The Navamsha Chart Tutorials

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Eastern Vedic (Indian) Astrology

In Sanskrit, ASTROLOGY is called Jyothisha, “the science of light”. Astrology is the science which deals with the influence of the planets. Planetary influences on humankind can be classified into three categories: spiritual, mental, and physical. Astrology postulates that people are always under the influences of planetary rays and that those influences can be understood scientifically. The science of astrology has been used in India for thousands of years. Vedic astrology accepts that a person takes a position in this birth according to the karma accrued in past births. According to Vedic astrology, people accumulate karma in every life based on their actions and desires. They are reborn at the moment the planets move into a particular configuration. That configuration can then be studied to discover whether a person’s past activities were pious or impious, and what events are most likely to occur in a person’s future as a result. The planetary positions at the time of birth thus reveals the events of a person’s present life as well as his or her past and future lives.The quality of a person’s chart is judged by the position of the various planets in the zodiac—in the different signs and constellations. Each planet has a different influence over the person. Astrology can be used to examine all aspects of life, including finance, marriage, spiritual life, career, health, relationships, and even every day activities. Astrology can also give an indication of someone’s personality. The placement of planets in a chart can enable an astrologer to predict short- and long-range situations and how best to meet them according to an individual’s needs.Planetary influences change quickly. We can see that even two people born within an hour of one another at the same place can have completely different karmas. Therefore, astrology has developed into an exact science, and when used properly, it can help oneself and others. The planets influence every living being who takes birth on earth. Astrology can determine how and when the various influences will act, and whether their effects will be good, bad, or neutral. A qualified astrologer can give advice about how to adopt positive remedies to counteract negative planetary influences. If we have an indication of troubles ahead, we can choose to either protect or fortify ourselves against them, just as if we know it is going to rain, we can choose to carry an umbrella. This site describes the sidereal system of astrology, used by Vedic authorities. It is the most correct system, and the most detailed, in its ability to predict the planetary influences on mind, intelligence, soul, and spiritual life. It is also the most complete in prescribing remedial methods to solve potential problems, and to better use the positive influences of stars and planets. Although each person is affected by karma, Vedic astrologers propound that karma is not eternal; adjusting the planetary influences can change it. Gemstones, for example, are one way in which the planetary vibrations can be appeased or changed for the better. An ephemeris is a book that lists the position of the planets at any particular time. A number of Vedic astrologers have made their own ephemerises, but their calculations are sometimes incorrect. Many astrologers


agree that the values in Lahiri’s ephemeris (an Indian ephemeris) are correct. Another recommended ephemeris is the Rosicrucian ephemeris. Most Western (tropical) astrologers use Raphael’s ephemeris. An important point to note in reference to the difference between Vedic and Western astrology is the position of the Sun or Moon at the time of birth. In Vedic astrology when you see Aries and other signs discussed in newspapers and other places they are usually talking about where the Moon is located in a birth chart and not where the Sun is located in the birth chart. So if a person tells someone in India that they are an Aries, an Indian will often assume you are saying that the Moon was in the sign of Aries at the time of birth, while most Westerners are saying that the Sun was in the sign of Aries at the time of birth. Prashna Astrology can be used to answer questions about health, occupation, marriage, auspicious times to take journeys, and how to recover stolen items. When approaching an astrologer with an actual question (as opposed to simply drawing up a birth chart), the astrologer will draw up a prashna chart. The prashna chart is drawn according to the time the question was asked. An astrologer drawing up a prashna chart will find it helpful to know the position of planets in both the questioner’s birth chart and his or her navamsa chart. Prashna charts can help find thieves and indicate where the stolen goods may be located. They can also help, in cases of illness, to indicate whether a prescribed medication is beneficial, whether the afflicted person will recover, and whether the illness has even been diagnosed properly. When used to answer a question about marriage, the prashna chart can indicate whether a proposed match is proper, auspicious, and whether a person will get the mate of their choice. The Zodiac The zodiac is a band in the sky extending nine degrees on either side of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the great circle formed by the intersection of the plane of the earth’s orbit with the celestial sphere; the apparent annual path of the sun in the heavens. The sun passes exactly longitudinally through the center of the zodiac, and the planets run up to nine degrees on either the north or south sides of the ecliptic. The distance north of the ecliptic is known as the northern latitude, and the distance south as southern latitude. If a planet is situated directly on the ecliptic, it is said to be at zero latitude.The zodiac measures 360 degrees and is divided into twelve equal divisions consisting of thirty degrees each. These divisions constitute the signs of the zodiac. Each degree is divided into sixty minutes, and each minute is divided into sixty seconds. The zodiac begins at the fixed star, Ashwini. This star is located at 0°, and from this point to 30° is the sign of Aries. The next sign, Taurus, begins at 30º and ends at 60º. Each following sign takes up 30º, ending with Pisces, which goes from 330º to 360º. It takes the earth about one year to travel around the sun. Since there is more than one star in the constellation of Ashwini, not all Vedic astrologers agree with what the 0° exactly means. Tropical vs. Sidereal 2

There are two types of charts, Tropical (Western) and Sidereal (Vedic, or “Fixed”). The important things to take into consideration in both systems are the position of the planets in the zodiac signs and the exact birth time. Astrological charts can be drawn using either system, but it is important that the astrologer be competent.The Tropical system is not based on the actual location of the stars. In the steamy system, the zodiac, or birth signs, are based on the position of the Sun in relationship to the Earth and not on the position of the stars. Therefore, part of the Tropical sign Aries presently corresponds with the Sidereal sign Pisces. There is a difference between Vedic and Western zodiacs of about 22 to 23 degrees. The difference in degree between the two zodiacs is called the AYANAMSA. The ayanamsa in the Rosicrucian ephemeris is considered correct by many astrologers. If in a chart the position of the houses and the planets have been taken from a Western ephemeris (such as Raphael’s), about 23º have to be deducted from the tropical longitude to come up with the Vedic or Sidereal zodiac.The first degree of the zodiac was originally similar in both systems. As time passed, however, and because of the peculiarities of the earth’s orbit, the stars and constellations appeared to shift in relation to the Tropical zodiac. This is called the “procession of the equinoxes,” or the Ayanamsha. This is the difference between where the vernal equinox (where the Tropical zodiac begins) is located now and where the constellation of Aries begins. At the present time, there are about 22º to 23° between the beginning points of both zodiacs. In 1950, many Western astrologers placed the Ayanamsha at 24º02'. Vedic astrologers placed it at between 21º40' and 23º10'. B. V. Raman placed it at 21º42' in the same year. The difference between the charts changes about nine minutes per ten years; that is, .9 minute is added per year. The change is about ninety minutes every one hundred years.Thus if a person is born on January 1, a Western chart would place the Sun in Capricorn while a Vedic chart would place it at about 16° Sagittarius. If the Sun is said to be in Capricorn according to the Tropical system, it does not mean that the Sun is in the fixed sign of Capricorn. In actuality according to the Vedic system the Sun could be in Sagittarius. If a planet in a Vedic horoscope is at 15º Leo, it will be calculated at 5º or 6º Virgo in a Western horoscope. Another difference between the two systems is the position of the cusp. In Vedic astrology, the cusp begins at the middle of the house and goes 15° in both directions. In Western astrology, the cusp starts at the beginning of the house and goes 30° in each direction. These are the main differences between the two astrological systems. The first degree of the Western zodiac is calculated by where the Sun is positioned on the first day of spring, the vernal equinox (about March 21). The position of the equinoxes to the fixed stars changes over a period of time, because the Earth moves on its axis, causing the fixed stars to move backwards in the zodiac. It takes about 25,000 years for a complete circle to be made in the zodiac. About 2,000 years ago, when Western astrology was first developed, the two zodiacs coincided. According to the sidereal system, the zodiac or birth signs are based on the position of the fixed constellations and stars in the sky. Sidereal means “pertaining to the stars.” It is judged by where the constellations are actually located.For instance according to the Western or Tropical dates the Sun sign of Aries is March 21 to April 19, while according to the Indian or Sidereal Sun sign the dates of Aries are April 14 to May 13. The


Western or Tropical dates for the Sun sign of Pisces is February 19 to March 20 and the Indian or Sidereal dates for Pisces is March 14 to April 13. Please note that this book will deal only with the sidereal (Vedic) system and that all signs are based on a fixed zodiac. Lunar and Solar Year and Month There are twelve lunar (“moon”) months in a year. A lunar month is calculated by the time it takes the Moon to travel through all twelve signs of the zodiac, or from full moon to full moon. The Moon is the quickest moving planet. A solar (“Sun”) month lasts thirty to thirty-one days, and is calculated by the time it takes the Sun to move through one sign of the zodiac.The Moon’s placement at birth is considered important. In popular astrology columns in Indian newspapers, predictions are made by the Moon’s placement at the time of birth. Western newspapers base their predictions on the Sun’s position.There are thirty lunar days, or tithis, in a lunar month. The average lunar month lasts twenty-nine days, twelve hours, and forty-four minutes. A tithi is a lunar day. The period extending from the new moon to the full moon is called Shukla Paksha, the bright fortnight of the lunar month. It lasts fourteen days. The fifteenth tithi is called Purnima, full moon. The period that extends from the full Moon to the new moon is called Krishna Paksha, the dark fortnight of the lunar month, and it also last fourteen days. The thirtieth tithi is called Amavasya, new or dark moon. The fourteen names for lunar days are listed below. They are used both for dark and bright halves of the lunar month. Since the fourteen names are used for both halves of the lunar month, each tithi is also labeled with “Shukla” or “Krishna”: Shukla Pratipat for the first day of the bright half of the month, and Krishna Pratipat for the first day of the dark half of the month.When the Moon waxes, it becomes fuller, and when it wanes, it becomes dark. Therefore the period of the waxing Moon happens when the moon grows from new moon to full moon. Similarly, the period of the waning moon takes place when the full moon gradually shrinks to the new moon. The lunar year lasts about 354 days, and the sidereal year lasts about 365 days, 6 hours. Because there is a difference between the two years, Vedic astrologers add an extra month every three years. This extra month is known as Adhika-masa. Hindu Tithis (Days) 1. Pratipat 2. Dwiteya 3. Tritya 4. Chaturthi 5. Panchami 6. Shashthi 7. Saptami 8. Ashtami 9. Navami 10. Dashami 11. Ekadashi 12. Dwadasi 13. Trayodashi 4

14. Chaturdashi Ascendant or Lagna The ascendant ( lagna) is the sign on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It is called the ascendant because it literally ascends. The ascendant sign changes approximately every two hours, and all twelve signs rise within a twenty-four-hour period one after the other. The ascendant or rising sign is considered very important in Vedic astrology, just as the Sun sign is treated with importance in Western astrology. Technically the ascendant is the exact degree on the eastern horizon, but actually the ascendant is judged to be the sign that the ascendant is in. If the ascendant is in Aries, then Aries is considered to be the ascendant. The sign ascending at the time of birth becomes the first house in the birth chart. For example, if Leo is ascending, the first house is Leo, the second Virgo, the third Libra, and on through the other signs in order: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. Janma Rashi (Moon Sign) Janma Rashi is the sign (rashi) that the Moon is in at the time of birth (janma). The Moon sign and the ascendant sign are both given great importance in a chart.

Yogas Yoga means “link” or “connection.” A planetary yoga refers to a combination of influences in a person’s chart; that is, when one planet or sign is situated in relation to another by way of aspect or conjunction. Different yogas give different effects, and there are both benefic and malefic yogas. Some important benefic yogas are Raja yoga, Dhurdhura yoga, Gajakesari yoga, Shubhakartari yoga, and Pancha Mahapurusa yoga.If there are benefics on both sides of the ascendant, this combination is known as a Subhakarthari yoga. If the ascendant is sandwiched by malefics, it is known as a Papakarthari yoga, which is malefic. Raja yogas bring fame, wealth, good name, and great power. It is important to see whether the ascendant and its lord are powerful, well-associated, and free of malefic aspect. The Moon must similarly be examined for similar associations. Specific Situations The Ascendant and the strength and weakness of the Ascendant determines a native’s appearance and character. If a masculine planet rules the 5th house or the house of children during conception, then a male child will be born..Education is usually judged from the 4th house, its lord, and where Jupiter, the lord of education, is placed. Astrology can help determine the best occupation. Occupation takes into consideration the 10th house, its lord, and the planets in the 10th house. If there are no planets in the 10th house, then an astrologer will look at the Navamsa chart to determine occupation. The 4th house rules the mother and the 9th house the father. The indicator of the mother is the Moon; the Sun is the indicator of the father.


When dealing with marriage, look at Venus, the spouse’s lord, the 7th house, and the lord of the 7th house. Time of Special Influence of Different Planets Each planet has it greatest influence on a person during certain periods of his or her life. Below are the time periods accepted by many authorities. Moon Birth to 4th year Mercury 5th year to 14th year Venus 15th year to 22nd year Sun 23rd year to 41st year Mars 42nd year to 56th year

Jupiter 57th year to 68th year Saturn 69th year to 108th year Age of Planets Different planets have a greater influence on a person’s life at different times in a person’s life. A strong Jupiter will give a good effect in the middle age. A strong Saturn will give wealth and a good position in old age. Mars - child (some astrologers say 16 years old) Mercury - boy (some astrologers say 20 years old) Venus - 16 years old (some say 7 years old) Jupiter - 30 years old Sun - 50 years old Moon - 70 years old Saturn - 100 years old Rahu - 100 years old Ketu - 100 years old Harmonic and Navamsa Chart A harmonic chart is drawn when each sign is divided into various divisions or “amsas.” In Vedic astrology, two charts are usually done, the birth chart (Rashi Cakra) and the Navamsa or Harmonic Ninth. There are sixteen major Harmonic or amsa charts, but the Navamsa is usually considered the most important. Astrologers usually place the main consideration on the birth chart and give extra consideration to the Navamsa chart..Navamsa means “ninth part.” A Navamsa chart divides a sign into nine equal divisions of 3° 20'. A Navamsa chart identifies in what part of a sign a planet is located, and whether its position is positive or negative. Each navamsa is a pada, or one-fourth of a constellation. Each sign contains 2¼ constellations. Divided into nine, it makes up one6

fourth of a constellation.The Navamsa chart can be used like the birth chart to read a person’s entire life. The Navamsa chart is often used to determine marriage and relationships. By doing a couple’s Navamsa chart, material and spiritual compatibility can be determined. A person’s spiritual life can also be determined. If a planet is in the same sign in both the birth and Navamsa chart, it is strong, whether for the positive or negative.Besides the Navamsa chart, other harmonic charts may be calculated, such as the Harmonic First, Second, Third, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth, Twelfth, Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-seventh, Thirtieth, Fortieth, Forty-fifth, and Sixtieth. The most important are the ninth, third, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-fourth, twenty-seventh, and thirtieth. Sometimes seven or even sixteen harmonic charts can be drawn. As doing harmonic charts can be time-consuming, it is best to use a computer to do the calculations. When doing a Navamsa chart, the Ascendant’s placement is important. Because of the subtle differences possible if a birth time is not entirely accurate, it is best not to rely on the Navamsa chart for the most reliable reading. If the birth time is even ten minutes off, the Ascendant’s position can change. A chart drawn with a wrong Ascendant is useless. Transits or Movement of the Planets The transit of a planet consists of its movement through the signs of the zodiac. Because of different cosmic influences, the speed of the planets change. The planets usually move through the signs and constellations in a forward motion, but sometime they seem to move in reverse or retrograde. For example, if the Sun is in Virgo, it is said that the Sun is transiting Virgo. The speed of each planet gets slower as their distance from the earth increases. As the planets move through different signs, they have different effects. The transits of the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn are considered to be the most important. 1. The Sun moves about one degree in one day, and takes about 365 days and six hours to travel around the zodiac. The Sun spends about a month in each sign. 2. The Moon takes about one hour forty-eight minutes to go one degree of the zodiac. The Moon completes a cycle of the zodiac in twenty-seven to twenty-nine days. 3. Mars takes about one and half days to go one degree of the zodiac, or forty-five days to travel thirty degrees. 4. Mercury spends about one month in each sign. Since Mercury is always close to the Sun, Mercury’s speed changes frequently. Sometimes Mercury moves in front of the Sun, and sometimes the Sun moves in front of Mercury. Mercury is never more than twenty-eight degrees in either direction of the Sun. Jupiter stays in most signs for about a year, but stays in some signs for less than a year. Jupiter completes a cycle of the zodiac in about twelve years. Because Jupiter spends a long time in each sign, it is quite influential. 6. Venus spends about a month in each sign. Venus moves about one degree a day, or takes about 360 days to travel around the zodiac. 7. Saturn takes about 2½ years, or thirty months to travel thirty degrees, or one sign of the zodiac. Saturn takes about one month to move one degree of the zodiac. Saturn spends about two and a half years in each sign, or about thirty years to travel through all the signs of the zodiac. The transit of Saturn in a chart is usually unfavorable, unless it is transiting its own house or it is the lord of the ascendant when Capricorn or Aquarius is 7

rising. When Saturn passes through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses, the native is generally considered to be in a bad period and should not expect peace of mind. This period lasts for 7½ years and is called Sadhe Sati, which literally means “seven and a half years.”8. Rahu and Ketu move in a reverse direction and take eighteen years to travel around the zodiac.

Times the Planets Spend in each Sign Sun - 1 month Moon - 2¼ days Mars - 45 days Mercury - around 1 month Jupiter - 1 year Venus - 1 month Saturn - 2¼ years Rahu - 1½ years Ketu - 1½ years Retrograde Motion Retrograde is when a planet appears to move in a reverse or backward direction. Rahu and Ketu always move in a retrograde motion. The Sun and the Moon never move in a retrograde motion. The other planets sometimes go forward, sometimes backward, and sometimes remain stationery. The planets become retrograde when they are a particular distance from the Sun. Otherwise, they move in a forward direction. It is said that the planets never actually go backward but only appear to do so when seen relative to the earth. Remedial Measures To help alleviate the effects of weak planet, certain remedial measures can be taken. One can perform sacrifice or austerity, one can wear gems, certain colors, worship certain deities, chant mantras, change one’s life-style, or perform other positive activities. A good remedial measure is to give in charity. If a person wants a particular effect, a particular gem can be prescribed. Also, worshipping planetary yantras can improve the effects planets have in a chart.The planets indicate a person’s karma. If a person performs spiritual activities, he or she can overcome all karmic effects and thus all planetary influences. Worshipping God overrides the effects of karma because God is more powerful than material reactions. Marriage Selection In India, an astrological chart is almost always drawn up to arrange compatible marriages. After compatibility has been established, astrology is used to select an auspicious time and date for the marriage. The time, date, day of week, planetary positions, and constellations should be auspicious when deciding when to marry. The lunar days considered good for marriage are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, and 13th of the bright half of the month. Days of the week considered more auspicious are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. 8

The lunar months of Magha, Phalguna, Vishakha, and Jyestha are considered auspicious, Karttika and Margasira are considered average, and the other months are considered inauspicious. Auspicious constellations are Rohini, Margashirsa, Magha, Uttara Phalguna, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Mula, Uttara Shadha, and Revati. Potential Problems with Time of Birth There is a difference of opinion among astrologers on what constitutes the actual time of birth. Some say birth occurs as soon as the child’s head first appears from the birth canal, others say that the head must be fully out, others insist that birth has occurred when the child takes its first breath (proven by a baby’s first cry), and still others say that birth has truly occurred when the umbilical cord is cut. Not knowing the exact time of birth can alter the accuracy of the birth chart, as the first house of a birth chart reveals which planet was on the ascendant (on the horizon) just at the time of birth. The planets move along the horizon every two hours.Even knowing how to decide the exact time of birth is often not enough to draw up an accurate chart if the parents do not record the actual time right at the birth. In many hospitals, birth times are not recorded accurately but at the convenience of the doctor or nurse. They can be as much as ten or fifteen minutes off. Therefore, many birth charts are based on approximate birth times. Different Styles of Charts in India There are three basic chart designs in India: the North Indian style, the South Indian style, and the East Indian style. In the North Indian style, the signs are denoted by numbers, with Aries being 1, Taurus 2, Gemini 3, and so on in order for the rest of the signs. The sign at the top center of the chart is the ascending sign; the balance of the signs go in order counter-clockwise. The South Indian style is a square chart with twelve divisions. The sign of Aries is marked with an asterisk. The signs then go clockwise starting with Aries, then Taurus, Gemini, and the rest the signs in order. The rising sign is marked by “Asc” for ascendant or “L” for Lagna, or a diagonal line may be drawn across the sign. The chart drawn by the East Indian system is similar. The area with an asterisk is the sign of Aries. The signs then go in order, counter-clockwise. The rising sign or ascendant is marked with an “L” for lagna. Also, numbers are written next to the planets to indicate the constellation the planet is tenanting. Some astrologers also use the Western style chart, which is drawn in a circle. The ascending sign is on the left, and the signs go in order counterclockwise. This Article is by Papa K.K Saha My Jyotish Guruji

The Navamsha Chart 2 The Navamsha chart is, by far, the most important divisional chart of them all. "Navamsha" means "1/9th" in Sanskrit. What is a Navamsha chart? If you divide each sign into equal portions of 3 degrees and 20 minutes, you will see which Navamsha each planet falls into. Many books cover the Navamsha chart in more detail. 9

The Navamsha chart has three important uses: 1. A further measure of strength of the planet in the Rasi (main) chart 2. A predictive tool of the second half of the native's life (from Hart de Fouw) 3. It tells us something about the spouse One should never attempt to interpret a chart without close attention to the Navamsha chart. In Charts A1 and A2 (see Charts A1 and A2 on this page, or download larger charts) we see that the native has Venus in its own sign of Taurus in the auspicious 5th house. Should be good for marriage in the Venus dasha, right? (The Venus dasha ran from ages 26 through 46.) Wrong, although he almost got married several times; the actual marriage occurred at age 47 in the Sun dasha. Why not Venus? If you look at the Navamsha chart, you will see that Venus is debilitated. Some astrologers even say the Navamsha position trumps the Rasi position. It is better to have a planet debilitated in the Rasi chart and exalted in the Navamsha chart than the other way around. Narendra Desai (now deceased) said that you should take the planets in the Navamsha chart and place them in their correct sign position around the outside edge of the main chart. It will look as if there are 18 planets instead of only 9. If we do this with our example charts, we come to some interesting conclusions. Which house is the strongest? Definitely the 9th. Why? Retrograde Jupiter is there in the Rasi (retrogression is a measure of strength according to Hart de Fouw) AND Mercury, Venus and Rahu are there from the Navamsha chart. Which house is secondstrongest? The fifth, with the Sun, Venus and Rahu from the Rasi chart and the Lagna (Ascendant) of the Navamsha chart. Which planet is the strongest? That's easy, it's Mercury, hands down. Why? It is lord of the 9th house in the Rasi chart and placed in an angle (the 4th house). And in the Navamsha? It is exalted in its own house in the lucky 5th house. So, in the second half of life the native became a writer and has written two books so far and many, many articles. And the spouse has Virgo rising (the strongest sign in both Rasi and Navamsha charts of the native). 10

What about this debilitated but Vargottama (same sign in Rasi and Navamsha charts) Moon? It is said that even one vargottama planet brings fame. The native has attained some measure of fame in the Moon dasha, which is running currently. Also, we see that the Moon is strongly placed by house in both charts -- in the lucky 11th house in the Rasi and in the powerful 7th house in Navamsha. And the spouse has the Moon in Virgo in the first house in her Rasi chart. Spiritual pursuits have been exceedingly important in the native's life. Why? Well, Jupiter -- the planet of gurus, religion, and philosophy -- is near the zenith of the Rasi chart in the spiritual 9th house. And, in the Navamsha, it is strongly placed in the house of happiness, the 4th house. Strength upon strength. The native is terrible at sports. The main planet of sports, Mars, is debilitated in the Rasi chart and weak in the 8th house in Navamsha. Concerning the Navamsha ascendant, Taurus, it does two things. It strengthens Taurus in the Rasi chart and it tells us something about the spouse. Now, even though she has Virgo Lagna, she has both Venus and Saturn in Taurus in the lucky 9th house in her Rasi. Hopefully, this article gives us some hints about how to apply the Navamsha chart in the process of interpreting and predicting for a client. Happy digging! (c) copyright 2006 Michael Laughrin.


DIVISIONAL CHARTS or VARGAS 1. How do you interpret the transit effects with regards to the divisional charts? No. Transit impacts are seen in the Divisional charts. 2. Are the planetary aspects considered in the Divisional charts? Yes. 3. As per Professor Choudhry's books, the ninth house, in general denotes father, preceptor and general fortune. How would one define general fortune? The fact that D-9 or Navamsa is used for assessing marital significations (spouse) inter-alia other things, I was wondering as to how come ninth house and it's lord does not have any say in accessing marital significations in the Rasi chart? Before marriage fortune is linked with parents (especially with father) and after marriage the spouse comes in. That is why both general fortune and marriage is seen from navamsa. But in rasi chart both has separate houses and the incidence of the spouse is seen from the second and fourth houses (besides the seventh house), which rule the house of family and parents, respectively 4. Do we consider the navamsa chart even for questions other than marriage. Is it correct? Why not use the relevant divisional chart? In navamsa the strength of the planets is seen. If some planet, which is strong in rasi chart and it is in the sign of its debilitation in navamsa, that planet becomes weak. We study main chart, then try strength of planets in Navamsa besides studying the navamsa for marital happiness and general fortune. For other aspects of the life in addition to the main and navamsa charts, the concerned divisional chart is also studied. For example, the Panchamsa is used for analysing the level of intelligence and learning while Ekadasamsa is examined for identifying the income. 5. How do you interpret the transit effects with regard to divisional charts? Example - the Sun may be exalted in Rasi, but debilitated in Navamsa. In this case will the Rasi chart over ride navamsa chart effects? No transit impacts are seen in the divisional charts. 6. The divisional ascendant lords (when containing an moolatrikona) should be looked at to see if they are badly placed or not, and in which house. So if there is no mooltrikona in the divisional ascendant, then do you look to the Sun as in the Rasi for the Self?


You have to look for the strength of all the significators as per the natal rasi chart in the divisional chart.

Secrets of Astrology Unveiled . On the conclusion of the series "Learn Astrology' we hereby give answers to many frequently asked questions on astrology, ranging from relevance of astrology and remedies suggested therein, to the deep rooted questions on calculations and predictions. Ques. What kind of remedy should be adopted in what situation? Do all kinds of remedies like mantra, yantra etc. be performed equally for any problem, any time? Ans. Remedy is normally required for a planet which is active by virtue of dasha or transit, but is benefic and weak, or is malefic and strong. That is, it is not either able to give good results to its full capacity, or is giving bad results, which have to be checked. If that planet is sitting in a earthy sign in the natal horoscope, stone should be suggested, if in fire sign, yajna should be performed, if in airy sign, Mantras are useful and if in watery sign, alms or throwing things in water helps. Normally, stone wearing enhances power of a planet and throwing items in water reduces power of a planet – whether the planet is good or bad. So if a planet is malefic but strong, then stone should be avoided and if a planet is benefic but weak then stone should be worn and its items should not be thrown or given in alms. Mantras and Yajna increase the benefic power of the planet only, without creating any loss. So whenever a planet is active, its Mantra jap and yajna should be performed for better results. Ques. Do different systems on astrology or predictive sciences give same results? Ans. There are various systems of prediction like palmistry, numerology, astrology. In astrology too, there are various systems, like Jaimini Parashar, Neel kanthi etc. Every system has its own benefits and shortcomings. Some systems are better than the others. If the fact of life is represented by a straight line then the various systems can be denoted by various graphs like A,B,C, which touch the reality of life only at few points. At some points they are far off. However, when one system is at a distance from the truth, other system touches the reality. This is the reason why we believe in so many systems. However, taking average may not always give us better results, e.g. if system A is at + 10% level of accuracy and system B at +20% level then the average is +15%, which means averaging has spoilt the results of system A. Averaging may be good if one system is at negative level of accuracy and other at positive level. But we never know where we stand in our prediction for any future event, whereas for past we can always take average, or apply different systems to know why that event happened. So it is suggested that one should adopt one system and practice more and more to bring it close to the line of reality.

Ques. Why does astrology sometimes fails? Ans. Unlike Physics and Chemistry and like any behavioral science, astrology is an empirical science; that is the rules are based on statistics. They are not correct for any horoscope any time. This is true not only for astrology but for any predictive science. Further, the rules that we are


using have not been checked for accuracy and relevance in modern times. We are using them as we found in old texts, even when many correlating factors have been lost during the last 2000 years or more. The rules when tested on large data in future will definitely give rise to better framed rules and accuracy in astrology will be more. Ques. Which is the best predictive science – astrology, palmistry, numerology or any other and why? Ans. Compared to all other predictive sciences, Indian system of astrology is known for its accuracy, reliability and indepth analysis. Other systems are used either in the absence of reliable birth data, or in the absence of its interpretation. Astrology is the only system where predictions can be made precisely with time. Ques. Should Ayanamsa be used? Which ayanamsa should be used? Ans. The planets move as per their nirayana value in the sky. This can be easily checked by matching Moon‘s movement through various zodiac signs. Chaitrapaksha Ayanamsa, popularly known as Lahiri Ayanamsa, only has the scientific approval of the international astronomers and this should only be used, irrespective of what results you get astrologically. You should modify your astrological rules to suit the astronomical computations, but not vice versa. Ques. Should we rely on dasha or Gochar? If Dasha is good and Gochar is bad then what will be the result? Ans. Dasha and Gochar, both are equally important in determining the event in a horoscope. However Gochar can be accurately known, but Dasha is very sensitive to time of birth and cannot be accurately fixed. Secondly, there are too many kinds of known dasha systems and we do not know for sure which dasha should be applied, when doubts on Ayanamsa also takes away its authenticity. Further Dasha is normally dependent upon Moon degrees only and it ignores rest of the planets. All these shortcomings are not there in the transit system. Hence basing the predictions on transits normally give better results, unless it has been checked that the dasha system is working properly on the given horoscope. While we are studying both Dasha and Gochar, we can take dasha to specify the event of transit to specify its strength. If both are favourable or unfavourable then the event occurs with full force. If Dasha is good and transit bad or vice versa, then the results are not clear. Ques. Many exalted planets have been seen in the horoscope of a poor man and debilitated planets in a rich man's horoscope. how does this happen? Ans. Normally many debilitated planets in a horoscope make "Neech Bhang Raja Yoga" and similarly many exalted planets give "Uccha Bhang Daridra Yoga". Moreover, the native with many exalted planets is a man of principles and unfit for worldy success. One or two debilitated planets help the native to aquire wealth by improper means in this kali yuga.

Ques. It is said that Lagna calculation is dependent on place, whereas planet degree calculation is independent of it. But when we compute lagna by converting time to IST and compute planet degrees without conversion, we get wrong values. Why ? What is the correct method?


Ans. It is rightly said that Lagna is dependent on place of birth, whereas planet degrees are independent of it, because they are computed for the centre of the earth. Ephemeris shows planet degrees for a given time zone like IST. So the time of birth must be converted to IST to use such tables. But Lagna must be computed for the place of birth only, because changing the place, say from London to Delhi, will create an error of 5 ½ hours later in U.K. similarly other signs also rise 5½ hours later there. Accuracy of the results computed can be verified by checking that Sun has to be in 10th house at noon, in 1st house in the morning, in 7th house in the evening and in 4th house at midnight. This is irrespective of the place of birth. Ques. How much importance can be imparted to Shodashvarga ? Ans. Shodashvarga system was propounded by our sages in such a manner that exact position of the planets could be ascertained without assigning any degree value to it. Secondly, these Vargas have not been made like we make today. Then we only assigned lordship and lordship signified the results of that planet. These vargas should not be taken at par with Lagna chart and should not be used in predictions like supplement to lagna chart, unless some yoga specifies the results of a planet in a particular varga. In practice, these vargas confuse a general astrologer. He starts taking the planet's exaltation or debilitation. He also starts taking aspects and placement of other planets with the planet, thus deviating from the basic results. Ques. In predictions what is more important – planet, house or sign? Ans. In Indian system planet is most important and house is next to the planet in importance. This is probably to make things easier. in the system of Lal Kitab sign has been dropped totally, after confirming the house in which a planet is sitting. Planet in a house makes significance in prediction, whereas planet in sign only gives knowledge about its strength. This strength further gets modified due to presence/aspect of other planets. Ques. Does one get affected by some one else's horoscope? If yes, then what is the sanctity of the horoscope? Ans. Like one is affected by planets, he is affected by any other item in his vicinity. Every body has a gravitational pull – small or large. Effect of planets is visible because of their large mass. Stars of much higher mass do not have that much of effect because of their large distance. Secondly, our power of computation is limited. Just the nine planets and twelve signs make so many combinations that it is difficult to correlate them with life. Horoscope having just nine planets is not the complete representation of what we are. but it is able to take care of maximum of our future with minimum of complexity. that is why we study a


horoscope. Deviations to it due to others – living or non living – can be adjusted by studying the past and fitting that to the planet's effects. In brief, presence of others does not destroy the importance of the horoscope. Ques. If in one accident many lives are taken, does that indicate similarity in everyones horoscope? Ans. The horoscope of the place or a vehicle in which passengers are travelling, supersedes the horoscopes of the natives. Hence, in a calamity everyone's horoscope does not necessarily indicate death. However, this point needs further research and views from the readers. Ques. We take muhurtha for something. Does it change the fate of the person? Ans. Muhurtha gives us an idea about the future of the task that we do; for example, oath ceremony of ministry gives idea about the government; starting moment of business gives us knowledge about how the business will go etc. To have a good future we select a good muhurtha. Knowledge is strength and knowing the future of deeds in advance can definitely guide our future better. However, we can not totally reverse the direction of the fate. So many times we find things do not happen at the time of best Muhurtha, or after the event we come to know that the computations were wrong. This clearly indicates we cannot change the destiny. Still nature has provided us with hands to do something and mind to think. We should use it optimally, but without having keen desire for the best ; it will occur only if it is in fate. Ques. Can we remove the ill effect of 7th house by doing a proper matching? Ans. Answer to this question lies in the previous answer. We can aspire for a better married life by having a better matching, but fate cannot be overruled. Ques. Contradictory yogas are formed in ones horoscope. What is correct in such a situation? Ans. Contradiction is part of any behavioural science. Take the results either by strength or by the number of times it occurs. Ques. What is the importance of chalit chart and how should it be used? Ans. House is next to planets in importance for its role in astrology. Lagna chart shows house only approximately. Actual house position is governed only by Bhava chart or Chalit chart. Hence Chalit chart cannot be ignored in astrology. But use it cautiously, because it should not be used for determining the aspects, or knowing the sign in which a planet is posited. If a Sun moves from lagna to 12th house while it was in Aries in Lagna chart, then it does not mean that Sun has shifted to Pisces. It remains in Aries, but is placed in 12th house


13 May 2008, 6:29 PM

She rang me up and asked me for an urgent consultation. Both in Shillong and Calcutta and later in Delhi I got horoscopes of people who were doubtful about their birth details, having lost their original horoscopes during their migration in 1947 from the riot torn areas of what now are


Pakistan and Bangladesh. It was so in her case also. But the memory of someone in the family helped her retrieve her birth details is what she told me. In the case of women, most people in northern India rarely kept correct birth details those days when she was born. A woman was a ―disposable commodity‖ who would enter her husband‘s house and could be neglected unlike the boy, has been and continues to be the favoured child of the family. It is the view of many even now. Was the horoscope correct?

Karakamsha lagna is Simha and Putrakaraka is Mercury with Jupiter showing pure inclination towards humanities, not science during her student days. Before any prediction is given it becomes the primary consideration. In such cases, just note down the birth details as are passed on and do not indulge in exercise of correcting it which can be done later. The birth horoscope and the navamsha showed either a bad marriage or no marriage. Not married she said. What had she studied is what I was interested in finding out myself without her telling me as that is invariably a good starting point of the verification of a horoscope. Moon, an artistic planet, unafflicted in the eleventh house aspects the fifth house. The fifth lord, Mars is with Sun and Venus. Karakamsha lagna is Simha and Putrakaraka is Mercury with Jupiter showing pure inclination towards humanity in her studies. What should the predominant influence of fifth house and its lord with artistic planets mean? Education in fine arts ? That was the question I asked. She had done MA (music) she said. Was it classical I asked because of the influence of Jupiter on the putrakaraka.


Yes, classical Hindustani music she said. But does she do any business ? Yes she said, in clothes. The dashamansha will work. I can proceed to give her some predictions on this horoscope without correcting her birth time.


20 May 2008, 6:36 AM

She knows some astrology and had some doubt whether hers was Vrischika lagna or Tula. She was confused about the ayanamsha to be used that was another question. When such a case comes up note the prominent features of the horoscope and the dasha and antardasha of three or four past years, see the dasha antardasha in Vimshottari and Chara dasha and ask some striking question. The lagna, Vimshottari dasha and Jaimini karakas of people born at the same time will remain the same. To distinguish one from the other, divisional horoscopes need to be prepared. But as far as the person before you is concerned, first verify whether this horoscope is fitting into his/her pattern of life.


In 2004, it was dasha of Jupiter Mercury. In Chara dasha it was the dasha of Vrisha and Kumbha. Atmakaraka is in Vrisha. It coincides with Jupiter-Mercury dasha in the eighth house. The antardasha starting from Kumbha is significant. Kumbha is eighth from Karakamsha in Karka. Then the antardasha of Makara and then of Dhanu do not seem to be happy period in her life. Remember the warning I have given repeatedly given about the Dhanu dasha. Dhanu is also sixth from Karakamsha and eighth from Atmakaraka-- dangerous in three ways. From 2003 Rahu and Saturn were transitting in Vrisha and Mithuna. All this appeared to be bleak. Yes. She had a fatal disease in this period. Medical astrology ? What could this be she asked me ? I said that I cannot say and do not believe in medical astrology as all the doctor students whom I asked to work on medical astrology has been hundred percent failures. They only learnt from me from the period of onset of sickness and its outcome and even wrote articles or books. Their own contribution to medical astrology is a big zero. Then there are other non-medical astrologers reeling off wild ―researches‖ on various diseases particularly diabetes and heart attack. All these are untested and unproven mostly wild and boastfully loud pieces paraded as researches. She told me about the disease and she survived is what she told me. You can even try Dwisaptati Sama Dasha on which Manoj Pathak has done excellent and original research. It was Rahu-Mars both in the seventh house with heaviest affliction with the added aspect of Saturn. Then other events can be verified as they will fall in a pattern in a sequence. That is chara dasha and the seven karaka scheme for you. Ayanamsha lunatics She had some confusion about ayanamsha.Use only Lahiri ayanamsha and do not get lost in the lunacy of the claims of others about their ayanamsha which is unproven, untested and wild. Remember government of India has settled this in 1956 and another meeting convened by the Human Resources Ministry had reapproved the Lahiri ayanamsha in March 1994 attended by Dr. Raman who had the mortification of seeing his ayanamsha being rejected by the entire gathering of panchanga makers of India attending that meeting. It was a three day conference which I had to conduct on the insistence of Dr. Raman and Pandit Sukhdeo Chaturvedi. Dr Raman never uttered a single word in all those three days in defence of his ayanamsha. Then one day came a fellow with the claim that he had discoverd a true ayanamsha and that Lahiri was wrong. He had looked sane till he started talking nonsense. I asked him to convince


a) a gathering of astrologers who make panchangas and b) the Human Resources Ministry which he has failed to do. Addressing a gathering of students after disturbing their classes is not the right approach to win a battle. But how can a lunatic get convinced? But he pours his vituperation and shows his low upbringing. Like all lunatics he thinks that he is a genius and world is not listening to him. A student had asked me once when I told about my encounters with ―revolutionary ayanamsha propounders‖, ― How many ayanamsha fanatics have you met ?‘ My answer was at least five. Out of them the only to suffer financial loss was Dr.Raman but he did not abuse others who rejected his ayanamsha like the upstarts who keep springing up once in a decade. Dr. Raman created enormous difficulties for me when he prescribed his books based on his ayanamsha for the astrology course I had shaped and was running! This was a tricky and devious way of trying to keep alive his ayanamsha after his death. This was Raman‘s fourth attempt in five years between 1989 and 1994. If you are doing astrology seriously you must be prepared to meet these ayanamsha lunatics somewhere or the other sometime or the other. I told this woman that her lagna was Vrischika and that she should use only Lahiri ayanamsha. Just hear the rantings of the ayanamsha lunatics if you cannot avoid them and forget it.

( 8 May 2008)

A welcome approach!

It is a welcome approach on the part of Shri KN Rao Saheb who can perfectly guide not only the Astrology students/aspirants but also the teachers in this line. Shri Rao Saheb can only make a wonderful elucidation about the use different methods at a time in arriving at a pinpointed astrological prediction. And I also fully agree with Shri Rao Saheb regarding the pivotal role of correct Ayanamsa in arriving at a non-defect MC. There may not be any iota of doubt in one's mind while choosing the right Ayanamsa like that of NC Lahiri, which has been fully tested and passed at the highest levels. What a yeoman's service to the society? Regards.


1 June 2008, 7:05 PM

She had come with her father to meet me and took some predictions. She was running the mahadasha of Rahu in the fourth house with the tenth lord Saturn. The antardasha was of Ketu in the tenth house. Time for career rise. The coming pratyantara dasha from March would be of Mars in the twelfth house.


In Chara dasha it would be Meena Kumbha Vrisha from February 2008. Amatyakaraka in the twelfth house like Mars in the twelfth house in Vimshottari dasha is showing a foreign posting. Read this letter. From: Pgi [email protected] To: knrao .com Subject: Re: P's birth details Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 20:13:55 IST Dear Sir, In the first week of October 2007 I had come to visit you along with my dad. At that time you had told me that I am likely to be transferred to a country outside India but within the same firm. The same happened recently. In the last week of March -08 I relocated to London and am sending this mail to you from London. I wanted to ask you ...... Thanks & kind regards








Venus Sun Saturn Jupiter Moon Mercury Mars Now remember she had come with her father and she is a Hindu girl. She did not ask what she wanted to and I never told her. She has asked it now. What is her question ? Remember, Mars is also the seventh lord. She has someone in her life and she did not open out in the presence of her father. It is obvious. From Vrisha the darakaraka, Mars is also aspecting the seventh house. Postscript: I put the question here about attraction towards someone outside her country of birth and also the person being outside her caste, a consideration which becomes important for Indians, particularly Hindus. She answered it thus. From: P To: knrao> Subject: Re: P's birth details Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 16:37:27 IST I met somebody based out of London through an arranged marriage proposal in the first week


of January '08 while I was in India. This person is outside my caste. We kept in touch over mail and phone. Though, after I relocated to London, he has been very confused and we haven't met except two or three times. Other than that there is nobody else. Are you in love with someone outside your caste etc ? K.N.Rao.

Learning process too Good astrologers when predict should also give the reasons and why, so that others can clearn. Now I know why my daughter is settled abroad - her 7th Mercury from Meena Asc. is in the 12th in Kumba rasi - great. One question - will you or any one please answer:If a widower 32 is remarrying, is chart matching absolutely necessary or can be done away with, especially is the girl is also a widower or a divorcee.. the boy has 7th Mars in Gemini - Please do help!!

PRESIDENT OBAMA ? Valerie N. Livina, PhD

14 June 2008, 5:55 AM

About Valerie Livina Livina attended one of my classes in Moscow some years ago coming all the way from Israel where she was doing her PhD. Knowing English as she does, she had no difficulty in understanding me without the help of an interpreter. Since then she has read most of my and other books on Hindu astrology and developed and sharpened her predictive skills. She also came to Delhi an d spent some time learning astro-meteorology with me in which she seems to have developed a high level of proficiency as some of her writings appearing in different blogs show. Then, unlike Americans, she has, like a Russian, enough background of politics and sports which I found in Russia. She got interested in the election Obama and wrote to me. In turn I asked her to write an article for the website. Here it is. President Obama It is close to impossible to predict accurately for public persons, whose birth times, and sometimes even dates, are generally unknown or incorrect. Nevertheless, predicting for them is challenging and rewarding in publicity, and hundreds of astrologers keep testing various times for the same charts, discussing each other's opinions (although the only proof of the correctness of the data is the prediction that comes true). The most discussed public figures at the moments are, indeed, US presidential candidates. In the recent UAC08, there was an announcement, which was considered as rather reliable, about Barack Obama's birth in Honolulu on August 4, 1961, at 19:11. I emailed Sri K.N.Rao asking his opinion about the chart for this time, because I had lots of doubts regarding the Jyotish chart for 19:11, where in three major vargas (rasi, navamsa and dasamsa) rulers of 10th houses were placed in 6th, hardly promising the high elevation Obama has already achieved. Sri K.N.Rao generously shared his estimate of the time, pointing at 13:06. As I


understand it, it was a result of his thorough rectification, and thus I felt confident to look at the chart for forecast.







Mars Sun Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Saturn

In this chart, Atmakaraka (AK) is Mars, Amatyakaraka (AmK) is Sun, Putrakaraka (PK) is retro Jupiter and Darakaraka (DK) is retro Saturn, which is also vargottama in own sign Capricorn and yogakaraka (ruler of 4th and 5th) for Libra ascendent. The chart is very strong, with multiple Rajayogas, exalted ruler of 10th, Amatyakaraka in 10th house and Atmakaraka in fruitful 11th house, with powerful Rahu. 10th house is very energised by aspects of four planets. In his present Vimsottari mahadasa of Jupiter (ruler of 10th house in dasamsa), from August 2008 to May 2009 Obama will be running antardasa of Sun (AmK in 10th in rasi) - this gives him a real chance. Yet, in dasamsa his 10th is on the Rahu-Ketu axis, and most Jaimini yogas disappear, except Amk-DK - and that's with Rahu. Note that after antardasa of Sun, there comes antardasa of Moon (2009-2010), which is aspected by Jaimini rajayoga of Amk-DK. His wife's involvement in his campaign is wellknown (DK aspecting 10th in dasamsa), and this influence can become more pronounced in the next antardasa - with influence of Nodes. But this is later. In Chara Dasa, at the time of November elections he will be running Virgo-Scorpio–Aries pratyantardasa (and on the day of the elections, time 13:06 promises Cancer and Leo sookshma-antardasas, which is really impressive: these are again 10th and 11th houses with AK and AmK). From Virgo, AmK Sun in placed in 11th; from Scorpio, AK is placed in 10th. In dasamsa, VirgoScorpio-Aries contain all four AmK, AK, PK and DK, and houses are 4th, 6th and 12th. This looks as a troublesome but rewarding period. This is the time to achieve. The ruler of dasamsa 10th house Jupiter is retro in 6th under double aspect of malefics, Mars from 12th and Saturn from 4th. In fact, this and the ruler of dasamsa ascendent Mercury in 12th aspected by Jupiter, retro Saturn and Mars explains some of the career events in his past.


If Obama becomes president in November, 13.06 is the correct time of his birth. (Valerie is Russian working in the UK as a researcher in environmental sciences. She started studying western astrology in 1991 and Jyotish in 1999, practicing yoga since 1995. After meeting Sri K. N. Rao in 2002, she has been following his teaching in Jyotish, combining this with research in the western astrological tradition. She wrote a book of commentaries on the Cardano's aphorisms (the part of the well-known Anima Astrologiae of XVII century) and is now working, together with Russian astrologer Anton Grigoryev, on the Complete Seven Segments of Girolamo Cardano (the first translation from Latin). She writes an astrological blog at and her web-page is (e-books available as free pdf-downloads).

Post script Fri, 13 Jun 2008 Update. After posting this text, I received news about Obama's published birth certificate with time 19:24. As I mentioned above, rectifying birthtime is always tricky. When we attempt it, we bring, together with our knowledge, our illusions about the native, which we imprint in the rectification. I think, considering 13.06 chart, Obama was idealised - and my opinion about him, without chart, was rather different. As I look at this new chart, I am coming back to my old opinion. Yet another problem is that several times may describe the native similarly well, taking into account all the life events etc. Good exercise. Although I am not sure about his presidency now. Valerie




23 June 2008, 8:53 PM

All that astrology means for some people who learn the subject is their own and the horoscopes of their family members. Inspite of my discouraging it, no one seems to stop except those who become professionals and trade in the misery of their clients by talking of Kaal Sarpa Yoga and remedial measures to earn quick money fabulously. Very few get interested in it and try to do honest research and replicate it as some student of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan do it.

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 0-53

819-50 53











10-29 21-04 MK

The difference in the case of this woman is that she learnt astrology to understand some problem of her life which she discussed with me. For the purpose of this piece, let it suffice to state here , that she wanted to know about some health upset because when she came to me it was dasha of Rahu-Jupiter from July 2007. Jupiter dasha worried her. I asked her to examine it pratyantara by pratyantara. The pratyantara dasha was of Mercury. In the dashamansha, this pratyantara dasha lord is in the seventh house of attainment of position which is the seventh house. In the birth horoscope it is in the second house of some gains Jaimini‘s chara dasha should confirm it is my instruction to these people after examining it in detail through Parashari methods to avoid the confusion that gets created by Jaimini‘s Karakas because they will not change for some days and will be common to many horoscopes of people born around the same time, days etc. Jaimini dasha is of Dhanu-Vrischika upto 24 June 2008. Here the Amatyakaraka,Mars is aspecting the tenth house, Simha from Vrischika. It is a period of promotion. All that she had seen in her horoscope was the antardasha of the sixth lord in the fifth house and her period of some sickness because she had to have a medical check up after the antardasha of Jupiter started. When she came to me I told her that it was a time of promotion for her. She is government


servant in an ordinary position and had ruled out her chances of ever getting even a routine promotion. But today (20 May 2008) she came to tell me that she had been selected for a special training after which she would get a promotion. How had I predicted it she asked. Simple I said and explained it as given here. Jupiter in the fifth house shows education, in this case training preceding her promotion. Always examine it first from Parashari angle in detail and then check through Chara dasha and the seven karaka scheme. This double check is what I call the composite technique and it is very simple, with more than eighty percent success except in the case of politicians who turn our world upside down. There a different approach to their horoscopes. When you are obsessessed with your own horoscope, your astrology does not progress and the danger is that your morbidity will increase. (20 May 2008) Simple analysis helps always

6th lord in the 5th house is not a sign of sickness but shows loss to sickness, as 5th is 12th from the 6th house. This is a good placement for the 6th lord. But it might show sickness to children, 5th being the house of children.


The woman whose horoscope is being discussed for a successful prediction I had given to her in 2001 is a neighbour of ours and we know many happenings in their household from time to time. After she came to know that I had learnt astrology, she came with her horoscope one day to ask for a prediction. She has acknowledged it and the acknowledgement is given at the end of the article. For a Hindu woman of an orthodox family a second marriage was never encouraged in earlier times. But in the changed times, we astrologers advise the widowed women to marry when we find it suitable to advise such women as they would heed to our advice. This woman had got married for the first time on 9 Dec.1986 in the mahadasha of Jupiter the seventh lord and the antardasha of Mars. A happy married life followed till a disaster struck her when her husband developed jaundice which


could not be cured and turned fatal for him. In her case it was the period of Saturn-Venus, those of enigmatic periods in which there can be some big upset in one‘s life and everything can turn topsy turvy. The astrological reasons for this disaster are clear. Saturn the eighth lord in his own house with Jupiter the seventh lord aspected by Mars could cause a disaster and in turn aspecting Mars showed the event clearly in this case. Venus is debilitated and the seventh lord from Venus, Jupiter repeats the story of this tragic incident. In the navamsha seventh lord Moon with the eighth lord Sun and Saturn and with Venus in the sixth house made the picture gloomier. Examining her horoscope, I advised her to have a second marriage which she agreed to, more so because the man she was going to marry, a widower, had been asked by his own daughter from his first wife to marry a second time. Her second marriage took place on 20 April 2003. Though there have been some controversies for the house to be seen for the second marriage, we have found in our replicable researches that the ninth house, the third one from the seventh, gives us a valuable clue in this matter. She was running the mahadasha of Saturn and the antardasha of Rahu. Rahu in the third house here is seventh from the ninth house. Saturn was in Vrisha in transit when her second marriage was finalised. From here he was aspecting the ninth house and Jupiter was in Karka aspecting the ninth lord Saturn in the eighth house. Thus the dasha and transits were favourable when she got married for the second time. She is now happily settled with her four children, two from the first marriage and two from the second one. Her written appreciation written sometime in May 2007 Dear Priyambadaji, Kindly recall my meeting you in 2001. You had predicted that: a)I would soon get a job and I did get one. b)There was the possibility of a second marriage also. I got married and am happy with my children and second husband. c)You had also said that I would start earning with some machines. I have been using compters efficiently and help my husband in his share market work constantly. This is a great science you have learnt. May God bless you.


Good Astros do good predictions. Nice to read someone is happy and things have come true as predicted Seldom it does. I do believe in astrology, but yet to come across a really good one despite having spent money. Why do astros charge so heavily, (there are exceptions) and the common man cannot benefit. Please do earn well and also do service to the suffering humanity with your knowledge of this great science. Thganks. Ram


Old Rediff Predictions

I lost most of my records of published predictions but ome which could be rescued are being reproduced here. Those days I got correct horoscopes of politicians and reasonably truthful feedback from them which was gave me a very high percentage of successful predictions. These days I am out of touch and mostly avoid politicians. K.N.Rao. HALF FULFILLED PREDICTION ABOUT CLINTON February 9, 1998 Aftermath Lewinsky ―No one predicted such a disaster for President Clinton,‖ a familiar, brazen-faced critic of astrology remarked churlishly. I lost my temper and silenced him, showing what I had said, taught and written about Bill Clinton since 1993. Of immediate interest are the two which appeared in Rediff On The NeT. Read the following under ‗Back to Future‘ in 1996: ―Let me quote from my book Ups and Downs in Career. While astrologers, both in India and the USA, stuck to Karka (Cancer) as the ascendant of President Clinton, I argued that it had to be Kanya


after verifying some wellknown events of his life.‖ Let me quote from the last paragraph of this piece. ―At the time of the next election, Clinton will be in Jupiter-Venus; this is a period of visible weakness in his luck.‖ By this, I meant the following: Venus, representing women, cannot keep him safe from sex scandals which can now become damaging. Jupiter, representing land in his horoscope as the fourth lord, has already embarrassed him. On July 10, 1996 in another prediction under the sub-heading Clinton and the judiciary I said, ‗‘Dramatic political developments include an upset in Indian politics and another in the US. August and September are very difficult months for President Clinton. I have repeatedly predicted he will either not be able to win the election, or if he does he will not last the full term.

His Jupiter-Venus period clearly points out that land, sex scandals can cause him considerable problems.‖ In the Karka Sankranti (July-September, 1997) issue of the Journal of Astrology, I shared part of my research on astrological combinations for the fall of mighty men in power. In Clinton‘s case some of the points apply exactly. From the corridor of power, he strayed into paths of pleasure and now finds himself, astrologically, on the lava of a volcano which will consume him. I was explaining how amorous affairs are seen in a horoscope according to Hindu astrology to a class in the USA. I said in India, particularly in the Manu Smriti, sex, like meat-eating, is treated as man‘s natural instinct. It is not sublime or ridiculous. It is why we have no negative saying for love in Indian languages. ―And in English?‖ asked an American student. ―You fall in love,‘‘ I said, remembering Adam‘s human reaction in the Garden of Eden. Yes, that‘s what is happening to Clinton. Historically, it is now his fifth ‗fall‘, excluding, of course, the unrecorded ones. The first one was with Hillary, in a library. That was his best fall. The second is known to us was a horticultural fall, with Gennifer Flowers. The third, a routine temptation of the flesh with Paula Jones. The fourth was with Kathleen Willey. And the fifth, the most disastrous one, was with a woman whose upper row of teeth


is the most impressive part of her physiognomy. She is Monica Lewinsky. While the news was making world headlines came an American woman to India. I taught her astrology and I respect her. She is on a visit to India to take a dip in the Ganga at Hardwar during the Kumbh Mela. I was then working on Clinton‘s horoscope. In America, she explained to me, the highly paid men in media had to keep alive the issue to fill the television channels. The newspapers wanted sensation to boost up their circulation. So new coinages have come about: Monicagate, Sexgate, Naughtygate and Bimbogate. And note the typical headline: ‗The brain say no but the groin say go.‘

I agreed with her because in November 1993 I had made a prediction at San Rafel as the chief guest of the American Council of Vedic Astrology: that during the world football championships of June 1994, a violent incident in sports will cause strong reaction and would be watched by billions. That was the O J Simpson case, so widely and disgustingly covered that in the two tours of 1994 and 1995 I felt completely disgusted. Whenever I switched on the television, I saw OJ, OJ and OJ, and nothing but OJ. It was a prediction I had made, true — but I was appalled by the sickening publicity given to the case. I was shown the horoscope of Jonas Salk, the man of poliomyletis fame. A great man, whom I equated with the Mahatma. I privately predicted he would not survive 1995. I was to have met him twice. I was told that he would criticise astrology. But I said that I wanted to pay my respects to that great man. A great scientist who could have become a trillonaire if he had decided to patent his invention, he had made an unparalleled sacrifice like the great Alexander Fleming. These are the real Mahatmas of the West. Jonas Salk with his Tula lagna, however, was in a dangerous sadhe-saati. I missed meeting him. I was in the USA when he died in June 1995. I sobbed in my bathroom. To be so near to him in San Diego and again in New York and not to meet him! Then came the worst shock of my life. OJ, OJ, OJ — open any newspaper or television channel it was always OJ, OJ and OJ. Only. No mention of the Mahatma Jonas Salk whom India had honoured. That was a stab to my heart. ―Why should the sex scandals of a president be sensational news in a permissive society?‖ I asked my American friend. ―People expect men in power to be non-permissive,‖ she answered, ―In the case of Lewinsky, the greater issue is the subversion of the judicial process.‖


I told her that in India we have a long row of politicians appearing in courts of law to save their careers. Some of them have to save themselves from the python of hawala and some from the scams of a wide variety. Indian newspapers do not discuss their sex scandals, though some of them had a ‗much more impressive record‘ than Clinton. India is the land of the Vedas and the Kamasutra of magnificent temples of devotion and Khajuraho with voluptuous Venuses in the frozen beauty of stones.

In Clinton‘s horoscope, Jupiter is the 7th lord of sea. His Jupiter-Venus period will be over in March 1998. His lagna being Kanya, like that of ex-prime minister P V Narasimha Rao, the sub-period of the sun now beginning is the period of retirement. ―If he steps down, will he be impeached?‖ my friend wanted to know. ―If he retires in favour of the vice-president, he may not be impeached because the purpose of impeachment is to remove him. His enemies will have scored a victory. In any case, the president can see the end of his career now through voluntary stepping down or impeachment. He cannot, as I predicted, complete his second term. The prediction was made much before his reelection,‖ I said. ―What will Clinton do now?‖ she asked me. It will be the bad luck of Saddam, who will curse Lewinsky, because the USA‘s horoscope shows how it is going to involve the world in a war frenzy — a prediction I have already made thrice between October and December 1997. In a contentious television debate on astrology recorded on December 7, 1997 and telecast on January 15 and 17, 1998. I could not have traced the cause of it to a sex scandal. But now that seems certain. It reminds me about a news item I read recently: ‗Strange are the ways of men‘ Remember the old joke about what happens when a Frenchman catches his woman in bed with someone else? He shoots the woman. Whereas an Italian shoots the man. When this horror happens to a German, he shoots himself. Needless to say, when an Englishmen walks in and sees the little woman in bed with another man, he stands and watches. To this now add: what happens when an American president is caught in an act of extra marital affair? He wages a war. History, of course, will never record the fact that Lewinsky was the cause of a war in 1998.


Of course, Lewinsky will sell her story to some paper and become a millionaire. May I request American astrologers to collect her horoscope and examine her fantastic dhana-yogas and the threat of all types which must be present in her horoscope? And examine finally the promise of a celebrity status?

It is now, and now only, that Lewinsky‘s horoscope should interest us. Because, the hot news is going to be the cause of a war now. This prediction of mine will get fulfilled in an odd way. Then there will be more grave digging, as they are doing with John F Kennedy. Three of America‘s famous presidents — Franklin D Roosevelt, John F Kennedy and Clinton — have a difficult 8th house in their horoscope. All had their love affairs. Roosevelt‘s life-long affair with Lucy Page Mercer is nearly forgotten. All these famous lovers are Democrats. Jupiter is affecting Clinton‘s 10th house, showing a guru-like act. And American history will remember him as the guru who taught the moral lesson to his countrymen that love, in reality, is a fall. From the White House.



This is the horoscope of a serving Major, now Colonel, of India Army. He had come to me sometime in August last year (2005), totally frustrated as despite possessing excellent credentials, he was being denied promotion to the rank of Colonel for a long time. As is the system in Indian Army, Selection Boards are constituted and the Board goes through the confidential records of eligible candidates and then gives its recommendation for Promoting them or otherwise. This Major,according to his brother who is my colleague, always had an outstanding record in his career and this denial of promotion was resulting in despair bordering on almost looking for a job elsewhere. When he came to me, he was serving an organisation on deputation and this posting was considered to be a prize posting in the army circles. Despite possessing experience in battlefield and winning medals, the next promotion still eluded him. Have a lookat the horoscope. Pisces lagna withMars in the second house. Tenth lord in the tenth house along with eleventh and twelfth lord and both planets are retrograde. Sixth lord‘s placement in the fourth house and placement of third and eighth lord in the fifth house. Fifth house has retrograde Mercury. Three planets in the horoscope are retrograde. Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. He came to me along with his younger brother. His younger brother had taken a prediction from me and the prediction was fulfilled. Perhaps this could be the reason for him to have desperately tried seeking time and pressured me into accommodating him.


He has two daughters. One was born on 9-7-90 and other was born on 6-1-1993. Dasha running at the time of birth of the first daughter was

A look at the birth chart would suggest that Jupiter and Saturn both don‘t connect directly with the fifth and the ninth house. Jupiter is lagna lord. But a look at Saptamsha would tell you that Jupiter is aspecting fifth house and Saturn is lagna lord. Saturn (R) was transitting in Sagittarius and Jupiter in transit was in Gemini. Mars was in Aries and Moon was in Capricorn. This horoscope has tenth lord placed in the tenth house. As such the conditional dasha of


Parashara which needs to be applied here is Chatursheeti Sama colleague, Shri Naval Singh has produced an excellent book.

dasha on which my

Tenth lord is placed in the tenth house. Dasha running at the time of birth of first daughter is Mercury/Venus (in which conceivement took place) and Mercury/Saturn when the baby was born. The second daughter was born on 6-1-1993. Dasha running at that time was Jupiter/Ketu/Venus. In Chatursheeti Sama dasha it was the dasha of Mecury/Sun. Both these events were being explained conveniently by the horoscope and the dasha sequence satisfying the astrologer in me that the chart on which we were working was a correct one. He came to me when Saturn/Mercury/Venus was running. Retrograde eleventh and twelfth lord‘s dasha was running. This planet is placed in the tenth house along with tenth lord. Tenth lord is also retrograde. Antardasha running was of fourth and seventh lord Mercury, again retrograde, but in the fifth house with Venus, third and eighth lord whose pratyantar was running. Has he come to me seeking an answer to some abnormal delay in his professional pursuit or promotion? Is there someone working against his interest in the corridors of power that matter? Is he thinking of changing his job now? If these questions cross my mind then can I be faulted. He narrated the sequence of events and asked me the question, will I be able to stay in job?. On inquiry, he revealed that thrice when the number of vacancies were good, still his name could not be cleared by the Board. He naturally thought that some superior of his had given him a bad ACR resulting in his detention in the same post. He approached his seniors but in vain. Now another board was constituted and his name was there in the panel of candidates to be considered for promotion but there was only one vacancy this time. Now after having been rejected by the Board when there were good number of vacancies, he was naturally apprehensive of his promotion as now there was only one vacancy. When he came to me he was on deputation. Deputation in government circles mean that the person is working at a place which is not his parent office. Confirming the dasha results of twelfth lord Saturn again. Now the big question? Will he or will he not? Saturn/Mercury/Sun will start in December and run upto January, 2006 when the dasha will change to Saturn/Mercury/Moon. Saturn in the tenth house, Mercury in the fifth house (seventh lord), and Sun aspecting tenth house and being aspected by tenth lord. Moon, fifth lord in the eleventh house of recognition and aspecting fifth house. Board was to sit sometime in January, 2006. Both Sun and Moon were promising. Chatursheeti Sama dasha was also considered. Jupiter/Mars. Jupiter, tenth lord and Mars, ninth lord in the second house. Wonderful. Things were looking good now.


A look at dashmansha revealed that Jupiter is the seventh lord of navamsha placed in the seventh house and Mars is sixth and eleventh lord of dashmansha, placed in the sixth house of fight. Saturn in Cancer and Jupiter in Libra in transit were influencing the ninth lord and the second house of Major. Till how long will retrograde planets in the tenth house keep troubling him? How many times will he have to undergo the same cycle of rejection and dejection? No. I thought now the time has come when Jupiter and Mars will have to fulfill their roles of tenth and ninth lord and grant him luck when I knew that by saying so I would be giving out a prediction which is against all odds. Remember there was only one vacancy this time. Still I gave my opinion as, 'the time is good and it is favourable for you this time'. Sometime in March, 2006 on reaching home one evening after classes at Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, I received a telephone call from my friend whose brother‘s chart was this. He said, 'Manoj, thanks. Brother got promoted to the rank of Colonel this February and he had called me up to convey his thanks to you. But on that day when he had come to you for consulting his chart and after your reading, he did not look or sound very convincing as he had virutally lost all hopes of promotion and more so because the competiton this time around was the toughest'. Jokingly, I remarked, 'tough only get going when the going is tough'. But inwardly, I was relieved. Look at retrograde tenth lord, eleventh lord, seventh lord and you will start understanding the frustrations, delays and repeated denials in professional advancements though the candidate in question was always handpicked for special assignments in his professional career. This is how the planets reveal the joy and sorrows, pains and gains but deliver what is promised by the prarabdh at the right time in your life.

Excellent, am also a student of astrology, many astrolgers are of their view that retrograde planets not harm any one but the it is the truth that it has certain impact on one's life. Things materliazies after delays and obstacles.



SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY One day he gave me a manuscript and asked me to home, open it and edit it. Back home, I opened it and found that it was a book on astrology! I hesitated but when I started reading it, I found subjects like Jyotisha and Karma, Jyotish and the flow of Life Force, Jyotish and Yogic Psychology. Then there were many aphorisms of predictive astrology based on his own experience. My mother had not taught me spiritual astrology. And now I began to learn that "Jyotish is para vidya, the eye of wisdom, demonstrable knowledge, not a bread winning subject." My book, "Karma and Rebirth in Hindu Astrology" is based on his analysis and discussion. He had given up astrology in the last years of his life and someone stole that manuscript also. I had to, therefore, write on this subject as I have acknowledged in the preface to that book. And one day he predicted, after discussing my own horoscope that after doing astrology on international stages, I will renounce life. His was the physical frame of a Yogi, the diet of a Yogi, the sleep of a Yogi and the self-control of a Yogi. He never fell sick. Once he had said, "Whatever may be the ailment, do fasting and drink the water of the Ganga. Everything will be cured." And then when I was transferred to Patna he had said, "in eastern India, particularly in Bihar, there will be a revolutionary agitation. I will make such a muhurta for you that amidst raging fires all round you, you will not be hurt." It was a blending of mundane and muhurta astrology. Things happened as he had predicted. Between 1972 and 1975 there was the agitation of Jaya Prakash Narayan and I witnessed violent incidents every day. "These fellows cannot even grasp the horoscope of Indira Gandhi". He had said once. "She will trample on everyone and becoming a powerful leader, will become an immortal leader of history." Those days almost every astrology had written that Indira Gandhi could become M.P. (Member of Parliament) but never P.M. (Prime Minister). I have written in my book, the Nehru Dynasty that he had said many times that Indira Gandhi was making all-important announcements in muhurtas and nakshatras preferred by Tantriks. I have given many illustrations."This becomes very fatal. Such karma destroys whole family. It is now proven correct historically. First her son, Sanjay Gandhi(23 June 1980), Indira Gandhi herself (31 October, 1984) and Rajiv Gandhi (21 May 1991) died violent death. Perhaps, the flickering flame of the Nehru Dynasty will glow again, but dimly, when Sonia Gandhi enters politics.

It is now clear that from 1966 to 1984, Indira Gandhi was a powerful and unparalleled Prime minister.

Esoteric Astrological Combinations  

Connection of 5th and the 9th lords (PAC) is the upward sublimation of the Life Force.(Auspicious) Connection of the 6th and 9th lords/houses is ingratitude. (Inauspicious)


         

Benefic association of the 2nd house lord (the place of ethical conduct in Astanga Yoga) gives moral support. (Auspicious) Malefic concentration in the 2nd house or with its lord gives birth to a liar and a cheat.(Inauspicious) If the 5th lord has no aspect or conjunction of any planet it is good for meditation on the Supreme. (Auspicious) Aspect of a malefic on a retrograde 5th lord gives birth to a villain. (Inauspicious) A good Jupiter without andy aspect or conjunction gives stable idealism. (Auspicious) A badly aspected Jupiter converts concealed lack of idealism into hypocrisy. (Inauspicious) Detachment giver Saturn is best when alone. (Auspicious) " Saturn associated with or aspected by planets is bondage as in my case", he said once. (Inauspicious) The 11th house which is the house of gains is also the house of bondage. It is good if the 11th lord is afflicted as it increases spiritual thirst. (Auspicious) An auspicious 11th house or lord being a strong kama trikona is the illusion of or the Maya. (Inauspicious)

Determine the nature of your employment By K. Nagaditya Sarma

If Sun, Moon, 10th lord or Jupiter occupies a Kendra, then prospects for getting employment in the government are bright. When the 6th lord, Mars, Saturn and Rahu relate


favourably to the 10th house, one can look forward to getting employed in Police / Defence services.

With the rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the fields of Electronics, IT and Telecommunications, a wide-ranging array of career options are becoming available to the present-day job-seekers, either in the government or in the private sectors. To determine the exact nature of the employment of a native, one has to properly interpret the combination of planets, applying the basic principles of Astrology. Holding a government job is still thought to be prestigious. How are your prospects? Planetary indications for government jobs:  Government job with moderate status and salary. a. Sun in Kendra b. Moon in either Kendra or Trikona c. The lord of the 10th house posited either in Kendra or in the 11th d. Jupiter occupying the lagna or the 4th house e. The lord of the 8th house posited in 1st, 5th or 9th (Trikonas) house. f. Any of the Trikona lords occupying the 8th house or either aspected or conjoined by the lord of the 8th house.  If Sun or Mars is posited in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house is a benefic, being aspected by another benefic planet and also the lord of the 9th house is debilitated, then the native becomes a Gazetted Officer. 

When the lord of the 6th house, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are well-placed and relate favourably to the 10th house, the native gets employed in either Police Department or Defence services.

The positions of the lords of the 6th and the 10th houses in the Navamsa chart are also indicative.

Case-study I (Person holding a government job)

Balance of Venus Dasa at birth 6 years, 4 months, 15 days.


Navamsa Positions: Lagna and Saturn in Pisces; Ketu in Cancer (5th); Jupiter and Moon in Libra (7th); Rahu, Sun and Mars in Capricorn (11th); Mercury and Venus in Aquarius (12th). The native joined the police Department as a typist and retired as Office Superintendent in the District Police Office. · Jupiter is located in the lagna · 6th lord Mars is in the 10th house and is also exalted in the Navamsa chart. His navamsa position is 8th to the lagna of the Rasi chart and 11th to the lagna of Navamsa chart. · Moon is situated in the 7th house (Kendra). · 8th lord Saturn occupies the 12th house in the Rasi chart and Pisces sign in the Navamsa Chart, which is 10th from the lagna of the Rasi chart. · In the Navamsa chart, the lord of the lagna and the 10th house, Jupiter, is in the 8th house (Libra) in conjunction with the 5th lord Moon. The 8th lord Venus is in Trine to the lagna lord Jupiter. · The 8th lord Saturn, posited in the 12th house, is in the 7th to the 5th lord Venus who, in turn is occupying the 6th house. This causes Vipreet Raja Yoga and also indicates governmental job. · Sun, which represents the government, is in debilitation, conjoined with the combust lagna lord Mercury. Case study II (Person holding a job in a private sector)

Balance of Sun Dasa at birth:- 3 years, 11 months, 4 days. Bhava Chart: Ascendant and Mars in Aries; Mercury in Gemini (3rd), Sun and Venus in Cancer (4th); Rahu in Leo (5th); Jupiter in Scorpio (8th); Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius (9th); Ketu in Aquarius (11th). The native had graduated from IIT (Mumbai) and joined Neyveli Lignite Corporation, a Central Government Organisation. The 10th house is an Earthy sign (Capricorn) and its lord is Saturn. Watery planet Moon is occupying the 10th house, indicating career involving Mining / Power. However, the native resigned his job at Neyveli and took up employment with a MNC in the U.S., constantly travelling to 32 different countries and drawing huge salary. Several favourable yogas are also present in the chart, such as Sankha yoga, Anapha Yoga and Dharma-karmadhipathi yoga. Sankha yoga lords of the 5th and the 6th posited in kendras and the lagna lord being powerful. Anapha yoga presence of planets in the 12th from the Moon. DharmaKarmadhipathi yoga Conjunction, mutual aspect or mutual exchange of houses between the lords of the 9th and 10th houses. · The lord of the lagna and the 8th house, Mars, is posited in the 2nd house, aspecting both Jupiter and Saturn, who are incidentally the lords of the 9th and the 10th houses. · The 4th lord Moon is posited in the 10th house, while the 5th lord Sun occupies the 4th house in conjunction with Mercury, the lord of the 3rd and the 6th houses. · In the Bhava chart, the 9th lord Jupiter occupies the 8th house and is aspected by its lord Mars occupying the lagna.


· The 4th lord Moon is in conjunction with the 10th lord Saturn in the Bhava chart. If the lords of the 4th and the 10th house have any relationship, then the native enjoys great power, fame, honour titles and monetary gains. Hence he did not continue as an Engineer at NLC, but went on to a high-flying career in a Private Concern. Case study III (Person holding no job)

Balance of Jupiter Dasa at Birth 7 years, 11 months, 6 days. Although the native was employed during his youth, he had remained jobless for the most part of his life. Vedic Sutra: ‗If the 10th lord is weak, debilitated, combust or posited in enemy‘s house or located in the 6th 8th or 12th house, the native will not find a job (karma Viheena yoga)‘. In the above chart, the 10th lord Jupiter is in his sign of debilitation and the lagna lord is in a badhaka-sthana. (7th for Gemini lagna, a movable sign). If benefic planets with Kendrathipathi dosha are posited in own house which happens to be a kendra, they will offer good results; otherwise evil results will befall). · Rahu occupies the 10th house. The 6th lord Mars is conjoined with the 8th lord Saturn. Further, Mars is also aspecting the 10th house. · The conjunction of the 6th and the 9th lords gives rise to Nirdhana Yoga. However the conjunction of the 8th and the 11th lords can adversely affect money matters, although it ensures longevity. · The 10th lord Jupiter is in conjunction with Venus, the lord of the 5th and 12th houses and Saturn is posited in their 8th house. · If the trikona lord is related to the 8th house, then the native would hold a government job this was the principle stated earlier. When the 5th lord Venus is posited in the 8th house, why did not this native get employed with government? The reader may obviously wonder at this contradiction. The irony of this combination is the trikona lord Venus is situated in the 8th house along with the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses Jupiter, who is debilitated. This combination occurs in the 2nd to the 7th house, giving rise to both lagnadhi and chandradhi yogas (Lagnadhi yoga natural benefics posited in the 6th, 7th and the 8th from the lagna and Moon). Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses and since Venus is Kalatra Karaka, the native‘s wife is a government employee drawing a high salary. The 10th lord Jupiter is debilitated and is in 2/12 position from the lagna lord Mercury, who is situated in the 7th house, a badhaka-sthana. Thus the native is jobless, while his wife is a government employee.


~ FAQ on Divisional Charts ~ My Usage of Divisional Charts: ANY PLANET WHICH IS WEAK IN THE MAIN NATAL CHART DOES NOT GAIN STRENGTH BY BEING EXALTED IN THE DIVISIONAL CHARTS. THAT IS ONE OF THE MAIN PRINCIPLES OF SA. 1. How do you interpret the transit effects with regards to the divisional charts? No transit impacts are seen in the Divisional charts. Divisionals are not used in transit analysis. However, the strength of a planet in a particular divisional will become relevant during its operating bhuktis. For example, a Sun debilitated in the D-10 of career, as the 10th lord of career in the Rasi indicates deterioration on the career front during its operating bhuktis. 2. Are the planetary aspects considered in the Divisional charts? Aspects may be applied if you wish. 3. As per Professor Choudhry's books, 9th house, in general denotes father, perceptor and general fortune. How would one define general fortune ? The fact that D-9 or Navamsha is used for assessing marital significations (Spouse) inter alia other things, I was wondering as to how come 9th house and it's lord does not have any say in accessing marital significations in the Rashi chart ? Before marriage fortune is linked with parents (especially with father) and after marriage the spouse comes in. That is why both general fortune and marriage is seen from navamsa. But in rasi chart both has separate houses and the incidence of the spouse is seen from the second and fourth house (BESIDES THE SEVENTH HOUSE) which rule the house of family and parents, respectively 4. It appeared to me (but I may have been misled) that the members of the list look at the navamsa, even for questions not regarding marriage. Is this not "overuse" ? Why not use the adequate divisional chart ? IN NAVAMSA THE STRENGTH OF THE PLANETS IS SEEN. IF SOME PLANET, WHICH IS STRONG IN RASI CHART AND IT IS IN THE SIGN OF ITS DEBILITATION IN NAVAMSA, THAT PLANET BECOMES WEAK.


We study main chart, then try strength of planets in Navamsa besides studing the Navamsa for marital happiness and general fortune. For other aspects of life in addition to main and navamsa charts, the concerned divisional chart is also studied. Panchamsa is used for analysing the level of intelligence and learning while Ekadasamsa is examined for identifying the income. 5. So in Panchamsa , we'd look at the 4th and 5th houses and for Ekadasamsa, we'll have to look at the 11th house, not forgetting the ascendants for each these D-charts ? Bascially, in Panchamsa, it is the fifth house but fourth is also included to some extent. 6. Education and absorbtion is seen from D-24 O.K. 7. Panch - as in the 5th division. Why not speculative luck for this D chart ? As it is, the aspect from 5th is 11th, ( Eka )gains . This gain can only come from our D-10 ( Das ) it makes more sense for Panch to be the area of luck? O.K. WE CAN EXTEND USE OF D 5 TO SPECULATION. IF FACT ALL THE ACTIVITIES OF THE FIFTH HOUSE EXCEPT THAT OF PROGENY CAN BE ASCERTAINED FROM/ANALYSED THROUGH D-5. As it is, we look at Saptamsa, the 7th part ( the reproductive area ) for progeny. 8. Are the planetary aspects ever considered in Divisional charts? Yes. 9. How do you interpret the transit effects with regard to divisional charts? Example - Sun may be exalted in Rashi, but debilitated in Navamsa. In this case will the Rashi chart over ride Navamsa chart effects? NO TRANSIT IMPACTS ARE SEEN IN THE DIVISIONAL CHARTS. 10. The divisional ascendant lords (WHEN CONTAINING AN MT) should be looked at to see if they are badly placed or not, and in which house. 11. So if there is no mooltrikona in the divisional then do you look to the Sun as in the Rasi for the Self? You have to look for the strength of all the significator's as per the natal rasi chart in the divisional chart. 12. Let me ask this about the planets in the divisionals, do you consider their functional nature based on the divisional ascendant? No. The functional nature for the general purposes is decided on the basis of the rasi chart. The functional nature in divisional charts refers to only for the purpose of a particular divisional chart and its impact is 20%.


13. If a planet is debilitated in the Rasi and strong in Navamsa (exalted/own sign) what do we interpret from that?

In my view the planet cannot exceed its power of Rasi chart in such cases. 14. I am reading your book on divisional charts and was wondering if the Systems' Approach to FMs would apply to the divisionals as well. For example, if someone has Mercury as a FB in the Rasi, but in the Dasamsa chart, for example, had Aries rising and Mercury in the first house, would you read that as an affliction to the D-10 chart? Yes. 15. Thanks for the clarification, Prof. Choudhry. This opens up a whole new can of worms, then, for chart interpretation with the vargas. If different FMs in the vargas than in the rasi, would one then include propitiatory measures for them in one's life to help the particular areas of life indicated by the specific varga? For example, if in the example I gave originally, if someone has Mercury as a FB in rasi, but as a FM in Dasamsa and it is afflicting the first house, would one then propitiate Mercury to help remove obstacles in one's career? The functional nature which matters is that of the D-I chart only. The DC eighth lord may just cause some inconvenience in its sub periods for the relevant DC only. 16. Does it mean (from your answer cited above) that FM planets appointed from D-1 chart are not necessary malefics for further divisional charts? Divisional charts are primarily used for trying strength of planets. I have updated DC techniques on the website which may be referred to for the details. The impact of FMs of DI chart are also not to be attached importance. The bad placements in DCs and the influence of nodes is considered to some extent. 17. When studying divisional charts, do we assess a planets functional nature according to its Lordship in the Rasi, or do the Lords of Moolatrikona signs in 6/8/12th in the divisionals become the FM's? Functional nature in general is seen from the rasi chart. But in a particular Divisional Chart the functional nature of the concerned Divisional Chart is seen for that Divisional Chart as well. The weightage given to the functional nature of the Divisional Chart is just 20%. 18. Is there any reason why Thrimsamsa is omitted from the rest of the divisional charts. Classical astrological jurisprudence state that Thrimsamsa influence does have influence, among others, on female horoscopy. Defined, Thrimsamsa, means 1/30th of a sign or one degree. Can you be good enough to guide me as to why this amsa is excluded from the SA and hence omitted from the JJ list of Divisional charts? The ascendant of Thrimamsa will change if the birth time is inaccurate by one minute in some case. Therefore, I have not included this in SA. However, you can see the position of planets in Thrimamsa, if you so desire.


My view of Divisional Charts and their Value: by Sandy Crowther As many of you have now seen, I've pretty much expressed my views on what I have to say on the JonBenet Ramsey chart - all 9 pages of opinion. :) I do wish, however, to address and clarify a few points with regard to usage, and in particular my usage, of the divisional charts. It's no secret that I use them - I always have and probably always will. When I am seeking further insights and refinements for a particular planet or field of life, I turn to the divisionals for deeper clarity, and implement their usage when appropriate. I do not, however, rely on them as stand alone charts, with the final say for a particular area of life. The Navamsa is one divisional I employ on a regular basis for all areas of fortune and spousal relationships. The other divisionals I implement, when appropriate, for further refinements with regards to a particular and specific area of life. In my analysis of JonBenet, the divisionals I saw as appropriate, and utilized, for further clarification of planetary conditions with respect to my questions, were two: 1. Ashtamsha - (divisional 8th) which specifically deals with Longevity, Tensions, and Troubles. 2. Dwadasmsha - (divisional 12th) which specifically deals with Parents, Fate, and Destiny. My questions and concerns were clearly expressed in my analysis of JonBenet's chart, and if you read them, you will know why I chose to study these two particular divisionals. The appropriate significator for both of these particular divisionals is Saturn. In my choice of implementing these two divisionals for this particular case, I then specifically studied the strength of the lord of the divisional lagna (if the lagna falls in a MT sign), the Moon, the appropriate significator of the specific divisional, the lord of the particular house of the Rasi chart, and their planetary placements and aspects. No big deal...just my personal preference to enable me to see things a bit more objectively. So my advice to all is to use them if you personally find them helpful, and ignore them if you don't. I would also like to add that these very same divisionals are NOT employed for refining planetary states and conditions that have absolutely nothing to do with the area of life I am seeking further clarification in. I hope this clears things up. I simply use what works for me, as we all should, and divisionals always give me a deeper perspective from which to view things.


Divisional Charts - by Sandy Crowther For the Divisional Charts, study the strength of the lord of the Ascendant of the Divisional chart, (only if the Ascendant is an MT sign,) the Moon, the Significator, (meaning you have to look at the strength of all the significators as indicated in the rasi chart, in the divisional chart) and the lord of the particular house of the Rasi chart. The planets that signify a particular aspect of life should not be weak in the divisional chart, that is meant for analyzing the said particular aspect of life, such as Mercury for the Shashtamsa (Divisional 6th,) or Saturn for the Ashtamsa (Divisional 8th). Nor should Jupiter should be weak for the Divisional 11th - Ekadasamsa.

DIVISIONAL CHARTS: The Divisional Charts are important for analysis, and therefore should never be overlooked when analyzing a chart because they evaluate the true strength of the planet in question, regarding the particular area of interest. You should study the strength of the lagna lord of the referencing divisional, if it is in an MT sign - if not, look at the primary and secondary significators for the affairs of the rasi, while referencing the appropriate divisional. Also check the status of the Moon, significator, and the condition of the lord of the particular house in the rasi chart. In addition, the Significators for each of these divisionals should not be weak. Planetary aspects may be applied if you wish to further study these affects. The Divisional Charts we most frequently use in Systems' Approach are the ones provided in the Junior Jyotish program. They are as follows :

Divisional: Meaning: Significator:              

2nd: Hora - Wealth (Jupiter) 3rd: Decante -Courage, Enterprise, Initiative, Younger Brothers (Mars) 4th: Turyamsa - Assets (Moon, Venus) 5th: Panchamsa – Analyzing level of Intelligence and Learning (Jupiter). Also used to evaluate Depression. 6th: Shashtamsa - Health and Types of Disease (Mercury) 7th: Saptamsa- Children and Grandchildren (Jupiter) 8th: Ashtamsa - Longevity, Tensions, Troubles (Saturn) 9th: Navamsa - General Fortune, Spouse and Partnership (Venus) 10th: Dasamsa - Position, Career (Sun, Mars, Mercury) 11th: Ekadasamsa – Identifying the Income (Jupiter) 12th: Dwadasmsa - Parents, Fate, Destiny, Hereditary Traits (Saturn) 24th: Chaturvimsamsa - Education (Jupiter) If a planet is weak in the Rashi chart, it remains so, even if it is exalted in Navamsa. Being exalted in Navamsa ensures that it has not lost its strength further. All significant events in life are connected with the transits, and their effects can even supercede the main and sub period lords.


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The weak planets are vulnerable to transit afflictions more. Transit influences are applicable irrespective of the operating sub period. If a planet is weak in the natal chart, its status would be that of a weak planet, even if it is strong in the transit. The orb of malefic influence of transit planets on natal/transit planets for afflictions is 5 degrees, if the planet under malefic affliction is weak, and 1 degree, if the natal/transit planet is strong. The study of divisional charts should be taken up along with the main chart and should be subjected to all rules of predictive astrology. However, the position of significations ruled by a particular planet in the main chart and in the relevant D-chart be taken into account. A planet which is weak on account of debilitation in the Rasi chart, during the course of its sub periods, would hardly be of any help to the significations of its concerned divisional charts... A planet which is weak due to combustion, lacks power to protect or promote the houses and significations ruled by it.... Whenever the sign occupied by the Moon, being weak, is transited by Ketu and other functional malefics, the significations of the D-charts end, or suffer badly, the significations face obstacles when these signs are transited by Saturn (when it is a functional malefic) and significations fluctuate and do not progress whenever these are transited by Rahu. ... Occupation of ascendant of divisional chart by the significators of the relevant D-charts also account for the negative points in case the D-chart lagna is afflicted. However, placement of the lagna lord of D-charts, and significator in a chart from the lagna at a harmonious place, help in promoting the significations of the D-charts. The planetary status of various planets, such as occupying exaltation, debilitation, etc., should be given due consideration. Functional benefics occupying ascendants of D-charts promote the significations, while malefics cause sufferings. The malefics in debilitation in the lagna of D-charts ruin the significations of the D-charts, in their main/sub-periods (e.g., Mars in the D-9 Ascendant causes divorce; Saturn in D-7 Ascendant. delays progeny; Rahu will cause persistent mental unrest; Ketu in Ascendant of D-7 will cause abortions/still-births, etc. The planets associated with the ascendant, angles and trines of D-charts significator by association/aspect touch the significations of the concerned divisional charts in their main/sub-periods. Occupation of angles/trines by malefics in D-charts or by debilitated planets or if their lords are combust/debilitated/occupy dusthana, the native does not get good results in the relevant fields. Any planet which is exalted in Rasi chart and debilitated in the D-chart will give ordinary results. For timing specific events, the position of the lord of the sub-sub-periods in the birth chart, D-chart, and transit, its relationship with period lords and its location in D-charts is paramount importance. When both the lords of the main period and sub-period are functional malefics, they denote destruction and loss in contrast to the benefics which do no harm. The natural malefic lord of a house, if associated with another malefic in his dasa and subperiods of other malefics, produces tension if placed in inauspicious houses." ... Professor Choudhry further goes on to give some important points.


The first is that divisional charts are not to be read independently, but are subject to the strengths indicated in the rasi. This means that planets that are well-placed in the divisional charts cannot strengthen the planet beyond what is indicated natally in the rasi. For example, a combust planet cannot act in an exalted capacity in a divisional. The weakness caused by that combust status is carried into all divisional charts. (Referring to your point 3, we do not subscribe to the view of "turning the wheel", so to speak, as you are doing with the father significations. In trying to address your other points, the ascendant of each lagna does not represent the native. Instead, it is my understanding and judgment that it represents the main signification(s) of the D-chart itself. This would explain why, when the D-chart lagna is malefically conjoined/aspected, those D-chart significations will be spoiled during relevant sub-periods. If the ascendant of the D-chart represented the native, then an affliction to any D-chart lagna would bring ill health during relevant sub-periods. And, that is not logical.)

More on Rahu Ketu - The Shadow Planets The Moon's Nodes in Vedic Astrology Note: All planetary positions in this article refer to the sidereal Zodiac which is currently 23 degrees 49 minutes and 30 sec. behind the Tropical Zodiac. Nakshatras are fixed stars or lunar mansions.          

The Mythology Understanding Rahu & Ketu in Our Natal Charts Vedic Hymn to Rahu Rahu and the Nakshatras Ketu Vedic Hymn to Ketu Ketu and the Nakshatras Kal Sarpa Yoga Transitions


Rahu Ketu is the name given to the Nodes of the Moon. Rahu is the North Node and Ketu is the South Node. They are points on the ecliptic where the Moon is in alignment with the Sun and the Earth. They indicate the precise point of the harmony with the three most important influences in our life- the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. This relationship plays an important part in the enfolding of individual consciousness. Their role as Karmic indicators of our life is connected with their power to cause eclipses. The eclipses occur in the vicinity of Rahu Ketu during the Full Moon and the New Moon. (During New Moon when it is +/- 18 degrees from Rahu Ketu, the Solar eclipse takes place. At the full Moon +/- 11 degrees 15' from the nodal position, the Lunar eclipse takes place.) As they symbolically eclipse the Sun (consciousness) and the Moon (the Mind), they have a great part to play in darkening our perspective in order to bring in new light. They deal with the concept of death and re-birth, transformation and regeneration. During the eclipses the light from the Luminaries is darkened. The energies created are powerfully psychic, pregnant with new information and occult power. The period after the eclipse is considered a rebirth of the Sun and the Moon. The role of Rahu Ketu in this powerful alignment of the Sun Moon and the Earth gives them the role of the ultimate controllers of the destiny. The prime importance given to Rahu Ketu in Vedic Astrology is one of it's key features. They have been given the status of Planets to emphasise their significance and the importance placed on eclipses. They are known as Chayya Grahas (shadow planets). They have no substance and are physically non-existent. Yet their influence is full of potency and spiritual significance. They work in unison 180 degrees apart, two opposite points in the zodiac with a mission to churn our lives in order to externalise hidden potential and wisdom. In keeping with their shadowy nature, they work on a psychological level. It is always difficult to gauge their effect because their main concern is with our emotional makeup. They effect us internally. We are unaware of what exactly is happening to us at the time. In Vedic Astrology, the concept of the Soul's journey through different lifetimes is central to it. The final goal of the soul is to break this cycle of life and death. Like the beads on a necklace, various lifetimes are joined together to form a necklace, each life being different but interconnected by an invisible thread. The invisible thread is Rahu and Ketu. The purpose of the soul in this life to act out his given Karma, destroy the illusions of the materialistic life and move towards the pursuit of self realisation. To live on the astral planes where pleasure and pain do not have the capacity to hurt, the mind is still and at peace. The soul's journey in a particular life time and it's connection with eternal life is indicated by the position of Rahu and Ketu. Ketu deals with the past Karma and Rahu with the future. The five instincts that keep us attached to the materialistic purpose of life are Kaam (Desire, passions) Krodh (Anger) Madh (intoxicants- drugs, alcohol etc) Moh (Attachment) Lobh(Greed) and Matsaya(Jealousy). We need to control our instincts rather than allowing ourselves to be controlled by them. Both Rahu and Ketu have the ability to keep our mind focused on these instincts- Rahu by exaggerating and Ketu by obscuring or blocking. We are tied down to the cycle of unhappiness and dissatisfaction as we cannot break away from our lower selves. We are born again and again to experience the pleasures and pains of the earthly life until we recognise them to be the illusions that they are. On a subconscious level we are afraid that if we give up these desires, we will lose out. Once we start understanding the principle of letting go, enjoying what life has to offer but not getting attached, then we are able to grow spiritually. Rahu Ketu deals with the inner fight within us, the moral and the social choices we have to constantly make and the inner dilemmas.


The Mythology There are many Myths and legends attached to Rahu Ketu. The most well known one is of Rahu Ketu as the Naga Vasuki- the ruler of the Patala Loka (the nether regions of the earth). Nagas in Vedic literature are not ordinary snakes but Serpents with much hidden knowledge and wisdom. There was a great war between the gods and the demons for the control of the universe and at the centre of it was the ocean which was being churned to find the hidden treasures and the Amrita- the nectar of immortality. Vasuki helped the gods in their mission. He was the rope tied around the spiritual mountain Mandara, which was the rod, used by the gods to churn the ocean. When the Amrita was found the gods wanted to keep it for themselves as they felt that the demons would use it for the wrong purpose. Vasuki being a demon, his instincts were for personal glorification and materialistic happiness rather than universal good. (Sacrificing self for others is considered the godly impulse). Vasuki, was more intelligent than the other demons, he was not willing to be distracted by the gods. He drank the nectar of immortality secretly. The Sun and the Moon complained to Lord Vishnu, the creator of the Universe, who was very angry at this deception. In anger he threw the Sudharshan Chakra at Vasuki and cut him into two. Vasuki had drunk the Amrita and was immortal, therefore could not be killed. He remained in the skies as Rahu(the head)Ketu (the lower half), a permanent reminder to the other planets(gods) of the darker side of life which we have to defeat in the pursuit of immortality. Rahu Ketu are considered great enemies of the Sun and the Moon because they told Lord Vishnu about them. They symbolically swallow the two luminaries during the eclipses. Their capacity to darken the Sun and the Moon make Rahu Ketu the most powerful influences in the Zodiac. The Sun around whom the other planets and the solar system revolves, the Moon which controls life on earth, are obscured by Rahu Ketu during eclipses. Rahu Ketu represent Cosmic Law which everyone including the Sun and the Moon have to obey. This allegory has to be understood as life. The Gods without the help of Vasuki (Rahu Ketu) could not find the secret of immortality. In the same way we as humans cannot find our higher selves without understanding the lessons of Rahu and Ketu. They represent the darker side of our nature which we need to overcome. Our inner emotions are like the ocean being churned. Within this ocean lie a number of treasures as well as poisons and nasty things. We have learn to recognise the precious from the dross and finally find Amrita- the secret of immortality or true happiness. The conflict between our attachment to materialistic achievements (this gives us momentary happiness which is a fantasy as it has no real basis, the domain of Rahu) and liberation of the soul, finding bliss and tranquillity which is eternal and everlasting (Ketu is the Moksha karaka significator for spiritual realisation). The gods needed the help of Vasuki in the Amrita manthan and in the same way we need the knowledge provided by the wise nodes to give direction.


Understanding Rahu and Ketu in our Natal Charts To understand the influence of Rahu Ketu in our chart we must learn about their shadow nature. This is the most important factor in when dealing with the influence of the nodes. They are only points in the Zodiac therefore they are unable to enact their effect on their own. The nodes take on the characteristics of their dispositor as they have no substance themselves. It is very important to study the sign, position and placement of the depositor. Here it is important to understand that although the nodes are influenced by their depositor, the depositor itself carries forward the influence of the nodes. The basic results of Rahu- Ketu are modified by their location in your chart. The signs/ houses they are placed in. The aspects they receive and the aspects they throw out. Also if they are in conjunction with another planet (note in Vedic Astrology a planet in the same house is considered conjunct. The closer the conjunction the stronger the influence.) they will throw out it's influence. For example if Rahu is in conjunction with Mars it will throw the aspect of Mars along with that of it's depositor. Rahu Ketu are the personal eclipse points. Therefore they are areas where you need to work out your Karma, past as well as future. They are our Karmic responsibilities. We have to learn to look beyond the momentary darkness that Rahu Ketu represent. They highlight the negative side of our nature which we need to overcome to move towards the spiritual growth. They work psychologically, therefore it is hard to pin- point their effect. They are the axis of life which indicates the path of spiritual growth from past life ( Ketu) to the Future (Rahu). Knowledge of both the past and present are needed for true understanding of life. The past shapes the personality we are now, the negative and the positive Karma we are going to experience. It shades our psyche to how we are going to tackle the present. The future is always uncertain therefore can seem like darkness and carry fear and uncertainty within it. We have to really come to terms with our past to be able to not get afraid of the future. Rahu is showing this direction, Ketu is sometime blocking due to our actions of the past. Rahu Ketu have twin purpose, one in the mundane life and another in the spiritual life but it is intertwined, like their shadowy nature. Their actions in the material realm are meant so that we change our thoughts and ideas about what we want and desire. What is darkness to a person enmeshed in materialistic ambitions can be powerful spiritual energy for those on the path of Moksha and spiritual enlightenment. The nodes always serves opposing purposes- good and bad, lots and nothing, give and take. Rahu gives, Ketu takes back. The are no straight rules about them. They operate in so many different colours which can lead you to the highest spiritual pinnacle to the greatest financial achievements or vice versa. They can give contrary results. You can never give predictions dealing with surety. They can create fear of the unknown. They can create sudden and unexpected results. The saying is that Rahu Ketu always take away what they give because they have a special reason for granting you your wishes. To realise that what they give is not necessarily what you want once you have achieved it. They highlight dissatisfaction within ourselves.


RAHU Vedic Hymn to Rahu 'Rahu is snake shaped, born of a lioness and a devourer of the Sun and the Moon' Rahu is the head part of the celestial snake. This hymn refers to Rahu being snake shaped. The snakes are given great importance in Vedic mythology. Lord Shiva has a snake around his neck, Lord Vishnu's throne was Shesh Naga - the Eternal Serpent. Shesh Naga represents the cycles of time and space which the seed of cosmic creation. The Nagas are shaped like snakes but stand tall. The Nagas are highly evolved beings. They are wise, but their wisdom can be used for both good and bad. The Naga sheds his skin, this symbolises transformation,re-birth. The snakes in Vedic literature remind people of their mortality. The 'devouring of the Sun and Moon' are when Rahu eclipses the luminaries. This shows the important part Rahu has to play in changing the course of our life. The Sun and Moon are Royal planets under whose dictates the universe and life on earth revolves. But Rahu can darken this light, therefore it controls the process of life. The Sun is the Soul and Moon the Mind, when they are eclipsed, they go through regeneration, transformation and death. Rahu takes people off their Dharmic past path to tempt them on the road of self destruction. But Rahu has a very definite purpose in doing so. It wants you to learn, taste and feel everything so that from the full satiation of your senses you turn a new leaf on the path of self realisation and find their true enlightenment. Rahu on a physical plane gives you insatiable desire to achieve, to conquer. Once you have reached the pinnacle of achievement, you realise this success you have achieved has not brought with it happiness because you were in fact chasing an illusion. There are many cults in India which preach satiation of all your mundane and carnal desires so that we can learn the important lesson of fulfilment of all your desires do not give you the true happiness. Rahu signifies foreigners in all fields- people, countries, tastes. Rahu behaves like Saturn. It deals with drugs, poisons, over ambition, power play, hidden knowledge, Rahu's element is air. It deals with all aspects of air related activities air travel, Air accidents, Aviation, Pilots etc. Other significations of Rahu include students of Astrology, metaphysical knowledge, witchcraft, skin diseases, small pox, deception, politics, political manoeuvre, inventions, scientists, execution, diseases, disenchantment etc.


Rahu and the Nakshatras Rahu Ketu rule 3 Nakshtras (fixed stars) each. Rahu rules Ardra ( 6 degree 40' to 20 degrees 00' Gemini), Swati ( 6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00' Libra) and Shatabishak (6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00'Aquarius), all in the Air triplicity . Mercury, Venus and Saturn represent intellectualism, pleasure and righteous behaviour. Rahu has the capacity to bestow in all these areas. As the ruler of the fixed star Ardra( 6 degree 40' to 20 degrees 00' Gemini), Rahu represents the highest thinking, Ardra is the Nakshatra where we begin our learning about the nature's law. Ardra is in 6 degree 40' to 20 degrees Gemini a sign ruled by Mercury. At the cosmic stage of Ardra, there is conflict on the outer level where we are dissatisfied with our present surrounding, so we start looking for answers. This can be through knowledge, occult and communication The duality of Gemini as well as the celestial powers of Mercury are present. Ardra's symbol is of a head or a single jewel. both symbolising ideas, mind and thinking. Rahu is always about matchless ambition and in Ardra it combines it with the capacity for knowledge. Planets in Ardra get motivated towards greater occult learning. Rudra, the God of Destruction is Ardra's presiding Diety.. Rudra is a form of Shiva. Rudra's mission is to destroy ignorance, therefore he directs the consciousness towards knowledge and finding the answers for ourselves about this manifestation. At Ardra we start to study or learn about the Law of Nature. The first time we become dissatisfied with the materialistic nature of our lives and start towards expanding the horizons of our spiritual selves..

The Second Nakshatra ruled by Rahu is Swati ( 6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00' Libra) Planets in Swati indicate the depth of the soul's involvement in Materialism. The indicator of the soul in our chart, the Sun, is debilitated here and Saturn the worker of the Zodiac is exalted here. Under Swati, the impulse is all about material gain. Venus rules the earthly needs in an individual. Combining it with Rahu it adds further to the desire for success, wealth and finance. Many millionaires are born with their Moon's or Saturn in Swati. The presiding diety is Vayu (air).The Symbol is Coral. The location of this Nakshatra in Libra indicates that the experience of full involvment into earthy, materialistic pleasures will bring with it dissatisfaction because the scales will be heavy to one side. Once success is achieved we feel empty, alone and dissatisfied with our achievement, many try for more success but the correct thing would be to look towards your higher self at this time. Libra is a stage of life when we start thinking about the spiritual meaning of life but only once the other urges have been fulfilled. Shatabishak( 6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00'Aquarius) is the final Nakshatra ruled by Rahu. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Rahu's rulership of the Nakshtra makes a very difficult combination where life has to have a purpose and the total direction is about learning lessons. Rahu gives results like Saturn but on a psychological level. This double Saturnine influence on planets placed here is difficult to handle unless our activities are directed towards service to humanity. Here both Rahu and Saturn are concerned about changing our purpose of life, giving us the final answers. Rahu on the internal level and Saturn on an external level offers restrictions, obstacles and transformation. The need to understand the final lessons of life as


well as duty to others are two of the important aspects of Shatabishak.

Its symbol is the thousand petalled flower, Shatabishak is where the Kundalini flowers and we reach towards the full awareness of our consciousness. This is the stage in life where we activate the Sahasara (Crown) Chakra. Rahu brings forth its full power as the teacher of cosmic law. When the Moon is in Shatabishak, its materialistic tendencies are shed completely and we moves towards the true purpose of life. We are ready to transcend to the next phase of spiritual development. All the quarters of Rahu's Nakshatra are ruled by Jupiter and Saturn, the significators of spirituality and occult initiation. They are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each pada (quarter) represents the ninth harmonic of the natal chart. Together these four signs represent the final stages of spiritual development. As the Rahu Nakshatras represent a point in cycle of life where we are starting to change, these padas further indicate that life on an internal level remain the same again. Sagittarius is the level when man learns to control the base emotions,changes from animal to human, at Capricorn we learn about the duties and responsibilities to others, Aquarius represents the stage of development where we are now privy to full knowledge. At Pisces we are able to make the final change, sow the seeds for future growth. So although the stages of the soul's journey are different in Ardra ( Gemini) Swati ( Libra) and Shatabishak( Aquarius) the underlying urge, represented by the quarters, is still the same- to evolve. The ending of one way of life and the beginning of another.

KETU Vedic Hymn to Ketu ' Decked with silk, flowers, garlands, sandal paste and an umbrella, of variegated colour, born of Jaimini's family under Abhijit Nakshatra…' Ketu is the lower part of the celestial snake. This hymn shows the main difference between Rahu and Ketu, Rahu is dark in colour but Ketu has a variegated colour. Therefore it has the capacity to shine a light on you suddenly, bring about enlightenment. Ketu is born to the Jaimini family who followed the Mimasa school of philosophy. Their main concern was the correct interpretations of the vedic rituals and settling any controversies about the Vedic texts. Ketu himself is guiding towards meditation of the nature of creation, intuitiveness, the true understanding of universe and the guidance of the soul towards it's final salvation or Moksha. Ketu causes great impediments in your paths. It sets up roadblocks, traffic jams, boulders in your journey of life. It causes pain. It wants to change your psyche. You learn to leave your excess baggage of past Karma behind. Travel lightly into your this existence so that you can understand there are areas of your life which need to address and some left behind. Those unable to harness the power of Ketu or understand its karmic path can be lead to a sorrowful existence. Sometimes it is difficult for any one do stand in the way of Ketu power. We need to accept and understand the divine plan which is part of our destiny and Ketu is doing its work to produce in you the enlightenment which would lead to true enlightenment and honour.


The effect of the Ketu problems are like the going through the ritual of fire from which one comes out stronger more powerful to be able to take on the problems thrown at us Ketu will act like Mars and so will it's dispositor. Fiery in nature, it signifies accidents or injury specially due to fire. Ketu rules 7 years in the planetary life cycle. Ketu always has a sting in it's tale. So the ending of Ketu Maha Dasha one has to be vary of unexpected happening Ketu is considered the keeper of the book of our life- past and present Karmas. Ketu is known as Dhwajah- flag. It's association with in dignity with a planet has the capacity to boost it's capabilities- good or bad beyond recognition for lotteries and windfall. Ketu in conjunction with a benefic can give beyond your wildest expectations. Some of the signification of Ketu are Ascetics, assassinations, trouble through cats, calirvoyance, contemplation, desire for knowledge, deep thinking, imprisonment, poison, intrigues, magical powers, poverty, mysticism etc.

Ketu and the Nakshatras The Nakshatra's Ketu rules are Ashwini (Aries), Magha (Leo) and Mula (Sagittarius), the fire triplicity. These are the beginning stages in the cycles of life. Mars, Sun and Jupiter the rulers of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are friends with each other. Together they represent strength, the soul and wisdom, Ketu has the capacity to give in these areas. A proper blending of these three planets in our natal charts direct us towards seeking Moksha- the final liberation from the cycle of life and death. Aries deals with birth, a new life, freshness of approach and start of the cycle of Life. 0 degrees to 13 degrees 20 is Ashwini, the first Nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Ashwini indicates the beginning of the soul's journey into the earthly life. Ketu's rulership of this part of the Zodiac is full of occult significations. Ketu is the significator for Moksha. The beginning part of life indicated by Aries ruled by Ketu Nakshatra shows that the true reason of our manifestation on earth is to find the Moksha- the final salvation from the cycles of life and death. This is the stage where mind is pure and we have not yet entangled ourselves into knots which represent the attachment to life. Sun, the signifactor of the soul, our inner consciousness is exalted in Ashwini. Ashwini is in Aries ruled by Mars. Ketu acts like Mars but on a psychological level so the purity of Martian action, courage and protection of humanity is powerfully indicated by the planets located here. The past life connection is very strong as Ketu, specially if the Moon is located here. Magha is the second Nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Magha is in the sign of Leo ( 0 degrees to 13 degrees 20' Leo) ruled by the Sun. Magha is the beginning of the second cycle in the soul's Journey. The signs Leo to Scorpio indicate the soul's full involvement into the pleasures and pains of the earthly life. Ketu, the significator of spiritual realisation ruling the commencing point of the materialistic journey shows the importance of the experience of the realities of life in fulfilling the divine mission of the Soul. Magha's ruling deity is Pitris, who are the fathers of humanity whose mission is to guide their children to the right course of life. The father's only interfere if you are going off the right path. Ketu and Pitris both guide the soul towards it's special mission in life. Planets in Magha are idealistic even if their mission is to fulfil their


materialistic needs. This does create misunderstandings at times.

Others suspect their honour and sincerity. Magha gives a lot materially, but the person ruled by Magha knows intuitively that the material happiness is only an experience, he still needs to follow the inner purpose of life and move towards Moksha. Mula is the third Nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Mula is 0 degrees to 13 degrees 20' Sagittarius. This is the start of the final part of the Soul's mission towards finding the answers that will lead to his breaking away from the cycles of life and death. This is one of the most difficult Nakshatra for planets to be situated in specially the Moon. The deity that rules Mula is Nittriti, the goddess of death and destruction. This personifies the destruction of the material sheaths and the foundation on which the spiritual enfoldment can be undertaken. The pain experienced by the influence of Mula changes the personality. Attachment to the lower nature and material tendencies have to be severed so that a new spiritual beginning can happen. This is the Nakshatra of initiation towards spiritual realisation. Ketu fulfills it's role as Moksha karaka by arousing the soul towards it's ultimate destination. Mula means root and it also is Muladhara chakra (Base Chakra) where the Kundalini power lies dormant and has to be activated. Ketu rules this and Rahu with it's rulership of Shatabishak- the Crown Chakra indicate the real spiritual insight provided by the nodes. At times they create powerful negativity to focus your mind towards the absolute knowledge. The quarters of Ketu's Nakshatras are ruled by Mars, Venus, Gemini and the Moon. Mars is courage, Venus- the guide to material fulfilment, Mercury the pure intellect and Moon, the emotional Mind. The signs these planets rule are Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer- the four sign that lead the soul towards experiencing the life on earth. Each pada (quarter) represents the ninth harmonic of the natal chart. Together these four signs represent the beginning stages of spiritual development. As the Ketu Nakshatras represent a point in cycle of life where we have to move towards the divine mission of the soul. They always indicate a beginning and an ending at two different levels. Aries is about discovery of new ideas and the courage to explore them. Taurus is where we nurture the creative potential of our new beginnings. Gemini develops the mind and the recognition of time, space, the working of the universal law. Cancer makes time and space possible. It is ruled by the Moon and Water which also leads us towards purification of mind and harmonising the spiritual and the material. The stages of the soul's journey are different in Ashwini (Mars) Magha (Leo) and Mula (Sagittarius) the underlying urge, represented by the quarters, is still the same- to evolve. The ending of one way of life and the beginning of another.


Kal Sarpa Yoga Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed when Rahu Ketu hem in the planets in the natal chart i.e. if Rahu is 10 degrees Leo and Ketu 10 degrees Aquarius and all the planets are within these degrees, either from Leo to Aquarius or Aquarius to Leo (Vedic Astrology does not use the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). For this yoga to be complete, no planet should conjunct Rahu or Ketu. It restricts completely any indications of the charts. However capable the person, his life is impeded due to past Karma. Important lessons have to be faced in this life, where no amount of effort is rewarded, obstacles are encountered at every junction for inexplicable reasons.The Yoga does not suggest either success or failure, but a person caught up in Karmic forces so great that they restrict his/ her destiny. It acts mysteriously, without other indications in the birth Chart. A heavy price is paid for past Karma in this life. Understanding and counter- acting the effects of Kala Sarpa Yoga needs a person to move towards his higher self. As Rahu and Ketu act on the inner self, the need to understand the psychic implications and the inner blocks created by this combination is important.

Transits To judge the transits of Rahu Ketu we have to look at the planets they conjunct during their transit. The Sun and Moon being the most important planets. In 1998 when Rahu Ketu are transiting through the Leo Aquarius Axis, people with Leo Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Aquarius Sun, Moon, Ascendant are feeling the transforming effect of Rahu Ketu. The transit of Rahu Ketu gives clues to their unpredictability. They normal travel in a retrograde motion, the opposite to other planets. They will suddenly go direct and backwards again, representing the churning process. They can churn up your life, your inner emotion, force you to transform yourself, create unpredictability in your life. To know exactly how powerful their influence will be, you will have to study the eclipses. If the eclipses are taking place within 1to 2 degrees of your natal planets then they will be indicating a time for change. Here it is important to remember that the eclipses work on a psychological level, some of these influence may not be immediately obvious but will reveal themselves in time. The transit of Rahu also needs to be seen through their Dashas- planetary cycles. They are each assigned a Mahadasha. Rahu has an 18 year period and Ketu a 7 years period. They also have sub- periods in planetary cycles of other planets through which they exercise their power and influence. Whenever the life cycles come into our life they have the overall control over factors which dictate what we are going to be doing.



Nobody likes being unpopular - but imagine if you were the kind of planet that causes humans to tremble and go weak at the knees, rather than jump with joy when you appear. Furthermore, you would even be feared by your fellow celestial bodies. This is the fate of Lord Sani, (pronouced sha-nee) the planet Saturn, whose influence is dreaded, and who is at best respected for his powers as a bringer of harsh karmic lessons, at worst feared and shunned. Who could love such an icy, aged and implacable malefic? In fact the popular image of a terrifying cosmic policeman is just a caricature, and the periods when Sani influences your chart can turn out to be the best times of your life - if you seek wisdom and higher understanding. For a start, there is much more to Sani than first meets the eye. The planet has many ambiguities in its nature and influence. The astronomical view Perhaps the metaphor is unfortunate, because Sani does not easily meet the eye. He is visible to the naked eye from earth, but looks faded and is easy to miss in a crowded night sky. One clue is that Saturn never twinkles, unlike the stars. The planet is just over 1.4bn kilometres distant from the earth, and over 700 times bigger than our home planet. But - first ambiguity - it weighs 100 times less. It is the least dense of the planets. Saturn is slow moving when seen from the earth and takes 29.5 years to go around the sun. Seen from space, the planet with its rings and 18 satellites has a compulsive beauty about it. Another ambiguity: It gives off more energy than it receives from the sun. That is the physical aspect of the planet, the one which is known, plotted and measured by science. The Vedic Sani But in Vedic astrology, as in Roman myth, Saturn is a living being. The Romans firmly placed Saturn as earthy, as Saturn is the god of agriculture and rules the day Saturday. Lord Sani also rules the day Saturday. In the lore of Jyotish, Saturn, Lord Sani, is cold, earthy, masculine and dry, but - yet another ambiguity, the son of the fiery, hot, energetic Sun. Sani's mother is Chaya.. shadow, who in the myth sneaked in to unite with the Sun, much to his subsequent dismay. The Sun is therefore no friend of Lord Sani. But a planet that is parented by sun and shadow is an interesting mix indeed. Echoes in cultures There are many different descriptions of this most unusual planet in ancient jyotish texts. Lord Sani is variously described as "dark, lame, deep eyes" or "thin and tall body, large teeth, stiff hair", or


even "tall body full of arteries and veins" - the kind of physical shape called "ectomorphic" by modern science.. bony, angular, thin. His behavioural characteristics sound uncompromising: "cruel", "pitiless", "patient", "slow". This archetype is powerful enough to resurface time and time again in different cultures over different ages. Consider two uncanny depictions of the Saturnian essence that I have found help build a picture of Lord Sani. One is a famous character in graphic novels called "the Sandman", Morpheus the Lord of Dreams. He is tall, stiff, austere, humourless and unforgiving - but also loyal, dutiful, responsible and extremely wise. If you have never read the Sandman series - hailed as the best graphic novels ever written, take a look and you will see a faithful, almost unnerving portrayal of Sani's stiff, implacable power. Another depiction of Saturn comes from the Ifa religion of West Africa, and is the dreaded god of illness and healing Babalu Aye, who hides his face under a veil. Babula Aye resurfaces in the Santeria religion as St Lazarus - invariably depicted as an old, lame man with two dogs as companions, covered with boils. Vedic astrology allocates a particular role to Sani, which is brilliantly summed up in the book "Greatness Of Saturn" - a reinterpretation by western astrologer Robert Svoboda of an ancient story about Saturn's powers. Sani's remit Sani,in brief, has a wide remit. The planet brings karmic lessons to the individual human soul in a patient but unmistakeable way. Sani's karmic retribution is always just .. and accurately balanced. But the planet is uncompromising in its action. Jyotish describes different propitiations for planets but Sani is the one planet unlikeliest to be placated or fooled by insincere, rushed measures to ward off his ill affects. This is not Lord Sani's nature. Sani traditionally governs age, longevity, restriction, discipline, elders, ancestors, asceticism, restriction. Lord Sani is not a planet that baulks from saying "no". Yet Sani also signifies wisdom not the only planet to do so, but Saturnian wisdom, born of sober and probably unhappy experience has a special, "lived in" quality. The planet at its best brings temperance, moderation, and a quiet, unstated delight in a simple life.It rules hidden wealth, endurance, mental and moral courage. In the kind of culture we currently live, these qualities are about as welcome as an undertaker at a midnight rave. But glitz, excitement, living life to the max.. this is all the antithesis of a Sani lifestyle. Our society is speeded up at a frantic pace. Sani is not. And it come as a huge shock when Lord Sani comes to slow a life down. Another area which Lord Sani rules is servants and service. Only the best of servants would agree to the kind of job Lord Sani has to do - doling out harsh lessons is not the kind of thing anyone would volunteer for. But Lord Sani is responsible, unswerving in his duty, the perfect servant of God's instructions. Sade Sati To followers of Vedic astrology, Lord Sani has a special significance in one particular lengthy transit dubbed "Sade Sati". This is when Sani transits the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from the house in which your Moon is placed at birth. The period of influence is 7.5 years long- hence the name "Sade Sati" which means seven and a half, and occurs roughly every 30 years. Sade Sati makes Hindus especially particularly nervous - as it seems to threaten untold miseries and calamities. But the period, especially in middle age, all depends on your attitude. Texts threaten all sorts of failure, journeys, losses, tiredness -the standard frighteners put in jyotish texts. But the reality can be


entirely different: a liberation, a learning of vital life skills, a growth in maturity, tolerance and understanding. Sani in your life Lord Sani occupies everyone's chart, and in each chart also rules two of the twelve houses. Therefore everyone, at some point in their life, comes face to face with his influence. In some charts he can be relatively well placed - in his own signs, or in the signs of friends Budha (Mercury) and Sukra (Venus). These placings and relationships are well documented elsewhere. But there are also exceptions to general planetary rules in Sani's case. Lord Sani gets "dik bala" directional strength, in the seventh house, but strengthening the Sarturnian indications in the seventh house can bring great trouble in the house of partnerships and relationships. Whichever house that Sani occupies, you can almost be guaranteed some delay, some ageing, some holding back in the house matters concerned. In charts I have studied for clients, time and time again I have been surprised by the seemingly infinite complexity of Saturn's influence, in the house he occupies, the houses he rules,the houses he aspects. A Sani action plan If you have to come face to face with Saturn, wise advice has come down the ages about how you can deal with it. Your first impulse may be to run, to hide, to escape from some long-threatened disaster (Saturn's presence tends to bring crises to a head). But you can't run,. You can't hide.. at least, not for long. Lord Sani always gets his man. So, first bit of basic advice: let events come to you, and as far as possible surrender to them. Lord Sani is a respecter of discipline, responsibility, moderation. These are all yogic virtues and vital to an ultimately rewarding life. So Sani's influence will mean a compulsory end to burning the candle at both ends. If you have never lived a regulated life, you maybe in for a shock: it is deeply satisfying! Facing trouble, it is a common thing to look for a way out. Jyotish offers various means to propitiate the planetary deities. But Lord Sani cannot easily be fobbed off by an expensive gem, or a yantra, or mantras uttered carelessly - or worst of all, by someone other than you on your behalf. If you feel you really want to propiate Sani to ward of his ill affects, then take a little time to work out what you are trying to do. Far better than propiating Sani is to enter a relationship with him. He has a huge amount of gifts to offer. I call this relationship entering the school of Sani - his gurukula, and it is a school like none other. You can only enter this school, and learn the lessons, if you check the ego by the front door, keep humble, and accept the events which come to you. Lord Sani is a magnificent teacher! By his own example he represents effort, endeavour, endurance. He is wise, grave, not torn here and there by the demands of the senses. You can learn to live a life full of simple goodness, grow enormously in a compassionate wisdom, and understand that in moments of unhappiness there is great beauty too. The best way to keep this relationship alive, I have found, is to do a bit of chanting and recitation of sacred texts. It is a way of focussing, of bringing the strength of Lord Sani to you.. a way of


saying "Teach me what you know, I bow to your greatness" rather than "Here's a bribe now leave me alone please". Chanting is a great great tool, and it costs nothing to do. Ideally the time for Sani propitiations is on Saturday, two hours and forty minutes before sunset. But this may seem a little too austere for some. Here's my suggestion - that you chant on your mala beads the Sani root mantra 108 times (1 round) on a Saturday.. or once a day during Lord Sani's influence. But if you commit to do this, then don't rush it, or gabble the words. Everything is slow, deliberate, patient in the world of Sani. The root mantra is Om pram prim proum sah shanaye namah… A more radical way is also to make a commitment to chant this 23,000 times over a period of 40 days - which is easier than it sounds and can bring profound understanding of Lord Sani. Yet another free method: Fast on a Saturday. Offer the fast to Lord Sani and then simply go for it. And offer the break of the fast to Sani as well. One method I use, to good effect, is to chant the 108 names of Lord Sani every day , as a kind of simple and beneficial practice. This may need some familiarity with how to chant in sanskrit but can be done anywhere, at any time of your choosing: The chant is given below: Shanya-astottara-shata-nama-vali (The 108 names of Shani) Om shanaescaraya namah Om shantaya namah Om sarvabhistapradayine namah Om sharanyaya namah Om vagenyaya namah Om sarveshaya namah Om saumyaya namah Om suramvandhaya namah Om suralokaviharine namah Om sukhasonapavishtaya namah Om sundaraya namah Om ghanaya namah Om ghanarupaya namah Om ghanabharanadharine namah Om ghanasaravilepaya namah


Om khadyotaya namah Om mandaya namah Om mandaceshtaya namah Om maha-niyaguna-atmane namah Om martyapavanapadaya namah Om maheshaya namah Om dhayaputraya namah Om sharvaya namah Om shatatuniradharine namah Om carasthirasvabhavaya namah Om acamcalaya namah Om nilavarnaya namah Om nityaya namah Om nilanjana-nibhaya namah Om nilambara-vibhushaya namah Om nishcalaya namah Om vedyaya namah Om vidhi-rupaya namah Om virodha-dhara-bhumaye namah Om bhedaspadasvabhavaya namah Om vajradehaya namah Om vairagyadaya namah Om viraya namah Om vitarogabhayaya namah Om vipatparampareshaya namah Om vishva-vandyaya namah


Om gridhnavahaya namah Om gudhaya namah Om kurmangaya namah Om kurupine namah Om kutsitaya namah Om gunadhyaya namah Om gocaraya namah Om avidhya-mula-nashaya namah Om vidhya-avidhya-svarupine namah Om ayushyakaranaya namah Om apaduddhartre namah Om vishnu-bhaktaya namah Om vishine namah Om vividhagamavedine namah Om vidhistutyaya namah Om vandhyaya namah Om virupa-akshaya namah Om varishthaya namah Om garishthaya namah Om vajram-kushagharaya namah Om varada bhayahastaya namah Om vamanaya namah Om jyeshthapatni-sametaya namah Om shreshthaya namah Om mitabhashine namah Om kashtaughanashakartre namah


Om pushtidaya namah Om stutyaya namah Om stotra-gamyaya namah Om bhakti-vashyaya namah Om bhanave namah Om bhanuputraya namah Om bhavyaya namah Om pavanaya namah Om dhanur-mandala-samsthaya namah Om dhanadaya namah Om dhanushmate namah Om tanu-prakasha-dehaya namah Om tamasaya namah Om asheshajanavandyaya namah Om visheshaphaladayine namah Om vashikritajaneshaya namah Om pashunam pataye namah Om khecaraya namah Om khageshaya namah Om ghana-nilambaraya namah Om kathinyamanasaya namah Om aryaganastutyaya namah Om nilacchatraya namah Om nityaya namah Om nirgunaya namah Om gunatmane namah


Om niramayaya namah Om nandyaya namah Om vandaniyaya namah Om dhiraya namah Om divya-dehaya namah Om dinartiharanaya namah Om dainyanashakaraya namah Om aryajanaganyaya namah Om kruraya namah Om kruraceshtaya namah Om kama-krodha-karaya namah Om kalatraputrashatrutvakaranaya pariposhita-bhaktaya namah Om parabhitiharaya namah Om bhakta-sangha-manobhishta-phaladaya namah Begin with a prayer, end with a prayer, and see how this settles with you. Getting to know Lord Sani I have evolved another technique that works for me, which is to visualise Lord Sani appearing, in a landscape I have often used before. For me, this is actually a kind of 1950's sci-fi version of the moon - all jagged mountains and a black sky. I compose this landscape in my mind and then ask for the sight (darshan) of Lord Sani. He is not unnapproachable - but you need to be open, not treacherous, and willing to listen to his lessons. Why bother? Well, don't you want to get a little bit of wisdom from your life on earth? I once read a story about two teachers - one, who was always smiling and joking, and who created great gusts of laughter in the big crowds as he taught. But, afterwards, no one could remember a word he said. The other was grim, silent, said very little. Only a few disciples sat with him. But every word he said they carried with them until the end of their days, and never forgot. This is the kind of teacher Lord Sani is. He can teach you acceptance of the impossible; he can move you past grief, past addiction, past miseries, past the worst humiliations and unhappiness. Within his protective grasp is much to enrich your life. And, in his own way, Lord Sani is loveable. The rest is up to you ...


A Brief Intro to Rahu - the North Node of the Moon by Prash Trivedi

Rahu, the North Node, is assigned the rulership of the sign Aquarius by the sage Parashar, who is one of the prime contributors to the richness of Vedic astrology. Rahu has a nature very similar to that of Saturn, so it can rule either Capricorn or Aquarius. But since it is airy in temperament and is a mystical planet, it automatically qualifies for the co-rulership of Aquarius. According to ancient Indian mythology, Lord Shiva (the god of destruction and one of the trinity) is supposed to preside over the sign Aquarius. He is blue in color, has matted locks with holy waters flowing from them, wears a snake around his neck, is unmindful of his appearance, and roams around the snow-filled mountains. So it is not hard to see the obvious connection between his physical and mental attributes and those of Aquarius. He has blue color; Aquarius is the sign associated with blue color in both Vedic and western astrology. He is unmindful of his appearance and has matted locks; Aquarius is the most ascetic among the signs, and people with Aquarius strong or Aquarius rising are the least mindful about their looks. Roaming around the snow-filled mountains shows the ascetic nature of Shiva, which is the very nature of Aquarius. Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac, is the sign ruling complete wisdom and liberation. Now, true wisdom and liberation are only possible after renunciation of the material world. Aquarius is the sign preceding Pisces, and thus rules that penultimate stage in the journey of man toward liberation.


Now the question arises: What connection does the snake (representing the serpent power) have with Aquarius? That's where Rahu comes into the picture. The knowledge and wisdom associated with Aquarius are not attained until one masters the Kundalini Shakti (the coiled serpent power), which resides in every human being at the sacrum bone at the base of the spine. Among the planets, Rahu represents this serpent power. (Rahu also presides over the color blue, signifying Aquarius.) Mercury and Rahu also have a close relationship, and Rahu is assigned the part rulership of Virgo in various texts of Vedic astrology. Rahu represents the deeper, and sometimes dark, side of the intellect, which is ordinarily governed by Mercury. Both are planets of knowledge, with Rahu ruling over the intuitive knowledge. Rahu is often the force behind a genius who turns to criminal ways, as it is responsible for the perversion of the intellect. Rahu is a trickster in the same way as Mercury is, but is usually more magical in its approach and dangerous in its intentions. In fact, Mercury always has some bit of Rahu in it, even when it is not connecting with Rahu in a particular nativity or birth chart. The ancient Indian mythological deity ruling Mercury is Lord Vishnu (one of the trinity, with the function of preservation). He is always seated on a serpent, which separates him from the ocean of illusion (the phenomenal world). This points toward the close association between Mercury and Rahu, as well as the fact that one cannot transcend the material realm without mastering the forces of illusion, fears and temptations that Rahu seems to represent. Thus, though many other viewpoints exist, it would be safe to say that Rahu is the co-ruler of Aquarius and Virgo as per Vedic astrology. It is exalted in Scorpio, and also behaves well in Virgo, Cancer and Sagittarius -- though this is a guideline, and is not to be applied blindly.


It is very difficult to predict whether Rahu will work on its higher principle (true knowledge) or its lower principle (illusionary power) in a particular nativity. Much depends on the overall spiritual advancement of a soul, because Rahu is the planet that separates the sages from the ordinary mortals. Since Vedic astrology does not use the outer planets, their attributes are usually assigned to the nodes (Rahu and Ketu). Rahu is sort of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto combined together. It is supposed to combine the shocking revolutionary power of Uranus with the almost hallucinatory and sensitizing influence of Neptune. It also covers the dark underworld side of Pluto. It is supposed to be the planet of inspiration, giving rise to sudden inventions and discoveries. Rahu is thus the planet which has made its influence felt most strongly in the 20th century. Also, in western astrology, Rahu's influence is seen to be equivalent to Jupiter and Venus combined, and it often correlates with Jupiter as a point of easy expansion of energy, leadership potential, and good luck. It is seen to improve the results of the house in which it is placed. But this, though not entirely false, is not a true picture of Rahu. Rahu can behave in a positive Jupiterian manner only under certain conditions. This happens only when it is placed in strong houses like the first, ninth, and tenth, and aspects or is conjunct with the important planets in that particular chart. It also helps if Rahu is in its own sign, exaltation sign or the signs it is comfortable in. Rahu has an expansive nature -- but at the same time, it can be a disintegrating, rather than a creative, influence if these conditions are not satisfied. Rahu is capable of giving highly malefic results, especially when placed in malefic houses and aspecting or conjunct with malefic planets in a particular nativity. Uranus is supposed to be the co-ruler of Aquarius in Western astrology. It is considered the planet governing the new developments in electronics, space and atomic research. In Vedic astrology, Rahu has been seen to be the signifier of electricity in all its forms (lightning, etc.) and thus responsible for these advances.


Rahu and Uranus have a lot in common, but Rahu behaves in a totally Uranian way in a nativity only when it is strongly related to Uranus by aspect or conjunction. The Rahu-Uranus conjunction is quite important, as it produces inventors, researchers, and generally people with radically different ideas in various fields. Neptune is supposed to be the co-ruler of Pisces, along with Jupiter. It is considered to be the psychic side of Jupiter, and the planet of imagination, illusion, fantasy, and charm. Though Rahu possesses these qualities in some measure, it requires some relationship with Neptune in a horoscope to fully reflect these qualities. The Rahu-Neptune conjunction is good for producing musicians, mystics, etc. Any association of Rahu with Pluto in the horoscope gives some special power in a specific area, depending on the nature of the houses involved. Whether this power will be used destructively or constructively depends on other factors in the chart. So, it is clear that Rahu is deeply influenced by the planets it is related with in the nativity. This characteristic of Rahu is similar to that of Mercury.



Vedic astrology is the modern name for an ancient system of astrology known in Sanskrit as "Jyotish" - "Jyoti" being light and "isha" being lord. Jyotish thus translates into "the Lord of Light" or "the Knowledge of Light". Modern science now confirms that all matter/physical universe is based upon light and its interplays which would make Jyotish "the science of light". Vedic Astrology is a science dating back to more than 5000 years. Its earliest origins can however be traced back to the beginning of the manifest Universe. It passed down through the ages as an orally transmitted knowledge and formed an important part of the Vedas, one of the prime manuscripts containing the spiritual tradition of India. Vedic Scriptures known as 'Vedas' describe Jyotish as 'the Eye of the Vedas'. The world is always there but we cannot see it without our eyes - in the same way Jyotish is the light which illumines the universal knowledge encapsulated in the Vedas. The Ancient Sages who according to Vedic Mythology are the mind born sons of Brahma (one of the Trinity, the Creator of the Universe in Vedic Mythology), were privy to the secrets and functionings of the Universe and transmitted their knowledge orally to their disciples. The instructions of one such Sage by the name of Parashara were put into text around 3000 years ago. These writings form the backbone of present day Vedic Astrology. Vedic Astrology is thus the earliest form of Astrology and is a system that has changed very little over the course of time. Its precision and accuracy as a divination science is unrivalled even today. Its western counterpart, known as Western Astrology has its roots in the Roman civilisation. The Romans derived it from the Greeks who in turn derived it from the Egyptians. Many scholars now believe that Astrology travelled to Egypt through the middle east (Babylonian culture). Babylonians had a strong connection with the Vedic civilisation flourishing in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent and so it can be said that their Astrology was very similar if not completely identical to Jyotish. The modern day Western Astrology was deeply influenced by the Theosophical Movement. Theosophists as we know were channelling their information from the East - mainly India and Tibet. Somehow over the last century many faults crept into this evolving system such as the use of the astronomically inaccurate Tropical Zodiac. Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology was relevant 2000 years ago but is no longer valid. There is no point in analysing a chart which does not correspond to the actual heavenly positions of the planets and signs. It is similar to playing music on an out of tune instrument! Vedic Astrology is much more extensive and vast than its western counterpart. It is unquestionably the foremost among all divination methods and sciences. It requires a serious and deep study with an open attitude from all the intellectual and inquisitive minds to uncover its magic. To all the critics of Astrology we suggest that they take a good look at the functionings of Vedic Astrology before they dismiss it as nonsense. History bears testament to the fact that the greatest scientific minds like Ptolemy, Newton and Galileo all practised Astrology.


It is interesting to note that Ancient Vedic Sages knew about most of the astronomical phenomena including the precession of the earth's axis thousands of years before modern astronomy came to know about it and used it in their calculations. The present day Vedic Astrology is comprised of different systems delineated by different Sages, which are complementary to each other thereby adding to its richness. Vedic Astrology covers every area of human existence and can give accurate results down to the minute. Vedic Astrology encompasses everything ranging from psychology, healing, prediction,religion and spirituality to everyday affairs. Every birth is sacred and brings with it both positive and difficult karma which influence our Character, Talents, Relationships, Career ,Finance, Health and Spiritual nature. There is nothing one cannot improve or change through greater self understanding and right application. Upon this foundation one can take responsibility for one's Self and direct one's life in a more positive and meaningful manner. Vedic Astrology helps you do exactly that.


WESTERN ASTROLOGY - WHY IT IS NO LONGER RELEVANT! THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE VEDIC (SIDEREAL) ZODIAC AND THE WESTERN (TROPICAL) ZODIAC It is important to know what differentiates Vedic Astrology from the more well known Western Astrology. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish (its Sanskrit name meaning Jyoti - Light and Isha - Lord) is based upon the Sidereal Zodiac as opposed to the Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology. Although the Sidereal Zodiac was used by Western Astrologers like Ptolemy in the beginning, over the course of time a more symbolic zodiac was adopted which is astronomically inaccurate. This difference between the two zodiacs is called the "Ayanamsha". The Ayanamsha takes into account the revolution of the earth's axis, a phenomenon in Astrology known as the "precession of the equinoxes". To explain this in the simplest way possible the earth spins(wobbles to be more precise) on its own axis in a conical motion and takes approximately 25,800 years to complete one revolution. It means that every 2000 years the position of the vernal or spring equinox, which marks the beginning point of the first sign of the zodiac Aries is always changing and moving forwards in time. Consequently the pole star also changes every few thousand years as seen in the figure below.

When a person born today has the Sun at 10 degrees in Aries using the Tropical Zodiac, in actual astronomical reality the Sun will be 23 degrees backwards placed in the sign of Pisces. For example when the Sun used to move into Aries on the 21st of March at 200 A.D. today it will enter the sign of Aries around the 14th of April. When the Sun moved into the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd October at 200 A.D. today it will enter the sign of Scorpio around the 14th of November. This the reason why the present day SUN-SIGN ASTROLOGY is COMPLETELY WRONG. It is a complete joke in more ways than one - it has very little to do with Real Astrology. It is time that it was erased from public/media consciousness.


The Sidereal Zodiac used in Vedic Astrology is astronomically accurate because it takes the shifting of the earth's axis into account when calculating the longitudes of the planets and constellations. The Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology is a Symbolic Zodiac based upon the position of the planets and constellations as they were in the sky 2000 years ago. The Sidereal zodiac is the real zodiac as it actually appears in the sky at any given moment. In order to convert a Western (tropical) horoscope into a Vedic (sidereal) horoscope one needs to subtract the current ayanamsa from the Tropical longitudes of the planets and signs to get their Sidereal positions. Because the earth's axis is always changing its position the ayanamsa changes slightly every year. In January 1, 1900 the ayanamsa was 22 degrees 27 minutes 59 seconds. Today the ayanamsa is 23º 52' degrees. There are various ayanamsas in use today. There are some disagreements on the actual measurement of the ayanamsa or longitudinal difference between the two zodiacs. The most popular and widely accepted ayanamsa in India was introduced by N.C. Lahiri. He calculates the precessional rate to be around 48 seconds per year.

Astro - Questions & Answers 

QUESTION: Could you tell me how a retrograde exalted Saturn acts in a chart as compared to an exalted direct Saturn? ANSWER: If Saturn was just exalted, one would always take the easy way out and be more diplomatic in general. Retrograde Saturn is a little more skeptical and slow and gains more through obstacles/disruption rather than a building process. Retrograde exalted Saturn is a strong placement but it gives slow results over a longer period of time, in comparison to a direct exalted Saturn. Saturn will work more strongly in one's advanced years as opposed to the first half of life. The same would be the case during Saturn minor period. The results will be more apparent in the second half. 

QUESTION:You mentioned that an exalted planet will either show refined or unrefined energies depending on the Navamsha, Nakshatramsha & Shashtiamsha chart. Could you tell me what the Nakshatramsha chart is?

ANSWER:The Nakshatramsha is the 27th divisional chart and fine tunes the Navamsa placements. You can download Jagannath Hora Lite software (It has the Nakshatramsha). It's free on the net. 

QUESTION: In the case of Saturn being exalted in my chart, could you walk me through how you would use these three charts to determine the type of energies, as an exalted planet, that Saturn will display. ANSWER: Saturn's Navamsa placement in Capricorn gives it a rigid spine and strong material inclinations. It makes it a worldly planet. In a way it can be seen as a corporate placement. Saturn is in Cancer with Ketu in the Nakshatramsha and gives it a soft under belly from a pastlife, dedicated to homely/maternal issues. It works by being receptive to other's needs. Saturn is in a Shashtiamsha called Lakshmisha meaning Lord of Laxmi (wealth). This makes it a good financial planet which promises financial gains in its periods.

QUESTION: Rahu in my chart is both debilitated and retrograde in my chart. Could you explain how it will act.


ANSWER: If you read my book on the Lunar Nodes you will find that even though Rahu is debilitated in Saggitarius it has the capacity to give good results because Rahu never does too badly in Jupiter's sign. In your case it is even aspected by its own dispositor. 

QUESTION: I am aware that each nakshatra is divided into four padas but am not certain as to how to use the pada for further refinement around the Nakshatra. ANSWER:Try to mix the pada lords with the Nakshatra lords like you would mix the energies of two planets in conjunction. For example if Venus is in fourth pada of Ardra, than Rahu-Jupiter (Pisces mode) conjunction sort of energy would be relayed by Venus. 

QUESTION: So, does that mean that the pada will indicate which house affairs the Nakshatra's characteristics/attributes will relate to, in addition to the planet that occupies the Nakshatra?

ANSWER:Yes,but you have to remember that this a weak effect in comparision to other effects. For example, the main planetary lord of a nakshatra will have more of a say in relation to house affairs than the pada lord. 

QUESTION: Does the Lord of the Pada add any further refinement?

ANSWER: It deals with underlying energies just as Navamsha governs the underlying energies of the Rasi. 

QUESTION: Exalted Planets - when a planet is exalted your course material says that it becomes extremely strong. Is it "extremely strong" just as it relates to the house it is located in or does this carry over to the houses it rules and houses/planets it aspects? ANSWER: It carries over to the houses it rules. Aspects is a whole different thing altogether.

QUESTION: Does the "extremely strong" relate just to non-living affairs of the house or to both living and non-living? ANSWER: That depends upon the planets, natural & temporal nature. A natural malefic will always harm live things even if it is exalted.

QUESTION: If the exalted planet is a malefic will it tend to emphasize the higher energies and lessen the lower energies and if so, does this effect, again, just relate to the house the planet is in or to anything in a chart it influences. ANSWER: An exalted malefic can function both in a refined and unrefined manner depending upon the overall tone of the chart and its placements in Navamsha, Nakshatramsha & Shashtiamsha. The combined effect will be noticed in whatever comes under its influence. 

QUESTION: What is the effect of an exalted planet that is also retrograde?

ANSWER: The outer planets (Mars, Jupiter & Saturn) give strong results when retrograde. The inner planets also give strong results but may lack initiative. Overall they have a tendency to give good luck through some sort of reversed events (like making money during war). 

QUESTION: If a planet is retrograde, does it internalize the energy of the planet as it relates to affairs of the house it is in, or does it internalize the planet's energy as it relates to everything influenced by the planet in the chart? ANSWER: Only the natural nature of the planet gets internalized. For example, Mercury retrograde will lose its outer quick chatty communicability but the internal dialogue within the person would be profuse.


QUESTION: If Mars is retrograde then that might mean that a person would be hesitant to act in an ambitious or courageous manner (is this right?). ANSWER: Yes that is right.

QUESTION: What happens if a retrograde planet is also debilitated? I understand from your course work that if the planet is debiliated it will emphasize the negative results of the planet, but if retrograde also, does this lessen the negative impact? ANSWER: Retrograde debilitated planets are stronger than just forward moving debilitated planets. Overall this means that sometimes their negative results are even more pronounced. But their strength does help people get on with life despite not living up to their full potential. 

QUESTION: You are about to publish a book on Nakshatras. I have read that little in the way of Vedic knowledge/information on the nakshatras is available. If this is true, how/where did you obtain the knowledge you are providing in your book? Also, will the information/knowledge in your book be much different than that in Dennis Harness's book - other than the illustrations? ANSWER: I have gotten the information from my own experience in Astrology. We (Veno and I) pay constant attention to nakshatras on a daily basis as well as in the charts of clients. The more one pays attention to them the more one learns about them. Our book has a totally different structure to Dennis Harness's book and is likely to contradict alot of what he has written.  QUESTION: I understand that some people (mainly Western astrologers who later learned Vedic astrology) use both methods. The Western system will be used more for personality traits and the Vedic for predictive matters. What are your thoughts on this? ANSWER: There's nothing about personal psychology which cannot be gauged from Jyotish. Western Astrology, is, as you know, flawed from the initial process of chart casting. It's more about playing with people's minds and fantasies, rather than giving them a piece of reality. It's very easy to make Jyotish more psychologically oriented. It all depends on the practitioner. It's just that superficial psychological issues weren't given much importance in the Vedic scheme of things, like they are in the west. The ancient sages have gone into the psychological aspects of human nature in depth for thousands of years, while in the west psychology has only just begun (At least Jung was humble enough to admit this).

QUESTION: I have read that Jyotish astrology isn't true Vedic astrology - that it represents a blend of Greek and Vedic methods. What are your thoughts on this? ANSWER: Jyotish was transmitted from India onto the middle eastern civilizations like Babylonian, Assyrian and Chaldean. From there it reached the Egyptians. Greeks in turn took all their knowledge from the Egyptians. What happened after that is that these civilizations added some new things to this science through their own experience (like casting the solar return charts). These additions were relayed back to India and incorporated into Jyotish. In our view though, most of these are not required and in most cases, just complicate matters instead of simplifying them.

QUESTION: In regards to your book on Lunar Nodes, what are the Hindu authoritative works that act as the basis for interpreting the nodes as a karmic axis? ANSWER: I did it based on my personal experience using my Vedic genepool. A lot of ancient Vedic texts (especially astrological) are not available today. Even the ones that are available now (like Parashara Hora Shastra) are not present in their entirety. One has to rely on one's ancient genetic memory to recover the knowledge. 

QUESTION: If there is in fact no Vedic basis, then how did the medieval western astrologers possibly come up with such a concept on their own? Who did they take it from?


ANSWER:The so called medieval western astrologers used a sidereal zodiac. They had all the vedic knowledge transmitted through the following route Vedic - Babylonian - Egyptian - Greek - Roman In fact lot of the knowledge which was known in middle ages is secret now. 

QUESTION: Does the basis for interpreting the nodes as a karmic axis come instead from an oral tantric tradition from india? ANSWER: All the puranic stories point towards it in a pretty straightforward manner. Everyone confronts their Rahu-Ketu axis. Even Vishnu got his head severed off once for paying off for the initial cutting of the Swarbhanu's head. There is a lot more to it on a galactic level relating to separation of Gemini (antigalactic center) - Sagittarius ( galactic center) as signs but that would take a whole book in itself to explain. 

QUESTION: What Hindu authority did you rely on for your book "The Rahu/Ketu Experience"?

ANSWER: I relied on Puranas and my experience and intuition. My brahminic genepool ( from Sage Bharadwaja's gotra) has all the knowledge memory of the original astrological knowledge. That's the only book one can rely on. 

QUESTION: Since the Western astrologers use the karmic axis too, do both zodiacs show one's past/future growth/direction, just differently?

ANSWER: Western system has a wrong zodiac. It is a trick played on them by their founders ( who knew better) so that they grope in the dark.


Know your Dasha In Astrology it is understood that at any point of time nature is governed by a planet and the position of that planet in the horoscope determines how the native will feel or behave. This chapter details the calculation of the planet acting at any point of time and the period for which the planet rules. To predict the past present and future, saints evolved the system of "Dasha" or period. Any planet influences someone more than others at some point of time, than the other planet takes over and so on. Many dasha systems have been described as many as 42. but the most common and -popular dasha system is "Vimshottari". As the name suggests, the complete cycle of dasha is of 120 years. All the nine planets take part in this system. The periods and the constellation assigned to them is as follows: Table -1 Planet




Krittika, U. phalguni, Uttarashada


Rohini, Hasta, Shravana


Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanistha



Ardra, Swati, Satbhisha



Punarvasu, Vishakha, P. bhadrapada



Pushya, Anuradha, U. bhadrapada



6 10

Ashlesha, jyestha, Revati


Magha, Mool, Ashwin


P. phalugni, Purva Ashada, Bharani

17 7 20

At the time of birth of the native, the constellation occupied by the Moon determines which planet will rule at that time. The fraction of the constellation balance at that time determines the "balance of dasha", that is the time period for which the planet will rule after birth. After the end of the ruling period of that planet, other planets rule one by one in the cyclic order as listed in table 1. Let us understand it by an example. In the model horoscope in the previous issue, we have date of birth 15-1-1970, time 4.30 A.M. and place of birth Delhi. on this date and time Moon's degree is Aries 90 36' , that is, it is in Ashwini nakshatra. Ashwini starts at 00 Aries and extends upto 13 020' Of Aries. This way moon has crossed 90 36' of Aries and has 130 20' - 90 36' = 30 44' still to go. From table-I we find Ashwini is represented by Ketu having a period of 7 years. Hence the native was born when ketu was ruling and it had a balance of dasa.


30 44' x 7 years = 1.96 years 130 20' = 1 year 16 months 16 days Adding this period to date of birth, we get 15 - 1 - 1970 16 - 11 - 1 1 - 1 - 1972 ie. the native experienced influence of Ketu for 1 year 16 months 16 days from birth till 1 Jan. 1972. Thereafter, according to table 1, was under the influence of Venus for 20 years upto 1-1-1992; followed by Sun for 6 years upto 1-1-1998, then by Moon for 10 years 1-1-2008 and so on. Note that the period of 1 year 11 months 16 days is called the balance of 7 years of ketu 20 years of Venus etc. are called dasha periods. Thus we compute the dasha periods for nature as follows : Balance of dasha : 1 year 11 months 16 days, of Ketu. D.O.B. Balance of Ketu

15 16 1 -

1 11 1 -

Venu 1




















Sun -

Moon -

Mars Rahu Jupiter 1


Saturn 1 Memory







1970 1 1972 20 1992 6 1998 10 2008 7 2015 18 2033 16 2049 19 2068 17 2085

No one will be satisfied if we tell him how he will go through his next 10 or 20 years in nut shell. He would want to know the effects of events in detail. So the above dashas are further subdivided into sub periods or Antar dashas. During the planet's dasha, antar dasha starts from planet itself, followed by the same sequence as given in table I. The period is also subdivided into the same fractions as assigned in table No. 1. In brief sun rules for 6 years. Sun will have its own sub period first for 6x6/120 = 36/120 years = (36 x 12)/120 = 3 months 18 days After this will come Moon's sub period. Moon represents 10 years out of total span of 120 years of Vimshottari dasa. So it will rule for 1/12th part of the total period of 6 years of Sun .


Thus Moon will have sub period of 6 x 10/120 = ½ = 6 months In a similar manner we can compute sub periods of all the planets while major influence of other planet is there. Table 2 : Vimshottari Sub Periods Sub Periods of Sun Dasha Planet Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mer Ketu Ven Year






























Sub periods of Moon Dasha Planet Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mer Ketu Ven Sun Year






























Sub periods of Mars Dasha Planet Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mer Ketu Ven Sun Moon Year






























Sub periods of Rahu Dasha Planet Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mer Ketu Ven Sun Moon Mars Year






























Sub periods of Jupiter Dasha Planet Jupiter Saturn Mer Ket Ven Sun Moon Mars Rahu Year































Sub periods of Saturn Dasha Planet Saturn Mer Ketu Ven Sun Mon Mars Rahu Jupiter Year






























Sub periods of Mercury Dasha Planet Mer Ketu Ven Sun Mon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Year






























Sub periods of Ketu Dasha Planet Ketu Ven Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mer Year
































Sub periods of Venus Dasha Planet Ven Sun Mon Mars Rahu Jupiter Sat Year






























To compute the table 2, the basic formula is : Sub period of a planet = (period of major planet x period of sub planet/120 years.) Since 1 year contains 12 months, the above formula reduces to Sub period = (period of major planet x period of sub planet/10) in months. We multiply the two periods and put a decimal after one digit from the right. The whole number so obtained gives in the months for the antar dasha and the traditional part multiplied by 3 gives the number of days for of the sub period. Sun's sub period in Maha dasha of Sun will be 6 x 6 = 36 putting decimal It is 3.6 months. By multiplying decimal part by 3 we get 3.6 x 3 = 3 months 18 days Sub-Sub Periods : For further refining the results, we can divide the sub periods into sub-sub periods (Pratyantar Dasha) and subsub-sub periods (Sookshma Dasha) or even further adopting the same procedure as for sub period. The formula for sub-sub period will be :


Sub-sub period = (Period of major (Pratyantar Dasha) planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet) /(120x120) years = (Period of major planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet) / 1200 months Sub-sub-sub period = (Period of major (Sookshma Dasha) planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet x period of sub-sub-sub planet)/(120x120x120) years. = (Period of major planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet x period of sub-sub-sub planet)/ (1200x120) months. = (Period of major planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet x period of sub-sub-sub planet)/ 40 days The smallest sub-sub-sub period is of Sun-Sun-Sun -Sun, which is 6x6x6x6 400 If we go one step deep we get Prana dasha of Sun-Sun-Sun-Sun-Sun = 3.24 x 6

= .162 days 120

= 4 hours. only

Though mathematically it seems to be viable to go even further down the step, however these, calculation is highly susceptible to errors because of inherent errors in time of birth and we do not suggest at all to go beyond 5 levels. Even 5th level is normally inaccurate enough to make it absurd. 1 minute of time causes 30" = 1/2 of error in Moon. This shifts the dasha of sun by 6 years x 365 days x 24 hours 1 130 201 x 60 2

= 33 hours

Whereas the entire pran dasha of Sun is only x 4 hours, the difference of 33 hours further gets amplified to 110 hours, that is 5 days if the Moon is in the constellation of Venus at the time of birth. Note : While computing dasha dates we add days to days, months to months and years to years. If days are more than 30, we take a carry over of 1 to months and similarly if months are more than 12 we take a carry over of 1 to year. Here we do not take into account the actual number. of days in a month. It seems that we are taking a year as 360 days only - 12 months x 30 days per month. However, this is a wrong understanding. Actually, we are dividing the year into months by multiplying by 12 and further converting into days by multiplying of 30. we add up in the same manner. So it is not correct to add by taking actual days of months into consideration. This simplicity of calculation


takes the year as 365.25 days. The actual dates computed by rigorous calculations by taking actual days of the months and by this simple method differ only by a few days; accurate practically for all astrological purposes.

For a thought : There are many inherent problems with dasha calculation. Dasha changes very fast with the absolute value of Moon's position. It does not depend upon any other value and doubt in the value of ayanamsa makes it almost useless. Secondly, there are so many dasha systems and it is not known which dasha should be applied when. Thirdly, the periods assigned to different planets seem to be quite adhoc and no reasoning is available anywhere. This makes the dasha system very doubtful and the transit of planets seems to give a much better method of timing an event. Yet, it is difficult to deny the system of dasha. Often it seems to be giving results with undoubted accuracy.


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