The MBA Modules

June 16, 2016 | Author: bilaliahmad | Category: N/A
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The MBA modules Over the course of your MBA, you will study a total of 11 modules; 10 of these modules are worth 15 credits each and the end of MBA project is worth 30 credits. Below are outlines of the modules you are likely to study. Please note these are subject to change – check online for updates. Research Applications in Global Business This module provides the foundation for international business research and the core analytical skills required by business professionals to maximise the value of information. Students will develop the skills to understand business information requirements, the veracity and validity of different sources of a variety of information sources. Business Law for Managers Once you have completed this module you will have a sound knowledge and appreciation of the various ways in which business law can impact on organisations and you will be equipped with the technical skills to manage this influence. Global Managerial Economics This module seeks to provide students with new skills and economic concepts that can be allied in solving managerial problems in business. It considers how global markets work, highlighting the forces of demand and supply together with their impact on world prices and output. Consumer behaviour is analysed in some depth, together with the relevance of marketing and advertising strategies. Human Resource Management in an International Context This module encourages the manager (current or future) to recognise the role played by Human Resource Management in the effectiveness of the organisation nationally, internationally and globally. International Financial Reporting You will develop an understanding of financial and management accounting in an international and strategic context. The module looks at the context in which accounting rules have evolved in order to meet the needs of globalisation of both organisations and financial markets. Operations and Project Management Operations strategy reconciles an organisation’s resources with international market needs by determining the right priority of the five competitive factors: cost; quality; speed; dependability and flexibility. A key part of the business operations is project management, and this module expands the theory of project management into a business context and integrates the practical tools and techniques required to manage projects successfully. Global Economic Environment

This module emphasises how global and national macroeconomics trends influence almost every component of a company’s business strategy. Theoretical foundations are combined with real world applications to demonstrate the relevance of the current global economic trends for business strategy. Global Business Strategy You will investigate strategy within an international context. The module explores the impact of globalisation on contemporary organisations, evaluates how managers should respond to different national cultures and assesses the pros and cons of a variety of international market entry options.

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