The Midnight Guardian (Rubens Saraceni) - Degustação

March 2, 2017 | Author: AruandaBooks | Category: N/A
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Rubens Saraceni

For Honor and Glory of the Creator of everything and everyone

Copyright © 2011 by OPP Agency

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The Midnight Guardian Inspired by Pai Benedito De Aruanda Rubens Saraceni ISBN: 978-0-9837723-6-1 Review: Jéssica Oliveira Composition: Caio Barbosa Cover: Lucas Bronze

All rights reserved to OPP Agency 98070 NW 80TH Avenue - Unit 11-J Hieleah Gardens, FL - 33016 [email protected]


Table of Content

Table of Content..............................................................................................3 Author biography ............................................................................................5 Introduction.....................................................................................................7 A word from author.........................................................................................9 One mistake leads to another.........................................................................11 The search ....................................................................................................22 The meeting...................................................................................................29 The return to Portugal ..................................................................................40 The tragedy continues...................................................................................51 At the assembly of evil.................................................................................60 Contact with beings of light..........................................................................74 Meeting other Guardians...............................................................................91 The great betrayal........................................................................................104 The traitors are punished.............................................................................120 Understanding the Law...............................................................................129 Forgiveness..................................................................................................135 The choice...................................................................................................139 The great victory..........................................................................................145



Rubens Saraceni is a psychic and writer, born in Osvaldo Cruz in Sao Paulo in 1951 andfor over 25 years exercises his mediumship and makes his studies in the field of spirituality his numerous books already published are psychographic, dictated and guidedby the Masters. His journey, he says, was initiated in the spiritism of "white table", later moving to Umbanda, where he became babalorixá. Many years ago, Rubens Saraceni the medium, which has an enormous number of books published dozens of psychographic, has received an order from the Masters of Light, Law Guides of the Law and Umbanda, which requested that information revealing, through them, not were only for his pleasure, but that, through him, knowledge is multiplied. With that, Rubens began to teach the course of Theology of the Umbanda, a simple course and theoretical, aimed at better training of the medium in relation to the Basics of the Umbanda. This interaction, Rubens realized the value of what had received, for many years practiced Divine Magic taught by their Mentors, which proved fundamental in the protection of those who search for him. That's when the Masters of Light stressed the importance of consolidating itself in the material side a College in the norm of the Major Colleges Astral, which support all the training of those who sit on the right and left of the Sacred Orixás, Thrones and Deities of God. Hence arose the college of Holy Umbanda Father Benedito de Aruanda to provide training and support, Religious and Mystical. Master Seiman Hamisi Ye, an Ogum Seven Swords of Law and Life, has taken the opening of the Magic Fire in the material plane, by Rubens Saraceni, which are taught the fundamentals of Magic Scratched from Orixás, the Holy Spelling and the correct use of the magician candles, their colors and the fire in the art of magic. The first course of its kind open to the material plane by Master Seiman, and that should be the first in the formation of the Magician, is entitled "Magic of the Seven Sacred Flames". Rubens is also the founder of the College Tradition of Divine Magic, this school which is intended to give support to those formed in the open plan spells material and spiritual. 5


The psychographic literature is no longer viewed with some humor and literary arrogance, attitude coming from prejudice and ignorance. Whatever the interpretation which it gives, mystical or scientific, we can’t deny the authenticity of such a phenomenon. The important thing is to recognize that the phenomenon exists and that many unknown details are brought to light through a vehicle that knowingly could never do it. It is a different phenomenon from the inspiration, in which the receiver must have culture and skills acquired over time for manifest. All of us are free to explore our belief system, seeking to act effectively in reality we're building now. Our feelings serve to several purposes and are able to maintain focus and, simultaneously, many different versions of ourselves. The Midnight Guardian is not only a tightly woven narrative plot, but a clarification for those who disobey the Law and must pay for their mistakes. Everyone has a job to do, some of the Light and others of the Dark, and no one escapes the Law of cause and effect. Make a mistake is to trigger a series of other errors in a path whose return will be remote and painful. For us, this story presents one of the most fascinating learning that we can face: the experience temporality. The vision of wholeness and unity is beautifully expressed: "There are so many things but at the end they are only parts of One." The story demonstrates the existence of the “tie that unites us to each other and to the divine Creator". Be enchanted by a faithful translation of the terrestrial and celestial catastrophes that lead man to the recognition and love energy. Choice yourself in name of love and, in the simplicity of certain words, rebuild the truth of the infinite possibilities of evolution existing in the four elements that life offers us. After all, when the base of the pyramid is firm, our roots will takes us back to the stars.




When the inspiration started to arrive to write this book, I prepared myself mentally, for father Benedito had said to me: “I am going to tell you of the fascinating experience of an old friend of yours who paid the price. “A challenge to the eternal laws of love and understanding.” No one goes unpunished when they challenge the Law and, as a consequence, whilst you do not purge every vice that you bring before it, you will receive nothing else but the torment of the divine fury, which will hound you for however long it is necessary, until you awaken from the nightmare in which is your immortal being is sleeping. It is an experience which is being lived at this very moment by millions of spirits which have not learned to control their most addictive instincts, and have allowed themselves to be carried away by the false appearances of situations which, when viewed with love and respect by others, would lead to seventh heaven. But, as this was not what happened with the Baron, we can carry the fascinating story of the Midnight Guardian. It is fascinating because is shows us, in a human manner, the strange uncoiling of the path of this character who had everything in place for a peaceful life, but who, unfortunately, through the way in which he reacted, brought about his own torment, even after the death of his physical body. The Midnight Guardian is a real character who had the great courage to tell us his terrible story. Today, he is one of the most dedicated servants of the light of the Law. But as all of father Benedito de Aruanda’s novels, mystical tales and stories aim to teach us something, I hope that this one manages to provide a little clarity upon the divine matter that is found sprinkled throughout the sentences, dialogues and situations lived by the characters - all of whom are human and in a constant state of evolution and all of whom populate the dramatic unshackling of the story of the Midnight Guardian. Rubens Saraceni 9




was simply sitting and pondering my life when a spiritual being approached and greeted me:

“Greetings, Taluiá!” “Greetings to you, my friend! How are you?” “Today, I’m fine.” “I’m glad to hear it. But why are you so happy now, considering that you had been so quiet?” “There’s been a great change in my way of being.” “What? You mean that even after death, when all that remains is the soul, there are still changes?” “Of course! Would you like to hear my tale?” “Sure, I’m not busy at the moment. Maybe your story will help me in some way. Tell me, I’m all ears…” “Well you’ve known me for some time now, right?” “Yes, we’ve spent many years together under the Law.” “That’s right, but you need to understand that I once lived wholly outside the Law.” “What do you mean, my friend?” “It all started two hundred and thirty years ago. I was a Baron, a rich and powerful man. I owned a great deal of land and many slaves, plantations and animals. I made my living from the transportation of food from the high plains


down to the Port of Santos1 .” “How was that done?” “By carts fitted with wooden wheels and pulled by pairs of oxen or mules. Horses weren’t good for this kind of work.” “Oh, I see. Please, go on, I didn’t mean to interrupt your story.” “Well, I was the biggest transporter in the region, which is why everyone sucked up to me. If I didn’t like someone, their products would be wasted because they didn’t get to port for export. That’s why everyone wanted to be friends with me. I knew that I had this power, and I also enjoyed it. Whenever I could, I’d look for ways to take advantage of my position. In the end I received the title of Baron because I held a certain amount of influence in the Portuguese Royal court. When I received my title and entered the nobility, I threw an enormous ball for all my friends. I was over the moon about my new position and, as the years passed, I started to think: ‘I have riches and plenty of land. What else could interest me?’” “Yes, that’s what I was wondering!” “A woman, my friend!” “Weren’t you married?” “No. I was forty years old, but I’d never even thought about marrying.” “You mean to say that until this age you’d never thought about women?” “Well, not exactly! I mean, I’d had plenty of slaves and also white women who came over from Portugal. I got to know the pleasure of female company – and very well I might add!” “So…?” “Yes, I thought I should choose one of them to be my wife.” “I think that’s great!” “Wrong, Taluiá. That was when I made the biggest mistake of my life.” 1 Located in the city of Santos, in São Paulo, Brazil, the Port of Santos is the most important Brazilian port.


“Just because you thought about getting married?” “Yes. Soon after I’d decided to do this, I mentioned what I was planning to a close friend of mine. I told him that I’d choose a beautiful girl who was ready to be my wife. Soon after that, the whole colony had found out about it. A close friend’s good for this. You tell him a secret and soon everyone knows it. You’re the only one who knows that the secret is no longer a secret, because it runs like a hare.” “That’s true. A secret’s only really a secret when only one person knows it. If two know the secret, it isn’t one anymore. It becomes news.” “I can see that you’ve let a secret out and suffered the bitterness of seeing it turn into news, haven’t you?” “Yes, but I learnt my lesson. Nowadays I only tell secrets that I want to see turn into news.” “That’s a good way of going about it, because it was a secret that ruined my life.” “Did you lose your fortune?” “No, no! It was just that my ‘friend’ started spreading the word that I was looking for a wife. Soon, without knowing why, I started to receive invitations to lunches, dinners and parties. I couldn’t spend any time at home, and the girls came sidling up to me like harlots, offering themselves to whoever would pay the best price. Because I didn’t suspect anything and I was very rich, I thought that it was because of my title that they were doing it. I discovered a special way of enjoying this. Little by little, I started to get intimate with a lot of them!” “Very intimate?” “Yes, very intimate.” “Ha! Now I get it. You were a real heartbreaker, eh?” “Wrong! Those hearts were only interested in my fortune and my noble title, won after I’d paid a great deal to someone.” “Ah, ok.” “Now, some of them were really beautiful, my friend. And boy were they hot! For me, life couldn’t get any better. I managed to get my fill of them all. I didn’t know which one was the tastiest, but who cares about such details, eh? 13

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