The Magic of Christmas

May 4, 2017 | Author: Mary Sol Gypsy Pacheco | Category: N/A
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RIGHTS RESERVED © Original title: The Magic of Christmas

Copyright © 1984. Ms. Mary Sun B. Pacheco (Gypsy). Copyright © 2002. Urantia. Development Center for a New Age. Caracas. Venezuela. Copyright © 2005. Urantia. Development Center for a New Age. Caracas. Venezuela.

The rights of this work owned by Mrs. Mary Sun Pacheco B. (Gypsy) and Urantia. Development Center for a New Age. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part by any means, including photocopying, without written permission from Urantia or its author.


I thank God for giving me The Gift of Christmas, and have taught me The true sense of rebirth. I thank my father, wherever HE is In this vast universe of stars Nativity ... Thanks ... I thank life that leads me The route of the North Star Beyond the myths and truths.

I thank my daughters for being part of my All. I thank my mother for making this all understandable. I thank my teachers: of trades and life. Causing doubts, revealing truths. And all of them And for myself I pray that the light of Eternal Christmas Staying forever in the heart of every one of you. I hope this material will awaken the spark of understanding and, henceforth, Understand what it really means to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS! With all my love to you all!






When the leaves begin to fall calendar, as the year progresses rapidly toward its end, when December starts to become increasingly close and obviously, something happens in humans. A kind of magic sky surrounds us all. Nobody can say exactly what happens!, But it happens. A strange need to express begins to emerge. Some are stunned in the shops wonnering what to spend, some took refuge in their sad memories, which seem to emerge more

clearly at this time. Most seek to share with others, give and take, exchange heat and affection, that's when it becomes truce in the wars, when concerned about abandoned children, disabled, stray animals, the elderly alone. It begins to make plans and purposes to make amends from again next year: "I do diet," "I will start collecting money to buy a house" or "car", "I will be more sympathetic to others "," I will leave the alcoholic beverages, "" I forget the cigarette ", etc.. All this happens as a flood in less than 45 days before returning to the same, after 7 January. But what really happens in this time of year? Why do we say, almost unconsciously: Smells like Christmas!? What is special about this time that we can not escape its magic? To all concerned: the good become more good, become more grumpy curmudgeon. The depressed detest more than ever see the happiness of others, but obviously affects us all. Christmas, a time of love, peace, harmony, reconciliation, forgiveness, food, drink, music, feasts, reflections, memories, ornaments, gifts, lights, odors, cold and snow in the north, hot and sunny in the South, all together. What is it really? What does it mean? What in heaven when it December? Why the Nativity of Jesus is at this date and not in another? What real relationship between the tree and Christmas, Santa Claus, the Spirit of Christmas, Candlemas, the star, candles ...? What is the real hidden symbolism of Christmas is what we will try to unravel. I invite you to know THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS! MARY SOL PACHECO B. (Gypsy)


Every twenty (23) hours, fifty-six (56) minutes, forty (40) seconds, the earth goes round on itself, ending its daily rotation. Similarly, every three hundred sixty five (365) days, five (5) hours, forty-eight (48) minutes and forty-six (46) finished second to make a complete travel around the Central Star, ie. the Sun. This movement is causing the effect of apparent movement of the heavenly constellations westward. The earth rotation movement leads us to establish an axis of rotation, in order to establish specific points on the Earth's surface. The intersection of this axis with the surface of the earth represents the two poles. In turn, the Earth moves around the Sun on an orbit located in an imaginary plane called the ecliptic. The axis of rotation to the ecliptic form an angle of sixty-six degrees, thirty minutes (66 ° 30 '). The combination of these two movements (rotation and translation) determines the incidence of the sun's rays on the surface of our planet. The inclination of the axis of rotation and translational movement is what gives rise to the four seasons. When the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere's summer. When the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere's winter. Between these two there is a moment in which the North Pole begins to lose light and receives the South Pole first. This usually happens between 22 and 23 September (Autumn Equinox), when day and night are equal length. Between 20 and 23 December, the Sun appears to move away from Ecuador and begins the Winter Solstice. The sun falls perpendicularly on the Tropic of Capricorn by our shorter days and longer nights. We will not further explain the rest of the seasons, as the winter solstice is the point that interests us, for now. When the Sun in your virtual tour of the earth's surface is at the South Pole and embarks on his way to the North Pole, at that exact moment is the Winter Solstice, the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. This happens between 21 and 23 December. The inaccuracy in the timing of commencement of the stations is that the translational motion is regular, while the rotation is not. There years that the average speed of rotation is accelerated to decrease rapidly in the following. If the exact time of the solstice is variable, how do we know? Well, the Sun and the planets move on a defined band in the sky. This band is what we know as the Zodiac and is centered on the ecliptic, which is the projection of Earth's orbit on the sphere of heaven. Looking at the sky, from our planet, the sun moves across virtually the three hundred sixty degrees (360 °) of the zodiacal band once a year. Four specific signs determine the start of the season. When the Sun in March, touch zero degrees (0 °) of Aries begins the sidereal year or cosmic, begins the spring, the vernal equinox. By June 22 when the sun touches the zero degree (0 °) of Cancer, the summer solstice. The Autumn Equinox arrives in September at 22, when the Sun passes through zero degrees (0 °) of Libra. Finally we have the Winter Solstice, between 21 and 23 December, when the sun touches the zero degree (0 °) the sign of Capricorn. In that instant, zero degrees, zero minutes, one second of Capricorn (0 ° 0'01 ") is announcing the entry Solstice Winter. Of course, the entry indicating dates Equinoxes and Solstices, for the entry of the annual seasons depends on other factors.

An ephemeris hand show us the precise dates of HMG required, simply convert to the corresponding local time. Similarly, over the Internet can locate the place time and date through various local sites. Knowing these dates, whatever is not an astrologer or astronomer, us aware of our place in the known universe in the solar system. The Aries Point (or vernal equinox) and the Point Libra (or autumnal equinox) are points of departure. The Aries Point is one in which the Sun crosses the Southern Hemisphere to the North, which, as mentioned, occurs around March 21 (Spring Equinox in the northern autumn equinox in the South). It has zero declination and right ascension 0h (starts to tell the RA and the zodiacal constellations), however, due to the precession of the equinoxes, this point has fallen slowly since it was calculated and is now in the constellation Pisces ( that is, should be called Point Pisces). Libra is the point diametrically opposite to Aries, and indicates the point where the Sun crosses the south of the northern hemisphere, which occurs by 21 September (spring equinox in the southern autumnal equinox in the North). It has zero declination and right ascension 12h, due to the precession of the equinoxes, this point has also fallen slowly since it was calculated and is now in the constellation Virgo (ie point should be called Virgo). The precession of the equinoxes (day and night equal) and solstices (day> evening / night> day) determine the four annual seasons are the periods of the year when the weather conditions continue, in a certain region, within a certain range. These periods last about three months and are called spring, summer, autumn and winter, although in areas where land goes exactly parallel Ecuador or 00 are just two seasons, dry season and rainy season, because in them varies rainfall dramatically, but not the temperature. Since 07 is observed parallel the four seasonal changes clearly. Because of the eccentricity of the orbit, the seasons do not have the same length as the Earth crosses their path with variable speed. Goes faster the closer the Sun and slower the further away. Therefore, the rigor of each station is not the same for both hemispheres. Our planet is closer to the Sun in early January (perihelion) that in early July (aphelion), which makes you get 7% more heat in the first month of the year since the middle of it. For this reason, overall, among other factors, the winter is warmer than the southern and the southern summer is hotter than the northern. Because of disturbances experienced by the Earth as it rotates around the sun, it passes through the solstices and equinoxes with accuracy, which motivates the different stations do not always start at the same moment. The Northern (or boreal or northern) is a classical geodetic divisions into which the Earth. Includes Europe, North America, the Arctic, most of Asia, much of Africa, northern South America and some smaller islands of Oceania.

The seasons occur in reverse to the Southern Hemisphere. Thus the summer extends from June to September, while the winter it does between December and March. Because perihelion occurs in January, the summer is longer than the southern and warmer, conversely, the winter is shorter than the southern and less severe. Historically, the Northern Hemisphere has been considered a rich and developed hemisphere, in contrast to the South, mainly due to the existence of European countries, USA and Japan in this area. About 90% of the world population lives in this hemisphere, especially in China and India. Winter lasts from the winter solstice (usually December 22) to the Vernal Equinox (usually March 20), while summer lasts from the summer solstice (usually June 21) until the Autumn Equinox (usually the September 21). The Arctic is the region north of the Arctic Circle. Its climate is characterized by cold winters and cool summers. Most precipitation falls as snow. In the Arctic summer may experience some days when the sun never sets, and some winter days when the sun never rises. The duration of these phases varies from one day in the places near the Arctic Circle to several months near the North Pole itself. Among the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer is the North Temperate Zone. Changes in these regions between summer and winter are generally mild, rather than extreme hot or cold. However, a temperate climate can have very unpredictable weather. The tropics (between the Tropic of Cancer and Ecuador), are generally warm throughout the year and tend to experience a rainy season during the summer and a winter dry season. In the Northern Hemisphere, objects moving through or above the surface of the Earth tend to turn right by the Coriolis effect. As a result, the flow of air or water tend to form large-scale shifts in the direction of clockwise north of Ecuador. This is reflected in patterns of ocean circulation in the North Atlantic and North Pacific. To the south of Ecuador, the spins are reversed. For the same reason, the air flows towards the north of the Earth's surface tend to spread over the entire surface in a pattern clockwise. Therefore, the airflow is characteristic clockwise high pressure cell of time in the Northern Hemisphere. By contrast, the increase of air from the north to the surface of the Earth (creating a low pressure region) tends to draw air into an opposite pattern. Hurricanes and tropical storms (low pressure mass systems) spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere (Southern Hemisphere). During the day the sun tends to maximize its position in the south, while in the southern hemisphere rises to a maximum in the direction of Ecuador). In both hemispheres, the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Moon also appears "upside down" compared to a view from the Southern Hemisphere. The North Pole is facing outward from the galactic center of the Milky Way, this translates into the existence of a much smaller and less bright stars visible in the Northern Hemisphere compared to the Southern Hemisphere, which the Northern

Hemisphere is most suitable for the observation of deep space, it is not "blinded" by the Milky Way.


We have the scientific explanation, but what actually happens? Our ancestors (now seems wiser than us) lived according to cosmic cycles. Many scholars attribute this to the fact of the existence of social groups basically agricultural and natural cycles needed to know to take better advantage of the earth. Ironically, today there is strong evidence showing that an important part in the mismatch of mankind, is represented in the loss of contact that man has insisted on having with Nature, Mother Earth. After exchange of nomadic to sedentary, homo added more knowledge to those already handled: was guided by the stars and made long hours without getting lost, the flight of birds, the smell of the earth, the appearance of the clouds, we indicated the presence of drought and the proximity of the rains, the behavior of some animals were also signs, as what has been called Groundhog Day (Candlemas Day or Candelas), announcing the more the winter remained. The man lived in harmony with the vibrations of the Earth.

Considering that most of the known population was located in the Northern Hemisphere, it was obvious she felt the rigor or the benevolence of the seasons and learn to know and differentiate locating dates and environmental changes for each. Now, what does it mean, specifically, the Solstice for man? Just as the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes point with days and nights of equal length, the Solstices tell of days or nights longer, depending on summer or winter. Thus, man was learning how the Language of Nature she was explaining the reason for the phenomena which he lived. In the Christian world, for example, we have the summer solstice coincides with the feast of San Juan Bautista. It represents the triumph of darkness, the Gate of Men. Provided the dark but not as evil as the lack of Divine Illumination. Represents fertility through the sign Cancer. The Winter Solstice, in turn, coincides with the feast of St. John the Evangelist, and represents the triumph of Light, the Gate of the Gods, the moment when the divine light to settle down in the hearts of men. In the first, the peak of the light gives way to darkness, while the second peak of darkness gives way to the Light. Note that these concepts were handled by the so-called pagans, many centuries before the entry of Christianity and still manage. I know that many people understand it will cost but ignorance of knowledge has helped put a blindfold over the eyes of the majority. Although, for the West, Christianity is the most popular religion is not the only one. Ironically it is the most divided and full of sects, which originate from the Vatican itself, plus much of their celebrations or commemorations are taken from existing festivals from previous centuries. As noted above, in the Winter Solstice, the Sun is at the South Pole and embarks on his way north. The peak of midnight begins to descend. It is the cosmic cycle of inner sun. Hienal Solstice represents the birth of the sun, you understand as birth appeared on the horizon. Among the Greeks and Latins Pythagoreans the arrival of the solstice is the time of the appearance of Janus (Ianus), the porter who gives birth to January, the month that begins the year of our current calendar. He (Janus) is who has the keys (Gold and Silver) that open the doors to the Two-Way Path of Life. Represents the God of Initiation. Many cultures, for centuries, have been held at this time the arrival of the Light of the world and the Light of the world. So the Romans celebrated the Saturnalia or the Saturnalias, the Norse Odin paid tribute to the Persians celebrated the birth of the god Mithras. To all mankind, this date has always been something special. Since the ancient world was centered in the North (at least known) for all coincided with the coming of winter. So-called heathen peoples paid homage to the God of Light for their delivery, it was the God they knew, to spend a winter not too hard and be eligible for a fruitful spring. Christmas, Christmas present, did not exist until the fourth century (354 AD), when Pope Julius I set and announced that from then on, the official day of birth of the Messiah would be provided on 25 December. The Bible itself provides very accurate

data makes feasible that this date has nothing to do with Jesus, the Emmanuel. However, that December 25 was not a casual choice. It was a ruse, a clever way and nothing arbitrary set the most important date for Christianity, just about them called pagan festivities. Winter Feasts of the Church was to remove and beginning on the date of the Solstice reached its peak for 25. However, many of these pagan traditions were sincretizadas by Christianity and have extended until today. Unless some rituals basically Christian, Jewish essence though, almost all the traditions we associate with these dates come to us from long ago, even today the exact dates vary for some days. Many centuries before the advent of Christianity. Just to clear up the confusion (in some cases) and lack of documentation (other), we will try to learn the origin and meaning of some of the most important traditions associated with Christmas.


Sometimes, we seem to forget that we live on a planet full of cultures, religions and traditions of many different types, and we seem to close in on a single perspective.

Deaf, within even the unique perspective to everything that seem strange to be different from what is heard or learned from childhood. Given that the Western tradition extract is basically Christian, your Christmas is one of the main celebrations. And if we consider that we are governed by the calendar can only understand how Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere coincided with the Winter Solstice, while it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere. We must remember that we are talking about symbolic dates currently are not necessarily their origin or geographical location, most are still held collectively. However, Christmas is experienced in almost all parts of the world but in a very different way. Traditions, beliefs, colors, food ... everything changes depending on where you are. The streets are illuminated with colored lights, for example, in Spain, the squares are filled with typical markets, families gather on Christmas Eve (December 24) with midnight mass at twelve o'clock, in Christmas (December 25) meet with the family, and December 31 (years old), more collectively, to dismiss the year. Dressing tables, decorated with poinsettias, candles ... etc.., Typical food such as lamb, cabbage, turkey, nuts, nougat and marzipan. On New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, at present, are prepared in front of the TV with the twelve grapes they are taken to the sound of bells. A tradition that was generated from a purely commercial reason as some winemakers in Alicante saw the need to dispose of surplus grapes, a very good crop year. Thus the ritual tradition has remained to this day, including on other countries. The houses are decorated with Christmas carols, nativity scenes, Christmas trees ... In Germany the day after Christmas dinner, the children look forward to the gifts. When it rings a bell (which is placed behind the classroom door), children run away because they know that under the tree are his gifts, but ... can not open them until they sing the traditional carol Silent Night "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht." In Belgium the habit of going out to skate on Christmas Day after a typical family meal. The whole family gets the skids and slides down the icy rivers. San Nicolas, visit the December 4, children of the city to verify that they have been good and two days later returned to make gifts and candy to those who have been good and a stick in the shoe to the most mischievous . The Finns were hung from the branches like Christmas tree rows of flags from different countries as a symbol of brotherhood between peoples and cultures. Have an ancient tradition: the "Pikkujoulu" or "Little Christmas", which is that during the days before Christmas Eve, after working hours, the family gathers for the Christmas decorations in homes. Christmas in France beginning on 6 December with the arrival of St. Nicholas, who brings presents to children, although the Christmas atmosphere you can breathe from the November 25, the day of Sainte Catherine. Is widespread advent calendar and each

day that passes you have to open one of its windows. This tradition continues in the U.S. and each day comes a sweet, sweet, or figurine alluding to the time. The vast majority of Irish are Catholic, so Christmas traditions are basically Christian. One of the most unique traditions of the Christmas decorations are candles in Ireland, as was initially in Germany. Place a large white candle in the driveway or in a window. This ensures the smallest lights house on Christmas Eve as a symbol to welcome the Holy Family and may only be extinguished by a girl or a woman named Mary. In Italy the last night of the year, "Notte di Capodanno" is typical to eat a plate of beans before going to the usual party at any of the clubs in the place. Women are the gift tonight red lingerie, to have luck all year. In Rome and Naples, arriving twelve at night, pull the lumber to start the new year off right. "A gift, a poem," Christmas is the theme in Latvia. On the night of Christmas Eve, just after dinner, look next to the Christmas tree, but no one can catch him without first reciting a little poem. Another custom is to gather logs and bonfires lit with them yearend, to end all the ills and problems before the new year. In Poland the traditional nativity scene includes puppets, unique in the world. In the manger there is a small stage for puppet theater. They usually represent classic episodes of Christ's birth and satirical stories and customs. On Christmas Eve the whole family gathers for dinner and as usual, in all places a table covered more than normal and a sheet of wafer that diners leave as a symbol of reconciliation. UK Christmas without the traditional mistletoe would not be the same. Protects against the demons and bring luck to the household. Christmas in Britain would not be the same without the "crackers", exploding firecrackers to break in two. They contain a hat, a surprise gift and a joke. Because alcohol excesses committed in Switzerland during the Christmas celebrations, has appeared an association calling itself "Red Nose" Here, watch for drivers who seem to be a little drunk and offered to bring in your car until home. Hopefully the "Red Nose" would spread to many places, not just at Christmas, alcohol has become a pandemic virus. On December 6 is the day of San Nicolao, who was accompanied by his assistant Schmuzli, which in German means "laughing inside." The two visits to all children in your notebook and check if you have been good. If so, give them little bags with dates, walnuts, mandarin oranges, figs and chocolate. The Jewish tradition clearly does not celebrate Christmas, but during the month of December to coincide with the Christmas season with the celebration of "Hanukkah," a Jewish holiday in which children receive gifts from family. This holiday takes place evidently only in the family and private or in the case concerned Jewish religious schools. In Southern Hemisphere countries like Australia Christmas has the peculiarity that is held during summer, so the classic Christmas atmosphere with snow and cold we are used, there is transformed into Santa Claus beaches and summer.

In the Philippines, one of the few Catholic countries the majority in its population, as was a Spanish colony, Christmas is celebrated very similarly to traditional, including midnight mass and other traditions, resulting from the former having the inhabitants of these lands, with others that they came from old Europe. Clay lamps line the walls of homes in India, as is done during the Hindu festival of Diwali. In addition, poinsettias decorate many churches for midnight mass. The tradition of Russian Babushka's own. According to legend this is a Christmas figure who distributes gifts to good children, and who declined to go to Jesus with other scholars from the cold. Each country has its customs, every place has its tradition, but everyone in one way or another, celebrate their Christmas. Christmas is a special time for many people around the world. This essentially celebrates the birth of Jesus. It's like celebrating a special anniversary. Ignorance of the most controversial becomes how to mark in other countries and cultures, linking this date exclusively to the birth of Jesus and despise everything that does not originate in the Catholic Church and its rituals. This is demeaning, because until the real celebration offends. It is understood that the Vatican defend their religion, but not offend or harass those who do not share or folded into other. Aside from being studious of religion and my love of Christmas that has personal origins, essence'm Christian and my knowledge, far away from the concept, I was much closer then gave me a level of understanding far broader, more more spiritual and universal. The celebration of this important event such as Christmas, cause sometimes reactions to some rare and strange, they do not understand that it is reminiscent of ancient traditions present throughout the world. In Norway hide all brooms and mops on the eve of Christmas, it is traditionally believed that witches and other evil spirits flying out in the middle of the night to fly around the house. Two weeks before Christmas, children in Yugoslavia come quietly to her mother tied her feet and shouting, "Mother's Day, Mother's Day, they'll leave you for free?" Then she gives gifts! The following week the children do the same trick on their father and they (the children) receive even more gifts. In Portugal, the feast called "Consoda" is held on Christmas morning. Extra points are placed on the table for the souls of the dead. Food offered in the hope that this will bring luck back to the family during the next year. The Italians decided to leave behind using a Christmas tree and chose small wooden pyramids with fruit which decorate. This is much better for the environment and health, as the fruits are eaten at the end.

In Caracas, Venezuela, the streets were blocked on Christmas Eve so that people could ride their skateboards to the church. The reason for not walking to the church is unclear and remains a mystery to this day that, like many others, this tradition has almost disappeared. Ukraine is considered good luck finding a web in your Christmas tree on Christmas morning. So it has become a tradition to place Ukrainian artificial cobwebs in the trees as part of the decoration. Red Christmas cards may be popular in the world but in Japan would be considered in bad taste. Because they send their funeral notes in red cards. December is supposed to be a joyful time to get into the holiday spirit and spend time with family. In parts of Austria, and Switzerland Babaria, the last month of the year is also a special time for children to be frightened evil! Traditionally, young people dress up as Krampus, a demonic creature equipped with bells and sticks, which are usually accompanied by Nikolaus (a kind of Santa Claus) and wander the streets to scare children and adults. This is called a Krampuslauf. Christmas is a dish Kiviak Greenland. This is done using the alkaline raw meat (a game bird water) which has been buried under a stone wrapped in sealskin for several months, until it has reached an advanced state of decomposition. It smells like old blue cheese flavor is very sharp. In Colombia, people place lighted balloons fly through the air during the night of Christmas as an expression of joy and happiness for this special date. Unfortunately these balloons caused extensive damage when they fell on the houses of other people and burned, so they were banned. Christmas (Latin: Nativitas birth), is a party originally intended to celebrate the annual birth of the God-Sun in the Winter Solstice (natalis Solis invicti) and adapted by the Catholic Church in the third century AD. C. to allow conversion of the Gentiles. This feast is celebrated on December 25 by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church some other Protestant churches and the Romanian Orthodox Church, and on January 7 in other Orthodox churches because they did not accept the reforms made to the Julian calendar, to pass the current timetable, called Gregorian, name of your reformer, the Pope Gregory XIII. Anglophones use the term Christmas, which means "Mass (mass) of Christ." In some Germanic languages such as German, the party called Weihnachten, which means 'blessed night'. The Christmas holidays are proposed, as the name suggests, celebrate the Nativity (ie birth) of Jesus of Nazareth. For some historians the historical celebration of Christmas should be in Spring (AprilMay), and others, following the story of Luke 2:8, indicating that the night of Jesus' birth, shepherds tending flocks in the air free and that the sky was full of stars. This confirms that it is unlikely that this event had occurred in the winter (Northern Hemisphere). The Christian Church, however, maintains the December 25 date as conventional, as in the Spring or Fall the Church celebrates Easter.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Christmas is not included in the list of Christian holidays of Irenaeus, and Tertullian in the list on the same topic, which are lists oldest known. The earliest evidence of concern about the date of Christmas is in Alexandria, circa 200 AD, when Clement of Alexandria states that certain Egyptian theologians "very curious" assign not only the year but also the day actual birth of Christ as 25 Pashons Coptic (May 20) in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus. From 221, in the work Chronographiai, Sextus Julius Africanus popularized the 25 December as the birthday of Jesus. By the time the Council of Nicaea in 325, the Alexandrian Church had already set the Díes nativitatis et epifaníae. Pope Julius I in 350 asked that the birth of Christ was celebrated on December 25, which was decreed by Pope Liberius in 354. The first mention of a Christmas feast on that date in Constantinople, dating from 379, under Gregory Nazianzen. The feast was introduced in Antioch about 380. In Jerusalem, Egeria, in the fourth century witnessed the feast of the presentation, forty days after January 6, February 15, it must have been the date of the birth. The December feast reached Egypt in the fifth century At Antioch, probably in 386, John Chrysostom urged the community to join the celebration of the birth of Christ with that of December 25, although part of the community and kept that day for at least ten years before. In the Roman Empire, the celebrations of Saturn during the week of the solstice, which were the main social event, reached its peak on 25 December. To make it easier for the Romans could become Christians without abandoning their festivities, Pope Julius I in 350 asked that the birth of Christ was celebrated on that date. Some maintain that December 25 was adopted only in the fourth century as a Christian holiday after the Roman emperor Constantine the Great converted to Christianity, to encourage a common religious festival and convert pagans to Christianity. The reading of historical records indicates that the first mention of such a feast in Constantinople did not happen until 379, under St. Gregory Nazianzen. In Rome, can be confirmed only when a document is mentioned about the year 350, but with no mention of the penalty by the Emperor Constantine. The early Christians celebrated mainly the Epiphany, when the Magi visited the baby Jesus. This is still celebrated in Argentina, Armenia, Spain, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, and Venezuela. For the Eastern Churches the Epiphany is more important than the Nativity, as it is the day when released to the world in the person of aliens. Some traditions of Christmas, particularly in Scandinavia, have their origins in the celebrations as the Germanic Yule, and as the Christmas tree is transferred to the party. There is called Christmas Yule (or Jul). During the Protestant Reformation, the celebration of the birth of Christ was banned by some Protestant churches, calling it "the papists Traps" to "Claws of the beast" because of his relationship with Catholicism and ancient paganism. After the parliamentary victory against King Charles I during the English Civil War in 1647, the rulers English Puritans banned the celebration of Christmas. The people rebelled making several riots

to take major cities such as Canterbury, where the doors decorated with slogans that spoke of the sanctity of the party. The Restoration of 1660 ended the ban, but many of the reformist clergy, non-conforming, rejecting the Christmas celebrations, using Puritan arguments. In colonial times the United States, New England Puritans rejected the Christmas and its celebration was outlawed in Boston from 1659 to 1681. At the same time, Christian residents of Virginia and New York followed the celebrations freely. Christmas fell into displeasure of the United States after the Revolution, when it was considered an English custom. In the 1820s, sectarian tension in England had eased and British writers began to worry, because Christmas was dying out. Because imagine Christmas as a time of celebration sincere efforts were made to revive the party. The book of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, "published in 1843, played an important role in reinventing Christmas party, emphasizing family, goodwill, compassion and family celebration. Christmas was declared a federal holiday in the United States in 1870, a law signed by President Ulysses S. Grant, but it is still debatable by a party different Puritan leaders of the nation. Today, "The Jehovah's Witnesses," one of the many sects of Christianity becomes not celebrate Christmas a pagan holiday, considering also reject it on December 25 the true date of birth of Jesus Christ, because in "the Jewish calendar, the month that falls between November and December is the month called Kislev," which "is cold and rainy." Then comes Tebet, between December and January is the month with the lowest temperatures of the year and even some snow in the highlands. Referring to the Gospel of Luke 2:8-12 say that when Jesus was born, there were shepherds in the fields, spending the night outdoors with their flocks, which would not be possible if it were winter. The actual date of Jesus' birth is not recorded in the Bible. For this reason, not all Christian denominations agree on the same date. The origins of this celebration, December 25, are located in the customs of the ancient peoples who celebrated during the Winter Solstice (since 21 December), a party related to God or the Gods of the Sun as Apollo and Helios (in Rome and Greece), Mitra (in Persia), Huitzilopochtli (in Tenochtitlan), among others. Some cultures believed that the Sun God was born on December 21, the shortest day of the year, and the days became longer as the God he grew older. In other cultures it was believed that the Sun God died that day, only to return for another cycle. When Julius Caesar introduced his calendar in 45 a. C., on December 25 should be between 21 and 22 December our Gregorian Calendar. In this event, the early Christians took the idea of Dec. 25 as the date of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some experts have tried to calculate the birth date of Jesus taking the Bible as a source, as in Luke 1:5-14 states that at the time of the conception of John the Baptist, his father Zechariah, Obadiah group priest, officiated in the Temple of Jerusalem, Luke 1:24-36, Jesus was born approximately six months after John. 1 Chronicles 24:7-19 indicates that there were 24 groups of priests who served in shifts in the temple and the group he

belonged Obadiah the eighth inning. Counting bats since the beginning of the year, the group of Obadiah was assigned to serve in early June (8 to 14 of the third month of the Hebrew lunar calendar). Following this hypothesis, if the pregnancies of Elizabeth and Mary were normal, Juan Jesus was born in March and September. This date would be consistent with the indication of the Bible (Luke 2:8), whereby the night of Jesus' birth the shepherds tending flocks in the open air, which could hardly have occurred in December. Any calculation of the birth of Jesus must be set to this primary source, so that the correct date should be between September and October, early Fall. In addition, you should take into account the census ordered by Caesar at the birth of the Son of God, which obviously could not have been in December, a period of intense cold in Jerusalem, the reason is that the Jewish people was prone to rebellion and would have been unwise to order a census at this time of year. As were weekly shifts, as confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in Qumran, each group served twice a year and again it was for the group of Obadiah's turn at the end of September (from 24 to 30 of the eighth month Jewish). Taking this date as a starting point, John was born in late June and late December Jesus. Thus, some early Christian writers (John Chrysostom, 347-407) taught that Zechariah received the message about the birth of John in the Day of Atonement, which came in September or October. Moreover, according to historians, when the Temple was destroyed in AD 70, the group was serving priestly Jehoiarib. If the priestly service was not interrupted from the time of Zechariah to the destruction of the temple, this calculation has to turn to Obadiah in the first week of October, so some believe that the January 6 may be the right day. In an anonymous treatise on Solstices and Equinoxes stated that "Our Lord was conceived on 8 April in the calends of March (March 25), which is the day of the Lord's Passion and philosophies, it was conceived the same day he died. " If it was conceived on March 25, the celebration of his birth would be set nine months later, ie December 25. For Catholicism Christmas is not only a holiday but a holiday season, and just as the Passover, contains a time of preparation, called Advent, which begins four Sundays before 25 December. It is customary to celebrate several masses at Christmas, with different content according to your schedule. So, last night (Christmas Eve) even Sunday, says the famous Midnight Mass Midnight Mass or, in some places there is even a Mass of the Aurora that is celebrated at dawn on December 25. And the noon Mass, which is customary before or after the Pope give a Christmas message to all the faithful of the world, this message is known as Urbi et Orbi (Latin: to the City of Rome and the World). In the Orthodox Churches not to accept the proposed calendar by Pope Gregory XIII, still use the Julian calendar and therefore celebrate Christmas on December 25 but, according to the Gregorian calendar is Jan. 7. Although the Armenian Church celebrates it on January 6, along with the Epiphany. Exceptions are the Churches of Alexandria, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Finland, Greece and Cyprus, we do celebrate Christmas on December 25.

Note that in Bethlehem, birthplace of Jesus Christ, Christmas is celebrated twice. For the Church of the Nativity is administered by the Catholic Church celebrates Christmas on December 25, and the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem celebrated on 6 January. In that church there is an underground cavern with an altar on the place where tradition says Jesus was born. The exact spot is marked by a hole in the middle of a silver star of 14 points surrounded by silver lamps. Although until the nineteenth century some Protestant churches stopped celebrating Christmas, to break away from Catholicism, most, beginning with Luther, continued celebrating the 25th December. In the United States shared the Christmas Catholics and Protestants from 1607, when it was first held this event in North America. Christmas is celebrated by most Christians, although some believe that the Bible does not indicate the date of the birth of Jesus or ordered celebrate, no reason to celebrate or create a party for that reason. Well as many Protestants believe that Christmas is not a cause of disputes for not following the old traditions of the Catholic Church or the exact date of Jesus' birth. The start of Christmas varies, remember we talked about the time and date. For some, December 16, when the groups are made official song, but this custom has been lost in many places. To spend Halloween, All Souls and All Saints is dedicated full time for Christmas, which stores magnificently promoted worldwide. Everything is prepared for the big party of 25, it follows with 31, and continue with the Epiphany, Twelfth Night. Some are closed the festival on January 7. Others continue until February 2, day some celebrate the Virgin of Candelaria and is only syncretism Candlemas Day, another of the many pagan celebrations misnamed. However, we must remember that most of the traditions associated with this date have been syncretism that have been consolidated or lost over time. CHRISTMAS is beautiful, important for Christians, more global in its celebration is not the only date that is celebrated in December. December has on it a sacred mantle, which so pervades the Southern Hemisphere during this period. Much has been criticized since I first published this material, some forty years ago, because for many it is easier to maintain a lie to keep tied to many to explain the true and beautiful grounds of this date. No matter what you believe in Christmas or nativity or not. This date is magical and regardless of religious tone taken was magic date from the beginning of time. The magic of this date there will be Christian or Muslim, Inuit, Hopi or induced. The ancestors knew it and now, as then, Divine Magic surrounds the human being, beyond religions, beliefs and myths.


I must admit that the subject can seem complex. When I began to formalize my knowledge of Symbology and Study of Religions much I discovered through my research, contacts and travel. Much is unknown of the ocean, sky, animals and plants of our own world and its evolution. One issue has been just Christmas. When I started I spread these issues even under heavy attack by members of the Catholic Church who, instead of finding my sources, once pointed out to me, all filled with love and understanding, as the enemy. Ironically, with all the experiences, knowledge, readings and information, I managed to secure much more my respect for this beautiful day. In spite of coming from a Christian upbringing, with priests and nuns around me, my quality of scholar of religions led me to understand that at this time there is magic, far beyond the religious tendency which professes. And thanks to come from a family of open mind and, through their culture and understanding the human being Christian or not, helped me in my work not only academic but human, like many friends and even teachers, some, indeed , senior Vatican officials see today further strengthened my soul and I'm spreading it all I know. Christmas is one of the most important Christian festivals, along with Easter and Pentecost, which celebrates the supposed birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Another Roman festival called Saturnalia, honoring Saturn, lasted about seven days and included the Winter Solstice. For this celebration the Romans postponed all business and warfare, had exchange of gifts, and temporarily freed their slaves. These traditions, as I have outlined, resemble the current Christmas traditions and used to establish a link between the two holidays. In parallel, we find, as examples throughout history, as Capac Raymi celebrations, which was led by the Inca emperor. Allusion made by Guaman Poma. The Germans and Scandinavians celebrated the December 26 birth of Frey, Norse god of the rising sun,

rain and fertility. In these festivals adorned an evergreen tree, representing the tree Yggdrasil or the Universe, a custom that became the Christmas tree, when Christianity came to Northern Europe. The Aztecs celebrated during the Winter, the advent of Huitzilopochtli, the Sun God and war, in the month Panquetzaliztli, roughly equivalent to the period from 7 to December 26 of current calendar. "For this reason and taking advantage of the coincidence of dates, the first missionaries, the Augustinians, promoted the substitution of characters and so disappeared prehispanic God and kept the celebration, giving Christian characteristics." As I mentioned, the Incas celebrated the rebirth of the god Inti or Sun, the party was called Capac Raymi or Fiesta del Sol powerful for its size and was also covered a month name, therefore this was the first month of the Inca calendar. This party was the counterpart of June Inti Raymi, since December 23 is the austral summer solstice and the Inti Raymi happens in the austral winter solstice. In the austral summer solstice the sun reaches its greatest power (old) and dies but is reborn to reach maturity in June, then declines until December, and this completes the life cycle of the Sun This party had a connotation of birth, as it performs a ceremony of initiation into adulthood for young men of the empire, such initiation was known as Warachikuy. The Aztecs also celebrated the birth of one of their gods in Winter: Huitzilopochtli Since most of the known world was centered in the Northern Hemisphere, many celebrations after they met. The seasonal significance of the Winter Solstice is manifested in the reversal of the trend toward lengthening of the duration of the nights and shorter daylight hours. Different cultures define this in different ways, because sometimes it is considered that, astronomically, it may indicate either the beginning or middle of winter hemisphere. Winter is a subjective word meaning, since it has no beginning or middle it is scientifically established, however in the case of the Winter Solstice we can calculate the exact second that happens. Although in theory the Winter Solstice lasts only an instant, this term is also commonly used to refer to 24 hours a day in which it occurs. The meaning or interpretation of this event has varied in the different cultures of the world, but most of them recognized as a period of renewal and rebirth, involving festivals, fairs, gatherings, rituals or other celebrations. The word solstice derives from Latin sol and sistere ("stand still"). From 45 to. C., when it was established on December 25 in the Julian calendar as the Winter Solstice in Europe, the difference between the calendar year (365.250 days) and the tropical year (365.2422 days) moved the day associated with the Solstice astronomical, advancing about three days every four centuries until 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar bringing the Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) came around December 21. Each year in the Gregorian calendar Solstice fluctuates slightly, but in the long run, only about one day every 3,000 years.

The interpretations that different cultures give the Solstice are varied. Winter is a subjective term, so it is not scientifically established beginning or middle of a winter, but the winter solstice itself is clearly calculated accurately. For the Celtic countries, including Ireland, the winter season generally begins on November 1st, the day of Samhain. Winter ends and spring begins on Imbolc or Candlemas, which is Feb. 1 and Feb. 2. Ironically, our ancestors who owned only their observation of the heavens, were more accurate in their calculations. This calendar system of stations is based on the length of days exclusively. In most East Asian cultures define the seasons in terms of solar energy, Dong Zhi at the Winter Solstice as the means or winter "extreme." This system is based on Sun's apparent height above the horizon at noon. Some midwinter festivals have occurred according to lunar calendars and so takes place the night of Hoku ("the full moon nearest the Winter Solstice"). And many European solar calendar midwinter is still center of the celebrations on the night of Dec. 24, in the celebrations of 25 December in the Northern Hemisphere, which was considered as the Winter Solstice since the creation of the Julian calendar . In the Jewish Talmud, Tehufat Tevet, is the season of Winter Solstice, and is recorded as the first day of "time step" or the winter season. Farsi culture also recognizes it as the beginning of Winter. The solstice itself may have been a special time of the annual cycle of the year, even during the Neolithic period. Astronomical events, controlled in antiquity as the mating of animals, planting crops and measurement of reserves between harvests of winter, show how different mythologies and cultural traditions have emerged. This is proven by physics that remains in the designs of the late Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological sites like Stonehenge (in Britain) and New Grange (Ireland). The main axes of both monuments seem to have been carefully aligned on a line of sight pointing to sunrise Midwinter (New Grange) and Sunset Winter Solstice (Stonehenge). Stonehenge is significant about the fact that the Great Trilithon was erected from the center to the exterior of the monument, ie, good flat face turned toward the sunrise of the winter. The Winter Solstice must have been immensely important because communities were to be deprived of many things during the winter, and had to be prepared in the last nine months. Starvation was common in winter, between January and April, also known as the famine months. In temperate climates, the midwinter festival was the last feast celebration, before the start of winter. Most of the animals were killed for not having to feed them during the winter, so it was practically the only time of year for the supply of fresh meat available. Most wine and beer during the annual harvest was finally fermented and ready to drink now. Since the event is seen as the reversal of decline of solar presence in heaven, the concepts of birth or rebirth of sun gods have been common, the use of cyclic schedules for the different cultures, based on the Solstice Winter has been celebrated as the rebirth of the year in regard to life-death-rebirth deities or new beginnings the party as Scottish Hogmanay, New Year's tradition of cleaning. Many traditions are often overlooked or taken for invasion of cultures. Some historians claim that many traditions often derived directly from the root of the above, all having a common core that began in the cradle of civilization or outside it, in a way that correlates with speculation about the origin of languages .

Festivals and celebrations of the Winter half occurring in the longest night of the year, often ask flowering perennial, bright lights, big fireworks, parties, communion with others. In the evening physical exertion by dancing and singing are examples of cultural winter therapies that have evolved as traditions since the dawn of civilization. These traditions can stir the knowledge, to avoid discomfort, reset the internal clock and rekindle the human spirit. Here's how the world celebrated the Solstices since long before Christianity. Since the amount of land area in the Southern Hemisphere is less, is also lower the number of cultures. However we find: I said, the Inti Raymi or Fiesta del Sol, Suun Party, the religious ceremony of the Inca Empire in honor of the sun god Inti. It also marked the winter solstice and a new year in the Andes of the Southern Hemisphere. A ceremony performed by the Inca priests was Sol linking Machu Picchu, there is still a large column of stone called inti Huatana, which means "pillory the Sun" or, literally, "to tie the sun". The ceremony to tie the sun to the stone was to prevent the sun from escaping. The Spanish conquistadors destroyed all other inti Huatana, extinguishing, practically, the practice of linking the sun but could never find Machu Picchu. By 1572, the Catholic Church managed to suppress all Inti festivals and ceremonies. Since 1944 a play of Inti Raymi is held at Sacsayhuaman (two kilometers from Cusco) on June 24 of each year, attracting thousands of local visitors and tourists. Monte Alto culture may also have a similar tradition. The Sunset Winter Solstice occurs at a point "key" from the ushnu of the Huaca de Chena: the intersection of the nearest horizon (Cerro Chena) and farthest (Cordillera de la Costa). Moreover, in this precise direction is the highest mountain summit (1,166 m) which culminates south of the hill Zapata. This detail might not be a coincidence, but an important topographic requirement due to the known association of the high mountains with the worship of water in various cultures. Wexipantu ("New Sunrise") is the Mapuche New Year's celebration that takes place between 21 June and 24 June in the Gregorian calendar. Forms the longest night of the year and the uncertainty ancestral anxiety that the next day will not come. After three days it is clear that winter away. Pachamama ("Mother Earth"), Nuke Mapu, begins to sprout fertilized by the sun, from the Andean heights to the southern end. Antu ("Sun"), or Rapa Inti, the sun begins to come back to Earth, after the longest night of the year: it is now Winter Solstice. Everything begins to sprout again. Is the equivalent of Inti Raymi Inca. The celebration of the Maruaroa or Takurua occurs from 20 to 22 June, and is considered by the Maori of New Zealand as half of the winter season. The Maori believe that the Sun has two girlfriends Takarúa Winter and Summer Hineraumati. It follows directly after the rise of Matariki (the Pleiades), which marks the beginning of the Southern and New Year is said to be when the sun comes back from his trip north with his girlfriend Takurua Winter (the star Sirius ) and begins its journey back to his girlfriend Summer Hineraumati.

The Night of San Juan ("Noite de San Xoán", "Nit de Sant Joan" Bonfires of San Juan, "San Xoan Cacharelas", "Fogera San Xuan", "Fogueres de Sant Joan", The Sanjuanada) is a very ancient festival which celebrates the arrival of summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere whose principal rite is a fire. The purpose of this ordinance was "to give more power to the Sun," that from that time was becoming more "weak". The days are getting shorter until the Winter Solstice. Metaphorically, the fire also had a role "cleansing" in people watching him. This festival is celebrated in many parts of Europe, but is especially strong in Spain, Portugal (Fogueiras de São João), Norway (Jonsok), Denmark (Sankthans), Sweden (Midsommar), Finland (Juhannus) and UK (Midsummer) . In most places where it is celebrated today continues the original tradition in Spain and Portugal but has lost some of its meaning. Usually made bonfires in the streets and squares of the towns where they meet friends and family. Note that the party in Spain is celebrated on the night ranging from 23 to 24 June, Midsummer Day, but actually the shortest night of the year, corresponding with the summer solstice is June 21. In some areas of Atlantic Europe like England, also marks the day 28 (the eve of St. Peter) a similar feast. This conclusion is particularly relevant in Alicante, Valencia (Spain), with the holidays and city officials declared of International Tourist Interest parties. The celebration in this city known for burning in the streets, built a papier-mache figures, called Bonfires, which represent a satirical and humorous characters or scenes generally present. In the Northern Hemisphere have just a few of the celebrations that are directly related to the Winter Solstice. In the late seventh century in Japan, held parties to celebrate the reemergence of Amaterasu or Amateras, the sun goddess of Japanese mythology, from his seclusion in a cave. Deceived by the other Gods with a strong conclusion, she seeks to find the image glimpses of herself in a mirror and is convinced by the other gods to return, bringing sunlight back to the universe returns. It is celebrated requiem for the dead, and SHISHIMAI manzai all night, waiting for sunrise aspects of this tradition has continued until today in the New Year. The Festival is a festival Beiwe impressive of the Sámi of Northern Fennoscandia that, like many, I was privileged to witness, more like Sami practitioner, as well as with the Celtic, Wiccan and Indian shamans for, as I repeat, as Sami in the presence I had the honor and the obligation to witness and participate in their rituals. The Sami, the indigenous people of Finland, Russia, Sweden and Norway, have Beiwe worship the Sun Goddess of fertility and health. She travels across the sky in a structure made of reindeer bones with her daughter-Neia Beiwe to announce new green I think of the reindeer graze. In the Winter Solstice, sacrifice their deer, white females, and the meat, thread and sticks, make a bed with ribbons of rings. They also cover their doors and butter, so you can eat Beiwe and start your journey again. In the ancient traditions of the Kalash, people of Pakistan during the winter solstice, a demigod reunites Dezao and offer prayers to the supreme being. During this celebration of women and girls are purified by taking ritual baths. The men pour water over their heads while they hold up bread. Then the men and boys are purified with water and should not sit on chairs until evening when goat's blood is sprinkled on their faces. After this purification, a great festival begins, with singing, dancing, bonfires, and the feast of goat tripe and other delicacies.

Until today, the ancient festivals like Karácsony, are held in many parts of Europe, obviating the Christian Nativity. The annual Riuri Deuorius was the great feast divine Winter, observed by the Coligny Calendar. The lunisolar Coligney mid-winter sun returned to the lineup every two years. The last day of the Persian month Azar is the longest night of the year, when the forces of Ahriman are assumed to be at the peak of its strength. The next day, the first of the month Dey known as Khoram ruz ruz or Khore (the day of sun) belongs to God (Ahura Mazda). Since the days are getting longer than the nights, this day marks the victory of Sun over the darkness. The occasion was celebrated in ancient Persian Deygan Festival dedicated to Ahura Mazda and Mithra, the first of the month Dey. The Winter Solstice Festival or the end of Winter Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese (dong chi, Pinyin, Dongzhi, Romaji, Toji, Romaja, Dongji) is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the Chinese and other East Asians during within the solar Dongzhi around December 21 when the sun is weaker and shorter daylight, ie the first day of the sun Dongzhi. The origins of this festival date back to the yin and yang philosophy of balance and harmony in the cosmos. After this celebration, there will be days with longer hours of daylight and therefore an increase in positive energy flowing. The philosophical significance of this is symbolized by the I Ching hexagram fu ("Volver"). Traditionally, Dongzhi Festival is also a time for family reunion. An activity that occurs during these meetings is to make and eat tangyuan pink and white, symbolizing family unity and prosperity. In the south is usually held with tangyuan or glutinous rice balls (with or without fillers), symbolizing meeting. In the north, where it is much colder, the food is familiar to this day Jiaozi. Tradition says that eating Jiaozi on the day falling Dongzhi prevents the ears from freezing. The tradition of meals and activities vary from area to area, although the two main ones are mentioned. In Korea, similar balls are prepared in a traditional glutinous rice porridge (porridge) with sweet red bean. This porridge is believed to have special powers and must be sprayed around houses the winter solstice to repel sinister spirits. Goru is the ceremony of the Winter Solstice the Dogon country of Mali. It is the last ritual of the harvest and celebrate the arrival of humanity, of the sky god, Amma, via Nommo inside the Aduno koro or the "Ark of the World." New Year's Eve celebration called Hogmanay in Scotland. The name is derived, it is said, the old Scottish name for Christmas in the Middle Ages, even when taking account something is not right. The first Hogmanay celebrations were brought to Scotland by the Norse invaders and occupiers who celebrated a solstitial new year (England celebrated the new year on March 25). In 1600 the Scottish implementation on January 1 as New Year and the continued repression of the church in the celebration of the solstice, holiday traditions moved to December 31. The festival is still called Yules by the Scottish Shetland Islands, which start the festival on December 18 and the tradition of celebrating the last (the ritual pursuit of a troll) on 18 January. The most widespread habit of Scotland is the practice of the first step, which starts immediately after midnight on New Year. This is the first person who (usually tall, dark hair) that crosses the threshold of a friend or neighbor, often, it becomes a symbolic presentation of gifts such as salt (less common today ), coal, bread, black bread and whiskey (fruit pudding)

intended for different types of luck for the homeowner. Food and drinks (such as gifts and often Flies cemetery) is given to the guests. Or Junkunno Junkanoo in the Bahamas, Jamaica, is a masquerade, parade and street festival, which is believed to be of West African origin. Traditionally done through the streets towards the end of December, and includes participants dressed in a variety of fancy costumes. Today we find costumes like Cowboy, Horse, wild Indian, and the Devil. The parades are accompanied by bands usually consist of bagpipes, drums, and coconut graters used as scrapers, and Jonkanoo songs are sung. The same practice was common in the North Carolina coast, where he was called John Canoe, John Koonah, or John Kooner. John Canoe resembles Bear Taming of the medieval tradition of Britain. Both John Canoe Ceremony as the bears are very similar to the reversal of roles in social rituals that marked the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia. Karachun, Korochun or was a party Kracun Slavic similar to Halloween as the day when the Black God and other evil spirits are more powerful. It was held by the Slavs in the longest night of the year. On this night, Hors, symbolizing the old sun, becomes smaller as the days shorter in the Northern Hemisphere, and dies on 22 December, the December solstice. Is defeated by the darkness and the evil powers of the Black God. In honor of Hors, Slavs danced a ritual dance in the chain called Horo. The traditional dance of the chain in Bulgaria is called horo. In Russia and Ukraine, is known as khorovod. On December 23 Hors is resurrected and becomes the new sun, Koleda. On this day, Western Slavs make wood fires, burning logs locally, in cemeteries to keep warm their departed loved ones. Organized meals in honor of the dead in order not to suffer from hunger at this juncture, because otherwise the dead will be resurrected and will kill. In the ancient Slavic cultures, the festival began in Kaleda the Winter Solstice and lasted for ten days. In Russia, this festival was later applied to Christmas Eve, but most of the practices were lost after the Soviet Revolution. Each family to a fire at home and invited his household gods to participate in the festivities. Children dressed up in the afternoons and evenings as Koledari start visiting homes, singing wishes of good luck, like Shchedryk, the hosts. As a reward, they were given a few gifts in a tradition called Kolyadovanie, like the ancient tradition of wassailing or mummers. In the civilizations of the Aegean Sea, the all-female ritual of winter, or Lenaia Lenaea was the Festival of the Wild Woman. In the forest, a man or bull representing the god Dionysus was torn to pieces and eaten by Maenads. Later in the ritual offering a baby, representing the rebirth of Dionysus. Lenaion, the first month of the Delian calendar, derives its name from the name of the festival. In classical times, human sacrifice had been replaced by a goat, and the role of women has changed to the funeral mourners. Miracles Wine priests performed in which water or juice sealed in a room at night and next morning had turned into wine. The miracle was said to have been carried out by Dionysus and Lenaea. For the V century a. C. the ritual was turned into a festival of theater Gamelion competitions, often celebrated in Athens in Lenaion Theatre. The festival Brumalia, an ancient Solstice festival in honor of Bacchus, is held, usually for a month and ends on December 25 and was influenced by Lenaia. The festival included drinking and joy. The name derives from the Latin word Mist ("shortest day"), although the party almost always occurred at night.

The night of Lucia or Lussi par excellence ("Night of Lussi") occurs on 13 December, in what was supposed to be the longest night of the year. The feast was later appropriated by the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century as the Day of Santa Lucia, patron saint of the Blind. He believed in the folklore of Sweden that if people, particularly children, did not carry out its tasks, the female demon, the Lussi or Lucia Dunkle dead would come to punish them. Parades take place where girls and maidens dressed in white wearing a crown of candles on her head. Even today, I know that is one of the most beautiful celebrations of the Swedish people. Makara Sankranti, celebrated in early Uttarayana is the only Hindu festival based on the celestial calendar instead of the lunar calendar. The zodiac left the solar calendar now causing the party to occur in mid-January. In Tamil Nadu, is celebrated as the festival of Pongal. The day before Pongal, the last day of the year, Bhogi is celebrated. In Magh Bihu Assam is called (the first day of Magh), Lohri in Punjab and in Maharshtra it is called Macario Sankranti and is celebrated by exchanging balls of sesame candy (to Gul), and asking others to be so sweet as candy balls for next year. It is called Makara Sankrant because the sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn, January 14 (Makar means Capricorn). It is celebrated with great pomp in Andhra Pradesh, where the festival is held over three days and more than a cultural festival, is an auspicious day as in other parts of India. In some parts of India, the festival is celebrated bathing in the Ganges or other river water and make offerings to the Sun God Immersion is to purify and give Punya. In many states, mainly in Gujarat, families fly kites from rooftops all day and night. It is a way to celebrate and welcome the longest day. Symbolically, thousands of kites in different colors flying in the sky giving the impression that the Earth held at the brighter and warmer sky. It is also common to give grass to feed cows on this day. In Assam, on the eve of Bihu Uruka, families build houses, as separate structures bhelaghar calls, which are built by the community as a whole. Different types of strings are tied around fruit trees. Traditionally, the fuel is stolen from the final ceremony, when all bhelaghar burned. His remains are placed in fruit trees. Special pujas are offered as a thanksgiving for good harvest. Since the festival is celebrated in the middle of winter, the food prepared for this festival are to keep the body warm and give high energy. From Laddu to jagger are made for the festival of the specialty. Modranicht was a Germanic party. It was believed that dreams at night predicted Solstice event for next year. On the 730, the Benedictine monk, Bede the Venerable, thought it might have been observed by the Anglo-Saxons in their dreams, on the eve of the Winter Solstice. After the revival of Christmas in Britain, the holiday is recognized by many as one of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Middle Geimhridh Winter is half Celtic. The Newgrange passage is aligned with the Winter Solstice. Mean Geimhridh ("winter") or Grianstad, Gheimhridh ("Winter Solstice") is a name sometimes used for hypothetical midwinter rituals or celebrations of Proto-Celtic tribes late and druids. In the Irish calendar, all Solstices and Equinoxes occur around the midpoint in each season. The passage and chamber at Newgrange (preCeltic or possibly Proto-Celtic 3200 BC), a tomb in Ireland, are illuminated by the dawn of the Winter Solstice. A shaft of sunlight shines through the roof of the tomb, on the entrance and penetrates the passage of the chamber 17 minutes in the early hours of 19 to 23 December. The point of roughness is the term for the Winter Solstice in Wales, which in ancient Welsh mythology, was when Rhiannon gave birth to her sacred son, Pryderi.

Mummer's Day, or "dark day" as it is sometimes known, is an ancient celebration of Winter full Cornish takes place every year between 26 December and New Year's Day in Padstow, Cornwall. It was originally part of the heritage "pagan" celebrations of Winter full regularly celebrated throughout Cornwall, where people dance or by blackening their faces masks. For a period little known, Lá an Dreoilín or Wren's Day was celebrated in Ireland, the Isle of Man and Wales on the 26 December Solstice. Crowds of people called wrenboys, take to the roads in various parts of Ireland, dressed in colorful clothes, wearing masks or straw suits and accompanied by musicians supposedly in honor of the feast celebrated by the Druids. Previously, in practice involved in the murder of a wren, and singing while wearing the bird house to house, stopping for food and joy. In England during the eighteenth century, there was a resurgence of interest in the Druids. Today, among neodruidas, Alban Arthan ("Winter Light") is celebrated the Winter Solstice with a ritual feast, and gifts to the needy. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas Colacho or are the names that are known in the Hispanic world as the legendary character of Western culture brings gifts to children at Christmas. It's a character, for Christianity, inspired by a Christian bishop named Nicholas Greek origin, who lived in the fourth century in Anatolia, in the valleys of Lycia (now Turkey). It was one of the most venerated by the Christians of the Middle Ages, which still preserved the relics in the basilica of Bari (Italy). However, their presence, with these and other names, reflecting a symbol of the winter season. However attributed, wrongly, a Yankee home and business because a campaign of Coca-Cola returned to the memory tradition. Under the name of Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Ded Moroz and his granddaughter Snegurochka, the Ancient of Time, or the North Star, Women Great Buffalo, hundreds of name Joulupukki or more, we speak of a totally connected with the Solstice Winter conditions and that, unless their alleged links with San Nicolas de Bari, the Western Christian world has tried to minimize. The pre-Christian Alpine traditions Germania, ie ancient times to the early Germans (VI-XI centuries) believed that Hertha (or Perchta Bertha) was the goddess of light, domesticity and home. In his honor were cooked baked yeast cakes shaped shoes, which were called Hertha and shoes filled with gifts. During the Winter Solstice, the houses were covered with spruce evergreen branches to welcome him. When the family and servants gathered for dinner, they made an altar of flat stones, which lit a fire with fir branches. They said Hertha descended through the smoke, guiding those familiar with the traditions to divine the future of the partygoers. There are also darker versions Perchta terrified about what the children together with one Krampus. However, it must be remembered that Christianity is always given the task of syncretize old traditions deemed "pagan" or, failing that, satanizarlas. Many cities have dramatized the practices of the gods as characters walking the streets. These traditions have continued in rural areas of the Alps, and various similar traditions, such as Wren day, survived in the Celtic nations to date.

In the twelfth century, the Slavs of eastern Russia, worshiped the Mother Goddess of Winter, Rozhnitsa. Bloodless sacrifices like honey, bread and cheese. Embroidered in bright colors, representing the Goddess of Winter, were made in honor of the Feast of Rozhanitsa in late December. Some Russian women continued observation of these traditions in the twentieth century making cookies with bright white figure of a woman. Derived from a pre-Zoroastrian festival, Shab-e Chelleh is celebrated on the eve of the first day of Winter in the Persian calendar, which always falls on the Solstice. Yalda is the most important festival that does not involve the Iranian new year, today. Iran has always been celebrated by all ethnic and religious groups. According to Persian mythology, Mithras was born at the end of the night after the long wait for the defeat of darkness against light. "Shab-e Chelleh" is now an important social occasion when family and friends gather for fun and joy. Usually families gather in the homes of their elders. Different types of dried fruits, nuts, seeds and fruits are consumed in winter. The presence of dried and fresh fruits is reminiscence of the ancient feasts to celebrate and pray to the gods, to ensure the protection of winter crops. Watermelons, persimmons and pomegranates are traditional symbols of this celebration, which represents all the sun used to be the custom to stay awake until dawn on the night of Yalda to eat, drink, listen to stories and poems, but this is no longer common , since most people have things to do the next day. During the early days of the Roman Empire many Syrian Christians fled from persecution in Sasanian empire of Persia, introducing the Yalda festival, meaning birth, causing Shab-e Yalda which became synonymous with Shab-e Chelleh. Although both terms are used interchangeably, Chelleh is more commonly accepted for the occasion. Sanghamitta is a celebration in honor of a Buddhist monk who brought the branch of the Bodhi tree to Sri Lanka, which has flourished for over 2000 years. Originally celebrated by the ancient Greeks as Kronia, the festival of Saturn, the Saturnalia was the feast at which the Romans commemorated the dedication of the temple of Saturn, which originally took place on December 17, but extended to an entire week until on 23 December. A large and important public festival in Rome, where conventional sacrifices was placed a couch in front of the temple of Saturn. Besides the public rites there were a number of holidays and customs celebrated privately. The celebrations included school holidays, the completion and delivery of small presents (Saturnalia et sigillaricia) and market (sigillaria). It allowed the game to everyone, including the slaves during this period. The toga was not used, and if necessary be restricted to a minimum. Colorful clothes and casual dining and pileus (freedman's hat), were used by all. Slaves were exempt from punishment, and treated with contempt of their masters. The slaves celebrated a banquet before the party, being cared for by their owners. Saturnalia became one of the most popular Roman festivals which led to pure madness, marked mainly by the visible change of places between masters and slaves, which temporarily reversed the social order. In Greek and Cypriot folklore it was believed that children born during the festival were in danger of becoming Kallikantzaroi, which would leave the Earth after the solstice to cause trouble for the mortals. Some leave gifts at the door to distract them until the sun returned. Winter night (Seva Zistanê) is an unofficial holiday celebrated by communities across Kurdistan in the Middle East. Tonight is considered one of the oldest holidays still observed by modern Kurds as a feast, and celebrated by the ancient tribes of the region

as a holy day. The holiday falls every year on the Winter Solstice. Since the night is the longest of the year, the ancient tribes believed that was the night when there was a victory of light over darkness and signified the rebirth of the sun The sun plays an important role in several ancient religions and is still is practiced by some Kurds, in addition to its importance in Zoroastrianism. In modern times, communities in the region of Kurdistan, still watching the night like a holiday. Many families were preparing great feasts for their communities and the children played and were given candy, similar to modern-day Halloween practices. A festival of the birth of the Unconquered Sun (or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) was celebrated by Romans on 25 December. In this regard, the first day after the six days of stagnation solar (apparent) of the Winter Solstice, the duration of daylight first begins to increase, as the Sun, once again, and begins its sunrise northward movement, which was interpreted as the "rebirth" of the King Star. With the growing popularity of Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth came to stay with the recognition given to long before the Sun God, which includes Christ in the tradition. This was later condemned by the Catholic Church in the early association of Christ with pagan practices. Olentzero or Olentzaro Navarre is a character of the Basque holiday tradition. It is a mythological coal brings gifts on Christmas day in the homes of Euskal Herria and whose origin is in the area Lesaka. Soyalangwul is the Winter Solstice ceremony of the Zuni and Hopitu Shinumu ("The Hopi Wheel of the Year") is used by them as they do "The Pacific", also known as Hopi Indians. It is celebrated on December 21, the shortest day of the year and day on which Soyal on the Wheel of the Year. The main purpose of the ritual ceremony for the Sun to return from their long winter sleep. Also mark the beginning of another cycle of the Wheel of the Year and is a time of purification. The Pahos (prayer sticks) are made before the ceremony Soyal, blessing the whole community, including their homes, animals and plants. The kivas (underground chambers sacred rituals) are opened in a ritual to mark the start of the season and pay respect to the Kachina. Wayeb or Uayeb, is a period of five days before the start of New Year according to the Mayan worldview adjustment serves to complement the "Haab" or Mayan solar year. Believed to be a dangerous time in which there are no divisions between the mortal and immortal world and the deities are free to cause disaster if they wanted. To ward off the spirits, the Maya, their descendants today have a variety of customs practiced during this period. For example, people avoided leaving their houses or grooming their hair. Originally the name Giuli signified 60 days of the lunar tide in the afternoon Winter full of Scandinavian, Nordic and Germanic. The arrival of Yuletide celebrations refers to full winter. After the end of the Viking Age (around 1100 AD.) And after the entry of Christianity, Christmas celebrations became a big festival in the Winter Solstice was amalgamated with the traditions of the various celebrations full winter in Europe, as Mitwinternacht, Modrasnach, Midvinterblot, and the Teutonic solstice celebration and the Feast of the Dead. A well documented example of this is in 960, when King Haakon I of Norway, signed in July, the law to be held the evening of December 25, to fit with the Christian celebration. For some Nordic sects, Yule logs were lit to honor Thor, the god of thunder. The party continued until the logs were burned, three to twelve days.

The natives of the Icelandic tradition Jol continued the celebration beyond the Middle Ages, but were condemned when the Reformation arrived. The celebration continues today throughout Northern Europe and elsewhere, for Christians as representing the nativity of Jesus on the night of December 24, and others like a cultural festival also Winter 24 and for some, date of the solstice. In Germanic Neopagan sects, Yule is celebrated with meetings often include a meal and gifts. New constant attempts to survive reconstruction or historical celebrations are often given, which can be seen as variations of the traditional characteristics. However, this is not really a reconstruction, because these traditions have never died: only been replaced by the Christian elements of the celebration replacing the Solstice event. Between 21 and December 30 celebrated the Winter Solstice, or Yule Jol as the rebirth of the sun god Balder. Coincides with the elevation of the sun in the annual cycle and the start of the season bright. In Wicca, a form of celebration is seen as one of eight sun holidays, or Sabbat. In most Wiccan groups, this festival marks the rebirth of the Great God, who is regarded as the newborn solstice sun. Although the name Yule is assigned from the ancient Germanic and Norse paganism, elements of the current celebration in itself is of modern origin. Adapting the Egyptian Osiris Celebrations, Babylon held the annual renewal or new year celebration, the Festival Zagmuk. It lasted 12 days overlapping the Winter Solstice and Vernal Equinox in the center of its beak. This is a festival celebrating the sun god Marduk's battle against the darkness. The Babylonians held both land and water parades. Sacaea, as Berosus, the Chaldean, refers to it. The festivals are characterized by the subversion of order, through which leads them to the new year. Masters and slaves were exchanged, a mock coronation of King and masquerades clogged the streets. This festival is mentioned by some as the precursor of the Festival of Kronos, and possibly the Saturnalia and Purim. In ancient Latvia, Ziemassvetki, meaning Winter holiday was celebrated on 21 December as one of the two major parties The other was Jani. Ziemassvetki Dievs celebrated the birth of the greatest God of Latvian mythology. The two weeks before they called Velu Ziemassvetki laiks, the "season of ghosts." During the festival, candles were lit and a fire burning Dievinš to be maintained until the end, and extinction marked the end of the misery of last year. During the banquet, a table space was reserved for ghosts, which should arrive in a sleigh. During the feast, always eat certain foods: bread, beans, peas, pork chops and especially his legs. Carolers going from door to door singing songs and eating in different houses. This conclusion was later adapted by the Christians in the Middle Ages. Now held on the 24th, 25th and 26th December and are largely recognized as Christians by secular and culturally respected. Romuva Lithuanian religion are celebrating a variant of the original celebration polytheistic. The birth of some Gods was fixed about 25 December (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere or the date on which the day begins to lengthen, after the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere). Children are considered equal or prophets of God, the born on date. We have as examples: Adad of Assyria Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece Alcides of Thebes Attis of Phrygia, Baal of Phoenicia Bali of Afghanistan, Bedru of Japan Buddha of India, Cadmus of Greece, Crite of Chaldea , Deva Tat of Siam and

Sammonocadam, Divine Master Plato, Fohi and Tien of China, Gentaut and Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillahm of the Druids, Hil and Feta of Mandaites, Indra of Tibet Ischy of Formosa, Ixion and Quirinus of Rome, Jao of Nepal, Jesus of Nazareth, Mohammed of Arabia, the sintoos Mikado, The Universal Monarch of the Sibyls, Scandinavian Odin, Osiris and Horus of Egypt, Prometheus of Caucasians, Salivahana of Bermuda, The Holy of Shaka, Tammuz of Syria and Babylon, Taut of Phoenicia, Thor of the Gauls, Wittoba of Bilingonese, Xamolxis of Thrace, Zoar of Bonzo, Zoroaster in Persia, and sometimes erroneously included Krishna of India (who according to tradition , was born in the Summer Equinox). But, SURPRISE! There are many more. You need to understand that the planet contains thousands of cultures, traditions, religions and ancient customs also that we know and profess. Obviously, we refer to beings, human or not, whose lives or presence preceded Jesus and had a role in the development of the cultures touched. Perhaps his actual birth, as Gods, if only symbolic, as it was for Jesus of Nazareth, Emmanuel Messiah. Really what should matter is the hope that sow in humans for 300 centuries or 20, in Bethlehem or Kanaky. Hopefully, we will ever understand! The divisions do that for which they were created: DIVIDE, SEPARATE.


The gift-giving at Christmas has become, rather than a sign of affection, in a binding commitment that increasingly weighs on the shoulders and pockets. It is a sign of social commitment so strong that often is left to give to loved ones because the money is spent

in the "compromise" with the wife of the head, with the client, with the mother, the mother ... the brother of ... the owner of ... the supplier of ... etc., etc. But what is the true origin of Christmas gifts now? Gifts originate in the Neolithic. At the time when man begins to enjoy the gifts of land and also feels a strong need to store supplies, to spend quiet the harsh winter. Remember we are talking about basically the Northern Hemisphere. The winter season was inclement, making it hard to go out foraging. Some groups had begun to stop living exclusively by hunting, as this was useless in winter. The animals, more intelligent, devoted this time to flee, many to sleep, to prepare to receive the spring. Obviously, this did very little hunting. Thus, the individual learns to collect food that the earth provides and learn, even to grow some. Understand that there must be reserves for the winter and not starve. These reserves were to be rationed and distributed wisely to reach all season. Half time was organizing a big party, where each family had part of its reserves, gross, or so specialty within the precariousness of the time. Thus, shared with the social group or even a close group. It even served a little to boast of their ability to collector or good harvest. Thus begins the exchange of gifts between people where each participant put it better, to show and share with other members of the group. Thus, the winter holidays, become an exchange of food and, over time, the exchange of the most varied delicacies, as women begin to try to excel in the preparation of special dishes to celebrate the meeting of Winter. Over time, the gifts were no longer edible only to join them, with a lot of weight, affections. Winter Meeting became the perfect excuse to give away a "small detail" to those who appreciate them. As the population grew, adding members went into villages. The caves gave way to the huts and then to the houses. Villages became towns and so on down to our days. Thus, the food is as special tradition, while the gifts become more personal and intimate. They become a way of expressing affection, love, solidarity and sense of sharing. Giving and receiving ... became more important. Roman civilizations were sophisticated gifts. More aware of the importance of GIVE, even thought it was a bad omen not to offer gifts at this time. When the Christian is the attempt to eliminate this tradition by calling them pagan, as has happened with everything that can not be boxed into religion. Realizing the impossibility of canceling something so ingrained in human beings, decide to change the context: "Making Christmas gifts showed the selflessness, represented by Christian under the Three Wizard Kings, who, of different races, traveled thousands of miles to offer his humble present the baby Jesus born. " In this way, and gift giving at Christmas was pagan. At present it is as I said, basically a social engagement or restricted exclusively to children, kings of Christmas. However, sometimes this act demonstrates the poverty of abundance against each other.


Recall that our ancestors lived very much in touch with the cycles of nature and that the maximum mass of population is concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere. As the winter wore white face of the earth (Color purity that reflects light), the man then felt the need in principle to thank Mother Earth for the fruits and secondly given manifest. One way to show your appreciation was filling its atmosphere of joy and ornaments that recall the colorful aspect of Spring. That was anxiously awaited and hope. That hope of good fertile and lush spring was reflected through the protruding decorations amid the whiteness of winter. One of the largest and best known ornament that was imposed on the date the placement of wreaths of holly, often combined with ivy. Through the holly represented immortality as the strong green of their leaves in contrast to the red of its berries, remains intact even in winter. It was assumed that by placing the crowns of holly into the house and the entrance was protected its inhabitants from any negative influence and ensured the long life of its inhabitants. The combination of holly with ivy was closely associated with fertility rituals. In fact, it was assumed that couples who pierced a door, under a wreath of holly and ivy and kissed pass under it, have a happy marriage, with children beautiful and strong.

On arrival of Christianity becomes the holly in the symbol of Christ's crown of thorns, saying that its berries represent the drops of blood divine. Since we are talking about a special time, decorate the houses represents a celebration of life, rebirth, hope the new age that lies ahead: Spring, or New Year present, which if received with joy and color and will manifest. Remember that this is a time of renewal, of rebirth, the party of God, the feast of our Mother Nature, the party ourselves. With time and the evolution of man the use of many ornaments were more sophisticated or changing or subsequently Christianizing it. The first Christmas celebration in which he set up a Nativity scene to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ was on Christmas Eve of 1223, by St. Francis of Assisi in a cave near the hermitage of Greccio (Italy). The scene of the birth of Christ was not represented by figurines and miniatures of everyday objects, as we do now, nor persons, but for the time Saint Francisco did use animals. Mass was celebrated at night accompanied by a symbolic representation of the nativity scene, with a manger (without child) with the ox and the mule, based on the Christian tradition and the apocryphal Gospels and in the reading from Isaiah: "Know the ox to the owner, and the ass his master's crib. Israel does not know, my people does not discern "(Isaiah 1.3). These animals already appear in the manger of the fourth century, discovered in the catacombs of San Sebastian Basilica in Rome in 1877. San Buenaventura has in his "Legende de Santi Francisci" that after celebrating Mass on the Manger (using it as an altar), Saint Francisco sang the gospel and the preaching place of the birth of Christ, Son of God, as humble circumstances as the at that time were reproduced (ie, on a cold winter night, inside a cave, guarded in the place where the animals ate, along with the Child, warming with his breath, causing huge excitement among assistants), so that the local lord, John of Greccio "said he saw a beautiful child asleep in the manger, Father Francisco took in his arms and made him sleep." is assumed that after this first occasion, more a nativity scene can be likened to a liturgical drama, became popular to install cribs in churches during Christmas, with terracotta figures, wax or wood instead of living beings. Before the conclusion of Greccio history there are many plastic representation of the birth of Jesus, both in Roman Catacombs (which gives an idea of their relationship to early Christianity) as in churches and other places associated with the Christian religion. Anthropologists and historians relate directly to the figures of the nativity scene with different objects of worship of anthropomorphic forms and animals from the prehistoric Venus Greek sculptures to small tanagers calls, but especially by the Roman worship the gods of the household (dollars) that also performed by small sculptures in human form and is guarded in the larario. In any case, from the fourteenth century (mainly through the Franciscan monks, whose rule consisting of strict poverty, humility, simplicity and closeness to the people, compared to wealthier orders "aristocratic" and close to political power, Avenia very well with the humble birth of the Messiah, so they used their representation as an element of preaching, considered by both the manger an invention Franciscan, grown especially for them and for his other Franciscan orders like the Poor Clares and the Capuchins) assembly of the cribs at Christmas tradition was consolidated as the Italian

peninsula and was moving to the rest of Europe, first as church practice, later aristocratic and finally popular. It happened this way in Spain, as when, in mideighteenth century, King Charles VII of Naples became king of Spain, promoted the spread of births among the Spanish aristocracy, finally arriving to the popular practice in the Spain and in America. In the eighteenth century in America, after the papal decree dissolution of the order of the Jesuits, the Franciscans took their place and used the crib as a method of evangelism. There are usually outdated, as they include American animals and plants that were unknown in Palestine in Jesus' time, such as turkeys, agaves and cacti, but reminiscent of the rural character of the scene. This peculiarity is also because in the Latin America located in the southern hemisphere, Christmas is not celebrated the Winter Solstice, but the Summer, so the weather and South American agricultural products are very different from Europeans and Palestinians. Belenistas countries are in Europe: Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia and Poland are also built in South America and now in the United States. The tradition of the Protestant churches is not fond of Bethlehem, by origin iconoclast. The crib, besides representing the birth of Jesus, has become a show that reflects the art of the builders and many to participate in contests. While many reflect the vision that was supposed to Bethlehem to date, other landscapes include anything related like trains, toy soldiers and all that the imagination reaches, downplaying the nativity scene and the manger. The Italians entered the glass ornaments home to Christianity, while the Germans kept even using candles to decorate the trees. This custom, for security reasons, was replaced by the use of lights and Christian character. Moreover, until the introduction of Christianity, ornaments covered with candles adorned both the inside and outside the home. Nordic traditions originally established children's gifts, carried through the snow by a strong cold be that the handing out, or goblins, or witches good. The Eskimos left this work to the North Star. With time and Christianity St. Nicholas of Mitra and later Santa Claus or the Three Kings are the assumptions upon to give gifts to children. The representation of its symbolism is part of the current through his figures ornaments and half related to Saint Nicholas or Santa's reindeer. Each country is dragging its traditions or modifying most important thing is to give rein to the imagination to be surrounded by an ornate room to announce the festive character of the date. At present, the ornaments are not limited to homes. Offices, buildings, shops, plazas, streets, etc.., Are expressions, usually commercial, of the arrival of the time.


Recall that, in principle, the Winter festivities were the primary goal to worship Mother Earth and its fruits, for Spring to come out fertile and productive man. Hence, the festivities become the showcase of the best that can provide everyone, in what initially involved harvest. Over time, began to appear "culinary specialties". Each of the participants, less primitive, with the ease of a ceiling and a fireplace, to display their abilities and their creativity in the art of using the fruits of the earth in the preparation of special dishes to delight all and, by the way, show off. Moreover, with this display of creativity, there is also need to thank the earth for the benefits received, plants and animals, during the recent harvest. Hence the presence of certain fruits and animals considered sacred, was paramount. EAT PORK IN CHRISTMAS Any table that must have some way to appreciate pork in the Christmas table: whether fresh pork, stuffing, ribs, ham, pressed, smoked sausage, ham, etc.. This tradition originates from the solar boar rituals held in Scandinavia in honor of Frey. The boar was considered a sacred animal, closely linked to the Sun God. For this reason, during the Yuletide festival, the boar was ritually sacrificed. His flesh was eaten roasted, while a flaming wheel was thrown preference hill below the sea. This ensured peace and prosperity for the coming year. By the mid-twelfth century, boar disappears and is replaced by the pig, keeping the tradition of the head with apples in his mouth. Subsequently, easy to work with the use of pork or leg of the animal.

THE CHRISTMAS TURKEY On arrival of the conquistadors to the Americas, specifically in the North, many of their traditions were transferred to the New Continent. By the side of what is now Mexico, the new arrivals start to notice that the regional ate with great delight a small animal that had bristles instead of feathers. Since it was sometimes difficult to access the pig, decide to replace it with one friendly and boisterous animal. The change turned out nice. The animal was readily available and fat and, although a little hard at first or with less flavor than pork turned out delicious with a good filling. Later, they discovered that the locals used the technique of the animal drunk so that their meat more tender result. Adopted the technique, the animal became for many a good substitute for pork and so its use was extended to the United States and even Europe. That animal is none other than the turkey. SPECIAL DISHES Although there are specific dishes, usually common throughout the world, as the presence of grapes (whose origin we have explained), pork, cakes, punch, salads, cookies, etc.., With the passage of time in each country, and within each country in each region, began (as did our ancestors) to take the time to deployment of the culinary specialties that have become the regional distinctiveness of the time. However, many of these dishes have common origins and what changes is simply the presentation and flavor. For example, in the form of pie, cake or tamales or something similar, in almost every country there is a dish which mixes flavors, with presence of several types of meats, stews and some kind of special mass. These dishes appear initially as a need to use leftover food after preparation of special dishes. Over time, they themselves became specialties. They also had a utilitarian reason: after the big party was not necessary to cook again. EXAMPLES OF THE ABOVE WE FIND: The cuisine is associated with Christmas in Europe because of the latitude and the dates of December, the winter cold. For this reason the typical foods are greasy and full of calories. It is very typical in these times enjoy the traditional and delicious Lebkuchen and Welfenspeise, both very celebrated in the famous Christmas markets, not to mention the typical Christstollen traditional Christmas markets in Dresden. At this time the sweet marzipan is used plenty. Usually drink a typical punch called Glühwein, and the famous Feuerzangenbowle. Among the most popular sweets in Germany, we have the Hexenhäuserl, Springerle, the Plätzchen, etc.. Even if there are religious traditions culinary meetings about certain dishes that match the winter dates are famous, such as, for example Grünkohlessen clearly involved in the green cabbage. The shortbread is a purely Christmas. In Spain, the traditional Christmas food used to be humble and frugal meals with plenty of sweets. At present these customs have changed and are usually abundant family meals. There are three meals in the Spanish culinary celebration of Christmas, and are held in the Christmas Eve (dinner), the New Year's

Eve (dinner) and Kings (snack). They are characterized by Christian traditions. Notably nougats (mainly traditional: soft nougat and nougat Jijona or drive or Alicante), polvorones, dates, marzipan (in its many varieties such as figurines, Glory cake, bread of Cadiz), sweets (made famous the Valencian population Casinos, which is also traditional craft making nougat), sandwich cookies, or soup of almonds (Madrid), among other sweets. It is also common to eat dishes of dates, such as suckling pig, pularda, turkey, mutton, lamb, sea bream, escudella, carn d'olla (Catalan) or shrimp (and other seafood). In Galicia is also typical cod with cauliflower in the Christmas dinner. The 31 December (New Year) is traditional to eat twelve grapes at the rate of twelve strokes, once you enter the New Year is usually Cava toast. At dawn or morning of January 1 is usually taken chocolate with churros, either at home with family or in a churrosshop, chocolateshop, coffeeshop, bar, etc.. On January 6 (Epiphany) usually eat the traditional Kings Roscón. In the UK culinary present the famous Christmas Pudding is a pudding made with plums is usually home. Often making gingerbread cookies and various cakes with brandy butter very popular, the trifle, the Christmas cake, the yule log (Christmas trunk, etc.). The Anglo-Saxon tradition marks the use of roasted turkey is popular as well as widespread in all countries of the Commonwealth. It is traditional to stir the Christmas pudding. The mixture should be stirred on the first Sunday of Advent for each family member, in an east-west, to commemorate the visit of the Magi to the Infant Jesus, while you make a wish in secret. In Italy they eat enough sweet preparations like: Panettone (very typical of the city of Milan), the Pandoro (in Verona) and Panforte (in Tuscany). In Swedish cuisine is very popular soft drink julmust (produced from extracts of malt and hops) and its variant the glögg alcoholic. In the field of salty foods is common to see the Julskinka (Christmas ham). Among the desserts are the Knack, the pepparkaka (gingerbread) and Julgröt (rice pudding). In many Latin American countries, Ecuador below ground, it is summer and this conditioning brand culinary traditions. In Argentina usually eaten cold dishes and diverse. The tradition has some Italian influences and is usually served Panettone at the end of the holiday meal, sometimes with a glass of Cava. In Mexico prepares a punch, which consists of a mixture of seasonal fruits boiled in water and sweetened to taste with brown sugar. Among the ingredients are mainly tamarind, guava, sugar cane, prunes, apple, hawthorn, cinnamon and water in parts of Mexico also prepared by adding orange slices. Serve hot. The most common in Mexico is dinner Christmas Eve salad (salad made with apple, walnut and celery with cream), and preparation of the turkey or turkey as it is known in Mexico as well as rosemary (stew made with herb bread prepared with mole, potato, cactus and dried shrimp) and cod. Also very popular are tamales and champurrado.

On Christmas Eve in Colombia eat suckling pig (pork stuffed and baked), leg of pork, stuffed turkey or tamales. To drink there are wine, white wine, red or sparkling wine and various fruit juices. For dessert are donuts, custard, biscuits, homemade jams and fruits, especially grapes. Usually accompanied with nuts, olives, raisins and capers In Venezuela, the night of December 24 is common to family meetings in which shares the traditional dish consisting Hallaca or bun (the same ingredients hallaca only in the first serve while filling in bun everything is mixed up), bread with ham, pork chicken with salad. Also eat a sweet, sweet milky or angel hair and / or panettone, very common in boys. Nuts are not far behind among them are walnuts and hazelnuts. Drinks for excellence in these dates are the cream punch and wine. On 31 December, when there are five (5) minutes to twelve (12) midnight, eat the twelve (12) grapes to meet the New Year. In Peru the tradition is to eat Christmas turkey or suckling pig and drink champagne, and eventually served with hot chocolate panettone. Moreover, in most households it is customary for the whole family together and each guest bring a dish, for example, Christmas rice, applesauce, salad with dried fruit, etc. In Bolivia it is customary to serve a dish called Picana after Christmas toast and consists of a stock that has a characteristic taste between spicy and sweet, which you can see some pieces of beef and chicken, carrots, corn, corn , onions, potatoes, tomatoes. Some of the most famous dishes in Puerto Rico for this date are rice and beans, cakes, pork, sausages, cuajitos, nutsedge, sweets of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican rum that give flavor to the holiday meal. The cakes are made from green plantain dough, stuffed with pork stew with potatoes and bell pepper and wrapped much for cooking in banana leaf. Nutsedge is an essential drink for Christmas, and is made with coconut milk, egg yolk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and sometimes throws light rum or rum straw (typical Puerto Rican rum). How to roast the pig to the rod in Puerto Rico comes from the old buccaneers of the Caribbean and there in other parts of the world. The Jibaro prepared two jorquetas (wooden sticks that ended in a y) which supported a rod in which the pig was roasted on wood fire for seven or eight hours, after being seasoned with salt the day before , pepper, garlic and oregano. In the modern kitchen of Puerto Rico has also maintained the tradition of desserts made with coconut rice and sweet, the shakes and majarete. In the Philippines there is a tradition established since the arrival of settlers from Spain until the late nineteenth century who is remembered today in holiday dishes like ham ensaymada or candy, etc. Coming into existence even the popular "twisted roll of kings." DRINK AT THE HOLIDAYS From the time of our ancestors, spirits were always present in the winter holidays. At first, when man lived in social groups, prepared a huge bowl of hot water and fruit fermented, which were making use of all present. The object was not only "sung" but basically warm to the harsh cold of winter. Moreover, this container symbolizes the unit and the common bond among humans. They gathered to form a circle around the

cauldron. The oldest of the community was responsible for starting the toast and a huge bucket is pulled the liquid from the container and passed from hand to hand and mouth, as a token of eternal friendship. With the passage of time, the contents of the cauldron became more sophisticated. Maintaining the presence of hot water to which was added lemon juice, some type of alcohol, fruits, spices and, likewise, be shared. In the time of the Anglo-Saxons knew this celebration of the feast of Wassailing and container of the beverage container or punch was called Eassail Bowl. This punch was made from a kind of beer with roasted apples floating on the surface. He added beaten eggs, a sort of thick cream, nuts and bits of toast. The drink was known of Lambswool (wool), owned by heating the body like wool of this animal. When men are held indoors, the tradition continues. Each family was preparing his lambswool and neighbors walked from house to house, with its own glass in hand, asking for a drink. Fill the glass of the visitor was a sign of goodwill. Denying the drink was away fortune. Over time, you see the actual punch which is thought to have originated in the Puncheon term, used by sailors to designate a helmet of liquor, a phrase that expressed when they wanted a drink. It is thought that they were extending the term to generalize. Later, the word punch was reduced to the meaning of home-made drink. With the advent of industrial alcohol male gender yielded by them, leaving the strikeouts for women or children when not contain alcohol. However, the industry offers for sale different types of punch for the time. In both cases, take cold: Salud! Although modernity has given way to the beverage industry, some families are still dedicated to preparing your special Christmas punch and offer it to visitors. ALSO EAT ANIMALS During the Neolithic Age, when man begins to abandon the hunt as a food base and begins to learn to farm, pets and cargo become their best allies in agricultural work. As a way of thanks for their participation in a good harvest, and as a way of ensuring equal or better for the next, during the Feast of Winter, the animals were rewarded with a special meal. Gradually the custom was declining. The rise of Christianity is assumed this custom as a tribute to the mule and the ox, companions of Jesus to the sides of the crib. When St. Francis of Assisi introduced the Nativity, in the thirteenth century, is to extend this tradition to all animals, without any success. Today, many farming communities maintain the tradition, either with special food or extra rations. Urban groups instead (individual exceptions), they just share with their pets leftovers from Christmas dinner.


There are many people who think that the Christmas tree has its roots in the land of Uncle Sam. Thanks to that, and the fanaticism of ignorance many added to try to discredit anything that does not understand or know, many people have tried to eliminate the presence of the Christmas tree. But SURPRISE!, they are wrong!. This is another of the ancient pagan rites misnamed held since antiquity. Originally the oak tree was used and later was used cedar. Subsequently, the symbol of the Christmas tree took scepter in pine, evergreen tree, of conical shape was ideal for Christians. His form helped remind the Trinity and thus the pagan tree happened to be a symbol of Christianity. As the winter wears white to land, winter festivities were intended to please the gods and nature spirits, in order to make prompt and encourages the arrival of Spring. After the Fall, the trees are, stripped of leaves, the harsh winter. Ancient peoples wore the oaks to the Spirits of the trees as they did not abandon its leaves. To stimulate his return were hung ornaments made of nuts initially. Later additions of carved stones, gems and colored fabrics. This ensured that the trees bare pass the winter and so give good fruit in spring. This was combined with the festivities of the birth of the Sun (as in Yuletide, for example), where amid great celebrations, lots of drinks, stories, food and special stories and great bonfires burned ceremonial big logs, symbolizing the invocation to return Summer heat starting in Spring. Knowledge of these celebrations,

fortunately, comes through the Viking rally. I say fortunately because, well let us know of the reality that originates in the past, we aroused the curiosity to find out more. The Yule log (oak or apple) was cut, was tied and dragged to the fire site on a hill. The transfer of the Yule brought luck to all who helped drag. Once arrived at the planned site for the ceremony, was implored by his eternal duration. It is sprinkled with liquor as a sign of welcome and was placed on the fire, which had to be lit with a torch made from a piece of wood Yule survivor of last year. All this was done before dinner. The new log on was to last for twelve (12) days. Once consumed and secluded piece of the following year, the ashes were spread among the community, they were regarded as having magical and curative properties. Others, made a bonfire on top of a slope near the sea, preparing the wood, lit it and threw it into the water, asking for cleaning, property, health and wealth for the community. A modern adaptation of the Yuletide is present in the French tradition with the Büche de Noel (Yule Log) consisting of a cake, Swiss roll style, chocolate cream filling and topped with a chocolate paste, sometimes combined with mocha . With a knife you make marks in the dough gives the impression of veins of a tree and then decorated with twigs. When the population increase and therefore the tree houses began to be common to stop and enter the dwelling. Germany was the pioneer in bringing the tree indoors. The ornaments were growing and changing with the passage of time. Intervenes again Christianity. Realizing the impossibility of abolishing this tradition, they decided to accept the presence of the tree, as I mentioned, changing it to pine to associate its triangular shape to the Holy Trinity. They kept the habit of putting small candles that were lit at midnight on 24, as a symbol of the birth of the Light of the World. The fairy is traditionally placed in the tree as a thank you to Mother Earth and homage to the Keeper of the Woods, was replaced by the image of an angel and then a star, synonymous with the Star of Bethlehem. The tree, in antiquity, remained until the day two (2) February when celebrating the festival of Candlemas, in honor of the goddess pastoral Brigith, in the tradition of wicca. This goddess is the ruler of the most fertile fields it like many other traditions of Winter, maintain common essences but, obviously, change their character according to beliefs. Groundhog day, for example. Christianity assumes this figure under the aspect of St. Bridget and changes, and subsequently by the Virgin of Candelaria. Much later, we began to remove the tree immediately after the day of Epiphany, to force the peasants to return to their tasks despite the cold, because they did not until after the tree removed. One of the excuses that are alluded to was that the bread and fruit ornaments early rotted or eaten by birds, which like most animals foraging for food, but the real reason was to force farmers to return to work for this cause, the Monday immediately after the Epiphany, and within Christianity called Plough Monday, as it marked the return of all their normal work.

On arrival of Christianity as almost all sincretizaciones changes the shaft by the pine, evergreen conifer, highlighting species including spruce and abies excelsa nordmanniana. Today is also very popular to use artificial trees made of plastic and other synthetic materials. Decorate with Christmas elements considered as a sphere, lights, stars, ribbons, tinsel and other decorations as figures of angels, reindeer, nutcrackers, santas, boots, etc.. However, it retains the original idea of using the tree, either adorned and worshiped by the Druids of Central Europe, whose beliefs, as for all the profane, revolved around the sacredness of all elements of nature. Thus, it was said and say that these people were celebrating the birthday of one of their gods decorating an evergreen tree, agreeing in proximity to the date of the Christian Christmas. When, really, the story is reversed. Many pre-Christian mythologies used a tree, for example, the Divine Yggdrasill (Tree of the Universe), whose height was in heaven, Asgard and Valhalla, while in the deep roots was hell. When the first Christians came to Northern Europe, they discovered that the people celebrated the birth of Frey, god of the sun and fertility, decorating an evergreen tree on the date next to what was later the Christian Christmas. This ash tree symbolized the universe, called Yggdrasil, whose top was Asgard (the abode of the Gods) and Valhalla (Odin's palace), and in the deepest roots was Helheim (the realm of the dead). Later, with the evangelization of these peoples, Christians took the idea of the tree, to celebrate the birth of Christ, but by changing the meaning entirely. It is said that St. Boniface (680-754), one of the great missionaries of the evangelization of Europe, set out to destroy these milestones called pagans and between their stories, is told that cutting down trees This evangelization of Germany, on one occasion, took an ax and cut a tree representing the Yggdrasil (although it could also be a tree sacred to Thor), and instead planted a pine, which, being evergreen, symbolizing the love of God, adorning it with apples and candles. Apples symbolize original sin and temptation, while candles represented the light of Jesus Christ as light of the world. As time went on, the apples and the lights were turned into fields and other decorations. Then added the tradition of putting gifts under the tree children, sent by the Magi, Olentzero or Dad Noel depending on the legend of the region where you are. I mentioned that it is said that the first Christmas tree as we know it today, was recorded in Germany, where he first implemented in 1605 to air the cold of Christmas, beginning its spread. In Finland came in 1800, while England did in 1829, and Windsor Castle was the first time in 1841, by the hand of Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria. The custom of decorating the Christmas tree in Spanish homes was brought, in 1870, by Russian-born woman named Sophia Troubetzkoy, who after becoming a widow of the Duke of Morny, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, remarried with Spanish aristocrat Pepe Osorio, the Grand Duke of Sesto, one of the biggest promoters of the Restoration Bourbon Alfonso XII allowed to reign. Thus, it appears that the first time you put a Christmas tree in Spain was in Madrid, during Christmas 1870, in the late these noble palace, the palace of Alcañices, located in the Paseo del Prado, corner Calle de Alcala. The use of Christmas tree, from Germanic tradition, began to be used more appropriately in the seventeenth century in the city of Strasbourg (France), spreading to

northern Europe, especially in Protestant countries. It is more than understandable that, in his doctrine rejected any use of images, have used and adopted a symbol to remember the birth of the Redeemer. In 1841, Prince Albert (+1862) introduces in Britain and then move to the United States by Protestant immigrants also take him to other places to emigrate. Over the years, the Christmas tree, symbolizing the birth of the Lord, will also Catholic world, and from long ago, in St. Peter's Square in Rome, next to the Nativity stands a huge fir tree decorated profusely that is given every year to the pope by various Catholic communities of the Central European countries. The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree was initiated primarily Germany and Scandinavia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, extending later to other European countries. The Christmas tree reminds Christians of Paradise tree whose fruit Adam and Eve ate, and where it came from original sin and therefore remember that Jesus Christ has come to be the promised Messiah for reconciliation. But it also represents the tree of life or eternal life, being of such perennials. Bypassing public eye that the presence of the tree to the Christians came later, as the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches, December 25 is the date observed by the pagans of antiquity as the birthday of the son of the Mother of Heavens, associated with Nimrod and Semiramis the Sun God and his followers argued that the December 25, an evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead stump in Babylon, and that Nimrod would secretly every year at the same time to make present in the tree. Having invented the story the pagans used to attribute the primacy over the tree. Thus these churches believe that was the beginning of what is now celebrated as Christmas. Of course, this attitude changes when they are convinced that the tree is a gringo invention and not bothering at all execrarlo decide as they did with Santa Claus and, worse, with St. Nicholas. Lack of awareness or concealment of reality, in any case is a very convenient way to keep people away from anything involving them apart from religion.


Before talking about the Spirit of Christmas is necessary to clarify some points about some people who, for his mission to come and distribute gifts to the planet, have been, to some extent, confused with the Spirit of Christmas. Well, the Spirit of Christmas is not nothing but a Divine messenger down to Earth to deliver heavenly gifts to humanity. Fills the human species for light, love and blessings. It is a universal messenger that even manifests through you when love of your fellow dole. For this reason it is absurd when it is said that this is something satanic and that has nothing to do with the Christian, does not make sense for Christians because the Golden Boy, Children of Light, would be Jesus, God made man , the Divine Messenger that Catholic culture is God manifested through His only Son, Jesus Emmanuel. What matters is not the name you give it, but understanding what the fact is and means: LOVE! One of the first current events now known as Spirit of Christmas or Nativity Master, as he called the metaphysical groups, was a brilliant multi-pointed star with the passage of time was mixed with the Star of Bethlehem. A white-bearded old man who had the power of time is another of your images and subsequently mixed with Sinter Klaus, Santa Claus, Father Christmas and even St. Nicholas. The latter, as I referred to, was a character with real identity, born in the year 280 AD, near Patara in Lycia, Asia Minor. Orphaned as a child is raised by his uncle, the bishop of Myra, who ordained priest at the age of nineteen. Like all senior positions at the time were of succession, the death of

the uncle of Nicholas, he assumes the post and arrives later became Archbishop of Myra. Nicholas of Bari, as some know him, devoted his life to helping the destitute and the poor spread their juicy fortune. Leaving behind a huge list of grateful beings, died Dec. 6 of 345 DC Were attributed to so many incredible miracles that his fame spread throughout Europe and Asia. Some of his supposed works are symbolized by the Christmas decorations, for example, stockings hung to receive gifts, today related to Santa Claus. Nicholas's body is stolen and taken to Rome, where he remained until the twentieth century, when Paul VI considers that it is becoming more famous than Jesus and removes it from the Saints. And he sent his remains to New York where it is delivered as a gesture of "goodwill" to the Orthodox Church, on December 5, 1972. The feast in honor of St. Nicholas is celebrated on December 6th, and on that date, previously distributed toys to children. Subsequently, there is the distribution of gifts to the 24, but remains the figure of St. Nicholas, and merged with Santa Claus, and he loses his miter by a crown of mistletoe used as pre-Christian figure. Later his crown of mistletoe is changed by the famous red cap. Provided with shelter, clothing change your variable to a single model in 1931, when Coca-Cola decides to take his picture for an advertising campaign to help them out of depression by commissioning work to Haddon Sundblom. The talented artist fattening, dressing in the colors of the Coca-Cola puts a nightcap and throws him to the major U.S. shopping centers, offering the drink to children. This image was so successful that endures to this day. Other names such as Sinter Klaas, Nickel, Niklas, Herrschklas, Father Winter, Grandfather or Father Time, Child of the North Star, The Old North, The Old Man Time, The Great Star of the Thousand Points, The Great White Buffalo ( in some American Indian tribes), The Great Father Bear (in some Eskimo groups), and many other ancient and are directly related to the symbolism of what is now called THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. Even the Three Kings are part of the symbolism that alludes the manifestation of this Divine Energy. Melchor (Melkon), ruler of Persia, Gaspar (Gudnapar), sovereign Arab and Balthazar (Bel-Sar-usur) who reigned over India come to Bethlehem of Judea, led by the Great Star that leads from the East to pay homage and deliver their offerings to the Child of Light, Jesus the Messiah. Thus Triwizard deliver their gifts to the Divine Child of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which symbolically represent the three gifts: Spiritual Wealth, Spiritual Evolution and Spiritual Wisdom. As mentioned earlier in the Winter Solstice the sun is at its lowest point at the South Pole and embarks on his way back to the North (if totally opposite in the Southern Hemisphere). That day begins to be born again to the North, and life seemed to die because of winter begins to revive, to continue the natural cosmic rhythm of the seasons. The day when the sun reaches its extreme in the South and begins its return to the North, is the day of the solstice. That day is when properly falls to Earth officially

SPIRIT OF THE SOLSTICE. This date varies, for the Northern Hemisphere, between 20 and 23 December. It is essential to understand that the calculations are made are astronomical and not necessarily in harmony to the official calendar. That is why in the Southern Hemisphere is celebrated Solstice Summer, while in the Northern Hemisphere's winter. But Christmas purposes, for example, all celebrate the date for the month of December. Although most Westerners follow the official schedule, there are many other ways. However, we will not delve too deeply into this topic. Just be content with knowing that in order to have a time measurement system that would meet the needs of civil life, established the current division of years, months and days, incidentally, has suffered and continues to suffer any amount of modifications. Thus, the Gregorian calendar, created in 1582, fully Christian base, is the governing all economic and social activities in the world public. Particularly, there are currently, calendars Jewish, Islamic, Mayan, Chinese, Polynesian, Sami, Hopi, etc.., Whose use is confined to their respective peoples and will not dwell now, as we try to move away from that topic. We hear so many rumors about the closing time of the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. It has been assumed, for convenience, midnight on 21. Some have mentioned ten at night, others say at ten o'clock. Others have said even more disoriented, publicly, that the Spirit spoke to them and think that year off at the beginning of October, which in all cases reflects a total ignorance of the phenomenon. The arrival of the energy of what we call SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS corresponds to a cosmic phenomenon very specific: the entrance of the sun in the sign of Capricorn, in the Northern Hemisphere, on this virtual band of the sky called the Zodiac. For this reason, the time of entry varies from year to year. Many might wonder then: how can we know the exact time of the entry of the Spirit? The answer is easy. All you need is a Calendar Astrological Ephemeris or even Internet access to NASA. If the source consulted manages the Greenwich time, simply to bring the local HMG querent, adding or subtracting the time indicated, depending on where you are, . Now that is special about this moment? The answer is also simple: MAGIC, COSMIC MAGIC. While it is true that now manages the world the meaning of Christmas and extends from north to south, from west to east, by faith convictions or commercial conveniences, the magic that flows from the sky touches all human beings. The proliferation of people in the Northern Hemisphere has caught his enthusiasm for the South, despite being those in summer. What happens during this time is an energy stream coming from the cosmos and into the planet, which was and is still known and revered by various cultures. By taking precedence Christianity, magic, Solstice went to leave their importance and transfer it to Christmas, which is not surprising considering that most Westerners are Christians. But magic, stellar or imagined, is still there. Infected by those who assume the arrival of Baby Jesus or simply those who breathe deeply and feel the air smells different. What we now call SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS, we can call or Nativity Nativitas or Father or Father Winter Time or Baby Jesus, that really does not matter. It manifests through a multi-pointed star as the star of Bethlehem, as a beautiful child or elder, or

figures that descend from the heavens or emotions that suddenly appear and stay. The only important thing is not his looks but feel the energy that comes and gives. Ancient civilizations who lived much more in touch with nature and aware of the cosmic cycles, understood, more openness, the significance of this moment. Setting aside religious beliefs outside the context of individual concepts: Who can deny the magic of the Solstice? Who can now deny the magic of Christmas? Something happens at this time. The air changes, people become more receptive and willing, sometimes unconscious, to share with others. Born as a new desire to live, to renew, to be reborn, to revise and start over from scratch, to be better people. The smells are different. Dark nights, clear and full of stars seem closer to the vastness of the universe, although the difference between the hemispheres that even vary their rates of stars. Is this coincidence? Many explanations have been given for this phenomenon. Northern Hemisphere is blamed for being the most that housed the largest population. Winter fresh air fills the lungs with oxygen and gives more energy. Low temperatures tend to be accompanied. The Christian tradition of the birth of Emmanuel, full of hope and faith in the future. The ancients spoke of the arrival of Father Time, Father Winter, the Spirit of Light, Sinter Klaas (Chaes, etc.). Whatever its name, in most cases next to his assistants or goblins and is responsible for bringing light into the dark winter of hearts in the intense brightness of the stars in the reflection of these on the white snow, flashes emanating from snow crystals hanging from the bare branches of trees (remember the story of Johnny Winter?), in the souls of men of good will. Down from the heavens to fill the human GIFTS for the next 365 days. Many countries sing this Spirit of Light: Silent Night, White Christmas, Adeste Fideles, etc.. The joy of knowing we approach the Divine Light, manifested through the Spirit, fill the heart and is expressed through songs, gifts and many ornaments. The houses are filled with all kinds of arrangements as a symbol of joy to receive this light. The esoteric Christian tradition says that in every house must shine a star next to it a manger (as introduced by St. Francis of Assisi in the thirteenth century), representing the birth of Christ within, Son of the Cosmic Mother and Father Heaven. The truth is that in one way or another we are all touched by the Spirit in all its manifestations. It's something that goes beyond any religious context, it is something that touches us, even without our awareness of the phenomenon involved. Represents the opportunity that the Universe gives us each year to renew, to be reborn, to become aware that we are part of nature as she are one with the universe, the Divine Light touches our hearts, that our solar plexus, is open to the spark of God. It is no coincidence that despite ignored the true date appears to be located even four years before the first year of our era, the birth of Emmanuel (Jesus the Messiah) has been placed on these dates. In principle, the objective was to cover the festivities of the Saturnalia (considered pagan by the church) and any conclusion inconsistent with Christianity. Hence, the 354 (fourth century AD), Pope Julius I decreed, officially, that the birth of Jesus was on 24 December (highlight of the celebration of the birth of Mithra Sol). To Everyone knows that there is actual historical record of the date of birth

of the Messiah, including details of the Bible itself argues that it was in December. But the Light of the World, the Redeemer, as others like him represent the Divine Light, could not have been born (symbolically speaking) any other date. All cultures agree that just at this date, the Divine Light down to Earth to touch men. Esoteric schools talk about the opening of the Gate of the Gods, which is deployed so that they fall into the world to give their gifts to the human species. The divine energy comes to touch our souls. When I started to spread this knowledge, the result of contacts around the planet and many years of study of religions, I thought it important that people know the essence of what is now called THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. Ironically, I was heavily attacked by the church, showing an astonishing level of ignorance. Saying that the Spirit was something demonic which had to leave. Instead of investigating, they found it easier to attack without understanding that, for Christians, Jesus is the SPIRIT OF DIVINE LIGHT. Like has been to disparage the image of Santa Claus, whose character is part of many Nordic cultures, as was done with St. Nicholas. Fortunately, despite the attacks, many around the world have understood the essence of SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS and still celebrating with the sense that it requires: peace, love, harmony, understanding, brotherhood, brotherhood, happiness, joy, solidarity (as see "all" feeling very satanic, no). Many books, even written. Many have attributed is discovery (??), Many have found it the easiest way to make money. With all its errors satisfy me that human beings wake up and conscientice source. How can we could shelter to receive the light of CHRISTMAS SPIRIT? It is much easier than we think: to receive the Light of the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS just have to WANT. There are many myths regarding the preparation to receive it. But one thing necessary is wanting. As like attracts like, decorate (within the possibilities) the home environment as a sign of joy at the arrival of Christmas. It is important to be clear they do not need expensive and sophisticated decorations. The object of the decorations is to show the joy, stimulate feelings and welcome the Spirit. If you do not have enough capital to buy expensive ornaments, resume the old tradition where the family group met and, using their creativity, elaborated the ornaments with what was available and had on hand, that, incidentally, is an excellent excuse to share together the excitement of the moment. You do not need anything special to receive the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. If anything a little candle, which comes on in the time of descent, as symbolic of receiving signal light. After this, continue to celebrate the holidays with the same love and enthusiasm until January 7 or until the February 2 as they like it or agree. The baby Jesus as the Three Kings bring gifts and Santa Claus. What can we ask the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS? Gifts? ¿Wishes? YES. Of course we can ask things. But we must remember that the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS down to Earth to spread GIFTS: PEACE, HEALTH, HARMONY,

LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, PROSPERITY. Therefore, this is the first thing you should ask. Do things specific? Yes, but should also consider some aspects. In principle, NO CHRISTMAS SPIRIT will provide tangible things. Not give them a house or a car or a couple. We will fill the energy needed to promote the circumstances and help to open the necessary doors towards achieving the desires, provided that: 1) truly deserves and 2) work towards desired. It is important to make this clarification because there are many people who think all they have to do is ask, and then sit and wait. When you want to ask for specific things, to develop with time and very seriously conscious wish list. A few days before, it should take about five to ten minutes a day, in a quiet place, where they are not interrupted, to develop the list of what you really want and need. This was done to avoid last-minute race, which will surely lead to ask what was not. Once the list of desires and aware that what is written there is really what is wanted and needed, is saved until the descent of the Spirit. If you were to share the moment with other people try to give a special touch. Regardless of when, knowing that many will say that is not 24, which indicates they have not understood what it is, be nice to prepare a meal even easier. This is where the myth of the dinner, as it usually prepares a meal to share with friends and family. However, I acknowledge that it is not strictly necessary and depends on the capabilities of each. Some cookies and coffee are sufficient. All you need is to maintain an atmosphere of joy, peace and harmony with everyone. If you want (and can) prepare some food to share your hopes, you can do, most do not do this with food difficult to digest. The food is to share with others and not for the Spirit, because he does not need to eat. Obviously, you need to prepare yourself mentally and physically for this special moment. At the physical level, you just need to be clean, which is solved with a good bathroom. If you assume and feel that using special scents or smells you will feel more comfortable and inclined, you can use them, but neither are essential. NOT need to wear new clothes or even a special color. Just get something clean and make you feel comfortable. As for your mental preparation, simply become aware of the important moment is about to happen and be ready for that Energy Cosmic Renewal. At the exact moment of the descent of the Light of Christmas, relax, breathe deeply, close your eyes and meditate on the magic of this time. Let the power of heaven to touch you, cover you. Receive it. Say hello and thank you for being. You may feel or hear or see something strange. Racionalices not, just enjoy it. It is not necessary (and yes very dangerous) open doors and windows. We are talking about Energy for whom there are no walls and, just as it needs to eat, it does not require doors or windows to enter. However, with proper precautions, if you feel better doing it, if it is safe and these together, do it. Open doors or windows is a way to symbolically step Energy. If you're with a group of people, hold hands and hug each other as one and together try to feel the energy down. Remember that not all feel the same way. The important thing is to take the essence of time is nothing to receive the Energy Celeste and share with those who accompany you to later expand it to all beings. When you feel the coming of the Spirit (racing heart, tingling in the neck, spiky hair, a desire to laugh or mourn or any other feeling out of place), appreciates your presence and ask Him to cover you with his gifts for the rest of the year and up your next return.

You can open your eyes and take, if you ask some desire, your list made out previously. Ask the Spirit for the Planet special GIFTS, GIFTS for your country, and gifts for your family. Requests with love, humility and sincerity. If you do rush it through Cause Effect. Bear in mind that as you ask for others treat him. ALWAYS ASK FOR HEART and unselfishly. We clarified that if you ask for others with the intent to receive, nothing will get. Now proceed to ask for your personal desires. Ask things that really are important and necessary. Do not waste energy calling nonsense. Ask first internal growth, calls for harmony, health, peace and ... your desires. Calls with the absolute conviction that you were already awarded. NEVER ASK ANYTHING THAT GOES AGAINST OTHERS, because sooner or later suffer the consequences firsthand. Mentally repeat your desires (or aloud if you're alone). If you want to give more emphasis to your requests, list twice. Save the original and the copy used. After reciting your wishes can light a candle flame and burn your copy of your requests, so that, symbolically, in the arms reach the Wind Spirit. Burn the paper and blow the ashes. The color of the candle may be important for your own mental programming, but not necessary for the SPIRIT. The white color you used for all purposes but also means peace, purity and light green is related to money and health, the red represents the fiery force of the heart, love, the yellow represents gold and material treasure spiritual. These, incidentally, are the basic colors of Christmas. I repeat you can use but not necessary. Completed your requests can do something else like to share with your loved ones, should be accompanied. Do not forget to give thanks for favors granted. The original of your list should be kept handy. You must begin immediately to work for everything you asked, read your list frequently and try to visualize and imagine your desire already obtained. To the extent that your wishes come true, thanks and cross it out of your list. If at the end of the period, some of the requests are not fulfilled, analyzes that are NOT doing to make it or deserve it. If you think it's really important, ask for it again the following year. May still not be your time to get it. You see, receive and request the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS is very easy and uncomplicated. All that is woven around is nice, in some cases, offensive in others, trade in most unnecessary. The essence of Christmas is simply sharing what little or much you have to love unselfishly. Trade, the shops have nothing to do with the essence of what is now called Christmas. Christmas is giving and receiving love. Share together because we are part of a whole wonderful. The Christmas gives us the opportunity to be reborn and to remember our divine origin. Feel it, enjoy it and you live 365 days a year. Allow yourself to live in CHRISTMAS NOW AND FOREVER! Remember that there was on the Planet in 2000 about 6,350 million people that grow rapidly. Of that amount only 33% are Christians who believe and celebrate Christmas, and the remaining 67% energy concientizan this time under different traditions or beliefs, many times long before Christianity. Celebrate this essence not discriminate or offend. Perhaps with this we learn to be more human! Remember something: This has nothing to do with your religious beliefs. It is basically a matter of the heart, your SPIRITUAL sense…


Christmas or Solstice does not really matter. What really matters is aware that something that man held since the beginning of time, the arrival of Christianity continues to leave its emanations flow of love and peace. That is why demonize something so beautiful is really evil and contradictory. The energies that cover what we now call Christmas are usually there and are part of the glow of love that accompany these dates. It makes no sense to deny what has always been there. We must understand that we are not the only beings on the planet with ideas, religions and traditions ancient civilization has changed or transformed according to their convenience. For Christians, rather than reject or distort something before them, they should understand that they can continue to use its power of syncretism and assume the

now called CHRISTMAS SPIRIT and Jesus, the messenger of the divine light. Nearly 70% of the beings on the planet look at the sky and need not be Christians. Seize the time to extend the understanding, love and solidarity to our fellow man. You should take the Spirit as its essence. The current followers have even contributed to soil it. While the man is a lover of the rituals, paraphernalia excess factor has been perfect for the followers of the Catholic Church have found arguments to discredit the event: Food, clothing, candles, scents, rituals, smells, etc. ., are factors that can help add a touch of glamor at the time, but only commercially as Christmas itself or New Year's or Twelfth Night. None of the fixtures established by the trade are needed. Can be nice but not necessary. This must be understood by all. The magic of the Spirit is that people feel their power beyond the religious. Live it, enjoy it, filled with love and extend it to humanity. Christians, Jews, Mohammedans, Atheists, Hindus, People without religion, Chinese Universalists, Buddhists, Native Religions brothers, Sikhs, Spiritualists, Baha'is, Confusionists, Jains, Shinto, Taoists, Zoroastrians, white, black, yellow, tall, short, strong, weak, North, South, East or West and whoever escapes me. We all live on the same planet and evolve and change as much as Homo habilis who managed to beat the Australopithecus to modern man who has made many scientific breakthroughs. But foolish pride leads him to seek more what separates us rather than tell how much unites us and cultivate it. When you get this connection you can live not only in the Solstice but you can extend your magic 365 days a year. Log in and you will live an eternal Christmas. I assure you. We learn more about our world and its changes and developments that will help us be more human, which perish have lost in recent times. Here is a letter of request, as we would write to the Child Jesus, the Magi or Santa Claus. They can use it as a model for the day of SPIRIT. Remember look for the exact time using an ephemeris and carry it to your local time. However, having such a powerful effluvia twelve (12) hours prior to twelve (12) hours later, so welcome him at any time within this range, if you can not have the exact time. LET'S LEARN TO LIVE THE ETERNAL CHRISTMAS! FOR ALL THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION: A GIFT




Consider the changes made since this is only a model and get ready to celebrate with Love and Sincerity, beyond the religious concept. Celebrate at heart and I assure you will have a: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

BIBLIOGRAPHY Depth is that it costs them to read many, that exist for bookworms. Anyway, I mention some issues for those who want to know more. FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE • Totemism (1887) • Folklore in the Old Testament Totemism and exogamy • • The Scapegoat • The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion • Anthropological Anthology (4 vols.) • The Golden Bough (12 vols.) Eliade MIRCEA • History of the beliefs and religious ideas: Volume I: From Stone Age to the Eleusinian mysteries Volume II: From Gautama Buddha to the triumph of Christianity Volume III: From Muhammad to the Age of Reform Volume IV: From the Age of Discovery to the present day • A new philosophy of the moon • Methodology of the history of religions • Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy • Treaty of history of religions. Morphology and dialectic of the sacred • Under the sign of Zalmoxis • Gods, Goddesses and Myths of Creation: Volume I: Primitive to Zen Volume II: The man and the sacred Volume III: death, life after death and eschatology Volume IV: sorcerers, diviners and prophets • Dictionary of Religions • The island of Eutanasius • Fragmentarium • Mystical Eroticism in India • Blacksmiths and Alchemists • Mephistopheles and the Androgyne • Myths, Dreams and Mysteries • Aspects of Myth • The magic flight • The myth of eternal return • Pictures and symbols • Myth and Reality • Searching. History and meaning of religion • The sacred and the profane

• Occultism, Witchcraft and Cultural Fashions • India • Cosmology and Babylonian alchemy • Asian Alchemy • Birth and rebirth. Meaning of initiation in human culture • The maze test. Autobiography of Mircea Eliade. OLIVETTI, M. M. Philosophy della religione eat problemastorico GRASSI, P.G. Philosophy della religione. Storia e Problemi. MARTIN HEIDEGGER. • Being and Time. • Phenomenology of the Religious Life. EDMUND HUSSERL. The Crisis of European Sciences and TranscendentalPhenomenology: An Introduction to Phenomenological Philosophy. IMMANUEL KANT. Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone. KRISTENSEN W. BREDE. The Meaning of Religion: Lectures in thePhenomenology of Religion. OTTO, RUDOLF. The Idea of the Holy. VAN DER LEEUW, GERARDUS. • Phänomenologie der Religion. • Religion in Essence and Manifestation: A Study in Phenomenology. 2 vols. SMART, NINIAN. The Phenomenon of Religion. WAARDENBURG, JACQUES. Reflections on the Study of Religion: Including an Essay on the Work of Gerardus van der Leeuw.

If you want the meditations of Christmas, from the Spirit, through CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR and KINGS, you can contact me.

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