14. Lk * Lk12.32. +* Lk13.24, Lk13.25. 2 P 2Pe2.5. eight. Ge Ge7.1, Ge7.7, Ge7.23. Ge8.18. He ✓ Heb11.7. 2 P 2Pe2.5. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, Ac + Ac2.41. f171:171Q, Ge + Ge12.5. Ac + Ac27.37. were saved. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. Supply ellipsis, (and delivered). Saved from what? Clearly, saved from the water. Does the apostle assert “the flood of water saved from the flood water”? Rather, Noah and his family were saved by the ark from the water, thus water was not the saving but the destructive element. by. or, through. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 1 Co 1Co3.15. water. Ge Ge7.17-23. 2 Co 2Co2.15, 2Co2.16. Ep * Eph5.26. 21. like. Ro Ro5.14. 1 Co 1Co4.6. He * Heb9.24g. * Heb11.19. figure. or, antitype. R. L. Keeler asks, “What saves us? Peter says ‘the antitype baptism now saves us.’ What is this antitype baptism, and how does it save us? By examining the type or figure we will better understand the antitype. Water and the ark together saved Noah’s family in the type. In the antitype it is the blood of Christ (of which water is the type), and Christ himself (of which the ark is the type), by which we are saved—saved from sin and everlasting death” (Christian Baptism, p. 285). baptism. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. This is a reference to real, not ritual baptism, for ritual baptism does not save us, it being only a humanly administered ordinance, and Peter’s parenthetical words seem expressly given to guard against such a misapplication of his words to the ritual ordinance. Real baptism accomplished by the Holy Spirit saves us, placing us in the body of Christ, and applying the cleansing blood of Christ to our hearts (Ac +* Ac1.5n. +* Ac22.16. 1 Co 1Co12.13. Ti Tt3.5. He Heb10.22. Re Re1.5) upon our calling upon Christ (Ro Ro10.13) and placing faith in his resurrection (Ro Ro10.9). Mt +* Mt28.19. Mk ✓ Mk16.16. Lk * Lk12.50. Ac ✓ Ac2.38. Ac16.33. +* Ac22.16. Ro ✓ Ro6.3-6. 1 Co ✓ 1Co12.13. Ga ✓ Ga3.27. Ep * Eph5.26. Col ✓ Col2.12. Ti ✓ Tt3.5-7. save us. Ti * Tt3.5. not the putting. Ezk * Eze36.25, Eze36.26. Zc Zec13.1. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. 2 P 2Pe1.14. filth. 2 Co 2Co7.1. Re Re22.11. the answer. or, interrogation, or inquiry, or appeal. Gr. eperoteema. As used by Peter, eperoteema appears to answer to the passive participle (paul) of shael, viz. something asked for; (hence applied to anything borrowed. See 2 K 2Ki6.5). That which is sought for by an interrogation being an answer, eperoteema by an obvious metonymy would mean “answer” (B. W. Newton, Baptism, p. 86). This is therefore an instance of f121:121C. Figure of speech Metonymy of the Cause, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 228. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

where the thing or action is put for that which is the effect or product of it, in certain verbs, here of asking, where the verb eperoteema which means an interrogation is put for the answer to such interrogation. Compare 2 K 2Ki6.5 (borrow) and 1 S 1Sa1.28 (lent). For other instances of this figure see Jb + Job19.25. Some (as Benjamin Wills Newton, The Doctrine of Scripture Respecting Baptism, pp. 36, 45, 51, 58, 114, 136) have urged this text as proof against infant baptism: “even if it were specially revealed to us that any particular infant or infants were in a state of salvation, yet we should not be authorized to baptize them until they could themselves return ‘the answer of a good conscience unto God”’ (p. 58). Such an objection is founded upon the error of confounding what is asserted in the abstract with an application made in the concrete, or specific instance. The error would be quickly perceived were any one to assert that when “God saw the wickedness of man” (Ge Ge6.5, f121:121N. See for this figure Ge + Ge31.54), women were not included, for only the masculine gender is employed. Every one sees that it is the fact, in the abstract—the fact of a general depravity of morals— that is asserted, without any attempt to distinguish between the comparative corruption of the sexes. A distinction is therefore to be made between a general question and a given case: language applicable to an abstract question cannot be applied to a specific case. In this case Peter is speaking of adults, but such language cannot exclude the applicability of baptism to infants or children. Language is often addressed to adults which seems only appropriate to them, and yet that same language does not imply an exclusion of infants (see Ac Ac8.12n). Circumcision is sometimes spoken of in language applicable only to adults (Dt Dt10.16. Ro Ro2.28, Ro2.29), but such language cannot be used to exclude the ordinance from its applicability to infants (See Hibbard, Christian Baptism, Part I, pp. 257-260). 2 K 2Ki6.5 (borrowed). Da Da4.17 (demand), LXX. Ac ✓ Ac8.37. Ro ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. 2 Co * 2Co1.12. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.12. good conscience. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. ver. 1Pe3.16. 1 P 1Pe2.19. Ac Ac15.9. + Ac23.1. Ac24.16. Ro Ro2.28, Ro2.29. * Ro8.1. 2 Co + 2Co1.12. He Heb9.13, Heb9.14. +* Heb10.22. Heb13.18. by the resurrection. 1 P * 1Pe1.3. Ac +* Ac2.24. Ro * Ro1.4. 1 Co * 1Co15.17. Ep Eph2.1, Eph2.4-6. Col Col2.12. 22. is gone. Mk Mk16.19. Ac +* Ac1.11. Ac2.33-36. +* Ac3.21. He Heb6.20. Heb8.1. Heb9.24. is on the right hand. 1 P + 1Pe1.21. Ps Ps110.1. Mt Mt22.44. Mk Mk12.36. Lk Lk20.42. Ro * Ro8.34. Ep * Eph1.20, Eph1.21. Ph * Php2.9, Php2.10. Col * Col3.1. He Heb1.3, Heb1.13. Heb8.1. Heb10.12. Heb12.2. angels. Ro Ro8.38. 1 Co 1Co15.24. Ep Eph1.21. authorities. Ge = Ge45.8. 1 Co 1Co15.24g. and powers. Ep Eph1.21. Col Col1.16. Col2.10. made subject. Mt + Mt28.18.

1 PETER 4 Exhortations to cease from sin, in conformity to Christ who had suffered for it; and to live holy lives, though reproached for it; in expectations of a future judgment, 1Pe4.1-6; to sobriety, watchfulness, and prayer; because “the end of all things is at hand,” 1Pe4.7; and to love, hospitality, and a due improvement of talents, as the stewards of God, and in order to glorify him, 1Pe4.8-11. Encouragements to patience, and confidence in God, amidst persecutions; with cautions and instructions, 1Pe4.12-19. 1. Christ. See on 1 P * 1Pe2.21. 1Pe3.18. arm. Ro Ro13.12-14. Ep Eph6.13. Ph Php2.5. He * Heb12.3. mind. or, thought. He Heb4.12g. for. 1 P 1Pe2.24. Ro * Ro6.2, Ro6.7, Ro6.11. Ga Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 229. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

✓ Ga2.20. * Ga5.24. Col * Col3.3-5. ceased. Is * Is1.16. Ezk Eze16.41. He Heb4.10. 2 P 2Pe2.14. 1 J * 1Jn3.6. 2. no. 1 P 1Pe2.1, 1Pe2.14. Ro Ro6.14. Ro7.4. Ro14.7. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.15. Ep Eph4.17, Eph4.22-24. Eph5.7, Eph5.8. Col Col3.7, Col3.8. Ti Tt3.3-8. the rest. 1 P + 1Pe1.14. the lusts. Ho Ho6.7mg. Mk * Mk7.21. Ep Eph2.3. Ti * Tt2.12. 1 J * 1Jn2.16. the will. 1 P 1Pe2.15. Ps Ps143.10. Mt Mt7.21. Mt12.50. Mt21.31. Mk Mk3.35. Jn Jn1.13. +* Jn7.17. Ro Ro6.11. +* Ro12.2. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.15. Ga * Ga2.19, Ga2.20. Ep Eph5.17. Eph6.6. Col * Col1.9. Col4.12. 1 Th +* 1Th4.3. 1Th5.18. He Heb13.21. Ja * Jas1.18. 1 J * 1Jn2.17. 3. the time past. 2 S 2Sa3.17, 2Sa3.18. 2Sa5.1, 2Sa5.2. Ezk Eze21.27. Eze44.6. Eze45.9. Ac + Ac14.16. * Ac17.30. Ro Ro8.12, Ro8.13. 1 Co 1Co6.11. to have. 1 P 1Pe1.14. Dt Dt12.30, Dt12.31. Ro Ro1.20-32. 1 Co 1Co12.2. Ep * Eph2.2, Eph2.3. Eph4.17-19. 1 Th 1Th4.5. Ti * Tt3.3. will of. Ac Ac27.43. Ro Ro9.19g. lasciviousness. f168, Is + Is1.11. Mk +* Mk7.22. Ro Ro13.13. 2 Co 2Co12.21. Ga Ga5.19. Ep Eph4.19. 2 P 2Pe2.2, 2Pe2.18. Ju Jud4. excess. 2 S 2Sa13.28. Pr Pr23.29-35. Is * Is5.11. Is28.7. Ep +* Eph5.18. revellings. Ro Ro13.13. Ga Ga5.21. and. 1 K 1Ki21.26. 2 Ch 2Ch15.8. Is Is65.4. Je Je16.18. Re Re17.4, Re17.5. idolatries. f79, Ge + Ge21.16. Ga Ga5.20. 4. they think. ver. 1Pe4.12. strange. Ac Ac17.18-20. excess. Mt Mt23.25. Lk Lk15.13. Ro Ro13.13. Ep +* Eph5.18. 2 P 2Pe2.13. speaking evil. See on 1 P 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.16. 18:6. Ac + Ac13.45g. 2 P 2Pe2.12-19. Ju Jud10. 5. give account. f108:108B, Mt + Mt12.36. Ml Mal3.13-15. Mt Mt12.36. Lk Lk16.2. Ro Ro14.12. Ju * Jud14, * Jud15. that. Ps * Ps1.6. Ec * Ec12.14. Ezk Eze18.30. Mt +* Mt10.15n. Mt25.31, etc. Jn Jn5.22, Jn5.23, Jn5.28, Jn5.29. Ac + Ac10.42. * Ac17.31. Ro * Ro14.10-12. 1 Co 1Co15.51, 1Co15.52. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. Ja * Jas5.9. 6. to them. 1 P 1Pe3.19. Jn Jn5.25, Jn5.26. that they. ver. 1Pe4.1, 1Pe4.2. Mt Mt24.9. Ro +* Ro8.9-11. 1 Co 1Co11.31, 1Co11.32. in the flesh. 1 P + 1Pe3.18. Jn Jn3.6. Jn6.63. but live. Ro Ro8.2. Ga Ga2.19. Ga5.25. Ep Eph2.3-5. Ti Tt3.3-7. Re Re14.13. according to God. 1 P + 1Pe5.2. spirit. Gr. pneuma, Ro + Ro1.4. 7. the end. Ec Ec7.2. Je Je5.31. Ezk Eze7.2, Eze7.3, Eze7.6. Mt Mt24.13, Mt24.14. Ro * Ro13.12. 1 Co 1Co7.29. 1Co10.11. 1Co15.24. Ph Php4.5. He * Heb10.25. Ja +* Jas5.8, Jas5.9. 2 P * 2Pe3.9-11. 1 J * 1Jn2.18, 1Jn2.19. at hand. Ro +* Ro13.12. Ph * Php4.5. 2 Th ◐+* 2Th2.2. He * Heb10.25. Ja Jas5.8. sober. T#711, 1389. See on 1 P 1Pe1.13-15. 1Pe5.8. Pr + Pr14.13 (T#479). Mk Mk5.15. Lk Lk8.35. Ro Ro12.3. 2 Co 2Co5.13. 1 Th 1Th5.6-8. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. Ti Tt2.6, Tt2.11-13. and watch. 1 P 1Pe3.7. Mt Mt24.42. Mt25.13. Mt26.38-41. Mk Mk13.3337. Mk14.37, Mk14.38. Lk +* Lk21.34, Lk21.36. Lk22.46. Ro Ro12.12. Ep Eph6.18. Col Col4.2. 2 Ti 2Ti4.5. Re Re16.15. unto prayer. Lk + Lk18.1. Ph * Php4.6. 1 Th +* 1Th5.17. 8. above. Col * Col3.14. Ja Jas5.12. 3 J 3Jn2. fervent. Agapeen ektenee, “intense love; for love shall cover (or covers, kaluptei, in the present tense, as several copies read) a multitude of sins;” which seems a reference to the proverb, “love covereth all sins,” Pr * Pr10.12. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. Ac + Ac12.5. 1 Co 1Co13.1-13. 1Co14.1. 1 Th 1Th3.12. 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 2 Th 2Th1.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. He Heb13.1. 2 P 2Pe1.6, 2Pe1.7. for. Pr Pr10.12. Pr12.16. Pr17.9. Pr28.13. 1 Co * 1Co13.5-7. Ja +* Jas5.20. shall. or, will. cover. Lk Lk7.47. multitude of. Mt Mt18.21, Mt18.22. Ga * Ga6.1. Ep * Eph4.32. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 230. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

9. hospitality. Pr Pr3.27, Pr3.28. Ml +* Mal3.16. 9:27, 28, 43. 11:25, 26. *16:15. 17:7. Ro * Ro12.13. +✓ Ro15.7. Ro16.23. 1 Ti + 1Ti3.2. Ti +* Tt1.8. He * Heb13.2, Heb13.16. 1 J 1Jn3.14. 3 J * 3Jn8. one to another. ver. 1Pe4.10. Ro +* Ro12.5. without. Le Le19.18. Nu +* Nu11.1. Ac Ac6.1g. 2 Co * 2Co9.7. Ph ✓ Php2.14. Phm Phm14. Ja * Jas5.9. Ju +* Jud16. 10. every. Mt Mt25.14, + Mt25.15. Lk Lk19.13. Ro ✓ Ro12.3, Ro12.6-8. 1 Co * 1Co4.7. 1Co7.7. * 1Co12.4-11. Ep Eph4.7. minister. ver. 1Pe4.11. Jb Job29.15, Job29.16. Ezk Eze16.49. Da * Da11.33n. Mt Mt20.28. Mt25.44. Mk Mk10.45. Lk Lk8.3. Ro Ro15.25, Ro15.27. Ro16.3-5. 1 Co * 1Co14.26. 1Co16.15. 2 Co 2Co9.1. Ga Ga5.13. * Ga6.10. Ep * Eph5.19-21. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.17, 18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.18. He +* Heb6.10. one to another. ver. 1Pe4.9. Ro + Ro12.5. good stewards. Mt +✓ Mt24.45. * Mt25.14, Mt25.21. Lk +* Lk12.42. Lk16.1-8. 1 Co * 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. + 1Co9.17. Ti Tt1.7. the manifold. 1 Co 1Co3.10. 1Co12.4. 1Co15.10. 2 Co 2Co6.1. Ep Eph3.8. Eph4.11. 11. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any. Is +✓ Is8.20n. Je * Je23.22, Je23.28. 1 Co * 1Co4.1, 1Co4.2. 2 Co * 2Co9.1, 2Co9.7, 2Co9.8. Ep * Eph4.29. Col * Col4.6. Ja * Jas1.19, Jas1.26. Jas3.1-6. as the oracles. T#1060. Is +* Is8.20. Je * Je23.28. Ac Ac7.38. Ro Ro3.2. He * Heb5.12. of God. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. Supply ellipsis, “the oracles of God (require).” if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. See on ver. * 1Pe4.10. the ability. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11-16. Ro ✓12:+ Ro12.3, Ro12.6-8. 1 Co 1Co3.10. 1Co4.7. 1Co12.4. God giveth. Is Is43.7. that. 1 P 1Pe2.5. 1 Co * 1Co6.20. ✓ 1Co10.31. 2 Co 2Co9.13. Ep Eph3.20, Eph3.21. * Eph5.20. through. 1 P 1Pe2.5. Ph * Php1.11. * Php2.11. to whom. 1 P 1Pe5.11. Ro + Ro11.36. Ro16.27. Ep Eph3.21. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. 1Ti6.16. Ju * Jud25. Re * Re1.5, Re1.6. dominion. 1 P 1Pe5.11. Ps * Ps145.13. Da Da4.3, Da4.34. +* Da7.14. Mt +* Mt6.13. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.16. Ju Jud25. Re Re1.6. * Re5.12-14. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the ages of the ages, Ga + Ga1.5. 12. think. ver. 1Pe4.4. Is Is28.21. the fiery. See on 1 P * 1Pe1.7. Pr Pr27.21. Da * Da11.35. 1 Co ✓ 1Co3.13. trial. Ps * Ps66.10. Jn * Jn15.20. 2 Th 2Th1.4-10. 2Th3.5. Ja Jas5.7, Jas5.8. as though. 1 P 1Pe5.9. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 1 Th 1Th3.2-4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.12. 13. rejoice. 1 P 1Pe1.6. Mt +* Mt5.12. Lk Lk6.22, Lk6.23. Ac Ac5.41. Ac16.25. Ro * Ro5.3. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. ✓ 2Co12.9, 2Co12.10. Ja * Jas1.2, Jas1.3. ye are partakers. 1 P * 1Pe5.1, 1Pe5.10. Lk Lk9.23. Ac + Ac5.41. Ro ✓ Ro8.17. 2 Co * 2Co1.7. 2Co4.10. Ph Php3.10, Php3.11. Col * Col1.24. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. Ja * Jas1.12. Re Re1.9. sufferings. 1 P 1Pe5.1. 2 Co + 2Co1.5. when. 1 P 1Pe1.5, 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.13. 1Pe5.1. Mt +* Mt16.27. +* Mt25.31. Mk * Mk8.38. Lk Lk17.30. Ro * Ro8.17, Ro8.18. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.7-10. Ju Jud24. Re +* Re1.7. be glad. T#328. 1 P 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.8, 1Pe1.13. Dt + Dt33.9 (T#672). Is Is25.9. Is35.10. +* Is51.11. Mt Mt25.21, Mt25.23, Mt25.34. Col Col3.4. Ti +* Tt2.13. Ju + Jud24 (T#339). exceeding joy. Ps Ps16.11. Is Is35.10. Ju +* Jud24. 14. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ye be. 1 P 1Pe2.19, 1Pe2.20. 1Pe3.14, 1Pe3.16. reproached. T#778. ver. 1Pe4.4, 1Pe4.5. Ps Ps69.9. Ps89.51. Is * Is51.7, Is51.8. Mt * Mt5.11, Mt5.12. Lk Lk6.22. Jn Jn7.47-52. Jn8.48. Jn9.28, Jn9.34. Ac Ac24.12. 2 Co 2Co12.10. for the name. ver. 1Pe4.16. Mk Mk9.41. Jn Jn15.21. He Heb11.26. happy. 1 K 1Ki10.8. Ps * Ps32.1, Ps32.2. Ps146.5. Ja * Jas1.12. Jas5.11. for. Nu Nu11.25, Nu11.26. 2 K 2Ki2.15. Is Is11.2. spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. of glory. 2 Co * 2Co3.18. Ja * Jas2.1. and of God. Is Is11.2. Ph Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 231. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

+ Php3.3. on their part. Ac Ac13.45. Ac18.6. 2 P 2Pe2.2. but. 1 P 1Pe2.12. 1Pe3.16. Mt * Mt5.16. Ga Ga1.24. 2 Th * 2Th1.10-12. 15. suffer. 1 P * 1Pe2.19, 1Pe2.20. 1Pe3.14, 1Pe3.17. Mt +* Mt5.11. 2 Ti 2Ti2.9. a busybody. Allotrioepiskopos, an inspector of another; meddling with other people’s concerns. Pr Pr20.3. 1 Th * 1Th4.11. 2 Th 2Th3.11, 2Th3.12. 1 Ti 1Ti5.13g. 16. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. as. ver. 1Pe4.19. 1 P 1Pe3.17, 1Pe3.18. Ac Ac11.26. Ac26.28. Ep Eph3.13-15. a Christian. Ac + Ac26.28. let him not. Is Is50.7. Is54.4. Ph Php1.20. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. Re Re12.2, Re12.3. but. ver. + 1Pe4.14. Is Is24.15. Ac * Ac5.41. Ro Ro5.2-5. Ph Php1.29. Ja Jas1.2-4. 17. the time. Jn * Jn16.2. judgment. Is * Is10.12. Je Je25.29. Je49.12. Ezk ✓ Eze9.6. Am Am3.2. Ml +* Mal3.5. Mt Mt3.9, Mt3.10. Lk +* Lk12.47, Lk12.48. Ro Ro2.9. 1 Co * 1Co11.32. the house. 1 Ti + 1Ti3.15. and if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Lk Lk23.31. what. Mt Mt11.2024. Lk Lk10.12-14. 1 Th * 1Th2.14-16. He * Heb2.2, Heb2.4. * Heb12.24, Heb12.25. obey. 1 P 1Pe2.8. Ro Ro2.8. Ga Ga3.1. Ga5.7. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.8. He +* Heb5.9. Heb11.8. gospel of God. Ro + Ro1.1. 18. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 1 P 1Pe5.8. Pr Pr11.31. Je Je25.29. Ezk Eze18.24. Zc * Zec13.9. Mt Mt24.22-24. Mk Mk13.20-22. Lk Lk23.31. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ac27.24, Ac27.31, Ac27.42-44. 1 Co 1Co10.12. He Heb4.1. Heb10.38, Heb10.39. scarcely. Ps Ps17.4. Mt Mt4.4, Mt4.6, Mt4.7. +* Mt7.14. Lk +* Lk21.36. Ro * Ro11.22. 1 Co 1Co3.15. +* 1Co9.27. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.12. He +* Heb2.2, Heb2.3. where. Ps * Ps1.4, Ps1.5. Ro Ro1.18. Ro5.6. 2 P 2Pe2.5, 2Pe2.6. 2Pe3.7. Ju * Jud15. ungodly and. 1 Ti 1Ti1.9. Ju Jud15. the sinner. Ge Ge13.13. 1 S 1Sa15.18. Lk Lk15.1. Ro * Ro5.8. 19. let. ver. * 1Pe4.12-16. +* 1Pe3.17. Ps +* Ps119.75. Ac Ac21.11-14. the will. 1 Th +* 1Th4.3. commit. Ps Ps10.14. * Ps31.5. * Ps37.5. Lk Lk23.46. Ac * Ac7.59. +* Ac14.23. Ac20.32. Ep +* Eph4.30. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti1.12. 1 J * 1Jn5.13. Ju * Jud24. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q. Psyche used to emphasize the personal pronoun in the third person, as in 2 P 2Pe2.8. For the other uses of psyche, see Mt + Mt2.20n. For other instances of f171:171Q, see Nu + Nu23.10 and Mt + Mt12.18. Ex Ex30.12. Jb Job32.2. in. 1 P * 1Pe2.15. Est Es4.16. Je * Je26.11-15. Da ✓ Da3.16-18. +* Da6.10, Da6.11, Da6.22. Ro +* Ro2.7. a faithful. T#226. Ex + Ex34.6 (T#235). Dt Dt7.9. + Dt8.2 (T#4). Jsh * Jos21.45. * Jos23.14. Ps Ps36.5. Ps89.2, Ps89.33, Ps89.34. * Ps119.75, Ps119.90. * Ps138.8. * Ps146.5, Ps146.6. Is * Is40.27, Is40.28. Is43.7, Is43.21. * Is51.12, Is51.13. * Is54.16, Is54.17. Jn + Jn10.28 (T#515). Ro + Ro8.34 (T#516). 1 Co + 1Co10.13 (T#725). 2 Co + 2Co1.22 (T#517). Col Col1.16-20. 1 Th 1Th5.24. He Heb1.2, Heb1.3. Re * Re4.10, Re4.11. Re5.9-14.

1 PETER 5 The apostle exhorts “the elders to feed the flock of God,” willingly, cheerfully, disinterestedly, and humbly; and to be examples to it; expecting from the chief Shepherd, at his appearance, an unfading crown of glory, 1Pe5.1-4. He requires the younger to submit to the elder; and all of them to be “clothed with humility,” “casting all their care on” God, 1Pe5.5-7; and to be “sober and vigilant;” and steadfastly, by faith, to “resist the devil,” and bear Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 232. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

tribulation, 1Pe5.8" 1Pe5.9 }. He concludes with prayers, salutations, and benedictions, 1Pe5.10-14. 1. elders. Ac + Ac11.30. * Ac14.23. Ac15.4, Ac15.6, Ac15.22, Ac15.23. Ac20.17, Ac20.28g. Ac21.18. 1 Ti 1Ti5.1, 1Ti5.19. Ti Tt1.5. who. Phm Phm9. 2 J 2Jn1. 3 J 3Jn1. am also. T#519. Mt Mt16.23. Mt20.25-28. Ac Ac8.14, Ac8.15. Ac15.6, Ac15.7, Ac15.12, ✓ Ac15.13, Ac15.14-20. an elder. Sumpresbuteros, a fellow-elder, one on a level with yourselves. 2 J 2Jn1. 3 J 3Jn1. and a witness. 1 P 1Pe1.12. Mt * Mt26.37. Lk +* Lk24.48. Jn Jn15.26, Jn15.27. Ac * Ac1.8, Ac1.22. Ac2.32. Ac3.15. Ac5.30-32. Ac10.39-41. the sufferings. 1 P 1Pe4.13. 2 Co + 2Co1.5. a partaker. Gr. koinonos, ❅S#2844g. Mt Mt23.30. Lk Lk5.10 (partners). 1 Co 1Co10.18, 1Co10.20 (fellowship). 2 Co 2Co1.7. 2Co8.23 (partner). Phm Phm17. He Heb10.33 (companions). 2 P 2Pe1.4. of the glory. ver. 1Pe5.4. 1 P 1Pe1.3-5. Ps Ps73.24, Ps73.25. Jn * Jn13.36. Ro * Ro8.17, + Ro8.18. 2 Co 2Co5.1, 2Co5.8. Ph Php1.19, Php1.21-23. Col Col3.3, Col3.4. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. 1 J * 1Jn3.2. Re Re1.9. 2. Feed. Pr +* Pr27.23. SS So1.8. Is Is40.11. Ezk Eze34.2, Eze34.3, Eze34.23. Mi Mic5.4. Mic7.14. Jn ✓ Jn21.15-17. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ju Jud12. the flock. Is Is63.11. Je Je13.17, Je13.20. Ezk Eze34.31. Zc Zec11.17. Lk +* Lk12.32. 1 Co 1Co9.7. which is among you. or, as much as in you is. Ps Ps78.71, Ps78.72. Ac Ac20.26, Ac20.27. taking. He Heb12.15g. the oversight. Ac +* Ac20.28. not by constraint. Is Is6.8. 1 Co * 1Co9.16, 1Co9.17. Phm Phm14. not for. Is Is56.11. Je Je6.13. Je8.10. Mi Mic3.11. Ml Mal1.10. Ac Ac20.33, Ac20.34. 2 Co 2Co12.14, 2Co12.15. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3, 1Ti3.8. Ti * Tt1.7, Tt1.11. 2 P 2Pe2.3. Re Re18.12, Re18.13. of. Ac Ac21.13. Ro Ro1.15. 2 Co 2Co8.11, 2Co8.12. Ti Tt2.14. Tt3.1. 3. as. T#456. Ezk * Eze34.4. Mt * Mt20.25-28. * Mt23.8-10. Mk Mk10.42-45. Lk Lk22.2427. 1 Co 1Co3.5, 1Co3.9. 2 Co +* 2Co1.24. 2Co4.5. 3 J * 3Jn9, 3Jn10. being lords over. or, over-ruling. 2 Co +* 2Co1.24. heritage. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. 1 P 1Pe2.9. Dt Dt4.20. Dt9.29. * Dt32.9. Ps Ps33.12. Ps74.2. Mi Mic7.14. Ac Ac1.17g. +* Ac20.28. but. 1 Co 1Co10.6, 1Co10.11. Ph Php3.17. Php4.9. 1 Th 1Th1.5, 1Th1.6. 2 Th 2Th3.9. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. Ti * Tt2.7. 4. the chief. ver. 1Pe5.2. 1 P 1Pe2.25. Ps Ps23.1. Is Is40.11. Ezk +* Eze34.23. Eze37.24. Zc Zec13.7. Jn + Jn10.11. He * Heb13.20. appear. Mt +* Mt25.31, etc. Col * Col3.3, Col3.4. 2 Th 2Th1.7-10. 1 J 1Jn2.28. ✓ 1Jn3.2. Re +* Re1.7. Re20.11, Re20.12. a crown. 1 P 1Pe1.4. Da +* Da12.3. 1 Co 1Co9.25. 2 Ti 2Ti4.8. Ja + Jas1.12. Re +* Re2.10. Re3.11. 5. ye younger. Le * Le19.32. Lk * Lk22.26. 1 Ti 1Ti5.1. Ti Tt2.6. He Heb13.17. submit. Gr. hupotasso, ❅S#5293g. Rendered (1) put under: 1 Co 1Co15.27, 1Co15.27, 1Co15.27, 1Co15.28c. Ep Eph1.22. He Heb2.8c. (2) be subject unto: Lk Lk2.51. Lk10.17, Lk10.20. Ro Ro13.1. 1 Co 1Co15.28b. Ep Eph5.24. (3) be subject to: Ro Ro8.7. 1 Co 1Co14.32. Ti Tt3.1. 1 P 1Pe2.18. 1Pe5.5b. (4) submit (one’s) self unto: Ro Ro10.3. 1 Co 1Co16.16. Ep Eph5.22. Col Col3.18. 1 P 1Pe5.5a. (5) submit (one’s) self to: Ep Eph5.21. Ja Jas4.7. 1 P 1Pe2.13. (6) be in subjection unto: He Heb12.9. 1 P 1Pe3.5. (7) put in subjection under: He Heb2.8b. (8) Miscellaneous renderings: Ro Ro8.20a, be made subject to; Ro Ro8.20b, subject; Ro Ro13.5, be subject; 1 Co 1Co14.34, be under obedience; 1 Co 1Co15.28a, subdue unto; Ph Php3.21, subdue unto; Ti Tt2.5, obedient to; Ti Tt2.9, be obedient unto; He Heb2.5, Heb2.8a, put in subjection; 1 P 1Pe3.1, be in subjection to; 1 P 1Pe3.22, be made subject unto. For a related word, ❅S#5292g, rendered “subjection,” see 1 Ti + 1Ti3.4. the elder. T#10. Le Le19.32. Ps + Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 233. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps71.9 (T#772). Is +* Is58.7. 1 Ti 1Ti5.1, 1Ti5.2. Ju + Jud8 (T#730). all. 1 P 1Pe4.1, 1Pe4.5. Ro * Ro12.10. Ep * Eph5.21. Ph +* Php2.3. be subject. Ge Ge16.9. Ro Ro13.1. 1 Co * 1Co16.16. Ep * Eph5.21. * Eph6.1, Eph6.5. Ph +* Php2.3. He +* Heb13.17. be clothed. 1 P 1Pe3.3, 1Pe3.4. 2 Ch 2Ch6.41. Jb Job29.14. Ps Ps132.9, Ps132.16. Is Is61.10. Ro * Ro13.14. Col Col3.12. one to another. Ro + Ro12.5. 1 Co 1Co12.25. 1 P +* 1Pe4.10. with humility. Mt Mt20.26, Mt20.27. Jn Jn13.4, Jn13.5, Jn13.14. Ep Eph4.2g. God resisteth. Jb Job22.29. Ps +* Ps119.21. Pr * Pr16.5. Da Da11.12. Lk Lk18.4. See on Ja Jas4.6. giveth. Ps +* Ps25.9. Is +* Is57.15. * Is66.2. 6. Humble yourselves. Ex Ex10.3. Le Le26.41. 1 K 1Ki21.27, 1Ki21.29. 2 K 2Ki22.19. 2 Ch +* 2Ch7.14. 2Ch12.6, 2Ch12.7, 2Ch12.12. 2Ch30.11. 2Ch32.26. 2Ch33.12, 2Ch33.19, 2Ch33.23. 2Ch36.12. Pr Pr29.23. Is Is2.11. +* Is57.15. Je Je13.18. Je44.10. Da Da5.22. Mi +* Mic6.8. Lk Lk14.11. Lk18.14. Ja +* Jas4.10. Jas5.10. the mighty. Ex Ex3.19. Ex32.11. Ps * Ps89.13. 1 Co 1Co10.22. hand of God. Ac + Ac13.11. that. Jb Job36.22. Ps Ps75.10. Ps89.16, Ps89.17. Is Is40.4. Ezk Eze17.21. Eze21.26. Mt Mt23.12. Lk Lk1.52. Ja Jas1.9, Jas1.10. in. Dt Dt32.35. Ro Ro5.6. 1 Ti 1Ti2.6. Ti Tt1.3. 7. Casting. 1 S 1Sa1.10-18. 1Sa30.6. Ps Ps27.13, Ps27.14. 34:+* Ps34.4, Ps34.5. ✓ Ps37.5mg. ✓ Ps55.22. Ps56.3, Ps56.4. Mt * Mt6.25, Mt6.31, Mt6.34. Mt13.22g. Lk Lk12.11, Lk12.12, Lk12.22, Lk12.26. Ph ✓ Php4.6. He +* Heb13.5, Heb13.6. for he careth. T#829. Dt Dt32.11, Dt32.12. Ps Ps33.18. Ps34.15. * Ps103.13, Ps103.14. Ps142.4, Ps142.5. Is Is46.3, Is46.4. * Is63.9. Zc * Zec2.8. Mt * Mt6.26-33. Mt10.30. Mk Mk4.38. Lk Lk12.30-32. Lk21.18. Jn Jn10.13. for you. Ps * Ps40.17. 8. sober. 1 P + 1Pe1.13. * 1Pe4.7. Mt Mt24.48-50. Lk Lk12.45, Lk12.46. +* Lk21.34, Lk21.36. Ro Ro13.11-13. 1 Th 1Th5.6-8. 1 Ti 1Ti2.9, 1Ti2.15. 1Ti3.2, 1Ti3.11. Ti Tt1.8. Tt2.2, Tt2.4, Tt2.6, Tt2.12. be vigilant. Mt + Mt24.42. Lk +* Lk21.36. your. Est Es7.6. Jb Job1.6. Job2.2. Ps Ps109.6mg. Is Is50.8. Zc Zec3.1. Lk Lk22.31. adversary. 1 K ◐+ 1Ki11.14. Mt Mt5.25. Lk Lk12.58. Lk18.3. the devil. Jb Job1.9-12. Mt Mt4.1, Mt4.11. Mt13.39. Mt25.41. Jn * Jn8.44. 2 Co * 2Co2.11. Ep Eph4.27. Eph6.11. Ja Jas4.7. 1 J 1Jn3.8-10. Re Re12.9, Re12.12. Re20.2, Re20.10. as. Jg Jdg14.5. Ps Ps22.21. Ps104.21. Pr Pr19.12. Pr20.2. Pr28.15. Is Is5.29, Is5.30. Is42.13. Je Je2.15. Je51.38. Ezk Eze19.7. Ho Ho11.10. Jl Joe3.16. Am Am1.2. Am3.4, Am3.8. Zc Zec11.3. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. Re Re12.12. walketh. Dt ◐ Dt23.14. 2 Ch ◐ 2Ch16.9. Jb * Job1.7. * Job2.2. Lk Lk22.31, Lk22.32. Ac ◐ Ac10.38. seeking. Mt Mt12.43-45. Lk * Lk22.31-34. 2 Co 2Co2.11. devour. Ezk Eze22.25. Da Da6.24. Ho Ho13.8. 9. resist. Lk Lk4.3-12. Ep Eph4.27. * Eph6.11-13. Ja ✓ Jas4.7. steadfast. Lk Lk22.32. Ac Ac16.5g. Ep Eph6.16. Col Col2.5. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12. 2 Ti 2Ti4.7. He Heb11.33. the same. 1 P 1Pe1.6. 1Pe2.21. 1Pe3.14. 1Pe4.13. Jn Jn16.33. Ac +* Ac14.22. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 1 Th 1Th2.15, 1Th2.16. 1Th3.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.12. He Heb12.3. Re Re1.9. Re6.11. Re7.14. brethren. Gr. brotherhood. 1 P 1Pe2.17. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 10. the God. Ex Ex34.6, Ex34.7. Ps Ps86.5, Ps86.15. Mi +* Mic7.18, Mic7.19. Ro * Ro5.20, Ro5.21. Ro15.5, Ro15.13. 2 Co 2Co13.11. He * Heb13.20, Heb13.21. grace. Jn Jn1.17. Ro Ro5.21. Ep Eph2.8. Ti Tt2.11, Tt2.12. who. 1 P 1Pe1.15. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro9.11, Ro9.24. +* Ro11.29. 1 Co 1Co1.9. Ph Php3.14. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 2 Th 2Th2.14. 1 Ti 1Ti6.12. 2 Ti 2Ti1.9. 2 P 2Pe1.3. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. * 2Ti2.10. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 234. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

He Heb9.15. 2 P 2Pe1.3. 1 J 1Jn2.25. after. 1 P 1:+ 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.7. Ex +* Ex23.29. Ps +* Ps119.75. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. make. Ps * Ps138.8. Lk + Lk6.40. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ga Ga6.1. 2 Th 2Th2.17. He Heb13.21. Ju Jud24. stablish. Ac * Ac14.22. Ro Ro1.11. Ro16.25. Col +* Col2.7. 1 Th 1Th3.2, 1Th3.13. 2 Th 2Th2.17. 2Th3.3. Ja Jas5.8. 2 P 2Pe1.12. Re Re3.2. strengthen. Ps Ps138.7. Zc * Zec10.6, Zec10.12. Lk Lk22.32. Ph ✓ Php4.13. Col Col1.22, Col1.23. settle. 1 P 1Pe4.11. 11. To him. 1 P + 1Pe4.11. Re Re1.6. Re5.13. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. 12. Silvanus. Ac + Ac15.22. 2 Co 2Co1.19. 1 Th 1Th1.1. 2 Th 2Th1.1. a faithful. 1 Co + 1Co4.2. Ep Eph6.21. Col Col1.7. Col4.7, + Col4.9. I suppose. Ro Ro8.18. 2 Co 2Co11.5. Ph Php3.13g. I have. Ep Eph3.3. He Heb13.22. exhorting. He Heb13.22. Ju Jud3. testifying. Jn Jn21.21. Ac Ac20.24. 1 J 1Jn5.9, 1Jn5.10. 3 J 3Jn12. true grace. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ac20.24. 1 Co 1Co15.1. Ga Ga1.8, Ga1.9. Col Col1.6. 2 P 2Pe2.15. wherein. Ro Ro5.2. 1 Co +* 1Co15.1, 1Co15.2. 2 Co 2Co1.24. 2 P 2Pe1.12. 13. at. Ps Ps87.4. Re Re17.5. Re18.2. elected. 2 J 2Jn1, 2Jn13. Marcus. i.e. a defense, ❅S#3138g. See on Ac Ac12.12, Ac12.25. Col Col4.10. Phm Phm24. 14. one another. f63:63G, Ge + Ge50.23. with a. See on Ro * Ro16.16n. 1 Co 1Co16.20. 2 Co 2Co13.12. 1 Th 1Th5.26. Peace. 1 P 1Pe1.2. Jn Jn14.27. Jn16.33. Jn20.19, Jn20.26. See on Ro Ro1.7. Ep + Eph6.23. in. See on Ro Ro8.1. 1 Co 1Co1.30. 2 Co * 2Co5.17.

2 PETER 2 PETER 1 The apostle salutes his brethren, 2Pe1.1" 2Pe1.2 }. He shows the blessings to which God had called them; and earnestly exhorts them to diligence in every good work, in order to make “their calling and election sure;” intermixing suitable warnings and encouragement, 2Pe1.311. He states, that, aware of his approaching martyrdom, he is the more diligent, in thus admonishing them, that they might remember these things after his decease, 2Pe1.12-15. He urges the evidence of what he had seen and heard “in the holy mount,” in confirmation of his testimony concerning the power and coming of Christ, 2Pe1.16-18; referring them to the “more sure word of prophecy,” 2Pe1.19; and instructing them, concerning the interpretation and source of it, 2Pe1.20" 2Pe1.21 }. 1. Cir. A.M. 4069. A.D. 65. Simon. or, Symeon. Ac Ac15.14. Peter. Mt Mt4.18. Mt10.2. Lk Lk22.31-34. Jn Jn1.42. Jn21.15-17. Ac * Ac15.7. 1 P 1Pe1.1. a servant. Jn Jn12.26. Ro Ro1.1. Ja + Jas1.1. an apostle. Lk Lk11.49. Jn Jn20.21. 1 Co 1Co9.1, 1Co9.2. 1Co15.9. Ga Ga2.8. Ep Eph3.5. Eph4.11. 1 P 1Pe1.1. 1Pe5.1. have obtained. ver. 2Pe1.4. Ac * Ac15.8, Ac15.9. Ro Ro1.12. 2 Co 2Co4.13. Ep * Eph2.8. Eph4.5. Ph Php1.29. 2 Ti 2Ti1.5. Ti Tt1.1, Tt1.4. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 1Pe2.7. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.13. precious. ver. 2Pe1.4. Ps Ps49.7, Ps49.8. Ps116.15. Ps139.17. Is Is28.16. 1 P 1Pe1.19. through. Je Je23.6. Je33.16. Ro Ro1.17. * Ro3.21-26. Ro5.19. 1 Co 1Co1.30. 2 Co 2Co5.21. Ph Php3.9. of God and our Savior. Gr. of our God and Savior. ver. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 235. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Pe1.11. 2 P 2Pe3.18. Is * Is12.2. Lk Lk1.47. Jn +* Jn20.28. 2 Th 2Th1.12. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. Ti +* Tt2.13n. Ju +* Jud4. 2. Grace. Nu * Nu6.24-26. Da Da4.1. Da6.25. See on Ro Ro1.7. 1 P + 1Pe1.2. Ju Jud2. Re * Re1.4. the knowledge. ver. 2Pe1.3, 2Pe1.8. 2 P 2Pe2.20. * 2Pe3.18. Jb * Job22.21. Is * Is53.11. Lk Lk10.22. Jn * Jn17.3. 2 Co 2Co4.6. Ph Php3.8. 1 J * 1Jn5.20, 1Jn5.21. 3. his divine power. Ps * Ps110.3. Mt * Mt28.18. Jn Jn1.16. Jn17.2. 2 Co * 2Co12.9. Ep Eph1.19-21. Col * Col1.16, Col1.19. He Heb1.3. all things. Ps * Ps84.11. Ro +* Ro8.32. 1 Co 1Co3.21-23. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9. 1 Ti 1Ti4.8. godliness. ver. 2Pe1.6, 2Pe1.7. 2 P 2Pe3.11. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16. Ti Tt1.1. through. See on ver. * 2Pe1.2. Jn * Jn17.3. called. Ro +* Ro8.28-30. Ro9.24. 1 Co 1Co1.9. Ep Eph4.1, Eph4.4. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 1Th4.7. 2 Th 2Th2.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.9. 1 P * 1Pe1.15. 1Pe2.9, 1Pe2.21. 1Pe3.9. 1Pe5.10. to. or, by. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. virtue. ver. * 2Pe1.5. Ru * Ru3.11. Pr * Pr12.4. Pr31.10, Pr31.29. Ph ✓ Php4.8. 4. are given. ver. 2Pe1.1. Ezk Eze36.25-27. Ro Ro9.4. 2 Co 2Co1.20. 2Co6.17, 2Co6.18. 2Co7.1. Ga Ga3.16. He Heb8.6-12. Heb9.15. 1 J 1Jn2.25. precious promises. T#786. Ps * Ps25.10, Ps25.14. Is +* Is55.3. Ac +* Ac26.6. Ro * Ro8.30. +* Ro15.8. 2 Co * 2Co7.1. Ga Ga6.16. Ep Eph1.3, Eph1.4, Eph1.7, Eph1.8. partakers. Jn * Jn1.12, Jn1.13. 2 Co * 2Co3.18. Ep * Eph4.23, Eph4.24. Col Col3.10. He Heb12.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. having escaped. 2 P 2Pe2.1820. Ga * Ga6.8. Ja * Jas4.1-3. 1 P 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.3. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15, 1Jn2.16. the corruption. 2 P 2Pe2.12, 2Pe2.19. 1 Co + 1Co15.42. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 5. And. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. beside. Lk Lk16.26. Lk24.21. giving. ver. 2Pe1.10. 2 P 2Pe3.14, 2Pe3.18. Ps Ps119.4. Pr +* Pr4.23. Is Is55.2. Zc Zec6.15. Jn Jn6.27. Ph Php2.12. He +* Heb6.11. ✓ Heb11.6. +* Heb12.15. Ju Jud3. add. ver. 2Pe1.11. 2 Co + 2Co9.10. to your faith. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.11, 1Ti6.12. virtue. See on ver. 2Pe1.3. Ph ✓ Php4.8. to virtue. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. knowledge. ver. 2Pe1.2. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.18. 1 Co 1Co14.20. Ep Eph1.17, Eph1.18. Eph5.17. Ph * Php1.9-11. Col +* Col1.9, Col1.10. 1 P 1Pe3.7. 6. And. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. knowledge. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. temperance. Ac Ac24.25. 1 Co * 1Co9.25-27. Ga Ga5.23. Ti Tt1.8. Tt2.2. to temperance. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. patience. Ps * Ps37.7. 2 Co 2Co6.6. He Heb6.12, Heb6.15. Ja Jas5.7-10. ❅S#5281g: Lk +* Lk8.15. Lk21.19. Ro +* Ro2.7. * Ro5.3, Ro5.4. Ro8.25. +* Ro15.4, Ro15.5. 2 Co 2Co1.6 (enduring). 2Co6.4. 2Co12.12. Col * Col1.11. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 2 Th 2Th1.4. 2Th3.5. 1 Ti 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10. Ti Tt2.2. He +* Heb10.36. +* Heb12.1. Ja * Jas1.3, Jas1.4. * Jas5.11. Re + Re1.9. Re2.2, Re2.3, Re2.19. Re3.10. Re13.10. * Re14.12. to patience. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. godliness. ver. + 2Pe1.3. 2 P 2Pe3.11. Ge Ge5.24. Is Is57.1. 1 Ti 1Ti2.2, 1Ti2.10. +* 1Ti3.16. 1Ti4.7, 1Ti4.8. 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.6, 1Ti6.11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5. Ti Tt1.1. He * Heb12.28. 7. And. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. to godliness. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. brotherly kindness. Jn * Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Ac + Ac4.32 (T#111). Ro * Ro12.10. 1 Th 1Th3.12. 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. He +* Heb13.1. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1Pe2.17. 1 J * 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.16. to brotherly kindness. f50, Ho + Ho2.21. charity. 1 Co ✓ 1Co13.1-8. Ga +* Ga6.10. Col Col3.14. 1 Th 1Th5.15. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. 1 P +* 1Pe1.22. 1Pe3.8. 1 J * 1Jn4.16, 1Jn4.21. 8. be in you. Jn Jn5.42. 2 Co 2Co9.14. * 2Co13.5. Ph Php2.5. Col * Col3.16. Phm Phm6. and abound. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. 2 Co 2Co8.2, 2Co8.7. Ph Php1.9. Col +* Col2.7. * Col3.16. 1 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 236. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Th 1Th3.12. 1Th4.1. 2 Th 2Th1.3. they. Jn Jn15.7, Jn15.8. 2 Co 2Co5.13-17. barren. or, idle. Pr Pr19.15. Mt Mt20.3, Mt20.6. Mt25.26. Ro Ro12.11. 1 Ti 1Ti5.13. He * Heb6.12. Ja Jas2.20g. nor unfruitful. T#815. Ps +* Ps1.3. Je Je31.12. Ho Ho14.5, Ho14.8. Mt Mt13.22. Mk Mk4.19. Jn *15:+ Jn15.2, Jn15.5, Jn15.6, Jn15.8, Jn15.14. Ep Eph5.11. Ti + Tt3.14. Ju Jud12. in the knowledge. See on ver. 2Pe1.2. 9. lacketh. ver. 2Pe1.5-7. Mk Mk10.21. Lk Lk18.22. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.13. Ja * Jas2.14-26. blind. Jb Job5.14. Job12.25. Is Is59.10. Zp Zep1.17. Mt +* Mt6.23. +* Mt15.14. + Mt23.16. Jn * Jn9.40, Jn9.41. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.3, 2Co4.4. 1 J * 1Jn2.9-11. Re * Re3.17. he was purged. ver. 2Pe1.4. 2 P 2Pe2.18-20. Ro ✓ Ro6.1-4, Ro6.11. 1 Co 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.26. Ti Tt2.14. He +* Heb9.14. 1 P * 1Pe3.21. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.7. Re Re1.5. Re7.14. 10. give diligence. See on ver. 2Pe1.5. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. Ph Php2.12, Php2.13. to make. 2 Co 2Co6.1. Ga Ga2.21. Ph ✓ Php2.12. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.19. He Heb3.14. * Heb6.11, Heb6.19. 1 J 1Jn3.19-21. your calling. Ro +* Ro11.29. election. Lk + Lk18.7. Ro +* Ro8.28-31. 1 Th * 1Th1.3, 1Th1.4. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.2, 1Pe1.5. sure. Ro * Ro8.16. 2 Co 2Co1.12. He +* Heb6.11. 1 J 1Jn2.5, 1Jn2.6. for if. Ge +* Ge4.7. Je +* Je7.5. Col +* Col1.23. 1 Th +* 1Th3.8. He +* Heb3.14. Ja +* Jas5.19. ye do. Ps +* Ps15.5. Is Is56.2. Mt *7:+* Mt7.21, Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Lk +* Lk6.47-49. +* Lk11.28. 1 J * 1Jn3.18, 1Jn3.19. Re * Re22.14. never fall. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. T#819. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. 2 Ch * 2Ch20.20. Ps ✓ Ps37.24. Ps62.2, Ps62.6. Ps94.18. Ps112.6. * Ps121.3. Ps138.8. Pr Pr10.25. Mi * Mic7.8. Jn ✓ Jn10.28, Jn10.29 (T#515). 17:11. Ac * Ac20.24, Ac20.25. Ro * Ro8.38, Ro8.39. 1 Co * 1Co1.8. ◐✓ 1Co10.12. 2 Co 2Co1.21. Ga Ga5.4. Ep * Eph4.30. Ph * Php1.6. 1 Th * 1Th5.23, 1Th5.24. 2 Th 2Th3.3. He Heb12.15mg. Ja Jas2.10. Jas3.2. 1 P * 1Pe1.5. 1 J 1Jn2.10. 1Jn5.18. Ju * Jud24. Re * Re3.10, Re3.11. 11. an entrance. Mt Mt25.34. Lk ◐ Lk9.26. Ac Ac14.22. 1 Co ◐ 1Co3.15. 2 Co 2Co5.1. 2 Ti 2Ti4.8. 1 J * 1Jn2.28. Re Re3.21. ministered. ver. 2Pe1.5. 2 Co + 2Co9.10. abundantly. Ps Ps36.8. SS So5.1. Is Is35.2. Mt +* Mt5.12. Mt20.23. ✓ Mt25.21. Lk +* Lk18.30. Jn Jn10.10. Ep Eph3.20. Ph Php3.14. He Heb6.17. everlasting. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Da +* Da7.14. Re ✓ Re11.15. kingdom. T#861. 2 S * 2Sa23.1, 2Sa23.5. Is +* Is9.7. Da +* Da7.14, Da7.27. Mt +* Mt24.14. +* Mt25.34. Mt26.29. Lk Lk12.32. Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Col +* Col1.13n. 1 Th 1Th2.12. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.18. He +* Heb12.28. Ja +* Jas2.5. Re * Re5.10. ✓ Re11.15. our Lord and. See on ver. 2Pe1.1. 2 P 2Pe3.18. Ti Tt2.13n. Savior. ver. 2Pe1.1. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. 12. I will not. ver. 2Pe1.13, 2Pe1.15. 2 P 2Pe3.1. Ro * Ro15.14, Ro15.15. Ph * Php3.1. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. He Heb10.32. Ju +* Jud3, Jud17. always. Gr. aei, Mk + Mk15.8. in remembrance. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14. Ti Tt3.1. though. 1 J * 1Jn2.21. Ju Jud5. and be established. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. Ac Ac16.5. Col +* Col2.7. He * Heb13.9. 1 P * 1Pe5.10, 1Pe5.12. present truth. 2 J 2Jn2. 13. as long. f142, Ge + Ge20.16. ver. 2Pe1.14. 2 Co 2Co5.1-4, 2Co5.8. He Heb13.3. to stir. 2 P 2Pe3.1. Hg Hag1.14. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. by. See on ver. 2Pe1.12. 14. shortly. Dt Dt4.21, Dt4.22. Dt31.14. Jsh Jos23.14. 1 K 1Ki2.2, 1Ki2.3. Ac Ac20.25. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.6-8. put off. f142, Ge + Ge20.16. 1 P 1Pe3.21. even. Jn Jn13.36. * Jn21.18, Jn21.19. 15. I will. Dt Dt31.19-29. Jsh Jos24.24-29. 1 Ch 1Ch29.1-20. Ps Ps71.18. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.2. He Heb11.4. decease. or, departure. Lk Lk9.31. these. See on ver. 2Pe1.4-7, 2Pe1.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 237. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

16. we have. 2 P * 2Pe3.3, 2Pe3.4. Jb * Job36.4. 1 Co 1Co1.17, 1Co1.23. * 1Co2.1, 1Co2.4. 2 Co * 2Co2.17. +✓ 2Co4.2. 2Co12.16, 2Co12.17. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Th 2Th2.9. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.4. * 1Ti4.7. Ti Tt1.14. cunningly devised. This verse contains one of the most significant texts for apologetics to be found in the Word of God. Christian faith is not a blind leap into the dark, but is established upon firm evidence, for unlike other world religions, Christianity “rests on definite, historical facts and events—facts and historical events of such nature that if they really took place, the religion is true, and established by so direct, so strong and so great a variety of independent and converging proofs that it has been said again and again by great lawyers that they cannot but be regarded as proved under the strictest rules of evidence used in the highest American and English courts” (Irwin H. Linton, A Lawyer Examines the Bible, p. 16). Linton states that he had never found a single unbelieving lawyer or layman who had made a careful, lawyer-like, two-sided investigation of the claims of the Bible and its Christ. He was never able to find a single unbeliever who had read carefully even one of the old classics on the Christian Evidences. Professor G. W. Wright has said, “All history is fragmentary. Each particular fact is the center of an infinite complex of circumstances. No man has intelligence enough to insert a suppositious fact into circumstances not belonging to it, and make it fit exactly. This only Infinite Intelligence could do. A successful forgery, therefore, is impossible if only we have a sufficient number of the original circumstances with which to compare it” (cited in Fred John Meldau, 57 Reasons, p. 37). Linton cites Simon Greenleaf to the same effect: “Every event which actually transpires has its appropriate relation and place in the vast complication of circumstances of which the affairs of men consist: it owes its origin to the events which have preceded it, is intimately connected with all others which occur at the same time and place, and often with those of remote regions, and in its turn gives birth to numberless others which succeed. In this almost inconceivable contexture and seeming discord there is perfect harmony; and while the fact which really happened tallies exactly with every other contemporaneous incident related to it in the remotest degree, it is not possible for the wit of man to invent a story which, if closely compared with the actual occurrences of the same time and place, may not be shown to be false” (Linton, pp. 53, 54). “In a number of concurrent testimonies, where there has been no previous concert (utterly negatived in the case of the Gospels by the apparent but completely reconciled discrepancies between them. Linton) there is a probability distinct from that which may be termed the sum of the probabilities resulting from the testimony of the witnesses; a probability which would remain even though the witnesses were of such character as to merit no faith at all. This probability arises from the concurrence itself. That such a concurrence should spring from chance is as one to infinity; that is, in other words, morally impossible. If, therefore, concert be excluded, there remains no cause but the reality of the fact” (Linton, citing George Campbell against Hume, p. 55). “Now, in historical researches, a reconciled inconsistency becomes a positive argument. First, because an impostor generally guards against the appearance of inconsistency; and secondly, because when apparent inconsistencies are found, it is seldom anything but truth renders them capable of reconciliation. The existence of the difficulty proves the want or absence of that caution which usually accompanies the consciousness of fraud; and the solution proves that it is not the collusion of fortuitous propositions which we have to deal with, but that a thread of truth winds through the whole, which preserves every circumstance in its place” Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 238. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

(Linton, p. 88, citing Paley. See further related notes on undesigned coincidences listed at Ac Ac12.12n). We now come to an argument for the credibility of the facts contained in Scripture which has never been answered and never can be. Infidels have repeatedly been challenged to answer it but they have never even made the attempt. It is the argument of Leslie in his Short and Easy Method with the Deists. This argument rests solely upon the peculiarity of Christian evidence, already mentioned, by which the truth of the religion is indissolubly connected with certain matters of fact which could originally be judged of by the senses, and also upon the fact that there exist in the Church certain ordinances commemorative of those facts. Thus the truth of our religion seems to be embodied in institutions that now exist, and in observances that pass before our eyes. The object of Leslie is to show, from the nature of the case—for here we make very little reference to written testimony—that the matters of fact stated could not have been received at the time unless they were true, and that the observances could never have been originated except in connection with the facts. In showing this, he lays down four rules, and asserts that any matter of fact in which these four rules meet must be true, and challenges the world to show any instance of any supposed matter of fact, thus authenticated, that has ever been shown to be false. His four rules are these: (1) That the matter of fact be such that men’s outward senses, their eyes and ears, may be judges of it. (2) That it be done publicly, in the face of the world. (3) That not only public monuments be kept up in memory of it, but some outward actions be performed. (4) That such monuments, and such actions, or observances, be instituted, and do commence from the time that the matter of fact was done. The first two rules. The first two rules make it impossible for any such matter of fact to be imposed upon men at the time, because every man’s eyes, and ears, and senses, would contradict it. For example, if any man should affirm that all the inhabitants of this city yesterday, or last year, walked to Governor’s Island and returned on dry ground, while the water was divided and stood in heaps on each side of them, it would be impossible that he should be believed, because every man, woman, and child would know better. It would be one of those things respecting which the unlearned and the young could judge as well as the learned and more experienced. Equally impossible is it that the children of Israel, of that generation, should have believed that they passed through the Red Sea, or went out and gathered manna every morning, or drank water from the rock, or that the law was given with the terror and solemnity described in the Bible, if these things did not happen. Not less impossible is it that the five thousand should have believed they were fed by Christ; or that the relatives of Lazarus, and the Jews who knew him, should have believed that he was raised from the dead, or the parents and friends of the man born blind, that he was made to see; or that the multitudes before whom he healed the lame, and the sick of every description, should have believed that these events took place, if they did not. These miracles are of such a nature that, unless they were really wrought, it is impossible they should have been believed at the time. Leslie further says: “Therefore it only remains that such matter of fact might have been invented some time after, when the men of that generation wherein the thing was said to be done are all past and gone; and the credulity of after ages might be imposed upon to believe that things were done in former ages which were not.” The last two rules. And for this the last two rules secure us as much as the first two rules in the former case; for, whenever such a matter of fact came to be invented, if not only Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 239. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

monuments were said to remain of it, but likewise that public actions and observances were constantly used ever since the matter of fact was said to be done, the deceit must be detected by no such monuments appearing, and by the experience of every man, woman, and child, who must know that no such actions or observances were ever used by them. For example, suppose I should now invent a story of such a thing done a thousand years ago; I might perhaps get some to believe it; but if I say that not only such a thing was done, but that, from that day to this, every man, at the age of twelve years, had a joint of his little finger cut off; and that every man in the nation did lack a joint of such a finger; and that this institution was said to be part of the matter of fact done so many years ago, and vouched as a proof and confirmation of it, and as having descended without interruption, and been constantly practiced, in memory of such a fact, all along from the time that such matter of fact was done;—I say it is impossible I should be believed in such case, because everyone could contradict me as to the mark of cutting off the joint of the finger; and that, being a part of my original matter of fact, must demonstrate the whole to be false. Application to the books of Moses. The case here put is not stronger than that either of the books of Moses, or of the New Testament. For, at whatever time it might have been attempted to impose the books of Moses upon a subsequent age, it would have been impossible, because they contain the laws and civil and ecclesiastical regulations of the Jews, which the books affirm were adopted at the time of Moses, and were constantly in force from that time; and because they contain an account of the passover, which they assert to have been observed in consequence of a particular fact. If, then, a book had been put forth at a particular time, stating that the Jews had obeyed certain very peculiar laws, and had a certain priesthood, and had observed the Passover from the time of Moses, while they had never heard of these laws, or of this priesthood, or of a Passover, it is impossible the book should have been received. Nothing could have saved such a book from scorn or utter neglect. Application to the New Testament. But what the Levitical law, and the priesthood, and the passover were to the Jews, baptism, and the Christian ministry, and the Lord’s Supper are to Christians. It is a part of the records of the Gospels that these were instituted by Christ; that they were commanded by Him to be continued till the end of time, and were actually continued and observed at the time when the Gospels purport to have been written—that is, before the destruction of Jerusalem. But if these books were fictions invented after the time of Christ, there would have been at that time no Christian baptism, nor order of Christian ministers, nor sacrament of the supper, thus derived from His appointment; and that, alone, would have demonstrated the whole to be false. Our books suppose these institutions to exist; they give an account of them; and it is impossible they should have been received where they did not exist. It is, therefore, impossible that these books should have been received at the time the facts are said to have taken place, or at any subsequent time, unless those facts really did take place. We now regard the sacrament of the supper as an essential part of the religion; it was so regarded by our fathers; nor can we conceive that it should have been otherwise up to the very time when the religion was founded. Thus we have a visible sign and pledge of the truth of our religion, handed down, independently of written testimony, from age to age; and the force of which age has no tendency to diminish. Strength of the evidences. Perhaps we do not sufficiently dwell on the great strength of which the Christian evidences derive from this proof, or notice the contrast it makes between Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 240. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

the evidence for the facts of Christianity and those of ordinary history. Not only is it impossible to point out any statement of fact, substantiated by these four marks, that can be shown to be false, but none of the best authenticated facts of ancient history have them all. The Fourth of July, as observed by us, may illustrate the effects of such commemorative ordinances as guarding against false historical accounts. For any man to have invented the New Testament after the time of Christ, and to have attempted to cause it to be received, would have been as if a man had written an account of the revolution, and of the celebration of this day from the first, when no revolution was ever heard of, and no one had ever celebrated the Fourth of July. Nor, when such a festival was once established, would it be possible to introduce any account of its origin essentially different from the true one. But the case of the Christian religion is much stronger; because we have several different institutions which must have sprung up at its origin; because baptism and the Lord’s Supper have occurred so much more frequently; and because the latter has always been considered the chief rite of a religion to which men have been more attached than to liberty or to life. Credible because no others. But again: our books are credible because there are no others. That such a movement as Christianity must have been, involving the origin of so many new institutions, and such ecclesiastical and social changes should have originated at such a time and in such a place, and that no written documents should have been drawn forth by it, is incredible. And that the true account should have perished, leaving not a single vestige behind it, and that false ones, and such as these, should have been substituted, is impossible. Of the origin of such institutions we should expect some account. That of our books is adequate and satisfactory. There is nothing contradictory to it, for even spurious writings confirm the truth of our books, and there is no vestige of any other (Linton, pp. 161-164, citing Mark Hopkins, who is citing Leslie). fables. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.4. the power. Mt * Mt28.18. Mk * Mk9.1. Jn * Jn17.2. Ac * Ac3.12, Ac3.13, Ac3.16. Ro * Ro1.4. 1 Co + 1Co2.4. * 1Co5.4. Ph Php3.21. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3n. 2 P 2Pe3.4, 2Pe3.12. Ml * Mal3.2. * Mal4.5. Mt * Mt16.28. +* Mt24.3n, Mt24.27. Ac +* Ac3.19-21. 1 Co * 1Co1.7. 1 Th + 1Th2.19. 2 Th * 2Th1.7-10. Ju * Jud14. Re +* Re1.7. were eyewitnesses. Simon Greenleaf wrote of the apostles, “It was impossible that they could have persisted in affirming the truths they have narrated had not Jesus actually risen from the dead, and had they not known this fact as certainly as they knew any other fact” (Wilbur Smith, Have You Considered Him, p. 19, citing Simon Greenleaf, The Testimony of the Evangelists Examined by the Rules of Evidence Administered in Courts of Justice, pp. 28-31). Jsh Jos24.17. Pr Pr1.20. Mt ✓ Mt17.1-5. Mt26.55. Mk Mk9.2. Lk Lk9.28-32. Jn * Jn1.14. Ac Ac26.26. He Heb2.9. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.1-3. * 1Jn4.14. majesty. Lk Lk9.43. Jn Jn1.14. +* Jn17.5. Ep * Eph1.20-22. 17. God. Mt +* Mt11.25-27. +* Mt28.19. Lk Lk10.22. Jn Jn3.35. Jn5.21-23, Jn5.26, Jn5.36, Jn5.37. Jn6.27, * Jn6.37, Jn6.39. Jn10.15, Jn10.36. Jn13.1-3. Jn14.6, Jn14.8, Jn14.9, Jn14.11. Jn17.21. Jn20.17. Ro Ro15.6. 2 Co 2Co1.3. 2Co11.31. 2 J 2Jn3. Ju Jud1. honor and glory. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, glorious honor. Two things mentioned, one thing meant. Ex Ex28.2. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. He Heb2.9. Re + Re4.9. there came. Mt Mt17.3. Mk Mk9.7. Lk Lk9.34, Lk9.35. Jn Jn12.28, Jn12.29. This. Mt Mt3.17. ✓ Mt17.5. Mk Mk1.11. Mk9.7. Lk Lk3.22. Lk9.35. Son. Col Col1.13. 1 J 1Jn5.9. in whom. Is Is42.1. Is53.10. Mt Mt12.18. Ep Eph1.6.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 241. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

18. this. Mt ✓ Mt17.6. the holy. Ge Ge28.16, Ge28.17. Ex * Ex3.1, Ex3.5. Jsh Jos5.15. Is Is11.9. Is56.7. Zc Zec8.3. Mt Mt17.6. 19. We have. 1 P + 1Pe1.10. a more sure word. T#1022. Ge Ge15.13. Ps * Ps19.7-9. Ps119.105. Pr Pr6.23. Is +* Is8.20n. * Is41.21-23, Is41.26. Lk * Lk16.29-31. Jn +* Jn5.39n. Ac +* Ac17.11. of prophecy. T#1019. ver. 2Pe1.11. Lk +* Lk24.27. Ro Ro16.26. ye do well. Ac Ac10.33. Ac15.29. Ja * Jas2.8. 3 J 3Jn6. take heed. Ho +* Ho4.10. as. f137, Ge + Ge13.13. a light. f22:22K, 2 S + 2Sa22.29. Ps ✓ Ps119.105. Pr +* Pr4.18n. * Pr6.23. Is * Is9.2. * Is60.1, Is60.2. Mt * Mt4.16. Lk * Lk1.78, Lk1.79. Jn * Jn1.7-9. Jn5.35. * Jn8.12. Ep * Eph5.7, Eph5.8. dark place. Jb Job24.16. 1 Co * 1Co13.12. Ep Eph6.12. the day dawn. Ps +* Ps49.14. 2 Co * 2Co4.4-6. 1 J * 1Jn5.10. Re Re2.28. * Re22.16. the day star. Ml Mal4.2. Re Re2.28. Re22.16. arise. 2 Co * 2Co4.6. 20. Knowing. 2 P 2Pe3.3. Ro Ro6.6. Ro13.11. 1 Ti 1Ti1.9. Ja Jas1.3. that. Ro Ro12.6. of the scripture. Ro Ro9.17. 1 P 1Pe2.6. private. Rather, its own, or less likely, their own, understanding the text to mean that the writers of Scripture did not merely pen their own opinion, but were divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. Understanding “its own” fits the immediate context of taking heed to the more sure word of prophecy, and the manner of taking heed is to interpret the individual prophecies of Scripture in the light of every other prophecy which bears upon the same theme. “Private” is an unfortunate rendering of the Greek word idios (S#2398g), a word which occurs 113 times in the Greek New Testament, most often rendered “his own” (48 times) and “their own” (13 times), but nowhere else rendered “private,” though rendered by the word “privately” 8 times. This rendering has been used to attack the Biblical doctrine of the perspicuity of Scripture (Is +* Is8.20n) and to deny the duty of each individual believer to exercise the right of private judgment to determine for himself the correctness of a proposed interpretation of Scripture (Je +* Je23.28n). While Scripture elsewhere teaches the individual to maintain fellowship with other believers (He Heb10.25), to “hear the church” (Mt Mt18.17), to “hold the traditions which ye have been taught” (2 Th 2Th2.15), and to “obey them that have the rule over you” (He Heb13.17), yet he must do so only insofar as such teachers are faithful to the written Word of God. The final authority in spiritual matters is never an organization or church, but the written Word of God as found in the Bible, correctly interpreted. The Bible warns that followers of false teachers will share in their reward (Ezk +* Eze14.10n). The final obligation remains for each individual to judge truth for himself (Ro Ro14.12). This, then, is the major justification for the right of private judgment, for God holds each of us individually and directly accountable to him and his Word. We cannot pass off our responsibility to others by saying “I simply believed what my church taught me” (Is +* Is8.20n. Ezk Eze14.10n). “Private” is better rendered “its own,” so that we then read “no Scripture is of its own interpretation.” The meaning is that every statement in Scripture must be understood in the light of what the rest of Scripture teaches which bears upon the same theme. Of absolute importance to the correct interpretation of Scripture is to make a full and proper induction of all related passages, and develop from them an interpretation which accounts for and agrees with the whole. This is the very opposite of the deductive approach, which comes to the Bible with a pre-determined belief (whether a creedal statement, a system of doctrine or philosophy, any “ism”—whether Calvinism, Arminianism, dispensationalism, amillennialism, Russellism, liberalism, humanism, scientism, etc.) which already has decided what the Bible can or must teach, then searches its pages for supporting “proof texts.” Such an Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 242. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

approach is grievously in error (Mk ✓ Mk12.24), and can be detected by its tendency to ignore, suppress, explain away, or circumvent those texts which do not “fit” the system. Adherents of deductive systems are in danger of wresting Scripture to their own destruction (2 P 2Pe3.16), and handling Scripture deceitfully (2 Co 2Co4.2). Those who adhere to a deductive approach to Scripture are marked by an inability to come to the Bible with an open mind, ready to adjust their belief to what is newly learned. In fact, such persons are unable to freely study Scripture and grow in their knowledge, for they have adopted a closed system of belief, which can never admit to anything new to be learned, or admit a former mistake in understanding, the correction of which is based upon additional light received by a fresh study of the Word of God. Certainly such an attitude toward Scripture makes it a closed book, and is the very opposite of that humility required for the reception of spiritual truth (Ps Ps25.9. Ps119.18). Jn * Jn16.13. interpretation. Gr. epilusis, ❅S#1955g, only here, from ❅S#1956g, epiluo, Mk Mk4.34 (expounded); Ac Ac19.39 (determined). Vine defines epilusis to mean “to loose, solve, explain, denotes a solution, explanation, lit., a release. ‘(of private) interpretation;’ i.e., the writers of Scripture did not put their own construction upon the ‘God-breathed’ words they wrote” (Expository Dictionary, vol. 2, p. 268). An understanding of the principles of the correct interpretation of Scripture is of supreme importance. Formally known as the science of biblical hermeneutics, the correct application of such principles is essential to arrive at the correct interpretation of Scripture. Most wrong interpretations of Scripture will be found to violate one or more of the following ten general rules of interpretation: (1) Interpret the words and sentences of an author literally unless such an interpretation results in a contradiction, absurdity, or nonsense. Be very careful not to label as nonsense what might merely be strange or contrary to your own personal point of view or frame of reference. Sometimes the immediate context will indicate a non-literal interpretation must be understood (“trees clapped their hands,” Is Is55.12). In such cases watch for the literal truth or meaning which is being figuratively expressed. (2) Do not attribute a meaning to a text that would be foreign to the knowledge or understanding of the author or the original audience, or give a meaning which would be outside the purpose of the original author (Thus there are no trains or flying saucers in the Bible). (3) Do not interpret one statement in the Bible in a way which makes it contradict another part. All the parts must agree without contradictions. Authors write to be understood, not to confuse their audience. Sometimes an author may write an intended ambiguity. Sometimes our own perception of the truth, or our knowledge of the cultural context which produced a document, is incomplete, and our own deficiency of knowledge may lead us to find ambiguity, paradox, and contradiction where there is none. An author, particularly when treating of philosophical and religious subjects, may intentionally introduce paradox (determinism versus free will). (4) A correct interpretation takes account of all the material in the text, and all related material in other texts of the Bible. You cannot legitimately pick and choose separate statements and combine them arbitrarily (The Bible says, Judas went and hanged himself; go and do thou likewise; what thou doest, do quickly). You cannot leave out material which, if included, would require or necessitate a change in the interpretation. Whenever an interpretation involves the comparison of two or more subjects, the interpretation must take into account not only the similarities but also the differences which may exist. (5) Read what comes before and after the verse you are interpreting. A correct interpretation always fits into the scope, meaning, and purpose of the surrounding passage or context. A text out of context is a pretext. (6) An interpretation must be in harmony with the grammar of the sentences involved, and in harmony with the meanings of the words which Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 243. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

make up the sentences. (7) Always interpret obscure, difficult texts in the light of other passages on the same topic which are clear in meaning. (8) A correct and authoritative interpretation must be based upon what the text itself says, not upon what someone else claims it says. (9) All that is required to establish an interpretation as correct is evidence (which is in harmony with these rules) from the text sufficient to convince an adequately informed, neutral, unbiased person. (10) When there are two differing interpretations of a passage, if the interpretations are contradictory, they cannot both be correct. One or the other interpretation must be wrong, or they may both be wrong, but they cannot both be right. A correct interpretation must comply with the rules of interpretation; an incorrect interpretation will always be found not to comply with the rules. 21. the prophecy. Lk * Lk1.70. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16. 1 P * 1Pe1.11. in old time. or, at any time. holy. Dt * Dt33.1. Jsh Jos14.6. 1 K 1Ki13.1. * 1Ki17.18, 1Ki17.24. 2 K 2Ki4.7, 2Ki4.9, 2Ki4.22. * 2Ki6.10, 2Ki6.15. 1 Ch * 1Ch23.14. 2 Ch 2Ch8.14. spake. Nu Nu16.28. 2 S * 2Sa23.2. Mi +* Mic3.7. Lk Lk1.70. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17. 1 P * 1Pe1.11. Re * Re19.10. they were. or, being. f63:63K, Ge + Ge37.13. by the Holy. Mk Mk12.36. Ac Ac1.16. Ac3.18. Ac28.25. He Heb3.7. Heb9.8. Heb10.15. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18.

2 PETER 2 The apostle foretells the coming of false teachers; showing in general their corrupt principles and selfishness, and the fatal effects of their influence, 2Pe2.1-3. He adduces the severity of God in punishing apostate angels, the inhabitants of the old world, and those of Sodom, with his kindness to Noah and Lot, in proof that he would certainly preserve his people, and execute vengeance on the wicked, 2Pe2.4-9. A more particular account of the seducers above mentioned, of their vile character and practices, and of the hopeless conditions of many, who were deceived by them, 2Pe2.10-22. 1. there were. Dt Dt13.1-3. 1 K 1Ki18.19-22. * 1Ki22.6, 1Ki22.11, 1Ki22.12. Ne Ne6.1214. Is Is9.15. Is56.10, Is56.11. Je ✓ Je5.30, Je5.31. Je14.13-15. Je23.16, Je23.17, Je23.2532. Je27.14, Je27.15. Je28.15-17. Je29.8, Je29.9, Je29.31, Je29.32. Je37.19. La La2.14. Ezk Eze13.3-18. Ho Ho9.8. Mi Mic2.11. Mic3.5, Mic3.11. Zc Zec13.3, Zec13.4. Mt +* Mt7.15. Lk Lk6.26. Ro Ro16.18. 1 J * 1Jn4.1. the people. Ro Ro15.10. Ju Jud5. false teachers. 2 P 2Pe3.3. Ezk Eze14.9, Eze14.10. Mt * Mt24.5, Mt24.11, Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Lk Lk21.8. Ac * Ac20.29, Ac20.30. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. Ga Ga4.17. Ep +* Eph4.14. Col Col2.8, Col2.18. 2 Th 2Th2.3-12. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1-3. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-9. 2Ti4.3, 2Ti4.4. Ti Tt1.11. 1 J 1Jn2.18, 1Jn2.19, 1Jn2.26. ✓ 1Jn4.1. Ju Jud18. Re Re2.9. Re13.14. privily. ver. 2Pe2.3. Ga Ga2.4. bring in. Ga Ga2.4. Ju Jud4. damnable. ver. 2Pe2.3. Ga Ga5.20. Ti Tt3.10. heresies. Ac + Ac24.5. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. Ga Ga5.20. denying. Mt Mt10.33. Lk Lk12.9. Ac Ac3.13, Ac3.14. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12, 2Ti2.13. Ti ✓ Tt1.16. Ju * Jud4. Re Re2.13. Re3.8. the Lord. Mt Mt10.25. Lk + Lk2.29. 2 Ti 2Ti2.21g. Ju Jud4. bought. Ex Ex15.16. Dt Dt32.6. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Co +* 1Co6.19, 1Co6.20. 1Co7.23. Ga * Ga3.13. Ga4.5. Ep Eph1.7. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.5, 1Ti2.6. He Heb10.29. 1 P * 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. Re Re5.9. Re14.3, Re14.4. and bring. ver. 2Pe2.3. Ml +* Mal3.5. Ph +* Php3.19.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 244. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. many. Mt Mt24.10-13, Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. 1 J 1Jn2.18, 1Jn2.19. Re Re12.9. Re13.8, Re13.14. pernicious ways. or, lascivious ways, as some copies read. 1 P + 1Pe4.3. by reason. Ro Ro2.24. 1 Ti 1Ti5.14. Ti Tt2.5, Tt2.8. way. ver. 2Pe2.15, 2Pe2.21. Ps Ps18.21. Is Is35.8. Je Je6.16. Mt +* Mt7.14. Mt22.16. Mk Mk12.14. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. Ac Ac13.10. Ac16.17. Ac18.26. Ac19.9. Ac24.14. the way. Ps Ps119.29, Ps119.30. of truth. Re Re15.3. evil. ver. 2Pe2.12. Is Is52.5. Ac Ac14.2. Ro Ro2.24. Ro3.8. Ti Tt2.5. Ja Jas2.7. 1 P 1Pe2.12. Ju Jud10, Jud15. 3. through covetousness. ver. 2Pe2.14, 2Pe2.15. Is Is56.11. Je Je6.13. Je8.10. Ezk Eze13.19. Mi Mic3.11. Ml Mal1.10. Ro * Ro16.18. 1 Co + 1Co5.10. 2 Co 2Co12.17, 2Co12.18. 1 Ti 1Ti3.3, 1Ti3.8. +* 1Ti6.5. Ti * Tt1.7, Tt1.11. 1 P 1Pe5.2. Ju Jud11, Jud16. with feigned. 2 P 2Pe1.16. Ps Ps18.44. Ps66.3. Ps81.15mg. Lk Lk20.20. Lk22.47. Ro Ro16.18. Col Col2.4. 1 Th 1Th2.5. make. Dt Dt24.17. Jn Jn2.16. 2 Co +* 2Co2.17. Re Re18.11-13. whose. ver. 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.9. Dt Dt32.35. Is Is5.19. Is30.13, Is30.14. Is60.22. Hab Hab2.3. Lk Lk18.8. Ph +* Php3.19. 1 Th 1Th5.3. 1 P 1Pe2.8. Ju Jud4, Jud7, Jud15. now of. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. or, (threatened). a long time. 2 P 2Pe3.5. 4. For if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. spared. ver. 2Pe2.5. Dt Dt29.20. Ps Ps78.50. Ezk Eze5.11. Eze7.4, Eze7.9. Ro +* Ro8.32. Ro11.21. the angels. T#13. Ge Ge6.1, Ge6.2. Jb Job4.18. Lk Lk10.18. Jn * Jn8.44. 1 J * 1Jn3.8. Ju * Jud6. Re Re12.7, Re12.8. Re20.2, Re20.3, Re20.10. that sinned. f63:63D, Ge + Ge30.27. Supply ellipsis, (neither will he spare the false prophets and teachers). but cast. Is Is14.12. Mt Mt8.29. Mt25.41. Mk Mk5.7. Lk Lk8.31. Re Re12.7-9. * Re20.2, Re20.3, Re20.10. hell. Gr. Tartarus. Jb Job40.20. Job41.24. Pr Pr30.16. into chains. ver. 2Pe2.11. Ju Jud6. of darkness. Pr +* Pr20.20. to be. ver. 2Pe2.9. Jb Job21.30. Mt +* Mt25.41. Ju Jud13. 5. spared. Ge ch. 6-8. Jb Job22.15, Job22.16. Mt Mt24.37-39. Lk Lk17.26, Lk17.27. He Heb11.7. the old. Ezk Eze26.20. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. the eighth. Ge Ge7.1, etc. 1 P + 1Pe3.20. a preacher. 1 Ti 1Ti2.7. 2 Ti 2Ti1.11. 1 P 1Pe3.19. Ju Jud14, Jud15. bringing. 2 P 2Pe3.6. Jb Job22.16. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 2 Co 2Co5.19. Ga Ga6.14. 6. turning. Ge * Ge19.24, Ge19.25, Ge19.28. Dt Dt29.23. Is Is13.19. Je Je20.16. Je50.40. La La4.6. Ezk * Eze16.49-56. Ho Ho11.8. Am Am4.11. Zp Zep2.9. Lk Lk17.28-30. Ju * Jud7. of Sodom. Lk + Lk10.12. and Gomorrah. Ro + Ro9.29. overthrow. 2 Ti 2Ti2.14g. making. Nu +* Nu26.10. Dt Dt29.23. 1 Co * 1Co10.6, 1Co10.11. an ensample. He + Heb4.11. live ungodly. Le +* Le18.22n. Ro +* Ro1.27. Ju * Jud15. 7. delivered. Ge * Ge19.16, Ge19.22, Ge19.29. 1 Co 1Co10.13. just. Ge ◐ Ge19.33-35. Jn +* Jn17.6. Lot. Lk Lk17.28, Lk17.29, Lk17.32. vexed. Ge Ge13.13. Ge19.7, Ge19.8. Ps Ps120.5. Je Je9.1-6. Je23.9. filthy. Mk +* Mk7.22. Ju Jud4. conversation. 2 P 2Pe3.11g. Ja + Jas3.13. the wicked. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. 8. that righteous. ver. 2Pe2.7. Ge ◐ Ge19.33-35. Pr Pr25.26. Pr28.12. Jn +* Jn17.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.9. Ja +* Jas5.16. in seeing. Ps * Ps119.53, Ps119.136, Ps119.139, Ps119.158. Ezk +* Eze9.4, Eze9.6. Ml * Mal3.15-17. vexed. Ne Ne13.25. Ezk +* Eze9.4. soul. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, 1 P + 1Pe4.19. 9. knoweth. Jb Job5.19. Ps Ps1.6. * Ps34.15-19. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. deliver. T#810. Ps * Ps34.19. * Ps73.3. Pr Pr12.13. Ec Ec7.18. Ac Ac12.11. Ro Ro8.37. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 2 Co * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 245. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Co12.9. He Heb2.18. 1 J 1Jn4.4. the godly. Ps Ps4.3. Ps12.1. Ps32.6. Ac Ac10.2, Ac10.7g. 2 Ti 2Ti3.12. Ti * Tt2.14. out of temptations. Ps Ps37.33. Zp +* Zep2.3. Lk +* Lk21.36. Ro Ro15.31. Re +* Re3.10. reserve the unjust. ver. 2Pe2.4. Jb Job21.30. Pr Pr16.4. Na * Na1.2. Ju * Jud14, * Jud15. unto the day. 2 P 2Pe3.7. Mt +* Mt10.15n. Mt11.22, Mt11.24. Mt12.36. Ac +* Ac17.31. Ro Ro2.5. 2 Co 2Co5.10, 2Co5.11. 1 J 1Jn4.17. Ju Jud6. 10. that walk. 2 P 2Pe3.3. Ro Ro8.1, Ro8.4, Ro8.5, Ro8.12, Ro8.13. 2 Co 2Co10.3. He +* Heb13.4. Ju Jud16, Jud18. after the flesh. Ju Jud7. in the lust. Ro Ro1.24-27. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. Ep Eph4.19. Eph5.5. Col Col3.5. 1 Th 1Th4.7. Ju Jud4, Jud6-8, Jud10, Jud16. uncleanness. ver. 2Pe2.20. Ju Jud8. despise. Nu Nu16.12-15. Dt * Dt17.12, Dt17.13. Dt21.20, Dt21.21. 1 S 1Sa10.27. * 1Sa15.23. 2 S 2Sa20.1. 1 K 1Ki12.16. Ps Ps2.1-5. Ps12.4. Je Je2.31. Lk Lk19.14. Ro Ro13.1-5. 1 P * 1Pe2.13, 1Pe2.14, 1Pe2.17. government. or, dominion. T#317. Ex Ex22.28mg. Nu Nu16.3-7, Nu16.32. Dt Dt17.12, Dt17.13. 2 S * 2Sa19.21. Ec ✓ Ec10.20. Lk +* Lk19.14. Ac Ac23.5. Ro +* Ro13.1. 2 Co ◐ 2Co8.5. 1 P * 1Pe2.13. Ju * Jud8. Presumptuous. Nu Nu15.30. Dt Dt17.13. Ju Jud8. self-willed. Ge Ge49.6. Ti Tt1.7. to speak. Ex Ex22.28. Ec Ec10.6, Ec10.7, ✓ Ec10.20. Ac Ac23.5. 3 J * 3Jn9, * 3Jn10. Ju * Jud8, * Jud10. 11. angels. Ps Ps103.20. Ps104.4. Da Da6.22. 2 Th 2Th1.7. Ju +* Jud9. against them. “Some read, against themselves.” 12. as natural. Ps Ps49.10. Ps92.6. Ps94.8. Je Je4.22. Je5.4. Je10.8, Je10.21. Je12.3. Ezk Eze21.31. Ju Jud10. made. or, born. Pr +* Pr16.4. Je Je12.3. Ph Php3.19. taken. 2 Ti 2Ti2.26. speak evil. Ac + Ac13.45g. perish. ver. 2Pe2.19. 2 P 2Pe1.4. Pr Pr14.32. Jn Jn8.21. Ga Ga6.8. own corruption. ver. 2Pe2.19. 2 P 2Pe1.4. 1 Co + 1Co15.42. 13. the reward. ver. 2Pe2.15. Is Is3.11. Ac Ac1.18g. Ro Ro2.8, Ro2.9. Ph +* Php3.19. 2 Ti 2Ti4.14. He * Heb2.2, Heb2.3. Ju Jud12, etc. Re Re18.6. as they. f58. Diexodos; or, Expansion B58. A lengthening out by copious exposition of facts by digression in order to expand. For other instances of this figure see 2 P 2Pe2.15, 2Pe2.17. Ju Jud12, Jud13, Jud16. to riot. Ro Ro13.13. 1 Th 1Th5.7, 1Th5.8. Ja +* Jas5.5. 1 P 1Pe4.4. Spots. SS So4.7. Ep Eph5.27. Ju * Jud12. while. 1 Co * 1Co11.20-22. 14. eyes full. 2 S ✓ 2Sa11.2-4. Jb ◐✓ Job31.1, Job31.7, Job31.9. Pr * Pr6.25. Ezk Eze23.16. Mt ✓ Mt5.28. 1 J * 1Jn2.16. adultery. Gr. an adulteress. f155:155A, Ge Ge31.35. Ja + Jas4.4. that cannot cease. Is Is1.16. Je * Je13.23. Mt Mt12.34. * Mt15.19. Jn Jn5.44. * Jn12.39. Ro * Ro1.28. He * Heb10.26. 1 P * 1Pe4.1. beguiling. ver. 2Pe2.18. 2 P 2Pe3.16. Ezk Eze13.18. Mk Mk13.22. Ro Ro16.18. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. Ep +* Eph4.14. Col Col2.18. Ja * Jas1.14. Re Re12.9. unstable. 1 P * 1Pe3.16. Ja +* Jas1.8. souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, Ac + Ac2.41. an heart. See on ver. 2Pe2.3. Ju Jud11. exercised. 1 Ti 1Ti4.7. He Heb5.14. Heb12.11. with covetous practices. ver. +* 2Pe2.3. Ps +* Ps10.3. Ezk +* Eze16.49. Ml +* Mal3.5. Ja +* Jas5.1-5. cursed. Is Is34.5. Is65.20. Mt Mt25.41. Lk + Lk10.6. Ep Eph2.3. 15. forsaken. 1 S 1Sa12.23. 1 K 1Ki18.18. 1Ki19.10. Is +* Is66.4. Ezk Eze9.10. Pr Pr28.4. Ho Ho14.9. Ac +* Ac13.10. gone astray. Ezk Eze14.11. following. f58, ver. + 2Pe2.13. Balaam. i.e. destruction of the people, ❅S#903g. Nu Nu22.5-7, son of Beor. Ju Jud11. Re Re2.14. For ❅S# 01109h, see Nu + Nu22.5. Bosor. i.e. consuming, ❅S#1007g. For ❅S# 01160h, see Nu + Nu22.5. who. Nu Nu22.18-21, Nu22.23, Nu22.28. Nu31.16. Dt Dt23.4, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 246. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Dt23.5. Ne Ne13.2. Ps +* Ps62.10. Mi Mic6.5. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9. Ju * Jud11. Re Re2.14. wages. ver. + 2Pe2.13. Ac Ac1.18. of unrighteousness. Pr * Pr16.8. Zc * Zec11.5. Ja +* Jas5.4. 16. the dumb. Nu Nu22.21-33. the madness. Ec Ec7.25. Ec9.3. Ho Ho9.7. Lk Lk6.11. Ac Ac26.11, Ac26.24, Ac26.25. 17. are wells without. T#1832. Jb Job6.14-17. Je Je14.3. Ho Ho6.4. Ro * Ro12.3. Ju * Jud12, * Jud13. clouds. Jb Job7.9. Job30.15. Ho Ho6.4. Ho13.3. Ep +* Eph4.14. to whom. or, for whom. Mi Mic3.6. Ju Jud13. the mist. “The blackness, dzophos, of darkness,” darkness itself, says Leigh. darkness. ver. 2Pe2.4. Mt +* Mt8.12. Mt22.13. Mt25.30. Ju Jud6, Jud13. reserved. Mt +* Mt25.41. Jn Jn3.18, Jn3.36. Ju Jud10-13. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto an age. 18. they speak. Ps Ps52.1-3. Ps73.8, Ps73.9. Da Da4.30. Da11.36. Ac Ac8.9. 2 Th 2Th2.4. Ja Jas3.5. Ju Jud13, Jud15, * Jud16. Re Re13.5, Re13.6, Re13.11. great swelling. uperogka, “things puffed up with wind“—Leigh. of vanity. Ep + Eph4.17. they allure. ver. + 2Pe2.14. through the lust. 1 J +* 1Jn2.16. wontonness. Ro Ro13.13. Ja Jas5.5. 1 P +* 1Pe4.3. that were. ver. 2Pe2.20. 2 P 2Pe1.4. Ac Ac2.40. clean. or, for a little, or, a while, as some read. 19. they promise. Ga Ga5.1, Ga5.13. 1 P 1Pe2.16. liberty. Ja +* Jas1.25. they themselves. f31, Is + Is1.21. Jn +* Jn8.34. Ro * Ro6.12-14, Ro6.16-22. Ti Tt3.3. corruption. ver. 2Pe2.18. overcome. ver. 2Pe2.20. Is Is28.1. Je Je23.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.26. 20. For if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. after. Mt * Mt12.43-45. Lk * Lk11.24-26. He +* Heb6.4-8. * Heb10.26, Heb10.27. escaped. ver. * 2Pe2.18. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.4. Ac Ac2.40. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. the pollutions. ver. 2Pe2.10. Ju Jud8. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. through. ver. 2Pe2.21. 2 P + 2Pe1.2. the knowledge. 2 Co +* 2Co10.5. He Heb6.4. the Lord and. 2 P + 2Pe3.2. Ti +* Tt2.13n. Savior. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.10. again entangled. Pr +* Pr21.16. Ph +* Php3.19. 2 Ti 2Ti2.4. and overcome. ver. 2Pe2.19. 2 Co 2Co12.13g (inferior). He * Heb6.6. +* Heb10.26, Heb10.38. the latter. Nu * Nu24.20. Dt * Dt32.29. Mt Mt12.45. Lk Lk11.26. Ph +* Php3.19. Re Re2.19. is worse. Mt * Mt12.45. He Heb10.26. 21. better. Ezk Eze18.24. Mt * Mt11.23, Mt11.24. Lk +* Lk12.47, Lk12.48. Jn * Jn9.41. * Jn15.22. He +* Heb6.4-6. +* Heb10.26, Heb10.27. Ja +* Jas4.17. Re Re3.15. known. Gr. epiginosko, Mt + Mt11.27. ver. 2Pe2.20. the way. Pr * Pr12.28. * Pr16.31. Mt +* Mt21.32. known. Gr. epiginosko, Mt + Mt11.27. to turn from. 2 P * 2Pe3.17. Jsh = Jos23.12. Ps * Ps36.3, Ps36.4. * Ps125.5. Ezk * Eze3.20. * Eze18.24. Eze23.13. Zp * Zep1.6. Lk +* Lk8.13. ✓ Lk9.62. Lk11.52. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. Ga Ga4.11. Col +* Col1.23. He +* Heb3.14. 1 J * 1Jn2.19. holy commandment. f171:171I. Synecdoche of the Species B626. “Commandment” is put for all commandments and doctrines. For another instance of this figure see 2 P 2Pe3.2. Ro * Ro7.12. 1 Th * 1Th4.2. 1 J * 1Jn3.23. delivered. 1 Co 1Co11.2. +* 1Co15.3. Ju +* Jud3. 22. proverb. f138:138A, Ge + Ge10.9. Ps ◐* Ps68.13. Pr ▶ Pr26.11. Jn + Jn10.6. The dog. Pr *▶ Pr26.11. Mt +* Mt7.6. the sow. Mt * Mt7.6.


Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 247. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

The apostle reminds his brethren of the promised coming of Christ; and predicts that scoffers will ridicule their expectation of that event, 2Pe3.1-4; being willingly ignorant of the truth in that respect, 2Pe3.5-7. He shows the reason of its being delayed, and the awful manner, circumstances, and consequences of it; with exhortations and encouragements to diligence and holiness, 2Pe3.8-14. He shows that “his beloved brother Paul” had taught them the same doctrine; commends his epistles; and shows how “ignorant and unstable men wrested” some parts of them, as they did “the other scriptures, to their own destruction,” 15, 16: and concludes with warning the readers against seducers; and exhorting them to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Christ,” 2Pe3.17" 2Pe3.18 }. 1. second epistle. 2 Co 2Co13.2. 1 P 1Pe1.1, 1Pe1.2. both. f63:63A, Ge + Ge14.20. Supply ellipsis, “in (both) which (epistles) I stir up.” I stir. 2 P * 2Pe1.13-15. 2 Ti 2Ti1.6. pure. Ps Ps24.4. Ps73.1. Mt +* Mt5.8. 1 Co + 1Co5.8. Ph Php1.10. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22. 1 P 1Pe1.22. way. 2 P + 2Pe1.12. 1 J * 1Jn2.21. 2. ye may. 2 P * 2Pe1.19-21. Lk Lk1.70. +* Lk24.27, Lk24.44. Ac Ac3.18, Ac3.21, Ac3.2426. +* Ac10.43. * Ac28.23. 1 P * 1Pe1.10-13. Re * Re19.10. and of. ver. 2Pe3.15. 2 P 2Pe2.21. Ep Eph2.20. Ja * Jas5.8. 1 J * 1Jn4.6. Ju * Jud17. commandment. f171:171I, 2 P + 2Pe2.21. the Lord and. 2 P 2Pe2.20. Ti Tt2.13n. Savior. ver. 2Pe3.18. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. 3. Knowing. 2 P 2Pe1.20. that there. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1, 1Ti4.2. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.1. 1 J + 1Jn2.18. Ju * Jud18. scoffers. Pr Pr1.22. * Pr3.34. * Pr14.6. Is Is5.19. Is28.14. Is29.20. Ho Ho7.5. walking. 2 P * 2Pe2.10. 2 Co * 2Co4.2. Ju * Jud16, * Jud18. 4. Where. Ge * Ge19.14. Ex = Ex32.1. Ec * Ec1.9. * Ec8.11. Is * Is5.18, Is5.19. Je Je5.12, Je5.13. * Je17.15. Ezk Eze11.3. * Eze12.22-27. Ml Mal2.17. Mt * Mt24.48. Lk +* Lk12.45, Lk12.46. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. ver. 2Pe3.12. 1 Th + 1Th2.19. the fathers. Ro + Ro15.8. fell asleep. Da +* Da12.2. Mt + Mt27.52. Ac +* Ac13.36n. from the beginning. Mk + Mk10.6. Mk13.19. Re Re3.14. 5. they willingly. T#707. Jb Job5.14. Job12.25. Ps + Ps10.4 (T#693). 50:*17, 21. 58:4, 5. *82:5. Pr Pr1.22, Pr1.29, Pr1.30. Pr4.19. * Pr14.6. Pr17.16. Is + Is59.2 (T#26). Je Je17.23. Je32.33. Da Da12.10. Zc Zec7.11, Zec7.12. Lk +* Lk19.14 (T#695). Jn ✓ Jn3.19, Jn3.20. + Jn17.25 (T#739). Ac Ac26.17, Ac26.18. Ro +* Ro1.21, Ro1.28. 1 Co * 1Co2.14. Ep Eph4.18. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.10-12. 1 J 1Jn4.8. by the word. Ge * Ge1.6, Ge1.9. Ps Ps24.2. * Ps33.6. Ps136.6. Ro + Ro9.6. He * Heb11.3. were of old. 2 P 2Pe2.3. standing. Gr. consisting. Ps Ps24.2. Ps136.6. Col * Col1.17g. 6. the world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. being overflowed. 2 P + 2Pe2.5. Ge * Ge7.10-23. Ge9.15. Jb Job12.15. Mt Mt24.38, Mt24.39. Lk Lk17.27. perished. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. 7. the heavens. ver. 2Pe3.10, 2Pe3.12. Ps * Ps50.3. * Ps102.25, Ps102.26. Is * Is51.6. Zp Zep3.8. Mt Mt24.35. Mt25.41. 2 Th 2Th1.8. Ju Jud7. Re Re20.11. Re21.1. the same word. Ge Ge9.15. reserved. Jb Job21.30. Ju Jud6. unto fire. Dt Dt32.22. Ps Ps11.6. * Ps21.9. Ps50.3. * Ps97.3. Is Is24.1-6. ◐ Is43.2. ✓ Is66.15, Is66.16, Is66.24. Ezk Eze38.22. Da Da7.10, Da7.11. Jl Joe2.30. Mi Mic1.4. Na Na1.5. Hab Hab3.5. Zp Zep2.3. Ml Mal4.1. Mt Mt3.12. * Mt13.30, Mt13.39, Mt13.40. 2 Th * 2Th1.8. He Heb10.27. Ja + Jas5.3. Re +* Re8.5. * Re16.9. against. 2 P + 2Pe2.9. Mt +* Mt10.15n. Mt11.22, Mt11.24. Mt12.36. Mk Mk6.11. 1 J 1Jn4.17. Re * Re20.11, Re20.12, Re20.14, Re20.15. day. f171:171T, Ge + Ge2.4. judgment. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 248. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ro * Ro2.5. Ju Jud6. and perdition. Is Is13.9. Ro Ro2.5. Ph Php1.28. 1 Th 1Th5.3. 2 Th 2Th1.9. 2Th2.3. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9. Re Re11.18. Re17.8, Re17.11. 8. be not ignorant. Ro * Ro11.25. 1 Co * 1Co10.1. * 1Co12.1. 1 Th 1Th4.13. 1Th5.1-4. one thing. Ps Ps27.4. Ec Ec3.19. Mk Mk10.21. Lk +* Lk10.42. Jn Jn9.25. Ph Php3.13. that one. Ps * Ps90.4. 9. not slack. T#238. Dt * Dt7.10. Ps + Ps7.11 (T#208). Is Is9.7. Is40.28. * Is46.13. Is59.17. Ezk Eze5.13. Hab ✓ Hab2.3. Lk * Lk18.7, Lk18.8. Ro + Ro13.11. He * Heb10.37. as some. Ec * Ec8.11. Re Re2.21. but is long suffering. ver. 2Pe3.15. Ex Ex34.6. Ps * Ps86.15. Is ✓ Is30.18. Lk Lk18.7. Ro +* Ro2.4. Ro9.22. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.16. 1 P * 1Pe3.20. not willing. Ezk * Eze18.23, Eze18.32. * Eze33.11. Ro Ro11.32. 1 Ti ✓ 1Ti2.4. Ti Tt2.11. perish. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. Jn + Jn10.29. but that all. ✓ f171:171B, Ge + Ge24.10. Ro Ro2.4. +* Ro5.18. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.4. Re Re2.21. should come. Mt * Mt11.28-30. Mt20.16. Jn Jn1.12. Jn3.16-20. ✓ Jn6.37, Jn6.65. Ac ◐+* Ac18.27. Ep Eph1.4. Ph Php1.29. 2 Th * 2Th2.13. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.4. Ja +* Jas2.5. Re Re17.14. Re22.17. 10. the day of the Lord. Is +* Is2.12. Jl Joe1.15. * Joe2.1, Joe2.31. Joe3.14. Ml * Mal4.1, Mal4.5. Lk Lk17.22, Lk17.24, Lk17.30. 1 Co 1Co1.8. * 1Co3.13. 1Co4.3mg. 1Co5.5. 2 Co 2Co1.14. Ph Php2.16. 1 Th 1Th5.2. 2 Th 2Th2.2. Ju Jud6. as a thief. Mt * Mt24.42, + Mt24.43. Lk Lk12.39. + Lk17.24. 1 Th * 1Th5.2, 1Th5.3. Re * Re3.3. * Re16.15. in the which. ver. 2Pe3.7, 2Pe3.12. Ps Ps102.26. Is Is51.6. Mt +* Mt24.35. Mk Mk13.31. Ro Ro8.20. He Heb1.11, Heb1.12. Re Re6.14. Re20.11. * Re21.1. the elements. ver. 2Pe3.12. Is Is24.19. Is34.4. Mi Mic1.4. Na Na1.5. Ga Ga4.3. melt. Ps Ps46.6. Ps97.5. Am Am9.5, Am9.13. Na Na1.5. the earth. See on ver. 2Pe3.7. 1 Ch ◐✓ 1Ch16.30. Ec ◐+* Ec1.4. Mt ◐+* Mt5.5. burned up. ver. +✓ 2Pe3.7. Is ✓ Is24.6. ✓ Is66.15, Is66.16. Da Da7.10, Da7.11. 1 Co + 1Co3.15g. 11. all these. ver. 2Pe3.12. Ps Ps75.3. Is Is14.31. * Is24.19. Is34.4. 1 J * 1Jn2.17. shall be. f96:96C, Mt + Mt2.4. what manner. Mt Mt8.27. 1 Th 1Th1.5. Ja Jas1.24. Ps Ps37.14. Ps50.23. 2 Co 2Co1.12. Ph Php1.27. Php3.20. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.12. He +* Heb13.5. Ja Jas3.13. 1 P 1Pe1.15. 1Pe2.12. 1 J 1Jn3.1. conversation. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. 2 P 2Pe2.7g. Ja + Jas3.13. godliness. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. 2 P 2Pe1.3, 2Pe1.6, 2Pe1.7. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16. * 1Ti6.3, 1Ti6.6, 1Ti6.11. 12. Looking. Lk ✓ Lk12.36. 1 Co * 1Co1.7. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. Ti +* Tt2.13n. Ju Jud21. hasting unto. or, hasting the. or, earnestly desiring. f93:93B, Is + Is66.11. Everywhere else (Lk Lk2.16. Lk19.5, Lk19.6. Ac Ac20.16. Ac22.18) the verb “hasting” (Gr. speudo) is intransitive; but here it is transitive to correspond with “looking for,” and means to be eager or earnest for a thing. It qualifies the “looking for” and not the “coming” itself: looking for, yes—and earnestly looking for that coming too. We cannot hasten that day, which is fixed in the counsels of God. This is the figure Hendiadys, “earnestly looking for,” with the emphasis on earnestly. See on ver. 2Pe3.10. 1 Co 1Co1.8. Ph Php1.6. He +* Heb9.28. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. ver. 2Pe3.4. 1 Th + 1Th2.19. the heavens. See on ver. 2Pe3.7, * 2Pe3.10. Ps * Ps50.3. Is Is34.4. Lk * Lk21.25-28. Re Re6.13, Re6.14. on fire. Is Is51.6. shall melt. f96:96C, Mt + Mt2.6. See on ver. 2Pe3.10. Is ch. 2, 64. Mi Mic1.4. 13. according to his promise. Peter specifically states that these predictions are “according to his promise.” To properly understand the predictions, we must carefully consider the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 249. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

promise to which he refers. The only passages of the Old Testament which refer to the creation of a new heavens and earth preceded by a destruction by fire are found in Isaiah 65:17-19 and 66:16, 17, *22. Interpreters differ widely in their understanding of these predictions. Some advocate a post-millennial conflagration which totally destroys the earth, supposing that after the Millennium God will create a new heaven and a new earth, which will exist forever in the eternal ages which follow the Millennium. This view is radically defective in a number of points. First, the conflagration is placed by Peter and by Isaiah prior to the millennial reign of Christ, for the wicked and the scoffers continue right down to this time of destruction, the purpose of which (2 P 2Pe3.7) is stated to be the destruction and perdition of ungodly men. Such a purpose is incongruous to the conditions established by Christ during the Millennium. Second, Scripture declares that this earth will last forever, so it will never be totally destroyed (Ec +* Ec1.4). Third, Christ’s kingdom is established upon the earth, the saints are to inherit the earth, and this kingdom and this inheritance are to last forever, and will never be destroyed (Da +* Da7.14. Mt +* Mt5.5. Ep +* Eph1.11n. He * Heb9.15. 1 P * 1Pe1.4n. Re * Re11.15). Therefore, to suggest that this earth will be destroyed at the end of the Millennium is to contradict the oath-bound covenants and promises of God (Is +* Is55.3). The end of the Millennium does not mark the end of Christ’s kingdom (1 Co +* 1Co15.24n), but marks the duration of the binding of Satan and of the time before the resurrection of the rest of the dead (Re Re20.3, Re20.5). The time of the conflagration is therefore established as premillennial. The time of this fire corresponds to the the harvest, when the tares shall be burned up (Mt Mt13.30, Mt13.39, Mt13.40), but this harvest (Re Re14.14-20) occurs under the seventh trumpet preceding the Millennial age (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 516). The extent of the conflagration must not be understood to be such as to make this present earth uninhabitable, or to totally destroy all animate life on earth. Although Peter’s language, if taken apart from other predictions in Scripture, may appear to be universal in its scope, yet it must be remembered that universal language in Scripture is often used where a limitation is to be understood (Ge +* Ge7.19n. 1 K ✓ 1Ki18.10), and in this instance this single passage in 2 Peter must not be taken in a sense to contradict the rest of the prophecies in the Word of God, especially when Peter expressly refers these predictions to well-known Scripture promises, promises which do not necessitate a universal and unlimited destruction. Other predictions describe a change and a shaking, but not absolute destruction for this period (Ps Ps102.25-27. He Heb1.10-12. +* Heb12.26). The fact that eternal generations of human beings in the flesh (Ps Ps72.5. Ps89.4, Ps89.29, Ps89.36, Ps89.37. Ps102.28. Ps145.13. Ps146.10. Is Is34.17. Is51.8. * Is59.21. Is60.15. Is65.23. Is66.22. Je Je33.22. Ezk * Eze37.25. Lk Lk1.32, Lk1.33) will live on this earth after the Second Coming of Christ proves that not all people will be destroyed. Those who argue that “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom” (1 Co 1Co15.50n) forget that these natural generations are subjects of the kingdom, not inheritors, for only the resurrected saints in glorified bodies are co-heirs with Christ in His eternal kingdom (Ro +* Ro8.17). Is Is51.6. ✓ Is65.17-19. ✓ Is66.22. Ac +* Ac3.21. Ro Ro8.21. 1 P 1Pe1.11, 1Pe1.13. Re ✓ Re21.1, Re21.27. look for. Lk +* Lk21.36. He +* Heb9.28. Re Re11.1518. new. Gr. kainos, S#2537g, Mk + Mk2.22n. The Greek word denotes a renewal or restoration of something previously existing (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 499). heavens and. Perhaps because the creation of a new heavens and earth is mentioned in Re Re21.1, a text which occurs after the prediction of the Millennium (Re Re20.3-7) and the Great White Throne Judgment (Re Re20.11-15), many interpreters make the new heaven and earth Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 250. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

postmillennial. Since all concede the new heavens and earth are preceded by the conflagration mentioned by Peter, interpreters argue that the conflagration must be postmillennial. However, the three references (Is Is65.17 and 66:22. 2 P 2Pe3.13. Re Re21.1) are to the same new heavens and earth, to one event, not two events separated by a millennium, for the “first” not “second” heaven and earth were passed away (Re Re21.1). The references to the conflagration by Peter were proven to be premillennial. The new heavens and new earth must also be premillennial, since they immediately follow upon the conflagration. The fact that the new heavens and earth are mentioned in Revelation after a passage describing the Millennium and Great White Throne Judgment is no sure proof that the new heavens and earth are postmillennial, because it is very common in Scripture for prophecies and even histories to be out of chronological sequence (See f107. Hysterologia, Ge + Ge10.5). The predictions of a new heaven and earth in Isaiah are seen in context to be premillennial, for the millennial blessedness immediately follows upon their creation (Is Is65.17-25). wherein dwelleth. 2 P 2Pe1.11. Ps * Ps69.34-36. Is Is32.16. +* Is60.21. Ac +* Ac3.19-21. Re * Re21.27. * Re22.14, Re22.15. righteousness. Ps Ps96.11-13. ✓ Ps98.4-9. Is Is26.9. 14. seeing. Ph * Php3.20. He +* Heb9.28. be diligent. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.5-10. Lk Lk21.34. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.3. found of him. 1 P 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.13. in peace. Mt +* Mt24.46. Lk Lk2.29. * Lk12.43. Ro * Ro5.1. 1 Th * 1Th5.13. without spot. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14. Ja +* Jas1.27. 1 J * 1Jn3.3. blameless. 1 Co * 1Co1.8. Ph Php1.10. +* Php2.15. Col * Col1.22. 1 Th * 1Th3.13. +* 1Th5.23. 1 Ti 1Ti3.10. Ti Tt1.6, Tt1.7. 1 J * 1Jn2.28, 1Jn2.29. 15. account. ver. + 2Pe3.9. Ro * Ro2.4. 1 Ti 1Ti1.16. 1 P 1Pe3.20. salvation. He +* Heb9.28. our beloved. Ac Ac15.25. brother. Ps * Ps141.5. Ac Ac9.17. Ac21.20. Ga Ga2.9, Ga2.11. according. Ex Ex31.3, Ex31.6. Ex35.31, Ex35.35. 1 K 1Ki3.12, 1Ki3.28. 1Ki4.29. Ezr +* Ezr7.25. Pr * Pr2.6, Pr2.7. Ec Ec2.26. Da * Da2.20, Da2.21. Lk * Lk21.15. Ac Ac7.10. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.13. 1Co3.10. * 1Co12.8. Ja +* Jas1.5. +* Jas3.17. 1 P 1Pe4.11. 16. in all. See on 1 P 1Pe1.1. speaking. Ro +* Ro8.19. 1 Co * 1Co15.21, 1Co15.23, 1Co15.24. Col * Col3.4. 1 Th +* 1Th4.14-18. * 1Th5.1-10. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.7, 2Ti1.8. +* 2Ti4.1, 2Ti4.8, 2Ti4.18. He * Heb9.28. of these things. 2 K ch. 1. hard. 1 K 1Ki10.1. Ro Ro8.29, Ro8.30. Ro9.18-20. Ro11.33. He * Heb5.10, Heb5.11. unstable. 2 P 2Pe2.14. Ge Ge49.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5-7. Ja +* Jas1.8. wrest. T#1107. Ex Ex23.2, Ex23.6. Dt Dt16.19. Ps Ps56.5. Je +* Je8.8mg. Je23.36. Hab Hab1.4. Mt Mt4.5, Mt4.6. Mt22.29. 2 Co +* 2Co2.17. +* 2Co4.2. as they do. Is Is28.16. the other. Mt Mt15.3, Mt15.6. Mt22.29. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.18. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16. scriptures. Mt + Mt21.42. unto their own. 2 P 2Pe2.1. Ph +* Php3.19. 1 P 1Pe2.8. Ju Jud4. 17. seeing ye know. 2 P 2Pe1.12. Pr Pr1.17. Mt * Mt24.24, Mt24.25. Mk Mk13.23. Jn Jn16.4. Ju Jud5. beware. Pr +* Pr14.15. Mt * Mt7.15. Mt16.6, Mt16.11. Ph Php3.2. Col Col2.8. 2 Ti 2Ti4.15. led away. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.18-20. 2 Ch 2Ch10.8. 2Ch13.7. Ezk +* Eze14.10n. Mt Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Ro Ro16.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.3, 2Co11.13-15. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.19. +* 1Ti4.1n. 2 Ti 2Ti3.6. 2Ti4.4. He +* Heb3.12. the error. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.18-22. Ps +* Ps119.63. Pr +* Pr19.27. * Pr21.30. Je +* Je10.2. Ezk Eze14.10n. Mt +* Mt15.14. Mt16.6, Mt16.11. Mk +* Mk12.24. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 J +* 2Jn10. of the wicked. 2 P 2Pe2.7. Ps Ps119.53. 2 Co * 2Co6.14, 2Co6.17. fall. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10, 2Pe1.11. Da +* Da11.35. 1 Co * 1Co10.12. Ga Ga5.4. 1 Ti +✓ 1Ti1.19. +* 1Ti4.1n. He +✓ Heb10.38. stedfastness. Ac * Ac2.42. 1 Co +* 1Co15.58. Col Col2.5. He +* Heb3.14. 1 P 1Pe5.9. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 251. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

18. grow. T#667. Ps * Ps92.12-14. Ho Ho14.5. Ml Mal4.2. Mt Mt13.33. Mk Mk4.26-28. Jn + Jn10.28 (T#515). 2 Co 2Co4.16. Ep * Eph4.15. Col +✓ Col1.10. 2 Th * 2Th1.3. 1 P ✓ 1Pe2.2. the knowledge. 2 P * 2Pe1.3, 2Pe1.5, 2Pe1.8. * 2Pe2.20. Pr +* Pr18.15. Ho +* Ho6.3. Jn ✓ Jn17.3. 2 Co 2Co4.6. Ep +* Eph1.17. Ph * Php3.8. Col +✓ Col1.10. Col3.10. our Lord and. 2 P * 2Pe1.1, 2Pe1.11. Ti +* Tt2.13n. Savior. ver. 2Pe3.2. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.10. To him. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Ro + Ro11.36. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.18. 1 P * 1Pe5.10, 1Pe5.11. Ju * Jud25. Re Re1.6. ✓ Re5.9-14. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the day of eternity, or, unto a day of an age. ver. 2Pe3.8. f22:22D, Da + Da7.9. Amen. Mt +* Mt6.13. Mt28.20.

1 JOHN 1 JOHN 1 The apostle declares, what he had seen and heard of Christ, the Word of Life; that others might have fellowship with him, and with God and Christ, and might share his joy, 1Jn1.1-4. He shows that those who have communion with God, and are cleansed from sin by the blood of Christ, walk in the light of holiness, 1Jn1.5-7; and that the faithfulness and righteousness of God are engaged for the pardon and cleansing of those who “confess their sins;” but that all who “say they have no sin,” or “have not sinned,” are deceived or deceivers, 1Jn1.8-10. 1. That. f96:96G, Mt + Mt1.20. which. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. 1 J 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.14. Pr * Pr8.22-31. Is Is41.4. Mi +* Mic5.2. Jn +* Jn1.1, Jn1.2, etc. +*8:58. Re * Re1.8, Re1.11, Re1.17, Re1.18. Re2.8. from the. f12, Ps + Ps1.1. which we have heard. 1 J 1Jn4.14. Lk Lk1.2, Lk1.35. Jn * Jn1.14. Ac Ac1.3. * Ac4.20. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.16-18. have seen. Jn Jn19.35. 2 P 2Pe1.16. looked upon. 1 J 1Jn4.14. Jn + Jn1.14. and our. Lk * Lk24.39. Jn * Jn20.27. handled. Le = Le1.4 (burnt offering). the Word. 1 J 1Jn5.7. Jn * Jn1.14. Jn5.26. Re Re19.13. of life. Jn +* Jn1.4. 2. For. f136, Is + Is60.12. the life. 1 J 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.20. Jn + Jn1.4. * Jn11.25, Jn11.26. ✓ Jn14.6. was manifested. 1 J * 1Jn3.5, 1Jn3.8. Jn + Jn7.4. Ro Ro16.25, + Ro16.26. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 2 Ti 2Ti1.10. Ti Tt1.2. 1 P 1Pe1.20. and bear. 1 J 1Jn4.14. Jn + Jn15.27. Jn21.24. Ac Ac1.22. +* Ac2.32. Ac3.15. Ac5.32. Ac10.41. 1 P 1Pe5.1. show. 1 J 1Jn5.20. that eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. 1 J 1Jn2.25. 1Jn3.15. 1Jn5.11, ✓ 1Jn5.13, 1Jn5.20. Jn + Jn4.14. See on Jn * Jn17.3. which was. Pr Pr8.22-30. Jn * Jn1.1, Jn1.2, Jn1.18. * Jn3.13. Jn7.29. Jn8.38. Jn16.28. * Jn17.5. Ro Ro8.3. Ga * Ga4.4. 3. which. See on ver. 1Jn1.1. Ezk Eze40.4. Jn Jn1.14. Jn8.38. Jn12.41. +* Jn17.5. Ac * Ac4.20. Ac20.27. Ac22.14, Ac22.15. 2 P * 2Pe1.16. declare. ver. * 1Jn1.5. Ne Ne2.18. Ps Ps2.7. Ps22.22. Is Is66.19. Jn Jn17.25. Ac Ac13.32, Ac13.41. * Ac20.27. 1 Co * 1Co15.1. He Heb2.12. ye also. Ac +* Ac2.42. Ro Ro15.27. Ep * Eph3.6. Ph Php1.7. Php2.1. 1 Ti 1Ti6.2. He * Heb3.1. 1 P 1Pe5.1g. our fellowship. ver. * 1Jn1.7. 1 J 1Jn2.23, 1Jn2.24. Le = Le2.3 (meal offering). Ml = Mal2.6. Jn * Jn14.3, Jn14.20-23. * Jn17.3, Jn17.11, Jn17.21. 1 Co 1Co1.9, 1Co1.30. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Ep Eph2.18. Ph * Php2.1. * Php3.10. He Heb2.14. * Heb3.14. Heb12.10. 2 P 2Pe1.4. Re * Re3.20. Re21.3. Re22.3. the Father. Jn * Jn16.27. with his Son. 1 J * 1Jn5.10, 1Jn5.11. Col * Col1.13. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 252. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

4. that. Is * Is61.10. Hab * Hab3.17, Hab3.18. Jn +* Jn15.11. * Jn16.24. 2 Co 2Co1.24. Ep Eph3.19. Ph Php1.25, Php1.26. 2 J * 2Jn12. joy. Le = Le3.1, Le3.11. = Le21.6 (peace offering). 5. the message. 1 J 1Jn3.11. 1 Co 1Co11.23. that God. 1 J 1Jn4.8. Ps * Ps27.1. * Ps36.9. * Ps84.11. Is * Is60.19. Jn * Jn1.4, Jn1.9. Jn4.24. * Jn8.12. Jn9.5. * Jn12.35, Jn12.36. Ro Ro11.33. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.16. Ja * Jas1.17. Re * Re21.23. * Re22.5. light. Ps Ps119.105. Mt Mt5.14. Jn Jn1.9. no darkness. f144:144D, Ge + Ge40.23. Is +* Is9.2. 6. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. ver. * 1Jn1.8, * 1Jn1.10. 1 J * 1Jn2.4. 1Jn4.20. Mt Mt7.22. Ja Jas2.14, Jas2.16, Jas2.18. Re Re3.17, Re3.18. we. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. fellowship. See on ver. 1Jn1.3. Ps Ps5.4-6. Ps94.20. 2 Co * 2Co6.14-16. walk. 1 J * 1Jn2.9-11. Ps Ps82.5. Pr Pr2.13. +* Pr4.18, Pr4.19. Jn ✓ Jn3.19, Jn3.20. Jn11.10. 12:+ Jn12.35, Jn12.46. darkness. Is +* Is9.2. Ep +* Eph5.8-11. we lie. ver. 1Jn1.10. 1 J 1Jn2.4. 1Jn4.20. Jn Jn8.44, Jn8.55. 1 Ti 1Ti4.2. do not. Ne Ne9.33. Jn * Jn3.21. Ep Eph4.21. Re Re21.27. 7. if we. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. 1 J 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.10. Ps Ps56.13. Ps89.15. Ps97.11. Is Is2.5. Is50.11. Jn * Jn12.35, Jn12.36. Ro Ro13.12. Ep Eph5.8. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 2 J 2Jn4. 3 J 3Jn4. as. See on ver. 1Jn1.5. Ps Ps104.2. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.16. Ja ✓ Jas1.17. 1 P 1Pe2.9. we have. See on ver. 1Jn1.3. Am Am3.3. and the blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. 1Jn5.6, 1Jn5.8. Ex Ex12.13. Zc Zec13.1. Jn * Jn1.29. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph1.7. He * Heb9.14. 1 P 1Pe1.19. Re +* Re1.5. * Re7.14. cleanseth. Le = Le4.3 (sin offering). +=23:19. Ps +* Ps51.2. He +* Heb9.14. 2 P + 2Pe1.9. from all. Ezk Eze33.16n. Col Col2.13n. He Heb1.3. 8. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. we say. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. T#507. ver. * 1Jn1.6, ✓ 1Jn1.10. 1 J 1Jn3.5, 1Jn3.6. 1 K * 1Ki8.46. 2 Ch * 2Ch6.36. Jb ✓ Job9.20. * Job14.4. * Job15.14. * Job25.4. Job40.4. * Job42.5, Job42.6. Ps Ps14.3. * Ps19.12, Ps19.13. Ps38.4, Ps38.5. 119:◐+ Ps119.3 (T#505), 96. 143:2. Pr + Pr5.22 (T#166). ✓20:9. Ec ✓ Ec7.20. Is * Is6.5. +* Is53.6. ✓ Is64.6. Je Je2.22, Je2.23, ✓ Je2.35. Mt Mt6.12. + Mt8.8 (T#663). 26:72-74. Ro ✓ Ro3.23. * Ro7.14, Ro7.15. Ga * Ga5.17. Ph ✓ Php3.12. Ja +* Jas3.2. have no sin. This refers to those who deny they have a sin nature. The verb is present tense. However, Thomas Scott remarks that this verse addresses the error of those who imagine that through the gospel, they are so perfectly sanctified as to have no spot or blemish of sin in them. Those who claim they are perfectly pure, and as holy in heart and life as the law of God required are certainly deceived in a most awful manner; the truth is not in them, or they could never have fallen into a mistake, which implied gross ignorance of God, of his spiritual law, and of their own hearts. Some commentators take this, however, to be the particular sense of the tenth verse. Ro Ro5.12. Ro7.20. we deceive. 1 Co 1Co3.18. Ga Ga6.3. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. Ja Jas1.22, Jas1.26. 2 P 2Pe2.13. the truth. f144:144D, Ge + Ge40.23. 1 J * 1Jn2.4. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.5. 2 J 2Jn2. 3 J 3Jn3. 9. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. we. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. Ga Ga2.11. confess. The verb is present tense, with the idea of keep on confessing. T#870. Le * Le16.21. * Le26.40-42. 2 S 2Sa12.13. 1 K 1Ki8.47. 2 Ch 2Ch6.37, 2Ch6.38. 2Ch30.22. Ezr ch. 9. 10:1. Ne Ne1.6. Ne9.2, etc. Jb * Job33.27, Job33.28. Ps ✓ Ps32.5, Ps32.7. Ps38.18. +* Ps51.2-5. Ps130.1-3. Pr ✓ Pr28.13. Is Is6.5. Is57.15. Je * Je3.12, Je3.13. Da Da9.4-20. Ho * Ho14.2. Mt Mt3.6. + Mt10.32g. Mk ◐+ Mk1.5g. Lk * Lk15.21, Lk15.22. Lk18.13, Lk18.14. +* Lk19.8. Ac Ac2.38. +* Ac19.18. 1 Co 1Co11.31. 2 Co 2Co7.11. 1 Ti 1Ti2.5. our sins. 1 J 1Jn3.4. 1Jn5.17. Le Le5.2, Le5.17. Ps Ps19.12. Ps66.18. Ps90.8. Is Is66.4. Ac Ac3.17. Ro Ro14.23. 1 Co 1Co2.8. Ja Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 253. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jas1.15. Jas2.9. Jas3.2, Jas3.8. +* Jas4.17. he is faithful. Dt Dt7.9. Ps +* Ps36.5. Ps143.1. La La3.23. 1 Co + 1Co1.9. +* 1Co10.13. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.15. He * Heb10.23. Heb11.11. and just. 1 J 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.29. 1Jn3.7. Is Is45.21. Zc * Zec9.9. Jn Jn17.25. Ro Ro3.26. He +* Heb6.10. Re * Re15.3. Re16.5. to forgive. Le = Le5.6n (trespass offering). 2 Ch +* 2Ch7.14. Ps Ps130.4. Ho Ho14.4. Mt Mt6.14, Mt6.15. Col Col2.13n. our sins. Is * Is59.2. Lk Lk15.18. Ro * Ro3.23-26. and to cleanse. ver. 1Jn1.7. Ps Ps19.12. Ps51.2. Je Je33.8. Ezk Eze36.25. Eze37.23. 1 Co +* 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.26. Ti * Tt2.14. unrighteousness. 1 J * 1Jn5.17. 10. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. we say. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. ver. 1Jn1.8. Ps Ps130.3. have not sinned. This refers to those who deny they have committed individual acts of sin. The verb is in the past tense. The fact that the verb is past tense has led to the explanation by some who believe in sinless perfection that this refers to the time in a person’s life before he was saved, not to the presumption that a Christian sins. This, however, seems contrary to the drift of the apostle’s argument in the light of verse nine and the first two verses of chapter two. Ps Ps37.18n. +* Ps51.3, Ps51.4. Ec +* Ec7.20. Je Je2.29. Je3.13. Ph +* Php3.12. Ja Jas2.10. * Jas3.2, Jas3.8. +* Jas4.17. we make. f108:108A, Ex + Ex8.18. 1 J 1Jn5.10. Jb Job24.25. Ro ◐ Ro3.4. his word. ver. 1Jn1.8. 1 J 1Jn2.4. 1Jn4.4. Jn Jn5.38. Jn8.37. Col * Col3.16. 2 J 2Jn2.

1 JOHN 2 The apostle warns his “dear children” not to sin: yet points out to them Christ, the Advocate with the Father, and the propitiation for their sins, and the sins of the world, 1Jn2.1" 1Jn2.2 }. He shows that the knowledge of Christ, and union with him, must be evidenced by obeying and imitating him, and by love of the brethren; that thus “the love of God is perfected in us;” and that those are deceived, blind, and hypocritical, who live in hatred and malice, 1Jn2.3-11. He warns believers of every age and attainment, against “the love of the world,” showing the vanity of all that is in the world, compared with the eternal happiness of those who do the will of God, 1Jn2.12-17. He cautions them against many antichrists, who fatally seduce some professed Christians, 1Jn2.18" 1Jn2.19 }; declares that the unction of the Holy Spirit is the effectual preservative against them, 21, 1Jn2.22; points out to them the true doctrine of Christ, and exhorts them to adhere to his truth, and abide in him, in expectation of his coming; and to prove their regeneration by an habitual righteous conduct, 1Jn2.23-29. 1. little. ver. * 1Jn2.12, * 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.28. 1 J * 1Jn3.7, 1Jn3.18. * 1Jn4.4. * 1Jn5.21. Jn Jn13.33. Jn21.5. 1 Co * 1Co4.14, 1Co4.15. Ga * Ga4.19. 1 Th * 1Th2.11. these. 1 J * 1Jn1.3, 1Jn1.4. 1 Ti 1Ti3.14. that. Ps * Ps4.4. Ezk * Eze3.21. Jn * Jn5.14. * Jn8.11. Ro * Ro6.1, Ro6.2, Ro6.15. 1 Co * 1Co15.34. Ep * Eph4.26. Ti ✓ Tt2.11-13. 1 P * 1Pe1.15-19. * 1Pe4.1-3. And if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. See on 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.8-10. 1 S 1Sa2.25. sin. Je Je2.29. Ja +* Jas4.17. we have. * f39, Ac + Ac17.27. Ro * Ro8.34. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.5. He * Heb7.24, Heb7.25. * Heb9.24. an advocate. Gr. Paraclete. Nu = Nu27.5. Pr Pr8.14. Is Is9.6. Je Je32.19. Jn Jn14.16, Jn14.26. Jn15.26. Jn16.7g. Ep Eph1.11. Col Col2.3. Re Re3.18. with. Mt ◐+* Mt10.32. He Heb6.20. Father. Lk * Lk10.22. Jn * Jn5.19-26, Jn5.36. * Jn6.27. * Jn10.15. ✓ Jn14.6. Ep * Eph2.18. Ja * Jas1.27. Jas3.9. Jesus. Mt Mt1.21. the righteous. ver. 1Jn2.29. 1 J + 1Jn1.9. * 1Jn3.5. Zc * Zec9.9. Ac + Ac3.14. Ro Ro3.25. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. He * Heb7.26. 1 P * 1Pe2.22. * 1Pe3.18.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 254. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. he is. 1 J 1Jn1.7. * 1Jn4.10. Ro * Ro3.25, Ro3.26. 2 Co * 2Co5.18, 2Co5.19. Col Col1.20. 1 P 1Pe2.24. 1Pe3.18. and not. f69:69B, Pr + Pr6.16. for our’s. Gr. heemeteros. A special possessive pronoun used of that which is peculiarly ours as distinct from that which belongs to others. 1 J 1Jn1.3. Ac Ac2.11. Ac24.6. Ac26.5. Ro Ro15.4. 2 Ti 2Ti4.15. Ti Tt3.14. also. Le = Le16.10. the sins. f63:63I, Ex + Ex12.4. of the whole. 1 J 1Jn4.14. 1Jn5.19. Jn 1:+* Jn1.9, Jn1.29. Jn4.42. Jn11.51, Jn11.52. Jn12.32. 2 Co 2Co5.18-21. Re Re12.9. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. * f121:121J, Jn + Jn3.16. 3. hereby. ver. * 1Jn2.4-6. 1 J * 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.19, 1Jn3.24. * 1Jn4.2, 1Jn4.13. 1Jn5.2, 1Jn5.19. we know. 1 J 1Jn3.6. 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.8. Is * Is53.11h. Jn * Jn17.3. 2 Co 2Co4.6. know him. Mt +* Mt11.27. Jn Jn6.44. Jn8.19. Jn14.6, Jn14.9. * Jn17.3. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. we keep. 1 J * 1Jn3.22, 1Jn3.23, +* 1Jn3.24. * 1Jn5.3. 1 K 1Ki11.34. Zc +* Zec6.15. Ps * Ps119.6, Ps119.32. Lk ✓ Lk6.46. +* Lk11.28. Jn Jn8.51. +* Jn13.17. * Jn14.15, Jn14.21-24. * Jn15.10, Jn15.14. +* Jn17.6. 1 Co 1Co7.19. 1 Th * 1Th4.1, 1Th4.2. He +* Heb5.9. Re Re1.3. Re12.17. Re14.12. * Re22.14. his commandments. Note that this word is plural; it cannot be confined exclusively, therefore, to the single command of Christ to “love one another” (Jn Jn13.34), as so many would have it. John is countering the problem of antinomianism, a heresy very much still with us, that lessens our obligation to obey God since we are saved by grace alone. This tendency is so much a part of evangelical thinking, that I fail to find a single work devoted to a serious, exhaustive study of the commands of Christ. I thought I would find at least a comprehensive list of such commands in A Complete Index to the Thought and Teachings of Christ by W. S. Harris, but the topic is dismissed under the relevant heading “Commandments and Precepts of Christ” with the statement “These are incorporated in other subjects” (p. 36). Of these commandments, R. F. Horton states “notwithstanding the unsystematic form in which the precepts are given, the commandments of Jesus constitute a complete and sufficient code of morality.” Horton further notes “All His commandments center in His person. They are defined by His character and practice. They are explained by the fundamental truths which He reveals. And they can only be obeyed by virtue of that supernatural indwelling of His Spirit which it is His peculiar promise to give.” Horton concludes, “But the most remarkable fact about these commandments of Jesus is that the world, in its moral progress, never gets beyond them. It is not possible to bring any moral truth discovered since which was not already contained in His code.” Most devastating is Horton’s observation that “there is a Jesuitry of the conscience always at work; indolence and unbelief are constantly finding modes of slipping through the meshes of Christ’s commandments. Few, perhaps, would venture to say that His demands are impossible, but many cover their failures by a vague notion that the standard is ideal rather than practical (and here Horton cites Bruce in a footnote, “To many, the creed which resolves all religion into impracticable ideals is very convenient. It saves a world of trouble and pain; it permits them to think fine thoughts, without requiring them to do noble actions; and it substitutes romancing about heroism in the place of being heroes.” Training of the Twelve, p. 379), and are content if they obey the Ten Commandments without any special thought concerning the commandments of their Lord. Then the substitution of a doctrinal system and theoretical tests of orthodoxy for the plain truth of Jesus that He would judge men by the degree in which they had kept His commandments, has transferred the momentum of the religious life from the moral to the metaphysical sphere. Thus, in accepting the truth that faith in Jesus Christ, without works, justifies, Protestants have often failed to notice that without obedience to His commandments Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 255. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

there can be no genuine faith in Jesus Christ” (The Commandments of Jesus, p. 362, 365, 368, 371, 372). The following reference passages contain a fairly complete unclassified list of the commands of Christ. 1 J 1Jn3.23. Mt Mt4.17, Mt4.19. Mt5.3-12, Mt5.16, Mt5.22, Mt5.24, Mt5.28, Mt5.37, Mt5.39, Mt5.42, Mt5.44, Mt5.48. Mt6.1, Mt6.3, Mt6.5, Mt6.6, Mt6.7, Mt6.8, Mt6.16, Mt6.19, Mt6.20, Mt6.25, Mt6.31-33, Mt6.34. Mt7.1-5, +* Mt7.6, Mt7.7-12, * Mt7.13, +* Mt7.14, Mt7.15. Mt8.22. Mt9.9, Mt9.12, Mt9.13, Mt9.38. Mt10.8, Mt10.1113, Mt10.16, Mt10.17, Mt10.26, Mt10.27, +* Mt10.28, Mt10.31, Mt10.42. Mt11.28, Mt11.29. Mt15.10, Mt15.11, +* Mt15.14. Mt16.24. Mt18.3, Mt18.8, Mt18.10, Mt18.15-17, Mt18.21. Mt19.6, Mt19.14, Mt19.17, Mt19.21. Mt20.25, Mt20.26. Mt22.21, Mt22.36-40. Mt23.3, Mt23.9, Mt23.26. Mt24.4, Mt24.42, Mt24.44. Mt25.34-36. Mt26.52. Mt28.19, Mt28.20. Mk Mk1.15, Mk1.17. Mk4.23, +* Mk4.24. Mk5.19. Mk8.34. Mk9.35, Mk9.43. Mk10.21. Mk11.22, Mk11.25. Mk13.11, Mk13.33-37. Mk14.38. Mk16.15. Lk Lk6.27, Lk6.30, Lk6.32-35, Lk6.37, Lk6.38. +* Lk8.18. Lk10.2, Lk10.37. Lk11.9, Lk11.35. Lk12.7, Lk12.15, Lk12.24, Lk12.27-29, Lk12.32, Lk12.33, Lk12.35, Lk12.36. Lk16.9-12. Lk17.3, +* Lk17.10. Lk18.20. +✓ Lk21.36. Lk22.32, * Lk22.36. Lk24.49. Jn Jn2.16. Jn4.24. +✓ Jn5.39. Jn7.24. Jn8.11. Jn12.35, Jn12.36. Jn13.34. Jn14.1, Jn14.15. Jn15.4, Jn15.9, Jn15.12. Jn16.23, Jn16.24. Jn21.15, Jn21.21. Ac Ac1.4, Ac1.5, ✓ Ac1.8. Ac18.9, Ac18.10. +* Ac20.35. 1 Co 1Co7.10. 1Co9.14. 1Co11.23-25. Ga Ga6.2. 1 Th * 1Th4.2n. 1 Ti 1Ti4.6. 1Ti5.18. 1Ti6.3. 2 J 2Jn9. Re Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.16, Re2.17. Re3.3, Re3.11, Re3.19. A classified list of the commandments of Christ follows (developed from Nave’s Study Bible, pp. 297-299, and other sources). Commandments admonishing against: Apostles preaching to Gentiles or Samaritans, Mt Mt10.5, Mt10.6. Hypocrisy, Mt Mt6.1-5, Mt6.16. Lk Lk20.46, Lk20.47. Commandments concerning: indissolubility of marriage, Mt Mt19.6. Mk Mk10.9. Commandments enjoining: Abiding in Christ, Jn Jn15.4, Jn15.9. Agreement in prayer, Mt Mt18.19. Agreement with adversaries, Mt Mt5.25, Mt5.26. Almsgiving, Lk Lk11.41. Lk12.33. Altruistic service, Mt Mt20.26. Mk Mk9.35. Mk10.42-45. Lk Lk22.26. Jn Jn13.14. Ambition, selfish. Mt Mt20.22. Mt23.8. Mk Mk10.38. Lk Lk22.24-27. Anointing when fasting, Mt Mt6.17. Baptism, Mt Mt28.19. Belief in Christ, Jn Jn6.29. Jn14.1. 1 J 1Jn3.23. Beware of false prophets, Mt Mt7.15. Beware of leaven, Mt Mt16.6. Mk Mk8.15. Lk Lk12.1. Beware of scribes, Mk Mk12.38. Lk Lk20.46. Beware when all speak well of you, Lk Lk6.26. Buy a sword, Lk Lk22.36. Charitableness, Mt Mt18.10. Lk Lk6.37, Lk6.38. Chastity, Mt Mt5.27, Mt5.28. Cheerfulness, Mt Mt14.27. Jn Jn16.33. Children to come to Christ, Mt Mt19.14. Mk Mk10.14. Children not to be despised or offended, Mt Mt18.6, Mt18.10. Children to be fed spiritually, Jn Jn21.15. Closet prayer, Mt Mt6.6. Clothing to be shared with needy, Mt Mt5.40. Lk Lk6.29. Clothing, undue display condemned, Mt Mt23.5. Compassion, Mt Mt18.33. Lk Lk10.33. Compel to come in, Lk Lk14.23. Confession of Christ, Mt Mt10.32. Mk Mk5.19. Confession of Christ forbidden at times, Mt Mt9.30. Mk Mk1.44. Mk8.26. Conscience, guard the light of, Mt Mt6.22. Lk Lk11.34, Lk11.35. Consistency, Mt Mt6.24. Mt12.33. Contentment, Mt Mt6.25, Mt6.34. Cost must be considered, Lk Lk14.28. Cross-bearing, Mt Mt16.24. Mk Mk8.34. Dead to bury the dead, Mt Mt8.22. Lk Lk9.60. Diligence, Lk Lk12.58. * Lk17.10. Jn Jn9.4. Discipleship, Mt Mt19.21. Mk Mk10.21. Lk Lk18.22. Disciplining of children, Mt Mt19.14. Mk Mk10.14. Lk Lk18.16, Lk18.17. Do more than is asked, even under coercion, Mt Mt5.41, Mt5.42. Lk Lk6.29, Lk6.30. Lk17.10. Dust, shake off feet, Mt Mt10.14. Mk Mk6.11. Lk Lk9.5. Eat what is set before you, Lk Lk10.8. Endurance, Mt Mt10.22. Mt24.13. Mk Mk13.13. Enter strait gate, Lk Lk13.24. Evangelism, Mt Mt28.19. Faith, Mk Mk1.15. Mk5.36. Mk11.22. Jn Jn6.29. Jn12.36. Jn14.1, Jn14.11. Jn20.27. 1 J 1Jn3.23. Faithfulness, Mt Mt24.45. Lk Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 256. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Lk12.42. * Lk16.10. Fear God, Mt Mt10.28. Lk Lk12.4, Lk12.5. Fidelity in marriage, Mt Mt19.6. Mk Mk10.8. Fidelity to God, Mt Mt22.21. Fidelity to government, Mt Mt22.21. Flee persecution, Mt Mt24.16. Mk Mk13.14. Lk Lk21.21. Following Christ, Mt Mt4.19. Mt8.22. Mt9.9. Mt16.24. Forgiveness, Mt Mt5.24. Mt18.22. Mk Mk11.25. Lk Lk6.36. Lk17.3, Lk17.4. Forsake all for Christ, Lk Lk14.33. Fortitude under persecution, Mt Mt5.10-12. Mt10.26-28. Mk Mk13.9, Mk13.11-13. Re Re2.10. Footwashing, Jn Jn13.14. Fraternal reproof, Mt Mt18.15-17. Lk Lk17.3, Lk17.4. Fruitfulness, Jn Jn15.16. Giving, Mt Mt5.42. Mt10.42. Mt19.21. Lk Lk6.30, Lk6.38. Ac +* Ac20.35. Give according to ability, Lk Lk11.41n. Go and do likewise, Lk Lk10.37. Golden Rule, in conduct, Mt Mt7.12. Lk Lk6.31. Greeting, Lk Lk10.4, Lk10.5. Hallow God’s name, Mt Mt6.9. Harmless as doves, to be, Mt Mt10.16. Hear evidence before judging, Jn Jn7.51. Hearing, Mt Mt11.15. Mt13.9, Mt13.43. Mt17.5. Heed, Mt Mt6.1. Mt24.4. Mk +* Mk4.24. Lk +* Lk8.18. +* Lk11.35. Lk17.3. Lk21.8. Heed to instruction, Mk +* Mk4.24. Lk +* Lk8.18. Heed to the truth, Mt Mt11.15. Mk Mk4.9. Re Re2.7. Holiness, Mt Mt5.48. Honesty, Mk Mk10.19. Lk Lk6.31. Lk8.15. Honor the Son, Jn Jn5.23. Hospitality, Lk Lk14.12. Humility, Lk Lk17.10. Lk18.14. Ideal character, Mt +* Mt5.3-12. Influence for righteousness, Mt Mt5.16. Invite poor for meals, Lk Lk14.13. Invest wisely, Mt Mt25.27. Justice, Mt +* Mt23.23. Keep the commandments, Mt Mt19.17. Kindness to enemies, Lk Lk6.35. Kindness to needy, Mt Mt25.35, Mt25.36. Lk Lk14.12. Labor, Jn Jn6.27. Laying up treasure in heaven, Mt Mt6.20. Lending, Mt Mt5.42. Mt6.34, 35. Liberality, Mt Mt5.42. Mt6.30. Mt12.33, Mt12.34. Mk Mk12.41-44. Lk Lk12.33. Ac +* Ac20.35. Listen to God’s Word, Lk Lk10.39, Lk10.42. Look up, Lk Lk21.28. Love Christ supremely, Mt Mt10.37. Love for enemies, Mt Mt5.44. Lk Lk6.27-29. Love for God, Mt Mt22.37. Mk Mk12.30. Lk Lk10.27. Love for man, Mt Mt19.19. Mt22.39. Mk Mk12.31. Lk Lk10.27. Jn Jn13.34. Jn15.12, Jn15.17. Love yourself, Mt Mt22.39. Make friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, Lk Lk16.9. Marriage, Mk Mk10.7, Mk10.9. Meekness, Mt Mt5.39, Mt5.40. Lk Lk6.29. Mercy, Mt Mt9.12, Mt9.13. Lk Lk6.36. Nations to humble themselves under judgments, Mt Mt23.34-39. New birth, Jn Jn3.7. Obedience, Mt Mt7.21. Lk Lk6.46. Jn Jn13.15, Jn13.17. Obedience to civil government, Mt Mt17.24-27. Mk Mk12.17. Lk Lk20.25. Occupy, Lk Lk19.13. Overcoming, Re Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17. Patience, Lk Lk21.19. Pay adequate wages, Mt Mt10.10. Lk Lk10.7. Peace, Mk Mk9.50. Peace, seek things belonging to, Lk Lk19.42. Perfection, Mt Mt5.48. Perseverance, Mt Mt24.14. Jn Jn15.9. Prayer, Mt Mt7.7-11. Lk Lk11.9-13. Prayer for daily bread, Mt Mt6.11. Lk Lk11.3. Prayer for deliverance from evil, Mt Mt6.13. Lk Lk11.4. Prayer for more laborers in the vineyard, Mt Mt9.38. Prayerfulness, Mt Mt6.5. Lk Lk18.1. Lk22.40. Preach, Ac Ac10.42. Preach upon house tops, Mt Mt10.27. Preparedness, Mt Mt24.44. Mt25.13. Lk Lk12.35. Provide for parents, Mt Mt15.5. Mk Mk7.11. Prudence, Mt Mt10.16. Lk Lk14.28. Rebuke, Lk Lk17.3. Reconciliation between brethren, Mt Mt5.23-25. Remember, Lk Lk17.32. Lk22.19. Jn Jn15.20. Renounce all for Christ, Lk Lk14.33. Lk18.29, Lk18.30. Renunciation of sources of temptation, Mt Mt5.29, Mt5.30. Mt18.8, Mt18.9. Mk Mk9.43-48. Repentance, Mt Mt4.17. Mt7.13, Mt7.14. Mt18.3. Mk Mk1.15. Lk +* Lk13.3, Lk13.5. Re Re2.16. Re3.19. Rest, Mk Mk6.31. Mk14.41. Returning good for evil, Mt Mt5.4. Reverence for parents, Mt Mt15.4. Mt19.19. Lk Lk18.20. Righteousness, Mt Mt5.6, Mt5.20. Lk Lk13.24. Salt, have in yourselves, Mk Mk9.50. Salute, Mt Mt10.12. Lk Lk10.5. Scripture to be searched and known, Mk Mk12.24. Jn +* Jn5.39. Secrecy in giving alms, Mt Mt6.3. Seeking the kingdom of God, Mt Mt6.33. Lk Lk12.31. Self-denial, Mt Mt16.24. Mk Mk8.34. Mk10.21. Lk Lk9.23. Lk18.22. Self-discipline, Mt Mt5.29, Mt5.30. Mk Mk9.45-48. Sell what you have, Mk Mk10.21. Lk Lk12.33, Lk12.34. Serve God, Mt Mt4.10. Settle out of court, Lk Lk12.58. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 257. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Silence, Mt Mt8.4. Simplicity in worship, Mt Mt6.7. Steadfastness, Jn Jn15.9. Strengthen thy brethren, Lk Lk22.32. Support of family, Mt Mt15.5. Mk Mk7.10, Mk7.11. Support of the ministry, Lk Lk10.7. Support of the oppressed, Mt Mt25.35-40. Support of the poor, Lk Lk14.13, Lk14.14. Surrender, Mt Mt8.22. Mt16.24. Mk Mk10.21. Sword, buy one, Lk Lk22.36. Sword, put in its place, Mt Mt26.52. Take the last or the lowest place, Mk Mk9.35. Lk Lk14.10. Take up the cross, Mk Mk8.34. Temperance, Lk Lk21.34. Tithing, Mt Mt23.23. Trust God for needs, Mt Mt6.30-32. Turn the other cheek, Lk Lk6.29. Understand prophecy, Mt Mt24.15. Understand Scripture, Lk Lk24.45. Watchfulness, Lk +* Lk21.36. Watchfulness against covetousness, Lk Lk12.15. Watchfulness against false christs, Mt Mt24.23-26. Mk Mk13.21-23. Lk Lk17.23. Weep for yourselves and your children, Lk Lk23.27, Lk23.28. Wise as serpents, be, Mt Mt10.16. Witnessing for Christ, Mk Mk1.17. Mk5.19. Ac Ac1.8. Work for Christ, Lk Lk19.13. Jn Jn4.36, Jn4.38. Jn9.4. Worship God, Mt Mt4.10. Jn Jn4.24. Zeal for righteousness, Lk Lk8.39. Jn Jn6.27. Commandments forbidding: Adultery, Mt Mt5.27. Mt19.18. Mk Mk10.5, Mk10.19. Lk Lk18.20. Anxiety, Mt Mt6.25-34. Mt10.19-23. Lk Lk12.11, Lk12.22-32. Jn Jn14.27. Casting pearls before swine, Mt +* Mt7.6. Covetousness, Lk Lk12.15. Desecration of church edifices by worldly business, Mt Mt21.12, Mt21.13. Lk Lk19.46. Despising little ones, Mt Mt18.10. Divorce, Mt Mt5.32. Mt19.9. Mk Mk10.11, Mk10.12. Lk Lk16.18. Doubt, Lk Lk12.29. Drunkenness, Lk Lk12.45. Lk21.34. Exercise of lordship over brethren, Mt Mt20.25-28. 2 Co +* 2Co1.24. False witness, Mt Mt19.18. Lk Lk18.20. Falsehood, Mk Mk10.19. Lk Lk18.20. Fear, Mk Mk5.36. Lk Lk8.50. Fellowship with the wicked, Mt +* Mt15.14. Fraud, Mk +* Mk10.19. Going house to house, Lk Lk10.7. Going into the way of the Gentiles or entering any city of the Samaritans, Mt Mt10.5. Heed to false teachers, Mt +* Mt15.14. Mk +* Mk4.24. Inconsistency, Mt Mt7.3-5. Mt23.3. Lk Lk6.46. Jn Jn7.23. Indecision, Lk Lk9.62. Idle words, Mt Mt12.36. Ingratitude, Mt Mt18.28-32. Lk Lk17.17. Injustice, Mt +* Mt23.23. Instability, Mt Mt6.24. Jesting, Mt Mt12.36. Murder, Mt Mt5.21. Mt19.18. Murmuring, Jn Jn6.43. Ostentation in giving, fasting, or prayer. Mt Mt6.1, Mt6.5, Mt6.6, Mt6.17, Mt6.18. Profane swearing, Mt Mt5.34-36. Resistance, Mt Mt5.39. Retaliation, Mt Mt5.38-42. Saluting men on the way, Lk Lk10.4. Theft, Mt Mt19.18. Lk Lk18.20. Troubling others doing good work for Christ, Mt Mt26.10. Mk Mk14.6. Uncharitable judgments, Mt Mt7.1-5. Lk Lk6.37, Lk6.42. Uncharitableness, Mt Mt18.10. Unrighteous anger, Mt Mt5.22. Vain repetitions in prayer, Mt Mt6.7, Mt6.8. Worldliness, Mt Mt6.19. Commandments which are implied: Enjoining an exact conscience, Mt Mt6.22-24. Against selfrighteousness, Mt Mt7.3. Commandments warning against: Anger, Mt Mt5.22. Covetousness, Lk Lk12.15. False teachers, Mt Mt7.15. Lawsuits, Mt Mt5.25, Mt5.26. Looking back, Lk Lk9.62. Lust, Mt Mt5.28. Oaths, Mt Mt5.34. Offending, Lk Lk17.1, Lk17.2. Offending little ones, Mt Mt18.6. Mk Mk9.42. Revenge and vengeance, Mt Mt5.39. Sadness, Mt Mt6.16. Lk Lk24.17. Self-deception, Lk Lk11.35. Sinful indulgence, Lk Lk21.34. Stealing, Mt Mt19.18. Mk Mk10.19. Lk Lk18.20. Strife, Mt Mt12.25. Unfaithfulness, Lk Lk12.46. Lk16.11, Lk16.12. Vindictiveness, Lk Lk9.55, Lk9.56. Worry, Mt Mt6.34. 4. that saith. ver. * 1Jn2.9. 1 J * 1Jn1.6, 1Jn1.8, 1Jn1.10. * 1Jn4.20. Ja * Jas2.14-16. I know. Ho Ho8.2, Ho8.3. Ti * Tt1.16. keepeth not. ver. 1Jn2.3. his commandments. ver. +* 1Jn2.3. is a. See on 1 J * 1Jn1.6, 1Jn1.8. Jn Jn8.44. the truth. f144:144D, Ge + Ge40.23. ver. 1Jn2.3. Jn Jn1.14, Jn1.17. Jn8.32, Jn8.40, Jn8.45, Jn8.46. Jn16.13. * Jn17.17. Jn18.37. Ro Ro1.18. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 258. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

5. whoso. ver. 1Jn2.3, 1Jn2.4. Ps Ps105.45. Ps106.3. Ps119.2, Ps119.4, Ps119.146. Pr Pr8.32. Pr28.7. Ec Ec8.5. Ezk Eze36.27. Lk +* Lk11.28. Jn + Jn8.51. * Jn14.21, Jn14.23. Re Re12.17. Re14.12. his word. Lk Lk5.1. Jn Jn17.6. Ac Ac4.29, Ac4.31. Ac8.14. 1 Co 1Co14.36. 2 Co +* 2Co4.2. Col Col1.25. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. Ti Tt1.3. He Heb13.7. Ja +* Jas1.21. 1 P * 1Pe2.8. Re Re12.11. in him. 1 J 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.18. Ja Jas2.22. love of God. i.e. love of men to God, as in ver 15. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. 1 J 1Jn3.17. ◐ 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. 1Jn5.3. Jn Jn5.42. Jn15.10, Jn15.13. hereby. ver. +* 1Jn2.3, 1Jn2.27, 1Jn2.28. 1 J 1Jn3.24. * 1Jn4.11-13, 1Jn4.15, 1Jn4.16. 1Jn5.20. Jn Jn6.56. Jn15.5. Ro Ro8.1. 1 Co 1Co1.30. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17, 2Co5.21. Col * Col2.9, Col2.10. 2 Th + 2Th3.5. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. He +* Heb6.11. in him. Col +* Col2.6, Col2.7. 6. that saith. See on ver. 1Jn2.4. 1 J * 1Jn1.6. he abideth. ver. 1Jn2.28. 1 J 1Jn3.6. Jn * Jn15.4-7. 2 J 2Jn9. in him. ver. 1Jn2.10, 1Jn2.24. 1 J 1Jn3.17, 1Jn3.24. 1Jn4.15, 1Jn4.16. Jn Jn6.56. Jn14.10. Ga Ga3.26. to walk. 1 J 1Jn1.7. Ps Ps85.13. Mt + Mt11.29. Jn Jn8.12. Jn13.15. Jn14.12. 1 Co 1Co11.1. 2 Co * 2Co4.2. Ep Eph5.2. Col +* Col1.10. ✓ Col2.6. 1 P 1Pe2.21. 2 J 2Jn4. 3 J 3Jn3, 3Jn4. 7. I write. 1 J 1Jn3.11. Ac Ac17.19. 2 J 2Jn5. no new commandment. Dt Dt5.22. 2 J 2Jn5. but. Le * Le19.2, Le19.18, Le19.34. Dt Dt6.5. Mt Mt5.43. Mt19.19. Mt22.37-40. Mk Mk12.29-34. Ro Ro13.8-10. Ga Ga5.13, Ga5.14. Ja Jas2.8-12. which ye had. ver. 1Jn2.24. 1 J 1Jn3.11. 2 J 2Jn5, 2Jn6. the word. Mk Mk4.14. 8. a new. 1 J 1Jn3.23. 1Jn4.21. Jn + Jn13.34. Jn15.12. which. 1 J * 1Jn3.14-16. 1Jn4.11. Jn Jn15.12-15. 2 Co ✓ 2Co8.9. Ep Eph5.1, Eph5.2. 1 P 1Pe1.21. 1Pe4.1-3. the darkness. SS So2.11, So2.12. Is +* Is9.2. Is60.1-3. Mt Mt4.16. Lk Lk1.79. Jn + Jn8.12. Jn12.46. Ac * Ac17.30. +* Ac26.18. Ro Ro13.12. 2 Co * 2Co4.4-6. Ep * Eph5.8. 1 Th 1Th5.4-8. true light. Ps Ps27.1. Ps36.9. * Ps84.11. Ml * Mal4.2. Jn + Jn1.4, Jn1.5, Jn1.9. * Jn8.12. Jn12.35. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.10. 9. that saith. See on ver. 1Jn2.4. he is. 1 J 1Jn1.6. Jn Jn9.41. Ro Ro2.18-21. and hateth. 1 J 1Jn3.13-17. 1Jn4.20. Ti Tt3.3. 2 P 2Pe1.9. is in. ver. 1Jn2.11. Ps Ps82.5. 1 Co * 1Co13.1-3. 2 P * 2Pe1.9. 10. that loveth. 1 J * 1Jn3.14. Ho Ho6.3. Jn +* Jn8.31. Ro * Ro14.13. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. occasion of stumbling. Gr. scandal. Ps Ps119.165. Pr Pr4.19. Mt Mt13.21. Mt18.7. Lk Lk17.1, Lk17.2. Jn Jn11.10. Ro Ro9.32, + Ro9.33g. Ph Php1.10. 2 P * 2Pe1.10. 11. he that. See on ver. 1Jn2.9. Jn * Jn12.35. Ti Tt3.3. and walketh. 1 J + 1Jn1.6. Pr +* Pr4.19. Jn Jn12.35. because. Is Is6.10. Jn Jn12.40. 2 Co 2Co3.14. 2Co4.4. Re Re3.17. 12. write. ver. 1Jn2.7, 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.14, 1Jn2.21. 1 J * 1Jn1.4. 1Jn5.13. little. See on ver. 1Jn2.1. sins are forgiven. T#583. 1 J 1Jn1.7, 1Jn1.9. Ps ✓ Ps32.1, Ps32.2. Ps85.2, Ps85.3. Ps130.4. Is Is43.25. Is44.22. + Is45.25 (T#787). *55:7. Mi * Mic7.18, Mic7.19. Lk Lk5.20. Lk7.47-50. Lk24.47. Ac Ac4.12. * Ac10.43. Ac13.38. Ro Ro3.24. Ro4.6, Ro4.7. Ro6.14. Ro8.1, Ro8.2, Ro8.28, Ro8.29, Ro8.30, Ro8.33, Ro8.34, Ro8.37. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. 1Co15.57. Ga Ga5.18. Ep * Eph1.6, Eph1.7. Eph2.18, Eph2.19. Eph3.12. * Eph4.32. Col * Col1.14, Col1.21. Col2.13n, Col2.14. for. Ps Ps25.11. Ps106.8. Je Je14.7. Jn + Jn1.12. Ep ✓ Eph4.32. name’s. f121:121T, Dt + Dt28.58. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 259. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

13. I write. 2 P * 2Pe1.12, 2Pe1.13. fathers. ver. 1Jn2.14. 1 Ti 1Ti5.1. because. ver. 1Jn2.3, 1Jn2.4. 1 J 1Jn5.20. Ps Ps91.14. Lk Lk10.22. Jn Jn8.19. Jn14.7. * Jn17.3. him that. See on 1 J 1Jn1.1. Ps Ps90.2. young. ver. 1Jn2.14. Ps Ps148.12. Pr Pr20.29. Jl +* Joe2.28. Zc Zec9.17. Ti Tt2.6. because. 1 J 1Jn4.4. 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. Jn + Jn16.33. Ep Eph6.10-12. 1 P 1Pe5.8, 1Pe5.9. the wicked. 1 J 1Jn3.12. 1Jn5.18, 1Jn5.19. Mt 13:+ Mt13.19, Mt13.38. little. See on ver. 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.12, 1Jn2.18. Jn Jn21.5g. ye have known. Mt +* Mt11.27. Lk Lk10.22. Jn Jn8.54, Jn8.55. * Jn14.7, Jn14.9. Jn16.3. Jn17.21. 2 Co 2Co4.6. 14. fathers. See on ver. 1Jn2.13. because ye are. Ep * Eph6.10. Ph * Php4.13. Col Col1.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.1. the word. Ps * Ps119.11. Jn Jn5.38. +* Jn8.31. * Jn15.7, Jn15.8. Ro + Ro9.6. Col * Col3.16. He * Heb8.10. 2 J 2Jn2. 3 J 3Jn3. abideth in. Ps * Ps119.11. ye have overcome. ver. + 1Jn2.13. Re Re2.7, etc. *3:7, 8, 12. 15. Love not. 1 J * 1Jn4.5. * 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5, 1Jn5.10. Jn * Jn15.19. Ro +* Ro12.2, Ro12.10. Ga * Ga1.4, Ga1.10. * Ga6.14. Ep * Eph2.2. Col * Col3.1, Col3.2. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.10. 2 Ti 2Ti4.10. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. the things. Le = Le10.8, Le10.9. Col Col3.1-3. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Mt * Mt6.24. Lk * Lk14.26. Lk16.13. Ja * Jas4.4. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. f132:132E, Is + Is65.21. the love. ver. + 1Jn2.5. 1 J * 1Jn3.17. 16. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. the lust of the flesh. Nu * Nu11.4, Nu11.34. Ps * Ps78.18, Ps78.30. Pr * Pr6.25. Mt * Mt5.28. Mk +* Mk4.19. Ro * Ro8.5. * Ro13.14. 1 Co * 1Co10.6. Ga * Ga5.16, Ga5.17, Ga5.24. Ep * Eph2.3. Ti * Tt2.12. * Tt3.3. 1 P * 1Pe1.14. * 1Pe2.11. * 1Pe4.2, 1Pe4.3. 2 P * 2Pe2.10, 2Pe2.18. Ju * Jud16-18. and the lust of the eyes. f121:121R, Ge + Ge27.15. f155:155A, Ge + Ge31.35. f108:108K, Ex + Ex15.9. Ge +* Ge3.6. * Ge6.2. Jsh * Jos7.21. Jb * Job31.1. Ps * Ps119.36, Ps119.37. Ec Ec4.8. * Ec5.10, Ec5.11. Ezk +* Eze23.16. Eze24.16. Mt * Mt4.8. * Mt5.28. Lk * Lk4.5. 2 P * 2Pe2.14. and the pride. Est Es1.37. Ps Ps73.6. +* Ps119.21. Da * Da4.30. Ja Jas4.16g. Re * Re18.11-17. is not. 1 Co +* 1Co14.33. Ja * Jas3.15. is of. Jn Jn18.36. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 17. the world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. passeth away. Ps * Ps39.6. Ps73.18-20. * Ps90.9. Ps102.26. Is * Is40.6-8. Mt * Mt24.35. 1 Co +* 1Co7.31. Ja * Jas1.10, Jas1.11. * Jas4.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.24. but. Ps * Ps143.10. Mt +* Mt7.21. Mt21.31. Mk * Mk3.35. Lk ✓ Lk6.46. * Lk16.22. Jn +* Jn7.17. +* Jn13.17. Ro +* Ro12.2. Col * Col1.9. * Col4.12. 1 Th +* 1Th4.3. * 1Th5.18. He * Heb10.36. Ja * Jas4.14. 1 P * 1Pe4.2. abideth. Ps * Ps125.1, Ps125.2. Pr * Pr10.25. Mt * Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Jn * Jn4.14. Jn6.58. ✓ Jn10.28-30. He Heb11.25, Heb11.26. 1 P * 1Pe1.5, 1Pe1.25. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19. 18. Little. See on ver. 1Jn2.1. Jn Jn21.5. it is. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1. He * Heb1.2. Ja Jas5.3. 1 P 1Pe1.5, 1Pe1.20. 2 P 2Pe3.3. Ju Jud18. Re Re1.3. last. f25, Ge + Ge4.4. time. lit. hour. f171:171T, Jn + Jn4.23. ye have. 1 J 1Jn4.3. Mt * Mt24.5, Mt24.11, Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.6, Mk13.21, Mk13.22. Ac * Ac20.29, Ac20.30. 2 Th * 2Th2.3-12. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1-3. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-6. 2Ti4.3, 2Ti4.4. 2 P * 2Pe2.1. antichrist. ver. 1Jn2.22. Mt * Mt24.5, Mt24.24. Lk + Lk21.8. 1 J * 1Jn4.3. 2 J * 2Jn7. many antichrists. 1 J 1Jn4.1. Mt Mt24.5. 2 J 2Jn7. whereby. 2 Th 2Th2.6, 2Th2.7. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1. time. lit. hour. f171:171T, Jn + Jn4.23. 19. They. i.e., the antichrists, the exponents of Gnostic teaching (A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures, vol. 6, p. 215, on ver. 1Jn2.18). went out. Dt Dt13.13. Ps Ps41.9. Mt Mt13.20, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 260. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mt13.21. Mk Mk4.5, Mk4.6, Mk4.16, Mk4.17. Lk +* Lk8.13. Jn Jn15.2. Ac Ac15.24. + Ac20.30. 2 P 2Pe2.20, 2Pe2.21. Ju Jud19. from us. “From us” and “of us” are the same idiom in Greek, the preposition ek with hemon, the preposition used in different senses, expressed by A. T. Robertson “they went out from our membership” and “they were not of us in spirit and life.” Robertson points out that a similar difference in the meaning of the preposition ek is seen in Jn Jn17.14, “of the world” in the sense of likeness, and Jn Jn17.15, “out of the world” in the sense of origin (Word Pictures, vol. 6, p. 215). See the related notes (Ac Ac2.38n. * Ac8.39n). not of us. Mt +* Mt12.44. Mt22.11, etc. Ro Ro9.6. for if. ✓ f184:184B, Mt + Mt11.21. Jb Job17.9. Ps Ps37.28. Ps125.1, Ps125.2. Je * Je32.38-40. Mt Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Jn Jn4.14. ✓ Jn6.37-39. ✓ Jn10.28-30. + Jn17.12. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10, 2Ti2.19. 1 P * 1Pe1.25. Ju Jud1. have continued. Le = Le22.10. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. Col +* Col1.23. He Heb6.11. +* Heb10.39. they went out. f63:63I, Nu + Nu26.4. Here the ellipsis is correctly supplied in the A.V. they might. 1 J * 1Jn3.9, 1Jn3.10. Ro * Ro9.6. Ro11.5, Ro11.6. 1 Co ✓ 1Co11.19. 2 Ti 2Ti3.9. He +* Heb10.39. they were not all. A common error in the application of this verse is to assert that all those who turn back (1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1n) from true faith in Christ were never saved, and were never true believers in the first place. This view is not in accord with the rest of Scripture, however, for it fails to (1) recognize the instances where true believers “stopped believing” (Lk +* Lk8.13. 1 Ti +* 1Ti1.19, 1Ti1.20); (2) recognize the seriousness of the warnings against apostasy throughout God’s Word (1 Co +* 1Co15.2), and (3) define apostasy biblically or logically, for one cannot fall from a faith which was never possessed (1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1n. He Heb6.4-6. 2 P 2Pe2.20). While John applies his statement to “all,” the “all” refers in context specifically to false teachers, who taught the Gnostic heresy, whom he called antichrists. No doubt many false teachers of today deserve this identification, as Robertson suggests, but in no way can this passage be stretched to include all individuals who have ever turned away or apostatized from Christ, to assert that none of them were ever really saved. On other themes careful interpreters rightly assert that we must take into account all Scripture which bears on a subject, and arrive at a position which agrees with the whole body of applicable evidence. They properly caution not to overgeneralize or explain all possibilities on the basis of a single prooftext. This very interpretive fallacy has fostered a whole host of error ranging from minor matters of doctrine to absolute heresy, and is used by some to support: (1) sinless perfection: one who is born of God cannot commit sin (1 J 1Jn3.9); (2) baptismal regeneration (Jn Jn3.5); (3) ritual water baptism required for salvation (Ac Ac2.38n); (4) baptism unto repentance (Ac Ac2.38); (5) ritual water baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Ro Ro6.4); (6) the alleged spiritual nature of the kingdom of God (Lk Lk17.21); (7) the “church” as “spiritual Israel” has replaced natural Israel in the plan of God (Ro Ro2.28, Ro2.29. Ga Ga6.16); (8) there is no conscious existence after death (Ps +* Ps146.4. Ec +* Ec9.5); (9) no one goes to heaven at death to be with Christ (Jn Jn3.13. Ac Ac2.34. 1 Co 1Co15.50. Ph Php1.23n), (10) but sleeps until the resurrection (Da +* Da12.2n), (11) unaware of any passing of time, explaining the sense of going immediately to be with Christ (2 Co 2Co5.8. Ph Php1.23n); (12) since there is only one God (Dt Dt6.4), the Father (1 Co 1Co8.4, 1Co8.6), Jesus cannot be God because he called God the Father his God (Jn Jn20.17), and the only true God (Jn Jn17.3), thus excluding himself; (13) God dispenses his truth by means of his “faithful and true servant,” the one true church, and outside of this divinely provided earthly visible organization there can be no salvation (Mt Mt24.45); (14) No individual has the right to interpret the Bible for himself, for Scripture is not “of any private Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 261. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

interpretation” (2 P 2Pe1.20). The most apt description of this interpretive error I have found is that of Lewis Sperry Chafer, who wrote “A certain type of mind, however, seems able to construct all its confidence on an erroneous interpretation of one passage and to be uninfluenced by the overwhelming body of Scripture which contradicts that interpretation” (Systematic Theology, vol. 3, p. 380). Mt +* Mt7.21-23. 20. ye have. ver. * 1Jn2.27. 1 J * 1Jn4.13. Ps * Ps22.5. * Ps45.7. Ps92.10. Is * Is61.1. Lk +* Lk4.18. Ac * Ac10.38. 2 Co * 2Co1.21, 2Co1.22. He Heb1.9. an unction. or, anointing. ver. 1Jn2.27. Ex = Ex40.15. 1 Co 1Co2.13. 2 Co * 2Co1.21. the Holy. Ps +* Ps16.10. Ps71.22. Is Is43.3. Mk +* Mk1.24. Lk * Lk4.34. Ac * Ac3.14. Re Re3.7. Re4.8. and ye. ver. 1Jn2.27. Pr * Pr28.5. Mt Mt13.11. Lk Lk8.10. Jn Jn10.4, Jn10.5. +* Jn14.26. * Jn16.13. Ro Ro15.14. 1 Co 1Co1.5. * 1Co2.15. He * Heb8.11. 2 P 2Pe1.12. Ju Jud5. 21. because ye know not. Pr Pr1.5. Pr9.8, Pr9.9. Ro Ro15.14, Ro15.15. 2 P * 2Pe1.12. the truth. 1 J 1Jn3.19. Jn Jn18.37. 22. Who. ver. 1Jn2.4. 1 J 1Jn1.6. 1Jn4.20. Jn * Jn8.44. Re Re3.9. he that. ver. 1Jn2.23. 1 J * 1Jn4.3. 1 Co * 1Co12.2, 1Co12.3. 2 J 2Jn7. Ju Jud4. Jesus is. 1 J 1Jn5.1. Da * Da9.25, Da9.26. Mk + Mk8.29. Ac + Ac18.5. He is. See on ver. 1Jn2.18. Father and. 1 J 1Jn4.14. Jn + Jn3.35. ✓ Jn5.23. 2 J 2Jn3, 2Jn9. 23. denieth. ver. 1Jn2.22. 1 J * 1Jn4.15. 1Jn5.1. Mt * Mt11.27. Lk Lk10.22. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Jn8.19. * Jn10.30. Jn14.9, Jn14.10. * Jn15.23, Jn15.24. 2 J ✓ 2Jn9-11. but. Ps * Ps73.25, Ps73.26. 24. abide. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. Ps * Ps119.11. Pr Pr23.23. Lk Lk9.44. Jn Jn15.7. Col * Col3.16. He * Heb2.1. +* Heb3.14. 2 J 2Jn2. 3 J 3Jn3. Re * Re3.3, Re3.11. which. ver. * 1Jn2.7. 1 J 1Jn3.11. Lk * Lk1.2. Jn Jn8.25. Ph Php4.15. 2 J 2Jn5, 2Jn6. If. f184:184C, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. shall remain. ver. +* 1Jn2.3. 1 J 1Jn5.2. Jn Jn8.51. * Jn14.21-24. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. shall continue. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. 1 J * 1Jn1.3, 1Jn1.7. 1Jn4.13, 1Jn4.16. Jn +* Jn8.31. * Jn14.23. Jn15.9, Jn15.10. Jn17.21-24. in the Son. ver. 1Jn2.22. 25. the promise. 1 J + 1Jn1.2. ✓ 1Jn5.11-13, 1Jn5.20. Da +* Da12.2. Lk Lk18.30. Jn +* Jn5.39. 6:* Jn6.27, * Jn6.47, Jn6.54, * Jn6.68. ✓ Jn10.28. Jn12.50. ✓ Jn17.2, Jn17.3. Ro Ro2.7. Ro5.21. +* Ro6.23. Ga * Ga6.8. 1 Ti 1Ti1.16. * 1Ti6.12, 1Ti6.19. Ti Tt1.2. * Tt3.7. Ju * Jud21. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. 26. concerning. 1 J 1Jn3.7. Pr Pr12.26. Ezk Eze13.10. Mt * Mt24.24. Mk * Mk13.22. Ac * Ac20.29, Ac20.30. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. Col 2:* Col2.8, Col2.18. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.13. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. 2 J * 2Jn7. that seduce. f108:108A, Ex + Ex8.18. 27. the anointing. f22:22D, Ps + Ps45.7. See on ver. * 1Jn2.20. 1 J * 1Jn3.24. Le Le8.12, Le8.30. 1 S ✓ 1Sa16.22. Ps Ps92.10. Ps133.2. Jn * Jn1.16. Jn3.34. * Jn4.14. Ac * Ac10.38. 1 Th 1Th4.9. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. 2 J * 2Jn2. received of. Lk Lk11.13. Ac Ac2.38, Ac2.39. Ac5.32. abideth in you. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. 1 J + 1Jn3.24. ✓ 1Jn5.10-13. Ro +* Ro8.9, Ro8.14, Ro8.16. any man teach. T#1117. ver. * 1Jn2.20, 1Jn2.21. Is +* Is8.20n. * Is54.13. Je * Je31.33, Je31.34. Ezk Eze14.10n. Jn * Jn14.26. * Jn16.13. Ac ◐ Ac8.31n. Ro ✓ Ro14.12. Ga Ga1.8n. He * Heb8.10, Heb8.11. 2 P 2Pe1.20n. but. 1 Co * 1Co2.13. Ep * Eph4.21. 1 Th ✓ 1Th2.13. 1 Ti 1Ti2.7. 2 P * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 262. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Pe1.16, 2Pe1.17. same anointing. Ex = Ex28.41. 2 Co 2Co1.21. teacheth you. T#841. Ps +* Ps32.8. Pr * Pr1.23. Lk Lk12.12. Jn Jn6.45. * Jn16.13. 1 Co 1Co2.10. is truth. Jn + Jn14.17. ye shall. ver. * 1Jn2.28. Jn * Jn8.31, Jn8.32. * Jn15.4-7. Col * Col2.6. abide. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. him. or, it. 28. little. See on ver. 1Jn2.1. abide. ver. 1Jn2.27. when. 1 J * 1Jn3.2. Mk Mk8.38. Col * Col3.4. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. Ti +* Tt2.13. He +* Heb9.28. 1 P * 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.13. * 1Pe5.4. Re +* Re1.7. have confidence. 1 J 1Jn3.21. * 1Jn4.17. 1Jn5.14. Is * Is25.9. * Is45.17. Ac + Ac4.13. Ro * Ro5.5. * Ro9.33. Ep Eph3.12. Ph Php1.20. 1 Ti 1Ti3.13. He Heb3.6. Heb4.16. Heb10.19, Heb10.35. not be ashamed. Lk Lk9.26. 1 Co 1Co3.15. Ph * Php2.15, Php2.16. 2 P 2Pe1.11. at his. Ml * Mal3.2. Mal4.5. 1 Co 1Co1.7. * 1Co15.23. 1 Th * 1Th3.13. * 1Th5.23. 2 P * 2Pe3.4-12. coming. Gr. parousia, Mt + Mt24.3. 29. If ye. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. he is. ver. 1Jn2.1. 1 J + 1Jn1.9. 3:5. Zc * Zec9.9. Ac Ac3.14. Ac22.14. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. He +* Heb1.8, Heb1.9. Heb7.2, Heb7.26. 1 P * 1Pe3.18. ye know. or, know ye. that every. 1 J 1Jn3.7, 1Jn3.10. Je Je13.23. Mt Mt7.16-18. Jn * Jn15.5. Ac Ac10.35. Ti * Tt2.12-14. 3 J 3Jn11. is born. f22:22C, Ps + Ps2.7. 1 J * 1Jn3.9. 1Jn4.7. * 1Jn5.1, 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.18. Jn Jn1.13. ✓ Jn3.3-6, Jn3.8. + Jn11.52. Ja +* Jas1.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.23. 2 P * 2Pe1.4.

1 JOHN 3 The apostle breaks out in admiration of the love of God, in making us his children, and giving us present privileges with the hope of an inconceivable felicity; and shows that all who have this hope “purify themselves as he is pure,” 1Jn3.1-3. He shows how the children of God, and the children of the devil, may be distinguished, 1Jn3.4-10. He exhorts his readers to “love one another,” contrasting this love with the example of Cain, and warning them to expect the hatred of the world, 1Jn3.11-13. He points out “the love of the brethren,” as distinguishing evidence of conversion; explains the nature and effects of it, contrasting it with enmity and selfishness; and enforces the practice of it, by the example of Christ, 1Jn3.14-17. He exhorts his readers to love “in deed and in truth,” and shows that confidence in God is connected with the consciousness of upright obedience, 1Jn3.18-24. 1. what. 1 J * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. 2 S 2Sa7.19. Ps Ps31.19. Ps36.7-9. Ps89.1, Ps89.2. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. Ro ✓ Ro5.8. +* Ro8.32. Ep Eph2.4, Eph2.5. Eph3.18, Eph3.19. 2 P 2Pe3.11. love. f121:121C. Metonymy of the Cause B549: in certain nouns, where the feeling or affection is put for the effects resulting or proceeding from the feeling. Here, love is put for the benefits and blessings flowing from it. The reference is not merely to the feeling of love, but the manifestation of it in all it has done for us. that. ver. 1Jn3.10. 1 J 1Jn5.2. Je Je3.19. Ho Ho1.10. Jn ✓ Jn1.12. Jn11.52. Jn13.13. Ro ✓ Ro8.14-17, Ro8.21. Ro9.8, Ro9.25, Ro9.26. 2 Co * 2Co6.18. Ga Ga3.26, Ga3.29. +* Ga4.5-7n. Ep * Eph1.5. Ph Php2.15. Re * Re21.7. called. f108:108B. Idiom B830. “Called” is used of being acknowledged, accounted, or simply of being. the sons of God. Some authorities add, “and such we are.” f71, Jn + Jn1.24. the world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. * f121:121J, Jn + Jn1.10. 1 J 1Jn4.17. Jn + Jn8.55. * Jn15.18, Jn15.19. * Jn16.3. Jn17.25. 1 Co 1Co1.21. Col * Col3.3. knoweth us not. 2 Co 2Co6.9.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 263. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. now are we the. See on ver. 1Jn3.1. 1 J 1Jn5.1. Is Is56.5. Ro * Ro8.14, Ro8.15, Ro8.18. Ga * Ga3.26. Ga4.5, Ga4.6. Ep Eph1.5. 2 P 2Pe1.4. it. Ps Ps31.19. Ps83.3. Ro * Ro8.18, Ro8.23. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9. * 1Co13.12. 1Co15.37, 1Co15.38. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. Ph +* Php3.21. Col Col3.5, Col3.6. what. Ps * Ps17.15. Ro * Ro8.29. 1 Co 1Co15.49. 2 Co * 2Co4.6. Ph * Php3.21. 2 P 2Pe1.4. we know. ver. 1Jn3.14. 1 J 1Jn5.15, 1Jn5.18, 1Jn5.19, 1Jn5.20. Jn Jn19.35. Jn21.24. when. 1 J 1Jn2.28. Ml Mal3.2. Col * Col3.4. He +* Heb9.28. shall appear. Ac +* Ac1.11. Re Re1.7. like. Ex = Ex28.2, Ex28.41. Zp Zep3.13. Ro +* Ro8.29. 2 Co 2Co3.18. 2Co4.11. Ph +* Php3.21. 1 P 1Pe2.22. 2 P 2Pe1.4. for. Jb * Job19.26. Ps +* Ps16.11. Mt +* Mt5.8. Jn Jn17.24. 1 Co 1Co13.12. 2 Co 2Co3.18. ✓ 2Co5.6-8. Re Re21.23, Re21.27. * Re22.3, Re22.4. 3. every. Ro Ro5.4, Ro5.5. Col * Col1.5. 2 Th 2Th2.16. Ti * Tt3.7. He * Heb6.18. in him. Ro Ro15.12. purifieth. Jn Jn15.5. Ac * Ac15.9. 2 Co +* 2Co7.1. 1 Ti 1Ti6.14-16. He +* Heb12.14. 2 P 2Pe1.4. ✓ 2Pe3.14. even. ver. 1Jn3.5. 1 J * 1Jn2.6. 1Jn4.17. Mt +* Mt5.48. Lk * Lk6.36. He * Heb7.26. 1 P 1Pe1.15. 4. committeth. ver. 1Jn3.8, 1Jn3.9. 1 K 1Ki8.47. 1 Ch 1Ch10.13. Jn Jn8.34. 2 Co 2Co11.7. 2Co12.21. Ja Jas5.15. 1 P 1Pe2.22g. transgresseth. Nu Nu15.31. 1 S * 1Sa15.24. 2 Ch 2Ch24.20. Is Is53.8. Da Da9.11. Mt Mt13.41g. Ro * Ro3.20. Ro4.15. Ja * Jas2.9-11. for sin is. 1 J * 1Jn5.17. Ro Ro4.15. Ro7.7-13. Ja +* Jas4.17. 5. he. 1 J + 1Jn1.2. 1Jn4.9-14. Jn Jn1.31. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1 P 1Pe1.20. was manifested. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. ver. 1Jn3.8. to. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. Is * Is53.4-12. Ho Ho14.2. Mt * Mt1.21. Jn +* Jn1.29. Ro * Ro3.24-26. Ep * Eph5.25-27. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. He * Heb1.3. +* Heb9.26, Heb9.28. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. Re +* Re1.5. in. ver. 1Jn3.3. 1 J 1Jn2.1. Lk Lk23.41, Lk23.47. Jn * Jn8.46. +* Jn14.30. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.21. He +* Heb4.15. * Heb7.26. +* Heb9.28. 1 P * 1Pe1.19, 1Pe1.20. +* 1Pe2.22. * 1Pe3.18. 6. abideth. 1 J * 1Jn2.28. Jn * Jn15.4-7. sinneth not. ver. +* 1Jn3.9n. 1 J ◐+* 1Jn1.8, 1Jn1.10. 1Jn5.18. Ec ◐+* Ec7.20. Ro * Ro6.14, Ro6.17, Ro6.18. Ja ◐+* Jas3.2. whosoever. ver. 1Jn3.2, 1Jn3.9. 1 J 1Jn2.4. 1Jn4.8. 1Jn5.18. 2 Co 2Co3.18. 2Co4.6. 3 J 3Jn11. not seen. f96:96C, Ge + Ge4.1. He ◐ Heb11.1, Heb11.27. neither known. f96:96C, Ge + Ge4.1. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3. 3 J * 3Jn11. 7. Little children. 1 J + 1Jn2.1. let. 1 J 1Jn2.26, 1Jn2.29. Mt + Mt24.4. Ro Ro2.13. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. Ga Ga6.7, Ga6.8. Ep Eph5.6. Ja Jas1.22. 2 J 2Jn7. he that. 1 J 1Jn2.29. * 1Jn5.1-3. Ps Ps106.3. Ezk Eze18.5-9. Mt Mt5.20. Lk Lk1.75. Ac Ac10.35. Ro Ro2.6-8, * Ro2.13. Ro6.16-18. Ep Eph5.9. Ph Php1.11. Ja * Jas2.18. 1 P 1Pe2.24. doeth. f108:108B. Idiom B828. “To do justice” or “righteousness” is used for willingly, earnestly, and joyfully walking and living as one whom God has justified. even. ver. 1Jn3.3. 1 J * 1Jn2.1, + 1Jn2.29. Ps * Ps45.7. Ps72.1-7. He +* Heb1.8. Heb7.2. 1 P 1Pe1.15, 1Pe1.16. is righteous. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. 8. He that. ver. 1Jn3.10. 1 J * 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. 1Jn5.19g. Mt +* Mt13.38. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. Ro Ro7.14-25. 1 Co 1Co4.4, 1Co4.5. 1Co5.5. Ga +* Ga2.11. Ep * Eph2.2. 2 P 2Pe2.4. committeth. ver. + 1Jn3.4. Mt Mt12.30. Jn Jn8.44. for. Is Is14.12-15. Ezk Eze28.12-19. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Ju Jud6. beginning. f63:63C, Ge + Ge25.32. Supply ellipsis, (and still sinneth). this purpose. ver. 1Jn3.5. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is Is27.1. Mk * Mk1.24. Lk * Lk10.18. +* Lk19.10. Jn Jn12.31. Jn16.11. Ro * Ro16.20. Ep Eph1.11. Col Col2.15. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.26. He ✓ Heb2.14. Re * Re20.2, Re20.3, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 264. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re20.10, Re20.15. the Son of God. Jn + Jn5.25. destroy. Ge ✡ Ge3.15. the works. Jn Jn8.41. Jn10.10. Ac Ac10.38. 9. born. f22:22C, Ps + Ps2.7. 1 J 1Jn2.29. 1Jn4.7. 1Jn5.1, 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.18. Jn * Jn1.13. Jn3.3. Ja * Jas1.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. doth not. 1 J * 1Jn5.18. Ac ◐ Ac20.22, Ac20.23. ◐ Ac21.1214. Ph ◐ Php3.12. Ga ◐ Ga2.11-13. commit. f108:108B, Jn + Jn8.34. ver. + 1Jn3.4. for. Jb Job19.28. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. seed. Le += Le11.37. and he. Mt Mt7.18. Ac * Ac4.20. Ro Ro6.2. Ga Ga5.17. Ti * Tt1.2. cannot sin. Gr. ou dunatai hamartanein. Hamartainein is the present active infinitive, and can only mean “and he cannot go on sinning” (A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures, vol. 6, p. 223). This is not a declaration that the Christian possesses sinless perfection, or is unable to commit a sin, but a declaration that a Christian does not freely and habitually practice sin, or live a life of sin. Had the apostle John intended to teach sinless perfection, he would have selected the second aorist or first aorist active infinitive here. Robertson observes, “A great deal of false theology has grown out of a misunderstanding of the tense of hamartanein here. Paul has precisely John’s idea in Ro Ro6.1 epimenomen tei hamartiai (shall we continue in sin, present active linear subjunctive) in contrast with hamartesomen in Ro Ro6.15 (shall we commit a sin, first aorist active subjunctive)” (Word Pictures, vol. 6, p. 223). See the related notes for other examples of the present tense used to represent habitual practice of sin (1 Ti 1Ti5.20n. He Heb6.6n). See the related notes on a similar distinction obtained in a different way (Jn Jn5.29n. Ga Ga5.21n). ver. 1Jn3.6. 1 J ◐+✓ 1Jn1.8, 1Jn1.10. Ps +* Ps119.3. Ro * Ro7.19. 2 P ◐+* 2Pe2.14. born. 1 J + 1Jn2.29. 10. In this. f62, Lk + Lk12.32. the children of God. ver. + 1Jn3.1. 1 J 1Jn5.2. Lk Lk6.35. Ro * Ro8.16, Ro8.17. Ep Eph5.1. and. ver. 1Jn3.8. 1 J 1Jn5.19. Mt Mt13.38. Jn * Jn8.34, Jn8.44. Ac Ac13.10. Ro Ro6.20. Ep Eph2.1, Eph2.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. Ti Tt3.3. whosoever. See on ver. 1Jn3.7, 1Jn3.8. 1 J * 1Jn2.29. is. 1 J 1Jn4.3, 1Jn4.4, 1Jn4.6. 1Jn5.19. Jn Jn8.47. 3 J 3Jn11. neither. ver. 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.15. 1 J 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.10. * 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.8, 1Jn4.21. loveth not. 1 J 1Jn4.20, 1Jn4.21. He +* Heb13.1. 11. this. 1 J 1Jn1.5. 1Jn2.7, 1Jn2.8. message. or, commandment. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5g. heard from. 1 J * 1Jn2.7, 1Jn2.10, + 1Jn2.24. that we. ver. 1Jn3.23. 1 J 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.11, 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.21. Mt + Mt19.19. Jn Jn13.34, Jn13.35. * Jn15.12, Jn15.17. Ro Ro13.8. Ga Ga6.2. Ep Eph5.2. Col Col3.14. 1 Th 1Th4.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1Pe3.8. 1Pe4.8. 2 J * 2Jn5. 12. Not as Cain. i.e. spear or lance, ❅S#2535g. For ❅S# 07014h, see Ge + Ge4.1. Ge Ge4.4-15, Ge4.25. He * Heb11.4g. Ju + Jud11g. of. See on ver. 1Jn3.8. 1 J 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.14. 1Jn5.18, 1Jn5.19. Mt +* Mt13.19, Mt13.38. And. 1 S 1Sa18.14, 1Sa18.15. 1Sa19.4, 1Sa19.5. 1Sa22.14-16. Ps Ps37.12. Pr Pr29.27. Mt Mt27.23. Jn Jn10.32. Jn15.19-25. Jn18.38-40. Ac Ac7.52. 1 Th 1Th2.14. 1 P 1Pe4.4. Re Re17.6. Because. Ps Ps38.20. Ps109.4. Pr Pr29.10. works were. Jn + Jn7.7. and his. Mt Mt23.35. Lk Lk11.51. He Heb11.4. Heb12.24. 13. Marvel not. Ec +* Ec5.8. Jn * Jn3.7. Jn5.28. Ac Ac3.12. Re Re17.7. if. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. Mt Mt10.22. Mt24.9. Mk Mk13.13. Lk Lk6.22. Lk21.17. Jn Jn7.7. *15:+ Jn15.18, Jn15.19. Jn16.2, Jn16.33. Jn17.14. Ro Ro8.7. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.12. Ja * Jas4.4. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 14. We know. ver. + 1Jn3.2. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3. 1Jn5.2, 1Jn5.13, 1Jn5.19, 1Jn5.20. 2 Co 2Co5.1. we have. 1 J 1Jn2.9-11. Lk Lk15.24, Lk15.32. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. Ep * Eph2.1, Eph2.5. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 265. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

because. ver. * 1Jn3.23. 1 J 1Jn2.10. 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.8, 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.21. 1Jn5.2. Ps Ps16.3. Mt Mt25.40. Jn Jn13.35. Jn15.12, Jn15.17. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.22. Ep Eph1.15. Col Col1.4. 1 Th 1Th4.9. He +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. Heb13.1. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1Pe3.8. 2 P * 2Pe1.7. the brethren. Ep + Eph6.23. 3 J 3Jn10. that loveth not. 1 J * 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.11. 1Jn4.20. Pr Pr21.16. 15. hateth. Ge Ge27.41. Le * Le19.16-18. 2 S 2Sa13.22-28. Pr Pr26.24-26. Mt * Mt5.21, Mt5.22, Mt5.28. Mk Mk6.19. Ac Ac23.12, Ac23.14. Ja Jas1.15. Jas4.1, Jas4.2. is a murderer. Jn Jn8.44. hath. Jn Jn4.14. Ga +* Ga5.21. 1 P * 1Pe1.23. Re +* Re21.8. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. life. 1 J 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.13, 1Jn5.20. Mt + Mt19.16. Jn + Jn4.14. Ro + Ro2.7. 16. perceive. 1 J * 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. Mt * Mt20.28. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. Jn10.15. +* Jn15.13. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ro ✓ Ro5.8. Ep * Eph5.2, Eph5.25. Ti +* Tt2.13, Tt2.14. 1 P 1Pe1.18. * 1Pe2.24. 1Pe3.18. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. of God. f63:63J, Ge + Ge37.13. laid down. Jn Jn10.15. life. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt2.20. f121:121A, Ge + Ge9.5. and we ought. 1 J 1Jn2.6. 1Jn4.11. Pr Pr24.11. Jn * Jn13.34. Jn15.12, Jn15.13. Ro Ro16.4. 1 Co 1Co15.31. Ph Php2.17, Php2.30. 1 Th 1Th2.8. lives. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt2.20. f121:121A, Ge + Ge9.5. 17. whoso. Dt * Dt15.7-11. Pr * Pr19.17. Is Is58.7-10. Lk * Lk3.11. Ac Ac11.29. +* Ac20.35. 2 Co * 2Co8.9, 2Co8.14, 2Co8.15. * 2Co9.5-9. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.17, 1Ti6.18. He +* Heb13.16. world’s. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. good. f111, Ge + Ge18.27. his brother. Is +* Is58.7. Ga +* Ga6.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.8. have need. 2 Ch 2Ch28.15. Ja Jas2.15, Jas2.16. shutteth. Le +* Le25.35. Dt * Dt15.7. Pr +* Pr11.24, Pr11.26. Pr12.10mg. +* Pr15.27. Pr28.9. Lk +* Lk12.15. compassion. Col + Col2.12. how. 1 J * 1Jn4.20. 1Jn5.1. the love. 1 J + 1Jn2.5. Lk Lk11.42. 18. My. See on 1 J 1Jn2.1. let. Ps * Ps78.36, Ps78.37. Is Is29.13. Je Je12.2. Ezk +* Eze33.31. Mt * Mt25.41-45. Ro * Ro12.9. 1 Co 1Co13.4-7. Ga Ga5.13. Ga6.1, Ga6.2. Ep Eph4.1-3, Eph4.15. 1 Th 1Th1.3. Ja Jas2.15, Jas2.16. 1 P * 1Pe1.22. in truth. 2 J 2Jn1. 3 J 3Jn1. 19. hereby. See on ver. 1Jn3.14. 1 J * 1Jn1.8. Jn ✓ Jn13.35. Jn18.37. of the truth. 1 J 1Jn2.21. Jn Jn18.37. shall. ver. 1Jn3.21. Is Is32.17. He +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. +* Heb10.22. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.5, 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.10, 1Pe1.11. assure. Gr. persuade. Ro * Ro4.21. * Ro8.38. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.12. He +* Heb11.13. 20. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Jb Job27.6. Jn Jn8.9. Ac Ac5.33. Ro Ro2.14, Ro2.15. 1 Co 1Co4.4. 1Co14.24, 1Co14.25. Ti Tt3.11. condemn. f135, Ps + Ps68.28. us. f63:63B, Ge + Ge25.28. Supply ellipsis, (we know that). God is greater. God knows us better than we know ourselves. Our feelings of assurance are not a certain guide to the security or status of our salvation. God is greater than our feelings, and knows our hearts absolutely. When in doubt, our hearts would dwell on the negative evidence, glossing over the positive fruit that our spiritual life has shown. “This would seem to make God’s knowing all things not the cause of his condemning us more than our hearts do, but the reason why he spares us. He knows all our weaknesses, and his greater knowledge of our motives and infirmities will prevent Him from condemning or accusing us” (W. Graham, The Spirit of Love, p. 232). Graham prefers, however, the interpretation that if our own heart condemn us, much more will God condemn us, for God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things, a view supported, says Graham, by the following verse. Haupt (Comm. on 1 John, p. 223), however, argues convincingly that the former view is correct; that “God is greater than our heart” in respect to his greater Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 266. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

tenderness, not severity, for this is the ground of the consolation (“assure,” mg. persuade, ver. 1Jn3.19, which Haupt shows means soothe). So Wescott, who summarizes the meaning of the passage: “The sense within us of a sincere love of the brethren, which is the sign of God’s presence with us, will enable us to stay the accusations of our conscience, whatever they may be, because God, who gives us the love, and so blesses us with His fellowship, is greater than our heart; and He, having perfect knowledge, forgives all on which the heart sadly dwells” (Comm. on 1 John, p. 118). Haupt suggests that what the heart sadly dwells upon is its failure to measure up absolutely to the standard of “doing righteousness,” ver. 1Jn3.7. 1 J 1Jn4.4. Jb Job33.12. Jn Jn10.29, Jn10.30. 1 Co * 1Co4.4. He Heb6.13. and knoweth. f135, Ps + Ps68.28. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. Ps Ps44.20, Ps44.21. Ps90.8. * Ps139.1-4. Je +* Je17.10. Je23.24. Jn +* Jn2.24, Jn2.25. * Jn21.17. He ✓ Heb4.13. Re * Re2.23. 21. if our heart. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. T#1344. 1 J 1Jn2.28. 1Jn4.17. Jb Job22.26. * Job27.6. Ps Ps7.3-5. Ps101.2. 1 Co * 1Co4.4. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 1 Ti 1Ti2.8. condemn us not. Not a reference to sinless perfection, but to consciousness of fellowship with God (see A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures, vol. 6, p. 227). ver. 1Jn3.20. Ga Ga2.11. confidence. or, boldness. The Greek word signifies freedom to speak, and thus ties right in with the subject of prayer in the succeeding verse. T#1318. 1 J + 1Jn2.28. ✓ 1Jn5.14, 1Jn5.15. Jb Job11.15. Job22.26. Ps Ps6.8, Ps6.9. Ps20.5, Ps20.6. Ps25.1-3. Ps27.3, Ps27.10. Ps31.1, Ps31.3, Ps31.14. +* Ps34.4. Ps40.3, Ps40.4. Ps60.11, Ps60.12. Ps71.1. Ps86.7. Ro Ro14.22. 1 Ti 1Ti2.8. He +* Heb4.16. +* Heb10.22. 22. whatsoever. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.14. Ps Ps10.17. 34:+* Ps34.4, Ps34.15-17. * Ps37.4. +* Ps50.15. ✓ Ps66.18, Ps66.19. * Ps145.18, Ps145.19. Pr Pr15.29. Pr28.9. Is * Is1.15. ✓ Is55.6, Is55.7. Je ✓ Je29.12, Je29.13. ✓ Je33.3. Mt +* Mt7.7, Mt7.8. * Mt21.22. Mk ✓ Mk11.24. Lk ✓ Lk11.9-13. Jn +* Jn9.31. * Jn14.13. * Jn15.7. * Jn16.23, Jn16.24. Ja +* Jas1.5. +* Jas5.16. because. ver. 1Jn3.23, 1Jn3.24. Mt Mt7.24, Mt7.25. Mt17.5. Jn Jn15.10. Ac * Ac17.30. Ac20.21. we keep. T#1374. Dt Dt4.29-31. Dt30.1, Dt30.2. Ps Ps119.8, Ps119.47, Ps119.48, Ps119.57-61. Is Is50.10. Je * Je42.2, Je42.3, Je42.6. Mt ✓ Mt7.21. Jn * Jn9.31. +* Jn13.17. his commandments. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3n. do. Jn Jn6.29. Jn8.29. +* Jn9.31. Ph Php4.18. Col +✓ Col1.10. He * Heb13.21. in his sight. Nu = Nu3.4. 23. should believe on. 1 J * 1Jn5.13. Dt Dt18.15-19. Ps Ps2.12. Mk * Mk9.7. Jn + Jn5.47. * Jn6.29. * Jn14.1. ✓ Jn17.3. Ac ✓ Ac16.31. Ac18.8. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.15. the name. Jn + Jn1.12. love. See on ver. 1Jn3.11. 1 J 1Jn2.8-10. 1Jn4.21. Mt Mt22.39. Jn * Jn13.34. Jn15.12. Ep Eph5.2. 1 Th 1Th4.9. 1 P 1Pe1.22. 1Pe4.8. 24. he that keepeth. ver. 1Jn3.22. Jn +* Jn13.17. * Jn14.15, Jn14.21-23. Jn15.7-10. his commandments. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3n. dwelleth. 1 J 1Jn2.27, 1Jn2.28. 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.13, 1Jn4.15, 1Jn4.16. Jn Jn6.54-56. 14:23. 15:4, 5. 17:21. 1 Co 1Co3.16. 1Co6.19. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. 2 Ti 2Ti1.14. Re ✓ Re3.20. and he in. 1 J 1Jn1.3. Jn Jn14.20. Jn17.21. hereby. 1 J 1Jn4.13. we know. 1 J +* 1Jn2.3n. 1Jn4.13. Ps * Ps62.7. Ro +* Ro8.9-17. Ga * Ga4.5, Ga4.6. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Ro + Ro8.1n. Jn + Jn7.39. hath given. Jn Jn14.16, Jn14.17.

1 JOHN 4 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 267. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

The apostle warns Christians against those who falsely professed to be inspired; and gives directions for distinguishing the Spirit of truth from that of error, 1Jn4.1-6. He exhorts them to “love one another,” from the example of God in giving his Son for sinners; and from various considerations, tending to show the necessity, benefit, and efficacy of this sacred affection, 1Jn4.7-21. 1. believe not. Dt * Dt13.1-5. Pr +✓ Pr14.15. +* Pr18.17. Je * Je5.31. * Je29.8, Je29.9. Mt * Mt7.15, Mt7.16. * Mt24.4, Mt24.5. Mk +* Mk4.24. Ro Ro16.18. 2 P 2Pe2.1. spirit. f121:121A, Ezk + Eze37.1. Mt + Mt8.16. try. Dt * Dt18.22. Jb Job34.4. Pr +* Pr18.17. Is ✓ Is8.20. Lk Lk12.57. Ac +* Ac17.11. Ro Ro16.19. 1 Co 1Co12.10. ✓ 1Co14.29. 1 Th +✓ 1Th5.21. Re * Re2.2. spirits. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. many false prophets. T#473. 1 J + 1Jn2.18. 1 K 1Ki18.22. Je Je10.21. Ezk * Eze14.10n. Mt 7:+ Mt7.15, Mt7.22, Mt7.23. Mt24.5, Mt24.11, Mt24.23-26. Mk Mk13.21, Mk13.22. Lk * Lk21.8. Ac * Ac20.29, Ac20.30. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.13. 2 P * 2Pe2.1. 2 J * 2Jn7. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 2. Hereby know. Mt Mt11.27. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Jn + Jn7.39. Ph + Php3.3. Every. 1 J 1Jn5.1. Jn Jn16.13-15. 1 Co +* 1Co12.3. spirit. Gr. pneuma. B. F. Wescott states, “There is an endless variety in the operations of the Spirit (1 Co 1Co12.4). These severally appear to find characteristic organs in ‘spirits’ which are capable of acting on man’s spirit. Compare 1 Co 1Co12.10. 1Co14.12, 1Co14.32. He Heb1.14. ( Heb12.9, Heb12.23), (1 P 1Pe3.19), (Re Re22.6); Re Re1.4. Re3.1. Re4.5. Re5.6” (The Epistles of St. John, p. 141). Ac Ac23.9. 1 Co 1Co12.10. 2 Co 2Co11.4. For the other uses of pneuma, see Mt + Mt8.16n. come. f108:108B, Mt + Mt11.3. Note the three forms of the verb “come” (erchomai). Here, it is the perfect participle (eleeuthota), “being come.” In 1 J 1Jn5.6, it is the aorist participle (ho elthon), “this is he that came.” While in 2 J 2Jn7 it is the present participle (erchomenon), “who confess not that Jesus Christ is coming in the flesh”: i.e., in his human nature, the same Jesus, in like manner as he went into heaven (Ac Ac1.11). ver. 1Jn4.3. Jn +* Jn1.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 2 J 2Jn7. flesh. f171:171Q, Jn + Jn1.14. i.e. in His real human nature. 3. spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. that confesseth not. 1 J 1Jn2.22. 2 J 2Jn7. flesh. T#69. Mt Mt1.1. Mt8.20. Lk Lk2.52. Jn * Jn1.14. 1 Ti 1Ti2.5. He Heb2.14-18. of antichrist. See on 1 J 1Jn2.18, 1Jn2.22. 2 Th 2Th2.7, 2Th2.8. 2 J 2Jn7. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 4. are. ver. 1Jn4.6, 1Jn4.16. 1 J 1Jn3.9, 1Jn3.10. 1Jn5.19. little children. 1 J + 1Jn2.1. have overcome. 1 J + 1Jn2.13. * 1Jn5.4. Ro * Ro8.37. Ep Eph6.10, Eph6.13. Re Re12.11. greater. ver. 1Jn4.13, 1Jn4.16. 1 J 1Jn3.24. 2 K 2Ki6.16. 2 Ch 2Ch13.12. Jn ✓ Jn10.28-30. Jn14.17-23. Jn17.23. Ro +* Ro8.10, Ro8.11, Ro8.31. 1 Co 1Co6.13. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. Ep Eph3.17. in you. Col Col1.27. than. 1 J 1Jn5.19g. Jn +* Jn12.31. Jn14.30. Jn16.11. 1 Co * 1Co2.12. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. Ep * Eph2.2. Eph6.12. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 5. are. Ps Ps17.4. Lk * Lk16.8. Jn Jn3.31. Jn7.6, Jn7.7. Jn8.23. * Jn15.19, Jn15.20. Jn17.14, Jn17.16. + Jn18.36. Re Re12.9. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. * f121:121J, Jn + Jn1.10. therefore speak. Jn Jn3.31. 1 Co +* 1Co2.14. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. and. Is Is30.10, Is30.11. Je Je5.31. Je29.8. Mi Mic2.11. Jn + Jn15.19. Jn17.14. 2 Ti 2Ti4.3. 2 P * 2Pe2.2, 2Pe2.3. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 6. We are. See on ver. 1Jn4.4. Mi Mic3.8. Ro Ro1.1. 1 Co 1Co2.12-14. Ga * Ga1.1. 2 P 2Pe3.2. Ju Jud17. he that. Jn * Jn8.47. Jn10.16. Jn18.37. 1 Co * 1Co14.37. knoweth God. ver. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 268. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Jn4.8. 1 J 1Jn5.20. Lk Lk10.22. Jn Jn8.19, Jn8.45-50. * Jn10.27. Jn13.20. * Jn17.3. Jn18.37. * Jn20.21. Ro Ro1.21. 1 Co 1Co1.21. 1Co14.37. 2 Co 2Co10.7. Ga + Ga4.9. 2 Th 2Th1.8. heareth us. Jn * Jn8.47. heareth not. Jn * Jn8.47. Hereby. See on ver. 1Jn4.1. Is +* Is8.20n. the spirit. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk24.27. of truth. 1 J 1Jn2.27. 1Jn5.7. Jn Jn14.17. Jn15.26. Jn16.13. Ro +* Ro8.9. 1 Co 1Co2.12-14. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1. and. Is Is29.10. Ho Ho4.12. Mi Mic2.11. Ro Ro11.8. 2 Th 2Th2.9-11. the spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. 7. let. ver. 1Jn4.11, 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.20, 1Jn4.21. See on 1 J 1Jn2.10. 1Jn3.10-23. 1Jn5.1. love is. ver. 1Jn4.8. Dt Dt30.6. Ga * Ga5.22. 1 Th 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. 1 P * 1Pe1.22, 1Pe1.23. every. ver. 1Jn4.12. See on 1 J 1Jn2.29. * 1Jn3.14. 1Jn5.1. is born. 1 J + 1Jn2.29. 1Jn5.1. 1 P +* 1Pe1.23. and knoweth. Jn ✓ Jn17.3. 2 Co 2Co4.6. Ga Ga4.9. 8. He that. 1 J 1Jn3.10. knoweth. f96:96C, Mt + Mt3.17. 1 J 1Jn2.4, 1Jn2.9. 1Jn3.6. Jn Jn8.54, Jn8.55. God is. ver. 1Jn4.7, 1Jn4.16. 1 J 1Jn1.5. Ex * Ex34.6, Ex34.7. Ps Ps86.5, Ps86.15. Jn Jn4.24. 2 Co 2Co13.11. Ep Eph2.4. He Heb12.29. 9. was. 1 J + 1Jn2.5. * 1Jn3.16. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. Ro * Ro5.8-10. +* Ro8.32. toward us. ver. 1Jn4.16. God sent. ver. 1Jn4.10. 1 J 1Jn3.1. 1Jn5.11. Ge = Ge45.5, Ge45.7. Lk +* Lk4.18. Jn +* Jn3.16, Jn3.17. ✓ Jn5.23. Jn6.29. Jn8.29, Jn8.42. Ga ◐ Ga4.6. only. Ps * Ps2.7. Mk Mk12.6. Jn * Jn1.14-18. Jn3.16n, Jn3.18. He Heb1.5. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. we. 1 J * 1Jn5.11. Jn Jn6.51, Jn6.57. * Jn10.10, Jn10.28-30. Jn11.25, Jn11.26. ✓ Jn14.6. Col * Col3.3, Col3.4. 10. Herein. See on ver. 1Jn4.8, 1Jn4.9. 1 J 1Jn3.1. not. ver. 1Jn4.19. Dt Dt7.7, Dt7.8. Jn ✓ Jn15.16. Ro * Ro5.8-10. +* Ro8.29, Ro8.30. 2 Co * 2Co5.19-21. Ep Eph2.4, Eph2.5. Ti * Tt3.3-5. he loved. Jn Jn3.16. and sent. 1 J * 1Jn2.2. Da Da9.24. Ro * Ro3.25, Ro3.26. 1 P * 1Pe2.24. * 1Pe3.18. propitiation. 1 J +* 1Jn2.2. Ro Ro3.25. 11. if God. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. 1 J * 1Jn3.16, 1Jn3.23. Mt * Mt18.32, Mt18.33. Lk Lk10.37. Jn * Jn13.34. * Jn15.12, Jn15.13. 2 Co ✓ 2Co8.8, 2Co8.9. Ep ✓ Eph4.31, Eph4.32. * Eph5.1, Eph5.2. Col Col3.13. love one another. ver. + 1Jn4.7. 12. seen. ver. 1Jn4.20. Ge Ge32.30. Ex * Ex33.20. Nu Nu12.8. Jn +* Jn1.18. * Jn14.9. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.17. * 1Ti6.16. He Heb11.27. If we. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. love one. ver. 1Jn4.16. See on 1 J 1Jn3.24. dwelleth in. 1 J + 1Jn3.24. and his. ver. 1Jn4.17, 1Jn4.18. See on 1 J * 1Jn2.5. 1 Co 1Co13.13. 13. know we. ver. 1Jn4.15, 1Jn4.16. See on 1 J * 1Jn3.24. Jn * Jn14.20-26. Ro +* Ro8.9-17. 1 Co 1Co2.12. * 1Co3.16, 1Co3.17. * 1Co6.19. Ga * Ga5.22-25. Ep Eph2.20-22. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Lk + Lk1.17n. Jn + Jn7.39. 14. we have. 1 J 1Jn1.1-3. 1Jn5.9. Jn * Jn1.14. Jn3.11, Jn3.32. +* Jn5.39. Jn15.26, Jn15.27. Ac Ac18.5. 1 P 1Pe5.12. the Father. See on ver. 1Jn4.10. Jn Jn3.34. Jn5.36, Jn5.37. Jn10.36. sent. Jn +* Jn3.17. the Son. 1 J 1Jn2.22-24. Jn + Jn3.35. 2 J 2Jn3, 2Jn9. the Savior. 1 J 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. Jn +* Jn1.29. ✓ Jn3.16, Jn3.17. + Jn4.42. Jn12.47. 2 Ti + 2Ti1.10. of the. 1 J +* 1Jn2.2. Jn +* Jn1.9. Ro +* Ro5.18. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 15. confess. f108:108B, Mt + Mt10.32. ver. 1Jn4.2. 1 J + 1Jn2.23. 1Jn5.1, 1Jn5.5. Mt * Mt10.32. Lk Lk12.8. Ro ✓ Ro10.9. Ph * Php2.11. 2 J 2Jn7. that Jesus. 1 J 1Jn5.5. Mt + Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 269. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mt14.33. God dwelleth. See on ver. 1Jn4.12. 1 J 1Jn3.24. Is +* Is57.15. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. Ep * Eph2.22. 16. we. See on ver. 1Jn4.9, 1Jn4.10. 1 J 1Jn3.1, 1Jn3.16. Ps Ps18.1-3. Ps31.19. Ps36.7-9. Is Is64.4. Jn Jn6.69. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9. to us. ver. 1Jn4.9. God is love. See on ver. + 1Jn4.8, 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.13. Je Je31.3. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. Ro ✓5:◐+* Ro5.5, Ro5.8. Ep ◐+* Eph5.2. Ti Tt3.4. and he. ver. 1Jn4.12. 1 J 1Jn3.24. 17. our love. Gr. love with us. made. See on ver. 1Jn4.12. 1 J 1Jn2.5. Ja Jas2.22. we may. 1 J + 1Jn2.28. * 1Jn3.19-21. Ja Jas2.13. the day. Mt +* Mt10.15n. Mt11.22, Mt11.24. Mt12.36. 2 P +2:9. +*3:7. as he. 1 J 1Jn3.1, 1Jn3.3. Mt Mt10.25. Jn Jn15.20. Ro * Ro8.29. He * Heb12.2, Heb12.3. 1 P 1Pe3.16-18. 1Pe4.1-3, 1Pe4.13, 1Pe4.14. in this. Jn + Jn9.39. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 18. no fear. Ge = Ge43.18. Ps +* Ps34.4. Ps56.3. Is Is12.2. Lk Lk1.74, Lk1.75. Ro * Ro8.15. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.7. He +* Heb12.28. 1 P * 1Pe1.17. perfect love. Jn Jn3.18. Ro Ro8.15. fear hath. Jb Job15.21. Ps Ps73.19. Ps88.15, Ps88.16. Ps119.120. Ja * Jas2.19. torment. T#1012‡. ver. 1Jn4.8. Ps Ps145.20. Ec + Ec9.5 (T#998‡). Mt Mt25.46g. He that. See on ver. 1Jn4.12, 1Jn4.17. 1 J 1Jn2.5. 19. We love. See on ver. 1Jn4.10. Lk Lk7.47. Jn ✓ Jn3.16. +* Jn15.16. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. Ga Ga5.22. Ep * Eph2.3-5. Ti * Tt3.3-5. he first. f96:96E, Jn + Jn1.15. Ro Ro5.8. 20. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. a man say. See on 1 J 1Jn2.4. ✓ 1Jn3.17. Ti Tt1.16. and hateth. 1 J + 1Jn2.9, 1Jn2.11. not. See on ver. 1Jn4.12. Jn +* Jn1.18. 1 P 1Pe1.8. 21. this commandment. ver. 1Jn4.11. 1 J 1Jn3.11, 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.18, 1Jn3.23. Le +* Le19.18. Mt * Mt22.37-40. Mk Mk12.29-33. Lk Lk10.37. Jn * Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Jn15.12. Ro Ro12.9, Ro12.10. Ro13.9, Ro13.10. Ga * Ga5.6, Ga5.14. Ga6.2. 1 Th 1Th4.9. 1 P 1Pe3.8. 1Pe4.8. That he. ver. + 1Jn4.7.

1 JOHN 5 The apostle shows the connection between faith in Christ, regeneration, love to God and his children, obedience to his commandments, and victory over the world, 1Jn5.1-5. He states the manifold testimonies, by which the doctrine of Christ is proved; and declares the inseparable union between faith and eternal life, 1Jn5.6-13. He reminds Christians of the Lord’s readiness to hear their prayers, for themselves and each other, 1Jn5.14" 1Jn5.15 }; gives an intimation of “a sin unto death,” and the regenerate man’s security against committing it, 1Jn5.16-18; he strongly marks the difference between the “world that lieth in wickedness,” and true believers, 1Jn5.19" 1Jn5.20 }; and cautions Christians against idolatry, 1Jn5.21. 1. believeth. 1 J 1Jn2.22, 1Jn2.23. 1Jn4.2, 1Jn4.14, * 1Jn4.15. Mt Mt16.16. Jn ✓ Jn1.12, Jn1.13. Jn6.69. Ac * Ac8.37. Ro ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. Ga * Ga3.26. that Jesus is the. 1 J 1Jn2.22. Mk + Mk8.29. Ac + Ac18.5. is born. ver. 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.18. 1 J + 1Jn2.29. 1Jn3.9. 1Jn4.7. Jn Jn1.12, Jn1.13. ✓ Jn3.3, Jn3.5, Jn3.7. 1 P +* 1Pe1.23. and every. 1 J 1Jn2.10. 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.17. 1Jn4.20. Jn Jn15.23. Ja +* Jas1.18. 1 P * 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.22, 1Pe1.23. loveth him. Jn * Jn8.42. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 270. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. Hereby. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3n. we know. 1 J 1Jn3.22-24. 1Jn4.21. Jn * Jn13.34, Jn13.35. Jn15.17. we love. 1 J * 1Jn4.7. the children. 1 J + 1Jn3.1. keep. Jn Jn14.15. 3. this is. Ex Ex20.6. Dt Dt5.10. Dt7.9. Dt10.12, Dt10.13. Da Da9.4. Mt Mt12.47-50. Jn *14:+ Jn14.15, Jn14.21-24. * Jn15.10, Jn15.14. 2 J 2Jn6. the love. 1 J + 1Jn2.5. keep. 1 J +* 1Jn2.3. Ps * Ps119.4, Ps119.5. Jn Jn14.21. and his. Ps * Ps19.7-11. Ps119.45, Ps119.47, Ps119.48, Ps119.103, Ps119.104, Ps119.127, Ps119.128, Ps119.140, Ps119.143, Ps119.174. Pr Pr3.17. Mi +* Mic6.8. Mt * Mt11.28-30. Ro 7:+* Ro7.12, Ro7.22. He * Heb8.10. 4. whatsoever. f96:96G, Mt + Mt1.20. See on ver. 1Jn5.1. 1 J * 1Jn3.9. 1Jn4.4. Jn + Jn16.33. is born. ver. + 1Jn5.1. overcometh. ver. 1Jn5.5. 1 J * 1Jn2.13-17. 1Jn4.4. Jn Jn16.33. Ro * Ro8.35-37. 1 Co 1Co15.57. Re * Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.26. * Re3.5, Re3.12, Re3.21. ✓ Re12.11. Re15.2. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. f121:121J, Jn + Jn1.10. the victory. 1 Co 1Co15.57. that overcometh. 1 J 1Jn4.4-6. Re Re12.9-11. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. f121:121J, Jn + Jn1.10. T#743. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.15-17. Jn + Jn5.41 (T#59). Ro +* Ro12.2. Ga Ga6.14. Ja Jas4.4. He * Heb11.24-26. victory. f121:121F, Ge + Ge49.6. By Metonymy of the Effect, “victory,” the effect, is put for “our faith,” which accomplishes it. From Ep Eph6.16 we learn that it is through Christ; who is the shield which faith uses (B564). our faith. T#185, 1870. Jn Jn16.31. Ro ✓ Ro10.17. Ep Eph6.16. He Heb11.32-34. 1 P 1Pe1.8, 1Pe1.9. 5. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. * f121:121J, Jn + Jn1.10. but. See on ver. 1Jn5.1. 1 J 1Jn4.15. Mt + Mt14.33. 1 Co * 1Co15.57. 6. is he. Jn Jn19.34, Jn19.35. came. f108:108B, Mt + Mt11.3. by water and. ver. 1Jn5.7, 1Jn5.8. Is Is45.3, Is45.4. Ezk Eze36.25. Mt Mt3.13-15. Jn Jn1.31-33. Jn3.5. Jn4.10, Jn4.14. * Jn7.38, Jn7.39. ✓ Jn19.34. Ac Ac8.36. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.25-27. Ti ✓ Tt3.5. 1 P 1Pe3.21. blood. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. 1Jn4.10. Le +* Le17.11. Zc Zec9.11. Mt +* Mt26.28n. Mk Mk14.24. Lk Lk22.20. Jn Jn6.55. Ro Ro3.25. Ep * Eph1.7. Col Col1.14. He Heb9.7, Heb9.14, +* Heb9.22. Heb10.29. Heb12.24. Heb13.20. 1 P 1Pe1.2. Re +* Re1.5. * Re5.9. Re7.14. the Spirit Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. that beareth. ver. 1Jn5.7, 1Jn5.8. Jn * Jn14.17. * Jn15.26. * Jn16.13. Ac * Ac5.30-32. 1 Ti 1Ti3.16. He * Heb2.3, Heb2.4. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. is truth. f24:24J, Dt + Dt32.42. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Jn 14:✓ Jn14.6, Jn14.17. Jn15.26. * Jn16.13. 7. three. Ge +* Ge1.26. bear. ver. 1Jn5.10, 1Jn5.11. Jn Jn8.13, Jn8.14. the Father. The genuineness of the latter part of this verse, and the first clause of the next, it is well known has divided the opinions of learned men for nearly four centuries, nor is it yet decided. It is certainly wanting in many of the ancient MSS. and versions; and is not quoted by many of the Fathers: but the number of MSS. collated is but small, only about 400; it exists in some ancient confessions of faith and liturgies; is quoted by numerous Latin Fathers; and appears necessary from the connection in which it stands. It also seems more probable that the Arians should silently omit it in their copies, or that it should be left out by mistake, than that the trinitarians should forge and insert it; for the latter would only gain one argument for a doctrine which is abundantly taught in other Scriptures; but if it was admitted as the Word of God, all the ingenuity and diligence of opponents could scarcely avoid the inference naturally deducible from it. Contemporary scholarship, however, fails to support this reading in any form, suggesting it was added to a late Greek manuscript made for the purpose to influence Erasmus Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 271. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

to include it in his Greek text, for Erasmus had promised he would include the text if even one Greek manuscript could be found which contained it. Ps Ps33.6h. Is Is48.16, Is48.17. Is61.1. Mt * Mt3.16, Mt3.17. * Mt17.5. +* Mt28.19n. Jn Jn5.26. Jn8.18, Jn8.54. Jn10.37, Jn10.38. * Jn12.28. 1 Co 1Co12.4-6. 2 Co * 2Co13.14. Re Re1.4, Re1.5. the Word. See on 1 J 1Jn1.1. Jn * Jn1.1, Jn1.32-34. He * Heb4.12, Heb4.13. Re * Re19.13. the Holy. See on ver. 1Jn5.6. Mt Mt3.16. Jn * Jn1.32, Jn1.33. Ac Ac2.4, Ac2.33. Ac5.32. He Heb2.3, Heb2.4. * Heb10.15. Re Re19.10. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. and these. Dt +* Dt6.4. Mt +✓ Mt28.19n. Jn * Jn10.30. Jn14.9, Jn14.11. Ac * Ac5.3, Ac5.4. 1 Ti 1Ti3.16. 8. there. See on ver. 1Jn5.7. the Spirit. f96:96G, Mt + Mt1.20. See on ver. 1Jn5.6. Mt Mt26.26-28. +* Mt28.19. Jn * Jn15.26. Ro Ro8.16. Ga Ga5.22, Ga5.23. He * Heb6.4. the water. Ac Ac2.2-4. 2 Co * 2Co1.21, 2Co1.22. the blood. 1 Co * 1Co10.16. * 1Co11.26. He Heb13.12. 1 P 1Pe3.21. and these. f96:96G, Ge + Ge2.18. Although “Spirit,” “water,” and “blood” are all neuter gender, the pronoun “these” is masculine, because persons are meant. Mk Mk14.56. Jn * Jn16.13n, Jn16.14n. Ac Ac15.15. 9. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. we receive. ver. 1Jn5.10. Jn Jn3.32, Jn3.33. * Jn5.31-36, Jn5.39. Jn8.17-19. * Jn10.38. Ac * Ac5.32. ✓ Ac17.31. He * Heb2.4. * Heb6.18. for. Mt * Mt3.16, Mt3.17. * Mt17.5. witness of God. Jn Jn5.37. Jn8.18. testified of. Mt +* Mt3.17. 10. that believeth on. See on ver. 1Jn5.1. Jn ✓ Jn3.16, Jn3.33. + Jn4.39. the Son of God. ver. 1Jn5.12, 1Jn5.13, 1Jn5.20. Jn + Jn5.25. hath the witness. Ps Ps25.14. Pr Pr3.32. Ro * Ro5.5. ✓ Ro8.16. 2 Co * 2Co1.22. Ga * Ga4.6. Col * Col3.3. 2 P 2Pe1.19. Re * Re2.17, Re2.28. Re12.17. Re19.10. in himself. Jn Jn10.14. +* Jn14.20. believeth not. Jn + Jn5.24. Ti + Tt3.8. hath made. f108:108A, Ex + Ex8.18. 1 J 1Jn1.10. Nu Nu23.19. Jb Job24.25. Is * Is53.1. Je Je15.18. Jn Jn3.33. Jn5.38. He +* Heb3.12. because. Jn Jn5.38. gave of. Ro Ro1.3. 11. this. ver. 1Jn5.7, 1Jn5.10. Jn Jn1.19, Jn1.32-34. Jn8.13, Jn8.14. Jn19.35. 3 J 3Jn12. Re Re1.2. God. ver. 1Jn5.13. 1 J 1Jn2.25. Mt Mt25.46. Jn * Jn3.15, Jn3.16, Jn3.36. Jn4.4, Jn4.36. Jn6.40, Jn6.47, Jn6.68. ✓ Jn10.28. Jn12.50. ✓ Jn17.2, Jn17.3. Ro * Ro5.21. ✓ Ro6.23. 1 Ti 1Ti1.16. Ti +* Tt1.2. Ju * Jud21. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. this life. ver. 1Jn5.12, 1Jn5.20. 1 J 1Jn1.1-3. * 1Jn4.9. Jn +* Jn1.4. Jn5.21, Jn5.26. * Jn10.28. Jn11.25, Jn11.26. ✓ Jn14.6. * Jn17.2. Col * Col3.3, Col3.4. Re Re22.1. 12. that hath the. 1 J 1Jn2.23, 1Jn2.24. Jn ✓ Jn1.12. ✓ Jn3.15, Jn3.16, Jn3.36. ✓ Jn5.24. Ac Ac2.47. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. Ga +* Ga2.20n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.12. He +* Heb3.14. 2 J +* 2Jn9. hath life. Jn +* Jn20.31. and he. Mk ✓ Mk16.16. Jn ✓ Jn3.36. the Son of God. ver. 1Jn5.10, 1Jn5.20. Jn + Jn5.25. 13. have I. 1 J 1Jn1.4. 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.14, 1Jn2.21, 1Jn2.26. Jn ✓ Jn20.31. Jn21.24. 1 P 1Pe5.12. believe. 1 J * 1Jn3.23. Jb Job19.25. Jn * Jn1.12. Jn2.23. ✓ Jn3.18. Ac Ac3.16. ✓ Ac4.12. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15, 1Ti1.16. ye. This pronoun is plural, and it is argued by some that assurance is not valid for any specific individual, but only for the group, namely, the “body of Christ,” the Church. Such a view does not accord with those Scriptures which affirm such assurance of the individual, such as Ga Ga2.20n, and 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. may know. Gr. oida, Jn Jn8.55n. This is certainly one of the clearest statements in Scripture affirming that we may know in this life that we now have everlasting life—we are not left to wait until we die to Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 272. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

discover whether we have eternal life or not. ver. 1Jn5.10. 1 J 1Jn1.1, 1Jn1.2. Jn Jn14.20. Ro Ro8.15-17. 2 Co 2Co5.1. Ga Ga4.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.12. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10, 2Pe1.11. Re * Re3.20. ye have. Present tense, active voice, indicative mode, second person plural verb. Not will have, or merely hope we might have, but now have in the present: such is our assurance of eternal life. Yet, this assurance is grounded upon the individual believer possessing the marks of a true believer discussed throughout this epistle. A true believer lives (1) in constant fellowship with God, 1 J 1Jn1.8. 1Jn2.2. (2) true to the Gospel, 1 J 1Jn2.24. (3) with love for others, 1 J 1Jn3.18, 1Jn3.19. 1Jn4.7. (4) in obedience to God, 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3n. 1Jn3.23. 1Jn5.2-5. (5) untainted by the world, 1 J 1Jn2.15-17. 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. (6) consistently victorious over Satan, 1 J 1Jn3.8, 1Jn3.9. 1Jn4.4. 1Jn5.18. (7) concerned about souls, 1 J 1Jn5.16; see Ja +* Jas5.20. (8) assured of personal salvation, 1 J 1Jn4.17. ✓ 1Jn5.13. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. believe on. 1 J 1Jn3.23. Jn Jn1.12. Jn2.23. Jn3.18. + Jn4.39. Jn9.35. the name. Jn + Jn1.12. the Son of God. ver. 1Jn5.12. Jn + Jn5.25. 14. this. 1 J + 1Jn2.28. * 1Jn3.21. Ep Eph3.12. He Heb3.6, Heb3.14. Heb10.35. in him. or, concerning him. if we ask. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. See on 1 J 1Jn3.22. Jb Job27.9. Ps Ps18.41. Pr Pr10.24. Je ✓ Je29.12, Je29.13. ✓ Je33.3. Mt ✓ Mt7.7-11. * Mt21.22. Lk ✓ Lk11.9. Jn +* Jn9.31. Jn14.13. Jn15.7. * Jn16.24. Ja +* Jas1.5, Jas1.6. +* Jas4.3. +* Jas5.16. according to. T#1302. Jg Jdg10.15. 1 S 1Sa3.18. 2 S 2Sa10.12. 2Sa15.25, 2Sa15.26. Jb Job1.20, Job1.21. Ps Ps39.8, Ps39.9. Mt Mt6.10. Mt26.42. Mk Mk14.35, Mk14.36. Lk Lk11.2. Lk22.42. Ac Ac21.14. Ro Ro1.10. * Ro8.26, Ro8.27. Ro15.30-32. Ga Ga1.4. Ja Jas4.3, Jas4.13, Jas4.14. he heareth. f22:22C, Ge + Ge16.11. T#797. 1 J 1Jn3.22. Jb * Job22.27. Job34.28. 2 Ch = 2Ch30.27. Ps * Ps4.3. Ps31.22. Ps34.6, Ps34.15, Ps34.17. +* Ps50.15. Ps65.2. Ps69.33. Ps91.15. * Ps145.19. Pr * Pr15.29. Is * Is30.19. Is58.9. * Is65.24. Je ✓ Je29.12. Zc Zec13.9. Mt Mt7.7, Mt7.8, Mt7.11. * Mt21.22. Jn +* Jn9.31. Jn11.42. * Jn14.13, Jn14.14. Jn15.7. * Jn16.23, Jn16.24. Ja * Jas5.15, Jas5.16. 15. if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. Pr Pr15.29. Je Je15.12, Je15.13. ask. f63:63I, Nu + Nu26.4. Supply ellipsis, (according to his will). we know. ver. 1Jn5.18, 1Jn5.19, 1Jn5.20. 1 J + 1Jn3.2. Mk ✓ Mk11.24. Lk ✓ Lk11.9, Lk11.10. 16. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. he shall ask. T#1442. Ge +* Ge18.32. Ge20.7, Ge20.17. Ex Ex32.10-14, Ex32.31, Ex32.32. Ex34.9. Nu Nu12.13. Nu14.11-21. Dt Dt9.18-20. 2 Ch 2Ch30.18-20. Jb * Job42.7-9. Ps Ps106.23. +* Ps126.5, Ps126.6. Ezk Eze22.30. Am Am7.1-3. Ja * Jas5.14, Jas5.15. and he. i.e. God. f63:63A, Ge + Ge14.20. give him life for. Ja +* Jas5.20. There is. Nu Nu15.30. Nu16.26-32. 1 S 1Sa2.25. Je Je15.1, Je15.2. Mt +* Mt12.31n, Mt12.32n. Mk Mk3.28-30. Lk Lk12.10. 2 Ti 2Ti4.14. He * Heb6.4-6. +* Heb10.26-31. 2 P * 2Pe2.20-22. unto death. Ge +* Ge2.17. 2 S +* 2Sa12.13. I do not. Ex Ex32.10. Dt Dt9.14. +* Dt28.32mg,n. Je * Je7.16. Je11.14. Je14.11. Je18.18-21. Jn +* Jn17.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.14. 17. all. 1 J + 1Jn3.4. Dt Dt5.32. Dt12.32. unrighteousness. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.9. is sin. 1 J 1Jn3.4. Ja +* Jas4.17. and. ver. 1Jn5.16. Is * Is1.18. Ezk Eze18.26-32. Ro * Ro5.20, Ro5.21. Ja Jas1.15. Jas4.7-10. unto death. Ge +* Ge2.17. Pr +* Pr16.25. Je +* Je15.2. Ezk +* Eze18.26. 18. We know. ver. 1Jn5.15. 1 J + 1Jn3.2. whosoever. ver. 1Jn5.1, 1Jn5.4. 1 J + 1Jn2.29. 1Jn3.9. 1Jn4.6. Jn Jn1.13. Jn3.2-5. Ja Jas1.18. 1 P +* 1Pe1.23. sinneth not. 1 J * 1Jn3.9n. Ro * Ro7.17. keepeth. ver. 1Jn5.21. 1 J 1Jn3.3. Ps Ps17.4. Ps18.23. Ps39.1. Ps119.101. Pr +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 273. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Pr4.23. Jn * Jn15.4, Jn15.7, Jn15.9. Jn17.11, Jn17.12, Jn17.15. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ja Jas1.27. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.5. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. Ju * Jud21, * Jud24. Re Re2.13. Re3.8-10. himself. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22. Ja Jas1.27. wicked one. 1 J 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.14. 1Jn3.12. Mt +* Mt13.19. Ro * Ro16.20. toucheth him not. f108:108B, Ge + Ge26.29. Jb Job1.12. Lk * Lk22.31, Lk22.32. Ep Eph6.11. Ja Jas4.7. 19. we know. ver. 1Jn5.10, 1Jn5.13, 1Jn5.20. 1 J 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.24. 1Jn4.4-6. Ro Ro8.16. 2 Co 2Co1.12. 2Co5.1. 2 Ti 2Ti1.12. of God. 1 J +* 1Jn3.10. and the. 1 J 1Jn4.4, 1Jn4.5. Lk Lk4.6. Jn + Jn12.31. Jn15.18, Jn15.19. Ro +* Ro1.28-32. Ro3.9-18. Ga Ga1.4. Ti Tt3.3. Ja * Jas4.4. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. f121:121J, Jn + Jn3.16. in wickedness. ver. 1Jn5.18. Jn * Jn8.44. Jn12.31. +* Jn14.30. Jn16.11. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. Ep * Eph2.2. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. Re * Re12.9. * Re13.7, Re13.8. Re20.3, Re20.7, Re20.8. 20. we know. ver. 1Jn5.1. Re Re4.2, 14. the Son of God. ver. 1Jn5.10, 1Jn5.12, 1Jn5.13. Jn + Jn5.25. is come. Jn Jn8.42. He Heb10.7, Heb10.9. and hath given. Mt Mt13.11. Lk Lk21.15. +* Lk24.45. Jn * Jn17.3, Jn17.14, Jn17.25. 1 Co +* 1Co1.30. 2 Co * 2Co4.6. Ep Eph1.17-19. Eph3.18, Eph3.19. Col * Col2.2, Col2.3. an understanding. 1 J +* 1Jn2.27. Ps +* Ps32.8. Pr +* Pr8.9. Jn Jn16.13. Ja +* Jas1.5. know him. 1 J + 1Jn4.6. that is true. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. +* Jn17.3. Re 3:+ Re3.7, Re3.14. Re6.10. * Re15.3. Re19.11. and we. 1 J 1Jn2.6, 1Jn2.24. 1Jn4.16. Jn Jn10.30. Jn14.20, Jn14.23. Jn15.4. Jn17.20-23. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.17. Ph Php3.9. This is. ver. 1Jn5.11-13. 1 J 1Jn1.1-3. 1Jn2.22. Jn Jn6.50. Ac Ac1.22. 2 J 2Jn7. the true God. f79, Ge + Ge21.16. Is +* Is9.6. * Is44.6. Is45.14, Is45.15, Is45.21-25. Is54.5. Je Je10.10. +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Jn ✓ Jn1.1-3. * Jn14.9. * Jn17.3. +✓ Jn20.28n. Ac +✓ Ac20.28n. Ro +* Ro9.5n. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. Ti +* Tt2.13n. He +* Heb1.8. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. 21. Little. See on 1 J 1Jn2.1. keep. Ex +* Ex20.3, Ex20.4. Ex22.20. Mt ✓ Mt6.24. Ac Ac19.27, Ac19.35. 1 Co * 1Co10.7, 1Co10.14. 2 Co * 2Co6.16, 2Co6.17. Ga Ga5.20. Col +* Col3.5. Re Re9.20. Re13.14, Re13.15. Re14.11. Amen. See on Mt Mt6.13.

2 JOHN 2 JOHN The apostle addresses, with expressions of affectionate regard, and with salutations, “the elect lady and her children,” declaring his joy in their good behavior, 2Jn1-4. He exhorts them to brotherly love and obedience, 2Jn5" 2Jn6 }. He warns them against deceivers, that neither they, nor he, may lose their full reward, 2Jn7" 2Jn8 }; and against giving the least countenance to those, who did not bring the true doctrine of Christ, 2Jn9-11. He hopes to see them shortly, and concludes with salutations, 2Jn12" 2Jn13 }. 1. A.M. 4094. A.D. 90. or, A.M. 4073. A.D. 69. elder. Ac +* Ac11.30. +* Ac14.23. Phm * Phm9. 1 P * 1Pe5.1. 3 J * 3Jn1. the elect lady. eklektee kuria, which some, with the Peshitta Syriac and Arabic versions, render “to Kyria the elect,” considering kuria a proper name; while others, with the Vulgate, render “to the Lady Electa,” considering eklektee a proper name, which seems more correct. ver. 2Jn5, 2Jn13. Is ◐ Is42.1. ◐+* Is45.4. Lk Lk1.3. Jn +* Jn15.16. Ro * Ro8.33. ◐+* Ro9.11. * Ro16.13g. Ep * Eph1.4, Eph1.5. Eph2.10. 1 Th * 1Th1.3, 1Th1.4. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 1 Ti ◐ 1Ti5.21. 1 P * 1Pe1.2. ◐ 1Pe2.6. 1Pe5.13. 2 P ◐+* 2Pe3.9. whom. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 274. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

ver. 2Jn2, 2Jn3. Jn Jn11.5. 1 Co 1Co16.14. Ep Eph4.15. Phm Phm13. 1 P * 1Pe1.22, 1Pe1.23. 1 J * 1Jn3.18. 1Jn5.1. 3 J 3Jn1. I love. Jn Jn11.5. 1 J * 1Jn5.1. in the truth. Phm Phm13. known. Jn * Jn8.31, Jn8.32. Ga Ga2.5, Ga2.14. * Ga3.1. * Ga5.7. Col Col1.5. 2 Th 2Th2.13. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.4. He * Heb10.26. 1 J 1Jn2.21. the truth. Jn Jn1.17. Jn8.32. ✓ Jn14.6. Ga + Ga2.5. Ep Eph4.15. 2 Ti 2Ti3.7. 2. the truth’s. Jn Jn8.31, Jn8.44. 1 Co * 1Co9.23. 1Co13.6. 2 Co 2Co4.5. 2Co13.8. 2 P 2Pe1.12. 1 J +* 1Jn2.4. 1Jn3.15. which dwelleth. Jn Jn8.31, Jn8.44. * Jn15.7. Col * Col3.16. 2 Ti 2Ti1.5. 1 P * 1Pe1.23-25. 1 J * 1Jn2.4, 1Jn2.14, 1Jn2.17. 1Jn3.15. in us. 1 J 1Jn1.8. with us. Ps * Ps119.89. Mt * Mt24.35. Jn Jn14.16. Jn17.17. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19. 3. Grace. Ro +* Ro1.7. 2 Co 2Co1.2. Ga Ga1.3. Ph Php1.2. Col Col1.2. 1 Th 1Th1.1. 2 Th 2Th1.2. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. Ju Jud2. Re Re1.4. be. Gr. shall be. mercy. Ju Jud2. and. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. peace. Ti Tt1.4. Phm Phm3. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 2 P 2Pe1.2. the Son. ver. 2Jn9. Jn Jn1.14, Jn1.18. Jn3.16, Jn3.35. Jn16.28. 1 J * 1Jn2.22-24. 1Jn4.1, 1Jn4.4, 1Jn4.10. in truth. ver. 2Jn1. Zc * Zec8.19. Jn Jn1.17. Ga * Ga5.6. Ep Eph4.15. 1 Ti 1Ti1.14. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.13. 4. rejoiced. Ph Php4.10. 1 Th * 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. 1Th3.6-10. Phm Phm7. 3 J * 3Jn3, * 3Jn4. thy children. Ge +* Ge18.19. 1 K * 1Ki2.1, 1Ki2.3, 1Ki2.4. 1 Co 1Co4.15. 1Co7.14. Ga Ga4.19. Ep Eph6.1. Phm Phm10. 1 J * 1Jn2.13. walking. Ho * Ho14.9. Ml Mal2.6. Ga * Ga2.14. Ep * Eph5.2, Eph5.8. Col +✓ Col1.10. 1 J * 1Jn1.6, 1Jn1.7. ✓ 1Jn2.6. in truth. Is Is38.3. 3 J 3Jn3, 3Jn4. commandment. Ro Ro6.17. 2 Co 2Co5.7. Ga Ga5.16. 1 Th 1Th4.1. 1 J * 1Jn2.6. 5. And now. The mode of address here shows, that it was a person, not a church, as some suppose, to whom the Apostle wrote. beseech. Ge Ge42.21. Ex Ex32.11. Ezr Ezr8.23. Ps Ps80.14. Ps116.4. Ps118.25. Ps119.108. Mt Mt8.5. Mk Mk5.17. Mk7.32. Ac Ac19.31. Ro * Ro12.1, Ro12.2. Ro15.30. 1 Co 1Co16.12. 2 Co 2Co12.8. Ga Ga4.12. Ep Eph4.1. Phm * Phm9, Phm10. He Heb13.19. 1 P * 1Pe2.11. lady. ver. 2Jn1, 2Jn13. Jg Jdg4.4. 1 S 1Sa2.1-10. Jl Joe2.28, Joe2.29. Lk Lk2.36-38. Ac Ac1.14, Ac1.15. * Ac2.17, Ac2.18. Ro * Ro16.1-7, Ro16.13, Ro16.15. 1 Co * 1Co11.4, 1Co11.5. ◐* 1Co14.34, 1Co14.35. Ga * Ga3.28. 1 Ti ◐+* 1Ti2.12. not. 1 J * 1Jn2.7, 1Jn2.8. * 1Jn3.11. 1Jn5.3. new. Gr. kainos, new in quality, use, application, or character, as opposed to being new in time; see Mt Mt9.17 where contrasting terms occur together, kainos being second, applied to wineskins which were not brand new (as was the wine), but simply not having been used before, unused. See the use of kainos at Jn Jn13.34. Mk Mk2.22n. Jn Jn19.41. 1 Co 1Co11.25. 2 Co * 2Co5.17. Ga Ga6.15. Ep Eph2.15. Eph4.24. He Heb8.8, Heb8.13. Heb9.15. 2 P * 2Pe3.13. 1 J 1Jn2.7, 1Jn2.8. Re Re2.17. * Re3.12. Re5.9. Re14.3. * Re21.1, Re21.2, Re21.5. commandment. Jn * Jn13.34. had from. Le +* Le19.18. that we love. Le +* Le19.18. Jn * Jn13.34, Jn13.35. * Jn15.12. Ga Ga5.22. Ep * Eph5.2. 1 Th * 1Th4.9. He Heb13.1. 1 P * 1Pe1.22, 1Pe1.23. * 1Pe4.8. 2 P 2Pe1.7. 1 J * 1Jn2.710. * 1Jn3.11, 1Jn3.14-18, 1Jn3.23. * 1Jn4.7-12, 1Jn4.20. 6. this is love. Jn *14:+ Jn14.15, Jn14.21. * Jn15.10, Jn15.14. Ro Ro13.8, Ro13.9. 1 Co 1Co13.4. Ga * Ga5.13, Ga5.14. 1 J 1Jn2.5. * 1Jn5.3. walk. f25, Ge + Ge4.4. This is the. See on ver. 2Jn5. 1 J +* 1Jn2.24. beginning. 1 J 1Jn2.7. walk. See on ver. 2Jn4. 7. many. Je Je14.14. Je23.21, Je23.25. Mt * Mt24.4, Mt24.5, Mt24.23, Mt24.24. Jn Jn5.43. Ac Ac5.36. Ac8.9. Ep Eph5.6. Col Col2.8, Col2.18. 2 Th 2Th2.3. See on 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 275. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1 J * 1Jn2.18-22, 1Jn2.26. * 1Jn4.1. deceivers. Mt Mt27.63. 2 Co 2Co6.8. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1g. entered. or, gone forth. Mt Mt24.24. Ac Ac20.29. 1 J * 1Jn2.19. * 1Jn4.1. who. Jn * Jn1.14, Jn1.20. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1 J 1Jn4.2, 1Jn4.3. Re Re12.9. Re13.14. is come. lit. is coming. John affirms Jesus Christ at his Second Advent “is coming in the flesh”: i.e., in his human nature, the same Jesus, in like manner as he went into heaven. See related notes (Mt Mt16.27n. 1 J 1Jn4.2n). Peters affirms the validity of applying this text to the Second Advent, not the first, citing Alford and other scholars (Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 1, p. 570; vol. 2, p. 347, 698. vol. 3, p. 49). So B. F. Westcott states “The thought centers upon the present perfection of the Lord’s manhood which is still, and is to be manifested, and not upon the past fact of His coming, 1 J 1Jn4.2” (The Epistles of St. John, p. 229). Scripture affirms He is coming to the earth (Zc Zec14.4. Re +* Re5.10n), to reign upon the earth (not merely over it from heaven) from Jerusalem (Is ✓ Is24.23. Mi +* Mic4.7). Christ will be personally present (Ps Ps102.16. Is +* Is24.23. Mi +* Mic4.7. Ac +* Ac3.20, Ac3.21) in his humanity (Mt Mt16.27n) to rule forever (Lk +* Lk1.32, Lk1.33) over his kingdom, his inheritance, which is upon earth (Mt +* Mt5.5. Mt6.10. Ro Ro4.13. Ep +* Eph1.11n. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.18n. He Heb11.16n. 1 P 1Pe1.4n). The throne of David, which Christ inherits (Lk Lk1.32), is upon earth (Am +✓ Am9.11. Zc Zec1.16, Zec1.17. Zec2.12. Ac Ac15.16), not in heaven (See Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 1, Proposition 52, Observation 12, pp. 350-351). Zc Zec13.6. Jn Jn3.31g. Jn11.27g. Jn21.14. Ac +* Ac1.11. 1 Co 1Co15.1-23, 1Co15.35g. Ph * Php3.21. Col Col3.6g. 1 J * 1Jn3.1-3. ◐ 1Jn4.2n, 1Jn4.3. x◐3 J 3g. Re Re1.4g. Re22.16, Re22.20g. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. who confess not. Jn * Jn1.14. 1 Ti * 1Ti3.16. 1 J 1Jn2.23. 1Jn4.2, 1Jn4.3. Re Re12.9. Re13.14. that Jesus. Jn + Jn1.14. 1 J 1Jn4.2. This is. 1 J * 1Jn2.22, 1Jn2.26. * 1Jn4.3. ◐+* 1Jn5.20. antichrist. 2 Th * 2Th2.7-11. 1 J 1Jn2.18. 8. Look. Mt * Mt24.4, Mt24.24, Mt24.25. Mk Mk13.5, Mk13.6, Mk13.9, Mk13.23. Lk Lk21.8. He +* Heb12.15. Re * Re3.11. that we lose. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. 1 Co * 1Co3.815. Ga * Ga3.4. +* Ga4.11. * Ga6.9. Ph * Php2.15, Php2.16. Php3.16. He * Heb10.32, Heb10.35. Re * Re3.11. wrought. or, gained. “Some copies read, which ye have gained, but that ye receive, etc.” Ga Ga4.19. 1 Th 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. He Heb10.39. that we receive. Da +* Da12.3. Lk ◐* Lk12.48. +* Lk14.14. Jn * Jn4.36. 1 Co *3:+ 1Co3.8, 1Co3.14, 1Co3.15. +✓ 1Co15.58. Ga Ga6.9. He Heb3.14. Heb6.11, Heb6.12. Heb10.36. Heb11.26. Re Re11.18. * Re22.12. full reward. Ru Ru2.12. 9. transgresseth. He Heb3.13. Ja * Jas5.19, Jas5.20. 1 J 1Jn5.16. 3 J 3Jn9. Ju Jud23. or, goeth onward. Pr Pr3.7. Ph Php2.3. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. 1Ti5.24. 1Ti6.3. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. 2Ti3.14. He Heb7.18. Ja Jas3.1. Jas4.10. 3 J 3Jn9. abideth not. Ps * Ps119.57. Jn Jn7.16. See on +*8:31. +*15:6. 1 J * 1Jn2.22-24. the doctrine. Jn * Jn7.16, Jn7.17. * Jn8.42. Jn18.19. Ac * Ac2.42. Col * Col3.16. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. 1Ti4.13, 1Ti4.16. 1Ti6.3. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. +* 2Ti2.2. 2Ti4.3, 2Ti4.4. Ti * Tt2.10. He * Heb6.1. Re Re2.14, Re2.15, Re2.24. hath not. Mt +* Mt11.27. Lk Lk10.22. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. ✓ Jn14.6. 1 J 1Jn2.23. 1Jn4.15. 1Jn5.1. 3 J 3Jn9. He that. Ps Ps119.57. Jn Jn15.10. He * Heb3.6, Heb3.14. he hath. 1 J * 1Jn1.3. * 1Jn2.23. the Father. ver. + 2Jn3. 10. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. come. ver. * 2Jn11. Mt Mt10.13, etc. Lk Lk10.5, etc. Ac * Ac20.29, Ac20.30. Ro * Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 1 Co * 1Co5.11. 1Co11.19. * 1Co16.22. 2 Co * 2Co11.3, 2Co11.4, 2Co11.13-15. Ga * Ga1.8, Ga1.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.5, 2Ti3.6. Ti * Tt3.10. doctrine. Ga * Ga1.8, Ga1.9. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.16. Ti * Tt3.10. Ju +* Jud3. receive. 1 K 1Ki13.16, etc. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 276. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps 119:+* Ps119.63, Ps119.115. * Ps139.21, Ps139.22. Mt Mt10.13, Mt10.14. +* Mt15.14. Lk +* Lk10.38. Ac Ac19.9. Ro ◐ Ro15.7. * Ro16.17, Ro16.18. 1 Co * 1Co5.11. 1Co16.22. Ga Ga1.8, Ga1.9. 2 Th 2Th3.6, 2Th3.14. 1 Ti ◐ 1Ti1.10. ◐* 1Ti6.3. 2 Ti ◐* 2Ti2.22. 2Ti3.5-7. Ti ◐ Tt1.1. He +* Heb10.35. 3 J 3Jn8. house. Ro * Ro16.5. 1 Co 1Co16.19. Col * Col4.15. Phm * Phm2. neither. Ge Ge24.12. 2 Ch +✓ 2Ch19.2. Ps * Ps129.8. Ac + Ac15.23. bid. Mt Mt26.49g. 11. he that. ver. 2Jn10. Ac Ac15.23. partaker. Jsh Jos7.24, Jos7.25. Ps +* Ps50.18. ◐*119:+ Ps119.63, Ps119.115. Ps139.21, Ps139.22. Ro Ro15.27. 1 Co 1Co5.6. Ep +* Eph5.11. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.22. Ju Jud23. Re * Re18.4. evil deeds. Jn + Jn7.7. 12. many. Jn * Jn16.12. Ga Ga4.20. Ju Jud3. I would. Jn * Jn21.25. 3 J * 3Jn13, 3Jn14. ink. 2 Co 2Co3.3. I trust. Jn Jn16.22. Ro Ro1.11, Ro1.12, Ro1.13. Ro15.24, Ro15.29, Ro15.30, Ro15.32. 1 Co 1Co13.12. 1Co16.5-7. Phm * Phm22. He * Heb13.19, Heb13.23. 3 J 3Jn14. to come. Jn Jn16.22. Ro Ro15.29, Ro15.30, Ro15.32. Ga Ga4.20. face to face. Gr. mouth to mouth. Nu * Nu12.8. Je Je32.4g. 1 Co * 1Co13.12. that. Jn +* Jn15.11. * Jn16.24. Jn17.13. 2 Ti 2Ti1.4. 1 J * 1Jn1.4. our. or, your. joy. Jn Jn3.29. Jn +* Jn15.11. Jn17.13. Ro Ro15.13. 1 J 1Jn1.4. 13. children. See on ver. 2Jn1. 1 P 1Pe5.13. elect. See on ver. 2Jn1. sister. See on ver. * 2Jn5. Mt Mt12.50. Mt13.56.

3 JOHN 3 JOHN The apostle addresses Gaius, with good wishes, commendations, and exhortations to persevere, in his liberal and zealous support of those who went forth to preach the gospel, 3Jn1-8. He cautions him against the presumptuous and malicious designs of Diotrephes; and highly commends Demetrius, 3Jn9-12. Giving intimations of an intended visit, he concludes with salutations, 3Jn13" 3Jn14 }. 1. elder. 1 P 1Pe5.1. See on 2 J 2Jn1. Gaius. Ac ? Ac19.29. ? Ac20.4. Ro ? Ro16.23. 1 Co ? 1Co1.14. the well-beloved. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. Phm Phm1, Phm2. whom. 1 J 1Jn3.18. See on 2 J 2Jn1. in the truth. or, truly. 2. wish. or, pray. Ro Ro9.3. above. Ja Jas5.12. 1 P 1Pe4.8. that. Ps Ps20.1-5. Ph Php2.4, Php2.27. prosper. Jsh +* Jos1.8. 2 Ch +* 2Ch20.20. Ps +* Ps1.3. Mt +* Mt6.33. Ro + Ro1.10. 1 Co 1Co16.2. be in health. Ex * Ex15.26. +* Ex23.25. Dt Dt7.15. Ps +* Ps103.3. Pr * Pr4.20-22. Pr17.22. Is Is33.24. Je Je30.17. Mt * Mt8.17. Mk Mk1.41. Lk Lk5.31. Lk7.10. Lk15.27. Ac * Ac10.38. 1 Ti ◐ 1Ti1.10g. 1Ti4.8. ◐ 1Ti6.3g. even as. ver. 3Jn3-6. Col Col1.4-6. 1 Th 1Th1.3-10. ✓ 1Th2.13, 1Th2.14, 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. 1Th3.6-9. 2 Th 2Th1.3. * 2Th2.13. Phm Phm5-7. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.3-9. +* 2Pe3.18. Re Re2.9. soul. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Lk + Lk21.19. Jn Jn12.27. 3. I. ver. 3Jn4. Ph Php1.4. Php4.10. 1 Th * 1Th2.19, 1Th2.20. See on 2 J 2Jn4. when. Ro Ro1.8, Ro1.9. 2 Co 2Co7.6, 2Co7.7. Ep Eph1.15, Eph1.16. Col Col1.7, Col1.8. 1 Th 1Th3.6-9. in the truth. Ps ✓ Ps119.11. Is Is38.3. See on 2 J 2Jn2, 2Jn4. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 277. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

4. have. Pr Pr23.24. to hear. Ph Php1.27. that. Is Is8.18. 1 Co * 1Co4.14, 1Co4.15. Ga Ga4.19. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. Ti Tt1.4. Phm Phm10. walk. 1 K 1Ki2.4. 1Ki3.6. 2 K +* 2Ki20.3. Ps Ps26.13. Is Is38.3. Jn Jn12.35, Jn12.36. Ga Ga2.14. in truth. ver. 3Jn12. Ps Ps119.3. Is Is38.3. 2 J + 2Jn1, 2Jn4. 5. thou doest faithfully. Nu Nu12.7. 2 K 2Ki12.15. 2 Ch 2Ch19.9. 2Ch31.12. 2Ch34.12. Mt +✓ Mt24.45. Lk +* Lk12.42. ✓ Lk16.10-12. 2 Co * 2Co4.1-3. Col * Col3.17. 1 P * 1Pe4.10, 1Pe4.11. to the brethren. ver. 3Jn10. Ga +* Ga6.10. He * Heb13.1. strangers. Mt + Mt25.35. He * Heb13.2. 6. have borne witness of thy charity. ver. 3Jn12. Phm Phm5-7. before the church. 1 Co 1Co14.19, 1Co14.35. whom. Ac Ac15.3. Ac21.5. Ro Ro15.24. 2 Co 2Co1.16. Ti Tt3.13. bring forward. Ac +* Ac15.3. Ac20.38. Ac21.5. Ro Ro15.24. 1 Co 1Co16.6, 1Co16.11. 2 Co 2Co1.16. Ti Tt3.13. after a godly sort. or, worthy of God. This is a literal and proper rendering of the original axios tou theou; by which the antecedent to the possessive pronoun his, in the next verse, becomes immediately apparent. “In a manner worthy of God, and of your relations and obligations to Him, and such as He can approve.” Jn Jn13.20. Ro Ro16.2. Ep Eph4.1. Ph Php1.27. Col +* Col1.10. 1 Th * 1Th2.12g. do well. Ge Ge4.7. Jon Jon4.4. Mt Mt25.21-23. Ac Ac10.33. Ac15.29. 1 Co 1Co7.37, etc. Ph Php4.14. Ja Jas2.19. 1 P 1Pe2.20. 2 P 2Pe1.19. 7. that. Ac * Ac8.4. * Ac9.16. 2 Co 2Co4.5. Col Col1.24. Re * Re2.3. name’s. Ac + Ac5.41. taking nothing. Ex +* Ex18.21. 2 K * 2Ki5.15, 2Ki5.16, 2Ki5.20-27. Ps +* Ps50.16. Ac +* Ac6.3. + Ac20.33. Ro Ro12.13. 1 Co 1Co9.12-15, 1Co9.18. 2 Co 2Co11.7-9. 2Co12.13, 2Co12.16-18. Ga Ga6.6, Ga6.7. 1 Th 1Th2.6. +* 1Th5.22. Ti Tt1.7. 8. to receive. ver. 3Jn10. Mt Mt10.14, * Mt10.40. Lk Lk9.48. Lk10.7-12. Ro * Ro15.7. 2 Co 2Co7.2, 2Co7.3. fellowhelpers. 1 S 1Sa30.24. 1 Co 1Co3.5-9. 1Co16.10, 1Co16.11. 2 Co 2Co6.1. 2Co8.23. Ph Php4.3. Col Col4.11. 1 Th 1Th3.2. Phm Phm2, Phm24. 9. Diotrephes. i.e. nourished by Jupiter, ❅S#1361g. who loveth. o philprotuon, “who loveth the presidency,” or chief place, doubtless in the church, of which Diotrephes was most probably an officer; and being one, magnified himself in his office: he loved such preeminence, and behaved haughtily in it. Mt ✓ Mt20.20-28. * Mt23.4-8. Mk Mk9.34. * Mk10.3545. Lk Lk22.24-27. Ro +* Ro12.3, Ro12.10, Ro12.16. 2 Co +* 2Co1.24. Ph +* Php2.3-5. Ti 6:3, 4. 2 J 2Jn9. receiveth. See on ver. 3Jn8. Mt Mt10.40-42. Mk Mk9.37. Lk Lk9.48. Jn Jn5.43. ◐+* Jn13.20. Jn15.20. Ac * Ac9.26, Ac9.27. 10. if I come. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. ver. 3Jn14. 2 J 2Jn12. I will. 1 Co 1Co4.21. 1Co5.15. 2 Co 2Co10.1-11. * 2Co13.2, 2Co13.10. prating. Pr Pr10.8, Pr10.10. 1 Ti 1Ti5.13g. not content. 1 Ti 1Ti6.8. He Heb13.5. neither doth. ver. + 3Jn5. the brethren. Ep + Eph6.23. 1 J 1Jn3.14, 1Jn3.16. forbiddeth. Mt Mt3.14g. and casteth. Is +* Is66.5. Lk Lk6.22. Jn Jn9.22, Jn9.34, Jn9.35. 1 J ◐ 1Jn2.19. 11. Beloved. Beloved, agapeete, is in the vocative singular, and therefore refers to Gaius. follow. Rather, imitate, Gr. mimou, ❅S#3401g. 2 Th 2Th3.7, 2Th3.9. He Heb13.7. not that. Ex +* Ex23.2. 2 Ch 2Ch13.7. Ps Ps34.14. * Ps37.27. +* Ps101.4. Pr * Pr12.11. * Pr13.20. Is * Is1.16. Je +* Je10.2. 1 Co 1Co15.33. evil. f25, Ge + Ge4.4. f68, Ge + Ge10.1. but that. Est +* Es1.12. Ps Ps34.14. Ps37.27. +* Ps119.63. Pr ✓ Pr13.20. Is Is1.17. Jn * Jn10.27. Jn12.26. 1 Co Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 278. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Co4.16. +* 1Co11.1. Ep Eph5.1. Ph Php2.12. * Php3.17. 1 Th 1Th1.6. 1Th2.14. 2 Th 2Th3.7, 2Th3.9g. 2 Ti 2Ti3.10mg, +* 2Ti3.14. He +* Heb6.12. Heb13.7g. 1 P 1Pe3.13. He that doeth good. Mk Mk3.4. Lk Lk6.9. Ro Ro2.10. ◐ Ro7.20. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.8. Ja ◐+* Jas3.2. 1 P 1Pe3.11. See on 1 J + 1Jn2.29. 1Jn3.6-9. of God. Jn + Jn11.52. he that doeth evil. Jn * Jn3.20. Ro +* Ro12.21. 1 P 1Pe3.17. hath not seen. 1 J + 1Jn3.6. 12. Demetrius. Ac ? Ac19.21, etc. Col ? Col4.4. 2 Ti ? 2Ti4.10. Phm ? Phm24. good report. Ac +* Ac6.3g. Ac10.22. Ac22.12. 1 Th 1Th4.12. 1 Ti 1Ti3.7. the truth. ver. 3Jn4, 3Jn8. 1 J ? 1Jn5.6. and we. Jn Jn19.35. Jn21.24. ye know. Jn Jn5.32. Jn21.24. 13. many things. See on 2 J 2Jn12. with ink. 2 J 2Jn12. and pen. Mt Mt11.7. 14. face to face. Gr. mouth to mouth. 2 J + 2Jn12. Peace. Ge Ge43.23. Da Da4.1. Lk Lk10.5. Lk24.36. Jn Jn20.19, Jn20.21, Jn20.26. Ga Ga6.16. Ep + Eph6.23. 1 P 1Pe5.14. Our. Ro Ro16.10, Ro16.11mg. friends. Instead of philoi and philous, “friends,” an appellation used no where else as a mutual address among Christians, several MSS. read adelphoi and adelphous, “brethren.” Greet. See on Ro Ro16.1-16. by name. Ps * Ps40.17. Lk Lk10.20. Jn +* Jn10.3g.

JUDE JUDE The address and salutation; and the writer’s purpose in the epistle, namely, to establish Christians against certain false teachers, who were men of a very bad character, and to excite them to “contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints,” Jud1-4. The example of the Israelites who perished in the wilderness, that of fallen angels, and that of Sodom, are adduced, as showing the danger to which those who apostatized, or perverted the gospel, were exposed, Jud5-7. The vile character of these seducers further shown, and their doom denounced; with reference to some traditions, concerning Michael contending with the devil about the body of Moses; and an ancient prediction delivered by Enoch, concerning the “day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men,” Jud8-16. Warnings, counsels, and exhortations suited to the occasion, whereby the godly, by the assistance of the Holy Spirit and prayers to God, may persevere and grow in grace and keep themselves and recover others out of the snares of the deceivers; and a concluding ascription of glory “to the only wise God our Savior,” Jud17-25. 1. A.M. 4069. A.D. 65. Jude. i.e. praised; confession, ❅S#2455g, so rendered only here. Mt Mt10.3, Lebbeus, Thaddeus. Mk Mk3.18, Thaddeus. +*6:3. Lk Lk6.16. Jn Jn14.22. Ac * Ac1.13. the servant. Jn Jn12.26. Ac Ac27.23. Ro Ro1.1. Ro6.22. Ro16.18. Ja + Jas1.1. 2 P 2Pe1.1. to them. Jn +* Jn15.16. * Jn17.17, Jn17.19. Ac * Ac20.32. Ro Ro1.7. 1 Co 1Co1.2. * 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.26. Col Col3.12. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23. 1 P 1Pe1.2. preserved. Jn Jn6.39. ✓ Jn10.28-30. * Jn17.11, Jn17.12, Jn17.15. 1 Th +* 1Th5.23. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.18. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4, 1Pe1.5. and called. Ro +* Ro8.30. Ro9.24. 1 Th 1Th1.4. 1Th2.12. 2 Th * 2Th2.13, 2Th2.14. 2 Ti +* 2Ti1.9. He Heb3.1. 1 P * 1Pe2.9. * 1Pe5.10.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 279. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. Mercy. See on Ro Ro1.7. Ga Ga6.16. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2. Ti Tt1.4. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 2 P 2Pe1.2. 2 J 2Jn3. Re Re1.4-6. and. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. peace. Da Da4.1. Da6.25. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 2 P 2Pe1.2. 3. Beloved. 3 J 3Jn2. when. Ro Ro15.15, Ro15.16. Ga Ga6.11. He Heb13.22. 1 P 1Pe5.12. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.12-15. 2Pe3.1. all diligence. 2 P 2Pe1.5. the common. Is Is45.17, Is45.22. Jn * Jn1.12. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. Ac13.46, Ac13.47. Ac28.28. Ga * Ga3.28. Ep +* Eph4.4. Ti * Tt1.4. 2 P * 2Pe1.1. salvation. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. He * Heb2.3. +* Heb9.28. needful. Lk Lk14.18. He Heb7.27. earnestly contend. T#188. Ne +* Ne13.11, Ne13.25. Je * Je9.3. Mt +* Mt15.14. + Mt28.19 (T#458). Lk Lk13.24. Jn Jn18.37. Ac Ac6.8-10. Ac9.22, Ac9.29. +* Ac17.3, Ac17.16, Ac17.17. Ac18.4-6, * Ac18.28. Ac19.8-10. 1 Co 1Co9.25. Ga Ga2.11. Ph * Php1.17, Php1.27. 1 Th 1Th2.2. 1 Ti 1Ti1.18. * 1Ti6.12. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.13. * 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.8. Ti Tt1.13. He Heb12.4. Re Re2.10. +* Re12.11. the faith. f121:121R, Ac + Ac6.7. ver. Jud20. Lk +* Lk18.8. Ga Ga1.23. Ga3.23. Ep Eph4.5, Eph4.13. Ph Php1.27. once delivered. Dt Dt9.10. Dt31.9. Ac * Ac20.27. 1 Co 1Co11.2. +* 1Co15.3. Ga Ga2.5. 2 Th 2Th2.15. 1 Ti 1Ti6.20. 2 P 2Pe2.21. * 2Pe3.2. the saints. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. See on Ep Eph1.1. Ph Php1.1. Col * Col1.2. 4. are certain. 2 P + 2Pe2.1. crept. Mt * Mt13.25. Ac Ac15.24. Ga Ga2.4. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Ti 2Ti3.6. 2 P * 2Pe2.1, 2Pe2.2. who. Ro Ro9.21, Ro9.22. 1 P * 1Pe2.8. 2 P 2Pe2.3. of old. Ro Ro15.4. ordained. Ac +* Ac2.23. Ga Ga3.1. Ep Eph3.3g. 1 P +* 1Pe2.8. this condemnation. Ro * Ro9.22. 2 P 2Pe2.3. ungodly. ver. * Jud15. 2 S 2Sa22.5. Ps +* Ps1.1. 1 P * 1Pe4.18. 2 P * 2Pe2.5, 2Pe2.6. 2Pe3.7. turning. Ro * Ro6.1, Ro6.2. Ga Ga5.13. Ti * Tt2.11, Tt2.12. He +* Heb12.15, Heb12.16. 1 P 1Pe2.16. 2 P ✓ 2Pe2.10, 2Pe2.18-22. the grace. Ac +* Ac11.23. +* Ac13.43. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.3, 1Ti2.4. into lasciviousness. Mk + Mk7.22. Ro Ro3.8. Ro6.1. 2 P 2Pe2.7. denying. Ti * Tt1.15, Tt1.16. 2 P +* 2Pe2.1. 1 J 1Jn2.22. only Lord. Lk Lk2.29. Ac Ac4.24. Re Re6.10. God. Jb Job19.26. Ps Ps45.6. Ps62.2. Is Is25.9. Is52.7. Jn +* Jn1.1. ✓ Jn17.3. +* Jn20.28. Ro +* Ro9.5. 2 Co 2Co5.19. Col * Col2.8, Col2.9. 1 Ti 1Ti3.16. * 1Ti6.15, 1Ti6.16. Ti +* Tt2.13n. He +* Heb1.8. 2 P +* 2Pe1.1. Re * Re15.4. Re21.7. 5. put. Ro Ro15.14, Ro15.15. Ph Php3.1. 2 P * 2Pe1.12, 2Pe1.13. 2Pe3.1. though. 2 P 2Pe3.17. 1 J 1Jn2.20, 1Jn2.21. having. See on 1 Co * 1Co10.1-12. the people. Ro Ro15.10. 2 P 2Pe2.1. afterward. Gr. the second time. Nu * Nu14.22-37. * Nu26.64, Nu26.65. Dt Dt2.15, Dt2.16. Ps Ps106.26. He * Heb3.16-19. * Heb4.1, Heb4.2. destroyed. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. 6. angels. Jn * Jn8.44. first estate. or, principality. Ep Eph1.21. Eph3.10. * Eph6.12. Col Col1.16. Col2.15g. he hath reserved. Jb Job21.30. Mt * Mt25.41. See on 2 P * 2Pe2.4. +* 2Pe3.7. Re Re20.2. everlasting. Gr. aidios, ❅S#126g, only here and Ro Ro1.20. darkness. Pr +* Pr20.20. unto. Mt * Mt8.29. He Heb10.27. Re * Re20.10. judgment. Ac +* Ac17.31. 1 Co * 1Co6.3. 2 P 2Pe2.9. of the great day. Ac Ac2.20. Re Re6.17. 7. as Sodom. Ge Ge13.13. Ge18.20. * Ge19.24-26. Dt Dt29.23. Is Is1.9. Is13.19. Je Je20.16. Je50.40. La La4.6. Ezk +* Eze16.49, Eze16.50, Eze16.55, Eze16.60. Ho Ho11.8. Am Am4.11. Lk + Lk10.12. Lk17.29. 2 P * 2Pe2.6. Gomorrah. Ro + Ro9.29. the cities. Ge Ge14.2. Ge19.25. Dt Dt29.23. Ho Ho11.8. going after. ver. Jud8. 2 P 2Pe2.10. strange. Gr. other. Ge Ge19.5. Mt + Mt11.3g. Ro +* Ro1.26, Ro1.27. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. are set. Mt Mt11.24. 2 P

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 280. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Pe2.6. + 2Pe3.7. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Dt Dt29.23. Is +* Is33.14. Mt +* Mt25.41. Mk * Mk9.43-49. 8. these. Je 33:25-28. defile. 1 Co * 1Co3.16, 1Co3.17. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. See on 2 P * 2Pe2.1012. despise. Ge Ge3.5. Nu Nu16.3, Nu16.12, Nu16.13. 1 S 1Sa10.27. Ps Ps2.1-6. Ps12.3, Ps12.4. Lk ✓ Lk19.14. Ac Ac7.27, Ac7.39. Ro * Ro13.1, Ro13.2. 1 Th 1Th4.8. He +* Heb13.17. speak evil. T#730. ver. Jud9, Jud10. Ex * Ex22.28. Pr Pr30.11, Pr30.17. Ec ✓ Ec10.20. Ac Ac23.4, Ac23.5. 1 P 1Pe2.17. + 1Pe5.5 (T#10). 2 P 2Pe2.9-11. 9. Michael. It is most probable that the Apostle took this account concerning Michael, and that of the prophesying of Enoch, from an ancient tradition preserved and well known among the Jews. T#1013‡. Ex ‡ Ex23.20, Ex23.21, Ex23.23. ‡ Ex32.34. Da Da10.13, Da10.20, Da10.21. Da11.40. 12:+* Da12.1, Da12.7, Da12.10, Da12.12. Mt ‡ Mt28.18. 1 Th ‡ 1Th4.16n. Re Re12.7. ‡ Re17.14. archangel. 1 Th ✓ 1Th4.16. 2 P * 2Pe2.11. when. f106, Ge + Ge31.7. the body. Dt * Dt34.6. 2 K * 2Ki18.4. Mt = Mt27.65. durst. Ex Ex22.28. Is Is36.13-21. Mk Mk15.29. Lk Lk23.39, Lk23.40. 1 P 1Pe3.9. 2 P 2Pe2.11. Re * Re12.7. The Lord. 1 Ch 1Ch12.17. Is Is37.3, Is37.4, Is37.10-20. Zc * Zec3.2. 10. speak. See on 2 P * 2Pe2.12. know not. Mk Mk14.68. in those. See on Ro Ro1.21, Ro1.22. Re Re19.2. 11. Woe. Is Is3.9, Is3.11. Je Je13.27. Ezk Eze13.3. Zc Zec11.17. Mt Mt11.21. Mt23.1316. Lk Lk11.42-47. for. Ge Ge4.5-14. 1 J * 1Jn3.12. gone. f132:132A, Ge + Ge4.23. in the way. Jn ◐* Jn14.6. of Cain. Mt ◐ Mt23.35. He Heb11.4. Heb12.24. ran greedily. Nu ch. 22-24. 31:16. Dt Dt23.4. Jsh Jos24.9-11. Ps +* Ps10.3. Mi Mic6.5. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9. Ti * Tt1.11. 2 P +* 2Pe2.15. Re Re2.14. perished. Gr. apollumi, Mt + Mt2.13. Nu Nu16.1-3, Nu16.31-35. Ps Ps106.16-18. the gainsaying. Ac * Ac13.45. Ro Ro10.21. He Heb6.16. Heb7.7. Heb12.3g. Core. i.e. thin; frozen; ice; bald, ❅S#2879g. For ❅S# 07141h, see Ge + Ge36.5. Nu Nu16.1, etc. 26:9, 10, Korah. 12. are spots. ver. Jud15, Jud16. See on 2 P * 2Pe2.13, 2Pe2.14. feasts. 1 Co * 1Co11.21, 1Co11.22. when. f58, 2 P + 2Pe2.13. feeding themselves. Ps Ps78.29-31. Is Is56.10-12. Ezk * Eze34.2, Eze34.8, Eze34.10, Eze34.18. Lk Lk12.19, Lk12.20, Lk12.45. Lk16.19. +* Lk21.34. Ph +* Php3.19. 1 Th 1Th5.6, 1Th5.7. Ja Jas5.5. 1 P 1Pe5.2. clouds. Pr Pr25.14. Ho Ho6.4. 2 P * 2Pe2.17. carried. Ep +* Eph4.14. He Heb13.9. trees. Ps +* Ps1.3. * Ps37.2. Mt * Mt13.6. Mt21.19, Mt21.20. Mk Mk4.6. Mk11.21. Lk Lk8.6. Jn * Jn15.4-6. without fruit. Mt Mt12.36. Lk Lk13.6. He ◐ Heb13.15. 2 P +* 2Pe1.8. twice. 1 Ti 1Ti5.6. He * Heb6.4-8. See on 2 P * 2Pe2.18-20. plucked. 2 Ch 2Ch7.20. Ezk Eze17.9. Mt * Mt15.13. Mk Mk11.20. 13. Raging. Jb Job3.17. Ps Ps65.7. Ps93.3, Ps93.4. Is * Is57.20. Je Je5.22, Je5.23. foaming. 2 Co 2Co4.2. Ph Php3.19. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. wandering. Is Is14.12. Re Re8.10, Re8.11. to whom. See on 2 P * 2Pe2.17. Re Re14.10, Re14.11. Re20.10. +* Re21.8. reserved. Na * Na1.2. darkness. Pr +* Pr20.20. Mt +* Mt8.12. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the age, Mt + Mt21.19. 14. Enoch. Ge * Ge5.18, Ge5.24. 1 Ch * 1Ch1.1-3. He * Heb11.5, Heb11.6. the seventh. Ge Ge5.18. Lk Lk3.37. prophesied. f106, Ge + Ge31.7. Behold. Dt +* Dt33.2. Jb * Job19.2527. Ps * Ps50.3-5. Is Is26.21. Da * Da7.9, Da7.10. Mi Mic1.3. Zc +* Zec14.5. Mt +* Mt16.27. +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 281. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mt24.30, Mt24.31. +* Mt25.31. Mk Mk8.38. Lk Lk9.26. 1 Co 1Co16.22. 1 Th * 1Th3.13. 2 Th * 2Th1.7, 2Th1.8. Re +* Re1.7. with. Ps +* Ps68.17. Da Da7.10. He Heb12.22. Re Re5.11. Re9.16. his saints. Ps +* Ps149.9. Zc +* Zec14.5. Col Col1.26. 1 Th 1Th3.13. 2 Th 2Th1.10. 15. execute. Ps Ps9.7, Ps9.8. * Ps37.6. Ps50.1-6. Ps98.9. +✓ Ps149.7, Ps149.9. Ec Ec11.9. +* Ec12.14. Mt * Mt25.32, Mt25.33. Jn Jn5.22, Jn5.23, Jn5.27. Ac * Ac17.31. Ro Ro2.16. Ro14.10. 1 Co * 1Co4.5. 1Co5.13. 2 P 2Pe2.5. Re * Re20.12-15. Re22.12. convince. Ro Ro2.5. Ro3.19, Ro3.20. 1 Ti + 1Ti5.20g. ungodly. 1 Ti 1Ti1.9. 1 P 1Pe4.18. ungodly committed. Zp Zep3.11. 2 P 2Pe2.6. and of all. ver. Jud16. Ex Ex16.8. 1 S 1Sa2.3. Ps Ps31.18. Ps73.9. Ps94.4. Is Is37.22-36. Da Da7.20. Da11.36. Ml Mal3.13-15. Mt * Mt12.31-37. Jn Jn6.60. Re Re13.5, Re13.6, Re13.11. 16. murmurers. T#700. Ex Ex16.2, Ex16.3, Ex16.8. Nu +* Nu11.1. Nu14.36. Nu16.11. Nu17.10. Dt Dt1.27. Ps Ps106.25. Ps144.14. Pr + Pr12.25 (T#171). 19:3. Is + Is9.13 (T#171). *29:24. 58:13. La La3.39. Ezk + Eze33.20 (T#272). Mt Mt20.11, Mt20.12. Lk Lk5.30. Lk10.40. Lk15.2. Lk19.7. Jn Jn6.41, Jn6.61. 1 Co 1Co10.10. Ph ✓ Php2.14. complainers. Ps Ps144.14. walking. ver. Jud18. Ga Ga5.16, Ga5.24. 1 Th 1Th4.5. 2 Ti 2Ti4.3. Ja Jas1.14, Jas1.15. 1 P 1Pe1.14. 1Pe2.11. 1Pe4.2. 2 P 2Pe2.10. 2Pe3.3. their mouth. f58, 2 P + 2Pe2.13. ver. Jud15. Jb Job17.4, Job17.5. Ps Ps12.4. Ps17.10. Ps73.8-11. Ja Jas3.5. 2 P * 2Pe2.18. having. Ge Ge19.21. Ex +* Ex23.3. Le +* Le19.15. Dt Dt10.17. Jb Job13.10. Job32.21. Job34.19. Ps * Ps15.4. Pr * Pr28.21. Ac +* Ac10.34. Ph +* Php2.3. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.5. Ja Jas2.1-9. 2 P 2Pe2.1-3. 3 J 3Jn9. 17. remember. Ml Mal4.4. Ac Ac20.35. Ep Eph2.20. Eph4.11. 2 P 2Pe3.2. 1 J 1Jn4.6. 18. there. Ac Ac20.29. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1, 1Ti4.2. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-5, 2Ti3.13. * 2Ti4.1-3. 2 P 2Pe2.1. * 2Pe3.3. 1 J + 1Jn2.18. who. ver. Jud16. Ps Ps14.1, Ps14.2. 2 P 2Pe2.10. 2Pe3.3. 19. who. Pr Pr18.1. Is +* Is65.5n. Ezk Eze14.7. Ho Ho4.14. Ho9.10. He +* Heb10.25. 1 J * 1Jn2.18, 1Jn2.19. sensual. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.14. 1Co15.44. Ja Jas3.15g. having not. Jn * Jn3.5, Jn3.6. Ro +* Ro8.9. 1 Co * 1Co6.19. 1Co7.40. Ph Php3.3. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Ro + Ro8.1n. 20. building. Ac + Ac9.31. Ro Ro15.2. 1 Co 1Co1.8. 1Co10.23. 1Co14.4, 1Co14.5, 1Co14.26. Ep Eph4.12, Eph4.16, Eph4.29. Col +* Col2.7. 1 Th * 1Th5.11. 1 Ti 1Ti1.4g. most. Ac * Ac15.9. +* Ac26.18. 2 Ti 2Ti1.5. Ti Tt1.1. Ja Jas2.22. 2 P 2Pe1.1. 1 J * 1Jn5.4. Re Re13.10. praying. T#1363. Zc * Zec12.10. Ro * Ro8.15, + Ro8.26, Ro8.27. 1 Co 1Co14.15. Ga Ga4.6. Ep * Eph6.18. Ghost. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt1.18. 21. Keep. ver. ✓ Jud24. Jn +* Jn14.21. * Jn15.9, Jn15.10. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ac13.43. 2 Co 2Co13.14. 1 J * 1Jn4.16. 1Jn5.18, 1Jn5.21. Re * Re12.11. in the love. T#288. Dt Dt6.5. Dt11.1. Dt30.15, Dt30.16. Jsh Jos22.5. Jos23.11. Pr Pr23.26. Mt Mt22.37, Mt22.38. Mk Mk12.30. Lk Lk10.27. Ac + Ac3.19 (T#601). Ro * Ro5.5. +* Ro8.39. 1 Co 1Co16.22. Ga + Ga5.14 (T#283). 2 Th +* 2Th3.5. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.16, 1Jn3.17. looking for. Jb * Job14.14. La * La3.25, La3.26. Mt * Mt24.42-51. Lk * Lk12.36-40. Ga * Ga5.5. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. Ti +* Tt2.13, Tt2.14. He +* Heb9.28. 2 P +* 2Pe3.12, 2Pe3.14. the mercy. Mt +* Mt28.19n. Mk Mk5.19. Jn Jn1.17. Ga ◐ Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ep ◐+* Eph5.4. 1 Ti 1Ti1.2. 2 Ti 2Ti1.2, 2Ti1.16, 2Ti1.18. He * Heb4.16. unto. Ro +* Ro2.7. Ro5.21. ✓ Ro6.23. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.10, 1Jn5.11. eternal. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 282. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

22. of some. ver. Jud4-13. Ezk Eze34.17. Ga Ga4.20. +* Ga6.1. He * Heb6.4-8. Ja +* Jas5.19, Jas5.20. 1 J +* 1Jn5.16-18. 23. save. Ro Ro11.14. 1 Co 1Co5.3-5. 2 Co 2Co7.10-12. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. Ja +* Jas5.20. with fear. 2 Co 2Co5.11. 2Co7.1. Ph Php2.12. 1 P 1Pe1.17. +* 1Pe3.15. pulling. Am ▶ Am4.11. Zc ▶ Zec3.2, Zec3.3. the fire. Ps * Ps106.18. 1 Co * 1Co3.15. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7. hating. f102:102C, Mt + Mt5.29. Le Le13.47-59. Le14.47. Le15.17. Nu +* Nu19.10. Pr Pr8.13. Is Is30.22. ✓ Is64.6. La La4.14. Zc * Zec3.3-5. Ro * Ro12.9. 1 Co 1Co5.9-11. 1Co15.33. Ep +* Eph5.11. 1 Th * 1Th5.22. 2 Th 2Th3.14. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22. Re Re3.4, Re3.18. spotted. Ja +* Jas1.27. Jas3.6g. 24. is able. ver. ◐* Jud21. Jn ✓ Jn10.28-30. Ac * Ac20.32. Ro +* Ro8.31. * Ro14.4. * Ro16.25-27. 2 Co * 2Co9.8. Ep * Eph3.20. Ph Php2.13. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.18. to keep. Jn + Jn17.12. from falling. Ps * Ps37.24. Pr Pr24.16. Pr28.18. Jn Jn6.37. Ac Ac24.16. Ro Ro11.29. Ro14.4. Ro16.25, Ro16.26. He ◐+* Heb10.35. Ja Jas2.10. Jas3.2. 2 P +* 2Pe1.10. present. Ge Ge24.67. Nu = Nu8.21. Ps Ps43.4. Ps45.14, Ps45.15. SS So3.11. 2 Co * 2Co4.14. * 2Co11.2. Ep * Eph5.27. Col * Col1.22, Col1.28. * Col3.4. He * Heb13.20, Heb13.21. faultless. Jn +* Jn17.6. Ro Ro5.9, Ro5.10. Ep Eph1.4. Eph5.27. Ph Php2.15. 2 Ti 2Ti4.18. He Heb13.20, Heb13.21. Re * Re14.5. the presence. Ps Ps22.22. Mt +* Mt16.27n. +* Mt19.28. +* Mt25.31. Lk * Lk9.26. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16, 1Th4.17. 1 P * 1Pe4.13. his glory. Mt +* Mt16.27. Mt19.28. Mt25.31. Lk Lk9.26. exceeding joy. T#339, 859. Ps +* Ps16.11. * Ps21.6. Ps36.8. * Ps43.4. Ps84.11. Ps97.11. Is +* Is51.11. Mt +* Mt5.12. Mt25.21. Lk Lk1.14. Lk15.6. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17. 1 P * 1Pe4.13. Re * Re7.15-17. * Re21.3, Re21.4. 25. the only. Jn Jn5.44. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. wise. Ps Ps104.24. Ps147.5. Ro +* Ro11.33. Ro16.27. Ep Eph1.8. Eph3.10. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. * 1Ti6.16n. God. Ps Ps68.20. Is +* Is12.2. ✓ Is45.21. Lk + Lk1.47. Jn Jn4.22. 1 Ti 1Ti2.3. Ti Tt1.3, Tt1.4. * Tt2.10, Tt2.13. Tt3.4. 2 P +* 2Pe1.1. be glory. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11. Ps Ps72.18, Ps72.19. Da Da4.37. See on Mt Mt6.13. Ro + Ro11.36. Ep Eph3.21. 1 P + 1Pe4.11. 1Pe5.10, 1Pe5.11. 2 P +* 2Pe3.18. Re * Re1.6. * Re4.911. * Re5.13, Re5.14. and majesty. He Heb1.3. Heb8.1. both now. Pr Pr8.23. 1 Co 1Co2.7. ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto all the ages.

REVELATION REVELATION The source and design of the book; with a blessing pronounced on those who duly attend to it, Re1.1-3.22. The apostle salutes the seven churches in Asia; ascribes glory to God; and predicts the coming of Christ to judgment, with the terror and distress of his enemies, Re4.17.17. The Lord declares his own eternity and omnipotence, Re8.1-13. The place, time, and circumstances of John’s vision; with what he heard of the words, and saw of the glory, of Christ; and the commandment given him to write these things to the churches, Re9.1-20.15. 1. A.M. 4100. A.D. 95. Revelation Da Da2.28, Da2.29. Am Am3.7. Ro Ro16.25. Ga Ga1.12. Ep Eph3.3. which God. Jn Jn3.32. Jn8.26. Jn12.49. gave. Jn Jn17.7, Jn17.8. Jn * Jn3.35. * Jn5.20. Jn7.16. Jn8.26. Jn12.49. Jn14.10. + Jn17.2. to show. Re Re4.1. * Re22.6. Ps Ps25.14. Is * Is46.9, Is46.10. Da * Da2.20-22. Da9.22, Da9.23. Am +* Am3.7. Jn * Jn1.18. * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 283. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Jn15.15. * Jn16.13. his servants. Re + Re7.3. Jsh Jos1.2. Ja + Jas1.1. things. Da 2:▶ Da2.28, Da2.47. which must. ver. Re1.3, Re1.19. Re Re4.1. Re22.10. Mt Mt24.6. Lk + Lk13.33. Jn + Jn3.14. 2 P 2Pe3.8. shortly. ver. Re1.3. Lk * Lk18.8g. and he. Re Re22.6, Re22.16. Da Da8.16. Da9.21, Da9.23. and signified. ❅S#4591g. Jn Jn12.33. Jn18.32. Jn21.19. Ac Ac11.28. Ac25.27. by his angel. Re Re22.6, Re22.16. Da Da9.23. He * Heb1.14. John. ver. Re1.4, Re1.9. Re Re21.2. Re22.8. 2. bare. ver. Re1.9. Re Re6.9. Re12.11, Re12.17. 1 K * 1Ki22.14. 1 Ch = 1Ch16.4. Jn Jn1.32. Jn12.17. * Jn15.27. +* Jn19.35. Jn21.24. Ac * Ac10.41. 1 Co 1Co1.6. 1Co2.1. 2 P * 2Pe1.16-21. 1 J 1Jn1.1-3. 1Jn5.7-11. 3 J 3Jn12. the word. ver. Re1.9. Re * Re12.11. Re20.4. Ro + Ro9.6. the testimony. Re Re6.9. Re12.17. Re17.6, Re17.7. Re19.9, Re19.10, Re19.13. Re20.4. 1 Co + 1Co1.6. and of all. ver. Re1.11, Re1.19. Jn Jn3.11. Ac * Ac4.20. Ac22.15. Ac26.16. 1 J 1Jn1.1. 1Jn4.14. 3. Blessed. f43, Dt + Dt28.3. Re +* Re14.13. Re16.15. Re19.9. Re20.6. Re22.7, Re22.14. Ps +* Ps1.1. Pr Pr8.34. Da Da12.12, Da12.13. Lk +* Lk11.28. that readeth. Jsh +* Jos1.8. Ps +* Ps1.1. Da * Da9.2. Jn +* Jn5.39. Ac +* Ac17.11. Ro +* Ro15.4. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.15-17. the words. Jn * Jn6.63. 2 Ti +* 2Ti3.16. and keep. Re * Re22.7. Ps * Ps119.4, Ps119.103, Ps119.105, Ps119.111, Ps119.129, Ps119.130, Ps119.162, Ps119.167. Lk +* Lk11.28. Jn Jn8.51. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3. for. ver. Re1.1. Re Re3.11. Re22.6, Re22.7, * Re22.10, Re22.12, Re22.20. Ro + Ro13.11. Ja * Jas5.8, Jas5.9. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. 2 P * 2Pe3.8, 2Pe3.9. 1 J 1Jn2.18. 4. John. See on ver. Re1.1. to the. ver. Re1.11, Re1.20. Re Re2.1, Re2.8, Re2.12, Re2.18. Re3.1, Re3.7, Re3.14. Ac Ac19.10. 1 P 1Pe1.1. in Asia. Ac + Ac2.9. Grace. Nu * Nu6.23-26. See on Ro Ro1.7. * Ro5.20. 1 Co 1Co1.3. 2 Co 2Co1.2. * 2Co9.8. ✓ 2Co12.9. 1 P 1Pe1.2. 2 J + 2Jn3. and peace. Ps * Ps29.11. Lk * Lk24.36. Jn * Jn14.27. Ac * Ac10.36. Ro * Ro5.1. Ro14.17. from him. ver. * Re1.8, Re1.17. Re Re4.8. Re11.17. Re16.5. Ex * Ex3.14. * Ex6.3. Ps * Ps90.2. * Ps102.25-27. Is Is41.4. +* Is57.15. Mi +* Mic5.2. Jn * Jn1.1. He * Heb1.1013. +* Heb13.8. Ja * Jas1.17. which is. Ex ▶ Ex3.14. Is ▶ Is41.4. Jn + Jn8.24, Jn8.58. Jn18.5, Jn18.6. which was. Jn + Jn1.1. from the. Re * Re3.1. * Re4.5. * Re5.6. Zc Zec3.9. Zec4.10. Zec6.5. Zec8.2. 1 Co * 1Co12.4-13. Spirits. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk24.37. his throne. Ac * Ac2.32, Ac2.33. 5. And from. f29, Ex + Ex19.6. who is. Re * Re3.14. Ps Ps89.36, Ps89.37. Is * Is55.4. Jn * Jn1.18. Jn3.11, Jn3.32. Jn8.14-16. * Jn18.37. 1 Ti 1Ti6.13. 1 J 1Jn5.7-10. faithful. Re Re2.13. Re19.11. Ezk Eze33.5, Eze33.9. Mt Mt24.4, Mt24.25. 1 Ti 1Ti4.16. witness. Ps ▶ Ps89.37. Jn * Jn8.55. 1 J * 1Jn5.9. and the first. ver. Re1.18. Re Re3.14. Ps ▶ Ps89.27. Ac Ac26.23. Ro * Ro8.29. 1 Co * 1Co15.20-23. Col +* Col1.18n. He * Heb1.5, Heb1.6. of the dead. Ac + Ac26.23. Ro * Ro1.4. * Ro8.34. and the prince. Re ✓ Re11.15. Re15.3. + Re17.14. * Re19.16. Ex Ex15.1. Ps Ps2.1-6. * Ps72.11. Ps89.27. Pr * Pr8.15, Pr8.16. Da Da2.44. ✓ Da7.14. Mt Mt28.18. Ep Eph1.20-22. 1 Ti 1Ti6.15. him that loved. Re Re3.9, Re3.19. Dt Dt7.8. Dt23.5. SS So8.6, So8.7. Jn Jn13.1, Jn13.34. Jn14.29. Jn15.9. Ro * Ro5.8. * Ro8.35, + Ro8.37. Ga * Ga2.20. Ep Eph2.4. * Eph3.19. * Eph5.2, Eph5.25-27. 1 J * 1Jn4.10. washed. Re * Re7.14. Ps +* Ps51.1, Ps51.2. Zc * Zec13.1. Jn * Jn13.8-10. Ac +* Ac22.16n. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. He +* Heb9.14. +* Heb10.22. 2 P + 2Pe1.9. Some authorities read “redeemed” instead of “washed.” Jb Job42.9. Ps ▶ Ps130.8. Is ▶ Is40.2. Jn Jn8.34. from our sins. Mt Mt1.21. in. f108:108D, Mt + Mt3.11. The preposition “in” (Gr. en) may be better translated “by” or “through” to conform to the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 284. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

underlying Hebrew idiom, as was properly done at Re Re5.9. Compare for this meaning of en: Mt Mt5.34, Mt5.35. Mt9.34. 1 Co 1Co10.2n. Ga Ga3.11. 2 Ti 2Ti2.10. blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. We lose nothing of the facts, but gain immensely as to their meaning, when we understand that, by Metalepsis, “blood” is put for death, and “death” for the atonement made by it and all its infinite merits (B611). Re * Re5.9. Re7.14. * Re12.11. Re19.13. Ex Ex12.13. Ac +* Ac20.28. Col * Col1.20. He +* Heb9.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. 6. made us. Re * Re5.9. Ep Eph1.3. kings. T#848. ver. ◐ Re1.9. Re * Re3.21. * Re5.10. * Re20.4, Re20.6. Ex ▶ Ex19.6. Is Is9.6, Is9.7. Is61.6. Is62.3. Lk +* Lk12.32. +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Ro * Ro12.1. 1 P 1Pe2.5-9. and priests. Re Re20.6. Ex = Ex29.9. Is * Is61.6. Is66.21. 1 P * 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9. unto God. Jn * Jn20.17. Ro * Ro12.1. + Ro15.6. to him. Re Re4.11. Re5.12-14. Ps Ps72.18, Ps72.19. Da Da4.34. Mt +* Mt6.13. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Ph Php2.11. 1 Ti 1Ti6.16. He * Heb13.21. 1 P * 1Pe4.11. 1Pe5.11. 2 P * 2Pe3.18. Ju * Jud25. glory. T#1576. Re * Re5.11-14. Ro + Ro11.36. 1 P * 1Pe4.11. dominion. T#1573. He Heb4.14-16. 1 P + 1Pe4.11. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. f147:147H, Ge + Ge9.25. and ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the ages of the ages, Ga + Ga1.5. ver. Re1.18. Re Re4.9, Re4.10. Re5.13, Re5.14. Re7.12. Re10.6. Re11.15. Re14.11. Re15.7. Re19.3. Re20.10. Re22.5. 7. he cometh. Re Re14.14-16. Ps Ps97.2. * Ps98.9. Is Is19.1. Da +* Da7.13. Na Na1.3. Mt +* Mt24.30. Mt26.64. Mk Mk13.26. Mk14.62. Lk * Lk9.26. Lk21.27. Jn * Jn14.3. Ac +* Ac1.911. Ph +* Php1.26. 1 Th +* 1Th4.17. * 1Th5.23. with. Da ▶ Da7.13. Mt Mt24.29-31. +* Mt25.31, Mt25.32. clouds. Ge + Ge9.13. and every. Ph Php2.10. eye. Re Re22.4. Nu * Nu24.17. Jb ✓ Job19.25-27. Job33.26. Mt Mt20.34. 1 Th * 1Th1.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. Ju * Jud14. shall see. f108:108B, Ge + Ge21.16. Zc * Zec12.10. Mt +* Mt16.27n. +* Mt24.3n, Mt24.30. * Mt26.64. Mk +* Mk1.2n. Ac +* Ac1.11. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.1n. 1 J * 1Jn3.2. and they. f92:92C, Mt + Mt2.15. Ps * Ps22.16. Zc * Zec12.10. Jn Jn19.34, Jn19.37. He Heb6.6. Heb10.29. and all. Re * Re6.15-17. Re18.15-19. Is +* Is2.19. Mt +* Mt24.30. Lk Lk23.28-30. shall wail. Le = Le23.22. Zc ▶ Zec12.10, Zec12.12, Zec12.14. Even so. Re Re18.20. Re19.1-3. * Re22.20. Jg Jdg5.31. Ps Ps68.1. 8. I am. This text, according to Daniel Waterland, “is to be interpreted (with all antiquity) of God the Son,” which he proves (1) from the context; (2) from antiquity; (3) from the weaknesses of the reasons for applying this text to the Father. As to the context, all acknowledge that verse 7 applies to the Son; there is insufficient contextual warrant for making a sudden shift in this verse to avoid the application of divine titles to the Son, as the Arians argue for. As to antiquity, both ante-Nicene and post-Nicene writers concur in applying this text to Christ, such that “never were men more unanimous than the ancients were in this matter; there being no one exception, on record, against it.” As to reasons for applying this text to the Father, some argue that since in verse 4 the title “which is, which was, and which is to come” applies to the Father, the same title used here must likewise. But this fails to recognize that the same titles are often given to both, as the title “Alpha and Omega” most certainly is (Re Re1.11, Re1.17. Re2.8. Re22.13. See related note on Re Re3.14). The objection that the title “the Almighty” is always in Scripture applied to the Father, never the Son, is mistaken, for (1) “it is mere groundless presumption to suppose that as often as that title is applied to the one God in the Old Testament, it is applied to the Father only: since it may often be understood indifferently either of Father, or Son, or of the whole Trinity”; (2) “there are several texts of the Old Testament, which we have good reason to believe are to be Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 285. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

understood particularly of God the Son. Psalm 24 has by the primitive Fathers been interpreted of Christ. The title Lord of hosts (Kurios dunameon), applied to Christ in that Psalm, is equivalent to Almighty (Kurios pantokrator), as the LXX Interpreters render the same words indifferently by one or other, as may easily be seen in a multitude of instances, by looking into Trommius’s Concordance.” John himself in his Apocalypse, Re Re4.8, alluding to Is Is6.3, where it reads “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts,” gives not Kurios dunameon, (or sabaoth), but Kurios o Theos o pantokrator, Lord God Almighty. John likewise applies the title “Lord of hosts” to Christ, as can be seen by comparing Jn Jn12.41 with Is Is6.5. Compare Zc Zec2.8 and 12:5, 10 with Jn Jn19.34, Jn19.37. “These instances are sufficient to check the confidence of such as roundly affirm, without a syllable of proof, that the title of pantokrator, Almighty, is in holy Scripture applied always to the Father only” (Waterland, Works, vol. 2, Sermon VI, “Christ’s Divinity proved from his Titles,” pp. 141-143; “A Second Defence of Some Queries,” pp. 562-565). Waterland continues his argument at length with the astute observation, that the arguments used by the Arians to deny the eternity of the Son left no remaining valid arguments to assert the eternity of the Father. Re Re21.6. * Re22.13. Ex ▶ Ex3.14. Ps Ps68.4. Is Is43.3, Is43.11. * Is44.6. Is45.5, Is45.6. Is63.16. Jn +* Jn8.28, Jn8.58. Alpha. ver. * Re1.11, * Re1.17. Re * Re2.8. * Re21.6. ✓ Re22.13. Is Is41.4. * Is43.10. * Is44.6. * Is48.12. Omega. i.e. the last; finality, ❅S#5598g. ver. Re1.11. Re Re21.6. Re22.13. the beginning. Pr * Pr8.22, Pr8.23. Is ▶ Is41.4. Hab * Hab1.12. Jn * Jn1.1-3. Col * Col1.17. and ending. Ps * Ps102.27. He * Heb12.2. the Lord. Re + Re4.8. which is. See on ver. * Re1.4. Re Re16.5. Ex +*▶ Ex3.14. the Almighty. Re Re4.8. Re11.17. Re15.3. Re16.7, Re16.14. * Re19.6, Re19.15. * Re21.22. Re22.12-16. Ge * Ge17.1. Ge28.3. Ge35.11. Ge43.14. Ge48.3. Ge49.25. Ex +* Ex6.3. Nu Nu24.4. Is +* Is9.6. Ho Ho12.5. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. Jn Jn1.3. Jn8.56. Ac Ac7.38. 2 Co * 2Co6.18. 9. John. See on ver. Re1.4. companion. Re * Re2.9, Re2.10. * Re7.14. Jn Jn16.33. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro * Ro8.17. 1 Co 1Co4.9-13. Ph Php1.7. Php4.14. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. 2Ti2.3-12. in tribulation. Jn Jn16.33. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro Ro8.17. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti2.12. in the kingdom. ver. Re1.6. Re 3:+* Re3.10, Re3.21. Re5.10. Re13.10. Re14.12. * Re20.4, Re20.6. Re22.5. Mt * Mt13.43. +* Mt25.34. Lk * Lk23.42. Ac +* Ac1.6. +* Ac3.21. Col +* Col1.13n. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 2 Ti ✓ 2Ti2.12. +* 2Ti4.1n. and patience. Re Re2.2, Re2.3, Re2.19. Re3.10. Re13.10. Re14.12. Ps * Ps37.7. Lk * Lk21.19. Ro +* Ro2.7, Ro2.8. * Ro5.3, Ro5.4. * Ro8.25. 1 Co 1Co1.7. 2 Th 2Th1.4, 2Th1.5. * 2Th3.5. He +* Heb10.36. Ja Jas1.3, Jas1.4. * Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 2 P + 2Pe1.6. of Jesus. He * Heb10.12, Heb10.13. in the isle. Ex +* Ex3.1. Mt Mt20.23. Mk Mk10.39. Patmos. i.e. mortal, ❅S#3963g. for the word. ver. + Re1.2. Re Re6.9. Re11.7. Re12.11, Re12.17. Re19.10. 10. I was. Da Da9.3, Da9.20, Da9.21, etc. in. Re Re4.2. Re17.3. Re21.10. Nu Nu24.2. 1 K 1Ki18.12. Ezk Eze2.2. Eze3.12. Eze11.5. Mt Mt22.43. Lk Lk4.1. Ac Ac10.10, etc. 2 Co * 2Co12.2-4. 2 P * 2Pe1.21. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. f121:121A, Ezk + Eze37.1. on the Lord’s day. Mk +* Mk16.9. Lk Lk24.1. Jn Jn20.19, Jn20.26. Ac + Ac20.7. 1 Co 1Co11.20g. * 1Co16.2. Most of the preceding and original references of the Treasury assume that “Lord’s day” refers to the Christian Sabbath, the first day of the week, or Sunday. However, such an interpretation is open to the objection that (1) such a meaning has no relevance to the context; (2) the term is never so applied in Scripture, where the day of Christian worship is uniformly called the “first day of the week”; (3) such an interpretation does not agree with the Patristic understanding of the verse; (4) the interpretation is a reading back into the text of a Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 286. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

term subsequently applied to Sunday. The term “Lord’s day” is better understood as John’s way of expressing the common Hebrew term “day of the Lord,” in a manner in Greek which places the emphasis upon “Lord’s” (by placing it in an initial position) in the same manner as the Hebrew expression places emphasis upon “Lord” (by placing it in the final position) in “day of the Lord.” Supposing the expression refers to Sunday cannot account for the presence of the Greek article “the” used in the expression. When the article is lacking, there are several possible explanations to account for the fact, but when an interpretation cannot account for the presence of the Greek article, the interpretation stands self-condemned (J. B. Smith, Comm. on Revelation, Appendix 5, p. 320). The expression “on the Lord’s day” would better be translated “in the Lord’s day,” as a reference to this specific prophetic time period. The Greek preposition en is more usually rendered “in,” only once in Revelation is it translated “on,” in the expression “on the earth,” Re Re5.13. Everywhere else where en is followed by the word “day” it is rendered “in” (Re Re2.13. Re9.6. Re10.7. Re11.6. Re18.8). Understanding this term to refer to the “day of the Lord” emphasizes that the events which transpire in the third division of the book (“things which shall be hereafter”) are events which take place during the “day of the Lord,” a future time which begins at the Great Tribulation and concludes with the judgment of the Great White Throne at the end of the Millennium, and specifically ties in the prophecies of this book with the rest of Scripture relating to this coming day. This being the case, a more appropriate set of relevant references reflecting this understanding follows (For “day of the Lord”: Is Is13.6. Ac Ac2.20. 1 Th 1Th5.2. 2 Th 2Th2.2. 2 P 2Pe3.10. For “the last days”: Is Is2.2. For “in that day”: Is Is2.11. For “day of the Lord of hosts”: Is Is2.12). A careful comparison of the Scripture passages adduced may well show that the “day of the Lord” does not start with the beginning of the tribulation, or the beginning of Daniel’s Seventieth Week, as commonly held, but some time in the latter half of this week, a time marked by cosmic disturbances which immediately precede the onset of the “day of the Lord” (Joel *2:30, 31. Re Re6.17. Re16.14). Jb +* Job21.30. Pr Pr6.34. +* Pr11.4. Is +* Is2.12. +* Is13.6. Is61.2. Is63.4. Je Je51.6. Ezk +* Eze7.19. Am +* Am5.18. Na * Na1.2. Zp Zep1.11, Zep1.15, Zep1.18. Zep2.2, Zep2.3. Mt Mt24.42. Lk Lk17.24. Ro +* Ro2.5. 1 Co +✓ 1Co3.13. ◐ 1Co4.3mg. 1 Th +* 1Th5.9. 2 Th +* 2Th1.10. Ja Jas5.3. great voice. Ps * Ps18.13. * Ps46.6. * Ps68.33. as. Re Re4.1. Re10.3-8. Ex Ex19.16. Ex20.18. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16. 11. I am. See on ver. Re1.8, Re1.17. Re Re21.6. Re22.13. the first. ver. Re1.17. Re Re2.8. ✓ Re22.13. Is Is41.4. ✓ Is44.6. Is48.12. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. What. ver. Re1.2, Re1.19. Re Re2.1. Re10.4. Re14.13. Re19.9. Re21.5. Dt Dt31.19. Is Is30.8. Je Je30.2. Hab Hab2.2. write in. Ex Ex17.14. Dt Dt17.18. seven. See on ver. Re1.4, Re1.20. Re Re2.1, Re2.8, Re2.12, Re2.18. Re3.1, Re3.7, Re3.14. Ephesus. Ac 18:+ Ac18.19-2121, Ac18.24. ch. 19. 20:17. 1 Co 1Co15.32. 1Co16.8. Ep Eph1.1. 1 Ti 1Ti1.3. Smyrna. i.e. myrrh; tribulation, ❅S#4667g. Re Re2.8. Pergamos. i.e. fortified, ❅S#4010g. Re Re2.12. Thyatira. Re Re2.18, Re2.24. Ac Ac16.14. Sardis. Re Re3.1, Re3.4. Philadelphia. i.e. brotherly love, ❅S#5359g. Re Re3.7. Laodicea. i.e. justice; the people’s rights; just or religious people, ❅S#2993g. Re ◐ Re3.14. Col Col2.1. Col4.13, Col4.15, Col4.16. 12. see. f46:46B, Ex + Ex5.21. f171:171J, Ge + Ge42.1. Ezk Eze43.5, Eze43.6. Mi Mic6.9. the voice. f121:121E, Ge + Ge25.23. I saw. ver. Re1.13, Re1.20. Re Re2.1. Re11.4. Ex Ex25.36, Ex25.37. Ex37.23. 2 Ch 2Ch4.20. Zc * Zec4.2. candlesticks. Gr. lampstands. Ex * Ex25.31-40. Zc Zec4.1-6. Mt Mt5.14. Jn Jn8.12. He Heb9.2. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 287. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

13. midst. Re Re2.1. Nu = Nu1.50. 1 Ch = 1Ch9.27. Mt +* Mt18.20. like. Re Re14.14. Ezk 1:▶ Eze1.26-2828. ▶ Eze8.2. Da Da7.9, Da7.13. Da10.5, Da10.6, Da10.16. Ph Php2.7, Php2.9. He * Heb2.14-17. +* Heb4.15. Son of man. Re Re14.14. Ezk Eze1.26. Da ◐ Da3.25. +*7:▶ Da7.13, Da7.14. Da8.15. Da10.16. Mt * Mt16.13. Jn +* Jn1.51. Jn5.27. Ac * Ac7.56. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.5. He * Heb2.14. clothed. Ezk ▶ Eze9.2, Eze9.3, Eze9.11. Da Da10.5. a garment. Ge = Ge41.42. Da Da7.9. and girt. Re Re15.6. Ex Ex28.6-8. * Ex39.5. Le Le8.7. Is Is11.5. Da ▶ Da10.5. Zc * Zec6.13. Ep Eph6.14. He Heb6.20. * Heb7.24. 14. and his hairs. Da ▶ Da7.9. Mt Mt28.3. white. Mt Mt17.2. Mk Mk9.3. Lk Lk9.29. and his eyes. Re Re2.18, Re2.23. Re19.12. 1 S +* 1Sa16.7. 2 Ch * 2Ch16.9. Jb * Job10.4. Ps * Ps139.1-3. Pr Pr20.8. Ezk Eze1.28. Da ▶ Da10.6. Zc * Zec4.10. He * Heb4.13. 15. his feet. Re Re2.18. Re10.1. Ezk Eze1.7. * Eze40.3. Da Da10.6. his voice. Re * Re14.2. * Re19.6. Ps * Ps93.4. Is * Is17.13. Ezk * Eze43.2. many waters. Re Re17.1. Re19.6. Ezk ▶ Eze1.24. ▶ Eze43.2. Da Da10.6. Jn +* Jn3.23. 16. he had. ver. Re1.20. Re Re2.1. Re3.1. Re12.1. Jb Job38.7. Da Da8.10. +* Da12.3. seven stars. Re Re3.1. out. Re Re2.12, Re2.16. Re19.15, Re19.21. Is * Is11.1, Is11.4, Is11.5. Is49.2. Ep * Eph6.17. He +* Heb4.12. his mouth. Is Is49.2. two-edged. Re Re2.12. He +* Heb4.12. sword. Re Re2.16. * Re19.15. and his countenance. Re Re10.1. 2 S * 2Sa23.4. Is Is24.23. Is60.19, Is60.20. Ml * Mal4.2. Mt * Mt17.2. Ac Ac26.13-15. as the sun. Jg ▶ Jdg5.31. that shineth. Da +* Da12.3. 1 Co * 1Co15.41. 17. when I saw. Ex * Ex3.6. Jg * Jdg6.22, Jdg6.23. * Jdg13.22. Is * Is6.5. Lk Lk24.37. Jn Jn21.12. I fell. Ge = Ge43.26. Ezk Eze1.28. Eze3.23. Eze43.3. Eze44.4. Da Da8.17, Da8.18. Da10.8, Da10.9, Da10.15, Da10.17-19. Hab +* Hab3.16. Mt Mt17.2-6. Lk Lk5.8. Jn Jn13.23. Jn21.20. And he. Da Da8.18. Da10.10. hand upon. T#399. Ge Ge48.14-16. Mt Mt17.7. Mt19.13-15. Fear not. Ge Ge15.1. Ge26.24. Ex Ex14.13. Ex20.20. Is Is41.10. Da ▶ Da10.12, Da10.19. Mt Mt28.4, Mt28.5. Mk Mk16.5, Mk16.6. Lk Lk24.37-39. I am. f92:92C, Mt + Mt2.15. See on ver. Re1.4, Re1.8, Re1.11. Re Re2.8. Re22.13. Ne +* Ne9.6. Is Is41.4. ✓ Is44.6. Is48.12. Jn Jn3.31. the first. Gr. protos. Thayer states “first, with the article, i.e. the eternal One, Re Re1.17. Re2.8. Re22.13” (Lexicon, p. 554). Is ▶ Is44.6. ▶ Is48.12. 18. that liveth. Re Re4.9, Re4.10. Ge = Ge45.26. Jb * Job19.25. Ps Ps18.46. Lk Lk24.5. Jn Jn1.4. + Jn6.57. Jn14.19. Ro Ro6.9. 2 Co 2Co13.4. Ga * Ga2.20. Col * Col3.3. He * Heb7.25. was dead. Re Re2.8. Ro * Ro6.9. Ro14.8, Ro14.9. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.14, 2Co5.15. He * Heb1.3. +* Heb12.2. I am alive. Re Re4.9, Re4.10. Re5.14. Re10.6. Re15.7. Da Da4.34. Da12.7. Ac +* Ac2.24. * Ac17.31. Ro * Ro1.4. * Ro6.4. 1 Co 1Co15.12-17, 1Co15.20, 1Co15.23-27, 1Co15.45, 1Co15.47, 1Co15.55-57. He Heb7.16, Heb7.25. for evermore. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the ages of the ages, Ga + Ga1.5. ver. Re1.6. the keys. Re Re3.7. Re9.1. Re20.1, Re20.2, Re20.14. Ps Ps68.20. Is Is22.22. Mt Mt16.18, Mt16.19. hell. Gr. hades, Mt + Mt11.23. Re Re6.8. Pr Pr15.11. death. Re Re6.8. Re20.13, Re20.14. Ps Ps68.20. He Heb2.15. 19. Write. This verse provides the outline of the entire prophecy of Revelation. ver. Re1.2, Re1.11. Re Re10.4. Re14.13. Re19.9. Re21.5. the things. See on ver. Re1.11-16. and the

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 288. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

things which are. Re ch. 2, 3. and the things which shall be. Re ch. 4-22. hereafter. Is ▶ Is48.6. Da ▶ Da2.29. 20. mystery. Re Re10.7. Re17.5, Re17.7. Da ▶ Da2.29. See on Mt Mt13.11, Mt13.35. Lk Lk8.10. Ro +* Ro16.25n. the seven stars. See on ver. Re1.13, Re1.16. the seven golden. ver. + Re1.12. The seven stars. Re Re2.1, Re2.8, Re2.18. Re3.1, Re3.7, Re3.14. ◐ Re9.1. ◐ Re12.4. the angels of. Re Re2.1, Re2.8, Re2.12, Re2.18. Re3.1, Re3.7, Re3.14. Ml +* Mal2.7. the seven churches. ver. Re1.4, Re1.11. and the. ver. + Re1.12. Zc Zec4.2. Mt * Mt5.14-16. Ep * Eph5.13. Ph * Php2.15, Php2.16. 1 Ti 2:14-16.

REVELATION 2 The epistle of Christ to the angel of the church of Ephesus; consisting of a commendation and reproof, a call to repentance, a solemn warning, and a gracious promise to those who overcame, Re2.1-7. That to Smyrna, replete with commendation, and encouraging exhortations to faithfulness under tribulation, Re2.8-11. That to Pergamos; in which are warnings against the Nicolaitans, threatenings of judgments on the impenitent, and promises to the victorious, Re2.12-17. That to Thyatira, nearly of similar import, Re2.18-29. 1. the angel. ver. Re2.8, Re2.12, Re2.18. Re + Re1.20. Re3.1, Re3.7, Re3.14. 2 Co 2Co5.20. 1 Ti 1Ti3.1. church. See on Re Re1.11. Ephesus. Re Re1.11. Ac + Ac18.19. Ac20.1638. holdeth. Re Re1.16, Re1.20. Re8.10-12. Re12.1. Jn Jn5.35. walketh. See on Re Re1.12, Re1.13. Ezk Eze28.13, Eze28.14. Mt +* Mt18.20. * Mt28.20. candlesticks. Re 1:+ Re1.12, Re1.13, Re1.20. 2. know. ver. Re2.9, Re2.13, Re2.19. Re Re3.1, Re3.8, Re3.15. Ps * Ps1.6. Mt Mt7.23. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 2 Ti 2Ti2.19. He +* Heb6.10. labor. Re Re14.13g. patience. ver. Re2.19. Re + Re1.9. how. ver. Re2.6, Re2.14, Re2.15, Re2.20, Re2.21. 2 Ch 2Ch19.2. ◐ 2Ch20.35. Mt Mt7.15. Jn Jn16.12. Ga * Ga1.7-9. Ep +* Eph4.14. 1 Th +* 1Th5.21. 2 P * 2Pe2.1-3. 1 J ✓ 1Jn4.1. thou hast. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. 1 J 1Jn2.21, 1Jn2.22. * 1Jn4.1. apostles. Ac Ac1.22. 1 Co 1Co9.1. 1Co12.28. 2 Co 2Co12.12. Ga Ga1.1, Ga1.12. Ep Eph1.1. found them. Ep * Eph5.13. 3. hast borne. Ps Ps69.7. Mi Mic7.9. Mk Mk15.21. Lk Lk14.27. 1 Co 1Co13.7. Ga Ga6.2. He Heb13.13. hast patience. Re Re1.9. Re3.10. Ps * Ps37.7. Lk +* Lk8.15. Lk21.19. Ro +* Ro2.7. * Ro5.3, Ro5.4. Ro8.25. Ro12.12. +* Ro15.4, Ro15.5. Col * Col1.11. 2 Th 2Th3.5. He Heb6.12, Heb6.15. Heb10.36. Heb12.1. Ja Jas1.3, Jas1.4. * Jas5.7-11. 2 P 2Pe1.6. and for my. Mt +* Mt5.11. + Mt10.22. Mt19.29. Jn + Jn1.12. ✓ Jn15.21. hast labored. Ro Ro16.12. 1 Co 1Co16.16. 2 Co 2Co5.9. 2Co6.5. 2Co10.15. 2Co11.23. Ph Php2.16. Php4.3. 1 Th 1Th1.3. 1Th2.9. 1Th5.12. 2 Th 2Th3.8. 1 Ti 1Ti4.10. 1Ti5.17. He +* Heb6.10. hast not. Pr * Pr24.10. Je +* Je12.5. Lk Lk18.1. 2 Co * 2Co4.1, 2Co4.16, 2Co4.17. * 2Co12.10. Ga +* Ga6.9. 2 Th 2Th3.13. He * Heb12.3-5. 4. I have. ver. Re2.14, Re2.20. because. Re Re3.14-17. 1 K * 1Ki11.4. Ps * Ps85.8. Je Je2.2-5. Mt * Mt24.12, Mt24.13. Ph Php1.9. Php3.13-16. 1 Th 1Th4.9, 1Th4.10. 2 Th 2Th1.3. He +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. first. Ge Ge13.3. 2 Ch 2Ch17.3. love. 1 Co 1Co13.1-3.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 289. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

5. Remember. Re Re3.3, Re3.19. Ezk Eze16.61-63. Eze20.43. Eze36.31. 2 P 2Pe1.12, 2Pe1.13. thou art fallen. 2 Ch 2Ch16.7, 2Ch16.9. Pr * Pr6.23. Is Is14.12. Ho Ho14.1. Ga +* Ga5.4. Ep * Eph5.14. Ju * Jud24. and repent. ver. Re2.16, Re2.21, Re2.22. Re Re3.3, Re3.19. Re9.20, Re9.21. Re16.9. Ezk * Eze18.30-32. Ac * Ac17.30, Ac17.31. and do. ver. Re2.19. Re Re3.2, Re3.3. Is Is1.26. Je Je2.2, Je2.3. Ho Ho9.10. Ml Mal3.4. Mal4.6. Lk Lk1.17. the first works. ver. Re2.2, Re2.19. Ge Ge13.3. Jn ✓ Jn6.29. He Heb10.32. else. ver. Re2.16. Re Re3.3. Mt Mt21.41-43. Mt24.48-51. Mk Mk12.9. Lk Lk12.45, Lk12.46. Lk20.16. Jn + Jn21.22. repent. Le Le26.40-42. Dt ✓ Dt30.1-3. 1 K 1Ki8.33, 1Ki8.35, 1Ki8.37. Da Da9.3, Da9.4. Ho Ho5.15. Ho14.2. Zc Zec1.3. Mt Mt3.2. Mt4.17. Ac Ac2.38. +* Ac3.19-21. 6. But this. f127. Palinodia; or, Retracting B978. Approval of one thing after reproving for another thing. For other instances of this figure see Re Re3.4, Re3.5. 2 Ch * 2Ch15.17. * 2Ch19.3. Ps Ps89.33. Ps106.8, Ps106.44. that thou hatest. ver. Re2.14, Re2.15. 2 Ch 2Ch19.2. Ps * Ps26.5. * Ps97.10. Ps101.3. * Ps139.21, Ps139.22. Ep +* Eph5.11, Eph5.12. 2 J +* 2Jn9, * 2Jn10. Nicolaitans. i.e. conqueror of the people, ❅S#3531g. ver. Re2.15g. Ac Ac6.5? 2 Co +* 2Co1.24? I also. Is Is61.8. Je Je44.4. Am Am5.21. Zc Zec8.17. 7. He that. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. hath an. ver. * Re2.11, * Re2.17, * Re2.29. Re * Re3.6, Re3.13, Re3.22. * Re13.9. Mt * Mt11.15. +* Mt13.9, Mt13.13. Mk * Mk7.16. let him. Re * Re14.13. * Re22.17. 1 Co * 1Co2.10. * 1Co12.4-12. Ep * Eph5.17. hear what. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. Re Re13.9. Mt + Mt11.15. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Jn + Jn7.39. that overcometh. T#938. ver. * Re2.11, * Re2.17, * Re2.26-28. Re * Re3.5, Re3.12, Re3.21. * Re12.10, Re12.11. Re15.2. * Re21.7. Jn +* Jn16.33. Ro ◐+* Ro8.37. +* Ro12.21. Ja * Jas1.12. 1 J 1Jn2.13. 1Jn4.4. * 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. the tree. f46:46C, Mt + Mt8.6. In the Greek xylon means wood; but receives its meaning of “tree” from the Hebrew eytz, tree, which is frequently rendered xylon in the Septuagint (B680). Re * Re22.2, Re22.14, Re22.19. Ge *▶ Ge2.9. *3:▶ Ge3.22-2424. Pr * Pr3.18. +* Pr11.30. * Pr13.12. * Pr15.4. the paradise. Ge Ge2.8. Ge13.10. Ps +* Ps16.11. Is Is51.3. Ezk Eze28.13. ▶ Eze31.8. Jl Joe2.3. Lk +* Lk23.43. 2 Co +* 2Co12.4. 8. the angel. See on ver. Re2.1. Re + Re1.20. Smyrna. Re Re1.11. the first. Re Re1.8, +* Re1.11, + Re1.17, Re1.18. Is * Is41.4. ✓▶ Is44.6. ▶ Is48.12. which was. Re + Re1.18. 9. know. See on ver. Re2.2. Ro Ro14.10-12. tribulation. Re * Re7.14. Jn Jn16.33. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro * Ro5.3. * Ro8.35. Ro12.12. 1 Th 1Th3.4. 2 Th * 2Th1.6, 2Th1.7. poverty. Pr * Pr13.7. Mt +* Mt5.3. Lk +* Lk4.18. Lk6.20. 1 Co 1Co1.26. 2 Co * 2Co8.2, 2Co8.9. Ja +* Jas2.5, Jas2.6. thou art. Re Re3.17, Re3.18. Pr * Pr13.7. Mk ◐ Mk10.25. Lk * Lk12.21. Ro ✓ Ro8.18. 1 Co * 1Co3.21, 1Co3.23. 2 Co * 2Co6.10. Ph +* Php4.17. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.18. He Heb10.34. Heb11.26. Ja +* Jas2.5, Jas2.6. the blasphemy. Lk Lk22.65. Ac Ac26.11. 1 Ti 1Ti1.13. which say. Ro Ro2.17, Ro2.28, Ro2.29. * Ro9.6. Mt * Mt7.21-23. are not. Jn * Jn8.39, Jn8.44. Ro * Ro2.28, Ro2.29. Ro10.2. but are. Ac Ac13.50. Ac14.2, Ac14.5, Ac14.19. Ac17.5. the synagogue. Re Re3.9. of Satan. ver. Re2.13, Re2.24. Re Re3.9. Re12.9. Re20.2, Re20.7. 1 Co + 1Co5.5. 10. Fear none. Ps * Ps27.3. Da +* Da6.10. Mt +* Mt10.28. Mt28.20. Jn * Jn14.27. Ac Ac9.16. shalt. Da * Da3.16-18. Mt +* Mt10.28. Lk +* Lk12.4-7. the devil. Re * Re12.9-11. * Re13.2, Re13.7, Re13.15-17. Lk Lk21.12. Jn Jn13.2, Jn13.27. Ep Eph2.2. Eph6.12. 1 P * 1Pe5.8, 1Pe5.9. into prison. Ps Ps69.33. tried. Re Re3.10. Da ▶ Da1.12. +* Da11.35. He Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 290. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Heb11.36. 1 P * 1Pe5.10. ye shall. See on ver. Re2.9. Mt Mt24.9, Mt24.21, Mt24.29. Jn * Jn15.20, Jn15.21. * Jn16.33. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. Ph * Php1.28, Php1.29. 1 Th * 1Th3.3, 1Th3.4. ten days. Ge Ge24.55. Nu Nu11.19. 1 S 1Sa25.38. Da ▶ Da1.12, Da1.14. Hab * Hab2.3. 1 P ✓ 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.7. be thou faithful. ver. Re2.13. Re * Re12.11. Re17.14. Mt + Mt10.22. * Mt24.13. Mk Mk8.35. Mk13.13. Lk Lk21.16-19. Jn Jn12.25. Ac Ac20.24. Ac21.13. 1 Co +* 1Co4.2. * 1Co15.50-58. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.8. He +* Heb3.6. a crown. Re Re3.11. Re4.4, Re4.10. Re6.2. Re9.7. Re12.1, ◐ Re12.3. Re14.14g. 1 Th 1Th2.19. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. Ja +* Jas1.12. 1 P * 1Pe5.4. 11. He that. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. hath. See on ver. Re2.7. Re Re13.9. Mt Mt11.15. Mt13.9, Mt13.43. hear. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. the second death. T#563. Re ✓ Re20.6, Re20.11-15. +* Re21.8. Ezk Eze18.31, Eze18.32. Ja + Jas1.15 (T#287). 12. the angel. See on ver. Re2.1. Re Re1.11, + Re1.20. Pergamos. Pergamos, now Bergamo, the ancient metropolis of Mysia, and the residence of the Attalian kings, is situated on the river Ciacus, about sixty miles north of Smyrna, in long. 27 degrees East lat. 39 degrees 11 minutes North. It still retains some measure of its ancient importance; containing a population of about 15,000 souls, and having nine or ten mosques, two churches, and one synagogue. Re Re1.11. which hath. ver. Re2.16. Re * Re1.16. Re19.15, Re19.21. Is Is11.4. He +* Heb4.12. 13. know. See on ver. Re2.2, Re2.9. Jb * Job23.10. 1 Co * 1Co3.13-15. He +* Heb6.10. where thou dwellest. Ps * Ps120.5. Satan’s. ver. Re2.9, Re2.10, Re2.24. Re Re3.9. thou holdest. ver. Re2.25. Re Re3.3, Re3.11. Mt * Mt10.32. Ro ✓ Ro10.9, Ro10.10. 1 Th +* 1Th5.21. 2 Ti 2Ti1.13. * 2Ti2.11, 2Ti2.12. He +* Heb3.6. +* Heb10.23. my name. Re Re3.8. Mt Mt24.9. Lk Lk21.17. Jn + Jn1.12. Ac Ac9.14. Ja Jas2.7. not denied. Re Re3.8. Mt * Mt10.23. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.8. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12. Ju +* Jud3, Jud4. faith. f121:121R, Ac + Ac6.7. Antipas. i.e. against all, ❅S#493g. was. ver. + Re2.10. Re Re1.5. Re11.3. Re17.6. Ac Ac22.20. 14. I have. See on ver. Re2.4, Re2.20. Balaam. Nu Nu24.14. * Nu25.1-3. * Nu31.8, ▶ Nu31.16. Jsh Jos24.9. 2 P + 2Pe2.15. Ju * Jud11. who taught. ver. Re2.20. Pr * Pr28.10. Balac. i.e. waster, ❅S#904g. For ❅S# 01111h, see Nu + Nu22.2. a stumblingblock. Is Is57.14. Je Je6.21. Ezk Eze3.20. Eze44.12. Mt Mt18.7. Ro Ro9.32, + Ro9.33. Ro11.9. Ro14.13, Ro14.21. 1 Co 1Co1.23. * 1Co8.9. 1 P 1Pe2.8. children of Israel. Re Re7.4. Re21.12. Ac + Ac5.21. eat. ver. Re2.20. Ps * Ps106.28. Ac * Ac15.20, Ac15.21, + Ac15.29. Ac21.25. 1 Co 1Co8.4-13. * 1Co10.18-31. to commit. Re +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. Nu ▶ Nu25.1. Nu31.16. Ac + Ac15.20. 1 Co * 1Co6.13-18. * 1Co7.2. He +* Heb13.4. 15. So hast. ver. Re2.4, Re2.21. 1 Co * 1Co5.11. the doctrine. See on ver. Re2.6. Ro * Ro6.1, Ro6.2. Ju * Jud4. which thing. Ps * Ps97.10. 16. Repent. ver. Re2.5, Re2.21, Re2.22. Re * Re3.3, Re3.19. Re16.9. Mt * Mt3.2, Mt3.10. Ac * Ac17.30, Ac17.31. else. See on ver. Re2.5. will come. Re Re22.7. Jn + Jn21.22. will fight. ver. Re2.12. Re Re1.16. Re19.15, Re19.21. Is * Is11.4. Is49.2. Ho * Ho6.5. Ep * Eph6.17. 2 Th +* 2Th2.8. the sword. ver. Re2.12. Re Re1.16. * Re19.15, Re19.21. He * Heb4.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 291. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

17. He that hath. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. ver. + Re2.7, Re2.11. Re Re3.6, Re3.13, Re3.22. Mk Mk4.9, Mk4.23. hear. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Jn + Jn7.39. I give. 1 K ◐* 1Ki18.19. Ps Ps78.19, Ps78.24, Ps78.25. to eat. Ps * Ps25.14. Ps36.8. Pr * Pr3.32. Pr14.10. Is Is65.13. Mt Mt13.11. Jn Jn4.32. Jn6.48-58. Col * Col3.3. hidden. Re Re19.9. Ex * Ex16.23. Ezr Ezr1.7n. Ps Ps87.4. Is Is18.3, Is18.7. Je Je3.16n. He Heb9.4. manna. Ex * Ex16.15, Ex16.32-35. = Ex40.23. Ps ▶ Ps78.24. Jn Jn3.12. Jn4.32. * Jn6.31, Jn6.48-50, Jn6.56, Jn6.58. Jn13.17. white stone. Re Re13.18. Ex ? Ex28.30, Ex28.36. Le Le8.8. Nu Nu11.7. Ac Ac26.10. a new. Gr. kainos, new in quality, not in time; unfailing freshness, the like of which has never existed before (Mk + Mk2.22. ❅S#2537g. 2 J 2Jn5n). Re * Re3.12. Re5.9. Re14.3. * Re19.12, Re19.13. Re21.1, Re21.2, Re21.5. Is Is56.4. ▶ Is62.2. *▶ Is65.15. 2 Co * 2Co5.17. Ep Eph4.24. 1 J * 1Jn3.1. no man knoweth. Re Re19.12. Dt Dt29.29. saving. Ps * Ps25.14. Mt +* Mt11.27. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9, 1Co2.10, 1Co2.14. that receiveth. Ro Ro5.1. * Ro8.15, Ro8.16. 2 Co * 2Co1.22. Ph Php2.1. 1 J +* 1Jn5.10. 18. unto. See on ver. Re2.1. Re Re1.11, + Re1.20. Thyatira. i.e. sacrifice of labor; odor of affliction, ❅S#2363g. ver. Re2.24. Re Re1.11. Ac * Ac16.14. ◐ Ac19.10. the Son of God. Ps Ps2.7. Mt Mt3.17. Mt4.3-6. + Mt14.33. Mt17.5. Mt27.54. Lk +* Lk1.35. Jn * Jn1.14, Jn1.34, Jn1.49. ✓ Jn3.16, Jn3.18, Jn3.35, Jn3.36. Jn5.25. * Jn10.30, Jn10.36. Ac * Ac8.37. Ro * Ro1.4. +* Ro8.32. He * Heb1.1-3. his eyes. See on Re Re1.14, Re1.15. * Re19.12. Ps * Ps139.23, Ps139.24. He * Heb4.12. his feet. Re + Re1.15. Da ▶ Da10.6. 19. know. See on ver. Re2.2, Re2.9, Re2.13. Jn * Jn1.48, Jn1.49. thy works. ver. Re2.4, Re2.5. charity. 1 Co 1Co13.1-8. Ga * Ga5.22, Ga5.23. Ep Eph1.15. Col Col3.14. 1 Th + 1Th1.3. 1Th3.6. 2 Th * 2Th1.3, 2Th1.4. 1 Ti 1Ti1.5. 1 P 1Pe4.8. 2 P 2Pe1.7. service. He +* Heb6.10. faith. He * Heb11.1. patience. See on ver. Re2.2, Re2.3. Re + Re1.9. the last. ver. Re2.4. Jb Job17.9. Ps Ps92.14. Pr +* Pr4.18. Mt Mt12.45. Lk Lk11.26. Jn * Jn15.2. 2 P 2Pe2.20. +* 2Pe3.18. the first. ver. Re2.5. 20. I have. See on ver. Re2.4, Re2.14. that woman. 1 K * 1Ki16.31. 1Ki17.4, 1Ki17.13. ch. 18. 19:1, 2. 21:7-15, 23-25. 2 K 9:7, 30-37. Jezebel. i.e. a dunghill; without cohabitation, ❅S#2403g. For ❅S# 0348h, see 1 K + 1Ki16.31. calleth herself. Pr Pr27.2. Mt = Mt13.33. 2 Co ◐✓ 2Co10.18. a prophetess. Ex +* Ex15.20. Jg Jdg4.4. 2 K 2Ki22.14. Ne Ne6.14. Is Is8.3. Ezk Eze13.17. Lk Lk2.36. Ac + Ac21.9. and to seduce. ver. Re2.14. Ex Ex34.15. Nu Nu25.1, Nu25.2. 2 K * 2Ki21.9. Ac Ac15.20, Ac15.29. 1 Co 1Co8.10-12. 1Co10.18-21, 1Co10.28. my servants. Re + Re7.3. 1 S * 1Sa2.24. to commit. ver. + Re2.14, Re2.22. Re Re17.1, Re17.2. Nu ▶ Nu25.1. 1 Co 1Co5.1. to eat. 1 Co * 1Co10.28. 21. space. Re Re9.20, Re9.21. Je Je8.4-6. Da Da4.28, Da4.29. Lk * Lk13.6-9. Ro +* Ro2.4, Ro2.5. Ro9.22. 1 P 1Pe3.20. 2 P * 2Pe3.9, 2Pe3.15. to repent. Lk +* Lk13.3, Lk13.5. repented not. ver. Re2.4, Re2.15. Re * Re9.20, Re9.21. Re16.9, Re16.11. Ro + Ro2.4. 22. will cast. Mt Mt8.6, Mt8.14. Mt9.2. Mk Mk7.30g. a bed. Ex Ex21.18. Ps ◐ Ps41.3. and them. Re Re17.2. Re18.3, Re18.9. Re19.18-21. Pr * Pr6.26. Ezk Eze16.37-41. Eze23.29, Eze23.45-48. Ro * Ro2.5. 1 Co * 1Co5.9. He +* Heb13.4. Ja * Jas4.4, Jas4.5. * Jas5.5. great tribulation. Mt +* Mt24.21. except. Re * Re9.20, Re9.21. Je Je36.3. Ezk * Eze18.30-32. * Eze33.11-15. Zp Zep3.7. Lk +* Lk13.3, Lk13.5. Ac * Ac8.22. 1 Co 1Co3.13-15. * 1Co11.32. 2 Co 2Co12.21. 2 Ti +* 2Ti2.25, 2Ti2.26. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 292. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

23. will kill. Ge * Ge2.17. 2 K 2Ki10.7. Ezk Eze18.20. Eze33.27. Mt +* Mt10.28. Ro * Ro6.23. Re * Re20.14. her children. Ps Ps137.9. with death. Re Re6.8. Re18.8. Ex Ex5.3. Le Le26.25. 2 S 2Sa24.13. and all. ver. Re2.7, Re2.11. Dt Dt13.11. Dt17.13. Dt19.20. Dt21.21. Zp Zep1.11. I am he. Ne +* Ne9.6. Mt +* Mt3.3. which searcheth. f22:22C, Ge + Ge3.9. 1 S +* 1Sa16.7. 1 K 1Ki14.5, 1Ki14.6. ◐* 1Ki8.39. 2 K 2Ki5.25, 2Ki5.26. ✓ 2Ki6.12. 2Ki8.11, 2Ki8.12. 1 Ch +* 1Ch28.9. 1Ch29.17. 2 Ch 2Ch6.30. Ps ▶ Ps7.9. Ps26.2. Ps44.21. Ps139.1. Je Je11.20. +*▶ Je17.10. Je20.12. Da * Da2.28, Da2.29. Ml Mal3.2. Jn +* Jn2.24, Jn2.25. Jn4.19. +* Jn21.17. Ac Ac1.24. Ac5.4. Ro +* Ro8.27. He +* Heb4.13. the reins. f121:121I, Ge + Ge3.7. and hearts. 1 S +* 1Sa16.7. Ps * Ps66.18. Pr Pr15.11. Pr16.2. Ezk Eze11.5. Mt Mt9.4. and I will. Re Re20.12. Ps Ps62.12. Is Is3.10, Is3.11. Mt +* Mt16.27. Lk +* Lk14.14. Ro * Ro2.5-11. ✓ Ro14.12. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. Ga Ga6.5. 1 P 1Pe1.17. according. Re Re18.6. Re20.12. Re22.12. Ps Ps7.9. ▶ Ps62.12. Je Je11.20. * Je17.10. 24. Thyatira. ver. + Re2.18. known. f121:121C, Jb + Job19.25. the depths of Satan. ver. + Re2.9. Re * Re12.9. Re13.14. Is Is28.14-18. Da Da7.25. Da8.23-25. Ro Ro8.38, Ro8.39. 1 Co ◐ 1Co2.10. 2 Co ✓ 2Co2.11. ✓ 2Co11.3, 2Co11.13-15. Ep * Eph6.11, Eph6.12. 2 Th * 2Th2.9-12. I will. 2 K 2Ki9.25, 2Ki9.26. Is Is13.1. Mt Mt11.28-30. Ac Ac15.28. 25. that. Re * Re3.3, Re3.11. Ac +* Ac11.23. Ro * Ro12.9. 1 Co +* 1Co15.2. 1 Th +* 1Th5.21. He +* Heb3.6. +* Heb4.14. +* Heb10.23. hold fast. ver. Re2.13. Re Re3.11. Ps Ps119.33. Ga Ga5.1. * Ga6.9. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.13, 2Ti1.14. till I come. Re +* Re1.7. * Re22.7, Re22.20. Jn +* Jn14.3. + Jn21.22, Jn21.23. 1 Co * 1Co4.5. * 1Co11.26. 2 P * 2Pe3.10. 26. he. See on ver. * Re2.7, * Re2.11, * Re2.17. Re * Re3.5, Re3.12, Re3.21. * Re21.7. Ro * Ro8.37. 1 J * 1Jn5.5. overcometh. Re * Re12.11. keepeth. Mt * Mt24.13. Lk +* Lk8.13-15. Jn * Jn6.29. ✓ Jn8.31, Jn8.32. Ro +* Ro2.7. Ro16.26. 1 Th * 1Th3.5. He +* Heb10.38, Heb10.39. Ja * Jas2.20. 1 J * 1Jn2.19. * 1Jn3.23. my works. Jn + Jn6.28, Jn6.29. unto the end. Mt + Mt10.22. He + Heb3.6. to him will I give. Re * Re3.21. +* Re5.10. * Re20.4. * Re22.5. Ps ▶ Ps2.8. * Ps49.14. Da * Da7.18, Da7.22, Da7.27. Mt +* Mt19.28. Lk +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. 1 Co * 1Co6.24. power over. Ps +* Ps149.7-9. Mt * Mt25.21, Mt25.23. Lk * Lk19.17, Lk19.19. 27. he shall rule. Re * Re12.5. * Re19.15. Re20.6. Ps * Ps2.8, Ps2.9. * Ps49.14. +* Ps149.59. Is Is9.6. Da * Da7.22. Mt + Mt2.6. Mt28.18. rod of iron. Re Re12.5. Re19.15. Ps ▶ Ps2.9. +* Ps149.9. Is Is10.24. 1 Co 1Co4.21. He * Heb1.8. be broken. Is * Is30.14. Is60.12. Je Je19.11. Da * Da2.44, Da2.45. Mi Mic4.13. even. Mt +* Mt11.27. Lk +* Lk22.29. Jn * Jn17.24. 28. give him. Re * Re22.16. Da Da12.3. Lk * Lk1.78, Lk1.79. 2 P * 2Pe1.19. morning star. This is an admittedly obscure text. Peters writes, “The ‘morning star’ comes before ‘the day’ dawns; the ‘sun’ shines during ‘the day’; Jesus is both. As the morning star, He is seen by few: as the sun, He is seen by all. Those who watch not merely for the sun, but for the morning star, properly heed the cautions and injunctions relating to the posture of watching” (Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 317). In another place Peters states “We have in the ‘Morning Star’ an implied reference to the first stage of the Advent, the thief-like coming for the saints, and to obtain it indicates that we are worthy of the better resurrection, or (if living) of the translation. The mention of this in such a connection is also exceedingly significant of the exaltation of the saints to coheirship with the Christ when the morning breaks” (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 418). Re * Re22.16. Nu Nu24.17. 2 S ✓ 2Sa23.4, 2Sa23.5. Jb Job7.21. Job38.7. Ps Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 293. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps30.5. Ps46.5mg. Ps49.14, Ps49.15. Ps59.16. Ps88.13. Ps90.14. Ps101.8. Ps110.2, Ps110.3. Ps130.6. Ps143.8. Is Is8.19, Is8.20mg. Is17.14. Is21.11, Is21.12. Is26.19. Is60.3. Ho Ho5.15. * Ho6.3. Zp * Zep2.2, Zep2.3. Zep3.5. Ml Mal4.1-3. Lk +* Lk21.36. Ro Ro13.12. 1 Th 1Th4.13-18. 2 P ✓ 2Pe1.19. 29. hath an ear. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. See on ver. * Re2.7. Re Re13.9. Ne * Ne8.3. Je Je13.15. Lk Lk8.8. Lk14.35. hear. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Jn + Jn7.39. unto the churches. Re Re22.16. 1 Th 1Th4.13-18. 2 P 2Pe1.19.

REVELATION 3 The epistle of Christ to the angel of the church of Sardis; consisting of reproofs, exhortations, warnings, and promises to the pious remnant, Re3.1-6. That to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, replete with encouragement, Re3.7-13. That to Laodicea; comprising severe rebukes of lukewarmness and spiritual pride; connected with instruction, counsels, calls to repentance, invitations, and promises, Re3.14-22. 1. unto. See on Re Re1.11, + Re1.20. the church. ver. Re3.7n. Re Re1.4, Re1.20. Sardis. i.e. the sun; red ones; prince of joy, ❅S#4554g. ver. Re3.4. Re Re1.11. Sardis, the once proud capital of Lydia, and the residence of its opulent monarchs, is now reduced to a wretched Turkish village called Sart, the habitation of herdsmen, buffaloes, and oxen, situated at the foot of mount Tmolus, on the banks of the Pactolus, between 30 and 40 miles east from Smyrna. The ruins of Sardis are peculiarly grand, and lift up their heads, as if to assert their ancient glory; but it now contains not a single Christian family. Re + Re1.16. he that. See on Re Re1.4. Re4.5. * Re5.6. Jn * Jn1.16, Jn1.32, Jn1.33. Jn3.34. * Jn7.37-39. * Jn15.26, Jn15.27. Jn20.22. Ac * Ac2.33. * Ac10.38. 1 P 1Pe1.11. Spirits. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk24.37. seven stars. Re *1:+ Re1.16, Re1.20. * Re2.1. I know. ver. Re3.8, Re3.15. See on Re * Re2.2, Re2.9, Re2.13, Re2.19. Ps * Ps44.21. hast a name. Ge +* Ge11.4. art dead. Lk Lk8.14. *15:+ Lk15.24, Lk15.32. 1 Co +* 1Co11.30. Ep * Eph2.1, Eph2.5. * Eph5.14. Col * Col2.13. 1 Ti * 1Ti5.6. 2 Ti 2Ti3.4. He Heb6.1. Heb9.14. Ja * Jas2.26. Ju * Jud12. 2. watchful. Re Re16.15. Is Is56.10. Is62.6, Is62.7. Ezk Eze34.8-10, Eze34.16. Zc Zec11.16. Mt 24:+ Mt24.42-5151. Mt25.13. * Mt26.41. Mk * Mk13.33-37. Mk14.37, Mk14.38. Lk +* Lk21.36. Ac +* Ac20.28-31. 1 Co * 1Co16.13. 1 Th * 1Th5.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.1-5. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. 1Pe5.8. strengthen. Re Re2.4. Dt Dt3.28. Jb Job4.4, Job4.5. Job16.5. Is Is35.3. Ezk Eze34.4, Eze34.16, Eze34.21. Lk Lk22.31, Lk22.32. Ac Ac18.23. 1 Th 1Th3.3. Ti * Tt1.16. He * Heb2.1. * Heb10.38. ready to die. Zc Zec11.9. thy works. 1 K * 1Ki11.4. * 1Ki15.3. 2 Ch * 2Ch25.2. Is * Is57.12. Da * Da5.27. Mt Mt6.2-4. * Mt23.5, Mt23.28-38. perfect. Ge Ge6.9. +* Ge17.1. Dt * Dt18.13. Mt +* Mt5.48. Ac Ac14.26. 2 Co * 2Co13.9. Ph ◐✓ Php3.12. He * Heb6.1. before God. ver. Re3.12. Jn + Jn20.17. 3. Remember. See on Re * Re2.5. Ezk Eze16.61-63. * Eze20.43. * Eze36.31. Ga Ga5.7. He * Heb2.1. +* Heb3.14. * Heb10.32. 2 P 1:13. 3:1. received. Mt * Mt10.8. Col +* Col2.6. and heard. Dt * Dt4.9. Mk +* Mk4.24. Lk +* Lk8.18. Ac Ac19.10. Col Col1.5, Col1.6. and hold fast. ver. * Re3.11. See on Re * Re2.25. Jn +* Jn8.31. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.20. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.13. * 2Ti3.14. Ti Tt1.9. Ja +* Jas1.25. repent. ver. * Re3.19. See on Re * Re2.5, Re2.16, Re2.21, Re2.22. Je Je18.8. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. watch. Lk +* Lk21.36. 1 Co 1Co16.13. 1 P 1Pe5.8. I will Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 294. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

come. Note ver. Re3.5, Re Re13.10 and 21:6 for other marked allusions of Revelation to known sayings of Christ. ver. Re3.11. Re + Re1.3. + Re2.5. * Re16.15. Mt * Mt24.42, ▶ Mt24.43. Lk * Lk12.39, Lk12.40. 1 Th * 1Th5.2, 1Th5.4, 1Th5.5, 1Th5.6. 2 P * 2Pe3.10. as a thief. Christ’s coming as a thief has no reference to His coming for the church at the rapture. His thief-like coming occurs at the day of the Lord. Since Paul tells the Thessalonians they were well acquainted with the prophetic truth concerning the day of the Lord, this day is not to be identified with the Rapture, about which Paul did need to write to clarify their understanding. The day of the Lord begins with the Great Tribulation, and ends with the close of the Millennium. Those who shall “not escape” (1 Th 1Th5.3) are those who are not brethren, who fail to watch and pray (Lk +* Lk21.36), are not counted worthy to escape, and therefore go on into the tribulation period (see J. B. Smith, A Revelation of Jesus Christ, Appendix 8, pp. 328, 329). Re Re16.15. Mt * Mt24.42-44. Lk Lk12.39, Lk12.40. 1 Th * 1Th5.2. 2 P * 2Pe3.10. not know. Mt Mt24.42n. * Mt25.13. Mk * Mk13.32n, Mk13.33, Mk13.36. Ac Ac1.6n, Ac1.7n. 1 Th ◐ 1Th5.4. I will come. Ro Ro13.11. 4. Thou hast. f127, Re + Re2.6. a few. Mt +✓ Mt7.14. names. f121:121T, Ac + Ac1.15. Re Re11.13g. Ac Ac1.15. even. 1 K ✓ 1Ki19.18. Is Is1.9. Ezk +* Eze9.4. Ro Ro11.4-6. which. Re Re7.14. Re14.4. Re19.8. Is Is52.1. Is59.6. Is61.3, Is61.10. ✓ Is64.6. Zc Zec3.3-6. Mt * Mt22.11. 2 Ti 2Ti3.5. Ju * Jud23. with me. Jn Jn17.24. in white. ver. Re3.5, Re3.18. Re Re4.4. Re6.11. * Re7.9, Re7.13, Re7.14. * Re19.8, Re19.14. Est Es8.15. Ps * Ps45.14. Ps68.14. Ec * Ec9.8. SS * So4.7. Is Is61.10. Zc Zec3.4. Mk Mk16.5. Ep * Eph5.25-27. are worthy. Re Re16.6. Is Is56.3-7. Mt Mt10.11. + Mt22.8. Lk * Lk20.35. +✓ Lk21.36. 2 Th 2Th1.5. 5. overcometh. See on Re + Re2.7. * Re12.11. 1 S 1Sa17.25. Mt * Mt7.21. the same. See on ver. Re3.4. Re Re19.8. clothed. Mt ◐ Mt22.11-13. Ro Ro4.5. in white. ver. +* Re3.4. blot. Logically, a name cannot be blotted out of the Book of Life unless it has been written in the Book of Life. The Book of Life is not merely the book of the living, but the book of the redeemed. God has kept such a book from the beginning, witness the expression “my book” (Ex Ex32.33), a book therefore not to be identified as the census list of the nation of Israel! A person’s name is blotted out because of sin (Ex Ex32.33), but here it is promised that those who are overcomers will not be blotted out of the Book of Life. Ex * Ex32.32, ▶ Ex32.33. Dt Dt9.14. Dt25.19. Dt29.20. Ne * Ne13.14. Ps *▶ Ps69.28. Ps109.13. Ac ◐ Ac3.19. Ro Ro9.3. the book of life. f22:22D, Ex + Ex32.32. Re * Re13.8. Re17.8. * Re20.12, Re20.15. * Re21.27. Re22.19. Ps Ps33.16-22. Ps56.8. Ps139.16. Is Is4.3. Is65.6. Ezk Eze13.9. Da Da12.1. Lk * Lk10.20. Ph * Php4.3. He Heb12.23. confess. Ml * Mal3.17. Mt +*▶ Mt10.32. Lk Lk12.8. Ju * Jud24. my Father. Mt +* Mt25.21, Mt25.34. before his angels. Lk + Lk12.8. 6. hath an ear. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. See on Re Re2.7. Mt Mt11.15. Mt13.9, Mt13.43. let him hear. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. Pr * Pr1.23. the Spirit. Gr. Mt + Mt3.16. 7. to the angel. See on Re Re1.11, + Re1.20. Re2.1. the church. Though each of the seven letters is addressed to a specific church, Gerald B. Stanton notes that “very probably each letter went to all seven (cf. Re Re2.29, “what the Spirit saith unto the churches”)” so that “it is evident that the letter to the church in Philadelphia has more than local application” (Kept From The Hour, pp. 47, 48). Philadelphia. Philadelphia, so called from its founder, Attalus Philadelphus, still exists in the town called Allah-shear, “the city of God,” “a column in a scene of ruins.” It is situated on the slopes of three or four hills, the roots of mount Tmolus, by the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 295. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

river Cogamus, twenty-seven miles E.S.E. from Sardis, about long. 28 degrees 40 minutes, lat. 38 degrees 23 minutes. The number of houses is said to be about 3000, of which 250 are Greek, the rest Turkish; and the Christians have twenty-five places of worship, five of them large and regular churches, a resident bishop, and twenty inferior clergy. Re Re1.11. he that is holy. Re * Re4.8. Re6.10. Le * Le20.26. Ps +* Ps16.10. * Ps22.3. Ps30.4. Ps89.18. * Ps145.17. Is Is6.3. Is30.11. Is41.14, Is41.16, Is41.20. Is47.4. Is48.17. Is49.7. Is54.5. Is55.5. +* Is57.15. Mk +* Mk1.24. Lk Lk4.34. Jn * Jn10.30. Ac * Ac3.14. * Ac4.27. he that is true. f41, Ge + Ge10.1. ver. Re3.14. Re +* Re1.5. Re6.10. * Re15.3. Re16.7. * Re19.2, Re19.11. Re21.5. Pr * Pr8.7. Mt Mt24.35. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. +* Jn17.3. 1 J * 1Jn5.20. the key. f121:121S, Ge + Ge49.10. By Metonymy of the Adjunct, whereby the sign is put for the thing signified, “key” is put for governmental authority, of which it is the sign. Re + Re1.18. Is ▶ Is22.22. Lk +* Lk1.32. of David. Re * Re5.5. Is +* Is9.7. he that openeth. f121:121S, Jb + Job12.14. Re Re5.3-5, Re5.9. Jb Job11.10. Job12.14. Mt * Mt16.19. Lk +* Lk24.45. Ac * Ac16.14. no man shutteth. Mt Mt23.13. and shutteth. Mt * Mt25.10. Lk * Lk13.25. 8. I know. ver. Re3.1, Re3.15. See on Re Re2.2, Re2.19. Ps Ps33.16-22. an open door. ver. Re3.7. Re * Re4.1. Jn * Jn10.9. Ac + Ac14.27. 1 Co * 1Co16.9. 2 Co * 2Co2.12. Ep * Eph2.18, Eph2.19. Col * Col4.3. He * Heb10.19, Heb10.20. a little strength. Da Da11.34. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.8-10. Ph * Php4.13. and hast kept. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. ver. Re3.10. Re Re22.7. Jn * Jn14.21-24. Jn15.20. +* Jn17.6. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.14. 2Ti4.7. hast not denied. See on Re Re2.13. Pr Pr30.9. Mt * Mt10.32, Mt10.33. Mt26.70-72. Lk Lk12.9. Ac Ac3.13, Ac3.14. 1 Ti +* 1Ti5.8. 1 J * 1Jn2.22, 1Jn2.23. Ju * Jud4. 9. the synagogue. See on Re Re2.9. are not. Ro * Ro2.28, Ro2.29. I will make them to. Ex Ex11.8. * Ex12.30-32, Ex12.36. 1 S 1Sa2.36. 2 K * 2Ki1.13. Est Es6.13. * Es8.17. Jb * Job42.810. Is ▶ Is45.14. ▶ Is49.23. ▶ Is60.14. ▶ Is66.23. Da * Da2.46, Da2.47. Zc * Zec8.20-23. Ac Ac16.37-39. and worship. Re Re4.10, Re4.11. Mt Mt8.2. Mt12.36. +* Mt14.33. Ph * Php2.10, Php2.11. I have loved. ver. Re3.19. Re +* Re1.5. Ps * Ps146.8. Is ▶ Is43.4. Je Je31.3. 10. hast kept. Jn +* Jn17.6. 1 Ti ◐* 1Ti4.1, 1Ti4.2. the word. Re Re1.9. Re13.10. Re14.12. of. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. my patience. Re + Re1.9. Re2.2, Re2.19. Re13.10. Re14.12. Lk * Lk21.19. He * Heb12.1, Heb12.2. Ja Jas1.3, Jas1.12. 1 P * 1Pe1.6, 1Pe1.7. I also. Pr * Pr1.10. * Pr3.25, Pr3.26. +* Pr4.23. Mt +* Mt6.13. * Mt26.41. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. Ep * Eph6.13. 2 P +* 2Pe2.9. will keep. Ge Ge19.28, Ge19.29. Ex +* Ex12.13. Ps Ps12.7. * Ps17.5. Ps91.8. * Ps94.18. Pr * Pr2.8. Is +* Is26.20. Is33.16. +* Is57.2. Hab Hab3.16. Zp Zep2.3. Lk +✓ Lk21.36. Lk22.31, Lk22.32. Jn Jn17.11. Ro +* Ro5.9. 1 Co +* 1Co10.13. 1 Th 1Th5.9. from. Gr. ek, lit. out of. Some who favor a posttribulational rapture of the church understand the primary force of this preposition to mean “out from within” (Robert Gundry, The Church and the Tribulation, p. 55). Gundry asserts “the preposition ek appears in John’s writings approximately 336 times, far more often than in the writings of any other NT author. There is not a single instance where the primary thought of emergence, or origin, cannot fit, indeed, does not best fit the thought of the context. Surely the invariability of meaning in such a high number of occurrences establishes the Johannine usage” (p. 57). Gundry’s unexamined universal assertion is not supported by a careful examination of the particular instances. We have met this claim for a universal meaning for ek in other connections, and fully proved by the citation of specific instances, that ek may sometimes mean not “out of,” as from within, but from, as here (Ac Ac8.39n). J. B. Smith points out that if ek means “out of,” in the sense of being preserved in the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 296. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

hour of temptation, applying this construction to the acclaimed parallel in Jn Jn17.15, “shouldst keep them out of (the evil one),” the words “would really mean safe in the evil one, that is, safe in the devil. Thus the absurdity of such an interpretation becomes apparent” (Comm. on Revelation, Appendix 10, p. 333). A much more satisfactory parallel is Jn ✓ Jn12.27, which, taken with its parallels (Mt Mt26.38. Mk Mk14.36. Lk Lk22.42. Jn Jn18.11. Ps Ps42.5, Ps42.6) proves that, when Jesus in his human nature prayed “remove this cup from me,” and the parallel or equivalent request, “save me from this hour,” he was not praying to be spared during the hour, but to be kept from it, which settles the meaning of the expression here. Ps Ps27.5. Ps32.6. Jn ✓ Jn12.27. Jn17.15g. Ro +* Ro5.9. 2 Co 2Co1.10. 1 Th +* 1Th1.10. 2 P 2Pe2.9. the hour. Re Re2.10. of temptation. Da +* Da12.1. Zp Zep1.14-18. Mt ✓ Mt24.21, Mt24.22. come upon. Da * Da7.21, Da7.25. 2 Th ✓ 2Th2.8-12. all the world. Gr. oikoumene, Mt + Mt24.14. The use of this phrase shows this testing is not to be confined to “an hour of trial or tribulation upon the churches of John’s day” (Dake), for no such world-encompassing tribulation occurred in John’s day. Rather, this time of testing “may be equated with the tribulation yet to come,” which proves that the Philadelphian church, “as well as the other churches, is representative of the church universal” (J. B. Smith, Comm. on Revelation, p. 88). Re Re13.3, Re13.8. Mk Mk14.9. Lk Lk2.1. Ro * Ro1.8. to try. Is * Is24.17. Da +* Da11.35. * Da12.10. Zc * Zec13.9. Mk * Mk13.13, Mk13.19. Ja * Jas1.3, Jas1.12. 1 P * 1Pe4.12. that dwell. Re Re6.10. Re8.13. Re11.10. * Re12.12. *13:◐ Re13.6, Re13.8, Re13.12, Re13.14. Re14.6. Re17.2, Re17.8. Is Is24.17. He ◐ Heb11.13. upon the earth. Re +* Re6.10. 11. I come. ver. Re3.3. Re Re1.1, Re1.3. Re2.5. * Re22.7, Re22.12, Re22.20. Zp * Zep1.14. Mt Mt24.27. Mt25.6. 1 Co 1Co15.52. Ph * Php4.5. Ja * Jas5.9. 2 P * 2Pe3.8-10. hold. See on ver. * Re3.3. Re * Re2.13, Re2.25. He * Heb10.35-39. that no man. 1 Co 1Co3.8, 1Co3.14. 1Co9.17. Col * Col2.18. Col3.24. 2 J +* 2Jn8. thy crown. Re * Re2.10. Re4.4, * Re4.10. 1 Co * 1Co9.25. 2 Ti 2Ti2.5. * 2Ti4.8. Ja +* Jas1.12. 1 P * 1Pe5.3, 1Pe5.4. 12. overcometh. See on Re 2:+ Re2.7, Re2.10. * Re12.11. Re17.14. Ps Ps125.1. 1 J 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.14. 1Jn4.4. pillar. 1 K * 1Ki7.21. 2 Ch 2Ch3.17. Is Is22.23. Je Je1.18. Ga Ga2.9. 1 Ti 1Ti3.15. the temple. or, sanctuary. Re Re7.15. Re11.1, Re11.2, Re11.19. Re14.15, Re14.17. Re15.5, Re15.6, Re15.8. Re16.1, Re16.17. Re21.22. Ps * Ps23.6. * Ps65.4. * Ps92.13. Mt + Mt23.16. 1 Co * 1Co3.9. Ep *▶ Eph2.19-22. 1 P * 1Pe2.5. no more out. f158, Mt + Mt5.18. 1 Ch = 1Ch23.25, 1Ch23.26. Ps * Ps23.6. Ps27.4. I will write. Re * Re2.17. Re14.1. * Re22.4. him the name. Nu +* Nu6.27. Jn + Jn1.12. Jn14.13. my God. ver. Re3.2. Jn + Jn20.17. and the name. Ezk ▶ Eze48.35. the city. Re * Re21.2, Re21.10-27. Ps Ps48.8. Ps87.3. Ga * Ga4.26, Ga4.27. He * Heb12.22. Heb13.14. new Jerusalem. Re ✓ Re21.2. cometh down. Re Re21.2, Re21.10. out of heaven. Is Is11.9. Ph Php3.20, Php3.21. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4n. my God. Jn + Jn20.17. my new name. Re + Re2.17. Re22.4. Is ▶ Is62.2. ▶ Is65.15. Mt Mt1.21, Mt1.23. Ac Ac11.26. Ep Eph3.15. 13. hath an ear. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. Re Re2.7. Pr Pr1.17, Pr1.33. Mk Mk4.9, Mk4.23. Mk7.16. hear. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt Mt3.16. 14. the angel. Re Re1.11, + Re1.20. Re2.1. of the Laodiceans. or, in Laodicea. Re Re1.11. Col * Col2.1. * Col4.13-16. the Amen. Is ▶ Is65.16. Jn Jn8.14. 2 Co * 2Co1.20. the faithful. ver. Re3.7. Re +* Re1.5. Re19.11. Re21.5. Re22.6. Ps ▶ Ps89.37. Is * Is11.5. Je Je42.5. and true. Is * Is65.16. witness. Is Is55.4. Mt Mt24.35. Jn Jn1.18. * Jn18.37. the beginning. This is a Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 297. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

favorite Arian prooftext, cited to prove that Jesus is not eternal, but had a beginning, Jesus being understood by them to be the first-created creature of God, through whom God created all else in the universe. The underlying Greek word, arche, may be understood in a passive sense, and rendered “the beginning,” as the A.V., or more correctly understood in the active sense, and rendered “the beginner,” source, origin, or principle of creation. Since God is eternal, and Jesus is God, the passive sense is not suited to the context, as being out of harmony with the many representations of Christ John has already given, whereby he in citing or alluding to Old Testament passages has applied to Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation what is in the Old Testament spoken of Jehovah (see related notes at Ac Ac11.21n. Col Col1.16n. 1 P +* 1Pe2.3n). Herman Gebhardt states “that qualities, actions, and conditions which belong specifically to God, are also ascribed to Christ, and to Him only,” and “in Old Testament expressions things which otherwise belong to God are frequently affirmed of Christ. It is said of Christ that ‘His head and His hairs were white like wool,’ Re Re1.14; and in Da Da7.9, God is so represented. The eyes of Christ are as a flame of fire, Re Re1.14; Re2.18; Re19.12; and in the same words God’s omniscience is symbolized as directed with holy indignation against all unrighteousness, Da Da10.6. The feet of Christ are ‘like unto fine brass, as if they burned in an oven,’ Re Re1.15; Re2.18; the same image represents God’s power in treading down the wicked, Da Da10.6; Ezk Eze1.7. The voice of Christ is as the voice of many waters, Re Re1.15; and we find a similar representation of God’s power against His enemies, Da Da10.6; Ezk Eze1.24; Eze43.2; Ps Ps93.3. Christ’s countenance is as the sun shining in his strength, Re Re1.16; and so it is said of God, Da Da10.6 (compare Jg Jdg5.21). The seer fell down before Christ as if dead, Re Re1.17; a similar effect was wrought by the appearance of God, Ex Ex33.20; Is Is6.5; Ezk Eze1.28; Da Da8.17, Da8.18; Da10.7-9. Christ says, ‘I am He that searcheth the reins and hearts, and will give unto every one of you according to your works,’ Re Re2.23; and we read that ‘the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins,’ Ps Ps7.9, and that He ‘renders to every man according to his work,’ Ps Ps62.12. Christ says, ‘As many as I love I rebuke and chasten,’ Re Re3.19; and in Pr Pr3.12 we read ‘whom the Lord loveth He correcteth.’ Christ calls Himself ‘the Amen,’ Re Re3.14; and the same expression is used of God, Is Is65.16. The Lamb has ‘seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth,’ Re Re5.6; and in Zc Zec4.10 we read of ‘the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.’ According to Re Re7.17, the Lamb will feed His people, and lead them to fountains of living waters; and the same thing is said of Jehovah in Is Is49.10. What is said of the anger of Christ, Re Re19.15 (compare Re Re14.10, Re14.14-16), is drawn from a similar passage respecting God in Is Is63.1-6. The ‘vesture dipped in blood,’ worn by Christ, Re Re19.12, is said to have been worn by God, Is Is63.1, Is63.2” (The Doctrine of the Apocalypse, pp. 85, 86). Gebhardt asks, “What exposition is demanded by the laws of language? Without further delay I reply, that had the seer written ‘the beginning of the creatures (ktismata) of God,’ or had he written ‘the first, or the first-born, or the first-fruit (protos, prototokos, aparxee) of the creation of God,’ then the expression might be understood to denote the first created, or that which precedes all things, the first creature in time and rank. But the seer has written ee arkee tees ktiseos tou theou, which can mean nothing else than principium creationis, the principle, the en o, di ou, eis o, of the creation of God. After this affirmation of the literal sense, I may remark that it finds confirmation in Re Re1.17, Re1.18; Re2.8” (p. 92, 93). “Are not all the expressions concerning Christ, quoted above, so many proofs that John, by ‘the beginning of the creation of God,’ cannot have meant the earliest and greatest of creatures, but a being above creation?” (Gebhardt, The Doctrine of the Apocalypse, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 298. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

p. 93). Waterland defines Arkee (beginning), “that is, author or efficient cause” (Works, vol. 2, p. 53). T#961‡. Re Re21.6. Re22.13. Ge Ge1.1. Ge49.3, LXX. Dt Dt21.17. Pr ▶ Pr8.22. Jn 1:◐+* Jn1.1, ◐ Jn1.2, ◐ Jn1.3, Jn1.18. Jn5.17, Jn5.19. ◐+* Jn8.35. 1 Co ✓ 1Co8.6. Ep Eph3.9. Col * Col1.13, ▶ Col1.15, Col1.16, Col1.18. He Heb1.2, Heb1.10. 15. I know. ver. Re3.1, Re3.8. Re Re2.2, Re2.19. art neither. Re * Re2.4. 2 K * 2Ki17.41. Mt * Mt24.12. Ph * Php1.9. 2 Th * 2Th1.3. 1 P 1Pe1.22. I would. Dt * Dt5.29. Ps * Ps81.11-13. 1 Co 1Co4.8g. 2 Co 2Co12.20. thou. Jsh * Jos24.15-24. 1 K * 1Ki18.21. Pr Pr23.26. Ezk * Eze20.39. Ho Ho7.8. * Ho10.2. Zp * Zep1.5, Zep1.6. Mt * Mt6.24. * Mt10.37. * Mt12.30. Lk Lk14.27, Lk14.28. 1 Co 1Co16.22. Ja * Jas1.8. wert cold. Mt Mt24.12. 2 P 2Pe2.21. or hot. Nu Nu14.14. Jsh Jos14.8. Mt * Mt5.16. Ro +* Ro12.11. 16. lukewarm. Nu Nu32.6. Jsh Jos18.3. Jg Jdg5.16, Jdg5.17, Jdg5.23. 2 Ch 2Ch24.5. Ne * Ne3.5. Ne13.11. Ps Ps123.4. Is Is32.9. Is47.8. * Is64.7. +* Is66.4. Je * Je9.3. +* Je48.10. Ezk +* Eze16.49. +* Eze33.31, Eze33.32. Ho Ho10.2. Am Am6.1. Zp * Zep1.12. Hg * Hag1.2-11. Mt Mt22.5. Mt24.12. Ro ◐+* Ro12.11. and neither. Jsh +* Jos24.15. 1 K * 1Ki18.21. I will spue thee out. Re * Re2.5. Le * Le18.25, Le18.28. Le20.22. Dt * Dt32.19. Je Je14.19. * Je15.1-4. Zc Zec11.8, Zec11.9. He Heb10.28, Heb10.29. 17. I am rich. Re * Re2.9. Pr * Pr13.7. Je * Je9.23. Ho ▶ Ho12.8. Am Am6.1-7. Zc ✓ Zec11.5. Mt * Mt6.8. Lk Lk1.53. * Lk6.24. * Lk12.21. Lk18.11, Lk18.12. Ro Ro11.20, Ro11.25. +* Ro12.3. 1 Co 1Co4.8-10. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.9. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. increased. Ps Ps62.10. have need. Dt Dt8.12-14. Pr * Pr26.12. * Pr30.9. Je Je2.31. Mt * Mt9.12. knowest not. T#25. Pr + Pr16.25 (T#704). Ho Ho7.8, * Ho7.9. Lk * Lk6.42. Ro Ro2.17-23. 1 Co * 1Co8.1, 1Co8.2. wretched. Is * Is1.5, Is1.6. Zc Zec3.3. Mt +* Mt5.3. Ro * Ro7.24. blind. Is * Is42.18-20. Mt + Mt23.16. Jn ✓ Jn9.39-41. Ep Eph1.18. 2 P * 2Pe1.5-9. naked. Re Re16.15. Ge * Ge3.7, Ge3.10, Ge3.11. Ex Ex32.25. 18. counsel. Ps Ps16.7. +* Ps32.8. Ps73.24. Ps107.11. Pr Pr1.25, Pr1.30. Pr8.14. Pr19.20. Ec Ec8.2. Is Is9.6. Je * Je32.19. Ho * Ho13.9. Ep * Eph1.11. Col Col2.3. 1 J * 1Jn2.1. buy. Pr Pr3.13-17. * Pr8.18, Pr8.19. Pr23.23. Is * Is55.1. Mt * Mt13.44. Mt25.9. gold. Ml Mal3.3. 1 Co 1Co3.12, 1Co3.13. 1 P +* 1Pe1.7. that thou. Re Re2.9. Lk Lk12.21. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.18. Ja +* Jas2.5. white raiment. ver. +* Re3.4, Re3.5. Re * Re7.13, Re7.14. Re16.15. * Re19.8, Re19.14. Ps Ps51.7. 2 Co 2Co5.3. be clothed. Re Re16.15. Ge * Ge3.7, Ge3.21. Is * Is61.10. 2 Co 2Co5.3. Ph Php3.9. the shame. Re Re16.15. Is Is47.3. Je Je13.26. Da +* Da12.2. Mi Mic1.11. Na Na3.5. not appear. 2 Co 2Co5.10. anoint. Jn Jn9.6-11. 1 Co * 1Co1.21. 1 J +* 1Jn2.20, 1Jn2.27. mayest see. Is * Is42.7. 19. as many. ver. Re3.9. Dt * Dt8.5. 2 S * 2Sa7.14. Jb * Job5.17. Ps Ps6.1. * Ps39.11. Ps94.10. * Ps119.67, Ps119.71, Ps119.75. Pr *▶ Pr3.11, Pr3.12. Pr15.10, Pr15.32. * Pr22.15. Is * Is26.16. Je Je2.30. * Je7.28. Je10.24. * Je30.11. * Je31.18. Zp * Zep3.2. 1 Co * 1Co11.32. 2 Co 2Co6.9. He * Heb12.5-11. Ja * Jas1.12. I rebuke. T#508. Dt + Dt8.2 (T#4). Jb + Job5.7 (T#2). 1 S + 1Sa2.7 (T#3). Pr Pr27.6. He Heb12.5-8. and chasten. 2 S * 2Sa7.14. Ps * Ps94.12. He Heb12.5-13. be zealous. Nu Nu25.11-13. Ps Ps69.9. Jn Jn2.17. Ro * Ro12.11. 2 Co * 2Co7.11. Ga * Ga4.18. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. repent. ver. Re3.3. Re * Re2.5, Re2.16, Re2.21, Re2.22. 20. I stand. SS * So5.2-4. Lk * Lk12.36. at the door. Jb Job23.3. Mt Mt24.33mg. Ac Ac17.27. Ja +* Jas5.9. and knock. Mt Mt7.7. Lk Lk11.9. * Lk12.36. if any man. f184:184C, Mt Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 299. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

+ Mt4.9. Re Re22.17. Da Da11.33n. Jn * Jn6.37. Ro ✓ Ro14.12. 2 P * 2Pe3.9. hear. Mk +* Mk4.24. Lk +* Lk8.18. Jn ✓ Jn5.24. Ro ✓ Ro10.17. my voice. Pr Pr1.20. Pr9.3. SS So5.2. Jn +* Jn10.3, Jn10.5, Jn10.27. and open. Dt * Dt30.19. Jsh +* Jos24.15. 1 K * 1Ki18.21. SS So5.6. Jn ✓ Jn1.12. I will come in. T#839. Mt +* Mt18.20. Lk * Lk19.5, Lk19.6. Lk24.29, Lk24.30. Jn * Jn14.18, +* Jn14.20, Jn14.21-23. Ep * Eph3.17. 1 J 1Jn1.3. will sup. Re * Re19.9. 2 S * 2Sa9.7. SS * So2.4. Lk * Lk12.37. Lk17.8. 21. overcometh. See on Re Re2.7. * Re12.11. Ga Ga3.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.7. 1 J 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. will I grant. Re Re1.6. Re2.26, Re2.27. Mt Mt19.28. Mt24.46, Mt24.47. Mt25.21. Lk Lk19.17. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12. He Heb2.8, Heb2.10, Heb2.12, Heb2.13. Heb10.12, Heb10.13. to sit. Re Re1.6. Re2.26, Re2.27. Re20.4. 1 S * 1Sa2.8. Zc * Zec3.7. Mt +* Mt19.28. Lk * Lk12.43, Lk12.44. +* Lk22.28-30. Jn Jn12.26. Ro +* Ro8.17, Ro8.37. 1 Co * 1Co6.2, 1Co6.3. Ep Eph4.8. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. with me. Re Re20.6. Is +* Is55.1-3. Jn * Jn12.26. Ep Eph1.3. my throne. f22:22D, Ps + Ps45.6. Re Re22.1. Ps Ps89.3, Ps89.4, Ps89.14, * Ps89.29, Ps89.35, * Ps89.36. Is Is9.7. * Is16.5. Je Je33.15, Je33.17. Ezk * Eze37.24, Eze37.25. Zc * Zec6.13. Mt +* Mt25.31. Lk +* Lk1.32. Ac +* Ac2.30. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. He Heb1.8. Heb2.8. even. Jn Jn16.33. overcame. Re Re5.5. Re6.2. * Re12.11. Re17.14. Jn +* Jn16.33. He * Heb12.1-3. and am set. Re Re5.6-8. Re7.17. Ps * Ps110.1. Da +* Da7.13, Da7.14. Mt * Mt26.64. Mt28.18. Mk + Mk16.19. Jn Jn5.22, Jn5.23. Jn17.5, Jn17.22. Ep Eph1.20-23. Ph Php2.9-11. in his throne. Re Re1.4. Re4.4. Re22.1. Ps +* Ps103.19. He Heb8.1. * Heb10.12, Heb10.13. Heb12.2. 22. hath an ear. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. ver. Re3.6, Re3.13. See on Re Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17. Lk Lk8.8. Lk14.35. let him hear. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. Pr * Pr1.20-23. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16.

REVELATION 4 John, in vision, beholds heaven open, and the glory of God, as seated on an exalted throne, Re4.1-3; surrounded by twenty-four elders, and four living creatures, who unite in adoring Him, as the Creator and Lord of all, Re4.4-11. 1. After. Re ch. 1-3. a door. Ezk * Eze1.1. Eze8.3. Eze11.24. Mt Mt3.16. Mk Mk1.10. Lk Lk3.21. Ac * Ac7.56. Ac10.11. Ac22.17. 2 Co * 2Co12.1, 2Co12.2. the first voice. Re Re1.10. Re16.17. I heard. Is * Is6.8. Jn Jn5.25, Jn5.28. trumpet. Re Re1.10. Re8.2. Ex * Ex19.19, Ex19.20. 1 Co 1Co15.52. 1 Th * 1Th4.16. Come up hither. This phrase is taken by many to prove the pretribulation Rapture of the church. This text, however, cannot prove anything about the Rapture, for to apply this to the Rapture one must take John to be a type of the church, the call to “come up hither” a type of the shout-command at the Rapture, and the third heaven as the destination of believers at the Rapture, all of which are tenuous connections at best. One cannot base a doctrine on a type, and proof of the timing of the Rapture must rest upon the direct statements of Scripture elsewhere. There is no need to search the Apocalypse for a direct mention of the pretribulation Rapture of the church, when the doctrine is clearly stated elsewhere. After all, the church or repentance is not mentioned in the entire gospel of John, but that need not be cause for concern that the doctrine of repentance or the church suffers thereby. Re Re11.12. Ex ▶ Ex19.16, Ex19.20, Ex19.24. Ex24.12. Ex34.2, Ex34.3. 1 Th ?= 1Th4.13-18. and I. Re Re1.19. Re22.6. Jn Jn16.13. things which. This phrase is crucial to understanding the structure of the book of Revelation. In the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 300. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

light of Revelation 1:19, this phrase marks the third grand division of the book as the “things which must be here after.” Interpreters differ widely in their understanding of the book of Revelation. Four major schools or systems of interpretation have been (1) the preterist, which takes all the events in the book to have been fulfilled in John’s own day, the position held by many respected scholars and critics; (2) the historicist, which understands the prophecy to be in continuous fulfillment from John’s day to the end of history; (3) the idealist, or spiritual scheme of interpretation, which takes the prophecies not as prophetic of future events but places a “spiritual” interpretation upon them, believing they reveal timeless truth about the conflict between good and evil, the spiritual history of the church, the ultimate victory of Christ over the powers of darkness, and are meant to provide spiritual comfort in times of trial; (4) the futurist, which holds that the majority of the book deals with end-time events which are still future. Most Bible-believing Christians today would probably opt either for the historicist or the futurist position of interpretation. The historicist position, reflected in the original notes of the Treasury, suffers from the inability of interpreters of this school to establish a specific verifiable criterion of judgment whereby positive identification for the fulfillment of specific prophecies can be proved to be historically fulfilled by specific events in world history, in historical instances of fulfillment to which most of the interpreters of this school could agree. The method requires the student of Revelation to go outside the Bible and seek for the fulfillment of predictions in the past events of world history, and to one not well taught in history the method is impossible to carry out, leaving the book of Revelation largely closed to the ordinary reader. The futurist position suffers, in the opinion of some, because it makes the book largely inapplicable to the original readers of the book, or to anyone since then, since the events are all placed in the future. A sufficient answer to such an objection is that the practical object of prophecy is to motivate us to holy living in watchful expectation of our Lord’s return (Lk +✓ Lk21.36. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.14), and Scripture itself teaches us that we have “a more sure word of prophecy” to serve as a light in dark times (2 P 2Pe1.19). All Bible prophecy was written with both a near and a distant vantage point. A prophet predicted some things which transpired during his own lifetime, as verification that he was a true prophet of God (Dt Dt18.22), but also spoke of things in the distant future, which only the passing of time could verify (see the excellent discussion of these matters in R. B. Girdlestone, The Grammar of Prophecy, Chapter 3, “Tests of the Truth of Prophecy,” pp. 16-24). The futurist position is the only position which can be entirely consistent in interpreting the prophecies of the book of Revelation in harmony with the rest of the prophecies of the Bible. Any system of prophetic interpretation, to be correct, must follow a consistent principle of literal interpretation for all of Scripture (using the same principle for prophetic as is used for non-prophetic portions), and must appeal to Scripture (not tenuous and unsubstantiated historic parallels) for its justification (Is +* Is8.20). What John writes in Revelation corresponds to the predictions in the Old Testament (Is Is11.11n), the prophetic Discourses of Christ himself, such as the most significant Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 and parallels, and the prophetic teaching of the apostle Paul (Ti Tt2.13n). Futurists, consistent with the divinely provided divisions of the book of Revelation (Re Re1.19), place the events of chapters 4-22 in the future, understanding them to be events particularly connected with the Seventieth Week of Daniel’s prophecy (Da +* Da9.27n), and the time of the Great Tribulation. Futurists are correct in understanding Bible prophecy to be a self-consistent whole, and interpret the book of Revelation in the light of the rest of the covenants and prophecies of Scripture, and find the explanation of the book of Revelation to be contained in the rest of Scripture, and the method of interpretation which is Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 301. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

most satisfactory to be a comparison of Scripture with Scripture (2 P 2Pe1.20n). Re ✓ Re1.19. Ge * Ge41.25. Da ▶ Da2.29. 2. I was. See on Re Re1.10. * Re17.3. * Re21.10. Ezk Eze2.2. Eze3.12-14. Eze10.1. the spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. f121:121A, Ezk + Eze37.1. a throne. ver. Re4.5, Re4.9, Re4.10. Re Re5.1, Re5.6, Re5.7, Re5.13. Re6.16. Re7.10, Re7.15. Re16.17. Re19.4. Re20.11-15. Re21.5. 1 K * 1Ki22.19. Ps * Ps11.4. Ps103.19. Is * Is6.1. Je Je17.12. Ezk * Eze1.26, Eze1.28. Eze10.1. Da Da7.9. Mt + Mt5.34. Mt23.22. and one sat. ver. Re4.9. Re Re3.21. Re5.1, Re5.6, Re5.7, Re5.13. Re6.16. Re7.9-17. Re12.5. Re19.4. Re21.5. Re22.1-3. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. Da Da7.9. He Heb8.1. 3. And he. Da Da7.13, Da7.14. like a jasper. Re Re21.11, Re21.18, Re21.19, Re21.20. Ex * Ex24.10. Ex28.20. Ex39.13. Ezk Eze1.26. Eze28.13. sardine stone. Re Re21.20. Ex Ex28.17. Ex39.10. Ezk Eze28.13. a rainbow. Re Re10.1. Ge * Ge9.8-17. Ps * Ps85.10. Is +* Is54.9, Is54.10. Ezk Eze1.28. 1 Th 1Th5.9. round about. Ezk ▶ Eze1.26. like unto an emerald. Re Re21.19g. Ex Ex28.18. Ex39.11. Ezk Eze27.16. Eze28.13. 4. round about. ver. Re4.6. Re Re5.11. Re7.11. were four. Re Re11.16. Re20.4. Mt +* Mt19.28. Lk +* Lk22.30. four and twenty. ver. Re4.10. Re * Re5.5, Re5.6, Re5.8, Re5.11, Re5.14. Re7.11, Re7.13. Re14.3. Re19.4. Re21.12-14. 1 Ch 1Ch24.1, 1Ch24.4, 1Ch24.5. elders. Ac Ac20.17. clothed. Re 3:+ Re3.4, Re3.5. Re6.11. Re7.9, Re7.13, Re7.14. Re19.14. white raiment. Re Re19.8. crowns. ver. Re4.10. Re * Re1.5, Re1.6. Re2.10. * Re3.11. Re9.7. Est Es8.15. Ps Ps21.3. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. He * Heb12.23. 1 P 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9. of gold. Ex Ex39.2730. 5. proceeded. Re * Re8.5. Re11.19. * Re16.17, Re16.18. Ex ▶ Ex19.16. Ex20.18. Ps Ps18.13, Ps18.14. Ps68.35. Ps77.18. Ezk ▶ Eze1.13. Jl Joe3.16. He Heb12.18-29. thunderings. Re Re8.5. Re10.3, Re10.4. Re11.19. Re19.6. Ex Ex19.16. voices. Re Re8.5. Re10.3, Re10.4. Re11.19. Re16.18-21. seven lamps. Ex * Ex25.37. Ex37.23. 2 Ch 2Ch4.20. Ezk Eze1.13. Zc * Zec4.2, Zec4.3, Zec4.11-14. Mt + Mt25.1g. burning. Ge * Ge15.17. which are. Re + Re1.4. the seven. Re * Re1.4. Re3.1. Re5.6. Mt * Mt3.11. Ac Ac2.3. Ro +* Ro8.9. 1 Co 1Co12.4-11. Spirits. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk24.37. 6. a sea. Re * Re15.2. Re21.18, Re21.21. Ex * Ex38.8. 1 K * 1Ki7.23. Ps Ps77.19. crystal. Re Re21.11. Re22.1. Jb Job28.17. Ezk ▶ Eze1.22, Eze1.26. ▶ Eze10.1. 1 Co 1Co13.12. the midst. Re Re5.6. Re7.17. Is ▶ Is6.1. Ezk Eze1.4, Eze1.5. round about. ver. Re4.4. Re Re5.11. Re7.11. four. Re Re7.1. Zc Zec6.1, Zec6.5. beasts. Gr. living creatures. ver. Re4.8, Re4.9. Re Re5.6, Re5.8, Re5.11, Re5.14. Re6.1, Re6.6. Re7.11. ◐ Re13.1. Re14.3. Re15.7. Re19.4. Ex Ex25.17-22. * Ex26.1, Ex26.31. Nu Nu7.89. 1 S 1Sa4.4. 2 S 2Sa6.2. 1 K 1Ki6.29. Ps Ps80.1. Ps99.1. Is Is37.16. Ezk ▶ Eze1.5, etc. 10:14. He Heb8.5. Heb9.5. full. ver. Re4.8. Ezk ▶ Eze1.18. Eze10.12. behind. Re Re5.1. 7. the first beast. ver. Re4.6. Ge Ge49.9. Nu Nu2.2, etc. 23:24. 24:9. 1 K ✓ 1Ki7.29. Pr Pr28.2. Ezk ▶ Eze1.10. ▶ Eze10.14, Eze10.21. like a calf. Ezk Eze1.10. 1 Co 1Co9.9, 1Co9.10. as. 1 Co 1Co14.20. a flying. Dt Dt28.49. 2 S 2Sa1.23. Is Is40.31. Ezk Eze1.8, Eze1.10. Da Da10.14. Da Da7.4. Ob Ob4.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 302. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

8. the four beasts. ver. + Re4.6. six wings. Ge * Ge3.24. Ex Ex26.1. Ex25.18-22. Ex37.7-9. Is ▶ Is6.2, etc. Ezk * Eze1.6. Eze10.21, Eze10.22. 2 Ti 2Ti4.2. full of eyes. ver. Re4.6. Ezk ▶ Eze1.18. ▶ Eze10.12. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.16. and they. Re Re7.15. Is Is62.1, Is62.6, Is62.7. Ac Ac20.31. 1 Th 1Th2.9. 2 Th 2Th3.8, 2Th3.9. rest not. Gr. have no rest. Re 14:11. day and night. Lk + Lk18.7. Holy. Re Re3.7. Ex Ex15.11. Le * Le20.26. Ps * Ps20.6. * Ps22.3. * Ps28.2. * Ps99.5. Is ▶ Is6.3. Lord God. Re Re11.17. Re15.3. Re16.7, Re16.14. Re18.8. Re19.6, Re19.15. Re21.22. Re22.5, Re22.6. Ge * Ge17.1. Ps Ps91.1. Is Is13.6. Jl Joe1.15. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. Mt Mt4.7, Mt4.10. Mt22.37. Mk Mk12.30. Lk Lk1.16, Lk1.32, Lk1.68. Lk4.8, Lk4.12. Lk10.27. Lk20.37. Ac Ac2.39g. 2 Co * 2Co6.18. Almighty. Re +* Re1.8. which was. ver. Re4.4. Re + Re1.4, Re1.8, Re1.11. Re11.17. Re16.5. Is Is43.3, Is43.11. * Is48.12. Is63.16. He +* Heb13.8. and is. Re Re1.18. Ex ▶ Ex3.14. Is ▶ Is41.4. Jn +* Jn8.58. * Jn18.6. 9. when. Re * Re5.13, Re5.14. Re7.11, Re7.12. beasts. ver. + Re4.6. give. Re + Re11.13. glory. ver. Re4.11. Re ✓ Re5.12, Re5.13. Re7.12. Re19.1. Re21.24, Re21.26. Ro + Ro11.36. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. 2 P 2Pe1.17. honor. ver. Re4.11. Re ✓ Re5.12, Re5.13. Re7.12. Re21.26. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. 1Ti6.16. 2 P 2Pe1.17. thanks. Re Re7.12g. sat on. ver. Re4.2. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. who liveth. Re + Re1.18. Re5.14. Re10.6. Re15.7. Ex Ex15.18. Ps Ps48.14. Da ▶ Da4.34. ▶ Da6.26. ▶ Da12.7. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. He Heb7.8, Heb7.25. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. 10. The four. ver. + Re4.4. 1 Ch 1Ch25.1-31. fall. Re Re5.8, Re5.14. Re7.11. Re11.16. Re19.4. Jb Job1.20. Ps Ps72.11. Mt Mt2.11. worship. ver. Re4.9. Re Re7.11. Re15.4. Re22.8, Re22.9. 1 Ch 1Ch29.20. 2 Ch 2Ch7.3. Ps Ps95.6. Mt Mt4.9, Mt4.10. Lk Lk24.52. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. cast. ver. Re4.4. 1 Ch 1Ch29.11-16. Ps Ps115.1. 1 Co 1Co15.10. crowns. ver. Re4.4. Re Re2.10. 1 Th 1Th2.19. 2 Ti 2Ti4.8. Ja Jas1.12. 1 P 1Pe5.4. 11. worthy. Re Re5.2, Re5.9, * Re5.12. 2 S 2Sa22.4. Ps Ps18.3. O Lord. ver. + Re4.8. to receive. Re Re14.7. Dt Dt32.4. 1 Ch 1Ch16.28, 1Ch16.29. Ne Ne9.5. Jb Job36.3. Ps * Ps29.1, Ps29.2. Ps68.34. Ps96.7, Ps96.8. Da * Da7.13, Da7.14. Mt Mt4.10. glory. ver. + Re4.9. Re Re1.6. Re3.14. Ps * Ps115.1. honor. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.14-16. power. Re Re5.12. Re7.12. Re12.10. Re19.1. 1 Ch +* 1Ch29.11. Ju * Jud25. for thou. Re Re10.6. Re14.7. Ge +* Ge1.1. Ex * Ex20.11. Ne +* Ne9.6. Ps Ps102.25. Ps124.8. Pr Pr8.23-31. Is * Is40.26, Is40.28. Je Je10.11. Je32.17. Jn * Jn1.1-3. Ac + Ac14.15. Ac17.24. Ro Ro1.25. Ep * Eph3.9. Col * Col1.16, Col1.17. He * Heb1.2, Heb1.10. and for. Ge Ge1.31. Ps * Ps33.9-11. Pr * Pr16.4. Is Is43.7. Da * Da4.34, Da4.35. Mt Mt6.10. Jn Jn1.3. Ro * Ro11.36. Ep +* Eph1.11. He Heb1.2.

REVELATION 5 The apostle beholds a sealed book, which none could open, and he weeps on that account, Re5.1-4. He is assured by one of the elders, that the Lamb had prevailed to open it; who accordingly comes and takes it, Re5.5-7. He hears the living creatures and the elders adoring the Redeemer; while angels, and all creatures, join in the praises of “him who sits on the throne, and of the Lamb that was slain,” Re5.8-14. 1. right hand. Ps Ps20.6. * Ps89.13. Ps98.1. of him. ver. Re5.7, Re5.13. Re + Re4.2. that sat. See on Re Re4.3. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. Da Da7.9, Da7.10. a book. ver. Re5.7-9. Re Re10.2, Re10.8-11. Ex Ex32.15. Is * Is29.11. Is34.16. Ezk ▶ Eze2.9, Eze2.10. on the back. Re Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 303. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re4.6g. sealed. Re Re6.1. Dt Dt32.34. Is Is8.16. ▶ Is29.11. Je Je32.14, Je32.15. Da Da8.26. * Da12.4-9. Mt Mt24.36. Ac Ac1.7. 2. a strong. Re Re10.1. Re18.21. Ps Ps103.20. Who. ver. Re5.5. Le Le25.25. Dt Dt25.5. Ru Ru4.1-6. Ps Ps24.3-5. Is Is29.11, Is29.12. Is41.22, Is41.23. to open. Re Re3.7. Jb Job11.10. loose the seals. Re Re22.10. Da ◐ Da12.4. 3. no man. ver. Re5.13. Is Is40.13, Is40.14. Is41.28. Is63.5. Ro Ro11.34. in heaven. Ph Php2.10. 4. because. Re Re4.1. Da Da12.8, Da12.9. no man. Is Is53.6. Is64.6. Ro Ro3.23. 5. one. ver. Re5.6, Re5.8, Re5.11, Re5.14. Re 4:+ Re4.4, Re4.10. Re7.13. Weep. Je Je31.16. Lk Lk7.13. Lk8.52. Lk23.28. Jn Jn20.13. the Lion. f22:22E, Jn + Jn1.29. Ge +* Ge49.9, Ge49.10. Nu Nu24.9. He * Heb7.14. of Judah. Ge 49:▶ Ge49.9, +* Ge49.10. Jg Jdg20.18. 1 Ch +✡ 1Ch5.2. Ps +✡ Ps60.7. Mi +✡* Mic5.2. Mt Mt1.2. Mt2.6. He + Heb7.14. the Root. f22:22H, Is + Is11.10. Re * Re22.16. Is ▶ Is11.1, Is11.10. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Ro Ro1.3. Ro15.12. of David. Ru Ru4.14, Ru4.21, Ru4.22. Ps Ps89.20-29. Is +* Is9.7. hath prevailed. Re Re1.1. + Re3.21. Re6.1. Jb Job19.25. Ps Ps74.2. Pr Pr23.11. Is Is43.14. Je Je50.34. Lk Lk24.21. to open. Da * Da7.15, Da7.16. seven seals. ver. Re5.1. Re Re6.1. 6. in the midst of the throne. Re * Re3.21. See on Re Re4.4-6. four beasts. ver. Re5.11, Re5.14. Re + Re4.6. the elders. ver. Re5.5, Re5.11, Re5.14. Re + Re4.4. a Lamb. An emblematical representation of our Savior’s high-priesthood. f22:22E, Jn + Jn1.29. ver. Re5.9, Re5.12, Re5.13. Re Re6.1, Re6.16. Re7.9-17. * Re12.11. +* Re13.8, Re13.11. Re14.1, Re14.4, Re14.10. Re15.3. * Re17.14. Re19.7, Re19.9. Re21.9, Re21.14, Re21.22, * Re21.23, Re21.27. Re22.1, Re22.3. Ex * Ex12.3-13. Is * Is53.7, Is53.8. Jn *1:+ Jn1.29, Jn1.36. Ac Ac8.32. He Heb7.26. 1 P * 1Pe1.19, 1Pe1.20. slain. Re * Re13.8. Ge Ge4.4. Ge22.8. 1 S 1Sa7.9. Is ▶ Is53.7. Zc Zec12.10. Jn Jn20.25. seven horns. As a horn is the emblem of power, and seven the number of perfection, the seven horns may denote the almighty power of Jesus Christ. 1 S 1Sa2.1, 1Sa2.10. 2 S 2Sa22.3. Ps Ps75.4. Ps132.17. Ps148.14. La La2.3. Ezk Eze29.21. Da * Da7.14. Da8.5, Da8.20, Da8.21. Mi Mic4.13. Hab Hab3.4. Lk Lk1.69. Ph * Php2.9-11. seven eyes. His infinite knowledge and wisdom; and especially “the treasures of wisdom” laid up in him, to be communicated to the Church by “the seven Spirits of God,” i.e. the Holy Spirit. 2 Ch 2Ch16.9. Zc * Zec3.9. Zec4.10. Jn +* Jn2.24, Jn2.25. Col * Col2.3. the seven Spirits. Gr. pneuma, Lk + Lk24.37. Re + Re1.4. See on Re Re4.5. 1 Co 1Co12.4. sent forth. Zc Zec4.10. all the earth. Zc ▶ Zec4.10. 7. took. Zc Zec13.7. Jn Jn5.22. * Jn16.15. Ac * Ac4.12. Ph Php2.6. out. ver. Re5.1. See on Re Re4.2, Re4.3. of him. ver. Re5.1, Re5.13. Re + Re4.2. that sat. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. Da Da7.13, Da7.14. 8. the four. ver. Re5.14. See on Re Re4.4, Re4.8, Re4.10. Re7.10-12. Re19.4. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Ro * Ro14.10-12. Ph * Php2.9-11. He * Heb1.6. fell down. ver. Re5.14. Re + Re4.10. ◐+* Re19.10. Mt * Mt2.11. harps. Re Re14.2, Re14.3. Re15.2. 1 S 1Sa10.5. 1 Ch 1Ch25.3. 2 Ch = 2Ch5.12. 2Ch29.25. Ps Ps33.2. Ps43.4. Ps49.4. Ps71.22. Ps81.2. Ps92.3. Ps149.3. Ps150.3. Is ◐ Is24.8. golden vials. Re + Re15.7. Ex Ex25.23-29. Ex27.3. Ex37.10-16. 1 K 1Ki7.45, 1Ki7.50. 2 Ch 2Ch4.22. Zc Zec14.20. odors. or, incense. Re Re8.3, Re8.4. Re18.13. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 304. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ex Ex30.7, Ex30.8. 2 Ch = 2Ch13.11. Ps ▶ Ps141.2. Ml Mal1.11. Lk * Lk1.10. 2 Co 2Co2.15. the prayers. Re Re8.3, Re8.4. Ps Ps141.2. Ml Mal1.11. Lk Lk18.7, Lk18.8. Ac Ac10.4. the saints. Re + Re8.3. Da Da7.18, Da7.22, Da7.27. 9. sung. Re Re7.10-12. Re14.3. Ex Ex15.1. Ps Ps33.3. * Ps40.3. Ps96.1. Ps98.1. Ps107.1, Ps107.2. Ps144.9. Ps149.1. Is * Is42.10. Is44.23. +* Is51.11. new song. Re * Re14.3. Re15.3. 2 Ch = 2Ch5.13. Ps ▶ Ps144.9. Ep Eph5.19. Col Col3.16. Thou art. See on ver. Re5.2, Re5.3, Re5.12. Re Re4.11. slain. ver. Re5.6, Re5.12. Re * Re13.8. Ex Ex12.13. Ga Ga3.13. He * Heb2.9. redeemed us. Most modern authorities omit “us,” though it has considerable, if not overwhelming, authority in the MSS. Alford notes that it is more likely to have been inserted, considering the prevalent early interpretation of the elders as apostles and prophets, than omitted because they were imagined to be angels. For similar constructions with ek and the object not expressed, see Mt Mt25.8; 1 J 1Jn4.13. Tregelles retains “us,” remarking “in verse 9, eemas, “us,” should certainly be read. There was an opinion, many years ago, that it rested on but slight authority. This arose through an error in a reprint of Griesbach’s text; so that he was supposed to have excluded it. On this misprint interpretations were based. Now of all collated MSS. the Codex Alexandrinus alone omits eemas (and this is thought to have some support from the Ethiopic version); and one MS. has eemon instead. The consent of the ancient versions has much weight in a case of this kind. It is surprising that some later editors have omitted it only on the authority mentioned” (S. P. Tregelles, The Hope of Christ’s Second Coming, p. 69, 70 note). Hoskier, the greatest authority on the Greek text of the book of Revelation, calls this omission “and that huge blunder at v. 9” when listing a few of the solecisms of the Alexandrian MSS., further remarking, “Surely we ought not to be asked ever to follow A alone (as we have at v. 9, more is the pity)” (H. C. Hoskier, Concerning the Genesis of the Versions of the N.T., p. 392, 393). A further issue in interpretation for some seems to be that this is one of the clearest texts to show that the twenty-four elders are saints, redeemed believers in heaven, significant evidence that they represent the raptured church in heaven during the tribulation period. Alexander Reese, opposing the pretribulation rapture, evidently placed much weight on this mistaken omission of “us,” to support the view that the elders cannot represent the redeemed, acknowledging, however, that the ancient readings of this passage do indicate the elders to be of the redeemed, stating “Certainly these words seem conclusive that here we have the redeemed” (The Approaching Advent of Christ, p. 92). But even with a change of the pronouns involved (some modern critics supplying “them” here and in verse 10, in reference to the last word in verse 8, “saints”) it is clear elsewhere that the twenty-four elders are redeemed men (Re Re1.1. Re5.5-7. Re7.13-15. * Re19.10. * Re22.8, Re22.9). For a fine and very complete discussion of this matter see J. B. Smith (Comm. on Revelation, Appendix 11, pp. 334-339). Re Re14.4, Re14.6. Ex Ex14.10, Ex14.30. Le Le25.30, Le25.54. Is Is47.4. Is53.11. * Is62.12. Mt * Mt20.28. +* Mt26.28n. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ro Ro3.2426. 1 Co 1Co6.20. 1Co7.23. Ep Eph1.7. Col * Col1.14. Ti ✓ Tt2.14. He Heb11.14. 1 P 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. 2 P + 2Pe2.1. 1 J * 1Jn1.7. 1Jn2.2. to God. Re Re21.3. by thy blood. f108:108D, Mt + Mt3.11. Re + Re1.5. Re7.9, Re7.10, Re7.14. Jn Jn11.51, Jn11.52. Ac +* Ac20.28. Ep Eph1.7. He Heb9.12, Heb9.14. 1 P * 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. out of. Re Re7.9. Re10.11. Re11.9. Re13.7. Re14.6. Re17.15. Is Is56.7. Da Da3.4, Da3.7, Da3.29. Da4.1. Da5.19. Da6.25. Da7.14. Mk * Mk16.15, Mk16.16. Col +* Col1.23.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 305. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

10. made us. T#973‡. Re Re7.4n. Re20.4, Re20.6. Mt + Mt7.14 (T#669). Lk + Lk12.32 (T#959‡, 972x). kings. Re * Re1.6. Re20.4. Re22.5. Ex Ex19.6. Ro +* Ro4.13. 1 P * 1Pe2.5-9. and. f93:93A, Ge + Ge1.26. By Hendiadys, “a great priestly kingdom.” Two words used, one thing meant. priests. f96:96F, Ge + Ge4.10. The plural form “priests” is put by Heterosis for the singlular, denoting greatness. Re * Re20.6. Ex ▶ Ex19.6. 2 Ch = 2Ch5.11. Is * Is61.6. Is66.21. we shall reign. Re + Re1.9. Re2.26. * Re3.21. Re20.4, Re20.6. Ge Ge17.6. Ge35.11. Ex Ex19.6. Jg Jdg5.13, Jdg5.31. 1 S 1Sa2.8, 1Sa2.9. Ps Ps23.5. Ps45.16. Ps47.7-9. Ps75.10. Ps112.9, Ps112.10. Ps113.8. +* Ps149.7-9. Pr Pr14.11, Pr14.19. Is Is32.1. Je Je3.17. Da * Da7.14, Da7.18, Da7.22, Da7.27. Zc Zec14.5, Zec14.9. Mt +* Mt19.28. Mt24.47. Mt25.21, Mt25.23, Mt25.34. Lk Lk19.17. +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. 1 Co 1Co6.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.12. +* 2Ti4.1. Ja +* Jas2.5. 1 P 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9. 1Pe5.4. Ju Jud14, Jud15. on the earth. Gr. epi tees gees, prepositional phrase correctly rendered “on the earth” (F. Blass and A. Debrunner, A Greek Grammar of the New Testament, p. 96, sec. 177, genitive with verbs of ruling and surpassing). Epi with the genitive, of place, lit. on, upon, answering the question “where?” as on (the) earth, Mt Mt6.10, Mt6.19. Mt9.6. Mt23.9. Mk Mk6.47 (Arndt and Gingrich, Lexicon, p. 285, I. 1. a. Compare p. 286, I. 1. B. a). Re +* Re6.10g. ◐x Re9.11g. ◐x Re11.6g. Ps * Ps37.9. Ps45.16. * Ps96.13. Is +* Is24.23. Je Je23.5. Mt Mt3.13g,n. +* Mt5.5. Lk ✓ Lk18.8g. Ac Ac2.38n. +* Ac7.5. Ro * Ro4.13. * Ro8.17. He Heb12.25g. 11. many. Re Re7.11. 1 K 1Ki22.19. 2 K 2Ki6.16-18. Ps +* Ps68.17. * Ps103.20. Ps148.2. Mt * Mt26.53. Lk * Lk2.13, Lk2.14. the throne. See on Re Re4.4, Re4.6, Re4.9, Re4.10. the beasts. ver. Re5.6, Re5.8. Re + Re4.6. the elders. ver. Re5.5. Re + Re4.4. was. Re Re19.6. Dt +* Dt33.2. Jb * Job25.3. Ps +* Ps68.17. Da * Da7.10. He * Heb12.22. ten thousand. Re ◐ Re9.16. Da ▶ Da7.10. Ju + Jud14. 12. Worthy. See on ver. Re5.9. Re Re4.11. Zc Zec13.7. the Lamb. ver. + Re5.6. slain. Is ▶ Is53.7. to receive. Re + Re4.11. Re7.12. Re19.1. Ne +* Ne9.6. Mt Mt28.18. Jn ✓ Jn3.35, Jn3.36. Jn17.2. Ro * Ro14.11. 2 Co * 2Co8.9. Ph * Php2.9-11. Col * Col2.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. power. Power, glory, and honor are mentioned in Re Re4.11 as being given to the God the Father (O Lord, i.e. Jehovah) as an act of worship (Re Re4.10). In this text, the Lamb, or Christ, is given power, glory, and honor in what must equally be understood as worship. Therefore, it is proper to worship the Son, even as it is proper to worship the Father, for here it has been shown that Father and Son receive the same worship. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11-13. Ps Ps62.11. Mt Mt6.13. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. 1 Co 1Co1.24. riches. Re Re3.18. Pr * Pr8.18. Ep * Eph3.8. wisdom. 1 Co * 1Co1.24. Ep * Eph3.10. strength. ver. Re5.6. Jb Job9.19. Ps * Ps68.34. Is * Is26.4. honor. Re Re4.10, Re4.11. Ps Ps8.5. * Ps66.2. * Ps104.1. Pr Pr8.18. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. Jn8.24. Ac +* Ac7.59. 1 Co 1Co1.2. Ph * Php2.9-11. He * Heb2.7, Heb2.9. glory. Re + Re4.9. Ps * Ps29.2, Ps29.9. * Ps138.5. Is * Is42.8. Da Da7.10, Da7.14. 2 Co * 2Co4.6. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.17. blessing. Ps Ps72.18, Ps72.19. Ps103.21, Ps103.22. Ps135.19, Ps135.20. Ro +* Ro9.5. 1 Ti * 1Ti1.11. * 1Ti6.15, 1Ti6.16. 13. every. ver. Re5.3. Re Re7.9, Re7.10. Ps Ps96.11-13. Ps145.21. Ps148.2-13. Ps150.6. Lk * Lk2.14. Ph * Php2.10. Col +* Col1.23. creature. Re Re8.9g. in heaven. T#1193. ver. Re5.3. Re Re6.9-11. Zc Zec1.12, Zec1.13. Ro Ro8.26, Ro8.27. * Ro8.34. Ph Php2.10. such. Is Is24.14. Is42.10. Blessing. ver. Re5.12. Re Re1.6. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11. Ps Ps72.18, Ps72.19. Mt +* Mt6.13. Ro +* Ro9.5. * Ro11.36. Ro16.27. Ep Eph3.21. 1 Ti +* 1Ti6.16. 1 P 1Pe4.11. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 306. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Pe5.11. Ju * Jud25. honor. Is +* Is58.13. Jn ✓ Jn5.23. 1 Ti 1Ti1.17. glory. Re + Re1.6. Lk Lk2.13, Lk2.14. Jn * Jn17.24. him. ver. Re5.1, Re5.7. See on Re 4:+ Re4.2, Re4.3. that sitteth. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. and unto. See on ver. Re5.6, Re5.9. Re Re6.16. Re7.10. Mt +* Mt14.33. Ro Ro14.11. He Heb1.6. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. 14. the four. Re Re19.4. said. Re Re7.12. 1 Co + 1Co14.16. And the four and. See on Re Re4.9-11. fell down. ver. Re5.8. Re + Re4.10. worshipped him. ver. Re5.12n, Re5.13. Re ◐ Re4.10, Re4.11. Dt * Dt32.43, LXX. Ps * Ps150.1-6. Mt Mt8.2. Mt9.18. Mt14.33. Mt15.25. Mt28.9. Jn + Jn4.20. Ac +* Ac7.59n. 1 Co 1Co1.2. He +* Heb1.6. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6.

REVELATION 6 The opening of six of the seven seals, and the emblematic discovery of future events made after each of them, Re6.1-17. 1. when. ver. Re6.16. See on Re Re5.5-7. the seals. Re Re5.1, Re5.5-7. noise of thunder. Re Re4.5. Re10.3, Re10.4. Re11.19. Re14.2. Re19.6. Ex Ex19.16. Jb * Job37.5. Ezk Eze1.24, Eze1.25. Eze10.5. one of. ver. Re6.3, Re6.5, Re6.7. Re Re4.6, Re4.7. Ac Ac4.20. the four. ver. Re6.6. Re + Re4.6. Come. f171:171J, Jon + Jon1.3. In verses 1, 3, 5, and 7, the verb “and see” is not in many modern critical Greek texts. In this case the verb “come” is used in the sense of “go,” as a command from the throne to the horsemen, rendered “saying, Go! and I saw and behold a white horse...and he went forth.” 2. a white. This seems to be a representation of the person and dignity of Christ, and the mild and beneficent triumphs of his gospel over all the powers of paganism. In contrast to the preceding original Treasury note (which reflects the historicist school of interpretation, Re Re4.1n), H. B. Swete states (in reference to the rider and white horse of Re Re19.11) that “the two riders have nothing in common beyond the white horse.... A vision of the victorious Christ would be inappropriate at the opening of a series which symbolizes bloodshed, famine, and pestilence” (The Apocalypse of St. John, p. 86). The rider on the white horse is more probably to be identified as the Antichrist. If this is not Antichrist, then Revelation does not place Antichrist on the scene of events before the middle of Daniel’s Seventieth Week (in Re ch. 13), and the rider is virtually unidentifiable. The first seal corresponds to Mt Mt24.4, Mt24.5 (the false Messiah or Antichrist). Re ◐ Re19.11, Re19.14, Re19.19, Re19.21. Zc ▶ Zec1.8. ▶ Zec6.2, Zec6.3, etc., ▶6. Mt Mt24.4, Mt24.5, Mt24.23, Mt24.24. Jn Jn5.43. 2 Co 2Co11.13-15. horse. Jb Job39.19, Job39.25. Ps Ps76.6. Pr * Pr21.31. Is Is43.17. Je Je6.23. Zc Zec9.10. Zec10.3. and he that. Ps Ps45.3-5, LXX. Is Is41.2. Is49.2, Is49.3. Hab Hab3.8, Hab3.9, Hab3.13. Zc Zec9.13, Zec9.14. had a bow. Re ◐ Re1.16. ◐ Re19.15, Re19.21. Ps Ps7.12. Ps11.2. Ps37.14. Ps46.9. Ps58.7. Je Je49.35. and a crown. Re ◐ Re2.10. Re9.7. * Re13.2, Re13.4. ◐ Re14.14. ◐ Re19.12. Da * Da8.24. * Da11.38, Da11.39. Zc Zec6.11-13. Mt Mt28.18. was given unto him. Re Re13.7. and he went forth. Re ◐ Re1.18. Re11.15, Re11.18. Re13.4. Re15.2. Re17.14. Ps Ps98.1. Ps110.2. Is Is25.8. Da Da9.27. Da11.37. Mt Mt7.15. Mt24.4, Mt24.5. Jn Jn5.43. Ro Ro15.18, Ro15.19. 1 Co 1Co15.25, 1Co15.55-57. 2 Co 2Co10.3-5. conquering. Re + Re3.21. Re13.1-18. Re14.9-11. Re16.13-16. Re17.1-17. Re19.19, Re19.20. Is Is14.16, Is14.17. Da Da7.7, Da7.8, Da7.20, Da7.21, Da7.23, Da7.24. Da8.23-25. Da9.27. Da11.36-45. and to conquer. The following references (largely from the Commentary Wholly Biblical) assume the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 307. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

rider of this white horse is Christ, and that the scene portrays the conquest of the world by the spread of the gospel during this age, in harmony with the idealist or spiritual view (Re Re4.1n). Re Re11.15. Ps Ps21.13. * Ps24.8. Ps45.3-5. Is Is63.1. Ezk Eze21.27. Eze47.1-5. Zc Zec9.14. Mt Mt28.18. Ac Ac19.20. 1 Co 1Co15.25. Ep Eph4.8. 3. when he. See on ver. Re6.1. Re Re4.7. 4. horse. Re Re12.3. Re17.3, Re17.6. Zc ▶ Zec1.8. ▶ Zec6.2, Zec6.6. red. Re Re17.3, Re17.6. power. Re Re13.10. Ex Ex9.16, Ex9.17. Is Is37.26, Is37.27. Ezk Eze29.18-20. Da Da2.37, Da2.38. Da5.19. Jn Jn19.11. to take peace. The second seal corresponds to Mt Mt24.6, Mt24.7, wars. Le Le26.25. 2 Ch * 2Ch15.5, 2Ch15.6. Je * Je25.29, Je25.31. Ezk Eze38.21. Mi ch. *7. Mt ✓ Mt24.6, Mt24.7. Mk Mk13.7, Mk13.8. should kill. Mt Mt24.6, Mt24.7. and there. Ps Ps17.13. Is Is10.5, Is10.6. Is34.5, Is34.6. Je Je12.12. Je47.6, Je47.7. Ezk Eze14.17. Eze21.9-11. Eze30.24, Eze30.25. Da Da11.33. sword. Gr. maxaira, any sword or long knife. ver. ◐ Re6.8. Mk Mk14.43. Jn Jn18.10, Jn18.11. He Heb4.12. 5. he had. See on ver. Re6.1. Re Re4.6, Re4.7. Re5.5, Re5.9. a black. Black symbolizes famine. The third seal corresponds to Mt Mt24.7, famines. 2 K 2Ki8.1. Je Je4.1, Je4.2. Je16.4. La La4.4-8. La5.10. Hg Hag1.11. Hag2.16, Hag2.17. Zc ▶ Zec6.2, Zec6.6. had. Le Le19.36. Le26.26. Pr Pr16.11. La La5.10. Is Is40.12, Is40.15. Ezk * Eze4.10, Eze4.16, Eze4.17. Eze45.10. Ho Ho12.7. Am Am8.5. Mi Mic6.11. 6. I heard. f18, Dt + Dt28.4. four beasts. ver. Re6.1. Re + Re4.6. A measure. “The word chenix signifieth a measure containing one wine-quart and the twelfth part of a quart.” ver. Re6.8. Le * Le26.26. Dt * Dt32.23-25. 2 K * 2Ki6.25. 2Ki7.1, 2Ki7.16, 2Ki7.18. * 2Ki25.3. Ps * Ps105.16. Pr Pr11.1. Pr16.11. Ezk Eze4.10, Eze4.11, * Eze4.16. Eze5.10, Eze5.16. Eze14.15, Eze14.17, Eze14.19, Eze14.21. Mt Mt24.7, Mt24.8. Mk Mk13.8. for a penny. This was a day’s wage (Mt Mt20.13n), which in this time of famine is sufficient to purchase a day’s provision of food for only one person. Mt Mt18.28. Mt20.2. and see. Re Re7.3. Re9.4. Ps Ps76.10. hurt not. The law of God forbids the destruction of these agricultural resources during war (Dt Dt20.19n). the oil and. Some interpreters have suggested that the brunt of the suffering falls upon the poorer classes, but the rich are left largely untouched, but this is a less likely interpretation, for while fine wine and oil could be understood of the luxuries belonging to the rich, the poorer quality product may be in view here as descriptive of the ordinary provisions used by the common people. Dt Dt7.13. Dt11.14. Dt28.51. 2 Ch 2Ch32.28. Ne Ne5.11. Ho Ho2.8, Ho2.22. Jl Joe2.19. Hg Hag1.11. 7. when. See on ver. Re6.1, 35. Re Re4.7. 8. pale. Zc Zec6.3. was Death. Re + Re1.18. Re9.15. Re20.13, Re20.14. Is Is25.8. Is28.15, Is28.18. Ho ▶ Ho13.14. Hab Hab2.5. 1 Co 1Co15.26, 1Co15.55mg. Hell. Gr. hades, Mt + Mt11.23. Re Re1.18. Re20.13. Ho ▶ Ho13.14. power was given. Re Re13.5. unto them. or, to him. over. Re Re8.7-12. Re9.15, Re9.18. Re12.4. kill. Le Le26.22-33. Je Je15.2, Je15.3. Je16.4, Je16.16. Je43.11. Ezk Eze5.15-17. Eze14.13-21. ▶ Eze33.27. with sword. Gr. romphaia, a large blade of Thracian origin. Re Re1.16. Re2.12, Re2.16. Re19.15, Re19.16. Ge Ge3.24. Ezk Eze12.16. Lk Lk2.35. with hunger. ver. Re6.6. Re Re18.8. Je Je14.12. Ezk ▶ Eze5.12. Eze7.15. ▶ Eze14.21. Lk Lk21.10, Lk21.11. death. or, pestilence. f121:121G. Metonymy of the Effect, the effect (death) put for the cause producing it (pestilence). For Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 308. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

other instances of this figure, see Ge + Ge31.1. Re + Re2.23. The fourth seal corresponds to Mt Mt24.7, pestilences. 1 K 1Ki8.37. 1 Ch 1Ch21.12. Je Je14.12. Je21.7. Je24.10. * Je38.2. Je44.13. Ezk Eze5.12. Eze6.11, Eze6.12. Hab * Hab3.5. Mt ✓ Mt24.7. beasts of. Le Le26.22. Nu Nu21.6. Dt Dt32.24. Jsh Jos24.12. 2 K 2Ki2.24. 2Ki17.25. Je Je5.6. Ezk Eze5.17. * Eze14.15, Eze14.21. ▶ Eze29.5. Eze33.27. ▶ Eze34.28. 9. I saw. Re Re8.3. Re9.13. Re14.18. Le Le4.7. Jn Jn15.20. Jn16.2g. Ph * Php2.17. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.6. under. Ex Ex29.12. Le Le4.7. Le8.15. Mt +* Mt12.40. the altar. Re 8:◐ Re8.3, Re8.5. ◐ Re9.13. Re11.1. Re14.18. Re16.7. Ro Ro12.1. the souls. Gr. psyche. Here used of disembodied man, as in Re Re20.4. For the other uses of psyche, see Mt + Mt2.20n. ✓ f171:171Q, Ge + Ge12.5. f121:121A, Ps + Ps16.10. Re Re20.4. 2 Co * 2Co5.3, 2Co5.4, 2Co5.8. * 2Co12.2. Ph Php1.23. He ◐+* Heb12.23. slain. Re Re1.9. Re2.13. Re5.6. Re11.3-7. Re12.11-17. Re19.10. Ph Php2.17. 2 Ti 2Ti1.8. 2Ti4.6. word of God. Re 1:+ Re1.2, Re1.9. 10. they cried. f155:155D, Ge + Ge4.10. Ge +* Ge4.10. Ps Ps9.12. Is * Is64.1-4. Lk Lk18.7, Lk18.8. He Heb12.24. loud voice. Re Re7.10. How long. Ps Ps13.1. Ps35.17. Ps74.9, Ps74.10. Ps89.46. * Ps94.1, Ps94.3, Ps94.4. SS * So8.14. Is Is6.11. Da Da8.13. Da12.6. Zc ▶ Zec1.12. Jn Jn11.24-26. Ro * Ro8.23. Lord. Gr. despotees, rendered (1) Lord: Re Re6.10. Lk Lk2.29. Ac Ac4.24. 2 P + 2Pe2.1. Ju Jud4. (2) Master: 1 Ti 1Ti6.1, 1Ti6.2. 2 Ti 2Ti2.21. Ti Tt2.9. 1 P 1Pe2.18. holy and. See on Re Re3.7. Re15.3, Re15.4. Ps Ps89.28, Ps89.34, Ps89.35. Is +* Is55.3. dost. Re Re11.18. Re16.5-7. Re18.20, Re18.24. Re19.2. Dt Dt32.36-43. Jg Jdg16.28. 1 S 1Sa24.12. Ps Ps58.10, Ps58.11. Is Is61.2. * Is63.1-6. Lk Lk21.22. Ro Ro12.19. 2 Th 2Th1.68. avenge. This seal seems a prediction of the terrible persecution of the church under Dioclesian and Maximian, from A.D. 270 to 304, which lasted longer, and was far more bloody, than any or all by which it was preceded, whence it was called the “aera of the martyrs.” The futurist interpretation takes these as the first martyrs of the tribulation of Daniel’s 70th Week. The fifth seal corresponds to Mt Mt24.8-28, martyrdoms. Re * Re14.12-20. Re18.20. Re19.2. Dt Dt32.35, ▶ Dt32.43. 2 K ▶ 2Ki9.7. Ps Ps79.10. * Ps94.1-4. Ps119.84. Is = Is54.4, Is54.5. * Is63.4. Je +✓ Je10.25. La = La1.1. Lk * Lk18.7, Lk18.8. Ro * Ro12.19. that dwell. Re +* Re3.10. Ho ▶ Ho4.1. on the earth. Re * Re3.10. +* Re5.10n. Re8.13. Re11.10. Re12.12. Re13.8, Re13.12, Re13.14. Re14.6. Re17.2. 11. white. Re *3:+ Re3.4, Re3.5. * Re7.9, Re7.14. Da * Da12.10. robes. Ge Ge41.42. Ge45.22. Est Es6.8, Es6.9. Is Is3.7. Zc Zec3.5. should rest. Re Re14.13. Is +* Is26.20, Is26.21. Da Da12.13. 2 Th ◐+* 2Th1.7. a little season. Re Re10.6. Re20.3. until. Re Re7.14. Re13.15. Re17.6. * Re22.20. Hab * Hab2.3. Mt Mt10.21. Mt23.34, Mt23.35. Lk * Lk18.7, Lk18.8. Jn Jn16.2. Ep +* Eph1.11. He * Heb10.36, Heb10.37. Heb11.40. Ja Jas5.8. 1 P * 1Pe4.19. and their brethren. f93:93A. Figure of speech Hendiadys of Nouns. “Fellow servants and brethren” denote by this figure not two separate classes of persons, but one class, their fellow servants who were their brethren. For other instances of this figure see Ge + Ge1.26. fulfilled. Ge +* Ge15.16. 12. earthquake. Re Re8.5. Re11.13, Re11.19. Re16.18. Ex Ex19.18. Ex20.18. Jg Jdg5.4. 2 S 2Sa22.8. 1 K 1Ki19.11-13. Is Is29.6. Am Am1.1. Hg +* Hag2.6, Hag2.7, Hag2.21, Hag2.22. Zc Zec14.5. Mt Mt24.7. * Mt27.54. Mt28.2. Mk Mk13.8. Lk Lk21.11. Ac Ac16.26. He Heb12.26. the sun. The sixth seal corresponds to Mt Mt24.29, Mt24.30, signs in heaven of the Advent. Re Re8.12. Re16.8. Is Is13.9, Is13.10. Is24.23. * Is50.3. ◐ Is60.19, Is60.20. Ezk * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 309. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Eze32.7, Eze32.8. Jl * Joe2.10, Joe2.30, ▶ Joe2.31. * Joe3.15. Am Am8.9. Hab Hab3.11. Hg Hag2.6, Hag2.7, Hag2.21, Hag2.22. Zc Zec14.6. Mt +* Mt24.29. Mt27.45. Mk Mk13.24, Mk13.25. Mk15.33. Lk Lk23.44, Lk23.45. Ac Ac2.19, Ac2.20. sackcloth. Is Is50.3. Zc Zec13.4. the moon. Re Re8.12. 13. the stars. Re * Re8.10-12. Re9.1. Is ▶ Is13.10. Ezk Eze32.7. Da Da8.10. Lk Lk21.25. as a fig tree. Is ▶ Is34.4. untimely figs. or, green figs. SS So2.13. shaken. Is * Is13.13. Hg Hag2.6. He +* Heb12.26, Heb12.27. of a. Is Is7.2. Is33.9. Da Da4.14. Na Na3.12. 14. the heaven. Re Re20.11. Re21.1. Ps * Ps102.25, Ps102.26. Is Is34.4. * Is51.6. He Heb1.11-13. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7, 2Pe3.10. as a scroll. Is * Is34.4. and every. Re ✓ Re16.20. Is Is2.1417. Is54.10. Je Je3.23. * Je4.23-26. Je51.25. Ezk * Eze38.20. Na Na1.5. Hab * Hab3.6, Hab3.10. 15. And. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. the kings. Re Re18.9-11. Re19.13-21. Jb Job34.19, Job34.20. Ps Ps2.2, Ps2.10-12. * Ps49.1, Ps49.2. Ps76.12. * Ps110.5, Ps110.6. Is * Is24.21, Is24.22. the great men. or, princes. Re Re18.23. +* Re19.18g. Is Is34.12. Mk Mk6.21g. the rich. Re Re13.16. bondman. Re Re13.16. +* Re19.18g. hid. Jsh Jos10.16, Jos10.17. Jg Jdg6.2. 1 S 1Sa13.6. Is Is2.10, Is2.19, Is2.21. Is42.22. Mi Mic7.17. He Heb11.38. 16. and rocks. Ps Ps97.5. Is ✓ Is2.19. Fall on. Re Re10.6. Is ✓ Is24.19-23. Je Je8.3. Ho ▶ Ho10.8. Lk ✓ Lk23.30. hide us from. Re Re9.6. * Re20.11. Ex Ex20.19. Jb * Job34.22. Pr * Pr1.27. Is * Is2.10, Is2.12, Is2.19, Is2.21. * Is63.4-6. Je * Je3.23. Lk Lk13.24, Lk13.25. the face. Re Re4.2, Re4.5, Re4.9. * Re20.11. Ps Ps17.15. that sitteth. Re + Re4.2. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. the wrath. ver. Re6.10, Re6.17. Re Re11.18. Re14.9, Re14.10, Re14.19. Re15.1, Re15.7. Re16.1, Re16.19. Re17.1. Re18.10. Re19.2, Re19.15. Dt Dt7.9, Dt7.10. Ps Ps2.9-12. Ps14.5. Ps21.8-12. Ps110.5, Ps110.6. Is +* Is1.9. Zc Zec1.14, Zec1.15. Mt Mt26.64. Mk Mk3.5g. 2 Th * 2Th1.7-9. He Heb10.31. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. 17. the great day. Re Re11.18. Re16.14. Jb +* Job21.30. Is +* Is13.6, etc. ✓34:8. Je +* Je30.7. Jl * Joe1.15. * Joe2.1, Joe2.2, ▶ Joe2.11, Joe2.31. Joe3.14. Zp ▶ Zep1.14, etc., 18. Ml * Mal3.2. * Mal4.1. Ro Ro2.5. Ju Jud6. of his wrath. Ro Ro1.18. Ro2.3, Ro2.5, Ro2.8, Ro2.9. * Ro5.9. 1 Th +* 1Th5.9. 2 Th ✓ 2Th1.6-8. is come. Re Re19.17. Mk Mk14.41. and who. Re Re7.4-8. Re14.1. Ezr * Ezr9.15. Ps * Ps2.12. * Ps76.5-9. * Ps130.3, Ps130.4. Is +* Is33.14. Jl * Joe2.11. Na * Na1.6. Hab +* Hab3.16. Ml *▶ Mal3.2. to stand. Ps * Ps1.5. Lk +* Lk21.36.

REVELATION 7 The four winds are restrained, by four angels, from hurting the earth, till “another Angel” seals the servants of God in the forehead, Re7.1-3. The number of the sealed from the several tribes of Israel, Re7.4-8. An innumerable multitude of all nations are seen before the throne, Re7.9-12; with an account of the way in which they came thither, and the blessedness which they enjoy, Re7.13-17. 1. after. Re ch. 4-6. these. ver. Re7.9. Re Re15.5. Jn Jn2.12g. Jn6.1. Jn7.1. Jn19.28g. four angels. Re Re4.6. Re9.14. Ezk Eze7.2. Eze37.9. Zc Zec1.18-20. Zec6.1. Mt Mt24.31. Mk Mk13.27. four corners. Re Re20.8. Is Is11.12. Je Je49.36. Ezk ▶ Eze7.2. holding. Ps * Ps76.10. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 310. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Is Is27.8. Je Je49.36. Da Da7.2. Da8.8. Jon Jon1.4. Mt Mt8.26, Mt8.27. Mt24.31. four winds. Je Je49.36. Ezk ▶ Eze37.9. Da * Da7.2. Da8.8. Da11.4. Zc Zec2.6. ▶ Zec6.5. Mt Mt24.31. Mk Mk13.27. the wind. ver. Re7.3. Re Re6.6. Re9.4. SS So4.16. Is Is27.3. should not. Mt Mt8.27. the sea. Re Re4.6. Re8.7, Re8.8. 2. And I. Re Re8.3. Re10.1. Ml Mal3.1. Mal4.2. Ac Ac7.30-32. from the east. Re Re16.12. Ezk Eze40.6. having. ver. Re7.3-8. Re Re5.2. Re9.4. Re10.4. SS So8.6. Jn Jn6.27. 2 Co 2Co1.22. Ep +* Eph1.13. +* Eph4.30. 2 Ti *2:29. the living God. See on Dt Dt5.26. Jsh Jos3.10. 1 S 1Sa17.26, 1Sa17.36. 2 K 2Ki19.4. Je Je10.10. Da Da6.26. Mt + Mt16.16. Mt26.63. 1 Th 1Th1.9, 1Th1.10. He Heb12.22. to whom. Re Re1.3. Re8.7-12. earth and. Re Re8.7, Re8.8. 3. Hurt not. ver. Re7.1. Re Re6.6. Re9.4. 2 K +* 2Ki10.23. Ps Ps105.15. Is Is6.13. Is27.8. Is65.8. Mt Mt24.22, Mt24.31. till. ver. Re7.2. Re Re9.4. Re14.1. Ge ✓ Ge19.22. Ex * Ex12.13, Ex12.23. 2 K 2Ki10.23. Is +* Is26.20, Is26.21. Ezk +* Eze9.4-6. Am Am9.9. Zp +* Zep2.3. sealed. Re ◐ Re13.16-18. SS * So8.6. Ezk +* Eze9.6. 2 Co * 2Co1.21, 2Co1.22. Ep * Eph1.13. +* Eph4.30. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.19. the servants. Re Re1.1. Re11.18. Re15.3. * Re19.2, Re19.5, Re19.10. Re22.3, Re22.6, Re22.9. Ge Ge50.17. Dt Dt32.36. Is Is54.17. Is61.6. +* Is66.19. Da Da3.17, Da3.26. Da6.16, Da6.20. +* Da11.33. Mi * Mic5.5. Ml Mal3.18. Mt Mt24.31. Jn +* Jn12.26. Ro Ro6.22. Ja + Jas1.1. in their foreheads. Re Re13.16. Re14.1. Re20.4. * Re22.4. Ex Ex28.38. Ezk Eze3.8, Eze3.9. ▶ Eze9.4. 4. I heard. Re Re9.16. the number. Ps +* Ps68.11. Is +* Is27.6. +* Is66.19. of them. Dt +* Dt4.30. an hundred and forty and four thousand. What is the significance of the number? Reginald T. Naish, in his volume Spiritual Arithmetic, suggests that since this number contains the square of twelve, it “is naturally associated with that number, which is perfect government. It emphasizes it, and expresses spiritually the fact that perfect government of the life is only possible through the agency of the Holy Spirit. Hence it may well be called, the number of the Spirit-guided life.” In Ge Ge1.2, the Hebrew word translated “move” (rachaph) has a numerical value or gematria of 288, or 144 x 2. Its next occurrence is Dt Dt32.11, where it is translated “fluttered.” Naish states “In both these passages the gracious work of the heavenly dove, the Holy Spirit of God, is described.” Other occurrences of this number are to be found in the word “eastward” (Ge Ge2.8) in the phrase “eastward in Eden,” showing that God intended man “should live a life of perfect government, a wonderful garden life, bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit, and finding their chief joy in communion with their loving God.” The cubic capacity of the ark, found by multiplying its three dimensions of 300 cubits, 50 cubits, and 30 cubits, was 450,000 cubic cubits, a number whose prime factors are 5x5x5x5x5x144. The number appears here in Re Re7.4 of the number “sealed by the Holy Spirit before God’s judgments fall on earth. It does not of course mean that this identical number are saved in that time of tribulation. It is only using the numbers 144 and 10 in the spiritual sense in which these numbers are used through Scripture to tell of those who by the power of the Holy Spirit are kept from that time of trouble.” The same number occurs in Re ch. 14. “Again, we are given a symbolical picture of those who have yielded their lives wholly to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are taken up to be with Christ, their Savior, before the actual ‘harvest of the earth’ is reaped” (Spiritual Arithmetic, pp. 107-109). Who are the 144,000? The Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that the 144,000 is the body of spirit-begotten believers who have a “heavenly hope” (Ro Ro8.24. Ep Eph4.4. Col Col1.5. He Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 311. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Heb7.19. 1 P 1Pe1.3. 1 J 1Jn3.3). All other believers can have only an “earthly hope” (Jb Job14.7. Je Je31.17. Ac Ac26.6). Once the Watchtower organization had more than 144,000 adherents, the teaching was developed that the “great multitude” mentioned later in the chapter (ver. 9) referred to those Christians who had only an earthly hope. Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that members of the “great multitude” who have only an earthly hope do not need to be born again (see related note, Jn Jn3.7). Peters remarks “It is a matter of amazement how coolly and deliberately men can appropriate Scripture to themselves which relates to the future. Sects, at various times, have professed to be those sealed ones” (Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 323, note 1). Not considering that the number sealed refers to a time yet future, Jehovah’s Witnesses claim the number represents the total number of those who can be born again and have a heavenly hope. How long would it take for the apostolic church of the New Testament to reach the size of 144,000 converts? Suppose we assume that the first converts were zealous witnessing Christians during the lifetime of the apostles. Suppose each convert was able to win just one person to Christ each year of his new life in Christ, and that each of these converts continued to win an additional convert each year. Take into account only the growth theoretically possible for the new converts won by the original group of 5,000 converts mentioned in the book of Acts. Exclude from consideration any additional converts won through the ministry of the apostles (Paul, Barnabas, Apollos, and the original twelve disciples) to compensate for any of the original 5000 who may not have been active soul winners. In the year A.D. 33, the size of the church would be 5,000. In 34 A.D., 10,000; 35 A.D., 20,000; 36 A.D., 40,000; 37 A.D., 80,000; 38 A.D., 160,000—assuming each new convert continued to win one additional convert per year. Thus before Paul began his first missionary journey in A.D. 45, the New Testament church could easily have surpassed the figure of 144,000 genuine converts. If any converts beyond that figure were limited to an earthly hope without opportunity for new birth and “heavenly hope,” this most certainly would be reflected in the teaching of the New Testament epistles of Peter or Paul. The earliest of Paul’s epistles was written in A.D. 52 or 54, fourteen or more years after the time the New Testament church exceeded the 144,000 maximum number the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach can have a heavenly hope. Is this situation reflected in the writings of Paul? At the time Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians (A.D. 52 or 54), he specifically confirms that the “falling away” or apostasy had not yet occurred (2 Th 2Th2.3). This Scripture evidence would lead us to believe that the vast body of believers had remained faithful. What few that fell away during this time would be more than made up by any converts won beyond the first five years after Pentecost. If the claim of Jehovah’s Witnesses that the heavenly hope is limited to 144,000 has any validity, the significance of that hope for anyone today is purely historical, for since this number was reached within five years of Pentecost, no person alive today could possibly lay claim to be one of that fixed number, not even the leaders of the Watchtower in Brooklyn, New York. Following Jehovah Witness doctrine to its logical conclusion, the apostle Paul must have been mistaken in his theology, for he continued to emphasize the “heavenly hope” and the necessity of the “new birth” (1 Co 1Co6.2. 2 Co 2Co5.17. Ga Ga6.14) long after the “heavenly class” was complete in number. The 144,000 of Revelation 7:4 and 14:1 do not pertain to persons who have lived before now, but to a specific group in the future. The book of Revelation supplies its own outline in Re Re1.19. The 144,000 are mentioned well after Re Re4.1, where the third grand division of the book pertaining to “things which must be hereafter” commences. Therefore, these events must take place during the “day of the Lord” (Re Re1.10n), after the Rapture of the church (1 Th 1Th4.16-18), and during the Great Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 312. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Tribulation. The 144,000 are all males (Re Re14.4), and are all Jews (Re Re7.4, “of all the tribes of the children of Israel”). Scripture speaks of three categories of persons its contents concern: the Jews, the Gentiles, and the church of God (1 Co 1Co10.32). What is stated in Re Re7.4 pertains to Israel—it cannot pertain to any other group. The names of the tribes of Israel are nowhere in Scripture ever applied to the Gentiles or the church of God. Furthermore, the 144,000 are not the only saints in heaven. They were preceded by all those who died in Christ before the Rapture (2 Co +* 2Co5.8. 1 Th 1Th4.14). They are preceded by those who have been martyred for Christ (Re * Re6.9-11). There are five raptures in the first resurrection; the 144,000 constitute only one of these five. The five raptures are: (1) Christ and the saints in Jerusalem at his first resurrection, 1 Co 1Co15.20, 1Co15.23. Mt Mt27.52, Mt27.53. Ep Eph4.8-10. (2) Afterward, they that are Christ’s at his coming, 1 Co 1Co15.23, 1Co15.51-54. Lk +* Lk21.34-36. Jn +* Jn14.1-3. 2 Co 2Co5.1-8. Ep Eph5.27. Ph Php3.11, Php3.20, Php3.21. Col Col3.4. 1 Th 1Th2.19. 1Th3.13. 1Th4.13-17. 1Th5.9, 1Th5.23. 2 Th 2Th2.1, 2Th2.7. Ja Jas5.7, Jas5.8. 1 P 1Pe5.4. 1 J 1Jn2.28. 1Jn3.2. (3) The 144,000 Jews saved in the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation (of Daniel’s 70th week), caught up to heaven as the manchild, Re Re12.5. Re14.1-5. Is Is66.7, Is66.8. Da Da12.1. (4) The great multitude of tribulation saints saved after rapture number two above, during Re Re6.1— Re19.21. (5) The rapture of the two witnesses, ending the first resurrection which began with the resurrection of Christ, Re Re11.7-11. 1 Co 1Co15.20, 1Co15.23. The 144,000 do not comprise the totality of all saints possessing a “heavenly hope” throughout this age. All of the 144,000 are on the earth at the same time. This is evidenced by the fact that they are as a group “sealed” and protected from the tribulation by the angel. The 144,000 do not constitute the “little flock.” The “little flock” is comprised of all born-again believers. The flock is little because there are “few that be saved” (Mt +* Mt7.14). The term “flock” is used in the New Testament for the true church made up of born-again believers (Ac Ac20.28). The “other sheep” are the Gentile Christians who, in addition to the Jewish believers, are now being constituted one body in Christ, the church (Ac Ac10.45. Ac15.7, Ac15.17. Ep +* Eph4.4). The Great Tribulation is still future, and pertains to Israel. The church is raptured prior to the manifestation of the Antichrist, 2 Th 2Th2.8n, and prior to the Great Tribulation (Jn Jn14.1-3. 1 Co 1Co15.51, 1Co15.52. Ph Php3.21. 1 Th 1Th4.16-18. 2 Th +* 2Th1.7. 2Th2.1. Ti +* Tt2.13n). Christ’s Second Advent occurs at the end of tribulation, when Christ personally destroys the Antichrist. Since it is certain that Antichrist is destroyed before the Millennium, this proves absolutely that Christ’s coming is premillennial (2 Th 2Th2.8n). At the Second Advent, Christ returns visibly in power and great glory (Mt +* Mt16.27n) with his saints to rule over His eternal kingdom on this earth (Da +* Da7.13, Da7.14. Zc Zec14.5, Zec14.9. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1n). Since the rapture of the Church and the Great Tribulation are future, and the 144,000 are protected during the first half of the Tribulation, the 144,000 must constitute a group that is yet future, and cannot pertain to any denomination or other religious group of today. Re ✓ Re14.1, Re14.3. Ge Ge15.5. Ro * Ro9.27. * Ro11.5, Ro11.6. all the tribes. The tribes of Dan and Ephraim are omitted from the list which follows, being replaced by Levi and Joseph. The reason for Ephraim’s omission is suggested by Ho Ho4.17. For possible reasons for Dan’s omission see the related texts and note (Le Le24.10-16. Dt Dt29.18-21. Jg Jdg18.2-31. 1 K 1Ki12.26-33. 1 Ch 1Ch7.12n). Dan and Ephraim are included in Ezekiel’s prophecy of their inheritance in the eternal earthly kingdom of Christ (Ezk Eze48.1, Eze48.2, Eze48.5, Eze48.6, Eze48.32), demonstrating God’s faithfulness to his covenant and promise (Le Le26.44. Ml Mal3.6. Ro Ro11.29. Ro15.8). Re Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 313. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re21.12. 1 Ch 1Ch7.12n. Ezk Eze47.13. Eze48.19, Eze48.31. Zc Zec9.1. Mt +* Mt19.28. Lk +* Lk22.30. Ac Ac26.7. Ja Jas1.1. children of Israel. Re Re2.14. Re21.12. Ac + Ac5.21. 5. tribe of Juda. Ex Ex1.2-4. Nu Nu1.4-15. Nu10.14-27. Nu13.4-16. 1 Ch 1Ch2.1, 1Ch2.2. Reuben. i.e. son of a vision, ❅S#4502g. For ❅S# 07205h, see Ge + Ge29.32. sealed. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. Gad. i.e. troop, ❅S#1045g. For ❅S# 01410h, see Ge + Ge30.11. 6. Aser. Lk Lk2.36. sealed. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. 7. sealed. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. Issachar. i.e. he will be hired; he brings wages, ❅S#2466g. For ❅S# 03485h, see Ge + Ge30.18. 8. sealed. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. Joseph. Ge Ge48.14. 9. After this. 1 Ti +* 1Ti2.6. a great multitude. T#975‡. ver. ◐+* Re7.15 (temple). Re x Re21.1-4. Ge +* Ge49.10. Le += Le23.22. Ps Ps2.8. Ps22.27. x Ps37.9, Ps37.11. Ps66.4. Ps67.2. Ps72.7-11. Ps76.4. Ps77.2. Ps98.3. Ps110.2, Ps110.3. ch. 117. Pr x Pr2.21, Pr2.22. Is +* Is2.2, Is2.3. +✓ Is27.6. Is49.6-8, Is49.12. * Is60.1-14. Je Je3.17. Je16.19. Zc Zec2.11. Zec8.20-23. Mt Mt8.11. Ro Ro15.9-12. Ga Ga4.27. no man. Re Re5.11. Re11.15. Ge Ge13.16. Ho Ho1.10. Lk Lk12.1. Ro +* Ro11.25. He Heb11.12. Heb12.22. of all. Re Re5.9. Da Da4.1. Da6.25. Ro +* Ro11.25. nations. Re + Re5.9. Ge +* Ge12.3. Ps Ps67.1, Ps67.7. * Ps68.31, Ps68.32. Ps98.3. Is * Is11.10. Is49.6. Is52.9, Is52.10. Lk * Lk2.32. Jn * Jn11.51, Jn11.52. Ro * Ro3.29, Ro3.30. * Ro9.23-26. Ga Ga3.7. stood before the throne. This shows that the “great multitude” are in heaven, not upon earth, at the time spoken of in this vision of John. Lk +* Lk21.36. Ep Eph6.13. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. clothed. ver. Re7.13, Re7.14. See on Re 3:+ Re3.4, Re3.5, Re3.18. Re4.4. Re6.11. Mt Mt22.11. Lk Lk15.22. palms. Le * Le23.10, Le23.39-43. 1 K 1Ki6.29. Jn * Jn12.13. 10. cried. Zc Zec4.7. Salvation. Re Re12.10. Re19.1. Ex Ex15.2. Ps * Ps3.8. Ps37.39. Ps62.7. * Ps68.19, Ps68.20. Ps115.1. Ps118.25. Is Is12.2. * Is43.11. Is45.15, Is45.21, Is45.22. Je Je3.23. Ho Ho13.4. Jon Jon2.9. Zc Zec9.9. Mt Mt21.9. Lk Lk3.6. Jn Jn4.22. Ac * Ac4.12. Ep ✓ Eph2.8. Ti * Tt3.5, Tt3.6. He +* Heb9.28. our God. ver. Re7.3, Re7.12. sitteth upon. Re 4:+ Re4.2, Re4.3, Re4.9-11. Re5.7, Re5.13, Re5.14. Re21.5. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. unto. Re Re5.6, Re5.9. Re22.3. Jn * Jn1.29, Jn1.36. 11. all the angels. Re Re4.6. * Re5.11-13. Re19.4-6. Ps Ps103.20, Ps103.21. Ps148.1, Ps148.2. He * Heb1.6. 1 P * 1Pe1.9, 1Pe1.10, 1Pe1.12. round about. Re Re4.4, Re4.6. Re7.11. the elders. Re + Re4.4. four beasts. Re + Re4.6. and fell. Re + Re4.10. Re11.16. and worshipped. Re + Re4.10. Re15.4. Re19.4. Re19.4. Re22.9. Ps Ps29.2. Ps45.11. Ps95.6. Ps97.7. Mt * Mt4.10. Jn Jn4.23. ✓ Jn5.23. He * Heb1.6. 12. Amen. Re Re1.18. Re5.13, + Re5.14. Re19.4. Ps Ps41.13. Ps72.19. Ps89.52. Ps106.48. Mt +* Mt6.13. Ju * Jud25. Blessing. See on Re 5:+ Re5.12, Re5.13. glory. Re + Re4.9. wisdom. Re + Re5.12. thanksgiving. Re Re4.9g. Ne Ne12.8, Ne12.46. Ps Ps50.14. Ps95.2. Ps100.4. Ps107.22. Ps116.17. Ps147.7. Is Is51.3. Je Je33.9, Je33.11. Jon Jon2.9. 2 Co 2Co4.15. 2Co9.11, 2Co9.12. Col Col2.7. Col3.17. honor. Re + Re4.9. power. Re + Re5.12. might. Re Re5.12. Is Is9.6. +* Is10.21. Is49.26. Is60.16. Je * Je32.19. Mt Mt11.21. Lk Lk9.43. Ep Eph1.21. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. Amen. Je Je11.5. Lk Lk10.21. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 314. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

13. one. Re Re4.4, Re4.10. Re5.5, Re5.11. answered. Ac + Ac3.12. arrayed. See on ver. Re7.9. Re +* Re3.4. * Re6.9, Re6.11. Da * Da11.35. * Da12.10. whence. Ge Ge16.8. Jg Jdg13.6. Jn Jn7.28. 14. thou. Ex Ex37.3. came. Re Re2.9. * Re6.9-11. Re15.2. Re17.6. Ps Ps34.19. * Ps66.12. Jn Jn16.33. Ac +* Ac14.22. Ro * Ro5.3. Ro8.35-37. 2 Th 2Th1.4. great tribulation. Da ▶ Da12.1. Je ✓ Je30.7. Mt 24:+ Mt24.21, Mt24.29. Ro ◐ Ro5.3. ◐ Ro8.35. and have. Re Re1.5. Re22.14. Is ✓ Is1.18. Zc * Zec3.3-5. Zec13.1. Jn * Jn13.8-14. 1 Co * 1Co6.11. Ep * Eph5.25-27. He +* Heb9.14. 1 J ✓ 1Jn1.7. Ju * Jud24. washed. Gr. pluno, ❅S#4150g, only here. Re * Re1.5. Ge ▶ Ge49.11. Ps Ps51.7. Da Da12.10. Ep Eph5.26, Eph5.27. 2 P 2Pe1.9. 1 J 1Jn1.7. made them white. Da Da11.35. the blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. Re * Re5.9. * Re12.11. Le * Le17.11. He Heb13.12. 1 P * 1Pe1.18, 1Pe1.19. 1 J 1Jn1.7. 15. are. Re Re4.4. Re14.3-5. He Heb8.1. * Heb12.2. serve. Re Re20.10. * Re22.3-5. 2 Ch = 2Ch35.3. Ps Ps134.1, Ps134.2. Pr +* Pr22.29. day and night. 1 Ch = 1Ch9.33. Lk Lk2.37. + Lk18.7. his temple. Re + Re3.12. ✓ Re11.19. ✓ Re14.17. Ps * Ps65.4. that sitteth. Re + Re4.2. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. dwell. Re Re12.12. Re13.6. * Re21.3, Re21.4. Re22.3. Ex Ex29.45. Le Le26.11. 1 K 1Ki6.13. 1 Ch 1Ch23.25. Ps +* Ps16.11. Ps68.16-18. Is Is4.5, Is4.6. * Is12.6. Ezk * Eze37.26, Eze37.27. Eze43.7. Eze48.35. Mt Mt1.23. Jn * Jn1.14. 1 Co * 1Co3.16. 2 Co * 2Co6.16. 2Co12.9. 16. hunger. Ps Ps42.2. Ps63.1. * Ps107.9. Ps143.6. Is Is41.17. ▶ Is49.10. Is65.13. Mt +* Mt5.6. Lk Lk1.53. Lk6.21. Jn +* Jn4.14. * Jn6.35. the sun. Re Re21.4. 2 K 2Ki4.18, 2Ki4.19. Ps Ps121.6. SS So1.6. Is Is4.5, Is4.6. Is25.4. Is32.2. * Is60.19, Is60.20. Jon Jon4.8. Mt Mt13.6, Mt13.21. Mk Mk4.6, Mk4.17. Ja Jas1.11. nor any heat. Jb * Job11.16. Is * Is4.6. 17. in the. See on Re Re5.6. feed. Ps Ps22.26. * Ps23.1, Ps23.2, Ps23.5. Ps28.9. Ps36.8. SS * So1.7, So1.8. Is Is25.6. * Is40.11. Is49.9. Ezk ▶ Eze34.23. Mi +* Mic5.4. Mic7.14. Mt Mt2.6mg. Jn *10:+ Jn10.11, Jn10.14. Jn21.15-17. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 P * 1Pe5.2. shall lead. Re Re21.6. Ps Ps23.2. Ps36.9. Is * Is12.3. Is30.25. Is35.6, Is35.7. Is49.10. Je Je2.13. Je31.9. Jn * Jn4.11, Jn4.14. * Jn7.37, Jn7.38. +* Jn10.3, Jn10.4. living. f108:108B, Ac + Ac7.38. fountains. Re Re22.1. Je ▶ Je2.13. Zc Zec13.1. Jn * Jn4.14g. of waters. Re Re21.6. * Re22.1. Ezk * Eze47.12. Zc * Zec14.8. God. Re 4:21. Re21.4. Is Is25.8. Is30.19. Is35.10. Is60.20. Ep * Eph3.20, Eph3.21. Ju +* Jud24. wipe away. Is ▶ Is25.8. * Is35.10. +* Is51.11. * Is65.19. Is66.13. from their eyes. Re * Re21.4. Je ▶ Je31.16.

REVELATION 8 The seventh seal is opened; and, after a short silence, seven angels appear with seven trumpets prepared to announce approaching judgments; with reference to Christ’s intercession, and the prayers of his saints, Re8.1-6. The sounding of four of the trumpets, with the emblematical predictions following each of them; and an intimation of more awful calamities, under the other three, Re8.7-13. 1. And. Re * Re5.1, Re5.9. Re6.1, Re6.3, Re6.5, Re6.7, Re6.9, Re6.12. silence. Jb Job4.16. Ps Ps22.2, Ps22.3. Ps37.7. Ps39.2. Ps62.1mg. Ps75.1. La La3.26. Hab +* Hab2.20. Zc * Zec2.13. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 315. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2. the seven. ver. Re8.6, Re8.7, Re8.8, Re8.10, Re8.12, Re8.13. Re Re1.4. Re3.1. Re4.5. Re5.6. angels. Re Re9.1, Re9.13. Re11.15. Re15.1. Re16.1. Ps Ps103.20. Da Da4.13, Da4.17, Da4.23. Mt * Mt18.10. Lk * Lk1.19. He Heb1.7. which stood. Re Re7.11. Lk * Lk1.19. trumpets. ver. Re8.6-12. Re Re9.1, Re9.13, Re9.14. * Re11.15. Re14.14. Le Le25.9, Le25.10. See on Nu Nu10.1-10. Jsh * Jos6.4. Jg Jdg3.27. Jdg6.34. Jdg7.8, Jdg7.16, Jdg7.18. 1 S 1Sa13.3. 1 Ch 1Ch15.24, 1Ch15.28. 1Ch16.6. 2 Ch 2Ch5.12, 2Ch5.13. 2Ch7.6. 2Ch13.14. 2Ch29.25-28. Ezr Ezr3.10. Ne Ne12.35, Ne12.41. Jb Job39.25. Je Je4.5. Am Am3.6-8. Zp Zep1.14-16. 1 Co 1Co15.52. 3. another. Re Re7.2. Re10.1. See on Ge Ge48.15, Ge48.16. Ex Ex3.2-18. Ac Ac7.30-32. stood. Re Re9.13. Ex Ex30.1-8. 2 Ch 2Ch26.16-20. Am ▶ Am9.1. Ro * Ro8.34. He * Heb7.25. having. Le Le16.12. 1 K 1Ki7.50. He + Heb9.4. censer. f121.O, Ge + Ge28.22. much. Le Le16.13. Nu Nu16.46, Nu16.47. Ml Mal1.11. incense. Re Re5.8mg. Re18.13. Ex Ex30.7, Ex30.8. Ps ▶ Ps141.2. offer it with the prayers. or, add it to the prayers. ver. Re8.4. Re + Re5.8. Ps Ps141.2. Lk Lk1.10. Jn * Jn16.24. He +* Heb4.15, Heb4.16. * Heb10.19-22. 1 J * 1Jn2.1, 1Jn2.2. saints. 11:18. 13:7, 10. 14:12. 16:6. 17:6. 18:20, 24. 19:8. 20:9. 22:21. 2 Co + 2Co1.1. the golden. Re * Re6.9. Re9.13. Re11.1. Ex Ex30.1, Ex30.3. Ex37.25, Ex37.26. Ex40.26. before. Ex Ex30.6. Ex40.5, Ex40.26. 4. smoke. ver. Re8.3. Re Re15.8. Ex Ex30.1. Ps * Ps141.2. Lk * Lk1.10. incense. Re * Re5.8. 2 Ch = 2Ch13.11. Ps Ps141.2. 2 Co 2Co2.15. He * Heb13.15. with. 2 Ch * 2Ch30.27. Ps * Ps141.2. Ac + Ac10.4. 5. the angel. Ex Ex9.8. Nu Nu16.46. Ezk Eze10.2. censer. Le ▶ Le16.12. Nu Nu16.46. and filled. Re Re16.1, etc. Le Le16.12. Is Is66.6, Is66.14-16. Je Je51.11. Ezk * Eze10.2-7. Lk * Lk12.49. with fire. Le * Le6.13. Dt Dt32.22. Ps Ps18.4, Ps18.6-8. Ezk Eze10.2. Eze38.22. Eze39.6. Ho Ho8.14. Am Am1.4, Am1.7, Am1.10, Am1.12. Am2.5. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7. of the altar. Is * Is6.6, Is6.7. into. or, upon. the earth. 2 S * 2Sa22.8. Ps * Ps104.32. and there. See on Re Re4.5. Re11.19. Re16.18. 2 S 2Sa22.7-9. Ps Ps18.7, Ps18.8, Ps18.13. Is Is30.30. He Heb12.18, Heb12.19. thunderings. Re + Re4.5. Re11.19. Re16.18. Ex ▶ Ex19.16. Ex20.18. Ps Ps18.13. earthquake. Re + Re6.12. Re11.13, Re11.19. 1 K 1Ki19.11. Is Is29.6. Zc Zec14.5. Mt * Mt24.7. Mt27.52-54. Ac Ac4.31. Ac16.26. 6. seven angels. See on ver. Re8.2. Ps * Ps103.20, Ps103.21. prepared. Ex Ex34.10. Dt Dt28.10. Ps Ps79.11, Ps79.12. Is Is11.15, Is11.16. Je Je23.7, Je23.8. Mi Mic7.15. 7. hail. Re Re11.19. * Re16.21. Ex *9:▶ Ex9.23-2525, Ex9.33. Jsh Jos10.11. Ps Ps11.5, Ps11.6. Ps18.12, Ps18.13. Ps78.47, Ps78.48. * Ps105.32. Is Is28.2. Is29.6. Is30.30. Is32.19. Ezk Eze13.10-15. ▶ Eze38.22. Mt Mt7.25-27. fire. Re Re13.13. blood. Jl ▶ Joe2.30. cast. Re Re16.2. the third part. f159, Ezk + Eze36.23. ver. Re8.9, Re8.10, Re8.12. Re ◐ Re6.8. Re9.15, Re9.18. Re12.4. Zc Zec13.8, Zec13.9. the trees. Re Re9.4. Is Is2.12, Is2.13. Is10.17, Is10.18. green grass. Ja Jas1.11. 1 P 1Pe1.24. 8. and as. Ps * Ps46.2. Je * Je51.24, Je51.25. Zc Zec4.7. Mk * Mk11.23. burning. Je ▶ Je51.25. Am * Am7.4-6. into the sea. Re Re16.3. the third. ver. + Re8.7. Re Re16.3, etc. Ex Ex7.17-21. Ezk Eze14.9. became blood. Re Re11.6. * Re16.4. Ex ▶ Ex7.19. Ps Ps78.44. * Ps105.29. Ezk * Eze38.22. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 316. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

9. the third part of the creatures. ver. Re8.7, Re8.10, Re8.12. Re Re5.13. Re16.3. Ex Ex7.21. Ho Ho4.1-3. Zp Zep1.3. Zc Zec13.8. life. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt2.20. died. Ex Ex7.21. the ships. Ps Ps48.7. Is Is2.16. Is23.1. 10. third angel. Re Re16.4-6. a great. Re Re1.20. Re6.13. * Re9.1. Re12.4. Is ▶ Is14.12. Lk Lk10.18. Ju Jud13. lamp. Mt Mt25.1g. the fountains. Re Re14.7. Re16.4. Ex Ex7.20, Ex7.21. Jg Jdg5.11. 2 K 2Ki2.19-22. 2 Ch 2Ch32.3. Is * Is12.3. Ho Ho13.15, Ho13.16. 11. Wormwood. Ex Ex15.25. Dt Dt29.18. Ru Ru1.20. 2 K * 2Ki2.19-21. Pr Pr5.4. Je Je8.14. * Je9.15. * Je23.15. La La3.5, La3.15, La3.19. Am Am5.7. Am6.12. He +* Heb12.15. many. Ex Ex7.18-24. * Ex15.23. 12. fourth angel. Re Re16.8. and the third part of the sun. ver. + Re8.7. Re * Re6.12, Re6.13. Re16.8, Re16.9. Is Is5.30. * Is13.10. Is24.23. ◐ Is30.26. ◐ Is60.19, Is60.20. Je Je4.23, Je4.28. Ezk Eze32.7, Eze32.8. Jl Joe2.10, Joe2.31. Joe3.15. Am ✓ Am5.20. * Am8.9. Zp Zep1.14-16. Mt Mt24.29. Mt27.45. Mk Mk13.24. Mk15.33. Lk Lk21.25. Lk23.44, Lk23.45. Ac Ac2.20. darkened. Re Re9.2. * Re16.10. Pr +* Pr20.20. and the day. Ex * Ex10.21-23. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. 2 Th * 2Th2.9-12. 13. an. Gr. one. Re Re9.13. Re18.21. Re19.17g. an. f108:108E, Mt + Mt8.19. angel. Re Re14.6. Many authorities read eagle. Dt Dt28.49. 2 S 2Sa1.23. Is Is40.31. Je Je4.13. Ho Ho8.1. Hab Hab1.8. flying. Re Re14.3, Re14.6. Re19.17. Ge Ge1.20. Ps Ps103.20. He Heb1.14. saying. Nu ◐ Nu22.28. Woe. Re Re9.1, Re9.12. Re11.14. Ezk Eze2.10. Da * Da12.1. Ho * Ho7.13. Mt * Mt24.21, Mt24.22. woe. Re Re12.12. inhabiters. Re + Re3.10. the three. ver. + Re8.2.

REVELATION 9 At the sounding of the fifth angel, a star falls from heaven, to whom is given the key of the bottomless pit, Re9.1. He opens the pit, and there come forth locusts like scorpions, Re9.2-11. The first woe is past, Re9.12. The sixth trumpet sounds, Re9.13. Four angels are let loose, that were bound, Re9.14-21. 1. the fifth. ver. Re9.12, Re9.13. Re 8:+ Re8.2, Re8.6-8, Re8.10, Re8.12. Re11.14, Re11.15. a star fall. Re Re1.20. + Re8.10. * Re12.4, Re12.12. Jsh Jos5.14. 1 K 1Ki22.19. 2 Ch 2Ch18.18. Jb Job38.7. Ps Ps148.2. Is Is14.12. Lk * Lk10.18. 2 Th 2Th2.3-8. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-5. the key. Re + Re1.18. Re20.1. Mt Mt16.19. the bottomless. ver. Re9.2, Re9.11. Re Re11.7. Re17.8. * Re20.1, Re20.3, Re20.10. Lk Lk8.28, Lk8.31. Ro Ro10.7g. Ju * Jud6. pit. Nu +* Nu16.30n, Nu16.33. Ps Ps55.23. 2. there. ver. Re9.17. Re + Re14.11. Ge Ge15.17. Ge19.28. Is Is14.31. Jl Joe2.30. Ac Ac2.19. smoke of a. Re Re18.9, Re18.18. Re19.3. Ge ▶ Ge19.28. Ex ▶ Ex19.18. Is Is34.10. Mt Mt13.42, Mt13.50. Lk Lk16.24. and the sun. See on Re Re8.12. Ex Ex10.21-23. Jl Joe2.2, ▶ Joe2.10. darkened. Re Re8.12. Re16.10. Pr +* Pr20.20. 3. there came. Re Re12.7. Re16.13, Re16.14. Lk Lk8.30-33. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1. the smoke. Jb Job41.19-21. locusts. ver. Re9.7. Ex ▶ Ex10.12, Ex10.15. Jg Jdg6.5. * Jdg7.12. Ps * Ps105.34, Ps105.35. Pr Pr30.27. Is Is33.4. Jl Joe1.4. Joe2.25. Na Na3.15, Na3.17. scorpions. ver. Re9.5, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 317. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re9.10, Re9.11. Dt Dt8.15. 1 K 1Ki12.11, 1Ki12.14. Ezk Eze2.6. Jl * Joe2.3. Lk Lk10.19. Lk11.12. 4. that they. Re Re6.6. * Re7.3. Jb Job1.10, Job1.12. Ps Ps76.10. Mt Mt24.24. 2 Ti 2Ti3.8, 2Ti3.9. not hurt. Re Re3.10. Re8.7. Ex Ex12.23. Ex15.26. Dt Dt33.29. Jb * Job5.19-22. Ps * Ps91.1. green thing. Ex Ex10.15. but only. Ex * Ex8.22, Ex8.23. which. See on Re * Re7.3, Re7.4. * Re13.8. Re14.1. Ex Ex12.23. Jb Job2.6. Ezk *9:▶ Eze9.4, Eze9.6. 2 Co 2Co1.22. Ep Eph1.13. +* Eph4.30. 5. it was. Re Re13.5, Re13.7. Da Da5.18-22. Da7.6. Jn Jn19.11. they should not. Re Re11.7. Jb Job2.6. tormented. Re Re11.10. Re14.10. Re20.10. Mt ✓ Mt8.29. Mt12.43-45. Mt17.15, Mt17.18. Mk Mk5.2-5. Lk * Lk8.29. Ac Ac5.16. five months. ver. Re9.10. and their. See on ver. Re9.3. 6. shall men. Re Re6.16. 2 S 2Sa1.9. 1 K 1Ki19.4. Jb ▶ Job3.20-22. * Job7.15, Job7.16. Is Is2.19. Je * Je8.3. Ho Ho10.8. Jon Jon4.8, Jon4.9. Lk Lk23.30. 7. the shapes. Jb Job39.20. Jl ▶ Joe2.4, Joe2.5. Na Na3.17. heads. Na * Na3.17. horses. Je * Je8.16, Je8.17. crowns. Re + Re6.2. their faces. Da * Da7.4, Da7.8. 8. hair. 2 K 2Ki9.30. Is Is3.24. Je Je51.27. 1 Co 1Co11.14, 1Co11.15. 1 Ti 1Ti2.9. 1 P 1Pe3.3. women. Zc Zec5.7-11. and their teeth. Ps Ps57.4. Da Da7.19. Jl ▶ Joe1.6. 9. they had. ver. Re9.17. Jb Job40.18. * Job41.1, Job41.7, Job41.15-17, Job41.23-30. Jl Joe2.8. and the. Jb Job39.25. Is Is9.5. Jl Joe2.5-7. Na Na2.4, Na2.5. sound of chariots. Jl ▶ Joe2.5. horses. Jb Job39.21-25. Je Je8.6. to battle. 1 Co 1Co14.8. 10. tails. See on ver. Re9.3, Re9.5. Re Re12.4. five months. ver. Re9.5. 11. a king. Re Re12.9. Jb Job18.14. * Job41.33, Job41.34. Pr Pr30.27. Jn Jn12.31. * Jn14.30. Jn16.11. 2 Co 2Co4.4. Ep * Eph2.2. 1 J 1Jn4.4. 1Jn5.19. the angel. Re Re20.2. Ezk * Eze38.17. pit. ver. + Re9.1. Jb Job26.6. the angel. ver. Re9.1. whose name. f121:121N. Metonymy of the Adjunct. The name of the pit is given to the angel of the pit, by this figure, by which the abstract is put for the concrete. For other instances of this figure, see Ge + Ge31.54. Hebrew. Re Re16.16. Jn + Jn5.2. Abaddon. that is, a destroyer. f121:121N, Ge + Ge31.54. ❅S#3g. For ❅S# 011h, see Jb + Job26.6. Job28.22. Job31.12. Ps * Ps17.4. Ps88.11. Pr Pr15.11. Pr27.20. Is Is16.4. Je 4:7. 6:26. Da Da8.24, Da8.25. Da9.26. Da11.44. Jn * Jn8.44. 2 Co * 2Co11.14, 2Co11.15. Ja Jas3.14, Jas3.15. 1 J * 1Jn3.12. Apollyon. i.e. destroyer, ❅S#623g. f24:24B, Ge + Ge23.16. Jb Job28.22. 12. woe. See on ver. Re9.1, Re9.2. Re Re8.13. two. ver. Re9.13-21. Re * Re8.13. Re11.14. 13. the sixth. See on ver. Re9.1. Re + Re8.2. a. Gr. one. Re + Re8.13. voice. See on Re * Re8.3-5. Ps Ps118.27. He Heb9.24. Heb10.21. horns. Ex * Ex30.3. 1 K 1Ki1.50-53. 1Ki2.13-25. golden altar. Re + Re8.3. Ex Ex30.6. Ex40.3. 14. to the. Re Re8.2, Re8.6. Loose. ver. Re9.15. Re Re7.1. * Re16.12. which are bound. Re Re20.2-7. 1 P 1Pe3.19. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Ju Jud6. the great. Re Re14.8. Ge Ge2.14. ▶ Ge15.18. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 318. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Dt ▶ Dt1.7. Jsh ▶ Jos1.4. 2 S 2Sa8.3. Je Je51.63. Euphrates. i.e. unlimited, ❅S#2166g. Re Re16.12. For ❅S# 06578h, see Ge + Ge2.14. Je Je46.4-10. 15. prepared. Is Is46.8-11. Ep Eph1.11. for. or, at. an hour. ver. Re9.5, Re9.10. Re Re14.7. Mk Mk13.32. Ac Ac1.7. a day. Is Is34.8. Is61.2. 1 Co 1Co3.13. month. Ho Ho5.7. year. Is Is34.8. Is61.2. for to slay. ver. Re9.18. Re Re6.8. Re8.7, Re8.9, Re8.11, Re8.12. the third. Re Re9.18. 16. the number. Re Re5.11. Ps Ps68.17. Da Da7.10. Ju + Jud14. army. Ezk * Eze38.4. Eze39.11. Jl * Joe2.11. horsemen. Ezk Eze23.6. Eze38.4. Da Da11.40. I heard. Re Re7.4. 17. horses. Re Re9.7-10. Is ◐ Is31.3. Je Je8.17. having. ver. Re9.9. of fire. Ezk Eze28.14, Eze28.16. jacinth. Re Re21.20. the heads. 1 Ch 1Ch12.8. Is Is5.28, Is5.29. out of. Re Re11.5. fire. Re Re16.8. brimstone. ver. Re9.18. Re Re14.10. Re19.20. Re20.10. +* Re21.8. Ge Ge19.24. Ps Ps11.6. Is +* Is30.33. Ezk Eze38.22. Lk Lk17.29. as the. 1 Ch 1Ch12.8. Is Is5.28, Is5.29. 18. the third. See on ver. Re9.15, Re9.17. Re + Re8.7. Re9.15. by the fire. ver. Re9.17. and smoke. ver. + Re9.2. 19. their mouth. 1 K * 1Ki22.21, 1Ki22.22. Is Is5.26-30. Da Da7.20, Da7.25. Ja Jas3.6-8. in their tails. ver. Re9.10. Re Re9.10. Is Is9.15. Ep +* Eph4.14. do hurt. Ex Ex34.10. Dt Dt28.59. 20. yet repented not. ver. Re9.21. Re Re2.21, Re2.22. Re16.8. Ex Ex8.32. Ex10.7. * Ex11.9. Dt Dt31.29. 2 Ch 2Ch28.22. Pr * Pr27.22. Je * Je2.30. * Je5.3. * Je8.4-6. Am * Am4.613. Mt Mt21.32. 2 Co 2Co12.21. works of their hands. Dt * Dt4.28. * Dt31.29. 2 K 2Ki19.18. Ps Ps115.4. * Ps135.15. Is Is2.8. ▶ Is17.8. Is37.19. Is44.10-20. Je Je1.16. Je10.3. Je25.6, Je25.7, Je25.14. Ac Ac7.41. Ac19.26. worship devils. Re Re13.4. Le Le17.7. Dt ▶ Dt32.17. 2 K 2Ki22.17, 22, 23. 2 Ch 2Ch18.21, 2Ch18.22. 2Ch34.25. Ps Ps106.37. Is Is2.8. Je Je25.6. Je44.8. Mt Mt10.1-8. Mt12.43-45. Ac Ac7.41. Ac19.26. 1 Co 1Co10.20, 1Co10.21. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1. and idols. Ps Ps115.4-8. Ps135.15-18. Is Is40.19, Is40.20. Is41.7. Is42.17, Is42.18. Is44.9-20. Is46.5-7. Je Je10.3-5, Je10.8, Je10.9, Je10.14, Je10.15. Je16.19, Je16.20. Je51.17. Da ▶ Da5.4, Da5.23. Hab * Hab2.18-20. Ac Ac17.29. Ro Ro1.21-23. which neither. Ps ▶ Ps115.7. Is Is46.5-7. 21. Neither repented. Re * Re16.10, Re16.11. Je Je18.8. Lk * Lk16.29-31. Ro Ro1.18-32. Ro3.10-18. their murders. Re Re11.7-9. Re13.7, Re13.15. Re16.6. Re18.24. Re21.8. Re22.15. Da Da7.21-25. Da11.33. their sorceries. Re Re13.13. Re18.23. +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. Ex Ex7.22. Ex22.18. Le Le19.31. Le20.6, Le20.27. Dt +* Dt18.10. 1 S 1Sa28.7. 2 K ▶ 2Ki9.22. 1 Ch 1Ch10.13. Is Is8.19. Is47.9, Is47.12. Is57.3. Mi Mic5.12. Na Na3.4. Ml +* Mal3.5. Ac Ac16.16. Ga Ga5.20. nor of their fornication. Re Re14.8. Re17.2, Re17.5. Re18.3. Re19.2. Mt Mt15.19. 1 Co + 1Co6.18. 2 Co 2Co12.21.

REVELATION 10 The apostle in vision beholds a mighty Angel, with a little book open in his hand; and hears the voice of seven thunders, which he was ordered to seal up, Re10.1-4. The angel swears by the eternal Creator, that at an appointed time, when the seventh trumpet shall begin to sound, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 319. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

the mystery of God shall be finished, 5-7. The apostle receives and eats the little book, Re10.811. 1. another. ver. Re10.5, Re10.6. Re * Re5.2. Re7.1, Re7.2. Re8.2-5, Re8.13. Re9.13, Re9.14. Re14.14, Re14.15. mighty angel. Re Re18.21. Is Is63.9. Da Da8.16. Da9.21. ✓ Da10.21. Da12.1. Lk Lk1.19, Lk1.26. come down. Re Re18.1. Re20.1. Re21.2, Re21.10. clothed. Re +* Re1.7. Ex Ex16.10. Le Le16.2. 2 Ch ◐+* 2Ch5.13. Ps Ps18.11. * Ps97.2. Ps104.3. Is Is19.1. La La3.44. Ezk Eze1.4. Da +* Da7.13. Mt +* Mt17.5. +* Mt24.30. Lk Lk21.27. Ac Ac1.9. 1 Co 1Co10.1. a rainbow. Re + Re4.3. Ge Ge9.11-17. Is +* Is54.9. Ezk Eze1.28. his face. Re * Re1.16. Da Da10.6. Ml Mal3.1, Mal3.2. * Mal4.2. Mt ✓ Mt17.2. Ac * Ac26.13, Ac26.15. his feet. Re + Re1.15. Re2.18. Da Da10.5, Da10.6. pillars. Re Re1.15. SS So5.15. 2. a little. ver. Re10.8-10. Re Re5.1-5. Re6.1, Re6.3. Ezk Eze2.9, Eze2.10. book. Re Re5.5-7. Re6.1— Re8.1. he set. ver. Re10.5, Re10.8. Dt ✓ Dt11.24. Ps * Ps2.8. Ps65.5. Ps72.8. * Ps89.25. Pr Pr8.15, Pr8.16. Is Is59.19. Zc * Zec9.10. Mt * Mt28.18. Ep Eph1.20-22. Ph Php2.10, Php2.11. foot upon. Da Da10.4. Da12.7. 3. loud. Jb * Job40.9. Pr Pr19.12. Is Is5.29. * Is42.13. Je ✓ Je25.29-31. Ho Ho11.10. Jl +* Joe3.16. Am Am1.2. a lion. Is * Is31.4. Am * Am3.8. seven. Re * Re4.5. + Re6.1. Re8.5. Re11.19. Re14.2. Re15.1, Re15.7. Re19.6. Ps * Ps81.7. thunders. These may have been angel voices, the effect (thunder) being put, by Metonymy, for the cause. Jn Jn12.29. 4. I was. Re Re1.11. ch. 2, 3. Is Is8.1. Hab Hab2.2, Hab2.3. I heard. ver. Re10.8. Seal up. Re ◐ Re22.10. Dt +* Dt29.29. Pr * Pr25.2. Is +* Is8.16. Is29.11. Da ▶ Da8.26. 12:▶ Da12.4, Da12.9. Am * Am3.7. Mt Mt8.4. 2 Co 2Co12.4. write. Re + Re1.19. 5. the angel. Da Da10.4-6. stand. See on ver. Re10.2, Re10.8. upon the sea. Da ▶ Da12.7. lifted up. Ge ▶ Ge14.19, Ge14.22. Ge22.15, Ge22.16. Ex Ex6.8. Ex17.16mg. Nu Nu14.30. Dt * Dt32.40. Ezk Eze20.5, Eze20.6, Eze20.15, Eze20.23, Eze20.28, Eze20.42. * Eze36.7. Eze47.14. Da Da12.7. He * Heb6.13, Heb6.17. 6. by him. Re + Re1.18. Re4.9. Je Je10.10. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. who created. Re + Re4.11. Re14.7. Ge ch. 1, 2. Ex *▶ Ex20.11. Ne +*▶ Ne9.6. Ps Ps95.3-6. ▶ Ps146.6. Ps148.1-7. Je Je10.11-13. Ac Ac14.15. Ac17.23. Ro Ro1.20. that there. Rather, “the time should not be yet,” kronos ouk esti eti, that is, the time of those glorious things with which the mystery of God should be finished. Re Re12.12. Re16.17. Re21.6. Da Da12.7. time no longer. Signifying not the abolition of time, which is impossible, but that there would be no further delay or waiting (Re Re6.10) for the accomplishment of God’s covenanted and promised purposes. Hab * Hab2.3. Mt Mt24.22. Mk Mk13.20. 1 Ti ◐* 1Ti6.14, 1Ti6.15. 7. in the days. Re +* Re11.15-18. seventh angel. Re * Re11.15. * Re16.17. the mystery. Re + Re1.20. Mt Mt13.10, Mt13.11, Mt13.34, Mt13.35. Ro ✓ Ro11.25. +* Ro16.25n. 1 Co 1Co15.51, 1Co15.52. Ep Eph3.3-9. should be finished. This “mystery” which is to be finished involves (1) the resolution of the problem of evil, which was first manifest in the Garden of Eden, as the first sin seemingly interrupted the purpose for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The fall brought the attendant curse upon man and all creation, the curse now announced to be removed. The prophets speak unitedly of the coming messianic kingdom as a time of regeneration, restitution, and restoration, when earth will be restored to its Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 320. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

paradaisical state, a time when the curse is removed (Re +* Re22.3. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is Is11.6-9. +* Is60.21. Zc Zec14.11. Ac +✓ Ac3.19-21). (2) the resolution of the apparent paradox of election and free will, and a clarification to us of the orderings of providence (1 Co 1Co13.12. Ep +* Eph1.11). (3) the consumation of the mystery of godliness, involving the human and divine cooperating in establishing the Davidic theocratic kingdom (Is +* Is54.1. Mt Mt22.4146. Jn +* Jn1.51. 1 Co +* 1Co15.50n. Ep Eph1.10. 1 Ti +* 1Ti3.16). (4) the completion of our redemption and the establishment of our inheritance (Mt Mt19.27-30. Ro +* Ro8.23. Ep +* Eph1.11n. +* Eph4.30. He +* Heb9.28n. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2). (5) the pre-tribulational, premillennial personal appearance of Christ for believers to prepare the organization of, and to set up, his kingdom before its open, public manifestation (Dt +* Dt33.2. Is Is11.11n. 1 Co 1Co15.51, 1Co15.52. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16-18. Ti +* Tt2.13n. Re +* Re11.17n, Re11.18). (6) the accomplishment of divine vengeance and retribution in the Day of the Lord (Is +* Is61.2. +* Is63.4. Re +* Re1.10). (7) the open revelation of Christ, the overthrow of Antichrist, the investiture of the kingdom, the exaltation of the saints, the overthrow of Satan (Da +* Da7.13, Da7.14. Lk Lk10.18. Col +* Col3.4. 2 Th 2Th1.10. +* 2Th2.8. Re Re20.10). Because this finishing occurs at the beginning of the seventh trumpet (which itself is clearly premillennial), the finishing is necessarily premillennial, not postmillennial. The theme of all the prophets is the fulfillment of the covenants and promises in the “sure mercies of David” in establishing the messianic kingdom, which is the kingdom of God upon earth, as our eternal inheritance (Is +* Is55.3. Mt +* Mt5.5. Ac Ac1.3, Ac1.6. +* Ac13.34. Ac15.14-18. Ac28.31. Ro +* Ro4.13. +* Ro8.17). Re +* Re16.17. Re17.17. Dt ✓ Dt32.43. Ps Ps102.13-22. Ezk ✓ Eze39.8. Da Da9.24, Da9.27. Da12.7. as he. Is +* Is65.17. Da Da7.25, Da7.26. Am +* Am3.7. See on Lk +* Lk24.4447. Ac +✓ Ac3.21. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7-10, 2Pe3.13. hath declared. Re Re14.6g. his servants the. 2 K 2Ki21.10. 2Ki24.2. Ezr Ezr9.11. Is +* Is65.17. Je Je7.25. Je25.4. Je29.19. Je35.15. Je44.4. Da ▶ Da9.6, Da9.10. Am ✓▶ Am3.7. Zc ▶ Zec1.6. 8. the voice. See on ver. Re10.4, Re10.5. Is Is30.21. book. ver. Re10.2. which standeth. ver. Re10.2, Re10.5. 9. book. Ezk * Eze2.9, Eze2.10. Take. Jb +* Job23.12. Je +* Je15.16. Ezk Eze2.8. * Eze3.1-3, Eze3.14. Col * Col3.16. eat. Je * Je15.16-18. Ezk ▶ Eze3.1. honey. Ps Ps19.10. * Ps119.103. Ezk Eze3.1-4, Eze3.14. 10. and ate. “Eating” is a Hebrew idiom for receiving knowledge; just as we idiomatically use the word digesting of considering what we have learned (E. W. B., Apocalypse, p. 342). Dt Dt31.26. Je Je31.33. Ezk Eze3.4, Eze3.10. Jn Jn6.47, Jn6.48, Jn6.53, Jn6.54. sweet. Ps * Ps19.10. Ps104.34. Ps119.103. Pr Pr16.24. Ezk Eze3.3. my belly. Ezk Eze2.10. Eze3.14mg. 11. Thou. Re Re11.9. Re14.6. Re17.15. Je * Je1.9, Je1.10, Je1.17. Je25.15-30. Lk * Lk12.11, Lk12.12. prophesy. Re * Re12.11. Je ▶ Je25.30. Ezk Eze37.4. before. or, concerning. Je Je1.10. Je46.1. This word is several times rendered “against” in Lk Lk12.52, Lk12.53. peoples. Re + Re5.9. Da ▶ Da7.14. nations. Je ▶ Je1.10. Mt * Mt24.14. tongues. Da ▶ Da3.4. kings. Ps * Ps119.46. 2 Ti 2Ti4.16, 2Ti4.17.

REVELATION 11 Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 321. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

The apostle is directed to measure the temple, the altar, and the worshippers; but to leave “the outer court to the Gentiles”; with a prediction of their prevalence for forty-two months, Re11.1" Re11.2 }. Power is given to two witnesses, who prophesy in sackcloth, during twelve hundred and sixty days, Re11.3-6. The beast makes war upon them, and slays them: but after three days and a half, overtake their enemies, Re11.13" Re11.14 }. The seventh trumpet sounds; and the announcement is made of the glorious events which shall follow, including the great power of God and the eternal reign of Christ, the anger of the nations, the wrath of God, the resurrection of the righteous, the time of their rewards, and the destruction of the earthdestroyers, Re11.15-18. An introduction to the prophecies of the subsequent chapter, Re11.19. 1. was given. Re Re6.11. Re8.2. a reed. Re * Re21.15, Re21.16. Ps Ps74.2. Is * Is28.17. Je Je10.16. Je31.39. Je51.19. Ezk 40:▶ Eze40.3-55. Eze42.15-20. Zc * Zec2.1, Zec2.2. Ga Ga6.1416. the angel. Re Re10.1-5. Rise. Nu Nu33.18. Ezk ch. 40-48. 1 Co * 1Co3.16, 1Co3.17. 2 Co 2Co6.16. Ep * Eph2.20-22. 1 P 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9. and measure. f180:180A. Zeugma. The verb measure is by this figure “yoked” to a second object which does not fit it as equally as the first, for worshippers would not be measured but taken account of. For other instances of this figure, see Ge + Ge4.20. 2 K 2Ki21.13. Is Is34.11. La * La2.8. Ezk Eze40.5. Am Am7.7-9. Zc Zec2.2, Zec2.4. the temple. ver. Re11.19. Re + Re3.12. Mt Mt24.15. 2 Th * 2Th2.4. the altar. Re Re8.3. Re9.13. Ezk Eze41.22. Da Da9.27. Mt Mt24.15. 2 Th 2Th2.3, 2Th2.4. 2. the court. Ezk Eze40.17-20. Eze42.20. Mt + Mt26.3. the temple. Ps ▶ Ps79.1. leave out. Gr. cast out. it is given. Re ch. 13-18. Ps * Ps74.1-7. * Ps79.1. La La1.10. Lk +* Lk21.24. 2 Th 2Th2.3-12. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1-3. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-6. unto the Gentiles. Ho * Ho8.8. Ep ◐ Eph2.14. Col ◐* Col3.11. the holy city. Re Re21.2, Re21.10. Re22.19. Is Is48.2. Is52.1. Mt + Mt4.5. Mt27.53. tread. Is Is60.15. *▶ Is63.18. Da Da7.19, Da7.22, Da7.26, Da7.27. * Da8.10, ▶ Da8.13, Da8.24, +* Da8.25. Zc ▶ Zec12.3, LXX. Mt +* Mt5.13. Mt24.15, Mt24.29-31. Lk +* Lk21.24. He Heb10.29. forty. ver. Re11.3, Re11.11. Re Re12.6, +* Re12.14. Re13.5. Nu Nu14.34. Da * Da7.25. +* Da9.27. * Da12.7, Da12.11, Da12.12. Ro +* Ro11.25. 3. I will give, etc. or, I will give unto my two witnesses, that they may prophesy. Jn Jn3.27. 1 Co 1Co12.28. Ep Eph4.11. two. Nu 30:30. Dt Dt17.6. Dt19.15. Mt Mt18.16. 2 Co 2Co13.1. witnesses. ver. Re11.10. Re Re2.13. Re19.10. Re20.4. Is Is8.2. Is43.10. Is55.4. Lk Lk24.48. Jn Jn15.27. Ac +* Ac1.8. +* Ac2.32. Ac3.15. Ac13.31. they shall. Re Re19.10. a thousand. See on ver. Re11.2. Re Re12.6, +* Re12.14. Re13.5. Da +* Da9.27. days. The duration of man is often reckoned in days (Ge Ge47.9, Ge47.28. Ps Ps90.10, Ps90.12. Ps119.84), whereas judgments are sometimes reckoned in months (Ge Ge8.5. Re Re9.5, Re9.10. Re13.5). Lk Lk4.25. Ja Jas5.17. clothed. Ge Ge37.34. 2 S 2Sa3.31. 1 K 1Ki20.31. 1Ki21.27. 2 K 2Ki6.30. 2Ki19.1, 2Ki19.2. 1 Ch 1Ch21.16. Ne Ne9.1. Est Es4.1, Es4.2. Jb Job16.15. Ps Ps35.13. Ps69.11. Is Is20.2. Is22.12. Is32.11. Is37.1, Is37.2. Je Je4.8. Je6.26. La La2.10. Ezk Eze7.18. Jl Joe1.13. Am Am8.10. Jon Jon3.5-8. Mt Mt11.21. Lk Lk10.13. 4. These are. f92:92C, Mt + Mt2.15. two olive. Ps Ps52.8. Je * Je11.16. Zc ▶ Zec4.2, Zec4.3, * Zec4.11-14. Ro Ro11.17. two candlesticks. Re Re1.12, Re1.20. Zc ▶ Zec4.2. Mt * Mt5.14-16. Lk Lk11.33. Jn Jn5.35. Ph Php2.15, Php2.16. 1 J 1Jn2.20. standing. Dt Dt10.8. 1 K 1Ki17.1. Mt Mt20.23. the God. Ex Ex8.22. Jsh Jos3.11, Jos3.13. Is * Is54.5. Mi Mic4.13. Zc * Zec4.14. Zec6.5. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 322. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

5. And if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. fire. Re Re9.17, Re9.18. Nu * Nu16.28-35. Jg Jdg9.19, Jdg9.20, Jdg9.56, Jdg9.57. 2 K *1:▶ 2Ki1.10-1212, 2Ki1.14. 2Ki6.15-17. Ps * Ps18.8. Is Is11.4. Je Je1.10. * Je5.14. = Je23.29. Ezk Eze43.3. Ho Ho6.5. Jl Joe2.3. Zc Zec1.6. Zec2.8. Ac Ac2.3. Ac9.4, Ac9.5. devoureth. 2 S ▶ 2Sa22.9. Ps ▶ Ps97.3. Je ▶ Je5.14. and if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. he must. Nu Nu16.35. 6. These have. 2 K 2Ki2.11. Mt Mt11.14. * Mt17.3. Lk Lk1.17. Ju Jud9. power. 1 K * 1Ki17.1. Lk Lk4.25. Ja * Jas5.16-18. have power over. Ex ch. 7-12, 14. Ps Ps78.43-51. Ps105.26-36. to turn. Re + Re8.8. plagues. 1 S ▶ 1Sa4.8. 7. when. ver. Re11.3. Lk Lk13.32. Jn Jn17.4. Jn19.30. Ac Ac20.24. 2 Ti 2Ti4.7. the beast. Re * Re9.11. Re13.1, Re13.7, Re13.11. * Re17.6-8. Re19.19, Re19.20. Da ▶ Da7.3, Da7.7, Da7.8 LXX, 21, 22, 25. 8:23, 24. Zc Zec14.2, etc. 2 Th 2Th2.8, 2Th2.9. out. Re 9:+ Re9.1, Re9.2. Re20.1-3. make war. Re Re12.17. * Re13.1-8. Re19.19. Da * Da7.21. 2 Ti * 2Ti3.12. overcome them. Re ◐ Re12.11. Da Da11.35. 8. their dead. ver. Re11.9. Ps Ps9.9. Ps10.1. ✓ Ps79.2, Ps79.3. Je Je26.23. Ezk Eze37.11. the great city. ver. Re11.13. Re Re14.8. Re16.19. Re17.1, Re17.5, Re17.18. Re18.2, Re18.10, Re18.16, Re18.18, Re18.19, Re18.21. 2 Ch 2Ch32.6. Ne *7:3, 4. Je Je5.1. Je22.5, * Je22.7-9. Sodom. Ge Ge13.13. Ge19.24. Dt +* Dt32.30-33. Is ▶ Is1.10. Is3.9. Je * Je23.14. Ezk Eze16.2, Eze16.46, +* Eze16.53-55. Am Am4.11. Zp Zep2.9. Mt Mt10.15. Lk + Lk10.12. 2 P 2Pe2.6. Ju +* Jud7. Egypt. Ex Ex1.13, Ex1.14. Ex3.7. Ex20.2. Ps Ps78.43-51. Ezk Eze23.3, Eze23.4, Eze23.8, Eze23.19, Eze23.27. where also. Re Re14.20. Jn * Jn19.20. our Lord. Re Re18.24. Lk Lk13.33, Lk13.34. Ac Ac9.4. He Heb6.6. Heb13.12. 9. the people. Re + Re5.9. Re10.11. Re13.7. Re17.15. shall see. 1 S 1Sa31.9, 1Sa31.10. three. See on ver. Re11.2, Re11.3, Re11.11. and shall not. Re Re5.8. Re19.17, Re19.18. 2 K 2Ki9.10. Ps * Ps79.2, Ps79.3. Ec Ec6.3. Is Is14.20. Is33.1. Je Je7.33. Je8.2. Je14.16. Mt Mt7.2. Mt23.29-34. Lk * Lk13.34. graves. Gr. mneuma, Mk + Mk5.5. This Greek word is found in the LXX at Ex Ex14.11. Nu Nu11.34, Nu11.35. Nu19.16, Nu19.18. Nu33.16, Nu33.17. Dt Dt9.22. Jsh Jos24.31. 2 Ch 2Ch16.14. 2Ch34.4, 2Ch34.28. Jb Job10.19. Is Is65.4. Je Je26.23. Ezk Eze32.22, Eze32.24, Eze32.26. Eze37.12, Eze37.12. 10. dwell. Re +* Re3.10. Re12.13. Re13.8, Re13.14. Mt Mt10.22. rejoice. Jg Jdg16.23, Jdg16.24. Jb ◐* Job20.5. Ps Ps13.4. Ps35.19, Ps35.24-26. Ps89.42. Pr Pr24.17. Je Je50.11. Ob Ob12. Mi Mic7.8. Mt * Mt24.48-51. Lk Lk23.12. Jn Jn16.20. make merry. Ne Ne8.10-12. Est Es9.19-22. Ps ▶ Ps105.38. Lk + Lk15.23. 1 Co 1Co13.6. send gifts. Ne Ne8.10, Ne8.12. Est Es9.19, Es9.22. two prophets. ver. + Re11.3, Re11.5, Re11.6. Re Re16.10. 1 K 1Ki18.17. 1Ki21.20. 1Ki22.8, 1Ki22.18. Is Is14.16, Is14.20. Je Je38.4. Jn Jn7.7. Ac Ac5.33. Ac7.54-57. Ac17.5, Ac17.6. 11. three. ver. Re11.9. the spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50. Ge +* Ge2.7. Jb Job33.4. Ezk * Eze37.5-14. Lk Lk8.55g. Jn Jn6.63. Ro +* Ro8.2, Ro8.11. entered. Ezk ▶ Eze37.5, Eze37.10. they stood. Ezk Eze37.10. great fear. ver. Re11.13. Jsh Jos2.9. Je Je33.9. Ho Ho3.5. Mt Mt27.54. Ac Ac5.5, Ac5.11. 12. Come. Re Re4.1. Ps Ps15.1. Ps24.3. Is 40:34. Jn * Jn12.26. And they ascended. Re * Re3.21. * Re12.5. 2 K 2Ki2.11. Is Is14.13. Ac +* Ac1.9. Ro * Ro8.34-37. Ep Eph2.5, Eph2.6. up Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 323. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

to heaven. 2 K ▶ 2Ki2.11. in a cloud. Is Is60.8. Ac +* Ac1.9. 1 Th +* 1Th4.17. and their. Ex Ex14.25. 2 K 2Ki2.1, 2Ki2.5, 2Ki2.7. Ps Ps86.17. Ps112.10. Ml * Mal3.18. Lk * Lk16.23. 13. great earthquake. ver. Re11.19. Re + Re6.12. Re8.5. Re16.18-21. Ezk ▶ Eze38.19. Zc * Zec14.3-5. He +* Heb12.26, Heb12.27. and the tenth. Re Re8.9-12. Re13.1-3. Re16.10, Re16.19. men. Gr. names of men. f121:121T, Ac + Ac1.15. Re Re3.4. Ge Ge6.4. Ac Ac1.15. and the remnant. See on ver. Re11.11. were affrighted. Pr +* Pr19.25. Is +* Is26.9. gave glory. Re Re4.9. Re14.7. * Re15.4. Re16.9. Re19.7. Ex Ex8.19. Dt * Dt32.3. Jsh Jos7.19. 1 S 1Sa6.5. Ps Ps9.16. Ps106.12-15. Is Is26.15, Is26.16. Je Je13.16. Ml Mal2.2. Lk Lk4.15, ◐ Lk4.29. Lk5.26. Lk17.12-18. Lk18.43. Lk23.47. Jn + Jn9.24. Ac Ac12.23. Ac24.25. Ro Ro4.20. God of heaven. Re Re16.11. 2 Ch 2Ch36.23. Ezr Ezr1.2. Ezr5.11, Ezr5.12. Ezr6.9. Ezr7.12, Ezr7.23. Ne Ne1.4, Ne1.5. Ne2.4. Ps Ps136.26. Da Da2.18, ▶ Da2.19, ◐ Da2.28, Da2.37, Da2.44. Jon Jon1.9. 14. second woe. Re * Re8.13. Re9.12. Re15.1. Re16.1, etc. 15. the seventh. “Each seventh seal, trumpet and vial is marked off from the preceding six by unmistakable signs, sufficient to show us that they are resumptive rather than continuous. Each going over the same ground to give particulars not contained in the others, bringing us up to a crisis; and giving the other events in the corresponding period, but from a different point of view” (E.W.B. Apocalypse, pp. 370, 371). This seventh trumpet is the last of this series of seven, but not the last absolutely, and is not to be confused with the “last trump” of 1 Co 1Co15.52n. Chronologically, the trumpet of Mt Mt24.31 must follow this seventh trumpet of Revelation, for it occurs after the Tribulation, at the open manifestation of Christ’s Second Advent (Mt Mt24.30), which in the book of Revelation is recorded in Re Re19.11-16, which is after the time expressed here. In the book of Revelation the seventh trumpet is never called “last” (Re Re1.11, Re1.17. Re2.8, Re2.19. Re15.1. Re21.9. Re22.13). Re 8:+ Re8.2-66, Re8.12. Re9.1, Re9.13. +* Re10.7. sounded. The sounding of the seventh trumpet does not mark the Rapture of the church, but proclaims the coming coronation of earth’s rightful king, the answer to the prayer of the ages, “thy kingdom come.” 2 S 2Sa15.10. 1 K * 1Ki1.39. 1 Co 1Co15.52n. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16n. and there. Re Re4.5. Re12.10. Re16.17. Re19.1, Re19.6. Is Is27.13. Is44.23. Lk Lk15.6, Lk15.10. The kingdoms. Re Re12.10. Re15.4. Re17.14. +* Re20.4. 1 Ch +* 1Ch29.11. Ps * Ps22.27, ▶ Ps22.28. Ps72.11. +* Ps82.8. Ps86.9. Ps89.15-17. Is +* Is2.2, Is2.3. Is49.6, Is49.7, Is49.22, Is49.23. Is55.5. Is60.3-14. Je Je16.19. Da * Da2.34, Da2.35, Da2.44, Da2.45. +* Da7.13, Da7.14, Da7.18, Da7.22, Da7.27. Ho Ho2.23. Am * Am9.11, Am9.12. Ob +*▶ Ob21. Mi Mic4.1, Mic4.2. Zp Zep3.9, Zep3.10. Zc Zec2.11. * Zec8.20-23. +* Zec14.9. Ml Mal1.11. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. Jn Jn18.36. are become. T#90. Re Re12.10. Re19.16. + Re20.4 (T#440). Ps Ps72.8-11. Is * Is9.7. Da Da2.35, Da2.44, Da2.45. +* Da7.13, Da7.14. Zc +* Zec14.9. Mt Mt13.31-33. 1 Co 1Co15.27, 1Co15.28. our Lord. Re Re19.16. Ps Ps45.6. Ps47.7, Ps47.8. Is Is40.9, Is40.10. Mt Mt26.29. 1 Co 1Co15.24, 1Co15.25. He +* Heb1.8. and of. Re Re22.3. Ep Eph5.5. his Christ. Ps ▶ Ps2.2. Mk * Mk14.61, Mk14.62. Lk + Lk9.20. Ac Ac4.26. Ac17.30, Ac17.31. 1 Co +* 1Co1.7, 1Co1.8. 1Co15.21-23. Ph Php3.20. 1 Th 1Th2.19. +* 1Th3.13. +* 1Th5.9, 1Th5.23. 2 Th 2Th1.1, 2Th1.2. Ti +* Tt2.12, Tt2.13. 1 P 1Pe1.7, 1Pe1.13. 2 P 2Pe1.11. 1 J 1Jn2.22. shall reign. ver. Re11.17. Re Re20.4. Ex ▶ Ex15.18. Ps ▶ Ps10.16. Ps110.4. Ps146.10. Is +* Is9.7. Ezk +* Eze37.25. Da *▶ Da2.44. +*7:▶ Da7.14, Da7.18, Da7.27. Mi +* Mic4.7. Zc +* Zec14.9. Mt +* Mt6.13. Lk +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 324. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Lk1.33. He +* Heb1.8. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. Ge + Ge9.12. 2 S 2Sa7.16. Is ✓ Is9.7. Da Da2.44. +* Da7.14. Lk ✓ Lk1.32. 2 P * 2Pe1.11. 16. elders. Re * Re4.4, Re4.10. Re5.5-8, Re5.14. Re7.11. Re19.4. which sat. Re Re4.4. fell upon. Re + Re4.10. 17. We give. Re Re4.9. Ps * Ps95.1-3. * Ps97.1, Ps97.12. Da Da2.23. +* Da6.10. Mt +* Mt11.25. Lk Lk10.21. Jn Jn11.41. 2 Co 2Co2.14. 2Co9.15. 1 Ti 1Ti1.12. Lord God Almighty. See on Re +* Re1.8. + Re4.8. Re15.3. Re16.7, Re16.14. Ge Ge17.1. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. which art. See on Re Re1.4, Re1.8. Re16.5. Ex ▶ Ex3.14. Is ▶ Is41.4. He +* Heb13.8. and art to come. Many significant authorities omit this phrase and “and shalt be” at Re Re16.5. Peters says of this omission, “This omission, as the weightiest MSS. (admitted by Anti-Millenarians, as Prof. Stuart, Com.) prove, is not accidental but intentional, showing that the coming one is no longer expected to come, but has already come.” Peters notes “the omission is most significant of presence” (Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 185, 191). See related notes (Re Re10.7n, point 5. Is Is11.11n, points 4, 24. Ti Tt2.13n). Re Re1.4, Re1.8. Mt Mt11.3. Mt21.9. Mt23.39. Lk Lk7.19. Lk13.35. He Heb10.37. thou hast reigned. See on ver. Re11.15. Re * Re19.6, Re19.11-21. * Re20.1-3. Ps Ps21.13. Ps57.11. Ps64.9, Ps64.10. Ps97.1. Ps98.1-3. Ps102.1318. Is * Is51.9-11. Is52.10. reigned. Ps ▶ Ps99.1. 18. the nations. ver. Re11.2, Re11.9, Re11.10. Re Re17.12-15. Re19.19, Re19.20. Ps 2:▶ Ps2.1-33. ▶ Ps46.6. Is Is34.1-10. Is63.1-6. Ezk Eze38.9, Eze38.23. Jl Joe3.9-14. Mi Mic7.1517. Zc Zec14.2, Zec14.3. were angry. Ac Ac4.26. and thy wrath. See on Re +* Re6.15-17. Re14.10. Re15.1, Re15.7. ch. 16. 19:15. Ps ▶ Ps2.5. Ps99.1. Ps110.5. Is * Is24.17-21. +* Is26.19, Is26.20. Is30.27, Is30.28, Is30.30-33. Ezk Eze38.16-23. Zp Zep1.2, Zep1.3, Zep1.1416. Zep3.8. time of the dead. See on Re Re6.10, Re6.11. * Re20.4, Re20.5, +* Re20.6, Re20.12, Re20.15. Is +* Is26.19-21. Da * Da7.9, Da7.10. +* Da12.1, Da12.2. He +* Heb9.27. be judged. Re +* Re6.10. Re14.7. Re18.8. Da Da7.10. Mt +* Mt10.15n. Jn ✓ Jn3.18. ✓ Jn5.24. Ro * Ro2.2, Ro2.6-11. * Ro8.1. * Ro14.10, Ro14.12. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.10. give reward. T#857. Re * Re2.10, Re2.23. Re3.4. * Re7.15-17. * Re21.22, Re21.23. * Re22.5, Re22.12. Ps Ps49.14. Is * Is40.10. Is60.19, Is60.20. Mt +* Mt5.12. * Mt10.41, Mt10.42. +* Mt16.27. * Mt25.34. Lk * Lk14.14. Jn +* Jn14.2, Jn14.3. Jn17.22, Jn17.24. Ro +* Ro2.7. Ro5.10, Ro5.17. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9. 2 Th * 2Th1.5-7, 2Th1.10, 2Th1.12. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.8. He * Heb4.9. * Heb9.15. Heb11.9, Heb11.10, Heb11.16, Heb11.25, Heb11.26. 1 P 1Pe1.9, 1Pe1.13. 2 P +* 2Pe3.13n. 2 J +* 2Jn8. thy servants the. Re + Re7.3. +* Re10.7. 2 K * 2Ki9.7. 2Ki17.13, 2Ki17.23. 2Ki21.10. 2Ki24.2. Da ▶9:6, 10. Am ▶ Am3.7. Zc ▶ Zec1.6. Jn * Jn12.26. prophets. Re Re16.6. Re18.20, Re18.24. 2 K * 2Ki9.7. Hab +* Hab3.16, Hab3.19. Lk +* Lk13.28. the saints. Re + Re8.3. Ex Ex22.31. Dt +* Dt33.2. Ps Ps16.3. Ps30.4. Ps31.23. Ps34.9. Ps50.5. Da * Da7.18. 2 Th * 2Th1.7, 2Th1.8. and them. Re Re19.5. Jsh Jos24.14. 1 S 1Sa12.24. Ps Ps34.9. Ps85.9. Ps102.15. Ps103.11. Ps115.13, Ps115.14. Ps147.11. Ec Ec8.12. Ec12.13. Mi Mic6.9. Lk Lk1.50. small and. Re Re13.16. Re19.5, Re19.18. Re20.12. Ge Ge19.11. Ps ▶ Ps115.13. Je Je16.6. Ac + Ac8.10. shouldest destroy them. Re Re13.10. Re18.6, Re18.16-24. Re19.19, Re19.21. Ge +* Ge6.13 (T#566). Da Da7.26. Da8.25. Da11.44, Da11.45. He Heb12.27. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7. which destroy. or, which corrupt. Re +* Re10.7. Is * Is24.21. 2 Th 2Th2.7. 19. the temple. ver. Re11.1, Re11.2. Re + Re3.12. Re14.15-17. Re15.5-8. Re19.11. Is * Is6.1-4. was opened. Re Re4.1. Re6.1-9. Re9.2. * Re15.5-8. * Re19.11. Re20.12. in heaven. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 325. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re +* Re7.15. * Re14.17. the ark. Ex * Ex25.21, Ex25.22, Ex25.40. Nu Nu4.5, Nu4.15. Nu10.33. Dt Dt31.24-26. 1 K ▶ 1Ki8.1, 1Ki8.6. 2 Ch ▶ 2Ch5.7. 2 Co 2Co3.14-16. He 9:+ Heb9.488, Heb9.23. his testament. Ge * Ge15.7. 2 S 2Sa7.12-16. Is +* Is55.3. Lk Lk1.68-79. Ac +* Ac7.5. Ro +* Ro4.13. Ro11.29. * Ro15.8. and there were. ver. Re11.13, Re11.15. See on Re + Re4.5. Re8.5. Re10.3. Re16.18. Re19.6. Ex ▶ Ex19.16. Ex20.18. an earthquake. ver. Re11.13. Re + Re6.12. and great. Re Re8.7. Re16.17-21. Ex Ex9.18-29. Jsh Jos10.11. Jb Job38.22, Job38.23. Ps Ps18.12. Ps105.32. Is Is28.2. Is30.30. Is32.19. Ezk Eze13.11. Eze38.22. hail. Ex ▶ Ex9.24.

REVELATION 12 The apostle sees in vision a travailing woman, watched by a red dragon, that he might devour her offspring: she is delivered of a son; he is caught up to the throne of God, and she flees into the wilderness, Re12.1-6. Michael overcomes, and casts out Satan; joy in heaven on that occasion; and woe denounced on the earth, through Satan’s rage and malice, Re12.7-12. The dragon persecutes the woman; she having wings given her flies into the wilderness, and is preserved from his unwearied and varied efforts, Re12.13-17. 1. And. f107. Hysterologia, Ge + Ge10.5. there. ver. Re12.3. Re Re11.19. Re15.1. 2 Ch 2Ch32.31. Mk Mk13.25. Ac Ac2.19. wonder. or, sign. Mt Mt12.38. Mt24.30. Lk 21:+ Lk21.11, Lk21.25. a woman. Is Is49.14-23. Is54.5-7. Is60.1-4. Ho Ho2.19, Ho2.20. Jn Jn3.29. 2 Co 2Co11.2. Ep Eph5.25-27, Eph5.32. clothed. Re Re21.23. Ps * Ps84.11. Ps104.2. Is Is60.19, Is60.20. Is61.10. Ml Mal4.2. Ro Ro3.22. Ro13.14. Ga Ga3.27. and the moon. SS So6.10. Ga Ga6.14. Ti Tt2.11, Tt2.12. crown. Re Re1.20. Re21.14. Is Is62.3. Zc Zec9.16. twelve. Ge Ge37.9, Ge37.10. 2. And. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. with child. Ro Ro9.4, Ro9.5. travailing. ver. Re12.4. Ge Ge3.16, Ge3.20. Ps * Ps87.5. Is Is53.11. +* Is54.1. +*66:▶ Is66.7, Is66.8. Je +* Je30.7. Da +* Da12.1. Mi Mic4.10. +* Mic5.3. Mt +✓ Mt24.8, Mt24.15-21. Jn +* Jn16.21. Ga Ga4.19, Ga4.27. 3. wonder. or, sign. See on ver. Re12.1. in heaven. Jb Job1.6. Job2.1, Job2.2. a great. ver. Re12.4, Re12.9, Re12.17. Re * Re13.2, Re13.4. Re16.13. * Re17.3, Re17.4. Re20.2. Is * Is27.1. Is51.9. Ep * Eph2.2. red. Re Re6.4. Re17.3. dragon. Re * Re12.9. * Re13.2, Re13.4, Re13.11. Re16.13. Re20.2. Ps Ps74.13. Ps91.13. Is Is27.1. Is51.9. Ezk Eze29.3. seven heads. Re Re13.1, Re13.3. * Re17.3, Re17.9, Re17.10, Re17.11. ten horns. Re Re17.3, Re17.7, Re17.12, Re17.16. Is Is9.15. Da Da2.42, Da2.44. ▶ Da7.7, Da7.8, Da7.20, Da7.24. seven crowns. Re ◐ Re2.10. Re13.1. Re19.12. Is Is62.3. 4. his tail. Re Re9.10, Re9.19. Da * Da8.9-12. the third part. Re + Re8.7. of the. Re Re17.18. stars of heaven. Da ▶ Da8.10. cast. Da ▶ Da8.10. the dragon. ver. Re12.2. Ex * Ex1.16. Mt * Mt2.3-16. Jn Jn8.44. 1 P 1Pe5.8. the woman. ver. Re12.1, Re12.2. Ge +* Ge3.15. devour. Mt * Mt2.16. 5. she. ver. Re12.2, Re12.13. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is +* Is7.14. +* Is9.6. Je Je31.22. Mi * Mic5.3. Mt Mt1.25. Ac * Ac4.30. Ga * Ga4.4. brought forth. Is ▶ Is66.7. manchild. Interpreters vary widely in their understanding of who the manchild is. Many believe that this verse is Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 326. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

retrospective, and that the manchild refers to the birth of Christ. More probably, the manchild refers to a group of resurrected saints (Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 285). J. Finis Dake has argued ably that the group of saints involved are the 144,000 of chapter 7. This group is found in heaven in chapter 14, and this passage appears to provide the Rapture that brought them there. That this is not a reference to Christ seems evident, for this occurs in the section past Re Re4.1, which has to do with future events. Christ’s ascension did not occur in the middle of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. The basis for identifying the manchild with Christ is that he was born of a woman, but in this passage the woman is Israel, not Mary, for it is Israel that is predicted to flee for protection into the wilderness (ver. +*6. Ob +* Ob3). That the manchild is to rule with a rod of iron is taken by many to indicate that this is a reference to Christ, for He will do so. But Scripture clearly shows that Christ (Ps Ps2.8), the manchild (Re Re12.5), the church saints (Re Re2.26, Re2.27), the tribulation saints (Re Re20.4-6), and indeed all the saints (Ps +* Ps149.6-9) are to so rule, so this does not necessarily indicate that the manchild is Christ. Ex Ex13.12. Is Is66.7. rule. See on Re +* Re2.26, Re2.27. * Re19.15, Re19.16. Ps * Ps2.9, Ps2.10. rod of iron. Ps ▶ Ps2.8. her child. Re Re11.12. caught up. Re Re5.6. See on 11:12. Mk Mk16.19. Ac +* Ac3.21. 2 Co + 2Co12.2. unto God. Ac Ac7.55. 6. the woman. ver. Re12.1, Re12.4, Re12.14. fled. ver. Re12.14, Re12.16. Re Re17.3. Is +* Is16.3, Is16.4. +* Is26.20. Zc Zec13.8, Zec13.9. Mt Mt2.13. * Mt24.16-21. into the wilderness. ver. +* Re12.14. 2 K 2Ki14.7n. Ps Ps9.9. Ps60.6-12. Ps108.8-13. Is +* Is16.1-5. +* Is26.20, Is26.21. Is42.11-13. Is63.1-5. Je +* Je31.2. Je49.16n. Ezk ✓ Eze20.33-44. Eze35.9n. Da Da11.36-45. Ho Ho2.14-23. Ob +* Ob3. Mt Mt24.15-22, Mt24.27. Ac Ac7.38. a place. 2 K 2Ki14.7n. Is +* Is16.1-4. Da Da11.41. Jn +* Jn14.2, Jn14.3g. prepared. Re Re8.6. Re9.7, Re9.15. Re12.6. Re16.12. Re19.7. Re21.2. that. Re * Re2.17. 1 K * 1Ki17.3-6, 1Ki17.9-16. * 1Ki19.4-8. Mt Mt4.11. a thousand. See on Re * Re11.2, Re11.3. Re13.5. 7. war. Re Re13.7. Re19.11-20. Is Is34.5. Ep Eph6.12g. Michael. i.e. who is as God, ❅S#3413g. Is Is55.4. Da ▶ Da10.13, Da10.21. Da12.1. He Heb2.10. Ju + Jud9g. and his. Ps +* Ps68.17. * Ps103.20, Ps103.21. Da * Da7.10. Mt Mt13.41. Mt16.27. Mt24.31. Mt26.53. 2 Th 2Th1.7. He * Heb12.22. fought against. Da ▶ Da10.20. the dragon. ver. Re12.3, Re12.4. Re Re20.2. his angels. ver. Re12.9. Re * Re9.11. Ps Ps78.49. Mt +* Mt25.41. 2 Co 2Co12.7g. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Ju * Jud6. 8. prevailed not. ver. Re12.11. Ps Ps13.4. Ps118.10-13. Ps129.2. Je Je1.19. Je5.22. Mt * Mt16.18. Ro * Ro8.31-39. neither. ver. Re12.9, Re12.12, Re12.13. Lk + Lk10.18. their place. Re Re20.11. Jb Job7.10. Job8.18. Job20.9. Job27.21-23. Ps Ps37.10. Da Da2.35. Jn * Jn12.31. Ac Ac1.25. Ju Jud6. in heaven. Ep Eph6.12. 9. the great. ver. Re12.3, Re12.7. Ps Ps74.12-14. Is * Is51.9. cast out. Lk * Lk10.18. Jn * Jn12.31. serpent. ver. Re12.14, Re12.15. Re * Re20.2. Ge *▶ Ge3.1, Ge3.4, Ge3.13. Is Is27.1. Is65.25. 2 Co 2Co11.3. the Devil. Re Re9.20. Re16.14. Re18.2. Mt Mt4.1, Mt4.5, Mt4.8. Mt13.39. Lk Lk8.12. Jn ✓ Jn8.44. 1 Ti 1Ti3.6, 1Ti3.7. He * Heb2.14. 1 J * 1Jn3.8-10. Ju Jud9. and Satan. Re 2:+ Re2.9, Re2.13, Re2.24. Re3.9. 1 Ch 1Ch21.1. Jb Job1.6-12. Job2.1. Ps Ps109.6. Zc ▶ Zec3.1, Zec3.2. Mt Mt4.10. Lk Lk13.16. Lk22.3, Lk22.31. Ac Ac5.3. Ac26.18. Ro Ro16.20. 2 Co 2Co2.11. * 2Co11.14. 2Co12.7. 2 Th 2Th2.9. deceiveth. Re Re13.14. Re18.23. Re19.20. Re20.3, Re20.8, Re20.10. Mt * Mt24.24. Jn * Jn8.44. Ro Ro16.18. 2 Co * 2Co11.3. Ep +* Eph4.14. 2 Th * 2Th2.3, 2Th2.9-11. 1 Ti * 1Ti2.14. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. 1 J 1Jn5.19. world. Gr. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 327. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

oikoumene, Mt + Mt24.14. * f121:121J, Jn + Jn3.16. he was. Re + Re9.1. Ezk ✓ Eze28.16. Lk ✓ Lk10.18. Jn * Jn12.31. into. Jb Job1.7. Job2.2. Is ✓ Is14.12, Is14.13. Is65.25. Jn * Jn14.30. Jn16.11. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. 1 P * 1Pe5.8. his angels. 2 P * 2Pe2.4. 10. I heard. See on Re +* Re11.15. Re19.1-7. salvation. Re + Re7.10. He +* Heb9.28. the kingdom. Re +* Re11.15. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11. Ps * Ps22.28. Ps45.6. Ps145.11-13. Da * Da2.44. Mt +* Mt6.10. Lk Lk11.2. the power. Re Re2.26. + Re4.11. Ps * Ps2.8-12. Ps110.5, Ps110.6. Mt Mt26.64. Mt28.18. 1 Co 1Co5.4. 2 Co * 2Co12.9. his Christ. Re +* Re11.15. the accuser. Jb * Job1.9. * Job2.5. Zc Zec3.1, Zec3.2. Lk Lk22.31. Ro Ro8.33, Ro8.34. Ti Tt2.3. 1 P +* 1Pe5.8. day and night. Lk + Lk18.7. 11. they overcame. Re * Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.26. * Re3.5, Re3.12, Re3.21. Re15.2. Jn + Jn16.33. Ro * Ro8.33-39. * Ro16.20. 1 Co * 1Co15.57. 2 Co * 2Co10.3-5. Ep * Eph6.13-18. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.8. He * Heb2.14, Heb2.15. 1 J * 1Jn2.13, 1Jn2.14. 1Jn4.4. * 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. Ju +* Jud24, Jud25. the blood. f117, Ge + Ge19.8. Re + Re1.5. Re7.10-14. Re14.1-4. Ex Ex12.13. He +* Heb9.22. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. Re15.3. Ex Ex12.3. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. the word. ver. Re12.17. See on Re * Re1.2, Re1.9. * Re6.9. Re11.7. * Re19.10. they loved not. f175:175B, Ge + Ge21.16. Re Re2.10, Re2.13. * Re20.4. SS * So8.6. Mt * Mt16.25. Lk +* Lk14.26. Ac * Ac20.24. * Ac21.13. He * Heb11.35-38. lives. Gr. psyche, f121:121A, Mt + Mt2.20. f121:121A, Ge + Ge9.5. unto the death. Re Re2.10. 12. rejoice. Re Re18.20. Re19.1-7. Ps Ps96.11-13. Ps148.1-4. Is ▶ Is44.23. ▶ Is49.13. * Is55.12, Is55.13. Lk Lk2.14. Lk15.10. ye that. Re + Re3.10. Re13.6. dwell. Re + Re7.15. Woe. Re Re8.13. Re9.12. Re11.10, Re11.14. the devil. ver. Re12.8, Re12.9. Mt * Mt13.19, Mt13.25, Mt13.39. 1 P * 1Pe5.8. because. Re * Re10.6. He Heb10.37. 2 P 2Pe3.8. short time. Mt * Mt8.28, Mt8.29. 13. the dragon. ver. + Re12.3. he was. ver. Re12.8, * Re12.9, Re12.12. Re + Re9.1. Lk + Lk10.18. he persecuted. ver. Re12.4, Re12.5. Ge +* Ge3.15. Ne * Ne4.7, Ne4.8. Ps Ps37.1214. Jn Jn15.19, Jn15.20. * Jn16.33. Ac Ac8.1. Ac12.1-3. 1 J 1Jn3.10. the woman. ver. Re12.5. 14. wings of. Ex * Ex19.4. Dt Dt32.11, Dt32.12. Ps Ps55.6. Is * Is40.31. Ezk Eze17.3, Eze17.7. that. Re ◐ Re3.10. 2 P 2Pe2.4-9. she might. See on ver. Re12.6. Re Re17.3. fly. i.e. flee. Ex * Ex14.5. Jsh Jos24.6. Ps Ps35.1-5. La * La4.19. Mt Mt10.23. * Mt24.15-28. Mk Mk13.13-23. Lk ◐ Lk21.12, Lk21.20-24. into the wilderness. ver. +* Re12.6. Jsh Jos7.26. Ps +* Ps83.3. Is * Is11.16. +* Is26.20. * Is27.8. Is32.16. Je +* Je31.2. Ezk ✓ Eze20.35-38. Ho ✓ Ho2.14, Ho2.15. Mi Mic4.10. ✓ Mic7.15. Zp +* Zep2.3. Mt Mt24.16. her place. ver. +* Re12.6. nourished. Ps Ps23.5. Ps +* Ps74.14. * Ps78.19. for a time. ver. Re12.6. Re * Re11.2, Re11.3. * Re13.5. Je +* Je30.4-7. Da ▶ Da7.25. +* Da9.27. ▶ Da12.7. Mt Mt24.15-22. from the face. f144:144A, Ge + Ge11.8. Jg Jdg9.21. 15. the serpent. Re Re12.10. cast. Re Re17.15. Ps Ps18.4. Ps65.7. Ps93.3, Ps93.4. Is Is8.7. Is28.2. * Is59.19. the flood. Ps Ps32.6. Ps69.2, Ps69.15. Is * Is8.7. * Is59.19. Je Je46.7, Je46.8. Da ✓ Da11.21, Da11.22. Mt Mt7.25, Mt7.27. 16. the earth. Ex Ex12.35, Ex12.36. 1 K 1Ki17.6. 2 K 2Ki8.9. Is Is11.15, Is11.16. Mi * Mic7.15. swallowed up. Ge Ge8.13, Ge8.14. Nu Nu16.28-33. Nu26.10. Ps * Ps76.10. * Ps93.3, Ps93.4. * Ps124.1-5. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 328. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

17. the dragon. ver. Re12.12. Jn * Jn8.44. 1 P * 1Pe5.8. make war. Re + Re11.7. Re13.7. Re17.6, Re17.14. Re18.20. Re19.19. * Re20.7-9. Ge +* Ge3.15. Da Da7.23-26. Da11.36. the remnant. 1 K 1Ki19.14, 1Ki19.18. Je Je23.3. Zc * Zec13.8, Zec13.9. her seed. Ge +* Ge3.15. Ga * Ga3.26. He * Heb2.11. which keep. Re Re14.12. Re22.14. Mt Mt28.20. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3. * 1Jn5.2, 1Jn5.3. and have. See on ver. Re12.11. Re Re1.2, Re1.9. * Re6.9. Re19.10. Re20.4. 1 Co 1Co2.1. 1 J + 1Jn5.10. Many authorities take the succeeding clause that begins chapter 13 and place it as part of this verse, to read “and he stood upon the sand of the sea.” Da Da7.2, Da7.7, Da7.8, Da7.19-27.

REVELATION 13 A vision of “a beast rising out of the sea”; with an account of its power, rage, and success, 1-10: of a “second beast, rising out of the earth,” exercising the power of the former beast, making an image of it, and compelling all to worship it, Re13.11-17. The number of the beast, Re13.18. 1. And. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. upon. Je Je5.22. and saw. Re Re11.7. Re17.8. Da * Da7.2, Da7.3. a beast. Gr. vicious, wild beast. ver. Re13.14, Re13.15. Re ◐ Re4.6. + Re11.7. Re15.2. Re16.13. Da Da7.3, Da7.7, Da7.24. the sea. Da ▶ Da7.3. having. See on Re Re12.3. Re17.3, Re17.7-12, Re17.16. Da 7:▶ Da7.7, Da7.8, Da7.19, Da7.20, Da7.23, Da7.24. ten. Re Re17.12. crowns. Re + Re12.3. name. or, names. blasphemy. ver. Re13.5, Re13.6. Re Re17.3, Re17.5. Da Da7.25. Da11.36. 2 Th * 2Th2.3, 2Th2.4. 2. beast. Da ▶ Da7.5. was like. SS So4.8. Is Is11.6. Je Je5.6. Je13.23. Da *7:▶ Da7.6, Da7.7. Ho Ho13.7. Hab Hab1.8. and his feet. 1 S 1Sa17.34-37. 2 K 2Ki2.24. Pr Pr17.12. Pr28.15. Da * Da7.4, Da7.5. Ho Ho13.8. Am Am5.19. a bear. Da ▶ Da7.5. and his mouth. Ps Ps22.21. Is Is5.29. Ho Ho11.10. Am Am3.12. 2 Ti 2Ti4.17. 1 P * 1Pe5.8. a lion. Da ▶ Da7.4. dragon. ver. Re13.4, Re13.11. See on Re Re12.3, Re12.4, Re12.13, Re12.15. gave. Re Re16.10. Re17.12. Re19.20. Re20.2. Jn ◐ Jn5.30. great authority. ver. Re13.4, Re13.5, Re13.7, Re13.12. Mt Mt9.34. Lk + Lk4.6. 2 Co * 2Co4.4. Ep * Eph2.2. Eph6.12. 3. one. ver. Re13.1, Re13.12, Re13.14. Re Re17.10. 2 Th 2Th2.6-12. wounded. Gr. slain. Re * Re13.14. Re17.16-18. Ezk = Eze21.25. and his. Ezk Eze30.24. deadly wound. ver. Re13.14. Zc Zec11.17. all. Re Re17.6, Re17.8, Re17.13, Re17.17. Lk Lk2.1. Jn Jn12.19. Ac Ac8.10, Ac8.11, Ac8.13. 2 Th 2Th2.9-12. wondered. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. Supply by ellipsis, (and followed). 4. And they. ver. Re13.2. Re Re9.20. Ps Ps106.37, Ps106.38. 1 Co 1Co10.20-22. 2 Co 2Co4.4. 2 Th 2Th2.4. worshipped. Da Da3.15. Mt * Mt4.8, Mt4.9. and they. ver. Re13.12, Re13.13, Re13.15. Da Da11.36, Da11.37. 2 Th 2Th2.4. Who is like. Re Re18.18. Ex Ex15.11. Ps Ps89.8. who is able. Re Re17.14. Dt Dt9.2. 1 S 1Sa17.24. 5. a mouth. Da ▶ Da7.8, Da7.11, Da7.20, Da7.25. ▶ Da11.36. speaking great. ver. Re13.1. Da * Da7.25. 2 Th 2Th2.4. things and. f93:93A. Hendiadys, Ge + Ge1.26. i.e. great blasphemous things. and power. See on Re Re11.2, Re11.3. Re12.6, Re12.14. to continue. or, to make war. ver. Re13.7. Re Re11.7. Da ▶ Da7.12. Mt Mt20.12g. Ja Jas4.13g. forty and. Re * Re11.2. * Re12.6, Re12.14. Da +* Da9.25, Da9.27. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 329. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

6. he opened. f108:108H, Jg + Jdg11.35. Jb Job3.1. Ps * Ps52.1-7. Da * Da7.8, Da7.11, Da7.20. Da11.36. Mt Mt12.34. Mt15.19. Ro Ro3.13. 2 Th * 2Th2.4. blasphemy. Re Re17.3. to blaspheme. Re Re16.9. Is Is52.5. Ro Ro2.24. 1 Ti 1Ti6.1. Ja Jas2.7. and his tabernacle. Re Re21.3. Jn Jn1.14g. Col Col1.19. * Col2.9. He Heb9.2, Heb9.11, Heb9.12, Heb9.24. and them. Re Re4.1, Re4.4. Re5.13. Re7.9. Re11.12. Re12.12. Re18.20. Re19.1-6. He Heb12.22, Heb12.23. that dwell. Re ◐+ Re3.10. + Re7.15. Da * Da8.10, Da8.11. 7. was given. Jn * Jn19.11. to make. Re + Re11.7. Re12.17. Da *7:▶ Da7.21, Da7.25. Da8.12, Da8.24, Da8.25. Da11.36-39. Da12.1. the saints. ver. Re13.10. Re + Re8.3. overcome. Re ◐+* Re6.16, Re6.17. Re14.9, Re14.10. Re20.12, Re20.15. Is +* Is1.9. Da Da7.21. * Da8.12. and power. ver. + Re13.2. Re Re10.11. Re11.18. Re17.15. Ex Ex9.16. Is Is10.15. Is37.26. Je Je25.9. Je27.6, Je27.7. Je51.20-24. Da Da5.18-23. Lk Lk4.6. Jn Jn19.11. all. f171:171A, Ex + Ex9.6. kindreds. Re + Re5.9. 8. all. f171:171A, Ex + Ex9.6. See on ver. Re13.3, Re13.4, Re13.14, Re13.15. that dwell. ver. Re13.12, Re13.14. Re + Re3.10. upon the earth. Re +* Re6.10. He +* Heb11.13. shall worship. Re Re14.9-11. Da * Da3.7. whose names. Re +* Re3.5. Re20.12, Re20.15. Re21.27. Ex * Ex32.32. Is Is4.3. Da +* Da12.1. Lk * Lk10.20. Ph Php4.3. are not. Re Re17.8. Mk Mk13.20. Ep Eph1.4. 1 Th 1Th1.4. 2 Th 2Th2.13. 2 Ti 2Ti1.9. written. Re +* Re3.5. * Re20.12, Re20.15. * Re21.27. Re22.19. Ex Ex32.32. Ps * Ps56.8. ▶ Ps69.28. Ps139.16. Da ▶ Da12.1. Lk * Lk10.20. Ph Php4.3. He Heb12.23. book. f22:22D, Ex + Ex32.32. Lamb. f22:22E, Jn + Jn1.29. See on Re Re5.6-9, Re5.12. Is ▶ Is53.7. Jn * Jn1.29. slain. Ac Ac2.23. 1 P 1Pe1.19, 1Pe1.20. from. f101, Dt + Dt32.42. Re Re17.8. Mt + Mt13.35. Ep Eph1.4. Ti Tt1.2. 1 P * 1Pe1.19, 1Pe1.20. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. 9. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. any man. Notice that this expression differs from the similar formula found earlier in the book of Revelation, in that no reference is made to the church, significant evidence supporting the view that the church is not in view in this context. Re +2:◐ Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.29. Je * Je13.15. Mt * Mt11.15. hear. f147:147A, Ge + Ge50.24. 10. that leadeth. Ex Ex21.23-25. Is Is14.2. Is33.1. Je +* Je30.16. * Je43.11. Zc Zec11.9. Mt Mt7.2. Ep ◐ Eph4.8. into captivity. Je ▶ Je15.2. shall go. Re Re17.8, Re17.11. he that killeth. Re Re11.18. Re16.6. Ge +* Ge9.5, Ge9.6. Is Is26.21. Ezk Eze5.2, Eze5.12. Mt +▶ Mt26.52. 1 Co 1Co15.26, 1Co15.27. Here is. Re + Re1.9. Re2.2, Re2.19. Re3.3, Re3.10. * Re12.11, ◐+* Re12.14. Re14.12. Re17.14. La La3.26. Hab +* Hab2.3. Lk Lk18.1-8. * Lk21.19. Col * Col1.11. He * Heb6.12. * Heb10.36, Heb10.37. Heb12.3, Heb12.4. Ja Jas1.2-4. +* Jas5.7, Jas5.8. and. f174, Ge + Ge18.22. the saints. ver. Re13.7. Re + Re8.3. 11. I saw. ver. Re13.1, Re13.14. Re Re16.13. another beast. Re Re16.13. * Re19.20. Re20.10. coming. ver. Re13.1. Re Re11.7. Re17.8. and he had. Mt * Mt7.15. Mt24.5, Mt24.11, Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Ac Ac20.29. Ro Ro16.18. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. and he spake. ver. Re13.17. Re Re12.3, Re12.4, Re12.17. Re17.6. Ge Ge3.1. Ge49.17. Ps * Ps12.3, Ps12.4. Da Da7.8, Da7.24, Da7.25. Zc Zec11.16, Zec11.17. Ac Ac16.16-18. Ac19.15, Ac19.16. 2 Co 2Co11.3. 2 Th 2Th2.4. a dragon. ver. + Re13.2. 12. all the power. ver. Re13.2-5, Re13.7. Jn ▶ Jn16.13, Jn16.14. before him. ver. Re13.14. causeth. ver. Re13.3, Re13.14-17. Re Re17.10, Re17.11. 2 Th 2Th2.4. dwell. ver. Re13.8, Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 330. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re13.14. Re + Re3.10. to worship. ver. Re13.4, Re13.8, + Re13.15. Re Re20.4. Ac Ac12.21-23. healed. ver. + Re13.3. 13. he doeth. Re Re16.14. Re19.20. Ex Ex7.11, Ex7.12, Ex7.22. Ex8.7, Ex8.18, Ex8.19. Ex9.11. Dt Dt13.1-3. Mt * Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. Lk Lk21.11. Ac Ac8.9-11. 2 Th 2Th2.9, 2Th2.10. 2 Ti 2Ti3.8. great wonders. 2 Th 2Th2.9. he maketh fire. Re Re8.7. Re11.5. Re20.9. Nu Nu16.35. 1 K 1Ki18.38. 2 K 2Ki1.9-16. Mt Mt16.1. Lk Lk9.54-56. 2 Ti 2Ti3.8. 14. deceiveth. Re Re12.9. Re18.23. Re19.20. Re20.3, Re20.10. 2 K 2Ki22.20mg. Jb Job12.16. Is Is44.20. Ezk Eze14.9. 2 Th 2Th2.9-12. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1-3. dwell. See on ver. Re13.3, Re13.8. Re + Re3.10. miracles. Miracles are no sure proof of divine mission. Christ’s miracles were generally called signs, and served as such because they were the fulfillment of prophecy, as these shall be. B. B. Warfield has written an excellent volume on Counterfeit Miracles, but these miracles are not counterfeit, but are used to establish false claims. Students of Scripture will be able to tell the difference and not be deceived. 2 Th + 2Th2.9. power. ver. Re13.12. Re Re19.20. make an image. ver. Re13.3, Re13.4, Re13.11, Re13.12, Re13.15. Re Re14.9, Re14.11. Re15.2. Re16.2. Re19.20. Re20.4. 2 K 2Ki20.7. Ezk Eze8.10. Eze16.17. Da Da11.36. 2 Th 2Th2.4. wound by. ver. Re13.3, Re13.12. Zc Zec11.17. 15. life. Gr. breath. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt27.50n. Ge +* Ge2.7. Ps Ps135.17. Je Je10.14. Je51.17. Hab Hab2.19. Ja Jas2.26g. the image. ver. + Re13.14. Re Re14.9, Re14.11. Re15.2. Re16.2. Re19.20. Re20.4. Ps Ps73.20. Da Da9.27. Da12.10, Da12.11. Mt Mt24.15. speak. Ps Ps115.5. Ps135.16. Je Je10.5. cause. See on ver. Re13.14. Re Re16.2, Re16.5. Re17.6, Re17.14, Re17.17. Re18.20, Re18.24. Re19.20. Re20.4. Da Da7.20, Da7.25. as many. Da ▶ Da3.5. not worship. ver. Re13.12. Re Re14.9, Re14.11. Re16.2. Re19.20. Re20.4. should be. Re Re16.6. Mt Mt5.10-12. 16. all. f171:171A, Ex + Ex9.6. both small. Re +* Re11.18. Re19.5, Re19.18. Re20.12. 2 Ch 2Ch15.13. Ps Ps115.13. Ac Ac26.22. rich. Jb Job34.19. Ps Ps49.2. Pr Pr22.2. and poor. f174, Ge + Ge18.27. free. Re Re6.15. Re19.18. 1 Co +* 1Co12.13. Ga * Ga3.28. Ep Eph6.8. Col Col3.11. receive. Gr. give them. a mark. Gr. charagma, brand. It was an official seal, found on all sorts of documents and bills of sale, making them valid, having the name and likeness of the Emperor, with the year of his reign. It was necessary for buying and selling (see E. W. Bullinger, Apocalypse, p. 439). Re * Re14.9-11. Re15.2. Re16.2. Re19.20. Re20.4. Zc Zec13.6. 2 Co ◐ 2Co1.22. Ga ◐+ Ga6.17. or. Re Re7.3. Ex Ex13.9. Dt Dt6.8. Dt11.18. Ezk +* Eze9.4. 2 Ti 2Ti3.8. foreheads. Re ◐+ Re7.3. 17. mark. See on ver. Re13.16. Ga ◐+* Ga6.17n. name. Re Re3.12. Re14.11. Re17.5. Re22.4. the number. ver. Re13.18. Re Re15.2. of his name. The letters of the name of the Antichrist, in Greek, will total 666, using the normal mathematical valuation of the Greek letters, by a process known as gematria, of which this is the only mention in Scripture. Numerical values were assigned to all the letters of the Greek alphabet by the Greeks themselves, ranging from 1 for alpha to 800 for omega. See the tables for the Hebrew and Greek alphabets giving the numerical values assigned in E. W. Bullinger, Number in Scripture, pp. 48, 49. The number six has identifiable spiritual significance (Da Da3.1n). It has long been known that several of the names of Satan, for example, have mathematical values evenly divisible by the number thirteen. “Dragon” has a numerical value of 975, or 13x3x5x5. “Tempter” has a numerical value of 1053 (13x3x3x3); a place value of 91 (13x7); and a total Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 331. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

value of 1144 (13x11x2x2x2). “Belial” has a numerical value of 78 (13x3x2); a place value of 39 (13x3); a total value of 117 (13x3x3). “Murderer” has a numerical value of 1820 (13x7x5x2x2). “Serpent” has a numeric value of 780 (13x3x2x2x5). The phrase in Re Re12.9, “called the devil and satan” has a numerical value of 2197 (13x13x13). That this many names of Satan should all demonstrate the factor thirteen seems beyond what is reasonable to attribute to mere chance. Beyond the spiritual significance of the numbers in the Bible, is another interesting and valuable study which involves the mathematical structure of the original Greek and Hebrew text of the Scripture. It often appears that the mathematical structure of the original text, taken by sentences, not verses, possesses a structure where the number seven is the consistent or predominant factor. Seven is a consistent prime factor in the numerical value of the sentence, in the place value of the sentence, and in the total value of the sentence. By “factor” is meant what in mathematics is called the “prime factor,” a set of numbers which are divisible by themselves and one only, which multiply to give a specific number. Every number has only one set of prime factors, and these may be found listed in standard mathematical tables (such as the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Mathematical Tables, Volume 5, Factor Table, giving the complete decomposition of all numbers less than 100,000, prepared by J. Peters, A. Lodge, and others, London, 1935, 1963). The numerical structure is displayed in the prime factors of the numbers involved, and I have shown these in parentheses in the examples above and below. The numerical value is simply the sum of all the arithmetical values of the Greek or Hebrew letters in the sentence. The place value is the sum of the individual letter place values (which in Greek range from 1 to 24, the Greek alphabet having 24 letters). The total value is simply the sum of the numerical and place values. The sentence “But remember Lot’s wife” (Lk Lk17.32) contains five words in Greek. Their numerical value is 3374 (7x2x241); place value is 322 (7x2x23); total value is 3696 (7x2x2x2x2x3x11). Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” contains eight words in Greek. Their numerical value is 4459 (7x7x7x13); place value is 490 (7x7x2x5); total value is 4949 (7x7x101). Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” contains eleven words in Greek. Their numeric value is 3276 (7x2x2x3x3x13); place value is 420 (7x2x2x3x5); total value is 3696 (7x2x2x2x2x3x11). Romans 11:26, 27, “There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: for this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins” contains 23 words in Greek. Their numeric value is 12180 (7x3x2x2x5x29); place value is 1176 (7x7x2x2x2); total value is 13356 (7x3x2x2x3x53). Just as the names and titles of Satan frequently possess a significant mathematical structure, so Christ’s titles often possess significant structure. In the passage just cited (Ro Ro11.26), the title “the Deliverer” possesses an extensive structure involving the number five. The name “Jesus” has a numerical value of 888, which is quite a contrast to 666. The number 8 has spiritual significance (Mi Mic5.5n). It is unlikely that this many instances of structure by seven could occur by chance in such a limited section of text as Romans chapter 11. The frequency with which this mathematical phenomena is found is greater than what can be attributed statistically to chance, and is believed by many who have devoted considerable time and study to the subject to be an evidence of design, supporting the Bible claim to divine inspiration. I am indebted to Mr. G. E. Hoyer, formerly of Chicago, Illinois, with whom I have studied for over twenty-five years, for my knowledge of this subject. Much more could be said about the usefulness of this research. The results of this study have a bearing upon deciding Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 332. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

consistently matters of orthography (spelling). Findings of this research lend support to some texts in the Greek New Testament which have been marked as doubtful, but space allotment in this reference work will not allow more than this brief sampling of the evidence. Acts 8:37, marked doubtful in some modern translations, has a numerical value of 16170 (7x7x3x11x2x5); a place value of 1617 (7x7x3x11); a total value of 17787 (7x7x3x11x11). I found, upon my own investigation, that the text of 1 P 1Pe3.18 with the article in the dative case (“raised by the Spirit”) possesses a consistent structure by seven: the numerical value of this text is 13230 (7x7x3x3x3x2x5); the place value is 1281 (7x3x61); the total value is 14511 (7x3x691). There is no structure when the article is omitted. In my file I have perhaps 100 examples of this pervasive structure by seven for texts from the New Testament. Mr. Hoyer has, I would suppose, several times this number which I have seen in his files. On the supposition that perhaps this structure could be found in any Greek literature of the period, I tested sample passages from the LXX., the Apostolic Fathers, sample passages from Scripture Parallels in Ancient Classics, and entire books and chapters from the Old Testament Apocrypha. The results were comparatively meager. The closest and best example I have found of “structure” is in the Epistle of Jeremy, verse 13, which has a numeric value of 9163 (7x7x17x11); a place value of 952 (7x17x2x2x2); a total value of 10115 (7x17x17x5). I do not argue from this example that this verse is “inspired,” however. Neither do I conclude that texts in the Bible which do not contain this structure are uninspired. Examining the text in Jeremy for what Mr. Hoyer has called “detail structure,” even this text does not possess the richness to be found in every New Testament example he has shown me. That I should be able to find an occasional random text which has in all three values a multiple of seven is not beyond the realm of statistical possibility, for theoretically something less than one sentence in every forty-nine samples should have such a structure. Mr. Hoyer has found for the New Testament far more examples than can be attributed to this normal chance distribution, and his examples seem to demonstrate a grammatical and orthographical consistency which supports the thesis of intentional design. For example, the name “David” has several possible spellings in Greek, according to accepted MSS. evidence, but only one of these alternatives (Daueid) is consistently selected in such texts as Mt Mt9.27, which has a numerical value of 1456 (7x2x2x2x2x13); place value of 189 (7x3x3x3); total value of 1645 (7x5x47). So for Mt Mt12.23, which has a numerical value of 6664 (7x7x2x2x2x17); a place value of 756 (7x2x2x3x3x3); a total value of 7420 (7x2x2x5x53). When a different spelling of “David” is selected for these texts, they no longer possess a discernible mathematical structure. I call attention to these facts because it ought to be more generally recognized that there is much more to know and understand about even apparently insignificant matters related to the Bible than most people—even scholars—are aware, and to offer the caution that one must not arbitrarily dismiss the validity of a branch of study without having thoroughly personally investigated the subject (Ps Ps25.9. Jn Jn7.24, ✓ Jn7.51). To my knowledge none of this research has been published, as the research is incomplete and still in progress. There are other books which have appeared in the past which are related to this subject, but apparently none pursue the study with the mathematical consistency and rigor of Mr. Hoyer’s work. The common flaw underlying many studies of this subject appears to be the arbitrary selection of evidence. Given a large enough mass of raw data, one could find many amazing “patterns” and combinations if one looked long enough, and devised enough ways of finding them. The common regard for thirteen as an “unlucky” number is based upon this flaw, for instances are Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 333. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

gathered which favor the hypothesis, but those that do not are ignored. For the spiritual significance of this number in the Bible see Ge Ge14.4, where at its first mention it is associated with rebellion. Another flaw which may be present in the work of Del Washburn and Jerry Lucas (in their work titled Theomatics), is their rather cavalier attitude toward Greek grammar, particularly in their conceptual understanding of the use and non-use of the Greek article. They state “There is not a Greek scholar or theologian alive that can prove that the definite Greek article has any meaning (interpretive significance) whatsoever” (Theomatics, p. 340). While it must be candidly admitted that the use and non-use of the Greek article is not fully understood, my years of study of American English linguistics lead me to confidently affirm that our knowledge and understanding of English grammar is no better. Contemporary scholars are not in complete agreement as to the significance of the Greek article in some of its uses (D. A. Carson in Exegetical Fallacies, p. 84, criticizes R. H. Lenski as “notoriously unreliable” when Lenski attempts to distinguish articular nomos to represent Mosaic law, anarthrous nomos to represent the principle of law; see my related notes on Ro Ro4.15 and Ga Ga3.10; see Boyce W. Blackwelder, Light from the Greek New Testament, p. 148, where he has a fine study of the issue, “The Article and ‘Law.’ ” For a related scholarly study, see Arthur Wakefield Slaten, Qualitative Nouns in the Pauline Epistles and Their Translation in the Revised Version, particularly pages 35-40. The authors of Theomatics have misquoted Dana and Mantey. They cite in quotation marks as from Dana and Mantey “in rare cases it is possible that the writer employed the article at random” (Theomatics, p. 341), whereas Dana and Mantey actually wrote “It is precarious to suppose in any instance that a writer is employing an idiom at random, though in rare cases this is possibly true” (Manual Grammar, p. 143). Lucas and Washburn point to William Webster as “A perfect example of a scholar trying to attach a mystical significance to the article,” citing Dana and Mantey’s quotation of Webster. Though Dana and Mantey state “This analysis is doubtless more exact and detailed than the facts will support, but it certainly shows admirable discrimination,” Lucas and Washburn comment “Webster was hard-pressed to establish a rule and fails to do so” (Theomatics, p. 341). Both Dana and Mantey as well as Lucas and Washburn err in regard to “the facts will support,” if they mean to imply that William Webster was unable to adduce satisfactory evidence to support his distinctions, for this fine Cambridge scholar devotes nearly forty lines of index to the uses of the Greek article in his Greek Testament with notes Grammatical and Exegetical, vol. 2, p. 869). My acquaintance with Mr. Hoyer has taught me to respect the advances in Greek scholarship represented by the work of Nigel Turner and others, and not dismiss so quickly the intricacies of Greek grammar as being superfluous or insignificant (See related notes on the Greek article at Mt Mt27.54. Jn Jn1.1. See entries under “Nigel Turner” in the index). In the examples I have cited above of mathematical structure found in the text of the Greek New Testament using the procedures refined by Mr. Hoyer in his lifetime of research on the subject, the mathematical pattern is exact (not based upon “neighbor values” as found in the works of Ivan Panin and Jerry Lucas, though the Lucas volume provides valuable mathematical and statistical justification for ascribing design even if their use be allowed), and is found consistently in the same manner for every passage, so I believe Mr. Hoyer’s basic research possesses greater validity than the other approaches alluded to. What has all this to do with ascertaining the meaning of 666? I believe that this number will be found in the Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 334. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

manner described, commonly referred to as gematria, and not by the many other approaches esoteric followers of mysticism have devised to find this number, or in contemporary occurrences of this number allegedly found on Social Security checks, computer bar codes, etc., so prevalent in the literature of prophetic sensationalism (2 K 2Ki20.11n). I am well aware that most serious Bible scholars would place these matters of the symbolism of numbers and the alleged mathematical structure of the Greek text in the same class as prophetic sensationalism. Oswald T. Allis has written a booklet titled Bible Numerics, which criticizes the whole subject, particularly the work of Ivan Panin. Allis also authored the article on “Numerics, Bible” in Baker’s Dictionary of Theology, edited by Everett F. Harrison, 1960, p. 381. The writings of John J. Davis (Biblical Numerology, 1968; Contemporary Counterfeits, pp. 23-29) are quite critical of this approach. Davis limits his acknowledgment of any symbolic use of number in Scripture to the number seven (Biblical Numerology, p. 116). E. C. Colwell, famous as a Greek scholar, wrote a little book on Bible study which contains some pointed paragraphs against the work of Ivan Panin. Colwell claims such structures as Panin found can be found anywhere, and adduces an example from the opening paragraph of Gone with the Wind (The Study of the Bible, p. 109). I have analyzed the same passage using the procedures Mr. Hoyer adopts for the Greek text of the N.T., only giving mathematical values for the English alphabet in a similar fashion to those given by the Greeks. No mathematical structure is evident. I have also tried numerous verses from the King James Version and other English translations, and have yet to find a single example in English which possesses structure. No doubt one could be found, if enough examples were tested—but I have run out of time. I do not believe the strictures of Allis, Colwell, and Davis, among others, entirely apply to the study as Mr. Hoyer has pursued it, though no doubt there are broader philosophic grounds for objecting to any such study (no matter what evidence might be produced in its support) which would lead them to reject any validity that might be claimed for it. But that noted scholars can be decidedly wrong is evident when one compares the interpretations of Bible prophecy expressed by Allis in his Prophecy and the Church with those of George N. H. Peters in his three volume study, The Theocratic Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Rather than commit the logical fallacy of appeal to authority, I submit the evidence given in this extensive note (which could easily be extended to book length) to the judgment of the reader. For further study of the number 666 see the fascinating information in David Chilton’s commentary on the book of Revelation, The Days of Vengeance, pp. 344-352. 18. Here. Re Re1.3. Re17.9. Dt +* Dt29.29. Ps Ps107.43. Pr * Pr25.2. Da * Da12.9, Da12.10. Ho Ho14.9. Mk Mk13.14. count. Re Re15.2. the number. Re Re21.17. Dt Dt3.11. Ro Ro3.5. of a man. Re ◐ Re21.17. This would seem to restrict the application of this number to an individual.

REVELATION 14 A prophetical view of the remnant of believers, during the reign of the beast, Re14.1-5. An angel preacheth the Gospel, Re14.6" Re14.7 }. The fall of Babylon, Re14.8-12. The immediate felicity of those who die in the Lord, Re14.13. The harvest of the world, and putting in of the sickle, Re14.14-19. The vintage and winepress of the wrath of God, Re14.20.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 335. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1. I looked. ver. Re14.14. Re Re4.1. Re6.8. Re15.5. Je Je1.11. Ezk Eze1.4. Eze2.9. Eze8.7. Eze10.1, Eze10.9. Eze44.4. Da Da12.5. Am Am8.2. Zc Zec4.2. a Lamb. See on Re Re5.5-9, Re5.12, Re5.13. Re7.9-17. mount. 2 S 2Sa5.7. Ps Ps2.6. Ps132.13, Ps132.14. Is Is49.14. Jl Joe2.32. Mi Mic4.7. Ro Ro9.33. He * Heb12.22-24. Sion. i.e. peak, ❅S#4622g. For ❅S# 06726h. 2 S + 2Sa5.7. Mt Mt21.5. Jn Jn12.15. Ro Ro9.33. Ro11.26. He Heb12.22. 1 P 1Pe2.6. with him. Is Is35.10. +* Is51.11. Jn * Jn17.24. an hundred forty and. ver. Re14.3. See on Re * Re7.4-8. having. Re * Re3.12. * Re7.3. Re13.16, Re13.17. Lk Lk12.8. Jn + Jn1.12. his Father’s. Je Je31.9, Je31.10. Mt Mt6.1, Mt6.32. Jn * Jn20.17. 2 Co 6:17, 18. name. Re * Re3.12. * Re22.4. Dt ◐ Dt32.5. foreheads. Re Re7.3. Ezk ▶ Eze9.4. 2. a voice. Re Re10.4. Re11.12, Re11.15. Re19.1-7. the voice. Da ▶ Da10.6. of many waters. Re +* Re1.15. ◐ Re17.1. * Re19.6. Ps * Ps93.4. Is * Is17.13. Ezk ▶ Eze1.24. *▶ Eze43.2. Jn +* Jn3.23. the voice. Re Re1.10. Re8.7-13. Re9.1. Re10.3, Re10.4. +* Re11.15. Ex Ex19.16. Ex20.18. Zc Zec9.14. of thunder. Re Re6.1. Re10.3, Re10.4. Re19.6. harpers. See on Re Re5.8. Re15.2. Re18.22. 2 S 2Sa6.5. 1 Ch 1Ch25.1-7. Ps Ps33.2. Ps43.4. Ps57.8. Ps92.3. Ps98.5. Ps147.7. Ps149.3. Ps150.3-6. 3. they sung. Re Re5.12. Re15.3. Ps Ps87.5, Ps87.7. Je Je31.11, Je31.12. a new song. See on Re Re5.9. Re15.3. Ps Ps33.3. * Ps40.3. Ps96.1. * Ps98.1. Ps137.3. ▶ Ps144.9. Ps149.1. Is Is42.10. +* Is65.14. Mt ◐ Mt24.51. throne. See on Re Re4.2-11. four beasts. Re + Re4.6. the elders. Re + Re4.4. no man. ver. Re14.1. Re Re2.17. Re19.12. Ps Ps25.14. Mt +* Mt11.25-27. 1 Co 1Co1.18. ✓ 1Co2.14. Ep Eph3.9. the hundred and. ver. Re14.1. Re Re7.4. redeemed. See on Re Re5.9. Ex Ex14.10, Ex14.30. Ex15.1. Ps Ps107.2. 1 Co 1Co7.23. 2 P + 2Pe2.1. 4. not defiled. Re Re3.4. are virgins. Ps Ps45.14. SS So1.3. So6.8. Mt * Mt25.1. 1 Co 1Co7.25, 1Co7.26, 1Co7.28. 2 Co + 2Co11.2. 1 Ti 1Ti4.3. which follow. Re Re3.4. Re7.15-17. * Re17.14. Nu Nu14.24. Jsh Jos1.16. 2 S 2Sa15.15. Ps * Ps18.23, Ps18.24. Mt Mt8.19. Lk Lk9.57-62. Jn Jn1.36. * Jn8.12. ✓ Jn10.27. Jn12.26. Jn13.37. These were. Re Re5.9. redeemed. Gr. bought. Ps Ps74.2. Ac +* Ac20.28. 1 Co * 1Co6.20. Ep * Eph1.14. Ti * Tt2.13, Tt2.14. 1 P 1Pe2.9mg. the firstfruits. Le +* Le23.10. Is +* Is66.19. Je * Je2.3. Am Am6.1mg. Zc Zec12.10. Ro Ro11.26, Ro11.27. 1 Co 1Co16.15. Ja + Jas1.18. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. 5. in their mouth. Re Re21.8, Re21.27. Re22.15. Ps * Ps32.2. * Ps34.13. Ps55.11. Pr * Pr8.8. Is Is6.5-7. * Is53.9. Is63.8. Zp *▶ Zep3.13. Mt Mt12.34. Jn Jn1.47. 1 P * 1Pe3.10. no guile. Ps Ps32.2. Is ▶ Is53.9. Jn Jn1.47. 1 P 1Pe2.22. without fault. Nu Nu23.21. Ps ▶ Ps15.1, Ps15.2. SS * So4.7. Is * Is38.17. Da Da6.4. Ho Ho10.2. Mt * Mt5.48. Lk * Lk23.4. Jn +* Jn17.6. Ep * Eph5.27. Col * Col1.22. Ju +* Jud24. 6. another. Re Re8.13. Re19.17. Is Is6.2, Is6.6, Is6.7. Ezk Eze1.14. Da Da9.21. in the midst. Ge Ge1.6. having. Re Re10.7g. everlasting. Gr. aionios, Mt + Mt18.8. 2 S ✓ 2Sa23.5. Ps Ps119.142. Ps139.24. Ps145.13. Is ✓ Is40.8. Is45.17. Is51.6, Is51.8. Ep Eph3.9-11. 2 Th 2Th2.16. Ti Tt1.1-3. He * Heb13.20. preach. Is * Is52.7. Mt Mt10.27. Mk * Mk16.15. Ro Ro16.25. Col +* Col1.23. unto them. Re + Re3.10. to every. Re + Re5.9. Re10.11. Re13.7. Da Da4.1. Da6.25, Da6.26. Mt * Mt24.14. Mk Mk13.10. Ep Eph3.9. Col * Col1.5, Col1.6. 7. with. Is Is40.3, Is40.6, Is40.9. Is44.23. Is52.7, Is52.8. * Is58.1. Ho Ho8.1. Fear. See on Re +* Re11.18. * Re15.4. Re19.5. Ge * Ge22.12. Ge42.18. Ex Ex1.17-21. Jb Job1.1. Ps Ps36.1. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 336. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

* Ps76.7, Ps76.9. Ps89.7. Ec Ec12.13, Ec12.14. Ac Ac13.16, Ac13.26. 1 P * 1Pe2.17. give glory. Re Re4.9. + Re11.13. Re16.9. Jsh Jos7.19. 1 S 1Sa6.5. Is Is42.12. Ml Mal2.2. Lk Lk17.18. Ro Ro1.21. the hour. ver. Re14.15. Re +* Re11.18. * Re15.4. Re18.10, Re18.17, Re18.19. Ezk Eze7.2, Eze7.6. Da Da8.19. Mt Mt25.13. Jn * Jn5.25-29. 1 P 1Pe4.7. worship. Re + Re4.10, Re4.11. that made. Re Re4.11. Ex ▶ Ex20.11. Ne +* Ne9.6. Ps Ps33.6. Ps95.5. Ps124.8. Ps146.5, ▶ Ps146.6. Pr Pr8.22-31. Je Je10.10. Ac * Ac14.15. Ac17.23-25. fountains. Re Re8.10. Re16.4. Pr Pr8.24. 8. Babylon. i.e. confusion, ❅S#897g. For S# 0894h, see 2 K + 2Ki17.24. is fallen. Re * Re16.19. * Re17.5, Re17.18. Re18.2, Re18.3, Re18.10, Re18.11, Re18.18-21. Is ▶ Is21.9. Je * Je50.2. Je51.7, Je51.8, Je51.64. great. Da ▶ Da4.30. because. ver. Re14.10. Re Re11.8. * Re17.2-5. Re18.3, Re18.10, Re18.18, Re18.21. Re19.2. Jb Job21.20. 60:3. 75:8. Is Is51.17, Is51.22. Is63.6. Je Je25.15. ▶ Je51.7. La La4.21. Ezk Eze16.15, etc. Ob Ob16. Na Na3.19. the wine. Re Re18.3. wrath. f46:46C, Mt Mt8.6. Gr. thumos, wrath, means heat, as well as anger; like the Hebrew cheymah, heat, venom, or poison. See Jb Job6.4, where the LXX renders it thumos, evil or affliction, as Mt Mt6.34. So that the meaning is “the heating or poisonous wine of her fornication” (B680). Re Re13.15-17. Re17.6. 9. the third. ver. Re14.6-8. Je Je44.4. If. f184:184A, 1 Co + 1Co15.2. ver. Re14.11. See on Re Re13.3-6, Re13.11-17. worship. ver. Re14.11. Re + Re13.15. his image. ver. Re14.11. Re + Re13.14. Ex * Ex20.4, Ex20.5. his mark. ver. Re14.11. Re + Re13.16. forehead. Re + Re7.3. 10. The same. ver. + Re14.8. drink. Re Re16.19. Re18.3. Re19.15. Jb Job21.20. Ps Ps11.6. Ps60.3. Ps75.8. Is Is29.9. 51:▶ Is51.17, Is51.21, Is51.22. Je Je25.15-17, Je25.27. Je51.57. wrath. ver. Re14.19. Re +* Re6.16. +* Re11.18. Re15.1, Re15.7. Re16.1. which is. Re Re18.6. Is Is1.22. poured. Gr. kerannumi, ❅S#2767g. Re Re18.6 (filled), Re18.6 (fill). into the cup. Re Re18.6. Ps Ps73.10. ▶ Ps75.8. Is * Is51.17, Is51.22, Is51.23. Je Je49.12. La La4.21. Hab Hab2.16. Zc Zec12.2. Mt Mt20.22. Mt26.39. indignation. Is Is10.5, Is10.6. Je Je10.10. Da Da8.19. Mi Mic7.9. be tormented. Re Re9.17, Re9.18. Re19.20. Re20.10. +* Re21.8. Ge Ge19.24, Ge19.28. Dt Dt29.23. Jb Job18.15. Ps Ps11.6. Is +* Is30.33. Is34.9, Is34.10. Mt +* Mt25.41. Ju +* Jud7. with fire and brimstone. Re + Re9.17. Re20.15. Ge ▶ Ge19.24. Ezk ▶ Eze38.22. 2 Th + 2Th1.8. in the presence. Ps * Ps37.34. Ps52.6. Ps91.8. Is +* Is66.24. Ezk Eze20.48. Mt Mt13.41, Mt13.42, Mt13.49, Mt13.50. Lk +* Lk13.28. Lk16.23. 2 Th * 2Th1.8, 2Th1.9. the holy angels. Mk Mk8.38. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. 11. smoke. Re Re9.2. Re18.9, Re18.18. Re19.3. Ge Ge19.28. Is +* Is33.14. ▶ Is34.10. Jl Joe2.30. Mt Mt13.50. Lk * Lk16.23. torment. Re * Re20.10. Mt Mt18.34. Lk Lk16.23-28. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. Re Re4.9, Re4.10. Re5.13, Re5.14. Re7.12. +* Re11.15. Re20.10. Re22.5. Ex Ex15.18. Ps Ps10.16. Ps145.1. Mt +* Mt25.41, Mt25.46. He +* Heb1.8. Ju * Jud7. no rest. T#573. Re Re4.8. Dt Dt28.65. Ps Ps95.11. Is * Is57.20, Is57.21. Mt Mt11.28. Mk * Mk9.43-49. Lk Lk16.24, Lk16.25. He Heb3.18. day nor night. Lk + Lk18.7. who worship. ver. Re14.9. Re +* Re13.14-16. the mark. Re Re13.17. * Re19.20. 12. is the patience. Re + Re1.9. See on 13:10. He * Heb6.12. the saints. Re + Re8.3. that keep. See on Re Re12.17. Jn +* Jn17.6. 1 J +✓ 1Jn2.3. the faith. Re Re3.8, Re3.10. 2 Ti 2Ti4.7. 13. a voice. Re * Re11.15, Re11.19. Re16.17. Mt Mt3.17. Write. Re Re1.11, + Re1.19. Re2.1. Re10.4. Re19.9. Re21.5. Blessed. f43, Dt + Dt28.3. Re +* Re1.3. Re16.15. Re19.9. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 337. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re20.6. Re22.7, Re22.14. Mt Mt5.11, Mt5.12. Mt10.28. 2 Co 2Co5.6-8. are the dead. T#855. Re Re20.6. Jb * Job3.17, Job3.18. Ps Ps49.15. Ps73.24. Ec Ec4.1, Ec4.2. Is Is57.1, Is57.2. Lk * Lk16.25. +* Lk23.43. 2 Co ✓ 2Co5.8. Ph ✓ Php1.21-23. He * Heb12.22, Heb12.23. which die. Jb Job36.18. Ro Ro14.8. 1 Co 1Co15.18. 1 Th 1Th4.14, 1Th4.16. 1Th5.10. He +* Heb9.27. in the Lord. Ps * Ps116.15. 1 Co 1Co15.18. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16n. from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit. or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea. Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. Jn + Jn7.39. rest. The righteous who die “in the Lord” do not suffer torment or punishment after death, as in purgatory. There is no such place as purgatory known to Scripture, and even the Apocrypha contains firm testimony against such a view in a remarkable statement at Wisdom 3:1, “But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them.” See related note, Ezk Eze33.16n. T#337. Re + Re6.11. Re7.14-17. ◐ Re20.11-15. Re21.27. 1 Ch = 1Ch6.31. = 1Ch23.25, 1Ch23.26. 2 Ch = 2Ch35.3. Jb * Job3.17-19. Is Is35.10. * Is57.2. Da +* Da12.2, Da12.13. Mt +* Mt25.46. Lk Lk16.19-31. +* Lk23.43. Ro Ro8.1. 2 Co 5:+* 2Co5.8, 2Co5.21. 2 Th +* 2Th1.6, 2Th1.7. 2 Ti + 2Ti2.12 (T#512). He * Heb4.3, Heb4.9-11. Heb10.1014. 1 P +* 1Pe1.4. 1 J 1Jn1.7. their labors. Re Re2.2g. Mt ◐ Mt11.17g. Mt26.10. 1 Co +* 1Co15.58. He +* Heb6.10. and their works. f121:121C, Le + Le19.13. Ps Ps19.11. Ps85.13. Mt Mt25.35-40. Lk Lk16.9. 1 Co +✓ 1Co15.58. Ga +* Ga6.7, Ga6.8. Ph Php2.17. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.7, 2Ti4.8. He +* Heb6.10, Heb6.11. 14. behold. ver. Re14.15, Re14.16. Re +* Re1.7. Re10.1. Re20.11. Ps Ps97.2. Is Is19.1. Mt * Mt17.5. +* Mt24.30. * Mt26.64. Lk Lk21.27. like. Re + Re1.13. Ps Ps8.5. Ezk * Eze1.26. Da +*▶ Da7.13. ▶ Da10.16. Mt Mt8.20. * Mt13.37. Jn +* Jn1.51. Jn5.27. a golden. Re + Re6.2. 11:17. *17:14. *19:12. Ps * Ps21.3. He Heb2.9. a sharp. ver. Re14.15-17. Jl Joe3.12, Joe3.13. Mt Mt13.30. Mk Mk4.29. 15. came. Re Re15.6. Re16.17. the temple. Re + Re3.12. crying. Re Re6.10. Is Is62.1, Is62.6, Is62.7. to him. ver. Re14.14. Thrust. See on ver. Re14.14, Re14.18. Re Re19.21. Is Is11.4. Je * Je51.33. Ho Ho6.11. Jl ✓3:▶ Joe3.12-1616. Mt +* Mt13.30, Mt13.39. Mk Mk4.29. 2 Th 2Th2.8. the time. ver. Re14.7. Am Am8.2. 2 P * 2Pe3.9. harvest. Re Re13.12. Re19.1121. Is Is11.4. * Is34.1-8. Je Je51.33. Ezk ch. 38, 39. Jl Joe3.13. Zc Zec14.1-3. Mt +* Mt13.30, Mt13.39-43, Mt13.47-50. Mt24.29-31. 2 Th 2Th1.7-10. 2Th2.8-12. Ju Jud14, Jud15. ripe. or, dried. ver. Re14.18. Ge +* Ge15.16. Zc Zec5.6-11. Mt * Mt23.32. 1 Th * 1Th2.16. 16. he. ver. Re14.14. Mt +* Mt16.27. Jn * Jn5.22, Jn5.23. thrust. ver. Re14.19. Re Re16.1, etc. Mt Mt13.41. Mt24.37-42. Mk * Mk4.29. 2 Th * 2Th1.6-8. was reaped. Je * Je51.33. Mt * Mt3.12. * Mt13.30, Mt13.38-42. 17. came. ver. Re14.14, Re14.15, Re14.18. Re Re15.5, Re15.6. Re16.1. 18. came. Re * Re6.9, Re6.10. the altar. Re + Re6.9. Re8.3-5. Re9.13. Re16.7. He Heb8.6. Heb9.23. which had power. Re Re16.8. over fire. Mt * Mt13.30, Mt13.39, Mt13.40. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7. and cried. See on ver. Re14.15, Re14.16. to him. ver. Re14.17. Thrust. ver. +* Re14.15. Re Re19.15. Is Is63.1-6. Jl *▶ Joe3.13. Lk * Lk18.8. the vine. Dt * Dt32.32, Dt32.33. for her grapes. Jl Joe3.13. fully ripe. Ge * Ge15.16. 19. and cast. Re * Re19.15-21. Dt Dt32.32, Dt32.33. the wrath. ver. + Re14.10. Re +* Re6.16. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 338. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

20. the winepress. Is * Is34.1-8. ✓ Is63.1-3. La La1.15. Jl Joe3.12-15. Zp Zep3.8. without. Re Re11.8. He Heb13.11, Heb13.12. and blood. ver. Re14.18. Re * Re16.5, Re16.6. * Re19.13-21. Is * Is34.5-7. * Is49.26. Is66.24. Ezk Eze38.21-23. * Eze39.17-21. horse bridles. Re Re19.14.

REVELATION 15 The seven angels with the seven last plagues, Re15.1" Re15.2 }. The song of them that overcame the beast, Re15.3-6. The seven vials full of the wrath of God, and the temple is filled with smoke, Re15.7" Re15.8 }. 1. I saw. Re Re12.1-3. Da Da4.2, Da4.3. Da6.27. seven angels. ver. Re15.6-8. Re Re8.2, Re8.6. Re10.3. Re16.1-17. Re17.1. Re21.9. Mk 13:41, 42, 49, 50. the seven. Le * Le26.28. last. Re Re8.13. Re11.14. Re16.17-21. Re17.1. plagues. Le ▶ Le26.21. Ex * Ex34.10. is filled. ver. Re15.7. Re Re14.10, Re14.19. Re16.19. Re19.15. Da Da12.6, Da12.7, Da12.11, Da12.12. the wrath. ver. Re15.7. Re +* Re6.16. + Re14.10. 2. a sea. Re + Re4.6. Re21.18. Ex = Ex15.19, Ex15.20. 2 K 2Ki16.17. 2 Ch * 2Ch4.2, 2Ch4.4, 2Ch4.15. Je * Je27.19. Je49.23. of glass. Re + Re4.6. Re21.21. Ex Ex24.10. mingled. Is Is4.4, Is4.5. Mt Mt3.11. 1 P 1Pe1.7. 1Pe4.12. and them. Re Re7.9-17. Re12.17. Re14.1-5. victory over. Re Re11.11, Re11.12. +* Re12.11. Re13.14-18. Re14.1-5. the beast. Re + Re13.1. his image. Re + Re13.14. the number. Re Re13.17. stand. Ezk 14:30, 31. sea of glass. Re + Re4.6. having. See on Re Re5.8. * Re14.2. Re19.1-7. 3. they sing. Re + Re5.9. Ps * Ps106.12. song of Moses. Ex =15:▶ Ex15.1-1818. Dt Dt31.1922, Dt31.28-30. ✓ Dt32.1-43. the servant. Re + Re7.3. Dt Dt34.5. 1 Ch 1Ch6.49. 2 Ch 2Ch24.6. Ne Ne9.14. Da Da6.20. Da9.11. Jn Jn1.17. He Heb3.5. and the song. Re * Re5.9-13. Re7.10, Re7.11. Re14.3, Re14.8. Great. Ex Ex15.11. Dt Dt32.4. Jb * Job5.9. Job37.5. Ps Ps66.3. Ps78.12. Ps92.5. Ps105.5. ▶ Ps111.2. Ps118.22, Ps118.23. * Ps139.14. Ps145.6, Ps145.17. Da Da4.2, Da4.3. marvelous. Ex ▶ Ex34.10. Ps ▶ Ps139.14. thy works. Ps Ps111.7. Da Da4.37. Lord God. See on Re +* Re4.8. Re11.17. Almighty. Re +* Re1.8. Ge Ge17.1. Ex Ex6.3. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. Jn Jn1.3. Jn8.56. Ac Ac7.38. just. Re Re16.5-7. Re19.2. Dt * Dt32.4. Ps * Ps85.10, Ps85.11. Ps99.4. Ps100.5. Ps145.17. Is Is45.21. Ho Ho14.9. Mi * Mic7.20. Zp Zep3.5. true. Ex +* Ex34.6. Dt ▶ Dt32.4. thou King. Ps Ps22.28. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Is32.1, Is32.2. Is33.22. Je ▶ Je10.7, Je10.10. Zc * Zec9.9. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.17. saints. or, nations, or, ages. Re Re17.14. Re19.16. 4. Who shall. Re +* Re14.7. Ex Ex15.14-16. Ps Ps19.9. Ps72.5. * Ps89.7. * Ps111.10. Ps130.4. Is Is60.5. Je Je5.22. ▶ Je10.7. Ho Ho3.5. Mi * Mic7.16, Mic7.17. Lk Lk12.4, Lk12.5. and glorify. Re + Re11.13. Ps Ps22.23. ▶ Ps86.9. ✓ Ps102.13-22. Is Is24.15. Is25.3. Ml * Mal2.2. Ro Ro15.9. 2 Th 2Th1.10-12. thou only. Re Re3.7. Re4.8. Re6.10. 1 S 1Sa2.2. Ps Ps22.3. Ps99.5, Ps99.9. Ps111.9. Is * Is6.3. +* Is57.15. Hab Hab1.12. Mk ✓ Mk10.18. Lk * Lk18.19. 1 Ti ◐* 1Ti6.16n. 1 P 1Pe1.16. art holy. T#229. Re Re16.5. Ex Ex15.11. Le Le11.44. 1 S 1Sa2.2. 1Sa6.20. Jb Job4.17, Job4.18. Job34.10. Ps * Ps5.4, Ps5.5. Ps22.3. Ps27.4. * Ps45.7. Ps71.22. Ps90.17. Ps99.9. * Ps111.9. * Ps145.17. Is * Is6.3. Is28.5. Is33.17. Hab * Hab1.13. Zc Zec9.17. He + Heb7.26. for all nations. Re +* Re11.15. Ps Ps22.27, Ps22.31. * Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 339. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ps46.10. * Ps48.10. Ps65.2. Ps66.4. Ps72.1-4. Ps86.9. ch. 117. Is Is45.23. Is66.18-20, Is66.22, Is66.23. Je Je16.19. Zp Zep2.11. Zc Zec2.11. * Zec8.20-23. Zec14.16, Zec14.18. Ml ▶ Mal1.11. shall come. Zc Zec8.22. for thy judgments. Re Re16.7. Re19.2, + Re19.8. Re21.4g. Dt ▶ Dt32.4. Ps Ps76.8, Ps76.9. Ps97.6, Ps97.8. Ps98.2. Ps105.7. ▶ Ps145.17. Is ✓ Is26.9. * Is59.18, Is59.19. Ezk * Eze39.17-21. Lk Lk1.6g. Ro Ro1.32g. Ro5.16g. He Heb9.1, Heb9.10g. 5. the temple. Re + Re3.12. * Re11.19. Ex Ex25.21. Nu Nu1.50, Nu1.53. Mt Mt27.51. the tabernacle. Ex Ex31.7-11. Ex38.21. ▶ Ex40.34. Nu Nu1.50, Nu1.53. Nu9.15. Nu10.11. Nu17.7, Nu17.8. Nu18.2. 2 Ch 2Ch24.6. Ac Ac7.44. the testimony. Ex Ex25.21, Ex25.22. Ex27.21. was opened. Re Re11.19. Re19.11. 6. the seven angels. See on ver. Re15.1. came out. Re Re14.15. Re16.17. Nu Nu11.24. plagues. Le ▶ Le26.21. clothed. Re * Re1.13. Ex Ex28.5-8. Ex39.1, Ex39.2, Ex39.5. Ezk * Eze44.15, Eze44.17, Eze44.18. Lk Lk24.4. linen. Westcott and Hort read, after some MSS., “stone” here, but such a reading without a modifying word such as “precious” (timion) is impossible, and manifestly an error, as Hoskier, roundly criticizing Hort’s defective note on this passage, points out, charging that Hort “caused the Revisers to invent Scripture, as at Re Re15.6: ‘arrayed with precious stone”’ (H. C. Hoskier, Concerning the Genesis of the Versions of the N.T., vol. 1, p. 388). Bruce M. Metzger calls the reading an early transcriptional error, and labels Ezk Eze28.13 a “superficial parallel” (A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, p. 756). Ezk ?▶ Eze28.13. Da Da10.6. pure. Re Re19.8. Ac Ac10.30. girded. Re + Re1.13. 7. one. See on Re Re4.6-9. seven angels. ver. + Re15.1, Re15.6. golden. Re Re5.8. Re16.2, etc. 17:1. 21:9. Ps * Ps75.8. Je Je25.15. vials. Re Re16.1-4, Re16.8, Re16.10, Re16.12, Re16.17. Re17.1. Re21.9. Ne Ne7.70. wrath. ver. Re15.1. Re +* Re6.16. + Re14.10. who liveth. Re + Re1.18. See on 4:9. 10:6. 1 Th 1Th1.9. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. 8. the temple. ver. Re15.5. Re + Re3.12. was filled. Ex Ex19.18. Ex29.43. * Ex40.34, Ex40.35. Le Le16.2. Nu Nu9.15. 1 K * 1Ki8.10, 1Ki8.11. 2 Ch = 2Ch5.1, 2Ch5.11-14. 2Ch7.2. Ps Ps18.8-14. Is ▶ Is6.4. Ezk Eze43.5. Hg * Hag2.7. from the glory. Re Re21.11, Re21.23. Ex ▶ Ex40.34. Le * Le9.23, Le9.24. Nu Nu14.10. Ps Ps29.9. Ro + Ro3.23. 2 Th +* 2Th1.9. no man. Ex Ex40.35. 1 K 1Ki8.11. Je Je15.1. La * La3.44. Ro Ro11.33. till. See on ver. Re15.1. plagues. Le ▶ Le26.21. fulfilled. Ge Ge15.16.

REVELATION 16 The first angel pours out his vial on the earth, and the worshippers of the beast are plagued with a noisome sore, Re16.1" Re16.2 }; the second, on the sea, which becomes blood, Re16.3; the third, on the rivers and fountains, which also become blood; and the angel of the waters celebrates the justice of God, in thus visiting bloody persecutors, which is confirmed by one from the altar, Re16.4-7. The fourth angel pours his vial on the sun; and men, scorched with fire, blaspheme God, Re16.8" Re16.9 }; the fifth, on the seat of the beast, with the miseries caused, and the blasphemies excited, Re16.10" Re16.11 }. The sixth angel pours his vial on the Euphrates, to prepare the way of eastern kings, Re16.12. Three unclean frogs, from the mouth of the beast, stir up kings to war against God, Re16.13" Re16.14 }. A warning that Christ comes Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 340. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

as a thief. Blessed are they that watch, Re16.15. The seventh angel pours his vial into the air, and the last plagues are tremendously finished on Babylon, etc. Re16.16-21. 1. I heard. Re Re14.15, Re14.18. Re15.5-8. voice. Re Re1.15. Re14.15. Is ▶ Is66.6. the temple. Re + Re3.12. the seven. ver. Re16.2, Re16.3, Re16.4, Re16.8, Re16.10, Re16.12, Re16.17. Re Re8.6. See on 15:+1, 6. and pour. ver. Re16.2-12, Re16.17. Re14.9-11. Re15.7. 1 S 1Sa15.3, 1Sa15.18. Ps ▶ Ps69.24. * Ps79.6. Je * Je6.11. ▶ Je10.25. Je42.18. Je44.6. Ezk Eze9.5-8. Eze10.2. * Eze22.22. Da Da9.11, Da9.27. Zp ▶ Zep3.8. Mt * Mt13.41, Mt13.42. the vials. Re + Re15.7. the wrath. Re +* Re6.16. + Re14.10. 2. poured out. Ps * Ps79.1-6. La La4.11. upon the earth. Re * Re8.5, Re8.7g. Re14.16. Is Is13.9. a noisome. Ex * Ex9.8-11. Le Le26.16. Nu Nu12.10. Dt Dt7.15. Dt28.15, Dt28.27, Dt28.35. 1 S 1Sa5.6, 1Sa5.9. 2 Ch 2Ch21.15, 2Ch21.18. Jb Job2.7, Job2.8. Ps Ps78.66. Is Is1.5, Is1.6. Is3.17, Is3.24. Lk Lk16.20-22. Ac Ac12.23. sore. ver. Re16.11. Ex ▶ Ex9.9. Dt * Dt28.27, ▶ Dt28.35. had the mark. See on Re * Re13.15-18. worshipped. Re + Re13.15. Ex * Ex20.4, Ex20.5. his image. Re + Re13.14. 3. second angel. Re Re8.8, Re8.9. upon. Re Re8.8. Re10.2. Re13.1. it became. Re Re11.6. Ex Ex7.17-21. Ps * Ps78.41, Ps78.44. * Ps105.29. Is Is50.2. Ezk Eze16.38. Na Na1.2-4. as the blood. Re + Re8.8. Ex ▶ Ex7.20, Ex7.21. and every. Re * Re8.9. Ge Ge1.30. Ge7.22. soul. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, 1 Co + 1Co15.45. 4. third angel. Re * Re8.10, Re8.11. upon. Re Re8.10, Re8.11. the rivers. Ps ▶ Ps78.44. fountains. Re Re14.7. became blood. ver. Re16.5. Re Re14.7. Ex ▶ Ex7.20. Ex8.5. Is Is50.2. Ezk Eze35.8. Ho Ho13.15. 5. the angel. ver. Re16.4. Jn Jn5.4. Thou art. ver. Re16.7. Re Re15.3. Re19.2. Ge +* Ge18.25. Ezr Ezr9.15. Ne Ne9.33. Ps ▶ Ps119.137. Ps129.4. Ps145.17. Je Je12.1. La La1.18. Da Da9.7, Da9.14. Jn Jn17.25. Ro * Ro2.2, Ro2.5. * Ro3.5, Ro3.26. 2 Th 2Th1.5, 2Th1.6. 1 J +* 1Jn1.9. which art. Re Re1.4, Re1.8. Re4.8. Re11.17. Ex ▶ Ex3.14. Is ▶ Is41.4. Is43.3, Is43.11. Is63.16. He Heb13.8. and shalt be. Re Re11.17n. hast judged. Dt ▶ Dt32.4. Ps ▶ Ps145.17. 6. they have shed. Re Re6.10, Re6.11. Re13.10, Re13.15. * Re17.6, Re17.7. Re18.24. Re19.2. Dt * Dt32.42, Dt32.43. 1 K * 1Ki18.4. * 1Ki19.14. 2 K 2Ki24.4. 2 Ch 2Ch24.20, 2Ch24.21. Ps ▶ Ps79.3. Is Is49.26. Is51.22, Is51.23. Je Je2.30. Je26.22, Je26.23. La La4.13. Mt Mt7.2. Mt21.35-41. * Mt23.30-37. of saints. Re + Re11.18. and prophets. Re +* Re11.18. Re18.20. blood to drink. Is ▶ Is49.26. Lk Lk11.49, Lk11.50. for they are worthy. Re ◐ Re3.4. +* Re11.18. * Re18.20. Jg Jdg1.7. Ps Ps74.18-23. Ps79.10-13. Je Je26.11, Je26.16. Ezk Eze16.38. Eze35.6. Lk +* Lk12.48. He Heb10.29. 7. out. Re * Re6.9. Re8.3-5. Re14.18. Is Is6.6. Ezk Eze10.2, Eze10.7. Even. Re * Re15.3, Re15.4. Lord God. Re + Re4.8. Almighty. ver. Re16.14. Re +* Re1.8. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. true. Re Re13.10. Re14.10. Re15.3. Re19.2. Ps ▶ Ps19.9. ▶ Ps119.137. righteous are. Ge * Ge18.2333. Ps * Ps50.6. Ro * Ro9.14. 2 Th 2Th1.6.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 341. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

8. fourth angel. Re * Re8.12. upon the sun. Re Re6.12. Re8.12. Re9.2. Is Is24.23. Ezk Eze8.16. Lk * Lk21.25. Ac Ac2.20. Ro Ro1.18-23. and power. Re Re7.16. * Re9.17, Re9.18, Re9.20, Re9.21. Re14.18. Jon Jon4.8. Mt Mt13.6. with fire. Re * Re9.17. Re14.18. 9. scorched. or, burned. Is * Is24.6. Is42.25. Ml Mal4.1. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7. f147:147D, Ge + Ge1.29. blasphemed. ver. Re16.10, Re16.11, Re16.21. Re + Re13.6. 2 K 2Ki6.33. 2 Ch 2Ch28.22. Is Is1.5. Is8.21. Is52.5. Je Je5.3. Je6.29, Je6.30. Ezk Eze24.13. they repented not. ver. Re16.11. Re + Re2.21. Re9.20. Ex Ex9.34, Ex9.35. Je Je8.6. Da Da5.22, Da5.23. Lk +* Lk13.3, Lk13.5. 2 Co 2Co12.21. to give. Re + Re11.13. Re14.7. Ex Ex8.15. Jsh Jos7.19. 2 K 2Ki6.33. Jb Job1.11, Job1.20-22. Je Je13.16. Da * Da5.22, Da5.23. Am Am4.6-12. 10. upon. Re Re11.2, Re11.8. * Re13.2-4. Re17.9, Re17.17. * Re18.2, Re18.21-23. the seat. or, throne. Re Re2.13. Re13.2. his kingdom. Re Re8.12. Re9.2. Ps Ps105.28. full of darkness. Re Re9.2. Re18.11-19. Ex ▶ Ex10.21-23. Ps Ps78.49. Is Is8.21, Is8.22. Jl +* Joe2.1, Joe2.2, Joe2.31. Zc * Zec14.12. Mt Mt8.12. Mt22.13. Mk * Mk13.24, Mk13.25. 2 P 2Pe2.17. they. Re Re11.10. Mt Mt13.42, Mt13.50. * Mt24.51. Lk Lk13.28. 11. blasphemed. See on ver. Re16.9, Re16.21. the God. Re + Re11.13. 2 Ch 2Ch36.23. Ezr Ezr1.2. Ezr5.11, Ezr5.12. Ezr6.10. Ezr7.12, Ezr7.21, Ezr7.23. Ne Ne1.4. Ne2.4. Ps Ps136.26. Da Da2.18, Da2.19, Da2.44. Jon Jon1.9. because. ver. Re16.2, Re16.9. and repented not. ver. Re16.9. 2 Ch * 2Ch28.22. Pr * Pr27.22. Da * Da12.10. Lk Lk23.39, Lk23.40. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. their deeds. Re Re2.13. 12. upon. Re * Re9.14. Re11.14. Is Is8.7. great river. Ge ▶ Ge15.18. Dt ▶ Dt1.7. Jsh ▶ Jos1.4. Is * Is11.15. Is27.12. Is44.27. Je Je50.38. Je51.32, Je51.36. Zc * Zec10.10, Zec10.11. Euphrates. Ge Ge2.10, Ge2.14. and the water. Re * Re17.15. Is Is11.15. Is42.15. ▶ Is44.27. Je 50:▶ Je50.38-4040. Je51.36. dried up. Ex Ex14.21, Ex14.22. Jsh Jos3.15-17. Jos4.22. Ps Ps74.15. Is * Is44.27. Hab Hab3.8. that the way. Is Is41.2, Is41.3, Is41.25. Is45.1-3. Is46.11. Ezk ch. *38, 39. Da Da11.43-45. kings of. Is ▶ Is41.2, Is41.25. the east. Re Re7.2. Mt Mt2.1. 13. I saw. Ex Ex7.10-13, Ex7.22. three. ver. Re16.14. 2 Th * 2Th2.9-11. 1 Ti 1Ti4.1-3. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-6. 2 P 2Pe2.1-3. 1 J 1Jn4.1-3. unclean. Re Re18.2. Mk + Mk3.30. spirits. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. like frogs. Ex ▶ Ex8.2-7. Ps Ps78.45. Ps105.30. come out of. Re *12:+ Re12.3, Re12.4, Re12.9-13. * Re13.1-7, Re13.11-18. the beast. Re + Re13.1. the false prophet. Re Re13.11, Re13.14. * Re19.20. Re20.10. Mt + Mt7.15. 14. the spirits. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. Re Re12.9. 1 K * 1Ki22.19-23. 2 Ch 2Ch18.18-22. Ezk Eze14.9. Jn * Jn8.44. 2 Co ✓ 2Co11.13-15. 1 Ti +* 1Ti4.1. Ja Jas3.15. working miracles. Re 13:+ Re13.13, Re13.14. Re19.20. Dt Dt13.1, Dt13.2. Mt Mt24.24. Mk Mk13.22. 2 Th * 2Th2.9. which. 1 K 1Ki22.6, 1Ki22.10, 1Ki22.11, 1Ki22.19-22. Ac Ac13.8-10. the whole. Re +* Re3.10. Re12.9. Re13.3. Lk Lk2.1. Ro Ro1.8. 1 J 1Jn5.19. world. Gr. oikoumene, Mt + Mt24.14. to gather. ver. Re16.16. Re * Re17.14. * Re19.19. Re20.8. 1 K * 1Ki22.20. Ps Ps2.13. Is Is34.1-8. Is63.1-6. Ezk * Eze38.8-12. Jl * Joe3.2, Joe3.9-14. Zc * Zec14.1-3. great day. Re + Re6.17. Ac Ac2.20. Ro +* Ro2.4, Ro2.5. 1 Th 1Th5.2. God Almighty. See on ver. Re16.7. Re +* Re1.8. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. 15. Behold. f136, Is + Is60.12. f161, Mk + Mk15.13. I come. Re + Re3.3. Mt * Mt24.43. * Mt25.6. Jn + Jn21.22. 1 Th ✓ 1Th5.2-4. 2 P * 2Pe3.10. Blessed. f43, Dt + Dt28.3. Re Re1.3. + Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 342. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re14.13. Re19.9. Re20.6. Re22.7, Re22.14. that watcheth. Re Re3.2, Re3.3. Mt +* Mt24.42, Mt24.46. Mt25.13. Mt26.41. Mk Mk13.33-37. Mk14.38. Lk Lk12.37-43. +✓ Lk21.36. Ac Ac20.31. 1 Th 1Th5.6. 1 P 1Pe4.7. keepeth. SS So5.3. garments. Re Re3.18. lest. Re * Re3.4, Re3.18. Ge * Ge3.10. Ex Ex32.25. Is Is47.3. Ezk Eze16.37. Ho Ho2.3, Ho2.10. Na Na3.5. Hab Hab2.15. 2 Co 2Co5.3. 16. he gathered. Re Re14.20. Re16.14. Re17.14. Re19.17-21. Jg Jdg4.7. Is Is14.24-27. Ezk Eze38.8-19. Da * Da11.35— Da12.1. Jl Joe3.2, Joe3.9-14. Mi * Mic4.11-13. Zp +* Zep3.8. Zc * Zec12.3. * Zec14.2, Zec14.3. the Hebrew. Re Re9.11. Jn + Jn5.2. Jn19.13, Jn19.17. Ac Ac26.14. Armageddon. i.e. hill of slaughter, ❅S#717g. Jsh Jos12.21. Jos17.11. Jg Jdg1.27. * Jdg5.19-22. 2 K 2Ki9.27. 2Ki23.29, 2Ki23.30. 2 Ch 2Ch35.22. Is Is10.28, LXX. Zc *▶ Zec12.11. 17. seventh angel. Re +* Re11.15-19. into the air. Re * Re20.1-3. Ep * Eph2.2. Eph6.12. there. ver. Re16.1. Re 11:+ Re11.15, Re11.19. Re14.17. Re15.5, Re15.6. voice out. Is ▶ Is66.6. the temple. Re + Re3.12. Re15.8. ◐ Re21.22. the throne. Re + Re4.2. It is. Re +* Re10.6, Re10.7. * Re21.6. Ezk ✓ Eze39.8. Da Da12.7-13. Jn Jn19.30. 1 P * 1Pe4.7. 18. were voices. Re + Re4.5. * Re8.5. * Re11.19. and thunders. Ex ▶ Ex19.16. great earthquake. Re + Re6.12. Re11.13. Ezk * Eze38.20. Is * Is2.19, Is2.21. Da Da12.1. Hg +* Hag2.6, Hag2.21, Hag2.22. Zc ✓ Zec14.4, Zec14.5. He +* Heb12.26-28. such as. Da ▶ Da12.1. Jl Joe2.2. Mt Mt24.21. 19. great city. Re + Re11.8. * Re14.8. Re17.18. Re18.2, Re18.10, Re18.16-19, Re18.21. was divided. Re Re11.13. Zc * Zec13.8, Zec13.9. cities of. ver. Re16.14. Re Re17.13-17. great Babylon. Re + Re14.8. Re17.5. Is Is14.4. Da ▶ Da4.30. in remembrance. See on Re Re14.8-10. * Re18.5. Ps Ps74.18. Ps89.50. Ps98.3. * Ps105.8, Ps105.42. * Ps137.7-9. Is Is49.26. Is51.1723. Je Je25.15, Je25.16, Je25.26. Je44.21. Ho * Ho9.7. the cup. Re Re14.10. Je ▶ Je25.15. Zc Zec12.2-8. fierceness. f144:144B, Dt + Dt33.19. Re Re18.4. Is ▶ Is51.17. wrath. Re +* Re6.16. Re19.15. 20. every island. Re * Re6.14. Re20.11. Ps * Ps102.25, Ps102.26. Is Is2.14-17. * Is34.3. the mountains. Ps Ps18.7. * Ps46.1-3. ◐* Ps72.3, Ps72.16. ◐ Ps148.9. Is ◐ Is2.2. ◐ Is44.23. Je * Je4.23-25. Ezk ◐ Eze36.8. Hab * Hab3.6, Hab3.10. 21. there fell. Re Re8.7. * Re11.19. Ex * Ex9.23-26. Jsh * Jos10.11. Jb * Job38.22, Job38.23. Ps * Ps18.12-14. Ps78.47. Ps105.32. Is Is28.17. * Is30.30. Ezk * Eze13.11, Eze13.13. * Eze38.21, Eze38.22. hail. Ex ▶ Ex9.24. blasphemed. ver. Re16.9, Re16.11. Is Is8.21. the plague. Ex Ex9.23-25.

REVELATION 17 A woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, with a golden cup in her hand, sitteth upon the beast, Re17.1-4; which is great Babylon, the mother of all abominations, Re17.5-8. The interpretation of the seven heads, Re17.9-11; and the ten horns, Re17.12" Re17.13 }. The victory of the Lamb, 14, Re17.15. The punishment of the whore, Re17.16-18. 1. one. Re Re15.1, Re15.6. Re16.1-17. Re21.9. seven angels. Re + Re15.1. seven vials. Re + Re15.7. talked. Re Re4.1. Re21.15. Lk Lk9.30. Lk24.32. Come hither. Re Re21.9. I will. Re Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 343. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re16.19. Re18.16-19. the judgment of. Je * Je51.11, Je51.13, Je51.33. the great. ver. Re17.4, Re17.5, Re17.15, Re17.16. Re Re19.2. Dt Dt31.16, Dt31.17. Ps * Ps73.27. Is Is1.21. Is23.1517. Is57.3. Je Je2.20. Je3.1. Na * Na3.4, Na3.5. that sitteth. ver. * Re17.15. Je * Je51.13. many waters. ver. Re17.15. Re ◐ Re1.15. Je ▶ Je51.13. Jn +* Jn3.23. 2. the kings. ver. Re17.13, Re17.17. Re Re14.8. Re18.3, Re18.9, Re18.23. committed fornication. Is ▶ Is23.17. inhabitants. ver. Re17.8. Re + Re3.10. were made. ver. Re17.4. Re + Re14.8. drunk. ver. Re17.6. Je *▶ Je51.7. Da Da3.1, Da3.4-6. Zc Zec5.5-11. Jn + Jn2.10. 3. he carried. Re +* Re1.10. Re4.2. Re21.10. 1 K 1Ki18.12. 2 K 2Ki2.16. Ezk Eze3.12. Eze8.3. Eze11.24. Ac Ac8.26, Ac8.29, Ac8.39. spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. f121:121A, Ezk + Eze37.1. Lk + Lk24.37. into the wilderness. Re +* Re12.6, Re12.14. SS So8.5. a woman. ver. Re17.4, Re17.6, Re17.18. Re * Re12.3. scarlet. Re * Re12.3. Mt + Mt27.28. full. See on Re Re13.1-6. Da Da7.8, Da7.20, Da7.25. Da11.36. 2 Th 2Th2.4. having. ver. Re17.7, Re17.9-12. Re + Re12.3. * Re13.1. ten horns. Da 7:▶ Da7.7, Da7.20. 4. arrayed. Re Re18.7, Re18.12, Re18.16. purple. Re Re18.12, Re18.16. Jg Jdg8.26. Est Es1.6. scarlet. ver. Re17.3. Re Re12.3. Mt Mt27.28. decked. Gr. gilded. Da Da11.38. pearls. Re Re21.21. Mt + Mt13.46. golden. Re Re14.8. Re18.6. Re19.2. Ps Ps75.8. Je *▶ Je51.7. 2 Th 2Th2.3-10. full of. Mt Mt23.25, Mt23.26. abominations. ver. Re17.5. Re Re21.27. Dt Dt18.9. * Dt29.17. Dt32.16. 1 K * 1Ki14.24. 2 K 2Ki16.3. 2Ki21.2. 2Ki23.13, 2Ki23.24. Is Is44.19. Is66.3. Ezk Eze8.6, Eze8.9, Eze8.13, Eze8.15, Eze8.17. Eze11.18. Eze14.6. Eze16.2. * Eze20.7, Eze20.8, Eze20.30. Ho Ho9.10. Lk Lk16.15. filthiness. Ezr Ezr9.11. La La1.9. Ezk Eze24.11, Eze24.13. Eze36.25. 5. upon. Re Re7.3. Re13.16. Is Is3.9. Ph Php3.19. written. Re ◐ Re3.12. Mystery. T#518. ver. Re17.7. Re + Re1.20. Re13.11-18. Da Da7.8, Da7.24-26. Ep Eph5.32. 2 Th * 2Th2.3-10. 1 Ti * 1Ti4.1-3. 2 Ti 2Ti3.1-5. Babylon. Re Re11.8. + Re14.8. Re16.19. Re18.2, Re18.10, Re18.21. Ge Ge10.10. Je Je51.47, Je51.48. Da ▶ Da4.30. The Mother. Re Re18.9. Re19.2. Pr Pr9.13-18. Ezk * Eze16.44, Eze16.45. Harlots. or, fornications. ver. + Re17.1. Le Le20.5. Nu Nu25.1. 2 Ch 2Ch21.11. Is Is1.21. Is23.17. Je Je2.20. Je3.1, Je3.6, Je3.8. Ezk * Eze16.15-17, Eze16.28, Eze16.29, Eze16.31, Eze16.34, Eze16.35, Eze16.41. Eze20.30. * Eze23.5, Eze23.9, Eze23.43, Eze23.44. Ho Ho2.5. Ho3.3. Ho4.5, Ho4.10, Ho4.13-15. Mi Mic1.7. Abominations. ver. + Re17.4. 1 K 1Ki11.5. 2 K 2Ki23.11. Is Is66.17n. Am Am5.25, Am5.26. Ac Ac7.43. 6. drunken. ver. Re17.2. Re Re13.7, Re13.15. Re16.6. Re18.20-24. Is Is34.7. Da * Da7.21, Da7.25. Mt Mt23.32-36. Jn + Jn2.10. the blood. Re + Re16.6. the saints. Re + Re8.3. Ps * Ps79.2, Ps79.3. Ps83.1-5. Da +* Da11.33, Da11.35. the martyrs. Re + Re2.13. * Re6.9, Re6.10. Re11.7, Re11.8. 12:+* Re12.11, Re12.13, Re12.17. Re13.7. Re18.24. Re20.4. Ps Ps9.5, Ps9.9, Ps9.10, Ps9.12, Ps9.13, Ps9.19. Ps10.2, Ps10.3, Ps10.8, Ps10.14-18. Ps44.22. Ps79.2, Ps79.3. Ps94.5, Ps94.6. Da Da7.21, Da7.25. Da8.27. Da11.33, Da11.35. Ac Ac22.20. He Heb11.33-40. of Jesus. Re + Re1.2. I saw. Ec * Ec5.8. I wondered. f147:147D, Ge + Ge1.29. Da * Da7.28. * Da8.27. Hab Hab1.13. 7. I will. See on ver. Re17.1-6, Re17.8. mystery. ver. + Re17.5. 2 Th * 2Th2.7. of the woman. ver. + Re17.3. the beast. ver. + Re17.3. ten horns. Da * Da7.7.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 344. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

8. beast that thou. Re Re9.2, Re9.3. Re11.7. Re13.1-11. Da ▶ Da7.3. * Da10.20. was. That is, had existence before John’s day. ver. Re17.10, Re17.11. Re Re1.4. ✓ Re13.3, Re13.12. is not. Ge Ge5.24. shall ascend. This beast is the eighth and last kingdom in the times of the Gentiles, the revived Grecian kingdom. Re * Re11.7. * Re13.1, Re13.2. Re17.8-11. Da Da10.12-21. Jl Joe3.6. Zc Zec9.13. bottomless pit. Re + Re9.1. go into. ver. Re17.11. Re Re13.10. Re14.8-20. ch. 16, 18. 19:15-21. 20:10. Da * Da7.11, Da7.26. Da11.45. 2 Th 2Th2.38. that dwell. ver. Re17.2. Re + Re3.10. shall wonder. Re * Re13.3, Re13.4. whose names. Re +* Re13.8. Re20.12, Re20.15. written. Re * Re21.27. Da ▶ Da12.1. the book. f22:22D, Ex + Ex32.32. Re + Re3.5. Ps ▶ Ps69.28. Ph Php4.3. from. Re Re13.8. Mt + Mt13.35. Mt25.34. Jn Jn17.24. Ac Ac15.18. Ep +* Eph1.4. Ti * Tt1.2. 1 P 1Pe1.20. world. Gr. kosmos, Mt + Mt4.8. the beast that was. Re Re13.1-4, Re13.11, Re13.12. yet is. Re Re7.11. *8:23, 24. *9:27. *11:36, 45. 9. here. Re * Re13.18. Pr Pr9.10. Da * Da12.4, Da12.8-10. Ho Ho14.9. Mt * Mt13.11. Mt24.15. Ja * Jas1.5. 1 J 1Jn2.20, 1Jn2.27. The seven heads. ver. + Re17.3, Re17.7, Re17.18. Re13.1. mountains. Je Je51.25. Da Da2.35. Zc Zec4.7. 10. are fallen. The word is always used of violent death, when speaking of individuals, or violence when referring to kingdoms. Jg Jdg3.25. Jdg5.27. 2 S 2Sa1.19, 2Sa1.25. Is Is21.9. Je Je50.15. Je51.8. Ezk Eze29.5. Eze30.6. short space. Re Re12.12. 11. that was. See on ver. Re17.8. goeth into. ver. Re17.8. Re Re13.10. 2 Th * 2Th2.6-9. 12. the ten. ver. Re17.3, Re17.16. Re Re12.3. Re13.1. Da Da2.40-43. * Da7.7, Da7.8, Da7.20, ▶ Da7.24. Zc Zec1.18-21. received no kingdom. Lk Lk19.12, Lk19.15. He Heb12.28. receive power. Da * Da4.34, Da4.35. one hour. Re Re3.10. Re14.7, Re14.15. Re18.10, Re18.17, Re18.19. Is Is61.2. Mt Mt14.15. Mt18.1. Mk Mk6.35. 2 Co + 2Co7.8. Phm Phm15. 13. one. Re Re16.14. Ph Php1.27. Php2.2. shall. ver. Re17.17. Is Is10.5-7. Ezk Eze38.10. Ac * Ac4.28. 14. shall make war. Re Re11.7. Re12.6, Re12.7. + Re16.14. ✓ Re19.15-21. Is * Is8.9, Is8.10. Da Da7.21, Da7.25. * Da8.25. * Da11.31. 13:9-12, 24, 25. Zc Zec2.8. Mt Mt25.40. Ac Ac4.26. Ac9.4, Ac9.5. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. the Lamb shall. Re + Re3.21. Re6.12-17. Ps Ps2.8, Ps2.9. * Ps21.8-12. Ps110.5. Is * Is8.9, Is8.10. Je * Je50.44. Da * Da2.44. Da7.26, Da7.27. 1 Co 1Co15.24n, 1Co15.25n. overcome. T#82. Re Re12.11. Ps Ps24.7. * Ps110.5, Ps110.6. Is Is13.3-9. +* Is24.21-23. Zc Zec6.13. Mt Mt24.30. Mt25.31, Mt25.32. Ep Eph1.1921, + Eph1.22 (T#96). Ph * Php2.9-11. He Heb1.1-4. Lord of lords. f147:147H, Ge + Ge9.25. Re * Re1.5. * Re19.16. Dt ▶ Dt10.17. Ps Ps136.2, Ps136.3. Pr Pr8.15, Pr8.16. Da ▶ Da2.47. Mt Mt28.18. Jn Jn8.24. Ac +* Ac10.36. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.15. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. King of kings. f147:147H, Ge + Ge9.25. Re Re1.5. Mt Mt25.34. 1 Ti * 1Ti6.14, 1Ti6.15. and they. Re Re14.1-4. Re19.14. Ps +* Ps149.5-9. Je 1:44, 45. Mi Mic5.7-9. Jn +* Jn15.16. Ro Ro8.30, Ro8.37. 2 Ti 2Ti2.4. He Heb3.1, Heb3.2. 1 P 1Pe2.9. with him. Re Re3.4. Re14.4. Re19.14. Ps +* Ps149.5-9. Da * Da7.13, Da7.14, Da7.21, Da7.22. called. Mt Mt22.14. Ro + Ro1.6. * Ro8.28. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.9. and chosen. Dt +* Dt10.15. Mt Mt22.14. Lk +* Lk18.7g. Jn +* Jn15.16. Col Col3.12. 1 Th 1Th5.9. 1 P * 1Pe1.1, 1Pe1.2. 1Pe2.8, 1Pe2.9. and faithful. Re Re2.10, Re2.13. 1 Co + 1Co4.2. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.12. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 345. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

15. The waters. See on ver. Re17.1. Ps * Ps18.4, Ps18.16. Ps65.7. *93:3, 4. 124:4. Is * Is8.7, Is8.8. Je *51:▶ Je51.13, Je51.42, Je51.55. Ezk Eze27.26. the whore. Re Re17.2. are. Re Re10.11. Re11.9. Re13.7, Re13.8. Ps Ps18.4, Ps18.16. Ps124.4. Is Is8.7. peoples. Re + Re5.9. 16. the ten. See on ver. Re17.2, Re17.10, + Re17.12. these. f163. Syllepsis, Jn + Jn16.13. By the figure Syllepsis, the concord of the pronoun is logical rather than grammatical. “These” (masculine) links “the horns” and “the beast” (which are neuter) together. shall hate. ver. Re17.1, Re17.2, Re17.13. Re Re16.12. Is Is13.17, Is13.18. Is14.4-6. Je Je25.14. Je50.41, Je50.42. the whore. T#520. Re * Re18.4, Re18.8. Re19.1-3, Re19.20. Da Da7.11, Da7.26. 2 Th 2Th2.8. desolate. Re Re18.17, Re18.19. and naked. Re Re18.16, Re18.17. Ezk Eze16.3744. Eze23.45-49. Eze23.29, Eze23.45-49. Ho Ho2.2, Ho2.3. eat. Re Re19.18. Jb Job31.31. Ps Ps14.4. Ps27.2. Da Da7.5. Mi Mic3.3. Ja Jas5.3. and burn. Re Re18.8, Re18.16. Le Le20.14. Le21.9. 17. God hath. See on ver. Re17.13. Dt +* Dt2.30. Pr Pr21.1, +* Pr21.30. Is Is10.5-7. * Is14.27. * Is46.9-11. * Is66.4. Am +* Am3.6. Ac +* Ac2.23. Ac4.27, * Ac4.28. Ro Ro9.19-22. 2 Co 2Co8.16. Ep +* Eph1.11. Ph Php2.13. 2 Th +* 2Th2.11. 1 P +* 1Pe2.8. put. Ezr Ezr7.27. Ps Ps105.25. Pr Pr21.1. Je Je32.40. 2 Th 2Th2.10-12. Ja Jas1.13-17. to fulfil. Is * Is55.11. Lk Lk22.3, Lk22.22, Lk22.37. Jn Jn13.2, Jn13.18. to agree. ver. Re17.13. give their kingdom. 2 Th 2Th2.11. until. Re Re6.11. +* Re10.7. Re15.1. Pr Pr19.21. Is 45:27. Is46.10, Is46.11. Je Je27.6, Je27.7. Ezk * Eze38.16, Eze38.17. Da Da12.7. Jn * Jn10.35. Jn12.39, Jn12.40. Jn19.24, Jn19.28. the words. Ps * Ps119.89. Je Je1.12. Jn Jn17.17. be fulfilled. Lk + Lk21.22. 18. the woman. ver. Re17.5, Re17.9. Re Re16.19. Re18.2. Da Da2.37, Da2.38, Da2.40, Da2.41. Da7.23. Lk Lk2.1. great city. Re Re11.8. Re16.19. Ge Ge11.9. Je Je25.26. Da Da1.1, Da1.2. Zc Zec5.1-11. which reigneth. Re Re12.4. Je Je27.2-7. Lk Lk2.1. Jn Jn19.15. the kings of. Re * Re16.14. Ps ▶ Ps2.2. ▶ Ps89.27.

REVELATION 18 A mighty angel announces the fall of Babylon, and its utter desolation, because of its abominations, Re18.1-3. A voice from heaven calls on the people of God to come out of her, lest they should be involved in her destruction, Re18.4-8. The kings and merchants connected with her lament her fall, Re18.9-19. The apostles and prophets are called to rejoice over it, Re18.20. Her final and total overthrow first signified by a millstone cast into the sea; and then is emphatically described, Re18.21-24. 1. I saw. See on Re 17:+ Re17.1, Re17.7. come down. Re + Re10.1. and the earth. Re Re21.23. Is Is60.1-3. Ezk Eze10.4. Eze43.2. Hab * Hab3.3, Hab3.4. Lk Lk2.9. Lk17.24. Ac Ac9.3. Ac12.7. 2 Th 2Th2.8. 2. cried. Re Re1.15. Re5.2. Re10.3. Re14.15. Je Je25.30. Jl * Joe3.16. Babylon. ver. Re18.10, Re18.21. Re + Re14.8. Re16.19. Re17.5, Re17.18. Is * Is13.19. * Is21.9. Je * Je51.8, Je51.60-64. Da ▶ Da4.30. is fallen. Re * Re14.8. Is ◐ Is13.17. ▶ Is21.9. Je * Je51.8. Da ◐ Da5.2831. become. Le Le11.13-19. Is Is13.20-22. Is14.23. Is21.8. * Is34.11-15. Je * Je50.39, Je50.40. * Je51.37. Mk Mk5.3-5. Lk Lk8.27, Lk8.28. habitation of devils. Le ▶ Le17.7. 2 Ch ▶ 2Ch11.15. Is ▶ Is13.21. ▶ Is34.14. Je Je50.39. Je51.37. Zp Zep2.14, Zep2.15. every foul. Re Re16.13. Mt Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 346. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Mt8.28. Mk + Mk3.30. Mk5.2, Mk5.3. Lk Lk8.27. spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt8.16. every unclean. Is Is14.23. Is34.11. 3. all nations. ver. Re18.9. Re + Re14.8. * Re17.2. Je Je51.7. have drunk. Is ▶ Is51.17, Is51.22. Je ▶ Je25.16, Je25.27. ▶ Je51.7. wrath. f24:24N, Ge + Ge17.5. committed fornication. Is ▶ Is23.17. the kings. ver. Re18.9. Re Re17.2. the merchants. ver. Re18.11-17, Re18.19, Re18.23. Is Is47.15. Ezk Eze27.33. 2 P 2Pe2.1-3. abundance. or, power. Pr Pr23.1-3. her delicacies. ver. Re18.7, Re18.9. Je Je51.34. La La4.5. Lk Lk7.25. 1 Ti 1Ti5.11. 4. Come out. T#115. Ge * Ge19.12, Ge19.13, Ge19.16, Ge19.17, Ge19.29. Nu * Nu16.21, Nu16.26, Nu16.27. 2 Ch + 2Ch19.2 (T#112). Ps + Ps26.4 (T#122). Is * Is48.20. * Is52.11. Je * Je50.8. ▶ Je51.6, Je51.9, Je51.45, Je51.50. Zc * Zec2.6, Zec2.7. Mt Mt24.15, Mt24.16. Lk Lk12.51. 2 Co +* 2Co6.17. * 2Co7.1. 1 Ti + 1Ti6.5 (T#177). Ju * Jud23. partakers. Ps Ps50.18. Mt Mt23.30. 1 Ti 1Ti5.22. 2 J * 2Jn11. her plagues. Re Re15.1. 5. reached. f155:155F, Ge + Ge4.7. Ge Ge4.10. Ge18.20, Ge18.21. Ge19.13. 2 Ch 2Ch28.9. Ezr Ezr9.6. Je * Je51.9. Jon Jon1.2. remembered. f22:22C, Ge + Ge8.1. See on Re * Re16.19. Is Is47.10. 6. Reward her. Re Re13.10. Re16.5, Re16.6. Ex Ex21.23-25. Ps Ps28.4. ▶ Ps137.8. Je * Je50.15, Je50.29. Je51.24, Je51.49. 2 Ti 2Ti4.14. double unto. Ex * Ex22.4. Is +* Is40.2. Is61.7. Je Je16.18. Je17.18. Zc Zec9.12. according to. Re Re2.23. Re20.12. Re22.12. Je ▶ Je50.29. the cup. See on Re Re14.10. Re16.19. * Re17.2, Re17.4. Ps * Ps11.6. * Ps75.8. Je Je25.15, Je25.16, Je25.26. Je51.7. hath filled. Re Re14.10. 7. much she. Is Is22.12-14. Is47.1, Is47.2, * Is47.7-9. Je * Je50.31, Je50.32. Ezk Eze28.210. Zp Zep2.15. 2 Th 2Th2.4-8. lived deliciously. ver. + Re18.3. Ps * Ps73.3, Ps73.16, Ps73.20. Lk * Lk9.25. so much. Lk +* Lk12.47, Lk12.48. for she. Re Re17.18. Ps Ps10.6, Ps10.11, Ps10.13. Ps49.11. Is ▶ Is47.7. Ob Ob3. Zp Zep2.15. I sit. Ps Ps45.9. Is * Is47.5. Je Je13.18. La La1.1. a queen. Je Je7.18. * Je44.17. Ac Ac8.27. no widow. f175:175B, Ge + Ge21.16. Is Is47.7, Is47.8. La La1.1. 8. shall her plagues. ver. Re18.10, Re18.17, Re18.19. Ex Ex9.14. Is * Is47.9-11. Je Je51.6. death. Re Re6.8. and she. ver. Re18.9. Re 17:+ Re17.16, 19. * Re19.3. Je Je51.58. for strong. Re Re11.17. Re15.1. Jb Job9.19. Ps Ps2.1-5, Ps2.9. Ps62.11. * Ps89.8, Ps89.13. Is Is27.1. Je * Je50.31, ▶ Je50.34, 54-56. Ezk Eze16.59. Am Am3.6. 1 Co 1Co10.22. 9. the kings. ver. Re18.3, Re18.7. Re Re17.2, Re17.12, Re17.13. Ps Ps2.2. ▶ Ps48.4, LXX. Is Is23.14. Ezk Eze26.16, Eze26.17. ▶ Eze27.33. committed fornication. Is ▶ Is23.17. lived deliciously. ver. + Re18.3. shall bewail. ver. Re18.20. Ps Ps58.10. Je * Je50.46. Ezk ▶ Eze26.16, Eze26.17. 27:▶ Eze27.30, Eze27.35. Eze32.9, Eze32.10. Da Da4.14. Zc Zec11.2, Zec11.3. the smoke. ver. Re18.18. Re + Re14.11. Re19.3. Ge * Ge19.28. Dt Dt29.23. Is Is13.19. Is30.33. Is34.9, Is34.10. Je Je50.40. Je51.31, Je51.32. Ju * Jud7. 10. Standing afar. ver. Re18.15, Re18.17. Nu Nu16.34. Alas. ver. Re18.16, Re18.19. Je +* Je30.7. Jl Joe1.15. Am Am5.16. that great. Re + Re14.8. Ge += Ge11.4. Is Is21.9. Ezk ▶ Eze26.17. Da ▶ Da4.30. for. See on ver. Re18.8, Re18.17, Re18.19. Re + Re17.12. Je Je51.8, Je51.9. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 347. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

11. the merchants. ver. + Re18.3, Re18.9, Re18.15, Re18.20, Re18.23. Re Re13.16, Re13.17. Is Is23.1-15. Is47.15. Ezk Eze26.17-21. Eze27.27-36▶ Eze27.36. Zp Zep1.11, Zep1.18. shall weep. Ezk ▶ Eze27.30, Eze27.31. buyeth. Pr Pr3.14. Mt Mt22.5. Jn Jn2.16. Ac Ac19.24-34. 2 P 2Pe2.3. 12. merchandise. Re Re17.4. 1 K 1Ki10.11, 1Ki10.12. Pr Pr8.10, Pr8.11. Ezk Eze27.5-25. of gold. Re + Re17.4. and. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. fine linen. ver. Re18.16. Re Re19.8, Re19.14. Est Es1.6. Es8.15. Lk Lk16.19. purple. Re Re17.4. Mk Mk15.17, Mk15.20. Jn Jn19.2, Jn19.5. Ac Ac16.14. thyine. or, sweet. 1 K 1Ki10.11. 2 Ch 2Ch2.8. 13. And. f148, Ge + Ge8.22. cinnamon. 1 K 1Ki10.10, 1Ki10.15, 1Ki10.25. 2 Ch 2Ch9.9. Pr Pr7.17. SS So1.3. So4.13, So4.14. So5.5. Am Am6.6. Jn Jn12.3-8. frankincense. Le Le2.1, Le2.2. Is Is60.6. Mt Mt2.11. fine flour. Ge Ge18.6. Nu Nu6.15. 1 S 1Sa1.24. slaves. or, bodies. Ge Ge36.6. Ex Ex21.16. Dt Dt24.7. Dt28.68. Ne Ne5.4, Ne5.5, Ne5.8. Is Is50.1. Ezk Eze27.13. Am Am2.6. Am8.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. and souls. Gr. psyche, f171:171Q, Ac + Ac2.41. Nu Nu31.35. 1 Ch 1Ch5.21. Ezk ▶ Eze27.13. 2 P 2Pe2.3, 2Pe2.9. 14. thy soul. Gr. psyche. Here psyche is the seat of appetite. f121:121A. Metonymy of Cause. For the other uses of psyche see Mt + Mt2.20n. For other instances of f121:121A, see Ge + Ge23.8. Nu Nu11.4, Nu11.34. Ps Ps78.18. Ps106.14. Ps107.9. Pr Pr6.30. Is Is5.14. Is29.8. 1 Co 1Co10.6. Ja * Jas4.2. 1 J * 1Jn2.16, 1Jn2.17. lusted after. 1 J * 1Jn2.15-17. departed. Ec Ec2.1-11. Ec5.10-17. Mt Mt6.19-24. Lk Lk12.20. Lk16.25. 15. merchants. ver. + Re18.3. Ezk ▶ Eze27.36. which. ver. Re18.3, Re18.11. Ho Ho12.7, Ho12.8. Zc Zec11.5. Mk Mk11.17. Ac Ac16.19. Ac19.24-27. shall stand. See on ver. Re18.11, Re18.17. Jg Jdg18.23, Jdg18.24. Ezk Eze27.31. Am Am5.16, Am5.17. weeping. Ezk ▶ Eze27.30, Eze27.31. 16. Alas. See on ver. Re18.10, Re18.11, Re18.19. Re Re17.4. Lk Lk16.19, etc. that great. Re + Re14.8. city. Ge += Ge11.4. clothed. Re Re17.4. fine linen. ver. + Re18.12. scarlet. ver. Re18.12. Re + Re17.4. 17. in one hour. ver. + Re18.10. Is Is47.9. Je Je51.8. La La4.6. come to nought. ver. Re18.19. Re Re17.16. Is Is13.19. Je Je49.18. Je50.40. Mt Mt7.26, Mt7.27. And every. ver. Re18.11. Is * Is23.14. Ezk * Eze27.27-36. Jon Jon1.6. Ac Ac27.11. sailors. Ezk ▶ Eze27.29. Ac Ac27.27, Ac27.30g. stood afar. ver. Re18.10, Re18.15. 18. cried. Ezk Eze27.30. when. See on ver. Re18.9. Re + Re14.11. What. ver. Re18.10. Re Re13.4. Is Is23.8, Is23.9. Je Je51.37. Ezk ▶ Eze27.30-32. this great. Re + Re14.8. 19. they cast dust. Jsh Jos7.6. 1 S 1Sa4.12. 2 S 2Sa1.2. 2Sa13.19. 2Sa15.32. Ne Ne9.1. Jb Job2.12. La La2.10. Ezk ▶ Eze27.30. weeping. See on ver. Re18.10, Re18.15, Re18.16. Ezk ▶ Eze27.31. Alas. ver. Re18.10, Re18.16. wherein. ver. + Re18.3. Ezk ▶ Eze27.36. ships. Is Is23.14. Ezk ▶ Eze27.9. the sea. Ezk ▶ Eze27.33. for. ver. Re18.8. one hour. ver. + Re18.10. desolate. ver. Re18.17. Re Re17.16. Je Je51.37, Je51.43. Ezk ▶ Eze26.19. 20. Rejoice. Re + Re12.12. Re19.1-3. Dt Dt32.43. Jg Jdg5.31. Ps Ps48.11. * Ps58.10. Ps96.11-13. Ps107.42. Ps109.28. Pr Pr11.10. Is * Is26.1, Is26.5-8. Is44.23. Is49.13. Je Je51.47, Je51.48. and ye holy. Re + Re8.3. +* Re11.18. Ep Eph2.20. Eph3.5. Eph4.11. 2 P Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 348. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

2Pe3.2. Ju Jud17. apostles. Lk Lk11.49. 1 Co + 1Co12.28. God. Re +* Re6.10. * Re19.2. Dt Dt32.42, ▶ Dt32.43. Ps Ps18.47. * Ps58.11. * Ps79.10. Ps94.1. Is Is26.21. Je Je50.15. Lk Lk11.49, Lk11.50. * Lk18.7, Lk18.8. Ro Ro12.19. 21. a mighty angel. Re Re5.2. + Re8.13g. Re10.1. took up. Je * Je51.63, Je51.64. a great millstone. Mt Mt18.6. Mk Mk9.42. Lk Lk17.2. and cast. Re * Re8.8. Jg Jdg9.53. Je ▶ Je51.63. Lk Lk17.2. Thus. Ex * Ex15.5, Ex15.6. Ne * Ne9.11. Je Je51.63, ▶ Je51.64. great city. Re + Re14.8. Da ▶ Da4.30. and shall. ver. Re18.22. Re Re12.8. Re16.20. Re20.11. Jb Job20.8. Ps Ps37.36. Ezk ▶ Eze26.21. Da Da11.19. Mt Mt24.37-39. no more. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. 22. the voice. Is Is14.11. * Is24.1, Is24.8, Is24.9. Je Je7.34. Je16.9. Je25.10. Je33.11. Ezk Eze26.13. of harpers. Re Re14.2. Re15.2. pipers. Mt Mt9.23. be heard. Ezk ▶ Eze26.13. no more. f167, Is + Is2.7. the sound. Je ▶ Je25.10n. millstone. Ec Ec12.4. Mt Mt24.41. no more. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. 23. the light. Re Re22.5. Jb Job21.17. Pr +* Pr4.18, Pr4.19. Pr24.20. Je Je25.10. the voice. See on ver. Re18.22. Ps Ps78.63. bridegroom. Mt Mt24.38. no more. f8, Ps + Ps118.1. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. thy merchants. ver. + Re18.3, Re18.11-19. Is ▶ Is23.8, Is23.9. Ezk Eze27.24, Eze27.25, Eze27.33, Eze27.34. great men. Re Re6.15g. Is Is34.12. sorceries. ver. Re18.3, Re18.9. Re + Re9.21. Re12.9. Re13.13-16. Re17.2, Re17.5. +* Re21.8. * Re22.15. 2 K 2Ki9.22. Is ▶ Is47.9. Na Na3.4. Ac Ac8.11. 24. in her. Re Re11.7. Re16.6. Re17.6. Re19.2. Je Je2.34. Ezk Eze22.9, Eze22.12, Eze22.27. Da Da7.21. Mt Mt23.27, Mt23.35, Mt23.36. Lk Lk11.47-51. Ac Ac7.52. 1 Th 1Th2.15. the blood. Ge * Ge4.10. * Ge9.6. Ps * Ps79.2, Ps79.3. Je * Je51.35. prophets. Re +* Re11.18. were slain. Re * Re6.9-11. Je *▶ Je51.49. Mt Mt23.29-38.

REVELATION 19 The apostle hears in vision all the servants of God praise him with loud acclamations, Re19.1-6. The marriage of the Lamb, Re19.7-9. John, about to worship the angel, is reproved, and forbidden, Re19.10. Christ and his followers, on white horses, are seen obtaining great and decisive victories, and utterly destroying all opposers, especially the beast and the false prophet and their adherents, who are cast alive into a lake of fire and brimstone, Re19.11-21. 1. after. See on Re ch. 18. I heard. ver. Re19.6. Re +* Re11.15. Re18.20. saying. Ps Ps66.1, Ps66.3-5, Ps66.8. Alleluia. ver. Re19.3, Re19.4, Re19.6. Ps +* Ps68.4. ▶ Ps104.35. Ps105.45. Ps106.1, Ps106.48. Ps111.1. Ps112.1. Ps113.1, Ps113.9. Ps115.18. Ps116.19. Ps117.2. Ps135.1, Ps135.3, Ps135.21. Ps146.1, Ps146.10. Ps147.1, Ps147.20. Ps148.1, Ps148.14. Ps149.1, Ps149.9. Ps150.1mg, Ps150.6. Salvation. Re Re4.10, Re4.11. Re5.9-13. 7:+ Re7.10-1212. Re11.15. Re12.10. 1 Ch 1Ch29.11. Ps Ps3.8. Is Is12.2. Jon Jon2.9. Mt +* Mt6.13. 1 Ti 1Ti1.16, 1Ti1.17. glory. Re + Re4.9. honor. Re + Re4.9. Jn +* Jn5.23. power. Re + Re4.11. Ps Ps62.11. 2. true. See on Re Re15.3. + Re16.7. Dt Dt32.4. Ps ▶ Ps19.9. ▶ Ps119.137. Is Is25.1. and righteous. Re Re16.5-7. Ge +* Ge18.25. Ps Ps58.11. Ps145.17. Is Is45.21. judged. Re + Re6.10. Re17.1, Re17.2, Re17.15, Re17.16. Re18.3, Re18.9, Re18.10, * Re18.20, Re18.23. the great. Re Re14.8. 17:+ Re17.1, Re17.6, Re17.15. and hath avenged. See on Re +* Re6.10. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 349. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re16.6. Re18.20, Re18.24. Dt Dt32.35, ▶ Dt32.43. 2 K ▶ 2Ki9.7. Ps Ps149.1, Ps149.7-9. his servants. Re + Re7.3. hand. f144:144A, Ge + Ge9.5. 3. Alleluia. See on ver. Re19.1. Re + Re14.11. Ps ▶ Ps104.35. And her smoke. See on Re Re14.11. Re18.9, Re18.18. Ge Ge19.28. Is ▶ Is34.10. He Heb12.29. Ju Jud7. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. 4. the four and. Re 4:+ Re4.4-1010. Re5.8-11, Re5.14. Re11.15, Re11.16. Re15.7. four beasts. Re 4:+ Re4.6, Re4.8. fell down. Re + Re4.10. that sat. Re + Re4.2. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. Amen. Re Re5.14. Re7.12. 1 Ch 1Ch16.36. Ne Ne5.13. Ne8.6. Ps Ps41.13. Ps72.19. Ps89.52. Ps106.48. Je Je28.6. Mt +* Mt6.13. Mt28.20. 1 Co + 1Co14.16. Alleluia. See on ver. Re19.1. 5. a voice. Re Re7.15. Re11.19. Re16.17. Praise. Ps * Ps50.1, Ps50.14, Ps50.23. Ps103.20-22. Ps113.1. Ps134.1. Ps135.1, Ps135.19, Ps135.20. Ps148.11-13. Ps150.6. Zc Zec4.7. our God. Ps * Ps22.22, Ps22.23, Ps22.25. Jn Jn20.17. He * Heb2.11-13. Heb5.6. Heb8.1. all ye. Ps Ps148.11, Ps148.12. his servants. Ps ▶ Ps134.1. ▶ Ps135.1. that fear. Re +* Re11.18. Ac + Ac10.2. both small. See on Re +*11:28. Re20.12. 6. voice of a great. ver. Re19.1. Da ▶ Da10.6. and as the voice of many waters. Re + Re1.15. * Re14.2. Ezk ▶ Eze1.24. *▶ Eze43.2. Jn +* Jn3.23. and as the voice of mighty. Re Re4.5. + Re6.1. Re8.5. 40:19. Jb Job40.9. Ps Ps29.3-9. Ps77.18. Alleluia. ver. Re19.1. Ps ▶ Ps104.35. for. Re * Re11.15-18. Re12.10. Re21.22. Ps Ps47.2, Ps47.7. Ps93.1. Ps97.1, Ps97.12. Ps99.1. Is Is52.7. Mt +* Mt6.13. the Lord God. Re + Re4.8. omnipotent. T#218. Re +* Re1.8. Re11.17. Ge Ge17.1. Ge18.14. 1 Ch * 1Ch29.11. 2 Ch 2Ch20.6. Jb Job9.12. +* Job42.2. Is +* Is40.12. Is43.13. Je * Je32.17-19, Je32.27. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. Mt * Mt19.26. +* Mt28.19. Mk Mk10.27. Lk Lk1.37. Ro + Ro9.18 (T#234). +*15:19. 1 Co + 1Co1.24 (T#76-5). 2 Co + 2Co9.8 (T#588). He + Heb11.3 (T#259). 1 P 1Pe1.5. reigneth. Re * Re11.15, Re11.17. Ps ▶ Ps93.1. Ps96.10. Ps97.1. ▶ Ps99.1. Ps146.10. Is Is52.7. 7. be glad. Dt Dt32.43. 1 S 1Sa2.1. Ps Ps9.14. Ps48.11. Ps95.1-3. Ps100.1, Ps100.2. Ps107.42. Pr Pr29.2. Is * Is25.9. Is66.10, Is66.14. Zc * Zec9.9. Jn Jn3.29. Ph Php3.3. and rejoice. Mt +* Mt5.12. 1 P 1Pe4.13g. give honor. Re + Re11.13. the marriage. ver. Re19.9. Re Re21.2, Re21.9. Ps Ps45.10-16. SS So3.11. So5.9-16. Is Is4.5. ◐ Is54.5-8. ◐ Is62.4, Is62.5. Je ◐ Je3.14. Ho ◐ Ho2.16, Ho2.19, Ho2.20. Mt Mt22.2. Mt25.1-13. Lk Lk12.36. Lk14.8. Jn Jn2.1. 2 Co 2Co11.2. Ep Eph5.22-32. and his wife. Re * Re21.2, Re21.9. SS So7.1-5. Is Is52.1. 54:+* Is54.1, Is54.5. Ezk Eze16.8. Ho * Ho2.16, Ho2.19, Ho2.20. Zp Zep3.17. 2 Co 2Co11.2. Ep Eph5.25-27. ready. Ro Ro8.19-23. Ep Eph1.6. Col ◐ Col1.10, Col1.12, Col1.28. 8. to her. Re Re3.4, Re3.5, Re3.18. Ps * Ps45.13, Ps45.14. Is * Is61.10. Ezk Eze16.10. Mt Mt22.12. Ro Ro3.22. Ro13.14. Ep * Eph5.26, Eph5.27. fine linen. ver. Re19.14. Re + Re18.12. Pr Pr31.24. Is * Is52.1. Ezk = Eze44.17. Zc * Zec3.4. clean and. ver. Re19.14. Re Re4.4. white. or, bright. Re Re15.6. Mt Mt17.2. Mk Mk9.3. Lk Lk24.4. Ac Ac1.10. the fine. Re Re7.13, Re7.14. Ps Ps132.9. the righteousness. Re Re7.14. +* Re15.4. Ps Ps132.9. Is Is61.10. Lk Lk1.6g. Ro Ro1.32. Ro2.26. Ro3.21-28. Ro5.16, Ro5.18g. Ro8.4g. He Heb9.1, Heb9.10g. saints. Re + Re8.3. 9. Write. Re + Re1.19. Re2.1, Re2.8, Re2.12, Re2.18. Re3.1, Re3.7, Re3.14. Re10.4. Re14.13. Is Is8.1. Hab Hab2.2. Blessed. f43, Dt + Dt28.3. See on ver. Re19.7, Re19.8. Re +* Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 350. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re1.3. + Re14.13. Re16.15. Re20.6. Re22.7, Re22.14. SS * So1.4. are called. Ps Ps45.14. Jn Jn3.29. marriage supper. Re * Re3.20. SS So2.4. Is * Is25.6-9. Mt Mt9.15. * Mt22.2-4. Lk * Lk14.15-17. Lk22.15-18, Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Ac +* Ac3.19. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. he saith. Re Re17.1. These. ver. Re19.11. Re Re21.5. Re22.6. 1 Ti 1Ti1.15. 1Ti4.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.11. Ti Tt3.8. 10. I fell. Re Re1.17, Re1.18. Re22.8, Re22.9. Jsh ◐ Jos5.14. Mk Mk5.22. Mk7.25. Lk Lk5.8, Lk5.10. Ac Ac10.25, Ac10.26. Ac14.11-15. 1 J 1Jn5.21. to worship. When used with the Dative case this Greek word means to worship with divine honor (Re Re4.10. Re5.14. Re7.11. Re11.16. Re14.7. Re19.4, Re19.10, Re19.10. Re22.9). When followed by the accusative case it means merely to do homage or obeisance to another, as from man to man. This shows that divine worship will be actually offered to the Beast (13:4, 4, 15. 16:2. 19:20); though the Accusative case is also used of the worship of the Beast (Re Re9.20. Re13.8, Re13.12. Re14.9, Re14.11. Re20.4). In the other passages where proskuneo occurs the case is not shown on account of some other part of speech being used with the verb (E. W. Bullinger, Apocalypse, pp. 594, 595). Mt ◐+* Mt14.33. He ◐ Heb1.6. See. 2 Co 2Co8.7. Ep Eph5.15, Eph5.33. 1 Th 1Th5.15. He Heb12.25. do it not. Ex +* Ex34.14. Ac * Ac10.25, + Ac10.26. I am. Re Re5.9n. Ps Ps103.20, Ps103.21. Da Da7.10. Lk Lk1.19. He * Heb1.14. that have. Re Re12.17. 1 J + 1Jn5.10. the testimony. See on Re 1:+ Re1.2, Re1.9. Re12.11, Re12.17. Re22.9. 1 J 1Jn5.10. worship God. Re Re4.10. ✓ Re5.8, Re5.12n, Re5.13. Re14.7. * Re15.4. Ex Ex34.14. 2 K 2Ki17.36. Ps Ps45.11. Da Da3.14. Mt +* Mt4.10. Jn * Jn4.22-24. Ph Php3.3. for the. Lk * Lk24.25-27, Lk24.44. Jn +* Jn5.39. Ac Ac3.12-18. +* Ac10.43. Ac13.27. Ro Ro3.21, Ro3.22. 1 P * 1Pe1.10-12. 2 P * 2Pe1.19-21. of. f181:181E, Ge + Ge3.24. spirit. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Mt + Mt5.3n. Jsh Jos5.13-15. Zc Zec12.10. of prophecy. Re + Re11.3. Is +* Is9.6. Mi +* Mic5.2. 11. heaven. See on Re Re4.1. Re11.19. Re15.5. Jn + Jn1.51. opened. Ezk ▶ Eze1.1. a white. ver. Re19.19, Re19.21. See on Re ◐ Re6.2. Zc Zec1.8. Zec6.3. he that. f105, Ml + Mal4.2. Faithful. ver. Re19.9. Re + Re1.5. Re3.7, Re3.14. Jn ✓ Jn14.6. and in righteousness. Re Re15.3-7. Ps * Ps45.3-7. Ps50.6. Ps72.2-4. * Ps96.13. Ps98.9. Ps99.4. Pr Pr16.12. Is * Is11.3-5. Is32.1. Is45.21. Is63.1-5. Je +* Je23.5, Je23.6. Je33.15. Zc * Zec9.9, Zec9.10. He Heb7.1, Heb7.2. doth he judge. Ps Ps50.2, Ps50.3. +* Ps94.15. ▶ Ps96.13. Ps110.1, Ps110.2. Is * Is16.5. Is28.5, Is28.6. * Is61.2. Je * Je5.26, Je5.27. Mt * Mt24.30, Mt24.31. Ac Ac24.10n. make war. Zc Zec14.1-4. 12. eyes. See on Re * Re1.14. * Re2.18. Da ▶ Da10.6. Ml * Mal3.2. on his. Re Re6.2. + Re12.3. Re13.1. Ps Ps8.5. * Ps21.3. Ps132.18. SS So3.11. Is Is62.3. Zc Zec9.16. Mt Mt21.5. Mt28.18. He Heb2.9. a name. ver. Re19.16. Re * Re2.17. * Re3.12. Ge Ge32.29. Ex Ex23.21. Jg Jdg13.18. Is +* Is9.6. Mt +* Mt11.27. Lk Lk10.22. Ph * Php2.8-11. no man knew. Re Re2.17. Re14.3. Pr Pr30.4. 13. clothed. ver. Re19.16. Re Re14.20. Ps Ps58.10. Is Is9.5. Is34.3-8. * Is59.16-18. ✓ Is63.1-6. dipped. Gr. bapto, Lk + Lk16.24. Le Le14.51. Is Is44.3. * Is63.3. Ezk Eze36.25. Lk * Lk19.27. Jn Jn13.26g. Ac +* Ac1.5. He +* Heb6.2. his name. Jn Jn14.7-11. Ro Ro13.14. Ep Eph6.17. He * Heb1.3. The Word. Ps Ps33.6. * Ps138.2. See on Jn +* Jn1.1, Jn1.14. Jn12.48. He Heb11.3. 1 P 1Pe1.23. 2 P 2Pe3.5-7. 1 J 1Jn1.1. * 1Jn5.7.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 351. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

14. the armies. Re Re14.1, Re14.20. Re17.14. Dt +* Dt33.2. 2 K 2Ki6.17. Ps Ps68.17. +* Ps149.6-9. Hab +* Hab3.16. Zc * Zec14.5. Mt Mt16.27. Mt24.30, Mt24.31. * Mt25.31. Mt26.53. 2 Th +* 2Th1.7. Ju * Jud14, Jud15. in heaven. Re Re7.9. white horses. See on ver. Re19.11. Zc Zec1.8. Zec6.2-7. clothed. See on ver. Re19.8. Re Re4.4. Re7.9. Is ◐ Is64.6. Mt ◐ Mt22.11-14. Mt28.3. white and. ver. Re19.8. Re + Re3.4. Re15.6. 15. out. ver. Re19.21. Re + Re1.16. Re2.12, Re2.16. Nu Nu24.17, Nu24.19. Is * Is11.4. +* Is30.33. 2 Th + 2Th2.8. sword. Ep * Eph6.17. He * Heb4.12. smite. Is ▶ Is11.4. and he shall rule. Re + Re2.27. Re12.5. Ps Ps2.9. rod of iron. Re Re2.27. +* Re12.5n. Ps ▶ Ps2.9. Da Da2.44. and he treadeth. Re Re14.17-20. Is * Is63.2-6. winepress. Re Re14.14-20. Jl ▶ Joe3.13. and wrath. Re +* Re6.16. 14:+ Re14.10, Re14.14-16. Is * Is63.1-6. Almighty. Re + Re1.8. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. 16. on his vesture. ver. Re19.12, Re19.13. King. f147:147H, Ge + Ge9.25. Re * Re11.15. + Re17.14. Ps +* Ps22.28. Ps45.6. * Ps47.7, Ps47.8. Ps72.11. Ps138.4, Ps138.5. Pr Pr8.15, Pr8.16. Is +* Is9.6, Is9.7. Is40.9, Is40.10. Da Da2.47. 1 Co 1Co15.24, 1Co15.25. Ph * Php2.911. 1 Ti 1Ti6.15. He Heb1.8. Lord of. f147:147H, Ge + Ge9.25. Dt ▶ Dt10.17. Ps * Ps136.3. Da ▶ Da2.47. Ac +* Ac10.36. 17. an angel. Re + Re8.13g. Re14.6. Is Is34.1-8. saying. ver. Re19.21. Is * Is56.9. Je Je12.9. Ezk 39:▶ Eze39.17-2020. fly in the midst. Re Re8.13. Re14.6. Come and. 1 S 1Sa17.44, 1Sa17.46. Is Is18.6. Je Je12.9. Ezk Eze39.17. Mt +* Mt24.28. the supper. Is Is34.6. Je Je46.10. Ezk * Eze39.19. 18. ye. Re Re17.16. Dt Dt28.26. 1 S * 1Sa17.44, 1Sa17.46. Ps Ps110.5, Ps110.6. Is Is34.58. Je Je7.33. Je16.4. Je19.7. Je34.20. Ezk Eze29.5. *39:▶ Eze39.18-2020. Mt +* Mt24.28. Lk * Lk17.37. captains. Or, military tribunes. Gr. chiliarchs. ❅S#5506g. Re + Re6.15. Mk Mk6.21. Jn Jn18.12. Ac Ac21.31, Ac21.32, Ac21.33, Ac21.37. Ac22.24, Ac22.26, Ac22.27, Ac22.28, Ac22.29. Ac23.10, Ac23.15, Ac23.17, Ac23.18, Ac23.19, Ac23.22. Ac24.7, Ac24.22. Ac25.23. of mighty. Ezk ▶ Eze39.20. of all. Re Re6.15. Re13.16. free. Re Re6.15. Re13.16. small and. Re + Re11.18. 19. I saw. Re Re13.1-10. Re14.9. 16:+ Re16.14, Re16.16. the beast. Re Re11.7. Re13.1. kings of. Ps ▶ Ps2.2. gathered. Re * Re16.12-16. Re17.12-14. Re18.9. Ps * Ps2.1-3. Ps110.5, Ps110.6. Is * Is8.9, Is8.10. * Is13.4. Ezk * Eze38.8-18. Da Da7.21-24. Da8.25. Da11.40-45. Jl Joe3.9-14. Zp * Zep3.8. Zc * Zec14.1-3. Ac Ac4.26. 2 Th 2Th2.9-12. against him. See on ver. Re19.11-14. 20. the beast. ver. Re19.19. Re Re13.1-8, Re13.18. + Re16.13. * Re17.3-8, Re17.12. Is Is27.1. Da Da2.40-45. Da7.7, Da7.12-14, Da7.19-21, Da7.23. the false. Re * Re13.11-17. Re16.13, Re16.14. ✓ Re20.10. * Re22.15. 1 K 1Ki18.40. 2 K 2Ki10.18-28. Da * Da7.8-11, Da7.24-26. Da8.24, Da8.26. 2 Th * 2Th2.8-11. that wrought miracles. Re + Re13.13. + Re16.14. before him. Re Re13.14. the mark. Re Re20.4. Ga + Ga6.17n. worshipped. Re + Re13.15. his image. Re + Re13.14. were cast. Re Re20.10, Re20.14. Ps Ps21.8, Ps21.9, Ps21.11, Ps21.12. Da Da7.11. Da11.45. alive. Re Re20.10. Mt +* Mt10.28. lake of fire. Is +* Is66.24. Mt +* Mt25.41. 2 Th + 2Th1.8. burning. Re Re14.10. +* Re21.8. Ge Ge19.24. Dt Dt29.23. Jb Job18.15. * Job31.3. Ps Ps11.6. Is +* Is30.33. Is34.9. Ezk Eze38.22. brimstone. Re + Re9.17. Ge ▶ Ge19.24. Ps +* Ps11.6. Is ▶ Is30.33. Ezk ▶ Eze38.22. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 352. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

21. the remnant. ver. Re19.11-15. Re Re1.16. 1 K ◐ 1Ki19.18. Is ◐ Is10.20-22. Zc ◐ Zec13.8, Zec13.9. Ro ◐ Ro9.27. were slain. Re * Re14.14-20. Dt +* Dt32.39. Jg * Jdg5.31. Ps Ps119.119. * Ps139.19. Is * Is34.1-3. He Heb10.31, Heb10.35-39. out of his. ver. Re19.15. Re + Re1.16. Lk Lk4.22. and all. ver. Re19.17, Re19.18. Re Re17.16. the fowls. Ezk ▶ Eze39.17, Eze39.20.

REVELATION 20 An angel binds Satan, and imprisons him in the abyss, for a thousand years, Re20.1-3. The reign of Christ with his saints commences during the time Satan is bound, until the resurrection of the rest of the dead at the end of the thousand years, Re20.4-6. Satan, being loosed, again deceives the nations, Gog and Magog, and excites terrible war against the saints, Re20.7" Re20.8 }. The assailants are destroyed by fire from heaven, and Satan cast into hell, Re20.9" Re20.10 }. Christ raises the rest of the dead to final judgment, with the condemnation and punishment in the lake of fire of all who are not written in the book of life, Re20.11-15. 1. I saw. Re + Re10.1. Re18.1. from heaven. 1 Co 1Co15.47. having. Re ◐+ Re1.18. * Re3.7. Re9.1, Re9.2. Lk Lk8.31. bottomless pit. Re + Re9.1. a great. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Ju * Jud6. chain. 2 K 2Ki25.7. 2. he laid. Ge +* Ge3.15. Is Is27.1. Is49.24, Is49.25. Mt * Mt8.29. Mt12.29. Mk Mk5.7. Lk * Lk8.30, Lk8.31. * Lk11.20-22. Jn * Jn12.31. Jn16.11. Ro * Ro16.20. He * Heb2.14. the dragon. See on Re Re9.11. *12:+ Re12.3, Re12.9, Re12.13, Re12.15, Re12.17. Re13.2, Re13.4. Jb Job1.7. Job2.1, Job2.2. Ps Ps91.13. 1 P 1Pe5.8. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Ju Jud6. serpent. Re + Re12.9. Ge ▶ Ge3.1. the Devil. Re Re12.9. and Satan. Re + Re2.9. Zc ▶ Zec3.1. bound him. f63:63H, Ge + Ge12.15. Supply by ellipsis, (and kept him bound). This binding is yet future; the Apostle Peter authoritatively declares some years after the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord that Satan goeth about, seeking whom he may devour (1 P 1Pe5.8), so there is no sense in which Satan can be said to have been literally bound then as he will be in the future as described in this prophecy. Is ✓ Is24.22. 2 P 2Pe2.4. Ju Jud6. a thousand years. Nathaniel West, a great prophetic scholar in America from the nineteenth century, notes that it is “due to the superficial knowledge of so many in our day...that they have not their study of the Scriptures” that “ ‘the 1000 years’ of John are found in the Old Testament prophets,” “but still keep harping on the old and tuneless string that ‘the Millennium is found in only one passage of the Bible, and that in a very obscure book called the Apocalypse!’ ” (The Thousand Years in Both Testaments, p. 78). Ps ◐+* Ps90.4. Is Is11.6-9. Is12.3. +* Is24.22n. Ezk Eze37.25, Eze37.26, Eze37.28. Ho Ho3.3-5. 3. cast. See on ver. Re20.1. Re Re17.8. and shut him. Jb Job38.1, Job38.8, Job38.11. Is Is24.21, ✓ Is24.22, Is24.23. Is27.1. and set. Da Da6.17. Da12.4. Mt Mt27.66. that he. 1 P 1Pe5.8. should deceive. ver. Re20.8, Re20.10. Re Re12.9. Re13.14. Re16.14-16. Re17.2. Mt Mt24.24. 2 Co * 2Co11.3, 2Co11.13-15. 2 Th * 2Th2.9-11. the thousand. Ps Ps90.4. Is Is14.7. 2 P 2Pe3.8. and after. ver. Re20.7-10. 4. thrones. Ps ✓ Ps49.14. ✓ Ps122.5. Is Is31.8, Is31.9. Is32.1-4. Da *7:▶ Da7.9, Da7.10, Da7.18, * Da7.22, Da7.27. Je * Je3.17. Ezk Eze43.7. Jl * Joe3.12. Zc Zec6.13. Mt +* Mt19.28. +* Mt25.31. Lk +* Lk1.32, Lk1.33. +* Lk22.30. 1 Co +* 1Co6.2, 1Co6.3. they sat. Re Re1.4. + Re3.21. Mt +* Mt25.31. 1 Ti 1Ti5.21. judgment was given. Ps Ps94.15. +* Ps149.9. Da ▶ Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 353. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Da7.22. Ac +* Ac24.10n. 1 Co +* 1Co6.2, 1Co6.3. 2 Ti +* 2Ti4.1. the souls. Gr. psyche, Re + Re6.9. ✓ f171:171Q, Ge + Ge12.5. f121:121A, Ps + Ps16.10. These souls, once disembodied (Re Re6.9), but here clearly resurrected, for they live and reign with Christ a thousand years. Thus, this is the figure of speech Metonymy of the Cause, whereby “soul” is put for the person, f121:121A, Ps + Ps16.10. Compare f171:171Q, Ge + Ge12.5. The use of “soul” here provides no basis for asserting a spiritual, as opposed to a literal, reign or resurrection. Ps Ps49.15. Je Je2.34. Ml Mal4.5. Mt Mt17.10-13. Mk Mk9.11. Lk Lk1.17. Lk9.7-9. of them. Re +* Re6.9. Re7.13, Re7.14. beheaded. Mt Mt14.10. Mk Mk6.16, Mk6.27. Lk Lk9.9. the witness. Re Re1.9. Re6.9. *11:+ Re11.3, Re11.7. +* Re12.11. for the word. Re + Re1.2. and which. Gr. hoitines. Mt Mt5.39, Mt5.41. Mt7.24. Mt10.32, Mt10.33. Mt13.12. Mt18.4. Mk Mk8.34. Lk Lk14.27. Ga Ga5.4. Ja Jas2.10g. not worshipped. Re Re13.12-17. Re14.11. Re15.2. Re17.8. his image. Re + Re13.14, Re13.15. his mark. Re Re13.15-17. Re19.20. Ga + Ga6.17. they lived. Re Re1.18. Re2.8. Mt Mt10.39. Lk Lk15.32g. Jn Jn5.21. Jn11.25. Jn14.19. Ro Ro14.9. 2 Ti 2Ti2.11. and reigned. f93:93B, Is + Is66.11. ver. Re20.6. Re Re5.9, Re5.10. Re11.11, Re11.15. Re22.5. Ps Ps45.16. +✓ Ps149.5-9. Is * Is24.23. Da * Da2.44. * Da7.18, Da7.27. Mt Mt13.43. Mt20.21, Mt20.27. Mk Mk10.37, Mk10.43, Mk10.44. Lk Lk19.17, Lk19.19. Lk22.29. Ro Ro5.17. +* Ro8.17. Ro11.15. 2 Th 2Th1.10. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. * 2Ti4.8. with Christ. Is +* Is9.7. +* Is24.23. Je Je3.17. * Je23.5. Ezk Eze43.7. Mi * Mic4.7. Zc +* Zec14.9. Lk +* Lk1.32, Lk1.33. a thousand years. T#440. Re +* Re11.15 (T#90). 15:4. Nu * Nu14.21. Ps Ps22.27. * Ps37.11. * Ps67.4-7. Ps72.6, Ps72.7, Ps72.11. Ps82.8. Ps86.9. Is * Is2.2, Is2.4, Is2.17, Is2.20. ✓ Is24.22. Is25.6-8. Is29.18, Is29.19. Is32.1, Is32.15, Is32.16. Is33.6, Is33.24. Is45.22, Is45.23. Is49.6, Is49.8, Is49.9. Is60.18. Is65.17-23. Is66.23. Da * Da7.27. Mi * Mic4.1, Mic4.2. Hab * Hab2.14. Ml Mal1.11. Ac +✓ Ac3.19-25. Ro +* Ro11.25-27. 2 P +* 2Pe3.13n. 5. the rest. Since all of the righteous are raised during the first resurrection, these designated as “the rest of the dead” must refer to the unrighteous, who are not raised until after the first thousand years of the reign of Christ have transpired. That the resurrection of the righteous is an event distinct from the resurrection of the wicked has been shown from other Scripture (1 Th 1Th4.16n). ver. Re20.8, Re20.9. Re Re19.20, Re19.21. 1 S * 1Sa2.9. Jb ✓ Job21.30. Job27.13, Job27.19. Job40.12, Job40.13. Ps Ps49.14. Ps59.13. Pr Pr20.20. ✓ Pr21.16. Is ✓ Is24.21, Is24.22. ✓ Is26.14. Is43.17. Da +* Da12.2. Hab Hab1.12. Ml Mal3.18. the dead. Is Is65.20. lived. ver. + Re20.4. Re Re2.8. Ro Ro14.9. not. Ps * Ps31.17. Ps37.9, Ps37.20, Ps37.22, Ps37.28, Ps37.34. Ps52.5. Ps88.10-13. Ps115.17, Ps115.18. Pr Pr12.7. until. Ps +* Ps6.10. Ps59.14. * Ps109.28. This is. or, supplying the elipsis differently, This completes. Re Re11.11, Re11.15. Ezk Eze37.2-14. Ro Ro11.15. the first resurrection. f157, 1 Co + 1Co15.6. The first resurrection must not be spiritualized into the new birth experienced in this life by every believer, for such is not called a resurrection in Scripture. Many interpreters have been confused by failing to understand the meaning of “first.” “First” is here a term of priority, and the first resurrection includes all the several resurrections of the righteous dead which have occurred, many students having enumerated at least five such resurrections which are included in the “first resurrection” (see related note listing these at Re Re7.4). Re Re7.917. * Re11.18. Ps ✓ Ps49.14. Is +* Is26.19n. Ezk * Eze37.9-14. Da +* Da12.2. Ho * Ho6.2. Mt * Mt27.52, Mt27.53. Lk ✓ Lk14.14. +* Lk20.35. Jn Jn5.21, Jn5.28, Jn5.29. Jn11.24. Ac * Ac24.15. Ac26.6-8. 1 Co 1Co15.23, 1Co15.24. Ph Php3.10, Php3.11. 1 Th +* 1Th4.16n, 1Th4.17. 2 Ti 2Ti2.11, 2Ti2.12. He * Heb11.35. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 354. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

6. Blessed. f43, Dt + Dt28.3. ver. Re20.5. Re +* Re1.3. + Re14.13. Re16.15. Re19.9. Re22.7, Re22.14. Da Da12.12. Lk Lk14.15. and holy. Is Is4.3. is he. Re +* Re3.10. Re7.14. Re12.11, Re12.17. Ps +* Ps149.9. 1 Co 1Co15.51, 1Co15.52. 1 Th 1Th3.13. He ◐ Heb9.28. the first. f157, 1 Co + 1Co15.6. f96:96E, Jn + Jn1.15. Lk Lk14.14. * Lk20.35, Lk20.36. Jn Jn5.29. Alford remarks, “As regards the text itself, no legitimate treatment of it will extort what is known as the spiritual interpretation now in fashion. If, in a passage where two resurrections are mentioned, where certain persons lived at the first, and the rest of the dead only at the end of a specified period after that first—if, in such a passage, the first resurrection may be understood to mean spiritual rising with Christ, while the second means literal rising from the grave; then there is an end of significance in language, and Scripture is wiped out as a definite testimony to anything. If the first resurrection is spiritual, then so is the second, which I suppose none will be hardy enough to maintain; but if the second is literal, so is the first, which, in common with the whole primitive church and many of the best modern expositors, I do maintain, and receive as an article of faith and hope” (Cited in Peters, Theocratic Kingdom, vol. 2, p. 291, from Alford, vol. 4, p. 732). See related notes on spiritual interpretation (ver. 5. Is Is60.21n). the second. ver. Re20.14. Re Re2.11. +* Re21.8. priests. Re + Re1.6. +* Re5.10. Is *▶ Is61.6. Is66.21. Ro +* Ro12.1. 1 P * 1Pe2.5, 1Pe2.9. and shall reign. ver. + Re20.4. Re Re1.6. +* Re5.10. Da ◐* Da7.19. Ro +* Ro8.17. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. 7. when. See on ver. Re20.2. Satan. ver. Re20.2. 8. to deceive. See on ver. Re20.3, Re20.10. Is Is65.20. the nations. Is Is65.20. Zc Zec14.16-21. four quarters. Re + Re7.1. Ezk ▶ Eze7.2. Gog. i.e. roof; extension; to cover; surmount, ❅S#1136g. For ❅S# 01463h, see 1 Ch + 1Ch5.4. Ge * Ge10.2. 1 S * 1Sa2.10. Ezk ▶ Eze38.2. Eze39.1. Magog. i.e. expansion, extension, covering, ❅S#3098g. For ❅S# 04031h, see Ge + Ge10.2. Gog and Magog seem to have been anciently the name of the northern nations of Europe and Asia, as the Scythians have been since, and Tartars are at present; but this seems to refer to a different nation from that mentioned in Ezekiel, which was to come exclusively from “the north quarters,” while this comes from the “four quarters of the earth”; and the events in Ezekiel’s prophecy relate to the times previous to the Millennium, while this refers to the transactions subsequent to that period. Ezk ch. 38, 39. to gather. Re +* Re16.14. Is ✓ Is54.15, Is54.17. Hab Hab2.5. Jn Jn11.47. the number. Jg Jdg7.12. 1 S 1Sa13.5. 1 K 1Ki4.20. Is Is10.22. Je Je33.22. He + Heb11.12. as the sand. f102:102B, f138:138B, Ge + Ge13.16. 9. went up. Is Is8.7, Is8.8. Ezk * Eze38.9, Eze38.16. the breadth of. Is Is8.8. Hab ▶ Hab1.6. and compassed. 2 K 2Ki6.15. Ps Ps59.14. Mi Mic2.13. Hab Hab1.4. Hab2.5. Mt Mt16.16-18. Lk Lk19.43. Lk21.20. the camp. Ps Ps48.1-3. Ps74.2-4. Ps125.1, Ps125.2. He Heb13.11, Heb13.13. the saints. Re + Re8.3. Da ◐ Da2.44. beloved. Ps ▶ Ps78.68. ▶ Ps87.2. Ps132.13. Je ▶ Je11.15. ▶ Je12.7. city. Zc Zec8.22. and fire. Re Re11.5. + Re13.13. Ge Ge19.24. Ex Ex9.23, Ex9.24. Le Le10.2, Le10.3. Nu Nu11.1. Nu16.35. 2 K ▶ 2Ki1.10-15. Jb * Job34.20. Ps * Ps9.16. * Ps11.6. * Ps18.8. * Ps21.9, Ps21.11. Ps97.3. Ps106.18. Is +* Is30.33. Is37.36. Is51.13. Is66.16. Ezk Eze38.22. Eze39.6. Lk * Lk9.54. Lk17.29. 2 Th * 2Th1.8. 10. the devil. See on ver. Re20.2, Re20.3, Re20.8. Re * Re12.3, Re12.9. that deceived. ver. Re20.3, Re20.8. Re Re12.9. Re13.14. Re19.20. 1 Ti 1Ti2.14. cast into. ver. Re20.14, Re20.15. Re + Re19.20. Nu Nu16.31-35. the lake. ver. Re20.14, Re20.15. Re Re19.20. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 355. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

brimstone. Re + Re14.10. Ge ▶ Ge19.24. Ezk ▶ Eze38.22. where. Re Re19.20. Lk ◐+* Lk16.23. the beast. Re Re13.1, Re13.11, Re13.12. Re14.9-11. + Re16.13. Re19.20. tormented. Re Re14.10. Mt +* Mt25.41, Mt25.46. day and night. Lk + Lk18.7. for ever. Gr. aion, Re + Re1.6. lit. unto the ages of the ages, Ga + Ga1.5. Re + Re1.6. ✓ Re22.5. 11. I saw. ver. Re20.2. Re Re19.11. Ge +* Ge18.25. Ps Ps9.7, Ps9.8. Ps14.6, Ps14.7. Ps47.8. Ps89.14. Ps97.2. Mt Mt25.31. Ac Ac17.30, Ac17.31. Ro Ro2.5. throne. Re + Re4.2. Ps * Ps9.7. * Ps96.13. Da Da7.9, Da7.13, Da7.14. He +* Heb1.8. and him. Jn * Jn5.22, Jn5.27-30. that sat. Is ▶ Is6.1. Da ▶ Da7.9. from. Re Re6.14. Re16.20. Re21.1. Je Je4.23-26. Da Da2.35. Mt Mt24.35. 2 P +* 2Pe3.7, 2Pe3.10-12. whose face. Re * Re6.16. the earth. Re Re6.14. Re21.1, Re21.4. He + Heb12.27. 2 P * 2Pe3.10. fled. Re * Re6.16. Ps ▶ Ps114.3, Ps114.7. Is Is6.5. Lk Lk5.8. and there. Re Re12.8. Jb Job9.6. no place. Da *▶ Da2.35. 12. I saw. ver. Re20.11. Da +* Da12.2. Jn * Jn5.28, Jn5.29. Jn11.25, Jn11.26. Ac * Ac24.15. 1 Co 1Co15.21-23. 1 Th +* 1Th4.15-17. He Heb6.2. small. See on Re Re19.5. the great. Re + Re11.18. stand. Ro Ro14.10-12. 1 Co * 1Co4.5. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. the books. f22:22D, Da + Da7.10. Re Re17.8. Da ▶ Da7.10. and another. Re Re3.5. Re13.8. Re17.8. Re21.27. Ps ▶ Ps69.28. Da * Da12.1. Ml * Mal3.16. Lk Lk10.20. Ph Php4.3. book. f22:22D, Ex + Ex32.32. book of life. ver. Re20.15. Re + Re3.5. Re13.8. Re21.27. Ph * Php4.3. the dead. Re + Re11.18. Ro Ro14.10. 2 Co 2Co5.10. were judged. Dt Dt30.15. Je Je21.8. Mt Mt25.14, Mt25.15, Mt25.19-29. Jn ✓ Jn3.18. ✓ Jn5.24. Ro * Ro8.1. He +* Heb9.27. Ju * Jud6. according. ver. Re20.13. Re Re2.23. Re18.6. Re22.12. Ps ▶ Ps28.4. ▶ Ps62.12. Pr Pr24.12, Pr24.29. Ec Ec12.14. Je +*▶ Je17.10. Je32.19. Mt +* Mt16.27. Ro Ro2.6. 2 Co * 2Co5.10. 13. the sea. Jn * Jn5.28, Jn5.29. and death. ver. Re20.14. Re + Re1.18. Re6.8. Ho Ho13.14. 1 Co 1Co15.50-58. hell. or, the grave. Gr. hades, Mt + Mt11.23. 1 Co 1Co15.55mg. delivered up. 1 K 1Ki17.17-24. Mt Mt22.23-33. Lk Lk7.11-17. Lk8.49-56. Jn Jn11.25, Jn11.26, Jn11.43, Jn11.44. and they. See on ver. Re20.12. according. ver. Re20.12. Ps ▶ Ps28.4. 14. death. See on Re Re19.20. Jb * Job28.22. Ho * Ho13.14. 1 Co * 1Co15.26, 1Co15.53, 1Co15.54. hell. Gr. hades, Mt + Mt11.23. Mt Mt5.22, Mt5.29, Mt5.30. Mt7.21-23. were cast. T#1004‡. ver. + Re20.10. Re Re21.4. Lk Lk20.36. 1 Co 1Co15.26. This. See on ver. Re20.6. Re Re2.11. +* Re21.8. 15. whosoever. Ex * Ex32.33. Mt +* Mt7.13. Mk * Mk16.16. Jn Jn3.18, Jn3.19, Jn3.36. ✓ Jn14.6. Ac ✓ Ac4.12. He ✓ Heb2.3. Heb12.25. 1 J ✓ 1Jn5.11, 1Jn5.12. written. ver. Re20.12. Re +* Re3.5. Re13.8. Re17.8. Ps ▶ Ps69.28. Da ▶ Da12.1. Ph Php4.3. book. f22:22D, Ex + Ex32.32. was cast. ver. Re20.14. See on Re * Re19.20. Ps * Ps9.17. Pr Pr5.3-5. Pr7.27. Mt +* Mt7.13. * Mt13.40-42, Mt13.50. ✓ Mt25.41, Mt25.46. Mk * Mk9.43-48. lake. T#997‡. Re +* Re21.8. Lk + Lk12.5 (T#995‡). 2 Th * 2Th1.8, 2Th1.9.

REVELATION 21 The new heaven and the new earth, and the inheritance of overcomers, Re21.1-7. Dreadful warning of the second death for unbelievers, Re21.8. The new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven to earth, with a full description thereof, Re21.9-22. The city needs no sun, the glory of Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 356. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

God being her light, Re21.23. The redeemed dwell in the presence, light, and glory of God and the Lamb, and the kings of the earth bring their riches unto it, Re21.24-27. 1. a new heaven. ver. Re21.5. Dt ✓ Dt11.21. Is ✓65:▶ Is65.17-1919. ✓▶ Is66.22. Ep Eph1.10. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.13n. for the first. Most interpreters understand the new heaven and new earth to be postmillennial, as this description succeeds the account of the last judgment. It is necessary, however, in interpreting prophecy to take into account all that the rest of the prophets have written. If this is done, it will be seen that the new heaven and new earth are distinctly revealed to be premillennial in the only other passages which contain the prediction (Is Is65.17-19. Is66.22. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.13n). Every student of prophecy knows that there are numerous instances of prophecies given out of their chronological sequence. The order of events must be determined by a careful comparison of all the related Scripture. Many times in Scripture it will be noticed that a succeeding prophecy is really a further explanation, elaboration, and expansion of what has been mentioned on the same topic previously (this, in fact, is the fundamental feature which must be understood to discover the meaning of prophecy, and makes the study of its details by the comparison of Scripture, and a thorough induction of all related evidence, absolutely essential). Just because a prediction is mentioned in a context subsequent to another prediction, does not necessitate a corresponding chronological relationship between them. This feature, common to prophecy and history ( f107. Hysterologia, Ge + Ge10.5), is to be seen in the opening chapters of Genesis, where the account in chapter two is an expansion of what was more briefly given in chapter one. As to this feature being a negation of the evidential value of predictive prophecy, as Scott maintains at this place in his commentary, one need only consider the fact that the many predictions regarding the first advent of Christ are nowhere stated in chronological order, but their evidential value is not diminished by this circumstance. If the contrary view is insisted upon, holding that the first heaven and earth are passed away in a great conflagration which destroys all natural life, and all spiritual life continues in the new heaven and earth after the Millennium, then such a view contradicts the oath bound covenants and the promises of God that Christ will reign personally on this earth for ever upon the throne of David, for the earthly kingdom of God ruled by Christ is to last for ever, not merely one thousand years, and this earth, not some other, is to be our eternal inheritance. See related notes and references (Mt +* Mt5.5. Ac +* Ac7.5. Ro +* Ro4.13. 1 Co 1Co15.24n, 1Co15.25n, 1Co15.50n. Ep +* Eph1.11n. 2 P ✓ 2Pe3.13n). See on Re Re20.11. Ge Ge1.1. Ps * Ps102.25, Ps102.26. passed away. Mt Mt5.18. Mt24.34, Mt24.35. Mk Mk13.30, Mk13.31. Lk Lk16.17. Lk21.33. and there. Re Re13.1. Ps +* Ps65.7. Is Is27.1. Is57.20. Da Da7.3. 2. I. Re Re1.1, Re1.4, Re1.9. the holy. ver. Re21.10. Re Re3.12. Re22.19. Ps Ps48.1-3. Ps87.3. Is Is1.21. *▶ Is52.1. Je Je31.23. Mt + Mt4.5. He * Heb11.10. Heb12.22. * Heb13.14. new Jerusalem. Re + Re3.12. coming. ver. Re21.10. Re Re3.12. + Re10.1. Ga Ga4.25, Ga4.26. He * Heb11.10. prepared. Jn +* Jn14.2, Jn14.3. as a bride. See on Re *19:+ Re19.7, Re19.8. Re22.17. Ps * Ps45.9-14. SS So4.7, So4.11. So6.4. Is * Is54.5. ▶ Is61.10. Is62.4. Ho Ho2.16, Ho2.19, Ho2.20. Jn * Jn3.29. 2 Co 2Co11.2. Ep Eph5.25-27, Eph5.30-32. 3. a great. Re Re10.4, Re10.8. Re12.10. the tabernacle. ver. Re21.7. Re Re7.15. Re13.6. Le Le26.11, Le26.12. 1 K 1Ki8.27. 2 Ch 2Ch6.18. Is Is12.6. Je Je24.7. Je30.22. Je31.33. Je32.38. Ezk *▶ Eze37.27. Eze43.7. Zc Zec8.8. Jn Jn1.14. Jn14.23. Ac +* Ac15.16. 2 Co 2Co6.16. will dwell. Re + Re7.15. Ex * Ex25.8, Ex25.9. Ex29.45, Ex29.46. 1 K 1Ki6.11-13. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 357. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1Ki9.3-9. 1 Ch 1Ch17.5, 1Ch17.6. Ps * Ps68.18. Ps135.21. Ezk Eze37.23-28. * Eze48.35. Zc ▶ Zec2.10, Zec2.11. * Zec8.3. Jn Jn1.14. with them. Re Re22.3. Is ▶ Is8.8, LXX. w Mt Mt1.23. Jn Jn14.3, Jn14.23. 1 Co 1Co1.9. 1 J 1Jn1.3. they shall. ver. Re21.7. See on Ge Ge17.7, Ge17.8. Je Je31.33. Je32.38. Zc Zec13.9. 2 Co 2Co6.18. He Heb8.10. Heb11.16. God himself. Zc Zec8.8. their God. ver. Re21.7. Re Re7.15. Ge +* Ge17.7. Ge28.13. Ex Ex6.7. Ex19.5, Ex19.6. * Ex29.45. Le * Le26.12. Is Is25.9. Ezk Eze11.20. Eze14.11. +* Eze34.24, Eze34.30. * Eze36.28. * Eze37.23, Eze37.27. Zc * Zec8.8. 2 Co * 2Co6.16, 2Co6.18. He * Heb8.10. 4. God shall wipe. Re + Re7.17. Ps Ps23.2. Is +*▶ Is25.8. Je +*31:▶ Je31.16, Je31.17. all tears. Mt Mt8.12. no more death. Re + Re20.14. Re22.3. 2 K = 2Ki2.21. Is +* Is25.8. Ho * Ho13.14. Lk +* Lk20.36. 1 Co ✓ 1Co15.26, 1Co15.54-58. 2 Ti * 2Ti1.10. He +* Heb2.14, Heb2.15. neither sorrow. T#858. Is Is30.19. +* Is35.10. Is51.11. * Is60.20. Is61.3. * Is65.18, Is65.19. Je * Je31.13. Mt Mt6.20. Ju +* Jud24. nor crying. Ps Ps30.11. Is ▶ Is65.19. pain. Is Is33.24. the former. ver. Re21.1. Re + Re20.11. Ps Ps144.4. Is ▶ Is65.17. Mt Mt24.35. 1 Co 1Co7.31. 2 Co ✓ 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. 2Co6.17. 2 P +* 2Pe3.10. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.17. 5. that sat. Re 4:+ Re4.2, Re4.9. Re5.1. Re20.11. Ps ▶ Ps47.8. Is ▶ Is6.1. Behold. Is Is42.9. ▶ Is43.19. * Is64.4. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9. 2 Co + 2Co5.17. Write. See on Re Re1.11, + Re1.19. these words. See on Re Re19.9. Re22.6. Ps * Ps119.89, Ps119.90. Mt * Mt24.35. 1 P 1Pe1.23, 1Pe1.25. true and. Re Re3.14. Re19.11. faithful. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.15. 6. It is. Re + Re10.6. See on 16:17. Ezk +* Eze39.8. Jn Jn19.30. Ac +* Ac3.21. I am Alpha. Re 1:+ Re1.8, Re1.11, Re1.17. Re22.13, Re22.16. the beginning. Re +* Re3.14. I will. Re Re7.17. Re22.1, Re22.17. Ps Ps87.7. Is Is12.3. +*55:▶ Is55.1-33. Jn 4:+▶ Jn4.10, Jn4.14. Jn7.37, Jn7.38. the fountain. Re * Re7.17. Ps +* Ps16.11. * Ps36.8, Ps36.9. Je Je2.13. Jl Joe3.18. water of life. Zc ▶ Zec14.8. freely. Ho Ho14.4. Mt Mt10.8g. Ro Ro3.24. * Ro8.32. 1 Co 1Co2.12. 1Co3.5, 1Co3.12, 1Co3.21. 1 J 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5. 7. overcometh. Re 2:+ Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.25. shall inherit. 1 S 1Sa2.8. Pr Pr3.35. Is Is65.9. Mt Mt19.29. +* Mt25.34. Mk Mk10.17. Lk +* Lk22.29, Lk22.30. Ro +* Ro8.17. 1 Co * 1Co3.21-23. Ep +* Eph1.11n. 1 P 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. 1Pe3.9. all things. or, these things. Is Is64.4. Mt * Mt6.33. Mk +* Mk10.29, Mk10.30. Ro ✓ Ro8.32. 1 Co ✓ 1Co2.9. Ep Eph1.22. and I. See on ver. + Re21.3. Zc Zec8.8. Ro Ro8.15-17. He Heb8.10. 1 J 1Jn3.1-3. will be. 2 S ▶ 2Sa7.14. Ps ▶ Ps89.26. his God. ver. Re21.3. Ge +* Ge17.7. Jb Job19.26. Ps Ps45.6. Is Is25.9. Is52.7. Jn +* Jn1.1. +* Jn20.28. Ro +* Ro9.5. 2 Co 2Co5.19. Col * Col2.8, Col2.9. 1 Ti 1Ti3.16. Ti * Tt2.13. He +* Heb1.8. 2 P 2Pe1.1. Ju Jud4. my son. Je * Je3.19. Jn ✓ Jn1.12. Ro + Ro8.14. 2 Co + 2Co6.18. Ga +* Ga4.7n. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.1, 1Jn3.2. 8. the fearful. Dt Dt20.8. Jg * Jdg7.3. 1 S * 1Sa15.24. Is Is51.12. Is57.11. Mt Mt8.26. +* Mt10.28. ✓ Mt25.25. Mk Mk4.40g. Lk * Lk12.4-9. * Lk19.21. Jn Jn12.42, Jn12.43. 2 Ti ◐+* 2Ti1.7. 1 P 1Pe3.14, 1Pe3.15. 1 J 1Jn5.4, 1Jn5.5, 1Jn5.10. unbelieving. Mt Mt11.20-24. Lk +* Lk8.13. Lk12.46g. Jn ✓ Jn3.36. 2 Th * 2Th2.12. Ti * Tt1.15. 1 J * 1Jn5.10. abominable. ver. Re21.27. Re + Re17.4. Re22.15. Le * Le18.22, Le18.26, Le18.27, Le18.29, Le18.30. Ho Ho9.10g. Ml +* Mal3.5. 1 Co +✓ 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. Ga +* Ga5.19-21. Ep * Eph5.5, Eph5.6, Eph5.12. 1 Ti 1Ti1.9, 1Ti1.10. Ti * Tt1.16. He Heb10.26. Heb12.24. Heb13.4. 1 J 3:+* 1Jn3.8, 1Jn3.15. murderers. Re + Re9.21. Re22.15. 1 J +* 1Jn3.15. whoremongers. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9. sorcerers. Re + Re9.21. Le * Le19.31. Ac Ac8.9-21. Ac16.16, etc. and idolaters. Re + Re22.15. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 358. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Ezk +* Eze14.3. 1 Co 1Co10.20, 1Co10.21. and all liars. ver. Re21.27. Re Re2.2. Ge +* Ge27.19. Ps Ps4.2. Ps5.6. Pr Pr19.5, Pr19.9. Is Is9.15. Jn * Jn8.44. 2 Th 2Th2.9. 1 Ti 1Ti1.10. 1Ti4.2. 1 J 1Jn2.22. the lake. Re + Re19.20. Re20.6, Re20.14, Re20.15. burneth with. Ge ▶ Ge19.24. Is ▶ Is30.33. Ezk ▶ Eze38.22. fire. Lk +* Lk16.23, Lk16.24. which is. See on Re Re20.14. 9. one of. Re Re17.1. the seven angels. Re + Re15.1. which had. Re Re15.1-7. Re16.1-17. seven vials. Re + Re15.7. seven last. Le ▶ Le26.21. Come. Re Re22.17. the Lamb’s. See on ver. Re21.2. Re + Re5.6. +* Re19.7. 10. he carried. Re + Re1.10. Re4.2. Re17.3. 1 K 1Ki18.12. 2 K 2Ki2.16. Ezk Eze3.14. Eze8.3. Eze11.1, Eze11.24. ▶ Eze40.1-3. Eze43.5. Mt ◐ Mt4.8. Ac Ac8.39. 2 Co 2Co12.2-4. spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. f121:121A, Ezk Eze37.1. great and. Ps Ps87.1. Ezk Eze40.2. Mt Mt4.8. that. See on ver. Re21.2. Ezk ch. 40. 48:15-22. the holy. ver. + Re21.2. Is ▶ Is52.1. Jl * Joe3.17. Jerusalem. Ps Ps48.1, Ps48.2. SS * So6.4. Is * Is2.2. Zc * Zec8.3. Ga * Ga4.26. 11. the glory. ver. Re21.22, Re21.23. Re Re15.8. Re22.5. Ps Ps84.11. SS * So6.10. Is Is4.5. ▶ Is58.8. ▶ Is60.1, Is60.2, Is60.19, Is60.20. * Is62.3. Ezk Eze43.2, Eze43.4. * Eze48.35. Ml * Mal3.17. Ro + Ro3.23. her light. ver. Re21.19. Ezk Eze1.26. Eze28.13, Eze28.14, Eze28.16. Mt Mt5.14. Ph Php2.15. like unto. SS So1.10, So1.11. * So7.1. Ezk Eze16.10-13. Zc Zec9.16. jasper. ver. Re21.18, Re21.19. Re + Re4.3. clear. ver. Re21.18. Re + Re4.6. Re22.1. Jb Job28.17. Ezk Eze1.22. Ep * Eph5.27. 12. a wall. ver. Re21.17-20. Ezr Ezr9.9. Ne Ne12.27. Ps Ps51.18. Ps122.7. Is Is56.5. Is60.18. Ezk ◐ Eze38.11. had twelve. ver. Re21.21, Re21.25. Is Is54.12. Is60.18. Ezk ▶ Eze48.31-34. at the. 1 Ch 1Ch15.23, 1Ch15.24. 1Ch26.1-19. Ps * Ps84.10. gates. ver. Re21.13, Re21.15, Re21.21, Re21.25. Re Re22.14. Mt + Mt26.71. twelve angels. Ps Ps103.20, Ps103.21. Mt Mt18.10. Lk * Lk15.10. Lk16.22. He * Heb1.14. and names. Re Re7.48. Nu Nu2.2-32. Ac Ac26.7. written thereon. Ac + Ac17.23g. which are. Re Re7.4. Ezk * Eze48.31. twelve tribes. Ac + Ac26.7. Ex Ex28.15, Ex28.21. Nu Nu7.84. children of Israel. Re Re2.14. Re7.4. Ac + Ac5.21. 13. On the east. Ps * Ps48.12-14. Ezk Eze48.31-34. 14. foundations. ver. Re21.19-21. Ps Ps87.1. Is Is54.11. Ro Ro15.20. 1 Co 1Co3.10. He * Heb11.10. and in. Re Re18.20. Mt * Mt10.2-4. * Mt16.18. 1 Co 1Co3.10, 1Co3.11. Ga Ga2.9. Ep + Eph2.20. Eph3.5. Eph4.11. Ju Jud17. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. 15. a golden. See on Re Re11.1, Re11.2. Ezk ▶ Eze40.3-5. Eze41.1, etc. Zc Zec2.1. 16. four square. Ezk 11:47. ▶ Eze43.16. Eze48.20. twelve. Ezk Eze48.8-19. the length. Zc Zec2.1, Zec2.2. are equal. 1 K 1Ki6.19, 1Ki6.20. 17. an hundred and. Re * Re7.4. Re14.1, Re14.3. of a man. Re Re13.18. Dt Dt3.11. the angel. ver. Re21.9. 18. the city. Ge ◐+ Ge11.4. was of jasper. See on ver. Re21.11, Re21.19. Re + Re4.3. pure gold. ver. Re21.21. Re Re3.18. Ge Ge2.11, Ge2.12. 1 K 1Ki6.21, 1Ki6.22. Jb * Job23.10. Ps Ps45.9. Ps72.15. Is ✓ Is60.17, Is60.18. La La4.2. Zc Zec13.9. Ml Mal3.2, Mal3.3. 2 Co * 2Co4.17, 2Co4.18. 1 P 1Pe1.7. like. ver. Re21.11, Re21.21. Re + Re4.6. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 359. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

19. the foundations. Jb Job28.16-19. Pr Pr3.15. Is ▶ Is54.11, Is54.12. precious stones. Is * Is54.11, Is54.12. sapphire. Ex Ex24.10. See on Ex Ex28.17-21. Ex39.10-14. Jb Job28.6, Job28.16. SS So5.14. Is Is54.11. La La4.7. Ezk Eze1.26. Eze10.1. Eze28.13. 20. sardonyx. Sardonyx, as well as onyx, is a kind of chalcedony, generally marked with alternate stripes of white and black. Ge Ge2.12. Ex Ex39.13. Ezk Eze28.13. sardius. The sardius, or Sardine stone, is a precious stone of a blood-red color. chrysolite. The chrysolite, or gold stone, now called the Oriental topaz, is of a dusky green, with a cast of yellow, and is very beautiful. Ex Ex28.20. Ex39.13. Ezk Eze28.13. beryl. Ex Ex28.20. Ex39.13. SS So5.14. Ezk Eze1.16. Eze10.9. Eze28.13. Da Da10.6. topaz. Ex Ex28.17. Ex39.10. Jb Job28.19. Ezk Eze28.13. chrysoprasus. The chrysoprasus, which Pliny reckons among the beryls, is generally considered a kind of chalcedony, and is an extremely hard stone, of a clear and delicate applegreen color. jacinth. The jacinth, hyacinth, or ligure, is a dark orange-red variety of jargoon. Re + Re9.17. amethyst. Ex Ex28.19. Ex39.12. 21. the twelve gates. ver. + Re21.12. Re Re17.4. Mt Mt13.45, Mt13.46. pearls. Re Re17.4. Mt + Mt13.46. the street. f96:96F, Ge + Ge3.8. Re Re22.2. Am +* Am5.16n. Zc Zec8.4, Zec8.5. the city. Re Re22.14. Ge ◐+ Ge11.4. Ps Ps84.10. pure gold. ver. Re21.18. Re Re17.4. Re18.16. Re22.2. 1 K 1Ki6.20. Is Is60.17, Is60.18. as it. ver. Re21.11, Re21.18. glass. Re + Re4.6. 22. I saw. ver. Re21.4, Re21.5. 1 K 1Ki8.27. 2 Ch 2Ch2.6. * 2Ch6.18. Is * Is66.1, Is66.2. Ml * Mal1.11. Jn ✓ Jn4.21, Jn4.23, Jn4.24. no temple. 2 Ch ch. 7. Ml ◐ Mal3.1. Ac * Ac7.48-50. * Ac17.24. the Lord. See on Re +* Re1.8. + Re4.8. Re11.17. Re15.3. Re16.7, Re16.14. Re19.15. Almighty. Re + Re1.8. Am ▶ Am4.13, LXX. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. are the temple. f22:22L. Anthropomorphism B897. God is figured by things which pertain to the earth: a temple. Mt * Mt27.39, Mt27.40, Mt27.43. Mt26.61. Jn * Jn2.19-21. Jn10.30. Col Col1.19. Col2.9. He Heb9.1-12. 23. the city. ver. Re21.11. Re Re22.5. Ps * Ps87.3. * Ps102.16. Is Is4.5. Is24.23. ◐ Is30.26. * Is60.19, Is60.20. no need of. ver. Re21.25. Is Is60.19. 1 Co * 1Co13.10. for the glory. See on ver. Re21.11. Re * Re15.8. Re18.1. Nu Nu16.41, Nu16.42. 2 Ch 2Ch7.1-3. Ps Ps72.19. Ps90.16. ✓ Ps102.16. Is Is2.10, Is2.19, Is2.21. ▶ Is60.1, Is60.2. Ezk Eze1.26-28. * Eze43.5-7. Hab Hab3.3. Mt +* Mt16.27. Mk Mk8.38. Jn Jn12.41. Jn17.24. Ac Ac22.11. did lighten. Ps * Ps36.9. Col * Col1.12. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. Lk Lk2.32. Jn Jn1.4, Jn1.9, Jn1.14, Jn1.18. ✓ Jn5.23. is the light. Is ▶ Is60.19. Jn Jn1.4, Jn1.5. Jn8.12. Jn10.30. Col Col2.9. 1 J * 1Jn1.5. 24. the nations. Re Re22.2. Dt Dt32.43. Ps Ps22.27. Is Is2.2. Is52.15. Is55.5, Is55.10. ▶ Is60.11. * Is66.12, Is66.18. Je Je4.2. Zc Zec2.11. * Zec8.22, Zec8.23. Zec14.16-19. Mt Mt25.31-46. Ro Ro15.10-12. Ro16.26. saved. f100, Ge + Ge10.9. walk. Is Is2.5. Is60.3. in the light. Is * Is2.2-5. Ac * Ac13.47. the kings. Ps * Ps72.8-11. ▶ Ps89.27. Is * Is60.3-10, Is60.13. Is66.11, Is66.12. do bring. Is 60:+* Is60.5, ▶ Is60.13, Is60.16. their glory. Re + Re4.9. Ro +* Ro11.25. 25. the gates. Is * Is33.20. +*▶ Is60.11. Mi * Mic4.4. Zc * Zec14.11. for. ver. + Re21.23. Re Re22.5. Is Is60.20. Zc * Zec14.6, Zec14.7.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 360. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

26. shall bring. Mi * Mic4.13. Zc Zec14.16-21. the glory. See on ver. Re21.24. Ro +* Ro11.25. 27. there. Le Le13.46. Nu Nu5.3. Nu12.15. 2 Ch 2Ch23.19. Ps Ps101.8. Is * Is35.8. * Is52.1. +* Is60.21. Jl Joe3.17. Zc Zec14.21. Mt * Mt13.41. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. Ga * Ga5.19-21. Ep Eph5.5. He +* Heb12.14. 2 P +* 2Pe3.13. no wise enter. ver. +* Re21.8. Re Re22.14, Re22.15. 2 Ch 2Ch23.19. Is ▶ Is52.1. Ezk Eze44.9. Jn * Jn3.3. that defileth. Mk + Mk7.2. worketh abomination. See on Re Re17.4, Re17.5. Le Le18.20-30. Dt Dt12.31. Dt27.15. Is Is44.9-18. Is46.6. Je Je8.12. Je11.15. Ezk Eze7.20. Eze22.3. Eze33.26. or maketh. See on ver. +* Re21.8. Re Re22.14, Re22.15. they. See on Re +* Re3.5. + Re13.8. ◐ Re17.8. Re20.12, Re20.15. Da ▶ Da12.1. Ph * Php4.3. book of life. Ps *▶ Ps69.28.

REVELATION 22 The river of the water of life, Re22.1. The tree of life, Re22.2-4. The light of the city of God is himself, Re22.5-8. The angel attests these things to be faithful and true, and again forbids John to worship him, Re22.6-9. Christ himself shows the apostle, that the state of men would soon be unchangeably fixed, by his coming to judgment, Re22.10-12. He declares who would enter heaven, and who would be excluded, Re22.13-15. He urgently invites all who are athirst, yea all who are willing, to accept of his salvation, Re22.16" Re22.17 }. Nothing may be added to the Word of God, nor taken therefrom, Re22.16-19. The apostle desires the speedy advent of Christ; and concludes with a benediction on his readers, Re22.20" Re22.21 }. 1. a pure. Ps Ps36.8. * Ps46.4. * Ps65.9. Is Is41.18. Is48.18. Is66.12. Ezk Eze47.1-9. Jl * Joe3.18. Zc * Zec14.8. Jn * Jn7.38, Jn7.39. river of. Zc ▶ Zec14.8. water. ver. Re22.17. Re Re7.17. Re21.6. Ps Ps36.8, Ps36.9. Je Je2.13. Je17.13. Jn *4:+ Jn4.10, Jn4.11, Jn4.14. clear. See on Re Re21.11. as crystal. Re + Re4.6. proceeding. Re Re3.21. Re4.5. Re5.6, Re5.13. Re7.10, Re7.11, Re7.17. Jn Jn14.16-18. Jn15.26. Jn16.7-15. Ac Ac1.4, Ac1.5. Ac2.33. and of. ver. Re22.3. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. 2. the midst. ver. Re22.1. Re Re21.21. Ezk Eze47.1, Eze47.12. the street. Re * Re21.21. the river. Ex Ex17.6. Ezk ▶ Eze47.1, Eze47.7, Eze47.12. Zc Zec14.8, Zec14.9. Jn Jn4.13, Jn4.14. 1 Co 1Co10.4. the tree of life. Rather, the definite article not being in the original, “a tree of life”; for there were three trees; one in the street, and one on each side of the river. ver. Re22.14, Re22.19. Re + Re2.7. Ge ▶ Ge2.9, ◐ Ge2.17. 3:▶ Ge3.22-2424. Pr * Pr3.18. SS * So2.3. Ac ◐ Ac5.30. Ga ◐ Ga3.13. 1 P ◐ 1Pe2.24. fruits. SS * So7.13. the leaves. Ge ◐ Ge3.7. Mt ◐ Mt21.19. healing. Re Re21.24. Ps Ps147.3. Is Is6.10. Is57.18, Is57.19. Je Je17.14. Ezk Eze47.8-11. Ho Ho14.4. Ml Mal4.2. Lk Lk4.18. 1 P 1Pe2.24. 3. no more curse. Re Re6.15-17. Re21.4. Ge ✓ Ge3.10-19. ◐ Ge4.12. Dt Dt27.15-26. 2 K = 2Ki2.21. Jl Joe2.22. Zc ▶ Zec14.11. Mt Mt25.41. Ro ✓ Ro8.21, Ro8.22. Ga +* Ga3.13. but the throne. Re * Re7.15-17. 21:+ Re21.3, Re21.22, Re21.23. Ps +* Ps16.11. * Ps17.15. Is Is12.6. Ezk Eze48.35. Mt Mt25.21. Jn +* Jn14.3. Jn17.24. and of. ver. Re22.1. Re Re3.21. +* Re11.15. He * Heb1.3. the Lamb. Re + Re5.6. his. ver. Re22.6. Re 7:+ Re7.3, Re7.15. Jn * Jn12.26. shall be in it. Ezk * Eze48.35. shall serve. Re Re7.15. Ex Ex21.6. Jsh ◐ Jos9.22-27. Pr +* Pr22.29. Ro + Ro1.1. 1 Co 1Co7.22. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 361. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

4. they. Ezk Eze33.18-20, Eze33.23. Jb Job33.26. Ps Ps4.6. Is Is33.17. Is35.2. Is40.5. Mt +* Mt5.8. Jn Jn12.26. Jn17.24. 1 Co 1Co13.12. He +* Heb12.14. 1 J * 1Jn3.2, 1Jn3.3. shall see. T#338, 863. Ex ◐ Ex33.20, Ex33.23. Jb +* Job19.27. Ps ▶ Ps17.15. Ps36.9. Mt +* Mt5.8. Jn ◐ Jn1.18. * Jn14.23. * Jn17.22-24. 1 Co * 1Co13.12. 2 Co 2Co4.6. 1 Th 1Th4.17. He Heb1.2, Heb1.3. 1 J ✓ 1Jn3.2. his name. See on Re * Re3.12. ◐ Re13.16. * Re14.1. Ex ◐ Ex28.30. their foreheads. Re + Re7.3. ◐ Re13.16. Ex ◐ Ex28.36-38. 5. no night. Re Re18.23. See on *21:22-+25. Ps * Ps36.9. Ps84.11. Pr +* Pr4.18, Pr4.19. Is Is60.19, Is60.20. candle. Re ◐ Re18.23. neither light. Re + Re21.23. Is ▶ Is60.19. giveth them light. Re + Re21.11. Ps Ps36.9. Hab * Hab3.4. Ml * Mal4.2. Mt * Mt17.1, Mt17.2. 1 J * 1Jn1.5. shall reign. Re Re3.21. +* Re11.15. +* Re20.4. Da 7:▶ Da7.18, Da7.27. Mt Mt25.34, Mt25.36. Ro Ro5.17. 2 Ti * 2Ti2.12. 1 P 1Pe1.3, 1Pe1.4. for ever. Gr. aion, Mt + Mt6.13. lit. unto the ages of the ages, Ga + Ga1.5. Re + Re1.6. ✓ Re20.10. Ge +* Ge9.12. Da * Da7.18, Da7.22, Da7.27. 6. These. See on Re Re19.9. Re21.5. faithful and. Re Re3.14. Re19.11. Is Is11.5. 1 Ti + 1Ti1.15. Lord God of. Nu Nu16.22. the holy. or, spirits of the. Gr. pneuma, f121:121A, Lk + Lk1.17n. 1 Co 1Co14.32. prophets. Re Re18.20. Lk Lk1.70. Lk16.16. Ac Ac3.18. Ro Ro1.2. 1 Co * 1Co12.7, 1Co12.8, 1Co12.28. 1 P 1Pe1.11, 1Pe1.12. 2 P +* 2Pe1.21. 2Pe3.2. sent. See on Re Re1.1. Da Da3.28. Da6.22. Mt Mt13.41. Ac Ac12.11. 2 Th * 2Th1.7. to show. Re Re1.1. his servants. ver. + Re22.3. the things. Da ▶ Da2.28. which. ver. Re22.7. Ge Ge41.32. 1 Co 1Co7.29. 2 P 2Pe3.8, 2Pe3.9. 7. I come. ver. Re22.10, Re22.12, Re22.20. Re +* Re1.7. Re2.16. See on 3:11. Is ▶ Is40.10. Mt +* Mt24.3. Jn + Jn21.22. Ac +* Ac1.11. He Heb10.37. quickly. Re * Re3.11. Mt * Mt24.27. 2 P 2Pe3.8. blessed. f43, Dt + Dt28.3. ver. Re22.9. See on Re +* Re1.3. Re14.13. keepeth. Mt Mt23.3. Jn Jn2.5, Jn2.10. +* Jn5.39. Ac +* Ac17.11. 1 Th 1Th5.20. 2 Ti +✓ 2Ti3.16, 2Ti3.17. this book. ver. Re22.20. Ac + Ac1.20. 8. John. Re Re1.1, Re1.4, Re1.9. saw. Lk Lk1.1-4. 2 P 2Pe1.16. 1 J 1Jn1.1-3. these things. Jn Jn21.24. I fell. See on Re Re19.10, Re19.19. worship. Mt Mt4.8-10. 9. do it not. Re +* Re19.10. Ex +* Ex34.14. Dt Dt4.19. Mt ◐+* Mt14.33. Mt28.5, Mt28.17. Lk ◐* Lk24.52. Jn Jn4.23, Jn4.24. +* Jn20.28. Ac * Ac10.25, + Ac10.26. * Ac14.11-18. Col Col2.18, Col2.19. 1 J 1Jn5.21. worship God. Re Re4.10. Re9.20. Re14.7. Re15.4. Ex Ex34.14. 2 K 2Ki17.36. Ps Ps45.11. Mt * Mt4.9, + Mt4.10. Lk Lk4.7. Jn * Jn4.22, Jn4.23. 10. he saith. ver. Re22.12, Re22.13, Re22.16, Re22.20. Seal not. Re Re5.1, Re5.5. * Re10.2, ◐ Re10.4. Dt +* Dt29.29. Is +* Is8.16. Da Da8.26. ◐12:▶ Da12.4, Da12.8, Da12.9. Mt Mt10.27. for the time. See on Re + Re1.3. Is Is13.6. Ezk Eze12.23. Da ▶ Da12.4. Ro Ro13.12. 2 Th 2Th2.3. 1 P 1Pe4.7. 11. that is unjust. Re Re16.8-11, Re16.21. Ps Ps81.12. Pr * Pr1.24-33. Pr14.32. Ec ✓ Ec11.3. Ezk * Eze3.27. Da Da12.10. Mt +* Mt15.14. * Mt21.19. * Mt25.10-13, Mt25.46. Jn Jn8.21. 2 Ti 2Ti3.13. Ja Jas1.21. unjust still. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. Ec Ec1.15. Ec11.3. Is * Is32.6. Da +* Da12.10. Mt Mt23.31. Jn Jn9.4. Ac * Ac24.25. 2 Co ◐+* 2Co6.2. He +* Heb12.17. is filthy. Ps * Ps69.24-28. Ezk * Eze24.13. Eze47.11. and he that is righteous. ver. Re22.3. Re Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 362. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

Re7.13-15. Jb Job17.9. Pr +* Pr4.18. * Pr11.30, Pr11.31. Is Is32.17. Mt +* Mt5.6. Ep * Eph5.27. Col Col1.22. Ju +* Jud24. is holy. Ro * Ro12.1. 1 Co * 1Co3.17. 12. I come. See on ver. + Re22.7. Is ▶ Is40.10. ▶ Is48.12. Zp Zep1.14. Ja +* Jas5.8. my reward. Re +* Re11.18. ◐ Re19.20. Is Is3.10, Is3.11. Is40.10. Is62.11. Mt Mt7.21-23. Mt25.31-46. Lk * Lk14.14. Ro ✓ Ro14.10, Ro14.12. 1 Co 1Co3.8, 1Co3.12-15. 1Co9.17, 1Co9.18. 2 Co 2Co5.10. Col * Col3.24. to give. See on Re Re20.12. Mt +* Mt16.27. Ro * Ro2.611. * Ro14.12. according. Re Re2.23. Jb * Job34.11. Ps ▶ Ps28.4. ▶ Ps62.12. Je ▶ Je17.10. Mt Mt12.36. * Mt16.27. Ro Ro2.2, Ro2.6, Ro2.16. Ep Eph6.8. Ga Ga6.7. 13. I am. Ne +* Ne9.6. Alpha. See on Re +* Re1.8, Re1.11. Re21.6. Is Is41.4. Is44.6. Is48.12. beginning and. God the Son is eternal. Re +* Re1.8, Re1.17. +* Re3.14. Re21.6. Is +* Is9.6. Mi +* Mic5.2 (T#76). Mt +* Mt28.19n. Jn ✓ Jn1.1-3. * Jn8.58. Jn17.5. Col Col1.17. He * Heb12.2. +* Heb13.8. the first. Re + Re1.17. Is Is41.4. Is43.10. *▶ Is44.6. * Is48.12. 14. Blessed. f43, Dt + Dt28.3. ver. Re22.7. Re + Re14.13. Ex Ex12.50, Ex12.51. Ps * Ps1.13. Ps106.3-5. Ps112.1. Ps119.1-6. Is Is56.1, Is56.2. Da Da12.12. Mt ✓ Mt7.21-27. Lk Lk12.37, Lk12.38. Jn Jn14.15, Jn14.21-23. Jn15.10-14. 1 Co 1Co7.19. Ga Ga5.6. 1 J 1Jn3.3, 1Jn3.23, 1Jn3.24. 1Jn5.3. that do. Some authorities read, that wash their robes. Re + Re7.14. Ge ▶ Ge49.11. his commandments. Ezr +* Ezr7.10. Lk ✓ Lk6.46. Jn * Jn3.36. +* Jn13.17. * Jn14.21. Ro * Ro16.26. 1 J ✓ 1Jn2.3. * 1Jn3.23. may have right. or, authority over. Re Re6.8. Jn * Jn1.12. 1 Co * 1Co8.9. 1Co9.5g. to the. See on ver. Re22.2, Re22.19. Re + Re2.7. tree of life. Ge ▶ Ge2.9. ▶ Ge3.22, Ge3.24. may enter. See on Re + Re21.27. Ps ✓ Ps15.1-5. +* Ps16.11. Ps24.3-5. * Ps118.19, Ps118.20. Jn Jn10.7, Jn10.9. ✓ Jn14.6. through the gates. Re 21:+ Re21.12, Re21.24-26. the city. Re Re3.12. Re21.21. He Heb11.16. +* Heb12.22. 15. without. Re Re9.20, Re9.21. +* Re21.8, Re21.27. Is +* Is66.24. Mt +* Mt8.12. Jn * Jn3.36. 1 Co +* 1Co6.9, 1Co6.10. Ga * Ga5.19-21. Ep Eph5.3-6. Ph * Php3.19. Col Col3.6. Ti Tt3.3. dogs. See on Ph + Php3.2. sorcerers. Re Re9.21. Re18.23. + Re21.8. Is Is47.9, Is47.12. Is57.3. Ml +* Mal3.5. Ac Ac8.11. Ac13.6-11. whoremongers. See on Re Re17.1-6. whosoever. Re +* Re21.8, Re21.27. 1 K 1Ki22.8, 1Ki22.21-23. Is Is9.15, Is9.16. Je Je5.31. Jn * Jn3.18-21. Jn8.46. 2 Th 2Th2.10-12. 16. I Jesus. See on ver. Re22.6. Re Re1.1, Re1.4. to testify. ver. Re22.20. See on ver. Re22.1, Re22.11. Re Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.29. Re3.6, Re3.13, Re3.22. the churches. 1 Co + 1Co7.17. I am. See on Re Re5.5. Is Is11.1. Zc Zec6.12. Mt Mt22.42, Mt22.45. Ro Ro1.3, Ro1.4. Ro9.5. the root. f22:22H, Is + Is11.10. Re + Re5.5. Is ▶ Is11.10. offspring. Mt + Mt1.1. of David. Is +* Is9.7. +✓ Is55.3. Mt * Mt22.41-44. Ac +* Ac13.23. Ro * Ro1.3, Ro1.4. morning star. Re Re2.28. Nu +* Nu24.17. 2 S +* 2Sa23.4. Is Is60.3. Ml * Mal4.2. Mt Mt2.2, Mt2.7-10. Lk * Lk1.78, Lk1.79. 2 P +* 2Pe1.19. 17. the Spirit. Gr. pneuma, Mt + Mt3.16. See on ver. Re22.16. Is +* Is55.1-3. Jn + Jn7.39. * Jn16.7-15. Ac Ac8.29, Ac8.39. Ac11.12. Ac16.7. Ro Ro8.4, Ro8.5, Ro8.9, Ro8.14, Ro8.16, Ro8.19, Ro8.26, Ro8.27. the bride. See on Re 21:+ Re21.2, Re21.9. Come. f76, Ge + Ge13.6. T#370. Re Re1.3. * Re3.20. 2 K * 2Ki7.9. Is Is2.5. Is45.22. Is52.7. * Is55.1-3. Mt * Mt11.28-30. Mt22.2-4. Lk Lk14.17. Jn Jn1.41, Jn1.45. Jn4.29. * Jn6.37. Jn7.37. let him that heareth. Ps Ps34.8. Is Is2.3, Is2.5. Is48.16-18. Je Je50.5. Mi Mic4.2. Zc Zec8.21-23. Jn Jn1.39-46. Jn4.29. Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 363. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

1 Th 1Th1.5-8. let him that is athirst. See on Re Re21.6. Ps Ps42.1, Ps42.2. Is ▶ Is55.1. Mt +* Mt5.6. Jn + Jn4.10. ▶ Jn7.37. And whosoever will. f93:93B, Is + Is66.11. By Hendiadys of the Verb, “willing thirsty ones.” Not two classes of persons, but one. Not thirsty ones who do not will; or willing ones who do not thirst; but willing thirsty ones, let them come (B672). let him take. Is Is12.3. Jn Jn4.10, Jn4.14. water of life. ver. + Re22.1. Zc ▶ Zec14.8. freely. Mt + Mt10.8g. Ro Ro3.24. 1 Co 1Co2.12. 18. testify. See on ver. Re22.16. Re * Re3.14. Ep Eph4.17. 1 Th 1Th4.6. heareth. See on Re Re1.3. this book. ver. Re22.7, Re22.9. Ac + Ac1.20. If. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. add unto these. Dt ▶ Dt4.2. ▶ Dt12.32. Jsh Jos1.7. 1 S 1Sa12.19. 1 K 1Ki12.11. Pr Pr19.27. +* Pr30.6. Is +* Is8.20. Je ✓ Je23.28, Je23.29. Mt Mt7.15-20. ✓ Mt15.6-9, Mt15.13. Mt24.11, Mt24.24. Mt28.20. 1 Co 1Co3.12, 1Co3.13. God shall add. T#1108. Re Re14.10, Re14.11. Re15.1. ch. 16. 19:20. 20:10, 15. Le Le26.18, Le26.24, Le26.25, Le26.28, Le26.37. Pr ◐ Pr10.22. the plagues. Dt ▶ Dt29.20. 19. And if. f184:184C, Mt + Mt4.9. take away from. See on Re Re2.18. Je * Je26.2. Mt Mt19.9n. Lk Lk11.52. Jn Jn3.7n. Ga +* Ga1.8, Ga1.9. 1 Th 1Th4.2n. God. See on Re +* Re3.5. + Re13.8. Ex Ex32.33. Ps ✓ Ps69.28. shall take. Lk * Lk8.18. his part. Dt ◐ Dt18.1. Jsh Jos22.25, Jos22.27. Ep +* Eph1.11. out of the book of life. Re Re13.8. Ps ▶ Ps69.28. or, from the tree of life. See on ver. Re22.2, Re22.14. Re + Re2.7. Ge ▶ Ge2.9. ▶ Ge3.22. and out. See on Re Re21.2, Re21.22-27. holy city. Re Re21.2, Re21.10. Is ▶ Is52.1. Mt + Mt4.5. He * Heb12.22. and from. ver. Re22.12. Re Re1.3. Re2.7, Re2.11, Re2.17, Re2.26. Re3.4, Re3.5, Re3.12, Re3.21. Re7.9-17. Re14.13. Re20.15. 20. which testifieth. See on ver. Re22.18. Re Re3.14. Jn * Jn21.24. Surely. See on ver. + Re22.7, Re22.10, Re22.12. I come. Is * Is25.9. ▶ Is40.10. Ph * Php3.20. 1 Ti 1Ti1.1. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. Ti +* Tt2.13. 1 P 1Pe1.3. Amen. Mt + Mt6.13. Even so. f74, Jg + Jdg5.31. come. T#1572. Re Re1.18. Ps Ps40.17. Ps70.5. * Ps144.5. SS * So8.14. Is * Is25.9. Is64.1. Jn Jn21.25. 2 Ti * 2Ti4.8. He +* Heb9.28. 2 P * 2Pe3.12-14. 21. The grace. Re Re1.4. Ps * Ps45.2. Zc Zec4.7. Jn * Jn1.16, Jn1.17. See on Ro Ro1.7. * Ro5.20. 16:+ Ro16.20, Ro16.24. 2 Co ✓ 2Co12.9. * 2Co13.14. Ep * Eph2.7. * Eph6.23, Eph6.24. 2 Th 2Th3.18. Lord Jesus Christ. Mk + Mk16.19. Amen. 1 Co 1Co14.16.

Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: The most complete listing of cross references available anywhere- every verse, every theme, every important word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson. Página 364. Exportado de Software Bíblico Logos, 17:12 26 de diciembre de 2014.

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