The Motorcycle Diaries Script

May 26, 2016 | Author: shubham0110 | Category: N/A
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The Plan: To travel 8 thousand kilometers in four months

The method: Improvisation

Objective: Explore the Latin American continen tthat we only know by books

motorcycle diaries

Good Night Granado

Equipment: "La Poderosa" (The Powerful)

A ' Norton that's battered and leaks

The Pilot: Alberto Granado

A chubby friend, 29 years old and biochemist

self proclaimed scientific vagabond

The Pilot's dream: crown the trip with he's 30th birthday

Copilot: That would be me

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna

"El Fuser", 23 years old

- Ernesto is going away?- No, Ernesto stays

Ernesto, could you takes us with you, please

Look dad, I'm sorry, but no matter howmany times you tell me...

Please Ernesto, you are only assignmentsaway from your MD title

And that can wait

MD student

Leprosy specialist

Amateur Rugby player

Hey Fuser...nice Fuser!

And occasionally, asthmatic

Departure date... January th

The route: from Buenos Aires to Patagoniaand then Chile

then to the north up to thousand metersby the spine of the Andes to Machu


From there, to the lepers home of San Pabloin the Peruvian amazonia

Final Destination: the Peninsula of Guajira in Venezuelaat the north point of the continent

We settle at the Peninsula of Guajira, the point of this great continent

Mouths full of wine, nice music

That beer is good, ah?

- Fuser, on January th, you should be done with all your exams, right?- Yes

- If you want, i can make a detour to Miramar to visit your little girlfriend- "little girlfriend"

A couple of days

- Look Fuser, look at that guy over there- What?

Do you want your life to be like that?

You don't want your life to be like that, Fuser

What you want is to fuck in every country in South America

Hey boy...and in every town if we are lucky enoughThat's and extra ingredient, right

What we had in common: our restlessness, our dreaming spirit

and the untiring love for the route


Let's go Ernestito, we don't have the whole day

- Isn't it too much Granado?- Not enough chief. Norton "this" is a motorcycle

Your son is in good wheels, don't worry

You should expect some difficult times son

But the truth is that i always dreamed of doing something like this

And i have to confess that if i had a couple less years on me...I would jump right along with you on that motorcycle

Try to think that i do it for the both of us

- years planning this trip, uncle- Since you were a kid

Meanwhile...I trust you eh?

And the revolution uncle, for when?

Here? In a century

- Are you already leaving?- Yes, I’m off

You should only worry about taking your medicines, nothing more, ok?

And writing me...

The most beautiful letters you have ever read mom

- Bye, my love- You'll see. Bye. I love you


Bye little sister, take care

Bye man

Send me postcards

Ok, stop it or I’ll start crying. Please

Take care, ok?

Just like Don Quixote had Rocinante and Saint Martin had his mule

We have "La Poderosa"

- Yeah, that pisses oil- Yes, pisses oil, but what I’m trying to say is thatin this precise moment

The young Fuser and myself are embarking in a tripto the most remote places of

the human spirit

where we will meet new lands, listen to new anthems, eat new fruits...

Granado...I’m making you responsible. If something happens to Ernesto I’ll find you.Put on the handkerchief darling

Don't worry mam, he will come back to becomethe doctor we all want him to be

It better be

Ok, is time to leave!


Careful with that bike!

Dear mom...Buenos Aires is behind us

behind is as also the miserable life

the faculty, the exams and the dissertations that make you sleepy

Before us lies all of Latin America

From now on we will only trust in "La Poderosa"

I wish you could see us. We look like adventurersand inspire admiration and envy everywhere

Go Mial. Assume aerodynamic road position

C'mon baby, don't fail me baby.C'mon, c'mon

What happened Mial?!

I'm glad to have left behind civilization, and be closer to the earth

Wait, something is coming out...something is coming out

Fuser, are you alright?

What happened puppy?

Are you alright?

- What the fuck is that?- What the fuck does it look like?

- A fucking dog?!- Oh fuck, you are a shitty driver...

What the fuck is that dog doing on the bike?

Is for Chichina and his name is Kamba

Pick up the bike.

Miramar, ArgentinaJanuary th, Km

Where the fuck are we? Switzerland?

- Good morning- Good morning

- Chichina?- She's inside with the rest of the family

That bike is giving you problems, uh?

Esteban, please tell us about your trip

It was great Don Horacio,i had the opportunity to take a seminar in Cambridge

and stay a couple of weeks in London,a fascinating city

- What a privilege!- Yes it was

- Esteban is getting his PhD soon, right?- Yes

- Medicine?- No, Law

Ah, law


Is your turn, come

I never saw a pig who wanted to dance, never.


Knock it off!

- With this hand...back...side- What are you laughing at?- I'm laughing at you.


My dad ask aunt Roxanna not to take her eyes off of me

My mom promised the Lady of the Valley that she wouldwalk to her sanctuary if we broke up

And your parents can't see that the more they bury the diamonds,the more decided is the pirate to steal them?

Believe me, this diamond wouldn't mind being stolen



Let me see your bathroom

- Good night- Good night ladies

Aunt Roxanna, which room is mine?

Get away Kamba!

- How many days did you say we were staying here?- You already know- Two

- And how many days have we been here?- If you become a Doctor, will you operate with wire too?- Six days, Fuser

Someone will see us

If you'd stay we could do many things, Ernesto,but only if you'd stay

I didn't like the sound of that

- What do you want me to say? That I’m going to wait for you?- I told you I’m coming back

- Yes, i have the dog as proof- You didn't like it?

What do you want Ernesto, what do you want to hear?That I’m going to wait forever,that I’ll wait for months and months till you come back?

- What's going on?- What do you want? What do you want?

I'd like you to stay like this forever. Quiet.

I want to look at you, cause I’m not goingto see you for a long time

Of course I’m going to wait for you,but please don't take an eternity

- And how long is an eternity?- That's slippery ground mister

I'm not going to touch you

Did i hit you? Did i hurt you? Did i hurt you?That was a trick, a very bad trick

Ok time to leave.Fuser

Miss Ferreira...Thanks for everything

"I used to listen the bare feet splashing in the ship"And had a feeling of the faces darkened by hunger

"My heart was a pendulum between her and the street

"I don't know with what strength i freed myself from her eyes,"I broke away from her arms

"She was left clouding with tears her anguish"Behind the rain and the glass

- Lorca eh?- No

- Neruda- No

- Who?- I don't remember

- Good bye- Bye

Wait, wait. The snot is...

And so...with Chichina, nothing...

Not even after giving her the German shepherd with pedigree...nothing

I mean, at least you saw a

Ahhh....You saw her tits, Ernesto

Scalpel, Scalpel

North American Dollars?

- Fifteen- Chichina?- Yes

I like that girl for you, i always said that she was your girlfriend.We will eat better now

- No...- Protein food

No, she gave me this money for when we get to the US.She asked me to buy her some pants.

I told her i would

- What?- Forget about this money. It is out of our budget.

- Fucking moron, he is testing me...- Che are you talking to the bike again

Listen to me man, what is wrong with your head?That chick's got you by the balls.

Calm down

- Good evening- Hi

Piedra de Águila, ArgentinaJanuary th, Km

- How do you feel the bike?- The wire is making wonders, it works great

- Son of a bitch...fuck

Are you alright Fuser?

It was the curve

Son of a...

Look at the pipe...son of a bitch!

Pass the stakes, I’m all out

Wait, wait, don't fuck with me

- You had to choose this place, you idiot...- No you chose this place

Hold that side

- No...fuck- Son of a...

- The river is taking it- Grab it, grab it

It took it

- Che and what if we go there?- We should ask for help over here, with the common people

- Which one are we doing? The broken headlight?- No, Red October. You have the experience right?

Good Night

What do you want

Maybe our appearance doesn't show it, but we are doctorsfrom Buenos Aires and Córdoba, respectively

We are traveling all over the country, doing some researchwith hopes of curing some of the worst diseases of the 20th century

Plagues that not only consume our energy but that alsokeeps Argentina in need

When by just reading the medical literature, you could notice, just as us...

What the fuck do you want, pair of bums?

Look sir, the wind took our tent, we are starvingand we need a place to spend the night

Ok, out there in the shed there's a good ground.You can sleep with the workers

- We are doctors...- Hmm...i like your face a lot, but i don't like yours fatty

- Fine?- Yes, its fine- Thank you.

Dear Mom...we are still hitting the road,but to tell you the truth, the bike is less powerful every day

San Martín de los Andes, ArgentinaJanuary st, Km

Money and food are scarce, but we manage to find opportunitiesto eat and sleep for free

Thanks to our secret weapon:Alberto's infallible sweet talking

...plagues that not only consume our energy but compromisethe modernization of Argentina

- So, you are doctors- Well, no. Alberto is a biochemist and I am an MD studentHe is practically graduated, we are like doctors

- Then i would appreciate it if you could look at a swelling i have in the neckGladly, eh...Mr.?

Von Puttkamer

Does it hurt?

- This is a tumor- What do you mean a tumor?- Yes

- Do you think so- Yes- Allow me

I don't know Fuser, fat sedimentationit could be a cyst

No. It is a tumor in the occipital area

- Schatzie, these gentlemen say i have a tumor- Tumor?

Good morning mam, i sincerely don't believe it is a tumorbut a sebaceous cyst

If you could give us a place where we couldeat and sleep we might be able to treat it

No, no look...we can't treat it. You will have to goto Buenos Aires. I can recommend you a specialist

- Or we could try to help him, don't you think?- Help with what? With the grass, with prayers?

- I understand, you can't do anything for me- Yes we can, if you give us a place where we could eat and sleep.

- Around here there's a lake with lots of fish and a shed- Sir, the diagnostic is very...- We have nothing more to talk about, doctors. Let's go Schatzie

- The next time could you try to help us a little- Of course i can give you a hand, but never at the price of the health of a man

- Ok, let's say that you are right and the old guy has a tumor,how the fuck do you tell him like that?

Is the truth, if he can't handle it he can go to hell

- You can't treat a patient like that, you can't- The guy has a serious problem,the sooner he looks into it the better

That's the proper treatment, didn't they teach you thatat biochemistry school?

Don't talk to me about proper medicine

Nurse. First graduate and then talk.You think you know everything, moron

I'm going to look for food

Duck! duck! duck!. Give me gun, move it! move it!

Son of a...

Great Mial...

I hit it, man

- How did you do it?- I can't fucking believe it...

Well, there's no other choice but to get in the waterand pick up dinner, no? Fuser, to the water to get the food!

You are really crazy if you think I’m going to get in there.Do you know how cold is that water?

Yes, i know you are allergic to cold, water, hot and all thatbut you know what, i am older, wiser and i shot the duck, soyou have to go

- That shot came out of your ass, besides i have asthma- Ok, you are right. If you can't I’ll do it

- I didn't say i couldn't- You can't or you don't want to- I didn't say that i couldn't

Or you don't want to and that is the same. Or you could giveme Chichina's fifteen bucks...

...and we eat as God intended, c'mon.

- Look if i get to find that fucking duck, I’ll eat it all by myself- Ah! in the water, in the water, duck.

- I'm going to get my balls frozen- For the use you give them, Fuser...

Good Fuser, good...bring on that duck with potatoes.Is it cold Fuser? Hey! cold? Not over here.


- Are you feeling sick?- No, I’m just perfect

Bariloche Train Station, Argentina days laterKm



Fuser, listen to me. Give me Chichina's fifteen dollars and let'sgo to a hospital like the people

If you say that to me again, I’ll throw up all over you.

Dear mom...what is it that's lost when you cross a border.Each moment seems to be split in two

Melancholy for what was left behind and on theother hand all the enthusiasm at entering new lands

Frias Lake, ArgentinaFebruary th, Km

- Look Mial, Chile- Chile! Viva Chile!

- Is it your first time out of the country?- Yes, of course

You are almost a man, Che

Look Mial, when we are old and tired of traveling, weshould come back and set a clinic on this lake

That's a good idea

Providing attention to everybody, if anyone ever comes

Count on me, brother

Hey, things are getting better Fuser, eh?- Yeah

- Hey, it is snowing- No, is just frost

- Help me- On three, - Done

Go, go, go

- Fuck is cold!- Some summer, uh

Che, you told me we would enter Chile like two conquerors.Not on foot like a pair of losers

If you don't like it, go fuck yourself Ernesto

TEMUCO, CHILEFebruary th, Km

What if we dump this shit that gives us so much trouble

And go on foot through the whole continent, you genius

Yes, we would see more and meet more would lose weight

You sissy, but if with a couple of dollars fromChichina this gets fixed immediately

And again with the same thing. Forget about that money

Ok, perfect. If you get that mad then go all the way to Venezuelawalking and leave me here alone with the boss's money

Know what? I would get there in half the time and stopmeddling with other people business

Fuck you bastard!

"Uy, Ernestito, bring me the little Yankee pantsfrom Miami"

Can't you see that you will never see them on or off?You wanker!


You know what your problem is?

Your fucking honesty.

You should tell a lie from now and then to help us.

- Hold it for a second

- Hey, hey, what are you doing?- Come, Come

Thank you

- What? Do you have "mate"? Thank you.- It has sugar

- Excuse me, what's your name?- Teresa- Teresa, Ernesto, nice to meet you

- It would be nice as a souvenir, eh?- A souvenir? I'll take back to Argentina

-You are traveling?- Yes we are traveling, we are the owners of that old bike- A the big one over there

- What are these?- This is "malton"

- And This?- These are oysters

Maybe next time ,ok? next time...

Austral Newspaper, pesos,Austral Newspaper, only pesos

Get informed about Chile and the world,for only pesos

Yesterday evening, Temuco was honored by the arrivalof of the most renowned leprosy specialists of Latin America

- Dr. Alberto Granados from Córdoba- What do you mean "Granados"- That's what it says

Dr. Alberto Granados from Córdoba andDr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna from Buenos Aires

They have embarked on an epic trip from theirhomeland to the north point of Venezuela

The charismatic adventurer scientists, experts in their field,have treated three thousand patients in all the continent.

They hope to complete their trip in a record time offive months, just in time to celebrate the th birthdayof the youthful Dr. Granados

- It says youthful, eh?- Yes, and so i get informed too.

Do you think it will work?

Hello, good evening

My friend and i have some problems with our bikeThe direction is broken, the brakes are practically goneand the shift box as always...

And my backside is killing me...

Let's see. I can fix the direction, the brakes and the shift box.

But i can't do anything about your backside.

We don't have any money

What? You don't have any money?

When we get to Valparaiso we will receive some money,when we have it we will send it to you...

You know, i wouldn't want to be rude, but if youdon't have any money,you have nothing to do here, so please...

Excuse me the interruption, but if you help us right now you willcontribute to the bilateral relationships between our countries

If i understand correctly, you want me to fix it for free

I think we are not making ourselves clear

besides we can't expect everybody to knowwho's who in the Latin-American medicine field

- Please doctor, come on in- Yes, precisely today there was an articlepublished on the paper...

- Let me see...allow me- Yes of course

- Look Piedad, Tulio look...

- Well the picture is not very good- Yes we are not favorably depicted

Look, is them...

Gentlemen, for me it will be a great honor to fix your bike,once i finish this card game with my wife

Of course, there's no problem

That's the main priority.

Do you know that tonight there's a danceand God willing, all the ladies of the town will be there

Oh, what a shame.

- Could you give me the paper back?- Thanks a lot, you are very kind

- I'll bring the bike over- Please bring it over, we will fix it

Could i have this dance?


You know, i was just thinking about you

And why is that?

You made quite an impression when i met you


- Would you like to dance?- No

I don't dance

My husband fell asleep, he's drunk.I don't have a dance partner

Well, if you teach me, yes?

Hey, you finally remembered that you are a man?

You had forgotten?

It's been a long time since i danced,but is coming back to me, is coming back...

I can't dance here

Would you like to keep dancing?

Wouldn't you prefer to go out

I would love to, yes

Let's go

- What's going on?- No, we better stay

Let me go!

The Argentinean is leaving with your wife

Let me go!

Sorry, sorry...I’m sorry

Argentinean mother fucker!!

Aren't you tired?


- Don't you want to switch?- No

Are you sure?

Cows! cows!

I can't Stop, I can't stop!

The brakes don't work

Fucking mechanic

- Are you ok?- Perfect, what do you want me to tell you Fuser?

Shitty mechanic

Is he your father?


Hey, that cow is going blind

...for the shit it's going to see

Los Angeles, ChileFebruary th, Km

We are days behind

Wait wait wait wait


There's a rumor that the Chilean women are the mostdaring in all the continent

Well, the rumors have no scientific support Dr. Granado.We have to make a field test

You didn't like them, really?

Here they come

Hello girls

- Excuse us, the place is packed...

- Can we sit with you?- Yes, of course- Thanks

- How are you?...Ernesto- He is Alberto

- Miss?- Jazmín


- Nice to meet you- Nice to meet you

- So are you Argentineans?- How did you know?

I don't know...the accent,because you say "Che", i don't know

- Had you noticed that Che? i hadn't- No me neither

- Do you know what day is today?- February th

February th...we are going to seem like liars,but it has been a year...

A year? A year since when?

- A year since we started this trip- That's nice

- Damn, one year and we don't have one cent to celebrate- Wouldn't you like us to invite you a bottle of wine?

- Wine?- Yes...

Lucho, bring a bottle of wine to our Argentinean visitors thathave made such an effort

But ladies, please don't takes this the wrong way,but i can't drink wine

- But why, why can't you drink a little wine to celebrate?- Exactly...

- Well there is an old tradition in Argentina that...- Please c'mon, don't...- What?

- I think they deserve and explanation- Is adequate, yes

Thanks Lucho...Well, there is a long costume in Argentinathat doesn't allow us to drink with empty stomachs

And since we don't have any money at the moment, we can'tbuy food and we must reject your generous offer

Please, don't be like that...wait.Lucho, could you bring us some empanadas

- Do you like Chilean empanadas?- I have never tried them

- four, eight?- They are really hungry. Twelve.

I've always liked that number

- I would really like to stay here- Too bad we don't have a place to stay,but we can sleep at the plaza

Hey, but my father loves Argentineans.I think he can help you

He is the chief of the fire department,so he knows a lot of people

Wait, are you sisters?

Yes, of course, you hadn't noticed? Look...

They hadn't noticed.

- The mechanic doesn't come back until tomorrow,but the bike can stay here

- Thanks a lot

Guys, let me introduce you to two Argentinean volunteersthat will be staying here with you

- Let me introduce you to Dr. Che Skinny and Dr. Che Fatty- Nice to meet you

- Hey, would you like to see more of the town?- Yes

- But...- Don't worry sir

- Excuse me...- Yes?

I wouldn't like to bother you, but are you really doctors?

- No- Yes- No

I'm a biochemist

- Could you visit a lady that is sick- Yes, when you tell me...

Could it be right now, cause she is really sick.It's been a very long time since she saw a doctor

Ok, let me pick up my things and we will go.

Is nice to be faithful to the Hippocratic oath, Fuser

Excuse me

Look at my eyes

I'm going to touch your neck a little

Has she eaten?

I don't know

Look, Doña Rosa, I’m going to leave you these pills

Take one with each meal

And one before bedtime.

This will help you feel better

Dear mom...I knew i wouldn't be able to help that poor woman

That up to a month ago she had been servingtables, panting like me

Trying to live with dignity

In those dying eyes, there was a humblerequest for excuses

And a desperate plea of consolationthat gets lost in the emptiness

Just as her body will get lost very soonin the magnitude of the mystery that surrounds us

Fuser, you still haven't asked me how was thefield test with the Chilean sisters

You know how i fear that you might becomethe new sexual ambassador of Argentina

Are you the two lazy asses that travelon that piece of crap

Her name is "La Poderosa"

It was. But now we could name it The Dead One, The Paraplegic

Oh yeah, why?

What do you mean why? Because I’mthe mechanic, what else

If you sell it per pound, you might obtain something,but that piece of crap arrived dead here, really

I'll be missing you Negra

I'll take these, let's go

What do we do? Should we go on?

Yes, we go on.You only reach once in a lifetime

You are really somethingErnesto Guevara de la Serna

- If we change the dollars...- No, don't even think about it

We arrived at Valparaiso

"I love Valparaiso. How much you encompassand how much you irradiate bride of the ocean"

"Even far away from your deaf halo..."

- Federico García Lorca- No- No, it's Neruda

Valparaíso, ChileMarch th, Km

Thank you

- From Chichina!- Chichina, and the money?

- Should i open it?- Yes open it

I leave you alone love bird

How do i love you Celia de la Serna!

What's going on?


- Che, are you ready?- Me?- Yes you

- Of course- Let's go

Right away sir

Atacama Desert, ChileMarch Km

You know what, my plan was a lot better

You are so fucking proud, at least answer me

Do you want to go back?

Go ahead...I'll get to the mine and then I’ll tell you what it looks like

Are you suggesting that i won't make it to the mine?

If you can little doctor asthma, i can do it too


Oh, you want to win?

Stop! Fuck!

- Good evening, how are you?- What's your name?

- Ernesto- Nice to meet you

Yes, that's it, that's were we are from

We didn't have much, just a dry and difficult land

It belonged to his grandparents

It was ours, until a landlord arrived and kicked us out

- And that is what they call progress- We had to leave our son with the family and travel to find job

- Trying to escape from the police that wanted to catch us- Why?

Because we are communists

We are going to the mine. If we are lucky I’ll find a job.

Apparently they are so dangerous that theydon't care what party you belong to

Are you looking for a job?

No, we are not.

No? And then why are you traveling?

Just because

Bless you, blessed be your travels

Take this


- Some "mate"- Thanks

Those eyes had a dark and tragic expression

They told us about some friends that had disappearedunder mysterious circumstances

And that apparently ended up in somepart on the bottom of the ocean

That was one of the coldest nights of my life

But meeting them made me feel closer to human kind.Strange, so strange to me tooYou, the next one

Move it, guys, move it

Chuquicamata Mine, ChileMarch th, Km

Move it, guys, move it

Get in the truck. The rest go to your homes.Out

You two, what are doing here?

Nothing, we are looking

Looking at what, this is not a tourist attraction. Out

Can't you see that these people are thirsty.Give them some water damn it.

I will call security so they will arrest you

Oh yeah. Why?

Invasion of property. This is the property of theAnaconda Mining Company

Let's go.

Son of a bitch

When we left the mine, we felt reality was changing

...or were we the ones changing

Going deeper and deeper into the mountain rangewe found more natives

that don't even have a roof in what used to be their own land

Finally we entered Peru

Thanks to a truck driver half blind, Felix

I almost forgot...Today is Alberto's th birthdaybut not in Venezuela, as he had envisioned

We were so tired, momthat we couldn't even celebrate


This is humanly impossible

Finally we arrived to the heart of America...


Cuzco, PeruApril Km

After entering the city, we met Don Nestor

A very wise man, momthat ended up as our official guide

I was wondering Sir, which one of this walls is Inca?

This one should be the Inca wall, and that one is Spanish

We, as a joke, call this one the Inca walland that one the wall of the Incapables, those werethe Spanish

Cuzco was the capital of the Incas, butwhen the Spanish came they destroyed everything,and named Lima as the new capital

- Lima?- Yes

- This is The Plaza?- Yes

She says that she has never been to a school becauseshe has always been near the cattle, that's why she doesn'tknow how to speak Castilian only Quechua

I think that before, there was enough money for everything,but now there's little money and there are no jobs

That is affecting us more and more

Since i was little i have worked with craftsand that's how i keep on level...regular

With both hands, with both hands

With both hands, Nestor

Good evening

Good evening

When i was working, the owner cameand he threw me out of the land

Once i was producing all the productshe threw me out

He threw you out? How? Did he call the police?

Yes, he brought the police.He is a powerful man, he has a lot of money

- He wanted me to leave the land- Yes, once it was producing

Yes, it was producing wheat, corn, potatoes, beans...and i was meant to keep a part of it

But i won't stay behind, i have to keep moving forward.Working, looking for money to educate my children

- How many kids do you have?- I have five kids

- Have you joined with other farmers of the area?- Yes, in the community we are organized, we help each other

We help each other, together

Machu Picchu, PeruApril th, Km

Let's see how you behave Fuser, eh?That's it, that's it

For posterity

The Incas had a high knowledge of astronomy, medicine,math, among others

But the Spanish invaders had powder

How would America be today if things had been different?

Fuser, look what i think. I should marry with an Inca descendantand found an indigenous party

We encourage everyone to vote

Reactivate Tupac Amaru's revolution,the indoamerican revolution, FuserWhat do you think?

A revolution without gunshots?You are crazy Mial

How is it possible that i feel nostalgia for a world i never knew

How do you explain that a civilization capable of building this

is wiped out to build...


Lima, PeruMay th, Km

- I know this is not the one- No?

Mercaderes let's ask

Mercaderes Street?

Mercaderes? blocks that way, then turn right and or blocks more

- This one has to be Mercaderes- That one too

- Hey, is this one Mercaderes? - Yes- And that one too? -Yes

Count from down there...from down there are ..What?

Oh look

Can i help you with something?

This is the one from Mariategui...and you should also read Cesar Vallejo

The best part of Lima, mom, was Dr. Hugo Pesce

The chief of the program for the treatment of leprosy in Peru

Alberto had contacted him before starting the journey

He fed us, gave us cloth, money and some very good ideas

Mariategui talks about the revolutionary potential of thenatives and farmers of Latin America

He says that the native main problem is the land

and that the revolution will not be a copybut a heroic creation of our people


"We are too few to be divided", he says

Everything unites us

nothing keeps us apart...

Here's the main group of patients

Pesce let us stay at the guide Hospital, were theytreat patients in the first stage of the disease

The ones with more serious conditions are sent to San Pablo'sLeper’s center in the Amazon

- Zoraida, this is Alberto, Ernesto- How are you?- Nice to meet you

Well, i think we know each other well enoughso i will allow myself to tell you something

I look into your eyes, Ernesto, Alberto, and i seea great idealism, but also a lot of doubts

That's why I’m glad that you are going to San Pablo

I think you will find something important there

Important for you

Thanks a lot

- Ok, if you excuse me, i will show you something, ok?- Another surprise? How many surprises!

- What is he bringing, little on?- A book

- A book, uh?- Eat everything Tito, eh?

This is the great love of my life...

...after her of course

Ah, ok

It's my novel

"The Stillness of Silence"

I hope you give me the honor of reading it

- Of course, of course- The honor is ours

You can tell me what you think after

- Yes, of course. Can i open it?- Yes, yes

- Who dares read it first?

- Both of us- Besides he reads faster than i do, really.

Ok guys...

- ...that's the boat, "La Cenepa" Pucallpa, PeruMay th, Km

In five more days you'll be in San Pablo

Teacher, thanks a lot for everything, for your kindness,for the tickets, the cloths, for everything. It's been an honor

Don't worry about anything

Thanks Doctor, thanks a lot

Don't you think you are forgetting something?You've said nothing about my novel

- The novel, Fuser- Did you read it?- Of course-So?

What can i say? I can sincerely tell you thatno one can tell a story like you

It has taken a lot of effort

- And what do you think Ernesto?- He is fascinated!

If he is fascinated, i would rather to hear it from him

Look Doctor, I feel that your book is a little beaten

I think there are many common places...

- Well, that is not that bad- No

Basically is poorly written and that makes it hard to read

It's a very good try doctor, but i think you shouldfocus on what you know best

I'm sorry, teacher. You asked for my opinionand I’m giving it to you

Wao son! No one had been so blunt with me.You have been the only one. The only one

- Ok, i won't delay you any more, go on.- Thanks

Good bye and...eternally grateful and forgive me.

Take care!

- Have you seen a bag that was over there?- No

- It is brown and small- If i see it I’ll let you know

What is wrong with him?

Ask for help! Ask for help!

Pass me that pillow

Be calm, Fuser

Be calm, I’m going to give you the adrenalin

Fuser... easy, easy...



I came to thank you personally for thehelp you offer to my friend and i. Thanks

Don't worry, your friend got really sick

- Yes he did- He gave me quite a scare

And i, thanks a lot, Miss.

- You know, a minute ago i saw a "bufeo" around- Bufeo?

Well a river dolphin, but we call them "bufeo"

Have you ever seen one?

No, never. I heard it, but didn't see it

- I'm going to tell you a secret- Me?

The bufeo's genitals look like a woman'sand the natives use it to relieve themselves

But there's a little problem, when they are donethey have to kill the animal, because the suffercontractions so strong that don't let them get out

Miss, no offense but can i ask you something?


What brings you to these inhospitable waters?

I work on the boat, I come and go between Pucallpa and Leticia.I'm from Pucallpa, you know?

- Pucallpenian?- Pucallpian

- Do you know it?- It is full of beautiful women, but you are the best

- Thanks- You are welcome

And how do you pay for your ticket?

I give the captain part of what i make do you earn the money?Miss...

Let's just say that, if we go to your room, I’ll show you

My name is Luz, in case you want toknow who you make business with

Lucecita, for a night with you i wouldgive a pile of gold as big as the Aconcagua

But, darling i don't have a single coin

Well, then my friend, you'll have to excuse me

- But i have to go earn a living- Are you going to leave me like this

I need the fifteen dollars, Fuser

Her name is Luz and she told me a story about afish that the natives fuck and she gave me a little kiss

I already spent them

C'mon Fuser, don't fuck with me. We crossed thedesert together, we almost died of starvation and cold,the accident

- My needs have higher priority than Chichina's pants- I don't have them anymore

I gave them to the mining couple

- Court her

- Fuck you Fuser

The house wins gentlemen.

Mr. Lloyd retires

- Good night- Good night

Make your bets gentlemen

- soles- soles

- sol- sol? What?

This is for men, not for school kids

I didn't know that in Peru you measured a man balls in soles

Ok, ok, let's play.Cards gentlemen

- Card?- One

- Sir?- Nothing

- Young man?- One

I stay

- Card- Of course

Gentlemen, the house pays.

Sir? I'm sorryGentleman?Thanks

You young man?


- How much did you bet?- sol

The first one

- Ok, gentlemen, your bets- soles

- I want to see your bets. Your bet sir?- soles

Gentlemen, again, Blackjack!

- How much do i owe you?-

- paid- Thanks, yes sir. I will retire now. I think is veryclear who has more balls in this table. Excuse me gentlemen

Son of a bitch. Now that we are millionaireswe will eat better

Precisely, look at the mouthful I’m about to eat

- What a night, we are very lucky- How are you? Ernesto... Luz- Hi

- Luz- At your service

Burning light that blinds my dreamsNow hold on tight for what is coming for you

- Ah, Neruda?- No, Granado

San Pablo, PeruJune th, Km

Are you Bresciani?

How are you guys? How was the trip?

- Long but good- A little long

No the other way

- Nice to meet you. Bresciani- Nice to meet you

Dr. Pesce has talked very enthusiastically about youso, welcome to San Pablo

By the way, i have a letter from Dr. Pesce for youdo you want it now?

No, no, there'll be time for that

Well, since we are here i can show you something

The Amazon divides the colony in two

The south part is where we keep the patients.Here, in the north part is were the staff, the doctors and nurses live.And a couple of nuns that are very efficient

This is your room

The beds are a little hard, but that is good for your spine

You can see the hospital from here

Over thereAnd that's the laboratory

Doctor, let me introduce you to our Argentinean volunteers

Alberto, i understand you havesome experience in baciloscopy

- That's right- I believe he could help us in the lab, why don'tyou take him with you

Ernesto, you are going to help me in the hospital

Here we have the more serious cases,we transfer them from the south area

- Georgina- Hello doctor

- And do you make the operations on this side too?- Yes, on that side we have an operating room

She is Silvia, daughter of one of our patientsand a very good nurse

- How is he?- He's better, doctor

- Then keep administering the same treatment- Yes

- Doctor, then how many patients live in the south area?- Almost six hundred

- All of them Peruvian?- No, most of them yes, but there are some fromColombia, Venezuela and other countries of South America

I suggest you use these gloves. It's true thatleprosy under treatment is not contagious

but the nuns are very strict about this

- If it's not contagious, then this is purely symbolic- Yes, but I’m telling you so you don't make mortal enemies over there

- Well, you'll have to forgive us but we are not going to use them- Yes, thanks doctor

Don't say i didn't warn you

Take out the boxes.Come this way

- Good evening- Good evening

- Good evening. Welcome to San Pablo- Thanks- You are very kind

- Papa Carlito, at your service- Nemesio Reyna

- Ernesto Guevara- I'm Alberto Granado, a pleasure to meet you

Nice to meet you

Doctor, didn't you explain the rules to them?

Nice to meet you

- Don Nemesio, nice to meet you

Papa Carlito is the head of the community.They are Argentineans doctors

Nice meeting you, bye

They are real gentlemen

Dr. Bresciani, this gentlemen arrive and thinkthey can behave as they want?

Mother San Alberto, this gentlemen have goodmedical experience in Cordoba and Buenos Aires

That doesn't give them the right to behavelike this and break the rules

I suggest we leave this conversation for later, ok?

Thanks Mother, you are very understanding

She is the Mother Superior

This is the dinning hall.

The nuns make lunch on Sundays,but only for those that come to mass

The sad thing is that most of San Pablo's patients are herebecause they have been abandoned by their familiesor thrown out of their jobs

That's why they try to adapt to their new lifebuilding their own houses, seeding, caring for animals

- Doctor, good morning- How is Silvia?

- She doesn't want to go to surgery- Thanks doctor, I’ll go see her

Silvia is a patient a little rebellious and if we don'toperate her ulna, she risks loosing her arm

Hello Silvia

She's very young

Can i come inside to talk to her


Can i sit?

Does your arm hurt?

What is wrong with you?

I was born with bad lungs

What a shame

No, is not that bad. Thanks to thati skipped the military service

I didn't have to shine anyone boots

Is that why you became a doctor?Because you are sick?

Is possible.The first word i learned was injection

I want to be useful in some way

- You are wasting your time- Why?

This life is hell

Yes, it's really fucked up, but we have tofight for every breath and tell Death to fuck off

Hey Fuser, Bresciani is going to write me a recommendationfor an internship in Cabo Blanco's Hospital, in CaracasWhat do you think?

That's nice.

Nice?What's going on Fuser?

- Did you see the river?- Yes

It keeps away the sick from the healthy


That's it...Just a quick...

Are you ok?


It's ok, it's ok. Look at me

That's it. The nerve is coming out

It's thick

I have four siblings, Celia, Ana MariaRoberto and Juan Martin

And they are the ones i miss the most actually.And also my mom

You have to tell us these things with time

- Have you been playing soccer lately?- Not lately

For the next time, please wear some snickersand invite me


C'mon, C'mon

North team!Mark that one there!!

Out, out

Get out of there

Mark that...Out, out

Gol! Gol!

What happened? What happened?They scored you one fatty!!

Get out of here!

Excuse me

Sister, why you don't give us food?

The rules of Mother San Alberto are very clear,we only serve to those who go to Holy Mass

- What is it?- They won't give us food because we didn't go to mass

- Says who?- San Alberto

- Mother- Yes?

- We want to eat- We deserve to eat like everyone else

- Yes but you didn't go to mass- No

Then, how do you expect to feed the bodyif you didn't feed the soul first

- Denying food is not very Christian-like- Yes, i doubt Jesus would act like this

In this house we have a set of rulesthat have to be followed

- I haven't read any rule book- Neither did i. I think that if find it i would eat it

Your lunch

Did you steal it?

- Yes- Thanks

- Did you took it from San Alberto?- Yes


- Is it deep?- Yes

- Do you want some "mate"?- No thanks


From Caracas?

Great!Great, isn't it?

- Should i accept?- What do you want to do?

Maybe is time to settle down

Yes, have a stable job, a girlfriend...

Get a belly

And you? Are you going back to finish school?

I don't know. If i find a way to getback to Buenos Aires, yes

You're going to be next week, Fuser

I should be thinking on something, right?

San Pablo, PeruJune th,

The Mother dances well, uh?I like the way she dances

No, I don't dance

Thank you

- It's good uh?It's really good

Listen, this is the tango thatChichina's uncle played in Miramar

- Ah yes, i like it- You see- Yes, yes

- Do you know how to dance it?- This one's a little faster,

But you know how to dance it.And there's a lady very interested in dancing with you

- Should i ask her?- The bird in the stories flies and never returns

Fly, fly

Do you want to dance?

- Do you know how to dance?- Yes

Is just that this version is faster

Dance Ernesto!

Did you think it was a tango?

Mambo, mambo, mambo

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, Ernesto, Happy birthday to you!

Make three wishes Fuser

Friends, one moment please...

I believe this is a great opportunity to let Ernestoand Alberto know, how grateful we are

Not just for having gotten here, but also for theircommitment and enthusiasm to the patients of San Pabloduring the three weeks you have spent here

For that reason, we have prepareda little surprise

Tomorrow you will receive a raft tocontinue your journey

and we will name it,suggested by this night, The "Mambo Tango"

Thanks a lot

Speech! Speech!

Well...I feel obligated to thank this toast with somethingmore than a conventional gesture

But given the poor conditions in which we travel...the only affectionate resource that we have is the word

And is by using it, that i want to thank you all,all the staff of the colony


You, that give us this magnificent display of affectionby celebrating my birthday as you would celebrate one of yourselves

And since we will leave Peru tomorrow, thiswords also serve as a goodbye

in which i want to put all my effort to givea recognition to the people of this country

that uninterruptedly have overwhelmed us withnice gestures since we arrived

And i would like to highlight something more,a little off topic of this toast

But don't worry, i won't dance

Although our meager personalities prevent usfrom being spokesmen of your cause

We believe, even more after this journey, that theseparation of America in false and uncertain nationalities

is completely fictitious

We are a single mixed race, from Mexicoto the Strait of Magellan

So, trying to free myself from anynationality load

I raise a toast for Peru and for America united


What's up with you?

Do you know where the boat is?

No, i don't see it

I'm going to celebrate my birthday on the other side

Yes, of course, tomorrow when we find the boatyou will celebrate your birthday on the other side

- No, now- No you won't

- My birthday is today not tomorrow- I know Fuser but...are you crazy

You can't cross the river at night with allthose animals that can eat you raw

Mial, how many times in this journey did we thoughtit was the end and look, here we are

- This time is different Fuser-Why?

Because this time i won't be around to help you.There's no way I’m getting in the river

You will always be with me Mial, come

Hey, come here you bastard mother fucker, come back here.Think of me, your mom is going to kill me

Fuser, come back here.Ernesto! Listen!

Son of a bitch

Ernesto come back!Son of a bitch

Come back here!

- What's going on?- This crazy mother fucker wants to swim across the river

- What?- Please tell me that someone has cross this river

No, no one in all the years I’ve been here

Ernesto, come back damn it!

- Hey kid, listen to your friend!- No he won't listen

- Come here kid!- Come back Ernesto

- What's going on?- Something is moving

The current is getting stronger

- What's going on?- That moron that is swimming across the river. Come back, Ernesto

- Is that Ernesto?- He is swimming this way

There he is

- He's tired- You can do it Ernesto!

There he is

Come one. Come on. Come on.Ernesto!!

He made it?!Son of a bitch, he made it!

He made it! He made it!

I always knew he would make it

Son of a bitch

I'm going to miss you. Take care, ok?

- Papa Carlito is very sad- Take care

- Good luck- We will miss you

Thanks for everything

- Take care, ok- You too

Take care kids

- Good bye Mauro- We will always remember you

Near Leticia, ColombiaJune nd, Km

Caracas, VenezuelaJuly th, Km

You know, i had memorized a speech filled withanecdotes, and i can't remember a fucking thing

- That happens- Yeah

You still have the chance to come andwork with me in Cabo Blanco, eh?

You can graduate and I’ll wait for you

I don't know

I don't know

Look Mial, all this time we spent on the route, something happened

something that i have to think about long and hard

So much injustice, eh?

Come on, the plane is leaving!

Wait, wait. This could be useful

You kept it

Is yours

I'm off now

I'll write you, ok?


I have to tell you something important.

My birthday is not on April nd, it is on August th.I told you only to motivate you

- I knew- You knew? Son of a bitch

See you!

See you friend!

This is not the tale of impressive deeds

Is a piece of two lives taken in a momentwhen they were cruising together along a given path

With identity of aspirations and a conjunction of dreams

Was our vision too narrow, too partial, too rushed?

Were our conclusions too rigid?


...but that aimless roaming through our enormous Americahas changed me more than i thought

I.. not myself anymore

At least, I’m not the same inside

Eight years passed before the two ofthem would meet again

In Granado accepted an invitation to moveto Cuba to work as a researcher.

The invitation came from his old friend Fuser,that at the time was known as Commander Che Guevara,one of the few influential and charismaticleaders of the Cuban Revolution.

Ernesto Che Guevara fought for his ideals in Congoand Bolivia, where he was captured by the Regulation Army and,with the consent of the CIA, was assassinated in October of

Alberto Granado, always faithful to his friend Fuser,remained in Cuba, where he founded the "School ofMedicine of Santiago". Today he lives in Havanawith his wife Delia, his three sons and grandsons.

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