The Mind Box (Volume II) - Burt Goldman

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The Mind Box (Volume II) - Burt Goldman...



The Mind Box



Burt Goldman


Books by Burt Goldman Better and Better with Ove Sehested The Silva Mind Control Method of Mental Dynamics with Jose Silva How to Better Your Life with Mind Control The Power of Self Mind Control Good-bye April Moon Armo’s Song Maggie Survival and Payback Slices of Life in the Old West Zyclo


The Mind Box


Burt Goldman


Burt Goldman

THE MIND BOX TECHNIQUES All techniques have been presented and used by students of Burt Goldman’s international seminars for more than twenty years. They are simple, effective, and easy to understand; however no single technique works all the time for everyone. But if you use any of them and it works for you your life will change for the better. Get used to going to a technique for the problems in your life. The Mind Box techniques are designed to unravel virtually every problem in life.

Chapter 12 / Page 12

Reiki Longevity Shield

Chapter 13 / Page 19

Chapter 13 / Page 26

Chapter 14 / Page 34

Chapter 14 / Page 38

Mental Magnetism

Magnet Hat

Table of Creativity

Goals & Controls

Chapter 16 / Page 53

Chapter 16 / Page 54

Chapter 15 / Page 42

Chapter 15 / Page 46


The Golden Image

Healing the Inanimate Theater of Healing

Chapter 16 / Page 57

Chapter 17 / Page 63

Chapter 17 / Page 67

Chapter 17 / Page 69

Reiki Power Catalyst

Center Stage


Maturity Technique

Chapter 18 / Page 77

Chapter 18 / Page 78

Psychic Circle

Chapter 19 / Page 87 Consciousness Ladder

Chapter 19 / Page 89

The ESP Hat

Cares in a Box

Chapter 19 / Page 90

Chapter 20 / Page 100

Chapter 20 / Page 102

Chapter 21 / Page 114

Parallel Dimensions

Your Life Purpose

Past Life Journey

Wave of Goodness

Bonus Technique/Page 72

Reiki New Moon Technique

Chapter 22 Page 121

Chapter 22 / Page 122

Chapter 22 Page 127

Lucid Breath Release

Articulate Visualization

Walking the Star


Chapter 22 Page 121


The Mind Box. Copyright 2007 by Burt Goldman. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address: October75 Publishers, P.O. Box 2158, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270. Burt Goldman books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information please write: Special Markets Division, P.O. Box 2158, Rancho Mirage CA 92270


The Mind Box



Page Chapter



Secrets to Aging Gracefully



Secrets to Wealth



Secrets to Career Success



Secrets to Dealing With Change



Secrets to Reiki Healing



Secrets to Manifestations



Secrets to Connecting to Your Psychic Self



Secrets to Connecting To Higher Consciousness



Secrets to Finding Your Life Purpose



Secrets to Enlightenment



Secrets to Luck


Burt Goldman

PLEASE NOTE: Occasionally you will find suggestions to go to the next track, or a reference to a particular track number. This Mind Box Workbook has been designed to use with the twenty one CDs that should be part of the Mind Box home seminar series. If you are simply reading this as a book, without the CDs please overlook the directions that refer to tracks or CDs.


The Mind Box



One of the problems with regard to aging is the expectation sense. Quite possibly the most programmed things in everyone’s life is the expectation of life ending at a particular time. Three score and ten, or seventy years, used to be the popular notion. But in the 21st century that concept has been blasted to bits and more and more people lead active productive lives well into their eighties and many into their nineties. However there are few instances of productive centenarians. And with all our sciences we must ask ourselves why? Life expectancy has increased over the years and while a few hundred years ago life expectancy was somewhere in the fiftieth year and a person was considered old in their forties there were still those who reached the one hundred mark. Once again we must ask ourselves why. The one factor we can glean from this information is that expectancy issue once again. Foods have changed, medicines and drugs have come into being and cultures are more aware of health issues but still there is that wall at age one hundred that seems to say, that’s it—there just isn’t any more and once again we must ask, why? It doesn’t appear to be food that does it. There’s the case of Eubie Blake, the composer and pianist who played a concert at age one hundred. His favorite food was a jelly doughnut with a bottle of coca cola. And in addition he smoked cigarettes every day of his life. Many centenarians have similar life styles and some have reported a variety of life styles. Some eat meat, some do not, some smoke, some do not, some exercise, some do not, some work, some do not, and on and on and on. The only common thread would be that none of them led stressful lives, and none of them seem to be surprised when they hit


Burt Goldman

the one hundred mark. Expectation, and a relaxed life style, that is the key. The relaxed life style can be achieved by removing stressful conditions from your life. Many centenarians seem to live in conditions of stress but it doesn’t bother them. Aha. Once again we come to our duo that controls the stress in our lives, perception and attitude. Living in a condition of stress and perceiving or understanding those conditions in a particular way is how to age gracefully, and maintain a zest for life. The secret, once again, is attitude, your general feeling about something. Attitude is based on your expectation of life, life style, energy, health, and life in general. Why not change the attitude by changing your expectation of that most programmed part of our lives. Change the expectation by setting goals for yourself beyond the centenarian mark. What will you be doing in the year 2087? Don’t smile, I mean it. But if you are in your forties, or fifties, and as this is now 2007, in 2087 you would be 120 or 130 years old. And if you’re in your sixties or seventies, you would be 140 or 150 years of age. Doesn’t seem possible does it? That’s what programming and expectation do; make the thing impossible so that you never even try. Well why not? There is a magic about trying. If you try and you don’t succeed, you have failed to achieve your goal. But if you do not make an effort, if you do not even attempt to, it’s an absolute guarantee that you will not reach your goal. By following the simple instructions of the meditation track that follows this training track, and playing that track every now and again you are making the attempt; you are shattering the old three score and ten belief system; you are setting new goals. During the meditation on the following track we are going to address those very issues. First the stress removal, and then, the expectation issue but prior to getting to that, you are now going to consider a goal. A goal for yourself decade by decade. The first goal is for 2010, then 2020, then 2030, then 2040, then 2050, then 2060, then 2070, then 2080. Eight decade goals. Think now about something you want for yourself in 2010, or possibly someplace you wish to be. Then think about the year 2020, and something you want for yourself or someplace you wish to be. Do not consider your age at each decade, only the goal. Make your goals specific. If this seems silly to you consider what the concept is here. Few people set really long term goals and these are the ones that truly mature a person. As a matter of fact, the further ahead we set a goal the more mature we become in all other matters. To understand that you must understand what maturity is.


The Mind Box

To understand maturity look to the opposite or immaturity. The most immature people of course are the young, children, and infants. When an infant, the most immature, wants something they want it now, immediately. An immature person needs instant gratification. Check it out and you will find the truly mature set up goals for things that gratify them and the further in the future they set things up the more their attitudes tend to manifest on the positive plane. Set goals for far into the future. This gives your life direction, stimulates expectation, helps to set a stronger belief in yourself, strengthens your ego, and builds the desire that is necessary to motivate you to action. Actions to forward the ultimate manifestation of your goals. No, it’s not silly to consider what you will be doing thirty, forty, fifty and more years from now. It will strengthen your resolve and help you to achieve. A friend of mine wanted to learn how to play the piano. I told her to take lessons. No, she said, it will take years and I’ll be seventy by the time I can play. So what, I said, you’re going to be seventy anyway. That’s not an age to stop living, nor is eighty, ninety or any other number you care to affix to your life. Think about something you want, a goal, for the year 2020. That’s not too far in the future. And then, use Golden Images to set that goal in your mind, with the energy of your mind. After that goal is set, do another for the next decade, 2030. George Teslar was a skeptic. He didn’t see the value in a long, long term goal. What use is it when a person changes over the decades? George was in his mid-thirties, he all ready had a goal for thirty years into the future. George was a draftsman working for an architectural firm in Saddle Rock, New Jersey. He had no plans, had no goals, just figured on working till he was in his sixties, retire, and buy a small boat to relax and go fishing with. It was something like his father had done with the exception of the boat. Setting any goals beyond that was not in the cards for him, after that he could only imagine deterioration, just like his father. Pretty much the same as most of the population. Mark Powel was already deteriorating. He was seventy two and in the same class as George Teslar. He laughed at the idea of setting a thirty year goal. Why he would be a hundred and two. Practically a vegetable. He couldn’t imagine himself with any appetite or passion for life at that age if he lived that long. How could he, no one had energy to accomplish anything at a hundred years of age. Mark’s greatest pleasure was sitting in front of his television


Burt Goldman

watching old western movies and eating a cheese sandwich while drinking a beer. Mark was retired, living what he felt was the ‘good life.’ I asked him if he would volunteer to be our guinea pig, an experimental subject. He kind of shrugged and asked what he would have to do. I said just follow along this idea and report back to us in six months when I would be doing another seminar in New Jersey. He agreed. There were three hundred people in that class, fifty of them said they would be at the seminar in six months when the reports would come in. Mark was asked to set a thirty year goal. He had that afternoon and evening to think about it. It was a weekend seminar, Sunday morning he came in full of energy with a sparkle in his eyes. He had sheets of paper he had been working on. Apparently Mark had spent the whole evening thinking about and working on his goal. He had been instructed not to consider his age in thirty years, just the goal. His general goal was to be in Amsterdam, Holland, living on a houseboat on one of the canals. It seems that he had visited Amsterdam many years earlier and was taken by the city. When he got home he went on the internet and looked up everything he could find on the city. By the time he got to the seminar on Sunday morning he was practically quivering with excitement. I actually had to calm him down. He had discovered that he could rent a houseboat for five hundred dollars a week and was already making plans to check it out. He was going to call a travel agent that week to make arrangements. We would hear all about it in six months but it took a while to calm Mark down so excited was he thinking about his plans. As a matter of fact Marks enthusiasm affected everyone and I went right into a class meditation to settle the class. Six months later we held another seminar still getting feedback and doing the research as to whether or not the long long term goal setting had an effect on anyone, but especially Mark Powel. Mark did rent his houseboat and he spent a week on a canal in Amsterdam. He had been enthralled by the city and the people, who thankfully, he said, almost all spoke English. While there he got friendly with the adjacent houseboat people and although he loved the experience and his new friends he decided that he didn’t want to live in Holland permanently. He had changed his long long term goal and now had one for the city of Kaneohe, on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Other people had similar experiences and virtually everyone who had set a thirty year goal showed excitement and had developed new energies. By now it was obvious that the setting of these thirty and forty year goals


The Mind Box

stimulated parts of the brain that were just dormant before the goal settings. Whether these goals were just metaphors and only useful for dreaming, or really stimulated some hidden resources was immaterial, the idea was for the students to get rid of the notion that they were going to leave this world after retirement age. And it worked. Long term goals are one of the secrets to maintaining the zest for life. Long long term goals awaken dormant parts of the brain and every cell in your body is stimulated when you energize them with a new sense of expectation. Utilize the meditation exercise of CD-12 and note the positive changes in your life. REIKI LONGEVITY SHIELD During a seminar on protection from negative energies I was presenting at the Queen of the Valley Hospital in a suburb of Los Angeles one of the staff members asked if there was anything I knew that could help the nurses who worked in the terminal children’s ward. This was quite possibly the most energy draining situation any doctor or nurse could find themselves in. Most of the nurses had to harden themselves to the situation or they couldn’t function at all. One of them told me that she had built a brick wall around herself or she couldn’t take the flow of sorrow that came at her every day. The problem was she had that wall around her day and night. It hardened her and allowed her to do her job but she was hard on her family and friends as well. Could I come up with anything that would help? Indeed I could, I told her. Mental energies are depleting and they form the strongest from the center of a person to about nine feet away when they begin to dissipate. I learned this during my yoga days and had found it to be so time and time again whenever I did any research on that notion. But let me back up a bit. What comes to mind is a seminar I presented in Van Nuys, California. Being as I’m from Los Angeles many of my early seminars were in the California region. I like to think of those early times as the ‘wild days’ as many of the concepts I had learned over the years from my yoga days, my Korean master, huna, mental dynamics, and hypnosis were just pulling together in my mind to give me the insights that it was all one. Actually the seven hermetic principles is what showed me that it was all one. But in the beginning, when I started training people in the variety of ways to use their thoughts, and their minds I came up with all these interesting concepts such as the Reiki Shield. One of the people that come to mind when I think of those early days was a meter maid who was in the class.


Burt Goldman

Mind Box 21 -Reiki Longevity Shield 1. After the Shield has been programmed during CD #-12 whenever you are in the vicinity of negative energies use the Bagha and say ‘Reiki protect’ and imagine the Shield protecting you. 2. The Reiki Shield is a metaphor that enables your body to send out positive energies that act as a positive, outgoing force. 3. The outgoing force blocks all incoming negative energies. A meter maid is a police woman who gives out tickets when a person is parked overtime and the meter shows the time has expired. The young lady came to the class because she wanted something to prevent her from getting angry as the response from people when they saw her writing them a ticket was disturbing her. People would demand that she stop writing the ticket as they put a dime in the slot thinking that would take care of it. But once she started writing the ticket she had to continue. People would yell, sometimes curse her, and as she was a rather mild person it really bothered her. I was surprised when I heard that people got angry at a police officer, but few people see a meter maid as a police officer. Well I trained her in the concept of the Reiki Shield. At that time I would have monthly classes in Van Nuys and she came to one of the classes three months later to report on the protection the shield gave to her. She said, “You know Burt, I was going to quit my job and now I can hold on to it. It works like a miracle. I put my Shield on in the morning and when someone yells at me I pay them no mind at all; it’s almost like their shouting is dimmed and in the distance. Kind of like when you tune down the volume on your radio. I just touch my tongue to the roof of my mouth, say Reiki protect, and nothing bothers me.” After that I started offering the Reiki Shield in every class that I did. Whether it was a Supermind class, a yoga class, a hypnosis class or whatever. I trained people in all of those seminars because this protection not only helps for the particular incident it is used but it also is a great help in longevity. This was brought home to me when a ninety two year old man came into the class. Life for him was about over, he told me, there was no spice, no zest, nothing to look forward to. He got up in the morning, had breakfast, puttered around and before he knew it evening had arrived and he went to bed. Every day. Nothing to look forward too. He said my tastes are gone, my appetite is gone, my friends are gone, many members of my family are gone. I still have some


The Mind Box

family but they all look at me as kind of a piece of antique furniture and they expect me to plop over any time now. Is there anything, anything that will help? My answer was for him to just take in the class as we had so many things available for him, but especially the Reiki Shield. I said to him, apparently you’re getting all these negative energies, not only from your family but from your acquaintances as well. So he learned how to use the Reiki Shield. I saw him a few months later. Many of my graduates would return to the class as I had a free repeat privilege policy and they all enjoyed the positive energies of the seminar. The old gentleman invited me to lunch and I went, curious to see how he was getting along. It seemed that he had just purchased a convertible sports car and was about to drive to San Francisco, by himself, and go on a cruise to Alaska. I was surprised at that I must say, but he said that nothing bothered him any more, he just puts his shield on in the morning and he was raring to do something. That is what gave me the idea that the Reiki Shield was a great resource for youth and longevity. We are constantly being pounded by so many negative energies coming from people who resent us, or are jealous of us. Even without realizing it. Walking along the street, or driving in your car, someone sees you and you may remind them of someone they dislike and they automatically find you objectionable. I recommend to people who want to use the shield for youth and longevity to simply put the shield on by touching the roof of their mouth with the tip of the tongue and saying to themselves the words ‘Reiki Shield protect.’ And then just go about their daily routine. But let me get back to the Queen of the Valley hospital seminar. These nurses had a major problem and the problem as I’ve mentioned, was the brick wall that they all seemed have around themselves. They had to do that because the energy in those wards was so depleting. Just imagine them walking through a ward where all the children were in various stages of dying. The empathy was as thick as syrup there. The negative energies were so draining the nurses went home and flopped onto a couch. Many of them would drink to get the images out of their minds. We focused on the Reiki Shield going through it again and again. Beside the doctors and nurses there were a few other people there who had heard about the course. But for this seminar we were concentrating on the nurses. They were programmed for the shield and learned how to put it on and take it off. For many months after that I would receive reports from the


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nurses how well that it worked. Every day, that shield went on. Some of them put it on when leaving their homes, some as they headed for the hospital, and some of them just before they walked into the hospital. Every one of them told me they had shielded themselves prior to walking into the children’s ward. The beauty of it and the big difference between the Reiki Shield and the block wall that they had previously used, some unconsciously, was that the shield could be taken off. When they left the hospital, they would touch the roof of their mouth with the tip of their tongue and say the words ‘shield off’ and they were free of it. The Bagha is a metaphor. This is an ancient yoga device. When you touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue your are telling your mind, ‘hey get ready, we’re about to do something’. In this case, the Reiki Shield. Reiki Shield protect, and boom there it is. When you’re out of harms way, ‘Shield off, and off it comes. Yes it is a mental thing, but the energies are on the mental plane also, that’s why it’s so effective. That class that took place many years ago, more than twenty years ago, and I still occasionally hear from people who were in that class telling me how effective this technique was and is. In CD-12 we are going to program this. It’s a rather delicate process so just follow along and allow yourself to go deep into the meditation—I will help you to do that. Just go along with my words as we program the shield together. And use it whenever you have a need. You’ll find it a valuable resource in your life. People sometimes ask ‘Why don’t I just put the shield on and forget about it? That way I’ll have it on all my life.” It doesn’t seem to work as well when you do that. Besides, if you have reached the point where you can do that, and many people have reached that point, then you don’t need the shield any more. When your belief is that strong, well, you are there. If you feel that you can put the shield on and leave it on forever, then you probably didn’t need it in the first place. But for most people you want to put your shield on just before you go into a negative event, or even during the event. Someone is making you angry, just say ‘Reiki Shield protect’ and note the immediate difference. Or if you are visiting someone in the hospital. Just before you walk into the hospital, stop for a moment, touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and say the words, ‘Reiki Shield protect’ and stroll in; you’ll notice a big difference. Use it well. This will help you to age gracefully and may well add many years to your negative free, long and healthy life.


The Mind Box


A friend asked what I was working on now and I told him I was recording a CD; the subject was financial power. He asked how many disks I was making on the subject. I told him just one, about an hour or so in length. He laughed and told me that was a rather presumptuous thing I was doing. “Well” I asked, “you’re a self made man, you’re wealthy, what would you tell people, if you had an hour time limit, about having financial power?” His answer really floored me. He said, “I can tell you in less than a minute. When making money becomes as easy as taking candy from a baby; then you have financial freedom and the power to develop it. But I don’t think you can put that on a CD and knowing you, you could probably do a two week seminar course on the subject. How in the world are you going to teach people about financial freedom in less then an hour anyhow?” “Because,” I answered, “I’m not getting into specifics. I’ll be talking about attitude, and desires, and things more in the abstract.” Well I thought about that, and then considered how some of them started. I asked seven of my wealthy friends about how they felt about making money. And soon discovered that they all felt the same way, making money was as easy as taking candy from a baby. Well… that started me thinking. What they were saying was that they did what they had to do and the money rolled in. Calvin Spanios bought and sold real estate, another imported charcoal


Burt Goldman

brickets from China and sold them to discount stores, Ed Grush was a building contractor, Fred Sanchez owned a string of beauty shops, and three others presented self help seminars. They all did different things. The one thing they had in common was that they were all very rich; financially secure they would like to say. Each of them had started out after high school or college, not knowing what occupation they would wind up in. And when searching for the significant stimulus that put them on that road it all seemed accidental. One of the self help lecturers, Calvin, saw an article about one of those fire walking seminars and he attended out of curiosity. He figured he could do a better job than the fellow who was doing the seminar and so he did some research, attended a lot of seminars, and then started his own. For Calvin it was a magazine article that started him on the road to riches Ed Grush, the builder, had been a truck driver. He saved some money until he had enough to buy an empty lot. Borrowing from relatives and the bank he built a house figuring if it didn’t sell, he’d move in. But it did sell, long before it was finished. Wow, he thought that was easy. Then he bought some books, talked to all the sub contractors who had built his house, and drove to Sacramento to take a test and to get his General Contractors license. After that there was no stopping him. You’ll find Ed today at Fred Sanchez, the friend who had sixteen Beauty Parlors didn’t know a thing about that business. A friend of his who was tired of the business asked him to take it off his hands for the cost of the fixtures. Fred was a carpet layer who was tired of tormenting his knees. He spent all his time in the shop learning the business. He knew nothing about cutting hair and so he hired people who did. He wanted to build it up to a success and then sell it. But instead of selling it, by the time he was making money from the shop he learned so much about the business he decided to open another one, and another. The rest, as he likes to say, is history. Well stories like that you hear every day. But no one ever tells you how. What did Calvin, Ed and Fred have that you don’t? The answer is; nothing. You may well have more. So what’s the answer? Why isn’t everyone financially secure? Why isn’t everyone rich? I’m familiar with the work of my contemporaries and before, from Emile Coue, to Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer. I have a great respect for them all but I think the one who said it best, and the one who influences everyone in the self help trade is Napoleon. No not Bonaparte, Hill. Napoleon


The Mind Box

Hill who interviewed the Captains of Industry of his day, people like Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler and Andrew Carnegie to name a few. Hill’s Master Key to Riches is probably the definitive work on success although it is a bit dated for today’s vibrant people. With all the stories, anecdotes and biographies of how to get rich, I believe the one that sums it up best is, Give a person with a poverty consciousness a million dollars and a year or two later they’ll be broke again. Whereas if you took all the money, say a million dollars, away from a person with a consciousness of affluence, in a year or two that person will be rich again.

But just what is a poverty consciousness, how do you get one? Are you born with it, or does it develop over the years. Because, if you can show me how I can develop a consciousness based on poverty then I can polarize it and then I’ll have a way to develop a consciousness based on wealth. Let’s see what makes a person’s consciousness. Consciousness is an awareness of thoughts and feelings: the part of your mind that is aware of your feelings, thoughts, and surroundings. It’s how you see the world. But as this Mind Box Training is to enable you to go where you have not been able to get before, we must introduce new ways to attain goals. And now still another of the many secrets of the Mind Box Course; Magnetism. You hear the words Personal Magnetism, or charisma, spoken of with respect to most of your popular personalities; I’m not talking about that kind of magnetism. I’m speaking about that mysterious force that scientists have been baffled by for centuries. They have learned to use the force but with a limited understanding of it. Magnetism created the first compass enabling men to circumnavigate the globe in any kind of weather. And today magnetism practically runs the world from toys that float in the air, to credit cards and computer disks. A Magnet, when controlled, has within itself, a force that will attract, or repel. You see this every day. It’s in the very nature of your computer, the binary force, or language that consists of repelling, the 0, and attracting, the 1. Commonly called bits, and bytes, it is the means your computer uses to store, and release, all the data imaginable. Magnets at present attract only certain types of minerals. A magnet, as example will not attract or repel wood, or glass. All this I’m sure you’re aware of. There is another kind of magnetic energy which is the energy that is


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produced when electricity is run through the material to produce magnetic force. This is known as electromagnetic energy. Turn off the electricity and the magnetic force disappears. This force is used constantly in our industrial world. So what! What does that have to do with Financial Freedom? Let’s see. The magnetic force moves in two directions; let’s use the South direction, and the North direction as an example. When you put two magnets together the south will attract the north but repel the south. This is an oversimplification but important in that it effects the consciousness of poverty and affluence when understood. A great principle of life is the principle of correspondence which states: As above so below, as below so above. Or; as it is on the physical plane so it is on the mental plane, as it is on the mental plane, so it is on the physical plane. If that were applicable to the magnetic force then there would be a force at work on the mental level as well. The question would then arise: How do I use this force to attract, and/or repel? There are people who use the force naturally, they are you might say, natural magnets but unaware of these instinctive abilities. Some of your natural magnet people attract positive things, some attract negative things. Then there are people who through knowledge, training, and action, are stimulated by their desires and attitudes; they are you might say electromagnets. Recall please that electromagnetism only works when electricity is introduced to the object being magnetized. Electricity is produced by moving charged particles. The charged particles in this instance are brain waves. Brain waves are magnetic forces that move up and down driven by emotions. Therefore if a brain wave is electromagnetic, the charged particles are moved by the attitude of the individual. This creates electricity and turns the magnetic force into the electromagnetic. The main difference being that the electromagnetic force can be controlled. If the charged particles of the brainwave can be turned on and off by attitude, which changes brain wave amplitude, then it only remains to discover which attitude does what to attract, and which attitude does what to repel. It is obvious, in that the result can be seen, that the individual with a poverty consciousness is repelling events that would result in affluence whereas the person with a prosperity consciousness is attracting the events that would result in affluence. If you were to think back on specific causes you would find that you


The Mind Box

Mind Box 22 - Mental Magnetism 1. Imagine a large horseshoe magnet wrapped around your body. The feet of the magnet pointed away from you. 2. Create an image in your mind of what you wish to attract. 3. Say, ‘Magnet attract.’ at the same time touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. 4. Let it go. The forces are at work. Every now and then create an image in your mind of that which you wish to attract.

made choices to put you were you are today. In some cases you made the right choice, and in some the not so right choice. What you were not aware of at the time however was that magnetism was at work even then. Most people simply drift through life with no objectives, no goals, and no aspirations, simply allowing the universe to dictate their realities. But what if there were a way to control that electromagnetic energy? What if there was a way to attract and to repel those things you wanted in your life and those things you did not want? What if there was a way to attract financial power? Well let’s just see if there is. It has been proved many times by the scientific community that the brain does not differentiate between the real and the imagined. Imagine you are a magnet and to some small intent you will be a magnet. Recall that magnets do not attract everything. A magnet will attract iron, but not glass or wood. You as a magnet will attract certain things as well. There is a rule here: What can be attracted, can also be repelled. What is repelled, can also be attracted. If you have attracted scarcity you can also repel it. Prior to attracting a thing, the opposite thing should be repelled. Prior to repelling a thing, the opposite thing should be attracted. The Mind Box Meditation following this track is designed to stimulate your magnetic attraction towards financial security and to repel all the negative forces that keep you in a state of deprivation. Here’s how it works. First you take yourself, under guidance, to the meditation level of mind. This you do by any of the standard meditation techniques we offer. In this case the five to one method. Once at the meditation state you use Power Images on your mind screen, as you will be guided. Then you create the mental image of a bank, the bank has your name on it.


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In front of the bank, just over the doorway, is a large horseshoe magnet with the feet of the magnet pointing out from the front of the bank. The magnet is there to attract affluent people to deposit money in your bank. You imagine yourself as the teller, with long lines of people waiting to enter the bank, and people line up in front of your window, each of them hands you a wad of money before they leave by another entrance. People are coming in the front entrance, leaving handfuls of money with you, and leaving by the back entrance. This creates the magnetism necessary to put you in the attraction mode. The people leaving behind you, without any money left, represent the poverty consciousness leaving, or being repelled. Money coming in, scarcity going out. If this seems childish, let me explain the metaphor. Mental Magnetism is simply creating an image in your mind. Prior to doing anything, you create mental images. Usually without realizing it. As example: The next time you feel bad, examine your mental images and you will invariably find that the images are of a negative nature. Your mental image is attracting the bad things. The next time you feel good, examine your mental images and you will find that the images are of a positive nature. Your mental image is attracting the good things. You already are a magnet, but do not realize it. Using the metaphor gives you the power to control your financial situation. But don’t run out and buy a lottery ticket expecting immediate results. If you are in a precarious position with regards to finances it took a long time to get there. It will take a while to correct, but once you use the concept of our Mind Box Training exercises, you will have taken the first step. After which, remember the metaphor of the magnet over the bank door drawing in affluence. I’ve told the following story regarding the subject of consciousness for thirty years. I’ve put the story in a number of books. I like it because when you understand the story, you understand what a poverty consciousness is; and you know how to turn it around. The title of the tale is: The Mud Hen. Let me relate it to the magnetic attraction principle. The year was 1938. The world was in recession. War was looming in Europe. Millions were jobless. A person was almost justified in being depressed. One of the mass of humanity found himself a job selling newspapers on a downtown street corner. His name was Lancelot Jones. His mother had been an avid reader of any novel that featured bold


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knights and beautiful maidens. Her special favorite was Arthur, King of Camelot, and Sir Lancelot his loyal knight. But woe to her hopes; her child was born into misery and pain. Mrs. Jones was an unfortunate alcoholic who spent her days reading, drinking, or doing something that Lancelot could not bring himself to even imagine. And one day, when Lancelot was fourteen his mother went to the store to buy milk, or so she said, and that was the last time Lancelot saw or heard from her. He became a child of the streets and to keep from starving he bought a few newspapers at the news station and peddled them on a street corner. He honestly felt that was all he was good for. He sold his first paper when he was fourteen years old, But this story is about a time fifteen years later, with twenty nine year old Lancelot still selling newspapers on the same corner. His voice was raspy as he shouted out the headlines. He was a magnet to everything that was cheap, used, old, and raggedy. Lancelot Jones lived in a damp, single room apartment that was too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. He was aware of his newspapers, his tiny room, his ill-fitting clothing, the simple food he ate, and little else. It was everything that he attracted. Other people he knew lived differently, but it was difficult for him to imagine that other world. How could a mud hen hope to aspire to the grandeur of the eagle, slowly circling higher and higher, working a swirling updraft, wings spread proudly in magnificent flight? Or for that matter, how could an eagle possibly imagine the deprivation of the mud hens’ life. Every morning when Lancelot woke up, eyelids still clogged by the effects of sleep, his first thought was to see himself standing on his corner hawking newspapers. The visualization was always the same, half a dozen under his left arm and a single newspaper held in his right hand as he shouted out the headline in a harsh voice hoarsened by years of abuse. Some mornings, still half asleep, he would imagine a customer giving him a dollar, saying “Keep the change.” On these mornings he would open his eyes and smile it would be a good day. As he ate a breakfast of biscuits, bacon, and coffee, he would think about how many newspapers to buy. If he really felt good he’d order half again his normal quota. If he felt poorly he would order only half as much. What could he possibly attract with a magnet like that sitting on his brain? Seeing a beautiful woman on her way to work, he’d visualize himself selling her a paper. Seeing a well-dressed man, he’d think, “That one’s gotta be good for a nice tip.” If he saw a policeman, he would see himself handing the officer a paper and the policeman smiling at him; passing a stockbrokers’


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office, he’d imagine the brokers busily engaged in reading one of his newspapers. His imagination was his magnet. It was attracting everything in his life. If only he had known that simple truth. But he didn’t, he related everything to newspapers. They were his life his world, his reality. Everything he was conscious of he would in some manner relate to newspapers. He believed himself to be a small, raspy-voiced failure of a man capable only of selling newspapers and so he was, for he accepted just that information which reinforced the belief. He enclosed himself in a structure he himself had built, brick by brick by brick. Every time he bought himself a worn-out pair of second hand pants he added a brick. Every time he brought home a stale, crusty, day-old bread he added a brick. Every time he sold a newspaper he added a brick. In the mornings, as he slowly pushed himself out of bed, he saw himself selling papers and being tipped for his efforts. In the evenings he thought over the day’s events and smiled because of tips or sulked because of torn papers. It was then he added the mortar. A mortar that strengthened his magnetic attraction for all the things that would keep him at the level he had grown comfortable in. So he lived, and so he died, never knowing that he was an eagle all the while. An eagle bound with the most senseless chains of all. Those of limited awareness. An awareness that forced him into a poverty consciousness. He was really an eagle at heart but what good is being an eagle if you believe yourself to be an earthbound mud hen? Believe yourself to be a mud hen and you will not only see one in your mirror, you will view the world from that perspective and you will attract only those things that reinforce your reality. A sad ending. Would Lancelot have been happier with different appetites? He never had the chance to find out. He wasn’t free to choose. He was in a niche he had himself created. He could never find an out passage because he’d walled himself up in a structure without a door. Let’s change the ending through the magic of conjecture. What if? What if something happened during his vital years to change that belief system? What if one of his regular customers had come over to him one spring morning and said: “Hey, Lancelot, if you’re not doing anything tonight, I’d like you to come with me to hear a talk by a person I think may do you some good.” And what if our seller of papers, for some reason even he couldn’t explain, had said: “Sure, Mr. Marvin, I aint been no place in years, I’ll go.


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Where can I meetcha?” “I’ll pick you up tonight, right here at seven o’clock.” That evening Lancelot found himself sitting in a lecture hall listening to a man speak of magnetic attraction, and the concept that everyone creates their own reality. Lancelot was fascinated. First by the smoothness of the presentation, and then by the words. A small chink appeared in the walls around his thinking. Leaving the hall, he thanked his benefactor, who walked off with a wave of his hand wondering if any of the lecture had sunk into what, he suspected, was a rather thick head. “Ah well,” he thought, “I’ve done my good deed for the week anyway.” Lancelot walked the three miles back to his lonely garret, his mind a whirl. So many new things to think about. He was greatly affected. He never had been a stupid man, but, like so many others, his thought processes and powers of abstraction had somewhat atrophied through disuse. He hadn’t really thought about anything for years, but he was surely thinking now! The one statement he remembered so well was in his mind like a banner: What you believe to be is. What you visualize you magnetically attract. He thought, “My mental images are that I’m a poor guy who can only get a job selling newspapers and live in a cold, one-room flat in a dumpy neighborhood, and that’s what I am. If my mental images are attracting all the garbage in my life and is keeping me where I’m at, and if I change the images, can I attract better things, can I become anything I want? What do I want? I never really wanted nothing except what I have. Do I want to be a millionaire? Not really. Maybe if I step up a little bit at a time I’ll know better what I want when I get to the next plateau.“ More affected by the lecture than he could imagine, carried along by his thoughts, he reached his building, stopped, turned around and walked back toward the lecture hall, not having reached any conclusions and afraid that if he slept he would forget what he heard. “Maybe,” he thought, “I could rent a nice place on Eighteenth street. Maybe I could get a spot with a living room and a bedroom and maybe even a real kitchen with a stove instead of a lousy hot plate. Yeah, why not? Lemme see, what did that guy say about magnet power?” Pictures began to form in Lancelot’s mind. His visualization became stronger as he thought of a magnet on his head like a horseshoe hat. The feet of the magnet was aimed at his visualization of a three-room apartment. Did he really believe it could happen? He didn’t think of the belief, he thought of


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the apartment. He enhanced the images making them brighter, he imagined stepping into the image of him in a new apartment. Then he drew it all to him via the power of the magnet. That night, when he finally lay down in his bed, he didn’t think about newspapers for the first time in memory. The next morning, when he opened his eyes, he found himself thinking about a pleasant, three room apartment. He started to change his thoughts to the usual purchase of the day’s quota, when he remembered and smiled. He visualized his magnet hat and kept the apartment visualization. He thought, how nice it would be to live like that as he prepared his breakfast. He slowly chewed his food, washing down a bit of bacon and bread with a swallow of coffee while his thoughts ranged over the apartment. On his way to the news station he passed a brownstone building with a For Rent sign in the window. Lancelot shuffled up the steps and knocked on the door. The woman who answered looked at him and shrank back into the alcove. “Yes, what is it?” she asked, hesitantly, as though she were in pain, hoping it was not a request to view the apartment. Lancelot couldn’t help but notice the look of horror on her face. For the first time he noted the stains on his clothing, the tear at the knee, the sweater full of holes that hung six inches beyond his jacket. His tennis shoes were filthy and he hadn’t shaved that morning nor combed his hair. He’d simply clapped a cap over his head as he stepped out into the street. Conscious of his appearance for the first time, he turned around, walked backward down the steps, and said, “Sorry lady, wrong house.” That day Lancelot worked doubly hard to sell every one of his papers. Finishing early, he stopped at the store of one of his customers and asked if he knew of a way for him to make some extra money. Soon he had a number of small evening jobs—work he could do after finishing with his newspapers. He didn’t mind the extra trouble; all his efforts and thoughts were directed toward the apartment—the three-room apartment with a real stove in the kitchen. For the first time in his life he began to visit clothing stores. Thinking about the apartment, he wanted to do something to bring himself in line with what he felt would be his new station in life. He purchased a new razor and some sweet-smelling shampoo. More conscious of his appearance now and accumulating a modest savings, he felt more confident. Every day was an adventure. Every hour an excitement as everything he did was an enhancement of his goal. All his appetites were sharpened as his belief in himself changed.


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He began to act as though he were already the new person he was becoming. One day, combed and shaved after getting a haircut, wearing a freshly pressed jacket and pants, a new shirt and shoes, feeling dapper and energized, he returned to the brownstone with the For Rent sign, skipped up the steps, and knocked briskly at the door. Mrs. Howard, who had backed away from him before, opened the door. Lancelot spoke first. “I’d like to see the apartment you have for rent.” Mrs. Howard smiled as she quickly opened the door wider. This was her lucky day she thought as she showed the apartment to the good-looking young man, hoping against hope he would like it enough to move in. Lancelot did like it and he did move in. The first evening in his apartment he sat in his living room in wonderment. He felt as though he was on a speeding train, everything was moving so fast. That lecture did it, he thought. And his magnet hat. It had started him moving in the right direction. His thoughts now were all directed toward his next goal. What would it be? He had to be careful, he knew. “What you visualize with a magnet hat you attract. What you believe to be, is. What is it I want now?” He sat at his kitchen table, a half-drunk cup of coffee in his hand, staring at the cup, thinking. And so the Mud Hen, seeing his reflection and noting an eagle, began to climb higher and higher beyond even the clouds, until his awareness was the entire world. When other eagles were about, he dared them to fly along with him, and though some would, some would not. Soon our former Mud Hen became an Eagle among Eagles, soaring to places and adventures the groundlings could not even imagine.

What changed Lancelot? Belief is not a magic wand to be waved over one’s head to produce sudden miracles- although sometimes it seems as though that is what is happening. First of all, an awareness that a better way exists is required. If you know of a better way, and the possibility of arriving at a chosen destination by a particular time, you must create within yourself a sense of desire. You must first decide what it is that you want. What is it that you are going to program for with your sense of expectation? Once you have decided that you want it, the first major force is brought into play: Desire. How much desire do you have? This is important, for with strong desire the magnetic


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Mind Box 23 - The Magnet Hat 1. Magnetism is a force that attracts and a force that repels. The brain’s waves, stimulated by the attitude of the mind, also attract and repel. Using a symbol such as a magnet hat creates a mental magnet. 2. Create a magnet hat in your imagination, the style of your choosing. 3. To put on the hat, use the Bagha and say, Magnet Hat On, and imagine the hat on your head. 4. When it is time to use the magnet hat tense your body as described in Mind Box 17. Hold the tension for a moment and say the word energize and imagine the energy flowing up through your body into the magnet. 5. To attract any particular thing just turn your head and point the feet of the magnet hat towards the person, event, or thing you would like to attract while thinking of the person, event, or thing flowing towards you. attraction strengthens and the way becomes easy. Our news dealer, Lancelot, did not believe it possible for him to achieve a million-dollar home and had no desire for one. He did desire something that would better his position. By bringing the three-room apartment into his consciousness and by visualizing and imagining himself in possession, his desire for the apartment grew. As desire grows so grows the magnetic attraction as energies are set in motion to achieve possession of the thing. Expectation was brought into play as he saw himself in possession. Expect it to happen, and it will happen. The great force we have at our disposal to strengthen and make use of expectation is a mental image of the thing already having taken place, this creates the attraction. Believe it to be and it will be. As you develop the additional help of desire, expectation, and the knowledge that with awareness as the first step all things are possible, then success becomes an attainable goal. As you grow, things become better and better and new goals are achieved. Goals you would not have attempted to reach before because you believed them unattainable. Before reaching the stars, you must know they are there. Reach out and return with handfuls of star dust. But know that you yourself are the achiever here. If other people are helping you to attain your goals it is because you yourself attracted that help. So put on your magnet hat, we call it the Mind Box Magnetic Hat Technique, and change your life for the better.


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There is a story about Christopher Columbus when he was brought before King Ferdinand’s advisors who felt that because no one had ever made a journey such as he was proposing that it could not be done. Columbus took an egg out of his pocket and asked the advisors to stand it on its end.They all said it was not possible. Columbus then proceeded to take the egg, tapped the end of it hard against the table to flatten it and stood the egg on its end. The advisors all scoffed saying well they could have done it that way as well. “Yes,” said Columbus, “now that I’ve shown the way, its simple. All things are easy when you know how.” Creativity is simply doing something in a different way. Take yourself out of the box. It’s good to learn from experience but it is not necessary to be bound by it. I recently completed a novel. I write to amuse myself and for my friends who love my work. I came up with an outlandish proposition. I wanted to challenge myself. And so I wrote a one paragraph outline to make the writing more difficult. My hero had to have a name that was unique to him, be involved with at least five major events that changed the worlds history, he had to have a 2,500 year life span, he would not eat, he would not require oxygen to live, he had to be handsome, strong and likeable, he had to be invincible, he had to have a mate who was the most beautiful woman on the planet, and the story had to have a villain who was more than his equal. In addition the tale had to be plausible, logical, and real. His name turned out to be Zyclo, which is also the title of the book. It turned out to be my best work. Point being, to be creative, one must simply do the thing a little


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differently. Not to please the world, but to please oneself. Forty-odd years ago the most respected and certainly one of the most famous authors in America offered to teach a class in one of the Ivy League colleges. The university notified its alumni of the course, which was to be in creative writing. The response was far beyond wildest expectations. So many students wanted the benefit of this great man’s knowledge that the college auditorium had to be used as a classroom. The semester began and the great day was at hand. The auditorium was filled to overflowing. All the students, pencil and notebook in hand, waited in hushed and excited anticipation. The famous man strode out to the lectern, leaned upon it, looked out upon a sea of faces intent on what he was about to say. He took off his eyeglasses, huffed on them gently, and wiped them for a bit, seeming to heighten the almost electric energy in the air. He replaced his spectacles carefully, cleared his throat, and then asked a question: “How many of you truly want to be writers?” One could have strolled across the auditorium on the tips of the upraised hands. Not a single arm remained upon the owner’s lap. The great man was quiet for a long moment. He walked to the center of the stage, stopped, placed his hands arrogantly upon his hips and commenced to speak: “Then why aren’t you at home writing?” With that Sinclair Lewis turned, strode off the platform, out of the auditorium, off the campus, and was never to be seen at that university again. That was the entire creative writing course. All things in life are really quite simple. It is people who complicate. To be creative, create! What is creation? Creation is original thought. Creation is causing something to come into existence. You create every hour of your lives. You are a creator. We are all creators. To create, create. There are many techniques for you to use in the CD Mind Box. Virtually every one of them will lead you to your most creative mode. All of the techniques are simply psychological catalyst’s to get your creative flow going. Virtually every artist uses something to start the flow. You may have a favorite but they are all ready for you to use. Tonight, the first thing before you drift into sleep, say to yourself, “Tomorrow I am going to be creative.” If you like, take a pencil and a piece of paper and write, “Tomorrow I am going to be creative.” Then go to sleep. In the morning, upon awakening, again focus your thoughts on creating. Today you will say, “I am going to be creative. Today I am going to think.” As you have your breakfast, decide where you are going to direct


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those thoughts. At what are you going to be creative? To what extent are you going to think about that creativity? Will it be with your job, your occupation, your profession? Will it be with your family? Will it be with your friends? Will it be spiritually? Perhaps with a hobby that you have. Perhaps you’re going on a vacation and you want to be creative there. Perhaps you’re delving into the stock market or gambling or writing or any one of a thousand other things. You make the decision, for all things stem from you, from your initial thoughts. This is the day for you to be creative. At what? And how? You want to be creative. This day will be a very bright day in your life. It’s not possible to be bored while being creative. For to be bored is to be doing something with a tint of sameness. It is repetitious because you have done it before. To be creative is to cause something new to come into existence. Boredom and creativity cannot live in the same house. They cancel one another. One of the first things you will see happening is a new appetite for the day. A new appetite for living. And with this appetite will come satisfaction . Generally, without realizing it, you are creating constantly, from the moment you arise in the morning. You get up out of bed. When you take a shower, you are creating a new you. Look in the mirror the moment you get up. And then look into the mirror just before you walk out the door. You’ve created a new you. You work on creating things when you get into your car and drive down the street because it isn’t the same street. Every morning some things have changed. The weather may have changed somewhat, or the cars parked along the street are different. You are creating a new path for your car as you drive down the street. Breakfast is a creation. If you make your own breakfast, you’re creating that food. To take an egg, crack it, and place it in a frying pan is creation. Is it the sameness? Is it habit that you’ve gotten into? Create! Make it different. You go to a restaurant and you order something. Here too there is creating. You are creating a meal. What type of a meal are you creating? Are you creating a well-rounded, balanced meal? Are you creating a meal for looks? Are you catering to the taste buds? Are you catering to your stomach? Or are you catering to your health? Every decision you make is, in a manner, creation. On your job there is constant creation. You’re always creating. You’re always making decisions, some major, some minor. Everything is a decision. You decide to use a pencil or a ball-point pen. You decide to clean up your desk or to leave it as it is. You decide to go to lunch five minutes early or ten minutes later. Everything is creation. The knowledge that you are involved


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with creation, however, opens you to a new understanding, and understanding is the key to all. We are all role players. When you accept a suggestion that you have two left feet, then you assume the role of someone with two left feet. You automatically imagine how they would walk, or run, or dance. When you accept a suggestion that you are unimaginative, unoriginal, or a realist, you assume the role of what you imagine a character with those attributes would be. You can override any information that keeps you from using all your creative resources. Imagine being creative and productive and you will be creative and productive. How would someone who was creative act? How would someone who was productive act? Who was inventive, original? How would a person who was inventive act? Assume the role of an inventive person. Assume the role of an original person. Someone who is imaginative, and visual. Assume the role of a creative person. Assume the role of someone who is creative, original, inventive, and imaginative. Assume this role. You are now productive. You are now creative. You are now originative and inventive. You are now imaginative. You are now a true original. You are creative, imaginative and inventive. If those words described you, how would you act? What would you do differently in your life? Whatever needs you had that prevented, or blocked your creative urges, those needs are no longer necessary to your well being. You now have a new need. You now have a need to be creative. To be original. This new need will take precedence over the old needs. You are now creative. A creative person is not bound by past points of reference. A creative person uses points of reference as a guide only. A creative person asks questions of themselves. Questions like: What would happen if it were upside down, larger, smaller, more colorful, six instead of four, a hundred instead of one, inside out, lower, higher, water instead of oil, dirt instead of mud? A creative person seeks to go beyond what others have done before. Consider a thing that you had been involved with, are involved with at present, or will be involved with in the future. See this thing from your new


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perspective - that of a true original. See this thing as a creative, imaginative, inventive person. Think of yourself as a creative person. A person who can solve problems in a unique, and correct fashion. From now on allow your need to be creative to override any need that hampered that creativity in you. Here are three words to start the process. The words are, ACT AS IF. Allow me to explain. What is it that makes a great golfer, tennis player, football star, baseball pitcher, boxer, or any other sportsperson? What is it that makes a great actor? It’s the confidence they have that they are the best. As soon as they lose that confidence the edge is gone. That sharp line that defines a champion. It’s easy to regain that confidence, they simply act as if they are the best. You can test this right now, this is a standard test that many hypnotists use to judge compliance although it is not hypnosis, it is however suggestion, and you are constantly involved with other peoples suggestions, that includes the media, medical people, friends, colleagues and family. Acting as if, however means you are acting on the only suggestion that is meaningful, and that is self suggestion. Let’s do an experiment. Right now, act as if your weakest hand is stuck to your lap. Now try to lift it. If you did lift it then you’re not acting as if it is stuck to your lap. Do it again, this time——act better. The better the action the more you will be able to control your life. Now then, once again, act as though your hand is stuck to your lap, and the harder you try to lift it, the more it sticks to your lap. Still acting as if your hand is stuck to your lap, try to lift it. You know you could lift it if you wanted to, but you are acting as if you can’t. Now act as if your hand is back to normal and you can lift it. Lift your hand. Once you have shown that you can take the suggestion you are ready to use self suggestion in a more helpful way. Suggest to yourself that you can’t lift your hand and try to lift it, if you cannot, then you are ready for the next step and that is — Acting as If you are loaded with energy. Once you’ve done that you can, act as if, virtually anything. You can act as if the Mind Box course is the greatest course ever conceived and that it will change your life profoundly for the better, and I promise that it will. You can act as if anything


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you wish. If you’re overweight you can act as if the foods that you feel are causing your problem are suddenly distasteful to you. You can act as if you are satisfied with less. If smoking is a problem simply act as if you do not need a cigarette to relax you or for whatever reason it is that you used to smoke. If procrastination is a problem, act as if you have a strong desire to do the thing you are putting off. Feel tense? Act as if you’re relaxed and comfortable. Learn to act as if and the world is yours. As Zorba said in the movie, ‘I have so much appetite for life I feel like I can devour the world.’ That’s acting as if. You can do it. A creative person is simply someone who uses their imagination to create new ideas or things. Imagination. Image making. Therein lies the key to creativity. Making images with your mind. You already know how to do that. As a matter of fact you do it all the time. You can’t tie your shoelaces without first having tied them in your mind. Everything you do, you’ve done in your mind first. But now, you are controlling those mind images. Here’s how. What is it you want to be creative about? In the children’s class that I taught some years ago, during the creativity segment I drew a circle on a chalkboard and asked the class what it was. They all said it was a circle. Now use your creativity, I said to them, think about something else it could be. One child said it’s a snake with his tail in his mouth. And that started them off. The circle, which was really just a chalk mark on a board became an umbrella, a wheel, the sun, a hat, a piece of pineapple and on and on. One child came up with a whole scenario. He was standing on top of a building looking down and saw a couple under their umbrella. they were going to the bank to get some money for a car. Creative thinking is opening your mind and considering options with no regard to reality. Especially important in today’s age of technology with the internet opening doors that didn’t even exist a few years ago. Some time ago I was presenting a class in creative thinking. The meditation exercise on creativity had just concluded. One of the students asked me if it really worked. I replied that all of our meditations worked, however nothing was effective to the same degree for everyone; as in all things there are varying degrees of success depending mainly on the attitude of the


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individual. “Well,” he asked, “how about you; do you use the meditations?” I told him that I did. I used all the meditations. I could hardly train others in there use if I didn’t use them myself. “Well then, how about you using it to be creative.” I must say that stirred up the class quite a bit. I said all right, what do you want me to be creative about? After a bit of discussion it was determined that I knew nothing about photography. The class all wanted me to become a better than average photographer and we would meet in a week where I would be doing another seminar in the same city, which happened to be San Diego. I went out the next day and bought a camera wondering what in the world I had gotten myself into. But I was curious myself. I bought three rolls of film, (this was long before digital) and I went to the nearby marina. Deciding to do it differently, after all I knew nothing about photography; I took a lot of pictures while standing on the rocks of the bay with the ocean lapping up at my feet. You can see the result if you go to on the internet. At the top it says visit Burt’s photography gallery. The photo titled ‘Marina’ is that first one I took. Oh yes, I should mention, 24 of my photographs are hanging in the International Photography Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City. While you are in you will see some of my paintings. Prior to picking up a paint brush for the first time in my life two years ago I never painted a canvas nor even entertained the thought that I was an artist. I simply wanted to see if the concept still worked. After painting one hundred canvasses in nine months I quit to concentrate on the Mind Box material. When you look at my work remember one thing, I am not, nor have I ever been, an artist. The talent for what you see on that site came from the PDQ technique that you will find in Chapter 19 and also in CD-19.

The Mind Box material works. The Table of Creativity concept in the training track on CD-14 works. Use it. Who knows how much creative abilities have been hidden in your subconscious? Why not find out?

Work success is dependent on how well you think. How well you think is dependent on how concentrative you can be with one subject. There is a story told about the great physicist Albert Einstein. He had


Burt Goldman

Mind Box 24 - The Table of Creativity 1. Create a mental image of a table with 6 chairs. 2. In five of the chairs are your attitudes. The attitudes are: Caution, Reckless, Negative, Positive, and Creative. The sixth chair is yours. 3. Whenever you have a major decision to make mentally sit with your five attitudes and think about the decision’s end result if you were cautious, then if you were reckless, then negative, then positive, and then if you were creative. You’ll have a better idea of what to do.

a mind that to this day staggers the imagination. But he was a humble man as well. He lived and taught at Princeton and one day while strolling on the wide mall, hands clasped behind him, deep in thought, a colleague caught up to him and asked where he was going. “My laboratory,” Einstein replied. The friend laughed, “Albert,” he said, “you’re going the wrong way. Your laboratory is the other way; you’re heading for your house.” Einstein looked up at his friend and smiled, “Not that laboratory,” and tapping his forehead with two fingers of his right hand he said “this one.” Indicating the laboratory he was referring to was in his mind. Many philosophers, lecturers and writers have picked up on this theme, that answers often were right there all the time, in the mind. Everyone had that same laboratory but they didn’t know it. And if they did they didn’t know how to use it. But how does it operate, this laboratory of the mind? Will it be applicable for the work you do? And how do you use it? Well, let’s see. We call the laboratory of the mind the Table of Creativity. Seated at the table are your attitudes. That thing that makes you the way you are—all those different attitudes of yours. How would the question be answered, the problem solved, if your attitude was that of caution? How would the question be answered if your attitude was that of recklessness? How would the question be answered if your attitude was a negative one? How about if your attitude was a positive attitude? Or an attitude where you were creative? Answer the question with each attitude behind your answer and you have seen facets of the problem that were formerly hidden from you. There are five you’s sitting at the Table of Creativity, with five different


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attitudes. 1. A cautious you. 2. A reckless you. 3. A negative you. 4. A positive you. 5. A creative you. When you go over your work plan with each you, your creative sense is energized. Here’s how it works. Erin Walker was a dance teacher. She and another dance teacher wanted to open their own dance studio but they were afraid of leaving the place where they worked. They had been there for five years and it was comfortable. They both had the Mind Box Training and decided to use their Table of Creativity to see what they would come up with. Erin sat in a quiet corner of her living room, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and relaxed until she was in the Meditation zone.. She imagined she was seated at a Table of Creativity along with her different attitudes. She was going to adapt each of the attitudes to see if she should leave the place she was working to go into the unknown area of opening her own business. She took on the Cautious attitude first and said mentally, If I have a cautious attitude I had better stay where I’m at. I know I’ll have a paycheck at the end of every week and don’t want to lose it. Then she took the attitude of recklessness and thought, I’m going to quite my job tomorrow and look for a place to have a dance studio. After that she thought about a negative attitude, all the bad things that could happen, maybe no one would show up or there wouldn’t be enough money to start, or she couldn’t find the right location. STOP she shouted in her mind and the negative attitude left her immediately. Then she imagined she was positive of success and had all the answers. If I am going to open a dance studio I had better get my financing set and find a good location. I’ll stay where I am until all the pieces are in place so that I’m not closing any doors until another one is opened. I’ll do the best job I am capable of in my present place and in the evening and weekends I will concentrate on drawing up a work plan. A detailed plan. Next came her creative attitude and she considered all the things she had learned where she was employed, and how she could improve on each of the things. She would tell all her students she was leaving but not until the


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week before she left. She would not solicit any of them feeling that if they wanted to continue with her the students would contact her. Coming out of the Meditation Zone she pondered the information she had come up with at the Table of Creativity. She discarded the reckless attitude; no way could she quit her job until something else was in place. That was out. Caution would keep her at her present job forever. That too was not to be considered any longer. The positive and the creative attitude was what she would adopt and the advice she got from her positive attitude was something she could do right then, draw up a work plan. Basically that is how to use the Training work segment of the Mind Box. Actually, at this date in 2007 Erin and Susan are doing quite well in their new dance studio in Murrieta, California.The name of the studio is Project Dance and just six months after starting they have more than 200 students. What the Table of Creativity concept brings out is the fact that you have different attitudes for different objectives. If your attitude is one of caution you will not act the same way as you would if your attitude was one of recklessness. Also the power table brings out creativity and talent that is always there, but often below the surface waiting to be brought out. You can easily test this by saying “For the next hour, I will be more and more creative.” And just watch the ideas that begin to flow through your mind. Success comes from thinking and if you demand the thought as you do when you use the Table of Creativity it comes and it comes as positive thinking. Attitude is everything. Good health, a youthful appearance, a stress free life, all that do not come from the foods you eat or the company you keep, it comes from your attitude. A carefree attitude does not necessarily mean a care-less attitude. Quite the contrary. Once you get used to bringing out different attitudes for the things that come up in your life you will find many available choices that you were unaware of prior to using the Table of Creativity. And when you see you have control over your attitudes you can switch them at will. Turn anger into calmness with a flick of your attitude. And here’s how to do it; you are about to hear a great secret of a power word that is only unlocked under certain conditions. It’s the Power Shout. I already alluded to it when I spoke of the dance studio lady getting rid of the negative thought about things that could go wrong by mentally screaming out the word ‘stop’ with as much mental volume as she could. Let


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me address that because it is worth the price of this course and then some if you use it once. And when you know the secret, you’ll be using it again and again for it is true Thought Control. It’s just a word; the word is ‘stop.’ Just that little insignificant word, but when it’s used correctly, and at the right time it is a powerful word indeed. The key is timing, and volume. You know you can shout mentally. Try it now. But first whisper, right now, whisper mentally, the word ‘power.’ Now mentally shout the word power as mentally loud as you can. Shout ‘Power.’ See the difference? Now that you’ve done that here’s how to eliminate a negative thought immediately. This works also with food but that’s for the weight control training on CD #2 where you will also be using the Power Shout. When a negative thought comes to you. Let it, enhance it, make it brighter more colorful. When you have the negative thought in your mind. Yell, mentally, with as much volume as you can mentally muster, the word STOP. And that’s it. The Power Shout works. I have used the technique with hundreds of my students and always with instant results.

Now that you have the Table of Creativity, and the Power Shout as resourceful techniques allow me to introduce you to the main factor for a successful work career. Not the standard things you read about in books and magazines. I’m going to talk about something different. The one thing that is involved in every occupation, whatever the work, is GOALS AND CONTROLS. Without a goal it’s not work it’s an amusement. Without a goal it would have to be standing still, and like water, when it stands still it stagnates. I’m going to set six things in front of you now, six things that are so important that the Mind Box meditation exercise that follows this track is designed to implant the system into your subconscious and to you to a successful conclusion. The Goals and Controls System has six facets. And when you hear them, you will realize that following them will get you where you need, and want to go. Number 1. Set objectives and get agreement if there are any other people involved. Number 2. Quantify objectives. Number 3. Make a plan, and tie it to time.


Burt Goldman

Mind Box 25 - Goals and Controls 1. Set objectives. 2. Quantify objectives. 3. Make a plan tied to time. 4. Compare plan with performance. 5. Take corrective action if goal is not realized. 6. Reward performance.

Number 4. Compare your plan with performance on a regular basis Number 5. Take corrective action if goal is not realized Number 6. Reward performance. Here’s more about each facet in turn. 1. Set objectives and get agreement. What is it you want from your business? And please, do not say money. That’s not an objective, that’s a means to an objective. What is it you want? More business, an apartment house, a luxury car, a private jet, a boat, a mass of people working for you, a public offering, what? 2, Quantify it. You want a thousand apartment units. You want 500 employees. OK, that’s your objective. You want 100 complaints to decrease to 20; you want to increase your business from a million a year to ten million. Quantify it, give it a number. Quantifying often changes attitudes and work attitudes spell the difference between success, and failure. 3. Make a plan and tie it to time. Always use a deadline. This will happen by February 2008, or whatever. Now for the plan. Whatever the occupation, there must be a work plan. Start your plan with your objective. Say that you want to gross ten million a year. You want this to happen by January 1, 2010. Fine you’ve begun. Always start your plan with what you hope will be your positive end result. Now that you’ve begun your plan you’re halfway home. You know what you want, you know when you want it. Now to the beginning of the plan, Action. Every plan begins with an action. Planning the features helps to set that action. Most people do not act because they see no end result to the action. You do. The end result is in your plan. For you the


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action is easy. What will the action be? That I cannot tell you as I am presenting this in the most general sense. But now that you know the end result you will begin something to take you there whereas you would not have if you had not created an image in your mind, of what you want. And that, as you will learn in the Mind Box Meditation that follows, is what separates the mediocre from the super rich. 4. Compare your plan with performance at the end of every week. Remember what I said at the beginning, all six items are essential to the Goals and Controls for success system. Every week, Friday afternoon, you see where you are with respect to the plan. Is everyone performing their job well? How can performance be enhanced? These are questions you want to ask your Table of Creativity attitudes. By the time you hear from the cautious you, the reckless you, the negative you, the positive you and the creative you, you’ll have a pretty good idea of where you are with regards to the work plan. 5. Failure is a learning experience, if you see the goal is not going to be realized then you have learned not to do something, or to do it. Whatever the experience you must take corrective action. What will that action be? Once again your Table of Creativity is available to rescue you. Use it. 6. Reward Performance. Please do not leave this one out. It is one of the greatest things you can do--reward yourself. How should you reward yourself? That’s for you to decide. One definition of a reward is something that reinforces a desired behavior. You certainly would like your good behaviors reinforced. A reward should be meaningful. Clarify your objectives so that you know where you are heading. Quantify, make objectives measurable. Make a plan. Compare your plan with performance regularly. Learn from every mistake. Reward successful performance. NOTE: When you program for a car, or a job, or a business, or any production of things do not be concerned about how you will get the money for your objectives. Simply by setting the goal, your mind will automatically adjust to that universal source of energy and you will find the inspiration you require to obtain those funds.


Burt Goldman


Many people are blindly following other people around and do not even realize it. Following their past programming by parents, by teachers, by friends, by institutions, both educational and religious, by family, by the media and by authority figures. How many are blindly following other people’s choices simply because it’s the easiest thing to do. The familiar, comfortable way is to stick your nose behind someone else’s ideas and just follow along. When was the last time you looked to see where you were going? You may well be going in a direction you not want to go. Are you marching to someone else’s drumbeat? It may be going in the direction you yourself would choose, if that’s so, fine, follow along. But if it’s not, then stop following. Make a change. We do know that you have choices. There are always choices in life. No matter where people find themselves there are always options. What you choose is what puts you on the road to where you wind up. Choose mediocrity and you will wind up with a mediocre life. Reach for the moon and who knows, you may deliver the stars. Every successful person on this planet, every one who can look back and say to themselves I’m glad I’m where I’m at in life has made choices to put themselves there. And so can you. The Mind Box can be the catalyst to spring you to that good place. But it’s up to you. You must first want it. You must first choose. Just about everything you do involves change. Programming, goal setting, success, failure, fear, relationships, marriage, divorce, confidence,


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buying selling, events from birth to death, all are factors. Change is the single most important element in your life. The conservative thinker detests change, the status quo is comforting, the liberal seeks to change everything being disenchanted with things as they are. Nationalistic and religious groups treat change as they would a viper in bed, yet they proselytize outside their groups demanding that others change. So long as the others change to their way of thinking. But when you accept someone else’s opinions and beliefs you must of a necessity give up your own—not necessarily the optimum thing to do. Those who do not think of themselves as being at either end of the spectrum generally do not consider change at all, even though it is the one consideration everyone should have in mind. Change, when instigated by ones self, is growth, expanding and evolving. But what constitutes change? In one respect everything that we think or do changes something, therefore everything is constantly changing. The very flow of time changes things. The trick is to control the changes in life. But how? We seek to instigate desired change by programming. The question is why doesn’t programming always work ? Why, if programming is so effective do I have to do so much of it? And, how can I use programming to instigate cause for a change that will benefit my life? Think now for just a moment — consider the major decisions you’ve made in your life. Decisions related to business, relationships, or raising money. Also, there are family decisions, health decisions, investment decisions, and decisions that seemed minor at the time you made them but that reached into your future and had a major effect on your life. Think how those decisions would have been different if you had considered all aspects, both positive, neutral, and negative, when you decided to do, to marry, to go into business, to invest, to move, to start or to change something in your life. Change is growth. To prove this — reverse it. Growth is change. Can you even imagine something growing, without changing? All growth is change. Everything is constantly changing Is it good, or bad? That depends entirely on the attitude of the individual. Say that you’re going through a transitional time in your life and you


Burt Goldman

Mind Box 26 - Change 1. Before making a change in your life consider three things that you will be happy about after making the change. 2. Now consider three things you will be unhappy about after making the change. 3. Weigh what you will like and what you will not like about the change before making your decision. 4. Meditate and bring in your Table of Creativity attitudes (Box 24) to open your mind to alternatives. are not sure about what to do. It’s a major turning point. Whatever you decide will affect the rest of your life, as well as the lives of other people, some of whom you know and some of whom you do not yet know. You must determine whether this change will be a benefit for you and your loved ones. There will be an effect on your future even if you do nothing. If you do nothing, things will continue as they are. Think about that. Do you want things to continue as they are? Look at your current situation in two ways, from a positive perspective and then from a negative perspective. Better yet, use the technique of the Table of Creativity on CD 14. First, imagine the present continuing as it is now, but sense yourself accepting conditions; imagine yourself seeing the positive nature of all the things that are disturbing at the present time. Imagine the way things will be if you allow them to continue with no changes. What are the positive aspects of that eventuality? Next, view the negative side of all the things that disturb you at present. Imagine your circumstances if you allow them to continue the way they are now. What will be the outcome of this continuation? Think back to a period in the past when the problems you seek to resolve first developed. Was your viewpoint different then? Do the things that disturbed you then leave you unconcerned today? Have you yourself changed? Change is growth. If you have changed, consider the fact that you may have matured and outgrown your old needs. Project yourself into the future and imagine what it would be like with an entirely different situation. Will you be happy with this new situation? Would your loved ones be happy with this new situation?


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Change involves establishing new patterns and breaking the old. An established pattern, or habit, is comforting because it is familiar (even when there are unwelcome results.) It’s easy to attach yourself to comfort. In addition, familiarity carries a measure of security; you feel secure because you know the territory. Repetition of any activity breeds familiarity. When you do a job you’re familiar with, it becomes routine. Routine is comforting because you know what’s ahead. Just as a child (who undergoes constant change and growing awareness) requires a familiar object about at all times, so does the adult. The only difference is in the type of object. It takes a great deal of maturing before the child is willing to let go of the familiar object. It doesn’t matter in the least that the object may be an old towel or doll, unwashed, smelly, scratchy, or full of lumps. What does matter is that it is familiar, and that is comforting. Any attempt to remove the familiar, before the child is willing to let go, leads to chaos. But if you allow the child to develop to a point where the letting go becomes a plateau of growth, you will see a beneficial crossroads in the life of the youngster. We all have security blankets that we hang on to with fists of iron. Fearful of letting go of the familiar, we accept the continuing routine of things that someone outside might see as unacceptable. The outsider, not understanding that the seemingly negative experience represents security, will come up with false conclusions every time. Lacking information, the outsider cannot possibly understand what is going on. Even the person with the problem may not realize that the situation is necessary, that it represents the security of the familiar. Most of us attribute to outside agencies the forces that direct us to failure or success. When we feel that we have no control over these forces, then change becomes a throw of the dice. Not wanting to gamble on change and perhaps lose the security of the familiar, we remain in the comforting place known as the status quo (the existing state of affairs). Actually, there is no sense in worrying about or concentrating on past mistakes. For given the same information and the same you of that time, you would find that if you could relive the event you would do the same thing all over again. The reason you are seeing it as an error is that you have grown and are no longer the same person that you were then.


Burt Goldman

Look at things not as mistakes, but as guideposts showing you the way to a better place. See all things as experience. Your mistakes are only things that did not work, learn from them. The only way for you to know what works is to do. If something does not work, it’s up to you not to do it that way again. Keep at it until you discover what does work. Persistence is the key. View the change as a positive thing in your life. Recall the variety of attitudes you have. To gain the strength necessary to view change as growth, as fruitful and challenging, you must view change as a positive experience (providing, of course, that the change is desired). By relaxing and bringing into your consciousness the dynamic visualization of the positive aspects of that change, you begin the process. Do something right now. Begin by enjoying something. Begin now. Let the next moment just happen. Enjoy it for itself. Whatever you are doing, enjoy the doing. Now relax. When you are relaxed, all your energies are flowing properly and in accord with one another. You are in balance. Anxiety vanishes when you are relaxed. Anxiety is a form of fear, apprehension about some future event. You cannot be fearful of a future event if you expect that event to be positive. The fear of change stems from expecting something bad to happen. When you fear the future, things of the past appear more desirable. Elderly people, seeing only decay in the future, fear it, feeling that any change will be negative; they dream of the past when they felt secure. The young are most resilient to change for the opposite reasons. For the young the future represents their dreams come to be, their goals achieved, their knowledge base increased. When you avoid change, you avoid living. Without change there can be no strengthening of concepts, no greater awareness, and no evolution. Change is a necessary factor in the human experience. To avoid change is to avoid life. By viewing change as resulting in the successful attainment of a goal, change and the future become things of great joy, and the appetite for life is strengthened and reestablished. Desired change becomes a natural thing. Change becomes something to look forward to, a positive expectation. Change becomes a belief that something beneficial is going to happen.


The Mind Box

To instill the strength necessary to view change as growth, as fruitful and challenging, you have only to use the resources outlined in the Mind Box. We view change as a positive experience, providing the change is desired. Go to the meditation state of mind, and visualize the change as a positive event. Use the Golden Image technique as outlined below, and in Mind Box 27, to enhance the positive image. See the end result you desire as though you were the author of a play about your life. View the aspects with a positive attitude and expect good things to take place. When you do that, when you use Golden Images, you’ll be making the unfamiliar familiar. Change then becomes a natural thing, something to look forward to; a positive expectation, faith. Change then becomes a belief that something good is about to happen. Believe it to be and it will be. A golden image is simply an enhanced version of the mental image that we call visualization. Just as there are varying degrees of all things so there are varying degrees of mental images. There are strong images and there are weak images. The stronger the image, the more likely the manifestation of your programming is going to be. When you enhance the image, you increase the forces of the visualization. When you have a sink full of dirty dishes or a messy office and your image is that of a dirty kitchen or a messy office, it takes a good deal of effort to clean the place. When however your image is that of a sparkling clean kitchen or a neat office with everything in its place, your enthusiasm to achieve that result is amplified. Think now about something in your life that you would like to successful at. Think about something in your life that you would like to achieve success. The thing that you’re thinking about that you want to be successful at, what would the negative aspects of the thought be? What would the dirty dishes or the messy office aspects of the thing be? What is it that keeps you from being successful at this thing that you wish to be successful at? Now consider the opposite. What would the positive aspects be? What would the sparkling clean kitchen or the neat office aspects of the thing


Burt Goldman

Mind Box 27 - The Golden Image 1. Create a mental image. 2. Make the image brighter and more colorful. 3. Bring in sound and enhance the volume. 4. Make the scene three dimensional. 5. View the scene as though it were on a computer screen. 6. Step into the scene as a participant. Using the Golden Image for Re-Programming Imagine two screens. Make the screen on the left, the screen with the problem you wish to change, the negative screen, . Make the screen on the right, the positive screen, the solution you wish to manifest. 1. Use the Golden Image on the left screen, the negative screen. 2. Sense the positive, the thing you want to happen on the right screen. Make the right screen leaden, dull, no color or sound. 3. Touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue, mentally say SWITCH, and make the negative screen leaden, dull, with no color and make the right screen, the positive screen, a Golden Image. 4. Let it go, don’t concern yourself with it any longer. Universal forces will be at work until your goal manifests.

be? We will call the dirty dish representation of your image the negative and the sparkling clean kitchen representation of your mental image the positive. Using the Bagha technique as a trigger device, sense the negative side of the thing that you wish to be successful at. Sense the thing that prevents you from being successful at this thing. Visualize this in your minds eye. Just take your visualization, your image of the thing that is holding you back from success and imagine it. Visualize this bright and colorful. Imagine it as though it were on a computer screen. A wide computer screen. Sense the image, the negative image on the left side of the scree. Now alongside the bright image of the negative thing, on the right side of the wide computer screen, place the positive aspects of the scene. Visualize the success of your undertaking on the right side. Visualize the


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success on the right side of the wide computer screen that you are imagining in your mind. You should have the thing that is holding you back on the left side of the screen and along side of it to the right the successful outcome of that thing, that experience that you wish to be successful doing, that you wish to be successful at. Visualize them both, but make them different. The left side of the screen, the negative one, the image failure of what you want is bright and colorful. Three dimensional, sharp and vivid. But make the right side of the screen, the side with the positive aspects of your goal successfully completed, make that side grey and dim and out of focus. Make that one a fuzzy image. Now you should have on the wide computer screen you have mentally created, a bright, sharp and vivid image of the failure of your goal on the left side; on the right side of the wide computer screen you have mentally created, alongside the bright and vivid image, a grey, dim and out of focus image of your goal successfully completed. The image of the failure is on the left side, the image of the success is on the right side. When you have that to your satisfaction, touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and say the word, ‘Switch,’ and switch the images. Now the success is the golden image and the failure gray and fuzzy. Then you allow the image of the failure to pop off the screen and grow smaller and smaller. When the failure image is the size of a walnut; take an imaginary hammer and smash it. Then increase the size of the successful image and you have completed a Golden Image.This is a very powerful technique. You can successfully use it for virtually anything that bothers you. The idea being that if you do not recognize the fact that a problem exists it is difficult to overcome the problem. (How can you resolve a problem if you do not acknowledge its existence?) The Golden Image processing technique acknowledges the problem, stimulates it, creates the means to resolve the problem, and then switches the problem off by overcoming it with the solution; the Golden Image solution. After using the Golden Image Technique you do not have to concern yourself with the problem any longer. You’ve notified the universe what the problem is, what the solution is, and you have worked the process. Just sit back and allow the universal forces to do their work. Result: The problem is resolved.


Burt Goldman


Willie Lee, was quite a character; he was also a good friend and neighbor. Lee, as we all called him, was a first generation American; his parents emigrated from mainland China in the thirties, which was a miracle in itself and perhaps I will tell the tale one day but this bit is about their son Willie. When I knew him he was a manufacturer of wrought iron furniture. His business was in a large, 20,000 square foot building on Crocker Avenue in South Los Angeles. The year was 1963, we had just come back from a sumptuous lunch at his favorite Chinese restaurant on San Pedro Street. In his office I asked him how much rent he paid as the building was quite large. “No rent,” he answered, “I own the building. I built it.” “Really, who was the contractor?” I asked. “No contractor,” he answered, “I built it.” “I hear you,” I said, “but you must have contracted everything out.” “Damn it Burt, don’t you understand me, I said I built it.” Still not quite understanding and wanting clarification I said, “Yes but you didn’t do the actual building yourself.” My gaze went to the roof which was about thirty feet from the floor. His shop was in a gigantic room. Like a big brick box with an office in a corner. Lee walked over to a wall where a few bricks were laying and picked up two of them. He handed me the two bricks and said, “Put one on top of the other.” I did so and looked at him quizzically as he said, “That’s all this building is. One brick on top of the other. You’re looking at the whole, I built it myself, with my own two hands, one brick on top of the other.”


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And it turned out he had. The only thing he contracted out was the electrical work, everything else he did with his own two hands. That was a lesson I never forgot. Sometimes, looking at the whole, you forget that whatever it is you are looking at had been built a bit at a time. That lesson stood me in good stead when I wrote my first book. I didn’t know if I could write a book until I thought about Lee’s building blocks—the bricks. Then the thought came to me that a book was a bunch of chapters, a chapter was a bunch of paragraphs, and a paragraph was a few sentences. I then asked myself could I write a sentence. Sure I could, I just had to do it a lot of times. And so I wrote ten books, a sentence at a time. One sentence followed by another, a brick at a time. Lee called me one day and said, “You know that rat I told you about that I’ve been trying to catch, come on in tomorrow morning and I’ll show you how to catch a rat.” Curious I showed up at his place at seven the next morning. Lee was waiting outside leaning on his motorcycle and whistling, he had just received a check for a bit that he did in the movie, The Flower Drum Song. He opened the door to his office and there on the floor was flour strewn all over. He flicked on the lights and peered at the flour covered flooring. There were tiny footprints all over the place that ultimately led to a small hole the rat had chewed in a corner. “There’s his nest,” he said with a grin. That’s how Willie Lee caught the rodent that had been bothering him. I laughed at the simplicity. “That was amazing,” I said. “Now if you could only tell me how to get rid of the pain in my knee I will be forever grateful.” I had twisted it the day before and was favoring the leg when walking. “Nothing to it,” he said. “You’re not going to spread flour on my knee are you?” I said facetiously. He looked thoughtful for a moment and replied, “Why not?” and with that he took a handful of flour from the sack on his desk, picked up my pant leg, and rubbed the flour on my knee while mumbling something that sounded like a chant of some sort. I figured he was joking and waited for the punch line. Willie just rubbed and then brushing the flour from his hands looked at me and asked, “How’s your knee Burt?” Moving my leg around I gasped, the pain was completely gone. “What the heck happened? How did you do that Lee?” I asked.


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He tilted his head back and roared with laughter. “That was Ki healing, spirit healing, Rei healing.” I knew what Ki was, I had learned that years before but had never heard the word Rei. “What’s Rei?” I asked. “It’s a Chinese word. It means spirit, or spiritual. Ki Rei is energy healing on a spiritual level but most people call it Rei ki, or Reiki.” Shaking my head I asked innocently, “So Reiki is healing with flour?” Chuckling he answered with a grin, “No its not about healing with flour, I just happened to have the flour handy, spirit healers can heal with anything; or with nothing. The flour was just an example. I could just as easily have used a piece of paper, or a crystal necklace, or water, or mud. It doesn’t matter. Spirit healing, or Ki Rei, or Reiki is about the energy of the healer. What you use as a catalyst is irrelevant.” I had learned a bit about healing from people I knew in Korea and Hawaii a decade or so before and my yoga training had added a few bits and pieces but Reiki was new to me. “Tell me more Lee.” I asked, my curiosity kindled with anticipation. He grew quite serious, which was unlike my jocular friend and said, “I’ll do better than that. How would you like to join a small group of healers? I think they would like to hear some of the things you told me about hypnosis and huna, and I know they would want you to tell them about your time with the Yogananda group.” And so, before I knew it I was exchanging information with a rather eclectic group of people; actually there were eight of them, and I learned what would later be called, Reiki, but what I had always just called Qi, prana, energy healing, or Qi Gong, which means energy manipulation. Spiritual? Possibly. They all believed it was, and maybe it is, I just know it works and so now I am offering it to you. I’ve used it thousands of times and whereas at first I was surprised when it worked, now after fifty or so years of practicing, I’m surprised when it doesn’t. I recall the first time I used the theatre of healing in a class. It was during a Qi Gong seminar in Los Angeles. Zelda Austin, one of the students there, asked me to demonstrate by using her friend Alice as a subject. Alice lived in San Francisco at the time and had a stomach problem. She had been in varying degrees of pain for months and nothing seemed to have helped. Alice was going to attend the seminar but she was in too much pain that day


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and cancelled her flight. As this was a teaching class I had Zelda do the healing with me guiding her. Zelda went to her meditation zone and when she was comfortable and relaxed I said, “Imagine that you are outside a theatre. It is the theatre of healing. Walk in and down the aisle and take a seat in the third row center. The curtains are closed. Let me know when you have done that.” Zelda was quiet for a moment and then nodded her head to indicate she had done so. “The curtain is opening and there is an operating room table on the stage. Alice is lying on the operating room table. I am going to count from one to three and at the count of three you will project yourself on to the stage. One, two, three. You are now on the stage, Alice is on the operating room table. “Now visualize the sun. Imagine the sun is surrounding you filling you with energy. Extend your fingers and point them at Alice laying on the table. Imagine a spray of healing energy spurting out of your fingers into the body of Alice as she lies on the table. Move your hands from her head to her feet as you visualize the energy spurting out of your fingers. “Now aim your hands with fingers outstretched at Alice’s stomach. And hold it there for 30 seconds.” Zelda did so and then she stopped and relaxed into her meditation zone. I counted her out of meditation and that was it. That night Zelda called her friend Alice who reported that during the time Zelda worked on her she felt very sleepy and had to lie down. She dozed off for a short while and when she woke the pain had left her. She said that she was pain free for the first time in months. That was a typical result of the Theatre of Healing.. What would the world be like with no illness, no disease, and no health problems? Probably we would all be like the wonderful one horse shay that was built in such a logical way it ran a hundred years to a day. Every screw, every nail, every piece of wood was built perfectly. When one thing went, it all went, and after a hundred years and a day it simply fell apart. We are all meant to be like that wonderful carriage. In perfect health lasting not a hundred years and a day but 149 years. You might want to ask where did I get that from? An octave has 7 notes and then we go into another octave. Our lives are set as octaves. We change every 7 years. When a person is 3 octaves old, or 21 years, that person is considered having entered the threshold of maturity in every society on the planet. Living for 21 octaves, or


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147 years should be the norm. Instead it borders on the impossible, now why is that? There are thousands of theories of longevity, the latest to crop up is the Okinawan life span which exceeds eighty years of age. Attributed to diet and a stress free environment I have to look at a few facts. I was on Okinawa in 1946 as part of the American occupation force; it was a few months prior to my transfer to Seoul, Korea. The people I met at that time were my age or a bit older which would put them in their 80s at the present time. During their formative years they certainly did not live in a stress free environment; what could be more stressful than planes dropping bombs near you and on your loved ones? Or an invading army with machine guns blasting away and fire spewing out of flame throwers? People who look at Okinawan’s living stress free must not have been around during that tenuous period before and after the end of World War II. So very many books on the subject of health that one author, Paavo Airola, wrote a book about health and diets and titled it, Are You Confused? Few people knew more about health than Mr. Airola; he died at age 65. Jim Fixx was a proponent of exercise, he ran more miles than I drive, few people were in better shape, he didn’t smoke, ate right and jogged every day of his life until he died, while running, at age 52. George Osawa, quite possibly the one man you would expect to hit the 100 mark unfortunately left this world at age 73. Osawa was the creator of Macrobiotics, the diet for longevity and health that dominated the 60s and is still a factor in health stores today. Usui Mikao the founder and master of Reiki died at age 61 while his chief disciple and Reiki Master, Chujiro Hayashi, a medical doctor left this world at age 62. However as Doctor Hayashi was a suicide perhaps longevity was not in his belief system. On another note, Eubie Blake, the great pianist and composer lived to be one hundred years of age. He got little exercise and his favorite food was a jelly doughnut which he usually ate about three in the morning after puffing away on a last cigarette. It seems as though no single factor leads to a long and healthy life. Food is important yes, a relaxed life style is important, yes, moderation in all things is important yes. It’s best to avoid tobacco, sugar, and processed foods, yes. Exercise is important, yes. But none of those things guarantee a healthy, long life. There have been approximately 17,500 books written over the years on diet, health, energy, and longevity and still a person


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Mind Box 28 - Healing the Inanimate 1. When there is a mechanical problem it occasionally helps to use the Bagha in combination with the power shout. 2. Touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue, thrust out your hand, fingers extended, toward the thing that is broken and shout as loud as you can, “Work.”

who reaches the age of one hundred is considered remarkable. Well then, you might well ask: What is the answer? Let’s see if we can come up with an answer. First of all I will take issue with the usual practice of many Reiki masters who will do a form of hands on different parts of the body for as long as an hour. An hour. Whew! That’s a long time for a healer to hold a thought, or to be neutral in thought. In my experience, which is more than thirty years of daily practice, thirty seconds will usually do the trick. Yes, I did say seconds, not minutes. During my self appointed tenure as a spiritual energy healer I had been involved with many methods and techniques to enhance health and induce longevity. It appeared that virtually everything worked, and the more I healed other people, the more I taught the methods, the more I questioned. You might say that in spite of my successes, I was still the supreme skeptic. One situation comes to mind that caused my questioning self major problems about the energies. Just to show you that I really don’t know what happens when you use the Reiki energies try to figure this one out. I was teaching a healing seminar in the San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles. Four of Stevie Wonder’s backup musicians had heard of the class and were there as students. The class ended about eleven pm and everyone left. I was alone in the meeting room of the Holiday Inn in Van Nuys. As I was leaving the four musicians walked over to me and one of them said, “Our van won’t start.” “OK,” I said, “let’s call the Auto Club.” “No,” one of them replied, “why don’t you heal the van?”


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Mind Box 29 - Theatre of Healing 1. Meditate and imagine you are in a theatre. On the stage is the person you will act as though you are healing. The person is lying on an operating room table. 2. You are in the third row center. You project yourself on to the stage and stand in front of the operating room table. 3. You stretch out your hands and arms and for 30 seconds you spray healing energy all over the body of the person you are healing.

“Heal the van?” I asked. “Yes. You said the energies you used were universal and you showed us all the techniques, why can’t you use Reiki to heal a sick van?” “Your van is sick?” I asked. “Well, if it were well it would start. Maybe its got something you can heal.” I just shook my head, but I’ve seen some mighty strange things in my time with regard to Reiki healing and I thought, ‘Why not?’ Next thing I knew we were all in the parking lot standing around the van. I got inside, turned the key and there was a series of clicks, and then nothing. The battery was apparently dead as the proverbial doornail. A dozen different techniques flit through my mind as I sat there. The musicians stood outside the drivers door waiting, and grinning. I had to do something, but what? Should I use a Reiki technique, a Qi Gong technique, acutapping, huna, a meditation method—an additional dozen things sprung to mind—finally I closed my eyes and tensed my body to stimulate my energy. Touching my tongue to my palate I imagined my prana, my Ki spreading out into the heavens. This was the true Reiki, the energy of the spiritual. I was immersed in my imagery. I imagined the energies coming back to me as I stimulated the law of attraction by arousing the masculine principle of gender. There was a crash that only I felt and heard and I knew in my heart that whatever the problem was had been healed. I mentally threw my right hand, fingers extended, towards the engine and shouted mentally, ‘WORK.’ At that moment I opened my eyes and turned the key in the ignition. There was a vroooom as the engine turned over and leapt into life. I stepped


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down on the gas pedal and the motor roared. Leaving it in neutral I got out of the van, smiled at the four and turned to walk back to the hotel leaving them staring after me; their mouths agape eyes wide with wonder. When I presented seminars together with Uri Geller we would ask the participants to bring in any old watches that hadn’t worked for years. During a seminar in St. Lous there were almost a hundred watches in a big pile on a table. None of them worked. Uri stood on one side, I on the other and we thrust our right hands out toward the pile of watches and shouted in unison, loud as we could, “WORK.” Forty of them started ticking and the people who owned them came to the front to claim their watches. We did this at every seminar we presented together. During the National Guild of Hypnotists annual convention in New Hampshire I was lecturing on Quick and Easy Healing techniques and asked for everyone with a problem to come up to the stage. Thirty five people out of the hundred there were in some sort of pain. I had to do something different or I’d be there all day. And so I borrowed a scarf from a woman and holding the end of it in my right hand I grabbed it with my left and drew my hand over it ten times to energize it. I told the group I was sending my healing energy into the scarf. One by one the people came up to me and told me where their pain was. I drew the energized scarf over the painful area once or twice and soon all 30 reported the pain was gone. I must say I was as surprised as anyone there. That one was video taped and you can see a portion of it on YouTube if you put my name, Burt Goldman in the YouTube search engine. It seemed as though just about anything I did would work. I told that to a class and decided to demonstrate a new Reiki method. I would make it up on the spot. On of the students, Al Hacker, had been limping for many years due to a gunshot wound during one war or another and had a painful toe since the incident. I really didn’t know what method would help and so I thought of a modified Center Stage. I sat down, meditated, imagined I was in an operating room theatre, and imagined Al Hacker laying on an operating room table. Then I visualized myself holding my hands over his foot with energy pouring out of my palms. When I was through I told him to walk a bit, he did, and reported no pain for the first time in years. I called that one the Theatre of Reiki and have used it many times since. Then I thought I would try something else and in Hawaii, during the Reiki portion of the seminar people were asking about self healing. Sometimes, when healing oneself, many other factors come into play. I’ve always felt it was something like the magnetic field of the individual, when they work on themselves, is neutralized. Kind of like putting the positive with the


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positive ends of a magnet together; you would not get any kind of cohesion. I thought about using a catalyst. Something like the scarf I used at the NGH convention. Put the healing energy into something else and allow the subject to draw the energy from that. I decided to do something different during a healing seminar in Hawaii. A woman had a problem with a lump on her head. She was fearful it was going to be a major problem. At the time I was demonstrating the fact that as long as the healer had confidence it didn’t really matter what they did, so long as they did something, and their intent was to help. Intent, is vital. I went to the front of the room and drew a figure on the board. Just a scribbled figure that took about ten seconds to do, with an extra circular scribble where the head would be. It was sort of a stick figure with many extra lines. It was ultimately to be known as a ‘Dwadle’. I asked the woman to stare at the Dwadle for 30 seconds which she did. Feeling for the lump she very excitedly reported that it was gone. After that I used the Dwadle extensively for a multitude of problems. At one time I put a headache Dwadle on the internet for a while and many people reported looking at it and having a headache disappear.

So then, what does all that mean? How will any of that be of help to you? Let me tell you what I believe. I believe that everyone can heal. All it takes is a sincere desire to help someone—but not to the point of strong emotions. That means that the hardest people to heal are those closest to you. Here is the technique for healing. Point One for the apprentice healer is to have a sincere desire to heal another, but not to the point where it is of extreme urgency. The more involved you get emotionally, the higher your brain waves, the higher the brain wave the less likely you are to think logically, the more you are open to stress, and the less likely you will be to heal. In other words, the most important ingredient is your attitude. It’s the reason that a surgeon will not operate on their immediate family. They care so much, they fear they may make a mistake. And I suppose everyone has heard that old homily, attorneys who represent themselves have fools for clients. For the same reason. They care too much. The same goes for the Reiki healer. You cannot, ‘care too much’; it’s best if you didn’t care at all and just did your thing. Then you would have a sure thing, so long as you had the honest intent to heal.


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Mind Box 30 - Reiki Power Catalyst 1. Dampen a small towel, cloth, or handkerchief. 2. Slap it back and forth from your right hand to your left for thirty seconds. 3. Stroke the cloth over the painful area three times slowly. 4. As your intent is to heal there is no need to create any mental images when using the Reiki Power Catalyst. Intent alone is enough.

Point Two would be to use some means of taking an action whose design is that of sending healing energy to the person in distress. Point Three would be to keep the actual healing action to 30 seconds, or less. Points one and three are easy, its point two that people continually miss, the taking of an action whose design is to send healing energy. What kind of action, people will ask. My answer, it doesn’t matter. A healer will heal no matter what method they use. I recommend using the Theatre of Healing as the action for Point Two. Here is another method. Next time you have a headache get a handkerchief or a small cloth or towel, dampen it, then slap it on your right hand, and slap it on your left hand, and slap it on your right hand, back and forth for 30 seconds. And then put the cloth on the part of your head where you feel the ache. Take it away and put the cloth in the sink. Do the same thing with any problem you have, or any friends have. You can also use the same method for a pet. You have used your first Reiki Power Catalyst. A Power Catalyst is any object you use, after giving it healing energy, that transfers that energy into an affliction. The Power Catalyst Technique is a healing technique that depends, as do all other healing methods, on the intention of the healer. It is important to have an uncaring attitude. You know that you care to the extent that your intention is to heal but emotions get in the way of the healer. A healer should have a neutral mind set. This point is the most difficult


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for the beginner healer to get. Fear of failure should never enter into it. If the healing doesn’t work, it only means it didn’t work that time. I myself will have a failure every now and again, not very often, but it does happen. In the beginning it bothered me, but no longer. I feel pretty much the same whether a healing takes place or not. I realize that this attitude is not an easy one to come by but it is the final ingredient in the blend of energies that make for an effective healer. In my seminars there have been many healings that have taken place. The one method that seems to affect the most people would have to be the theatre of healing. This takes all that I have learned and demonstrated into consideration. It works wonders when used to heal other people who have problems. And it can be accomplished at a distance from the person in need. On the spiritual plane there is no such thing as someone being too far away. Every person on the planet is in the very room you are in. At least their energies are. People have energy waves, as example brain waves, which are measurable, and that emanate from everyone. I liken that to a radio wave, or a satellite dish. Radio waves saturate the planet. In the room that you are in if you have a receiver and it is tuned to the proper station you can receive any sound that is being broadcast. Radio waves are everywhere. So are brain waves and the energy waves that a body produces. Australia, Alaska, New York, Tokyo, Israel, France, wherever; it doesn’t matter. The person’s energy waves are in the room you are in. and when you use the theatre of healing and visualize the person in need on the operating table, their essence is there. What the theatre of healing allows you to do is to get on the same wave length as the person you are working on and you often find a healing take place. To heal others at a distance just go through the routine of the theatre of healing. Don’t question it. And if you are skeptical, that’s all right too, be skeptical, but do it, and you may well find a remarkable event take place.


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Events can be manipulated to solve problems you are faced with. While there’s no getting around the fact that you can’t always get what you want, it’s also true that you can exercise your natural power over the events of your life and make things go your way much more frequently. To do that, you have to understand the three forces of power, those forces are--desire, belief, and expectation. Before anything that you want to happen can happen, you have to have a desire that it will happen. You have to believe that it can happen. And you must expect it to happen. Let’s look at each of these three forces and then see how you can put them to work for you. Besides things you want to happen, let’s also look at things that just happen. Coincidence. All things have a cause, nothing happens strictly by chance. Coincidence is unrecognized cause. Something caused it; you just can’t locate the source. Every manifestation of will is preceded by the desire to act. You must desire something before you will take action. In order to desire something, you have to believe that you will get some satisfaction from it. Anything you do, from the moment you wake up in the morning until the time you close your eyes to sleep in the evening, is precipitated by desire. Nothing is done that does not have a degree or more of desire behind it. To desire something is to feel there will be some satisfaction after the getting of the thing. The satisfaction you feel you’ll gain from any action can be either the


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direct satisfaction of pleasure or the indirect satisfaction of the avoidance of pain. When you have several competing desires, the most likely choice will be the one that gives the greater measure of satisfaction. Sometimes it appears that a choice may offer the lesser amount of satisfaction; if that is the case, then look for a secondary gain. As example: Visiting the dentist for a root canal hardly appears to offer satisfaction. The secondary gain in this case is the elimination of the pain in the tooth. Elimination or avoidance of pain is often a secondary gain. Another secondary gain might be the attention of others due to an episode of discomfort, in which case the attention would more than compensate for the discomfort. Quite a lot of people are stuck in a particular position in life simply because they feel that making a change would cause some measure of discomfort. To avoid the discomfort they linger in the existing state of affairs even though that causes discomfort as well. The sayings “Better the devil I know than the devil I don’t,” and “Don’t jump from the frying pan into the fire,” express this sentiment. Note the system of expectation at work here. When discomfort or pain is expected, the force works to keep you from making any change, even when the pain is imagined and may never take place. Like all things, desire has degrees of strength. Consider the story of the disciple who went to his guru one day and asked, “Master, how do I achieve enlightenment?” The wise old guru directed the disciple to the bank of the Ganges River and had him kneel with his head over the water. Then the guru put his hand on the young man’s neck and pushed his head below the surface of the water. After a minute and a half the young disciple was frantic. He pulled and heaved and flailed his arms, but the grip was like iron. He could not get his head back out of the water. After two minutes, when it seemed as though his lungs would burst, the grip was released. The young man’s head jerked out of the water and he took great gulps of air into his tortured lungs. The guru smiled. “Tell me,” he gently asked, “ what was your greatest desire just then?” “To breathe,” the young disciple stated emphatically. “Ah,” the guru said. “When you desire enlightenment to that degree, it shall be yours.” To have a better understanding of desire, see it on an ascending scale, like a giant thermometer. At the bottom of the scale is zero, and at the top, one hundred. When your desire is weak, near the bottom of the scale, it is unlikely that anything will motivate you to activate your will and accomplish the object of that desire. When your desire is near the top of the scale nothing can keep you


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from success in attaining that desire. To enhance desire, use the Bagha, touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and visualize the positive end result of what you desire to happen. Bring in Golden Images; make the scene brighter, larger, more colorful, and three-dimensional. Bring in as many senses as you can. You will find your desire for the event growing stronger with each visualization. Belief is mental acceptance of some idea as being true. You accept ideas from others because you accept them as authority figures. This setting of a belief in your mind (usually at a young and trusting age) comes about because you have trust in the authority (generally the parent, sometimes a religious or educational institution, sometimes another trusted outside agency such as a relative, peer, or the media). This acceptance can come about even when there are facts that contradict it. Reinforcement of beliefs strengthen until, faulty or true, they become a fundamental part of your thought processes. To entrench matters more, events and happenings are tested through the structure of the faulty belief, thereby compounding the problem. What this means is that you only accept information that reinforces the belief. Information that contradicts the belief is rejected. Therein lies one of the major problems of mankind. Bigotry, racism, egotism, and just about every other prejudice you can think of stems from beliefs that have been introduced by an outside agency and accepted by the individual. In addition there are also group beliefs, some valid, some faulty. To change a belief, recognize that a belief is mental acceptance of some idea as being true, and that such mental images can be changed. You can reject a belief that is causing you harm, creating problems, or limiting you in some manner. Once you have recognized your faulty belief, think about its opposite. You may not be overweight because you overeat; you might just overeat because you believe that you are overweight. Visualize the opposite. See yourself at the weight you desire yourself to be, and believe that you can attain that weight. You do this by going to the meditation zone and seeing yourself active, vigorous, and at the weight you wish to be. The same process can be used to reject any harmful belief.


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Mind Box 31 - Center Stage For superior goal setting. 1. Meditate and visualize a stage, curtain closed. 2. Curtain opens, see an actor of your choice acting out your problem. 3. Then see the actor acting out the solution. A positive end result. 4. Project yourself on to the stage and you act out the solution to the problem in the same manner as the actor did.

Expectation is a mighty power indeed—so much so that a doctor can take an inert pill and tell a patient that it is a powerful drug, and the patient’s body will react as though the actual drug had been taken. This well-documented phenomenon is called the placebo effect. It might also be called the “expectation effect.” Of course, the placebo does not work all of the time. If it did, no one would bother with drugs at all. They would simply use placebos. It does, however, work with a significant and measurable percentage of success. Expectation can be a powerful force in one’s life. How can you use expectation as a force in your life? Can you simply expect good things to happen and they will happen? When you are told something by an authority figure you respect—say, a doctor, a teacher, a parent, or your boss—those words have an effect on all three levels, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. When you believe this authority figure without hesitation or reservation, then that person’s expectation of you is more likely to come to be. With respect to your own expectation of yourself, however, you might well tell yourself, “I’m going to expect this to happen” only to hear a small voice responding, “Who are you kidding?” The trick is to make you the respected authority figure. Expectation is enhanced with our techniques that entail going to one’s meditation level and creating the visual imagery of the desired event already having taken place. This technique has a dual effect: it puts you in the position of acting as your own authority, and it reinforces your experience of yourself that way. The more successful you become, the more you believe in yourself and the better you become at triggering the anticipated positive result of whatever event you are trying to bring about. As you grow into a better person better begets better and you do indeed grow better and better.


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To build expectation, go to your meditation zone and visualize the event as already having happened. Use the Golden Image to enlarge the image of the event; brighten it, make it three-dimensional, zoom in on different areas of the incident as you wish it to be, make it more colorful, and bring in other senses such as hearing and feeling as well. When you come out of the meditation, think about the event happening by a predetermined date. You will find more and more expected events coming to pass. And use Center Stage to start the energies flowing to attract your positive end result, your successful goal accomplished. Expect things on a smaller scale at first, as the smaller things come into being you begin to expect the major things to happen as well. Expectation is a force that can and should be discussed with others. Expectation works with all people, and on all levels—on the family level, on the town, city, and country level, on the national, international, and universal level. The law is the law; what works with the small works with the mighty. What works with the molecule works with the universe. Change your expectation and see your reality, your world, change to the degree that you wish it to change and eventually you will arrive at the place you wish to be. I have said that coincidence is unrecognized cause. Knowing that is the key to creating coincidence. The question here would be ‘how can I create a cause that will precipitate a coincidence?” Incidentally coincidence is usually seen as a positive event while accident is very often a negative event. Cause and effect is such an important topic that I will devote an entire training track to it. It is the training track of CD 17. On the next track you will find the Center Stage meditation to help you in understanding how to utilize the power of Desire, belief and expectation to enhance your life and get you moving towards achieving your goals, both major goals and the everyday thing things you want and need. The next track could very well be the most significant goal setting resource you have. I have presented many seminars over the years and in every one of them is Center Stage, the goal setting technique that incorporates all the points of desire, belief and expectation. You will find it in all of the material I offer. In the Mind Box there are a great many meditations, only two of them are borrowed from my other programs, the daisy pond, and Center Stage. Although the other forty two are new and unique we decided to include center stage and the daisy pond, as good things are definitely worth repeating. Before playing the next track I will ask you to prepare by doing two things. If you could choose an alter ego; an actor or actress to play you in a stage production, who would you choose?


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And next, have a goal in mind. A goal that you hope to achieve at some time in the future. Having done that, get ready for a most amazing meditation. One that may well have a positive affect on your desire for things to come. The principle of Cause and Effect states: Every cause has its effect and every effect its cause. All things happen according to law. Accident and coincidence are the result of unrecognized cause. A brief story will illustrate this principle. One day a leaf fell in a California forest. It landed on the forest floor, and a fat green caterpillar that was inching along had to make a sharp turn to avoid it. The caterpillar came to a log and crawled up the side. Just as it reached the top of the log, a man came by and sat down, squishing the caterpillar. The man jumped up and felt the goo on the seat of his pants. On returning home, he changed clothes and took the pants to the local cleaners. While there he met a young woman and they began a conversation, which continued at a nearby coffee shop. They began to date, fell in love, married, and had a child. Their son, being very clever, did well in school, became an attorney, and then went into politics, rising in his party. And so, because a leaf fell in the forest one day, Richard Nixon became the thirty-seventh president of the United States. Cause and Effect. From insignificant cause, great effects take place. With the Mind Box Technique, programmed during the meditation on the next track of this CD, you instigate insignificant cause for desired effects. Now that story was obviously a fairy tale; just a story to illustrate a point, but it does explain cause and effect in a striking manner. That’s because, it may well have happened like that, or like something similar. Allow me now to tell you a true story about cause and effect. I know this story is true because I was there. It was New Years Eve, 1948. My friend Jerry and I had just turned twenty one years of age. We were going to a party we were invited to. When we got to the house the young lady who had invited us asked for two dollars to cover the food and drink. We were insulted by this not expecting to have to pay for a party we were invited to and we left. We went to another party we knew about and there my friend met Lorraine. It was an instant match. Jerry and Lorraine started to go out together and soon were married. They had four children. One of the children became a major factor in the building industry. He put up many of the high rises in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The cause of all this was two dollars, for if that young lady did not ask us to pay to


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attend the party we would have stayed, Jerry would not have met Lorraine, the builder would not have been born, the high rises would not have been built, and on and on and on; cause and effect.

Goal setting, visualizations, programming, and all the techniques that are designed to stimulate you into taking an action towards getting the things you want, are really causes for a desired effect. There have been many causes in your past that have changed your life, causes you are unaware of. I call these causes, Source Foundations. Source because they are the source of changes in your life, and foundations because they are the underpinnings of what you believe to be your reality. To discover these causal events consider these things and think about each one. Think for a moment about a past event that stimulated a complete change in your life. Perhaps there was something your parent said or did that ultimately caused a change in your life. There may have been a choice you made, or something you did, or did not do that caused a change in your life. There could have been a cowardly act, or a heroic act that caused a change in your life.

Consider any other causes, or source foundations that were instigated by you with a specific effect in mind that did stimulate a change in your life. These were the causes that created the effects that were under your control. By making yourself conscious of the things that caused you to be who, what, and where you are, you get a better idea of how to get to where you are going. The most important aspect of a Source Foundation is the manner in which you set it up to stimulate a new effect and eliminate the dysfunction. There are as many source foundations in one’s life as there are opportunities for choice. Each time a choice presents itself, a source foundation is created. These source foundations are like bubbles of energy. Most are insignificant with a short life of moments, others grow and expand and thicken. Some are colorless bubbles and others are stark and vivid blues, reds and yellows. Some float up and pop in an instant like a soap bubble. Others remain throughout your life. Take a choice you have at a restaurant. You are deciding between a fish entrée and a meat entrée for dinner. No life changing causes there.


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But what if you chose fish and the fish were tainted and made you ill, and the doctor that attended you had you stay at home for two days and you missed an opportunity to purchase a commodity that would have eventually made you wealthy? Then the causal effect would not be a small bubble that pops and disappears but a large one that affects your entire life. These bubbles that are created whenever there is choice involved have a hierarchy. On a scale of one to one hundred, a cause, or source foundation that has no effect whatever would be a one, a life changing Source Foundation would be in the eighties or nineties while a terminal Source Foundation would be a one hundred. The problem that people have with setting the various causes that ultimately manifest into effects is that they are unaware of their existence in the first place. Everyone is familiar with the phrase cause and effect but few, if any, actually go around using the principle. Well, that is going to change for you because you are about to learn the Significant Cause Technique. There are two basic causal effects, the insignificant cause and the significant. Insignificant causes happen all the time, like a pebble dropped in a pond will cause ripples of small waves. The cause of the rippling is the pebble. An earthquake in mid ocean will cause much greater disturbance creating larger waves, and a Tsunami. The pebble is insignificant, the seismic activity, significant. Your brain also sends out ripples and waves, we call them brain waves. If your attitude is the cause of your problems, should you have any, then the instigator of the attitude would be the initial cause. When you want to manifest something in your life you must take some kind of an action. This action is precipitated by an energy built by a thought that has been caused by some stimulus, something that happened. You cannot control stimulus, it’s all around you. Stimulus could be a thing that affects any or all of the five senses. You see or hear something that reminds you of a person you hate, one of your negative mind boxes open, and suddenly you see things in a negative manner. Virtually all causes, significant and insignificant, begin with the brain and mind. To understand that better let me liken the brain to a car, the mind to the driver. The driver needs the car, and the car can’t go anywhere until the driver tells it where to go. How to control a manifestation? Let’s say that the manifestation, or the ultimate effect, you wish to happen is a new car. That would be the effect. All manifestations begin as causes, all causes, even though instigated on the physical level, gestate in the mind. Metaphorically speaking the mind has an


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Mind Box 32 - The Manifestation Technique 1. Meditate and create an infinite number of boxes in your mind. This is a metaphor for the neurons that hold information. 2. Each of these boxes hold memories of specific things, with general titles. There is a sports box, a food box, a friends box, a sex box, a lovers box, a dream box. There is a mind box for everything you have ever thought, seen, heard, or dreamed about. 3. One of these boxes hold the seeds and plants that create significant effects to attract and manifest goals you wish to achieve. 4. While thinking about your goal visualize planting a seed, or a small plant, that will sprout into your goal achieved. This mental action will bring forth the Mind Box that holds that information. 5. Actually do the thing you visualized physically. Actually plant some seeds. This metaphor stirs up that universal energy to manifest good effects from small causes. AS EXAMPLE As of this writing, the Mind Box Pack is still in the future. The CDs are not complete as yet, and this book is only 90% complete. There has been no marketing whatever with respect to the Mind box. I have meditated with Center Stage and visualized millions of people purchasing the Mind Box material. While meditating I visualized opening one of my mind boxes; the one with seeds and small plants. I mentally took one of the plants and planted it in my yard. Then I went to a nursery and bought a dozen small yellow plants and while placing them in the ground, I thought of the millions of people affected by this book, and the 21 Mind Box CDs. And, of course I will carefully tend the plants. infinite number of boxes where it keeps things. If this were not so and everything you have ever seen, heard, and experienced were in your mind all at once you couldn’t function. The mind can only hold one thought at a time, whereas you have tens of millions of thoughts—each in its own secure box. As example something that everyone can relate to, September 11, 2001. As you read or hear that the material manifests, it practically jumps out of its mind box. But before you heard me say 9/11 it was not expressed.


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Everything that has ever happened to you is still in your mind; sitting in its own, secure box. Most of the things just gathering dust and will never manifest. Your mind is a mystery. To speak of the mind we must speak metaphorically as we cannot know what the mind is literally. We have to come as close as we can to a comparison. Information is stored in the brain through a series of nerve cells called neurons. The scientific community tells us this, but no one can tell us how the information is stored in the mind. We know there is a connection between the two and so we use our knowledge based on observation and experiment. This empirical information tells us that, again metaphorically speaking, information is separated into groupings. We call these groupings of the mind, boxes. Each box holds a collection of information, memories, within its confine. There are an infinite number of these mind boxes that hold information. As example if I ask you, ‘What foods do you like?’ your mind will open the box containing the food grouping and suddenly all kinds of material comes out. Foods you like and foods you do not like. As long as that box is opened you will be considering food. Now if I were to say, ‘What kind of a car do you have?’ the food box closes and automobiles are released from their box. Suddenly you get an image of your car, or a friend’s car, or the car you would like to have, or cars that you had. Once the box is opened, the information becomes available to you. It is possible to open two boxes by asking, ‘Do you ever eat in your car?’ Seeing the information as a series of mind boxes makes it easier to understand how your mind works. It is easier to control a thing when you have an understanding of what it is you are trying to control. Mind Boxes is our next technique. It works like this. Like all of our techniques the trigger mechanism is the Bagha, the touch of the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. That tells your mind to get ready; something is going to be asked for, in this case to open one of the boxes that contain information that will help you to create a cause for a desired effect. First cause should be insignificant, for like the leaf falling in the forest turning into a President of the United States, or a tiny mustard seed turning into a mass of bright green leaves, so can your seeded cause manifest into one of your dreams. Seeds represent birth, growth, and manifestation. The energy in a seed is remarkable. Look at the size of an apple seed. And yet within the seed there is a tree, a tree that will ultimately produce millions of other apple seeds. The seeds are a metaphor for cause turning ultimately into something larger, and more useful.


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Mind Box 33 - The Maturity Technique The first step to maturity is to start something that has an outcome at some time in the future. Immature people require instant gratification. 1, Set a specific goal for yourself, for 5 years from today. 2. While thinking about your 5 year goal, set a 1 year goal for the same objective, but a thing that will stimulate the 5 year goal. 3. Buy a ceramic pot, fill it with soil, and plant some seeds in it. 4. Energize the water you irrigate the soil with. (Similar to The Psychic Circle; Chapter 18, Mind Box 35) The basic difference between this, The Maturity Technique, and Mind Box 43, the Manifestation Technique is that this technique is only used for long term, five or more year goals. The Manifestation Technique has no such limitation. the Maturity Technique is designed to teach patience. HOW TO ENERGIZE WATER FOR PLANT GROWTH Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Hold your two hands, palms down, over the circle with eyes closed while you chant auummm for 30 seconds. Put a glass of water in the circle overnight. Use this water to irrigate the soil.

When you want to set cause, for anything—just mentally reach into your mind box where you keep your seeds for causal effect and mentally fling them out onto the soil. But prior to doing that you must have intent in mind. What do you wish the effect of this cause to be? Here is how I used it to manifest photography creativity. I was not a photographer as I’ve stated in CD 14, (chapter 14 of the Mind Box workbook). I told how I had been teaching a course in creativity. What I left out was the seeds part. After I told that class that I would become creative and a good, if not great photographer, I went to a nearby hardware story that happened to carry flower and vegetable seeds. I bought a packet of radish seeds and after opening it flung the seeds onto a nearby lawn. As I flung the seeds I touched the roof of my mouth with the tip of my tongue and said, ‘I’m a great photographer.’ The causal program had been set. Then I went out and bought a camera and the rest you can see in Chapter 14 or hear on CD 14. This is just a basic simplification of Feng Shui and should be seen as a metaphor to start the engine of energy for the manifestation of your goal. Try it. But please do not think that it’s ridiculous, just do it. You don’t have to have a strong belief in the outcome, not yet. That


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will come after a few successes with the Mind Box Technique. Cause and effect has been a subject of philosophers for millenniums. The first great thinker who addressed the issue was Aristotle. He asked two questions regarding cause and effect: Are there any causes that are never effects? And, are there any effects that are ends in themselves and that do not in turn become causes? You might say a final end. That would be things that we desire for their own sake, not as a means to gain something else. Aristotle said that to achieve the final causeless end we must have a closed end result, what he called a ‘right ultimate aim.’ What is the ultimate that we should plan and ascribe to? If there is an ultimate then it would surely be one that every one of us should set our sights on. His ultimate and final end is a good life. With a good life there is no effect turning into a cause for some other event. Causes take one to the good life; once there however cause stops. The good life is the final effect and not the cause of some other gain. The good life is something we desire for its own sake. Let me clarify that last sentence. Suppose that to achieve the good life you set up a plan, with an ultimate goal. Part of the plan is an occupation which is a cause for earning money. The occupation is the cause, the money the effect. You spend the money on a new car. The money is the cause of your buing the car, the car is the effect. You drive to work. The car is the cause of your getting to work, work is the effect. Therefore cause is effect, and effect, cause. But in the final end, cause stops. Good life is not a cause for better life, as good life is the final end. Aristotle calls the good life, living well. We call it happiness. Happiness is an end we seek for its own sake and not as a cause for something else, or for some other effect. Tied into the subjective concept of living well are wants and needs. To simplify the difference between the two we have certain basic needs. We need food. We want different types of food. We may need food but we do not need apple pie, pancakes, roast beef, custard pudding or a cheese sandwich. Those are things we want, not need. Wants are determined by cultures, upbringing, environment and attitude. These ‘wants’ are also known as ‘past programming.’ Living well is determined primarily by ones attitude toward the things one strives for.


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Aristotle called needs ‘natural desires’ and wants, ‘acquired desires.’ Both needs and wants are desires; they differ only in acquisition. We desire things that are good for us and we desire to avoid things that are bad for us. When we know something is bad, such as drugs or cigarettes and still want them, the desire for immediate gratification overrides the eventual bad that comes from the want. Immature people want immediate gratification. Aristotle’s blueprint for achieving the good life involved a plan that included seeking out and acquiring things that are good for us to have. But what is it that is good for us to have? Allow me to examine temptation and temperance. (Temperance is resisting temptation.) A typical temptation would be the gratification of bodily pleasures which include drugs, alcohol, tobacco, some foods and overindulgence. The key to an understanding of temptation and temperance is in the recognition that immature people desire instant gratification. Food, bodily pleasure, drugs etc., satisfy that desire. Therefore one of the keys to the good life is maturity—the ability to allow a measure of time to pass for the gratification of one’s desires. In addition Aristotle defined cowardice as someone who avoids difficulty, trouble, pain and hardship. But what if those things stand in the way of ones acquiring skills and knowledge? Avoid learning a language, music, mathematics or any skill you desire to gain because it appears difficult or troublesome to learn is considered cowardice whereas the person who undergoes hardship and goes out of their way to take the trouble to gain the knowledge or the skills, is considered courageous. Another step on the road to the good life then would be courage. The courage to go out of your way to involve yourself in the time and difficulty it takes to gain the knowledge to stimulate your plan for the good life. Plans require productive thinking. Thoughts that produce desired outcomes, what we call creative thoughts are productive. The thoughts necessary for the good life would be the ultimate in productive thinking. The best plan is the one that has as the end result, living well. That is what Aristotle would set as the ultimate goal for it is the one goal that spells finish to the cycle of cause and effect. But what does living well mean to you. What things would you consider necessary for you to have the good life? That doesn’t mean things


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Bonus Technique- The Reiki New Moon Technique 1. Wait for the 48 hour period that precedes the height of the new moon. 2. During that new moon waxing period use Center Stage, the Power Shout, Golden images and the Bagha on each goal you wish to manifest.

you daydream about when you have nothing better to do like a castle in the clouds or a chateau in Atlantis. Keep it realistic. Go to your meditation zone and consider what living well would mean to you. One of your mind boxes contains happiness and living well. You must determine what that means to you. Money is an effect which turns into cause when you use it to purchase something that you want. There is nothing wrong with goals which are subordinate to the ultimate plan but understand that they are tributaries leading to the main stream. The important thing is to develop your plan for the good life first, then work on the rest of your goals. When you have your ultimate, living well plan established, the rest will fall into place naturally. Establish your living well plan then have the courage to go out of your way if necessary to involve yourself in the things that lead you to that good life. Then allow your secondary goals come into play. Once your ultimate plan is set, everything you do is a means to that end. Living well is an end unto itself. The good life is the completion of your programming. It is in fact your ultimate program. All of the techniques that you will find in the mind boxes take advantage of the law of attraction. Let me simplify that law of attraction and couple it with spiritual energy; Reiki.

THE GREAT LAW OF ATTRACTION states that all things attract all other things. That magnetic attraction is commonly known as gravity. Mass attracts mass. The greater the mass, the greater the attraction. As above, so below; as below, so above. As it is on the physical plane, so it will be on the mental plane; as it is on the mental plane, so it will be on the spiritual plane. To attract you must build mass on the mental, and on the spiritual plane and


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merge that mass within your own mind. Building mass on the physical plane is simply a matter of compressing more and more matter together. Building mass on the mental plane is very much the same thing. Also involved with the attraction of mass is proximity. On the physical plane, the distance between two masses influences the degree of attraction. On the mental plane proximity is determined by the thought itself. You mentally gather more and more material together by using your mental imagery and imagination ALONG WITH THE GOLDEN IMAGE as described in Chapter fifteen. The Golden Image builds a greater mass to attract the manifestation of an objective. To transform the mass into an irresistible form of attraction you must now build the mass on the spiritual plane as well; and therein is the great secret of using Reiki to attract health, longevity, and any other thing you want. This secret is one that I have only revealed to a very few and very select group. It is the ultimate Reiki irresistible law of attraction. Do remember that the greatest attraction is that of gravity, and that the definition of gravity is that ‘greater mass attracts lesser mass.’ That is the key to understanding and using the Law of Attraction. The greatest mass, in our section of the solar system, aside from the planet Earth, is the moon. There are times, according to this law, that the attraction of the moon has its strongest effect on Earth, the strength is dependant upon proximity. Knowing when those times occur is the key. This is the secret. The secret to enhancing the law of attraction and having the things you want to attract come to you, is knowing how, and when, to utilize the power of the moon. We call this, the secret technique, and for out Mind Box Scholars, it is the Reiki Moon Technique. The strongest pull of the moon is when it is on a line directly between the Earth and the Sun. This period is in every almanac, and in virtually every newspaper and calendar. The period is known as the NEW MOON. During the height of the New Moon, which you can get by looking in your newspaper in the weather section, the pull of gravity is strongest. This takes place every 28 days. The pull of the new moon is so strong that the tides are highest during this period as the moon lifts the immeasurable weight of all the oceans many feet up. The pull of the new moon is also a factor for programming on the mental level. When you do any goal setting or programming during this period the law of attraction is strengthened and the objective is more likely to manifest into reality.


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The Reiki New Moon Technique. During the 48 hour waxing period prior to the height of the new moon find a quiet place for your Reiki Moon Meditation. Use the Center Stage technique. After sensing your problem or current situation in act one, pause the scene and mentally shout STOP. Proceed to act two and visualize your goal accomplished using your alter ego. Proceed to act three of Center Stage, bring in Golden Images and enhance all aspects of the scene. Make it brighter, more colorful, three dimensional and give the scene depth. Bring in sound and feeling. Use as many of the inner senses as possible and enhance each one. Finally, use the Bagha by placing your tongue to the roof of your mouth and mentally saying the words, ‘This is the way it will be.’


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Friends often ask; “Is there really such a thing as psychic ability?” I tell them I’ve been teaching ESP for thirty years now, I know there is. But even after all that time, even after hearing a new psychic say things it would have been impossible for them to know, even after hundreds of experiences, I still don’t have the slightest clue as to what Extra Sensory Perception is. I do know that we all have it. Here is an interesting incident that took place in Houston, Texas in the early nineties. I was presenting a seminar on how to connect to your psychic self. After the seminar I went out to dinner with my sponsor, Wanda Morris, who trained psychics in Houston. With us were four of her friends who were also professional, (that means they were getting paid as psychics). We were at a Chinese restaurant and spoke about the methods we used to reach the proper state of mind. Monica read palms, another woman used tea leaves as a catalyst, Victor Hegle who was monitoring the class read objects that had been handled by the subject, Helena, a famous local psychic used a crystal ball of all things, Wanda simply went to the alpha level and visualized the subject she was ‘reading’. And then all eyes turned to me; “What method do you use?” Helena asked. Now I should point out here that this was strictly a social gathering, we had been telling stories and Victor regaled us with jokes that had us in stitches. He was getting a divorce and his attorney was battling with his soon to be ex wife’s attorney. Victor looked at us sadly after telling us a bit about his troubles and cracked us up when he said, “A man between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.”


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When we stopped laughing we started talking about the various methods we used to stimulate ESP. I was still in a humorous mood and said; “I use fortune cookies.” Well that started a round of laughter again, but when they stopped laughing I said, “Really. I do. I use fortune cookies.” They finally got the idea that I wasn’t kidding. Wanda thought I was teasing as well, but as she was the only one there who really knew me she wasn’t sure. She said, “Why don’t you show us Burt?” So, still joking I said to the group, “OK who wants to get read? Monica, the palm reader spoke first, “Me. Read me.” “OK,” I said, and I unwrapped a fortune cookie, laid it on the table and smashed my hand on it. Cookie pieces flew all over the place. I expected everyone to laugh, but instead they were all staring at me. When you tell a joke and no one understands the punch line, it’s not much of a joke. I thought, ‘this’ll get them laughing,’ and I looked down at the cookie pieces and crumbs and then up at Monica. I said quickly as I circled three crumbs with a chop stick; “You have three children, the oldest ran away from home and is living with her uncle, your middle child is threatening to leave you and go to live with your ex husband who you divorced two years ago and your youngest wants you to stay home more because she wants you to teach her how to cook a chicken.” And I looked up smiling expecting everyone to burst out laughing. Imagine my shock when Monica jumped up crying and ran back to the rest room. Helena had a stern look on her face. “How could you have done that?” Quickly asking, “What did I do? It was a joke.” I told them, “I made it all up, I don’t know the woman, I thought she would just laugh.” Wanda shook her head and said, “Burt, every word you said was true.” After things settled down I apologized to Monica and swore that I made it all up. Then the group demanded to know exactly what had happened. As it turned out the seminar showed that everyone was a psychic and that it didn’t matter what you used as a vehicle to turn on the ability so I just told them that it didn’t matter what you did as long as your intent was to stimulate ESP. Initially I didn’t really believe that a fortune cookie would work but then again if it doesn’t matter how you bring out psychic ability why not a smashed fortune cookie?


The Mind Box

Mind Box 34 - The ESP Hat 1. Imagine you had a hat, a mental hat that stimulated intuition and Extra Sensory Perception. What if you could create this hat in your imagination and put it on your head whenever you wanted to stimulate your psychic abilities? Mentally of course you can. 2. Simply act as if you had such a hat, and you could activate it by touching the roof of your mouth with your tongue and saying the words, ESP hat on and imagine the hat in place, on top of your head. 3. You are now ready to act as if you were activating your ESP. 4. Put on your ESP hat whenever you feel the need of ESP.

The celebrity psychic, Uri Geller felt his seemingly unnatural abilities were natural as he could not remember when he wasn’t gifted with psychic abilities and Dr. J. B. Rhine generally thought of as the father of modern parapsychology said that ESP could not be taught. My own experiments

and research tell a different story. Let’s use something else to bring out the ESP energies. First of all we need an Icon, then a conduit, a catalyst of some kind. The icon is an ESP hat. What is an ESP hat? It’s a mental construction that you create while meditating. Imagine you had a hat, a mental hat that stimulated intuition and Extra Sensory Perception. Create this hat in your imagination and mentally put it on your head whenever you want to stimulate your psychic abilities. Simply act as if you had such a hat, and you could activate it by touching the roof of your mouth with your tongue and saying the words, ‘ESP hat on’ and imagine the hat in place, on top of your head. Here’s your catalyst. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper. Inside the circle write one sentence about something that makes you feel bad. Write it subjectively, not objectively. What that means is don’t write ‘I hate being stuck in traffic,’ write ‘I am stuck in traffic.’ If its doing dishes that makes you feel bad, write ‘I am doing dishes’. Or, ‘I am standing in line,’ ‘I am waiting at the dentist’s office,’ ‘I am in the dentist’s chair.’ Whatever makes you feel bad, write it inside the circle. The circle you have drawn is a psychic circle. Why is it a psychic circle? Because I say it is.


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Mind Box 35 - The Psychic Circle 1. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper. 2. Inside the circle write something that makes you feel bad like, “I am stuck in traffic.” Do not write I hate being stuck in traffic. 3. Put on your ESP hat. 4. Look at the sentence inside the circle for 2 seconds. 5. Close your eyes and think about something that makes you feel wonderful. 6. Open your eyes and look at the sentence again for 2 seconds. 7. Close your eyes and think about something that makes you feel wonderful. Then look at the sentence again. 8. Repeat this 3 times. The thing that bothered you should now be neutralized.

Now to use your psychic ability in a new and different way. Have the paper with the circle and the sentence you have written about something that makes you feel bad where you can easily read it. Put on your ESP hat and look at the sentence inside the psychic circle for two seconds. Close your eyes and think about something that makes you feel wonderful. Open your eyes and look at the sentence inside the psychic circle for two seconds. Close your eyes and think again about something that makes you feel wonderful. Open your eyes and look at the sentence inside the psychic circle for two seconds. Close your eyes and once again think about something that makes you feel wonderful. After doing that three times you will find that the thing that made you feel bad no longer has the means to do that. The result of this, your first fling into the psychic world, will be that you now have the means to neutralize things that make you feel bad. Using ESP in this manner is really more valuable to you than knowing someone has a problem with some part of their body.


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But here’s another way to use your psychic ability. There are things that have a lot of negative energy in them. An auto that has negative energy will be what some would call a lemon. Every now and then you buy something that just never seems to work right no matter what you do. There is a way to draw negative energy out of the object. You will really see how well the Psychic Circle Technique works with this one. The psychic circle works with many things. Here is a way to use it to take the negative energy out of things. Fill a glass with water and put it in the psychic circle. Leave it there for 30 seconds. It won’t be any more effective if you leave it in the circle for a minute or an hour. It gets the psychic power instantly and settles within 30 seconds. Just below the circle write what the psychically energized water will be for. As example, I recently bought a new car. The first thing I did when I got home was to draw a psychic circle, I wrote below the circle the words: To take all negative energy out of my car. Then I filled a glass with water and put it in the center of the circle. After 30 seconds I took the water from the circle and walked into my garage. I dipped my fingers into the water and sprinkled it on the sides, roof, and front and back of the car. Then I opened the door and sprinkled the psychically energized water throughout the inside of the car. I do this with everything I purchase and bring into my house. I often get reports from students who have been using this method for years. Many might believe it’s just kind of a psychic placebo. Whatever it is, it works, and that’s the only thing that matters. It was during a seminar I was presenting on developing your psychic power that one of the people in the class asked for a demonstration. As usual my response was that it would be more valuable if she did the demonstrating rather than me as I knew I could do certain things regarding the clairvoyant effect. The class was about telepathy, and the woman, Eileen, was extremely skeptical, she insisted on a demonstration asking that I get psychic material regarding her mother. Finally I said that I would. I went deep into the meditation zone, put on my ESP hat and projected Eileen on my mind screen and mentally said I wanted information on Eileen. I then imagined a wind of energy swooshing towards me from all sides as though I were in a center of a vortex. I received an impression of a very heavy, elderly woman on a bed, she seemed to have a hole in her head, she was pointing to her knees and kept saying Eily, Eily. This took a few moments and


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then I came out of meditation and told Eileen what I saw. Eileen shook her head and said none of that fit. Her mother was in good health and wasn’t overweight. While she was telling me that her face blanched and she said, ‘Oh my God!’ We all looked at her as she said heavily onto her chair. ‘It’s my grandmother. She was overweight, had bad knees so that she couldn’t walk, and died on the operating table during a brain surgery operation.’ Eileen looked at me kind of funny and said, ‘She called me Eily, and she was the only one who did. I had completely forgotten about it.’ Needless to say Eileen became a believer after that. She wanted more and so I set up a telepathic experiment with her. We set a time, 8:00 p.m. She was to be the receiver, I was the transmitter. She was to imagine things coming towards her, like she was in the center of a vortex while thinking about me. At 8:00 p.m. I stared at a circus painting on my wall; it featured a clown, and a Ferris wheel. I imagined I had on my ESP Hat. All the while I stared at the painting and created a mental image of Eileen. I held this for exactly one minute, after which I phoned her. She told me she had gotten an impression of a large circle, (the Ferris wheel) and a man with a big funny red nose, the clown. She also said there were a lot of people in the scene. I didn’t say anything. The next day, in the seminar, we repeated everything for the class and I took out the painting of the circus with the Ferris wheel. Eileen was dumbfounded. It was the exact thing she had seen. ‘What does all that mean?” she asked. I said that it meant she was a psychic, also I told the class that we were all psychics. Every single person on earth. It’s just that most don’t know it, and if they did, they didn’t know how to bring the ability out. Everyone has flashes of ESP. When you think about someone and your phone rings and there they are; that’s ESP. If you have taken a different route one morning and avoided a terrible accident, that’s ESP. ESP, Clairvoyance, psychic ability, it’s all the same. You are getting information with your inner senses. There are people who have ESP, that’s been proven at universities like Duke University. There are also those who have negative ESP. That is determined through a series of tests. As example a person who goes through a deck of 100 cards with a triangle and circle and calls the correct card 55 times when the average is 50 is said to have ESP. There are those who will only call


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the correct card 45 times when the average is 50. Those people would have negative ESP. Those are the ones who seem to be accident prone. People with negative ESP always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are the unlucky ones. There has been much written of late about the Law of Attraction. People who have ESP attract things naturally. A better question to ask than “How can I attract good things in my life?” would be “How can I stimulate ESP.” And if you have negative ESP can anything be done to correct it, to turn it around? The answer is yes it can, and that’s what this book is about, helping those with negative ESP to turn it around, and also to bring out the psychic abilities in you so that you will be an attractor of the positive things in life. Most true psychics attract good things, and find themselves in the right place at the right time naturally. Many of the billionaires and multimulti millionaires are in this category. People on the other end of the financial scale, the destitute, the homeless, the unlucky, are in a similar situation, on the other end of the scale as they attract the negative aspects of life. This is not to say that intelligence is not an important ingredient to success but there are an awful lot of intelligent people who try hard for success but wind up broke. These people too have a natural psychic ability but like all things there is a hierarchy of success. And a hierarchy of psychic ability. For every person who is a plus 50 on the scale leading to a successful happy life, there is one who is minus 50 on our arbitrary scale leading to an unsuccessful unhappy life. How to change this around, that is the question that we are addressing here. Our answer, with the technique we recommend couldn’t be simpler, but there is a lot of complex thought that went in the making of the concept simple and easy to apply.

The problem with going to the meditation zone and asking for information about someone or some thing and getting it psychically is not with the psychic material. The psychic material always comes through. I discovered that during the years I taught people to use their natural psychic abilities. The problem is that too much material comes through or an adjacent event or person comes through as with the case of Eileen. Why did her grandmother instead of her mother come through? All we can do is guess. Some would say that her grandmother, being on the spiritual side was stronger, but that’s only valid if you believe the personality remains the same after death. Others would say that Eileen was thinking about her mother at the


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time, still others would say… well we can guess a thousand alternate reasons. I’m the one with thirty years of experience in this field so perhaps I’m the one to tell you what my theory is. Here’s what I think. I think that when you have a desire for a particular piece of information, that desire sets up a rapport with whatever or whoever it is you are attempting to draw in to you. All this is on the mental plane and so we use the mental plane to help draw in the right material. By using a metaphor such as the ESP Hat to represent an increase in the energy of our psychic power we get the information. But there is always the question, is it the right information? The only psychic I know of who is certain, most of the time, is Uri Geller. He is so good that one day while I was visiting him at his home in England the phone rang. It was a call from Scotland Yard, they wanted Uri to help them with a case. I worked alongside of Uri Geller presenting Goldman and Geller seminars and part of the seminar was Geller telling people things he could not possibly know, he always impressed me every time he did it, but I have to tell you the call from Scotland Yard impressed me even more. Other than Uri Geller, most people feel as though they are guessing; and sometimes they are. The difference being that even when they thought they were guessing, most were accurate. Everyone is a psychic to some degree. Age is neither a help, nor a barrier. I worked with a wonderful psychic who was five years old, and I’ve worked with a few eighty year olds. They all, just as you do, have psychic ability. I have always found that demonstrations were the best format for accepting a new concept. But with all the benefits of the Mind Box, the fact that I can’t demonstrate for you is just a grain of a disturbance. But you can demonstrate. How about if I show you how to demonstrate for yourself, that you are indeed, a psychic. No I can’t tell you how to win a lottery, or even a horse race. But I know people who have used their newly uncovered psychic abilities to win lotteries, horse races, and influence cards and the stock market. How? Well I’m about to tell you. We know that when a satellite broadcasts information to the earth, that information saturates every molecule of the planet. This is obvious to everyone who has a navigation system on their vehicle, or even those with a handheld GPS or Global Positioning System. It works in the fields, on the ocean, in a plane, in your backyard, in your living room, everywhere. The energy waves the satellite beams to earth permeate the earth. People produce energy waves; the brain’s waves are measurable. Every doctor and scientist knows that. Would the energy waves of a body, or a mind,


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be of a lesser nature than a radio wave, or a satellite beaming? I think not. Enlarging on that concept would mean that every single person on earth is in the room you’re in right now. They are there in the form of energy waves just as the satellite waves are with you. Billions of energy patterns. Billions of people in the palm of your hand; right now. Say that you are acting as a psychic and you want information from one of them. Wow, 1 out of 6 billion, with odds like that no one would ever buy a lottery ticket. How are you going to get into contact with just one of them? The actual process is so simple that you may have a tendency to ignore it. That would be a mistake. Here is where the ESP Hat makes its grand entrance. To test this requires two people. Here is what you do. Have someone write down on a sheet of paper the name of a person that they know, but that you do not know. This person must have a physical ailment of some sort. You are going to psychically sense what this person’s ailment is. The person who writes on the sheet of paper can be someone in your presence, on the phone, or someone who is e-mailing you. They write something like, a missing finger or eye, or a stomach problem, a heart problem, a stroke, preferably something major that is wrong with the person they are presenting to you for a psychic reading. All they tell you about the person is their approximate age, name, approximate location, male or female, and that’s all. They know the person’s problems, you don’t. It’s your job to ferret out the problem through your psychic ability. You will be getting a lot of information but the strongest, and usually your first impression is the correct one. After going to the meditation zone and putting on your ESP hat, you might say something like, I’m attracted to the body, or the head, or the feet, or wherever you feel a pull to. The person who is helping you may say what do you sense in the area of the body you are attracted too? And then you can focus in on what you feel is wrong. The person who is helping you does not tell you if they have no information on that area as there may be a problem the person doesn’t know about. The person simply says, “I have no information about that part of the body.” And you keep going. After stating correct information you will have demonstrated some ESP ability. You may continue to use this method to stimulate your ESP but I would personally prefer using my psychic skills on something more practical, such as the Psychic Circle. Use it a few times and see for yourself how many


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success you will have. One of my students discovered an excellent way to use the Circle. He drew one out and put his wallet in the center of it. A week later he received money from an unexpected source and now uses the Psychic Circle for many other things in his life. How many things can you think of to use the Psychic Circle with? Good luck, and good programming, the information in this chapter may well change your life for the better.


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During our seminars we often speak of consciousness. I have many times spoken about a higher consciousness, an outer consciousness, an inner consciousness, spiritual consciousness; but just what is consciousness? The dictionary says it’s being awake and aware of your surroundings but when we speak of consciousness we are referring to states of awareness. Being aware, or not being aware, but in particular, being aware of self. Self awareness is the understanding that you exist as an individual and that you’re separate from others; that you have your own private thoughts, your own reality, and your own attitudes. Spiritual consciousness or a higher consciousness comes about by altering that state of awareness and realizing that you exist on other planes as well. Altering your state of awareness, or to put it another manner, altering your state of consciousness can come about in a variety of ways. Some cultures use drumming, some dancing, some fasting, sensory deprivation, exposure to extremes in temperature, psychoactive drugs, and trance states to name just a few. The experience of going into an altered state of consciousness has been described as a visitation to a parallel world. The best and safest method of altering consciousness is definitely meditation. Not only does changing the state of consciousness come about with deep meditation but there is a calming influence as well. It is very diffilt if not impossible to be stressful when you are meditating. The average person is seen by those of higher consciousness as


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only moderately conscious. That’s because the ordinary person is controlled by their impulses and their attitudes. To a person of high consciousness the average person would appear to be partially asleep, all the time. A good question at this point would be ‘How do I develop a higher consciousness?’ To develop a higher consciousness you must understand that suffering and scarcity are the responsibility of the individual; of you yourself. Suffering and scarcity come about due to the minds acceptance of the way that things are. Those who strive for an altered state of consciousness are looking to wake up, to seek their own awakening. These people are searching for dormant abilities, faculties that have been hidden from view. The attitudes that are sought by those who are seeking a higher consciousness are kindness, truthfulness, humility, forgiveness, and patience with ones fellow man. Those are the qualities that are associated with higher consciousness. Now then how does one achieve a higher form of consciousness? Meditation will often lead to a spiritual experience. That begs the question, ‘What is a spiritual consciousness?’ As the spirit and the spiritual world are the big unknowns we can only guess, but that would by nature have to be presumptuous. However we do have a clue. The hint we have is one of the seven absolute principles, Correspondence, which states; as above so below, as below, so above. As it is on the physical plane so it is on the mental, as it is on the mental, so it is on the spiritual. So then if we examine the mental plane with respect to consciousness we should get the glimmering of an idea as to what the spiritual would be and how to reach it. If there were one word that would describe the nature of a person that word would be attitude. And so we look to attitude on the spiritual plane as well. Once again, the higher consciousness attitudes are: Kindness, truthfulness, humility, forgiveness and patience. Those are the five steps; a ladder leading to a higher consciousness and the spiritual plane. You already have these steps in one of your mind boxes. How long has that box been gathering dust? Time to dust it off and take out the contents. The technique for a higher consciousness I call simply, the Consciousness Ladder. It works this way. First there is meditation. This quiets the mind and allows you the concentration that is necessary for your success. While you are in deep meditation you use the Bagha by touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and mentally saying, Consciousness Ladder, you then visualize one of your mind boxes opening


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Mind Box 36 -Consciousness Ladder Five steps to your spiritual consciousness 1. Kindness: Compassion, consideration, caring, and empathy. 2. Truthfulness: Frankness, openess and honesty. 3. Humility: Admiration instead of disrespect. 4. Forgiveness: Give up the idea of harming another by deed or thought. 5. Patience: Living without complaint knowing that ‘This too shall pass.’

and Kindness, the first step of your ladder to a higher consciousness comes out. To take that first step you visualize yourself being kind to someone. Kindness is compassion, consideration and caring. Next you visualize yourself being truthful. Truth is frankness, openness, and honesty. You are omitting nothing and telling the truth to people you have lied to in the past; including family, and those you love. Next, humility, you visualize yourself being unassuming in your behavior and admiring someone you have previously been disrespectful to. Next, forgiveness. You give up the idea of harming another person by deed or thought. Next, Patience, you do not complain about anything in your life knowing that ‘this too shall pass’ and visualize yourself developing the capacity to endure delay without annoyance or upset. Following is a comprehensive explanation of the ladder to a higher consciousness 1. Kindness: Compassion, consideration, caring, and empathy. Kind people are empathetic to others. Empathy is the ability to identify with and to understand another person’s feelings. Evil is a lack of this emotion we call empathy. One can only be kind if there is a modicum of empathy towards the other person. The kindest people are those lovers still in the courting stage. Totally in sync with one another and empathetic


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to the degree of not doing or saying anything that may hurt the other person the courting couple is in a fog of kindness. Unfortunately when the courting ends, empathy often goes with it. Kindness is the first step on the ladder to the Spiritual. 2. Truthfulness: Frankness, openness and honesty. The road to your spiritual consciousness is eroded with falseness, lies, error, regret, and guilt. Only total honesty can pave the way to the spirit. Honesty begins with one’s self. To allow the face behind the mask you present to the world to be seen is the final test of openness. Honesty begins at home, with self. Truthfulness is an essential ingredient for the second step on the ladder to the Spiritual. 3. Humility: Admiration instead of disrespect. The humble person has no need to pretend by word or deed that he is better or more worthy than any other person. Every human being on earth is equal to every other human being on Earth. To display humility one realizes that all peoples are different, equal, just different. There are things that others can do that you cannot; and there are things that you can do that they cannot; this doesn’t make them, or you, better, only different. On the spiritual plane all are equal. Humility takes you close to the top of the consciousness ladder. 4. Forgiveness: Give up the idea of harming another by deed or thought. Among the most profound words ever spoken were ‘Forgive them, they know not what they do.’ Evil people can never break through the gates of spiritual consciousness for not only do they not know, they do not care what they do. Having no empathy and therefor no thought of others they continue to harm others on the mental and the physical planes of consciousness. Forgiving all is a difficult step but necessary to reach the top rung of the consciousness ladder. 5. Patience: Living without complaint knowing that ‘This too shall pass.’ Virtually every spiritual master and religion speaks of patience being one of the necessities for spiritual growth but none say why. Patience is the provence of the spiritual master. The masters of the spirit do not require the gratification of the body through food or daily pleasures. They are patient with their needs knowing that by quieting the mind and relaxing the body the waiting process uplifts their consciousness. Food is eaten only to sustain the body and patience while meditatiing clarifies the mind. True


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Mind Box 37 - Cares in a Box 1. Visualize a care box. A mind box that you use in which to keep all your cares and the things that bother you. 2. Keep your care box in the lower right corner of your mind. 3. Whenever anything bothers you just put it in your care box. 4. To put things in your care box, use the Bagha, touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and say, ’Cares in the box.’

meditation requires a patient mind allowing all problems to resolve themselves. Patience through meditation is the final step of dthe ladder to a spiritual consciousness. Many, if not most people look for some authority to help them to attract success and to manifest the things they desire. What it is they are looking for they often do not know themselves and so they follow along with the precepts of anyone who tells them that they have the key, they know the way, and that only through them can you find nirvana. But it is all illusion. When you follow another you are chasing shadows for we are all but reflections in the eye’s of God. The true answer lies within you, and only you. Others can guide, but no one has the authority to claim your life, your reality. Only you can do that. When you allow another person to shove you into a morass of their beliefs you give up responsibility. At that point you are no longer accountable for your deeds, the authority figure is. When you give up your ego, your self esteem, and your own responsibility you become a puppet who can never find its own way. Others can guide yes, others can show you the way yes, others can open your eyes yes, but it is up to you to see. Reaching the spiritual dimension is an admirable goal, but it is a lonely road in that you must take it alone. That is the only way. I will guide you as well as I can with the material in this book but it is entirely up to you how you will utilize the altered state of consciousness when you achieve it. I may show you the road but it is up to you to walk the path. Now a few suggestions. If you truly wish to reach a higher state of consciousness I suggest you use a corner of a room that you will be comfortable with for your meditation. Have a comfortable chair in that corner.


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Mind Box 38 - Parallel Dimensions Technique 1. Go into your meditation zone. 2. On one of the infinity of planets in the infinity of parallel universes, there is a mirror image of you who is anything you can imagine. There is an artist you, a royal you, a homeless you, a political you, a musical you a business you; whatever can be imagined, is, in an infinite universe. 3. To contact the mirror you with the attributes you would like to have, use the Bagha, and say mentally, I want to meet my artist, or whatever, mirror image PDQ and imagine you are standing alongside your parallel mirror image who is successful at what you wish to do. 4. Merge with the parallel you who is successful with what you wish to be or do. 5. The merger lends you the energies necessary for your success in this dimension. Before embarking on the following meditation, safely light a candle in that corner of the room. This is a metaphor for the burning away of all negative energies. I would also recommend that you energize a glass of water with the Psychic Circle technique and sprinkle a few drops of the energized water in the corner of the room. A yogi practitioner will often dab a bit of sandalwood paste on the forehead just above and between the eyes to open the third eye but that is a cultural thing and unnecessary to do. I only mention it because many students have asked about this. Wear loose fitting clothing and have the intention to leave all your cares behind. You may use the Care Box technique for this. To use the care box, just touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth and say ‘all cares in the box’ and visualize all your cares in the care box, put the box in a corner of your mind and have the intention to go into a deep state of meditation. By using the same corner, the same chair, the same clothing if possible, you build a meditation energy, a peaceful gratifying energy in that place and you will find it easier to meditate each time you do. Occasionally I find a thing that could become a problem confronting me when I wish to meditate. Until I put that problem aside it pops up as soon as I quiet my mind to meditate. I handle that in this manner. Among my many mind boxes is a special box designed to hold problems and things


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that I care about. Before I meditate I close my eyes and visualize all these cares floating into my care box. I imagine the lid closing and then my mind is at ease and I am ready to meditate. It’s as simple as that. When I am ready to deal with the cares and problems I retrieve them one at a time simply by desiring to deal with the specific care.

Parallel Dimension Quest The concept of infinity is put forward by many scientists, but not all. Not all believe in a number of anything without end, but then again many do. To accept infinity is to put to the test, the validity of the belief that our universe is ten billion, or fifteen billion, or any billion years of age. If there was a beginning, then there should be an ending, and here is where many scientists admit to confusion. In an infinite universe, there was no beginning nor could there be an end. The very word infinity however is incomprehensible. Let us make it easier to understand and say that infinity simply represents one more. Whatever the number, one more. This in no way diminishes the concept that the universe we know was not created some billions of years ago, but perhaps there was an implosion of another universe, perhaps in another dimension that caused the explosion of our own. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Some scientists believe that when the universe stops expanding, it will begin to contract. Not to worry though, that may not happen for many billions of years. Let’s say that it does contract, ultimately it will bring all the galaxies together in one inconceivable mass that would make a black hole look like a pimple on a dust mote. More and more it contracts, building mass until it reaches the singularity stage where gravitational forces cause matter to be infinitely compressed and space and time to become infinitely distorted and there is a reverse ‘big bang’ implosion that causes a massive explosion, a new ‘big bang’ in a parallel universe, and the whole process begins again. Whatever it is you are conceiving, whether it is a number, a size, a dimension, a world, a universe, in an infinite cosmos, there will always be one more, and then one more than that, and that is infinity, a never ending process. Now the question comes, ‘Is God infinite?’ I believe that God is infinite. I believe that God is in all things. I believe that He told us this when He said “I am that, I am.” I believe the comma in those five words


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says it all. I am that… that is everything. That and that and that, on unto infinity. All, all that is. This will be pursued further in Chapter 21 Secrets to Enlightenment. The concept of parallel dimensions was put forth by physicists in the 1950s. The findings made a new vision of reality necessary before it could be understood. The existence of other universes, or dimensions as some physicists call it was the only way in which to resolve some of the paradoxes of reality. A parallel universe is a region of space and time containing matter, galaxies, stars, planets and living beings just like our own universe. In the parallel dimension there are not only other human beings but humans who are exact duplicates of us and who are connected to ourselves. Quantum physics deals with physical phenomenon from the subatomic quanta, all the way up to the modern computer with its attending internet and World Wide Web which show quantum behavior on a time and space scale within the world of human perception. Quantum physics also indicates the effect that an observer has upon a physical system. This effect cannot be understood without the existence of parallel universes. When we leave the four dimensional world of length, depth, width, and time, it time were to be considered as a dimension, we come into a fifth dimension, that of vibrations. Our minds, which conceptualize objects in three spatial dimensions, cannot fully grasp higher-dimensional objects. Even physicists and mathematicians, who regularly handle higher-dimensional items in their research, treat these things with abstract mathematics rather than trying to envision them. But let me simplify, to the extent that I can, the concept of an infinity of parallel dimensions, an understanding of which will explain many things. With an infinite number of dimensions, or universes, there are in those universes, anything you can possibly imagine. If it is infinite, all that is, all that could be, all that can be imagined, is. There are also an infinite number of you’s in those never ending universes. There is a you that is a king, a queen, a homeless person, a banker, a cook, a prince, a president. Whatever can be imagined is, in an infinite universe. In one of those universes you are a great artist, a popular singer, a photographer, a great writer, a successful business person; whatever you can imagine, in your wildest dreams, is—in one of those infinite dimensions.


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In one of those dimensions the earth is going through the prehistoric period, in another the year is 3007, in another…well you get the idea, whatever can be imagined, is, in one of the parallel dimensions. Sounds like science fiction and maybe it is; but then, why do so many learned physicists even consider the possibility? My question was, “Is there a way to contact one’s parallel twin and learn from them?” If that could be done then a person could ease into art, music, sports, business, or any occupation. Just contact your mirror image who was successful in the field you wanted to learn, and draw off that energy. During a seminar I taught in the late 90s and early part of the present century, that I called Parallel Dimension Quest, or PDQ, we worked on the concept that there were indeed an infinite number of realities, and that in one of those realities you were whatever you can conceive. We had a number of meditation exercises that attempted to contact our doubles who were successful at what we wanted to do, but in a Parallel Dimension. The problem with the parallel dimension quest was to discover the way to get in touch with our doppelganger, as a mirror image is called. And, we finally figured it out. By going into a deep meditation, and combining the Bagha with the PDQ technique, we did it; people learned to mentally contact their doppelganger and draw off the energy of their talent. Now that doesn’t mean that you can contact the concert pianist you in another dimension and be playing the piano a moment later. What it means is that you will have the energy of the concert pianist. The same energy that took your parallel twin to the heights in the first place. That’s what we were looking for. I used the technique for art in this manner. You can also see the result of the technique by going to When you look at that site please remember one thing. I had never before painted a single canvass, nor had I thought that I could. I was never an artist. It still amazes me that I could do what I did. I actually painted one hundred and five canvasses in a period of nine months before I stopped. What you will see on the site are most of those paintings. First of all I went into my meditation using the count down as is in all the meditations of the Mind Box CDs. When I felt I was there, and with eyes closed I touched the roof of my mouth with the tip of my tongue and concentrated all my attention on a dot of light I created far into the distance of mind.


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I then concentrated on bringing the light closer and closer to me until I was engulfed by the light. I was in a sea of light. I then felt myself rising higher and higher as my mind worked on taking me to a higher consciousness. I sensed that I was on top of a cloud. This, I felt, was my higher self, my spiritual self. Being completely at ease I remained there for awhile. Mentally I said ‘I want to meet my artist mirror image PDQ’ and touched the roof of my mouth with my tongue. I suddenly imagined a man in front of an easel, paint brush in hand, painting on a canvass. It was me. Or rather a mirror image of me, my doppelganger who was a professional artist in a parallel dimension. I imagined my asking for advice and my doppelganger saying for me to merge with him. I moved closer and closer until my energy field merged with his and I kind of slid into his body. Now my hand held the brush, my hand dipped the brush into paint, my hand stroked the brush on the canvass. All kinds of thoughts flooded my mind. I had somehow tapped into his art mind box. I must say that I was pretty skeptical about all this. I still don’t know exactly what happened, what I do know is that after I finished the meditation and returned to the outer consciousness I went out and bought twenty tubes of acrylic paint, a half dozen canvasses, and a variety of brushes. I painted a vase full of flowers that I copied from a Van Gogh picture. Not too bad, I thought, then I painted an original. OK. I painted another and another, kind of teaching myself as I went along, but it just came to me. Then I tried a few portraits. Before that I couldn’t paint a face to save my life, but it was coming easier. I painted a picture of Marilyn Monroe from a photograph. Could hardly believe the way it turned out. Then I copied Van Goghs bedroom. That one was like a miracle, I liked mine better than Van Goghs. Of course his is worth a hundred million dollars and mind is worth bupkis but it’s mine. I put copies of my own paintings, including my self portrait on Van Goghs bedroom wall. Well anyway you can see all that at the point I’m making is that before using the PDQ technique I couldn’t paint at all. Perhaps a psychologist would say that the talent was there all the time, I just hadn’t used it and the doppelganger business was just a catalyst. Maybe. But again, the point is, I discovered I was an artist. What dormant talents do you have that the PDQ technique may bring out? Only one way to find out. Use it and see. OK, once again. Before you do this decide what it is you want to use the energies for. First you go to your meditation state. You sense a dot


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of light in the distance and bring it closer and closer to you until you are surrounded by light, bright light. A sea of light. Imagine that you are rising higher and higher in the light until you are on top of the clouds. At this point you use the Bagha, touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and mentally say ‘I want to meet my expert doppelganger.’ Then just imagine you are there. Perhaps you will find yourself on a stage, or in a studio, or in an auditorium. You see someone there. It’s your mirror image, your doppelganger, your parallel twin. He, or she, will know you. Ask for your lesson. Then merge into your doppelganger and allow information to come to you while your doppelganger does whatever. You are attracting the energies of a successful you, and that’s what you need to begin to do the thing yourself. Just think what it is you want to better yourself at before using the PDQ Technique. Remember, according to the parallel dimension idea, whatever occupation, profession or career you are interested in, you are already at the top of your game and eminently successful at; in a parallel dimension. Tap into the energy and discover a better and better life.


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To understand what your purpose in life is, or what the point of life is, it is essential to consider the great variety of life swarming over our planet. From the natives of the wilds of the Brazilian jungle to the Inuit driving a pack of dogs over the icy trails of Prudhoe Bay there is such a variety and diversity of cultures and peoples to set one wondering what life is all about? Why are we here? Is there a purpose to all this? First we must find what we all have in common. What in the world does an architect in Manhattan have in common with an African Pigmy? What would a housewife in Lancaster have in common with a witch doctor in Tierra del Fuego? Or for that matter what do you have in common with the Queen of England or the Sultan of Brunei? Not a thing, you may say at first thought, but there is one thing we all have in common, one want, one desire, one urge, one compulsion. And that urge is to procreate. The thing we all have in common is to see to it that the human race survives, even though it would appear that the governments of the world have set a task to do the opposite. Survival, that is the primary focus of life’s purpose. But is that the reason we are here, simply to survive and procreate? So it would seem. If that is all there is then we must look to other levels for more. Apparently that’s it for this plane of existence. That being so we must look further and seek out other planes of existence, or at least the next plane. But is there a next plane of existence? I believe there is, for no matter what purpose drives a person in life, from the mightiest to the lowliest the same result awaits at the end of the road and that result is the ending of life. The grim reaper


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makes no distinction between success and failure, the rich and the poor, the intelligent and the stupid, the thick and the clever; it’s all the same. It would seem that life purpose is death for that is the inevitable result of life. That being the case life is pointless. But that cannot be, and so we must look to other avenues for the answer. The spiritual plane is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. No one has ever come back from the spirit to tell us what comes next, and so we must seek out answers in hints from the sages and wise ones down through the ages. Even with the most astute of the wise ones there have been conflicts. The only agreement is that there is more coming after the demise of the body. Sages from the ancient Greek, Egypt, India, China, Persia, and all the minutia of the various cultures and civilizations have come up with a multiplicity of beliefs that conflict with one another—but once again we have a belief that is common to all, and that is that something comes after. My own training was that of Yoga, my mentor a great swami. That belief was in the reincarnation experience. Indeed, when I was training people in the art of hypnotherapy which I did for more than a decade, one of the processes was that of past life therapy. That consisted of putting a person in a trance and taking them back to a past life. There were many situations that came up that were inexplicable except that the person had indeed projected into a past life. A good friend of mine, Dr. Eugene Jussek M.D. who uses hypnosis to regress patients with problems that cannot be resolved in conventional ways has written a remarkable book, ‘Reaching for the Oversoul’ with many instances of reincarnation experiences. Dr. Jussek has been specializing in past life therapy for more than twenty years. Logically then, if there have been past lives, there must be future ones. Indeed, one of the popular seminars I presented with respect to past life therapy was projecting subjects into the future. There had been many remarkable lives that came out with future projection as well. All that bespeaking of the seeming fact that it doesn’t end when it seemingly ends. Regarding that belief the next question would have to be, but what of our conduct now? How do we handle the now? Is Karma a factor, or sin? Is God behind every act, every action? How do the big religions handle those questions. Allow me to comment on three of the great religions. In Hinduism the big one is the concept of Karma, (that which you sow, so shall you reap.) That being the case then everything we do, everything we think, is the result of a past action. That being the case, free will goes out the window and that I cannot accept. If humankind is to function and evolve to any extent then the


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one necessary ingredient would have to be ‘free will.’ I recall one day when I was helping a young lady overcome a physical problem when someone else in the class said, “Maybe it’s her karma to be ill.” My answer was, “Maybe so, but then again here she is, allowing me to heal her so maybe it is now her karma to be healed by me.” When you examine that situation you must conclude that everything is Karma, and if that is the case; then the opposite is true as well, and nothing is Karma. In Christianity the big one is Sin, original sin. Adam was tempted to eat the apple thereby creating sin. Let’s examine that one a bit. God tells the only people on earth that they can have anything they want, everything is provided for them. You can eat anything, do anything, but you cannot eat any apples. Come on now; that’s a set up if there ever was one. Telling two innocents they can have anything but not the apple. Wow; that apple then becomes the most important thing in the world; and when he takes a bite out of the apple he sets up sin for the twenty billion or so people who come after him. That was some apple, that was some bite. Sounds like Hans Christian Andersen wrote that one. In Islam the big one is that all things that happen are by the will of God. Well, I go along with that one. I believe that as well. But that being the case, everything is the will of God. And that being the case then it doesn’t really matter what you do it will automatically be the will of God. And so it is definitely the will of God that I write this. And as this Mind Box book is the will of God then everything in it comes from not only me but… With hundreds, perhaps thousands of beliefs with respect to ‘what comes next’ I have to go to the quantum mechanics conception of a Multiverse. An infinite number of universes as noted in Chapter 19 of this book. And once again we go back to the mighty principle of Correspondence that states ‘As above so below, as below so above.’ As it is on the physical plane so it will be on the mental plane, as it is on the mental plane so it will be on the spiritual plane. That being the case then there is an infinite number of ‘in betweens.’ What is your belief? If there are an infinite number of possibilities then everyone is correct. Believe that after the end of this life there’s oblivion? There is, for you. Believe in a heavenly choir strumming harps while sitting comfortably on a cloud, there is, for you. Believe that a host of angels is waiting to honor you, there are, for you. Believe you be met by a bevy of gorgeous men or women, you will be. Believe in Valhalla and daily fighting, drinking and carousing, its there, for you. Believe whatever and that is what you will find in an infinity of spiritual awakenings.


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Point is no one really knows what comes after. Everyone is guessing. So why not believe in a pleasant hereafter? In an eternity of years, anything that you can conceive of will be somewhat tiresome after ten or a hundred years of doing it, even more so after a thousand years of doing it, and after ten thousand years even those gorgeous men and women will be rather tiresome, I can’t even imagine how I would feel about something like that after a million years of constantly doing it, how about doing the same thing for ten million years, a billion years? Eternity is endless. Would you really think that God would have you doing the same thing for trillions upon trillions of years? Wow, that’s not heaven, that’s…. well so what is the answer? Let me offer a ‘what if?” What if God, who has created this infinity of universes, and eternity of time, has created it for Himself? I say him self although I can’t really imagine that God is male, or female for that matter. I can’t imagine that God eats food, and has a stomach and defecates. And if God is male then that would mean that he would have a female companion and that would mean procreation for survival—and that doesn’t make sense either. God is, was, and will be. No need for procreation. God is the creator of laws and is above the law. God does not have to recreate himself to survive. God had no beginning and will have no ending. What then is God? To answer that, one would have to be God. And now we come to still another interesting premise. God is all. He is not only in all, He is all. We are created in his image not in a humanlike sense but rather in the sense of experience. All things require experience. Without experience things stagnate and decline. Even an earthworm requires experience. Look through an electron microscope at the molecules of particles and you find motion that indicates experience. The protons and neurons that spin around an atom are experiencing movement. In all things there is experience, involvement in something. God is also experience. Infinite experience. Therefore God is infinitely experiencing everything. In every parallel universe there is God. In every person, there is God. In every animal, vegetable, beam of sunlight, there is God. God is all that is. God is all. God is all that. I am that, I am. Does God have a purpose? If God is all, in all, and all that, then God is in you, and in everyone and everything what could possibly be His purpose? I’ve already answered that, its experience. God Himself would have to be, to my thinking, stationary. As He is in everything, and is everywhere, infinitely so, being infinitely everywhere, he is also nowhere, seemingly at the center, stationary. I say seemingly as there can be no center to infinity. Infinity has no


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Mind Box 39 - Your Life Purpose 1. Life purpose is experience, without experience there is no purpose to life. 2. Experience as much as you can and you will soon be immersed in your life purpose. 3. Experience is involvement in things, new knowledge, new skills, new understandings and familiarity with as much, and with as many things as you are able. 4. Challenge yourself, and compete with yourself. 5. Set your base lines and do better at everything you do. beginning and no end, therefore God cannot be in the center of all as there is no center. And so God is stationary. But He experiences everything, All That Is experiences all that is, and that is His purpose. And that is your purpose. The answer to finding your life purpose is experience. Experience as much as you can and you will not only find your life purpose you will be immersed in it. What is experience? It’s involvement in things, new knowledge, new skills, new understandings, getting familiar with as many things as you can and experiencing as much as you can. What skills, what understanding, what knowledge? That’s for you to choose. But the bottom line is that for you to understand your life’s purpose it is only necessary to understand one word. Experience. Get as much as you can, for as long as you can. You might re read this Mind Box Workbook and when you do you will find many, many new experiences waiting for you. Use the various techniques you will find here, and there are many of them, more than forty. Listen to the 42 training tracks of the CDs, meditate with the 42 meditation tracks. You will find a world of experience within these covers and in the CDs. Your life’s purpose is waiting for you right here, within these pages. At this point one might well ask ‘But what should I experience?’ Ah, my friend, that I cannot answer as there are as many experiences available to you as there are grains of sand on a beach. Infinitely so. But for now, answer this question, your answer may show you the way. What is the most important thing in your life right now? I myself chose a variety of experiences, all important to me at the time I was doing them, but after a while, I chose to round out my experiences


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and chose something else. Important to me at the time was business, art, music, healing, teaching, discipleship, sailing, fishing, singing, scuba diving, traveling, cooking, radio announcing, photography, writing, yoga, sales, golf, tennis, real estate, hypnosis, psychology, investing, racing, to but name a few. In some I was as good as any professional, in others somewhat average, but each was and is an important experience. Sailing, fishing, discipleship, racing, scuba diving, tennis and golf, I experience now only in my mind; my imagination mind box overflows with riches. I have built many boxes of memories with those experiences. I experience writing constantly and when not putting together material such as you are reading or hearing right now I allow my mind to sail off into far horizons to experience that which my characters are doing. I look forward to every day. I jump out of bed at six a.m. every morning, turn on my computer and challenge my mind to come up with new and exciting concepts. I’m often still working at midnight. I do what I like, and I like what I do; no, I love what I do. What is important to me at present is writing. That is my life purpose. But that doesn’t tell you what you should experience; or does it? The problem I have is that I don’t know you nor the culture you spring from. I envy many of you as you will have experiences that are denied to me. A few years ago I had the good fortune to travel to the beautiful country of Oman where I met people from a culture I had only heard about. Sultan Qaboos was kind enough to provide me with a driver, interpreter and a limousine to see his country, I met many wonderful and hospitable people who could not relate to the things that I have done, nor could I relate to their reality. When I create a CD I have to formulate it so that the average Omani will understand everything I am saying and relate it to his life. I also have to construct it so that a tired, uneducated grocery clerk from Brooklyn will understand and be able to relate the material to her life as well. Many who read and hear this will be going to, or are graduates of a university, but many more have not gone beyond the high school level. Does a college graduate have a better chance of discovering their life purpose, and what they should be experiencing? Statistics may show that a person who has had higher learning experiences will earn more money initially but that doesn’t hold true for everyone. Many of my wealthy friends had little schooling. My closest friend, an extremely wealthy man, did not get past the 12th grade. There are hundreds of tips for those of you who ask ‘What should I experience.’ Actually, I designed a technique specifically for those who ask that question. I suggest you once again play CD 14 and listen carefully, your answers are there; and be sure to take advantage of the Table of Creativity technique.


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Mind Box 40 - Past Life Journey 1. While in the meditation zone touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and say the words ‘Time Bridge appear.’ 2. Visualize a half moon style bridge. Sense it even if you have to create it. Journey to the other side where your past life awaits. 3. When you cross over the bridge, as soon as you step off of it imagine that you are viewing a past life. 4. Imagine that the event in this past life you are viewing is having an effect on the problem you are having in this life. 5. Just view the incident, only one single event, and let it go. 6. Walk back over the bridge to the present and the time bridge will disappear.

What should you experience? Pick a subject, experience it. That doesn’t mean you have to be good at it, it only means you have to do it. But what profession should you pursue, what is the right path? Whatever you choose, do your best to be excited about doing it. Build your energy to a high every morning. Challenge yourself, compete with yourself. Whatever you choose to experience, set a base line and every morning when you awaken, be determined to better whatever line you set. Need a boost, listen to CD 3 again and learn all about self competition. PAST LIVES To understand your past life assumes that you believe in a past life, and with that belief then you must of a consequence, believe in the concept of reincarnation. There have been many people who have looked into the concept usually using hypnosis as a tool and much seemingly valid information has come out of the research, the first generally popular notion in the book ‘The Search for Bridey Murphy’ written in 1956. Since then there have been many such books written after subjects in a meditation type of trance channeled people from the ‘other side.’ As the information that came out was so specific there was no reason for the believers in reincarnation to doubt. But then of course the information could have been sheer fantasy, ESP, or genetic memory to come up with a few alternatives to reincarnation. My own background is initially Yoga with its attending reincarnation


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beliefs. And then later on in life when I taught hypnosis and hypnotherapy I introduced a blending of yoga into hypnosis that enabled me to develop past life therapy—a concept I taught to a few thousand hypno-therapists for more than a decade and which was an effective means of solving problems when it seemed there was no solution. Basically, past life therapy includes putting a subject into a deep trance and then directing them to go back to a past life that has a relationship to the problem in this life. More involved than that of course but that’s the basic procedure. I’ve had hundreds of successes with this method but it doesn’t really prove that the individual actually went into a past life, only that the technique worked. Problems were solved. But let us assume that there have been a series of prior lifetimes that you had. And if you are somewhat skeptical you should be. Unless there is irrefutable proof of a fact, then a certain measure of doubt is only natural. But to pursue this issue we must have a modicum of belief. So then I am going to proceed on the premise that there have been a multiplicity of lives that we have all led. To better understand the notion of reincarnation allow me to tell you of an actual past life therapy situation that took place in Paris during one of my hypnosis training seminars. A woman, we’ll call her Adell, asked to be the subject for the demonstration. Her problem was that her right hand and arm had pained her for most of her life. Doctors could find no physical cause for the pain. Her fingers were extremely weak and she could barely hold a pen to sign her name. I regressed her and asked where she was, she responded that she was in a crowd. Everyone was much bigger than she was and a lot of shouting was going on. It turned out that she was a six year old child and her mother was being hung for stealing milk from a cow. It seemed as though she was in a small village in France around the seventeenth century. Her father held her hand tightly so that she wouldn’t get lost in the crowd. She was frantic with fear. There were hundreds of people around her shouting and jostling. Her father was crying and had a grip of steel almost crushing her right hand. When the woman was hanged the crowd surged forward and the grip lessened and the fathers hand was suddenly gone. She was torn away from her father by the milling crowd. Her father was then taken by the crowd and beaten to death. The six year old that had been Adell was picked up by a soldier who protected her and carried her away from the mob. The last thing that Adell said while still in trance, was, and just prior to saying it a beatific smile came to her face as she said ‘the soldier, it’s Eduard.’ Eduard was her husband who


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was in the class. She came out of trance and ran to her husband crying and hugged him. The pain in her hand and arm was gone. That was a pretty typical case of regression. Most of them are similar to that and I have been involved with hundreds. Does that prove reincarnation? Not necessarily. No one can actually prove it. One just takes it on faith. But what if a billion people believe in something, doesn’t that prove its existence? What about the other billion who believe the opposite? I do believe that the end of life is the beginning of something else. An after life if you will. Reincarnation, maybe. Morontia worlds where souls evolve into greater entities, perhaps. Oblivion? No, that I do not believe. Nature doesn’t act that way. When something ends, something else begins, that is a law of the universe. It’s the principle of Rhythm. All things are cyclical. When your day ends night begins, when night ends day begins. When you go to sleep at night your day you might say died, and your sleep cycle was born, when your sleep cycle dies, your day is born. It’s a law of nature. When something is born, something else had died. This is no death without birth, no birth without death. I choose to believe that we have had past lives, and that we will have future ones. Now what is the value to that? Let’s see. In an infinite world, with an unending number of universes parallel to our own, your past lives are now. If it’s infinite then anything is possible. That is the key to seeing who you were, and if it’s of interest, who you will be. In one respect, in an infinite universe, with an infinite number of parallel universes there would be no time conception. Let me explain that. Infinity is limitless, endless, and all encompassing. In an infinite universe whatever can be imagined is. Therefore in one of the parallels it will be what we see as 900 BC in another it’s 3500 AD, in another the big bang has just banged, and in another… well you get the idea, whatever you can imagine is, in a limitless infinite universe. That being the case, there are a limitless number of you’s as well in all that vast mass of galaxies, solar systems and planets. Not only are you everything that everyone is, you are in every time as well. Now this concept takes a bit of thought and if you believe me to be exaggerating or off my rocker, there are many highly specialized Quantum Physicists who accept this concept. Indeed at the level of quanta, the smallest particles, actions can only be explained by a parallel world. At any rate, the Parallel Universe concept as scientifically bizarre as it may sound is the closest that science gets to spirituality. For if, in a parallel universe everything imaginable is possible, then the spiritual nature of man


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exists as well as the physical. But back to the time concept in a world of infinities. Your past lives, are being lived right now, on a parallel world just like this one. Your future lives as well but we are only addressing the past life for now. That being so you need not go into any regressions to discover what your previous life was like, you only have to discover how to tap into a parallel universe where you are living that life now. In a parallel, infinite universe, to get to a past life you do not regress, you jump, but the effect is the same, you are getting a sense of a past life. Karma, that ancient philosophy that speaks of the apparent fact that the quality of your life is determined by your behavior in a previous one is the concept that reincarnationalists pretty much all believe in. What you have sown in a past life you will reap in your present one. A friend of mind always had trouble with her right knee. Once she sprained it, another time she broke it. It would heal and something else would happen, she would skin it or trip and land on it. Always something else, always the right knee. One day I saw her after she returned from Arizona, she was limping. Seeing me she laughed and said, “Boy I must have kicked a lot of ass in my last life.” That pretty much sums up Karma. A billion or more people believe in that concept. As you believe so will it be. If you have a karmic debt, it will be paid. But what if? What if the concept of parallel universes is valid? Then you would have a choice of seeking a past life. You could either go into a past life by regressing, or go to a past life in another dimension, a parallel universe where you are presently living that life that is having some effect on your present one. One of the things that I have found after years of regressing people into past lives was that it didn’t seem to matter what was done in the past life, just by going there seemed to relieve the problems of the present. Perhaps it was simply a release caused by the visit. Now the question will arise, ‘How do you do it? Is there some kind of a technique involved?’ When projecting oneself into a past life, or a parallel mirror image in a different time the technique is similar, intent and imagination take you there. Scientists would rather consider Parallel and infinite universes than past lives. Meditation is involved as is the Bagha technique of getting the mind ready by


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touching the roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue. You must want to go into a past life for some reason, and intent, what is your purpose in doing so? Once that has been settled in your mind, for the past life you use the Past Life Journey Technique. The Past Life Journey Technique uses a time bridge to take you to a past life. The concept is simple. We find that so long as your intent is to accomplish whatever it is you are programming for the simpler the technique the more effective it is. For the journey to a past life you just make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and say the words, ‘time bridge appear’ and visualize a short half moon shaped bridge. When you cross over the bridge you will be viewing a past life, the life that is having an effect on the problem you are having in this life. During the meditation in CD-20 you will be using the time bridge to go into a past life. Once programmed you can use the time bridge anytime you wish to resolve a problem. When you imagine yourself in a past life just walk yourself through the event you sense. Before crossing the bridge, touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and say the words, ‘I want to got to an event in a past life that is having an effect on the problem I am having in this one.’ Then step off the bridge and get a sense that you are somewhere. Somewhere in a past life. Just get a sense of the event that is happening and after a minute or so, when the event is over. Mentally turn around and walk back over the bridge into your present life. Your problem, very often, will have been resolved. Don’t complicate it the Past Life Journey is a simple technique but it is extremely effective.


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Enlightenment, just what is it? There are many definitions. One definition is that enlightenment is a state that will be gained when the cycle of reincarnation ends. Well I couldn’t accept that one; don’t want to wait quite that long. If that was a criterion the ordinary person wouldn’t stand a chance. Another definition I had trouble with was the one that said ‘when man transcends desire and suffering.’ The reason I had trouble with that one was the business of transcending desire. There are many swamis so keen on getting rid of desire they divest themselves of friends, of family, of a home, even clothing. Food they would get by begging. Their desire to get rid of desire was so strong that they didn’t get rid of desire, they got rid of comfort. Desire they still had, but it was a desire to get rid of desire. They suffered, they just didn’t acknowledge it. Another definition is the one where you surrender yourself completely to God and return to Him. I don’t know how to do that either. Surrender means to give up, or to admit defeat. Do I have to give up life to return to God? I can’t accept that as life stems from Him in the first place, why would He want me to give it up? Do I admit defeat? Nonsense, I’m not defeated, I’m in my prime. I’m eighty years of age as I write this in 2007 and just beginning to understand what it’s all about. Defeat? No sir, defeat will never win. Well then what is this thing we call enlightenment? Let’s see if we can make some sense out of it. We must assume that enlightenment is a desirable state, a state we


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should all aspire to achieve. OK, I’ll subscribe to that notion. Most people will agree that one of the preeminent factors of enlightenment would have to be love. After all one cannot be enlightened if one is filled with hate. Therefore love must be a factor of enlightenment. What else? Let’s see, let’s go to the opposite, the worst thing, the opposite of enlightenment; well that would have to be evil. An evil being would certainly not be an enlightened being. Now let’s define evil. Evil, to my way of understanding is a total lack of empathy. A person who cannot identify with, or understand, another person’s suffering or difficulties does not contribute a single feeling toward helping that person. With not a jot of empathy a person would not care about anyone else, no race, or culture and so we would have to place empathy as a factor in enlightenment as well as love. Now we have love and empathy as attributes of enlightenment. With absolute love and absolute empathy you are an enlightened soul. Now we are getting to it. Now the question is not ‘How do I achieve enlightenment?’ no one can answer that one, it’s too abstract. Even the seers cannot agree on a definition. The question now is: ‘How do I achieve absolute love and absolute empathy?’ Aha! That I can answer. Let’s tackle absolute love first. To understand the word we must have a definition, one that I’ll be working with. If you believe that love has to do with sex, as example, you’ll be on the wrong road. Sex is certainly natural, its goal after all is procreation which is the main reason for existence in the first place. Unfortunately our modern permissive society has traded sex for lust which is the desire to have sex with someone without the attending features of love and affection. This type of lust love, if one can call it love, is going in the opposite direction of enlightenment. There are more than a few facets of love, the Greeks have separated them as Eros, romantic love, Philos, friendly love, Philadelphia, brotherly love, Agape, spiritual love, Stergo, love of a parent for their child, and so on. But none of those definitions define love; they simply trade one abstraction for another. The doorway to enlightenment hinges on the only true definition for all love. That definition is: Love is a positive viewpoint. In Chapter 7, and on CD # 7, this definition is clearly and extensively explained but allow me to extend the definition. Your attitude toward God would have to be absolute and therefore it would be on the 100 degree mark of a scale of love. That means your viewpoint


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is totally positive, you cannot see or think any negatives at all. That would certainly be a prerequisite for enlightenment. Now for the human kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the vegetable kingdom. Love for one’s fellow human on a whole would be to see only the positives in your fellow man, or woman. Pretty difficult with what is going on in the world today. What with our fellow humans killing each other for no other reason than they thought along different lines. How do you see any positives in that? Well I didn’t say the road to enlightenment was easy did I? The Buddha got away from all the difficulties of his time by spending much of his life sitting under a tree. We can’t do that. Nor would I want to. Therefore if it be impossible to have a positive viewpoint towards the ‘ethnic cleansers’ or the other killers of thousands of innocents, or even the killer of a single innocent, then enlightenment would be impossible to achieve. All things begin with a tiny seed. When you plant the seed you plant it in a field, you are not concerned with the next field, only the one you have planted your seeds in. Love begins also as a seed. A seed that springs up and grows in the field in which it has been planted. If you cannot view the entire world in a positive manner, then you must begin with your own field. Take the rest of the world and put it in a mind box, a very large mind box. Probably the largest box you will ever have and whenever you read, or hear, or see something of a negative nature, something you cannot direct your positive images at, put it in the box. Now this might appear to be like an ostrich sticking its head in a hole to hide but it doesn’t have to be for I am going to offer you a technique that has stood me in good stead for a lot of years, actually many decades. I call the technique ‘The Wave of Goodness.’ As example: I’m driving along the street and see a poor soul, or a homeless person, or someone who appears to be downhearted, I mentally wave my arm in their direction as though I was sending them a blessing, which in effect I am. When I see something on TV, or read it in the newspapers, or see it on the internet, I mentally send out a wave of goodness to the negative event or person. Now then, lest you think this is just a gesture let me tell you of something actual. It took place in Manhattan. I was presenting a seminar on healing. The auditorium was filled with people. There were about six hundred people there. I was demonstrating and talking about how the energies, although invisible to the eye, were real.


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And then I asked everyone who was in any pain at all to please stand. About a hundred people stood. There was an aisle in the center of the auditorium— on the left side of the aisle about fifty people stood and on the right side of the aisle about fifty people stood up. I then said ‘as soon as your pain leaves, please sit down.’ I did not tell them what I was going to do. A few seconds passed and a person sat down, then another, and then still another. After two minutes about 45 people had seated themselves. But it was obvious that something unusual was going on as all 45 who sat down were from the right side of the aisle. Every person on the left side was still standing. I told the group what I had done—that I had used the Wave of Goodness as a healing device. I just told myself this was for healing purposes and mentally waved my arm over the right side of the room only. I then used the wave physically, actually waving my arm slowly over the entire group, in a few moments only three people were still standing; I brought those three to the stage and used a different method to heal them. The point of all this is to tell you that the energy is real. The Wave of Goodness can be a factor on your road to enlightenment. This takes care of the love, the positive viewpoint part for people, what about for animals? Many of the highly spiritual individuals of this world refuse to eat animal flesh. Paramahansa Yogananda was a strict vegetarian, as were the line of Guru’s he came from; notably Sri Yukteswar, and Lahiri Mahasaya. How can you see an animal with an absolute positive viewpoint, direct your love towards them, and eat them? It’s very simple, you cannot. The road to enlightenment dear friends, is paved with the vegetable kingdom, not the animal. Most of the world are not quite ready for enlightenment for this reason alone. That doesn’t mean that if you do not eat animals you are enlightened; far from it, some of the most evil people that have ever lived have been vegetarians and on the other side of the coin; Jose Silva, a very good man, who affected the world in a most positive way was a man whose favorite dinner was a steak covered with marrow. But when you divest yourself of animal flesh it does bring you a step closer, providing you have first directed your love towards your fellow man. And now we come to the vegetable kingdom. Here too is a state of consciousness, a very low state but alive in a different sense non the less. What about eating them? Does a carrot know it’s about to be eaten, or an apple? During one of my seminars, there were eight nuns in attendance. I


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took them out for lunch. When the salad was in front of us they all bowed their heads in blessing; I waved my hand over the salad. I was asked what I had done. I explained about the wave of goodness and told them that I mentally projected into the wave words to the vegetables on the table. I mentally told the vegetables how lucky they were, they were about to merge their low grade consciousness with the human consciousness, the very highest form. One of the nuns looked at me and smiled saying, “I’m going to use that blessing also.” The other seven agreed.

What about empathy? To be empathetic is simply to put yourself in the other person’s place. Sort of the old homily of, ‘Don’t judge another person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.’ Or ‘There but for the grace of God go I.’ You are an individual as is everyone else on earth. You are the way that you are because of your past programming, the people you were brought up by, the religious and educational institutions that trained you, and the events that took place during your formative years. No one else has had that background, with the exception of identical twins. If other people are different its due to their upbringing, their programming. Understand the other person as much as you can. Where would you be if you were brought up in the same manner? And then, direct your positive viewpoint towards them. See the positives about them. If they are evil, and you cannot see any positives, put them in one of your mind boxes and direct your good will towards someone else. Every now and then, meditate, and send waves of love towards God. You will feel a response. And then you will have taken a step towards your eventual enlightenment.

Oneness A very large factor in putting together the concepts of love and empathy for eventual enlightenment would be that of ‘Oneness.’ Oneness is still another concept that needs clarification. What is it? What is the meaning of oneness? To speak of oneness I must speak first about ego, for the understanding of oneness lies within the structure of the ego. Ego is defined in many different ways, but as you must know by now if you have listened to the Mind Box CDs or read this far that our definitions are usually different from the norm. But they do open the words to understanding. Too many people do not


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understand exactly what ego is. Simply put ego is an opinion. It is your opinion of yourself. If you have a good opinion of yourself, you have a strong ego. But there are many different parts to your life and although the general ego is the one most people refer to there are many ego’s that all of us have—and the strength of them varies. As example: you could have a wonderful opinion of yourself with respect to the way you look and a terrible opinion of yourself as far as business is concerned. You can have a strong ego with respect to your profession and a terrible ego with respect to your weight. A good ego as far as money, a poor ego as far as health. Ego is your opinion of yourself and of what you think about the things you do, the way you look, and the manner in which you act. Because it is an opinion ego is not in the exclusive realm of people alone. You have a family ego. What is your opinion of your family? You have a religious ego. What is your opinion of your religious beliefs? You have an opinion of your extended family, of the neighborhood you live in, of the city you live in, of the country you live in, of your nationality, of your race. You have a great many egos, each of them based on your opinion of people and places. People blame religion for much of the world’s problems but it isn’t religion that causes problems, its ego. The strongest opinions held by people are those of religious beliefs. Those opinions are religious egos. As long as we have that great variety of egos Oneness is not possible. The diversity of peoples are many, there are many men, many women, many races, many religions, many cultures, many in all things but one. We are not all men, we are not all women, we are not all Christian, we are not all rich, we are not all poor—we are only alike in one point and one only. We are all human beings. And that is the clue to Oneness. People are constantly being misunderstood due to language. Often we say something and people hear quite another thing. When the person hearing is affected by their opinions the words take on a different meaning. Here’s an example. Ask one of your friends or family members this question. Say: “A farmer has twenty sick sheep and one of them dies, how many are left?” The answer you will get will usually be twenty five. Try it and see. The world is a hodge podge of misunderstanding and the culprit is ego. We often just assume we are being understood but it’s not always the case. The only way to achieve Oneness is to destroy the myriads of opinions regarding other people and have one only. The one thing that all of us are—


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human. See other people not as statesmen, not as celebrities, not as rich or poor, or smart or stupid, but as human. That and that alone will be enough to set you on the road to enlightenment. When you see people first and foremost as human, nothing gets in the way. No one is higher than I am, no one is lower than I am, I don’t look at you as a soldier, or an actor, or a trash collector, or a property owner, or heavy, or light, or handsome, or beautiful, or rich, or poor, only as a human being. When we see one another as human beings, and only as that then we have achieved a state of Oneness for in truth we are all one. All of us are human beings. All of us strive to survive, to keep the species alive, and to flourish. All the religions of the world believe in God. Believe that there is one, omnipotent, infinite, eternal lord and master of the universe, the creator. People believe in God, but unfortunately people somehow do not believe in people. Oneness can only be achieved when we believe that we are truly all one. That can only be achieved when we see one another as human beings. This theme is dealt with in more detail in Chapter 3 and on CD-3 in the Mind Box audio set. But will it ever come to be? I don’t know. Certainly not in the near future. But one day, perhaps. I believe this Mind Box workbook and set of twenty one CDs will help us to achieve that oneness that so many would like to see happen. Within the pages of this workbook and the 21 CDs of the Mind Box are forty four specific techniques designed to take you to a better place. It is my hope that the Mind Box will help all who use the material and that their children and grandchildren as well will benefit from its use. The last technique of the Mind Box could be the one that does that. This technique, The Wave of Goodness that was programmed during the forty first meditation, which is track two of CD 21, is something that I suggest you use every day. It will reinforce everything in you that is good and beneficial to others. Whenever you see anyone in need, just mentally wave an arm in their direction. Feeling good energies, as well as healing energies have already been programmed into your wave of goodness. All you have to do is to use the Bagha, our first technique, by touching the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and while looking at the person in need, just wave a mental arm in the direction of the person. You will be dispensing a real energy. You can also use the Wave of Goodness for the benefit of an animal.


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Mind Box 41 - The Wave of Goodness 1. Put your right hand on your left shoulder. 2. Taking your hand off your shoulder extend the hand and arm in a long, slow motion until your hand is pointed to your right. 3. Move your hand and arm back to the former position. This constitutes one wave. 4. Three waves are usually enough to resolve a problem. 5. The Wave of Goodness can also be done mentally. 6. The Wave of Goodness can also be done for someone in your thoughts who is not in your presence. 7. Have your intent formed prior to starting the wave.

If and when you happen to visit anyone in a hospital, before you leave be sure to use the Wave of Goodness for them. It’s mental, and should be done anonymously. Keep this technique to yourself and your abilities will grow as you become closer and closer to the Oneness of Enlightenment. At this time I would like to tell you of a time that I used the Wave of Goodness that surprised even me. Very little surprises me after using material, such as you are now learning, for the past fifty years but this event did. It was in Germany, a small town outside of Frankfurt. I was presenting a class for the medical profession. It was eye movement therapy along with hypnosis and NLP. I needed a volunteer as I was about to demonstrate the Wave of Goodness. I had just explained it—the participants would have been skeptical but they had seen so many things in the two days I had been lecturing that they were open to anything I presented. Ursula, the thirty eight year old wife of one of the doctors came to the front. I asked her what the problem was and she told me that she had not been able to lift her head since she was a little girl. She could look straight ahead but to look at the ceiling she would have to bend at the waist and twist. She could look down, but not up. There were no physical problems with her neck. As it turned out she had a tracheotomy at the age of six and the doctor attending told her if she lifted her head she would die. That terrible programming stayed with her for thirty two years. I must


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admit that I was a bit apprehensive about using the Wave of Goodness with her, I was kind of hoping for someone with a slight headache, but there she was with everyone waiting. She stood in front of me and I put my right hand on my left shoulder, and moving it out and away from me slowly waved my arm at her head until it was pointing to my right. I waved back and forth three times with my arm extended and my tongue practically glued to the roof of my mouth. When I finished, after twenty or thirty seconds, Ursula moved her head slightly from side to side, and then lifted her chin. Down went her head and then up, little by little until she was looking at the ceiling. There was a gasp from her husband and a few other people there who knew her. Maria Sorell, my sponsor for the seminar who had known Ursula for years was staring wide eyed, tears rolled down Ursula’s eyes as she moved her head back and forth, up and down. It was rather a dramatic moment. There have been many more like that one but none quite as extraordinary. That one was done physically, the Wave of Goodness seems to work just as well when it’s done on a mental level. The one ingredient that you need is intent. Have a good intent, feel Oneness with the person you are helping and you should find you can do things you felt were beyond you before you tried. To feel Oneness with someone see only the positives in them, only the good. Do not judge or critique them. See the individual as a human being, neither above, nor below you, and find the power you have had all the time that was perhaps dormant until now.

I recall a seminar in Switzerland; Montreux at the far end of Lake Geneva, one of my favorite places in the world. I was training hypnotists in the art of spiritual hypnosis, sort of a kissing cousin to meditation. I had just come back from a long walk on the seemingly endless promenade along the lakeside. My sponsor, Marietta Kovacs, a professor of law at the university was waiting for me at the entrance to the meeting room of the hotel. I apologized for being tardy but the walk was so beautiful it was almost like a strolling meditation and I had lost all conception of time. The students were busily engaged practicing putting one another into trance but one of them was having a problem; as usual it was Enid who never seemed to fully get into it. Enid had more than a few major problems. They all seemed to point to her childhood in Berlin. I had been thinking about Enid during my walk as nothing seemed to have helped her thus far. I had regressed her, taken her to a past life, used eye movement therapy, Reiki, and even a bit


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of old fashioned hands on healing all to no avail. Enid’s problems stemmed from the time when she was five years old in 1945 when Berlin was being bombed around the clock. The British bombed in the daytime and the Americans bombed at night, non stop. Enid lived, along with many other Berliners, underground, in a subway with her mother. Cramped, frightened, in varying stages of fear and panic along with hunger and thirst, the experience had stayed with her for more than sixty years. She was never seen with a smile and was filled with physical complaints as well as more than a few mental ones. She wore a cap to prevent her seeing the ceiling as she was fearful of it falling down on her. Enid, was a mess. Her friend, Baroness von Herinberg, brought her to the class after asking me if we could help. I felt Enid would prove to be a good subject to teach the students different types of hypnotherapy. Enid was willing but nothing seemed to be helping. She also wanted to learn the art of hypnosis and I allowed her to join in with the others. She felt more like belonging when she helped others with her new developing ablities. During my walk along the lake I had a sudden idea. It was simple and brief; hopefully, I thought, something may come of it. This was after all a class in spiritual hypnosis, I would take Enid to the spiritual dimension and allow her to heal herself. But I would do it through meditation, not hypnosis. Perhaps ki rei, the energy of the spirit itself would do it. And so once again the class quieted down and Enid sat on a chair in front of the class. Her cap was pulled down over her forehead as usual and she looked around the room with the sides of her mouth turned down, as usual. I helped her get into a deep state of meditation. Deepening the meditation to get her still further relaxed I asked. “Are you comfortable?” She nodded. “Enid, I’m going to take you to the spiritual dimension at this time. Will you allow me to do that?” She nodded in affirmation that it was all right. I then told her that I would take her to the spiritual dimension and leave her there as long as she wished to stay. She could bring herself out at any time simple by squeezing her eyelids together and opening her eyes. She nodded. I counted from one to three and told her she was now in the dimension of the spirit. “Know that you are there.” I said. She nodded. After a few moments I asked, “Enid what do you see, what do you sense?”


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“Bright,” was her response. “Bright, white light. Bright,” she repeated again and again. She was quiet. Time went by as Enid sat quietly. No one said a word, no one coughed, and all were fascinated by the look on Enid’s face which seemed to brighten more and more with the passage of time. It seemed like an hour but had only been three or four minutes when a slight smile played on Enid’s face. There was a gasp from the Baroness who later reported she had never seen Enid smile. More time went by until finally with a massive sigh, Enid’s eyes opened. She looked around the room as though seeing it for the first time, smiled at the group, took off her cap and threw it into a corner with a flourish. Then, with tears in her eyes told the group what had happened. “I was just immersed in light. Bright, brighter than bright light. It was so peaceful, it was the most peaceful I had ever been. Surrounded by that light I was just so at peace I wanted to stay there forever. And then suddenly I was back here. I felt a loss in a way but then when I looked around at all of you there was a little bit of that peaceful feeling still with me. Now just feel good, content.” The next day the class couldn’t wait for Enid to show up. She came in with a big smile and everyone agreed, the old Enid had disappeared to be replaced by a friendly, sociable woman who was so pleasant she made the group happy just to be near her. It was as if a miracle had happened. After that day in Montreux I used the spiritual dimension many times. None, I must say, quite as dramatic as that afternoon by the lake, but always satisfying to some degree.

The innate power of the mind only has boundaries that we ourselves impose. Remove the boundaries, and you also remove the bonds that cause the problems. The human mind is capable of virtually anything; hopefully this work will stimulate that realization and carry you forward to a new level of enlightenment and self realization. There is a wonderful and wonder filled future waiting. Welcome it with open arms a wave of goodness and the expectation of better and better experiences.


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I had just presented the morning session of a seminar in Amsterdam, Holland. My sponsor, Marina Niemiejer and I were going out to lunch. Strolling along the busy street we passed one of the many gambling shops that flourish in downtown Amsterdam. I had closed the session with a technique to use mental positions to get the things you want. I called the technique Articulate Visualizations, or ARVI for short. And it’s almost miraculous in its effect. It had to do with the fact that when you think about something that thought, that image, centers at different places in your mind. Emotions, colors, events, people, food, all have particular and specific positions in your mind, but few people are aware of this quite natural occurrence. When you think about something you just think; you don’t think about where in your mind you’re thinking it. I’ll give you an example of that, right now. As you listen to, or read this, imagine a color. Say the color red. Mentally say ‘red’ and sense the color. Note the area of your mind that you sense the red as you say the word to yourself. Is the color you are thinking about in front of you, is it to the right or to the left, is it in front of your nose, your left cheek, your forehead? Where do you sense it, where do you imagine it to be? Now say the word yellow and sense the color yellow and note the area of your mind where you sense the color yellow. It will probably be in a different location. Not only do colors have different positions in your mind but all thoughts do as well. Foods that


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you like have one position and foods that you dislike have a different position. Good luck has a mental position and bad luck has a mental position. Attitude as well has an effect on the position and the outcome of things. People who are accident prone, people who constantly sabotage themselves, are simply focusing on the wrong area of their minds. Those were the things that I had been talking about just before the seminar broke for lunch. Let me continue the story. “Too bad you can’t use ARVI for good luck in gambling,” Marina said as we passed by a gambling shop that featured slot machines. “But you can,” I answered. “Just find your ARVI point for winning and concentrate on that when you gamble.” Marina laughed and said, if that were the case then everyone could be a winner and that’s not possible. Well that’s true to some extent, I explained, there are a lot of energies floating around the universe and when they intermingle they do tend to interfere; that’s why an ARVI metaphor is so handy. It has to do with your attitude. At that point Marina grabbed my arm and pulling me into the gambling shop we were walking by and said “Prove it.” I told her I didn’t gamble—hadn’t for many years. But she insisted and although I was uncomfortable with the feeling, I agreed. I walked over to one of the slot machines and stopping in front of it I used the Wave of Goodness, then pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth I concentrated on my ARVI luck point which, for me, is low on the forehead. Then I put in a guilder and pulled the handle. Nothing. Apparently the machine was broken. I took the guilder out of the slot and went to the machine next to it. Another Wave of Goodness, another Bagha, and still concentrating on my ARVI luck point I pulled the handle again. Nothing. Taking the guilder out of the slot I walked over to the change counter and told the man that the machines were broken. “Which machines,” he asked. I pointed to the two machines and said, “I put a guilder in each one and the handle didn’t pull.” He looked at me kind of funny and said, “That’s because they’re quarter slots, not guilder.” He gave me four Dutch quarters for my guilder and we walked back toward the two machines I had programmed with the Wave of Goodness and the ARVI luck point. Just before we reached the first slot machine two young men got there and one of them put in his quarter and pulled the handle. All


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kinds of sounds came from the machine as he hit the jackpot with one pull. Quarters clinked out in a flood of metallic sound. His friend grabbed one of them and put it in the other machine I had programmed to win. He pulled the handle and you may have guessed what happened next; he too hit a jackpot. Now the first jackpot may have just been a coincidence, but two, and both of them with the machines I had programmed to win not five minutes before? That was the universal energy at work. But why; you may well ask, didn’t I win; why did someone else win? I thought about that for years as I’ve told the story a hundred times during a hundred seminars. My conclusion? As I said, I don’t like gambling. My father was a gambler and it caused a great deal of friction in our house. I did put my guilders in the machine to kind of prove a point to Marina, but was the point made? I thought so at the time. So did Marina. Luck was definitely there. I had made it happen, I’m sure about that; but someone else got the benefit. As a matter of fact Marina insisted that I do it again but I absolutely refused. We went out to lunch, and after a light meal, back to the seminar with a good story to tell to the group. Is that what luck is all about—winning money at gambling? My friends, that’s the least of it. The real secret of luck is to use the techniques you are about to learn for life. Let’s be lucky with life and the hell with gambling. Let’s be lucky with health, and business, and children, and friends, and parents, and relationships. Let’s stimulate luck where it counts in living and being. That’s where luck is important. I told the story about the two slot machines because it was almost a message to me; at least I felt that it was. What was the message? Don’t use the gifts frivolously. Obviously I’m not a fan of gambling even though it is probably the most popular event on the planet, possibly even supplanting sex. Many billions are spent, or perhaps I should better say, thrown away on a variety of games, lotteries, and other assorted methods that people devise to separate other people from their hard earned money. Use the methods you have learned with the Mind Box material to have a better life, a more secure life, a good life. Virtually every one of our techniques has been created by me, and offered to you to stimulate luck, in that the end result of the techniques result in a better life for you. With this chapter of the book, and the CD that accompanies this you will find techniques specifically designed to stimulate good luck for you. Use it to become a better person, a healthier person, and a happier person. If you decide to use the technique for gambling, fine, I don’t recommend it, but I wish you well.


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Mind Box 42 - Lucid Breath Release Take a deep breath, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and release your breath slowly, very slowly, while concentrating on the thing you want to happen;

Allow me to explain two techniques that will stand you in good stead and a bit later two more, The Magic Star and Walking the Star, useful beyond everything else you have learned with the Mind Box. First, there is the technique I call ARVI, or Articulate Visualization. Along with that I use the Lucid Breath Release—here’s how to do it—before you decide to use ARVI which will be explained shortly, or any technique that requires a visualization, take a deep breath, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and release your breath slowly, very slowly, while concentrating on the thing you want to happen; that’s the Lucid Breath Release. There will come a time in your life when you find yourself confronted by choices. Metaphorically speaking you will be traveling along a familiar pathway and ultimately find yourself at a crossroad. Suddenly there are three directions to choose from. You can turn left, you can turn right, or you can keep going straight ahead. One of those roads lead to happiness and abundance, another to misery and want, and the third to a bland and boring life. The problem is that you do not know which road leads where. But if you’re lucky, you’ll take the road that leads to happiness and abundance. And so you touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, you set your ARVI point, and you take the road your intuition tells you leads to happiness and abundance. Now the question will come, ‘How?’ Here’s how to use ARVI. The three directions of the crossroads are metaphorical. They represent three different directions that your life could take, you want to find the right one, the right direction, or to continue with the metaphor, the right road, the road to success, but before you can use your success point, you have to know where it is. There is an ancient principle widely known as the principle of correspondence. It states ‘As above, so below, as below, so above.’ As it is with the small, so it is with the large, as it is with a color, so it is with success. You find the point in your mind of the color red by thinking of the color red and noting the area of your mind you are attracted too. It is much the same with success. You think of a time in the past when you were successful at something, it doesn’t have to be anything big.


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Mind Box 43 - Articulate Visualization ARVI 1. Think about a time when you were successful at something. It does not have to be a major success. Any time you completed something successfully. It can be a small thing or a big thing. 2. Note the are of your mind where you sense the image of the successful thing. You can picture a large clock the image is superimposed on to orient the position of the thought. 3. The position of success that you sense in your mind is your ARVI point. 4. When you want to be successful at something concentrate on your ARVI point while thinking about, and when you start the thing. One woman in a class thought about a time when she was eleven years old and had a lemonade stand in front of her house. It was a hot day and it seemed that everyone in the neighborhood bought a glass of cold lemonade from her. She remembered that incident for thirty years. That, at the time, was a huge success. In thinking about that incident she sensed it away from her and to the right, at about the three o’clock position if there were a big clock in front of her. That was her ARVI success point. She was thinking about opening a beauty salon and didn’t know if she should buy an existing salon, rent an empty store and start from scratch, or just stay working at the salon she was at. Those were her three roads. Here is what she did to stimulate a lucky choice. She thought about buying an existing salon and the image of the purchase was right in front of her, she thought about starting from scratch and the image seemed to appear at three o’clock, then she thought about staying where she was and the image was also in front of her, but further in front than the first image. She then used the lucid breath release. She put her tongue to the roof of her mouth, took a deep breath and released the breath slowly while concentrating on fixing the image of her starting from scratch, leasing a shop, hiring beauticians, and seeing crowds of customers. The image was fixed at the three o’clock position. She was on the right road. But why not use the Table of Creativity, or one of the other techniques? You can; of course you can mix and blend them into a cocktail of techniques. For now however we are bringing in luck. You may use the ARVI method along with the Bagha and the Lucid Breath Release for anything at all. You may certainly mix the techniques. Most people find themselves using favorites all the time. After all, you have 48 techniques to choose from, you will, after


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a while no doubt settle on a few that seem to work the best for you. The meditation on CD 22, Crossroads to Abundance, will set the two techniques for you so that you will have them available anytime you wish to stimulate your good luck consciousness. Can luck be controlled? You’ve just learned the exact technique to do it. But is it luck? Or is it something else? We’ll soon see. In this the final CD of the Mind Box series I am going to let you in on a very, very big secret. It’s a secret about a secret. It’s the secret to the Secrets of Luck. Here is the secret. There is no such thing as luck its just a made up word. But the title of this part is Arousing your Luck Sense. How can you arouse it if it doesn’t exist? It exists; it just doesn’t exist as luck. The dictionary says that luck is an event that seems to happen by chance rather than as a logical consequence of cause and effect. No cause, just effect; luck. But then, there is a cause to everything. It’s a principle of life. Everything was begun by something, some cause. Luck, has a cause as well, it’s just a cause that is unrecognized. But unrecognized cause is still cause. And if there is a cause than you must rule out happenstance, and if you do that, then you lose the word, luck. Now, I know what you’re saying... “Oh yes there is... some people I know are very lucky. The right job, the right house... everything just seems to fall into their lap.” And I understand why you might think that way. It does seem like luck is everything. I mean, when it rains it pours, doesn’t it? Everyday, millions of people greet the day with hopes of a brighter future but find that no matter what they do, they just can’t seem to get ahead. We work harder, we work longer, but it seems we were just destined to struggle. And yet, there are those who seem to attract good luck no matter where they go. Things “just happen” to them. Its as if they’re in the right place at the right time ALL THE TIME. And besides all that, haven’t I been telling you about the secret of luck, isn’t it the title of this CD? You may well ask, how can you now say there is no such thing? Everything you’ve learned during the MindBox series of CDs, with all the meditations, the material you’ve heard during the training tracks, and the techniques have all been guiding you through a variety of ways to control, not luck, but cause. All things are instigated by some cause. The principle of


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cause and effect underlies every action that has ever taken place since the universe began. Let me tell you about a fellow in one of my seminars; one of thousands… Jim Baker was depressed when he attended my class. He had just lost a business it had taken him years to build up. Bankruptcy was his only way out and he found himself, at age 48, broke. No money, no skills aside from opening a store and selling merchandise, and no prospects. Even his car had been repossessed. The bank was about to kick him out of his house as he could no longer make the payments. He spent half of his remaining money to attend my seminar. If luck was some obscure cause that was instigated by some other cause then how did a person set the first cause? Or was there even a first cause? He spoke with me privately and said that he was at the end of his tether, how could a meditation help him out of the pit he felt himself in? He looked at all the techniques and meditations he had learned as kind of childish and superstitious. He really didn’t think any of that nonsense as he called it, could help him. “Do you think it can hurt you if you practice the meditations, and the techniques?” I asked. “No,” he said. “I don’t think it can hurt, but why should I waste my time with them.” “First of all,” I said, “you have nothing but time right now and therefore, nothing to lose. And second, you said it can’t hurt, and I’m saying it may help, so why not give it a chance? Millions of others have practiced similar methods and you would be surprised at the number of people who report success after success.” The look on his face grew sadder, and finally, with a sigh and a shrug of his shoulders he asked, “What can I do?” “What I would recommend first of all is the Center Stage technique. Do that, and every morning walk the star. Just take 9 pieces of paper, number them from 1 to 9 and lay them out on your living room floor like you learned this morning. Stand on number one and walk to number 2, it may just be a few steps or more depending on how large a space you have to lay out the numbers.” “And that’s it? I just walk around the star going from 1 to 2 to 3 until


The Mind Box

I get to 9? That’s it?” Jim Baker was a hard case. He wanted desperately for this to work but his belief system was like a concrete wall. I had to get through or he would turn into a couch potato and never leave his house. If I couldn’t stir him to some action and his money ran out even homelessness was there looming in his future like a specter of doom. I gave him a star card that students in the Labyrinth class made up as an assignment. It said: THE STAR CARD 1. I take the first action, today I am motivated to action, more and more I will find myself in the right place at the right time. 2. My primary relationship is secure and growing. 3. My relationship with friends grows stronger. 4. Income increases as I attract money and successful ventures. 5. Every day my health gets better and my life improves. 6. More and more people appear to help me achieve success. 7. Creativity is my creed; I grow more and more creative. 8. My knowledge and wisdom grow each day. Today I will do everything right and I will be proud of the things I do. 9. My reputation grows as does my confidence and self esteem. Then back to 1 and say: My life gets better and better. Jim looked at the card and nodded, “OK let me get this straight. I lay out the numbers on my living room floor following the Magic Star design. As I come to each number I stop and repeat what’s on the star card. And I’m to do this every morning for a month. Is that right?” “Yes Jim. Exactly right. In addition to that, set a goal for yourself. What you are doing here is stimulating that thing that everyone calls luck. Luck would be something that had no cause, just something that happens. There is no such thing; there is a cause for everything. Some causes are not recognized as such but they are there. What you are doing here is stimulating cause for a desired effect. If you want to call that luck, do. But follow the plan. And then take an action. Well Jim did. He followed the instructions to the letter. Every morning he walked the star stopping at each point and reading the card for the number he stood at. The first couple of days he said he felt silly doing it but after a week he actually looked forward to walking the star, he no longer needed the card having memorized the words and he said that he changed the words a bit


Burt Goldman

to fit his evolving situation. After a few weeks one of his friends called and asked Jim to go into business with him. Jim did and two years later was making oodles of money, was a partner in a publishing business, and happier than he had ever been. He said that the bankruptcy was the best thing that ever happened to him. Stories like that are common with those who utilize the power of the Mind Box techniques. Some will question whether they are spiritual, metaphysical, or just plain psychological, and I say, what’s the difference? As long as they work, that’s the only thing that matters. Build your own Magic Star, and walk it every morning and you will see a difference in your life. The Magic Star numbers of the Magic Square date back more than two thousand years. I often ask myself, did the ancient Chinese know just a little bit more than we know about. Certainly when we enter the world that is beyond the world of physics it seems as they might be able to teach us a thing or two. I should say that I personally do walk the magic star every now and then and I do feel better for it. As a matter of fact, before I wrote the text for this chapter and the CD Secrets of Luck, I walked the star nine times. We get reports of successes for all the techniques and have for many years but people who walk the star seem to develop a knack for things they never thought possible prior to doing so. When you walk the star at first, stop at each number and repeat what you find on your star card. After a while you may make up your own text. Here is what the ancient texts say about each number of the Magic Square. Income Money




General Health Relationships Relaxation

3 Wisdom Meditation


5 Door to Action


Primary Relationship

2 Creativity Inspiration

7 Mentors Helpful people



The Mind Box

Mind Box 44 - Walking the Star Lay out the numbers on the floor of one of your rooms. Begin at 1 and walk to each number. Stop when you reach the number and read what is on your star card for that number. When you reach 9, finish by walking to 1. THE STAR CARD 1. I take the first action, today I am motivated to action, more and more I will find myself in the right place at the right time. 2. My primary relationship is secure and growing. 3. My relationship with friends grows stronger. 4. Income increases as I attract money and successful ventures. 5. Every day my health gets better and my life improves. 6. More and more people appear to help me achieve success. 7. Creativity is my creed; I grow more and more creative. 8. My knowledge and wisdom grow each day. Today I will do everything right and I will be proud of the things I do. 9. My reputation grows as does my confidence and self esteem.








Begin - and end




Burt Goldman

And now, as a final bonus for you, a technique I have never taught anyone. This has always been my own, private technique. But as I hope to have the MindBox material available to the world long after I’m gone I offer it to you now. I call the technique simply; remember. Pick a time in your past that you would like to recall. A time that is buried deep in the neurons that contain memory. Not lost; nothing is ever lost, just misplaced. Say that you want to recall things that happened to you when you were seven years of age.

Mind Box 45 - REMEMBER 1. While seated pick a spot on the wall directly ahead of you and look at it. 2. Keeping your head steady move your eyes to the left and then to the right. 3. While your eyes are moving rapidly from left to right and back again mentally say the age your were that you wish to recall the events from. Do this for about 30 seconds only. 4. You should find many memories flooding into your mind when you finish the technique

Here’s the ‘Remember’ technique. Seat yourself comfortably and pick a spot on the wall in front of you as a base point. Directly in front of you at eye level. Stare at that spot for a moment to adjust to it. Now without moving your head swing your eyes to the left as far as you comfortably can and then immediately swing your eyes to the right as far as you comfortably can. While your eyes are swinging back and forth from the extreme left to the extreme right again and again, say to yourself the age of yourself you want to recall. If you want to remember things that happened about the time you were seven just repeat mentally, seven years old, I’m seven years old, and keep swinging your eyes back and forth. In a few moments you will find memories coming forth. You can then stop swinging your eyes and relax; the memories will keep coming. You only need to do this for about 30 seconds. I wish you all the best in life.

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